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Motorhoming & Campervanning in Portugal- Ultimate Guide

Motorhoming and campervanning in Portugal- complete guide

Planning a motorhome or campervan trip to Portugal? Want to see some of the most breathtaking places in Europe? Here’s everything you need to know to go campervanning or motorhoming in Portugal, including routes and places to visit.

Don’t forget to download your FREE Europe motorhome travel checklist below to help you plan your Portugal road trip.

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Motorhoming in Portugal- why you should go!

Portugal has a little bit of everything- dramatic coastline with sandy beaches, caves, mountains, fantastic cuisine and history. Oh, and wine. Lots and lots of lovely wine. It’s wonderfully traditional and many parts of it still feel utterly untouched by the modern world.

One of the best things about being able to explore Portugal on a motorhoming holiday is that you can see the differences between the regions, try the local cuisine (and wine!) and really get a feel for the country in a short space of time.

It’s also one of the cheapest countries in western Europe, so you can travel on a small budget without much issue.

In this guide, we’re going to share with you everything you need to know to go motorhoming or campervanning in Portugal, including getting to Portugal and planning your route, where to stay (motorhome campsites, aires or wild camping with your camper), some road trip ideas and places to visit, driving tips and other practical advice to help you have an amazing Portuguese road trip.

We’re also going to share some things NOT to do- like use your dash-cam! (Did you know dash-cams are illegal in Portugal?!)

If this is your first campervanning trip to Portugal (or Europe!), don’t forget to grab your free motorhome travel checklist which will help you plan and organise everything you need.

Planning to take your motorhome to Europe?

Europe Motorhome travel checklist- FREE

GUIDE: Stop the overwhelm with our step-by-step guide. Contains eBook, checklists and more. Complete Europe Motorhome Travel Toolkit

CHECKLIST: Don’t forget to grab your FREE Europe motorhome travel checklist HERE

GEAR – If you need any motorhome gear for touring Europe, here’s what we recommend.

Campervanning in Portugal- Where to go

When planning a motorhome trip to Portugal, the first thing you need to do is decide where you’re going (and how long you have for your adventure!)

How long to go for?

If you’re driving from the UK to Portugal (we’ll cover that shortly), you need to allow at least 2 days from arriving in France (by either ferry or Eurotunnel ) to get to Portugal. And that’s 2 days of pretty much solid driving (it’s about 15 and a half hours (1013 miles) from Calais to the north-eastern Portuguese border)

We don’t recommend visiting Portugal if you only have a week for your road trip. It’s too far and all you’ll do is drive there and back. Of course, if you’re going to rent a motorhome and fly in, that’s perfectly doable in a week (more on that shortly).

If you have a couple of weeks, you can certainly explore a good chunk of Portugal, but you will be doing a lot of driving unless you stick to just the North of the country.

Portugal isn’t a huge country- it only takes about 7 hours (470miles) to drive from North to South, so once you’re there it’s easy to see a lot in a short space of time.

Motorhoming and campervanning in Portugal- complete guide

Highlights of a Portugal Motorhoming Holiday

Some of the best places to visit when campervanning in Portugal include:

  • The Algarve – the beaches there are some of the best in Europe
  • Lisbon – one of Europe’s most historical cities
  • Sintra- it really does look like something from a fairytale
  • Alentejo National Park- the largest protected coastal Natural Park in Europe
  • Porto- one of the oldest ports in the world
  • Cape St Vincent- Europe’s most south-westerly point
  • Serra Da Estrela- Portugal’s highest mountain range
  • Duoro Valley- if you like wine, here’s the place to go
  • Megaliths near Évora- these are amazing!

If you enjoy reading books before a trip, here are some we recommend:

Lonely Planet Spain & Portugal's Best Trips (Road Trips Guide)

See more fun and practical motorhoming books we recommend reading

When to go motorhome touring in Portugal 

Portugal has one of the warmest climates in Europe. As such, it’s a magnet for northern Europeans- especially in winter.

Campervanning in Portugal in winter

Portugal is great in winter. It’s one of the warmest places in Europe in February with average temperatures of over 16°C.

The nice thing about campervanning in Portugal during the winter is that most things remain open, as so many tourists still visit, so it doesn’t all shut down like many other countries in Europe. (Of course, some campsites do choose to close, but there are still plenty open all year.)

However, not everywhere in Portugal is warm in winter. Expect snow and skiing in the mountains- especially in Serra Da Estrela (the highest mountain range).

Touring Portugal in summer

For us, summer in Portugal is just too hot. Average temperature in the Algarve in August is 29°C- that’s the AVERAGE. As we don’t have air conditioning in our motorhome, and because we travel with a dog , we try to avoid hot places like this and go motorhoming in Norway or other places with mountains and cooler air.

Also, it gets crowded in summer. Crazy crazy crowded. Beaches are packed and queues for tourist attractions are long. Being crammed in, especially in hot weather, doesn’t appeal to us at all.

Get more tips for summer van life and keep your camper cool

Motorhoming in Portugal in Spring and Autumn

As with most of Europe, Spring and Autumn are perfect times to explore Portugal. The weather is still warm (average of 19.8°C in April and 22°C in October), but the crowds from summer have gone and you might even get stretches of beach all to yourself.

If you want to go hiking in Portugal , this is a great time to visit, especially in Spring when the flowers are blooming.

TOP TIP: If you are travelling outside of peak season, definitely get an ACSI CampingCard – you’ll save a fortune on campsites all over Europe, including Portugal

Driving from the UK to Portugal

Did you know that Portugal and England have the oldest alliance in the world, dating all the way back to 1373?! (Just one of many fun facts about Portugal .)

If you’re planning a campervanning trip to Portugal, there are a couple of options from the UK, assuming you’re bringing your own vehicle (if you’re flying in and hiring, we’ll deal with that shortly.)

There are two ways people get their motorhomes to Portugal- drive through France and Spain or take the ferry to Spain and then drive into Portugal. There are pros and cons to each.

Generally, taking a ferry from the UK is much more expensive than driving through France (depending on the time of year and type of cabin).

New to motorhome or camper travel in Europe? You might find these posts helpful:

Tour Europe in a Motorhome; Motorhome Europe Travel

See all our Europe motorhoming posts here

NEED GEAR? If you need any kit or essentials for motorhoming in Europe, here’s what we recommend and where to find it

Ferry from the UK to Portugal

There are no direct ferries from the UK to Portugal. You can travel with Brittany Ferries from Portsmouth or Plymouth and go to either Santander or Bilbao (both on the north coast of Spain)- those are the closest ports to Portugal. (Bilbao is about a 5-hour drive from the Portuguese border- 480km)

A one-way trip on either ferry from the UK takes about 24 hours and booking a cabin is recommended. They also have dog kennels onboard but you CANNOT keep your dog in the ferry cabin with you (like you can from Portsmouth to Caen).

The biggest consideration to this ferry (apart from the cost), is the weather. You will be crossing the notorious Bay of Biscay- and it can get ROUGH. Even in the middle of summer.

As someone who gets seasick (hilarious considering I’m ex-Navy and lived on boats for 15 years) , I avoid this crossing and prefer to drive from the UK through France to Spain and then Portugal, but it’s entirely up to you.

Driving routes through France to Portugal

If you decide that you want to drive your motorhome or camper through France down to Portugal, you first need to decide if you’re going to take the ferry or Eurotunnel from UK to France (there are pros and cons to both).

The quickest route from Calais is via Le Mans and Bordeaux, crossing into Spain at San Sebastian. Then head towards Valladolid and you’re nearly in Portugal. It takes about 18 hours from Calais and you can join this route easily if you decide to come over on a ferry to Caen, Le Havre, Dieppe or Cherbourg.

This is our favourite route for a France road trip as you pass some incredible places (including some of the most historic places in France! )

Can I drive to Portugal in the Winter?

Yep. I know there are several huge mountain ranges (especially the Pyrenees), but generally the routes are all open, unless you happen to be really unlucky and hit it in the middle of a snowstorm (do check the weather forecast before travelling.)

If this happens, then we recommend stopping for the night somewhere safe (the beauty of travelling in a motorhome) and then continuing on when the snow has stopped and the roads have been cleared. Don’t forget you will need snow chains and make sure you have fitted all-weather tyres- more on that below.

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campervan travel portugal

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Borders / Customs in Portugal

There is no border control if you’re driving between Spain and Portugal. However, there are restrictions on how much tobacco and alcohol you can carry and it must all be for personal use.

Also, now that the UK is a third country, you are only allowed to carry:

  • Wine/ Spirits: 2 litres
  • Perfumes: 50 grams of perfume/ 250 ml EDT
  • Coffee: 500 grams/ Coffee extracts and coffee essences – 200 grams
  • Tea: 100 grams/ Tea extracts and tea essences – 40 grams

You can find a full list of all current allowances here

Hiring a motorhome or campervan to tour Portugal 

If you don’t have your own vehicle, or don’t have time to drive all the way to Portugal, you can easily fly in and hire one. Just make sure to ask how to get from the airport to the rental agency- not all of them are at the airport itself and you might need to book a taxi.

To rent a vehicle in Portugal you must:

  • be over 21 or 25 years old, depending on the company’s rental policy;
  • show identification (identity card for EU citizens or a valid passport for other nationalities) 
  • have had a driving licence for more than one year

Make sure you have proof that you can take the vehicle across a border into another country if that’s what you’re planning to do. Read the article below for other things to check as well before you agree to hire.

Don’t forget, it is YOUR responsibility to make sure the vehicle has the required safety equipment. The on-the-spot fines apply to you as the driver, not the company. Check in advance with the company what kit they will provide with the vehicle and what you will need to bring.

Take a list of what is legally required with you and check it off one by one as you are given the handover. Do not drive until you are happy you comply with the local laws.

You can expect to pay around £70/ day- be sure to ask the right questions so you know what to expect from your motorhome or campervan rental

Want to rent a vehicle for your road trip?

These might help:

  • Discover incredible deals for motorhome/ camper rentals
  • Find the best deals for car rental

READ: 10 essential questions to ask before you rent a motorhome

Motorhoming in Portugal- what gear do you need to carry?

Just like motorhoming in Spain , there are certain things you MUST carry with you in your motorhome or campervan whilst touring in Portugal.

Also, be sure to read the secton below about dash-cams!

Don’t forget, if you are driving through France and/ or Spain to get to Portugal, you need all the kit required by those countries, as well as the kit needed in Portugal. (Luckily, if you’re used to motorhoming in France , you’ll have pretty much everything you need already)

campervan travel portugal

Things you need to drive in Portugal- safety gear

These are the things you MUST have with you when you’re motorhome or campervan touring in Portugal.

  • Hi-vis reflective jackets – not as strict as in France, but you must wear them on the side of the road or hard shoulder or risk being fined.
  • Warning triangle
  • Headlight beam converters – if you have a UK vehicle. These must be fitted before you drive in Europe. (If you have a vehicle which allows you to adjust the beam automatically for European driving, you won’t need these.)
  • Car sticker attached to the back of vehicle or on reg plates. (NOT the EU sticker anymore!)
  • A spare wheel (and tools to change it!), or a tyre repair kit.
  • If you wear glasses you MUST carry a spare pair

TOP TIP: Buy these essentials for driving in Portugal in advance. If you wait until you’re at the ferry/ tunnel, you could spend THREE times as much! See the latest deals and best prices here

AA High Visibility Vest for safety and emergencies - Yellow

Using a Dash-cam in Portugal

This warrants its own section, because so many people don’t realise the law. Using a dash-cam in Portugal is illegal. Not just that, but OWNING a dash-cam is illegal in Portugal.

Now, I don’t think for one second that the police are going to stop and search you looking for a dash-cam, but I suggest you put it away safely before you get to the border- just in case.

Road trip accessories you MIGHT need when campervanning in Portugal

The following kit are things you might need to carry in your car, motorhome, caravan or campervan, depending on when you are planning your road trip in Portugal.

You will probably want an automatic toll tag- as many of the motorways insist on them before you can use the road. You can avoid these, but it’s a lot of extra driving. More on that in the ‘toll’ section.

  • Winter tyres are not compulsory but snow chains are mandatory where signage indicates.
  • Red/ white warning board sign – for bike racks or anything overhanging the end of the motorhome or campervan. Lines must point into the middle of the road. Again, this is a legal requirement in Spain, but worth having in Portugal
  • First aid kit – not compulsory in Portugal (unlike many countries in Europe) but worth carrying. Find out what we carry in our European first aid kit here
  • Spare bulbs for all lights in the vehicle
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Road Trip snacks and water- just in case!

Zelsius - 2-in1 Reflective Warning Plate - Aluminium - For Spain...

Motorhomes or campers with a total train length of over 12m

If you’re travelling in/ through Spain and your outfit exceeds 12m, you need to have marker boards fitted to the back of your vehicle. You can either have two small boards or one large board but they must be placed at the back of the outfit between 50cm and 150cm off the ground.

Your marker board must:

  • be yellow in the centre with a red outline
  • be made out of aluminium
  • be manufactured to ECE70 standard

This is not law in Portugal, but I fail to see how you’re going to get your 12m vehicle train to Portugal without driving through Spain…

What documents do you need to road trip in Portugal?

If you’re driving in Portugal, you need to carry the following documents:

  • Passport (or identity card)
  • Driving licence (check it is in date!)
  • Motorhome Insurance documents- check you are covered for driving in Europe
  • Breakdown cover
  • Vehicle V5 logbook (which must show your correct address)
  • Vehicle must be legally taxed and MOT’d
  • Trailer certification (may also need a document from your insurer)
  • International Driving Permit if required
  • Personal travel insurance

Do I need a green card to drive in Portugal?

Most UK license holders don’t need a green card to drive in Portugal. You may need one if you have a trailer- please check with your insurer.

Do I need an international driving permit to drive in Portugal?

Most UK citizens do not need an IDP to drive in Portugal, as long as you have a card driving licence issued in the UK (in date, of course!)

You might need one if you have:

  • a paper driving licence only
  • a licence issued in Gibraltar, Guernsey, Jersey or the Isle of Man

(If you do need an IDP, here’s an  in-depth guide on how to get an International Driving Permit  and which one(s) you need from a UK post office.

Touring Portugal in a campervan- Other useful things you might need

We’ve been touring Europe in our motorhome for several years. We’ve tried all sorts of kit- some useful, some not so much.

Here is a list of things we highly recommend when motorhoming in Portugal, but which are NOT essential:

  • Motorhome WiFi – learn our favourite way to get internet on the road
  • Toll pass (see below)
  • TV- If you’d like TV in your motorhome or camper , here’s how to get it.
  • Motorhome sat-nav – get one you can enter your motorhome dimensions into, like these
  • Motorhome security camera – this thing is GOLD for allowing us to go exploring and leave the van for a short time.
  • An awesome motorhoming logbook to record and remember your adventures!

road trip journal logbook

Motorhome stopovers & overnight parking in Portugal

In Portugal, there are several types of motorhome and campervan stopovers you can use.

  • Free/ approved motorhome parking schemes
  • Wild camping in Portugal for vans

Portugal Camping sites for motorhomes, campervans and caravans

It’s easy to find motorhome campsites in Portugal and they’re much like campsites anywhere else in Europe. Some are rustic and have very basic facilities, while others are designed for long-term visitors and have entertainment, clubs, pools and bars!

Campsites in Portugal are often a lot cheaper than you might expect, especially if you’re used to other countries in western Europe. Some are as little as 2€/pp/ night- but they are very basic.

Many campsites have either long-term residents who live in their motorhomes in Portugal, or have permanent statics or caravans which the owners visit when they can.

There is often one ‘main’ or municipal campsite in each town, which is signposted using blue and white signs to help you find it. Expect to show your passport or identification on arrival and many places require you to leave one passport behind the reception.

If you’re travelling out of high season and are planning to use campsites, we highly recommend buying an ACSI CampingCard membership , but be aware that some campsites either shut during the winter or are booked up entirely months in advance, so you may wish to book one too.

Also, many campsites put ACSI users on ‘lesser’ pitches (either bad view or no electric or drainage). You can ask for a different pitch, but will usually need to pay a supplement which wipes out the ACSI discount! This is especially common on the coast in the Algarve.

At some campsites, you will need to pay extra for shower or electric usage. Be warned- the hot water in the shower is on a timer- usually between 3-5 minutes per token.

If you’re campervanning in the Algarve, this is a great resource to help you find places.

TOP TIP : If you’re planning to stay in one area for a long time (30+ days), negotiate a special rate with the campsite directly. Most of them have some sort of discount- some are as little as £10/ day, including electric.

Aires in  Portugal

Aires are just approved motorhome overnight parking places- often provided and maintained by the local commune. Unlike if you go motorhoming in Italy , aires in Portugal are usually just called aires, like in France or Spain (they’re called Sostas in Italy)

There aren’t quite as many aires in Portugal as in France and they’re often a little more out of the way, but the network is still very useful and easy to use.

READ MORE: Learn how we find and use aires and approved free overnight motorhome stopovers across Europe

There are a mixture of private and municipal motorhome aires in Portugal. Private aires are very similar to a campsite, and often you can stay for as long as you wish (unlike if you go motorhoming in Germany , where 48h is generally the max).

Municipal aires are sometimes called ASAs and are approved overnight motorhome stopovers, provided by the local council. At these, there is a restriction of 2-3 nights maximum in one place.

You cannot book motorhome aires in advance- it’s first-come, first-served, so if you’re visiting at peak times you might feel happier booking a campsite so you’re assured of somewhere to stay.

A good tip is to try and arrive AT your destination just before lunchtime. Many people move on after. a lazy morning, and stop en-route, so you have the best chance of finding a spot around this time, but that’s when the day is at its hottest, so be careful.

There are very few facilities at an aire. You should be able to get water and empty waste, but don’t expect restaurants, pools or entertainment areas. Also, do not hang out washing, get your awning out or put chairs out- this is camping and is not allowed- the police will stop and ask you to move.

It’s always worth investing in a book of aires, as well as an online app- just in case you find yourself without internet in your motorhome (or without a wifi signal). Of course, the downside with any book is that it goes out of date, but don’t worry if it’s only a year or two out- most information about aires won’t change too much.

Motorhome guide Camperstop Europe 30 countries GPS

Other approved motorhome stopovers and parking in Portugal

Portugal EasyCamp is a scheme which connects local business owners to motorhomers and campervanners looking for safe places to stay overnight. If you’d like to avoid busy campsites and aires, but don’t want to risk wild camping, this might be the option for you.

It works very similarly to France Passion, with one big difference- you have to go online and buy the product or experience BEFORE you visit the location. You can then head there and stay for up to 24 hours.

READ MORE: How to make the most of Portugal EasyCamp

Motorhome camping in Portugal

Wild camping in Portugal for motorhomes and campervans

Usually, I am the first person to promote and encourage responsible motorhome wild camping . We enjoy it immensely and have done it across most of Europe with any issue.

Portugal has long been the destination for campervanners and motorhomers looking to stay off-grid, despite the fact that wild camping in Portugal has ALWAYS been illegal.

However, the country has been overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of vans in recent years (much like wild camping with a motorhome in Scotland ) and they have had to deal with years of abuse and mistreatment.

The problem with many of the campervans who visit Portugal is that they don’t have their own facilities onboard- and people have been leaving waste (of the human kind) all over the place. 🙁

On top of that, many wild camping spots don’t have any facilities, so people have been leaving piles of rubbish and even emptying their chemical toilets into bushes or over the countryside. Times this by thousands upon thousands of vanlifers and it’s no wonder the Portuguese government are trying to protect their country.

Is Motorhome campervan Wild camping legal in Portugal?

In January 2021, the Portuguese government passed a law which changed the highway code so campervans, motorhomes and caravans had to stay on an official site. It was prohibited to park and stay by beaches and places marked as unauthorised and it is also prohibited to stay overnight in any car park not expressly designated for caravans, motorhomes or campervans.

Wild camping was always illegal in Portugal, but was tolerated or overlooked if people were discreet although the rules were changed in May 2020 to prohibit campervan parking near beaches in Portugal.

Sadly, Portugal has been abused in recent years by vans wild parking. In early 2021, Portugal banned motorhomes and campervans from staying anywhere apart from campsites or aires. Wild camping was never legal to begin with, and was already banned completely near the coast, but they bought in fines.

I’ll be honest, I’ve been appalled by the pictures of waste and vandalism left behind by so many thoughtless and selfish idiots and I can’t blame the Portuguese for trying to stop it.

At the same time, I’m sad that a few idiots have ruined it for the many responsible and conscientious campervanners – we’re not all dirty horrible vandals.

Thankfully, in summer 2021, they amended the law BACK to allow “overnight stays in motorhomes approved by the Institute of Mobility and Transport for a maximum period of 48 hours”.

What this basically means is that motorhome/ campers with their own facilities like a fitted toilet are allowed to wild camp. Of course, PLEASE don’t leave waste (of any kind!) behind- we don’t want them to change back again!!

Wild camping is still banned near the coast, in National parks and near protected areas. Violations can result in a fine between 120 to 600€. 

Also, there probably aren’t enough campsites or Aires to deal with the number of people who visit in vans each year. There will need to be new facilities, more waste and service points and a new infrastructure and I’m not sure who, when or how it’s going to happen.

Motorhome and campervan service points in  Portugal

There are motorhome service areas spread around the country. Many are on municipal aires and facilities include drinking water supply points and places to dump dirty water(grey waste) and chemical toilet (black) waste. These areas could also have electricity power points for charging the batteries of camper vans and motorhomes.

We find them using Park4night, but you can also use this website (although it is in Portuguese!)

Driving tips for Portugal

Portuguese drivers have a luke-warm reputation- mainly because the country has one of the highest accident rates in Europe, but honestly they’re probably better than the Italians. Having said that, they rarely use indicators and will regularly cut wildly across several lanes to reach an exit. So expect the unexpected and you’ll be fine.

Ok, let’s deal with the basic rules and some tips for motorhoming and road tripping in Portugal:

  • Portugal drives on the right
  • Vehicles coming FROM the right have priority at junctions
  • On roundabouts, vehicles already on the roundabout have right of way.
  • Seatbelts are compulsory
  • Speeds are in km/h, not mph (you might want to change the setting on your motorhome sat-nav)
  • You do not need to have driving lights on during the day
  • Handsfree kits are allowed
  • It is forbidden to use a dashcam or radar detector for speed cameras
  • Road surfaces are generally pretty good in towns and cities, but can be bad in the countryside.
  • Avoid cities if you’re driving in a motorhome- many of them are too crowded and the streets are just not cut out for large vehicles. Park outside and use public transport to get in.
  • Trams always have priority everywhere- keep eyes in the back of your head if you’re driving near a tram network.
  • Emergency vehicles and military vehicles have priority over other road users.
  • You may carry a load, such as bikes on a rack, extending by up to 10% of the length of the vehicle to the rear. The load must be indicated by a board/ panel with diagonal red and white stripes – this is legal for Spain, but worth having in Portugal.
  • Bikes or a load being carried must NOT be wider than the vehicle
  • Helmets are compulsory if you are motorcycling in Portugal
  • There is no border control between Spain and Portugal – you can just drive right in

Roads in Portugal

There has been a lot of money spent in recent years to build new roads (hence all the tolls!) Most of the major roads have been resurfaced and are pretty good, but there are many older roads in more rural areas which are in poorer condition. You will be fine to drive them with a motorhome or camper, but slow your speed and drive with care.

Traffic Lights in Portugal

Traffic lights use the 3 colour system. There is no amber signal after the red, and a flashing amber light indicates “caution”. A flashing or constant red light indicates “stop” and is used near level crossings and to give warning of an obstacle.

Speed Limits in Portugal (unless otherwise signed!)

Breaking the speed limit could result in either an on-the-spot or an automatic fine being sent to you.

Cars and vehicles under 3.5 tonnes:

  • 120 km/h (74mph) on motorways and some dual carriageways
  • 100km/h (62mph) on major roads
  • 90 km/h (55 mph) on minor roads (out of town)
  • 50 km/h (31 mph) in built-up areas

Motorhomes and Campervans weighing over 3.5 tonnes:

  • motorways 100km/h (62mph)
  • major roads 90 km/h (55 mph)
  • minor out-of-town roads 80 km/h (50 mph)
  • urban areas- 50 km/h (31 mph)

Motorhomes with trailers or caravans

  • major out-of-town roads 80 km/h (50 mph)
  • minor out-of-town roads 70 km/h (44 mph)
  • built-up areas- 50 km/h (31 mph)

Speed Cameras in Portugal

Many roads have automatic speed cameras on in Portugal and they’re quite happy to send tourists a fine through the mail.

You might also find random traffic lights, which turn to red in the middle of nowhere if you’re speeding and make you wait for a couple of minutes before turning to green so you can move off again. These are surprisingly effective!

Drink Drive law in Portugal

Alcohol laws are stricter in Portugal than the UK. The legal limit is 0.05% blood alcohol (the UK is 0.08%) and applies to the driver of any motorised vehicle. If you’ve had your license for under 3 years, the limit is 0.02%

– A blood alcohol level between 0,5 g/l and 0,8 g/l is considered a serious offence, and it is sanctioned with a driving inhibition between 1 month and a 1 year and a fee payment of an amount from 250 up to 1.250 euros.  – A blood alcohol level between 0,8g/l and 1,2g/l is a very serious offence, sanctioned with a period of driving inhibition between 2 months and 2 years and a fee payment of an amount from 1.250 up to 2.500 euros.   – A blood alcohol level of 1,2g/l or more is considered a crime, that can be punished with imprisonment up to 1 year or fee penalty up to 120 days, and driving inhibition between 3 months and 3 years.

Low Emission zones in Portugal

Portugal has a low emission zone (LEZ) in Lisbon. It’s split into 2 zones – Zone 1 and 2. About 33% of the city is inside it, so be careful if you drive in. Find out more about the Lisbon Green air zone here.

Click here for more detailed information about how to find zones across Europe.

Tolls in Portugal

There are two types of toll in Portugal- both on motorways:

– traditional motorways with toll booths, where payment is made by cash, bank card or electronic tolls.

– Purely electronic toll motorways. In order to use these roads, you MUST have an electronic device in your vehicle.

Easy Toll uses your bank card and number plate to take payments. You enter your card details at a sign up location on the border and get a photo of your registration plates taken. The system will then deduct toll payment from your bank card every time your vehicle passes a toll gate.

Signing up costs 0.74 euros, plus a 0.32 euro administrative fee. 

