Tale of 2 Backpackers

Is Kashmir Safe for Tourists? Our Views after Visiting 10 District of Kashmir

Featured , Jammu & Kashmir

Is Kashmir Safe for Tourists

Last Updated on: May 16, 2024  

About this blog: Is Kashmir safe to travel? Is Kashmir safe for tourists? We have heard these questions time and again. Well, this blog will have our views on Kashmir, whether we found the place safe and how we spent our time there. Along with our experiences, we will also share some information that will help you take an informed decision on whether to visit Kashmir.

The first time we visited Kashmir in 2013 was when we went for Amarnath Yatra. We still remember that most of our family and friends were skeptical about our trip. Some of them were quite vocal about our outrageous decision to visit Kashmir. After all, Kashmir did not seem to be a “safe” place to visit. We were also told that outside Srinagar airport people usually raise slogans of “Go back Indians”!

Sunset at Dal Lake Srinagar - is Kashmir safe for tourists

As usual we took all the advice with a grain of salt and decided to carry on with our trip to Kashmir. On that particular trip we were stuck at a riot at Ramban near Jammu , spent hours on the road and literally saw fire, blood and destruction. But it was also here that we witnessed humanity and compassion. It was here for the first time we realized with every act of conflict, there is an equal share of harmony. With every blow of hatred, there is an equal touch of love and kindness.

Kashmir - the warmest place on earth - IS Kashmir safe for tourists?

Nonetheless, our Amarnath Yatra trek was a successful one and then we travelled on towards Ladakh . After the first visit, Kashmir had always been on my mind. Finally, we visited the ‘Paradise on earth’ again in 2021.

 If foreign tourists want to visit Kashmir then you must get the India tourist evisa . You can apply for it online, the process is extremely easy and doesn’t take much time.

Table of Contents

Is Kashmir safe for tourists?

If you want a one-word answer, we would say – Yes, it is quite safe to visit Kashmir. However, we have always believed that ‘safety’ depends on an individual. Whenever we travel to a new city or place, we usually get as much information about the place as possible. We also tend to stay at well-known locations for the first couple of days. And we always take the help of locals. We usually follow this rule for our long trips and Kashmir was no exception.

Morning Vegetable market at Srinagar Dal Lake

Kashmir happens to be one of the highest militarized zones in the world. You will always see military vans moving on the roads of Srinagar like any other vehicle. But tourists are never attacked in Kashmir. There is always a risk associated with travelling in a conflict zone. You have to make an informed decision before visiting the place.

A little boy praying at Kashmir - is Kashmir safe for tourists

Kashmir conflict

The seven decade dispute over Kashmir between India and Pakistan remains one of the oldest unresolved disagreements. It is such a humanitarian nightmare and has caused two wars between the neighbouring states. A sense of mistrust always prevails whenever these two nations are concerned. Many opine that the reason for unrest dates back to the independence of India and Pakistan from the British power in 1947. But the seed of unrest has been there long back.

We do not want to go much into the history of unrest in Kashmir here. There were a number of events throughout history that lead to the situation today like the Treaty of Amritsar in 1846, Jammu massacre in 1947, accession of Kashmir to India by Maharaja Hari Singh, exodus of Kashmiri Pandits, military occupation of Kashmir and the list goes on! I would not go into details on the modern history of Kashmir. There are many accounts available online that you can check out.

Snow at Gulmarg - is Kashmir safe for tourists

This ongoing strife in Kashmir is definitely a human rights crisis. While militants are blamed for attacks on military and government; the military on the other hand is blamed for wanton killings, rape, disappearances of Kashmiris.

But where does this leave the ordinary people of the valley? What do they want? What does the houseboat owner on Dal Lake in Srinagar want? Or the local guides and horse owners in Pahalgam? In between all the hearsay, peace talks, ambassadors, we often seem to forget the common people of Kashmir.

Offbeat places in Kashmir - is Kashmir safe for tourists

Our experience in Kashmir – Is Kashmir Safe?

Kashmir is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful places we have visited. When Emperor Jehangir declared Kashmir to be the Paradise on Earth, he was definitely not exaggerating.  The snow clad mountains, rivers, serene lakes, the Chinar trees– everything makes Kashmir undoubtedly a gorgeous destination. But the real warmth of Kashmir comes from the Kashmiris.

A pony owner at Yousmarg

We found Kashmir to be one of the receptive places we have visited. The people are warm, smiling and helpful. As much as the valley is beautiful, its people are even more. Every place we visited, we met smiling faces without any prejudice. And everyone welcomed us with a cup of Kahwa! The Kashmiris find no qualms in inviting strangers to their home and offering them the best hospitality. They want you to remember Kashmir with fondness and love and take back great memories of their valley.

In our Kashmir trip, we explored the valley as much as we could. We not only explored Srinagar, Gulmarg, Sonmarg and Pahalgam, but also went to various offbeat destinations in Kashmir.We spent 15 days in Kashmir and travelled across 10 districts, some of them including Sophian, Pulwama, Baramulla and Kupwara. For the uninitiated, these districts are said to be the most disturbed ones in Kashmir.

A local family at Aharbal

After our visit to Kalaroos Caves in Lolab Valley, I slipped and fell down in the mud (as clumsy as I am!). As I was returning after my clumsy debacle, a local lady asked to wash my hands and feet at her house. And of course, she offered all of us kahwa!

In Srinagar, we stayed with a local family in a houseboat. Those people are a few of the warmest people we met. The family head, who we called uncle, was always smiling and told us stories of the past and the tales of the present. In Srinagar, we used to stroll around Dal Lake, talk to people and watch the beautiful sunset.

Houseboats at Dal Lake

Is Kashmir Safe for tourists after the scrapping of Article 370?

Yes, definitely. There was a lot of upheaval after Article 370 was scrapped. Kashmir was pushed into strict curfew and internet services were shut down since August 5, 2019.

From mid-July 2020, the Government has opened up Kashmir again for tourists. Things are gradually coming back to normal. The Internet has been restored and tourists have also started visiting the valley.

The Covid-19 Pandemic had again created havoc on Kashmir tourism like the rest of the world. However, tourists were visiting Kashmir and January and February 2021 saw a lot of tourists visiting Kashmir.

BRO signs on Srinagar Leh Highway

Now let us talk about the safety of tourists in Kashmir.

  • Kashmir does experience violence in one form or the other, but it is rare that tourists get caught up in such a situation.
  • Stone-pelting, gun fights and any other violence rarely occur in main tourist areas like Srinagar Dal Lake, Gulmarg, Pahalgam or Sonmarg.
  • Tourists are absolutely safe in Kashmir. Jammu and Kashmir is one of the states where there is zero crime record against tourists . The locals are very supportive and helpful towards tourists. Tourism is considered to be a large part of the economy and a large number of people gain their livelihood from tourism like travel agents, hotel and houseboat owners, shikara owners, tourist guides, car drivers, pony owners and others. The locals will not let anything happen to the tourists.
  •  What we need to understand is that the Kashmiris have a problem with the administration, but not with the rest of the country. Any violence is towards the military or the local administration.
  •  Kashmir has one of the lowest crime rates in India. Crimes against women are rarely heard in Kashmir making it a safe place for female travellers.

Horses at Gulmarg

So why is there so much Bad News?

The main reason for this unsafe Kashmir bubble is because of the media buzz. Most of the media houses sensationalized stories and have exaggerated the problem. The news channels have made us believe that there is something really wrong with Kashmir. This is not true.

The Bollywood industry has also played a significant part in this scenario. Before militancy, Kashmir was known as the shooting place for many Bollywood blockbusters. The ethereal beauty of the Valley had attracted many filmmakers to shoot there. But post 1990, the movies about Kashmir are mainly about wars and Kashmiri conflict. No more romances are made in or about Kashmir.

Dal Lake Kashmir where many Bollywood films has been shot

So should we visit Kashmir? Let us see what the locals think about tourism in Kashmir.

The Local Opinion – Is Kashmir Safe?

To be honest, we found Kashmiris to be one of the warmest hosts. Infact, some of my warmest experiences while travelling come from remote and conflicted areas like Northeast and Kashmir.

And then we got the opportunity to talk to the local Kashmiris.

“Do you really think that we are all violent and throw stones at random people”? One young Kashmiri woman from Srinagar asked me this as I was having Kahwa in her house. She was just out of college.

Young woman riding a Shikara at Dal Lake

She was not the only one. Almost all the people we met in Kashmir had this question for us – “Do you really feel unsafe here? What do you think? Is Kashmir safe”?

And we kept on answering them truthfully that Kashmir is as safe as a second home.

Our hosts at Naranag asked us while we were having dinner in their cosy kitchen, “What will you tell others when you get back home? Will you ask them to come here”?

We only have good things to tell about Kashmir.

The Kashmiris we met are lovely people. They want us to visit the Valley. They actually worry about the general image that is portrayed by the media.

Interacting with children at Yousmarg

Of course, I do not say that everything is hunky dory in Kashmir. There are problems in the Valley. We had seen pictures on the walls saying “Azad Kashmir”. We have heard about stone pelting incidents.

Similarly, we had also seen a few Indian Military personnel treating the local Kashmiris quite poorly.

Now coming to the main question – So what do the Kashmiris Want?

After talking to the Kashmiris, we found out that they have different opinions on the matter. Some people are quite happy to be a part of India (irrespective of their religious background) while there are many that want to be a part of Pakistan. There is also a group that wants independent Kashmir without the interference of India or Pakistan.

Shikara owner at Dal Lake

The majority of the people, however, do not care much as long as they live peacefully and earn a decent living. This is actually the common man who is concerned about the well-being of their family. We actually found the common people of the villages, the shepherds on the valleys, the tourist guides, and a few houseboat owners who care much less about the country they are in. All they want is peace and the right to live a decent life.

Kashmir cannot be won by violence. Only love and empathy can win over Kashmir and the Kashmiris.

At Charar-e-sharif

Is it ethical to visit Kashmir?

Just like the negative image portrayed, there is also another issue that goes round in this time – is it ethical to visit Kashmir. I was even asked why being a travel influencer I was visiting Kashmir.

Kashmir has remained a disputed land for a long time. As of date, more than 600,000 Indian soldiers are deployed in Kashmir making Kashmir one of the most militarized zones in the world.

The Indian soldiers in Kashmir have been accused of grossly violating human rights issues. They have been accused for fake encounters, rapes, tortures and destruction of properties. And recently, Article 370 has been scrapped by the Indian Government. It is said that the voice of Kashmiris have been suppressed for a long time. Curfews are rampant and there is complete shutdown of the internet for days and months in Kashmir. Children cannot attend schools properly because of curfew. Life is not normal there.

So what should we do? Should we visit Kashmir? Or, should we not visit the place because of the human right violation?

Tulip Garden Srinagar

What do we think?

Kashmiris want people to visit their land. They want others to know about their history, culture, landscape and in general, their life. They want people to know about the real Kashmir and Kashmiris. So who are we to deny them?

