How To Make A Travel Website: Step-By-Step Guide

Table of contents.

The boundless world of travel beckons, filled with vibrant cultures, breathtaking landscapes, and unforgettable adventures. Whether your dream is to share these experiences with fellow explorers through a captivating travel blog or to transform your travel expertise into a successful online business, a well-designed website is your gateway to the world.

Creating a travel website may seem daunting, but with the right tools and guidance, it’s incredibly achievable – even if you’re starting with little technical know-how. This comprehensive guide will break down the process into clear steps, providing everything you need to launch a stunning and functional travel website.

We’ll delve into choosing the best niche, crafting persuasive content, and optimizing your website to attract your ideal audience. And, to streamline the process, we’ll introduce you to the power of Elementor – a leading website builder designed to simplify the web creation journey. With its intuitive interface and travel-focused features, Elementor acts as your all-in-one toolkit for building a website that captures the spirit of exploration.

Let’s embark on this journey together!

Defining Your Travel Website’s Foundation

Choosing your niche.

The travel landscape is vast and diverse, so finding your unique voice and focus is essential for attracting the right audience. A well-defined niche will help your website stand out and make it easier for passionate travelers to find you. Consider these niche ideas:

  • Adventure Travel: Target thrill-seekers with guides to hiking, camping, extreme sports, and off-the-beaten-path destinations.
  • Luxury Travel: Cater to those seeking high-end experiences, focusing on exquisite accommodations, fine dining, and exclusive tours.
  • Budget Travel: Become a go-to resource for backpackers and budget-conscious adventurers, sharing savvy tips for saving money while exploring.
  • Local Guides: Specialize in your city or region, offering insider knowledge, hidden gems, and authentic experiences.
  • Solo Travel: Support independent travelers with resources, safety tips, and destination recommendations tailored for solo journeys.

Target Audience 

Once you’ve selected a niche, delve into understanding who your ideal traveler is. Consider their:

  • Age and Demographics: Are you targeting millennials, families, couples, or retirees?
  • Interests: What excites them – food, history, culture, wellness, photography?
  • Travel Style: Do they prefer luxury, adventure, slow travel, or short getaways?
  • Pain Points: What are their common frustrations or anxieties when planning travel?

By understanding your target audience, you can craft content, features, and travel offerings that directly address their needs and desires.

Choose a Domain Name

Your domain name is your website’s digital address, so make it count! Choose something that is:

  • Memorable: Easy to spell, pronounce, and remember.
  • Brand Relevant: Reflect on your chosen niche or brand name.
  • Keyword-rich (optional): Include relevant keywords for a potential SEO boost, but prioritize memorability.

Reliable Web Hosting: The Backbone of Your Travel Website 

Your website’s hosting is like the foundation of a house – it needs to be sturdy to support everything you’ll build on top of it. Choosing the right hosting provider is essential for ensuring that your travel website is fast, secure, and always online. Here’s what to look for:

  • High Performance: Slow loading times can drive visitors away. Opt for a hosting provider that guarantees excellent speed and uptime. Look for features like SSD storage, content delivery networks (CDNs), and optimized server configurations.
  • Robust Security: Travel websites often handle sensitive information like customer data and payment details. Prioritize hosting solutions with advanced security measures, including firewalls, malware scanning, automatic updates, and secure data backups.
  • Scalability: As your website grows and attracts more traffic, your hosting needs to scale with it. Choose a provider that offers flexible resources and upgrade options.
  • Reliable Support: When you encounter technical issues, having access to knowledgeable support is invaluable. Look for hosting providers with 24/7 availability and multiple support channels (live chat, email, phone).

Why Elementor Hosting is a Game-Changer

Elementor Hosting is not just web hosting ; it’s a tailored solution specifically designed to power exceptional WordPress websites built with the Elementor website builder.  Here’s why it stands out:

  • Built on Google Cloud Platform : Leverages robust infrastructure for lightning-fast speeds and reliability.
  • Cloudflare Enterprise CDN : Accelerates content delivery across the globe, ensuring your website loads quickly, no matter where visitors are located.
  • Premium Security: A multi-layered security suite, SSL certificates, and regular backups protect your site and customer data.
  • Exceptional Support: Benefit from Elementor’s expert team, which is available 24/7 to assist you with both website-building and hosting-related concerns.

By choosing Elementor Hosting, you’ll equip your travel website with the performance, security, and support it needs to thrive in the competitive online landscape.

Setting Up the Essentials with WordPress and Elementor

Wordpress overview .

WordPress is the world’s most popular Content Management System (CMS), powering millions of websites across the globe. Its flexibility, vast community, and extensive plugin ecosystem make it a perfect foundation for your travel website.  Key benefits of WordPress include:

  • Ease of Use: User-friendly interface, even for beginners.
  • Customization: Thousands of themes and plugins to personalize your website’s look and functionality.
  • SEO-Friendly: Optimized structure and tools to help your website rank higher in search engines.
  • Community Support: Access extensive online resources, tutorials, and forums.

Installing WordPress 

While many hosting providers offer one-click WordPress installation, Elementor Hosting takes it a step further with pre-installed WordPress . This means your website-building journey begins immediately upon signing up! If you’re using a different hosting provider, they’ll likely provide clear instructions on the WordPress installation process.

Choosing a Travel-Focused Theme 

Your WordPress theme determines the overall appearance and layout of your website. Look for themes specifically created with travel websites in mind. These often include features like:

  • Stunning Image Galleries: Showcase breathtaking destinations and travel experiences.
  • Destination Listings: Organize and display locations with essential details such as maps, descriptions, and reviews.
  • Booking Integration: Seamlessly connect to booking systems if you plan to offer tours or accommodations.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure your website looks fantastic on desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
  • Travel-Specific Widgets: Display weather forecasts, currency converters, or destination spotlights.

Introducing the Elementor Website Builder

Elementor revolutionizes the WordPress website-building process by empowering you to craft visually stunning pages and posts without needing to write a single line of code. This intuitive drag-and-drop builder is incredibly user-friendly, even for those with zero web design experience. Here’s what makes it stand out:

  • Live, Visual Editing: See changes instantly as you build, streamlining the design process.
  • Pre-designed Templates and Blocks: Kickstart your design with professionally designed layouts for homepages, destinations, blog posts, and more. Customize them effortlessly to match your brand.
  • Extensive Widget Library: Access numerous content elements like headings, buttons, image galleries, testimonials, maps, and more – simply drag and drop them into place.
  • Theme Builder : Gain complete control over your entire site’s design, including headers, footers, single post layouts, archives, and custom page templates.
  • Mobile-Responsive Editing: Ensure your website looks perfect across all devices with dedicated tools for adjusting layouts on tablets and smartphones.

The Power of Elementor for Travel Websites

Elementor goes beyond general website building. It offers features that perfectly complement the needs of travel websites:

  • Destination Showcases: Create captivating destination pages with Elementor’s versatile widgets and layouts.
  • Interactive Maps: Embed maps to highlight locations, routes, or points of interest.
  • Stunning Galleries: Display breathtaking destination photos and travel experiences.
  • Customer Reviews: Build social proof by showcasing testimonials with dedicated widgets.
  • Booking Forms : Integrate booking forms seamlessly with customization options to match your website’s design.

With Elementor, designing a professional and engaging travel website becomes a truly enjoyable experience, empowering you to focus on sharing your passion for travel.

Designing Your Homepage for Success

Homepage structure: the key elements .

Your homepage is the digital doorway to your travel website. It’s where you capture visitors’ attention, introduce your brand, and guide them toward further exploration. Here’s a breakdown of essential elements to include:

  • Compelling Header and Navigation: The header is prime real estate. Include a clear logo, tagline if applicable, and an intuitive navigation menu, making it easy for visitors to find what they’re looking for.
  • Hero Section with Stunning Visuals: Make a powerful first impression with high-quality images or videos representing the essence of travel. Accompany this with a captivating headline, concise tagline, and a clear Call to Action (CTA) button (e.g., “Explore Destinations,” “Book Your Adventure”).
  • Destination Search Bar: Help visitors quickly find what they seek. Consider Elementor’s dynamic capabilities to create a search bar that pulls and displays relevant destination content as users type.
  • Featured Destinations or Travel Packages: Immediately showcase your top offers or popular destinations to pique interest. Consider image carousels, eye-catching grids, or short descriptions paired with alluring visuals.
  • Calls to Action: Clearly guide visitors towards the next step, whether it’s browsing destinations, reading your blog, or signing up for your newsletter.
  • Customer Testimonials or Social Proof: Build trust early on by displaying positive reviews from past travels or showcasing social media feeds with user-generated content.

Design Best Practices 

Keep these principles in mind when crafting your homepage:

  • Visual Hierarchy: Use size, color, and spacing to guide the eye toward the most important elements.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Prioritize design that seamlessly adapts to various screen sizes, providing a smooth experience for all visitors.
  • Compelling Travel Content: Use short but descriptive text to evoke wanderlust and inspire action.
  • White Space: Let your design breathe, ensuring elements don’t feel cluttered.

Leveraging Elementor’s Power: Widgets, Templates, and Customization 

Elementor simplifies homepage design with a wealth of tools and resources:

Homepage Templates:  

Elementor offers a vast library of pre-designed homepage templates catering to various travel niches and styles. Choose a template that aligns with your vision and use it as a solid foundation, saving you precious time.

Dedicated Widgets:  

Elementor provides a diverse set of widgets tailored for your homepage. Here are some key ones:

  • Hero Section Widgets: Design customizable hero areas with images, videos, text, and buttons.
  • Destination Widgets: Create interactive destination grids, lists, or carousels for seamless browsing.
  • Call to Action Widgets: Craft eye-catching CTAs for various purposes like booking, subscribing, or exploration.
  • Testimonial Widgets: Showcase customer reviews in a variety of layouts.
  • Map Widgets: Integrate maps to highlight specific locations, routes, or points of interest.
  • Social Media Widgets: Display your social feeds to encourage engagement.

Customization Power:  

Elementor gives you full control over the appearance and functionality of these widgets.  Adjust these elements:

  • Colors and Typography: Match your website’s branding perfectly.
  • Spacing and Layout: Create the optimal visual flow for your homepage.
  • Animation and Effects: Add subtle interactions to boost engagement.
  • Responsive Controls: Fine-tune how your homepage looks on different devices.

Theme Builder:  

For advanced control, Elementor’s Theme Builder lets you design custom headers, footers, and templates that apply to your entire site, including the homepage. This ensures a cohesive look and feel throughout your website.

The Beauty of Elementor: Ease and Flexibility

The true magic of Elementor lies in its drag-and-drop interface. You can visually arrange widgets, see results instantly, and experiment with different layouts without any coding knowledge. This empowers you to iterate on your design until it perfectly conveys your travel brand’s personality.

Must-Have Pages for Your Travel Website

About us: building trust and connection .

Your “About Us” page is an opportunity to introduce yourself, your team, or your brand’s story. Here’s how to make it compelling:

  • Share Your Passion: Explain what inspires your love for travel and why you’re qualified to provide travel advice or services.
  • Highlight Expertise: Showcase any unique experiences, skills, or certifications that set you apart.
  • Be Authentic: Use a conversational tone that reflects your brand’s personality.
  • Include Visuals: Incorporate photos of yourself, your team, or destinations you’ve visited to add a personal touch.
  • Social Proof: Feature customer testimonials or brief case studies to enhance credibility.

Contact Us: Facilitating Smooth Communication

Provide multiple ways for visitors to reach you:

  • Contact Form: A simple form with fields for name, email, and message is essential. Consider Elementor’s Form Builder for creating custom forms that integrate with your CRM or email marketing tools.
  • Email Address: Clearly display your contact email and aim for timely responses.
  • Phone Number: Include a phone number for those who prefer to call directly, especially regarding urgent inquiries.
  • Map Embed: If you have a physical location, embed a map for easy directions.
  • Social Media Links: Prompt followership for further engagement.

Travel Blog: The Heart of Content Creation 

A well-maintained blog adds immense value to your travel website:

  • SEO Benefits: Fresh, high-quality blog content can boost your website’s visibility on search engines.
  • Audience Engagement: Share informative travel guides, inspiring stories, and insider tips to build a loyal following.
  • Establishes Authority: Demonstrate your expertise and build trust among your target audience.
  • Internal Linking Opportunities: Strategically link blog posts to related destination pages or offers, improving your website’s structure for both users and search engines.
  • Social Media Shareability: Compelling blog content encourages social sharing, expanding your reach.

Destination Pages: Inspiring Exploration

Your destination pages should transport visitors to the heart of a location, showcasing its unique charm and enticing them to visit. Consider including these elements:

  • Stunning Visuals: High-quality photos and videos are crucial. Feature landscapes, landmarks, accommodations, and local experiences.
  • Detailed Descriptions: Provide essential information about climate, best times to visit, historical background, major attractions, and popular activities. Craft descriptions that are both informative and evocative of the destination’s character.
  • Practical Travel Tips: Offer advice on transportation, local currency, visa requirements, cultural considerations, and recommended packing items.
  • Local Insights: Share off-the-beaten-path gems, authentic food recommendations, and insider knowledge to help visitors experience the destination like a local.
  • Customer Reviews and Testimonials: Include specific testimonials about the destination to build credibility.
  • Tour or Accommodation Options: If applicable, showcase tours you offer or list accommodations within the destination, providing links for further exploration or booking.
  • Maps and Directions: Embed relevant maps to help visitors visualize the destination and its surroundings.
  • Calls to Action: Encourage visitors to book a trip, read related blog posts, or sign up for your email list for future updates.

Elementor Tools for Destination Pages

Elementor simplifies the process of designing visually appealing and informative destination pages:

  • Pre-designed Templates: Choose from destination-specific templates for a headstart.
  • Image Gallery Widgets : Create beautiful galleries to showcase the destination’s best features.
  • Testimonial Widgets: Display testimonials and reviews strategically throughout the page.
  • Map Widgets: Integrate interactive maps, and allow visitors to explore nearby attractions using custom markers.

Booking and Reservations: Streamlining the Process

If you plan to allow direct bookings for tours, activities, accommodations, or flights, choosing the right booking system and integrating it seamlessly into your website is paramount. Here’s what to consider:

Industry-specific Solutions: Research booking systems designed specifically for the travel industry. These often include features like:

  • Real-time availability calendars.
  • Secure online payment processing.
  • Inventory management.
  • Customer booking management interfaces.

WordPress Integration: Look for booking systems that offer dedicated WordPress plugins or have well-documented integration methods compatible with Elementor.  Popular options include booking solutions that work well with WordPress and Elementor, but be sure to conduct thorough research before making your final selection.

User Experience: Prioritize a booking system that provides a smooth and intuitive experience for your visitors.  The booking process should be clear, quick, and mobile-friendly.

Customization: Choose a system that offers some level of customization to align with your website’s design and branding.

Payment Gateways: Ensuring Secure Transactions 

To process online payments, you’ll need to integrate with a payment gateway. Look for reliable gateways that:

  • Widely Accepted: Support major credit cards, debit cards, and potentially alternative payment methods like PayPal or digital wallets.
  • Security and PCI Compliance: Select a payment gateway offering robust security measures and adhering to Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) to protect sensitive customer data.
  • Fees and Transaction Costs: Consider the various fee structures associated with payment gateways and choose one with a transparent pricing model that suits your expected volume.

Elementor Integration

Elementor’s Form Builder offers flexibility for creating custom booking forms that can be integrated with your chosen booking system and payment gateway.

Optimizing for Search Engines (SEO) and User Experience

Seo basics: the key to online visibility .

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of improving your website’s ranking in search results pages (SERPs) like Google or Bing.  With well-implemented SEO, potential travelers are more likely to discover your website when searching for destinations, travel advice, or experiences. Here’s an overview of the fundamentals:

  • Target Keywords:   Identify the terms people use to search for content that your travel website offers.  Consider location-specific keywords, activity-based keywords (e.g., “hiking trails in Colorado”), and question-based keywords (e.g., “best time to visit Bali”).
  • Content is King:   Consistently create high-quality, informative, and original content that aligns with your target keywords. This includes blog posts, destination pages, and detailed guides.
  • User Experience (UX): Design your website to be user-friendly, with fast loading times, clear navigation, and mobile responsiveness. Search engines favor websites that provide a positive visitor experience.

Keyword Research: Finding the Right Terms 

Keyword research forms the basis of your SEO strategy. Here are some helpful tools:

  • Google Keyword Planner: Discover keywords for your niche and estimate their search volume.
  • SEMrush, Ahrefs, or Similar Tools: These platforms provide comprehensive keyword research capabilities, including competitor analysis and search volume trends.
  • Answer the Public: This tool shows common questions people ask around certain topics, providing insights into long-tail keywords.

On-Page Optimization: Crafting Content that Search Engines Love 

On-page optimization refers to the techniques you implement directly on your website’s pages to improve their ranking in search results. Here’s how to do it:

Meta Titles and Meta Descriptions: These snippets appear in search results and help users understand your page’s content. Follow these guidelines:

  • Include your target keyword.
  • Write compelling descriptions that encourage clicks.
  • Stay within optimal character lengths (typically around 50-60 characters for titles and 150-160 characters for descriptions).

Header Tags (H1, H2, H3): Structure your content by using headings, with the H1 being the most important (usually the page title). Include relevant keywords in your headings while prioritizing a natural flow for the reader.

Image Optimization (Alt Text and File Name): Describe your images using informative alt text that includes keywords. Also, optimize file sizes to improve page load speed. Elementor Image Optimizer can help with this.

Internal Linking : Build a network of relevant internal links within your website. Link between relevant destination pages and blog posts, helping search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your content.

Content Quality: Focus on creating unique, informative, and engaging content that fulfills the visitor’s search intent. Avoid thin or duplicate content.

Keyword Placement: Strategically incorporate your target keywords throughout your content, including in headings, the first paragraph, and image alt text. Avoid keyword stuffing, as it can hurt your rankings.

Elementor Tools for On-Page Optimization

Elementor offers some features to assist with on-page optimization:

  • SEO Fields: Easily set your meta title and meta description directly within the Elementor editor for each page.
  • Heading Widgets: Structure your content using H1, H2, H3, etc., with styling control.
  • Image Widget + Alt Text: Add images with detailed alt text descriptions.

Website Speed: Why Fast Loading Times Matter 

Website speed heavily influences both user experience and search engine rankings. Here’s why it’s crucial:

  • User Bounce Rate: Slow loading speeds lead to higher bounce rates – visitors abandoning your site out of frustration.
  • Search Engine Penalties: Search engines like Google prioritize fast websites in their rankings. Slow websites may need help to gain visibility.
  • Conversion Rates: Website speed directly impacts conversions. Faster websites often convert visitors into travelers more effectively.
  • Overall User Satisfaction: A snappy, responsive website creates a positive first impression and keeps visitors engaged with your content.

Optimizing for Speed: Key Techniques 

Let’s discuss some essential tactics for improving your website’s loading speed:

  • Performance-Focused Hosting: Choose a high-quality hosting provider optimized for speed, like Elementor hosting with its Google Cloud Platform foundation and Cloudflare Enterprise CDN.
  • Image Optimization: Compress images using tools like Elementor’s Image Optimizer without sacrificing quality. Properly size images to avoid them being larger than they need to be on the page.
  • Caching: Implement caching mechanisms (browser caching, server-side caching, object caching) to store frequently accessed data and reduce server load. Elementor Hosting offers various caching features to enhance speed.
  • Content Delivery Network (CDN): A CDN like Elementor Hosting’s Cloudflare Enterprise CDN distributes content across servers worldwide, decreasing load times for visitors from different locations.
  • Minimize HTTP Requests: Combine resources where possible (CSS and JavaScript files) to reduce the number of requests the browser needs to make.
  • Clean Code: Ensure your website is built with optimized code to minimize bloat.

User-Friendly Navigation: Guiding Your Visitors 

Intuitive navigation is like a well-marked path through the rich landscape of your website. Let’s discuss the best practices for designing a user-friendly menu system:

  • Clear and Concise: Menu labels should be descriptive and easy to understand. Use familiar terms like “Destinations,” “Blog,” “About Us,” and “Contact.”
  • Limited Options: Avoid overwhelming users with too many choices in your main navigation. Focus on the most important categories.
  • Hierarchical Structure: Organize subcategories within dropdown menus or mega menus to create a logical hierarchy for complex content.
  • Prominent Placement: Ensure your navigation menu is easily visible, typically at the top of the page (header) or as a persistent sidebar menu.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Prioritize a navigation experience that adapts seamlessly to smaller screens, with features like hamburger menus and clear tap targets.
  • Search Functionality: Include a prominent search bar to help visitors quickly find specific content, especially on websites with extensive destinations or blog posts.
  • Breadcrumbs: Consider using Breadcrumbs, especially on pages with a deeper hierarchy, to help users understand their current location within the website and navigate back to previous levels with ease.

Elementor’s Navigation Tools

Elementor streamlines menu creation with:

  • Nav Menu Widget: Design custom navigation menus with drag-and-drop functionality and extensive styling options.
  • Mega Menus: Create expansive dropdown menus for navigation-rich websites to display a wide range of subcategories at once.
  • Responsive Controls: Fine-tune the appearance of your menus on different devices for optimal usability.

Marketing Your Travel Website

Social media:  building a community & sharing your passion.

Social media platforms offer a unique opportunity to connect with travel enthusiasts, showcase your brand’s personality, and inspire wanderlust.  Here’s how to harness their power:

Channel Selection: Focus on platforms where your target audience is most active. Popular choices for travel include:

  • Instagram: Ideal for sharing visually stunning photos and videos.
  • Facebook: Great for building community, sharing updates, and running targeted advertising campaigns.
  • Pinterest: Excellent for driving traffic with inspirational travel imagery and guides.
  • YouTube: Perfect for longer-form video content like destination tours and travel vlogs.

High-Quality Content:   Post a mix of:

  • Inspiring visuals (photos and videos) of destinations.
  • Travel tips and advice.
  • Behind-the-scenes glimpses of your brand.
  • User-generated content (reposting visitor photos and testimonials with permission).

Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, host contests, ask questions, and actively participate in conversations.

Hashtags:   Utilize relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts (both general and location-specific).

Paid Social Media Advertising 

Social media ads allow you to target specific demographics,  interests (i.e., “adventure travel”), and even the locations where your ideal travelers are based.

  • Attention-grabbing visuals: Use compelling images or videos for your ad campaigns.
  • Persuasive Copy: Highlight unique selling points and include a clear Call to Action (CTA).
  • Targeted Ads: Use platform-specific targeting options to reach your ideal audience.

Email Marketing: Personalized Communication for Long-term Engagement 

Email marketing allows you to connect with your audience directly, delivering personalized messages tailored to their interests and stage in the travel planning process. Here’s why it’s important:

  • Direct Connection: Email marketing gives you a direct line of communication with people who have expressed interest in your website or brand.
  • Targeted Campaigns: Segment your email lists based on demographics, travel interests, or past interactions, enabling you to send highly relevant content.
  • Nurture Leads: Build relationships over time by providing value, positioning yourself as trusted experts, and ultimately encouraging bookings or return visits.
  • Promotions & Offers: Share exclusive deals, time-sensitive discounts, or loyalty programs to drive conversions.
  • Measurable Results: Track open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to get actionable insights and continuously improve your email campaigns.

Email Signup Forms (with Elementor) 

Strategic placement of signup forms is key for growing your email list:

  • Homepage Prominence: Include a highly visible form in your hero section or primary content area.
  • Blog Sidebar or Popups: Use unobtrusive sidebars or timed popups on your blog to capture readers’ attention. Elementor’s Popup Builder offers robust options for creating eye-catching signup forms.
  • Dedicated Landing Pages: Create targeted landing pages with enticing offers to collect email addresses.
  • Compelling Incentives: Offer valuable lead magnets like destination guides, travel checklists, or exclusive discounts to persuade visitors to subscribe.

Advertising: Reaching the Right Audience at the Right Time 

Targeted advertising allows you to promote your website in front of people who are most likely to be interested in your offerings.  Here’s a look at some effective platforms:

  • Search Engine Ads (e.g., Google Ads): Appear atop search results pages for specific keywords, ensuring you reach users with high intent.  Target terms like “budget flights to [destination]” or “best [destination] hiking trails.”
  • Social Media Ads (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest): Utilize detailed targeting options based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. Leverage eye-catching visuals and persuasive copy for your ad campaigns.
  • Display Ads (e.g., Google Display Network): Showcase banner ads across a vast network of websites, often related to travel content or visited by people who have shown an interest in travel.
  • Retargeting Ads: Reach users who have already visited your website but haven’t made a booking. This serves as a reminder, bringing your brand and offerings back into their consideration.

Tips for Effective Travel Advertising

  • Compelling Ad Creative: Use eye-catching images, videos, and persuasive copywriting that highlights your unique selling points.
  • Targeted Audience: Define your ideal traveler and utilize platform-specific targeting options to reach them more precisely.
  • Clear Calls to Action: Guide users towards the desired action (booking, subscribing, visiting a specific destination page).
  • Track and Analyze: Utilize platform analytics to monitor your ad performance, identify areas for improvement, and optimize your campaigns over time.

Content Marketing: Value-Driven Strategies to Attract Travelers 

Content marketing involves creating and distributing valuable, informative content that aligns with your potential visitors’ interests and pain points. Here’s why it’s crucial for your travel website:

  • SEO Benefits: High-quality content helps improve search rankings for relevant keywords, attracting organic traffic over time.
  • Establishes Authority: Demonstrate your expertise by offering in-depth guides, expert tips, and local insights. This builds trust and positions you as a go-to resource.
  • Audience Engagement: Captivating content encourages social sharing and sparks conversations, expanding your reach and fostering community.
  • Supports Other Marketing Channels: Repurpose content for social media posts, email newsletters, and even ad campaigns.

Types of High-Value Content for Travel Websites

  • Blog Posts: Share travel guides, itineraries, local recommendations, packing tips, budget travel advice, cultural insights, and personal travel stories.
  • Destination Guides: Provide comprehensive information about specific locations, including attractions, accommodations, transportation, cultural tips, and hidden gems.
  • Listicles: Create engaging listicles such as “Top 10 Family-Friendly Destinations” or “Best Hikes in [Region].”
  • Infographics: Use infographics to illustrate travel data, packing lists, or itineraries in a visually appealing way.
  • Videos: Showcase destinations, create travel vlogs, or offer how-to tutorials for packing or navigating a new city.

Enhancing Your Website

Tips for high-quality, seo-friendly travel content .

  • Focus on a Specific Topic: Each piece of content should have a clear focus, addressing a single travel-related query or theme.
  • Keyword Research: Use the techniques discussed previously to identify relevant keywords for your content and naturally incorporate them throughout.
  • Answer User Queries: Understand the searcher’s intent and structure your content to provide clear and informative answers.
  • Compelling Writing: Craft engaging content with an authentic voice that resonates with your target audience.
  • Detailed and Informative: Provide in-depth information, practical tips, and unique insights rather than offering generic content.
  • Structure for Readability: Use headings (H2, H3), short paragraphs, bullet points, and images to break up your content and improve readability.
  • Unique Perspective: Share your own experiences, insider tips, or curated recommendations to differentiate your content and stand out in the competitive travel writing landscape.
  • Optimize for Featured Snippets: Consider structuring some sections of your content (like lists or FAQs) in a manner that can be pulled as featured snippets on search results pages, increasing visibility.

Travel Tips and Packing Lists: Essential Resources for Every Trip 

A dedicated section for travel tips and packing lists helps position your website as a comprehensive resource. Consider including

  • General Travel Tips: Cover topics such as booking flights and accommodations, planning a budget, staying safe and healthy while traveling , responsible tourism practices, and navigating cultural differences.
  • Destination-Specific Tips: Create guides tailored to unique destinations, addressing the best times to visit, local customs, transportation tips, budgeting, and must-try experiences.
  • Packing Lists: Provide customizable packing checklists for different types of trips (adventure travel, beach vacations, city breaks, backpacking, etc.)
  • Travel Gear Recommendations: If relevant, curate lists of your favorite travel gear, from backpacks and luggage to tech gadgets and comfort items.
  • Additional Resources: Link to external resources such as weather websites, currency converters, or vaccination information.

Benefits of Travel Tips and Packing Lists

  • Added Value for Visitors: Provide practical advice, helping travelers plan and prepare for their trips with ease.
  • SEO Opportunities: Target long-tail keywords like “packing list for [destination]” or “travel tips for [country].”
  • Build Trust: Establish yourself as a knowledgeable source of travel information.

Reviews and Testimonials: The Power of Social Proof 

In the travel industry, online reviews and testimonials wield immense influence over potential travelers’ decisions.  Here’s why they are crucial:

  • Build Trust: Positive reviews foster a sense of trust with potential travelers, easing their anxieties and making them more confident in choosing your travel experiences or services.
  • Influence Decisions: Travelers often consult reviews before making bookings. Compelling testimonials can be the tipping point for their decision.
  • Boost SEO: Integrate reviews directly on your website, adding fresh, keyword-rich content that can improve search engine rankings.
  • Gain Insights: Reviews offer valuable feedback, helping you identify areas for improvement and cater to your travelers’ needs even better.

