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À Singapour, le gratte-ciel végétalisé de Bjarke Ingels compte 80 000 plantes

Par Katherine McLaughlin

Looking down at the green oasis

Après quatre ans de travaux, le dernier projet de Bjarke Ingels Group vient d'être inauguré à Downtown Core, le quartier financier de Singapour . Son nom ? CapitaSpring. Sa hauteur ? 280 mètres, un nombre lui permettent de rejoindre le club restreint des plus hauts gratte-ciel de la ville. 

La société spécialisée dans l'innovation Carlo Ratti Associati (CRA) a collaboré avec le cabinet Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) pour concevoir cette tour épousant les principes de l'architecture biophilique. « Lorsqu'on a été invité à participer au concours d'architecture, on s'est tout de suite dit que cela représenterait une très belle opportunité. Faire équipe et unir nos forces avec BIG nous permettrait de travailler à l'élaboration d'un projet audacieux, unique », explique Carlo Ratti, fondateur de Carlo Ratti Associati, dans le communiqué de presse du projet. « La tour CapitaSpring ouvre donc aujourd'hui et je suis très fier des espaces communs du bâtiment et de la manière dont nous avons optimisé l'expérience des utilisateurs du lieu en nous appuyant à la fois sur la technologie et les éléments naturels. »

Openair lobby in CapitaSpring

La City Room, un espace ouvert de près de 18 mètres de haut. 

Outdoor pool at CapitaSpring

Les résidents ont accès à un ensemble d'équipements, dont une piscine.

Comportant 51 étages, la tour offre des espaces où travailler, se divertir ou tout simplement, vivre. Les habitations occupent les huit premiers étages et comprennent des équipements tels qu'une piscine, un jacuzzi, une piste pour courir, un gymnase, une cuisine, un salon des résidents et des emplacements pour barbecue. Les 29 derniers étages sont quant à eux réservés aux bureaux et ont déjà été presque totalement attribués, à hauteur de 99 % selon le communiqué de presse. 

Looking down at the green oasis

La Green Oasis se déploie sur 4 étages.

Si CapitaSpring dénote dans le paysage avec sa façade percée de subtiles ouvertures métalliques, c'est surtout l'importance que la tour accorde à la nature qui impressionne le plus ici. À l'extérieur, des jardins luxuriants débordent de la façade, tandis qu'à l'intérieur, un jardin en plein air de 35 mètres de hauteur environ, et appelé Green Oasis, couvre quatre étages situés entre les habitations et les bureaux. Mettant à l'honneur des plantes évoquant une forêt tropicale, ce jardin offre à la fois des espaces de travail, de promenade, de relaxation et peut accueillir des événements. La tour dispose par ailleurs d'un dernier grand jardin sur le rooftop . Quelque 150 espèces de fruits, légumes, herbes et fleurs sont cultivés ici par le restaurant qui y a élu domicile. 

Gérard Depardieu, la chute de son empire immobilier

Par Fanny Guénon des Mesnards

Frank Lloyd Wright : ses grands projets qui n'ont jamais vu le jour

Cet espace en plein air permet aux utilisateurs de se promener, de faire sport et de se relaxer dans la verdure.

C'est mission accomplie : avec plus de 80 000 plantes à l'intérieur et autour du bâtiment, la surface végétalisée atteint 8 300 m 2 . « CapitaSpring incarne un futur où la ville et la campagne, la culture et la nature fusionnent et coexistent, un futur où la nature urbaine peut se développer verticalement », ajoute l'architecte danois. 

A woman looks out over the city skyline from the rooftop garden

Des légumes et des herbes aromatiques sont cultivés sur le toit.

Étant donné la place accordée à la nature dans ce projet, il n'est pas tout à fait surprenant que la Building and Construction Authority de Singapour (Autorité chargée de l'urbanisme et des constructions) ait décerné à CapitaSpring les certifications Green Mark Platinum et Universal Design Gold Plus. En plus de sa végétation luxuriante, la tour comprend de nombreux équipements s'inscrivant dans le cadre du Plan vert 2030 de Singapour, à savoir 165 emplacements pour vélos et une piste cyclable de 600 mètres autour du bâtiment. 

Article publié initialement dans AD US .

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Vegetarian & Vegan Food Tour in Singapore

Vegetarian & Vegan Food Tour in Singapore

  • LOCATION: Singapore, Singapore
  • PRICE: $100
  • Have a question?: Click Here to Contact Us

Explore Singapore's culture and cuisine on this fun, feel-good and meat-free food walk! Join me on a gastronomic adventure through Singapore’s first heritage town, Joo Chiat. Savour meatfree versions of popular local food and drink from boutique cafes, hole-in-the-wall restaurants and even off-the-beaten-track food establishments that specialise in traditional recipes and century-old techniques. Expect an experience full of spectacle – we’ll pop behind-the-scenes right into kitchens, meet traditional food artisans and step into stories that date back 200 years! Walk the backstreets with me and discover the secrets, history and magic of a neighbourhood where old-world charm meets a hip downtown vibe.

✔️ Surprise stops! ✔️ A delicious and local food experience ✔️ 10-12 tastings of local food and drink (enough for big meal) ✔️ Experienced, friendly and entertaining local guide

Other things to note: We start and end the walk at different locations. Please arrange your own transportation to and from the meeting point. This walk takes place rain or shine.

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Une tour végétalisée pour absorber la pollution urbaine

À Singapour, cette tour verdoyante voit le jour après cinq années de travaux. Un vrai défi à relever pour que les immeubles d’aujourd’hui puissent contribuer à la transition énergétique et à la réduction des pollutions urbaines.

Par Alix Fieux

Mis à jour le 19/08/16, 08:17

Publié le 18/08/16, 15:33

Tour Oasia dans le quartier d’affaires de Singapour. Crédit photo: Patrick Bingham-Hall/Woha

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Toit potager , maison-serre et cloisons en bananier recyclé , au Figaro Immobilier les bonnes idées pour un habitat sain et durable ne manquent pas. Aujourd’hui, c’est au tour des gratte-ciel de se mettre au vert. À Singapour, c’est en effet un immeuble entier qui a été recouvert de végétaux. Dans ce pays où la chaleur écrasante est souvent décuplée par les nombreux buildings de verre et d’acier, le cabinet d’architecture WOHA a donc décidé d’innover et de construire une tour écologique.

singapour tour vegetale

Le point fort de cette tour singapourienne baptisée «Oasia»? Sa grande façade de trente étages a été intégralement conçue avec une maille d’aluminium plus légère, puis recouverte par une vingtaine de variétés de vignes fleuries et de plantes rampantes. Grâce à ce tapis végétalisé refroidissant, les réflexions solaires sur la façade de l’immeuble sont considérablement réduites et l’ isolation thermique du bâtiment bien plus performante. L’humidité des plantes permet au bâtiment - ici des chambres d’hôtel - de conserver leur fraîcheur mais aussi d’absorber la pollution ambiante du centre-ville grâce aux nombreux végétaux. Un bon point pour réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et tenter de limiter le réchauffement climatique à 2°C, surtout dans les régions tropicales comme celle-ci.

singapour tour vegetale

Une nouvelle ère des tours vertes

S’en est désormais fini des immeubles gris de verre et d’acier, les gratte-ciel esthétiques et écologiques semblent faire progressivement leur grande entrée en ville. Il y a quelques mois, Le Figaro Immobilier évoquait d’ores et déjà le «Paris Smart City 2050», un grand projet pour la mise en route d’une capitale écoresponsable avec la naissance de tours végétalisées à perte de vue . À l’appui des technologies déjà existantes, la Tour Montparnasse et le jardin du Luxembourg pourraient par exemple former à eux deux un véritable Time Square parisien ! D’ailleurs si vous habitez vous-même la capitale, sachez que vous pouvez demander votre permis de végétaliser auprès de la mairie.

singapour tour vegetale

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Une tour verte a poussé à Singapour

Oasia Downtown Hotel

Oasia Downtown : passer du rouge au vert

Oasia downtown : une touche de fantaisie, oasia downtown : de la lumière naturelle à l'intérieur, oasia downtown : végétalisation en cours, oasia downtown : vert-ical, woha : sota.

singapour tour vegetale

Dans la ville-jardin, pour lutter contre la pollution on fait pousser de la végétation… dans les gratte-ciel. L'Oasia Downtown Hotel, conçu par le cabinet d' architectes Woha, a été imaginé comme une succession de jardins empilés les uns sur les autres. Une façon de lutter contre l'étalement urbain et le réchauffement climatique. Découverte.

Un immeuble écoresponsable au cœur d'une métropole ultra-dense.


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Médicis Immobilier Neuf
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Singapour : quand une tour végétalisée absorbe la pollution urbaine

Icône du temps de lecture

Cinq années auront été nécessaires à la réalisation du projet. Dans le centre de Singapour, une tour végétalisée a été pensée et édifiée dans le but d’absorber la pollution urbaine. Un défi architectural et environnemental qui met une nouvelle fois cette problématique à l’honneur : comment l’immobilier peut-il contribuer à la transition énergétique ? « Oasia » est d’ores et déjà une belle réponse.

« Oasia » ou la tour qui lutte contre la pollution urbaine

À Singapour, les gratte-ciel se mettent au vert. Le cabinet d’architecture WOHA a livré cet été un immeuble recouvert en totalité par des végétaux. Baptisée « Oasia », la tour a pour but de réduire la pollution urbaine dans cette ville très polluée.

La conception de l’ensemble repose sur une immense façade de trente étages réalisée en maille d’aluminium très légère. Cette dernière a ensuite été recouverte de vignes fleuries et de plantes rampantes (plus de 20 espèces au total).

Alors que la chaleur est très souvent étouffante à Singapour, ce tapis végétal permet de refroidir les habitations en réduisant les réflexions du soleil sur la façade. L’isolation thermique d’« Oasia » est optimisée à son maximum. En effet, les plantes humides permettent à la fois de maintenir la fraîcheur dans les chambres de l’hôtel tout en absorbant la pollution urbaine grâce aux mécanismes des végétaux.

Les gratte-ciel écolos à l’honneur

Partout dans le monde, l’immobilier s’est paré d’une forte préoccupation environnementale. Pour parvenir à limiter les gaz à effet de serre, et donc le réchauffement climatique, les gratte-ciel écologiques font leur entrée en scène dans les grandes villes. On citera notamment le « Paris Smart City 2050 » projet qui verra la construction de tours végétalisées dans la capitale française. Impossible également de passer à côté du Bosco Verticale, véritable immeuble forêt inauguré dans le quartier de Porto Nuova à Milan en 2014. L’architecte Stefano Boeri a ainsi intégré un hectare de végétation sur deux immeubles résidentiels de 80 et 112 mètres de haut.

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From $119 Dive deep into food streets, busy local markets and iconic hawker centres.


From $119 Enjoy heritage food from local cultures and step into stories that date back 200 years!


From $99 Enjoy a fascinating insight into Peranakan culture and the shophouse architecture.


From $139 Gain a deeper insight into Singapore's 30 by 30 strategy for food sustainability.


From $89 Solve fun puzzles and riddles to uncover hidden gems and collect food to fill your basket.


From $89/$189 Singapore's first Ayurveda Wellness Tours, in collaboration with the Singapore Tourism Board.


From $119 It's a moving feast of sweet and savoury surprises in Singapore's ultimate dessert tour!


From $119 Explore the use of tropical flowers and seasonal fruits in traditional and modern cuisine.

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Immeuble antipollution : l'exemple de Singapour

À Singapour et dans les grandes métropoles, des projets emblématiques voient le jour et se multiplient alors que la ville, en quête de verdure, cherche à réduire son empreinte carbone. Retour sur les particularités de la tour Oasia et les conditions techniques de réalisation des projets architecturaux végétalisés.

Façade d'immeuble végétalisé anti pollution

Oasia : l’îlot luxuriant du centre des affaires singapourien

Une tour bien singulière se démarque au cœur du Central Business District de Singapour. Pas moins de 21 espèces végétales parcourent la façade de l’Hôtel Oasia qui se veut être un véritable écosystème, tranchant avec l’uniformité austère du centre d’affaires traditionnel.

Si l’enveloppe orangée du bâtiment reste encore apparente, elle devrait avec le temps être entièrement recouverte par la végétation et attirer une faune locale d’insectes et d’animaux qui y trouveront un refuge idéal à l’abri des regards, de la chaleur et de la pollution. En plus de la façade, la tour abrite 4 jardins qui percent le volume et laissent la  ventilation naturelle  opérer à travers le bâtiment. À la clé, des économies considérables en climatisation, un poste de dépenses énergétiques particulièrement important dans les régions exposées à de fortes chaleurs saisonnières.

Fait intéressant : ce bâtiment, construit sur le site d’un ancien parc, surpasse de dix fois la quantité de verdure initialement présente sur les lieux. Une réussite pour le principal architecte, Wong Mun Summ, dont les intentions sont très claires. Sa création symbolise un engagement vers la  durabilité  en lieu et place du consumérisme ambiant.

