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Home Essay Samples Life Vacation

Memorable Vacation with Family: a Journey of Joy and Togetherness

Recalling warm memories from the most memorable vacation with family.

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Diary Entry Writing: Family Trip

Documenting a family trip in a diary can capture the essence of shared experiences and preserve memories for years to come. A diary entry offers a unique glimpse into the emotions, experiences, and special moments that define a family’s journey together. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write a reflective and engaging diary entry on a family trip.

Table of Contents

Step 1: Set the Stage

Begin by stating the date and destination of your family trip. Introduce the entry with your expectations or the purpose of the trip.

August 10, 2024. We set off on our much-anticipated family trip to the Grand Canyon.

Step 2: Document the Departure

Capture the excitement, chaos, or even the stress of departure. Mention the means of travel and any noteworthy occurrences.

The morning was hectic, with last-minute packing and double-checking tickets. The kids were bubbling with energy as we boarded the flight.

Step 3: Describe the Setting

Once you’ve reached your destination, describe the setting in detail. What does it look like? How does it feel? Paint a picture of the new surroundings.

The vast expanse of the canyon is breathtaking. The myriad of colors at sunset paints a picture so vivid it feels surreal.

Step 4: Share First Impressions

Record your first impressions and those of your family members. This can often include a mix of awe, excitement, or even the occasional disappointment.

The children were awestruck, having never seen anything so vast. My spouse, a geology enthusiast, was eager to explore every layer of the canyon’s walls.

Step 5: Reflect on the Day’s Activities

Detail the activities you engaged in. What did you see and do? How did your family interact with the environment and with each other?

We hiked a trail suitable for all ages, taking in the grandeur of the landscape. Laughter echoed as the kids played explorer, leading the way with handmade maps.

Step 6: Record Special Moments

Capture the special moments that stand out. These could be funny incidents, moments of family bonding, or unexpected challenges.

During a picnic, a squirrel made off with a sandwich, prompting an impromptu nature lesson—and lots of giggles—from the kids.

Step 7: Include Conversations

Recount interesting or meaningful conversations. How is the trip influencing your family’s dynamics or individual perspectives?

Over dinner, we talked about the history of the canyon. The kids asked insightful questions, and we all learned something new.

Step 8: Express Personal Feelings

Don’t forget to express your own feelings and emotions. How is the trip affecting you? Are you feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, or maybe homesick?

As I watched my family against the backdrop of such natural beauty, I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

Step 9: Contemplate the Experiences

Reflect on the experiences of the day. What have you learned? How has the trip impacted your view of family or life?

Today reminded me that it’s not just the destination, but the shared journey that’s truly important.

Step 10: Summarize the Day

End your entry by summarizing the day’s events. What will you take away from today’s experiences?

The day was filled with laughter, discovery, and a sense of connection that only nature and shared experiences can foster.

Step 11: Anticipate What’s Next

Look forward to upcoming days or activities on the trip. What are you and your family most excited about?

Tomorrow we plan to attend a ranger talk about the local wildlife. The kids can hardly wait, their interest piqued by today’s unexpected critter encounter.

Additional Tips:

  • Incorporate Sensory Details : Mention the smells, tastes, sounds, and textures you encounter to bring your entry to life.
  • Use Direct Quotes : If a family member says something memorable or poignant, include it in your entry.
  • Be Honest : Your diary is a private space, so feel free to express any frustrations or challenges as well as the good times.
  • Include Visuals : Sketches, ticket stubs, or even a smudge of sand can add texture and visual interest to your diary.
  • Reflect on Changes : If you’ve been to this place before, or if you observe any growth in yourself or family members, write about it.

Diary Entry Family Trip Example #1

Dear Diary,

I just returned from an incredible family trip, and I feel so grateful for the memories we created together. We traveled to a beach town on the coast, and it was a wonderful escape from our busy lives.

The beach was beautiful, with soft sand and sparkling blue water. We spent most of our days swimming in the ocean, building sandcastles, and soaking up the sun. It was so nice to relax and enjoy the warm weather with my family.

We also had the chance to explore the town and its local attractions. We went to the aquarium, where we saw all kinds of marine life, from sea turtles to colorful fish. We also visited a lighthouse, where we climbed to the top and enjoyed stunning views of the ocean.

One of the highlights of the trip was a sunset sailboat ride. We sailed along the coast, watching the sun dip below the horizon as we enjoyed snacks and drinks. It was a magical and peaceful moment, and we all felt so grateful to be together and experience such natural beauty.

We also indulged in some delicious seafood, such as fresh fish and shrimp. We tried local restaurants and cafes, and it was a great opportunity to try new foods and enjoy the local cuisine.

As our trip came to an end, I felt a sense of sadness at leaving the beach town behind. But I also felt grateful for the memories and experiences I had gained with my family. The trip had been a wonderful escape from the stresses of everyday life, and I returned home feeling rejuvenated and grateful for my loved ones.

Until next time, Diary.

Diary Entry Family Trip Example #2

I just got back from an amazing family trip to a national park, and it was an adventure that I will never forget. We spent our days exploring the park’s natural wonders and enjoying quality time together as a family.

The park was breathtaking, with towering mountains, cascading waterfalls, and lush forests. We went on hikes of varying difficulty levels, enjoying the fresh air and stunning views. We saw all kinds of wildlife, from deer to elk to bear cubs.

One of the highlights of the trip was a white-water rafting excursion. We went down a river and navigated rapids, feeling the rush of adrenaline as we splashed through the water. It was a thrilling and unforgettable experience that we all enjoyed.

We also enjoyed camping and being in nature. We set up tents and cooked meals over a campfire. At night, we stargazed and talked about our favorite parts of the day. It was a great way to disconnect from technology and connect with each other.

As we explored the park, we learned about the importance of conservation and preserving our natural resources. It was a valuable lesson that we all took to heart, and we felt grateful for the opportunity to experience such natural beauty.

As our trip came to an end, I felt a sense of sadness at leaving the park behind. But I also felt grateful for the memories and experiences I had gained with my family. The trip had been a wonderful adventure, and I returned home feeling closer to my loved ones and inspired to explore more of the world around me.

Diary Entry Family Trip Example #3

I just returned from an incredible family trip to a city known for its rich history and culture. We spent our days exploring museums, landmarks, and neighborhoods, and it was a great way to learn and have fun together as a family.

The city was beautiful, with old buildings, cobblestone streets, and beautiful parks. We visited museums and learned about the city’s history, from its founding to its role in shaping the nation. We also visited landmarks such as monuments and memorials, which were humbling and awe-inspiring.

We also enjoyed the city’s vibrant culture and cuisine. We tried new foods, from local street vendors to fancy restaurants. We also explored neighborhoods, such as Chinatown and Little Italy, which were full of energy and life.

One of the highlights of the trip was a bike ride along a river that ran through the city. We rented bikes and rode along the path, enjoying the beautiful views of the city skyline. It was a great way to stay active and see the city from a different perspective.

As we explored the city, we learned about the importance of diversity and the value of different perspectives. We encountered people from all walks of life and saw the richness of different cultures, languages, and experiences.

As our trip came to an end, I felt a sense of sadness at leaving the city behind. But I also felt grateful for the memories and experiences I had gained with my family. The trip had been a wonderful adventure, and I returned home feeling closer to my loved ones and inspired to explore more of the world around me.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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Write a Good Travel Essay. Please.

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Kathleen Boardman

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Editor’s Note: We know that many of you are looking for help writing travel experience essays for school or simply writing about a trip for your friends or family. To inspire you and help you write your next trip essay—whether it’s an essay about a trip with family or simply a way to remember your best trip ever (so far)—we enlisted the help of Professor Kathleen Boardman, whose decades of teaching have helped many college students learn the fine art of autobiography and life writing. Here’s advice on how to turn a simple “my best trip” essay into a story that will inspire others to explore the world.

Welcome home! Now that you’re back from your trip, you’d like to share it with others in a travel essay. You’re a good writer and a good editor of your work, but you’ve never tried travel writing before. As your potential reader, I have some advice and some requests for you as you write your travel experience essay.

Trip Essays: What to Avoid

Please don’t tell me everything about your trip. I don’t want to know your travel schedule or the names of all the castles or restaurants you visited. I don’t care about the plane trip that got you there (unless, of course, that trip is the story).

I have a friend who, when I return from a trip, never asks me, “How was your trip?” She knows that I would give her a long, rambling answer: “… and then … and then … and then.” So instead, she says, “Tell me about one thing that really stood out for you.” That’s what I’d like you to do in this travel essay you’re writing.

The Power of Compelling Scenes

One or two “snapshots” are enough—but make them great. Many good writers jump right into the middle of their account with a vivid written “snapshot” of an important scene. Then, having aroused their readers’ interest or curiosity, they fill in the story or background. I think this technique works great for travel writing; at least, I would rather enjoy a vivid snapshot than read through a day-to-day summary of somebody’s travel journal.

Write About a Trip Using Vivid Descriptions

Take your time. Tell a story. So what if you saw things that were “incredible,” did things that were “amazing,” observed actions that you thought “weird”? These words don’t mean anything to me unless you show me, in a story or a vivid description, the experience that made you want to use those adjectives.

I’d like to see the place, the people, or the journey through your eyes, not someone else’s. Please don’t rewrite someone else’s account of visiting the place. Please don’t try to imitate a travel guide or travelogue or someone’s blog or Facebook entry. You are not writing a real travel essay unless you are describing, as clearly and honestly as possible, yourself in the place you visited. What did you see, hear, taste, say? Don’t worry if your “take” on your experience doesn’t match what everyone else says about it. (I’ve already read what THEY have to say.)

The Importance of Self-Editing Your Trip Essay

Don’t give me your first draft to read. Instead, set it aside and then reread it. Reread it again. Where might I need more explanation? What parts of your account are likely to confuse me? (After all, I wasn’t there.) Where might you be wasting my time by repeating or rambling on about something you’ve already told me?

Make me feel, make me laugh, help me learn something. But don’t overdo it: Please don’t preach to me about broadening my horizons or understanding other cultures. Instead, let me in on your feelings, your change of heart and mind, even your fear and uncertainty, as you confronted something you’d never experienced before. If you can, surprise me with something I didn’t know or couldn’t have suspected.

You Can Do It: Turning Your Trip into a Great Travel Experience Essay

I hope you will take yourself seriously as a traveler and as a writer. Through what—and how—you write about just a small portion of your travel experience, show me that you are an interesting, thoughtful, observant person. I will come back to you, begging for more of your travel essays.

Take Notes in a Cute Journal

my family trip story writing

Keep track of all the crucial details- and even the ones you might forget, in a durable and refillable journal.

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Tips for Writing a "What I Did on Vacation" Essay

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  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
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Are you required to write an essay about your summer vacation or your holiday break? This can be a tough assignment to tackle at first glance. But if you think about it, there are lots of interesting things that happen on your vacation that others might enjoy reading about. The key to success is to zero in on the experiences, people, or situations that made your vacation unique.

Summer vacation can be busy or lazy, funny or serious. You may have traveled with your family, worked every day, fallen in love, or coped with a difficult situation. To start your essay, you'll need to choose a topic and tone.

Family Vacation Essay Topic Ideas

If you traveled with your family, you may have some great stories to tell. After all, every family is crazy in its own way. Want some proof? How many Hollywood films have themes about family holidays or trips? Those films are popular because they enable us to glimpse inside the crazy family lives of others. Alternatively, you may have a more serious story to tell.

Consider these funny topics:

  • Why I'll Never Go Back to (insert place name)
  • How (insert name) Drove Me Crazy in Five Days
  • Traveling to (insert city) Then and Now
  • The Hazards of Traveling With a (person or thing)
  • Why You Shouldn't Take a Dog to (insert place)
  • I Left (insert city) But My (lost item) Stayed
  • Why I Couldn't Sleep in (place name)

If your family vacation involved something more serious, think about one of these topics:

  • The Love I Left Behind in (insert place)
  • Saying Good-Bye to (insert person or place)
  • Exploring (place's) Secrets
  • An Emotional Trip

Summer Job Essay Topic Ideas

Not everyone gets to spend the summer having fun; some of us have to work for a living. If you spent your summer at a job, chances are you met a lot of interesting characters, dealt with complicated situations, or even saved the day once or twice. Here are some ideas for summer job topics:

  • The Boss's Day Off
  • The Customer From Hell
  • What I Learned from My Customers
  • Why I'll Never Go Into the ___ Business
  • Six Things I Learned on the Job

How to Write the Essay

Once you've chosen your topic and your tone, think about the story you want to tell. In most cases, your essay will follow a typical story arc:

  • The hook (the funny, sad, or scary sentence that grabs the reader's attention)
  • The rising action (the beginning of your story)
  • The climax (the most exciting moment in your story)
  • The denouement (the aftermath or ending to your story)

Start by writing out the basic outline of your story. For example, "I started cleaning a guest's room and found that they'd left behind a wallet with $100 in cash. When I turned it in without taking a single dollar for myself, my boss rewarded me with a $100 gift certificate and a special award for honesty."

Next, start fleshing out the details. What was the room like? What was the guest like? What did the wallet look like and where was it left? Were you tempted to just take the money and turn in the wallet empty? How did your boss look when you handed her the wallet? How did you feel when you got your reward? How did others around you react to your honesty?

Once you've told your story in all its detail, it's time to write the hook and conclusion. What question or thought can you use to grab your reader's attention? For example: "What would you do if you found a wallet loaded with cash? That was my dilemma this summer."

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English Aspirants

Paragraph on My Family in English [100, 150, 200, 250 Words]

Paragraph on My Family: Family is an important part of everyone’s life. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph on My Family. We’ve provided four paragraphs here (100, 150, 200, and 250 words). All the paragraphs will be helpful for the students of class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on My Family [100 Words]

I have a small and happy family. We live in a small house near Kolkata. There are four members in our family. My parents, my younger sister and me. My father Rohan Basu is a teacher. He takes care of our necessities. My mother is a housewife. She manages the household work.

My sister is very intelligent and adorable. She loves to play with teddy bears. My parents spend a lot of time with us. They teach us good manners and discipline . They really work hard to secure our future. We all have deep respect and love for each other. I am very lucky to have a family like this.

Paragraph on My Family in English

Paragraph on My Family [150 Words]

Ours is a small family consisting of my parents, my sister and myself. My father’s name is Anil Dutta. He works in a Govt. department as an engineer. My mother is a school teacher. She teaches at a private school nearby. I am the only son of my parents. My name is Rohan Dutta. I am 10 years old and I read in class six at Hindu School.

My only sister is Sumona who is 6 years old. She reads in class two at the same school where my mother teaches. My parents are kind and loving. We love and respect them very much. Mother takes care of our needs. She teaches us good manners. My father works very hard to run our family.

We all live together in a small house in Kolkata. We also have a special member in our family, our pet dog charlie. It is 2 years old and is very fond of us.

My Family Paragraph in English

My Family Paragraph [200 Words]

I have a small family. I love my family so does everyone. I live with my parents, and my elder sister. My father’s name is Nitin Sharma. He is a doctor. My mother is a housewife. My elder sister’s name is Ritu Sharma. I play with her. She is very friendly to me. I am happy with them. We live together in a beautiful house in Delhi.

