Dear Japanese

20 Thrilling Things To Do In Japan In July 2024

Planning a visit to Japan in July? Here are fun things to do in Japan in July that you cannot miss out on!

Feel the summer pulse of Japan: Dive into vibrant festivals, dazzling fireworks, and serene mountain escapes.

From sun-kissed beaches to ancient temples adorned with Tanabata wishes, July paints Japan in a kaleidoscope of experiences. Let’s explore the magic of a Japanese summer.

What To Do In Japan In July

Celebrate gion matsuri in kyoto.

Being one of the most renowned festivals in Japan, the Kyoto Gion Festival is colorful, fun, and in a word, full of amusement.

It is a traditional festival that has been organized for over 1,000 years in Yasaka Shrine, which is situated in the Gion area of Kyoto.

The celebration features several events that take place throughout the entire month of July.

Gion Matsuri

Although there are several parades during the whole month, the main attraction of the feast is the large procession of floats called Yamaboko Junko that occurs on 17th and 24th of July.

On the 17 th July, the parade is usually held between 9:00 and 13:00, and on the 24th of July, from 9:30 to 11:50.

Starting from Shijo-Karasuma (on 17th) and from Karasuma-Oike (on 24th), the procession follows a three-kilometer long route along the Shijo, Kawaramachi, and Oike streets.

Matsuri parade

Some paid seating is available in front of the city hall that requires advance booking. So if you are interested to see the parade in a relaxed mood, you may purchase one beforehand from any online portal.

However, as the procession is being carried out for a long route, you will be able to find great viewpoints elsewhere without any trouble.

Anyway, along with the streets, there are many stalls selling different traditional festival food, including okonomiyaki, takoyaki, and yakitori.

Attend The Tanabata Festival to Make Your Wish Come True!

Tanabata Festival, also known as Star Festival, is a traditional event that celebrates the meeting of two lovers separated by the Milky Way.

Japanese legend has it that Orihime was a hard-working weaver who lived in the cosmos with her father.

After she married her husband, Hikoboshi, they fell in love so deeply and started to grow lazy and useless.

It made Orihime’s father furious; as a result, he sent them to live on the opposite sides of the Milky Way, yet allowing them to reunite on the seventh day of the seventh month every year.

And we Japanese call this day “Tanabata.”

Tanabata Festival

Most of the cities celebrate this festival on 7th July, but some regions follow the lunar calendar and celebrate it on 7th August.

While you are staying in Tokyo, you have the opportunity to attend Hiratsuka’s Tanabata, which is held on 7th July and is the biggest one in the Kanto region.

Tokyo's Tanabata Festival

During the feast, Japanese people make wishes by writing on small pieces of paper and hanging them on a bamboo tree, hoping that the wish will come true.

Tanabata Festival wish paper

Check out the Beaches at Izu Peninsula

There are several stunning beaches on the Japanese peninsula of Izu. One of the most well-liked beaches is Shimoda Beach, which is a terrific place to unwind during the summer. 

is it nice to visit japan in july

Along with offering a variety of water sports like parasailing, snorkeling, and scuba diving, beaches make the ideal destination for summer holidays. Bathing in the ocean is a great way to relieve mental heat. 

is it nice to visit japan in july

Nothing would make your trip more complete than sampling the various marine cuisines that are available while you’re there!

Minokake Rocks under milky way in Izu Peninsula, Japan — Tina Koskima ?️ (@LoveSongs4Peace) December 28, 2022

Attend the Sumo Wrestling Match

Japan is known worldwide for its sumo wrestling. The Nagoya region of Japan has summer sumo festivities that draw tens of thousands of tourists. 

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Nagoya sees a huge influx of crowd who come to watch sumo matches spaced out over a two-week period. This is your chance to experience things you have only seen on television or in movies! 

An interesting example of lower division sumo wrestling: 71kg Najima taking down 190kg Terunosato. — Jeffrey J. Hall ???? (@mrjeffu) January 13, 2023

Simply put, there is no way to have fun while on vacation in Japan.

Go Hiking In Kamikochi

If you’re not a beach person and love hiking then the greatest choice would therefore be to go hiking! 

In Japan, summer is the best time to go hiking, and many trails will be open for business all spring and summer.

Kamikochi in the Nagano Prefecture’s Northern Japan Alps is one of the best places in Japan for hiking. 

It is highly advised for both novice and experienced hikers to visit Kamikochi because of its well-known for its gorgeous hiking paths with numerous breathtaking vantage spots.

Contact: +81 263-95-2433

Address: Matsumoto, Nagano 390-1516, Japan

Otaru Ushio Matsuri

Every year on the final Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of July, Otaru, a thriving trading port renowned for its canals and historical structures, hosts this event. 

is it nice to visit japan in july

Highlights include the “Ushio Furikomi” on the first day, in which participants parade through the streets performing the “ushio odori” dance, the “Ushio Nerikomi” on the second day, which is the main event and features teams from Otaru and outside the city competing in a recital contest, and the regatta and boat parade through Otaru Harbor on the final day.

In recent years, the first and concluding days of the festival have also featured fireworks displays.

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Watch Fireworks By The Sumida River

If you wonder what to do in Tokyo in July, plenty of things are actually available.

Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival is one of them which is also the biggest firework display in Tokyo.

It is arranged on the last Saturday of July every year and takes place nearby the Sumida river in Asakusa.

Sumida riverside firework

With approximately 22,000 fireworks, the city’s sky lights up with various colors at night.

The best place to witness the fireworks is by the riverside, but as this show attracts around one million people, I suggest you claim your spot as early as possible before the show begins at nearly 7 p.m.

people watching firework

By the way, you will find lines of food stalls here, so don’t mind satisfying your tummy with some yummy cuisine.

Also, there are toilets available nearby the venue, which you can find out with the help of their website .

Go Crazy in Fuji Rock Festival

When the beat drops, bang your heads with the rhythm of bass thumps!

As a metalhead, I can’t resist attending a rock festival at any cost. So, if you are like me, this is where you can satisfy your musical thirst.

Rock concert

This event is named Fuji Rock Festival because the first feast in 1997 was held at the base of Mt. Fuji.

However, since 1999, it has been organized at the Naeba Ski Resort in Niigata Prefecture.

It is a three-day event that usually takes place in late July.

The date of this event differs each year, so please check the latest update.

Former performers include Red Hot Chilli Pepper, The Chemical Brothers, Kendrick Lamar, Major Lazer, Arctic Monkeys, Radiohead, Coldplay, and many more legends.

Rock band

Also, the crowd will be huge. For example, more than 100,000 people attended this event in 2005.

Celebrate Tenjin Matsuri

One of the renowned festivals in Japan in July is Tenjin Matsuri of Osaka. It’s even ranked as one of the top three festivals, along with Kanda Matsuri and Gion Matsuri.

This feast was started in the 10th century, and now it is arranged on July 24th and 25th every year.

The main celebration of this event is held on the second day (25th July), which includes a procession with fireworks on land, and on the river.

Tenmangu Shrine hosts this fiesta in honor of its principal deity Sugawara Michizane.

The event begins with a ceremony of inviting the deity out of the shrine and taking him through the city.

Various cheerful festivities are carried out to entertain him throughout this journey before taking him back to the shrine.

I will say, the lively atmosphere of this feast is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the summer days to the fullest.

So, if you are staying in Osaka in July, don’t forget to be a part of this occasion.

Join An Obon Festival

Obon is an annual Buddhist event celebrated in the memory of deceased ancestors of the local people.

It’s presumed that each year during Obon, the ancestors’ spirits come back to the world to visit their relatives.

Obon Festival lantern outside home

During this time, lanterns are hung in the front of houses in terms of guiding the spirits, graves are visited, Obon dances are performed, and food offerings are made at house fonts and temples.

And, at the end of the feast, floating lanterns are placed into the rivers, seas, and lakes in order to lead the spirits back to their world.

Obon lantern floating on water

By the way, the customs vary from region to region, and you may see different types of celebrations in different places.

Although Obon isn’t a public holiday, many companies remain closed, and most people take the days off.

Obon is either 13th to 15th July (according to the solar calendar) or 13th to 15th August (according to the lunar calendar).

That’s why different regions celebrate it at different times, and in some cases, people end up celebrating both as they have relatives in various locations.

So, I will ask you to check out whether an Obon celebration is occurring nearby you or not in July.

Witness The Hakata Gion Yamakasa festival

If you want to attend an interesting event in Japan in early July, then this is your way out.

Hakata Gion Yamakasa feast is celebrated from 1st to 15th July in Hakata, Fukuoka.

The fiesta is centered on the Kushida Jinja Shrine and is famous for floats racing.

In the race, seven neighborhoods of Hakata district compete in pushing decorated floats along a five-kilometer-long road through the city.

The floats don’t have wheels and are dragged across the streets. Water is being spread in front of the float to reduce friction between the float and the street’s surface and cool down the participants.

From July 10th to 14th, these seven teams practice running to prepare themselves for the main event.

On July 15th, right after 1 a.m, all the teams line up behind the start line in front of Kushida Shrine.

The race begins at 4:59 a.m, and thousands of spectators gather around the five-kilometer long course to see it.

Observe The Shinjuku Eisa Festival

Shinjuku Eisa is celebrated towards the end of July. It is a popular mid-summer event that tourists and locals both enjoy.

Eisa is a traditional dance which originated in the Okinawa islands.

You will see traditional costumes, dance performances, and dramming during the feast.

Eisa Dance festival

I think it will be a super opportunity for you to witness our culture and learn different aspects of Japanese tradition.

Anyway, the event is organized around the east and west exits of  Shinjuku Station and continues from 12 noon to 8 p.m.

Here are a few places to go in July for a refreshing and overwhelming experience.

Plan A Trip to Okinawa to Embrace The Heat

Wanna capture some breathtaking instagrammable pictures?

Then you should head to Okinawa, which is undoubtedly one of the best beach destinations in Japan.

Each beach of Okinawa’s island is famous for its white sand and aqua water.

When you take a picture with the sea at the backdrop, it will look like straight out of a model photoshoot.

Beach photo

You may also try snorkeling and diving. The moment you will dive into the sea, the coral reefs and colorful tropical fish will greet you.

You will feel more than alive swimming with these beautiful sea creatures.

Scuba diving

The remote islands like Ishigaki and Miyako are famous as diving spots, so you can go there to enjoy such summer activities.

Aside from the beaches, Okinawa has plenty of other things to offer.

You can visit the Churaumi Aquarium at the Ocean Expo Park, which is the biggest aquarium in Japan.

Another highlight of Okinawa is Gyokusendo Cave, which has 300,000 years old limestone spreading around 5 km.

Okinawa Cave

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Enjoy The Charm of Hokkaido

Hokkaido is known for its heavy snowfall and long winters, but summer offers relief from the snow and sun!

So, if you want to escape the heat, Hokkaido is ready to welcome you with its cool breeze in July.

Lavender Field

Especially the countryside of Hokkaido comes to life with green forests, lush fields, and vibrant flower displays.

And in search of the most famous flower manifest, you have to go to the lavender fields in Furano.

In July, several types of lavender flourished, creating a rainbow of color.

Hokkaido Summer Flower Field

The moment you enter this space, you will question yourself whether it’s real or you are just dreaming!

If you ever wonder whether a painting can come to life, you are going to experience such an impression here.

Just north of Furano, a small town called Biei also holds a similar outlook in July.

This town’s hills become a blanket of color, with different types of flowers, trees, and crop fields.

Flower display in Biei

There are two famous viewing points: Panorama Road and Patchwork Road.

On Panorama Road, you may visit two sites which are Shikisai Hill and Kanno Farm, to see various blooms, including lavender.

Now, what if you are not a big fan of flower displays and looking for something else.

In that case, Hokkaido has other popular things that I didn’t reveal yet!

Yes, such as Rishiri and Rebun islands.

Rebun island

Just imagine yourself in a place with coastal views and landscapes with green mountains, that’s what represents these two islands.

In short, if you want to experience something phenomenal, Hokkaido is one of the must-see places in Japan.

Experience The Beauty of Hachijojima Island

Although there are several places to visit in Japan in July, Hachijojima island is one of my favorites.

This remote island is an example of a subtropical paradise located 286 km away from Tokyo’s center area.

Hachijojima Island

You can get there by a large ferry or airplane.

Even if you don’t like the sunny days, you are going to fall in love with the mixture of cool ocean breeze and the sweet sunshine.

I recommend you plan at least two days’ visit to this place to enjoy its beauty fully, because this island is a perfect destination for Japanese summer activities like hiking, diving, and surfing.

Hachijojima island

And, don’t worry about any inconvenience as there are several Japanese hotels & ryokans and hot spring resorts here to accommodate visitors and tourists.

When it comes to talking about food, you will find some unique Japanese cuisine with wonderful flavors, such as shimazushi, kusaya, and various dishes that have local plant ashibata.

Check Out Hakuba Village

With green mountains, serene lakes, and eye-catching flower displays, Hakuba is one of the most beautiful villages in Japan .

This town is surrounded by Nagano city (eastward), the Tateyama Kurobe Dam area (southward), and the sea of Japan (northward).

Hakuba Village

As Hakuba is a famous summer vacation area, you can enjoy a variety of outdoor activities like rafting, shower climbing, mountain bike, paragliding, and hiking in July.

Other day activities include visiting snow monkeys, kimono experiences, traditional cooking classes, a tour to Matsumoto castle, watching Taiko drumming, and many more.

Get Your Summer Retreat in Karuizawa

Karuizawa is a resort town surrounded by mountains near Nagano. It is especially popular for relaxing summer treats.

Thanks to the town’s elevation, the air is chilly even in the hot months of July and August.

Shiraito Falls

The Shiraito Falls and Kumoba Pond are adorned with a breathtaking view during July.

Another attraction of this village is Karuizawa Kogen Church. A highlighted facility of this church is gospel meetings and candlelight service, which are open for everyone.

Wonder Around The Famous Shrines & Gardens in Tokyo

While talking about things to do in Tokyo in July, there are plenty of shrines and parks to visit.

Surprisingly, even though Tokyo is a busy and populous city , it has a shrine that is surrounded by a large forest.

I know that it’s shocking because it’s really hard to find a forest in the capital city of any country.

Yes, you should expect the unexpected when you are in our beloved Japan.

Anyway, I was talking about Meiji Jingu, which is a grand Shinto shrine surrounded by a lush forest in the heart of Tokyo.

Meiji Jingu Tori Gate

Besides this, you may also visit other temples and shrines such as Senso-ji Temple (in Asakusa), Toshogu-jinja Shrine (in Ueno), Kanda Myojin Shrine (in Kanda), Yushima Seido Temple (in Akihabara), Zojo-ji Temple (in Hamamatsucho), etc.

Now come to Tokyo’s park.

One of the most beautiful scenic gardens in Tokyo is Rikugien. It is a great example of an Edo Period-style park that features a large pond circled by man made hills and forest.

Rikugien garden, Tokyo

Other gardens that are equally appealing are Koishikawa Korakuen, Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, Ueno Park, and Yoyogi Park.

Explore The Kyoto’s Treasure

Kyoto presents a blissful beauty with its classical temples and historical gardens.

Around 20% of Japan’s national treasures and 14% of cultural properties exist in Kyoto.

Seventeen locations have been declared as the UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Okay, one of my favorite shrines in Kyoto is Kiyomizu-dera, which stands on one of the peaks of the Higashiyama mountain range.


Another spectacular temple is Kinkaku-ji, also known as the “Temple of the Golden Pavilion.”

Well, this is not the end of the long list of Kyoto’s shrines and temples.

You have a handful of options to consider, from Yasaka Shrine, Ryoanji Temple and rock garden, Ginkakuji, Toji Temple, Kamigamo Jinja, Tofukuji Temple, and so on.

Try Shaved Ice In Japan In July

When the shiny sun is bothering you, you need to cool down!

Shaved Ice or Kakigori is a popular treat that you should try at least once.

The ice is flavored with syrup, topped with fresh fruits and condensed milk, and shaved finely in a different form.

Shaved Ice

Regardless of your preference, you will find your desired ones as they come with every type of flavor like strawberry, cola, lemon, green tea, orange, and many more.

To enjoy its taste, you may go to any traditional Japanese cafe or dessert shop.

How Is The Weather Like in Japan in July?

While going to Japan in July, visitors often wonder whether the weather will be favorable or not.

Well, there is no proper answer to this query, as depending on the area, things may vary.

However, one thing is sure that July is pretty hot and humid in Japan.

Another fact is that from the beginning of June to the end of July, the rainy season falls in Japan.

I think the following chart will help you a lot to get a quick idea about the temperature variance in different regions of Japan in July.

As you can see from above, the rain is normally more frequent in the southern areas of Japan and relatively lower in the northern zones.

