• Strona główna
  • 30.05-02.06 DŁUGI WEEKEND
  • Kalendarz spływów 2024
  • Galerie relacje ze spływów kajakowych
  • Galeria zdjęć – transport kajaków
  • Spływy firmowe – imprezy integracyjne
  • Spływy jednodniowe
  • Spływy weekendowe
  • Wypożyczalnia kajaków
  • Rzeka Barycz – spływy kajakowe
  • Rzeka Widawa – spływy kajakowe
  • Bóbr – spływ kajakowy
  • Rzeka Strzegomka – spływy kajakowe
  • Rzeka Oława – opis szlaku
  • Rzeka Bystrzyca – spływ kajakowy
  • Rzeka Smortawa – kajaki
  • Rzeka Nysa Kłodzka – spływy kajakowe
  • Niezbędnik kajakarza – podstawy
  • Co zabrać na spływ kajakowy? – jednodniowy
  • Co zabrać na spływ kajakowy? – wielodniowy
  • Aparat – kamera na spływie kajakowym
  • Dziecko w kajaku
  • Pies w kajaku – zwierzęta
  • Kajakarstwo i kajaki – dlaczego warto?
  • aplikacje na kajak IOS, Android
  • Czym pływamy
  • Praca w KayakTours

22 i 23 czerwca KACZAWA / WIDAWA / BYSTRZYCA

22 czerwca (sobota) zapraszamy na wielkie rozpoczęcie WAKACJI W KAJAKU! :

  • Spływ Rzeką KACZAWĄ na trasie z Legnicy do Prochowic – TRASA ODKRYWCÓW
  • Spływ Rzeką WIDAWĄ na trasie z Wrocławia-Sołtysowice do Lasu Rędzińskiego – TRASA PRZYGODOWA

23 czerwca (niedziela) zapraszamy na DZIEŃ OJCA W KAJAKU! :

  • Spływ Rzeką BYSTRZYCĄ na trasie z Jurczyc do Skałki (ok. Kątów Wrocławskich) – TRASA ADVENTURE+


Zaproś swojego tatę do wspólnej przygody z okazji Dnia Ojca lub podaruj mu w prezencie VOUCHER na spływ kajakowy! Voucher możesz zamówić telefonicznie lub mailem: KONTAKT


  • Zbiórka na miejscu startu spływu o godz. 10.00.
  • Przydział sprzętu: kajaki, wiosła, kamizelki asekuracyjne (pływamy w kajakach turystycznych dwuosobowych (można w nich również płynąć w pojedynkę, mamy też kajaki z dodatkowym siedzonkiem dla dziecka).
  • Odprawa (Instruktaż na temat trasy, podstaw techniki pływania kajakiem i zasad bezpieczeństwa na rzece).
  • Rozpoczęcie spływu (czas spokojnego płynięcia ok. 4-5 godzin). Na końcu spływu płynie nasz instruktor i służy pomocą w razie potrzeby.
  • Samochody uczestników spływu zostają na starcie, ale do naszego busa można dać wszystkie swoje rzeczy potrzebne na mecie (prowiant na ognisko, coś na przebranie) i będą one czekały w miejscu ogniska na mecie spływu.
  • Na mecie ognisko (zapewniamy ławeczki, kocyki, widełki na kiełbaski, prowiant we własnym zakresie uczestników.
  • Po spływie odwozimy kierowców na miejsce startu po odbiór samochodów (ok. godz. 16.00-17.00).

KOSZT UDZIAŁU: 85,- zł od osoby (dzieci do 12 lat: 50 zł) – płatne przelewem przed spływem

ZAPISY poprzez formularz rezerwacji – w formularzu rezerwacji znajdziesz też dokładne informacje o miejscu startu spływu (mapki) i szczegóły dotyczące płatności.






  • Przydział sprzętu: kajaki, wiosła, kamizelki asekuracyjne (pływamy w kajakach turystycznych dwuosobowych, mamy też kajaki z dodatkowym siedzonkiem dla dziecka).

KOSZT UDZIAŁU:  85,- zł od osoby (dzieci do 12 lat: 50 zł) – płatne przelewem przed spływem

ZAPISY  poprzez formularz rezerwacji – w formularzu rezerwacji znajdziesz też dokładne informacje o miejscu startu spływu (mapki) i szczegóły dotyczące płatności.


Już od 30 maja do 2 czerwca codziennie zapraszamy na jednodniowe spływy kajakowe we Wrocławiu i okolicach rzekami Widawą i Baryczą i Bystrzycą na trasach o różnym poziomie trudności – każdy znajdzie coś dla siebie:



W maju zapraszamy na jednodniowe spływy widawą i baryczą w okolicach wrocławia i milicza..


Wszystkie trasy są o niskim poziomie trudności i są odpowiednie zarówno dla doświadczonych jak i początkujących kajakarzy i rodzin z dziećmi. Spotykamy się o godzinie 10.00. Czas spokojnego płynięcia to ok. 4 godziny. Na miejscu zakończenia spływu czeka ognisko 🙂 Koszt udziału: 85 zł od osoby (dzieci 50 zł). Więcej szczegółowych informacji znajdziesz w formularzu rezerwacji.

Zapraszamy serdecznie na majowe spływy trasami:

WIDAWA trasa z Chrząstawy Wielkiej do Wrocławia-Psie Pole – TRASA WIOSENNA

To trasa spokojna o niskim poziomie trudności. Odpowiednia dla początkujących kajakarzy lub rodzin z dziećmi. Rozpoczęcie spływu poza miastem pozwala na spokojny, choć aktywny wypoczynek, relaks i podziwianie pięknych krajobrazów. Okres wiosenny to najlepszy moment w roku, aby wybrać się właśnie na tą trasę z uwagi na sprzyjający stan wody i budzącą się na wiosnę przyrodę. Szczególnie polecamy tę trasę ponieważ jest  dostępna tylko w kwietniu i maju!

WIDAWA trasa z Wrocławia-Sołtysowice do Lasu Rędzińskiego – TRASA PRZYGODOWA

To trasa o niskim poziomie trudności ale urozmaicona i z przygodami – po drodze w zależności od poziomu wody można napotkać drobne przeszkody do pokonania: kamienie, małe bystrza, gałęzie, mielizny, trzciny, przenoska na tamie. Jest to trasa odpowiednia zarówno dla doświadczonych jak i początkujących kajakarzy lub rodzin z dziećmi. Trasa przebiega częściowo przez pola, łąki, stary dębowy las oraz okolice lotniska wrocławskiego aeroklubu co często zapewnia dodatkowe atrakcje nie tylko na rzece ale też na niebie.

BARYCZ trasa z Milicza do Rudy Sułowskiej – TRASA RODZINNA

To trasa rodzinna o niskim poziomie trudności. Odpowiednia dla początkujących kajakarzy a także dla rodzin z dziećmi. Podczas spływu można podziwiać roztaczające się wokół piękne pejzaże Parku Krajobrazowego Doliny Baryczy, która jest ostoją licznych gatunków ptactwa. Warto się dobrze rozglądać wokół ponieważ przy odrobinie szczęścia na trasie można również spotkać pasące się przy brzegu koniki polskie, co może się stać nie lada atrakcją, zwłaszcza dla najmłodszych. Końcówka trasy prowadzi rzeką Młynówką.