My father is very hardworking. He always inspires me. Although he is very busy, he spends a lot of time with us. My mother takes care of the family. She takes care of our food, clothes, health, education etc. My parents work very hard for our future.

All my family members love, respect and care for each other. They all teach me the importance of discipline and good manners. It is because of them that I have learned the basic values of life. We share our thoughts and emotions with each other.

During the vacations every year, we all family members go on a trip. We celebrate the festivals together with great joy and happiness. We are not very rich but there is peace in our family. I am very proud of my family.

Also Read: Paragraph on My Best Friend

Paragraph About My Family [250 Words]

Family plays a crucial role in everyone’s life. I have a wonderful family. There are 6 members in my family. It consists of me, my parents, my elder brother, my grandfather and my grandmother. My father Rohit Gupta is an engineer. My mother is a school teacher. They both take good care of me.

My father is the person I admire most. He is a very hardworking person. Sometimes he helps me with my homework in his free time. He teaches us lessons of life. My grandfather is a retired serviceman and my grandmother is a housewife. Both of them are caring and supportive.

My grandfather takes me to morning walk every day. She tells me interesting stories. My elder brother is in university. He is good in studies as well as sports and extracurricular activities. He is very sweet. He always helps me in my studies.

My family members are peace-loving people. They never fight with each other. We go for picnics and long drives on holidays.  We have love and respect for each other. We share our feelings and emotions with each other which strengthens our bonding. We all have our meals together.

My family teaches me good manners and moral values. They inspire me to move ahead and achieve my life goals. I feel very lucky to be born in a family which has made me a better person.

I have a pet dog in my home. His name is Tommy. He is so adorable and cute. I love my family so much. They are the best in the world.

Paragraph about My Family

Read More Paragraphs: 1. Paragraph on My Aim in Life  2. Paragraph on Early Rising 3. Paragraph on My Daily Routine  4. Paragraph on Science in Daily Life

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14 thoughts on “paragraph on my family in english [100, 150, 200, 250 words]”.

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Tell Your Story with Evalogue.Life

Tell Your Story with Evalogue.Life

Everyone has an important story. Tell yours now, and it will be enough.

Family Vacations Create Great Family Stories

family vacations

The family stories that spring from family vacations are some of the best. When my husband and I got married one of our family goals was to make sure we have at least one family vacation each year. Sometimes they are big, sometimes they are small. Either way, those vacations have been one of the biggest contributors to our family stories. They are a part of our family’s oscillating narrative. And when it has come to a choice between a new couch and a family vacation, we will always pick the vacation.

Research validates this viewpoint, saying that family vacations act as “happiness anchors” for children. Oliver James, Britain’s best-selling psychological author outlines this idea in a conversation with The Telegraph .

my family trip story writing

Simple Strategies for Family Storytelling

Most family stories come naturally from family vacations, but there are ways to step up your game and make family vacations more intentional. Author Bruce Feiler’s wonderful book The Secrets of Happy Families gives practical tips for stepping up the level of adventure and reducing stress on vacations. He recommends creating games to challenge and engage family members including a yes/no game called “Thinking of a time when…” that evokes stories. Another tip is to “lock in memories” at the end of a vacation by writing a story , creating an album, or some other fun way to help everyone remember the good times. On this New York Times page is a video with Feiler giving 5 tips for better family vacations.  

This doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Often after a vacation, life is busy as we try to return to “normal.” A simple post on social media with several photos can be a good placeholder until you can really sit down and record the meat of your vacation.

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Trips with a Purpose

In my life there have been some special and unique occasions where finding and creating family stories becomes a purpose of the trip. The last two years have served that purpose with our family and it has really changed my perspective of  family stories and their importance . They were two very different vacations – the first was to make memories, the second was to find them. Both are so important for families of all shapes and sizes! Keep reading to find my five tips of how to make your family vacations full of family stories… .I like to call it “storyfull.”

Family reunions and family vacations are a perfect time to make memories and tell stories. Photo of Rachel Trotter's children jumping into the air on the beach during a family vacation.

A vacation to create family stories

Five years ago we had a unique family dynamic happening. Very soon, my daughter would be leaving to serve an 18-month mission for our church in Sweden. My oldest son had returned from his church mission the year before, but was spending his summer near the Oregon coast – about a day’s drive away from home. Our third son was going to start his senior year and leave for his church mission about four months before my daughter returned. This meant it would be more than three years before our family would be all together again.

I suspected our family may never be the same make up due to marriage and changes. (I was right, I happily gained a new daughter-in-law last June!)  Because of my son’s work schedule, we only had two full days to vacation all together on the Oregon coast so my husband and I vowed to make every single moment count. We rented a house on the beach and we soaked up each moment together.

Making the Most of the Moments

We ate fancy food, slept in, played on the beach and had some spiritual experiences together that I will never forget. Sometimes I get anxious on vacations to “cram everything in” but I know I was blessed to go with the flow during this trip. I took the opportunity to bear testimony about my relationship with God and my beliefs and we also took time to turn the music up loud, sing and mess around. There were some moments of fighting, but overall I remember the time as magical. And it almost seemed as if time stopped. Those family memories are held tight in my heart. I also took time to write down the best moments and talked to each of my children separately about their favorite memories.

Click for printable of questions Everyone Should Ask

I will never forget the last 30 minutes of the time with all of us together as we drove my son back to his apartment to finish his work. I started to weep. I tried to cry silently, but I could not hold back the tears. These magical moments in time were drawing to a close. My family was changing – all good changes – but changing nonetheless, and I was helpless to do anything about it.

My husband reached over, wiped a tear from my eye, grabbed my hand and kissed it. He was feeling it too. We listened to a soundtrack of music mixed with our family’s favorite band, “The National Parks”   the soundtrack of “The Best Two Years,” our family’s favorite movie, and of course, the soundtrack to “Hamilton” as we drove. When we are feeling nostalgic and aching for each other as a family, we still listen to those songs.

We added a huge chapter to our family story in those two days .  It was a trip that we will never forget and always cherish.

A Vacation to Remember Family Stories

Family reunions and family vacations are a perfect time to make memories and tell stories. Photo of Rachel Trotter's family at her son's wedding reception in Texas.

Now fast forward one year. My daughter was still in Sweden. My 18-year-old son was months away from starting his two-year church mission in Roseville, California. My oldest son was getting married. And by some strange stroke of luck, his bride-to-be was from Texas in a town just about 40 miles from the town where my father was born and raised – the town where I vacationed to every single summer when I was growing up.

She grew up in the midst of where most of aunts and uncles live and only four hours from where my only sister currently lives. I had always wanted to re-visit all those memories I made as a child. Now, because we would be having a wedding reception there, I got to visit with all (well, almost all) my children and my husband in tow. What a sweet, beautiful tender mercy for me!

Trips to Cemeteries

And as if it couldn’t get any more crazy, my second daughter…you know the one who was serving her mission in Sweden? She came home in December of 2017 and married a young man from Texas in December of 2018. They lived in Texas while he attended dental school. So for a while, I had even more reasons to visit the land of my forefathers because my daughter lived there too.

Related: The Power of Place

The whole Texas family vacation deal is extra sweet, because being the family history buffs my husband and I are, we also were able to visit two old family cemeteries in the heart of Texas that we had longed to see since my husband started to dig deep into my dad’s family line.

Related: How my grandparents instilled a love for cemeteries in me.

Time makes Trip Traditions Sweeter

As a child, I didn’t appreciate all the joys of the family vacation to Texas every year. I was a silly, selfish kid who thought it would be great to visit lots of different spots instead of hot, humid Texas. Now, I can’t put into words my gratitude to my parents of instilling that family bond with my Texas family all those years ago. The reunion was sweet when my aunts, uncles and cousins appeared at the wedding reception and even sweeter when we got together for a big family party and another family dinner with my cousin.

We also traveled to my dad’s hometown with my sister to visit my grandparent’s home, see where my dad played football and show our kids the swimming hole where my sister and I learned that my dad could hold his breath under water longer than any other human.

family stories

On Family Trips, get the Albums out

As we gathered around my Aunt Debbie’s living room after a delicious BBQ meal, it was sweet to share stories of our visits to Texas as kids. And it was even sweeter when Aunt Debbie pulled out some beautiful scrapbooks she had made chock full of photos of my dad, his siblings, his parents and grandparents. All the while, my aunts and uncles talked about them growing up.

My joy felt pretty full. The generations seemed to converge as I walked out onto the patio and watched my children swim and play with my cousin’s children. There was gathering around the table and laughing and joking while sipping Dr Pepper. I couldn’t help but think that my Great Grandma and Grandpa Jackson whose portrait hangs in my Aunt Debbie’s living room, were maybe there with us, celebrating too.

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Make it count

So why do I share these vacation tales, you ask? To encourage you to make these vacation family memories count. When there is a question of whether to remodel the kitchen or take the trip – take the trip. When there is a question of whether to share a story of your youth while you vacation or spend extra money on a game of mini-golf – take a moment and tell the story. Gosh, even write it down.

I’m pretty sure my kids may have rolled their eyes a few times when we visited the old family cemetery. But when they found many of their namesakes on the headstones, the feelings of love were tangible, not soon to be forgotten. Don’t be afraid to do something that may sound a bit boring at first. Five years from now, guess what? It won’t be boring. It will be unforgettable.

Now, I’m not saying your family vacations need to be all about family stories . Mix it up a little. Did we visit Cowboy Stadium, the Magnolia Farms in Waco and the Dr. Pepper museum? You bet! We totally mixed the fun in with the family history stuff.

Combine the Stories and the “Fun”

family stories

I have found the sweetest moments come when you can combine the two. My dad was a storyteller and has told my children of his love for the Cotton Bowl where the Texas Longhorns used to play the Oklahoma Sooners every year. We made a pilgrimage there, of course. The sounds of elation from the back seat when they saw it in all its glory for the first time were worth the trip. They loved it because they loved their grandpa. That family story came to life for them and it’s one I won’t soon forget.

my family trip story writing

Tips on How to plan a “Storyfull” vacation:

  • Plan, plan, plan! This last year my husband sat our family down with a small power point of options for our family vacation. We told the kids of the family things we would be doing, but then asked them to pick their top 3 of the other “fun” options. We then merged all those top 3’s together and we made sure to hit at least one on everyone’s list.
  • Scout out eating options . Depending on your budget, the food can make or break a trip, but the best thing we’ve found is to let everyone know what the food plans are before we go. For our Texas and Oregon trips, food was a big deal for us. We planned to spend big on food. When we went to Yellowstone, we ate out of a packed cooler the whole time. Both were wonderful because we had a plan for food. (Related: Dinner Table Conversation Starters for Families.)
  • Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself when things don’t go according to plan . If you get lost – laugh. If you don’t get your way – laugh. I’m not perfect at this, but the stories are much better after if you laugh at craziness instead of get angry.
  • Be deliberate with your storytelling . Tell family memories and make family memories. You may want to take a family journal along to record your thoughts as you go or even leave it out so your kids can do the same.  Having your little ones draw pictures will also be a treasure in years to come.
  • Create a family vacation soundtrack . I think each of our family vacations has memorable songs we pair with our vacations. It makes the memories more tangible when you hear the song again. Related: Music and Memories

Get Extended Family Talking

If your vacation involves a reunion or extended family gathering, check out our top interview questions. These memory-evoking questions will spark stories, and the printable can be passed around to family members.

my family trip story writing

Rachel J. Trotter is a senior writer/editor at Evalogue.Life – Tell Your Story . She tells people’s stories and shares hers to encourage others and especially loves family storytelling . A graduate of Weber State University, Rachel has had articles featured on LDSLiving.com and Mormon.org. She and her husband, Mat, have six children and live on the East Bench in Ogden, Utah.

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  • ← What this photo says about death of a mother
  • How my grandparents instilled a love for Memorial Day – and you can too! →

9 thoughts on “ Family Vacations Create Great Family Stories ”

Pingback: Sharing Stories about Hard Things can Change Lives | Meridian Magazine

Pingback: The Power of Helping Your Children Remember Who They Are | Meridian Magazine

Pingback: Family reunions are the perfect place to capture a story

Pingback: Remember who you are. Help your kids put down their phones and remember.

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A moving account of the value of holidays in bringing a family together, creating new memories and reminiscing about old memories – Do you remember when………?“

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Thank you! We often find on our current vacations we tend to talk about past ones. It’s so great.

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Something about adventuring together brings on more and more stories. Great post Rachel!

Yes it really does! It’s the best of times. Thanks, Laura!

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I love family vacations that intentionally help bring the family closer and increase faith.

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Family Trip

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A family of four is going on a trip to an island resort.

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Intrepid Travel Blog

Be together: a celebration of family travel memories

my family trip story writing

To help us all feel a bit closer while we’re physically apart, we’re sharing letters to and from those who made their adventures extra special. Today, we’re sharing letters dedicated to the magic of family travel.  #BeTogether

My daughter Elena and I took our first dream trip to Thailand with Intrepid and you were our amazing guide. We were slightly anxious about taking such a long trip, but you were welcoming and inclusive from the very first meeting, going out of your way to do everything to make our father-daughter experience so special.

You made sure Elena had the right pants to wear when visiting a shrine…and bought her a special elephant backpack she had her eye on that she still treasures today. You were kind and light-hearted and funny and always with an easy laugh and warm smile.

When our hotel in Chiang Mai didn’t have a pool, you arranged for the hotel down the street to open their pool for us to spend an afternoon there by their pool.

You guided us to experience so much of the Thai warmth, hospitality, and welcome. I would love to return again and again.

Thank you, Gung, for your part in creating such a special father-daughter experience! Mark

Dear Carolina,

You welcomed us into your home in Sarapiqui for dinner with your family in July 2019, when me and my two boys were on our Intrepid family vacation in Costa Rica .

Lani and her kids at Carolina's house, cooking dinner.

Lani and her kids at Carolina’s house, cooking dinner.

My youngest son is not too much older that your granddaughters who were there that evening, and even though they couldn’t speak each other’s language, that didn’t stop them from preparing food together. The world needs a little more of this kind easiness, and what better place to start than within the comforts of a home?

I don’t think either of my boys knew what to expect, but I want you to know that the time that we spent with you is one of their fondest memories.

About a month ago, my oldest suggested that we make plantain tortillas – your showstopper patacones – for dinner. He’s 12, and you know as a mother yourself, many things go in one ear and out the other at this age. But he remembers and he cares. And that tells me that you are part of his story now and that his world is a little bit bigger than it was before. This warms my heart.

Thank you for a wonderful experience, Lani

Dear Akanksha,

On our mother and daughter trip to India , one of our must-dos was to visit the Taj Mahal at dawn. But unfortunately, it was closed on the morning we were there.

We were so disappointed but you, our beautiful tour guide, overheard our disappointed conversation and promptly arranged for us to have a personal driver pick us up and take us to the riverbank on the side river opposite the Taj Mahal to view the sun rising over this magnificent building.

my family trip story writing

Sharon and her daughter in India.

It was just so beautiful, it made our trip.