We personally believe that stopping to visit a place is the solution to any problem. It is very easy to form opinions and judgments from outside. Only when we visit a place can we understand what really is happening there. The more people will visit, the more the world will know about the real problem of the place. And what the common people of the place want.

Entrance to Lolab Valley

By not going to Kashmir or stopping tourism, we are denying the locals of their livelihood. The houseboat where we stayed had two young men working hard for their family. They want tourists to visit their place. If they are denied that for the sake of “ethics”, then they might be attracted to improper means of income. Who knows?

Bottom-line, we want you to visit Kashmir. The Kashmiris want you to visit there. You can explore the well-known tourist circuit or the offbeat places. Once you are there, we ask you to be respectful to the locals and talk to them. You will realize that the Paradise on Earth is indeed a delightful place.

A Shikara selling fruits at Dal Lake

Tips for a safe trip to Kashmir

1. do your homework and know the place well.

This is something that I always recommend before going on any trip. So before you start for your Kashmir trip, keep a close check on the local news and current situations in Kashmir.

Little boys after playing cricket - is Kashmir safe for tourists

This however, does not include the encounters and skirmishes between the Indian army and the militants. These clashes have become quite common in the Valley since the last decade. This is likely to impact your travel schedule. What definitely will impact your travel are incidents like curfew and wide-spread stone pelting in the valley. These incidents will create a bottleneck to your travel plan and you might be stuck inside your hotel for long. If there is continued violence and curfew in the region for a longer period of time, then it might be better to reschedule your trip.

2. Stick to the main tourist areas

Tourism plays a large part in the economy of Kashmiris, both directly and indirectly. And the Kashmiris take care of the tourists as their own. Popular tourist destinations like Pahalgam, Sonmarg and Gulmarg hardly get disrupted by protests. Infact, when we went for AmarnathYatra, Pahalgam functioned normally, even though there was curfew in the rest of Kashmir.

Landscape of Kashmir-Is KAshmir safefor Tourists

So for your first visit in Kashmir, we recommend you to stick to the popular tourist circuit in your itinerary. Think twice before venturing into offbeat routes.

I am not saying that visiting offbeat Kashmir is entirely not possible. We have done it on our first trip itself. Infact, we had travelled across 10 districts of Kashmir in 15 days. But this is not suitable for everyone. To be on the safer side, stick to the main tourist circuit of Kashmir for your first time. Once you get a fair idea of the place, you can plan on going off-the-beaten track.

Kashmir is so beautiful that even the most common tourist places will leave you mesmerized. So just ditch the fear and visit Kashmir.

Snowfall at Sonmarg

3. Stay on the Main Routes

This is quite an important part in Kashmir and applies for both Srinagar and the rest of Kashmir. Stay on the main roads and highways. When you are exploring a city or town, stick to the main roads, tourist areas and the main market areas. Do not wander off to explore obscure mohallas and lanes on our own. Do not go to any places that you have no business visiting.

4. Avoid troubled areas

By this, we ask you to avoid areas where you might know trouble can happen. If by any chance you have heard that there might be some problem in a place, do not go there out of curiosity to see what is happening.

A pony owner at Doodhpatri - is Kashmir safe for tourists

For example, we had heard that there were stone pelting clashes at a part of old Srinagar on an afternoon. We had actually planned on walking there that day. But we changed our plans and visited elsewhere. Similarly, if there are skirmishes at the border area, it is better to avoid visiting places like Gurez and Lolab Valley.

Do not be curious and wander off to unknown places. Just take off your explorer shoes for once and put on your tourist hat while you are in Kashmir.

5. Ditch the maps and Be Social

This brings us to our current recommendation. It is better to avoid Google Maps in Kashmir if you are travelling on your own. Google Maps by default shows you the shortest possible way, which might not be the best route you take. This is especially for the bikers. Following Google Maps might lead you to places where some protest is going on. It would be a matter of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

A local on the roads of Kashmir

So it is better to ditch the Google Map for the time being and be social again. Ask around. The local people are very helpful and they will guide you accordingly. You can ask the locals, the policemen, the army people for directions. If there are any issues at any place, they will immediately direct you to a safer route.

6. Dress in an appropriate manner

Kashmir is a Muslim majority state and you will find the women dressed conservatively and mostly wearing a Hijab. So it is appropriate to dress modestly in Kashmir. Revealing outfits are not the thing you should wear there. While there are usually no restrictions for men folks, we would suggest you not flaunt your six-pack abs there!

A smiling child

Of course there is no official dressing code or rule. You will definitely not get pointed out or arrested for wearing shorts or a mini-skirt. But such a dress can be seen disrespectful to a lot of people there. What you wear is definitely your personal choice. But it is always to respect the feelings of the people of the place you visit. After all, respect begets respect.

For ladies, it is advisable to carry a stole or dupatta. While entering mosques and dargahs, you are often asked to cover your head.

7. Keep a local contact, always

With young kids in Kashmir

Keep a local Kashmiri contact with you while travelling around Kashmir, always! It might be from your hotel, your car driver, local travel agent or anyone you know. If something goes wrong, then you will always have a local person to rely on.

In the worst case, if you have to knock on the doors of a local, do not be afraid to do that. You will find them to be helpful and accommodative.

8. Stay Calm and do not get into arguments

This is the best piece of advice that I can give you. Stay calm and avoid getting yourself into confrontational debates and arguments. Please understand their situation and even if you do not, empathize with them. You might not agree with their thoughts and beliefs just like they might not agree with yours.

Remember that you are a guest there. The Kashmiris treat their guests with respect and you should also return it.

9. Get a mobile Postpaid Connection

Prepaid mobile connections do not work in Kashmir for security reasons. So before visiting the Valley, we recommend you to take a postpaid connection. BSNL has the widest network here followed by Airtel and Jio.

We recommend you carry a postpaid Sim instead of waiting to get one there. We had not gotten a postpaid Sim during our visit and we had to wait for almost 5 days before we got one local SIM.

10. Be prepared for sudden changes in plans

Enjoying snowfall at Sonmarg - is Kashmir safe for tourists

Things can be quite unpredictable in Kashmir. So be prepared for changes in your plans. We had to change our plans a couple of times – once because of a minor stone pelting issue and another time was due to snowfall.

11. Limit alcohols to Indoors

The majority of the population in Kashmir follows Islam where alcohol consumption is a frowned upon. Alcohol is not banned in Kashmir per se, but it is always better to consume alcohol indoors. There are few shops selling alcohol in Srinagar and most of the hotels probably have arrangements to serve them. But places like Gulmarg, Sonmarg and Pahalgam so not have alcohol shops.

Do not consume alcohol openly. Respect the feelings of the locals and restrict your drinking to indoors. Have your drinks inside the hotel with your friends and then sleep on it. Do not get drunk and go for a walk or even drive.

A tourist guide in Doodhpatri

12. Do not take Curfews lightly

Even after all your safety preparations, you still find yourself in a curfew situation; then take it seriously. Curfews are not to be taken lightly in Kashmir. If anything goes wrong, stay inside your hotel or houseboat as long as required. Get out only when things have calmed down. Even if you are caught up while travelling, stay calm and let your car driver handle the situation. Otherwise take the help of a local or security personnel. They will ensure your safety.

A local vegetable seller of Dal Lake

13. Photograph with care

While taking photographs of people, it is always polite to ask for permission. And this goes for all places you visit. Kashmir is no exception.

However, the most important tip we can give you is – do not take photographs of military installations, BSF grounds or anything related to the army, even from a distance. There are cases where the military has taken away cameras or deleted pictures.

Shepherds with their flock

Hope these Kashmir travel tips will help you while planning a trip to Kashmir.

A Few more pictures from Kashmir

A little boy we met at Charar-e-sharif

Kashmir is undoubtedly a beautiful destination. If you are planning to visit Kashmir, make an informed decision before going there. Once again we would iterate that Kashmiris are very amiable and you will never feel unwanted there.

As for us, we loved Kashmir and cannot wait to go back there again!

Pin it for a later read!

Is it safe to travel to Kashmir - Tips for safe travel  to Kashmir

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Agni Amrita Travel Blogger

Hey! we’re Agni & Amrita.

We have been travelling together since the last 15 years and writing independent and personal travel content since 2014. Travel is one of the best teachers and through this blog, we aim to share our experiences and travel tips. We encourage you to travel more and see the world through your eyes and not through filtered templates.

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Afreen Ansari

This is so detailed, almost reminded me on my trip to Kashmir and I totally agree its safe but all depends on the individual. The people are so warm and welcoming here, totally agree

Agni Amrita

Kashmir as well as its people are really beautiful!

Manisha Garg

I have been to Kashmir and no wonder it’s called Jannat. It’s beautiful. You have covered all aspects one needs to keep in mind while travelling there.

Thank you Manisha!


Very beautiful post. Reading about Kashmir is like a dream and for a second I was feeling I was there in Kashmir. The points which you have mentioned are very informative. Especially about the postpaid sim.

Thank you so much Priyal!

Bedabrata Chakraborty

I am so glad I visited Kashmir as a child. Never imagined things would get so complicated thereafter.

You can visit again. Even though things are a bit complicated politically, the people are really lovely.

Sanjay Thampy

Kashmir is definitely heaven on earth. A very informative post to dispel some myths about safety of tourists in that place.

Thank you Sanjay!

Sandy N Vyjay

Nice to read about your visit to Kashmir and get a first-hand account of the ground situation there, vis a vis tourism. Media reports are not reliable to go by as they more often than not blow things out of proportion. Appreciate your interaction with the locals. The people are indeed full of warmth and hospitality.

The Kashmiris are so full of warmth. You need to visit them to understand them. Thank you!

Pamela Mukherjee

What a brilliant piece of writing about Kashmir. Good reading the pointers. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you so much, Pamela!


Kashmir has always been on my list and I will visit it someday when I can. I know there are many times situations are different to what the media makes us believe. I have had a few Kashmiri friends in the past and they have been amazing. Lovely post talking about each aspect.

These days it is hard to believe the media. Things are definitely not all hunky dory there, but the people are really lovely.

Pushpanjali Banerjee

This is such an inspiring article. My husband and I have been to Ladakh, he had gone on an Amarnath jatra and I visited Kashmir as a child, the memory of which is past oblivion. With the current situation and the atrocities committed by the Indian state, I had felt it’d be unethical to visit Kashmir. But your article addresses the issue so well that I’m tempted to rethink my stance. Thank you!

Thank you Pushpanjali. Kashmir is definitely a sensitive issue. But amidst all the media, politics, safety, ethical questions we seem to forget what the Kashmiris want. You can understand them only if you go to them. It is so easy to judge and make decisions from outside. That is why I always say do not write off a place because of safety and ethical issues! I am glad you understood what I tried to convey! 🙂


I’m visiting Kashmir with my family next month and I found your article quite useful. I was skeptical all this while but now I can’t contain my excitement. Thanks for breaking it down right till the attire and alcohol bit. It really helps!

Thank you so much Saanya! I am so glad it helped. Hope you have a wonderful trip to Kashmir.


Your blog is really informative. Thanks for valuable update. With family we will be visiting Srinagar in mid Sept. How safe is it too visit Yosumarg, any information?

