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  • Music Interviews

Plugged In: Yacht Rock Revue's dream tour with Kenny Loggins swings home to Georgia. 'It's a rush!'

May 10, 2023 12:06 PM

  • Kristi York Wooten

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Atlanta's Yacht Rock Revue is touring with Kenny Loggins and will appear at the Ameris Bank Amphitheatre in Alpharetta, Ga. on May 13, 2023.

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Welcome to Plugged In, our digital interview series on GPB.

GPB's Kristi York Wooten talks with members of Yacht Rock Revue, an Atlanta band known for playing hits of the 1970s, '80s and beyond. The band is currently on tour with one of its musical heroes, Kenny Loggins, and will perform May 13 at Ameris Bank Amphitheatre in Alpharetta. Frontmen Nick Niespodziani and Peter Olson are here to talk about this once-in-a-lifetime gig.

Kristi York Wooten: Welcome, Nick and Peter. How are you? 

Nick Niespodziani and Peter Olson: Great. Thanks for having us, Kristi.

Kristi York Wooten: Excited to talk to you. So I want to get started with something that's in the news today, and that is that while you were on the Kenny Loggins tour in Texas, you had some things stolen, your instruments and things. Do you want to give us a little bit of an update on what happened? 

Nick Niespodziani: Yeah, we came off stage with Kenny Loggins in Fort Worth on Friday, our first show with Kenny, and it was amazing, incredible energy from the crowd, everything you would hope for. And we woke up the next morning to discover our entire trailer had been stolen off the back of one of our vans. It was wild. Very high moment, followed by a very low moment. 

Kristi York Wooten:  So I know that's disconcerting for musicians to not be with their instruments, some of which I believe you told me earlier you've had since high school or college. So what are you going to do about the next couple of shows? I know you said you might borrow some instruments and things like that to get those shows done, and until you find out what happens to the others. 

Nick Niespodziani:  Yeah, the show goes on. 

Peter Olson:  That's right. Yeah. We've had incredible support from the musician industry. All of our friends have reached out not just to offer, you know, emotional support, but lots of offers to borrow gear, anything that we need to. To keep the show going. Just Saturday night, the night after we had the gear stolen, we were fortunate in that another band was on the bill and they allowed us to play some of their gear in order to make things happen. So we cobbled it together with some rented pieces and pieces borrowed from other musicians. And that's how we'll make it happen here until we can get things replaced.

Nick Niespodziani:  And I just want to make the point, you know, we're lucky we have insurance and we're also lucky that we're big enough and our organization is established enough that we can take a hit like this and keep going. Like, if this happened to an indie rock band who's not playing on the same scale as we are, it can be a deathblow to a band. So just next time you see this happen to a smaller band, find a way to get out there and support them. Like, we're lucky we're going to be okay. But not everyone is so lucky. 

Kristi York Wooten:  Good advice. So take us back to the beginning. Nick, we'll start with you. Take us back to the beginning: You're putting your band together. It had to stem from a childhood love of these — these songs that you heard on F.M. radio in the '70s or '80s. So can you take us back to the beginning of the idea for the band? 

Nick Niespodziani:  I mean, the band kind of came about on accident. It was never intended to be a band. It was supposed to be a one-off show that we were doing in a series of other one-off shows, and this one-off show connected with people in a completely different way than any of the other ones did. And ever since that moment, we saw the way it connected with the audience and the feelings that this music gave people. And we've been kind of chasing the head of that snake ever since. 

Kristi York Wooten:  And what year did you start, Peter? 

Peter Olson:  2007 was the first Yacht Rock show. 

Kristi York Wooten:  So tell me a little bit about when  The New York Times featured you in a 2020 story about the pandemic. You guys were one of the first bands out there playing in that sort of bizarre moment of people driving cars to watch a concert in their cars in a field. Can you talk a little bit about that experience, each one of you? 

Nick Niespodziani:  Man. That was one of the most nerve-wracking weeks leading up to a concert that I've ever experienced, because the week before that, another artist, I can't remember his name, it was a country artist, had thrown a concert that was not, like, COVID-friendly and had just gotten lambasted all across the media. And, you know, we were taking it very seriously and the last thing we wanted was for our one New York Times article to be about how we were going against COVID protocols or whatever. So we had extensive talks with Live Nation to make sure that this was going to be actually a safe situation and they were going to enforce it. And it all turned out okay. But it was very nerve-wracking. 

Peter Olson:  Yeah, and it was, I think, in normal times everyone was so spread out and it was we were playing to a giant field of people that were so far away that it would be hard to harness that energy on stage and give it back. But because of the circumstances of coming from isolation and quarantine, it was like just the honking of horns from all the cars and everything. It was like we were just feeding off of that, that there were real people in front of us.

Kristi York Wooten:  That's great. 

Nick Niespodziani:  I forgot about the horns, though. That was how the encore was asked for. It was like a choir of car horns. Yeah. 

Kristi York Wooten:  So you've kind of experienced the gamut of what live performance is in ... the age of streaming. So around the time you all started your rock revue is when things like Spotify were becoming popular. So tell me a little bit about how live performance itself has changed since then — or has it? How have things changed over the course of ... obviously you've made it through the pandemic … and here we are at a new phase. How has either your audience or the way you approach music … has any of that changed since you started? Do people request different things from you? Do different songs get bigger cheers, anything like that? 

Nick Niespodziani:  I mean, I think part of what we do is definitely emblematic of the Spotify era in that we are like a playlist, an infinite playlist of songs from an era. And that's an experience that people are looking for now. But I think, you know, whether we're talking about our first shows when we were starting out, or whether we're talking about the live streaming during the pandemic or everything that's happened since then, the one constant threat is that people want that person-to-person connection of live music. And that's been our livelihood. You know, we never made a bunch of money off of selling records so those changes to the business haven't affected us. And I think that, you know, whatever changes are coming in the future, that person-to-person like live music connection is the thing. 

Peter Olson:  Yeah. I feel like from a performance standpoint, we kind of picked up where we left off. Not a lot changed. It's amazing how long ago that the pandemic phase can feel. But it was like when we started playing again, it was just like we had just had our last gig a month before. But the thing that was really different was that we kind of were at a phase in our career where we were garnering a national fanbase, and over the course of the pandemic, they had this opportunity to connect with each other via the livestream concerts that we did. So when we came out back out on tour, there was already this connection, not necessarily with the — well, there was a deeper connection with the band and our fans, but also the fan-to-fan connection was just unbelievable. And we see that live on, which is really cool. 