Acquiring Customer Reviews 

Proactively encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews. Consider these strategies:

  • Post-Trip Emails: Send automated follow-up emails after a trip, requesting feedback and providing links to review platforms.
  • On-Site Prompts: Include subtle prompts on relevant website pages, encouraging customers to share their experiences.
  • Social Media: Ask customers to leave reviews on your social media pages.
  • Incentives: If appropriate, consider offering small incentives (discounts, loyalty points) for customers who write reviews.

Strategic Placement of Testimonials

Where you showcase testimonials on your website significantly affects their impact. Consider these key areas:

  • Homepage: Include a few impactful testimonials in a carousel or dedicated section, especially highlighting experiences relevant to your target audience.
  • Destination Pages: Incorporate testimonials specific to each destination, reinforcing its appeal.
  • Booking/Tour Pages: Displaying testimonials near booking forms or calls-to-action can provide that extra nudge for hesitant visitors.
  • “About Us” Page: Testimonials about your overall brand or company strengthen your credibility.
  • Dedicated Testimonials Page: Create a comprehensive page showcasing a larger collection of testimonials, allowing potential travelers to delve deeper into the experiences of others.

Effective Presentation with Elementor

Elementor simplifies the process of creating compelling testimonial displays:

  • Testimonial Widgets: Utilize dedicated Testimonial widgets for easy customization and seamless incorporation into various page designs.
  • Carousels or Sliders: Display testimonials in a rotating format to maximize visibility within limited space.
  • Ratings and Stars: Include star ratings alongside testimonials for an additional layer of social proof.
  • Customer Photos: If possible, feature real customer photos alongside their testimonials to increase authenticity.

Currency Converter and Language Translation: Welcoming Global Travelers 

Expanding your reach to a worldwide audience can significantly boost your travel website’s potential. Here’s how currency conversion and translation tools play an essential role:

Currency Converter

  • Convenience for Travelers: Allow visitors to easily understand pricing in their local currency, simplifying their decision-making process.
  • Ease of Comparison: Travelers can compare prices to make informed choices without navigating to external conversion websites.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Providing a seamless experience that avoids confusing visitors with unfamiliar currencies builds trust and credibility.

Language Translation Tools

  • Cater to a Global Audience: Reach a wider range of potential travelers by making your website accessible in multiple languages.
  • Inclusivity: Demonstrate a commitment to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all travelers, regardless of their native language.
  • Improved SEO: Multilingual websites can potentially improve search rankings in different regions, increasing your visibility globally.

Integration Options

  • Plugins and Widgets: Explore WordPress plugins and widgets that specialize in currency conversion and language translation. Popular options include Currency Converter and Translate WordPress with GTranslate.
  • External Services: Consider integrating with external translation services that offer advanced features and support for a wide range of languages.

Accessibility Features: Building an Inclusive Travel Website 

Web accessibility involves designing and developing websites that can be used by everyone, regardless of their abilities or limitations. Here’s why it’s crucial for travel websites:

  • Cater to a Wider Audience: Making your website accessible allows you to serve a broader market, including travelers with disabilities who represent a significant portion of the travel industry.
  • Improve User Experience for Everyone: Accessibility features often benefit all users. For example, clear headings and image descriptions enhance readability and navigation for everyone.
  • Legal Compliance: In some regions, website accessibility is mandated by law, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Ethical Considerations: Building an inclusive website aligns with responsible and ethical business practices.

Key Accessibility Considerations for Travel Websites

  • Alternative Text (Alt Text): Describe all images using informative alt text, enabling screen readers to convey visual content to users with visual impairments.
  • Descriptive Heading Structure: Utilize clear headings (H1, H2, etc.) for easy navigation and content comprehension, especially for those using screen readers.
  • Color Contrast: Ensure sufficient contrast between text and background colors for better readability by those with visual impairments.
  • Keyboard Navigation: Ensure all website functionality is accessible using only a keyboard, which is crucial for users with motor disabilities.
  • Screen Reader Compatibility: Test your website with screen readers to optimize the experience for visually impaired users.

Staying Ahead in The Travel Industry

Tracking and analytics: understanding your web traffic.

To make informed website improvements, it’s essential to understand how visitors interact with your content. Here’s where analytics come into play:

Google Analytics (or Similar Tools):   Install an analytics tool on your website to gain insights into:

  • Traffic Sources: Learn where your visitors are coming from (search engines, social media, referrals, etc.).
  • Popular Pages: Identify the content that resonates the most with your audience.
  • Bounce Rates: Understand which pages might be causing visitors to leave prematurely.
  • Visitor Demographics and Interests: Gather data to tailor your content and offerings further.

Conversion Tracking:   If you have bookings or subscriptions, track which pages and campaigns lead to the most conversions.

Continuous Improvement: Adapting to Visitor Needs 

Use the insights from analytics to guide your website optimization:

  • A/B Testing: Experiment with different versions of pages or design elements (e.g., CTA button placement) to see what performs best.
  • Cater to Emerging Trends: Analyze your website traffic to spot changing interests or preferences among travelers and adjust your content strategy accordingly.
  • User Feedback: Actively solicit feedback through surveys, polls, or direct contact forms to gather valuable insights and address pain points.

Website Security: Protecting Your Site and Traveler Data 

Travel websites often handle sensitive traveler information such as names, contact details, and payment information. Ensuring robust security is essential for safeguarding this data and maintaining customer trust.  Let’s discuss some vital measures:

  • Strong Passwords and Authentication:   Enforce strong password policies for both your website’s administrative area and any user accounts you might have. Consider implementing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for an additional layer of security.
  • Regular Updates: Keep your WordPress installation, themes, plugins, and hosting environment updated with the latest security patches. Outdated software is a prime target for hackers.
  • SSL Certificate: Install an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate to encrypt data transmission between your website and visitors’ browsers. Look for the “https://” prefix in your website URL and a padlock icon in the address bar.
  • Security Plugins:   Utilize WordPress security plugins for added protection. These plugins offer features like firewall protection, malware scanning, and intrusion detection.
  • Elementor Hosting Security Features: Take advantage of the built-in security measures provided by Elementor Hosting, including frequent site backups, malware protection, and Cloudflare security services.

Building a successful travel website involves more than just beautiful visuals and tempting destinations. Throughout this guide, we’ve explored the key considerations for success:

  • Strategic Niche and Audience: Find your unique focus within the travel space and tailor your content to the ideal traveler you wish to serve.
  • High-Quality Content and SEO: Create informative content that aligns with what searchers are looking for, and optimize it to rank well in search results.
  • Excellent User Experience: Prioritize a website that’s fast, mobile-friendly, easy to navigate, and brimming with valuable features.
  • Social Media Presence: Connect with potential travelers on social platforms, sharing inspiring content and building a thriving community.
  • The Power of Elementor: Elevate your web design with Elementor’s intuitive tools, enabling you to create visually stunning and functional pages effortlessly.

Creating a thriving travel website takes dedication and a willingness to adapt to an ever-evolving landscape. Embrace experimentation, learn from your audience, and continue refining your strategy over time.  Remember, the journey is an adventure in itself!

How To Create a Travel Website With WordPress in Just 5 Steps

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“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” says Lao Tzu .

If your wanderlust takes you places and you’re always passionate about trying new things at different destinations, you have enough reasons to build a travel website.

Being a successful travel blogger, sooner or later, you may get tons of opportunities to visit dream locations, take trips and meet new people.

Above all, you will have a chance to live the life you’ve always desired.

Whether you have been traveling for passion or yet to start a career as a traveler, having the knowhow to create a travel website will get you off to a fantastic start.

This article discusses how to make a travel website, promote it and cash in with different revenue-making techniques.

Anyone can create a travel website, but it is highly effective for:

  • Solo travelers looking for ways to live a dream life and monetize their journeys
  • A travel agency looking to start a travel blog and do content marketing to draw the attention of prospects
  • A lead generation agency eyeing more leads for its tourism related clients

Though it sounds lucrative to be a part of the global tourism industry, which stands at around $1.67 trillion in 2022, you can’t disregard the challenges that will come your way throughout the traveling business.

Whether you are a seasoned traveler or just setting up a travel business, be prepared to work day and night, as it isn’t going to be sunshine and rainbows!

What should a travel website include?

Before you start thinking of producing a single piece of content, we think every travel website should have a few key components.

A travel website should ideally have a clean design. Here are 8 principles of web design you should know .

Secondly, a travel website must have the following core elements:

Responsive design

A responsive website can be easily viewed on any device regardless of size. While putting together a website, you should ensure that it scales everything automatically and loads correctly on every screen type, keeping your content right in front of users.

A responsive design is also a treat for search engines.

Google happily crawls responsive websites as it ends up consuming fewer resources. WordPress provides tremendous opportunities for creating responsive websites.

It’s always better to go with themes like Astra to build a responsive website in minutes.

An image or video gallery

A camera is the best companion a traveler can have. You’re going to see amazing sights, meet fascinating people and create fantastic memories. It makes sense to capture as much as possible on camera

Your website should ideally offer tools to create albums and galleries and integrate them wherever you need them.

There are a number of good WordPress plugins, such as WP Portfolio , to achieve what you want. We will talk more about it in a while.

Booking system

An online booking system can create immense opportunities for your travel business. It gives travelers the comfort of booking packages and making payments online without having to visit you.

Any time difference between you and your customers becomes a non-issue as the booking system works 24/7 even if you are not around.

An added advantage is that it can be scaled anytime to handle extra demand, especially during the holiday season.

You don’t need a huge staff to organize your business. An online booking system provides essential insights and creates reports whenever you want to help get the entire picture of your travel business.

How to create a travel website

For us, this is the most exciting part of every tutorial where we set up a website.

To create a travel website, follow each task step by step and you will have a stunning travel website ready in less than an hour.

Yes, really!

Step 1: Name your travel website

Your website name will represent you throughout its business life.

You need to be creative enough to stand out in the crowd. Names like My Adventurous Life, Best Travel Tips, and similar others are too generic and may get mixed up among a gazillion travel sites on the internet.

Be specific, make it personal and try to ensure it describes what your travel website is about.

Keep it short and easily memorable too, so people can easily remember it.

Once you have selected a name, register it with a registrar of your choice. We recommend and as among the best in this field.

If you use Namecheap for example, enter the desired name in the search field and press the Search button.

If the name is available, proceed with the payment process to secure it before someone else does.

You can also buy a domain through your current web host. We will tell you about it in the following step.

Step 2: Get a web host

Next in line for you is to buy web hosting. Hosting is where you rent space on a server to host your website for a specific duration, which users can access from around the world.

You can choose one of the following web hosts, as we rate them for their reliability and performance. They offer plenty of plans suitable for almost every budget:

For this tutorial, we will go with SiteGround . They offer managed WordPress hosting which is ideal for our travel website.

On their homepage, choose the WordPress Hosting page from the Hosting menu and buy the GrowBig plan. It offers unlimited websites and carries lots of resources.

Press the blue Get Plan button to proceed with the buying process. SiteGround allows you to scale plans whenever you need.

On the next page, register the domain name if you haven’t already done so or enter an existing domain and complete the process.

SiteGround will automatically perform the groundwork for your new website without you having to do anything.

Step 3: Install WordPress

If you want to install WordPress on your website yourself, you can do it by accessing the SiteGround dashboard.

Go to the Websites page in the admin area and press the Add New button.

Select the Existing Domain option.

The next screen will ask you to Start a New Website or Migrate Website . Choose the first option and select WordPress from the applications.

Enter your login credentials and continue.

It will take a few minutes to get your website ready.

After the SiteGround installer finishes the process, you can log into your website admin area through the URL .

Just change the URL above to your own and add /wp-login.php at the end to access the login screen.

Enter the credentials when the login screen appears.

While entering the WP admin area, you will come across a wizard to help you install a WordPress theme on your site.

Press the Exit link to ignore it.

You may need to remove a few plugins SiteGround adds during the installation process to help you add themes and manage pages.

Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins page and remove the ones you don’t need.

In our case, we will delete all three SiteGround plugins to restore the original look of the WordPress admin area.

Check the boxes, select Deactivate from the Bulk actions field and press the Apply button to deactivate the plugins.

Repeat the same process to delete them.

Step 4: Install a theme for your travel website

A WordPress theme is the face of your website and, combined with plugins, is responsible for the overall user experience.

We need a theme that will help us achieve our goals. It should ideally be lightweight, well coded, and fully customizable.

We will install Astra on our travel website. It has all the qualities we look for and performance that’s second to none.

Astra is our in-house developed theme, so we trust its features!

To install it, go to Appearance > Themes and press Add New button.

You can find Astra by using the search box. Press the Install button and activate it when the option appears.

Next, we need to install a travel website template .

We will import a template from the Starter Templates library Astra offers.

Step 5: Import a travel template

We need to install the Starter Templates plugin to access the library.

Go to Plugins > Add New and look for the Starter Templates plugin by typing the name in the search box.

Install and activate the plugin when it appears on your screen.

You will find a number of free templates to use, but complete access to the library comes with Essential Toolkit and Business Toolkit plans.

You can open the template library from Appearance > Starter Templates .

Once there, select the page builder of your choice from the list that includes Standard (Gutenberg), Elementor and Beaver Builder.

You will find a huge variety of travel website templates to support your adventures as a traveler, a travel agency business, a hotel and resort and several others.

Travel Agency

As the name suggests, this template is ideal for travel agency businesses and flexible enough to accommodate anything you require.

You can display your best travel offers, book tours, show the world your business partners and show off customer testimonials, all on the homepage. Adding a blog as a part of your marketing strategy is a completely painless process.

The template comes with all the essential goodies your business might need. You can always add and customize any part of the website, thanks to the power of Elementor page builder.

Travel Blogger and Influencer

For solo travelers who live an adventurous life but don’t want to stay away from their fans, this template is designed to tell the world about their travel experiences.

You can show off your pictures and videos and arrange them nicely in a gallery layout. The template also offers you to integrate your Instagram feed anywhere you want.

If you want to earn from your travel as an influencer, this template provides everything you need for your venture.

You can build a travel blog to market your business effectively in just a few clicks.

Travel and Tourism

If you are into the hotel and travel resort business and wish to highlight all the details your guests would like to know, this template has everything.

This is a modern flat layout on a white background prominently displaying everything your users need to find.

The elegantly designed contact page can show an aerial shot of the whole town and nicely integrates a Google map making it easy for your guests to spot your location.

Let’s import a template

Why did we choose the Travel Blog template?

It’s ideal for solo travelers and influencers who want to visit places and earn through being an affiliate. We can recommend it to those who like to stay with the default Gutenberg editor.

But it’s entirely up to you what template you use.

Once you select a template, an import wizard will walk you through a short import process.

You can upload a logo and change fonts and colors on your way to the final step.

The process may take just over a minute to import everything this template needs to run, including layout design, sample data, essential pages, and plugins.

With the default settings, your website should look similar to the image. This is how to create a travel website in just a few minutes!

This template is suitable for sharing your travel and adventure stories, but it can also support your personal travel business.

You can significantly improve your page design experience on Gutenberg by using the Spectra plugin , which adds features professionals use to design websites.

If you plan to go with Elementor page builder to create a travel website, we suggest you check out Ultimate Addons for Elementor (UAE) to fulfill all your design needs.

Essential plugins for travel websites

You can build any website with WordPress and add functions with the help of plugins.

For example, you will need a plugin to integrate a signup form on your website to grow subscribers.

Knowing which plugin you need on your site makes you more productive. We have an ultimate guide to tell you about the must-have plugins for your site to improve its overall performance.

WP Portfolio

Pictures create curiosity, which is why it’s an essential feature for a travel website.

Though WordPress has a built-in gallery management tool, you can use several photo gallery plugins to add real value to your images.

WP Portfolio is a powerful solution to present your images and videos in style and adds lots of interactive features and effects.

It’s a complete image management tool to help you add galleries anywhere on your website with the help of easy to understand and fully customizable shortcodes.

WP Portfolio is more than adding galleries to your website. You can select layouts for images or videos from hundreds of prebuilt and customizable templates that work with all popular page builders.

It is an ideal and versatile plugin for any travel website.

If you are a travel blogger and also plan to show off your photographic portfolio on your site, this plugin can help you create one.

WP Travel Engine

WP Travel Engine is an all-in-one tool for your travel business needs.

You can create itineraries, receive bookings, get customer reviews, convert currencies, and process payments through a variety of payment gateways.

You can embed trip widgets anywhere on the website, including blog posts. That’s an added advantage for travel influencers who want to generate affiliate income.

Google Maps Widget Pro

It’s much easier for users to plan their trips when they have complete information about a destination. This is why it’s essential to have accurate maps on your travel website.

Google Maps Widget Pro is easy to use and lets you add unlimited maps on the site, including posts, pages, sidebars and menus.

It’s a lightweight plugin that generates a single database request, a vital aspect that does not affect website speed.

This easy-to-use plugin can show street view, directions, and much more.

Yoast and Schema Pro

Though there are many options to choose from when it comes to SEO, these two plugins make a great combination for Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

You can get your travel website on track from the beginning by using the Yoast and Schema Pro plugins for their ability to handle on-page SEO.

Yoast is a great companion for assisting in the initial SEO settings, such as adding meta, integrating websites with search engines, generating XML sitemap and much more.

Yoast keeps an eye on every post and page you publish and helps you with excellent tips to optimize them.

With Schema Pro , you can outperform your competitors right off the bat. It implements schema on each post and page and makes it search engine friendly.

Search engines such as Google can better understand different types of content on your website, which can help rank your website better.


Backups are an essential part of your website security strategy . They make sure you have a good chance to restore the website should you ever need to.

UpdraftPlus makes it easy to take backups and store them in the cloud. It takes backup automatically at regular intervals, or you can do it manually anytime you need.

Marketing your travel website

Building a travel website is just the first step. You need content and a workable marketing strategy to promote it for a steady traffic flow.

Whether you intend to publish travel stories to share your experience with the world or establish a successful travel brand, you will need quality traffic.

A better way to start is by promoting it within your social network. People who know you personally will likely give you an early response.

Search engine optimization

Google, the largest search engine , is responsible for most of the organic traffic on your website. It’s better to be friends with the search engine from the beginning and take advantage of free traffic.

Check out our some interesting tips on SEO to be successful on Google.

Pick the few most relevant keywords to your website and stick with them for a while to rank in the search engines.

You can later add more keywords to your articles to target a wider audience.

Social media has a huge audience

Every platform has its own uniqueness. For example, you can go viral on Pinterest and Instagram with infographics and pictures, while YouTube and TikTok are more suitable for video stories.

Select a platform based on your target audience and the content you want to deliver.

With the proper techniques, you can grab a good number of followers for free.

Join travel groups, forums and communities

There are tons of groups out there where people share their travel experiences. If you are a frequent traveler, you can jump in with your valuable travel advice in a thread and show how you can be helpful to someone planning a trip.

Add a link to your website in your signature and link to any relevant content you have published.

Don’t overdo the promotion though. Be genuinely helpful and this will help you create some good links.

Be reliable, develop a positive reputation and gradually give the audience a reason to check out your profile. This should eventually draw people to your website.

Email marketing

Email is still the most effective email marketing strategy to establish engagement with your audience and drive traffic to your website.

You can ask people to sign up for the newsletter and, in return, promise them exclusive content, travel tips, or a few offers if you have cracked a few deals earlier based on your past travel experience.

Write guest posts

This might look time consuming , but guest posting is a great marketing tool. You write articles for other blogs and publications in your niche in return for a backlink to your website.

Having a chance to have your post published on a well-ranking blog involves a great deal of effort and convincing power initially, but it’s all worth it.

Run ad campaigns

Almost every platform provides ways to promote your brand. You can use Google, Facebook, and Instagram ads to bring traffic to your website.

Depending on the content you intend to promote, you can also use YouTube, Quora, and Twitter to market your website.

Remember, these are paid tools, so use them wisely to target the right audience!

How to make money from a travel website

Whether a solo traveler or an agency, you should use every opportunity to improve your earnings.

Do you know Kate from Adventurous Kate left her real 9-5 job 12 years ago, and ever since, she has traveled to 83 countries and counting.

Display ads

As you start witnessing a nice flow of visitors to your website, it’s time to think about banner ads. You can put them in multiple places, but be careful with too many banners as it might ruin the user experience.

Play tactfully and place ads where they don’t interfere with the content.

Google Adsense , , Adversal , and Adsterra are just a few examples of ad networks to try.

Be an affiliate and sell products

As your audience trusts your opinion and enjoys your valuable travel content, they wouldn’t mind if you tried to make a commission out of a few affiliate links.

You can recommend products, including travel gadgets, tickets, tour plans, and hotel stays, on your website. If you are a photographer yourself, you can share with people which equipment you mostly prefer to take fantastic photos.

You can contact brands directly or join the affiliate networks.

Check out Travel Payouts and affiliate program to get an idea.

Sponsored posts

A sponsored post is a kind of ad designed like a blog post to promote a brand or a specific product. It may be an interview, a review, or anything that suits the brand.

Be selective with the content that suits your style. We suggest always telling your audience about sponsored content. This way the audience will always respect your business needs.

You can start pitching different brands once you have enough visitors.

Google Analytics is a great free tool to accurately monitor and display your site’s traffic.

With traffic and influence in the community, there may come lots of added benefits.

You may get invitations from agencies and brands to visit places. These paid tours can often cover traveling costs, accommodation and food in exchange for something you can deliver – blog posts and social media posts.

Besides deliverables, such tours can be a great opportunity to create extra content for your website.

Create a travel website for free

No big investments at the start

*14 days of a free premium access

Why choose Weblium website builder

The interface of our Weblium is easy to use. You will immediately figure out where and how to click. You won't have to spend a lot of time reading guides. Thanks to this, you will be able to create a travel website, even if you consider yourself a person as far from technology as possible.


You will receive a trial subscription immediately after registration. It gives free access to key Weblium features for 14 days. You can view all our templates, create your own unique design, connect additional services. And all this means a free travel website!

Technical support 24/7

Our support team works around the clock, even on weekends. So if you have any questions while building a travel website, you will get answers. Our managers will help you find a solution to all technical problems both at the stage of launching the site and after it.

Travel websites are suitable for

Small and medium-sized travel agencies.

Sell your services, collect customer contacts, accept payments for tours online — it's all easier than you think.

Travel bloggers

Share your impressions of your trips, experiences, and life hacks with the world, gather an audience and earn money from advertising.

For guides and tour guides

Promote yourself as a specialist, tell in more detail about your experience, knowledge, and organizational skills — this will help to find new clients.

For owners of small hostels and hotels

Attract more customers by promoting your website in search engines.

How to create a travel website on Weblium


Register on the platform

You can do this via your Google or Facebook account, as well as using your email. Immediately after that, you will receive a trial subscription and be able to build a travel website.


Choose a travel website template

To start a travel website the template is the basis, the framework, on which you will create your website’s design and functionality. We offer over 10 travel templates to choose from.


Work out the design and add content

All our templates are bright and unique, but you probably are eager to change something or add your own. Everything from background images to menu buttons is customizable in our templates. Optionally, you can add video, animation, gradient.


Connect the necessary functionality

If you are creating a travel website, then you intend to sell certain services. And for sales to bring the maximum income, you will have to provide your site with additional functionality. That’s easy! Everything has already been added to the Weblium platform: contact forms for accepting orders, CRM systems for processing them, payment methods, online chats etc.


Customize SEO

SEO tools help search engines find your site and show it in search results for the necessary queries. To do this, you need to fill in special fields ("page title", "description", "keywords") in the site settings.


Launch the website

That's it, your website is complete! You just have to check the texts for errors, test all sections for performance, and you can publish your website.

Are you ready to create a travel website?

Once you've tried the Weblium website builder, you won't have to look for other solutions anymore!

Travel website templates

Guided Tour

Single Tour

 African Safari

Travel Agency

We will help you to share experiences and show how beautiful the world is!

Tips from the weblium travel website builder.

A couple of useful tips that will help make the process of creating a travel website more successful!


Google Maps

With a website builder for travel agency, you can add your enterprise to the map, and it will be easier for clients to find you.


Show your advantages

Show your customers that your waiting area is the most comfortable, your coffee is the tastiest, and your specialists are of the highest class!


Online booking

Synchronize your schedule using our tools, and your clients will be able to book with you according to your timetable.


Modern internet marketing tools are to analyze and promote your tourism business. Stand out!


No further questions

Display all the necessary data about prices, services, and opening hours on the homepage of the travel agency website, so that your visitors know everything they need.


Make a travel website modern and functional so that your business stands out from the competitors’.

Ready-made integrations

Weblium allows adding additional plugins to your website to expand its functionality

Weblium customers’ feedback

Find out why over 130,000 website creators have opted for Weblium

Marketing Specialist

Amazing platform, super easy to use and fabulous support team who never give up on you until they find a solution for you, even if you are being a tad thick! It’s a relatively new platform but has surprisingly few problems, and those that come up are solved quickly and efficiently and since I am one to really push the boundaries, if anyone was going to find the glitches it would be me! Well done Team Weblium!

Jacquey Dougherty

President at Dougherty Financial Consultants, Inc.

Weblium created a very professional website for my Insurance Agency/Accounting Firm business. When I indicated that I wanted to be able to add news items/blogs on a regular basis, they were extremely patient with me in training me how to do it. They took the time to send me videos that were extremely user-friendly and easy to follow. When I have a question, I email it and a consistent member of the staff gets back to me literally right away. I highly recommend Weblium!

Hillary Moon

Hillary Moon Performance Art

I had a Facebook page but wanted to share my work with more potential clients. When I found Weblium's offer, it seemed too good to be true at first. But Weblium did a great job! They built the website I needed and helped me learn how to manage it. 10/10.

Kate Goncharova

Mimodels Management

We decided to create a website since it’s the best way to showcase your talents in modeling business. Weblium created a site that both meets our expectations perfectly and is pretty simple to manage on your own. I can vouch for the quality of this service

Which travel website builder should you choose?

First, you must understand what functionality you need, and what difficulties you may have in the process of creation. Based on this, consider the criteria that are important to you: ● price/the opportunity of a free travel agency website; ● templates: quality and design, categories and niches; ● simplicity and convenience of the constructor; ● support and assistance in creating a website (not each website builder for travel agency has "live" online support); ● settings (analytics, SEO settings, marketing tools, etc.). You may have other criteria as well. Your best bet is to test the free travel agency website builder to be sure to pick the best of the best.

How to create a mobile version of a travel website?

All websites built on Weblium are fully responsive, so you can only work with the desktop version of your travel website without worrying about how it will look on mobile devices.

How can I build a travel website for business without knowing how to write code?

With Weblium, you can create a travel website without any programming knowledge. Just use your imagination and the Weblium website builder. We will guide you through the color scheme, block placement, image adjustments, etc.

How to find the right topic for your travel site?

If you are looking for ideas for your future website, then we advise you to check out our gallery of templates that have been selected after careful research in each area of business.

Tourism website

Starting a tourism website is a good idea for business.

Fitness website

More fitness and sport website templates are available after login.

Event website

You will only have to choose an event template and have fun there.

Blog website

Anyone can be a successful author here!

Salon website

Starting a beauty website is a brilliant idea for your beauty business.

Clothing website

Start for free your clothing website right now!

Personal website

We’ll tell you about the best way to create a personal website.

How to Create a Travel Website: Types, Features, Industry Trends

Timur Tech Journalist | Codica

Most people plan a journey by seeking advice from the same source — the Internet. As ending the pandemic is becoming more solvable, many of us think about where to travel next.

Ironically, we tend to get easily overwhelmed by the sheer amount of tasks. What place is ok for a night stay? Which is the best camera backpack? Where to refuel?

So today, we will figure out how a travel website works. We will also share tips on how to make your own travel website genuinely shine.

Travel industry overview

There are many destinations to look forward to when the Covid-19 threat eventually fades into the background. Below we share the latest trends you need to know to build a travel website.

Covid-19 restrictions loosen

Forbes says the situation looks a lot more promising from when much of the travels were put on pause. Here are quick facts:

  • Many Schengen area states reopen for tourism;
  • People are likely to go abroad if getting vaccinated;
  • Air traffic increased by 16% in flights taking off in late May;
  • Booking momentum saw a big increase for the first time since March 2020.
  • Many Caribbean countries are open to U.S. citizens, pending negative PRL tests.

Also, having a vaccine pass would eliminate the need for quarantine, thus boosting the travel industry.

Distribution of 2021 hotel bookings based on travel websites clicks

Source: TripAdvisor

Once-in-a-lifetime trips

A sense of a major accomplishment drives many travelers, as reported by ABTA . In other words, people love to cross off something on their bucket list. Especially when journeys seem a means to cope with quarantine fatigue. predicts a wave of “workcation.” It comes as no surprise considering how many of us are involved in jobs associated with PC usage. Such a tendency motivates individuals to book out a couple of days or a week to work remotely.

The most bang for your buck

The economy will affect travels abroad since many have lost income due to a pandemic. Addressing the recovery phase, the Guardian says that the UK business trippers will cut their future flights.