Thank you Goutam. Yusmarg is also quite safe to visit. You can go through our blog on Yusmarg as well as our Youtube video to get a glimpse of the place.


Reading about Kashmir is like a dream and for a second I was feeling I was there in Kashmir. Kashmir is an emotion!

It is so true. Thank you for the comment!


Thanks very much for the information. Helped me decide .

We are glad that it helped.

Thank you so much!

Prakriti Prasad

Very informative blog on Kashmir safety and what pointers to keep in mind. Thanks a ton! Have been wondering about the safety bit as everyone who hears we are going there comments “Why are you going there now, it’s so unsafe?”

That was the question we heard when we wanted to travel there. However, travelling to Kashmir was a wonderful experience. Thank you for your comment Prakriti and hope you have a great trip to Kashmir.


Thanks for the blog its very helpful.

Haripriya Nair

Hi, blog was very beautiful to read. Did you hire any guide for transportation etc? If yes, how to do so, and can we travel without a guide?

Thank you so much! We had hired transportation for the entire trip. We did not hire any guide. So, when are you planning to visit Kashmir?

Julian Acuña

Thank you Agni Amrita. I really enjoyed reading about the current situation for visitors to Kashmir. My wife and I have been wanting to visit for decades. We have visited places nearby, many times, but have not made it to Kashmir yet. Hope to one day we can. Regards

Thank you so much for your comment. We really hope that you can visit Kashmir sometime soon.


I think u should not visit to kasmir so that common people should die because these are the people who help the terrorist so they kill Hindu pandit in kashmir.😡


“Thank you for postiong such an amazing blog I have learnt alot from this blog.

Thank you so much for the kind comment.


I enjoyed reading this article! I visited Srinigar and stayed on a houseboat in Dal lake way back in 1988 or 1989. My family was living in New Delhi at the time, housed by the large international company for whom my ex-husband worked. My children were very young, a baby and a toddler. Due to the stress our family was experiencing at the time, unfortunately and very sadly, my memories contain few details. But I remember the beauty of Kashmir with the surrounding mountains, the pretty small boat that carried us across the lake to our houseboat, and the beautiful carved wood in the houseboat. Our ayah accompanied us on this trip, again, made possible by the company. We returned with lovely souvenirs of the region including an embroidered flowered rug and an intricately carved walnut four-panel screen portraying the four seasons. I wish I had more memories of the people of Kashmir! Reading your article helped to add some background to my few memories. Thank you.

Thank you so much for this beautiful comment. To be honest, this made our day. We are so glad that our blog helped you delving into your memories. Please keep reading our blog. And a big thank you again!


We are planning to visit Kashmir in the month of May. Thanks for the blog. It’s very informative. Wanted to know whether gondola ride will be safe for aged people? There will be 3 aged people in my group. How much do they charge ? Also I want to know how much to bargain if we take a local cab for the glacier visit from sonmarg?I also want to know about the authentic kashmiri shawl market place Thanks and regards

Yes, gondola ride will be safe for aged people. But be careful about the altitude. I would suggest not to visit Phase II as the altitude there is quite hight and there can be breathing problems.


Such sensitivity in your writings .The world needs more of this .Thank you

Thank you so much for your kind words! Please keep reading our blogs.


Hi…it was such a beautiful article to read and so so helpful…my husband and I are planning to visit kashmir and this made me at very much at ease…we are contacting make my trip to arrange this visit in July

Thank you so much Syeda for the kind words. If you have any questions, drop us a mail and hope you have a great trip to Kashmir.


Thanks for the beautiful article. It may help in my next trip to Kashmir.


its truth kashmir is always safe for travelers thanks for sharing this bro


Very Useful !

Majid Hussain

Kashmir is safest and most beautiful place for travelers

It is indeed!

Rakesh Sharma

Nice Blog…. This is really amazing. Great information about Kashmir.


Hi all, Planned a Road trip in Innova: Any one willing to join me ? Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) -to- Srinagar (16 -to- 24 dec 2022) Srinagar -to- Leh (25 -to- 27 dec 2022) Leh -to- Coimbatore (28 -to- 4 jan 2023)

Agni Amrita, Any specific procedure to cover this stretch at the mentioned dates ? What obstacles can i expect to do this route ?


is it safe to be there with the loved one’s

Yes, it is safe as long as you are in the main areas. A place is as safe as you make it to be.


Is it safe for white British couple to visit Kashmir

Hello Peter! Thanks for stopping by. Yes, it is safe for British tourists in Kashmir. But as I mentioned in the article, please stay at the touristic areas only. Do not venture into the unknown. Enjoy the scenic paradise!


We are just back on our 5 day Kashmir visit. Truly truly Heaven on Earth. Just loved every bit of it. Felt blessed to be there with Family. Kashmiri’s are so so friendly and helpful. Loved it. Can’t wait to go there again.

Thank you Lata for sharing your experience in Kashmir. It is truly a wonderful place. We also want to revisit Kashmir.


Our friends are planning to explore Kashmir and we dought about this thanx for information

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Kashmir Mountains

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

Is Kashmir Safe to Travel Now? – A Kashmir Travel Guide

Kashmir tourism

Kashmir, often referred to as “Paradise on Earth,” is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes, cultural richness, and warm hospitality. However, the region has, at times, been subject to geopolitical tensions and occasional unrest. Travelers contemplating a visit to Kashmir often find themselves questioning the safety of the destination. In this article, we aim to provide an insightful overview of the current situation in Kashmir and assess whether it is safe for travelers.

In recent years, the region of Kashmir has undergone significant transformations, marking a notable shift from the challenges and uncertainties that once defined its landscape. The journey toward stability and recovery has been a testament to the resilience of the people, the efforts of local authorities, and a renewed sense of hope for a brighter future.

Historical Context: Kashmir, a region known for its breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage, has faced a complex and tumultuous history. Political tensions, social unrest, and security concerns have, at times, overshadowed the inherent beauty and serenity that characterize this paradise on Earth. However, recent developments indicate a positive trajectory, signaling a recovery from the challenges of the past.

Economic Revitalization: One of the key indicators of Kashmir’s recovery is the revitalization of its economy. Efforts to promote tourism, harness the potential of local industries, and encourage investments have contributed to economic growth. The return of tourists to the valley speaks volumes about the renewed confidence in the region as a safe and welcoming destination.

Kashmir has witnessed a significant surge in tourism, affirming its status as a safe and thriving destination. With a record-breaking influx of tourists, the region is experiencing an unparalleled rush during the summer season. This surge is not only indicative of the mesmerizing allure of Kashmir but also underscores the peace and confidence in the region.

Unprecedented Tourist Inflow: Data from the Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Department and the Union Tourism Ministry reveal that an estimated 1.06 crore tourists have visited the region between January and July 2022. This figure breaks a 10-year record, showcasing a remarkable increase in the number of visitors to the valley.

Tourist Statistics : Between January and May 15, 2022, the number of tourists surpassed 600,000, marking a fourfold increase compared to the same period in the previous year. The surge in bookings for visits to iconic destinations like Gulmarg, Srinagar, Pahalgam, and other areas reflects the growing popularity of Kashmir as a tourist hotspot.

Record-Breaking Bookings : Between October 2021 and March 2022, approximately 80 lakh people visited the union territory. The surge in tourist footfall has been attributed to the prevailing peace in the region and growing confidence in government initiatives aimed at its development. The average duration of tourist stays ranges from 10 to 15 days, with visitors expressing a willingness to spend 30–40% more on their travels to the valley.

Private Sector Investment: To further enhance tourism infrastructure and attract private investors, the Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Policy, 2020, has been notified. This strategic move aims to position tourism as an industry, encouraging investments that contribute to job creation and economic growth in the region.

Kashmir Travel Guide: A Paradise on Earth Awaits


Kashmir stands as one of the most delightful holiday destinations. With its breathtaking natural beauty, unexplored landscapes, and warm hospitality, Kashmir beckons travelers seeking an unforgettable experience.

Safe to Travel : Despite being a historical flashpoint due to political issues, Kashmir is now deemed safe for travel, with the situation returning to normalcy.

Diverse Experiences : A journey to Kashmir offers a diverse range of experiences tailored to different preferences. Whether you are a solo traveler, spiritual seeker, adventure enthusiast, or honeymooner, Kashmir has something special for everyone.

Customizable Itineraries : When planning your Kashmir tour , personalize your itinerary based on your preferences. Explore spiritual shrines, embark on adventure activities, or indulge in the romantic ambiance, making it an ideal honeymoon destination.

Natural Beauty and Adventure : For nature lovers and photographers, Kashmir unfolds incredible Himalayan mountain views and scenic landscapes. The region’s raw beauty, offbeat trails, and captivating scenes offer opportunities for both camera captures and cherished memories.

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Plan Your Trip to Srinagar in Kashmir with this Travel Guide

Land of Lakes and Gardens

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

Ng Hock How/Getty Images

Srinagar, in the Kashmir Valley in far northern India, is one of the top 10 hill station in India. A place of splendid natural beauty, it's often referred to as the "Land of Lakes and Gardens" or the "Switzerland of India". The gardens have a distinctly Mughal influence, as many of them were cultivated by Mughal emperors. Although civil unrest is an ongoing concern in the area due to conflict with nearby Pakistan, calm has been restored and visitors are returning to the area. (Read more about how safe is Kashmir now for tourists? ). Nevertheless, be prepared to see army personnel and police everywhere. Find out important information and travel tips in this Srinagar travel guide.

Getting There

Srinagar's Sheikh ul-Alam airport was completed in 2009 and is owned by the Indian Air Force. It can be reached most easily by flight from Delhi . There are also flights from Jammu, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Amritsar, Kolkata, Bangalore, and Lucknow.

The Jammu and Kashmir State Road Transport Corporation operates an inexpensive bus service from the airport to the Tourist Reception Center in Srinagar. Otherwise, expect to pay about 1,000 rupees for a prepaid taxi (2018 prices). App-based taxi services such as Uber and Ola don't operate in Kashmir.

If you're traveling on a budget and are feeling adventurous, you may try taking an Indian Railways train to Jammu (these trains start from Delhi or pass through Delhi from other cities in India), and then go by shared jeep/taxi to Srinagar (traveling time around eight hours). Buses also run but they are much slower, taking around 11-12 hours for the journey.

A rail project is currently underway to link the Kashmir Valley with the rest of India, but it's well behind schedule and isn't expected to be completed until after 2020. Tunnels are also being built to cut the travel time from Jammu to Srinagar by around five hours.

Visas and Security

Foreigners (including OCI cardholders) are required to register upon arriving and departing from the airport. It's a straightforward process that requires the completion of one form and only takes about five minutes. Do note that US government employees and government contractors who have security clearance are not permitted to visit Srinagar, as Kashmir is off-limits. Traveling to Kashmir could result in loss of security clearance.

The kind of experience you want to have in Srinagar will determine the best time of year to visit. It gets very cold and snows from December to February, and it's possible to go snow skiing in surrounding areas. If you want to enjoy the lakes and gardens, visiting between April to October is recommended. April to June is the high season. The monsoon usually arrives by mid July. September to October is also a good time to visit, and is not so busy. Foliage turns lovely deep, warm colors in late October, as the weather becomes colder. Temperatures get quite hot during the day in summer, but are chilly at night. Make sure you bring a jacket!