This method is valid for 30 days, and the tickets issued at the toll must be kept as proof in case of a problem. You can find out more on the  Portugal tolls website . 

If you regularly use toll roads, it may be worth signing up to the Via Verde scheme which takes you through the fast lane without having to stop and pay.

Via Verde is the only system which works on ALL the Portuguese motorways. It also covers a decent section of Spanish toll roads too. You buy a transponder and then get charged or what you use. The nice thing about them is that once you have one, it doesn’t expire, so it’s valid for whenever you return to Portugal.

Personally, we use e-Movis for tolls all over Europe and we’ve never had a problem. These allow you to use the VIA-T lanes in Portugal

It’s worth noting that you need a DIFFERENT e-Movis tag for Spain and Portugal (one does both countries), than you do for France. So if you’re driving from the UK to Portugal, you will need at least 2 e-Movis toll tags in your motorhome and you’ll need to remember to switch them over.

Pre-paid Toll Card

This system is relatively straightforward and handy instructions are written on each card.

You buy a pre-loaded card with either 5, 10, 20 or 40 euros. You then activate the card with an SMS message, using the code printed on the card and the licence plate of the vehicle. 

There is a service cost of 0.74 euros for each card purchased. 

If you head home with credit still on your toll card you can get this refunded – just return it to the main post office in Portugal, the CTT.

There is also a Toll Service, which is a pre-loaded card with unlimited use for 3 days or previously defined journeys.

You can purchase these at the CTT post office, online at  or at various service areas.

This website also shows how much each toll road will cost, so might be worth a look when you’re planning your route through Portugal.

Driving in Portugal- what to do in the event of a road traffic accident

You should have a European Claim Form provided by your insurer before you leave. In the event of an accident, all parties complete and sign the form at the scene and then send a copy to your insurer for assessment.

What to do at the scene:

  • Stop your vehicle immediately but safely- out of the flow of traffic if possible.
  • If a vehicle is blocking the road, use hazard lights and put the red warning triangle 30 metres from the scene to warn approaching traffic
  • Name and address of all the people involved in the accident
  • Vehicle registration numbers of all parties
  • Insurance company details of all parties
  • Take photos of damage using a camera, GoPro or phone

For more details, read our step-by-step guide on dealing with a road traffic accident in Europe

Other essential tips for campervanning in Portugal

Petrol and diesel.

Petrol and diesel are widely available. Many fuel stations are 24h on the main roads and are self-service with card machines.

Petrol is Sem chumbo (95 / 98) – Green handles on pump

Diesel is Gasóleo or Diesel. Black or yellow handles on pump

Carrying fuel in cans is NOT allowed, even in small amounts, so be careful if you have a motorhome generator.

Some places are 24h pay at the pump, but may require you to go into the shop and pay the cashier either in advance or after you’ve filled up- there will be a sign to tell you what to do. (Leave your car in front of the pump and make a note of the pump number.)

You can pay using cash or a credit card. Many places do NOT take American Express. You can usually use your UK cards without a problem.

NOTE: It is illegal to run out of petrol when crossing Lisbon’s mile-long 25 de Abril bridge.

LPG (GPL) can be found at many petrol stations. There are actually more places than in Spain. If buying from a petrol station, you may need to wait for an attendant to turn the system on for you.

You can find places which sell LPG using

Remember, if you don’t have refillable gas bottles , you will be unable to buy a gas bottle which fits straight onto a UK system- you need a new pigtail. Portugal mainly uses the euro connector.

READ MORE: How we find motorhome LPG or bottles while touring Europe

Campervanning in Portugal- security

Portugal has a lower crime rate than many other countries in Europe, but vehicle break-ins do happen, as does petty theft and pickpocketing.

We highly recommend paying extra attention to your motorhome security when travelling in Portugal. You might even wish to fit an extra camper habitation door lock and never leave your vehicle unattended in an unsecure area.

READ MORE: Essential tips for protecting your van at home and on the road


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More useful things to know about vanlife in Portugal

Some more tips to help you enjoy your time in Portugal.

Emergency Numbers: 112 will get you everything

Language – The Portuguese are pretty good at languages. Portuguese is spoken, along with Spanish. Many of the younger generation speak English well.

Currency – Euro

Cards – most major credit and debit cards are accepted. American Express is only taken in large stores (not at tolls and often not at fuel stations)

Timezone – GMT (same as UK- yes, Spain is in a different time zone!)

Mobile Phone and Internet – It’s usually possible to use your UK phone and data in Portugal, but there will likely be a charge to use your UK phone data abroad. Please check with your UK network provider.

Tipping- Tipping is not expected but appreciated. 5% – 10% in restaurants is standard if you are happy with the service.

Shops – Food prices are pretty inexpensive. Traditionally, shops are open from Monday to Friday, from 9 or 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Some close for lunch from 1 to 3 p.m. On Saturdays, shops generally close at 1 p.m. though in city centres some are open in the afternoon. Many shops close on Sundays. Bigger supermarkets may be open, but will close at lunchtime.

Don’t confuse Portugal with Spain- the Portuguese are very proud of their culture and heritage. They enjoy life at a slower pace and there are plenty of queues.

Motorhome and campervan touring holiday in Portugal

Food and Drink in Portugal

Markets are the hub of life in Portugal. You’ll find one in every village, town and city, with a range of local produce for sale. Many people in Portugal only ever eat seasonally, so local dishes will change depending on time of year.

Make sure you have cash (including small change) and bring your own bags. Be warned- the markets are often held in the biggest car park in town- which is often where the motorhome parking is. Pay attention to the signs in these car parks- they will say when the market is and if you are unable to park on certain days.

Local dishes in Portugal to try include:

  • pastel de Belém/ pastel de nata- DELICIOUS custard tart
  • Francesinha – ham and cheese sandwich
  • Caldeirada de Peixe -stewed fish
  • Salt cod or bacalhau

Touring Portugal with a dog

Portugal is slowly becoming more dog-friendly. Dogs are now welcome in cafes and restaurants and are allowed on trains- make sure you have a muzzle and their paperwork.

Read more:  changes affecting travelling to Europe with a dog after BREXIT

They are not allowed on many beaches in summer and are not allowed into public places like museums. Small dogs in crates are allowed on buses and trams; large dogs are unwelcome on most of them.

Don’t forget how hot it gets in summer and to make sure your dog is comfortable. Do NOT leave them in your motorhome or camper on a sunny day- vans heat up just like cars do. Here are some tips to keep your dog cool on a road trip.

To return into the UK you’ll need a vet on the continent to administer a worming treatment and then allow between 24 hours and 5 days before re-entering the UK.

Be warned, there are MANY stray dogs (and cats) in Portugal- more than I’ve seen anywhere else in Europe. Feeding them is a bit like feeding seagulls…

Using a drone in Portugal

You are allowed to take and fly your drone in Portugal, but they are VERY hot on privacy laws and recording people without their permission- especially if you then upload the footage to Youtube or something.

READ MORE: What’s the best travel drone (and how to choose)

Drones and similar remote-controlled flying devices must be kept at least a minimum 150m from people, vehicles and buildings that are not connected with the drone operator. Flying must happen in daylight only and up to a maximum height of 120m. Never fly closer than 5km to airports. The drone must always remain within the sight of the operator.

Please check for local regulations and military or other special restricted areas where all the aforementioned activities are forbidden by law.  Here are current rules .

Other posts you might find useful:

  • Motorhoming in Spain- complete guide
  • Unmissable road trip ideas for Europe
  • The best logbooks to record and remember your road trip
  • Essential motorhome checks to do before you travel

See all our Europe travel tips and ideas

Campervanning in Portugal- complete guide on how to tour Portugal in a van.

Kat never planned to buy a motorhome. She also never planned to quit her job as an air traffic controller, go touring around Europe in said motorhome, start one of the UK’s largest motorhome travel websites… or get a cocker spaniel.

Find out how she went from stuck in the rat race to being a digital nomad and inspiring thousands of people to have their own epic adventures here.

If you’d like to connect with Kat, send her an email or follow her adventures on social media.

Last update on 2024-06-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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campervanning in portugal

Campervanning in Portugal – The Best Guide to Portugal Vanlife

  • December 11, 2023
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Campervanning in Portugal is one of the best ways to experience this beautiful and diverse country. In this guide, I share everything you need to know about Portugal vanlife, so you can come fully prepared and ready to explore.

When it comes to the best campervan destinations in Europe, Portugal often tops the list. With endless rugged coastlines, bustling cultural cities, and so much more, it’s not too difficult to see why.

We recently spent a couple of months touring Portugal in our self-converted campervan . We fell in love with its diversity, culture, wine, and, of course, its unrivalled winter climate.

In this guide, I aim to share everything we learned about driving a campervan or motorhome in Portugal. Things like road laws and regulations, where to camp, and the best places to visit.

There is plenty to consider when it comes to vanlife in Portugal. So please read the entire article to ensure you remain safe and compliant and make the most of your trip.

But with all that said, let’s jump into it. Here’s our ultimate guide to campervanning in Portugal.

Vanlife Portugal

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Driving to Portugal in a Campervan or Motorhome

When planning your campervan trip to Portugal, the first thing you’ll want to work out is how you’ll get there.

Whether you’re driving from the UK to Portugal or from elsewhere in Europe, this section will give you a few options to think about.

Alternatively, if you’re looking to rent a campervan while in Portugal, I also have some information on that.

Driving from the UK to Portugal

The most popular way of driving to Portugal from the UK is to cross over into France, then head South into Spain and on to Portugal.

Unfortunately, it sounds easier than it actually is. There are a lot of miles to cover between the UK and Portugal. You can expect to be driving at the very least for two whole days.

Also to take into consideration are the costs of completing such a drive. First, there’s your crossing from the UK to France, then your fuel, and on top of that, there’s likely to be tolls.

Tolls in France are notoriously expensive. There are ways of avoiding them, but they can add a significant amount of time to your journey.

I talk more about the difference between toll and no-toll roads further down.

Ideally, you will have enough time to stop over in France and Spain on your way through. That’s what we did, which helped break up the journey.

If not, you can find a breakdown of different campervan routes from the UK to Portugal in this article.

Portugal from UK

Ferry Crossing from the UK to Portugal

Sadly there are no direct ferries from the UK to Portugal. However, there are crossings into Spain which might be an option if you don’t fancy the long drive.

The two closest ports to the Portuguese border are Santander and Bilbao. Brittany Ferries have regular sailings from Portsmouth or Plymouth, and the crossing takes around 24-30 hours.

The issues with this option arise if a) you’re travelling with a dog or b) you get seasick!

While each crossing has pet-friendly cabins available, they often sell out months in advance. If you miss those, your only option is to keep your dog in the onboard kennels.

Then there’s the crossing itself. You will be crossing the Bay of Biscay, renowned for its rough sailing conditions. So if you get at all seasick, it might be wise to avoid it.

Driving from Somewhere Else in Europe

Regardless of where you are driving from in Europe, your road trip will ultimately lead you through Spain.

There are several routes that you can take through Spain. It will all depend on where exactly you are coming from and whether or not you want to make some stops along the way.

Either way, as long as you drive from another Schengen country, you can travel freely into Portugal without border checks.

Portugal Motorhoming

Renting a Campervan in Portugal

If you don’t have your own home on wheels yet, renting a campervan in Portugal is always an option.

With the rise of vanlife in Portugal, there are many campervan and motorhome rental companies from which you can rent a van.

Two of the more popular companies include Indie Campers and Siesta Campers, who have depots in Lisbon, Porto, and Faro. But there are plenty of others if you decide to shop around.

Regardless of who you rent a campervan from, you can expect to have everything you need for a convenient and comfortable trip.

Things like cooking facilities, a comfortable bed, running water, and campervan electrics  should come as standard. So be sure to check all of that before committing to your rental.

To rent any vehicle in Portugal, you’ll need to be over 21 (sometimes over 25, depending on the rental company), you’ll need a valid passport or identification, and you’ll need to of held your driving license for over one year.

It’s also your responsibility to check that the vehicle you hire has the required safety equipment for driving in Portugal. You can find more information about that in our road laws and regulations section.

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Vanlife Portugal FAQs

Since returning from our Portugal campervan adventures, we’ve been b0mbarded with questions about our trip. 

Here I answer the most common ones, excluding those about road laws and regulations. I have an entire section on that further down the article.

campervan travel portugal

Best Time to Visit Portugal in a Campervan

There are a few things to consider when planning the best time to visit Portugal. So here’s a quick rundown of what to expect during the different seasons.

December to February 

The winter climates can vary wildly in Portugal. For example, there might be snow and sub-zero temperatures in the north. Whereas the South Coast can see temperatures of 20 degrees plus.

Yes, The Algarve has dreamy, all-year-round weather conditions. With a winter that most of us can only dream of, thousands of vanlifers flock there, searching for some winter sun.

It still gets rather chilly at night though, so you’ll want to pack some warm and cosy clothes. Especially if you don’t have heating in your campervan!

March to May

As spring starts to bloom in Portugal, you can expect pleasant temperatures throughout the country.

It can be a great time to visit Portugal, as it’s still out of season. Meaning fewer people and, quite often, cheaper rates at campsites and aires.

While we’ve not experienced Portugal at this time of year, it’s meant to be the perfect time to admire the wildflowers and plants that blossom across the countryside and nature parks.

Serra Da Estrela National Park

June to August

As we approach the Summer months, temperatures soar, and so does the number of visitors. With that brings busier roads, crowded beaches and inflated prices.

If you are set on visiting Portugal during the summer months, I suggest going in June or early July to avoid the summer school holidays.

However, do keep in mind that it’s common for temperatures to reach 30 degrees plus, which could be quite uncomfortable when travelling by campervan.

September to November

The autumn months might be the best time to visit Portugal. We went at this time of year, so I might be biased, but I couldn’t have wished for anything more from our time there.

The weather was fantastic. Dry & sunny but rarely too hot, and I can count on one hand how many times it rained. The climate doesn’t allow for much autumn foliage, but it’s beautiful nonetheless.

By this time, the summer crowds have died down, so that you can enjoy quieter beaches and cities. Parking enforcements for campervans also seem more relaxed at this time of year.

Porto Itinerary

Is it Safe to Drive in Portugal?

Driving in Portugal is relatively safe and stress-free. Roads are generally in good condition, and other road users aren’t as erratic as they are in, say, Germany or Italy.

You will still want to have your wits about you, though. I noticed that many drivers don’t like using their indicators, and it’s not uncommon for them to cut across you unexpectedly.

The toll roads allow for the safest and quietest driving conditions; however, they can be expensive, so you’ll want to be selective.

It can also be stressful around big cities like Porto or Lisbon, so I would avoid driving in the city centres if you’re not a confident driver.

If you want to visit these cities, look for Park & Rides or Campsites nearby. That way, you can leave your van in a secure place and use public transport to visit the city.

We have some tips further down on places to stay with your campervan in Portugal.

campervan travel portugal

Can I Travel with my Pet?

Yes. You are permitted to travel with selected pets to Portugal. These include dogs, cats, and ferrets; however, they must meet certain requirements.

It’s vital that you check the requirements for each country you travel to. Rules change all the time, and you don’t want to find yourself in a position where your pet is quarantined.  

At the time of writing, pets travelling to Portugal from the UK need the following:

  • A microchip
  • A valid rabies vaccination
  • An animal health certificate*
  • Tapeworm treatment – administered at least 24 hours and no more than 120 hours before returning to the UK.

*Please note that pet passports issued in Great Britain are no longer valid.

We found the easiest way to cross over to France with a dog is by the Eurotunnel Le Shuttle. That way, you all stay inside your vehicle and won’t have to put your pup into the kennels.

Campervanning Portugal

Do I need a Visa?

Most tourists travelling to Portugal do not need a visa. However, from November 2023, the EU will introduce the ETIAS (European Travel Information and Authorisation System).

It will be an electronic system that keeps track of visitors from countries who do not need a visa to enter the Schengen Zone. It’s expected to be a quick enough process and will cost around 7€.

How Long Can I Stay in Portugal?

Tourists travelling with a passport issued outside of the Schengen area can stay for 90 days in any 180-day period.

It’s confusing to understand, but from the date you enter a Schengen country, any visits to the Schengen in the previous 180 days count towards your 90-day allowance.

If your passport was issued within the Schengen area, you are free to stay as long as you like. Lucky so and so’s!  

Couple in Portugal

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Costs of Campervanning in Portugal

If you’re wondering what a campervanning adventure in Portugal might cost you, here’s a quick breakdown of expenses*.

  • Ferry Crossing: 100 – 200 GBP
  • Channel Tunnel: 75 – 200 GBP
  • Fuel: 10 – 30 GBP  / Day
  • Insurance: 100 GBP
  • Breakdown: 25 GBP
  • Tolls: 0 – 25 GBP / Day
  • Food: 20 – 40 GBP / Day
  • Camping: 10 – 40 GBP / Day

*Based on 2 people travelling from the UK to Portugal.

Crossing the Spain/Portugal Border

It’s a straightforward process of crossing the border from Spain into Portugal. In fact, we didn’t even realise we’d crossed the border until our phones updated.

That’s because the Schengen area is a travel zone without borders. It allows both EU and non-EU residents to travel freely between the 27 Schengen countries without border checks.

National authorities can still carry out police checks at the borders. But this has only ever happened to us when travelling at night and never when crossing into Portugal.

Converted Ford Transit Camper

Can I Take Food Across the Border?

You will have no issues taking food across the Spain/Portugal border; however, there are restrictions when travelling from the UK to France.

Travellers from the UK are not allowed to bring meat, milk, or any products that contain them into the EU.

There are some exemptions. For example, powdered infant milk, infant food, and special foods or pet feed required for medical reasons. 

You can find more information on the  European Commission website.

 Staying Connected

If you’re travelling from the UK or elsewhere in Europe, you should be able to use your own SIM card in Portugal. But first, check with your provider about any applicable roaming charges.

If steep roaming charges apply, consider getting a local e-sim  instead.

Portugal has good 4G signal in most places. It’s only when travelling to more remote locations that you may not get service.

Tip: We use the  Huawei B535 4G wifi router  to help improve internet coverage when staying in remote areas.

campervan travel portugal

Portugal Motorhome Road Laws & Regulations

This section aims to provide accurate information regarding local road laws and regulations when driving a campervan in Portugal.

Remember, it’s your responsibility to ensure you adhere to local guidelines, not only in Portugal but in the other countries you drive through to get there.

It’s not uncommon for local authorities to pull tourists over for routine checks. They can issue on-the-spot fines if you do not carry the correct documentation or safety equipment.

Documents to Carry

Here is a list of documents that you’ll need to carry when driving in Portugal:

  • Passport or other valid identification.
  • A full, valid, and in-date driving license.
  • International driving permit if required*
  • Motor insurance – make sure you’re covered for driving in Europe.
  • European breakdown cover (Not compulsory but recommended).
  • Personal travel insurance (Not compulsory but recommended).
  • Animal health certificate if travelling with a pet.
  • V5 registration document displaying your current address. 

*If you have a driving license issued in the UK or another EU country, you shouldn’t need an  International Driving Permit . You might need one, however, if you only have a paper driving licence or a licence issued in Gibraltar, Guernsey, Jersey or the Isle of Man.

campervan travel portugal

Equipment to Carry

In addition to the required documentation above, drivers are required to carry the following items:

  • Hi-vis reflective jackets  – (mandatory to carry in your vehicle and wear if you need to get out of your car on the carriageway).
  • Warning triangle – not compulsory but recommended.
  • Headlight beam converters  – unless you have a vehicle that allows you to adjust the beam for European driving.
  • ‘UK sticker’ on the back of the vehicle – GB stickers are no longer valid.
  • Spare tyre and a tyre changing kit  – not compulsory but recommended.

Tip – Remember, France, Spain and other EU countries have their own requirements. So be sure to check if there’s any additional equipment you’ll need for driving to Portugal.

Ford Transit Camper Conversion

Portugal Speed Limits

Portugal uses the metric system for all road signage, which means speed limits, distances, etc., are displayed using kilometres. 

You must observe and adhere to local speed limits. Not only for safety reasons but to avoid any fines. 

If you don’t have a kilometre speed gauge in your vehicle, be sure to  know your conversions  to avoid unintentionally going over the speed limit.

Contrary to popular belief, it can follow you home if you commit a driving offence in Portugal. This is a result of the  EU cross-border directive, which was enacted in May 2017.

Campervans Under 3,500 Kg

  • In built-up areas: 50km/h (unless indicated otherwise by a road sign)
  • Outside built-up areas:  90km/h – 100km/h (unless indicated otherwise by a road sign)
  • Motorways:  120km/h

Campervans Over 3,500 Kg

  • I n built-up areas: 50km/h (unless indicated otherwise by a road sign)
  • Outside built-up areas: 70km/h
  • Motorways : 80km/h

campervan travel portugal

Portugal Toll Roads

Some of the motorways in Portugal have tolls, so you’ll need to plan your route accordingly. Most digital apps like Google or Apple maps allow you to avoid tolls if you’d prefer.

Routes with tolls are generally much quicker as the roads are quieter and in better condition. However, they are often less scenic compared to the non-toll routes.

Compared to other EU countries, it’s not so easy to Pay as you Go when using Portugal’s toll roads. Most motorways only accept electronic payment, which can be a bit of a pain.

The best option for electronic tolls is pre-ordering the Via Verde Visitor Transponder. 

You place the transponder in the front of your vehicle and fees are automatically deducted from the credit or debit card associated with it.

If, like us, you’re already on the road when finding out this information, do not fear. There are other options:

EasyToll  – You can sign up for EasyToll at any of the  4 border points. Here you’ll provide your payment details and a photo of your vehicle registration. Each time you pass a toll, payment will be taken automatically.

Pre-Paid Toll Card  – You can purchase these at your local Post Office. You’ll add pre-paid credit to it and then activate it over text message.

Pay Online – Finally, you can check and pay your electronic tolls online at Click on “Easytoll Services” and enter the requested information.

Rules of the Road Vanlife Portugal

More Rules of the Road in Portugal

Here are some more tips, tricks, and things to know about driving a campervan or motorhome in Portugal.

  • Dash Cams – Any dash cam or device that actively detects speed cameras or interferes with police transmissions is prohibited by law.
  • Road Use – In Portugal, motorists drive on the right and overtake on the left.
  • Right of Way – Drivers coming from the right have the right of way on junctions and roundabouts.
  • Horns – Horns should be used in moderation and never at night in built-up areas.
  • Seat Belts – It’s compulsory to wear seat belts.
  • Accidents – In the event of an accident, you should stop safely and use your hazard lights and warning triangle to alert other drivers. Exchange details with the other parties involved (use a translation app if required) and take plenty of photos to attach to your claim. You’ll also need to complete the  EU Accident Statement. 
  • Emergency Number –  112 will connect you to the emergency services.
  • Towing – Campervans or motorhomes with trailers are not allowed to exceed 18.75 metres in length, 4 metres in height and 2.55 metres in width. Loads must be at most 10 tonnes at a single axle.
  • Children – All children under 12 years of age and measuring under 1.35m must travel in a child restraint system adapted to their size and weight.
  • Low Emission Zones – Portugal has one low-emission zone in Lisbon.  Click here  for more information.

Portugal Vanlife

Portugal Campervan Services

Here I will briefly go through the various services you’re likely to require when driving a campervan through Portugal. 

Petrol is known as Sem Chumbo (95/98), and Diesel is known as Gasóleo. Fuel is readily available throughout Portugal. You can use Google Maps to locate your closest petrol station and compare prices.

Many fuel stations are open 24 hours, and you pay using a self-service card machine. Most of our UK credit and debit cards worked, but our EasyFX travel card did not.

At some fuel stations on the motorways, you might find that you have to pre-pay for your petrol with the cashier. 

In our experience, the price of fuel fluctuates throughout the country; however, generally, it’s on par with the UK.


The most popular supermarkets in Portugal are Lidl, Aldi, Continente and Intermarche. 

Lidl and Aldi are great for everyday items, such as fruits, veggies, meats, etc. However, if you want branded items or international ingredients, Continente has a better selection.

Again, the cost of groceries is on par with the UK. But you can expect to pay a premium for the brands you love at home.

Shopping locally and seasonally is most cost-effective when touring in Portugal.

campervan travel portugal

If you run out of gas when campervanning in Portugal, you shouldn’t have too much trouble refilling or getting a replacement.

We use the  Campingaz 907 Cylinder, which you can exchange at hundreds of outlets in Portugal and other EU countries.

LPG is also readily available at most petrol stations. 

Dump Stations & Water Refills

If you plan on doing a lot of wild camping in Portugal, you’ll need to know where you can find essential campervan services such as dump stations and water refills.

You can locate these easily on  campervanning apps  like  Park4Night  or searchforsites . 

It’s also worth checking with local aires or campsites as they may allow you to use their services for a small fee.

Campervanning in Portugal - Where to Sleep

OK, we’ve got all the essential (and, let’s face it, boring) information out of the way. So now, it’s time to start planning the fun stuff.

Here I’m going to run through all your options regarding stopovers in Portugal. By that, I mean places where you can stay overnight in your campervan or motorhome. 

Portugal Campsites

Wild Camping in Buttermere, Lake District

Campsites are pretty much everywhere in Portugal. They range from the extremely basic and budget-friendly to the more expensive and more luxurious end of the scale.

A basic campsite can cost as little as 5-10 a night. For this price, you’ll get a pitch to park your campervan and use of essential services but little else.

For 10-20 a night, you can usually expect an electric hook-up (link) plus onsite facilities such as showers and toilets.

Campsites at the higher end of the scale often have swimming pools, restaurants, and evening entertainment. 

It’s worth noting that many campsites in Portugal close down during the off-season. As a result, campsites that remain open often get booked up months in advance.

For excellent deals on campsites throughout Portugal, we recommend  booking with Eurocampings .

Tip: If you’re travelling outside the peak season, it’s worth investing in an ACSI Camping Card. The card allows for discounted rates at campsites all over Europe, including Portugal!

Portugal Campervan Aires

campervan travel portugal

Aires are approved overnight parking places for campervans and motorhomes. 

They operate similarly to what campsites do; however, you cannot book them. They operate on a first-come, first-serve basis. 

There are two types of campervan aires in Portugal – Municipal Aires and Commercial Aires.

Municipal Aires (sometimes called ASAs) are mostly found near larger towns and cities. They are generally free and offer essential campervan services. 

