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Unraveling the Passion: The Story Behind Journey’s Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin’


Exploring the Soulful Blend of Journey’s Classic Tune

Delve into the timeless appeal of journey’s soul-stirring ballad “lovin’, touchin’, squeezin’,” a testament to their emotional resonance and enduring legacy in the rock pantheon..

journey loving touching

Journey, the famed American rock band, has left an indelible mark on the world of music since its inception in 1973. Formed by ex-Santana members Neal Schon and Gregg Rolie, along with Ross Valory and George Tickner, the band has experienced multiple lineup changes through the years, with the current iteration featuring Schon, Valory, Jonathan Cain, Dee Castronovo, and Arnel Pineda. Despite the rotating roster, Journey’s music remains steadfast in captivating audiences around the globe.

The song “Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin'” is a prime example of the band’s enchanting musical prowess. Featured on their 1979 album, “Evolution,” this soulful ballad is a testament to Journey’s ability to create music that resonates with listeners on a deeply emotional level. With Steve Perry on vocals, Schon on guitar, Valory on bass, Rolie on keyboards, and Steve Smith on drums, the band presents a memorable performance on this track that has withstood the test of time.

While Journey has been widely praised for their musicianship and melodic compositions, they haven’t been immune to criticism. Some detractors argue that the band has a tendency to lean too heavily on generic rock tropes, which can make their music seem formulaic at times. Nevertheless, “Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin'” showcases the band’s ability to craft an engaging, heartfelt tune that defies such categorizations.

Over the course of their illustrious career, Journey has racked up numerous accolades, including a 2017 induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Additionally, several of their songs have reached lofty heights on the Billboard charts, with “Don’t Stop Believin'” etching its name in history as one of the best-selling digital tracks of all time. Though “Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin'” might not have the same level of commercial success, it remains a fan favorite and a shining example of the band’s undeniable chemistry.

In conclusion, Journey’s “Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin'” serves as a remarkable reminder of the band’s musical talents and their ability to evoke genuine emotion through their songs. Despite occasional criticisms, Journey continues to captivate fans with their classic tracks, earning their place as one of the most influential and enduring rock bands in history.

Charting the Journey

One liner: journey’s “lovin’ touchin’ squeezin'” – a chart-climbing classic that showcased steve perry’s powerhouse vocals and set the stage for the band’s future rock anthems..

journey loving touching

Released on April 1979, “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'” was the third single from Journey’s fifth album, “Evolution.” The song marked a significant milestone for the band as it not only showcased lead vocalist Steve Perry’s incredible range and soulful delivery, but also demonstrated Journey’s ability to craft a catchy and memorable tune.

“Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'” made its debut on the Billboard Hot 100 chart on July 14, 1979, at position #90. The song steadily climbed the chart, ultimately reaching its peak position at #16 on October 20, 1979. This chart success was no small feat, as the song remained on the Billboard Hot 100 for a total of 18 weeks, demonstrating its enduring popularity among listeners.

In addition to its chart success, “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'” also made an impact on the Mainstream Rock chart, where it peaked at #10. This marked Journey’s first appearance in the top ten of this particular chart, paving the way for future hits from the band.

As for the song’s performance on international charts, “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'” managed to break into the Canadian RPM Top Singles chart, where it climbed up to #34. This achievement further solidified Journey’s reputation as a band with an ever-growing international fan base.

Another interesting piece of chart trivia is that “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'” was Journey’s last single to feature drummer Aynsley Dunbar before he was replaced by Steve Smith, who would play on the band’s subsequent albums and contribute to their continued success in the 1980s.

Overall, “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'” played a pivotal role in shaping Journey’s trajectory and laying the groundwork for their future chart-topping hits, such as “Don’t Stop Believin'” and “Open Arms.” Its chart success serves as a testament to the band’s enduring appeal and ability to produce timeless tracks that still resonate with audiences today.

Delving into the Heartfelt Lyrics

You’re tearin’ me apart Every, everyday You’re tearin’ me apart Oh, what can I say? You’re tearin’ me apart

The lyrics of “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'” by Journey delve into the emotional turmoil of a love triangle. The protagonist of the song expresses their heartbreak and frustration over losing their partner to someone else, and the raw emotions in the lyrics resonate with anyone who has experienced the pain of unfaithfulness.

