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1 Visiting a Travel Agent

2 Making a Plane Reservation

3 Booking a Flight Online

4 Buying a Plane Ticket

5 Making a Hotel Reservation

6 Getting a Passport

7 Luggage Limits

8 Carry-on Luggage

9 Dropping Off at the Airport

10 Picking Up at the Airport

11 Going through the Customs

12 Talking to a Curbside Agent

13 Talking to a Flight Attendant

14 Talking to a Seatmate

15 Ordering Food and Drink

16 Missing Connecting Flight

17 Ground Transportation

18 Arranging a Tour of the City

19 Complaining about a Tour

20 Sightseeing

21 Making Alternate Plans

22 Shopping for Souvenirs

23 Trying to Find a Doctor

24 Losing the Wallet and Passport

25 Being Cautious in a Big City

26 Local Customs

27 Shuttle Bus at the Airport

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General Listening Quiz

“travel arrangements – script”, listening exercise.

Listen to the recording on travel arrangements and read along with the conversation. Review the key vocabulary and the sample sentences.

Travel Agent : Freedom Travel. How may I help you?

Caller : Yes, I’d like to make a flight reservation for the twenty-third of this month.

Travel Agent : Okay. What is your  destination ?

Caller : Well. I’m flying to Helsinki, Finland.

Travel Agent : Okay. Let me check what flights are  available .  [ Okay ] And when will you be returning?

Caller : Uh, well, I’d like to  catch  a return flight on the twenty-ninth. Oh, and I’d like the cheapest flight available.

Travel Agent : Okay. Let me see. Hmm, hmm . . .

Caller : Yeah?

Travel Agent : Well, the price for the flight is almost double the price you would pay if you leave the day before.

Caller : Whoo.  Let’s go with  the cheaper flight. By the way, how much is it?

Travel Agent : It’s only $980.

Caller : Alright. Well, let’s go with that.

Travel Agent : Okay. That’s flight 1070 from Salt Lake City to New York, Kennedy Airport,  transferring  to flight 90 from Kennedy to Helsinki.

Caller : And what are the  departure  and arrival times for each of those flights?

Travel Agent : It leaves Salt Lake City at 10:00 AM, arriving in New York at 4:35 PM, then transferring to flight 90 at 5:55 PM, and arriving in Helsinki at 8:30 AM the next day.

Caller : Alright. And, uh, I’d like to request a  vegetarian  meal.

Travel Agent : Sure, no problem. And could I have your name please?

Vocabulary and Sample Sentences

  • destination   (noun) : the place a trip ends – We’ll reach our  destination  by 3:00 PM.
  • available   (adjective) : not busy, ready for use  Are there any seats  available  on the next train?
  • catch   (verb) : get – You can  catch  a taxi outside of the hotel lobby.
  • go with   (phrasal verb) : choose something – I think I’ll  go with  the budget tour to Hawaii on this trip.
  • transfer   (verb) : change to a different transportation line – You’ll need to  transfer  to a city bus when you arrive at the train station.
  • departure   (noun) : the act of leaving – Passengers should check in two hours before their  departure  time.
  • vegetarian   (noun) : one who eats little or no meat, fish, or animal products – Although Charles considers himself a  vegetarian , he sometimes eats chicken.
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Travel Agent – ESL Conversation Questions and Speaking Lesson

Welcome to our ESL discussion session! Today, we will explore the importance of English language skills . English is a key language for communication, travel, and professional opportunities .

Let’s dive into why mastering English can open doors to new experiences and connections.

Let’s start our conversation on the significance of English language skills in today’s globalized world .

25 Conversation Questions About Travel Agent

If you’re interested in becoming a travel agent, what’re the key skills and attributes that you believe are essential for success in this industry?

