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Le Blog Voyage de Pauline et Valentin pour vous inspirer !

Nous partageons nos expériences en France et autour du monde pour vous inspirer lors de vos prochains voyages et road trip ! Découvrez sur ce blog nos itinéraires, nos conseils et nos incontournables pour partir à l'aventure et créer vos propres expériences.

Notre voyage aux Bahamas

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Les Bahamas, c’est une destination qui fait rêver et qu’on avait ciblé depuis longtemps pour un voyage au paradis. C’est maintenant chose faite et nous avons eu la chance de passer une semaine aux Bahamas en passant sur l’île d’Exuma et de New Providence. Les Bahamas nous ont émerveillés pour les plages et surtout les nuances de bleu qui sont juste wahouu. On pensait que la Polynésie et Hawaii resteraient nos destinations paradisiaques par excellence mais les Bahamas n’ont rien à leur envier en termes de paysages en tout cas.

L’île d’Exuma aura clairement été notre coup de cœur de ce voyage aux Bahamas et notamment pour les plages. On en prend plein les yeux et c’est juste l’endroit parfait pour profiter et chiller. L’île de New Providence avec Nassau est beaucoup plus développée et touristique ce qui lui enlève un peu de son charme. Le point positif des Bahamas, c’est qu’il est impossible de faire toutes les iles en un seul voyage excepté si vous y restez pour une longue durée. Autant vous dire que nous aurons de quoi si nous décidons de revenir découvrir le reste des îles des Bahamas.

La vie est chère aux Bahamas et pour tout ce que vous ferez, c’est important de le savoir. Nous avons réussi à trouver des logements autour de 100 euros la nuit et c’était bien souvent les moins chers. Nous vous conseillons de louer une voiture ou un scooter sur les îles pour garder une liberté de déplacement et profiter au maximum des îles. De notre côté, nous avons loué notre voiture sur l’île d’Exuma près de l’aéroport à Berlies Car Rental .

Découvrez tous nos conseils pour organiser son voyage en cliquant ICI !

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Informations Voyage aux Bahamas

Nombre de jours : 5 jours

Moyen de transport : Voiture de location

Logement : Hôtel

Période de l’année : Avril

Budget : 2600 euros pour deux personnes (hors billets aller/retour depuis la France)

Itinéraire Voyage aux Bahamas

Jour 1 : cocoplum beach & nord de l’île d’exuma.

Hébergement : Hôtel à Exuma

Cocoplum Beach

Nous commençons très fort notre voyage aux Bahamas avec Cocoplum Beach qui est une magnifique plage avec des bancs de sable qui se découvrent au fil de la marée. Sans doute la plus belle plage sur l’île d’Exuma. Le décor est juste paradisiaque et surtout on a vraiment l’impression d’être au milieu de nulle part ce qui donne une ambiance particulière. On en a profité évidemment pour se baigner et profiter des paysages tout le long de la plage. Ce qui nous a le plus marqué ce sont les nuances de bleus de l’eau. Bref, coup de cœur sans hésitation pour ce petit paradis.

  • La plage est accessible par un petit chemin non goudronné sans véritable indication. Il faut essayer de se repérer avec ou Google Maps si vous avez une connexion sur l’île.
  • Le parking est gratuit.
  • Il y a plusieurs bancs de sable tout le long de la plage notamment à droite quand vous arrivez du parking. Vérifiez la marée mais les bancs de sable sont le plus visible en début de matinée jusqu’en tout début d’après-midi (la marée basse était aux alentours de 10h30).

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Exuma Point Beach

Nous avons continué plus au nord pour aller manger dans un restaurant qui s’appelle Exuma Point Beach. Rien d’exceptionnel mais la terrasse permet d’avoir une jolie vue sur une plage et un ponton. La plage reste sympa si vous voulez vous baigner et profiter de l’eau cristalline. En reprenant la route principale, nous avons été au bout du chemin où se trouve un spot avec de l’eau peu profonde et des nuances de bleu encore une fois très sympa.

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Rokers Point

Rokers Point est une baie où se trouvent des hôtels haut de gamme. Il y a aussi des points de vue où l’on peut prendre un peu de hauteur. La plage est sympa mais ce jour-là il y avait beaucoup de vent et nous ne sommes pas restés très longtemps.

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Jour 2 : Stocking Island

Chat n chill.

Aujourd’hui, nous partons sur l’île de Stocking qui se trouve à environ 15 minutes de bateau depuis George Town, la capitale de l’île d’Exuma. Stocking Island est l’endroit parfait pour le farniente, les jolies plages et les paysages idylliques. On nous a déposés sur la plage de Chat N Chill qui est aussi un restaurant/bar, très connu et réputé sur l’île avec ses terrains de volley, ses balançoires, son bar à conches et ses tables. On en a profité pour manger ici. La particularité de cette plage est aussi de voir des raies nager près du port à l’affût des restes de conches un crustacé donc elles raffolent.

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Stocking Island

Il ne faut pas s’arrêter seulement sur cette plage si vous venez sur Stocking Island car l’île propose de nombreuses autres plages accessibles par des petits chemins plus ou moins faciles d’accès. L’avantage de partir plus loin que la plage de Chat N Chill est de pouvoir se retrouver quasiment seul sur des plages paradisiaques. L’île est aussi parsemée de points de vue en hauteur, parfaits pour avoir un panorama souvent magique sur les nuances de couleurs et les paysages.

  • Le trajet en bateau aller/retour coûte 15 dollars par personne depuis le port de George Town.
  • Le bateau vous déposera sur la plage de Chat N Chill.
  • Sachez que depuis Chat N Chill, il est possible de découvrir le reste de l’île en passant par un passage ou l’eau vous arrivera jusqu’à la taille. Pour trouver les chemins de « randonnée », nous vous conseillons de suivre les traces sur

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Jour 3 : Exuma Cays

Troisième jour de notre voyage aux Bahamas et sur l’île d’Exuma et nous partons pour une excursion vers les Exuma Cays. Très souvent mis en avant comme un incontournable aux Bahamas, nous avons donc pris place sur un bateau avec une quinzaine d’autres personnes pour nous faire notre propre avis. Nous avons fait confiance à Aquaquest pour cette excursion et nous en avons eu pour 300 dollars par personne ce qui est loin d’être donné. Pour information, nous avons réussi à négocier le prix à 250 dollars par personne. Aquaquest est venu nous chercher directement à notre hôtel vers 7h30 et le départ se fait véritablement à 9h depuis le village de Barraterre au nord de l’île d’Exuma. L’excursion dure toute la journée et vous serez de retour à votre hôtel vers 17h30. Le déjeuner n’est pas compris dans le prix de l’excursion et il vous faudra rajouter 25 dollars par personne minimum pour profiter du buffet (prévoyez vos pique-nique). Tout au long de l’excursion, vous aurez à disposition des boissons (eau et soda) et des en-cas avec des chips.

Voici ce que nous avons vu lors de cette excursion aux Exuma Cays :

Plage des Iguanes

Première étape de cette excursion à Exuma Cays et nous faisons un stop sur la plage des Iguanes. La plage est jolie et donne envie de se baigner. Mais la vraie particularité de cette île est de pouvoir voir des centaines d’iguanes sur la plage. On se demande vraiment comment ils ont pu atterrir ici. Ça donne une ambiance et un certain charme à l’endroit. Par contre, quelle bêtise de voir notre capitaine de bateau les nourrir avec des crackers pour les attirer, ça gâche le moment. Il est quand même possible de se mettre à l’écart et de voir les iguanes de près sans avoir de crackers dans les mains. On reste sur cette île une petite vingtaine de minutes.

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Épave de Pablo Escobar

Après quelques minutes de bateau a passer entre les îles paradisiaques et pour la plupart privées, nous faisons un stop au milieu de l’eau pour découvrir l’épave d’un avion appartenant à Pablo Escobar. Il n’y a pas beaucoup de fond et nous pouvons donc déjà voir l’avion depuis le bateau. Mais le meilleur est d’enfiler masque et tuba et de partir pour une session snorkeling autour de l’épave bien abîmé mais avec encore quelques jolis restes comme les ailes et la partie avant du cockpit. Une expérience très sympa à faire.

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Après l’épave, nous arrivons vite sur une nouvelle île devant une sorte de gros rocher sortant de l’eau. Difficile d’imaginer du bateau que se cache ici une magnifique grotte que nous allons pouvoir explorer en snorkeling. Le plafond de la grotte est troué à plusieurs endroits permettant à la lumière du jour de faire de jolis effets. L’eau de la grotte est d’un bleu océan assez fou et il est possible de voir de nombreux poissons.

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Banc de sable

Nouveau spot à Exuma Cays et nous avons eu un coup de cœur pour ce banc de sable au milieu d’un décor paradisiaque. C’est assez fou de se retrouver ici au milieu de nulle part, on ne sait plus où donner de la tête. En vérité, pas vraiment de mots, on pense que les photos ci-dessous feront le reste pour décrire cet endroit incroyable.

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Compass Cay

Nous arrivons sur Compass Cay et nous devons payer 15 dollars par personne pour mettre le pied à terre. C’est une option, c’est à dire que vous pouvez ne pas payer et rester sur le bateau. Cette île est connue essentiellement pour voir des requins près des pontons du petit port. Et effectivement, ce jour-là, nous avons pu voir une dizaine de requins. Il est possible de nager avec les requins en descendant par les échelles situées ici ou là sur le ponton. A savoir que les requins sont nourris avec du poisson pour les attirer et que le côté naturel ne sera pas encore présent ici. D’ailleurs, difficile de voir que des gens prenaient carrément les requins dans leurs bras sans que personne ne dise rien. Par contre, le personnel de l’île était là pour vous dire que vous pouviez seulement utiliser votre smartphone et GoPro et en aucun cas un appareil photo ou autre caméra.

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Plage aux cochons

La plage aux cochons est l’un des spots les plus connus notamment avec les réseaux sociaux. La réalité est différente de ce que l’on peut voir en photo. Nous arrivons en bateau près de la plage et deux cochons arrivent en nageant au niveau de notre bateau. Notre capitaine et ses coéquipiers se mettent à lancer des crackers dans l’eau pour attirer le plus de cochons possibles. Au bout d’un moment, nous descendons du bateau sur la plage avec comme consigne de mettre les mains en l’air pour ne pas se faire attaquer par les cochons et pour montrer qu’on n’a pas à manger. La plage n’est pas si belle que ça et l’expérience est assez…étrange. Il y a aussi une sorte de nurserie de cochons sur la plage où pour une dizaine de dollars tu peux prendre un cochon dans les bras. On ne s’attendait pas à grand-chose et étrangement on ne s’attendait pas à ça. On pensait à une jolie plage où les cochons étaient les maîtres des lieux et où l’ambiance restait sympa. Mais ce n’était pas vraiment le cas et le spectacle était assez bizarre.

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Ile inconnue

L’île inconnue aura été notre dernière étape à Exuma Cays avant de revenir sur l’île d’Exuma aux Bahamas. C’est ici que vous avez la possibilité de prendre le déjeuner dans un restaurant où il faudra rajouter 25 dollars par personne. Nous avions préparé notre propre pique-nique pour éviter de payer en plus des 250 dollars de l’excursion. Nous nous sommes posés sur le ponton où l’eau est cristalline et où des requins ont élu domicile. Les alentours de l’île et notamment la plage ne donnaient pas très envie.

Notre ressenti sur l’excursion Exuma Cays

Nous avons été assez déçus par l’excursion à Exuma Cays. Il y a beaucoup de choses auxquelles nous ne nous attendions pas. Déjà l’augmentation de prix qui en moins de deux ans est passé de 200 dollars à 300 dollars par personne. Nous trouvons que le prix ne vaut pas l’excursion et que c’est bien trop cher. A savoir qu’il est possible aussi de faire cette excursion Exuma Cays depuis Nassau et de payer beaucoup moins cher, environ 110 euros par personne.

Le rapport avec les animaux était vraiment désastreux car l’authenticité et le naturel ne sont plus du tout au rendez-vous remplacé par une dépendance aux crackers pour les iguanes et les cochons et aux restes de poissons lancés par les humains pour les requins. Ça perd tout le charme de la rencontre avec les animaux et des situations que nous avons trouvées à certains moments très limite. Nous trouvons étrange que le gouvernement des Bahamas ne mette pas en place des lois ou des réglementations avec les agences pour éviter ça.

Le timing de l’excursion était aussi assez soutenu et nous ne restions jamais plus de 30 minutes sur chaque spot. Nous aurions aimé nous poser une heure sur une plage paradisiaque pour prendre le temps de profiter et de se baigner surtout qu’avec le bateau nous avions accès à un panel d’endroits illimités pour trouver une crique dans ce paradis.

Le banc de sable aura vraiment été notre coup de cœur, un endroit comme on avait rarement vu auparavant. Et le snorkeling dans la grotte et autour de l’épave de Pablo Escobar étaient aussi de belles expériences.

Jour 4 : Hoopers Bay & Sud de l’île d’Exuma

Hoopers bay.

Hoopers Bay aura été un coup de cœur sur l’île d’Exuma aux Bahamas. C’est simple cette baie est juste sublime avec une eau cristalline et des dizaines de tortues qui viennent à notre rencontre notamment près des pontons. On n’a jamais vu des tortues d’aussi près jusqu’à en voir les moindres détails. Nous avons posé notre serviette sur cette jolie plage et profiter de la baignade dans cette eau une nouvelle fois de rêve.

Conseils : l’accès à la plage n’est pas facile à trouver. Nous nous sommes garés ICI !

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Joly Hall est une autre baie un peu plus au sud de Hoopers Bay. L’endroit est très agréable pour se baigner et il est aussi possible de voir quelques tortues (plus difficile qu’à Hoopers Bay).

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Rolletown est un petit village au sud de George Town. Nous nous sommes arrêtés ici et nous avons bien fait car les alentours sont magnifiques. On y découvre une eau et des nuances bleus juste incroyables. Il est possible de se baigner mais l’accès à l’eau n’est pas très aisé. Nous étions ICI !

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Tropic of Cancer Beach

La plage du tropique du cancer est une longue plage de sable avec de l’eau turquoise qui se trouve au sud de l’île d’Exuma. De nouveaux quartiers se sont établis ici avec de belles maisons. Nous avons juste fait un stop baignade et profiter de l’endroit pour se promener à pied dans la baie.

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Salt Marker

Salt Marker est spot surplombant l’eau turquoise près du village de Williams Town. Entre les marais salants et l’océan, il y a une sorte de pylône un peu style époque romaine qui se trouve là. Le promontoire était fermé lors de notre venue donc nous n’avons pas toute l’histoire associée à cet endroit.distance est un pilier de 30 pieds de style toscan.

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Jour 5 : L’île de New Providence

Hébergement : Hôtel à Nassau

Nassau est la ville principale de l’île de New Providence. Nous l’avons visité à pied à la découverte des ruelles, des bâtiments typiques, des plages mais aussi des vestiges historiques.

Straw Market

Le marché Straw est très sympa notamment pour son architecture et les couleurs de son bâtiment. Lors de notre passage, nous avons par contre été un peu déçu par l’intérieur où il n’y avait pas grand chose et pas beaucoup de stands.

Port de Nassau

Le port de Nassau est surtout celui des grands paquebots qui déversent leurs flots de touristes. Mais il y a aussi quelques petites curiosités à découvrir sur la promenade menant au port notamment de plaisance avec de jolis bâtiments et la couleur de l’eau toujours magnifique.

Bay Street est la rue principale de Nassau, c’est ici que vous allez retrouver toutes les pépites de la ville. Il ne faut pas hésiter à se perdre et à rentrer dans les magasins qui ont souvent des thèmes ou des concepts différents. Il y a ici des musées, le port non loin d’ici, l’église et plein d’autres choses que vous découvrirez en étant curieux.

Fish Cry était le quartier de Nassau à côté duquel nous logions. Un endroit parfait pour manger et découvrir les premières plages de Nassau (pas les plus belles mais quand même). Il y a aussi de jolies vues sur la ville de Nassau et Paradise Island.

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Queen’s Staircase

Le Queen’s Staircase est un escalier de 66 marches, il a été creusé dans de la roche calcaire solide par 600 esclaves entre 1793 et ​​1794 pour créer une voie d’évacuation du fort au-dessus et est un point de repère majeur de Nassau.

Fort Fincastle

Comme son nom l’indique Fincastle est un fort qui surplombe Nassau et qui se trouve juste à côté du Queen’s Staircase.

Paradise Island

Paradise Island est une île située face de la ville de Nassau. Elle est reliée par deux ponts qui traversent Nassau Harbour et prennent appui sur l’île de Potter’s Cay.

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Western Esplanade Beach

Nous avons passé une bonne partie de la journée sur la plage Western Esplanade Beach qui est un endroit plutôt sympa pour se baigner et profiter. Il n’y avait pas trop de monde lors de notre passage mais on pense qu’il peut y avoir pas mal de personnes selon les saisons.

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Résumé voyage aux Bahamas

Les Bahamas, c’est le paradis ! Vous l’aurez compris, nous avons surtout adoré les plages et les nombreuses nuances de bleus. Nous avons été un peu frustré de ne pas découvrir plus d’îles en plus d’Exuma et de New Providence mais le budget ne nous le permettait pas. Il n’y a pas mal de contrepartie face au paradis des Bahamas comme la vie qui reste très chère et aussi quelques soucis avec l’environnement et le protection des animaux.

Découvrez tous nos voyages en cliquant ICI !

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Nomadic Matt's Travel Site

Travel Better, Cheaper, Longer

Bahamas Travel Guide

Last Updated: August 30, 2023

Drone view of resort pools at a large hotel along the beach with crystal clear turquoise waters in the Bahamas

Postcard-perfect beaches, crystalline waters, and a plethora of resorts make the Bahamas a popular destination for millions of tourists every year — especially vacationing Americans and cruisers.

Composed of 700 islands, of which 31 are inhabited, the Bahamas offers more than just upscale resorts. There’s a huge range of historical, cultural, and natural attractions in this country. But, like most islands in the Caribbean , it’s not a cheap destination to visit.

Fortunately, while you can definitely come here to splurge, you don’t have to go home broke if you plan ahead. There are plenty of things to see and do that don’t cost an arm and a leg.

This travel guide to the Bahamas can help you save money and make the most of your time in this island paradise!

Table of Contents

  • Things to See and Do
  • Typical Costs
  • Suggested Budget
  • Money-Saving Tips
  • Where to Stay
  • How to Get Around
  • How to Stay Safe
  • Best Places to Book Your Trip
  • Related Blogs on the Bahamas

Top 5 Things to See and Do in the Bahamas

The Atlantis hotel complex in the background with a boat going by bright blue waters in the foreground, in the Bahamas

1. Go diving in the Tongue of the Ocean

The “Tongue of the Ocean” is an oceanic trench that runs between Andros Island and New Providence. The Andros Barrier Reef is the third largest barrier reef in the world and is spectacular for diving. This submerged geological feature is actually part of the underwater Great Bahama Canyon and the wall of the trench plunges from 120 feet (about 37 meters) to an almost 6,000-foot drop (nearly 2,000 meters) to the seabed where divers can see turtles, lobsters, tropical fish, and get up close and personal with reef sharks as they swarm in to feed. Two-tank drives are about 110-120 BSD.

