bacaro tour con delitto


L'Aperitivo con Delitto tra i famosi BACARI Veneziani! Con attori professionisti che vi faranno scoprire una Venezia Magica e Misteriosa

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🔎Il nostro Bàcaro con Delitto è l'EVENTO esclusivo e unico nel suo genere a Venezia! In cui vivrai la città come non lo hai mai fatto prima!

Il Bàcaro con il delitto è un mystery game ambientato e itinerante tra le calli di Venezia. Nella Magica Venezia è stato commesso un delitto.Sarete accolti da attori professionisti per farvi vivere la città marinara più famosa al mondo toccando arte, cultura ed enogastronomia con un mystery game speciale.

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📍Incontro previsto presso Ponte Calatrava (lato Piazzale Roma) oppure Piazzale della Ferrovia. L’accoglienza verrà effettuata dai nostri attori, che introdurranno il gioco e le sue regole, consegnando il Kit Bàcaro con Delitto composto da una sacca porta calice, una mappa di Firenze, un capo d'accusa e vari indizi a ogni partecipante.

👥Sarete saranno suddivisi in gruppi da massimo 8-10 persone.

🗺️La mappa ha un percorso con 4 tappe di cui 3 Bàcari da noi selezionati, dove troverete i nostri attori che raccoglieranno gli indizi recuperati lungo il tragitto e forniranno dei nuovi suggerimenti utili per le indagini al fine di scoprire chi e’ stato, come ha fatto e il perché.

🖊️Ogni squadra avrà un capogruppo con il compito di annotare nel capo d'accusa lo sviluppo delle indagini che consegnerà una volta finito il tour del terzo Bàcaro prima dell’arrivo a Campo Santo Stefano ultima tappa prima di svelare il mistero.

🏆Vince la squadra che si avvicinerà alla soluzione del giallo e sarà premiata con un attestato di partecipazione!

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Certo, il format è adatto a tutti. Da tenere in considerazione che Venezia non è una città adatta a passeggini

Si, il Bacaro e il Mystery sono caratterizzati dalla presenza di attori professionisti che vi narreranno la storia e vi daranno gli indizi per risolvere il giallo

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The Bacaro Tour: a Venetian tradition

bacaro tour con delitto

One of the best ways to explore Venice as a local, tasting the savory Venetian cicheti (appetisers, in italian "cicchetti") accompanied by the typical ombra di vino (glass of wine), is to have fun going from bacaro to bacaro (a typical Venetian tavern) with your friends, and it is not even expensive at all. The bacaro tour is an alternative and fun way to enjoy the city as a real Venetian. 

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The Bacaro Tour: discovering the bacari

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First of all, what it is a bacaro ? To define it simply as a tavern would be somewhat reductive. A bacaro is a typical Venetian tavern , small in size, characterised by simple and rustic furniture, mainly made of wood, where you can enjoy glasses of wine , ombre in Venetian, or of spritz, accompanied by typical Venetian cicheti , that are small snacks of food ranging from fish balls to small stuffed sandwiches.

All cicheti are usually displayed in a glass case near the bar. But what certainly characterises a typical Venetian bacaro is the cosy and familiar atmosphere, the friendliness of the host and the presence of many Venetians that are taking a relaxing break.  

Step off the beaten track and discover hidden Venice ❯

The Bacaro Tour: what do you eat and drink in a bacaro?


Going from bacaro to bacaro certainly means drinking good wine and tasting real delicacies. As it is well known, Veneto is one of the best known Italian regions for the production of its fine wines, and for this reason in Venice you can certainly find excellent wines, even in the bacari , where they usually serve cheaper wines but still DOC (controlled designation of origin) wines. Among the red wines you can find Raboso, Cabernet, Merlot and Bardolino, whereas among the white wines Prosecco, Malvasia, Ribolla Gialla, Soave and Traminer. It is also possible to taste the authentic spritz , a typical Venetian aperitif, made with Prosecco, Aperol or Campari (or both in the case of the spritz misto, mixed), sparkling water or Seltz, a slice of orange and to put the finishing touches the olive. 


Concerning the cicheti , each bacaro offers its own options, so at each stage of your tour you can taste different specialities of the Venetian cuisine , but among the most common ones you can find the sarde in saor (fried fresh sardine fillets marinated in softly cooked white onions), baccalà mantecato (whipped salted cod served on slices of bread or polenta), meatballs, mozzarelle in carrozza (fried mozzarella cheese sandwiches), fried fish, tramezzini  (triangular Italian sandwich constructed from two slices of soft white bread, with the crusts removed) and sandwiches stuffed with cured meats.  

The Bacaro tour: what it is and where you can do it


The Bacaro Tour is the custom of going from bacaro to bacaro , around the sestieri  (districts) of Venice , to enjoy a few glasses of wine or spritz with your friends. Instead of sitting at the same bar for a long time, Venetians prefer performing this itinerant ritual. There is no exact time to go on a bacaro tour, but lunchtime and aperitif time are certainly the two most popular moments of the day. Tourists usually eat a real meal in the bacari , ordering trays of cicheti , but by doing so they miss the true essence of the bacaro tour. 

