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Insect biology research institute (IRBI)


Faculté des Sciences et Techniques Avenue Monge, Parc Grandmont Tours 37200 France

The IRBI is dedicated to the analysis of insect interactions with their biotic and abiotic environment.

The IRBI is dedicated to the analysis of insect interactions with their biotic and abiotic environment. The diversity of skills has been perpetuated since the creation of the institute (1961) by bringing together under one roof a number of researchers and faculty members from different disciplines (ecology, physiology, genetics, chemistry, physics, bioinformatics and mathematics), making the IRBI a rare place with an asserted international identity on insect sciences.

To understand the puzzle of life and to face the complexity of biological systems, their functioning and their evolution, the IRBI thus implements a resolutely integrative approach at the interface of organismal biology, ecology and evolutionary biology. The areas of transfer range from biological control for a sustainable agriculture to the development of new technologies for the control of vector and invasive insects in both urban and natural environments, as well as biomimicry or the production of insects for feed and food.

Research topics:

Imip team - biodiversity and functioning of microorganism / insect / plant interactions

  • Understand insect parasitic strategies and the role of their associated symbiotic viruses and bacteria
  • Characterize biodiversity and interaction networks around insects through environmental genomic approaches

Esore team - social evolution and responses to the environment

  • Explain the evolution of social behaviors and the transitions from a solitary life to integrated societies
  • Determine insect response to environmental stresses and the consequences on insect diversity and associated ecosystem services

Inov team - organisms-environment interactions and responses to global changes

  • Understand the physical, physiological, and ecological mechanisms of environmental interactions at the individual scale
  • Integrate these mechanisms to better predict insect response to global changes

Crosscutting theme - food and health strategies for tomorrow

Explore the potential of insects as food and feed as well as their potential for entomoconversion of organic matter through 4 axes:

  • Reproduction strategies
  • Prevention of health risks
  • Optimization of rearing systems
  • Metabolism, standards and traceability


  • A chemical ecology platform
  • An evolutionary ecology and functional genomics platform
  • A physical ecology and optical metrology platform
  • A behavioral ecology and sensory ecology platform
  • A functional ecology and thermal biology platform
  • The institute is also equipped with an insectarium, numerous rearing and highly controlled environment facilities.


irbi tours

Dr Antonio Hernandez-Lopez

irbi tours

Prof. Arthur Woods

irbi tours

Prof. Stephen Foster

irbi tours

Dr Maria Soledad Leonardi

irbi tours

Dr María-Cristina Del Rincon-Castro

irbi tours

Dr Marcelo Gustavo Lorenzo

irbi tours

Prof. Marion Harris

irbi tours

Prof. Marcos Horacio Pereira

irbi tours

Prof. Edward McCauley

How do insects breathe?

Bacher, S., J. Casas & S. Dorn (1997). Substrate vibrations elicit defensive behaviour in leafminer pupae. Journal of Insect Physiology , 43: 945- 952.

Meyhöfer, R., J. Casas & S. Dorn (1997). Mechano- and chemoreceptors and their possible role in the host location behaviour of Sympiesis sericeicornis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae). Annals of the American Entomological Society of America , 90: 208- 219.

Meyhöfer, R., J. Casas & S. Dorn (1997). Vibration mediated interactions in a host- parasitoid system. Proceeding of the Royal Society London B , 264: 261- 266.

Casas, J. & M. Aluja (1997). The geometry of search movements of insects in plant canopies. Behavioral Ecology , 8: 37- 45.

Bacher S., J. Casas & S. Dorn (1996). Parasitoid vibrations as potential releasing stimulus of evasive behaviour in a leafminer. Physiological Entomology , 21: 33- 43.

Blanché S., J. Casas, F. Bigler & K.E. Janssen- van Bergeijk (1996). An individual- based model of Trichogramma foraging behaviour: parameter estimation for single females. Journal of Applied Ecology , 33: 425- 434.

Meyhöfer, R., Casas, J. & S. Dorn (1994). Host location by a parasitoid using leafminer vibrations: Characterising the vibrational signals produced by the leafmining host. Physiological Entomology , 19 : 349- 359.

Casas J. & B. Hulliger (1994). Statistical analysis of functional response experiments. Biocontrol Science and Technology , 4 : 133- 145.

Casas J. & R. Meyhöfer (1994). Methoden zur kontinuierlichen Laborzucht von Apfelminiermotten des Artenkomplexes Phyllonorycter blancardella Fabr. (Lep. Gracillariidae) und seiner Parasitoide. J ournal of Applied Entomology , 117: 530- 532.

Casas J., W.S.C. Gurney, R. Nisbet & O. Roux (1993). A probabilistic model for the functional response of a parasitoid at the behavioural time scale. Journal of Animal Ecology ,  63:194- 204.