Thank you Akanksha, you are amazing. Sharon

Dear Mustapha,


Intrepid Travel leader, Mustapha.

I hope you and your family are well since the world has been put on pause last month. We think about you often and our amazing time in your beautiful country last summer.

I keep flashing back to the time you took us to the fish market in Essaouira. Without warning, you told the kids in our group they were responsible for buying fish for our lunch from local vendors. “But how are we going to do that? What kind of fish should we buy? How do we know how much to get? Wait, we can’t talk to the sellers, we don’t speak Arabic!” I loved your calm response to their adorable anxiety: “I will translate everything for you, but the rest you have to figure out on your own.”

This wasn’t a part of our official itinerary. It was a great experience of the local culture, but what was even bigger and more important in value: that morning our kids practiced being resourceful, creative, they used their problem solving and teamwork skills, all in a way no classroom could give them. And for me, this was a gentle reminder not to hover over my kids and push them out of their comfort zone to experience the world.

As we ate our incredible seafood lunch later that day, I observed the kids’ happy faces. They were beaming about the fact they “organized” this meal for us. The fun they had at the market and their sense of accomplishment you gave them is one of my favorite memories from our entire trip to Morocco.

Thank you for the unforgettable experience. Until we meet again, Vera

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Intrepid Travel

Intrepid has been leading small group adventures for over 30 years. We’re a certified B Corp, which means we want to be the best travel company not just in the world, but for the world. To create positive change through the joy of travel. You can read our latest adventures right here.

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Your Story Club

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Published by Shivanand Gunness in category Family with tag beach | family | sea


Family Short Story – THE DAY AT THE BEACH Photo credit: diciu from morguefile.com

Finally! The day has arrived for our family’s day at the beach. My parents have been planning our family excursion to the beach ever since the summer holidays had started. Of course, I’ve been very elated when my parents had made the announcement that we were going to the beach this Sunday coming. So last Friday evening, my dad took some time off early from work so that he, mom and I can go to the grocery store and purchase everything that we are going to need on our trip to the beach on Sunday.

There were so many things that we had bought for our family day at the beach, like snacks and refreshments and meats and rice and so the list goes on. Now that the day had finally arrived, I was ready to spend a wonderful time with my parents at the beach. On Sunday morning, my mom and dad had been busy cooking the food in the kitchen while I helped packed the refreshments in a large cooler box with ice.

By the time my parents had finished preparing the food, they had packed it into a large box with plates and spoons and forks. Then we had started packing everything into our family caravan. Soon, in the next hour, we were driving through the main road, and we were on our way to the beach, which is actually my favorite place in the world so far.

The sea water was blue and beautiful as it sparkles in the warm sun. There were a few people here and there on the beach. Some were busy playing cricket, while a few kids were building sand castles just for fun. There were at least three or six people for the most, already bathing in the clear, blue sea water. By the time, we had gotten out from the caravan, I was already excited to go into the water and enjoy a fine sea bath. My mom had seemed to have read my mind so she told me that’s it lunch first, and then we all can go into the water.

The food was incredibly delicious. Baked chicken, lasagna, egg salad and shepherd pie, it was truly an amazing meal that I’ve ever eaten so far. Then I drank some iced cold lemon lime juice to wash it down. Well, I have to say that I was already enjoying our family day at the beach so far. After that incredible lunch, my parents and I relaxed like for half an hour until it was officially time to have some real fun. We all ran into the sea water and dived in. The water was cool and wonderful that we stayed there until it was time for us to pack up and go home.

It was five o’clock that evening when we all had packed up our belongings and put them back into our family caravan. As I sat in the back seat of the caravan, I looked out of the window to have a quick look at the clear blue sea water one more before we drove off. I can see that sun was already setting above the horizon of the ocean. But I know that some other again, we shall return to enjoy another family day at the beach.

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Jessie on a Journey | Solo Female Travel Blog

19 Inspiring Travel Experience Stories About Life-Changing Trips

Love inspiring travel experience stories ?

Then you’re in the right place!

Grab a snack and your favorite beverage and get ready to settle in, as you’re about to read some truly inspiring travel stories about life-changing trips.

In this roundup, some of my favorite bloggers share their best travel stories.

You’ll hear about travelers embarking on sacred pilgrimages, growing after a first solo female travel trip, deeply connecting with locals on the road, and getting out of their comfort zones in ways that completely alter the course of their life.

And if you’re looking for a unique travel experience, you’ll likely find it in the short stories about travel below.

Table of Contents

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But first… before we dive into these stories about travelling…

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Make sure to also connect with me  on Instagram ,  on YouTube , and  on Facebook  to start traveling #BeyondTheGuidebook.

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There is so much included!

Plus, I’m constantly adding new resources, guides, and personality quizzes to help you travel beyond the guidebook!

On that note, let’s dive into the inspiring travel stories .

1. Travel Experience Stories In South America

My travel story takes place in South America, back when I used to travel solo for months at a time.

I was in my mid-20s, and even though I’d backpacked Europe, Southeast Asia, and China and had studied abroad in Australia, the mix of intense excitement and nerves I had leading up to my South America backpacking trip was different.

And despite family and friends warning me that South America wasn’t a place for a solo female traveler , it ended up being my best trip ever and one of my life changing trips!

There are so many interesting short travel stories and unforgettable travel experiences woven into this trip, like:

  • Getting invited to have dinner with my Brazilian plane seatmate and her grandma
  • Having a group of complete strangers on Couchsurfing take me out for dinner and dancing on my birthday in Mendoza
  • Attending a small house party in Argentina and learning about the tradition of mate
  • Getting stuck on a broken-down bus and having an impromptu language exchange with an elderly woman in Peru
  • Having a love interest back home break up with me via text, and then experiencing the kindness of strangers as a woman in my hostel who I barely knew treated me to ice cream to cheer me up
  • Having a romance with a hostel mate in Ecuador and then traveling through the country together
  • Living in a giant treehouse with a group of strangers during a solo trip in Brazil and spending our days exploring hiking trails and swimming and our nights drinking and exchanging stories about traveling
  • Taking a 4×4 from Chile to Bolivia across the Siloli Desert to see otherwordly sites like rainbow lagoons and train graveyards in the middle of nowhere
  • Experiencing some of the world’s most incredible natural wonders, like Iguazu Falls, Torres del Paine, the Amazon River, Uyuni Salt Flats, and Perito Moreno Glacier

At times the trip was also challenging, from dealing with long bus rides and car sickness to flipping over my bicycle handlebars in Peru and getting my body (and ego) badly bruised.

But, I was okay.

In fact, I was more than okay, as the trip showed me how independent I could be and what I was truly capable of. It also showed me the beauty of immersing yourself in cultures different than your own and connecting with locals who want to share them with you.

Years later, when people ask what my best travel experience has been this is the trip that comes to mind.

-Jessie from Jessie on a Journey

A travel experience story about Brunei

2. Traveling With An Open Mind

Many people think of travel as an experience and rightly so. Sometimes, however, you cannot choose the places you travel to.

This happened to me in 2019.

My husband found himself posted in Brunei for work.

Three months pregnant meant that I had a choice:

Either stay with him in Brunei for three months before returning back to India or remain in India, alone.

I chose the former. Not because of my love for the country but because I wanted to be close to him.

Brunei had never held any appeal to me. Whatever research that I pulled off the Internet showed me nothing other than one beautiful mosque.

The flights in and out of the country were expensive so traveling frequently out was not an option either.

I was engulfed by a sense of being trapped in a remote place.

Needless to say, I reached Brunei in a pretty foul mood. I think one of the things that struck me the most even in the midst of that bad mood was the large swaths of greenery that surrounded us.

Mind you, we were not staying in the big city but as far away on the outskirts as you could imagine. I’m not a city girl by any stretch and the greenery eventually soothed my nerves.

It took a week, but I soon found myself interacting with people around me. Fellow expats and locals all went out of their way to make me feel comfortable.

The more comfortable I felt, the more we explored. We trekked (yes, while pregnant!), we joined the board game community, and we enjoyed the local cuisine.

Three months later when it was time to leave, I found myself reluctant to say goodbye to the warmth of the country I had called home for a short while. I ended up having some of the most meaningful travel experiences there.

I think that my time in Brunei taught me a valuable lesson:

Don’t judge a place by what others say or a lack of information.

Sure, you may not always like what you see, but there will always be something that you will like. You just need to look hard enough to find it!

-Penny from GlobeTrove

A slow travel experience across the Portuguese Camino de Santiago

3. From Half-Day Hiker To Walking Holiday Enthusiast

I’ve always enjoyed walking but never in a million years did I imagine I’d end up walking over 200 kilometers (~124 miles) in 10 days, become a fan of walking holidays, and end up developing self-guided hiking routes in Portugal with a local tour operator as part of my business.

The shift from being someone who was content with an easy three-hour walk to an experienced multi-day hiker began with a brief taste of the Portuguese Camino de Santiago, an ancient pilgrim trail through Portugal to Santiago de Compostela Cathedral in Spain.

Back in 2013 I did a guided one-day hike along one of the most beautiful stretches of the Camino, north of Ponte de Lima. It’s also one of the most challenging sections so it was hard work, but the views from the top of Labruja Mountain made the climb worthwhile.

My guides were so enthusiastic about the thrill of arriving at Santiago de Compostela Cathedral after the challenges of day after day on the Camino that I began to think I might want to give it a go, despite not being religious.

Fast forward a few years and I set off from Barcelos with a friend of mine to follow the Portuguese Camino de Santiago.

Apart from suffering from chronic back pain, I thought I was quite fit but nothing had prepared me for how utterly exhausted I would feel at the end of each walking day.

This was truly a slow travel experience, as we were averaging about 20 kilometers (~12 miles) per day and by the time we reached our hotel, I would barely have enough energy to get cleaned up and find food before collapsing. I had envisioned plenty of sightseeing but that ended up being minimal.

Quickly, I realized the moral of this unique travel experience:

The Camino was all about making the most of the journey rather than the destination.

For me, that was quite a shift in thinking as I am usually all about getting to where I want to be as soon as possible so that I can start exploring. It was, perhaps, also my first step on the path towards mindfulness.

I will never forget the sense of achievement and progress at the end of each walking day, and the relief and pride I felt when we finally made it to Santiago de Compostela.

We met people who had walked the Camino several times and I can totally understand how it can become addictive. 

Walking the Camino is one of the life changing travel experiences for many people!

-Julie from Julie Dawn Fox in Portugal

A story about traveling the Banda Islands

4. A Story About Traveling & Its Ripple Effect

Tucked away in far eastern Indonesia is a tiny archipelago of islands called the Banda Islands.

Apart from world-class snorkeling and some crumbling colonial buildings, the Banda Islands are mostly forgotten and would be described as a backwater by all accounts.

However, the Banda Islands are possibly the main reason that I am who I am today. 

Well, the Bandas are the original Spice Islands.

Nutmeg used to grow on this tiny group of islands alone and nowhere else. The Dutch colonized Indonesia and promptly became the owners of islands where money grew on trees.

The only problem was that Indonesia was so far away that they needed a halfway stop to and from Indonesia.

That’s where my travel experience story comes in.

The same Dutch East India Company that traded in spice set up a halfway station at the foot of Table Mountain to break up their long journey. As a result, my Dutch ancestors arrived in the southernmost point in Africa , and generations later we are still there.

When I visited the Banda Islands, it dawned on me how something happening on the other side of the world can ripple out and affect people on the other side of the planet.

And I’m not the only one!

The spice trade was so important to the Dutch that they even traded a tiny island in the Banda archipelago for a much bigger island…Manhattan.

Yes. That Manhattan.

Before visiting the Banda Islands I never really knew about this part of my history.

Along with the spice that the ships carried back to Amsterdam, it also carried slaves. These slaves, more often than not, ended up in Cape Town.

Just like my European ancestors, they too became a part of Africa and added another shade to our beautiful Rainbow Nation.

It was in the Banda Islands that I realized how much of my culture, food, stories and even words in my mother tongue, Afrikaans, actually originated in Indonesia.

Because of these tiny islands, I am a true mix of Europe, Africa, and Asia. While I always thought I knew how all things in life are somehow connected, I didn’t really grasp it until my visit to Indonesia.

This could have been a resort travel experience story, as I went to Indonesia to swim and snorkel and relax on the world’s best beaches. And while I did get to do that, I also learned a lot about who I am as a person, my people, and my country…on another continent. 

It is a travel experience I will never forget!

My visit to the Bandas has sparked a fascination with Indonesia, which I have visited seven times since. I’m already planning another trip to this spectacular country!

-De Wet from Museum of Wander

The best trip ever in Costa Rica

5. Awakening My Spirit In A Costa Rican Cloud Forest

In February 2017, I was just coming out of a decade of mysterious chronic illness that had shrunk my world.

And one of the things that finally helped me to resurface during the previous year was an online Qi Gong course I stumbled upon: 

Flowing Zen .

To the casual observer, Qi Gong looks a lot like its better-known cousin, Tai Chi — the ancient art of moving meditation — but it’s actually energy medicine for healing.

In fact, it’s commonly used in Chinese hospitals.

My daily practice that year made such a difference for me that I dangled a reward for myself:

If I stuck with it all year, then I’d head to Sifu Anthony’s annual retreat in a cloud forest in Costa Rica the following February.

And I did! It was my first trip out of the country for more than a decade.

Just like that, I booked a solo trip — something I hadn’t done since I was an exchange student to Europe 30 years earlier — to San Jose where I met up with a dozen strangers and Sifu Anthony, our Qi Gong master.

We boarded a tiny bus and rode up, up, up around carsick-inducing curvy mountain roads into a magical cloud forest jungle where we finally arrived at The Blue Mountain (“La Montana Azul”) for a weeklong Qi Gong retreat. 

There were no Internet or distractions here — just delicious organic vegetarian meals made with love and shared with the community under a gorgeous open-air palapa.

There were also colorful tropical birds singing in the jungle, as well as the largest arachnid I’ve ever seen in my gorgeous (but also roofless) room for a little extra adventure.

I’d felt a little energy movement during my year of online practice, but during that week on The Blue Mountain, my body began to really buzz with Qi — life force energy — as I Lifted the Sky, stood in Wuji Stance, and practiced Shooting Arrows.

I felt electrified and joyful. 

And that was when everything changed for me.

At home, I had a successful career as a freelance writer, but I decided during my week in the cloud forest that I wanted more from life.

I wanted to explore the beauty, diversity, nature, and culture in every corner of the world.

And I wanted to share this intoxicating joyful feeling of life-giving freedom and adventure with anyone who wanted to come along for the ride.

Shortly after that, at age 53, I launched my travel blog.

Dreams really do come true. They are just waiting for you to claim them.

-Chris from Explore Now or Never

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6. From Rome With Love

This wasn’t the way I wanted to see Rome. 

Sure, I was happy to spend Christmas in Rome and stand in awe of the city’s many iconic attractions. But, life wasn’t meant to turn out like this.

I was supposed to go to Rome with my mom back in 2012; however, life had different plans, because a week before our trip, I got a double kidney infection. A condition that required a week of hospitalization.

