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Understanding the Distinction: Travel, Trip, and Journey Explained

Zackary Hooper

Understanding the Distinction: Travel, Trip, and Journey Explained

Ever find yourself scratching your head over when to use ‘travel’, ‘trip’, or ‘journey’? Me too. In fact, these terms are commonly misused by even the most well-traveled folks among us.

Table of Contents

As an English language aficionado and travel enthusiast, I dove deep into linguistic resources to clear up this confusion once and for all. This blog will guide you through the nuances of these three words , helping you navigate your way to flawless English usage in any travel context .

Ready for departure?

Key Takeaways

  • Travel refers to going to a place, especially far away.
  • Trip involves traveling from one place to another, usually for a short period of time.
  • Journey implies traveling from one place to another without necessarily returning.
  • Proper usage of these terms is essential in effectively conveying our experiences.

Definition and Differences between Travel, Trip, and Journey

Travel is a verb that means going to a place, especially far away, while trip refers to the process of traveling from one place to another, usually for a short time. Journey, on the other hand, implies traveling from one place to another without necessarily returning.

Travel as a verb meaning to go to a place, especially far away

Travel, as a verb, emphasizes the act of moving from one location to another. This movement often involves significant distance between the two points. For instance, you might say you are traveling to Europe or Asia from America – places that are undoubtedly quite far from each other.

Notably, travel doesn’t always require a return trip; it merely notes the action of going somewhere far . Even voyages into space can be considered travel! So next time you utter “I love to travel,” note that this phrase speaks volumes about your passion for exploring distant destinations and embracing new experiences on a broader geographic scale .

Trip as the process of traveling from one place to another, usually for a short time

When we talk about a trip, we’re referring to the act of traveling from one place to another. It’s usually for a short period of time and involves moving between different locations .

Think of it as going on a vacation or taking a quick getaway. A trip can be as short as a day or extend over several days, but it generally doesn’t involve staying in one place for an extended period.

So whether you’re heading out on a road trip with friends or catching a flight to explore new cities, remember that a trip is all about the process of getting from point A to point B , enjoying the journey along the way.

Journey as traveling from one place to another, not necessarily returning

A journey is all about the experience of traveling from one place to another, without the expectation of returning . It can be a long and exciting adventure, with multiple destinations along the way.

Unlike a trip or travel, which often involves going somewhere and then coming back, a journey implies forward movement and exploration . It’s like embarking on a voyage of discovery, where you’re eager to see what lies ahead and open to new experiences.

Whether it’s backpacking through Europe or sailing around the world, a journey offers endless possibilities for exploration and self-discovery .

Common Uses and Examples of Travel, Trip, and Journey

– Travel: “I love traveling to different countries , experiencing new cultures and exploring exotic destinations.

– Trip: “We took a weekend trip to the beach, enjoying sun-kissed days and relaxing by the seaside.”

– Journey: “His journey across the desert was filled with challenges and self-discovery as he embarked on a soul-searching adventure.”

Travel: “I love to travel to different countries.”

I absolutely adore exploring different countries . Experiencing new cultures, trying unique cuisines , and immersing myself in unfamiliar landscapes is what makes travel so thrilling for me.

Whether it’s wandering through ancient ruins in Greece or hiking through the vibrant jungles of Costa Rica, I find immense joy in venturing beyond my comfort zone and discovering all that the world has to offer.

Travel opens my eyes to different perspectives and allows me to create lasting memories that I cherish forever.

Trip: “We went on a business trip to New York.”

Last week, I had the opportunity to go on a business trip to New York . It was an exciting experience that allowed me to explore the bustling city and meet with important clients . During the trip, we visited various companies , attended conferences , and even had some time to enjoy the sights and sounds of New York.

Being able to immerse myself in a different environment for a short period of time was both refreshing and educational. Overall, it was a successful trip that helped us strengthen our professional relationships and achieve our business goals.

Journey: “His journey around the world took him three years.”

I embarked on a three-year journey around the world, exploring new cultures and experiencing incredible adventures along the way. From bustling cities to remote villages, my journey allowed me to immerse myself in different landscapes and meet fascinating people from all walks of life.

It was a transformative experience that broadened my horizons and shaped my perspective on the world.

Clarifying Misuses of Travel, Trip, and Journey

Many people mistakenly use the term “travel” for short distances, but it should be reserved for going to faraway places. To understand the proper usage of these words, read on!

Incorrect uses of travel: “He traveled to the grocery store.”

Using the word “travel” to describe a short trip to the grocery store is incorrect. Travel usually refers to going to a distant place, especially far away. So, it’s important to use this term appropriately and not for everyday local trips like grocery stores.

Proper uses of the terms: “I traveled to Europe.”

I traveled to Europe for my summer vacation. It was an exciting travel experience filled with new cultures, delicious food, and breathtaking sights. The proper use of the term “travel” in this context refers to going somewhere far away , especially to a different country or continent .

In this case, I embarked on an adventure from my home country to Europe, immersing myself in each destination’s rich history and vibrant atmosphere. Traveling to Europe broadened my horizons and created memories that will last a lifetime.

Understanding the Nuances between Travel, Trip, and Journey

Understanding the Nuances between Travel, Trip, and Journey

Travel, trip, and journey may seem similar, but they each have their own nuances. Read on to delve deeper into the distinctions between these terms and how to use them correctly in your everyday conversations.

Travel focuses on the action of going to a distant place.

Travel allows us to embark on exciting journeys to faraway destinations. It is the act of physically moving from one place to another , often to distant locations . Whether it’s exploring a new country , immersing ourselves in different cultures , or experiencing thrilling adventures , travel is all about the exhilarating action of venturing beyond our comfort zones .

So pack your bags and get ready for an incredible journey filled with unforgettable experiences!

Trip emphasizes the process of traveling and staying in a place.

A trip is all about the journey itself and the experience of being in a specific place . It focuses on the process of traveling from one location to another, while also emphasizing the time spent staying in that particular place.

Whether you’re taking a short weekend trip to a nearby city or embarking on a week-long vacation, a trip is about immersing yourself in new surroundings and enjoying everything that destination has to offer.

Journey implies a longer and more significant travel experience.

When embarking on a journey, you can expect a more extensive and meaningful travel experience . Unlike a simple trip or travel, a journey often involves exploring multiple destinations or pursuing a specific purpose .

It encompasses the idea of venturing into the unknown and embracing new challenges along the way. Whether it’s an epic road trip across several countries or a spiritual pilgrimage to sacred sites, a journey offers an opportunity for personal growth and transformation .

It allows you to immerse yourself in different cultures , navigate unfamiliar terrain, and create lasting memories. So if you’re seeking an adventure that goes beyond mere transportation from point A to point B, set out on a journey that will take you further and leave an indelible mark on your soul.

Conclusion and Importance of Using the Correct Terms

Understanding the distinctions between travel , trip, and journey is crucial in accurately conveying our experiences . By using these terms correctly, we can communicate more effectively and avoid confusion .

So whether we’re embarking on a short trip or a life-changing journey , let’s remember to use the right words to describe our adventures ! Keep exploring and keep traveling!

1. What is the difference between travel, trip, and journey?

Travel refers to the act of going from one place to another, while a trip is a specific instance of traveling for a particular purpose or destination. A journey, on the other hand, implies a longer and more meaningful experience that may involve personal growth or transformation.

2. Can you give examples of each term – travel, trip, and journey?

Sure! Travel can include activities like flying to a different country or taking a road trip across states. A trip could be going on vacation to Disneyland or visiting family over the holidays. And a journey might involve backpacking through Europe for several months or embarking on a spiritual retreat.

3. Is there any overlap between these terms?

Yes, there can be some overlap between these terms depending on context. For example, someone’s “trip” may also be considered their “journey” if it involves self-discovery or exploration. Similarly, long-term travel experiences may encompass both the notions of “travel” and “journey.”

4. How does understanding the distinction between these terms help in communication?

Understanding the distinction between travel, trip, and journey helps in effective communication as it allows us to accurately describe our experiences and intentions when discussing our travels with others. It provides clarity and avoids confusion by using appropriate terminology when sharing stories or making plans involving different types of travel experiences.

About the author

Profile picture of Zackary Hooper

I’ve been fortunate to visit over fifty countries, each journey leaving a unique footprint on my life’s map. From bustling cities to serene nature trails, I’ve immersed myself in different cultures and experiences, constantly broadening my understanding of the world. On this site, I share my travel stories, tips, and insights, hoping to inspire others to embark on their own journeys. Join me as we uncover the beauty of our planet, one adventure at a time. Please reach out here if you need to get in touch.

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Travel vs. Trip vs. Journey

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Travel vs. Trip vs. Journey Espresso English

The act of going to another place (often for a short period of time) and returning.

  • We took a five-day trip to the Amazon.
  • You’re back from vacation! How was your trip ?
  • I went on business trips to Switzerland and Germany last month.

Use the verbs “take” and “go on” with trip .

  • A round-trip ticket is a ticket for going and coming back.
  • A one-way ticket is only for going.

Travel (v.)

Going to another place (in general).

  • I really like to travel.
  • He travels frequently for work.
  • My sister is currently  traveling through South America.

Travel (n.) can be used to describe the act of traveling in general:

  • Travel in that region of the country is dangerous.
  • World travel gives you a new perspective.

Incorrect uses of travel :

  • I bought this shirt on my  travel  to Thailand. I bought this shirt on my  trip  to Thailand.
  • I’m planning a travel to the U.S. next year. I’m planning to travel to the U.S. next year. I’m planning a trip to the U.S. next year.

Journey (n.)

One piece of travel (going from one place to another) – usually a long distance.

  • The journey takes 3 hours by plane or 28 hours by bus.
  • He made the 200-mile journey by bike.
  • “A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step” – Lao-tze,  Tao Te Ching

We can also use journey in a more “metaphorical” way to talk about progress in life:

  • He has overcome a lot of problems on his spiritual journey.
  • My uncle is an alcoholic, but he’s beginning the journey of recovery.

Quiz: Travel, Trip, or Journey

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Travel vs. Trip vs. Journey Espresso English

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Shayna Oliveira

Shayna Oliveira is the founder of Espresso English, where you can improve your English fast - even if you don’t have much time to study. Millions of students are learning English from her clear, friendly, and practical lessons! Shayna is a CELTA-certified teacher with 10+ years of experience helping English learners become more fluent in her English courses.


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Meaning and use of the words 'trip', 'travel', 'journey', 'tour', and 'voyage'..

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difference between journey and trip and travel

VOCABULARY: Travel, Journey or Trip? What's the difference?

British culture photo. Vintage English gentleman on the beach with a group of people on deckchairs

To travel  is, of course, a verb but not normally a noun unless it is in a literary context e.g.  Gulliver’s Travels  (a book by Jonathan Swift), or a long, extensive tour. 

In everyday English, we would refer to  travelling  by saying  a journey , or  a trip , the difference being that  a trip  talks of the whole process of going, doing what you do, and then returning. 

A journey  is used more to refer to the journey itself, although often there is little difference. Compare the following:  ‘The journey was rotten. The fat man who sat next to me snored all the time.’ ‘The trip was great, we managed to do everything that we had intended.’   

To journey  is an archaic verb not used now.  To trip  exists but it has a completely different meaning; ‘to fall over an object’; ‘He tripped  over the step and spilt all the drinks.’ 

To voyage  only refers to a long journey made at sea.

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difference between journey and trip and travel

When do I use ‘travel’, ‘trip’ and ‘journey’?

The coffee break english show - season 1, episode 3, share this post.

Do you know the difference between the words travel , trip  and journey ? They all have similar meanings, so it’s easy to confuse them!

The Coffee Break English Show is a podcast series of bite-sized, friendly conversations to help you understand some difficult topics in English. In the latest episode, Mark and Josie talk about when to use travel , trip and journey correctly.

Continue reading to find out more and why not listen to the podcast as you go?

So, let’s get started and look at the words travel , trip  and journey .

Travel is a verb. It describes the action of going to a place.

Here are some examples using  travel :

They travelled to London by train.

I’m going to travel to Australia this summer.

Top tip: we can often replace travel with go .

Travel is usually a verb, but not always. The word travels describes the action of visiting different places, and we can replace it with adventures . We use travels in the expressions go on your travels and be off on your travels . For example:

Now that my daughter has finished high school, she’s off on her travels.

When are you going on your travels in Europe?

Journey is a noun. It describes the action of travelling from one place to another place. For example:

Mark’s journey to work takes 20 minutes.

I am exhausted after my long bus journey.

Have a safe journey home!

Like journey , trip is also a noun. It describes the process of travelling to a place, doing things in that place, and travelling back home again. We use trip in the expressions take a trip and go on a trip . For example:

She’s going on a business trip to Thailand.

We’re taking a trip to Greece this summer.

Let’s practise!

Now, let’s practise! Here are five sentences. Complete the spaces with travel , trip , or journey . The answers are at the end of this blog post, but don’t look until you’ve thought about the answers!

  • I ___ to work by train.
  • It was a really long car ___.
  • I’d love to go on a ___ around the world.
  • How long will the ___ to Rome take?
  • My brother is on a work ___ this week.

Happy Coffee Breaking!

If you found this post interesting, make sure you listen to the full podcast episode with Mark and Josie on The Coffee Break English Show . We will release more episodes soon, about some more useful topics! Subscribe to our podcast feed and our channel on YouTube to learn when the next episode is available.

Plus! To get regular free English lessons in your inbox, you can sign up for our email lessons. We regularly send short (coffee-break-sized) email lessons that will help you improve your English. You will also hear from Mark, the founder of Coffee Break Languages, giving advice for language learners at any level. Sign up below!

So, keep practising when to use travel , trip , and journey ! Remember that all English learners make mistakes, but people can usually still understand you. It’s all part of the language-learning journey.

PS. Here are the answers to the questions:

  • I travel to work by train.
  • It was a really long car journey .
  • I’d love to go on a trip around the world.
  • How long will the journey  to Rome take?
  • My brother is on a work trip this week.

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What is the difference between travel, trip and journey?


  • February 15, 2024

Are you travelling anytime soon? If so, where are you going on your trip ? I hope the journey goes well and that you have a great time.

Did you note how I used the words? I used “travel” as a verb and the other two words as nouns. That is the first major difference and how we use them most often.

Now, let’s explore each word, beginning with “travel.”

“Travel” is a verb that means “to go to a place and especially one that is far away.” Far can mean long distances within the same country or to other countries.

For instance: I have a friend who travels abroad a lot for work.

“Travel” can also be a noun that relates the act of going from one to another:

Travelling alone with 2 small children is not easy. 

Here the verb is a gerund and therefore it can be used as a noun.

A common mistake with “travel” is confusing it with “trip,” like this: I bought this souvenir on my travel to Japan. Here we need to use trip instead.

Now let’s look at trip:

The word “trip” is a noun that means “the act of going to another place and returning.” 

For example: I bought this souvenir on my trip to Japan.

We also often use the verbs “go on” or “take” with “trip,” like this: I took a long trip to the South of France last year.

We also say things like “day trip,” “business trip,” and “road trip” to describe different kinds of trips.

We do not use the word as a verb for travel. When ‘trip’ is a verb it is used to mean that you stumble across an obstacle. 

Now let’s look at journey:

The word “journey” is a noun that means “the act of going from one place to another.”

For example: 

I hate long car journeys. 

Have a safe journey!

It’s a 2 hour train journey from York to London .

Note the difference between trip and journey:

The journey to London took 3 hours by train.

Our trip to London was fantastic.

So the first is talking about going from A to B: the travelling time. If using a verb without saying how long we could say we travelled to London by train.

The second is talking about the whole holiday, period away. 

Be sure to check out my YouTube live video where I explained the difference between these commonly confused 3 words:

Journey vs. Travel

What's the difference.

Journey and travel are two terms often used interchangeably, but they have distinct differences. A journey refers to a personal and transformative experience, often involving self-discovery and growth. It can be both physical and metaphorical, encompassing not only the physical act of moving from one place to another but also the emotional and intellectual progress made along the way. On the other hand, travel primarily refers to the act of moving from one location to another, typically for leisure, business, or exploration purposes. While travel can also be transformative, it is more focused on the destination and the experiences gained there, rather than the personal growth that occurs during the journey itself.


Further Detail


When it comes to exploring new places, two terms that often come to mind are "journey" and "travel." While they may seem similar, there are distinct differences between the two. In this article, we will delve into the attributes of both journey and travel, highlighting their unique characteristics and exploring how they contribute to our overall experiences.

Definition and Purpose

A journey can be defined as a process of personal growth and self-discovery, often involving a long and transformative experience. It goes beyond the physical act of moving from one place to another and encompasses the emotional and psychological aspects of the voyage. Journeys are often associated with introspection, reflection, and profound changes in one's perspective.

On the other hand, travel refers to the act of moving from one location to another, typically for leisure, business, or exploration purposes. It focuses more on the physical aspect of the journey, such as visiting new destinations, experiencing different cultures, and broadening one's horizons. Travel is often associated with adventure, excitement, and the pursuit of new experiences.

Duration and Distance

One of the key differences between journey and travel lies in their duration and distance. Journeys are often characterized by their extended length, spanning weeks, months, or even years. They involve a deeper commitment and dedication to the process, allowing individuals to immerse themselves fully in the experience. In contrast, travel can vary in duration, ranging from short weekend getaways to longer vacations. The distance traveled during a journey is often greater, as it may involve crossing continents or exploring remote and challenging terrains.

Emotional and Spiritual Growth

While both journey and travel offer opportunities for personal growth, the emotional and spiritual aspects are more pronounced in a journey. Journeys often push individuals out of their comfort zones, forcing them to confront their fears, face uncertainties, and adapt to unfamiliar environments. This process of self-discovery and introspection can lead to profound emotional and spiritual growth, fostering resilience, empathy, and a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.

Travel, on the other hand, tends to focus more on the external experiences and interactions with different cultures and environments. It provides opportunities to broaden one's horizons, gain new perspectives, and develop a sense of cultural appreciation. While emotional and spiritual growth can still occur during travel, it may not be as intense or transformative as in a journey.

Planning and Flexibility

Another aspect to consider when comparing journey and travel is the level of planning and flexibility involved. Journeys often require meticulous planning, as they involve long-term commitments and logistical considerations. Individuals embarking on a journey need to plan for accommodations, transportation, finances, and other practical aspects to ensure a smooth experience. However, journeys also require a certain level of flexibility, as unexpected challenges and detours may arise along the way, requiring adaptability and problem-solving skills.

Travel, on the other hand, can be more flexible in terms of planning. While some trips may require detailed itineraries, others can be more spontaneous and open-ended. Travelers often have the freedom to explore different destinations, change plans on a whim, and embrace unexpected opportunities. This flexibility allows for a more relaxed and carefree experience, where individuals can go with the flow and let the journey unfold naturally.

Impact and Memories

Both journey and travel leave a lasting impact on individuals, shaping their memories and perspectives. Journeys, due to their transformative nature, often have a profound and long-lasting impact on one's life. The memories created during a journey become cherished milestones, serving as reminders of personal growth, challenges overcome, and lessons learned. These memories can shape individuals' future decisions, values, and aspirations.

