Ishockeylandslaget Tre Kronor.

Euro Hockey Tour 2023/24: Så sänder SVT från turneringen

Euro Hockey Tour avgörs årligen i fyra olika turneringar mellan Sverige, Finland, Tjeckien och Schweiz. I vår guide kan du bland annat se SVT:s sändningstider och när samtliga turneringar spelas.


Karjala Tournament, 9 – 12 nov 2023 (Sänds i SVT)

Swiss Hockey Games 14 – 17 december, 2023 (Viasat)

Beijer Hockey Games, 8 – 11 februari 2024 (SVT)

Åttonde februari:

18.50 – 20.00, SVT2/Play: Tjeckien – Sverige.

20.00 – 20.30, SVT24/Play: Tjeckien – Sverige.

Tionde februari:

11.55 – 14.30, SVT Play: Finland – Tjeckien.

15.50 – 17.50, SVT2/Play: Sverige – Schweiz.

17.50 – 18.30, Kunskapskanalen/Play: Sverige – Schweiz.

Elfte februari:

11.55 – 14.30, SVT Play: Tjeckien – Schweiz.

15.50 – 17.00, SVT2/Play: Sverige – Finland.

17.00 – 18.30, Kunskapskanalen/Play: Sverige – Finland.

Czech Hockey Games, 2 – 5 maj 2024, (Viasat)

Här hittar du alla sändningar från Euro Hockey Tour i SVT Play >>>


Filip Larsson, Leksand

Marcus Högberg, Linköping

Christian Folin, Frölunda

Henrik Tömmernes, Frölunda

Gabriel Carlsson, Växjö

Lukas Bengtsson, Zug

Jesper Sellgren, Luleå

Tim Heed, Ambri-Piotta

Patrik Nemeth, Bern

Joel Persson, Växjö

Joakim Nygård, Färjestad

Victor Ejdsell, Färjestad

Linus Johansson, Färjestad

Malte Strömwall, Frölunda

Max Friberg, Frölunda

Jacob de la Rose, Fribourg-Gotteron

Dennis Rasmussen, Davos

Marcus Sylvegård, Växjö

Jesper Frödén, Zürich Lions

Filip Hållander, Timrå

Marcus Sörensen, Fribourg-Gotteron

Lucas Wallmark, Fribourg-Gotteron

Oscar Lindberg, Skellefteå

Anton Bengtsson, Rögle


2023: Sverige.

2022: Sverige.

2021: Ryssland.

2020: Turneringen ställdes in på grund av covid-19.

2019: Ryssland.

2018: Finland.

2017: Ryssland.

2016: Sverige.

2015: Sverige.

2014: Finland.


– Turneringen spelas återkommande sedan säsongen 1996/1997.

– De fyra grundnationerna i turneringen var Sverige, Tjeckien, Finland och Ryssland.

– Efter Rysslands anfallskrig mot Ukraina 2022 sparkades landet ut från turneringen och ersattes av Schweiz.

– Sveriges turnering i Euro Hockey Tour hette från början Sweden Hockey Games, men har sedan 2006 haft sponsornamn som LG Hockey Games, Oddset Hockey Games och sedan 2018 Beijer Hockey Games.

– Karjala Tournament, är även känt som Karjala Cup, och har spelats i sin nuvarande form sedan 1996. Sveriges Tre Kronor har vunnit de två senaste upplagorna av turneringen.

var spelas euro hockey tour 2023

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Ishockey-VM 2022

Så spelas Euro Hockey Tour 2023/24

var spelas euro hockey tour 2023

Nu står det klart  hur Tre Kronors kommande säsong kommer att se ut. 

Bara några veckor efter att årets VM avslutats är det redan dags att börja blicka fram emot en ny säsong. För många spelare väntar en sommar fylld av träning inför en vinter där ett av målen är att försöka slå sig in i Tre Kronor, där VM i Tjeckien är den största höjdpunkten. Under säsongen spelas precis som vanligt även Euro Hockey Tour och nu står det klart vilka datum som gäller för de fyra turneringarna där man samlar ihop poäng i jakt på att vinna den totala tabellen.