Casas J. (1990). Multidimensional host distribution and non- random parasitism: a case study and a stochastic model. Ecology 71: 1893- 1903.

Casas J. (1989). Foraging behaviour of a leafminer parasitoid in the field. Ecological Entomology 14: 257- 265.

Casas J. (1988). Analysis of searching movements of a leafminer parasitoid in a structured environment. Physiological Entomology 13: 373- 390.

Prof. Jérôme Casas

B orn in 1961 in the foothills of the Swiss Jura Mountains, Jérôme Casas obtained his Ph.D. from the ETH Zurich in 1989. After a short post- doc at Strathclyde University (Glasgow) he was hired research  assistant and later assistant professor (Oberassistant) at the ETH Zurich. He migrated to the US in 1993, working at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and returned to Europe as full Professor in 1995 in Tours.

H is research interests span physiology and ecology, including work on the physical ecology of insects; the physiology, behavior and population dynamics of consumer- resource interactions; the sensory ecology of mimetism; and biologically- inspired technology, particularly biomimetic flow sensing. One notable feature of his approach is the blending of natural history with both state- of- the- art technology and modeling. His group is composed of applied mathematicians, engineers and biologists.

F rom 2001 to 2008, he was the director of the Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l’Insecte (UMR CNRS), one of the largest institutions in Europe working on insects (60+ scientists), during which time he hired several internationally recognized scientists from abroad. He is also strongly committed to teaching, through the successive directorship of two master degrees and through the daily formation of students; several of his students and post- docs have won prestigious prizes, in particular the Haldane and Elton prizes of the British Ecological Society and the Allee Award of the Animal Behavior Society.

H e has contributed and contributes to many national and international scientific boards, the most notable being BIOKON- The International Biomimetics Association (Berlin), the governing board of the FRB (Fondation sur la Recherche en Biodiversité, previously IFB, Paris), as well as the interdisciplinary committee of the Canada Research Chairs program (Ottawa).

H e was awarded the ETH medal for a thesis in the University’s top 10%, was nominated both junior and subsequently senior member of the IUF (Institut Universitaire Français) and was the Distinguished Invited Professor of the Center for Insect Science at the University of Arizona in Tucson in 2006. Prof. Casas also serves on the editorial board of a number of ecological and physiological journals – From Oecologia, to Biology Letters, Current Opinion in Insect Science or Interface, including serving as the co- editor (with S. Simpson) of Advances in Insect Physiology.

Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l'Insecte

UMR 7261 Faculté des Sciences et Techniques

Avenue Monge, Parc Grandmont  

37200 TOURS (France)

Integrative biology

Organismal biology, functional ecology, quantitative ecology, population dynamics, community dynamics, climate change biology, nature inspired technology, agroecology- agroforestry, arthropod biology, multitrophic interactions, ecomechanics, insect natural history, human resource manag., institutional gouvernance, how to reach us, city of tours, irbi home page, university of  tours.

Marlène Goubault

  • Other Affiliations: add
  • Research Interests: Animal Behaviour and Biological Sciences () edit
  • About: edit
  • Advisors: edit