Travel, while perhaps not as transformative, still creates lasting memories and impacts individuals in various ways. The experiences gained during travel can broaden one's worldview, foster cultural understanding, and create lifelong connections with people from different backgrounds. The memories of beautiful landscapes, unique encounters, and exciting adventures become treasured souvenirs, reminding individuals of the joy and wonder of exploring the world.

In conclusion, while journey and travel share similarities in terms of exploring new places and gaining experiences, they differ in their depth, purpose, and impact. Journeys are characterized by their transformative nature, emotional and spiritual growth, and longer duration. They require careful planning and offer opportunities for profound self-discovery. On the other hand, travel focuses more on the physical aspect of exploration, providing opportunities for cultural appreciation, broadening horizons, and creating lasting memories.

Whether one embarks on a journey or indulges in travel, both offer unique attributes that contribute to personal growth, broaden perspectives, and create lifelong memories. Ultimately, the choice between a journey and travel depends on individual preferences, goals, and the desire for self-discovery or external exploration. So, whether you choose to embark on a transformative journey or embark on a thrilling travel adventure, embrace the experience and let it shape your life in its own unique way.

Comparisons may contain inaccurate information about people, places, or facts. Please report any issues.


  • Grammar & vocab

Confusing words: travel, a journey, a trip, a voyage

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The words travel , journey , trip and voyage can easily be confused by learners of English.

I suppose it’s a good time of year to look at these words, as the spring and summer holiday seasons will soon be starting for many people.

Travel (noun)

The noun travel is a general word, meaning to move from place to place, usually over long distances.

We can say: air travel , food and travel , space travel , business travel , a travel agency .

  • Air travel is getting more expensive.
  • The magazine is a food and travel guide.

We can also say travels , which is a plural noun:

  • Where did you go on your travels?
  • Jack Kerouac wrote many books about his travels.

Travel is also a verb:

  • I travel 20 km to work every day.

Journey (noun) 

A journey means moving from one place to another, especially in a vehicle. It is a single piece of travel. A journey can also be a regular thing.

Here is an example. Let’s say we go from London to Leeds then back again. That is two journeys (London to Leeds is the first journey, Leeds to London is the second journey).

We can say: a bus journey , a train journey , the journey to school , my journey to work .

Be careful with the plural: journeys NOT journies .

  • How long does your journey to work take?
  • Did you have a good journey?
  • Did you have a good travel?

Trip (noun)

A trip describes the whole process of going somewhere and coming back. (It is more than one journey.)

Once again, let’s go from London to Leeds then back again. As I said above, that is  two journeys, but it is one trip.

Some examples: a day trip , a round trip , a round-the-world trip, a boat trip and a business trip . We say go on a trip .

  • We went on a three-week trip to Scotland.
  • He’s gone on a business trip to Germany.
  • Let’s go on a trip to the mountains this summer!
  • The trip there took three hours. The journey there took three hours.

Voyage (noun)

Voyages are less common nowadays. A voyage is a very long trip, usually at sea or in space:

  • At the age of twenty-three, Sir Francis Drake made his first voyage to the New World.
  • A voyage around the world often took four or five years.

The French Bon voyage! translates into English as Have a good trip! or Have a good journey!

I hope that’s clear. Here’s a quick exercise for you to test your understanding:

difference between journey and trip and travel


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sareh - April 16, 2012, 11:28 pm Reply

that was so helpful thank you

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Amelia - February 20, 2013, 1:07 pm Reply

The explanation is very nice but I could not find the “quick exercise” you mention at the end. Thanks.

difference between journey and trip and travel

Stuart Cook - February 20, 2013, 7:05 pm Reply

Thanks, Amelia. Some users have told me that the exercises are not visible in certain browsers (older versions of Internet Explorer, for instance). They’ll definitely work if you use the Chrome browser.

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MARIA DEL MAR - May 31, 2013, 8:53 pm Reply

hello,…. Your website is really usefull, now I can understand some differents thing … I hope it will be more successful than before.. and I wish improve my english too. 🙂

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Allabergan - September 1, 2013, 11:01 pm Reply

I really liked this website. Thx . But what about <>???? Please, explain it also?! thx in advance

Allabergan - September 1, 2013, 11:02 pm Reply

I asked about ” tour”.

Stuart Cook - January 21, 2014, 7:44 am Reply

A tour is when we visit several different places on a long trip and is usually for pleasure. A tour can also be an official visit to inspect a place, e.g. They gave the Prime Minister a tour of the new factory.

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Wen Dodge - August 14, 2021, 8:51 am Reply

How can I get more helpful info?

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Blanca - January 20, 2014, 10:31 am Reply

Le agradecerĂ­a me aclarara si es un error en la pĂĄgina o es que estaba yo confundida, porque aprendi que no se dice ‘Travel is much faster and cheaper nowadays…’ como se indica en la pagina como correcto, sino: ‘TRAVELLING is much fuster and cheaper …’ Por favor Âżpuede confirmĂĄrmelo? Muchas gracias por adelantado po su amable respuesta.

Blanca - January 20, 2014, 10:40 am Reply

Excuse me, I put the question in Spanish without realising where you could be located. I put it again in English,excuse me.

I learnt that the correct sentence would be: ‘TRAVELLING is much faster and cheaper..’ but in the site here the answer that appear as correct is ‘TRAVEL is much faster and cheaper..’

Could you please be so kind to confirm me if it is a mistake of the system or if I was wrong and in fact in this case is more correct to say travel than travelling?

Thank you very much in advance for your reply.

Stuart Cook - January 20, 2014, 11:03 am Reply

Blanca, It’s also possible to say Travelling is much faster and cheaper . The reason travelling was not given as an option in the multiple choice quiz is that we are looking at the differences between the nouns journey, trip and travel here. I see that this may be a bit confusing, so I have changed the last question in the exercise to air travel .

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Luisa - January 21, 2014, 1:51 am Reply

Hi! I don´t find the question number 10 that you mentioned in your comment. Could you tell me if the exercise is incomplete? Thanks a lot.

Stuart Cook - January 21, 2014, 7:49 am Reply

Hi, Luisa The travel / journey / trip exercise has seven questions, not ten. You can see it at the end of the article above.

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Rogerio - March 20, 2014, 5:35 pm Reply

Thank you for your help and congratulations for the iniciative of keeping this site in the web.

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azam - May 7, 2014, 6:04 am Reply

Hi thank you very much. could you tell me how I can speak better please? When I speak English, I wanna get nervous and forget everything. my teacher told me ” don’t be shy” but he didn’t tell me how. please teach some exercises.

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Alexandre Spindola - May 12, 2014, 5:41 am Reply

Dear Mr. Stuart Cook,

I’d like to thank you very very very very much for this explanation!!! I am Brazilian, and I have never had the opportunity to learn the difference among these confusing words. Now, thank you, I finally know that. I’m so happy and satisfied, thank you!!!

Best Regards,

Alexandre Spindola

Stuart Cook - May 12, 2014, 7:07 am Reply

Hi, Alexandre

I’m really glad you like the site and find it helpful. Good luck with your studies!

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Pouya keikavous - May 26, 2014, 10:08 am Reply

Lots of thanks for explanation

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regor ngavouka - September 9, 2014, 2:34 am Reply

Hi, i’m a congolese i’m so happy to have discovered the real and clear explanations of them. Thank you for having brought more light on the confusion that seemed to be as tough as a stone. But now thanks to you,

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Aristia - September 25, 2014, 11:32 am Reply

Brilliant work! Thank you

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Heine - February 23, 2015, 11:34 am Reply

thank you. this is very helpful.

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Tiago_Dos_Santos - April 8, 2015, 11:41 am Reply

Extremely helpful! Thank you! 🙂

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Venya Gangwani - October 11, 2016, 5:18 am Reply

This is a very good page but I need to ask that : A voyage is for pleasure or for business?

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AurĂŠlio Loiola - November 2, 2016, 10:56 pm Reply

This time I shall learn the differences between travel, journey, trip and voyage. On my future trip, I’ll take three flights because I’ll go to three different cities. In the middle, I got confused to say if I scheduled my journey to Recife or if I scheduled my travel to Recife on 28. I know I could only say I scheduled my flight from Fortaleza do Recife. But considering journey and travel which is right? Thanks a lot.

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Fariba - February 10, 2017, 2:48 am Reply

Hi That was so useful & helpful. Thanks. Can we say: “go on a travel” ?

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Pro Inglis - March 28, 2017, 9:34 pm Reply

Very Helpfull! Can you include Crossing and Fight??

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Anonymous - May 25, 2017, 10:33 pm Reply

Thank you for your explanation, It really helped me understand the context in which I can use them.

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Nassimah Reynolds - October 17, 2017, 7:28 pm Reply

Great work, Stuart Cook! I’m an English teacher myself and have to explain these words very often. But your explanation is very clear and concise, and illustrates the wonders of the English language : ) Thanks!

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Nouran - December 2, 2017, 9:34 pm Reply

Thank you for this wonderful site . It helped me alot.

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Dinuka - September 20, 2019, 3:40 am Reply

It very useful to me. Thanks

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jennifer - July 1, 2020, 10:28 am Reply

wonderful and very useful information.

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FreeAgent - January 22, 2021, 11:10 am Reply

I don’t know how to thank you enough, but this is the best insightful explanation ever on the Internet.

I really understood the subtle differences and proper usages of them.

You are evidently a great teacher.

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.

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Martine - May 16, 2021, 9:45 am Reply

Which noun do we use when we talk about travelling around the world? A … around the world? A world …?

Stuart Cook - May 16, 2021, 10:05 am Reply

We call it a round-the-world trip . A musician would do a world tour .

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Vocabulary: Differences between travel, journey, trip, voyage and tour

Published 29/07/2015 In Blog

difference between journey and trip and travel

The Summer holidays are around the corner so it is definitely a good time to post an article on my blog explaining the difference between all these words. 

Travel, journey, trip, voyage and tour can be easily confused by all those students learning English, so below are clear explanations of how to use the 5 terms: 

*Verbs: Louise travels a lot for work *Nouns: Travel the way you wish to go

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difference between journey and trip and travel

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difference between journey and trip and travel

Do you know the difference between TRAVEL, JOURNEY, and a TRIP?

26/6/19 Do you know the difference between TRAVEL, JOURNEY, and a TRIP?

difference between journey and trip and travel

Now you will! The words travel, journey, and trip can easily be confused by learners of English. I suppose it’s a good time of year to look at these words! Travel (noun) The noun travel is a general word, meaning to move from place to place, usually over long distances. We can say: air travel, food and travel, space travel, business travel, a travel agency.

  • Air travel is getting more expensive.
  • The magazine is a food and travel guide.

We can also say  travels , which is a plural noun:

  • Where did you go on your travels?
  • Jack Kerouac wrote many books about his travels.

Travel is also a verb:

  • I travel 20 km to work every day.

Journey (noun)  A journey means moving from one place to another, especially in a vehicle. It is a  single piece  of travel. A journey can also be a regular thing. Here is an example. Let’s say we go from London to Leeds then back again. That is  two  journeys (London to Leeds is the first journey, Leeds to London is the second journey). We can say: a bus journey, a train journey, the journey to school, my journey to work. Be careful with the plural: journeys NOT .

  • How long does your journey to work take?
  • Did you have a good journey?

Trip (noun) A trip describes the whole process of going somewhere and coming back. (It is more than one journey.) Once again, let’s go from London to Leeds then back again. As I said above, that is  two  journeys, but it is  one  trip. Some examples: a day trip, a round trip, a round-the-world trip, a boat trip and a business trip. We say go on a trip.

  • We went on a three-week trip to Scotland.
  • He’s gone on a business trip to Germany.
  • Let’s go on a trip to the mountains this summer!
  •  The journey there took three hours.

difference between journey and trip and travel

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difference between journey and trip and travel


difference between journey and trip and travel


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Travel vs Trip – Difference

What is the difference between Travel and Trip?

These two words frequently confuse learners of English.

A quick explanation that is valid for most situations is the following:

Travel – a verb (the action) Trip – a noun

Susan’s husband isn’t in town at the moment; he is on a business trip . He travels to many different countries. Susan met her husband on a trip to the Bahamas.

Travel – to go from one place to another Trip – a journey that is often for a short period of time.

NOTE: There are some exceptions to the general rule above.

Travel can also be a noun when it refers to the act of traveling.

  • Travel is difficult in that part of the country since there are no paved roads.
  • Travel broadens your mind.

Sometimes Travel appears in plural form and in that case is normally preceded by a possessive adjective (my travels, his travels etc.)

  • She has had many adventures in her travels .
  • I have never seen any as strange as that in all of my travels .

Trip can also be a verb though it has a completely different meaning. To Trip – to accidentally stumble and almost fall while walking or running, usually after catching your foot on something.

  • He didn’t see the cat and he tripped up.

Trip vs. Journey

A trip usually refers to traveling to a place and returning back to where you started. A journey usually implies traveling from one place to another (not necessarily returning to where you started). It sometimes refers to the length of time taken to go from one place to another.

  • They went on a journey through South America that lasted 6 months.
  • It is a three-day journey by train.

Some more uses of the word Trip

A day trip usually refers to a tourist activity that occupies your entire day. A business trip is when you travel for business reasons. A round trip means to travel somewhere and return to place of original, there and back (= a return trip)

Summary Chart

The difference between Travel and Trip in English

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What is the difference between journey , trip , voyage and excursion ?

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AirCare Flight Insurance

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  • Trip Cancellations/Interruptions/Delays
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What's the difference between flight insurance and travel insurance?

The main difference is that a flight insurance policy only covers your airfare. On the other hand, a travel insurance policy helps protect your flight as well as other parts of your trip. While you're planning your next trip, think about where you're going and what you'll be doing. Once you have that, it'll be easier to choose which policy works best for your trip.

What does a flight insurance policy cover?

AirCare Flight Insurance has a variety of benefits including emergency travel assistance, 24/7/365. Some common flight coverages are:

  • Airfare incase flights are cancelled or you miss a connection
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What does a travel insurance policy cover?

ExactCare Travel Insurance provides all-in-one travel protection, with family friendly pricing and worldwide emergency travel assistance 24/7/365. Common things covered by travel insurance are:

  • Trip cancellation or interruption
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What is not covered by travel insurance?

Your coverage is based on the plan you choose. However, in general some things that aren't normally covered by travel insurance are:

  • Action and team sports, for example auto racing, pro sports travel, or other extreme sport activities
  • Travel to get medical care
  • Trip Cancellation because you changed your mind

For more information, please check your policy.

Is travel or trip insurance worth the cost?

Travel insurance can help protect your vacation or trips from unexpected things happening. You can travel without trip insurance but doing so brings greater risk if something goes wrong or you encounter unexpected delays. Flight insurance or trip insurance coverage can include things like flight cancellation, lost luggage, trip cancellation, emergency medical transportation, and more. Learn more about travel insurance and why you should get a travel insurance quote today!

How much does travel insurance cost?

Travel insurance typically costs 5 to 10 percent of your total trip cost, though that can be influenced by several things.

  • The cost of the trip
  • The length of your trip and destination
  • The amount of coverage selected
  • The number of travelers covered under the policy

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Is travel insurance worth it?

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Travel Insurance: Get the answers you're looking for.

  • What travel insurance plans are available? BHTB offers AirCare (flight only) and 3 main plans: ExactCare Value, ExactCare, and ExactCare Extra. ExactCare Value provides great traveling insurance coverage for budget minded travelers. You can rest easy knowing you're covered for things like trip cancellation, trip interruption, and medical expenses. The main difference is the maximum amount that will be covered. ExactCare and ExactCare Extra's insurance cover the same things as ExactCare Value and add coverage for missed connections and accidental death & dismemberment. The overall amount covered is also increased for each plan respectively.
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  • Is there travel insurance that can cover my vehicle while traveling to Mexico? Your US auto insurance policy won't cover your vehicle when you drive into Mexico. We're here to help you find the Mexico car insurance you need to insure your car.
  • Tips for saving money on your next vacation. No one wants to overpay things. We're here to help. Check out our 5 ways to save your money on your next family vacation.
  • Where you're going
  • Number of days you're traveling
  • Cost of your overall trip
  • Coverage you pick
  • Number of people covered under your policy

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Please note:

The above is meant as general information and as general policy descriptions to help you understand the different types of coverages. These descriptions do not refer to any specific contract of insurance and they do not modify any definitions, exclusions or any other provision expressly stated in any contracts of insurance. We encourage you to speak to your insurance representative and to read your policy contract to fully understand your coverages.

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32 road trip essentials for adults and kids.

Travel more comfortably with these road trip must-haves.

Road Trip Essentials

Large family of four kids. Children in trunk. Traveling by car in the mountains, atmosphere concept. American spirit.

Getty Images

While you don't necessarily need a lot of things for a successful road trip, certain items can't be overlooked. Read on to discover which items you should consider adding to your road trip packing list, or jump to the section on what to pack for kids .

Road trip essentials for adults

From roadside emergency must-haves to multipurpose gadgets you can use throughout your journey, these are some of the most helpful items to have on a road trip.

"Hanger" can make a road trip go south pretty quick. Pack your favorite snacks and put them in an easily accessible spot.

ICEMULE Classic Medium 15L in light blue against a white background.

Courtesy of ICEMULE

You might want to bring a small cooler for any snacks and drinks that need to stay cold. If you don't already own one, the best cooler bags include the ICEMULE Classic (available in a variety of sizes) and the CleverMade Collapsible Cooler Bag .

A seat organizer like this one by YOOFAN can help you keep snacks, tissues and any other essentials close at hand. Plus, it can double as a reusable bag for any small purchases you make during your road trip.

USB charging cables

If you have USB ports in your car, buy a set of charging cables so you can keep your devices charged and also play music and podcasts from your phone. Compatible with Apple devices, this two-pack of Amazon Basics cables is well rated; for Samsung devices, try these Anker cables . Both sets have 3-foot cords, which are the perfect size for car travel.

Portable charger

INIU Portable Charger against white background.

Courtesy of INIU

Even if you have charging ports and cables in your car, a portable charger is good to have on hand, too. Travelers rave about the INIU Portable Charger for its slim, lightweight design and overall efficiency.

Jumper cables

A set of jumper cables is essential to have in your car at all times, whether you're driving 2 miles down the road or 200 miles away from home. The Energizer Jumper Cables are especially well rated. Available for less than $20 on Amazon, the 12-foot-long cables are perfect for any car type and come with a travel bag for easy storage. Longer cables are also available.

Portable tire inflator

A portable tire inflator can be a lifesaver if you find your tires have a slow leak during your trip. The AstroAl Air Compressor Tire Inflator is compact, so it won't take up much space among the other gear in your trunk, and it includes an LED flashlight with independent switch control. It is programmed to stop automatically once it hits the preset tire pressure and it comes with a 36-month warranty.

Other travelers prefer the ViAir 88P - 00088 Portable Compressor Kit , noting it works well with a wide variety of vehicles. In addition to a 12-foot air hose and a 9-foot power cord, the kit comes with alligator clamps that power your air compressor by attaching to your car's battery.

Snow Joe 4-in-1 Telescoping Broom against white background.

