guide voyage rwanda

©Edwin Remsberg/Getty Images

Rwanda is known as Le Pays des Mille Collines (Land of a Thousand Hills) thanks to the endless mountains in this scenically stunning little country. Nowhere are the mountains more majestic than the Virunga volcanoes in the northwest, and hidden among the bamboo forests are some of the world's last remaining mountain gorillas. For a change of scene, the shores of Lake Kivu conceal some of the best inland beaches on the continent, while Nyungwe Forest National Park protects extensive tracts of montane rainforest, and is home to many primates. Looking for a more metropolitan experience? Kigali, the capital, is one of the loveliest cities in Africa.

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Must-see attractions.

Visitors at the Kigali Genocide Memorial.

Kigali Genocide Memorial

In the span of 100 days, an estimated one million Tutsis and moderate Hutus were systematically butchered by the Interahamwe army. This memorial honours…

guide voyage rwanda

Volcanoes National Park

Volcanoes National Park, which runs along the border with the DRC and Uganda, is home to the Rwandan section of the Virungas. Comprising five volcanoes,…

Wild Eastern Black-and-white Colobus in Nyungwe National Park.

Nyungwe Forest National Park

Nyungwe Forest National Park is Rwanda’s most important area of biodiversity and has been rated the highest priority for forest conservation in Africa…

Ethnographic Museum

Ethnographic Museum

This outstanding museum was given to the city as a gift from Belgium in 1989 to commemorate 25 years of independence. While the building itself is…

Murambi Genocide Memorial

Murambi Genocide Memorial

Nyamagabe (formerly called Gikongoro) and the satellite town of Murambi was the site of one of the most unforgettable horrors of the 1994 genocide…


Akagera National Park

Akagera is Rwanda's answer to the savannah parks of Kenya and Tanzania, and is utterly different in landscape to anywhere else in the country. Prior to…

King's Palace Museum – Rukari

King's Palace Museum – Rukari

Situated on a hill 2km southwest of town, this fascinating museum is less about ancient history and more about royal residences. The displays centre on a…

Rubona Peninsula

Rubona Peninsula

Roughly 6km south of town (about RFr1000 by moto-taxi), along a lovely lakeshore road, the Rubona Peninsula is Lake Kivu at its finest. Hills rise steeply…

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Nov 30, 2023 • 5 min read

Rwanda's annual and semi-annual events are a glamorous and exciting way to see the best of the nation

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Nov 30, 2023 • 6 min read

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Nov 30, 2023 • 7 min read

Farmland near Mount Muhabura.

Nov 8, 2021 • 2 min read

Young Common Chimpanzee sitting in the wild

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Oct 16, 2020 • 9 min read

Detail of a white rhino at Sabi Sands game reserve.

Sep 17, 2020 • 5 min read

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Man viewing photos of victms of genocide at Kigali Memorial Centre.

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  • Voyage solidaire
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Rwanda Guide : voyage et tourisme solidaire pour Kigali, Akagera, Nyungwe, lac Kivu et gorilles des montagnes.

Le tourisme solidaire au coeur du Rwanda vous enchantera. Pour un safari photo à l'Akagera ou la découverte du lac Kivu, le long des pistes du thé ou suspendu dans la forêt de Nyungwe, pour un séjour au plus près de l'histoire du peuple rwandais, Rwanda Guide vous fait vivre des rencontres inoubliables.

gorille rwanda

Agence locale, Rwanda Guide organise votre séjour sur mesure, au plus près de vos envies. Déplacement, hébergement, nourriture, visite, tous les postes de dépenses sont soigneusement préparés, comparés, afin de vous offrir un voyage au Rwanda au plus juste prix.

Notre pays améliore sans cesse ses infrastructures touristiques pour les très renommées visites aux gorilles, mais n'oublie pas le quotidien des millions de Rwandais qui travaillent chaque jour à la beauté du paysage.

En rémunérant chaque acteur de votre voyage, vous contribuez à une diversification des ressources de chacun.

Et pour vous, les découvertes, rencontres, dégustations et autres sensations sont autant d'expériences authentiques.

Votre voyage solidaire au Rwanda

C'est avec des Rwandais amoureux de leur pays que vous allez découvrir une culture millénaire, des paysages grandioses et un climat paradisiaque. Vous serez étonné par la qualité de l'accueil, par la propreté et la fierté du travail bien fait. De plus, votre visite sera une contribution importante pour l'avenir de jeunes enfants.

Parc de l'Akagera

Osez un campement au sein du plus beau parc du Rwanda ! Vivez un lever de soleil sur la Tanzanie, la cafetière sur les braises, le bivouac en pleine savane, et une faune exceptionnelle.

Forêt de Nyungwe

L'une des dernières forêts primaires à vous offrir toute sa richesse. Partez pour un trek unique sur de longs ponts suspendus au milieu des primates protégés. Silences et chuchotements partagés, au sein d'une végétation luxuriante, comme au premier matin du monde.

Ville de Kigali

De l'accueil à l'aéroport jusqu'à la préparation des excursions, nous sommes à vos côtés pour mettre à profit chaque seconde de votre séjour à Kigali. Marchés artisanaux ou alimentaires, restaurants et cafés célèbres vous attendent. Le mémorial du génocide de Gisozi est incontournable. Vous comprenez à quel point le peuple rwandais se relève avec courage de cette immense blessure.

Les hauts de Kibuye

Loin du tourisme élitiste, nous vous accueillons pour des moments uniques avec l'hospitalité rwandaise. Vous êtes arrivés à pieds au milieu des bananiers et macadamias. Votre campement surplombe le lac Kivu et la vue est grandiose. Vous partagez la vie en autarcie des fermiers traditionnels. Dîner en commun, veillée où les mots sont plaisirs, puis une bonne nuit dans une tente dressée dans les champs de haricots et caféiers.

Sur les pistes du thé

De Kibuye à Gisenyi, la route du thé emprunte des paysages de montagne à couper le souffle. Profusion d'ananas d'altitude et de cannes à sucre à déguster, avec au loin les lueurs rougeâtre du volcan Nyiragongo. Etapes exceptionnelles sur les berges du Kivu où vous goûterez à la cuisine traditionnelle rwandaise.

Votre arrivée à l'aéroport de Kigali : Murakaza neza !

Vous appréciez les voyages en autonomie et préférez préparer vous-même vos excursions et découvertes ?

L'équipe de Rwanda Guide vous propose un accueil privé à votre descente d'avion. Véritable passeport pour le pays des milles collines, notre prestation " Murakaza neza " (Bienvenue en kinya) vous assure un début de séjour sans souci avec les bons plans et astuces pour un maximum de découvertes.

Exclusif : l'assistance téléphonique 7/7 et 24/24 est incluse !

Vous arrivez ? Appel avec réponse immédiate :

  • 330 648 734 699 (France)
  • 250 788 794 928 (Rwanda)

accueil aéroport rwanda

Les Plus de Rwanda Guide

  • Une agence 100 % rwandaise avec des consultants français.
  • Un accueil "Murakaza neza" à l'aéroport de Kigali avec transfert à votre hôtel + assistance téléphonique 7/7 et 24/24 durant toute la durée de votre séjour.
  • Des prestations au forfait calculées au plus juste.
  • Une adhésion sans réserve à l'éco-tourisme.

Avant votre départ, les infos utiles pour le Rwanda

Partir, c'est bien. Partir en toute connaissance et assurance, c'est mieux. L'équipe de Rwanda Guide met gratuitement à votre disposition des petits outils et infos... Dictionnaire franco-rwandais, carte du pays, numéros utiles, liens intéressants pour votre billet d'avion ou pour votre vaccination...

Témoignages Rwanda Guide

Bivouac dans Akagera

"Avant de commencer, je voudrais tout d'abord remercier l'équipe de Rwanda-Guide pour leur réactivité et leur professionnalisme. En effet, j'ai décidé de partir au Rwanda une semaine et demi avant mon départ. Pressée par le temps, j'ai effectué de nombreuses recherches, j'ai contacté plusieurs organismes et guides. Rwanda-Guide est tout de suite sorti du lot grâce à sa réactivité, son sens de l'écoute, sa flexibilité (temporelle et financière, hébergements) et ses conseils.

"Par où commencer ??

Je me suis rendue au Rwanda pour un séjour d’une durée de 8 jours.

J’ai eu le plaisir d’être accompagné pour mon voyage par le Rwanda guide, qui est une entreprise avec des personnes sympathiques et professionnelles.

Ils sont très réactifs, sympas et proposent des tarifs dégressifs lorsque l’on fait plusieurs sorties avec eux.

Pour ma part, j’ai eu le plaisir d’être accompagnée par Bijou, qui est une personne humaine, gentille, apaisante. Avec le guide du Rwanda, j’avais opté pour 3 sorties (Parc National de Nyungwe, le parc Akagera et Kibuye).

Concernant le parc Akagera, j’ai eu l’occasion de rencontrer et de dormir une nuit dans le parc autour des animaux (bien sûr tout est sécurisé) dans des tentes (expérience à vivre   au moins une fois dans sa vie). C’était génial. J’ai pu voir des girafes, des zèbres, des hippopotames, un éléphant, des antilopes…etc.

Pour la visite du Parc National avec le choix de divers trails, j’ai opté pour le Canopy Walk (60€, que je trouvais assez cher mais on va dire que l’expérience vaut le détour), puis nous avons dormi chez KITABI lodge, un hôtel écologique qui mérite d’être vu. L’accueil était super, reposant (attention à la fraîcheur le soir).

Pour finir, à Kibuye, j’ai visité et dormi chez une famille d’agriculteur (expérience unique également). Il faut le vivre pour le comprendre.

Le lac Kivu est un lac magnifique. Nous avons fait une croisière de 2 heures pour arriver sur l’île Napoléon et avoir une vue à couper le souffle.

Mon voyage au Rwanda était SUPER, je pourrais en faire un roman. Ce pays vaut vraiment le détour. Je le recommande mais je recommande également l’équipe du Rwanda Guide sans hésitation.

Merci Bijou et à bientôt   ."

Une cliente de Guyane Française  

témoignage rwanda guide

Qui sommes-nous ?

Guide rwanda Kigali


Connaissant Kigali comme personne, Taté vous dénichera les meilleurs plans pour aller danser ou déguster les meilleures brochettes de chèvres du pays.

guide rwandaise

Le kinyarwanda est l'âme de ses chansons. Vous aurez la chance d'écouter Mama TONI et de partir avec beaucoup de tendresse dans l'histoire rwandaise.

guide rwanda accueil


Ayant parcouru tout jeune les collines escarpées, Bijoux vous accompagnera pour des expériences authentiques au sein des plus beaux sites du Rwanda.

guide france rwanda


Marié à la culture rwandaise et à l'une de ses charmantes représentantes, Patrice se fera un plaisir de discuter avec vous de votre prochain séjour au pays des mille collines.

Appelez-nous, c'est un plaisir de vous accueillir !

  • +250 788 794 928 pour Bijou
  • +33 06 48 73 46 99 pour Patrice (consultant en France)

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  • 2.1 History
  • 2.3 Climate
  • 2.4 Holidays
  • 2.5 Tourist information
  • 3.1 Visa requirements
  • 3.2 By plane
  • 3.5 By train
  • 4 Get around
  • 12 Stay safe
  • 13 Stay healthy
  • 16.2.1 Emergency numbers
  • 16.3 Internet

Rwanda is a relatively stable East African country, and easily accessible from Kenya and Uganda . It is known as the land of a thousand hills, but is also a country rich in flora and fauna and stunning natural beauty in its scenic rolling and breathtaking green savannah. The country hosts some rare species of animals like the silverback mountain gorillas as well as unique birds and insects in the tropical forest of Nyungwe. Rwanda is relatively easy, safe, and simple to travel around.

Cities [ edit ]


  • -1.968611 30.060556 1 Kigali – the capital city
  • -1.577 30.065 2 Gicumbi (formerly Byumba)
  • -2.4833 28.896 3 Rusizi (formerly Cyangugu)
  • -1.6951 29.3485 4 Rubavu
  • -2.604 29.741 5 Butare (Huye)
  • -1.97649 30.2247 6 Kabuga
  • -2.63629 29.54678 7 Kibeho
  • -2.16091 30.54374 8 Kibungo
  • -2.05 29.35 9 Karongi (formerly Kibuye)
  • -2.084 29.753 10 Muhanga (formerly Gitarama)
  • -1.5 29.634 11 Musanze (formerly Ruhengeri)
  • -1.866667 29.65 12 Ngororero
  • -2.195833 30.122222 13 Nyamata
  • -1.9525 30.437778 14 Rwamagana

(Cities were renamed a few years ago when the administrative structure of Rwanda was re-vamped. The former names refer to old provincial capitals. Expect people to use either name listed to refer to these cities.)

Understand [ edit ]

Rwanda has come a long way since the civil war and the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi devastated this small country. Shake off your memories of tragic history and expect a warm and friendly welcome to the beautiful country now that this country is modernizing. It is a fast-growing country in Africa in terms of a lot of categories. It is sometimes called "The Singapore of Africa", due to both countries' similarities in geography, politics and modern history.

guide voyage rwanda

History [ edit ]

Hunter gatherers settled the territory in the stone and iron ages, followed later by Bantu peoples. The population coalesced first into clans and then into kingdoms. The Kingdom of Rwanda dominated from the mid-eighteenth century, with the Tutsi kings conquering others militarily and centralising power. The Tutsi and the Hutu shared a common language, religion and culture, and originally referred to different social classes, though Europeans would later introduce the concept of them being different ethnic groups during the colonial era.

Germany colonized Rwanda in 1884 as part of German East Africa , followed by Belgium, which annexed it in 1916 during World War I. Both European nations ruled through the kings and perpetuated a pro-Tutsi policy. The Hutu population revolted in 1959. They massacred numerous Tutsi and ultimately established an independent, Hutu-dominated state in 1962. The Tutsi-led Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF) launched a civil war in 1990. Social tensions erupted in the 1994 genocide, in which Hutu extremists killed an estimated 500,000 to 1 million Tutsi and moderate Hutu. The RPF ended the genocide with a military victory.

Rwanda has begun to recover from the genocide, and since the accession of Paul Kagame as president in 2000, Rwanda has adopted market-oriented reforms and emerged as one of the fastest growing economies in the world. However, concerns remain on human rights due to the authoritarian nature of Kagame's rule.

guide voyage rwanda

People [ edit ]

The population is young and predominantly rural, with a density among the highest in Africa. Rwandans are composed of three ethnic groups: the Hutu, Tutsi and Twa.

Climate [ edit ]

Although Rwanda is located only two degrees south of the equator, Rwanda's high elevation makes the climate temperate. The average daily temperature near Lake Kivu, at an altitude of 1,463 m (4,800 ft) is 22.8°C (73°F). During the two rainy seasons (Feb–May and Sep–Dec), heavy downpours occur almost daily, alternating with sunny weather. Annual rainfall averages 800 mm (31.5 in) but is generally heavier in the western and northwestern mountains than in the eastern savannahs.

