madagascar tourism statistics 2022

International tourism, number of arrivals - Madagascar

madagascar tourism statistics 2022

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UN Tourism Data Dashboard

The UN Tourism Data Dashboard – provides statistics and insights on key indicators for inbound and outbound tourism at the global, regional and national levels. Data covers tourist arrivals, tourism share of exports and contribution to GDP, source markets, seasonality and accommodation (data on number of rooms, guest and nights)

Two special modules present data on the impact of COVID 19 on tourism as well as a Policy Tracker on Measures to Support Tourism

The UNWTO/IATA Travel Tracker

The UN Tourism/IATA Destination Tracker

UNWTO Tourism Recovery Tracker

UN Tourism Recovery Tracker

International Tourism Results

  • International tourist arrivals and receipts and export revenues
  • International tourism expenditure and departures
  • Seasonality
  • Tourism Flows
  • Accommodation
  • Tourism GDP and Employment
  • Domestic Tourism

International Tourism and COVID-19"

International Tourism and COVID-19

  • The pandemic generated a loss of 2.6 billion international arrivals in 2020, 2021 and 2022 combined
  • Export revenues from international tourism dropped 62% in 2020 and 59% in 2021, versus 2019 (real terms) and then rebounded in 2022, remaining 34% below pre-pandemic levels.
  • The total loss in export revenues from tourism amounts to USD 2.6 trillion for that three-year period.
  • International tourist arrivals reached 89% of pre-pandemic levels in 2023 and 97% in Q1 2024

COVID-19: Measures to Support Travel and Tourism

The World Bank

The World Bank in Madagascar

The World Bank is helping the Madagascar government to fight poverty and improve the living standards.

Madagascar is the world’s fifth-largest island, situated in the Indian Ocean off the coast of southern Africa. The country is endowed with considerable natural resources and unparalleled biodiversity. However, its population, estimated at 30.3 million in 2023, faces the challenge of a persistently high poverty rate ( 80.7% in 2023 , $2.15 per person per day).

Political Context

Andry Rajoelina was re-elected President of the Republic of Madagascar in December 2023 following the first round of presidential elections on November 16, 2023. He reappointed Christian Ntsay as Prime Minister. The new government was officially presented on January 14, 2024, and comprises 27 ministries. Legislative elections are scheduled on May 29, 2024.

Economic Situation

Economic growth is estimated at 3.8% in 2023, driven by tourism, with arrivals nearly doubling from 2022 and high demand for telecommunications and the food industry. Economic growth has been mainly driven by domestic expenditure, while the contribution to growth from net exports has been marginal compared to previous years. Although mineral export volumes (nickel, cobalt) have been moderately strong and gold export has resumed after suspension in 2020, lower demand and prices for key Malagasy exports such as textiles, vanilla, and spices have dampened overall export performance in 2023. 

Following a peak of 12.3% in March 2023, inflation has been declining since the second quarter of 2023 due to high base effects related to the fuel price hike in July 2022 and a tighter monetary policy stance. The central bank increased its deposit and marginal lending facility rates twice since early 2023 for a cumulative increase of 90 basis points. The fiscal deficit is estimated to have declined from 6.4% of GDP in 2022 to 4.9% in 2023, thanks to an estimated increase in the tax-to-GDP ratio following a one-off impact related to the recovery of petroleum tax arrears accumulated in 2022. Nonetheless, the tax-to-GDP ratio remained below the 12.9% budget target. Government expenditure has increased and included a large transfer to the public water and electricity utility, JIRAMA. The budget deficit was mainly financed by concessional external financing. External and overall public debt distress risks remain moderate.

Growth is expected to accelerate to an average of 4.6% over 2024-26, driven by favorable base effects, enhanced trade and tourism opportunities, and a new impetus for private investment following impactful structural reforms in pivotal sectors such as mining, telecommunications and digital technologies, and the investment climate. Nevertheless, the poverty rate is projected to stay elevated, as job creation is expected to remain limited compared to population growth. Hence, about 24.8 million people are projected to remain poor in Madagascar, a number larger than the total population of Burundi and South Soudan altogether, where the poverty rates also are very high.

Last Updated: Apr 01, 2024

The  Country Partnership Framework (CPF) for Madagascar for 2023 to 2027 , approved by the World Bank in April 2023, sets out the strategy to support Madagascar’s efforts towards inclusive and resilient growth. The new five-year CPF is centered around three high-level outcomes: (i) improving job opportunities through transformative action, (ii) making growth more inclusive by addressing weaknesses and inequities in public service delivery; and (iii) creating resilience to shocks that can reverse improvements in growth or worsen socioeconomic inequalities. Underpinned by the  Systematic Country Diagnostic (SCD) and the  Country Private Sector Diagnostic (CPSD) , this CPF also reflects broad consultations with the government, development partners, the private sector, civil society, and academia.