Reconnues par ses paires, ce projet d’architecte innovant a été récompensé par plusieurs prix : le Green Good Design 2017-2018 décerné par le Centre européen de l’architecture de l’art, du design et de l’urbanisme, le Prix d’Excellence accordé par l’édition 2017 de l’ Urban Land Institute  (ULI) ou encore le Prix d’Honneur de l’année 2018 par le  Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat , une organisation non-gouvernementale internationale engagée dans le design urbain durable.

Plus généralement, Singapour est friande de jardins suspendus et de tours végétalisées, véritables îlots de fraîcheur pour les habitants de l’une des régions les plus densément peuplées au monde et qui se doit de relever le défi de la  verticalité durable .

Les immeubles antipollution : une solution d’avenir ?

Pour contribuer à la  réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre  (GES) et renforcer le bien-être des citadins, les constructions contemporaines s’appuient sur plusieurs principes.

Dès la conception, les projets d’architecture durable s’emploient à privilégier les  matériaux de construction à faible impact environnemental,  ce qui inclut leur empreinte carbone tout au long du cycle de vie, depuis leur fabrication jusqu’à leurs conditions de recyclage en fin de vie. Le recours à des matériaux biosourcés est un bon moyen de mettre à l’œuvre les capacités de stockage du CO2.

Le fonctionnement du bâtiment est également anticipé selon le principe de l’ économie d’énergie  et de l’ usage intelligent des ressources . Les niveaux d’isolation doivent garantir une dépense minimale en énergie de chauffage en conservant la chaleur produite le plus longtemps possible à l’intérieur du bâtiment. Les systèmes de ventilation en place assurent un renouvellement de l’air suffisant pour offrir aux habitants une  qualité de l’air  optimale, avec l’appui de solution de ventilation naturelle, comme dans le cas de la Tour Oasia.

Les ressources disponibles sont exploitées dès que possible. C’est le cas des eaux de pluie pouvant être récupérées afin d’alimenter les systèmes d’arrosage indispensables aux façades et toitures végétalisées. Un système là encore exploité par la tour Oasia. Autre avantage du  stockage des eaux pluviales  : celles-ci permettent de rafraîchir la toiture en plus d’assurer l’irrigation continue même en période de sécheresse. Cette solution permet par ailleurs de soulager les voies d’évacuations en cas de fortes intempéries.

Enjeux pour la ville de demain

L’ effet de serre  est un phénomène indispensable à la survie des humains sur Terre. Sans lui, la température moyenne à la surface du globe tournerait autour des -18 °C. Son ampleur doit néanmoins être contenue afin de ne pas basculer vers un autre extrême tout aussi délétère pour nombre d’espèces vivantes.

Les villes et grandes métropoles sont le siège d’émissions considérables en gaz à effet de serre, et les constructions de demain doivent apporter des solutions concrètes aux menaces du changement climatique. L’implantation des végétaux contribue à limiter la concentration des  GES dans l’atmosphère urbaine . D’une part, car ils stockent le carbone et, d’autre part, car leur présence augmente la sensation de confort thermique des habitants ce qui les pousse à réduire leur consommation en énergie.

Conditions techniques à remplir pour la végétalisation des bâtiments

Pour accueillir une végétation dense, le bâtiment doit présenter certaines caractéristiques. Un toit végétalisé requiert une couverture dont la pente, les matériaux et les profilés en place sont adaptés à la charge, en tenant compte des besoins en irrigation. L’ étanchéité  doit ainsi être  conforme au DTU  avec les équipements incontournables à l’évacuation des eaux pluviales et une membrane anti-racine pour assurer la durabilité du bâtiment végétalisé. La dimension des acrotères* entre également en ligne de compte et doit garantir un relevé d’étanchéité à la hauteur de l’installation.

En architecture moderne, l’acrotère est un petit mur qui borde les toitures plates ou terrasses et prolonge le mur de façade afin principalement de faciliter le relevé d’étanchéité de ce dernier

Adesol : des produits haut de gamme pour des projets d’envergure

Adesol se positionne depuis plus de 50 ans à la pointe de l’innovation pour le développement et la commercialisation de profilés de construction et de finition ainsi que des solutions techniques pour les bâtiments parasismiques.

Dans une optique de durabilité et d’adéquation du bâti dans son environnement, Adesol propose des  produits haut de gamme  et aux  multiples finitions soignées  réalisables  sur-mesure  pour accompagner les besoins de chaque projet.

En façade, sur les toitures, au niveau des joints de dilatation et des angles de murs, les professionnels du bâtiment peuvent compter sur des produits conformes aux réglementations en vigueur et sur les conseils du  bureau d’étude Adesol  pour leur mise en œuvre dans les règles de l’art.

Si vous êtes intéressé par la découverte de notre savoir faire, n’hésitez pas à nous poser vos questions.

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Adesol Groupe

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Vegetarian Food Tour in Singapore

singapore vegetarian food tour

On this morning tour, vegetarians can eat their way through Singapore’s gastronomic paradise with experienced local foodie guides. Many culinary tours don’t consider the needs of vegetarians and vegans, but this tour has picked out the best vegetarian dishes from all the cultures that make up Singapore. Visit stores and markets as well as restaurants and learn about Singapore’s food culture and history from your knowledgeable guide.

General information

singapour tour vegetale

You can pay online

24-hour refund policy

The tour starts at 10:00 hrs

Included / excluded

singapour tour vegetale

Meeting point

Tekka Market Taxi Stand on Race Course Road (Little India MRT Exit C).

What to bring


Magnifique : la végétation envahit la façade de cet hôtel de Singapour

Magnifique : la végétation envahit la façade de cet hôtel de Singapour

Lisa Hör - Publié le 6 mai 2017

GRATTE -CIEL - Le cabinet d'architecte WOHA a planté 54 espèces de plantes sur cette tour. D'ici peu, elles auront recouvert toute la façade et créé un écosystème à part entière.

Dans la mégalopole de Singapour, les passants ont l'habitude de marcher sous des gratte-ciel immenses et gris. Mais depuis avril 2016, la nature a fait son retour en ville. Une tour de plus de 190 mètres de haut se couvre peu à peu d'une végétation luxuriante.

Il s'agit de l'Oasia Hotel Downtown, conçu par le cabinet d'architectes WOHA .

" Nous voulions autant d'espèces que possible pour recréer un écosystème , déclare l'architecte Wong Mim Summ au site Wired . Les fleurs attirent les insectes et les plantes grimpantes sont pour les écureuils et les lézards. "

© Patrick Bingham-Hall

En tout 54 variétés de plantes différentes poussent dans 1973 pots fixés derrière la façade grillagée, à travers laquelle percent maintenant des feuilles.

Une immense façade végétalisée

Au fur et à mesure que les plantes grandissent et s'étendent, le rouge de l'aluminium est caché par la verdure. Cette façade végétale impressionnante devrait avoir d'ici deux ans une surface de 25 490 m 2 .

Apporter une touche de verdure dans la salle de bain avec un mur végétal.

Wong Mim Summ insiste sur la dimension écologique de sa création : " Il y a des jardins ouverts, de sorte qu'il n'y a pas besoin de ventilation méchanique dans les 314 chambres d'hôtels et les 100 bureaux."

Quant à l'eau nécessaire pour irriguer les plantes, elle provient majoritairement de la pluie.

Les visiteurs et les travailleurs de cette tour profitent donc d'une nouvelle biodiversité. Admirez plutôt.

K. © Kopter


Tuto : Réalisez un mur végétal avec des planches en bois brulé pour verdir votre balcon

tours et gratte-ciels

Un nouveau concept de ville verticale futuriste imaginé à Tokyo

2 min à perdre

Aglaé, la start-up qui veut illuminer la ville avec des plantes et des fleurs luminescentes

Elle rénove la grange de son oncle pour en faire sa maison avec une piscine d'intérieur

Elle rénove la grange de son oncle pour en faire sa maison avec une piscine d'intérieur

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Cette famille a quitté la ville pour rénover une maison de 1730 en Bretagne

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Cette architecte d’intérieur nous explique comment réussir une rénovation durable

L'idée repérée.

chez Castorama

Tous au balcon !

Tous au balcon !



sur les réseaux sociaux

Votre dose de bonheur hebdomadaire

Recevez chaque semaine le meilleur de 18h39 !


Avoir du lierre sur la façade de sa maison : bonne ou mauvaise idée ?

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Cet immeuble résidentiel de Montpellier a été élu le plus beau du monde !

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Incroyable mais vrai : les Américains ne connaissent pas les volets roulants

Une forêt artificielle à Singapour

Ouvert au public en 2012, la « Bay South Garden » est devenu l’un des emblèmes de la ville de Singapour. Fresque tropicale éclatante, le jardin-cité étale sa verdure sur une centaine d’hectares. La végétalisation des villes est devenue un enjeu majeur aujourd’hui alors que la population est principalement urbaine. Les bienfaits sont multiples : renouvellement de l’air pollué, amélioration du bien-être, évacuation des eaux pluviales, amélioration de l’acoustique…. La prouesse architecturale de Singapour en est l’exemple le plus grandiose . Elle est reconnue comme «World Building of the Year”. Cette distinction ainsi que les 13.2 millions de touristes, chiffre record, prouve que le parc paysager a su séduire à l’international.

Une forêt artificielle à Singapour

Super-arbre et serre - © CEphoto, Uwe Aranas, CC BY-SA 3.0nde

Des arbres d’acier et de bétons

Aux commandes, le cabinet d’architecte Grant Associate , grand gagnant de l’appel d’offre lancé par Singapour. Il a collaboré pendant 5 ans avec l ’Atelier 10 pour concevoir le plus grand des trois jardins. « Gardens by the Bays » est à bien des égards impressionnants. Sa forêt artificielle est sans conteste l’élément le plus vertigineux. Véritable matérialisation du concept de biomimétisme , les arbres d’acier et de béton s’inspirent du vivant pour en tirer des solutions et innovations énergétiques au service de la ville. 

Culminant à 50m pour les plus téméraires, les 18 super-arbres de la forêt artificielle de Singapour accueillent en leur sein plus de 163 000 plantes . 200 espèces végétales tropicales recouvrent les armatures. En effet, ces plantes sont grimpantes comme en témoigne les nombreuses ramifications des orchidées -symbole de la ville- fougères et vignes sauvages. Ces plantes apportent deux bienfaits écologiques immédiats. Une part de ces végétaux étant en voie de disparition, les inclure dans un tel programme encourage leur sauvegarde . Les végétaux sont également un cadeau pour la biodiversité locale . Les cycles naturels de reproduction et d’alimentation de la faune locale sont protégés et encouragés par la présence de ces gigantesques jardins. 

Une structure biomimétique

Le principe même du « jardin dans la ville » veut que le design des arbres artificiels imite celui des organiques . Tout d’abord, un noyau solide de béton armé est placé au centre de l’arbre. Il s’agit de la charpente devant soutenir l’ensemble. En comparaison, le noyau joue le rôle du duramen, le squelette lignifié de l’arbre.  Autour du noyau solide se trouve l’aubier, la partie périphérique du tronc plus souple et vivante. Ici, c’est un cadre en acie r qui la remplace. Enfin, l’écorce végétale s’installe en dernière couche. Elle est la peau vivante des super-arbres d’acier, supportant les milliers de plantes tropicales. Au sommet, la canopée s’étire dans le ciel. Elle forme un parapluie inversé et supporte les installations énergétiques.

Performance énergétique et économie des ressources

La canopée est conçue de sorte à remplir le rôle d’un vrai branchage . 

• En lieu et place de la photosynthèse, des panneaux photovoltaïques récupèrent l’énergie solaire pour son propre fonctionnement. 

• La deuxième fonction de la canopée est la gestion de l’eau . Ainsi des systèmes de récupération d’eau de pluie sont mis en place. Leur forme atypique, en entonnoir, est également pensé dans un but bien particulier. Les arbres sont utilisés pour rafraichir les serres adjacentes via un système de tunnels qui conduit l’air chaud des serres vers les super-arbres. L’entonnoir de la canopée, ou hyperboloïde de révolution, amène par sa forme géométrique un mouvement naturel d’aspiration de l’air chaud de la serre vers l’extérieur. Les arbres sont donc utilisés comme tour de refroidissement en éjectant l’air chaud des serres. Un système dit dessicant est couplé au refroidissement des serres. Il récupère l’humidité de l’air chaud de la serre pour la restituer sous forme d’arrosage aux plantes

• Enfin, la dernière considération écologique et énergétique est le brulage de biomasse permettant la production de chaleur et d’électricité. Les déchets des végétaux sont aussi convertis en engrais naturels (amendement organique).

Bilan énergétique : des économies coûteuses

Le jardin a été pensé de façon à optimiser la gestion des ressources et être autonome . En guise de quantification, les jardins d’hiver de « Gargen by the Bays » ont économisé 741 539 m3 /an d’eau et 16 800 kWh/an . De plus, les méthodes de refroidissement des serres permettent d’ économiser 30% de la consommation d’énergie par rapport aux méthodes conventionnelles. Sa gestion particulièrement efficace lui a valu l’accréditation Green Marck de Singapour. Cependant, cette gestion n’est pas gratuite ; la création de l’ensemble des infrastructures a été estimée à  1 milliard de dollars.