What to See and Do

Check out these top Srinagar attractions and places to visit. Srinagar is most well known for its houseboats, a legacy of the British that has rapidly multiplied. Don't miss staying on one!

Tips for Staying on a Houseboat

Avoid booking houseboats from tour operators in Delhi. There are plenty of scams and you never know what kind of boat you'll end up with! Reputable houseboats can be booked at Srinagar airport, and many have websites as well. Have a read of these tips for choosing the best Srinagar houseboat to find out what you should consider.

Where Else to Stay

The main commercial and tourist district, where most of the accommodations are situated, is Lal Chowk in the heart of Srinagar. It's located within close walking distance of local markets and the Jhelum River. Walking time to Dal Lake from Lal Chowk is about 30 minutes.

If you prefer to stay closer to Dal Lake, you'll find plenty of budget hotels to choose from along Boulevard Road, which runs along beside the lake. Hotel JH Bazaz and Blooming Dale Hotel Cottages offer good value for money in the Dal Gate area next to Dal Lake. Swiss Hotel Kashmir , located just off the Boulevard, is a popular budget choice -- and here's a pleasant surprise, foreigners pay reduced rates (usually, foreigners are charged more in India)! Hotel Dar-Es-Salam is a popular boutique hotel that overlooks the lake

Otherwise, if money is no object, the best luxury hotels are the Lalit Grand Palace and the Vivanta Dal View .

Hospitality Home is the most popular homestay in Srinagar and it's also inexpensive.

The annual Tulip Festival takes place during the first couple of weeks of April. It's the highlight of the year in Srinagar. In addition to being able to see millions of blooming tulips in the biggest tulip garden in Asia, cultural events are held.

Indian tourists often prefer to conduct their trip on an auspicious note, with a visit to Vaishno Devi shrine. It's best reached by helicopter from Katra, about an hour and a half from Jammu. Otherwise, these  popular tourist places in Kashmir can be visited on day trips (or longer side trips) from Srinagar.

Travel Tips

If you have a cell phone with a prepaid connection, your SIM card will not work as roaming has been blocked in Kashmir due to security reasons (postpaid connections are fine). Your hotel or houseboat may provide you with a local SIM card to use.

Note that being a predominantly Muslim area, alcohol isn't served in restaurants and most businesses shut for prayer at lunchtime on Friday in Srinagar. Bars can be found in select upmarket hotels though.

If you're flying out of Srinagar airport, do get there with plenty of time to spare (at least three hours before departure), as there are lengthy and multiple security checks. There aren't any restrictions on cabin luggage when flying into the airport. However, when departing, airlines often won't allow cabin luggage except for laptops, cameras and ladies handbags.

If you go to Gulmarg, you can save yourself a lot of time and hassle by booking gondola tickets online or in advance at the Tourist Reception Center in Srinagar. You'll face huge lines at the gondola otherwise. In addition, avoid visiting Pahalgam during July as it will be extremely busy with pilgrims going on the Amarnath Yatra .

Do be aware that you should dress conservatively to respect the local Muslim culture.

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Srinagar Tourism And Travel Guide

Srinagar is the capital city of Jammu And Kashmir , surrounded by beautiful mountains and lush green fields. The literal meaning of the word Srinagar in Sanskrit is, 'the city of wealth and abundance'. This dazzling city is nestled on the banks of the Jhelum river and houses some truly magnificent lakes like Achar, Nagin, and of course, the iconic Dal lake. Tourism in Srinagar is a mix of outdoorsy fun like rowing in shikara boats and visiting Mughal Gardens, as well as a meditative trance walk through the old city and ancient crumbling mosques and minarets. To know more about this beautiful city, read this travel guide to Srinagar.

How To Reach

How To Reach:  Srinagar Tourism And Travel Guide

Srinagar is the summer capital of Jammu And Kashmir . It is well connected by trains, buses and has its own airport.

By Air: Srinagar International Airport is the major airport here, with Air India to Jeddah being the only international flight. It is well connected to various cities across the country, including, Delhi , Mumbai , Jammu, Goa etc via Air India, Go Air, Jet Airways, Spice Jet, and Vistara. People from smaller cities in India as well as international cities can reach any of the major airports in India, and then board a connecting flight to Srinagar.

By Rail: Srinagar Railway station only connects Baramulla, Anantnag, and Qazigund. Jammu Tawi Railway Station in Jammu is connected to different cities and towns in India. There are frequent trains to Mumbai, Delhi, Udaipur , Lucknow , Kanpur , Pune , and others.

By Bus: Srinagar has a good network of highways. The National Highway 1A connects the valley to the rest of India, and National Highway 1D connects it to Leh . Jammu and Kashmir State Road Transport Corporation operates many buses to reach Srinagar. Private buses can be availed from Jammu.

  • How To Reach Srinagar

Best Time To Visit

Best Time To Visit:  Srinagar Tourism And Travel Guide

Srinagar experiences a pleasant weather all around the year which makes tourists flock here from different parts of the world. The best time to visit Srinagar is from April to October as it is the perfect time for sightseeing and other activities. The snow is gone and the flowers are in full bloom.

  • Srinagar Weather And Best Time To Visit Srinagar

Things To Do

Things To Do:  Srinagar Tourism And Travel Guide

The attractions in Srinagar comprise of lovely rivers and lakes, with charming rows of houseboats floating on them, beautiful blossoming gardens, and lush green, thriving woods. The Land of Lakes and Gardens, Srinagar is blessed with several enchanting tourist places that can attract even the most discerning traveler to this magical land.

Dal Lake: The Dal Lake is the most important of all the lakes in Srinagar. From beautifully carved wooden houseboats and gondola-like “shikaras”, to the vibrant floating gardens, the Dal lake can offer a unique experience. The Dal Lake is surrounded by beautiful Mughal Gardens and pavilions. One can take a shikara ride and visit the floating markets, and watch the golden sun rays hit the beautiful mountain ranges.

Mughal Gardens: The Mughal Gardens were built in the Mughal era. They are filled with greenery and artistic architecture. The gardens are a combination of the Shalimar Gardens, Nishat Bagh, and Chashm-e-Shahi. The gardens are full of beautiful fountains and flowers which are a must-see for every traveler.

Shikara Ride: One of the reasons why people come to Srinagar is for the relaxing shikara rides. Tourists often stay in the houseboats and then take a ride across the scenic Dal Lake in the shikaras. With the backdrop of the majestic Himalayas, it is indeed an experience both enjoyable and unparalleled.

  • 10 Top Tourist Places To Visit In Srinagar
  • Things To Do In Srinagar

What To Eat

What To Eat:  Srinagar Tourism And Travel Guide

One should try the mouth-watering local 'Wazwan' which is a platter of various non-vegetarian items. Rogan Josh and a Yakhni and different types of Kebab and Fish are quite a delicacy in Srinagar. One should also try the local tea called Khawa. Restaurants that offer delicacies are The Mughal Darbar, Mughal Darbar Bakery, Ahdoos Hotel, Krishna Vaishno Dhaba and such.

Shop At:  Srinagar Tourism And Travel Guide

There are different places in Srinagar to shop from. One should especially check out the collection of shawls, carpets, rugs, papier mache, walnut and wood products and copper and silver ware. Places to shop from include, Lal Chowk, Badshah Chowk, and the nearby Polo View. Some artisans also set up stalls at their residence. One can visit them for exclusive products.

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Srinagar Warnings and Dangers

6 Tips on Srinagar Warnings or Dangers – Stay Safe!

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Srinagar Warnings and Dangers

Located in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, Srinagar is located on Dal and Anchar lakes surrounded by snow-capped mountains and lush landscape. Its close proximity to the India–Pakistan border comes with some travel warnings, though.

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While there is a military presence in Srinagar, it is mostly handled by a paramilitary force that is there to reassure both tourists and locals about security.  There are times when you’ll see military vehicles, armed soldiers, and surveillance equipment along the streets and highways, but this is to ensure safety.  It’s probably a good idea to register with your country’s consulate upon arrival in India and give them a copy of your itinerary. Before you go, read any travel warnings that might be current.

Over the years, spontaneous protests have broken out by various groups trying to carve out their place in Kashmiri society. As a result, sometimes curfews and checkpoints are imposed. Be aware during curfews it takes longer to go places. This is especially relevant if you are flying during this time. It might be difficult to get transportation to the airport, so plan ahead. Also the airport only lets passengers in who are departing within three hours. If you arrive earlier due to curfew restrictions, you might have to wait outside.

The only carry-on allowed are pre-checked laptops and cell phones. All other luggage must be weighed, scanned and checked. Make sure you have your departure ticket, passport, and carry-on electronics accessible before you arrive at the security checkpoint.

The population of Srinagar is about 1.2 million people. There are approximately 880 women for every 1000 men. It is also a predominately Muslim society with about 5 percent being Hindu. Women are not required to cover their face or head but should dress respectfully with pants and sleeved shirts. It is perfectly safe for women to walk on the streets without much danger of being approached or harassed, but still be aware of your surroundings.

Floating Hotels

Srinagar, once known as the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir, is famous for the grand houseboats anchored on the piers and floating in the middle of the lake. The James Bond movie “Octopussy” featured these floating barge homes. However some have fallen into disrepair from years of neglect. Recently, the newly elected government worked with the local tourism officials and formed the Houseboat Owners Association. Together they wrote safety standards and are bringing back these Kashmiri palaces. Be careful when booking your stay that you choose a houseboat with the HOA approved logo.

If you venture to Srinagar during the winter months, make sure you bring proper clothing. Layering and a good jacket should be sufficient. Near the lakes can be icy, so be careful when walking that you don’t slip though the ice. Winter storms in Zabarwan Range can freeze the lake or envelop the valley with a foggy mist, giving Srinagar an ethereal beauty.

More from SmarterTravel:

  • Srinagar Transportation – Taxi, Train, Bus & Airport Tips
  • Where to Stay in India: Lodging Tips
  • Getting Around India: Transportation Tips

Editor’s note: The information contained on this page was compiled using real traveler reviews about warnings or dangers in Srinagar. 

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India Travel Advisory

Travel advisory june 23, 2023, india - level 2: exercise increased caution.

Reissued with updates to health information.

Exercise increased caution in India due to crime and terrorism.

Do not travel to:

  • The union territory of Jammu and Kashmir (except the eastern Ladakh region and its capital, Leh) due to terrorism and civil unrest .
  • Within 10 km of the India-Pakistan border due to the potential for armed conflict .

Country Summary : Indian authorities report rape is one of the fastest growing crimes in India. Violent crime, such as sexual assault, has occurred at tourist sites and in other locations.

Terrorists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, and government facilities.

The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in rural areas from eastern Maharashtra and northern Telangana through western West Bengal as U.S. government employees must obtain special authorization to travel to these areas.