When it comes to talking about Tokyo, the weather is gently hot and humid compared to some other Japanese cities, and you may expect a few rainy days (typically between the 2nd week of June till the 3rd week of July).

Now you may question, is July a good time to go to Japan?

Well, don’t worry, as Japan’s rainy season doesn’t mean it will rain every day. Hence, you can enjoy your vacation thoroughly.

However, as it is obvious that sometimes it will rain, I think you should come here fully prepared.

Therefore, check out the next segment, which will be helpful in this regard.

What to Pack for Japan in July?

For the hot and sunny days, you will need-

  • Light cotton shirts, light pants, short pants, summer dresses, short skirts.
  • Open sandals and comfortable shoes.
  • Sunglasses, hats, wet wipes, sunscreen.
  • An umbrella to avoid the sunray.

Be prepared for rainy days with-

  • Raincoat or umbrella.
  • Waterproof backpack.

For the evening when the weather might get a little cooler-

  • Long-sleeved shirts or tops.
  • Long pants or dresses.
  • Comfy shoes and socks.

Other necessary things include-

  • Travel documents.
  • Toothbrush and other skincare products.
  • Mobile charger, power bank, other tech gadgets like camera, etc.
  • Swimsuit (in case you will go to a beach).
  • Hiking boots (if you wanna go hiking).
  • Mini first aid kit.

Costs & Crowds In Japan In July

The typical hot weather of July in Japan makes it a low season for international travelers in most of its locations, except Okinawa and Hokkaido.

Local Japanese and foreign visitors head to Okinawa to enjoy swimming in the sea and Hokkaido to escape the heat.

Therefore, it will be wise if you book your accommodation in Okinawa and Hokkaido in advance.

Also, expect a high season price especially in the beach resorts of Okinawa.

From late July, Japanese schools have summer vacation for several weeks.

That’s why popular amusement parks, beaches, and other attractive places get crowded with young people and families.

And, while talking about Tokyo, this city has so much to offer in every season that you will see the crowd all year round.

But, don’t worry, the crowd is not too much, and you will surely enjoy each and every moment of your Japan trip in July.

Alright, I have nothing more to add to today’s writing.

So, let’s move to the conclusion.

Now that you have a vast knowledge about all the exciting things to do in Japan in July, are you ready to feel the thrill?

Then, what are you waiting for? Just pack your bag quickly and come to our beautiful country without any delay.

We Japanese are always prepared to welcome you and make your trip more fun and exciting than ever.

And, lastly, thanks for being with me till the end.

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The rain subsides and the heat picks up

By early to late July, the rainy season has either ended or is winding down. Temperatures and humidity rise steadily and summer gets into full swing. Popular pastimes include mountain hikes, beach trips, baseball and beer gardens. Be sure to include a selection of light clothing when you pack and don't spare the sun block.

Know Before You Go

  • Rainy season is over in most areas by the end of July
  • There will be good hiking options nearby wherever you are based
  • Swimming at beaches and waterparks is a good way to stay cool

is it nice to visit japan in july

Some fantastic beaches are without doubt in Okinawa

Beaches and bathing

is it nice to visit japan in july

Fukuoka has its fair share of sandy beaches

is it nice to visit japan in july

Bathing options at Hakone Kowakien Yunessun

Island hopping

is it nice to visit japan in july

Explore the rugged volcanic islands south of Tokyo as far as Hahajima and Chichijima

Higher ground

is it nice to visit japan in july

Escape to the Japan Alps for breezy mountain hikes

Lakes and rivers

is it nice to visit japan in july

Rafting from mild to wild in Tokushima

is it nice to visit japan in july

Enjoy the green season in Hakuba

Suds in the sun

As the rainy season subsides, beer gardens open to thirsty patrons across the country. Rooftop locations offer gentle breezes and cityscape views. A quick search online and you should be able to find something nearby. Note that many beer gardens in Japan operate free-flow systems and assign customers a table for a fixed period.

is it nice to visit japan in july

The Sapporo Beer Museum is one of the highlights of a trip to Sapporo

* The information on this page may be subject to change due to COVID-19.

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  • Exploring Japan In July: For A Perfect Experience Of The Summers

23 Mar 2023

Japan, also known by the popular metaphor, The Land of the Rising Sun – is an island country with nearly two-thirds of mountainous and heavily forested terrain. Such geographical conditions make Japan one of the most densely populated places in the world. 90% of its population lives in the urban areas with a heavy concentration of population in the capital province Tokyo that has come into the limelight as the world’s most populous city.

Read ahead to know what is there to explore in Japan in July that will make for a good trip in mid-summer.

Weather In Japan In July

Weather In Japan In July

Image Source

Most parts of Japan wait for the dawn of July. In fact, July heralds summer, as the tail-end rains start diminishing and allowing for a sunny summer to set in. By that time, temperatures reach to comfortable levels of early 30 degrees Celsius allowing for the fulfilling of outdoor sojourns. Japan in July is hot, humid and sultry but so is it a great tropical vacation with family and friends.

Why You Should Visit Japan in July?

Why You Should Visit Japan in July?

The snow melts and trees will be in full blossom during July month. Nature is at its best during July in Japan. This mid-summer month also promises great outdoor touring with little interference from the inclement weather. That is perhaps one of the major reasons that Japan in July remains worth exploring and is equally a great time for touring. Here are the notable reasons why July is so crucial and worth exploring Japan:

  • Ideal time to visit the beaches and to make merry at the glittering golden beaches.
  • Best place for Scuba diving with spectacular visibility amidst sharks, turtles and splendid coral reefs.
  • The pulsating summer sports featuring world-class athletes and gymnasts are the great stimulants for visiting Japan in July.
  • Japan is a land of numerous festivals. Summer period witnessed some of the biggest and best festivals in this country. Locally known as “matsuri” usually a typical festival in Japan is sponsored by a temple or the local community.
  • Gion Matsuri is a month-long festival in Kyoto, the highlight of which is the grand procession of floats. Tenjin Matsuri is a popular festival in Tokyo held on 24th and 25th July which culminates in a grand fireworks display.
  • It is a great time to explore hiking and biking trails in Japan. The weather is clear with sunshine, tourists throng to Japan in July and go on long hikes over the mountainous terrains.

Apart from these, several local festivals that feature the colorful decorations and pulsating processions chip in to draw tourists from across the world. An additional factor which draws world-wide tourists to Japan during this month is the availability of cheap airfares and accommodation due to being an off-season for tourism in certain contexts.

5 Places To Visit In Japan In July

Here are a few places to explore in Japan in July for an overall welcome and refreshing experience:

1. Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji

Whether you are a hiker or not, head straight to Mount Fuji to marvel as it is a natural beauty. Mount Fuji is one of Japan’s three sacred mountains and also stands tall at 3,776 meters above the mean sea level. Hiking trails are most sought after here. This is an natural marvel and mustn’t be missed at any point of time while visiting Japan.

Distance from Tokyo: About 100 km How to Reach: Bus or car Time to Visit: It takes 5 to 7 hours to ascend and 3 hours to descend. Plan your visit accordingly

Must Read: 7 Japan Hill Stations That Are More Than Just Picturesque Landscapes

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2. Izu Penins

The Izu peninsula of Japan is home to numerous breathtaking beaches. Shimoda Beach is among the most popular ones and a great place to spend a leisurely summer day. Also, the beaches make your summer vacations perfect with a variety of water sports including scuba diving, snorkeling and parasailing. Enjoying a bath in the ocean really helps cool the heat in your head. And while you’re there, there is nothing more important than tasting the different sea foods on offer – this would complete an all-round vacation! 

Distance from Tokyo: About 300 km from Tokyo How to Reach: By car or taxi Stay Options: Shimoda Tokyu Hotel; Hotel Rodent Ito and et al

Suggested Read: 8 Places To Visit In Tokyo In Summer That Should Be On Your Japan Itinerary

3. Hachijojima


If Tokyo reminds you of a bustling metropolitan city cramped for space, think again! The city is equally known for its several remote yet popular islands, albeit located at a distance of 300 km. A group of nine islands, prominent among them being the Hachijojima Island – makes it a stunning place to visit Japan in July.

Distance from Tokyo: About 300 km How to Reach: By car

Suggested Read: 10 Tempting Water Sports In Japan To Kindle Your Soul

4. Karuizawa


Situated in the scenic highlands of Nagano Prefecture, Karuizawa remains the most popular and prominent summer destination for travellers from around the world. Near Mount Asama, this place is known and frequented for hiking and walking trails. Pretty waterfalls dot the surroundings and are a great retreat for the budget holidays in Japan in July.

Distance from Tokyo: By train, it is 126 km and by Road, it is 161 km Stay Options: APA Hotel Karuizawa and Karuizawamura Hotel

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Though it is a village, Hakuba in Nagano is a great place to head in Japan in July. Its snow-capped mountains, serene lakes and grandiose hillocks provide a great scenic hiking adventure to the visitors. This place is always rushed by nature-lovers. Good chunk of travellers though explores it to the most during July month.

Distance from Tokyo: Around 275 km How to Reach: For the budget-conscious, the bus is the choice of travel. For the connoisseurs of travel, a famed bullet train is a great option. From Tokyo to Nagano Station, it is a 3-hour ride and from there they must catch a bus to Hakuba village

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5 Things To Do In Japan In July

Japan is literally besieged with festivals during the summer months of July as well as August. The entire month of July is a month of festivities here with diverse local communities and temples hosting colourful festivals followed by the vibrant processions and thundering and mesmerizing fireworks.

1. Celebrate The Gion Matsuri

Celebrate The Gion Matsuri

Celebrated elaborately in Kyoto, this festival is a month-long extravaganza in Japan. The highlight of this Matsuri is the float parade. The float weighing around 12,000 kg is a treat to watch. The visitors to Japan in July must make it a point to participate in this colorful and rhythmic parade and dance.

Suggested Read: Solo Travel In Japan: 10 Tips To Remember Before You Pack Your Bags

2. Go Hiking

Go Hiking

Hiking buffs cannot find a better place than Japan in July for hiking purposes. The mountainous terrains make it a welcome place to put on hiking shoes and to go out on long or short trails to feel the pumping adrenaline. One of the best hiking spots in Japan, Kamikochi in the Northern Japan Alps of Nagano Prefecture is worth exploring during the mid-summer month.

Suggested Read: Know The Best Ways Of INR To Yen Conversion Before Planning A Trip To Japan

3. Witness Sumo Wrestling

Witness Sumo Wrestling

Japan is synonymous with Sumo wrestling. Summer sumo festivals are held in the Nagoya region of Japan where thousands of visitors throng. Nagoya welcomes the rush when people keep flocking to witness sumo bouts spread over 2 weeks. Here is your chance to see what you have only seen in the movies or TV! There just isn’t any way of enjoying your time while vacationing in Japan.

Suggested Read: Japan Travel Tips: Travel Hassle Free To The Truly Timeless Island Nation

4. Watch The Sumidagawa Fireworks

Watch The Sumidagawa Fireworks

Sumidagawa Fireworks is an annual fireworks festival held on the last Saturday in July month. It is conducted in the historic Asakusa district of Tokyo and is also conducted as the Japanese tradition of being competition between the rival pyrotechnic groups. Get dazzled by the awesome views and relive your childhood memories of an awesome Diwali. The lights, the glow and the sound will truly mesmerize and surprise you!

Suggested Read: Best Restaurants In Japanese Garden, Singapore For Extra Savoury Meals

5. Participate In Shinjuku Eisa Festival

Participate In Shinjuku Eisa Festival

Shinjuku Eisa is a popular mid-summer event held in Japan towards the end of July month. Both residents and tourists to the town swing to the pulsating music that originated in the Okinawa region of Japan. This is a great way to get into the culture of Japan and learn about the ways of the people. A fulfilling experience for you that gets into your head with lots of fun and enjoyment.

Further Read: 10 Water Parks In Japan Your Family Will Surely Love To Spend Time At!

Japan is a land of diverse heritage and rich in culture as well as natural wealth. A great place to visit in the summer period, despite the heat, Japan offers the highest value to money for all visitors with a warm welcome. So, what are you waiting for? Plan an awesome trip to Japan in July to explore the country in its natural conditions. You will, rest assured, have a wonderful time in the country and while there, do not forget to share your valuable experience with us!

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Frequently Asked Questions About Japan In July

How will the weather be in Japan in July?

Japan in July is considered to be a hot and humid time. With the rains taking a back seat, nature will be in full bloom during July that enables the tourists to enjoy sightseeing to the hilt.

What kind of clothing is required for visiting Japan in July?

Being summer, normal cotton clothing is ideal for tourists to Japan in July. You should though ensure carrying a good number of towels as standby options for the beach visits.

How many days of travel is to be planned to see various places in Japan?

Normally a seven-day trip is ideal to cover the important places in Japan. Several package tours are available for 6 nights and 7 days that will take the tourists to all the prominent places in Japan.

How much does it cost to tour Japan?

It depends on the accommodation chosen but usually, it varies from INR 50,000 to INR 100,000 to enjoy different places in Japan during the mid-summer month.

What is the currency of Japan?

Yen is the official currency of Japan. You should ensure changing your local currency into Yen before leaving for Japan. You can also exchange currency at the port of entry or in any of the several foreign exchange dealers in Tokyo.

What is the local conveyance available in Japan?

Japan is well served by the local buses and for the long-distance travels, bullet trains and normal trains are also available.

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Best (and Worst) Time to Visit Japan 2024, Cherry Blossom Time

Japan is a year-round popular destination with four distinct seasons. Each season offers a variety of charming scenery and culture-rich events for you to enjoy.

The best times to visit Japan are in spring (March to May) for cherry blossoms and in autumn (September to November) for colorful foliage. Both periods have pleasant weather.

Japan Weather and Climate

The worst time to visit japan.

  • Best Time for Cherry Blossoms

Best Time for Pleasant Weather and Fewer Crowds

  • Best Time for Cheapest Prices
  • Travel Guide by Month

The first trip to Japan mainly includes visits to the central three cities: Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. The following two weather and rainfall infographics are based on these three cities.

  • Sharon Huang (Japan Expert)
  • 6 years of travel advisor experience
  • Has helped 5,000+ clients

Summer (June to August) is the rainny season in Japan. It is hot and humid, with an average high temperature of about 31°C (88°F), which can feel like 41°C (106°F). It is considered to be the worst time to visit Japan, but it doesn't rain every day so it doesn't really hinder travel.

Plenty of indoor activities, such as ninja experiences and sushi-making, also minimize the impact of rainfall and humid heat. Additionally, July and August are the festival seasons in Japan, making it a good time for families with kids to immerse themselves in authentic Japanese traditions.

June is a better time to travel for families compared to July and August, as it offers slightly cooler weather and fewer crowds (the official summer vacation in Japan begins in July).

Just contact us if you are thinking of a trip to Japan. We'd like to create a wonderful trip based on your needs and interests, whatever the weather.

Best Time for Cherry Blossoms in Japan

  • March to April: 10–18°C (50–64°F)

Cherry blossoms in spring (March to May) are Japan's most beautiful scenery, and you can admire them almost everywhere in Japan. They usually reach full bloom from late March to early April (March 24th to April 2nd), making the spring or Easter vacation the perfect time to travel to Japan.

If you want to avoid the large crowds and enjoy slightly lower prices in Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka , the week before full bloom (around March 16th to 23rd) is your best time. Except for some trees where the cherry blossoms have not yet fully opened, the scenery during this time is almost as stunning as it is when the blossoms are in full bloom.

If you want to appreciate the cherry blossoms in April to early May with fewer crowds and lower costs , Hokkaido, the northernmost part of Japan, is an excellent destination for you. It is also the perfect place to experience Japanese indigenous culture. The best time to view cherry blossoms in Sapporo is in mid to late April (around April 15th to 20th).

Suggested reading: How to Plan a Japan Cherry Blossom Trip

Hotels around popular attractions are always booked up quickly, contact us at least 3 months in advance to have the best chance of room availability and choice.

1) May is the transitional month from spring to summer in Japan. It's warmer and has clear days, with an average temperature of 15–23°C (58–73°F). It is advisable to avoid Japan's "Golden Week" public holiday from April 29th to May 5th. After May 7th, it is a perfect time to travel as the crowds and travel costs decrease.

2) September and October are cooler months in Japan , the average temperature range from 18-25°C (64-77°F). While there are about ten rainy days in September, there are very few visitors during this time. In October, the number of sunny days increases, and it is also when the maple leaves start turning red, creating beautiful autumn scenery.

Get more ideas about best time to visit Tokyo , Kyoto , and Osaka >>>

Best Time for Cheapest Prices in Japan

Winter (December to February) is considered the cheapest time to visit Japan, except during Christmas and New Year. It is cold and dry, with an average daily high of 10°C (50°F). It is not too cold to travel, making it the ideal time to relax in the hot springs at a Japanese-style ryokan inn and take in the unique scene of snow monkeys.