As of March 2024, the World Bank portfolio in Madagascar stood at $4.1 billion and includes 26 national projects and 4 regional operations . Infrastructure takes the largest share of financing at 34% ($1,390 million), followed by sustainable development at 29% ($1,215 million), human development at 26% ($1,092.8 million), and equitable growth, finance, and institutions at 11% ($435 million). The World Bank also provides analytics and advisory services to support evidence-based decision-making and the stronger implementation of development.

Human Capital

The Social Safety Net Project in Madagascar has supported 5.2 million people since the project began, with women accounting for 75% of direct beneficiaries. Among Human Development Cash Transfer households, 94% of school-age children attend school regularly, and almost 500,000 children under age five have benefitted from nutrition services. In 2023, Madagascar launched its Social Registry, which will improve beneficiary targeting, program coordination, and response to climatic shocks. The new Safety Nets and Resilience Project , which became effective in August 2023, will scale up coverage of extremely poor households and promote improved livelihoods of social assistance beneficiaries to reduce over time the need for support.

To combat malnutrition , more than two million people have benefited from health and nutrition services, and 4,500 community health and nutrition sites are operational. As well, 1,081 primary health care facilities were strengthened with necessary nutrition and health commodities and equipment. Based on a 2021 Demographic and Health Survey, stunting decreased from 42% to 39.8% nationally between 2018 and 2021, and specifically from 51% to 48% in the eight regions targeted by the Improving Nutrition Outcomes using the  Multiphase Programmatic Approach (MPA) Project . This improvement is even more significant in the five regions that were enrolled in the program in 2019 and 2020, from 55% to 49%.

To improve  access to and quality of education  for all children, the World Bank has focused on supporting primary education reform by redesigning the curriculum and setting up classroom practices known as “structured pedagogy approach” to ensure that every child learns. Along with the training of over 50,000 teachers and 5,000 school principals across Madagascar and distribution of textbooks to over 2.7 million children in the first two years of basic education, over 17,000 teachers, school principals, and technicians have been equipped with tablets to support distance learning. Eight hundred classrooms are being built in extremely remote areas, with water points and improved sanitation facilities. The  Basic Education Support Project  set up 1,000 community early learning centers in rural areas and school canteens, particularly in the south of the country, benefiting over 50,000 schoolchildren.

Jobs The series of Madagascar Integrated Growth Poles Projects have supported the development of private sector in Madagascar in the targeted regions and in the tourism, agribusiness and digital sectors. More than $27 million of private investments were leveraged, and more than 20,000 formal jobs were created. In terms of direct support to firms, more than 800 startups and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) benefited from technical assistance as well as financial resources to support their growth and expansion. During the COVID-19 pandemic, about 280 of these businesses that were operating in the tourism sector received specific training to maintain their competitiveness as well as financial support to “keep the light on” during a period of high uncertainty. In addition, more than 23,000 employees in the tourism sector received dedicated and tailored training on several subjects to help maintain their skills during the pandemic. More than 28,000 agricultural producers working in selected cash crops or aquaculture have been supported by the projects to improve their productivity and market access. The projects also contributed to an increase in the value of exports from the main agribusiness value chains supported (including cocoa, pink pepper, sea cucumber, seaweed, (cape) peas, pink pepper, vanilla, and honey) by more than 35% and to more than $13 million in additional income for smallholders. The fourth iteration of the series is currently implemented under the Madagascar Economic Transformation for Inclusive Growth project.

Sustainable Development Since a more conducive land law has been enacted in August 2023, the  Agriculture Rural Growth and Land Management Project (CASEF) managed to cross the ambitious milestone of a million certificate , giving around 500,000 farmers in rural households more security in their production. By June 2024, the project expects to reach out to its final target of 1,400,000 land certificates, thanks to massive operations implemented using low-cost, inclusive and relatively rapid methods. In total, more than 700,000 households will benefit by the end of the project in June 2024. By then, CASEF will have achieved 69.5% of the government's land tenure security objectives and now, seven land certificates out of ten have been issued as a result of the project in 456 municipalities (out of 1,695). Since 2018, CASEF is the main vehicle of the land reform implementation. This momentum is inspiring other African countries, with delegations from as far as Burundi and Senegal coming to learn from Madagascar’s experience.

The  Support to Resilient Livelihoods in Southern Madagascar Project  aims for multi-sectoral development activities to  build resilience , while supporting local government institutions and decentralization processes and building state presence and leadership for sustainable development. Having delivered a drought emergency response with 50,000 households supported in re-starting agricultural production, those same households are now being facilitated to form small-scale agricultural associations and to access promising new value chains. Commune infrastructure – offices and equipment – has been completed in 29 target communes. 134 commune local development committees are now running and have identified and completed 29 small-sale infrastructure investments to support local development – including clinics, schools, and marketplaces – with a further 206 on course. With regards to larger resilient infrastructure, work has begun on the rehabilitation of a water distribution pipeline, on a 2000 ha reforestation program and on the stabilization of 800ha of sand dunes, where coastal erosion if encroaching onto agricultural land.