Self-drive mode

With Covid-19 measures causing people to travel within native countries, a self-drive mode is rocketing. Thus, for example, thanks to the U.S. citizens rapidly booking summer getaways, RVshare’s business experiences a 114% increase .

Article CTA - Have an idea of a travel website?

Travel website types explained

Defining what a travel website is can be a tough one. Turns out, there’s a myriad of sites claiming to be “for tourism.”

A memorable journey loves preparation. Surely you want to make the best out of many activities out there. So, before setting off, you find suitable tickets, a place to stay, maybe buy certain equipment and more.

Thus, a travel website is the one that helps us avoid journey-related hassles. What are types of travel websites and what do you need to know to start one? Read on to find out.

Tour operator

Normally, there are a few types of tour operators out there.

Inbound tour operators sell all arrangements to travelers. Such a type of operator brings their clients to a destination both individually and in groups.

Sense of Africa is a nice example. This agency provides private, self-drive, FIT, and group journeys in several African countries.

A travel website created for a tour operator in Africa.

Secondly, we have outbound tour operators. Those companies sell packages designed for traveling abroad from their country.

Domestic tour operators, on the contrary, provide travel tours within a person’s native country.

And finally, receptive tour operators (RTOs) act as product suppliers to other operators. RTOs also spread awareness around the possibilities travel agencies have to offer.

Personal journey matchmaker

It’s an intermediary between the travel industry and the customer. Since almost everyone jumps online, travelers can search and book what they need with no travel agents involved.

Take Classic Journeys , for instance. This travel website helps you find a trip based on location, tour style, and departure date. Those picking a particular tour and independents making their own itineraries are equally vital to this type of site:

Finding a tour on a travel website

Travel accessories supplier

Everybody needs to know what will come in handy during a trip. More importantly, where to get those stuff. How to create a travel website having all of them? Take a look at GoTravel , a site specializing in multiple travel accessories at once:

A travel website that sells tourist equipment

Below you find essentials with examples that make journeys less troubling:

  • Packing (hiking backpacks, carry-on luggage, suitcases, backpacks for camera lenses);
  • E-devices (action cameras, power banks, location trackers);
  • Safety gear (money belts, padlocks, flashlights);
  • Hygiene items (hand sanitizers, mosquito repellents, masks to reduce the risk of catching viruses);
  • Comfort accessories (headphone jack splitter, thermoses, blankets, travel pillows).

Besides, all things have a lifespan meaning customers could use some help with maintenance or upgrades.

Hotel booking websites

Build a travel site helping users to find accommodation rooms smoothly and fast. For example, Expedia , Travelocity , and Orbitz find the best deals via filters, narrowing your search results. Their prices are identical since Expedia Inc. runs all three sites.

In some cases, however, deals from the hotel’s original page might not appear on third-party websites. When picking a hotel to stay in, the user normally goes for price comparison from several sources.

If you can’t find a single description of a hotel room, you question why. Instead of making guests feel like entering a haunted house, hotel guides provide them with all details: facilities, house rules, whether a location is temporarily closed, if mask-wearing is required, etc.

Take a look at the  Accommodation Search Website case study that Codica Team delivered for a Client from Australia.

Hotel alternatives

Players like Booking and Expedia take up almost the entire hotel market. So it is a bit problematic to survive alongside those giants using old methods.

How to build a travel website that is alternative to hotels? High demand and low supply help you acquire the right type of customer as always. And with a rollout of platforms similar to Airbnb , it became clearer than ever.

For example, a summerhouse turned out to be a good choice for those spending their vacation with close friends, family, or both. The same applies to the family-operated guesthouses. Plus, they offer a homely atmosphere apart from cheaper service.

Once you pick a lovely "house by the sea," one more thing is yet to know: how do you get there?

As an example, take a look at this rental website concept created by Codica’s design team.

Travel website design prepared by Codica's team

Transportation explained

Here we find the right way to reach a destination point. A journey includes checking flight or bus tickets, train schedule, renting cars. Self-drive tours are extremely popular these days.

Overall, a lot of people need help with difficulties such as:

  • How to overcome airport-related obstacles;
  • Where to find low gas prices;
  • Which is the best car rental company nearby;
  • What vehicle is good for a specific location, etc.

RVshare , for example, is an “Airbnb of trailers” which has become very popular amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

Travel Blog

Telling stories is what we frequently do. Mostly via social media. So why not benefit from it within your own travel website?

There are dozens of topics people find worth reading before visiting new places as:

  • Like-A-Local Guides;
  • Top Underrated Beachsides;
  • Best Sunrise View Spots;
  • Best Places to Exchange Currency;
  • City’s Loveliest Boutiques.

Allow users to share their notes and feedback. Ensure that they won't miss out on any of the opportunities a certain place has to offer. For example, Dorsia is an app about great city spots that are below most people’s radar:

A travel website filled with must-visit places

Source: Dribbble

How to build a travel website?

Travel goals and target audience.

Entering the travel market, avoid becoming an "all-in-one" expert. First, let's find out what goals travelers can pursue. Would-be travelers' roadmap tends to be driven by the following factors:

  • Dates & duration of the trip;

We've decided to point them out since there's a clear causal link to the concerns of each traveler:

  • Flight attributes;
  • Where to stay;
  • Vehicles & rental cars.

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You'll be more effective when you narrow in on a defined audience. How to make a travel website attractive to a particular set of people? We have rounded up traveler profiles that instantly come to mind:

  • Business tripper;
  • Family vacationer;
  • Friends' getaways;
  • Winter ski enthusiast;

Take people's lifestyles into account when determining a marketing strategy. Now, let’s move on to revenue models commonly used on travel websites.

Platform monetization

The revenue model is tightly connected to the goals you have. Here, we’ve decided to discuss the most common tips on how to profit from a travel website.

When it comes to booking, use commission fees just like brick-and-mortar travel agencies. For example, on, the commission depends on how highly your hotel is ranked.

Charge business for higher listings' visibility in searches. Also, you can offer so-called premium listings so a user will be on top of the search results. TripAdvisor, for instance, provides these tools once you claim your business page.

  • Transactions

Build a travel website for selling tourist equipment and related stuff directly to the customers. GoTravel which we have mentioned earlier does exactly the same.

  • Advertising

Diversify revenue by running social media campaigns, operators’ ads, and email marketing for travel agencies.

Functionality a travel website needs

As we have pointed out earlier, the travel industry covers many types of sites. Therefore, the required functionality will vary depending on your business goals. In this paragraph we want to outline the main features any travel website couldn't manage without.


Apart from the fill-all-fields process, let everybody register using Google or Facebook sign-ins.

If your site is review-based, ask newly registered businesses to provide short details on their type. Whether it is a restaurant, theme park, beach area, observation deck, shopping mall. The list goes on.

Search and filters

Allow people to find places by ratings, location, type of business, or commonly searched features as:

  • Available rooms;
  • Friendly-budget;
  • Free cancelation;
  • Parking space;
  • Wheelchair accessibility;
  • Breakfast included;
  • Room service.

Save users' time greatly with a predictive search — a dropdown of autosuggestions that pops up once you start typing.

Reservation system

You will need a booking system that manages dates, room types, tour packages, and more. Also, create blocked-out slots for unavailable options.

A calendar built into a travel website is more user-friendly than the need to jump between pages. Let users see the upcoming months' options so they can compare tour prices. By making multiple choices visible, you provide the “best value for money” principle.

Here’s an example of a convenient search on a travel website. It’s a concept design created by Codica Team.

Design concept of a travel website created by Codica

Payment gateways

Regardless of what you are selling – gear, supplies, flight tickets, souvenirs, or experiences – take care of payment gateways. For example, you can use popular ones like PayPal, Stripe, Braintree or Dwolla. Also, multi-currency acceptance makes your site much more user-friendly.

Please note that some payment solutions can be unavailable in certain countries.

Support service

Let users contact a help center by clicking the question icon or using another web element:

Travel website question section

We would recommend you to make it accessible from any page. It’s for you to decide whether it will be in the dropdown menu or not. Many websites also have chat support.


Notify registered users when booking is confirmed or canceled via email. Same thing goes for purchasing equipment and submitting any sorts of requests.

There’s more you can do with creating a progressive web app (PWA). With PWA development services , keep travelers updated on places (e.g., museums, galleries, theme parks) worth visiting. Make push notifications shown on a mobile device triggered by real-time geodata.

Just those travel websites that provide useful information stay afloat. So unbiased advice from real individuals goes a long way.

Allow travelers to share feedback or small tips within your platform. Content coming from people or entities clearly affiliated with a business should be removed. Also, consider adding several editorial features to reviewing system:

  • Headline & subheadline;
  • Font styles: bold , italic , underline ;
  • A YouTube, Vimeo, or another video link preview of user’s journey;
  • Caption for attached photos.

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A user will need functionality for accurate mapping of their walking and drive tours. Allow your website visitors to find relevant places by selecting distance range or entering a location.

Provide a fast preview with name, activities available, prices, and several photos of the traveler’s destination.

Mobile version

How to make a travel website feel like a native mobile app? Build a PWA. Simple as that.

Apart from push notifications, mobile-first approach guarantees you several other benefits:

  • Fast-loading pages;
  • Higher placement in Google search;
  • Pre-caching that enables offline mode;
  • Cross-browser compatibility.

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Travel website design tips

It’s hard to find a template or a one-size-fits-all approach to make your own travel website. Select design elements appealing to a specific set of people instead. Once again, don't try to cater to everyone.

Homepage search widget

Don't overload the homepage. Your site visitors are not going to solve puzzles. Especially when almost half of today's search queries fall on compact mobile devices.

Help users find what they need in a matter of seconds. Give them instant access to the search bar with minimum filtering. Here’s an example of a slick UI/UX design followed by Kiwi :

Checking accommodation on travel website via filters

Image that message

Travelers expect to see real and high-quality photos. So keep your site imagery "clean," avoiding pre-made effects.

A picture, in your case, should be worth a thousand words. Make it obvious . Give travelers a real depiction of their destination.

Airbnb’s pages show how big an impact of photo strategy is:

A photo strategy example for a travel website

Details out in the open

Let’s briefly discuss how to create a travel website that is easy to navigate.

Leave several click-to-action accessible from any page. Show tours availability. Flag whether a hotel offers free cancellations. Display the information on mask requirements, additional pandemic-related measures, and more.

Here’s one of many examples of how to manage a tour booking page:

Must-have booking details on a travel website

Additionally, include your contact details or “Ask a Question” button in a highly visible area. Also, your email should be hyperlinked to launch instantly.

Convenience in use

Many people tend to use only a few functions — especially those who favor small screen devices. If your site overdoses on dropdown menus, visitors may leave it in favor of a simpler one. So point out widely-used content instead.

A person may want to search for a hotel room and book the most suitable option. Therefore, most required functionality should be in the navigation bar. For additional information that does not fit into it, use the dropdown menu.

Speaking of booking, there's a common mistake you can see all over the Internet. Some developers avoid displaying more than one calendar month on the same page. Let’s say you’d like to check in on Wednesday 2 September:

How the calendar should look like when building a travel website

The left calendar forces you to scroll through to the next month. The other one on the right has no such problem. It comes surprisingly handy when you'd like to see trip duration as a continuous line.

Choose a travel website development approach

When deciding on whether to make your own travel website, consider two aspects that influence the development cost:

  • The approach: out-of-box vs. custom development.
  • The functionality you select.

Let’s look closely at the core benefits of both using a ready-made solution, and building a custom website with a software development company.

Out-of-the-box solution

Ready-made software allows you to start a platform in no time. This way, you reduce many costs, if compared to a travel website development from scratch. There's no need to maintain the platform and deal with security issues, either.

There are plenty of SaaS solutions providing subscriptions adjustable to the company’s growing needs. For example, SiteMinder offers ready-to-install software designed to run a hotel website:

Ready-made booking engine for a travel website

However, as we said, you will not find any one-size-fits-all web elements out there. It is a turning point since travel website design plays a major role.

Custom travel website

On the contrary, you can make your own travel website 100% reflect your voice or brand identity . So what may be started as a vision of pulling up various ideas will end up as a unique product.

Partnership with a dev team guarantees vast experience and profound knowledge of the latest programming trends. And make no mistake, your project will be complete with the right tech stack, considering all the requirements.

How to build a travel website with up-to-date technologies? At Codica, we favor the best programming solutions like Ruby and Ruby on Rails. We also firmly believe, first things first, you should get the minimum valuable product (MVP). Let us explain importance of using MVP development services :

  • Fast rollout

Collect first feedback and make subtotals for your project’s course correction. After doing so, you extend starting features and try the rest.

  • Attraction from investors

MVP helps to demonstrate to investors the seriousness of your intent.

  • Website promotion

Get everybody to know about your startup by increasing traffic from the outset.

Take a look at the projects that our team successfully delivered for clients from around the world.

How can Codica help with building a travel website?

Since 2015, Codica team has been delivering high-quality web products for multiple industries. Our solutions are designed to bring a great amount of traffic, conversions, and sales. And it's all thanks to our Agile mindset and a full-cycle development team presented by:

  • UX/UI designers;
  • Project managers;
  • Software developers;
  • DevOps engineers;
  • QA engineers.

First, we build clickable prototypes for the future MVP based on your goals and audience. It guarantees a predefined time frame and budget.

Then our software engineers approach MVP development. Sticking with the latest programming trends, we provide you with a maintainable and highly secure solution.

Once the end product is rolled out, Codica’s experts will be analyzing its status regularly. If there is any issue, we will fix it shortly.

Case study: Travel management platform

We couldn't resist the chance to show you a travel website we created for one of our customers. This project is a management platform for those looking for more than a typical “bucket list” destination.

A travel website for Arctic and Antarctic tours created by Codica

This is an online travel marketplace for IExpedition , an Australia-based travel agency providing Arctic and Antarctic journeys.

The customer wanted us to create a convenient booking website. We built a marketplace that brings a mix of polar expeditions from a huge amount of vessel options ranging in size, and across 1,000 departures.

With IExpedition, you manage your chosen trip to the polar region. There are options for both shoestring-budget and five-star travel styles. Functionality and content include a cruise booking system and the essential checklist for travel preparation.

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Seeing new places, getting to know other cultures, or simply running from everyday life — nothing compares with that. Is there anything nowadays, apart from a few clicks, that stands in between you and your dream trip?

Over the past years, travel websites skyrocketed as many tourists look for unique and more exciting journeys. There are a bunch of features that could make your website special. Importantly, users should easily be able to witness them. Hiring a development agency filled with experts is the most efficient way to achieve it.

A quick glance back proves Codica's ability to create custom software that meets the highest web standards. If you have the idea of building a travel website and need a reliable team to help you, don’t hesitate to contact us .

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Frequently Asked Questions

There are two approaches to making a travel website: ready-made and custom platform. If you are interested in a custom website, Codica got a proven track record. For example, we built a booking platform for iExpedition, an agency providing polar journeys.

A revenue model is tightly connected to your business goals. For example, for a booking website, you can use commission fees like brick-and-mortar travel agencies. As a second option, you can charge a tourist attraction spot to climb on top of search results. And selling travel accessories means you profit from transactions.

User-friendly is a quality attribute that describes how efficiently users can interact with a site. It goes for everything you normally encounter: navigation, design standards, visual engagement, browsers compatibility, etc. A good example of a user-friendly website is Kiwi, giving quick access to pages to book from.

The most secure travel sites meet password and payment protection standards. With solid payment gateways and two-factor authentication, users don't lose their sensitive data. Airbnb is a good example of all these components at once.

Ruby on Rails (back-end) and React.js or Vue.js (front-end) are totally worth using. Having free access to libraries or Ruby gems, your team will develop an app saving both time and money. Nowadays, there are over 167,000 gems for ready-made solutions out there.

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How To Build A Travel Website in 7 Easy Steps?

Helen Stetsenko

The travel industry has become increasingly digitized over the last few years. Travel agencies and other related services cultivate their online presence to respond to changes in customer behavior. 

More than 80% of people search for travel information online. A Statista report shows that 65% of revenue from global tourism was generated through online channels in 2020. The growing demand logically breeds supply. 

But how to make a travel agency website to make your services more attractive online than competitors? Find out how to create such a website and how much it may cost.

Reasons to Develop a Travel Agency Website

The last year brought incredible losses to the global travel industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, people are once again traveling more actively, and the demand for online travel services is growing. According to the Travel Leaders Group , about 70% of people plan to vacation in 2021. 

Considering that 8 of 10 customers book their travel online, running a travel business without a website is impossible. Here are a few more online travel statistics to prove this idea:

  • 700 million people will book hotels online by 2023
  • 148.3 million travel bookings are completed online every year
  • 80% of US travelers prefer booking from computer
  • 20% of US, 33% of French and 25% of the UK tourists make bookings using mobile
  • 48% of US users use their smartphones exclusively to research and plan their trip
  • In 2020 65% of global travel and tourism revenue came from online sales channels
  • The online travel agent market was $432 billion in 2020, projected to reach $833 billion by 2025
  • Booking Holdings and Expedia were the biggest online travel agencies in the world in 2020

online travel industry stats

Why a website and not an app? Well, mobile applications are dominating in many service categories. However, 80% of US customers prefer to make bookings via laptop, not a mobile device. That is why you first need to think about travel website development and then create a mobile application as an additional sales channel.

Besides the customer preferences, there are many more reasons why you need to consider creating a website for your travel business:

  • Credibility : it is hard to imagine a business without an online presence. People do not want to spend their time walking from office to office to choose a travel agency or find the required destination at a suitable price. They do all of the research online. Having a website provides credibility for your company. In the travel industry, it is not enough to just have profiles on social media.
  • Availability : many travelers decide to book a tour during non-business hours. A website provides the ability to use your services 24/7.
  • Visual and intellectual impact on the audience : the website content with its eye-catching photos, appealing descriptions, and easy and quick customer journey from start to checkout may impact the user’s decision to purchase from your agency. A website is a powerful marketing tool to present the company’s services as maximally attractive for customers.
  • Online booking engine : it’s quicker and cheaper for a company to process bookings made online. And it’s handier for the majority of customers.
  • Client reviews : people trust other people more than any advertisement or promotional content. By placing a client review section on the website, you can significantly boost loyalty to your brand.
  • Building partnership with related service providers : a travel business highly relies on cooperation with other service providers. You can create a travel website to build a robust partner network to extend your services and conquer new markets.
  • Sales & lead generation : present your tour packages and sell them via your online platform. Your website will generate more leads and sales within the comprehensive search engine optimization and online marketing promotion.

Not only do travel agencies benefit from creating a travel site. You can create a travel review website where tourists share their traveling experience and leave feedback regarding hotels, restaurants, carriers, etc. 

You can create a travel portal to collect tour prices from different providers, a hotel booking website, or a travel blog. Depending on the type of travel website, there are multiple monetization strategies available. Check our guide in the nearest future on « How to Monetize a Travel Website ».

Must-Have Features for Travel Website Development

There are two significant types of travel websites: travel bookers and travel blogs. A travel booking website can be a specific agency’s website or a reselling service that helps other providers find customers at a special commission. 

A travel blog can contain descriptions of different travel locations, show reviews, tell about personal traveling experiences. 

The required type defines how to make a travel website for your purposes and its features. First, let’s focus on a traditional travel agency’s website to analyze what features would be great to implement in such a product.

A modern website for a travel agency is not an introductory gallery of available tours and services. Instead, it should be a comprehensive web application where users can review available options, filter the ones that fit their requirements and make a purchase. Essential features to start building a travel website include the following:

1. Responsive Design

More than half, 54.8%, of total web visits are mobile, according to Statista . If the website is not mobile-friendly, 55% of users won’t engage with a company. A poor mobile user experience can seriously damage your brand and reputation. That is why it is vital to create responsive, mobile-friendly travel website design layouts for your travel website. 

Such a design adapts to different screen sizes and resolutions, making it convenient to use all the site’s features on any supported device. Check the website to test the responsiveness in all its power.

booking com ui ux Responsive UI

2. Simple Search Filters

Searching and filtering options are the key UI elements. Most users come to a travel agency website to find a suitable tour or a hotel. While there are multiple search options besides location, you need to make locating them comfortable for a user. Avoid messing up the interface with a too-long list of available search categories.

search filters for travel websites

Predictive Search

It would also be great to do a predictive search to choose the required hotel names or cities by the first characters entered. It saves time and helps find the desired item even if a user doesn’t remember its full name, a common occurrence among travelers.

3. Appealing Visuals

Besides direct access to the agency’s features, a website should create a particular mood and make a user want to book travel right here and right now. HQ photos and videos with bright, eye-catching scenes from travel destinations, hotels, and restaurants are vital for this purpose.

visuals for travel site

HQ Photos for A Travel Website

Don’t save on the graphic content quality or size. Instead, let users enjoy their full beauty and colors. However, make sure all those graphics don’t affect the website’s performance.

4. Favorites

People spend a lot of time researching possible destinations and can hardly choose quickly. They prefer selecting suitable offers and then comparing them, reading reviews, and thinking over each one for some time. 

Implement the ability to add the listings to Favorites to come back and make a purchase later. Put it somewhere in the profile section and place a ‘Favorites’ button into the navigation bar for quick access if a user is logged in.

5. Clear Pricing Without Hidden Fees

Imagine the competition around the travel industry and a user finally decides to become your customer and book a tour on your side. When they go to the checkout page, they see an amount different from the one set in the catalog. It is one of the most significant bounce triggers. Make sure you list the actual pricing of every item you offer so that no hidden fees are revealed during the checkout process.

6. Google Map Integration

Google Map integration allows checking the chosen venues on the map, displaying the nearby infrastructure, viewing photos and descriptions for each point, etc. It would be great to use these gro-based features on a travel website to make it more interactive.

7. Real-Time Online Booking

Most companies develop a travel website to allow online access to tour booking features. To provide real-time data updates in your catalog, enable a property management system (PMS). It will help keep the information like check-in and check-out dates, destination, contacts, and other data up-to-date.

8. Easy & Quick Checkout

The checkout process should be smooth and easy to complete, as a user has already spent much effort choosing the tour and deciding to spend money on your website. 

Ensure your checkout form doesn’t contain any unnecessary fields so that a user doesn’t have to enter more information than needed. For example, it would be great to let users save their payment details and billing address so they won’t have to enter this data again and again.

checkout for travel website Checkout Form

Multiple payment gateways are also a big plus. Customers highly appreciate flexibility in the accepted payment methods. Focus on those that are more popular among your target audience.

Would you like to implement the best pack of features for your travel website? Consult KeyUA software and marketing experts to get a first-class solution.

9. Access to Customer Assistance

Think about what customer assistance options you would like to provide. The most basic options are a contact form for email assistance, a callback request, and a phone call button. Also, think about a FAQ section that would contain answers to the most common questions regarding your services.

These are the must-have features for building a travel website. Standard features like registration, login, profile section should also be on board. The features from the list above are enough for an MVP version. It can further be extended with more valuable options to enrich the customer experience:

  • A customer review section: people trust other people more than any promo material. Having reviews from real people positively impacts your customers’ loyalty and helps them choose a suitable tour.
  • Blog section: the travel-round content is endless, and tourists like reading and watching related information. A blog section is also great for monetization and making different cross-promo marketing campaigns with partners.
  • Advanced customer support options like a real-time chat or an AI-powered chatbot
  • Appealing and informative text content to describe services, destinations, hotels, etc. It could be a powerful SEO tool to improve the website ranks in Google search results.
  • AR/VR capabilities: running a virtual tour to the desired venue, getting a 3D overview of the nearby territories can be a nice add-on that website visitors may like.
  • Big Data: big data analysis works well for generating predictions and recommendations for website visitors. Based on their previous behavior, you can provide more personalized CX.

Think about these features as the next step of your website development after an MVP is successfully launched.

8 Steps to Make a Travel Website

The process of travel website creation includes the research, development, and post-development sections. Here is a rough plan of how to build a travel website from scratch.

travel website development infographic

Step 1. Choose The Niche

The niche defines the type, features, and technologies for the future website. For example, there are online tour operators, hotel or ticket booking services, travel blogs, and much more. Find out more about all existing travel website types  in our future blog post. 

During this stage, clarify the following criteria:

  • services you would like to offer through the site
  • target customer categories
  • Set the business goals you’re planning to attain

You should have a clear vision of your future website, like a tool for reaching specific commercial goals.

Step 2. Define The Features

After you’ve clarified your niche and audience, it’s time to list the desired features and requirements for the development. Document your requirements to let the future team estimate the project and allocate necessary resources for implementation.

After listing all desired features, think about which to develop first and which ones can be postponed to the subsequent releases if there are specific time or budget limits.

Step 3. Choose the Development Stack

After specifying the requirements, address them to a qualified development team to estimate how much it will cost and how long it may take to create a website you need. Then, based on the project specs, your technical experts will recommend the suitable development approach and technologies. There are two available options to go for:

  • Out-of-box solution : taking a content management system or specialized platform and customizing it for your specific needs. The main pros are saving time and costs on development. The cons include different limitations in functionality and a lack of brand identity.
  • Custom software development : you can build a travel website from scratch. The advantages are completely fitting your requirements and the ability to implement unique features and design. The disadvantages are mainly related to a bigger budget and timeframe compared to using ready-made platforms and solutions.

Each approach implies using different technologies to provide the required functionality, performance speed, and security. Partner with an experienced development team to recommend the best options for your project.

Step 4. Create UI Design

The UI design stage implies creating wireframes for each type of website page with all UI elements. Investigating the typical user scenarios and generating storyboards can help choose the right elements and locate them properly. The results of this stage include wireframes and graphic designs for each website page type. Additionally, creating a clickable website prototype is possible to see how it may look after being coded.

Step 5. Develop the Website Code

This phase implies developing the client-side (front-end development) and server-side (back-end development) of the future website. First, turn wireframes and designs into the code, making them functional. Then, connect UI elements to the database, programming all necessary features. All this scope of work should be adequately planned and fulfilled by the team. A project manager (or sometimes a few PMs) coordinates the joint work of front-end and back-end developers.

Step 6. Create Content

Besides feeding the catalog with travel data from your database, you’ll need to fill the website with different text and graphical content. For example, you should prepare texts and photos for each page, various banners, a motto, maybe have some longer texts for SEO purposes. Take care to compose a content plan that includes every piece of content you’ll need to get done before the website launch. Then let copywriters, marketing specialists, and designers work on it.

Step 7. Quality Assurance

The website should be properly tested before the launch. A QA team should check Its visual appearance, functionalities, performance, and security for all possible failures. It is essential to reveal and fix all bugs before the public release.

Step 8. Launch!

Finally, your travel website is ready to go public and receive its first visitors. Make sure to promote its release on social media and other online resources to attract visitors. It’s time to add your website URL to your team’s business cards.

A website requires constant maintenance and troubleshooting after the release. Growing traffic loads, new data, functionality upgrades, administration issues — all this requires continuous technical assistance to provide trouble-free online customer service. In addition, digital marketing support, SEO-optimization also bring results only if constantly performed.

Would you like to know how much it will cost to create a travel website based on your requirements? Let us estimate your project.

How Much Does It Cost?

The total cost of the travel website development project depends on a few criteria:

  • Project scope and complexity
  • The chosen tech stack
  • The team size
  • The deadline
  • The team’s location and rates

The location of the team defines their hourly rates. According to Upwork, the hourly rates for web development ranges from $15/hr to $136/hr. The top rate for a front-end developer is $100/hr and $150/hr for a back-end developer. Developers from North America and Western Europe traditionally charge the most. 

In contrast, developers from Asia and Africa offer the cheapest service. If you are wondering how to create a travel website at a minimum price, consider the best price-quality combo by hiring an outsourcing partner from Eastern Europe. The average rate there is $35/hr, ranging between $20/hr and $50/hr in Ukraine, which provides an optimal price-quality ratio.

Consider first working on an MVP version with minimum features required for your online presence. After that, it would be reasonable to set a more extended deadline, as a tight timeframe requires a bigger team and higher rates to complete everything in time.

A team for a custom travel website development should include:

  • 1 project manager
  • 2 front-end developers
  • 2 back-end developers
  • 1 QA specialist

travel website development costs

Considering an average rate of $35/hr for Ukrainian specialists and a project duration of 6 months, the approximate project cost is about $168,000 . To get a precise estimation based on your specific requirements, please consult our software development experts.

Final Thoughts

A website is a must for a travel industry player to function online. While in many other areas, customers prefer mobile apps, travelers book tours, hotels, and tickets online, mostly on their computers. Comprehensive online booking features built into a handy, up-to-date, and mobile-friendly user interface are what modern customers prefer. 

As a result, a travel website can become the leading source of clients and sales for your agency. The KeyUA team has extensive experience in creating products for the travel and tourism domain. We’ll be happy to provide technical and marketing assistance for your travel website development.

Need experts to make your travel website up and running? Feel free to hire experienced KeyUA developers.

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build an online travel website

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Using our travel company website builder will cost you a dime unless you want to upgrade and take advantage of our Lite or Growth plans.