Kristi York Wooten:  That's a good point. So you talked about your live show being a playlist. So let's talk about this playlist. So how did you first come up with your very first gig of which songs you were going to choose? And let's tell the audience to what your personal definition of yacht rock is. I asked a member of Toto what his definition of Yacht Rock is, and he said, "I don't know because I don't have a yacht yet." But you can tell us how you came to love bands like Toto, artists like Kenny Loggins, Michael McDonald, The Doobie Brothers, and how you kind of put that first playlist together and how, that has grown or changed over the years as well. I know that that Yacht Rock has now been expanded to allow some songs from '90s and 2000s to sneak in a little bit.

Nick Niespodziani : Yacht Rock is now whatever we say it as far as we're concerned. [Laughs]

Kristi York Wooten:  You own it. 

Nick Niespodziani : Yeah, well, you know, there's no point in a limited definition for us because our whole thing is having fun with people at the concert and like, saying that Yacht Rock can only be made between 1976 and 1984 in Southern California doesn't really, like do anything for us or for our fans, you know. I mean, that is the that is the center of it. That's where it starts. But it goes out from there. And Yacht Rock is really less, to me, of a genre than it is a vibe. And if you set that vibe, then anything can be Yacht Rock.

Peter Olson:  Yeah, people like to put those parameters on like the date and where it was recorded and that kind of thing. But you don't do that to any other genre. It's not like grunge had to come from Seattle, right? Grunge was made all over the country. It was just a style of music. It's a feeling or a general sound. 

Nick Niespodziani : It's kind of like basketball, like it's fun to talk about, like whether, you know, Kobe's Lakers would have beaten Jordan's Bulls. But in the end, you just want to go watch people play basketball and have fun. And that's kind of my view on the whole ‘what is Yacht Rock?’ and ‘what is not Yacht Rock’ debate? 

Kristi York Wooten:  So you're out on tour with Kenny Loggins. Tell us about the first gig. Tell us about what went over well in your show. And then you said that you were able to talk with [Kenny Loggins] as well. So tell me a little bit about that first night on tour with Kenny Loggins. Peter, we'll start with you. 

Peter Olson:  It was the first time I think we all had butterflies in quite a while going up on stage, but it was incredible. It was at Dickies Arena in Fort Worth, and it was a packed house, and we had a little bit of arena experience, but not like this. And so when we got up there and I think we kind of were all in our heads a little bit through the first few songs and a little nervous. But once we found our flow, it felt really good, and it was a lot of fun and then it was over like that. Our set was 45 minutes that night and it just came and went so fast. But it was a rush.

Nick Niespodziani : It was interesting because most bands who've gotten to the level that we're at spent a lot of time on the road opening up for other bands, right? Like, that's pretty common. That's what you do. And when we when we were in an indie rock band, we would play 45-minute sets opening up for, you know, whoever. But this band had actually never opened up for someone else before, so that was a new experience. And we were also — another thing we haven't done a long time, we were playing in front of a bunch of people who we needed to win over. Like we're, you know, at this point we're playing places like Chastain headlining ourselves and everyone is there to see us and we've been there already and they've bought into what we're doing. So it was kind of like being the young buck again out there, like having to prove ourselves in an opening set. It was unfamiliar territory and a lot of that kind of like nervous energy came out, I think, in a pretty positive way. 

Peter Olson:  Yeah, and we're taking that two-hour playlist that we're so used to delivering. And when laying it down, when you talk about what is the Yacht Rock sound, like doing what we're best at, we had a limited time to, to deliver that.

Kristi York Wooten:  So what songs can folks expect when they come to Alpharetta next Saturday night? 

Nick Niespodziani:  We won't be playing any Kenny Loggins songs in our set. [Laughs]

Peter Olson:  So we check out what you might call the major boxes mean you can anticipate. Doobie Brothers and Christopher Cross and Toto. We can't give away the set list. I can’t tell you everything. 

Kristi York Wooten:  We’ve got to have some surprises there. You told me earlier that Kenny Loggins had asked you all to be on this tour. That it was a request from him. So how did that feel? 

Nick Niespodziani:  It was so cool. He came up right before we played and introduced himself to all of us and said, ‘You know, I'm really excited to have you guys. And it was my decision to have you on this tour. It wasn't my agent. It wasn't my manager telling me I had to do it. It was it was my decision, because I see the energy that you guys bring, and I want that to be a part of my show.’ And that was really a ‘Wow, we've made it’ kind of moment. 

Kristi York Wooten:  So did you watch from the wings? You watched Kenny from the wings, or were you out in the audience?

Peter Olson:  Oh, yeah. From the wings. We watched the whole show, and it — man, he brings it. He's still incredible.

Nick Niespodziani:  Yeah. If you're out there wondering, ‘Can Kenny Loggins still sing?’ The answer is emphatic, 'Yes!' His voice is money. 

Kristi York Wooten:  Do you have a show highlight from his set list? 

Nick Niespodziani:  Oh, there were several. For me, “Danny’s Song” is always one that gets me because that was one that my dad would play. He’d play those Loggins and Messina records in the garage when I was a kid. But then [Kenny] closed the show with “Forever,” which is a song that I hadn't really remembered as well. But then it got to that, that moment where he sings the big “forever” [sings] at the at the end. And he just nailed the note after his whole set. It was ... that one just knocked me back. It was incredible. 

Peter Olson:  Yeah. “Keep the Fire” is one of my favorites. But he touches on, he does the whole span of his career, and he breaks it down and pulls out the acoustic guitar. And not only can the guy sing, but the guy can still wail on the guitar. He's incredible. 

Kristi York Wooten:  And so this tour is going for several months this year. So do you have any plans for. Is it going to Europe or just this is just the North America tour? 

Nick Niespodziani:  Just United States? I don't know. Tell Kenny that he's wanted in Europe because we want to go. 

Kristi York Wooten:  Well, thank you both for being here. Nick Niespodziani and Peter Olson from Yacht Rock Revue performing and opening for the first time on a tour when they are used to being headliners. Opening for Kenny Loggins at the Ameris Bank Amphitheater in Alpharetta, Georgia, on May 13. Thank you again.

Peter Olson:  Thank you. 

Nick Niespodziani:  See you out there, Atlanta. 

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About the author.

Kristi York Wooten

Kristi York Wooten ( she/her ) is a digital editor and journalist based in Atlanta. She works with the GPB radio and digital news teams as an editor, writes and produces features for digital and radio and leads editorial and production for the GPB News Weekend newsletter. Her work appears in  The New York Times ,  The Economist ,  The Atlantic ,  Newsweek, Rolling Stone  and others.