2. Indulge at Atlantis

This is one of the most expensive hotels in the world but its water park is fun (albeit pricey) and makes for a nice day trip. It’s a tropical luxury experience with perfect white sand beaches and incredible snorkeling. There are a variety of exhibitions and also interactive animal feedings. The Aquaventure Waterpark has 11 pools, huge water slides, river rapids, and rock climbing. If you’re a foodie, there are 16 restaurants both fine dining and casual, including some celebrity chef establishments. A day pass to the waterpark is 250 BSD if you’re not a hotel guest.

3. Celebrate Junkanoo

Every Boxing Day December 26 and New Year’s Day, Bahamians celebrate their national festival, Junkanoo with vibrant parades, music, and costumes. The tradition comes from the history of enslaved African people who were granted holiday celebrations after Christmas and it continued after their emancipation. Today, it’s a colorful celebration of life and culture that includes brass bands, drums, cowbells, and whistles, providing the soundtrack for thousands of people dancing in the streets. There’s also a mini-festival held in June too.

4. Learn about pirates

The interactive Pirates of Nassau museum is dedicated to the history of piracy during the ‘golden years’ of 1690 to 1720. You’ll walk around replica pirate ships, visit the dungeon, and learn about how pirates set up base here. There are plenty of exhibitions, including displays on female pirates, flags, pirate trials, and treasures and artifacts. There is even an escape room dedicated to the pirate Blackbeard (currently closed due to COVID so check before you go). It’s cheesy but fun. Admission is 13.50 BSD.

5. Visit Harbour Island

Harbour Island, located off the northern tip of Eleuthera, is filled with ritzy resorts and stunning white-and-pink sandy beaches. This tiny island is known for having one of the best beaches in the Bahamas — and incredible weather. You can easily spend a day chilling or snorkeling, swimming, and even horseback riding on the pristine beach. It’s even more expensive than other parts of the Bahamas, so if you want an upscale place for a holiday, this is it. Otherwise, stay on nearby Eleuthera Island and hop over on a day trip.

Other Things to See and Do in the Bahamas

1. kayak the exuma cays land and sea park.

The Exuma Cays is a chain of over 365 islands in the middle of the Bahamas. It has been a protected land and sea park since 1959 — the first marine conservation park of its kind in the world. Spanning over 112,000 acres, the park is home to all kinds of seabirds, as well as groupers and lobsters (much of the area was overfished before the region became protected). Most guided trips are multi-day excursions and cost around 300-325 BSD per day. You can set out on your own kayaking trip for about 50 BSD per day with a rental from Out Island Explorers.

2. Tour the Garden of the Groves

Located on Grand Bahama Island, this 12-acre eco-tourism park is home to alligators, exotic birds, 10,000 different species of plants, four waterfalls, and dozens of lakes. It’s a good place to wander and learn about the ecology of the islands. Admission is 17 BSD.

3. Explore Lucayan National Park

This 40-acre park in Grand Bahama is home to the world’s largest underwater limestone cave system. Most caves are only accessible to experienced divers, although two caves are open for swimming. For everyone else, there are various hiking trails that wind throughout the pine forest and along Gold Rock Beach. Definitely visit Ben’s Cave and Burial Mound Cave while you’re here. Admission to the park is 11 BSD and guided tours are 15 BSD.

4. Hang out at Port Lucaya Marketplace

This 12-acre open-air shopping complex in Freeport has more than 60 shops, a dozen restaurants, 90 vendors, two dozen artists, hair braiders, and even live music. You’ll find great bargains on hand-crafted goods and one-of-a-kind items. It’s touristy, but the locals hang out here too, and there’s plenty to keep you busy. Come here to browse, shop, and people-watch.

5. See Fort Charlotte

Fort Charlotte overlooks the harbor in Nassau and dates to the 1780s. Constructed by British Lord Dunmore, the fort has a large moat, cannons, hidden passageways, and dark dungeons to explore. It was never actually used for defense as it was over budget and poorly designed. For that reason, the fort was nicknamed “Dunmore’s Folly” and abandoned entirely. It’s free to visit.

6. Swim with the pigs

The Bahamas is the official home of the swimming pigs, a group of twenty or so world-famous pigs and piglets living on Pig Beach. Nobody knows how they got there as Big Major Cay is uninhabited and the pigs are not native to the island. You can only get there by boat, and tours aren’t cheap — they start around 250 BSD from Nassau or George Town for a full-day trip, but you’ll get lots of extras like snorkeling gear, lunch, and an open bar. A half-day tour with Four C’s Adventures starts from about 160 BSD per person for three hours. And Pearl Island Bahamas has a 5-hour trip with lunch for 190 BSD. If you’re traveling with friends you can also charter a boat, but it’ll be significantly more expensive.

7. Tour the John Watling’s Distillery

Located in an 18th-century estate, this distillery in downtown Nassau makes delicious homemade rum, which you can sample as you tour the facilities. If rum isn’t your drink of choice, they also make a tasty vodka filtered with pink sand from Eleuthera. Tours are free.

8. Relax on the beach

If you just want to plop down on a sandy beach and relax with a tropical cocktail, you’ll have plenty of options to choose from. Cable Beach and Jaw’s Beach are both located near Nassau and are popular choices. Gold Rock Beach on Grand Bahama Island is worth the trip for crystal clear waters, a white sandy beach, and pure relaxation. The shallow waters with perfect visibility here make for some prime snorkeling opportunities too. On Eleuthera, don’t miss French Leave Beach and Pink Sands Beach.

9. Take a food tour

One of the best ways to sample all the local dishes and learn some of the history and culture behind them is via a food tour. Tru Bahamian Food Tours is one of the most popular choices, offering a couple of different food tours in Nassau. Their main tour lasts five hours and stops at six different eateries, providing ample opportunity to indulge your foodie dreams.

10. See the Ocean Atlas

Located near Nassau , this sculpture by artist Jason deCaires Taylor is located 16 feet (5 meters) underwater. Standing 16 feet tall and weighing some 60 tons, it’s the biggest underwater sculpture in the world, designed to hopefully stimulate coral growth in the area. You can swim or snorkel to see it up close.

For information about other Caribbean destinations, check out these guides:

  • British Virgin Islands
  • Saint Lucia

Bahamas Travel Costs

Huts along the beach lined with palm trees in the Bahamas

Hostel prices – Lodging in the Bahamas is expensive. There are virtually no hostels here since it’s a luxury destination and camping on the beach or on public land is strictly prohibited. Your best bet is to go with either a budget hotel or Airbnb.

Budget hotel prices – Budget three-star hotels start at 100-150 BSD per night. Expect basic amenities like free Wi-Fi and AC. A few hotels also include free breakfast.

Airbnb is available in the Bahamas, with private rooms ranging from 100-140 BSD per night. An entire home/apartment averages 180-240 BSD per night. Book early or prices will double.

Food – Unsurprisingly, traditional cuisine in the Bahamas relies heavily on seafood. Fish, shellfish, and lobster are all common staples, though the national dish is conch (a large sea snail). Tropical fruits and pork round out the diet, with rum being the local drink of choice. Expect to see dishes like stewed fish, johnnycakes (a cornmeal flatbread), baked crab, peas and rice, and cracked conch (deep-fried conch).

While there are lots of places to splurge here, one of the best ways to eat cheap is to do a fish fry. For about 12-15 BSD, restaurants serve you a big plate of delicious seafood, potato salad, Bahamian macaroni and cheese, and peas and rice.

You can grab a breakfast of grits from a food cart for less than 3 BSD, while a plate of fish tacos or chicken wings from a food truck is around 10 BSD.

Bakeries and cafes serve filling fast food like Jamaican-style patties starting from 3 BSD. For meals like clam chowder or jerk chicken, expect to pay 8-15 BSD. Meals at a western restaurant start from 15 BSD for a burger with fries, while fast food (think McDonald’s) costs about 8.50 BSD for a combo meal.

For fine dining, you’ll spend 40-50 BSD for an entrée like lamb or pork loin from a resort or high-end restaurant.

Beer is around 5 BSD, as is a latte or cappuccino. Bottled water is 2 BSD.

If you plan on cooking your own food, expect to spend around 60-70 BSD per week for groceries. That gets you basic staples like rice, seasonal vegetables, and some chicken or seafood.

Backpacking the Bahamas Suggested Budgets

If you’re backpacking the Bahamas, my suggested budget is around 140 BSD per day. This covers staying in a private Airbnb room, cooking all your meals, limiting your drinking, taking cheap public transportation to get around, and sticking to mostly free activities like swimming and hiking. If you find a spot at one of the hostels, plan on 100 BSD per day.

On a mid-range budget of about 195 BSD per day, you can stay in a budget hotel, eat out for most meals, have a few drinks, take the occasional taxi to get around, and do more paid activities like rent a kayak or go diving.

On a “luxury” budget of 340 BSD or more per day, you can stay in a nice three-star hotel, eat out anywhere you want, drink more, island hop, and do whatever activities you want. This is just the ground floor for luxury though. The sky is the limit!

You can use the chart below to get some idea of how much you need to budget daily, depending on your travel style. Keep in mind these are daily averages – some days you’ll spend more, some days you’ll spend less (you might spend less every day). We just want to give you a general idea of how to make your budget. Prices are in BSD.

Bahamas Travel Guide: Money-Saving Tips

The Bahamas is expensive as it mostly caters to vacationers who want to splash out on luxury. However, with a little creativity, you can manage to visit without going bust. Here are some ways to save money in the Bahamas:

  • Stay with a local – Use Couchsurfing to stay with locals for free. It’s not fancy, but you’ll save money and get to connect with a local who can share their insider tips and advice. There aren’t a lot of hosts here, however, so send your requests early.
  • Use nightclub passes – Many hotels and even taxi drivers will sell you a discounted pass to get into the clubs around town. This is a particularly good value if you are visiting on a weekend when cover charges may be 50 BSD at a swanky spot.
  • Drink rum – Imported alcohol is expensive in the Bahamas so stick to local rum if you’re going to be drinking
  • Get free stuff – Many hotels offer free use of snorkeling equipment, include free breakfast, and arrange free or cheap organized excursions. Always ask to see what free stuff is available!
  • Bring a water bottle – The tap water here is safe to drink so bring a reusable water bottle to save money and reduce your plastic use. LifeStraw is my go-to brand as their bottles have built-in filters to ensure your water is always clean and safe.
  • Look for discounts – The Bahamas tourism website ( often lists great one-off deals, like discounted hotel rooms or book-a-third-night-free deals. Check it out before you book to see if anything catches your eye.
  • Cook your own food – Eating out for every meal will ruin your budget. Cook your own meals to save money. It won’t be fancy, but you can use those savings for fun activities instead!

Where to Stay in the Bahamas

Budget accommodation is severely limited in the Bahamas so you’ll need to plan ahead and book early. Here are a few suggested places to stay:

  • The Towne Hotel
  • Ocean Front Hostel & Resort Viking

How to Get Around the Bahamas

people fishing off boats in the Bahamas

Fly – You can fly between islands quickly and conveniently, especially to the more remote areas. Bahamasair, Pineapple Air, and Western Air all operate within the islands. A flight from Nassau to Eleuthera takes 20 minutes and costs about 115 BSD, while Nassau to George Town (Exuma) is a 40-minute flight for around 135 BSD. The longest route is Nassau to Inagua, which is about 165 BSD and takes 90 minutes.

Ferry – The ferry service in the Bahamas is run by Bahamas Ferries, with frequent high-speed services between Nassau and Eleuthera, and less frequent services between Nassau and Andros, Long Island, and Grand Exuma. Some of these routes take a long time (Nassau to Long Island is 19 hours and only runs once a week). Prices vary so ask your accommodation for a current price list.

Bus – In Nassau, you can take private minibusses (also known as jitneys ) everywhere, with fares between 1.25-2.50 BSD. It’s a pretty casual service and there’s no real timetable or set route so you’ll have to ask the driver about your destination. Freeport also has jitneys to Port Lucaya but these services often do not run at night though.

Taxi – Taxis in the Bahamas are safe and reliable, and readily available everywhere in Nassau and Freeport (less so in smaller towns). Their base rate is 4.50 BSD and then 3.75 BSD per additional mile. They add up fast, however, so skip them if you can.

Water taxi – There are often water taxis navigating back and forth between Nassau and Paradise Island, as well as taxis that run shorter routes between Mangrove Cay and South Andros. Fares depend entirely on the company but usually cost around 20 BSD.

Car rental – This is one of the best ways to get around (especially if you’re sharing a ride). Rentals aren’t cheap, costing around 60 BSD per day, however, if you can share a ride you’ll save money and have a lot of flexibility. Just remember that you’ll be driving on the left! For the best car rental prices, use Discover Cars .

When to Go to the Bahamas

Mid-December to mid-April is the country’s peak tourist season and this is the best time to visit for hot temperatures as daily highs range between 26-28°C (80-84°F).

Although peak season is when room rates are the highest and tourist crowds are the thickest, I still recommend going during this time to avoid hurricane season (which is between June-November). Otherwise, you’ll be at risk for tropical storms, and most of those months also fall into the region’s rainy season, which will prevent you from enjoying all the Bahamas’ natural wonders!

How to Stay Safe in the Bahamas

While the Bahamas are mostly considered safe, there are some areas of Nassau that experience more crime. Avoid the city’s “over the hill” (south of Shirley Street) after dark, especially if you’re alone.

That said, most of this crime is targeted at other Bahamians so you don’t need to worry too much. Just follow normal common sense precautions. Don’t leave your valuables out in the open at the beach (or anywhere). If you rent a vehicle, don’t leave any valuables in it overnight as break-ins can occur.

Scams are rare but you can read about common travel scams to avoid here.

Solo female travelers should generally feel safe here. However, the standard precautions apply (never leave your drink unattended at the bar, never walk home alone intoxicated, etc.).

If you experience an emergency, dial 911 or 919 for assistance.

The most important piece of advice I can offer is to purchase good travel insurance. Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past.

Bahamas Travel Guide: The Best Booking Resources

These are my favorite companies to use when I travel. They consistently have the best deals, offer world-class customer service and great value, and overall, are better than their competitors. They are the companies I use the most and are always the starting point in my search for travel deals.

  • Skyscanner – Skyscanner is my favorite flight search engine. They search small websites and budget airlines that larger search sites tend to miss. They are hands down the number one place to start.
  • Hostelworld – This is the best hostel accommodation site out there with the largest inventory, best search interface, and widest availability.
  • – The best all around booking site that constantly provides the cheapest and lowest rates. They have the widest selection of budget accommodation. In all my tests, they’ve always had the cheapest rates out of all the booking websites.
  • Get Your Guide – Get Your Guide is a huge online marketplace for tours and excursions. They have tons of tour options available in cities all around the world, including everything from cooking classes, walking tours, street art lessons, and more!
  • SafetyWing – Safety Wing offers convenient and affordable plans tailored to digital nomads and long-term travelers. They have cheap monthly plans, great customer service, and an easy-to-use claims process that makes it perfect for those on the road.
  • LifeStraw – My go-to company for reusable water bottles with built-in filters so you can ensure your drinking water is always clean and safe.
  • Unbound Merino – They make lightweight, durable, easy-to-clean travel clothing.
  • Top Travel Credit Cards – Points are the best way to cut down travel expenses. Here’s my favorite point earning credit cards so you can get free travel!

Bahamas Travel Guide: Related Articles

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Inside the Travel Lab

21 Secret Things to do in Nassau – Your Bahamas Itinerary

March 21, 2023

Nassau Bahamas 3 Day Itinerary Cover Image

Discover secret things to do in Nassau, Bahamas, with a bright and bold serving of culture in the sun. Build your three day Nassau itinerary and fill it full of colour, character and cuisine.

Bahamas - Nassau - Abigail King travel writer on beach

Table of Contents

Alternative Things to do in Nassau, Bahamas

Why you should visit nassau, bahamas.

Just a short flight from Miami, the clear waters and soft sands of the Bahamas attract plenty of beach loving visitors. But the islands themselves contain hidden history, warm hospitality, striking art and more besides. 

As the capital of the Bahamas and frequent cruise port stop, Nassau on Providence Island has all the bling you’d expect: casinos, world-beating restaurants, shopping centres and the like.

But you’ll also find plenty of secret things to do in Nassau, from dining with locals to chatting with artists. We even talk about those swimming pigs with sun lotion. 


I love sharing the best travel resources I can find. 

  • I never book a flight without looking on Skyscanner first
  • My favourite one stop shop for airport transfers, food tours & excursions is Get Your Guide
  • Out of the big accommodation machines, I use Expedia and the most
  • I’ve hand-picked useful travel gear and tools for you in my Amazon shop . Never leave home without a travel adapter or collapsible water bottle . I’d also recommend these soft ear plugs and a sleep mask .
  • Access all our planners and budget spreadsheets in the Travel Toolbox ©
  • Plan the perfect road trip with our Road Trip Planner & Toolkit ©
  • Use these packing cubes to make life so much easier on the road.
  • Save on mobile phone roaming charges with an eSIM from Airalo .

Bahamas - Nassau - Watling Distillery Exterior with Abigail King

The Best Time to Visit Nassau, Bahamas

The best time to visit Nassau is between November and April, although that is the peak season when costs will be higher. The hurricane season runs between June and November.

What to Know Before You Go

I’d highly recommend splitting your time between Nassau and one of the outer islands, like Green Turtle Cay , where the pace of life is completely different.

Nassau has more in common with the US than any other Caribbean island I’ve visited and you can expect plenty of stag and hen/ bachelor and bachelorette parties at certain hotels and venues.

Disclosure  – I visited the Bahamas as a guest of the Bahamas Tourism Board. As ever, as always, I kept the right to write what I like. Otherwise there’s just no point! If you book or buy through any of the links on this page, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Cheers! Right, let’s get on with it! Secret things to do in Nassau await!

Nassau and the Bahamas: Background

The earliest known inhabitants of today’s Bahamas were the Lucayans, an Arawakan-speaking people with links to South America and the neighbouring Caribbean Islands.

However, written and recorded history begins with the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492, who named the islands San Salvador, before heading further west on his first “voyage of discovery.” 

By 1648, the first European settlement began and by the 18th century, the notorious triangular slave trade was in full flow: kidnapping people from western Africa and forcing them to work on the land in the Bahamas. 