Infrastructure On roads:   The Connectivity for Rural Livelihood Improvement Project (PACT) recently completed the upgrade and paving of a 113-km section of the Route Nationale 44 . About 110,000 people living in the vicinity of this road section now benefit directly from a much better access to transport infrastructure and services. The travel time has been divided by four, from 8 hours to 2 hours from Marovoay à Vohidiala, and the road is now easily passable during the rainy season thanks to its new pavement, drainage system, and bridges. The road is strategic for Madagascar because it serves the Alaotra-Mangoro region, considered the country's rice granary; rice is an essential product for the Malagasy population as it is the staple of their diet. Farmers are satisfied to see an increase in their revenues now that they can easily reach Ambatondrazaka, the region's capital, where they can set better prices for their products, up to three times more than before the project. The local population now also enjoy a better physical access to basic services like healthcare and education since the road serves 65 schools and 14 health centers. 

On energy , with the ongoing  Electricity Sec Operations & Governance Improvement Project (ESOGIP),  the " Matselaka " electricity customer management system is now operational in 100% of the country, and 8,500 smart meters were deployed. The project also financed the construction and rehabilitation of 320km of distribution and transmission lines, improving network quality. Total network losses were reduced from 35% to 28% between 2016 and 2022. Under the  Least-Cost Electricity Access Development Project (LEAD) , the first phase of health center electrification has been achieved, and 500 basic health centers will have access to electricity by 2024. With the development of the off-grid market, 150,027 kits that benefit from the system have been distributed, and around 200,000 new customers are expected to be connected via JIRAMA grids by the end of 2024.

The World Bank works closely with the following partners in Madagascar: the African Development Bank, Agence Française de Développement  (AFD), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), UNICEF,  UNOPS, UNDP, World Food Programme, the International Potato Centre, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the World Health Organization,  the GAVI Alliance, Power of Nutrition, the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), Japan’s International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Fondation Tany Meva and the European Union.

History of the Bank's work in Madagascar

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Madagascar: Commitments by Fiscal Year (in millions of dollars)*

Madagascar land certificates - making an impact on land reform and agriculture, around the bank group.

Find out what the Bank Group's branches are doing in Madagascar.



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madagascar tourism statistics 2022

Madagascar Travel & Tourism Economic Impact Factsheet

Discover the total economic contribution that the Travel & Tourism sector brings to Madagascar and the world in this data-rich, two-page factsheet.

Discover the total economic contribution that the Travel & Tourism sector brings to the Madagascar’s economies and to the world in this data-rich, two-page factsheet.

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Over the next few weeks we will be releasing the newest Economic Impact Research factsheets for a wide range of economies and regions. If the factsheet you're interested in is not yet available,  sign up to be notified via the form on this page .

Factsheet details

This factsheet highlights the importance of Travel & Tourism to Madagascar across many metrics, and features details such as:

  • Contribution of the sector to overall GDP and employment
  • Comparisons between 2019 and 2023
  • Forecasts for 2024 and 2034
  • International and domestic visitor spending
  • Proportion of leisure vs business spending
  • Top 5 inbound and outbound markets

This factsheet highlights the importance of Travel & Tourism to the Madagascar across many metrics, and features details such as:

  • Contribution of the sector to overall GDP and employment in the group and globally
  • Contribution of the sector to overall GDP and employment in the region and globally

This factsheet highlights the importance of T&T to this city across many metrics, and features details such as:

  • Contribution of the sector to overall GDP and employment in the city
  • Comparisons between 2019, 2020 and 2021, plus 2022 forecast
  • Proportion of the T&T at city level towards overall T&T contribution at a country level
  • Top 5 inbound source markets

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Madagascar - International tourism, number of arrivals

The value for International tourism, number of arrivals in Madagascar was 87,100 as of 2020. As the graph below shows, over the past 25 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 486,000 in 2019 and a minimum value of 87,100 in 2020.

Definition: International inbound tourists (overnight visitors) are the number of tourists who travel to a country other than that in which they have their usual residence, but outside their usual environment, for a period not exceeding 12 months and whose main purpose in visiting is other than an activity remunerated from within the country visited. When data on number of tourists are not available, the number of visitors, which includes tourists, same-day visitors, cruise passengers, and crew members, is shown instead. Sources and collection methods for arrivals differ across countries. In some cases data are from border statistics (police, immigration, and the like) and supplemented by border surveys. In other cases data are from tourism accommodation establishments. For some countries number of arrivals is limited to arrivals by air and for others to arrivals staying in hotels. Some countries include arrivals of nationals residing abroad while others do not. Caution should thus be used in comparing arrivals across countries. The data on inbound tourists refer to the number of arrivals, not to the number of people traveling. Thus a person who makes several trips to a country during a given period is counted each time as a new arrival.