Louise Burille

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Farms in Singapore – 13 Mostly Free Vegetable & Animal Farms in Singapore


If you can stop playing Farm Heroes Saga or Farm Frenzy for just a moment, you’ll realise that there are actually quite a lot of real farms that Singaporeans can visit.

You know, farms? Those big plots of land where you can see real live plants and animals before they get harvested and eaten? No, I’m not asking you to drive to Malaysia – they’re all right here in Singapore. Some might even be in your neighbourhood.

Not only are farms educational and Instagrammable, they’re also either free or very cheap to visit . Bookmark this page for those “waiting for payday” family outings or dates.

13 vegetable & animal farms in Singapore to visit

Bollywood veggies.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Bad Wolf (@bad_wolf_001) on Jul 27, 2018 at 10:09am PDT

All right, let’s get the obvious out of the way. Bollywood Veggies in Kranji Countryside is probably the most high-profile veggie farm in Singapore (yes, there’s more than one).

It’s free to enter and wander around Bollywood Veggies during their opening hours. You can support them by buying their produce or dining in at the reasonably-priced Poison Ivy Bistro .

For groups of 20 or more, you can book them for a guided farm tour ($12 to $15/pax) or other hands-on activities like paddy planting ($15 to $18.50/pax) and harvesting produce ($12 to $15/pax). List of paid activities here .

Address: 100 Neo Tiew Road, Singapore 719026

Hay Dairies Goat Farm Singapore

View this post on Instagram A post shared by @ladypagaaphotography on Mar 8, 2018 at 8:36am PST

Another big attraction of Kranji Countryside is Hay Dairies , the only goat farm in Singapore.

It’s free to enter, but the farm tour package for groups of 10 or more is one of the cheapest around. It costs $6.42/person and includes goat milk to take away, a souvenir and hay for feeding goats. 

If you come in the afternoon, the package is $4.28/person, which is cheaper because goat milking time is over, so there’s no orientation or explanation of the milking process.

Address: 3 Lim Chu Kang Lane 4, Singapore 718859

Farmart Centre

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Liyana Ibrahim (@orangebubblegum) on Nov 12, 2017 at 4:50am PST

Not quite as famous as Kranji Countryside but still very much worth a visit, Sungei Tengah is another cluster of farms near Choa Chu Kang.

The main highlight here is Farmart Centre , an educational animal farm complete with goats, bunnies, birds, frogs, tortoises, fish and hamsters. Admission is totally free and you can feed the animals too.

For groups of 30 or more, paid guided tours are available at just $6 or $8/person.

Address: 67 Sungei Tengah Road, Singapore 699008

Qian Hu Fish Farm Singapore

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Qian Hu Fish Farm (@qianhufishfarm) on Dec 4, 2015 at 1:22am PST

While you’re at Tengah, nearby Qian Hu Fish Farm is worth a visit too. This is one of the largest ornamental fish farms in Singapore so there’s lots of marine life to observe.

While gawking at the colourful fish, rays and corals are probably sufficient entertainment for hours, they also offer a range of affordable activities for groups of 20 or more.

There’s a guided farm tour ($3 or $4 per adult), longkang fishing ($8 including tour) and weekday fish spa package ($7 per person). For mo re details, see the Qian Hu Fish Farm website .

Address: No. 71 Jalan Lekar, Singapore 698950. Free daily shuttle bus service available.

The Animal Resort

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Shafik (@shafikxz) on Aug 29, 2018 at 4:46am PDT

The Animal Resort is more of a zoo than an animal farm. It’s a nice place for any animal lover to spend some time as the animals here aren’t reared for food purposes.

There are farm animals like chicken, ducks and geese, plus exotic birds, guinea pigs and rabbits to feed. But the star attraction here is a retired chestnut racehorse called “PIN Number”.

Best of all, it’s completely free to visit. For groups of 25 or more, there are paid group tours from $3 to $8 per person, and you can add on $4 for stream fishing (kids only), or $10 if you want to bring the fishies home.

Address: 81 Seletar West Farmway 5, Singapore 798061

Quan Fa Organic Farm

View this post on Instagram A post shared by ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀egg3 (@eggthree) on Jun 30, 2018 at 8:37am PDT

Over at Murai Farmway off Lim Chu Kang Road, the most visitor-friendly farm is Quan Fa , one of the biggest organic vegetable farms and distributors in Singapore.

Quan Fa is free for the public to visit. If you want, you can support them by buying produce direct from the farm. Groups of 20 or more can also book a guided tour at $10 per person ($15 with a drink and packet of greens to take home).

Address: 35 Murai Farmway Singapore 709145

Ground Up Initiative Kampung Kampus

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ground-Up Initiative (GUI) (@groundupinitiative) on Oct 21, 2018 at 8:29pm PDT

Kampung Kampus by Ground Up Initiative is a super adorable community farm near Khatib MRT run by passionate volunteer farmers.

It’s free to visit, and if you want to get involved, you can actually sign up as a volunteer and help run the farm too. There’s a 45-minute Paddy Harvesting and Planting session that costs $35, where families can experience how it feels like to plant rice. A great eye-opener that you can use to teach your picky eater of a child why s/he shouldn’t waste food! 

They also run crafting and woodworking workshops if getting covered in soil isn’t your thing.

Address: 91 Lorong Chencharu, Singapore 768201

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Oh Chin Huat Hydroponics Farm (@ohfarms) on Sep 15, 2016 at 2:37am PDT

Oh Chin Huat Hydroponics Farm is different from the other farms on this first. It’s a hydroponics farm and it has a very cute butterfly lodge where you can hang out with butterflies and caterpillars.

Visiting is free, but for groups of 20 or more, you can sign up for one of their many reasonably priced farm tours and activities.

Guided tours cost only $4 (farm) or $5 (butterfly lodge) per person. Those who want to try hydroponics farming at home, which is very feasible since it doesn’t require a plot of land, there are also tours that teach you how to start your own little farm at home ($7 to $10 including starter kits).

Address: 14A Bah Soon Pah Road, Singapore 769970

Edible Garden City Citizen Farm

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Citizen Farm (@citizenfarmsg) on Aug 14, 2018 at 8:54pm PDT

Urban farming startup Edible Garden City runs a community farm that’s conveniently located just 10 minutes’ walk from Queenstown MRT.

You can visit for free during their opening hours. Groups can opt for paid farm tours ($25 to $30/person) and/or urban farming workshops ($20 to $80/person).

If you want to try your hand at farm-to-table cooking, you can sign up for Citizen Box ($35 to $42/week). This is their subscription service where you can pick up a box of fresh produce every week – each box is supposedly good for 3 to 4 meals.

Address: 60 Jalan Penjara, Singapore 149375

Open Farm Community

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Open Farm Community (@openfarmcommunity) on Apr 7, 2018 at 10:01pm PDT

Edible Garden City’s other public veggie farm is at Dempsey’s Open Farm Community , which is free to visit too.

It’s not much of a proper farm, but it does have some plants growing and is a nice place to hang out at brunch. You can also purchase individual Citizen Box from the cafe here if you want to take away some produce.

Address: 130E Minden Road, Singapore 248819

Urban Farm and Barn

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Urban Farm & Barn (@urbanfarmandbarn) on Dec 12, 2017 at 6:35pm PST

Run by local urban farming consultancy Pocket Greens , Urban Farm and Barn is a very cute little community farm hidden atop Bukit Panjang Hill. It comes complete with an eco pond, a tiny rice plot and fruits like grapes and strawberries.

They don’t charge for entry, but you can support them by buying plants, gardening supplies or growing kits at the Urban Barn retail store.

Address: 201 Petir Rd, Singapore 670201

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Comcrop at Scape (@comcropsg) on May 30, 2018 at 10:26pm PDT

Today I learnt there’s actually an urban farm on the rooftop of Scape. Who knew?  ComCrop is a tiny urban farm that grows mostly microgreens and herbs, like wasabi, peppers, basil and mint.

It’s usually not open to the public, but every first Saturday of the month, they do a free tour from 10.30am to 12pm. Slots are very limited and you will need to sign up through their Facebook page .

Address: 2 Orchard Link, Scape, Singapore 237978

Kampung Senang Organic Farm

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sabrina Chu (@sabnspice) on Mar 11, 2017 at 5:12am PST

Over in Tampines, NGO Kampung Senang runs a little community organic farm with fruits, veggies and herbs. You can join as a volunteer to help run the farm too.

Unlike most others on this list, it’s not open to public all the time. You can only visit on Saturdays from 8:30am to 2pm.

It costs $35 per adult ($15 per kid below 12) to enter, and this fee covers an organic lunch as well as farm tour and access to their weekend fresh produce mart.

Address: 840 Tampines Street 82, #01-111, Singapore 520840

Do you have a favourite farm in Singapore that’s not on the list? Tell us in the comments!

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"I love introducing our guests to all the best food spots in Singapore, from the sizzling delicacies in Chinatown to the colourful markets of Little India."

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Stroll along the Singapore River

Take a walk along the Singapore River through the Colonial District with our Local Specialists, who will point out all the historic landmarks of the river. See the grand Victoria Theatre, the former Parliament House, the Old Supreme Court Building and bridges built more than a century ago.

Visit the UNESCO-listed Singapore Botanic Gardens

The Singapore Botanic Gardens are a haven of greenery, with more than 10,000 species of plants spread across 82-hectares, including rainforest, orchids and a ginger garden. These incredible gardens are over 160 years old and the only tropical gardens to be chosen as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Wander through the exquisite National Orchid Garden

Home to the world’s largest orchid collection, the National Orchid Garden is the most famous garden of the Singapore Botanic Gardens. It’s also one of the leading sites in orchid studies, and we’ll discover more than 1,000 orchid species and 2,000 hybrid species over three beautiful hectares.

Enjoy a Night Out at Marina Bay

We’ll take you on a night out to see the spectacular sights of Marina Bay, including Gardens by the Bay, with exotic plants in the Flower Dome and the 114-foot indoor waterfall in the extraordinary Cloud Forest. We’ll also rise 656 feet in the air to the Marina Sands Observation Deck, with a panoramic view of the city below.

Be amazed by the SuperTree Grove

One of the most iconic sights in Singapore, the SuperTree Grove is a vertical garden standing between 82 and 164 feet tall, wrapped in ferns, orchids and vines. The large canopies come alive at night in a thrilling display of light and music, known as the Garden Rhapsody.

Our top 5 things to do in Singapore

A Singapore tour package with Trafalgar takes you to the country’s most remarkable sights, from the historic Singapore River to the dazzling SuperTree Grove.

National Museum of Singapore

With a history dating back to 1849, the National Museum of Singapore is the oldest museum in Singapore. You’ll discover the national treasures of the country, including the Singapore Stone, the 14th century Gold Ornaments of the Sacred Hill, and the earliest photographs of Singapore.

ArtScience Museum

Housed in a striking building shaped like a blooming lotus flower, the ArtScience Museum houses an impressive collection of design and technology. You’ll find exhibits celebrating both art and science, such as Leonardo da Vinci’s Flying Machine, Tang Dynasty treasures and a high-tech robotic fish.

Asian Civilisations Museum

The Asian Civilisations Museum is dedicated to showcasing the artistic history of Asia, from Southeast Asia to West Asia. You can explore the ancestral cultures of Singaporeans, with extensive collections featuring ancient porcelain, ceramics, calligraphy, textiles, woodwork, bronze statues, Buddhist art, and tribal ornaments.

Best museums in Singapore

Our Singapore sightseeing tours take in the country’s top museums, from national treasures and ancient artwork, to a celebration of art and science.

One of the most iconic Singapore foods, laksa is a noodle dish with chicken, fish or prawns cooked in a spicy coconut milk curry or a sour assam broth. You’ll find laksa all over Singapore and our Local Specialists will show you the best stalls to sample these delicious noodles.

Bak Kut Teh

A tantalising dish of pork ribs cooked in a broth of herbs and spices, Bak Kut Teh is a beloved breakfast dish in Singapore. The name literally translates to ‘Meat Bone Tea’, although the ‘tea’ is a complex broth of cinnamon, cloves, pepper, garlic and fennel seeds, which simmers for hours before serving.

Orh Luak (Oyster omelette)

Orh Luak is Singapore’s delicious version of the classic omelette. It’s made with juicy oysters and potato starch whipped into the egg batter for a thicker consistency. You’ll find Orh Luak in street stalls around the country and it’s best topped with chilli sauce and lime juice for a fiery kick.

Best food in Singapore

Our Singapore escorted tours will take you to the best food halls to sample the country’s traditional delights, from oyster omelets to coconut-flavored laksa.

What to pack for Singapore

People packing for a tour

Adaptor plug

In Singapore the standard voltage is 230 V and the power plugs and sockets are of type G. The standard frequency is 50 Hz.

From the extraordinary waterfall in the Cloud Forest, to the glittering SuperTree Grove, you’ll want to capture all the iconic sights of Singapore.

Comfortable shoes

With bayside footpaths and shaded walking trails, Singapore is best explored on foot. Bring a reliable pair of walking shoes for your adventures around the island.