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Japan Weather Guide by Months

Click the sign of each month to check the travel guide information.

January and February: Cold and Dry

  • Average temperature: 2–10℃ (36–50°F)
  • Average rainfall: 70 mm (3 in)

January and February in Japan have cold weather with more clear days, but it is not too cold to travel. Top experiences in Japan in winter include soaking in hot springs, watching snow monkeys bathing in onsen hot springs, appreciating gassho-zukuri farmhouses (their steep thatched roofs named after 'praying hands' are extremely charming when covered in snow and illuminated during winter nights), and skiing in Hokkaido.

Festivals and events: New Year is the most important festival in Japan in January. You could experience a bell-ringing ceremony at a shrine to pray for luck in the coming year in a traditional Japanese way.

Get more ideas about plan a winter trip to Japan >>>

March and April: Best of Cherry Blossoms

  • Average temperature: 7–19℃ (45–66°F)
  • Average rainfall: 110 mm (4 in)

March and April, the cherry blossom season, is one of the best times to travel to Japan, thanks to the comfortable weather, clear days, and the most attractive scenery.

The cherry blossoms are generally in full bloom from late March to early April. Imagine wearing a kimono to take pictures or having a picnic under the cherry trees with your family/partner and watching the petals flutter in the breeze. It would definitely make some memorable moments.

Festivals and events in March and April: Hanami is a traditional term for viewing cherry blossoms, and it is the most popular activity in spring in Japan. Many traditional ryokans and excellent guides are also fully booked in advance, so we recommend you make your decision at least 3 months in advance. Our Japan expert would customized the trip based on your group size, budget, and requirements.

May: Warm and Sunny

  • Average temperature: 15–23℃ (59–73°F)
  • Average rainfall: 140 mm (6 in)

May is warmer and the skies are clear. The Golden Week (typically from April 29th to May 5th) is a public holiday in Japan and many Japanese choose to travel during this time. The crowds and costs tend to decrease after May 10th, making it a perfect time to visit Japan.

June: Coolest Summer Month

  • Average temperature: 19–26℃ (66–79°F)
  • Average rainfall: 178 mm (7 in)

June is the start of summer and the plum rain season. Rainfall is sometimes in the form of a steady drizzle, and it doesn't rain every day. It's suitable to wear both long sleeves and short sleeves to cater to the varying weather conditions.

June is a better month to spend your summer vacation, especially for families with school-age children. You could enjoy cooler temperatures, fewer crowds, and favorable prices compared to July and August.

Check more details about plan a summer trip to Japan >>>

July and August: Best Time for Festivals and Fireworks Celebrations

  • Average temperature: 24–31℃ (75–88°F)
  • Average rainfall: 163 mm (6 in)

July and August are hot and humid in Japan. Japan offers abundant indoor activities inside air-conditioned buildings , such as ninja experiences, pottery making, and Pokémon Center fun. This helps to minimize worries about the heat and rain. Additionally, taking a private tour in a private air-conditioned car could help to minimize the inconvenience caused by rainfall.

Festivals and events in July and August: Both months host culture-rich festival celebrations and grand fireworks celebrations, such as the Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival in Tokyo, the Gion Festival in Kyoto, and Tenjin Matsuri in Osaka. These lively and amazing celebrations allow you and your kids to experience authentic float parades, enjoy the colorful fireworks in the cool summer breeze, and feel the cultural atmosphere deeply.

September and October: Cooler Weather with Fewer Crowds

  • Average temperature: 17–24℃ (63–75°F)
  • Average rainfall: 164 mm (6 in)

The weather becomes cooler in September and October, and typhoons sometimes hit Japan, bringing heavy rain and strong winds, especially in September. It does not rain every day (about 10 days a month) and it tends to be drier in October.

It's the low season to travel to Japan so you could expect fewer crowds and cheaper costs. If you are traveling in September, it is important to keep your itinerary flexible in case of flight delays or cancellations.

November: Best Time to Visit for Colorful Autumn Foliage

  • Average temperature: 9–17℃ (48–63°F)
  • Average rainfall: 86 mm (3 in)

November in Japan is one of the best times to travel due to the pleasant weather and many dry days. During this month, the whole country explodes with colors. You could appreciate red, orange, and golden autumn foliage scenery throughout Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, and other parts of Japan.

December: Perfect for Soaking in Hot Springs and Celebrating Christmas

  • Average temperature: 5–11℃ (41–52°F)
  • Average rainfall: 65 mm (3 in)

Japan in December is not too cold. It's the best time for you to experience unique winter activities , such as soaking in the hot springs to enjoy the snow scenery, watching the snow monkeys bathe in their own "onsen" (hot spring bath), and appreciating the gassho-zukuri farmhouses' lighting at night.

Festivals and events in December: Japan is an excellent destination for families to celebrate Christmas in. Eye-catching Christmas illuminations and a fancy Christmas feast would help to make a Japan vacation a great experience for you and your family.

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  • Plan a Family Trip to Japan 2024/2025: Experiences and Itineraries
  • Plan a Japan Cherry Blossom Trip 2025, Dates and Avoid Crowds
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  • 1 Week in Japan: Top 5 Itineraries for First Visit 2024/2025
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  • Japan Weather in February 2024: Travel Tips for First-Timers
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  • Japan Weather in September 2024, Travel Tips (for First-Timers)
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Discover Japan in July: Your Ultimate Guide to the Best Summer Experiences

Things to do in Japan in July - Discover Japan in July Your Ultimate Guide to the Best Summer Experiences

Welcome, travel enthusiasts! With July just around the corner, are you wondering where you can make the best of the summer season? Look no further. Japan in July offers a blend of cultural experiences, adventures, natural beauty, and a host of thrilling activities that will undoubtedly make your holiday unforgettable. Picture yourself kayaking under a radiant sun in Tottori, stargazing at the foot of Mount Fuji, or even picking tea in the serene fields of Wazuka-cho, Kyoto. Yes, that's the diverse and vibrant allure of a Japanese summer we're talking about! Whether you're a resident looking to explore your backyard or a visitor eager to embrace the Land of the Rising Sun, our comprehensive guide is your perfect companion for navigating the exciting opportunities that await in Japan in July.

Weather in Japan in July: What to expect?

What's the weather like in Japan in July? You may expect temperatures ranging from warm to hot, usually hovering between 25°C and 35°C. While the early part of July can bring the rainy season to certain areas, it typically makes way for sunnier days as the month progresses. Don't forget your sunscreen and a hat for protection, as the sun can be quite strong. Also, it's a good idea to carry a light rain jacket or umbrella just in case you encounter a sudden summer shower.

1. Explore Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo

Explore Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo

A must-visit location in Tokyo is the Tsukiji Fish Market, one of the largest wholesale fish and seafood markets in the world. Here, you'll witness the fast-paced trading of the freshest catch, and if you're an early bird, you can even catch the famous tuna auction. Don't forget to try out one of the many sushi restaurants surrounding the market for a breakfast like no other

H.I.S. 訪日旅行営業本部

2. Star Gazing At The Foot Of Mount Fuji

Star gazing at the foot of Mount Fuji

On a clear July night, why not head out for a spot of stargazing at the foot of Mount Fuji? Japan's iconic peak, with its perfectly symmetrical shape, is even more majestic under a blanket of twinkling stars. Away from the city lights, it's a serene and enchanting experience that will make you feel closer to the universe. Remember to bring along a comfy blanket and a hot drink!

3. Wakeboarding and Flyboarding on Lake Yamanaka

Wakeboarding and Flyboarding on Lake Yamanaka

If you're a water sports enthusiast, Lake Yamanaka is the place to be. It's the largest of the Fuji Five Lakes and a renowned spot for wakeboarding and flyboarding. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, the thrill of gliding and flipping over the calm lake waters with the stunning backdrop of Mount Fuji is an unforgettable experience. Equipment rental and instruction are readily available, so all you need to bring is your spirit of adventure!


4. Cycling & river downtown Chitose private tour

Cycling & river downtown Chitose private tour

Consider a private cycling tour through the downtown area and along the river in Chitose, a city in Hokkaido known for its serene landscapes. You'll pedal through charming streets, taking in the sights and sounds of local life. As you follow the river, the picturesque surroundings offer a tranquil ambiance that contrasts with the urban cityscapes.

5. Relishing summer at Lake Toya

Relishing summer at Lake Toya

Summertime at Lake Toya is pure magic. This caldera lake is known for its crystal clear waters, surrounding mountains, and beautiful forest trails. You can take a leisurely boat ride on the lake, enjoy a lakeside picnic, or indulge in some water sports.

Niseko Mckenzie SUP

6. Strolling along the Philosopher’s Path

Strolling along the Philosopher’s Path

In Kyoto, begin your day with a peaceful stroll along the Philosopher's Path. This scenic walkway follows a canal lined with hundreds of cherry trees - a truly mesmerizing sight when they're in full bloom. This path got its name because a famous Japanese philosopher was said to have used it for daily meditation.

7. A tea-picking experience in Wazuka-cho

A tea-picking experience in Wazuka-cho

While in Kyoto, don't miss a unique tea-picking experience in Wazuka-cho. This small town is renowned for producing some of Japan's best tea. Here, you'll walk through lush, rolling tea fields, learn about different tea varieties, and of course, pick tea leaves.

郷土料理体験教室 和束家

8. Visit the awe-inspiring Kurobe dam

Visit the awe-inspiring Kurobe dam

In the mountainous region of Nagano, the awe-inspiring Kurobe Dam awaits. This massive architectural marvel is the tallest dam in Japan. The sight of water cascading down its face in a thunderous roar is absolutely spectacular.


9. A summer paradise in Okinawa

A summer paradise in Okinawa - woman riding a flyboard

Okinawa is a tropical paradise teeming with water sports activities beckons. The clear, warm waters are perfect for snorkeling, giving you a glimpse into the vivid marine life. You can also explore the coastal beauty with sea-walks or jet skiing. For a thrill, try wakeboarding or ride the 5-seater banana boat or 3-seater marble.


10. SUP in Matsushima

SUP in Matsushima

In the scenic bay area of Matsushima, get ready to embark on a Stand-Up Paddleboarding (SUP) adventure. Known for its beautiful pine-clad islets, SUP in Matsushima offers you a tranquil yet invigorating way to explore the bay.


11. Kayaking, surfing & sandboarding in Tottori

Kayaking, surfing & sandboarding in Tottori

If you're into more adrenaline-fueled activities, Tottori has just the right mix for you. Kayaking lets you explore the beautiful coast, surfing challenges you to ride the Pacific waves, while sandboarding gives you an exhilarating slide down Tottori's famous sand dunes. It's a trifecta of fun and adventure.

Develop SURF&SEA

12. Scuba diving and Kayaking in Yakushima island

Scuba diving and Kayaking in Yakushima island

Dive into the crystal clear waters of Yakushima Island for an unforgettable scuba diving experience. Known for its unique biodiversity, you'll encounter an array of beautiful marine life.

屋久島ダイビングガイド マリンクラブカイオロヒア

13. Dolphin watching in Amakusa

Dolphin watching in Amakusa

Amakusa, a group of beautiful islands off the coast of Kumamoto, is the place to be for dolphin watching. With its clear waters and rich marine life, you'll get a chance to see these graceful creatures in their natural habitat.


14. Paragliding in Shizuoka

Paragliding in Shizuoka

Paragliding in Shizuoka is your chance to soar like a bird. With the backdrop of the Pacific Ocean and Mount Fuji, this thrilling experience gives you unparalleled views and an incredible sense of freedom.

今井浜フライングスクール(Imaihama Flying School)

15. MTB cycle guided tour around Mt. Fuji

MTB cycle guided tour around Mt. Fuji

For the biking enthusiasts, a MTB cycle guided tour around the World Cultural Heritage sites surrounding Mt. Fuji is an exceptional experience. The stunning landscapes, punctuated by historical sites, make for a perfect biking trail to explore this iconic part of Japan.


16. Horse riding in Miyazaki

Horse riding in Miyazaki

In the enchanting region of Kagoshima, a unique horse riding experience awaits you at Mt. Kirishima. Renowned for its majestic volcanic landscapes and verdant forests, this location serves as an awe-inspiring backdrop for your equestrian adventure.


17. The Historic: Himeji Castle

Himeji Castle

Explore the grandeur of Japan's history by visiting the Himeji Castle. Known as the "White Heron Castle" due to its elegant white appearance, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is a spectacular sight to behold.

18. Floating Torii gate of Itsukushima Shrine

Floating Torii gate of Itsukushima Shrine

Don't miss the unique Floating Torii gate of Itsukushima Shrine in Miyajima. At high tide, this iconic red gate seems to float on the water, creating a mesmerizing scene. It's one of Japan's most iconic sights and a must-see for every visitor.


19. Visit The Historical Chozenji Temple in Takehara City

Visit the historical Chozenji temple in Takehara city

Takehara City, often referred to as "Little Kyoto," is home to the historical Chozenji Temple. Known for its beautiful bamboo gardens and calming ambiance, a visit here offers a tranquil retreat from the hustle and bustle of city life.


20. Visit Umeda sky building in Osaka

Visit Umeda sky building in Osaka - women enjoying immersive art museum

Visit the Umeda Sky Building KUCHU TEIEN OBSERVATORY and the Koji Kinutani Tenku Art Museum in Osaka. The observatory offers panoramic views of the city, while the museum showcases the vibrant works of contemporary artist Koji Kinutani.

絹谷幸二 天空美術館

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Samurai and Ninja Adventures A Hands-On Historical Experience

So there you have it, fellow globetrotters! A tapestry of experiences woven into the heart of summer, making July in Japan a true symphony of sights, sounds, and tastes. From the bustling streets of Tokyo to the tropical vibes of Okinawa, from historical sites steeped in ancient tales to adrenaline-fueled sports in nature's playground, Japan offers something for every kind of traveler. With our handy tips and carefully curated list of destinations and activities, we hope to inspire you to embark on a journey of a lifetime. As you plan your holiday in Japan this July, remember: every moment spent here is a story waiting to be told. Here's to the summer of your dreams, and may your adventures in Japan bring you joy, awe, and memories to cherish forever!

Frequently asked questions

Q what can i do at the umeda sky building in osaka.

A At the Umeda Sky Building, you can visit the KUCHU TEIEN OBSERVATORY for panoramic city views, and also explore the Koji Kinutani Tenku Art Museum, featuring the works of the contemporary artist.

Q What is the weather like in Japan in July?

A July in Japan is typically warm to hot, with temperatures ranging from 25°C to 35°C. The early part of the month can be rainy in certain areas, but it usually gives way to sunnier days.

Q Is it a good time to visit Tokyo in July?

A Yes, Tokyo is bustling with activities in July. The weather is perfect for exploring outdoor markets, city parks, and vibrant festivals.

Q What water sports are available in Okinawa in July?

A Okinawa offers a range of water sports such as snorkeling, sea-walks, wakeboarding, jet skiing, and exciting rides on 5-seater banana boats and 3-seater marbles.

Q What's special about the tea-picking experience in Wazuka-cho?

A Wazuka-cho is known for producing some of Japan's best tea. Here, you'll get to pick tea leaves, learn about different tea varieties, and discover how to brew the perfect cup.

Q What can I do at the Kurobe Dam in Nagano?

A At the Kurobe Dam, you can explore hiking trails, take a boat tour on the lake, or ride the Tateyama Ropeway for breathtaking views of the Japanese Alps.

Q Can I go horse riding in Kagoshima?

A Yes, horse riding is available in Kagoshima. You can take a ride along the trails of Mt. Kirishima, taking in the stunning views of the volcanic landscape.

Q What are some historical sites I can visit in Japan in July?

A There are many historical sites to visit, including the Himeji Castle, the Floating Torii gate of Itsukushima Shrine, Chozenji Temple in Takehara City, and the World Cultural Heritage sites around Mt. Fuji.

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Even if you are a customer, when you continue to go out, in addition to avoiding so-called [three secrets], cough etiquette, thorough hand washing and alcohol disinfection, etc., on June 19, 2020 (Friday), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, sightseeing Please be aware of the [new travel etiquette ] announced by the Japan Tourism Agency, take actions to avoid the risk of infectious diseases, and enjoy activities and leisure activities safely.

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is it nice to visit japan in july

Complete Guide to Visiting Japan in July 2023: Weather, What to See & Do

Are you planning a trip to Japan in July? This guide will provide you with all the essential information you need to make the most of your trip, from the weather and what to pack to the best festivals, entertainment , and sightseeing spots. Discover the unique charm of Japan during the summer season and make unforgettable memories.

What’s the weather like in July in Tokyo and Japan?

How to dress in japan in july, what to do in japan in july, special foods and drinks to try in july in japan, enjoy your july in japan.

What’s the weather like in July in Tokyo and Japan?