Source: World Tourism Organization, Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Compendium of Tourism Statistics and data files.

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Development Relevance: Tourism is officially recognized as a directly measurable activity, enabling more accurate analysis and more effective policy. Whereas previously the sector relied mostly on approximations from related areas of measurement (e.g. Balance of Payments statistics), tourism today possesses a range of instruments to track its productive activities and the activities of the consumers that drive them: visitors (both tourists and excursionists). An increasing number of countries have opened up and invested in tourism development, making tourism a key driver of socio-economic progress through export revenues, the creation of jobs and enterprises, and infrastructure development. As an internationally traded service, inbound tourism has become one of the world's major trade categories. For many developing countries it is one of the main sources of foreign exchange income and a major component of exports, creating much needed employment and development opportunities.

Limitations and Exceptions: Tourism can be either domestic or international. The data refers to international tourism, where the traveler's country of residence differs from the visiting country. International tourism consists of inbound (arrival) and outbound (departures) tourism. The data are from the World Tourism Organization (WTO), a United Nations agency. The data on inbound and outbound tourists refer to the number of arrivals and departures, not to the number of people traveling. Thus a person who makes several trips to a country during a given period is counted each time as a new arrival. The data on inbound tourism show the arrivals of nonresident tourists (overnight visitors) at national borders. When data on international tourists are unavailable or incomplete, the data show the arrivals of international visitors, which include tourists, same-day visitors, cruise passengers, and crew members. Sources and collection methods for arrivals differ across countries. In some cases data are from border statistics (police, immigration, and the like) and supplemented by border surveys. In other cases data are from tourism accommodation establishments. For some countries number of arrivals is limited to arrivals by air and for others to arrivals staying in hotels. Some countries include arrivals of nationals residing abroad while others do not. Caution should thus be used in comparing arrivals across countries.

Statistical Concept and Methodology: Statistical information on tourism is based mainly on data on arrivals and overnight stays along with balance of payments information. These data do not completely capture the economic phenomenon of tourism or provide the information needed for effective public policies and efficient business operations. Data are needed on the scale and significance of tourism. Information on the role of tourism in national economies is particularly deficient. Although the World Tourism Organization reports progress in harmonizing definitions and measurement, differences in national practices still prevent full comparability. Arrivals data measure the flows of international visitors to the country of reference: each arrival corresponds to one in inbound tourism trip. If a person visits several countries during the course of a single trip, his/her arrival in each country is recorded separately. In an accounting period, arrivals are not necessarily equal to the number of persons travelling (when a person visits the same country several times a year, each trip by the same person is counted as a separate arrival). Arrivals data should correspond to inbound visitors by including both tourists and same-day non-resident visitors. All other types of travelers (such as border, seasonal and other short-term workers, long-term students and others) should be excluded as they do not qualify as visitors. Data are obtained from different sources: administrative records (immigration, traffic counts, and other possible types of controls), border surveys or a mix of them. If data are obtained from accommodation surveys, the number of guests is used as estimate of arrival figures; consequently, in this case, breakdowns by regions, main purpose of the trip, modes of transport used or forms of organization of the trip are based on complementary visitor surveys.

Aggregation method: Gap-filled total

Periodicity: Annual


Topic: Private Sector & Trade Indicators

Sub-Topic: Travel & tourism

Note: This page was last updated on December 28, 2019

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Madagascar: International tourism, number of arrivals

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  • Franck M. Ramaharo

Date created: 2023-06-29 06:20 PM | Last Updated: 2023-07-20 06:56 AM

Identifier : DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/R6JHC

Category: Data

Description: International tourist arrivals in Madagascar (1984 to 2022, monthly and annual data).

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This dataset gives the number of tourist arrivals in Madagascar. Data are compiled from various official sources, including the Ministry of Tourism and the National Institute of Statistics (INSTAT).

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Rapport Economique et Financier ( ).

INSTAT (2001), Journée Africaine de la Statistique 2000: Les points Saillants , INSTAT (…

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Tourism in Madagascar

Development of the tourism sector in madagascar from 1995 to 2021.

Tourists per year in Madagascar

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Tourism receipts in Madagascar per year

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Madagascar: slow revival of tourism post covid-19

madagascar tourism statistics 2022

With the reopening of borders in April 2022, after two years of isolation from the rest of the world, tourism in Madagascar is slowly but surely regaining momentum.