Released in 1979, the song captures the spirit of the era when the concept of free love was fading away, and the consequences of open relationships and infidelity were becoming a topic of discussion. The 1970s were a time of experimentation in both music and social norms, and the lyrics of the song address the very real emotional impact that these changes had on individuals and relationships.

As the song progresses, the protagonist foresees the eventual downfall of their ex-partner’s new relationship, implying that the cycle of infidelity will continue, and it will soon be their turn to experience the same heartbreak. This insight gives the song a sense of poetic justice, as the protagonist moves from being a helpless victim to a more empowered observer.

As an experienced music blogger, it is essential to analyze and appreciate the depth and meaning behind the lyrics of songs such as “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin’,” as they provide a unique insight into the artists’ experiences and the cultural context in which they were written. In this case, the song not only touches on raw emotions and personal heartbreak but also reflects the broader social changes of the era.

Visualizing the Emotions: The Music Video for “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'”

Experience the timeless power of journey’s “lovin’ touchin’ squeezin'” through fan-made visuals and heartfelt covers that embody the emotive essence of this classic rock anthem..

Though Journey’s 1979 hit “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'” predates the MTV era and never had an official music video produced by the band, the song’s emotional punch and catchy melody have inspired fans over the years to create their own visuals for this classic rock anthem . With the power of YouTube and various other social media platforms, a number of fan-made videos and tributes have emerged to pay homage to the iconic song.

One particularly notable fan-made video is a montage of clips featuring Journey’s charismatic frontman, Steve Perry, performing the song live with his impassioned vocals and signature stage presence. This compilation not only showcases Perry’s talent and the band’s energy but also serves as a nostalgic trip down memory lane for fans of the era. The raw, unfiltered footage captures the essence of Journey’s live performances and the emotion behind the song’s powerful lyrics.

Another interesting fan-made video takes a more cinematic approach, using clips from classic Hollywood films to visualize the love triangle story told in the song’s lyrics. Classic black-and-white scenes of romance , betrayal, and heartache are expertly edited together to evoke the emotions of the song and add a timeless quality to the tale of love gone wrong.

In addition to fan-made videos, there have been numerous covers and live performances of “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'” shared on YouTube and other platforms, showcasing the song’s enduring appeal and influence on musicians across genres. Ranging from acoustic solo renditions to full-band tributes, these covers highlight the versatility of Journey’s songwriting and the universal experience of love and heartache.

While the absence of an official music video leaves fans to rely on their own creativity in visualizing “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin’,” the wealth of fan-made content and covers speaks to the song’s lasting impact and its status as a beloved classic in Journey’s discography. These fan tributes and interpretations further enrich the listening experience and remind us of the power of music to bring people together and inspire their own creative expressions.

The Maestro Behind “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin’

The genius composer of Journey’s iconic hit “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'” is none other than Steve Perry. Perry, who is also the band’s lead vocalist, co-wrote the song with fellow band member and keyboardist, Gregg Rolie. Steve Perry’s contribution to the band’s music doesn’t end there; he co-wrote numerous other notable hits, including “Don’t Stop Believin’,” “Faithfully,” “Open Arms,” and “Separate Ways (Worlds Apart),” all of which have stood the test of time and solidified Journey’s place in the annals of rock history. With his exceptional songwriting skills and unmistakable voice, Steve Perry has indelibly etched his name in the world of music, leaving a legacy that will be cherished by generations to come.

Awards, Accolades, and Appearances

Journey’s “lovin’ touchin’ squeezin'” – a timeless classic transcending genres and generations, celebrating over 40 years of chart success, iconic covers, and pop culture appearances.

journey loving touching

Journey’s classic hit “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'” has certainly made its mark in the music world since its release on their 1979 album, “Evolution.” The catchy melody and memorable lyrics have earned the song its fair share of recognition and accomplishments over the years. Although the song itself did not win any awards, it contributed to the album’s RIAA certified platinum status. The track peaked at No. 16 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, making it one of Journey’s early successful singles before the band reached its pinnacle in the 1980s with hits like “Don’t Stop Believin'” and “Open Arms.”

“Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'” has also made numerous appearances in popular culture, further solidifying its status as a classic. It was featured in the 2005 film “Monster-in-Law” starring Jennifer Lopez and Jane Fonda, as well as the 2009 video game “Rock Band Unplugged.” The song also made a memorable appearance in a 2010 episode of the hit television show “Glee” during the first season, in which the show’s cast performed a mashup of the tune with “Any Way You Want It.”

Over time, several artists have been inspired to put their own spin on the already iconic track. Notable cover versions of “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'” include a 1992 rendition by blues-rock artist Malina Moye, American rock band The Audition’s take on the song for the 2007 compilation album “Punk Goes Classic Rock,” and a 2009 cover by American R&B singer-songwriter Brian McKnight on his album “Evolution of a Man.”

While the original version of “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'” remains a beloved classic, it’s clear that the song’s appeal has transcended genres and generations. Fans of Journey and music enthusiasts alike can appreciate the song’s lasting impact on pop culture and its continued relevance more than four decades after its initial release.

A Deeper Dive into the Soundscape

When dissecting the musical structure of “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'”, it’s impossible not to notice the song’s key signature. Written in the key of E Major, the song boasts a bright and uplifting tonality. The chord progression follows a fairly standard pattern, with the verses primarily moving between the I (E), IV (A), and V (B) chords, giving the song a familiar and comfortable feel. The pre-chorus introduces a slight twist, with a progression of E – G#m – A – B, adding a touch of tension and intrigue before resolving back to the chorus.

One of the most striking features of this track is its tempo. Clocking in at around 92 beats per minute (BPM), the song is situated comfortably in what many would consider a mid-tempo range. This tempo choice lends the song a sense of urgency without pushing it into an overly fast or frenetic pace. The syncopated rhythm of the piano and guitar further adds to this sensation, providing a driving force that propels the song forward.

The instrumentation in “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'” is classic Journey, with a strong emphasis on piano, guitar, and powerful vocals. The song kicks off with an iconic piano riff that serves as the backbone of the track, while the guitar provides tasteful accents and rhythmic support. The bass and drums lay down a solid foundation, with some particularly impressive drum fills that punctuate the song’s transitions.

Vocally, the song is anchored by Steve Perry’s legendary voice, which soars to impressive heights throughout the track. His range and control are on full display, particularly during the climactic final chorus, where he belts out high notes with ease. The harmonized backing vocals add depth and texture to the song, supporting the lead vocal without overpowering it.

A notable aspect of the song’s arrangement is the use of dynamics. The verses are relatively subdued, allowing the vocals to take center stage, while the choruses and instrumental sections ramp up in intensity. The song’s bridge features a brief but effective guitar solo that serves as a highlight and a testament to the band’s musicianship.

Overall, “Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin'” is a masterclass in songwriting and arrangement, showcasing Journey’s ability to craft memorable and engaging music. With its infectious melody, tight musicianship, and dynamic performances, it’s no wonder that this song remains a staple in the band’s catalog and a fan favorite to this day.

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Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' by Journey

journey loving touching


  • "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'" was written by lead singer Steve Perry. It's a gut-wrenching tale of love-gone-wrong, with the desperate opening lines, "You make me weep, I wanna die," and an extended fade of "na na"s, as there are no more words to describe the pain. Perry didn't make this stuff up: according to the liner notes for Journey's Time3 compilation, this was a true story. He watched through the window as his girlfriend at the time got out of a Corvette and gave the driver a long, loving kiss goodbye. He calls this song "love justice."
  • This is the highest-charting single from Journey's fifth studio album, and the group's first-ever single to break into the top-20, although they had already established themselves as a headlining live act.
  • Interesting to note that Journey showed a steady progress in the album charts towards their #1 charting album, unlike bands who meander around before peaking their fame. In chronological order, the studio albums go: Journey , #138, Look into the Future , #100, Next , #85, Infinity , #21, Evolution , #20, Departure , #8, and Escape , #1. That means that from 1975 to 1981, they steadily gained ground releasing one album per year, apparently always better than the one before. Plus, the #1 broke the pattern.
  • Progressive metal band Dream Theater sampled this song in "The Big Medley" on their 1995 album A Change of Seasons . Sharing this distinction are Pink Floyd's "In the Flesh?," Kansas' "Carry On Wayward Son," Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody," Dixie Dregs' "Cruise Control," and Genesis' "Turn It on Again" - yes, that's all one song!
  • "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'" appears in the pilot episode of the FOX TV series Glee , first broadcast after American Idol on May 19, 2009.
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Comments: 11