Conversation Questions:

  • What skills do you think are important for a travel agent?
  • How important is communication for a travel agent?
  • Why is attention to detail crucial in the travel industry?
  • What role do organization skills play in the work of a travel agent?
  • Why is passion for travel considered an asset for a travel agent?
  • How does cultural awareness benefit a travel agent?
  • Why is adaptability important in the travel industry?
  • Can you name a few essential attributes of a successful travel agent?
  • How can strong communication skills help a travel agent build relationships with clients?
  • Why is being a good listener important for a travel agent?
  • What’re some common tasks that require precision in travel planning?
  • How can organization skills help a travel agent manage multiple clients effectively?
  • In what ways can a travel agent show their passion for travel to clients?
  • How can adaptability help a travel agent deal with unexpected changes in travel plans?
  • What challenges do travel agents face in the dynamic travel industry?
  • How can a travel agent stay updated on the latest travel trends?
  • Why is customer service important for a travel agent?
  • How can a travel agent provide personalized travel experiences for clients?
  • What strategies can a travel agent use to handle difficult clients?
  • How does technology impact the work of a modern travel agent?
  • What’re the benefits of using social media as a travel agent?
  • How can a travel agent ensure the safety and security of their clients while traveling?
  • What’re some ethical considerations for travel agents when recommending destinations or activities?
  • How can a travel agent contribute to sustainable and responsible tourism practices?
  • What’re the advantages of working as an independent travel agent versus for a travel agency?

Conversation Dialogue:

Sarah: Hi, Mark! Have you ever thought about becoming a travel agent?

Mark: Hey, Sarah! Not really, but I imagine it requires great communication skills. What do you think?

Sarah: Absolutely, communication is key in this industry. It’s all about understanding clients’ needs and preferences.

Mark: I guess attention to detail is crucial too, right? Making sure everything is perfect for the clients.

Sarah: Definitely. From booking flights to arranging accommodations, precision is a must for seamless travel experiences.

Mark: What about organization skills? How important are they for a travel agent?

Sarah: Oh, they’re essential. Managing multiple itineraries and reservations requires a structured approach to avoid any mishaps.

Mark: That makes sense. And I bet being passionate about travel helps in connecting with clients, right?

Sarah: Absolutely! Enthusiasm for exploring new destinations resonates with clients and makes you a trusted source of travel advice.

Mark: Adaptability must also be crucial in such a dynamic industry, right?

Sarah: Spot on, Mark. Being flexible and quick to adjust to changes sets successful travel agents apart from the rest.

Mark: Thanks for sharing, Sarah. I never realized how many skills are involved in being a travel agent.

Sarah: No problem, Mark! It’s a fascinating field with lots of opportunities for growth and learning.

Conversation Words:

  • Communication
  • Destination

So, as you can see, being a travel agent requires a combination of skills, knowledge, and customer service abilities . Whether working independently or for an agency, handling clients and unexpected situations with professionalism is key.

By practicing these conversation questions and speaking about the role of a travel agent, you can improve your English language skills while gaining a better understanding of this dynamic industry .

Keep exploring and learning to excel in this exciting career path!

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Conversation between travel agent and customer [dialogue].

Customer: Good morning, I need a return ticket to Canada

Travel agent: Good morning, which airline would you like to travel with?

Customer: Yes! It would be better if you book me an Air Canada ticket.

Travel agent: Friday flight from Karachi to Toronto at 11 am, this flight will be via Istanbul and Paris, where there will be a 3-hour layover.

Customer: How much is the business class fare?

Travel Agent: Yes, there is. Air Canada Business Class fare is $8,591 for a round-trip ticket.

Customer: How much is the fare if I want to take an economy class?

Travel agent: Yes miss you will get economy for $4479, I think the economy round trip will be good for you.

Customer: Yes! The business class ticket is too expensive, I would prefer the economy class, by the way, Air Canada has Paris and Istanbul routes, so can I travel between these countries for a few moments?

Travel Agent: Yes, this is the advantage of Air Canada flights, they give their passengers access to nearby tourist attractions during their stay, but the service is their own, which provides an opportunity for entertainment for a fixed period of time.

Customer: What are the necessary steps to take before traveling to Canada?

Travel agent: Conditions of entry from Pakistan to Canada

Entry is permitted only for fully vaccinated passengers.

Passengers are required to submit their travel plan and proof of vaccination using the Arrive CAN app prior to arrival

Unvaccinated Canadian citizens and residents are allowed to enter Canada but must self-quarantine for 14 days.

A negative COVID-19 test is issued no later than 3 days prior to arrival for unvaccinated passengers.

Customer: Ok I prepare it

Travel agent: OK, can I book an economy class round trip ticket, give me your passport.

Customer: Yes! you can confirm the Ticket. Do you have a credit card facility available?

Travel Agent: Yes, you can swipe the card and deposit your desired amount.

Customer: Yes. I have a company credit card.

Travel agent: Yes, no problem, you can use any card.