Despite an undeniable attraction for Madagascar as a destination, renowned for its one of a kind biodiversity, heavenly beaches, and favorable weather, the island only welcomed 106 000 tourists between January and November 2022, three times less than pre pandemic.

Reasons for this slow revival can be explained by a lack of services and the soaring prices of plane tickets according to the Confederation of tourism of Madagascar.

Players in the sector hope that the slow resumption will encourage the State to make significant improvements in domestic transport. The lack of domestic flights and increasingly dilapidated roads make access to certain sites very difficult, this is particularly the case for Morondava and its majestic Baobab Alley, in the west of the country.

The Ministry of Tourism expects an arrival of 300,000 visitors in 2023.

Madagascar has been awarded the title of "Indian Ocean's Leading Green Destination 2022" by the World Travel Awards in its 29th edition. 

Ecotourism & community based tourism

The covid-19 pandemic has hugely affected tourism in Madagascar.

In a few figures, the tourism sector is threatened: 44,000 direct jobs and 300,000 indirect jobs according to a report from the Multisectoral Emergency Plan of Madagascar published by the primacy in July 2020.

To revive tourism, associations, travel agencies, parks, etc. are focusing on local tourism, putting ecotourism and community tourism at the heart of their initiatives.

Though community based tourism has been in vogue for quite some time on the island, it is now a crucial step towards the sector’s revival.

As it is generally accepted that in order to be sustainable, tourism activities must contribute to the empowerment of local communities through their active participation in decision-making and in the development process, this form of tourism aims to preserve natural, cultural and social heritage and to ensure the sustainability of biological diversity and not just as an ecological approach. It also implies the participation of tourists and visitors in educational actions to safeguard the island’s unique biodiversity.

According to the community-based ecotourism site in Morondava, "Kivalo Soa Honko" , in order for any recovery to be possible, material reinforcements such as water supply and public transportation are absolutely needed.

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Tourism Review

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Madagascar’s tourism sector continues its recovery at a steady pace. The beginning of the year 2023 looks promising according to the statements of the Minister of Tourism.

The number of tourists at the end of January 2023 has experienced a clear rebound. More than 10,000 tourists or ten times more than during the same period (1,898) than last year have been recorded in the airports.

In 2022, Madagascar recorded 132,018 arrivals of foreign and Malagasy tourists. This number is counted in the airports and in the number of visas issued, says the ministry. About 9% of tourists are Malagasy residing abroad. The French represent 41% of registered tourists, followed by the Italians (13%), the Poles, the Czechs, and the Americans.

For 2023, the Ministry expects a return of international arrivals to the level of 2019 - over 400.000 tourists. The multiplication of the national and international services, the revival and the promotion of the Malagasy destination are as many strategies having allowed to obtain these fruitful results.

The lifting and easing of international travel restrictions has allowed the recovery in the sector. As of April 2022, five main airports were able to receive international and regional flights, namely Antananarivo, Nosy Be, Majunga, Tamatave and Diego.

The government bets on a number of projects to boost Madagascar’s tourism, including the development of local tourism. Tourism in Madagascar depends heavily on international tourists, but if the health crisis has taught the industry anything, it is that local tourism should not be put aside.

Despite some ups and downs, the number of tourists in the country has increased at an average rate of 11% per year except during periods of health crises. In 1995, tourism revenues amounted to 77.66 million euros, or about 2.8% of gross national product. With 115,000 tourists at the time, this corresponded to about 675 euros per person.

Within last 25 years, the country's dependence on tourism has increased considerably. Before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the turnover of 849.49 million euros represented 6.7% of the gross national product (GNP). Each visitor therefore spent an average of 1,748 euros on his or her vacation in Madagascar.

In 2020, the turnover generated by tourists collapsed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Of the 849.49 million euros (2019), only 176.85 million euros remained. This represented a decrease of 79%.

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Tourism : 300 000 tourists expected in Madagascar for 2023

The Ministry of Tourism has announced the resumption of the Tourism sector after two years of scarcity due to the health crisis. Indeed, 300 000 international tourists expected for 2023.

The tourism sector had been struggling since the start of the pandemic in March 2020 with all the restrictive measures, the most bitter of which was undoubtedly the closing of the borders.

The return of international flights has accelerated the return to normal of tourist activity in Madagascar. International airports again received direct flights from abroad. Indeed, 300 000 tourist arrivals are expected for 2023 says Diana Rasoanaivo, Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Tourism.

Resumption of tourism

Between 2021-2022, tourism-related activities were on hold. Many players in this sector have filled the number of unemployed. The year 2022 is a year of recovery with the reopening of borders and the return of international flights to Madagascar.

Depuis le 5 March until early December, the Big Island received 106.000 tourists and expects to receive 120.000 by the end of the year according to figures from the Ministry in charge of Tourism. And, for the year 2023 ; the number of tourist arrivals is expected to reach nearly 300 000 if the current rate of recovery is maintained, believes the Ministry.