For those arriving by train at the Santa Lucia station, the first area from where they can begin their tour is the sestiere (district) of Cannaregio , in particular along the Fondamenta   (a street parallel to a canal) dei Ormesini, an area full of bacari . For those arriving instead by car or by bus, you cannot miss the Santa Croce district , an area with well-known bacari, frequented also by young people, especially university students. Another must-go area during your bacaro tour is the sestiere that includes the famous Campo  (square) Santa Margherita, that is Dorsoduro . A final district that deserves to be mentioned is the Castello district , the least tourist area in Venice and therefore full of bacari frequented by locals.

As previously mentioned, the bacaro tour is not expensive at all, the price of a glass of wine ranges from 0.60 cents to 2 euros maximum, while the price of a  cicheto  ranges from 1 to 3 euros . Those who have not yet had the chance to visit Venice will certainly not miss the opportunity to go on a bacaro tour on their first visit, and for those who have already visited it this will certainly be an opportunity to experience the city in a new way. 

Discover the hidden Venice ❯

Discover the best bacari with the Venice Pass


The Venice Pass is the Venice new tourist card with which you can visit most of the sites and museums in Venice free of charge and travel freely by all means of transport. Among the included attractions we can find the Basilica of San Pietro di Castello and the Museum Le Macchine di Leonardo.

In addition, with the pass you can get further discounts on the main tours and at some of the city's most popular historical activities. These include authentic Venetian bacari and cicchetterie. 

Thanks to the useful app you can locate all the activities and attractions included in the Venice Pass on an interactive map, so you can reach them easily. This tourist card will be able to offer you unique experiences, such as taking part in a workshop to create your own handmade Venetian mask, discovering how the famous glass manufactures in Murano are made or taking a tour of the traditional bacari , to experience Venice like a Venetian. 

Discover the Venice Pass ❯

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Bacaro Tour: the ultimate guide

Whether you're tourists, commuters, university students, or simply people with an insatiable thirst for good drinks and you find yourselves in Venice, you can't miss out on a top-notch bacaro tour in true Venetian style. If this expression is new to you, you've never heard it before, but your eyes lit up when you read "people with an insatiable thirst for good drinks," then this is the article for you, and we recommend reading it to the end.

What is a bácaro? The bácaro or bacareto is the typical Venetian tavern that offers a wide variety of wines, commonly called ombre or biancheti, and a rich assortment of quick snacks like crostini, small stuffed sandwiches, and fried foods, all grouped under the name cicchetti. An essential part of the bacaro experience is the spritz, a drink made with Aperol, prosecco, and seltz, ideal for aperitivo time or any other time of the day. Additionally, what characterizes the bacaro are the very small spaces (some are no larger than 5 square meters) and the abundant use of wood, generally dark, in the furnishings. All this creates a rustic, informal, yet warm and welcoming atmosphere.



After this brief introduction, the real fun begins. The bacari are the coveted destinations of the so-called bacaro tour, a tour of the city that, instead of aiming for the extraordinary monuments of Venice, focuses on the beloved bacari (which we think could be considered "monuments of interest"). It's impossible to determine the duration of a bacaro tour: it can last from a few hours to an entire day. Some people quickly hop from one bacaro to another, while others choose one and stay for hours. It really depends on you and, even more so, on your ability to handle the alcoholic strength of the ombre. The important thing is to find the right places that make you feel at home and let you savor the true Venetian atmosphere.

Sestiere Cannaregio

Osteria bea vita.

Located at the end of Fondamenta degli Ormesini, far from the hordes of tourists crowding Strada Nuova, Osteria Bea Vita offers a genuine taste of Venice's local life. Upon entering, you'll be greeted by a large counter filled with cicchetti and small sandwiches, all kinds of fried foods, meatballs, and calamari. Being a spot much loved by the locals, you'll certainly find some Venetians engaging in a "ciacoea" (chat) with the hosts, and around noon, the place will fill up with workers on their lunch break. The cuisine is simple, authentic, and well-prepared. The atmosphere is rustic and relaxing, allowing you to savor the authentic Venetian experience. The smiles and friendliness of the hosts will make you forget you're in a hurry, and for this reason, it is considered a reliable favorite by Venetians and lovers of good wine and food. The value for money is excellent.

Closed on Monday

Cannaregio 3082, Fondamenta de le Cappuccine, 30121 Venezia



Cantina Vecia Carbonera

It is located at the corner of Rio della Maddalena, near the S. Antonio bridge, along one of the city's most frequented arteries. Once an old coal shop, today it is a typical Venetian osteria, offering a simple, informal, yet truly characteristic atmosphere dominated by dark wood. Cantina Vecia Carbonera features a rich counter with cicchetti, stuffed sandwiches, meatballs, fried calamari, and much more, all to be enjoyed in a simple setting, on wooden tables or outside on the steps of the bridge. A distinctive feature of this bacaro is the small port that opens directly onto the canal, through which goods arriving at the establishment are passed.

Cannaregio  2329, Campo della Maddalena, 30100 Venezia 



Sestiere Castello

Osteria al portego.

Osteria al Portego is located between Campo Santa Marina and Campo San Luca, just a stone's throw from the Rialto Bridge. It is a cozy place, rich in classic cicchetti on slices of bread, fried foods, and freshly made first courses typical of Venetian cuisine. The atmosphere is rustic and friendly, making it one of the favorite spots for Venice's students who feel at home here. Needless to say, during aperitivo hours, the bacaro is always very crowded but also lively and youthful.