Holidays [ edit ]

guide voyage rwanda

  • 1 January - New Year's Day
  • 1 February - Heroes Day
  • Good Friday - variable
  • 7 April - Genocide Against the Tutsi Memorial Day
  • 1 July - Independence Day
  • 4 July - Liberation Day
  • 15 August - Assumption
  • Eid al Fitr and Eid al-Adha (Islamic holidays that vary with the lunar calendar)
  • 25 December - Christmas
  • 26 December - Boxing Day

Tourist information [ edit ]

  • Visit Rwanda

Get in [ edit ]

guide voyage rwanda

Visa requirements [ edit ]

A passport is required to enter Rwanda though a certificate of vaccination is not required unless coming from a yellow fever endemic country. Citizens of Burundi , Kenya , South Sudan , Tanzania and Uganda can enter Rwanda visa-free for up to 6 months. Kenyan and Ugandan citizens may use an ID card in lieu of a passport to enter Rwanda. Benin , Central African Republic , Chad , Democratic Republic of Congo , Ghana , Guinea , Haiti , Indonesia , Mauritius , Philippines , Sao Tome and Principe , Senegal , Seychelles , Singapore citizens can also enter visa-free for 90 days.

Visitors from all countries who do not receive visa-free entry are now eligible for visa on arrival for $50 USD (as of Feb 2024). Payments for the visa may be made on arrival in both cash as well as credit card. Citizens of Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa countries will receive visas valid for 90 days while other visitors will be granted visas valid for 30 days. Commonwealth citizens (UK for example) receive a free 30 day visa on arrival.

The East African Tourist visa ($100 USD as of Feb 2024) allows for multiple entry travel between Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda over a 90 day period. Note that exiting any of these three countries will invalidate the visa even if the 90 day period has not yet expired.

Visa applications and payments for both the standard visitor visa as well as the East African Tourist visa may also be made online on the government website . Within a few days you will receive an email with the letter of visa acceptance, which you should print and bring to the border entry point.

By plane [ edit ]

The Rwandan capital is also easily accessible (3 hr by road) from the Goma airstrip in DRC.

By car [ edit ]

guide voyage rwanda

By bus [ edit ]

  • In Uganda , many bus companies make the 8-10 hour journey from Kampala in Uganda to Kigali , using the Gatuna border crossing. As 2015, it costs FRw 8,000 from Kigali to Kampala on Horizon. Jaguar charges FRw 6,000-8,000 - early buses are cheaper. The most reliable bus company is Kampala coaches, Jaguar and Ontracom from Rwanda. From Musanze , local matatus run up to Cyanika border crossing close to Kisoro .
  • Tanzania has one open border with Rwanda, but this is a far more difficult way to enter Rwanda due to the remoteness and lack of roads in western Tanzania. A bus runs from Mwanza to Benako (both Tanzania) and from Benako buses run onto Kigali . Another town to consider on this route is Ngara (Tanzania). Several buses run from Dar es Salaam via Morogoro and Dodoma (they all leave Ubungo bus station around 06:00-07:00) to Kahama daily. You will have to spend the night in Kahama and then get a minibus or shared taxi on to the border. From the Rwandan side of the border, there are minibuses to Kigali.
  • In Burundi , there are two ways to enter from Rwanda, and security in the border areas varies. For the intrepid, there is a daily direct service from Kigali to Bujumbura operated by Yahoo Car, and a "luxury" service operated by Belvedere Lines. If there are security concerns on the Bujumbura - Huye - Kigali route, it is also possible to go along the road bordering (but not entering) DRC. You will probably have to do this in a series of minibuses via Cibitoke , Bugarama (Rwanda) and Cyangugu (Rwanda). With both of these routes, check the security situation with your embassy (the Belgian embassy has the best information).
  • For Democratic Republic of the Congo , much of the country remains off limits to many tourists due to instability, though Goma and Bukavu can be visited easily from Rwanda.

By train [ edit ]

There are no trains in Rwanda, although as of 2023, there are plans to connect with the Tanzanian rail network.

Get around [ edit ]

guide voyage rwanda

Short distances can be travelled either on foot, or by taxi-velo (bicycle taxi). Taxi-velos are widespread, and are relatively inexpensive but not allowed in urban areas. A taxi-velo driver will cycle, and the passenger will sit rather precariously on the back.

Motorcycle taxis (taxi-moto) are also popular, especially in Kigali , a normal journey will cost from USD1-2. If you look like a foreigner and are walking on the main road, drivers will probably come up to you to offer a ride. Most of the drivers speak only very basic English or French, if they speak any.

Taxis are less common, and are best found at taxi stations, by waiting at the taxi sign at bus stops, or by calling them. They are significantly more expensive, even short rides cost FRw 2,000, and longer rides can be FRw5,000 or more.

Slightly longer distances, indeed the whole country, can be travelled by Matatu (or Twegerane, literally let get closer ). These white minibuses are found throughout East Africa, and are crammed full of adults, children, and bags. Modern Coast has regular coaches.

Car rental is available from various suppliers. Driving standards are reasonable. Roads between all of the main towns are good. Other roads may be dirt, with some requiring a good four wheel drive vehicle. Speed limits are low, usually 40km/h in town and 80km/h on main roads. There are frequent police speed checks and check points where documents/insurance can be checked. The police setup mobile speed cameras in some places. Fixed speed cameras are present in numerous locations around the country and some red light cameras are in Kigali. Slow moving trucks are a problem and there are limited overtaking possibilities as all roads outside towns are single carriageway. Allow extra time for any journey.

Talk [ edit ]

Kinyarwanda is an official language and the main spoken language in Rwanda. It is also spoken in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo and in southern Uganda . Kinyarwanda is a tonal language of the Bantu language family, closely related to Kirundi spoken in the neighboring country Burundi and much more distantly related to other Bantu languages such as Swahili .

In addition to Kinyarwanda , Rwanda's three other official languages are English, French , and Swahili . While French was the former language of administration under Belgian colonial rule, since the civil war the Rwandan government has moved away from the Francophone sphere of influence and officially switched the primary language of education to English in 2008. As a result of this, older people who were educated in Rwanda tend to have some knowledge of French, while the younger generation will have better knowledge of English. Complicating this is the large number of returned refugees who were educated in neighboring countries. Those educated in nearby Anglophone countries ( Uganda , Tanzania , Kenya ) tend to know English while those educated in the Democratic Republic of Congo or Burundi will know French. Swahili was made an additional official language in 2015 and a required subject in the school curriculum as a result of its membership within the East African Community. Swahili is also widely spoken among traders and returned refugees from Kenya , Tanzania , and the Democratic Republic of Congo .

See [ edit ]

guide voyage rwanda

The Ethnographic Museum Rwanda , in Huye , is a good source of information on the cultural history of the country and the region.

The Kigali Genocide Memorial in Kigali provides good insight into one of the world's greatest tragedies.

The Nyamata Genocide Memorial , in the town of Nyamata , 40 minutes south of Kigali, is a worthwhile complement to the Gisozi Memorial Centre. The memorial is in a church where over 10,000 people were killed during the 1994 genocide.

The Ntarama Genocide Memorial , 20 minutes north of Nyamata memorial, is also worth visiting. Like the Nyamata memorial, this site was a church before the genocide, and was nationalised to serve as a memorial after thousands of people were killed within its walls. Ntarama also has a peaceful memorial garden and wall of names in the back of its compound.

guide voyage rwanda

The Nyanza Genocide Memorial , near Kigali , is the site of four tiled-over mass graves holding the remains of thousands of Tutsis who were executed after the regiment of UN guards protecting them were killed.

Do [ edit ]

guide voyage rwanda

Rwanda has 3 national parks:

Buy [ edit ]

Money [ edit ].

guide voyage rwanda

The currency is the Rwandan franc (French: franc rwandais , Kinyarwanda: Ifaranga ry'u Rwanda ), denoted by the symbols " FRw " or " RF " or " R₣ " (ISO currency code of RWF (sometimes displayed as FRw, and possibly RF or R₣). In the Kinyarwanda language, it is also called the amafaranga .

Coins in Rwanda come in denominations of 1-, 5-, 10-, 20-, 50 and 100 Rwandan francs. Banknotes in Rwanda come in denominations of 500-, 1,000-, 2,000 and 5,000 Rwandan francs.

The smallest-value note is a FRw500 note, which is the smallest note in physical size, as well. There are also notes in denominations of 1,000, 2,000, and 5,000, with the larger notes becoming slightly larger in physical size. There are no generally-circulated notes over FRw 5,000, which can be cumbersome since a FRw 5,000 note is roughly equivalent to US$3.75. Since few places in Rwanda accept credit cards, visitors will need to carry a large amount of cash if travelling outside of Kigali, especially if staying longer than a few days.

Coins valued at FRw100 are commonly used. However, smaller coins (FRw50, 20, 10, 5, and 1) are generally not accepted by street merchants and smaller restaurants and hotels. The only place to obtain smaller coins is through a bank or a large store, such as a supermarket. It's common for most businesses in Rwanda, including currency exchangers and gas stations, to round transactions to the nearest FRw100.

You get a slightly better exchange rates by bringing US$50 bills or higher (year 2006 or newer) to exchange for Rwandan francs.

There are ATMs all over Rwanda. Depending on your bank, this can be a much cheaper way to get francs because the ATMs use a much better exchange rate than the money changers. Mastercard, Visa, Union pay, Amex cards, Diners club, JCB card are accepted at Access bank , Bank of Kigali , Equity bank , I&M bank , Ecobank , Kenya Commercial Bank , GT Bank .

Eat [ edit ]

guide voyage rwanda

The local "Brochettes" (kebabs) are delicious and are available in most bars and restaurants, as well as ubiquitous vendors along the roads. Small bars will primarily serve goat brochettes, and goat liver brochettes are often of higher quality to the locals. Zingalo is goat intestine, sometimes also served as a brochette. Some locals prefer this and it could be brought to you without asking at very "local" places. So, if you prefer not to eat zingalo , try to see whether other diners seem to be enjoying the spiral looking treat and specify you do not want it when you order ("OYA zingalo"). Some restaurants also serve beef and fish brochettes, and a few will serve chicken. Brochettes are usually served with french fries ("frites") or fried or grilled ibitoke .

If Rwanda has a staple food, it is ibitoke (sing. igitoke). Ibitoke are starchy, potato-like bananas, which are not sweet like plantains. While plantains are available in Rwanda, they are not seen as particularly Rwandan food. Igitoke/banana are served boiled in sauce, grilled, or even fried. You can also refer to them as matoke , which is usually easier for foreigners to pronounce. The sweet bananas in Rwanda are delicious but considerably smaller than the matoke bananas. If you want this type of banana, ask for small banana or sweet banana.

In urban areas a local buffet known as "Melange" is sold at lunchtime. This consists of a buffet of mostly carbohydrates such as potatoes, bananas, rice and cassava accompanied with some vegetables, beans, and a small amount of meat or fish with sauce. Rwandan buffets are not all you can eat. You may fill your plate only once, and with practice you'll be able to stack your plate high like the locals do. Prices range from just over USD1 to USD5 or even USD10 depending on the grade of the restaurant and the variety of food. Most of the upper segment buffets (USD3 and above) also offer a salad buffet. Many of the cheaper Melange places are unmarked. Expect to find one at many bus stations.

Kigali has a much better range of restaurants than the rest of the country including Indian, Chinese, Italian, Greek, French, Ethiopian and multi-cuisine restaurants. An evening meal is typically around USD10.

Drink [ edit ]

In most shops you will find milk, water, juices and soft drinks. In most bars the choice is limited to their offering of about 5 different soft drinks and 4 different beers, Turbo King , Primus , Mützig and Amstel . Primus and Mützig are available in small and large sizes, whereas Amstel is available only in 330 ml bottles. Rwandans are known for their fondness for large beers and when you order Amstel, it is common for a server to bring out 2 bottles at a time. Bralirwa in the west of the Rwanda produces most of the beer and soft drinks available in Rwanda. Inyange produces juices and soft drinks.

There are also local banana beer preparations called Urwagwa , normally brewed at home and available only in plastic containers but now also sold in bottles at some shops and bars. You can also buy a canned version on this drink under the brand Akarusho, produced by the Rwandan enterpreneur Sina Gérard.

Sleep [ edit ]

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Accommodation is usually fairly basic and significantly more expensive than neighbouring Uganda and Tanzania . Very basic accommodation will cost US$8-20.

A few nice hotels can be found in Kigali , the most famous of which is the "Hotel des Milles Collines", as featured in the film Hotel Rwanda . Film buffs hoping to stay in the film set will be disappointed though, as the film was produced in South Africa. The hotel was renovated several years ago and maintains a good standard and a high price. Most hotels in Kigali cost above are in US$50 per night, although there are a few bargains if you look around.

There is a relatively inexpensive guesthouse and conference centre run by Catholic nuns called Centre Saint Paul which is in the centre of Kigali. It's located behind the church by the same name across from the roundabout. Accomodations are spartan; It has twin beds (with a mosquito net) and a small desk. Some rooms have an en suite bathroom. To make up for it, is a well-manicured garden.

Lake Kivu: Kibuye:

There is a fairly inexpensive hotel called Home Saint Jean (phone number: 0252 568 526) in Kibuye. They have dorms and private rooms.

The Discover Rwanda Youth Hostel in Kigali is a good place for backpackers.

Stay safe [ edit ]

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Tourists are usually welcomed warmly in Rwanda, and the country is largely considered safe for visitors. The possible exceptions are certain places along the Congolese and Burundian borders. Rwandan troops have been rumoured to be involved in the civil war that still plagues the northeast of Democratic Republic of the Congo , mainly due to the presence of Interahamwe who fled after the 1994 genocide. Gisenyi and Kibuye are considered safe, but the border situation can change at any time: check travel advisories and local sources for further advice.

Gorilla trekking near to the DRC border is generally considered safe, due to the large and continuous Rwandan army presence.

Visitors should follow typical precautions - avoid poorly-lit or deserted places, avoid flaunting expensive jewelry, keep a close eye on wallets/purses when traveling through crowded markets, etc. The Rwandan police maintain a visible presence in larger towns, though often don't show much enthusiasm for their job. Begging and aggressive panhandling is fairly rare compared to other places in the developing world. Usually a firm but polite "no thank you" is enough to be left alone. Raising your voice even slightly will almost certainly end the conversation.

While travelling in matutus (taxis) in the countryside, don't be surprised if the matutu drives through several police/military check-points. This is done to check IDs, car registration and insurance, so it would be wise to bring at least a photocopy of passport with you everywhere you go in Rwanda.

Stay healthy [ edit ]

Rwanda is located nearly on the equator, and experiences hot weather year-round. Precautions should be taken against sunburn, dehydration, and heat stroke. Sunscreen may be difficult to find outside of larger supermarkets and pharmacies - fair-skinned visitors should bring their own.

Tap water is not drinkable. Bottled water is widely available for around FRw 1000. Pay attention when purchasing bottled water from smaller kiosks, as they may "recycle" old bottles by filling them with tap water. Always make sure the seal around the bottle cap is unbroken. Avoid drinks with ice, as the ice is almost certainly made from tap water.

Pharmacies stocked with over-the-counter medications, Band-Aids, etc. are found throughout the country. The staff are well-trained, though English may not be spoken to a high proficiency.