Publication Date: 2009

Publication name: behavioral ecology, research interests: evolutionary biology , zoology , ecology , behavioral ecology , common sense , and 4 more behaviour , body size , empirical study , and parasitoid wasp ( behaviour , body size , empirical study , and parasitoid wasp ), publication date: 2015, publication name: physiology & behavior, research interests: biological sciences (), publication date: 2007, publication name: ethology, research interests: evolutionary biology , zoology , ethology , and psychology (), publication name: plos one, research interests: multidisciplinary and plos one (), publication date: 2014, publication name: oecologia, research interests: animal behavior , ecology , social behavior , wasps , female , and 6 more animals , oecologia , beetles , ecosystem , oviposition , and social behavior ( animals , oecologia , beetles , ecosystem , oviposition , and social behavior ), publication date: jan 22, 2006, publication name: proceedings. biological sciences / the royal society, research interests: animal behavior , biological sciences , wasps , aggression , female , and 4 more animals , deuterium , time factors , and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry ( animals , deuterium , time factors , and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry ), publication date: 2013, publication name: animal contests, research interests: animal contests (), publication date: 2012, publication name: the american naturalist, research interests: biological sciences , wasps , female , animals , male , and 4 more host-parasite interactions , beetles , larva , and oviposition ( host-parasite interactions , beetles , larva , and oviposition ), publication name: proceedings of the royal society b: biological sciences, research interests: animal behavior , reproduction , biological sciences , wasps , aggression , and 5 more female , animals , clutch size , offspring size , and body weight ( female , animals , clutch size , offspring size , and body weight ), publication date: 2000, publication name: phytoprotection, research interests: plant biology (), publication date: 2011, publication name: microscopy research and technique, research interests: materials engineering , animal behavior , microscopy , wasps , female , and 4 more animals , host-parasite interactions , abdomen , and biochemistry and cell biology ( animals , host-parasite interactions , abdomen , and biochemistry and cell biology ), publication name: journal of insect behavior, research interests: zoology , drosophila melanogaster , insect behavior , host selection , and female choice (), publication date: 2004, publication name: journal of animal ecology, research interests: animal ecology , biological sciences , environmental sciences , and animal (), publication name: environmental entomology, research interests: zoology and intraspecific variation (), publication date: 2003, publication name: entomologia experimentalis et applicata, research interests: zoology , host selection , and ecological applications (), research interests: zoology and ecological applications (), publication date: 2008, publication name: biological journal of the linnean society, research interests: mass spectrometry , biological sciences , active control , the , real time , and discrete event (), publication date: 2005, research interests: evolutionary biology , zoology , polymorphism , ecology , behavioral ecology , and 5 more intraspecific competition , agonistic behavior , residence time , theoretical model , and optimal foraging ( intraspecific competition , agonistic behavior , residence time , theoretical model , and optimal foraging ), research interests: evolutionary biology , zoology , ecology , behavioral ecology , species coexistence , and 4 more interference competition , interspecific competition , sub saharan africa , and callosobruchus maculatus ( interference competition , interspecific competition , sub saharan africa , and callosobruchus maculatus ), publication date: 2010, publication name: animal behaviour, research interests: animal behaviour and biological sciences ().

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CNRS Researcher, PhD, HDR

Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l'Insecte (IRBI)

UMR 7261 - CNRS / Université de Tours

Tours,  France


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CNRS Researcher (Chargé de Recherche - Section 29)

Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l'Insecte  (IRBI) - UMR 7261

CNRS / University of Tours, France

      - Since 2 024 : Deputy director of IRBI

     - Since 2023 : Board member of the doctoral school SSBCV  - Co-director of AEB section

     - Between 2018 & 2020 : In charge of the team  ESORE

2012 - 2016

Assistant professor / junior group leader.

Department of Susanne Foitzik

Institute of Organismic and Molecular Evolution

Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Germany

2009 - 2012

Postdoctoral fellow

Group of Mathias Kölliker

Zoologisches Institut, Evolutionsbiologie

University of Basel, Switzerland

irbi tours

HDR - Habilitation to supervise research

University of Tours, France

PhD in life sciences

Department of Ecology and Evolution

University of Lausanne, Switzerland

PhD thesis supervised by Michel Chapuisat (Co-supervisor: Laurent Keller)

Master in life sciences (French system: Maitrise + Master 2 Recherche)

Speciality "Ecology, Biodiversity and Evolution"

University Paris VI & Paris XI, Paris France

Master thesis supervised by Jacob Koella

Bachelor in life sciences  (French system: DEUG + Licence)

Speciality "Biology of Populations and Ecosystems"