Formal wear

Singapore is home to some of the world’s finest bars and restaurants and many have a dress code, so pack appropriately if you’d like to enjoy a night out.

Reusable water bottle

As a growing leader in sustainability, Singapore is dotted with water refill stations, so it’s easy to top up your reusable water bottle and avoid adding to the plastic waste.

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South Africa

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Western Europe

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  • Switzerland
  • Vatican city

Central & Eastern Europe

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  • Northern Lights
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Singapore Tour Packages

The homogenous cultural land from the future has little surprises to offer and morality to nurture.

Asia’s hub and fast growing developed nation is a remarkable place known for being one of the most dynamic countries. The melting pot of different cultures, cuisines and architectural styles; amazing amusement and wildlife parks; wonderful shopping avenues, outlying neighbourhoods; unmatched cleanliness; Singapore is truly a global city of Southeast Asia! We at Veena World, stitch the one of a kind elements of this land altogether into Singapore holiday packages. 

Travelling here is not only culturally drifting but also morally uplifting! The organised development of this land is noteworthy. A trip here is very homely yet awakening as it has a lot to teach every soul that steps in here. This land is very welcoming, even for its small size and visiting it once seems never enough with our Singapore tour package. This region is heart-warming and makes a special mark on the heart of any honeymooner with our Singapore honeymoon package. While hunting for a perfect vacation, landing up on Singapore as a destination wouldn’t be surprising at all, as the country includes different shades of experiences in very affordable prices. We make sure we use our passionate unrivalled knowledge to gift you an unforgettably perfect vacation!

Singapore Travel Packages

15 singapore holiday packages.


Singapore Thailand Malaysia

Tour includes, super deal price, (01 may 2024) last 2 seats.


Women's Special Singapore Thailand Malaysia


Singapore Malaysia with Cruise


Singapore Malaysia

(03 may 2024) last 1 seat.


Best of Singapore


Senior's Special Singapore Malaysia


Women's Special Singapore Malaysia


Seniors' Special Singapore Thailand Malaysia


Singapore Bali


Singapore Malaysia with Bali

(03 may 2024) last 5 seats.

Singapore Honeymoon Packages

Singapore Honeymoon Packages

Singapore Tour Packages from Mumbai

Singapore Tour Packages from Mumbai

Singapore Family Tour Packages

Singapore Family Tour Packages

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Singapore Malaysia feedback 1

"Incredible experience my first time with Veena World perfectly managed with compassionate staff from the first day of booking.Such a pe... Read more

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Singapore Frequently Asked Questions

We help you prepare for your trip and ensure an effortless and enjoyable travel experience.

What's the most popular attraction in Singapore?

Some of the most popular attractions in Singapore are Gardens by the Bay, Marina Bay Sands, Sentosa Island, Universal Studios Singapore, and Merlion Park. These iconic destinations offer a combination of natural beauty, modern architecture, thrilling entertainment, and cultural experiences, making them highly sought-after attractions for visitors exploring Singapore. Exploring these attractions is a must for anyone visiting Singapore, and they are often included in well-curated Singapore tour packages to ensure a memorable and enjoyable trip.

What is the best season to visit Singapore?

The best time to visit Singapore is from February to April. This period falls within the dry season, offering pleasant weather with lower humidity and minimal rainfall. This time coincides with festive events like Chinese New Year and the Singapore Food Festival, adding extra cultural richness to the visit. Singapore tour packages offer a convenient and comprehensive way to explore the vibrant city-state, providing carefully curated itineraries and inclusive services for a hassle-free and enjoyable travel experience.

What's the best food in Singapore?

When it comes to culinary delights, Singapore offers a diverse range of flavours that are a must-try for anyone on a Singapore tour. From mouthwatering street food like Hainanese chicken rice and chilli crab to delectable local specialties like laksa and satay, Singapore is a paradise for food lovers. Exploring the rich food scene is an essential part of any Singapore tour, allowing visitors to savour the best dishes and immerse themselves in the city's vibrant culinary culture.

Where to stay with family in Singapore?

When planning a family trip to Singapore, it's important to consider accommodation options that cater to the needs of both adults and children. Some popular choices include Sentosa Island, Marina Bay, and Orchard Road. Sentosa Island offers a range of family-friendly attractions, such as Universal Studios Singapore and the S.E.A. Aquarium. An excellent choice is to book a Singapore travel package that includes family-friendly accommodations. By opting for a travel package, you can ensure a seamless experience while enjoying the convenience and comfort of staying in accommodations specifically designed for families. 

What do I need to know before visiting Singapore?

Before visiting Singapore, it's essential to be aware of a few key things. Singapore has strict laws and regulations, so familiarise yourself with the local customs and follow them accordingly. Singapore's weather is generally hot and humid, so pack lightweight and breathable clothing. Furthermore, be prepared for a multicultural experience as Singapore is a diverse city with various ethnicities and languages. Explore Singapore hassle-free with Veena World's holiday package. Book now!

How many days are enough for Singapore?

It would be advisable to spend at least four to five days in Singapore in order to fully take in its many attractions and lively culture. With this sufficient amount of time, you can visit well-known attractions on your Singapore tour packages like Marina Bay Sands and Gardens by the Bay, savour regional cuisine at hawker centres, explore the historically significant areas of Chinatown and Little India, shop your heart out on Orchard Road, and travel to destinations like Sentosa Island. A few additional days would also give you a chance to see some of Singapore's nearby locations, such as the fascinating island of Pulau Ubin or the busy districts of Johor Bahru, Malaysia.

Is Singapore safe for Indians?

Singapore is known for its strict security regulations, which make it a very safe place for travellers to go. Singapore consistently ranks among the safest nations in the world because of its effective law enforcement, stringent laws, and well-kept public places. Indian tourists don't need to worry too much about their personal safety or property theft as they visit the city-state during the day or at night. Tourists can relax and take in a plethora of sights, busy streets, and various neighbourhoods without having to worry, thanks to the government's dedication to maintaining a low crime rate. But when on Singapore holiday packages, it's always a good idea for tourists to be cautious overall and respect local customs and regulations.

Do you provide customised holidays to Singapore?

Yes. We offer our valued customers the option to plan customised Singapore holidays. You are free to customise your trip, like the length of the journey, the locations to visit, the daily schedule, places to be covered, the kind of lodging you want, meal preference and much more. Therefore, with Veena World's customised holidays, you can tailor your travel itinerary to fit your interests whether you're travelling with friends, alone or with family. The price will change depending on the extras you want in your customised vacation. Veena World caters to individual preferences, crafting itineraries tailored to specific interests, budgets, and duration of stay. 

What kind of tour packages do you offer for Singapore visit?

At Veena World, you can book from an expansive range of Singapore holiday packages like group tours, family tours, Honeymoon Special, Women’s Special, Seniors’ Special tour etc. Our expert managers on tour will take care of everything from meals, accommodations, and itineraries to transport. They will assist and guide you in case of any queries and difficulties. Moreover, at Veena World, you can also customise your vacation based on your preferences, budget, number of days, and much more.

What are the best things to do in Singapore?

Singapore offers a plethora of remarkable experiences for visitors. Some of the best and most memorable things to do in the city-state include exploring the futuristic Gardens by the Bay, marvelling at the iconic Marina Bay Sands complex, wandering through the vibrant streets of Chinatown, immersing yourself in the cultural heritage of Little India, sampling delicious local food at hawker centres, shopping along the famous Orchard Road, visiting the historic and picturesque neighbourhood of Kampong Glam, taking a river cruise along the Singapore River, and venturing out to Sentosa Island for thrilling attractions like Universal Studios Singapore and S.E.A. Aquarium. Book your Singapore holiday packages with Veena World and have an enjoyable trip ahead with family, special someone and friends.

Get to know more about Singapore before booking your tour packages

One of South East Asia’s most modern and dynamic countries; a melting pot of different cultures, cuisines and architectural styles; amazing amusement and wildlife parks; wonderful shopping avenues, malls, food courts, riverside bars, temple-dotted outlying neighbourhoods; unmatched cleanliness; Singapore is a complete travel destination and is truly a global city of southeast Asia! While looking for any Singapore tour package online, having all these aspects included in the itinerary comes as no surprise. This land has something for everyone in store. At Veena World, explore this land with our hand crafted Singapore holiday packages. The cultural drift only to realise that Singapore being only around 100 sq. km more in area than Mumbai, has so much more to offer! Singapore known as the ‘Lion City’ of the world and is full of amazing experiences. This green land’s special tour with your better half can get extra special with our Singapore honeymoon package. You could very well spend almost one day each at its many amusement and theme parks. Singapore is well connected to India by various airlines. Singapore holiday packages from India lets you explore all the sightseeing options of the country. At the Resorts World Sentosa, so many things are packed in this one island, that a day’s visit is not enough to take in all the excitement. The balance of green and city skyscrapers is intriguing. Along with being visually appealing, our Singapore holiday packages are affordably priced. Your choice stands as our priority, may it be for adventure or for leisure, for one country special or two or even multi country, for some special reason like honeymoon or just a short escape travel, for a desire to travel alone or with family, all of it is made possible with Veena World!

Singapore, one of the only three surviving city-states in the world besides Monaco & Vatican City, is the one that has embraced tourism at its core. The organised development of this land is noteworthy. A trip here is very homely yet awakening as it has a lot to teach every soul that steps in here. This land is very welcoming, even for its small size and visiting it once seems never enough. Singapore has a cheesy tendency to keep calling you back. Explore this unique land, celebrate its culture and be enlightened with our Veena World tours to Singapore!

The Geography and Seasons

The island city-state, Singapore is a Southeast Asian land on the Indian Ocean. Located at the end of the Malayan Peninsula between Malaysia and Indonesia this land is known for being a futuristic city. The pure clean air and the green balance of the Lion City is remarkable. When you book a Singapore travel package from India you inevitably realise this difference. The humid climate of this region is heart-warming and makes a special mark on every Singapore honeymoon package. The city’s geographical and climatic features make a perfect ambience for a memorable trip. Experience this warming and welcoming atmosphere with our every Singapore travel package.

The Culture

The land is known for being a perfect harmonious homogenous cultural melting pot. It has a mixture of different cultures and influences of the planet’s most prominent traditions. Traveling with a Singapore travel package lets you experience the land’s true cultural significance. Sang Nila Utama, a prince from Palembang, saw a creature he thought was a lion and named the island “Singapura” which means “Lion City” in Sanskrit from which ‘Merlion’ was inspired. But interestingly enough, Singapore had no Lions! The people of this country are so disciplined and organised that they strongly reflect the same values in their lifestyle. Experience the culture of this unique land with Singapore tour package available online on our website.

The Experience

This city is one among the few which takes Green Revolution extremely seriously. It’s reflected in every corner of this land. Although, a ‘Garden City’, it does not lack modernity. Traveling to this unique land with our Singapore travel package, transports you straight to the future. The feel of this city is completely surreal. Veena World’s Singapore honeymoon package is priced to make travel affordable and a one-of-a-kind experience along with your life partner. The experience of Little India is an eye opening one. Witnessing it with any Singapore tour package available online, awakens a realisation of morality as you see a reflection of India with a discipline of Singapore.

The Highlights

Explore the City of Singapore with Singapore tour packages from India, which includes Suntec City, Fountain of Wealth, City Hall, Orchard Road, Swissotel the Stamford - tallest hotel in Singapore, Parliament House, The Esplanade and Merlion – Symbol of Singapore. Experiences like a Singapore Boat ride or a Cable Car ride from Mt. Faber to Sentosa Island are memorable. One striking highlight of every Singapore tour package is no doubt the Night Safari experience with encounters of wild animals. A Tram ride which takes through 7 geographical zones and a dinner at natural environment of Night Safari makes it extraordinary. The thrill of Sky Tower or Luge Ride with Sky Ride, Images of Singapore, Madame Tussads wax museum and a mono-rail ride gives a true insight of this city’s lifestyle along with our online Singapore travel package from India. Enjoying shopping spree at Mustafa with a visit to Gardens By The Bay’s Flower dome and Marina Bay sands observation deck makes the tour perfect. Most Singapore holiday packages online include a visit to Universal studios which offers excitement, thrills and unlimited entertainment. Experience thrilling shows and attractions like Light Camera Action, Transformers, Accelerator ride, Revenge of the Mummy, Water world, Jurassic Park, Madagascar - A Crate Adventure, Donkey live, Shrek 4D adventure and Flying Dragon etc. that make this tour unforgettable. Asia’s biggest SEA Aquarium which admires the rare species of the marine world, Jurong Bird Park’s vibrant coloured bird specialities and the spectacular light and water show - 'Wings of Time' show at Sentosa are the striking inclusions. The entire lively aura of this city encourages the honeymooners to look up for best Singapore honeymoon packages available with affordable prices.