The following is an excerpt from the US State Department's Consular Information Sheet on Rwanda updated on 1 Dec 2006:

Medical and dental facilities are limited, and some medicines are in short supply or unavailable. Travellers should bring their own supplies of prescription drugs and preventive medicines. In Kigali, Americans may go to King Faycal Hospital, a private facility that offers limited services. There is also a missionary dental clinic in Kigali staffed by an American dentist. An American-operated missionary hospital with some surgical facilities is in Kibagora, in southwestern Rwanda. Another hospital with American physicians is in Ruhengeri, near the gorilla trekking area, and a Chinese hospital is in southeastern Rwanda in Kibungo. There is also a very good hospital near Lac Muhazi, where even people from Kigali go to. The US Embassy maintains a current list of healthcare providers and facilities in Rwanda. This list is included in the Consular Section’s welcome packets for American citizens. There are periodic outbreaks of meningitis in Rwanda. Yellow fever can cause serious medical problems, but the vaccine, required for entry, is very effective in preventing the disease. HIV/AIDS is high among adults at 9% or 1 in 11 . Practice safe sex. Avoid intravenous drug use.

As in most sub-Saharan Africa, some lakes have schistosomes, parasitic flatworms causing bilharzia , although the accounts differ of which lakes and how dangerous exactly is swimming in these lakes.

Cope [ edit ]

Office Rwandaise du Tourisme et des Parcs Nationaux (ORTPN) , Boulevard de la Révolution no 1, Kigali Tel: +250 576 514 or 573 396

Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda in Canada [dead link] 53 Gilmour Street, Ottawa, ON K2P 0N8, Canada Tel: +1 613 569-5420

  • Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda in the UK [dead link]

120-22 Seymour Place, London W1H 1NR, UK Tel: +44 20 7224 9832

  • Embassy of the Republic of Rwanda in the USA

1714 New Hampshire Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20009, USA Tel: (202) 232 2882 [1]

Respect [ edit ]

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Rwanda is a very conservative society, and most people dress modestly, especially women. Wearing shorts or tight skirts and skimpy tops is likely to get you stared at twice as much as normal.

It is unusual for a couple to make public displays of affection, even though many men walk hand in hand with male friends. Also, Rwandans will generally never eat or drink in public, apart from restaurants. Rwandan women are rarely seen smoking in public or out in bars unaccompanied.

Although there is no smoking ban in most public places like bars and restaurants, generally it's not encouraged. Sometimes people may complain of being disturbed with people's smoking.

Rwandans are very private, reserved people and loud public confrontations (shouting matches) or obvious displays of emotion (such as crying) are also frowned upon. If you feel you are being overcharged by a trader, quietly persisting with the negotiation (or your complaint!) is likely to produce results much faster than an angry outburst.

It is also impolite to make eye contact with an elder.

Rwanda is still recovering from a civil war and genocide in which over 800,000 people, perhaps a million, mostly Tutsi, were killed. Many Rwandese lost relatives and friends. Remember to be sensitive to this sad fact when dealing with Rwandese. Most people today are trying to forget the tribal divisions and would rather be referred to as Rwandese than Hutu or Tutsi. It is considered impolite to ask someone about their ethnic origin.

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There is not much political discourse in Rwanda, unlike in many neighbouring countries such as Uganda and Kenya where people talk freely about the government and political issues, people in Rwanda will be uncomfortable if asked about their views or even if seated at a table where national politics is discussed.

Connect [ edit ]

Post [ edit ], phones [ edit ], emergency numbers [ edit ].

  • All emergencies: 112
  • Traffic accidents: 113
  • Corruption report: 997
  • Police conduct complaint: 3511

All emergency numbers are toll-free

Internet [ edit ]

Rwanda has an excellent mobile phone network covering almost the entire country, and international calls can be made easily.

Local SIM cards are readily available everywhere, even in remote towns. The main provider is MTN (coverage map), followed by Airtel which merged with Tigo. Mobile phones can be purchased or rented from major shops in Kigali.

Rwanda is among the top three African countries in terms of internet connectivity, with an ever-growing fiber optic network. There is high speed 4G LTE wireless broadband in major cities.

Most towns have several internet cafes and Wi-Fi is available in higher end hotels.

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The Scribs and Nibs

My Hill Eco Lodge Musanze

The Ultimate 10-Day Rwanda Itinerary

This ultimate Rwanda itinerary will have you exploring art in the city, jumping on the back of motorcycles, biking more than you thought physically possible with incredible views, seeing the funky Golden Monkeys and boat tripping through Lake Kivu. You’ll need 10 days to do the full Rwanda itinerary but it’s totally worth your vacation days.

Rwanda is known as Le Pays des Mille Collines (Land of a Thousand Hills). It is a beautiful and safe country to visit. From budget options to high-end luxury hotels, you can have it all here. We visited in July 2022 and this is our exact Rwanda Itinerary for our trip. I’ve added in tips and tricks for what we would have done differently and suggested the best tour guides we found.

Happy travels!

This post contains affiliate links.

Some Rwanda Itinerary Basics

Getting around.

The best way to get around a city or town is by mototaxi . These motos cost around RWF 500- 2,000 each per trip, depending on how far you’ll be going. Drivers in Kigali have meters and you can ask them to use the meters to get the correct price. If you don’t have a local number, ask the driver if they can put in their own number because you’re a visitor. Gals, you may want to wear pants or long dresses to make it easier to get on and off the motorcycles.

Moto taxi rwanda

Buses are frequent even on holidays, from our experience. We exclusively used the company RITCO because it has the biggest bus and seemed the most comfortable and it was always about to leave just as we arrived at a station. As with most of our African adventures, we usually just arrive at a bus station early in the morning and hop on whatever bus is leaving next. Sometimes you may have to wait for a bit, other times you may get lucky. We experienced most buses leaving on the hour or the half-hour.

Rwanda underwent a reclassification of city and region names. You’ll probably come up with both versions as you look at tickets or on Google Map. I’m using the name that was the most common based on our experience in this Rwanda itinerary. Fun fact: all cities, towns, and villages have a sign with the town’s motto as well as the “do’s and don’ts” of society.

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Travel light

I highly suggest you travel with just a backpack to make the best use of your time and money in Rwanda. Moto taxis are the best way to get around, and you can’t carry more than a backpack on them. It’ll allow you a lot of flexibility with this Rwanda itinerary. As a serial over-packer, I have a hard time with this myself but every trip I try to cut down a little. Additionally, if you’re following my hotel recommendations, you’ll have laundry facilities included halfway through your journey in Musanze.

Here is my suggestion on what clothing pack :

  • Long hiking leggings (preferably the quick dry material)
  • 2 hiking/active shirts (preferably the quick dry material)
  • 2 lightweight pants (I brought one but I actually needed more pants than dresses because of all the motos)
  • 1 lightweight jacket (only if you get cold like me, I brought a jeans jacket)
  • 1 lightweight rain jacket, collapsible
  • If you’re going to see the gorillas bring gators and hiking boots (as is recommended, but not necessary for the Golden Monkey)
  • Shoes: 1 pair of sandals and 1 pair of active shoes

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Day 1: Kigali

Read up on my top things to do in Kigali post for more details about the activities in Kigali as well as day trips if you only have time for Kigali.

Check out the Rwanda guide for sim card and cash tips from the airport. Our taxi from the airport to our accommodation was RWF 25,000.

Head to your accommodation or just drop off your luggage. Get brunch at Now Now Rolex for a Ugandan classic egg wrap and then stop next door at Rubia Coffee. Splurge for a Chemex or pour-over coffee for a smooth taste of Rwandan coffee beans.

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Visit Inema and NP Art Center . Located just 5 minutes away from each other, you can visit both art galleries in one go. Then, walk to this strip of shops by Azizi Life Studio with local goods, oils, and clothes.

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Take a mototaxi to the Belgian Peacekeepers Memorial . This small, free exhibit will give you a background into the peacekeepers that were ambushed and killed in the very building you’ll visit. The exhibit gives a lot of important information about the genocide and the efforts of the peacekeepers in an easy-to-understand format.

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Head back to your accommodation for a rest before dinner.

Make a reservation at least a week in advance for Meza Malonga (and note any dietary requirements). Curated by Chef Dieuveil Malonga, this restaurant serves an extraordinary 10-course dinner experience. Using flavors from across the continent, you are bound to try something you’ve never tasted before. Read my review here .

The tasting menu is RWF 80,000 (USD 80) per person, which is incredibly reasonable considering what you’re getting. It’s totally worth it. You can add on a wine pairing as well.

The restaurant operates like a test kitchen so menu items will rotate. Out of the 10 dishes, 1 was kinda like a bread course, 3 like appetizers, 3 like mains, and 2 were desserts. We also had a palate cleanser that made it into my top 5 dishes of the night as it introduced me to a new fruit: the tomato fruit. It is somewhat like a passionfruit with an earthy tomato aftertaste.

The restaurant opens at 7pm and as the dining experience takes 3 hours, so I suggest you make a reservation for 7pm.

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Accommodation suggestions

There are plenty of options on where to stay in Kigali, so I won’t give out a full list in this Rwanda itinerary. From business to hidden gems, there is a lot to choose from. We stayed in this Airbnb and really enjoyed the stay. It was easy for motos to find because it is by a major road and the American Ambassador’s Residence. If you want to stay in the historic hotel where Tutsis and Hutus hid during the genocide, stay at Hotel des Mille Collines .

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Day 2: Kigali

If traveling around yourself sounds a bit daunting to you, you can go on a tour with a guide who will organize your transfers and take you around the major sites.

Get breakfast at the Kigali Pottery Collections and do some ceramic shopping here. I wish we lived in Kigali just so that I could buy all the plates, bowls, vases, and cups in bulk.  For something different, try “African Coffee,” which is coffee, chocolate, and ginger mixed together. The French press is also excellent. I loved the Spanish omelet; the potatoes here are just so good.

Make sure you have enough luggage space to pack some of the pottery pieces (or plan to come back here on your last day in Rwanda (Day 10). Mugs go for RWF 5,000 but a large pot can cost around RWF 30,000.

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Visit the Kigali Genocide Memorial afterward. The museum is free but there is an option for the RWF 15,000 audio guide. We didn’t use the guide, but I think it will make the experience more insightful. Most of the English and French text on the plaques is in a really small font and people are smushed against each other to read it. The memorial is still used by families today and you’ll probably come across fresh flowers and family members gathered on a weekend.

The memorial is open 8am-5pm (last entrance at 4pm) every day except Christmas and New Year.

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Take a moto to Kigali City Market . This multistoried mall is interesting to walk through. Start at the top and then make your way down. From plumbing fixtures and coffee beans, to wedding dresses and a butchery, this mall has it all. There are some touristy shops as well. Just take a lap. Shops here are cash-only for the most part.

Make sure to make it all the way down to the ground level to get a look at the fish and produce section.

Outside the mall, stop at the shops along this street for souvenirs, art, and clothing. I liked this shop for the interesting baskets.

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Then head to the flagship store of cool shoe brand Uzuriky and stop in Rwanda Clothing for African fabric clothing with a modern twist. Traveling from South Africa, we have similar brands but it’s nice to support local. Wilhelm bought a pair of sandals from Uzuriky.

Stop at Hôtel des Mille Collines to see the site of inspiration for the movie “Hotel Rwanda,” about a local manager, Paul Rusesabagina, who took over the hotel during the genocide when foreigners left. He helped to hide Tutsi and moderate Hutus on the premises.

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Go to dinner at Repub Lounge or Green Corner .

Repub Lounge is a classic spot that serves delicious traditional Rwandan food that kinda caters to foreigners . The coconut fish curry was featured in the New York Times ! I loved the eggplant stew. Try the local beers or get the honey + banana wine. There is also a small shop with baskets, clothes, and souvenirs. Look out on the staircase for lovely artwork pieces as well.

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Or visit Green Corner for amazing fish and a truly local experience. Order the food immediately upon arrival—it’ll take some time to get made.

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Stop at the Kigali Convention Center on the way back to your accommodation so you can see it all lit up! We had our moto drop us off here and after a walk around the park, we jumped on another moto to take us home.

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Day 3: Kigali

If you’re following the full Rwanda Itinerary, you’ll be seeing the Golden Monkeys or gorillas the day after next, you’ll need to get your COVID PCR test today . Do this first thing in the morning. This RBC center is the only place you can get a PCR test for travel or tourist purpose s. It may be that your hotel in Musanze may be able to organize a PCR test upon your arrival but double check with them. You’ll only need a Rapid test (done at pharmacies around town) but only this RBC center is authorized for PCR tests. If you go to another RBC center you’ll be turned away—we went to three other hospitals and RBC centers (wasting 3 hours of our day) before realizing this. They are open on Sunday even though google maps says it’s not.

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Grab breakfast at Indabo Cafe . Come here in the morning for a peaceful vibe. You’ll be hidden inside a garden with several chatty birds. Get the veggie benedict, which is on a bed of potatoes. Also, check out the homeware shop on the property.

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If you walk down here , you can see this cool building graffiti.

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Visit Biryogo free zone for a car-free and alcohol-free afternoon experience in Kigali. Located in the Muslim area Nyamirambo, many of the restaurants aren’t on Google maps. Just plan to walk up and down and ask around for a menu of grills, fish, or rice pilau.

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We stopped at Issa coffee for my new favorite drink: tree tomato juice.

Beyond Biryogo free zone, walk just a street away to KN 113 to visit an incredible street filled with murals and activities for kids. If you need a butterfly or angel wing picture, this is your spot. The graffiti looks very new here (in July 20220) and some things like the hopscotch paint was still wet!

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Also, see the Onatracom Mosque while you’re here.

Have a light lunch at Al Mann Coffee House if you don’t find anything you like in Biryogo free zone.

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Get dinner at Borneo , an Indonesian restaurant with incredible, authentic dishes . Indonesian food is quite hard to find around the world, but this spot is legit. The portions are huge! We even asked for our food to be packed securely and we took our leftovers on the plane with us back to Joburg.

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Alternative Tip: If you have an evening flight from Kigali when you leave on Day 10, you should save Borneo for that evening, where they will easily call you a cab. Instead, do dinner the previous night (Day 2) at Green Corner and then go to Repub Lounge today (Day 3). 

This is the last day in Kigali for this Rwanda itinerary.

Day 4: Kigali to Musanze

Wake up early and get a moto to take the bus from Kigali to Musanze (aka Ruhengeri). The main bus stop for the city is called Nyabugogo Taxi Park . We used RITCO as it has the biggest and most comfortable bus we saw. The ticket was RWF 1930 per person , cash only. The bus ride takes about 2.5 hours, depending on if you get stuck behind trucks or not. You’ll be dropped off at the bus station here . This bus will likely continue onto Gisenye so make sure you get off.

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Go on the village twin lake bike ride with lunch included with Lava Bike Tours . The experience is amazing and will take up the rest of your day. I barely made it back. Drop off your luggage at your accommodation and then head straight over to their offices. Get in touch with them beforehand to schedule your ride.