University Montpellier II, Montpellier, France

Bachelor thesis supervised by Laurent Dormont

Jean-Michel Drezen

  • IdRef : 110764056




  • Life Sciences [q-bio] 20
  • Environmental Sciences/Biodiversity and Ecology 19
  • Life Sciences [q-bio]/Microbiology and Parasitology/Parasitology 11
  • Life Sciences [q-bio]/Microbiology and Parasitology/Virology 10
  • Life Sciences [q-bio]/Animal biology/Invertebrate Zoology 4
  • Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biochemistry, Molecular Biology 4
  • Life Sciences [q-bio]/Reproductive Biology 4
  • Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biodiversity/Populations and Evolution [q-bio.PE] 4
  • Life Sciences [q-bio]/Animal biology 2
  • Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biochemistry, Molecular Biology/Molecular biology 2
  • Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biochemistry, Molecular Biology/Genomics [q-bio.GN] 2
  • Life Sciences [q-bio]/Ecology, environment/Symbiosis 2
  • Life Sciences [q-bio]/Genetics 2
  • Computer Science [cs]/Bioinformatics [q-bio.QM] 1
  • Environmental Sciences 1
  • Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biochemistry, Molecular Biology/Biochemistry [q-bio.BM] 1
  • Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biodiversity 1
  • Life Sciences [q-bio]/Genetics/Populations and Evolution [q-bio.PE] 1
  • Life Sciences [q-bio]/Immunology/Innate immunity 1
  • Life Sciences [q-bio]/Human health and pathology 1
  • Polydnavirus 17
  • Parasitoid wasp 10
  • Bracovirus 9
  • Biodiversité 7
  • Lutte biologique 6
  • Venturia canescens 5
  • Ichnovirus 4
  • Infection virale 4
  • Gene duplication 3
  • Horizontal transfer 3
  • Nudivirus 3
  • Parasitism 3
  • Parasitoid 3
  • Positive selection 3
  • Virulence 3
  • Braconidae 2
  • Evolution 2
  • Genome evolution 2
  • Insecte hôte 2
  • Obligatory mutualism 2
  • Parasitoids 2
  • RhoGAP multigene family 2
  • Transcriptome 2
  • Venom and other secretions 2
  • Virus evolution 2
  • Virus-like particles 2
  • Écologie bactérienne 2
  • 454 sequencing 1
  • Antimicrobial peptide 1
  • Approche protéomique 1
  • Asobara tabida wasp 1
  • Aspartylglucosaminidase 1
  • Autonomous partner 1
  • Baculoviridae 1
  • Campopleginae 1
  • Cathepsin 1
  • Comparative genomics 1
  • Drosophila 1
  • Drosophila yakuba 1
  • DsDNA virus 1
  • Encapsulation 1
  • Endogenous viral elements 1
  • Endogenous virus architecture 1
  • Endogenous virusarchitecture 1
  • Endosymbiosis 1
  • Evolutionary genomics 1
  • Facteur de virulence 1
  • Filamentous virus 1
  • Functional annotation 1
  • Gall induction 1
  • Global changes 1
  • Glycosylasparaginase 1
  • Génome viral 1
  • Haemocytes 1
  • Horizontal gene transfer 1
  • Host-parasite arms race 1
  • Host-parasite relationships 1
  • Innate immunity 1
  • Intra-specific variation of immunosuppression 1
  • Koinobiont 1
  • Lefavirales 1
  • Lepidoptera 1
  • Lepidopteran genomes 1
  • Lepidopteran host 1
  • Leptopilina boulardi 1
  • Linkage map 1
  • Lysosomes 1
  • Manduca sexta 1
  • Maverick element 1
  • Naldaviricetes 1
  • Oak gall wasp 1
  • Offspring number 1
  • Ovary secretions 1
  • Paleovirology 1
  • Parasitism success 1
  • Parasitoid wasps 1
  • Pathology 1
  • Phenoloxidase cascade 1
  • Polydnaviridae 1
  • Protein tyrosine Phosphatase 1
  • Quantitative Trait Loci 1
  • RNA polymerase 1
  • Rhopalocera 1
  • Rose gall wasp 1
  • Serine protease 1
  • Time to most recent common ancestor 1
  • Transposable elements 1
  • Venom gland 1
  • Viral domestication 1
  • Viral genome 1
  • Virulence factor 1
  • Virulence factors 1
  • Virulence strategy 1
  • Virus adaptation 1
  • Virus age estimate 1
  • Virus domestication 1
  • Wasp genomes 1
  • Écologie des populations 1
  • Évolution 1
  • Annie Bézier 39
  • Elisabeth Huguet 37
  • Anne-Nathalie Volkoff 28
  • Elisabeth A Herniou 19
  • Georges Périquet 16
  • C. Dupuy 15
  • Matthieu Leobold 12
  • Valerie Barbe 12
  • Jérôme Lesobre 11
  • Karine Musset 11
  • Marc Ravallec 10
  • Apolline Pichon 9
  • Thibaut Josse 9
  • Gabor Gyapay 8
  • Jean-Marc Aury 8
  • Sébastien J.M. Moreau 8
  • Aurore Dubuffet 7