Although I was annoyed I had missed my trip, it wasn’t the end of the world since I was fine and everything seemed okay…until my mom developed a cough.

A cough that later became a heartbreaking diagnosis of stage four ovarian cancer. 

My mom spent the final months of her life in chemo, desperately trying to fight a horrific disease so that she wouldn’t let her family down.

And she didn’t.

Instead, she showed us how to never give up on life, even if it was a losing battle. 

So, when she eventually passed away, I booked a trip to Rome. 

Sure, it wasn’t the trip I had hoped for. But, I knew that as her daughter, it was my job to live enough for the both of us. 

And that’s exactly what I did.

Was I an anxious, sad, angry mess of a person?

Absolutely. I was still getting used to a world that my mother wasn’t a part of. 

And honestly, you never get used to that world. You just deal with it because you don’t really have a choice.

But I also knew that I wanted my mom to live on through me and that I didn’t want to live a life where the haunting phrases “should of,” “could of,” and “would have” swirled through my head and ate away at my happiness.

So, I went. I packed a boatload of tissues, sobbed my heart out, and attended Christmas mass at the Vatican. 

I also threw a coin in the Trevi Fountain, walked through the Colosseum, chowed down on gelato, and spent two weeks doing all the things my mom and I had wanted to do. 

And that’s when it hit me. I had never gone to Rome alone because my mom had always been there with me. Maybe she wasn’t physically there, but I thought of her and felt her presence every minute of every day. 

Her presence also reminded me that life isn’t about the things we buy or the money that we have.

It’s about making memories with the people we love; people that never really leave us since they are constantly influencing our lives in countless ways.

And after my trip to Rome, I finally knew that my mom would always be there because she had forever changed my life in the best possible way. 

-Kelly from Girl with the Passport

inspiring travel stories in Finland

7. Studying In Finland

One of my major life-turning points happened during my exchange studies in Finland.

Until then, I was studying at a university in Prague, had a part-time job at a renowned management-consulting firm, and thought I was on the right path in life.

At the University of Economics where I studied it was notoriously difficult to get on an Erasmus exchange trip abroad since the demand was huge. Everyone wanted to go!

Regardless, I decided to sign up early for my last semester, just to see what the process was like to be better prepared for applying again in a year.

I did make it through all the three rounds and surprisingly got a spot at a University in Turku, Finland! I was ecstatic. The success brought its own challenges, but once you set your eyes on the goal, nothing can stop you.

And I had the time of my life in Finland. It was a fantastic personal travel experience.

I met the most amazing people, traveled a ton, partied a lot, and bonded with friends from all over the world.

Given I was one of the few people there who really needed to pass all her courses and additionally write her thesis, I managed to run on an impossible sleep schedule of four hours per night. But I made it!

My studies in Finland opened up my horizons, too.

The summer after, I wrapped up my life in Prague and went on to study in Germany and China . The whole time I traveled as much as possible, often going on solo adventures. It was only a matter of time when I’d start my own travel blog.

My Finland adventure led me to a life of freedom made up of remote work, travel blogging , and plenty of traveling. I couldn’t have asked for a better outcome. And it gave me one of my favorite true adventure stories that I can now share with others.

-Veronika from Travel Geekery

Travel experience stories in Cuba

8. How Cuba Changed My Life

One of my favorite inspiring stories about travel takes place in Cuba.

I visited Cuba in February 2013 and it changed my life — and I like to think it did so for the better.

Interestingly, I expected a completely different country and was compelled to write about it when I got back home.

But let me tell you more.

I read copious amounts of blogs and travel diaries to prepare myself for the trip to Cuba so I thought I’d go in with a fairly good idea of what to expect. Each and every post I read spoke of marvelous landscapes, pristine beaches, crumbling but charming cities, and welcoming locals.

All of it was true, in my experience — except for the locals.

I didn’t find them so welcoming. At least, not genuinely so. They only seemed to welcome me as far as they could get something in exchange: money, clothes, pens, soap, you name it. 

Each and every day in Cuba was a challenge to avoid the scams, to avoid being ripped off, to fight off each and every attempt of people trying to take advantage of me. I usually managed, but it was exhausting and it left a sour taste in my mouth.

Once I got back home I felt the urge to write about my experience — not for other sites or papers as I’d often do. This time I was afraid I’d be censored.

So I opened my own blog. With zero tech knowledge, zero understanding of online content creation and SEO, I started writing and telling people what they should really expect during a trip to Cuba.

I’d put up the occasional post, but continued with my usual job.

At the end of the year, my contract as a researcher in international human rights law at the local university ended, and I decided to stop pursuing that career for a while.

I packed my bags and left for a long-term trip to Central and South America . I started writing on the blog more consistently and learning, and eventually took my blog full-time , turning it into a career.

As of today, I have never looked back and have no regrets. This was a life changing traveling experience.

The one thing I’ll do, as soon as I can, is travel to Cuba to say thank you — because it changed my life in a way nothing else has ever done. 

-Claudia from Strictly Sardinia

inspiring travel stories in Patagonia

9. A Short Travel Story About Finding Inner Peace In Patagonia

Life in London is hard.

Life in London as a gay single brown refugee is harder.

Juggling between work, my passion for traveling, and the prejudices that I dealt with on a daily basis eventually took their toll on me and I reached a breaking point.

The fact that I couldn’t return home to see my family and being away for them for almost nine years was enough to hammer in the final nail in the coffin.

I almost had a nervous breakdown and in that moment of desperation, which I knew would define the rest of my life, I took a month off and headed to Patagonia.

It was probably the best decision I’ve ever made in my life. The 36 hours it took me to get to El Chalten from London were tiring but Patagonia blew me away.

On my first day there I did a 28-kilometer (17-mile) hike which included a steep mountain climb. It was incredible how moving through the forest helped me clear my mind. And as I stood in front of Laguna de Los Tres, the rain and clouds gave way to sunshine and a rainbow.

I felt at peace.

The countless hikes, great food, and the warmth of locals in Chile and Argentina helped me get back in my skin and find the peace I was missing in my heart.

Nature is indeed the best medicine when it comes to stress relief and I won’t be coy about hugging trees to speed up the process (it did).

Patagonia was life-changing for me.

The beauty of nature struck me at each point and every time I thought it wasn’t possible to beat the view, the next one did just that.

I came back a changed, resilient, and most importantly, a happy person.

-Ucman from BrownBoyTravels

A unique travel experience in Colorado

10. Looking Inwards & Making Connections With Strangers

It was decades before I traveled solo for the first time in my life.

This trip — a six-day escape to Colorado — was the first trip that was not for business or family reasons but just to travel and discover.

As I prepared for it, I had a strange feeling of excitement and nerves at the same time. I had all sorts of thoughts and doubts:

Would it be fun?

Would I be bored?

Would I stay in bed all day or would I bounce with excitement to do the next thing?

I wasn’t sure. Little did I know that it was going to be a memorable journey of self-discovery. 

As a good wife and mom, for me travel is always about the family; always thinking of who would enjoy what. It’s about family time and bonding. It’s about creating memories and travel stories together. It’s all so wonderful.

But on a solo trip who would I connect with? What would I say?

Well, I found that I got to do anything I wanted!

Usually when I travel with my family, if I feel like going on a drive that’s not on the itinerary or getting a snack no one else is interested in, we simply don’t do that.

So it was weird to just go do it. Really, that’s a thing?

As for making connections, it was so easy to meet locals while traveling and also to connect with other travelers. Honestly, I had conversations everywhere — on planes, while hiking, in restaurants, in the hotel lobby.

It was quite an eye-opening experience to meet a mom of 18 kids and hundreds of foster kids, a cookie baker, a professional photographer, a family of Fourteener hikers, and an internationally ranked marathon runner.

The inspiring stories I discovered were amazing and nothing like my wonderful safe life at home. 

In terms of travel safety , I got to go rock climbing, solo hiking, driving up a Fourteener, eating alone.

And it was all fine. Actually, it felt surprisingly normal.

It was was just me, my SUV, and my backpack for a week. Most of all, it was a breath of fresh air that I didn’t know existed. 

It’s wonderful to be back home and know that possibilities are endless and there is so much more out there to explore and be wowed by!

-Jyoti from Story At Every Corner

life-changing travel experience stories in Colombia

11. A Solo Hike To Find Connection

I have traveled solo many times, but I admit I was a bit uneasy booking my trip to Colombia . In part, due to the country’s dark past. But also because I desperately wanted to do the Cocora Valley hike, and if I’m honest, I was terrified.

This hike is located in the Coffee Triangle, an area recognized for its beauty as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It features both rainforest and a stunning green valley speckled with cartoonishly-tall wax palms rising 200 feet or more.

It’s incredibly beautiful.

It’s also a long hike and quite challenging — it generally takes between six and eight hours and there is a steep area with over 3,000 feet of elevation within a quarter of a mile.

I wasn’t in hiking shape, so I was a little concerned. But, worst of all for me were the seven dodgy-looking suspension bridges. 

I’m terrified of heights.

And, I’d be going alone.

I decided to go anyway and I met an incredible woman on the bus to Salento, the town near Cocora. She was also traveling solo and we agreed to hike together.

The town is a backpacker enclave and we met up with a small group of people all traveling solo. As the days passed, our group got larger and it was such a magical experience.

As much as I love city travel, this small town won my heart.

My new friend and I set off on the hike and met two other women who were nervous to do the hike. We all went together.

When we got to the first suspension bridge, I paused. I was embarrassed to admit my fear, but the bridge swayed widely and there was nowhere to hold onto.

When they realized how out of my comfort zone I was and how scared I felt, everything changed. Instead of me dealing with it alone, they were all there to encourage me.

One crossed the bridge to encourage me from the other side and they stayed off of it to limit the sway. Crazy enough, I not only crossed the seven suspension bridges, but I also crossed one an extra time when we went the wrong way on the trail.

I did it! 

I was prepared to be blown away by Cocora Valley’s beauty, but what I wasn’t expecting was what a life-changing travel experience my time there would be.

 -Sam from My Flying Leap

short stories on travel and sustainability

12. How A Pet Sitting Travel Experience Led To A Passionate Career

We wanted to go to the Caribbean but didn’t know much about the islands or how we were going to afford it.

By chance, a friend of ours in Australia mentioned “pet sitting” and that it is something you can do all over the world.

We quickly created an account on a pet sitting website and began searching for options. There were only a couple of sits available in that part of the world, but we tried our luck, sent a request, and to our surprise landed a three-month gig in a beautiful house in the US Virgin Islands — with an infinity pool overlooking the British Virgin Islands.

A month into our sit, we had explored the destination pretty well and so had a lot of time on our hands. We managed to secure another sit in Grenada, so our year was going to be taken up with Caribbean pet sits.

Inspired by a Canadian couple that had previously stayed at our Grenada housesit, we decided to start our own travel blog. We began by writing about The Virgin Islands, highlighting the beautiful beaches and funky bars.

But for every photo of a beautiful beach there were 10 photos of trash.     

It was hard to ignore the plastic pollution issue, especially on such pristine and remote beaches.  So, we began to share photos of the trash we saw and how much we could pick up on our daily dog walks.

The more we looked into plastic pollution, the more we realized the severity of the global plastic pandemic. From that point, we used our platform to create awareness and highlight ways to say no to plastic and travel plastic-free .

We changed our daily routines, our way of living, and even our diets to accommodate more organic foods and little to no plastic packaging.

It’s been over three years now and we continue to do what we can. This journey has led us to some amazing places, working with great conscious brands and even organizing a country-wide beach clean-up campaign in Grenada.

Our aim now is to keep on going.

We love connecting with like-minded people and love the shift over the last few years that brands have made towards creating more sustainable products and services.

It’s been an amazing few years that was sparked by a conversation about pet sitting. Who would have guessed?

-Aaron & Vivien from The Dharma Trails

travel for experience in Uganda

13. Learning To Slow Down The Hard Way

On Christmas of 2017, I was born again.

We like to spend our Christmas holidays somewhere warm abroad, and that year we chose Uganda.

Nature, wildlife, and sunny days were a blessing when it was so cold and dark in Europe. Life was beautiful, and we had a rental car and a busy schedule ahead to explore the country.

This is where this short travel story turns into one of my more scary travel experiences :

At Murchinson Falls National Park, we had a car accident.

I lost control of the car, and it rolled over, destroying windows, chassis, and engine.

But we were alive! My right arm was severely injured, but we managed to walk to our lodge, not far inside the park.

In the lodge, I was happy to learn that there was a pretty decent American hospital in Masindi that was just a one-hour drive from the lodge. Moreover, one of the lodge’s guests was a nurse who cleaned the wound while we were waiting for the taxi from/to Masindi.

The hospital took care of us, and after a couple of injections and stitches, I was ready to head to our new hotel in Masindi; however, my wound required daily dressing and more injections, so we were asked to stay in town for a few days.   

Masindi is the kind of place where you may want to stop to buy some food or water, but that’s it.

The town’s highlights were the market and our daily visit to the hospital, so we ended up looking for the small things, chatting with the medical staff, the hotel staff, the people in the market, and learning more about their customs.

We learned to slow down the hard way.

When we were allowed to leave, we took a road trip south through the country to see something else. We did not care about our travel bucket list anymore — we were alive, and we wanted to enjoy Uganda’s unique nature and its people. 

In the end, our Uganda trip was not about the places that we saw, but the people that we met. It was travel for experience vs sightseeing.

I hope to revisit Uganda one day, with a stop at Masindi for some food, water, and maybe something else.

-Elisa from World in Paris

short travel stories about cycling

14. A Cycling Trip To Remember

During the summer of 2019, I cycled solo from London to Istanbul. This huge bicycle tour took me 89 days and through 11 countries.

As you might expect, it was a challenging yet incredible journey, which saw me pedal along some of Europe’s greatest rivers, pass through some of its best cities, and witness some of its most beautiful scenery.

It’s becoming more and more important for us to think about the impact that travel can have on our environment. This was the inspiration for my bicycle tour; I wanted to find more responsible ways to explore the world and avoid flights where possible.

I discovered that bicycle touring is one of the most eco-friendly ways to travel, as using nothing but a bicycle and your own pedal power you can carry everything you need while covering surprising distances each day.

The simplicity of life and the sheer amount of time I spent cycling alone gave me a lot of time to just think . This really helped me to come to terms with some personal problems rooted in my past and, as a result, I arrived solo in Istanbul with newly found confidence, independence, and liberation. 

Cycling across the entire European continent may seem like an impossibly daunting task, but I assure you, it will make you feel like a new person, just like it did for me.

-Lauren from The Planet Edit

Best travel experience in Jamaica

15. How The Caribbean Shaped Me Into A Fully Sustainable Traveler

One of my first international trips as an adult was traveling around the Caribbean .

I checked into my hotel in Jamaica and asked for a recommendation for a local place to eat. The receptionist told me that under no circumstances should I should go into the town because it was really dangerous, but that — to my luck — the hotel’s restaurant offered wonderful Caribbean food.

I pondered my options:

Did I really want to spend all my time on the beach without getting to know a single local?