Twin Lakes Rwanda Lava Bike Tour

Epic Cycle Tour of the Twin Lakes in Rwanda

I personally was shocked at how many high-end hotels there are in Rwanda. Considering that visiting the gorillas is already an expensive endeavor, the hotels will cost you just as much or more. There are plenty of hotels in the area because of the high number of tourists that come to see the gorillas here. I’m just including the notable options.

Moderate— La Locanda — We had a great 2-night experience here. Veg breakfast and dinner are included as are alcohol and laundry. One night we had a loud guest on the other side of the wall but for the most part, it was a great time. Additionally, the staff is nice and will help organize your activities if you need them.

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Luxury— Bisate Lodge — If we wanted to splurge we would have stayed here. It’s built like large bird nests in the forest and is just stunning.

Check out these other hotels for the best of the best: Singita Kwitonda Lodge , Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge (Governors’ Camp Collection) , and One&Only Gorilla’s Nest .

Out of town— My Hill Ecolodge —This is one of the most beautiful lakeside lodges I’ve ever been to. We visited for lunch while on the Twin Lake bike ride. The lodge is the perfect place to hide away for a couple of days.

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Day 5: Golden Monkeys or Gorillas

Today you’ll visit the Golden Monkeys or gorillas . Be sure to book far in advance. In fact, check the dates of the gorilla trek before you buy your plane ticket for this Rwanda itinerary. It will determine everything!

We personally didn’t feel like we had to see the gorillas. For a steep USD 1,500, it just didn’t seem worth it to us to include in our Rwanda itinerary. However, many people say it’s one of the greatest experiences of their lives . You should definitely do it if it’s on your bucket list. Instead, we opted for the charismatic and funky Golden Monkey trek. This only costs USD 100 per person.

Remember that you need a PCR test to see the primates.

Golden Monkey Volcanoes National Park

Golden Monkey Trekking in Volcanoes National Park

You should be back at your accommodation around 11:30am, or 12:30pm at the latest.

Walk around Musanze and explore this lovely town . Check out my post on all there is to do in Musanze. You can get a second breakfast or lunch at MASHA (Musanze Arts Studio Hub Adventure), visit Inshuti Arts and Culture Center for a beer, or have a second or third cup of coffee at Crema.

Inshuti Art Gallery Musanze

Things to do in Musanze (besides visiting the gorillas)

Day 6: musanze to gisenyi, lake kivu.

This is the start of your Lake Kivu adventure ! The lake is huge and there are a lot of lake activities like fishing and boating. Most of the fishing is for touristy purposes on traditional boats. The popular sambaza (tiny, sardine-like fish) predominate in the lake here.

Gisenyi has a fun, party town reputation and is on the border with DRC. We wanted some hidden gem vibes and booked Paradise Malahide about 5km south. However, there was an issue with our reservation and instead, we were moved to their other property Kivu Paradise. More of a luxury-style lodge, the views of the lake were lovely.

Gisenyi is also the start of the Congo-Nile hiking/biking trail , not for the faint of heart. This insane trail will take you up and down mountains and along the coast. Biking the trail with a guide is the most common option, though there are also hiking options as well. I recommend it for the adventure seekers out there. It was really tough for me to do the trail (even though I only made about 7km of it mostly on the paved section).

Travel to Gisenyi by going to bus station in Musanze . We went straight to the RITCO counter and got a ticket for RWF 1300 . The alternate name of Gisenyi is Rubav, so you might so that on the ticket.

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If you’re hungry, have lunch at Migano Cafe (Rubavu) once you reach Gisenyi. I loved the tacos here.

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If you plan to bike along the Congo Nile trail, rent a bike from Go Gisenyi Tours . For USD 60 per person, per day, you can self-bike around the towns. Or, you can start a guided biking adventure for 2 or more nights.

We rented bikes and biked down to Paradise Malahide and then Kivu Paradise.

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In the evening, hang out at your accommodation. If you feel like heading back around Paradise Malahide, you can visit several cool bars. I suggest having drinks and dinner at Amaliza Lounge . It’s super classy and takes credit card (at least it did when we visited).

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Accommodation in and around Gisenyi

Moderate— Paradise Malahide —This was our intended accommodation, about 5km south of Gisenyi. We had dinner here another night instead and it was so delish. The staff was super nice considering the booking miscommunication. We had a reservation but it wasn’t on their system… Instead, they offered us their higher-end property, Kivu Paradise, for the same price and included some extra transportation free of charge for it. I still would recommend this spot becuase they really did their best to make up for it and the cabins are so cute. Plus, you’d be in the village so there is no need to take motos for dinners.

Moderate— INZU Lodge — These fun tents located on a hill are a fun place to stay for those who want a camping sort of environment. There is just one unit which is a cabin.

Moderate/High-end— Kivu Paradise Resort — This is where we ended up staying. Located overlooking Lake Kivu, ask for a cabin with a lake view. The food was great and the staff was excellent in helping us organize trips. It’s as high-end as you can get in this area though for USD 120 a night, it won’t break the bank.

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Day 7: Biking to a Coffee Plantation

Go on a hike or bike ride by yourself or on a tour. It’s safe to hike and bike around the villages. People (especially kids) are friendly. The kids screaming “muzungo (white person) money” started to irk me a lot but I understand I was their entertainment for the day. I’m an odd sight trying to keep my balance on the bike.

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We attempted to visit the coffee plantation that we saw on Google Maps here . This is not the correct starting point for the coffee tour. I contacted the Cooprocaki email address I found on the web and never got a response.

You have to bike further to the Lake Kivu coffee washing station at the end of the road for the coffee plantation. We didn’t notify them in advance we were coming but there was someone to show Wilhelm around.

It’s a grueling 20ish km each way from Kivu Paradise and it feels mostly uphill both ways. Even Wilhelm thought it was tough. I managed to go 2km in 1 hour (for me, even that’s slow) and I just couldn’t think I would survive 40 km more. I turned around and hung out at the hotel.

At this point , make sure you keep left to continue on the trail. Keep checking google maps (download the area in advance) because you’ll be able to see if you’re going the wrong way. Most of the trails are on the map.

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Wilhelm really enjoyed the coffee tour . There is a 1.5-hour tour or you can request a quick tour. Here you’ll learn about coffee, see the plants, and then roast and grind your own coffee! The tour is USD 30, cash. 

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For dinner, chill at your accommodation or visit El Classico for drinks and then Paradise Malahide for dinner. El Classico had a real vibe. People were enjoying the music, having birthday parties, and just having a good time overall. While we were lounging, some boat operators came up to ask if we wanted a sunset cruise . So that’s a nice option if you’re up for it!

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If you’re (a little) sick of seafood, Paradise Malahide has a great veggie stew that was a welcome change for me. In a tomato sauce, you’ll get plantains, potatoes, carrots, and more. I really enjoyed it.

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Day 8: Gisenyi to Kibuye

Kibuye is a very small village with plenty of hotels and the last stop on this Rwanda itinerary. It caters to tourists and locals who want a calm and relaxing getaway. We were told that Kibuye is popular with honeymooners. It’s clear why this is the case.

Today you’ll head down Lake Kivu nearer to the islands so that you can do a full-day boat tour the next day. Either take a boat , organized by your accommodation, or head back to Gisenyi to catch a bus. The boat ride takes 3 hours and costs USD 100 per person. We were able to pay via card directly to Kivu Paradise.

Traveling by boat was super nice and relaxing; we had the whole boat to ourselves. I definitely recommend this transportation option over the buses.

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We only reached Kibuye at 3pm so we just had lunch at Cormoran Lodge and lounged until dinner.

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You could also rent a kayak or go on a sunset boat cruise. The hotels will be able to manage this for you.

Dinner was an interesting experience ; we went to the nearby 5-star hotel, Cleo Lake Kivu Hotel. You need to make a dinner reservation at least 24 hours in advance, which we hadn’t. The hotel security wouldn’t let us in but after a call to reception to confirm we could enter and get a table for dinner, we were let in. The drinks are insanely expensive here at RWF 15,000 for a cocktail. We got the 4-course “surprise” chef’s tasting menu for USD 50 per person . For a tasting experience, the price was good. We had to wait almost 2 hours to get the food since we must have arrived too early for the kitchen to be operating… However, our plan was to have the sunset view here with drinks—which was very nice. This isn’t a must-do or eat activity but if you want the illusion of high-class dining in Kibuye, come here.

guide voyage rwanda

We stayed in Kibuye but I’ll also share some of the hotels we came across as we were boating around. Everything (including lodging) seems more expensive in Kibuye. This was technically our “splurge” stay in comparison to our other lodges throughout the week.

Moderate— Cormoran Lodge — Do you want to stay in a tree house on stilts overlooking the lake? Of course, you do. Be sure to book this lodge early as there are just a few cabins and it fills up—with good reason. If you don’t manage to make a booking here, you can come for lunch (as we did).

guide voyage rwanda

Moderate— Inn on the Lake — This was technically our second-choice hotel after Cormoran Lodge. It was very nice but had more of a clean, sleek, European vibe to the hotel than the rustic, cute style we usually go for. The hotel manager was very communicative and efficient.

guide voyage rwanda

High-end— Cleo Lake Kivu Hotel — With a gorgeous view over the lake, this 5-star style hotel is perfect to lounge at.

guide voyage rwanda

Around Kibuye

Moderate — Kinunu Guest House — This guest house is on the Congo Nile Trail and is also the site of the coffee washing station. It has nice, clean rooms and a restaurant.

guide voyage rwanda

Moderate— Kay Sun Hotel Kivu Plage — I just saw this hotel from a distance but it looked really nice. It’s near Kinunu Guest House. Click through to the booking page on the website to get the Kivu options.

Moderate — Rwiza Village —Further south, stay at this lovely modern, African-style lodge. Your boat ride will probably be longer if you stay here since it’s further south and you’ll need to get to Kibuye for the bus back to Kigali.

Day 9: Lake Kivu Boat Ride

Prepare for a day of adventure on Lake Kivu!

One of the best things to do on Lake Kivu is a full-day boat cruise. Do you need a full day? Yes. There are a lot of little islands, and you won’t even have time to see them all. I used Countryside Tours Rwanda from Trip Advisor to help organize my tour. Each island is different. With a guide, you’ll be able to visit each one. Plan for 6 hours or more and start your day at 9am. We started the tour at 10 but would have done better starting at 9am. WhatsApp Countryside Tours Rwanda at +250 790 009 064.

Add on the coffee tour experience at Kinunu Guest House . This is a 1.5-hour tour and tasting of the cooperative owned by a retired senator who wanted to bring jobs into his community. As such, much of the work that theoretically could be done by machines is done by hand.

Lake Kivu Tour Boat Islands

Lake Kivu Tour by Boat

Kinunu Guest House Lake Kivu Coffee Tour

Lake Kivu Coffee Plantation Tour

We managed to squeeze in a quick kayak ride before dinner for USD 30 for the hour, organized by the hotel.

guide voyage rwanda

Day 10: Kigali and fly back home

You’re at the end of the Rwanda Itinerary!

Today you’ll head back to Kigali to catch your flight home.

The bus ride will take almost 4 hours. Go to Karongi bus park station. You will probably have to arrange a moto with your accommodation if you’re not in town. We used RITCO again and the ride was RWF 2780 per person, cash only.

We had an evening flight, so we left around 10am and reached around 3pm. Once again, we got lucky and the bus arrived within 10 minutes of our arrival, at the station. Start at RITCO to ask when the next bus is. If it’s not soon, ask around other bus companies to see what’s leaving next.

In between waiting for our flight, we visited the area around Now Now Rolex again because there are several cafes and shops. We also went back to Kigali Pottery Collections to purchase some items we didn’t want to carry around with us all week.

Then, we went to Borneo for dinner. Our taxi from Borneo to the airport was RWF 20,000.

Check out what to do in Kigali for other suggestions on what to do before your flight leaves.

Extend your Rwanda Itinerary

Do you have time for a longer Rwanda itinerary? Consider some of these ideas:

  • There are so many more cute hotels, restaurants, and shops to visit. Spend another day exploring the city. See the post on what to do in Kigali to get more ideas for your Rwanda itinerary.
  • Spend 2 nights at My Hill Eco Lodge . It’s heavenly.
  • Spend 2 nights with African Homestays Adventures on the island of Lake Burera.

Got any comments about my Rwanda Itinerary? Let me know in the comments!

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Wanderlust Movement | A South Africa Travel Blog

Travel to Rwanda: 15 Useful Things to Know Before You Go

October 27, 2017 by Lauren Melnick

Last Updated on March 30, 2024 by Lauren Melnick

"Travel to Rwanda: 15 Useful Things to Know Before You Go | Wanderlust Movement | #rwanda #traveltips #africa

Most people travel to Rwanda to trek with the endangered mountain gorillas. Yet, many others hold off on this once in a lifetime adventure because they buy into the idea that Rwanda, like much of Africa, is unsafe.

Yes, the country isn’t as developed to European standards, and yes, it’s neighbours tend to be a bit batshit crazy, but that’s all part of Rwanda’s charm. Its imperfections make it one of the top destinations in Africa, and at the moment it’s also one of the cheapest.

But travelling to Rwanda doesn’t need to be difficult. With tourism growing each year, the infrastructure is improving, and it’s becoming easier than ever before to explore the Land of a Thousand Hills.

Here are 15 things to know about Rwanda before you leave home!

Table of Contents

How to Get Your 30-Day Visa on Arrival for Rwanda

Is it safe to visit rwanda, don’t drink the tap water, rwanda travel vaccinations, hostels in rwanda, what currency is used in rwanda, is rwanda expensive, internet access in rwanda, how much does a gorilla permit cost in rwanda, when is the best time to travel to rwanda to go gorilla trekking, what to wear for gorilla trekking in rwanda, travelling to rwanda as a vegan, cooking class tours, jumia food – the uber eats of rwanda, tipping guides in rwanda, the best time to visit rwanda, how to travel to rwanda, how to get around rwanda, read up on rwanda’s history.

If you’re like me and you hate visa paperwork, you’ll love Rwanda. All African nationals are either visa-exempt or get their visa on arrival. South African’s fall into the later, and you’ll be happy to know the whole process is quicker than a queue at Home Affairs.

To get your visa, you’ll need two things: your passport and $30.

If you haven’t exchanged money before your trip, don’t worry. Rwandan immigration accepts Visa and MasterCard payments.

Once you’ve paid for your visa, you’ll go to a second queue where you’ll have a quick chat with an immigration official.

And then you’re done!

If you’re travelling to Rwanda from a country outside of Africa, here’s a handy map to see the visa requirements for different countries.

Yes! It is safe to visit Rwanda. In fact, Rwanda is the safest country in Africa and the 9th safest in the worl d.

You can stop worrying Mom.

You’re more likely to get shot in America than not survive a trip to Rwanda.

I felt completely at ease here. While people did stare at me, it was more my blue hair colour then leering. I also didn’t witness or experience any catcalling.

Plus, it is nowhere near as homophobic as its neighbours. Should we add the most progressive East African country to the list as well?

If you do encounter any problems, there is a policeman or someone from the army on every block – for real. While they might look intimidating, Rwandans are some of the friendliest people you will meet and will be more than happy to help.

