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Flower and Level bar

Player with level 345

Each level contains one Hidden Object Scene that has to be played repeatedly to uncover clues . Five Levels, plus an Adventure Scene , make up one Chapter and each Volume contains a different amount of levels. In order to level up the player has to gain a certain amount of flowers.

B1 L001 Book 1 Level 1

Level Card of Level 1, Vol. 1

  • 1 Level card
  • 2.1 Volume 1
  • 2.2 Volume 2

Level card [ ]

The level card shows a picture of the Hidden Object Scene in the middle with the level number in the center. Underneath the image there is the title of the level and then the clue(s) . While playing the Scene the player can gain up to five stars per level. When the fifth star is completed the level will be marked as mastered at the top of the level card. At the very bottom there is the Play button through which the player accesses the Scene .

List of Levels [ ]

The following list includes all levels plus the Adventure Scenes to make it a complete listing of story elements akin to the in-game display. The adventure scenes are recognizable by an '.5' added to the level number.

Volume 1 [ ]

Volume 2 [ ].

  • 1 Orchid Archipelago

Level Winner

June’s Journey Guide: Tips, Tricks & Strategies to Solve All Mysteries

By: Author Rachel Robbins

Posted on Last updated: February 16, 2024

Everyone loves a good mystery. There’s undoubtedly a measure of excitement in trying to solve crimes, ghost sightings, or other events that need more than commonplace logic to be explained. Mysteries beget intrigue, and humans are inherently drawn toward strange happenings if only to satisfy our curiosity and break the monotony of the everyday.

It’s why cartoons like Scooby Doo or shows like CSI , Ghost Hunters , or even Ancient Aliens have become such hits, there’s always an element of mystery to them, a puzzle that needs to be solved, a story to be unraveled. Of course, one cannot discount the importance of the Sherlock Holmes or Nancy Drew books, which have given readers the chance to step into these mysterious stories long before they’ve become staples of the big screen.

It’s no surprise then that games like June’s Journey can deftly pull players into a world of intrigue, romance, and crime. Set in the roaring ’20s, June’s Journey is a hidden objects game wherein you’re presented with a scene and are tasked to find objects corresponding to a set of words. The mechanics of the game seem simple enough at the onset, but there’s more to it than meets the eye, just like the mystery surrounding the deaths of June’s sister Clare and Clare’s husband, Harry.

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Before giving an overview of how the game is played, let’s first talk about the story in which the game revolves so we can have some context into June’s motivation, which, by extension, also serves as your motivation as the player: June’s Journey begins with June Parker receiving news that her sister Clare had been killed by her husband, Harry, just before Harry himself committed suicide.

With their teenage daughter Viriginia left in the estate, June takes it upon herself to travel to her late sister’s house, which also happens to be the scene of the crime. Here, June discovers that her hunch had been right: that there was something awfully suspicious about the circumstances surrounding her sister and brother-in-law’s deaths. Though without any experience as a detective, June has nevertheless made up her mind to find out what truly happened to Clare and Harry.

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Determined to get to the bottom of things, June sets off to find more clues, and this is where you, as the player, will come in.

In following the story, you will be, as mentioned, provided with scenes containing a set of words that pertain to specific objects found in that particular scene. Some of these objects can be easily spotted while others are hidden, testing your observation skills. Your goal is to find all the objects until every word in the list has been crossed out.

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In some cases, an object included in that list is a clue that drives the story forward. Every time you play a round of a specific scene, the list of words and objects you have to find will change.

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For every object that you click correctly, you stand to gain multipliers that will give you bonus points. The faster you click on the right objects, the higher the multipliers and your score will be.

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Scores are calculated based on your speed, accuracy, and whether or not you’ve availed of hints. Using hints will decrease your score.

Scenes are considered as levels and playing a single round will require you to spend energy. Completing a round will earn you points that can gain you stars. Each level has a maximum of 5 stars, which will earn you Mastery of that level. There are multiple levels in each chapter and you may only proceed to the next chapter if you’ve achieved all its requirements, which may consist of stars and flowers.

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If stars can be earned by mastering a level, flowers can be earned by buying decor for Orchid Island, which is where Clare’s estate is. As June, you’ve become the unofficial caretaker of the estate. Every piece of decor costs a varying amount of coins, which can be earned by completing rounds. Placing certain types of decor will also yield a varying amount of flowers. Aside from being used to access new chapters, flowers are also needed to level up your overall account. Increasing your account level will grant you access to more decor, more levels, more chapters, and so on.

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The estate itself, which is considered an individual building, can be leveled up. Completing rounds may get you construction materials, which are necessary for the upgrade. Only specific decor can be leveled up, which can yield flowers after the upgrade has been completed. Buildings also passively produce coins, which can be collected after a waiting period.

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Additionally, you may eventually expand accessible spots in Orchid Island when you collect compasses, which are used in exchange for expanding your plot. Reaching certain chapters in the main story or getting enough stars will also grant you access to different places around Orchid Island, such as the lighthouse, the hangar, or the shipyard.

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Of course, you can get all of these rewards and open up more locations when you play the main hidden objects game following Clare and Harry’s murder mystery. But while the mechanics of the game sound rather simple, just find an object and click on it, it’s a lot more challenging than you might think.

With our beginner’s guide for June’s Journey, we’ll teach you some tricks to find objects in the fastest way possible, as well as tips to get those high scores, not waste a drop of energy, and decorate Orchid Island into a vintage paradise that will be the envy of your neighbors, and solve the murder mystery along the way, of course.

Spend Your Energy Well

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As we mentioned earlier, playing a round will always require energy. As a beginner, you have roughly a maximum of 110 energy points. Each round costs a minimum of 15 energy points. Depending on how well you do in a round, you can either gain a star or portion of a star.

This means that if a level has a maximum of 5 stars to achieve Mastery, you likely have to play it more than 5 times as completing a round does not automatically mean gaining 1 whole star. Sometimes, you might gain only 12% of a star or 30% of a star.

Again, it depends on how quickly and accurately you find all the objects included in the word set. If you do extremely well in a round, perhaps even get a “Perfect” rating, then you might be able to get, say, 50% of a star.

However, if you do poorly, you might get only 12% of a star, for example. If you consistently get low percentages, this basically means that you’re spending a lot of energy without getting much in return. Additionally, 1 energy point regenerates every 2 minutes so waiting times can feel quite lengthy.

This brings us to the two ways you may choose to approach the game so you can allocate energy points in the most productive way: you can either gain mastery of one level at a time or find all the clues first to complete a whole chapter.

What difference do these two approaches make? They both have their pros and cons and here’s what sets them apart:

Gaining Mastery of a Level First

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Gaining Mastery of one level means earning all 5 stars for that level. Again, this will likely take more than 5 rounds as the game doesn’t seem to let you earn 1 whole star with every round, even if you do manage to get a “Perfect” rating.

This can seem a little tedious at first, but the advantage of gaining Mastery of a level is that you’re only focused on one scene and though there will be objects added to it every time you play a round, you’ve already become familiar with most of where the objects are hidden that you’re more likely to get Perfect ratings even if the difficulty increases. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect, so playing a level over and over to earn all 5 stars is definitely good practice.

Eventually, you would become quite familiar with the scene and the locations of objects that you’ll complete rounds faster without using hints. This then maximizes the energy you spend. Additionally, after attaining Mastery of a level, you get to open a 5-Star Box, which often contains Rare, Marvelous, and Special items.

The downside to this approach, however, is that the story won’t progress as fast and you won’t be able to unlock other areas in Orchid Island until later.

Finding Clues First

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On the other hand, you may opt to complete searching for clues first then moving on to the next level instead of earning Mastery for one level. The way the game works is that in every level, you get to find 2 clues, the first of which you’ll encounter upon starting the level and the second when you’ve reached a certain number of stars for that scene.

Once you’ve found all the clues, you may unlock the next level (provided you also have enough of the flowers required) and proceed to play that scene. The advantage to this is that you’ll be able to drive the story forward and unlock more levels, chapters, and other features of the game such as unlockable locations around Orchid Island.

The downside is that most of the time, accessing the final level of a chapter requires a certain number of stars, which you’ll have to earn from previous levels. This means you may have to gain a Mastery rating of certain levels anyway.

Between these two approaches, gaining Mastery of each level may be the more productive approach when it comes to maximizing your energy points. It might seem slow in terms of story progression, but you won’t have to worry about going back to previous levels and trying to reacquaint yourself with a specific scene all over again.

You only have to focus on one scene at a time, raising your chances of getting a high score and Perfect ratings since you’re already familiar with the objects that can be found in the scene. Additionally, stars (alongside compasses) are also required to expand the plot around your estate, which is surrounded by fog. Certain decor items may also be unlocked when you earn a number of stars.

That said, you can consider gaining Mastery as the slow but steady approach that will ultimately lead to more rewards in the long run. All you need to do is be patient about your progression.

Thoroughly Study the Scene

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As mentioned, high scores for each round depend on how quickly and accurately you find the right objects in a scene. During your first few tries, this can seem a little difficult and may take some time getting used to.

Many objects are cleverly hidden wherein some are shrouded in shadows, placed behind a more prominent object, or look as though they’re part of what our vision perceives as the background. Thus, you need to thoroughly study the scene to become familiar with what objects it contains from the get-go. But how exactly do you do that? Here are a few tips we’d like you to consider: 

Pick the Image Apart

The first time you encounter a particular scene, you’ll be given an overall view of what it looks like. You’ll quite literally get to see the entire picture but not all the details, at least, not immediately. Upon encountering a scene, we strongly recommend zooming into it first before clicking on any object as listed in the word set.

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This is because clicking an object automatically begins the round, and how fast you find objects will be taken into account when tallying up your final score. Thus, it’s better to pick the image apart first before beginning the round so you don’t waste time zooming the picture in and out when the invisible timer has begun.

When zooming into portions of the scene, try to be methodical about it. One thing you can do is try to imagine lines dividing the picture into several parts. Let’s take this scene for example:

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As you can see from the image above, we’ve divided the scene into three. Let’s look at the rightmost portion first. The most obvious objects are the big ones or those closest to the foreground, so take note of those first:

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Smaller objects which may be mistaken as part of the background or can be easily overlooked include:

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  • Easel on the balcony
  • Water tower beside the trees
  • Crown on top of the fountain

At the center portion, the most obvious objects may include:

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  • Hanging flowers
  • Flower bush

Further breaking the image into smaller objects, we can see the following:

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  • Lights on the second floor
  • Clock on top of the front door
  • Heart shapes on the front door
  • Horn at the side of the car
  • Steps to the entrance
  • Golden decor on the balcony

The left side of the image also has a lot of small things that may be included in the word set:

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  • Basket on top of the car
  • A stack of books on top of a suitcase
  • Flowers of different colors
  • Foggy windows from the car
  • Small balcony
  • Exclamation point

You might think that the last item sounds strange, but there will be times when numbers, shapes, and even Zodiac symbols will be part of the word set. This is why it’s important to take note of every small detail that you come across since they might be included as an object you have to find.

Take your time when doing this and go back and forth zooming in and out of the scene until you have a good grasp of all the objects you can possibly recognize. Don’t start until you’re confident that you’ve managed to discern most, if not all, objects in the scene.   

Take Note of Additional Items

Apart from recognizing hidden objects, the other challenging aspect in this game is that every round you play may have other objects added to what you’ve already encountered. Take for example these two images below:

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It can be rather subtle, but the scene on the right has more objects in it, any one of which may be included in that round’s word set. This brings us back to our first tip, wherein it’s a good idea to pick the image apart as thoroughly as you can.

Additionally, you need to treat each round as though you’re encountering a new scene since objects will occasionally be added or even removed from it. Reacquaint yourself with the scene each time you play it and take note of what’s been added or what’s been removed. This way, you don’t get caught off-guard when a new word suddenly springs up from the word set. 

Remember the Words and Their Locations

Now it can be extremely difficult to memorize each and every object in every scene. Fortunately, some words get repeated, allowing you to better remember the object corresponding to this word.

Aside from just knowing what the object looks like, also take note of its general location. Keep in mind that you have about 2 to 3 seconds before bonus multipliers disappear, which may be enough time to find a specific object when you know its general location.

As for encountering new words in the set, their location might not always be where you expect as some objects are placed in spots that don’t always make sense, like a letter M on a fireplace…

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… or a figure eight on a sofa.

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If you’ve zoomed in and out of the scene before beginning the round, these odd locations can work as markers that will help you remember an object’s general location better.

Don’t Just Click Objects at Random

You might think that it’s a clever move to just start clicking at random and hope to find the object indicated in the word set, especially if you’ve been staring at the scene for what feels like ages. Surely, you’re bound to get lucky and click on the correct object, right?

While that may be somewhat true, keep in mind that accuracy is also taken into account when tallying your overall score. This means that for every mistaken click, you lose points.

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How many points are lost seem to be arbitrary, but suffice it that they do affect your final score, thus lowering your chances of getting a high percentage when it comes to earning stars. That said, it may be better to lose just speed points instead of losing both speed and accuracy points. After all, you’ve already spent some time trying to find the object that you might as well click on the right thing.

Use Hints Only When Necessary

Sometimes, there’s just that one object you can’t seem to find in the scene. You’ve zoomed in and out of the image, stared intently at the picture, but this particular object remains hidden from view. In this case, you may click the hint button, which is the light bulb on the lower right-hand corner of the screen. Upon clicking the hint button, it will illuminate the object you’re looking for, allowing you to spot it. Below is one case where we used the hint button because the chapel was extremely difficult to see and looked deceptively part of the background.

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Of course, using hints will decrease your overall score. You may use hints multiple times but the button has a waiting period before it can be used again. That said, use hints only when absolutely necessary. If you really can’t find the object, then it may be time to use a hint, especially if it’s the last item on the word set.

Similarly, you may want to use the hint button if the last word on the list is one you’ve yet to encounter and you don’t want to lose the speed multiplier bonus. Click the hint button just before the multiplier bonus appears so you can still at least have a decent high score even if some points will be deducted.

Don’t Expect Items to Look the Way You Imagined

As we’ve mentioned earlier, June’s Journey is set in the 1920s, so characters, scenes, and other features of the game are all made to align with this era’s vintage aesthetic. This poses a new challenge as objects from the word list might not look like the way you imagined.

For instance, in Chapter 1, in the Old Garden Gate (Level 4), you might be asked to find a thermometer. Of course, our idea of a thermometer looks different from the way it used to in the 1920s. This is how it’s presented in the Old Garden Gate:

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You’ll encounter a similar instance in Chapter 2, when you play the scene for Harry’s Yacht (Level 7). Here’s how the thermometer in this scene looks like:

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Neither of these images look the same, and neither of them are likely familiar to people today, but both of these images will be listed as “thermometer” if they pop out on the word set.

On the other hand, you might encounter a word that may be totally unfamiliar to you. One example is, again, in Harry’s Yacht (Level 7), where the word “Amphora” might spring up. Amphora isn’t an everyday word so we had to use the hint button to find out where the corresponding object is. It turns out that an amphora is an ancient Greek or Roman jar with a narrow neck and two handles.

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Other times, the word included in the list can also be pretty vague or just simply isn’t what you’d expect. For instance, the word airplane or plane is something you might encounter once or twice, but it can mean either an actual plane, a paper plane, or even a poster of a plane.

The word star can mean a literal star in the sky, a carving shaped into a star, or even a starfish. Grapes can mean the literal fruit or might even pertain to stone grapes that are part of a statue or decor.

You won’t really be able to tell unless you’ve actually found the object for a particular scene so it’s best not to associate a certain word with what you might think it looks like since this can keep you from finding the right object when your eyes are looking for a specific appearance based on word-image association. As much as you can, keep both your eyes and your mind open to all sorts of possibilities so you can find the right objects even if they can be tricky.

Don’t Panic!

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Last but not least, panic is definitely your worst enemy! With the way the game operates, you’ll be put under time pressure not to break your streak and the pressure to click objects correctly every single instance just to get a high score and earn bigger portions of stars. You’ll soon discover, as we did, that the game can be a little stingy when it comes to earning stars.

In this case, panicking won’t help as it can sometimes lead to paralysis and you’ll lose the chance to find an object as opposed to when you approach a scene calmly and methodically. When you don’t know which object a specific word is referring to, leave that word for now and move on to the other two words flashed on the screen.

Find the objects that are most familiar to you or those whose locations or appearances you can remember best. Upon correctly finding an object, a new word will be flashed so you can turn your attention towards that first until such time you can focus on an object or objects you’re not familiar with.

Additionally, it’s easier to be calm and find the right objects when you’re in an environment that has minimal distractions. If you’re the type to concentrate better in a quiet place, play the game at a location without too much noise. You may even choose to mute the game altogether if you find the music distracting (although this is hardly the case as the music playing for each scene is rather soft and relaxing).

Also, try not to play when you’re sleepy, if your eyes feel tired, or while you’re in a spot without ample light to avoid straining your vision. Your environment may play a significant role in keeping you calm and focused so it’s best to play in a setting that fosters these.

All in all, your performance in each round will rely on your skillfulness as an observer. It can take some time getting used to but it’ll be easier once you get the hang of things. Keep our tips in mind and don’t panic!

Claiming Rewards

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Though June’s Journey can be a little bit stingy when it comes to giving rewards, there are a few avenues in which you can get some extra coins, energy, and other items just by playing the main game. Here are a few of them:

Opening Boxes

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Occasionally, you’ll be able to earn both 1-star and 5-star boxes during and after playing scenes. Naturally, 1-star boxes typically give out common materials and are earned at random. On the other hand, 5-star boxes are usually earned after gaining Mastery of a level. Upon acquiring boxes, they’ll simply be kept unopened in your inventory so make sure to open them up when you’ve finished a round or have run out of energy to play.

Both 1-star and 5-star boxes have a varying chance of giving the following items:

  • Coins: Used to purchase decor for Orchid Island.
  • Gems: Used similarly as coins, but may also be spent for speedups and other purchases like decor.
  • Compass: Used in exchange for expanding plots in Orchid Island.
  • Energy: What you spend playing scenes.
  • Construction materials: Used to upgrade certain buildings and fixtures in Orchid Island.
  • Character cards: Can be collected so you can discover more about the characters indicated in cards. When you complete character cards, you’ll be able to play a mini game where you’ll put a fragmented picture of the character together.

Once you’ve acquired a number of these rewards, you may be able to play more scenes with additional energy, buy more decor, expand plots in Orchid Island, or get additional story-related information.

Daily Deliveries

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You can get random rewards from the Daily Deliveries every day you log into the game. Fortunately, the reward counter won’t reset if you forget to login and you’ll simply be able to claim the next delivery. Any of the items mentioned above can be earned through the Daily Deliveries. At the end of five days each week, you’ll be able to get a special prize and a fancy decor item by the end of 30 days.

Opening Mail

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There are times when you’ll receive letters from other characters, even those you might not have met yet. Included in these letters are small rewards such as a handful of coins. That said, check your mail from time to time in case you have a letter alongside a tiny reward.

Decorate and Expand Orchid Island

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Speaking of decoration and expansion, these are two important activities that you need to accomplish aside from playing scenes and finding clues. As we briefly mentioned in the beginning, decorating Orchid Island will let you earn flowers, which are needed to level up your overall account. Flowers are also required to unlock levels, particularly the last level of a chapter.

You can earn flowers by buying decor, which will often cost coins, though some can be acquired by spending gems. You will gradually unlock more decor when you keep playing scenes and earning stars.

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Some decor can be expensive but yield more flowers, while cheaper decor will only give you a handful of flowers. Often, decor that earns a lot of flowers will ask you to accomplish a long waiting period, which can last between 2 to 12 hours or much more.

Taking waiting times into account, it may be best to accumulate as many coins as you can so you can afford more expensive decor items instead of buying a multitude of cheaper ones. Basically, you can play the hidden objects game over and over to earn coins and open boxes, then buy the more costly decor by the end of the day so they’ll be ready the next time you log back into the game.

On the other hand, you can still buy cheaper decor if you only need a very small amount of flowers to level up your account or unlock a particular scene. This way, you don’t have to wait too long for just a handful of flowers to progress.

Upgrading your estate, too, requires a certain waiting period, but this is something you can start anytime, provided you have all the required construction materials. Upgrading your estate or other buildings like the fountain will take several hours so the earlier you can begin this, the better.

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When this is done, you’ll be able to collect extra coins from these spots. The higher the level of these buildings, the more coins you can get.

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Barring aside how many flowers you can earn, you can always just have fun decorating Orchid Island and the area surrounding your estate. Of course, you will need ample space to place all the decor you’ve bought, so don’t forget to click on the foggy areas to know how many stars and compasses you need to unlock those spots.

Each expandable spot requires a different number of compasses and stars so you technically can’t choose which foggy area you want to access first because of these varying requirements, unless you skip the expansion for one spot and pick the one you desire when you’ve earned enough stars and compasses for it. Otherwise, keep playing the hidden objects game and claiming rewards so you can accumulate expansion requirements.

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Similarly, progressing the main story by unlocking more chapters may also give you access to other spots in Orchid Island. For instance, you can start renovating the lighthouse when you reach Chapter 3. When you reach Chapter 7, you’ll be able to access the hangar to the west of the island.

Some other spots, on the other hand, will require the complete renovation of other areas to be accessed. For example, this cottage on the northeast side of the estate can only be accessed when the lighthouse has been completely renovated.

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On the other hand, the airplane on the east side can only be unlocked when you’ve earned 60 stars.

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Occasionally check what needs to be upgraded and renovated in Orchid Island so you can unlock more features and, consequently, more modes and rewards.

Complete Challenges and Tasks

As with any mobile game, tasks and challenges will spring up from time to time. These are avenues from which you can earn additional rewards apart from playing the main game. During our run, we were able to catch the event for the Elegant Gazebo, which is an exclusive decor piece you can gain by earning points from buying specific decor.

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Basically, you simply need to buy the decor indicated in the list to earn the Elegant Gazebo. Each time you buy these specific decor, you gain points that will fill up a bar. Once the bar has been filled, you’ll be rewarded the Elegant Gazebo, which will give you an extra 100 flowers.

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Similarly, we also caught the Help Wanted challenge, which is a set of tasks you can accomplish to earn rewards like energy or coins. Tasks can include just about anything, from finding a certain amount of hidden objects to playing a number of scenes, and so on.

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Frequently check which tasks are needed to be fulfilled so you can gain additional rewards. Don’t forget to claim these rewards as well so the task will refresh into a new one. Upon claiming rewards for a completed task, you will have to wait a few hours to view the new task, unless you watch an ad.

Watch Ads for Perks

Ah yes, ads, they’re a staple in mobile games. Though they can sometimes break your immersion from the game, ads in June’s Journey are helpful in that they offer a handful of perks in exchange for 30 to 45 seconds of watch time. Here are just some of the things that you can gain whenever you watch ads:

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  • Reduced energy expenditure: Before playing any scene, you can click on the purple button at the lower right-hand side of the screen so you can watch ads. Doing this will lessen the cost of playing scenes from 15 energy to just 10 energy for a duration of 10 minutes. Once your 10 minutes are up, you may watch another ad so you can bring the energy cost back down to 10 once more.

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  • Building renovation: Let’s say you’ve unlocked the lighthouse, which is in need of renovation. The only way you can actually renovate this spot is by watching ads. Depending on how far you’ve progressed into the renovation phase, you’ll need to watch a minimum of 1 to 2 ads. Once the renovation phase is completed, you’ll have to wait around 20 hours to be able to continue renovating the area. This way, you don’t have to watch ads continuously and the game actually gives you sort of a break from playing.

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  • Refresh tasks instantly: This one specifically applies to when you’ve encountered the Help Wanted challenge or other similar challenges. As we mentioned in the previous section, you’ll have to wait a couple of hours before you can view new tasks. However, you can skip this waiting time once you watch an ad for each new task you want to view instantly. Between waiting a couple of hours and watching a short ad, the latter sounds like a reasonable compromise so you can continue completing tasks and not waste energy without gaining additional rewards.

This brings us to the conclusion of our beginner’s guide for June’s Journey! Hopefully, our bag of tips and tricks are able to help you find objects faster, complete scenes with higher scores, maximize your energy points, and earn more rewards! Who do you think is the real killer? What’s the object you had the most difficult time finding? Do you have other tips for your fellow detectives? Share your thoughts in our comment section below!

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Crazy June

Orchid Island Estate

Volume: 1 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1

v-1-1-v fire st4t parlor

Estate Parlor

Volume: 1 Chapter: 1 Scene: 2

v-1-1-v star foyer

Crime Scene Photo

Volume: 1 Chapter: 1 Scene: 3

v-1-1-v gate foun st4t garden corner

Old Garden Gate

Volume: 1 Chapter: 1 Scene: 4

v-1-1-v tr3e house jungle night

Wooded Lane

Volume: 1 Chapter: 1 Scene: 5

v-1-2-v star b3cz battic

Hidden Cellar

Volume: 1 Chapter: 2 Scene: 6

v-1-2-v door boat

Harry's Yacht

Volume: 1 Chapter: 2 Scene: 7

v-1-2-v r4bl fo0d t4bl3 cafe

New York Café

Volume: 1 Chapter: 2 Scene: 8

v-1-2-v star auto corner

Garment District

Volume: 1 Chapter: 2 Scene: 9

v-1-2-v bar

The Blind Tiger

Volume: 1 Chapter: 2 Scene: 10

v-1-3-v auto

Eddie's Car

Volume: 1 Chapter: 3 Scene: 11

v-1-3-v tr3e st4t temple

St. Mary's Cemetery

Volume: 1 Chapter: 3 Scene: 12

v-1-3-v b3cz auto bus work

Eddie's Garage

Volume: 1 Chapter: 3 Scene: 13

v-1-3-v shop

Liberty Pharmacy

Volume: 1 Chapter: 3 Scene: 14

v-1-3-v traim

Abandoned Rail Car

Volume: 1 Chapter: 3 Scene: 15

v-1-4-v mirr bdrm

Clare's Bedroom

Volume: 1 Chapter: 4 Scene: 16

v-1-4-v door star library

Richmond Library

Volume: 1 Chapter: 4 Scene: 17

v-1-4-v desk office bombero

Sam's Office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 4 Scene: 18

v-1-4-v r4bl fo0d t4bl3 foyer

Estate Foyer

Volume: 1 Chapter: 4 Scene: 19

v-1-4-v l4d auto work

Estate Garage

Volume: 1 Chapter: 4 Scene: 20

v-1-5-v b3cz samo

Jack's Hangar

Volume: 1 Chapter: 5 Scene: 21

v-1-5-v fo0d bazar

Havana Market

Volume: 1 Chapter: 5 Scene: 22

v-1-5-v st4t r4bl bar cafe night

Volume: 1 Chapter: 5 Scene: 23

v-1-5-v r4bl bllrm

Julián’s Party

Volume: 1 Chapter: 5 Scene: 24

v-1-5-v door piano btgp night

Julián’s Terrace

Volume: 1 Chapter: 5 Scene: 25

v-1-6-v boat wild

Julián’s Boat

Volume: 1 Chapter: 6 Scene: 26

v-1-6-v b3cz house jungle wild

Sam’s Hideout

Volume: 1 Chapter: 6 Scene: 27

v-1-6-v most jungle wild

Volume: 1 Chapter: 6 Scene: 28

v-1-6-v house corner

Village at Sunrise

Volume: 1 Chapter: 6 Scene: 29

v-1-6-v star foyer

Sam’s Confession

Volume: 1 Chapter: 6 Scene: 30

v-1-7-v door foun r4bl t4bl3 garden

Estate Fountain

Volume: 1 Chapter: 7 Scene: 31

v-1-7-v desk school

Virginia's Classroom

Volume: 1 Chapter: 7 Scene: 32

v-1-7-v piano st4t r4bl t4bl3 bllrm rest

Volume: 1 Chapter: 7 Scene: 33

v-1-7-v gate budka tr3e school

St. Prudence

Volume: 1 Chapter: 7 Scene: 34

v-1-7-v circus purple

Coney Island

Volume: 1 Chapter: 7 Scene: 35

v-1-8-v r4bl t4bl3 btgp t0p

Hotel Balcony

Volume: 1 Chapter: 8 Scene: 36

v-1-8-v door r4bl t4bl3 cafe

Montparnasse Café

Volume: 1 Chapter: 8 Scene: 37

v-1-8-v fire st4t at3lier

Parisian Salon

Volume: 1 Chapter: 8 Scene: 38

v-1-8-v at3lier

Amelia's Studio

Volume: 1 Chapter: 8 Scene: 39

v-1-8-v tr3e bazar library

Volume: 1 Chapter: 8 Scene: 40

v-1-9-v door hospital blue

Volume: 1 Chapter: 9 Scene: 41

v-1-9-v r4bl b3cz t4bl3 bar cafe r3d

Volume: 1 Chapter: 9 Scene: 42

v-1-9-v tr3e door

Silvio's Gallery

Volume: 1 Chapter: 9 Scene: 43

v-1-9-v door st4t desk office

Gallery Office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 9 Scene: 44

v-1-9-v door auto cart street corner night

Dark Street

Volume: 1 Chapter: 9 Scene: 45

v-1-10-v star fl0w btgp t0p

Cortona Piazza

Volume: 1 Chapter: 10 Scene: 46

v-1-10-v temple green

Cortona Cemetery

Volume: 1 Chapter: 10 Scene: 47

v-1-10-v bicy cart

Gelato Cart

Volume: 1 Chapter: 10 Scene: 48

v-1-10-v door bicy cart house shop

Tailor Shop

Volume: 1 Chapter: 10 Scene: 49

v-1-10-v temple yellow

Santa Maria Church

Volume: 1 Chapter: 10 Scene: 50

v-1-11-v door fl0w shop yellow

Flower Shop

Volume: 1 Chapter: 11 Scene: 51

v-1-11-v shop

Tailor's Backroom

Volume: 1 Chapter: 11 Scene: 52

v-1-11-v foun star r4bl garden

Viola's Garden

Volume: 1 Chapter: 11 Scene: 53

v-1-11-v b3cz cart wild r3d

Volume: 1 Chapter: 11 Scene: 54

v-1-11-v t4bl3 at3lier garden yellow

Silvio's Villa

Volume: 1 Chapter: 11 Scene: 55

v-1-12-v traim

Volume: 1 Chapter: 12 Scene: 56

v-1-12-v animal at3lier apart

Amelia's Apartment

Volume: 1 Chapter: 12 Scene: 57

v-1-12-v at3lier battic

Amelia's Attic

Volume: 1 Chapter: 12 Scene: 58

v-1-12-v fl0w cart street

Parisian Street

Volume: 1 Chapter: 12 Scene: 59

v-1-12-v r4bl t4bl3 bar cafe r3d

The Blue Orchid

Volume: 1 Chapter: 12 Scene: 60

v-1-13-v door star fo0d foyer

Estate Entryway

Volume: 1 Chapter: 13 Scene: 61

v-1-13-v door house

The Old Lighthouse

Volume: 1 Chapter: 13 Scene: 62

v-1-13-v r4bl t4bl3 kitchen

Mrs. Talbot's Kitchen

Volume: 1 Chapter: 13 Scene: 63

v-1-13-v traim cafe street

The French Quarter

Volume: 1 Chapter: 13 Scene: 64

v-1-13-v star corner

Jazz Club Alley

Volume: 1 Chapter: 13 Scene: 65

v-1-14-v b3d apart bdrm ru1n

Bobby's Apartment

Volume: 1 Chapter: 14 Scene: 66

v-1-14-v piano bazar shop

Volume: 1 Chapter: 14 Scene: 67

v-1-14-v star

New Orleans Station

Volume: 1 Chapter: 14 Scene: 68

v-1-14-v pdz blue

Construction Site

Volume: 1 Chapter: 14 Scene: 69

v-1-14-v samo night

Callender Airfield

Volume: 1 Chapter: 14 Scene: 70

v-1-15-v desk office bombero

Police Station

Volume: 1 Chapter: 15 Scene: 71

v-1-15-v piano bar ru1n

Volume: 1 Chapter: 15 Scene: 72

v-1-15-v piano t4bl3 cart bar r3d

Volume: 1 Chapter: 15 Scene: 73

v-1-15-v door star chair t4bl3 patio yellow

Stella's Courtyard

Volume: 1 Chapter: 15 Scene: 74

v-1-15-v auto wild

Elliot's Convertible

Volume: 1 Chapter: 15 Scene: 75

v-1-16-v tr3e auto house wild

Volume: 1 Chapter: 16 Scene: 76

v-1-16-v st4t 4rmch desk office

Martel's Office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 16 Scene: 77