Open every day, 11.30 am - 3 pm / 5.30 pm - 10 pm 

Castello 6014, Calle della Malvasia, 30122 Venezia  



Located on the only street in Venice named “via,” specifically Via Garibaldi, El Refolo is just a short walk from the lush garden leading to the Biennale. What sets it apart is the rich variety of products offered, from traditional Venetian food to a wide selection of cured meats and cheeses. In addition to being a bacaro, it is also a fantastic osteria where the dishes are fresh, genuine, and unique, specially chosen by the owners every day.

Castello 1580, Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 30122 Venezia



Sestiere Santa Croce

Bacareto da lele.

To start your day off right, Bacareto da Lele is a must-visit, especially for those arriving from the bustling Piazzale Roma. It is located next to the Church of Tolentini and is a tiny establishment that accommodates only the counter and the space behind it. Beloved by university students not only for the exceptional quality of the wines but also, and especially, for the fantastic stuffed sandwiches that can be enjoyed on barrels outside, sitting on the steps of the Church of San Nicola da Tolentino, or on the steps that lead directly to the canal. The products are of excellent quality, mostly sourced by the owners from the Venetian countryside.

Closed on Sunday

Fondamenta dei Tolentini, 183, 30100 Venezia 



Hostaria Vecio Biavarol

This bacaro arose from the ashes of an old biavarol (grocery store), retaining not only the name but also the counter where it keeps the cured meats and cheeses used to prepare its dishes. Like all true Venetian bacari, Vecio Biavarol offers a wide assortment of cicchetti, sandwiches, and wines. What sets it apart, however, is its manager Andrea, known as Puppa, and the warm, youthful atmosphere he creates with his personality.

Open every day

Santa Croce 225, Fondamenta dei Tolentini, 30100 Venezia  


Sestiere San Polo

Cantina do spade.

In a somewhat hidden location, in the namesake Calle de le Do Spade, Cantina do Spade is an establishment dating back to the 15th century, and some say it was even frequented by the famous Casanova. Like all Venetian bacari, the spaces are quite limited, and seating is scarce, especially if you’re not dining but just want to “drink an ombra.” However, the small size also contributes to its authenticity as a true Venetian bacaro, with an authentic and genuine flavor. Needless to say, the quality of the food and wine is spectacular.

Closed on Monday morning

San Polo 859, Calle del Scaleter, 30125 Venezia 


Osteria ai do Zemei

“Zemei” in Venetian dialect means twins, and it is no coincidence that the place has this name. Franco and Giovanni, the two managers, are indeed two very friendly twins, and the walls of their establishment are literally covered with photos of twins, both of themselves and of visitors or passing tourists. Another characteristic of this place is the showcase full of sandwiches and crostini of all kinds. Despite being located in the usually crowded Ruga del Ravano, it also has outdoor tables. However, be aware of the price because those who sit down pay more.

San Polo 1045, rio terà San Silvestro, 30125 Venezia



Sestiere San Marco

Bacaro da fiore.

Bacaro da Fiore is located on a side street of Campo Santo Stefano and should not be confused with a high-end restaurant of the same name. It is both a trattoria and a bacaro loved by many Venetians because it offers fresh and high-quality fish cicchetti every day. The fried fish is exquisite, as are the folpèti (baby octopus) with celery, the sèpe roste (grilled cuttlefish), the sarde in saòr, and the indispensable baccalà mantecato. But, meat lovers, do not despair: the rich counter also offers many delicious meat options.

Closed on Tuesday

San Marco 3461, Calle de le Botteghe, 30123 Venezia 



This bacaro is located in Calle Cavalli, just a few minutes' walk from Rialto. The street is very quiet, making it possible to sit outside at some wooden tables. The establishment boasts two showcases filled with exquisite Venetian delicacies. One display features hot dishes from the trattoria, while the other offers cicchetti for quick consumption, such as small sandwiches with cold cuts and cheeses, fried foods, tramezzini, and crostini with baccalà mantecato.

Open every day, 10 am - 3 pm / 6 pm - 10 pm 

San Marco 4081, Calle Cavalli, 30124 Venezia 



Sestiere Dorsoduro

Adriatico mar.

Not far from Campo San Pantalon and the Ca' Foscari University campus, you'll find this recently opened establishment, modern and well-kept yet genuinely Venetian. This bacaro is characterized by a reading corner with various books on Venetian history, culture, and curiosities, and a door that opens onto a small pier without a railing directly on the Rio de San Pantalon. Here, you can enjoy an excellent spritz or an ombra from an unusual perspective.

Dorsoduro 3771, Ponte Vinanti, 30125 Venezia 



Located on Fondamenta dei Nani, this is undoubtedly one of the most charming and evocative bacari in Venice because it offers a spectacular view of the San Trovaso squero, one of the last remaining "shipyards" for Venetian gondolas still in operation. To complete the experience, there is a magnificent counter with cicchetti and stuffed sandwiches, ranging from the classic baccalà mantecato to more imaginative options with truffle pâté or cheese cream. Frequented primarily by young students from the nearby university, it offers the possibility to fill plastic plates and cups and sit on the wall directly overlooking the Rio de San Trovaso.