The general rule of Municipal Aires is to stay at most 2-3 nights. You also shouldn’t hang out washing or put camping chairs out as the authorities could move you on.

Commercial Aires, on the other hand, you have to pay for. They are usually around 10-12 a night and include EHU and basic facilities.

You can stay as long as you like at commercial aires, but remember; you cannot book them in advance.

You can locate Portugal’s campervan aires using vanlife apps such as  Park4Night  or searchforsites .

Portugal EasyCamp

Portugal EasyCamp

A fairly new concept on the Portugal vanlife scene, Portugal EasyCamp provides a sustainable alternative to traditional overnight stopovers.

The idea is to connect travellers with local businesses. It allows you to stay overnight at various locations, from vineyards and farms to rural tourism units. 

In exchange for your stay, you must buy a product or welcome pack from the landowners in advance. It’s a great deal considering the uniqueness of the experience.

It allows you to explore the real and rural side of Portugal, and you’ll also get to sample local produce and maybe even connect with a local family.

Ashamedly, we only just learned about this concept once returning from our Portugal road trip. But it’s certainly something we look forward to trying next time!

Wild Camping in Portugal

wild camping Portugal

Portugal has been a vanlife hotspot for years now. Long before the trend became popular, vanlifers would flock to The Algarve for its year-round climate and beautiful beaches.

Up until 2021, it was common to see campervans parked overnight in free car parks up and down the country. 

The authorities tolerated this behaviour so long as people were discreet and respected the environment.

After the pandemic hit, more and more people bought campervans and motorhomes. But unfortunately, not all of them were very sensible or considerate.

The lack of facilities at wild camping spots led people to leave their rubbish and excrement and dump their chemical toilets into the environment. 

Times this by hundreds and thousands of campervan owners, it’s no wonder the Portuguese government finally had enough.

Is Wild Camping in Portugal Legal?

After years of abuse and mistreatment of the environment, a new law was introduced in 2021 prohibiting campervans and motorhomes from wild camping.

Initially, the law stated that all campervans or motorhomes must stay overnight in a designated campsite or aire regardless of where you are in the country.

However, they later made an amendment, and this now only applies to protected areas, coastal zones, and national parks. 

Outside of protected areas, coastal zones and national parks, you can wild camp for up to 48 hours in a municipality, as long as there is no signage prohibiting it.

So, Can I Wild Camp?

Naturally, the rules do not stop people from wild camping in restricted areas. We ourselves wild camped on various occasions when touring Portugal and never once got ‘the knock’.

However, I believe we got lucky because we were campervanning Portugal out of season. I’ve heard plenty of stories of offenders getting fined during busier times of the year.

Of course, I do not encourage anybody to break the law. However, if you do choose to wild camp in Portugal, be sure to follow these  wild camping guidelines. 

And again, Park4Night and searchforsites are excellent apps for locating wild camping spots.

Watch Our Vlog Portugal Vanlife

Places to visit in portugal with a campervan .

From picturesque cities and charming towns to pristine beaches and natural parks, there are endless fascinating places to visit in Portugal.

Of course, how many places you’ll visit when campervanning in Portugal will depend on how much time you have. We were there for about six weeks, so we were able to cover a lot.

Below you’ll find a map of our campervan trip around Portugal, followed by a short write-up of recommended places to visit.

Unfortunately, we needed more time to visit all the places on this list. But I’ve also included the spots that are on our bucket list for next time.

Map of our Campervan Trip in Portugal

Peneda-gerês national park.

Penede Geres National Park

We are kicking off our list in the very north of the country. Peneda-Gerês National Park is the only protected area classified as such in all of Portugal.

The sprawling national park is a dream come true for lovers of hiking, nature, wild swimming, and other outdoor activities. 

Get lost amongst the rugged landscapes. Find waterfalls and wild swimming spots. Go canyoning or canoeing along the river. And discover medieval castles, monasteries and traditional villages.

The opportunities to adventure and connect with nature here are endless. Although I’m ashamed to say we missed it this time around, it’s a priority for our next trip

Porto Viewpoint

Our Portugal campervan adventures began in Porto – the second-largest city in Portugal (after Lisbon).

Honestly, we aren’t usually city people. We much prefer to get lost in nature. But we left Porto feeling incredibly grateful that we’d taken the time to visit.

With its impressive architecture, world-famous wine and cuisine, and budget-friendly prices, it’s easy to see why Porto’s popularity has exploded. It’s a beautiful and fascinating city.

I talk more about my favourite things to do around the city in this Porto weekend itinerary . You’ll only need a day or two to get around the highlights.

My only advice is to be cautious about where you leave your van when exploring Porto. Reports of campervan theft around Porto are high.

We parked our van free of charge at this park & ride location. A gentleman there watches over the vans, so we felt very safe leaving it while we were out exploring the city. 

weekend in porto itinerary

Douro Valley

Douro Valley

Another location we are gutted to of missed on our last trip is the jaw-dropping Douro Valley.

The Douro Valley is widely considered one of the most beautiful regions in all of Portugal. With its terraced vineyards and enchanting mountainous landscapes, it’s not too difficult to see why.

Located just 100km east of Porto, many vineyards that produce port wine are found here. It’s also home to charming villages, endless hiking opportunities, and breathtaking viewpoints.

It’s possible to take a day trip to Douro Valley from Porto . Or, if you have the time, I would visit there in your campervan and spend a few days enjoying the soul-soothing scenery.

Paiva Walkway Trail - Arouca

Paiva Walkway Trail

If you’re looking for something unique to do when campervanning in Portugal, I highly recommend the  Paiva Walkway Trail in Arouca.

The 8-km trail is part of the Arouca Geopark – recognised by UNESCO as a geological heritage site. The trail is made up of a series of wooden walkways that snake alongside the Paiva river. 

The route extends from Areinho to Espiunca, encountering a variety of natural scenery along the way. You may also see the Arouca suspension bridge – the second-largest of its kind in the world.

Be aware that dogs are not permitted on the trail, and there is no wheelchair or pushchair access.

Serra Da Estrella National Park

Serra Da Estrela National Park

Another unmissable spot for hikers and other outdoor enthusiasts is Serra Da Estrella National Park – home to the tallest mountain range in the country.

In contrast to the pristine trails that we experienced in the French Pyrenees, the hiking around Serra Da Estrella is rugged and almost eerie.

Huge boulders litter the landscapes (which reminded me a lot of Hampi in India), and there’s little to see in terms of flora and fauna. It’s bewitching nonetheless and well worth a visit.

We found this wild camping spot next to Vale do Rossim, one of our favourites in all of Portugal.

From here, we hiked to Covão dos Conchos – one of the most interesting attractions within the park – and spent time swimming and paddle boarding in the lake. It was fantastic!

Buçaco National Forest

Bucaco Forest

From Serra Da Estrella, we continued our Portugal road trip to the Buçaco National Forest – a 259-acre natural reserve and one of the most picturesque woodland areas in the country.

We stumbled upon this place while looking for hidden gems in Portugal. We knew we had to visit as soon as we saw the photos.

No less fascinating is the location’s rich history. Benedictine monks established a hermitage here as early as the 6th century, planting exotic tree species from their missions all around the world.

Navigating the moss-covered paths through the forest is like a journey through wonderland. Discover enchanting grottos, majestic ruins, and the star of the show, Buçaco monastery.

Coimbra Streets

If you are at all interested in Portuguese history, you may wish to add Coimbra to your vanlife Portugal itinerary. 

Coimbra is Portugal’s former capital city. It has a rich medieval history and boasts some of the country’s most acclaimed architectural wonders.

The most famous of them all is the University of Coimbra. Founded in 1290, the university is a UNESCO Heritage site and one of the oldest universities in Europe.

There’s plenty else to see as well. Be sure to meander the atmospheric streets of the medieval town, explore the grounds of the old cathedral and marvel at the beautiful Santa Cruz Church.

For overnight stays, there’s little in terms of campsites. You could try this municipal site, although the reviews aren’t very good.

We took our chances and wild-camped at this spot that we found on Park4Night.


Next, we visited our first coastal location in Portugal – the surfer’s paradise town of Nazaré.

If you’ve heard of Nazaré before, it’s likely because of its infamous surf conditions. Some of the highest waves ever recorded were in Nazaré, which is a magnet for extreme surfers.

Planning a trip around a natural spectacle is always risky, but the best time to see the enormous waves and the impressive surfers who brave them is between November and March.

Outside of that time, the coastline is still impressive. Praia do Norte, for example, is a vast expanse of beach that attracts surfers and tourists all year round.

As with most surfer towns, Nazaré itself is cool and vibey. Enjoy quirky restaurants and lively bars, or soak in the laidback atmosphere at one of its plentiful beaches.

Again, you’ll need to be careful where you park your van. I read many stories on Park4Night of vans being broken into. Your best bet would be to book a nearby campsite .


We continue your Portugal campervan trip to the country’s capital and one of the most picturesque cities in Europe.

As you would expect from any capital city, atmospheric Lisbon is teeming with things to do, see and eat. 

You’ll spend your time wandering charming cobbled streets, admiring the impressive architecture, and delighting yourself in local delicacies from pastel de nata to bacalhau.

This is a big, bustling city, so it’s not ideal for campervans or motorhomes. Many vanlifers stay at a campsite like this one  and use it as a base to visit both Lisbon and Sintra.

We didn’t get a chance to visit on our last trip, so I have no recommendations for wild camping, but there are plenty of options on Park4Night.


Located just 30km from Lisbon, Sintra is one of Portugal’s most extraordinary locations.

It’s basically a vast, majestic pine forest, home to whimsical fairy-tale palaces and other fascinating historic buildings.

Historically, the area of Sintra was a popular destination for Europe’s most wealthy and elite. They built their grand palaces and mansions here due to its slightly cooler climate.

While many people visit Sintra on a day trip from Lisbon , there’s plenty to be discovered here. You could easily spend 2-3 days enjoying its beautiful natural scenery and magnificent buildings.

Only Sintra is not at all motorhome friendly. That’s why many people stay at a  nearby campsite  and use public transport to get to and from the town. 

 Vicentine Coast Natural Park

campervan travel portugal

The Vicentine Coast Natural Park is a protected area of coastline that spans 100km along the southwest coast of Portugal.

While considerably less popular than the Algarve, there are plenty of reasons to visit this beautiful stretch of coastline. 

First of all, it’s one of the best-preserved coastlines in all of Europe. The dramatic cliffscapes and unusual rock formations are a prominent attraction.

Then there’s the diversity of wildlife, birdlife, and vegetation that you won’t find anywhere else in the country. Along with other highlights such as the local culture and excellent surf.

Of course, the park stretches over a vast area, so you might have to be picky about where you choose to visit. Sagres on the Southern tip should be on everyone’s must-visit list!

Remember, this is a protected natural park, so wild camping is not permitted! You can, however, find several campsites and aires.

The Algarve

Vanlife Algarve

We are rounding off our Portugal campervanning trip to one of our favourite locations in Europe – The Algarve!

There are many reasons why The Algarve is so famous amongst vanlifers and other travellers. 

Pristine beaches & remarkable rock formations, charming towns & villages, and a fantastic all-year-round climate, to name but a few. 

It’s also a fantastic location for outdoor activity enthusiasts. Enjoy excellent hiking in the Algarve, like the Seven Hanging Valleys Trail, or learn to surf or paddleboard on Praia de Faro.

Again, there are countless places worth visiting in the Algarve. Some of my favourite spots include Lagos, Alvor , and Portimao.

Wild camping of any kind is not permitted in the Algarve. We did, however, wild camp for a few nights along Praia de Faro without any bother. Otherwise, there are plenty of campsites and aires. 

Campervanning Portugal

Campervanning Portugal Essentials

We are rounding off this Vanlife Portugal blog with some campervanning essentials. 

The items, apps, and services on this list come with us on every road trip – including Portugal. 

  • Security Camera : It’s always worth having a campervan security system . Van theft is rising, so the more advanced the system, the better.
  • Motion Sensor Alarm : Another deterrent should anybody attempt to get into your van.
  • Apple AirTag : You can hide this in your van; should the worst happen, it could help you track the location.
  • 4g WIFI Router : Works using any sim card, allowing for better coverage in remote areas.
  • Ear Plugs : It can get noisy at night, depending on where you are camping. Ear plugs will help.
  • Levelling Blocks : You’ll need these more than you think. It’s not at all comfortable trying to sleep on un-level ground.
  • Blender : Smoothies are our all-time favourite breakfast. There’s nothing better than starting the day with a ton of nutrients and vitamins from fruits and veggies.
  • SUP Board : We love this activity! It’s made us even more intentional with our travels, as we always seek places we can use our board.
  • Jackery Solar Generator : Although we have a fully-functioning electric system in our van (link), our Jackery Generator is a handy backup on days when we don’t have much power.
  • Camping Chairs : An obvious one, but an essential nonetheless.
  • Head Torch : Again, pretty self-explanatory. 
  • First Aid Kit : Always handy to have, just in case.
  • Movie Projector : There’s nothing cosier than setting up a movie projector in a campervan.
  • Breakdown Cover: Always hope for the best but prepare for the worst. We had to use our breakdown cover on our first day of road-tripping in Europe.
  • Park4Night App: The best app for finding wild camping spots, campsites, and other campervan services. App: An offline map should you ever run out of data or lose signal while on the road.
  • Travel Insurance: The vanlife lifestyle has its fair share of challenges and worries. Having a suitable cover that protects you if anything goes wrong should never be one of them.

Campervan Essentials

Enjoy Portugal Vanlife

I hope this Complete Guide to Portugal Vanlife has you excited about your trip! It’s the perfect destination for anyone who loves nature, food, arts, and friendly people. 

If you’ve already been to Portugal and have something you’d add to this guide, let us know in the comments below. We’d love to hear from you!

Stay adventurous and Happy travels.

portugal flag

Planning a trip around Portugal? Check out our Portugal series  for more travel tips and advice. 

Charlotte & Natalie


campervan travel portugal

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10 best campervan & motorhome/rv rentals in portugal [2024] (by someone who's actually been in a camper).

Cazzy Magennis

We took our wonderful campervan (named Helen) to Portugal back in 2022 for an EPIC road trip around Portugal.

And, in our opinion, the best way to road trip Portugal is by renting a campervan or motorhome!

Sure, you could hire a car in Portugal , but we found that having our own camper here offered us so much more flexibility in terms of where we stayed each night.

There is so much to see on a Portugal road trip, from the stunning Douro Valley (I recommend you camp overnight on a vineyard!), to the fairytale castles of Sintra, to the famous beaches of the south! 

Luckily, the market for rentals is now expanding, meaning there's more choices on offer for campervan and motorhome rental companies in Portugal. 

But, there is so much research needed when choosing the best firm for you (uughhhhh, right?!) so we have done all the hard work for you!

In this guide, we have included the best motorhome rentals in Portugal, and the best campervan rentals in Portugal; along with a quick description of what each one offers.

As well as the best way to save money when you book!

Looking for a SUPER QUICK answer? Then head on over to Go See (Motorhome Republic) and start comparing campervan rentals in Portugal right now!

Want more details on specific companies?....then let's get stuck in!


How to book your chosen camper or motorhome rental

By far the best way to book your rental in Portugal is through a company called Motorhome Republic .

They have ( by a very long way ) the biggest database of campers and motorhomes across Europe.

They are essentially a comparison site which lets you search by your chosen dates and pick-up/drop-off locations to find the best possible deal.

A quick search on their site will show you which companies are available for your dates, saving you a LOT of time and effort.

Motorhome Republic Portugal Campervan and Motorhomes for Rent

For the best rental firms below, I have included their link to Motorhome Republic wherever possible as I recommend that's where you begin your search.

By far the best reason to book through Motorhome Republic is their Vehicle Guarantee . Meaning, if you book with a firm and then something happens like your vehicle suddenly becomes unavailable due to an accident or some other unforeseen incident, GoSee will personally find you the equivalent rental with a different company.

No other company can offer this, making Motorhome Republic unique. On top of this they have a huge team of support staff to help you with your booking 24/7.

For more info, read our in-depth review of GoSee Travel (Motorhome Republic) .

1. Camperline - Best campervan rental in Portugal

  • Pick up/drop off location/s - Faro, Lisbon & Porto
  • Price range - $-$$$ 
  • Best suited for - Couples & Families 
  • Availability - Check here

Camperline Campers in Portugal

Camperline is a great company, dedicated to those who travel in a campervan. Offering perhaps the widest and best range of campervan rentals in Portugal.

This is also popular choice amongst travellers as they offer third party insurance on all their rentals. 

Another added bonus is the unlimited mileage on rentals you hire for five days or more. Otherwise, they are capped at 500 kilometres per day if you are opting for less than five days.

The app and website are pretty user-friendly, and the consultants speak a range of different languages to accommodate people. 

Whether you are travelling as a couple or a family, you are sure to find something to suit your needs. 

Vehicles on offer:

Camperline offers five different classes of motorhomes ranging from class 0 to VIP class. 

Class 0 are simple self-contained motorhomes with a toilet, shower and small cooking area accommodating two people. As the classes increase, they fit more people and have a lot more space and facilities. 

The VIP class is for those looking for a more luxurious experience. It contains a lot more additional space and includes a bathroom and shower. 

You can add any optional extras if you need, e.g. WiFi hotspot, tables, chairs, baby seats etc. 

2. McRent - Best motorhome rental in Portugal

  • Pick up/drop off location/s - Algarve, Coimbra, Lisbon, Porto 
  • Price range - $- $$

McRent Campervan Rentals Portugal

One of the largest rental companies in Europe, McRent is a highly trusted motorhome rental company in Portugal. 

You will find many positive reviews online, and they have years of experience, so you are sure to be satisfied! 

The company stands out as they take many extra measures in terms of hygiene and disinfecting with the current pandemic. 

They also have a focus on sustainability and encourage users to treat the environment respectfully. 

If you’re also planning to visit a few other countries around Europe, McRent is an excellent option to consider as you are sure to find depots all over different countries. They are one of our top picks for camper/motorhome rentals in Wales , Scotland and Portugal!

McRent currently offers four different types of vehicles: urban, compact, family and comfort. 

The Urban class vehicles are suited for smaller getaways. The comfort plus can fit four adults and is much larger designed for longer journeys. 

All of the vehicles are quite spacious and equipped with basic kitchen and bathroom facilities. They also come with unlimited mileage and a comprehensive insurance cover.

3. SouthCamper

  • Pick up/drop off location/s - Spain
  • Price range - $$-$$$ 
  • Best suited for - Families 

SouthCamper Motorhomes

If you’re arriving in Spain but don’t want to miss out on visiting Portugal you can consider SouthCamper for your next family journey! This is another rental motorhome company that offers a variety of different vehicles as per your needs.

We love that the depots are located close to the airport, and SouthCamper offers free transport to and from the hub, which will save you so much hassle.

Enjoy the extra peace of mind knowing you will receive comprehensive insurance and get 24/7 breakdown assistance if required.

If you’re looking to cover Portugal and Spain in one trip, this company is a great choice as they have many depots located all around Spain. 

Their vehicles are designed for families or bigger groups. The smallest campervan sleeps two adults and two children, while the larger ones fit four or five adults.

All the campervans contain a kitchen and bathroom as well as an awning and bike racks.

The company offers only new vehicles which are a maximum of 2.5 years old which gives a lot of satisfaction to customers.

Like other companies, you can purchase extra add ons such as WIFI and GPS.

4. Ocean Camper

  • Pick up/drop off location/s - Faro 
  • Price range - $-$$
  • Best suited for - Singles & Couples 

Ocean Camper Campervan Rentals in Portugal

Ocean Camper is a great contender for the perfect motorhome if you’re looking to explore the Algarve coast with freedom. 

They specialize in mini campervans for up to two people. 

You will be picked up from the airport and transferred from Faro city, beaches or airport free of cost. 

The staff are accommodating, and the company is known for excellent customer service. 

Even though the campervans may seem highly compact, it contains everything you will need! 

They offer three different campervan models: Vagabond, Atlantic and Nomad.

The Nomad is an older campervan with no air-conditioning and a radio aux cable perfect for those on a budget.

Vagabond and Atlantic are newer models with features such as air conditioning, cruise control, electric window openers and Bluetooth.

All the campervans are complete with two seats in the front and a double bed at the back. You also get a full set of camping equipment to use for free on your journey. 

You might also like: Best Campervan Accessories

5. The Getaway van

  • Pick up/drop off location/s - Porto 
  • Price range - $ 
  • Best suited for - Couples, Families & Pets 

The Getaway Van Campervan Rentals Portugal

If you’re looking to make a mark, the stylish painted motorhomes from ‘The Getaway Van’ will be perfect for you.

The Getaway Van is a small family-owned business that is not looking to expand into a huge company but remains close to its customers and ensures they feel supported throughout their journey around Portugal.

If you want to take your pets travelling with you, all the vehicles they offer are pet-friendly.

You can also enjoy the flexibility of working remotely whilst you travel as all the vans give access to unlimited wireless internet.

Make anywhere your home with unlimited kilometres and campervans equipped with everything you will need.

All the vans are fitted with a double bed, dining area, kitchen area, air conditioning and outdoor hot shower. 

The majority of the campervans they offer can fit four people whilst they offer a few for five people. 

You can even enjoy a seaside breakfast as the campervan is packed with a kitchen and all the essentials. There are also multiple sockets included to plug your devices in. 

The vans are extremely easy to drive around Portugal. Even if you encounter any problems along the way, the team is extremely helpful and offers 24/7 roadside assistance.

6. Vanscape

  • Pick up/drop off location/s- Lisbon & Porto 
  • Price range - $$- $$$

Vanscape Campervan Rentals Portugal

Vanscape is another small motorhome rental company hoping to help you to discover the best things to see in Portugal .

The company aims for people to feel at home even when they are travelling through the remote areas of the country. 

You will enjoy the opportunity to disconnect whilst you are surrounded by a homely environment. 

Each of the Campervans they offer are stylish and spacious with a vintage look.  

The company currently offers seven different coloured vans, each with its own qualities. 

Each motorhome is equipped with the basics such as a solar panel, fridge and water heater. 

Guests will save money by cooking their own meals as a cooker, and cooking utensils are included. 

Like other rental companies, you can purchase additional extras such as a wifi router, bicycle, tent and other items. 

7. Fly “n” Surf

  • Pick up/drop off location/s - Porto, Faro, Lisbon 
  • Best suited for - Singles, Couples & Small Families 

Fly N Surf Portugal Campervan Rentals

Enjoy Portugal’s coastline by renting an affordable campervan and exploring the destination at your own pace. 

Everything about Fly N Surf says fun, freedom and enjoyment. The vehicles don’t have any big branding, so it’s perfect for those who want to be discreet. 

The campervans they provide are primarily normal vans that have been transformed into campervans and contain a large bed and storing area.

Fly n Surf are a wonderful company offering campervans for an easy-going holiday 

The company offers two camper models.

The first model, known as 'The Economist', is available at just €36 per day. In this basic model, you get all the basic necessities such as a gas stove, surfboard storage, camping table, chair and pillows. You will need to bring a sleeping bag, but they will provide it if you don't have one.

‘The second model is 'The Spaceship', which is much bigger and can accommodate up to four people. It is equipped with all kitchen facilities, a pump and a camping shower.

There is a range of additional items available you can purchase for an extra fee. 

  • Pick up/drop off location/s - Nationwide 

Yescapa Motorhomes for Rent in Portugal

Yescapa is similar to Airbnb, but instead of houses, you rent campervans. 

This company allows you to rent campervans from people rather than larger companies. 

It’s quite a simple process. You will be connected to a campervan host after choosing your vehicle and location for pickup based on your requirements.  

Because they operate across Europe, they can also offer more competitive rates to customers depending on the season and availability.

There is a range of vehicles available with Yescapa. You can choose from 2, 4, 5 or 6 berths, each offering a unique experience. 

You will be able to see a detailed outline of what is included in the price of each campervan or motorhome. 

The listings also come with reviews, so you will be able to view feedback from previous guests. 

9. Indie Campers

  • Pick up/drop off location/s - Porto, Lisbon & Faro 

Indie Campers Portugal Campervans for Rent

Indie Campers is a famous campervan rental company that was founded in Lisbon in 2013 by two friends. The company takes a more modern approach by offering a fully digital experience. 

If you stay longer, you will also get a better discount. You can even enjoy added peace of mind as you can cancel your trip for a full refund up to 15 days before your trip. 

They are a great choice if you are planning to travel around other cities, as they have expanded and operate across 14 different European countries. Helping them become one of the top picks for camper rentals in the UK , as well as plenty of other popular European countries.

Enjoy a digital and personalised experience of your trip around Portugal. Indie Campers will be able to accommodate the needs of all modern day travellers. 

The company offers eight different types of campervans to rent, which you can choose directly from the Indie Campers website, depending on your requirements. 

When you start your trip, you will be introduced to how everything around the campervan works to ensure you have a smooth journey.  

You can choose to add on different things to your rental for an extra fee, such as a heater, outdoor table and chairs or a small BBQ. If you work on the go or want to watch YouTube, Netflix or Prime, you can pay €20 for a WIFI hotspot, so you’re covered for the entire trip. 

10. Siesta Campers

  • Pick up/drop off location/s - Porto, Lisbon, Faro 
  • Price range - $$-$$$
  • Best suited for - Couples, Families and Groups 

Siesta Campers Campervans and Motorhomes

Siesta Campers is another great pick for renting a camper in Portugal.

Because they specialise in vintage VW vehicles! As well as a range of super modern VW's. So it's a win-win whether you want all the mod-cons, or an epic taste of nostalgia.

Better still, each of the iconic VW vehicles has been created with passion and love. 

With over 20 years of experience in custom building VW vans and being on the road, this family-owned company is determined to create an unforgettable experience for anyone travelling around Portugal. 

They offer classic VW vehicles right through from the 1970's to the present day. 

This is made up of ten different VW vehicles ; each has its own unique personality. Most of their vehicles fit four people comfortably. 

Every campervan comes fully equipped with a fridge, cooker, shower, toilet, kitchen kit, sheets, pillows, tables and chairs. All of the equipment and materials are high quality and sourced responsibly.

There are also many optional extras you can choose from. All of the modern campervans are under two years old.

The campers maintain incredibly high standards and top quality. Staff is also extremely helpful if you need help planning your journey, and you will also be given 24/7 roadside assistance if required.  

We also love that Siesta Campers is helping to reforest Portugal! The company recently purchased a protected nature reserve and plants one tree for every rental.