v-1-16-v tr3e gmach t4bl3 house garden

Elliot's Mansion

Volume: 1 Chapter: 16 Scene: 78

v-1-16-v b3cz auto work

Ray's Garage

Volume: 1 Chapter: 16 Scene: 79

v-1-16-v desk office

Garage Reception

Volume: 1 Chapter: 16 Scene: 80

v-1-17-v mirr l0ck

Stella's Dressing Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 17 Scene: 81

v-1-17-v fire parlor

Elliot's Parlor

Volume: 1 Chapter: 17 Scene: 82

v-1-17-v door t4bl3 bar r3d

Country Club

Volume: 1 Chapter: 17 Scene: 83

v-1-17-v tr3e most bench wild

Volume: 1 Chapter: 17 Scene: 84

v-1-17-v btgp garden

Elliot's Porch

Volume: 1 Chapter: 17 Scene: 85

v-1-18-v foun st4t star patio

Hotel Courtyard

Volume: 1 Chapter: 18 Scene: 86

v-1-18-v b3d apart

Bobby and Franny's Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 18 Scene: 87

v-1-18-v foun r4bl fl0w t4bl3 patio gho cafe

Reynosa Café

Volume: 1 Chapter: 18 Scene: 88

v-1-18-v bench auto bus bicy street

Bus Station

Volume: 1 Chapter: 18 Scene: 89

v-1-18-v star gmach ru1n

Crumbling Fortress

Volume: 1 Chapter: 18 Scene: 90

v-1-19-v star b3cz btgp house

Volume: 1 Chapter: 19 Scene: 91

v-1-19-v fire r4bl t4bl3 parlor

Bobby's New Apartment

Volume: 1 Chapter: 19 Scene: 92

v-1-19-v desk

June's Desk

Volume: 1 Chapter: 19 Scene: 93

v-1-19-v star battic

Estate Attic

Volume: 1 Chapter: 19 Scene: 94

v-1-19-v r4bl t4bl3 gho green

Volume: 1 Chapter: 19 Scene: 95

v-1-20-v desk office bombero

Prison Guard Office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 20 Scene: 96

v-1-20-v door traim

New York Subway

Volume: 1 Chapter: 20 Scene: 97

v-1-20-v star l4d office library

FBI Archive

Volume: 1 Chapter: 20 Scene: 98

v-1-20-v fire t4bl3 parlor

Summer Parlor

Volume: 1 Chapter: 20 Scene: 99

v-1-20-v b3d hospital

Hospital Ward

Volume: 1 Chapter: 20 Scene: 100

v-1-21-v l4d t0p

Hospital Roof

Volume: 1 Chapter: 21 Scene: 101

v-1-21-v gallery green

WĂŒrzburg Residenz

Volume: 1 Chapter: 21 Scene: 102

v-1-21-v star gallery purple green

Palace Gallery

Volume: 1 Chapter: 21 Scene: 103

v-1-21-v b3d bdrm

Palace Bedchamber

Volume: 1 Chapter: 21 Scene: 104

v-1-21-v btgp t0p

Window Ledge

Volume: 1 Chapter: 21 Scene: 105

v-1-22-v desk

Photo Briefing

Volume: 1 Chapter: 22 Scene: 106

v-1-22-v tr3e st4t bench garden night

Residenz Garden

Volume: 1 Chapter: 22 Scene: 107

v-1-22-v l4d b3d traim

Sleeper Compartment

Volume: 1 Chapter: 22 Scene: 108

v-1-22-v t4bl3 traim rest

Volume: 1 Chapter: 22 Scene: 109

v-1-22-v auto traim

Locomotive Cab

Volume: 1 Chapter: 22 Scene: 110

v-1-23-v most traim wild

Stopped Train

Volume: 1 Chapter: 23 Scene: 111

v-1-23-v rel14 river t4bl3 btgp rest

Hotel Restaurant

Volume: 1 Chapter: 23 Scene: 112

v-1-23-v foun most river garden

Casino Grounds

Volume: 1 Chapter: 23 Scene: 113

v-1-23-v t4bl3 work toil

Linen Closet

Volume: 1 Chapter: 23 Scene: 114

v-1-23-v t4bl3 casinema

Grand Piano

Volume: 1 Chapter: 23 Scene: 115

v-1-24-v star auto hotel casinema night

Casino Monte Carlo

Volume: 1 Chapter: 24 Scene: 116

v-1-24-v boat night

Monte Carlo Harbor

Volume: 1 Chapter: 24 Scene: 117

v-1-24-v boat night

Marquess's Boat

Volume: 1 Chapter: 24 Scene: 118

v-1-24-v boat night

Pilot Cabin

Volume: 1 Chapter: 24 Scene: 119

v-1-24-v star boat night

Police Dock

Volume: 1 Chapter: 24 Scene: 120

v-1-25-v rel14 chair bar beach

Larvotto Beach

Volume: 1 Chapter: 25 Scene: 121

v-1-25-v piano gallery

Amelia's Exhibition

Volume: 1 Chapter: 25 Scene: 122

v-1-25-v tr3e door foun star btgp

Gallery Courtyard

Volume: 1 Chapter: 25 Scene: 123

v-1-25-v foun

By the Fountain

Volume: 1 Chapter: 25 Scene: 124

v-1-25-v r4bl fo0d t4bl3 bllrm yellow

Dinner Party

Volume: 1 Chapter: 25 Scene: 125

v-1-26-v b3cz fo0d boat bazar africa

Volume: 1 Chapter: 26 Scene: 126

v-1-26-v l4d desk office africa

Nicky's Study

Volume: 1 Chapter: 26 Scene: 127

v-1-26-v b3d hospital africa

Lagos Clinic

Volume: 1 Chapter: 26 Scene: 128

v-1-26-v chair office africa

Customs House

Volume: 1 Chapter: 26 Scene: 129

v-1-26-v auto wild africa

Ogun Riverside

Volume: 1 Chapter: 26 Scene: 130

v-1-27-v traim cart africa

Train Platform

Volume: 1 Chapter: 27 Scene: 131

v-1-27-v animal traim africa

Western Line

Volume: 1 Chapter: 27 Scene: 132

v-1-27-v budka t4bl3 btgp house africa

Hannah's House

Volume: 1 Chapter: 27 Scene: 133

v-1-27-v auto wild africa

Volume: 1 Chapter: 27 Scene: 134

v-1-27-v river boat africa

Riverboat Dock

Volume: 1 Chapter: 27 Scene: 135

v-1-28-v boat bazar wild africa

Village Riverbank

Volume: 1 Chapter: 28 Scene: 136

v-1-28-v tent b3cz hospital africa

Makeshift Clinic

Volume: 1 Chapter: 28 Scene: 137

v-1-28-v btgp house africa

Uyai's House

Volume: 1 Chapter: 28 Scene: 138

v-1-28-v b3cz pdz corner africa

Volume: 1 Chapter: 28 Scene: 139

v-1-28-v tr3e door star bench garden africa

Mrs. Peel's Residence

Volume: 1 Chapter: 28 Scene: 140

v-1-29-v t4bl3 house africa

Village Farmhouse

Volume: 1 Chapter: 29 Scene: 141

v-1-29-v street africa

Abuja Street

Volume: 1 Chapter: 29 Scene: 142

v-1-29-v desk office africa

British Health Authority

Volume: 1 Chapter: 29 Scene: 143

v-1-29-v tr3e house africa

Village Center

Volume: 1 Chapter: 29 Scene: 144

v-1-29-v l4d cart pdz africa

Volume: 1 Chapter: 29 Scene: 145

v-1-30-v b3cz cart pdz africa

Mine Entrance

Volume: 1 Chapter: 30 Scene: 146

v-1-30-v cart wild africa

Uyai's Family Land

Volume: 1 Chapter: 30 Scene: 147

v-1-30-v tr3e boat house africa

Sabaa Riverside

Volume: 1 Chapter: 30 Scene: 148

v-1-30-v tr3e animal house africa

Village Meeting Place

Volume: 1 Chapter: 30 Scene: 149

v-1-30-v animal brn africa

Village Stables

Volume: 1 Chapter: 30 Scene: 150

v-1-31-v gate gmach auto africa

Peel Industries HQ

Volume: 1 Chapter: 31 Scene: 151

v-1-31-v auto wild africa

Road to Abuja

Volume: 1 Chapter: 31 Scene: 152

v-1-31-v budka animal gmach street night

Saint-Lazare Station

Volume: 1 Chapter: 31 Scene: 153

v-1-31-v t4bl3 cafe street night

Paris Street

Volume: 1 Chapter: 31 Scene: 154

v-1-31-v gmach garden street night

Silvio's House

Volume: 1 Chapter: 31 Scene: 155

v-1-32-v door t4bl3 parlor ru1n

Silvio's Living Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 32 Scene: 156

v-1-32-v door st4t foyer coridor

Silvio's Hallway

Volume: 1 Chapter: 32 Scene: 157

v-1-32-v tr3e door street

Silvio's Former Gallery

Volume: 1 Chapter: 32 Scene: 158

v-1-32-v star desk t4bl3 auto bus street

Auction House Truck

Volume: 1 Chapter: 32 Scene: 159

v-1-32-v st4t at3lier

Amelia's New Studio

Volume: 1 Chapter: 32 Scene: 160

v-1-33-v tr3e river bench garden

Secluded Park

Volume: 1 Chapter: 33 Scene: 161

v-1-33-v most st4t river auto bicy

Pont Alexandre

Volume: 1 Chapter: 33 Scene: 162

v-1-33-v c4m bench

Eiffel Tower Viewpoint

Volume: 1 Chapter: 33 Scene: 163

v-1-33-v door l4d chair 4rmch library

Volume: 1 Chapter: 33 Scene: 164

v-1-33-v b3cz boat cart purple night

Volume: 1 Chapter: 33 Scene: 165

v-1-34-v t4bl3 boat

Marquess's Hideout

Volume: 1 Chapter: 34 Scene: 166

v-1-34-v btgp t0p hotel street

ÉlysĂ©e Hotel Window

Volume: 1 Chapter: 34 Scene: 167

v-1-34-v t0p street

Volume: 1 Chapter: 34 Scene: 168

v-1-34-v door foun st4t bench garden

Volume: 1 Chapter: 34 Scene: 169

v-1-34-v b3d bdrm

Silvio's Bedroom

Volume: 1 Chapter: 34 Scene: 170

v-1-35-v tr3e fo0d t4bl3 cart garden

Tea in the Garden

Volume: 1 Chapter: 35 Scene: 171

v-1-35-v gate foun c4m l4d t4bl3

Monumental Studios

Volume: 1 Chapter: 35 Scene: 172

v-1-35-v c4m b3cz t4bl3 bar

Nightclub Set

Volume: 1 Chapter: 35 Scene: 173

v-1-35-v c4m l4d coridor l0ck

Volume: 1 Chapter: 35 Scene: 174

v-1-35-v mirr desk l0ck

Dressing Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 35 Scene: 175

v-1-36-v c4m auto street

Volume: 1 Chapter: 36 Scene: 176

v-1-36-v t4bl3 bar

Minella's Diner

Volume: 1 Chapter: 36 Scene: 177

v-1-36-v c4m l4d at3lier jungle green

Volume: 1 Chapter: 36 Scene: 178

v-1-36-v mirr l0ck

Locker Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 36 Scene: 179

v-1-36-v c4m b3cz gmach at3lier

Fortress Set

Volume: 1 Chapter: 36 Scene: 180

v-1-37-v t4bl3 boat parlor

Jack's Houseboat

Volume: 1 Chapter: 37 Scene: 181

v-1-37-v t4bl3 parlor white

Louise's Penthouse

Volume: 1 Chapter: 37 Scene: 182

v-1-37-v door foun star white

Dexter's Mansion

Volume: 1 Chapter: 37 Scene: 183

v-1-37-v st4t star foyer white

Hollywood Party

Volume: 1 Chapter: 37 Scene: 184

v-1-37-v pool l4d night

Dexter's Pool

Volume: 1 Chapter: 37 Scene: 185

v-1-38-v foun patio hospital

Hospital Courtyard

Volume: 1 Chapter: 38 Scene: 186

v-1-38-v auto

Dexter's Car

Volume: 1 Chapter: 38 Scene: 187

v-1-38-v t4bl3 kitchen

Charlie's Kitchen

Volume: 1 Chapter: 38 Scene: 188

v-1-38-v desk library

L.A. Library

Volume: 1 Chapter: 38 Scene: 189

v-1-38-v b3d hospital

Dexter's Hospital Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 38 Scene: 190

v-1-39-v piano star t4bl3 parlor

Milton's House

Volume: 1 Chapter: 39 Scene: 191

v-1-39-v bar casinema

Gold Valley Casino

Volume: 1 Chapter: 39 Scene: 192

v-1-39-v budka b3cz street

Casino Back Alley

Volume: 1 Chapter: 39 Scene: 193

v-1-39-v auto bus street

Volume: 1 Chapter: 39 Scene: 194

v-1-39-v auto work

Desert Gas Station

Volume: 1 Chapter: 39 Scene: 195

v-1-40-v auto bicy street

Alameda Street

Volume: 1 Chapter: 40 Scene: 196

v-1-40-v star t4bl3 rest

Volume: 1 Chapter: 40 Scene: 197

v-1-40-v t4bl3 apart parlor

Charlie's Place

Volume: 1 Chapter: 40 Scene: 198

v-1-40-v bench office foyer

Ticket Office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 40 Scene: 199

v-1-40-v budka bench shop street

Venice Beach Boardwalk

Volume: 1 Chapter: 40 Scene: 200

v-1-41-v most river boat asia

Bombay Harbor

Volume: 1 Chapter: 41 Scene: 201

v-1-41-v star parlor ru1n asia

Mullar Family Home

Volume: 1 Chapter: 41 Scene: 202

v-1-41-v st4t l4d cart ru1n street asia

Earthquake-Torn Street

Volume: 1 Chapter: 41 Scene: 203

v-1-41-v desk office hospital asia

Saleem's Medical Practice

Volume: 1 Chapter: 41 Scene: 204

v-1-41-v t4bl3 patio asia night

Garden Dinner

Volume: 1 Chapter: 41 Scene: 205

v-1-42-v b3d bdrm asia

Saleem's Bedroom

Volume: 1 Chapter: 42 Scene: 206

v-1-42-v foun st4t b3d patio temple garden asia misc

Garden Crime Scene

Volume: 1 Chapter: 42 Scene: 207

v-1-42-v st4t t4bl3 parlor ru1n asia

Elina & Saleem's House

Volume: 1 Chapter: 42 Scene: 208

v-1-42-v animal auto cart street asia

Central Bombay

Volume: 1 Chapter: 42 Scene: 209

v-1-42-v st4t fl0w bicy patio temple asia

Temple Ruins

Volume: 1 Chapter: 42 Scene: 210

v-1-43-v b3cz kitchen asia

Mullar Family Kitchen

Volume: 1 Chapter: 43 Scene: 211

v-1-43-v b3d desk office hospital asia

Saleem's Practice Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 43 Scene: 212

v-1-43-v door house wild asia misc

Opal Shah's House

Volume: 1 Chapter: 43 Scene: 213

v-1-43-v fire t4bl3 parlor asia

Opal's Living Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 43 Scene: 214

v-1-43-v tr3e btgp garden wild asia

Opal's Garden

Volume: 1 Chapter: 43 Scene: 215

v-1-44-v animal star auto btgp t0p house asia purple night

Mullar Family Porch

Volume: 1 Chapter: 44 Scene: 216

v-1-44-v star coridor asia

The Staircase

Volume: 1 Chapter: 44 Scene: 217

v-1-44-v animal btgp house jungle asia purple night

Side of the House

Volume: 1 Chapter: 44 Scene: 218

v-1-44-v fo0d fl0w bazar asia

Chor Bazaar

Volume: 1 Chapter: 44 Scene: 219

v-1-44-v river wild asia

Volume: 1 Chapter: 44 Scene: 220

v-1-45-v st4t temple pdz asia

Kamal's Hideout

Volume: 1 Chapter: 45 Scene: 221

v-1-45-v chair office ru1n bombero asia

Bombay Police Station

Volume: 1 Chapter: 45 Scene: 222

v-1-45-v animal st4t star temple corner asia

Wilderness Path

Volume: 1 Chapter: 45 Scene: 223

v-1-45-v animal most asia night

Bridge into Town

Volume: 1 Chapter: 45 Scene: 224

v-1-45-v b3cz bench boat kitchen bar asia

Harbor Meeting Spot

Volume: 1 Chapter: 45 Scene: 225

v-1-46-v temple asia

Kamal's Grave

Volume: 1 Chapter: 46 Scene: 226

v-1-46-v t4bl3 cart d1n rest asia

Seven Spices Restaurant

Volume: 1 Chapter: 46 Scene: 227

v-1-46-v mirr toil asia

Powder Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 46 Scene: 228

v-1-46-v b3d hospital asia

Practice Operating Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 46 Scene: 229

v-1-46-v b3d bdrm asia

June & Charlie's Bedroom

Volume: 1 Chapter: 46 Scene: 230

v-1-47-v b3d bdrm

June's Bedroom

Volume: 1 Chapter: 47 Scene: 231

v-1-47-v t4bl3 bar rest

The Linden Restaurant

Volume: 1 Chapter: 47 Scene: 232

v-1-47-v auto street

Madison Avenue

Volume: 1 Chapter: 47 Scene: 233

v-1-47-v gallery jewel shop white

Goldberg Jewels & Co.

Volume: 1 Chapter: 47 Scene: 234

v-1-47-v piano t4bl3 d1n bllrm

Estate Dining Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 47 Scene: 235

v-1-48-v brn ru1n night

Stable Wreckage

Volume: 1 Chapter: 48 Scene: 236

v-1-48-v jungle beach wild

Wooded Path

Volume: 1 Chapter: 48 Scene: 237

v-1-48-v boat ru1n

Washed-Up Boat

Volume: 1 Chapter: 48 Scene: 238

v-1-48-v star t4bl3 foyer school

King College

Volume: 1 Chapter: 48 Scene: 239

v-1-48-v desk office

Archive Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 48 Scene: 240

v-1-49-v b3d kitchen apart

The Custodian's Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 49 Scene: 241

v-1-49-v b3cz auto work street corner

Fix-It-All Auto Repair

Volume: 1 Chapter: 49 Scene: 242

v-1-49-v t4bl3 d1n

The Talbots' Dining Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 49 Scene: 243

v-1-49-v star auto street

Jones Family Home

Volume: 1 Chapter: 49 Scene: 244

v-1-49-v b3cz auto work sport

Volume: 1 Chapter: 49 Scene: 245

v-1-50-v desk office

Lewis's Storage Locker

Volume: 1 Chapter: 50 Scene: 246

v-1-50-v b3cz boat night

The Dry Dock

Volume: 1 Chapter: 50 Scene: 247

v-1-50-v desk library

New York Library

Volume: 1 Chapter: 50 Scene: 248

v-1-50-v chair 4rmch btgp house jungle

Ted Franklin's House

Volume: 1 Chapter: 50 Scene: 249

v-1-50-v 4rmch t4bl3 parlor

Ted's Living Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 50 Scene: 250

v-1-51-v desk office

June's Study

Volume: 1 Chapter: 51 Scene: 251

v-1-51-v fl0w garden

Garden Gazebo

Volume: 1 Chapter: 51 Scene: 252

v-1-51-v auto work

Volume: 1 Chapter: 51 Scene: 253

v-1-51-v desk lab

Professor Stone's Office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 51 Scene: 254

v-1-51-v 4rmch

Ruth's Hair Salon

Volume: 1 Chapter: 51 Scene: 255

v-1-52-v lab battic

Volume: 1 Chapter: 52 Scene: 256

v-1-52-v t4bl3 d1n bllrm school

University Gala

Volume: 1 Chapter: 52 Scene: 257

v-1-52-v desk lab

Professor Stone's Lab

Volume: 1 Chapter: 52 Scene: 258

v-1-52-v b3cz boat

Volume: 1 Chapter: 52 Scene: 259

v-1-52-v star btgp house

Professor Stone's House

Volume: 1 Chapter: 52 Scene: 260

v-1-53-v t4bl3 temple

Church Fellowship Hall

Volume: 1 Chapter: 53 Scene: 261

v-1-53-v fo0d bench garden wild

Garden Picnic

Volume: 1 Chapter: 53 Scene: 262

v-1-53-v street yellow

Boardwalk, New Jersey

Volume: 1 Chapter: 53 Scene: 263

v-1-53-v fire star

Eddie Daggett's House

Volume: 1 Chapter: 53 Scene: 264

v-1-53-v desk office bombero

Volume: 1 Chapter: 53 Scene: 265

v-1-54-v jewel shop

Arty's Antique Pawn & Loan

Volume: 1 Chapter: 54 Scene: 266

v-1-54-v door street corner

Volume: 1 Chapter: 54 Scene: 267

v-1-54-v auto street

Stephens & Sons Haul-All

Volume: 1 Chapter: 54 Scene: 268

v-1-54-v star coridor school

St. Prudence School

Volume: 1 Chapter: 54 Scene: 269

v-1-54-v l4d desk office

Headmistress's Office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 54 Scene: 270

v-1-55-v desk school

St. Prudence Assembly Hall

Volume: 1 Chapter: 55 Scene: 271

v-1-55-v t4bl3 office lab

Volume: 1 Chapter: 55 Scene: 272

v-1-55-v t4bl3

Estate Vineyard

Volume: 1 Chapter: 55 Scene: 273

v-1-55-v jewel shop

Bastion's Fashions

Volume: 1 Chapter: 55 Scene: 274

v-1-55-v t4bl3 d1n parlor

June's Dining Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 55 Scene: 275

v-1-56-v st4t desk office

June's Bureau

Volume: 1 Chapter: 56 Scene: 276

v-1-56-v most auto bus rain

Westminster Bridge

Volume: 1 Chapter: 56 Scene: 277

v-1-56-v foun

Trafalgar Square

Volume: 1 Chapter: 56 Scene: 278

v-1-56-v st4t gallery

National Gallery Exhibit

Volume: 1 Chapter: 56 Scene: 279

v-1-56-v gate door gmach cart street rain

National Gallery Steps

Volume: 1 Chapter: 56 Scene: 280

v-1-57-v door bench auto hotel night

The Dolphin Hotel

Volume: 1 Chapter: 57 Scene: 281

v-1-57-v b3d bdrm

Irene's Hotel Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 57 Scene: 282

v-1-57-v desk office hotel

Hotel Reception

Volume: 1 Chapter: 57 Scene: 283

v-1-57-v b3d bdrm

Robert's Hotel Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 57 Scene: 284

v-1-57-v b3cz cart work

Docks Warehouse

Volume: 1 Chapter: 57 Scene: 285

v-1-58-v boat

The Marquess's Boat

Volume: 1 Chapter: 58 Scene: 286

v-1-58-v boat

Volume: 1 Chapter: 58 Scene: 287

v-1-58-v boat

Engine Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 58 Scene: 288

v-1-58-v b3cz boat ru1n blue

Volume: 1 Chapter: 58 Scene: 289

v-1-58-v pool t4bl3 btgp

Hermann's Villa, Portugal

Volume: 1 Chapter: 58 Scene: 290

v-1-59-v desk office bombero

Interpol Interrogation Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 59 Scene: 291

v-1-59-v star desk bombero

Interpol Holding Cells

Volume: 1 Chapter: 59 Scene: 292

v-1-59-v office library bombero

Interpol Records Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 59 Scene: 293

v-1-59-v door st4t b3cz cart bombero corner

Interpol Grounds

Volume: 1 Chapter: 59 Scene: 294

v-1-59-v budka traim

Train Station, Vienna

Volume: 1 Chapter: 59 Scene: 295

v-1-60-v traim work bombero

Interpol Van

Volume: 1 Chapter: 60 Scene: 296

v-1-60-v st4t gmach auto night

Royal Palace, Budapest

Volume: 1 Chapter: 60 Scene: 297

v-1-60-v t4bl3 kitchen

Palace Kitchen

Volume: 1 Chapter: 60 Scene: 298

v-1-60-v door b3cz battic pdz

Palace Wine Cellar

Volume: 1 Chapter: 60 Scene: 299

v-1-60-v battic pdz

Volume: 1 Chapter: 60 Scene: 300

v-1-61-v st4t b3cz gmach white

Fisherman's Bastion

Volume: 1 Chapter: 61 Scene: 301

v-1-61-v st4t star foyer

Count Petrescu's Mansion

Volume: 1 Chapter: 61 Scene: 302

v-1-61-v st4t b3d bdrm purple

Mansion Bedroom

Volume: 1 Chapter: 61 Scene: 303

v-1-61-v animal house wild

Carpathian Village

Volume: 1 Chapter: 61 Scene: 304

v-1-61-v tr3e wild

Dam, Carpathian Mountains

Volume: 1 Chapter: 61 Scene: 305

v-1-62-v foun st4t gmach house

The Marquess's Mansion

Volume: 1 Chapter: 62 Scene: 306

v-1-62-v 4rmch desk office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 62 Scene: 307

v-1-62-v fire 4rmch parlor

Margaret's Living Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 62 Scene: 308

v-1-62-v desk office library

Post Office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 62 Scene: 309

v-1-62-v auto winter

Whiting Pier

Volume: 1 Chapter: 62 Scene: 310

v-1-63-v bar r3d

Lenox Lounge

Volume: 1 Chapter: 63 Scene: 311

v-1-63-v door auto night winter

Outside the Lounge

Volume: 1 Chapter: 63 Scene: 312

v-1-63-v house night winter

Margaret's Garden

Volume: 1 Chapter: 63 Scene: 313

v-1-63-v r4bl fo0d t4bl3 kitchen

Margaret's Kitchen

Volume: 1 Chapter: 63 Scene: 314

v-1-63-v door bench night winter

The Windy City Inn

Volume: 1 Chapter: 63 Scene: 315

v-1-64-v most auto night winter

Bascule Bridge

Volume: 1 Chapter: 64 Scene: 316

v-1-64-v b3d t4bl3 ru1n winter

Volume: 1 Chapter: 64 Scene: 317

v-1-64-v foun patio gho

Seymour Fountains

Volume: 1 Chapter: 64 Scene: 318

v-1-64-v river chair boat beach

Jackson Park Beach

Volume: 1 Chapter: 64 Scene: 319

v-1-64-v desk office

Seymour's Office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 64 Scene: 320

v-1-65-v bar beach

Coastal Bar

Volume: 1 Chapter: 65 Scene: 321

v-1-65-v pool house

Angel's Mansion

Volume: 1 Chapter: 65 Scene: 322

v-1-65-v boat wild

Volume: 1 Chapter: 65 Scene: 323

v-1-65-v door t4bl3 t0p house

Mitch's House

Volume: 1 Chapter: 65 Scene: 324

v-1-65-v foun foyer

Angel's Foyer

Volume: 1 Chapter: 65 Scene: 325

v-1-66-v boat beach

Island Shore

Volume: 1 Chapter: 66 Scene: 326

v-1-66-v tr3e star house

Island Villa

Volume: 1 Chapter: 66 Scene: 327

v-1-66-v b3d desk winter

Volume: 1 Chapter: 66 Scene: 328

v-1-66-v btgp beach

Villa Veranda

Volume: 1 Chapter: 66 Scene: 329

v-1-66-v star b3cz bicy corner

Rio Carnival

Volume: 1 Chapter: 66 Scene: 330

v-1-67-v 4rmch t4bl3 parlor

David's Apartment

Volume: 1 Chapter: 67 Scene: 331

v-1-67-v door l4d t4bl3 shop

Windy City Grocery

Volume: 1 Chapter: 67 Scene: 332

v-1-67-v bench shop winter

Main Street

Volume: 1 Chapter: 67 Scene: 333

v-1-67-v t4bl3 bllrm

Police Gala

Volume: 1 Chapter: 67 Scene: 334

v-1-67-v desk office

David's Office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 67 Scene: 335