6-12:e november – Karjala Tournament

Precis som den gångna säsongen inleds hösten på andra sidan Östersjön där Finland bjuder in till Karjala Tournament och den turneringen börjar att spelas den 6:e november. Tre Kronor kommer att åka till säsongens första turnering med en seger att försvara eftersom man lyckades vinna förra året.

Ställning den här säsongen 1. Sverige – 5 poäng 2. Schweiz – 5 poäng 3. Tjeckien – 4 poäng 4. Finland – 4 poäng

12-17:e december – Swiss Ice Hockey Games

Knappt två veckor innan jul är det dags för årets sista turnering och då vänds blicken söderut, närmare bestämt till de Schweiziska alperna, och precis som i Karjala kommer Tre Kronor ha chansen att försvara segern från förra vintern. Noterbart är att det blir andra året som Schweiz står som värd för turneringen, detta efter att man tagit över Rysslands plats i Euro Hockey Tour.

Ställning den här säsongen 1. Sverige – 7 poäng 2. Tjeckien – 6 poäng 3. Finland – 4 poäng 4. Schweiz – 1 poäng

5-11:e februari – Beijer Hockey Games

In i det nya året är det dags för Sverige att stå som värd för den tredje etappen av Euro Hockey Tour och det brukar bli en turnering där förbundskaptenens VM-lag börjar att ta form. Får man chansen att visa upp sig med ungefär en månad kvar till uttagningen gäller det att vara på topp och visa att man vill vara med när landslaget beger sig ner till Tjeckien.

Ställning den här säsongen 1. Sverige – 7 poäng 2. Finland – 5 poäng 3. Tjeckien – 4 poäng 4. Schweiz – 2 poäng

30 april-5:e maj – Czech Hockey Games

Precis som det här året kommer Euro Hockey Tour avslutas i Tjeckien men det som gör nästa säsongs turnering lite extra intressant är att den spelas i samma land där VM även ska avgöras. Det gör även att Tjeckerna förmodligen kommer bygga ett väldigt starkt VM-lag som även kommer vara på plats när den här turneringen spelas.

Ställning den här säsongen 1. Schweiz – 6 poäng 2. Sverige – 5 poäng 3. Tjeckien – 4 poäng 4. Finland – 3 poäng

MER OM TRE KRONOR: Här är spelarna som representerade Sverige säsongen 2022/23


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Ishockey-VM 2022

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Euro Hockey Tour scores, standings, teams, schedule and stats

Euro hockey tour, featured match.

Euro Hockey Tour is a hockey tournament.

Euro Hockey Tour season starts on Nov 9, 2023.

The current title holder is Sweden.

Beside the Euro Hockey Tour information such as standings, results and match list, find other statistics, odds and ice hockey live scores on Sofascore.

Euro Hockey Tour

Euro hockey tour spelschema 2023/2024, euro hockey tour 2023/2024 matcher.

Inga matcher för det angivna tidsintervallet.

Euro Hockey Tour 2023/2024 Resultat

var spelas euro hockey tour 2023

Ishockey: Euro Hockey Tour

Direktsänd ishockey

Kan bara ses i Sverige

Euro Hockey Tour består av turneringarna Beijer Hockey Games, Karjala Tournament, Channel One Cup och Carlson Hockey Games där de fyra länderna Sverige, Finland, Tjeckien och Schweiz möts.

Direktsänd sport

Euro Hockey Tour 2023/24: Så sänder SVT från turneringen

Information om Ishockey: Euro Hockey Tour

Beijer hockey games 2024, sverige-finland.