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Boxmode travel and tourism templates include essential content blocks, such as “about us,” “our tours,” “latest blog posts,” “testimonials,” and others. If you don't find a specific block in our ready-made templates, you can easily add it using Boxmode basic elements and widgets.

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The Boxmode real estate website builder offers 30+ popular domain extensions including .com, .net, .cc, .club, .org and more.

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Yes, they have built-in SSL certificates and WHOIS privacy records so that you can be sure of your website's privacy and security.

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10 Dos And Don’ts For Building A Successful Travel Website

Set your travel website up for success so that you can easily take in new tourism business online using this advice.

build an online travel website

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), your website is the foundation on which all of your hard work will rest.

It doesn’t matter how many keywords you add, meta descriptions you tweak, or plugins you remove: If the building blocks of your tourism website aren’t properly assembled, you’re always going to struggle to get the site to rank as well as it should.

On top of the technical benefits of a well-built website, as a travel brand, your website is one of your most valuable assets.

Here, potential customers can browse available packages, read testimonials from previous guests, and get a taste of the experiences on offer through engaging imagery and text – along with actually booking a holiday directly with your company.

Creating a travel website from scratch is always a significant project, but the benefits of designing a site from the ground up are widespread when it comes to ranking as high as possible on search engines.

So whether you’re a new travel brand that needs a website to start your business journey, or are redesigning your site to reap the benefits of a custom design, here are 10 dos and don’ts for building a successful travel website.

Do: Start With SEO Research

Every well-ranking website design starts with SEO research.

Before you decide on any of the pages or content that’s going to be included on the site, you need to understand which factors will influence how your site ranks on search engines.

High-ranking websites are structured based on keyword research and target phrases, as these influence the topics that landing pages are focused on and the kinds of questions that content needs to answer.

They’re also built to optimize page speed and minimize unnecessary plugins while making it as easy as possible for search engines to understand their intent.

This is one of the key reasons why using a website builder template or trying to cut corners with website design can be such a big problem.

Unless the website for travel is specifically designed with SEO in mind, you’re shooting yourself in the foot right from the start.

Don’t: Opt For A Bad Hosting Platform

If you’re trying to quickly get a new travel website off the ground, it can be tempting to choose a generic hosting platform .

These are often advertised as simple ways to build a functional website, and whilst this is true on the surface, there are plenty of problems that lie beneath.

When you use ‘drag-and-drop’ website builders to put together a website using existing templates, you often end up with a lot of unnecessary code and dependencies in the site’s backend.

This massively impacts how long it takes for pages to load and how smoothly the whole site runs, which will stop the site from ranking highly on search engines, and potentially frustrate users that want to book a holiday or make a purchase.

Using bad platforms to build your site can also limit the features you’re able to add to it later down the line.

Not only can this stifle creativity when you’re trying to come up with the best travel website design, but it can also come back to haunt you in the future when you’re unable to expand your site.

Do: Make Use Of Stock Image Databases

Opting for a custom-built design for your travel website is the route I recommend to ensure that all of your specifications are catered for – but this can be an expensive and time-consuming venture.

Many people will opt to choose a template on a site like WordPress to build their travel website, and the good news is that there are plenty of ways you can customize this to make it look unique.

One of these is the photos that you use on your travel website, which are an incredibly important visual element. One of the key ways you will engage a user is by encouraging them to picture themselves on a trip or in your accommodation, and eye-catching, immersive images are a great way to do that.

Having unique photographs on your website is ideal, but it’s not always possible when building a website, especially if your company is based in a different location. Thankfully, there are plenty of stock image databases you can utilize, offering both free and paid images.

If you’re looking for beautiful free stock photos, Unsplash is a fantastic option. Pixabay and Pexels are also good, but often only have a limited selection of images on offer.

If you’re looking for a greater variety, paid sites like iStock and Shutterstock offer reasonable prices for their images.

Don’t: Try To Cut Costs With A Bad Booking System

Plenty of travel companies have a booking system as part of their website. This element needs to be carefully considered, as some booking platforms can negatively impact a site’s SEO.

It’s worth properly doing your research into the best kind of booking system for your travel website, as many can be difficult to use, time-consuming to update, or are just built with a lot of unnecessary code that can really slow down this section of the website.

Here are some of the best WordPress booking plugins that cater especially to travel businesses:

  • WP Travel Engine
  • Travelpayouts

In some cases, you may be better off building a custom booking system that is much easier to edit and clearly lets customers book what they want without any misunderstanding.

Yes, building a bespoke booking system is another cost if you’re already investing in a unique travel website design. But it is likely to save you a lot of time and money in the future by making this booking system simple and optimized specifically for your brand, minimizing issues later on.

Do: Plan In Time For Content Creation

If you’re working with an agency or a designer, content creation might be included in the website design package that you’re paying for.

But many brands prefer to write their content themselves in order to capture the right tone of voice, so it’s important to factor in how long this is going to take.

You can start writing content for your website once you have a clear plan of the site structure and how many pages are going to be built.

It might be useful to see template designs for different landing pages to know how much text is needed – or your designer might ask you to write the content first, so they can design the pages around this.

If you want your travel website to rank highly when your customers search for your offering, you need to complete keyword research first.

This gives you a list of popular, relevant phrases that you can include in your travel website content that will help the site to rank higher and ensure that genuinely interested web users are arriving on the pages they’re looking for.

There are several different paid and free keyword research databases that you can use for this, with my favorite being Ahrefs .

These databases often have a tool that allows you to enter a word or phrase and then generate a list of related keywords, showing search volume and other useful data.

For travel keyword research, you want to focus on keyword phrases that indicate the user is looking to book a trip, visit a location, or get a recommendation.

For example, ‘family safari in africa’ is a general phrase with broad intent, whereas ‘where is the best place for a family safari?’ or ‘what animals can you see in south africa?’ are likely being searched by someone planning a holiday.

Once you’ve compiled a list of relevant phrases, you can either write landing page content that includes these phrases, or create pages of blog posts that specifically answer questions or focus on a topic with high search volume.

As well as keyword databases like Ahrefs, you can use Google Trends to identify popular travel topics and create content targeting query spikes, capitalizing on seasonal traffic.

Don’t: Forget Headers, Title Tags, And Meta Descriptions

It’s not just chunks of text for landing pages that you need to think about when it comes to website content creation .

Headers, title tags, and meta descriptions need to be carefully considered and written, as they are a key aspect of a website’s SEO.

Every landing page needs a unique heading structure, and you ideally want to fit target keyword phrases into each of these headings. This structure makes it easier for users to navigate a page, along with helping search engines to rank each page more easily, which will boost how well each page ranks.

To create a header structure, start with the page’s title (H1), which will usually contain the target keyword phrase. You can then use keyword research to find similar or related phrases that can be used as headings further down the page.

For example, a page might have the title ‘Luxury Family Safari Holidays’ with subheadings including ‘Family Safaris in South Africa,’ ‘How to Book a Family Safari,’ and ‘What to Expect on a Safari Holiday.’

Title tags are an element of a webpage’s HTML that explains the title of the page and appears in the tab at the top of a screen when a website is loaded up on a browser (and on the search engine results page).

Not only do these need to be clear so that the user understands the purpose of the page, but they also impact a page’s SEO, so should contain the target keyword phrase.

Title tags also often contain the brand’s name and occasionally a key phrase that summarises the brand’s offering. To build on the previous example, the title tag might be ‘Luxury Family Safaris | South Africa Safari Holidays | M+J Safari Experiences.’ 

Finally, a meta description is another HTML element that summarizes the content of a page and, again, influences how well it ranks for its target phrase. Meta descriptions should be under 200 characters, so need to be carefully written to provide a concise description of a landing page and include relevant keyword phrases if possible.

An example might be ‘ Witness a side of South Africa you’ve never seen before with a luxury family safari holiday from M+J Safari Experiences.’

Do: Implement A Sitemap

A sitemap does what it says on the tin: it maps out where each of the landing pages is on your website and provides a navigation point that directs how to get to each of these.

No matter how you build a travel website, you should implement a sitemap to provide search engines with a way of quickly understanding what the website contains.

Without a sitemap, bots crawling your site to decide where to rank it on search engines will try and interpret your internal linking instead. This can impact your ranking, so it’s best to have a sitemap established in the early stages of building a travel website.

You also need to consider user experience when you’re building a sitemap.

Potential customers on a travel website are likely going to want to browse the experiences you have on offer, see pictures and videos of your service offering, read testimonials to gain social proof, and then look at how to book a trip.

You should design your website so that this journey is easy to follow, with internal links and calls to action (CTAs) guiding the user toward making a purchase.

Don’t: Avoid Internal Linking

Speaking of internal linking , whilst it’s not a substitute for a sitemap, it’s definitely not something that you should avoid.

Internally linking landing pages to one another helps to direct users to different pages and keep them on your site for longer, ideally moving them towards making a booking.

Having lots of internal links throughout your travel website also helps it to rank better, as it helps search engines to identify the key pages on a site.

It also helps new pages to start ranking for phrases faster by associating them with existing pages that are already ranking well.

It’s very straightforward to put internal links in the header and footer of a landing page. But if you really want to reap the benefits of this approach, you should include internal linking in the content on each landing page as well.

Consider the anchor text that you’re adding the link to each time; it needs to be related to the page that it’s linking to, otherwise, the link will be seen as spammy.

Do: Optimize Your Images

It’s not just written content that needs to be optimized.

Travel websites tend to have lots of images on them, but the size of these can affect how quickly a landing page loads, which in turn can affect how well it ranks.

You shouldn’t compromise on image quality, but you should resize and compress each image before it’s uploaded to save space.

Images can also be optimized by ensuring that they have a title and alt text that describes what the image contains. Images should be relevant to each landing page, so this alt text can be used to insert more keyword phrases – or at least phrases that are semantically similar.

Don’t: Overuse Plugins And JavaScript Elements

Finally, whilst we’re talking about elements that impact loading speed, plugins and JavaScript can both cause problems with how fast a landing page loads.

Both can be useful, but both need to be chosen carefully so that your website’s SEO isn’t affected.

Plugins can be used to add a variety of exciting features to a travel website, but overuse will make it impossible to load a page in under a couple of seconds.

Consider the benefits of each plugin before you add them to your website, and regularly review these to ensure you’re still getting what you want.

JavaScript, similarly, can make a website more dynamic; these elements are resource-heavy dependencies that will also impact how quickly a page loads.

Some browsers also have JavaScript disabled, so by using a lot of these elements on a page, you face losing functionality if JavaScript isn’t enabled.

A new travel website build is often a lengthy process that can come with a hefty price tag if you don’t know what you should be asking for.

The above advice should give you a clear set of guidelines of what to prioritize and avoid when it comes to designing a new website for your travel company, helping to ensure you’re left with a beautiful and functional site for your brand that ranks well on search engines and brings in plenty of business.

More resources:

  • Travel Content SEO Strategy: How To Build Links, Traffic & Conversion s
  • 5 Tips For More Engaging & Impactful Branded Travel Content
  • 3 Travel SEO Tips for Competing in Organic Search

Featured Image: REDPIXEL.PL/Shutterstock

Tom Mcloughlin is the founder of SEO Travel, a specialist travel marketing company. A passionate marketer and travel blogger, he ...

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How To Create an Online Travel Website in 10 Easy Steps

Ian K. - Writer for Top10

Whether you're a seasoned traveler eager to share your adventures or an entrepreneur looking to tap into the lucrative travel industry, creating an online travel website can be your passport to success. In this comprehensive guide, we'll journey through 10 easy steps to design a visually stunning and user-friendly travel website. By the end, you'll be well-equipped to create a platform that stands out in the digital landscape and caters to every traveler's dream.

1. Choose a Website Builder Platform

Having a website is crucial for businesses, freelancers, and even hobbyists. However, the process of creating a website can be daunting, especially if you're not tech-savvy. Thankfully, there are numerous website builders available that make the task easier and more accessible.

Popular Website Building Platforms

There are several platforms available that cater to different needs and skill levels:

  • Wix: Known for its drag-and-drop interface, Wix is a great choice for those who are new to website building. It offers a wide range of templates and design tools that require no coding knowledge.
  • WordPress: A versatile platform that can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be. With thousands of themes and plugins, WordPress is ideal for those who want a bit more control over their site's functionality.
  • Squarespace: With its modern templates and focus on visual content, Squarespace is perfect for artists, photographers, and businesses that want a visually stunning website.
  • GoDaddy: Apart from being a domain registrar, GoDaddy offers a straightforward website builder that's great for beginners. Its interface is user-friendly and the setup process is quick.
  • HostGator: If you're looking for a platform that incorporates AI to assist in the design process, HostGator might be your best bet. It simplifies the design process by offering suggestions based on your inputs.

Making an Informed Decision

When evaluating these platforms, consider the following:

  • Intuitiveness: Which platform's design interface feels most natural to you? Can you navigate it easily without constantly referring to tutorials?
  • Customization: Think about the specific features and functionalities you want on your website. Which platform offers those features or allows you to add them easily?
  • Technical Comfort: If you have some coding knowledge or are willing to learn, platforms like WordPress offer more flexibility. However, if you prefer a no-code solution, Wix or GoDaddy might be more suitable.

Before committing to a platform, it's wise to explore the free trials most of these platforms offer. This hands-on experience allows you to understand the platform's user interface, experiment with customization options, and delve into the various design tools available.

2. Share Your Travels In One Place

Choosing the right platform for your travel blog is a pivotal step that can save you from future headaches. Once you begin building and populating your website, migrating to another platform can be a cumbersome and time-consuming process. You might find yourself revisiting each article and image, reformatting every page, and grappling with complex export-import procedures. Take it from someone who's been there: you want to avoid migration if possible.

Switching platforms can also jeopardize your existing SEO efforts , potentially affecting your site's visibility on search engines. Moreover, not all platforms offer the same level of customer support, so you could find yourself navigating unfamiliar waters without much guidance.

However, it's crucial not to get paralyzed by indecision. Most well-known platforms are reliable and will serve you well if you commit to them. Once you've made your choice, go ahead and finalize your subscription. Start exploring the range of website templates and customization options to make your travel blog uniquely yours.

build an online travel website

3. Know Your Costs

How much does it cost to build a website ? It depends on both the provider and the options you choose. I went through several options before settling for one that offers both value for money and the features I needed to create a great travel website.

One of the things you'll want to consider is whether or not you want a domain name.

Buying your own domain usually costs less than $20/year, but website builders charge different amounts to use your own domain name vs., say, or

Builders typically start billing at $3 a month for the absolute cheapest (paid annually) and $12-15 a month on average.

Realistically, it usually costs more like $25-50 a month once you've decided how much storage space you'll need, whether or not you want a store, or better quality templates or support.

These things all cost anywhere from a few dollars extra a month to a significant investment, depending on what you want. Many of the fees are pretty comparable on the website builders.

Still, I would recommend staying away from the cheapest ones for numerous reasons: They may not be here tomorrow, or they may not offer anything but the most basic templates and services or support.

Of course, there are ways to minimize costs without compromising quality. For example, HostGator's premium plan starts at $5.39 a month and offers everything you need to create a dynamic website, including priority support.

4. Write and Share Your Pictures and Videos!

Websites consist of pages filled with text, images, videos, and links. Visual elements like videos and images are pivotal in retaining your audience's interest. This realization struck me during the early days of my first website.

I observed that content enriched with visuals attracts more traffic and holds attention far better than text-only articles. Compare a plain text page to one bursting with vibrant images and interactive elements. The difference is evident.

Starting your content journey doesn't require any elaborate setup. Begin writing now and refine as you go. Aim to include at least one image or video in each section, or consider creating image galleries and interactive lightboxes.

Wondering what a lightbox is? Platforms like Hubspot , Wix , and a detailed Wikipedia article offer comprehensive insights. In essence, a lightbox is a popup showcasing promotional information or resources for your readers.

Remember to optimize your visuals. For reference, see point #8. Videos should ideally be under 15 minutes, maintaining a consistent level of intrigue to prevent viewers from navigating away.

build an online travel website

5. Brand Your Social Media Accounts

Without branding, you're just another website like millions of others. Branding is critical in making yourself stand out and get followers, so it's important to make yours unique, memorable, and, most of all, consistent !

What I did was create social media accounts similar to my site URL to reinforce branding, and I would recommend you do the same. For instance, if your site is , choose handles like @ marystravelsite , etc.

You should have at least Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as those are some of the biggest social media platforms around. If you're up for it, you can even start a YouTube, TikTok, or Twitch channel, a Pinterest page, and more.

Just make sure to always include a link to your website so that people know where to go, and you'll get the SEO benefits.

6. Write Up At Least a Few Articles First

Try to put up at least a dozen articles on your website before you go public so that people have something to binge on when they come to your site.

When I first started, I did a series about my top 12 favorite things about travel and included my favorite travel pictures.

You can replicate this by thinking of your top 12 favorite travel memories and writing them all down. This is one of the best ways to get ideas for what articles to write. If you're excited about them, it's easier to write and more fun to read.

Having more than a few articles on your site at launch not only pleases readers but also helps your SEO rankings. The more unique pages your site has, the more the search engines take you seriously and rank you highly.

build an online travel website

7. Plan For Good SEO

Just like any site, with a personal online travel site, the nuts and bolts of SEO are what's important. Without good Search Engine Optimization (SEO) , your site will have a much harder time being found by people interested in your content.

Of course, trends are always changing, but the basics never do. The key idea? Always be relevant. Be relevant to what your readers want to see, focus on the tips below, and you'll have the basics down:

  • Get a good domain name that includes the word "travel." That's what I did, and I feel like it did wonders for my website.
  • Follow the advice on your platform about SEO. Most platforms have a wealth of information and tips on this.
  • Use good keywords in your articles, like travel, vacation, adventure, destinations, etc.
  • Link to other articles on your site with the links set on keywords.
  • Always use a link to your site in your online signature on every site you comment on.
  • Use proper tags for the right parts of the article. Check out Semantics in HTML . It can be a little bit technical, but a basic understanding is helpful.

8. Optimize, Optimize, Optimize!

You have just a few seconds to grab (and keep) someone's attention, so you need fast-loading pages. According to Google, even a one-second delay can lead to a 20% conversion drop . Part of this is ensuring that your images are optimized for the web .

The best practice is to use jpg and webp formats or svg for illustrations, which are the smallest. Keep image file sizes as small as possible while still looking good, and don't worry about the rest.

A lot of the rest of the science behind it will be taken care of by your website provider, who has done all the heavy lifting on this.

build an online travel website

9. Get Your Branding Together

Would you recognize McDonald's without their Golden Arches and red and yellow theme? Google without their colorful logo? You want to be as recognizable as possible, just as they are.

While you probably don't have millions of dollars to hire an ad agency to create a logo for you , there's a lot you can do to maximize your branding.

One of the things I did was ask a graphic designer friend to help me with branding, and in exchange, I helped them with their social media copy.

By now, you should have chosen a theme from your selected platform, customized it, and have a logo. If you get stuck on color schemes, use Adobe's free Color tool .

If you've chosen to use your own domain name, always set up and use an email for yourself on that domain name, for example, [email protected], so every time you send out an email, it's branding for you. This can help to foster customer recognition, loyalty, and trust.

It's generally known that for your marketing to be remembered, your name, logo, or another branding must be seen at least nine times, and these days, probably more because there's so much out there.

10. Tell The World!

If nobody knows about a product (i.e. your website), no one will use it. That's why advertising is such a huge business. Think about the last ad or viral video that really stuck in your memory. That's the kind of thing you're going for.

Make. People. Remember. You. In a good way, of course. Start by letting all your friends, family, and co-workers know about your new site. Ask them to share it. Post on your social media accounts. That's what I did to get my website off the ground.

I've found that following other people on social media with similar interests usually results in them following you as well.

Now Do The Thing You Love!

Now is your time to shine and get that payoff. Go out, have fun, have adventures, and get all the experiences you can. Then write, write, write.

Make sure to avoid some common mistakes. Don't deluge people with social media posts. Make sure to use lots of travel-related keywords in your posts, but don't sound like that's all you're trying to do. And most importantly, have fun.

Ian K. - Writer for Top10

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build an online travel website

A Step-by-Step Guide: How to Start an Online Travel Agency (OTA)

Building a new online travel agency (OTA) can be an exciting and rewarding business venture. While starting an OTA can be an attractive opportunity, it also involves significant challenges and competition.

To succeed in this industry, it’s essential to conduct thorough market research, develop a strong business plan, and focus on providing exceptional customer experiences and unique value propositions. In this article, you will find all the information you need to start an online travel agency.

Boost your travel business with the right technology

You will learn:, state of travel industry in 2024, key travel trends and technologies, customer experience with ai and ar, automation and efficiency in travel business, strategic technology investments, what is an online travel agency (ota), business benefits of starting an online travel agency, key steps to start your online travel agency, difference between an online travel agency, a channel manager and a property management system, what is a travel search engine, a travel booking engine and a metasearch engine, the role of a global distribution network (gds).

  • Key statistics on online travel agencies
  • Fees and commissions between an online travel agency, a channel manager and a hotel

Latest innovations in the online travel agency industry

How to personalize the booking experience for travelers when running an ota, building a travel application or extending your development team.

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An online travel agency (OTA) is an online platform that allows users to search, compare, and book travel services such as flights, hotels, car rentals, cruises, and vacation packages. OTAs act as intermediaries between travelers and travel suppliers, such as airlines, hotel chains, and car rental companies.

OTAs offer customers the convenience of planning and booking their trips online, often providing competitive pricing and a wide range of options to choose from. Some well-known examples of OTAs include , Expedia, and Agoda.

These platforms typically make money by charging commissions on each booking made through their websites or apps. OTAs have become increasingly popular in the travel industry, as they simplify the booking process for consumers and help travel suppliers reach a broader audience.

online travel agent

The market of online travel agencies offers several advantages and opportunities:

Growing market

The travel industry has been expanding rapidly in recent years, driven by increasing disposable incomes, globalization, and technological advancements. A new OTA can tap into this growth and cater to the evolving needs of modern travelers.

Niche opportunities

While there are already several large OTAs in the market, there is still ample room for new players focusing on niche markets or offering unique products and services. By targeting specific customer segments or travel experiences, a new OTA can differentiate itself from the competition and build a loyal customer base.

Convenience for customers

OTAs provide a one-stop-shop for travelers, allowing them to search, compare, and book various travel services in a single platform. By starting an OTA, you can offer customers the convenience of planning and booking their trips online, potentially attracting a significant share of the market.

Global audience

Operating an OTA allows you to reach a worldwide audience, expanding your potential customer base and increasing your opportunities for growth.

Flexibility and scalability

An OTA is a largely digital business, making it easier to adapt and scale as the market evolves. You can quickly add new products, services, or partnerships, and expand into new markets or customer segments as needed.

starting a travel agency

Low overheads

Compared to traditional brick-and-mortar travel agencies, an OTA often has lower overheads, as it doesn’t require physical office space or a large staff. This can result in higher profit margins and increased financial flexibility.

Leverage technology

By starting an OTA, you can take advantage of the latest technology advancements in the travel industry, such as artificial intelligence , machine learning, and big data analytics, to enhance your product offerings, optimize your marketing efforts, and improve customer experience.

Collaboration opportunities

Starting an OTA offers the opportunity to forge strategic partnerships with various travel suppliers, such as airlines, hotels, and tour operators. These collaborations can lead to exclusive deals, improved inventory access, and competitive pricing.

Starting an online travel agency (OTA) can be a rewarding business venture, but it requires careful planning, research, and execution. Here’s a practical guide to help you establish your own OTA:

1. Market research

Conduct thorough market research to understand the current travel trends , competition, and customer preferences in the travel industry. Identify your target audience, their needs, and the niche you want travel company to focus on (e.g., luxury travel, budget travel, adventure travel, etc.).

2. Create a business plan

Develop a comprehensive business plan outlining your goals, target market, competitive analysis, marketing strategy, operational plan, and financial projections. This document will serve as a roadmap for your business and help you secure funding if needed.

3. Legal requirements

Register your travel business, obtain the necessary licenses and permits, and comply with any specific regulations in your region. This may include registering as a travel agent or agency, obtaining insurance, and adhering to consumer protection laws.

own business strategy

4. Establish relationships with suppliers

Build relationships with travel suppliers and businesses such as airlines, hotels, car rental companies, tour operators, and other service providers. You may need to negotiate contracts, commission rates, and access to inventory.

5. Choose a technology platform

Select a suitable technology platform to power your OTA. This may involve purchasing or developing various travel agency software such as a booking engine , custom search engine , hotel inventory management system, travel management solution , integrating with Global Distribution Systems (GDS) or other supplier APIs, and setting up a user-friendly website and mobile app.

6. Design and develop your website and mobile app

Create a visually appealing, easy-to-navigate website and mobile app that showcases your travel agency business plan, products and services. Ensure the platform is mobile-friendly, responsive, and optimized for search engines (SEO).

7. Payment processing

Set up a secure payment processing system to handle online transactions. This may involve partnering with a payment gateway or merchant account provider, and ensuring compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS).

8. Marketing and promotion

Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to promote your OTA and attract customers. This may include search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and public relations efforts.

9. Customer support

Provide excellent customer support to assist travelers with their booking needs, handle inquiries, and resolve any issues. This may involve setting up a dedicated support team, offering multi-channel support (e.g., email, phone, live chat), and providing self-help resources.

10. Monitor and analyze performance

Regularly track and analyze your OTA’s performance using analytics tools and key performance indicators (KPIs). Use this data to identify trends, optimize your marketing efforts, and improve your product offerings.

11. Continuous improvement

Continuously update your travel products, improve your travel website, and mobile app, and refine your marketing strategies based on customer feedback and industry trends.

By following these steps and remaining adaptable to the ever-changing online travel industry here, you can successfully establish and grow your online travel agency.

what is OTA

These travel industry related terms can be confusing. so when discussing how to set up your own OTA, it’s worth looking closely at these terms to understand the differences.

An online travel agency (OTA), channel manager, and property management system (PMS) are distinct components within the online travel business and hospitality industry, each serving a specific purpose:

Online Travel Agency (OTA)

An OTA is a web-based platform that allows customers to search, compare, and book various travel services such as flights, hotels, car rentals, and vacation packages. OTAs act as intermediaries between travelers and travel suppliers, providing a convenient way for consumers to plan and book their trips. Examples of popular OTAs include Expedia, , and Agoda.

Channel Manager

A hotel channel manager is a software solution that enables hotels and accommodation providers to manage their room inventory, rates, and availability across multiple distribution channels (including OTAs, metasearch engines , and direct booking platforms) from a single, centralized interface. The primary function of a channel manager is to simplify and streamline the process of updating room information across various channels, reducing the risk of overbooking or double-booking, and ensuring accurate, real-time data synchronization.

Property Management System (PMS)

A PMS is a software application designed to help hoteliers manage the day-to-day operations of their properties. It typically includes functionalities such as reservation management, yield management , guest check-in and check-out, billing and invoicing, housekeeping management, and reporting. A PMS can also integrate with other systems, such as channel managers and point-of-sale (POS) systems, to enable seamless communication between various aspects of hotel operations.

To sum up, an OTA is a platform for travelers to search and book travel services, a channel manager is a tool for managing room inventory and rates across multiple distribution channels, and a PMS is a system for managing daily hotel operations.

These components often work together to provide a comprehensive solution for managing and optimizing a hotel’s online presence, distribution strategy, and operational efficiency.

[Read also: How to Start Real Estate Busines ]

new travel agency

Travel search engine, travel booking engine, and metasearch engine are distinct terms used in the travel industry, each referring to a different type of online platform or tool:

Travel Search Engine

A travel search engine is an online platform that allows users to search for travel-related information, such as flights, hotels, car rentals, and vacation packages. These search engines typically crawl and index travel websites, aggregating relevant data for users to browse and compare. However, they may not offer the ability to make bookings directly on their platform. Instead, they often direct users to the respective travel suppliers’ websites or other booking platforms to complete the reservation process. Examples of travel search engines include Kayak and Skyscanner.

Travel Booking Engine

A travel booking engine is an online platform or software application that enables users to search, compare, and book travel services directly on the platform. It is typically integrated with various travel suppliers’ inventory systems or Global Distribution Systems (GDS) to provide real-time availability and pricing information. Travel booking engines can be found on travel suppliers’ websites (e.g., airline or hotel websites) or on Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) such as Expedia and .

Metasearch Engine

A metasearch engine is a specialized type of search engine that aggregates information from multiple travel booking platforms or OTAs, enabling users to compare prices and availability for flights, hotels, and other travel services in one place. Unlike a regular travel search engine, a metasearch engine focuses on collating information specifically from booking platforms and often allows users to book directly through their site or redirects them to the appropriate booking platform to complete their reservation. Examples of travel metasearch engines include Google Flights, Trivago, and TripAdvisor.

Again, let’s recap mentioned terms. A travel search engine helps users find travel-related information by crawling various sources, a travel booking engine facilitates the booking process on a platform, and a metasearch engine aggregates data from multiple booking platforms to enable users to compare prices and availability more easily.

successful travel agency

A Global Distribution System (GDS) plays a crucial role in the travel industry as a centralized network that connects travel service providers, such as airlines, hotels, and car rental companies, with travel agencies and consumers. It facilitates real-time inventory management, pricing, and booking of travel services, making the process more efficient and streamlined for all parties involved.