  • Fabrice Legeai 7
  • Véronique Jouan 7
  • Julien Thézé 6
  • Catherine Béliveau 5
  • Dominique Colinet 5
  • Jérémy Gauthier 5
  • Marylene Poirie 5
  • Marylène Poirié 5
  • Michel Cusson 5
  • Anthony Bretaudeau 4
  • Céline Serbielle 4
  • Don Stoltz 4
  • Faustine Louis 4
  • Julie Guy 4
  • Julie Poulain 4
  • L. Cattolico 4
  • Laure Kaiser 4
  • M. Poirie 4
  • Philippe Gayral 4
  • Stéphane Dupas 4
  • Véronique Jouan 4
  • Annie Bézier 3
  • Beatrice Lanzrein 3
  • C. Labrosse 3
  • Claire Capdevielle-Dulac 3
  • Corinne Da Silva 3
  • Denis Tagu 3
  • Dominique Cazes 3
  • E. Espagne 3
  • Edith Demettre 3
  • Francois Cousserans 3
  • François Cousserans 3
  • Germain Chevignon 3
  • Manfred Heller 3
  • Patrick Wincker 3
  • A. Grangeia 2
  • Alexandra Cerqueira de Araujo 2
  • Apolline Pichon 2
  • Aurélie Hua-Van 2
  • B. Provost 2
  • Benjamin Noel 2
  • Bernard Duvic 2
  • Bruna Laís Merlin 2
  • Bruno Le Ru 2
  • Camille Heisserer 2
  • Christoph Wetterwald 2
  • Claire Lemaitre 2
  • Clement Gilbert 2
  • David Siaussat 2
  • Diane Bigot 2
  • Emma Persyn 2
  • Emmanuelle Jacquin-Joly 2
  • Fernando Luis Cônsoli 2
  • François Wurmser 2
  • Frédérique Hilliou 2
  • Georges Periquet 2
  • Graham N Stone 2
  • Géraldine Doury 2
  • Géraldine Dubreuil 2
  • Héloïse Muller 2
  • Hélène Boulain 2
  • Isabel Roditi 2
  • Isabelle Boulogne 2
  • Isabelle Luyten 2
  • Jack Hearn 2
  • Jean-Luc Gatti 2
  • Joëlle Amselem 2
  • Juline Herbiniere 2
  • Jérémy Gauthier 2
  • K. Stasiak 2
  • Karine Labadie 2
  • Lyam Baudry 2
  • M. Poirié 2
  • Mahnaz Sabeti-Azad 2
  • Marc Annaheim 2
  • Martha Kaeslin 2
  • Martial Marbouty 2
  • Martine Maïbèche 2
  • Maya Belghazi 2
  • Mohamed Amine Chebbi 2
  • Myriam Harry 2
  • Natacha Kremer 2
  • Nicolas Montagne 2
  • Paul-André Calatayud 2
  • Romain Koszul 2
  • S. Chowdhury 2
  • S. Pichon 2
  • Shanlin Liu 2
  • Stéphanie Robin 2
  • Sven Warris 2
  • Sébastien Cambier 2
  • Séverine Jancek 2
  • Thomas Chertemps 2
  • Thomas Roth 2
  • Vonick Sibut 2
  • Y. Carton 2
  • Yves Carton 2
  • A. Grimaldi 1
  • A. Moreau 1
  • Abdelmadjid Djoumad 1
  • Agata K. Jakubowska 1
  • Alain Lenoir 1
  • Alexandra Cerqueira de Araujo 1
  • Anas Cherqui 1
  • Andréa Luchetti 1
  • Anne-Nathalie Volkoff 1
  • Anthony Levasseur 1
  • Antoine Bézier 1
  • Appoline Pichon 1
  • Arnaud Couloux 1
  • Arnaud Le Rouzic 1
  • Audrey Nisole 1
  • Aurélie Hua Van 1
  • Azam Asadullah 1
  • Beatrice Lanzrein 1
  • Benjamin Guinet 1
  • Bernardo F Santos 1
  • Bernardo F. Santos 1
  • Bertille Provost 1
  • Brian Boyle 1
  • Bruce A Webb 1
  • Bruce A. Webb 1
  • Bruno Pierre Le Ru 1
  • Bruno Vincent 1
  • C. Serbielle 1
  • Camille Heisserer 1
  • Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde 1
  • Carole Labrousse 1
  • Chantal Abergel 1
  • Cheng Sun 1
  • Chevignon Germain 1
  • Christine Paillard 1
  • Christophe Bressac 1
  • Clara Isabel Rodriguez Alvarez 1
  • Clémence Bouzar 1
  • Cohen Alejandro 1
  • Corentin Paillusson 1
  • Cristina Ferras 1
  • Célina Chantre 1
  • D. Steward 1
  • Danival José de Souza 1
  • David Giron 1
  • Dawn Gundersen Rindal 1
  • Dawn Gundersen-Rindal 1
  • De Eguileor M. 1
  • Delphine Depoix 1
  • Didier Raoult 1
  • Djoumad Abdelmadjid 1
  • Dominique Kerboeuf 1
  • E. O. Purisima 1
  • Edward F Connor 1
  • Elfie Perdereau 1
  • Elisabeth Huguet 1
  • Emilien Voldoire 1
  • Erwin van Dijk 1
  • F. Lemeunier 1
  • F. Monteiro 1
  • F. Pasquier-Barre 1
  • Fabrice F. Legeai 1
  • Fang-Yin Dai 1
  • Fanny Cavigliasso 1
  • Fasseli Coulibaly 1
  • Florence Mougel 1
  • Florian Veillard 1
  • François Héricourt 1
  • Frédéric Baudat 1
  • Frédérick Gavory 1
  • G. Choquet 1
  • G. Fimiani 1
  • G. Gyapay 1
  • G. Lalmanach 1
  • G. Periquet 1
  • Gabriela Wespi 1
  • Gaelen R Burke 1
  • Gaelle Le Goff 1
  • Gaëlle Le Goff 1
  • Geneviève Prevost 1
  • George Périquet 1
  • Gilles Lalmanach 1
  • Hai-Ou Bao 1
  • Halim Maaroufi 1
  • Hans M Smid 1
  • Hans Smid 1
  • Hua-Hao Zhang 1
  • Huguet J.M. 1
  • Hélène Boulain 1
  • J. Gauthier 1
  • J. Herbiniere 1
  • Jacques J.M. van Alphen 1
  • James B Whitfield 1
  • James Whitfield 1