Courtesy of Snow Joe

If you're traveling during the winter months and/or to a destination where you might encounter snow and ice, make sure you have a snow broom in your car. The Snow Joe 4-in-1 Telescoping Broom is especially convenient for travel because of its lightweight, foldable design, and recent buyers confirm the foam head prevents any scratching. This snow broom also features an ice scraper and LED lights with a blinking functionality for emergencies.

Dashboard phone mount

Avoid distractions by installing a dashboard phone mount before your journey starts. The iOttie Easy One Touch 5 comes with a telescopic arm, a magnetic cord organizer and a strong-hold suction cup. Plus, its easy one-touch lock-and-release mechanism (a feature that is much appreciated among recent customers) makes taking your phone on and off the holder a breeze. If you don't like the rigidity of traditional dashboard phone mounts, consider choosing a phone mount with a flexible arm instead.

Car document holder

In the event that you get into a car accident or are pulled over by the police, having easy access to your car's registration, insurance information and owner's manual is crucial – whether you're traveling or not. This two-sided holder , which comes in a pack of two for less than $5 on Amazon, does the job.

Roadside emergency kit

For peace of mind, many travelers recommend an all-purpose roadside emergency kit . These kits are typically equipped with a tire pressure gauge, a utility knife, safety gloves, cable ties, a tow rope, tire repair tools, first-aid supplies, rain ponchos and other useful items.

Extra-large body wipes from Busy Co against neutral background.

Courtesy of Busy Co

Freshen up with the extra-large body wipes from Busy Co , which are suitable for dry, oily and combination skin types. They address a variety of skincare needs, including clarifying, toning, soothing and nourishing. Recent customers appreciated the large size of the wipes and said using them made them feel refreshed while traveling.

Lysol wipes

Disinfecting Lysol wipes are a must-have on your travel packing list. These cleaning wipes kill 99.9% of viruses and bacteria, so you can feel protected while on the road.

Disposable toilet seat covers

Using disposable toilet seat covers can help you avoid germs and stay clean when you stop for restroom breaks at gas stations, port-a-potties and campgrounds.

Nausea relief

Sea-Bands pack and bands in case against white background.

Courtesy of Sea-Band

Long hours in the car might sound daunting to anyone prone to motion sickness. In those cases, having preventative nausea medicine like Dramamine can be a lifesaver. If you prefer a drug-free alternative, Sea-Bands are anti-nausea wristbands that use acupuncture as a natural remedy to reduce motion sickness. Travelers say these bands are highly effective at reducing nausea.

Hand sanitizer

From gas pumps to ATMs, you never know what germs you may encounter on a road trip. Protect yourself against viruses by keeping a bottle of hand sanitizer in your car.

Book or e-reader

Sitting in the car for hours can be painfully boring at times. Bring a good book or an e-reader like the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite , which puts thousands of books at your fingertips. The device boasts up to 10 weeks of battery life, adjustable warm light and a glare-free display, which recent reviewers said made marathon reading sessions a breeze. Meanwhile, kids can enjoy the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Kids , which offers a special font for children with dyslexia and comes with a two-year warranty.

Rooftop cargo carrier

Save some space inside your vehicle by opting for a car roof cargo carrier. With an anti-slip mat and reinforced adjustable straps, the waterproof FIVKLEMNZ 15 Cubic Car Roof Bag Cargo Carrier from Amazon is suitable for any car type. Recent customers say that they had no problem getting it to stay in place even on high-speed roads.

Car trash can

Hotor car trash can with measurements against white background.

Courtesy of Hotor

There's no doubt about it – road trips can generate a lot of trash. Keep your car clean on your next adventure with this Hotor car trash can from Amazon. Complete with an adjustable strap, mesh side panels for storage and a leakproof interior lining, this useful accessory comes highly recommended by travelers who find themselves frequently on the road.

Dog waste bags

Even if you don't have a dog, hear us out: Dog poop bags are useful for a variety of needs, from general waste to dirty diapers to unexpected accidents caused by motion sickness. The Earth Rated bags are 100% leakproof, and buyers agree they're effective at eliminating odors.

If you'll be sitting in the passenger's seat or backseat, bring a pair of earbuds or headphones. For kids, consider the fleece CozyPhones , which are volume-limiting for little ears and come in a variety of animal themes.

Travel pillow

Cabeau Evolution S3 Travel Pillow in gray and infographic against white background.

Courtesy of Cabeau

Car passengers can get a bit more comfortable with the help of an ergonomic neck pillow for travel . Top-rated options include the Cabeau Evolution S3 and the MVLOC Travel Pillow .

Shield your eyes from the sun by picking up a good pair of sunglasses before your trip. Choose sunglasses that protect against the sun's UVA and UVB rays, and are polarized to block glare. Travelers love that these Ray-Ban Aviator Classic sunglasses come in a variety of tints and can even be customized to fit your needs. For a more budget-friendly option, check out these SUNGAIT Ultra Lightweight Rectangular Polarized Sunglasses from Amazon, which recent customers say are very comfortable and perfect for road tripping.

Beach blanket

WEKAPO Beach Blanket in green against white background.

Courtesy of WEKAPO

A large beach blanket or towel is one of the most versatile accessories you can bring on a road trip. You can use it to have a picnic lunch, to clean up a spill, to dry off playground equipment after a rainstorm and more.

Reusable water bottle

Skip the plastic bottles and opt for a high-quality reusable water bottle on your next trip. This  40-ounce bottle from Hydro Flask  keeps drinks hot for 12 hours and cold for a full day. It also comes with a lid with a built-in straw, which consumers say makes it convenient for driving. For kids, a durable water bottle like this  12-ounce YETI Rambler  fits the bill: Its stainless steel bottle is dishwasher-safe and shatter-resistant, a feature that parents love.

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Road trip essentials for kids

In addition to snacks, headphones, reusable water bottles, sunglasses and – depending whether your kids are in a car seat or not – travel pillows, the following items are essential to a successful road trip with kids.

Seatback organizer

A car seatback organizer lets you arrange road trip essentials on the back of the driver's or passenger's seat, where they're within reach of small hands. Many buyers said this seatback organizer from Amazon took some of the stress out of traveling with kids, thanks to its multipurpose storage compartments, including a place for a tablet and plenty of other spots to store key items for your trip.

Travel tray

LUSSO Gear Kids Travel Tray against white background.

Courtesy of LUSSO Gear

If your co-pilot is constantly turning around to pick up toys or pass out snacks, a backseat travel tray is in order. The LUSSO Gear Kids Travel Tray comes with a safety strap that can be secured to any car seat, and includes a dry-erase board table, a cup holder, a storage compartment for toys and a no-drop tablet viewing stand. Reviewers loved the tray's whiteboard area and said it was a great way to keep kids entertained on long car rides.

Window shade

Protect your backseat drivers from UVA and UVB rays with some window shades. Many parents like the shades by Enovoe , which come in a two- or four-pack.

Bag of small toys and activities

Load up on small toys you can surprise your kids with throughout the journey. Wikki Stix , Melissa & Doug Water Wow pads and sticker books are all good, low-cost activities, and you can find other cheap options at your local dollar and thrift stores. You might even add some candy to the mix, especially for that last leg of the trip.

Most parents want to keep screen time to a minimum, but all bets are off when it comes to travel. Consider a tablet like the Amazon Fire Kids , which comes with a protective case and one year of Amazon Kids+. Amazon Kids+ features thousands of ad-free books, games and apps; for any streaming services you have at home, you can download TV show episodes and movies so the kids don't need Wi-Fi to watch them.

Small blanket

Child wearing pink Cubcoat against neutral background.

Courtesy of Cubcoat

Bring a small blanket and/or other comfort item from home to ensure the kids are cozy and content in the backseat. You could also bring a Cubcoat , which is a two-in-one stuffed animal that transforms into a hoodie. Your child's furry friend (think bunnies, sloths and puppies) doubles as a soft, zip-up sweatshirt, and you get to save some space in your suitcase.

Kids travel journal

A kids travel journal makes it easy for your child to document their road trip and all the fun things they see and do. Plus, many kids journals feature world maps, puzzles, fun facts and more activities to keep boredom at bay.

Road trip tips

Plan your stops.

It can be helpful and fun to plan your road trip stops ahead of time. Break up the trip with stops at a pretty park, a quirky roadside attraction or a top-rated restaurant.

Debit cards and Venmo may be the way of the world nowadays, but you may still run into a few places on your journey that are cash-only. Be on the safe side by keeping some spare cash on hand.

Download a fuel savings app

You can save some money on fuel by using apps like GasBuddy , which will show you the cheapest gas prices in your area. Go the extra mile by signing up for a gas rewards credit card to get the most bang for your buck.

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Things To Know Before Purchasing Amtrak Tickets For The Best Deal

  • Train travel offers the charm of "slow travel" and allows passengers to explore lesser-known regions of the US as well as the most famous places in America while enjoying personal space.
  • Those wondering how to get cheap Amtrak tickets can use Amtrak partners' services and redeem rewards points to save money on train tickets and earn additional benefits.
  • Book Amtrak tickets in advance, consider off-peak travel, and check for promotions and discounts to find cheaper fares for train journeys.

Train travel is gaining increasing popularity as people have begun to appreciate the charm of "slow travel." Opting for train journeys like those via Amtrak provides passengers with the opportunity to witness lesser-explored regions of the country along with many a train trip to see US landmarks , all while enjoying their personal space and the convenience of avoiding the complexities of air travel or car rentals.

Amtrak is also a fantastic way to experience some of the most beautiful scenery in America, often at a reasonable cost. Whether travelers are planning a scenic journey, a cross-country adventure, a quick getaway, or a work trip, knowing about Amtrak , such as finding affordable tickets and Amtrak train routes and prices, is crucial.

By following these tips on finding cheap Amtrak tickets and considering the important factors before purchasing, travelers will be well-prepared to embark on their train journey and make informed decisions to maximize the value of their Amtrak travel. This way, not only will travelers be able to better enjoy the comfort, convenience, and beauty Amtrak train travel offers, but they'll also be happier knowing that they were able to save money on Amtrak tickets!

UPDATE: 2024/02/01 19:41 EST BY REENA JAIN

More Useful Information About Purchasing Amtrak Tickets

There are several methods to cut costs while booking Amtrak tickets. We have added even more pointers to this list that travelers should be aware of before purchasing Amtrak tickets. Book discounted tickets and enjoy a memorable ride!

10 Amtrak Trips Where You Won't Need A Car To Get Around

Use amtrak partners' services, earn extra reward points for using amtrak's partner services.

When passengers spend money at hotels, rental car agencies, and other merchants that Amtrak has partnered with , they can accrue Amtrak Guest Rewards.

Some examples include reserving a room at any hotel through Amtrak Hotels, renting a vehicle from Budget, or ordering flowers via Teleflora, all of which contribute to the recipients' Amtrak Guest Rewards points.

  • Amtrak Partners: Budget, Teleflora, Dollar, Hertz, Teleflora, HomeDepot, eBags, and many more

Earn points for every Amtrak trip and redeem them for future travel, upgrades, hotel stays, and more. Keep an eye out for exclusive promotions and bonus point opportunities to maximize rewards.

Redeem Amtrak Rewards Points

Frequent travelers can save money using their reward points.

Once travelers have a good number of Amtrak Guest Rewards points accumulated, they can make the most out of them by using them to book cheap Amtrak tickets.

Travelers can save a great deal if they combine their points with exclusive specials, although redemption rates can vary depending on the route, day, and time. Furthermore, there are many other ways to redeem these rewards points .

  • Where to redeem: Amtrak travel, hotels, car rentals, cruises, dining, shopping

Know How To Find Cheap Amtrak Tickets (Or When!)

Making reservations in advance is important.

The best time to buy Amtrak tickets for cheap is well before the day of travel! Booking Amtrak tickets in advance is often the key to finding the cheapest Amtrak ticket prices, but how far before the intended departure date, exactly?

Amtrak typically releases tickets 11 months in advance, so the earlier these tickets are booked, the better chances travelers have of securing discounted fares. Make sure to review tips and tricks for Amtrak booking to get the best Amtrak ticket prices!

  • When to buy Amtrak tickets for cheaper: As early as possible (people can book up to 11 months in advance)

Avoiding the busiest Amtrak routes can also help travelers get cheap Amtrak tickets and avoid the busiest station times.

Squeeze More Out Of The Amtrak Rewards Program

Enjoy additional benefits with guest rewards.

Amtrak Guest Rewards is Amtrak’s rewards program that can provide travelers with additional benefits and savings.

Member benefits include the ability to not only earn points, as outlined earlier in the article, but also receive upgrades, companion coupons, special treatment (in the Amtrak Lounge), and more. Amtrak Guest Rewards lets travelers accrue points based on travel and not just train trips.

  • Member Benefits: Points, upgrades, coupons, special access, Tier Qualifying Point

Purchase Tickets On The Amtrak Website

The best amtrak deals are often available on its official website.

Is it cheaper to buy Amtrak tickets online or at the station? Many travelers ponder this question! An Amtrak ticket can be purchased in a number of ways, including online, through the Amtrak mobile app, in person at the station, or by phone. However, there is only one way to go to get the best bargain and the cheapest Amtrak tickets.

If a traveler purchases their ticket online as opposed to at the railway station, they will get cheaper prices and sometimes unbelievably good bargains. Impressive deals!

Check Out Amtrak's Special Deals Page

Grab time-sensitive bargains from amtrak's special deals.

Amtrak has a dedicated deals page , which is unquestionably the place to look to save money before buying tickets. The company frequently posts time-sensitive bargains on the platform, some of which are just mind-blowing.

Travelers may not discover deals if they are taking the train to a nearby small city, but they may get a great deal by purchasing a significant number of tickets or traveling on well-known long train routes.

There was a promotion of " Get Up to 60% Off Eight Tickets with Share Fares " at the time of publication. Incredible, isn't it?

Verify Eligibility For Additional Amtrak Discounts

Different categories get different discounts.

Certain categories of passengers, including children, veterans, military families, and students, are eligible for discounts from Amtrak. For example, discounts of up to 50% are available on child Amtrak tickets.

Plus, an additional 10% discount is available to military personnel and their families, government employees, and members of the Rail Passengers Association. Additionally, individuals with disabilities receive extra discounts.

Passengers must check Amtrak's " everyday discounts " page to see whether they qualify for any extra discount before purchasing their tickets.

  • Eligible travelers for Amtrak ticket discounts: Children, seniors, students, veterans, military families, government employees, members of the Rail Passengers Association, individuals with disabilities

Check For Amtrak Promotions And Deals

A variety of promotional sales and deals help save money.

As mentioned above, Amtrak regularly provides travelers with opportunities to save on their train tickets through promotions and deals. It's worth keeping a close eye on these offers, as they can significantly reduce the cost of Amtrak tickets and enhance the affordability of any Amtrak journey.

Here are some additional details to help travelers take advantage of these money-saving opportunities:

Special Offers and Flash Sales

Amtrak frequently introduces special promotions and limited-time flash sales that offer discounted fares. These promotions may include discounted ticket prices, BOGO (Buy One, Get One) deals, or percentage-off discounts.

They are typically announced on Amtrak's official website and social media channels. Be sure to check these platforms regularly to stay updated on the latest offers.

Discounted Fares

Amtrak offers various discounted fares for specific demographics, including seniors, students, veterans, and AAA members. These discounted fares, such as Amtrak fares for seniors, often provide significant savings compared to regular ticket prices.

Make sure to check the eligibility requirements and available discounts for these groups when booking tickets.

Amtrak Newsletter

Signing up for Amtrak's newsletter is a great way to stay informed about promotions, deals, and upcoming sales. Newsletter subscribers often receive exclusive access to discounted fares and special offers before they are publicly available.

It's a convenient way to receive regular updates and ensure travelers don't miss out on any money-saving opportunities.

Social Media and Travel Websites

In addition to Amtrak's official channels, social media platforms and travel websites can be valuable resources for finding exclusive Amtrak deals. Follow Amtrak's official accounts on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, as they may announce promotions and limited-time offers.

Additionally, travel websites and online booking platforms may feature Amtrak deals or offer promo codes that can be used to unlock discounted fares.

When searching for promotions and deals, it's important to be aware of any terms and conditions associated with the offers. Some promotions may have specific travel dates, blackout periods, or restrictions on seat availability. It's advisable to read the details and plan trips accordingly to take full advantage of the savings.

Remember that promotions and deals are subject to availability and may have limited quantities. It's best to act quickly, so secure discounted tickets as soon as an attractive offer is spotted and before they sell out.

Consider Off-Peak Travel To Get Cheaper Amtrak Tickets

Booking off-peak time tickets can cut travel costs.

Finding cheap Amtrak tickets isn't just about scoring deals or waiting for price cuts. Traveling during off-peak times, such as weekdays or non-holiday periods, can often result in lower ticket prices.

  • Amtrak's peak travel times: Weekends, holidays, and popular vacation seasons

By choosing less crowded travel days, travelers can enjoy reduced fares and a more relaxed journey.

Be Sure To Understand Amtrak Fare Types

Choose the best fare type based on your travel needs.

Amtrak offers various fare types, each with its own rules and restrictions. It's essential to get familiarized with the different fare options , such as Saver, Value, Flexible, and Premium, to determine which one is best for affordable Amtrak tickets and on-train perks.

  • Types of Fares: Saver Fares, Value Fares, Flexible Fares, Premium Fares

Pay attention to refund and change policies, as well as any restrictions on baggage or seat selection.

10 Tips For Making Your First Sleeper Train Journey Run Smoothly

Consider booking classes and upgrades, enhance your trip experience with upgrade offers.

Amtrak provides different classes of service, including Coach, Business Class, and First Class, each offering varying levels of comfort and amenities.

Though Coach is cheapest up-front, sometimes, discounts can make more luxurious travel possible.

  • Amtrak Class options: First Class, Business Class, Coach Class

Roomette Vs. Sleeper Bedroom: Knowing The Difference On An Amtrak

Know travelers’ rights and policies, understanding amtrak's policies ensures a hassle-free trip.

Travelers must familiarize themselves with Amtrak's policies regarding cancelations, delays, refunds, and baggage allowances. There are some of the important things to know about Amtrak before making a purchase.

Understanding passenger rights will help travelers navigate any unexpected situations and ensure a hassle-free experience.

  • Policies travelers should be aware of: Risk-Free Cancellation, Paid Reservations, "No Show" Policy, Fare Rules

Review Amtrak's terms and conditions to be aware of any specific rules or requirements.

10 Scenic Sleeper Train Routes In The US

Check route options and connections, plan for a train journey based on the routes and stops.

Amtrak operates an extensive network of routes across the United States, allowing travelers to reach numerous destinations relatively easily and quickly. When planning a journey, research the available routes and identify any necessary connections or transfers.

Some routes offer scenic views and specific attractions; for example, the Adirondack train route takes travelers through the natural beauty of Upstate New York in comfort and style), while the California Zephyr goes on a breathtaking journey through the Rocky Mountains and the Coast Starlight showcases scenic coastal views along the West Coast.

Whether travelers are seeking stunning landscapes, historic landmarks, or vibrant city experiences, Amtrak offers a variety of routes to cater to a variety of interests.

  • Popular Scenic Amtrak Routes: Northeast Regional (Amtrak's busiest train), Acela , Pacific Surfliner , California Zephyr , Empire Builder , Coast Starlight

Check out the Amtrak guide to learn about different train routes by state.