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kenny loggins tour atlanta

Kenny Loggins Says Farewell to Atlanta

Kenny Loggins’ “This Is It Tour” is an apt play on his song title for what is claimed to be his final tour.  Alpharetta’s Ameris Bank Amphitheatre had the perfect weather and crowd to send him along, with even the rear lawn covered by fans.  Strong in both voice and song selection, the 75 years young Loggins didn’t disappoint as he covered most of his biggest hits.

Kenny Loggins, Ameris Amphitheatre, Alpharetta, GA, May 13, 2023

Supported by two guitarists, bassist, drums, brass and keyboard, his band shone when called upon, including vocals when called upon.  Highlights included a lengthy slide guitar intro to “I’m Alright” and an extended take on the instrumental section of “Angry Eyes” from his Loggins and Messina days featuring  bass, sax and guitar solos. 

Kenny Loggins, Ameris Amphitheatre, Alpharetta, GA, May 13, 2023

A concert shouldn’t just be a parade of songs, and Loggins engaged the audience between a number of songs generally and more specifically about working with Michael McDonald and getting Disney’s permission to do the “Pooh” song.  Those stories are probably carried with him from night to night and won’t be spoiled here.  He commented that he enjoyed the 70’s classics played by the opener, Atlanta’s Yacht Rock Revue, along the lines of “You don’t understand.  Those are my memories .  Many of you were too young,” a complete misestimation of this particular audience!  

Kenny Loggins, Ameris Amphitheatre, Alpharetta, GA, May 13, 2023

“Celebrate Me Home” was a surprising song for an extended version, this time for audience participation with men and women respectively singing the overlapping chorus lines.  It wasn’t unusual for the crowd to make things easy on Loggins vocally, as they took over a substantial part of “Danny’s Song,” “Return to Pooh Corner,” and of course selections from his soundtrack gravy days, “I’m Alright,” “Danger Zone,” and “Footloose.”  And, when he reached for the high notes on his own, he delivered.  “Footloose” wasn’t the first song that demonstrated far more women than men in the audience spent their adolescent years learning to dance. 

The last two massive hits were featured in his encore, and fans who began heading for the exits missed his traditional closer, “Forever,” which began accompanied only by piano before the remainder of the band joined in.  As with the recorded version, his closing “forever” sounded like he meant it.  

Kenny Loggins, Ameris Amphitheatre, Alpharetta, GA, May 13, 2023

  • Keep the Fire – Keep the Fire 1979
  • It’s About Time – It’s About Time 2003
  • Heart to Heart – High Adventure 1982
  • This Is It – Keep the Fire 1979
  • What a Fool Believes – Nightwatch 1978
  • Whenever I Call You Friend – Nightwatch 1978
  • Return to Pooh Corner – Return to Pooh Corner 1994
  • Danny’s Song (Loggins & Messina) – Sittin’ In 1971
  • Celebrate Me Home – Celebrate Me Home 1977
  • Conviction of the Heart – Leap of Faith 1991
  • I’m Alright – Caddyshack soundtrack 1980
  • Angry Eyes – Loggins & Messina   1972
  • Danger Zone – Top Gun soundtrack 1986
  • Footloose – Footloose soundtrack 1984

2nd Encore :

  • Forever – Vox Humana 1985
  • May 14, 2023
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Kenny Loggins announces This Is It farewell tour: 'It's been an amazing journey'

The 75-year-old singer-songwriter will head into the danger zone one last time this year.

Emlyn Travis is a news writer at  Entertainment Weekly  with over five years of experience covering the latest in entertainment. A proud Kingston University alum, Emlyn has written about music, fandom, film, television, and awards for multiple outlets including MTV News,  Teen Vogue , Bustle, BuzzFeed,  Paper Magazine , Dazed, and NME. She joined EW in August 2022.

Kenny Loggins will ride into the danger zone one last time.

The Grammy-winning singer-songwriter is clear for takeoff for his 2023 This is It farewell tour.

After kicking off at the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall in Sarasota, Fla., the 11-stop concert series will rock across the country to Fort Worth, Tex.; Williamsburg, Va.; and Inglewood, Calif., over the next seven months.

"It's been an amazing journey since starting with Jimmy Messina in 1971, and I'm fortunate to have had such a long touring career," Loggins said in a statement on his website . "I don't see this as the end of my professional career, but certainly a halt to the grind of major touring."

But don't fret! Loggins added that the reason he has decided to put touring behind him is simple: "After spending a lifetime on the road, I want to have more time at home," he said.

For his celebratory send-off, the 75-year-old musician will return to the stage to perform a variety of hits from his 45-plus-year career. "I'll be playing songs that I feel sum up the emotional story of my music," Loggins explained. "This will include 90 percent of the hits, and 10 or so percent of the deeper cuts."

We can only hope one of those hits will be the fabled "5.0 version" of his 1986 single "Danger Zone," which Loggins previously told EW he rerecorded for last year's blockbuster sequel Top Gun: Maverick but that it was not featured in the final cut of the movie.

"I did rerecord 'Danger Zone' to make a 5.0 version that would wrap around the audience," he said at the time. "But Tom Cruise really wanted to conjure up the original version, the original feeling. So in the long run, it turned out to be the old track coming back."

Loggins recalled meeting Cruise while visiting Jimmy Kimmel Live . During his encounter with the Top Gun star, he asked if the film's unofficial anthem would be making a return in its follow-up.

"I said, 'So, tell me, is "Danger Zone" in or out?' And he said, 'It wouldn't be Top Gun without "Danger Zone,"'" Loggins said. "When we first talked about it, they were thinking it might go in a scene in the middle of the movie or somewhere near the end where he comes to the rescue. Instead, Tom opted to use it at the beginning of the movie so that it really conjures up the energy and excitement of the original Top Gun ."

Check out Loggins' upcoming tour dates below:

March 10 – Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall – Sarasota, Fla. March 12 – Florida Theatre – Jacksonville, Fla. March 26 – Good Life Festival – Queen Creek, Ariz. April 28 – Dickies Arena – Fort Worth, Tex. April 30 – New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival – New Orleans June 15 – Wolf Trap – Vienna, Va. June 17 – Virginia Arts Festival – Williamsburg, Va. Aug. 17 – Family Arena – St. Charles, Mo. Aug. 19 – Ravinia Festival – Highland Park, Ill. Oct. 14 – The Mountain Winery – Saratoga, Calif. Oct. 27 – YouTube Theater – Inglewood, Calif.