Bahamas - Nassau - Pirate Republic Pirate

The Pirate Republic

The history books show plenty of struggles between the various European governments at the time – at one point, they all gave up and stepped away. This ushered in the era of pirates and privateers, a Blackbeard reality tougher than the movies make out. 

While Britain lost the American War of Independence, it somehow gained the Bahamas in the process and a group of loyalists to the American-British cause set up a new settlement in New Plymouth in the Abacos. You can still visit today and feel as though you’re in a slice of Caribbean New England.

Elsewhere, the historic architecture is predominantly Victorian British, while the modern malls and gas stations have an All-American vibe. 

But the Bahamas have their own identity, of course. And you can step on and off the standard tourist trails and start to uncover the depth behind the Bahamas with these secret things to do in Nassau.

Bahamas - Nassau - Baha Mar-Popcorn Bicycle

Where to Stay in Nassau: Baha Mar

Baha Mar i s a vast complex of three hotels in one. And, truthfully, as a lover of  boutique hideaways, I probably wouldn’t have chosen it myself.

However, the place won me over with its rich cultural touches, like the art gallery and hidden walkways in the gardens. If you’re looking for loud casinos and rows of sun-loungers, you can find those too. But you’ll also find an understated elegance and an astonishing array of excellent restaurants and bars all in one place.

Staying at Baha Mar makes life easy when it comes to airport transfers and dining and so it’s perfect for travel with young children. Once checked in and freshened up, you can always leave the resort to find the secret things to do in Nassau.

  • Check prices and availability for the Grand Hyatt Baha Mar here.

Nassau Bahamas Best Attractions

Secret Things to do in Nassau, Bahamas

Your 3 day nassau itinerary.

I’ve designed this Nassau itinerary to form part of a week long trip, with half your time in Nassau and the other half elsewhere in the Bahamas. 

If you’re visiting Nassau from a cruise ship, pick one day from this itinerary, unless you have more time on shore. 

Bahamas - Nassau - Baha Mar Signpost

Day One – Arrive in Nassau

Most international flights arrive in Nassau Lynden Pindling International Airport. If staying at the Grand Hyatt at Baha Mar, there will be a seamless transfer waiting for you (and possibly a singing pirate.) If not, arrange transport to your hotel or vacation rental.

Alternatively, if you’re wondering what to do in Nassau on your cruise, then focus on day two of this itinerary as that’s likely all you’ll have time for. Most cruises disembark onto Bay Street near the Straw market if that helps you to plan your route.

  • If you’d rather a pre-booked transfer, then you can book on your mobile with Get Your Guide here and cancel up to 24 hours in advance.

Bahamas - Nassau - Pirate with Craft Beer tasting tray

Day Two – Rum, Crafts & History

If staying at Baha Mar, today’s the today to soak up the faux-French beauty of Café Madeleine, with fresh croissants and hot coffee for breakfast.

Then, to explore Nassau, it helps to have a driver but you can take individual taxis or book yourself onto a tour or excursion. 

I’ve given a rough overview of times but these clearly aren’t rigid. In the Caribbean, perhaps more than anywhere else in the world, it’s OK to go slow.

Bahamas - Nassau - Bahama Hand Prints and Staff

Bahama Hand Prints

Bahamian designed and made, the line of clothing and accessories at Bahama Hand Prints brings a sense of joy to its showroom. Be prepared for gorgeous colours in bright, enticing linen with links to the sea and the local community.

You’ll find it at the foot of the Paradise Island Bridge in the Island Traders Building. The shop is open on most days but if you’re lucky, you can take a tour of the small factory on weekdays and see how the prints are made. 

Bahamas - Nassau - Watling Distillery with Guide and Rum

John Watling’s Distillery

If 11 o’clock is too early for rum for you then never fear, the John Watling’s Distillery is an historical attraction more than anything else. 

Imagine tropical gardens and century-old black olive trees and you’ll have an idea about the Buena Vista Estate in Downtown Nassau. 

To give you a sense of time, the John Watling’s Distillery began construction in the same year that George Washington became the first President of the United States in 1789. 

Guided tours take visitors around the house, showing antiques and prints that date back more than 300 years. There is also, of course, the chance to try the distillery rum.

As a poignant reminder of the years of brutality that took place, you can see a 200-year-old water well, carved out of the solid limestone by enslaved people. 

A visit here is not one of the most unique things to do in the Bahamas but it is a kind of hidden treasure. Beneath the well-oiled visitor machine, you’ll find heart amid the history (although that could be the rum talking…hic!)

Bahamas - Nassau - Wild Thyme Restaurant Conch Fritters and Cocktail

12:00   pm       Lunch at Wild Thyme

For a beautiful place for a bite to eat, head to Wild Thyme, a restaurant with a sense of humour. Run by Lucia and Alex, Wild Thyme opened in 2017 and combines fresh organic food with cakes baked every day in house. 

It’s light, airy and I’d suggest you eat outside in the fragrant south-west facing garden.  Plus, if you can’t make it here for lunch, they also serve breakfast and dinner as well. Take your time, though. Nothing here runs fast!

Bahamas - Nassau - Pirate Republic Craft Beer and Pirate

Pirate Republic Craft Beer Brewing Company

Pirate Republic is the first and only craft brewery in The Bahamas. What began with a homemade 5-gallon brewing system in a kitchen became one of the best secret things to do in Nassau.

Inside, you’ll find talking pirates and enthusiastic owners. Take your time studying the ins and outs of the brewing process on the tour – or else just order a tasting line-up and chat with the pirates.

Bahamas - Nassau - Straw Market

The Straw Market

You’ll find straw markets across the islands of the Bahamas, especially in the Family Islands, Paradise Island and Cable Beach, but the Straw Market in Nassau is one of the biggest and best organised. Weaving with straw is one of the oldest industries in the Bahamas. Straw weaving is considered one of the country’s oldest industries and you can find crafts and souvenirs to take home here.

Expect to bargain, though, and bargain hard. This isn’t a place where people enjoy browsers and photographers. 

Nassau Bahamas Things to Do Collage

Fort Fincastle  

Fort Fincastle is another one of those secret things to do in Nassau that links to pirates. Built on Bennet’s Hill, the fort was constructed from cut limestone in 1793 and its cloudy grey appearance was designed to protect Nassau and her harbour. 

Governor John Murray oversaw the project, an unusual design in the shape of a paddle-wheel steamer. 

If you’re visiting from Europe and running short on time, I’d recommend skipping the fort to make sure you leave time for the rest. 

The Queen’s Staircase

The Queen’s Staircase, hewn out of limestone rock by 600 enslaved people between 1793 and 1794, connects Fort Fincastle to Nassau city and some believe it formed an escape route.

The nickname comes from Queen Victoria, who reigned as the head of the British Empire between 1837 and 1901, and notably during the abolition of the slave trade in 1807. Perhaps coincidentally, the 66 steps correspond with the number of years she reigned.

Bahamas - Nassau - People to People Evening with food

Dinner: The People-to-People Experience 

Ah, this surely has to be one of the best things to do in Nassau! It is the absolute tonic to over-processed tourism and synthetic malls with plastic, packaged tat!

So, what is it? 

Well, it’s the chance to meet locals and have dinner in their home as a sign of hospitality. 

“Bahamians love any excuse for a party,” says one ambassador, and that;s the kind of thinking I love.

We met Mr and Mrs Lightbourne in their home, surrounded by lush tropical gardens, chirruping night crickets and starlight.

Henry, 67, showed us photos of his daughter and told tales about how his aunt had met the queen. 

We ate conch salad appetisers (a kind of ceviche in a shot glass) and garden salad with grilled lobster, fried grouper and coleslaw, peas and rice.

“We have a lot of influences from the Deep South,” said Henry. “After a lot of people fled to the Bahamas after the war.”

In between courses, we walk through the garden of fresh coriander, pineapple, coconut, spearmint, mulberry and spring onions.

And then the finale: guava cake and a Bahamian coconut duff.


The People to People Project

The People to People project is run by the Bahamas Tourist Office and is completely free as a way to promote understanding and connection between locals and visitors. 

Or in other words: the real meaning of travel.

Bahamas - Nassau - Baha Mar - ABigail King

Day Three – Art, Education and Beaches

Even if you’re not staying in one of Baha Mar Grand Hyatt’s 1800 rooms, it’s worth visiting either here or Atlantis Paradise Island to witness the scale of ambition when it comes to hotel design here. These are villages, rather than hotels, with restaurants and cultural offerings to match.

Baha Mar has two offerings among many that I’d like to highlight for this list of secret things to do in Nassau: the activities for children and the Current Art Gallery. 

Bahamas - Nassau - Baha Mar-Current Gallery Artist and Art Works

Local Art Gallery: The Current

The Current Gallery & Art Centre is one of my favourite secret things to do in Nassau, Bahamas. It’s one of the best hidden gems, if you’ll excuse the cliché. 

The Current runs artist residence programmes, provides a performing arts space, hosts art exhibitions where guests can chat with artists and has a permanent and variable art collection throughout the gallery and three hotels. 

And it focuses on local art and artists, encouraging both tradition and innovation.

As you can probably tell, I loved it!

Bahamas - Nassau - Baha Mar-Festival Art work

The Kids’ Club

Now, I’ve seen many a kids club in my time as a travel writer but nothing that comes close to this. The Baha Mar Kids club offers cooking lessons, art lessons and marine biology exploration with starfish, flamingoes and more. There’s an aviary and a conservation and education centre and movie theatre. I mean, seriously! This is better than my entire childhood!

Dinner at Carna

Dario Cecchini, the world-famous butcher from Tuscany, believes that good butchery can make meat-eating sustainable. When cooked properly, nothing is wasted and everything is delicious: a premise he has championed since he took over his father’s family business in Italy in 1976. 

These days, he converts a steakhouse into a poetic, gastronomic feast in Carna and I can honestly say it’s the best steak I’ve ever tasted.

Bahamas - Nassau - Sandy Toes Sign post

Day Four: Day trip to Rose Island & Swimming with Pigs

Hey! So, first off, let’s talk about swimming pigs. If you haven’t heard of it before, it doesn’t take long to realise that this a thing in the Bahamas.

Pink-snouted photos in turquoise water fill the airport arrivals hall and immigration queue – and every Nassau itinerary after that.

Yet the practice is not without its controversies, as most animal-related events are. 

The most popular place to swim with pigs is in Exuma on Pig Beach , not Nassau. But, you can take a day trip to Rose Island with Sandy Toes and swim with pigs there. 

I had a chat with the owners and the staff who work there and the pigs (Babe, Wilbur, Pumba, Larry, Mo, Ginger, Pepper and Spice) do seem to be very well looked after. The team apply sunscreen to the pigs and take care of their nutrition and health with regular vet visits and so on. They also limit the number of visitors who swim with the pigs at any one time and ask guests to treat them very gently. 

If you’re having trouble imagining how all this works, it happens like this: 

Bahamas - Nassau - Sandy Toes Excursion to Rose Island

The Sandy Toes Excursion

Sandy Toes take a boat full of around 40 people from Paradise Island Ferry Terminal to Rose Island, where there’s a private beach with space for everyone. The boat journey takes around 25 minutes and there’s quite a party vibe with fruit punch and youthful enthusiasm. 

Once there, people spend the day on the beach and in the surf, with a BBQ and toilets provided. 

If you want, in groups of around 10, you can meet the pigs on the sand. If they go in the surf to swim, you can join them, but if they don’t, the staff won’t force them.

In the end, I decided against it. Pigs are pretty big and not all that toilet trained! It’s one of the first times in life I didn’t try something just to see what it was like, and you can make of that what you will!

Bahamas - Nassau - Baha Mar-Hot Dog Stand

Cocktails and Canapes

If you’re heading back to Baha Mar, don’t miss the sunset at the fabulous open-air Sky Bar.  I’d also recommend dinner at Shuang Ba, which serves high end Chinese cuisine fused with fresh Bahamian produce.

Think braised “black-gold” abalone and Chaozhou-style dumplings in ornate, darkwood-and-scarlet booths. Keep an eye out for the central marble masterpiece, too. It was quite the operation to bring it here from China!

Abigail King looking out to see in Bahamas Green Turtle Cay

Day Five: head to the other islands

If I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. I would really recommend spending time on the other islands in the Bahamas. Nassau is really well connected and you’ll discover a whole new view of life in this part of the Caribbean. 

I travelled to the Abacos and you can check out the account of Green Turtle Cay here. Other popular spots are Blue Lagoon Island, Eleuthera, Long Island and Cat Island.

Nassau Bahamas Travel Guide

More time in Nassau? Some more ideas…

Clifton heritage national park.

Through cliffs, dunes and rocky coastlines, the walking trails of Clifton Heritage National Park introduce visitors to more than just stunning landscapes. Here you’ll find heritage and education about three different groups of people who profoundly influenced the history of the Bahamas: the Lucayans, Loyalists and Africans.

Non-touristy things to doi n Nassau Bahamas at a Glance

Explore Nassau off the beaten path and go where locals go in Nassau.

  • Enjoy dinner and conversation with the People to People experience. 
  • Visit the Bahama Hand Prints company.
  • Take in an exhibition and talk to local artists at The Current.

Junkanoo Beach and the Western Esplanade

Junkanoo Beach (also know as the Western Esplanade) merges into Arawak Cay and Long Wharf, the closest beaches to the cruise ship dock. As a result, it’s fair to say that the area receives its fair share of partygoers when the cruise ships are in town. 

But the rest of the time, you can also find locals with their families, horse rides and pony rides and the sight of those might ships heading in to dock. 

Free things to do in Nassau Bahamas

  • Visit the Nassau Straw Market.
  • Head to Junkanoo Beach. 
  • Visit the Bahama Hand Prints company

Anywhere not to go?

Fish fry and over the hill.

It’s a matter of opinion, but the US travel advisory says this at the time of publication:

“Exercise caution in the area known as “Over the Hill” (south of Shirley Street) and the Fish Fry at Arawak Cay in Nassau, especially at night.”

Bahamas - Nassau - Baha Mar-Cucumber Salad and Nachos

Walking Tours in Nassau

It’s reasonably straightforward to visit all of the top attractions in Nassau by either walking or taking a taxi.

But sometimes walking tours bring life to a destination. 

  • Here is a 90 minute walking tour from Nassau with Viator

In Summary: Secret Things to do in Nassau, Bahamas

Everyone knows that the Bahamas are beautiful. But this collection of secret things to do in Nassau brings out the traditions, history and modern-day life of this extraordinary capital city. And the Bahamas itinerary helps you to organise your time.

 Enjoy your trip to the Bahamas!

Nassau Bahamas 3 Day Itinerary Cover Image

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  • Bring Barbados home with grandma’s Bajan Recipes
  • The Truth About Slavery in Barbados
  • Should you go inside a Bri-Bri Village in Costa Rica?
  • The Shocking Story of Green Turtle Cay for Americans
  • What are the best things to do in Nassau to avoid the crowds?
  • The best Caribbean islands for solo female travel.
  • What to pack for the Dominican Republic
  • The best food in the Dominican Republic
  • Why you should travel to the Dominican Republic with kids
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The Ultimate Nassau Bahamas Travel Guide (From A Local’s Point of View)

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If you’re thinking of traveling to Nassau in The Bahamas, here’s a local’s guide to Nassau, Bahamas. Whether it’s crystal clear waters, relaxation, culture, authentic Bahamian food; here’s everything you need to know to start planning your trip.

What To Know Before Traveling To Nassau Bahamas

First off, Nassau is ONE island in an archipelago of over 700 islands, rocks and cays and if your discovery of The Bahamas starts there, that definitely shouldn’t be the end all be all. When flying to Nassau, the best airport is LPIA (Lynden Pindling International Airport) which offers both international and inter island transportation. The best time to travel would depend on the traveler but peak season usually starts around the winter months until the end of Spring break and off season starts during the spring/summer months more particularly around hurricane season.

The ideal length of stay can vary but I recommend a long weekend into a week (4-7 days) OR  you can definitely consider including Nassau as a stop if you’re on a Caribbean cruise.

Other things to note, currency used is 1:1 with the USD dollar (not a US territory) and you should also budget for VAT (value added tax) which is around 10% or greater.  I would recommend budgeting spending $50-100 dollars a day depending on your itinerary.

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Where To Stay in Nassau, Bahamas

If you’re looking for a more luxury stay, check out the Grand Hyatt Baha Mar or SLS Baha Mar, The Island House and Ocean’s Club, Four Seasons. Budget friendly choices are Comfort Suites Paradise Island which offers a day pass per guest to Atlantis. Other budget friendly options are CourtYard By Marriott, Holiday Inn and more. For all inclusive resorts, check out the newly reopened Sandals Royal Bahamian, Breezes Resort & Spa, Warwick Paradise Island and Hotel RIU Paradise Island.

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List of Hotels in Nassau, Bahamas (click names for links)

  • Comfort Suites Paradise Island
  • CourtYard By Marriott
  • Graycliff Hotel
  • Goldwynn Resort & Residences
  • Breezes Resort & Spa (all inclusive)
  • Colony Club Inn & Suites
  • SandyPort Beach Resort
  • The Island House
  • Grand Hyatt Baha Mar
  • SLS Baha Mar
  • Ocean Club, Four Seasons
  • Sandals Royal Bahamian (all inclusive)
  • Harbourside at Atlantis
  • The Cove at Atlantis
  • The Reef at Atlantis
  • The Coral at Atlantis
  • The Royal at Atlantis
  • MargaritaVille Resort
  • Holiday Inn Express & Suites 
  • Compass Point Resorts
  • RIU Palace Paradise Island
  • Warwick Paradise Island (all inclusive)
  • A Stone’s ThrowAway
  • Orange Hill Beach Inn Hotel

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If you opt for AirBnB’s, a few locations that are close to the beach and in reasonable distance to downtown Nassau are:

  • Downtown Nassau
  • Baha Mar Blvd
  • Cable Beach
  • Orange Hill Beach
  • Nirvana Beach
  • Saunders Beach
  • Paradise Island

nassau blog voyage


Getting around Nassau is as easy as renting a car, scooter or hailing a taxi. Public transport is available in the form of jitneys/buses that run from about sunrise to sunset; bus fare is under $2 USD.  You can find updated taxi fares HERE . 

Where To Eat in Nassau, Bahamas

So in the sense of authentic Bahamian food, you most often have to leave the resort but there are some resorts that have Bahamian restaurants attached to them (i.e. Comfort Suites and Crusoe’s Restaurant). The most popular Bahamian delicacy is CONCH that’s prepared in many different ways . One of the most central, tourist friendly areas to find Bahamian food is Arawak Cay/Fish Fry area . Some of my favorite stalls/restaurants to eat at are:

  • Deep Creek Restaurant

nassau blog voyage

For authentic Bahamian breakfast, The Cricket Club (across the street from Arawak Cay) is a popular spot for locals (try different types of souse, boiled fish, stewed fish) and there’s always Nesbitts which serves my favorite hangover remedy/breakfast food:  sheep tongue souse with a side of Johnny cake. For conch salad, Arawak Cay is a popular spot but another one of my favorites is Dino’s Gourmet Conch Stand which is a little further down West Bay Street. For lunch, dinner; one of my favorites is Crusoe’s Restaurant over Paradise Island.