v-1-68-v animal brn

Estate Stables

Volume: 1 Chapter: 68 Scene: 336

v-1-68-v t4bl3 jewel shop misc

Gift Emporium

Volume: 1 Chapter: 68 Scene: 337

v-1-68-v st4t star foyer

Hayes Family Estate

Volume: 1 Chapter: 68 Scene: 338

v-1-68-v t4bl3 rest

Nantucket Inn

Volume: 1 Chapter: 68 Scene: 339

v-1-68-v auto office street

Silverman Campaign Office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 68 Scene: 340

v-1-69-v foun bench garden

Hayes Estate Garden

Volume: 1 Chapter: 69 Scene: 341

v-1-69-v chair t4bl3 bar

Hayes Estate Bar

Volume: 1 Chapter: 69 Scene: 342

v-1-69-v desk office bombero

Office Crime Scene

Volume: 1 Chapter: 69 Scene: 343

v-1-69-v desk office

Marie's Office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 69 Scene: 344

v-1-69-v b3d t4bl3 apart

Volume: 1 Chapter: 69 Scene: 345

v-1-70-v tr3e star house

Pennsylvania Farmhouse

Volume: 1 Chapter: 70 Scene: 346

v-1-70-v most jungle night

Volume: 1 Chapter: 70 Scene: 347

v-1-70-v cart brn

Evelyn's Barn

Volume: 1 Chapter: 70 Scene: 348

v-1-70-v pool rel14

Hayes Estate Pool

Volume: 1 Chapter: 70 Scene: 349

v-1-70-v budka cart

Faneuil Hall

Volume: 1 Chapter: 70 Scene: 350

v-1-71-v fire r4bl t4bl3 btgp

Hayes Estate

Volume: 1 Chapter: 71 Scene: 351

v-1-71-v t4bl3 office

Dale's Office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 71 Scene: 352

v-1-71-v desk library

Boston Public Library

Volume: 1 Chapter: 71 Scene: 353

v-1-71-v star house wild

Hayes Estate Grounds

Volume: 1 Chapter: 71 Scene: 354

v-1-71-v fire t4bl3 parlor night

Jack's Apartment

Volume: 1 Chapter: 71 Scene: 355

v-1-72-v mirr b3d t4bl3 cart hospital

Boston General Hospital

Volume: 1 Chapter: 72 Scene: 356

v-1-72-v door l4d gho garden

Vivian's Greenhouse

Volume: 1 Chapter: 72 Scene: 357

v-1-72-v auto street

Downtown Boston

Volume: 1 Chapter: 72 Scene: 358

v-1-72-v b3d 4rmch hospital

Vivian's Hospital Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 72 Scene: 359

v-1-72-v star office

Vivian's Study

Volume: 1 Chapter: 72 Scene: 360

v-1-73-v st4t bench garden

Hospital Garden

Volume: 1 Chapter: 73 Scene: 361

v-1-73-v office coridor hospital

Nurses' Station

Volume: 1 Chapter: 73 Scene: 362

v-1-73-v river t4bl3 boat house

Hayes Estate Dock

Volume: 1 Chapter: 73 Scene: 363

v-1-73-v b3d chair bdrm

Jack's Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 73 Scene: 364

v-1-73-v star beach wild night

Volume: 1 Chapter: 73 Scene: 365

v-1-74-v 4rmch desk office library

Volume: 1 Chapter: 74 Scene: 366

v-1-74-v fo0d t4bl3 kitchen

Estate Kitchen

Volume: 1 Chapter: 74 Scene: 367

v-1-74-v most t4bl3 boat garden

Volume: 1 Chapter: 74 Scene: 368

v-1-74-v star foyer

Volume: 1 Chapter: 74 Scene: 369

v-1-74-v star 4rmch t4bl3 parlor

Volume: 1 Chapter: 74 Scene: 370

v-1-75-v t4bl3 office foyer hotel

Ocean View Hotel Lobby

Volume: 1 Chapter: 75 Scene: 371

v-1-75-v desk office bombero

Volume: 1 Chapter: 75 Scene: 372

v-1-75-v tr3e btgp beach

Ocean View Hotel Veranda

Volume: 1 Chapter: 75 Scene: 373

v-1-75-v tr3e bench shop street

Shopping Strip

Volume: 1 Chapter: 75 Scene: 374

v-1-75-v rel14 t4bl3 btgp beach

Hotel Beachfront

Volume: 1 Chapter: 75 Scene: 375

v-1-76-v piano b3d battic house

Mountain House

Volume: 1 Chapter: 76 Scene: 376

v-1-76-v hospital

Volume: 1 Chapter: 76 Scene: 377

v-1-76-v t4bl3 btgp bar rest

Luau Burgers 'n' Fries

Volume: 1 Chapter: 76 Scene: 378

v-1-76-v door star btgp

Ocean View Hotel

Volume: 1 Chapter: 76 Scene: 379

v-1-76-v tr3e rel14 beach wild

Volume: 1 Chapter: 76 Scene: 380

v-1-77-v tr3e animal most bench cart garden

Central Park

Volume: 1 Chapter: 77 Scene: 381

v-1-77-v door b3d 4rmch bdrm

Volume: 1 Chapter: 77 Scene: 382

v-1-77-v fire t4bl3 parlor

Volume: 1 Chapter: 77 Scene: 383

v-1-77-v most garden night

Estate Garden

Volume: 1 Chapter: 77 Scene: 384

v-1-77-v auto

Pacific Aero

Volume: 1 Chapter: 77 Scene: 385

v-1-78-v animal cart house winter

Alaskan Outpost

Volume: 1 Chapter: 78 Scene: 386

v-1-78-v animal cart wild winter

Wilderness Trail

Volume: 1 Chapter: 78 Scene: 387

v-1-78-v animal wild winter

Frozen Lake

Volume: 1 Chapter: 78 Scene: 388

v-1-78-v fire t4bl3 house winter

Volume: 1 Chapter: 78 Scene: 389

v-1-78-v animal samo jungle wild winter

Mountain Pass

Volume: 1 Chapter: 78 Scene: 390

v-1-79-v hospital

Jack's Hospital Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 79 Scene: 391

v-1-79-v samo work

Pacific Aero Hangar

Volume: 1 Chapter: 79 Scene: 392

v-1-79-v desk office

CEO's Office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 79 Scene: 393

v-1-79-v l4d samo

Assembly Floor

Volume: 1 Chapter: 79 Scene: 394

v-1-79-v desk office

Bering Factory

Volume: 1 Chapter: 79 Scene: 395

v-1-80-v auto street

Volume: 1 Chapter: 80 Scene: 396

v-1-80-v door coridor hospital

Hospital Corridor

Volume: 1 Chapter: 80 Scene: 397

v-1-80-v t4bl3 coridor shop

Pike Place Market

Volume: 1 Chapter: 80 Scene: 398

v-1-80-v budka bench street

Seattle Street

Volume: 1 Chapter: 80 Scene: 399

v-1-80-v mirr b3d bdrm

Marie's Hotel Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 80 Scene: 400

v-1-81-v b3d hospital

Volume: 1 Chapter: 81 Scene: 401

v-1-81-v samo ru1n corner

War Flashback

Volume: 1 Chapter: 81 Scene: 402

v-1-81-v desk office hospital

Hospital Waiting Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 81 Scene: 403

v-1-81-v st4t bench house garden night

Hospital Grounds

Volume: 1 Chapter: 81 Scene: 404

v-1-81-v door coridor hospital

Abandoned Hospital Wing

Volume: 1 Chapter: 81 Scene: 405

v-1-82-v auto street night

Hospital Parking Lot

Volume: 1 Chapter: 82 Scene: 406

v-1-82-v desk samo night

Burton's Office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 82 Scene: 407

v-1-82-v most river boat house

Ferry Landing

Volume: 1 Chapter: 82 Scene: 408

v-1-82-v river house jungle wild

Burton's Cabin

Volume: 1 Chapter: 82 Scene: 409

v-1-82-v t4bl3 battic ru1n

Cabin Attic

Volume: 1 Chapter: 82 Scene: 410

v-1-83-v casinema r3d

Movie Theater

Volume: 1 Chapter: 83 Scene: 411

v-1-83-v t0p casinema street

Outside the Theater

Volume: 1 Chapter: 83 Scene: 412

v-1-83-v l4d t4bl3 gho

Estate Conservatory

Volume: 1 Chapter: 83 Scene: 413

v-1-83-v t4bl3 asia

Hamada Family Home

Volume: 1 Chapter: 83 Scene: 414

v-1-83-v kitchen asia

Hamada Kitchen

Volume: 1 Chapter: 83 Scene: 415

v-1-84-v t4bl3 asia

Hamada Dining Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 84 Scene: 416

v-1-84-v t4bl3 asia

Sitting Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 84 Scene: 417

v-1-84-v gate patio garden asia

Garden Patio

Volume: 1 Chapter: 84 Scene: 418

v-1-84-v house garden asia

Volume: 1 Chapter: 84 Scene: 419

v-1-84-v tr3e most garden asia

Back Garden

Volume: 1 Chapter: 84 Scene: 420

v-1-85-v garden asia night

Hamada Garden

Volume: 1 Chapter: 85 Scene: 421

v-1-85-v tr3e most river garden asia

Meeting Spot

Volume: 1 Chapter: 85 Scene: 422

v-1-85-v tr3e most bench garden asia

Inokashira Park

Volume: 1 Chapter: 85 Scene: 423

v-1-85-v tr3e door asia

Kimiko's Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 85 Scene: 424

v-1-85-v tr3e most river garden asia

Rear Garden

Volume: 1 Chapter: 85 Scene: 425

v-1-86-v t4bl3 bar asia

Volume: 1 Chapter: 86 Scene: 426

v-1-86-v btgp t0p asia night

Tokyo Rooftop

Volume: 1 Chapter: 86 Scene: 427

v-1-86-v star asia

Volume: 1 Chapter: 86 Scene: 428

v-1-86-v cart street asia night

Tokyo Street

Volume: 1 Chapter: 86 Scene: 429

v-1-86-v t4bl3 btgp asia night

Garden Hotel

Volume: 1 Chapter: 86 Scene: 430

v-1-87-v gate house garden asia

Volume: 1 Chapter: 87 Scene: 431

v-1-87-v boat cart house ru1n asia

Hamada Home

Volume: 1 Chapter: 87 Scene: 432

v-1-87-v animal brn asia

Volume: 1 Chapter: 87 Scene: 433

v-1-87-v animal wild asia

Old Farm Granary

Volume: 1 Chapter: 87 Scene: 434

v-1-87-v bar asia r3d

Hikaru Club

Volume: 1 Chapter: 87 Scene: 435

v-1-88-v fl0w shop street asia

Downtown Tokyo

Volume: 1 Chapter: 88 Scene: 436

v-1-88-v door t4bl3 asia

Hamada Living Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 88 Scene: 437

v-1-88-v cart house street asia

Front Courtyard

Volume: 1 Chapter: 88 Scene: 438

v-1-88-v piano most river t4bl3 bllrm garden rest asia

Wedding Reception

Volume: 1 Chapter: 88 Scene: 439

v-1-88-v b3cz samo

Volume: 1 Chapter: 88 Scene: 440

v-1-89-v star t0p foyer

Estate Staircase

Volume: 1 Chapter: 89 Scene: 441

v-1-89-v b3d hospital

Emergency Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 89 Scene: 442

v-1-89-v budka auto cart bazar street night

Hospital Entrance

Volume: 1 Chapter: 89 Scene: 443

v-1-89-v desk

Estate Study

Volume: 1 Chapter: 89 Scene: 444

v-1-89-v most river house night

Orchid Island Jetty

Volume: 1 Chapter: 89 Scene: 445

v-1-90-v b3d bdrm

Volume: 1 Chapter: 90 Scene: 446

v-1-90-v gate foun st4t garden blue night

Estate Garden Gate

Volume: 1 Chapter: 90 Scene: 447

v-1-90-v l0ck white wedd

Clare's Dressing Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 90 Scene: 448

v-1-90-v chair apart

June's Apartment

Volume: 1 Chapter: 90 Scene: 449

v-1-90-v budka b3cz cart bazar street rain

Downtown London

Volume: 1 Chapter: 90 Scene: 450

v-1-91-v b3d chair hospital

Hospital Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 91 Scene: 451

v-1-91-v desk office

Lawyer's Office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 91 Scene: 452

v-1-91-v fire t4bl3 parlor

Sam's Cabin

Volume: 1 Chapter: 91 Scene: 453

v-1-91-v house jungle wild night

Volume: 1 Chapter: 91 Scene: 454

v-1-91-v house brn jungle wild night

Wooded Trail

Volume: 1 Chapter: 91 Scene: 455

v-1-92-v st4t desk office

Volume: 1 Chapter: 92 Scene: 456

v-1-92-v t4bl3 office foyer

Volume: 1 Chapter: 92 Scene: 457

v-1-92-v budka bicy shop street

Volume: 1 Chapter: 92 Scene: 458

v-1-92-v traim shop

Hubble's Hobbies

Volume: 1 Chapter: 92 Scene: 459

v-1-92-v b3cz traim wild

Volume: 1 Chapter: 92 Scene: 460

v-1-93-v t4bl3 apart battic

Hitman's Apartment

Volume: 1 Chapter: 93 Scene: 461

v-1-93-v desk office library

Volume: 1 Chapter: 93 Scene: 462

v-1-93-v star t4bl3

Volume: 1 Chapter: 93 Scene: 463

v-1-93-v t0p parlor

Irene and George's Apartment

Volume: 1 Chapter: 93 Scene: 464

v-1-93-v foun r4bl t4bl3 patio garden

Volume: 1 Chapter: 93 Scene: 465

v-1-94-v gate auto

Volume: 1 Chapter: 94 Scene: 466

v-1-94-v door street night

Hampshire Gentleman's Club

Volume: 1 Chapter: 94 Scene: 467

v-1-94-v fire st4t star t4bl3 parlor

Volume: 1 Chapter: 94 Scene: 468

v-1-94-v door street night

Maxwell's Home

Volume: 1 Chapter: 94 Scene: 469

v-1-94-v fire star parlor

Maxwell's Living Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 94 Scene: 470