Recently they began offering portable chemical toilets free of charge to keep waste where it belongs. Their sustainability efforts also include a transition to fully electric campervans.

Important to note:

  • They offer a one-way hire option between their rental locations in Lisbon, Porto & Faro for anyone wishing to pick up and drop off in different locations.
  • Their modern vans can be taken outside of Portugal.
  • Siesta Campers offers a 100% money back guarantee and a transparent pricing policy with no hidden fees or service charges.

Portugal Campervan / Motorhome Hire FAQ

campervan travel portugal

How much does it cost to rent a campervan in Portugal?

The approximate range you can expect to pay is between 50 and 100 for smaller campers and between 100-180 for larger and more luxurious motorhomes in Portugal. 

Another factor to consider is what time of the year you will be travelling. Prices will increase during the high season around July and August.  

The prices will depend on what size campervan you choose to rent and whether or not you purchase extra top-ups such as GPS, WIFI or other features.

Can you wild camp in Portugal in a campervan?

The rules do change often but currently, as of 2021, wild camping is generally prohibited in Portugal. It’s essential also to avoid nature parks and reserves as it could incur a heavy penalty.  

Where can you go with a motorhome in Portugal?

You can surely drive your motorhome through most cities and towns in Portugal as roads are pretty well maintained.

When you are travelling through mountain ranges or old heritage villages; make sure to check the route of your travel and beware of narrow streets as you may have to look for alternatives. 

Check out our guide on the best things to do in Portugal ; which we saw all of our in our camper, so you will be fine as well!

How old do you need to be to hire a motorhome in Portugal?

The minimum age for driving a motorhome in Portugal is 21 years old, while the maximum age is 75. 

There are also additional terms and conditions with different companies. You need to be over 25 to book the larger motorhomes, so be sure to check all the regulations with the company before travelling. 

Can you park a campervan anywhere in Portugal?

Portugal is one of the most motorhome friendly countries in Europe so you won’t need to worry too much! 

But for clarity, here are the exact rules on campervans and motorhome in Portugal

Previously, wild camping in Portugal had minimal restrictions, but as of the beginning of 2021, a complete ban was imposed on wild camping, requiring motorhomes to park exclusively in approved sites after 7pm.

However, regulations shifted once more on August 25th, 2021.

Right now, wild camping is permitted in Portugal under strict guidelines with location and duration.

According to the current law, overnight stays and motorhome parking are prohibited in Natura 2000 Network areas, protected zones, and areas designated by Coastal Plans, except in expressly authorized locations.

In other parts of the country, motorhomes authorized by the IMT (Institute of Mobility and Transport) can stay overnight for a maximum of 48 hours within the same municipality. Essentially, for your purpose, wild camping is now restricted unless their motorhome is IMT-approved.

But don't you worry, there are numerous ASAs (Service Areas for Motorhomes) that offer essential amenities such as water refills and waste disposal. They provide legal overnight stays at a nominal cost of a few euros per night and typically come with a nice view!

We've also just asked people if we can park overnight in their carpark, or outside ther building, and we never had a no!

Not to menion all the winieres you can also stay in overnight!!

But if wild camping isn't your thing, there are many designated campsites throughout the country for you to park your motorhome. We stayed in some lovely campsites, one had a pool and was right next to a golf club! (so naturally Brad played!) You also have the choice of parking at a free parking spot. 

Check out some websites such as or apps such as ‘ park4night ’, which will allow you to book a parking slot in advance. 

For more help planning your visit to Portugal, check out our epic 10 day Portugal road trip itinerary .

For any other questions, just drop a comment below!

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Campervanning in Portugal: How to Travel Portugal by Campervan

Want to experience campervanning in Portugal ? Portugal offers incredible beaches, wildly shaped cliffs, a countryside with cosy vineyards and mountains, and vibrant cities – and there’s no better way to explore it than with a road trip. This blog post will serve you a compact version of what you need to know before traveling Portugal in a campervan, with tips on campervan rentals, best road trip routes, important equipment, and much more.

Table of content

Why you should go

Campervan hire in Portugal

Portugal campervan routes

Campsites in portugal.

When to visit

Extra equipment

Life in a campervan

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Campervanning in Portugal – why you should go

There is no easier way of finding total freedom than to pack your bags, throw them in a van and drive away. When visiting a country like Portugal, where there are lots of places to see, it’s both exciting and smooth to do it with a van since you can go whenever, wherever, and stay as long as you like. As many countries are making it easier and more convenient to travel with a campervan it’s important to respect the rules and regulations.

campervan travel portugal

Campervanning in Portugal opens up a lot of opportunities where you can stay for just a couple of hours or spend a couple of days. The country offers a great coastline with incredible beaches, wildly shaped cliffs, a countryside with cosy vineyards and mountains, and vibrant cities with enough history to cover an entire bachelor’s degree.

Campervan hire Portugal

Who you should rent from.

There are many campervan rentals out there and they all have their own niche. We did some research and found a small family-run company called Soul Campers . They took really good care of us and provided us with a van that had everything we needed. To reduce their environmental impact the company uses natural and renewable materials like cork for insulation and has solar panels installed which makes you completely independent of electricity.

Soul Campers are based in Faro on the south coast. You can either pick up the cars there yourself or order a pick-up in Porto, Lisbon, or Seville for a fee.

campervan travel portugal

Campervan rental price

Depending on when you plan to go, the price can differ a lot. In the summer, during peak season, the price will be around €180 per night. In low season it can go down to as low as €70 per night.

Important documents for campervan rental

Valid driving license: Make sure to have a valid driving license before going on your trip. In some cases, it can also be necessary to have an international driving license.

Passport: Can in some cases be needed to identify yourself.

Rental agreement: If you want to be sure you have everything in order it can be a good idea to print out the rental agreement. In our case, we got a copy when signing it when picking up the car.

A basic insurance is often included when renting a campervan which means you will have to leave a deposit at pick-up. Our deposit was €2000 and was smoothly charged on a credit card. If you don’t smash the vehicle, the deposit will be transferred back to your account.

Good to know is that if you plan to drive more than 100 km per day, be more than one driver or want to visit Spain you may have to extend the insurance.

campervan travel portugal

The coast outside of Lagos offers dramatic cliffs.

Since there are so many places to discover in Portugal, deciding on a route can be the most tricky part of your campervan trip plan. You can cover the whole country at a decent pace in three weeks. If you don’t have that much time, you will have to choose if you prefer to explore beautiful and historical cities, surf on infinite beaches, hike in the mountains, or visit the national parks.

Portugal toll roads

The big motorways in Portugal are great for fast transportation, but they come at a cost. There are two types of toll roads in Portugal: electronic tolls and traditional toll booths. If you rent a campervan in Portugal, the rental company will most likely provide you with an electronic toll system ( Via Verde ). The electronic toll system registers your tolls, which will be charged to you by the rental company when your holiday is over.

If you plan to road trip with your own car, you can register for a Via Verde transponder and have it sent to your home before your holiday. This site provides a full description of how it works if you drive a foreign-registered car.

My suggestion is to avoid the toll roads where possible. The smaller, more scenic routes, are much more rewarding! Besides, the toll roads are quite expensive and could add another €100–500 to your travel budget, depending on the length of your vacation.

If you want to take only the scenic route, just click the avoid tolls check button on Google Maps.

campervan travel portugal

The astonishing view from the coast of Sagres.

How long to go for?

This of course depends on what you want to see. If you want to drive around the whole of Portugal, I recommend you have at least two to three weeks. On our first road trip in Portugal, we focused on the Algarve coast, which required one week to be done properly.

Where to go?

Choosing your campervanning route is one of the hardest, but most exciting, parts of a Portugal road trip. Starting from where you pick up your car is a good way to go. Then, you need to decide what type of holiday you’d like. Do you want to see the coast, the mountains, the wine districts, or the cities? Or all of it?

Portugal is divided into different regions: Northern Portugal, Central Portugal, Lisbon and around, Alentejo, and Algarve. Visit Portugal can give you a proper description of what the different regions have to offer.

Aker Brygge in Oslo

Motorhome travel in Portugal is popular, which has resulted in a large number of campsites all over the country. The standard of the campsites varies from very basic ones with only toilets, to those with swimming pools, tennis courts, and restaurants.

During our time in Algarve, we tried (and recommend) the following campsites:

  • Parque de Campismo Orbitur Sagres
  • Camping Albufeira

There are plenty of websites and apps to help you find a good campsite. Both Visit Portugal and Siesta Campers list great campsites. The app Park4Night also lists places to stay for the night (everything from wild camping to car parks and campsites), uploaded and reviewed by other campervan users.

Tips! If you want a unique experience, you should take a look at Portugal EasyCamp . Here you can book camp spots at remote farms and vineyards and in return you buy a welcome package, often consisting of wine and other good stuff.

campervan travel portugal

Wild camping in Portugal

Is wild camping in Portugal legal? Yes, since 2021 wild camping is once again allowed in Portugal, but with exceptions. According to Portuguese law, “overnight stays in motorhomes approved by the IMT (Institute of Mobility and Transport) for a maximum period of 48 hours are allowed”.

However, it is still illegal with overnight stays on lands belonging to the Natura 2000 Network, protected areas, and areas covered by the Coastal Zone Management Plans. It can be hard to find up-to-date information about the permitted camping areas. Siesta Campers have some information, but make sure to ask your campervan rental company for the latest updates.

The fine for staying overnight where it’s not legal is between 60 and 300 euros, except in the case of Natura 2000 Network areas, protected areas, and areas covered by the Coastal Zone Management Plans, in which case the fine is between 120 and 600 euros.

This section was written based on information from November 2022. Make sure to stay updated on the rules and regulations as they could have changed since then. If you plan to road trip to more countries in Europe you must check the rules for each country.

Ålesund from above

The incredible Algarve coast.

When to visit Portugal in a campervan

The summer months are the busiest in Portugal. The area between Lisbon and Algarve can sometimes be too hot. We would recommend going in September when the weather is still great but the busiest period is over.

campervan travel portugal

Exploring Portugal in a campervan is an amazing experience, and even if it’s not as convenient as staying in a hotel there is a pretty good infrastructure for getting the basics going.

Food and water

There are lots of supermarkets in Portugal, such as Lidl, Pingo Doce, and Supermache. Since many campervans and motorhomes don’t have an oven, you need to make a food plan that doesn’t require one. We made stews, pancakes, pasta, and salads and were happy to mount our outdoor table and prepare our meals with the craziest views.

Since the number of electrical devices in the travel bag increases the supply of electricity is getting more and more important. We travel with computers, cameras, drones, and headphones – and it’s absolutely essential to be able to keep them charged. Soul Campers solved this by having solar panels on the roof that, combined with generating electricity while driving, covered all our needs. In our van, we had one 220V outlet for laptops and several USB ports for headphones and mobile phones.

We used our electrical devices a lot during our road trip, including both of our laptops around 4 hours a day, so it’s safe to say that we really tested the system.

campervan travel portugal

Toilets and showers

The most common question we get after campervanning in Portugal is about toilet usage. The thing is that it can be a bit of a hustle, and for it to work smoothly we recommend planning your stops and errands so you can combine them with a toilet visit. Campsites in Portugal usually offer quite nice toilets and showers, and when wild camping we either used the portable toilet included in our Soul Campers van or found a gas station or supermarket that offered toilets for free.

Our campervan was equipped with an outdoor shower with hot water that was really welcomed after a semi-cold surf session in the Atlantic.

We did our laundry when staying on a campsite, but laundry machines can also be found in some gas stations and supermarkets. In general, you need to buy a special laundry coin to get the laundry machines running, and sometimes the detergent is included, and sometimes it’s not.

campervan travel portugal

Emptying grey water

We needed to empty our grey water tank (from the kitchen sink) every third day. This can be made at gas stations, motorhome service areas, or campsites. Our van had a tap under the car that was easy to open. If you have some water to spare it can be a good idea to flush the tank to make sure the pipes stay clean and open.

The 4G reception in Portugal is generally good and, if needed, you can add a wifi router with fast internet and great reception.

campervan travel portugal

Campervan extra equipment

To be able to enjoy your trip even more, campervan rental companies usually offer extra equipment like grills, surfboards, wetsuits, and outdoor tables and chairs. For us, this added an extra touch and convenience to our holiday!

A guy sitting in a waterfall near Trollstigen

As mentioned above, life in a campervan is not meant to be glamorous or too convenient, but the standard that we had in our van from Soul Campers made it as comfy as it can be on the roads.

Sleeping was a breeze with blackout curtains, a roof hatch with a mosquito net, and sunrises of your own choice. When driving you can connect your phone to the speakers and enjoy your favorite music or podcast.

More road trips

Do you find motorhoming interesting and want tips on more road trips? Next to Portugal, Norway is my favorite road trip destination (especially northern Norway, wow!). Find all my Norway road trip guides here.

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Portugal Road Trip: How to Travel by Camper Van

March 26, 2024 · In: Europe , Portugal , Road Trips

Welcome to an unforgettable journey through Portugal where you’ll encounter ancient castles, rolling vineyards, dramatic coastlines and vibrant cities. A country with no shortage of spectacular views and equally delicious food. In this Portugal road trip itinerary, you’ll explore the lively city streets of Lisbon and venture south to the breathtaking cliffs and golden beaches of the Algarve.

Drone footage of the incredible rock formations that make up Ponta da Piedade in the Algarve in Portugal

This adventure will immerse you in the rich culture, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality that Portugal is renowned for. So buckle up and let’s hit the road to discover some of Portugal’s most mesmerizing destinations.

Table of Contents

Must see spots on a Portugal road trip

Lisbon, the vibrant capital of Portugal, offers a beautiful blend of experiences and culture within its diverse and distinct neighborhoods. After arriving in Lisbon, we began our exploration in Alfama, Lisbon’s oldest district. Here, narrow cobblestone streets wind their way past historic buildings and charming cafes. As you wander, listen to the traditional Fado music emerging from the locally owned restaurants as you pass by. Admire the intricate tiles that adorn the outside of the buildings and watch as the iconic yellow trams pass through the historic streets.

Nearby, the lively district of Bairro Alto ranks as the best neighborhood for nightlife, where cozy taverns and trendy bars line the streets. It is also here that you will find the famous Bica Funicular and Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcãntara viewpoint.

The iconic yellow tram in Lisbon, Portugal

To experience Lisbon’s rich history, head to Baixa, the downtown district. Explore iconic landmarks like Praça do Comércio and Rossio Square before walking along the waters edge.

No visit to Lisbon would be complete without indulging in some of its delicious, traditional foods. I made sure to eat plenty pastéis de nata (custard tarts), grilled seafood and local specialties like bifana (pork sandwich).

The Algarve, Portugal’s southernmost region, is known for its dramatic coastline, surfing and seafood. It is a true paradise for beach lovers with golden sand beaches, hidden coves and incredibly clear water.

We began our coastal adventure in Lagos, at Praia Dona Ana, Ponta da Piedade and Praia do Camilo. These picturesque beaches are some of the most impressive in Portugal and should be included on your road trip itinerary.

Drone shot of the large cliffs and rock formations along the sea at Ponta da Piedade along Portugal's Algarve coast

Further east, you’ll want to explore the beaches of Praia dos Três Irmãos and Praia da Marinha each with their own distinct natural rock formations and mesmerizing views. Be sure to visit the quaint town of Ferragudo and the bustling street of Albufeira.

Along the coast, indulge in the region’s culinary delights at charming cafes and restaurants, serving up fresh seafood dishes like grilled sardines and cataplana (seafood stew), our favorite!

How to road trip in Portugal

Portugal is one of Europe’s best and easiest countries to go on a road trip. From stunning vineyards in the north to dramatic coastlines in the south, Portugal has some of the most diverse landscapes. And at the heart of it all is Lisbon, the eclectic capital city full of life, history and gastronomic delights!

View of the stairs at Ponta da Piedade from atop a cliffside view

Campervan rental in Portugal: Choosing the right van and company

Before you embark on your epic Portugal road trip, you’ll want to consider a few key factors when selecting a camper van rental company. These can include: number of people, pick up and drop off locations, vehicle transmission, whether the company offers unlimited mileage or not, and much more.

For our road trip in Portugal we chose to rent from Portugal by Van. They are a small company offering low cost rates with beautifully renovated and safe vans. Communication with the company was easy and they made the pick up and drop off process seamless.

Where to pick up your van for a Portugal road trip

The majority of camper van rental companies are conveniently located within the larger cities in Portugal. There are quite a few companies with pick up and drop off locations in Lisbon nearby the airport. Our camper van was available for pick up at the Portugal by Van office about a 10 minute Uber ride from the airport!

The hours of operations for most camper van companies are quite limited so keep that in mind when booking your flights. There are usually additional costs if you want to pick up or return the van outside of their normal hours and on weekends.

A black camper van parked along the Algarve coast in Portugal

Uber is the fastest, easiest and most cost effective way to travel around Lisbon if you don’t have your own transportation. We used Uber quite a bit in the city and it was very inexpensive.

If you are arriving in Porto or Faro, they also offer pick up and drop off in those locations, for an additional fee and based off of availability. One of the main locations for camper van hire along the Algarve coast is Faro.

Cost of renting a campervan

There are multiple factors that go into the costs of a campervan rental in Portugal. The rates vary depending on the season and the size of the campervan. Portugal by Van offers 5 different camper van options, accommodating 2 people all the way up to a family of 5. We explored Portugal in the Graceful Trio camper which has a spacious and aesthetic interior, is full equipped with everything you need to cook your meals and even has a heated shower. The Graceful Trio camper is a manual transmission so keep that in mind if you aren’t familiar or comfortable driving stick shift.

A large, black camper van driving along the coastline in Algarve, Portugal

Additionally, the Graceful Trio camper van uses diesel fuel and gets really good gas mileage so that will cut some costs during your Portugal road trip!

Extra add-ons for your campervan

Portugal by Van offers a wide variety of extras to make your road trip easy and fun! From adventurous items like surfboards to more practical items such as a portable toilet or a heater, they truly have everything you need. We ended up renting the portable chemical toilet and even though it was never put to use, it was peace of mind having it available.

Large, black camper van parked in front of a yellow building in the small town of Albufeira, Portugal

Documents you’ll need to rent the campervan in Portugal

When renting a camper van in Portugal, several documents are typically required by most rental companies. These often include a valid driver’s license, along with a passport or national identity card for identification purposes. Additionally, an international driving permit (IDP) may be necessary, especially if the driver’s license is not in English or Portuguese. It was not required for us to rent the camper van but I would highly recommend confirming that before arriving at the pick up office.

Sunrise drone shot along the Algarve coast in Portugal with views of massive cliffs and crashing waves

You will also need a credit card in the primary driver’s name for security deposits and any additional charges. Rental companies might also request proof of insurance coverage otherwise you can inquire about insurance options offered by the rental agency. Many companies will also require a large deposit or hold on your credit card for the vehicle. This is to ensure that there is no damage, unpaid tolls or fines.

We did drive through toll roads in Portugal that added up to about €25 euro which we paid separately after our trip was complete. Portugal by Van promptly refunded the deposit after the return of our camper van once the toll bill was paid.

Driving in Portugal and toll roads

While mosts of your driving in Portugal will probably be done on non-toll roads it is important to be aware that toll roads are prevalent especially on major routes. The electronic toll system, known as “Via Verde,” makes the process easy by using an electronic number plate device (DEM). Portugal by Van ensured that we didn’t need to worry about acquiring pre-paid toll cards since the van was set up with the Via Verde identifier tag.

Ponta da Piedade along the Algarve coast in Portugal

Driving in general is very easy in Portugal, however you should still familiarize yourself with some of the local traffic laws to guarantee a safe and stress free trip!

Where to camp in Portugal

Campsites in portugal.

In Lisbon and the Algarve, there are quite a few campsites with all the amenities you’ll need. For the majority of our time in Portugal we did stay at paid campsites. However, we parked one night in a lot with other camper vans along the Estrada da Praia in Algarve.

A girl sitting outside a cafe with mint green shutters in the Alfama neighborhood in Lisbon

Most campgrounds will have toilets, showers, a small shop selling snacks and essentials and a reception. Some also have electricity hookup, fresh water refill and grey water waste dump stations. If you’re lucky, you might even park up at one with a swimming pool!

We used these websites to book our campsites in advance which I highly recommend, especially during peak season:

  • Portugal Easy Camp – offers places where you can camp on farms & vineyards in exchange for purchasing their goods.
  • Visit Portugal Website

Can you wild camp in Portugal?

As of 2024, wild camping, only in a van, is again permitted in certain areas of Portugal. However that does come with some very specific restrictions. It is illegal to park overnight along the coastline, in front of the beaches, in all natural protected areas, natural reserves and parks, as well as areas with signs posted saying camper vans are not allowed. With the exception of these places, you can stay overnight for up to a maximum of 48h.

Guy sitting on the inside of a camper van with the back door open to a view of large cliffs and the ocean in Portugal

If you are unsure that where you plan to wild camp is legal or not, it is best to just stay at a campsite. Please clean up after yourself and remove all trash if you do choose to wild camp.

Where to use toilet facilities and showers

Some camper vans, such as the Graceful Trio which we rented, have a hot water shower built in. We absolutely loved this feature as it was super convenient to be able to shower inside the van. The shower is quite small so if you’d prefer something a little more spacious I do recommend staying at a campsite with shower facilities.

A large, black camper van driving along the coastline in Algarve, Portugal

Toilet facilities are a bit more available than showers. You’ll be able to have access to restrooms in most cafes, restaurants and even a few public areas. Although public bathrooms aren’t quite as common in Portugal as in other countries we’ve been to. Additionally, you can add on a chemical or dry porta potty to your rental to use in an emergency. We had one in the camper van but never ended up using it.

How to dispose of grey water waste and refill fresh water

In Portugal, camper van travelers can find facilities for disposing of grey water and refilling fresh water at various locations throughout the country. Many campsites and motorhome parks offer dedicated areas where camper vans can empty their grey water tanks and refill their fresh water tanks. These facilities are typically available for guests staying at the campsites or motorhome parks, but some may also offer services to non-guests for a fee.

The beaches of Praia da Marinha with tan colored sandy beaches and large cliffs along the Algarve coast in Portugal.

Additionally, you can find service areas along major highways and motorways that often provide waste disposal and water refill stations for camper vans. You may also find water and waste disposal points at some petrol stations and rest areas. It’s recommended to plan ahead and inquire about available facilities at campsites, motorhome parks, and service areas along your route to ensure a convenient and comfortable camping experience in Portugal.

Best time to go on a Portugal road trip

The best time of year to take a road trip around Southern Portugal, particularly the Algarve region, is typically during the spring (April to June) and the early autumn (September to October). During these months, the weather is generally warm and pleasant, with comfortable temperatures ranging from the mid-20s to low 30s Celsius (70s to 80s Fahrenheit).

Springtime brings blooming flowers, lush landscapes, and fewer crowds compared to the peak summer months. It’s an excellent time for outdoor activities such as hiking, exploring coastal towns, and enjoying the beautiful beaches without the intense heat and heavy tourist traffic.

A Portugal by Van camper van parked along the coastline of the Algarve with a couple sitting and having a glass of wine at a small table

Similarly, early autumn offers mild weather and warm sea temperatures, making it ideal for swimming, surfing, and other water activities along the Algarve coast. The summer crowds begin to dissipate in September, allowing for a more relaxed and enjoyable road trip experience.

While the summer months (July and August) can be hot and crowded, they still attract many visitors due to the sunny weather and lively atmosphere. However, if you prefer to avoid the peak tourist season and higher temperatures, sticking to the shoulder seasons of spring and early autumn is generally advisable for a more tranquil and pleasant road trip experience in Southern Portugal.

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Portugal Campervan Road Trip with Portugal by Van

Blog , Portugal / October 18, 2021 by David & Cayleigh / Leave a Comment

After recently completing our own van conversion , we couldn’t think of a more fitting way to travel through Portugal than by renting a campervan! two huge advantages of vanlife that we have grown to love are being able spend the night anywhere and having the freedom to go where we want, whenever we want. being completely flexible with our itinerary allows us to avoid the crowds, chase great weather, and have the best trip possible!

Why we chose portugal by van.

Although there are several van companies throughout the country, we chose Portugal by Van for a few main reasons. They are located conveniently close (10-15 minute drive) to the international airport in Lisbon. The staff was quick to respond to any questions we had and were very accommodating during our pickup and drop-off. And finally, the vans are in good condition with everything we needed for an epic road trip. Check them out here!

Portugal by Van has a variety of campervans to choose from which can accommodate 3 people, 4 people, or 5 people. Each van includes a fridge, shower, portable camping stove with gas, sink with running water, solar system, 12v/220v power with power cables, chairs, and table, as well as kitchen attire. The layouts vary slightly depending on which campervan you chose to rent but they are all spacious and user-friendly. The biggest perk of upgrading to a larger van, besides the number of seats, is an indoor shower with hot water.

Portugal by Van has a variety of extra gear you can rent including surfboards, wetsuits, bodyboards, bodyboard fins, sleeping bags, bed linen, towels, GPS, Wifi, child car seats, a barbecue, a solar shower, and a chemical toilet. These all vary in price but can be very convenient when planning you’re trip! We rented the bed linen which came in handy, especially on a couple of cooler nights in the Douro Valley!

campervan travel portugal

Finding a Camping Spot

Canada is heavily regulating van lifers by restricting where you’re able to spend the night. It was a pleasant surprise for us to find that Portugal has far fewer rules surrounding overnight parking, it made the trip so much easier! We used the app Park4night and the website Portugal Easy Camp to locate places to stay each night. This allowed us to rest easy at night, knowing we were staying in a safe spot.

Park4night was more convent to use but we did use Portugal Easy Camp once to spend the night at a beautiful Winery called Quinta do Monte Travesso . This winery had 6 camping spots with power hookups, potable water fill, bathrooms, and a hot shower. The best part is if you buy a bottle of wine, you don’t have to pay to spend the night! They also offer tours, tastings, and the wine is fantastic!

There are certain places you’re going to want to avoid spending the night in Portugal. Most of these parking lots are located in high-traffic tourist areas and have signs saying no overnight camping is allowed. Respect the signs and set out for a quieter place to set up shop, you’ll be glad you did.

campervan travel portugal

Planning Meals

Cooking your own meals will save you a ton of money while travelling by van but don’t forget to experience some of the local Portuguese dishes, too! Cayleigh and I found a good balance by cooking our own breakfasts and lunches in the van and going out for dinner.