@bahamianista if you got a hangover, this will cure it for ya 😋 #souse #bahamianfood #caribbeantiktok #bahamianrestaurant #thingstodointhebahamas ♬ Bahamian Music – Sunshine Steel

Nightlife & Things To Do 

In terms of bars and nightlife, Covid restrictions are easing according to local news outlets to allow for more outdoor events but nightlife is definitely buzzing over Paradise Island and in the hotels. Some recommended spots are:

  • Sky Bar Baha Mar
  • Bond Night Club
  • Monkey Bar (Baha Mar)
  • Jazz Bar (Baha Mar)
  • The Pub (Downtown Nassau)
  • Senor Frogs

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Subscribe to PinPoint Bahamas’ weekly newsletter where they outline varied events, festivals and things to do in Nassau, Bahamas.

Cultural Events, Festivals In The Bahamas

Important dates to remember would include both national Junkanoo parades held on Boxing Day (December 26th) and New Years Day. There’s also Bahamas Carnival as well.

nassau blog voyage

My favorite beaches involve very little to no people and usually that can mean a beach further away from the resorts and bustling downtown Nassau, Bahamas. My top 3 are definitely Nirvana Beach, Orange Hill Beach and Love Beach but here’s a list of a few others.

  • Goodman’s Bay
  • Cabbage Beach (over Paradise Island)
  • Saunder’s Beach
  • South Beach (when tide is low)

nassau blog voyage

Things To Do and See in Nassau, Bahamas

From tours to cultural sights and attractions , there’s a good amount of things to do in Nassau. Some of my favorites include going to see the famous swimming pigs in Exuma , boat trips to Rose Island or Pearl Island , food tours.

Historical Sites

  • Pompey & Parliament Square
  • Nassau Public Library
  • Straw Market
  • The Queen’s Staircase
  • Fort Charlotte, Fort Montague, Fort Fincastle
  • The Cloisters (Paradise Island)

Also check out this list of free and inexpensive things to do in Nassau Bahamas. 

What To Pack // Packing Essentials

When packing, it really depends on the time of year you’re going to visit Nassau. During the winter months, it’s advisable to travel with a sweater or two, long denim because the weather can often mimic South Florida weather and that means when there’s a cold front it’s sometimes dipping into the low 60s. However during Spring, summer months, its definitely hotter (upwards to the 90’s Fahrenheit). You definitely need sunscreen, a good pair of shades, a hat, durable shoes/sandals ( my favorite are Teva’s ) and  a fun waterproof electronic is necessary for underwater and beach pics like the Insta360 OneX2.

nassau blog voyage

For any other tips regarding traveling to Nassau, Bahamas or for assistance with itineraries, check out my planning service below.

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Happy planning!


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Eduardo Bringas

Thanks for the guide! It is very useful and nice! After COVID me and family need vacation in some lovely place like Bahamas!!!!

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No problem!

nassau blog voyage

The Covid Travel Requirements You Should Know For Carnival 2022

The Ultimate Nassau Bahamas Travel Guide (From A Local’s Point of View)

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June 12, 2018

The complete nassau, bahamas travel guide.

Empty beach with clear blue water and white sand visited by boat in Nassau Bahamas

*Update September 2019: The Bahamas was recently affected by Hurricane Dorian. For more information on which islands were impacted, relief efforts, and how you can help, click here . 



Aerial view of an empty island near nassau in The bahamas

Left to right from top: One of the beaches at Rose Island, aerial views of Rose Island, swinging at Sandals private island , Sandals private island at sunset, ‘stranded’ with our boat on Rose Island. 

Where to Stay

While there’s plenty to explore on-island, the place you stay in Nassau will dictate the experience you have. In addition to the popular all-inclusive resorts, there are options for laid-back hotels, boutique hotels or a house rentals. No matter where you end up, you’ll also want plenty of opportunities to try the local food and culture!

Hotels in Nassau

SLS Baha Mar – $$$ – We absolutely loved this newly-built hotel. Everything from the room (clean white, with nods to retro style), to the grounds (the poké food truck and daquiri stand were our favorite) to the service was impeccable. We also had our favorite meal of the trip here at their in-house restaurant, Cleo . Where I stayed.

Colorful balcony at the SLS Baha Mar in Nassau, Bahamas

Balcony views from our room at the SLS Baha Mar hotel .

Pastel buildings at the SLS baha mar hotel in Nassau Bahamas

The pool at the SLS Baha Mar.

Sandals Royal Bahamian – $$$$ – this was our first time staying at a Sandals resort! While an all-inclusive resort isn’t typically our go-to, Sandals’ private offshore island was definitely a highlight for its pristine beach. We also loved their oceanside restaurant, Gordon’s on the Pier . Where I stayed.

Gordon's on the pier oceanside restaurant at Sandals in Nassau Paradise Island Bahamas

A sunset dinner at Gordon’s on the Pier at Sandals.

Swing on the water at Sandals private island resort in Nassau Bahamas

Swinging at sunset on Sandal’s Private Island.

Graycliff Hotel & Restaurant – $$$ – located in the heart of old town, Graycliff hotel is a historic colonial mansion with tropical gardens and pools that provide a welcome escape from the hustle and bustle of the island. Their wine cellar features over 250,000 bottles sourced from around the world, just a short walk from their on-site chocolate shop which offers lessons in chocolate-making. We got wonderfully lost exploring the grounds of this property! Where I’d stay next time.

graycliff restaurant and hotel, a historic pink mansion in Nassau Bahamas

The historical building that houses Graycliff Hotel & Restaurant .

Graycliff hotel and pool in Nassau Bahamas

The pool at Graycliff Hotel .

The Ocean Club, A Four Seasons Resort – $$$$ – transport yourself into luxury at this historic Four Seasons resort, which has played host to travelers and celebrities since 1962. It’s a unique and romantic property: we loved the stretch of white sand beach and the Versailles-inspired garden, complete with cloisters from a 12th-century French Augustinian monastery. Where I’d want to splurge.

Running through Versailles Garden at the ocean club four seasons resort in Nassau Bahamas

Versailles Garden at The Ocean Club Four Seasons Resort .

Dune restaurant at the ocean club four seasons resort in Nassau Bahamas

Ocean views from Dune Restaurant and bar.

Versailles garden and pool at the ocean club four seasons resort in Nassau Bahamas

One of the many beautiful pools at The Ocean Club Resort .

Atlantis Paradise Island – $$$ – this oceanside resort has it all: bars and restaurants, a water park, golf course, casino, spa, and more. We had a blast visiting for the day to see the aquarium. It’s an iconic property that’s been known to attract celebrities such as Kevin Hart and Serena Williams since its opening 22 years ago.

View Additional Hotels in Nassau Paradise Island

Airbnbs in Nassau

Historic Nassau – $ – the most charming pink cottage a walk away from historic sites and downtown Nassau. Grand Suite #8 – $ – this quaint suite is great for traveling as a couple, 10 minutes from downtown. Luxury Beachfront Unit – $$ – a modern beachfront property, but the true draw is a private beach that’s steps away. White Beachfront Home – $$ – located in a quiet area on the western side of Nassau, steps away from the beach. Secret Garden Villa – $$$ – a nice retreat located on three lush acres of tropical gardens. Paradise Island Villa – $$$ – located in a beautiful gated complex walking distance from Atlantis Resort.

New to Airbnb? Here’s $40 off your first booking.

Where to Eat

Bahamian Cookin’ – this local spot is a must-try at some point during your trip. It’s simple and features classic Bahamian dishes, like conch fritters, cracked lobster, and steamed chicken.

Biggity – this family-owned restaurant was built by hand with repurposed wood and natural elements. Their menu is simple and healthy, with flavors that pack a punch. A must for a laid-back, cozy meal downtown.

Biggity restaurant a family run place in downtown Nassau Paradise Island, Bahamas

Trying homemade specialties at Biggity in downtown Nassau.

A pink colonial building in downtown nassau, bahamas

Sippin’ fresh lemonade during our food tour in downtown Nassau.

Cleo Mediterraneo – one of our favorite meals of the trip, Cleo restaurant is located inside the SLS Baha Mar and features tapas-style mediterranean dishes. You’ll want to share — everything on the menu is so tasty!

Louis & Steen’s – recommended by a local on the island, this New Orlean’s-style coffee house is eclectic (read: purple cottage) and serves up typical cajun-style dishes and excellent coffee.

Graycliff Restaurant – this property is on our list twice for a reason! We didn’t get a chance to have dinner at this elegant restaurant, but we’ve heard it’s a real treat. At the very least, go for the atmosphere and wine selection alone.

Graycliff hotel and pool in Nassau Bahamas

Exploring the grounds at Graycliff Hotel & Restaurant.

Graycliff restaurant and hotel in Nassau Bahamas

Indoor seating at Graycliff restaurant.

Athena Cafe & Bar – though conch is not typically a ‘Greek’ dish, I was pleasantly surprised by the flavors at this no-frills Greek cafe. Perfect if you’re craving something filling while exploring Nassau’s downtown.

Social House – for fresh sushi, try Social House. Their lunch menu offers deals for the afternoon, or make it an evening and sample their small plates for an unforgettable experience.

Swim with the pigs – Unfortunately the weather was not on our side the day we were meant to swim with the pigs. But, this experience is not to be missed! If you’re staying on Nassau, the closest option is the Sandy Toes experience on Rose Island.

Visit the Atlantis Marine Habitat – the Atlantis property is huge and home to an amazing aquarium. You can buy day passes on their site to visit and explore for a day, which is also a great activity if you get hit with tropical rain.

The aquarium at the Atlantis hotel on Nassau Paradise Island, Bahamas

Exploring the Atlantis Marine Habitat at the Atlantis hotel.

Go on a food tour – This is becoming a regular activity for Jacob and I when we travel, and I have to say it’s always one of our favorite parts of the trip. I’m always curious to see what places locals recommend and any excuse to eat is a plus. Tip: if you go on the food tour we went on , you’ll stop at Bahamian Cookin’, Athena Cafe, and Biggity.

Take a boat tour – as with most destinations, we loved exploring local islands off Nassau with a private boat for the afternoon. Don’t miss the turtles at Turtle Cay (tell your captain to take you!) and the sandy beaches of Rose Island for pristine water all to yourself. For a group boat tour with lunch included, check out this boat excursion .

Empty beach on Rose Island with clear blue water and white sand visited by boat in Nassau Bahamas

Rose Island’s empty beach on our boat day.

Swimming with turtles at turtle cay near a deserted island in Nassau Bahamas

Swimming with the turtles at Turtle Cay.

Explore the local shops – a lot of on-island artists are represented. We loved visiting Doongalik Studios and Craft Cottage , located next to one another. The studio features artist’s work on display and Craft Cottage has a variety of handmade gifts for purchase. I bought a hand-carved ornament here for my mother.

Arts and crafts gift shop in Nassau town in the bahamas

Chatting with Craft Cottage’s owner Fina about all the best local places to go on-island!

More Things to Do around Nassau

If you only plan one excursion while visiting, make it a boat trip to Rose Island ! It’s absolutely beautiful and untouched here, and we had the beach all to ourselves when we went. Getting out on the water and away from the crowds is amazing.

Where to Go

Clifton Heritage Park – You can snorkel at this beach park, which features giant underwater sculptures. Bring an underwater camera!

Montagu Beach & Fort – Take an afternoon to visit this public beach and surrounding area. You can visit historic Fort Montagu for $2 a person. Another highlight is the nearby fish market , which features fresh conch salads for sale (and lots of live conch!).

Fort montagu on the beach in Nassau Bahamas

Inside Fort Montagu on Montagu Beach.

Conch shells, a delicacy in the bahamas, at a local fish market in Nassau

Conch shells at a local fish market in Nassau.

Bay Street – Explore the architecture in Nassau’s downtown by heading to Bay Street. There are local markets here, but we found them to be a bit too tourist-driven for our taste. The real highlight are the old buildings, and charming neighborhood spots like Biggity .

Local Beaches – Cable Beach is recommended by locals and visitors alike, and Junkanoo Beach is fun and upbeat. We stumbled upon one of our favorite stretches of sand when we went looking for a local SIM card for our phones. It just goes to show that it’s worth exploring parts of the island that no one mentions! You never know what you’ll find…

Splashing in clear blue water and white sand a couple on the beach in Nassau, Bahamas

An empty stretch of beach we found nearby our hotel.

Lunch shacks on Junkanoo beach in Nassau Bahamas

Lunch and drink shacks on Junkanoo Beach in Nassau.

What to Bring

  • Light, breathable clothing – think linen pants, flowy dresses.
  • A light jacket for the evenings and when it gets windy.
  • A hat and plenty of sunscreen. Here is my favorite spray-on sunscreen (it’s coral reef friendly).
  • A GoPro for underwater photos! A GoPro dome is also a must if you want to take underwater photos. Our travel photography gear post details out all the gear we use for underwater shots, and examples.

Final Notes

Like most tropical islands, summers can be warm and also rainy. Hurricane season is July to October and high season is November to April. We visited at the end of April and had sunny (but windy!) days, with spots of tropical rain. If you don’t mind crowds, head to Nassau during high season.

The majority of the shops and restaurants on the island take U.S. dollars and converters are U.S. standard, so don’t worry about either if you’re visiting from the states.

For more information on what to do, hotels , and other activities in Nassau Paradise Island, check out .

The Complete Nassau Paradise Island Travel Guide Find Us Lost

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A big thank you to the Nassau Paradise Island team for hosting us so we could capture the beauty of this island! As always, all opinions from this trip are our own.

I often get asked about my favorite beach destinations. If you’re looking for more sun and sand, head to our Cook Islands and Aruba travel guides for more inspiration.

10 Romantic European Destinations For Any Budget

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Jennifer Says

Where did you great those cute white pants with the brown buttons in your bio?

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Wonderful suggestions! Exactly what I was looking for. Can’t wait to explore it myself.

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Selena Says

Have a great time xx

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Veronica Says

What time of year did you go ?

We went the first week of May.

Pingback: 2.5 Years of Travel: Our Recap Video! - Find Us Lost

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Nicole Says

I’m here now??‍♀️

Have the best time!

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What area would recommend if you were to go the airbnb route (instead of a hotel) – want to be close to things to do/restaurants/bars etc. Less important to be somewhere very secluded. Thanks!

Downtown Nassau will be the most walkable, I’d search for something near Graycliff Hotel!

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How did you get around?

We had a rental for this trip!

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Rachel Says

So amazing and so excited to visit in May! What are your recommendations about best getting around the island? Thank you!

We explored with a car. 🙂

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Elusma pharisien Says

Atlantic hotel Nassau Bahamas this is my vacation home for me and mpharisien my phone number is 202 704 8946 ,[email protected]

Pingback: From 9-to-5 Jobs to Travel Bloggers: Our 2 Year Update - Find Us Lost

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I am taking a trip to Nassau and found this to be so incredibly helpful. If you remember, what private boat tour company did you use for your trip to Rose Island and Turtle Cay? Thank you!

Hi Emily – I’m so sorry, I’m not sure what the boat company was!

Here’s a link to a group trip to Rose Island (with lunch) if that’s of interest:

Pingback: The Complete Aruba Travel Guide - Find Us Lost

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Wooow, this pictures are so good! Which camera do you use?

Thanks Siri! These were all taken with our Sony A7RII. Here are more in-depth posts covering how we shoot photos & our camera recs!:

Camera/lens recommendations – How we shoot & edit –

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Virginia Says

Bahamas is an incredible place to disconnect from routine. href=”” title=”Nassau Beach – All Inclusive” target=”_blank”>In hotels as amazing as they are , who wouldn’t relax?. It’s really the perfect place if you like the beach.

So true! And if you like tasty food. 😉


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CORR Travel

for Solo Travel Over 50

Woman on paddle board Nassau_4 Days in Nassau Bahamas

Best of Nassau Bahamas in 4 Days Solo Travel

Launching your 4 days in Nassau Bahamas solo travel adventure could not be easier without this incredible Nassau itinerary. Have the opportunity to lounge on white, expansive beaches, enjoying activities in crystal clear waters, indulging in local cuisine and tropical cocktails while absorbing the warm, local hospitality. Markets, tastings, and tours await you in Nassau with this Nassau 4 day itinerary that has all you need to book and go. Let’s dive in!

As you’ll notice from the tips throughout , this Nassau itinerary is intentionally written for the first time Bahamas solo traveler and/or older traveler (I am over 50 and have been traveling solo FOREVER). Yet, anyone can use this Nassau itinerary it to plan and book a 4 day Nassau adventure.

Like this? Share it with others!

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All You Need for This 4 Day Bahamas Itinerary

Ultimate nassau bahamas travel guide video, 5 must dos in nassau video, nassau travel packing essentials, day 1 – fish fry, wildlife & rum tasting, day 2 – under the sea & paradise island, day 3 – sea turtles, brews & casinos, day 4 – junkanoo beach, food tour & shopping, download this nassau 4 day itinerary in a pdf.

Heritage Village Nassau Bahamas

Here are all of the sites you need to successfully book these perfect four days in Nassau. I even give you my suggested Nassau downtown hotel as a wonderful, sustainable and budget friendly option for Nassau solo travel.

As Nassau is a pricey vacation destination, I recommend you bookmark and use these sites early to lock in this Nassau, Bahamas travel itinerary and get the best Nassau travel deals.

Cheap Flights to Nassau

One-Way Private To/From Airport Transfer

Roundtrip Shared Airport Transfer

Jitney Schedule

Suggested Downtown / Budget Nassau Hotel

Best Nassau Downtown Hotels & Resorts

Suggested Downtown Nassau Hostel

Best Paradise Island Hotels & Resorts

Suggested Paradise Island Budget Hotel

Nassau Bites and Sites Food & Cultural Tour

Green Cay Snorkel with Sea Turtles

Morning SCUBA / SNUBA Adventure

Why You Don’t Need a Nassau Rental Car on This Itinerary

Being an island, you’ll find that renting a car is popular. However, you don’t need to rent a car in Nassau to get around, especially on this Nassau itinerary. If you don’t know how to drive on the left-hand side of the road, renting a car should be avoided.

If you stay at the suggested downtown hotel or other downtown location, you can rely on walking, taxis or the public bus (The Jitney) to save money from taxis, and water taxis for most of your transportation needs.

Discover Nassau visually while learning the 15 things to know before you go to Nassau , from getting there, getting around, the best time to go, where to stay, top things to do in Nassau, Nassau budget tips, and more to plan your first time travel to Nassau.