v-1-95-v star t4bl3 library

Reading Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 95 Scene: 471

v-1-95-v t4bl3 t0p rest

Skyscraper Restaurant

Volume: 1 Chapter: 95 Scene: 472

v-1-95-v mirr fire apart beach

Beach House

Volume: 1 Chapter: 95 Scene: 473

v-1-95-v door t4bl3 misc

Volume: 1 Chapter: 95 Scene: 474

v-1-95-v door st4t star gmach

Courthouse Steps

Volume: 1 Chapter: 95 Scene: 475

v-1-96-v gate bench cart house

Estate Courtyard

Volume: 1 Chapter: 96 Scene: 476

v-1-96-v rel14 river t4bl3 garden wild

Hunts Point Park

Volume: 1 Chapter: 96 Scene: 477

v-1-96-v t4bl3 btgp garden

Estate Windmill

Volume: 1 Chapter: 96 Scene: 478

v-1-96-v t4bl3 office sport

Ebbets Field

Volume: 1 Chapter: 96 Scene: 479

v-1-96-v bicy traim street

Sullivan Street

Volume: 1 Chapter: 96 Scene: 480

v-1-97-v door bicy school

St. Prudence Courtyard

Volume: 1 Chapter: 97 Scene: 481

v-1-97-v door piano foyer hotel

The Viking Hotel Lobby

Volume: 1 Chapter: 97 Scene: 482

v-1-97-v b3d t4bl3 bdrm

The Viking Hotel Room 302

Volume: 1 Chapter: 97 Scene: 483

v-1-97-v desk office ru1n

Abandoned Office Building

Volume: 1 Chapter: 97 Scene: 484

v-1-97-v tr3e samo wild

Capo Island

Volume: 1 Chapter: 97 Scene: 485

v-1-98-v boat samo beach

Volume: 1 Chapter: 98 Scene: 486

v-1-98-v river beach wild pdz

Volume: 1 Chapter: 98 Scene: 487

v-1-98-v tr3e river jungle wild

Jungle Path

Volume: 1 Chapter: 98 Scene: 488

v-1-98-v river wild

Volume: 1 Chapter: 98 Scene: 489

v-1-98-v boat beach wild

Annette's Boat

Volume: 1 Chapter: 98 Scene: 490

v-1-99-v t4bl3 kitchen d1n bar

Soup Kitchen

Volume: 1 Chapter: 99 Scene: 491

v-1-99-v star fl0w foyer

Estate Entrance

Volume: 1 Chapter: 99 Scene: 492

v-1-99-v b3d bdrm

Virginia's Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 99 Scene: 493

v-1-99-v street

Union Square Protest

Volume: 1 Chapter: 99 Scene: 494

v-1-99-v b3cz l4d t0p

Union Square Rooftop

Volume: 1 Chapter: 99 Scene: 495

v-1-100-v bench auto garden street

Union Square

Volume: 1 Chapter: 100 Scene: 496

v-1-100-v mirr fire l0ck white wedd

Bride's Dressing Room

Volume: 1 Chapter: 100 Scene: 497

v-1-100-v tr3e rel14 star garden

Volume: 1 Chapter: 100 Scene: 498

v-1-100-v temple wedd

Wedding Chapel

Volume: 1 Chapter: 100 Scene: 499

v-1-100-v bllrm white wedd

Volume: 1 Chapter: 100 Scene: 500

v-2-1-v mirr fire t4bl3 btgp apart parlor

Volume: 2 Chapter: 1 Scene: 501

v-2-1-v at3lier

Volume: 2 Chapter: 1 Scene: 502

v-2-1-v t4bl3 cafe street

Macaron Cafe

Volume: 2 Chapter: 1 Scene: 503

v-2-1-v auto cafe street night

Red Beacon Cabaret

Volume: 2 Chapter: 1 Scene: 504

v-2-1-v t4bl3 bar r3d

Red Beacon Stage

Volume: 2 Chapter: 1 Scene: 505

v-2-2-v door desk at3lier gallery

Amelia's Gallery

Volume: 2 Chapter: 2 Scene: 506

v-2-2-v foun night

Bonfils's Mansion

Volume: 2 Chapter: 2 Scene: 507

v-2-2-v fire t4bl3 d1n

Bonfils's Banquet

Volume: 2 Chapter: 2 Scene: 508

v-2-2-v t4bl3 bar

Bonfils's Private Bar

Volume: 2 Chapter: 2 Scene: 509

v-2-2-v t4bl3 bllrm

Bonfils's Dining Hall

Volume: 2 Chapter: 2 Scene: 510

v-2-3-v foun st4t garden night

Volume: 2 Chapter: 3 Scene: 511

v-2-3-v traim blue night

Tank Factory

Volume: 2 Chapter: 3 Scene: 512

v-2-3-v sport

Volume: 2 Chapter: 3 Scene: 513

v-2-3-v l0ck sport

Volume: 2 Chapter: 3 Scene: 514

v-2-3-v sport

Volume: 2 Chapter: 3 Scene: 515

v-2-4-v t4bl3 bar r3d

Volume: 2 Chapter: 4 Scene: 516

v-2-4-v door l4d desk library shop

Barfleur Bookstore

Volume: 2 Chapter: 4 Scene: 517

v-2-4-v b3d apart battic

Volume: 2 Chapter: 4 Scene: 518

v-2-4-v tr3e star boat rain

By the Willow

Volume: 2 Chapter: 4 Scene: 519

v-2-4-v star l4d desk library

Reading Lounge

Volume: 2 Chapter: 4 Scene: 520

v-2-5-v star r4bl l4d t4bl3 library

Volume: 2 Chapter: 5 Scene: 521

v-2-5-v st4t bench garden

War Memorial

Volume: 2 Chapter: 5 Scene: 522

v-2-5-v door fl0w desk shop

La Rose Shop

Volume: 2 Chapter: 5 Scene: 523

v-2-5-v temple

Cathedral Atrium

Volume: 2 Chapter: 5 Scene: 524

v-2-5-v tr3e bench cart temple garden

Cathedral Green

Volume: 2 Chapter: 5 Scene: 525

v-2-6-v coridor hospital

Hospital Entryway

Volume: 2 Chapter: 6 Scene: 526

v-2-6-v rel14 most river t4bl3 cafe

Corner Cafe

Volume: 2 Chapter: 6 Scene: 527

v-2-6-v t4bl3 office foyer hospital

Hospital Lobby

Volume: 2 Chapter: 6 Scene: 528

v-2-6-v coridor hospital

East Corridor

Volume: 2 Chapter: 6 Scene: 529

v-2-6-v hospital

Volume: 2 Chapter: 6 Scene: 530

v-2-7-v desk office hospital

Dr. Chevallier's Office

Volume: 2 Chapter: 7 Scene: 531

v-2-7-v door fo0d cart street

Volume: 2 Chapter: 7 Scene: 532

v-2-7-v t4bl3 kitchen

Pierre's Kitchen

Volume: 2 Chapter: 7 Scene: 533

v-2-7-v t4bl3 apart parlor

Pierre's Living Room

Volume: 2 Chapter: 7 Scene: 534

v-2-7-v hospital

Volume: 2 Chapter: 7 Scene: 535

v-2-8-v b3d hospital

Pierre's Hospital Room

Volume: 2 Chapter: 8 Scene: 536

v-2-8-v desk office hospital

Nurses' Station Counter

Volume: 2 Chapter: 8 Scene: 537

v-2-8-v r4bl t4bl3 cafe rest

Le Cochon Tacheté

Volume: 2 Chapter: 8 Scene: 538

v-2-8-v cart toil battic hospital

Laundry Room

Volume: 2 Chapter: 8 Scene: 539

v-2-8-v star coridor hospital

West Corridor

Volume: 2 Chapter: 8 Scene: 540

v-2-9-v t4bl3 office hospital night

Volume: 2 Chapter: 9 Scene: 541

v-2-9-v b3d hospital rain night

Second Floor Corridor

Volume: 2 Chapter: 9 Scene: 542

v-2-9-v bench garden hospital rain night

Volume: 2 Chapter: 9 Scene: 543

v-2-9-v t4bl3 t0p apart parlor night

Volume: 2 Chapter: 9 Scene: 544

v-2-9-v b3d coridor hospital night

East Hospital Wing

Volume: 2 Chapter: 9 Scene: 545

v-2-10-v bench office hospital

Waiting Room

Volume: 2 Chapter: 10 Scene: 546

v-2-10-v door b3cz cart street night

Devil's Door

Volume: 2 Chapter: 10 Scene: 547

v-2-10-v door cart street rain night

Volume: 2 Chapter: 10 Scene: 548

v-2-10-v b3cz corner rain night

Volume: 2 Chapter: 10 Scene: 549

v-2-10-v star pdz


Volume: 2 Chapter: 10 Scene: 550

v-2-11-v t4bl3 auto cafe street

Cafe Fleury

Volume: 2 Chapter: 11 Scene: 551

v-2-11-v samo bazar sport green

Flying Circus Stands

Volume: 2 Chapter: 11 Scene: 552

v-2-11-v t4bl3 bllrm rest

Restaurant des Amis

Volume: 2 Chapter: 11 Scene: 553

v-2-11-v samo

Paris From Above

Volume: 2 Chapter: 11 Scene: 554

v-2-11-v b3cz l4d samo

Flying Circus Airfield

Volume: 2 Chapter: 11 Scene: 555

v-2-12-v samo

Flying Circus Hangar

Volume: 2 Chapter: 12 Scene: 556

v-2-12-v budka circus

Volume: 2 Chapter: 12 Scene: 557

v-2-12-v desk office library

Literary Agency

Volume: 2 Chapter: 12 Scene: 558

v-2-12-v door b3d circus

Jack's Trailer

Volume: 2 Chapter: 12 Scene: 559

v-2-12-v at3lier coridor gallery

Volume: 2 Chapter: 12 Scene: 560

v-2-13-v gate budka cart circus

Marseille World Fair

Volume: 2 Chapter: 13 Scene: 561

v-2-13-v tr3e most river bench bicy

Amsterdam Canals

Volume: 2 Chapter: 13 Scene: 562

v-2-13-v samo


Volume: 2 Chapter: 13 Scene: 563

v-2-13-v animal cart circus

Caravan Campground

Volume: 2 Chapter: 13 Scene: 564

v-2-13-v mirr t4bl3 circus

Marjorie's Trailer

Volume: 2 Chapter: 13 Scene: 565

v-2-14-v b3cz cart circus

Volume: 2 Chapter: 14 Scene: 566

v-2-14-v samo

French Countryside

Volume: 2 Chapter: 14 Scene: 567

v-2-14-v samo

Country Road

Volume: 2 Chapter: 14 Scene: 568

v-2-14-v animal auto

Livestock Truck

Volume: 2 Chapter: 14 Scene: 569

v-2-14-v cart bazar house circus

Flying Circus Grounds

Volume: 2 Chapter: 14 Scene: 570

v-2-15-v samo

Volume: 2 Chapter: 15 Scene: 571

v-2-15-v t4bl3 bar

La Boisson Bar

Volume: 2 Chapter: 15 Scene: 572

v-2-15-v b3cz l4d circus

Tommy's Trailer

Volume: 2 Chapter: 15 Scene: 573

v-2-15-v b3cz traim night

Volume: 2 Chapter: 15 Scene: 574

v-2-15-v animal b3cz traim night

Volume: 2 Chapter: 15 Scene: 575

v-2-16-v coridor hospital

Volume: 2 Chapter: 16 Scene: 576

v-2-16-v tr3e door fl0w cart patio street

Apartment Courtyard

Volume: 2 Chapter: 16 Scene: 577

v-2-16-v mirr fire 4rmch t4bl3 parlor ru1n

Volume: 2 Chapter: 16 Scene: 578

v-2-16-v fire t4bl3 parlor blue

June's Living Room

Volume: 2 Chapter: 16 Scene: 579

v-2-16-v star coridor hospital

Volume: 2 Chapter: 16 Scene: 580

v-2-17-v door star foyer

Madame Boucher's Foyer

Volume: 2 Chapter: 17 Scene: 581

v-2-17-v mirr fire t4bl3 parlor

Living Room

Volume: 2 Chapter: 17 Scene: 582

v-2-17-v l4d stor

Volume: 2 Chapter: 17 Scene: 583

v-2-17-v b3d t4bl3 bdrm

Volume: 2 Chapter: 17 Scene: 584

v-2-17-v door star foyer

Volume: 2 Chapter: 17 Scene: 585

v-2-18-v t4bl3 bllrm rest

Boucher Bistro

Volume: 2 Chapter: 18 Scene: 586

v-2-18-v t4bl3 kitchen

Bistro Kitchen

Volume: 2 Chapter: 18 Scene: 587

v-2-18-v t4bl3 auto street night

Bistro Street

Volume: 2 Chapter: 18 Scene: 588

v-2-18-v t4bl3 btgp night

Michel's Apartment

Volume: 2 Chapter: 18 Scene: 589

v-2-18-v star auto street night

Bistro Back Alley

Volume: 2 Chapter: 18 Scene: 590

v-2-19-v door b3d apart bdrm

Servant Quarters

Volume: 2 Chapter: 19 Scene: 591

v-2-19-v star coridor

Apartment Building Hallway

Volume: 2 Chapter: 19 Scene: 592

v-2-19-v b3d bdrm

Madame Boucher's Bedroom

Volume: 2 Chapter: 19 Scene: 593

v-2-19-v fire st4t t4bl3 parlor ru1n

Madame Boucher's Living Room

Volume: 2 Chapter: 19 Scene: 594

v-2-19-v tr3e t4bl3 btgp

Apartment Building Courtyard

Volume: 2 Chapter: 19 Scene: 595

v-2-20-v fire st4t t4bl3 parlor

Boucher's Apartment

Volume: 2 Chapter: 20 Scene: 596

v-2-20-v river b3cz boat cart

Volume: 2 Chapter: 20 Scene: 597

v-2-20-v tr3e most river boat

Banks of the Seine

Volume: 2 Chapter: 20 Scene: 598

v-2-20-v most river star boat

Riverside Staircase

Volume: 2 Chapter: 20 Scene: 599

v-2-20-v fire t4bl3 parlor

Volume: 2 Chapter: 20 Scene: 600

v-2-21-v t4bl3 cafe shop

Corner PĂątisserie

Volume: 2 Chapter: 21 Scene: 601

v-2-21-v cafe street

Metro Entrance

Volume: 2 Chapter: 21 Scene: 602

v-2-21-v animal cart bazar street


Volume: 2 Chapter: 21 Scene: 603

v-2-21-v t4bl3 boat bar cafe

Volume: 2 Chapter: 21 Scene: 604

v-2-21-v boat purple

Volume: 2 Chapter: 21 Scene: 605

v-2-22-v river boat cart street

Volume: 2 Chapter: 22 Scene: 606

v-2-22-v b3cz t4bl3 bar

The Riled Rover Pub

Volume: 2 Chapter: 22 Scene: 607

v-2-22-v t4bl3 bar cafe

Corner Booth

Volume: 2 Chapter: 22 Scene: 608

v-2-22-v gate beach wild

Volume: 2 Chapter: 22 Scene: 609

v-2-22-v door bench auto bar ru1n street

Pub Entrance

Volume: 2 Chapter: 22 Scene: 610

v-2-23-v b3cz cart house street

Town Square

Volume: 2 Chapter: 23 Scene: 611

v-2-23-v auto

On the Road

Volume: 2 Chapter: 23 Scene: 612

v-2-23-v auto

Countryside Picnic

Volume: 2 Chapter: 23 Scene: 613

v-2-23-v auto house

Volume: 2 Chapter: 23 Scene: 614

v-2-23-v bench temple

Volume: 2 Chapter: 23 Scene: 615

v-2-24-v tr3e auto jungle

Volume: 2 Chapter: 24 Scene: 616

v-2-24-v tr3e most river cart

Country Lane

Volume: 2 Chapter: 24 Scene: 617

v-2-24-v b3cz auto bus house

Approaching Dublin

Volume: 2 Chapter: 24 Scene: 618

v-2-24-v b3cz bicy ru1n street

The Four Courts

Volume: 2 Chapter: 24 Scene: 619

v-2-24-v tent b3cz hospital

Field Hospital

Volume: 2 Chapter: 24 Scene: 620

v-2-25-v tent hospital

Medical Office

Volume: 2 Chapter: 25 Scene: 621

v-2-25-v tent b3cz t4bl3 ru1n hospital

Dublin Street

Volume: 2 Chapter: 25 Scene: 622

v-2-25-v star house beach

Seaside Village

Volume: 2 Chapter: 25 Scene: 623

v-2-25-v fire t4bl3 parlor

Niall's Cottage

Volume: 2 Chapter: 25 Scene: 624

v-2-25-v boat house beach

Outside Niall's Cottage

Volume: 2 Chapter: 25 Scene: 625

v-2-26-v st4t r4bl gmach t4bl3 gallery cafe

Museum Cafe

Volume: 2 Chapter: 26 Scene: 626

v-2-26-v auto street

Paris Central Station

Volume: 2 Chapter: 26 Scene: 627

v-2-26-v traim

Orient Express Platform

Volume: 2 Chapter: 26 Scene: 628

v-2-26-v desk traim

Elmas's Cabin

Volume: 2 Chapter: 26 Scene: 629

v-2-26-v traim coridor

Volume: 2 Chapter: 26 Scene: 630

v-2-27-v traim coridor

Recreation Car

Volume: 2 Chapter: 27 Scene: 631

v-2-27-v bench traim btgp

Viewing Platform

Volume: 2 Chapter: 27 Scene: 632

v-2-27-v traim coridor

Volume: 2 Chapter: 27 Scene: 633

v-2-27-v t4bl3 traim bar

Volume: 2 Chapter: 27 Scene: 634

v-2-27-v b3d traim bdrm green

Volume: 2 Chapter: 27 Scene: 635

v-2-28-v l4d desk traim apart

Conductor's Cabin

Volume: 2 Chapter: 28 Scene: 636

v-2-28-v b3d traim bdrm

June's Cabin

Volume: 2 Chapter: 28 Scene: 637

v-2-28-v t4bl3 traim rest

Restaurant Car

Volume: 2 Chapter: 28 Scene: 638

v-2-28-v traim work stor

Utility Car

Volume: 2 Chapter: 28 Scene: 639

v-2-28-v traim apart

Volume: 2 Chapter: 28 Scene: 640

v-2-29-v b3d traim bdrm

Bonfils's Cabin

Volume: 2 Chapter: 29 Scene: 641

v-2-29-v mirr traim l0ck

Madame Palomer's Cabin

Volume: 2 Chapter: 29 Scene: 642

v-2-29-v traim bar r3d

Entertainment Car

Volume: 2 Chapter: 29 Scene: 643

v-2-29-v traim stor

Luggage Car

Volume: 2 Chapter: 29 Scene: 644

v-2-29-v desk traim office apart

Volume: 2 Chapter: 29 Scene: 645

v-2-30-v l4d b3d traim bdrm

Servants' Cabin

Volume: 2 Chapter: 30 Scene: 646

v-2-30-v traim apart

Volume: 2 Chapter: 30 Scene: 647

v-2-30-v fire traim

Volume: 2 Chapter: 30 Scene: 648

v-2-30-v t4bl3 traim bar

Volume: 2 Chapter: 30 Scene: 649

v-2-30-v traim t0p

Volume: 2 Chapter: 30 Scene: 650

v-2-31-v chair desk office

Station Security Room

Volume: 2 Chapter: 31 Scene: 651

v-2-31-v auto traim street

Constantinople Street

Volume: 2 Chapter: 31 Scene: 652

v-2-31-v door office foyer hotel

Hotel Gallery Hall

Volume: 2 Chapter: 31 Scene: 653

v-2-31-v t4bl3 bllrm rest

Champagne Pyramid

Volume: 2 Chapter: 31 Scene: 654

v-2-31-v t4bl3 bllrm rest

Hotel Ballroom

Volume: 2 Chapter: 31 Scene: 655

v-2-32-v t4bl3 bllrm rest

Ballroom Mezzanine

Volume: 2 Chapter: 32 Scene: 656

v-2-32-v c4m l4d work stor

Storage Room

Volume: 2 Chapter: 32 Scene: 657

v-2-32-v b3cz bicy bazar

Grand Bazaar

Volume: 2 Chapter: 32 Scene: 658

v-2-32-v b3cz cart street

Volume: 2 Chapter: 32 Scene: 659

v-2-32-v st4t star b3cz battic pdz corner

Underground Cistern

Volume: 2 Chapter: 32 Scene: 660

v-2-33-v desk

Underground Shrine

Volume: 2 Chapter: 33 Scene: 661

v-2-33-v c4m casinema

Projection Booth

Volume: 2 Chapter: 33 Scene: 662

v-2-33-v boat

Ferry Across the Bosphorus

Volume: 2 Chapter: 33 Scene: 663

v-2-33-v c4m casinema

Duyal's Film Club

Volume: 2 Chapter: 33 Scene: 664

v-2-33-v star b3cz street

Volume: 2 Chapter: 33 Scene: 665

v-2-34-v b3d kitchen apart

Duyal's Apartment

Volume: 2 Chapter: 34 Scene: 666

v-2-34-v t4bl3 cafe rest

Coffee House

Volume: 2 Chapter: 34 Scene: 667

v-2-34-v gmach cart ru1n garden

Volume: 2 Chapter: 34 Scene: 668

v-2-34-v tr3e gmach garden

Constantinople Garden

Volume: 2 Chapter: 34 Scene: 669

v-2-34-v bazar street corner

Dead End Street

Volume: 2 Chapter: 34 Scene: 670

v-2-35-v t4bl3 bar r3d

Volume: 2 Chapter: 35 Scene: 671

v-2-35-v bar r3d

Volume: 2 Chapter: 35 Scene: 672

v-2-35-v st4t bench temple garden street

City Square

Volume: 2 Chapter: 35 Scene: 673

v-2-35-v t4bl3 bazar cafe shop

Pastry Shop

Volume: 2 Chapter: 35 Scene: 674

v-2-35-v st4t foyer casinema r3d

Theater Lobby

Volume: 2 Chapter: 35 Scene: 675

v-2-36-v t4bl3 btgp apart

Pierre's Apartment Balcony

Volume: 2 Chapter: 36 Scene: 676

v-2-36-v t4bl3 kitchen apart

Inside Pierre's Apartment

Volume: 2 Chapter: 36 Scene: 677

v-2-36-v tr3e bench garden

Versailles Gardens

Volume: 2 Chapter: 36 Scene: 678

v-2-36-v t4bl3 rest

Michel's Restaurant

Volume: 2 Chapter: 36 Scene: 679

v-2-36-v river boat night

Along the Seine

Volume: 2 Chapter: 36 Scene: 680

v-2-37-v t4bl3 cafe street

Wine and Cheese Shop

Volume: 2 Chapter: 37 Scene: 681

v-2-37-v t4bl3 jewel shop

Jewelry Store

Volume: 2 Chapter: 37 Scene: 682

v-2-37-v desk office hospital

Maternity Ward

Volume: 2 Chapter: 37 Scene: 683

v-2-37-v t4bl3 btgp t0p hospital

Hospital Rooftop

Volume: 2 Chapter: 37 Scene: 684

v-2-37-v st4t b3cz l4d auto cart street

Place VendĂŽme

Volume: 2 Chapter: 37 Scene: 685

v-2-38-v animal gmach cart temple street

Seville Street

Volume: 2 Chapter: 38 Scene: 686

v-2-38-v tr3e wild

Volume: 2 Chapter: 38 Scene: 687

v-2-38-v foun b3cz street

Village Entrance

Volume: 2 Chapter: 38 Scene: 688

v-2-38-v b3cz t4bl3 bar rest

Volume: 2 Chapter: 38 Scene: 689

v-2-38-v b3d hospital

Volume: 2 Chapter: 38 Scene: 690

v-2-39-v gate foun b3cz cart street

Village Square

Volume: 2 Chapter: 39 Scene: 691

v-2-39-v tr3e cart wild

Rural Roadside

Volume: 2 Chapter: 39 Scene: 692

v-2-39-v tr3e wild pdz

Cave Entrance

Volume: 2 Chapter: 39 Scene: 693

v-2-39-v pdz

Volume: 2 Chapter: 39 Scene: 694

v-2-39-v pdz

Volume: 2 Chapter: 39 Scene: 695

v-2-40-v animal cart wild rain

Mountain Cave Entrance

Volume: 2 Chapter: 40 Scene: 696

v-2-40-v gate house rain

Outside Cave House

Volume: 2 Chapter: 40 Scene: 697

v-2-40-v fire parlor

Dolores's Cave House

Volume: 2 Chapter: 40 Scene: 698

v-2-40-v t4bl3 kitchen

Dolores's Kitchen

Volume: 2 Chapter: 40 Scene: 699

v-2-40-v fire patio house garden

Dolores's Courtyard

Volume: 2 Chapter: 40 Scene: 700

v-2-41-v cart patio

Village Street

Volume: 2 Chapter: 41 Scene: 701

v-2-41-v bdrm bazar shop

Pottery Shop

Volume: 2 Chapter: 41 Scene: 702

v-2-41-v cart wild

Mountain Trail

Volume: 2 Chapter: 41 Scene: 703

v-2-41-v desk cart work

Volume: 2 Chapter: 41 Scene: 704

v-2-41-v foun auto street

Volume: 2 Chapter: 41 Scene: 705

v-2-42-v desk t4bl3 apart parlor

Volume: 2 Chapter: 42 Scene: 706

v-2-42-v piano t4bl3 bar

La Ligeia Bar

Volume: 2 Chapter: 42 Scene: 707

v-2-42-v mirr fire t4bl3 parlor

Volume: 2 Chapter: 42 Scene: 708

v-2-42-v r4bl cafe street

Parisian Café

Volume: 2 Chapter: 42 Scene: 709

v-2-42-v gmach bench gallery garden

Volume: 2 Chapter: 42 Scene: 710

v-2-43-v b3d hospital

Examination Room

Volume: 2 Chapter: 43 Scene: 711

v-2-43-v mirr l0ck white wedd

Dress Boutique

Volume: 2 Chapter: 43 Scene: 712

v-2-43-v tr3e fl0w bench garden

Luxembourg Gardens

Volume: 2 Chapter: 43 Scene: 713

v-2-43-v st4t t4bl3 rest

Le Canard Braisé Restaurant

Volume: 2 Chapter: 43 Scene: 714

v-2-43-v desk coridor hospital

Women's Shelter

Volume: 2 Chapter: 43 Scene: 715

v-2-44-v fl0w t4bl3 btgp

Volume: 2 Chapter: 44 Scene: 716

v-2-44-v desk office hospital

Volume: 2 Chapter: 44 Scene: 717

v-2-44-v river b3cz boat bazar rain

Volume: 2 Chapter: 44 Scene: 718

v-2-44-v fire t4bl3 bar

Volume: 2 Chapter: 44 Scene: 719

v-2-44-v b3d bdrm

Volume: 2 Chapter: 44 Scene: 720

v-2-45-v door auto garden

Orchid Estate

Volume: 2 Chapter: 45 Scene: 721

v-2-45-v b3d bdrm

Volume: 2 Chapter: 45 Scene: 722

v-2-45-v t4bl3 t0p gho blue


Volume: 2 Chapter: 45 Scene: 723

v-2-45-v animal l4d brn

Volume: 2 Chapter: 45 Scene: 724

v-2-45-v gate foun night

Bedroom Window

Volume: 2 Chapter: 45 Scene: 725

v-2-46-v door t4bl3 cart d1n

Breakfast Room

Volume: 2 Chapter: 46 Scene: 726

v-2-46-v fo0d fl0w desk

Treasure Map

Volume: 2 Chapter: 46 Scene: 727

v-2-46-v star beach wild

Volume: 2 Chapter: 46 Scene: 728

v-2-46-v pdz

Volume: 2 Chapter: 46 Scene: 729

v-2-46-v fire t4bl3 d1n

Dining Room

Volume: 2 Chapter: 46 Scene: 730

v-2-47-v t4bl3 btgp patio

Breakfast Patio

Volume: 2 Chapter: 47 Scene: 731

v-2-47-v boat

Harry's Boat

Volume: 2 Chapter: 47 Scene: 732

v-2-47-v tr3e fl0w wild

Sunflower Island Fields

Volume: 2 Chapter: 47 Scene: 733

v-2-47-v boat ru1n beach wild

Sunflower Island Beach

Volume: 2 Chapter: 47 Scene: 734

v-2-47-v boat

Orchid Island Coast

Volume: 2 Chapter: 47 Scene: 735

v-2-48-v t4bl3 btgp patio garden

Volume: 2 Chapter: 48 Scene: 736

v-2-48-v tr3e bench wild

Wildflower Way

Volume: 2 Chapter: 48 Scene: 737

v-2-48-v desk work

Mr. Talbot's Shed

Volume: 2 Chapter: 48 Scene: 738

v-2-48-v kitchen

Volume: 2 Chapter: 48 Scene: 739

v-2-48-v t4bl3 btgp night

The Talbots' Terrace

Volume: 2 Chapter: 48 Scene: 740

v-2-49-v foun desk night

Study Window

Volume: 2 Chapter: 49 Scene: 741

v-2-49-v mirr b3d desk bdrm night

Clare and Harry's Bedroom

Volume: 2 Chapter: 49 Scene: 742

v-2-49-v auto work night

Volume: 2 Chapter: 49 Scene: 743

v-2-49-v tr3e river auto night

Volume: 2 Chapter: 49 Scene: 744

v-2-49-v auto night

Clare's Car

Volume: 2 Chapter: 49 Scene: 745

v-2-50-v desk

Time Capsule

Volume: 2 Chapter: 50 Scene: 746

v-2-50-v t4bl3 cart gho

Volume: 2 Chapter: 50 Scene: 747

v-2-50-v desk office library

Volume: 2 Chapter: 50 Scene: 748

v-2-50-v piano t4bl3 d1n bllrm rest

Volume: 2 Chapter: 50 Scene: 749

v-2-50-v foun t4bl3 cart btgp

Volume: 2 Chapter: 50 Scene: 750

v-3-1-v auto wild

Volume: 3 Chapter: 1 Scene: 751

v-3-1-v house wild

Volume: 3 Chapter: 1 Scene: 752

v-3-1-v t4bl3 kitchen

Lost Boy's House

Volume: 3 Chapter: 1 Scene: 753

v-3-1-v foyer casinema r3d

Cinema Foyer

Volume: 3 Chapter: 1 Scene: 754

v-3-1-v l4d t4bl3 samo btgp

Evelyn's House

Volume: 3 Chapter: 1 Scene: 755

v-3-2-v fire st4t t4bl3 d1n

Volume: 3 Chapter: 2 Scene: 756

v-3-2-v star boat

The Hayes Yacht

Volume: 3 Chapter: 2 Scene: 757

v-3-2-v desk office

Avery's Study

Volume: 3 Chapter: 2 Scene: 758

v-3-2-v star boat beach night

Volume: 3 Chapter: 2 Scene: 759

v-3-2-v rel14 t4bl3 garden

Garden Party

Volume: 3 Chapter: 2 Scene: 760

v-3-3-v t4bl3 kitchen

The Hayes Kitchen

Volume: 3 Chapter: 3 Scene: 761

v-3-3-v auto house rain

The Hayes Driveway

Volume: 3 Chapter: 3 Scene: 762

v-3-3-v t4bl3 btgp

The Hayes Veranda

Volume: 3 Chapter: 3 Scene: 763

v-3-3-v b3d t4bl3 bdrm

Avery's Bedroom

Volume: 3 Chapter: 3 Scene: 764

v-3-3-v fl0w house garden

The Hayes Garden

Volume: 3 Chapter: 3 Scene: 765

v-3-4-v animal most river t4bl3 cart btgp temple

Chapel Reception

Volume: 3 Chapter: 4 Scene: 766

v-3-4-v tr3e most river bench auto cart temple wild

Serene River

Volume: 3 Chapter: 4 Scene: 767

v-3-4-v desk office green

Avery's Office

Volume: 3 Chapter: 4 Scene: 768

v-3-4-v tr3e bench

Avery's Briefcase

Volume: 3 Chapter: 4 Scene: 769

v-3-4-v tr3e b3d house

Volume: 3 Chapter: 4 Scene: 770

v-3-5-v tr3e l4d bench house jungle wild

Volume: 3 Chapter: 5 Scene: 771

v-3-5-v t4bl3 kitchen

Evelyn's Kitchen

Volume: 3 Chapter: 5 Scene: 772

v-3-5-v tr3e star chair 4rmch t4bl3 btgp

Evelyn's Front Yard

Volume: 3 Chapter: 5 Scene: 773

v-3-5-v star b3cz l4d t4bl3 house garden

Evelyn's Backyard

Volume: 3 Chapter: 5 Scene: 774

v-3-5-v tr3e house jungle wild

Volume: 3 Chapter: 5 Scene: 775

v-3-6-v l4d desk office library

Volume: 3 Chapter: 6 Scene: 776

v-3-6-v desk t4bl3 office

Volume: 3 Chapter: 6 Scene: 777

v-3-6-v desk office

Volume: 3 Chapter: 6 Scene: 778

v-3-6-v fire b3d t4bl3 bdrm

June and Jack's Bedroom

Volume: 3 Chapter: 6 Scene: 779

v-3-6-v star bench

Albany Airport

Volume: 3 Chapter: 6 Scene: 780

v-3-7-v fire st4t t4bl3 parlor night

Irene & Hermann's House

Volume: 3 Chapter: 7 Scene: 781

v-3-7-v t4bl3 jewel shop asia

Irene's Jewelry Store

Volume: 3 Chapter: 7 Scene: 782

v-3-7-v tr3e fl0w bench traim wild asia

Tram to Victoria Peak

Volume: 3 Chapter: 7 Scene: 783

v-3-7-v rel14 t4bl3 btgp d1n asia

Governor's Residence

Volume: 3 Chapter: 7 Scene: 784

v-3-7-v t4bl3 cafe rest asia

Yuen's Tea House

Volume: 3 Chapter: 7 Scene: 785

v-3-8-v t4bl3 gallery asia

Yuen's Gallery

Volume: 3 Chapter: 8 Scene: 786

v-3-8-v bazar street asia

Cat Street Market

Volume: 3 Chapter: 8 Scene: 787

v-3-8-v desk office asia

Governor's Office

Volume: 3 Chapter: 8 Scene: 788

v-3-8-v bench boat asia

Hong Kong Harbor

Volume: 3 Chapter: 8 Scene: 789

v-3-8-v b3cz boat asia

Theo's Junk Boat

Volume: 3 Chapter: 8 Scene: 790

v-3-9-v t4bl3 boat house asia

Miss Lam's Stilt House Hideout

Volume: 3 Chapter: 9 Scene: 791

v-3-9-v fire st4t t4bl3 parlor asia

Irene's House

Volume: 3 Chapter: 9 Scene: 792

v-3-9-v star bazar corner asia

Volume: 3 Chapter: 9 Scene: 793