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The Green Dragon Drive, Singapore

singapour tour vegetale

Duxton Hill historic shop house

singapour tour vegetale

Changi Airport T2 Expansion, Singapore

singapour tour vegetale

The Lookout, Parbury Avenue, Singapore

singapour tour vegetale

CapitaLand, 6 Battery Road, Rainforest Rhapsody, Singapour

singapour tour vegetale

Tamba Restaurant

singapour tour vegetale

The Work Project, Asia Square Tower 2, Singapore

  • Deutschland

singapour tour vegetale

Singapore is one of the most modern and culturally unique cities in the world. As a city-state, it is one of the smallest nations in the world, yet offers more than enough to fill out an itinerary.

Singapore is known for its melting pot of cultures, its towering skyscrapers, and its squeaky clean reputation. Backpackers visiting Singapore for the first time often do remark that it can be a little stifling, due to its extreme civil rules and sometimes sterile attractions e.g. theme parks.

But there is plenty to like about Singapore. Here, you’ll find some immensely unique sites and experiences, like the ethnic smorgasbords of Chinatown, Little India, and Kampong Glam or the futuristic super trees at the Gardens by the Bay. Singapore is a city that looks to the future and strives to be different and, in a lot of ways, it succeeds.

4 days in Singapore will be plenty of time. One can see all of the city’s major attractions without being rushed. For those who want to see as much as possible with the time allotted could even fit in a bit more. We’ve made sure to provide a couple of extra suggestions at the end of our standard 4-day Singapore itinerary.

Traveling in Singapore is also made easy thanks to the MRT (or Mass Rapid Transit). It runs throughout the city and can connect you from one attraction to the next fast, efficiently, and without hassle. Most of the major attractions are a short walk from the MRT stations.

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4-Day Singapore Itinerary Overview

  • Day 1 in Singapore: Arab Street , Little India , Tekka Centre , Singapore National Museum , River Cruise , Rooftop Cocktails
  • Day 2 in Singapore: Esplanade Center , ArtScience Museum , Lunch , Gardens by the Bay , Biodomes , Supertree Grove Skywalk
  • Day 3 on Singapore: Sentosa , Skyline Luge , Palawan , Chinatown
  • Day 4 in Singapore: Treetop Walk , Adam Road Food Centre , Botanic Garden , Orchard Road
  • More Places to See in Singapore: Night Safari , Universal Studios , Marine Life Park

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With a Singapore City Pass , you can experience the best of Singapore at the CHEAPEST prices. Discounts, attractions, tickets, and even public transport are all standards in any good city pass – be sure invest now and save them $$$ when you arrive!

where to stay in singapore

Singapore, although small, has many different areas for you to stay in. From bustling city centers to cultural hubs and even beach resorts, there’s a spot on this island for every kind of traveler!

Apart from Sentosa – a beach resort island just off the coast of Singapore – the districts are all quite close to each other. So wherever you stay, you won’t be far from the other great places on offer.

Places like Chinatown and Little India are fantastic neighborhoods in Singapore for experiencing the many cultures available in Singapore. While Orchard Road is a hub of activity during the day, it turns into shopping opportunities galore in the evening!

If you’re looking for the best place to experience Singapore’s nightlife, we suggest staying in Clarke Quay. It’s also the perfect place for travelers on a budget. Backpackers in Singapore can find great accommodation and there are happy hour specials on food and drinks throughout the day.

Alternatively, enjoy fine-dining at some of Singapore’s best restaurants in the Civic District. Immerse yourself into the culture as well by visiting the many art museums in the area, and relax in some of the large green spaces – great for picnics!

Best Hostel in Singapore – Fisher BnB

Singapore itinerary

Fisher BnB can be found within convenient distance from everything important in Singapore. Visitors can even walk to places such as Little India and Chinatown!

Offering ladies only, mixed and family dorm types, you can comfortably sleep with whichever group fits you best. With your comfortable bed, you’ll also get free WiFi and a scrumptious breakfast included in the rates.

Backpacker tip:  If you’re traveling Singapore on a budget, then check out our roundup of the cheapest and best hostels in Singapore !

Best Airbnb in Singapore – Attic Hideaway @ Heart of Town

Attic Hideaway at Heart of Town

Walking distance to Singapore’s hottest neighbourhoods and attractions, this clean and contemporary attic hideaway is the best Airbnb in Singapore. With modern amenities and a full kitchen, this one-bedroom condo comfortably sleeps up four people and is perfect for anyone looking for a place to stay in the heart of the city.

Best Luxury Hotel in Singapore –  Marina Bay Sands

Singapore Itinerary

Situated in Marina Bay, this iconic hotel has become a Singaporean landmark. It has 20 dining options inside its walls, and its own private, world-class casino.

Enjoy luxury rooms, which all have floor-to-ceiling windows, giving you breathtaking views of Marina Bay and its surrounds. There is also an infinity rooftop pool and a spa inside the hotel.

  • Best Airbnbs in Singapore
  • Best VRBOs in Singapore
  • Best Homestays in Singapore

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singapore day 1

Today we visit a few of the most interesting neighborhoods in Singapore including the Arab Quarter (Kampong Glam) and Little India. We’ll top off the day with a river cruise and perhaps a rooftop cocktail.

Every map that you see in this article includes a hyperlink to an interactive version on Google Driving. After clicking the map image, the interactive version will be opened in a new tab.

9:00 AM – Arab Street and Kampong Glam

Arab Street Singapore

Exploring Arab Street and the surrounding neighborhood of Kampong Glam is a very unique cultural experience. This is the beating heart of Singapore’s Islamic community!

Start your first day early by taking the MRT and hopping off at Bugis station, making your way to Arab Street. While you’re at it, consider having breakfast when you arrive as well. Check out all Things Deliciousere, which is arguable serves the best in the area.

Once you’re ready, just start walking around. As you do, you will find a hub of Islamic culture. From fantastic cafes to quaint boutiques, you will find fabrics, souvenirs, spices, and more than a couple of hookah bars to chill at. Haji Street is one of the best places to become familiar with Kampong Glam.

There are many stores that offer products not found in your local supermarket. There is also the Trippies and Little Children’s Museum, which shows life as a young child in Singapore during the ‘60s and ‘70s.

Once you’ve tasted and shopped your way down the street, be sure to visit Sultan Mosque. It opens every Saturday to Thursday from 10 am to 12 pm (and again from 2 pm to 4 pm). Fridays are only open from 2:30 pm to 4 pm.

Remember when visiting the mosque, as with most temples in Singapore, be sure to show the appropriate respect and ensure that you are correctly clothed – otherwise, you will not be let in.

  • Cost –  Just the cost of food and souvenirs.
  • How long should I stay here?  2-3 hours.
  • Getting there –  Bugis Street is the nearest MRT stop.

11:30 AM – Little India

Little India

Next is Little India, a bright and colorful neighborhood full of Indian culture, from shopping and food to friendly faces! Here, you will find an array of Indian-inspired shops, restaurants, and places of interest. Wind your way down the busy, colorfully decorated streets and experience the sights, sounds and delicious smells along your way!

In addition to the many food options – the Tekka Centre, which we visit next, has the most culinary options – you’ll find plenty of shopping opportunities, such as Mustafa Centre, a 24-hour shopping center.

Browse through the Little India Arcade and pick up Indian-inspired souvenirs to take home with you. Make a stop at the Jothi Store & Flower Shop, too, and you’ll find ethnic products spread over 5 floors.

Little India also has a collection of temples that you can visit. A definite not-to-be-missed is Sri Veeramakaliamman, the most beautiful temple in the area according to popular opinions. You can also visit the Indian Heritage Center, a four-story building blending Indian history and heritage with modern architecture – entrance costs $5.

  • Cost  – Again, free unless you give in to the shopping temptation.
  • How long should I stay here?  2-3 hours.
  • Getting there –  Ride two stops away from Bugis on the MRT to Little India or walk 30 minutes from Kampong Glam.

1:00 PM – Lunch in the Tekka Centre

tekka centre what to eat in singapore

The Tekka Centre is a cornerstone of the Indian community in Singapore and is probably the easiest place to find good Indian food in the city. There’s a pretty dizzying array of Indian food on offer here, from rich Southern fare to firey northern dishes and tandoori to roti to naan and every other type of Indian bread you can imagine. For lovers of curry and other Indian staples, it will be love at first sight.

One of the best cheap eats you can have in Singapore is biryani. It is a simple dish – essentially chicken, rice, and spices usually baked in a banana leaf – but packs a tasty punch.

If you’re not in the mood for Indian food, you can still find lots of other types of Asian cooking. Thai, Malay, Chinese, and, of course, Singaporean food are all on offer here.

  • Cost  – $5 per dish.
  • How long should I stay here?  1-2 hours depending on your rush.
  • Getting there –  The Tekka Centre is on the edge of Little India, near the Little India MRT stop.

2:30 PM – National Museum of Singapore

singapore national museum

It’s time to walk off all that food we had back at the Tekka Centre. The National Museum of Singapore is the perfect place to go to do just that.

The National Museum is the oldest museum in the city and features an impressive collection of art, crafts, and modern showcases. Its primary focus is the preservation and retelling of Singapore’s national history, for which it is not lacking for exhibitions, but there are also some pretty cool interactive exhibitions as well. The latter is usually temporary though so be sure to check on the official website for what’s currently going on at the museum.

If you need a bit more chill time before or after entering the museum, Fort Canning Park is right next to the museum as well. Feel free to find a nice spot of grass or a good tree to lean and just contemplate your navel. Photographers should also be on the lookout for the spiral staircase in the park; it’s one of the most Intragrammable spots in Singapore.

  • Cost  – $10 for adult entry.
  • Getting there –  From the Tekka Centre, it’s a 15-minute walk down Selegie Road.

5:30 PM – River Cruise

River Cruise

Why not enjoy a leisurely cruise along Singapore’s waterfront? Departing from Clarke Quay, you can enjoy exploring the streets a bit while you wait for your boat. Once you’re aboard the boat, you will then travel down the river to view the other quays, the Boat Quay and Robertson Quay, as well as many other landmarks along the way!

All through your trip, the captain of your boat will educate you on the history of the places you are floating by. Your captain will also know the importance of stopping long enough for you to get those perfect holiday photos! You’ll want to have your  travel camera ready for shooting  because you’re sure to want to take some of the memories home with you. From the water, you’ll also get a clearer view of some of these amazing landmarks.

You’ll go past attractions such as the Merlion, the Esplanade, and the Marina Bay Sands Resort. Getting a good look at these places is sometimes much easier from the water, further away than if you were to explore them on foot – and no foot traffic to compete with!

While on the boat, be sure to look out for the bronze statues dotted along the waterfront. You’ll find statues of children playing, olden-day cart-and-horses and other historical moments. Each statue is there to tell a story of Singaporean life long ago. There are also statues of animals exclusive to Singapore, such as the  Kucinta cats.

  • Cost  – $19 per adult.
  • How long should I stay here?  45-60 minutes.
  • Getting there –  There are multiple launching points on the Quay.

6:30 PM – Rooftop Cocktails

singapore 4 day itinerary

Let me be frank: alcohol is usually prohibitively expensive in Singapore. Most travellers visiting Singapore on a budget will only be able to afford cheap beers in Chinatown and most will find that even these are not worth the price.

But sometimes, the juice can be worth the squeeze.

There are several rooftop bars in Singapore that offer both amazing vistas and pretty damn good drinks. The views are so good in fact that a couple could even rival many of the city’s dedicated viewing platforms and those aren’t cheap to get in either. So why not pay for a view and a drink? Most bars will let you loiter, take photos, and soak in as much as you want for the cost of one drink.

For great views of Marina Bay and some good drinks, Smoke & Mirrors is a no-fail. If you’re looking for a more laidback vibe with a less expansive view, LOOF is a local legend in the city. There are lots more where this came from though – check out any one of these  awesome rooftop spots in Singapore .

After splurging on those cocktails, you may want to resort to some cheap eats. Head back to Kampong Glam and eat at the Golden Mile if you missed it before.

  • Cost  – $12-$20 per drink (yikes)
  • How long should I stay here?  As long as it takes to finish your drink and soak in the views.
  • Getting there –  Most of the best rooftop bars in Singapore are in the Central Area, which is right next to Clark Quay.

singapour tour vegetale

Wanna know how to pack like a pro? Well for a start you need the right gear….

These are packing cubes for the globetrotters and compression sacks for the  real adventurers – these babies are a traveller’s best kept secret. They organise yo’ packing and minimise volume too so you can pack MORE.

Or, y’know… you can stick to just chucking it all in your backpack…

singapore day 2

On the second day of our Singapore itinerary, we’re mostly going to hang around the Marina Bay District. This is where many of the most iconic places in Singapore are found, including the Marina Bay Sands Hotel, ArtScience Museum, and Gardens by the Bay.

9:00 AM – Visit the Esplanade Center

Esplanade Center

The Esplanade center is a large and busy art center, offering guests nearly 3000 performances each year. It is a non-profit center, run by a dedicated team of art professionals who have kept the center going for the past 16 years!

If you’d like to view all that the center has to offer, and a bit behind the scenes, take a guided tour for just $15 per person! Or go up to the third floor and get lost in the vast shelves of music, art and theatre books in the center’s library.

You can watch a free performance every day on the waterfront, giving you a taste of the magic that happens inside. If you’d like to purchase tickets to performances in the concert hall or theatre, you can do so online or at the center’s ticket box.