These figures concern people who have applied for a tourist visa as well as travelers using a Malagasy passport but not residing in Madagascar.. And 47% of these tourists are French, 20% Italians and 10% from Malagasy.

By #CocoLodgeMajunga

Yes, we're both :

  • One hôtel ★★★ with 18 spacious comfortable rooms,
  • One gourmet restaurant with a beautiful wine cellar, whiskies, rums and champagnes with a capacity of 60 Covered, offering Malagasy cuisine, French, Lebanese, pizzas and seafood specialties,
  • Un bar piscine with cocktails, "tsakitsaky", pancakes available at any time,
  • One organizer of events and conferences with 3 meeting rooms that can accommodate between 30 and 90 people each. In addition, we can receive themed lunches/dinners, engagement, wedding, anniversary, … Even a bachelor/bachelorette party, or a marriage proposal, …
  • A travel and tourism services company (License C),
  • One tour operator (B license),
  • And a 4×4 rental (with valid liability insurance) and with graduate drivers guide. We can insure your transfers in all Madagascar. For example from Antananarivo airport to Majunga, from Nosy Be to Majunga, even between Antsiranana and Majunga.

Ewa Air Resumption of flights following the strike



Coco Lodge Majunga : Your conference hotel


Congratulations and Bravo Sidikah !


Cable car : Start of tests with passengers on board

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Madagascar Tourist Arrivals

Tourist arrivals in madagascar decreased to 4718 in december from 8302 in november of 2021. tourist arrivals in madagascar averaged 18731.06 from 2008 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 45085.00 in november of 2019 and a record low of 0.00 in april of 2020. source: institut national de la statistique de madagascar,   markets,   gdp,   labour,   prices,   money,   trade,   government,   business,   taxes,   climate.

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Contribution of travel and tourism to total employment in Madagascar 2019-2020

Share of jobs in the travel and tourism sector in madagascar in 2019 and 2020.

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2019 and 2020

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Travel, Tourism & Hospitality

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  • Contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in South Africa 2005-2021


  • Occupancy rate of hotels in South Africa from 2000 to 2021
  • Total contribution of travel and tourism to employment in South Africa 2019-2021

Natalie Cowling

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Statistics on " Tourism industry in South Africa "

  • Visa openness index in Africa 2021, by indicator
  • Number of countries with visa free access to South Africans 2010-2022
  • International tourist arrivals in Africa 2020, by country
  • Value added of travel and tourism to GDP in South Africa 2019-2021
  • Tourism direct gross value added in South Africa 2015-2021
  • Tourism direct gross value added in South Africa 2021, by industry
  • Number of international tourist arrivals in South Africa 2014-2029
  • Number of tourists arriving in South Africa from 2011 to 2022, by mode of travel
  • Number of tourists arriving in South Africa from 2014-2022, by purpose of visit
  • Total traveler departures from South Africa 2014-2022
  • Number of foreign traveler departures from South Africa 2014-2022
  • Foreign tourism visitor spending in South Africa 2009-2021
  • Foreign tourism visitor spending as a share of exports in South Africa 2009-2020
  • Share of domestic and international travel spending in South Africa 2019-2020
  • Tourism expenditure in South Africa 2019-2021, by type
  • Expenditure per capita on international tourism in South Africa 2001-2029
  • International tourism receipts per capita in South Africa 2001-2029
  • Monthly number of foreign overnight visitors in South Africa 2022
  • Available hotel rooms in South Africa 2000-2021
  • Income generated from tourist accommodation in South Africa 2016-2023
  • Monthly income from tourist accommodation in South Africa 2019-2023

Other statistics that may interest you Tourism industry in South Africa

  • Basic Statistic Passport visa free score in Africa 2024, by country
  • Premium Statistic Visa openness index in Africa 2021, by indicator
  • Basic Statistic Number of countries with visa free access to South Africans 2010-2022
  • Premium Statistic International tourist arrivals in Africa 2020, by country

Economic contribution

  • Basic Statistic Contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in South Africa 2005-2021
  • Basic Statistic Value added of travel and tourism to GDP in South Africa 2019-2021
  • Basic Statistic Tourism direct gross value added in South Africa 2015-2021
  • Basic Statistic Tourism direct gross value added in South Africa 2021, by industry
  • Basic Statistic Total contribution of travel and tourism to employment in South Africa 2019-2021

Inbound and outbound tourists

  • Premium Statistic Number of international tourist arrivals in South Africa 2014-2029
  • Basic Statistic Number of tourists arriving in South Africa from 2011 to 2022, by mode of travel
  • Basic Statistic Number of tourists arriving in South Africa from 2014-2022, by purpose of visit
  • Basic Statistic Total traveler departures from South Africa 2014-2022
  • Basic Statistic Number of foreign traveler departures from South Africa 2014-2022