  • Jetske G de Boer 1
  • Jetske de Boer 1
  • Jiachen Zhu 1
  • Jianhua Huang 1
  • Jirka M Petersen 1
  • Johann Schaller 1
  • Joke J F A van Vugt 1
  • Joke J.F.A. van Vugt 1
  • Joseph Shorthouse 1
  • José-Luis Nieves-Aldrey 1
  • Juli Pujade-Villar 1
  • Julien Gaillard 1
  • Julien Varaldi 1
  • Juline Herbinière 1
  • Julius Obonyo 1
  • Justin Bredlau 1
  • Jérôme Rousselet 1
  • K. Iatrou 1
  • Karen Kester 1
  • Karsten Schonrogge 1
  • Laila Gasmi 1
  • Laure Marie-Paule Kaiser-Arnauld 1
  • Laurence Moreau 1
  • Lisa Kuhn 1
  • Louise E M Vet 1
  • Louise E.M. Vet 1
  • M Belghazi 1
  • M. Pauwels 1
  • Madoka Nakai 1
  • Magali Eychenne 1
  • Marc Ravallec 1
  • Marc-André Selosse 1
  • Marie Frayssinet 1
  • Marie-Anne Mannucci 1
  • Mariko Urabe 1
  • Marine Poullet 1
  • Marion Scheidegger 1
  • Mark Blaxter 1
  • Martin Strand 1
  • Marylène Poirié 1
  • Matthieu Legendre 1
  • Max Bergoin 1
  • Michael R Strand 1
  • Michel Cusson 1
  • Min-Jin Han 1
  • Mohamed A Chebbi 1
  • Monique M van Oers 1
  • N.E. Beckage 1
  • Nathalie Vega-Czarny 1
  • Nelly Burlet 1
  • Olivia Ginis 1
  • P. Fallabella 1
  • P. Lenoble 1
  • P. Pennacchio 1
  • P. Provost 1
  • P. Soudant 1
  • P. Varrichio 1
  • Pascal Mäser 1
  • Patrice Eslin 1
  • Peng-Fei Cheng 1
  • Pierrick Bloin 1
  • Ping-Lan Wang 1
  • Purisima E.O. 1
  • Qiu-Zhong Zhou 1
  • R. Ferrarese 1
  • Rebecca B Dikow 1
  • Rebecca B. Dikow 1
  • Renée Lapointe 1
  • Rita Pfister-Wilhelm 1
  • Rita Pfister-Wilhem 1
  • Rodriguez Alvarez C.I. 1
  • Roger C Levesque 1
  • Romain Benoist 1
  • Rongmin Hu 1
  • Rustem Uzbekov 1
  • Rémi Jeannette 1
  • S. Bernard-Samain 1
  • S. Kurata 1
  • S. Moreau 1
  • S. Serbielle 1
  • Salvador Herrero 1
  • Sandra Schmieder 1
  • Sean G. Brady 1
  • Sebastien Cambier 1
  • Serge Urbach 1
  • Seán Brady 1
  • Shen-Hua Jiang 1
  • Sophie Vinchon 1
  • Stewart Don 1
  • Stéphane Dupas 1
  • Sylvie Bernard-Samain 1
  • Sylvie Samain 1
  • Sébastien Santini 1
  • Taiadjana Fortuna 1
  • Thomas E Bureau 1
  • Ting Chen 1
  • V. Douris 1
  • Valeria Ursini M. 1
  • Van Alphen J.M. 1
  • Vincent Navratil 1
  • Vonnick Sibut 1
  • Véronique Jouan 1
  • Xiao-Gu Zhang 1
  • Xiao-Min Xiong 1
  • Xiaotong Wu 1
  • Xiqian Ye 1
  • Xuexin Chen 1
  • Yuenan Zhou 1
  • Yves Le Vern 1
  • Zehua Wang 1
  • Institut de recherche sur la biologie de l'insecte 80
  • Université de Tours 1
  • Université Francois Rabelais [Tours] 3
  • Laboratoire Evolution, Génomes et Spéciation 2
  • Journal of Virology 9
  • Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 4
  • Current Opinion in Insect Science 3
  • Journal of General Virology 3
  • Médecine/Sciences 3
  • PLoS Genetics 3
  • Archives of Insect Biochemistry and Physiology 2
  • BMC Biology 2
  • BMC Evolutionary Biology 2
  • Developmental and Comparative Immunology 2
  • Journal of Insect Physiology 2
  • Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 2
  • Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences (1934–1990) 2
  • Physiological Entomology 2
  • BMC Genomics 1
  • BMC Microbiology 1
  • Biocontrol Science and Technology 1
  • Biological Chemistry 1
  • Communications Biology 1
  • Current Opinion in Virology 1
  • Frontiers in Physiology 1
  • Genome Biology and Evolution 1
  • J. Gen. Virol. 1
  • Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 1
  • Mobile DNA 1
  • Molecular Biology and Evolution 1
  • Molecular Ecology 1
  • PLoS Pathogens 1
  • Parasitology 1
  • Peer Community Journal 1
  • Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1
  • Science Advances 1
  • Virus Evolution 1
  • Virus research. 1
  • Physiologie, diversité et évolution des interactions hôte-parasitoïde 4
  • Adaptation en lutte biologique - Génomique des populations de parasitoïdes 3
  • Promouvoir une nouvelle espèce de Cotesia comme premier agent de lutte biologique contre la sésamie du maïs, un ravageur en recrudescence 2
  • Distribution et impact des virus héritables dans une communauté hôtes-parasitoïdes 1
  • Réseau d'Innovation sur les Voies de Signalisation en Sciences de la Vie 1
  • Transferts horizontaux d'éléments transposables: les clés d'une invasion réussie 1