It’s also a good idea to get a travel insurance policy , especially if you’re planning a trip to Rwanda on going gorilla trekking. The terrain can be quite difficult to climb (depending on the time of year), and if you do fall, you’ll want to be covered for my hospital visits or broken gear.

World Nomads provides travel insurance for travelers in over 100 countries. As an affiliate, we receive a fee when you get a quote from World Nomads using this link. We do not represent World Nomads. This is information only and not a recommendation to buy travel insurance.

The tap water is not safe to drink in Rwanda. Luckily, most hotels and hostels will have a free water dispenser that you can use. Before you travel to Rwanda, pack a reusable water bottle in your bag and fill up as you explore.

If you need to buy water, it’s inexpensive and available at any of the shops and supermarkets around the country.

guide voyage rwanda

You can travel to Rwanda without a Yellow Fever vaccination .


This means that there are no Rwanda travel vaccinations that you NEED to have. Of course, there are the recommended ones, but you won’t be denied entry into the country.

But if you’re flying in from or to any of the neighbouring countries like Kenya or Uganda, you will need proof that you’ve had the vaccination.

Update: Although none of the resources I encountered (and no one asked to see any Yellow Fever vaccination before any of my flights) some people in the comment section are saying otherwise.

According to the link above, the CDC does not recommend a yellow fever vaccination for most travellers to Rwanda and Rwanda only requires proof of a Yellow Fever vaccination if you’re travelling from an at-risk country.

However, if you want to check all your bases, feel free to get the vaccination. It lasts for 10 years, and you won’t have to worry.

A quick search on will only show a measly nine hostels in Rwanda.

But this doesn’t mean those are your only options.

A lot of the places don’t advertise on online booking sites. I recommend making a reservation for your first night and then exploring your options once in the country.

The hostel scene is small in Rwanda, but it’s growing. If you pay a little bit extra, you can usually get a whole 6-bed dorm to yourself. This is because most backpackers stick to the cheaper 12-bed dorms and the hostels are rarely full to capacity.

The official currency in Rwanda is the Rwandan Franc.

However, the US dollar is widely accepted. You’ll only need RWF to pay for smaller purchases, local transportation and food. Everywhere else will accept both currencies.

Yes and no.

Visiting Rwanda can quickly become expensive depending on your itinerary.

The national parks, like Akagera, have a steep $40+ entrance fee for foreign nationals, and the gorilla trekking permits cost well over a $1,000.

But you can still enjoy Rwanda as a cheap destination.

The local food in Kigali is affordable if you stay away from international restaurants. When it comes to transport, there are cheap motorbike taxis and long-distance minibuses that will take you to most of the towns around the country for a couple of dollars.

I didn’t have a problem getting online while in Rwanda. While it wasn’t the fastest connection, I wasn’ staring at my screen begging it to load.

If you aren’t planning on getting a local sim card for data, you might struggle to find a connection while exploring. Most of the restaurants I went to didn’t have WiFi except the cafe at the Genocide Memorial.

But then again I was eating at super cheap places.

Download a map of the area and join the cheapskate club if you don’t want to hunt WiFi down.

How to Get a Permit for Gorilla Trekking and Other Hikes

"Travel to Rwanda: 15 Useful Things to Know Before You Go | Wanderlust Movement | #rwanda #traveltips #africa

One of the best things to do in Rwanda is to go gorilla trekking. But you can’t just go on a hike and hope to see these majestic creatures.

You need a permit.

The permits for Volcanoes National Parks hikes and gorilla trekking can be bought either at the Tourism Headquarters in Kigali or the offices outside the national park .

Prices for the permits vary as well as their availability. For example, Rwanda tourism restricts the number of people that can see the gorillas each day, whereas the Dian Fossey Hike isn’t capped.

I recommend emailing the tourism headquarters to find out what availability is like before you go.

Another important thing to remember is that the dates of the permit cannot be changed. If you can’t go on that day anymore, you’ll need to purchase a whole new permit.

The Rwanda gorilla trekking permit costs $1500 per person. It’s a super steep price and the most expensive out of the three countries (Uganda and Congo) that offer the experience.

The reason the price is so high is that it keeps the trekking exclusive. The gorillas are vulnerable to human diseases and it would be irresponsible to have hundreds of people seeing the gorillas each day.

It would ruin their habitat and change their behaviour.

Plus, your money goes towards their conservation and curbs poaching as the gorillas are now more valuable alive than dead.

The best time to go gorilla trekking in Rwanda is during the dry season. Not only will the terrain be easier to navigate, but you won’t have to worry about the rain ruining your chances of seeing the gorillas.

I did the Dian Fossey trek at the beginning of the rainy season, and all the non-avid hikers found it difficult. There was lots of mud, steep inclines and swampy parts where almost everyone lost a shoe.

  • Shoes: A good pair of hiking shoes with a high ankle and good grip.
  • Hiking gaiters: If you don’t have your own you can rent a pair for RWF 10,000 (R 160.00) from your guide.
  • Clothes: Wear long pants and a long-sleeved shirt in neutral colours. This will protect you from the stinging nettles and help you blend in.
  • Other essentials: A rain jacket for the sporadic showers, and a small backpack that can hold your water, camera and lunch.

Food in Rwanda

The local food is delicious. While I couldn’t taste the majority of the dishes as it’s quite meat-heavy, I enjoyed everything that I did get my hands on.

In the capital city of Kigali, I found it pretty easy to get hold of vegan food. While there aren’t any vegan restaurants, all the places I went to had a vegetarian option that could easily be modified into a cruelty-free meal.

A typical Rwandan breakfast includes a platter of fresh fruit so you shouldn’t have any problems munching down.

If you want to learn how to make some of Rwanda’s most famous local dishes, go to a cooking class.

The Nyamirambo Women’s Center offers one for only RWF 15,000 (R 250.00). Not only will you be helping vulnerable women in the community make a living, but you’ll get an authentic look into the preparation and creation of traditional meals.

Plus, they have vegetarian options that can be made vegan on request.

In case you don’t know, I’m an odd creature of comfort. I have no problem falling asleep just about anywhere, and once I’ve found a spot I like, I’m in it for the long haul.

So, as much as I love sampling the local food, I don’t love the whole actually going to a restaurant. Sometimes I just want the food and me to have a moment without all the stress that comes along with going out.

In steps Jumia Food. It’s Kigali’s answer to Uber Eats, and it’s fantastic. The app has a wide range of cuisines and price ranges to choose from that will be delivered straight to your hostel door with a swipe of a finger.

I highly recommend the Ethiopian restaurants if you don’t mind the splurge. But if you want cheap and mouthwatering, order anything from Chap Chap.

Tipping in Rwanda

Tipping is not customary in Rwanda restaurants unless you’re dining at the higher-end establishments in Kigali.

If you’re doing a hike, you’ll need to tip the guide. How much seems to be a debatable issue and I’d recommend asking the hotel staff or the company organising your tour for some guidance.

Keep in mind that the guides, porters and trackers are most likely former poachers. Your business helps them to make a living ethically and see the value in keeping the gorillas alive.

"Travel to Rwanda: 15 Useful Things to Know Before You Go | Wanderlust Movement | #rwanda #traveltips #africa

Plus, it’s also a great time of year to see Rwanda’s wildlife. The animals in Akagera National Park will be easier to spot as they make their way to the watering holes and hiking conditions will be at their easiest.

The only downside is that it’s peak tourist season during this time. Rates will be higher for flights, hotels and activities.

If you visit outside these months, it will be cheaper, but you’ll have to plan around the spots of bad weather.

The quickest way to get to Rwanda is to fly . I bought my return flights from South Africa to Kigali for under R 3000, but prices tend to hover around R4000.

If you’re already in East Africa, there are local buses that run between the different countries. Some of the most popular routes are from Kampala, Uganda to Kigali or Nairobi, Kenya to Kigali.

Read More:  Travel to Kenya: 15 Useful Things To Know Before You Go

The easiest way to get around Rwanda is to hire your own car, but it’s expensive.

Luckily, the country does have a decent public transport system that makes it cheap and easy to travel in Rwanda without a car.

If you want to visit Akagera National Park , you’ll need to join a tour or use your own wheels. The same goes for Volcanoes National Park; no public transport runs to the entrance of the park.

However, if you’re just around the cities and towns, there is no reason to hire a car. There are dozens of moto-taxis waiting to take you around at reasonable rates. The best part is that the drivers don’t inflate their prices and you don’t need to waste time haggling.

But most drivers won’t know street names. It’s a good idea to have your final destination open on Google Maps to show the driver and to make sure you’re going in the right direction.

"Travel to Rwanda: 15 Useful Things to Know Before You Go | Wanderlust Movement | #rwanda #traveltips #africa

In 1994, Rwanda went through a dark period where around one million Tutsis were murdered in 100 days.

Only 25 years have passed, and it’s still a fresh wound in the country. One thing that stood out for me while in Kigali was the high number of young people as most parents were killed during this period.

Before you going to Rwanda, watch the movie Hotel Rwanda to understand the basics of what led up to this traumatic event.

And of course, a visit to the genocide memorials is a must to understand Rwanda’s history and how the genocide has affected the entire nation.

Do you have any Rwanda travel tips? Hit ya gurl up in the comments below!

Want more African travel inspiration? Check out my other posts:

  • Everything You Need to Know About the Dian Fossey Hike
  • Akagera National Park: The Complete Guide
  • The Ultimate South Africa Bucket List: 40+ Amazing Places to Visit
  • What It’s Like Staying on Mumbo Island in Malawi
  • Visiting Kruger National Park: Everything You Need to Know
  • The Perfect Self-Drive Botswana Itinerary for an Epic Safari Trip

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Travel to Rwanda: 15 Useful Things to Know Before You Go

About Lauren Melnick

Lauren Melnick is the founder of Wanderlust Movement, Wander to Here and is a South Africa travel blogger. She's been travelling the world as a full-time freelance writer since 2016 and has visited over 40 countries.

When she isn't typing up a storm, you can find her conquering overnight hikes around the Western Cape, rock climbing, and hosting sold out group travel trips around South Africa, Namibia and Morocco.

Reader Interactions

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November 12, 2017 at 1:15 am

Having lived in Rwanda, I would agree with much of this post. However there are a few things I would say: First, the 1994 genocide in Rwanda killed at least 800,000 people in those 100 days. It was a brutal and tragic piece of Rwandan history and so it’s understandable how, even 20 years later, they are dealing with the aftermath. Some people are willing to talk about this history but many do not want to divulge much information. And the memorial services and events are all held in April, so I’d recommend planning a trip that avoids these events (they are highly emotional, sometimes dangerous, and can be traumatizing for some who do not understand the history). Second, if you pay for anything with US dollars, make sure the bills you have are dated 2008 or higher and are crisp and new. Rwandans often get less in currency exchanges for bills that are not up to par. Third, the local language is fairly easy to learn. Within a few weeks I could speak Kinyarwanda conversationally. However it is also a perk to know French. Rwanda is in the process of switching it’s primary language system to Anglophone from Francophone so many of the younger Rwandans speak some English and many of the older Rwandans speak more French. However, everyone speaks Kinyarwanda! And Finally, if you plan to take Moto-taxis, be aware that they are quite unsafe. Motos are much cheaper and more fun to get around on, however taxi-busses and cars are a safer option and not unreasonable priced. Generally, however, Rwanda is an extremely safe country. Use common sense and general precaution, as you would in any new place, and you will likely be just fine!

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November 13, 2017 at 8:29 am

Thanks so much for your comment Jess and all the useful info!

I also found the local language quite simple to learn and would love to go back next year for a month and really get more usage out of it. And my terrible French did help me out a few times as well ^.^

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March 18, 2018 at 9:52 am

I love this. what kind of jobs are best for foreigners to Rwanda? Am a mechanical engineer in the domain of fluid [domestic and industrial plumbing] mechanics, fabrication, maintenance of industrial systems

March 18, 2018 at 10:36 am

You would probably have to contact someone who helps people immigrate to the country,

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March 29, 2018 at 5:48 pm

I am planning a trip in November and Yellow Fever is required. I checked with the Board of Tourism. Actually I spoke with them.

March 31, 2018 at 10:32 am

Hey, thanks really weird. When I went there in September last year, no one asked to see if I had a yellow fever certificate on the South African or Rwanda side. And all the information I found last year said they had been removed as a at-risk country and it was no longer a requirement for arriving or departing travellers :/

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June 6, 2018 at 9:47 pm

It seems that the requirement still exists but is not enforced very strictly. You should have it taken care of just in case they ask.

June 10, 2018 at 12:18 am

The CDC resource I consulted said that Rwanda only requires proof of Yellow Fever vaccination if you’re travelling from an at-risk country. So the information seems a bit conflicting for some reason. Of course, it’s safer to get the vaccination anyway, but it is weird that legit resources have varying information about such an important disease.

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September 19, 2018 at 3:19 pm

i am travelling to Kigali on Tuesday 25th Sept and l have phoned the Rwanda high Comm and they did confirm that there is no need for the yellow fever vaccine if one is coming from a non-yellow-fever country or has never been to a yellow fever country within the past 25 days!

September 26, 2018 at 11:09 am

Ah Forbes! Thanks so much for taking the time to comment this. I really appreciate it 🙂 I hope you have an amazing time travelling to Rwanda!

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June 18, 2018 at 2:14 pm

I wasn’t aware that they did away with the yellow fever vaccination till now, thank you.

June 18, 2018 at 6:52 pm

Hey Anita! I’ll double check before you go on your trip because people have been getting conflicting pieces of information.

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November 10, 2018 at 12:13 pm

Very useful information. I’m going to Rwanda in the beginning of December. I arrive on Saturday evening late and want to spend Sunday to see Kigali and organize my permits and sort out my public transport to see Nyungwe Forrest National Park and go go to Valcanoes National Park to do some hikes. Is it possible to it on a Sunday or do I need to arrange a lot of stuff beforehand?

Thanks a lot!

November 12, 2018 at 4:12 pm

Hey, if the permit office is open on a Sunday, you should be able to organise your permits 🙂 It’s a very quick process, so it won’t take up a lot of your time.

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January 23, 2019 at 9:57 pm

Very insightful blog. Really appreciate

January 24, 2019 at 10:35 am

Happy to hear you’ve found it useful!

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February 21, 2019 at 6:21 pm

hey, I was born and I stay in Rwanda. I liked the post and I agree with the most of its information but what I wanted to correct is that it is 20,000 of Tutsi who were murdered during Genocide but over 1 million of Tutsi were murdered and it is been 25 years now. but apart from that Rwanda is the safest Country in Africa in my opinion and hospitality is a common trait in Rwandan people.

February 27, 2019 at 9:59 pm

Thanks so much! I have corrected the info 🙂

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June 13, 2019 at 4:50 pm

Great post! So many useful information! 😀 I’m going to Rwanda in August, skipping the gorilla tracking (too expensive 🙁 ), but can’t wait to see other attractions!

June 24, 2019 at 2:48 pm

I hope you have an incredible time!!

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July 7, 2019 at 6:22 am

Thanks for the information, I will be visiting in early October, how difficult is the trek? Is it something I should be worried about?