Publicerades: Sön 11 feb 15:50 Sön 11 feb • 2 tim 43 min

Match mellan Sverige och Finland i den svenska turneringen i Euro Hockey Tour som i år spelas i Karlstad. Kommentatorer: Chris Härenstam och Håkan Loob. Programledare: Marie Lehmann. Mer om programmet


Publicerades: Sön 11 feb 11:50 Sön 11 feb • 2 tim 26 min

Match mellan Tjeckien och Schweiz i den svenska turneringen i Euro Hockey Tour som i år spelas i Karlstad. Kommentatorer: Chris Härenstam och Håkan Loob. Mer om programmet


Publicerades: Lör 10 feb 15:50 Lör 10 feb • 2 tim 40 min

Match mellan Sverige och Schweiz i den svenska turneringen i Euro Hockey Tour som i år spelas i Karlstad. Kommentatorer: Chris Härenstam och Jonas Andersson. Programledare: Marie Lehmann. Mer om programmet


Publicerades: Lör 10 feb 11:50 Lör 10 feb • 2 tim 35 min

Match mellan Finland och Tjeckien i den svenska turneringen i Euro Hockey Tour som i år spelas i Karlstad. Kommentatorer: Chris Härenstam och Jonas Andersson. Mer om programmet


Publicerades: Tor 8 feb 18:50 Tor 8 feb • 2 tim 38 min

Match mellan Tjeckien och Sverige i den svenska turneringen i Euro Hockey Tour som i år spelas i Karlstad. Kommentatorer: Chris Härenstam och Håkan Loob. Programledare: Marie Lehmann. Mer om programmet

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Euro Hockey Tour 2024

Euro Hockey Tour

←prev. Season : 2023-2024

Country : Finland, Switzerland, Sweden, Czech Republic

Beijer Hockey Games 2024

Host country : Sweden

Dates : 8-11 February 2024

Czech Republic ( roster )

Finland ( roster )

Sweden ( roster )

Switzerland ( roster )

Czech Hockey Games 2024

Host country : Czech Republic

Dates : 2-5 May 2024

Karjala Cup 2023

Host country : Finland

City : Tampere

Dates : 9-12 November 2023

Arena : Nokia Arena (capacity 13,455)

Final standings:

1. Czech Republic

4. Switzerland

Swiss Hockey Games 2023

Host country : Switzerland

City : Zürich

Dates : 14-17 December 2023

Arena : Swiss Life Arena (capacity 12,000)

2. Czech Republic

Results of past tournaments

Games schedule and results, karjala cup, swiss ice hockey games, beijer hockey games, international.

Hockey-VM 2024 i Tjeckien Logotyp

Karjala Tournament 2023


Spelschema Karjala Tournament

Liveresultat karjala tournament, resultat karjala tournament, senaste nytt om karjala tourmanent.

Karjala Cup 2023

Tre Kronor avslutade Karjala Cup med seger – vann mot Finland

Tre Kronor hockey-VM 2023

Tre Kronor säkrade första vinsten i Karjala Cup mot Schweiz

Karjala Cup 2023

Tung start för Tre Kronor i Karjala Cup – rasade i första perioden

Tre Kronor tröja

Christoffer Ehn inkallad till Karjala Cup 2023

Linus Johansson hockey-VM

Tre Kronors trupp till Karjala Cup 2023

Tre Kronor landskamper i Linköping

Datum spikade för Euro Hockey Tour 2023/2024

🏒 vad är karjala tournament, vilka länder deltar i karjala cup, 🏆 statistik för karjala cup, 📆 när spelas karjala cup, 🌍 var spelas karjala cup, 🇸🇪 har sverige vunnit karjala cup, historien bakom karjala cup.

  • Euro Hockey Tour

The Euro Hockey Tour (EHT) is an annual ice hockey tournament only open to the national men's teams of the Czech Republic , Finland , Switzerland and Sweden . Most of the teams use the competition as a preparation for the upcoming World Championships or Olympics , allowing less experienced players to collect valuable ice time in their national colours.