v-3-9-v boat asia

Yau Ma Tei Typhoon Shelter

Volume: 3 Chapter: 9 Scene: 794

v-3-9-v boat asia night

Miss Lam's Boat

Volume: 3 Chapter: 9 Scene: 795

v-3-10-v t4bl3 boat asia night

Volume: 3 Chapter: 10 Scene: 796

v-3-10-v cart bazar street asia

Festival Outskirts

Volume: 3 Chapter: 10 Scene: 797

v-3-10-v budka animal fo0d street asia

Festival Street

Volume: 3 Chapter: 10 Scene: 798

v-3-10-v asia r3d

Festival Stage

Volume: 3 Chapter: 10 Scene: 799

v-3-10-v b3cz auto street corner asia night

Quiet Alley

Volume: 3 Chapter: 10 Scene: 800

v-3-11-v tr3e bench house wild

Landing Strip

Volume: 3 Chapter: 11 Scene: 801

v-3-11-v gmach t4bl3 rest

Volume: 3 Chapter: 11 Scene: 802

v-3-11-v fl0w gmach patio school

University of Edinburgh

Volume: 3 Chapter: 11 Scene: 803

v-3-11-v t4bl3 bar

Student Pub

Volume: 3 Chapter: 11 Scene: 804

v-3-11-v b3d desk apart battic

Volume: 3 Chapter: 11 Scene: 805

v-3-12-v star chair coridor

Skye's Dorm Room

Volume: 3 Chapter: 12 Scene: 806

v-3-12-v tr3e bench cart garden school

University Campus

Volume: 3 Chapter: 12 Scene: 807

v-3-12-v most river

By the Canal

Volume: 3 Chapter: 12 Scene: 808

v-3-12-v desk office school

Inside the Registrar's Office

Volume: 3 Chapter: 12 Scene: 809

v-3-12-v patio school night

Outside the Registrar's Office

Volume: 3 Chapter: 12 Scene: 810

v-3-13-v auto house

June's Rental Car

Volume: 3 Chapter: 13 Scene: 811

v-3-13-v door street night

McEwan Residence

Volume: 3 Chapter: 13 Scene: 812

v-3-13-v budka st4t gmach cart bazar street

George Square

Volume: 3 Chapter: 13 Scene: 813

v-3-13-v foun gmach garden hospital

Glasgow Davina Institution

Volume: 3 Chapter: 13 Scene: 814

v-3-13-v cart office hospital

Volume: 3 Chapter: 13 Scene: 815

v-3-14-v b3d coridor hospital

Institution Hallway

Volume: 3 Chapter: 14 Scene: 816

v-3-14-v l4d desk office library hospital

Volume: 3 Chapter: 14 Scene: 817

v-3-14-v hospital

Medical Examination Room

Volume: 3 Chapter: 14 Scene: 818

v-3-14-v t0p hospital rain

Institution Rooftop

Volume: 3 Chapter: 14 Scene: 819

v-3-14-v b3d hospital

Skye's Cell

Volume: 3 Chapter: 14 Scene: 820

v-3-15-v b3cz boat

Glasgow Docklands

Volume: 3 Chapter: 15 Scene: 821

v-3-15-v b3d office hospital

Davina Institution Reception

Volume: 3 Chapter: 15 Scene: 822

v-3-15-v tr3e bench bicy gho garden

People's Palace

Volume: 3 Chapter: 15 Scene: 823

v-3-15-v tr3e animal bal00n wild

Arthur's Seat

Volume: 3 Chapter: 15 Scene: 824

v-3-15-v b3cz t4bl3 bar street

Volume: 3 Chapter: 15 Scene: 825

v-3-16-v l4d t4bl3 office library

The Estate Library

Volume: 3 Chapter: 16 Scene: 826

v-3-16-v b3cz auto bus street

Fremont Street

Volume: 3 Chapter: 16 Scene: 827

v-3-16-v animal t4bl3 casinema

The Peeled Banana Casino Floor

Volume: 3 Chapter: 16 Scene: 828

v-3-16-v street corner

Behind The Peeled Banana

Volume: 3 Chapter: 16 Scene: 829

v-3-16-v door star b3cz auto bus street corner

Gentlemen's Club Entrance

Volume: 3 Chapter: 16 Scene: 830

v-3-17-v piano bar r3d

The Mint Hippo Lounge Area

Volume: 3 Chapter: 17 Scene: 831

v-3-17-v mirr bar ru1n r3d

The Mint Hippo Private Room

Volume: 3 Chapter: 17 Scene: 832

v-3-17-v door bombero

Volume: 3 Chapter: 17 Scene: 833

v-3-17-v auto bus street

Volume: 3 Chapter: 17 Scene: 834

v-3-17-v mirr b3d desk bdrm hotel

Volume: 3 Chapter: 17 Scene: 835

v-3-18-v star auto btgp hotel

Motel Balcony

Volume: 3 Chapter: 18 Scene: 836

v-3-18-v t4bl3 office bombero

Volume: 3 Chapter: 18 Scene: 837

v-3-18-v b3cz auto bicy house

The Reservation

Volume: 3 Chapter: 18 Scene: 838

v-3-18-v fire t4bl3

The Chief's Home

Volume: 3 Chapter: 18 Scene: 839

v-3-18-v t4bl3 bllrm rest

The Peeled Banana Stage

Volume: 3 Chapter: 18 Scene: 840

v-3-19-v door mirr t4bl3 l0ck

Jewel's Dressing Room

Volume: 3 Chapter: 19 Scene: 841

v-3-19-v desk office

Casino Office

Volume: 3 Chapter: 19 Scene: 842

v-3-19-v desk night

Volume: 3 Chapter: 19 Scene: 843

v-3-19-v beach wild

Reservation Lakeside

Volume: 3 Chapter: 19 Scene: 844

v-3-19-v most auto

Bridge Toward Vegas

Volume: 3 Chapter: 19 Scene: 845

v-3-20-v river auto wild

Volume: 3 Chapter: 20 Scene: 846

v-3-20-v desk office bombero

Volume: 3 Chapter: 20 Scene: 847

v-3-20-v foyer hotel

Hotel Lounge

Volume: 3 Chapter: 20 Scene: 848

v-3-20-v fl0w t4bl3 parlor

Entertainment Lounge

Volume: 3 Chapter: 20 Scene: 849

v-3-20-v auto

Lookout Point

Volume: 3 Chapter: 20 Scene: 850

v-3-21-v rel14 t4bl3 btgp beach

Amelia & Édouard’s Veranda

Volume: 3 Chapter: 21 Scene: 851

v-3-21-v t4bl3 btgp d1n beach

Volume: 3 Chapter: 21 Scene: 852

v-3-21-v b3d t4bl3 bdrm

Amelia & Édouard’s Bedroom

Volume: 3 Chapter: 21 Scene: 853

v-3-21-v animal misc

Volume: 3 Chapter: 21 Scene: 854

v-3-21-v t4bl3 btgp d1n beach

Bridal Shower

Volume: 3 Chapter: 21 Scene: 855

v-3-22-v star fl0w btgp

Beachfront Veranda

Volume: 3 Chapter: 22 Scene: 856

v-3-22-v t4bl3 boat btgp bar

The Drunken Aviator

Volume: 3 Chapter: 22 Scene: 857

v-3-22-v b3d hospital

Volume: 3 Chapter: 22 Scene: 858

v-3-22-v b3cz auto samo wild

Volume: 3 Chapter: 22 Scene: 859

v-3-22-v star samo house wild

Jungle Camp

Volume: 3 Chapter: 22 Scene: 860

v-3-23-v tr3e wild pdz

Base Outskirts

Volume: 3 Chapter: 23 Scene: 861

v-3-23-v desk office

Arabella's Office

Volume: 3 Chapter: 23 Scene: 862

v-3-23-v pool t4bl3 house

Arabella's Estate

Volume: 3 Chapter: 23 Scene: 863

v-3-23-v t4bl3 btgp jungle

Volume: 3 Chapter: 23 Scene: 864

v-3-23-v desk t4bl3 office bombero

Situation Room

Volume: 3 Chapter: 23 Scene: 865

v-3-24-v star btgp house white

Arabella's Base

Volume: 3 Chapter: 24 Scene: 866

v-3-24-v tr3e river boat jungle wild

Jungle Crossroads

Volume: 3 Chapter: 24 Scene: 867

v-3-24-v tr3e auto pdz

Volume: 3 Chapter: 24 Scene: 868

v-3-24-v cart pdz

Tunnel Intersection

Volume: 3 Chapter: 24 Scene: 869

v-3-24-v l4d cart pdz

Abandoned Mine

Volume: 3 Chapter: 24 Scene: 870

v-3-25-v star b3cz auto samo

Jungle Airstrip

Volume: 3 Chapter: 25 Scene: 871

v-3-25-v rel14 bar beach

Volume: 3 Chapter: 25 Scene: 872

v-3-25-v t4bl3 beach wedd

Wedding Staging Area

Volume: 3 Chapter: 25 Scene: 873

v-3-25-v tr3e beach wedd night

Wedding Ceremony

Volume: 3 Chapter: 25 Scene: 874

v-3-25-v tent t4bl3 wedd night

Beach Dance Floor

Volume: 3 Chapter: 25 Scene: 875

v-4-1-v boat beach

Boca Ciega Beach

Volume: 4 Chapter: 1 Scene: 876

v-4-1-v auto cart street

Old Town Havana

Volume: 4 Chapter: 1 Scene: 877

v-4-1-v t4bl3 btgp d1n rest

La Vista Dorada Hotel Restaurant

Volume: 4 Chapter: 1 Scene: 878

v-4-1-v b3d bdrm

La Vista Dorada Hotel Suite

Volume: 4 Chapter: 1 Scene: 879

v-4-1-v t4bl3 cafe beach

La Vista Dorada Hotel Beach

Volume: 4 Chapter: 1 Scene: 880

v-4-2-v pool beach

La Vista Dorada Pool View

Volume: 4 Chapter: 2 Scene: 881

v-4-2-v pool l4d bar beach

La Vista Dorada Beach Bar

Volume: 4 Chapter: 2 Scene: 882

v-4-2-v door btgp

June and Jack's Balcony

Volume: 4 Chapter: 2 Scene: 883

v-4-2-v foun bench night

La Vista Dorada Garden

Volume: 4 Chapter: 2 Scene: 884

v-4-2-v rel14 samo beach night

Volume: 4 Chapter: 2 Scene: 885

v-4-3-v b3d bdrm

Volume: 4 Chapter: 3 Scene: 886

v-4-3-v t4bl3 d1n

ICARUS Conference Room

Volume: 4 Chapter: 3 Scene: 887

v-4-3-v desk misc

ICARUS Equipment Room

Volume: 4 Chapter: 3 Scene: 888

v-4-3-v piano t4bl3 bar purple

Volume: 4 Chapter: 3 Scene: 889

v-4-3-v piano t4bl3 bar purple

Volume: 4 Chapter: 3 Scene: 890

v-4-4-v t4bl3 bar

Volume: 4 Chapter: 4 Scene: 891

v-4-4-v fire parlor ru1n

Volume: 4 Chapter: 4 Scene: 892

v-4-4-v b3cz l4d boat

Chicago Docks

Volume: 4 Chapter: 4 Scene: 893

v-4-4-v l4d t4bl3 boat

Aboard Arlene

Volume: 4 Chapter: 4 Scene: 894

v-4-4-v l4d boat

Arlene's Deck

Volume: 4 Chapter: 4 Scene: 895

v-4-5-v t4bl3 bar rest

Chicago Diner

Volume: 4 Chapter: 5 Scene: 896

v-4-5-v t4bl3 cafe street

Florence Café

Volume: 4 Chapter: 5 Scene: 897

v-4-5-v animal most river street

Ponte Vecchio

Volume: 4 Chapter: 5 Scene: 898

v-4-5-v door st4t gallery

Art Exhibition

Volume: 4 Chapter: 5 Scene: 899

v-4-5-v b3d bdrm blue

Hotel Suite

Volume: 4 Chapter: 5 Scene: 900

v-4-6-v st4t gmach gallery garden

Smithsonian Castle

Volume: 4 Chapter: 6 Scene: 901

v-4-6-v t4bl3 lab

Hidden Laboratory

Volume: 4 Chapter: 6 Scene: 902

v-4-6-v sport

Secret Combat Dojo

Volume: 4 Chapter: 6 Scene: 903

v-4-6-v b3cz auto street sport

Street Beat Simulation

Volume: 4 Chapter: 6 Scene: 904

v-4-6-v battic bombero sport

Underground Shooting Range

Volume: 4 Chapter: 6 Scene: 905

v-4-7-v tr3e gmach garden

ICARUS British Headquarters

Volume: 4 Chapter: 7 Scene: 906

v-4-7-v l4d desk office

Briefing Room

Volume: 4 Chapter: 7 Scene: 907

v-4-7-v t4bl3 d1n

Volume: 4 Chapter: 7 Scene: 908

v-4-7-v b3d bdrm

Volume: 4 Chapter: 7 Scene: 909

v-4-7-v star fl0w foyer

Volume: 4 Chapter: 7 Scene: 910

v-4-8-v star foyer hotel

Volume: 4 Chapter: 8 Scene: 911

v-4-8-v most auto temple winter

Town Center

Volume: 4 Chapter: 8 Scene: 912

v-4-8-v t4bl3 gallery

Edelweiss Gallery

Volume: 4 Chapter: 8 Scene: 913

v-4-8-v t4bl3 bllrm bar cafe

Gallery Reception

Volume: 4 Chapter: 8 Scene: 914

v-4-8-v auto house winter

Alpine Foothills

Volume: 4 Chapter: 8 Scene: 915

v-4-9-v door piano t4bl3 bllrm

ChĂąteau Reception Hall

Volume: 4 Chapter: 9 Scene: 916

v-4-9-v t4bl3 btgp night

ChĂąteau Balcony

Volume: 4 Chapter: 9 Scene: 917

v-4-9-v fire t4bl3 d1n

ChĂąteau Secret Meeting Room

Volume: 4 Chapter: 9 Scene: 918

v-4-9-v door star foyer coridor

ChĂąteau Hallway

Volume: 4 Chapter: 9 Scene: 919

v-4-9-v fire st4t desk office t0p

Ćœivko's Office

Volume: 4 Chapter: 9 Scene: 920

v-4-10-v 4rmch t4bl3 parlor r3d

ChĂąteau Lounge

Volume: 4 Chapter: 10 Scene: 921

v-4-10-v fire parlor

Volume: 4 Chapter: 10 Scene: 922

v-4-10-v t0p wild winter

ChĂąteau Rooftop

Volume: 4 Chapter: 10 Scene: 923

v-4-10-v tr3e wild winter

Volume: 4 Chapter: 10 Scene: 924

v-4-10-v tr3e l4d bal00n house wild winter

Volume: 4 Chapter: 10 Scene: 925

v-4-11-v fo0d t4bl3 garden

Teatime at ICARUS

Volume: 4 Chapter: 11 Scene: 926

v-4-11-v tr3e foun bench garden

ICARUS HQ Fountain

Volume: 4 Chapter: 11 Scene: 927

v-4-11-v t4bl3 auto wild

The South Downs

Volume: 4 Chapter: 11 Scene: 928

v-4-11-v gmach bench garden

Brighton Pavilion

Volume: 4 Chapter: 11 Scene: 929

v-4-11-v river bench auto

Brighton Pier

Volume: 4 Chapter: 11 Scene: 930

v-4-12-v star t0p

Dubrovnik Walls

Volume: 4 Chapter: 12 Scene: 931

v-4-12-v rel14 t4bl3 cafe rest

The Salty Grill Restaurant

Volume: 4 Chapter: 12 Scene: 932

v-4-12-v fire kitchen

The Salty Grill Kitchen

Volume: 4 Chapter: 12 Scene: 933

v-4-12-v star b3cz l4d corner

Dead-End Alley

Volume: 4 Chapter: 12 Scene: 934

v-4-12-v door apart

Bruno's Apartment

Volume: 4 Chapter: 12 Scene: 935

v-4-13-v boat

Southampton Port

Volume: 4 Chapter: 13 Scene: 936

v-4-13-v boat work lab

Communications Cabin

Volume: 4 Chapter: 13 Scene: 937

v-4-13-v t4bl3 bar

Fisherman's Bar

Volume: 4 Chapter: 13 Scene: 938

v-4-13-v boat night

Reykjavik Harbor

Volume: 4 Chapter: 13 Scene: 939

v-4-13-v b3cz boat house wild winter

Ship's Deck

Volume: 4 Chapter: 13 Scene: 940

v-4-14-v chair lab ru1n

Wrecked Laboratory

Volume: 4 Chapter: 14 Scene: 941

v-4-14-v desk office

Ćœivko’s Office

Volume: 4 Chapter: 14 Scene: 942

v-4-14-v t4bl3 pdz

Trophy Room

Volume: 4 Chapter: 14 Scene: 943

v-4-14-v animal pdz

Lava Chamber

Volume: 4 Chapter: 14 Scene: 944

v-4-14-v b3cz l4d boat night

Base Rooftop

Volume: 4 Chapter: 14 Scene: 945

v-4-15-v star house winter misc

Ćœivko’s Gun

Volume: 4 Chapter: 15 Scene: 946

v-4-15-v b3cz samo winter

Ćœivko’s Plane

Volume: 4 Chapter: 15 Scene: 947

v-4-15-v animal pdz

Ćœivko’s Trophy Room

Volume: 4 Chapter: 15 Scene: 948

v-4-15-v fire t4bl3 lab pdz

Ćœivko’s Laboratory

Volume: 4 Chapter: 15 Scene: 949

v-4-15-v b3cz boat night winter

Volume: 4 Chapter: 15 Scene: 950

v-4-16-v t4bl3 rest

Ristorante DeMucci

Volume: 4 Chapter: 16 Scene: 951

v-4-16-v t4bl3 kitchen

The Talbots' Kitchen

Volume: 4 Chapter: 16 Scene: 952

v-4-16-v b3d bdrm

Volume: 4 Chapter: 16 Scene: 953

v-4-16-v l4d t4bl3 parlor

Jack's Study

Volume: 4 Chapter: 16 Scene: 954

v-4-16-v rel14 t4bl3 btgp patio

Orchid Estate Patio

Volume: 4 Chapter: 16 Scene: 955

v-4-17-v c4m desk

Volume: 4 Chapter: 17 Scene: 956

v-4-17-v mirr l0ck

Volume: 4 Chapter: 17 Scene: 957

v-4-17-v bazar

Khan El-Khalili Bazaar

Volume: 4 Chapter: 17 Scene: 958

v-4-17-v b3d t4bl3 bdrm

June and Jack's Hotel Room

Volume: 4 Chapter: 17 Scene: 959

v-4-17-v door b3d apart ru1n

Agent Saeed's Apartment

Volume: 4 Chapter: 17 Scene: 960

v-4-18-v t4bl3 btgp night

Agent Saeed's Balcony

Volume: 4 Chapter: 18 Scene: 961

v-4-18-v door st4t bicy street night

Hotel Garden

Volume: 4 Chapter: 18 Scene: 962

v-4-18-v c4m star desk parlor

Sameera's Apartment

Volume: 4 Chapter: 18 Scene: 963

v-4-18-v c4m boat

Alexandria Port

Volume: 4 Chapter: 18 Scene: 964

v-4-18-v bazar

Food Market

Volume: 4 Chapter: 18 Scene: 965

v-4-19-v t4bl3 t0p

Hotel Rooftop

Volume: 4 Chapter: 19 Scene: 966

v-4-19-v auto traim street

Mohamed Ali Square

Volume: 4 Chapter: 19 Scene: 967

v-4-19-v star b3cz shop yellow

Volume: 4 Chapter: 19 Scene: 968

v-4-19-v t0p

Building Scaffolding

Volume: 4 Chapter: 19 Scene: 969

v-4-19-v chair t4bl3

Stakeout Site

Volume: 4 Chapter: 19 Scene: 970

v-4-20-v star t4bl3 misc

Volume: 4 Chapter: 20 Scene: 971

v-4-20-v t4bl3 btgp

Hotel Room Balcony

Volume: 4 Chapter: 20 Scene: 972

v-4-20-v t4bl3 cafe orien

Volume: 4 Chapter: 20 Scene: 973

v-4-20-v coridor cafe rest orien

Volume: 4 Chapter: 20 Scene: 974

v-4-20-v b3d bdrm

Volume: 4 Chapter: 20 Scene: 975

v-4-21-v tr3e bench auto garden

Nuzha Gardens

Volume: 4 Chapter: 21 Scene: 976

v-4-21-v pool patio

Elmas’ Rental House

Volume: 4 Chapter: 21 Scene: 977

v-4-21-v t4bl3 rest orien

Volume: 4 Chapter: 21 Scene: 978

v-4-21-v most auto temple corner

Downtown Beirut

Volume: 4 Chapter: 21 Scene: 979

v-4-21-v samo

Private Airport Hangar

Volume: 4 Chapter: 21 Scene: 980

v-4-22-v coridor bazar orien

Volume: 4 Chapter: 22 Scene: 981

v-4-22-v t4bl3 bazar shop orien

Carpet Stall

Volume: 4 Chapter: 22 Scene: 982

v-4-22-v pool door rel14 cart orien

Ali Gholi Hammam

Volume: 4 Chapter: 22 Scene: 983

v-4-22-v foun toil orien

Hammam Ladies' Spa

Volume: 4 Chapter: 22 Scene: 984

v-4-22-v pool toil orien

Hammam Private Room

Volume: 4 Chapter: 22 Scene: 985

v-4-23-v door coridor orien

Volume: 4 Chapter: 23 Scene: 986

v-4-23-v river t4bl3 cafe orien misc

Volume: 4 Chapter: 23 Scene: 987

v-4-23-v most river boat bazar night

Volume: 4 Chapter: 23 Scene: 988

v-4-23-v door patio orien

Volume: 4 Chapter: 23 Scene: 989

v-4-23-v foun bench t4bl3 patio

Jamshid's Reception

Volume: 4 Chapter: 23 Scene: 990

v-4-24-v b3cz traim

Beirut Station

Volume: 4 Chapter: 24 Scene: 991

v-4-24-v coridor bazar orien

Isfahan Grand Bazaar

Volume: 4 Chapter: 24 Scene: 992

v-4-24-v pool foun toil orien

Volume: 4 Chapter: 24 Scene: 993

v-4-24-v jewel shop

Isfahan Gold Emporium

Volume: 4 Chapter: 24 Scene: 994

v-4-24-v gate auto street

Jamshid's Mansion Front Gate

Volume: 4 Chapter: 24 Scene: 995

v-4-25-v tr3e patio orien

Jamshid's Mansion Courtyard

Volume: 4 Chapter: 25 Scene: 996

v-4-25-v t0p patio orien

Jamshid's Rooftop Corridors

Volume: 4 Chapter: 25 Scene: 997

v-4-25-v t0p orien

Jamshid's Conservatory Rooftop

Volume: 4 Chapter: 25 Scene: 998

v-4-25-v bench gho

Jamshid's Conservatory

Volume: 4 Chapter: 25 Scene: 999

v-4-25-v cart gho

Jamshid's Conservatory Hallway

Volume: 4 Chapter: 25 Scene: 1000

v-4-26-v gate bicy blue orien night

Mansion Outskirts

Volume: 4 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1001

v-4-26-v auto night misc

Volume: 4 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1002

v-4-26-v btgp patio parlor white orien

Isfahan Penthouse

Volume: 4 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1003

v-4-26-v t4bl3 btgp orien

Penthouse Balcony

Volume: 4 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1004

v-4-26-v t4bl3 cafe

Isfahan Café

Volume: 4 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1005

v-4-27-v bar beach

Volume: 4 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1006

v-4-27-v b3d bdrm

Tenang Reserve Villa Suite

Volume: 4 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1007

v-4-27-v fl0w t4bl3 btgp d1n rest

Tenang Reserve Dining Room

Volume: 4 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1008

v-4-27-v river t4bl3 btgp wild

Tenang Reserve Lagoon Deck

Volume: 4 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1009

v-4-27-v tr3e beach

Tenang Reserve Beach

Volume: 4 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1010

v-4-28-v c4m street

Volume: 4 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1011

v-4-28-v bench street

Nejmeh Square

Volume: 4 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1012

v-4-28-v bazar street

Volume: 4 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1013

v-4-28-v c4m t4bl3 t0p cafe casinema

Volume: 4 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1014

v-4-28-v c4m t4bl3 t0p casinema

Rooftop Cinema

Volume: 4 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1015

v-4-29-v tr3e cart street

Bsharri Town Square

Volume: 4 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1016

v-4-29-v t4bl3 btgp t0p

Bsharri Café

Volume: 4 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1017

v-4-29-v auto temple street

Bsharri Cathedral

Volume: 4 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1018

v-4-29-v b3cz l4d samo

Mountain Airstrip

Volume: 4 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1019

v-4-29-v foun star t4bl3 garden sport

ICARUS HQ Croquet Court

Volume: 4 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1020

v-4-30-v fire b3d bdrm


Volume: 4 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1021

v-4-30-v auto house wild

Volume: 4 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1022

v-4-30-v auto wild

Volume: 4 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1023

v-4-30-v desk office lab

Minnie's Laboratory Desk

Volume: 4 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1024

v-4-30-v t4bl3 lab

Minnie's Laboratory Workstation

Volume: 4 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1025

v-4-31-v bench wild

Cliff Edge, Westwards

Volume: 4 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1026

v-4-31-v bench wild

Cliff Edge, Eastwards

Volume: 4 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1027

v-4-31-v star house beach

Volume: 4 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1028

v-4-31-v samo

Volume: 4 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1029

v-4-31-v budka auto

Volume: 4 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1030

v-4-32-v t4bl3 boat btgp

Volume: 4 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1031

v-4-32-v t4bl3 btgp d1n rest

Gala Dinner

Volume: 4 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1032

v-4-32-v boat btgp

Yacht Balcony

Volume: 4 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1033

v-4-32-v t4bl3 boat

Yacht Interior

Volume: 4 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1034

v-4-32-v door boat work

Volume: 4 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1035

v-4-33-v desk t4bl3 office

Government Office

Volume: 4 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1036

v-4-33-v t4bl3 bar

Prince of Wales Pub

Volume: 4 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1037

v-4-33-v t4bl3 lab misc

Electronics Lab

Volume: 4 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1038

v-4-33-v fl0w chair t4bl3 btgp house

Schulz House

Volume: 4 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1039

v-4-33-v door bench t4bl3 purple

Volume: 4 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1040

v-4-34-v boat africa

Nile Riverboat

Volume: 4 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1041

v-4-34-v chair 4rmch t4bl3 btgp casinema africa

Hotel Balcony, Cairo

Volume: 4 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1042

v-4-34-v btgp patio gallery hotel

Premiere Gathering

Volume: 4 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1043

v-4-34-v foyer hotel

Hotel Foyer

Volume: 4 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1044

v-4-34-v door auto casinema street night

Rivoli Cinema, Cairo

Volume: 4 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1045

v-4-35-v fire t4bl3 d1n

Volume: 4 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1046

v-4-35-v bench wild

Volume: 4 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1047

v-4-35-v rel14 t4bl3 btgp

Orchid Estate Terrace

Volume: 4 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1048

v-4-35-v kitchen

Orchid Estate Kitchen

Volume: 4 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1049

v-4-35-v fire star t4bl3 d1n

Orchid Estate Dining Room

Volume: 4 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1050

v-5-1-v fl0w 4rmch t4bl3

June & Jack's Bungalow

Volume: 5 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1051

v-5-1-v auto street

Car Dealership

Volume: 5 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1052

v-5-1-v auto street

Hollywood, California

Volume: 5 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1053

v-5-1-v desk office

TJ's Office, California

Volume: 5 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1054

v-5-1-v t4bl3 bllrm rest

The Cocoanut Club, L.A.

Volume: 5 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1055

v-5-2-v door auto hotel street night

Cocoanut Grove

Volume: 5 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1056

v-5-2-v fire t4bl3 parlor

Volume: 5 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1057

v-5-2-v bench auto street

The Brown Derby

Volume: 5 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1058

v-5-2-v rel14 most bicy beach

Santa Monica Pier

Volume: 5 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1059

v-5-2-v budka tr3e door asia night

Grauman's Chinese Theater

Volume: 5 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1060

v-5-3-v t4bl3 kitchen

June & Jack's Kitchen

Volume: 5 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1061

v-5-3-v budka auto cart street

L.A. Street

Volume: 5 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1062

v-5-3-v door t4bl3 stor casinema

The Orpheum Theatre

Volume: 5 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1063

v-5-3-v t4bl3 rest yellow

Volume: 5 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1064

v-5-3-v at3lier

Life Drawing Class

Volume: 5 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1065

v-5-4-v t4bl3 kitchen

Volume: 5 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1066

v-5-4-v door star chair coridor

The Johnson Home

Volume: 5 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1067

v-5-4-v b3d bdrm

Polly's Room

Volume: 5 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1068

v-5-4-v desk office school

Volume: 5 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1069

v-5-4-v desk office bombero

Police Chief's Office

Volume: 5 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1070

v-5-5-v bar casinema

Casino Slot Machines

Volume: 5 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1071

v-5-5-v t4bl3 bar

Saloon Bar, Vegas

Volume: 5 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1072

v-5-5-v tr3e t4bl3 btgp

The Johnsons' Porch

Volume: 5 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1073

v-5-5-v tr3e bench auto cart garden

Vegas Golf Course

Volume: 5 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1074

v-5-5-v auto house

Dilapidated House, L.A.