Masz pytania? Kontakt: e-mail: [email protected], tel: 730 220 012


MAJÓWKA W KAJAKU 27.04-05.05.2024


Podczas tegorocznej MAJÓWKI W KAJAKU , która rozpocznie się już 27 kwietnia zapraszamy aż na 7 jednodniowych spływów we Wrocławiu i w okolicach rzekami Widawą i Baryczą. Przygotowaliśmy 3 różne trasy. Wszystkie są odpowiednie zarówno dla doświadczonych jak i początkujących kajakarzy lub też dla rodzin z dziećmi:

Szczególnie polecamy trasę z Chrząstawy Wielkiej ponieważ jest to trasa dostępna wyłącznie w kwietniu i maju.

Koszt: 80 zł od osoby (dzieci do 12 lat: 50 zł)



27.04.2024  (sobota)   –  Rzeka Widawa, trasa: Wrocław Sołtysowice – Rędzin 28.04.2024  (niedziela) – Rzeka Widawa, trasa: Chrząstawa Wielka – Wrocław-Psie Pole

01.05.2024  (środa) – Rzeka Widawa, trasa: Wrocław Sołtysowice – Rędzin 02.05.2024  (czwartek) –  Rzeka: Barycz, trasa: Milicz-Ruda Sułowska 03.05.2024*  (piątek) – SPŁYW Z FLAGAMI! Rzeka Widawa, trasa: Wrocław Sołtysowice – Rędzin  

*Z uwagi na ŚWIĘTO NARODOWE w tym dniu kajaki będą podczas spływu ozdobione flagami, a wszystkich uczestników spływu również zachęcamy do wyposażenia się w barwy narodowe!

04.05.2024  (sobota) – Rzeka Widawa, trasa: Wrocław Sołtysowice – Rędzin 05.05.2024  (niedziela) – Rzeka Widawa, trasa: Chrząstawa Wielka – Wrocław-Psie Pole


6 kwietnia (sobota) zapraszamy do udziału w spływie kajakowym połączonym ze sprzątaniem Widawy na odcinku Wrocław-Sołtysowice – Rędzin.

Czysta rzeka to czysta przyjemność! Dołącz do nas i wspólnie posprzątajmy Widawę!

CEL AKCJI:   Niestety podwyższony stan wody w Widawie, który występował tej zimy spowodował, że rzeka wraz z wysoką wodą przyniosła ze sobą mnóstwo śmieci. Oprócz tych, które ludzie wrzucają do wody rzeka również zabrała ze sobą wszystkie śmieci pozostawione nad rzeką, na brzegach, na wałach, na łąkach. To niestety sprawiło, że piękne krajobrazy Widawy zamieniły się w smutny obraz naszej galopującej cywilizacji a malownicze leśne zwałki w swoiste „śmieciowe tamy”. Ten obraz bardzo nas zasmucił, więc postanowiliśmy wziąć sprawy w swoje ręce i zorganizować spływ, podczas którego wszyscy uczestnicy będą mieli za zadanie zebrać z wody i z brzegów wszystkie napotkane śmieci. W ten sposób mamy nadzieję przywrócić rzekę do właściwego stanu, chroniąc jednocześnie naturę przed szkodliwym wpływem zanieczyszczeń.

Naszą akcję wspierają: EKOSYSTEM , KrafTax


– Spływ kajakowy połączony ze sprzątaniem rzeki (ok 4 godz.) – start o godz. 10.00

– Ognisko integracyjne z poczęstunkiem i upominki – niespodzianki dla wszystkich uczestników!

Udział w wydarzeniu jest BEZPŁATNY, ale liczba miejsc jest ograniczona.

Zapraszamy dorosłych w każdym wieku oraz dzieci i młodzież – trasa spływu jest o niskim poziomie trudności ale urozmaicona – odpowiednia zarówno dla doświadczonych jak i początkujących kajakarzy a także dla rodzin z dziećmi.

Zapraszamy do rezerwacji miejsc poprzez formularz: BRAK WOLNYCH MIEJSC

Jeśli masz pytania – zapraszamy do kontaktu: tel. 730 220 012, e-mail: [email protected]

Widawa to jedna z najpiękniejszych rzek przepływających przez Wrocław. To bardzo kręta rzeka, wije się między wzgórzami, lasami i polami, stąd też pochodzi jej nazwa – od prasłowiańskiego słowa „wid”, które oznacza; wić się, kręcić. Woda w rzece jest dość czysta, żyją w niej: ryby, kraby, traszki, żaby a na brzegach można dostrzec ślady aktywności bobrów. Roślinność zarówno ta wodna jak i na brzegach jest bardzo bujna i swoje siedliska mają tam liczne gatunki ptaków, często można tam zaobserwować polujące czaple. Rzeka meandrując tworzy przepiękne krajobrazy i fantastyczne warunki do rozwijania się dzikiej przyrody jak też i do uprawiania rekreacyjnego kajakarstwa zarówno dla doświadczonych jak i początkujących kajakarzy a także rodzin z dziećmi.

Trasa od Mostu Sołtysowickiego do Lasu Rędzińskiego (ujście Widawy do Odry ) – to ostatni odcinek rzeki przed ujściem do Odry o długości ok 16 km. Ta trasa jest wyjątkowo urozmaicona pod względem krajobrazów i przyrody. Przebiega częściowo przez pola, łąki i okolice lotniska wrocławskiego aeroklubu co często zapewnia dodatkowe atrakcje nie tylko na rzece ale też na niebie. Ostatni odcinek przebiega przez las, gdzie rzeka nabiera niemal magicznego klimatu wśród starych powalonych drzew i wiekowych dębów. Niesamowity urok tej trasy jest właśnie powodem dla którego tak często i tak chętnie wracamy w to miejsce podczas organizowanych przez nas spływów. Dlatego też przez cały sezon kajakarski gorąco zachęcamy do aktywnego wypoczynku podczas zwiedzania Widawy z pokładu kajaka. Z tej perspektywy rzeka prezentuje się zachwycająco.

11 listopada – Święto Niepodległości w kajaku

W sobotę 11 listopada tradycyjnie zapraszamy do udziału w okolicznościowym spływie kajakowym z okazji Narodowego Święta Niepodległości we Wrocławiu.

Spływ rozpocznie się o godz. 11.00 i potrwa ok. 3 godz. Wystartujemy ze stanicy WOPR przy ul. na Grobli, przepłyniemy Odrą odcinek do Ostrowa Tumskiego a następnie krótki odcinek rzeką Oławą. Nie zabraknie narodowych akcentów – kajaki będą wyposażone we flagi.

Serdecznie zapraszamy do wspólnego świętowania – udział w spływie jest bezpłatny, jednak obowiązuje rezerwacja miejsc. – BRAK WOLNYCH MIEJSC- ZAPISY ZAMKNIĘTE


W kalendarzu jesień ale za oknem wciąż mamy lato! Więc pływamy dalej!

8 października (niedziela) – serdecznie zapraszamy na spływy kajakowe Widawą – trasa z Sołtysowic do Lasu Rędzińskiego (Wrocław). Trasa o niskim poziomie trudności ale z przygodami – odpowiednia zarówno dla doświadczonych jak i początkujących kajakarzy. A po spływie tradycyjnie zapraszamy na pogawędki i odpoczynek przy ognisku.