  • Marsha Bailey from Toronto Actually....the opening to this song is reminiscent of The Stripper, adding another layer to Steve's revenge song. And yes, the na na na na na is straight out of the schoolyard.
  • Patrick Omalley from Boston I'm amazed no one has mentioned this. The "na na" at the end isn't just a chant. It's like a little kid saying "na na, na na na", with that specific cadence, over and over.
  • Bryan from Atlanta, Ga I'm surprised no one has commented on how the melody and song structure was lifted from Sam Cooke's "Nothing Can Change This Love" from 1962.
  • Pat from Saint Paul, Mn Officially 154 "na"s at the end of the song. (22 per verse x 7 repeats)
  • Shawn from Maryland If you read the interview with the co-writer of "Oh, Sherry", and this factoid, you get the realization that Steve Perry is not a good guy to be in a relationship with. Think about it for a minute. Usually, women just don't get out of their "side bae's" car, in front of her boyfriend's apartment, and plant a long loving kiss goodbye...unless there's a good reason for it.
  • Barry from Sauquoit, Ny On February 21st, 1982 "Open Arms" peaked at #2 on Billboard's Hot Top 100 chart; it remained at #2 for six weeks, the first 3 weeks it was at #2, the #1 record was "Centerfold" by the J. Geils Band and for it's last 3 weeks at #2, the #1 record was "I Love Rock and Roll" by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts.
  • Barry from Sauquoit, Ny On July 15th 1979, "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'" " by Journey entered Billboard's Hot Top 100 chart at position #86; and on October 21st, 1979 it peaked at #16 (for 2 weeks) and spent 20 weeks on the Top 100... It reached #12 on the Canadian RPM 100 Singles chart... Between 1978 and 1996 the quartet had twenty-five Top 100 records; five made the Top 10 with "Open Arms" being their biggest hit, it peaked at #2 (for 6 weeks) on February 21st, 1982.
  • Bob Minelli from Milwaukee, Wi Steve Perry and that awesome voice and amazing hair! Long live Journey!
  • Michael from Austin, Tx This song is why I became a Journey fan!
  • James from Yucaipa, Ca Great song from 1979. Should of been a #1 hit. 9/11/10
  • Joshua from La Crosse, Wi A nice bluesy tune... one of those songs that makes you wish Journey had done an "Unplugged" album. This would have sounded great as an acoustic number.

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"Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'" lyrics

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Journey: Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'

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Journey: Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' (1979)

The music video for "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'" performed by Journey. The music video for "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'" performed by Journey. The music video for "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'" performed by Journey.

  • Bruce Gowers
  • Steve Perry
  • Gregg Rolie


  • Steve Smith

Ross Valory

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  • July 1979 (United States)
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  • Runtime 4 minutes

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10 Best Journey Songs of All Time

List of the top 10 best journey songs of all time.

Edward Tomlin

Journey is an American rock band formed in San Francisco in 1973. They are known for their distinctive blend of melodic rock, soaring vocals, and memorable guitar solos, which helped define the sound of arena rock in the 1970s and 1980s.

The band’s lineup has undergone several changes over the years, but their most successful and iconic era featured Steve Perry on vocals, Neal Schon on guitar, Jonathan Cain on keyboards, Ross Valory on bass, and Steve Smith on drums. This lineup produced some of Journey’s biggest hits, including “Don’t Stop Believin’,” “Wheel in the Sky,” “Any Way You Want It,” and “Separate Ways (Worlds Apart).”

Journey’s music is characterized by its anthemic choruses, melodic hooks, and powerful ballads. Their songs often feature themes of love, perseverance, and personal empowerment, resonating with audiences around the world.

Despite numerous lineup changes and periods of hiatus, Journey has continued to perform and record music, maintaining a loyal fanbase and earning induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2017. Their music remains a staple of classic rock radio and continues to inspire new generations of fans.