Amtrak's Onboard Amenities And Services Are World Class

Amtrak promises comfortable travel with onboard amenities.

Amtrak trains offer a range of onboard amenities and services to enhance travelers’ journeys. These may include comfortable seating, onboard Wi-Fi, power outlets, dining options, lounge areas, and accessible facilities.

  • Exclusive amenities onboard: First Class Private Rooms, dining facility, baggage facility, multiple seating options the opportunity to bring a bicycle on board

Packing is a crucial step in having an enjoyable train trip, no matter the budget. Consider a list of essentials to pack for every Amtrak trip well before booking.

Things To Know Before Purchasing Amtrak Tickets For The Best Deal

  • Credit Cards
  • Best Travel Credit Cards

19 Best Travel Credit Cards Of June 2024

Becky Pokora

Expert Reviewed

Updated: May 30, 2024, 2:57pm

For anyone who travels enough to have a separate savings account, like I do, credit cards are a valuable resource toward booking and paying for your trip. The rewards can offset a huge portion of your out-of-pocket expenses, and the best travel cards often pay for themselves in money saved and headaches avoided.

Why you can trust Forbes Advisor

Our editors are committed to bringing you unbiased ratings and information. Our editorial content is not influenced by advertisers. We use data-driven methodologies to evaluate financial products and companies, so all are measured equally. You can read more about our editorial guidelines and the credit card methodology for the ratings below.

  • 113 countries visited
  • 5,500 hotel nights spent
  • 93,000,000 miles and points redeemed
  • 29 loyalty programs covered

Best Travel Rewards Credit Cards

  • Chase Sapphire PreferredÂŽ Card : Best Travel Credit Card for Beginners
  • Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card : Best Premium Travel Rewards Card
  • Chase Sapphire ReserveÂŽ : Best Travel Credit Card for International Travel
  • The Platinum CardÂŽ from American Express : Best Travel Rewards Credit Card for Lounge Access
  • American ExpressÂŽ Gold Card : Best Travel Rewards Earning for Foodies
  • Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card : Best Flat-Rate Rewards Credit Card for Travel
  • Bilt World Elite MastercardÂŽ : Best Travel Rewards Credit Card With No Annual Fee
  • Credit One Bank Wander® Card : Best Travel Credit Card for Fair Credit
  • AeroplanÂŽ Credit Card : Best Airline Rewards Program for International Travel
  • United Quest℠ Card : Best United Credit Card
  • United Club℠ Infinite Card : Best Premium Airline Card
  • British Airways Visa SignatureÂŽ Card : Best for British Airways Passengers
  • Southwest Rapid RewardsÂŽ Priority Credit Card : Best for Southwest Passengers
  • IHG One Rewards Premier Credit Card : Best Midrange Hotel Card
  • The World of Hyatt Credit Card : Best Travel Credit Card for Hyatt Loyalists
  • Marriott Bonvoy BoundlessÂŽ Credit Card * : Best for Marriott Customers
  • Hilton Honors Aspire Card from American Express * : Best Premium Hotel Card
  • Wyndham Rewards EarnerÂŽ Card * : Best No Annual Fee Hotel Card
  • Best Credit Cards Of 2024
  • Credit Cards With Travel Insurance
  • Best Hotel Credit Cards
  • Best Credit Card For Lounge Access
  • Best No-Annual-Fee Cards For Travel
  • Best Airline Credit Cards

Best General Purpose Travel Credit Cards

Best travel credit card for beginners, chase sapphire preferredÂŽ card.

Up to 5x Reward Rate

Earn 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all Read More

Welcome Bonus

75,000 bonus points

Regular APR

21.49%-28.49% Variable

Credit Score

Excellent, Good (700 - 749)

I jumped at the chance to get the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card when it was first launched. More than a decade later, I’m still a loyal cardholder.

Why We Like It

For a modest annual fee (which is partially justified with an annual hotel credit) you get a rare mix of high rewards rates and redemption flexibility.

What We Don’t Like

The highest earning rate requires making reservations through Chase Travel℠ and doesn’t include direct bookings or online travel agencies.

Who It’s Best For

Travelers who want to earn transferable points without a steep annual fee.

Julian Kheel

I​​t’s the granddaddy of travel credit cards, but it still earns its reputation as one of the best around with solid bonus categories, strong travel protections, a great set of domestic and international transfer partners and a reasonable annual fee to boot. You can’t go wrong with it as your first travel credit card.

  • Earn high rewards on several areas of spending
  • Transfer points to travel partners at 1:1 rate
  • Many travel and shopping protections
  • No intro APR offer
  • Best travel earning rates are only for bookings through Chase
  • Earn 75,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That’s over $900 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.
  • Enjoy benets such as 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases, $50 Annual Chase Travel Hotel Credit, plus more.
  • Get 25% more value when you redeem for airfare, hotels, car rentals and cruises through Chase Travel℠. For example, 75,000 points are worth $937.50 toward travel.
  • Count on Trip Cancellation/Interruption Insurance, Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver, Lost Luggage Insurance and more.
  • Get complimentary access to DashPass which unlocks $0 delivery fees and lower service fees for a minimum of one year when you activate by December 31, 2024.
  • Member FDIC

Best Premium Travel Rewards Card

Capital one venture x rewards credit card.

Up to 10X Reward Rate

Earn 2 miles per dollar on all eligible purchases, 5 miles per dollar on flights and 10 miles per dollar Read More

Earn 75,000 bonus miles

19.99% - 29.99% (Variable)

Excellent (750 - 850)

The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card ( rates & fees ) is packed with extras that put it firmly in competition with other upscale credit cards. Just as important, the easy earnings structure is ideal for anyone who doesn’t want to stress over details.

Its annual fee is easily recouped through an annual travel credit and bonus miles, which makes the perks feel almost free.

The flat-rate earnings mean that if you have high spending in a single category, you might be better off with a different card.

Travelers who want premium benefits and are willing to book through Capital One travel at least once a year.

If you’re looking for lofty perks without a lofty annual fee, the Venture X fits the bill. While other cards with elite benefits can run close to $700 a year, the Venture X is nearly half that. And you’ll still get Capital One and Priority Pass airport lounge access for you and your eligible guests, an annual travel credit and solid earnings on everyday purchases.

  • Annual fee lower than others in its category
  • Annual travel credit through Capital One Travel and anniversary miles alone could justify the annual fee
  • Miles are easy to earn and easy to use
  • Lack of domestic airline and upscale hotel travel partners
  • Capital One lounge network in its infancy
  • Lack of hotel status benefits
  • Earn 75,000 bonus miles when you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel
  • Receive a $300 annual credit for bookings through Capital One Travel, where you’ll get Capital One’s best prices on thousands of trip options
  • Get 10,000 bonus miles (equal to $100 towards travel) every year, starting on your first anniversary
  • Earn unlimited 10X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel and 5X miles on flights booked through Capital One Travel
  • Earn unlimited 2X miles on all other purchases
  • Unlimited complimentary access for you and two guests to 1,300+ lounges, including Capital One Lounges and the Partner Lounge Network
  • Use your Venture X miles to easily cover travel expenses, including flights, hotels, rental cars and more—you can even transfer your miles to your choice of 15+ travel loyalty programs
  • Elevate every hotel stay from the Premier or Lifestyle Collections with a suite of cardholder benefits, like an experience credit, room upgrades, and more
  • Receive up to a $100 credit for Global Entry or TSA PreCheckÂŽ

Best Travel Credit Card for International Travel

Chase sapphire reserveÂŽ.

Up to 10x Reward Rate

Earn 5x total points on flights and 10x total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Read More

22.49%-29.49% Variable

Earn superior points rates if you spend frequently on travel and dining out with the Chase Sapphire ReserveÂŽ . Its greatest selling point, though, is the awesome list of 1:1 transfer partners.

The $300 travel credit compensates for much of the annual fee, and the travel protection benefits have personally reimbursed me more than $1,000.

There’s an extra fee to add an authorized user to your account.

Anyone looking to take advantage of built-in travel insurance protections.

Lori Zaino

The Chase Sapphire Reserve card is one of the most valuable flexible rewards credit cards thanks to its lucrative bonus categories and easy-to-use travel credit. Cardholders can offset the annual fee and get great value when redeeming Chase Ultimate Rewards points earned on the card, thanks to partnerships with numerous airlines and hotels and its convenient travel booking portal, Chase Travel.

  • $300 annual travel credit is incredibly flexible
  • Generous welcome bonus
  • Get 50% more value when you redeem points for travel through Chase
  • Points transfer to valuable airline and hotel partners
  • High annual fee
  • High variable APR on purchases
  • Excellent credit recommended
  • Earn 75,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That’s $1,125 toward travel when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.
  • $300 Annual Travel Credit as reimbursement for travel purchases charged to your card each account anniversary year.
  • Earn 5x total points on flights and 10x total points on hotels and car rentals when you purchase travel through Chase Travel℠ immediately after the first $300 is spent on travel purchases annually. Earn 3x points on other travel and dining & 1 point per $1 spent on all other purchases
  • Get 50% more value when you redeem your points for travel through Chase Travel℠. For example, 75,000 points are worth $1125 toward travel.
  • 1:1 point transfer to leading airline and hotel loyalty programs
  • Access to 1,300+ airport lounges worldwide after an easy, one-time enrollment in Priority Pass™ Select and up to $100 application fee credit every four years for Global Entry, NEXUS, or TSA PreCheckÂŽ

Best Travel Rewards Credit Card for Lounge Access

The platinum cardÂŽ from american express.

5X Reward Rate

Earn 5 Membership Rewards Points per dollar on prepaid hotels booked with American Express Travel and on flights booked directly Read More

Earn 80,000 points

See Pay Over Time APR

Good,Excellent (700 - 749)

The Platinum Card® from American Express (terms apply, see rates & fees ) is destined for frequent travelers who intend to fully leverage the rich set of travel benefits. Trust me when I say the perks can make you feel like a VIP. The staggering annual fee for this classic status card won’t be worth it for everyone, but in the right hands the expense can be well justified.

Lounge access with this card extends beyond the Priority Pass membership you see on other premium cards.

Many of the statement credits and other offers have limitations for how you can use them.

Cardholders who will track and maximize the long list of member benefits.

Ben Nickel-D'Andrea

Being an Amex Platinum cardholder grants access to the International Airline Program, which can save you money on first and business-class seats on more than 20 airlines, as well as premium economy tickets for you and up to seven traveling companions. Start your search on the Amex Travel website to find international flights departing or arriving in the U.S. for any of those premium cabins.

  • High reward potential on flights and hotels booked through American Express Travel
  • Multiple credits can help justify the fee
  • Comprehensive airport lounge access
  • Luxury travel benefits and elite status with Hilton and Marriott with enrollment
  • Very high annual fee
  • Maximizing the statement credits takes some work and could be impractical for many
  • Reward rate outside of travel is sub-par for a premium card
  • Earn 80,000 Membership RewardsÂŽ Points after you spend $8,000 on eligible purchases on your new Card in your first 6 months of Card Membership. Apply and select your preferred metal Card design: classic Platinum, Platinum x Kehinde Wiley, or Platinum x Julie Mehretu.
  • Earn 5X Membership RewardsÂŽ Points for flights booked directly with airlines or with American Express Travel up to $500,000 on these purchases per calendar year and earn 5X Membership RewardsÂŽ Points on prepaid hotels booked with American Express Travel.
  • $200 Hotel Credit: Get up to $200 back in statement credits each year on prepaid Fine Hotels + ResortsÂŽ or The Hotel Collection bookings with American Express Travel when you pay with your Platinum CardÂŽ. The Hotel Collection requires a minimum two-night stay.
  • $240 Digital Entertainment Credit: Get up to $20 back in statement credits each month on eligible purchases made with your Platinum CardÂŽ on one or more of the following: Disney+, a Disney Bundle, ESPN+, Hulu, The New York Times, Peacock, and The Wall Street Journal. Enrollment required.
  • The American Express Global Lounge CollectionÂŽ can provide an escape at the airport. With complimentary access to more than 1,400 airport lounges across 140 countries and counting, you have more airport lounge options than any other credit card issuer on the market. As of 03/2023.
  • $155 Walmart+ Credit: Save on eligible delivery fees, shipping, and more with a Walmart+ membership. Use your Platinum CardÂŽ to pay for a monthly Walmart+ membership and get up to $12.95 plus applicable taxes back on one membership (excluding Plus Ups) each month.
  • $200 Airline Fee Credit: Select one qualifying airline and then receive up to $200 in statement credits per calendar year when incidental fees are charged by the airline to your Platinum CardÂŽ.
  • $200 Uber Cash: Enjoy Uber VIP status and up to $200 in Uber savings on rides or eats orders in the US annually. Uber Cash and Uber VIP status is available to Basic Card Member only. Terms Apply.
  • $189 CLEARÂŽ Plus Credit: CLEARÂŽ Plus helps to get you to your gate faster at 50+ airports nationwide and get up to $189 back per calendar year on your Membership (subject to auto-renewal) when you use your Card. CLEARLanes are available at 100+ airports, stadiums, and entertainment venues.
  • Receive either a $100 statement credit every 4 years for a Global Entry application fee or a statement credit up to $85 every 4.5 year period for TSA PreCheckÂŽ application fee for a 5-year plan only (through a TSA PreCheckÂŽ official enrollment provider), when charged to your Platinum CardÂŽ. Card Members approved for Global Entry will also receive access to TSA PreCheck at no additional cost.
  • Shop Saks with Platinum: Get up to $100 in statement credits annually for purchases in Saks Fifth Avenue stores or at saks.com on your Platinum CardÂŽ. That’s up to $50 in statement credits semi-annually. Enrollment required.
  • Unlock access to exclusive reservations and special dining experiences with Global Dining Access by Resy when you add your Platinum CardÂŽ to your Resy profile.
  • $695 annual fee.
  • Terms Apply.

Runner-Up Travel Cards

Best travel rewards earning for foodies, american expressÂŽ gold card.

Up to 4X Reward Rate

Earn 4X Membership RewardsÂŽ points at restaurants, plus takeout and delivery in the U.S.; Earn 4X Membership RewardsÂŽ points at Read More

Earn 60,000 points

Excellent/Good (700 - 749)

Foodies and travelers can leverage the American Express® Gold Card (terms apply, see rates & fees ) to the hilt, earning up to 4 points per dollar. The annual fee may seem intimidating—I get that. But my household comes out ahead by taking advantage of the card’s dining credits and rotating Amex Offers.

The grocery earnings on this card are impressive and rare for a travel card. Earn on everyday spending and redeem toward vacation: perfect.

The dining credits and Uber Cash are provided monthly rather than in an annual lump sum.

Cardholders with high spending on food expenses.

Barbara King

This card makes it easy to earn Membership Rewards points while doing regular grocery shopping since the card earns bonus points at supermarkets. And for the nights that cardholders don’t want to cook, they can make use of the monthly dining and Uber credits (which can be used on Uber Eats orders).

  • High rewards earnings possibilities
  • Points transfer option to many partners
  • Add up to 5 authorized users for no additional annual fee
  • Can choose from regular or rose gold versions
  • No lounge benefits
  • Limited options to carry a balance
  • High APR for pay over time feature
  • High pay over time penalty APR
  • Earn 60,000 Membership RewardsÂŽ points after you spend $6,000 on eligible purchases with your new Card within the first 6 months of Card Membership.
  • Earn 4X Membership RewardsÂŽ Points at Restaurants, plus takeout and delivery in the U.S., and earn 4X Membership RewardsÂŽ points at U.S. supermarkets (on up to $25,000 per calendar year in purchases, then 1X).
  • Earn 3X Membership RewardsÂŽ points on flights booked directly with airlines or on amextravel.com.
  • $120 Uber Cash on Gold: Add your Gold Card to your Uber account and each month automatically get $10 in Uber Cash for Uber Eats orders or Uber rides in the U.S., totaling up to $120 per year.
  • $120 Dining Credit: Satisfy your cravings and earn up to $10 in statement credits monthly when you pay with the American ExpressÂŽ Gold Card at Grubhub, The Cheesecake Factory, Goldbelly, Wine.com, Milk Bar and select Shake Shack locations. Enrollment required.
  • Get a $100 experience credit with a minimum two-night stay when you book The Hotel Collection through American Express Travel. Experience credit varies by property.
  • Choose the color that suits your style. Gold or Rose Gold.
  • No Foreign Transaction Fees.
  • Annual Fee is $250.

Best Flat-Rate Rewards Credit Card for Travel

Capital one venture rewards credit card.

Up to 5X Reward Rate

Earn 5X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel. Earn 5X miles on Capital One Entertainment Read More

Casual travelers who don’t plan to carry a balance will find good value in the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card‘s ( rates & fees ) earnings rates. And if you appreciate the skip-the-line perks of TSA PreCheckÂŽ and Global Entry as much as I do, you’ll be grateful for the up to $100 credit toward program fees.

You can earn double miles on every purchase and access transfer partners without ponying up a triple-digit annual fee.

The card is light on big-ticket benefits compared to peers.

Cardholders who want to earn travel rewards at a flat rate.

Kimberly Shearer

The Capital One Venture Rewards card is extremely low maintenance as far as travel reward cards go. It provides consistent value and flexibility when it comes to earning and redeeming points for travel and is an excellent alternative for anyone a bit leery of the high Venture X annual fee ( rates & fees ).

  • Solid rewards rate
  • Global Entry or TSA PreCheckÂŽ statement credit (up to $100)
  • No foreign transaction fees
  • Miles are easy to redeem either via partner transfers or by applying against travel purchases
  • $95 annual fee
  • No introductory APR on purchases or transfers
  • Enjoy a one-time bonus of 75,000 miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel
  • Earn unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, every day
  • Earn 5X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you’ll get Capital One’s best prices on thousands of trip options
  • Miles won’t expire for the life of the account and there’s no limit to how many you can earn
  • Use your miles to get reimbursed for any travel purchase—or redeem by booking a trip through Capital One Travel
  • Enrich every hotel stay from the Lifestyle Collection with a suite of cardholder benefits, like a $50 experience credit, room upgrades, and more
  • Transfer your miles to your choice of 15+ travel loyalty programs

Best Travel Rewards Credit Card With No Annual Fee

Bilt world elite mastercardÂŽ.

Up to 3x Reward Rate

1x on rent payments with no transaction fee (on up to 100,000 points each calendar year). 2x points on travel Read More

Good/Excellent (700 - 749)

Pay rent, earn rewards and use your earnings for travel. I wish the Bilt World Elite Mastercard® ( rates & fees ) existed when I was still renting, so something positive would have come out of those expenses. Even without a rent payment, the earning rates and redemption options aren’t too shabby.

There aren’t many options to earn transferable miles without an annual fee or a card pairing, especially considering how many partners Bilt has.

There’s no welcome offer on this card whatsoever.

Anyone who regularly makes rent payments.

It’s almost impossible to earn rewards on what is the biggest monthly expense for many people, which is why anyone who pays rent should have a Bilt Mastercard in their wallet. Not only will you earn points just from paying your rent, you’ll do it without being charged a fee for the transaction, and Bilt points are among the most versatile travel points around. ( Pro Tip: Don’t redeem Bilt points to pay rent when you can get much more value for them for travel!).