Tourism expenditure

  • Basic Statistic Foreign tourism visitor spending in South Africa 2009-2021
  • Basic Statistic Foreign tourism visitor spending as a share of exports in South Africa 2009-2020
  • Basic Statistic Share of domestic and international travel spending in South Africa 2019-2020
  • Basic Statistic Tourism expenditure in South Africa 2019-2021, by type
  • Premium Statistic Expenditure per capita on international tourism in South Africa 2001-2029
  • Premium Statistic International tourism receipts per capita in South Africa 2001-2029

Hotels and accommodation

  • Premium Statistic Monthly number of foreign overnight visitors in South Africa 2022
  • Premium Statistic Available hotel rooms in South Africa 2000-2021
  • Premium Statistic Occupancy rate of hotels in South Africa from 2000 to 2021
  • Premium Statistic Income generated from tourist accommodation in South Africa 2016-2023
  • Premium Statistic Monthly income from tourist accommodation in South Africa 2019-2023

Further related statistics

  • Premium Statistic Number of available rooms in Las Vegas 2000-2022
  • Premium Statistic Hotel occupancy rate in Las Vegas 2001-2022
  • Basic Statistic Contribution of China's travel and tourism industry to GDP 2014-2023
  • Basic Statistic Quarterly average daily rate of hotels in Atlanta 2016-2017
  • Basic Statistic Quarterly average daily rate of hotels in Houston 2016-2017
  • Basic Statistic Quarterly average daily rate of hotels in Indianapolis 2016-2017
  • Basic Statistic Quarterly average daily rate of hotels in New York 2016-2017
  • Basic Statistic Quarterly average daily rate of hotels in Philadelphia 2016-2017
  • Basic Statistic Quarterly average daily rate of hotels in Portland 2016-2017
  • Basic Statistic Quarterly average daily rate of hotels in Seattle 2016-2017

Further Content: You might find this interesting as well

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  • Hotel occupancy rate in Las Vegas 2001-2022
  • Contribution of China's travel and tourism industry to GDP 2014-2023
  • Quarterly average daily rate of hotels in Atlanta 2016-2017
  • Quarterly average daily rate of hotels in Houston 2016-2017
  • Quarterly average daily rate of hotels in Indianapolis 2016-2017
  • Quarterly average daily rate of hotels in New York 2016-2017
  • Quarterly average daily rate of hotels in Philadelphia 2016-2017
  • Quarterly average daily rate of hotels in Portland 2016-2017
  • Quarterly average daily rate of hotels in Seattle 2016-2017


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  3. International tourism, number of arrivals

    International tourism, number of arrivals - Madagascar World Tourism Organization, Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Compendium of Tourism Statistics and data files. License : CC BY-4.0

  4. Madagascar Tourism Statistics 1960-2024

    Madagascar tourism statistics for 2022 was 0.00, a NAN% decline from 2021. Madagascar tourism statistics for 2021 was 0.00, a 100% decline from 2020. Madagascar tourism statistics for 2020 was 202,000,000.00, a 78.76% decline from 2019. Madagascar tourism statistics for 2019 was 951,000,000.00, a 8.19% increase from 2018. Download Historical Data.

  5. The UN Tourism Data Dashboard

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  6. Madagascar Overview: Development news, research, data

    The World Bank is helping the Madagascar government to fight poverty and improve the living standards. ... driven by tourism, with arrivals nearly doubling from 2022 and high demand for telecommunications and the food industry. ... The fiscal deficit is estimated to have declined from 6.4% of GDP in 2022 to 4.9% in 2023, thanks to an estimated ...

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    Discover the total economic contribution that the Travel & Tourism sector brings to Madagascar and the world in this data-rich, two-page factsheet. ... Comparisons between 2019, 2020 and 2021, plus 2022 forecast; Proportion of the T&T at city level towards overall T&T contribution at a country level;

  8. Madagascar

    The value for International tourism, number of arrivals in Madagascar was 87,100 as of 2020. As the graph below shows, over the past 25 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 486,000 in 2019 and a minimum value of 87,100 in 2020. Definition: International inbound tourists (overnight visitors) are the number of tourists who travel to a ...

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    Madagascar: Country-specific: Basic indicators (Compendium) 2017 - 2021 (12.2022) First Page Excel PDF Issue Details. Tourism Statistics. Tourism Statistics. Tourism Statistics » Current Issue; Available Issues; Article / Chapter Tools ... Tourism Statistics. Tourism Statistics.

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    International tourism, number of arrivals in Madagascar was reported at 87100 in 2020, according to the World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially recognized sources. Madagascar - International tourism, number of arrivals - actual values, historical data, forecasts and projections were sourced from the World Bank ...