I was a very inexperienced traveler and very young, but there was only one answer to my question:

Absolutely not. I was not going to be visiting a new place and staying hostage in a hotel chain. So out I went.

The poverty hit me in the face. After only seeing fancy resorts, the reality was hard to swallow.

A few locals approached me and were super curious as to what I was doing there alone, since most tourists didn’t go there.

I told them I was interested in meeting them and experiencing their culture. And just like that, I was embraced.

We met more people, had some food, and then we danced the night away. They had so little, yet they wanted to share it with me. They wanted to make me feel welcome.

And they undeniably did.

The next morning all I could think about was how all the money most tourists spend goes to big corporations. The locals have to be thankful if they get a job that pays minimum wage, while foreign businesses earn millions.

I have always been environmentally conscious, but this trip made it clear that sustainability goes well beyond nature and wildlife.

It’s also about communities.

From then on I always look for locally owned accommodation, eateries, guides, and souvenirs.

Sustainability, with everything it entails, became a motto for me and changed the very essence of the way I travel.

-Coni from  Experiencing the Globe

Short stories about travel in Peru

16. Lessons From My Students In Peru

One of the most life-changing trips I’ve ever been on was a volunteering experience in the stunning city of Cuzco in Peru.

In this last travel experience, I spent a month there teaching English and Italian to a group of local adults. And even though my time there was short, the travel experience was so humbling that it changed my outlook on life.

My lessons took the form of active conversations, which essentially turned into a massive multilingual cultural exchange between me and my students. Hearing my students talk about their lives — and realizing just how different they were from mine — made me look at my own life with a fresh new perspective.

One person spoke about the three years he spent living in a jungle with his dad, where they fed off of animals they hunted in order to survive.

Another student told me about her ultimate dream of mastering English so that she could become a tour guide and have a more stable future.

For me, these stories were a reminder of just how small I am in this world and how much we can get consumed by the small bubbles we live in. 

Most of all, my students showed a passion and appreciation for life that I’d never witnessed before.

This is true for the locals I met in Cuzco in general. The quality of life in Cuzco is very modest; hot water is scarce and you learn to live with little.

But the locals there do way more than just that — they spontaneously parade the streets with trumpets and drums just because they’re feeling happy, and their energy for the simple things in life is incredibly contagious.

It was impossible to not feel inspired in Cuzco because my students always had the biggest smiles on their faces, and the locals showed me again and again that simply being alive is a blessing.

I went to Peru to teach, but ended up learning more from my students and the locals there than they did from me.

Ever since I got back from that trip, I made it a goal to slow down and not take the simple things in life for granted.

Every time I get upset about something, I think about the Peruvians in Cuzco parading their streets in song and pure joy, and I tell myself to stop complaining.

-Jiayi from  The Diary of a Nomad

inspiring traveling stories about overcoming obstacles

17. Braving Travel With Chronic Pain

Santiago de Compostela is a beautiful city with a prominent cathedral positioned centrally within the city.

While the historical cathedral attracts numerous visitors, even more well-known is the route to Santiago de Compostela, Camino de Santiago –- the world-famous pilgrimage route that has a plethora of trailheads and ends in Santiago. 

Home to locals, students, English teachers, and those on a spiritual pilgrimage, personal conquest, or a great outdoor hiking excursion, Santiago is a magical city.

My introduction to Santiago de Compostela doesn’t begin on the pilgrimage route, yet ends with a spiritual awakening analogous with those other unique pilgrimage stories.

It was my first solo trip abroad teaching English in Spain, a country that’s always been on my travel bucket list. A small town outside of Santiago was selected as the school I’d be teaching at for the year.

Unknowingly, this teach abroad program chose the perfect city for me to live in. 

A year prior, I suffered a traumatic brain injury that left me unable to function normally and complete average tasks. Migraines, headaches, and dizziness became my body’s normal temperament, a hidden disability invisible to the naked eye. 

Braving travel with chronic pain was the first lesson I learned during the trip.

The vast green outdoors and fresh dew from the morning rain enlivened me daily and reminded me about the importance of slowing down so I could enjoy traveling with my hidden disability. 

I also learned to stop often for daily tea breaks and to embrace the long lunch hour,  siestas , with good food, company, and a nap to rest.

Meeting locals , indulging in local food, and learning Spanish allowed me to connect deeply with the beautiful culture of Santiago. After all, my dream was to travel to Spain, and I more than accomplished that dream.

Difficult or not, I learned to own my dream and I was more than surprised with the results.

Who knew that a year after my injury I’d be traveling the world with chronic pain, and for that, I’m eternally grateful.

-Ciara from Wellness Travel Diaries

travel experience stories in China

18. A Blessing In Disguise

2020 has been a wild year for all of us and foreign students in China are no exception. As soon as the malevolent virus began to make its rounds in China, our university sent us home for “two weeks.”

However, within a short time, countries began to shut their borders and these “two weeks” turned into months, a full year even.

Crushed by the burden of online lectures and virtual labs, my boyfriend and I packed our bags and caught one of the first flights to his home country of Pakistan.

I had always been an over-ambitious traveler. I believed numbers were everything — the number of countries I visited, the number of hours I spent on a plane, the number of international trips I took in a year. These numbers were what defined me.

My feet were constantly itching and I never liked to spend more than a few days in a place before heading to the next country. Revisiting a place felt superfluous to me.

That’s why I was hoping to spend a month or two in Pakistan and then continue to check new countries off the list — after all, my online classes finally granted me the freedom to “work on my numbers.”

But as is usually the case in 2020, things turned out quite different from what I had expected. Borders remained closed and worldwide infections stayed rampant. At this point, I have already spent nearly half a year in Pakistan.

During this peculiar time, however, an amazing thing happened:

My mindset about travel started to change and I began to look at my long stay in Pakistan as perhaps my most valuable travel experience ever.

I may not have visited dozens of countries like in previous years but my experiences were deeper than ever before.

From trekking to one of the world’s tallest mountains to sharing tea with heavily armed officers at nearly 5,000 meters altitude to exploring hidden beaches in the most secluded regions to spontaneously being invited to village homes, my adventures in Pakistan couldn’t have been more incredible. They opened my eyes to the sheer diversity of many countries and completely transformed my idea about traveling. 

It took me nearly a full year of heavy restrictions on international travel and a few months in one of the world’s most fascinating countries to give up on my superficial ideals and become a more mature traveler.

This time will always have a special place in my heart.

-Arabela from The Spicy Travel Girl

short travel stories about life-changing trips

19. What The River Taught Me

My travel story takes place in the summer of 2017 — the final summer before I graduated university — as it continues to play a significant role in the person I’ve become.

When I say that, people ask me if it was the portion of the summer I spent solo backpacking in Europe . And to their surprise, it wasn’t. It was actually the latter portion of the summer where I stayed closer to home.

For July and August I worked as a canoe guide leading whitewater canoe trips on remote rivers in Canada. It was here that I got to canoe the powerful and iconic Missinaibi River, a river that continues to influence me all these years later.

The Missinaibi River flows from the powerful Lake Superior to the even more powerful salty waters of James Bay. Here, I led a group of eight teenagers through dozens of whitewater rapids over 500 kilometers (~311 miles).

With no cell service for 25 days, we were forced to disconnect from anything other than the river.

During this trip I learned two important lessons:

First, I learned to be confident in my own abilities as a leader and problem solver.

There were a few rapids where my campers’ boats flipped and I had to rescue the campers and the canoes. One rescue saw two boats flip on a mile-long rapid. It took six hours to make it down the rapid, and during this time I managed stuck canoes and crying campers.

And while this was one of the most difficult rescues I’ve done, I was amazed at how calm I was throughout it. I gave clear directions, prioritized effectively, and kept my campers safe throughout the entire experience. Following the rescue, I had a newfound sense of confidence in my abilities.

The second lesson I learned on the Missinaibi was the power of disconnecting from society and connecting with the people around you.

A wild river commands all of your attention. Each day, you and your group must take down camp, load canoes, paddle up to eight hours while navigating both rapids and portages, get to a new campsite, set up camp, cook dinner, and go to bed.

And without the distraction of technology, your attention has nowhere else to be. You focus on the river and your teammates.

As someone who had wrestled with anxiety and depression prior to this summer, I felt at total ease on the trip. Now I seek societal disconnection and human connection as much as I can. 

Sometimes the most profound, life-altering trips are the least expected trips closer to home.

-Mikaela of  Voyageur Tripper

More Short Travel Experience Stories

Looking for another story about travelling? Check out these short and unique travel stories!

25 Crazy Travel Stories You Need To Read To Believe

23 Inspiring Travel Stories Sharing The Kindness Of Strangers

17 True Short Adventure Travel Stories To Inspire Your Next Trip

38 Inspiring Travel Love Stories From The Road

16 Short Funny Travel Stories That Will Make You Laugh

20 Embarrassing Travel Stories That Will Make You Laugh & Blush

21 Travel Horror Stories About Scary Travel Experiences

Do you have any inspiring travel experience stories about life-changing trips to share?

Enjoyed these inspiring stories about travel? Pin this blog about travel experience stories for later!

life changing trips

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About jessie festa.

Jessie Festa is an New York-based travel content creator who is passionate about empowering her audience to experience new places and live a life of adventure. She is the founder of the solo female travel blog, Jessie on a Journey, and is editor-in-chief of Epicure & Culture , an online conscious tourism magazine. Along with writing, Jessie is a professional photographer and is the owner of NYC Photo Journeys , which offers New York photo tours, photo shoots, and wedding photography. Her work has appeared in publications like USA Today, CNN, Business Insider, Thrillist, and WestJet Magazine.

Jessie Festa standing in front of grafitti wall

Hi, I’m Jessie on a journey!

I'm a conscious solo traveler on a mission to take you beyond the guidebook to inspire you to live your best life through travel. Come join me!

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my family trip story writing

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These stories are so much fun to read! Thanks so much for putting a post like this together. It’s great to be able to check out other people’s blogs and read about other people’s experiences!

Always great to read about travel experiences of others. Some great stories to read over coffee. I’ve Pinned your post for future reference and to share with others. Will check out each story author’s blog as well. Great Job! 🙂

Amazing story for new traveler like me thanks for your contribution

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English Compositions

Short Essay on My Adventurous Trip [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

Trips are a very essential part of our life. And if those trips have full of adventures, that bring more joy to us. In this lesson today, you will learn how to write short essays on an Adventurous trip . 

Feature image of Short Essay on Adventurous Trip

Short Essay on My Adventurous Trip in 100 Words

Every trip is an adventure and gives us joy. Going out on vacation may not mean a trip. A trip with adventures is completely different. Sometimes the vacation trip also becomes adventurous. Lots of things happen that amaze us. Also in adventures, many dangers take place.

I remember such an adventure I had. It was a horseback ride in the mountains. I was very young when we visited Shimla. We went to the Rohtang Pass. It snowed heavily that day. There was snow all around. So we had to take horses. We climbed high up the mountain. It was so lovely to see nature. I loved it. I remember my horseback ride till now.

Short Essay on My Adventurous Trip in 200 Words

I still remember one thrilling adventurous trip I had. I got scared when it happened. But I also enjoyed it a lot. I was very young when I visited Shimla. I did not know that the adventure would happen. So I just went on a vacation. We had a wonderful train journey to Shimla. Reaching there, we decided to visit Rohtang Pass.

I was so excited! We took a car and went to the slopes. I looked out of the windows. The car was gradually rising to the top. The road was spiel, like a big snake. Soon we reached the hilltop. I jumped out. That day it snowed. So it was all white. I was so happy to see the scene. Then we took a horse to ride. That was the greatest adventure I ever had. It slowly walked up the mountain.

I looked at the sides and saw how deep it was. I felt scared. Suddenly I could not breathe anymore. I felt sick and almost fell off the horseback. My father immediately held me and we came down the slopes. I fainted due to no air. When I got well, the people served me hot soup. He said I was too little. So I easily caught a cold. I still remember how dangerous it was. But still, this adventure is a great memory.

Short Essay on My Adventurous Trip in 400 Words

Adventure and trip are closely connected to each other. It is really hard to avoid adventure from a trip. We often go on vacations. But these are only for fun. So a trip with adventure is different. Adventure makes us a different person. We become strong and brave in an adventure. It is very important to have it in our lives. An adventure is always exciting and amazing.

I was also lucky to have an adventure in my life. I was very little then and did not know about it.  It suddenly happened. We went to Shimla that year. Shimla is always a great place to have fun. And it was the best vacation of my life. My father got us the tickets and we packed our bags. We took the train and went straight from Kolkata to Shimla. I enjoyed the view outside. It was wonderful. When we reached there, I jumped in joy. After two days of reaching Manali, All of us decided to visit it.

We planned to go to Rohtang Pass first. We started our journey. A car was booked. We took it and went to Rohtang. The road was like a snake. It was the first adventure I had there. It went slowly to the hilltop. I felt the cool breeze and looked out. It was so pretty. When we reached the top, I jumped out. It snowed that day. I started playing with it. 

But the biggest adventure came after this. We had to take horses to go to the hilltop. I have seen horses in books. But had never ridden them. I clapped my hands in joy. My father and I got onto one. It slowly started moving. I touched the soft mane of the horse and it neighed. Soon we were at the top of the mountain. I looked down and got scared. It was dark. Long waterfalls were falling from the top. I stared at it. Suddenly I could not breathe. I tried hard but failed.

I soon fainted and was about to fall off horseback. But my father immediately caught me and we came down. The people nearby helped me and I opened my eyes. I had turned blue for no air. The people gave me hot soup to drink and feel warm. Gradually I felt better. After this, we left for our hotels. That day I was scared, but today I feel it as my best adventure. I will never forget this wonderful trip.

In this lesson above, I have tried to discuss the topic in a very simple and engaging language to make it easier to understand for all kinds of students. If you still have any doubts regarding this session, you can always post your queries down in the comment section below. To read more such sessions on various important topics, keep browsing our website.

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Essay on Memorable Trip With Family

Students are often asked to write an essay on Memorable Trip With Family in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Memorable Trip With Family


A family trip is like a magic time where fun and joy fill the air. Last year, my family and I went to the mountains. It was a trip I will never forget.

Planning the Adventure

Before the trip, we sat together and chose the place. Everyone was excited. We packed our bags with clothes and snacks. The plan was to drive and see the sunrise at the peak.

The Journey

The car ride was full of singing and games. We stopped to eat at a small diner. The food tasted like home. We laughed a lot and the hours passed quickly.

Reaching the Destination

When we got to the mountain, it was cold and quiet. We wore our jackets and started walking up. The path was steep, but we helped each other.

Cherishing Moments

At the top, the view took our breath away. We saw the sun come up together. It was beautiful. We took pictures, but the memory itself was more special.

That family trip was memorable because we shared love and happiness. It showed me that being with family is the best adventure of all.

250 Words Essay on Memorable Trip With Family

A trip with family is like a magic box full of surprises and joy. It gives us time to be with our loved ones and make memories that we keep in our hearts forever. I will tell you about a trip that I took with my family that was very special to me.

Before the trip, we sat together to choose a place. We decided on a hill station filled with green trees and cold air. My little sister was excited about seeing monkeys, and I was looking forward to the long walks and beautiful views.