Volume: 5 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1075

v-5-6-v kitchen

Volume: 5 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1076

v-5-6-v fire t4bl3 ru1n

The Agency Lounge

Volume: 5 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1077

v-5-6-v desk t4bl3 office ru1n

The Agency Reception

Volume: 5 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1078

v-5-6-v btgp garden wild

The Agency Balcony

Volume: 5 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1079

v-5-6-v bench t4bl3 cart house garden

The Agency Garden

Volume: 5 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1080

v-5-7-v desk office library

Larry Swallows's Office

Volume: 5 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1081

v-5-7-v tr3e street

Larry Swallows Law Firm

Volume: 5 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1082

v-5-7-v traim street

Volume: 5 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1083

v-5-7-v casinema

Movie Screening

Volume: 5 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1084

v-5-7-v gate garden

The Duchamp Estate

Volume: 5 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1085

v-5-8-v foun

Volume: 5 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1086

v-5-8-v chair desk office ru1n

The Agency Office

Volume: 5 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1087

v-5-8-v t4bl3 btgp patio sport

Westchester Golf Club

Volume: 5 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1088

v-5-8-v st4t garden sport

Mini Golf Course

Volume: 5 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1089

v-5-8-v st4t bench garden sport

The Final Hole

Volume: 5 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1090

v-5-9-v door star foyer coridor ru1n

Volume: 5 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1091

v-5-9-v bench garden school

University Grounds

Volume: 5 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1092

v-5-9-v school

Lecture Hall

Volume: 5 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1093

v-5-9-v desk office

Minnie's Office

Volume: 5 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1094

v-5-9-v gate door street night

Duke's Mansion

Volume: 5 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1095

v-5-10-v star gmach bench bicy garden street

Stanford University

Volume: 5 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1096

v-5-10-v desk office bombero

Volume: 5 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1097

v-5-10-v star auto street

Volume: 5 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1098

v-5-10-v 4rmch desk office

Judge’s Chambers

Volume: 5 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1099

v-5-10-v tr3e animal gallery garden

Giant Dinosaur

Volume: 5 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1100

v-5-11-v kitchen

Volume: 5 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1101

v-5-11-v desk office ru1n

Agency Reception

Volume: 5 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1102

v-5-11-v fl0w auto

Agency Street

Volume: 5 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1103

v-5-11-v library shop

Volume: 5 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1104

v-5-11-v door star gallery

Museum Entrance

Volume: 5 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1105

v-5-12-v star gallery school

Museum Auditorium

Volume: 5 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1106

v-5-12-v gallery

Prehistoric Exhibit

Volume: 5 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1107

v-5-12-v st4t gallery

Ancient Egypt Exhibit

Volume: 5 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1108

v-5-12-v gallery

The Great War Exhibit

Volume: 5 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1109

v-5-12-v gallery school

The World of Tomorrow

Volume: 5 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1110

v-5-13-v star chair school

Volume: 5 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1111

v-5-13-v gallery

Natural History Exhibition

Volume: 5 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1112

v-5-13-v animal gallery

Volume: 5 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1113

v-5-13-v tr3e most river bench

Brent Museum Park

Volume: 5 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1114

v-5-13-v foun garden

Brent Museum Fountain

Volume: 5 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1115

v-5-14-v fire st4t desk t4bl3 office

Curator's Office

Volume: 5 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1116

v-5-14-v fo0d t4bl3 bar

Volume: 5 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1117

v-5-14-v t4bl3 office hotel

Insurance Office

Volume: 5 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1118

v-5-14-v l4d t4bl3 office stor

Insurance Filing Room

Volume: 5 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1119

v-5-14-v t4bl3 cafe

Museum Café

Volume: 5 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1120

v-5-15-v desk office

Harlan's Office

Volume: 5 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1121

v-5-15-v btgp house

Cabin Porch

Volume: 5 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1122

v-5-15-v fl0w t4bl3 kitchen d1n

Cabin Kitchen

Volume: 5 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1123

v-5-15-v bench wild

Fort Bragg Viewing Point

Volume: 5 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1124

v-5-15-v chair desk office

Volume: 5 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1125

v-5-16-v kitchen

Volume: 5 Chapter: 16 Scene: 1126

v-5-16-v c4m

Director's Platform

Volume: 5 Chapter: 16 Scene: 1127

v-5-16-v samo

Airfield Film Set

Volume: 5 Chapter: 16 Scene: 1128

v-5-16-v t4bl3 btgp rest

Volume: 5 Chapter: 16 Scene: 1129

v-5-16-v samo

Hangar Film Set

Volume: 5 Chapter: 16 Scene: 1130

v-5-17-v chair desk office

TJ's Office

Volume: 5 Chapter: 17 Scene: 1131

v-5-17-v t4bl3 kitchen

Volume: 5 Chapter: 17 Scene: 1132

v-5-17-v c4m wild

Outdoor Film Set

Volume: 5 Chapter: 17 Scene: 1133

v-5-17-v budka auto street

Movie Lot Phone Booth

Volume: 5 Chapter: 17 Scene: 1134

v-5-17-v auto

Volume: 5 Chapter: 17 Scene: 1135

v-5-18-v door fl0w office foyer ru1n

Volume: 5 Chapter: 18 Scene: 1136

v-5-18-v t4bl3 parlor ru1n

Polly's Office

Volume: 5 Chapter: 18 Scene: 1137

v-5-18-v fo0d t4bl3 bar shop

Volume: 5 Chapter: 18 Scene: 1138

v-5-18-v auto bombero

Fire Station

Volume: 5 Chapter: 18 Scene: 1139

v-5-18-v auto samo bus

Volume: 5 Chapter: 18 Scene: 1140

v-5-19-v b3d hospital

Volume: 5 Chapter: 19 Scene: 1141

v-5-19-v kitchen

Volume: 5 Chapter: 19 Scene: 1142

v-5-19-v c4m l4d chair wild

Volume: 5 Chapter: 19 Scene: 1143

v-5-19-v chair desk office lab bombero

Fire Station Office

Volume: 5 Chapter: 19 Scene: 1144

v-5-19-v fire chair patio night

June & Jack's Veranda

Volume: 5 Chapter: 19 Scene: 1145

v-5-20-v rel14 t4bl3 auto cafe street

Cafe La Fleur

Volume: 5 Chapter: 20 Scene: 1146

v-5-20-v fl0w t4bl3 kitchen l0ck

Hair and Makeup Trailer

Volume: 5 Chapter: 20 Scene: 1147

v-5-20-v fire chair t4bl3

Agency Lounge

Volume: 5 Chapter: 20 Scene: 1148

v-5-20-v c4m tent auto wild

French Village

Volume: 5 Chapter: 20 Scene: 1149

v-5-20-v auto bus wild

The Windmill

Volume: 5 Chapter: 20 Scene: 1150

v-5-21-v tr3e auto jungle

Volume: 5 Chapter: 21 Scene: 1151

v-5-21-v most auto

California Coast

Volume: 5 Chapter: 21 Scene: 1152

v-5-21-v c4m star l4d ru1n misc

Volume: 5 Chapter: 21 Scene: 1153

v-5-21-v c4m most tent auto night

Volume: 5 Chapter: 21 Scene: 1154

v-5-21-v desk office lab

Volume: 5 Chapter: 21 Scene: 1155

v-5-22-v st4t star house ru1n garden

Bailey's House

Volume: 5 Chapter: 22 Scene: 1156

v-5-22-v chair ru1n

Inside Bailey's House

Volume: 5 Chapter: 22 Scene: 1157

v-5-22-v t4bl3 office hotel

Echidna Insurance

Volume: 5 Chapter: 22 Scene: 1158

v-5-22-v bench auto bombero

Volume: 5 Chapter: 22 Scene: 1159

v-5-22-v l4d auto cart garden

Road to Mulberry Mansions

Volume: 5 Chapter: 22 Scene: 1160

v-5-23-v piano foyer patio

Mansion Foyer

Volume: 5 Chapter: 23 Scene: 1161

v-5-23-v b3d chair 4rmch bdrm

Volume: 5 Chapter: 23 Scene: 1162

v-5-23-v l4d battic stor

Secret Annex

Volume: 5 Chapter: 23 Scene: 1163

v-5-23-v star foyer

Mansion Atrium

Volume: 5 Chapter: 23 Scene: 1164

v-5-23-v c4m 4rmch r3d

Throne Room

Volume: 5 Chapter: 23 Scene: 1165

v-5-24-v fire desk t4bl3 l0ck shop

Trophy Parlor

Volume: 5 Chapter: 24 Scene: 1166

v-5-24-v b3cz t4bl3 stor

Volume: 5 Chapter: 24 Scene: 1167

v-5-24-v st4t parlor

Volume: 5 Chapter: 24 Scene: 1168

v-5-24-v tr3e l4d auto battic night misc

Mansion Grounds

Volume: 5 Chapter: 24 Scene: 1169

v-5-24-v c4m auto

Hollywood Hills

Volume: 5 Chapter: 24 Scene: 1170

v-5-25-v chair desk hospital

Volume: 5 Chapter: 25 Scene: 1171

v-5-25-v fire parlor yellow

June & Jack's Living Room

Volume: 5 Chapter: 25 Scene: 1172

v-5-25-v chair desk office

Sandra's Office

Volume: 5 Chapter: 25 Scene: 1173

v-5-25-v foun btgp cafe garden

Agency Garden

Volume: 5 Chapter: 25 Scene: 1174

v-5-25-v t4bl3 garden

Volume: 5 Chapter: 25 Scene: 1175

v-5-26-v star chair desk school

Volume: 5 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1176

v-5-26-v bench boat garden

Queen's Park

Volume: 5 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1177

v-5-26-v b3cz kitchen stor

Volume: 5 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1178

v-5-26-v parlor

McEwans' Living Room

Volume: 5 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1179

v-5-26-v cafe

Volume: 5 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1180

v-5-27-v auto traim

Volume: 5 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1181

v-5-27-v b3cz d1n rest

Volume: 5 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1182

v-5-27-v bench temple garden

Volume: 5 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1183

v-5-27-v bar

Volume: 5 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1184

v-5-27-v street blue misc

Textile Factory

Volume: 5 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1185

v-5-28-v auto cart street

Volume: 5 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1186

v-5-28-v animal bench bicy gho

Alexandra Park

Volume: 5 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1187

v-5-28-v bar cafe

Volume: 5 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1188

v-5-28-v fire apart parlor

Rita's Living Room

Volume: 5 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1189

v-5-28-v foun bench garden

Piccadilly Gardens

Volume: 5 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1190

v-5-29-v kitchen

Rita's Kitchen

Volume: 5 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1191

v-5-29-v st4t temple

Volume: 5 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1192

v-5-29-v b3cz l4d cart work stor

Rita's Shed

Volume: 5 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1193

v-5-29-v river auto

Canal Street

Volume: 5 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1194

v-5-29-v bicy

Volume: 5 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1195

v-5-30-v bench boat

Volume: 5 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1196

v-5-30-v boat kitchen

Third-Class Dining Room

Volume: 5 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1197

v-5-30-v t4bl3 cafe rest

First-Class Dining Salon

Volume: 5 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1198

v-5-30-v piano 4rmch parlor rest

Smoking Parlor

Volume: 5 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1199

v-5-30-v t4bl3 casinema sport green

Volume: 5 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1200

v-5-31-v budka b3cz auto rain

Port Glasgow

Volume: 5 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1201

v-5-31-v rest blue

The Wilton House Tea Room

Volume: 5 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1202

v-5-31-v parlor

Volume: 5 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1203

v-5-31-v kitchen

McEwans' Kitchen

Volume: 5 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1204

v-5-31-v bdrm

Virginia's Apartment

Volume: 5 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1205

v-5-32-v b3cz bench bus street

Industrial Estate

Volume: 5 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1206

v-5-32-v parlor

Volume: 5 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1207

v-5-32-v desk office bombero

Visitation Room

Volume: 5 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1208

v-5-32-v t4bl3 cafe

Café, Manchester

Volume: 5 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1209

v-5-32-v gate door

Rita's Garden

Volume: 5 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1210

v-5-33-v door bench cart bombero rain

Manchester Police Station

Volume: 5 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1211

v-5-33-v t4bl3 rest

Indian Restaurant

Volume: 5 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1212

v-5-33-v chair bench bombero

Station Waiting Room

Volume: 5 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1213

v-5-33-v door bench school

Manchester University

Volume: 5 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1214

v-5-33-v b3d bdrm

Virginia's Boarding Room

Volume: 5 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1215

v-5-34-v t4bl3 parlor

Agency Conference Room

Volume: 5 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1216

v-5-34-v 4rmch t4bl3 office

Volume: 5 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1217

v-5-34-v bench beach sport

Venice Beach

Volume: 5 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1218

v-5-34-v btgp t0p circus

Ferris Wheel

Volume: 5 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1219

v-5-34-v bar

Volume: 5 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1220

v-5-35-v mirr b3d bdrm

June & Jack's Bedroom

Volume: 5 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1221

v-5-35-v tr3e most river bench garden

Elysian Park

Volume: 5 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1222

v-5-35-v fo0d bar shop

Volume: 5 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1223

v-5-35-v auto

Coastal View Drive

Volume: 5 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1224

v-5-35-v door st4t star chair

Agency Front Lawn

Volume: 5 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1225

v-6-1-v animal star gallery ru1n

Acropolis Steps

Volume: 6 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1226

v-6-1-v gallery ru1n

Volume: 6 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1227

v-6-1-v st4t gallery

Acropolis Museum

Volume: 6 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1228

v-6-1-v st4t gallery

Cycladic Exhibit

Volume: 6 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1229

v-6-1-v gallery

Museum Preparatory Room

Volume: 6 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1230

v-6-2-v cart btgp t0p cafe

Volume: 6 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1231

v-6-2-v tr3e st4t patio

Volume: 6 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1232

v-6-2-v tent bench cart pdz

Volume: 6 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1233

v-6-2-v tent river pdz

Cave Tunnel

Volume: 6 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1234

v-6-2-v tent bench pdz

Cave Chamber

Volume: 6 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1235

v-6-3-v cart sport

Panathenaic Stadium

Volume: 6 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1236

v-6-3-v tr3e bazar

Avissinias Agora

Volume: 6 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1237

v-6-3-v st4t work

Costas's Workshop

Volume: 6 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1238

v-6-3-v star chair white

Volume: 6 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1239

v-6-3-v temple

Byzantine Church

Volume: 6 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1240

v-6-4-v b3cz boat pdz

Hidden Cave

Volume: 6 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1241

v-6-4-v tr3e bench white

Volume: 6 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1242

v-6-4-v fire chair kitchen apart parlor

Yaya Lida's Living Room

Volume: 6 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1243

v-6-4-v animal b3d bdrm

Children's Bedroom

Volume: 6 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1244

v-6-4-v tr3e wild

Antiparos Woodland

Volume: 6 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1245

v-6-5-v fire chair kitchen

Volume: 6 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1246

v-6-5-v tent b3d cart beach

Excavation Site

Volume: 6 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1247

v-6-5-v chair t4bl3 btgp rest

Volume: 6 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1248

v-6-5-v star bar

Volume: 6 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1249

v-6-5-v door cart corner

Volume: 6 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1250

v-6-6-v star b3cz t4bl3 battic

Montana's Hideout

Volume: 6 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1251

v-6-6-v door house street

Geraldine's Estate

Volume: 6 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1252

v-6-6-v st4t at3lier

Elpida's Office

Volume: 6 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1253

v-6-6-v fire star t4bl3 at3lier work shop

Volume: 6 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1254

v-6-6-v l4d t4bl3 shop

Volume: 6 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1255

v-6-7-v st4t star gallery

Geraldine's Foyer

Volume: 6 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1256

v-6-7-v pool st4t l4d garden

Geraldine's Garden

Volume: 6 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1257

v-6-7-v st4t gallery

Collection Room

Volume: 6 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1258

v-6-7-v btgp

Geraldine's Terrace

Volume: 6 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1259

v-6-7-v b3cz battic bar

Volume: 6 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1260

v-6-8-v fo0d btgp cafe

Volume: 6 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1261

v-6-8-v desk bombero

Volume: 6 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1262

v-6-8-v at3lier gallery

Athens Museum Warehouse

Volume: 6 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1263

v-6-8-v b3cz battic

Wine Cellar

Volume: 6 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1264

v-6-8-v door foun night

Volume: 6 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1265

v-6-9-v cafe

Athens Coffee House

Volume: 6 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1266

v-6-9-v star corner

Volume: 6 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1267

v-6-9-v bench boat

Ferry to Antiparos

Volume: 6 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1268

v-6-9-v st4t patio

Antiparos Village Square

Volume: 6 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1269

v-6-9-v chair btgp cafe rest

Antiparos Taverna

Volume: 6 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1270

v-6-10-v tr3e patio rest night

Antiparos Town Center

Volume: 6 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1271

v-6-10-v bazar shop street

Monastiraki Market

Volume: 6 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1272

v-6-10-v shop street

Souvenir Shop

Volume: 6 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1273

v-6-10-v tr3e rest

Seaside Restaurant

Volume: 6 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1274

v-6-10-v bench boat

Athens Harbor

Volume: 6 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1275

v-6-11-v door foun auto

Volume: 6 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1276

v-6-11-v piano chair 4rmch t4bl3 parlor

Volume: 6 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1277

v-6-11-v chair desk battic

The Talbots' Attic

Volume: 6 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1278

v-6-11-v cafe street

Coffee Shop

Volume: 6 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1279

v-6-11-v chair t4bl3 kitchen

Volume: 6 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1280

v-6-12-v kitchen

Volume: 6 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1281

v-6-12-v door star l4d house

Chicago Apartment

Volume: 6 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1282

v-6-12-v piano chair t4bl3

Club Grand Promenade

Volume: 6 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1283

v-6-12-v btgp cafe

Bronzeville Café

Volume: 6 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1284

v-6-12-v tr3e star bench garden

Burnham Park

Volume: 6 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1285

v-6-13-v fl0w jewel shop

Volume: 6 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1286

v-6-13-v boat bicy beach

Volume: 6 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1287

v-6-13-v st4t bench shop

Beach Store

Volume: 6 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1288

v-6-13-v budka rel14 chair beach

Changing Huts

Volume: 6 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1289

v-6-13-v b3cz boat beach

Volume: 6 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1290

v-6-14-v cart house garden

The Talbots' Patio

Volume: 6 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1291

v-6-14-v btgp

Volume: 6 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1292

v-6-14-v garden

The Talbots' Garden

Volume: 6 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1293

v-6-14-v piano parlor

The Talbots' Living Room

Volume: 6 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1294

v-6-14-v bench wild

Orchid Island Cliffs

Volume: 6 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1295

v-6-15-v t4bl3 kitchen

Volume: 6 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1296

v-6-15-v bench garden

Volume: 6 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1297

v-6-15-v piano garden

Orchid Island Gazebo

Volume: 6 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1298

v-6-15-v cart house garden

The Talbots' House

Volume: 6 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1299

v-6-15-v piano t4bl3 office

Volume: 6 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1300

v-6-16-v fl0w chair d1n parlor

Volume: 6 Chapter: 16 Scene: 1301

v-6-16-v fl0w t4bl3 parlor misc

Volume: 6 Chapter: 16 Scene: 1302

v-6-16-v rel14 bar beach

Volume: 6 Chapter: 16 Scene: 1303

v-6-16-v mirr apart parlor

Athena Lounge

Volume: 6 Chapter: 16 Scene: 1304

v-6-16-v door office foyer

Athena Agency Reception

Volume: 6 Chapter: 16 Scene: 1305

v-6-17-v chair office d1n

Volume: 6 Chapter: 17 Scene: 1306

v-6-17-v star btgp yellow

Agency Veranda

Volume: 6 Chapter: 17 Scene: 1307

v-6-17-v kitchen

Agency Kitchen

Volume: 6 Chapter: 17 Scene: 1308

v-6-17-v shop

Department Store

Volume: 6 Chapter: 17 Scene: 1309

v-6-17-v b3d bdrm

Bungalow Guest Room

Volume: 6 Chapter: 17 Scene: 1310

v-6-18-v star street

Agency Driveway

Volume: 6 Chapter: 18 Scene: 1311

v-6-18-v auto work

Volume: 6 Chapter: 18 Scene: 1312

v-6-18-v auto

Volume: 6 Chapter: 18 Scene: 1313

v-6-18-v t4bl office parlor bar

Volume: 6 Chapter: 18 Scene: 1314

v-6-18-v office

Volume: 6 Chapter: 18 Scene: 1315

v-6-19-v door star btgp

Cedar Falls Bank

Volume: 6 Chapter: 19 Scene: 1316

v-6-19-v bicy

Outside the Biker Bar

Volume: 6 Chapter: 19 Scene: 1317

v-6-19-v l4d l0ck shop

Costume Store

Volume: 6 Chapter: 19 Scene: 1318

v-6-19-v b3cz chair bar misc

Inside the Biker Bar

Volume: 6 Chapter: 19 Scene: 1319

v-6-19-v b3cz bar

Biker Bar Booth

Volume: 6 Chapter: 19 Scene: 1320

v-6-20-v kitchen

Snakebite's Trailer

Volume: 6 Chapter: 20 Scene: 1321

v-6-20-v bicy

Road to Nevada

Volume: 6 Chapter: 20 Scene: 1322

v-6-20-v door star auto btgp

Gam-Gam's Porch

Volume: 6 Chapter: 20 Scene: 1323

v-6-20-v parlor

Gam-Gam's Lounge

Volume: 6 Chapter: 20 Scene: 1324

v-6-20-v b3d chair bdrm

Polly's Childhood Bedroom

Volume: 6 Chapter: 20 Scene: 1325

v-6-21-v chair 4rmch office library

Volume: 6 Chapter: 21 Scene: 1326

v-6-21-v foun animal t4bl3

Volume: 6 Chapter: 21 Scene: 1327

v-6-21-v c4m chair bench

Pinnacle Studios Set

Volume: 6 Chapter: 21 Scene: 1328

v-6-21-v desk office

Jack's Office

Volume: 6 Chapter: 21 Scene: 1329

v-6-21-v door star ru1n

Volume: 6 Chapter: 21 Scene: 1330

v-6-22-v door star btgp

Agency Front Garden

Volume: 6 Chapter: 22 Scene: 1331

v-6-22-v fl0w t4bl3 kitchen

Volume: 6 Chapter: 22 Scene: 1332

v-6-22-v c4m l4d

Volume: 6 Chapter: 22 Scene: 1333

v-6-22-v tr3e bench garden

Volume: 6 Chapter: 22 Scene: 1334

v-6-22-v fire 4rmch t4bl parlor

Bungalow Living Room

Volume: 6 Chapter: 22 Scene: 1335

v-6-23-v fire t4bl office

Volume: 6 Chapter: 23 Scene: 1336

v-6-23-v auto

Volume: 6 Chapter: 23 Scene: 1337

v-6-23-v bench work

Ricky's Rest Stop

Volume: 6 Chapter: 23 Scene: 1338

v-6-23-v door animal star

Back of Ricky's Rest Stop

Volume: 6 Chapter: 23 Scene: 1339

v-6-23-v toil

Rest Stop Bathroom

Volume: 6 Chapter: 23 Scene: 1340

v-6-24-v b3cz auto work

Volume: 6 Chapter: 24 Scene: 1341

v-6-24-v auto

Volume: 6 Chapter: 24 Scene: 1342

v-6-24-v fo0d cafe

Lenny's Roadside Diner

Volume: 6 Chapter: 24 Scene: 1343

v-6-24-v auto

Volume: 6 Chapter: 24 Scene: 1344

v-6-24-v tr3e bicy jungle wild

Volume: 6 Chapter: 24 Scene: 1345

v-6-25-v bench boat beach

English Bay

Volume: 6 Chapter: 25 Scene: 1346

v-6-25-v fo0d t4bl cafe

Silverleaf Café

Volume: 6 Chapter: 25 Scene: 1347

v-6-25-v fire animal 4rmch house

Arthur's Cabin

Volume: 6 Chapter: 25 Scene: 1348

v-6-25-v tr3e jungle wild

Forest Floor

Volume: 6 Chapter: 25 Scene: 1349

v-6-25-v tr3e animal jungle wild

Deep Forest

Volume: 6 Chapter: 25 Scene: 1350

v-6-26-v c4m 4rmch house

Volume: 6 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1351

v-6-26-v fl0w chair t4bl btgp

Volume: 6 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1352

v-6-26-v star house wild

Behind Arthur's Cabin

Volume: 6 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1353

v-6-26-v kitchen house

Arthur's Kitchen

Volume: 6 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1354

v-6-26-v tr3e star wild

Forest Trail

Volume: 6 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1355

v-6-27-v star btgp house

Volume: 6 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1356

v-6-27-v b3cz fo0d cart shop

Grocery Store

Volume: 6 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1357

v-6-27-v fo0d t4bl kitchen d1n

Volume: 6 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1358

v-6-27-v fire t4bl house

Volume: 6 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1359

v-6-27-v fo0d kitchen

Kitchen Table

Volume: 6 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1360

v-6-28-v fo0d kitchen

Bungalow Kitchen

Volume: 6 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1361

v-6-28-v animal desk office

Volume: 6 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1362

v-6-28-v b3cz samo

Portland Airfield

Volume: 6 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1363

v-6-28-v t4bl rest

Portland Restaurant

Volume: 6 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1364

v-6-28-v tr3e foun garden

Rose Garden

Volume: 6 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1365

v-6-29-v tr3e auto brn

Volume: 6 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1366

v-6-29-v piano fo0d t4bl house

Volume: 6 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1367

v-6-29-v tr3e auto cart house

Big Maple Farm

Volume: 6 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1368

v-6-29-v fo0d l4d cart house brn

Volume: 6 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1369

v-6-29-v fo0d kitchen

Farm Kitchen

Volume: 6 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1370

v-6-30-v b3cz fo0d t4bl btgp

Volume: 6 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1371

v-6-30-v 4rmch desk office

Volume: 6 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1372

v-6-30-v 4rmch t4bl parlor

Small Apartment

Volume: 6 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1373

v-6-30-v star b3cz fl0w l4d garden

Beach House Garden

Volume: 6 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1374

v-6-30-v star fl0w foyer

Volume: 6 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1375

v-6-31-v kitchen

Volume: 6 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1376

v-6-31-v chair 4rmch t4bl office d1n

Volume: 6 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1377

v-6-31-v desk office

Volume: 6 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1378

v-6-31-v fl0w chair t4bl btgp

Volume: 6 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1379

v-6-31-v desk office

June's Office

Volume: 6 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1380

v-6-32-v auto samo cart

Casablanca Airport

Volume: 6 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1381

v-6-32-v foun fo0d t4bl patio hotel orien

Casablanca Hotel

Volume: 6 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1382

v-6-32-v fl0w cart d1n rest orien

Volume: 6 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1383

v-6-32-v budka b3cz bench beach

Volume: 6 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1384

v-6-32-v fo0d rest

Casablanca Restaurant

Volume: 6 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1385

v-6-33-v star auto work

Volume: 6 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1386

v-6-33-v l4d sport

Racing Stands

Volume: 6 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1387

v-6-33-v fo0d fl0w cafe rest orien

Volume: 6 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1388

v-6-33-v piano fo0d btgp t0p

Volume: 6 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1389

v-6-33-v tr3e t4bl cart street

Casablanca Street

Volume: 6 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1390

v-6-34-v b3cz patio blue orien

Volume: 6 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1391

v-6-34-v foun patio orien

Mansion Garden

Volume: 6 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1392

v-6-34-v foun bench btgp t0p orien

Volume: 6 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1393

v-6-34-v fl0w t4bl parlor hotel

Volume: 6 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1394

v-6-34-v auto sport

Volume: 6 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1395

v-6-35-v b3cz auto ru1n sport

Chefchaouen Racetrack

Volume: 6 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1396

v-6-35-v desk auto office

Fenani Team Office

Volume: 6 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1397

v-6-35-v auto work

Lambrini Garage

Volume: 6 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1398

v-6-35-v tr3e t4bl patio rest

Courtyard Restaurant

Volume: 6 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1399

v-6-35-v btgp t0p patio

Volume: 6 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1400

v-6-36-v t4bl patio orien

Volume: 6 Chapter: 36 Scene: 1401

v-6-36-v auto work sport

Racetrack Pit

Volume: 6 Chapter: 36 Scene: 1402

v-6-36-v sport

On the Track

Volume: 6 Chapter: 36 Scene: 1403

v-6-36-v l4d sport

Volume: 6 Chapter: 36 Scene: 1404

v-6-36-v auto sport

Finish Line

Volume: 6 Chapter: 36 Scene: 1405

v-6-37-v auto sport

Tangier Racetrack

Volume: 6 Chapter: 37 Scene: 1406

v-6-37-v tent auto hospital

Medical Tent

Volume: 6 Chapter: 37 Scene: 1407

v-6-37-v auto sport

Volume: 6 Chapter: 37 Scene: 1408

v-6-37-v chair patio cafe

Volume: 6 Chapter: 37 Scene: 1409

v-6-37-v cart btgp t0p cafe

Volume: 6 Chapter: 37 Scene: 1410

v-6-38-v foun star garden

The Alaboras' House

Volume: 6 Chapter: 38 Scene: 1411

v-6-38-v star parlor

Volume: 6 Chapter: 38 Scene: 1412

v-6-38-v b3d bdrm

Elmas's Bedroom

Volume: 6 Chapter: 38 Scene: 1413

v-6-38-v t4bl3 patio garden orien

Volume: 6 Chapter: 38 Scene: 1414

v-6-38-v cart street

Tower in Istanbul

Volume: 6 Chapter: 38 Scene: 1415

v-6-39-v pool rel14 chair t4bl3 garden

Alabora Garden

Volume: 6 Chapter: 39 Scene: 1416

v-6-39-v stor shop

Tailor's Workshop

Volume: 6 Chapter: 39 Scene: 1417

v-6-39-v t4bl3 parlor orien

Alabora Foyer

Volume: 6 Chapter: 39 Scene: 1418

v-6-39-v fo0d boat

Pleasure Yacht

Volume: 6 Chapter: 39 Scene: 1419

v-6-39-v boat cart

Volume: 6 Chapter: 39 Scene: 1420

v-6-40-v boat

Seaside Wharf

Volume: 6 Chapter: 40 Scene: 1421

v-6-40-v bench office foyer

Volume: 6 Chapter: 40 Scene: 1422

v-6-40-v cart street

Side Street

Volume: 6 Chapter: 40 Scene: 1423

v-6-40-v auto wild

Back of the Truck

Volume: 6 Chapter: 40 Scene: 1424

v-6-40-v desk stor brn night

Chicken Coop

Volume: 6 Chapter: 40 Scene: 1425

v-6-41-v bazar shop

Volume: 6 Chapter: 41 Scene: 1426

v-6-41-v t4bl3 foyer

Alabora Living Room

Volume: 6 Chapter: 41 Scene: 1427

v-6-41-v fl0w b3d bdrm

Volume: 6 Chapter: 41 Scene: 1428

v-6-41-v boat

Istanbul Docks

Volume: 6 Chapter: 41 Scene: 1429

v-6-41-v foun 4rmch patio

Alabora Lobby

Volume: 6 Chapter: 41 Scene: 1430

v-6-42-v mirr chair t4bl3 d1n

Alabora Dining Room

Volume: 6 Chapter: 42 Scene: 1431

v-6-42-v b3d bdrm

Volume: 6 Chapter: 42 Scene: 1432

v-6-42-v boat cart

Volume: 6 Chapter: 42 Scene: 1433

v-6-42-v boat auto

Ferry Stern

Volume: 6 Chapter: 42 Scene: 1434

v-6-42-v gate tr3e star bench boat

Zonguldak Harbor

Volume: 6 Chapter: 42 Scene: 1435

v-6-43-v traim cart

Train Carriage

Volume: 6 Chapter: 43 Scene: 1436

v-6-43-v foun cart patio corner

Volume: 6 Chapter: 43 Scene: 1437

v-6-43-v b3cz l4d cart street

Volume: 6 Chapter: 43 Scene: 1438

v-6-43-v b3cz cart house brn

Mountain Farm

Volume: 6 Chapter: 43 Scene: 1439

v-6-43-v b3cz brn

Volume: 6 Chapter: 43 Scene: 1440

v-6-44-v tr3e cart wild

Volume: 6 Chapter: 44 Scene: 1441

v-6-44-v tr3e wild

Volume: 6 Chapter: 44 Scene: 1442

v-6-44-v ru1n temple r3d

Volume: 6 Chapter: 44 Scene: 1443

v-6-44-v auto

Volume: 6 Chapter: 44 Scene: 1444

v-6-44-v boat

Volume: 6 Chapter: 44 Scene: 1445

v-6-45-v fl0w office hotel

Hotel Lobby

Volume: 6 Chapter: 45 Scene: 1446

v-6-45-v wedd night

Wedding Venue

Volume: 6 Chapter: 45 Scene: 1447

v-6-45-v bench garden night

Park Benches

Volume: 6 Chapter: 45 Scene: 1448

v-6-45-v fl0w b3d bdrm

Volume: 6 Chapter: 45 Scene: 1449

v-6-45-v fo0d chair t4bl3 garden wedd

Volume: 6 Chapter: 45 Scene: 1450

v-6-46-v boat cart

On the Boat

Volume: 6 Chapter: 46 Scene: 1451

v-6-46-v boat cart

Resort Jetty

Volume: 6 Chapter: 46 Scene: 1452

v-6-46-v chair t4bl3 office

Volume: 6 Chapter: 46 Scene: 1453

v-6-46-v pool chair patio

Villa Patio

Volume: 6 Chapter: 46 Scene: 1454

v-6-46-v pool chair beach

Volume: 6 Chapter: 46 Scene: 1455

v-6-47-v pool fo0d t4bl3

Lunch Buffet

Volume: 6 Chapter: 47 Scene: 1456

v-6-47-v l4d bench garden sport

Shuffleboard Deck

Volume: 6 Chapter: 47 Scene: 1457

v-6-47-v tr3e beach wild

Beach Sunset

Volume: 6 Chapter: 47 Scene: 1458

v-6-47-v rel14 chair t4bl3 btgp rest night

Beachside Restaurant

Volume: 6 Chapter: 47 Scene: 1459

v-6-47-v desk office ru1n

Manager's Office

Volume: 6 Chapter: 47 Scene: 1460

v-6-48-v chair 4rmch t4bl3 btgp

Volume: 6 Chapter: 48 Scene: 1461

v-6-48-v t4bl3 parlor beach

The Duncans' Villa

Volume: 6 Chapter: 48 Scene: 1462

v-6-48-v tr3e beach

Volume: 6 Chapter: 48 Scene: 1463

v-6-48-v pool chair 4rmch beach

Volume: 6 Chapter: 48 Scene: 1464

v-6-48-v tr3e star btgp beach

Mrs. Schumacher's Villa

Volume: 6 Chapter: 48 Scene: 1465

v-6-49-v door fl0w chair desk

Volume: 6 Chapter: 49 Scene: 1466

v-6-49-v most boat beach

Volume: 6 Chapter: 49 Scene: 1467

v-6-49-v fl0w b3d bench bdrm

Volume: 6 Chapter: 49 Scene: 1468

v-6-49-v fl0w bar beach

Volume: 6 Chapter: 49 Scene: 1469

v-6-49-v chair desk office

Volume: 6 Chapter: 49 Scene: 1470

v-6-50-v door star

Dicky's Villa

Volume: 6 Chapter: 50 Scene: 1471

v-6-50-v tr3e wild

Volume: 6 Chapter: 50 Scene: 1472

v-6-50-v piano chair 4rmch hotel

Volume: 6 Chapter: 50 Scene: 1473

v-6-50-v tr3e fl0w house

Volume: 6 Chapter: 50 Scene: 1474

v-6-50-v boat

Volume: 6 Chapter: 50 Scene: 1475

v-7-1-v door c4m star

Agency Front Door

Volume: 7 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1476

v-7-1-v 4rmch bench t4bl3

Volume: 7 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1477

v-7-1-v desk misc

Antarctic Research Station

Volume: 7 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1478

v-7-1-v desk misc

School Playground

Volume: 7 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1479

v-7-1-v chair t4bl3

Volume: 7 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1480

v-7-2-v chair 4rmch desk parlor

The Madisons' Living Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1481

v-7-2-v b3d bdrm

Sydney's Bedroom

Volume: 7 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1482

v-7-2-v pool

Rooftop Club

Volume: 7 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1483

v-7-2-v desk

L.A. Chatter Office

Volume: 7 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1484

v-7-2-v gate auto

Tiffany's Villa

Volume: 7 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1485

v-7-3-v cart bombero

Volume: 7 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1486

v-7-3-v auto bicy cart street rain

Outside the Station

Volume: 7 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1487

v-7-3-v foun st4t bench

Exposition Park

Volume: 7 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1488

v-7-3-v bar

Volume: 7 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1489

v-7-3-v star l4d stor

Filing Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1490

v-7-4-v chair office

Volume: 7 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1491

v-7-4-v 4rmch desk hotel

Walden Hotel Reception

Volume: 7 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1492

v-7-4-v bllrm

Walden Hotel Banquet Hall

Volume: 7 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1493

v-7-4-v foun bench night

Walden Hotel Exterior

Volume: 7 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1494

v-7-4-v tr3e auto

Hotel Construction Site

Volume: 7 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1495

v-7-5-v bdrm

Volume: 7 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1496

v-7-5-v auto

Volume: 7 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1497

v-7-5-v fl0w bench garden night

Volume: 7 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1498

v-7-5-v chair desk bombero

Police Holding Cell

Volume: 7 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1499

v-7-5-v chair desk office

Athena Conference Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1500

v-7-6-v bar

Ice Cream Parlor

Volume: 7 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1501

v-7-6-v pool auto

June & Jack's New House

Volume: 7 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1502

v-7-6-v auto samo cart

L.A. Airport

Volume: 7 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1503

v-7-6-v most river auto

Volume: 7 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1504

v-7-6-v desk bombero

FĂžroya Police Station

Volume: 7 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1505

v-7-7-v piano bar

Ólavur's Pub

Volume: 7 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1506

v-7-7-v b3cz boat beach

Abandoned Icebreaker

Volume: 7 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1507

v-7-7-v boat beach

Volume: 7 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1508

v-7-7-v gate temple

Graveyard Gates

Volume: 7 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1509

v-7-7-v r4bl b3cz chair t4bl3

Volume: 7 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1510

v-7-8-v l4d kitchen

Gunnvaldr's Living Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1511

v-7-8-v piano b3d chair

Sverri's Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1512

v-7-8-v l4d t4bl3

Volume: 7 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1513

v-7-8-v t4bl3 auto street

Volume: 7 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1514

v-7-8-v l4d bench

Gunnvaldr's Back Yard

Volume: 7 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1515

v-7-9-v library

Public Library

Volume: 7 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1516

v-7-9-v chair desk

Volume: 7 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1517

v-7-9-v chair

Pub Accommodation

Volume: 7 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1518

v-7-9-v bar

Pub Common Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1519

v-7-9-v chair kitchen

HjĂžrdis's Kitchen

Volume: 7 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1520

v-7-10-v piano t4bl3 parlor

Common Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1521

v-7-10-v tr3e bench auto temple street

Volume: 7 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1522

v-7-10-v desk office bombero

Volume: 7 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1523

v-7-10-v tr4 bus bal00n brn

Outside BĂžksun

Volume: 7 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1524

v-7-10-v star chair auto btgp

Volume: 7 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1525

v-7-11-v chair 4rmch desk office

Volume: 7 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1526

v-7-11-v chair patio night

Volume: 7 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1527

v-7-11-v t4bl3 traim rest

Volume: 7 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1528

v-7-11-v fire chair kitchen

Volume: 7 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1529

v-7-11-v l4d auto ru1n

The Velvet Falcon

Volume: 7 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1530

v-7-12-v mirr b3d t4bl3 apart

Showgirl's Apartment

Volume: 7 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1531

v-7-12-v shop

Tailor's Shop

Volume: 7 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1532

v-7-12-v bar

Volume: 7 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1533

v-7-12-v t4bl3


Volume: 7 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1534

v-7-12-v b3cz l4d

Volume: 7 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1535

v-7-13-v chair office

Harvey's Office

Volume: 7 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1536

v-7-13-v auto casinema night

Hell's Kitchen Cinema

Volume: 7 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1537

v-7-13-v bar

Volume: 7 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1538

v-7-13-v star bench rest

Greasy Spoon Diner

Volume: 7 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1539

v-7-13-v fire parlor

Mick's Wake

Volume: 7 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1540

v-7-14-v star cart corner night

Hell's Kitchen Alleyway

Volume: 7 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1541

v-7-14-v star btgp night

Jim's Apartment

Volume: 7 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1542

v-7-14-v shop night

Volume: 7 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1543

v-7-14-v star t4bl3 sport

Underground Boxing Ring

Volume: 7 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1544

v-7-14-v mirr bench l0ck

Volume: 7 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1545

v-7-15-v rel14 bench cart garden

Battery Park

Volume: 7 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1546

v-7-15-v most boat garden

Volume: 7 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1547

v-7-15-v b3d bdrm hotel night

Sandra's Hotel Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1548

v-7-15-v fire chair office

Volume: 7 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1549

v-7-15-v desk office

L.A. Chatter Newsroom

Volume: 7 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1550

v-7-16-v auto street night

L.A. Chatter Exterior

Volume: 7 Chapter: 16 Scene: 1551

v-7-16-v chair desk office

Editor-in-Chief's Office

Volume: 7 Chapter: 16 Scene: 1552

v-7-16-v chair desk office

Volume: 7 Chapter: 16 Scene: 1553

v-7-16-v chair t4bl3 office night

L.A. Chatter Boardroom

Volume: 7 Chapter: 16 Scene: 1554

v-7-16-v t0p night

L.A. Chatter Rooftop

Volume: 7 Chapter: 16 Scene: 1555

v-7-17-v desk office parlor

Volume: 7 Chapter: 17 Scene: 1556

v-7-17-v chair desk office

Radio Station Control Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 17 Scene: 1557