Read the country information page for additional information on travel to India.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has determined India has a moderate level of COVID-19.  Visit the CDC page for the latest Travel Health Information related to your travel.

If you decide to travel to India:

  • Do not travel alone, particularly if you are a woman. Visit our website for Women Travelers .
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  • Follow the Department of State on Facebook and Twitter .
  • Review the  Country Security Report for India.
  • Prepare a contingency plan for emergency situations. Review the Traveler’s Checklist .

Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Terrorist attacks and violent civil unrest are possible in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir. Avoid all travel to this state (with the exception of visits to the eastern Ladakh region and its capital, Leh). Sporadic violence occurs particularly along the Line of Control (LOC) separating India and Pakistan, and in tourist destinations in the Kashmir Valley: Srinagar, Gulmarg, and Pahalgam. The Indian government prohibits foreign tourists from visiting certain areas along the LOC.

Visit our website for Travel to High-Risk Areas .

India-Pakistan Border – Level 4: Do Not Travel

India and Pakistan maintain a strong military presence on both sides of the border. The only official India-Pakistan border crossing point for persons who are not citizens of India or Pakistan is in the state of Punjab between Attari, India, and Wagah, Pakistan. The border crossing is usually open but confirm the current status of the border crossing prior to commencing travel. A Pakistani visa is required to enter Pakistan. Only U.S. citizens residing in India may apply for a Pakistani visa in India. Otherwise apply for a Pakistani visa in your country of residence before traveling to India.

Northeastern States – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Incidents of violence by ethnic insurgent groups, including bombings of buses, trains, rail lines, and markets, occur occasionally in the northeast.

U.S. government employees at the U.S. Embassy and Consulates in India are prohibited from traveling to the states of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Tripura, and Manipur without special authorization from the U.S. Consulate General in Kolkata.

Central and East India – Level 4: Do Not Travel

Maoist extremist groups, or “Naxalites,” are active in a large swath of India from eastern Maharashtra and northern Telangana through western West Bengal, particularly in rural parts of Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand and on the borders of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, and Odisha. The Naxalites have conducted frequent terrorist attacks on local police, paramilitary forces, and government officials.

Due to the fluid nature of the threat, all U.S. government travelers to states with Naxalite activity must receive special authorization from the U.S. consulate responsible for the area to be visited. U.S. officials traveling only to the capital cities in these states do not need prior authorization.

Visit our website for Travel to High-Risk Areas . 

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is srinagar safe to travel 2022

Is it safe to visit Kashmir now?

Kashmir is a politically sensitive location, there is no doubt about it. As we planned our 9 days trip to Kashmir with family and kids , there were several apprehensions in our mind. There was a bomb blast in one of the main markets and a few targeted killings few days before we visited here. And then just a day before our trip there was a blast in the parking of Tulip Gardens of Srinagar , where we very much had plans to visit. To be honest, at times, we even wondered if we should shift the dates of our travel or cancel our trip altogether. But finally we took the plunge. And, here we are. Back to our home all safe and sound. Ready to share our experience with you. And help you decide how safe is it to visit Kashmir or how safe is Srinagar to travel.

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

Table of Contents

The local people of Kashmir

We found the people of Kashmir one of the most warm hearted, welcoming and helping. Particularly they are so generous towards tourists. In fact, they want more and more tourists to come visit their land. In short, they are just like me and you. Of course the political turmoil and the sensitive atmosphere disturbs and irritates them now and then. But, they are strong people. They will not show you their pain or frustration. Everything they do, they say, they talk about is what makes you feel comfortable and at home while you are in Kashmir.

Our cab driver who was with us for the complete duration of our trip even called us after we reached back home to enquire on us. And told that the next time we come back to visit, he wants to take us to his home and meet his family! We have been to so many other places in India. And hired cabs for those trips. Like on our trip to Meghalaya , our cab driver was with us for 4 full days. On our trips to Palampur and then to Shimla and Manali , the same cab driver was assigned to us. So, we spent close to 15 days with him in total across the two trips. And then there are so many other examples. But this is the first and only time we saw such a gesture extended by our cab driver!

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

When we were in Gulmarg, some of us were caught in a snow storm while others were trying to get to the base station of Gondola amid utter rush. That is where our guide helped us through, performing much beyond what his duty required. He was with us at every step. Did multiple rounds of Gondola Cable car up and down until our complete group reached back to Gulmarg safely. And also helped arrange snack and water for kids in the moment of crisis.

Anywhere we went, anything we needed, we were met with utter warmth. And the hospitality everywhere was top notch. Even the restaurant owners and shopkeepers are very helping and very generous. So is every common person. So, rest assured that the moment you arrive in Kashmir, there will be people to help you, to extend their generosity and to welcome you at each and every step of your Kashmir trip.

Is Srinagar safe to visit

Srinagar is the capital of the state of Jammu & Kashmir. And hence one of the most sensitive areas. So, as you land here, you see a lot of army people deployed. And a CRPF personnel deployed at almost every few yards in each and every street. And you see a lot of army and CRPF caravans crossing as you drive through the roads of Kashmir. But rest assured, common life is going on unaltered around all this. We didn’t notice anything out of place, didn’t experience anything out of place.

Watch: Our vlogs on our trip across Srinagar

We spent one complete day sightseeing in Srinagar , but didn’t find anything unusual anywhere. Yes, we took precautions while we were in Srinagar. Precautions that one usually takes at any other location in India as well. For instance, one evening we ventured out to find a particular restaurant which serves Kashmiri cuisine. But we came to the end of the buzzing street and the road ahead looked dark and deserted. So, we changed our plans. And instead had dinner on the main road opposite Dal Lake. Even when taking a Shikara ride on Dal Lake , we ensured we finish the ride in the usual evening hours when there was a lot of buzz around.

We also had early dinners and returned back to our hotel by 8:30pm max. Around 9:30pm, we used to get calls from the hotel reception in each of the rooms confirming that the guests had arrived back safely. And after that around 10:00pm, they used to close and lock their main gate.

We didn’t discuss sensitive issues with the locals. Also, we were mindful and respectful of their culture and each individual’s opinion on matters. Afterall, everyone has the right to exercise their freedom of speech.

A week before we visited Srinagar, there was a bomb blast in one of the main market areas. So, we avoided the main market areas while shopping. And mostly stuck to the safer surroundings of Dal Lake.

What are the safe places to visit in Kashmir

Apart from Srinagar, we stayed in Pahalgam and Gulmarg. Both of these areas are fully dependent on tourism for their economy. And both of these are small towns, almost villages. We felt completely safe and secure while staying in these areas. It felt like any other usual tourist location while we were here. So, safety also depends on which areas you are visiting in Kashmir.

Related read:

A day exploring 4 surreal valleys of Pahalgam

Our complete guide to the Gulmarg Gondola Ride

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

While clashes, stone pelting and encounters do happen in Kashmir now and then. They are more localised to some of the bigger and more commercial towns like Srinagar, Anantnag, Baramulla etc. And the smaller tourist locations seem to be perfectly safe. While in Pahalgam, we stayed in Oswal Cottage , a small scale homestay kind of place which was located almost 2km from the main market area. And we also took a sightseeing trip in Pahalgam exploring Aru Valley, Betab Valley and Chandanwari. Our experience in Pahalgam was fabulous.

In Gulmarg, we took the Gulmarg Gondola and again stayed in a low key hotel – Pine View . Once again, it is a complete resort town. And there was not even a remote sign of anything unusual.

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

Usually the tourists visit Srinagar, Pahalgam, Gulmarg, Sonmarg, Doodhpathri etc. It’s good to stick to the usual tourist locations for a first time visitor at least.

How to take care of your safety in Kashmir

After visiting Kashmir, now I understand what other tourists and travellers meant when they said it is completely safe to visit Kashmir. What we hear in media and news is highlights of one off incidences now and then. But, the daily life in Kashmir seems as usual as any other part of India. And the locals want tourism to thrive. Because it is one of the main sources of their income. Having said that, it is important to take certain precautions when visiting Kashmir to take care of your safety. Most of these are precautions that you will take while visiting anywhere else in India. Like,

  • Don’t venture out in unknown streets or at night or roam around in deserted and isolated areas
  • Report suspected objects if you see them anywhere in public places like an abandoned bag
  • Keep phone numbers of your travel agent, hotel, taxi driver etc. handy with you all the time
  • When in doubt talk to locals and heed to their suggestions
  • For shopping etc. stick to the less crowded places and avoid the main crowded local markets
  • We booked our hotels and cab ourselves. If you are not comfortable doing that, then choose a reputed travel agency to avoid last minute hassles, cancellations or change of plan etc.
  • Be respectful of local culture and customs of the people. Dress modestly and be friendly.
  • Keep an eye on the news. And keep your plan little dynamic.
  • If there are curfews , they are very strictly followed. So, adjust your plan accordingly in case there’s a curfew imposed while you are there.

Hope this writeup helps you evaluate if you were also wondering “is it safe to visit Kashmir”.

Booking Resources

On our own trip to Kashmir, we booked most of the hotels online from booking.com. These were comfortable and economical stays near main markets and in core tourist areas, which were safer. In Srinagar, we stayed at Hotel Walisons and later at Chicago Group of Houseboats . Read our complete experience staying in the houseboat . You can browse list of other hotels in Srinagar by clicking here . In Pahalgam we stayed at Oswal Cottage . Click here to browse the list of stay options in Pahalgam. In Gulmarg at Hotel Pine View . Here’s a list of hotels to stay in Gulmarg . Do make your bookings in advance. And choose cancellable options. This will give you the flexibility to alter your trip or even cancel it till last moment as required.

PS: Some of our links are affiliated, this means we will earn a commission when you buy a service or product by clicking those links. However, this will have no extra cost for you.

4 thoughts on “Is it safe to visit Kashmir now?”

Safety in Kashmir may vary, check current travel advisories, and be cautious due to the region’s political situation.

Can you share your cab service details?

We booked our cab through an agency called travelmykashmir

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A perfect 5-day itinerary for a safe Srinagar trip

TRAVEL TRENDS , SRINAGAR Created : Dec 10, 2020, 19:00 IST

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

Srinagar is one place that features in the wishlist of almost all travellers. It is among the most popular tourist spots in the valley; of course, the capital city is also a hub of the region's tourism circuit.

During this 5-day vacation to Srinagar, you will get the opportunity to visit scenic hill stations, enticing rivers, mountain peaks, and much more. Along with this, enjoy Shikara rides in the beautiful Dal Lake, set off on an exciting trek, or enjoy a pony ride. To make sure you cover all the primary locations, here’s is a perfect 5-day itinerary for an amazing Srinagar trip.

Day 1: Arrival in Srinagar

It’s one of the most gorgeous destinations in the country; however, the moment you get off your flight, the sight of extra security outside the airport, might hassle you a bit. But rest assured, you will not face any difficulty to find a cab, or roam around. The moment you hit the roads, you will feel the life here is regular, and is like any other city with everyone busy with their work.

Make sure you explore the Mughal Gardens, Dal Lake, and the markets.