Open every day, except for Wednesday morning

Dorsoduro 943, Fondamenta dei Nani, 30123 Venezia 



In conclusion, Venice's bacari offer a unique and authentic experience that captures the essence of the city's vibrant culinary and social traditions. From hidden gems tucked away in quiet calles to bustling spots near famous landmarks, each bacaro provides a distinct atmosphere where you can enjoy delicious cicchetti, sip on fine wines, and soak in the local culture.

Whether you're a tourist eager to explore the local flavors, a student looking for a cozy spot to unwind, or a couple seeking a romantic getaway, Venice's bacari cater to all tastes and preferences. The warm, welcoming ambiance and the delightful variety of food and drinks ensure that your bacaro tour will be an unforgettable journey through the heart of Venetian life.

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Wines in a typical osteria

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Spritz navigazione notturna

Enjoy an aperitif like a real Venetian! Discover the most typical places of the city tasting wine, spritz and cicchetti.

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An original way to get to know Venice in all its aspects, food and wine included!

This is a travelling aperitif lasting about 2h , among the most traditional places in Venice : the so called bacari . The latter can only be found in the historic centre of the city and they are an obligatory stop for every Venetian evening.

Our Bacaro tour includes a stopover with an aperitif in 3 bacari . The happy hour includes, for each place, a cicchetto and a glass of wine (for example a glass of prosecco or a spritz).

Cicchetti are snacks with more local flavours, they can be meatballs of tuna or meat, sardines in saor, dried cod on bread or polenta and much more. All this is then accompanied by a glass of wine, usually a spritz. This is an aperitif that takes its name from the German term spritzen, i.e. watering. This is composed of 1/3 white wine, 1/3 sparkling water and 1/3 liqueur.

Our bacaro tour is organized everyday , with departure in front of Venice Santa Lucia Railway Station at 5.00 pm . It lasts between 2/3 hours and it ends at Rialto. There is also the presence of an assistant to discover the hidden corners/tastes of the city.

On request we can develop customized solutions , for example the departure of the tour in different places/time/date.

Price: €86 p/person

Our Bacaro tour includes a stopover with an aperitif in 3 bacari . The happy hour includes, for each place , a cicchetto and a glass of wine (for example a glass of prosecco or a spritz).

Our bacaro tour is organized everyday, with departure in front of Venice Santa Lucia Railway Station at 5.00 pm. It lasts between 2/3 hours and it ends at Rialto . There is also the presence of an assistant to discover the hidden corners/tastes of the city.

  • a cicchetto and a glass of wine in each of the three bacari
  • tour leader
  • what is not specified under “inclusions”


To customize this service contact us directly, within 24 working hours you will receive our feedback and the best solutions customized for you.

At the time of booking, subject to availability, you will automatically receive our feedback. Please be advised that it is compulsory to print a paper copy of the voucher issued at the end of the online reservation and bring it with you the day of the tour. It is advisable to arrive at the place of departure 10 minutes before the indicated time. Indicate in advance any problems of moving in order to ensure the best possible quality of service.


Cancellation at least 24 hours in advance is fully refundable. In case of no-show at the meeting point at the time indicated on the voucher, cancellation after the deadline (24h) or abandonment of the service before its end there is no refund. In case of adverse meteorological conditions and/or force majeure, you are invited to contact us in order to verify the feasibility of the service and assess, in case of cancellation, the best solution. This may be a refund or the postponement of the service to the first date available. Where predictable well in advance you will also receive our notice of change / cancellation service.

Spritz navigazione notturna

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Venice Bacaro Tour Logo

private BàcaroTour with Guide

In addition to downloadable PDF tours, we can personally accompany you to experience the experience of a real BacaroTour.

If you are a group of at least 8/10 people  we can accompany you to discover the most authentic bàcari, and of that Venice that usually escapes the eyes of the hasty tourist or concentrated only on museums and themed exhibitions. Between a bacaro and the other, between a glass of wine and a cicchetto (typical food) , you will see the real Venice, the one that resists the mass tourism machine, telling you anecdotes and curiosities about Venetian life and history.

A light excursion, to float with thoughts on the waters of the lagoon, to get to experience the feeling of being at home in this city that has always been a crossroads of different peoples and cultures.

Duration: 3 hours

with tourist guide

Bàcari: minimun 3

Price: from €. 45,00 per person

Contatti: [email protected]

Book your private BàcaroTour by writing to [email protected]

BacaroTour Venezia

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What is a Bacaro: let's discover the Venice experience you cannot miss

What is a Bacaro: let's discover the Venice experience you cannot miss

Visiting Venice you will immediately recognize these tiny places , where locals and tourists have their glass of wine and eat their cicchetti . These places, the true symbols of Venice traditions , are called bacari .

In this article, we'll explore what a bacaro truly is and, above all, we'll discover the great Venetian tradition of the bacaro tour . So, let this tasty journey begin!

Inside a bacaro tour: what are the Venetian bacari

you can drink and eat outside a bacaro in Venice (Oli Lynch da Pixabay)

The bacaro (also called bacareto ) could be translated as tavern . However, Bacari are not just taverns or bars . They are tiny places, part of the Venetian traditions . Here you can find all kinds of wine, spritz and food ( cicchetti , typically).

Usually there are not many seats inside and people stand outside the bacari drinking their ombre and eating their cicchetti (or cicheti) .