There are a number of shops available in the center’s ‘mall’, where you are able to shop as your heart’s desire. Stop off at one of the many eateries for a bite to eat. From Asian cuisine to delectable ice creams and crafts beers, you can find it all inside!

  • Cost  – Free to enter + free performances! A guided tour is $15.
  • How long should I stay here?  2-3 hours depending on if you shop or eat.
  • Getting there –  The nearest MRT stop is City Hall.

11:00 AM – ArtScience Museum

what to see in singapore in 4 days

The ArtScience Museum is one of the most iconic points of interest in Singapore . The building’s distinct lotus design is unmistakable and it’s location at the base of the even more imposing Marina Bay Sands Hotel make it one of the places that you simply can’t miss.

The outside of the building is worth seeing on its own and most people settle for a couple of photos in front of it. Inside the ArtScience Museum is just as cool though! Exhibitions here are a lot more futuristic and, as the name implies, technologically driven. There is often an infinity room featured as well, which seems to be all the rage these days. If you’ve wanted to take a photo inside one of these kaleidoscopic spaces, this is a good opportunity.

  • Cost  – $10-$24 depending on how many exhibitions you want to see.
  • How long should I stay here?  2 hours
  • Getting there –  The ArtScience Museum is just across the Bay from the Esplanade. It’s a 15-minute walk across the scenic Helix Bridge.

1:00 PM – Lunch

singapore Lunch

Lunch today is really up to you. There aren’t many hawker centres or cheap eats anywhere around Marina Bay unfortunately so your options might be limited. You can eat back at the Esplanade, inside the shops at The Shoppes at Marina Bay Sands, or at a couple of restaurants inside the Bay Gardens. None of these will necessarily be cheap though.

If you want to save the most money on food during your second day in Singapore, pack a lunch or bring something to go.

  • Cost  – The offerings around Marina Bay will be more expensive
  • How long should I stay here?  As long as you need to.
  • Getting there –  Depends where and what you eat.

3:00 PM – Gardens by the Bay

place to visit in singapore in 4 days

The Gardens by the Bay is a large space in Marina Bay that has been designed as a natural oasis in the middle of the busy bay area. This futuristic botanical garden attracts many tourists and locals alike! It’s free to enter and explore most of the Gardens.

The Garden is a hub of ecological growth, and it is full of resources and educational information. Not only is it the perfect spot to go and enjoy an afternoon surrounded by nature, but it’s a great way to learn about plants, flowers, and wildlife from all over the world!

Inside the Gardens, you will find lush greenery and a variety of wildlife. Take a walk past Dragonfly and Kingfisher Lakes, taking in the beauty of nature around you! Spend some time in the Serene Garden, a Japanese-inspired zen garden. Enter the World of Plants and learn all about the many types of plants located in the Gardens.

Then, check out the Sun Pavilion, a desert-inspired space with over 1000 desert plants! Afterward, make your way to the Heritage Gardens and learn about the diverse history and culture of Singapore – told through plants, of course! You also don’t want to miss the Canyon, a large collection of sculptured rocks that lay across a 400-meter dragon’s tail.

Insider tip:  The Gardens is also home to more than 40 unique art sculptures! Find them along your walk through the Gardens.

  • Cost –  Free.
  • How long should I stay here?  1-2 hours.
  • Getting there –  The Gardens by the Bay is behind the Marina Sands Tower. You can either walk around the monolithic hotel or through the lobby.

5:00 PM – The Gardens’ Biodomes

The Gardens Biodomes

Once you’re done checking out the main Gardens, make sure you stop off at the Biodomes! These consist of a Cloud Forest and Flower Dome. Both of the greenhouses are made from a complex design of glass and a steel grid. They are the world’s largest columnless greenhouses!

The Cloud Forest dome houses a 35-meter tall mountain, which is covered in lush, tropical vegetation. It’s from the top of this mountain that you will be able to see the world’s tallest indoor waterfall!

The Flower Dome is the largest glass greenhouse in the world! This dome showcases flowers and plants that are found in the Mediterranean and semi-arid regions. Find African Baobab trees, desert succulents, an olive grove, and more.

  • Cost –  $21 per adult per dome.
  • Getting there –  The biodomes are a part of the Gardens by the Bay park and are located closer to the bay itself.

7:00 PM – Supertree Grove Skywalk & Garden Rhapsody Light and Music Show


Finally, visit the Supertree Grove, where the movie “Crazy Rich Asians” takes place . The man-made “supertrees” are solar-powered structures that act as vertical gardens – with tropical flowers, various ferns, and other plant life found growing along their steel frameworks. You can view 12 of the 18 supertrees found in the Gardens!

The supertrees also act as air venting ducts, rainwater collectors, and solar power generators! Aside from their useful functions, though, they are also a sight to behold and provide an amazing show of light and sounds through the Gardens each night.

Take a trip up the 16-story high supertrees and experience the exhilarating skywalk for just $6 per person. Then, settle into a comfy spot on the grass and wait for the 8 pm Lights and Music Show, which shows off the beauty of the Supertree Grove!

When you’ve gotten your fill of the gardens, start thinking about dinner. There are a couple of places in and around the gardens that you can eat at: there’s Pollen, a Mediterranean restaurant located inside the Flower Dome or Indochine, a restaurant inside the tallest supertree. These will be expensive and you will probably need to book a table ahead of time.

If you have the time and energy, head over to Chinatown for dinner. We were saving this neighborhood for day 3 of our Singapore itinerary but you could easily visit it twice. Between the Maxwell Centre, Chinatown Complex Market, and everything in-between,  you will not be lacking for culinary options.

  • Cost –  $6 for the skywalk, the show is free.
  • How long should I stay here?  The show itself is short – stay as long as you like.
  • Getting there –  The trees are pretty unmissable. Look for them in the distance and start walking.

singapore day 3

Planning on staying longer than a weekend holiday in Singapore ? Time to take a vacation away from our vacation.

On the third day of our Singapore itinerary, we’re going to Sentosa Island and the beach! (Not a real beach per se as it’s man-made but, hey, a beach is a beach.) Afterward, we’re going to spend some time arguably the most delicious spot in Singapore: Chinatown.

10:00 AM – Sentosa Island

Sentosa Island

After spending your first day engaging in the cultural side of Singapore, take this second day to bring out your fun side – Sentosa Island being “The State of Fun”. Man-made beaches, water parks, roller coaster rides and so much more bring crowds of people to this man-made island!

Sentosa is full of fun and playful things to do. Whether you’re looking for a bustling day heaped with adventure or a more chilled day seeing the sights and lazing on the beach, you’ll find your perfect fit here! Once you have reached the island, there are a few stops you should definitely make, which we’ve mentioned below.

Be on the lookout for the large Merlion statue as well. The “Merlion” is a mythical creature with the body of a fish and the head of a lion. Merlions are such a big part of Singapore culture that you can even find them on the currency! There are many Merlion statues around Singapore, but the largest and most interesting is the one on Sentosa Island. This specific one is 15 stories tall, and you can walk around inside the statue!

Inside, you’ll find interactive games, videos, and other informational activities that give you the history of the Merlion. Climb up to the mouth and get a birds-eye view of Sentosa.

Insider tip:  Wondering how they came up with the Merlion? Singapore was originally named Singapura, meaning “lion city” and it used to be mainly a port and fishing city. So they took their lion and added ‘mer’ – meaning sea.

  • Cost –  $3 for Sentosa Express and entrance.
  • How long should I stay here?  4-5 hours in total
  • Getting there –  Take the MRT to the Sentosa Station at VivoCity Level 3, Lobby L, and from there take the Sentosa Express.

11:00 AM – Skyline Luge

Skyline Luge

Said to be one of the activities you absolutely shouldn’t miss, the luge and Skyride is the best way to end your Sentosa visit! Take a seated Skyride up to the top of the luge track, where you can then zoom down the track in a luge.

Enjoy a bird’s-eye view of the Singapore skyline as you slowly reach the luge track in your 4-seater Skyride seat. Once at the top, get into your luge and choose from their four tracks to go down.

The tracks are all around 1.6 miles long and all have tunnels, twists, and turns to make the ride down as exhilarating as possible! The greatest care has been put into making sure the luges are safe, and they are equipped with safety brakes and steering.

The company’s saying is ‘Once Is Never Enough’ and that seems true for the majority of their customers! Luckily, tickets are sold in pairs so you know you’ve got at least two rides to go.

After you’ve had your fill, grab some food. There are plenty of places to eat around Sentosa: Breadtalk has delicious and freshly-baked goods, Bikini Bar offers drinks on the beach and some bar snacks, FOC Sentosa is famous for its cocktails.

  • Cost –  $18 per person for two luges and Skyrides!
  • How long should I stay here?  1-2 hours
  • Getting there –  There’s a shuttle stop right in front of the luge.

1:00 PM – Palawan Beach

Palawan Beach

This beach is essentially Sentosa’s family beach. Great to bring kids to as there are safe, family-friendly spots to chill and adventures to be had. But it’s not just for families with kids; couples and even solo travelers are bound to find something to do here!

Stop in at the Animal & Bird Encounters and get to meet and interact with the island’s inhabitants. From monkeys to reptiles and birds, there are daily shows that take place and you should be just in time for the Parrot Encounter show at 3 pm.

From Palawan Beach, take a short walk across the rope bridge to reach the very bottom tip of Asia – a small islet. Here you can climb one of the two view towers and stand on the decks to overlook the seemingly endless Singapore China Sea! Watch as the ships float by on the water and get a good view of the beach as well.

  • Getting there –  You can take the shuttle to Palawan or you can walk from the Luge – the two are very close to one another.

5:00 PM – Chinatown

China Town

Now that you’ve gotten your fill of Singapore’s more “Disney” side, it’s time to wash all of that kiche down with a stop in the eclectic Chinatown! Much as the name suggests, it’s a hub of Chinese culture mixed with Singaporean life. It’s a  great place to find lots of shopping, with many temples and museums to explore!

There is, again, an abundance of things for you to do. There are many temples here, which you can visit during opening hours. The most noteworthy of the temples being the Buddha Relic Temple which displays Buddhism and religious relics.

The biggest attractions, though, are the many shopping malls. Shopping in Chinatown is an experience few would want to miss! Find everything from clothes to home decor, and gifts to take back home.

Start at the Chinatown Complex Market (home of  Liao Fan Hong Kong Soya Sauce Chicken Rice & Noodle ) and make your way through hawker stalls galore. You’ll be able to find many curious and gifts at different stalls. Then, navigate down the streets of Chinatown and explore the many boutique stores on offer as well. You really can shop ‘til you drop here!

For dinner, stop by the famous Maxwell Hawker Centre or return to the Complex Market. Both are among the best places to eat in Singapore.

  • Cost –  Free to explore.
  • How long should I stay here?  For the rest of the day if possible.
  • Getting there –  Take the Sentosa Express back to the mainland and then take the Northeast MRT line to the Chinatown stop.

Need a place quick? Here’s the best neighborhood in Singapore:

Marina Bay, Singapore

Perhaps best area to stay in Singapore for tourists. Located in the centre of the city, Marina Bay overlaps with the Central Business District, the Civic Quarter, and trendy Clarke Quay, so you’re never far from the action.

  • Take in the stunning views from the Sands Skypark, a platform perched 55 stories above the ground.
  • Marvel at the indigenous flora and the towering mechanical trees that make up Garden by the Bay. Visit at night for an awesome 15-minute light and water show.
  • Walk the Marina Bay Art Trail exploring the area’s best sites while seeing art and sculptures by world-renowned artists.

singapore day 4

We’re going to wrap up our 4-day Singapore itinerary with a series of parks and greenspaces, followed by a little shopping. We’re almost to the end so let’s get to it!

9:00 AM – Treetop Walk at the Central Catchment Nature Reserve

Central Catchment Nature Reserve

Visit the Central Catchment Nature Reserve and get to walk next to the high treetops. Right in the center of Singapore, the Nature Reserve spans over 2000 hectares of forest cover, with some of the world’s richest forests in terms of biodiversity!

It’s in this reserve that visitors are offered the opportunity to walk across a suspension bridge, nestled in the treetop canopies. This suspension bridge was built to help forest canopy researchers reach the canopies in order to study them.

The MacRitchie Reservoir Park is a popular starting point for those who are eager to do the Treetop Walk. The entrance to the bridge is at the ranger station, and the bridge only allows for one-way traffic. The bridge itself is only around 850 feet long, with the highest point being around 82 feet!

This walk is perfect for avid bird-watchers, or general nature lovers who wish to get a higher view of the park and hiking trails. The bridge is open from 9 am to 5 pm, but is closed on Mondays (unless it’s a public holiday).

  • Cost  – Free
  • How long should I stay here?  3 – 5 hours depending on your walking pace.
  • Getting there –  You’ll need to use the bus to get here. The 166 and 167 both stop right outside the park.

1:00 PM – Lunch at the Adam Road Food Centre

cheap places to eat in singapore

After a long walk in the park, refuel yourself with some good ol’ hawker centre comfort food. The most convenient centre near Central Catchment is the Adam Road Road Food Centre. Like most hawker centres, Adam Road has a pretty diverse selection of food options. Good time to get some traditional nasi goreng or satay if you haven’t already tried some.