  1. Site IRBI

    irbi tours

  2. PHOTOS. L'Irbi de Tours réfléchit à installer son labo dans les arbres

    irbi tours

  3. Site IRBI

    irbi tours

  4. PHOTOS. L'Irbi de Tours réfléchit à installer son labo dans les arbres

    irbi tours

  5. PHOTOS. L'Irbi de Tours réfléchit à installer son labo dans les arbres

    irbi tours

  6. Tours : l'IRBI fête 60 ans de recherches sur les interactions entre les

    irbi tours


  1. May 26, 2024

  2. 20 May 2024

  3. #yuvi #cutebaby #radheradhe #subscribetomychannel #likeforlikes #barsanavlog #share #shortvideo 🙏🙏

  4. 24 May 2024

  5. 29 May 2024

  6. Collab with whoever this is


  1. Site IRBI

    Accueil. L'IRBI se consacre à l'analyse des interactions entre les insectes et leur environnement biotique et abiotique. L'IRBI est une unité mixte de l'Université de Tours et du CNRS auquel il est rattaché par l'intermédiaire de l'Institut Écologie et Environnement (INEE). La diversité des compétences se perpétue depuis la ...

  2. Site IRBI

    The IRBI is dedicated to the analysis of interactions between insects and their biotic and abiotic environment.. The IRBI is a joint research unit of the University of Tours and the CNRS (UMR 7261) to which it is attached through the Institut Ecologie et Environnement (INEE). The diversity of expertise has been perpetuated since the unit's ...

  3. Site IRBI

    IRBI Secretariat Mail : [email protected] Insect Biology Research Institute UMR 7261 Faculty of Science and Technology Avenue Monge, Park Grandmont 37200 TOURS (France) Tel: 02 47 36 69 11 Director: David GIRON- [email protected] Deputy Director: Simon DUPONT- [email protected]

  4. Site IRBI

    1960: birth of IRBI. The current Institute of Research on Insect Biology was born in Tours in 1960 from the will of Prof. Vincent Labeyrie who was appointed in 1960 as a lecturer at the University of Poitiers. The Laboratory of Animal Biology at the time occupied a classroom in a school close to the Faculty of Medicine of Tours.

  5. Site IRBI

    IRBI's research is structured around 3 research groups (IMIP, ESORE and INOV) and 4 inter-team issues aimed at combining our scientific strengths and skills with issues of general interest. IRBI also runs a scientific network on insect sciences (Entomocentre), offers recognised expertise on many aspects of entomology and provides specific ...

  6. Site IRBI

    CORNILLON Maxime : Engineer CDI. DARROUZET Eric : University Lecturer. DECONNINCK Gwenaëlle : PhD Student. DEDEINE Franck : University Lecturer. DEVERS Séverine : University Assistant Engineer - Communication Correspondent - Website Referrer. DEWEVER Simon: Phd Student. DREZEN Jean-Michel : CNRS Research Director.

  7. Site IRBI

    Travel. Insect Biology Research Institute. UMR 7261. Faculty of Science and Technology. 20 Avenue Monge, Parc Grandmont. 37200 TOURS (France) Site map. Tours is accessible by TGV from Paris, Montparnasse station (55 min), Roissy-Charles de Gaulle international airport (1h35), London (4h20), Brussels (3h30) or Geneva.