  • 1.1 Prize money
  • 1.2 Finals in previous years
  • 2 Participating teams
  • 3 Euro Hockey Tour finalists
  • 4.1 Medal table
  • 5 References

Playing format

Euro Hockey Tour consists of four tournaments:

  • Karjala Tournament in Finland
  • Swiss Ice Hockey Games in Switzerland , replacing the Channel One Cup in Russia following the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine
  • Sweden Hockey Games in Sweden
  • Czech Hockey Games in the Czech Republic

Each team plays three games in each of the tournaments, giving a total of twelve games per team. After the four tournaments have finished, the teams are seeded according to their respective combined point total from all four tournaments.

In each tournament, five games are played in the host city, and one game in another participating country. For example, in the 2007 edition of Karjala Tournament, the game between Sweden and Russia was played in Jönköping, Sweden, rather than in Finland, who host the Karjala Cup. Every country is assigned one home game and one away game in those games.

Each team is given three points for a regulation-time win, two points for an overtime or shootout win, one point for a loss in overtime or shootout, and zero points for a loss in regulation time. In the four tournaments, if two or more teams end with the same number of points, they are seeded based on head-to-head results in games against the tied teams. In the EHT standings however, two or more teams tied in points are seeded based on the better goal difference.

Prize money

The prize money for the winner of each tournament is € 50,000 while the second seed gets €30,000, the third seed gets €25,000, and the fourth seed gets €15,000. The EHT season winner receives another €75,000, the team finishing second gets €30,000, and the team finishing third gets €15,000. [1]

Finals in previous years

Medal games were not played until the 2003–04 season. Before that, place order was determined by the tournament standings. The seasons 2003–04, 2004–05 and 2006–07 used a format where the first-placed and second-placed teams played a home-and-home two-game series for the EHT gold and silver medals, while the third-placed and fourth-placed teams played two games for the bronze. In 2005–06, the championship was determined by a single game played at the home of the first-place team. Since 2007–08, no EHT finals have been played.

Participating teams

Only four European teams compete in EHT:

Euro Hockey Tour finalists

Medal table.

  • ↑ "Euro Hockey Tour prize money 2012–13" . Swedish Ice Hockey Association . . Retrieved 2013-06-08 .  
  • "Euro Hockey Tour" . European Hockey.Net . . Retrieved 2006-05-01 .  
  • "Euro Hockey Tour history" . Swedish Ice Hockey Association. Archived from the original on 2005-12-08 . . Retrieved 2006-05-01 .  
  • "Euro Hockey Tour Czech republic" . Pro-Hockey CZ . . Retrieved 2006-07-16 .  
  • David Schlegel. "History of Euro Hockey Tour and its tournaments" . PRO-HOCKEY Cz, s.r.o. &, s.r.o . . Retrieved 2006-09-03 .  
  • "Nytt Euro Hockey Touravtal" (in Swedish). . . Retrieved 2006-12-20 .  

This article incorporates information from the German Wikipedia

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Euro Hockey Tour

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var spelas euro hockey tour 2023

The Most Amazing European Hockey Arenas

There are beautiful hockey rinks and buildings all over the world which you probably will never have the pleasure to visit in your life. While many of them are hidden gems and not very well-known to the public, there are hockey arenas which serve as the main venue of professional teams. I am going to highlight some of the most beautiful/spectacular European professional hockey arenas in this article.

Vaillant Arena (Davos, Switzerland)

Probably one of the nicest hockey arenas in Europe, possibly in the entire world. This is really a special and unique professional hockey arena from the outside and inside. Special thing about this arena is that it is made out of wood, from the inside and outside which gives a special and unique atmosphere.

Next to the building you can find an open natural ice rink which served as a venue for international speed skating events. The town of Davos is a famous Swiss ski resort and lies 1,560 meters above sea level. (5,120 ft) It has a population of just above 11’000 and is a typical hockey town. Its most famous “brand” is Swiss record hockey champion HC Davos, which plays in the beautiful Vaillant Arena and is the unchallenged pride of the habitants. Because Davos is located in the alps and is kind of cut off from the bigger cities in Switzerland, the arena is often pretty empty at game days, especially on week days.