Travel Agent: Well you can sign here. Ms. You can now travel with a ‘smart bag’ on Air Canada. There are special instructions for traveling with a bag that has built-in charging, location tracking, or other battery-powered technology.

Customer: OK, besides what are any necessary instructions about the goods?

Travel Agent: If you are traveling with an infant on your lap, you can bring 1 additional standard bag for your baby’s luggage, all other baggage rules are strictly enforced. All bags over the maximum size will need to be checked, and additional checked baggage charges may apply.

Customer: Thanks for the information.

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60 Travel Conversation Questions

One of the dreams that people have is to travel around the world and know more places, meet new people and enjoy some adventures.

People love traveling and there are many reasons for doing so, such as:

How about you? What are your reasons for traveling?

Talk about it with this list of travel conversation questions

Table of Contents

Travel Conversation Questions: Places

Travel conversation questions: people, travel conversation questions: your next vacations, travel conversation questions: your last vacation, travel conversation questions: your luggage, travel conversation questions: preferences, travel conversation questions: general questions, travel questions: channels, travel questions: safe places.

Instead of having a long list of travel conversation questions, it is better to have them categorized to make everything easier.

These are 60 travel conversation questions that have been divided into different categories such as:

Let’s explore each one of these different categories

When we search on the internet, we can find a list of recommendations about places to visit.

These are conversation questions to discuss the best and worst places to visit:

  • Have you ever been abroad?
  • How many countries have you visited?
  • Have you visited many touristic places in your country?
  • What tourist places do you like to visit?
  • Do you prefer visiting beaches or mountains?
  • Have you ever visited a European country?
  • Have you ever visited an African country?
  • What’s your best vacation memory?
  • What’s your worst vacation memory?
  • What countries would you like to visit?
  • What countries would you not like to visit?
  • What’s the best place for a vacation in your country

I understand that some people like traveling alone but others prefer some company and have better memories.

These questions have to do with your favorite people to go on vacation:

  • Who do you travel with?
  • Have you made friends while you are on vacation?
  • Do you like to travel with children?
  • Do you like to travel with your parents?
  • Do you like traveling alone or in a group?
  • What are some of the benefits of traveling alone?

Some people plan their vacation since they have to ask for permission, save money and choose the best time of the year to do it.

These questions will help you talk about plans that you have for your next vacation:

  • What places are you planning to visit?
  • Who are you planning to go with?
  • When are you planning to go?
  • Where are you planning to stay?
  • What sights are you planning to see?
  • When will you next go to the beach? Which beach is your favorite?

Some people love sharing information about their last vacation and some people don’t.

These are some questions to discuss your last vacation

  • Where did you go on your last vacation?
  • Who did you go with?
  • Where did you stay?
  • What did you do there?
  • What did you see there?
  • How much money did you spend there?
  • Who was the most interesting person you met?
  • How long did you stay there? Did you want to stay longer?

Most people don’t have a problem with their luggage when they travel, while others find issues such as:

These are some conversation questions that have to do with preparing stuff to travel:

  • How much luggage do you usually carry?
  • Do you bring electronic devices when you travel?
  • What are some things you always take with you on a trip?
  • Do you like to pack light when you travel?
  • Do you think that everyone overpacks?
  • How many of the things do you pack do you actually use or need?
  • Have you ever lost your luggage?
  • Do you worry about your luggage when you travel?

These are some questions about what you prefer to do when you are on vacation:

  • Do you prefer to travel by car or plane?
  • Have you ever bought a package tour?
  • Where do you prefer to stay when you go on a vacation?
  • How often do you travel?
  • How often do you go camping?
  • How long do you like vacations to be?
  • What means of transport do you like to use when you are on vacation?
  • Do you like to try local food when you travel?
  • What is the best age to travel?
  • Where do you like to stay when you go on vacation?

These are some general questions about traveling:

  • Are you a traveler?
  • What do you miss the most when you are traveling?
  • Have you ever had an accident while traveling?
  • Have you ever been on a cruise?
  • What do you think about hitchhiking?
  • If money was not an issue, what type of holiday would you take?
  • Have you ever missed a flight? What happened?

Travel blogs and YouTube channels have become very popular.