If you’d like some suggestions on where to eat in the Adam Road Food Centre, Miss Tam Chiak has written on a guide on the local food stalls .

  • Cost  – $5 per plate.
  • How long should I stay here?  1-2 hours
  • Getting there –  The 165 goes directly from the park and stops in front of the Adam Centre.

3:00 PM – Singapore Botanic Garden

singapore botanic gardens

Following the underlying theme of this 4-day Singapore itinerary – that is, eat lots of delicious, unhealthy food at the hawker centres and then go for a walk – we next pay a visit to the lush Singapore Botanic Gardens, one of Singapore’s National Parks . These gardens are widely considered to be some of the most impressive in Asia and have even been declared a UNESCO heritage site. The Singapore Botanic Gardens are huge, well-kept, and are a testament to a city that strives to be one of the greenest in the world.

There are lots of places to visit in the Botanic Gardens, including several man-made lakes, greenhouses, and small natural exhibitions, like the orchid garden. Explore at a leisurely pace.

  • Cost  – $3.75 entry
  • Getting there –  The Botanic Gardens are literally across the road from the Adam Food Centre.

5:00 PM – Orchard Road

singapore 4 day itinerary orchard road

The shopping in Singapore is considered some of the best in the world and Orchard Road is the epicenter of it all. Here you’ll find Singapore’s megamalls, its clearance warehouses, and its superstores. You can buy just about anything here from designer brand clothing to electronics to cheap souvenirs. Considering that our 4-day itinerary for Singapore is over soon, this is a good time to pick up any gifts or gadgets that you may have had your eyes on so far.

TANGS is the oldest department store in the area is considered iconic by many locals. In contrast, the ION is the new, ultra-contemporary store on the street and makes for some cool abstract photos.

If shopping is not your thing, then there are plenty of places to eat and drink around Orchard Road. Lots of these offer happy hour as well, which by now should be a welcome sight given how expensive Singapore may have been so far. Alley Bar is a good place to duck into for a quick gin and tonic. Lovers of suds will also be glad to hear that there is a craft beer bar nearby called Takumi.

If you’re out late, grab some dinner or small bites while you’re at it or seek budget refuge in one of the hawker centres back in Chinatown or Kampong Glam.

  • Cost  – Depends on how much you shop and eat.
  • How long should I stay here?  As long as you want.
  • Getting there –  It’s a 15-minute walk from the southern entrance of the Botanic Gardens to Orchard Road, via Tanglin Road.

If you’re lucky enough to be spending more than 4 days in Singapore, here are a few more ideas on how you can spend your time.

Night Safari

Night Safari

Meet creatures of the night as you navigate through the wild enclosure with only nocturnal animals around! The Night Safari departs from the Singapore Zoo, and there are sideshows you can attend before and after your guided tour. There is a fire dancing show, which takes place every day (except for Wednesdays) at 7 pm, 8 pm, and 9 pm.

There’s also a Creatures of the Night show which you can watch, showing the many nocturnal creatures that inhabit the zoo, these shows can be seen every day provided the weather is good, at 7:30 pm, 8:30 pm, 9:30 pm, and 10:30 pm. The shows are included in your Safari ticket price.

The main event, however, is the guided tram ride, that will take you through all six geographical zones! The guide will provide live commentary as you go, giving you information on all the animals you see. You can, if you prefer, take a self-guided walking tour instead. This will take you along trails where you can see animals such as leopards, wallabies, tigers, and even hyenas!

Before you go, you can stop in at the gift shop and find many souvenirs to take home with you. Whether you want a plush version of your favorite night-dwelling animal or a simple keyring to carry around with you.

  • Cost  – $33 per adult for the Safari experience.
  • How long should I stay here?  2-3 hours
  • Getting there –  Buses 138 and 927 stop in front of the park but be aware that buses in Singapore usually stop running around midnight.

Universal Studios

Universal Studios

Situated on Sentosa Island, Singapore’s Universal Studios is a magical place to be. With 7 zones, all themed differently, you can enjoy a wide range of rides, sights, and attractions!

This theme park is a great hit for many visitors and it’s hardly one of Singapore’s hidden gems . Because of this, it gets quite busy and crowded, which means long queues and waiting times. This is why we suggest you plan this activity as the main part of your day.

If you have kids with you (or even if you don’t), you’ll love the meet and greet opportunities. Shake hands with the big names like the minions from Despicable Me, Sesame Street characters, Autobots, and even Jurassic Park dinos!

There are many shows available each day as well, such as the 4D Adventure with Shrek which is a hit with all Shrek lovers. As you walk through the park, you’ll come across many street shows as well. Look out for the Cruisers and the Madagascar Boogie!

If you need a slightly more adventurous experience, check out the bigger, faster, and slightly scarier rides. These include a 3D Transformers battle ride, the Jurassic Park Rapids Adventure, and the Battlestar Galactica!

One thing that no one visiting the park should miss, is the Lights, Camera, Action Show, directed by Steven Spielberg! The show is a magnificent display of special effects, shown to the audience inside a boathouse.

  • Cost  – $79 for adult.
  • How long should I stay here?  As long as you like.

Getting there –  Take the Sentosa Express from the mainland to reach the island.

Marine Life Park – S.E.A Aquarium and Adventure Cove Waterpark

Marine Life Park

Start your day with a visit to the aquarium. There are more than 100, 000 animals that call the aquarium home, made up of over 1000 different species! These are spread across 50 habitats which can be viewed and visited while you are there.

At the aquarium, you can take advantage of the special experiences, such as walking with marine animals and swimming with sharks! Or simply enjoy watching the many sharks, fish, and other marine life from the outside.

  • Cost  – Entrance to both attractions costs $56.

Active Roots Security Belt

Stash your cash safely with this money belt. It will keep your valuables safely concealed, no matter where you go.

It looks exactly like a normal belt  except for a SECRET interior pocket perfectly designed to hide a wad of cash, a passport photocopy or anything else you may wish to hide. Never get caught with your pants down again! (Unless you want to…)

when to visit singapore

Singapore sits only 1 degree north of the equator: it is characterised by a hot and humid climate. Rainfall is very common and usually refreshing and won’t dampen too many traveling plans. Singapore is well prepared for rainy days.

There aren’t really any distinct seasons in Singapore – temperature and rainfall is pretty consistent year round. This means that there really isn’t a bad or good time to visit Singapore. The dry season is technically from February-April but the difference in rainfall is marginal.

Rain usually comes in the form of afternoon bursts. If it starts to rain, you’ll want to duck undercover quick before it turns into a downpour. Wait 10-15 minutes and all should be well.

Mornings are the best time to be outdoors in Singapore. It’s cooler, calmer, and more often clear.

Being one of the cultural and financial capitals of the world, there are lots of Singapore festivals going on year-round. Consider planning your trip to Singapore around one of these events if you want to make it a little more special.

Singapore benefits from a very effective and easy-to-use public transport system. Between the many bus and train options, you can get just about anywhere in Singapore.

The MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) and LRT (Light Rail Transit) are the two main forms of rail transport in Singapore and both interact flawlessly. Those backpacking in Singapore should definitely consider buying a commuter card (EZ-Link or Nets FlashPay) or a Tourist Pass, which acts as a temporary version of the former.

Note that fare is calculated based upon distance traveled and that these commuter cards are interchangeable e.g. you can use them on the MRT, LRT, and buses.

Is public transportation in Singapore safe

Buses are ubiquitous in Singapore and are conveniently available 24 hours/day on Friday and Saturdays. Should you be out late or burning the midnight oil, the bus will be your best option when it comes to public transport. Note that the night bus (officially called NightRider) does not yet accept tourist passes – you’ll have to use an EZ-Link card or change.

If you need to be more proactive about getting around Singapore, taxis are widely available. Taxi rates are affordable and drivers are usually very honest. Should you prefer ride-sharing, Grab is the most popular company in Singapore. Should you use Grab, you may even find yourself the passenger in “ driverless car .”

Renting your own car in Singapore is not a good idea as self-driving driving is completely unnecessary. Hitchhiking is probably a fruitless effort as well because a) it’s very illegal and b) public transport is cheap enough.

Walking is, of course, a very reasonable means of getting around as Singapore is a very pedestrian-friendly city. Biking is also becoming quite popular though bikers may feel threatened often by harsh weather and lack of bike lanes.

Since Singapore is subject to a tropical climate, you’ll want to make sure that you have the right clothing. Try to bring loose-fitting clothing when packing for Singapore but also bear in mind that you may need to dress more conservatively when entering temples. Anything that you miss you can buy when you arrive.

Singapore has very strict laws and takes a zero-tolerance approach to those who disobey them. For the most part, there is no great risk for travelers to Singapore, and even solo travelers have found it a pleasant experience.

We’ve created a dedicated safety guide filled with travel tips for Singapore and some of the (crazy) things you need to look out for. Here are a few common things you need to guard yourself against.

  • Pick-pocketing : It almost goes without saying that when walking in the streets you should keep your valuables close to you and out of reach of long fingers.
  • Scams and fraud: from fake taxi cabs charging you more than their worth, to men posing as female prostitutes in order to obtain money and gifts from other men with the promise of sexual favors later on. Many of these scams are easy to avoid if you know what you are looking for.
  • Breaking the law: certain offenses – such as possession of cannabis – can be punishable by the death penalty. As a foreigner, you want to make sure that you are accustomed to the stricter laws and ensure you obey them while you are visiting.

Don’t Forget Your Travel Insurance for Singapore

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

singapour tour vegetale

SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

Find out what people want to know when planning their Singapore itinerary.

How many days are enough for Singapore?

With so much to discover, we recommend spending at least 3 full days in Singapore.

What should you include on a 4 day Singapore itinerary?

Don’t miss out on these top Singapore highlights: – ArtScience Museum – Supertree Grove Skywalk – Palawan Beach – Arab Street

Where should you stay if you have a full Singapore travel itinerary?

Marina Bay’s proximity to other areas makes it an ideal base for exploring Singapore.

What should you budget for a trip to Singapore?

Singapore is one of the more expensive destinations in Southeast Asia. Depending on where you stay and how many attractions you visit, you can spend anything from $50-$200 USD per day.

There sure is a lot to do with 4 days in Singapore but you should be ready to tackle everything now that you’ve read this itinerary!

Be sure to take lots of photos, Singapore is a city filled with sights you won’t often see anywhere else in the world! Enjoy the many cultural experiences, from religious buildings to food and even crafts – take it all in and embrace the journey. And, of course, don’t be afraid to try new things while you’re there, it’s all part of the adventure!

singapour tour vegetale

And for transparency’s sake, please know that some of the links in our content are affiliate links . That means that if you book your accommodation, buy your gear, or sort your insurance through our link, we earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you). That said, we only link to the gear we trust and never recommend services we don’t believe are up to scratch. Again, thank you!

Monique MacPhail

Monique MacPhail

Singapore Itinerary Pinterest Image

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  • Travel Guide

My Experience Visiting Bollywood Veggies, An Organic Farm In Singapore's Rustic Kranji Countryside


Faruq Senin  •  Aug 07, 2020

During Singapore's Phase 2 (HA), some of you might wish to go on a quest to rediscover Singapore and explore its hidden gems, so we thought it'll be a great time to shine the spotlight on Bollywood Veggies, an organic farm in Singapore located all the way in Kranji! Their farms are open to the public and you can simply walk in or sign up for farm tours and other interesting activities. One of our readers, Ros, visited the farm and she shares with us her experience!

Note: Some parts of the article may have been edited for length and clarity. 

Trip to Bollywood Veggies

singapour tour vegetale

I have always wanted to grow edible plants at home and have tried planting, however it was not successful. My trip to Bollywood Veggies was fun and educational because I have learned a lot of knowledge about plants and the characteristics of trees.

singapour tour vegetale

I went there with my son and we were there exploring the farm and learned about the ecosystem too. At the same time, we feel that we should support our local farm (:

singapour tour vegetale

P.S. If you enjoy outdoor activities and food, this might just be for you.

Visiting Bollywood Veggies in Phase 2

We signed up for the guided tour and plant potting activities. You may want to contact the office for more info on the package fees or head over to their website . Currently, visitors can walk in to visit the farm.

P.S. If you're looking to explore more of Singapore's greenery, check out these 11 hiking and walking trails !

Favourite Part Of The Trip

singapour tour vegetale

My favourite part of the trip was the guided tour around the farm. The guide gave so much information on the type of plants and their benefits e.g. some leaves could cure illnesses like cancer, diabetes traditionally.

singapour tour vegetale

It's very interesting to know that the banana tree is not a tree, but a giant herbaceous plant.

singapour tour vegetale

At the Bollywood Veggies' Earth shop, you can purchase fresh herbs and other seasonal products such as pumpkin, papaya and sugar cane from the farm.

singapour tour vegetale

I purchased decomposed soil, fertilizer for my gardening project and some veggies. They also gave away pandan leaves ?

P.S. Finding more hidden gems in Singapore? Here are 8 spots that look like they are overseas !