July 9, 2019 at 3:03 pm

Hey Debrah! I’ve you hike regularly / you’re a fit person you should be good. It will be a difficult hike if you’re not really active as it’s a lot of uphill and the mud means you’re going to work extra hard.

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March 4, 2020 at 12:57 pm

Thanks for the tips and info….

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February 23, 2021 at 3:45 am

Just wondering if you could update this post for current events.

February 24, 2021 at 6:50 pm

You mean for the pandarama ?

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June 4, 2022 at 1:52 am

My husband and I will be with a tour group and visiting Rwanda soon, in July 2022. Your blog was so helpful; thank you! I am wondering how muddy trekking will be in July and if I need gaiters; and if so, do I need ankle length or knee length?

June 20, 2022 at 6:05 pm

I’m not sure what it’s like in July as I went in September. Maybe speak to the tour company and see what the guides recommend? my gaiters were knee-length 🙂

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July 24, 2022 at 2:15 pm

Thanks for the posts; they are very informative; I am travelling to Rwanda for business on 26th July for two weeks, Im coming from Cairo, and I hope to see some of the unique places. I have to transit through Ethiopia, anyway, it’s going to be an exciting trip,

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August 13, 2022 at 1:21 pm

Thank you for the tips and info. I am planning to visit Kigali in Sept/Oct for 6 days and am struggling to find a itinerary without gorilla tracking (as I am not keen on it). Is there enough to do in Rwanda over 6 days or should I consider adding another country?

August 21, 2022 at 1:53 pm

Hey Busi, it really depends what you like to fill your itinerary with. I spent a week in Rwanda and there was more than enough to keep me busy.

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What people love about rwanda tours.

Great tour, guide was very knowledgeable and helped a ton! Saw some great sites and animals.
I and my friend and I booked for a 3 days Gorilla trekking trip to Rwanda. Yvonne handled our requests professionally and customized a budget suiting us. More importantly we were able to secure Gorilla trekking permits  discounted for African residents in a short period of time and were facilitated with PCR tests required to trek gorillas at a local hospital near the Volcanoes Park. Emmanuel, my driver was outstanding as spending time with him was amazing.Apart from Gorillas, the company was able to organize us village visits whereby we spent time with local communities. Thank you team for organizing, highly appreciated and recommended. Greetings from Cairo
I deliberately chose an inexpensive tour because my intention was to see animals rather than utilize luxury accommodations. I was not disappointed. The tour promised a number of items and never failed to deliver.

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Home > Rwanda > Rwanda Travel Tips: Dos and Don’ts to Know Before You Go

Rwanda Travel Tips: Dos and Don'ts to Know Before You Go

Rwanda travel tips cover image

A Fresh Perspective on Rwanda

This post on Rwanda travel tips is one of four Unconventional Route blog posts about Rwanda. The others are Rwanda's pros and cons , hiking Mount Bisoke , and Rwanda itinerary planning guide .

This blog post of Rwanda travel tips shares what we didn't know before we came and learned along the way.

Since we only visited for eight nights, we're far from Rwanda travel experts. But sometimes fresh tips from a fellow novice can be handier than stale ones from a jaded expert, right? Sometimes ?

Here's hoping you'll find one or two (or all twenty-seven!) of these Rwanda travel tips to be useful.

And if you come up with any tips of your own, please share them in the comments .

Tips for your Trip

These Rwanda travel tips are split into five sections. Jump to directly to any by clicking these shortcut links:

Before Leaving

  • Upon Arrival

While in Rwanda

Things not to do.

Kids hitch a ride on the back of a truck up a steep hill.

Before Going to Rwanda

✓  get and read the bradt guidebook.

Put it this way: If Bradt decided to transform all the info from its Rwanda guidebook into a blog, you wouldn't need to read this post or any other.

It had all the information we needed for our trip—much more than you'll find anywhere online—plus bonus sections with stories and background on specific topics that added color to what we saw.

Get a copy from a friend who's been to Rwanda and has a copy, a library, your local bookstore, or Amazon .

✓  Read up (or watch up)

I was glad to have read Road Trip Rwanda (a lighter read) and We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will be Killed With Our Families (dense and heavy) before visiting. And I had hoped to get through A Thousand Hills to better understand Paul Kagame and what happened after the genocide, but had a thousand other things to do before our trip and ran out of time.

For non-readers, a couple movies to watch are Shooting Dogs and Hotel Rwanda .

Or get an audiobook: You can listen to it as you drive around Rwanda. If you don't have an Audible account yet, sign up to get your first book free .

✓  Understand the confusing city name situation

When it comes to the names of Rwanda's cities, you have to be kind of bilingual. (Bi-nom-ual?)

That's because in 2006 the Rwandan government got rid of its old provincial lines, redrew four new ones (North, South, East, and West), and renamed many of its cities.

Some of those city names, like Musanze over Ruhengeri close to Volcanoes National Park, have been embraced. Most others have not. For example, you're more likely to see and hear Kibuye (old) over Karongi (new) or Gisenyi (old) over Rubavu (new). For Butare (old) / Huye (new), we heard an equal mix of both.

✓  Note the exchange rate

Our hotel tried to pull a fast one on us and charge us 20 USD for a shuttle from the airport that they'd quoted us 15,000 RWF on. They said it's "approximately" the equivalent. Yeah right. At the time, 1 USD was worth 950 RWF so 15,000 RWF actually equals 15.75 USD. They overcharged us by approximately 27%.

✓  Check the travel advisories

Rwanda's as safe as everyone says but it's got a couple of unruly neighbors. And some say Rwanda's hiding some stuff in its basement that could get nasty if it got out, too.

Play it safe and double-check the status before heading there. As we shared in our top travel tips and tricks , we find the UK's advisories to be the most reliable.

Rental car in Akagera, Rwanda.

✓  If you decide to rent a car

As far as we could tell, the only international rental car company in Rwanda is Europcar. It's overpriced and overburdened with policies like mileage limits and damage deposits.

Rent from a Rwandan company instead.

Here's how:

  • Google "Rwanda car rental" to get the email addresses of a few companies.
  • Email them for quotes. Better yet, ask them if they'll rent to you a self-drive Rav4 or equivalent for 30 USD a day. This includes additional drivers, unlimited mileage, and insurance.
  • Pick whichever company offers the best rate and get their WhatsApp contact to coordinate.
  • When you arrive, they'll bring the car to you. Give it a quick test drive and pay. Cash only .
  • Fill it up at the nearest gas station because they'll deliver it with fumes in the tank.
  • Explore Rwanda.
  • Return the car in one piece and with an empty tank. Since it's a cash transaction, there's no inspection or charges for scratches or dings.

Shoutouts to Jeannine from Car Self Drive Rwanda, [email protected]. We had a zero-fuss experience renting from her.

Worried about driving in Rwanda? Don't be. Rwanda's roads are good, drivers are courteous, and traffic is moderate. Only worry about the low speed limits. Kim got a ticket within the first hour of driving.

✓  Pack these items

  • A few hundred USD. For paying for your rental car and for emergencies.
  • Water bottle. You can't drink the tap water and Rwanda's anti-plastic, so fill up your water bottle at your hotels every morning. If you're on the market for a new water bottle, get the CamelBak chute , one the rare things I'd I'd immediately buy again if I lost it .
  • Clothing that covers your knees for women . Not only is this respectful, but the chances you'll be bitten by malarial mosquitos also will far lower.
  • Duty-free wine. Especially if, like us, you're coming from South Africa. Wine's way overpriced in Rwanda. Even if you don't drink it makes for a good gift for your hosts.
  • More warm clothes than you think. While Rwanda's just south of the equator, much of it's a mile or more above sea level and it's often misty or rainy.
  • The regular stuff. See my always-evolving 57-item packing list and Kim's 15 travel essentials for more ideas on what to pack.

Kim getting breakfast served at La Locanda in Muzanze

✓  Stay somewhere with good showers and laundry for Volcanoes National Park

After a messy adventure up and down Mount Bisoke in Volcanoes National Park were grateful our guesthouse, La Locanda , had strong warm showers, staff that offered to wash our clothes before we took off the next day, a fireplace to warm up at and dry our shoes by, and a tasty on-site restaurant.

You'll likely be grateful for the same whether you go gorilla or golden monkey trekking, hike to the Dian Fossey memorial, or up and down the volcano.

✓  Don't let Rwanda's small size fool you

With its "thousand hills," Rwanda's like a bunched up sheet of tin foil; if you were to flatten it out, it'd cover a much larger area. And the indirect roads that swerve through the hills combined with painfully slow 40km/hr speed limits make it seem bigger.

✓  Use our honest itinerary tips to decide what to squeeze in

Our Rwanda itinerary tips blog post shares our opinions on the pros and cons of the country's main areas, plus advice on what to do and where to stay in each.

Kim walks into Ruzizi Tented Camp

Upon Arrival in Rwanda

✓  dump your plastic bags (or hide them).

Any skeptics who claim plastic bag bans are worse for the environment should visit Rwanda, which has been bag-free since 2006. The country's lack of trash and cleanliness may just change their mind .

Rwanda takes its bag ban seriously. Agents at the airport's baggage carousels are on the lookout to confiscate whatever they can. They even took the duty-free bag our wine was in.

But they don't have plastic bag smelling dogs yet. I managed to smuggle one inside my jacket pocket, which I wanted to use for what I expected to be extremely dirty clothing after our Mount Bisoke hike in Volcanoes National Park.

✓  Get a SIM card

MTN has a booth beside the parking lot outside the arrivals terminal of the airport. If you prefer to be a bit contrarian, there's an Airtel around the corner. A SIM card costs 1,500 RWF and 1 GB of 4G data costs 1,000 RWF.

Cell reception is reliably strong just about everywhere in the country.

✓  Withdraw cash

Get cash from the ATMs outside the airport because smaller businesses in Rwanda, and even some gas stations, don't take credit cards. Or their machines "are out of batteries."

You might have to make two withdrawals because the limit is 200,000 RWF (~200 USD).

Sunrise views of Nyungwe forest and tea plantations from Kitabi Eco Lodge

✓  Adjust your internal clock

You're going to have to wake up early for trekking in Volcanoes and Nyungwe and safaris in Akagera, so you might as well get used to it. Try to go to bed early to wake up by 6 a.m. In doing so, you'll be rewarded with more bird sightings, beautiful sunrises, longer days, and more sun (as the rain tends to arrive in the afternoon).

✓  Choose wisely between RWF and USD to save some money

Whenever you have the option of paying in Rwandan francs or US dollars, ask for the price in both currencies and pay whichever is cheaper.

For example, the park fees for our two nights in Akagera were 212 USD (50 per person per night, plus 12 for the car) or 194,000 RWF. At the true exchange rate our travel credit card uses, 194,000 RWF was only 202 USD at the time, so paying in RWF instead of USD saved us 10 bucks.

✓  Tip appropriately

The tipping situation in Rwanda is less cut-and-dry than anywhere we've traveled. There is no default rule of X% or $Y for doing Z. So we're not 100% sure about this travel tip, but you can't sue us so we'll share it anyway.

We decided to go "old school." If the service was really good, we were tipped generously. If was terrible, nothing. And, since people in Rwanda could use our money better than us, we erred on the side of generosity—But not so generously that they'd start expecting big bucks from every tourist they serve.

✓  Use Yego to know how much to pay for motorcycle taxis

To avoid paying muzungu prices for motorcycle taxis, use the Yego app to get the true price, show it to the driver if they try to overcharge you, and don't pay any more than what it says.

Two giraffes drinking water in Akagera

✓  If you're going on an Akagera safari

  • Fill up before getting into the park. There are no gas stations inside.
  • Drive out the north exit. It's an all-day drive from the south entrance to the north exit, but we found more animals in the open savannah up north than in the dense bush down south.
  • Hire a guide. Our guide Samuel didn't have the best English and wasn't eagle-eyed (he actually had a lazy eye), but he knew a heck of a lot more than us about wildlife and could tell us where to go in the gigantic park. Hiring Samuel also gave us the chance to chat with a Rwandan for a full day. His story of surviving the genocide as a 2-year-old (his mom hid him under his shirt when she was murdered), then struggling to make it as an orphan was more memorable than any animal sighting. And the 40 USD does him and the park a lot more good than whatever we'd fritter it away on otherwise.
  • Stay a night or two. Ruzizi Tented Lodge and Karenge Bush Camp let us bloggers stay for free, and they're not cheap otherwise, so our opinion may be biased, but we honestly think the experience of staying a night or two in Akagera is worth it. It gives you the chance to see more animals when they're most active in the twilight hours, the camps have beautiful settings, the staff and food's outstanding, and the sunrises, sunsets, and stars are stunning.

Chris eats sambaza at Lake Kivu

✓  Ask how long the food will take before ordering at restaurants

Some dishes can take well over an hour to prepare at Rwandan restaurants. If you rather not wait, ask which ones are relatively speedier. Or pre-order your meals earlier in the day at your hotel's restaurant.

✓  If you like spicy food, try the Akabanga

Akabanga is a super spicy sauce that comes in an eyedropper bottle. It's as omnipresent as salt atop Rwanda's restaurant tables and has made a one-time street vendor named Sina Gerard one of Rwanda's richest men .

Stop by Akabanga's birthplace, Nyirangarama, to get your own bottles (500 RWF) on your way between Kigali and Volcanoes National Park.

They sell Rwandan wine (7,000 RWF) and canned banana beer (1,000 RWF) there, too. We advise against wasting money on the wine and recommend getting just one can of banana beer. It may satisfy your curiosity but almost certainly won't satisfy your taste buds.

✓  Ask for avocado

Avocados abounded when we visited Rwanda in January/February. Even at a mzungu premium, we got them for 100 RWF each.

Unfortunately for us avocado fans, most of the restaurants we went to didn't offer avocado on their menus. They didn't seem to understand how much we enjoy them. But if we asked they were often able to add them to our orders.

Kim shocked face Karenge Bush Camp in Akagera

✗  Don't drive at night

We did it once—after losing track of time post- Mount Bisoke hike —and never again.

Oncoming cars and trucks veered into our lane as if our car didn't exist and the cyclists and pedestrians on the roadside didn't seem to realize they're barely visible at night. It was terrifying.

✗  Don't speed

We learned this the hard way. We got a 25,000 RWF fine within our first hour on the road.

The speed limits change from 80 km/h to 40 to 60 with no rhyme or reason, so keep an eye on the signs. And even when it seems unreasonable to go 40 km/h, abide by the limit or pay the consequences. Speed traps are everywhere. So are children, cyclists, and other pedestrians on the street.

✗  Don't arrive in Rwanda on umuganda

Umuganda happens on the morning of the last Saturday of every month. All Rwandan citizens aged 18 to 65 are required to participate in community service and everything else closes and grinds to a halt.

It's nice to see and great for driving around because the streets are empty, but, take it from us, it's a hassle if you've just arrived in Rwanda and are trying to sort things out.

✗  Don't dig up nightmarish memories

It's hard not to be curious about what people's experiences were during the genocide, but many understandably prefer not to talk about it. Wait for them to bring it up and go to the genocide memorials around the country to learn from the displays and staff there.