Channels tend to have an edge over travel blogs since you get a better idea of the country you are planning to visit

  • Do you follow travel blogs?
  • Do you follow Travel Youtube channels?
  • Do you usually search for videos or posts about the countries or places you are trying to visit?
  • Have Travel blogs or channels make you want to travel more

If you are a traveler, you don’t want anything to happen to you, your friends, and your family.

These are some questions about safe countries and places to travel to:

  • What are some of the safest places to travel to?
  • Have you ever been robbed when traveling?
  • Do you only travel to the safest countries?
  • Do you share your travel information with someone you trust?
  • Do you worry about how much you drink when traveling?
  • Do you try not to draw attention when traveling?
  • Do you wear jewelry when you travel?
  • Are you aware of scams when you travel?
  • Do you Keep digital copies of important documents?

Manuel Campos, English Professor

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English

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Pep Talk India

School of public speaking.

  • English Conversations , English Speaking


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  • June 15, 2017

Conversation between travel agent and customer

Travel Agent : Hi sir, you gave a call regarding the booking of yours to Jaipur.

Customer : Yes, please.

Travel Agent : Sir, I would like to tell you that we have recently prepared an amazing package for that.

Customer : Could you please tell me the details of that package?

Travel Agent : Sure sir. In that package, you will get 4 nights and 3 days. Breakfast for 3 days is complimentary in this, and the complete package is for 15000/-.

Customer : That’s great!

Travel Agent : So sir, when are you planning to go?

Customer : As you know, I was planning earlier but couldn’t go due to a reason but now as you have an amazing package and I am also free so I am planning to go within this week only.

Travel Agent : That’s perfectly ok sir!

Customer : This package is valid till when?

Travel Agent : For a month.

Customer : Great. What are all formalities needed to be done?

Travel Agent : Sir for booking this package you have to pay 2500/- with a copy of your id proof and photograph.

Customer : S ure, no problem. How can I make the payment?

Travel Agent : You can pay by card, cash or cheque.

Customer : But for that, I need to visit your office. Is it possible that I can pay online and WhatsApp you my details?

Travel Agent : Sure sir, you can do that as well.

Customer : Just send me your account details and your WhatsApp number.

Travel Agent : Ok!

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Election latest: Starmer responds to Rowling criticism on women's only spaces; Minister predicts election defeat

Sir Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak are beginning a frantic final few days of campaigning before the polls open on Thursday, but one Tory minister tells Sky's Sophy Ridge the election is a foregone conclusion. And the Labour leader has responded to criticism from JK Rowling.

Monday 1 July 2024 23:00, UK

  • General Election 2024

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Election week

  • Starmer responds to JK Rowling criticism
  • Minister predicts election defeat
  • Farage 'cannot be welcomed' into Tory party
  • PM 'not concerned' about postal ballot delays
  • Starmer wants to keep Friday nights for family time
  • Explained: Why 'supermajority' warnings don't add up
  • Sky News Daily: Five things main parties aren't talking about
  • Live reporting by Tim Baker

Expert analysis

  • Rob Powell: PM's talking like Labour's already won
  • Ed Conway: The science and security of the exit poll
  • Matthew Thompson: What's a good result for the Lib Dems?

Election essentials

  • Manifesto pledges: Conservatives | Greens | Labour | Lib Dems | Plaid | Reform | SNP
  • Trackers:  Who's leading polls? | Is PM keeping promises?
  • Campaign Heritage:  Memorable moments from elections gone by
  • Follow Sky's politics podcasts:  Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more:  Who is standing down? | Key seats to watch | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency is changing | Guide to election lingo
  • How to watch election on Sky News

That's all from Politics Hub for tonight.

Scroll down to read our 10pm bulletin to catch up on all the day's political news.

Be sure to join us tomorrow as the final 48 hours of campaigning get underway.

Around ten days ago, Harry Potter author JK Rowling wrote a 2,000-word essay in The Times about how she could not vote for Labour or Sir Keir Starmer, based on their position on gender recognition (read more here ).

Speaking to the same paper tonight, Sir Keir has said he is hopeful he can meet with the writer - who has been critical of trans women accessing single-sex spaces.

In a social media post at the end of last week, Rowling said: "Do biological males with gender recognition certificates have the right to enter women-only spaces? 

"It's a simple yes/no question."

Asked about this by The Times, Sir Keir said: "No. They don't have that right. 

"They shouldn't. That's why I've always said biological women's spaces need to be protected." 

Asked if he will he meet Rowling? "I've indicated a willingness [to do so]."