  • Earn rewards on rent
  • Primary car rental and cell phone insurance
  • Points can be transferred to partners
  • Requires five card transactions per statement period to earn rewards
  • No welcome bonus
  • High regular APR range
  • Rewards outside of rent spend are relatively low compared to other cards
  • Earn points when you make 5 transactions that post each statement period
  • $0 annual fee
  • 1x points on rent payments with no transaction fee (on up to 100,000 points each calendar year)
  • 2x points on travel (when booked directly with an airline, hotel, car rental or cruise company)
  • 3x points on dining
  • Plus 1x points on other purchases
  • Cell Phone Insurance
  • Purchase security (theft and damage protection)
  • MastercardÂŽ World Elite Concierge
  • Lyft Credits
  • No foreign currency conversion fee
  • Rewards & benefits terms

Best Travel Credit Card for Fair Credit

Credit one bank wander® card.

Earn 10X points on eligible hotels and car rentals booked through the Credit One Bank travel site; earn 5X points Read More

29.74% Variable

Fair/Good (650 - 699)

The Credit One Bank Wander® Card is a rare card that combines high-value travel and gas earnings but requires only average credit to apply. Once you get it, I’d recommend working hard to rebuild your credit and apply for a similar card without an annual fee, but it’s a great stepping stone in the meantime.

Almost everyone looking for a travel card will spend on the card’s bonus categories of airfare, gas and dining.

Maximizing the 10x categories requires booking through the Credit One travel partner.

Travelers with fair credit.

Albert Hsieh

The Credit One Bank Wander Card offers lucrative points-earning opportunities within key travel categories, however, its extra perks and benefits fall short when compared to other premium credit cards.

  • High reward potential
  • Issuer advertises requiring an average minimum credit rating
  • No low introductory APR period
  • High 29.74% Variable APR
  • Earn 10x points on eligible hotels and car rentals booked through the Credit One Bank travel partner site
  • Earn 5x points on eligible travel, dining, and gas
  • Earn 1x points on all other purchases
  • Redeem your reward points for statement credits, gift cards, merchandise, flights, hotels, and more
  • With $0 Fraud Liability, you won’t be responsible for unauthorized charges
  • Free Online Credit Score and Credit Report summary, terms apply
  • If you are a Covered Borrower under the Military Lending Act, you may get a different offer
  • See Rates & Fees

Best Travel Cards for Airlines

Best airline rewards program for international travel, aeroplanÂŽ credit card.

Earn 3x points for each dollar spent on grocery stores, dining at restaurants including takeout and eligible delivery services, and Read More

Earn 70,000 points

21.74% - 28.74% Variable

Good, Excellent (700 - 749)

Many people—myself included—might be tempted to overlook this card that seems geared toward Air Canada passengers. But the Aeroplan® Credit Card recently caught my eye for its strong earning potential and the option to redeem miles for award flights on partner airlines, of which there are dozens.

Not only can you earn quickly with this card, but your miles stretch far, too. Cardholders may have access to reduced price award flights.

Learning the ins and outs of Aeroplan rewards requires a little extra attention.

Savvy travelers who mostly fly internationally.

Chase and Air Canada’s co-branded Aeroplan Credit Card will serve as an excellent companion for frequent flyers of Star Alliance and its carriers from United to Lufthansa as you earn valuable Aeroplan points. Maximize your Aeroplan points and redeem for flights and hotels through an extensive partner network. Enjoy additional points-earning opportunities in key everyday categories.

  • Excellent rewards earning
  • Travel benefits including perks for Air Canada flyers
  • Lacks non-travel-related benefits
  • Earn 70,000 bonus points
  • Earn 70,000 points after you spend $3,000 on purchases in the first 3 months your account is open.
  • $95 Annual Fee
  • Redeem points for both international and domestic flights with the AeroplanÂŽ Credit Card.
  • Fly to another continent and travel the world with the AeroplanÂŽ Credit Card.
  • Earn 3X points for each dollar spent at grocery stores, on dining at restaurants, and Air Canada directly. Earn 1X point for each dollar spent on all other purchases.
  • 500 bonus points for every $2,000 you spend in a calendar month – up to 1,500 points per month.

Best United Credit Card

United quest℠ card.

Up to 3X Reward Rate

3 miles per $1 spent on UnitedÂŽ purchases. 2 miles per $1 spent on dining, select streaming services & all Read More

Earn 60,000 bonus miles

21.99% - 28.99% Variable

Frequent United Airlines customers will appreciate that the United Quest℠ Card comes with an annual $125 United credit, rewards on travel and dining and travel protections such as primary car rental coverage and trip cancellation insurance.

This card rewards your loyalty. You can earn award flight credits after renewing the card and booking eligible award flights with your miles.

The annual fee on the United Quest is more than double the average airline card.

United flyers who aren’t interested in committing to an ultra-premium card.

Ben Luthi

Don’t let the card’s annual fee scare you off. Even if you’re not a frequent flyer, the perks can make this card worth your while, and the rewards rates are better compared to most airline cards.

  • $125 annual United purchase credit
  • Earn up to two 5,000-mile award flight credits annually
  • Two free checked bags for cardholder and a companion traveling on the same reservation
  • Earn up to 6,000 Premier Qualifying Points annually
  • Primary auto collision damage waiver for eligible rentals
  • Checked baggage benefit only applies to one companion
  • Earnings for general purchases are only 1 mile per dollar
  • Earn 60,000 bonus miles and 500 PQP after qualifying purchases
  • Earn 3 miles per $1 spent on UnitedÂŽ purchases
  • Earn 2 miles per $1 spent on all other travel, dining and select streaming services
  • Earn 1 mile per $1 spent on all other purchases
  • Free first and second checked bags – a savings of up to $320 per roundtrip (terms apply) – and priority boarding
  • Up to a $125 UnitedÂŽ purchase credit and up to 10,000 miles in award flight credits each year (terms apply)
  • Earn up to 6,000 Premier qualifying points (25 PQP for every $500 you spend on purchases)

Best Premium Airline Card

United club℠ infinite card.

Earn 4 miles per $1 spent on UnitedÂŽ purchases; Earn 2 miles per $1 spent on all other travel and Read More

Earn 80,000 bonus miles

United’s top-tier card ties up the whole package. A suite of travel perks makes the United Club℠ Infinite Card a compelling value, with the United Club membership alone worth more than the annual fee. If I flew more often, I’d be tempted by the ability to earn Premier Qualifying Points with eligible charges.

Airport lounge access can turn the frustration of airports into an actually relaxing experience.

Many loyal customers may already have elite status with United, making the included Premier Access benefits redundant.

United flyers who want airport lounge access when traveling.

Emily Moore

If reaching a higher status with United is a priority, the United Club Infinite all but guarantees it, as long as the card is used regularly. Cardholders also enjoy frequent seat upgrades (depending on route and availability) plus always-free United Club access. But these perks come with a hefty price tag.

  • No foreign transaction fee
  • United Club membership is worth more than the annual fee
  • First and second checked bag free when you pay for your flight with your card
  • High regular APR
  • Earn 80,000 bonus miles after qualifying purchases
  • Earn 4 miles per $1 spent on UnitedŽ purchases
  • Earn 2 miles per $1 spent on all other travel and dining
  • Free first and second checked bags – a savings of up to $320 per roundtrip (terms apply) – and Premier AccessÂŽ travel services
  • 10% United Economy Saver Award discount within the continental U.S. and Canada
  • Earn up to 10,000 Premier qualifying points (25 PQP for every $500 you spend on purchases)

Best for British Airways Passengers

British airways visa signatureÂŽ card.

Earn 85,000 Avios.

British Airways’ Avios reward currency is looked down upon by lots of travelers, but the British Airways Visa Signature® Card  offers value if you know where to look.

This card makes it even easier to lock in a deal, thanks to flight discounts, statement credits toward award flights and the chance to earn a Travel Together Ticket .

Many British Airways redemptions have really high fees associated with them, which takes some of the fun out of booking award flights.

Travelers who fly British Airways annually or more often.

Those who spend enough to earn the Travel Together Ticket can get 50% off the price of their award ticket when traveling solo or get a second seat on the same flight and cabin for a companion at no additional cost beyond taxes and fees. Travel Together Tickets are now valid on British Airways, Iberia and Aer Lingus flights and any of their subsidiaries on itineraries from anywhere in the world for both one-way or round-trip flights.

  • Generous rewards on eligible flights
  • Potential to earn a companion ticket
  • Lucrative welcome bonus
  • Rewards rate poor outside of Avios-earning airlines
  • Subject to Chase’s 5/24 rule
  • No checked baggage or lounge perks
  • Limited time offer! Earn 85,000 Avios after you spend $5,000 on purchases within the first three months of account opening.
  • Earn 3 Avios per $1 spent on purchases with British Airways, Aer Lingus, Iberia, and LEVEL.
  • Earn 2 Avios per $1 spent on hotel accommodations when purchased directly with the hotel.
  • 10% off British Airways flights starting in the US when you book through the website provided in your welcome materials.
  • Every calendar year you make $30,000 in purchases on your British Airways Visa card, you’ll earn a Travel Together Ticket good for two years.
  • Pay no foreign transaction fees when you travel abroad.
  • Simply tap to pay with your contactless British Airways Visa Signature Card. Just look for the contactless symbol at checkout. It’s fast, easy and secure!

Best for Southwest Passengers

Southwest rapid rewardsÂŽ priority credit card.

Earn 3X points on Southwest purchases, 2X points on local transit and commuting, including rideshare, 2X points on internet, cable, Read More

Earn 50,000 points.

21.49%-28.49% variable

My biggest gripe with Southwest is the lack of assigned seating, but the Southwest Rapid Rewards® Priority Credit Card solves that issue with four upgraded boardings per year when available, a $75 annual travel credit toward Southwest purchases (upgrade to an Anytime fare for EarlyBird Check-In) and the chance to earn tier qualifying points. Once you’re A-List, you’ll always get complimentary priority boarding.

Stick with this card and you’ll get a 7,500 anniversary points bonus each year after renewal. Sounds like another free flight to me.

Rapid Rewards doesn’t partner with other airlines, so your redemption options are limited.

Southwest flyers who can consistently maximize the annual travel credit and anniversary points.

The perks on this card are practical and useful for regular Southwest flyers. Four upgraded boarding passes per year plus an easy-to-earn $75 statement credit on Southwest purchases and a 7,500-point anniversary bonus can all make this card worth keeping in their wallets.

  • Earn points toward A-list status
  • Unlimited reward seats with no blackout dates
  • Rewards flights only available on Southwest, no partner airlines
  • Earn 50,000 bonus points after spending $1,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening.
  • 7,500 anniversary points each year.
  • Earn 3X points on SouthwestÂŽ purchases.
  • Earn 2X points on local transit and commuting, including rideshare.
  • Earn 2X points on internet, cable, and phone services; select streaming.
  • $75 SouthwestÂŽ travel credit each year.
  • No foreign transaction fees.

Best Travel Cards for Hotel Points

Best midrange hotel card, ihg one rewards premier credit card.

Up to 26X Reward Rate

Earn up to 26 points total per $1 spent when you stay at IHG Hotels & Resorts; 5 points per Read More

Earn 140,000 bonus points

21.49% - 28.49% Variable

I stay at IHG properties only a few times a year, but the IHG One Rewards Premier Credit Card is a mainstay in my husband’s wallet. Get it for the benefits, not the points potential: We love the Anniversary Free Night—which alone justifies the annual fee—and appreciate the fourth-night-free feature.

High spenders are showered with extra love. You can earn statement credits, bonus points or upgraded elite status when hitting spending thresholds on the card.

The earning rates aren’t as high as they seem once you realize that IHG One Rewards are typically worth less than a penny apiece.

Travelers who stay at IHG properties one or more times per year.

The IHG One Rewards Premier blows all other mid-tier hotel credit cards out of the water with perks alone. You don’t even have to use the card regularly to offset its annual fee every year.

  • Earn up to 26 points per dollar spent on IHG hotels worldwide
  • Free night award every account anniversary
  • Fourth night free on point redemption stays
  • Automatic Platinum Elite status
  • Poor earnings for everyday and non-category hotel purchases
  • Low overall point value
  • No worthwhile redemption options outside of IHG properties
  • Earn 140,000 Bonus Points
  • Enjoy an Anniversary Free Night at IHG Hotels & Resorts. Plus, enjoy a fourth reward night free when you redeem points for a consecutive four-night IHG® hotel stay.
  • Earn up to 26 total points per $1 spent when you stay at IHG Hotels & Resorts
  • Earn 5 points per $1 spent on purchases on travel, at gas stations, and restaurants. Earn 3 points per $1 spent on all other purchases
  • Automatic Platinum Elite status as long as you remain a Premier cardmember
  • Global Entry, TSA PreCheck® or NEXUS Statement Credit of up to $100 every 4 years as reimbursement for the application fee charged to your card
  • IHG One Rewards Bonus points are redeemable at Hotels & Resorts such as InterContinental®, Crowne Plaza®, Kimpton®, EVEN® Hotels, Indigo® Hotels & Holiday Inn®

Best Travel Credit Card for Hyatt Loyalists

The world of hyatt credit card.

Up to 9X Reward Rate

Earn up to 9 points total per $1 spent at Hyatt - 4 bonus points per $1 when you use Read More

Up to 60,000 Bonus Points

21.49% - 28.49% variable

While Hyatt doesn’t have an extensive network of properties compared to other chains, the value offered by The World of Hyatt Credit Card is outstanding. If you’re a regular at Hyatt, a combination of high redemption values, sweet perks and one free night per year easily covers the annual fee and then some.

The card comes with five qualifying night credits, but cardholders can earn more through card spending to work their way up the elite ladder.

The automatic Discoverist elite status for cardholders is, frankly, uninspiring.

Hyatt loyalists looking to earn extra points and work toward status.

For many Hyatt loyalists, earning Globalist status each year is a priority and this card can help them get there faster by providing five elite night credits annually. Plus the complimentary yearly certificate for a category 1 to 4 Hyatt hotel counts toward elite status too and can offset the card’s annual fee.

  • Annual free night certificate on cardmember anniversary
  • Complimentary World of Hyatt Discoverist status
  • High points redemption values
  • Limited number of properties
  • No worthwhile redemption options aside from Hyatt properties
  • Earn 30,000 Bonus Points after you spend $3,000 on purchases in your first 3 months from account opening. Plus, up to 30,000 More Bonus Points by earning 2 Bonus Points total per $1 spent in the first 6 months from account opening on purchases that normally earn 1 Bonus Point, on up to $15,000 spent.
  • Enjoy complimentary World of Hyatt Discoverist status for as long as your account is open.
  • Get 1 free night each year after your Cardmember anniversary at any Category 1-4 Hyatt hotel or resort
  • Receive 5 tier qualifying night credits towards status after account opening, and each year after that for as long as your account is open
  • Earn an extra free night at any Category 1-4 Hyatt hotel if you spend $15,000 in a calendar year
  • Earn 2 qualifying night credits towards tier status every time you spend $5,000 on your card
  • Earn up to 9 points total for Hyatt stays – 4 Bonus Points per $1 spent at Hyatt hotels & 5 Base Points per $1 from Hyatt as a World of Hyatt member
  • Earn 2 Bonus Points per $1 spent at restaurants, on airline tickets purchased directly from the airlines, on local transit and commuting and on fitness club and gym memberships

Best for Marriott Customers

Marriott bonvoy boundlessÂŽ credit card *.

Up to 6X Reward Rate

Earn 6 points for every $1 at participating Marriott Bonvoy hotels, 3 points for every $1 spent each year (up Read More

Earn 3 Free Night Awards

Overwhelmed by all of Marriott’s credit card options? So am I. The Marriott Bonvoy Boundless® Credit Card * is the best value for most customers, given a robust set of perks and rewards potential without an eye-popping annual fee.

The Free Night Award, provided each year after renewal, is valued at 35,000 points and can be topped off if you prefer an upgraded stay.

If you’ve held a Marriott-branded credit card in the past, you may not be eligible for this one. Choose your card wisely before applying!

Marriott Bonvoy members looking for a little extra without a high annual fee.

The card’s free award night perk alone makes the card worth a spot in any traveler’s wallet. The option to combine the certificate with up to 15,000 points to get more flexibility for your annual stay is a nice touch.

  • Free night certificate every year (valued at 35,000 points)
  • 15 Elite Night Credits per year
  • Automatic Silver Elite status
  • Stingy earnings structure
  • Earn 3 Free Night Awards after spending $3,000 on purchases in the first three months of account opening
  • Earn 6 points per dollar on qualifying Marriott Bonvoy hotel stays
  • Earn 3 points per dollar spent on the first $6,000 spent in combined purchases each year on groceries, gas stations, and dining
  • Earn 2 points per dollar spent on all other purchases
  • Points don’t expire as long as you make purchases on your credit card every 24 months

Best Premium Hotel Card

Hilton honors aspire card from american express *.

Up to 14X Reward Rate

Earn 14X Hilton Honors bonus points on eligible purchases at participating hotels or resorts within the Hilton portfolio; Earn 7X Read More

Earn 175,000 points

20.99% - 29.99% variable

The flagship card from Hilton, the Hilton Honors Aspire Card from American Express * comes with a price tag to match its top-tier status and perks. It’s a perfect fit for big spenders who haunt Hilton properties enough to leverage the rich suite of benefits that come with the complimentary Diamond elite status.

Hilton status is actually meaningful, giving you benefits like food and beverage credits, executive lounge access and room upgrades.

Since the annual fee is $550, you’ll need to travel often to make the perks worth the cost.

Travelers willing to pay for automatic top-tier hotel status and other benefits.

Jon Nickel-D'Andrea

Top-tier elite status from simply holding this credit card is its most endearing quality. Hilton Diamond status–granted every year you hold the card–gets you room upgrades, food and beverage credits, executive lounge access and more. Since there’s no spend requirement for the Diamond status, this benefit even on its own can make the card worth keeping long term.

  • CLEARÂŽ Plus membership credit with enrollment
  • Over $750 in value annually
  • Instant Hilton Diamond elite status with rich set of benefits
  • Free standard night award with no category limits at participating properties
  • High annual fee with no first-year waiver
  • High regular APR and penalty APR
  • Credits are doled out in increments, making them harder to spend
  • Points have a lower value than most rewards programs
  • Earn 175,000 bonus points after spending $6,000 in purchases within the first 6 months of card membership, offer ends 7/31/2024
  • Earn 14 points for every dollar spent on eligible purchases at participating hotels or resorts within the Hilton Portfolio
  • Earn 7 points for every dollar spent on dining and eligible travel purchases including: Flights booked directly with airlines or amextravel.com and car rentals booked directly from select car rental companies
  • Earn 3 points per dollar spent on other eligible purchases
  • Up to $400 in statement credits each year of card membership ($200 semi-annually) for eligible purchases at participating Hilton Resorts
  • Complimentary Hilton Honors™ Diamond status
  • Annual free night reward, terms apply
  • Up to $200 flight credit ($50 in statement credits each quarter)

Best No Annual Fee Hotel Card

Wyndham rewards earnerÂŽ card *.