v-7-17-v chair desk office

Broadcast Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 17 Scene: 1558

v-7-17-v bar asia

Chinatown Cocktail Bar

Volume: 7 Chapter: 17 Scene: 1559

v-7-17-v animal chair asia

Cat Sanctuary

Volume: 7 Chapter: 17 Scene: 1560

v-7-18-v chair bombero r3d

High-Security Visitors

Volume: 7 Chapter: 18 Scene: 1561

v-7-18-v chair t4bl3 bombero

Low-Security Visitors

Volume: 7 Chapter: 18 Scene: 1562

v-7-18-v fl0w t4bl3 office

Acting Agency

Volume: 7 Chapter: 18 Scene: 1563

v-7-18-v chair desk office lab

Minnie's Laboratory

Volume: 7 Chapter: 18 Scene: 1564

v-7-18-v star t4bl3 office

Reception Area

Volume: 7 Chapter: 18 Scene: 1565

v-7-19-v chair bombero r3d

L.A. County Jail

Volume: 7 Chapter: 19 Scene: 1566

v-7-19-v t4bl3 cart cafe

Jail Cafeteria

Volume: 7 Chapter: 19 Scene: 1567

v-7-19-v door animal star bench

Exercise Yard

Volume: 7 Chapter: 19 Scene: 1568

v-7-19-v star bombero

Sandra's Cell

Volume: 7 Chapter: 19 Scene: 1569

v-7-19-v chair desk cart office

Jail Library

Volume: 7 Chapter: 19 Scene: 1570

v-7-20-v c4m auto street

Outside the Jail

Volume: 7 Chapter: 20 Scene: 1571

v-7-20-v door bench

The Madison Mansion

Volume: 7 Chapter: 20 Scene: 1572

v-7-20-v fire t4bl3 parlor ru1n

Sandra's Living Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 20 Scene: 1573

v-7-20-v chair t4bl3 office d1n green

Volume: 7 Chapter: 20 Scene: 1574

v-7-20-v chair t4bl3 office parlor

Volume: 7 Chapter: 20 Scene: 1575

v-7-21-v 4rmch t4bl3 parlor

Minnie's Living Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 21 Scene: 1576

v-7-21-v t4bl3 office

Los Angeles Airport

Volume: 7 Chapter: 21 Scene: 1577

v-7-21-v chair t4bl3 parlor night

Volume: 7 Chapter: 21 Scene: 1578

v-7-21-v l4d samo cart night

Private Airfield

Volume: 7 Chapter: 21 Scene: 1579

v-7-21-v rel14 fo0d beach rest

Bridgetown Restaurant

Volume: 7 Chapter: 21 Scene: 1580

v-7-22-v samo jungle wild blue

Rainforest Stream

Volume: 7 Chapter: 22 Scene: 1581

v-7-22-v gate tr3e bench cart

St. Laurent du Maroni

Volume: 7 Chapter: 22 Scene: 1582

v-7-22-v bar rest

La Chaloupe

Volume: 7 Chapter: 22 Scene: 1583

v-7-22-v rest

HĂŽtel le Palmier

Volume: 7 Chapter: 22 Scene: 1584

v-7-22-v tr3e chair t4bl3 patio parlor night

Volume: 7 Chapter: 22 Scene: 1585

v-7-23-v t4bl3 at3lier parlor

Robert's Art Studio

Volume: 7 Chapter: 23 Scene: 1586

v-7-23-v b3d t4bl3 bdrm hotel

Volume: 7 Chapter: 23 Scene: 1587

v-7-23-v b3cz fo0d bazar

Local Market

Volume: 7 Chapter: 23 Scene: 1588

v-7-23-v boat samo

Loading Dock

Volume: 7 Chapter: 23 Scene: 1589

v-7-23-v b3cz boat bombero

Prison Boat

Volume: 7 Chapter: 23 Scene: 1590

v-7-24-v b3d bdrm

Luis's Bedroom

Volume: 7 Chapter: 24 Scene: 1591

v-7-24-v tr3e star patio wild

Front Patio

Volume: 7 Chapter: 24 Scene: 1592

v-7-24-v tr3e jungle wild

Rainforest Path

Volume: 7 Chapter: 24 Scene: 1593

v-7-24-v b3cz boat

Jungle Dock

Volume: 7 Chapter: 24 Scene: 1594

v-7-24-v boat wild

Luis's Boat

Volume: 7 Chapter: 24 Scene: 1595

v-7-25-v boat

Riverside Dock

Volume: 7 Chapter: 25 Scene: 1596

v-7-25-v house wild

Fisherman's Hut

Volume: 7 Chapter: 25 Scene: 1597

v-7-25-v l4d t4bl3 house

Hut Entrance

Volume: 7 Chapter: 25 Scene: 1598

v-7-25-v chair t4bl3 house

Hut Backdoor

Volume: 7 Chapter: 25 Scene: 1599

v-7-25-v boat

Volume: 7 Chapter: 25 Scene: 1600

v-7-26-v t4bl3 bar

San Francisco Bar

Volume: 7 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1601

v-7-26-v t4bl3 rest asia

Chop Suey Joint

Volume: 7 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1602

v-7-26-v t4bl3 parlor

Mabel's Living Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1603

v-7-26-v auto

Two Hills Access Road

Volume: 7 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1604

v-7-26-v tr3e bench t4bl3 garden wild

Two Hills Park

Volume: 7 Chapter: 26 Scene: 1605

v-7-27-v bench auto

Police Impound Lot

Volume: 7 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1606

v-7-27-v b3cz auto

Veronica's Car

Volume: 7 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1607

v-7-27-v most auto

Scenic View

Volume: 7 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1608

v-7-27-v star bench btgp house

Front Porch

Volume: 7 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1609

v-7-27-v fo0d kitchen parlor

Family Living Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 27 Scene: 1610

v-7-28-v rest

LĂŒchow's Restaurant

Volume: 7 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1611

v-7-28-v t0p

NYC Rooftop

Volume: 7 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1612

v-7-28-v mirr b3d bdrm hotel

San Francisco Hotel Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1613

v-7-28-v fl0w t4bl3 bar

Volume: 7 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1614

v-7-28-v chair desk office


Volume: 7 Chapter: 28 Scene: 1615

v-7-29-v mirr b3d bdrm hotel

Volume: 7 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1616

v-7-29-v star house

Mr. Blair's House

Volume: 7 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1617

v-7-29-v star gmach l4d

High School

Volume: 7 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1618

v-7-29-v most auto

San Francisco Highway

Volume: 7 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1619

v-7-29-v fl0w t4bl3 house garden

Volume: 7 Chapter: 29 Scene: 1620

v-7-30-v chair desk office

Volume: 7 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1621

v-7-30-v b3d hospital

Critical Care Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1622

v-7-30-v chair t4bl3 cart hospital

Waiting Hall

Volume: 7 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1623

v-7-30-v gmach bench auto night

Volume: 7 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1624

v-7-30-v chair desk office

Spade's Office

Volume: 7 Chapter: 30 Scene: 1625

v-7-31-v boat

Panama City Docks

Volume: 7 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1626

v-7-31-v fo0d auto street

Business District

Volume: 7 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1627

v-7-31-v b3cz t4bl3 bar

Volume: 7 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1628

v-7-31-v door bench corner

Volume: 7 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1629

v-7-31-v b3d bdrm hotel

Volume: 7 Chapter: 31 Scene: 1630

v-7-32-v btgp t0p night

Volume: 7 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1631

v-7-32-v chair t4bl3 parlor

Hideout Living Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1632

v-7-32-v chair btgp night

Hideout Balcony

Volume: 7 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1633

v-7-32-v star chair t4bl3 office foyer

Central Hotel Lobby

Volume: 7 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1634

v-7-32-v mirr b3d bdrm hotel

Central Hotel Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 32 Scene: 1635

v-7-33-v fl0w t4bl3 cafe

Volume: 7 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1636

v-7-33-v star t4bl3 kitchen d1n

Nathaniel & Saeed's House

Volume: 7 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1637

v-7-33-v b3cz boat cart

Panama Canal Docks

Volume: 7 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1638

v-7-33-v star chair bllrm r3d

Cargo Ship Grand Hall

Volume: 7 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1639

v-7-33-v star coridor

Cargo Ship Corridor

Volume: 7 Chapter: 33 Scene: 1640

v-7-34-v b3cz boat cart night

Volume: 7 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1641

v-7-34-v boat night

Volume: 7 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1642

v-7-34-v star coridor

Cargo Ship Hallway

Volume: 7 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1643

v-7-34-v star chair bllrm r3d

Volume: 7 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1644

v-7-34-v star

Cargo Ship Engine Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 34 Scene: 1645

v-7-35-v star b3cz

Weapons Storage

Volume: 7 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1646

v-7-35-v b3cz stor

Weapons Cache

Volume: 7 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1647

v-7-35-v star boat rain

Volume: 7 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1648

v-7-35-v boat r3d

Cargo Ship Bridge

Volume: 7 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1649

v-7-35-v door star coridor

Cargo Ship Airlock

Volume: 7 Chapter: 35 Scene: 1650

v-7-36-v c4m auto

Motel Entrance

Volume: 7 Chapter: 36 Scene: 1651

v-7-36-v b3d chair bdrm hotel

Volume: 7 Chapter: 36 Scene: 1652

v-7-36-v b3d hospital

Volume: 7 Chapter: 36 Scene: 1653

v-7-36-v door foun chair bench t4bl3 patio

Volume: 7 Chapter: 36 Scene: 1654

v-7-36-v bench auto house

Deserted Highway

Volume: 7 Chapter: 36 Scene: 1655

v-7-37-v chair cart office yellow

San Diego Morgue

Volume: 7 Chapter: 37 Scene: 1656

v-7-37-v chair desk office

Newspaper Office

Volume: 7 Chapter: 37 Scene: 1657

v-7-37-v bench gho garden

Volume: 7 Chapter: 37 Scene: 1658

v-7-37-v chair t4bl3 d1n

Polly's House

Volume: 7 Chapter: 37 Scene: 1659

v-7-37-v chair t4bl3 d1n parlor

Volume: 7 Chapter: 37 Scene: 1660

v-7-38-v star t4bl3 foyer

Volume: 7 Chapter: 38 Scene: 1661

v-7-38-v c4m rel14 b3cz

Volume: 7 Chapter: 38 Scene: 1662

v-7-38-v fire desk office parlor

Santa Monica Office

Volume: 7 Chapter: 38 Scene: 1663

v-7-38-v auto street

Downtown Santa Monica

Volume: 7 Chapter: 38 Scene: 1664

v-7-38-v chair t4bl3 parlor

Tallulah's Living Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 38 Scene: 1665

v-7-39-v bench traim cart

Platform Three

Volume: 7 Chapter: 39 Scene: 1666

v-7-39-v fire chair t4bl3 parlor

Volume: 7 Chapter: 39 Scene: 1667

v-7-39-v chair t4bl3 kitchen d1n

Polly's Kitchen

Volume: 7 Chapter: 39 Scene: 1668

v-7-39-v star traim ru1n pdz

Bunker Hill Entrance

Volume: 7 Chapter: 39 Scene: 1669

v-7-39-v star bench pdz

Bunker Hill Station

Volume: 7 Chapter: 39 Scene: 1670

v-7-40-v star t4bl3 pdz

Subway Tunnels

Volume: 7 Chapter: 40 Scene: 1671

v-7-40-v star b3cz house pdz

Subway Entrance

Volume: 7 Chapter: 40 Scene: 1672

v-7-40-v chair t4bl3 cafe

24-Hour Diner

Volume: 7 Chapter: 40 Scene: 1673

v-7-40-v door c4m bench night

Volume: 7 Chapter: 40 Scene: 1674

v-7-40-v b3d chair t4bl3 cart hospital

Recovery Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 40 Scene: 1675

v-7-41-v b3cz boat cart ru1n

Panama City Shoreline

Volume: 7 Chapter: 41 Scene: 1676

v-7-41-v chair t4bl3 foyer cafe

Panama City Airport

Volume: 7 Chapter: 41 Scene: 1677

v-7-41-v star l4d house ru1n

Athena Agency

Volume: 7 Chapter: 41 Scene: 1678

v-7-41-v fl0w kitchen yellow

June and Jack's Kitchen

Volume: 7 Chapter: 41 Scene: 1679

v-7-41-v tr3e fo0d l4d bench garden

June and Jack's Backyard

Volume: 7 Chapter: 41 Scene: 1680

v-7-42-v b3d chair bdrm

Master Bedroom

Volume: 7 Chapter: 42 Scene: 1681

v-7-42-v fo0d chair desk office

Volume: 7 Chapter: 42 Scene: 1682

v-7-42-v fl0w temple

San Francisco Cemetery

Volume: 7 Chapter: 42 Scene: 1683

v-7-42-v b3d chair 4rmch t4bl3 parlor bdrm hotel

Dingy Motel

Volume: 7 Chapter: 42 Scene: 1684

v-7-42-v auto house night

Safe House Entrance

Volume: 7 Chapter: 42 Scene: 1685

v-7-43-v kitchen

Safe House Kitchen

Volume: 7 Chapter: 43 Scene: 1686

v-7-43-v b3cz bench house yellow

Bertha's Place

Volume: 7 Chapter: 43 Scene: 1687

v-7-43-v fo0d t4bl3 rest yellow

Union Station Restaurant

Volume: 7 Chapter: 43 Scene: 1688

v-7-43-v chair desk night

Volume: 7 Chapter: 43 Scene: 1689

v-7-43-v chair t4bl3 btgp parlor hotel

Volume: 7 Chapter: 43 Scene: 1690

v-7-44-v door star b3cz bench night

Hotel Alley

Volume: 7 Chapter: 44 Scene: 1691

v-7-44-v budka bench auto street

Hotel Entrance

Volume: 7 Chapter: 44 Scene: 1692

v-7-44-v chair t4bl3 parlor

Safe House Living Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 44 Scene: 1693

v-7-44-v b3cz fl0w cart garden

Safe House Backyard

Volume: 7 Chapter: 44 Scene: 1694

v-7-44-v desk office lab

Volume: 7 Chapter: 44 Scene: 1695

v-7-45-v animal traim cart

Abandoned Rail Yard

Volume: 7 Chapter: 45 Scene: 1696

v-7-45-v bench traim ru1n blue

Volume: 7 Chapter: 45 Scene: 1697

v-7-45-v traim ru1n misc

Volume: 7 Chapter: 45 Scene: 1698

v-7-45-v ru1n r3d misc

Control Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 45 Scene: 1699

v-7-45-v cart misc

Train Station

Volume: 7 Chapter: 45 Scene: 1700

v-7-46-v fl0w chair t4bl3 temple misc

Memorial Hall

Volume: 7 Chapter: 46 Scene: 1701

v-7-46-v auto

Volume: 7 Chapter: 46 Scene: 1702

v-7-46-v chair bar

The Pitcher Bar

Volume: 7 Chapter: 46 Scene: 1703

v-7-46-v chair t4bl3 kitchen

Volume: 7 Chapter: 46 Scene: 1704

v-7-46-v auto night

Minnie's Street

Volume: 7 Chapter: 46 Scene: 1705

v-7-47-v bench wild

Grand Canyon

Volume: 7 Chapter: 47 Scene: 1706

v-7-47-v fl0w house temple street

Volume: 7 Chapter: 47 Scene: 1707

v-7-47-v b3d chair cart hospital green

Edgebrook Home

Volume: 7 Chapter: 47 Scene: 1708

v-7-47-v foun fl0w gmach bench

Old Mansion

Volume: 7 Chapter: 47 Scene: 1709

v-7-47-v chair desk battic ru1n

Killer's Basement

Volume: 7 Chapter: 47 Scene: 1710

v-7-48-v auto

Highway Crossroads

Volume: 7 Chapter: 48 Scene: 1711

v-7-48-v b3cz auto work

Gas Station

Volume: 7 Chapter: 48 Scene: 1712

v-7-48-v t0p

San Francisco Rooftop

Volume: 7 Chapter: 48 Scene: 1713

v-7-48-v chair ru1n r3d misc

Volume: 7 Chapter: 48 Scene: 1714

v-7-48-v fire b3cz misc

Boiler Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 48 Scene: 1715

v-7-49-v auto street

Media Building Entrance

Volume: 7 Chapter: 49 Scene: 1716

v-7-49-v auto

Sandra's Car

Volume: 7 Chapter: 49 Scene: 1717

v-7-49-v t4bl3 parlor

Volume: 7 Chapter: 49 Scene: 1718

v-7-49-v chair office d1n

Conference Room

Volume: 7 Chapter: 49 Scene: 1719

v-7-49-v star office ru1n blue

Volume: 7 Chapter: 49 Scene: 1720

v-7-50-v auto house ru1n

Volume: 7 Chapter: 50 Scene: 1721

v-7-50-v bench auto

Police Wagon

Volume: 7 Chapter: 50 Scene: 1722

v-7-50-v bench office bombero

Station Waiting Area

Volume: 7 Chapter: 50 Scene: 1723

v-7-50-v gmach ru1n

Volume: 7 Chapter: 50 Scene: 1724

v-7-50-v chair t4bl3 bombero

Volume: 7 Chapter: 50 Scene: 1725

v-8-1-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1726

v-8-1-v srt

Courthouse Break Room

Volume: 8 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1727

v-8-1-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1728

v-8-1-v srt

L.A. Courthouse

Volume: 8 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1729

v-8-1-v srt

Witness Stand

Volume: 8 Chapter: 1 Scene: 1730

v-8-2-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1731

v-8-2-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1732

v-8-2-v srt

Hibiscus Resort

Volume: 8 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1733

v-8-2-v srt

Seychelles Beach

Volume: 8 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1734

v-8-2-v srt

N.Y. Police Office

Volume: 8 Chapter: 2 Scene: 1735

v-8-3-v srt

Doctor's Office

Volume: 8 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1736

v-8-3-v srt

Prison Library

Volume: 8 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1737

v-8-3-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1738

v-8-3-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1739

v-8-3-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 3 Scene: 1740

v-8-4-v srt

L.A. Courthouse Hallway

Volume: 8 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1741

v-8-4-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1742

v-8-4-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1743

v-8-4-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1744

v-8-4-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 4 Scene: 1745

v-8-5-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1746

v-8-5-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1747

v-8-5-v srt

Venice Beach Café

Volume: 8 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1748

v-8-5-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1749

v-8-5-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 5 Scene: 1750

v-8-6-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1751

v-8-6-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1752

v-8-6-v srt

Virginia's Bedroom

Volume: 8 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1753

v-8-6-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1754

v-8-6-v srt

Irene's Bedroom

Volume: 8 Chapter: 6 Scene: 1755

v-8-7-v srt

Secret Apartment

Volume: 8 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1756

v-8-7-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1757

v-8-7-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1758

v-8-7-v srt

Guangzhou Bar

Volume: 8 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1759

v-8-7-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 7 Scene: 1760

v-8-8-v srt

Library Archive

Volume: 8 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1761

v-8-8-v srt

Chang Residence

Volume: 8 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1762

v-8-8-v srt

Taiping Guan Restaurant

Volume: 8 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1763

v-8-8-v srt

Chang Living Room

Volume: 8 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1764

v-8-8-v srt

Guangzhou Old City Streets

Volume: 8 Chapter: 8 Scene: 1765

v-8-9-v srt

Macau Docks

Volume: 8 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1766

v-8-9-v srt

Streets of Macau

Volume: 8 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1767

v-8-9-v srt

PalĂĄcio Macau Casino

Volume: 8 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1768

v-8-9-v srt

Casino Lounge

Volume: 8 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1769

v-8-9-v srt

Ruins of St. Paul's

Volume: 8 Chapter: 9 Scene: 1770

v-8-10-v srt

Under the Casino

Volume: 8 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1771

v-8-10-v srt

The Triad's Lair

Volume: 8 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1772

v-8-10-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1773

v-8-10-v srt

Red Light District

Volume: 8 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1774

v-8-10-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 10 Scene: 1775

v-8-11-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1776

v-8-11-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1777

v-8-11-v srt

Gam-Gam's House

Volume: 8 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1778

v-8-11-v srt

Tranquil Meadows

Volume: 8 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1779

v-8-11-v srt

Gam-Gam's Bedroom

Volume: 8 Chapter: 11 Scene: 1780

v-8-12-v srt

Tranquil Meadows Lobby

Volume: 8 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1781

v-8-12-v srt

Shady Porch

Volume: 8 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1782

v-8-12-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1783

v-8-12-v srt

Ernest's Room

Volume: 8 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1784

v-8-12-v srt

Outdoor Garden

Volume: 8 Chapter: 12 Scene: 1785

v-8-13-v srt

Tranquil Meadows Hallway

Volume: 8 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1786

v-8-13-v srt

Breakfast Area

Volume: 8 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1787

v-8-13-v srt

Tranquil Meadows Infirmary

Volume: 8 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1788

v-8-13-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1789

v-8-13-v srt

Dr. Dermott's Office

Volume: 8 Chapter: 13 Scene: 1790

v-8-14-v srt

Mildred's Office

Volume: 8 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1791

v-8-14-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1792

v-8-14-v srt

Crime Detection Lab

Volume: 8 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1793

v-8-14-v srt

Chief Williams's Office

Volume: 8 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1794

v-8-14-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 14 Scene: 1795

v-8-15-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1796

v-8-15-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1797

v-8-15-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1798

v-8-15-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1799

v-8-15-v srt

Volume: 8 Chapter: 15 Scene: 1800


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The Dusty Dilemma: Should AFL players be rested ahead of milestone matches?

Analysis The Dusty Dilemma: Should AFL players be rested ahead of milestone matches?

Dustin Martin pumps his fist and yells in delight

If the naysayers on the internet are to be believed, there was never anything wrong with Dustin Martin. 

The Tigers champ was somewhat controversially rested in the lead-up to his team's upset win against the Crows last Thursday night. 

On paper, his omission made sense. 

At 32, the Tigers superstar is not getting any younger and a five-day break, coupled with interstate travel, is no walk in the park. 

Coach Adem Yze told media the 299-game veteran was "crook", but that due to a short turnaround he was touch-and-go to play last week regardless. 

The result means Martin, a player that has vigorously avoided the spotlight across his career, will play his milestone in front of a bursting MCG crowd this weekend. 

So was this a case of coaching cat-and-mouse to allow the notoriously big-game player an appropriate stage upon which to shine, or, as Yze put it, a "silver lining" to a fixturing conundrum?

Dustin Martin purses his lips and sticks his tongue out while running at a training session

Why do we care? 

For one, the roaring Tiger Army will be happy for a chance to celebrate the milestone, and perhaps, send off their champ. 

Trent Cotchin of the Tigers leaves the field after his 300th match with children

Rumours continue to abound that Martin will either walk away after his 300th game, or perhaps even hop a flight to the Gold Coast to join his former coach Damien Hardwick next year. 

A home match will certainly boost club coffers, and there's the sense of "home ground advantage" that a vocal Punt Road end can bring at the 'G.

And it couldn't come at a better time, with Yze's men shaking off a five-day break to record a thrilling win over the Crows at Adelaide Oval last week in a sign things might finally be on the improve at Tigerland. 

But should sports fans even care whether Martin was ill, rested or otherwise? 

What is it about resting for a milestone match that enrages the pundits more than any other time a player is "managed" or given a week off for "general soreness". 

The new norm 

Resting players for milestones is nothing new, at least not this season. 

Earlier this season the Cats gave Tom Hawkins a spell when the team flew to Darwin to tackle the Suns. 

It meant the club great was at Kardinia Park when he broke long-time teammate Joel Selwood's record for games played in navy and white hoops.

Tom Hawkins and Joel Selwood

Equally, in the NRL, Jarrod Croker was given a week off before his 300th last year, though it didn't end nearly as well as the Raiders might have hoped . 

But not everyone is that sentimental. 

Port Adelaide's Travis Boak played both his 300th and 350th game in Melbourne . 

Just last month, GWS veteran Callan Ward hit the same 300-game milestone. The Giants were happy for him to do so at Docklands, rather than manipulating the occasion. 

In fact, of the active players to hit a major milestone match, just three of 10 have played their match at their home ground. That figure jumps to five when considering a club's home state.  

* Games played as of the end of  R12.

Only a handful of players have opted to rest before a milestone match. 

Matthew Pavlich lost in front a home crowd in this 350th match while Gary Ablett Jr enjoyed a victory in his 300th match in 2017 in front of his then home crowd on the Gold Coast.  

Matthew Pavlich looks downcast while standing on the pitch at TIO Stadium, Darwin.

It means of the three matches where a club has chosen to give a player a week off before a milestone match, holding that game in front of a home crowd resulted in a win twice. 

During the past decade, clubs have generally got the points in milestone games regardless of location: 31 wins from 53 matches at a winning percentage of 58 per cent.

If you drill down to win-rate when those milestones are played at home you have 21 wins from 32 matches, a winning percentage of 65 per cent .

So, in a season where every small increase wins, is moving the odds in your favour not just practical but imperative? 

Who's next? 

Pendlebury is six games off reaching the 400-match milestone, but is still two weeks off returning from a bicep injury. 

All things being equal, his 400th game would likely be played against the Blues at the MCG on August 3.

A man handballs a football away.

West Coast forward Jack Darling could reach the 300-game milestone in the final match of the year, against Geelong in Kardinia Park, if he plays every game. 

That same milestone is in reach of Luke Breust if the Hawks make the first week of finals. 

What's the worst that could happen? 

The flaw in any plan to rest a player for a milestone occasion is the dreaded "what if". 

And if the Tigers are manipulating the schedule, it could be a huge if.  

Imagine if Martin does a hammy during the captain's run before Saturday's match. He'll be forever stuck on the dreaded 299. Richmond fans are permitted to knock on wood at this point of the article.  

That's because the other complicating factor is Richmond's injury crisis. 

Injury has meant the Tigers have played every player on their list this year, except category B rookie and former basketballer Ollie Hayes-Brown, who's still learning the game, having only just made the jump to VFL grade. 

But for the football romantics, this is just a case of things going perfectly to script. 

As is his way, Martin will shun the media and spotlight ahead of his milestone. 

This week he posed for photo with fellow 300+ game Tigers Jack Riewoldt, Trent Cotchin, Shane Edwards, Francis Bourke and Kevin Bartlett. 

Now, it's back to business on his favourite stage: the MCG. 

Whether it's the last time Tiger fans will see him in yellow and black, well, only Dusty knows that.  


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When is Hajj 2024? More about the spiritual journey for Muslims that leads to Eid al-Adha

  • Hajj, or pilgrimage, is one of the basic foundations of Muslim beliefs and is one of the five pillars of Islam.
  • Hajj takes place in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.

With the final month of the Islamic calendar, Dhul Hijjah , on its way, some Muslims will prepare to make their way to Saudi Arabia to perform an obligatory spiritual journey called Hajj, or pilgrimage. 

The month of Dhul Hijjah is anticipated to begin on the night of June 6, with the sighting of the crescent moon. 

So, what is Hajj? When does it start? Here is what to know. 

When is Hajj? 

With the period of Hajj to begin on the eighth day of Dhul Hijjah and end on the twelfth day, it is predicted to start on June 14 and end on June 19, lasting five to six days. 

What is Hajj?

Hajj, or pilgrimage, is one of the basic foundations of Muslim beliefs and is one of the five pillars of Islam, according to Islamic Relief . It takes place at Holy sites in Saudi Arabia. 

The five pillars of Islam include: 

  • Profession of faith (Shahadah)
  • Prayer (Salah)
  • Charity (Zakat)
  • Fasting (Sawm)
  • Pilgrimage (Hajj)

Hajj is required to be done once in a lifetime, but Muslims have the option to go more than once if they have the means. 

The history of Hajj traces back thousands of years ago to the Prophet Abraham who built the Kaa’ba. Later, Prophet Muhammad began the pilgrimage in 628 CE during Dhul Hijjah. 

What is that Kaa’ba?

The Kaa’ba, known as the ‘Baitullah’ or the House of God, is ultimately a mosque — Muslims do not worship it.

It was built by Prophet Abraham and his son Prophet Ishmael. It was later used by polytheistic Pagan Arabs until Islam came and Prophet Muhammad made it a holy site, initiating the Islamic duty of pilgrimage. 

Today, as Muslims observe their five daily obligatory prayers, they specifically pray in the direction of the Kaa’ba in any part of the world. 

Who goes to Hajj?

Hajj is obligatory, but it is only required for adult Muslims with the financial capacity to travel and who are healthy to perform it, both physically and emotionally. 

Approximately 2-3 million Muslims participate in Hajj every year. Anyone performing Hajj is called a pilgrim. 

Where is Hajj done?

Hajj takes place in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. 

How do Muslims prepare for Hajj? What happens at Hajj?

Hajj is a special, spiritual time for pilgrims, as some of them have spent their lives waiting for this time to come. Many Muslims may have spent years saving money to finally attend Hajj or waiting for a permit from Saudi authorities, according to AP . 

To perform Hajj correctly, pilgrims must follow step-by-step rules to fulfill this journey, according to Islamic Relief . This includes maintaining a state of intention — to please God and fulfill the religious duty — and entering a state of Ihram, or spiritual state, to perform Hajj. 

To maintain a state of Ihram, pilgrims must refrain from wrongdoings, and be mindful of their words and actions. Pilgrims must refrain from smoking, engaging in sexual relations, swearing, shaving hair, and cutting nails. 

Ihram includes wearing the proper clothing for Hajj.