Having a fridge, a portable stove, and a sink with running water made cooking meals a breeze. Our go-to breakfast was fried eggs, tomato, avocado, and goat cheese on a fresh bun topped with Piri Piri sauce. YUM! When branching out, we would make salads, sandwiches, or Ichiban for lunch and always had fresh fruit around to snack on.

campervan travel portugal

Driving in Portugal

Driving in Portugal is relatively easy, especially on the toll roads and in rural areas. Lisbon can be tricky due to the complex over changes and the sheer volume of traffic, so I would suggest you have a good navigator or Google maps.

Despite the cost, toll roads are quick, large, well maintained, and easy to navigate which made commuting far distances easy and comfortable. If you want to save money and have plenty of time for your trip, you can avoid the toll roads by toggling this setting to “off” on google earth.

The non-toll roads are typically narrower, less maintained, and usually consist of a round-about every few kilometres. In general, if you have the budget, I would always recommend going for the toll roads. Some exceptions would be the coastal roads in the Algarve and the drive between Porto and the Douro Valley.

Is it Expensive?

Contrary to popular belief, van life is not the cheapest way to travel in Portugal. Using public transit and staying in hostels would be slightly less expensive, but it would cost you more time. If you want the least expensive way to travel while also having the most freedom, van life is definitely the most affordable option.

You don’t have to pay to park overnight and you also don’t have to eat at restaurants if you don’t want to. You’re only real expenses while travelling through Portugal in a Campervan are the rental fees for the van, groceries, activities, tolls, and fuel.

To give you an idea of some of these price points, we spent a total of 130 EU on toll roads. This included driving from Lisbon to Porto, to the Duoro Valley, down to the Algarve, and then back to Lisbon in 10 days. During this time we spent approximately 350 EU on diesel fuel. Although this was more than we thought it would be, it was worth it to be able to see the entire country in the limited amount of time that we had.

Another huge factor in the cost of renting a campervan is what season you’re planning on traveling to Portugal. You will find that the price per night during the summer months is at least double the winter price.

For example, the rate for the 3-seater we stayed in is 50 EU during the low season and 125 EU during the Extra High Season. Because of this, we would recommend visiting in September or October. By choosing to travel in the shoulder season, you will save money, avoid the large crowds, and still have fantastic weather!

campervan travel portugal

What About Insurance?

We would always recommend being fully covered when it comes to insurance. YOU are an awesome driver, we know! Those other people on the road though? Not always so great. Nothing ruins a trip faster than dealing with an unexpected insurance claim. Portugal by Van offers premium insurance for 7.50 Euros per day which we found to be very reasonable. If you plan on driving outside of Portugal on your trip, we would recommend purchasing the extra premium insurance.

Is Vanlife Safe?

The quick answer is YES! However, unfortunate situations are always possible while travelling so it’s important to take caution. Always bring important valuables with you in your day pack (ie. cameras, passports, iPhones), close all the windows, and hide any other valuables out of sight so they can’t be seen from the outside.

We did not once feel uneasy or unsafe during our trip but have heard of campervans being broken into occasionally. Keep in mind that this happens everywhere and overall Portugal is an incredibly safe country to travel through.

campervan travel portugal

Is Wild Camping Allowed?

Wild camping in Portugal is technically not legal but you will find that many people do it anyways. This is completely your choice and you need to decide whether or not you’d like to take the risk. If you do not want to wild camp, there are several campgrounds around the country.

If you are planning to wild camp, here are some of our best tips for laying low. The first rule of van life: never stay in the same spot two nights in a row unless you have permission to be there. We would also recommend pulling in late, parking and turning off the lights quickly, and then leaving early in the morning. Always respect the locals in the area and never leave trash behind.

campervan travel portugal

Vanlife Tips

  • Leave no trace, especially garbage! This is exactly why van lifers get a bad rap and it sucks for everyone. Don’t leave toilet paper or any other garbage behind.
  • Park in a public spot where people are going to be coming and going. If you park in a dark corner away from all the other vehicles, it could make you an easy target for a break in.
  • Hide any valuables, close the windows, and don’t forget to lock the doors every time you leave!
  • Watch the roof when pulling into parkades. Remember, you’re driving a vehicle that most likely has solar panels and a roof vent! Avoid pulling into parkades and other areas with heights restrictions. We noticed that some outdoor parking lots try to stop overnight camper vans/RV’s by putting a height restrictions arch at the entrance.
  • Know how to drive a manual decently well OR make sure the van you rent is automatic. The majority of vehicles in Europe have a manual transmission. If you don’t know how to drive a standard before you go, either borrow a friends or rent one for a few days to practice.
  • Learn to love traffic circles. They are everywhere in Portugal! I only say this because they aren’t very common in Canada and can be a little tricky/stressful in heavy traffic.
  • Water fill and grey water disposable spots aren’t all that common. Use the app Park4night to find access to these services.

We hope you enjoy your campervan trip with portugal by van! Please feel free to contact us with any questions you many have on renting a van or vanlife in portugal. We would love to hear from you!

Portugal by Van: Everything you need to know about traveling through mainland Portugal with a campervan including where to stay, the price of gas and tolls, when to visit, and more! #campervan #portugal #madetoexplore

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We provide you with much more than a campervan hire in Portugal, it’s a unique travel experience. We cater for all your needs to make sure you get an unforgettable road trip adventure.

Solar Camper - 3 berth

  • 3 Front Seats + 2 back seats & table
  • Fixed Double Bed  (125 x 1.90 cm)
  • 1 Single Bed (converted from living area)
  • Kitchen: Tap & Sink / 2 Burner Stove / Electric Fridge 30Lt & Freezer
  • Bedding Kit + Outdoor Table & Chairs + Sun Umbrella
  • Exterior Hot Shower
  • All Cooking Utensils & Tableware
  • Air Conditioner
  • Roof-Rack for sports equipment
  • Inverter – 220v power source when wild camping to charge devices
  • 12V Car charger + 6 USB chargers
  • Portugal Road Map + Campsites Guide
  • Electronic Toll System  (activation €15)
  • Radio/Music player: Bluetooth/USB/ Aux
  • 2017 Fiat Ducato MH2 2.0 115Cv – Manual 6 gears
  • Diesel Consumption 8l/100 km
  • Basic Insurance included
  • 24h Road Assistance
  • Security Safe
  • Fire extinguisher + First Aid Kit + Flashlight
  • Ozone gas disinfection 100% natural (used in hospitals, canteens, etc.)
  • Additional Insurance Protection (optional)
  • Solar Panel + Natural Wood interiors
  • Cork Insulation – Natural, Renewable and Recyclable. Provides thermal, acoustic and  anti-vibration insulation. Cork-oak named “Sobreiro”, is the national tree of Portugal. Portuguese forests of cork oak trap 5 million tons of CO 2  per year.
  • 95% of our cleaning products are natural or biodegradable in 24h to 72h and made from cooking oil residue
  • Camper van and motorhome holidays reduce CO 2 emissions by up to 50% compared to traditional vacations (plane + hotel + car).

Motorhome 4 berth

  • 4 Seats / 2 swivel seats rotate to living area
  • 1 or 2 Double Beds  (120 x 1.90 cm)
  • WC with Hot Shower (gas)
  • Exterior Cold Shower
  • Portugal Road Map +  Campsites Guide
  • 12V Car charger + 2 USB chargers (when driving)
  • 220v Plug + Camping Cable  (when connected to campsite)
  • Lots of storage places
  • Extra Equipment: surfboards, wi-fi, roof-rack and more  (optional rent)
  • 2015 Fiat Ducato MH2 2.0 115Cv – Manual 5 gears
  • Natural Wood interiors
  • Cork Insulation – Natural, Renewable and Recyclable. Provides thermal, acoustic and  anti-vibration insulation. Cork-oak named “Sobreiro”, is the national tree of Portugal. Portuguese forests of cork oak trap 5 million tons of CO 2  per year

Bye Bye comfort zone…

Get ready, to get lost.

Customize your experience! From sports equipment to comfort items you can choose what best suits you. And if you have a special request we are here to make it happen.

10.00€ / per trip 1 hand towel + 1 shower towel

40.00€ / per trip Include chemical toilet

30.00€ / per trip Portable coal grill barbecue

Wi-Fi Router

40.00€ / 8GB Hotspot internet multiple users

30.00€ / per trip Portugal & European road maps

from 12.00€ / day Include leash and fins.

7.50€ / per day Full Body 3/2 mm, from XS to XXL.

70.00€ / per trip Extra only on the Motorhome Model

20.00€ / per trip Class 1/2/3 Children +18kg

10.00€ / per trip Up to 5h playtime Bluetooth and Aux

Explore nature and wilderness, discover inspiring stories along the way

We are located in the Algarve just 15min away from Faro Airport and Train Station.  View map We deliver and collect the vans at the following locations:

Travel in a campervan means freedom to explore the unknown, to improvise

Upgrade your insurance for more freedom and to be better protected in case of need

  • 100 KMS/ DAY
  • €2.000 - Security Deposit
  • " target="_self" class="mk-button js-smooth-scroll mk-button--dimension-flat mk-button--size-large mk-button--corner-pointed text-color-light _ jupiter-donut-relative jupiter-donut-text-center jupiter-donut-font-weight-700 jupiter-donut-no-backface jupiter-donut-letter-spacing-2 jupiter-donut-inline-block"> 700€ - Security Deposit
  •   €300 - Security Deposit


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Soul Campers - Van Life Portugal CAMPERVAN HIRE [email protected] +351 926 332 434 Sítio do Tesoureiro, 8150-161 São Brás Alportel Faro - Algarve - Portugal

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  • Travel Tips


We needed to discover past the standard vacationer path throughout our sudden keep in Portugal . So, we determined to attempt a brand new journey and hire a campervan to discover the central and northern areas of the nation.

Recognized for its gorgeous farmland, vineyards, gastronomy , and tradition, plus rivers, lakes, and the towering mountains of the Peneda Gerês Nationwide Park, the central and northern areas are an underappreciated space of Portugal that travellers received’t need to miss. 

On this publish, I’m going to interrupt down our 10 day Portugal campervan itinerary, in addition to some issues that you simply’ll need to know earlier than renting your personal campervan in Europe.

And, don’t miss our video on the finish of this text!

Right here’s our journey report from 10 days travelling from Lisbon to the central and northern areas of Portugal in a campervan.

The Campervan Rental

Inside van view. The front seats swivel backwards when you're not driving to give more seating and open up the inside area more

We have been actually craving mountains and Mom Nature at this level in our Portugal keep. Tenting gave the impression of an important thought, and what higher approach than being absolutely self-contained?

With a campervan, you may transfer round at your personal tempo, whereas having a toilet, kitchen, and bed room with you always. 

The Mannequin

The back end of the campervan

We opted for the Lively Plus mannequin with Indie Campers and it was a very good match for our 10-day journey.

Usually, the campervan is supposed for 4 individuals, however because it was simply the two of us, we requested Indie Campers to supply us with a van that didn’t have fitted beds, however moderately, a convertible mattress.

Not having everlasting stacked beds actually opened up the van and made it really feel way more spacious.

In the course of the day, the realm is the eating room with a desk and benches with cushions for sitting and hanging out.

At evening, the eating space transforms into the bed room. The cushions that have been used because the backrest when sitting down develop into the mattress for sleeping on, and the desk collapses to create a part of the mattress platform.

To be trustworthy, we have been too lazy to change from mattress to bench and simply left the mattress out your complete journey. Plus, we had a desk and chairs for the skin space and most well-liked to dine exterior.

The Lively Plus mannequin campervan has a separate lavatory with a bathe and a conveyable chemical bathroom, an electrical cooler field, a conveyable gasoline range, and all of the bedding and kitchen gear you would wish.  

Cooking at night in the campervan

Nick and I knew we needed to have a campervan with sufficient area to not really feel cramped, however we additionally didn’t desire a actually lengthy van that will be troublesome to maneuver by means of Portugal’s slender streets and round small mountain roads. 

The scale of the van have been excellent: 5,41m x 2,69m x 2,75m.

We have been additionally hoping for a more moderen van and ended up with a handbook 2018 Fiat Ducato diesel, which ran very well. 

The campervan had a 50L tank for clear water and a 30L tank for gray water, which was ample for us. A 220V cable for plugging in and charging the backup battery was additionally included.

If we have been going for any longer than 10 days, I feel we’d choose to hire the Nomad mannequin because it has an built-in range, a hard and fast bathroom, a fridge, and bigger water tanks.

Enjoying some wine outside the campervan

Indie Campers has some gadgets you can add on to your rental, comparable to surfboards, bicycles, moist fits, and extra. We opted for a small coal BBQ, a WiFi hotspot, a heater, and an out of doors desk and chairs. 

We didn’t find yourself utilizing the BBQ as a consequence of it being a fireplace hazard at the moment of yr (June), and it was too heat for the heater! However, we did get a whole lot of use out of the WiFi hotspot whereas working on-line and we used the desk and chairs every single day.

There are 3 ceiling vents which assist to chill the van and it’s fairly properly insulated. However there are not any followers for air flow built-in, which was fantastic for us in June within the North, however when you have been going to hire the van in the summertime within the Algarve, I’d say a small fan could be a very good buy.

You possibly can decide them up for about €8 at any FNAC or related electronics retailer in Portugal. I’d like to see a fan included in future fashions of the van or optionally available as an add-on.

Picking up the campervan

The price of the rental varies relying on which era of yr you hire (excessive season vs. off-season), how lengthy you hire for, and what campervan mannequin you hire. 

The Lively Plus mannequin that we rented with Indie Campers value €65 per day , plus add ons (the 4G, limitless WiFi hotspot was €20, outside desk and chairs have been €20 as properly — whole, not a nightly fee.)

For 10 days of travelling, we spent €200 on gasoline for the van and €100 in tolls .

For the campsites, when you wild camp then it’s free. We stayed in 3 completely different designated campgrounds and the prices in June have been:

  • Uxa Paraiso – €6 per evening per individual. €2 per evening for electrical energy. Whole: €14 / evening
  • Lima Escape – €6.50 per evening for the campervan. €4.50/individual/evening. €3.50 per evening for electrical energy. Whole: €19 / evening ( Lima Escape and Indie Campers have a partnership, so we really obtained a ten% low cost off the entire)
  • Vidoeiro Gerês Tenting – €6.20 per evening for the campervan. €4/individual/evening. €3.60 per evening for electrical energy.  Whole: €17.80 / evening.

Our 10-Day Portugal Campervan Journey Itinerary

Pool at the campsite in Penela

Having spent the vast majority of the previous few years residing on a Caribbean island , and the previous 3 months in lockdown mode within the metropolis of Lisbon, it was time to go to the mountains. 

We got here up with the street journey route primarily based on the actions on provide, the pure magnificence, and components of the nation that have been away from city areas. (We needed to keep away from cities with the campervan and keep away from giant crowds to assist keep social distancing.)

I spent fairly a little bit of time Googleing the northern a part of Portugal and didn’t give you all that a lot data on-line.

So, I opened up Google Maps and zoomed out and in, whereas looking for Pure and Nationwide Parks, campsites, viewpoints, hikes, and scenic spots. 

Lastly, a tough itinerary was shaped, and we crammed within the particulars as we went.

Portugal is a bit complicated for travellers because the nation is split into areas, adopted by districts, municipalities, parishes, and neighbourhoods. On this itinerary, I’m simply going to record the primary areas we have been in!

Lisbon to Sintra

Sintra lush gardens in Portugal

Chances are you’ll suppose we’re loopy, however despite the fact that we have been undoubtedly making an attempt to keep away from small roads and areas that aren’t appropriate for a campervan, after leaving Lisbon, we did go to Sintra — a small village with slender, winding roads.

This fairytale UNESCO city is only a fast 30-minute drive from the capital, but feels worlds away. 

After a whole lot of “How far am I to the sting?” and “Am I going to hit that automotive?!”, we lastly discovered a parking area that was lengthy sufficient for the van and felt relieved that we’d be strolling for the subsequent few hours.

The mountainscape of Sintra was beautiful and immediately, the air felt a bit cooler. Dominating the hills have been vibrant, Disney-looking palaces, and a fortified medieval Moorish fortress.

The panorama was breathtaking and whereas we didn’t see all of Sintra as a consequence of time constraints, we did go to the favored Quinta da Regaleira with its deep spiral properly, palace, church buildings, and gardens.

Quinta da Regaleira well in portugal

Besides for two individuals who arrived as we have been leaving, we have been the one vacationers there, which, primarily based on the feedback we obtained on our Instagram photographs, shouldn’t be how this place usually seems! 

Sintra to Penela

Vineyards on the way to Penela, Portugal

Positioned a couple of 2-hour drive north of Sintra (about 20 minutes south of the town of Coimbra) is the village of Penela.

Whereas we did get pleasure from sleepy Penela with its fortress towering over the village, we have been there for the close by campground and the encompassing mountains and river.

Passing by vineyards, and down a slender, bumpy grime street, we arrived at Uxa Paraiso , which was run by a well-travelled Frenchman named Julien. He confirmed us round and helped us discover the right place to park on his 5-hectare property.

Cooking dinner in a campervan

We have been the one friends right here for two nights and it was pure magic. 

Wild mint was rising on the bottom and each step we took launched an aroma of spearmint gum (or, mojitos!). Aside from mint, the property had flowers and timber, plus 2 cats, goats, and sheep. 

Whereas the view from the campsite (and the pool) was sufficient to make us need to keep, we peeled ourselves away to discover the encompassing space of Fragas de São Simão .

Hiking around Penela

After mountaineering alongside the river and thru the forest, the panorama opened as much as reveal towering craggy cliffs with pure swimming holes at their base.

We loved a really chilly swim earlier than heading again to the camp to get pleasure from our closing evening close to Penela .

Penela to Peneda-Gerês Nationwide Park 

Our Indie Campers van

From Central Portugal, it was time to go north and expertise the one nationwide park within the nation, Peneda-Gerês .

Recognized for its mountains, rivers, and small villages, this was a spot we have been very a lot wanting ahead to. As we arrived at our campsite ( Lima Escape ) on the outskirts of the park, we have been instantly in awe. 

We spent 2 nights right here surrounded by pine timber and with a stunning view of the Lima River.

Nick did some fishing on the shoreline whereas I learn a guide. Evenings have been spent cooking dinner within the campervan and having fun with a glass of wine at sunset.

We additionally took an incredible day journey to the small, conventional village of Soajo. It’s solely a couple of 20-minute drive from Lima Escape, nevertheless it’s a really scenic route. 

Fishing in the Lima River

As soon as in Soajo, we wandered round on foot exploring the small roads that wind by means of homes and farmland, earlier than testing the 18th-century granite granaries which have been utilized by the neighborhood to securely home the harvest of corn. 

From there, we made our strategy to Poço Negro which is a beautiful pure swimming gap simply off the aspect of the street! This was an important place to sunbathe, bounce off the rocks into the deep water under, and simply loosen up. 

Soajo natural pools jumping

Soajo is a must-see little village, and whereas we didn’t make it to close by Lindoso (we have been having fun with pure swimming pools an excessive amount of!), we’ve heard it’s additionally an important place to see.  

Peneda Gerês Nationwide Park to Ponte Da Barca

sunset in portugal

The campsites we had stayed in up till this level have been nice — and essential in an effort to cost up the second battery, and use the providers (filling up with water, emptying of gray water, and so on.).

However what’s so fascinating about having a “residence on wheels” is the power to wild camp, or boondock. We have been actually wanting ahead to this fashion of tenting.

Utilizing the Park4Night app (extra data under), we appeared for someplace to remain in a protected and quiet location that supplied a river for fishing and probably swimming. 

We discovered simply the place…though getting there was an pointless problem. 

We adopted Google Maps taking place a cobbled, residential street that was barely the width of our automobile for fairly a while. Why we had gone this far, I don’t know.

We had dedicated to it and we have been nearly  there, so turning again didn’t make sense — and would’ve been extremely troublesome to do.

Finally, we arrived at a stunning overhang of completely manicured flowers and vines. However, the van was far too tall to clear them!

The choice was made to reverse out of the slender street till we discovered someplace to show round. I bought out of the van and tried to direct Nick utilizing hand motions and yelling: “Left!” “Just a little to the appropriate!” “STOP!”

Adopted by Nick’s reply: “I can’t see your arms in any respect while you’re instantly behind the van!!” 

We should’ve been fairly the sight for the locals who have been probably watching us and laughing from their home windows. Miraculously, Nick was in a position to maneuver the van out of our predicament with out scraping the perimeters.

lima river wild camping portugal

Lastly, after taking the right flip, on a large 2-way street, we finally arrived at our dream spot on the Lima River close to Ponte Da Barca . 

With nothing greater than a area, a few picnic tables, and a small winery all set alongside the slow-moving river, this may be our spot for the evening.

After fishing, studying, making dinner, and enjoyable, we loved wine underneath the total moon and fell asleep to the sound of crickets and frogs. 

Ponte Da Barca to Montorros (by way of the Coura River) 

Fly fishing in Portugal

Immediately was the day Nick had been anticipating essentially the most. After having no luck fly fishing the few days prior, he determined to rent an area skilled information to indicate him the most effective spots — and the most effective strategies for the realm. 

We met up with Antonio from Minho Fly Fishing and set off to the Coura River. There’s no approach we might’ve discovered ourselves on this quiet, pristine a part of Portugal had we not joined this non-public tour. 

Not solely was the fishing nice (Nick caught 7 rainbow and brown trout), however the surroundings was gorgeous as properly.

We have been surrounded by lush forest your complete time whereas sitting and standing on boulders alongside the dashing river. Once more, wild mint blanketed the bottom.

Rainbow trout fishing in Portugal

Seven hours was spent with Antonio studying about fishing and life in Portugal, and earlier than we knew it, it was 8:30 pm.

After we finally arrived at our second wild campsite alongside the Minho River (which acts as a pure border with Spain ), we had about 20 minutes left till the solar absolutely set. 

This was one other beautiful wild camp spot with a number of picnic tables and nobody else round. Apart from the croaking frogs and the late-night fishermen who arrived at 1:00 am, this was a really peaceable spot. 

Wild camping next to the Minho River

It’s price spending a while within the northwestern a part of Portugal alongside the Minho River.

The city of Vila Nova de Cerveira is a picturesque place recognized for its art work, craft outlets, boat journeys on the Minho River, and surrounding hikes within the mountains. We spent a few hours simply wandering round and having fun with the quiet city.

Villa Nova de Cerveira

Going from Vila Nova de Cerveira to Valença is a well-maintained path excellent for biking, jogging, or strolling. 

Montorros to Lima Escape

BBQ dinner while camping

After 2 nights of untamed tenting, we have been in want of some gas for our gasoline range, electrical energy for our second battery, and water for our bathe and sink.

So, we headed again in the direction of Peneda Gerês Nationwide Park within the late afternoon and loved one other evening at Lima Escape campground which had all of the facilities we would have liked, plus a BBQ. 

Lima Escape to Gerês City

Peneda Geres boulders

Staying within the nationwide park boundaries, we drove to Gerês. We weren’t anticipating a lot from this present day and have been simply wanting ahead to the country campground that we deliberate to remain at close to the city of Gerês.

The drive turned out to be a spotlight of our complete journey! 

The street winded its approach up the mountainside, passing small villages and Roman ruins, earlier than opening as much as reveal a plateau overlooking the valley under. Large granite boulders dotted the terrain and wild Garrano horses roamed free. 

These kinds of scenes continued till we reached Terras de Bouro space in Brufe the place we determined would make a very good pit spot.

With camp chairs and peanut butter and jam sandwiches in hand, we discovered the right spot and loved lunch with a view. 

Peneda Geres National Park view

That’s the beauty of having a campervan, we had all of our meals with us, cutlery and dishes for making meals, and camp chairs for having fun with a cushty picnic. 

Persevering with on, we handed a tribe of about 50 goats on the street and one other epic viewpoint earlier than lastly arriving at our campsite the place we’d be spending the subsequent 2 nights — Vidoeiro Gerês Tenting . 

Goats On The Road portugal

This rustic, pure campsite had parking spots proper alongside the river, an out of doors BBQ space, showers, bogs and a pure swimming gap within the river. 

viewpoint peneda geres

With quite a few mountaineering trails, waterfalls, and viewpoints close by, we gave ourselves 2 nights right here — however might’ve spent for much longer.

This was the final cease on our 10-day campervan street journey by means of Portugal and it was a good way to finish the journey earlier than returning the van in Lisbon.

Ideas for Travelling Portugal by Campervan

After experiencing the journey, there are some things that we want we might’ve recognized beforehand. Listed below are a number of suggestions: 

1. Get a Through Verde Tag 

CTT office in Lisbon

The toll roads in Portugal are comparatively new, pretty costly and fairly complicated for foreigners. 

In case you have a Through Verde tag in your window and a Portuguese debit card, you merely drive by means of the toll cubicles and the toll cameras on the freeway. The prices shall be routinely added to your tag and routinely charged to your debit card.

Tags are both included in automobiles that you simply hire (for an additional price), or may be rented at Through Verde shops and CTT Submit Places of work across the nation. The associated fee is €6 the primary week and €1.5 every week after, plus a refundable deposit.

I’m going to imagine that almost all of you’re like us, vacationers with no native debit card.

In that case, you’ll should cease on the handbook cost gates on the freeway (they’re clearly marked) and pay as you go along with money or bank card (overseas bank cards work on the gates).

When you don’t have a tag, every time you cross underneath a big array of cameras suspended over the freeway, your campervan’s license plate shall be marked.

Then, after a minimal of two enterprise days (it takes that lengthy on your prices to register) and a most of 5 enterprise days after you’ve handed by means of these cameras, you’ll have to go to a publish workplace (CTT) in an effort to pay the tolls which have gathered. 

Having to continually cease on the freeway to make funds, and having to discover a CTT workplace (and ensure to pay on time to keep away from penalties) isn’t one thing you’ll need to cope with whereas on vacation.

To make issues simpler, ask your rental firm if a Through Verde tag is included and if not, ask when you can hire one from them. Indie Campers didn’t have the tag and we discovered it a little bit of a problem having to determine the cost of tolls. 

We spent roughly €100 on tolls throughout our 10-day street journey. Click on right here to be taught extra about toll roads in Portugal. 

2. Keep away from Cities

Small village in Peneda Geres National Park

After all, you received’t be capable of keep away from all cities and there’ll most likely be a number of that you simply need to see. Nonetheless, with such a big automobile, discovering parking and driving by means of slender roads could be a bit troublesome. 