The key roles of a Global Distribution System include:

Inventory management

GDSs store and manage inventory data from various travel service providers, including seat availability on flights, room availability in hotels, and available rental cars. This centralized inventory management enables service providers to update their availability and pricing information in real time, ensuring accurate data for their travel agents, agencies and customers.


GDSs act as intermediaries between travel service providers and travel agencies (both online and offline), allowing the agencies to access and book inventory from multiple providers through a single, consolidated platform. This broadens the reach of service providers and simplifies the booking process for travel agencies.

Booking and reservation

GDSs enable travel agencies and consumers to search, compare, and book travel services seamlessly. They provide real-time information on pricing, availability, and booking conditions, allowing users to make informed decisions and complete reservations efficiently.

Marketing and sales

GDSs offer marketing and sales opportunities for travel service providers, as they can promote their services to a vast network of travel agencies and consumers. They can also implement targeted marketing campaigns and offer special deals or promotions to increase their visibility and sales.

Reporting and data analysis

GDSs provide valuable data and insights on booking trends, customer preferences, and market dynamics. This information helps travel service providers and agencies make data-driven decisions to optimize their offerings, pricing strategies, and marketing efforts.

Some of the major Global Distribution Systems in the market include Amadeus, Sabre, and Travelport (Galileo and Worldspan). By connecting travel service providers with travel agencies and consumers, GDSs play an essential role in streamlining the booking process, enhancing the visibility of the host agencies and travel services, and improving the overall efficiency of the travel industry.

travel agency business

Key statistics on Online Travel Agencies

Some key statistics that illustrate the scale and impact of OTAs in the travel industry:

Market size

The global online travel market was valued at around USD 765.34 billion in 2019 and was expected to reach approximately USD 983.39 billion by 2023, according to a report by Statista.

Market share

OTAs account for a significant portion of travel bookings. In the hotel industry, for instance, OTAs were responsible for around 39% of total room bookings in the United States in 2019, as reported by Phocuswright.

Key players

The OTA market is dominated by two major players, Expedia Group (which owns brands such as Expedia, , and Vrbo) and Booking Holdings (which owns brands like , Priceline, and Agoda). Combined, these two companies accounted for approximately 70% of the U.S. OTA market share in 2019, according to Phocuswright.

Mobile bookings

Mobile devices have become an increasingly important channel for travel bookings. In 2019, around 38% of OTA bookings were made through mobile devices, as reported by eMarketer. This trend is expected to continue as more consumers adopt smartphones and mobile booking apps.

Growth drivers

Some of the key factors driving the growth of the OTA market include increasing internet penetration, rising disposable incomes, and a growing preference among consumers for online booking platforms due to their convenience, pricing transparency, and extensive range of options.

Customer demographics

Millennials and Gen Z travelers are more likely to use OTAs for travel planning and booking, as they tend to be more tech-savvy and value the convenience, choice, and comparison capabilities offered by these platforms.

travel agency business

Fees and comissions between an online travel agency, a channel manager and a hotel

The fees and commissions in the travel industry are typically split among the involved parties, including online travel agencies (OTAs), channel managers, and hotels. Here’s a general overview of how fees and commissions may be distributed:

Online Travel Agency (OTA) commissions

OTAs earn revenue by charging a commission on each booking made through their platform. The commission rate can vary depending on the OTA, the market, and the negotiated terms between the OTA and the hotel. Generally, OTA commission rates range between 15% and 25% of the total booking value. This commission is paid by the hotel to the OTA for facilitating the booking and providing access to their customer base.

Channel manager fees

Channel managers usually charge a monthly subscription fee or a per-booking fee for their services. The fees can vary depending on the channel manager, the number of channels being managed, and the level of service required. These fees are paid by the hotel directly to the channel manager for providing the software and services necessary to manage their inventory and rates across multiple distribution channels.

Hotel revenue

Hotels earn revenue from the bookings made through OTAs, minus the OTA commission and any channel manager fees. The net revenue for the hotel depends on factors such as their room rates, occupancy levels, and the efficiency of their revenue management strategies.

[Read also: Guide to Hotel Revenue Management: Best Strategies and Tips ]

travel agent

How to avoid an overbooking as an online travel agency

As an online travel agency (OTA), avoiding overbooking is crucial for ensuring customer satisfaction and maintaining a good reputation.

Here are some strategies to prevent overbooking:

1. Real-time inventory updates

Make sure your platform is integrated with hotels’ property management systems (PMS) or channel managers to receive real-time inventory updates. This ensures that your OTA displays accurate room availability information, minimizing the risk of overbooking.

2. API integration

Establish a robust API connection with hotels’ PMS or channel managers to facilitate seamless data exchange and real-time synchronization of room availability, rates, and other relevant information.

3. Set booking cutoffs

Collaborate with hotels to establish booking cutoffs, such as a certain number of hours before check-in, to minimize the risk of last-minute overbookings that may not be communicated to the hotel in time.

4. Monitor booking trends

Regularly analyze your OTA’s booking data to identify patterns that could lead to overbooking, such as high demand for specific dates or hotel properties. Use this information to adjust inventory allocations and prevent potential overbooking issues.

5. Use a centralized reservation system

Encourage your hotel partners to use a centralized reservation system or a channel manager, which can help manage inventory across all distribution channels more effectively and reduce the risk of overbooking.

5. Overbooking management policies

Develop clear overbooking management policies and procedures in collaboration with your host agency and hotel partners. This may include providing alternative accommodation, compensating the affected guest, or offering incentives for voluntary changes.

By implementing these strategies, you can significantly reduce the risk of overbooking as an OTA and provide a better experience for your customers. It’s essential to continuously monitor your booking processes and maintain strong relationships with your hotel partners to ensure a seamless and efficient booking experience for your customers.

host agency

The Online Travel Agency (OTA) industry has experienced several innovations in recent years. These advancements aim to enhance user experiences, streamline processes, and stay competitive in the evolving digital landscape.

Some of the latest innovations in the OTA industry include:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

OTAs are leveraging AI and machine learning algorithms to provide personalized travel recommendations, enhance customer service with chatbots, and optimize pricing strategies based on customer behavior and market trends.

Mobile-first strategies

As more travelers use smartphones to research and book trips, OTAs are focusing on mobile-first strategies, developing responsive websites, and user-friendly mobile apps. They also utilize mobile-specific features, such as push notifications, to engage with customers and provide real-time updates on bookings.

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

OTAs are exploring AR and VR technologies to create immersive experiences for customers, allowing them to virtually explore hotels, attractions, and destinations before booking. This can help users make more informed decisions and enhance the overall booking experience.

Blockchain technology

Some OTAs are exploring the potential of blockchain technology for secure, transparent, and efficient transactions. This technology could enable decentralized booking systems, streamline payment processing, and enhance loyalty programs.

Voice search and booking

With the increasing popularity of voice-activated devices, OTAs are developing voice search and booking capabilities to cater to this growing market segment, making it more convenient for users to search for and book travel services using voice commands.

Sustainable and responsible travel options

As the demand for sustainable and responsible travel options grows, OTAs are integrating eco-friendly accommodations and activities into their platforms, allowing users to make more environmentally conscious choices when planning their trips.

Enhanced customer service

OTAs are utilizing AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to provide instant customer support, address common queries, and assist with bookings. This enables OTAs to provide 24/7 support without significantly increasing operational costs.

Dynamic packaging

OTAs are offering dynamic packaging, which allows customers to create customized travel packages by bundling flights, hotels, car rentals, and other services. This approach provides more flexibility and personalization for users and can increase customer satisfaction.

These innovations are continually evolving as new technologies and market trends emerge.

[Read also: Digital transformation in the travel industry ]

business travel

Personalizing the booking experience for travelers can lead to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and conversions. By implementing these personalization strategies, you can create a more engaging and customized booking experience for travelers, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction, loyalty, and conversions:

Data collection and analysis

Collect and analyze data on traveler behavior, preferences, and booking history. This can help you understand their needs, interests, and patterns, enabling you to tailor your offerings accordingly.

Personalized recommendations

Use the collected data to provide personalized travel recommendations, such as hotels, destinations, or activities that align with the traveler’s preferences and interests. Machine learning algorithms can further enhance the accuracy of these recommendations.

Tailored offers and promotions

Send targeted offers and promotions based on the traveler’s booking history, preferences, and search patterns. These could include discounts, upgrades, or special packages that cater to their specific interests.

Customized communication

Personalize your communication with travelers by addressing them by name, acknowledging their previous bookings, and offering relevant content based on their preferences. Ensure that the communication is consistent across all channels, including email, social media, and mobile app notifications.

Allow travelers to create customized travel packages by bundling flights, accommodations, car rentals, and activities based on their preferences. This flexibility can enhance their booking experience and lead to higher customer satisfaction.

Personalized user interface

Personalize the user interface on your website or app to display relevant content, offers, and recommendations based on the traveler’s preferences and browsing history. This can make the booking process more efficient and engaging.


Adapt your website or app to cater to travelers from different regions by offering language options, displaying local currency, and providing region-specific content and recommendations.

Chatbots and virtual assistants

Implement AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to provide instant, personalized support to travelers. These tools can answer frequently asked questions, help with booking processes, and offer recommendations based on the traveler’s preferences.

Post-booking personalization

Continue personalization efforts after the booking is complete by providing tailored pre-trip information, such as destination guides, travel tips, and itinerary suggestions based on the traveler’s interests.

Collect feedback

Encourage travelers to provide feedback on their booking experience and preferences. Use this feedback to further refine your personalization efforts and enhance the booking experience for future travelers.

host agency

Final words

Starting an online travel agency can be a challenging but rewarding venture. By following these practical steps and leveraging the latest technology and industry trends, you can create a successful business that offers personalized and convenient travel experiences to your customers.

Remember to prioritize customer service, stay up-to-date with industry developments, and continuously innovate to stay competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

With determination, hard work, and a commitment to excellence, you can turn your dream of starting your own travel business as an online travel agency into a reality.

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Travel sector rebound after the pandemic is complete. We have fantastic global coverage of travel data distribution due to mutual agreements and data exchange between aggregators. Competition for the best price of limited resources degradates margins. How to win? Provide personalized experience and build your own products in the front-office. The missing bits: a traveller golden record collecting past activities and a AI/ML recommendation technology.

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9 Best Website Builders for Travel Agencies & Tourism

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In today’s digitally driven world, an engaging and user-friendly online presence is crucial for any business, especially for travel agencies and tourism companies. We’ve curated a list specifically tailored for the industry to help you find the perfect website builder that caters to your unique needs. Our top five picks are:


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In today's digital era, a website is a must for any travel agency or tourism company looking to build an online presence and engage potential clients. But with so many website builders on the market, finding the best one for your travel-related business can take time and effort.

Whether you want to showcase your travel packages , promote your tour guide services, or offer helpful travel tips, choosing the best travel agency website builder that has visually appealing templates and is easy to use is important.

To help you navigate the crowded website builder market, we've created a list of the best website builders for travel and tourism businesses . From industry veterans like Wix and Squarespace to up-and-coming companies like Webflow and VacationLabs, each platform offers unique benefits that make them ideal for creating stunning travel websites.

What Features to Look for in a Travel Agency Website Builder?

If you're planning to build a website for your travel agency, it's important to choose a website builder that offers the right features to create a compelling online presence. Here are a few critical features to look for in a travel agency website builder that can significantly improve your website:

  • Customizable Templates: A good travel agency website builder should offer various templates designed for the travel industry. Creating a visually appealing website that features your travel packages, tour services, and guides simplifies the booking process for potential customers.
  • Mobile Responsive Design: With more and more people accessing the internet through mobile devices, it's very important to have a website optimized for mobile devices. Your travel agency website builder must have mobile-friendly templates that adapt to different screen sizes for a seamless user experience on all devices.
  • Booking Integration: If you're selling travel packages or tour services, your website should have a built-in booking system that allows customers to book and pay for their travel arrangements easily. Opt for a website builder that features built-in booking integrations, linking your travel website seamlessly with widely-used booking platforms.
  • Social Media Integration: Social media is an effective marketing tool for travel agents. That's why your website builder should include a social media integration that allows you to connect your travel agency website with your social media feeds. This way, you can introduce your travel packages and offers to a larger audience and increase traffic to your website.
  • SEO Optimization: A good travel agency website builder should offer built-in SEO optimization tools to help your website rank better in search engines like Google. This includes features like meta tags, sitemaps, and keywords for the travel and tourism industry.
  • Blogging Capabilities: Your travel agency website builder should also include blogging capabilities, allowing you to create engaging content that showcases your travel expertise and helps to establish your authority in the industry. This can include travel guides, destination reviews, and travel tips.

Best Website Builders for Travel Agencies

Here are the top website builders that will help you design a visually stunning website for your travel business:

  • Squarespace – Best Overall
  • Wix – Best for Built-In AI Tools
  • Bluehost Builder – Best for eCommerce Solutions
  • Weebly – Best for Budget-Conscious Travel Agencies
  • Strikingly – Best for Creating One-Page Websites
  • VacationLabs – Best for Advanced Business Insights
  • WordPress – Best for Monetization Tools
  • PHP Travels – Best for a Comprehensive Booking Engine
  • Webflow – Best for Advanced Animation Capabilities

1. Squarespace

Best overall website builder for travel agencies.

  • Offers a free custom domain and logo maker
  • Easily design and sell custom products
  • Scale with confidence with unlimited bandwidth
  • A 3% transaction fee is charged on the Business Plan
  • Cannot create an online store with the Personal Plan
  • Comparatively expensive monthly plans

Squarespace is the best website builder for travel agencies due to its easy-to-use interface, robust features, and travel website templates. Its templates showcase travel packages, tour services, and guides while maintaining a sleek and professional look. Squarespace offers tools for e-commerce, booking, and analytics, and its intuitive drag-and-drop editor allows users to create a visually stunning website without coding skills.

Squarespace is a well-known website builder that offers businesses of all sizes impressive templates, powerful features, and a handy interface.

Best Features

Booking integration.

Squarespace's integrated booking feature caters perfectly to travel agencies. It simplifies managing online reservations and payments right from your website. Easily integrate bookings into your travel agency website with Squarespace. Choose from popular booking platforms or add a customizable booking form to any landing page.

Mobile Responsive Design

The mobile responsive design is a key feature that makes it a great builder for travel agencies. Your customers can experience seamless browsing on desktop and mobile devices, as the templates effortlessly adapt to any screen size. Additionally, Squarespace's mobile editor allows you to make quick changes to your website.

Social Media Integration

With an option to integrate social media into your website, you can easily link your travel agency website to your social media profiles. Also, social media sharing buttons enable visitors to effortlessly share your content, boosting your online presence across social channels.

E-commerce Capabilities

With inventory management, product variants, and customizable checkout pages, Squarespace provides a seamless buying experience for customers. This makes it easy for you to sell your travel packages or tour services. Squarespace's seamless integration with popular payment gateways guarantees secure transactions for your customers, boosting sales and fostering customer loyalty

  • Mobile-Friendly Websites
  • 100+ Templates
  • Free Custom Domain
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 2 Contributors
  • Ecommerce Functionality
  • Unlimited Products
  • 3% Transaction Fees
  • Custom Code (CSS & JS)
  • Unlimited Contributors
  • 0% Transaction Fees
  • Point of Sale
  • On-site Checkout
  • Product Reviews
  • Facebook and Instagram Selling
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery
  • Advanced Shipping
  • Advanced Discounts
  • Subscription Selling
  • Commerce APIs

Read more Squarespace pricing or Squarespace ecommerce examples

Squarespace offers four pricing plans for its users.

Personal: The Squarespace Personal plan is suitable for travel agencies with a smaller budget. It provides a free custom domain, unlimited bandwidth, and a user-friendly interface to create a basic travel agency website.

Business: The Business plan is suitable for small to medium-sized travel agencies that want to sell their services online. It includes e-commerce capabilities, advanced analytics, and promotional pop-ups to increase sales.

Commerce Basic: The plan is perfect for growing travel agencies with a larger inventory. It includes advanced e-commerce features like customer accounts and label printing to streamline inventory management and order fulfillment.

Commerce Advanced: Ideal for larger travel agencies with high-volume sales, this plan offers advanced e-commerce features like abandoned cart recovery and advanced shipping options to streamline operations and increase sales.

Experience the power of Squarespace for your travel agency with a free 14-day trial , and discover how it can elevate your online presence.

Top Website Builder for Travel Agencies with Built-in AI Tools

  • Offers a free custom domain and SSL certificate for the first year
  • Offers unmetered bandwidth with the Pro and VIP plan
  • 24/7 customer care is available irrespective of the plan you choose
  • Limited storage space
  • Priority customer service is only offered with the VIP plan
  • You can create only one website on each plan

Wix is the best travel website builder, thanks to its adaptable interface and built-in AI tools. Their customizable templates and design features enable agencies to create professional-looking travel websites catering to their needs. With the platform's drag-and-drop editor and user-friendly design tools, creating a personalized layout and content for your website has never been simpler.

With its adaptable interface and various functionalities, Wix enables travel agencies to build visually appealing websites that effectively showcase their tour services and travel packages.

Customizable Templates

Wix's templates are perfect for travel agencies that want to create a professional-looking website without advanced design skills. The platform provides pre-built features like booking forms and maps. You can also use the intuitive drag-and-drop editor to customize your website's layout, fonts, colors, and images. This allows you to create an engaging and unique online presence with ease.

Scheduling Tools

The scheduling tools are perfect for travel agencies who want to streamline their booking process. With features like booking forms, availability settings, and online payment options, you can easily manage travel packages and tour services directly from your website. Integrations with popular scheduling software provide additional features like reminders and custom branding.

Secure Online Payments

Wix's secure online payment capabilities are perfect for travel agencies who want to offer their customers a secure and convenient payment process. Integrate popular payment gateways like PayPal and Stripe for seamless transactions. Customizable checkout pages and automated tax and shipping calculations make accepting payments for travel packages and tour services a breeze.

Reporting Tools

Leverage valuable insights on website traffic, popular pages, and customer demographics. Create targeted marketing campaigns and make data-driven decisions to boost your business growth with these insights. Whether you want to boost conversions and website traffic or optimize your marketing strategies, Wix's reporting tools provide everything you need to improve website performance and drive more sales.

  • Custom Domain
  • 1GB Bandwidth
  • 500MB Disk Space
  • 24/7 Support
  • 2GB Bandwidth
  • 3GB Disk Space
  • 10GB Disk Space
  • SEO Booster App
  • Visitor Analytics App
  • Priority Customer Support
  • 35GB Disk Space
  • Professional Logo
  • Lead-Capture Forms

Read more Wix pricing or beautiful examples of Wix

Wix has four plans to choose from.

Combo: Wix's Combo plan is perfect for small to medium-sized travel agencies. It offers affordable pricing, customizable templates, and social media integration, all with a professional-looking, fully functional site.

Unlimited: The Unlimited plan is ideal for larger travel agencies seeking to expand their online presence. For $22/month, it offers all the features of the Combo plan, plus a form builder and a Site Booster app.

Pro: Wix's Pro plan suits established travel agencies seeking to maximize their online potential. It offers all the Unlimited plan features plus professional logo design and social media logo files.

VIP: Wix's VIP plan is ideal for travel agencies seeking the best support. It offers all the features of the Pro plan, plus priority support, professional site review, and one-on-one consultation.

Try Wix for your travel agency and enjoy a 14-day money-back guarantee , so you can confidently build the perfect online platform without any risk.

3. Bluehost Builder

Leading website builder for travel agencies for ecommerce solutions.

  • Offers free content delivery network
  • Allows you to create unlimited travel websites with the Choice Plus and Pro plan
  • Offers a free domain name and SSL certificate
  • Disk space is limited
  • Daily website backup is not offered with the Basic plan
  • Free dedicated IP is only offered with the Pro plan

Bluehost Builder is an excellent website builder for travel agencies seeking a user-friendly platform that offers a variety of e-commerce solutions. With built-in payment processing, shipping integration, search engine optimization, and email marketing, you can easily create a travel website and grow your business online.

Bluehost Builder offers a range of customizable templates and e-commerce solutions for travel agencies looking to grow their business online.

Built-In Payment Processing

With the payment processing feature in Bluehost Builder, you can easily sell your travel packages and tour services online. This tool provides a simple and effective e-commerce solution. It supports a range of payment methods and offers inventory management and shipping integration. Additionally, it ensures secure transactions for your peace of mind.

Email Marketing

Bluehost Builder's mail marketing feature allows you to create and send professional-looking emails to your customers easily. Customizable templates, list management tools, and segmentation options empower you to target specific customer groups with personalized messages, elevating engagement and driving sales.

Advanced Designs

You can fully customize the look and feel of your travel agency website using advanced design features. Develop a distinctive online presence with CSS editing and custom fonts. This allows you to create a look and feel that resonates with your audience and reflects your brand identity. Besides, Bluehost Builder offers templates specifically designed for travel agencies.

Content Management Tools

Bluehost Builder's content management tools allow you to create engaging content for your travel agency website. With the built-in travel blog platform, you can publish travel-related posts that establish your expertise in the industry. Additionally, you can embed videos that showcase your travel packages or tour services, providing an immersive experience for your audience.

  • Bluehost-Certified Themes for WP
  • WordPress-Optimized Hosting
  • Drag-and-Drop Page Builder
  • Free Domain Name
  • Unlimited Websites
  • Free Daily Backups for 1st Year
  • 40GB SSD Storage
  • Yoast SEO Free
  • Store Analytics
  • 100GB SSD Storage
  • Multiple Payment Options

Read more Bluehost pricing or Bluehost review

The Bluehost Builder has four plans to choose from.

Basic: Bluehost Builder's Basic plan is suitable for starting travel agencies. It offers website hosting, a free domain for one year, and website builder tools at an affordable price.

Choice Plus: The Choice Plus plan offers everything in the Basic plan, with domain privacy and automated backups for added security.

Online Store: Bluehost Builder's Online Store plan suits travel agencies wanting to sell products online. It offers e-commerce tools for product management, secure payments, and shipping.

Pro: The Pro plan is suitable for advanced travel agency websites. It offers advanced SEO, marketing tools, and a dedicated IP address.

Try the perfect builder for travel agencies – Bluehost Builder, which offers a risk-free 30-day money-back guarantee to ensure your satisfaction.

Top Website Builder for Budget-Conscious Travel Agencies

  • Includes free SSL certificate for added website security
  • Real-time inventory management tools for seamless syncing
  • Customizable contact forms to capture leads easily
  • Advanced eCommerce insights available only with the Performance plan
  • Limited options when it comes to exporting, only offering a zip file
  • Phone support is exclusively offered with the Professional and Performance plans

Weebly is a budget-friendly website builder offering customizable travel agency templates. It's an ideal choice for businesses seeking a professional online presence. This is due to its affordable pricing plans and features, such as mobile-responsive design, e-commerce solutions, and social media integration. Weebly’s easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor allows quick website customization without sacrificing design quality.

Weebly is a budget-friendly website builder that offers customizable templates, making it an ideal choice for travel agencies on a tight budget.

Weebly offers customizable travel agency templates that can be easily modified using their drag-and-drop editor. Create a visually appealing and professional travel website without coding skills using Weebly’s responsive designs and SEO optimization features. This allows you to showcase your services to potential clients with ease.

With Weebly, you can use its SEO tools to boost your travel agency’s online presence. You can optimize your website’s meta descriptions, title tags, and URL slugs for specific keywords. Also, Weebly generates an XML sitemap to help search engines crawl and index your pages. Furthermore, you can use Weebly’s real-time SEO checklist to improve your website’s search engine ranking.

Integrated Scheduling Tools

Your clients can easily schedule appointments and pay online with the tools, while you can manage everything from your Weebly dashboard. You can customize appointment types and durations to suit your needs and set up automated email notifications and reminders to keep your customers in the loop.

Weebly offers built-in blogging tools to create and manage engaging travel blog content for your agency. You can easily publish and share your blog posts with your audience and customize your blog design and layout to match your brand. This makes Weebly one of the best website builders in the market.

  • 60+ Mobile-Friendly Templates
  • Sell Unlimited Products
  • Chat & Email Support
  • No Weebly Ads
  • Free Domain
  • Unlimited Storage
  • Phone Support
  • PayPal Payments
  • Request Reviews via Email
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery Emails
  • Priority Support

Read more about Weebly pricing

Weebly has four plans to choose from.

Free: Weebly’s free plan suits budget-conscious travel agencies who want to create a simple yet fully functional travel website without advanced features or their custom domain name.

Personal: Weebly’s Personal plan is suitable for small travel agencies on a budget who need basic website features such as a domain name and more than 60 mobile-friendly templates.

Professional: Suitable for growing travel agencies, Weebly's Professional plan provides limitless storage, sophisticated site-building tools, marketing aids, along with the added benefit of phone support.

Performance: Perfect for well-established travel agencies, Weebly's Performance plan enables you to send abandoned cart recovery emails, avail priority support, and gain in-depth eCommerce insights, fostering optimal growth and effective management.

Experience the world of Weebly, a top builder for travel agencies and tourism businesses, offering handy customization tools, a logo maker, the Weebly app center, and a 30-day money-back guarantee for hassle-free web development.

5. Strikingly

Top website builder for travel agencies for creating one-page websites.

  • Free domain and SSL certificate included
  • Basic features allow free hosting for unlimited sites
  • 24/7 chat support available
  • 0% transaction fee only with the VIP plan
  • Limited bandwidth with Free and Limited plans
  • Under the Free and Limited plans, you're restricted to selling a single product only

Strikingly is a good choice for travel agencies that want to create a simple, one-page website. The drag-and-drop interface of this platform is easy to use even for those without programming skills, and it offers 190+ customizable templates. Even though Strikingly doesn't have as many advanced features as other travel agency website builders, its affordable price and simplicity make it a good choice for those with a small budget.

Strikingly is a website builder specializing in creating simple, one-page websites emphasizing design and mobile responsiveness.

eCommerce Tools

Strikingly is equipped with eCommerce tools that let you create an online store without additional software or plugins. It offers customers a seamless eCommerce experience. This is made possible with features such as product pages, secure payment gateways, inventory management, and shipping options.

Mobile-Optimized Templates

Strikingly offers mobile-optimized templates perfect for travel agencies that want to ensure their travel website is accessible on all devices. This helps provide customers with a consistent and seamless user experience.

Effortlessly share updates and content with your followers by linking your travel agency website to your social media accounts. With this feature, you can expand your online presence and connect with your audience on various social media platforms.

Multilingual Website Support

With Strikingly's multilingual website feature, you can create and manage website versions in different languages. This makes your travel agency website accessible to a wider audience, helping you easily communicate with your international clients.

  • 190+ Mobile-Friendly Templates
  • 1GB Storage
  • 50 GB Bandwidth
  • Sell One Product
  • 24/7 Chat Support
  • 3 Sites (100 pages max)
  • 20GB Storage
  • Up to 300 Products
  • 2% Transaction Fees
  • 5 Sites (100 pages max)
  • 100GB Storage

Strikingly has four plans to choose from.

Free: This plan offers basic features, including a single product, 5GB of bandwidth, and 500MB of disk storage.

Limited: Ideal for budget-conscious travel agencies that need a basic website, the Limited plan offers over 190 mobile-friendly templates and up to 50 GB of bandwidth.

Pro: For travel agencies seeking enhanced marketing features, the Strikingly Pro plan offers unlimited bandwidth and the capacity to sell up to 300 products.

VIP: The Strikingly VIP plan, offering no transaction fees, unlimited product listings, and up to 100 GB of storage, presents a comprehensive e-commerce solution perfect for travel agencies.

Embark on your digital journey with Strikingly, a powerful builder for travel agencies and tourism ventures, featuring a 14-day free trial to explore its intuitive, modern web design and functionality.

6. VacationLabs

Leading website builder for travel agencies with advanced business insights.

VacationLabs- Your travel website. Fully loaded. Within a week

VacationLabs is a builder designed to create customized, end-to-end travel booking websites for travel agencies and tour operators.

Easy-To-Use CMS

VacationLabs provides an easy-to-use CMS that lets travel agencies quickly and easily update their travel website content, including text, images, and other media. With its drag-and-drop editor, you can easily add, edit, or delete pages and create custom forms or widgets without coding knowledge.

Automated emails

VacationLabs provides automated email functionalities for travel agencies to send pre and post-booking emails to customers. This feature helps you stay connected with your customers, provide relevant information, and build long-lasting relationships. You can create custom templates, set triggers for when the emails are sent, and track their success rates.

Advanced Business Insights

Get detailed insights into your travel business with VacationLabs' advanced analytics tools. You can optimize your online presence and grow your travel agency business by monitoring sales, conversion rates, and other essential metrics. Utilizing this data-driven approach enables you to make informed decisions that can improve profitability.

Itinerary Builder

With VacationLabs, you can easily create custom itineraries for your clients using the drag-and-drop itinerary builder. You can also customize the itinerary based on the client's preferences and requirements, making it easy to manage all aspects of their trip in one place. This makes VacationLabs one of the leading site builders for travel agencies in the market.