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  • May 13, 2023 Setlist

Kenny Loggins Setlist at Ameris Bank Amphitheatre, Alpharetta, GA, USA

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Tour: This Is It! - His Final Tour 2023 Tour statistics Add setlist

  • Keep the Fire Play Video
  • It's About Time Play Video
  • Heart to Heart Play Video
  • This Is It Play Video
  • What a Fool Believes ( Slow version ) Play Video
  • Whenever I Call You Friend Play Video
  • Return to Pooh Corner Play Video
  • Danny's Song ( Loggins & Messina  song) Play Video
  • Celebrate Me Home ( Followed by band introductions ) Play Video
  • Conviction of the Heart Play Video
  • I'm Alright Play Video
  • Angry Eyes ( Loggins & Messina  song) Play Video
  • Danger Zone Play Video
  • Footloose Play Video
  • Forever Play Video

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23 activities (last edit by ExecutiveChimp , 4 Aug 2023, 20:17 Etc/UTC )

Songs on Albums

  • Keep the Fire
  • What a Fool Believes
  • Whenever I Call You Friend
  • Angry Eyes by Loggins & Messina
  • Danny's Song by Loggins & Messina
  • Celebrate Me Home
  • Heart to Heart
  • It's About Time
  • Conviction of the Heart
  • Return to Pooh Corner
  • Danger Zone
  • I'm Alright

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Kenny Loggins

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Ameris bank amphitheatre.

  • Yacht Rock Revue Start time: 8:00 PM 8:00 PM
  • Kenny Loggins This Setlist Start time: 9:35 PM 9:35 PM

Kenny Loggins Gig Timeline

  • Apr 30 2023 New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival 2023 New Orleans, LA, USA Add time Add time
  • May 11 2023 FirstBank Amphitheater Franklin, TN, USA Add time Add time
  • May 13 2023 Ameris Bank Amphitheatre This Setlist Alpharetta, GA, USA Start time: 9:35 PM 9:35 PM
  • May 15 2023 Peace Center Greenville, SC, USA Add time Add time
  • Jun 14 2023 Filene Center at Wolf Trap Vienna, VA, USA Start time: 8:50 PM 8:50 PM

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  • GregCGilbert
  • jtanderson09
  • RockerKevin
  • RockerSince82
  • schwartzy98

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Kenny Loggins

Closed May 13, 2023

Highway to the Danger Zone

Why See Kenny Loggins?

Indie & Rock Concerts Legends Live

Beginning his career in the successful duo Loggins and Messina, songwriter and singer Kenny Loggins is undoubtedly best known for soundtracking some of the most iconic films of the 1980s. He performed the title track for 1984's Footloose, winning the Grammy Award for Song of the Year. Two years later, he scored big again with two tracks on the Top Gun soundtrack, 'Playing with the Boys' and 'Danger Zone' (a favorite of Archer fans everywhere). Recently Loggins has headed in yet another direction, producing highly successful albums for young children, featuring originals and covers of everyone from The Beatles to Paul Simon.

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Performance date: 13 May 2023

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Kenny Loggins: This Is It! His Final Tour 2023

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Kenny Loggins: This Is It! His Final Tour 2023 Date Sat - May 13 - 8:00 PM

Venue Ameris Bank Amphitheatre Alpharetta, GA Lineup Kenny Loggins Yacht Rock Revue Ticket Limits

There is an overall 6 ticket limit for this event.

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Kenny Loggins says ‘this is it’ with a final tour

Kenny Loggins will be at Ameris Amphitheatre May 13, 2023 for his final tour.


Kenny Loggins said that “this is it” to touring after this year.

Locally, the singer songwriter will be stopping at Ameris Bank Amphitheatre in Alpharetta on May 13. Pre-sale tickets begin Tuesday, Feb. 7 for the Kenny Loggins Fan Club and other pre-sales start up Wednesday and Thursday before general public tickets are available starting Friday morning via Ticketmaster . Prices are $33.50 to $129.50.

This date was announced Monday as part of a series of additional dates.

“It’s been an amazing journey since starting with Jimmy Messina in 1971, and I’m fortunate to have had such a long touring career,” Loggins said in a statement last month. “I don’t see this as the end of my professional career, but certainly a halt to the grind of major touring.”

Unlike Ozzy Osborne, who last week said he was physically unable to tour anymore, 75-year-old Loggins said this wasn’t a health-related decision. “After spending a lifetime on the road, I want to have more time at home,” he said.

He also promised that this tour will be heavily focused on the big songs like “Danger Zone,” “Footloose,” “Whenever I Call You Friend,” “I’m Alright,” “Celebrate Me Home” and “Heart to Heart.”

“I’ll be playing songs that I feel sum up the emotional story of my music,” Loggins says. ”This will include 90 percent of the hits and 10 or so percent of the deeper cuts.”

Loggins, who recently wrote a memoir “Still Alright ” that came out last year, has been riding the wave of yacht rock love to the point that Atlanta’s own Yacht Rock Revue will be opening for him.

About the Author

Rodney Ho writes about entertainment for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution including TV, radio, film, comedy and all things in between. A native New Yorker, he has covered education at The Virginian-Pilot, small business for The Wall Street Journal and a host of beats at the AJC over 20-plus years. He loves tennis, pop culture & seeing live events.

Atlanta Councilmember Jason Winston sits in the original section of the South-View Cemetery Friday, June 21, 2024. Winston secured funding for the cemetery, chartered in 1886 by formerly enslaved people, to apply to the National Register of Historic Places. (Ben Gray /

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Three Georgia cities, Atlanta, Athens and Savannah, are competing to be the home of the Sundance Film Festival.

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Kenny Loggins

Final Concert Tour: ‘This Is It’

January 17, 2023

Kenny has announced his final concert tour.  The “This Is It” tour will kick off on March 10 at the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall in Sarasota, FL, and will include stops in New Orleans, Chicago, and Los Angeles metro areas among many others throughout 2023.

“It’s been an amazing journey since starting with Jimmy Messina in 1971, and I’m fortunate to have had such a long touring career,”  Loggins says. “I don’t see this as the end of my professional career, but certainly a halt to the grind of major touring.”

He stresses that there was no overarching reason to say farewell to touring, other than “after spending a lifetime on the road, I want to have more time at home.”