Table of Contents

1. Don’t Stop Believin’

“Don’t Stop Believin'” is one of Journey’s most iconic and enduring songs. Released in 1981 as the lead single from their album “Escape,” the track has become a timeless anthem and a staple of pop culture.

“Don’t Stop Believin'” is characterized by its catchy melody, uplifting lyrics, and memorable keyboard riff. The song’s lyrics tell the story of a small-town girl and a city boy who meet on a journey to find love and success in the big city. Despite facing challenges and setbacks, they remain determined to pursue their dreams and “don’t stop believin’.”

Musically, “Don’t Stop Believin'” features soaring vocals by Steve Perry, powerful guitar work by Neal Schon, and a driving rhythm section. The song’s dynamic arrangement builds to a triumphant crescendo, making it a favorite among fans of arena rock and power ballads.

“Don’t Stop Believin'” has achieved widespread acclaim and commercial success since its release, topping charts around the world and earning a place in pop culture as one of the greatest rock anthems of all time. It remains a beloved classic, often played at sporting events, weddings, and other celebrations, and has been covered and referenced in various forms of media.

2. Faithfully

“Faithfully” is a power ballad by Journey, released in 1983 as the second single from their album “Frontiers.” The song is known for its heartfelt lyrics, emotional vocals, and soaring melodies.

“Faithfully” explores themes of love, commitment, and devotion. The lyrics reflect on the challenges of life on the road as a touring musician, expressing a longing to return home to a loved one and maintain a strong connection despite the distance.

The song features a memorable piano intro by Jonathan Cain, which sets the tone for the emotional journey that follows. Steve Perry’s powerful vocals convey a sense of longing and sincerity, while Neal Schon’s guitar work adds depth and texture to the song’s sound.

“Faithfully” became one of Journey’s most beloved and enduring hits, reaching high chart positions and earning widespread acclaim from critics and fans alike. Its heartfelt lyrics and anthemic chorus have made it a favorite among couples and fans of power ballads, ensuring its place as one of Journey’s signature songs.

3. Any Way You Want It

“Any Way You Want It” is a classic rock song by Journey, released in 1980 as the lead single from their album “Departure.” The track is known for its energetic rhythm, catchy melody, and anthemic chorus.

“Any Way You Want It” is characterized by its driving guitar riff, upbeat tempo, and infectious hooks. The song’s lyrics express a sense of freedom and spontaneity, with the narrator declaring their willingness to adapt and accommodate the desires of their loved one.

The track features Steve Perry’s powerful vocals, Neal Schon’s blistering guitar solos, and Jonathan Cain’s dynamic keyboard work, creating a sound that epitomizes the arena rock of the late 1970s and early 1980s.

“Any Way You Want It” became one of Journey’s most popular and enduring hits, reaching high chart positions and becoming a staple of classic rock radio. Its energetic groove and sing-along chorus have made it a favorite among fans of the band and a timeless anthem of rock ‘n’ roll.

4. Open Arms

“Open Arms” is a classic power ballad by Journey, released in 1982 as the third single from their album “Escape.” The song is known for its heartfelt lyrics, soaring melodies, and emotional vocals.

“Open Arms” explores themes of love, vulnerability, and reconciliation. The lyrics express a longing for emotional connection and the desire to be reunited with a loved one. Steve Perry’s emotive vocals convey a sense of sincerity and longing, while the song’s gentle instrumentation creates a warm and intimate atmosphere.

The track features a memorable piano intro by Jonathan Cain, which sets the tone for the emotional journey that follows. Neal Schon’s guitar work adds depth and texture to the song’s sound, while the dynamic arrangement builds to a powerful climax.

“Open Arms” became one of Journey’s most beloved and enduring hits, reaching high chart positions and earning widespread acclaim from critics and fans alike. Its heartfelt lyrics and powerful melodies have made it a favorite among couples and fans of power ballads, ensuring its place as one of Journey’s signature songs.

5. Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)

“Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)” is a song by the American rock band Journey, released in 1983 on their album “Frontiers.” The song was written by band members Jonathan Cain, Steve Perry, and Neal Schon.

“Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)” is a rock anthem with a driving beat and powerful vocals. The lyrics describe a relationship that has come to an end, with the two parties going their separate ways. Despite the breakup, there is a sense of determination and resilience in the song, with the chorus declaring “Someday love will find you, break those chains that bind you.”

“Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)” was a commercial success, reaching the top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The song’s memorable music video, featuring the band performing in various locations, also helped to popularize the song. “Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)” remains one of Journey’s most popular and enduring songs, with its anthemic chorus and powerful instrumentation making it a staple of classic rock radio.

6. Wheel in the Sky

“Wheel in the Sky” is a song by the American rock band Journey, released in 1978 on their album “Infinity.” The song was written by band members Neal Schon, Robert Fleischman, and Diane Valory.

“Wheel in the Sky” is a rock ballad with a powerful chorus and soaring guitar solos. The lyrics describe a sense of restlessness and uncertainty, with the narrator unsure of where life will take them next. The chorus, with its refrain of “Wheel in the sky keeps on turnin’, I don’t know where I’ll be tomorrow,” has become one of the most memorable parts of the song.

“Wheel in the Sky” was not initially released as a single, but it became a fan favorite and a staple of Journey’s live performances. The song’s popularity helped to solidify Journey’s reputation as one of the leading rock bands of the late 1970s and early 1980s.

7. Who’s Crying Now

“Who’s Crying Now” is a song by the American rock band Journey, released in 1981 on their album “Escape.” The song was written by band members Jonathan Cain and Steve Perry.

“Who’s Crying Now” is a power ballad that features heartfelt vocals and a soaring guitar solo. The lyrics describe the pain of heartbreak and the longing for love, with the narrator questioning who is crying now that the relationship has ended. The song’s chorus, with its anthemic “Who’s crying now, the lonely hearted,” has become one of the most recognizable parts of the song.

“Who’s Crying Now” was a commercial success, reaching the top 5 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The song’s emotional lyrics and powerful instrumentation have made it one of Journey’s most enduring songs, and it remains a favorite among fans of classic rock.

8. Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin’

“Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin'” is a song by the American rock band Journey, released in 1979 on their album “Evolution.” The song was written by lead singer Steve Perry.

“Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin'” is a rock song with a catchy melody and a memorable chorus. The lyrics describe a tumultuous relationship, with the narrator expressing frustration and heartache over a partner who is not fully committed to the relationship. The chorus, with its repeated refrain of “Lovin’, touchin’, squeezin’, each other,” conveys a sense of longing and desire.

“Lovin’, Touchin’, Squeezin'” was a moderate success, reaching the top 20 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The song’s energetic guitar riffs and Perry’s soulful vocals helped to solidify Journey’s reputation as one of the leading rock bands of the late 1970s and early 1980s.

“Lights” is a song by the American rock band Journey, released in 1978 on their album “Infinity.” The song was written by band member Steve Perry.

“Lights” is a soft rock ballad with a mellow, nostalgic feel. The lyrics reflect on Perry’s time living in San Francisco, with references to the city’s famous landmarks such as the Golden Gate Bridge and Chinatown. The song’s chorus, with its uplifting refrain of “When the lights go down in the city, and the sun shines on the bay,” has become one of the most iconic parts of the song.

“Lights” was not initially released as a single, but it became a fan favorite and a staple of Journey’s live performances. The song’s evocative lyrics and gentle melody have made it one of Journey’s most enduring songs, and it remains a favorite among fans of classic rock.

10. Send Her My Love

“Send Her My Love” is a song by the American rock band Journey, released in 1983 on their album “Frontiers.” The song was written by band members Steve Perry, Jonathan Cain, and Neal Schon.

“Send Her My Love” is a power ballad with a heartfelt message. The lyrics describe a man who is on the road and unable to be with his loved one. Despite the distance, he sends his love to her and hopes that she is thinking of him as well. The song’s chorus, with its emotional plea to “Send her my love, memories remain,” conveys a sense of longing and nostalgia.

“Send Her My Love” was a commercial success, reaching the top 30 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. The song’s melodic guitar riffs and Perry’s soulful vocals helped to solidify Journey’s reputation as one of the leading rock bands of the 1980s.

journey loving touching

Edward Tomlin is a frequent contributor to Singers Room. Since 2005, Singersroom has been the voice of R&B around the world. Connect with us via social media below.

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    Official HD video for "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin''' by JourneyListen to Journey: more Journey videos: https://Journey.l...