The Journey Begins

We packed our bags with warm clothes and snacks. The car ride was long, but we sang songs and played games. When we reached, the sight of the tall mountains made us all smile. Our hotel was cozy, and we could see the whole town from our window.

Exploring Together

Each day, we went to different places. We walked through forests and heard birds singing. One day, we had a picnic near a crystal-clear lake. We ate sandwiches and played frisbee. My parents told us stories, and we laughed a lot.

Unforgettable Moments

The best part was when we went to the top of a hill to watch the sunrise. The sky changed colors, and it felt like we were touching the clouds. We took lots of pictures, but the feeling of being there with my family was the best picture in my mind.

When we came back home, we were tired but happy. That trip with my family was not just fun; it taught me that being together is the most important thing. I will always remember those days as the best days of my life.

500 Words Essay on Memorable Trip With Family

Introduction to a special journey.

Once in a while, we all go on trips that stay in our hearts forever. I want to share a story about a very special journey I took with my family. It was not just a trip to a place but a trip filled with laughter, fun, and love that brought us all closer.

Planning Our Adventure

The excitement began weeks before we left. My parents, my little brother, and I sat around the dining table, looking at maps and pictures of the mountains. We decided to visit a hill station where we could see the snow. The idea of playing in the snow made my brother and me very happy. We packed our warmest clothes, some snacks, and a camera to capture every moment.

Starting the Trip

The day we left, we woke up early, and the air was filled with a buzz of energy. We all helped load the car with our bags. As we drove out of the city, buildings and busy roads gave way to open fields and blue skies. We played games and sang songs in the car, and the journey felt short because we were having so much fun.

First Impressions

When we reached the hill station, it was like stepping into a picture. Everything was so beautiful and peaceful. The mountains stood tall, covered in a blanket of white snow. We could see our breath in the cold air, and the tips of our noses turned pink. We checked into a small hotel with a view of the snowy peaks.

Fun in the Snow

The next day, we wore our boots and jackets and went out to play in the snow. We made a snowman and had a snowball fight. My brother and I laughed so much our sides hurt. My parents joined in, and for a moment, they seemed just like kids too. We also tried skiing, and even though I fell many times, it was one of the best things I have ever done.

Apart from playing in the snow, we explored the local market and tried new foods. We met friendly people who told us stories about life in the mountains. One night, we sat under the stars, wrapped in blankets, sipping hot chocolate. It was quiet except for the sound of the wind. We talked about everything and nothing, and it was perfect.

Unforgettable Memories

On the last day, we didn’t want to leave. We took a lot of photos, but the best pictures are the ones in my mind. I remember the feel of the cold snow in my hands, the sound of my family laughing, and the warmth of the hugs we shared.

Conclusion: The Journey Home

The trip home was quiet as we were all a little sad it was over. Yet, there was a sense of joy because we had made memories that would last a lifetime. This trip with my family was more than just a holiday; it was a treasure chest of moments that I will always hold dear. Every time I think about it, I smile, and it reminds me of the love we share and the fun we had together. It was, indeed, the most memorable trip with my family.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Memorable Trip
  • Essay on Memorable Holiday With Family
  • Essay on Memorable Experience

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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Best Short Travel Stories: 15+ Bloggers Share Their Favorite Travelling Story

Table of Contents:

Every tourist has at least a few interesting travel stories to share. The more you are exploring the world, the greater the chance that you have experienced something unique. We’ve asked our blogging friends to share their most memorable experiences. Check out these awesome short travel stories and get inspired!

Best Travel Stories Including Romance

Love at first lettuce.

by Juliette from Snorkels To Snow blog


4 years later the hunky builder became my husband.

Adventure With A Stranger In France

by Barbara from Jet Settera blog


After our short meeting, we kept on chatting for about a month on Facebook and then we decided to meet up in Florence in a hotel room and explore Tuscany together.

We agreed on the itinerary and he flew in from Vienna and I arrived from Milano. We rented a Fiat500 and we traveled all around Tuscany for a long weekend.

We visited some of the most romantic cities in Italy , such as Siena, Lucca, Pisa, and Cinque Terre. It was an amazing adventure together.

We had lots of fun on the trip and we went on more trips after that. The conclusion of the story was that sometimes it is good to come out of your comfort zone and take a chance on a stranger, maybe he will be an excellent travel partner.

Scary Travel Stories That Will Give You Chills!

Jumped by an adult puma in the bolivian jungle  .

by Aaron from The Dharma Trails blog

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Cheap, Bolivian vodka . That’s what got me there. Isolated, deep in the Bolivian jungle, with an apex predator wrapped around my body (and hot breath on my face).  

Volunteering at a Bolivian animal sanctuary I saw all kinds of monkey bites and scratches. It was common for backpackers to show off their fresh wounds at the end of each day. But no one had a story like this…

The weekly volunteer party got out of hand (the night before). Those with the appropriate big-animal training didn’t wake up or sign in to the morning’s meeting. I was there. Hungover, but there.   So, I agreed to help out with the puma (even though it normally requires months of training and animal integration/familiarity).

After an hour of trekking through the jungle, one of the team members and I reached the puma’s enclosure. The huge cat growled at me with a distinct sense of dislike. But that didn’t stop us from continuing our task.   We entered the caged area, attached two ropes to the puma’s “collar” and begun to walk him through the jungle.   

The puma, completely unpleased with my intrusion, stepped forward hesitantly. After only a couple of minutes, he stopped, looked back at me, and growled directly into my eyes. I watched helplessly as the puma leaped 10ft into the air towards me. In a split-second, his powerful legs wrapped around my waist, arms wrapped around my throat and fangs pressed into my forehead.  

I heard my team member scream. But I couldn’t move. Completely still, I assumed the worst. Yet, somehow it felt completely natural. The circle of life. The scream faded as I began to lose consciousness. Then, all of a sudden, I was released.   The animal let me go and stepped backwards.  

After swearing profusely, my team member yelled “stick your palm out towards him”. For some reason, I did.   The huge cat stepped back towards me and licked it. And, that was it. He knew that I knew, who was king of the jungle. After that we were friends.  

Volunteering with animals is a great way to give back while you  eco travel . Just be sure to pick places with adequate training if you don’t want to have bad travel stories like mine!

Getting Arrested in Gansu, China

by Wendy from the Nomadic Vegan blog

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My short story about my travel experience is from Asia. On our first trip to China , one of the destinations my husband and I were most looking forward to, was visiting the Labrang Monastery. Located in remote Gansu province in the west of China , Labrang is a holy site and a place of pilgrimage for Tibetan Buddhists. 

At that time, neither one of us spoke any Chinese, and we were finding it frustratingly difficult to get where we wanted to go. We didn’t understand why all the bus drivers were refusing to let us get on the buses heading towards the transport hub from where all onward transport to Labrang left.

When one of them finally did let us on, he then forced us to get out on the outskirts of town, well before we reached the bus station. Confused, and not knowing what else to do, we started walking in the direction we thought the station was in. We didn’t get far before two police cars skidded to a halt next to us, and we were suddenly surrounded by six cops wearing S.W.A.T. badges on their sleeves.

They brought us to the head of the prefecture, who luckily was a very friendly Tibetan man who spoke enough English to explain what was happening. Unbeknownst to us, the Chinese government had recently made that part of Gansu off-limits to foreign tourists in light of protests by ethnic Tibetans in the area.

After treating us to a tasty lunch of vegetarian Chinese food , the head of the prefecture drove us back across the prefecture border himself and made sure that we got on a bus back to where we had come from.

We never made it to the Labrang Monastery on that trip, but at that point, we were just happy not to be in a Chinese jail. As I write this, we are in Mongolia, planning to cross back into China in a couple of weeks. We have been told that Labrang has reopened for foreigners, so 10 years later we are going to give it another shot. Hopefully, we don’t get arrested this time and we will only have amazing travel stories to share!

Snake Attack In Vietnam

by Lina from Divergent Travelers blog


We were just about to take a final stretch of country road and head onto highway 1 for the next leg when we saw something in the road ahead of us.

It was up ahead of Jon and it was the kind of thing you couldn’t really tell what it was until you were right on top of it. In an instant, we saw Jon whip his legs up as a huge snake lunged at his leg when his scooter sailed next to it. I was mortified as I am very afraid of snakes. The last thing I wanted was to have this thing striking at me as we cruised by.

We pulled over, laughed, and discussed the size of it while noticing a local man running down the road with a long stick. He was hollering at us excitedly and pointing at the road. Apparently, snakes of that size are worth well over 1.2 million dong and the man was bursting with excitement about catching the venomous beast.

Asking where it went, he moved into the grass at the edge of the rice field in pursuit. The movement caused the snake to flee into the rice paddies and the local man immediately gave chase into what became a dance between him and the snake. Each challenged the other until the man lept to the opportunity and seized the snake by the head with his bare hands.

He smiled proudly as he came back to the road, showed off the snake then as swiftly as he appeared, left us standing there while he made his way down the road back to his house. Snake in hand. You don’t see that every day! It was definitely one of these fun travel stories that we will never forget.

Dangerous Night Trip In Peru

by Danielle from the Like Riding Bicycle blog


Not every travel story is fun. I have many scary travel stories to share, including the one from Peru. Many years ago, when I’d just started traveling , I took a bus going through parts of the Amazon… at night. Apparently, this wasn’t the best call. Around 3 am I was alarmed to wake up to the bus stopped, and a man in a black mask with a huge black gun pointed at us all. He yelled in Spanish and everyone’s hands went up into the air, so I flung mine up following suit. Before long the men were marched off the bus, leaving us women, hands still in the air, to wait for what would come next.

I had a moment in which I thought: “What are they about to do with the men? What are they about to do with the women? What are they about to do with me, the only foreigner on the bus?” I was far from rich, but they didn’t know that.

After some time another man came on the bus, this time with a small silver pistol which he pointed at each of us as he robbed us blind. No one was physically harmed, though I knew that people who weren’t as fortunate to be a Westerner like myself lost more than they could afford to replace, which was a hard thing to realize. I couldn’t help, only sit there with my arms in the air.

So go to Peru – it’s amazing! – just don’t take a night bus through the Amazon!

Mutant Bugs Attack

by Nathan from Foodie Flashpacker blog


Although at the time it happened I wouldn’t have called it my best travelling story, now, looking back on it, it’s one of the best/funniest stories of my nearly three years of traveling. This all took place during my visit to Fez , Morocco in 2016.

The time I survived a direct attack to the face by killer mutant bugs from outer space. And then visited a vagina doctor with the world’s oldest x-ray machine to put my face back together again.

Long story short- one day I woke up with a face full of bug bites. The concerned guest house owner sent me to a pharmacist who then sent me to a doctor.

More specifically, I later learned, was that I had been sent to a gynecologist. We established that some large insects had attacked my face and I was in need of multiple medications. And, for reasons still unknown to me, an x-ray. At least I think he x-rayed me.

Being A Suspect In The Disappearance Of Girl In France

By James from The Portugal blog

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One of the funny adventure stories that I have is from the time I found a 5-month housesit in the middle of the French countryside. It sounded idyllic, and perfect for me and my girlfriend at the time who had just started out as digital nomads. 

In reality, it wasn’t quite as idyllic as advertised. The biggest issue was the lack of internet; something which was supposed to have been installed by the time we arrived. But, we made do. We bought French sim cards with 3 GB of internet each (the max we could get at the time) and vowed never to look at YouTube or anything that might use lots of data for the entire 5 months.

It was all going perfectly until one day there was a knock at the door and two local French policemen were standing there. They began asking us what we were doing on the property and where the owners were. In the best French, I could manage, I explained the concept of house-sitting but I could see it wasn’t going over. 

Then, they showed us a picture of a girl who was missing. We hadn’t seen her and, in fact, didn’t know anyone in the town. We apologized that we couldn’t be of more help, thinking that was that. 

It wasn’t. One of the policemen then pulled out a printout of a forum conversation between the missing girl and someone who they believed was her biological father. Then in the forum conversation, they showed me a mobile number: my French mobile number. 

I didn’t know how to explain it apart from to say that it must be a typo, but that wasn’t good enough. They asked to see my computer and began looking through the search history. Then, obviously not buying my house sitting story, they asked where the owners were again.  

Unsatisfied, they told me to come into the station that afternoon for more questioning at 2 pm. I didn’t know what to do. There wasn’t enough time to find a lawyer or even a translator as they would probably have had to come from the nearest city. I opened Google Translate and tried to come up with as many useful sentences as I could, but it was hard to concentrate. 

At 2 pm on the dot I walked through the doors of the police station and when the policeman saw my worried face he burst out laughing. “Lucky for you, she showed up,” he said. And that, amazingly, was the end of that. I’ve never heard any more about this again. 

Lifechanging Short Travel Stories

Stepping out of a comfort zone in dubai.

by Michaela from Awe Inclusive blog


In 2014, I was scrolling through a Facebook group when I spotted a post claiming $200 roundtrip tickets to Duba (btw if you want to save on your next trip, check out this trip com coupon ). As is routine in that group, I confirmed the deal, checked my calendar, and booked tickets – no asking friends, no waiting for job approvals, and no overthinking. It would be my first trip alone.

I met Jibri during the layover. She got my attention and started chatting about travel deals and groups. During our small talk, I considered putting my earphones back in or making up a reason to excuse myself. Instead, I decided to embrace a new person and see where it could lead.

Not only did we exchange contact information to meet-up in Dubai, but we joined other travel group members who rented out a yacht for an afternoon cruise along the Persian Gulf.

It was totally outside of my comfort zone and totally what my comfort zone needed – to be stretched out of shape! I met amazing people and forged exciting friendships.

Dubai was life-changing. I learned to trust my abilities and instincts even when I had to improvise. I learned that strangers are just friends who haven’t met you. Most importantly, I learned that my suitcase was much lighter when I didn’t fill it with fear.

This year, I took a solo trip to Thailand and it was the absolute best. More solo trips are in my future as I continue to challenge myself to get uncomfortable and do more than I thought I could.

See also: Best travel stories from Thailand .

Beautiful Travel Friendship

by Viki from Chronic Wanderlust blog


I’ve been in Playa del Carmen, Mexico for a few weeks now for my divemaster training. I spent every day in the water with customers and my instructor. I loved it! We shared the boat with another dive shop and I started to notice that they were also training a divemaster to be.

She seamed to be my age and so I started talking to her. Janice is from Canada and also madly in love with the ocean and all things diving. We started to hang out more and more and even became very good friends then.

She left Mexico a few days before I left, but we managed to stay in touch. For almost two years now we talk several times a week, she helped me through many things as a stupid breakup.

Last year I told her I was going back to Mexico for a few weeks and if she wanted to meet me there. She told me that she couldn’t manage with work. I had wanted to see her so badly! And I knew she wanted to be in sunny Mexico with me as well.

I remember the 30th of December when she told me that she had just bought the ticket and will be in Mexico the next day! I was beyond happy, I was going to see my best friend again. I was going to see her for the second time in my life and yet she knows more about me than any other person that I see more often.

I love how friendships can last over distance and time zones. Meeting Janice is definitely one of the best solo travel stories that I have.