Men wear a two-piece white cloth wrapped around the waist and over the shoulder, and women observe the rules of hijab, which requires the head covering and loose clothing covering the body from head to toe. Footwear must be in the form of sandals. Because Hajj brings unity to the Muslim community, rich and poor, all pilgrims must dress simply without any stitching on the garments. 

Though Ihram is simple, it must be followed and adhered to. 

Next, pilgrims enter Mecca to begin their pilgrimage.

This begins with Tawaf, which is walking around the Kaa’ba counterclockwise seven times. Then, pilgrims will perform S’ai, which is walking or running between the hills of Safa and Marwah, which reenacts the struggle of Prophet Abraham’s wife, Hagar, searching for water for her son, Ishmael. Both of these actions take place in Mecca’s Grand Mosque, known as Masjid al-Haram. 

Permitted to leave a state of Ihram, men will shave their heads while women cut a fingertip’s length lock of hair, then maintain a state of Ihram again. Pilgrims will camp in an area called Mina and later head to Mount Arafat, 12 miles outside central Mecca, on the ninth day of Dhul Hijjah (known as Yawm al-Arafah), where they will stand in supplication and ask God for forgiveness.

Then, pilgrims will travel to Muzdalifa, where they will pick up pebbles to stone the devil in the Valley of Mina, where it is believed that Ibrahim was tempted to neglect God’s command to sacrifice his son. 

When is Eid al-Adha?

Eid al-Adha, the second major holiday for Muslims, translates to ‘Festival of Sacrifice’, as this day commemorates the Prophet Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, Ishmael, for God. But God stopped him and sent him a ram to sacrifice instead.

Eid al-Adha will take place during Hajj. It is expected to begin on the night of June 15 and will be celebrated worldwide on June 16.

On this day, Muslims will attend a community prayer in the morning, often in a mosque or Islamic center, donate to those in need, and will spend the day with friends and family, eating and enjoying each other’s company.

Pilgrims attending Hajj will offer Qurbani, which is the sacrifice of a permitted animal, to reflect Ibrahim sacrificing a ram sent to him by God after his willingness to sacrifice his son. Goat, cow, lamb and camel are some of the animals permitted to be sacrificed. It is mandatory for a portion of the meat to be donated to the needy.

Hajj concludes with repeated steps of Tawaf, the stoning of the devil in Mina, and shaving and cutting of the hair once more, which signifies a Muslim’s renewal. 

A more detailed description of these steps can be found on Islamic Relief’s website , which is verified by Islamic scholars. 

What purpose does Hajj serve?

Not only does performing Hajj fulfill one of five religious duties, but it also demonstrates the struggles Prophet Abraham and his family went through in Mecca and serves as a reminder to Muslims of Prophet Abraham’s devotion to God.

The completion of Hajj wipes a Muslim’s sins, builds spirituality, demonstrates submission to God, and brings unity to those in attendance.

Is pilgrimage allowed only during Hajj? 

Hajj, the major pilgrimage, can only be done between the 8th and 12th day during Dhul Hijjah and is to be completed in five to six days. However, there is a minor pilgrimage called Umrah, which in most cases can be completed in a day.

Umrah is not obligatory but is highly encouraged for those who have the financial capacity and are in good health. It has fewer steps than Hajj and can be done at any time of the year.

The Key Points at the top of this article were created with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reviewed by a journalist before publication. No other parts of the article were generated using AI. Learn more .

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Journey to Mecca: Scenes from the Haj pilgrimage

Muslim faithful make the annual haj pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.


Muslim pilgrims visit Mount Al-Noor, in the holy city of Mecca

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Muslim pilgrims visit Mount Al-Noor, in the holy city of Mecca

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Muslim pilgrims visit Mount Al-Noor, ahead of the annual haj pilgrimage, in the holy city of Mecca

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It's a fun weekend for arts in metro Detroit: Here are 6 events to check out

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Fun and varied arts options await this blazing weekend in metro Detroit.

Here are some cool ways to beat the heat between now and the new work week.

Ready for her close-up

In her mansion on Sunset Boulevard, faded silent-screen goddess Norma Desmond lives in a fantasy world and dreams of making a comeback. She enlists the help of Joe Gillis, a struggling screenwriter, with whom she falls in love. As Norma becomes ever more delusional and possessive of Joe, events spin out of control with tragic results in “Sunset Boulevard,” running through June 23 at Royal Oak’s Stagecrafters. Based on the classic, Oscar-winning Billy Wilder film, the musical features Tony Award-winning music by famed composer Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Baldwin Theatre, 415 S. Lafayette St., Royal Oak. 248-541-6430. Stagecrafters.org. Tickets start at $25.

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Jazz heavy hitters in Ann Arbor

Detroit jazz pianist and composer David Janeway will play 6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. sets on Saturday at Ann Arbor’s Blue Llama Jazz Club. Janeway moved to New York City in 1978 and left an indelible mark on the NYC jazz scene. His recent, critically acclaimed recording, “Distant Voices,” features legendary drummer Billy Hart. Janeway will perform music from that CD and his new release, “Forward Motion” with both Hart and towering Detroit-born bassist Robert Hurst.

Blue Llama Jazz Club, 314 S. Main St., Ann Arbor. 734-372-3200. Bluellamaclub.com. Tickets start at $35.

A worthwhile art closing

Colorful group art exhibition “General Rules Do Not Apply” closes Sunday, at Ferndale’s M Contemporary Art. The show features works by Matt Eaton, MALT, Senghor Reid, Lauren Harrington, Jaime Pattison, Dino Valdez and Zach Thompson.

M Contemporary Art, 205 E. 9 Mile Rd., Ferndale. 347-665-7011. mcontemporaryart.com. Free admission.

A Juneteenth arts celebration

The Detroit Opera Touring Ensemble will perform at Mt. Clemens’ Anton Art Center on Saturday from 6-7:30 p.m. in honor of Juneteenth, the national holiday which commemorates the emancipation of the final community of enslaved Americans in June of 1865. The performance will include spirituals as well as famous arias associated with famous African-American singers. Additionally, the works of Joseph Bologne, Chevalier de Saint-George, a French violinist, conductor, composer and soldier, will be featured. Bologne was the first classical composer of African descent to attain widespread acclaim in European music in the mid to late 1700s.

Anton Art Center, 125 Macomb Pl., Mt. Clemens. 586-469-8666. theartcenter.org. Tickets are free and available online or by phone.

Waterfront jazz

On Saturday, saxophonist Duane Parham will perform in John Dingell Riverfront Park in Ecorse, between 3 p.m. and 9 p.m. Special Juneteenth performances will also take place. In addition to the musical performances, attendees can engage with local community organizations and participate in voter registration efforts led by the Western Wayne County NAACP and Black Man Vote campaign. The event is part of the Downriver MotorCity Jazz Series.

John Dingell Riverfront Park, 4459 W. Jefferson, Ecorse. Free admission.

A pain in the neck

In the treacherous mountains of Transylvania (see, you already know where this is going!), a meek English real estate agent takes a harrowing journey to meet a new and mysterious client, who also just happens to be the most terrifying and ferocious monster the world has ever known. Filled with clever wordplay and anything-goes pop culture references, “Dracula, a Comedy of Terrors” is a 90-minute, gender-bending, quick-changing, laugh-out-loud reimagining of the gothic classic for audiences of all blood types. The show runs through July 1.

Ringwald Theatre (at Affirmations LGBTQ+ Community Center), 290 W. 9 Mile Rd., Ferndale. theringwald.com. Tickets start at $15.

Contact Free Press arts and culture reporter Duante Beddingfield at [email protected].

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From brookhaven academy to the big leagues: the journey of corey dickerson.

Published 6:27 am Thursday, June 13, 2024

McComb, Mississippi might only have a population of about 13,000 people, but that hasn’t stopped the small town from producing its fair share of Major League Baseball players. This includes Jarrod Dyson, Matt Tolbert, and, maybe most notably, Corey Dickerson, who spent about a decade in the big leagues. The Colorado Rockies, Tampa Bay Rays, Philadelphia Phillies, Miami Marlins, and Toronto Blue Jays were just a few of the Corey Dickerson teams between 2013 and 2023.

How did Corey Dickerson’s story begin? It all started at Brookhaven Academy, a small prep school in Lincoln County, Mississippi, with only 400 students. Dickerson took a chance on himself by playing baseball, football, and basketball at Brookhaven, just as you can bet on the MLB teams he played for. Guides like this DraftKings sportsbook review can help fans make informed decisions when they join in on the action.

Dickerson’s big break, if you want to call it that, came during his junior year at Brookhaven when he sustained a shoulder injury. It forced him to move from shortstop to the outfield, where he would start to get plenty of reps and eventually transform himself into an elite center fielder.

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He would go on to set home run, batting average, and RBI records at Brookhaven, which led to him scoring a full scholarship to Meridian Community College in Meridian, Mississippi. He continued to excel in baseball and played so well for Meridian that the Rockies selected him in the 29th round of the 2009 MLB June Amateur Draft .

Dickerson chose not to sign with the Rockies after they picked him in the 2009 draft, but Colorado kept pursuing him by selecting him again in the 2010 MLB Draft, this time in the eighth round. He worked his way through the Rockies’ farm system, and in June 2013, he was promoted to the major leagues.

Over the next decade, Corey Dickerson’s stats were impressive and he already had a lot of success as he assembled a .280 batting average, hit 136 home runs, and racked up 469 RBIs throughout his career. The Corey Dickerson MLB All-Star team appearance in 2017 while with the Rays and his Gold Glove Award in 2018 while with the Pirates were his two most noteworthy accomplishments.

Dickerson also earned quite a bit of money as an MLB player. The two-year, $17.5 million contract he signed with the Marlins, in particular, sent his net worth skyrocketing. That’s not bad at all for a guy who signed a relatively modest $125,000 signing bonus with the Rockies back in 2010.

Dickerson hasn’t suited up for an MLB team since the Washington Nationals released him in August 2023, just eight months after inking him to a one-year, $2.25 million deal. But it’s still safe to say his journey from Brookhaven to the big leagues was a massive success.

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PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for June: Monster Hunter Rise, Football Manager 2024, Crusader Kings III, After Us and more 

PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for June: Monster Hunter Rise, Football Manager 2024, Crusader Kings III, After Us and more 

All playable June 18. 

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Take down gigantic monsters, bring your smarts to the pitch or the medieval world, explore a surrealistic post-human world, and much more with June’s PlayStation Plus Game Catalog lineup! Monster Hunter Rise, Football Manager 2024, Crusader Kings III, After Us, and many more games will be available from June 18. We’re also announcing new classic and PS VR2 game offerings coming to PlayStation Plus Premium.

And as a reminder, we announced a range of bonus PlayStation Plus titles earlier this month as part of our Days of Play celebrations. These are already available, and you can find more here . 

Let’s take a closer look at each of the new game announcements. 

PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium | Game Catalog

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Monster Hunter Rise | PS4, PS5

Rise to the challenge and join the hunt in this high-flying addition to the Monster Hunter series. Personalise your hunter, choose from 14 unique weapon types, recruit your Palico Felyne and all-new Palamute Canyne companions, and gear up to explore a range of vast, richly detailed hunting maps. Whether you prefer to go solo or enjoy the company of a four-person squad, smart difficulty scaling guarantees a fair and thrilling battle. The irresistible Monster Hunter loop remains, with each successful hunt yielding the materials required to craft and upgrade your weapons and armour, allowing you to hunt tougher monsters and gather more precious resources.

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Football Manager 2024 | PS5

Football Manager 2024 Console puts you in the shoes of a real football manager and turns your dreams into reality. You’ll be tasked with building an elite squad packed full of international stars that’s capable of dominating the opposition on the way to winning football’s top prizes like the UEFA Champions League.

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Crusader Kings III | PS5

Live the life of a medieval ruler in Paradox Development Studio’s award winning strategy role-playing game, Crusader Kings III! Assume the leadership of a medieval noble family, increasing its power and reputation through the generations. As one ruler dies, they are replaced by an heir who may have very different abilities or interests, forcing you to adjust your long term plans. Play a master of the battlefield, conquering your enemies, or play a subtle seeker of secrets, using plots and poison to advance your agenda – all in the same game. 

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Monster Energy Supercross – The Official Videogame 6 | PS4, PS5

Mud, sweat, fun and adrenaline: find the rider in you and jump into the action with Monster Energy Supercross 6! Live all the emotions of the Monster Energy Supercross 2022 Championship with the official bikes, riders, and tracks. Take advantage of the wide range of settings to customize every detail of your game experience, freely choosing the amount of realism and riding ease. This year, Supercross 6 follows an entirely new and unique perspective – yours!

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After Us | PS5

Explore the corners of a surrealistic post-human world to give life on Earth a second chance in this touching story about sacrifice, and hope. Play as Gaia, the Spirit of Life, and navigate stunning platforming environments in an abstract world to salvage the souls of extinct animals. Revive these creatures after learning their final fate: the last whale harpooned, the final eagle caged, the last deer hunted down, and more, while you survive encounters with dangerous, oil-covered Devourers that roam the wasteland in search of remaining life.

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Anno 1800 | PS5

Welcome to the dawn of the Industrial Age in this city-building real-time strategy game. Experience one of the most exciting and fast-changing periods of all time as you discover new technologies, regions, and societies, implement your own strategy, and build a new world to your design. Play solo or use the online mode to play PvP or co-op modes: How the world remembers your name is up to you.

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Police Simulator: Patrol Officers | PS4, PS5

Join the ranks of a fictitious American city’s police force and experience the everyday life of a police officer. Begin with parking violations and work your way up to shouldering greater responsibilities. Be part of Brighton’s community, get to know your neighborhood, and fulfill the daily duties of a police officer as you fight crime during your shift. Always be tough, but fair: respect the law and gain more experience to unlock more neighborhoods, districts, and duties!

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Far Cry 4* | PS4

Explore and navigate the vast open world of Kyrat, a country steeped in tradition and violence, where danger and unpredictability lurk around every corner. You are Ajay Ghale. Traveling to Kyrat to fulfill your mother’s dying wish, you find yourself caught up in a civil war to overthrow the oppressive regime of dictator Pagan Min. 

*PlayStation Plus re-release

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LEGO The Hobbit | PS4

The interactive game of LEGO The Hobbit allows gamers to play along with their favorite scenes from the films, and follows the Hobbit Bilbo Baggins as he is recruited by the Wizard Gandalf to aid Thorin Oakenshield and his Company of Dwarves.

LEGO The Incredibles | PS4

june's journey 469

Experience the thrilling adventures of the Parr family as they conquer crime and family life through both Disney-Pixar films The Incredibles and Incredibles 2, in a LEGO world full of fun and humor. LEGOÂźThe Incredibles allows players to explore action-packed story levels and an epic hub world – including Municiberg, as they use their unique “Super” abilities to bring the city’s Super Villains to justice. Gamers can also team up with family and friends in 2 player co-op to assemble incredible LEGO builds!

PlayStation Premium | PS VR2 & Classics

june's journey 469

Kayak VR: Mirage | PS VR2**

Kayak VR: Mirage is a jaw-dropping and exhilarating journey through beautiful and unique locations, tailor-made for Virtual Reality. Maneuver our fully physically accurate kayak around checkpoints and crown yourself the fastest, or take it easy and use the free roam mode for a leisurely trip and enjoy the scenery.

**Requires PS VR2, PS5 to play. 

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LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy | PS4, PS5

Play through a fun Star Wars galaxy that combines the endless customization of LEGO with the epic story from Star Wars Episodes IV-VI. Create and customize your own playable Star Wars characters in millions of different ways, build and ride classic vehicles and get in and out to explore and much more! Originally released on PSP, this version of LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy is enhanced with up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video filters.

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Ghosthunter | PS4, PS5

A late-night disturbance call leads officer Lazarus Jones of the Detroit P.D. to an abandoned school – the site of a gruesome murder spree some 10 years past. What should have been a routine run descends into a disaster of supernatural proportions when hordes of tortured souls are accidentally unleashed. Experience Ghosthunter originally released on the PlayStation 2 console, enhanced with up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video filters.

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Daxter | PS4, PS5

At last, it’s all about Daxter! And it’s up to him to sneak around Haven City, er, “disguised” as an exterminator to bust his buddy Jak out of prison. It’s going to take some serious gizmos to survive this mess. Experience Daxter originally released on the PSP system, enhanced with up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video filters. 

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In the galleries: A digital photo journey through a family’s history

Also: Winners of the Bethesda Painting Awards, collaborative themes of five women artists, and shimmering saris and video make up a colorful outdoor installation.

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As a photographer, Franz Jantzen can depict only visible phenomena. But that doesn’t mean the images in his Hemphill Artworks show are easily recognizable. Some of the pictures’ titles accurately convey their subjects, as in two details of Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate. But impressionistic techniques — thermal imaging, disorienting perspectives and digital image-stitching — present viewers a scene as only the D.C. artist can see it.

The Style section

The show’s centerpiece is “The Great Trek,” a series of six computer-edited photos that represent a chapter in Jantzen’s family history. In the mid-19th century, a group of German-speaking Mennonites moved to Russia, where the members of the pacifist sect were exempted from military service. Later, Russia repealed this immunity, and many of Jantzen’s forebears joined other Mennonites in relocating to Nebraska. Led by a messianic minister, others began a trek through central Asia.

The photographer didn’t travel to the sites visited by the pilgrims to make the trek pictures. Instead, he selected a single photo of paving stones in Pompeii and transformed it into six differently hued variations that variously suggest cities, buildings and landscapes. Black and red weigh heavily upon the two compositions keyed to the locations where the exiles faced the most conflict.

The subtitles of a few pictures at least indicate that they were made in Italy, but many images, for example “Blue Crepe Moon,” are entirely mysterious. Two photos that seem to portray building domes might actually be of ceramic vessels — or something else entirely. Whatever the original subject, these photos luxuriate in the richly weathered grain of centuries-old stone surfaces. Even when they don’t tell a specific tale, Jantzen’s pictures reveal the textures of history.

Franz Jantzen Through June 29 at Hemphill Artworks, 434 K St. NW. hemphillfinearts.com . 202-234-5601.

Bethesda Painting Awards

Realism rules in the 20th annual Bethesda Painting Awards, whose finalists’ work is at Gallery B. The selection includes Lou Haney’s heavily patterned domestic scenes, Barbara Epstein Gruber’s handsome traditional landscape and Mary Proenza’s renderings of such autobiographical subjects as her mother’s broken leg. Yet the most striking contributions are by J. Jordan Bruns and Ellen Burchenal, the two artists whose styles are the least literal.

While the competition is open to painters from Washington, Virginia and Maryland, all but one of this year’s cohort is from Baltimore or D.C.'s Maryland suburbs. These include Bruns, whose glossy mixed-media pictures combine free-form gestures with hard-edge shapes produced through stenciling. The densely interlocking devices suggest buildings and machines yet were inspired by Bruns’s diagnosis with a rare medical condition, which prompted the artist to muse on his own body’s workings.

More drawings than paintings, Burchenal’s mostly black-and-white artworks are made with ink, charcoal and the skin of dried acrylic paint, which is cut into shapes that are glued into place. Inspired by study in Italy and employing Japanese paper, two of the pictures sketchily depict figures in landscapes. The people are faceless and constructed from decorative motifs rather than naturalistic details. They derive not from life but from the act of drawing.

The top prize went to Sanah Brown-Bowers, whose massive collage-paintings of friends and family members were reviewed in this column in December. Also included in this year’s lineup is Elaine Qiu, whose dynamic neo-futurist cityscapes were reviewed here in March.

Bethesda Painting Awards Through June 30 at Gallery B, 7700 Wisconsin Ave. #E, Bethesda. bethesda.org/gallery-b-exhibitions . 301-215-7990.

Auxilium Continuum

Five local women artists were invited to participate in Honfleur Gallery’s “Auxilium Continuum: Reframing,” which explores “under-investigated aspects of feminine energy,” according to curator Marta Lola Staudinger’s statement. The diverse artworks employ such disparate materials as silk, paper and aluminum, as well as dried flowers, electronic gizmos and actual bird wings.

The last of those are incorporated into Ceci Cole McInturff’s small sculptures, which affix feathered wings to streamlined female torsos made of white plaster; the hybrids suggest new species of beauty. Jean Jinho Kim distills womanly form to pairs of boots stylized from metal pipes, powder-coated for an industrial sheen. The largest set is seven feet high, rivaling the ten-foot elevation of Rania Hassan’s elegant “Slip,” which is two woven columns, one inside the other. Hassan is also exhibiting delicate drawing-paintings of profuse cell-like shapes.

The dried flowers cover the single piece by Leah Lewis, a complex collage-painting that combines abstract and figurative aspects. The gizmos are among the ingredients in Nicole Salimbene’s multi-panel series, each described as a “book of nourishment.” The artist arrays small pictures, sometimes painted over old books, and often text. One of her axioms is “may you unlearn,” a process that is, presumably, a prelude to the sort of creativity displayed in this show.

Auxilium Continuum: Reframing Through June 29 at Honfleur Gallery, 1241 Marion Barry Ave. SE. honfleurgallerydc.com . 202-631-6291.

In one of the videos made for “Swimming,” artist Monica Jahan Bose joins Bangladeshi women, wearing blue saris, who dance in their village and in the waters of the nearby Bay of Bengal. The installation at Marie Reed Plaza, which Bose calls a “public art immersion,” doesn’t offer flowing water. But the piece is outdoors and near the indoor pool attached to the school in the Adams Morgan neighborhood. And the blue saris the women wore are now sewed into banners that flap overhead, evoking ripples and waves.

Bose lives in the neighborhood and has ancestral ties to Bangladesh, which she visits regularly. Her community-building project enlists people both there and in D.C. to help decorate the saris, and to share their songs and verse. Some of the poems, read in video snippets, are included in “Swimming.”

The installation can be kept open 24 hours a day because most of it is virtual. While the saris are real, the six short films are arranged in “soundwalks” that are just QR codes on columns. Visitors must use a smartphone or portable computer to access the video content. Alone on the school plaza, they are invited to become part of a global community linked by elemental forces and universal feelings.

Swimming: A Public Art Immersion by Monica Jahan Bose Through June 20 at Marie Reed Plaza, 2201 18th St. NW. storytellingwithsaris.com . 202-509-6282.

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Sea Table D.C. Presents A Legendary Tasting Journey of LOUIS XIII RARE CASK 42.1 Cognac Alongside Exclusive Petrossian Caviar

D iscerning connoisseurs can partake in an extraordinary sensory experience as LOUIS XIII Cognac and Petrossian Paris unite to present an exclusive tasting event aboard the luxurious sailing vessel, Cru ClassĂ©. The experience will be hosted by Michelin award-winning Chef Troy Knapp, the owner of Sea Table D.C., who will be joined on this charter experience by LOUIS XIII Cognac and Petrossian. This exceptional guided tastingexperience is tailored for up to six guests seeking the pinnacle of luxury on the scenic local waterways of the nation's capital for a two-and-a-half-hour exclusive journey. Available from June 1 through October 2024, this luxurious adventure costs $65,000, excluding tax and gratuity. To book this adventure, please contact [email protected].

Guests will embark from The Wharf DC, for an unforgettable time on the water, as they indulge in the unparalleled craftsmanship of LOUIS XIII RARE CASK 42.1. This limited-edition cognac, characterized by its rich and complex profile, is the result of a wonder of both time & nature, combined with generations of expertise and dedication. The guests who purchase this package, available for up to six attendees at a time, will each be served a tasting of the rare cognac by LOUIS XIII. Each purchaser of the package will depart with a 700ml decanter of LOUIS XIII RARE CASK 42.1. A decanter of RARE CASK 42.1 comes as a ritual set, accompanied by a pair of crystal glasses ornated with black quatrefoils, and a serving pipette featuring a black medallion. The decanter itself is handcrafted by Baccarat and adorned with white gold and rhodium finished details after being individually numbered for authenticity.

RARE CASK 42.1's exquisite presentation embodies the timeless legacy of LOUIS XIII Cognac, representing a heritage of excellence that has endured for generations. "We are thrilled to collaborate with Petrossian to present this exclusive tasting experience aboard Cru Classé," said Anne-Laure Pressat, Executive Director of LOUIS XIII. "This collaboration unites the unparalleled craftsmanship of LOUIS XIII with an exquisite fine dining experience, inviting guests to embark on a journey of discovery and indulgence." On board, Ambassador Zjip of Petrossian will showcase the finest caviar selections, including Imperial Beluga, Special Reserve Kaluga, Tsar Imperial Daurenki, Special Reserve Ossetra, and Tsar Imperial Baika. Each caviar offering is meticulously sourced and curated to deliver an unrivaled gastronomic experience, elevating each taste to new heights of sophistication and indulgence. Sarah Zjip, the Petrossian Ambassador, remarks, "At Petrossian, we are dedicated to offering the finest caviar selections, meticulously sourced and curated to delight the senses. Teaming up with LOUIS XIII Cognac for this unique tasting experience allows us to showcase a repertoire of exclusive flavors, creating an unforgettable culinary journey."

About LOUIS XIII Cognac Please find a direct link to LOUIS XIII Cognac's RARE CASK 42.1 press kit here. Since 1874, LOUIS XIII Cognac is forever reborn from the precious eaux-de-vie of Cognac Grande Champagne, handed down through generations and artfully blended. Time is the raw material with which this rare spirit is crafted, its essence unwavering. Guided by Cellar Master Baptiste Loiseau, LOUIS XIII is the symbol of an enduring bond with Nature and Terroir, strengthened by the patina of age. Each drop is a living legacy, each decanter a celebration of visionary minds and human hands that shape the future by making a mark on tomorrow, today. Think a century ahead.

About Petrossian Founded in Paris in 1920, Petrossian is renowned as one of the world's leading purveyors of caviar and gourmet delicacies. With a legacy of excellence spanning over a century, Petrossian continues to uphold its tradition of sourcing the finest caviar from around the globe and delivering unparalleled culinary experiences. Petrossian caviar is renowned for its exceptional flavor, texture, and complexity, with each variety offering a unique tasting experience that captivates the senses. From the buttery richness of Imperial Ossetra to the velvety smoothness of Special Reserve Kaluga, Petrossian caviar delights the palate with its nuanced flavors and luxurious mouthfeel, leaving a lasting impression on even the most discerning of epicureans.

About Sea Table D.C. Website Sea Table Instagram: @SeaTabledcSea Table D.C. is a culinary haven crafted by Founder and Michelin award-winning Chef Troy Knapp, offered exclusively at The Wharf DC, sailing the local waterways from early spring to late fall. Guests aboard the luxury sailing yacht Cru Classé indulge in a private dining experience. This elegant destination is one of DC's most unique and intimate special occasion venues. With its unparalleled commitment to sustainability, culinary innovation, excellence, and attention to detail, Cru Classé sets the standard for luxury sailing experiences in Washington, D.C. Whether exploring the city from a new perspective or simply basking in the beauty of a culinary adventure, guests are invited to embark on a journey of discovery and indulgence aboard Cru Classé.

About the Vessel: Cru Classé is an elegant 2016 Jeanneau Sun Odyssey 469 (47 feet) sailing yacht from the design cabinet of Philippe Briand. The open cockpit accommodates up to six guests for an intimate experience on the waters surrounding Washington, DC. Whether one is looking for an afternoon cruise or a sunset sail, Cru Classé provides stylish comfort with incredible accommodations to evoke lasting memories. Cru Classé receives an annual inspection by the U.S. Coast Guard and is registered as a commercial vessel. Photos of Sea Table D.C.

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Mama June Says She’s Lost 30 Pounds in 9 Weeks Through Weight Loss Drugs

The ‘Mama June: Family Crisis’ star also shared an update on her sobriety journey.

Mama June

June “Mama June” Shannon is not slowing down in her weight-loss journey. Before a new season of Mama June: Family Crisis kicks off, the reality star is sharing an update on her health.

“Even though I’m losing weight, I’m only about three to four pounds [down] a week,” Mama June told Entertainment Tonight in an interview published Wednesday, June 12. “It isn’t as fast as a gastric sleeve or a gastric bypass, but it is doing it, like, more safer.”

In 2015, Mama June underwent a gastric sleeve surgery to lose weight. In the past year, however, she admitted to gaining between 120 and 130 pounds.

Between working out three or four times a week, changing her eating habits and using weight-loss medications, Mama June said she is getting healthier and hoping to lose 74 more pounds.

“Mama’s thing is like, when she’s really strict on herself, she’s really strict on herself,” Lauryn “Pumpkin” Efird said before commenting that her mom has gone “a little overboard with it.”

While losing weight is important to Mama June, maintaining her sobriety is also a big priority. As she continues to grieve the death of her daughter Anna “Chickadee” Cardwell , the reality star is inching closer to her 5-year sobriety milestone.

“Dealing with that, it kinda sucks for me in a way because everybody is waiting for me to jump off the edge,” she said when reflecting on the loss of Chickadee in December. “I have her daughters to think about. I don’t even know who that person was five years ago.”

After Chickadee’s death from cancer, Mama June has been helping raise her two daughters Kaitlyn Elizabeth and Kylee Madison.

The former Here Comes Honey Boo Boo star hopes to continue sharing her health journey on social media. In addition to highlighting her favorite snacks, Mama June also speaks freely about her old habits — that she’s hoping to avoid.

“I used to go to Sonic 3 times a week,” she wrote via Instagram on June 3. “For the last 3 weeks, I haven’t even went. I’m proud of the changes I have made in my life for ME. It not been easy but I’m wanting this and I have lost 26 pound the last 7 weeks going into the 8 week all of it on TikTok every week.”

Mama June: Family Crisis returns June 14 on WE tv.



    june's journey 469

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  6. Levels

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    Sea Table D.C. Presents A Legendary Tasting Journey of LOUIS XIII RARE CASK 42.1 Cognac Alongside Exclusive Petrossian Caviar ... for a two-and-a-half-hour exclusive journey. Available from June 1 ...

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    In 1938, it was granted town status. [citation needed]Administrative and municipal status. Within the framework of administrative divisions, it is incorporated as Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction—an administrative unit with the status equal to that of the districts. As a municipal division, Elektrostal City Under Oblast Jurisdiction is incorporated as Elektrostal Urban Okrug.