Nowadays, bacari are seen both as a dining place for lunch and as an aperitif place .

Tourists tend to use such establishments to make a full-fledged meal out of it (even a dozen pieces), while Venetians mostly use it as a drinking hangout , and the food is only an accompaniment.

Before telling you more about what you could call the " pub crawl ", actually "the bacaro tour", we shall share with you some more info about the Venetian terms you should use to live the experience at its best, shall we?

Quick lessons of Venetian dialect: what's a ombra ?

what's a ombra of wine in venice (Clarence Alford da Pixabay )

Ombra (or ombre if you are referring to the plural version) means " shadow " in English. Are you asking why?

Because in the past the wine vendors used to sit at the base of St. Mark's bell tower and used to follow its shadow to protect the wine from the sun!

... And why is it called Bacaro?

We are not sure about the origin of this Venetian word.

It could derive from " Bacchus ", the Roman god of Wine . However, "bacaro" could also refer to the Venetian expression " far bàcara ", which means " to have fun ", " to go and have some fun ".

Another hypothesis instead dates back to the late XIX century when the trade of Apulian wines employed to "cut" and strengthen local wines (poor in alcohol) began.

In this case, " Bàcaro" was the hard, dark and bitter wine and the term was used to distinguish this kind of local wine from the "malvasia", a valuable wine coming especially from Greece .

And what is the cicchetto?

If you are interested in the "Venetian tapas", as sometimes they are called, we have prepared a full guide to the best cicchetti of Venice .

And now, we are ready to explore the true essence of being a Venetian...

What is a bacaro tour?

what is a bacaro tour (pixabay)

We are finally ready to reveal what this great Venetian tradition actually is . In fact, you can't leave Venice without having attended a real bacaro tour!

But what is it practically?

To tell you in simple words, a bacaro tour is the expression we use to describe the tradition we have of "going bacaro after bacaro" .

You can drink excellent wines, as well as home ones, or spritz (like the famous spritz misto with Aperol and Campari) and eat your cicchetto , like polenta, crostini, and everything you like.

The atmosphere is so amazing and you can have the chance to chat with Venetians, but also workers and tourists .

Is it expensive?

Of course not!

This kind of experience is not expensive at all, but it also depends on how much you drink and which bacaro you select .

However, the price for a glass of wine ranges from 1 euro to 3 euros . The price for a cicheto starts from 1/2 euros to 3/4 euros per piece.

When is the best time to do this kind of tour?

In Italy we also organize many bacaro tours to celebrate particular occasions , like bachelor parties or hen parties .

Anyway, you can organize them whenever you like . In fact, it's a great moment, full of joy and fun, that you can spend together with your friends .

Where can you find the best bacari?

venetian cicchetti where to find them (pixabay)

Bacari are spread all over the city. However, instead of looking for them close to the Santa Lucia train station, you could discover many of them in the Sestiere of Cannaregio, Castello and Dorsoduro .

The latter is also the most favorite area for students. Usually they gather in Campo Santa Margherita after their lessons at the local university.

Would you do a bacaro tour while in Venice?

This is certainly one of the most traditional experiences you could do while in Venice!

Let yourself wander through the city and find the best place for your aperitif . It is the typical Venetian experience you definitely won't miss !

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bacaro tour con delitto

What better way to understand the Venetian traditions than through its culture of food and wine? Discover the culinary folklore of Venice thanks for a 90 minute tour where you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of local taverns and taste the famous Ventian cicchetti served with excellent wine.  

bacaro tour con delitto

One of the many ways to explore Venice is with a bacoro tour. Taking a tour of bacari means taking a break, chatting with friends while walking from one ‘bacaro’ to another and eating cicchetti and drinking Italian wine, exploring a new facet of the city.

Come with me to discover the best itineraries to follow, giving you the chance to empathize with the true Venetian spirit!

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I am originally from this beautiful city and it is my passion to present its wonders to our visitors. I provide our guests with information on transportation, local events, monuments and, of course, our most traditional and captivating restaurants. I have a strong understanding of how our city works and I strongly respect this majestic lagoon. I also organize customized tours ​​and I can guarantee full satisfaction in exploring the most beautiful sites that Venice has to offer.

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bacaro tour con delitto

What is a bacaro tour and why you should try one

"bacaro" is the term venetians use for bars, those bars that offer the typical venetian aperitif with an "ombra" and a "cicchetto"..

bacaro tour con delitto

You may have heard about this Venetian word “bacaro” , perhaps in our last blog post about the Venetian aperitif or just surfing the web. “Bacaro” is the term Venetians use for bars, those bars that offer the typical Venetian aperitif with an “ombra” (small glass of wine) and a “cicchetto” (something typical to eat). Venetians love to take a bit of time after work to enjoy the summer vibes near the canal, with a glass of wine or maybe a spritz . We usually stop by 3-4 bars before going home and this is what we call “a bacaro tour”. There a lot of reasons why you should do a bacaro tour at least once, during your time in Venice and we are here to tell you what these reasons are.

1.   Having fun with locals

The very first reason why you should try a Bacaro Tour is that is a way to meet locals and have fun with them. A bacaro is a place where people meet to spend a nice couple of hours together, which is something you might want to do too, during your holiday time.