To make the most of your trip to Japan in July, it is essential to be aware of the weather conditions. Generally, July is hot and humid throughout Japan, but the weather may vary depending on the area you are visiting. It is important to note that Japan experiences its rainy season from the beginning of June until the end of July, which can affect your travel plans. Although the rainy season is not likely to ruin your vacation, it is advisable to come prepared with appropriate clothing and footwear. It is worth noting that the frequency of rainfall tends to be higher in southern areas of Japan compared to northern regions. In Tokyo, July is usually characterized by mild heat and humidity, with some rainy days expected between the second week of June and the third week of July. However, it is important to remember that the rainy season does not necessarily mean constant rainfall every day. Despite the possibility of rain, there are plenty of activities and events to enjoy in Japan during July. From traditional festivals to scenic nature spots, Japan offers a unique summer experience that is worth exploring. In the next sections, we will provide you with a detailed guide on what to see and do during your trip to Japan in July.

How to dress in Japan in July?

Ensure that you pack appropriately for the warm weather in Japan during July. Here are some packing suggestions for both men and women.

  • Outerwear: summer dresses, light cotton shirts, summer skirts
  • Footwear: comfortable shoes for long walking tours and open shoes, if preferred
  • Accessories: sunglasses, small towels, sunscreen, and an umbrella.
  • Outerwear: polo shirts, light shirts, buttoned shirts, shorts, and light pants
  • Footwear: comfortable socks and shoes, and open shoes if not walking too much
  • Accessories: sunglasses, small towel, cold patches, and an umbrella.

It is also advisable to bring a raincoat or rain shoes due to the high chance of rainfall during July. Umbrellas are readily available and inexpensive in Japan, so you need not pack one unless you have a preferred one. Other essentials to bring include an extra backpack or day pack for carrying necessities like a change of clothes, water, sunscreen, sunglasses, and a power bank. If planning to visit the beach, do not forget to pack a swimming suit. By packing accordingly, you can enjoy your trip to Japan in July comfortably and worry-free.

Sergii Rudiuk /

The upcoming events and festivals in Japan during July offer something for everyone, regardless of their interests. Here are some of the most notable summer festivals happening in July.

  • Gion Matsuri : Running from July 1 to 31 (main events on July 17 and 24) in Kyoto, this festival is one of the Three Greatest Festivals in Japan and the largest one.
  • Tenjin Matsuri : Taking place on July 24-25 in Osaka, this millenary festival celebrates the Tenman-gu shrine.
  • Tanabata Festival : Celebrated during the first week of July in Hiratsuka and Kanagawa, but especially famous in Sendai, this festival commemorates the meeting of two lovers separated by the Milky Way. There is also another Tanabata Festival in Sendai that takes place in August.
  • Sumida River Fireworks : Held in Tokyo, this spectacular fireworks show is considered one of the most renowned and stunning in the country. The exact date varies each year.

Music Festivals

Music Festivals

In addition to cultural festivals, Japan's summer season also offers an array of exciting music events, both indoor and outdoor. Some of the notable music festivals happening in July include the following:

  • Fuji Rock Festival : Held in Niigata, this festival typically takes place during the last week of July and is considered THE Japanese live music summer event.
  • Corona Sunset Music Festival: This music festival on the beach takes place in Okinawa and offers a unique setting for music lovers.
  • Kesen Rock Festival: Happening during the second weekend of July in Iwate, this festival is another must-see event for music enthusiasts.

Whether you are a fan of rock, pop, or any other genre, Japan's summer music festivals are sure to leave you entertained and energized.

Parks and Temples

Parks and Temples

Japan's parks and temples are among the top attractions that draw visitors from all over the world. With their stunning flowers in full bloom, lush greenery, and pristine landscapes , these places are a feast for the senses. Even if you have visited these places in different seasons , it is worth exploring them in July. Here are some of the parks and temples that are must-see destinations during your trip to Japan in July.

  • Rikugi-en, Tokyo
  • Kiyosumi Teien, Kiyosumi
  • Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, Tokyo
  • Koraku-en, Okayama
  • Saihoji (Kokedera) Temple, Kyoto

From the vibrant hues of blooming flowers to the tranquil ambiance of temple grounds, these places offer a glimpse into Japan's natural and cultural beauty . A visit to these attractions will undoubtedly be a highlight of your summer trip to Japan.


If you're seeking a beach vacation in Japan, there are plenty of options to choose from. Many of the beaches around Tokyo and Osaka offer unique beach houses, providing visitors with food, drinks, music, and shade. Here are some top beach destinations to explore.

  • Known as the go-to place for beaches in Japan, Okinawa has a variety of options, including Manza Beach, Okuma Beach, Emerald Beach, Sesoko Beach, and Araka Beach. Additionally, there are many stunning beaches in the outlying islands.
  • Shirahama Beach in Izu
  • Enoshima in Kanagawa
  • Odaiba in Tokyo
  • Ogasawara Islands, accessible by a 24-hour ferry ride from Tokyo (once a week)
  • Megijima Island in Kagawa Prefecture
  • Shirahama Beach in Wakayama Prefecture

Whether you want to swim, sunbathe, or simply soak up the beach vibe, these destinations are sure to provide an unforgettable summer experience in Japan.

Hiking in summer in Japan


July is a perfect time also for hiking, and some of the best places to do it are in and around the following areas.

  • Ten-En Hiking course in Kamakura: a trail connecting two temples taking you through beautiful flowers, and perfect for bird watching, for those who are comfortable with a moderate hike.
  • Mount Takao: A more leisurely walk with trails leading through the mountains and around.
  • Mount Mitake: A beautiful hike with temples hidden amid unspoiled nature and waterfalls. An easy to medium-difficulty hike.
  • Mount Fuji: The dream hike! Check out a comprehensive guide to hiking Mount Fuji here .
  • Hakone: The trails are from easy to challenging, and lead through mountains, beautiful paths, and sightseeing spots.
  • Fushimi Inari: A leisurely climb up the steps and path leading to the top of the mountain on which the shrine is erected. Amazing sights over the city of Kyoto.
  • Kurama: A moderately strenuous hike that leads to Kurama Temple, located on the top of a steep, wooded mountainside.
  • Daigoji Temple: A long and steep trail leading to a major temple in the mountains south of Kyoto.
  • Minoo Park: Very close to the city center. A broad valley in which to enjoy an easy trek.
  • Mount Yoshino: a mountainside immersed in the woods with trails leading through a temple town in Nara Prefecture.
  • Rishiri and Rebun in Hokkaido: The trails are part of a vast national park and range from easy to difficult, offering floral landscapes, or volcano hiking.
  • Shiretoko: Another national park rich with unspoiled nature.

Special foods and drinks to try in July in Japan

Japan offers a plethora of seasonal food options that are perfect for summer , catering to a variety of tastes and preferences. Here are some of the most popular summer foods and drinks to try during your trip!

  • Shaved Ice: A favorite among locals and tourists alike, shaved ice in various flavors is a popular summer treat, especially during festivals.
  • Hiyashi Chuka: A cold ramen dish with refreshing and flavorful toppings.
  • Eel: Japan is renowned for its eel preparations, and summer is the best time to try some of the country's best eel dishes.
  • Watermelon: Symbolic of summer, watermelon is a must-try fruit during your visit to Japan, although it may be pricier than expected.
  • Beer Gardens: These comfortable open spaces provide the perfect setting to enjoy drinks with friends. In Kyoto, some beer gardens offer original maiko and geiko shows in the Kamishichiken area.
  • Summer Drinks and Edamame: If you enjoy alcohol, Japan has a variety of summer drinks to choose from, including Japanese beer. Edamame, lightly salted and served cold, is the perfect accompaniment to these drinks. For those who don't drink alcohol, edamame and Japan's soft drinks are equally satisfying.

With so many delicious food and drink options, Japan's summer cuisine is sure to satisfy any craving and leave you with a delightful culinary experience.

So there you have it, all the information you need to prepare for your trip and kickstart your list of activities for Japan in July. Spoiler alert: there are so many amazing things to experience that your list is bound to get longer! Whether you're interested in immersing yourself in cultural traditions or simply looking to soak up the vibrant atmosphere, the festivals and events happening in July offer an excellent opportunity to experience Japanese culture and make the most of the summer season .

Written by:

Lucio Maurizi

Lucio Maurizi

Lucio Maurizi is an automotive expert specializing in Japan's car scene and auto-tourism. With an MA in East Asian History from La Sapienza Università di Roma, he's a multi-talented contributor to travel platforms like LIVE JAPAN, Japan Travel, and GPlus Media. His Instagram account (50k+ followers) offers insider views on Japan's automotive culture. Lucio also actively collaborates with professional drivers and influencers and organizes can't-miss car events in Tokyo. Instagram: @italian_in_japan Other links:

  • Category Summer
  • How To: Sightseeing

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Japan in July: Hot Weather, Summer Festivals, and Travel Tips

Updated on May 13, 2024

Japan in July

Are you planning a trip to Japan in July?

While the weather can be hot and humid, and even uncomfortable, you can head north to better temperature.

Or, if you’re looking to escape the heat, Japan in July offers plenty of opportunities to cool off inside.

Let’s see what you can do in summer on your Japan trip.

Understanding Japan in July

If you are planning to visit Japan in July, it is important to understand the weather conditions, rainy season, humidity, and temperature.

Map of Japan

While the weather can vary depending on the region, it is generally hot and humid across the country.

In some areas, temperatures can reach up to 35°C (95°F) during the day.

Rainy Season

The rainy season in Japan typically starts in early June and lasts until mid-July.

During this time, the country experiences frequent rain and high humidity levels.

However, the rainy season does not necessarily mean constant rainfall every day, and there are still plenty of sunny days to enjoy.


As mentioned earlier, temperatures in Japan can reach up to 35°C (95°F) during the day in July. However, the temperature can vary depending on the region.

In Hokkaido , for example, temperatures are much more temperate, while the beaches of Okinawa are a good retreat at this time of year.

Onna- Kunigumi gun

Humidity can be a major factor to consider when traveling to Japan in July.

The high humidity levels can make the heat feel more intense, and it can also make it difficult to stay comfortable outdoors.

It is important to stay hydrated and wear lightweight, breathable clothing to help combat the humidity.

FireWorks and Festivals

During this time, the summer celebrations get going.

You’ll have an amazing time watching fireworks or enjoying traditional festivals.

In Tokyo, July is the time for festivals, fireworks, and fun.

The biggest event of the month is the Sumida River Fireworks Festival , which is held on the last Saturday of July.

sumida fireworks

The festival attracts more than a million visitors every year and features over 20,000 fireworks.

It’s one of the most famous festivals in Japan .

In Sapporo, July is the time for the Sapporo Summer Festival, which is held from July 20 to August 19.

Sapporo Summer Festival

The festival features a variety of events, including a beer garden, a food festival, and a parade of floats.

In Niigata , the Niigata Festival is the biggest event of the month, held from July 25 to 28.

Niigata Festival

The festival features a parade of floats and traditional performances, as well as a fireworks display.

In Hiroshima , the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony is held on August 6 to commemorate the victims of the atomic bombing.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial

The festival features a boat race of dragon boats and traditional performances.

In Chiba , the Chiba Port Tower Fireworks Festival is the biggest event of the month, held on July 27.

Chiba Port Tower

The festival features over 1,000 fireworks launched from the Chiba Port Tower and the surrounding area.

In Aichi , the Nagoya Port Festival is the biggest event of the month, held on July 27-28.

Things to do in Aichi

The festival features a variety of events, including a parade of boats, a fireworks display, and a concert.

A personal favorite of mine is the smaller Toyohama festival .

Unique Experiences in July

Japan in July offers an array of unique experiences that are perfect for summer vacation.

Here are some of the most exciting events and activities to add to your itinerary:

Fuji Rock Festival

The Fuji Rock Festival is an annual rock festival held in Naeba Ski Resort, in Niigata Prefecture, Japan.

Nowhere near Mt. Fuji.

Fuji Rock Festival

The three-day event features more than 200 Japanese and international musicians, making it the largest outdoor music event in Japan.

Beer Gardens

Cool down with a refreshing beer at one of Japan’s famous beer gardens.

These outdoor venues offer a fun and lively atmosphere, where you can enjoy cold drinks and delicious food with friends and family.

Tanabata Festivals

Celebrate the annual Tanabata Festival, also known as the Star Festival, which takes place on July 7th.


This festival celebrates the meeting of two star-crossed lovers, Orihime and Hikoboshi.

You can enjoy traditional decorations, parades, and fireworks displays.

Celebrate Marine Day, a national holiday that honors the ocean and its importance to Japan’s culture and economy.

Seto Inland Sea

You can participate in beach cleanups, water sports, and other ocean-themed activities.

Traditional Dances

Experience traditional Japanese dances, such as Bon Odori, which is performed during the Obon Festival.

Bon Odori Decorations

You can join in the dance, which is accompanied by traditional music, or simply watch and enjoy the colorful costumes and lively atmosphere.

Beach Season

Enjoy Japan’s beautiful beaches during the summer months.

best beaches in Japan

This popular summer treat comes in a variety of flavors, such as green tea, strawberry, and mango.

Lavender Fields

Visit the stunning lavender fields in Hokkaido, which bloom in July.

furano lavender

You can take a leisurely stroll through the fields and enjoy the fragrant scent of lavender

Mountain Ranges

Escape the summer heat by exploring Japan’s beautiful mountain ranges, such as the Japan Alps or Mount Fuji.

Japan alps

You can hike, camp, or simply enjoy the stunning scenery.

Before You Go

Overall, visiting japan in July is not advisable.

But if you are ok with hot and humid weather, you can enjoy all the summer festivals on offer.

The Japanese summer is much better if you either head north, or decide to treat this as a beach holiday.

If you choose the latter, the Seto inland sea or the sandy beaches and splendid coral reefs of Okinawa are wonderful.

Enjoy the Summer season and stay cool.

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Adam has lived in Japan for over 20 years. Married with two daughters, he's fully immersed in Japanese life and has traveled extensively around the country. He works full time from home.

Top 10 Things to Do in Japan in July

Best things to do & places to visit in Japan in July

Lavender field in Hokkaido in summer

July is a great month when Japanese summer finally arrives! Here are 10 best things to do in Japan in July including summer festivals, events an popular beaches!

*Please note that this article contains affiliate links.

Japan in July

July in Japan is the epitome of summer. With daytime average temperatures in the capital city of Tokyo ranging between 24-28°C (75.2-82.4°F), it’s warm and sometimes quite humid. As the month progresses, many areas see the end of the rainy season (Tsuyu), bringing clearer skies and sunnier days.

For students, July marks the beginning of the summer holidays. Schools close their doors, giving families an opportunity to travel or participate in various summer activities. One notable event in July is Marine Day (Umi no Hi), celebrated on the third Monday of the month. This day not only honors the significance of the sea in an island nation like Japan but also marks the official opening of many beaches for the season.

But it’s not just about the beaches! July is alive with color and festivities. Across the country, you’ll find an array of summer festivals featuring traditional dances, foods, and games. Moreover, the night skies light up as numerous firework displays are held. These fireworks festivals are a significant summer attraction, drawing locals and tourists alike.

All these factors combined make July an optimal travel season. So, if you’re considering a trip to Japan, July offers a vibrant and culturally immersive experience.

1. Summer Festivals

-kyoto gion festival.

is it nice to visit japan in july

Kyoto Gion Festival (祇園祭) is counted as one of three greatest festivals in Japan. This traditional festival has been held for over 1,000 years at Yasaka Shrine, the famous shrine in Gion area in Kyoto. It takes place for the entire month of July, yet the main event with procession is held on 17th and 24th.

More information about Gion Festival ▶ Gion Festival: The Complete Guide

Date: 1–31 July (main events: 17 and 24 July)


<< Book your tickets to Gion Festival!! >>

-Shonan Hiratsuka Tanabata Festival

Tanabata Festival a.k.a. Star Festival is a traditional annual event in Japan, which celebrates the meeting of two lovers separated by milky way. Shonan Hiratsuka Tanabata Festival (湘南ひらつか七夕まつり) is one of the biggest Tanabata festivals in Japan, and it’s about 1 hour away from central Tokyo.

Date: early July


Official Website: (Japanese)

For more info, please check out the link below!

Japan’s 3 Biggest Festivals in July

2. Chill at Kawadoko

Kawadoko (or Kawayuka) is a traditional style of restaurant in Kyoto, specially for summer time. Kyoto’s iconic river, Kamogawa has numbers of cafes and restaurants lined, which extend their wooden open-air terrace towards the river only in summer time. Enjoy food and drinks, and relax with the sound of river streaming by nature!