He adds: "Hopefully we can get that organised."

It's 10pm. Here is your round up of what happened today as we entered the final lap of the election race.

  • Northern Ireland minister Steve Baker spoke candidly about his expectation the Tories would lose the election (see our 19:19 post for more );
  • He also went into detail about why he thinks he should be the party's next leader (read his explanation in our 19.30 post );
  • We've heard from  Prime Minister Rishi Sunak , who promised to "work his socks off" for the British people;
  • And we've also explained what the "supermajority" the PM keeps warning about actually is - and what it means in practice (spoiler: it's not really a thing,  see our 14.50 post for more );
  • Political correspondent Rob Powell  has dug into why Mr Sunak keeps talking like he's lost the election, suggesting it may do little to help the Tories get their voters to the polls on Thursday ( see 14.30 post ).
  • Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer  was at a campaign event in Hitchin today, where he has urged the British public to "vote for a summer of change" with his party;
  • He was also asked by our political editor Beth Rigby if he worries about his popularity, and potentially having the "longest wedding and shortest honeymoon" with the British public;
  • Sir Keir said his record speaks for itself, claiming his "track record as a leader is clear" - and Labour is a changed party.
  • And, in typical Liberal Democrat fashion, Sir Ed Davey partook in a spot of bungee jumping today - his message was to encourage people to "try something new" and vote for his party;
  • He then took part in an outdoor Zumba class;
  • Political correspondent Matthew Thompson - who has spent much of the campaign with Sir Ed - has explained what a successful day at the polls would look like for the Lib Dems ( see 15.35 post ).

Tomorrow will see us heading into the final 48 hours of the campaign.

Join us again as we keep across all the important updates as they happen.

During the Politics Hub with Sophy Ridge , Northern Ireland minister Steve Baker spoke about his plans to stand as leader for the Conservatives should his party be defeated on Thursday.

He also spoke candidly about his belief the Tories would lose the election.

In response, Jonathan Ashworth, the shadow paymaster general, said: "It is incredible that less than sixty hours until polling booths open, Tory ministers are undermining the prime minister by boldly flaunting their leadership ambitions on national television.

"From COVID cronyism to trips to the bookies, these Tories always put self-interest and their own ambition ahead of serving their country.

"What this shows is that if the Conservatives are given another five years, the chaos will just continue."

Pollsters at Savanta have asked 2,287 people how they intend to vote on 4 July.

The results suggest the gap between the Conservatives and Labour is down to 15 points - the narrowest in a month.

The Tories are up to 24% of people - their highest score in a month.

The full results - along with the change on the week before - are as follows:

  • Labour 39 (+1) 
  • Tories 24 (+3) 
  • Reform 13 (-1) 
  • Lib Dems 10 (-1)  
  • Greens 4 (-2) 
  • SNP 3 (+1) 
  • Other 7 (=)

Since Rishi Sunak called the election, Sky News' Politics Hub has been looking back over memorable moments from campaigns gone by.

FromDavid Cameron's football own goal, to an upstart Nick Clegg emerging as the unlikely victor from the UK's first televised leaders debate, there were plenty to choose from.

We've collated them all below for you to reminisce on:

The first big moment of election night on Thursday is the 10pm exit poll.

It's the clearest indicator of how the parties have done and who could form the next government.

Commissioned by the broadcasters - Sky, BBC and ITV - the fieldwork is carried out by pollster Ipsos, which will have interviewers at 133 polling stations around the country this year.

Our economics and data editor Ed Conway has been looking at the science and security behind this key moment that will set the tone for the long night that follows…

That concludes our coverage of tonight's Politics Hub With Sophy Ridge - the show will return at 7pm tomorrow. In the meantime, stay with us for the latest election news and analysis.

Harriet Harman, Labour's former minister for women and equalities, tells  Sophy Ridge   she wants to see women in parliament working cross-party to make a difference after the election.

"It might be we have as many as 250 new women in the House of Commons, re-elected and new women, and that's going to make parliament very different," she says.

"And I really hope that they'll actually work cross-party. 

"I hope they will not just put the party first always, but actually put women first and be a bit subversive in working together.

"If they do that, I think they can really make a difference on things like childcare, equal pay, domestic violence.

"So they need to be a bit subversive and rebellious."

Tory peer Kate Fall says she "completely" agrees. 