Zbiórka na miejscu startu jest o godz. 10.00. Zaczynamy od krótkiej odprawy i instruktażu i dobieramy sprzęt (kajaki, wiosła, kamizelki). Czas spokojnego płynięcia to ok 4 godziny. Na mecie spływu czeka już ognisko (prowiant we własnym zakresie uczestników). Po spływie odwozimy kierowców na start po odbiór samochodów. Na nasze spływy można śmiało zabrać ze sobą również swojego pupila – pieski pływają z nami bezpłatnie 

Koszt udziału w spływie to 75 zł od osoby (dzieci do 12 lat 45 zł)

Wszystkie szczegóły, mapki, plan dnia znajdziesz w   FORMULARZU REZERWACJI MIEJSC

ZAPRASZAMY! Nie przegap takiej okazji! 🙂


ZAPISY NA SPŁYWY (jednodniowe)

  • Kalendarz spływów kajakowych 2024

Przydatne linki

  • aktualna pogoda
  • strona kajakowa wszystkich kajakarzy
  • 3-4 wrzesień Widawa i Barycz
  • 30.05-02.06.2024 – DŁUGI WEEKEND W KAJAKU
  • Bezpieczeństwo i Ratownictwo spływy kajakowy
  • Bóbr – spływ kajakowy
  • Galeria – pies w kajaku
  • Galeria – Rodzinny spływ kajakowy trzy latków Barycz
  • Galeria Kajakiem w Nowy Rok Wrocław 2012/2013
  • Galeria spływ kajakowy z Kłodzka do Barda-Nysa Kłodzka 2011
  • Kajakarstwo i kajaki – dlaczego warto?
  • Kajakowe trasy w okolicy Wrocławia – Widawa sobota 08.08 – Oława niedziela 09.08
  • Archiwum terminarz spływów kajwkowy
  • Majówka 2014 – pomysły na weekend
  • Pies w kajaku – zwierzęta
  • Polityka ciasteczek cookies
  • Rzeka Barycz – spływy kajakowe
  • Rzeka Bystrzyca – spływ kajakowy
  • Rzeka Nysa Kłodzka – spływy kajakowe
  • Rzeka Oława – opis szlaku
  • Rzeka Smortawa – kajaki
  • Rzeka Strzegomka – spływy kajakowe
  • Rzeka Widawa – spływy kajakowe
  • Zdjęcia AMP Kamienna 2013 – Szklarska Poręba
  • Zdjęcia z AMP Kamienna 2012 – Szklarska Poręba
  • Zimowa Widawa – wiosna, urodziny MKK Wrotka
  • Zimowy spływ kajakowy Widawą 2012
  • Galeria – spływ Widawa – Pożegnanie zimy 2012
  • Galeria kajaki Barycz – spływ kajakowy 31.08.2011
  • Galeria zdjęć – transport kajaków
  • Galeria- kajaki Bóbr 2012- spływ kajakowy z Klubem Podróżników BIT
  • rzeka Barycz – zdjęcia – spływ kajakowy Dolina Rzeki Barycz
  • Wrocław kajaki – spływ 11 listopada 2012
  • Zdjęcia Jesienny spływ rzeką Widawą
  • Spływy firmowe – imprezy integracyjne
  • Rzeki – Dolnego Śląska
  • Niezbędnik kajakarza – podstawy
  • Co zabrać na spływ kajakowy? – jednodniowy
  • Co zabrać na spływ kajakowy? – wielodniowy
  • Interaktywny podręcznik kajakarstwa
  • Aparat – kamera na spływie kajakowym

Discovering Cities, Embracing Journeys

Oder River Kayaking Guide: Discover Rental Locations and Guided Tours in Wrocław

Kayaking on the Oder River

Wrocław, a city crisscrossed by the Oder River and its numerous tributaries, offers unique opportunities for kayaking enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned kayaker or a beginner looking for a new adventure, exploring Wrocław’s waterways is a fantastic way to experience the city’s stunning architecture and natural beauty. In this guide, we’ll provide information on rental locations and guided tours to help you plan your Oder River kayaking adventure.

Kayak Rental Locations

Guided kayaking tours, tips for a successful kayaking adventure.

There are several kayak rental companies in Wrocław that cater to both locals and tourists. Most of these companies are conveniently located near the city center, making it easy to access the Oder River and its surrounding canals. Some popular kayak rental locations include:

  • Odra Kayaking: Located on Kępa Mieszczańska island, Odra Kayaking offers single and double kayaks for rent. They also provide life jackets, paddles, and a waterproof bag for your belongings.
  • Kayak Club Wrocław: This club, situated near the city center, offers kayak rentals and organizes group outings for those interested in exploring Wrocław’s waterways with fellow enthusiasts.
  • Wrocław Kayak Rental: Offering a variety of kayaks, including sit-on-top and closed-deck models, Wrocław Kayak Rental is conveniently located near the Oder River and provides all necessary equipment for a safe and enjoyable outing.

If you’re new to kayaking or prefer a more structured experience, consider joining a guided tour. These tours are led by experienced guides who are familiar with Wrocław’s waterways and can provide valuable insights into the city’s history and landmarks. Some popular guided kayaking tour options include:

  • Wrocław Kayak Tours: Offering both daytime and nighttime tours, Wrocław Kayak Tours provides a unique perspective of the city’s most iconic sites, including the Cathedral Island and the historic Old Town.
  • Odra River Kayaking Adventures: Specializing in small group tours, Odra River Kayaking Adventures provides personalized experiences tailored to your interests and skill level. They offer tours focusing on the city’s architecture, nature, and even sunset paddles.
  • Wrocław City Kayaking: With a range of tour options, including family-friendly outings and team-building events, Wrocław City Kayaking aims to create memorable experiences for all participants.

Before embarking on your Oder River kayaking journey, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Always wear a life jacket and follow safety guidelines provided by your rental company or tour guide.
  • Check the weather forecast and water conditions before setting out.
  • Bring sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to protect yourself from the sun.
  • Pack a waterproof bag for your belongings, including a camera or smartphone to capture the beautiful scenery.

Kayaking on the Oder River is an exciting way to explore Wrocław and experience the city from a unique perspective. With various rental locations and guided tour options available, you’re sure to find the perfect adventure to suit your interests and skill level. Don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in Wrocław’s picturesque waterways – grab a paddle and start exploring today

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Valeri L

  • Flexible start
  • Sightseeing

View on map

kayak tours wroclaw


Are you a nature lover? Or would you simply like to get away from the city and experience an amazing water adventure? The answer to your needs is right here. Come and enjoy kayaking with your friends. Admire the nature, listen to the sound of water, birds and nature. Let all your worries and troubles go away with the river flow.

Sit back comfortably in your canoe and relax. Choose one of two routes – one longer to enjoy nature and have a little barbeque after. The other – shorter perfect for an afternoon extraordinary sightseeing. Spend your time actively and be happy about all the wonders surrounding you.

Grab your friends, keep calm and canoe.

After completing the route, our instructors will be waiting to collect the kayaks from you. Additionally, for your convenience, our staff will transport the drivers back to the starting point parking lot so they can retrieve their cars and return to pick up the rest of the participants at the ending point.

Oława River: Oława – Siechnice: 18km – 3,5-4h Oława is one of those rivers in our region that are runoff even during prolonged drought. Along the way, we will encounter only one obstacle – the weir in Siechnice, where the kayaks need to be moved along the 30m shore. Rafting can be adjusted to participants’ level and shortened, ending it at any road bridge on the route. It can also be extended by about 3.5 km by starting a bit earlier on the river – in Jaczkowice. In Siechnice there is a specially prepared bonfire place with tables and benches where you can pleasantly end the kayaking experience in Wroclaw.

What’s included?