Kamogawa River: 5 Nice Viewing Restaurants and Cafes on Kamogawa River

3. Sumida River Fireworks Festival

The biggest fireworks festival in the country, Tokyo’s traditional Sumida River Fireworks Festival features approx. 22,000 fireworks, and attracts nearly 1 million viewers. The festival is held on the last Saturday of July every year.

Official Website:


More info about fireworks festivals in Japan:

Best Fireworks in Japan 2024 Summer

Japanese beach season officially kicks off from early to mid July depending on locations, and lasts till the end of August. During the season, beaches are lined with beach huts offering food, drinks, rental facilities, toilets, shower and etc. Although Tokyo is not a beach destination, there are some great ones accessible from the city.

Beaches near Tokyo:

is it nice to visit japan in july

More beaches in Japan:

is it nice to visit japan in july

5. Fuji Rock Festival

The biggest outdoor music festival in Japan, Fuji Rock Festival is held on the last weekend of July for 3 days. Setting in the sprawling nature in Naeba area, Niigata Prefecture, the event gives people a unique experience to enjoy music in a relaxing environment. The event also features some of the biggest names every year and the past performing acts includes Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Chemical Brothers, Björk, Muse, Foo Fighters, Radiohead , Oasis and more!

Guide to Fuji Rock Festival 2024

6. Kamikochi

Kappabashi Bridge at Kamikochi, Nagano

Are you an active person but not a beach bum?? Then hiking would be the best option! Summer is a great season for hikers in Japan, and many trails will be officially open through spring and summer. One of the best hiking spots in Japan is Kamikochi in the Northern Japan Alps of Nagano Prefecture. Kamikochi is famous for the scenic hiking trails with several beautiful view points, and it’s highly recommended for both beginners and advanced hikers.

7. Sumo Nagoya Basho

The grand Sumo tournaments are held 6 times every year in Japan: three in Tokyo (January, May and September) and one in Osaka (March), Nagoya (July) and Fukuoka (November), and each tournament lasts for 15 days. The grand Sumo Tournament in Nagoya venue is held early-mid July annually.

<< Get Tickets for the Sumo Wrestling Tournament in Nagoya >>

8. Shaved Ice

Cute Polar Bear shaped shaved ice in Tokyo

There are numbers of “Summer Food” in Japan such as cold noodles, watermelon, but I’d say the best one is shaved ice. It’a traditional summer dessert in Japan and a perfect way to cool down in the hot weather. There are numbers of shaved ice (Kakigori in Japanese) cafes in Tokyo, offering wonderful shaved ice desserts, which are not shaved ice as you would imagine with simple crushed ice and sweet syrup, but stand out as one deluxe dessert.

10 Best Kakigori in Tokyo

9. Hokkaido Lavender

Lavender farm in Furano, Hokkaido

Summer is an amazing season to visit Hokkaido, especially in the central part as there are numbers of flower fields which turn into a colourful wonderland. Lavender at Furano area is one of the most popular flowers to see in Japan, and the best month is usually July. For more information about flower fields in Hokkaido, check out the link below:

is it nice to visit japan in july

More places to enjoy lavender in Japan:

Best Places to See Lavender in Japan

10. Okinawa

is it nice to visit japan in july

Okinawa is arguably the best beach destination in Japan. The southern tropical islands is famous for its white sand and turquoise water. So why should you visit Okinawa in July? The answer is simply to avoid crowds. As school holiday kicks off from mid to end July in Japan, Okinawa’s high season begins accordingly till the end of August. From mid June to mid July is an ideal time to visit Okinawa since it’s less crowds and price could be lower.

Check more info about Okinawa’s beaches ▶ 5 Best Beaches in Okinawa ▶ 5 Best Beach Resorts in Okinawa

▽Check out this Japan Bucket List of 30 Best Things to Do throughout the year!▽

30 Best Things to Do in Japan

▼Check out the Travel Info in Japan in August!▼

Top 10 Things to Do in Japan in August

▽How to Get Internet Connection during traveling in Japan▽ ▶︎ Perfect Guide to Get WiFi Connection in Japan ▶︎ Which Pocket WiFi Rental is the Best in Japan? ▶︎ Which SIM card Option to Choose in Japan? ▶︎ How to Find and Use Free WiFi in Japan

Did you enjoy the list?? For more idea about travelling in Japan in summer time, please check out listed articles below!

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"The world is my oyster" A globetrotter 🌎 and hammock lover 🌞 who loves taking adventures to fuel wanderlust. Born and raised in Japan, I have lived and explored countries around the world. As a resident of Japan and based on my travel experience, I'd love to share my knowledge and tips for travelling Japan with my readers. I hope my story will help you plan your trip and have a great time in Japan 🌈

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Things to Do in Japan in July

July is the starting month for matsuri , Japan’s summer festivals. Numerous hanabi (fireworks  🎆 ) regularly occur in the cities, on riverbanks, and in the mountains, mostly on weekends. During the cooler evenings, Japanese people enjoy relaxing over drinks, eating meat skewers like yakitori , or following nocturnal parades. Meanwhile, the summer cicadas signal the students’ well-deserved summer vacation.

Tourism statistics

More tourists visit Japan during July than almost any other month. School summer vacations in Western countries strongly encourage families and groups of friends to visit Japan for about fifteen days on average, though some people stay longer.

Tourists usually travel across the country and do not hesitate to venture outside the main cities to discover the lush nature and Japan’s traditional heritage. Southern destinations, such as Hiroshima or Shikoku and Kyushu islands, also receive an influx of tourists. Therefore, booking accommodations in advance is essential to ensure comfortable travel.

The National Japan Rail Pass is an interesting compromise that allows visitors to travel freely on the JR network’s numerous railways. Private bus companies also offer transportation passes for several days of highway travel—less expensive for sure, but less comfortable and quite time consuming.

Climate and weather

Tsuyu   ☔️ rainy season covers the major part of the month and officially ends on July 19. Afterward comes heat and high humidity. Typhoons   🌀 can form at the beginning of summer, even if the risk is higher the following months. Clouds are numerous and dense, and they sometimes obscure beautiful views, such as the one on Mount Fuji   🗻 .

The Kansai and Kanto areas experience high average temperatures from 27 to 31°C (80.6 to 87.8°F). Along the Pacific coast, the ocean’s temperature often exceeds 20°C (68°F). In the north, Hokkaido offers cooler weather at around 25°C (77°F).

is it nice to visit japan in july

National public holidays

July has only one unworked public holiday:

  • Third Monday in July -- 海の日 umi no hi , Marine Day

Another important memorial day is celebrated in the capital:

  • July 17 -- Tokyo Day, the day on which Edo was renamed Tokyo in 1868

Top things to do

In summer, days' outings can be extended in the evening. After sightseeing, tourists continue their discovery of the country through the Japanese summer nightlife : dance festivals, fireworks, fairground stalls or beer  🍺 garden .

Below is a list of Japanese seasonal attractions and events in July:

Travel packing tips

Choose light and comfortable clothes to stay cool despite the heat and rain. Do not forget your swimsuit. Hikers should pack a complete set of equipment, including hiking shoes with ankle support, protective gloves, and a warmer jacket for mountain peaks.

During matsuri season, even tourists can wear yukata   👘 (cotton kimonos) to wander the streets in the evenings. The hot, humid weather is a good reason to buy a pretty and efficient Japanese fan.

Do not forget mosquito repellent cream or spray, as well as a good sunscreen, sunglasses, and a cap.

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  • Works and Closures
  • June 6 -- Beginning of the rainy season (Tsuyu) in Japan
  • June 21 -- Summer starts in Japan
  • July 1 -- Season start for climbing Mount Fuji
  • From July 1 to 31 -- Gion Matsuri Festival in Kyoto with float processions on July 17 and 24
  • July 15 -- Sea day / Umi no Hi in Japan (holiday)
  • July 17 -- Tokyo Day
  • Tokyo : Shinjuku , Shibuya , Harajuku , Asakusa , Akihabara , Odaiba , Ikebukuro , Ueno , Roppongi , Chiyoda , Ryogoku ...
  • Around Tokyo: Kamakura , Nikko , Hakone , Mount Fuji , Mount Takao , Yokohama ...
  • Kansai: Kyoto , Nara , Osaka , Mount Koya , Himeji , Kobe , Kinosaki , Kumano Kodo , Ise ...
  • Japanese Alps: Kanazawa , Matsumoto , Takayama , Shirakawa-go , Nakasendo ...
  • West: Hiroshima , Miyajima , Shikoku , Onomichi , Naoshima , Izumo , Kurashiki , Matsue ...
  • South: Kyushu , Okinawa , Yakushima ...
  • North: Hokkaido , Tohoku ...

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Pack your lightest clothes and get your hand-fans ready, because things start heating up in Japan in July— literally . The end of the rainy season means the summer heat starts settling in. You might think the heat would keep everyone at home, but nothing could be further from the truth! July is the perfect time to catch street festivals, fireworks displays, and indulge in summer treats. If you’re looking for things to do in Japan in July, read on for our top suggestions!


is it nice to visit japan in july

Hokkaido is known for its long winters and heavy snowfall, but the summers offer relief from the snow and the sun! Average temperatures reach a comfortable 22°C (72°F) with little humidity. People enjoy picnics in the park, German-style beer gardens, and festivals in the city. The countryside comes to life with lush fields, green forests, and vibrant flower displays. The most famous flower display in Hokkaido is the lavender fields in Furano . Several types of lavender reach their peak bloom around July, creating a rainbow of color that will make you feel like you’re walking in an impressionist painting. Several shops line the way to the lavender farms , selling Furano specialties such as cantaloupe, fresh corn, and lavender ice cream. If the dreamy aroma that wafts on the breeze makes you feel a little sleepy, you can board the Lavender Bus to ride through scenic locations like Farm Tomita , Lavender East, and Flower Land Kamifurano. Flower Land Kamifurano also offers a crafts class where you can make a lavender pillow to take home. Click Here for Tours that Include Lavender Viewing in Hokkaido in 2024, 2025 & 2026


is it nice to visit japan in july

Just north of Furano, the small town of Biei holds a similar festival in July. Biei is famous for skiing and snowboarding amongst locals during winter, and in summer, its gentle hills become a quilt of color. Several types of flowers, crop fields, and “celebrity trees” grow in Biei’s famous viewing spots: Patchwork Road and Panorama Road . Despite their names, Patchwork Road and Panorama Road refer to areas rather than streets. Patchwork Road is named for the varied patches of crops that stretch for miles. In this area, you can see Biei’s famous trees that have been featured in popular commercials, including a row of large timber on Mild Seven Hill, a poplar named Ken and Mary Tree, and a group of oaks dubbed the Parents and Children Trees. In Panorama Road, you can visit two flower parks—Shikisai Hill and Kanno Farm—to see many blooms, including lavender. Both make for idyllic places for cycling, but you can also rent golf carts or take a ride on a tractor-pulled wagon if you find the hilly area too challenging. Click Here for Tours that Include Flower Fields in Biei for 2024, 2025 & 2026


is it nice to visit japan in july

When you step into Kyoto, Japanese history comes to life before your very eyes. Unlike other areas of Japan, Kyoto was spared from the WWII bombings and air raids and many of its World Heritage Sites have survived the centuries since their founding. In Kyoto, not only can you see plenty of Japanese people hitting the street in kimono, but some of Kyoto’s locals still live in machiya —traditional Japanese wooden townhouses. In July, you can participate in one of Kyoto’s most grand and storied traditions: the Gion Summer Festival. The festival lasts for the entire month, but the main event ( Yamaboko Junko ) happens on July 17th, when a grand procession of floats makes its way through the streets. The floats can reach 25 meters (82 feet) high and weigh up to 12 tons! Note that despite its name, the Gion Festival doesn’t take place in Kyoto’s famous Geisha district , but across the river from it. Click Here for Tours that Include Gion Summer Festival for 2024, 2025 & 2026


is it nice to visit japan in july

In Japanese legend, Orihime was a hardworking weaver who lived in the cosmos with her father. When she married her husband Hikoboshi, they fell so deeply in love they grew lazy and useless. Orihime’s father became enraged and sent them to live on opposite sides of the Milky Way, but allows the lovers to reunite on the “seventh day of the seventh month” every year. The Japanese call this day “Tanabata,” and cities all over the country hold festivals in July. The majority of these festivals start on July 7th, but some cities go by the lunar calendar to determine the date. During a Tanabata festival, attendees don kimono, play festival games, and eat street food like at most festivals in Japan , but with a twist. Since Orihime and Hikoboshi’s desires to see each other get fulfilled on this day, Japanese people also make wishes during the festival. They write their hopes on small pieces of paper, hang them from a bamboo tree, then either burn or throw the paper into a river when the festival ends.


is it nice to visit japan in july

If you’re in Tokyo at the end of July, don’t miss out on Japan’s oldest fireworks festival. The Sumida River Fireworks festival dates back to the 18th century when it was held in remembrance for victims of the Kyōhō famine. Now, it’s the largest fireworks show in Japan, and close to a million people attend the annual event. Anchored barges on the water launch 22,000 rockets between the Ryogoku and Asakusa neighborhoods, creating a poignant, unforgettable spectacle. Unfortunately, Tokyo’s skyscrapers make it difficult to see the colorful explosions, so finding the right spot takes a bit of strategy. The best views are from the parks along the river and Tokyo SkyTree , but they get crowded quickly as people reserve their places with tarps hours before the event. A favorite area to see the fireworks is near Sensoji Temple which holds a street festival. Also, nearby restaurants provide outdoor seating where you can enjoy a meal with the sights. Despite—or maybe because of—the heat, a certain kind of excitement hangs in the air in Japan. If you’ll continue your stay from July to August….


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The best times to visit Japan

Jordi Lippe-McGraw

Editor's Note

There are many reasons visitors flock to Japan , the Land of the Rising Sun.

Here, you can immerse yourself in ancient traditions intertwined with modern innovation while appreciating majestic temples that coexist with bustling city streets. Each season paints a different picturesque landscape, creating something new to admire with every visit.

Given all the unique aspects of this captivating country, deciding on the best time to visit Japan can seem daunting. Fortunately, there are several times that stand out, whether you wish to witness the magical cherry blossom season, visit Tokyo Disney Resort or take advantage of flight and accommodation deals .

Here's everything you need to know about the best times to visit Japan so you can plan a memorable trip based on your priorities.

When to go to Japan for good weather

is it nice to visit japan in july

Japan's weather pattern exhibits four distinct seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Each season offers its own unique attractions and experiences to enjoy.

Spring (March to May) is renowned for its cherry blossoms and comfortable temperatures. With most days hovering between 50 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit, you'll generally find perfect conditions for outdoor activities like hiking and biking.

Japan's summer (June to August) can be hot and humid, often exceeding 80 degrees. Even with the heat, the season draws visitors keen on trekking the country's stunning mountains and lounging on its beaches. Also, summer's long daylight hours allow ample time to get outside and experience all the country has to offer, including numerous vibrant festivals.

Autumn (September to November) brings a refreshing break from summer's humidity. The temperatures range from 50 to 70 degrees, making it possible to comfortably enjoy various outdoor activities. The changing colors of fall foliage , known as koyo ("red leaves" in Japanese) or momiji (the Japanese word for the red-tinted maple leaves in the fall), transform Japan's landscapes into riotous red, orange and gold hues.

Lastly, winter (December to February) can be cold, especially in the northern regions with heavy snowfall. Despite the chilly conditions — average temperatures sit between 40 and 50 degrees — winter illuminations and opportunities for snow sports in Japan's world-class ski resorts make the season a worthwhile time to visit.

While temperatures vary widely from season to season, each time of year brings noteworthy opportunities. The best time to visit for superb weather ultimately depends on your interests and preferences.

Related: Reader success story: How this couple used travel rewards to cover an epic $50,000 anniversary trip to Asia

Best times to witness Japan's festivals

is it nice to visit japan in july

Japan's festivals, known as matsuri, are colorful, vibrant affairs that provide unique insights into the country's cultural and spiritual life.

One of Japan's most renowned festivals takes place every summer in Kyoto. Gion Matsuri, a monthlong celebration in July, features elaborate processions with traditional yama and hoko floats.

If you're a fan of lively dance, the Awa Odori festival, held every August in Tokushima on Shikoku Island, is a must-see. It's one of Japan's most prominent dance festivals and is part of the Obon season, a Buddhist event that honors the spirits of ancestors. Thousands of dancers fill the streets to perform the characteristic Awa dance while spectators cheer, creating infectious joy and excitement.

As autumn begins, visitors head to Osaka to attend the Kishiwada Danjiri Matsuri. Held annually in Kishiwada, this September festival is among Japan's most thrilling. It is known for its danjiri (ornately decorated wooden floats), which local teams pull through the city streets at incredible speeds. This daring festival is a heart-stopping spectacle that symbolizes community strength and unity.