  11. OSF

    Madagascar: International tourism, number of arrivals. 3.9MB. Public. 0 Fork this Project Duplicate template ... Description: International tourist arrivals in Madagascar (1984 to 2022, monthly and annual data). License: GNU General Public License (GPL) 3.0 . Link other OSF projects.

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    Within 26 years, the country's dependence on tourism has increased drastically. Before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, sales were $951.00 million billion, 6.7 percent of gross national product. In 2020, tourist receipts plummeted due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Of the $951.00 million billion (2019), only $202.00 million billion remained.

  13. Madagascar Number of arrivals, 1960-2023

    Madagascar - International tourism, number of arrivals. 87,100 (number) in 2020. In 2020, number of arrivals for Madagascar was 87,100. Though Madagascar number of arrivals fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to increase through 1995 - 2020 period ending at 87,100 in 2020. The description is composed by our digital data assistant.

  14. Madagascar: Country-specific: Outbound tourism 1995

    Change Site Language ... HOME; TOURISM STATISTICS; JOURNALS; BOOKS; BAROMETER. English version

  15. Madagascar: slow revival of tourism post covid-19

    Madagascar has been awarded the title of "Indian Ocean's Leading Green Destination 2022" by the World Travel Awards in its 29th edition. Ecotourism & community based tourism The covid-19 pandemic ...

  16. Madagascar: contribution of travel and tourism to GDP 2020

    Travel and tourism contributed 4.4 percent to Madagascar's GDP in 2020, which totaled to over 590 million U.S. ... Domestic tourist spending in Ghana 2019-2022; Share of tourist expenditure in ...

  17. Tourism in Madagascar

    Only 255,922 tourists set foot in Madagascar in 2012—still an increase of 14% compared to the 2011 numbers. The 2013 figures were again disappointing with 198,816 arrivals—this was an election year, with security issues, notably in Nosy-Be. However, the sector has been growing steadily for a few years; In 2019, 486,000 tourists landed in ...

  18. Madagascar: international tourists by origin 2020

    Basic Statistic Number of tourists arriving in South Africa from 2011 to 2022, by mode of travel; Basic Statistic ... 1277076/inbound-tourist-arrivals-in-madagascar-by-country/ Home;

  19. Madagascar's Tourism Benefits from French Visitors

    In 2022, Madagascar recorded 132,018 arrivals of foreign and Malagasy tourists. This number is counted in the airports and in the number of visas issued, says the ministry. About 9% of tourists are Malagasy residing abroad. The French represent 41% of registered tourists, followed by the Italians (13%), the Poles, the Czechs, and the Americans.

  20. Statistics about Madagascar

    Statistics. Climate and Weather. Ecological Threat Register (ETR) in Madagascar 2022, by indicator. Leisure Travel. Inbound tourist arrivals in Madagascar 2020, by country of origin. Mobile ...

  21. Tourism : 300 000 tourists expected in Madagascar for 2023

    International airports again received direct flights from abroad. Indeed, 300 000 tourist arrivals are expected for 2023 says Diana Rasoanaivo, Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Tourism. Resumption of tourism. Between 2021-2022, tourism-related activities were on hold. Many players in this sector have filled the number of unemployed.

  22. Madagascar Tourist Arrivals

    Tourist Arrivals in Madagascar decreased to 4718 in December from 8302 in November of 2021. Tourist Arrivals in Madagascar averaged 18731.06 from 2008 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 45085.00 in November of 2019 and a record low of 0.00 in April of 2020. source: Institut National de la Statistique de Madagascar. Feedback. Related. Last.

  23. Improving our travel and tourism statistics

    Our Travel and tourism review: final report, May 2022 recommended that travel and tourism statistics produced by the ONS and NISRA needed greater comparability and coherence. Following a period of review by the ONS, it was decided that all data on international tourism to and from NI should be provided by NISRA.

  24. PDF Trade and Investment Factsheet

    The UK's market share for Madagascar in 2022 was as follows: • The UK market share in Madagascar was 0.4% in 2022 for goods only. This is unchanged from 2021. • UK market share in services for Madagascar was not available in 2022. The table below presents the UK's market share for Madagascar between 2013 and 2022. Values

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    The 2022 UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons noted trafficking in persons for the purpose of organ removal constituted only 0.2 percent of detected victims of trafficking compared to the much higher numbers for sex trafficking and forced labor. UNODC has warned "existing barriers to reporting suggest that the full scale of this ...

  26. Madagascar: percentage of jobs in tourism sector 2020

    Number of tourists arriving in South Africa from 2011 to 2022, by mode of travel; ... Share of jobs in the travel and tourism sector in Madagascar in 2019 and 2020 [Graph], WTTC, November 19, 2021 ...