  8. The IRBI: a joint research unit of Tours and CNRS

    The IRBI is a joint research unit of the University of Tours and the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS). The diversity of expertise has been perpetuated since the unit's creation (1961 ...

  9. Insect biology research institute (IRBI)

    https://irbi.univ-tours.fr/ Scientific Field. Earth, Ecology and Environmental sciences. Life & Health Sciences. The IRBI is dedicated to the analysis of insect interactions with their biotic and abiotic environment.

  10. Géraldine Dubreuil

    Géraldine Dubreuil recently obtained a permanent position as a Maître de Conférences at the University F-Rabelais in Tours.She joined the IRBI in September 2012 and is now working with David Giron on the functional ecology of the plant-insect-endosymbiont interactions.She previously mainly worked on Host-Pathogen systems including a plant-nematode and a plant-aphid system.

  11. Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l'Insecte

    Find 18 researchers and browse 1 departments, publications, full-texts, contact details and general information related to Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l'Insecte | Tours, France | Irbi

  12. Casas Group Home

    Casas Group Home. Welcome to our lab ! Our website will experience a complete renewal early 2017. So stay tune if you want to read more on our group, as well as specifically about the latest on insect ecomechanics and bioinspired technologies! We are a group of scientists interested in how Nature works- from understanding the role of the ...

  13. Irbi Knives

    Seward and Kenai Fjords National Park Guided Tour with Lunch. 79. Recommended. 97% of reviewers gave this product a bubble rating of 4 or higher. Day Trips. from . $210.83. per adult. Kennel Tour and Dog Sled Ride. 24. Recommended. ... Irbi Knives - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024) Seward.

  14. J. Casas

    Prof. Jérôme Casas. B orn in 1961 in the foothills of the Swiss Jura Mountains, Jérôme Casas obtained his Ph.D. from the ETH Zurich in 1989. After a short post-doc at Strathclyde University (Glasgow) he was hired research assistant and later assistant professor (Oberassistant) at the ETH Zurich.He migrated to the US in 1993, working at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and ...

  15. ‪Marlène Goubault‬

    ‪Professeure, IRBI UMR 7261 CNRS-Université de Tours, France‬ - ‪‪Cited by 1,264‬‬ - ‪Ecologie comportementale‬ - ‪Evolution‬

  16. David Giron

    Jerome Casas group personnel David Giron. W ithin the Ecology of Multitrophic Systems and Biomimetsim research team led by Professor Christelle Suppo, I conduct a major research program on the ecophysiology of leafminer insects and actively participate in research on the Foraging ecology of parasitoids.These programs provide a rich environment for discussion and interaction with other groups ...

  17. irbi (@irbi_tours)

    The latest posts from @IRBI_Tours

  18. Marlène Goubault

    Animal Behaviour and Biological Sciences. Marlène Goubault, Université François-Rabelais, Tours, IRBI CNRS UMR 7261 Department, Faculty Member. Studies Animal Behaviour and Biological Sciences.

  19. Stéphane Boyer (@Zelpapang)

    The latest Tweets from Stéphane Boyer (@Zelpapang). Professor @IRBI_Tours | Founder & Editor in Chief of Rethinking Ecology: @RethinkingEco | I do Molecular Ecology, Biological Control, Conservation, Restoration. France

  20. Jérôme CASAS

    My research interests span physiology, organismal biology and ecology, including work on the physical ecology of insects; the nutritional and reproductive physiology, behavior and population ...

  21. Sylvain Pincebourde

    jerome casas group personnal sylvain pincebourde. I n the past, I also worked on the thermal ecology of an intimate herbivore insect-plant interaction involving a leaf mining moth on apple. The thermal environment of the leaf miner was explicitly modelled in great details to reveal the biophysical mechanisms that set the temperature inside a mine.

  22. CV

    Since 2016. CNRS Researcher (Chargé de Recherche - Section 29) Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l'Insecte (IRBI) - UMR 7261. CNRS / University of Tours, France. - Since 2024: Deputy director of IRBI. - Since 2023: Board member of the doctoral school SSBCV - Co-director of AEB section. - Between 2018 & 2020: In charge of the team ESORE.

  23. CV Accueil

    Demonstration of the Integration of bracovirus sequences in the wasp genome. 1992 -1994 Postdoctoral researcher and Lecturer. Institut de Recherche sur la Biologie de l'Insecte, Université F. Rabelais, Tours. Characterization of the viruses (ascovirus, reovirus) associated with the parasitoid wasp Diadromus pulchellus. 1988-1992 phD.