Earn 5X points per $1 spent on eligible purchases made at participating By Wyndham hotels and on gas; Earn 2X Read More

Wyndham Rewards EarnerÂŽ Card * is for road warriors and frequent stayers at Wyndham properties who are looking for a no annual fee card. You might be surprised at what you can do with Wyndham points.

This can be a backdoor way to earn points for vacation rental redemption options instead of traditional hotels, which opens up a new world of travel opportunities.

Wyndham Guest Rewards expire if you don’t use them, even if you have activity on your account.

Travelers whose trips tend to be U.S.-centric.

  • Automatically receive Wyndham Rewards Gold elite status
  • Enjoy extra discounts on local attractions when booking “go free” awards
  • APR can be high, depending on your creditworthiness
  • Target and Walmart are excluded from the grocery bonus and only earn 1 point per dollar
  • Only hotel redemptions offer high value
  • Earn 75,000 bonus points after spending $2,000 on purchases in the first six months of account opening
  • Earn 5 points per dollar spent on eligible purchases made at Hotels by Wyndham and qualifying gas purchases
  • Earn 2 points per dollar spent on eligible dining and grocery store purchases (excluding Target and Walmart)
  • Earn 1 point per dollar spent on all other purchases (excluding Wyndham Timeshare resort down payments)
  • Automatically receive a Wyndham Rewards GOLD member level
  • Earn 7,500 bonus points each anniversary year if you spend $15,000 on eligible purchases
  • Redeem 10% fewer Wyndham Rewards points for go free awards, and earn your free nights faster

Here's a Summary of the Best Travel Credit Cards

Overview of the best travel credit cards of 2024, best travel credit card for beginners: chase sapphire preferredÂŽ card.

Travelers looking to dip their toe in the water of travel rewards will appreciate the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card as a place to start. It carries a $95 annual fee but packs in enough value to make it worth it. Cardholders earn valuable Chase Ultimate Rewards® points for access to transfer partners or for easy, no-strings-attached redemptions in Chase Travel℠. There’s no foreign transaction fee and a wide selection of travel insurances.

Rewards: Earn 5 points per dollar on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3 points per dollar on dining, select streaming services, and online grocery purchases (excluding Walmart, Target and wholesale clubs), 2 points per dollar on all other travel purchases and 1 point per dollar on other purchases.

Welcome offer: Earn 75,000 bonus points after spending $4,000 on purchases in the first three months from account opening.

Annual fee: $95

Other benefits and drawbacks: Chase Ultimate Rewards points can be redeemed through Chase’s travel portal, transferred to Chase’s airline and hotel transfer partners or redeemed for a statement credit. The card also offers a $50 hotel credit when booked through Chase’s portal and a 10% anniversary points boost. This means that if you spend $10,000 on the card, you’ll earn an additional 1,000 Ultimate Rewards points when renewing your card.

Read more: Chase Sapphire Preferred Benefits and Is the Chase Sapphire Preferred Worth It?

Best Premium Travel Rewards Card: Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card

The Capital One Venture X Rewards Credit Card is among the best travel cards on the market in any category. The points are easy to earn and simple to redeem, plus the card comes with a bevy of benefits and credits that easily make the annual fee worthwhile ( rates & fees ).

Rewards: Earn 2 miles per dollar on all eligible purchases, 5 miles per dollar on flights booked through Capital One Travel, 5 miles per dollar on Capital One Entertainment purchases through 12/31/25 and 10 miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars when booking via Capital One Travel.

Welcome offer: Earn 75,000 bonus miles after spending $4,000 on purchases within the first three months of account opening.

Annual fee: $395

Other benefits and drawbacks: The annual fee may give you pause, but the card comes with a $300 annual credit for bookings through the Capital One Travel portal and a 10,000 point anniversary bonus worth $100 in travel. A Priority Pass membership also provides value, giving you access to more than 1,300+ lounges worldwide.

Capital One miles are easy to redeem as they can either be applied toward travel purchases or transferred to travel partners. The main downside to the Venture X is a lack of domestic airline transfer partners, meaning that points will take a bit more knowledge to redeem than American Express Membership RewardsÂŽ or Chase Ultimate RewardsÂŽ .

Read more: Capital One Venture X Benefits and Is the Capital One Venture X Worth It?

Best Travel Credit Card for International Travel: Chase Sapphire ReserveÂŽ

The Chase Sapphire Reserve® makes our list of best travel rewards cards for many reasons. While it does charge a high annual fee, it earns valuable rewards at a solid rate with transfer partners that cover redemption options all over the world. There’s also best-in-market travel insurance benefits and no foreign transaction fee. As a Visa card , it’s also widely accepted worldwide. If you travel at least a couple times per year, this card deserves serious consideration.

Rewards: Earn 5 points per dollar on flights and 10 points per dollar on hotels and car rentals when purchasing travel through Chase Travel℠ immediately after the first $300 is spent on travel purchases annually. Earn 3 points per dollar on other travel and dining and 1 point per dollar spent on all other purchases.

Annual fee: $550

Other benefits and drawbacks: Chase Ultimate Rewards® points earned with the Sapphire Reserve and redeemed for travel through Chase Travel℠ are worth 1.5 cents each or points can be transferred at a 1:1 ratio to Chase’s travel partners. Cardholders can also make up for a chunk of the annual fee with the $300 annual travel credit, a Priority Pass Select airport lounge membership and up to a $100 credit every four years to cover your Global Entry, TSA PreCheck® or NEXUS application fee, all of which make far-flung travel easier to bear.

Read more: Chase Sapphire Reserve Benefits and Is the Chase Sapphire Reserve Card Worth It?

Best Travel Rewards Credit Card for Lounge Access: The Platinum CardÂŽ from American Express

If you’re looking for a giant welcome bonus to get things started, The Platinum Card® from American Express (terms apply, see rates & fees ) might be for you. After meeting initial spending requirements, you’ll earn valuable Membership Rewards points redeemable toward travel and other options. The downside is it carries the largest annual fee on our list.

Rewards: Earn 5 Membership Rewards Points per dollar for flights booked directly with airlines or with American Express Travel on up to $500,000 per calendar year, 5 points per dollar on prepaid hotels booked with American Express Travel and 1 point per dollar on other eligible purchases.

Welcome offer: Earn 80,000 Membership Rewards Points after spending $8,000 on eligible purchases on the card in the first 6 months of card membership.

Annual fee: $695

Other benefits and drawbacks: If you’re willing to put in the work to get all of the rebates offered on the card, the benefits can easily offset the annual fee and then some. Many of the perks are very specifically applied and may also require enrollment. Examples include statement credits toward Uber, Saks Fifth Avenue, select digital entertainment, select hotel stays and airline incidental fees. Industry-leading lounge access to more than 1,500 Priority Pass locations worldwide is another major draw.

Read more: Is The Amex Platinum Worth the Yearly Fee?

Best Travel Rewards Earning for Foodies: American ExpressÂŽ Gold Card

Some cards offer bonuses on dining, some on groceries, but you can earn bonus points on basically anything you eat with the American Express® Gold Card (terms apply, see rates & fees ). This is an appealing option for anyone who wants to redeem travel rewards but doesn’t spend enough on flights or hotels to require elevated earning categories on travel itself.

Rewards: Earn 4 Membership RewardsÂŽ points per dollar at restaurants, plus takeout and delivery in the U.S., 4 Membership RewardsÂŽ points per dollar at U.S. supermarkets (on up to $25,000 per calendar year in purchases, then 1 point per dollar), 3 Membership RewardsÂŽ points per dollar on flights booked directly with airlines or through American Express travel and 1 point per dollar on other eligible purchases.

Welcome offer: Earn 60,000 Membership Rewards points after spending $6,000 on purchases in the first 6 months of card membership.

Annual fee: $250

Other benefits and drawbacks: Although this card earns Membership Rewards, which are great for travel, it doesn’t pack travel-specific benefits. Instead, it includes monthly credits, some requiring enrollment, that are great for more common expenses, such as Uber Cash and dining credits valid at GrubHub (including Seamless) and more. For someone who wants to transform everyday expenses into a vacation, this card seamlessly blends the experience.

Read more: Amex Gold Benefits and Is the Amex Gold Worth It?

Best Flat-Rate Rewards Credit Card for Travel: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

There are no complicated earning structures with the Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card , just simple, straightforward, flat-rate points in exchange for an easy-to-swallow annual fee ( rates & fees ).

Rewards: Earn 5 miles per dollar on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, 5 miles per dollar spent on Capital One Entertainment purchases through 12/31/25 and an unlimited 2 miles per dollar spent on other purchases.

Welcome offer: Earn 75,000 miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within 3 months from account opening.

Other benefits and drawbacks: Expect dialed-back benefits compared to more premium travel cards, though that’s only fair with an annual fee at a fraction of the cost. You’ll still enjoy select trip protections along with no foreign transaction fee. Keep in mind that you’ll want to redeem for travel bookings or transfers to partner programs (cash back is only worth half the rate).

Best Travel Rewards Credit Card With No Annual Fee: Bilt World Elite MastercardÂŽ

The Bilt World Elite Mastercard®  offers a unique opportunity to earn rewards on rent without paying processing fees, but it has value for anyone seeking transferable points without an annual fee ( rates & fees ). This card is impressive enough to stand as a travel card on its own even if you don’t pay rent.

Rewards: Earn 1 point per dollar on rent payments without the transaction fee (on up to 100,000 points each calendar year), 3 points per dollar on dining, 2 points per dollar on travel (when booked through the Bilt Travel Portal or directly with an airline, hotel, car rental or cruise company), and 1 point per dollar on other purchases.

Welcome offer: This card does not offer a welcome bonus.

Annual fee: $0

Other benefits and drawbacks: The Bilt World Elite Mastercard® has a few limitations—you’ll only earn points when making at least five transactions per statement period and earnings on rent are capped at 100,000 points per calendar year—but it’s otherwise a strong card.

Bilt points are transferable to a number of valuable transfer partners including World of Hyatt and American Airlines or you can redeem through their travel portal where point values vary with your redemption option. You can also save your points towards a down payment on a home if you decide travel takes a back bench to homeownership.

Best Travel Credit Card for Fair Credit: Credit One Bank Wander® Card

If your credit score isn’t quite ready for a premium travel card, take a look at the Credit One Bank Wander® Card . The card earns at exceptionally high rates on travel purchases and there’s no foreign transaction fee. Sadly, the card isn’t perfect: You’ll miss out on fancy extras like airport lounge access or the ability to transfer points to other programs.

Rewards: Earn 10 points per dollar on eligible hotels and car rentals booked through the Credit One Bank travel partner, 5 points per dollar on eligible travel, dining and gas and 1 point per dollar on all other purchases.

Other benefits and drawbacks: Don’t be fooled by this low-frills card. The earning rates alone will have you traveling in no time. The card is also well-suited to simultaneously work on improving your credit, with options to choose your own due date and track your credit score. Eventually, this could lead you to even more card options in the future.

Best Airline Rewards Program for International Travel: AeroplanÂŽ Credit Card

The AeroplanÂŽ Credit Card provides a generous rewards program, but for those who fly Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge, the card also provides an accelerated route to elite status. Like most airline cards, this card makes the most sense for those who predominantly fly Air Canada.

Rewards: Earn 3 points per dollar spent on dining, takeout and eligible delivery services, grocery stores and each dollar spent directly with Air Canada including vacations and cruises and 1 point per dollar for all other eligible purchases.

Welcome offer: Earn 70,000 bonus points after spending $3,000 on purchases in the first 3 months of account opening.

Other benefits and drawbacks: New cardholders will enjoy 25K status through the rest of the calendar year after approval and the next. To maintain status thereafter requires $15,000 of spending on the card in a calendar year. Existing status holders can upgrade to 35K status with $50,000 in spending per calendar year. Cardholders receive the first checked bag free for themselves and up to eight travel companions on the same reservation when flying Air Canada.

A $100 Global Entry, TSA PreCheck or NEXUS application fee credit every four years as well as preferred pricing on award flights sweeten the deal, which includes a list of protections such as trip cancellation/interruption insurance , baggage delay insurance, trip delay reimbursement , secondary auto rental collision damage waiver and purchase protection.

Best United Credit Card: United Quest℠ Card

The United Quest℠ Card is a midrange United card. It’s a bit pricier than the Explorer card but not nearly as much as the United Club℠ Infinite Card. But with a $125 annual credit on United purchases, two 5,000 MileagePlus credits earned annually after your first cardmember anniversary valid for eligible flight redemptions (see offer for details) and two free checked bags for you and a travel companion when flying United, the Quest could be just right for you.

Rewards: Earn 3 miles per dollar on UnitedÂŽ purchases, 2 miles per dollar on dining, select streaming services and all other travel and 1 mile per dollar on all other purchases.

Welcome offer: Earn 60,000 bonus miles and 500 Premier qualifying points after spending $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months.

Other benefits and drawbacks: In addition to offering extra travel benefits, the Quest card is also a better option for earning miles than the cheaper Explorer card. You’ll earn miles at an elevated rate and can also earn 25 Premier Qualifying Points for every $500 in net purchases (including purchases made by authorized users) up to a maximum of 6,000 PQPs in a calendar year.

Best Premium Airline Card: United Club℠ Infinite Card

As a general rule, if you’re looking for an airline-specific card, you’ll want to get a card with the airline you fly the most. For earnings potential, valuable points and additional useful benefits including lounge access, the United Club℠ Infinite Card comes out ahead.

Rewards: Earn 4 miles per dollar on UnitedÂŽ purchases, 2 miles per dollar on all other travel, on dining including eligible delivery services and 1 mile per dollar on all other purchases.

Welcome offer: Earn 80,000 bonus miles after spending $5,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening.

Annual fee: $525

Other benefits and drawbacks: The most prominent benefit of the United Club℠ Infinite Card is access to United Club airport lounges and other Star Alliance Gold lounges. You’ll also benefit from two free checked bags for yourself and another person traveling on the same reservation, expedited check-in, security screening and boarding, a trusted traveler application fee reimbursement, expanded access to award flights and Premier Upgrades on award tickets if you have status. Other travel protections and benefits are also included.

Best for British Airways Passengers: British Airways Visa SignatureÂŽ Card

For those who can make the most of the British Airways’ mileage redemptions , the British Airways Visa Signature® Card makes sense. It offers a sizable welcome bonus, providing solid value against its relatively low annual fee of $95. Big spenders have an opportunity to earn a companion ticket , making it attractive to people who travel regularly back and forth across the Atlantic.

Rewards: Earn 3 Avios per dollar on purchases with Iberia, British Airways, Aer Lingus, and LEVEL, 2 Avios per dollar on hotel accommodations when purchased directly with the hotel and 1 Avios per dollar on all other purchases.

Welcome offer: Earn 85,000 Avios after spending $5,000 on purchases in the first three months of account opening.

Other benefits and drawbacks: The British Airways Visa SignatureÂŽ Card offers Visa Signature benefits such as extended warranties and fraud liabilities, but it also offers several airline-specific benefits. Each calendar year you spend more than $30,000 on the card you’ll earn a Travel Together Ticket, which adds an additional seat on the same flight and in the same cabin when booking a British Airways flight (business-class inclusive).

Cardholders can also earn credits of $100 for economy and premium economy or $200 for business and first class, up to three times per year. Additionally, you can use this card to earn 10% off British Airways flights originating in the U.S. when using a special link provided to cardholders.

Best for Southwest Passengers: Southwest Rapid RewardsÂŽ Priority Credit Card

The Southwest Rapid Rewards® Priority Credit Card beats other Southwest cards in terms of value, rewards and perks, but it may not seem as impressive compared to other options—especially Chase Ultimate Rewards®-earning cards which permit users to transfer their rewards at a 1:1 ratio to Southwest.

Rewards: Earn 3 points per dollar on Southwest purchases, 2 points per dollar on Rapid Rewards hotel and car rental purchases, 2 points per dollar on local transit and commuting, including rideshare, 2 points per dollar on internet, cable, phone services and select streaming and 1 point per dollar on other purchases.

Welcome offer: Earn 50,000 bonus points after spending $1,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening.

Annual fee: $149

Other benefits and drawbacks: The Southwest Rapid RewardsÂŽ Priority Credit Card provides a $75 annual travel credit, 7,500 bonus points each anniversary year and four upgraded boardings (subject to availability). Cardholders also get 25% back on in-flight drinks and Wi-Fi when they pay with their card, but unlike other airline cards, there’s no need for a baggage credit, since all passengers’ first two checked bags fly for no extra charge. For those seeking companion passes with Southwest airlines (an industry favorite among domestic travel hackers) the card provides 10,000 extra qualifying points as a boost each year.

Best Midrange Hotel Card: IHG One Rewards Premier Credit Card

For those who frequently stay at IHG properties, the IHG One Rewards Premier Credit Card offers generous rewards on hotel stays for an annual fee of $99.

Rewards: Earn up to 26 points per dollar spent when you stay at IHG Hotels & Resorts, 5 points on travel, gas stations, and restaurants and 3 points on all other purchases.

Welcome offer: Earn 140,000 bonus points after spending $3,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening.

Annual fee: $99

Other benefits and drawbacks: The IHG One Rewards Premier Credit Card benefits list includes a complimentary fourth night benefit—when booking four consecutive nights with points, you will receive your fourth night free. Additionally, on your cardmember anniversary, you can enjoy a Free Anniversary Night at properties that cost 40,000 points or less per night. You can also qualify for a credit of up to $100 for Global Entry, TSA PreCheck or NEXUS membership every four years.

Best Travel Credit Card for Hyatt Loyalists: The World of Hyatt Credit Card

Travelers that love Hyatt, love Hyatt. The World of Hyatt Credit Card isn’t necessarily the best way to earn World of Hyatt points. But between the annual free night and the ability to spend toward status, it’s a good option for people who frequent Hyatt hotels.

Rewards: Earn 9 points total per dollar spent at Hyatt - 4 bonus points per dollar spent at Hyatt hotels and 5 base points per dollar from Hyatt as a World of Hyatt member. Earn 2 bonus points per dollar spent at restaurants, on airline tickets purchased directly from the airlines, on local transit and commuting and on fitness club and gym memberships and 1 point per dollar on all other eligible purchases.

Welcome offer: Earn 30,000 bonus points after spending $3,000 on purchases in the first 3 months of account opening, plus up to 30,000 more bonus points by earning 2 bonus points per dollar spent in the first 6 months on purchases that normally earn 1 bonus point on up to $15,000 spent.

Other benefits and drawbacks: In addition to the ability to earn points in a wide range of categories, The World of Hyatt Credit Card offers cardholders a free hotel night valid at Category 1 to 4 Hyatt hotels each cardmember anniversary year and the ability to earn a second one after spending $15,000 on the card in a calendar year.

Depending on how much you spend on non-Hyatt travel purchases and at restaurants, the Chase Sapphire ReserveÂŽ could offer you the ability to earn more Hyatt points in a year because Chase Ultimate RewardsÂŽ points transfer to Hyatt at a 1:1 ratio.

Best for Marriott Customers: Marriott Bonvoy BoundlessÂŽ Credit Card *

Of the many Marriott credit cards, the Marriott Bonvoy BoundlessÂŽ Credit Card * balances a moderate annual fee with the heavy-hitting benefit of an annual free night award and other hotel perks.