2. You’ll taste amazing and typical things

We wrote an entire blog post about this subject since the Venetian cuisine is full of these chicchetti. Here are two examples of what you can find and taste. Our favorite cicchetto is the classic half-egg with anchovies, but we don’t dislike a plate of sardines with onions, the so-called “sardele in saor”.

3. Experience a unique way of having happy hour

A bacaro tour is like what you call “a pub crawl” with the difference that you start it at 6 pm and not at night. Venetians are used to it; they mostly prefer this way of having happy hour instead of sitting in a single bar for ages. Walking is part of Venetian culture and, in some way, it’s quite a consequence they include it in their aperitif-time too. We are sure you’ll enjoy having happy hour in the Venetian way. If you need any help in finding these typical and original bacari we will be happy to show those we love the most. And if after your bacaro tour you haven’t enough of the Venetian food and you’d like to have a dinner like a local , in this article you’ll find our best suggestions.

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People chat and linger outside 'Al Merca' baccaro in Venice, Italy.

What Is A Bacaro? + A Local’s Self Guided Bacaro Tour Itinerary

Last updated on June 22nd, 2024

Chances are that if you have looked into coming to Venice you have come across the term bacaro or even seen others talking about or offering a bacaro tour.

If you are wondering what a bacaro and a bacaro tour are, you are in the right place. And if you already are a pro and are ready to take the leap to a self-guided bacaro tour in Venice, stay with me. 

After traveling to Venice for years and eating a heck of a lot of cicchetti at the most famous bacari in Venice, I have come down to the absolute best self-guided bacaro tour itinerary to follow as a foreign traveler to Venice.

Seeing Venice through the lens of their unique culinary traditions is one of the most authentic and fun ways to learn about this magical city. 

In this article, I will explain:

  • What a bacaro is, and how to pronounce it
  • What bacaro tours consist of, and why you should go on one
  • My self-guided bacaro tour itinerary
  • Tips for having the best experience on a bacaro tour
  • Alternatives to a self-guided bacaro tour

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What Is A Bacaro?

People sit at small tables and eat cicchetti and drink wine at All'Arco in Venice, Italy.

So what is a bacaro?

A bacaro, pronounced bah-cah-roh in Italian, is a Venetian bar serving alcoholic beverages and small snacks known as cicchetti . 

Listen to the pronunciation of bacaro here:

A bacaro is a place of gathering for Venetians throughout the day to catch up, take a break and dampen their hunger. 

Bacari usually open in the morning and close later in the evening or even late at night, breaking all rules of other Italian eateries , which hold specific hours in relation to eating times . 

What Are Cicchetti?: To learn more about cicchetti , read What are Cicchetti?

At a bacaro , Italians will take a break with a small glass of wine known as an ombra and a small nibble known as a cicchetto (or two!). This happens at any time of the day from early in the morning when fishermen are just finishing their daily catch to early into the evening when younger crowds come out for an aperitivo .

Man peeks out from behind bar, overhanging wine glasses, and glass display cases of cicchetti in Venice, Italy.

The atmosphere of a bacaro is casual while providing an intimate and authentic culinary experience.

Eating cicchetti and drinking wine at bacari is a fast affair, something quick, that perhaps lasts no more than 20 minutes (generally speaking). It can also be like downing an espresso at an Italian bar at the counter – quick and satisfying. 

Spending time at a bacaro as a local can be longer as you linger, bump into comers and goers and not purposefully end up with three glasses of wine instead of one! 

What Is A Bacaro Tour?

Close up of display case of plates of cicchetti in Venice, Italy.

A bacaro tour is the idea of making a whole evening of eating cicchetti and drinking by hopping from one bacaro to the next, tasting small nibbles and trying different wines all the while meeting new people, chatting to locals and catching up with old friends. 

Venetians may do this with friends or just do it on their own, making time to chit chat with other locals doing the same. 

Many people compare a bacaro tour to a pub crawl (in fact, some people call it a bacaro crawl), spending the evening trying different venues, foods and wine. In fact, you might even hear a bacaro tour called a bacaro crawl. 

Usually, a bacaro tour will take place over the course of a couple of hours and may include 5-7 bacari . You may or may not travel to different sestieri or districts in Venice, depending on where you are and how comfortable you are with walking longer distances. 

Where Is A Bacaro Tour In Venice?

Two women sit near a canal in Venice. They're at a table eating cicchetti and drinking wine.

So where are you going in Venice on your bacaro tour, you ask? That depends on where you are. 

In my self-guided itinerary below, I have covered ground in San Polo and San Marco, where the best cicchetti bars are. Below are the top neighborhoods to visit with my bacari recommendation should you have time for further exploration of these neighborhoods:

  • Cannaregio: Check out El Sbarlefo 
  • Santa Croce: Check out Bacareto da Lele
  • Dorsoduro: Check out Panini and Vini Da Babbo or Cantina del Vino già Schiavi
  • Castello: Check out Osteria alla Scuela or Basegò

More Cicchetti: To learn about the best places to eat cicchetti in Venice read Best Cicchetti in Venice.

Why Go On A Bacaro Tour?

Glass window with Aperol Spritz sign.

Taking yourself on a bacaro tour is one of the best ways to experience Venice from a local, authentic perspective. You will find yourself elbow to elbow with Venetian locals, students and international travelers hoping for the same experience.