If you’re a first-time traveler to The Bahamas, also use my ultimate Bahamas Solo Travel Guide full of tips on culture, entry requirements, currency, tipping, using electronics, safety, and a lot more.

Bahamas Solo Travel Guide image

Book Your Flight to Nassau Early to Save Money

Yep, you will get to do all of these must do Nassau activities in this Nassau Bahamas 4 Day Itinerary. Watch this Nassau video and get inspired to start booking your solo trip to Nassau.

Want more Nassau video inspiration, check out the Top 10 Things to Do in Nassau .

Here some ideal Nassau travel essentials to make your Bahamas solo travel easier, if not more eco-friendly.

Your 4 Days in Nassau

On New Providence Island, Nassau is the capital of The Bahamas, a country comprising of 700 islands that span 100,000 square miles across the Caribbean Sea. Since its founding by the British in 1670, Nassau has been burnt down, rebuilt, renamed and colonized, been the center of wars, pirates, slavery, international trade, and tourism.

The “gateway to The Bahamas”, New Providence and Paradise Island offer not just world-class resorts, award-winning beaches, colorful marine wildlife, and epic outdoor and water sports. Part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, Nassau also holds art, culture, history, cuisine, festivals, shopping, and friendly locals.

Get ready to explore Nassau and realize why it is the ideal vacation destination for tropical paradise, relaxation, and diversity of exciting activities.

This 4 Day Itinerary Pro Tips

This itinerary assumes:

  • Staying near downtown, as in my suggested Nassau downtown hotel to capture activities by foot and reduce taxi costs.
  • Arriving no later than 11am to be able to start same day.
  • Traveling in the peak season for longest daylight hours and the best weather for walking and enjoying outdoor activities.
  • Walking considerably on concrete, dirt paths and beaches. Wearing comfortable walking shoes is ideal.

After checking in, or checking bags, at your hotel, walk to Arawak Cay to enjoy a fish fry lunch and daiquiri.

Passion fruit daiquiri at Arawak Cay Nassau

Pop into Ardastra Gardens & Wildlife Conservation Center to observe the colorful birds, animals and fauna, followed by a stroll through the Botanical Gardens for shade and greenery.

White peacock at Ardastra Wildlife Center Nassau

Wrap it up with a visit to John Watling’s Distillery for rum tasting or signature cocktails on the patio at sunset.

People on patio of John Watlings Distillery Nassau

Now you’re ready to head back to the hotel for a brief change and casual dinner out at Tiki Bikini Hut on Junkanoo Beach just steps from your hotel.

Nassau Pro Tip

They drive on the left-hand side of the road in Nassau. Locals know how to drive on the left-hand side, but many tourists don’t. Also, locals may not always stop for pedestrians. Practice caution walking along and crossing streets.

Enjoy a complimentary shuttle pick up at your hotel from Stuart Cove Dive Shop to whisk you away for your morning SCUBA, or SNUBA, aquatic adventure.

Shark during diving Nassau

Finishing by noon, take advantage of the shuttle and bypass going back to your hotel and opt for a free ride to Paradise Island instead.

Depart the shuttle at the Paradise Island Beach Club where you can grab a savory seafood lunch and local Sands beer at the outdoor friendly and fun Cabbage Beach Bistro before you walk steps down the public entrance to vast white, sandy Cabbage Beach for a nice siesta.

Cabbage Beach Paradise Island

Before sundown, take a stroll back towards Marina Village with a stop to marvel at The Cloisters , the remnants of a 14th-century Augustinian monastery imported from Europe by William Randolph, and flowers overlooking the water.

The Cloisters Paradise Island

Finish your walk at Marina Village for dinner, or shop to bide your time until you can get free evening entry to Marine Habitat at Atlantis and dine within the Atlantis complex.

Since you received a free ride to Paradise Island, you can splurge for a taxi back to your hotel.

Yachts at Marina Village Paradise Island

Start day 3 in Nassau with a short morning lounge on Junkanoo Beach before walking to Harbour Central Marina and meet your Green Cay Snorkel with Sea Turtles excursion group for a couple of hours of boating and snorkeling with sea turtles and colorful fish you will never forget.

Sea turtle and remora Green Cay Nassau

Epic Bahamian marine adventures build up an appetite. Luckily, you’ll arrive back at the marina at lunch time and a short walk to The Green Parrot for lunch on their waterfront, outdoor patio.

Don’t fill up on drinks, however. Save that for locally-made craft brews over a board game at Rip Ty’d Taproom a few minutes’ walk away.

Craft beer sampling Rip Ty'd Taproom Nassau

Leave for Rum Cake Factory for tasting and buying gifts, followed by East Bay shopping downtown as you make your way back to your hotel.

Rum Cake Factory Nassau Bahamas

Have the energy for a night out? Then call the taxi and head to Baha Mar Resort for a night of music, dining, drinks and trying your luck at the casino tables.

Baha Mar Resort Nassau Bahamas

Enjoy another morning of relaxation at Junkanoo to save up your energy for the day’s walking.

People on Junkanoo Beach Nassau Bahamas

Leave in time to meet your Nassau Bites and Sites Food & Cultural Tour group downtown for a 3 hour yummy food tour while learning about Nassau.

Conch fritters on Nassau food tour

When finished on your gastro and cultural tour downtown, see if you have the energy to walk up Queen’s Staircase to walk around Fort Fincastle and see the views from Bennet’s Hill, Nassau’s highest point. Note: for safety reasons, visit only during the day time.

Queen's Staircase Nassau Bahamas

If you rather, you could opt to stay downtown and wrap up the last of your shopping at The Straw Market (closes at 5pm), before wandering back to the hotel to change for a last night out of dining near your hotel and a cocktail at the Sky Bar atop Margaritaville Resort .

Pompey Museum Downtown Nassau

Now that you know all of the amazing things you can realistically see and do in Nassau and Paradise Island in 4 days, why not have this itinerary at your fingertips on your trip?

An international solo female traveler since 1995, you know this Nassau Itinerary is from my actual, self-created and traveled Nassau solo trip, not a crappy, AI-generated itinerary with stock photos and misinformation. I’ve done all of the work for you so you know it’s an itinerary you can trust.

Whether you’re a solo traveler, older traveler, or budget traveler, this Nassau Itinerary is a steal .

So, why spend more time researching and planning? Grab this Nassau itinerary as a PDF . Formatted for sleek use on all devices , it not only gives you the 4 day itinerary, it also gives a full Nassau travel guide. Check out all you get, with clickable links, taking out all of the guesswork so you can go ahead and book your Bahamas solo trip:

Nassau 4 Day Itinerary PDF image

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The Perfect 3 Day Itinerary for Nassau Bahamas

Fancy yourself a long weekend in the Bahamas? Three days is the perfect amount of time to go gallivanting around on a Caribbean island. And if you have your eye on the Bahamas, Nassau is the perfect place to hang your hat for a spell. Some visitors to the island may only have the opportunity to spend a few hours exploring this charming port city, and others are lucky enough to be here for longer. With all the amazing Nassau excursions on offer, putting three-day itinerary together can seem like a bit of a task. Worry not, we’ve got the recipe for the perfect three-day holiday, full of fabulous Nassau excursions , all guaranteed to have you wanting more! Day 1 First, get yourself acquainted with this historic city. Nassau is one of the most historic cities in Caribbean. It was once home to the world’s highest concentration of pirates in the world including Black Beard and Henry Morgan. But all that swashbuckling talk aside, the city of Nassau is home to a beautiful 11-acre Botanical Garden , a lively market teeming with beautiful Bahamian handicrafts, a historic Fort and of course the splendid parliamentary buildings. Once you’ve shopped ‘til you dropped and taken in all the sights of Nassau on the ground, it’s time for some active Nassau excursions. Want to get your feet wet, but don’t want to commit yourself to a full fledged snorkeling or diving excursion just yet? Get a bird’s eye view and soar 600 feet above Nassau on a parasailing adventure. Once you’ve seen beyond the horizon, and felt the tepid Caribbean breeze on your face, it’s time to come back down to earth for a little R&R time. End your day with a beach combing session on the beach at Cable Beach followed by dinner at any number of fabulous restaurants along the waterfront. Day 2 Now it’s really time to get your feet wet! With a number of fantastic underwater Nassau excursions to choose from, you’ll be hard pressed to choose just one. But with only three days to see and do as much as you can, go with a combination tour or just pick one really great tour. The Barefoot Sailing All Day Island Cruise whisks guests away to the beautiful seascape off the coast of New Providence Island. Sunbathe on the deck, and feel the warmth of the Caribbean sun as the crew mans the jib. The six hour journey is the most popular of all sailing Nassau excursions, both because of the amount of time you actually spend sailing (3 hours) as well as the time on the reef, the delicious Bahamian lunch provided and the time spent on your own secluded beach. Day 3 Today is the day you get more acquainted with one of the most intelligent creatures anywhere on earth, and in the sea! It’s time to head off to Blue Lagoon to partake in the Blue Lagoon Dolphin Encounter , one of the most sought after and most beloved of all the Nassau excursions. This tour gives you the opportunity to learn all bout the indigenous Bottle nose dolphin, a highly intelligent and playful sea mammal that loves nothing more than to frolic around with its kin. It’s curiosity is immediately apparent as you wade in to touch and play with them. A professional photographer is on hand to capture every incredible moment, and a videographer catches it all in real time. Once you finished regaling your dolphin tales, it’s time to wind down, and say goodbye. But before you do, dress in your Bahamian best, and spend an evening aboard a beautiful catamaran. There’s no end to the perfect Bahamas holiday than a Bahamas Sunset Cruise . This three day itinerary is but a sample of some of the amazing Nassau excursions on offer. You can tweak it, add to it, make it simpler or do whatever you want with it. Time is on your side in the Caribbean, all you have to do is get into the right state of mind.

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The Bahamas Travel Guide

Looking for an in-depth Bahamas travel guide ?

Then you’re in the right place!

The Bahamas has long been known as one of the best places to soak up some sun and get away from it all. With over 2,000 beaches to enjoy throughout the islands, there’s no shortage of opportunities to relax here. It’s truly a must-visit when booking a trip to the Caribbean .

But there’s so much more to this Caribbean nation than just beautiful beaches and all-inclusive resorts!

Made up of 700 islands just a few miles southeast of Florida, The Bahamas is a nation rich in culture and natural splendor. From swimming with sharks to swimming with pigs to the lively Junkanoo festivals, there’s something for everyone visiting the country.

And don’t think that beachside resorts are the only way to stay in The Bahamas; whether you’re interested in eco-tourism, home rentals, backpacking, or something else, there are many different ways to experience the islands.

If you originally planned a trip to The Bahamas with the intention of just chilling on the beach, don’t be surprised if you add a few more activities to your itinerary after reading this guide. There’s just so much to do and see!

Keep reading to dive into resources that will help you with planning a trip to the Bahamas.

Note: This guide to travel in the Bahamas contains affiliate links to trusted partners!

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Bahamas map.

Use this Bahamas travel map to begin planning your trip!

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Click here for an interactive version of the above map.

Bahamas Travel Guides

Learn about the destination through these Bahamas vacation guides .

bahamas guide exumas

Stingray Feeding, Conch Penis & Pig Roasts At Chat ‘N’ Chill Beach In The Exumas

swimming with nurse sharks - exuma travel guide

Swimming With Nurse Sharks In Compass Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

exumas pig - a must in any Bahamas travel guide

Swimming With Pigs At Big Major Spot Cay In The Exuma Cays, Bahamas

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Top Tours In The Bahamas Islands

Hire a local Bahamas tour guide through one of these fun group excursions:

  • Nassau Food Tasting & Cultural Walking Tour
  • ATV Tour Of Nassau
  • Snorkel Adventure & Beach Escape with Lunch at Pearl Island from Nassau (Bahamas Day Trips)
  • Famous Swimming Pigs Tour Bahamas – Full Day Powerboat to Exuma from Nassau (Bahamas Day Trips)
  • Rum, Reggae & Rhythms Tour (With Cable Beach Visit!)

Renting A Car In The Bahamas

Need a rental car for your Bahamas trip?

Use Discover Cars to quickly compare your car rental options.

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Bahamas Hotels

Click here to browse hotels in the Bahamas!

Prefer self-contained stays? 

Click here to check out unique local rentals!

You can also use this map to search for local stays:

Bahamas Travel Insurance

It doesn’t matter if you’re traveling solo or with a group on a Bahamas tour. When visiting the Bahamas — or any other country in the world — make sure to get travel insurance to protect your health and safety.

In my opinion, the best travel medical insurance for travelers is SafetyWing as they’ve got a large network and offer both short-term and long-term coverage — including coverage if you’re traveling for months as well as limited coverage in your home country).

Additionally, SafetyWing is budget-friendly and offers $250,000 worth of coverage with just one low overall deductible of $250.

With coverage, you’ll have peace of mind as you embark on your Bahamas itinerary.

Click my referral link here to price out travel insurance for your trip in just a few clicks .

Bahamas Travel Guide FAQ

Below, find answers to frequently asked questions and additional Bahamas travel information .

Q: Are the Bahamas part of the Caribbean Islands?

Yes! More specifically, the 700 islands and islets and 2,000 coral reefs that make up the Bahamas are located in the northwestern West Indies.

Q: How far is the Bahamas from Florida?

The Bahamas Islands are located about 50 miles from the coast of Florida.

Q: What international airports are in the Bahamas?

Lynden Pindling International Airport (formerly Nassau International Airport) is the largest international airport in the Bahamas and is located in Nassau, on the island of New Providence.

Q: What are the inhabited islands of the Bahamas?

Along with New Providence — which is home to Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas — the other main inhabited islands include Grand Bahama, Eleuthera, Cat Island, Rum Cay, Long Island, San Salvador Island, Ragged Island, Acklins, Crooked Island, Exuma, Berry Islands, Mayaguana, the Bimini islands, Great Abaco and Great Inagua.

Q: Since this is a Bahamas vacation guide, can you share a Bahamas map?

Sure! Here is a Google Map of the Bahamas Islands.

Here is also a visual Bahamas Map giving you insight into the location of the islands within the Caribbean:

bahamas map

Q: About how much does a trip to the Bahamas cost?

The cost of a trip to the Bahamas certainly depends on your travel style as there are lots of different ways to experience the Bahamas, from backpacking to luxury beachside resort stays. That said, the average, mid-range traveler can expect to spend about $159 USD per day while in the Bahamas.

Airfare from the United States to the islands will depend on your departure location, but you’ll probably find the absolute cheapest airfare flying from bigger “hub” airports like Miami, Charlotte, and Chicago O’Hare.

Q: Do you need a passport to go to the Bahamas?

Yes. All international visitors to the Bahamas must present a valid passport to enter the country regardless of their age.

Q: Is there anything I should know when it comes to Bahamas travel safety?

The Bahamas is considered fairly safe for tourists — making it a great option for solo female travel in the Caribbean — but crime is very much a reality in certain parts of the islands.

Nassau is the country’s most populous island and most travelers will pass through it at some point in their trips; this makes the downtown area a target of pickpockets and ATM scammers. Stay alert when visiting the downtown area and keep any valuables close — or just leave them in a safe location — to avoid pickpockets .

The “Over-The-Hill” section of the island also has a high rate of violent crime. If you do visit this area, avoid walking around at night and travel with a group if possible.

Exercise caution when booking boat tours, snorkeling excursions and other water activities on the islands. Make sure you are booking with a tour operator to avoid scams and rent jet skis from businesses recommended by the tourist office, as many operators are unregulated. If you have any doubts about a boat or water activity, trust your intuition.

bahamas travel information

Q: What are the top things to do while visiting the Bahamas?

The Bahamas’ top attractions are definitely its beaches. Paradise Beach on Paradise Island boasts white sand and beautiful turquoise waters, perfect for snorkeling or just soaking up some sun. Nassau’s Cable Beach is a bit more lively and home to many popular all-inclusive resorts, restaurants, and shops.

Take a walk through Downtown Nassau to see sites like the city’s gorgeous pastel-colored buildings and the bustling Straw Market.

Get in touch with nature in Lucayan National Park on Grand Bahama Island, where you can see all six of the island’s ecosystems in one place.

Of course, you can’t visit The Bahamas without a trip out to the tiny, deserted island of Big Major Cay in the Exumas , where you can swim with pigs !

And if you’re looking for a more unspoiled and truly relaxed experience in The Bahamas, head to Cat Island, where you can enjoy miles of beach away from the resort and cruise ship crowds on the more major islands.

Q: Do I need a visa to visit the Bahamas?

Visitors from the United States, Canada, and most European countries do not need a visa to visit the Bahamas if they are staying for less than three months. For a full list of visa and passport requirements by country, visit the Bahamian government’s website.

It’s recommended to view your country’s Bahamas International Travel Information page for the most up-to-date information on entry and exit requirements. You can also contact the Embassy of the Bahamas.

Q: When is hurricane season in the Bahamas?

Hurricane season in the Bahamas runs from June 1 to November 30, with early August through October being the prime time.

You may remember Hurricane Dorian, a devestating tropical storm that took place in August 2019.

Hurricanes are definitely something to consider when planning a Bahamas vacation, so check the latest weather updates and Bahamas travel information before booking.

bahamas tourist guide

Q: Are credit cards accepted in the Bahamas?

Credit cards are widely accepted around the Bahamas, particularly in tourist areas. That being said, it is wise to always carry some cash.

Additionally, check with your financial institution to confirm if they charge a foreign transaction fee. If they do, consider getting a credit card that doesn’t.

Q: What is the local currency in the Bahamas?

The local currency in the Bahamas is the Bahamian dollar.

trip to the bahamas

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A day in Nassau, Bahamas: What to do while your cruise is in port

High Angle View Of Cruise Ships Moored In Sea Against Blue Sky

Update: Some offers mentioned below are no longer available. View the current offers here .

The territory of the Bahamas includes 700 islands and 2,000 rocks and cays spread across 100,000 square miles of the North Atlantic Ocean. Technically, it's not part of the Caribbean region . It is, however, a warm-weather destination on the edge of the Caribbean and shares many of its cultural traditions, cuisine and music.

When it comes to oceangoing vacations, the Bahamas can accurately be described as the industry's leading destination, with the capital city of Nassau being cruising's number one port of call. In 2019, the Bahamas hosted 5.43 million cruise visitors, more than any other global cruise port, and it greeted nearly 1 million more travelers than Cozumel, Mexico, the next most-visited port. Indeed, the modern cruise industry's first itineraries in the 1970s focused on three- and four-day Bahamas sailings from Miami .

The archipelago's spectacular natural environment features brilliant blue skies, warm temperatures and exceptionally clear waters. But Nassau, located on 112-mile-long New Providence island, is also a metropolitan center full of modern amenities and impressive African, Caribbean and colonial cultural and historic sites.