We needed to go to Braga to get a fishing license and it took ceaselessly to seek out someplace to park — we thought we discovered the right place, solely to be advised it was a bus cease!

Relying on the peak of your van, you’ll probably be too tall for underground parking as properly (ours was). 

Mainly, it’s hectic and a bit aggravating making an attempt to drive a big automobile within the cities. Keep on with the countryside, highways, and small cities, or park on the outskirts and take the tram, metro or an Uber.

3. Inventory Up

Earlier than setting off, ensure you have every part you want — chemical compounds for the bathroom, propane for the gasoline range, coal for the BBQ, bathroom paper, and so on. 

We assumed it could be straightforward to seek out tenting tools and we’d merely buy as we would have liked.

Nonetheless, it was not possible to seek out extra chemical compounds for the bathroom (that means we couldn’t wild camp as a lot as we needed to), and the one place we discovered propane gasoline canisters was at Lima Escape campsite. 

Additionally, relying on the dimensions of your fridge, I like to recommend grocery procuring both beforehand or on the primary day. Since we have been residing in Lisbon, we have been in a position to grocery store and had our meals principally deliberate out for your complete time.

The fridge within the Lively Plus mannequin was small, however was ample for stocking about 5 days of chilly meals together with sausages, some fruit, cheeses, milk and so on. The Nomad mannequin has a bigger fridge.

Having to spend a few of your journey time in outlets and supermarkets (whereas looking for parking) isn’t one of the simplest ways to spend the vacation. Get every part directly and you then’re all set!

4. Obtain the Park4Night App

Camping wild in Portugal

Park4Night is such an important app! The premise is easy.

When you keep someplace superior (both an precise campsite or a wild camp spot), then you may add a number of photographs, the coordinates of the place it’s situated, what facilities are on provide, and the professionals and cons.

Future campervan travellers will be capable of keep there as properly primarily based in your advice.

When on the lookout for a spot to remain, you merely search round your present location to seek out close by locations that sound good to you. That’s how we discovered the two wild camp spots that we stayed at. 

So long as you respect the realm, are quiet, and don’t go away any rubbish, then wild tenting is normally not a difficulty. After all, when you’re requested to go away or are advised you may’t spend the evening, you then’ll should obey.

5. Have a WiFi Hotspot or Information 

Working from a campervan on the computer

If like us, you’re employed on-line you then’ll undoubtedly need to have entry to a WiFi connection. Plus, for security causes and for navigation, you’ll need to ensure you have a cellphone with service.

You’ll undoubtedly need to make the most of Google Maps on your journey (or whichever map program you utilize), so having information in your smartphone, or a WiFi hotspot is a should. 

Having a mix of each could be the most suitable choice as one might need higher service than the opposite relying on the place you’re. If there are any emergencies, you’ll need to have the ability to name for help as properly.

Indie Campers provides a WiFi hotspot for simply €20 for your complete journey and it’s limitless! We discovered the web to be quick sufficient to work on, watch YouTube, Netflix and so on.

6. Familiarize Your self with the Performance of the Van

Emptying the greywater tank of our campervan

After we rented the campervan with Indie Campers, we got a rundown of how every part works. However, we had additionally been researching on YouTube beforehand, which helped to get a visible.

You’ll need to know how one can cost the van, how one can fill and empty the gray water tank, and the way the bathroom works.

Right here are some things to know for the Lively Plus mannequin:

  • The 220v cable twine plugs into electrical retailers at campsites and this prices your auxiliary battery — which is what the fridge, the USB plug-ins, and the within lights run on.
  • The fridge will run, together with the USB plugs and the lights, for round 2-3 days (tough estimate) earlier than the battery dies.
  • The 220v retailers within the van solely  work while you’re plugged in, so while you’re wild tenting you received’t be capable of cost your computer systems or plug in giant gadgets.
  • Refill the gray water with common faucet water. There needs to be hoses at campsites that you should utilize.
  • You’ll know the gray water is full if it begins to leak out! Be certain the valve is closed once more after you empty it.
  • There are indicators for “service stations” at campsites in Portugal. And, yow will discover these on the Park4Night app as properly. Be sure to’re dumping your bathroom waste and your gray water in a chosen space.

Professionals and Cons of Campervan Life

Camping in Geres

We actually loved our 10-day journey! However, as with something, there are a few downsides to travelling by campervan. 

The plain “professionals” to this kind of journey are the truth that you’re absolutely self-contained and never reliant on anybody, something, or anyplace.

You may have your meals and water with you, your lavatory amenities, your mode of transportation, and a spot to sleep at evening. 

We had a whole lot of enjoyable cooking our meals within the night and making breakfast within the morning. We liked parking in distant locations and falling asleep to the sound of nature. 

Having a campervan permits for an thrilling journey and a whole lot of freedom!

There have been solely a few downsides to travelling this manner, and a few issues to concentrate on.

First, while you get to a campsite that you simply actually like, you don’t have something to go away behind to order the spot while you head out for the day.

When you have been tenting with a tent for instance, you’d go away your tent arrange and head out within the automotive for the day, coming again to your identical campsite.

Second, the area can begin to really feel a bit cramped and also you’ll simply neglect the place you positioned one thing when you aren’t correctly organized.

Guarantee that every part has its place and that you simply put it away within the  identical spot every time. We spent greater than an hour on the lookout for the keys in the future…

When you’re correctly ready, I’m certain you’ll get pleasure from your self as a lot as we did. In reality, we’re planning to journey by campervan to discover another components of Portugal within the close to future!

FAQs About Travelling Portugal by Campervan

When you nonetheless have a query about Portugal campervan journey, take a look at the FAQs under. Many have been lined within the article, however yow will discover some fast solutions right here.

No, you will need to abide by the foundations of the particular location. Many locations, comparable to nationwide parks and areas alongside the coast, have indicators saying campervans aren’t allowed.

Sure, Portugal is a camper pleasant nation basically. When you’d wish to park your campervan on non-public property, it’s price asking the proprietor, as you’ll typically be advised its OK. There are additionally many campsites in Portugal that cater to campervans.

Supplied you’re in a spot the place campervans are allowed, sure, you may sleep in a campervan in Portugal.

Anticipate to pay about €65 per day to hire a Portugal campervan, plus add ons (€20 for a 4G limitless WiFi hotspot, €20 for an out of doors desk and chairs, and so on.). The worth could also be cheaper within the off-season and better in the summertime excessive season.

To drive in Portugal , vacationers from the EU or the US can use their drivers license until they keep greater than six months. In that case, they’ll want a global drivers license. Folks from different international locations may even want a global drivers license.

Take pleasure in Exploring Portugal by Campervan

Portugal has a lot to supply vacationers and locals alike, and travelling by campervan is a good way to expertise the seashores, mountains, and vineyards. 

Park on a cliff overlooking the ocean, subsequent to a river, or surrounded by fruit timber — with a campervan, the selection is yours. 10 days is an efficient period of time to get a style of what Portugal is all about, and our journey with Indie Campers is one which we received’t neglect. 

To be taught extra about renting a campervan in Portugal, click on right here . And, be happy to e mail us or remark under with any questions you might need!

Video: 10 Day Campervan Journey in Portugal


Particular due to Indie Campers for making this journey doable. As all the time, all ideas and opinions stay our personal.

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Hire your perfect campervan to explore Portugal

There's a vw camper for everyone.

Our iconic campervans span generations, from the 1970's to the present day. Explore our unique collection of motorhomes & campervans for hire in Portugal. All of them are beautiful, functional and each one is as unique as you are.

Take a luxurious trip into the wild in a VW Grand California or the Siesta Pacific RV. Each motorhome offers a spacious interior, heat, hot water, shower & toilet, so you'll feel right at home wherever your adventurous spirit takes you. Includes unlimited km's

Experience the joy of life on the road with a modern campervan in Portugal & Spain. With enough space for up to 4 adults, everyone will travel, eat, relax and sleep comfortably. Includes unlimited km's

Classic Camper

We began our journey with a single VW camper 20 years ago. We mastered our craft and have the details covered so you can step back in time and enjoy life in the slow lane. Hire a camper in Faro and discover the Algarve. Includes 100km's per day

Built for adventure

Slow down, go wild and be loved .css-91invm{display:inline-block;margin-left:1rem;margin-bottom:0.5rem;fill:var(--color-black);}.

We’re driven by the pursuit of adventure and the great outdoors. We pour our passion and creativity into restoring and building handcrafted campervans that give a respectful nod to the iconic VW Kombi. We build for adventure and the open road. We want you to be free, wild and embraced in nature while being fully supported by first-class customer service. Experience the thrill of raw adventure, leave no trace and take home long lasting memories from the holiday of a lifetime. Jump aboard the bus!

Why hire a Siesta camper?

Top rated company.

We’re one of the highest rated campervan hire companies in Portugal! We’ve been building and renting campers since 1996. We have incredibly high standards, our van quality and customer experience are unrivaled. You simply won’t find what we offer anywhere else. All our modern vans are under 2 years old and come with VW's 24-hour roadside assistance, 7 days a week.

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Unlimited km’s.

All of our modern campervans and motorhomes come with unlimited Km’s included in the price of your rental so you can pursue your adventure wherever the road leads stress-free. Our classic campers include 100 km per day at no extra charge which is more than enough for the majority of our customers. Also, all our campers come with Basic insurance!

Fully equipped & transparent prices

All our campervans come equipped with quality utensils and all you need to enjoy a wonderful holiday. We include a fully equipped kitchen, complete with coffee pot, ceramic plates, mugs and real glasses.  We also include a cleaning kit, cooking gas and an outside table/chairs.

Family owned

At Siesta Campers, we take pride in being a family-run business since 1996. Unlike corporate giants fueled by capital investors and shadowy shareholders with world domination in sight, we have remained true to our roots as a good old-fashioned family business. Our commitment to family values has been the driving force behind our success, ensuring that we prioritize quality, integrity, and a personal touch in everything we do.

Campervan hire locations:

A cosmopolitan capital overflowing with history and beauty. Experience one of the most charismatic and vibrant cities in Europe. Campervan hire Lisbon is the perfect base for exploration no matter which direction you choose to go.

More than sun, sea and golf, the Algarve is a playground of scenic, cultural & gastronomic delights. Campervan hire Faro an ideal location for access to stunning coastlines, historic villages & lush valleys.

Portugal’s second largest city offers visitors an authentic experience. Its proximity to beaches, vineyards and national parks make campervan hire Porto a great base for exploration.

Whether you crave the tranquility of coastal escapes, the thrill of outdoor pursuits in the rugged interior, or a fusion of urban charisma and natural wonders, campervan hire in Spain promises an unforgettable adventure.

Málaga, the capital of Costa del Sol on the shores of the Mediterranean strikes a perfect balance between culture and the sea. Campervan hire in Málaga is your gateway to Andalusia and Spain.

Seville is a delight to explore by campervan. The largest and arguably most intriguing city in Andalusia is surrounded by endless natural beauty, from the rolling hills of the Sierra de Grazalema to the picturesque beaches of the Costa de la Luz and Costa del Sol.

Nestled along the sun-kissed shores of the Mediterranean Sea, Barcelona effortlessly combines a rich cultural heritage with breathtaking natural beauty. Campervan hire in Barcelona is your gateway to an unforgettable experience.

"This is the kind of experience that is going to change your life!"

"We cooked many meals on Portugal's seaside cliffs and enjoyed our sleep under starry skies snuggling comfortably in our campervan."

We’ve been featured in:

Great stories start with siesta campers, where to camp for free in lisbon.

Whether you’re exploring Lisboa and the surrounding region or just passing through, knowing your options when it comes to camping in and around Lisbon can help you build a solid travel plan or allow you to stay spontaneous and go with the flow!

The Algarve’s Secret Islands

Are you ready for a very different beach experience? Discover the Algarve's hidden islands. Accessed only by boat from Faro, Olhão, Tavira and Fuzeta, these six sandy islands, set in a diverse nature reserve, offer untouched beaches stretching for kilometres. 

The best music festivals in Portugal this Summer 2024!

Be Spontaneous; No need to book in advance! Portugal has become a mecca for vibrant alternative festivals. Imagine events where tickets aren't snatched up a year beforehand. Buying tickets last minute means you can plan that epic summer festival road trip more spontaneously.

Best Campsites in Portugal [2024]

Searching for the best campsites in Portugal? We’ve done the legwork for you. These are our recommendations for camping in Portugal in 2024.

We're planting a forest!

Gone west our tree planting partners, ready to roll.

Adventure awaits!

Got questions?

Want to know more about campervan hire in Portugal? Check out these helpful resources to help you plan your unforgettable adventure.

What’s the best time of year to rent a campervan in Portugal?

Portugal is well suited for campervan hire and year-round camping due to a mild climate and an average of more than 300 sunny days per year .

During the summer months of July and August, expect temperatures of around 29°C to 37°C. When it's this hot you’ll want to be near the coastline where you will find cooler breezes and fresher nights.

We at Siesta prefer off-season campervan hire in Portugal from October to June to fully enjoy uncrowded beaches, campsites and restaurants. The weather is pleasant while less traffic and open parking spaces right by the beach are a great bonus too.

During the cooler months of December through March , you’ll be quite toasty as all of our Atlantic campervans and motorhomes are thermo insulated and come with auxiliary night heaters. Most of the South of Portugal rarely sees frost, making it Europe’s ideal winter camping destination.

How much does it cost to rent a campervan in Portugal?

The price of campervan rental in Portugal ranges between €50 per night during the low season to €175 per night during the summertime. The price of motorhome rental is a bit higher ranging between €90 to €225. Factors which affect the price of campervan or motorhome rental in Portugal include vehicle type, seasonality, rental duration, extras, upgrades and insurance cost.

Take a look at the date selector on our homepage. Enter your preferred dates and select the campervan or motorhome you want to rent to receive an instant campervan rental quote .

Below we break down some additional costs to give you a more accurate estimate of the total cost of a campervan holiday in Portugal.

How much does it cost to fill up a campervan?

Our data says that the average trip distance across all our campervan rentals for June 2022 was 809km. This would be a leisurely trip from Lisbon down to Algarve, Portugal’s southernmost region, and back to Lisbon. This would consume around 1 whole tank of fuel and cost around €120 to fill (estimate from July 8th, 2022). Take a look at this neat calculator that gives you real-time fuel prices based on the number of km’s you intend to drive.

There's no denying that the price of fuel has risen sharply recently. Luckily, our campervans are the most economical Euro 6 vans available on the market today. They take around 7L of diesel per 100km.

How expensive are motorhome campsites in Portugal?

A pitch for two people and a campervan or motorhome with electrical hook-up costs from €15 to €25 per night. We’ve negotiated discounts of up to 10% with many of the best campsites in Portugal. Be sure to read our blog post on Best campsites in Portugal and just mention that you are in a Siesta van when booking a campsite to receive a discount.

Food costs when you rent a campervan

Food, glorious food. Whether you enjoy staying in or eating out, campervan rental provides some surprising benefits and can save you a lot of money!

Unlike most traditional hotels, all our campervans and motorhomes are fully equipped with everything you need to prepare delicious meals wherever you are. This provides unmatched flexibility and better value for money than traditional dining options.

With amazing clifftop lunches and nights spent stargazing there’s nothing quite like exploring Portugal by campervan and cooking in postcard worthy locations. Imagine waking to the sounds of waves crashing on the shore and the joy of empty west coast beaches as you sip on a good cup of coffee and sample fresh local produce. Purchasing items from local markets costs a fraction of what you’d spend dining out too.

If you prefer to dine out, expect to pay €1 to €2 for coffee in a beach cafe . Lunch in a traditional village restaurant costs around €10 to €15 per person, with wine included!

Some of the beachside restaurants on the west coast can be more pricey but fresh fish of the day, for example in Arrifana , would cost you between €10 to €20 with extra added for desserts and drinks. 

Should you hire a campervan or motorhome?

Our vans vary in size, amenities, and style . Some are better suited for solo travellers and couples while others are ideal for groups and families.

Consider whether you will feel comfortable driving a larger motorhome, or prefer the agility and compact size of a campervan.

Certain models come with a manual transmission while others are automatic. Unlike our modern campervans or motorhomes, driving our vintage VW campers requires a bit more finesse. Check out the article to learn what it’s like to drive them.

Is a campervan exterior shower suitable for your needs or do you prefer the privacy of an interior shower & WC? If so, a motorhome is a better choice.

Ultimately, the choice is quite a personal one. If you’re unsure whether you should hire a campervan or motorhome, contact our team and we’ll help you make the right choice.

How long should you rent a campervan for in Portugal?

The majority of our customers rent a campervan for 1-2 weeks . Customers who embark on a tour of the whole country often choose to hire a motorhome in Portugal for 2-4 weeks .

We do have rental length minimums which vary by van and season and we offer long term rental discounts for bookings of 14 days or more. See our campervan hire deals for more information.

How long does the campervan hire process take?

The process is quick, easy and can be completed online. Simply enter your travel dates, pickup and drop-off locations, find your perfect campervan or motorhome, fill out the online booking form and submit payment. You will receive an instant booking confirmation. Our team will handle the rest.

Campervan hire tips

  • Book early. Our campervans and motorhomes are very popular. During peak season we’re often fully booked 2 months in advance.
  • Be flexible. If your preferred camper or motorhome is not available, our team can often find a great alternative. Get in touch via the website chat widget.
  • Be informed. Our van descriptions, FAQ’s, terms & conditions and blog articles are a great source of information for anything related to campervan hire in Portugal.
  • Don’t overpack. No one likes lugging around too much luggage. Our campervans and motorhome are fully equipped with everything you need.

How to pack for your campervan holiday?

Less is more! See our helpful article: 36 Camping Essential - Our Campervan Packing List . Learn what we put in all our campervans and motorhomes so you can travel lighter.

Fun activities to do while on a campervan holiday in Portugal

  • Surf! - Don’t know how? Check out our Portugal surf guide for beginners .
  • Swim - Water temperatures are quite pleasant most of the year.
  • Sunbathe - You’re in the land of sunshine, make the most of it.
  • Hike - Discover the Rota Vicentina and other incredible trails.
  • Mountain bike - Portugal is mountain bike heaven. We offer optional bike racks and mountain bikes for rent.
  • Yoga & Meditation - Lazy days and quiet places are perfect for relaxation.
  • Cook - Our campervans are fully equipped with all you need to try new recipes.
  • Make new friends - The Portuguese are kind and welcoming. Campsites are also a great place to meet like minded people.
  • Play games - Extra time and no responsibilities means you can connect with your inner child.
  • Stargaze - The night gets darker and the stars shine brighter when you leave the city in the rear view mirror.

I don’t speak Portuguese. Is that a problem when renting a campervan?

Speaking the local language will always improve the experience of visiting a foreign country, but in this situation it is not essential. Tourist facing businesses such as shops, bars and services including RV rental in Portugal generally employ multilingual staff. Our website exists in Portuguese, English, German, French and Spanish and we have a multilingual team. If you need any assistance with campervan, motorhome or RV rental, please let us know.

Portugal is a very popular international holiday destination for RV and motorhome holidays. English is widely spoken around the bigger cities and by the youth. Spanish, French and German are quite well established also.

Driving a campervan or motorhome in Portugal

Road conditions in Portugal are generally very good, but if you choose motorhome or RV rental in Portugal, be careful when driving through narrow historic village streets . Certain areas are inaccessible for wider vehicles. Rainy days are rare during the summer months, but when they arrive and water combines with a dusty layer on the surface, road conditions can become quite slippery. Here’s the breakdown of speed limits in Portugal:

  • 50km/h in residential areas
  • 90km/h in rural areas
  • 120km/h on national motorways

Is Portugal safe for camping in a campervan?

Portugal is an extremely safe and peaceful country . In the 15 years of running Siesta Campers we have had hardly any break-ins and we’ve had thousands of clients. We always recommend leaving your valuables out of sight especially when parked in towns or beaches closer to bigger cities.

Portugal by Van

Campervan Rental in Portugal

Portugal by Van

campervan travel portugal

Welcome to Portugal by Van – Your must have Campervan Experience in Portugal.

Make the ultimate roadtrip with a campervan in Portugal, starting in Lisbon, Porto or Faro. As a small campervan rental company in Portugal, we’re dedicated to providing you with the best way to experience our Portugal. From the coastline of Algarve to the vinewieard of Douro Valey, all the roads will take you to the most amazing campervan experience. Explore Portugal’s coast, where sun, surf, and golden sunsets await at every turn. Set off on an indie adventure and make our campervan your home, experiencing the freedom and flexibility that only vanlife can offer.

Book your campervan now and let the adventure begin!

Choose your van and discover Portugal

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Body Board


What others say about us

“brand new van, well equipped and super helpful staff. portugal beaches are amazing.”.

Alexandre Linha Paranhos

“Very lovely local organisation, friendly staff and super patient when explaining the van. Great vans, spacious and everything worked just fine (watch out for the small streets though!). Camping on a cliff is just the best way to relax!”

“excellent plan pour tous les amoureux du “tourisme-liberté” portugalbyvan nous a permis de découvrir ce fabuleux pay”s qu’est le portugal de la manière la plus agréable possible., “excellent car, great service and no problems at all a great way to experience portugal.”.

Jørgen Hustadnes Hagen

How to rent your van

Payments & Reservations


You can make the reservation: 

  • P By bank transfer paying 50% of the rental cost
  • P By our Paypal account, paying 50% (administrative costs may apply) of the rental cost.
  • P With credit card, paying 50% (administrative costs may apply) of the rental cost.

The Rental Payment

  • P By bank transfer.

Security Deposit

RV rental Portugal

Campervan Rental in Portugal

The best fleet of RVs, campervans and motorhomes for rent in Portugal

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July Escape Deals 🌞🌴

Save up to 20% and an additional 5% if you book 10 nights or more with the code: SUMMER24 .

Quick and easy booking

The process is swift, easy, and can be completed online. Simply enter your travel dates, pickup and drop-off locations, and find your perfect adventure on wheels.

Nº 1 road trip provider in North America, Oceania and Europe

Over 6.000 RVs, motorhomes, and campervans for rental across +70 locations in Europe, Oceania and North America. Start dreaming and travel with us!

Campervan and RV Rental in Portugal

Rent a campervan or RV in Portugal to discover all that this captivating Portuguese countryside has to offer. Soak up the sun on the famous Costa Vicentina or sip wine in the stunning Douro valley. Glittering coastlines, rugged mountains, and fascinating culture–Portugal awaits your discovery!

National Parks in Portugal

Portugal is home to 24 different natural parks and preserves. Drive your campervan or RV rental into the rugged Estrela Mountains or head south towards the golden sand dunes that crown the Algarvian coast.

From Porto, drive your campervan rental west and watch as the charming Alto Douro wine region drops into plunging canyons and steep ravines. Located on the northwest Spanish-Portuguese border, the Parque Natural do Douro Internacional offers several hikes and roads to drive with panoramic views of this spectacular landscape. 

Serra de Estrela Natural Park is a must-see for mountain lovers, foodies, and adventurers. Just northwest of Lisbon , this lush national park is dotted with lakes, streams, and a wealth of diverse fauna. If you're looking for a challenge, take a hike up Torre mountain–the highest peak in Portugal.

Take your campervan or RV rental south to the Parque Natural de Arrábida. Rocky cliffs turn into sandy beaches at this Mediterranean oasis. The park is located just south of Lisbon and offers a wealth of stunning scenery to explore. Hike, swim or take a boat tour to see this park from all its best angles.

Portugal's Coastline, Lakes, and Rivers

From Faro to Porto, Portugal is known for its beautiful beaches. Copper-colored cliff faces turn into golden dunes as you drive your campervan or RV south towards the sun-drenched Algarve . 

Surf, swim, or sun tan at any beach along Portugal's Costa Vicentina . Join the crowds at the stunning Praia do Malhao or escape into the secluded oasis of Praia das Adegas. For a bit of history, go north and park your campervan or RV rental at the Castelo de Queijo, which overlooks the Praia Castelo do Queijo.

Hang with the locals at Lago de Vela. Here you can canoe, kayak, or hike around the lush river beds. Or, drive your campervan south of Porto to explore the lush wilderness surrounding Portugal's largest natural lake–Pateira de Fermentelos. This lake is surrounded by abundant flora and fauna, making it the perfect retreat for nature lovers.

Campgrounds in Portugal

It is essential to be well-rested on your campervan adventure. This means you will need to plan to ensure that your accommodation provides access to all the necessary services for you and your campervan or RV rental. 

Here are a few campgrounds you might consider as you prepare for your road trip: Parque Campismo Praia da Tocha, Toca Da Raposa, and Monte Carvalhal de Rocha. At these locations, you will find all camping essentials. Many include swimming pools, games, and common spaces to hang out in. As with any accommodation, it is always a good idea to make early reservations or call ahead to ensure they have a spot for you and your campervan. 

Portugal is a country with breathtaking beauty and a wealth of wilderness to explore. Rent a campervan or RV from Lisbon , Porto , or Faro to embark on the journey of a lifetime .

Own a campervan in Europe? Earn over $30,000 per year

Have you considered earning money when you don't use your RV? List your vehicle for free and rent it out whenever you want to.

Indie Campers welcomes you at these pick-up center locations

These are the places where Indie Campers depots can be found

Check out our blog for tips on traveling in a campervan in Portugal

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August 2024

September 2024, october 2024, november 2024, december 2024, january 2025, february 2025, august 2025, september 2025, october 2025, november 2025.


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Autocaravana fiat DUCATO

  • 2 Seat Belts
  • Semi Integrated
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Autocaravana Adria

  • 4 Seat Belts

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Autocaravana Mercedes Automática

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Autocaravana Perfilada Rapido

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Travel Time

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Autocaravana LMC Liberty 2.8idtd / Espacosa

  • 6 Seat Belts

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Autocaravana 2.5TDi Hobby / The Perfect Motorhome

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Autocaravana Dethleffs 6 Lugares / Sala Grande

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campervan travel portugal

Bela Furgoneta

  • 3 Seat Belts

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Rent an RV in Portugal

If you’re seeking an unforgettable adventure in Europe, rent a camper van in Portugal and explore this enchanting country on the Atlantic fringe of Europe. Embark on a journey from the rugged cliffs of the Algarve to the lush vineyards of the Douro Valley, and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and history of charming cities like Lisbon and Porto. Explore centuries-old castles and UNESCO World Heritage sites that showcase the country’s heritage, indulge in delicious seafood delicacies and local wines, and enjoy the warmth and hospitality of the Portuguese people. Whether you’re seeking the tranquility of nature or the vibrant buzz of city life, rent a camper van in Portugal and enjoy the freedom to experience it all at your own pace.