After visiting the best bacari in Venice and eating the absolute best cicchetti on the Venice food scene, it has remained one of my favorite ways to see the city and share my love for it with my friends and family.

Glass display case full of shelves of cicchetti in Venice, Italy.

My top 10 reasons for going on a bacaro tour:

  • Best way to try an array of traditional Venetian food without breaking the bank
  • Best way to try an array of local Venetian wines
  • Affordable ( cicchetto cost €2-5 each and ombra €2-7)
  • Meet new people
  • You can do it on you own without a guide
  • You can do it at anytime of the day
  • Alternative to a full course meal at a restaurant in Venice
  • Break up the main sites and tourist attractions in Venice by working in a bacaro tour into your Venice itinerary. 
  • Kid friendly dinner alternative 
  • It’s fun! 

Travelers With Special Diets: If you have a special diet or allergy, fear not! There are plenty of cicchetti for gluten-free travelers , vegans and vegetarians .

Self-Guided Bacaro Tour Itinerary

Hand holds bread with fish spread in Venice, Italy.

Keep in mind that you can really do this bacaro tour at any time of the day, however, you need to be sure you choose a day in which all the bacari are open. 

I suggest you follow my itinerary for a self-guided bacaro tour on either Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday. If you go on one of these days, all the bacari I recommend will be open. 

A bacaro tour can be as short or as long as you like but I usually recommend first time travelers to really take their time and make it a whole event. You can either do the bacaro tour all at once or split your cicchetti and wine up with other top attractions and activities in Venice. It’s up to you!

Below, I will outline my two hour bacaro tour with the best places to eat cicchetti in Venice , including 6 bacari in two neighborhoods.

Since we are on a bacaro tour, I suggest you linger a bit at each location but not too long or you will be out all night! Try and enjoy each bacaro for 20-25 minutes or so, whether this means sitting down or eating your cicchetti standing is up to you. 

Map Of Self-Guided Bacaro Tour In Venice

Stop 1: Bacarando Corte dell’Orso

Entrance to Bacarando restaurant in Venice, Italy. Two people standing at register inside.

Sestiere di S. Marco, 5495, 30124 Venezia VE, Italy

Open: Daily

Bacarando Corte dell’Orso is one of the most famous bacari in Venice for a wide array of cicchetti with ample indoor seating. 

They have one of the largest selections of cicchetti in all of Venice including classics such as polenta squares with sarde in saor, larger tortini, savory quiches and a wide selection of seafood skewers.  

Wine glass, bill, change, and platter of cicchetti in a restaurant in Venice, Italy.

Order at the counter and bring your cicchetti to one of the large wooden tables in the next room over. If not, choose to eat and drink standing at the counter or outside on one of their benches. 

Tip: For a longer bacaro tour, think about adding SEPA or Osteria Al Portego (one of my favorite places in Venice for after-dinner drinks ) to your tour before heading over to Osteria Bancogiro. Both are right around the corner from Bacarando Corte dell’Orso, making it easy to swing into without going out of your way. 

Stop 2: Osteria Bancogiro

Closed up front entrance of Bancogiro in Venice, Italy. Stickers on door showing awards won. Wooden doors with glass windows.

Campo San Giacometto, Ponte di Rialto

Closed: Monday

Osteria Bancogiro, located just off the Rialto Bridge, has one of the best locations in all of Venice with  tables spilling out on the backside onto Campo Erberia.

Glass of white wine on counter at bar in Venice. To left is a prawn and on its left, a cicchetto.

The cicchetti they serve are more chic and plated with a modern touch. They are well known for their curried shrimp salad and their raw fish selection. 

Eat your cicchetti standing indoors or outdoors or ask if they have a table on their terrace outside to sit down at for a short time. 

Stop 3: Al Mercà

People sitting to left of entrance of 'Al Merca' baccaro in Venice, Italy.

Campo Bella Vienna, 213, 30125 Venezia VE, Italy

Closed: Sunday

Al Mercà is just next door to Osteria Bancogiro next to the Rialto Market , serving up some of the best spritz and cicchetti sandwiches in the area. 

Wooden and glass display case of cicchetti in Venice, Italy. Wine bottles on back wall and handwritten signs on wall.

Al Mercà is literally a window on the street with one small bench, catering primarily to locals and nearby fishermen and produce vendors who have just finished their morning at the market (although I have found it to become quite popular with tourists over the years as well). 

Stop 4: Bar All’Arco

People sitting at small tables outside bar in Venice, Italy.

S. Polo, 436, 30125 Venezia VE, Italy

Closed: Wednesday

Bar All’Arco is arguably the most famous bacaro in all of Venice with just a few tables lining the walls and standing r oom only indoors. 

Glass display case of cicchetti at a bacaro in Venice.

The selection of cicchetti is traditional but they are always fresh and worth the wait. Their crostini cicchetti are my favorite in the city. 

If you can, sit down at one of the few tables outdoors. I have never been here when a table was free so here’s to trying! 

Stop 5: Cantina Do Spade

Fried cicchetti on trays in a display case in Venice, Italy.

San Polo, 859, 30125 Venezia VE, Italy

Cantina Do Spade is the most famous bacaro in Venice for fried nibbles including their famed fried meatball.  