Paradise Island, positioned immediately to Nassau's north, has large hotels and all-inclusive resorts that offer day packages for cruise visitors, providing access to premium golf (at the Baha Mar resort ), casino gaming (at Atlantis) as well as restaurants, shops and nightlife.

Not surprisingly, Nassau is a staple port of call for a wide variety of operators. Carnival Cruise Line , Disney Cruise Line , MSC Cruises , Norwegian Cruise Line, Princess Cruises and Royal Caribbean all sail here, as does luxury line Regent Seven Seas Cruises, premium cruise operators Celebrity Cruises and Oceania Cruises and budget operator Bahamas Paradise Cruise Line. All of those lines will call at Nassau in 2021.

For more cruise news, reviews and tips, sign up for TPG's new cruise newsletter.

3 things TPG loves about Nassau

  • "Sun and fun" activities
  • Historic and cultural attractions
  • Distinctive cuisine

What we could do without

Nassau is on an island within a vast archipelago. Many products are necessarily imported and that means prices, including meals at restaurants, can be high. Nassau can also feel a bit "touristy" at times, as the Prince George Wharf cruise ship dock can host as many as five large cruise ships at once. On busy days, cruise travelers are ubiquitous around the downtown area.

Related: Which cruise brand is best for you?

Prince George Wharf Nassau Bahamas

Nassau basics

Nassau is extremely popular as a warm-weather getaway destination that's closer to the U.S. Atlantic Coast than most Caribbean basin countries. As a plus, while technically not located in the Caribbean, Nassau and the Bahamas offers the same splendid sunny skies, brilliant blue waters and amazing culture and traditions.

On the small island of New Providence, Nassau is the capital of the Bahamas archipelago. The port is normally a bustling affair, as disembarking guests walk from the pier to Bay Street, parallel to the water, and the downtown shopping area where you'll find tour guides and Jet Ski, beach and watersports excursion operators, taxis for hire, scooter rentals, craft and souvenir shops, and hair braiders.

Nassau's nearby Paradise Island district offers beaches, restaurants and shops as well as the Atlantis megaresort, which is among several properties offering day packages for cruisers in search of a daylong all-inclusive experience. The good news is that, with a little preparation, it will be easy to find the right Nassau activity to fit your personal vacation style.

Related: How to plan a cruise with points and miles

Paradise Island Bahamas

Arrival details

Cruise ships visiting Nassau dock at the Prince George Wharf within short walking distance of Bay Street and the downtown district. Passengers who are booked on excursions arranged by the cruise line will find providers staged in areas leading from the dock. Private operators, including those who booked tours with guests separate from the cruise line, will be found beyond the first group.

Time zone: The Bahamas operates on Eastern Standard Time.

Language: English is the official language.

Currency: The Bahamian dollar is equivalent to the U.S. dollar. Both are widely accepted, and generally, it's not necessary to exchange money. If you want to exchange money, you can do so aboard your ship, although you can usually obtain a better rate at a local bank or ATM. Several banks are located on Parliament Street, a short walk from the cruise terminal. Numerous ATMs are also found around downtown.

Related: The best Caribbean cruise for every type of traveler

How to get around

On foot: Many of Nassau's historic sites and the Bay Street retail district are within walking distance of the cruise ship pier and the downtown area. Bay Street is lined with shops, restaurants and bars, and cruisers so inclined can spend the day strolling the area. Just put on your sneakers, disembark your ship, take a few steps and start exploring. There are also ferries to nearby attractions and it's also possible to rent a car or motor scooter.

By taxi: Taxi operators are staged around the Prince George Wharf area. Taxis are not metered, so always negotiate the fare before entering the vehicle.

By bus: Nassau's public buses are known as jitneys and offer a thrifty and convenient alternative to car rentals or taxis. The jitneys cost around $1.25 per person and stop at popular spots, including Cable Beach (see below).

Related: Disney Cruise Line review — Sailing Disney Wonder

Top sights and shore excursions

Nassau is a surprisingly diverse port. Beach lovers and travelers who enjoy water sports, diving or snorkeling will find a wide variety of excursions and activities to suit their tastes. Nassau is also filled with historic sites and shopping opportunities. Yet visitors are missing out on genuine colonial-era history if they don't also spend time exploring the historic architecture and attractions located steps from the cruise pier. You can book excursions through your cruise line or independently. And, don't forget that the Chase travel portal offers excursions bookable with cash or Ultimate Rewards points.

Here are some favorite pastimes for cruisers visiting Nassau.

Historic sites

Nassau's history is closely tied to the Caribbean pirate era of the 17th and 18th centuries, when the town served as a pirate sanctuary until 1718 when British Governor Woodes Rogers expelled the buccaneers. Today's downtown district offers 20 square blocks featuring architecture and monuments dating to this compelling era, most within walking distance of the cruise pier.

As a result, visitors can take a DIY-approach to exploring Nassau with help from the website. Or, book a cruise ship excursion highlighting historic forts, Bahamian cuisine, "land and sea" programs, private island experiences and even Junkanoo-style music and dancing.

Historic sites near Prince George Wharf include Parliament Square, which houses the Bahamas' House of Assembly, the Senate Building and Supreme Court in pink pastel colonial buildings. A statue of Queen Victoria erected in the early 1900s also stands at the site.

The Queen's Staircase or "66 Steps" are framed by lush gardens and link downtown Nassau with Fort Fincastle. Ascend to the top of the staircase to reach Fort Fincastle, constructed in the late 1700s atop Bennett's Hill. Sweeping views from the fort's bluffs encompass downtown Nassau, the harbor and the cruise ship dock.

The Queen's Staircase, Nassau, Bahamas

Bahamian culture was also shaped by Africans who arrived in the territory as slaves from Sierra Leone and other West African nations. Other Black people traveled to the Bahamas directly from Africa, Bermuda and Haiti, some enslaved by ex-British loyalists from Georgia and South Carolina, and others as ex-soldiers who won their freedom fighting for the British during the American Revolutionary War.

Several historic sites around Nassau recognize this influence, including Adelaide, Fox Hill and Gambier. These three historic villages were settled by liberated Africans in the 1800s and still maintain their African heritage. Cultural and sightseeing tours to these villages can be arranged. Nassau's Pompey Museum features a permanent exhibit on the African experience in the Bahamas.

Related: 21 tips and tricks that will make your first cruise go smoothly

Sun and fun: Water sports

Nassau offers a multitude of activities focused around the archipelago's beautiful blue waters and magnificent natural environment. Just about every conceivable water sport is available to Nassau visitors via cruise ship excursion. This includes sailing, snorkeling, scuba diving, fishing and encounters with sea lions, dolphins, stingrays and pigs (yes, swimming pigs ).

Swimming pigs of the Bahamas in the Out Islands of the Exuma. (Photo by

Other cruise ship tours feature glass-bottom and jet boat excursions, catamaran sailings paired with reef snorkeling, deep-sea fishing and exclusive beach days with private cabanas.

While the luxurious Baha Mar resort on Nassau's Cable Beach does not offer day passes, savvy and sybaritic cruisers will reserve a room for the day for access to the property's premium facilities and amenities, including a private beach and beach club, motorized and nonmotorized watersports, a series of pools with shaded lounge chairs, cabanas and waterfall features. You can use 20,000 World of Hyatt points to book a day at the Grand Hyatt Baha Mar . Or, spend 10,000 points plus $140. You can start earning points for your next vacation with the World of Hyatt Credit Card.

Related: Everything you need to know about tipping on a cruise ship

nassau blog voyage

The British Colonial Hilton Nassau is another Nassau resort where you can use points. Spend 50,000 Hilton Honors points for a night's stay (which you'd use as a day room). You can earn points with the Hilton Honors American Express Surpass® Card or Hilton Honors American Express Aspire Card. Both cards offer hefty welcome bonuses, 130,000 and 150,000 points, respectively, after you meet the required spend of $2,000 within the first three months of account opening for the Surpass and $4,000 in the first three months of account opening for the Aspire. The information for the Hilton Aspire Amex card has been collected independently by The Points Guy. The card details on this page have not been reviewed or provided by the card issuer.

You can also look for a resort offering day passes .

ResortPass is currently selling day passes to the SLS Baha Mar for $100 per adult and $50 per child or $400 per Bungalow Pool Cabana or Baha Bay Beach Club Cabana that accommodates up to four people. You can also book day passes at the British Colonial Hilton Nassau for $100 per adult and $50 per child or $325 for a beach cabana accommodating up to four people.

Nassau's nearby private islands offer a premium beach experience within a 15- to 20-minute ferry ride. Most cruise lines offer shore excursions to Blue Lagoon Island, but travelers can also book a visit through a travel advisor or on their own online. The excursion tends to be popular and does sell out, so be sure to reserve early in your voyage or before you leave home.

At Blue Lagoon, cruisers can swim in a calm lagoon, enjoy kayaking, water-biking or snorkeling tours, play with water toys like floats and inner tubes, or simply relax in a beach hammock under coconut palms. Blue Lagoon offers a gift shop, changing rooms, restrooms and shower facilities.

Blue Lagoon Island Bahamas

Balmoral Island, Pearl Island and Sandy Toes also offer private-island experiences near Nassau.

Cruise travelers whose ships arrive early in Nassau may want to take the approximately one-hour drive to Stuart's Cove, where they can experience snorkeling, diving and swimming with sharks.

Related: 8 cabin locations on cruise ships that you definitely should avoid

Best beaches in Nassau

There's no shortage of great beaches in and around Nassau. In addition to the nearby private-island beach experiences, there are several local beaches within walking or short driving distance.

Junkanoo Beach

Junkanoo Beach is approximately a 15-minute walk from the cruise port, offering travelers an inexpensive and convenient way to enjoy some sun and fun. You can normally see your cruise ship from the nearby beach, and vendors selling buckets of ice-cold Kalik and Sands beer (the local favorites) can be found lining the beach. Don't forget to bring your towel; chairs are available for rent chairs from vendors. Some will package a bucket of beer with chairs and an umbrella.

Cabbage Beach

Cabbage Beach on Paradise Island is a 20-minute walk or short taxi ride away from Nassau just over the bridge that spans the islands. While beautiful. the beach's waters can be rough at times and the beach itself does not offer many amenities. However, locals parade up and down the beach offering chairs for rent and beverages sale. A long walk down the beach will bring visitors to Atlantis, where they can pose for their prerequisite Instagram shot.

Related: 7 tips for visiting Atlantis on a budget

Cable Beach

Cable Beach Nassau, Bahamas

Cable Beach is about a 20-minute drive from Prince George's Wharf and is accessible via taxi. A cheaper alternative is the No. 10 bus, which charges around $1.25 per person. The 2.5-mile-long beach is often described as Nassau's best, but it's one of hundreds across the Bahamas distinguished by bleach-white sands and remarkably clear blue waters. Cable Beach is home to several top Nassau resorts and offers a full array of watersports activities.

Other top Nassau beaches

Montague Beach is situated east of the Paradise Island Bridge and is home to a historic fort constructed in the 18th century. The beach promenade is a popular hangout on weekends and public holidays, with local vendors offering delicious local food and drinks. The beach is also a preferred spot for wading and picnicking.

Delaporte Beach is west of Cable Beach near the former plantation village of Delaporte. East of Nassau lies Saunders Beach, also popular with visitors and locals, and known for its beautiful twilight views.

The beach at Goodman's Bay features recreational facilities for children and is popular among joggers and exercise enthusiasts. Sandyport Beach is connected by a small bridge to the Venice-like resort Sandyport development near Cable Beach.

Related: The TPG guide to travel insurance for cruises

Where to eat and drink

True to its Caribbean traditions, the Bahamas' indigenous cuisine combines flavorful spices with fresh tropical fruit and seafood. Whether found at a lively outdoor market or gourmet restaurant, Bahamian gastronomy is filled with island flavor.

Local favorites

Conch fritters: A Bahamian delicacy (and fortunately bountiful in local waters), the queen conch forms the basis of the territory's undisputed favorite dish. Conch fritters are bite-sized flakes of conch meat fried in batter seasoned with goat pepper, hot sauce and sea salt, plus common Bahamian vegetables.

Conch fritters Bahamas

Peas and rice: Referred to locally as "peas n' rice," this traditional Caribbean dish, prepared in local Bahamian fashion, features deep brown pigeon peas and white long-grain rice seasoned with tomatoes, onions, thyme, tomato paste, goat pepper and salted pork or bacon. The ingredients combine to provide the rice its signature brown coloring.

Johnny cake: Made of flour, milk, butter, sugar and baking powder, this breakfast food is more bread than cake, with a texture that combines dense bread with a slightly sweet cake. As with other staple dishes, Johnny cakes are found around the Caribbean, with the Bahamas version traditionally baked in a large round pan until lightly browned then sliced and served in wedges.

There are a handful of Nassau food experiences visitors should definitely target during their day in port, from the casual to the exclusive. They include:

Potter's Cay conch shacks

The Potter's Cay conch shacks can be found beneath the high-arching bridge that connects Nassau to Paradise Island. Adjacent to lively fruit markets, the brightly colored conch shacks feature nearly 40 chefs in different shacks cooking fresh conch dishes in myriad ways.

Besides being a great place to sample an authentic Bahamian lunch featuring the freshest conch fritters and local dishes, the Potter's Cay shacks are a great place to interact with locals, other visitors and the chefs themselves as they chat about the day's catch and argue over a game of dominoes.

Check first with a local or with a frequent Bahamas visitor (like a travel advisor) to determine which stall is the best for the day. With 25 years in the same location, McKenzie, a former conch fisherman turned restaurateur, is a local celebrity among Potter Cay purveyors, with a shack positioned as the first on the bridge's west end.

Graycliff Hotel and Restaurant

About a 15-minute walk or a brief taxi ride from the cruise port, Graycliff Hotel is in a historic mansion whose extensive grounds were once an 18th-century pirate's headquarters. A visitor can spend an entire day exploring the property, which features one of the world's largest private collections, chocolate-making and cigar-rolling facilities, art galleries and craft shops.

The highlight, however, may be the hotel's five-star restaurant, an elegant eatery with a menu combining continental and Bahamian traditions. The sumptuous restaurant features four air-conditioned dining rooms and a garden dining area, with each room decorated to reflect the Graycliff's origins as a private home.

In keeping with its atmosphere, the dress code is strictly enforced at Graycliff Restaurant with required lunch attire described as "elegant casual."

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Where to shop

When you're shopping in the Bahamas, look for souvenirs like:

  • Original paintings, carvings and craftwork
  • Handmade garments in bright tropical colors
  • Wood carvings

Nassau's Bay Street retail district is steps of the cruise ship dock, but there are a few hidden shopping spots just a short taxi ride away.

Virtually adjacent to the cruise port is Festival Place, an outdoor bazaar featuring 45 vendors selling crafts, food and drinks. It's ideal for folks seeking last-minute souvenirs and gifts just before they depart aboard their ship and for arriving passengers in search of shopping close to the port.

Once an open-air affair, Nassau's long-running Straw Market is located in the center of the retail action on Bay Street and also offers Bahamian gifts, crafts and souvenirs. Bay Street also features a proliferation of high-end, designer stores selling luxury goods including apparel, jewelry, cosmetics and fragrances.

Straw Market, Nassau, Bahamas

It's also possible to take a taxi to reach Nassau's best-kept secrets when it comes to hand-crafted, original art and crafts, plus apparel and home goods:

Bahama Hand Prints

Established in 1966 by artists Helen Astarita and Berta Sands, Bahama Hand Prints (near the corner of Ernest Street and Okra Hill) offers "bold and brilliant" designs across a wide range of garments, accessories and home furnishings. Many of the colorful and contemporary objects still use the duo's original designs.

Alannah and David van Onselen, who purchased the company in 2018, have retained Helen and Berta's signature style and the shop's collection of vintage designs, while new print designs have been added to the catalog. All products are developed in-house, crafted by the shop's talented sewing team and visitors are encouraged to drop in at the factory, speak with the staff and watch the printers at work.

Craft Cottage Bahamas

Craft Cottage Bahamas is the premier showcase for locally made home décor, glassware, jewelry, soaps, clothing and artwork in Nassau. On the grounds of the Doongalik Studios & Art Gallery in Eastern Nassau, the charming shop and gallery features a diverse and eclectic array of Bahamian-inspired items and emphasizes traditional crafting techniques.

The facility is housed in a traditional Bahamian-style home that shares the grounds with a variety of local Bahamian artists who also use the property to work on their own art and products. The shop offers an extensive and impressive array of handcrafted jewelry, painted glass, straw bags and accessories including homemade soaps and bath products.

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Bottom line

While Nassau sometimes gets a bad rap as a "touristy" port of call and is often inundated by cruise travelers, the Bahamas' capital city is actually a diverse port with an impressive array of historic attractions, a variety of beach experiences, distinctive cuisine and extensive shopping opportunities. Nassau's Caribbean flavor, warm temperatures and beautiful natural environment have made the port a staple on cruise itineraries.

The Disney Cruise Line Blog

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The Disney Cruise Line Blog

Trip Log Day 3: 5-Night Bahamian Cruise from Port Canaveral, Florida (Disney Wish Maiden Voyage) – Nassau, Bahamas

Trip log, day three. Inaugura l Call to Nassau, Bahamas. 5-Night Bahamian Cruise from Port Canaveral, Florida (Maiden Voyage) July 16, 2022 Guests Ashore : 8:30 am  Guests Onboard : 5:15 pm

Wish Stateroom TV Map Nassau 20220716

Today is a big day, we are making the ceremonial inaugural call to Nassau. Ceremonial is a key word here in that the Disney Wish was previously in Nassau on July 5th during a test cruise . Busy schedule ahead, so it was up and out of the stateroom early to find a spot on deck to film the arrival.

So much for an impromptu game of shuffle board now that the equipment is only available from 9:00a-9:00p and must be checked out at Port Adventures and the Guest Services desk…. Not sure if this is just one of the remaining punch list items that needs to be complete, but there is no storage rack on deck 4 to hold the store the shuffle board equipment. I am giving them the benefit of the doubt for now given there is still work being done and there are still various levels of health protocols in place. It would be disappointing if this the new normal in the years ahead. Not only does it take away a spontaneous game, but also could lead to an awkward moment when you are finished and another group asks to play, but you tell them you must return the equipment like a library book and in doing so look like a jerk for not sharing. Besides, its not like this is a running/walking track anymore…

Disney Wish Shuffle Board

A little bit of Maiden Voyage pomp and circumstance surrounds the ceremonial arrival of the Disney Wish. As we approached, you could see a line of morning showers moving out like a theatrical curtain. Then, as we entered the port, the Disney Wish was welcomed by a traditional fireboat welcome. To cap it off, there was a rainbow.

Disney Wish Inagural Nassau Call

I set up on deck 5 promenade to capture the arrival of the Disney Wish in Nassau, and the footage is presented below as a time-lapse.