The Takayama Festival, a charming event in the mountainous city of Takayama, is another one you won't want to miss. Taking place twice a year in October and April, the festival showcases traditional Japanese puppet theater, mikoshi processions and stunning lantern displays.

For winter visits, time your arrival around the Sapporo Snow Festival in February. This spectacular event in Sapporo showcases massive snow and ice sculptures, attracting millions of visitors.

Or, end the year with a flourish by partaking in December's Chichibu Night Festival. A fantastic winter event in Chichibu, just 90 minutes northwest of Tokyo, this celebration is considered one of Japan's top festivals featuring floats — and for a good reason. The dazzling floats adorned with intricate woodwork, detailed tapestries and gilded decorations are a sight to behold. Additionally, the festival includes a spectacular fireworks display, adding a sparkling finale to the year.

Best time to see cherry blossoms in Japan

is it nice to visit japan in july

Japan's cherry blossom (or sakura) season is a treasured time when landscapes transform into romantic canvases splashed with delicate pink hues. Sakura season typically begins in late March and runs through early April, though the exact timing varies from year to year and from south to north.

Popular cherry blossom viewing spots include Ueno Park and Chidorigafuchi in Tokyo, Maruyama Park in Kyoto and Hirosaki Park in Aomori. Hanami parties, where people gather under blooming sakura trees for picnics and celebrations, frequently occur during this time of year and shouldn't be missed.

Flower-watching celebrations happen across Japan from mid-March through early May, though peak bloom dates vary slightly depending on location. For 2024, the earliest peak bloom dates are expected by March 26 in Kochi, with peak bloom estimated for March 30 in Tokyo and April 1 in Kyoto. For estimated dates for more than 1,000 viewing locations, see the Japan Meteorological Corporation's 2024 forecast.

Related: The best places to see cherry blossoms around the US

Best time for skiing in Japan

is it nice to visit japan in july

Japan's winter sports scene is internationally recognized thanks to its powdery snow, top-notch facilities and stunning mountain scenery. The onset of snowfall typically occurs in mid-November on the northern island of Hokkaido, resulting in the first ski resorts — usually Niseko, Rusutsu and Kiroro — beginning to open during the third week of that month.

Related: How (and why) to plan a ski trip to Niseko, Japan, with points and miles

The powder snow, renowned in Japan, is usually abundant from December to February. For those seeking optimal powder conditions, January and February are the recommended months to visit. On Honshu, Japan's main island, Nagano — the host of the 1998 Winter Olympics — also offers excellent skiing opportunities at resorts like Hakuba.

Related: Why it might be cheaper to fly abroad to ski

Best times to visit Tokyo Disney Resort

is it nice to visit japan in july

Visiting Tokyo Disney Resort, home of Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea, is a magical experience for all ages, with thrilling rides, enchanting parades and a chance to meet beloved Disney characters.

The parks are open throughout the year, but if you want to avoid the largest crowds, consider visiting between mid-January and mid-March or between mid-September and mid-November. The weather is generally comfortable during these periods, with fewer local and international tourists.

To truly bypass hordes of tourists, avoid visiting during Japan's major holiday periods, such as Golden Week (late April to early May) and Obon (mid-August), as these are peak times for domestic travel and can result in overcrowded conditions.

Related: A beginners guide to visiting Tokyo: Everything you need to eat, see and do

Cheapest times to visit Japan

is it nice to visit japan in july

For budget-conscious travelers, visiting Japan during the shoulder seasons — late May to early June and late November to early December — can be more economical. These times fall right after Golden Week in spring and autumn's koyo season but before the busy summer and winter holidays. You'll find fewer tourists, so flight prices can be significantly cheaper, costing up to 18% less than the average yearly prices, according to Skyscanner. Hotel rates also historically take a dip in these slower seasons.

In addition to the shoulder seasons, winter is an excellent time to visit when sticking to a tight budget. Japan becomes notably affordable once you steer clear of the holiday season. Moreover, from mid-January to mid-March, you can relish the added benefit of experiencing a less congested environment while out and about.

Related: The best ways to travel to Japan with points and miles

Bottom line

Ultimately, the best time to visit Japan depends on your interests and the experience you wish to have. Whether you want to view the ephemeral sakura, ski down powdery slopes, immerse yourself in vibrant festivals or witness the magic of Tokyo Disney Resort, Japan always has something to offer.

Each season and festival has its unique charm and allure, inviting you to uncover the multifaceted beauty of this incredible nation.

Related reading:

  • 2024 cherry blossom forecast announced for Japan
  • Peak bloom date announced: Best time to see DC's cherry blossoms in
  • The 11 best hotels in Tokyo for your next Japan getaway
  • Teppanyaki: Norwegian Cruise Line's take on the art of Japanese grilling (with menu)
  • The best ways to travel to Japan with points and miles
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The Best, Worst, and Most Affordable Times to Visit Japan

Whether you want to see the cherry blossoms or avoid the crowds, these are the best times to visit Japan.

A snowy getaway in Hokkaido, a beach vacation in Okinawa, or a photography trip to capture cherry blossoms in Tokyo — the best time to visit Japan depends entirely on what you want to do when you arrive.

As a country with a seemingly endless amount of activities and festivals on offer throughout the year, there really isn't a bad time to visit. But if you're interested in shrine-hopping in Kyoto, seeing the pink hues of cherry blossoms, or gazing at fall foliage, you'll want to carefully time your visit. Here are the tourist seasons to be aware of when planning your trip.

  • High Season: March to May and September to November
  • Shoulder Seasons:  June to August and December
  • Low Season:  January to March

Use this guide to find the perfect time for your dream trip to Japan.

Best Times to Visit Japan for Smaller Crowds

Travelers from all over the world come to Japan to admire the cherry blossoms, so it should come as no surprise that sakura season (late March to April) marks the busiest time for tourism. Domestic travelers also take advantage of Golden Week (a series of four national holidays in Japan) from the end of April to the beginning of May. You'll want to avoid visiting during that time, unless you meticulously plan ahead, since trains, hotels, and sightseeing spots can often be overcrowded or booked out entirely. Stunning foliage tends to draw crowds in the autumn, especially when the leaves reach their colorful peak between mid-October and early November.

If you're looking to avoid the crowds, plan your visit during the rainy season, which typically begins in June and lasts until mid-July. Though this period tends to be humid and drizzly, it's one of the best times to enjoy the popular tourist spots without the crowds. Japan is also quieter between January and March, making it a perfect time to pair sightseeing with snow sports and onsen visits.

Best Times to Visit Japan for Good Weather

Japan, while not especially large, is surprisingly varied when it comes to weather. Frigid winters at the northernmost tip of Hokkaido make the subtropical islands of southern Okinawa seem worlds away. The rainy season typically runs from early June to mid-July throughout most of the country — Tokyo included — except in Okinawa where showers begin in early May. Meanwhile, in Hokkaido, summertime brings mild temperatures and blue skies.

If you aren't hitting the ski slopes, March to May and September to November are generally considered the best times to visit the country for pleasant weather. That's when travelers can find the iconic cherry blossoms that seem straight out of a postcard, or, on the other hand, vivid autumnal leaves. During these seasons, rainfall is minimal, skies are clear, and temperatures are mild, ranging from 50 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit most days.

For those not averse to heat and humidity, summer brings a different tempo to Japan. It's a time of year perfect for exploring nature — ideally, somewhere cool up a mountain or as far north as possible. The lusciously cooler climes of Hokkaido are heaven in the summer, with rainbow-bright flower fields and countless outdoor activities, from hiking to horseback riding.

In the winter, the northernmost prefecture of Hokkaido is undeniably the best place to ski or snowboard, but areas outside of Tokyo, such as Niigata, are only a Shinkansen ride away and boast great alpine resorts. Those who prefer the warmth would do best to fly south to Okinawa during the winter for a more subtropical climate.

Best Times to Visit Japan for Lower Prices

Japan has a reputation for being a pricey destination, but there are times of year when it's less expensive to visit. During the low season, between January and March, you may be able to find deals on airfare and hotel rooms. Prices tend to spike during the holiday season, especially around the New Year, so it's best to avoid the beginning of January if you're trying to save money.

Costs rise again in late March and April for the peak cherry blossom season and remain high throughout the spring and summer. For your best bet of scoring reasonably priced accommodations while also enjoying mild weather, aim to visit in September or October.

Best Times to Visit Tokyo Disneyland

Spring and autumn are generally the best, most temperate times of year to visit Tokyo Disneyland. It's worth avoiding weekends and national holidays — particularly Golden Week, which is one of the busiest periods at the theme park. The extreme heat in July and August can make it difficult to enjoy outdoor attractions. On the other hand, the temperatures rarely exceed 50 degrees in January and February, making those months less popular.

The period from mid-September through the beginning of December offers a combination of pleasant weather, thinner crowds, and seasonal entertainment. Spooky decorations and fall-themed events can be enjoyed in the weeks leading up to Halloween. Starting in November, the theme park celebrates the holiday season with its Christmas at Tokyo Disney Resort programming, which includes magical parades, characters in festive costumes, and heart-warming decorations that help offset the chill in the air.

Best Time to Visit Japan for Cherry Blossoms

If you're hoping to time your visit to Japan with the peak cherry blossom season, bear in mind that the bloom dates vary depending on the weather. The cherry blossom front — meticulously studied and broadcasted across the country — edges its way up, starting at the southernmost tip of Japan as early as January. The best times for cherry blossoms in Kyoto, Tokyo, and the surrounding regions are often from the last week of March to the first week of April. And for more northerly cities such as Sapporo? Don't expect to see any pink at least until May.

Best Times to Visit Japan for Food Lovers

Japan is a great destination for food lovers year-round — but it's also seasonal. So, if you have a favorite Japanese cuisine or ingredient, it's worth finding out when to visit to avoid missing out completely. Summertime treats include light, cool sōmen noodles, kakigōri shaved ice, and delicious unagi (eel); autumn is heaven for matsutake mushrooms, sweet potatoes, and sanma (Pacific saury); winter is all about warming nabe hot pots, citrus fruits, and kaki (persimmon); and spring goes hand in hand with sea bream, takenoko (bamboo shoots), and sakura mochi rice cakes.

Worst Times to Visit Japan

While there's no bad time to visit Japan, some months are worse than others, depending on your goals. If pleasant weather is a priority, avoid the rainy season, which typically runs from early June to mid-July throughout Japan (except in Okinawa, where it begins in May). This period is often preceded by extreme heat and humidity, with cities such as Tokyo and Kyoto being especially unbearable during the peak summer months of July and August.

Those looking to save money and avoid crowds should steer clear of Golden Week, which runs from the end of April to the beginning of May. This is when many domestic travelers take their holidays, so expect higher prices, less availability at hotels, and larger crowds.

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Everything you want to know about Japan

is it nice to visit japan in july

Is it better to go to Japan in July or August?

“is it better to go to japan in july or august”, 1. introduction.

Japanese Snack Box

2. Weather in Japan in July & August

3. pros and cons of visiting japan in july.

On the downside, July can be quite hot and humid which can make sightseeing more difficult for some people. Also, many hotels tend to be quite expensive during peak season so it’s important to book early if you want a good deal!

4. Pros and Cons of Visiting Japan in August

On the downside, August can be quite rainy due to typhoons which may cause some disruption when traveling around certain parts of the country. Also, like in July, hotels tend to be quite expensive during peak season so it’s important to book early if you want a good deal!

5 Popular Events in July & August

July: Tanabata Matsuri; Bon Odori; Aomori Nebuta Matsuri; Fireworks Displays; Summer Illumination Festivals.

August: Obon; Gion Matsuri; Summer Illumination Festivals; Hiking & Cycling Tours; Outdoor Activities.

6 Recommended Places To Visit In July & August

July: Tokyo; Kyoto; Osaka; Hiroshima; Miyajima Island.

August: Tokyo; Kyoto; Osaka; Nara Park; Mt Fuji.

7 Cost Comparison For Traveling To Japan In July & August

The cost of traveling around Japan varies depending on how much you plan on doing while you’re there as well as what type of accommodation you choose and how far ahead you book your flights or train tickets etc.. Generally speaking however, flights tend to be cheaper during off-peak seasons such as April – June or September – November while hotel prices tend to remain relatively consistent throughout the year so it’s important that you book early if you want a good deal! Additionally, food costs will vary depending on where you choose eat but overall they tend to be quite affordable no matter what time of year it is.

8 Tips For Visiting Japan During The Summer Months

• Make sure that you bring plenty of sunscreen with you – especially if you plan on spending long days outside exploring different parts of the country.

• Wear light clothing made from natural fibers such as cotton or linen which will help keep your body cool even when temperatures rise above 30 degrees Celsius (86 Fahrenheit). < br />• Bring an umbrella with you just in case it rains unexpectedly – typhoons occur more frequently during summer months so having an umbrella handy is always a good idea.< br / >< br />• Try out different types of local cuisine – Japanese food tends to be very seasonal so take advantage by trying out dishes that are only available during summertime such as cold noodles or grilled eel!< br / >< br />• Take advantage of public transport – trains tend to run more frequently during peak season making them an ideal way for getting around quickly without having too worry about traffic jams.< br / >< br />• Book your accommodation early – hotels tend fill up quickly during high season so make sure that you book several weeks ahead if possible.< br / >< br />• Be prepared for crowds – since summertime is one of busiest times for tourism in Japan expect large crowds at popular attractions like temples or shrines.< br / >< br />• Get off the beaten track – explore lesser known areas away from major cities like Tokyo or Kyoto where crowds won’t be as intense but still offer plenty interesting sights worth seeing!< br / > < H 2 > 9 Conclusion < Br / > When deciding whether it’s better go visit Japan in either July or August,both months offer unique experiences.Although both months have their pros and cons,Charles R.Tokoyama recommends visiting either month depending on personal preferences.Whether it’s attending one – off events,exploring hidden gems away from major cities,or enjoying outdoor activities such as hiking or cycling,both months provide plenty opportunities for travelers looking enjoy all that Japanese culture has offer!

Is Japan worth visiting in August?

August is a very popular time to visit Japan because of this and the country is very crowded as it is the height of the summer holiday season. Summer festivals in Japan are famous for their flower parade and fun! You will find all this and more if you visit

Is it worth going to Japan in July?

June is pleasant but often rainy (and wet). July and August are hot and humid but full of festivals. Mid to late September (if its warm) is less touristy than summer or fall but occasional storms can disrupt plans.

Is Japan too hot in August?

August is the hottest month in Japan with high humidity and hot nights that are usually uncomfortable. But there are exceptions and having a good time in Japan in the middle of summer depends on knowing the best places to go and having the right experience.

Is it OK to visit Tokyo in August?

August is the best time to visit Tokyo. Yes August is the peak of the summer festival season so there are lots of events.

Is Japan crowded in July?

For most of Japan except for Hokkaido and Okinawa July is the low season for foreign tourists due to overcrowding and a slightly inconvenient tax system. Japanese tourists (tourists too) go to these places to escape the heat (Hokkaido) or hug and swim in the sea (Okinawa).

What is the cheapest month to go to Japan?

Cherry blossoms and autumn (usually early April and mid-November respectively) are peak seasons for Japanese tourists which means hotel prices peak. Traveling in the off-season (late fall to he ends the holiday season in March) saves you a lot of money.

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The 10 most wonderful places to visit in Japan

Rebecca Milner

Mar 28, 2024 • 6 min read

An internationally married couple who came to Tsukiji for sightseeing while eating fried food

From buzzing cities to serene forest walks, these are our favorite places to visit in Japan © Taiyou Nomachi / Getty Images

Japan offers up a real feast for travelers, with mountainside onsen (hot spring) villages, beach-lined islands and buzzing megacities all on the menu.

You could arguably spend a lifetime sampling the country’s delights, but some towns and sights are staples – core ingredients to any great Japan trip. Here’s our pick of the 10 best places to visit in Japan .

Best for contemporary culture

Tokyo is a city forever reaching into the future, pushing the boundaries of what's possible on densely populated, earthquake-prone land, and building ever taller, sleeker structures.

It's Japan's top spot for contemporary art and architecture, pop culture, shopping, drinking and entertainment (and a tie with Kyoto for dining). But more than any other sight, it's the city itself that enchants visitors.

It's a sprawling, organic thing, stretching as far as the eye can see. Constantly changing with a diverse collection of neighborhoods , no two experiences of Tokyo are ever the same.

Planning tip: Tickets for sumo, kabuki and Giants baseball games usually go on sale one to two months in advance. The Imperial Palace and Ghibli Museum are other popular attractions that require prior planning.

Father and daughter playing with snow in Kyoto Japan

Best for traditional experiences

Kyoto , Japan's imperial capital for a thousand years, is home to more than a thousand temples. Among them are the monumental, like Kinkaku-ji (an exquisite pavilion sheathed entirely in gold leaf), and the meditative, like Ryōan-ji , with its stark Zen rock garden.