However, once a year there is a state of emergency in Davos, when the village hosts the famous Spengler Cup , a traditional tournament between Christmas and New Year’s Eve.

Ondrej Nepela Arena (Bratislava, Slovakia)

The Ondrej Nepela Arena, also known as Slovnaft Arena, is named in honour of Ondrej Nepela, a Slovak figure skater. It is the home of the only Slovakian KHL-team Slovan Bratislava. The building saw a major renovation in 2009-2011 as it was one of the venues for the 2011 World Championship. All quarterfinals, semifinals as well as the bronze and gold medal game have been played in this arena, where Finland crushed Sweden in the final 6-1 to capture the gold medal.

This arena is a treat to watch from the outside with its unique glass architecture. According to Slovakian media, the arena features one of the most advanced game presentation, LED scoreboards and security systems ever built. Ondrej Nepela Arena hosted the Ivan Hlinka Memorial Cup for the first time this year. I have catched some games and saw this venue from the in and outside and can confirm that this arena is very modern and unique in its outside architecture.

Ericsson Globe (Stockholm, Sweden)

It might not be the most beautiful building in the world, but surely you can’t miss the Globe stadium in Stockholm. This unique arena is shaped like a large white ball and is located in the southern part of the city of Stockholm. You can see the white ball from quite far away already and with its shape it is probably one of the most amazing arenas in hockey.

However, there is currently no team playing its home games in this arena. Some home games of Djurgarden Stockholm and AIK Stockholm have been scheduled in the Globe, especially the Stockholm derby games as it has more capacity than the Hovet Arena just next to it. The Globe is also home of many Swedish National games, as well as hosted multiple World Championships and NHL Challenges.

Ostrava Arena (Ostrava, Slovakia)

The Ostrava Arena in Ostrava, formerly known as CEZ Arena, was the second venue of this year’s World Championship next to Prague and has a capacity of 12,500. The World Championship tournament 2015 is the one holding the current overall attendance record and therefore the Ostrava Arena made it into the hockey history books.

Frankly, this arena is nothing spectacular from the inside, but it is quite special from the outside. Its shape reminds me at a closed oyster. Ostrava Arena is currently the home of the hockey club HC Vitkovice from the Czech Extraliga.

HK Areena (Turku, Finland)

The HK Areena is home of the traditional Finnish top team TPS Turku and serves as an event hall. It hosted multiple World Championships and a couple of concerts. This arena looks like an average stadium from the outside, but from inside it reminds one at an opera. The stand behind one net looks like an opera with its lounges and the red seating underlines the feeling of an opera visit even more. You can take a virtual tour by clicking here!

Lanxess Arena (Cologne, Germany)

Lanxess Arena in Cologne is the biggest hockey arena in Germany with a capacity of 18,700. Next to hockey, teams of the city’s handball and basketball team are playing their home games in the arena. This venue is special because of its arch on the roof which makes the arena visible from far away. The arch draws some comparison to the one which is built around the world-famous soccer stadium “Wembley” in London, England.

Bolshoy Ice Dome (Sochi, Russia)

The Bolshoy Ice Dome is probably the most famous Russian hockey arena for Canadians. Canada has won the gold medal at the Olympic games in Sochi and the final game has been played in this arena where Canada captured the gold medal. The Ice Dome was solely built for the Olympic games and has been opened in 2012. After the Olympic tournament, newly created KHL-team HC Sochi became the tenant.

Bolshoy Ice Dome in Sochi

Bolshoy means something like “great” in Russian and this name was chosen due to its universal familiarity in other countries, like in addition to its allusion to the Bolshoi Theatre, Bolshoi Ballet, and other great Russian accomplishments, according to the Sochi Olympic games committee. The LEDs outside of the stadium make it possible to display nice color combinations or national flags and gives the Ice Dome a nice appearance from the outside.