On the “This Is It” tour, he’ll trace his remarkable musical history with a brand-new, career-spanning stage show sure to thrill his loyal legion of fans.

“I’ll be playing songs that I feel sum up the emotional story of my music,”   Loggins says. “This will include 90 percent of the hits and 10 or so percent of the deeper cuts.”

KL Connection (Fan Club) members and the public will have an opportunity to also purchase one of two VIP packages being offered specially for this final tour:  the Footloose VIP package , which comes with a premium seat and exclusively designed merch offering; or the “This Is It” package which offers purchasers an inside look into Kenny’s world on the road with a guided backstage tour, access to soundcheck, group photo with Kenny, and special autographed items.

Public on sale is Friday, January 20, 2023.  Please check Kenny’s Tour Page for exact details as on sales may vary per date.

Confirmed dates are as follows :

March 10 – Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall – Sarasota, FL March 12 – Florida Theatre – Jacksonville, FL March 26 – Good Life Festival – Queen Creek, AZ^ April 28 – Dickies Arena – Fort Worth, TX* April 30 – New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival – New Orleans, LA^ June 15 – Wolf Trap – Vienna, VA* June 17 – Virginia Arts Festival – Williamsburg, VA^* August 17 – Family Arena – St. Charles, MO* August 19 – Ravinia Festival – Highland Park, IL^* October 14 – The Mountain Winery – Saratoga, CA October 27 – YouTube Theater – Inglewood, CA*

* Yacht Rock Revue is support          ^ Festival

More dates will be announced soon!

Summer concert tickets in Atlanta now available for $25 thanks to Live Nation

kenny loggins tour atlanta

ATLANTA - Want to see a concert for just $25 this summer?

Live Nation's annual Concert Week promotion kicked off Wednesday. Tickets are available for thousands of musical acts at various venues across the U.S.

The $25 promotion lasts until May 16. However, you will want to move fast and purchase tickets for the shows you want to see since the tickets tend to go fast.The $25 promotion lasts until May 16. However, you will want to move fast and purchase tickets for the shows you want to see since the tickets tend to go fast.

Some of the performers expected in Atlanta are Kenny Loggins on May 13 at Ameris Bank Amphitheatre; Hunter Hays on May 16 at Buckhead Theatre; Rival Sons at the Tabernacle on May 17; Duran Furan on June 15 at State Farm Arena; Bryan Adams on June 18 at Gas South Arena; Barenaked Ladies on June 30 at Cadence Bank Amphitheatre; Matchbox Twenty on July 2 at Lakewood Amphitheatre; Alicia Keys on July 3 at State Farm Arena; LL Cool J on July 4 at State Farm Arena; Boy George & Culture Club on July 18 at Chastain Park; Michael Franti & Spearhead on July 19 at Tabernackle; Goo Goo Dolls on July 30 at Cadence Bank Amphitheatre; Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa, Too $hort & More on Aug. 9 at Lakewood Amphitheatre; Lionel Richie on Aug. 22 at State Farm Arena; Tegan and Sara at the Tabernacle on Oct. 2; and Wizkid at State Farm Arena on Nov. 28.

Tickets went on sale at 10 a.m. Sales end at 11:49 p.m. or while supplies last.

Click here to see everyone that is performing. 

P.S. We aren't kidding about some shows selling out quickly. Some of the bigger names like Alicia Keys and LL Cool J are already sold out, according to Live Nation. However, other tickets are still available and Live Nation has released additional tickets to some shows in the past. 

Kenny Loggins

Kenny Loggins

Latest setlist, kenny loggins on november 4, 2023.

This Is It! - His Final Tour 2023

Santa Barbara Bowl, Santa Barbara, California

Note: Final performance of the "This Is It!" Tour

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Kenny Loggins is an American soft rock singer-songwriter from Washington State. Loggins found success as part of the duo Loggins and Messina as well as with a solo career, which saw him record numerous film soundtracks.

In the early days of Kenny Loggins’s career, he was paired up with producer Jim Messina to work on his debut album. After Messina contributed a significant amount to the production and vocals, the pair decided to credit the work to them both as a duo. The popularity of this first album in 1972 amongst college students meant that this accidental pairing became permanent and the pair went on to record many albums together.

Going solo in 1977, Kenny released his first album “Celebrate Me Home” which found him success with the song, “I Believe in Love”, which was a top 100 track in the US. Loggins followed up the success of this initial solo album with 1978’s “Nightwatch”. The single “Whenever I Call You Friend” which was a duet with Fleetwood Mac vocalist Stevie Nicks, shot to number five on the US charts and really got Loggins’s solo career going.

In 1980, Kenny Loggins was given the opportunity to record a song for the movie “Caddyshack”. The song, “I’m Alright”, shot to number seven on the US Billboard chart and he was soon given the opportunity to record two tracks for the 1984 film “Footloose”. Kenny Loggins recorded the single “Footloose” especially for the film and achieved his first solo number one hit, as well as instant legend status as the song became a classic hit. Loggins was quickly recognized as an expert at writing catchy and memorable movie theme songs, and he was given the opportunity to work on productions such as “Top Gun”, “Caddy Shack II”, “Over the Top” and “Sesame Street”.

With a musical legacy tied to the movies and with two Grammys to his name, Kenny Loggins will be known for his talent and musical prowess for years to come.

Live reviews

How does Kenny Loggins get insurance for when he goes on tour? Don’t they know he’s in the ‘Danger Zone’? The American rock icon has recently been re-popularised by way of a gentle teasing in U.S. cartoon Archer, but if you’re wondering what he’s been up to in the years since his Top Gun heyday, the truth is that he’s never really been away. If you were paying attention, in fact, you might just have noticed him popping up on Grand Theft Auto V, lending his voice to the in-game Los Santos Rock Radio as a DJ (and, rather egotistically, spinning one of his own tunes, ‘I’m Free (Heaven Helps the Man’). In North America, the Loggins brand remains pretty big business; he tours pretty much relentlessly over there, which makes it all the more surprising that he hasn’t made to the UK for a long, long time; surely there’s enough Loggins devotees over here to make it viable? If he does ever cross the pond, expect a run through the big hitters - ‘Footloose’, ‘Forever’ - as well as some genuinely mean soloing; for now, though, he’s apparently stuck in the same zone he so famously promised to take us into.