Lisbon city streetview with cable car and cars

Camper Van Rental Lisbon

campervan travel portugal

Camper Van Rental Faro

campervan travel portugal

Camper Van Rental Porto

Explore Portugal RV Rentals

vw california ocean as roadsurfer campervan surfer suite in blue with pop up roof from the sideview

Surfer Suite Class B RV | VW T6.1 California Ocean

  • 150 hp diesel engine
  • Integrated kitchen
  • Outdoor shower (cold water)
  • Automatic pop-up roof
  • Rear parking sensors with camera
  • Cruise and distance control ACC, GPS

roadsurfer couple cottage campervan from the side view

Couple Cottage Class B RV | Sprinter

  • 130 hp diesel engine
  • Large kitchen area
  • Indoor shower/wet bath (hot water)
  • Without pop-up roof
  • Parking assistance & tempomat

roadsurfer road house campervan with pop up roof from the side view

Road House Class B RV | Sprinter

  • 140 hp diesel engine
  • Manual pop-up roof
  • Rear parking sensors with camera, cruise control, etc.

Your roadsurfer Benefits

Brand new, fully equipped camper vans & RVs

Unlimited mileage & free 2nd driver

Rebook or cancel with the Flex option up to 48 hours before departure

Camping equipment & kitchen utensils included

Roadside assistance

Your Portugal Road Trip

From the dramatic Atlantic coast to the colorful buildings of the cities and the rolling hills of the wine valleys, Portugal is one of the best countries in Europe to explore by camper van. Taking around six hours to drive north to south, you’ll spend less time behind the wheel and more time soaking up the sun and sights. You can rent a camper van in Portugal year-round as the weather in the Algarve is warm and welcoming through the winter when storms hit the Atlantic Coast. Otherwise, spring and fall showcase Portugal’s natural beauty at its finest, while summer crowds bring with them an addictive electric atmosphere where cities and coastal resorts come to life.

  • Driving in Portugal
  • Tolls in Portugal

Camping in Portugal

  • Events & Festivals in Portugal
  • Popular Travel Regions in Portugal

Surfing in Portugal

Driving rules in portugal.

Stay safe when you rent a camper van in Portugal by reading up on the key rules of the road before you go. We’ve compiled a few of the most important ones below:

  • Make sure to drive on the right-hand side of the road in Portugal. However, road users turning left have priority unless otherwise marked, unlike in the USA.
  • The general speed limits on Portuguese roads are 50 km/h (31 mph) in urban areas, 90 km/h (55 mph) on non-urban roads, and 120 km/h (75mph) on highways. However, always pay attention to posted speed limit signs, as limits can vary depending on the type of road and location.
  • Passing should only be done on the left-hand side, and you should return to the right lane after completing the maneuver. Always check for clear visibility and use indicators when changing lanes.
  • Roundabouts are driven around counterclockwise, and drivers already on the roundabout and coming from the left have priority. Always make sure to use your turn signal to indicate your intended direction.
  • Highways in Portugal are almost always toll roads. See the ‘ Paying Tolls in Portugal ’ section below for more info.

Paying tolls in Portugal

Highways in Portugal are toll roads. They are either equipped with booths to pay on-site or are electronic toll roads.

  • Payment on-site : You can pay the toll conventionally at the exit of most roads. Please pay attention to the signs marked with a “V” (Via Verde) on green background, as those are reserved for people with transponders, and you should not drive on those roads if you don’t have one.
  • Electronic toll roads :Our cars with Portuguese plates are already registered on the electronic toll system. You can check your outstanding payments on this website by inputting the number plate. Please keep in mind that it can take up to 48 hours until it appears in the system. Alternatively, payments can be made at a post office and shops marked with “Payshop” flags.
  • If you are driving from outside of Portugal, it is important to register the car on the Easytoll system. As soon as you enter Portugal, you will pass through a toll booth. There is an entrance for non-Portuguese vehicles on the side where you will receive a receipt with an identification number and your plate numbers. When you drive through electronic toll roads, your plate will be scanned. From then onwards, the process is the same as for the Portuguese plates mentioned above. Alternatively, you can register digitally with Easytoll before you enter the country.
  • The time you are allowed to spend on toll roads is limited, and spending a night at a rest stop is not advisable.
  • There are also free roads, marked with “EN” but the travelling time might double if you choose them.

When you rent a camper van in Portugal, you’ll find a variety of campgrounds that cater to camper vans. Check ahead for availability during the high season, and make sure the campground is open in the low season. Here are some common types of campgrounds you can expect to find, as well as some info on wild or dispersed camping:

  • Wild or Dispersed Camping :While not illegal in most areas, it is forbidden to stay in a camper overnight between 9 pm and 7 am, otherwise you might be fined. Dispersed camping is also generally not tolerated by locals in Portugal. The golden rule of Leave No Trace has been broken one too many times, leaving popular dispersed camping spots covered in trash, destroying wildlife, and angering local communities. Luckily, the country has plenty of beautiful campgrounds suiting all budgets, needs, and preferences.
  • Full-Service Campgrounds : These campgrounds offer a range of amenities and facilities for camper van travelers. They typically provide designated camping spots with electrical and water hookups, and waste disposal facilities. Full-service campgrounds often have on-site amenities such as showers, toilets, laundry facilities, restaurants, swimming pools, and playgrounds.
  • Basic Campgrounds : Basic campgrounds provide essential facilities for camper vans, including campsites with or without electrical hookups. They may have shared bathroom facilities, but their amenities are relatively limited compared to full-service campgrounds. Basic campgrounds are often situated in scenic locations, offering a more natural camping experience.
  • Beachfront Campsites : Portugal’s extensive coastline offers beachfront campgrounds where you can park your camper van just steps away from the sand and sea. These campgrounds often provide beautiful ocean views and easy beach access.
  • Rural and Nature Campsites : Portugal’s countryside and natural parks are dotted with campgrounds that allow you to immerse yourself in nature, offering opportunities for hiking, wildlife viewing, and outdoor activities. They may have basic facilities and be a little more rustic, allowing you to better connect with nature.
  • Independent and Local Campsites: If you are seeking the thrill of dispersed camping but want to respect nature and the local communities, find and reserve a unique camping experience through the roadsurfer spots App . Whether it’s a secluded camping spot nestled amidst vineyards accompanied by evening wine tastings, a stay at an organic farm trying the local produce, or surf campgrounds right on the beach, there’s a perfect option for everyone!

Camping on the farm in Portugal with roadsurfer spots

Camping on the Farm

Camping in Portugal by the ocean with roadsurfer spots

Camping by Surf Spots

Camping in the Algarve with roadsurfer spots

Camping in the Mountains

Popular events & festivals in Portugal

Portugal has plenty of fascinating events and festivals that embrace the diversity of Portuguese culture, so why not plan your road trip around one of these when you rent a camper van in Portugal?

Lisbon Carnival, February/March, Lisbon : Lisbon Carnival is a vibrant celebration featuring colorful parades, lively music, and festive costumes. Join the revelry as the city comes alive with street parties and performances, showcasing the energetic spirit of Portuguese culture. Other cities also celebrate carnival, so keep an eye out for celebrations wherever you are!

Festival Internacional de Chocolate de Óbidos (International Chocolate Festival), March, Óbidos : Chocoholics will delight in this annual event held in the charming town of Óbidos . The festival celebrates all things chocolate, featuring impressive chocolate sculptures, tastings, workshops, and a wide array of chocolate-infused treats to satisfy every sweet tooth.

Holy Week, Eastertide, whole country : Holy week, leading up to Easter, is a significant religious observance in Portugal. Cities like Braga, Óbidos, and Bragança, hold processions, biblical re-enactments, and religious ceremonies during this time, providing a unique cultural and spiritual experience.

Rock in Rio Lisboa, June (even-numbered years only), Lisbon : One of the biggest music festivals in Portugal, Rock in Rio Lisboa gathers renowned international artists for a multi-day extravaganza of live performances. Held every two years, this festival attracts music lovers from all over the world, providing an unforgettable experience with a diverse range of genres and incredible stages.

Feast of Saint Anthony, 12-13th June, Lisbon : Lisbon’s beloved patron saint, Saint Anthony, is celebrating with great enthusiasm on June 12 th and 13 th . The city transforms into a lively street party, with parades, traditional dances, and people eating grilled sardines while enjoying the festive atmosphere.

Festa de São João (Saint John Festival), Porto, 23rd June : The Saint John Festival is a lively street festival honoring the city’s patron saint. Join the locals in the lively street parties, where participants exchange playful hits with plastic hammers, and enjoy firework displays, live music, and traditional food and drinks.

Porto Wine Festival, November, Porto : The Porto Wine Festival is a fantastic opportunity to indulge in Portugal’s world-renowned port wine. Enjoy tastings, vineyard tours, and cultural events in Porto, where you can savor a wide range of exquisite wines, and learn the art of winemaking.

Beautiful travel regions in Portugal

It’s hard to narrow down the best spots to visit when you rent a camper van in Portugal, as there is such a range of incredible places to see! That said, read below for an overview of some of the very best:

Lisbon and Sintra – The vibrant capital city of Lisbon is a must-see, combining history, culture, and a bustling atmosphere. Explore the narrow streets of Alfama, visit iconic landmarks like Belém Tower and Jerónimos Monastery, and indulge in the city’s lively food and music scene. Sintra, a fairytale destination nestled in the hills, is only a 45-minute drive from Lisbon and is definitely worth the trip. Immerse yourself in the romantic atmosphere and wander through lush gardens and extravagant palaces, such as the colorful Pena Palace and the mysterious Quinta da Regaleira.

Porto and the Douro Valley – Known for its historic charm and the world-famous port wine, Porto is a captivating city with colorful buildings, stunning bridges, and winding streets. Explore the area and visit the UNESCO World Heritage sites of the Douro Valley, famous for its terraced vineyards, where you can indulge in wine tastings and enjoy breathtaking views of the river.

The Algarve – Located in the southernmost region of Portugal, the Algarve is renowned for its golden beaches, picturesque coastal towns, and year-round pleasant weather. Relax on stunning beaches, explore charming towns like Lagos and Tavira, and enjoy outdoor activities such as surfing, hiking, and golfing.

Évora and the Alentejo – Stretching across the south-central part of Portugal, Alentejo is a region of vast plains, cork oak forests, olive groves, and charming villages. Savor the region’s renowned wines and traditional cuisine, and visit the likes of Monsaraz and Marvão where you can admire medieval castles and enjoy panoramic views. Step back in time in the historic walled city of Évora with its impressive Roman Temple and Gothic Cathedral.

Serra da Estrela – Explore the natural beauty of the Serra da Estrela Natural Park. Hike through valleys, discover charming villages like Manteigas and Belmonte, and enjoy winter sports in the colder months. Peneda-Gerês National Park – Situated in the northwest, Peneda-Gerês is Portugal’s only national park. It offers stunning natural beauty with lush forests, sparkling rivers, and granite peaks. Discover cascading waterfalls, hike scenic trails, and encounter wildlife in this unspoiled rural paradise.

Portugal is home to some of the best surf breaks in Europe, and the world championship tour comes to Peniche each year. If you’re looking for a full surf experience, there are some amazing places to stay near these spots when you rent a camper van in Portugal.

  • While not generally thought of as one of Portugal’s top surf spots, Aveiro has a gentle beach break at Praia da Barra, which is a wonderful place for beginners to learn to ride waves. Check out the roadsurfer spot ‘ Secret private house garden by the beach ’ which is ten steps from Praia da Barra!
  • Located just north of Lisbon, Ericeira is a World Surfing Reserve and one of Europe’s top surf destinations. It offers a variety of breaks suitable for all skill levels.
  • Peniche , a peninsula on the central coast of Portugal, is known for its consistent surf conditions. Supertubos, one of Europe’s best beach breaks, hosts the prestigious World Surf League Championship Tour event. Other popular spots in Peniche include Baleal and Praia da Consolação. Looking for the perfect place to park and enjoy this lively surf town, take surf lessons, and relax? Try the roadsurfer spot ‘ Da Silva Surfcamp ’ in Peniche.
  • Nazaré is famous for its enormous waves, particularly during the winter months. Only suitable for experienced big-wave riders from around the world. While it’s not a place most of us can surf, it’s worth a visit just to see the monstrous waves coming in. The roadsurfer spot ‘ Espaço Lirium Ricardo Ferreira ’ is a twenty minute drive from Nazaré where you can camp surrounded by nature near an edible garden, with bicycles available for rent.
  • Located in the southwestern tip of Portugal, Sagres offers a range of surf breaks with consistent waves. Try Praia do Tonel and Praia do Beliche. roadsurfer spot ‘ Casa da Horta ’ at Bordeira beach is the perfect place to stay just north of Sagres, where you can rent bikes and surfboards, as well as book horse rides.
  • Situated in the Algarve region, Arrifana is a picturesque beach with consistent surf conditions and a relaxed atmosphere. Stay at the above-mentioned ‘Casa da Horta’, just a half-hour drive south of Arrifana.
  • Close to Lisbon, Carcavelos is a popular surf spot with consistent waves and a vibrant surf culture. It is easily accessible and suitable for all skill levels, making it a great option for beginners and intermediate surfers.

More tips for your road trip in Portugal

  • New Article
  • Camping for beginners
  • Europe Road Trips

campervan travel portugal

Campgrounds in Europe

campervan travel portugal

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coffee spilling from a roadsurfer cup with lake and forest in the background

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campervan travel portugal

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campervan travel portugal

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Everything you need to know about campervan rental in portugal.

Portugal is one of the best countries to travel by van and we’ll tell you exactly why. Portugal is such a beautiful country with a ton of things to do.

The best part? Everything is SO close together that you never have to spend too much time driving and have more time for exploration.

In this post, you’ll hear about what we think is the best camper van rental in Portugal. Yes, this is subjective because we’ve only ever had one camper van hire in Portugal – but our experience was awesome! 

Whenever we have a good experience with a company, tour, or adventure we love to share it so you can have a great experience as well. We know renting a camper van anywhere can be quite a bit of work, so let’s dive in.

Pin for Pinterest for Campervan Rental in Portugal.

Disclosure: this post is written in collaboration with Portugal by Van. This review is 100% our own. Thank you <3

Table of Contents

Renting a camper van in Portugal

This post is specifically going to be about renting a camper van from Lisbon since most people tend to fly into Lisbon and start their Portugal road trips from there. That’s what we did too.

Lisbon is located sorta central, so if you’re thinking about going down to the Algarve or heading up the Silver Coast (west coast) towards Porto you can do either option from there.

Portugal by Van is located right on the outskirts of Lisbon and you can easily get there by metro and from their office, you’ll be on the highway in minutes. 

There aren’t too many camper van companies in Lisbon but we had a friend who did a trip using one of Portugal By Van’s camper vans right before us and she only had good things to say. So we trusted her, and it definitely paid off. 

When renting a camper van in Portugal there are quite a few things to take into consideration. We cover all that in this post including how we camped for free in Portugal as well as our favourite campsites!

If you’re looking at a complete guide for camping in Portugal specifically, we’ve got you covered too.

Average cost for a camper van hire in Portugal

A man standing next to his camper van in Portugal.

When looking at the cost of hiring a camper van there are a few things to take into consideration: The price of the camper van per day and the price of campsites per day.

During the summer months, both of those will be more expensive and then cheaper during the winter months. 

That’s why we recommend travelling during the shoulder season (late spring or early fall) when prices are sort of in the middle.

When you take everything into consideration, it’s often a lot cheaper to rent a camper van in Portugal than renting a flat and always doing day trips from those places. Plus camper van life is just a damn good time! 

Here’s a list of the costs for campervan hire in Portugal:

  • Campervan €75 – €145 / day
  • Insurance €7.5 / day
  • Campsites €10 – €20 / day (or free)
  • Propane tanks for cooking €2.5 / 3 days
  • Fuel (is pretty expensive in Portugal – around €1.5 – €1.7 / liter)

Which camper van to choose

Portugal by Van Van with a couple sitting in front of it.

So since there were only the two of us on this road trip we went with the smallest van Portugal by Van has. They have three different models.

The smallest and cheapest one is the Fiat Ducato. And by the smallest we don’t mean it is small – it’s still quite big. There’s enough room for three people to sleep, cook, store luggage, and wash dishes. 

So we went with the Fiat Ducato! It’s quite spacious and as long as you’re not over 6 feet tall you will fit perfectly inside.

I (Dom) am just over 6 feet so I did have to bend over a bit when cooking and stuff. But that’s just a part of van life, isn’t it? 

You can see Portugal By Van’s different options of vans here .

When is the best time to travel Portugal by camper van

Portugal By Van price guide 2023.

So we actually did our Portugal road trip during one of the most uncommon times which is November. There are some perks to this since campervan rentals are cheapest around this time of year because there isn’t much demand.

This also means lots of the attractions, campsites, and places aren’t nearly as busy as they would be other times of the year.

For the most part, we actually enjoyed road tripping around Portugal in November! Except for a few reasons…

The downside is that the sun does go down sooner which means you will spend more time snuggling inside the van. The other downside is that it does get quite chilly at night. So make sure to bring warm clothes. 

Besides those minor things, it was awesome travelling in November. If we were to do it again I think we would go between the Medium Low and Medium High Season. 

Late May and early June (Medium low – Medium High Season) should still be nice and relaxing tourism-wise. And it’s also still warm enough to enjoy road-tripping along the coast and through all the small Portuguese towns.  

Next time we come and explore other parts of Portugal we’ll do it at different times of the year. It will, of course, cost more but we love warm weather.

Finding campsites around Portugal

A lady standing next to her van outside in Portugal.

Portugal is SUPER campervan and road trip friendly. There’s an app that basically has all the information you need during your trip such as where to camp (for free), where you can find drinking water, places to do laundry, and much more. 

Park4Night is the app that helps with finding everything camping-related. We used this app every day to help plan our road trip up the Silver Coast.

There’s quite a few free campsites around Portugal and also some really cheap ones that are worth staying at.

Actually, our favourite campsite that we stayed at was in Ericeira. It was €12.5 for the two of us when we went. That price included water and electricity hookup, and warm showers!

If you find your way up the Silver Coast make sure to stop by Ericeira Camping right in town.

Flush is another app you should consider downloading before your trip. It will tell you where you can find a bathroom which comes in handy if you don’t get a chemical toilet in your van.

Here’s a list of a few of our favourite campsites in Portugal . I’m sure this list will grow as we explore more of Portugal and get awesome recommendations from you guys!

Other things to know when renting a campervan in Portugal

A man and women working from their van on their laptops.

  • Propane tanks can be bought at Decathlon. If you use it every day to make coffee, lunch, and dinner then one tank will last 2-3 days. 
  • This can be confusing but Gas = Gasoline and Diesel = Gasoleo . If you’re confused, just ask the gas station attendants to double check. 
  • There are certain places you can fill up water and drop off your waste water. Most campsites offer these kinds of services. Some free campsites will also offer this for a fee.
  • There are different types of insurance you can get that cover a certain amount of damage in case of an accident or damage to the car. We went with the €7.5 / day package since that’s what we felt comfortable with.
  • There are highway tolls in Portugal where you have to pay to drive on certain stretches of the highway. If you use Google Maps, you can turn on the setting “avoid tolls” and you’ll be taken only on the free roads.
  • During the summer months, free camping “wild camping” is a lot more under surveillance than during the winter months. Since we travelled around in November it was a lot more relaxed. We stayed at night at the Cabo da Roca sunset spot and no one said a thing. In the summer months that could be a different story. 
  • Portugal by Van offers wifi as an extra feature, so if you work online like we do, this is definitely worth considering!

You may also like…

  • The Best Sunset in Portugal – Cabo da Roca
  • 5 Epic Beaches in Ericeira You Need to Visit
  • Camping Spots in Ericeira You’re Going to Love
  • The Ultimate Guide to Camping in Portugal
  • Hiking the Beautiful Praia da Ursa Trail – From Cabo da Roca

Summary of hiring a campervan in Portugal

A man and a women enjoying lunch while camping in Portugal.

Hopefully, now you’ll be well covered and know what to expect when renting a van in Portugal. There are other companies in Porto and Lagos that do campervan hire but we loved Portugal by Van so that’s the one we’re going to recommend to you 😉

Since we flew into Lisbon it was easy to do it this way. Lisbon is also an awesome city to start your road trip from. Plus we had an amazing experience with Portugal By Van so it only makes sense to share our experience! 

Have an amazing time exploring Portugal. The beautiful beaches, castles, coastline, and wine! Portugal is such an amazing country and doing it by campervan is the right way!

Love it? Share it!

Camper van hire Pin for Pinterest in Portugal.

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campervan travel portugal

Our Two Week Spain + Portugal Itinerary in a Campervan

It was our dream for years since we first visited Portugal back in December 2017 to one day get there with our own van. We saw so many campervans headed there for a little bit of winter sun and although it seemed like it was so far away, we knew we’d get there one day. Well, last year we finally made it there for 2 weeks over Christmas.

You might think that it’s a little bit too far for a 2 week trip, but when we head to Europe, all we usually have is 2 weeks due to Annual Leave from work. We made the most of it with the bank holidays over Christmas and New Year so it didn’t actually use too much leave from work.

Now, there’s 2 ways to get to Spain from the UK – get the ferry from the UK to France and drive there and back, or get the ferry to/from Northern Spain at Bilbao/Santander. Based on the dates we had available, and price, we decided to get the ferry to Spain and then drive back through France. You can read our blog post about the Spain crossing here . So, here’s our itinerary for how we managed to spend 2 weeks exploring Spain and Portugal from the UK!

Brittany Ferries Spain to Portugal Ferry Review

Day 1 + 2 – Ferry to Spain

We took the ferry from Portsmouth to Santander which takes 26hrs to cross. We had a terrible crossing as we literally crossed during a storm, so we had insane winds across the Bay of Biscay (which is already a really bad area to cross), so we spent 90% of the time on the boat in bed or throwing up. If you don’t go when there’s a storm, it sounds like it can be an alright crossing, as our boat had a swimming pool on the top deck – so it can’t be that bad.

We left at 12pm on the Friday and arrived in Spain at 1pm on Saturday. It took a while to get off the boat (we were literally the last ones off) and so we spend the rest of the afternoon driving towards Portugal. We parked up at a little car park we found on Park4Night, cooked dinner and then slept off the rest of the sea-sickness we were left with.

Bom Jesus do Monte Portugal

Day 3 – Bom Jesus do Monte

We woke up nice and early and continued the drive from our parkup to Bom Jesus do Monte, which was about a 4hr drive. It’s a religious sanctuary located in the north of Portugal at Braga, and is most famous for the huge staircase that climbs 116m (381ft). We parked at the bottom to save ourselves a €10 (I think) parking charge, as it’s free at the bottom car park, though you do have to walk up millions of stairs to get to the top.

We wandered around the top area, which had a hotel, gift shop and park, and then headed back to the van to beat the rain that we’d already been caught out in on the way up. Then we drove a few hours south to Costa Nova and found a parkup right by the beach for the night.

Costa Nova Portugal

Day 4 – Costa Nova + Aveiro

We woke up to the sound of the waves over the dunes the next morning. The weather was a little cold and dreary, so we took a quick walk along the beach and then drove to the famous colourful buildings of Costa Nova, and then on to the lighthouse – April loves a good lighthouse.

We then popped over to the nearby town of Aveiro after stocking up on groceries and plenty of Portuguese pastries to last us a few days. It was nice, but we didn’t stay long as the weather wasn’t very good and it felt more like a regular town than a tourist place, so we continued our drive south that afternoon for a few hours racking up huge toll fees! We’re planning on doing a blog post all about toll roads in Portugal.

Sines Sunrise

Day 5 – Sines + Vila Nova de Milfontes

We arrived at our parkup at Sines really late at night so it was pitch black. We had no idea what we’d be waking up to, other than we were on top of a cliff. I was terrified as Shane was parking the van incase we ended up off the edge of the cliff, but we were fine. I set the alarm for sunrise, and we woke up to the most amazing hazy views out of the window.

We had a slow morning cooking some breakfast, then headed a little further south along the coastal road to Vila Nova de Milfontes – a little beachside town along the estuary. As it was Christmas Eve, most places were shut and it was super quiet. Though, one thing to note is that parking for Campervans/Motorhomes is pretty much forbidden at most parking areas, so we struggled to park until we found a small field with a few cars parked and took a chance. We were fine there for an hour or so as we wandered the streets.

We then headed a little further south again, near to Sagres for our parkup ready for Christmas Day.

Christmas in a Campervan

Day 6 – Christmas at Sagres

As it was our dream to spend Christmas at Sagres in the van, the previous few days did involve a lot of driving to get there. If we had more time, we’d have taken it a lot slower, but we made it. We parked up at the top of a cliff and had another lovely sunrise. We chilled in the van in the morning before heading a little further down the coast, stopping at Praia do Amado for a while, and then finally onto Sagres itself.

We parked up in the famous carpark in time to cook ourselves a huge Christmas Dinner in the van! With pretty much all of it brought over from the UK! It took us a while, and it was a little hard to do in the van with the oven only having one shelf and 3 hobs, but we got there eventually with only one small disaster of dropping the Cauliflower Cheese on the floor!

Carvoeiro Boardwalk Caves

Day 7 + 8 – Carvoeiro + Driving to Gibraltar

The next morning we headed to my favourite place at Sagres – St Vincent Lighthouse. We then stopped at a pottery shop which I’ve wanted to visit each time we’ve been before, but not being able to carry anything home in our hand luggage while flying, resisted each time. This time, I made Shane pull in so we could visit, and luckily, it was open on Boxing Day! We spent a good hour wandering the shop and came home with some house number tiles, 2 plates, some magnets and an oven glove for the van. I wish I bought more haha!

Afterwards, Shane picked out a stop at Carvoeiro boardwalk which was amazing! We walked along the boardwalk and found loads of little caves to explore along the way, and then we had a quick stop in Carvoeiro itself. We were hoping to get food there, but being boxing day, most places were closed or had set menus, so we walked back to the van and headed off to an aire for the night.