Luzhniki Small Sports Arena (Moscow, Russia)

Luzhniki Small Sports Arena is the home of the Russian hockey club and Ovechkin’s youth team, HC Dynamo Moscow. It was built in 1956 and is a rather small building with a capacity of only 8,700. However, its real beauty can be seen from outside only, its surface looks like an art gallery, theatre and not at all like an ice hockey rink. Maybe not the most beautiful building for most of you, but it displays the charm of the old days of the UDSSR and is a real eye-catcher with its soviet architecture.

Arena Zagreb (Zagreb, Croatia)

Croatia is not a typical hockey country, but they have one of the biggest arenas in Europe with a capacity of 15,200, the Arena Zagreb. It is a rather new building, opened in 2008. The local hockey team Medvescak Zagreb joined the KHL in 2014 and they are playing some of their homes games in this arena since 2011. However, main venue is the much smaller Dom Sportova. Next to Medvescak, Zagreb’s handball team is also playing home games in the Arena Zagreb.

From the outside, Arena Zagreb looks like a giant cage with its curved columns around the main building. The arena has won a couple of architecture awards with its remarkable design.

Minsk-Arena (Minsk, Belarus)

A beautiful, very modern hockey arena which was opened in 2010 with the KHL-All Star Game. The arena is the home of the KHL team Dynamo Minsk and if you are planning a trip to Belarus it is an absolute must to catch a game at Minsk-Arena.


It was also the main venue of the World Championship in 2014.

There is a wooden indoor cycling track integrated into this stadium complex as well, where the UCI Track Cycling World Championships took place in 2013.

Megasport Arena (Moscow, Russia)

The Megasport Arena in Moscow is a very colorful building from the inside as well as from the outside. It isn’t a very big stadium and has a capacity of only 12,000, but the outside stairs make the building look funny and special at the same time. Inside the arena, many colored chairs give it a special character and the high roof makes the arena feel a lot bigger than it actually is.

Megasport Arena hosted some games of the 2007 World Championship including the medal games. At the time of the constructions, this arena was one of the first newly build arenas in Moscow since a very long time. However, it is currently not used by any big hockey club in Moscow.

Did I miss any outstanding European hockey arena? Feel free to leave a comment in the box below and share your thoughts.


  1. Euro Hockey Tour 2023/24: Så sänder SVT från turneringen

    HISTORIK OM EURO HOCKEY TOUR: - Turneringen spelas återkommande sedan säsongen 1996/1997. - De fyra grundnationerna i turneringen var Sverige, Tjeckien, Finland och Ryssland.

  2. Euro Hockey Tour 2023/2024

    Euro Hockey Tour är en turnering som spelas årligen för att inofficiellt kora det bästa landslaget i Europa. Turneringen grundades i slutet på 1990-talet och har varje år varit en följetong under hela säsongen. ... Euro Hockey Tour 2023/2024 Anders Granström 2024-05-12T19:26:14+02:00. ... Dessa turneringar var som följer; Czech Hockey ...

  3. 2023-24 Euro Hockey Tour

    The 2023-24 Euro Hockey Tour is the 28th season of Euro Hockey Tour. It started in November 2023 and will last until May 2024. It consists of Karjala Tournament, Swiss Ice Hockey Games, Beijer Hockey Games and Czech Hockey Games. Standings. Pos Team Pld W OTW OTL L GF GA GD Pts; 1

  4. Datum spikade för Euro Hockey Tour 2023/2024

    Här senast var det Malmö som fick den stora äran att hålla i spektaklet. Så spelas Euro Hockey Tour säsongen 2023/2024. 6-12 november 2023: Karjala Tourament i Finland och Sverige; 12-17 december 2023: Swiss Hockey Games i Schweiz; 5-11 februari 2024: Beijer Hockey Games i Sverige; 30 april-5 maj 2024: Czech Hockey Games i Tjeckien och ...