Getting to Bollywood Veggies

Since we were going to the countryside part of Singapore, we decided to take the MRT from Woodlands to Kranji. We took a shuttle bus from Kranji MRT station to the farm and it costs $3 for a round trip. The journey took about 20 mins to reach the farm and along the way, the bus stopped at a few other farms.

If you're looking for other family-friendly activities, check this out!

Food at Poison Ivy Bistro

singapour tour vegetale

It was a hot and sunny day. After a long walk, we had fresh lemongrass, fig drinks and banana cake with ice cream. The Bistro serves other foods such as nasi lemak, laksa and many more. All the veggies and herbs were freshly picked from the farm for the cooking.

Note: Poison Ivy Bistro is not halal-certified but on their FAQ section on their website , they mention that they source their poultry from halal-certified suppliers and they don't serve pork or beef. However, they don't have a halal certificate from MUIS as they serve alcohol. We strongly recommend that you dine at your own discretion and if in doubt, look for alternatives. 

Useful Tips Before You Visit

  • If you plan to visit the farm, do wear comfortable shoes as you will need to walk a lot.

singapour tour vegetale

  • Please bring along umbrella, hat and shades in case of hot weather.
  • Drink a lot of water for hydration.

Bollywood Veggies

Address: 100 Neo Tiew Rd, Singapore 719026

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P.S. Looking for more outdoor activities to do in Singapore? This article will help you out ! 

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Nagfani Tours & Travels founder Pandit Mahavir Manu & his brother Bhupendra Jain are from the traditional Marwari-Jain community.

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Nagfani Tours & Travels founder Pandit Mahavir Manu & his brother Bhupendra Jain are from the traditional Marwari-Jain community. 

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[email protected]

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ZEROBASEONE announce 2024 ‘The First Tour’ tour

Featuring concerts in Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and more

ZEROBASEONE 2024 tour concert

South Korean boyband ZEROBASEONE have announced the dates for their upcoming 2024 ‘The First Tour’ tour, featuring concerts in Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and more.

  • READ MORE: Upcoming K-pop concerts, tours and music festivals in Asia

Today (April 29), ZEROBASEONE revealed the dates for their forthcoming 2024 ‘The First Tour’ tour, which will feature 14 concerts in seven different countries from September to December this year.

The K-pop boyband will kick off their tour with a three-date show at the KSPO Dome in Seoul, South Korea from September 20 to 22. In the same month, the group will also hold a concert at the Singapore Indoor Stadium.

In the following month, ZEROBASEONE will bring their 2024 ‘The First Tour’ tour to other cities and countries across Southeast Asia. They include one-night-only shows in Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia.

Thereafter, the K-pop act will head to the Galaxy Arena in Macau, China for a two-date concert. ZEROBASEONE will also hold five shows in Japan from late-November to early-December, featuring three and two concerts in the cities of Aichi and Kanagawa, respectively.

The ticketing details for the newly announced dates on ZEROBASEONE’s 2024 ‘The First Tour’ tour have yet to be revealed. Keep tabs on this page for the latest updates.

The dates for ZEROBASEONE’s 2024 ‘The First Tour’ tour are:

SEPTEMBER 2024 20: Seoul, South Korea, KSPO Dome 21: Seoul, South Korea, KSPO Dome 22: Seoul, South Korea, KSPO Dome 28: Singapore, Singapore, Singapore Indoor Stadium


OCTOBER 2024 05: Bangkok, Thailand, Impact Exhibition Hall 5-6 12: Manila, the Philippines, SM Mall Of Asia Arena 26: Jakarta, Indonesia, ICE BSD City Hall 5-6

NOVEMBER 2024 02: Macau, China, Galaxy Arena 03: Macau, China, Galaxy Arena 29: Aichi, Japan, Aichi Sky Expo Hall A 30: Aichi, Japan, Aichi Sky Expo Hall A

DECEMBER 2024 01: Aichi, Japan, Aichi Sky Expo Hall A 04: Kanagawa, Japan, K-Arena Yokohama 05: Kanagawa, Japan, K-Arena Yokohama

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Many airlines have 'stopover' programs that let travelers tour a city between connecting flights, and some will even pay for a hotel — here's how to book them

  • Many people intentionally book flights with long connections so they can explore the layover city.
  • Airlines capitalize on this trend with "stopover" programs, some even offering free hotels and food.
  • These stopovers benefit travelers, airlines, and the carrier's home country by boosting tourism.

Insider Today

A special segment of adventurous travelers will purposely book itineraries with long connections in layover cities just to leave the airport and explore for a few hours or days between flights.

Airlines have jumped on this growing trend with built-in "stopover" programs, which can come with free or discounted hotels, excursions, transportation, and food at the layover destination.

It's basically a vacation within a vacation.

Although it sounds too good to be true, stopovers benefit everyone involved. Travelers get more choices and don't have to be confined to an airport, airlines gain customers who may have otherwise chosen a nonstop option on a competitor, and the carrier's home country sees a boost in tourism.

Plus, the cheap or complimentary accommodations typically come at a small cost to airlines, thanks to partnerships with local hotels or tour companies.

Not all stopover programs are structured with an emphasis on tourism, though, as some were created simply to offer conveniences during long layovers. Still, they are a way to secure a free hotel and explore an extra city.

Here are 22 global airline stopover programs, each lasting anywhere from hours to months.

Many carriers allow stopovers to be added to a regular cash booking, but some are only available via award tickets . This means the flight was paid for using points/miles or a combination of points/miles and cash.

Air Canada has a stopover option built into its Aeroplan loyalty program. It allows customers booking award flights to add a stop on international journeys and explore practically any city the airline flies to outside the US and Canada.

The add-on costs 5,000 Aeroplan points each way and can only be booked if the stop is at least 24 hours, capping out at 45 days.

Air France/KLM

Air France and Dutch carrier KLM's Flying Blue loyalty program offers a stopover of 24 hours or more in a connecting city on either carrier or their airline partners.

The option is free to add to award tickets, and passengers can stay up to a year in the stopover city.

China Southern Airlines

China Southern Airlines offers a free one-night hotel stay for transfer passengers with connection times lasting between six and 30 hours, though there are some time and route restrictions.

Breakfast and transportation are included for eligible travelers.

Copa Airlines

Copa Airlines' Panama stopover program allows customers to spend anywhere from 24 hours to seven days in the nation's capital, Panama City, on their outbound or return trip.

The option is free for the first stopover, but a second stopover can cost up to $250 plus taxes. Copa offers discounted hotels and tours that can be booked via its stopover website.

Emirates allows a stopover in Dubai with the option to add discounted tours or hotel bookings to the itinerary via its website.

The UAE carrier also has a " Dubai Connect " program that gives passengers with layovers between 6 and 26 hours, depending on the cabin, a complimentary hotel, transfers, meals, and any needed visa.

Dubai Connect only triggers if the customer takes the next available flight. Essentially, you can't intentionally book a longer layover to quality for the free stopover hotel.

Ethiopian Airlines

Ethiopian Airlines' transit program gives customers flying via Addis Ababa a free hotel, transit visa, and transfers during layovers lasting between eight and 24 hours.

The hotel on the airline's website is the Ethiopian Skylight In-Terminal Hotel, located inside the airport.

Etihad Airways

Etihad Airways offers a stopover in its Abu Dhabi hub, which comes with an undisclosed discount at select three-star hotels for up to two nights.

Two and four-night stays can be booked at more luxurious four and five-star hotels at a 40% discount. The minimum stay is 24 hours.

Although Etihad's website says it is temporarily unavailable, the airline used to allow eligible travelers to use a so-called Transit Connect Package that provided a free hotel near the airport for layovers lasting 10 to 24 hours. It is unclear when or if the program is returning.

Fiji Airways

Fiji Airways offers a stopover program in Fiji for those traveling to and from Australia, New Zealand, and other South Pacific nations.

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Hotels and activities like ziplining and beach resorts can be booked through the airline as part of the stopover package.

Finnair allows passengers to book 6, 12, or 24-hour layovers in Helsinki at no additional fare charge and outlines itinerary ideas and information on its website , like transportation, free walking tours, and restaurants.

Customers can book a hotel through the airline and earn Finnair Plus points.

Iberia customers can plan a stopover in Madrid to or from an international destination for one to six nights at no extra cost.

Discounts on hotels, excursions, and transfers in the Spanish capital are available through Iberia.

Icelandair offers a stopover option for one to seven days in its capital city of Reykjavik on transatlantic itineraries for no additional charge.

The airline offers itinerary help and assistance in booking excursions and tours. Hotels need to be booked separately.

Japan Airlines

Japan Airlines considers itself one of the "most stopover -friendly" carriers in the world.

The stopovers, which trigger at 24 hours, are not limited to JAL's hubs in Tokyo but can be enjoyed in places like Osaka and Kyoto using the airline's multi-city booking tool.

Latam Airlines

Latam Airlines offers stopovers for between one and three days on flights that connect in São Paulo, Brasilia, Fortaleza, Recife, Manaus, Curitiba, and Belem. Only international itineraries that connect in São Paulo.

Hotels and amenities can be booked via Latam, but the stopover booking is free.

Oman Air offers customizable stopover packages to give travelers time to explore the country's capital, Muscat, and beyond. An additional fare charge may be applicable, though the airline does not fly to the US.

Packages and a-la-carte options include discounted hotels for up to three nights, as well as organized tours, meals, and transfers.

Australian flag carrier Qantas offers its stopovers in a similar manner to JAL in that multi-city bookings can be manipulated to add extra days between flights in layover cities, like Bangkok, Osaka, or San Francisco.

This comes at no extra cost on eligible Qantas fares and can be used on its Oneworld partner airlines.

Qatar Airways

Qatar Airways' stopover program allows passengers with a minimum layover of 12 hours and up to 24 hours to choose from a list of deeply discounted four and five-star hotels. Certain flight itineraries allow for up to four nights.

Nightly hotel rates start at $14 per person for 1 night at four-star standard hotels, with premium five-star beach hotels starting at $30 per person for one night.

Royal Jordanian Airlines

Royal Jordanian Airlines' transit program gives economy and business-class travelers with at least eight and six-hour layovers, respectively, a free hotel room, meals, and transit, assuming certain fare conditions are met.

However, the connecting flight must be the earliest possible — meaning, similar to Emirates, passengers can't intentionally book a longer layover to be eligible for the complimentary perks.

Swiss International Air Lines

Swiss International Air Lines, or SWISS, has a multi-city stopover booking tool on its website that allows passengers to find itineraries with extra days in Switzerland.

The cost of hotels and other perks is on the customer, though.

Singapore Airlines

Singapore Airlines' stopover program is available via the multi-city tool, similar to other carriers, where travelers can add hotels, transfers, and activities. The stopover can last one to seven days.

Singapore also offers free transit tours to passengers with layover times between five and a half and 24 hours at Singapore's Changi Airport. It's first-come, first-serve and includes sightseeing around Singapore.

TAP Air Portugal

TAP Air Portugal allows customers to add a stopover in Lisbon or Porto between one and 10 days, offering discounts on hotels, food, and activities.

It also offers 25% off a domestic flight to a second Portuguese destination, like the Azores or Madeira islands, to take during the stopover.

Turkish Airlines

Turkish Airlines' stopover program gives economy travelers a one-night free hotel stay and business flyers a two-night free stay if the period between their connecting flights in Istanbul exceeds 20 hours.

Those traveling from the US in economy class can stay up to two nights in a four-star hotel, while those traveling in business can stay up to three nights in a five-star hotel.

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  19. Discover Singapore Sightseeing Tours

    Book Now. Novelty & Excitement. operated by. Singapore Southern Islands Yacht Tour With Cable Car. Embark on a scenic yacht cruise of Singapore's southern islands to discover their place in Singapore's origins, history, biodiversity, and ... more. Every Thursday-Sunday (including public holidays) 9:15am-11:45am.

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    4-Day Singapore Itinerary Overview. Day 1 in Singapore: Arab Street, Little India, Tekka Centre, Singapore National Museum, River Cruise, Rooftop Cocktails. Day 2 in Singapore: Esplanade Center, ArtScience Museum, Lunch, Gardens by the Bay, Biodomes, Supertree Grove Skywalk.

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    We signed up for the guided tour and plant potting activities. You may want to contact the office for more info on the package fees or head over to their website. Currently, visitors can walk in to visit the farm. P.S. If you're looking to explore more of Singapore's greenery, check out these 11 hiking and walking trails! Favourite Part Of The Trip

  22. Book Singapore Pure Veg Tour from India

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    Book your dream destination with no.1 tour operator in India & Mumbai with 100% pure vegetarian food and Jain food - Shree Kanaiya Travels +91-9321590898 // +91-9322590898 ABOUT US

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    South Korean boyband ZEROBASEONE have announced the dates for their upcoming 2024 'The First Tour' tour, featuring concerts in Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and more. Today (April 29 ...

  25. Airlines That Offer 'Stopover' Programs, Some With Free Hotels

    Singapore also offers free transit tours to passengers with layover times between five and a half and 24 hours at Singapore's Changi Airport. It's first-come, first-serve and includes sightseeing ...