Rewards: Earn 6 points per dollar at participating Marriott Bonvoy hotels, 3 points per dollar spent each year (up to $6,000) on combined grocery stores, gas stations and dining purchases and 2 points per dollar on all other purchases.

Welcome offer: Earn 3 Free Night Awards after spending $3,000 on purchases in the first three months of account opening.

Other benefits and drawbacks: This card’s earning rates won’t win any awards, but travelers can still find value with this card. Automatic Silver Elite status comes with some nice bonuses when staying with Marriott and you’ll also receive 15 Elite Night Credits each calendar year to help you hit the next status level faster. If your stays alone won’t hit that level, you can also earn additional Elite Night Credits through spending: One night per $5,000 in eligible card charges. Or, earn Gold Elite automatically by spending $35,000.

Best Premium Hotel Card: Hilton Honors Aspire Card from American Express *

In addition to earning points at a relatively quick rate, the Hilton Honors Aspire Card from American Express * also offers complimentary top-tier Hilton Honors Diamond status. Other Hilton benefits include a free night award annually and up to $400 in resort statement credits each year.

Rewards: Earn 14 Hilton Honors bonus points at participating hotels or resorts within the Hilton Portfolio, 7 points per dollar on eligible purchases for flights booked directly with airlines or American Express Travel, car rentals booked directly from select car rental companies and U.S. restaurants and 3 points per dollar on other eligible purchases.

Welcome offer: Earn 175,000 bonus points after spending $6,000 in purchases within the first 6 months of card membership, offer ends 7/31/2024.

Other benefits and drawbacks: While the Hilton Honors Aspire Card from American Express * earns more points per dollar than some other cards on this list, hotel points are generally not as valuable as airline miles or flexible rewards points. That said, it packs in the benefits.

In addition to hotel perks, cardholders also receive up to $200 in statement credits semi-annually ($400 per year) when using their card to cover eligible Hilton resort charges. You can also earn up to $50 in statement credits quarterly toward qualifying flight charges for a total of $200 per year if maximized.

Best No Annual Fee Hotel Card: Wyndham Rewards EarnerÂŽ Card *

With no annual fee, the Wyndham Rewards Earner® Card * offers solid hotel benefits and earning rates for travelers—especially road trippers, thanks to gas rewards and properties that line the interstates.

Rewards: Earn 5 points per dollar spent on Hotels By Wyndham and gas purchases, 2 points per dollar spent on restaurants and grocery purchases (excluding Target and Walmart) and 1 point per dollar spent on other purchases.

Welcome offer: Earn 75,000 bonus points after spending $2,000 on purchases in the first six months of account opening.

Other benefits and drawbacks: There’s no glitz on this card, just the basics. Still, the welcome offer is reasonably achievable and guests have access to discounts on both paid and award stays with Wyndham-family hotels. Cardholders are also boosted to Gold status for upgrades and extras while traveling. And high spenders get an additional reward on top of all this: You’ll earn 7,500 bonus points each anniversary year after spending $15,000 or more with your card.


Forbes Advisor considered dozens of airline, hotel and flexible-rewards credit cards to create this list of the best travel credit cards. The primary factors taken into consideration for all types were:

  • Estimated annual earnings—25% to 50% depending on card category
  • Welcome bonus—15% to 25% depending on card category
  • Travel benefits—15% to 25% depending on card category
  • Annual fee—5% to 15% depending on card category
  • Consumer benefits—0% to 10% depending on card category
  • Foreign transaction fee—0% to 5% depending on card category

Hotel earnings rate was weighted 25% for hotel credit cards and airline earnings rate was weighted 15% for airline credit cards.

Forbes Advisor rates cards both as stand-alone products (the card rating on the review) and compared to others in a specific use case. Sometimes, cards with average stand-alone ratings may still rank highly on a particular list according to how a person looking for a card in that category may value certain card features.

For instance, a card that might be considered mediocre overall could be the top card on a list of rewards cards with no annual fee. That’s because the card might offer limited features compared to other rewards cards, but after we remove cards that charge an annual fee, it’s the best card that remains.

Forbes Advisor uses data from multiple government agencies to determine how much a typical cardholder might spend. We use the same numbers for cards in the same category to make sure we are comparing cards the same way. The bonus categories for spending included with each card are factored into our determination of how many rewards a cardholder could expect to earn if they use the card as a consumer normally would.

Read more: How Forbes Advisor Rates Credit Cards

Complete Guide to Travel Credit Cards

What is a travel credit card, how do travel credit cards work, types of travel credit cards, co-branded travel cards vs. general travel cards, pros and cons of travel credit cards, should i get a travel credit card, when should you use a travel credit card, why you should consider a travel credit card, how to choose and compare travel credit cards, evaluating airline credit cards, evaluating hotel credit cards, how to maximize credit card points for travel, how to travel for free with credit cards.

  • Travel Rewards Cards in the News

Are Travel Credit Cards Worth It?

Frequently asked questions (faqs).

A travel credit card is a card that earns rewards on travel. Those rewards come in a variety of ways. It can earn airline miles, hotel points or flexible points that can be redeemed either with transfer partners or applied towards travel charges.

Many travel credit cards also come with additional benefits such as free checked bags, priority boarding, access to airport lounges and even discounts on hotels or rental cars. Some cards offer welcome bonuses when you sign up, which can provide a nice cache of points or miles to help you start redeeming for valuable rewards.

Travel credit cards may offer value for frequent travelers who want to earn rewards quickly and easily while they’re on the go. These credit cards can be used in any country that accepts major card networks (Visa, Mastercard, Amex, etc) and they often charge no foreign transaction fees, which means there is no extra charge from the credit card company to make purchases abroad.

By using a travel credit card, it’s possible to pile up points over time and redeem them toward flights, hotel stays or other travel expenses.

A travel rewards credit card accrues miles or points for each purchase made with the card. After earning miles or points, there are usually a few redemption options including redeeming for airline tickets, gift cards or statement credits. As a general rule, redeeming miles and points for travel will result in the most value.

How Do Credit Card Points Work?

Credit card points, like Chase Ultimate RewardsŽ  or American Express Membership Rewards , are earned for each purchase made with the card. Every card has a different earning structure, so one card may earn high rewards on travel and dining purchases while another may earn more points on groceries and gas spending. Often, credit card points will have multiple redemption options, like for cash, travel or gift cards vs. a co-branded card , which tends to earn rewards that can only be redeemed for one thing like travel with a specific airline or hotel or merchandise.

How Do Credit Card Travel Miles Work?

Airline and hotel point values often are variable, which means that the worth of a point may fluctuate depending on the specific redemption. Some programs will tie the value of their points or miles to the cash equivalent of a ticket or hotel night. Others have a tiered system based on something like peak or off-peak travel times, seat class or hotel category—or a combination of the two.

Since airline and hotel rewards are primarily redeemed towards nights or flights, it makes sense to do the research before cashing in a stash of points to make the most of your redemption. Forbes Advisor’s guide to redeeming points and miles is a good place to start.

Not all travel credit cards are alike. Here’s how the various types break down, so you can choose which type of rewards card is best for your unique circumstances.

Transferable Rewards Credit Cards

These types of credit cards earn rewards that can be transferred to other programs, like airline or hotel loyalty programs. Transferable rewards include Capital One Rewards , Bilt Rewards , Brex Rewards , Chase Ultimate RewardsÂŽ , American Express Membership Rewards and Citi ThankYou Points .

Airline Credit Cards

Airline credit cards earn miles that can be used to redeem for future purchases with that airline. You can also use that airline’s miles to book flights on partners or other carriers within the same airline alliance , which may yield greater value for your earnings.

Many of the best airline credit cards offer perks beyond earning miles. Usually the higher the annual fee, the more benefits you’ll get. Some common airline credit card extras may include free checked baggage, priority boarding, a TSA PreCheck or Global Entry application fee credit and airport lounge access. If you’re able to max out these extras, the perks can often be worth more than the annual fee.

Hotel Credit Cards

Anyone who stays in hotels at least semi-regularly and who can pledge loyalty to one brand may find that a hotel credit card is right for them. With these cards, you’ll earn rewards in the hotel’s currency, like Marriott Bonvoy points , Hilton Honors points or World of Hyatt points , which are redeemable towards any eligible hotel property under that brand’s umbrella.

Owning a hotel credit card can be a much faster path towards accruing points than earning them on stays alone. Some cards confer automatic elite status upon ownership, which comes with its own set of benefits that can range from late check-out to free breakfast to room upgrades. Additionally, many cards will also offer one night free annually every year you renew your card membership as well as other perks such as airport lounge access.

Fixed-Value Credit Cards

Credit card points may often have a fixed-value when redeemed for things like cash back or travel, where the issuer publishes the cash value per point. For example, a card may offer a value of a penny per point when redeemed for any valid travel purchase.

With some cards, fixed-value points currencies can also vary by redemption type. For example, points on a card might be worth 1.5 cents each when redeemed for travel rewards but only be worth 1 cent each when redeemed for cash back.

Business Credit Cards for Travel

If you’re traveling for work and you want to keep your business expenses separate from your personal expenses, a travel business credit card may be worth considering. Business credit cards for travel function the same as consumer credit cards for travel, although the business versions often offer different earning rates and perks, as well as a different annual fee structure.

A co-branded card generally makes sense if you tend to stay loyal to that brand when you travel. Using a co-branded card can fast-track you towards elite status with a hotel or airline and often comes with other valuable benefits. If you’d prefer to fly any airline you choose and stay at any hotel brand you’d like, a general travel card is likely a better choice for your needs.

What You Get With General Travel Credit Cards

With travel credit cards, the level of benefits will most likely be associated with the annual fee. A premium card might come with airport lounge access, travel protections including trip cancellation and delay insurance and exclusive privileges at luxury hotels. A midrange card might still offer auto rental insurance and a Global Entry or TSA PreCheck benefit. Even a card with no annual fee might offer some basic benefits depending on the card.

What You Get With Co-branded Travel Credit Cards

A co-branded travel card will offer benefits specific to that brand. For airline cards, you might see a checked bag benefit or a rebate on in-flight purchases. For hotel cards, you might see a status level, a free annual night award or anniversary points. Both types of cards might offer you the ability to spend towards higher levels of status.

To learn more about the best co-branded credit cards, see our guides below:

  • Best Southwest Credit Cards
  • Best American Airlines Credit Cards
  • Best Delta Credit Cards
  • Best United Credit Cards
  • Best Hyatt Credit Cards
  • Best Marriott Credit Cards

Ask an expert

Is it better to choose a flexible travel rewards card or one branded to a specific airline or hotel?

Yanely Espinal

Credit Cards Expert

Clint Proctor

Credit Cards Lead Editor

Becky Pokora

Credit Cards Writer

If I had to choose, I’d say flexible travel rewards because it allows for much more versatility in your redemption options beyond just flights and hotel stays. But the best approach is to have both so you can maximize benefits from each card type by earning rewards across all of the spending you normally do, while getting perks with your favorite travel providers at the same time.

Since I’m not particularly loyal to any airline or hotel, I prefer the flexibility of general travel cards. I especially appreciate travel cards that offer transfers to travel partners. With flexible rewards, I can access 10 to 20 or more loyalty programs from a single card. This increases my chances of being able to take advantage of the best award deals that are available for my next trip.

I love that most co-branded travel cards include benefits when booking with that brand. Free night certificates on hotel cards and free checked bags with airlines are valuable perks. Plus, even though earning a single type of point might seem limited, big hotel chains have more than a dozen brand choices and airlines may have 10 or more alliance partners, so you’ll still find plenty of versatility.

Pros of Travel Credit Cards

  • Fast-track to free or discounted travel. You’ll earn rewards on your spending that can be used to reduce the cost of future travel.
  • Elite perks and benefits. Many cards offer money-saving extras like free luggage or complimentary breakfast.
  • Lack of foreign transaction fees. Some of the best travel credit cards won’t charge you extra for using your card abroad.

Cons of Travel Credit Cards

  • Limited-use rewards. The best value in owning and using a travel rewards card comes from redeeming the rewards for more travel.
  • Annual fees can be high. Cards with the most premium perks tend to also have the most premium price.
  • Redemptions can be complicated. For some reward programs, squeezing the most outsized value out of your points or miles can require some work.

It’s safe to say that travel credit cards will likely only appeal to travelers. Their benefits and rewards are specialized and would be hard to use if you don’t intend to travel. For anyone who travels even once or twice a year, though, these credit cards can make a lot of sense compared to cash-back cards or other rewards credit cards due to all of the included perks.

  • Business travel: If your work requires you to travel, having a dedicated travel card can make it easy to keep your business expenses separate from your personal expenses.
  • International travel: If you’re planning to travel abroad, travel credit cards often come with perks like no foreign transaction fees, airport lounge access and application fee reimbursements for Global Entry or TSA PreCheck that can make your journey more comfortable.
  • Luxury travel: If you want an upscale experience like access to exclusive airport lounges, automatic hotel room upgrades and property credits, a travel credit card with these features can grant you access to these features.

How Many Travel Credit Cards Should I Have?

The number of travel credit cards you should have will depend on how often you travel, which benefits you value, your financial situation and whether you’re willing to spend time tracking multiple cards. Frequent travelers will find value in holding at least one travel card, but may consider holding several. For example, having both an airline card and a hotel card can provide complementary benefits and the ability to earn rewards for all aspects of your travel plans.

Travel cards often include numerous membership benefits such as elite status when traveling with partner programs, free checked bags, lounge access or discounts on ancillary travel fees. These benefits can make your trips easier, more comfortable and more affordable. Additionally, travel credit cards offer the opportunity to earn valuable rewards and in some cases may provide higher yields than cash back or other types of rewards.

When comparing travel credit cards, items to consider include:

1. Annual Fee

The annual fee on credit cards ranges from zero to several hundred dollars. In general, the more expensive the card, the richer the perks and rewards. It can be well worth it to pay an annual fee if you’ll use the associated benefits, but there are travel credit cards without an annual fee if you’re more comfortable with that structure.

2. Foreign Transaction Fee

If you’re traveling out of the country, be sure your travel card doesn’t carry any foreign transaction fees. This can be an additional 2% to 3% surcharge on top of the price of your purchase and makes everything you buy with a card in a foreign country more expensive than a card without this fee. Foreign transaction charges also apply to purchases made in other currencies, even if you haven’t left the U.S. The best no foreign transaction fee cards ensure you’re not paying this surcharge.

3. Sign-up Bonus

If you’re trying to decide between two similar cards, it can help to consider the welcome offer on a given card. These welcome offers ebb and flow and if a card you’re thinking about offers a particularly generous offer, it can help offset the annual fee and/or the cost of future travel.

4. Rewards Rate

When choosing a card, think about your spending patterns. If you rarely fly, it may not make sense to own a card that offers the most rewards on airline purchases.

5. International Acceptance

In some countries, all credit cards may be accepted, but that isn’t always the case. When traveling outside of the United States, Visa and Mastercard tend to be more widely accepted than American Express or other cards. Because of this, if you travel often, you may want to choose a Visa or Mastercard either in addition to or in lieu of other types of cards.

6. Travel Protections

Many travel credit cards include various forms of travel protections, such as trip interruption coverage or collision damage waivers for rental cars. These included protections could save you money compared to separately purchased policies but won’t necessarily be as comprehensive. Check with your card benefits guide to get information on your coverage terms. If you travel often, it might be worth specifically seeking out the best credit cards with travel insurance or the best credit cards for car rental insurance .

— Yanely Espinal , Forbes Advisor Credit Cards Advisory Board Member

Also consider any special perks associated with cards you evaluate. These might range from airport lounge access to statement credit reimbursements for certain purchases made with specific brands or on purchases in specific categories.

Airline credit cards typically earn frequent flyer miles on every purchase. Co-branded airline cards also frequently come with perks while traveling, like free checked bags, enhanced award space or lounge access. They may also help you achieve elite status more easily.

When evaluating the best airline credit cards , think about:

  • Earning rates.  Many airline credit cards don’t offer elevated earnings on categories other than airline spending, so you’ll need to choose carefully if that’s important to you.
  • Perks while flying. Typically, only cards with an annual fee include benefits while flying such as priority boarding or complimentary checked bags.
  • Elite-qualifying bonuses.  Some cards include bonus elite-qualifying miles when hitting spending thresholds, which can further enhance your flying experience.
  • Companion fares.  Some airline cards offer the opportunity to earn a companion certificate, which allows you to bring a second traveler on your trip for a reduced price.

Additionally, redeeming frequent flyer miles can be more complicated than requesting cash back or other types of rewards. Though using miles for award flights can lead to tremendous value, you’ll need to learn the ropes of the program.

7 Ways To Earn More Airline Miles

The most common ways to earn airline miles are either through flying with the airline (or its partners) or by using a credit card that earns frequent flyer miles on every purchase. You can also earn more airline miles by:

  • Making purchases through airline shopping portals
  • Booking hotel reservations through the airline’s platform
  • Renting cars and opting in to frequent flyer miles instead of rental credits
  • Completing partner activity, which varies by airline but may include partnerships with Starbucks, Lyft or other brands you use anyway
  • Checking your account to register for promotions
  • Dining with partner restaurants
  • Transferring flexible credit card points

Hotel credit cards will earn points toward future free stays, but this is one case where the benefits can often outshine rewards. More often than not, hotel cards come with automatic elite status as well as a fast track to even higher levels of status. Plus, annual free night certificates or statement credits add to their value proposition.

Many hotel loyalty programs offer multiple co-branded cards to choose from, making it even more important to compare the characteristics of an individual card. It’s not uncommon for a single hotel brand to offer a no-annual-fee card, a mid-tier card and a premium card—each with different earning rates and benefits.

When evaluating hotel credit cards, consider:

  • Elite status offers.  Generally speaking, cards with higher annual fees may automatically bump you to higher elite status levels which can be invaluable on frequent stays.
  • Free night certificates.  Many, but not all, hotel cards offer free night certificates either upon renewal of your card or when hitting spending thresholds. Each certificate may come with restrictions on when or where you can redeem it, so compare fine print.
  • Earning rates.  Hotel cards may offer huge multipliers on bonus categories, allowing you to earn five to 10 times on certain purchases. However, keep expectations in check: Hotel points may not be worth a full penny per point.
  • Statement credits.  Some cards may include statement credits toward eligible purchases made at hotels and resorts or even on airline fees or restaurant purchases, which can be valuable, but you’ll need to actually use them.

8 Ways To Earn More Hotel Points

In addition to booking hotel stays or using a hotel-branded credit card, you can also earn hotel points through other methods such as:

  • Charging incidental purchases made at hotel properties to your account, such as spa, parking or dining expenses
  • Booking events or meetings at participating hotels
  • Making purchases through hotel shopping portals
  • Renting cars and opting in to hotel points instead of rental credits
  • Completing partner activity, which may include partnerships with Starbucks, Lyft or other brands you use anyway
  • Transferring flexible credit card points to your preferred hotel program

The best way to make the most of your credit card is to use a card that aligns with your spending patterns.