Day 2: Drive from Srinagar–Sonamarg–Srinagar

After having breakfast in your hotel, head toward Sonamarg. The drive is not very hectic as the scenic views will keep you occupied throughout the way. Majestic peaks in the backdrop, and colourful flower-laden meadows makes this hill station a must-visit. You can hire ponies for a trip to Thajiwas glacier, or can enjoy treks along several mountain lakes. It also serves as a base for those undertaking the trek to the Amarnath cave.

After exploring the spot, enjoy authentic Kashmiri cuisine in one of the restaurants, and drive back to Srinagar.

Day 3: Drive from Srinagar–Pahalgam

Enjoy this mesmerising drive through the scenic trails that connects Srinagar and Pahalgam. While en route, you might even get the opportunity to visit the saffron fields around. This spot is among one of the popular hill stations in India, and there is more than one reason for that. Also known as the Valley of Shepherds, Pahalgam will surprise you with its old world charm.

You can spend the night in a Pahalgam hotel or opt for camping. Have dinner and enjoy a good night's sleep.

Day 4: Drive from Pahalgam–Gulmarg

Following breakfast in Pahalgam, head toward the enchanting valleys of Gulmarg. Known for its beauty and charm, and popularly known as the Meadow of Flowers, this place needs to be explored to truly experience its beauty. When here, take the famous Gulmarg gondola cable car ride, or embark on a short trek to Khilanmarg. If you have enough energy, go on mountain rides and walk around. Then, head for your hotel, have dinner, and sleep tight.

Day 5: Drive from Gulmarg–Srinagar

After having breakfast in Gulmarg, drive back to Srinagar. After reaching the city, visit the Palace of Fairies, Nishat Garden, Shalimar Garden, and Shankaracharya Temple. End your day with a visit to the Handicraft Emporium, and a shikara ride. Around nightfall, go back to your hotel, have dinner, and call it a day.

Day 6: Depart from Srinagar

Today will be the last day of your tour to Srinagar. After breakfast, head toward the railway station or the airport, and end the tour on a high.

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A perfect 5-day itinerary for a safe Srinagar trip

Srinagar is one place that features in the wishlist of almost all travellers. It is among the most popular tourist spots in the valley; of course, the capital city is also a hub of the region's touris...

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

Post-Covid Travel Guide To Kashmir

Post-Covid Travel Guide To Kashmir

  • Rahul Arora

Kashmir: Heaven on Earth

Lovingly known as the ‘Heaven on Earth’, Kashmir is without a doubt one of the best vacation destinations you can visit. At least once in your life, you should visit this part of the world to witness some of the most picture-perfect natural scenes. The Kashmir valley is located in the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir. The state of Jammu and Kashmir shares its borders with Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. Pakistan and China are the closes neighbors to Jammu and Kashmir.

The land of Kashmir is nourished by one of the main rivers of Jhelum, Ravi, Tawi, Indus, and Chenab. The land of Kashmir is very fertile and is capable of producing rich crops. Wool is another popular commodity that is produced in Kashmir. Textiles made out of wool are quite popular all over the world. 

Jammu & Kashmir is majorly divided into three main regions. These three regions are Jammu, Ladakh, and the Kashmir Valley. All these regions have their own unique cultural identity and traditions. Jammu & Kashmir is blessed with beautiful valleys, temples, and meadows to make you cherish your vacation for years to come. 

Suggested Read: Best Tourist Places To Visit In Kashmir

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

If you are planning a trip to Kashmir through your Kashmir tour package, then you can customize your itinerary as per your travel needs. If you are a solo traveler or a spiritual seeker, then there are plenty of temples and spiritual shrines you can visit and offer your prayers. As an adventure tourist, you can find many adventure activities to engage yourself in. Kashmir is also a great honeymoon destination and couples visiting here consider it one of the most beautiful destinations to spend time with your loved one.  

Whatever your reason to travel be, you can find something for yourself in Kashmir. If you are a nature lover or a photographer, you can find some of the best views and scenes to capture in your camera and your memory. Social Media has played an important role in making the Kashmir valley popular to the community of tourists. Every year, there are thousands of people who visit Kashmir from all over the world. However, due to the pandemic, tourist activities have decreased. 

The second wave of Covid has declined significantly and the number of new Covid cases all over India has decreased. Due to this, ‘revenge tourism’ has started. The states of Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Goa have seen a sharp rise in the number of visiting tourists. We have prepared a Covid-19 travel guide to Kashmir which will help you stay safe and avoid any hassles while you travel to Kashmir after Covid. 

Suggested Read: Beautiful Valleys in Kashmir

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

Tourism activities are the major contributors to the local economy of Kashmir and its people. It generates jobs and business opportunities for locals who are engaged with hospitality and transportation activities. The Kashmir valley is now open for tourism but Covid guidelines are in place and there are some requirements from the tourists before they can enter Kashmir. 

As per the new guidelines, all tourists visiting Kashmir must be fully vaccinated with the two doses of the vaccine. Unvaccinated tourists will have to produce an RT-PCR test at least 72 hours before traveling. These measures have been in place for many other states of India and all popular tourist destinations. These rules will most likely stay in place for the upcoming months of this year. If the number of new Covid cases drops below a certain level, it is most likely that these guidelines will change and restrictions will be relaxed for the tourists. 

Also, maintaining Covid appropriate behavior is expected from all the visiting tourists. For visiting certain restricted areas, special permits will be required. The issuing of these permits has also started recently. So, these were some of the Kashmir travel guidelines that you need to know if you are planning to visit Kashmir.

To summarize, the following are some of the main travel guidelines that you need to remember before you book your Kashmir tour package.

- Vaccination certificate must be produced by all travels visiting Jammu & Kashmir. The vaccination certificate should include proof of the administration of two vaccine doses.

- Unvaccinated tourists must produce a negative RT-PCR test to be done 72 hours before traveling.

- Wearing masks and maintaining social distancing needs to be observed while visiting popular tourist destinations in Kashmir.

Best Destinations To Visit In Kashmir

Kashmir has some amazing tourist destinations with gorgeous views of the snow-capped mountains of the Himalayan range. If you are traveling to Kashmir then make sure that you check the most recent update on the Kashmir travel guidelines. Following are the 5 best places to visit while you are in Kashmir.

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

Famously known as the " meadow of flowers ", Gulmarg is India's finest travel destination. It is a beautiful place to enjoy the picture-perfect natural scenes that are unforgettable. Gulmarg became popular because of the many adventure activities that are offered to the tourists. 

Skiing is one of the most popular activities in Gulmarg. During the winter season, skiing enthusiasts from all over the world visit Gulmarg to take part in the Skiing events. The best time to ski is during the winter months starting from December until March. Tourists also enjoy the famous Gondola rides which are among the highest cable care tramway in the world. 

Suggested Read: Beautiful Places To Visit In Jammu

2. Sonamarg

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

Sonamarg can be roughly translated into “ the path of gold ’. Sonamarg is the last place in Kashmir on your way to Ladakh. Sonamarg is among the top 5 destinations in Kashmir and it is quite popular because of its natural beauty. Every year, hundreds of tourists visit Sonamarg to witness the snowfall during the winter months. 

Thajiwas Glacier is one of the best places to visit during the winters, Trekking to Thajiwas Glacier would take around 5 hours and can be done in a day. Adventure travelers visit Sonamarg for many such trekking trails. There are some amazing camping opportunities in this beautiful valley. 

Suggested Read: Amazing Sites In Leh Ladakh

3. Srinagar

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

Srinagar is a bustling city full of sightseeing opportunities and shopping options. You can some traditional Kashmiri textiles and souvenirs to take back home. One of the most popular destinations to visit in Srinagar is the famous Dal Lake. The houseboats selling various kinds of goods is a unique experience on its own. Tourists can also choose to stay in a houseboat and spend some time enjoying the ride. 

Suggested Read: Wonderful Places To Visit In India

4. Pahalgam

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

Pahalgam is popularly known as the " Valley of Shepherds ” and it is one of the most popular destinations in Kashmir. For adventure travelers, Pahalgam is an ideal destination for trekking and adventure activities. 

Betaab Valley is another famous place to visit in Pahalgam. This valley was named after a popular movie by the name ‘Betaab’ which was shot here. Sparkling crystal clear rivers and snow-capped mountains are particularly beautiful here. Other popular tourist activities include white water rafting, fishing, trekking, camping, and golfing. 

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5. Doodhpathri

Popularly known as the " Valley of Milk ", Doodhpathri is an off-beat destination that is slowly becoming more and more popular. The social media posts by the traveling community show the raw beauty of this great destination. 

The beauty alone is a reason to visit Doodhpathri where you can breathe some of the cleanest air in India. It is truly heaven on earth. Trekkers and camping enthusiasts visit Doodhpathri to experience adventure in this valley of uncorrupted beauty. If you are traveling from a city, you will see a stark contrast that will bring a sense of self-reflection while you are in Doodhpathri. 

These were the top 5 tourist destinations to visit in Kashmir. We have also compiled a list of the best tourist attractions in Kashmir. These tourist attractions include some of the most popular monuments, temples, national parks, shopping, and sightseeing opportunities. Following are some of the most popular tourist attractions to experience in Kashmir.  

- Raghunath Temple

- Amarnath Cave

- Shankaracharya Temple

- Vaishno Devi

- Jama Masjid

- Dachigam National Park

- Gulmarg Biosphere Reserve

- Hemis High Altitude Wildlife Sanctuary

- Kishtwar High Altitude National Park

- Overa National Park

These are the top 10 tourist attractions worth visiting while you are in Kashmir. This Covid-19 travel guide to Kashmir will help you choose the most important places to visit in Kashmir as per your travel needs. Most temples and shrines have large crowds and if you have decided to travel to these sites, then make sure you stay safe. While you are visiting the temples and shrines, make sure to wear masks and maintain social distancing to avoid the spread of the Covid-19 infection. 

Wildlife in Kashmir

There are several wildlife sanctuaries and national parks which are dedicated to the preservation of the bio-diversity of the Kashmir Valley. Some of the most amazing wildlife species such as Himalayan Marmot, Kashmiri Stag, Musk Deer, Leopards, Cats, and many rare species of birds and animals are found here. Nature lovers and photographers visit Kashmire to capture the beauty of these creatures.

Also, the species of plants and trees that are found here are quite rare. The preservation of these species is critical for the ecological balance of nature. If you are planning to visit Kashmir, make sure to visit any of the national parks. The scenic beauty surrounding these national parks and sanctuaries will leave you mesmerized.

Suggested Read: Top Things To Do In India

Art, Tradition & Culture of Kashmir

The culture of Jammu and Kashmir is a unique blend of many ethnic influences. The traditional festivals and events show a glimpse into the lives of the local people. The cultural influences of the Kashmiri people can be seen in their works of art and handicrafts. The dances and the music events portray the daily lives of the common Kashmiri people. 

The traditional weaving methods and use of local textile materials are also quite popular in various textiles that are popular in Kashmir. These products include Carpets, Rugs, Shawls, Furniture, Fabrics, Jewelry, and Copper wares. Music and dance are also unique in Jammu and Kashmir. Some of the most important festivals to attend in Jammu and Kashmir are the following.