  5. Så spelas Euro Hockey Tour 2023/24

    30 april-5:e maj - Czech Hockey Games. Precis som det här året kommer Euro Hockey Tour avslutas i Tjeckien men det som gör nästa säsongs turnering lite extra intressant är att den spelas i samma land där VM även ska avgöras. Det gör även att Tjeckerna förmodligen kommer bygga ett väldigt starkt VM-lag som även kommer vara på ...

  6. Euro Hockey Tour Scores, Standings & Stats

    Euro Hockey Tour is a hockey tournament. Euro Hockey Tour season starts on Nov 9, 2023. The current title holder is Sweden. Beside the Euro Hockey Tour information such as standings, results and match list, find other statistics, odds and ice hockey live scores on Sofascore.

  7. Euro Hockey Tour

    Euro Hockey Tour (EHT) är en årligen återkommande serie ishockeyturneringar, ... sparkades ut från de kommande tävlingarna och ersattes av Schweiz och i stället för Channel One Cup i Ryssland spelas Swiss Ice Hockey Games i Schweiz med start säsongen 2022-2023. [5]

  8. Euro Hockey Tour 2023/2024

    Euro Hockey Tour 2023/2024 tabell, matcher, spelschema, statistik, du hittar helt enkelt allt på Everysport. Hitta alla siffror från alla sporter, ligor och lag du följer. Skapa konto Logga in. Översikt Matcher & resultat Mina lag TV-tider. Euro Hockey Tour. 2023/2024. Gå till serie.

  9. Euro Hockey Tour Fixtures, Live Scores & Results

    The 2023/2024 Euro Hockey Tour season in Europe will run between 09/11/2023 - 05/05/2024. All information is real-time, including tables, results and even live scores. Also, you can view all the upcoming games here on Oddspedia. Furthermore, you can find Live streams of all the Euro Hockey Tour games to enhance your in-play betting knowledge.

  10. Ishockey: Euro Hockey Tour

    Tjeckien-Sverige. Tor 8 feb • 2 tim 38 min. Match mellan Tjeckien och Sverige i den svenska turneringen i Euro Hockey Tour som i år spelas i Karlstad. Kommentatorer: Chris Härenstam och Håkan Loob. Programledare: Marie Lehmann. Mer om programmet. Euro Hockey Tour består av turneringarna Beijer Hockey Games, Karjala Tournament, Channel One ...

  11. Beijer Hockey Games spelas i Malmö Arena

    Beijer Hockey Games spelas i Malmö Arena. Publicerad: 2022-08-23. Den 9-12 februari 2023 spelas Beijer Hockey Games, som är en del av Euro Hockey Tour. Turneringen är den största turneringen som Svenska Ishockeyförbundet årligen arrangerar. Nu står det klart att turneringen kommer att spelas i Malmö Arena.

  12. 2022-23 Euro Hockey Tour

    The 2022-23 Euro Hockey Tour was the 27th season of Euro Hockey Tour. It started in November 2022 and ended in May 2023. ... The 2023 Carlson Hockey Games was played between 4-7 May 2023. Five matches were played in Czech Republic and one match in Gothenburg, Sweden. Pos

  13. Euro Hockey Tour

    The Euro Hockey Tour ( EHT) is an annual ice hockey tournament open to only the national men's teams of the Czech Republic, Finland, Switzerland and Sweden. Most of the teams use the competition as a preparation for the upcoming World Championships or Olympics, allowing less experienced players to collect valuable ice time in their national ...