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Joeg_67’s profile image

Kenny’s shows remain a must for fans and anyone who may have heard his classic songs across many radio formats and want to hear a night of wonderful music. He’s one of the great melodic pop singers, something not always acknowledged outside his devoted fan base-and his vocal power is amazingly undiminished. Kenny also has a way of making every performance personal and special. His live band is fantastic, with lead/slide guitarist Scott Bernard.bringing a bluesy rock-edge when the music calls for it. My only wish would be for Kenny to add a full-time keyboardist back into his touring band so as to be able to put a few other hits and fan favorites back into the setlist e.g. ‘Heart To Heart’ and perhaps ‘Sweet Reunion’.This is just a personal wish, and I still always go to any Kenny Loggins show I can

Steve2020’s profile image

Great show as always. Kenny Loggins is a consummate professional who makes sure his fans receive the best show. I have followed Kenny Loggins since I was 17 years old, I'm 61 years old now. I've attended a show once a year or more depending on the venue. Clearly I've been a fan for a very long time starting with the days of Loggins and Messina. I can remember only a few shows that I've walked away less than happy. Keep rocking Kenny. Possibly the Rock Legends Cruise? Much better than the 80's cruise. Just thought.

mara-boras-gedanken’s profile image

Kenny Loggins still has it......So much fun and so many memories when I use to see him back in the 80's.....I would see him always if he toured more!! Just such a legendary Man with so much talent!! He has slowed down a bit but amazing live! I would give his show 100% !!!!!!!

pamela-chaney’s profile image

I can't count the number of times that I have seen Kenny Loggins in concert! No only does he have an incredible talent but he is a nice person. His shows are always fabulous! Scott Bernard, his lead guitarist is one of the best rock guitarists around!

nancy-golden’s profile image

This concert was awesome! I have listened to Kenny Loggins for 37 years, have seen him 3 times in concert and he never disappoints. Love his music! Would go and see him again, he puts on a great show!

leslie-malm’s profile image

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Goose Glides Through Sold-Out Southeast Run [Photos/Videos]

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Goose brought its ongoing 2024 summer tour —the first extended outing featuring the band’s new lineup with Cotter Ellis on drums—to the Southeast last week for a series of sold-out shows in North Carolina and Georgia.

Kicking off the Southeast run on Tuesday, Goose took the stage at Red Hat Amphitheater in Raleigh, NC ready to get down to business. Fresh off stellar show in Cleveland and a headlining set at Northlands 2024 , the band kept up its momentum with a fluid, segue-heavy first set that featured a cover of Radiohead ‘s “Weird Fishes”, played for the first time in 81 shows. Set two was highlighted by a big jam on “Pancakes” and a singalong rendition of Steppenwolf ’s “Magic Carpet Ride”. Fan favorite “Hot Tea” capped off the set ahead of another beverage-themed selection, “Escape (The Piña Colada Song)” by Rupert Holmes , in the encore slot.

From there, Goose headed to Atlanta to set up shop for three consecutive nights at Fox Theatre . Taking the stage on Thursday with “Butterflies”, a song written by multi-instrumentalist Peter Anspach , the band settled into its inaugural run at the historic venue with a memorable “All I Need” jam and a pair of Kenny Loggins songs, “I’m Alright” and “Make The Move”, before treating fans to the full “Jive Suite”, or a “jivefecta”, by combining “Jive I > Jive II > Jive Lee” to close set one.

A dancey “So Ready” opened set two, which also included a jammed-out cover of Grateful Dead classic “Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo”. A high-energy “The Empress of Organos” closed the set, and a 420-friendly “Doobie Song” encore finished the first of three nights on a high note.

Another sold-out show on Friday began with Echo & The Bunnymen ’s “The Killing Moon”, from the soundtrack to beloved 2001 sci-fi thriller Donnie Darko . Along with solid versions of “Elizabeth”, “Drive”, and “Bob Don”, another highlight of the set was a cover of The Clash ’s “Rock The Casbah,” featuring percussionist Jeff Arevalo on lead vocals.

Night two set two launched with “Hungersite” and the recently debuted “Give it Time”, followed by an incendiary “Thatch” and an upbeat “Feel it Now”. Singalong ballad”726″ offered some respite ahead of the title track from 2022’s  Dripfield and a powerful “Turbulence & The Night Rays” encore.

Wrapping up the Fox Theatre run on Saturday, Goose dropped in with jazzy jam vehicle “Hot Love & The Lazy Poet” before busting out The Wood Brothers ’ “Atlas” for the first time in 92 shows. Set one also included “Mr. Action”, a song dedicated to the band’s crew, and the Afrobeat-inspired “Arrow”.

The band finished strong with an improv-heavy second set that weaved together just three tunes: the optimistic “Tumble”, an emotive “A Western Sun”, and a soaring “Red Bird” that wound through different sections and time signatures. After receiving an enthusiastic ovation at the end of the show, Goose returned to the stage for an encore, capping off the Atlanta run with The Band ’s “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down” and “Factory Fiction”. The Band classic made its second-ever appearance in a Goose set, coming 597 shows after its debut on June 17th, 2016 when Goose played the  Garcia’s bar attached to the larger  Capitol Theatre where the band has since headlined nine times.

The band finished its Southeast sojourn on Sunday at Charlotte, NC’s Skyla Credit Union Amphitheatre with yet another sold-out show. Both sets included covers that brought smiles to the faces in the crowd, with Pat Benatar ‘s “Love Is A Battlefield” in the first set and Johnny Rivers ‘ “Secret Agent Man” in the second—the latter making its first appearance at a Goose show since 2020. A “Pancakes” tease from Peter during a fast version of “Echo of a Rose” brought things full circle to the huge “Pancakes” jam that kicked off the Southeast run, and “Arcadia”, with “Nebula” teases from Rick, brought the run to a satisfying conclusion.

Click below to view photo galleries from Goose’s Southeast run courtesy of photographer Daniel Ojeda .