✗  Don't be concerned about being the only mzungu

If you don't look Rwandan, you'll be the center of attention any time you show your face in just about any town outside of Kigali. Adults will stare. Children will sing "Ah… ah… abuzungu" ("White people!) and rush towards you. And some brave people will mosey on up to your car to peek inside.

Be a good ambassador for all of us foreigners. Wave, smile, ignore any requests for money, and say, "Muraho" ("Hello" in Kinyarwanda. Pronounced like mor-ah-ho with a Spanish-style r flip).

Kim drinking coffee from Imigongo Cafe

✓  Head to the airport 15 minutes earlier than normal

Kigali's airport has heavy security. To enter the grounds, you need to empty your vehicle, put it on a conveyor belt scanner, and go through a detector yourself.

If you happen to be flying out at a busy time, there might be a lineup. Plan accordingly, just in case.

✓  Buy some coffee and crafts

Having lived in Colombia , done professional cuppings in Kenya , and blind taste tests of coffee in Vancouver , Cape Town , and Costa Rica, we've tried a lot of coffee. And the brews we had in Rwanda are right up there with the very best. Question Coffee, whose café is in Kigali, was Kim's favorite. Pick some freshly-roasted beans up before you return home.

Help us improve these Rwanda travel tips and help other readers by leaving a comment . Ask questions we didn't answer, challenge our tips, or share your own. Don't be shy. We want to hear from you.

Have a great trip! (And don't forget to check out our three other Rwanda blog posts—links below!)

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A quick guide of Rwanda travel tips including what to pack, how to prepare for your trip, itinerary tips, and what not to do.

Read This Next:

Rwanda blog posts.

guide voyage rwanda

Is Rwanda Worth Visiting?

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Mount Bisoke Hike in Rwanda's Volcanoes Park: A Practical Guide

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Rwanda Itinerary Guide: Honest Advice for Planning an Awesome Trip

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50+ Travel Tips and Tricks That Will Change the Way You Travel

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The Best Countries to Visit in the World for 18 Unique Trips

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Our Rare Few Favorite Things We'd Immediately Buy Again

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About The Unconventional Route: Our Past, Present, and Future

Disclosure: Whenever possible, we use links that earn us a cut if you pay for stuff we recommend. It costs you nothing, so we'd be crazy not to. Read our affiliate policy .

10 thoughts on “Rwanda Travel Tips: Dos and Don'ts to Know Before You Go”

Love love love this guide! I want to go to Rwanda someday in the near future, so I will definitely keep this post in mind

Glad to be of service, Suzan!

I'm glad I found your blog while searching for Mount Bisoke hikes information…. I will take a deeper look later, thanks for sharing your adventures 🙂 I will be in Rwanda in february 🙂

Glad to hear it Alexandre. Here's hoping you have a Rwanda-rful time in Feb! If you come across anything to add during your trip, please let me know.

want to see the gorillas but one of us can't survive a long ride over bad roads. How is the road from Kigali to Musanze ? And how is the road from where we should stay to where the gorilla trek starts? We can walk fine over rough ground, but bumpy roads kill her back.

The roads aren't bad. All paved until the last little bit, which is slow. The hiking can be really tough though.

Thank you for your tips. Very informative. Going to Rwanda August 2023 and only have 4 free days (working there). 2 of the free days are consecutive. Gorilla trekking too costly but thinking of doing a one day safari to Akageera. Do you recommend? Not renting a car. What are the absolute 'must sees' for such a short period of time?

Hi Edite. I wish I were the right person to ask about "must sees," but I think that's entirely subjective and the best travel experiences are unexpected stories. My suggestion since you're going to be working there? Ask people when you're in Rwanda for inside tips and contacts. Follow those leads in search of something extraordinary (…or, at least, their suggestions for "must sees"). Happy travels!

Thanks for your amazing tips and lessons learned. We'll be heading to Rwanda with our kids (7 & 10) at the end of May, and will be taking a similar route but spread over 3 weeks.

You wisely spoke of getting cash out of ATMs before hitting the road. Couldn't agree more based on our previous travels (Qatar, Oman, China, Mongolia, Russia). A lot has changed in global infrastructure since we last last travelled, so I was wondering if you were able to access cash from your Canadian bank account, or if you accessed cash from other sources (e.g. cash withdrawals from credit card).

We're from Ontario. I know we can bring cash given that we have access to good foreign exchange at home, but I'd rather not arrive with 3 weeks worth of cash for four people at the start of vacation. Back-end logistics on this would be super appreciated!

Many thanks!

Lucky kids you have! And good for you. An inspiration for Kim and I, with our 2.5 and 0.5-year olds. I have a Citibank account from my days in corporate that charges 0 exchange and ATM fees on foreign withdrawals, so can't help you with your question. May be worth looking into similar deals with Canadian banks? Or something like Transferwise's debit card?

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Located in Africa , Rwanda is known as the “land of thousand hills”. The country is filled with natural wonders, an exciting destination for adventure seekers and those for adventure seekers and those who love the outdoors. With its lush landscapes, pristine wildlife reserves, and fascinating cultural experiences, Rwanda has something for everyone.

Why Visit Rwanda

Landscapes & nature.

Although Rwanda is a small landlocked country, it has beautiful and diverse natural wonders to please every type of traveler. Known as the “Land of the thousand hills” thanks to its many valleys and mountains, it’s also home to lakes, savannahs, volcanoes, forests and tea plantations.

Thanks to its diverse landscapes, Rwanda has incredible wildlife to experience. Ecotourism is an important part of the country’s economy, centered on The Virunga Mountains, home to over half of the world’s population of mountain gorillas. Nyungwe National Park is home to chimpanzees, colobus monkeys, and more than 300 different bird species, and Akagera National Park to rhinos and lions, allowing tourist to be able to spot the “Big Five” in Rwanda. 

Rwanda is one of the few tea producers countries in Africa. Tea was introduced in Rwanda in 1952 and is now one of the country’s largest exports. The country offers high quality tea thanks to its fertile volcanic soil and temperate climate.

Rwanda has a temperate tropical climate, not too hot and not too cold, one of the best weathers of the whole continent, and ideal for tourists to enjoy the country all year round, relatively stable throughout the year.

Rwanda postcards

  • Name: Republic of Rwanda
  • Capital: Kigali
  • Official Languages: English, French , Kinyarwanda , Swahili
  • Currency: Rwandan franc
  • Time Zone: UTC +2
  • Name: Republic of Rwanda  
  • Official Languages: English , French , Kinyarwanda , Swahili

Rwanda gorilla

Rwanda Gorilla Trekking

rwanda volcanoes

Visit Volcanoes National Park

Nyungwe Forest National Park

Explore Nyungwe forest

Lake Kivu

Hit the beaches on Lake Kivu

Kigali genocide memorial

Visit the Kigali Genocide Memorial

Lake on bisoke volcano

Hike to the top crater lake of Bisoke volcano

tea plantation rwanda

Go to a tea plantation

Beef brochette on the rack of a barbecue

Try some Brochettes

What to expect

LANGUAGE: Rwanda has four official languages: Kinyarwanda, French, English, and Swahili. Kinyarwanda is the most widely spoken language, followed by English and French, while Swahili is becoming increasingly popular 

ELECTRICITY: In Rwanda the standard voltage is 230 V and the frequency is 50 Hz. That’s the standard voltage (220-240V) in the UK, Europe, Australia and most of Asia and Africa; If you are traveling from the US you will need an adaptor. However, the national electrification rate is estimated at 30% (12% in rural areas, 72% in urban areas)

CURRENCY: The Rwandan Franc is the currency of Rwanda. Dollars are widely used as well. Other foreign currencies, like dollars and euros, might be accepted in some tourist places and hotels but won’t be accepted in smaller establishments. You could exchange your money at the airport (recommended) or at exchange houses or banks, you could also withdraw from the ATM. Credit cards are accepted in hotels and big restaurants but cash is recommended for remote areas and small establishments, as there are very few ATM, if any out of the city. 1 USD equals 1,115 francs (as of 2023)

CLIMATE: Rwanda has a temperate tropical highland climate, with lower temperatures than average equatorial countries due to its high elevation. Average temperatures hover around 75°F in the lower mountains, and 55°F in the higher mountains. The best time visit would be from mid-May to mid-October, during dry season and as it has perfect conditions for tracking gorillas.

SAFETY: Rwanda is one of the safest destinations in Africa. Crime is relatively low, although petty crime still exists, especially at tourist attractions and crowded places like bus stations. Common sense is recommended just like anywhere else. 

How to get around

Rwanda offers several transportation options to get around the country, including:

  • Taxis: Taxis are readily available in Kigali and other major cities, and fares are negotiable.
  • Buses: Buses are the most common form of public transportation in Rwanda and are inexpensive. The buses are available to most parts of the country and can be crowded.
  • Car rentals: Car rentals are available in Kigali, and it’s possible to rent a car with a driver or self-drive. International driving licenses are accepted.
  • Motorcycles: Motorcycles, also known as “motos,” are a popular way to get around the city and rural areas. It’s important to wear a helmet and agree on a fare before getting on a motorcycle.
  • Private shuttles: Private shuttles are available for hire, and they are usually more comfortable than public transportation. Private shuttles can be arranged through hotels and tour operators.
  • Air travel: Rwanda has several airports, and domestic flights are available. However, they can be expensive and less frequent than other transportation options.

Visa Policy

Citizens of Angola, Benin, Burundi, CAR, Chad, Côte d’Ivoire, DR Congo, Ghana, Guinea, Haiti, Indonesia, Kenya, Mauritius, Philippines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal , Seychelles, Singapore, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda can visit Rwanda for up to 90 days without a visa.

Visitors from all countries can apply for a visa online or obtain one on arrival at the airport.

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guide voyage rwanda

Meet in Rwanda

  • Gorilla Gram
  • Practical Information
  • Book A Trip


guide voyage rwanda

Known as the land of a thousand hills, Rwanda’s stunning scenery and warm, friendly people offer unique experiences in one of the most remarkable countries in the world. It is blessed with extraordinary biodiversity, with incredible wildlife living throughout its volcanoes, montane rainforest and sweeping plains.

Travellers come from far and wide to catch a glimpse of the magnificent gorillas, yet there is so much more to see and experience.

guide voyage rwanda

The Great Rift Valley

The west of Rwanda forms a branch of the Great Rift Valley known as the Albertine Rift. It has many unique, endemic species and is bursting with life.

Chimpanzees, golden monkeys and other primates live alongside hundreds of brightly-coloured birds, orchids and butterflies.

And that is only scratching the surface…

guide voyage rwanda

  • Responsible Tourism

As guardians of many iconic species, Rwanda is committed to safeguarding their existence within the four National Parks.

We are constantly working to ensure we can live in sustainable harmony with our environment, with a clean and green mindset. We banned plastic bags in 2008, and our lands are possibly the cleanest in Africa thanks to efforts throughout every community.

Ten percent of the income derived from gorilla, safari and other tourist permits, as well as park fees, is spent in partnership with local communities to change lives for the better.

guide voyage rwanda

Epic Scenery

Rwanda’s dramatic vistas are endless, with a fresh perspective around every corner.

Our country is full of beauty and managing to explore it all is easy, thanks to an excellent road network linking the core areas.

Visitors can rest assured the country is safe as well as stunning – Rwanda was rankedthe9th safest country in the world by the World Economic Forum.

guide voyage rwanda

Vibrant Culture

Warm and friendly, Rwandans are also respectful, thoughtful and committed to the idea of progress, starting at the grass roots and running all the way to the top.

From the ancient kingdom to the modern day, creativity is something to be celebrated, whether through traditional dance, unique architecture or works of art.

Gorilla Tracking

guide voyage rwanda

Photo Credit : Annabel Illingworth

Culture & heritage, king's palace.

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  • Accommodation

Where to Stay

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Sport & Adventure

Canopy walkway.

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Rwanda is ranked as the second easiest place to do business in Africa by the World Bank and has been awarded for its leadership in tourism and economic competitiveness by the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) and the World Economic Forum respectively.

guide voyage rwanda

Paving the Way

The German carmaker has just opened an assembly plant in Rwanda, which will create up to 1,000 jobs.

In a new chapter of economic transformation, VW is also spearheading community car sharing and ride-hailing by smartphone.

guide voyage rwanda

Tech Incubator

Rwanda is an ideal tech incubator, thanks to its compact size and appetite for innovation.

We welcome pioneering initiatives such as that by Silicon Valley company Zipline, which now delivers critical blood products to rural medical clinics across our mountainous lands.

guide voyage rwanda

Centre of Excellence

Innovation city.

Discover an area in Kigali for world-class universities and think tanks to mingle with technology companies, helping drive private sector growth.

Innovation City is anecosystem linking high tech industry, research and education with capital investment, which aims to create jobs and reduce our current account deficit.

guide voyage rwanda

Special Economic Zones

Discover why we are the second fastest growing economy in Africa,and prepare to enjoy the opportunities accrued from the free trade agreements that we™ve signed with over 50 countries.

Designated serviced land is provided for small and large scale industrial development, as well as reliable, quality infrastructure, competitive fiscal and non-fiscal regulations and streamlined administration procedures.

Five Reasons

guide voyage rwanda

How to Invest

Starting a business.

guide voyage rwanda

Investment Opportunities

All sectors.

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One Stop Centre

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Rwanda is an excellent hub for meetings and events, with world-class facilities such as the Kigali Convention Centre which is conveniently located close to Kigali International Airport and offers a premium environment for regional and international conventions, exhibitions, festivals, meetings and other events.

Business Events

Kigali convention centre.

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Around the Capital

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National Airline

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Visit Rwanda is proud to partner with some of the world’s biggest brands to share the beauty of the country with millions around the globe.

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Paris saint germain.

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Fc bayern m체nchen.

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Founding and Host Partner

Basketball africa league.

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Yellow Jersey Sponsor

Tour du rwanda.

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Rwanda is renowned for its rare mountain gorillas, and rightly so. Some 400 of our primate cousins roam the rainforests of Volcanoes National Park, with ten groups available for tracking. But this tiny country has so much more to see. Known as the "Land of a Thousand Hills", it’s rich with beautiful mountains, valleys and lakes, with a gleaming capital city, abundant wildlife and resilient and gracious people.

Tailor-made travel itineraries for Rwanda, created by local experts

Gorillas, Big Five & Zanzibar

11 days  / from 3750 USD

Gorillas, Big Five & Zanzibar

Discover the highlights of East Africa! Arrive in Rwanda, go gorilla trekking in Uganda before continuing to Tanzania to find the Big 5 and marvel at the Ngorongoro Crater. After this fascinating week, enjoy the white beaches of Zanzibar.

Find even more inspiration here

Gorilla in Congo ©

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Franzi Wirth

written by Franzi Wirth

updated 26.04.2021


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Visit Rwanda Guide, gorilla trekking.

rwanda safaris

Rwanda Safari Tours, Things To Do & Places To Visit

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Rwanda Gorilla Trekking, Volcanoes National Park 2019/2020

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Rwanda Travel Guide

Among the list of things to do in Rwanda besides gorilla tours to Volcanoes, include birdwatching in Nyungwe and other areas, golden monkey trek in Volcanoes National Park, Lake Kivu fishing and boat cruise as well us visiting the cultural villages of Rwanda .