  • Polyethylene kayaks rental
  • Lightweight ergonomic oars
  • Safety vests
  • Return transport for drivers to the parking
  • Instruction on land

Starting Point

Hotel pick-up (additional service); or In the location of the activity

* A minimum of 10 people per booking is required

  • A minimum of 10 people per booking is required
  • The minimum age is 10 years old.
  • The booking will be confirmed by e-mail after the request and the earlier you make it, the better. Weekdays reservations can be done last minute, and weekend reservations at least 7 days before the event.
  • Suggestion for clients: take dry clothes for after the activity and a small bottle of water and a snack
  • It is possible to organize a bonfire on the stop if the guests bring their own things

Traveller Style

2 – 4 hours

Related tours & activities



A blog about Wroclaw made by locals with love


The 15 best day trips from Wroclaw

Barycz Valley Landscape Park

⇨ Check out the latest hotel bargains for Wroclaw with free cancellation here! ⇦

⇨ Click here to see the summer hotel deals for 2024 in Wroclaw! ⇦

⇨ We created hand-picked apartment and hotel recommendations for you here! ⇦

⇨ Our comprehensive District Guide for Wroclaw is online! Find out here in which areas to stay and which fit your needs best. ⇦

Wroclaw Guidebook

You are looking for the best day trips from Wroclaw? We have tried all of them ourselves and will share our top favourites day trips here. 

Let us be honest, we were very surprised how close to Wroclaw we found so many hidden gems. We would not have expected something like paradise and nature within less than one hour of driving time. 

We are very excited to get started with our absolute favourite day trip from Wroclaw at the very beginning!

1. Barycz Valley Landscape Park

There is only one thing that we regret about our trip to Barycz Valley Landscape Park. That we have not started earlier to go there on regular basis! 

It is the true paradise for nature and outdoor lovers. There are so many great things to do and we have to limit ourselves here telling you about the most important ones.

Rent a kayak or canoe

The Barycz river is a right tributary of the Odra river and is 136km long. It is super diverse and the river looks completely different every few kilometers. Also the infrastructure is excellent, during our trips we found little wooden piers at most bridges and weirs. That makes it incredibly easy to get in and out of the kayak.

Multiple kayak taxi companies are available along the river. They can bring you and your kayak anywhere and most of them also rent kayaks if you do not have your own.

We recommend you to start around Milicz which is only one hour away from Wroclaw. The easiest option is to take a rental car, but also bus and trains are operating to Milicz.

We recommend this page here to check out more details about the potential kayak trips on Barycz river. Unfortunately it is available only in Polish.

Kayak Barycz Valley Landscape Park

Rent a bicycle and explore the lakes

After we were quite exhausted after a day full of canoeing, we stayed for a night in Milicz. One of the best things to do in Milicz is to rent bicycles and just head out to explore all the lakes. 

There are plenty of companies available for bicycle rental, some even have electric ones. We rented from a guy who actually brought the bicycles to our hotel – but as we had the feeling it was a bit overpriced we do not recommend him here.

During our last trip, we just took a route towards all the lakes you see east of Milicz. There are some small villages on the way (Ruda Milicka, Stawno, Nowe Grodzisko, and much more) where you go through but do not expect a lot of things to do there apart from enjoying the nature. Most of them do not even have a restaurant, that is why we recommend you to plan a lunch break at „U BARTKA“ at Średzina 5 in the little town of Nowy Zamek. You can expect very fresh fish dishes and cold drinks 🙂

Cycling barycz

Explore Milicz as a real little Polish town

Life in Milicz looked actually pretty real to us. With that we mean that nobody actually expected busloads of tourists here, although of course you can see that the city benefits from the Barycz Valley Landscape Park.

If you decide to spend a night here, you will be able to explore some cool ruins but also experience a quite empty market square on Saturday night. What you should not miss is the beautiful church of grace which was built in the early 1700’s.

We hope that all this information made you curious to see more of the Barycz Valley Landscape Park!

Barycz Valley Landscape Park

Trip Overview for Wroclaw to Milicz and the Barycz Valley Landscape Park:

  • Distance:  around 60km (1 hour) north of Wroclaw
  • Get there:  There are 3-5 daily train connections, with car you will be more flexible ( compare rental cars here )
  • For whom:  People who like cycling, kayaking and nature
  • Duration: Day trip possible but we normally stay one night
  • Accommodation: We have been to two hotels ourselves: Hotel Libero in Milicz  directly as starting point for cycling and kayaking, but if you love to stay in nature consider Hotel Naturum  with it’s little interactive museum and little zoo just around the corner
  • Navigation: Just click here to start a Navigation with Google Maps to Milicz!

2. Peace Churches in Świdnica and Jawor

Swidnica peace church

They are listed as UNESCO World Heritage Site and considered as one of the most remarkable landmarks in Lower Silesia. You ask why? These are the largest timber-framed churches in Europe!

Now the question is, if you are really into churches or not. If you are really into it and want to make a picture of every single element, go for it. But if you typically do not spend hours in churches, we have the perfect idea for you.

If you consider going to the mountains in Karkonosze National Park, the peace church in Świdnica is on the way! It is perfectly easy to combine it and every time we go to the mountains… Guess where we stop!

The reason is not only the church but also the cafe which is attached to it. Have an amazing breakfast at the „Baroccafe“ – now renamed to 7niebo – ( Plac Pokoju 7 in Świdnica ) and you will arrive at Karkonosze National Park full of energy!

If you want to read more about it, check out our article about all UNESCO World Heritage Sites in and around Wroclaw .

How to get from Wroclaw to the Churches of Peace in Świdnica and Jawor?

Unfortunately public transport is not the best option here. 

We recommend to travel by car, it is gonna take you around one hour. If you do not have a car in Wroclaw, a rental car is fairly cheap (from 25 PLN per day) .  Alternatively you can book a half day (or even full day) tour from Wroclaw. Here are the latest available dates and fares for that.  

Jawor Peace Church

Trip Overview for Wroclaw to the Peace Churces in Lower Silesia:

  • Distance Świdnica:  around 60km (1 hour) south-west of Wroclaw
  • Distance Jawor:  around 75km (1 hour) west of Wroclaw
  • Get there:  Take a car ( compare cheap rental cars in Wroclaw here ) or better a guided tour from Wroclaw with a bus
  • For whom:  People who like churches, architecture and UNESCO World Heritage Sites
  • Duration: A Day trip from Wroclaw is fully sufficient, or combine it with something else in that area
  • Navigation: Just click here to start a Navigation with Google Maps to Jawor!  And here for the one in Świdnica

3. Mountains in Karkonosze National Park

Just two hours away from Wroclaw you can find another paradise. This time, we talk about mountains and not lakes which is different but definitely not worse! People travel to the Karkonosze National Park from other countries to spend weeks of holidays there. Being in Wroclaw you can do it in one long day or just plan a weekend trip. 

It is so beautiful and amazing that we just want to let our pictures speak. 

kayak tours wroclaw

A must try is the smoked cheese with cranberries that you will find at every corner!

Another hidden gem that is truly unique is the gravitational anomaly. You are asking yourself, what that means? Well, in very easy words, gravity does not apply to this magic place. You can put a bottle on the street and it will roll uphill instead of downhill. Same with cars, just remove the gear and you will see your car slowly rolling uphill… You do not believe us? Check out this article and video.

Or would you expect a church here, that has been relocated from Norway to Poland? No, we are still not kidding, we are just introducing the Vang Stave Church to you. Originally built around 1200 and then in 1842 moved to the Polish mountains…

You should consider around two hours of driving time from Wroclaw. For more information we recommend to visit the  website of the Karkonosze National Park.

Polish Mountains

Trip Overview for Wroclaw to Karkonosze National Park:

  • Distance:  around 130km (2 hours) south-west of Wroclaw
  • Get there:  We definitely recommend a car ( compare rental cars from 5 EUR per day )
  • For whom:  Mountain- and nature lovers
  • Duration: Day trip possible for a first impression but we recommend to stay even more
  • Navigation: Just click here to start!
  • Stay longer: Of course it is worth to spend some more days in the mountains, here you find some great places to stay in this area!