The Incredibles Incredi-Course was set up in Hero Zone and for about 5 hours the course was available for open play. Later in the day, The Incredibles Incredi-Games were held, which is a more of a structured competition.

Wish Incredi Course

Lots of plans for today, so I rope dropped the obstacle course and in doing so, I was able to see the course come to life which you will see at the beginning of the video below where I take on the Incredi-Course. Not only was I up against the obstacle course, but was also racing one of my neighbors – it’s a small world after all.

The Incredi-Course was a lot of fun, and by the turnout was really popular with guests of all ages. Well, guests 40″ and taller which is the only physical measurement restriction. Unfortunately, I lost the race, however, I am partially blaming this on the fact I lost a sock and turned back to retrieve it losing my early lead. Pro tip: in the spiral area, try to walk through the tubes, bear crawling was not a good technique.

Wish PALO Steakouse Brunch Menu

Next on today’s schedule was brunch at PALO Steakhouse at 10:30 AM. The food and company were great. Honestly, I didn’t miss the buffet component, but I do wish they utilized a antipasti cart similar to the way they used to bring it to the table during dinner service. Rather, the antipasti was pre-plated so depending on your group there may be some items that go to waste and other items that disappear in a hurry.

Wish PALO Steakhouse Brunch Bread

I really enjoyed the Limoncello Torte, it was not what I expected, in a surprisingly good way. Circling back to the old buffet on the other ships, A number of people in our group commented on the lack of pastries and in particular one of the PALO brunch favorites, sticky buns. While not the same, there is a sticky bun on the dessert menu.

Wish PALO Steakhouse Brunch Limoncello Torte

Our PALO Steakhouse brunch experience lasted a little over 2 and a half hours – please note this is a statement, not a complaint, as we had a nice view of Nassau, great (sorry excellent otherwise it is noted as not excellent which can be construed as a negative) service, and conversation. So, be prepared when planning for your day. If you have plans and are under a time constraint, it may be worth mentioning this to your server when you are seated so that accommodations may be made.

Remember earlier when I mentioned today was the ceremonial inaugural call to Nassau? Well, that’s because Bahamian officials and Nassau Cruise Port representatives were on board for a traditional plaque exchange ceremony to commemorate the inaugural call of the Disney Wish to Nassau. In attendance for Disney Cruise Line was Captain Marco, Thomas Mazloum (President of Disney Signature Experiences), and Sharon Siske (Senior Vice President, General Manager Disney Cruise Line).

Wish Nassau Plaque Ceremony

In a true multiverse and sacred timeline mashup, I was able to cover the event. Just kidding, this isn’t the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I could not have pulled this off without the help of some friends.

I had plans to meet up with a friend and go ashore around noon, but it was now 1:30 PM so time was tight due to some other plans later. The rain was moving back into the area, but not enough to keep us from walking around. Aside from the liquid sunshine, the weather was great. On the pier there was a carnival of sorts set up with local entertainers and there were even sno cones. Our spot at the dock offered a some great views of the bow which is difficult to photograph on the 3- and 4-night itineraries since the pier is not accessible at Port Canaveral, and she is backed in at Castaway Cay. If you want photos of the ship, Nassau offers the best viewing angles.

Disney Wish Inagural Nassau Call Pier

We walked around a bit stopping at a gift shop to pick up some hats and stopped at the Pirates Republic Brewery before heading over to see the Margaritaville Beach Resort, specifically the water park. At the time of publication, you can purchase a Fins Up Water Park day passes for $79 plus tax for adults and $35 plus tax for children (12 years and under). Given the weather and the timing of the day, we did not have an opportunity to experience the water park, but we did get a chance to walk around. It looks great and there is a nice view of the cruise ships.

Margaritaville Beach Resort Nassau

Please do not take this as a review or endorsement of the water park, just simply sharing that this exists. If you happen to head over there please let me know if it is worth the price. I will say, it was only about a 10 minute walk from the entrance to the cruise terminal. This is something that interests my family and we will be considering on a future stop back.

Margaritaville Beach Resort Nassau Disney Wish

Currently, the Nassau Cruise Port is currently in the midst of a major development project leaving the port entrance to be a series of tents and modulars. As you re-enter the secured port area, you can head back through a gate to get your passport stamped. Since, we just renewed our passports, my passport was craving the first stamp.

Temporary Nassau Cruise Port

The rain never bothered me anyway so why not take a few pictures before heading back onboard.

Disney Wish Inagural Nassau Call Pier Scott

To cap off today’s ceremonial inaugural call to Nassau, there was a Junkanoo held on the pier as we departed.

After drying out and cleaning up, it was down to 1923 for dinner . The restaurant is lovely and a great break from the dinner shows in the two other restaurants.

Wish 1923

Deck 5 is the new deck 4. There is something missing on the ships promenade deck and I’m not talking about a continues walking/running track – the rest of the chair pads are missing. It’s like someone ordered pads for seats, not loungers. Alternatively, this is could be a way to deter guests from relaxing for hours on end.

Disney Wish Deck 4 Promenade Lounger

Tonight in the Walt Disney Theatre we were treated to a special guest performance from Disney Legend, Jodi Benson, known best for giving Ariel her voice. The performance featured Benson singing songs from her life on Broadway and on screen with anecdotes about her career mixed in. We have now had the pleasure of seeing the voices of Megara from Hercules / Belle (Broadway), and now Ariel aboard a Disney cruise – Susan Egan was a special guest performer during our 9-night Alaskan cruise in 2017 .

Wish Walt Disney Theatre Jodi Benson

After the show, I noticed a Disney Wish magnet set in Mickey’s Mainsail. Also, I tried to figure out if the Disney Wish Maiden Voyage display was capable of swapping out the Maiden Voyage portion of the sign for something else… because, I could give this a good home if this is a just for this sailing. Best guess is that this will be swapped out for say, inaugural sailings, or turned around and just be a blank.

Disney Wish Merchandise Magnet Set

The Disney Dream was in the area, and sure enough, she could be see off the starboard side of the Disney Wish.

Disney Wish Rescue Boat 1 Disney Dream

Guess what? It was Pirate Night on the Disney Dream and we were close enough, I could hear guests onboard cheering during the finale. Not the best video, but video none the less.

Tonight’s movie on Funnel Vision was Soul, but it was already underway and I have yet to see the film so it was time to call it a night.

Disney Wish Funnel Vision SOUL

Watching over the stateroom was an octopus folded from the blanket.

Wish Stateroom Blanket Octopus

Tomorrow is our day at Castaway Cay, which I am hoping for better weather after two days of on and off liquid sunshine because I am eager to see the new items in the snorkeling lagoon.

Complete Trip Log Index

  • Day 1 – Port Canaveral, Florida
  • Day 2 – At Sea
  • Day 3 – Nassau, Bahamas
  • Day 4 – Castaway Cay
  • Day 5 – At Sea
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2 Replies to “Trip Log Day 3: 5-Night Bahamian Cruise from Port Canaveral, Florida (Disney Wish Maiden Voyage) – Nassau, Bahamas”

' src=

Loved the time-lapse video. The fireboat caption seemed to be having a great time. I am glad it was only your sock that fell off, as I could see some folks losing their shorts in the obstacle course.

' src=

was your family on this cruise with you?

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Exploring nassau: the perfect blend of history culture and natural beauty.

Uncover the captivating history, vibrant culture, and stunning natural beauty of Nassau in a way that will leave you craving more.

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Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Nassau offers a rich historical tapestry from pirate havens to British colonial rule.
  • Immerse in Bahamian culture through vibrant landmarks, cuisine, and architecture.
  • Explore natural wonders like white sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush landscapes.
  • Experience a perfect harmony of history, culture, and nature in Nassau's captivating blend.

Nassau's Rich History Unveiled

Cultural Delights of Nassau

exploring nassau s cultural gems

Natural Beauty of Nassau

  • White Sand Beaches : Nassau's beaches, such as Cable Beach and Cabbage Beach, boast fine white sand that's perfect for relaxation or beach activities.
  • Crystal-Clear Waters : The waters surrounding Nassau are known for their clarity, inviting visitors to snorkel and explore the vibrant marine life beneath the surface.
  • Lush Landscapes : From the turquoise waters to the lush greenery inland, Nassau's landscapes provide a stunning backdrop for your vacation photos.
  • Sunken Shipwrecks : Clifton Heritage Park on New Providence Island offers the opportunity to discover sunken shipwrecks, adding an element of adventure to your snorkeling adventures.

Nassau's Historical Landmarks

exploring nassau s historic sites

Immersing in Nassau's Culture

  • Explore Historic Forts: Nassau boasts iconic landmarks like the Queen's Staircase, Fort Fincastle, and Fort Charlotte, which stand as testaments to the island's resilient past.
  • Indulge in Bahamian Cuisine: Sample the vibrant flavors of Bahamian cuisine, a fusion of African, Caribbean, and European influences, at local eateries and street markets.
  • Relax on Stunning Beaches: Nassau's pristine beaches offer the perfect backdrop to unwind and soak in the island's natural beauty while immersing yourself in the local way of life.
  • Discover Ardastra Gardens: Visit the Ardastra Gardens, Zoo, and Conservation Centre to witness the diverse wildlife of the Bahamas and support conservation efforts that enrich Nassau's cultural experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the culture of nassau?, what is special about nassau?, what is the history of the nassau island?, what is the history of nassau in the bahamas?.

nassau blog voyage

Claire, a creative soul with an unquenchable thirst for storytelling, is an integral part of the Voyager Info team. As a dedicated writer, she weaves captivating narratives that transport readers to enchanting cruise destinations and beyond.

Claire’s love affair with writing began at an early age when she discovered the magic of words and their ability to craft worlds and emotions. Her innate curiosity led her to explore various literary genres, but it was travel writing that truly captured her heart. Drawing inspiration from her own globetrotting adventures and encounters with diverse cultures, Claire embarked on a journey to become a travel writer par excellence.

How Much Do Cruise Ship Performers Make

How Long Does Dizziness After A Cruise Last

' src=

Claire, a creative soul with an unquenchable thirst for storytelling, is an integral part of the Voyager Info team. As a dedicated writer, she weaves captivating narratives that transport readers to enchanting cruise destinations and beyond. Claire’s love affair with writing began at an early age when she discovered the magic of words and their ability to craft worlds and emotions. Her innate curiosity led her to explore various literary genres, but it was travel writing that truly captured her heart. Drawing inspiration from her own globetrotting adventures and encounters with diverse cultures, Claire embarked on a journey to become a travel writer par excellence.

nassau blog voyage

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  • 1.1 Climate
  • 1.2 Orientation
  • 2.1 By plane
  • 3.1 By water taxi
  • 3.2 By minibus
  • 3.3 By taxi
  • 3.5 By scooter
  • 3.6 By bike
  • 3.7 By foot
  • 7.1 Mid-range
  • 7.2 Splurge
  • 10 Stay safe
  • 11.1 Embassies

Nassau is the capital of The Bahamas . It is the largest city in the Bahamas and its low-rise sprawl dominates the eastern half of New Providence Island . The city's name is locally pronounced like "NAH-sor" but without the R.

Understand [ edit ]

nassau blog voyage

Founded around 1650 by the British as Charles Town , the town was renamed in 1695 to honor the ruling house in the Netherlands (and later England), which ultimately derives from Nassau Castle, Rhineland Palatinate . Due to the Bahamas' strategic location near trade routes and its multitude of islands, Nassau soon became a popular pirates' den , and British rule was soon challenged by the self-proclaimed "Privateers Republic" under the leadership of the infamous Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard . However, the alarmed British soon tightened their grip, and by 1720 the pirates had been killed, switched to more legitimate businesses or driven out.

Nassau grew immensely after the end of the American War of Independence as many loyalists (and their slaves) who did not move to Canada settled here. Later free Blacks - including those freed from illegal slave ships by the British Navy - settled here.

Nassau would again profit from events in the US during the American Civil War when blockade runners made a small fortune. US policy would again inadvertently benefit Nassau when it became a party destination for those who could afford it during prohibition. The Bahamas in general and Nassau in particular were one of the first destinations for the international "jet-set" of people rich enough and blessed with enough free time to take - then prohibitively expensive - jet aircraft to party locations around the globe. The Cuban Revolution of 1959 further benefited the local tourism industry as the new regime was a lot less lenient towards gambling Americans and the mob or other North American "bourgeoisie" owning everything worth owning in Havana. To say nothing of the US imposed restrictions on their own citizens visiting Cuba. Today Nassau has both become more accessible to people of more modest means and less exclusive due to it, but its close location to the US as well as its economic political and cultural ties to the US and the Commonwealth still make it a common tourist destination.

Today, with a population of 274,400 (2016), Nassau contains nearly 80% of the population of the Bahamas. However, it's still quite low-rise and laid back, with the pretty pastel pink government buildings and the looming giant cruise ships that dock daily.

Climate [ edit ]

Located slightly north of the tropics, Nassau has a tropical monsoon climate with considerable differences throughout the year in amounts of rain and rainy days. December to April are the driest months with 6-8 rainy days per month, whereas the rainiest time of the year corresponds to the Northern Hemisphere summer months. Temperatures are warm throughout the year.

Orientation [ edit ]

Orienting yourself in central Nassau is fairly easy. Bay Street , which runs parallel to the shore, is the main shopping street, filled with an odd mix of expensive jewelry boutiques and souvenir shops. The hill that rises behind Bay St contains most of the Bahamas' government buildings and company headquarters, while the residential Over-the-Hill district starts on the other side.

Get in [ edit ]

By plane [ edit ].

Nassau's 25.038889 -77.466111 1 Lynden Pindling International Airport ( NAS  IATA ) is the largest airport in the Bahamas. Most major U.S. airlines have flights to Nassau. There is also some service from Toronto and London .

The two most popular Fixed Based Operators (FBO) at Lynden Pindling International Airport are Executive Flight Services and Odyssey Aviation. Air taxi and air charter companies such as Jetset Charter [dead link] and Monarch Air Group fly a variety of private charter aircraft and jets, from charter luxury Gulfstream's down to economical piston twins for small groups and individuals into and out of Nassau.

The airport has seen better days, but the free drinks occasionally served on arrival and the live band serenading the Immigration hall help set the tone. There's a list of fixed taxi fares posted at the exit. It's about US$27 and 10 mi (16 km) to most hotels in central Nassau. No public transportation goes into the airport, but if you really want to take the bus, you need to walk out of the airport onto the main road (John F Kennedy Dr). Cross the road to catch the bus 12B that goes into the city center. There is no bus stop so just wait by the roadside and wave it down when it comes. Runs about every 30 min. Fare is $2.50.

For departures, there are three terminal concourses: domestic and charter flights, flights to the US, and non-US international flights. US Immigration/Customs preclearance can be very time-consuming, so show up at least two hours before your flight. Security for other destinations is considerably more laid back, and an hour should suffice.

By sea [ edit ]

Nassau is a favorite port of call for the many cruise ships plying the Bahamas . Up to seven cruise ships can dock at the Prince George Wharf Cruise Terminal adjacent to downtown Nassau. For island-hopping within in The Bahamas, a good option would be Bahamas Ferries , which has several sailings each week to Nassau from most other islands.

Get around [ edit ]


By water taxi [ edit ]

A water taxi service is an available alternative to a taxi to get to Paradise Island from downtown. It is picked up under the bridge and costs $6 round trip. The water taxi stops operating at 6PM.

By minibus [ edit ]

Minibuses (locally known as jitneys) act as the bus system of Nassau city and New Providence island. Jitneys are found on and near Bay Street. The famous #10 Jitney to Cable Beach loads passengers on George & Bay Streets (in front of McDonalds, across from the British Colonial Hilton). Other jitneys are located on Charlotte & Bay Streets. A bus will typically wait until it's full before departing. Understanding the various routes can be complex. Many have destinations painted on the bus, but there is no standard as they are run by multiple companies and individuals. Ask around for your destination. Note that there is no jitney that goes to Paradise Island (Atlantis Resort).

Journeys cost $1.25 per person, per ride. A round trip, even if not getting off the bus (ie: sightseeing), is counted as two rides. Payment is received by the driver when disembarking. No change is given, and there is no transfer credit for changing busses.

The jitney is definitely a very inexpensive way to enjoy the local culture. Be aware that the jitneys stop operating between 6 and 7PM. The only way back to downtown after 7PM is by taxi which can be quite expensive.

The buses (also called jitneys) are 32-seaters and travel to many parts of the Island. They operate from 6:30AM to 6PM daily, except on Sundays when there is limited service. The basic fare is $1 per person and $2 for areas on the outskirts of town. Exact fare is required. The schedule is as follows:

From Bay Street (opposite Parliament Street) to the Eastern end of the Island (including foot of the bridge to Paradise Island) and return -- Bus Numbers: 1, 9, 9A, 9B, 19, 21, 21A, 23

From Bay Street (opposite Market Street) to the Marathon Mall and return -- Bus Numbers: 1, 1A, 3, 19, 21

From Frederick Street (Bay Street) to Town Center Mall and return -- Bus Numbers: 4, 4A, 5, 5A, 6, 6A, 11A, 12, 15, 15A

From Bay Street (George Street) to Cable Beach and return -- Bus Numbers: 10, 10A

By taxi [ edit ]

Taxis, often minivans and always identifiable by their yellow license plates and little Gothic blackletter "Taxi" lettering, roam the streets of Nassau. They're equipped with meters but will usually refuse to use them, so agree on the fare in advance. A short ride from the airport to Cable beach costs $18, to downtown is $26. Expect to pay $15-20 for even the shortest of trips from downtown to Cable Beach. They cost $4 (per person, $11 minimum) from Paradise Island to Downtown.

By car [ edit ]

You could also rent a car . All major U.S car rental shops are in Nassau. Worthy of note for travelers from the UK is the very British feel of the roads. Bahamian roads are left-hand drive, have UK road signs, and the odd roundabout.

By scooter [ edit ]

Scooter (small motorcycle) rental is also popular in Nassau.

By bike [ edit ]

Bicycle rental is not popular and not recommended as traffic is bad, there are many blind corners in the old streets of Nassau, and cars drive recklessly and on the left side of the road, which you may not be used to.

By foot [ edit ]

Within downtown Nassau, you could walk around. Distances are very short and a walking tour is a pleasant way of exploring downtown Nassau.

See [ edit ]

nassau blog voyage

  • Take a walk around Old Town , an interesting mixture of abandoned buildings and bright Caribbean structures. It doesn't take long to get away from the over-scrubbed tourist areas in the very center. Walk ten minutes uphill to the pink 25.077738 -77.340488 1 Parliament House , which has a statue of an enthroned Queen Victoria out front.

nassau blog voyage

  • James Bond wrecks .  

Do [ edit ]

  • Bus tours are interesting. They'll drive you around, and tell you about the local government, tell you about different points of interest, and take you to old forts, and to Paradise Island, to see the famous Atlantis hotel resort and its stunning aquarium.
  • Golf: the best-known course is Royal Blue GC at Baha Mar east end of the city, designed by Jack Nicklaus. The President's Cup is played here in Sept 2023.