Best Adventure Travel Stories

Hawaii adventure.

by Carole from Berkeley and Beyond blog


Even though I have many short stories about traveling the world, I want to share the one from Hawaii. I’ll never forget the time I landed on the remote Hawaiian island of Molokai and was told, “We have a wedding and two funerals on the island, and so we have run out of cars.” It was at about the same time as a popular movie with a similar title was out, so the statement had a humorous overtone.

However, since this was hang-loose Hawaii , I was assured by a mellow employee that all would work out and so there was really nothing I could do but relax into it. The car agency arranged for (and paid for) a cab to deliver us to our condo so we could check-in, and told us that the next morning someone would pick us up and deliver us to the mule ride.

Done, though we did almost miss our morning ride due to confusion regarding the meeting spot, but the point is we didn’t  miss it, and we were told by that driver that our car would be waiting in the parking lot for us after our ride.

And there it was! Pure Molokai magic.

Visiting A Real Quechua Village

by Gabor from Surfing the Planet blog

Quechua family in a village in the mountains of The Andes over Ollantaytambo, Peru

Although Machu Picchu is simply indescribable, it turned out that a totally improvised adventure left a much stronger mark on us. When we were staying at a Couchsurfer’s place in Cusco, we asked him whether it would be possible to visit a real Quechua village.

He said we could try, although we would have to find it out ourselves since these Quechua communities live quite far in the Andes and there’s no public transport to get there.

In the end, we got very lucky, since looking for transport in Ollantaytambo, we found out that the local doctor and other social workers were going to visit some of these tribes and they let us join them.

We were really happy because we had the chance to stay in a Quechua community, learn about their traditions, see the colorful clothes they wear every day and take part in their daily routine for some time. We often had to use hand gestures to communicate, since most of these people don’t speak Spanish, only Quechua. This is one of our most interesting travel stories and a real heart-warming experience that we will never forget.

Funny Short Travel Stories

Mistaking a brothel for a massage spa in china.

by Talek from Travels With Talek blog

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Ah… cultural confusion.  One weekend I was in a part of Beijing I was not familiar with and decided to get a massage.  I remembered what appeared to be a massage spa nearby. The location didn’t look exactly like a typical spa, but I went in anyway.

The inside of the location had all the spa-like features which reassured me.  However, when the hostess approached me, she appeared apprehensive and asked me something in Chinese. I pantomimed a massage.  She disappeared into a dark room behind a beaded curtain. I could hear her and another woman speaking animatedly.

After some uncomfortable moments, the woman returned and lead me to a dimly lit, rectangular room with a massage table in the middle. I positioned myself as I normally would. A different woman came in and gave me a lackadaisical massage for about an hour. I paid and went back to my hotel.

The next day my colleagues and I discussed our weekend. I mentioned my massage at a location next to the Wanda department store. “Oh! That’s a high-end brothel” they said. They’re probably still laughing.

Crazy Travel Stories

Free helicopter ride.

by Kris From Nomad By Trade

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My favorite travel story is from a business trip I took to a small town in Kentucky. One morning, my co-worker noticed that there was a helicopter parked out on the hotel’s lawn, which we thought was odd but pretty cool.

That week, we ended up befriending the helicopter’s pilot and his wife and talking to them at breakfast and the evening periods of light snacks.

He somehow offered to take us up for a free ride, so one morning before work, we each took a turn hopping in his helicopter and flying up and over town. He banked, dipped, and shot up to the sky like a rocket during our jaunt through the Kentucky skies.

I still find it funny that I wouldn’t get in a car with a stranger, but I had no qualms about hopping in a helicopter with one. I’ve been traveling on an almost weekly basis for work for six years and that’s still one of the coolest things that I’ve gotten to do on the road.

My Birthday In A Private Castle Near Prague

my family trip story writing

Crazy Flight With A Hyperactive Child

by Alexis from World Travel Adventurers blog


We’ve had our fair share of unforgettable and funny travel stories as parents traveling with a spirited 2-year-old and 4 years old, but this one still takes the cake. We think every parent who has ever flown with young children can relate.

We were on our way home from Salt Lake City to Baltimore, which is a 5-hour flight, so my husband had the brilliant (or so he thought) idea to sedate our energizer bunny son (whose nicknames include Taz, tornado, hurricane, wrecking ball, the destroyer) to make the long flight easier.

Having a wild toddler restricted to a seat for 5 hours is no fun for anyone, but a sleeping toddler sounded much more appealing.

We had given him Benadryl before when he was sick and it put him right to sleep like a charm, so we thought we were in the clear. It turns out, some kids have the opposite reaction to Benadryl and turn into hell on wheels.

Well, our son turned into that kid. I think everyone on the flight, especially the person sitting in front of him, wanted to kill him or at least put him in a straightjacket and a muzzle. The flight attendant, who used to be a nanny, could tell early on that something was up and had a hunch it was from Benadryl gone wrong.

In the midst of his craziness, I took him to the bathroom at the front of the plane to change his diaper. When we headed back to our seats, he took off running down the aisle full speed ahead. He was so fast and agile (being much smaller than me and able to maneuver through the narrow aisle like a star football player) that I couldn’t catch up to him until he had run the entire length of the plane.

My husband said he saw a flash go by his seat, and then saw me running after yelling my son’s name. He thought it was hilarious. I did not. We can both laugh about it today and will NEVER make that mistake again.

So to all my fellow parents of traveling youngsters, beware and never use Benadryl for a stress-free flight unless you’ve tested it a few times and are sure that your child will not turn into a Tasmanian devil. Unless you want to add something to your funny holiday stories collection, then go for it.

Meeting The President Of Ecuador

by Dane from Holiday From Where blog

Best travel stories ever

My best travel story is from a time I was in a small city called Salinas on the south coast of Ecuador . I was just hanging with a local friend and surfing every day before I started to head north. I kept hearing about this wave that was really good and you couldn’t surf because you had to sneak through an air force base to get to.

One day my friend was telling me it was going to be really good, so, we decided to try and sneak in. In hindsight, it was really stupid. We were crawling on our hands and knees through some bushes on the bad side of a shooting range while they were actively shooting. We made it to the beach got changed and ran for the ocean.

We were in the water for all of 15 minutes when two large me with AK-47s appeared on the beach and started to yell and whistle. We got a few more waves and went in. The men were extremely un-impressed and very angry.

We knew we were doing the wrong thing but obviously played dumb. As we were about to get dragged off a man and his wife came over a small dune and just walked up to us. The man asked us how our day was and if we had a good surf we replied we did and he just smiled at us and walked off.

As he did my friend informed me that it was the President. Everything happened so fast and in no time we were in the back of a military vehicle being taken to a small building. I was out a short time later with a stern warning never to return. 

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Did you enjoy reading this post? Share your best travel story in the comments below!

72 Responses

Love it! Thanks for including our story. Traveling opens you up to so many incredible (sometimes hilarious) experiences so it’s great to hear about other memorable moments from fellow travel addicts!

It’s our pleasure, Alexis! Your story is great, thanks for sharing it :)

Pinoy TV is one of the few international channels that provide high-quality entertainment.

These stories are great. Thanks a lot for sharing.

Thanks for the inspiration Karolina! Traveling the world is something I’ve always wanted to do, but have found it hard to make the leap.

Hey Karolina,

Very inspiring travel stories! Makes me want to book a flight now and create an amazing travel story ever told! ;) There is nothing more gratifying than traveling, yes you spend but you learn more. Been to many places and every story is just different and amazing!

These stories are inspiring and it makes me want to travel more. Cheers!

Some amazing stories in there! It’s amazing what opportunities can present themselves when you are travelling abroad.

There’s some incredible stories in there. It’s amazing to see what opportunities can present themselves to you when you are travelling abroad. We’ve got a lot of great memories and stories from our time abroad, can’t wait to get even more!

Getting arrested in China must have been an exciting experience. Luckily, no jail. So happy end.

Thanks for the inspiration Karolina!……,! great story

Glad I enjoyed the post! Thanks for sharing this.

You’re welcome!

The only way to achieve happiness is to cherish what you have and forget what you don’t have

I really liked reading your post! Very high quality content and useful information. With such a valuable blog I believe you deserve to be ranking even higher in the search engines.

Thanks for your comment, Maria.

Wow, interesting crazy stories! good stuff!

Incredible stories. Frankly, I envy people who travel freely, I hope that I succeed.

Such a kind of knowledge give by this stories.

Much Appreciated! Get your travel and tourism guide of top tourist places, attractions about travelling and exploration of the world.

Hey really Incredible stories.Appreciated your blog.Such interesting travel story.The details are very informative.I also love to travel.This stories inspires me to travel to my dream place.Looking forward to see more from you.

Thanks for your comment!

I’ve got no idea what I’d do if a snake lunged at me while on a scooter! Hopefully, I’d have the commonsense to hit the accelerator and keep going. Even non-poisonous snakes can be dangerous. And I’m guessing that the snake ended up as someone’s dinner or that seems be have been implied :/.

I also love to travel the world. Your story inspires me a lot

Your travel stories are awesome. I love to travel to other countries and experience every culture.

Wow, interesting crazy stories! good .

thanks for sharing this info superb

Wow this is very interesting and amazing article for all travellers and I hope they will get lots of information from this article. It will also helpful for all beginners. Thanks for sharing this article to us..

Hey, it’s amazing way for our time . Thanks for sharing.

These short travel stories always teach me something new.

Its really amazing post for me. Thanks for sharing

Excellent post with rich knowledge for travelers. Thanks for sharing

Amazing stories! Thank you so much for sharing them. As a traveler it is exciting to hear new stories. It certainly makes you want to go out and travel again.

It was nice to be inspired by you, Karolina! Although I have always dreamed about traveling the world, I have struggled to make this step because it seems so risky.

Hey, I think it’s a great way to spend our time these days. That’s great that you shared that with us.

I love your all content keep share with us, keep shared with us.

thanks for sharing this info, superb article

I have been wondering where to travel across Europe. And getting exposed to this amazing stories has energised my travelling plans and the countries to visit. Thanks so much for sharing such a wonder and useful stories. Looking forward for more stories.

I am really happy with the quality and presentation of the article. Thanks a lot for keeping great stuff.

Travelling is one of the best way to create memorable stories.

What a great idea for a post and a wonderful collection of stories!

Thank you for this great sharing!

Thank god! The housesitter did not have to go to a Chinese prison. The whole incident was quite amusing.

Thanks for this site i like it.

Article was very lovely and all stories are great

All stories are lovely and amazing.

There is no better way to create memorable stories than by traveling.

Traveling is one of the ways to create and be a part of stories. The travel stories in the blog are all interesting. I have also read stories on how travelers are set up by placing drugs in their luggage at airports.

Yeah however I am not sure if it’s true.

Thanks! i loved this site thanks for recommending.

Excellent post with rich knowledge for travelers.


Such a great post thanks for sharing this with us and keep posting these are soo amazing.

There is no better way to create memorable stories than by traveling. :)

thank you so much

Thank you. you have explained almost everything.

Great post.Thanks for sharing. You have explained almost everything.

all the stories shared are good and well explained.

Thanks for sharing this article it was quite insightful.

Thanks for sharing such information. I appreciate your hard work

Great post, Thanks for the information provided! Your post is so awesome. Keep it work and share your amazing post with us. Thanks again!

Thanks a lot for sharing this post. Your travel story is so amazing.

Glad you enjoyed it, thanks!

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50+ Easy Travel Journal Ideas and Writing Prompts for Kids

T ravel brings inspiration in all shapes and forms. If you are looking for a way for your little ones to continue writing while they explore, check out these travel journal ideas and prompts for kids. My own boys helped develop the questions, thinking about what they would want to tell their friends back home.

Each prompt is meant to open up discussion and lead to further writing while they flesh out ideas. It doesn’t take much—even a one-sentence answer can say a lot. Your kids can write for themselves or pretend they are writing to a friend or family member, whatever gets them excited to express themselves on the page.

How to get started with your travel journal

First, you need a journal. A travel journal doesn’t have to be fancy, but you do need some paper and something to write with, like crayons, colored pencils or markers. My boys like to use a travel notebook with lined pages that are bound and ready to use.

Sometimes my kids steal the leather bound journals with blank pages that I pick up at conferences. You can also make one by folding paper in half and stapling it at the seam. Either way, make sure your child’s travel journal has lots of pages to write and scribble on, and glue in ticket stubs, postcards and Polaroids.

And never think you can’t make a travel journal on the fly. My youngest has several journals created out of anything and everything he has found along our journeys, even hotel stationery.

Gather your journal supplies

You’ll want to bring supplies for your travel journal that make it really fun to use. No one wants to lug one more book around that their kids will never even open. Bring colored pencils and markers, tape, and a glue stick to make recording your child’s travel memories as easy as possible.

On every trip, I grab a simple pencil box from our craft shelf and fill it with the following fun art supplies:

  • Washable markers
  • Colored pencils
  • Small pad of Post-It notes
  • Paper clips
  • Water colors
  • Travel paint brushes
  • Collapsible cup

You don’t need to take all of these craft supplies with you, but definitely bring your child’s favorites.

Travel Journal Ideas

It can be hard to get started on a travel journal, which is why you may need a few ideas or prompts to get going. Some pre-made journals have sections where your child can fill in their itinerary, feelings about the day, packing lists or even boxes to draw something they saw.

If you are making your own journal, even if it is just a leather journal you picked up on Uncommon Goods , you can make your own prompts and sections. Your kids will love coming up with travel journal ideas with you.

Use small Post-It notes to create chapter tabs in a blank notebook. Label each tab with a journal idea or prompt. You can also mix and match your papers and materials.

Journal sections can include:

  • Blank “comic book” squares
  • Mad-Lib pages for your kids to fill out
  • Drawing prompts and ideas
  • Wax paper to press flowers between the pages
  • Water color paper to paint the colors your kids see and scenes you pass by in the car
  • 5 senses grid: What did your kids see, hear, touch, smell and taste today that made them happy, sad, excited, grossed out, etc.?
  • Journal prompt headlines on each page for your child to write about (see below)

No matter which way you go with your kids’ travel journals, you are sure to be surprised by what they create. Try not to give them too much direction. Don’t hover as they write and sort out their feelings. Give them a quiet place at night, during lunch or quiet time to reflect. When you let a child’s imagination go wild, they come up with the most amazing things.

Travel Journal Prompts

  • What did you pack on the trip?
  • Where are you going this week?
  • What’s your favorite place you explored today?
  • What are you looking forward to most about the day?
  • Write about your daily schedule.
  • What are your favorite and least favorite parts of the day?
  • What is one weird thing you ate today?
  • What kind of transportation did you ride? Have you ever ridden that type before? What did you think?
  • Did you play any sports? If so, which one and with who?
  • Did you make any new friends? If so, how? Was it through sports, just introducing yourself, or during a conversation?
  • How do you think the day could have been better? How would you change it?
  • What are three things you always pack?
  • Do you have a favorite stuffed animal that you always travel with? Describe it.
  •  Do you prefer to road trip or fly? Why?
  • Do you prefer to travel by car, plane or train? Why?
  • What’s one thing you want to bring back from your trip?
  • What animal did you see today? Can you describe it? Draw it?
  • If you could add ONE person to your trip, who would it be?
  • Write a poem about where you are today.
  • What was the funniest moment on your trip?
  • What is one interesting thing you learned on your trip?
  • Did you hear any music on your trip? How did it make you feel?
  • Describe how the people are dressed around you.
  • Did you see any other kids? What were they doing?
  • What’s one weird thing you touched?