4. Beautiful Old Town of Görlitz in Germany

Have you ever heard about Görlywood? If not, this is the little brother of Hollywood just a few seconds beyond the border towards Germany. 

You are confused and have no idea why? We will tell you. Görlitz actually is one of the most favourite locations to shoot movies across all genres. Almost every time you will find some film teams and maybe you even will meet some famous actors!


Probably the most famous recent movie that was shot in Görlitz is „The Grand Budapest Hotel“. Yes it all is a big lie, the hotel was never in Budapest! It is an empty compartment store in Görlitz, Germany. Usually it is closed but around two to three times every month it is open for public. The best part about that: You can visit it even for free – there is no entrance fee.

There is a reason for being Görlywood

The second thing about Görlitz that you should know is that it is full of old beautiful German architecture. Most likely you have guessed that already as why else would Hollywood come here? But there is more to that.

For around ten years, an anonymous donator had transferred around half a million Euros every year to the city. This enabled the city to carry out a lot of expensive renovation and restauration work. There were just two main conditions from this mysterious donator. First that his identity must remain secret (which it still is!). Second, the money may only be spent on the renovation and on nothing else.

Young people moving out and old people moving in

Another truth about Görlitz is that a lot of old German people are living here. One reason for that is the lack of perspectives for the younger people who then move to the large cities. Another reason that the cost of living is very cheap compared to the rest of Germany. Due to those circumstances, a lot of old people move to Görlitz after their retirement where they can afford to live in a palace for peanuts.

You best get to Görlitz either by train, bus or car. By car it will take about 2 hours. The train takes around the same and is a great option. You can find more information on the train and bus connections in our article about the best train connections to Wroclaw . This article is also valid for travelling out of Wroclaw and back again 🙂

Thanks to help from Tessa (living in Görlitz and having her own blog “Tessa Approves”), we even have a dedicated article about reasons why you should visit Görlitz  here.


Trip Overview for Wroclaw to Görlitz:

  • Distance:  around 180km (2 hours) west of Wroclaw
  • Get there:  Great train connections are available here  or alternatively a car will be good ( compare rental cars here )
  • For whom:  Hollywood and movie lovers, people who are into architecture
  • Duration: Day trip for a first impression but worth to stay one night!
  • Stay here: Check out these places to stay in Görlitz – we recommend one night!

5. Książ Castle

Last but not least… It is worth to mention that in lower Silesia a special castle route exists! If you are into castles, you can spend two weeks travelling from one castle to another without any problems. Of course only in lower Silesia!

When we talk about the Książ Castle you should know that this is the largest one in the whole Lower Silesia region. It dates back to the 13th century and is full of history.

Ksiaz Castle Lower Silesia

For example, during the second world war it was part of the secret „Project Riese“. This project was so secret that still today the full purpose has not been revealed. We only know that it should be part of a gigantic underground tunnel system. Some sources believe that this should become the main residence of Adolf Hitler.

Parts of the tunnel system are open for visitors and you can book guided tours to see it. We tried it and it was worth to do.

The castle itself is beautiful, from the inside and outside. But if you expect a lot of art and expensive things inside, we have to tell you that you are wrong. The Germans took all the most valuable items when it became obvious they would lose the war.

How to get from Wroclaw to Książ Castle?

Visit this place full of interesting history just 1:20h away from Wroclaw if you take a car. There are also options by train and then taxi, but we cannot recommend this to you unless you speak Polish. When you arrive at the train station there are no taxis. You need to call one or be lucky to find any on the streets which are not very busy.

If you are just looking for an easy option to get there, you should consider a guided tour. There are some options available from Wroclaw. Latest schedules, prices and information can be found here .

As we had a very foggy day last time, the picture is from our friend Karolina and her Wanderlust-Blog in Polish – thanks for that 🙂

Castle Ksiaz

Trip Overview for Wroclaw to Książ Castle:

  • Distance:  around 60km (1 up to 1,5 hours) south-west of Wroclaw
  • Get there:  We recommend a car ( compare rental cars here ) or easier is a guided trip to the castle (prices here) from Wroclaw, by train only in combination with taxi
  • For whom:  People who like castles and history
  • Duration: Day trip is fully sufficient
  • Stay here: Of course you can just stay in the castle itself – check it out here!

6. The Valley of Castles and Palaces (Jelenia Góra)

If you like castles, then you will find a paradise not far away from Wroclaw. To be precise – in Lower Silesia you will find the highest density of castles and palaces in whole Europe and no matter if just for a day trip, a weekend, a week or even much more… There will be definitely enough to see!

We did some castle-hopping in Lower Silesia ourselves in 2020 and wrote a dedicated post about that here.

Palace Wojanów from the air

Trip Overview for Wroclaw to the Valley of Castles:

  • Distance:  around 125km (2 hours) west of Wroclaw
  • Get there:  By car is the best option ( compare rental cars here ), or alternatively with  a group trip from Wroclaw (details here)
  • For whom:  Friends of nature and castle lovers
  • Duration: Day trip possible but we strongly recommend at least one night as there is so much to see

If you are into this one, don’t miss out to read all details on our post on the most amazing castles and palaces in Lower Silesia here .

If you are looking to stay in one of the beautiful castle hotels, here you can jump directly to Booking.com in that specific area.

7. The Leaning Tower and Ruins in Ząbkowice Śląskie

We probably should mention the German pre-war name of Ząbkowice Śląskie which was “Frankenstein”. But according to our research, the name and city has nothing to do with the monster Dr. Frankenstein as the village was founded in the mid of 13th century.

The bizarre main attraction is a leaning tower (Hello, Pisa!) which is shifted by 150cm on the top. If you are brave enough, you can walk up as well. Oh, and did we mention that of course there are some castle ruins as well?

Leaning Tower Ząbkowice Śląskie

Trip Overview for Wroclaw to Ząbkowice Śląskie:

  • Distance:  around 80km (1,5 hours) south of Wroclaw
  • Get there:  By car is the best option ( compare rental cars here ), but by train there are also connections available
  • For whom:  Fans of medieval atmosphere and castle lovers
  • Duration: Day trip is sufficient, actually this one is a great stop on the way to have a little break if you visit other places in the south of Wroclaw
  • Navigation: Just click here to start a Navigation with Google Maps to it!
  • Stay here: Of course you can stay longer if you like, this way to check out the best hotels in the area!

8. The Lake around Nysa

As the lake around Nysa has some beautiful sand beaches, often it is named as the Polish Copacabana. As on the way to the lake and around there are so many things to see, hence this trip is something for everybody.

You can relax at the beach, but also be active on the water (we saw sailing boats, jet-skis, flying water jet-packs, and everything else that would take place on the water). Perfect to get some energy from the nature or just to spend a great weekend with friends, family and other beloved ones.

Nysa Lake

Trip Overview for Wroclaw to Nysa:

  • Distance:  around 115km (1,5 hours) south-east of Wroclaw
  • Get there:  By car is the best option ( compare rental cars here ), or by train via Opole
  • For whom:  Beach lovers, water sport enthusiasts and nature lovers 
  • Duration: Day trip is certainly possible but we recommend to stay at least one night
  • Accommodation: Compare the best places to stay in that area here

9. The Arboretum in Niemcza

At the Arboretum all nature and plant-lovers will find their personal heaven. If you are hobby gardener or just curious about plants, trees, flowers and other things that grow, we have to highly recommend this place in Niemcza to you!