- Hemis Festival

If you get to attend any of the cultural music festivals in Jammu & Kashmir, you will be able to have a unique experience of an amazing culture.

Best time to visit Kashmir

Usually, the best time to visit Jammu and Kashmir is during the months of the summer season. During the summer months, many areas of Kashmir are accessible. Also, you will be able to see the green meadows and gorgeous natural colors of the blooming flowers. Winters are also a quite popular time to visit. People visit Kashmir during the winter months to experience the snow or to spend time away from the tourist crowds. 

For nature lovers, photographers, and honeymoon couples, springtime is the best time to experience the beauty of Kashmir. Weather during the summer season is quite pleasant and it is a great time for families to travel to Kashmir comfortably. 

The Winter season starts from October till March and the temperature can fall -5 degrees Celcius. On the other hand, April till June is the summer season when you can comfortably travel to Kashmir without any hassles. Summer temperatures can be around 15 – 30 degrees Celsius. The monsoon months of July till September are particularly risky as the road conditions are quite bad during this time. It is wise to avoid traveling in monsoon months. 

This was a brief post-covid travel guide to Kashmir. Before you start packing your bags, make sure to check on the latest updates on the political situation in Kashmir along with Kashmir travel guidelines. The travel guidelines are most likely to change as per the Covid situation in India. Maintaining Covid-appropriate-behavior will help you travel safely and avoid any unnecessary hassles during your vacation.

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  • Their Trip To Kashmir In January 2024 Tells Why You Must Not Miss Snowfall In This Paradise

15 Dec 2023

Smitten by the pictures of colorful shikaras over Dal and wooden cottages buried under snow, Vignesh had long dreamed of visiting Kashmir. Raised in the palm-fringed city of Chennai all the way down south, nothing had ever dampened his yearning to experience the magic of snowfall in Kashmir with his favorite travel companion by his side! Here’s an account of how he finally got to see it on his trip to Kashmir in January.

Seeing snowfall in Kashmir has been on top of my bucket list all along. And I specifically wanted to visit it in the winter months when this place was blessed with snowfall and turned into the wonderland its pictures depicted.

So, when I and my wife finally had the chance, we approached TravelTriangle and booked ourselves an escapade that would give us 4 days in Kashmir, allowing us enough time to see this paradise up north in all its glory.

Table Of Contents

  • Details Of Our Trip To Kashmir
  • A Snippet Of Our Kashmir Trip

Weather Of Kashmir In January

  • Best Experiences We Had On The Trip
  • Kashmir Travel Tips

Our Experience With TravelTriangle

  • Common Queries We Had While Planning

Details Of Our Trip To Kashmir In January

Trip Type: Romantic Trip Cost: INR 15,000/- No. Of People: 2 Trip Duration: 3 Nights 4 Days Inclusions: Breakfast, dinner, airport transfers, accommodation, sightseeing, private AC transfers, shikara ride, applicable taxes Exclusions: Lunch, airfare, travel insurance, entry tickets

A Snippet Of Our Customised Kashmir Trip In January

Day 1: Arrival at Srinagar | Shikara ride Day 2: Proceeded to Gulmarg | Ropeway ride & sightseeing Day 3: Proceeded to Pahalgam | Sightseeing on horse Day 4: Shopping | Departure

6 Haunted Places In Kashmir That You Should Not Visit Even In The Daylight

Let us first tell you what the weather is like in this haven in the month of January. From December to March, the Kashmir valley is completely covered in a blanket of pearl-white snow with sub-zero level temperatures. If you wish to see snowfall, then this is certainly the best time for you to visit and you must plan a trip to Kashmir in January. You’ll also be able to enjoy various snow-sports here during the winter months like snowboarding and skiing.

The Best Experiences We Had In Kashmir In January

We would like to share with the readers our most special experiences from the trip. Make sure you do not miss all of this in Kashmir:

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is srinagar safe to travel 2022


1. Shikara Ride On Dal Lake

Shikara Ride

It may sound cliche but the experience of rowing on a shikara over the Dal Lake is simply beautiful! It’s so peaceful to just sail over that amber-colored water and watch the world pass by.

What’s more exciting is shopping on the lake itself! For those who are confused, we are referring to the floating market of Srinagar that is established over various long boats (shikaras) on the Dal Lake. You can just sail past them and stop by when you wish to buy something. Sounds charming, doesn’t it? So it was!

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2. Ropeway Ride In Gulmarg

Hiking towards Gulmarg

Riding the gondola all the way to the top was a great experience. The ropeway in Gulmarg is the largest in India and provided us with beautiful views of the snow-covered landscapes stretching far into the horizon. You can simply relax once you reach the top and bask in the beautiful views around you, which were breathtaking at this point of time owing to the snow that covers Kashmir in January.

We sat there for really long. We were so mesmerized watching the sun and snow together in one frame that we lost track of time. The temperature up there was about -5 degree Celsius. After some time, we also had some hot maggi in that freezing weather. You also get normal food like chapati and cooked veggies on top to beat the cold. For coming down, you have the option of taking the gondola again or hopping into a ‘Chair Lift’, which is also among the most exciting things to do in Kashmir .

Here’s Why Kashmir Is Called Heaven On Earth

3. Snowfall!

Witness Snowfall in Kashmir

The climate of Kashmir in January is the main reason I picked it for my trip. I did not want to see snowfall in any other hill town as places like Shimla and Manali are too crowded at this time.

I was lucky to be able to see snowfall in Kashmir in January for 3 days at a stretch, and it was absolutely magical! Since my wife and I belong to the coastal regions all the way south in Tamil Nadu, it can be assumed that adjusting to the freezing weather of Kashmir was rather difficult for us. But the sheer delight of being the midst of snow was way too excellent for us to notice the cold. And as expected, we ended up having a fabulous time!

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No wonder Goa is the Beach Capital of India!

4. Horse Riding In Pahalgam

Pahalgam View

You will find either palkis (traditional carts) or horses for getting you around in Pahalgam. The experience may turn out to be backbreaking for some, but it still is quite charming to ride a horse through the snowy landscapes of Pahalgam. Our guide showed us various key attractions on horseback, including the Jhelum River, Betaab Valley, Sheshnag Lake, and more. The guide and horse riding charges in Pahalgam are fixed, so don’t waste your time bargaining.

We also visited an apple farm where they give you delicious and refreshing fresh apple juice for free. The ride lasted us a good 4 hours and we covered around 6 places that make Pahalgam popular. Our courteous guide also took us to the topmost point of Pahalgam where there was snow till where the eyes could see and pine trees draped in white. We took several pictures in that dreamy background before having lunch and returning downhill.

5 Picturesque Waterfalls In Kashmir That Will Compel You To Visit

5. Kashmiri Hospitality!

Enjoying Weather

Against stereotypical notions, Kashmiri people are among the friendliest folk. All the locals we met on our Kashmir trip in January were very generous, helpful, and kind. And their hospitality is just out of this world! They will always greet you with a smile and offer piping hot Kahva, the local beverage that is a must-try in Kashmir.

Some Kashmir Travel Tips For A Hassle-Free Holiday

Do keep these essential tips and suggestions in mind before you book your Kashmir trip in January:

  • You don’t need to worry about getting good vegetarian food in Kashmir. Almost all restaurants serve excellent veg food here. Also, don’t forget to eat at Raja Dhaba on your way to Pahalgam from Gulmarg or vice versa.
  • Handicrafts like antique items and shawls are a little expensive in Kashmir, but worth every penny. Before bargaining, understand that this is the sole means of their livelihood and respect the efforts of the locals that went into making them.
  • Make sure you hire a vehicle to take you around in Pahalgam and Gulmohar way in advance. If you book it there directly, you may end up paying sky-high prices for your cab since all the independent drivers have their own rates.
  • Take adequate amount of winter clothing. DON’T underestimate the weather of Kashmir in January.
  • Don’t take a direct flight from Chennai to Kashmir in winters. Take a connecting flight from Delhi so that you can acclimatize to the extreme weather change.
  • Be well prepared for temperatures as low as -7 degrees Celsius in Kashmir in winter . Wear proper clothes and take adequate medications if necessary.
  • Keep yourself updated on the weather conditions of the cities you visit in Kashmir in January. Cities and highways in Kashmir can get closed due to sudden and extreme variations in weather like heavy snowfall.
  • Plan your itinerary in such a way that you have a spare day before and after the trip as snowfall here can be unpredictable.
  • If you visit a local household in Kashmir, make sure you carry a box of dry fruits as a gift. It’s considered rude not to.

10 Festivals In Jammu And Kashmir: A Peek Into The Rich Kashmiri Culture (2024)

Ours was a spontaneous trip and we hardly had any time to plan it. But TravelTriangle managed to provide us an excellent deal and a great itinerary even at the last moment. We liked the quick turnover and planning skills from their end which made this trip so comfortable and memorable. It wasn’t exactly a budget trip since it was booked late, but we are totally satisfied with the services and experiences we got in the price we paid.

Dwelling In God’s Abode: Our Romantic Trip To Kashmir

Still wondering what makes Kashmir a paradise on Earth? Well, take a trip to Kashmir right away and find out for yourself! Book with TravelTriangle for great deals and have the most fabulous time with your loved ones.

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Common Queries We Had While Planning Our Trip To Kashmir

We had a few doubts while planning this vacation. Now that we’re back, we feel we should answer them to help others book their trip smoothly.

Which are the main tourist attractions of Kashmir Region?

For local sightseeing of Srinagar, Gulmarg, Pahalgam, and Sonmarg, some of the most famous attractions that you can visit include: 1. Mughal Gardens – These are a group of marvelous gardens that were built by the Mughals in the Persian style of architecture. Location: Gate No. 35, Rashtrapati Bhawan, President’s Estate, New Delhi, Delhi 110004 Timings: 10 AM – 6 PM Entry fee: Nil 2. Nishat Garden – The largest ‘bagh’ in Kashmir valley, this is a terraced Mughal garden located on the eastern side of Dal Lake. Location: Next to Mughal Garden, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, 191121 Timings: 9 AM – 7 PM Entry fee: INR 10 3. Shalimar Garden – Meaning “abode of love”, these are some serene gardens sitting on the shores of the Dal Lake. Location: Chinar Chowk, Shalimar, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir 191121 Timings: 9 AM – 7 PM Entry fee: INR 10 4. Cheshmashahi Garden – Built around a beautiful spring, Chashma Shahi is one of the Mughal Gardens. Location: 7, Boulevard Rd, Chashma Shahi, Rainawari, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir 190001 Timings: 8 AM – 7:15 PM Entry fee: INR 10 5. Aru Valley – A scenic valley in Pahalgam, Aru offers breathtaking panoramic views of Kashmir. Location: Aru Road, Pahalgam, India 6. Shankaracharya Temple – Situated on top of the Zabarwan Mountain in Srinagar, this famous temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Location: Durgjan, Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir 190001 Timings: 8 AM – 5 PM

Is Srinagar safe to travel now?

Srinagar is absolutely safe for travelers. We did not encounter any sort of menace in this state. And there are armed CRPF jawans almost everywhere in Kashmir to ensure the safety and security of both locals and tourists.