Goose’s summer tour continues with shows in Portland, Philadelphia, New York, and New Haven, with all shows available to stream exclusively via . For a full list of upcoming shows and to purchase tickets, visit the band’s  website . [ Editor’s Note: Live For Live Music is a  nugs  affiliate. Ordering your nugs subscription or purchasing a download via  the links on this page  helps support our coverage of the world of live music. Thank you for reading! ]

Goose – Tour 2024

25 – Portland, ME – Thompson’s Point

26 – Portland, ME – Thompson’s Point

28 – Philadelphia, PA – Mann Center

29 – New York, NY – Forest Hills Stadium

30 – New Haven, CT – Westville Music Bowl

1- Holmdel, NJ – PNC Bank Arts Center

6 – Saratoga Springs, NY – SPAC Broadview Stage

7 – Saratoga Springs, NY – SPAC Broadview Stage

9 – Charlottesville, VA – Ting Pavilion

14 – Minneapolis, MN – The Armory

15 – Waukee, IA – Vibrant Music Hall

17 – Salt Lake City, UT – The Plaza at America First Field

19 – Missoula, MT – KettleHouse Amphitheater

20 – Missoula, MT – KettleHouse Amphitheater

21 – Seattle, WA – Remlinger Farms

22 – Troutdale, OR – Edgefield Concerts on the Lawn

24 – Eugene, OR – Cuthbert Amphitheater

26 – San Diego, CA – Cal Coast Credit Union Open Air Theatre

27 – Los Angeles, CA – The Greek Theatre

28 – Stanford, CA – Frost Amphitheater

† Festival Appearance

Setlist: Goose | Red Hat Amphitheater | Raleigh, NC | 6/18/24

Set 1: The Whales, Atlas Dogs[1] -> Rockdale[2] -> Weird Fishes[3] > Indian River[4] -> Flodown

Set 2: Animal[5], Pancakes, Into the Myst[2] > Magic Carpet Ride[6], This Old Sea, Hot Tea

Encore: Escape (The Piña Colada Song)[7] Soundcheck: Magic Carpet Ride, Escape (The Piña Colada Song)

Coach’s Notes: [1] With Tarantella Napoletana tease from Rick. [2] Unfinished. [3] Radiohead. [4] With Welcome to Delta jam and Turn On Your Love Light and Bubblehouse teases from Peter. [5] With Time to Flee tease from Rick. [6] Steppenwolf. With Secret Agent Man teases from Rick. [7] Rupert Holmes.

Show Notes: Weird Fishes was played for the first time since April 18, 2023 (81 shows).

Setlist: Goose | Fox Theatre | Atlanta, GA | 6/20/24

Set 1: Butterflies, California Magic, All I Need[1] > I’m Alright[2] > Make The Move[3], Jive I, Jive II > Jive Lee

Set 2: The Labyrinth > So Ready, Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo[4], The Old Man’s Boat[5], The Empress Of Organos

Encore: Doobie Song Coach’s Notes: [1] Slow, melodic version. Unfinished. [2] Kenny Loggins. [3] Kenny Loggins. Lyrics changed to “Marta, make the move.” [4] Grateful Dead. Unfinished. [5] Unfinished.

Show Notes: I’m Alright was played for the first time since June 30, 2023 (61 shows).

Setlist: Goose | Fox Theatre | Atlanta, GA | 6/21/24

Set 1: The Killing Moon[1], Elizabeth, Dr. Darkness > Rock The Casbah[2], Drive > Bob Don, Everything Must Go

Set 2: Hungersite > Give It Time, Thatch[3], Feel It Now, 726 > Dripfield

Encore: Turbulence & The Night Rays Coach’s Notes: [1] Echo & The Bunnymen. [2] The Clash. [3] With Arcadia tease from Peter and Use Me teases from Trevor.

Setlist: Goose | Fox Theatre | Atlanta, GA | 6/22/24

Set 1: Hot Love & The Lazy Poet, Atlas[1], Mr. Action > Arrow, Silver Rising, Same Old Shenanigans

Set 2: Tumble[2], A Western Sun, Red Bird[3]

Encore: The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down[4], Factory Fiction Coach’s Notes: [1] The Wood Brothers. [2] With Welcome to Delta tease from Peter. [3] With Secret Agent Man tease from Rick. [4] The Band.

Show Notes: Atlas was played for the first time since March 30, 2023 (92 shows). The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down was played for the first time since June 17, 2016.

Setlist: Goose | Skyla Credit Union Amphitheatre | Charlotte, NC | 6/23/24

Set 1: Earthling or Alien?, Lead Up, Turned Clouds, Yeti, Borne, Love Is A Battlefield[1], Butter Rum

Set 2: Echo of a Rose[2], Seekers on the Ridge pt I > Seekers on the Ridge pt II, Madhuvan -> Secret Agent Man[3] > Madhuvan

Encore: Arcadia[4] Coach’s Notes: [1] Pat Benatar. [2] Fast version. With Pancakes tease from Peter. [3] Johnny Rivers. [4] With Nebula teases from Rick.

Show Notes: Love is a Battlefield was played for the first time since March 24, 2023 (97 shows). Secret Agent Man was played for the first time since November 6, 2020 (240 shows).

Goose | Red Hat Amphitheater | Raleigh, NC | 6/18/24 | Photos: Daniel Ojeda

Goose | fox theatre | atlanta, ga | 6/20/24 | photos: daniel ojeda, goose | fox theatre | atlanta, ga | 6/21/24 | photos: daniel ojeda, goose | fox theatre | atlanta, ga | 6/22/24 | photos: daniel ojeda, goose | skyla credit union amphitheatre | charlotte, nc | 6/23/24 | photos: daniel ojeda.

kenny loggins tour atlanta


  1. Tour

    To all of Kenny's fabulous fans: Management has implemented a "no gifts" policy that will be in effect throughout the duration of this year's tour. Many of you have shown kindness towards Kenny by bringing gifts to his shows. Although Kenny greatly appreciates your generous offers, we would like to request that you show your ...

  2. Plugged In: Yacht Rock Revue's dream tour with Kenny Loggins swings

    GPB's Kristi York Wooten talks with members of Yacht Rock Revue, an Atlanta band known for playing hits of the 1970s, '80s and beyond. The band is currently on tour with one of its musical heroes, Kenny Loggins, and will perform May 13 at Ameris Bank Amphitheatre in Alpharetta.

  3. Kenny Loggins Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates

    by CrouchingBruin on 10/31/23YouTube Theater - Inglewood. This was the Los Angeles stop for "This is It,"Kenny Loggins' final tour. The concert was held at the YouTube Theater, which is just under the south side of SoFi Stadium in Inglewood. The opening act was Yacht Rock Revue, a 70s & 80s style rock band, who played a lot of popular oldies.

  4. Kenny Loggins

    Kenny Loggins Ameris Bank Amphitheatre Sat, May 13, 2023 on his final "This Is It" Tour Alpharetta, GA. ... May 13, 2023 on his final "This Is It" Tour Alpharetta, GA.