A huge, wonderful and beautiful garden which was created already in the early 19th century holds today almost 5.000 different kind of trees and many other plants. Take a book and enjoy the birds singing around you in the perfect setting of nature and green environment.

Arboretum Niemcza

Trip Overview for Wroclaw to the Arboretum in Niemcza:

  • Distance:  around 65km (1,5 hours) south of Wroclaw
  • Get there:  By car is the best option ( rental cars from 5 EUR per day here )
  • For whom:  People who like gardening, plants, trees and nature
  • Duration: We recommend a day trip
  • Stay here: If you can’t get enough of flowers and gardens, here are the best places to stay for one night close by.

10. The Lookout Tower in Kotowice

Who just has little time in Wroclaw but still wants to have a little escape into the nature, should definitely find the Lookout Tower in Kotowice. Wait, Kotowice? Yes, correct, we are not talking about Katowice here 🙂 You can take a regional train to Zakrzów Kotowice which just takes 20 minutes and from there it is just a one hour hike through nature towards the tower.

From there you can enjoy a panoramic view on the Oder river and the forest you just hiked through – provided you are not afraid of 40 meters height. The tower is also perfectly accessible by bike from Wroclaw, but then it will most likely turn a half day trip into a full day trip although even by bike one way takes you just around 1,5 hours 🙂

We just call this one the “Eiffel Tower of Wroclaw”….

Aussichtsturm Kotowice

Trip Overview for Wroclaw to the Lookout Tower in Kotowice:

  • Distance:  around 22km east of Wroclaw
  • Get there:  By train or bicycle is the best option, of course also possible by car
  • For whom:  People with little time in Wroclaw that love hiking and cycling which still want to see something else than just the city
  • Duration: It is a half day trip by train or day trip by bike

11. The Lake around Mietków

Everybody who wants to spend some lake-time and have as much time as possible to relax, should enjoy a trip to the lake around Mietków as from Wroclaw it is just like throwing a stone to this lake which also has a sand beach and opportunities to swim. Of course also perfectly suitable for water sports.

We saw sailing boats again, many people who brought their own inflatable boat, Stand-Up-Paddling or wind surfing (there are classes available, too!). If you are not that professional yet, some pedal boats are also available for rent.

Apart from beach bars and many opportunities to relax (and being active!) you can find some ruins around which are in quite a wild condition, so if you are an urban explorer or photographer, this should be a stop as well.

Mietków Lake

Trip Overview for Wroclaw to Mietków:

  • Distance:  around 40km (45 Minutes) south-east of Wroclaw
  • Get there:  By car ( rental cars from 5 EUR per day here ), also decent train connections available
  • For whom:  Families, water sport enthusiasts, lazy people who enjoy beach time, ruin explorers
  • Duration: We recommend a full day 
  • Accommodation: Compare places to stay around this area here

12. A Hike in the Ślęża Mountain

If there is the one most popular day trip from Wroclaw, then it is definitely the hike up the Ślęża Mountain! Just around 45 Minutes away by car and with decent train connections available, this is the closest mountain from Wroclaw which can be “easily” defeated as it is just 718 meters high (well, that statement is depending on your condition…)

We suggest to travel to Sobótka and start the hike from there, it will be taking you around 1,5 hours to get up – of course plus/minus depending on your individual fitness. On top you will be welcomed with cold drinks, grilled meat and a chapel including a panorama point to enjoy the view. Back at the bottom there are some restaurants and also a climbing park.

Be aware: You should definitely bring some cash here as on top they do not accept card payments (July 2023) as the connection is not really stable. And we suggest to start early as parking might get tight after 10am, trust us, this is really the most popular day trip from Wroclaw amongst locals 🙂

Since mid 2022, there is a direct train connection from Wroclaw to  Sobótka  which actually is pretty amazing for this hike. It takes around 40 minutes to get to  Sobótka and from the railway station it is around 35-40 minutes of hike towards the starting point. We wouldn’t go by car anymore, the train is perfect!

Ślęża Mountain Hike

Trip Overview for Wroclaw to Ślęża Mountain:

  • Distance:  around 45km (45 Minutes) south-west of Wroclaw
  • Get there:  By car ( rental cars from 5 EUR per day here ), but train is certainly now the better choice
  • For whom:  People who like to hike in the mountains, families and mountain bikers
  • Stay here: There are some nice places in the nature with mountain view where you can stay, here you get straight to them!

13. Moszna Castle

We are leaving the Lower Silesia region and are visiting the fairytale castle of Moszna now which is located in the Opole region. It is perfectly suitable for a day trip, but we combined it with a stay at the lake in Nysa and went directly after the end of the early 2021 covid lockdown where the amount of visitors was still manageable – we heard it normally can get quite crowded 🙂 

Around this castle from the 18th century you will find a beautiful park to wander around a little bit. Inside you will be able to see some of the rooms that give you an impression of how the life back in the days has been here (Spoiler: It has been a good life here!). 

Moszna Castle

Trip Overview for Wroclaw to Moszna Castle:

  • Distance:  around 130km (1,5-2 hours) south-east of Wroclaw
  • Get there:  By car ( rental cars from 5 EUR per day here ), train connections available too
  • For whom:  Guess it! Castlelovers 🙂
  • Duration: You will be staying a few hours to enjoy the castle and gardens for sure, good to combine with Nysa Lake as well
  • Accommodation: Of course directly in the Moszna Castle! Click here for more details and prices
  • Navigation: Just click here to start a Navigation with Google Maps to the Castle!

14. More Palaces and Castles close to Wroclaw

What can we say… Yes, indeed we are a little bit into castles, but there are simply so many great ones around Wroclaw and Lower Silesia! Here we want to show you four castles that are all within cycling distance from Wroclaw. So just take your city bike ( here more infos on that ) and enjoy a summer trip to one of these four castles!

Below the distance in minutes is referring to cycling only, but you will of course also find good public transport options to these castles.

Leśnica Castle Wroclaw

1. Leśnica Castle

  • Distance: 13km (50 min by bike)
  • No gastronomy available
  • Navigate to it here

2. Pawłowice Palace

  • Distance: 11km (40 min by bike)
  • Food & Drinks available

3. Topacz Castle

  • Distance: 10km (40 min by bike)

4. Krobielowice Palace 

  • Distance: 25km (85 min by bike)

5. Wojnowice Castle 

  • A beautiful water castle from the 16th century, surrounded by a moat
  • Distance: 25km (80 min by bike)
  • Food & Drinks available (great apple pie!)

We featured the Leśnica Castle and Pawłowice Palace also on our post about the 25 most impressive buildings in Wroclaw if you want to find out a little bit more here .

Zamek Wojnowice Wroclaw

15. The Auschwitz Concentration Camp

Another idea brings you to the saddest place in the world: From Wroclaw to Auschwitz. However, everybody should visit this place once in her/his life to understand the scale of what happened.

We made a daytrip in December 2018 and strongly recommend it to everyone!

Here you find the best online fares for a daytrip from Wroclaw to Auschwitz Concentration Camp.

Breslau nach Auschwitz

Trip Overview for Wroclaw to Auschwitz Concentration Camp:

  • Distance:  around 230km (3 hours) south-east of Wroclaw
  • Get there:  By car ( rental cars from 5 EUR per day here ) or group tour to Auschwitz (prices and dates here)
  • For whom:  Everybody should have seen this.
  • Duration: We recommend a full day at least, better more

A Weekend in Lower Silesia

If you would like to spend more time, like a longer weekend in Lower Silesia, we have a great selection of nature retreats. 