And temples are only the beginning. There's the culture of tea, which you can appreciate at one of the city's many elegant teahouses; the art of the geisha, those iconic performers of traditional music and dance; and also a rich food culture, including kaiseki (Japanese haute cuisine).

3. Naoshima

Best for architecture

Naoshima is one of Japan's great success stories: once a rural island on the verge of becoming a ghost town, it's now a world-class center for contemporary art.

Many of Japan's most lauded architects have contributed structures, including museums, a boutique hotel and even a bathhouse – all designed to enhance the island's natural beauty and complement its existing settlements.

The resulting blend of avant-garde and rural Japan is captivating. It has also inspired some Japanese to pursue a slower life outside the big cities, relocating to Naoshima to open cafes and inns.

Planning tip: Try to plan your visit during one of the three exhibitions of the  Setouchi Triennale festival, which happens during the spring, summer and fall every three years – the most recent was in 2022. Naoshima hosts various art, drama, music and dance events that make this festival really special.

Two bench stand empty beneath trees with autumnal leaves and next to a large lake, Lake Kawaguchiko, with the giant Mt Fuji in the distance. The mountain is topped by snow.

Best for views and pilgrimages

Even from a distance,  Mt Fuji will take your breath away. Close up, the perfectly symmetrical cone of Japan's highest peak is nothing short of incredible. Dawn from the summit? Pure magic.

Fuji-san is among Japan's most revered and timeless attractions. Hundreds of thousands of people climb it every year, continuing a centuries-old tradition of pilgrimages up the sacred volcano.

Those who'd rather search for picture-perfect views from the less-daunting peaks nearby will be following in the steps of Japan's most famous painters and poets.

Planning tip: The best time to climb Mt Fuji is during its official season, from July 1 through mid-September, which avoids the rainy season and snowfall. Always check for typhoon warnings before hiking in Japan.

5. Hiroshima

Best for introspection

Hiroshima today is a forward-thinking city with attractive, leafy boulevards. It's not until you visit the Peace Memorial Museum that the true extent of human tragedy wreaked by the atomic bomb becomes vividly clear.

A visit here is a heartbreaking, important history lesson. The  park around the museum , much of which was designed by Japan's great modernist architect Tange Kenzō, offers many opportunities for reflection.

But the city's spirit of determination – as well as its food – will ensure that you'll have good memories to take with you when you leave.

A forest walkway on the island of Yakushima that goes through the trunk of a giant cedar tree.

6. Yakushima

Best for forest bathing

Yakushima, a small island off the coast of southern Kyūshū , is often described as magical and enchanting – otherworldly even. It's a place where words fail and clichés step in.

Home to some of Japan's last primeval forests, you'll find the yakusugi , an ancient cedar native to the island whose giant roots seem to form alien tentacles.

Hiking trails underneath them cover craggy terrain, often fuzzy with moss. The landscape here is believed to have inspired the iconic Studio Ghibli animated film,  Princess Mononoke .

Detour: When you're not hiking, stop by the  Yakusugi Museum to learn more about the importance of yakusugi  to the islanders of Yakushima. An English audio guide is available.

7. Koya-san

Best for exploring temples

Riding the funicular up to the sacred Buddhist monastic complex of Kōya-san feels, appropriately, like ascending to another world.

There are over a hundred temples here, the highlight of which is Oku-no-in , where paths weave their way among towering cryptomeria trees and time-worn stone stupas covered in moss and lichen.

Other temples offer a different experience: the chance to spend the night, dine on traditional vegetarian Buddhist cuisine and wake up early for morning meditation with the resident monks.

Planning tip: Though Japanese temples and shrines do not have established dress codes, visitors are expected to stay relatively quiet in these sacred spaces.

8. Okinawa and the Southwest Islands

Best for beaches

Okinawa and the Southwest Islands offer a totally different experience from the rest of Japan. This semi-tropical archipelago forms an arch between Kyūshū and Taiwan .

Until the islands were annexed by Japan in the 19th century, they formed their own kingdom – the Ryūkyū Empire – and the cultural differences are apparent in everything from the architecture to the food.

This is where you'll find Japan's best beaches, like those on the Yaeyama Islands  and the Kerama Islands, with sugar-white sand fringed with palms and turquoise waters. Bask in the sun, or snorkel and scuba dive.

Locals eat at tables set up on the road outside a late night restaurant in Osaka, Japan. The restaurant is lit up in lights and appears bright against the dark night sky.

Best for street food and nightlife

Tokyo doesn't nab all the superlatives when it comes to urban experiences. Osaka , Japan's third-largest city, is tops for street food: don't miss its signature dish, takoyaki (grilled octopus dumplings).

It also has the most dramatic of nightscapes: a dazzling display of LED lights, animated signage and flashing video screens along the canalside strip Dōtombori .

The city, Japan's oldest merchant center, has a pace, spirit and zest for life all of its own; its unofficial slogan is kuidaore (eat until you drop).

Planning tip: In addition to nightly accommodation fees, Osaka hotels will typically charge an accommodation tax that varies depending on the standard nightly rate.

Two hikers with large backpacks walk along a trail through thick forest in Kamikochi, Japan.

10. Kamikōchi

Best for mountain hikes

One of Japan's most stunning natural vistas, Kamikōchi is a highland river valley enveloped by the soaring peaks of the Northern Japan Alps .

Easy day hikes are possible along the Azusa-gawa, following the pristine river through tranquil forests of willow, larch and elm.

The birthplace of Japanese alpinism, Kamikōchi is also the gateway for more challenging treks up some of the country's tallest mountains, such as Yari-ga-take (3180m/10,433ft). Private cars are banned from Kamikōchi, which lessens the impact of the crowds.

This article was first published Apr 29, 2021 and updated Mar 28, 2024.

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Best places to visit in japan.

Known as the Land of the Rising Sun, Japan's civilization dates as far back as 30,000 years. Today, the archipelago seamlessly blends its rich history with its ultra-modern present. And while its capital, Tokyo, is a must-visit for first timers, Japan has so much more to offer travelers of all types, from cherry blossoms to white sand beaches to soothing onsen (hot spring spas). U.S. News took into account cultural attractions, culinary options and accessibility (among other factors) to bring you the best places to visit in Japan. Have a favorite? Vote below to help decide next year's ranking.

Izu Peninsula

is it nice to visit japan in july

This metropolis is a feast for the senses. Neighborhoods like Ginza and Akihabara buzz with flashing lights and larger-than-life shopping, while Meiji Shrine and the Tokyo Imperial Palace give you a look into Japan's storied past. There are also a number of green spaces like Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden, which acts as a place to escape from the chaotic, concrete jungle. What's more, Tokyo is regularly regarded as a top foodie city thanks in part to its abundant Michelin-starred restaurants (the most you'll find in any city in the world), so come hungry.

is it nice to visit japan in july

Travelers most interested in Japan's history and traditions should head to Kyoto. Centrally located on the archipelago, Kyoto has long been considered the cultural capital of Japan. Here, you'll find more than 1,000 Buddhist temples and 400-plus Shinto shrines (you can't miss the Kiyomizu-dera Temple and Fushimi Inari Taisha), including a whopping 17 UNESCO World Heritage sites. You can also stroll through geisha districts like Gion and Miyagawacho, admire classic wooden architecture and visit traditional teahouses before checking out more modern attractions, such as the Kyoto Aquarium.

is it nice to visit japan in july

Nikko is the place to go to see lavish architecture surrounded by nature. Head to Nikko National Park, one of Japan's oldest national parks, to enjoy an up-close look at traditional structures situated alongside mountains, lakes, waterfalls and hot springs. The park is especially beautiful in fall when its trees display vivid shades of yellow, red and orange. The 103 Edo-era (1603–1868) temples and shrines in Nikko include world-renowned sites like Toshogu Shrine and Rinnoji Temple.

is it nice to visit japan in july

Situated about 35 miles southwest of Kyoto, this port city is worth a visit for its food alone. One of the city's most famous dishes, the tasty pancake-like okonomiyaki (which means "grilled as you like it" in Japanese), is made with batter, cabbage and your choice of meat and other toppings. After you've gotten your fill of the delectable local cuisine, explore the flashy Dotonbori neighborhood, check out the reconstructed 16th-century Osaka Castle or head to contemporary sights like Universal Studios Japan and the Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan.

is it nice to visit japan in july

As Japan's second most populous city, Yokohama is often touted as a more approachable and more affordable alternative to Tokyo (located 22 miles northeast). As one of the country's first ports to open to international trade, Yokohama features unique culture fusions, including a sizable expat population, Western-style buildings in the Yamate area and the largest Chinatown in Japan (it has more businesses than residents). While here, visitors can explore Minato Mirai 21, the city's modern central district teeming with skyscrapers and shopping malls, and visit museums ranging from the Cup Noodles Museum to the Mitsubishi Minatomirai Industrial Museum.

is it nice to visit japan in july

More than 160 islands comprise Okinawa, a top destination for snorkeling and diving. The Japanese prefecture boasts proximity to multiple coral reefs teeming with fish, manta rays and hammerhead sharks that you can access from beautiful beaches like those found on Okinawa's Kerama Islands. These 20-plus islands are also ideal places to see migrating whales between January and March. Back on the main island, visitors will find one of the world's largest aquariums, several castle ruins and a museum that focuses on Okinawa's unique history and culture. And on the less developed Iriomote Island, adventurous travelers can hike to awe-inspiring waterfalls.

is it nice to visit japan in july

Spared from World War II air raids and the major natural disasters that have affected other Japanese cities, Kanazawa on the western coast is home to some of the country's best-preserved architecture from the Edo period. Sites like Kanazawa Castle, Seisonkaku Villa and Myoryuji temple are popular among visitors, as are the Higashi Chaya geisha district and Nagamachi Samurai District. Plus, no trip to Kanazawa would be complete without a visit to the resplendent Kenrokuen Garden. With its water features, bridges and a variety of flowering trees that add beauty to any season, Kenrokuen is often described as the perfect garden.

is it nice to visit japan in july

Nestled in the mountains of the Gifu prefecture, Takayama is ideal for visitors looking for a rural retreat with a dose of history. Start your visit with a rickshaw ride through the well-preserved old town, which features sake breweries, traditional residences and shops that date back to the feudal ages. Then, head to the Hida Folk Village, a former farming village with 30 gassho-style houses. When you've worked up an appetite, indulge in must-try local specialties including Hida beef and Takayama ramen. To further immerse yourself in Takayama culture, visit during the Takayama Festival, held for two days every spring and fall.

is it nice to visit japan in july

The country's tallest mountain and one of its most iconic landmarks is a popular destination for outdoor recreation. For centuries, Japanese artists and poets have been inspired by Mount Fuji's almost perfectly round form. The Fuji Five Lakes region at the foot of this UNESCO World Heritage Site makes a great base for the thousands of climbers who visit each year. Enjoy the area's museums and amusement park during the warmer months. Or, arrive in winter to soak in the onsen and ski Mount Fuji's slopes.

is it nice to visit japan in july

Located on Kyushu (Japan's third-largest island), Fukuoka offers travelers a mix of urban sprawl, sandy coastlines and ancient temples and shrines. Can't-miss sights include Tochoji Temple – home of the largest sitting wooden Buddha in Japan – and Nokonoshima Island, which features colorful flower fields and beautiful views of the surrounding bay. Fukuoka is also known for its incredible Hakata ramen, so be sure to try this tasty dish at one of the city's many food stalls. Plan your visit around one of Fukuoka's lively festivals, such as the Hakata Gion Yamakasa, which takes place throughout the first half of July.

is it nice to visit japan in july

Head to the smallest of Japan's four main islands if you're looking to get off the beaten path. Shikoku is best known for its 88 Temple Pilgrimage – a nearly 750-mile loop that covers sacred sites around the island. Whether you're trekking this path or creating your own, you'll encounter Shikoku's natural beauty (think: forest-covered mountains and an unspoiled coastline). Meanwhile, the city of Kochi features cheap eats and a well-preserved castle. If you're visiting in mid-August, add Shikoku's cultural pinnacle, Awa Odori, to your itinerary. One of the most famous festivals in Japan, this dance celebration in the city of Takushima is a must-do.

is it nice to visit japan in july

Mountainous Hakone is one of Japan's most popular hot spring destinations. Nestled within the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park, the town features 17 different hot springs, plus a hot spring theme park with unique baths like one with coffee and another with mulled wine. After you've dried off, visit one of Hakone's art museums, such as the Hakone Open-Air Museum, the Okada Museum of Art or the Hakone Museum of Art. No Hakone vacation would be complete without enjoying spectacular views of Mount Fuji from Lake Ashinoko and the Komagatake Ropeway.

is it nice to visit japan in july

After an earthquake caused significant damage to the city in 1995, Kobe rebuilt itself into a thriving cosmopolitan city. You'll want to remember to bring your appetite when you visit. Kobe is famous for its namesake beef, as well as its sake. It's also considered one of Japan's most attractive cities, with sleek architecture and beautiful green spaces like Sorakuen Garden. For some of the city's best views – especially at sunset – go to the top of Mount Rokko or ride the Kobe Nunobiki Ropeway. End your evening exploring Nankinmachi (Kobe's compact Chinatown) or dining at one of Kobe Harborland's waterfront restaurants.

is it nice to visit japan in july

For many, Hiroshima brings up memories of war, as the city is where the world's first atomic bomb attack occurred in 1945. But today, Hiroshima is a city of peace, with the vast Peace Memorial Park as the center for monuments and memorials like the  the Children's Peace Monument and the UNESCO-certified Hiroshima Peace Memorial (Atomic Bomb Dome). It is also a city of great beauty. Travelers can take a scenic stroll through Shukkeien Garden, peruse the exhibits at the Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art or visit Sandankyo Gorge to hike or boat past its beautiful waterfalls, caves and coves.

is it nice to visit japan in july

Tourists flock to the island of Miyajima (formally named Itsukushima) for its prime attraction: Itsukushima Shrine and its postcard-worthy torii gate. To see the shrine at its most picturesque, try to visit during high tide, when the gate appears to float on the water. Since the island is just a 30-minute ferry ride from Hiroshima, it makes for a great day trip. However, visitors may want to stay the night at a charming ryokan (Japanese-style inn) to experience Miyajima at its most serene and walk by the illuminated shrine at night.

is it nice to visit japan in july

An outdoor-lover's delight, Matsumoto is just 22 miles east of Kamikochi, an awe-inspiring valley in the Hotaka mountain range. But though it serves as a gateway to the Japanese Alps, this city in central Japan should not be skipped over. As the birthplace of contemporary artist Yayoi Kusama, known for polka dots and pumpkins, Matsumoto pays her tribute at the Matsumoto City Museum of Art. Meanwhile, those who prefer more ancient masterpieces can visit Matsumoto Castle, one of the oldest and grandest castles in the country.  

is it nice to visit japan in july

Japan's first permanent capital is famous for housing the Great Buddha, a nearly 50-foot-tall bronze statue of Buddha. You'll find this jaw-dropping national treasure in Nara's Todaiji temple, which is the one of the largest wooden buildings in the world. While on the temple grounds, explore the deer-filled Nara Park and the ornate Kasuga Taisha shrine. Also save time for visiting Yakushiji Temple, one of Japan's oldest temples that dates back to A.D. 730.

is it nice to visit japan in july

This peninsula situated 62 miles southwest of Tokyo makes a great getaway from the busy city. It is popular among locals and tourists alike thanks to its relaxing hot springs and stunning beaches. These, along with various museums and ryokans, can be found in cities like Atami and Shimoda on the Izu Peninsula's eastern coast. During spring visits, travelers will also want to check out Kawazu's vibrant pink blooms at the Kawazu Cherry Blossom Festival. Meanwhile, on the southern and western coasts, vacationers will find more rugged yet equally scenic coastlines, such as Cape Irozaki and Dogashima.

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is it nice to visit japan in july

Chubu Sangaku National Park

is it nice to visit japan in july

Shirakawa-go and Gokayama

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  • Okinawa at a Glance
  • World Heritage
  • Traditional Culture
  • Food & Longevity
  • Wonderful Nature
  • Beach information
  • Okinawa Main Island
  • Kume Island
  • Kerama Islands
  • Miyako Islands
  • Yaeyama Islands
  • Nature & Wildlife
  • Heritage & Tradition
  • Flavors of Okinawa
  • Shopping & Relaxation
  • Activities & Experiences
  • Okinawa Life
  • Recommended Trips
  • Getting to Okinawa
  • Getting Around
  • Useful Information
  • When to Visit
  • Accommodations

july fireworks okinawa

  • Okinawa in July

Fireworks, summer festivals, beach activities, diving, and more

A trip to Okinawa in July means fun-filled, carefree days at the beach with swimming, snorkeling and diving. When night falls, participate in a summer festival with fireworks that light up the sky.