Cantina Do Spade is a bacaro but also a restaurant, so there isn’t much space to sit down for cicchetti, just three small tables indoors. If these are occupied (they probably will be), quickly eat your fried meatball and €1 bicchierino of wine at the bar standing or outside. 

Stop 6: Acqua E Mais

People standing in line outside Acqua e Mais bacaro in Venice, Italy. They're wearing coats.

Campiello dei Meloni, 1411/1412, 30125 Venezia VE

Acqua E Mais is a favorite bacaro for all sorts of Venetians including students, serving up some of the best seafood cicchetti as well as some of the best takeout in Venice and street food .

Person behind glass display cases of cicchetti in Venice, Italy.

Acqua E Mais is tiny with no seating. Plan on sipping your wine and eating your seafood skewers and smoked salmon cicchetti on the street with the crowds. 

Planning Tip: If you happen to be on the other side of town and  you want to start your bacaro tour, feel free to reverse the order. It makes no difference!

Tips For Having The Best Experience On A Bacaro Tour

White plate with arancino on a table and small glass of white wine on left.

  • When ordering wine, ask for a bicchierino , meaning small glass for just a sip of wine. This is different from a full 6 oz glass of wine. Some bacari will serve this size, some will not. 
  • Feel free to order a plate of several cicchetti to share, allowing you to sample several different kinds.
  • Try the same kind of cicchetto at different bars. This is my favorite way to analyze the bacari and tell which ones I like the best. I usually do this with baccalà mantecato . Every bar does it slightly differently. Which one do you like best?
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for cicchetti on a slice of polenta if you don’t want bread. They often can do this for you (great for gluten-free travelers in Venice .
  • Don’t feel obliged to finish your wine. If you take yourself on a bacaro tour and visit up to seven different bacari , it may be too much alcohol for you. No one will shame you for not finishing.

Alternatives To A Self-Guided Bacaro Tour

While heading out on a self-guided bacaro tour is easy, I am completely sympathetic with travelers who don’t want to think about getting from place to place, especially if you have been touring all day and your brain has turned to jelly. 

Alternatively, you can opt to sign up for a guided bacaro tour offered by local guides in Venice. If you fall into this category and want a guided bacaro tour, consider the following tours.

Foodie Travel: Are you interested in planning an itinerary revolving around eating in Venice? Read 24 Hours in Venice and 48 Hours in Venice .

Venice bound? Get prepared with all of our Venice posts: 20+ Must-Try Foods And Drinks In Venice – And My Favorite Places To Eat Them What Are Cicchetti? + Where To Eat Them In Venice What Is A Bacaro? + A Local’s Self Guided Bacaro Tour Itinerary My Favorite Cicchetti In Venice – The 10 Best Bacari To Try Best Restaurants in Venice + Nearest Cicchetti Stops Best Gelato In Venice – My Italian Family’s 10 Favorite Gelaterie 7 Food Markets In Venice Worth Your Time Where To Get Coffee In Venice Where To Eat Breakfast In Venice – A Local’s Favorite Breakfast Nooks 10 Amazing Bakeries In Venice – Where to Get Your Pastry On Best Spots In Venice For Aperitivo – My Top Bars & Squares for Pre-Dinner Drinks Dinner On The Water In Venice – My Top 7 Restaurants Best Pizza In Venice – My ‘Don’t Miss’ List My Favorite After Dinner Drink Spots In Venice Shopping at the Rialto Market in Venice – Tips + Printable 5 Street Foods To Try In Venice & Where Eat Them Best Places To Get Takeout In Venice – My Top Picks Where To Eat Before Catching Your Train At The Venice Santa Lucia Train Station My Favorite Food Chains To Try In Venice Eating Gluten-Free In Venice – Restaurants, Cicchetti & Gelato Gluten-Free Cicchetti In Venice – What To Order (& Avoid) and How to Order Eating Vegetarian In Venice – My Top Five Vegetarian Friendly Restaurants + Tips Eating Vegan In Venice, Italy – My Top Five Vegan Friendly Restaurants Eating in Venice While Pregnant 8+ Kid Friendly Restaurants In Venice Best Squares To Eat And Drink With Kids In Venice 24 Hour Food Guide For Venice – A Self Guided Tour For Foodies in Venice Eating Around Venice in 48 hours – 2 Day Venice Itinerary For Foodies 10 Best Food Souvenirs From Venice, Italy + Where I Buy Them

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Bacaro Tour

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    Open now. 12:00 AM - 11:59 PM. Write a review. About. Il Bàcaro con Delitto è un aperitivo con delitto ambientato e itinerante tra le calli di Venezia. Sarete accolti da attori professionisti per farvi vivere la città marinara più famosa al mondo toccando arte, cultura ed enogastronomia con un mystery game speciale. Duration: 2-3 hours.


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    Venice: Jewish Ghetto walking tour with time for Synagogues Tour. 26. Historical Tours. from . R 990,12. per adult. BEST SELLER. Venice: Four Seasons Concert in the Vivaldi Church. 225. ... Bacaro con delitto per le vie di Venezia. Oct 2023 • Couples. Bella esperienza per le vie e i bacari di Venezia, da ripetere. Attrice molto brava ...

  23. THE 10 CLOSEST Hotels to Bàcaro con Delitto

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