These places have excellent food, some have spa & wellness options, but one thing they all have in common: cozyness and remoteness.

  • Check out our favourite boutique hotels for a weekend in Lower Silesia here.

Pałac Kamieniec

Regional Wineries in Lower Silesia

If you are into wine, then we also highly recommend to check out some of the wineries around Wroclaw – you will be surprised about Polish wines, even if you never heard about them!

We have been to a couple of wineries and picked our favourite ones for you. Read about them here in our dedicated blog post:

  • Our favourite wineries around Wroclaw in Lower Silesia

Wineries around Wroclaw

We are convinced that you will enjoy the best day trips from Wroclaw as much as we did. Of course at some point we might add more detailled travel reports for some of them but here it already should provide you a good overview of ideas what you can do.

When you get back to Wroclaw, do not forget to check out our articles about the top things to do in Wroclaw !

Do you have some comments on this article? Help us and also help other visitors by leaving your feedback in the comment section below!

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One comment.

thx for great info… wroclaw is the best city i ever been (i am world traveler)

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Wroclaw travel guide

Wroclaw tourism | wroclaw guide, you're going to love wroclaw.

With a population of 634.893, Wroclaw is the largest city in Dolnoslaskie, Poland by the number of inhabitants. It is one of the most popular cities to visit in the country. We recommend you stay at least 3 days in order to fully appreciate everything Wroclaw has to offer.

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Activities & attractions in Wroclaw

kayak tours wroclaw

Other activities

kayak tours wroclaw

Where to Eat in Wroclaw

If you’re looking for affordable options, Hard Rock Cafe - Wroclaw (Rynek 25 50/101) and Monopol Restaurant at Monopol Hotel (2 Heleny Modrzejewskiej) are great picks.

When to visit Wroclaw

Looking for warm weather? Then head to Wroclaw in July, when the average temperature is 62.6 °F, and the highest can go up to 71.6 °F. The coldest month, on the other hand, is January, when it can get as cold as 26.6 °F, with an average temperature of 32 °F. You’re likely to see more rain in July, when precipitation is around 3.1″. In contrast, February is usually the driest month of the year in Wroclaw, with an average rainfall of 0.8″.


How to Get to Wroclaw

When flying to Wroclaw, you’ll arrive at Wroclaw Strachowice (WRO), which is located 10 km from the city center. The shortest flight to Wroclaw from the United States departs from Los Angeles and takes around 24h 20m.

FlixTrain is the only carrier operating train routes to Wroclaw. Located 1.4 km from the city center, Wroclaw Glowny is the busiest station in Wroclaw. Another popular train station is Wroclaw Mikołajów, located 2.5 km from the center.

Another option to get to Wroclaw is to pick up a car rental from Warsaw, which is about 187 miles from Wroclaw. You’ll find branches of Sixt and Flex To Go, among others, in Warsaw.

Several bus lines operate bus routes to Wroclaw, including FlixBus, Sindbad and Regiojet. From Warsaw, the bus ride to Wroclaw takes 418 km and will cost you around $45. From Vienna, the ticket costs about $44 for a journey of 684 km. The most popular bus station is Wroclaw Galeria Dominikańska, located 0.5 km from downtown Wroclaw. Wroclaw Wielka is also a commonly used station, and is 2.1 km from the city center.

Airports near Wroclaw

Airlines serving wroclaw, where to stay in wroclaw.

From 5-star hotels such as the Hotel Altus Palace to great affordable options like the Lothus Hotel , Wroclaw offers a range of accommodations for every taste. Average rates range from around $57 per night for a double room in a 3-star hotel to $101 and up for a 5-star experience.

Where to stay in popular areas of Wroclaw

Most booked hotels in wroclaw, renting a car in wroclaw.

Renting a car in Wroclaw costs $28 per day, on average, or $83 if you want to rent if for 3 days.

You’re likely to save money by renting your car at the airport: locations in the city are, on average, 2% more expensive than at Wroclaw Strachowice.

Expect to pay $6.28 per gallon in Wroclaw (average price from the past 30 days). Depending on the size of your rental car, filling up the tank will cost between $75.41 and $100.54. The most frequently booked car type in Wroclaw is Intermediate (Nissan Qashqai or similar). If you’re looking to save money, though, keep in mind that Compact rental cars (Peugeot 301 or similar) are, on average, 76% cheaper than other rental car types in the city.

Best car rental deals in Wroclaw

2 Adults, 2 Bags

4 Adults, 2 Bags

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Wroclaw travel guide

Wroclaw tourism | wroclaw guide, you're going to love wroclaw.

With its elegant historical market square, impressive cathedral, and beautiful riverfront neighborhood, Wroclaw is everything you'd hope an Eastern European city could be. Stunning to look at, buzzing with nightlife, and culturally vibrant, it's a fantastic urban destination.

kayak tours wroclaw

Top 5 Reasons to Visit Wroclaw

1. the exquisite historical core.

Built around Rynek, the market square (which still hosts a lively market), Wroclaw's Old Town is a mixture of medieval Gothic and later baroque and rococo architecture.

2. Beautiful Churches

Wroclaw's religious architecture is second to none in southeastern Poland. Anyone who appreciates soaring Gothic engineering and sculpture will adore Cathedral Island.

3. Fabulous Cultural Attractions

Wroclaw is southeastern Poland's cultural hub, hosting the multinational Dialog Festival as well as summertime organ festivals and events dedicated to ambient music.

4. Superb Nightlife

Wroclaw and nightlife are synonymous in Poland, and anyone who loves clubbing or bar hopping will be in for a treat; visit the bars around Rynek or nightlife complexes like Pasaz Niepolda.

5. The Odra River

One of Wroclaw's major attractions is the River Odra, which is a wonderful place to walk, cycle, or kayak.

What to do in Wroclaw

1. old market square: an indestructible civic landmark.

Known locally as Rynek, the Old Market Square is Wroclaw's charming civic core. Dating back to the medieval era, Rynek has been a thriving marketplace for centuries, but it's not as ancient as it might seem. From the immense Old City Hall to the tiny flogging post used to punish criminals, everything you see was reconstructed after the siege of Wroclaw in 1945. And no expense was spared. These days, the Town Hall contains a magnificent art collection, while Plac Solny contains a flower market that almost never closes. With so many wonders to enjoy, you'd never know the area had such a turbulent past.

2. Ostrów Tumski: Wroclaw's Ancient Heart

Literally meaning "Cathedral Island" in Polish, Ostrów Tumski is the oldest section of Wroclaw and is home to a wealth of historical treasures. Crossing over the bridge and down Katedralna, visitors are transported to another Poland entirely - one where religion ruled the roost, but not entirely (the famous libertine Casanova lived here for a few years too). It's hard to believe that so many beautiful churches could be concentrated on so few square meters, and standouts like the Cathedral of St John the Baptist and the Church of the Holy Cross are among the city's most breathtaking buildings.

3. Wrocławska Fontanna: Incredible Illuminations for a Summer Evening

Between April and October, the ornamental ponds in the Wroclaw Exhibition Grounds become one of the most magical light and water shows anywhere on earth. Spread across 1 hectare of the ponds, the fountain was opened in 2009 and incorporates over 300,000 water jets and 800 colored lamps which create dazzling spectacles when night falls over the city. Bring a few bottles of Polish beer, a picnic of pierogi and sausage, and relax in front of a truly spectacular (and free) show.