  2. Journey

    "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin''' by Journey live in Houston 1981: The Escape TourListen to Journey: more Journey videos: h...

  3. Journey

    ***DISCLAIMER: "I have no claim on this video. © 1979 Sony Music Entertainment All rights reserved"***From Journey's "Evolution" Album as performed on "The M...

  4. Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'

    Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' on YouTube. " Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' " is a song by American rock group Journey released as a single in 1979 from the album Evolution. Lyrically, the song is about a woman who is cheating on her boyfriend, the narrator, but at the end of the song the woman's lover is cheating on her.

  5. Journey

    Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' Lyrics: You make me weep, and wanna die / Just when you said we'd try / Loving, touching, squeezing each other / When I'm alone all by myself / You're out with someone ...

  6. Journey

    Official HD video for "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin''' by Journey Listen to Journey: Watch more Journey videos: https://Journey... Search. Sign in . New recommendations Song Video 1/0. Search. Info. Shopping. Tap to unmute. Autoplay. Add similar content to the end of the queue ...

  7. Journey

    "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin''' by Journey Listen to Journey: Watch more Journey videos:

  8. Unraveling the Passion: The Story Behind Journey's Lovin' Touchin

    The song "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'" is a prime example of the band's enchanting musical prowess. Featured on their 1979 album, "Evolution," this soulful ballad is a testament to Journey's ability to create music that resonates with listeners on a deeply emotional level. With Steve Perry on vocals, Schon on guitar, Valory on ...

  9. Journey

    "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin''' by Journey live in Houston 1981: The Escape Tour Listen to Journey: Watch more Journey videos:...

  10. Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' by Journey

    Songfacts®: "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'" was written by lead singer Steve Perry. It's a gut-wrenching tale of love-gone-wrong, with the desperate opening lines, "You make me weep, I wanna die," and an extended fade of "na na"s, as there are no more words to describe the pain. Perry didn't make this stuff up: according to the liner notes for ...

  11. Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'

    Provided to YouTube by Columbia/LegacyLovin', Touchin', Squeezin' · JourneyEvolution℗ 1979 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music EntertainmentReleased o...

  12. Journey

    Lovin', touchin', squeezin' each other When I'm alone all by myself You're out with someone else Lovin', touchin', squeezin' each other You're tearin' me apart Every, every day You're tearin' me apart Oh, what can I say? You're tearin' me apart It won't be long, yes, till you're alone When your lover, oh, he hasn't come home

  13. Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'

    Provided to YouTube by Columbia/Legacy Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' · Journey Evolution ℗ 1979 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music Entertainment Re...

  14. Journey

    Artist: JourneyAlbum: EvolutionTrack: 03Released: 1979Official site: http://www.journeymusic.comiTunes:

  15. Journey: Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' (Music Video 1979)

    Journey: Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin': Directed by Bruce Gowers. With Journey, Steve Perry, Gregg Rolie, Neal Schon. The music video for "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin ...

  16. LOVIN TOUCHIN SQUEEZIN CHORDS by Journey @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com

    Artist: Journey Song: Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin' Transcribed by: Sexy Sadie [Verse 1] A You make me weak And wanna die D Just when you Said we'd try A E G Lovin', touchin', squeezin' A Each other A When I'm alone All by myself D You're out With someone else A E G Lovin', touchin', squeezin' A Each other [Chorus] F#m You're tearin' me apart A ...

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    "Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'" is a song by the American rock band Journey, released in 1979 on their album "Evolution." The song was written by lead singer Steve Perry.

  18. Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' by Journey

    Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin' by JourneyGreatest Hits AlbumNi Copyright Intended

  19. Journey

    Here's the video for the song Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin' from Journey's 1979 album Evolution.Featuring Steve Perry, Gregg Rolie, Neal Schon, Ross Valory and S...

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    Lyrics to the amazing Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin' by the incredible Journey

  21. Journey Lovin Touchin Squeezin

    the name tells it all but great song by journey

  22. Journey

    Love Song's Official Video for "Lovin' Touchin' Squeezin'" by Journey Listen to more Love Songs: to the...

  23. Journey

    Join us to get access of exclusive content and more: see the livestream on Friday follow my Second Channelhttps://youtube....