What other Travel Journal questions would you add?

28 Travel Sketches and Drawing Ideas for your Journal

  • Make a trail map, highlighting key points of interest
  • Illustrate a custom map of your trip.
  • What’s something unique that happened to you today?
  • What’s a random thing that happened?
  • What made you laugh today? Cry? Get frustrated?
  • Draw a comic strip about a place you visited today.
  • Put your own spin on eye-catching signs and posters you see.
  • Draw the skyline (city, mountains, flat lands, etc.)
  • Draw design details and architectural elements.
  • Sketch the activity in a crowded space (public square).
  • Draw your meal or favorite bites from your trip.
  • Draw the view from your table at a restaurant.
  • Sketch the scene at the local grocery store or farmer’s market.
  • Find pops of color on your walk to interpret in your own style.
  • Create a collage of your tickets (plane, museum, tour, etc.).
  • Do a 30-second sketch of what you see right now.
  • Sketch someone you met along your journey.
  • Doodle the icons that make your destination special.
  • Go out at night (if it’s safe) and draw a street scene.
  • Find one detail of where you are and draw it.
  • Look for interesting door knockers and make a sketch of each one.
  • On a road trip? Draw what you see from the car window.
  • Hiking? Draw the trail, waterfall you find, mountain ridges, etc.
  • Find a leaf or flower and draw it larger than life.
  • See an animals? Draw it as your best friend traveling with you.
  • What did you buy today? Draw it!
  • Sketch your outfits from your trip
  • Sketch your packed suitcase (still open), detailing everything in it

Want to Buy a Travel Journal?

Not ready to make your own? Craving more of a structured journaling experience? Check out our favorite travel logs and travel journal ideas that include prompts for kids and adults. After all, why should mom and dad miss out on all of the fun?

Kid Travel Journals

  • The Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids by Rob Taylor
  • Write On: My Story Journal by Wee Society
  • GO!: A Kids’ Interactive Travel Diary and Journal by Wee Society
  • Camping Journal for Kids by Happy Kids BR Press
  • Kids’ Travel Journal by Peter Pauper Press
  • Travel Journal by JB Books
  • My Travel Journal by Lonely Planet Kids

JournalS FoR any age

  • Page-A-Day Artisan Travel Journal by Inc. Peter Pauper Press
  • Compact Travel Journal by Promptly Journals
  • Travel Checklist Journal by Claudine Gandolfi
  • You Are Here: A Mindful Travel Journal by Emma Clarke
  • Leather Travel Journal Notebook by ai-natebok

Ready to create a watercolor journal? CLICK here to find out how to make a watercolor journal on your next trip.

Pin it for later.

The post 50+ Easy Travel Journal Ideas and Writing Prompts for Kids appeared first on Twist Travel Magazine .


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My family was scammed out of a $15k carnival cruise — here’s how i’m fighting to get it back.

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A woman went viral sharing how her family was scammed out of her $15,000 Carnival Cruise . She claims that the cruise line won’t refund her or admit fault but has changed its website and policy.

Tiffany Banks was stunned when she realized that the trip she had been planning for a year was canceled without her knowledge and only a day before her family’s flight to catch the boat, she explained in a series of TikToks.

Tiffany Banks on TikTok

She shared that although the company won’t refund her money or “admit guilt” directly to her, they’ve updated their website and policy to better protect customers from having the same issue — which she insists is “admitting guilt without having to admit guilt.”

“Unfortunately, this guest failed to heed well-documented and very common travel safety and security advice,” a representative from Carnival told The Post.

The Kentucky woman was supposed to board the Carnival Celebration ship with her husband and their four kids to stay in the $12,000 Excel Presidential Suite — the ship’s largest room — and enjoy a whole schedule of excursions.

She claims she discovered that her vacation, which had been paid in full, was a wash after receiving a cancellation confirmation about an off-ship excursion, and she called to investigate.

That was when she learned that her trip had been canceled through the cruise line’s online system, which Banks insisted was not her doing.

Carnival allegedly told her the room they had booked was now reserved by another customer and offered the family two interior rooms — the cheapest on the ship — instead, but the mom denied the change feeling it was an inadequate replacement.

She also said that Carnival refused to offer a full refund; their cancellation policy states that no money will be returned within 15 days of the cruise date.

The family flew to Miami and tried to board the ship anyway, hoping for a last-minute solution, but were forced to watch the ship sail off without them, Banks said in a teary follow-up video.

Carnival cruise ship Celebration

A few days later, Carnival called Banks back to explain that she was the “victim of a form of identity theft” — but that there was no security breach on Carnival’s part, according to a recording of the call she shared on TikTok.

That was when she learned that she and her husband had accidentally shared their cruise booking reference number when posting a screenshot of an email with the countdown to their vacation on Facebook a few weeks out, she continued in a recent clip.

The same day they posted the booking number on Facebook, someone created an online Carnival account and added the number to their profile.

Tiffany Banks in a viral TikTok

Then, 48 hours before the cruise sail date, the person canceled the family’s entire cabin booking, the Carnival rep told Banks in the recording.

Banks said Carnival told her that it believes the IP address of the person who canceled was in British Columbia but it was unable to get the identity of the fraudster.

The company offered her future cruise credit for $10,404 contingent on the mom posting on social media “something to the effect of Carnival has now resolved the issue.”

Carnival Cruise website

But Banks said she wasn’t interested and questioned the ease with which someone was able to take over her booking with no verification process.

“We’re not sailing with Carnival ever again,” she said.

Banks claims that the attorney general of Florida has reached out to her as she’s now begun looking into taking legal action against Carnival claiming that she’s fighting for everyone who’s been “screwed” over by Carnival

“This is no longer just about me,” Banks said in a video. “This is me now wanting to really make a company change their policies and do what is right.”

“I would love for this to be a class action because big corporations should not be allowed to just take people’s money.”

In her most recent update, she claimed that people have messaged her and let her know that Carnival has updated their website and emailed people reminding them not to share their booking number in bold letters.

A move she believes is practically an admission of guilt.

“With a busy summer travel season underway, we are reminding our guests about several things to make their travel go smoothly,” a representative from Carnival told The Post.

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Tiffany Banks on TikTok


This Father's Day, share a touching message with these 30 dad quotes

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No matter the date, it's important to express appreciation and gratitude toward loved ones. But sometimes, the calendar reminds us of an extra special day to honor certain people in our lives.

The third Sunday of June is when we celebrate dads and father figures. Father's Day dates back to 1910 and was created by Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington, according to the History Channel. Today, the holiday continues Dodd's mission to honor the " loving service " of fathers.

So if you're looking for kind and thoughtful words to share, or write on a card, here are some for this Father's Day.

Father's Day, fatherhood quotes

  • "When my father didn't have my hand, he had my back." – Linda Poindexter
  • "My mother gave me my drive, but my father gave me my dreams. Thanks to him, I could see a future." – Liza Minnelli
  • "Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad, and that’s why I call you dad, because you are so special to me." – Wade Boggs
  • "When you’re young, you think your dad is Superman. Then you grow up, and you realize he’s just a regular guy who wears a cape." – Dave Attell
  • "I feel that the greatest gift that I can give my children is the freedom to be who they are." – Will Smith
  • "To her, the name of father was another name for love." – Fanny Fern
  • "My father was an amazing man. The older I got, the smarter he got." – Mark Twain
  • "I believe that what we become depends on what our fathers teach us at odd moments, when they aren't trying to teach us. We are formed by little scraps of wisdom." – Umberto Eco , "Foucault’s Pendulum"
  • "Dad taught me everything I know. Unfortunately, he didn’t teach me everything he knows." – Al Unser
  • "My father didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it." – Clarence B. Kelland
  • "I realized being a father is the greatest job I have ever had and the greatest job I will ever have." – Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
  • "Great fathers don't find fault. Great fathers find solutions." – Reed Markham
  • "What makes you a man is not the ability to have a child - it's the courage to raise one." – President Barack Obama
  • "The imprint of a father remains forever on the life of the child." – Roy Lessin
  • "The power of dad in a child's life is unmatched." – Justin Ricklefs
  • "Fathering is not something perfect men do, but something that perfects the man." – Frank Pittman
  • "The nature of fatherhood is that you’re doing something that you’re unqualified to do, and then you become qualified when you do it." – John Green
  • "Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventures, story-tellers, and singers of songs." – Pam Brown
  • "There's nothing more contagious than the dignity of a father." – Amit Ray , "World Peace: The Voice of a Mountain Bird"
  • "What makes a good father? A good father sets an example that his children want to follow. A good father provides for the needs of his children – both material and non-material. A good father demonstrates his love in both words and actions. A good father provides guidance in a positive fashion." –  Rob Kozak , "Finding Fatherhood"
  • "The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature." – Antoine François Prévost d'Exiles
  • "Being a great father is like shaving. No matter how good you shaved today, you have to do it again tomorrow." –  Reed B. Markham
  • "My father had taught me – mostly by example – that if a man wanted to be in charge of his life, he had to be in charge of his problems." – Stephen King , "Joyland"
  • "Life doesn't come with an instruction book; that's why we have fathers." – H. Jackson Brown Jr.
  • "A father is the one friend upon whom we can always rely." –   Émile Gaboriau
  • "The best fathers have the softest, sweetest hearts. In other words, great dads are real marshmallows." – Richelle E. Goodrich , "Slaying Dragons"
  • "There's something beautiful about a mothers embrace. And there's something magical about a fathers affirmations." – Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr.
  • "My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me." – Jim Valvano
  • "Lately all my friends are worried they're turning into their fathers. I'm worried I'm not." – Dan Zevin
  • "Of all the titles that I've been privileged to have, the title of 'dad' has always been the best." – Ken Norton

Looking for more? 50 positive life quotes to inspire, and lift your spirit each day

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A Heat Advisory is in effect through Friday for a heat index near 100 each day. Stay hydrated and take frequent breaks if working outdoors.

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Company cancels pet insurance coverage for around 100K customers

(Photo by Paul Morigi/Getty Images for American Humane)

UNDATED (WKRC) - A company has canceled pet insurance coverage for around 100,000 customers.

On Friday, Nationwide Insurance announced it would be canceling pet insurance coverage for approximately 100,000 between the spring and the summer of next year. The company wrote that the action was taken due to the rising cost of "veterinary care and other factors" that are cutting into the profits of its pet insurance business.

Christie Keith, a freelance writer from Michigan, spoke with USA Today and said she had been paying $600 per month in pet insurance premiums for her dogs, which was later bumped up to $700 to add coverage for her four-year-old Silkan Windhound. Keith told USA Today that Nationwide's move to cancel pet insurance was troubling because her older dogs require medical treatment, with one of the dogs recently hospitalized and suffering from an undiagnosed illness and the other recently treated for a back injury.

"I was willing to pay this very large amount to get this coverage because I love my dogs. They're my family. They are not like a car, or even a house, or a thing that can be replaced or rebuilt, they are important to me," Keith told USA Today. "No one else is going to take on old dogs with pre-existing conditions and even if they do they will exclude all of the pre-existing conditions. I don't know what I'm going to do."

According to NerdWallet , 24% of pet owners in America have pet insurance. Pet insurance can cover a variety of medical procedures and treatments, depending on the policy.

"When it is available, pet insurance can give pet owners much-needed peace of mind when it comes to protecting their finances from unexpected medical costs related to pets," NerdWallet personal finance expert Kimberly Palmer told USA Today .

According to the outlet, Nationwide claims it is the first and largest pet insurance provider in the United States and has over 1.2 million pets insured for medical coverage, injuries and accidents.

"We certainly empathize with the disappointment many of our pet families feel and will fully stand by the protections for which they have paid through the end of their current term. Our rates will continue to be fair and appropriately priced for the plan, pet, and breed," Nationwide wrote in a statement.

Per the release, those impacted by the cancellations will be notified in writing according to state law.

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Woman killed in crash with fuel tanker on Loop 202 in Phoenix

PHOENIX (AZFamily) — A woman has died after authorities say her vehicle crashed into a fuel tanker on the Loop 202 in west Phoenix late Monday night.

Arizona DPS said the deadly crash happened at 10:38 p.m. on the South Mountain Loop 202 southbound, north of Buckeye Road.

A 38-year-old woman died at the scene after her small SUV rear-ended a commercial fuel tanker, DPS said. The tanker was minorly damaged and did not leak any fluids.

The crash resulted in the closure of the Buckeye Road off-ramp and the lane next to it.

DPS has not said if speed or impairment are factors. An investigation into the crash is underway.

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Demi Moore on Full Frontal Nudity With Margaret Qualley in ‘The Substance’: ‘A Very Vulnerable Experience’ but I Had a ‘Great Partner Who I Felt Very Safe With’

CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 19: Demi Moore and her dog Pilaf attend a photocall at the 77th annual Cannes Film Festival at the Carlton Cannes Hotel on May 19, 2024 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images)

Demi Moore ‘s new film, the feminist body horror “ The Substance ,” sees her bare it all, with several scenes featuring full nudity. At the Cannes Film Festival press conference for the film on Monday, the 61-year-old actor discussed the “vulnerable experience.”

“Going into it, it was really spelled out — the level of vulnerability and rawness that was really required to tell the story,” Moore said. “And it was a very vulnerable experience and just required a lot of sensitivity and a lot of conversation about what we were trying to accomplish.”

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“I had someone who was a great partner who I felt very safe with. We obviously were quite close  — naked — and we also got a lot of levity in those moments at how absurd those certain situations were,” she said. “But ultimately. it’s just about really directing your communication and mutual trust.”

As the film progresses, Moore becomes horribly disfigured thanks to the abuse her other half Qualley is inflicting on her. By the film’s last act, she quite resembles Anjelica Huston from the 1990 film “The Witches,” after she transforms into a humpback abomination.

Dennis Quaid also stars in the film as an “asshole,” as he described his character during the presser. The late Ray Liotta was meant to have the role before his passing in May 2022, and Quaid dedicated his performance to him.

“In my heart, I dedicated this role to Ray Liotta, who was set to play it,” Quaid said. “It was this week, two years ago that he passed, so I’d like to remember him. He was such an incredible actor.”

Cannes went wild for “The Substance” at its premiere on Sunday night, giving the film an 11-minute standing ovation , the longest of the fest so far.

In an interview with Variety , the French director discussed the film’s feminist themes, saying that body horror is “the perfect vehicle to express the violence all these women’s issues are about.”

With an undercurrent of #MeToo at this year’s festival as the movement grows in France, Fargeat hopes the film will shine even more light on the issue. “It’s a little stone in the huge wall we still have to build regarding this issue, and to be honest, I hope my film will also be one of the stones of that wall. That’s really what I intended to do with it.”

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