What is the best month to visit Kashmir?

The right time to visit Kashmir is in the summer season from April to June. But if you wish to see snow, you should visit in December or January. The offbeat season also gives you the benefit of getting low rates for hotels and less crowd.

What is the famous food of Jammu?

Dum Aloo and Mutton Rogan Josh are the most famous dishes of Kashmiri cuisine. Other than this, Oria, Khameera, and Katha Meat are also famous here.

What is the traditional dress of Kashmir?

The traditional dress for men and women in Kashmir is called the Pheran and is made with cotton, silk, and wool.

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Srinagar makes it to the list of top places to visit in 2023

03 december 2022, 02:59 pm ist.

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

Dal lake l Photo: AP (Photo: AP)

New Delhi: India's Srinagar makes it to the top places of 2023 to visit in Conde Nast Traveler's latest article, 'The 23 Best Places to Go in 2023.' The article describes Srinagar as, "an alluring and once hard-to-visit destination in the Kashmir Valley"... which, "is opening up for travellers in a big way in 2023, with new roadways making it easier than ever to get in and around."

When it comes to enjoying nature at its best, there is no better place than Srinagar. It provides a plethora of travel experiences including scenic views, monuments and architecture, handicrafts for shoppers, traditional feasts for foodies, and stays in off beat options like houseboats, glamping and waterfront villas.

Saumya Ancheri, Features Editor at the travel magazine, details the improvements being made to the city's transportation, stays, and connectivity to create hassle-free travel experiences for both citizens and tourists, "The Capital is also about to get a boost in accessibility, with a spate of highways and tunnels planned to open in 2023 that will, among other connections, make it easier to drive from Kashmir-across breathtaking landscapes-to neighbouring Ladakh, even in winter. Other side trips that will be easier to reach, thanks to the new infrastructure: Sonamarg (which translates to "golden meadow"), a stunning hill station that is poised for substantial tourism development in the years to come, and Pahalgam, an idyllic getaway that has long drawn travelers to its pastoral charms.

The latter will see, in early 2023, the opening of Shepherd's Barn, a cottage stay by Ramneek Kaur (whose family owns the Bollywood-favorite Pahalgam Hotel), which will add rooms to an existing program of craft tours and local activities under the auspices of the Shepherd Crafts Cultural Centre. With so much change underfoot, there is no better time to experience the area- and before everyone else starts to do the same."

Here's a list of places to visit in the valley to make your stay memorable in the new year, which is only a few weeks away:

Known as "The Jewel of Srinagar," the Dal Lake is the most exquisite of sights to behold. It is surrounded by 26 square kilometers and in addition to the famous Shikara rides, living on a houseboat is also an experience of a lifetime. You can shop at the floating markets and take a leisurely cruise.

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden

With the largest Tulip garden in Asia, 74 acres in size, your best bet is to visit in March, April, and May. You can visit Indira Gandhi Memorial Tulip Garden anytime between 7.00 a.m. to 7.30 p.m. on all weekdays at just Rs 50 for adults and Rs 25 for children. Who needs Holland!

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

If you enjoy activities and adventure, the Venice of the East has something for you. The greatest time to visit Aru Valley is from July to September when you can go hiking, fishing, and horseback riding without worrying about the weather. Aru Valley is located in the Anantnag District of Srinagar, Jammu, and Kashmir.

Surrounded by lush green mountains Pari Mahal in Srinagar was built in the mid-17th century by Dara Shikoh, son of Shah Jahan, it used to be the emperor's summer retreat.

is srinagar safe to travel 2022

Dachigam National Park

Dachigam National Park in Jammu and Kashmir is home to a diverse array of flora and animals. While strolling through the park, you may come across the critically endangered Kashmir stag (hangul), a red deer found in India, as well as musk deer, Himalayan black bears, and a variety of unusual Himalayan birds such as golden eagles, bearded vultures, red Togo pans, and koklass pheasants.

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Are Planes Safe Right Now? Here’s What the Experts Say.

You should expect the unexpected while flying, but few disruptions should provoke serious concern, aviation experts say.

A ground-level view of part of an airliner inside a hangar, with an inspector in the foreground, his back to the camera.

By Niraj Chokshi and Christine Chung

Smoke in the cabin. A tire blowout. A cracked windshield. No shortage of problems can affect a flight, fueling traveler anxiety and contributing to thousands of daily delays and cancellations around the world.

But for all of the frustration and alarm such events cause, it can be difficult to interpret and understand their severity. Here’s how aviation safety experts say travelers should think about disruptions when they occur.

Problems happen.

Several alarming air travel incidents have made headlines in recent weeks — a sharp plunge toward an ocean, an unnerving wobble that damaged the tail of a plane and an aborted departure after an apparent engine fire .

But the most common mishaps and malfunctions, even if hair-raising, are not typically severe, experts said.

A hydraulic leak, for example, is a familiar occurrence that pilots take seriously, but it is not as disruptive as it may sound. That’s because planes have backup hydraulic systems, which are used to power equipment like the landing gear, brakes, wing flaps and flight controls, allowing planes to take off, fly and land. A plane veering off a runway, in what is known as a runway excursion, makes for captivating video and a possibly terrifying experience for those on board. But it doesn’t necessarily cause significant damage to an airplane or threaten the safety of those on board.

The same is true of the wide range of mechanical or maintenance issues that can come up before takeoff, which might force a pilot to hold a plane at its gate or return to the gate from taxiing. Those incidents are important to understand and address, but they are often minor, experts said.

“The pilots are saying, ‘I’ve been highly trained, I’m highly educated in this airplane, and we have to return to the gate and get the experts involved out of an abundance of caution,’” said Shawn Pruchnicki, a former airline pilot and an assistant professor at the Center for Aviation Studies at Ohio State University. “That is the system working perfectly. That’s a good thing.”

Sometimes, such problems can derail a flight or take an airplane out of commission. But in other cases, they can be fixed quickly. And because airplanes are packed with fail-safes, there are times when a flight with a malfunctioning system can safely proceed simply by relying on one or more backups instead.

Flying is a complex, gravity-defying feat that’s repeated thousands of times each day in a wide range of conditions. So travelers should not be surprised when things go wrong, said Amy Pritchett, a pilot and professor of aerospace engineering at Pennsylvania State University.

“Little small components will always start to burn out or break,” she said. “There will always be potholes in the pavement in the taxiway that jostles something. There’s always questions of whether the weather is good enough to fly, whether you might hit turbulence or not. All these things are sources of variability that need to be actively managed.”

Flying is safe.

Another thing for travelers to keep in mind is that serious flight problems are extremely rare, experts said.

Flying is safer than driving or traveling by train in part because safety is built into the design of everything from air traffic control to the airplane itself. Important systems and procedures have backups, there are rarely single points of failure, pilots receive intensive and repeated training, and airlines prepare for a wide range of possible outcomes.

“It’s the safest form of transportation ever designed by humankind,” said John Cox, a former airline pilot who runs a safety consulting firm. “Be careful driving to the airport.”

Over the past several decades, commercial aviation safety in the United States has improved more than fortyfold, according to a 2022 analysis of commercial aviation safety conducted by the National Academies.

According to the National Transportation Safety Board, typical causes of accidents include turbulence, hard landings, collisions on the ground with other planes or vehicles, and component failures, such as a malfunctioning wing flap or engine.

Flying is so safe in part because the industry generally responds to every problem, even those that pose little threat. In the United States, airlines, manufacturers and agencies like the Federal Aviation Administration and the N.T.S.B. are constantly monitoring and reviewing risks and hazards in air travel.

“The level of systems that are in place monitoring current-day commercial air transport are profound,” Ms. Pritchett said. But this doesn’t mean that anyone involved can lose vigilance in assessing the possibility of danger, she added.

And while trips are occasionally cut short, experts said, diverting a flight from its destination generally reflects due caution by pilots, airlines and air traffic controllers, not a life-threatening emergency. “Could we continue to our destination?” said Kenneth Byrnes, a pilot and an associate professor who leads the flight training department at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. “Yes, but is it the safest thing to do?”

Placing blame is complicated.

Because aviation is complex and defined by redundancy, problems rarely have a singular cause. Instead, most serious problems — even catastrophic ones — are a result of multiple factors.

“There’s never a smoking gun, so to speak,” Mr. Pruchnicki said. “There’s never this ‘aha’ moment, when we’re going through wreckage or we’re going through records and we say, ‘Ah, I found the single reason this plane crashed.’”

Take the episode early last year in which two planes nearly hit each other on a runway at Kennedy International Airport. The National Transportation Safety Board found that several factors had contributed to what could have otherwise been a disaster.

The pilots of one plane were distracted as they proceeded down the wrong taxiway, the agency found. At the same time, the air traffic controller who gave them instructions didn’t notice because his focus was elsewhere. And a runway status light activated too late to warn the pilots of the mistake, the agency concluded.

In investigating such incidents, placing blame is not only difficult, but also generally discouraged, experts said. Kyra Dempsey, who writes about aviation accidents in a blog, Admiral Cloudberg , said that “the blameless post-mortem is a cornerstone of modern aviation safety,” facilitating an open safety culture in which people are willing to report concerns .

Mr. Cox, the pilot turned consultant, said that “aviation accident investigators are really more interested in understanding cause than assigning blame because our job is to see that it doesn’t happen again.” Instead, “the lawyers get into blame,” he said.

Perspective is important.

When a mishap occurs, it’s important to keep some context in mind, experts said.

A casual observer might notice, for example, that many problems seem to affect two types of planes: Boeing 737s and Airbus A320s. But those plane families make up more than half of the commercial jets in service, so they are naturally reflected most in news coverage.

Experts also warned against confirmation bias. When an airline or a manufacturer figures in a headline-generating episode, the media and the public tend to be on alert for other problems involving the company, even those that have little to do with the company or that might not even be significant enough to attract much attention from safety agencies.

“When something happens, you need time to discover and learn about exactly what happened, and why did it happen,” said Jeff Guzzetti, a former accident investigator for the F.A.A. and the N.T.S.B. “That’s something that you can’t do in a news cycle or even two news cycles.”

It can take the N.T.S.B. months, and sometimes more than a year, to conduct investigations, which culminate with safety recommendations to prevent future accidents.

After a fuselage panel blew off a 737 Max during a flight in January, Boeing was intensely scrutinized, and rightly so, experts said. But several also said they received many calls from reporters in the months afterward seeking comment on problems involving Boeing planes in cases that had little to do with the company.

“Just because it’s a Boeing airplane that has a mechanical problem doesn’t necessarily mean that has anything to do with Boeing,” Mr. Pruchnicki said.

In the episode involving the fuselage panel, the plane was virtually new, focusing attention on the manufacturer. But a manufacturer is probably not at fault when a problem occurs with a plane that was delivered years earlier and has been flying safely since, experts said.

Niraj Chokshi writes about aviation, rail and other transportation industries. More about Niraj Chokshi

Christine Chung is a Times reporter covering airlines and consumer travel. More about Christine Chung

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