  5. Kenny Loggins Says Farewell to Atlanta

    Danny's Song (Loggins & Messina) - Sittin' In 1971; Celebrate Me Home - Celebrate Me Home 1977; Conviction of the Heart - Leap of Faith 1991; I'm Alright - Caddyshack soundtrack 1980 Encore: Angry Eyes - Loggins & Messina 1972; Danger Zone - Top Gun soundtrack 1986; Footloose - Footloose soundtrack 1984 2nd Encore: Forever ...

  6. Kenny Loggins announces This Is It farewell tour

    Kenny Loggins has announced his 2023 farewell tour. Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images "I did rerecord 'Danger Zone' to make a 5.0 version that would wrap around the audience," he said at the time.

  7. Kenny Loggins and Yacht Rock Revue Alpharetta Tickets ...

    Buy tickets, find event, venue and support act information and reviews for Kenny Loggins and Yacht Rock Revue's upcoming concert at Ameris Bank Amphitheatre in Alpharetta on 13 May 2023. ... Wednesday April 26, 2023 Billy Idol and Kelsy Karter Coca-Cola Roxy, Atlanta; Saturday May 13, 2023 Collective Soul, Mother's ...

  8. Kenny Loggins Setlist at Ameris Bank Amphitheatre, Alpharetta

    Get the Kenny Loggins Setlist of the concert at Ameris Bank Amphitheatre, Alpharetta, GA, USA on May 13, 2023 from the This Is It! - His Final Tour 2023 Tour and other Kenny Loggins Setlists for free on! ... Foreigner Kicks Off Historic Farewell Tour in Atlanta. Jul 10, 2023. May 13 2023. Ameris Bank Amphitheatre Alpharetta, GA ...

  9. Kenny Loggins On Tour

    Catch Kenny Loggins near your. View the tour schedule, buy tickets online now or find out more with Atlanta Theater. Atlanta Theater. Your independent guide to the best shows in Atlanta. Order by phone: 844-592-9941. Kenny Loggins. Event home; Customer reviews; OTHER INDIE & ROCK IN ATLANTA;

  10. CONCERT REVIEW: Kenny Loggins says farewell with the hits

    In an interview with The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, he said he keeps his concerts under 100 minutes because he runs out of energy by 90. But Loggins, at age 75, showed no signs of flagging ...

  11. Kenny Loggins

    Highway to the Danger Zone. Kenny Loggins at the Ameris Bank Amphitheatre, Alpharetta, GA. Closed May 13, 2023. Buy tickets online now or find out more with Atlanta Theater

  12. Kenny Loggins: This Is It! His Final Tour 2023

    Kenny Loggins: This Is It! His Final Tour 2023 Date Sat - May 13 - 8:00 PM Venue Ameris Bank Amphitheatre Alpharetta, GA Lineup Kenny Loggins Yacht Rock Revue Ticket Limits There is an overall 6 ticket limit for this event. Accessible Tickets Ticketmaster, on behalf of its clients, strives to make it as easy as possible to purchase accessible seating tickets for venues across the country.

  13. Kenny Loggins Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates

    Buying Kenny Loggins Tickets on Mobile Website. Similar as above, head to the official Kenny Loggins page or type the artist or team name in the search bar. When you select the performer you want to see, you will be shown a list of the upcoming event and starting prices. Click on the event you wish to attend to view specific ticket ...

  14. Kenny Loggins says 'this is it' with a final tour

    Pre-sale tickets begin Tuesday, Feb. 7 for the Kenny Loggins Fan Club and other pre-sales start up Wednesday and Thursday before general public tickets are available starting Friday morning via ...

  15. Kenny Loggins Concerts & Live Tour Dates: 2024-2025 Tickets

    Follow Kenny Loggins and be the first to get notified about new concerts in your area, buy official tickets, and more. Find tickets for Kenny Loggins concerts near you. Browse 2024 tour dates, venue details, concert reviews, photos, and more at Bandsintown.

  16. More Dates for "This Is It!"

    February 6, 2023. Announcing Additional Dates for His Final Concert Tour: "This Is It". Public on sale is Friday, February 10th unless otherwise noted. On sales may very per date, so be sure to watch the Tour Page for updates! New Dates Include: May 11 - FirstBank Amphitheater - Franklin, TN*. May 13 - Ameris Bank Amphitheatre ...

  17. Final Concert Tour: 'This Is It'

    Kenny has announced his final concert tour. The "This Is It" tour will kick off on March 10 at the Van Wezel Performing Arts Hall in Sarasota, FL, and will include stops in New Orleans, Chicago, and Los Angeles metro areas among many others throughout 2023. "It's been an amazing journey since starting with Jimmy Messina in 1971, and I'm fortunate to have had such a long touring ...

  18. Summer concert tickets in Atlanta now available for $25 thanks to Live

    Some of the performers expected in Atlanta are Kenny Loggins on May 13 at Ameris Bank Amphitheatre; Hunter Hays on May 16 at Buckhead Theatre; Rival Sons at the Tabernacle on May 17; Duran Furan ...

  19. Kenny Loggins

    Latest Setlist Kenny Loggins on November 4, 2023. This Is It! - His Final Tour 2023. Santa Barbara Bowl, Santa Barbara, California

  20. Kenny Loggins

    Kenny Loggins Ameris Bank Amphitheatre Sat, May 13, 2023 on his final "This Is It" Tour Alpharetta, GA. ... May 13, 2023 on his final "This Is It" Tour Alpharetta, GA.

  21. Kenny Loggins Tour Announcements 2024 & 2025, Notifications ...

    Unfortunately there are no concert dates for Kenny Loggins scheduled in 2024. Songkick is the first to know of new tour announcements and concert information, so if your favorite artists are not currently on tour, join Songkick to track Kenny Loggins and get concert alerts when they play near you, like 427794 other Kenny Loggins fans.

  22. Kenny Loggins

    Atlanta Journal-Constitution (USA) May 14, 2023 % ... January 23, 2023 % Kenny Loggins brought his tour to the Saban Theatre on Friday, January 20th. Coming just four months after his two headlining appearances at the Hollywood Bowl, the show was billed as being part of his At the Movies tour. Full Review. Rock Show Critique (USA)

  23. Goose Glides Through Sold-Out Southeast Run [Photos/Videos]

    Goose brought its ongoing 2024 summer tour to the Southeast last week for a series of sold-out shows in North Carolina and Georgia. ... a memorable "All I Need" jam and a pair of Kenny Loggins ...

  24. What happened at the Kenny Chesney concert in St. Louis?

    ST. LOUIS — Kenny Chesney was back in St. Louis last night but some fans were unable to see the full show. Chesney took the stage Thursday night at Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre - St. Louis as ...