Buy [ edit ]

  • Straw Market , Bay St. Originally a locals' market, this is now devoted to touristy bric-a-brac. If you are in the market for some souvenirs, this is the place to come. Don't be discouraged by the initial price of things, as this is the only place you can haggle for a better one. Americans don't have to worry about exchanging any money either, as US currency is accepted universally.
  • Potters' Cay , under the Paradise Island bridge. Best known for its fish market, and there are plenty of stalls that prepare fresh conch salad, conch fritters and other Bahamian seafood delicacies, but there's plenty of other exotic tropical produce available too.

Eat [ edit ]

Get out of the hotel and try real Bahamian fare. You can get greasy fish, sides and desserts at one of the holes-in-the-wall in downtown Nassau for around $8. On the upscale side, there's no shortage of waterside seafood restaurants where it would be easy to part with $50 for an excellent piece of lobster. Sbarro, McDonald's and Chinese restaurants are mixed in to satisfy the budget diner or someone who has had enough conch.

Mid-range [ edit ]

  • The Shoal Restaurant and Lounge , Nassau Street , ☏ +1 242 323-4200 . Sa-Th 7:30AM-11PM, F 7AM-7PM . If the tourist crowds are getting you down, take a taxi out to where the locals eat. Enjoy fish that falls off the bone, friendly service, and a dessert of guava $10-20 .  

Splurge [ edit ]

  • 25.077146 -77.340214 1 Cafe Matisse , Bank Lane ( behind Parliament Sq, off Bay St ), ☏ +1 242-356-7012 . Tu-Sa noon-11 PM . Tucked away on a quiet lane, Matisse serves excellent Italian food with fresh local ingredients. Reservations recommended; try to get a seat in the delightful garden courtyard, which is shady by day and lit up at night. "Proper" dress (no shorts or sandals) required for dinner. $50-70 .  

Drink [ edit ]

Nassau isn't a spring break mecca for nothing. The club scene is nightly and rowdy. Some popular establishments:

  • Señor Frogs , ☏ +1 242 323-1777 . 11AM-3AM . Next to the cruise dock, beside a stinky sewer pipe. Check which way the wind is blowing before you order. Doesn't serve Kalik.  
  • [formerly dead link] Club Waterloo , East Bay Street . 8PM-4AM . On the north side of the island, about two miles from the dock.  
  • Cocktails and Dreams , West Bay Street , ☏ +1 242 328 3745 . Draws a sketchier crowd, although it is on the beach. Come here in a group.  
  • Club Fluid . Draws a very local crowd. You will get lots of recommendations from Bahamians you meet, but it is not a tourist club at all.  

Cover charges average $20, although all major hotels sell "passes" for $5. With a pass, cover charge is only $5, so you actually pay $10. Cover charges on weekends can climb up to $45, so it's a good idea to get a pass from your local taxi driver/hotel desk.

You can also opt for an all-inclusive entertainment pass, which will include a schedule. Expect to follow this itinerary with at least 5,000 other students. (It might be a good idea to pick up this schedule even if you don't plan on participating. It will give you a good idea of places to avoid on certain nights.)

Drinks in clubs can get expensive, depending on the club and its location. Many locals "drink up" before going out, to defray this cost. Otherwise they may be found in the parking lots with a cooler. Expect to pay at least $4 for a beer and $5 for a cocktail. The one exception is rum, which is cheap and plentiful. Cocktails with rum at a club will be strong.

Sleep [ edit ]

Many of Nassau's hotels are located outside the city core on Paradise Island or Cable Beach .

  • 25.078176 -77.345753 1 British Colonial Nassau , One Bay Street , ☏ +1 242 322-3301 , fax : +1 242 302-9010 . A hotel catering more to business travelers than package tourists. Occupies the site of a historical landmark (Fort Nassau), and has its own private beach, from which you get a fantastic view of the cruise ships going into, going out of, and berthed at the docks. Step out of the hotel and you're right downtown on Bay Street's shopping attractions. ( updated Nov 2016 )
  • 25.075764 -77.345608 2 Graycliff Hotel , West Hill Street , ☏ +1 242-302-9150 . ( updated Nov 2016 )
  • 25.077051 -77.344297 3 Towne Hote , George Street 40 . A slightly cheaper, downtown hotel. ( updated Nov 2016 )
  • Sunrise Oceanfront Cottage ( ), Eastern Point, Nassau, Bahamas ( Eastern Road travelling East, pass Prince Charles Drive T-junction on your right, beach on the left, after the 3rd house on your left, turn left, straight ahead yellow cottage on the ocean ), ☏ +1 242-324-0105 . $50 person .  
  • 25.069363 -77.39915 4 Grand Hyatt Baha Mar , 1 Baha Mar Blvd ( Located on Cable Beach ), ☏ +1 242 788 1234 . This Nassau luxury resort includes the Baha Mar Casino, along with the sumptuous spa, ESPA Baha Mar. Grand Hyatt Baha Mar Resort in Nassau, Bahamas offers a luxury stay for island getaways. ( updated Oct 2017 )

Stay safe [ edit ]

nassau blog voyage

The "Over-the-Hill" area south of downtown is the poorest part of Nassau, and tourists might want to be wary. It is, however, much nicer than "slums" in the Third World and, indeed, parts of the United States.

Some criminals target restaurants and nightclubs frequented by tourists. The most common approach is to offer victims a ride, either as a "personal favor" or by claiming to be a taxi, and then robbing and/or assaulting the passenger once in the car. Take care to ride only in licensed taxis, identifiable by their yellow license plates.

Be wary of touts offering goods and services. As in other tourist destinations, some people try to take advantage of visitors. Common ploys in Nassau are to try to convince you to join on jet-skiing or booze cruise excursions.

Locals may solicit tourists with offers of marijuana, hairbraiding services, or a taxi ride. It gets monotonous but a friendly "no, thank you" and moving on will keep both you and the local happy.

Most Cuban cigars for sale in Nassau are counterfeit. Buy only from reputable dedicated tobacconists. See warning on main Bahamas page.

There is a high crime rate in Nassau. US Dept of State has labelled New Providence "Critical" and Grand Bahama "High". Crime previously among drug-related groups has now moved toward armed robberies of tourists. Recent local news reports suggest this is not abating.

Cope [ edit ]

Embassies [ edit ], go next [ edit ].

  • Paradise Island , just across a bridge from Nassau. It is home to the lavish Atlantis hotel and resort.

nassau blog voyage

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Adventure of the Seas set for inaugural voyage from Nassau

The Adventure of the Seas pictured earlier this week. Photo: Donavan McIntosh/Tribune staff

As of Saturday, June 12, 2021

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AFTER a 50-year relationship with The Bahamas, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line has resumed sailing and will sail from Nassau during its inaugural homeport voyage on Saturday.

Russell Benford, VP of government relations at Royal Caribbean Group, says the cruise line’s home porting in The Bahamas is set to benefit the Bahamian economy tremendously.

“So after 15 months of not sailing from the Americas, I am really, really happy that the ‘Adventure of the Seas’ is home porting here in Nassau and she is going to sail her inaugural voyage from Nassau tomorrow (Saturday) and we are incredibly excited to be here this weekend,” Mr Benford said on Friday.

“We have thousands of our guests who have flown in from all over the world, mostly from the United States and they are going on a seven night voyage from Nassau and a week later they will return and we’ll have another ship of cruise passengers departing from Nassau. So we are super excited.

“Once those guests actually fly into The Bahamas, mostly from the United States … a lot of folks came in days ago …. so they were booking stays in hotels so you are seeing hundreds of hotel nights that have been booked by cruise passengers which is great for the economy.”

Cruise lines ran into trouble early in the pandemic when their passengers and crew became infected with COVID-19 and sailing was brought to a screeching halt by the US Centres for Disease Control. Mr Benford said that Royal Caribbean is doing everything to ensure the safety of its passengers, crew, and the people of The Bahamas.

“We are going to start at reduced capacity,” he explained. “We are going to start at a little bit less than 50 percent. The most important thing is that we return to cruising safely. We’ve worked for many, many months on a set of protocols to make sure that we keep not only our guests safe, but most importantly we want to make sure that we keep the people in The Bahamas safe as we return to cruising. We are also changing the way some things work on board the ship.

“With respect to the cruises that leave out of The Bahamas our policy is that 100 percent of our crew members are vaccinated, 100 percent of the adults are vaccinated and we do have some children who are not old enough to be vaccinated so they have to go through a different testing protocol. So the protocol for the Bahamas based ships is crew and guests will be vaccinated with the exception of children.”

Mr Benford said there are two types of cruises that will come to The Bahamas and both will be beneficial to the people of this country.

“There will be two types of cruises,” he explained. “Tomorrow we start with the home port ship. As it relates to the economy, one of the first conversations we had for example was with Bahamasair. So Bahamasair started to figure out how they were going to ramp up flights and fill seats on planes which was a very good thing.

“Folks are taking taxis from the airport to the hotel. They are taking limousines. They are taking buses. They are taking tours while they are here. They are shopping on Bay Street. They are spending money in the hotels and the resorts. They are eating at local restaurants. So as it relates to the home port ship, I think it’s a great shot in the arm for the local economy.

“And, then once the cruisers return later in June and early in July from the United States, Nassau will be a port of call day. Folks will come in early in the morning, they will take tours. Thousands of people will be taking tours. They will be shopping, eating at local restaurants.”

Grand Bahama will not be left out. Royal Caribbean understands the plight of that island which has had its share of setbacks due to Dorian and COVID-19 and it plans to assist in putting it back on its feet.

“I think it's great, not only for Nassau but we are also going to be in Freeport, Grand Bahama as well,” Mr Benford said. “For this inaugural cruise from Nassau, we are going to spend the whole day in Freeport. We have worked for months with the taxi association. We’ve worked with the people who own resorts … people who have attractions, just to make sure they are prepared and ready to receive our guests.

“Most importantly folks need to get back to work in both New Providence and in Grand Bahama. We’ve been interested in Grand Bahama for a long time. Royal Caribbean has actually had a presence in Grand Bahama for a long time. We are 40 percent owner of the Grand Bahama Shipyard and as you may have heard we are looking at acquiring maybe the Lucayan Hotel and some other things in Grand Bahama so this was a natural for us.

“We’ve been looking for years for additional capacity to bring our cruise ships and we think Freeport, Grand Bahama is a perfect place to do that. This is not just for Royal Caribbean, but we think the cruise ship industry has a lot of opportunity for growth in Grand Bahama so we are excited to be a part of that work.”

He said over the next year Bahamians will see the start of a transformation in Grand Bahama as it relates to the cruise industry and Royal Caribbean is happy to lead that effort.

He also said how excited guests are to return to cruising.

“We feel very good about where we are and our guests are incredibly excited,” he said. “I flew in yesterday. The airport was full of people at the immigration line. There was a long line of people when I checked into the hotel. The line was wrapping around so the energy is really high.

“I heard lots of people talking that they were going on a cruise Saturday morning, so we were incredibly happy to do this and just really proud to have come back here into The Bahamas as this is the first place where we have ever sailed a cruise ship to 52 years ago. I think it’s only fitting that when we return to cruising it happens in The Bahamas.”

TalRussell 2 years, 11 months ago

Not goin' take 50-years of close encounter of sailing the seas aboard a cruise ship to get to know, "What Does A Chain is As Strong As Its Weakest Set of a Rehearsed set of Protocols link goin' Mean" to the many, many months of rehearsing a set of protocols to safeguard the health of the many thousands of cruising passengers who are being lured to come aboard as willing Lab Participants at heavily discounted Sun n' Sea inaugural voyages out of the ships Temporary Home Port of Convenience (THPC) out Nassau? I sure as hell don't remember it being the Cruise shipowners who were the ones that ordered their ships to be brought to a screeching halt and immediately return to any port that will accept them, or to just drop the anchors of the ships? The Realm's ship registry has long been the Flag of Convenience (FOC) choice flown by many ships owned by the world's biggest shipowners.. Are we now adding, becoming a Temporary Home Port of Convenience (THPC), registry, yes?**

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John 2 years, 11 months ago

A fully vaccinated cruise set sail in the Caribbean. Two passengers just tested positive for covid.… ce liberty millelineum

Ship is owned by Royal Caribbean. Passengers in isolation. No immediate plans to terminate cruise. But will ports of call allow ship in or passengers to disembark?

JokeyJack 2 years, 11 months ago

It's hard to believe that over 9 billion people have died so far worldwide. When will it end?

Cruise ship visit seems to be successful. Many Bahamians smiling .

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Fire & Sunset Soirées

4-night round-trip sailing from Miami

Bahamian Rhapsody

Cruise from vibrant Miami to Nassau for a day spent splashing around in the cerulean waters or exploring the lively downtown scene. Afterwards, you’ll head to our private Beach Club experience in Bimini, Bahamas.

The Virgin Voyages Experience

From captivating coasts to laid-back island vibes, the exclusively adult cruise vacation of your dreams is here.

Terminal V at PortMiami

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Easy port access in Nassau

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Exclusive access to The Beach Club at Bimini

From beach bonfires to private cabanas and floaty pool parties — all in a resort-like experience where you can actually let your salty hair down.

The places you'll go

Miami, florida.

From the Wynwood art scene to the world-renowned shores of Miami Beach, the Magic City is a perfect collision of relaxation and cultural exploration.

From runaway lovers to famous pirates, rum smugglers to blockade runners — Nassau’s gorgeous backdrop has been featured in movies and real-life sagas.

Beach Club at Bimini

Besides exploring the islands’ incredible biodiversity, relax at our private beach club experience, Virgin Voyages Beach Club at Bimini.

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Fire & Sunset Soirées

Dive into the cerulean waters, explore the lively culinary and cultural synergies that permeate the hills of downtown, or set out through the Primeval Forest — soaking in the remarkably undisturbed tropical landscape of the Bahamian capital.

We’re making waves from the Caribbean to the Med, the Adriatic to the Red, and everywhere in between across 4 continents. Join us on an unparalleled journey of relaxation and indulgence, and discover the things — and the people — that make each destination so special. Because we didn’t build a cruise, we created a voyage.   Get a delicious taste of the modern romance of sailing that only a Virgin brand could pull off.

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  1. Notre voyage aux Bahamas

    Résumé voyage aux Bahamas. Les Bahamas, c'est le paradis ! Vous l'aurez compris, nous avons surtout adoré les plages et les nombreuses nuances de bleus. Nous avons été un peu frustré de ne pas découvrir plus d'îles en plus d'Exuma et de New Providence mais le budget ne nous le permettait pas.

  2. Bahamas Travel Guide (Updated 2024)

    The longest route is Nassau to Inagua, which is about 165 BSD and takes 90 minutes. Ferry - The ferry service in the Bahamas is run by Bahamas Ferries, with frequent high-speed services between Nassau and Eleuthera, and less frequent services between Nassau and Andros, Long Island, and Grand Exuma. Some of these routes take a long time ...

  3. I cruise almost every weekend: here's my walking tour of Nassau

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  4. 21 Secret Things to do in Nassau

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  5. The Ultimate Nassau Bahamas Travel Guide (From A Local ...

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  6. The Complete Nassau, Bahamas Travel Guide

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  9. The Perfect 3 Day Itinerary for Nassau Bahamas

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  10. The Bahamas Travel Guide

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    Blog Nassau Paradise Island. The Paradise Life. Live The Paradise Life and get inspired for your next Nassau Paradise Island vacation with travel tips, recipes, itineraries, insider info, and more! Categories. All. Beyond the Beach. Food & Drink. Kid Friendly. Island Info. For Couples. Fun Stuff.

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    Nassau offers a rich historical tapestry from pirate havens to British colonial rule. Immerse in Bahamian culture through vibrant landmarks, cuisine, and architecture. Explore natural wonders like white sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, and lush landscapes. Experience a perfect harmony of history, culture, and nature in Nassau's captivating ...

  15. Nassau

    Royal Caribbean's partnership with The Bahamas. In 2025, Royal Caribbean is set to open The Royal Beach Club, an exciting new option for cruise passengers visiting Nassau. The exclusive beach club will be located on Paradise Island, encompass 17-acres of property, and be available only to Royal Caribbean cruise passengers for an additional cost.

  16. Nassau

    The Shoal Restaurant and Lounge, Nassau Street, ☏ +1 242 323-4200. Sa-Th 7:30AM-11PM, F 7AM-7PM. If the tourist crowds are getting you down, take a taxi out to where the locals eat. Enjoy fish that falls off the bone, friendly service, and a dessert of guava $10-20. edit.

  17. Blackbeard's Revenge

    Fun for all ages, Blackbeard's Revenge daytime voyage is an interactive pirate adventure you wouldn't want to miss. Our all-pirate crew will take you back in time, reliving the days of the Golden Age of Piracy, as you set sail along Nassau Harbour. Children will get a chance to meet the captain and steer the ship (under proper guidance and ...

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  19. Adventure of the Seas set for inaugural voyage from Nassau

    AFTER a 50-year relationship with The Bahamas, Royal Caribbean Cruise Line has resumed sailing and will sail from Nassau during its inaugural homeport voyage on Saturday. Russell Benford, VP of ...

  20. Cruise to Nassau

    Hop in a Jeep and head through Nassau's lively shopping district, past stunning Cable Beach and into the indigenous New Providence Caves. Legend has it they housed pirate treasure during the 16th-17th centuries. The views are incredible, so have your camera ready for plenty of postcard-worthy pics.

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    VIRGIN VOYAGES Caribbean Cruise & a port in Nassau, Bahamas! 🚢 ️ Click my link to book your own Virgin Voyages 2022 (DISCOUNTED) cruise: https://www.virginv...

  22. Fire & Sunset Bahamas Cruise

    Fire & Sunset Soirées. 4-night round-trip sailing from Miami. Bahamian Rhapsody. Cruise from vibrant Miami to Nassau for a day spent splashing around in the cerulean waters or exploring the lively downtown scene. Afterwards, you'll head to our private Beach Club experience in Bimini, Bahamas. Itinerary Overview. The Virgin Way. Ports ...

  23. Blackbeard's Revenge

    Reservations: 2428182469. Let the adventure begin! Step onboard a 500-ton Spanish Galleon and set sail through the Nassau Harbour and Paradise Island. Blackbeard's Revenge is the only pirate ship charter tour in The Bahamas, private charters are best for:Birthday PartiesWeddingsReunions & Private Get-Togethers Corporate & Convention ...

  24. The Unseen Landscape

    If you have any questions about planting, selecting, and maintaining your garden, reach out to our Master Gardener Volunteer Help Desk at Nassau County's extension office for more tips. For all your questions about managing your gardens and landscapes, you may reach out to the Nassau County Master Gardener Volunteers at [email protected].