  • Protect yourself from the strong sun with sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses.
  • Enjoy the fireworks at summer festivals, and do not miss Okinawa's sagaribana -flowers that resemble fireworks and bloom from dusk until dawn—on evenings in late June and July.
  • Consider taking a rash guard with you to the beach to avoid burning while swimming or snorkeling.

July weather in Okinawa

What to do in july, enjoy okinawa’s nightlife, explore the sea.

july kabira bay

Daytime temperatures in July average around 30 degrees Celsius (88 degrees Fahrenheit), with highs and lows of about 34 and 27 degrees Celsius. Be sure to wear sun protection, stay hydrated and put on bug spray. Sudden showers sometimes roll in even if the forecast is sunny, so be prepared by carrying around a lightweight umbrella or hand towel. It is also a good idea to check the weather forecasts as typhoons sometimes occur in July.

july kayaking mangrove okinawa

Summer gets into full swing in July and temperatures soar. Keep cool in the water on a diving or snorkeling tour, enjoy sunning yourself on the beach, or visit a remote island to really slow down and relax. July is also a good time to discover the natural world in Okinawa, with tours that take you to the inner depths of caves and guided kayaking adventures in mangrove forests. Renting an RV is a great way to make the most of the weather, and explore the islands at your own pace.

july beer okinawa

Okinawa truly comes alive in the summer. There is something going on everywhere you look, from fireworks to beachside dining to beer festivals. Take advantage of the slightly cooler weather in the evenings to enjoy activities outside.

july rental rv okinawa

Enjoy the freedom of traveling in a self-contained vehicle by renting an RV . There are plenty of campgrounds in Okinawa, especially on Okinawa's main island and on Miyako Island , and numerous rental companies with camping car lineups. Renting an RV is a great option for families and offers complete freedom. Travel from coast to coast and sight to sight as your mood takes you. Be careful to stop overnight in authorized locations only.

july diving okinawa

Make the most of the warm weather in July by exploring the sea. Swim at the beach , or book an underwater experience, diving tour, or island-hopping snorkel tour. Popular destinations for ocean activities include Ishigaki, Miyako, and the Kerama Islands.

One of the top diving experiences of summer is seeing manta rays swimming among coral reefs at Manta Scramble, a dive spot off Kabira Ishizaki on Ishigaki Island . For cave diving, make Miyako Island your main destination. Numerous cave dives are available around Miyako and the smaller surrounding islands. Highlights include a cave with elaborate rock formations that resemble the architecture of Antoni Gaudi. The Kerama Islands have dives for all levels and their proximity to Okinawa’s main island makes them ideal for tours from Naha .

Take in Okinawa’s diverse marine creatures and beautiful coral reefs while snorkeling; no license required. A popular spot on Okinawa’s main island is Blue Cave, where sunlight filters into the cave and is reflected on the seabed, creating enchanting scenery. The beautiful Kabira Bay of Ishigaki Island is an exclusive spot where you can see manta rays, sea turtles, and corals. Note that swimming and snorkeling from the beach are not permitted, and joining a tour is the only way to enjoy the pristine underwater environment of this idyllic bay.

Underwater walks

Join a sea walk to explore the underwater world by simply popping on a helmet. This is a fun activity for the entire family, available at marine activity operators throughout Okinawa. No previous diving or snorkeling experience is necessary, and you do not even need to get your face wet!

Events in July

Summer in Okinawa means festivals, fireworks, and colorful yukata robes. You can also join summer-only nature tours.

*Event dates are subject to change, and some events may be canceled or postponed due to weather and other circumstances.

july festival performance

Celebrating summer

Summer festivals are held throughout towns and villages during the summer months. The Nago Summer Festival is a quintessential summer festival with fireworks, revelers clad in yukata , stalls selling food and drinks, and live performances.

july ocean expo park festival

Painting the sky with color

Firework displays are a staple of summer festivals. The Ocean Expo Park Summer Festival comes to an explosive finish with a display that features some 10,000 fireworks, making it one of the largest on the islands.

july gyokusendo okinawa

Cooling caves

Caving adventures with a guide are offered in summer for normally closed off sections of Gyokusendo Cave, one of the largest limestone cave systems in Japan. You will receive a full rental set of spelunking gear for the journey that takes you through narrow crevices and underground pools of water. It is an exciting alternative to spending a day at the beach.

august okinawa waterfall


aka island port okinawa

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Nice area outside Manhattan to stay and visit from in July - New York City Forum

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Nice area outside Manhattan to stay and visit from in July

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' class=

All that to say, since I am not finding any intreresting hotel, I was wondering if anyone could recommend an area outside Manhattan where we could get a nice hotel (bonus for pool) and where there are good dining options (not just mall/chain restaurants). We could either take public transport or even drive into the city. We will be driving into NYC anyways, so I will be paying anyways to leave my car in a hotel parking lot, I may as well park it for the day in Manhattan.

So, any nice area outside Mahnattan I could be looking at? Thank you and sorry for the long post.

31 replies to this topic

' class=

For the best advice it will help if you let people know what you are willing to pay.

is it nice to visit japan in july

So if you've not already done so, I'll encourage you to scope out hotels in these neighborhoods -- and the Upper West Side (west of Central Park ) -- before ruling out the possibility of staying in Manhattan.

P.S. If you give your anticipated dates of stay, your hotel budget (including taxes and any fees), and confirm that your travel party is 2 adults + 1 kid age 9, folks here will be happy to assist you in your search -- or, if you prefer, we can simply offer feedback on the hotels you think seem most promising.

Yes, currently, we are planning for July 16-21, for 3

Now that is good advice cockelCove, I will look into those right now, thanls

I would look more in Manhattan first.

The Hampton Inn Chelsea had rooms available in July. A room with 2 queen beds and a mini-fridge is $336 or 313 if you join Hilton Honors (free). That includes a free breakfast. That's a great location and a good rate.

If you stay outside of the city, you need to include the time and cost of coming in/out of the city.

For a faster view of the options available, I look at IHG and Hilton websites to see several options at once.

The Holiday Inn Express Chelsea is another good option.

It's the new Hotel Theta and is getting great reviews. Rooms are bigger than the Eventi I think.

Plus = you can easily avoid Times Square but are an easy walk to Central Park and other midtown locations.

Check out recent reviews.

And the INNSIDE is one of the hotels with a non-opaque glass, bathroom wall and/or door:

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Trump Has Been Convicted. Here’s What Happens Next.

Donald J. Trump has promised to appeal, but he may face limits on his ability to travel and to vote as he campaigns for the White House.

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Donald J. Trump in a dark suit, red tie and white shirt.

By Jesse McKinley and Maggie Astor

  • May 30, 2024

The conviction of former President Donald J. Trump on Thursday is just the latest step in his legal odyssey in New York’s court system. The judge, Juan M. Merchan, set Mr. Trump’s sentencing for July 11, at which point he could be sentenced to as much as four years behind bars, or to probation.

It won’t stop him from running for president, though: There is no legal prohibition on felons doing that . No constitutional provision would stop him even from serving as president from a prison cell, though in practice that would trigger a crisis that courts would almost certainly have to resolve.

His ability to vote — for himself, presumably — depends on whether he is sentenced to prison. Florida, where he is registered, requires felons convicted there to complete their full sentence, including parole or probation, before regaining voting rights. But when Floridians are convicted in another state, Florida defers to the laws of that state, and New York disenfranchises felons only while they are in prison.

is it nice to visit japan in july

The Trump Manhattan Criminal Verdict, Count By Count

Former President Donald J. Trump faced 34 felony charges of falsifying business records, related to the reimbursement of hush money paid to the porn star Stormy Daniels in order to cover up a sex scandal around the 2016 presidential election.

“Because Florida recognizes voting rights restoration in the state of conviction, and because New York’s law states that those with a felony conviction do not lose their right to vote unless they are incarcerated during the election, then Trump will not lose his right to vote in this case unless he is in prison on Election Day,” said Blair Bowie, a lawyer at the Campaign Legal Center, a nonprofit watchdog group.

Mr. Trump will almost certainly appeal his conviction, after months of criticizing the case and attacking the Manhattan district attorney, who brought it, and Justice Merchan, who presided over his trial.

Long before that appeal is heard, however, Mr. Trump will be enmeshed in the gears of the criminal justice system.

A pre-sentencing report makes recommendations based on the defendant’s criminal record — Mr. Trump had none before this case — as well as his personal history and the crime itself. The former president was found guilty of falsifying business records in relation to a $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels, a porn star who says she had a brief sexual tryst with Mr. Trump in 2006, in order to buy her silence.

At the pre-sentence interview, a psychologist or social worker working for the probation department may also talk to Mr. Trump, during which time the defendant can “try to make a good impression and explain why he or she deserves a lighter punishment,” according to the New York State Unified Court System.

The pre-sentencing report can also include submissions from the defense, and may describe whether “the defendant is in a counseling program or has a steady job.”

In Mr. Trump’s case, of course, he is applying — as it were — for a steady job as president of the United States, a campaign that may be complicated by his new status as a felon. Mr. Trump will likely be required to regularly report to a probation officer, and rules on travel could be imposed.

Mr. Trump was convicted of 34 Class E felonies, New York’s lowest level , each of which carry a potential penalty of up to four years in prison. Probation or home confinement are other possibilities that Justice Merchan can consider.

That said, Justice Merchan has indicated in the past that he takes white-collar crime seriously . If he did impose prison time, he would likely impose the punishment concurrently, meaning that Mr. Trump would serve time on each of the counts he was convicted of simultaneously.

If Mr. Trump were instead sentenced to probation, he could still be jailed if he were later found to have committed additional crimes. Mr. Trump, 77, currently faces three other criminal cases: two federal, dealing with his handling of classified documents and his efforts to overturn the 2020 election , and a state case in Georgia that concerns election interference.

Mr. Trump’s lawyers can file a notice of appeal after sentencing, scheduled for July 11 at 10 a.m. And the judge could stay any punishment during an appeal, something that could delay punishment beyond Election Day.

The proceedings will continue even if he wins: Because it’s a state case, not federal, Mr. Trump would have no power as president to pardon himself .

Jesse McKinley is a Times reporter covering upstate New York, courts and politics. More about Jesse McKinley

Maggie Astor covers politics for The New York Times, focusing on breaking news, policies, campaigns and how underrepresented or marginalized groups are affected by political systems. More about Maggie Astor

Our Coverage of the Trump Hush-Money Trial

Guilty Verdict : Donald Trump was convicted on all 34 counts  of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened his bid for the White House in 2016, making him the first American president to be declared a felon .

Next Steps: The judge in the case set Trump’s sentencing for July 11, and Trump already indicated that he plans to appeal. Here’s what else may happen .

Reactions: Trump’s conviction reverberated quickly across the country and over the world . Here’s what Trump , voters , New Yorkers , Republicans  and the White House  had to say.

The Presidential Race : The verdict will test America’s traditions, legal institutions and ability to hold an election under historic partisan tension , reshuffling a race that has been locked in stasis and defined by a polarizing former president.

Making the Case: Over six weeks and the testimony of 20 witnesses, the Manhattan district attorney’s office wove a sprawling story  of election interference and falsified business records.

Legal Luck Runs Out: The four criminal cases that threatened Trump’s freedom had been stumbling along, pleasing his advisers. Then his good fortune expired .

Connecting the Dots: As rumors circulated of Trump’s reported infidelity, two accounts of women  being paid to stay silent about their encounters became central to his indictment.

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Haikyuu!! The Dumpster Battle

Haikyuu!! The Dumpster Battle (2024)

Despite a strong field, the Karasuno High volleyball team advances past the preliminary round of the Harutaka tournament in Miyagi prefecture to reach the third round. Despite a strong field, the Karasuno High volleyball team advances past the preliminary round of the Harutaka tournament in Miyagi prefecture to reach the third round. Despite a strong field, the Karasuno High volleyball team advances past the preliminary round of the Harutaka tournament in Miyagi prefecture to reach the third round.

  • Susumu Mitsunaka
  • Haruichi Furudate
  • Ayumu Murase
  • Kaito Ishikawa
  • 7 User reviews
  • 14 Critic reviews

Official Trailer

  • Shôyô Hinata
  • Tobio Kageyama

Yûki Kaji

  • Kenma Kozume

Yûichi Nakamura

  • Tetsurô Kuroo

Kôki Uchiyama

  • Kei Tsukishima

Nasim Benelkour

  • Additional Voices
  • (English version)
  • Keishin Ukai

Nobuaki Fukuda

  • Yasufumi Nekomata
  • Ryûnosuke Tanaka

Satoshi Hino

  • Daichi Sawamura
  • Nobuyuki Kai

Yoshimasa Hosoya

  • Asahi Azumane

Miyu Irino

  • Kôshi Sugawara

Hiroshi Kamiya

  • Ittetsu Takeda
  • Chikara Ennoshita

Sumire Morohoshi

  • Hitoka Yachi
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User reviews 7

  • sarthakanimationaveen
  • Feb 15, 2024
  • May 31, 2024 (United States)
  • Official Site (Japan)
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  • Production I.G.
  • Sony Music Entertainment
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro
  • $74,830,015

Technical specs

  • Runtime 1 hour 25 minutes
  • Dolby Digital
  • IMAX 6-Track

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    This article discusses the pros and cons of visiting Japan in July and August. It provides information on the weather, popular events, recommended places to visit, cost comparison for traveling during these months, tips for visiting Japan during summertime, and a conclusion by Charles R. Tokoyama about which month is better depending on personal preferences. Both months offer unique ...

  20. 10 best places to visit in Japan

    Here's our pick of the 10 best places to visit in Japan. 1. Tokyo. Best for contemporary culture. Tokyo is a city forever reaching into the future, pushing the boundaries of what's possible on densely populated, earthquake-prone land, and building ever taller, sleeker structures. It's Japan's top spot for contemporary art and architecture ...

  21. 20 Best Summer Destinations in Japan 2024

    Here we introduce beautiful nature spots, beaches, and historical sites all around Japan. Let's decide where to go this summer from our list of the best summer destinations in Japan! Table of contents. 1. Miyako Island / Okinawa. 2. Karuizawa / Nagano. 3. Ise / Mie.

  22. 18 Best Places to Visit in Japan

    Nikko. #3 in Best Places to Visit in Japan. Nikko is the place to go to see lavish architecture surrounded by nature. Head to Nikko National Park, one of Japan's oldest national parks, to enjoy an ...

  23. Okinawa in July

    Summer gets into full swing in July and temperatures soar. Keep cool in the water on a diving or snorkeling tour, enjoy sunning yourself on the beach, or visit a remote island to really slow down and relax. July is also a good time to discover the natural world in Okinawa, with tours that take you to the inner depths of caves and guided kayaking adventures in mangrove forests.

  24. Nice area outside Manhattan to stay and visit from in July

    6. Re: Nice area outside Manhattan to stay and visit from in July. May 28, 2024, 2:00 PM. I would look more in Manhattan first. The Hampton Inn Chelsea had rooms available in July. A room with 2 queen beds and a mini-fridge is $336 or 313 if you join Hilton Honors (free). That includes a free breakfast.

  25. Japan's New Travel Rules & Regulations: 5 Things To Know ...

    Mt. Fuji's Yoshida Trail Hike Fees. As per Condé Nast Traveller, to protect the delicate ecosystem and ensure the safety of climbers, new regulations on visitor numbers will be implemented on Mt. Fuji's Yoshida Trail starting July 1, 2024. The trail, which is the most popular route, will have a daily limit of 4,000 climbers, making it crucial ...

  26. The 12 Best Places To Go In July 2024

    Where To Stay In The Best Places To Go In July: Paros: Andronis Minois; Avant Mar; Parīlio. Luberon: Coquillade Provence; La Bastide; Villa Yolanda. Ogunquit: The Dunes on The Waterfront ...

  27. Newsroom

    United Airlines - Airline Tickets, Travel Deals and Flights If you're seeing this message, that means JavaScript has been disabled on your browser, please enable JS ...

  28. What Happens Now That Trump Has Been Convicted ...

    Trump Has Been Convicted. Here's What Happens Next. Donald J. Trump has promised to appeal, but he may face limits on his ability to travel and to vote as he campaigns for the White House. There ...

  29. Nike SNKRS. Release Dates & Launch Calendar

    Release Dates & Launch Calendar. Learn More. Learn More. Nike SB Dunk Hi Decon x Di'Orr Greenwood.

  30. Haikyuu!! The Dumpster Battle (2024)

    Haikyuu!! The Dumpster Battle: Directed by Susumu Mitsunaka. With Ayumu Murase, Kaito Ishikawa, Yûki Kaji, Yûichi Nakamura. Despite a strong field, the Karasuno High volleyball team advances past the preliminary round of the Harutaka tournament in Miyagi prefecture to reach the third round.