  • Accept online payments in multiple currencies
  • Hassle-free booking solution
  • Offers inquiry forms for lead generation
  • One-time setup fee is required
  • Basic plan has page limitations
  • Limited staff accounts offered

VacationLabs- Pricing Plan

VacationLabs has three plans to choose from.

Basic Travel Website Builder: This plan is perfect for small agencies who need basic travel website functionalities and comes with limitations on the number of pages and staff accounts.

Pro Travel Website Builder: This plan is suitable for mid-sized travel agencies who need improved features like custom branding, bulk content uploader, and booking management tools.

Enterprise: This plan is suitable for larger travel agencies that require dedicated account management and unlimited staff accounts.

Transform your travel agency with VacationLabs, a specialized builder offering a 14-day free trial , to establish a captivating online presence effortlessly.

7. WordPress

Best website builder for travel agencies with monetization tools.

WordPress - Welcome to the world’s most popular website builder

WordPress is a popular travel website builder known for its flexibility, customization options, and a vast library of plugins and themes.

Customizable Themes and Plugins

WordPress offers a wide range of customizable themes and plugins for personalized and unique website development. Enhance the user experience for your website visitors by easily adding features such as booking forms, social media integration, and photo galleries with these tools.

Advanced Optimization Tools

If you're a travel agency looking to optimize your website, WordPress offers a range of tools to help you. These include search engine optimization, image optimization, and caching plugins. Plus, with the ability to install third-party plugins, you have even more options to optimize your site.

Booking and Payment Integration

WordPress has booking and payment integrations that allow travel agencies to manage bookings and payments easily on their websites. The plugins also offer customizable booking forms, payment gateway integrations, and more.

Monetization Tools

WordPress offers several monetization tools, such as ad management plugins, affiliate marketing integrations, and e-commerce solutions that allow you to sell travel-related products or services. These tools can help you generate revenue from your travel website and expand your business.

  • Offers a wide range of plugins, both free and paid
  • Provides website statistics for tracking your website's performance
  • You are responsible for creating and managing your travel website backups
  • Only the paid plans offer an ad-free experience
  • Some themes can be slow.
  • Lots of Free Themes
  • 24/7 Email Support
  • 6GB Storage
  • Premium Themes
  • 13GB Storage
  • Add Custom CSS
  • WordAds Monetization
  • Install Plugins & Themes
  • Built-in SEO Tools
  • 200GB Storage
  • Stronger Security & Performance
  • Integrated Elastic On-Site Search
  • Inventory Management
  • Frictionless Checkout
  • Top Shipping Carriers
  • Accept Payments in 60+ Countries

WordPress has six plans to choose from.

Free: WordPress's free plan suits budget-conscious travel agencies willing to learn how to navigate the platform to create their travel website from scratch.

Personal: Ideal for small travel agencies, the WordPress Personal plan provides free travel themes, round-the-clock email support, and unrestricted bandwidth.

Premium: Travel agencies with moderate budgets seeking advanced customization options, chat support, and the ability to monetize their website through ads will find this WordPress plan suitable.

Business: Perfect for travel agencies seeking enhanced website functionality, the WordPress Business plan enables plugin and theme installation, includes built-in SEO tools, and provides up to 200GB of storage space.

Commerce: The WordPress Commerce plan offers an all-in-one solution for online selling for travel agencies. It provides advanced features, high-end security, and extensive tools.

Enterprise: The WordPress Enterprise plan is designed for large-scale travel businesses with complex needs, high traffic, and extensive resources, requiring top-tier security, dedicated support, and tailored solutions.

Unleash your agency's potential with WordPress, a versatile free travel website builder with endless customization options, perfect for crafting a captivating online presence in the tourism sector.

8. PHP Travels

Top website builder for travel agencies with a comprehensive booking engine.

PHP Travels- Startup Your Online Travel Business Today

PHPTravels is a comprehensive builder designed specifically for travel agencies, offering advanced features for bookings, payments, and more.

Multi-Language Support

PHPTravels' multi-language support allows you to cater to a wider audience by creating and managing content in different languages. It also includes RTL support for languages such as Arabic and Hebrew, making it an ideal choice for travel agencies with a diverse client base.

Built-In Booking Engine

PHPTravels has a built-in booking engine that enables you to create, manage, and modify bookings directly from your travel website. Your customers can enjoy a seamless booking experience without having to leave your site. This feature is particularly useful for travel agencies looking to streamline their booking process and provide a more convenient experience to their customers.

CRM Integration

With CRM integration, you can effectively manage customer relationships, track interactions and leads, and improve customer retention. Remember that CRM apps enhance customer engagement and streamline your tourism business operations.

Online Review Management

PHPTravels offers online review management that allows you to collect and manage customer feedback to improve your service. You can use this feature to respond to customer reviews, monitor your online reputation, and attract new customers. This way, you can build trust with potential customers and improve customer satisfaction.

  • Free travel website set-up and installation
  • Responsive themes for great user experience
  • Customizable language options
  • No multi-language or currency option with the Startup plan
  • Comparatively slower website speed
  • Premium support only with the Enterprise plan

PHP Travels- Pricing Plan

PHPTravels has four plans for you to choose from.

Startup: The PHPTravels Startup plan is suitable for small travel agencies that require basic website features and have a limited budget. It offers free website set-up and responsive themes.

Agency: Ideal for small to medium-sized travel agencies, the Agency plan enables you to develop multilingual websites and present plans in various currencies.

Business: The plan is perfect for expanding tourism enterprises, providing inventory management, booking and reservation coordination, and B2B Agents Module.

Enterprise: PHPTravels Enterprise plan is perfect for larger travel agencies needing extensive customization, advanced integrations, and exceptional performance.

Revolutionize your travel business with PHPTravels , a dedicated travel industry builder, offering a free demo to explore its powerful features and easily create a compelling online presence.

Leading Website Builder for Travel Agencies with Advanced Animation Capabilities

Webflow - Build with the power of code, without writing any

Webflow lets you manipulate HTML and CSS-powered layouts with an intuitive graphical interface, generating a clean, professional website ready for publishing.

Responsive Design

Webflow's responsive design feature allows you to create a travel agency website that adapts to any screen size. This gives visitors the best viewing experience. Responsive designs are especially beneficial for travel agencies, as customers often browse and book trips on their mobile devices while on the go.

With its SEO tools , you can optimize your travel website to rank higher on search engine results pages. These include customizable meta descriptions and tags, automatic sitemaps, and clean code that loads quickly.

Collaborative Features

Webflow's collaborative features enable you to work with your team members in real time, making quick decisions and streamlining your workflow. You can assign tasks, leave comments, and track progress, ensuring efficient project management. This ensures smooth collaboration, making managing and maintaining your travel website easier.

Advanced Animation Capabilities

With Webflow's advanced animation capabilities, you can create dynamic transitions, animations, and interactions. This helps you capture your visitor's attention and enhance their user experience. This can make your travel website stand out from competitors.

  • Use pre-built animations to bring elements to life on your website
  • Unlimited automatic website backups
  • DDoS protection included
  • Restricted form submissions
  • Capped unique monthly visits
  • Metered CDN bandwidth
  • 40+ Mobile-Friendly Templates
  • 50GB Bandwidth
  • Add Custom Code
  • Site with 100 Pages
  • 2000 CMS Items*
  • 200GB Bandwidth
  • On-site Search
  • 3 Content Editors
  • 10000 CMS Items*
  • 400GB Bandwidth
  • Advanced Security
  • 10 Content Editors
  • Customer Success Manager

Read more about Webflow pricing

Webflow has five plans to choose from.

Free: Ideal for small travel agencies on a budget, Webflow's Free plan lets you create a basic website on a subdomain, offering 1 GB of storage.

Basic: The plan enables travel agencies to establish a professional website, providing over 40 mobile-friendly templates, unlimited storage, and the flexibility to use custom code.

CMS: This plan is an optimal choice for travel agencies managing substantial content, offering up to 200GB bandwidth, an on-site search feature, and 2000 CMS items.

Business: Ideal for expanding travel agencies, Webflow's Business plan provides enhanced security features and includes a dedicated customer success manager.

Enterprise: Tailored for large travel agencies, Webflow's Enterprise plan offers more than 10,000 CMS items, robust DDoS protection, and dedicated SSL certificates.

Elevate your travel agency with Webflow, a cutting-edge builder featuring a free plan and unparalleled design flexibility, perfect for crafting an immersive online experience in the tourism industry.

How Do I Create a Travel and Tourism Website?

Creating any website can seem intimidating, but with the proper tools and approach, you can develop an attractive online presence highlighting your brand and knowledge. This section will lead you through the crucial steps, from selecting a builder for your website to releasing and advertising your new digital platform.

  • Define your target audience and goals: Understand the purpose of your travel website and the audience you aim to attract.
  • Choose a website builder: Select an adaptable travel agency website builder like Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, or Strikingly, offering needed templates and customization options.
  • Pick a domain name: Choose a memorable and relevant domain name that reflects your brand and the travel niche. Cannot come up with any names? Use our free business name generator . You just need to describe your business, and the tool will give you several catchy domains available for registration.
  • Select a template and customize: Find a suitable travel template and personalize it with your fonts, colors, and images to match your brand identity.
  • Create engaging content: Write informative and engaging content for your travel agency website, including destination guides, travel tips, and travel blog posts.
  • Add key features: Incorporate essential features such as booking forms, contact forms, photo galleries, Google Maps, and social media integration.
  • Optimize for SEO : Utilize relevant keywords, meta tags, and headings to improve your website's search engine visibility.
  • Test and refine: Review your travel website for errors or issues, and make necessary adjustments.
  • Launch and promote: Attract visitors and potential customers by publishing and promoting your travel agency website through various online channels, like social media and email marketing.

The cost of creating a travel website varies depending on several factors. Here's a rough breakdown of potential costs: – Website builder : Free to $300+ per month, depending on your chosen plan.  – Domain registration : $10 to $50 per year, depending on your domain extension and registrar. – Web hosting : $8 to $100+ per month, depending on the hosting plan and provider. – Template or theme: Free to $100+ for premium themes.  – Customization and development: If you require custom features or design, you may need to hire a developer or designer, which can cost $20 to $150 per hour, depending on their expertise. – Plugins and additional features: Free to $100+ per year.

To create a free travel website, follow these steps: – Choose a builder with a free plan, like Wix , Weebly , or . – Register and choose the name of your subdomain. – Select a free travel template and customize it with different types of branding elements . – Start a blog and write engaging content, such as destination guides and travel tips, and add high-quality, royalty-free images. – Use the builder's basic features, like contact forms and photo galleries, to enhance user experience . – Optimize your website for SEO with relevant keywords, headings, and meta tags. – Ensure your travel agency website is mobile-responsive. – Launch your website using the builder's free plan. However, free plans may have limitations . As your travel website grows, consider upgrading to a paid plan for more features and resources.

What Is the Best Website Builder for Travel Agencies?

Selecting the best travel agency website builder depends on your unique needs, budget, and technical skills. Consider factors such as customization options, ease of use, mobile responsiveness, SEO capabilities, and specialized features for the travel industry.

When looking for the best website builders for travel agencies and tourism, you can take a look at some of our in-depth guides:

  • Best Squarespace websites
  • Best Wix websites
  • Wix pricing guide
  • Weebly pricing guide
  • Webflow pricing guide

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Martin luenendonk.

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Martin loves entrepreneurship and has helped dozens of entrepreneurs by validating the business idea, finding scalable customer acquisition channels, and building a data-driven organization. During his time working in investment banking, tech startups, and industry-leading companies he gained extensive knowledge in using different software tools to optimize business processes.

This insights and his love for researching SaaS products enables him to provide in-depth, fact-based software reviews to enable software buyers make better decisions.


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ota business

Understanding the Online Travel Agency Business: Partners, Building Blocks, How to Grow

  • 10 min read
  • Published: 3 Sep, 2020
  • 1 Comment Share

Online travel agencies are among the youngest players in the travel market. Since their appearance in the 90s, they flipped travel distribution, became hotels’ biggest enemies , and changed how people research, plan, and buy their trips. And they’re not planning to stop with new startups emerging every year and massive businesses growing even more. Having worked with numerous travel businesses , we can boast that we know a thing or two about building and growing a successful online travel agency. Here we will talk about the ins and outs of the industry, from increasing your inventory to getting the right technology and staying ahead of the competition. But let’s start with the basics.

What is an Online Travel Agency? How OTAs work

An Online Travel Agency or OTA is a website (or app) specializing in selling travel services to customers. There are OTAs that offer hotel rooms, flights, rental cars, vacation homes, tours, or all of those at the same time. They basically are distributors for hotels, airlines, and tour companies that profit by taking a fee for each sale. Here’s how it works.

online travel agency distribution

Airline and hotel distribution network. White lines indicate user interaction and blue lines show the movement of data

OTAs are intermediaries between customers and service providers. Travelers can go directly to the hotel’s or airline’s website but around  44 percent of people go to OTAs to compare prices and see the whole pool of options. OTAs compile their rich inventories by connecting to different partners via APIs - pieces of code facilitating the communication between different software systems. Who are those partners? Hotels . There are different ways for hotels and OTAs to connect: via Extranet , a Channel Manager software , or API connecting with hotels’ Central Reservation Systems . Bed banks or wholesalers . These industry players buy hotel rooms in bulk and sell them to OTAs, travel agents, or even airlines. Here’s more info on the largest bed banks and how OTAs can work with them . Global Distribution Systems (GDSs) . These computer networks dominate travel distribution and store inventories, schedules, and fares for all types of services: from hotels to ferries. Sabre, Amadeus and Travelport are the biggest and just about a necessity if you want to sell flight tickets. You can log into GDS terminals manually or set up an API connection. Airlines via NDC connection . This fairly new way of distribution allows airlines to sell their inventory bypassing GDSs. We previously explained how NDC works in detail, but in short, you’ll need a separate software solution. One more partner allows OTAs to promote their propositions - metasearch engines . Websites like Google Flights or Skyscanner aggregate different flight options. For many OTAs, this is the main source of traffic.

build an online travel website

Finding the best mix of providers and distributors to keep the prices low and the markup high is the main task for any OTA and how they essentially make a profit. To support that task, an OTA should work like a well-oiled machine. Let's turn our attention to the main elements that help that machine run.

Online Travel Agency building blocks and technology

OTAs are technology-focused businesses. And they appeal to today’s traveler more than traditional travel agents for this exact reason. Most operations in OTAs are automatic, and there are many systems responsible for that. We will cover three mechanisms running in the background of an OTA: its booking and commission engines, and the back office. If you’re a visual learner, watch a series on YouTube from our Travel Technology Competence leader Andrey Chebotarov where he covers all of that. Starting from the customer’s perspective first, let's talk about booking engines - the heart of an OTA that interacts with users on the front and runs all main OTA tasks in the back.

How a booking engine works

A travel booking engine is a software component that processes bookings automatically. That’s just the tip of the iceberg though. In fact, a booking engine is responsible for all the following functions in an OTA.

build an online travel website

A booking engine manages search and booking functions on the OTA website

Search rules . A booking engine can be programmed to show search results in a manner that suits you best using search rules. Search rules dictate what products from what suppliers at what price and to what users to show. That and the pricing rules are crucial elements in creating travel personalization . Pricing rules . Many OTAs practice dynamic pricing , meaning that the prices change depending on current demand, competition, season, suppliers, customer acquisition sources, and more. Pricing rules allow you to always choose the most profitable pricing considering all those factors. Booking and ticketing flow . A booking flow is a set of steps leading customers from search to payment. Each supplier has their own booking flow, and your OTA has to adjust to them all, which is a difficult technical and UX task, managed by a booking engine. Note: OTAs can do ticketing only if they’re accredited by IATA. Read how to get IATA accreditation and what the alternatives are in a separate article. This must’ve given you a good enough idea of how the main OTA process - booking - works. Now, let’s talk about the system that helps OTAs generate profit - a commission engine.

How a commission engine works

A commission rules engine is a software component that automatically calculates commission and accordingly - the final price of the booking.

Commission Engine in Online Travel Agency

Watch Andrey’s explanation for a detailed look at commission engines

There are two types of commissions used at OTAs - flat fees and adjustable commissions. Flat rates are common but unhelpful for winning the competition. So OTAs write commission rules depending on different factors, namely: Suppliers . If you got a particularly good rate from a supplier, you can set a lower commission, thus making a sale and keeping the margin high. Dates and destinations . You can set a larger commission ahead of high season or a popular event when you know that the demand will go up. Size of a deal . Customers with complex itineraries who bring more revenue than a regular traveler can get a discount. This is often a small price to pay for someone’s satisfaction and loyalty. Traffic source . A common practice is to cut the commission for users on the metasearch website where you’re fighting with competitors for the lowest price, and vice versa - boosting it up for people coming directly to your website. There are tons of factors and their combinations to include in commission rules. To learn the most successful combinations, OTAs can use analytics and tweak rules accordingly, or even automate the engine to always deliver you the best deals. These were two major systems in an OTA, but we also want to briefly cover a few admin processes happening in the background in an OTA’s back office.

What goes into an OTA’s back office

online travel agency back office

How main modules of the back office interact with each other and the partners

Booking desk . No OTA is fully automated. Many mid- and small-sized ones still rely on over-the-phone or offline bookings, even if customers come from the website. A booking desk is a tool for travel agents to view all bookings on a centralized platform, create custom travel packages, and book using more sophisticated ways, like accessing GDS terminals by hand. Customer relationships and support . Just like with any eCommerce business, it’s typical for an OTA to have a CRM system to keep information about customers. It’s mostly used for marketing, which is the lion’s share of an OTA’s budget. Customer data allows for understanding your client segments better, targeting them with offers they will be interested in, and building trust and loyalty.

build an online travel website

Billing and payment processing . The topic of funds settlement often gets confusing, especially considering that the process is different for hotels and airlines, with many extra players joining in. When working with airlines, OTAs use software from industry regulators IATA or ARC . Hotels are often less complicated, but since you mostly get your inventory from third parties, the process requires some smart management and technical finesse. Ideally, all these functions should be automated to allocate your time and human resources to growing the business rather than supporting it. But realistically, you want to automate at least one system to solve the most repetitive tasks.

How to grow an OTA and maintain a competitive edge

There are tons of OTAs in the world and about 70 percent of the market is shared between the two largest players: Expedia Group and Booking Holdings. Expedia Group owns such brands as Expedia, Orbitz, Travelocity, Trivago, and more. And Booking Holdings covers, Priceline, Agoda, and Rentalcars. You can see the market distribution in detail in this handy infographic . Despite a near oligopoly on the market, travel distribution remains a profitable business to start and run. Today, mid- and small-sized companies have all resources to thrive if they know what OTA success consists of. It’s one or a combination of these three things:

  • Niche markets/demographics/regions . The more mainstream an OTA is, the less targeted it can be. Expedia and can’t be oriented to every single region of the world, or traveler budget, or specific traveler taste. That’s why having done their research right, smaller businesses can find a niche to serve better than the giants do. Look at hostel-specific OTAs, local websites serving smaller European communities, or OTAs with rare connections to Destination Management Companies .
  • Unique user experience . Traveler behavior changes all the time, which means that they have new needs and tastes that need to be satisfied. Tons of travel startups today offer interesting solutions to common problems - some offer subscription travel service, others allow monitoring prices or creating a full itinerary with minimum input from a customer. Unique ideas may take some advanced technological support, but it may benefit in the long run.
  • Cheap prices . For 60 percent of travelers , the price remains the most important factor when choosing the itinerary, which means that customers choose a better deal over a brand name. Which is why the main competitive advantage your OTA should have is exclusive prices. Exclusive means previously negotiated with the supplier - not just pulled from the search result of a GDS.

We have a guide to building a marketing and pricing strategy for an OTA , but here are some main points.

Develop your partnerships

Even if you have the most advanced booking engine and a group of skilled agents to close the deals, the customers will leave you for OTAs where the price is simply lower. When connecting to bed banks and GDSs, every agency gets the same list of rooms, flights, and prices, so you have to start by negotiating the best rates with your main suppliers. For example, if your niche is family vacations in Greece, you should research airlines that fly there the most and find a wholesaler with the largest inventory of all-inclusive hotels in the Balkans. You get the idea.

Win the competition on metasearch sites

skyscanner otas

Skyscanner lists several OTAs with different prices for the same flight

Using acquisition analytics . To know what to promote, you need to know what already performs well and what (and why) doesn’t. The conversion rate is your main indicator that visitors chose a better deal over yours. Learn where it happened by looking at acquisition channels. Using metasearch analytics . Metasearch engines sell reports listing information on their search data, number of competitors (called bidders), and stats sorted by tons of different factors. This is an invaluable source of information to help you better target your offers. Understanding your engines . You will use a few metasearch sites to distribute and they’re rarely the same. Look into their demographics the same way you would consider suppliers.

Advertise and use content marketing

OTAs like Expedia use up to 50 percent of their revenue on marketing. They want to appear on your Facebook feed, remind you about your latest searches in emails, and create viral ads. Trivago’s tagline and pushy sales strategy even birthed a few memes . Get smart with your SEO and landing pages, focusing on keywords that your audience uses in their searches. Deliver useful content that will bring traffic and put you higher on the search page. And use Google ads, which are totally effective if you use specific keywords.

A few final pieces of advice

If you know the right formula and keep iterating, you will succeed. But we won’t lie - there are many challenges in this industry that OTAs face. The coronavirus crisis . The future of the travel industry is still unclear and all players are struggling to stay afloat and find new revenue streams . Joining the market right now is dangerous if you don’t have a strategy for working in the current climate. Some businesses, however, have opportunities to grow - smaller OTAs have a chance to offer more localized travel options to address current customer needs. Here's the take on the future of OTAs by our travel tech competence leader, Andrey:

build an online travel website

Invisibility . OTAs should be ready to invest a lot in marketing and promotion. And often, there’s no clear way to what suits your business and customers best. This means analytics that will help you understand what works and what doesn’t are a must. Which brings us to the next point. Technology . Digital distribution thrives on technology. The most successful companies are tech giants with complex booking platforms. Smaller businesses succeed when they have either a digital infrastructure that allows them to work more effectively than competitors or unique customer-facing technology that makes travel shopping better. Whichever route you choose, make sure to invest in great custom technology.


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  • Building a Travel Aggregator W ...

Building a Travel Aggregator Website



  • September 11, 2017
  • Blog ,   Travel

In recent years, we have seen the rise of ‘travel’ as one of the most profitable niches as far as online businesses are concerned. When it comes to starting a travel business online, one of the most lucrative ideas would be to start an online travel aggregator website. To capitalize on this lucrative business opportunity presented by the travel industry, let’s look at how to go about building a travel portal.

How Online Travel Aggregators Work

Travel aggregator sites rely on online travel agencies, hotel and flight company websites to pull the data to be shown for user queries. Online travel aggregator websites help the users get an overall picture of the rates and availability across multiple vendors without actually visiting different websites. 

All they have to do is enter their journey dates and the website would provide them with data aggregated from multiple sources. In a recent survey conducted by a leading travel site, about 50% of the respondents agreed that the convenience provided by meta-search engines is invaluable in their travel booking experience.

To put it in simple words, you need a CMS that can act as the framework for your website, a front-end that can match the aesthetics of a travel website and an engine that can pull data from the APIs provided by other travel websites and data providers. Apart from this approach, you can also build it from scratch or use one of the readily available scripts for travel portals. Let’s look at the options.

1. Build it from Scratch

The robustness of a web application would be at its best when it’s built from scratch. This option also leaves more room for incorporating your ideas in a much more efficient manner. You wouldn’t have to make compromises based on the existing travel portal scripts and can create something that will work flawlessly with the technologies you want to integrate into it.

The downsides of this approach are development time and the cost. Hiring a developer and building your site from scratch is definitely going to cost you high in terms of time and money. However, if flexibility is something that you prioritize, you should take this route. Travel websites can easily become larger and you should hence opt for programming languages like Laravel and Ruby on Rails for their ease of code management and flexibility.

2. Build on top of WordPress

Everyone knows how WordPress can be used to build literally any kind of website. This is because you can code a plugin for WordPress to give it additional capabilities, and it all works like a charm.  WordPress is very versatile and is especially good for beginners, as the cost of tweaking a WordPress setup is significantly lower than building a website from scratch. 

When it comes to building an online travel portal, WordPress has some ready-to-use themes and plugins that can make your job much easier. You don’t even need to be a programmer to set up a travel portal on WordPress. In the case of WordPress, all you need is a travel theme and a plugin to build a functional website .

a. WordPress themes

The themes we’re about to introduce are all compatible with the newest version of WordPress and use the best performance-enhancing practices to ensure a smooth user experience. These themes are also loaded with booking forms, multiple payment methods and are even compatible with popular plugins like WooCommerce. These functionalities can instantly turn your WordPress site into a full-fledged travel website.

  • TravelPress

b. WordPress plugins

Here are some travel portal WordPress plugins that you can use to turn your ordinary WordPress site into a complete travel portal. You should use a travel theme along with these plugins to render a complete experience.

This WordPress plugin enables safe online booking and reservation facilities on travel websites. Other features include supplier and agent management, customer relationship management and reporting.

  • Travel Agent 1.4

Travel Agent is a utility WordPress plugin with features such as an enhanced scheduler and tourists database. It can be used to dynamically create and manage a database of tourists, which is nothing short of an essential aspect of a travel business.

  • Travel Routes

Travel Routes lets you incorporate geographical tags on Google maps within WordPress posts. This will dynamically generate the locality terms and country names and you can even order the locations randomly with dates to identify routes.

3. Travel Website Engines

You can use dedicated web scripts or engines to build your travel portal, and this is especially easier as the script takes care of all the key aspects of a travel website. Travel website scripts typically come with features such as booking engine, billing and invoicing system, modules based functions for each section and customization options to fit your requirements perfectly.

Aggregating Data for the Travel Portal

Once you have built up your travel aggregator website into a finished product, it’s time to connect it with the data feeds. Data is the fuel on which your travel aggregator website will run and ensuring access to travel data from online travel agencies and hotel and flight company sites is essential. Now, let’s look at the popular ways of aggregating data for a travel portal.

1. Free APIs

Most of the leading meta-search engines have their affiliate programs whereby they give you free access to their APIs. You can easily join them to get API access which can be used to feed your travel aggregator site. This solves two of your challenges in one-shot–data aggregation and revenue generation. Some popular affiliate programs with API access are:

  • Skyscanner affiliate program
  • Expedia affiliate network
  • Kayak affiliate program

You can easily configure your travel search engine to pull data from these APIs.

2. Web Scraping Services

Not all travel websites provide an API. Apart from that, the APIs might not have some of the data fields that are essential for your business. This is when you need a web crawling service that can turn the unstructured data present on travel websites into structured data feeds which can be connected to your database in order to populate your travel portal. Since building your own web crawling setup isn’t a viable solution considering the high-tech barriers and cost involved, it’s better to rely on a fully managed web scraping service provider to meet your data needs.

Bottom Line

Travel is a lucrative industry, and the opportunities presented by it have skyrocketed with the advent of online travel companies. Building your own travel portal is a great way to get your share of this hefty pie. You can use this guide to decide how you want to go about building your first travel business online.

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15 Best Website Builders for Travel Agencies (Free & Paid Options)

Title Banner with Sidebar

by  Ron Stefanski

Updated: August 1, 2023

Disclosure: OneHourProfessor is reader-supported. When you buy through links on my site, I may earn an affiliate commission. Learn more

If you want to create a mind-blowing travel agency website without enlisting the help of an expensive web designer, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we look at some of the top website builders that simplify the process, allowing you to build an attractive and fully functional website without having to learn code.

We’ll look at all the top features and compare pricing so you can determine which site builder is right for your travel business. But before we dive into our list of the best website builders for travel agencies , here’s a quick look at the important features to look for when making your choice.

wix logo

Wix is the best overall website builder for travel agencies with powerful tools and a simple yet efficient template editor.

build an online travel website

Hostinger has a wide range of developer options with which you can create the ideal personalized travel agency website.

squarespace logo


Squarespace has some of the most beautiful travel-themed templates that are easy to modify. It also has built-in marketing tools.

strikingly logo

If you're interested in building an eye-catching landing page or a one-page website, Strikingly is the best choice for you.

weebly logo

Weebly is perfect if you have a tight budget and are looking for an efficient and powerful website builder for your agency.

What Features to Look For in a Travel Agency Website Builder

Different website builders offer different sets of features, and you must be able to choose the best fit according to your business’s needs. 

Listed below are some important features to look for when determining the right site builder for your travel agency. 

1. Ease of Use: This is a very important factor to consider when choosing a website builder. Fortunately for us, the days are long gone when you had to hire extremely expensive web developers to create a travel agency website. Now, you can build it yourself even if you have very little technical knowledge. Technology has advanced to a level where you can simply click a few buttons and have your website up and ready to go in minutes. 