She adds that it's "important that you have strong women's voices in both chambers - especially in the Commons".

Sophy Ridge  is now asking the panel about concerns around people who want to vote not being able to because of delays to postal ballots being delivered - leaving some out of luck before setting off on holiday.

Harriet Harman, former Labour deputy leader, says Rishi Sunak should not have called the election at a time when the Scottish school holidays were under way, and says "he probably didn't think about it".

She says across the country "at least one in five people are voting by post", so the ones that have already been sent will now be "piling up in the councils".

"The electoral returning officers call in the agents of each candidate, and they open them before Thursday," she reveals.

"The agents are there to make sure it's all proper and everything is in order."

She goes on to say all around the country now there are agents who are seeing the votes and seeing the results right now.

Given most people won't vote on Thursday, "they are not the final result, but word starts seeping out about what has been seen by those agents", she adds.

Northern Ireland minister Steve Baker has explained why he wants to have a run at the leadership of the Conservative Party - after the election he believes the Tories will lose.

Mr Baker says he does not want to pre-empt Rishi Sunak standing down, but says he does want to run to replace him.

Asked to explain why, he says: "The reality is that my colleagues have sent for me before the referendum, after the referendum, during COVID and over net zero. 

"And on all four occasions, I've led actual MPs to a great degree of success - and I wouldn't mind the chance to do it again." 

He adds: "I've got 30 years of leadership experience in the armed forces, in the private sector, in parliament and in government."

Pointing to his time as Northern Ireland minister and Brexit minister, he claims people "can see my record is one of success".

You can watch Mr Baker's full interview below:

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    Visiting a Travel Agent. 1. Repeat. ESL Robot 4.0 (Android) - an AI-powered English tutor. A: I need help planning my vacation. B: Sure, where would you like to go? A: I haven't decided where to go yet. B: Do you enjoy warm or cold climates?

  3. ESL Conversations: Travel

    1 Visiting a Travel Agent. 2 Making a Plane Reservation. 3 Booking a Flight Online. 4 Buying a Plane Ticket. 5 Making a Hotel Reservation. 6 Getting a Passport. 7 Luggage Limits. 8 Carry-on Luggage. 9 Dropping Off at the Airport. 10 Picking Up at the Airport. 11 Going through the Customs. 12 Talking to a Curbside Agent.

  4. PDF British Council

    Are you interested in a package from one of the tour operators? (2) C: Oh, a package would be fine. What do you suggest? (10) TA: If you're travelling alone, then I recommend, "Going Places". (15) C: What does "Going Places" have? (6) TA: They've got a special offer for individuals: 10 days in Venice for £699. (9) C: That sounds ...

  5. English Conversation With Travel Agent

    Following model dialogue between a tourist and a travel agent will help you improve your spoken skills and communicate confidently when you visit a travel ag...

  6. Travel Arrangements

    Travel Agent: It's only $980. Caller: Alright. Well, let's go with that. Travel Agent: Okay. That's flight 1070 from Salt Lake City to New York, Kennedy Airport, transferring to flight 90 from Kennedy to Helsinki. Caller: And what are the departure and arrival times for each of those flights? Travel Agent: It leaves Salt Lake City at 10: ...

  7. PDF CHAPTER 1.2 Dialogue: At the Travel Agency

    8 CHAPTER 1.2 Dialogue: At the Travel Agency Dave wants to visit his mother in England, so he goes to a travel agency. Dave: Hi, I'd like to check on a flight. Travel Agent: Sure. What is your destination? Dave: London, England. Travel Agent: And is this one-way or round trip? Dave: Round trip. Travel Agent: When would you like to depart?

  8. English Conversation between Travel Agent and Customer ...

    Simple English Conversation with Travel Agent and Customer with subtitles.Subscribe here☞ ☞☞ Thanks for watching!...

  9. At the Travel Agent

    In this video lesson you are going to hear four conversations:Conversation 1: Arranging a trip Conversation 2: Giving personal information Conversation 3: Bo...

  10. Travel Agent

    By practicing these conversation questions and speaking about the role of a travel agent, you can improve your English language skills while gaining a better understanding of this dynamic industry. Keep exploring and learning to excel in this exciting career path! Peek behind the curtain of a travel agent's world and discover the hidden secrets ...