After a lovely long shower, we left Portugal and crossed back into Spain. The plan was to visit Seville, but none of the parking areas sounded too great – loads of break-ins or waaay out of the city centre with dodgy walks, so we drove past and headed for Gibraltar instead. We arrived around 6pm and parked up at the Marina in La Linea de la Concepcion, just across the boarder.

Gibraltar at the Top

Day 9 – Gibraltar

We woke up early to walk across the border to Gibraltar. We read that the queues could be really long to cross in a vehicle so it’s usually quicker to just walk across instead, so we did. We then hopped on a bus to The Rock of Gibraltar Cable Car Station – we went for the ticket that gives you access to the Nature Reserve too. We followed the recommended route which literally took us the entire afternoon. And there’s SO many hills! We were dead by the end of it.

The only thing I didn’t like about it though, was that when you get to the end of the route for the Nature Reserve, you’re kind of dumped at a random area of the city, nowhere near the tourist busses so we got a bit lost trying to make our way back. We’d already walked for miles, had no food all day, and were both suffering from a horrendous chest infection and needed food + a drink. I also really wanted to head to the botanical gardens, which is at the entrance to the cable car, so if you’re planning on walking down the nature reserve, visit the botanical gardens first. There’s also a lighthouse at the tip that I wanted to see, but we were too far away from so missed out on that too. But we finally found our way back to the border – which involves crossing the runway! That was weird!

Juzcar Smurf Village Spain

Day 10 – Juzcar and Ronda

The next day we headed up into the mountains of Andalucia to visit a famous real life ‘Smurf Village’. They painted the town blue back when the first Smurfs movie was released, and planned to paint it back to it’s original whitewashed look 6 months later, but due to the increase in tourism to the village, the residents had a vote and decided to keep it blue! It’s a tiny village so we didn’t stay too long, but I can imagine in summer it’d be amazing for kids, as there were quite a few activities for them to do around the town, like climbing walls and zip-lines!

We then drove to nearby Ronda to see the famous bridge. We wanted to hike down to the viewpoint, but by this point we were so ill and tired from all the walking we did the day before that we just couldn’t bear it, so saw it from the town viewpoints instead. The gorge that the bridge sits over was insane though!

Sunset in Spain

Day 11 – Granada (+ Our Gas Broke)

This was the day that we were supposed to be exploring the famous Alhambra in Granada, but our LPG gas (for our heater and cooker) broke on our final night in Gibraltar. We thought we’d just ran out of LPG and managed to find a gas station with the correct converter, so topped it up before heading to Juzcar, but when we parked up that night, it cut out again. So we had a freezing cold night with no hot food!

So we headed to Granada instead to visit a huge DIY store so Shane could get some tools to try figure out the problem. We were hoping we’d be done in an hour or so and could then visit the Alhambra, but instead we ended up on a tour of Granada’s LPG stations and DIY stores and found that the issue was that the hose seal had disintegrated inside the hose causing a blockage. So we had to buy a camping stove instead and continue up to Madrid on our journey towards home for our parkup that night.

Bardenas Reales

Day 12 – Bardenas Reales

We woke up super early the next morning with a frozen windscreen as it was getting so much colder the more northern we headed. We then drove a few hours to visit the Bardenas Reales – a mini desert in Northern Spain. It was such a strange area and was a lot bigger than we expected after we tried to drive around the entire perimeter on the crazy gravel/sand road. We gave up about 1/4 of the way around and headed to the shops to buy some food to last us New Years eve and New Years Day!

As it was getting colder the more north we headed, and also at the peak of our chest infections, our enthusiasm sort of frazzled with us, so the next few days were a little less active while we tried to recover!

Spain Mountain Road Cloud Inversion

Day 13 – Driving to France

We tried to visit a few places, but I just wasn’t feeling very well at all, and it was so cold that I had no motivation to do anything. We tried to visit a Natural Park that Shane had found that morning, but as the visitor centre was closed we had no luck finding what it was that we were trying to find (a river with clear blue water). We did come across an amazing cloud inversion though on the way up to the park which was so cool that we had to stop for some photos!

We crossed into France and continued our way north for as long as we could manage before finding a parkup for the night.

Dune du Pilat France

Day 14 – Dune du Pilat

The next day we were both starting to feel a little bit better again, and we finally made it to Dune du Pilat – the tallest sand dune in Europe! It measures 500m width, 2.7km in length and 106m tall! It was insanely huge and the photos just don’t do it justice how big it was! The dune is very slowly moving inwards towards the land as you can see when you visit that the sand is slowly taking over the trees at the base.

I can imagine how crazy busy it must be during the summer months, with everyone heading down to the beach at the base of the dune. After this, we continued our drive further north through France towards Caen for our ferry home.

Omaha Beach France

Day 15 + 16 – Omaha Beach + Home

The next day, we planned to visit Mont St Michel which I’ve wanted to visit for years. Sadly though, the weather wasn’t very nice – it was cold, rainy and quite windy, so we decided to just find a beach near to our ferry port in Caen for the afternoon before heading to our parkup for the night as we had a super early morning departure of 7am.

We ended up at Omaha beach, one of the locations of the WW2 D-Day landings. There’s a lot of memorials to all the soldiers who fought and lost their lives there that day so we had a little wander around those before just chilling in our van for the rest of the afternoon. Later that night, we arrived at our parkup and prepared the van ready for the ferry crossing home the next morning.

We had an amazing trip and we were so lucky with the warm weather we got in the south of Portugal and Spain, as apparently they’d had continuous rain for months and loads of flooding. It’s just a shame that we were both so ill towards the end of the trip and couldn’t enjoy it as much as we’d have liked. It was a lot of driving though to get back to the UK and I wish we took the ferry from Spain back home so that we had more time in the warmth of southern Spain. I don’t think it would be as bad during the summer, but for winter it was nice to be in the warmth for a change!

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Dive into adventure with our campervan rental and catch some waves with free surf lessons! Book now and ride the waves of Portugal’s beaches

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Early Bird Promo

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Motorhome hire Portugal

  • Motorhome hire

Hire a motorhome, campervan or converted van in Portugal and travel across Europe !

Choose among more than 15,000 motorhomes available to rent on yescapa..

Converted van Peugeot Boxer 2,0 l 130 ch For hire in Fátima

Converted van

Fátima (47 km away)

Motorhome Low profile Rimor RIMOR Sailer 687 tc For hire in Outeiro Pequeno, Assentiz

Motorhome Low profile

Outeiro Pequeno, Assentiz (31 km away)

Motorhome Coachbuilt C.I. Mizar For hire in Abrantes

Motorhome Coachbuilt

Abrantes (7 km away)

Motorhome Coachbuilt Mclouis 1 S-Line For hire in Fátima

Fátima (46 km away)

Other Jeep Grand Cherokee For hire in Batalha

Batalha (52 km away)

Converted van Ducato  For hire in Fátima

Fátima (45 km away)

The perks of hiring a motorhome in Portugal with Yescapa

Insurance excess repurchase

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Motorhome and campervan hire in Portugal: Find the perfect hire

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Hire a campervan or a motorhome in Portugal

Travel with total freedom and security! Discover the best things to do in Portugal this summer. To visit Portugal, the ideal solution is to hire a campervan.

From North to South, Portugal is a country that offers countless opportunities, perfect for a campervan hire. The west coast offers a succession of beautiful beaches, some are ideal for surfing and others perfect for relaxing. The interior of Portugal is very varied and you can go from a dense green vegetation to a desert of red earth dotted with olive trees in a few hours of route. Take the road on a colourful motorhome trip to the land of fado.

Our team can advise you how to hire a campervan in Portugal. Yescapa makes hiring a motorhome in Portugal a very easy experience. The platform offers low cost campervan hire in Portugal and across Europe. Traveling by motorhome is a perfect solution to move around Portugal and discover its riches. Lisbon, Porto, Faro... whatever your destination, you will find the perfect campervan hire to travel Portugal with Yescapa.

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Book a motorhome in Portugal! A-class or coachbuilt, this sturdy and comfortable vehicle will win your heart:

Motorhome Low profile Joint joint For hire in Ponte De Sor

Ponte De Sor (25 km away)

Motorhome Coachbuilt Chausson Chausson Welcome 28 For hire in Tomar

Tomar (28 km away)

Motorhome Low profile Laika Transit 2,4 l 140 ch For hire in Santarém

Santarém (36 km away)

Motorhome Coachbuilt Bürstner  For hire in Sertã

Sertã (46 km away)

Motorhome Coachbuilt Hymer Hymer For hire in Sertã

Sertã (47 km away)

Motorhome Low profile Roller Team 255 P For hire in Entroncamento

Entroncamento (23 km away)

Book a converted van in Portugal! Discover these vans for the whole family. Our converted vans have a bed, a kitchen and (often) a bathroom.

Converted van Mcc Ducato 2,0 l 115 ch For hire in Leiria

Leiria (66 km away)

Converted van Fiat Ducato 3,0 l 180 ch For hire in Colmeias

Colmeias (60 km away)

Converted van Mercedes Mercedes  For hire in Alcobaça

Alcobaça (65 km away)

Converted van Fourgon aménagé  For hire in Leiria

Leiria (63 km away)

Converted van citroen  For hire in Benedita

Benedita (63 km away)

Converted van Renault 2,3 l 125 ch For hire in Juncal

Juncal (62 km away)

Book a converted van in Portugal! Start your van life with our selection of vehicles:

Campervan Westfalia FORD TRANSIT For hire in Almeirim

Almeirim (41 km away)

Campervan Renault Renault Trafic For hire in Ourém

Ourém (51 km away)

Campervan Mercedes 315 For hire in Leiria

Leiria (62 km away)

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With your family

You can book a motorhome for your family holidays in Portugal. Luxurious or modest, discover our vehicles with 4, 6 berth or more. Travelling with your family, your children in a motorhome will be a unique experience, an unforgettable memory:

Motorhome Coachbuilt P.L.A. 415 For hire in Leiria

Leiria (60 km away)

Motorhome Coachbuilt Hymer j5 For hire in Cartaxo

Cartaxo (56 km away)

Motorhome Low profile Challenger challenger majeo 119EB For hire in Santa Eufémia, Leiria

Santa Eufémia, Leiria (62 km away)

Motorhome Coachbuilt Eura Mobil Eura Mobil 585 Sport For hire in Batalha

Batalha (59 km away)

For couples

For a couples holiday in Portugal, hire a small motorhome. Discover our selection of 2 berth vehicles for a romantic getaway:

Campervan Karmann Mobil Transporter T4 Multivan For hire in Moleanos

Moleanos (61 km away)

Pets allowed

Discover our motorhomes with pets allowed in Portugal. Hard to leave those little monsters behind! Motorhomes are an ideal solution to travel with pets, they'll feel right at home. Book a motorhome that allows cats and dogs:

Motorhome Coachbuilt Sunlight Ford Transit 2.4 tdci For hire in Leiria

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Kucavana- Travel by motorhome

Guide to traveling to Portugal by motorhome

  • Author of the entry: Kucavanera family
  • Post publication: 25/07/2023
  • Entry Category: Europe / Portugal / Trips
  • Post Comments: No comments

Table of Contents

Portugal by motorhome or camper van is always a good plan. If this is what you are looking for, stay in this article that I will tell you everything or almost everything!

Hello friend @ adventurer @! Today I am going to share with you my experience and tips on how to travel to Portugal by motorhome. As a mother of two children and a lover of motorhome travel, I have traveled all over Europe with my family and I can tell you that Portugal is one of the most incredible destinations to enjoy this way of traveling. So, prepare your van, your camper or your motorhome and let's go touring Portugal together!

TIP: If you don't have a motorhome or camper but want to rent one and try this type of trip, remember that the cheapest way and with the best experiences is to rent between individuals for a AirB&B type platform but for motorhomes and campers .

We are the kucavana family We traveled with our two children, ages 8 and 11, and our adopted dog Max. We usually travel in our motorhome called Kucavana, hence the name of our blog (Anna as a baby didn't know how to say motorhome and said Kucavana), but we also like to travel by bicycle touring or by plane and backpacking. We enjoy every learning experience as a family and we hope to help you enjoy it as much as we do. We do it by traveling.

To be closer to you follow us on our social networks: YouTube e Instagram

Image route assembly service in a personalized motorhome

Circulating and driving in Portugal in a motorhome

The first thing you need to know when traveling by motorhome to Portugal is what it is like to drive in Portugal with your "mobile home". Here is a summary of the traffic law in Portugal so that you are aware of the speed limits and some useful tips:

Summary of Portugal traffic law:

In general, we can say that the Portuguese traffic law is very similar to the Spanish one in all aspects, so you won't have many problems driving and respecting its rules as they are identical to those in Spain in most cases. Here's a little summary:

Driving license:

Spanish, European or international is valid if you are from outside the European Union.

Speed ​​limits:

On national roads, the maximum speed is 50 km/h in urban areas, 90 km/h, while on highways you can reach 120 km/h, that is if you do not have a vehicle with a trailer or a caravan or you are a motorhome of more than 3500 kg which then becomes less. But, even if you have a motorhome of less than 3500 kg and you are like a car, be careful! There are sections with speed limits, so pay attention to the signs, just like in Spain.

Child safety:

If you take children under 12 years old, they must always go in the rear seats and with booster seats, they can only go in the front if it is more than 150 cm.

Fluorescent vests and mandatory triangles:

Do not forget to take the mandatory vests and triangles in your vehicle to put on the road in case you have a breakdown.

Extra tip for driving in Portugal in a motorhome:

Some roads can be narrow and winding, especially in rural, coastal, and mountainous areas. Keep calm and enjoy the scenery. In addition, it is important that you are aware of local traffic regulations to avoid fines.

Portuguese highway. Photo by pexels-joao-guerreiro-17249887

Tolls on the highways you will pass through on your trip to Portugal with a motorhome

Portugal has toll highways, and to travel through them in your motorhome, you can use two systems depending on the highway where you are:

  • toll roads conventional . It is like the one in Spain and other European countries, you take the ticket and pay later based on the distance travelled.
  • Electronic toll roads with cameras who read the license plate and where you pay with electronic systems Easytoll, Tollservice, Tollcard, ViaT or temporary Vía Verde device. On this type of highway, which you can see in the image below, it is where we can have problems if we have not previously registered with one of the payment systems.

How to sign up for one of the electronic toll motorway payment systems

The most effective is to take your viaT of Spain if you have it or if you don't register in the system easytoll, Designed for tourists to pay our electronic tolls.

To sign up for the Easytoll system you can do it at the terminals that you will find at the beginning of some highway sections (not all) or to save time and mistakes, sign up online here:

It is very simple, you link your license plate to a credit card where the tolls will be charged when you pass. And the good thing about this link is that it only lasts 30 days.

What you should know that as a tourist with Easytoll they always charge us a few cents more per toll, but for the use that we are going to give it, do not get involved in other more complicated systems and do it with Easytoll, nor am I talking about the rest of the systems for not hook up.

Ioánnina in a motorhome, staying at the Ioánnina Yacht Club Camping

Camping in Portugal in a motorhome: general regulations and fines

An exciting part of traveling by motorhome is the chance to camp in beautiful places and enjoy nature. However, in Portugal, as in Spain and in practically all of Europe, the free camping is totally prohibited and you must take into account the regulations and avoid unnecessary fines.

IMPORTANT: I ​​remind you that camping is standing out from the perimeter of the technical sheet of your vehicle living place. Taking out a table, chairs, awning, cooking outside... all that is prohibited outside of doing it in a campsite or a private motorhome area.

Therefore, if you want to camp and avoid very juicy fines for the authorities, go to a campsite or private motorhome area. In public places it goes unnoticed, avoiding fines and making the itinerant tourism is well regarded and sustainable in time in these wonderful destinations.

Portugal in motorhome overnight

Staying overnight in Portugal in a motorhome or camper

Banned free overnight stays in portugal with camper vans since 2021.

Since 2021, it is Free overnight stays in camper vans are prohibited throughout Portugal .

With the Covid, Portugal suffered a boom in motorhomes and campers that, apart from parking, continually violated the camping law on its coasts, leaving devastating patterns of garbage and illegal campsites. The way to limit these camps was by prohibiting free overnight stays for camper vans, not motorhomes, since they considered that they are the ones that mostly violate the camping law due to lack of interior space and many of them without bathrooms inside.

SUMMARIZING: If you plan to go to Portugal from now on be clear that  after 21:XNUMX p.m. if you are a van or caravan you must go to spend the night in a place allowed for it :  an area or parking lot for motorhomes or a campsite . If you are a  motorhome, you can spend the night with a maximum of 48 hours You pray as long as it is not forbidden in that municipality or it is a protected natural area It honestly hurts our soul, especially for all those housing vehicles, which like motorhomes, have their bathroom and never camp being exemplary in their behavior in this world. We always end up paying the righteous for sinners.

Besides, but, even if you are a motorhome in, above all, the Portuguese coast you will find many forbidden to park and spend the night which also prohibit motorhomes and not just campers. It is important that you find out about the specific restrictions of each town and place before planning your stops on your motorhome route through Portugal.

Places to spend the night in camper or motorhome in Portugal

But don't worry, there are legal alternatives to spend the night in a camper and they are also always advisable in a motorhome in Portugal. Here I mention some options that are the most legal and above all comfortable so that you can spend the night and camp in most of them:

Portugal has a large number of well-equipped campsites where you can enjoy services and amenities, being able to camp in the most comfortable way sheltered from swimming pools that will help you get through the summer heat and next to good beaches.

Motorhome areas to sleep in a safe and quiet motorhome or camper

Many cities and towns have areas dedicated especially for motorhomes, where you can safely stay overnight. These areas are public and often free and have the minimum services for motorhomes. You will also find paid private motorhome areas where you can also camp comfortably.

On the other hand, there are supermarket chains that have also set up motorhome areas in their parking lots where you can go shopping and spend the night. The best-known supermarket chain in the country with overnight areas for campers and motorhomes is the Intermarché supermarkets.

Car parks enabled for housing vehicles

Some municipalities have enabled parking lots without services for motorhomes but that allow motorhomes and campers to stay overnight, as long as you respect the rules, not camping as a general rule.

Emptying the poti, chemical toilet, of a campsite in Scotland by motorhome

Services for motorhomes in Portugal

To make your motorhome trip in Portugal more comfortable, it is essential to know where you can find specific services for motorhomes.

motorhome areas

Throughout Portugal, you will find areas dedicated to motorhomes, where you can replenish water, empty your tanks and in some cases, even find electricity.

Service areas on highways or gas stations with services for motorhomes

On motorways and some gas stations, you will also find service areas that have facilities for motorhomes. Take advantage of these points to make your technical stops.

Tips and things to know before your trip to Portugal by motorhome or camper

Traveling by motorhome in Portugal is an incredible and unique experience! Here are some tips and curiosities about this beautiful country so that you can enjoy it even more:

Speak a little Portuguese: basic words in the language

Although many Portuguese speak English, learning a few basic Portuguese words will help you further connect with the local culture. Try it!

European health card or a good travel insurance to avoid co-payments

In Portugal you can be treated in any public hospital with the European health card. Of course, you should know that there are co-payments, which may, depending on the case and intervention, be returned to you by Spanish social security or not after two years. That's why I recommend travel insurance. For the price it has, which is little, it is worth it.

A TIP : For health on the road we hire Iati Escapadas, which is the best for traveling through Europe by motorhome. travel insurance , since apart from including health, it includes extra things for the motorhome that other insurance policies do not have, such as theft inside the motorhome, which not even the vehicle insurance itself includes. And it even includes an accident involving your pet if you have a dog in your motorhome like us.

In this case, if you want to hire it, I leave you a 5% discount on the Iati Getaways that will be applied to you at the end by accessing the link below.

Mobile roaming and Euro as in Spain

Both for what it does to the use of your mobile and for what it does to the currency in Portugal you will be at home and you should not worry. Of course, first check with your mobile company if it reduces data roaming in Portugal, they do not make you pay more but sometimes, it depends on the company reduces data at high speed.

Gastronomy of Portugal in a motorhome. Photo pexels-magda-ehlers-2573870

Try its gastronomy: typical dishes of Portuguese cuisine

Portuguese gastronomy is delicious and varied. You cannot stop trying the cod, the grilled sardines, the pasteis de nata and the delicious local cheeses and sausages.

listen fado

Fado is a typical Portuguese music that transmits deep emotions. Enjoy an evening in a bar or restaurant where fado is played and let yourself be carried away by its magic.

Portugal originating from customs of other countries

Portugal is the origin of Japanese tempura and English tea time.

Visit the longest bridge in Europe on your trip to Portugal by motorhome

The Vasco da Gama Bridge is the longest bridge in Europe, spanning the Tagus north of Lisbon at over 12 km.

Sustainable energy self-sufficiency in Portugal

Portugal is one of the most sustainable countries in Europe, meeting 70% of its needs with renewable energy.

Visit the oldest bookstore in the world

The oldest bookstore in the world is in Portugal, in Lisbon, founded in 1732, the Livraria Bertrand.

Get to know a bit of Portuguese history

Portugal has a rich history and full of curiosities:

  • In the fifteenth century, Portugal controlled half of the "new world."
  • Although Spain and Portugal share a past, they have different and not always mixed histories.
  • The longest dictatorship in Europe was in Portugal, thanks to Antonio de Oliveira Salazar and the subsequent Carnation Revolution.
  • Portugal has the world's oldest existing diplomatic agreement with England, dating back to 1373.

Route through Portugal in a motorhome: the 10 essential things to see on your trip through Portugal in a camper or motorhome

Now that you know some details about driving, camping and staying overnight in Portugal, I can't stop sharing with you the essential places you must visit on your route through this beautiful country. So get ready because here is a top 10 essentials to visit on your trip to Portugal by motorhome or van.

Lisbon by motorhome

1. Lisbon by motorhome

The capital of Portugal is a city full of charm, history and corners to discover. Do not miss the Alfama neighborhood, the Belém Tower and the famous tram 28. To save on your tickets, I advise you to buy the Lisboa Card , a card with unlimited travel on public transport and with access to more than 30 attractions in Lisbon.

To visit Lisbon by motorhome, the safest thing is to go to one of the campsites near Lisbon or to a private motorhome area that is in an old munitions factory and from there use public transport.

In Lisbon do not miss a ride in boat with tour of Belém and the guided tour they do: Free Tour of Lisbon

campervan travel portugal

2. Aveiro on your trip to Portugal by motorhome

Known as the "Portuguese Venice" for its canals and colorful houses, Aveiro is a picturesque city that will transport you to another world. walk in moliceiro boat , make a tour of costa Nova and the salt flats and try the famous ovos moles, some delicious typical sweets.

campervan travel portugal

3. Porto by motorhome

Porto, the second largest city in Portugal, is famous for its port wine cellars and cobbled streets. Walk along the Ribeira, cross the Dom Luis I bridge and enjoy the panoramic views.

If you only go to Porto for one day, I advise you to do a tour touring Porto in full , including a boat ride through the six bridges , see a fado show y make a visit and wine tasting.

Algarve by motorhome on a route through Portugal with a motorhome or camper. Photo by nextvoyag

4. The Algarve by motorhome

The Algarve is the beach destination par excellence in Portugal. Its beaches with crystal clear waters and golden sand are perfect for relaxing and enjoying the sun.

Be careful on this beautiful coast, do not park or spend the night where you should not, the entire coastal perimeter here is closely monitored for illegal camping and overnight stays.

Sintra by motorhome. Photo by Daniel-Frese

5. Sintra by motorhome

Sintra is a magical place full of mystery, with fairytale palaces and impressive natural landscapes. Do not miss the Palacio da Pena and the Castelo dos Mouros.

A tip to visit Sinta, its palaces da Pena and Quinta de Regaleira and Cascais, do not go by motorhome, there is no motorhome area or a nearby place to park and spend the night. The parking lots are crowded. The best option for us was to go on a tour from Lisbon that already includes the transfers and all the entrances and visits to Sintra, Cascais, the Pena Palace and Quinta da Regaleira . Do not complicate yourself and for the price this tour is worth it.

6. Guimaraes on your trip to Portugal in a motorhome

Considered the cradle of Portugal, Guimaraes is a city steeped in history and medieval charm. Visit the Castle of Guimaraes and tour its old town with a Free Tour that will discover the history of this beautiful Portuguese town .

7. Óbidos by motorhome

Óbidos is a walled medieval town that will transport you back in time. Stroll through its cobbled streets and try the famous "ginjinha", a typical drink of the region. You can do all this with one tour where they will tell you everything.

8. Évora by motorhome

Évora is a city full of history and culture. Visit its impressive cathedral, the Roman temple and the famous aqueduct.

9. Coimbra by motorhome

Coimbra is famous for being the oldest university city in Portugal. Tour the University of Coimbra and its gardens, and enjoy the views from the Miradouro da Universidade.

But what we liked the most about Coimbra was the visit and wine tasting in one of its wineries y   Kayaking on the Mondego River , a super experience!

10. The Sierra de la Estrella Natural Park by motorhome

If you like nature, you cannot miss the Sierra de la Estrella Natural Park. Here you will find breathtaking mountain scenery and the opportunity for hiking and winter sports in winter.

Motorhomes in Navarra: free camping is prohibited

And get ready to live an unforgettable adventure in Portugal in a motorhome!

Portugal is a country full of charm, history, delicious cuisine and spectacular landscapes. Traveling by motorhome will allow you to discover every corner at your own pace and enjoy a unique experience with your family. Of course, always remember to respect local regulations, take care of the environment and enjoy this beautiful country to the fullest.

I hope this guide has been useful and motivates you to plan your trip to Portugal by motorhome. You will not regret living this incredible adventure full of unforgettable moments!

Have a good trip, friend @ motorhome! See you on the road!

Ahh and finally here I leave the post of one route from south to north of Portugal from some good Kucavaneros friends who may also help you plan your next route.

Definitive manual for traveling by motorhome【2024】

Definitive manual for traveling by motorhome【2024】

Super complete manual for traveling by motorhome with all the answers to your questions.

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    Emergency Number - 112 will connect you to the emergency services. Towing - Campervans or motorhomes with trailers are not allowed to exceed 18.75 metres in length, 4 metres in height and 2.55 metres in width. Loads must be at most 10 tonnes at a single axle.

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    Évora is a city full of history and culture. Visit its impressive cathedral, the Roman temple and the famous aqueduct. 9. Coimbra by motorhome. Coimbra is famous for being the oldest university city in Portugal. Tour the University of Coimbra and its gardens, and enjoy the views from the Miradouro da Universidade.