4. Centennial Hall: Concrete Has Never Looked More Beautiful

Where the Fontanna is a watery wonder, the Centennial Hall is one of the most famous concrete structures in Europe. Built just before World War I to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of the city's rebellion against Napoleon, the building centers upon a 23-meter-tall concrete dome, which caps a 7,500-seat theater. If you get a chance, it's a fantastic sporting arena, regularly hosting basketball events. It's also a busy conference venue, although guided tours let you explore this concrete marvel almost any day of the year.

5. Raclawice Panorama: Art on a Gigantic Scale

Located in an attractive park just east of the city center, the Raclawice Panorama is a unique artistic attraction. Painted by a consortium of Polish patriots in the 19th century, the panorama depicts the doomed but inspirational Battle of Racławice, which took place in 1794. It was initially housed in Lvov, but then transplanted to Wroclaw in the 1980s into its own circular building, where the majesty and sheer scale of this 15 by 115 meter behemoth can be appreciated.

Activities & attractions in Wroclaw

kayak tours wroclaw

Where to Eat in Wroclaw

Over 700 years old, Piwnica Świdnicka is one of the oldest restaurants in Europe and is a magnet for diners, while other Polish restaurants include Pod Papugami and Przystań, with its fantastic riverside views. Expect meals to cost about zł120.

When to visit Wroclaw

Summer is the best time to visit Wroclaw as it is both the warmest time of year and festival season. Expect temperatures above 75 degrees most of the time during July and August.


How to Get to Wroclaw

Wrocław-Copernicus Airport (WRO) offers connections to many other European cities. To reach the city, take bus number 106 (zł3) or expect to pay around zł60 for a taxi.

You can reach Wroclaw by train from Warsaw, Prague, and many German cities. All trains arrive at Wroclaw Glowny, a recently modernized station just south of the main square.

If you are driving from Warsaw, take the E67 all the way to Wroclaw. The same road also runs from Prague to Wroclaw across the Czech-Polish border.

Bus companies serving Wroclaw include Eurolines and PolskiBus, with a wide variety of connections available.

Airports near Wroclaw

Airlines serving wroclaw, where to stay in wroclaw.

Rynek - a market square since medieval times, Rynek is home to the town hall, the lively market, and most of Wroclaw's bars.

Popular Neighborhoods in Wroclaw

Cathedral Island - owned by the Catholic Church since the 14th century, Cathedral Island is a must-see thanks to the stunning cathedral.

Nadodrze - in the process of reinvention by artists, theater, and music venues, Nadodrze is where tourists go to find Wroclaw's creative community in full flower.

Where to stay in popular areas of Wroclaw

Most booked hotels in wroclaw, how to get around wroclaw, public transportation.

MPK Wroclaw provides trams and buses, and charges a single fare of zł3 for 30 minutes, zł4.40 for an hour.

Taxis in Wroclaw tend to charge a meter drop of zł6, followed by zł4.50 per mile after that. All cabs will charge extra after 10 pm.

You can rent a car from Avis, Europcar, and Hertz, which is a handy way to see the sights. Expect to pay around zł50 per day.

Best car hire deals in Wroclaw

Compact SUV

4 adults, 2 Bags

Standard estate car

5 adults, 3 Bags

The Cost of Living in Wroclaw

Shopping streets.

The Old Town around Rynek is the core of Wroclaw's shopping district, with plenty of pedestrianized streets to explore. Check out city center malls like Galeria Dominikańska or Galeria Handlowa.

Groceries and Other

Supermarkets in Wroclaw include Biedronka and Carrefour. Prices should be low, at around zł9 for a gallon of milk.

Krakow: Kayaking on Vistula River

If you’re wondering how to combine sports, leisure and sightseeing when going to Krakow, we got an answer for you – kayaking! In Krakow it’s easier and probably more enjoyable than anywhere else. It is all because of the Vistula river which flows through the heart of the city. We can take you to the kayak rental point which is located by the river in the western part of the city. From here you will be able to paddle east towards the centre and see the Wawel Castle from the riverside and or you can choose to paddle west towards the wild part of the river where you will experience beautiful nature, see birds and admire green hills. If you are fit enough you may easily see Camaldolese Monastery and Church in Bielany or maybe even reach Tyniec where famous Benedictine Abbey is located. Now it’s up to you – are you ready for the adventure?

Activity program:

  • Pick up from your hotel in Krakow at chosen time
  • A drive of approx. 15 minutes to the venue with a private vehicle and an English speaking driver
  • Kayaks and equipment hire with short instruction
  • Up to 2 hours of kayaking
  • Drive back to your hotel of approx. 15 minutes after the event
  • Hotel drop off

Whole activity with transportation lasts up to 3 hours

Our proposal for this activity includes:

  • Private transportation to the venue and back with English speaking driver
  • Full equipment rental (kayaks, paddles, life vests)
  • Equipment rental for 2 hours
  • 350 PLN per person (1 person)
  • 210 PLN per person (2 persons)
  • 150 PLN per person (3 persons)
  • 120 PLN per person (4 persons)
  • 100 PLN per person (5 persons)
  • 90 PLN per person (6 persons)
  • 75 PLN per person (7 persons)
  • Contact us (8 persons or more)

Important information:

  • You need to be at least 18 and have a valid ID with a photo to rent a kayak
  • Children and teenagers are allowed only under adult supervision
  • You need to be sober
  • The activity is available on weekdays from 10 am to twilight and on weekends from 9 am to twilight. Please note that the twilight times vary depending on the season
  • Please wear comfortable outfit and sports shoes for the activity
  • It is possible to rent double kayaks as well – just let us know before
  • It is possible to hire a private English-speaking instructor at additional 300 PLN total per 2 hours (you need to book this service at least 2 days ahead of the event)

Choose number of participants

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    KayakTours.pl travel company is acting Wroclaw in Wroclaw and Lower Silesia. We organize and support for canoeing. We offer one-day guided tours of the Oder in Wroclaw. One and a few days in the vicinity of Wroclaw. The offer is prepared for individual clients and groups. Wroclaw, Poland. Contact. Suggest edits to improve what we show.

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    Top 5 Reasons to Visit Wroclaw. 1. The Exquisite Historical Core. Built around Rynek, the market square (which still hosts a lively market), Wroclaw's Old Town is a mixture of medieval Gothic and later baroque and rococo architecture. 2.

  17. Kayak Tours

    See all photos. About. KayakTours.pl travel company is acting Wroclaw in Wroclaw and Lower Silesia. We organize and support for canoeing. We offer one-day guided tours of the Oder in Wroclaw. One and a few days in the vicinity of Wroclaw. The offer is prepared for individual clients and groups. Wroclaw, Poland. Contact.

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    Top Wroclaw Kayaking & Canoeing Activities: See reviews and photos of kayaking & canoeing in Wroclaw, Poland on Tripadvisor. Skip to main content. Discover. Trips. Review. CAD. ... Kayak Tours. 5. River Rafting & Tubing • Nature & Wildlife Tours. 2. Z NURTEM. 1. Kayaking & Canoeing. 3. Turystyczny Tramwaj Wodny ...

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    Activity program: Pick up from your hotel in Krakow at chosen time. A drive of approx. 15 minutes to the venue with a private vehicle and an English speaking driver. Kayaks and equipment hire with short instruction. Up to 2 hours of kayaking. Drive back to your hotel of approx. 15 minutes after the event.

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    1. Kayak Tours. 2. Z NURTEM. 3. Kajaki Wroclaw. 4. Turystyczny Tramwaj Wodny. Top Wroclaw Kayaking & Canoeing Activities: See reviews and photos of kayaking & canoeing in Wroclaw, Poland on Tripadvisor.