  11. Conversation Between Travel Agent and Customer [Dialogue]

    Customer: How much is the business class fare? Travel Agent: Yes, there is. Air Canada Business Class fare is $8,591 for a round-trip ticket. Customer: How much is the fare if I want to take an economy class? Travel agent: Yes miss you will get economy for $4479, I think the economy round trip will be good for you. Customer: Yes!

  12. 60 Travel Conversation Questions

    Instead of having a long list of travel conversation questions, it is better to have them categorized to make everything easier. These are 60 travel conversation questions that have been divided into different categories such as: #1. Places. #2. People.


    Travel Agent: Hi sir, you gave a call regarding the booking of yours to Jaipur.. Customer: Yes, please.. Travel Agent: Sir, I would like to tell you that we have recently prepared an amazing package for that.. Customer: Could you please tell me the details of that package?. Travel Agent: Sure sir. In that package, you will get 4 nights and 3 days. Breakfast for 3 days is complimentary in this ...

  14. Conversation in A Travel Agent's Key

    The customer visits a travel agent to book a solo holiday to Venice from August 1-10. The travel agent recommends a package from "Going Places" that includes return flights, hotel on the Grand Canal with breakfast and dinner, and a restaurant and pool for £699. The customer agrees to book this package as it meets their needs for a nice hotel in Venice during those dates.

  15. Conversation in A Travel Agent's

    Conversation in a Travel Agent's - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. A travel agent helps a customer book a solo trip to Venice for 10 days in August. The agent recommends a package from Going Places that includes a hotel on the Grand Canal with a restaurant and pool, as well as return flights and breakfast and dinner, for £699.

  16. Dialogue between a travel agent and customer

    Dialogue between a travel agent and customer. 210. Create your own. CR.

  17. Conversations In English At The Travel Agency

    Culture Corner Practical English Conversations are highly recommended for intermediate and advanced learners. Watch our videos and practise your English! We...

  18. Conversation Between Client and Travel Agency

    The conversation summarizes a client's discussion with a travel agent and tour operator about visiting the Tetegewo Megalith cultural site. The client and their friends want to learn about the site's history and cultural significance to create a promotional video. The tour operator agrees to guide them and answer their questions about the megalith's past functions, effects on society, and ...

  19. How do I reach to Norse Atlantic Airways?@Need~Help(24/7)

    For ensured help, travelers can call the #NORSE client benefit hotline at 1-855-738-4760 (Travel Backing), or they can examine other communication choices based on their inclinations and consolation. Devoted NORSE client benefit agents are accessible to help travelers with bookings, changes, and other travel-related inquiries. Conclusion

  20. Korolyov, Moscow Oblast

    Korolyov or Korolev (Russian: Королёв, IPA: [kərɐˈlʲɵf]) is an industrial city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, well known as the cradle of Soviet and Russian space exploration.As of the 2010 Census, its population was 183,402, the largest as a science city. As of 2018, the population was more than 222,000 people. It was known as Kaliningrad (Калинингра́д) from 1938 to 1996 ...

  21. Korolyov Map

    Korolyov is a mid-sized city in North Moscow Oblast, best known as the "cradle of space exporation," as it was the center of the Soviet space program. It was also a former elite dacha location, a vacation spot for all sorts of famous Russians. Photo: Grishinia, CC BY-SA 4.0. Photo: Qweasdqwe, CC BY-SA 3.0. Ukraine is facing shortages in its ...

  22. Flag of Korolyov, Moscow Oblast, Russia; home to the Mission ...

    Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games ...

  23. Conversation Between Travel Agent and Customer

    This is a conversation between a travel agent and a customer at the tourism office. This would surely be a very helpful video for your spoken English skills....

  24. Korolyov Tourism, Russia

    In July 1996, the city was renamed in commemoration of Sergei Korolev, the father of the Soviet/Russian space program, who died in 1966. Since 1997, Korolyov has hosted the International Space Olympics, an annual competition for young people, to promote space related research. This is a comprehensive travel guide for Korolyov in Russia.

  25. Getting A Passport In A Hurry Is About To Become Easier

    News of the new passport agencies comes as demand for international travel is at an all-time high. Today 48% of Americans hold passports, compared to just 5% in 1990, according to the State ...

  26. Election latest: Farage told to 'shut down Reform' if he wants to lead

    Sophy Ridge is now asking the panel about concerns around people who want to vote not being able to because of delays to postal ballots being delivered - leaving some out of luck before setting ...