2. Design: You want to choose a site builder with inspiring website designs for travel agencies. Make sure it has a wide range of pre-made templates to choose from so you don’t have to start building your site from scratch. If you have your own design in mind, look for a travel agency site builder that offers full customization capabilities so you can transform the pages to look and function the way you want.

3. Marketing Features: From SEO and email marketing to social media sharing, visitor analytics, and more, you need a website builder with powerful marketing tools so you can quickly get your new travel website in front of your target audience. 

4. Pricing: Finally, you must consider the pricing of your chosen tool. Some website builders are specifically created for the travel and tourism industry, and while they may cost more, they have the inherent advantage of offering features that travel agencies need the most. Consider this and make your choice accordingly. 

What Are the Best Website Builders for Travel Agencies?

Best overall website builder for travel agencies (free trial, then $16/month).

build an online travel website

Wix is a flexible, intuitive, and highly adaptable website builder. That’s why it’s perfect for creating travel agency websites. All of its features that make it one of the best website builders out there can be used to create a travel blog and/or website that stands out. 

One of the platform’s biggest defining factors is that it offers three developer options. You can create the website yourself using a blank page or one of the many templates available. Some of the best travel agency websites utilize the power of Wix for their websites.

Alternatively, you can use Wix ADI, the platform’s artificial design intelligence to create a website for you. If you have a little more experience, go to the Wix Editor to dive deep into the code so you can build a website  that looks and functions exactly the way you want, right down to the last pixel.

Key Features:

  • Multiple Developer Options: Wix offers three different ways to build your website according to your level of technical knowledge and skill.
  • Fully Customizable Templates: All of the platform’s templates can be customized to match your particular brand and preferences.
  • Enterprise-Grade Security: Wix has systems in place to protect your website and visitor data 24/7.


build an online travel website

Like Squarespace, Wix also offers a free 14-day trial so you can test out the platform’s core features before signing up for the paid subscription. Premium plans start from $16/month, and you get a custom domain, free SSL certificate, and more.

2. Hostinger

Best website builder with multiple developer options (30-day money-back guarantee, then $2.79/month).

build an online travel website

With Hostinger, you can create cool conversion strategy templates that are solely focused on helping you get visitors to take action on your site. 

Whether you offer air tickets, tour, rail, or hotel reservations, you’ll be able to create a website with inspiring color schemes and inviting images that persuade visitors to satisfy their wanderlust.

Add background images to show your prospects that your travel agency is the one they are looking for. On your pages, you’ll be able to show off beautiful images, interesting illustrations, and lots of social proof making it easier to persuade your website visitors to book the trip of a lifetime.

  • Powerful AI Tools: Hostinger has a range of features powered by artificial intelligence, including a logo maker , content creator, heatmaps, and more. 
  • Marketing Integrations: Add tools like Google Analytics, Tag Manager, Facebook Pixel, etc. to help you gain more insights and grow your business faster.
  • Embed Code: You can drag and drop the code widget onto your site to integrate calendar apps, document viewers, and more.

build an online travel website

Hostinger offers one simple plan with a 30-day money-back guarantee that offers a free domain, email, e-commerce features, marketing integrations, the ability to host 100 websites, unlimited traffic visits, free SSL certificates, and their proprietary website builder for $2.79/mo with the first 3 months free.

3. Squarespace

Best for exceptional travel-themed templates (free 14-day trial, then $16/month).

build an online travel website

Squarespace provides great inspiration if you want to create a fresh, modern travel agency website design. 

The platform is acclaimed for its impressive range of features that allow lots of creative liberty for web developers. It has a range of unique templates that make it easier for you to show off exotic places so you can get your visitors to embrace the adventure. 

Every part of the template is customizable to align with your brand and the travel-themed designs also allow you to add sharp images, funky shapes, and social proof in the form of testimonials from previous clients.

  • Simplified Website Building: Squarespace has a range of beautiful, modern templates to make it as easy as possible for you to build your travel agency website.
  • Affordable Plans: If your business is just starting out and on a tight budget, this platform will provide you with all the features you need at an affordable price.
  • Powerful Marketing Tools: This is a great platform to choose if you want to build your brand image and take your travel business global through the use of built-in marketing tools.

build an online travel website

You can sign up for a free trial to test out the core features on Squarespace. But, if you want to unlock the full power of this platform, including templates, mobile optimizations, custom domain, and marketing tools, then you must upgrade to one of the premium plans starting from $16/month.

4. Strikingly

Best for building beautiful landing pages (free trial, then $8/month).

build an online travel website

Strikingly will help you build a travel agency website that allows your visitors to experience a trip built around their desires and passions, from the simplest ones to the most extraordinary. 

With this platform, you’ll be able to create a gorgeous travel agency website design that looks both upbeat and professional. The site builder focuses mainly on single-page websites which are great for a lot of reasons. 

For example, say you are building a travel agency website for a specific type of vacation, such as Disney family holidays or winter sports. You can use one of the unique layouts on the platform to showcase your offers, pricing packages, reviews and testimonials, and more all on one page. 

This makes it easy for visitors to simply scroll down to get all the information they need without having to jump from one page to another.

  • Ease-Of-Use: Using this website builder doesn’t require any web design or coding knowledge. Simply drag-and-drop different elements onto a page and click to customize.
  • Powerful Analytics Tools: Strikingly provides you with features to find out how visitors are using your travel agency website so you can make improvements for better results.
  • Advanced Features: The platform offers enhanced security, social media feeds, domain registration, and built-in SEO features.

build an online travel website

Strikingly has a free trial that allows you to test out the software to see if it’s a good fit for you. Once the trial is over, you can upgrade to a premium plan for just $8/month billed yearly. 

Best Free Website Builder for Travel Agencies (Free Plan, Then $6/Month)

build an online travel website

Weebly is a well-known site builder that comes loaded with features that simplify the entire process of building a website. 

The platform has a broad spectrum of options, including web hosting, domain registration, search engine optimization, and more. There are beautiful templates to choose from, some of which are designed specifically for the travel and tourism industry.

You’ll be able to instantly capture the attention of your visitors with beautiful images, video backgrounds, and calls to action above the fold. 

All templates are optimized for search engines and mobile devices. You can integrate booking features to make the process of booking experiences as seamless as possible for your visitors.

  • eCommerce Focus: With this platform, you will be able to promote your travel agency as well as make deals online using multiple built-in eCommerce tools.
  • Blogging Features: You can add a blog section to your travel agency website to keep customers engaged and generate organic traffic to your site.
  • Weebly App Center: Expand your website’s functionality using different apps, widgets, and add-ons such as LiveChat, Call-Out-Box, PinPoll, etc. 

build an online travel website

Weebly has a free plan for basic use. However, this plan is severely limited, and if you want to build a professional travel agency website with custom features, then you must upgrade to one of the paid plans starting from $6/month when paid annually.

6. VacationLabs

Best travel agency website builder for tours and activities (free trial, then $12/month).

build an online travel website

VacationLabs is a travel agency site builder designed specifically for travel and tourism-related businesses. It’s ideal for agencies that focus on tourists and activities. 

For instance, if you have an outdoor nature travel company that organizes road trips, outdoor adventures, and expeditions in pristine places, then you’ll love the templates on this platform. 

All of them are expertly designed to give visitors a welcoming feeling and get them excited to travel. You can feature exotic video backgrounds to entice users to click on your calls to action.

In addition to the attractive layouts and modern travel agency website design, you’ll also find a library with tons of amazing (and free) atmospheric photos that you can use on your travel agency website.

  • Travel-Related Themes: This easy to use website builder is built by experts who understand travel and offers themes for specific travel niches.
  • Special Widgets and Functions: You can easily set up your website and get everything running using tools like bookings, payments, and other integrated apps.
  • Full SEO Optimization: VacationLabs gives you easy options for optimizing all your website pages for search engines.

build an online travel website

Pricing for VacationLabs starts from $12/month for the Basic travel website builder. This plan offers 45 pages, two staff accounts, and basic website templates. To unlock more features, such as unlimited pages, premium website templates, and a tour/activity CMS, you can upgrade to the Pro travel website builder for $27/month.

Best for Creating a Free Travel Agency Website (Free Trial, Then $3.90/Month)

build an online travel website

Webnode is one of the simplest website builders you can use. Building your website on this platform is similar to playing with building blocks. But, don’t let its simplicity fool you. You’ll be able to build attractive and wonderful layouts that you can fully customize to match your brand. 

There are tons of lovely color choices to make your new website pop. The platform also has a user-friendly interface that allows anyone to build breathtaking websites without the need for web development knowledge or expertise. 

When you sign up, you’ll also get a handy app that allows you to build on the go. You can use your phone or tablet to easily update your website from wherever you are.

  • Standout Designs: Webnode has dozens of templates to choose from, a few of which are designed specifically for travel websites.
  • eCommerce Features: You’ll have the ability to conduct deals online and accept payments easily directly from your website.
  • Powerful Communication Tools: Communicate with your customers like a pro using a branded mailbox created on your own domain.

build an online travel website

Webnode allows you to create your travel website for free. No credit card is required. Simply sign up with an email and you can have your website up and running in just minutes. Premium plans start from $3.90/month for the Limited plan, but the Standard plan which costs $12.90/month is recommended for building a professional travel website

Best for Simplicity and Ease of Use (Free Plan, Then $12.80/Month)

build an online travel website

Site123 makes building your travel agency website as easy as possible. You’ll be able to show your visitors the magic of traveling using a variety of features such as video background, optimized images, and built-in maps. 

Pick from dozens of beautiful expertly-designed website templates. Many of the site’s designs use lots of white space and clean travel agency website design, making it easy for you to build a modern and visually appealing website for your business. 

Best of all, the platform has a free plan, which means you can try out the software before deciding whether or not it’s right for you.

  • No-Code Website Editor: Site123 has an intuitive website editor that requires zero coding knowledge to build a professional website.
  • Built-in SEO Features: Your website comes perfectly optimized for search thanks to built-in search engine optimization tools.
  • Free Hosting: When you sign-up for any of the premium plans, you get reliable and secure hosting for your new travel agency website.

build an online travel website

Site123 has a free plan that allows you to publish a website on a subdomain. However, if you want a professional travel agency website on your own domain, you can sign up for the premium plan which costs $12.80/month.

Best No-Code Travel Agent Website Builder ($18/month)

build an online travel website

This travel agency website builder comes with a range of pre-built templates designed to show your clients that you can help them create journeys of a lifetime. 

There are features to help you plan adventures, allow clients to book activities online, and more. You’ll be able to create a simple and organized site that makes it easy for visitors to browse through your offers to choose the best packages. 

The best part about using this platform for your agency website is that the software creates feather-light websites that are fast-opening to ensure a great user experience. 

  • Travel Management Features: This platform makes it easier for you to plan trips and provide offers to your clients using features like bookings, maps, travel resources information, etc.
  • Dedicated Specials Page: Tell your website visitors about interesting events and ongoing specials for hotels, vacations, cruises, etc. 
  • Membership Offers: The website builder has a page designed for offering memberships and discounts for regular customers. 

build an online travel website

AppyPie offers simple plans at economical prices. You only pay for the features you really need, and you can change or cancel your plan at any time. Premium plans start from $18/month and you get all the tools you need to build a full-featured travel website. 

10. WordPress

Best for extreme flexibility and creative control (free trial, then $4/month).

build an online travel website

WordPress is a fully trusted CMS that is perfect for building travel and tourism agency websites. With this platform, you can develop a fully functional site to match your requirements. Some of the best travel agency websites use WordPress and it’s easy to see why.

As soon as your visitors land on your website, they will be met with amazing photos to show them why yours is one of the best travel agency websites out there. You can add calls to action above the fold, and below the fold most of the platform’s templates have great design that’s clean, modern, and breathtaking. 

Add slideshows of different pictures to make it easier for your users to scroll through your offers. You can even integrate animations that allow the opening visuals on your homepage to move with the cursor. This is a great way to engage visitors and allow them to appreciate the view.

  • Powerful CMS: WordPress has a content management system that is unparalleled. It allows you to create, edit, and publish content without the need for technical experience.
  • Travel Niche Themes: There is no shortage of high-quality WordPress themes designed specifically for the travel and tourism sector.
  • Robust Integrations: WordPress has thousands of free and paid plugins like Social Share Buttons, WP Notification, Request Call Back Buttons, etc. that you can integrate to your travel agency website to expand its functionality.

build an online travel website

WordPress offers a free 14-day trial after which you can upgrade to any of the four premium plans, starting from just $4/month when paid annually.

Best Website Creator with Intuitive Designs for Travel Sites ($1 First Month, Then $5/Month)

build an online travel website

Make your visitors yearn for their next vacation trip with beautiful images, video backgrounds, and slideshows on your website. 

IONOS lets you rise above the ordinary thanks to its range of features which include eCommerce features, marketing features, SEO tools, and more. 

The library is packed full of beautiful stock images that you can use for free and all templates come with a great choice of colors so you can transform them to match your brand. 

On this platform, you’ll find all the design artillery required to build a unique travel website so you can set yourself apart from the thousands of competitors online.

  • Top Class Templates: On IONOS, you’ll find dozens of high-quality website templates designed specifically to serve as a frame for your new travel website.
  • Advanced Marketing Features: Use web apps from the 1and1 library, including SEO tools, email tools, etc. to enjoy unmatched visibility online.
  • eCommerce Services: For your convenience, the platform provides end-to-end eCommerce services under one roof.

build an online travel website

IONOS has an amazing Starter plan that allows you to start building your travel website for just $1/month for the first month, then you pay $5/month from then onwards. Alternatively, you can opt for the Plus plan which costs $5/month initially (then $10/month), or the Pro plan for $10/month (then $15/month). 

12. PHP Travels

Best for inspiring designs for travel websites ($50/month).

build an online travel website

PHP Travels will help you build inspiring designs with amazing videos and subtle yet effective calls to action. This cool site builder comes with a range of powerful travel-focused features, including client management, booking features, and more.

This platform is designed to make it as easy as possible for you to provide the best travel solution to your clients. You’ll be able to build a site with a clean travel agency website design and effective color schemes. 

You can unleash your creativity by adding smooth animations to increase visitor engagement and turn their visit into a memorable experience. 

These types of animations also help to set your agency apart from the rest and create recall. You’ll greatly appreciate this feature if one of your goals is to establish a stronger presence in your market.

  • Travel-Focused Features: PHP Travels has specific features designed to suit the requirements of travel businesses.
  • Demo Available: The platform makes it easy to see how the software can serve your business by allowing you to test drive the demo product with complete features.
  • Complete Booking Engine: You can start your online travel business in under an hour with this complete booking engine, billing, reporting, and invoicing system.

build an online travel website

You can sign up for the Startup plan for $50/month. It has everything needed to build a successful travel website and more. 

13. Webflow

Best site builder for no-code website creation (free plan, then $14/month).

build an online travel website

Webflow’s templates allow you to effectively leverage the power of great videography and amaze your audience with beautiful background videos on your website. 

The platform has unique, fast-loading designs that make it easier for you to showcase your tourist activities. Add slideshows and galleries to help your website visitors discover amazing places worldwide. 

With these features, you’ll be able to convince visitors that your agency can provide them with the best locations available. You can also integrate booking features so clients can book their trips right there and start building memories for decades to come.

  • CSS-Powered Layouts: Although Webflow is built for ease of use, you can still get access to powerful features designed for pros. 
  • Full Customization Capabilities: Start building your website from scratch or use one of the dozens of templates that are 100% customizable to match your brand. 
  • Free Plan Available: Build a fully functional travel website without the dev time – and for free. Only upgrade when you need to unlock more features. 

build an online travel website

Webflow offers a free plan that you can use for as long as you want. When you’re ready to upgrade, you can choose from one of four plans starting from $14/month billed yearly. 

Best for Fast Website Creation (Free Plan, Then $9/Month)

build an online travel website

If you want a simple and clean website design, then this is one of the best site builders to use. It’s touted by many in the travel sector as a great tool thanks to its clever use of white space in templates. 

You’ll be able to add features like “Discover” sections and great calls to action that are prominently visible above the fold.

  • Fast Website Creation: With Jimdo, you can have your new travel website up really fast. In fact, the platform asserts that you can have your site up in as little as 3 minutes!
  • Visitor Statistics: Get detailed reports to show you important visitor metrics pertaining to your new website so you can make improvements accordingly. 
  • Personalized Support: Get help whenever you need it. All premium plans come with personalized support within four hours. 

build an online travel website

Jimdo has a free plan that comes with all the platform’s base features. You can publish your website to a subdomain ( If you want to use a custom domain, you can get one for free by signing up for either one of the two premium plans starting from $9/month.

Best for Simple Website Editing (Free Plan, Then $10/Month)

build an online travel website

uCraft is a user-friendly website builder with a drag-and-drop editor. It’s perfect for anyone who wants to build a professional and responsive site without having to learn how to code.

Use uCraft’s beautiful templates to show your website visitors magical places they will want to go to right away. The platform has a range of simple, yet captivating templates with integrated features to make it easier to run your travel agency. 

No coding knowledge is required to use this travel agency website builder, and you can integrate portfolio and online store features on the responsive website builder to captivate your visitors and urge them to arrange their next trip in a heartbeat.

  • Intuitive Drag-And-Drop Editor: uCraft has a drag-and-drop editor that is built specifically for non-coders.
  • Free Hosting: This website builder offers fast and secure website hosting on Google Cloud.
  • Powerful Blogging Platform: You can run a captivating blog for your travel agency as a way to keep your audience engaged and boost your search engine rankings.

build an online travel website

uCraft has a free plan that you can use to start building your travel agency website right now. However, in order to connect a custom domain and remove uCraft branding, you must upgrade to a premium plan starting from $10/month when paid annually.

Best Website Builders for Travel Agencies Summary & Top Picks

Whether you offer luxury travel or adventure travel, the website builders listed here will help you build a beautiful, full-featured website for your travel agency.  

From booking features and animations to user interaction and more, you’ll be able to create a high-quality, professional website with all the features needed to run your business successfully. 

Any of the site builders listed here will get the job done quite nicely, but here are five of my top picks: 

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Savvy Travel Advisor Logo, the company provides travel agency website and travel agency marketing services

Unlocking Success: Building an Irresistible Travel Agent Website, Step by Step

Last updated November 29, 2023

Having a captivating online presence is like having a passport to success. A well-crafted website can showcase your expertise, inspire wanderlust, and connect with travelers and, more importantly, potential clients.

Most travel agents don’t have a storefront anymore, so our websites are our virtual storefronts, open 24/7, ready to entice and help inform potential clients about how we can make their lives (or at least their vacations) easier.

If you’ve ever considered creating your own travel agency website, this post is for you. We’re taking a look at the steps that go into creating your very own website.

But not just any website. You need a website that both looks great and captures the secret sauce that makes your travel agency unique.

After all, if your website could describe any travel agency, it probably won’t sell many people on what makes you and your agency special.

Just like a well-planned itinerary, this guide is structured to take you through the essentials of creating your travel agent website. It’s not every little step, and any time you get into the world of technology you’ll find bumps in the road. This is high-level, but intended to give you an idea of how to get started on your travel agent website.

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I may get a small commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you.

First steps for building your travel agent website

First things first. You need to own a domain name that matches your business.

If you haven’t purchased your domain name yet, start with that. It should be as close to your travel agency name as possible, and preferably a .com address. If the exact name isn’t available, is there something you can abbreviate that would still make sense as a name?

You can find out if your desired domain name is available by doing a search with a domain name registrar like GoDaddy , NameCheap , or Google Domains . Once you determine your domain name you’ll want to go ahead and purchase it. Normally a simple domain name is around $10-15 per year, but each is different.

Once you have your domain name you need to take care of the basics, like setting up a professional email address.

Soapbox warning - DO NOT USE AN EMAIL THAT ISN'T!

Yes, I know I’m shouting a bit here, but this is for all you in the back! Don’t do it!

Having a free email account like [email protected] immediately marks you as an amateur. That’s the last thing you want if you’re trying to build a business.

It’s a small investment of time and money to purchase your domain name and have an email address that matches set up. Do not skip it.

Once you have your domain name, head over to social media and create accounts on every social media network you think you may ever use. Maybe you don’t think right now that you’d use Pinterest or LinkedIn, but it’s free to set up the account and claim the name.

You really don’t want to decide later to use them and find out the account name is already taken.

Establishing your online identity

Ok, now that we have that out of the way, let’s figure out what makes you and your travel agency unique.

Before you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) you need to understand the identity of your travel agency.

Are you cute and sassy? Refined and cultured? All about relaxing in the sun with a margarita in hand?

There’s no right or wrong answer, but your travel website needs to be a reflection of your overall brand identity and communication style. Maybe you know right away what that identity is. That’s great!

If you’re not sure, that’s ok too. But don’t skip this step. There are a lot of travel agencies out there, with countless options for travelers. You need to know how you stand out from the crowd. In other words, you need to know your Unique Value Proposition.

Or, as a business mentor of mine calls it, your “Unique Awesomeness Proposition”. Because being awesome is even more fun than providing value.

Take a few minutes to brainstorm. What makes you and your travel agency special?

Maybe it’s your extensive knowledge of and experience in a specific destination. It could be your in-depth understanding of how to travel with a special needs child. Are you trained as a sommelier and specialize in wine tours to old world wine regions? Or are river cruises or food tours all you do?

Whatever it is, there needs to be something that sets you apart from every other travel agency out there. This isn’t the time to be modest. Be as specific as you can and write down exactly what makes your agency awesome.

That special something that sets you apart is going to become the cornerstone of your online identity. Embrace it, celebrate it, and let it shine through every aspect of your website.

Designing an engaging travel agent website

The most important thing you need to keep in mind when it comes to design is that you’re not the one who will be using your website.

Your customer is.

Put yourself in their flip-flops or hiking boots and think about what they want to see and experience. Make sure your website is easy to navigate, with intuitive menus and clear calls-to-action that put the user experience first.

Nobody wants to get lost in a labyrinth of links! Keep things organized, use descriptive labels, and ensure your travel agency website design makes information easy to find.

Be clear and concise

If you want people to schedule a consultation with you, you should say that. Your call-to-action, or CTA, shouldn’t be “Start creating lifetime memories”. Who the heck knows what that means or what they should expect when they click that link?

Instead, be super clear. If you want them to schedule a consultation, say “schedule a consultation.”

Being clear wins over being clever every day of the week.

You’ll also want to keep your design clean and clutter-free. White space is visually appealing, so make sure to keep enough space between blocks of text to allow breathing room.

Paragraphs should be short and to the point, and headings should be skimable.

If someone went through your website and only read your headings, would they understand what your website is about and what step they should take next? If not, they should.

Use a visually appealing theme or template

If you’re creating a website using a website builder, like Wix or Squarespace , find a template that works for you. It doesn’t have to be a specific travel agency template, and I’d go as far as to say it shouldn’t be. I’ve looked at their templates for travel websites. They’re… less than ideal.

Instead, find a template that has a basic structure that works for you, and customize it from there.

You’ll also want to make sure your pictures are stunning. You can use your own, or use a stock photo site. Not sure what stock photo site to use? Here's how to find outstanding photos and videos .

Another thing you’ll want to consider when it comes to selecting your theme or template is the overall spirit of your travel agency.

Are you going for a tropical paradise vibe or an urban chic atmosphere?

Browse through the different options and let your creativity guide you. The most important things to consider are if they allow for captivating imagery, well-structured layouts, and are compatible with mobile devices.

After all, a website that looks fabulous on a desktop should also shine on a smartphone or tablet.

Give your visitors a visually stunning experience that makes them feel like they’ve already embarked on a memorable journey and you’re more likely to turn that website visitor into a paying client.

Customize your website to reflect your brand

Once you’ve chosen a theme or template, it’s time to add your personal touch and make it uniquely yours.

Think of your website as a canvas for your travel agency's brand. Customize the colors, fonts, and imagery to reflect your brand identity. Incorporate your logo, tagline, and any other visual elements that make your brand instantly recognizable.

Be consistent with your branding across all pages, creating a cohesive and polished look. Oh, and here's a pro tip: sprinkle a dash of personality into your design.

Whether it's through witty copy or playful graphics, let your brand's character shine through. Remember, your website should feel like a warm greeting to travelers—a virtual handshake that says, "Welcome adventurer, you belong here!"

Create compelling content

The words on your website are referred to as copy. It is content that is designed to inform, persuade, and entertain your website visitors, turning them from visitors into customers.

Your copywriting should be like a skilled tour guide, enticing and captivating your audience. Craft compelling descriptions that paint vivid pictures of the destinations you offer.

Speak directly to your target audience, understanding their desires, aspirations, and pain points. Use persuasive language to convey the unique benefits of choosing your travel agency.

> Not sure who your target audience is? Start here

Whether it's the thrill of adventure, the relaxation of a luxurious retreat, or the joy of discovering new cultures, make your copy an irresistible invitation to embark on the journey of a lifetime.

Use captivating visuals

A picture is worth a thousand words, but when it comes to travel, it might be worth a million dreams.

Capture the imagination of your website visitors with stunning photos and videos that showcase the beauty and uniqueness of the destinations you sell. Let them feel the warm sand beneath their toes, taste the exotic flavors, and hear the sounds of distant cultures.

From vibrant cityscapes to serene beaches, use visuals that inspire wanderlust and ignite a sense of longing in your audience. After all, travel is about creating lifelong memories, and your visuals should be the first step towards that unforgettable experience.

Incorporate storytelling

Humans have been telling stories since the dawn of time, and the power of storytelling still resonates today. Your travel agent website is an opportunity to weave narratives that engage and connect with your visitors.

Share captivating stories of travelers who have ventured into the unknown and returned forever changed.

Paint a picture of the immersive experiences your travel agency offers.

Dive into the history, culture, and traditions of each destination, transporting your audience to a different time and place.

By incorporating storytelling techniques, you create an emotional connection that goes beyond transactional interactions. Remember, many travelers aren’t looking for a trip. They’re seeking a transformative experience.

Compelling stories can ignite that spark of curiosity and inspire them to choose your travel agency as their guide.

Optimizing for online discovery

There’s a myth in travel agent website circles. “If you build it, they will come.”

Actually, it’s a myth in baseball, but you get the point. ⚾🧢

If you want people to actually find your website, you need to make sure you understand Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

In simple terms, SEO is like a map that guides search engines, such as Google, to show your website to people looking for your services.

It involves optimizing different elements of your website to improve the visibility of your site in search engine results.

> Learn more about SEO for travel agents

Keyword research and on-page optimization

Keywords are the secret sauce of SEO. They are the words and phrases that travelers type into search engines when seeking travel inspiration or planning their next adventure.

To harness the power of keywords, start by conducting keyword research specific to your travel niche. Identify popular search terms that align with your offerings.

Once armed with these keywords, strategically incorporate them into your website's content, including headings, page titles, and body text.

This on-page optimization helps search engines understand the relevance of your website and improves your chances of appearing higher in search results.

Build a network of relevant and authoritative backlinks

Imagine your travel agent website as a well-connected traveler who has friends all over the world. Backlinks are like those friendships—they represent other websites linking to yours.

When reputable and relevant websites link to your content, search engines view your website as trustworthy and authoritative.

Building a network of backlinks can be achieved through various strategies, such as creating valuable content that others want to share, guest blogging on authoritative travel websites, or reaching out to industry influencers for collaborations.

Services like HARO (Help a Reporter Out) can really help you develop your backlink strategy. Reporters looking for sources to quote will send a query out, and you can reply with information that they can use in their story.

If you provide high-quality information you may be cited in a story, with a backlink on a website that would otherwise be almost impossible to get on your own. This is how my travel website has been linked to by Forbes, The Washington Post, Travel Weekly, NerdWallet, the Associated Press, and dozens of smaller, local news sites.

Remember, quality over quantity is key when it comes to backlinks. Aim for links from reputable sources that enhance your website's credibility and boost your online discoverability.

Launch and promote your website

Now that you have a site, it’s time to put that baby out into the world!

But before you do, you’ll want to test it. Think of it like trying on your travel wardrobe before you go on vacation.

Go through each page, test the buttons and links, and make sure everything is working smoothly.

Don’t forget to test your website on a tablet and phone, preferably a couple different tablets and phones to make sure it works the same on each. Enlist a couple family members or friends to test for you as well.

If you find any bugs, glitches or broken links, make sure to fix them before you officially go live with your site.

Unveil your website to the world

The moment has arrived - it’s time to unveil your travel agent website to the world!

Just like announcing your travel plans to friends and family, spread the word about your website launch. You can share the news on your social media channels, send it out in an email to your existing clients, and let everyone in your network know that your new website is live.

Be proud of your creation and make some noise about it! After all, you’ve put in the hard work. It’s time to celebrate and invite others to join in on the fun.

Continue your marketing journey

Launching your website is just the beginning of your online marketing journey. To reach a wider audience and attract more clients you want to work with, you’ll want to promote your website through other channels as well.

One way to do that is through email marketing. Build a mailing list with an email service provider (I use and recommend ConvertKit ) and send out engaging emails that showcase your travel offerings, share exciting travel tips and content, or provide special offers and exclusive promotions.

Nurture your email subscribers and turn them into loyal customers who keep coming back to you for more travel adventures.