  14. Euro Hockey Tour 2024

    Czech Hockey Games 2024. Host country: Czech Republic City: Dates: 2-5 May 2024 Arena: Karjala Cup 2023. Host country: Finland City: Tampere Dates: 9-12 November 2023 Arena: Nokia Arena (capacity 13,455) Final standings: 1. Czech Republic. 2. Sweden 3. Finland 4. Switzerland Swiss Hockey Games 2023. Host country: Switzerland City: Zürich

  15. Euro Hockey Tour 2023/2024 odds, datum

    Fakta om Euro Hockey Tour 2023/2024 Euro Hockey Tour är en serie av turneringen som årligen spelas mellan Sverige, Finland, Ryssland och Tjeckien. Totalt är det fyra turneringar som ingår i turneringsserien där varje land arrangerar en turnering på hemmaplan.

  16. Karjala Cup 2023: Allt om Euro Hockey Tour-turneringen i Finland

    Karjala Tournament, mer känd som Karjala Cup, spelas år 2023 mellan datumen 9-12 november med de deltagande nationerna Sverige, Tjeckien, Finland och Schweiz. Turneringen i Finland blir den första av fyra turneringar i Euro Hockey Tour under säsongen 2023/24. Nedan kommer du inför turneringen och under densamma att kunna hitta tabellen.

  17. Euro Hockey Tour

    Ice hockey. Founded. 1996. No. of teams. 4. Most recent champion (s) Russia. The Euro Hockey Tour (EHT) is an annual ice hockey tournament only open to the national men's teams of the Czech Republic, Finland, Switzerland and Sweden. Most of the teams use the competition as a preparation for the upcoming World Championships or Olympics, allowing ...

  18. Euro Hockey Tour

    Beijer Hockey Games Channel One Cup Czech Hockey Games Euro Hockey Challange Euro Hockey Tour Ice Sledge Hockey WC Karjala Tournament Nat. Team (April) Nat. Team InLine 2023 IIHF U20 WCS pre games Nat. Team U20 U18 5-Nations U19 5-Nations U20 4-Nations U20 5-Nations Nat. Team U17 (aug) Nat. Team U18 U17 4-Nations U17 5-Nations U18 4-Nations Nat ...

  19. 2023-24 Euro Hockey Tour (women)

    The 2023-24 Euro Hockey Tour was the fourth season of the Euro Hockey Tour (EHT) since the revision and expansion of the tournament format in 2018.. The season comprised four tournaments, hosted in Finland, Germany, Sweden, and Czechia, respectively. The national teams of Czechia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland each participated in at least one of the tournaments; Czechia ...

  20. The Most Amazing European Hockey Arenas

    Croatia is not a typical hockey country, but they have one of the biggest arenas in Europe with a capacity of 15,200, the Arena Zagreb. It is a rather new building, opened in 2008. The local ...

  21. Channel One Cup

    Historik. Turneringen började spelas 1967 i dåvarande Sovjetunionen, till 50-årsjubileet av ryska revolutionen 1917, och turneringen uppkallades efter dagstidningen Izvestija. Säsongen 1974/1975 spelades turneringen hemma-borta, och var utspridd över hela säsongen. 1992 spelades turneringen i Sankt Petersburg.Sedan 1996 ingår turneringen i Euro Hockey Tour.

  22. 2023 Men's EuroHockey Championship

    The 2023 Men's EuroHockey Championship was the nineteenth edition of the Men's EuroHockey Championship, the biennial international men's field hockey championship of Europe organised by the European Hockey Federation.. The tournament was held alongside the women's tournament from 19 to 27 August 2023 at the Warsteiner HockeyPark, in Mönchengladbach, Germany.

  23. Wimbledon 2024 storylines: Djokovic's knee, Iga Swiatek on grass, Hawk

    It's Iga Swiatek, a five-time Grand Slam champion who has dominated the top spot in the rankings for more than two years and finished the season as world No 1 in both 2022 and 2023.

  24. Men's EuroHockey Championship

    The Men's EuroHockey Championship is an international men's field hockey competition organised by the European Hockey Federation (EHF) for the top eight European national teams. It is the top division of the EuroHockey Championships. The tournament started in 1970. When the tournament is held close to the Summer Olympic games or the Men's FIH Hockey World Cup, the winner of the tournament is ...