  • Choose a card that offers bonus points in spending categories meaningful to you
  • Pair credit cards that offer identical awards in different areas of spending
  • Use your credit card instead of cash or debit when possible

Airline and Hotel Rewards Loyalty Programs

Understanding how to get the most out of the points and miles you earn from your travel credit card goes hand-in-hand with using the loyalty programs offered by most airlines and hotel brands. It’s free to join and you can belong to as many loyalty programs as you like. Typically, when you sign up for a co-branded credit card affiliated with a particular brand, you’ll automatically become a member of the loyalty program if you aren’t already.

Track Your Credit Card Points and Miles Earnings

Tracking your spending allows you to make sure that every time you make a purchase, you’re using the card that will earn you the most rewards. This means knowing which card to use in which scenario based on how a particular merchant codes the purchase . For example, if you own two credit cards, one that earns high rewards on dining and one co-branded airline card, it might not make sense to use the airline card to pay your restaurant tab since the dining card likely earns more rewards. You can do this by various methods as complicated as creating a spreadsheet or as simple as putting stickers on each card to remind you when to use it.

How To Use Credit Card Points for Travel

Beyond earning rewards, there are strategies to get the most value when it comes time to redeem your rewards, too. When it comes time to cash in your travel rewards, there’s generally two ways to do it. You can plan the itinerary you want and use your rewards to fully or partially off-set the cost. Or, you can research to see where the rewards you have can be used to get the most bang for your buck. Now, American Express is making it easier for some cardmembers to redeem miles for flights due to a partnership with Point.me .

Find the Best Hotel Rewards Credit Cards of 2024

Credit cards can save you a lot of money on travel compared to paying full price. Often, the most substantial way to travel for free with credit cards is by redeeming rewards for travel. A combination of welcome bonus offers and the rewards you earn from everyday spending can add up to hundreds of dollars in value toward free travel. However, you’ll need to learn to redeem points and miles from your specific program to do so.

Included statement credits or card benefits can also help you travel for free. Premium credit cards may offer annual credits toward the purchase of select travel, effectively serving as a rebate. Alternatively, you might have airline companion certificates or hotel free night certificates, which work more like a coupon.

Travel Rewards Cards In the News

Travel lovers now have another great credit card option with the launch of the Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card * in March 2024. This new card earns 5 points per dollar on hotels, 4 points per dollar on airlines, 3 points per dollar on other travel and restaurants and 1 point per dollar on other purchases. Those are high reward rates for a card that doesn’t require you to make reservations through a dedicated booking channel or proprietary travel portal.

Though cardholders are able to transfer points to a limited number of travel partners as of April, this card may be a better fit as the best rewards credit card for travel spending. Learn more about how this card is making waves .

Nearly Half of Americans Hold Less Than $100 Worth of Rewards

Credit card rewards are big business, but most Americans aren’t hoarding their earnings. According to a Forbes Advisor survey conducted in April 2024, 49% of Americans have less than $100 worth of rewards in their card accounts right now.

Bar chart showing survey results on the average number of credit card rewards respondents hold

Credit card rewards aren’t worth anything until you redeem them, so the strategy to redeem rewards as you earn them—rather than collecting them indefinitely—is a smart way to handle things. That’s particularly true with travel rewards, which are ripe for devaluation. While sometimes it makes sense to hold onto points until you reach a goal amount, unintentionally hoarding risks leaving value on the table.

Generally speaking, yes, travel credit cards are worth it —if you’ll use the benefits. Travel rewards credit cards can be a strategic addition to your finances if you travel with any regularity. You’ll be able to earn rewards on every purchase and later redeem those rewards toward future trips, often at a higher yield than if you had chosen cash back or other types of rewards. Many travel cards also include benefits to enhance your travel experience along the way to add even more value.

To view rates and fees for The Platinum CardÂŽ from American Express please visit this page . To view rates and fees for American ExpressÂŽ Gold Card please visit this page . To view rates and fees for Bilt World Elite MastercardÂŽ please visit this page . For Capital One products listed on this page, some of the above benefits are provided by VisaÂŽ or MastercardÂŽ and may vary by product. See the respective Guide to Benefits for details, as terms and exclusions apply.

What is considered travel for credit cards?

Each issuer’s definition of which purchases or which purchase categories may vary slightly, but categories likely to be included by any issuer include airfare, hotels, rental cars and cruises. For example, Chase offers a fairly wide definition of travel, with airlines, hotels, motels, timeshares, car rental agencies, cruise lines, travel agencies, discount travel sites, campgrounds and operators of passenger trains, buses, taxis, limousines, ferries, toll bridges and highways and parking lots and garages all considered travel eligible for rewards.

Even if your purchase would typically count toward a category, it’s worth noting that merchants are typically responsible for the categorization and if the merchant you purchase from isn’t categorized correctly, your transaction likely won’t earn rewards.

What credit score is needed for a travel credit card?

A travel rewards credit card will typically recommend good to excellent credit in order to qualify. Plan to have a credit score of at least 700 to get approved by the top credit cards on the market. Some of those cards might even require applicants to have a credit score of 720 or higher.

What is the easiest travel credit card to get?

Most travel credit cards require good to excellent credit scores. However, generally speaking, no-annual-fee travel cards are typically easier to be approved for than the ultra-premium travel cards with high annual fees.

What is the best credit card with travel insurance?

Forbes Advisor’s best credit cards for travel insurance list has a variety of cards offering solid travel insurance. Although you shouldn’t get a credit card for this feature alone, it can be a useful money-saving extra. Credit cards that offer travel insurance tend to have high annual fees, so keep this in mind when weighing whether or not you are likely to use the feature.

What is the best card for international travel?

Many credit cards are well suited for international travel. You want to make sure that the card has no foreign transaction fees . It also helps if the card’s points are suitable for the locations where you wish to travel. For instance, if you want to go to Asia, an airline card co-branded with a U.S.-based airline that doesn’t fly to Asia, like Southwest, will not help you.

How many miles do you need for a free flight?

The number of miles you need for a free flight depends on different factors, including which airline miles you are using, where you are flying to and from, when you are traveling and other factors. Most domestic airlines have ditched award charts, meaning the price in miles for any flight can vary even between flights on the same day.

Domestic flights in the U.S. will generally require fewer miles than international flights. Typically, count on spending between 5,000 and 20,000 miles for a domestic one-way flight in economy.

Long-haul international flights can cost quite a bit more. Plan on spending between 20,000 to 40,000 miles each way to fly to Europe in economy and even more for flights to Asia, Africa and Oceania.

Don’t forget to consider the cost of checked bags and fuel surcharges before booking your ticket. Flights booked with rewards are also often subject to government taxes and fees, which you’ll still be responsible for even when you redeem miles.

How much is a point or mile worth on travel credit cards?

Point values are as varied as the types of points themselves. Some cards’ points values are more straightforward because rates are somewhat tied to the cash prices. However, if a program uses an awards chart, the value of the point will vary widely depending on how you are redeeming it. In general, you’ll get the highest value per point on premium airline seats and luxury hotel stays.

What is the difference between points and miles on a credit card?

Points and miles are effectively the same, they’re just different names for the rewards earned on a particular credit card. Some credit cards offer points, some—particularly airline cards—offer miles. But the fundamental function is the same in that these rewards cards all earn a specified type of award currency based on your spending that can be used in various ways.

How should I inform my credit card company of upcoming travel?

Notifying your credit card issuer of your travel plans before you travel can help avoid denied transactions due to suspected fraud. An issuer’s system may flag a transaction as suspicious and prohibit a transaction if it suspects your card or card information has been stolen. For this reason, issuers typically make it fairly easy to notify you when you’re headed out of town. You can notify your issuer of your travels by calling the number on the back of your card or logging onto your card issuer’s website and finding the option to submit a travel notice.

Are travel cards with annual fees worth it?

Travel cards with annual fees can be worth paying for only if the extra rewards and benefits outweigh the added cost of the annual fee. Just because an annual-fee card earns more rewards and provides more benefit does not, however, make it more rewarding than a no-annual-fee card —the extra reward must exceed the amount of reward received from the best no-annual-fee option for you. The risk you take when paying an annual fee is that you won’t receive a benefit worth the annual fee, so be sure to carefully evaluate this risk before applying.

Do I have to tell my credit card company when I travel?

Most credit card issuers no longer require you to notify them before travel. In fact, Chase and some other companies have removed the travel notification tools from your online account or app. Card fraud alerts are more advanced now and legitimate transactions should post without incident.

However, you may want to be sure you have access to confirm whether or not something is suspected of fraud just in case—either by making sure your phone number has service abroad to respond to automated text messages or by downloading your card app in advance to manage your account.

Other Credit Cards To Be Considered

  • Best Business Credit Cards for Travel
  • Best No Annual Fee Travel Credit Cards

*The information for the following card(s) has been collected independently by Forbes Advisor: Marriott Bonvoy Boundless® Credit Card, Hilton Honors Aspire Card from American Express, Wyndham Rewards Earner® Card, Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card . The card details on this page have not been reviewed or provided by the card issuer.

Becky Pokora

With more than 50 million redeemed miles under her belt, Becky Pokora is a rewards travel expert. She's been writing about credit cards and reward travel since 2011 with articles on Forbes Advisor, BoardingArea, The Points Guy and more. Her redemptions have helped her travel to more than 50 countries and all seven continents.

Yanely Espinal

Yanely Espinal is the director of educational outreach for Next Gen Personal Finance, a nonprofit working to ensure that every high school student gets a full semester of personal finance education—including lessons in proper credit card usage—before graduation. She is often described as a ball of energy, with a gift for storytelling, and a passion for explaining credit cards and other financial concepts in a straightforward way.   While working as an elementary school teacher, Yanely decided to change her financial life by paying off $20,000 of debt in just 18 months. In 2015 she created MissBeHelpful, a YouTube channel and social media platform that now has over 5 million views, to help others learn the money skills she never learned in school. Some of her most popular videos on the channel include “5 Things to Consider When Applying for a Credit Card” and “When To Pay Your Credit Card Bill and Increase Your Credit Score.”   Her book, “Mind Your Money,” is an Amazon bestseller and was a Plutus Award finalist for Best New Personal Finance Book of 2023. She hosts Financially Inclined from Marketplace, a video podcast for teens about money lessons for living life your own way. Yanely is also a member of CNBC's Financial Wellness Advisory Council and an Advocate at the NGPF Mission 2030 Fund.  

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(650 - 699)

(700 - 749)

(750 - 850)

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{{ card['advertiser-name'] }}

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{{ card['purchase-intro-apr-display'] }}

{{ card['regular-apr'] }}

{{ card['balance-transfer-intro-apr-display'] }}

{{ card['balance-transfer-regular-apr-display'] }}

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{{ card['foreign-transaction-fees-value'] }}

{{ card['penalty-apr'] }}


  1. Difference between Trip and Journey

    difference between journey and trip and travel

  2. Travel, journey, trip, voyage or tour?

    difference between journey and trip and travel

  3. Difference Between Trip and Travel

    difference between journey and trip and travel

  4. Travel, trip or journey?

    difference between journey and trip and travel

  5. Difference Between Trip and Tour

    difference between journey and trip and travel

  6. Difference Between Travel and Tourism

    difference between journey and trip and travel


  1. The difference among “Voyage” “Journey” “Trip“ “ Excursion”

  2. Takashi's great journey 10

  3. What's the difference? Journey-Trip-Travel -Travels -Traveling-Flight-Voyage–Picnic (1).ما الفرق بين

  4. Разница между словами Travel, Trip, Journey, Tour, Cruise

  5. difference between TRIP, EXCURSION, JOURNEY, and VOYAGE

  6. Takashi's great journey 12


  1. Understanding the Distinction: Travel, Trip, and Journey Explained

    Definition and Differences between Travel, Trip, and Journey. Travel is a verb that means going to a place, especially far away, while trip refers to the process of traveling from one place to another, usually for a short time. Journey, on the other hand, implies traveling from one place to another without necessarily returning. ...

  2. Travel vs. Trip vs. Journey

    One piece of travel (going from one place to another) - usually a long distance. The journey takes 3 hours by plane or 28 hours by bus. He made the 200-mile journey by bike. "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step" - Lao-tze, Tao Te Ching. We can also use journey in a more "metaphorical" way to talk about ...


    Meaning and use of the words 'trip', 'travel', 'journey', 'tour', and 'voyage'. The explanation below should help clarify the meaning and use of vocabulary related to travel. The word 'travel' is used to talk about going from one place to another. Verb : Paul travels a lot in his job. Noun : Travel nowadays is faster than before.

  4. Travel, Trip or Journey?

    Learn about the difference between the commonly confused travel words: travel, trip, and journey in today's Ask a Teacher.

  5. VOCABULARY: Travel, Journey or Trip? What's the difference?

    In everyday English, we would refer to travelling by saying a journey, or a trip, the difference being that a trip talks of the whole process of going, doing what you do, and then returning. A journey is used more to refer to the journey itself, although often there is little difference. Compare the following: 'The journey was rotten.

  6. Difference between "Trip", "Travel", and "Journey"

    There are small differences between these words. For one, travel is more commonly used as a verb than a noun. You won't really hear someone say "I'm going on a travel", but you'll often hear people say "I'm going on a trip". As for trip and journey, trip usually refers to a small casual outing that can be anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.Journey, however, has a more epic and grandiose ...

  7. When do I use 'travel', 'trip' and 'journey'?

    Trip. Like journey, trip is also a noun. It describes the process of travelling to a place, doing things in that place, and travelling back home again. We use trip in the expressions take a trip and go on a trip. For example: She's going on a business trip to Thailand. We're taking a trip to Greece this summer.

  8. Travel, Trip or Journey? What's The Difference?

    "I went on a TRIP.... agh... JOURNEY... I mean TRAVEL..." Have you ever said something like that? 😄 If you have, you're definitely not alone. Most students ...

  9. What is the difference between travel, trip and journey?

    Note the difference between trip and journey: The journey to London took 3 hours by train. Our trip to London was fantastic. So the first is talking about going from A to B: the travelling time. If using a verb without saying how long we could say we travelled to London by train. The second is talking about the whole holiday, period away.

  10. Journey vs. Travel

    Travel is often associated with adventure, excitement, and the pursuit of new experiences. Duration and Distance. One of the key differences between journey and travel lies in their duration and distance. Journeys are often characterized by their extended length, spanning weeks, months, or even years.

  11. What's the difference between the words "journey", "travel" and "trip

    Journey. a longer experience where you may have some sort of idea what you may do but really have nothing in the plans other than the start. A journey is something that has plans that may change at will. There could be a few trips in a journey and certainly a lot of travel. journey can also designate a group experience.

  12. Confusing words: travel, a journey, a trip, a voyage

    Trip (noun) A trip describes the whole process of going somewhere and coming back. (It is more than one journey.) Once again, let's go from London to Leeds then back again. As I said above, that is two journeys, but it is one trip. Some examples: a day trip, a round trip, a round-the-world trip, a boat trip and a business trip .

  13. Journey vs. Trip vs. Voyage vs. Travel

    Dive into the fascinating nuances of the English language as we unravel the differences between 'journey,' 'trip,' 'voyage,' and 'travel.' Join us as we diss...

  14. Learning English

    journey (noun) A journey is one single piece of travel. You make journeys when you travel from one place to another. (Note that the plural is spelt journ eys, not journies): The journey from ...

  15. Difference between TRAVEL, TRIP, & JOURNEY: Confusing Words ...

    Learn the difference between commonly confused words in English: Travel, Trip, and Journey. Visit http://www.espressoenglish.net for English tips and intensi...

  16. Difference between "Travel", "Trip", "Journey", "Tour", "Voyage"

    As a noun, "tour" means a visit to a place or area, especially for the purpose of sightseeing and learning about it. It can also be a trip for pleasure, especially as a vacation, visiting several different places in an area. As a verb, "tour" means to travel somewhere, e.g., to spend a month touring (around/in) Kenya.

  17. Travel, journey, trip, voyage or tour?

    Vocabulary: Differences between travel, journey, trip, voyage and tour . Published 29/07/2015 In Blog. Download image The Summer holidays are around the corner so it is definitely a good time to post an article on my blog explaining the difference between all these words.

  18. Trip vs Travel: Which One Is The Correct One?

    Generally speaking, a trip is a journey or excursion, usually for a specific purpose or destination. It can be a short or long distance, and it can be a one-time event or a regular occurrence. ... a month, or even just a day. The key difference between travel and a trip is that travel is more open-ended and exploratory, while a trip is ...

  19. Do you know the difference between TRAVEL, JOURNEY, and a TRIP?

    Trip (noun) A trip describes the whole process of going somewhere and coming back. (It is more than one journey.) Once again, let's go from London to Leeds then back again. As I said above, that is two journeys, but it is one trip. Some examples: a day trip, a round trip, a round-the-world trip, a boat trip and a business trip.

  20. Travel vs Trip

    Travel - to go from one place to another. Trip - a journey that is often for a short period of time. NOTE: There are some exceptions to the general rule above. Travel can also be a noun when it refers to the act of traveling. Travel is difficult in that part of the country since there are no paved roads. Travel broadens your mind.

  21. What is the difference between journey, trip, voyage and excursion

    An excursion is a short trip made either as a tourist or in order to do a particular thing. The tourist office organizes excursions to the palace. 5 verbs used with `journey', `trip', `voyage' and `excursion'

  22. BBC

    Journey vs Trip. Improve your English vocabulary and grammar: learn the difference between the confusing English words 'journey' and 'trip' with One-minute English. Sian and Clare explain when we ...

  23. What is the difference between a journey and a trip?

    Print. A trip is the act of travelling from point A to point B with no transfers (a single trip). A journey on the other hand can be one or a number of trips (transfers) combined to make it from point A to B. When making a number of trips to get to your destination it is still one journey if you touch on within 60 minutes of touching off on ...

  24. Travel Insurance Quotes

    Trip insurance and flight insurance can provide the peace of mind you need for your next journey. The GEICO Insurance Agency, with Berkshire Hathaway Travel Protection (BHTP), offers comprehensive travel insurance coverage, with prompt service and global assistance. Get an online travel insurance quote today and confidently protect your next ...

  25. 10 Travel Lessons That Will Make You Say, "Why Didn't I Know That ...

    It's simple: travel lightly. Bringing one backpack will literally "lessen your load," and your back, shoulders, and neck will thank you. In addition, if you carry fewer items on your trip, there ...

  26. 32 Road Trip Essentials for Adults and Kids

    32 Road Trip Essentials for Adults and Kids. Travel more comfortably with these road trip must-haves. By Alissa Grisler and Amanda Norcross. |. May 29, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. Road Trip Essentials.

  27. Survey reveals the difference between a trip and a vacation

    While a "trip" is travel for a purpose, such as an event (32%) or simply getting out of their hometown (30%). Arriving at the hotel (59%) and getting the first breath of ocean air (47%)...

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    Whether travelers are planning a scenic journey, a cross-country adventure, a quick getaway, or a work trip, knowing about Amtrak, such as finding affordable tickets and Amtrak train routes and ...

  29. 19 Best Travel Credit Cards Of June 2024

    Travel lovers now have another great credit card option with the launch of the Wells Fargo Autograph Journey℠ Card in March 2024. This new card earns 5 points per dollar on hotels, 4 points per ...