Rwanda gorilla safari

Top national parks & attractions.


Rwanda Safari

Uganda safari, travel tips & information.

Voyage au Rwanda

Parc national de l'Akagera, Rwanda

Avant de préparer son voyage au Rwanda

Le Rwanda, surnommé le « pays des mille collines », est un enclavé d'Afrique de l'Est avec un paysage montagneux verdoyant. Le Rwanda étend ses 26 338 km2 dans la région des Grands Lacs.

Il partage des frontières avec, au nord, l'Ouganda, à l'est, la Tanzanie, au sud, le Burundi, et à l'ouest, la république démocratique du Congo. Sa capitale Kigali est située au centre du pays.

Son célèbre Parc national des volcans abrite des gorilles de montagnes et des singes dorés. Le parc compte aussi le mont Karisimbi, de 4 507 mètres d'altitude, et 4 autres volcans recouverts de forêts. Au sud-ouest, le parc national de Nyungwe est pourvu d'une ancienne forêt tropicale montagnarde où vivent des chimpanzés et d'autres primates. Kigali, la capitale du Rwanda, propose des restaurants et une vie nocturne animés. Le Mémorial du Génocide de Kigali documente le génocide de 1994 perpétré pendant la guerre civile qui s'est terminée la même année. Au nord-est, à la frontière avec la Tanzanie, s'étend le parc national de l'Akagera et sa savane - rare au Rwanda - où vivent notamment des zèbres, des girafes, des hippopotames et des éléphants. Les eaux profondes et cristallines du lac Kivu se trouvent à l'ouest du pays, à la frontière avec la République démocratique du Congo. Gisenyi et ses stations balnéaires sont sur la rive nord du lac

🏕️ Un voyage insolite 100% sur-mesure

⏱️ ≈ 25h de temps gagné en organisation

💸 Jusqu’à 20% d’économies

The Outsiders

Quand partir au Rwanda ?

Comment aller au rwanda .

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Les incontournables au Rwanda

Le lac Ruhondo ou Luhondo est un lac du nord-ouest du Rwanda.

Il est situé près du lac Bulera à la périphérie de Musanze. ...


Voyagez au Rwanda hors des sentiers battus

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Les plus beaux lieux au Rwanda

Parc national de l'Akagera

Le parc national de l’Akagera, est un parc de 1 122 km2 du nord-est du Rwanda près de la frontière avec la Tanzanie. Le ...

Mont Karisimbi

Le mont Karisimbi est un volcan situé sur la frontière séparant le Rwanda de la République démocratique du Congo. Avec u...

Le lac Burera ou Bulera est un lac du nord-ouest du Rwanda, à la frontière avec l'Ouganda.

Avec une superficie de 55 k...

Parc national des volcans

Le Parc national des volcans est situé au nord-ouest du Rwanda dans la province du Nord, près de la ville de Ruhengeri, ...

Parc national de Nyungwe

Le parc national de Nyungwe est un massif forestier au sud-ouest du Rwanda.

Le Parc National de Nyungwe, créé en 2004 e...

Nyungwe Canopy Walk

Nyungwe Canopy Walk est une passerelle de 2km construite en 2010 au dessus de la canopée du parc national de Nyungwe au ...

Le Sabyinyo est un volcan éteint d'Afrique de l'Est qui se situe dans les montagnes des Virunga. Il est d'ailleurs le pl...

Le lac Kivu est l'un des Grands Lacs d'Afrique. Il se situe à la frontière de la République démocratique du Congo et du ...


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Les meilleures destinations écotourisme, autres pays susceptibles de vous intéresser, république démocratique du congo.

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Rwanda Guide du voyage 2024: Plonger au cœur de l'Afrique : Un voyage à travers la nature, la culture, les collines et les vallées (French Edition)

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Rwanda Guide du voyage 2024: Plonger au cœur de l'Afrique : Un voyage à travers la nature, la culture, les collines et les vallées (French Edition) [Print Replica] Kindle Edition

Êtes-vous prêt à transformer votre expérience de voyage ? Rêvez-vous d'explorer les trésors cachés du Rwanda, de savourer sa riche culture et de naviguer sans heurts à travers ses paysages à couper le souffle ? Si la réponse est un "oui" retentissant, alors le "Rwanda Guide de voyage 2024" est votre passeport pour une aventure sans pareille !

Problèmes Résolus par ce Livre :

Manque d'Information Complète : Fatigué de rassembler des informations à partir de sources dispersées ? Ce guide aborde le défi de trouver des détails tout compris pour votre voyage au Rwanda.

Surcharge de Planification : Submergé par les complexités de la planification d'un voyage au Rwanda ? Découvrez une approche simplifiée, démêlant les complexités des exigences en matière de visa, de logistique de voyage et des meilleurs moments pour visiter.

Déconnexion Culturelle : Vous avez du mal à vous connecter avec la culture vibrante du Rwanda et les coutumes locales ? Ce guide comble l'écart, en fournissant des informations sur les subtilités linguistiques, l'étiquette à table et les plats locaux à essayer absolument.

Pourquoi Ce Livre est Votre Meilleure Solution :

Contenu Exhaustif : Avec des chapitres méticuleusement élaborés, plongez dans l'histoire riche du Rwanda, sa géographie, ses options d'hébergement et ses aventures en plein air. Chaque aspect de votre voyage est détaillé de manière exhaustive pour une expérience holistique.

Conseils d'Initiés : Bénéficiez des connaissances internes sur les meilleurs moments pour visiter, les trésors cachés et les astuces pratiques que seuls les voyageurs expérimentés et les habitants connaissent.

Guidance Pratique : Du choix de l'hébergement adapté à vos préférences à la navigation dans les subtilités de la cuisine locale et des expériences culturelles, ce guide offre des conseils pratiques pour chaque voyageur.

Exploration Interactive : Immergez-vous dans les chapitres diversifiés sur les activités de plein air, les expériences culturelles et les excursions d'une journée. Le guide transforme la lecture en un voyage à part entière.

Informations Prêtes à l'Emploi : Que ce soit les contacts d'urgence, les éléments essentiels de langue ou les détails sur la monnaie, trouvez des informations prêtes à l'emploi à portée de main.

À Quoi S'Attendre :

Imaginez-vous déambulant dans les rues animées de Kigali, vous délectant des arômes des cuisines locales et marchant aux côtés de majestueux gorilles. À chaque tour de page, attendez-vous à un voyage virtuel, enrichi par des récits qui peignent des images vives des merveilles du Rwanda.

Pourquoi Attendre ? Votre Aventure Vous Attend !

Lancez-vous dans un voyage extraordinaire en sécurisant votre exemplaire du "Rwanda Guide de voyage 2024" dès aujourd'hui. Ne manquez pas cette opportunité de dévoiler les secrets du Rwanda et de transformer vos rêves de voyage en réalité. Achetez maintenant et commencez à planifier votre extraordinaire aventure rwandaise !

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  1. Rwanda travel

    Rwanda. Africa. Rwanda is known as Le Pays des Mille Collines (Land of a Thousand Hills) thanks to the endless mountains in this scenically stunning little country. Nowhere are the mountains more majestic than the Virunga volcanoes in the northwest, and hidden among the bamboo forests are some of the world's last remaining mountain gorillas.

  2. Rwanda : guide pour Kigali, Akagera, Nyungwe et Kibuye

    Rwanda Guide : voyage et tourisme solidaire pour Kigali, Akagera, Nyungwe, lac Kivu et gorilles des montagnes. Le tourisme solidaire au coeur du Rwanda vous enchantera. Pour un safari photo à l'Akagera ou la découverte du lac Kivu, le long des pistes du thé ou suspendu dans la forêt de Nyungwe, pour un séjour au plus près de l'histoire du ...

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    Le guide Rwanda : Lieux incontournables, idées de séjour, itinéraires, infos pratiques et culturelles du Rwanda et les bonnes adresses du Petit Futé pour se restaurer, sortir, se loger et organiser son voyage au Rwanda

  4. Tourisme Rwanda : guide de voyage

    Les 6 raisons d'aller au Rwanda. Minuscule pays de la région des Grands Lacs, le Rwanda est tristement célèbre pour son histoire récente. Pourtant le pays offre désormais une vision optimiste de l'Afrique ainsi qu'une nature superbe et parfaitement préservée. 1. Apprécier l'authenticité de l'Afrique de l'est. 2.

  5. Rwanda

    Rwanda. Rwanda is a relatively stable East African country, and easily accessible from Kenya and Uganda. It is known as the land of a thousand hills, but is also a country rich in flora and fauna and stunning natural beauty in its scenic rolling and breathtaking green savannah. The country hosts some rare species of animals like the silverback ...

  6. The Ultimate 10-Day Rwanda Itinerary

    I used Countryside Tours Rwanda from Trip Advisor to help organize my tour. Each island is different. With a guide, you'll be able to visit each one. Plan for 6 hours or more and start your day at 9am. We started the tour at 10 but would have done better starting at 9am. WhatsApp Countryside Tours Rwanda at +250 790 009 064.

  7. Travel to Rwanda: 15 Useful Things to Know Before You Go

    What to Wear for Gorilla Trekking in Rwanda. Shoes: A good pair of hiking shoes with a high ankle and good grip. Hiking gaiters: If you don't have your own you can rent a pair for RWF 10,000 (R 160.00) from your guide. Clothes: Wear long pants and a long-sleeved shirt in neutral colours.

  8. 10 Best Rwanda Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Saw some great sites and animals. 5 Days Rwanda Golden monkeys, Big 5 & Big Cats Safari. Hassan Mohamed. 5. I and my friend and I booked for a 3 days Gorilla trekking trip to Rwanda. Yvonne handled our requests professionally and customized a budget suiting us.

  9. Rwanda Itinerary Guide: Honest Advice for Planning an Awesome Trip

    wander. This Rwanda itinerary guide is one of four Unconventional Route blog posts about Rwanda. The others are Rwanda travel tips, Rwanda's pros and cons, and hiking Mount Bisoke. Even though Rwanda's a small country, you can't squeeze it all into a single trip. So to help you decide what to include in your Rwanda itinerary and what to leave ...

  10. Rwanda Travel Guide for First-Time Visitors

    Estimated reading time: 23 minutes. For most people, Rwanda is infamous for its tragic social collapse of the 1994 genocide. But while this tragic epoch is a big part of the country's modern history, Rwanda has evolved into a united, proud and optimistic nation. Visiting Rwanda will leave you with an overwhelming sense of admiration for its ...

  11. Rwanda Travel Tips: Dos and Don'ts to Know Before You Go

    For paying for your rental car and for emergencies. Water bottle. You can't drink the tap water and Rwanda's anti-plastic, so fill up your water bottle at your hotels every morning. If you're on the market for a new water bottle, get the CamelBak chute, one the rare things I'd I'd immediately buy again if I lost it.

  12. Rwanda Tours with Local Private Tour Guides

    Rwanda Private Tours. Le Pays des Milles Collines - the Land of a Thousand Hills - welcomes you with open arms. Rwanda's devastating history is etched into our global consciousness, yet its present-day reality is one of stability, a friendly populace and jaw-dropping mountain scenery. A knowledgeable local guide is waiting to introduce you to ...

  13. Travel Rwanda • Africa

    ELECTRICITY: In Rwanda the standard voltage is 230 V and the frequency is 50 Hz. That's the standard voltage (220-240V) in the UK, Europe, Australia and most of Asia and Africa; If you are traveling from the US you will need an adaptor. However, the national electrification rate is estimated at 30% (12% in rural areas, 72% in urban areas ...

  14. Visit Rwanda

    Tourism. Known as the land of a thousand hills, Rwanda's stunning scenery and warm, friendly people offer unique experiences in one of the most remarkable countries in the world. It is blessed with extraordinary biodiversity, with incredible wildlife living throughout its volcanoes, montane rainforest and sweeping plains.

  15. Rwanda

    This site is owned by Apa Digital AG, Bahnhofplatz 6, 8854 Siebnen, Switzerland. Rough Guides® is a trademark owned by Apa Group with its headquarters at 7 Bell Yard London WC2A 2JR, United Kingdom. Rwanda is renowned for its rare mountain gorillas, and rightly so. Some 400 of our primate cousins roam the rainforests of Volcanoes National Park ...

  16. Circuit Rwanda : toutes nos idées de circuits

    Voyage au Rwanda. Circuits Rwanda. Planifier votre voyage Voyage Rwanda Idées de circuits ... Muni d'un permis et d'un guide, vous pourrez embarquer dans une expédition à la rencontre d'un clan. Les deux autres parcs nationaux à visiter sont l'Akagera à l'est et Nyungwe au sud. Le premier est un refuge d'animaux et d'oiseaux ...

  17. Visit Rwanda Guide, Safaris & Travel

    Among the list of things to do in Rwanda besides gorilla tours to Volcanoes, include birdwatching in Nyungwe and other areas, golden monkey trek in Volcanoes National Park, Lake Kivu fishing and boat cruise as well us visiting the cultural villages of Rwanda.. This comprehensive resource aids anyone planning to travel to Rwanda, taking on a gorilla safari to visits to, national parks and other ...

  18. Rwanda

    Le guide du routard Rwanda en ligne. Trouvez sur cette page les meilleurs liens pour préparer votre voyage Rwanda

  19. GUIDE DE VOYAGE RWANDA 2023: Guide du débutant au Rwanda GUIDE DE VOYAGE RWANDA 2023: Guide du débutant au Rwanda : Explorez le patrimoine culturel, l'île, les merveilles volcaniques, les lacs cachés et les attractions incontournables (French Edition) eBook : Peurs, Mark E. : Books

  20. Voyage au Rwanda

    Le Rwanda, surnommé le « pays des mille collines », est un enclavé d'Afrique de l'Est avec un paysage montagneux verdoyant. Le Rwanda étend ses 26 338 km2 dans la région des Grands Lacs. Il partage des frontières avec, au nord, l'Ouganda, à l'est, la Tanzanie, au sud, le Burundi, et à l'ouest, la république démocratique du Congo.

  21. Forum Rwanda

    Voyage Rwanda juillet 2024. activites itineraires guides juillet. 6: ... Découvrir le RWANDA et les gens avec un guide débrouillard, sympathique et professionnel. guides. 2: 2506: Juillet 12, 2023

  22. Rwanda Guide du voyage 2024: Plonger au cœur de l'Afrique : Un voyage à

    Lancez-vous dans un voyage extraordinaire en sécurisant votre exemplaire du "Rwanda Guide de voyage 2024" dès aujourd'hui. Ne manquez pas cette opportunité de dévoiler les secrets du Rwanda et de transformer vos rêves de voyage en réalité. Achetez maintenant et commencez à planifier votre extraordinaire aventure rwandaise !

  23. Rwanda Guide du voyage 2024: Plonger au cœur de l'Afrique

    Lancez-vous dans un voyage extraordinaire en sécurisant votre exemplaire du "Rwanda Guide de voyage 2024" dès aujourd'hui. Ne manquez pas cette opportunité de dévoiler les secrets du Rwanda et de transformer vos rêves de voyage en réalité. Achetez maintenant et commencez à planifier votre extraordinaire aventure rwandaise !