The more experience you get marketing your travel agency, the more momentum you’ll build. You increase your travel agency’s visibility, and create a buzz that draws eager travelers to your virtual doorstep.

The bottom line

Now it's time to put your newfound knowledge into action. Take the first step and start building your travel agent website.

Remember, it's not just a website—it's a platform to tell your story, connect with adventurers, and bring their travel dreams to life.

So, go forth, create, and conquer the digital world. Your website awaits, and so do the countless travelers seeking their next extraordinary journey.

Not sure you’re ready to take this website journey on your own? Check out The Savvy Travel Advisor's website copy and creation services here .

  • Copywriting
  • New Travel Advisors

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  • Website Planet

10 Best (FREE) Website Builders for Travel Bloggers in 2024

Alexander Banerjee

Short on Time? These Are the Best Website Builders for Travel Bloggers in 2024

  • Wix – Largest selection of travel-related blog templates and full creative control.
  • SITE123 – Beginner-friendly editor with great blogging tools to get your site set up quickly.
  • Squarespace – Showcase your adventures with striking templates for visually-focused travel blogs.

See 3 More Great Options | Comparison Table

  • What We Look For in the Best Website Builders for Travel Bloggers
  • High-quality templates. These builders offer a selection of striking blog templates that will display your travel photos in all their glory and do it on any device – desktop, tablet, or mobile.
  • Ease-of-use. With these services, you don’t need to know how to code to build a stunning travel blog. All you have to do to customize the look and feel of your template is drag and drop or point and click.
  • Advanced blogging tools. Every builder on this list offers useful blogging features, from post scheduling and an RSS feed to social media sharing and comments.These tools can help you build a sense of community – and keep followers engaged.
  • Features to drive traffic. In addition to powerful built-in SEO tools that help your blog rank higher in search engine results, these builders offer additional social media and marketing features to boost visibility and grow your audience.
  • Mobile-friendly experience. I prioritized builders that offer mobile-friendly blogging, so you can post and manage comments while traveling.
  • 1. Wix: Best Templates and Features for Travel Blogging

Wix Travel Blog template

Save up to 50 % on your Wix plan!

Limited-time offer - Don't miss it!

  • Multimedia features. Easily add photos, videos, podcasts, and other multimedia content to create a more immersive experience for readers. Dynamic effects, including animations and transitions, add visual interest.
  • Manage your blog on the go. You can use the Wix Owner app (or log into your blog on your mobile) to write and edit posts and add videos, images, videos, or Gifs from wherever your travels take you.
  • Automatic notifications . Send automatic email or text notifications to your subscribers every time you create a new blog post.
  • Blog performance reports . Wix Analytics gives you in-depth insight into your blog’s activity. You can view metrics on how visitors interact with your blog posts (views, shares, likes, comments), learn which are the most popular posts, and see activity for specific timeframes and time of day.
  • 2. SITE123: Best for Getting a Travel Blog Online Fast

SITE123 Wildlife Explorer blog template

Get 40 % OFF SITE123

Save 40 % when you sign up for SITE123's annual plan

  • Royalty-free image library. SITE123 gives you access to hundreds of free images and videos you can use to add visual interest to your blog posts.
  • Automatic site translation. When you upgrade to a paid plan, SITE123 will automatically translate your blog content into multiple languages, making it easier to connect with international travelers.
  • Exceptional support. Helpful live chat support is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Affiliate marketing. As your audience grows, you may want to consider affiliate marketing with SITE123 to make money with your travel blog.

build an online travel website

  • 3. Squarespace: Best for Image-Focused Travel Blogs

Squarespace Rivoli template

Save up to 30 % on your Squarespace plan today!

Plus get a free domain for one year!

  • Flexible blog layouts. Enhance your blog’s pages with attractive gallery layouts, including masonry, simple grid, single column, side by side, and alternating side by side. To add visuals effects, simply toggle options like fade in, slide in, or glide in and then set the speed.
  • Make money blogging. Turn your blog into a profit center with paid newsletters, podcasts, travel videos, and exclusive content.
  • Social tools and integrations. Easily create stylish social content to boost your blog’s visibility with the Unfold app to gain more loyal readers. Other features allow you to automatically sync content on your blog and social media platforms.
  • Useful analytics. Visual reports provide insight into your website’s traffic and visitors’ behavior. You’ll also learn which posts draw the most interest and reader interaction.
  • 4. Webador: Easiest Builder for New Travel Bloggers

Webador Explorer travel blog template

  • Stock photos. Choose from over 100,000 free and royalty-free images you can add to your blog, including high-resolution photos. Search by pre-set categories, enter a subject in the search bar, or filter by resolution.
  • Unlimited blog pages. You can organize posts by trip or topic on individual pages and nest these sub-pages in a drop-down menu, making it easy for visitors to find exactly what they’re looking for. There’s no limit on the number of pages you can add.
  • Code-free embeds. Expand your blog’s appeal by linking to other website content, such as a hotel you recommend, a specific attraction you’ve visited, or another highlight of your journey.
  • Multilingual travel blog. You can make your blog available in more than one language when you upgrade to a paid plan.There’s a small fee for each language you add.
  • 5. IONOS: Simple, Budget-Friendly Builder

IONOS Travel template

  • Automated ad campaigns. When you’re ready to start selling IONOS will help you design Google AdWords marketing campaigns to promote your blog. There’s a small monthly fee.
  • Tools to master SEO. When you sign up for rankingCoach, you will receive text and video tutorials that will guide you through the process of optimizing your blog’s SEO. The IONOS rankingCoach tool will also provide you with personalized tips on how to enhance your site’s search engine ranking.
  • Free favicon and logo. IONOS’s handy AI tools let you design a favicon or a personalized logo for your travel blog. Put them on your blog and social profiles to boost your brand’s awareness.
  • Personal support consultant. If you have a design question or need help with your website, simply contact your dedicated customer service agent for personalized support.
  • 6. Best For Organizing Lots of Blog Posts

WordPress Meraki travel blog theme

  • Shortcode blocks. Shortcode blocks let you paste a simple line of code to embed widgets on your page, which is especially helpful for integrating third-party tools. For example, your email marketing platform can give you a shortcode that creates a sign-up form on your blog.
  • Social sharing features. WordPress will automatically send new posts to your social platforms (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Tumblr) when you set up social updates. You can also allow your readers to share your content on their own social media accounts to further boost your blog’s visibility.
  • Mobile app. With the Jetpack mobile app for IOS and Android you can create posts, upload images, and add pages to your site from wherever your travels take you.
  • Content ownership and portability. With WordPress, your blog’s content is yours so you can easily export your site to another platform if you decide to switch.
  • Other Notable Website Builders for Travel Bloggers

Shopify's 'enterprise' template

10. Hostinger Website Builder

Hostinger's 'Kodah' blog template

  • Choose the Best Free Website Builder for Your Travel Blog

Which website builder is best for travel blogging?

How do i create a travel blog for free, can i make money with a travel blog, what’s the easiest way to create a travel blog.

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How to Build a Travel Website?

If you are a traveler and want to use a travel website as your diary, this article has a few suggestions.

Building an attractive travel website is a breeze with WordPress, a free and open-source platform. To get started, our Neve theme is the perfect choice! With its carefully crafted starter sites, such as the Travel Agency demo , you can quickly create a stunning website that showcases your travel expertise and inspires your audience to hit the road:

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Depending on what your desires, the Neve theme also has a predesigned Vacation Rental starter site:

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🗂 Useful Resources

  • 5 Best WordPress Booking Plugins (Appointments & Calendar)
  • 10 Best WordPress Travel Plugins for Travel Bloggers
  • 5 Best WordPress Calendar Plugins for Events and Bookings (2023)

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Home » How To Design a Website in 2024: 7 Steps To Get Started

How To Design a Website in 2024: 7 Steps To Get Started

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First impressions matter, so it’s important to take the time to design your website properly. Website builders like Wix provide plenty of editing support and stunning templates, but we’re here to help you from start to finish, from finding your site’s purpose to setting a color scheme to adding pages.

You’ll want to consider your website’s aim ahead of time and adapt your design to suit your business, branding, and target audience. After all, a poor website design could result in the loss of traffic or sales – it isn’t something to rush.

But, where do you start? What tools do you need? We’ve pulled together a seven-step guide to walk you through designing a website from the ground up.

What You Need To Design a Website

Before you can even start designing, you’ll need a platform to build your website. We carry out regular testing of the market’s leading website builders to help you find the perfect fit for your needs, whether you’re looking to create a personal website or build an online store .

Here are our top website builders for 2024:

As you can see, Wix is our top-rated website builder overall , offering well-rounded features and 900+ professionally designed templates that cater to a variety of industries.

Website builders, like Wix, package web hosting into your subscription so you don’t need to worry about sourcing a hosting provider yourself. However, if you choose to design a website with a CMS platform, such as WordPress, you’ll need to purchase a plan from a web hosting provider before you can publish your site.

You’ll also need a domain name – this makes your website appear professional and helps repeat visitors recognize your website. Website builders often include a free custom domain name for the first year, but some, like Shopify , will require you to source and pay for a domain name separately. This can cost roughly $10-$20 per year, depending on your chosen domain.

Finally, we recommend gathering your brand assets and information before you begin designing your website . Having a business logo, visuals, and key content to hand will help you save time as you get set up.

#1. Set Your Website Goals

The first step in designing your website is to define your website and set your goals . With a clear vision in mind, you’ll reduce the risk of confusing your visitors as they navigate your pages. Here are a few things to consider:

  • What is your site’s purpose? – Get an understanding of your industry and figure out what you hope to achieve with your website, such as showcasing your products or creating an online community
  • Do you have a unique selling point? – Think about what will make your website stand out in the market and avoid replicating the style and look of your competitors
  • Who are your target audience ? – Your website’s design should reflect your goals and your audience, e.g. if you’re prioritizing customer engagement, there should be features like live chat and contact forms readily available
  • What actions do you want visitors to take? – Is your website largely informational and is that content easy to access? Do you want people to purchase products? Should you add a button signposting an action? Would moving your newsletter sign-up form make it easier for visitors to spot?

#2. Build Your Brand Identity

It’s essential to build your brand identity before you start designing. This will ensure your website’s look remains consistent, no matter which page users visit. And, don’t overlook this step if you’re building a personal website either – a clear online identity applies to both individuals and businesses.

Tone of Voice

Your website’s tone of voice needs to align with your business and website goals. Do you want to sound professional and formal? Do you want to sprinkle jokes into your site’s copy with a playful and friendly tone? The tone you decide on brings your website to life for visitors – it can make your brand or business seem approachable, inspiring, and authoritative.

Naturally, your tone of voice can adapt and change to suit its environment. Say you pick a relatively formal tone for your website, you can absolutely lighten things up for social media posts or add more bold and engaging copy into your weekly newsletters.

When testing website builders, I noticed that a lot of recently developed AI tools will adopt a set tone of voice when generating text. For example, I used Shopify Magic to create some product descriptions and I could add a custom tone or choose from a list of preset options for my prompt, including persuasive, daring, and supportive.

Tone of voice options when using Shopify Magic to generate product description

Color Scheme

Choosing a color scheme is incredibly important when designing a website – a signature color, like Coca Cola’s famous red, can set your brand apart from the competition and make your brand instantly recognizable.

However, certain colors are perceived differently by people . For example, green can represent wealth, tranquility, health, and nature. This could be ideal for a wellness business or spa looking to take online bookings thanks to the relaxation effects of the color. And, gray can symbolize simplicity, calm, futuristic, and logic – this color is best suited for technology brands and industrial businesses.

Personality of color infographic describing what each color represents

We recommend choosing one dominant color, with two or three secondary colors to complete the palette . You can set your color scheme based on your branding or products, or choose a variety of colors based on what looks nice! If you need some inspiration, Pantone recently revealed “Peach Fuzz” as the 2024 Color of the Year.

I started building a website with Squarespace and was impressed by the color palette editor. If you have an established brand with set colors already, you can easily input the individual hex codes. Alternatively, I could choose from preset color schemes designed by Squarespace, or even draw a palette from an uploaded image or single color.

Color palette editor in Squarespace's website builder

Now, you need a font style to complement your website’s tone of voice and color palette. Businesses and websites that want to appear professional and serious will gravitate towards classic styles of font, such as Arial and Helvetica.

A modern or more playful website might want to explore abstract or quirky fonts instead. Website builders, like Wix, offer a variety of fonts to choose from when editing, so you can easily test things out before committing to a style.

Just remember, strike a balance between an interesting font type and readable content – you don’t want to alienate any readers by using a font that’s impossible to decipher.

#3. Select a Template

Now that you’ve set your website’s goal and created a clear brand identity, it’s time to pick a template. A template or theme creates the structure of your website, shaping the layout and overall appearance .

There are several ways to start the design process of your website, but your options depend on your chosen website builder or platform. You could:

  • Create a design from scratch – if you’ve got some building experience, this is a great way to design a unique-looking website
  • Choose a template – website builders make it easy for users by offering professionally designed and high-quality templates
  • Use an AI website builder – share your vision with an AI tool and hand the design process over to the computer

Squarespace Blueprint AI asking the user to select elements for the website homepage

For most users, we recommend choosing a template, especially if you’re a beginner . Website builders, like Wix or Squarespace , offer a range of high-quality and customizable templates that come with example content included. This helps you get a good idea of what your site will look like at the end of the design process.

You simply have to swap our elements, images, and text to suit your needs.

Wix has the best selection of templates, with over 900 on offer . These are divided into industry categories or website types, such as “Wellness” and “Photography.” During our testing, this made it really easy for us to browse and find a relevant template.

Hair industry templates in Wix's template library

#4. Customize Essential Pages

Once you’ve settled on a template, you can begin to tailor your website with relevant pages. Most templates come with a selection of pages already built in, including a homepage, about page, and contact page – these are the essential three.

List of pages in Squarespace's editor

Of course, if you’re looking to build an online store, you’ll also want to add pages for your storefront and products. Website builders will usually add these automatically after the onboarding process.

If certain pages aren’t included after setup or with your chosen template, we recommend also adding an FAQ page (to help users get answers easily), a blog (to show expertise in your niche), and a review or testimonial page (to build brand trust).

As you customize your pages, remember your brand identity and target audience. Add sections and elements that make sense and ensure your key information is readable and accessible. You don’t want visitors to hunt around to find your contact details or your store’s opening times.

#5. Optimize Your Content

After adding your pages and content, you need to think about optimizing your site design. A well-optimized site improves the overall user journey and helps search engines, like Google, look favorably on your site.

Here’s what we recommend:

  • Make your site user-friendly – Consider the structure, layout, and user experience when designing your site so it’s easy to navigate
  • Apply SEO best practices – Lots of builders generate sitemaps and let you tweak your page’s metadata with a click of a button, but we rate Wix as the best SEO website builder thanks to its keyword support, SEO resources, and personalized SEO checklist which flags areas for improvement
  • Guarantee accessibility – Your website should be accessible for everyone, and not just designed with search engines in mind, so make sure your text is scannable, use plenty of whitespace to break up sections, and add alt text to images
  • Consider mobile users – Not everyone will visit your website from a desktop (about half of all web traffic comes from mobiles), so preview and rework your site’s design for different devices
  • Speed up your website – Compress your images or large files, and don’t overwhelm your pages with tons of content, to ensure your website’s load time doesn’t leave visitors with a frustrating experience

Mobile preview in Wix's website editor

#6. Launch Your Website

Feeling happy with your website design? You’ve got a clear vision, you’ve established your brand identity, you’ve chosen a template, added pages, and optimized your content. It’s finally time to check everything’s in working order before you publish your site.

We recommend asking your family, friends, colleagues, or even the general public to test the site in preview mode . This is a great way to get fresh eyes on your design, pages, and content. By this point, you’ll have worked closely on the site for some time, so you’re less likely to spot errors or notice any issues when navigating the site you’ve designed.

When testing your website, there are a few key areas to look at:

  • Links – Make sure all of your links are set up properly and direct visitors to the right page
  • Content – Check that what you’re trying to say is clear and readable
  • Navigation – Can visitors find their way around your website? Can they return to the homepage easily?
  • Different views – View your website using different devices to make sure your design looks okay on desktop, mobile, and tablet
  • Loading speed – Test that your pages don’t take longer than a couple of seconds to load (review the section above to help optimize your website)

Once you’re satisfied with your website’s design, publish it! And, don’t forget to spread the word by sharing your new website with your network. We recommend building some buzz across social media before revealing your beautiful website to the world.

#7. Gather Feedback & Evolve

You might think you’re done, but designing a website doesn’t stop once you publish it . Nothing’s ever perfect from the get-go, so you’ll need to monitor your site’s performance and request feedback regularly.

Maybe you’re thinking about rebranding your business down the line, or you’ve spotted a new design trend, or you’ve noticed a change in your audience – whatever it is, you have to keep working and improving your website.

Most website builders have built-in analytics or integrations, like Google Analytics , so you can track things like page views, the time users spend on each page, your site’s bounce rate, and your store’s conversion rate .

Hostinger's AI Heatmap tool in use on a website homepage

For example, Hostinger’s website builder includes an AI heatmap tool so you can easily track which elements of your site attract the most attention from visitors. This is a really neat tool if you’re looking for areas to improve on your pages.

Alternatively, you could reach out to engaged visitors, customers, and friends to see what they think needs some work. Requesting regular feedback is a necessary step for website owners if they want to keep on top of pain points or issues.

Overall, monitoring your site’s performance and audience behavior helps draw attention to areas that need tweaking. You don’t need to make changes every single day, but your website needs to evolve and adapt to the times. Visitors will appreciate it if their feedback is listened to and actioned.

Should You Hire a Web Designer?

If all of this seems overwhelming to you, consider hiring a web designer . There are a few things to consider before deciding:

  • Do you have the budget? Using a website builder is considerably cheaper than hiring a web designer, so make sure to factor in costs before committing to this design route
  • Do you have the time to design a website? If not, a web designer can help free up your schedule so you can focus on other business matters instead
  • Are you confident in your building skills? Hiring a web designer can give you peace of mind if you’ve got limited web design experience, but with the user-friendly website builders and AI tools available in 2024, everyone should be able to build a website, no matter their skill level

How to Design a Website: The 7-Step Journey

Now you know how to design a website – you can break the seven-step process down into three key stages.

To recap, you first want to understand your website’s goals and prep your materials , such as brand assets and content. This will give you a good foundation to build from.

The second stage is when you physically start designing your pages and elements , whether you use the help of AI or build your vision from scratch. This is when you implement your color scheme, font type, and tone of voice – and also play around with your copy and imagery to get them in the right position.

Lastly, the third stage is all about getting that site live for visitors and adapting your design when necessary . It’s important to ask for feedback regularly and make changes that suit your website’s visitors and customers.

Can I design my website for free?

How much does it cost to design a website.

If you don’t feel confident when it comes to designing a website, you can always hire a web designer or developer to handle things for you. Of course, this will cost more than a traditional do-it-yourself website builder.

How hard is it to design a website?

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How to make a website.

  • Sign up for a website builder plan and start with a responsive, pre-built layout.
  • Add your own images, logos, and text to build your brand.
  • Add or remove sections to customize your web pages.
  • Grow your business by adding ecommerce features and third party integrations.
  • Publish your site and grow your audience with SEO, social media and marketing features.

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How to make an online store.

  • Sign up for a plan.
  • Pick an ecommerce template - or easily add an online store to any design.
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  • Promote your store with a blog and advanced SEO and marketing features as your business grows.

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What does a subscription include? is the best website builder to help you grow your online presence. With a free plan, you can create a free website, host your content, sell products, reach international audiences, and market your online presence. Every subscription includes access to an easy website editor, a free website name, plus web hosting to get seen online.

As your business grows, you can choose premium plans that include a custom domain name for one year, professional domain emails, more website resources, advanced online store tools, and much more.

How easy is it to make a website?

Using is the easiest way to make a website! Our tools provide the freedom to create your free website without any design or coding knowledge. You can even create your entire website, from start to finish, right from a mobile device! Just start with a pre-made layout, add your own website content, and click publish to get online. is the best website builder for busy business owners looking to quickly get online. Need a hand? Our team of designers offer design services to help you craft your website on the editor, so you can have total control of your website after your design is complete.

Why is the best choice to make my website?

With, experience the freedom to create a unique and professional website on your own. The website builder is the easiest way to make a website, and you can even create your entire website on your smart phone! You can start with a layout and personalize it, or hire our design experts to make your website for you.

When you choose, you're choosing the absolute easiest tools to create a professional website: professional layouts, free stock photos, free secure web hosting, and a committed support team. You can even make an online store entirely for free.

With over 1 million websites built with, you'll be in good company.

Can someone build my website for me?

The website builder is easy to use, and is great for a DIY approach to making an online presence. If you would rather have someone create your website for you, we can take care of it! Our designers offer web design and marketing services so you can focus on your business, while we take care of your online presence. Your website will be published on the website builder, allowing you to easily make future tweaks to your design at no additional design charge. Or, feel free to reach out to our team if you need design services after launch.

Can I make a website without knowing how to code?

Absolutely, that's what is here for! Easily create your free website with the website maker. All you need to make a website is a account, and a smart phone or computer! Our designer layouts and pre-made sections allow you to simply add your own content, and click publish to get your responsive website online. Of course, if you do know how to code, feel free to add advanced functionality with custom HTML sections and access custom code areas in the editor.

How do I make my website mobile friendly?

Globally, 62% of users access the internet using a mobile phone, which means having a mobile-friendly website is key for reaching potential visitors. Mobile-friendliness is also a crucial aspect of SEO.

That's why all websites made with are responsive, which means they are automatically optimized for both mobile and desktop devices! Your website will provide website visitors with an amazing user experience, whether they're viewing your website on their phones or on a computer.

Why does my business need a website?

Today, 91% of consumers look online to search for goods or services, and 84% view a business with a website as more credible. Owning a website is crucial for small business owners in order to gain credibility and get found by both new and existing customers. is the best website builder to create your professional business website. Our tools give you the freedom to make a free website and get online as easily as possible. Publish your online presence as fast as possible, and access third-party integrations to add advanced functionality to help your business flourish.

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All plans include reliable web hosting, allowing your website to be seen online around the world. An online presence requires web hosting in order to store your website's files (info, images, text, and other content that make up your website) so your website can be published and visible on the internet. With, your web content will be stored on our secure servers located in Vancouver, Canada. With a free website plan, you can get online with

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How to make an online portfolio that will impress clients

Learn how to make an online portfolio that highlights your skills and earns you business.

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A great online portfolio website demonstrates not only your skills, but also your personality and passions.

When you’re hyper-focused on the amazing work you do, it’s tough to make time to work on your own online portfolio. But investing time into your portfolio is crucial if you want to keep winning new clients. Not only does it give you a place to display your projects, but it also allows you to show off what makes you — and your work — so unique. 

How to make an online portfolio

If you’re not sure how to put together a portfolio, getting started can feel overwhelming. It helps to break the process into these four focus areas. 

1. Determine the purpose of your online portfolio website

While portfolio websites and personal websites are similar, the goals are often different. Online portfolios exist to showcase your work, so it’s crucial to define your niche so your portfolio has a clear purpose.  

Before you start building an online portfolio website, answer these questions:

  • What type of work do I want to do?
  • Who are the potential clients I want to attract?
  • How will my portfolio function to further my career?

Maybe you’re a graphic designer who loves tech and you’d love to work with more tech companies. Or you're a concert photographer and you're looking to make a photography portfolio . Whatever your interests are, your portfolio should be geared towards the potential clients and new projects you want to take on. 

Take a look at this portfolio from UX designer Gregory Christian below. He’s worked with an impressive array of tech-related clients, and his design demonstrates that he knows how to deliver a website with the hip and modern feel that these types of companies are after. It’s obvious what kind of work he’s interested in.​​

An image of Greg Christian's portfolio home page.

The purpose of your online portfolio should influence the projects you feature, the content you produce, and the overall web design of your portfolio web page. Make sure everything from your custom domain name to the typography and color choices communicate your style and talents. 

Site visitors should get a feel for the type of work you do as soon as they land on your homepage. This way, when your ideal client lands on your site, they’ll be intrigued right away. 

2. Build a portfolio website that matches your personality and skills

An online portfolio website should be more than just a collection of your work — it should be a chance for people to get to know you and what you value.

UX designer and content marketer Mel Perry opens her design portfolio homepage by saying that she believes in “designing simple, authentic experiences that feel native to all people.”

An image of Mel Perry's portfolio website.

Mel tells us how inclusivity guides her design work. She goes beyond a simple project gallery by also sharing what she is passionate about, which helps her build a stronger connection with potential clients.

If you love Mel’s web design, you can clone the template in Webflow . 

Consider the site format

A professional portfolio can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be — it all depends on your aesthetic and the type of work you want to earn. If you’re a photographer, a simple one-page website that showcases some of your best photographs could be very effective. But if you’re a professional web designer hoping to take on major website projects, it makes sense to show off your design skills through your website. In fact, one Webflow user ramped up revenue from $0-100K by strategically designing his website with his ideal customer in mind. 

Whether you choose to use a template or build from scratch — don’t forget about search engine optimization (SEO). Because a perfect online portfolio website won’t do you any good if no one can find it. If you’re not sure where to start, check out our essential SEO guide . 

Customize with illustrations, typography, and layout

Bold design choices give you a portfolio that doesn’t look like everyone else's. And remember, you can still get creative without sacrificing usability.

Take Jonathan Morin’s portfolio , for instance. Jonathan maximizes every bit of space of their portfolio for Jomor Design. Text floats and spins, and images shift. Jonathan keeps you intrigued with an interactive experience. 

An image of Jomor Design — Jonathan Mor

Of course, you don’t have to be a professional designer to make an online portfolio that catches the eye. Rachael Pilcher's website, Mighty Fine Copy , is full of quirky characters and delightful animations, along with well-written content. Copywriting portfolios aren’t usually known for their visual dazzle, so Rachael’s colorful site stands out. 

An image of Rachael Pilcher's website, Mighty Fine Copy.

Illustrations and rainbow color palettes aren’t your thing? Consider leaning into a popular design trend — oversized typography. Going big with your font sizes can help fill space in an impactful way because it makes text the central focus of the design. 

Whatever your area of expertise — whether you’re a graphic designer, web designer, copywriter, or other type of creative — you can use visuals to transform your average-looking portfolio into something extraordinary.

Build and visually design a full portfolio website in just 21 days — with our free online course.

3. Showcase your best work

The goal of an online portfolio is to win new clients — so put the spotlight on what you do best.

Maybe you create hand-drawn lettering full of inky stylized flourishes. Or perhaps your talents lie in crafting sophisticated web designs. You may even be a wordsmith, churning out funny and conversational UX writing . Whatever your area of specialization, your online portfolio should show off your unique talents.

An image of Luci Badenhorst's portfolio website.

Think about how you want to present your work. Ask yourself what a potential client would want to see and experience, then choose a layout that delivers that experience. 

For example, Luci Badenhorst uses individual pages for each discipline — design, illustration, photography, and web — so potential clients can jump to the work that’s most relevant to their needs. 

Meanwhile, Frank Myles focuses on a single discipline — illustration — for his portfolio site, Everything is Bad . Frank gets right to the point by including illustrations and client names on the homepage. Each image is clickable and takes site visitors to a landing page with project details. 

An image of Frank Myle's website; "Everything is Bad"

Including client testimonials is another great way to build confidence in your skills. Add a testimonial slider or grid area for reviews so your happy customers can sell your services for you. 

4. Make it easy for potential clients to get in touch

While this may seem obvious, many online portfolios focus so much on design that they forget about the site’s main purpose — to connect you with potential customers. 

Be sure to include contact information such as an email address, phone number, or a contact form built into the site. And don’t forget about your social media accounts and profiles on relevant websites such as Behance or GitHub. You can dedicate an entire page to contact information and profiles, place links in the website footer, or even put a big “contact me” button on the homepage — just make it as easy as possible for interested clients to reach you. 

Build your portfolio with Webflow

Whether you want to start from scratch or use one of our many templates , Webflow is a great portfolio builder. With an intuitive interface and plenty of online support, it’s easy to get your customizable personal website up and running.

Webflow offers a great selection of templates that have features like an About page, contact form, blog, and testimonial pages already built in so you can focus on what's important — showcasing all of your brilliant work and content.

A portfolio is an ongoing project that’s never really finished. What this means is that after you land more gigs, you’ll want to refresh your portfolio with your newest and best work. Webflow’s content management system (CMS) lets you manage your projects in one place with CMS templates, rather than having to hassle with changing the layout. Webflow’s CMS functions in maintaining dynamic content in a way that’s simple.

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MyTravelGov provides a modernized platform where you can submit and check on requests to the Bureau of Consular Affairs. To get started, create  MyTravelGov  account. With an account, you can apply for an electronic Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) in most countries. 

Video: How to Create a MyTravelGov Account

Follow the steps in the video to setup your account today!

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    MyTravelGov. MyTravelGov provides a modernized platform where you can submit and check on requests to the Bureau of Consular Affairs. To get started, create MyTravelGov account. With an account, you can apply for an electronic Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) in most countries.

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