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Samira Travel Umroh & Haji

Samira Travel adalah penyedia perjalanan ibadah umroh yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 2014 dan resmi berlegalitas PPIU 137/2020 pada tahun 2016 atas nama PT. Samira Ali Wisata. Perusahaan ini menjadi bagian dari DGi Travel setelah diambil alih, dengan H. Fauzi Wahyu Muntoro sebagai owner dari DGi dan PT. Samira Ali Wisata. Dengan dedikasi tinggi untuk melayani kebutuhan spiritual jamaah, Samira Travel telah menjadi pilihan utama ribuan calon jamaah yang ingin menjalani ibadah umroh dan haji di tanah suci Makkah.

Kami menawarkan beragam pilihan paket umroh dan haji yang lengkap dan terjangkau. Setiap paket disusun dengan cermat, mencakup fasilitas akomodasi yang nyaman dan layanan pendukung lainnya. Jamaah dapat memilih antara paket kamar quad, triple, atau double sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi mereka. Untuk memberikan kemudahan kepada jamaah, kami bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Keuangan Syariah seperti AMITRA dan BSI untuk menyediakan fasilitas pembiayaan yang sesuai dengan prinsip syariah.

Kami dengan bangga menjadi bagian dari rekam jejak positif, Samira Travel pernah meraih anugerah REKOR MURI sebagai Travel Umrah dengan Jamaah Terbanyak di Masa Pandemi. Ini adalah bukti komitmen kami untuk terus memberikan pelayanan terbaik, bahkan dalam situasi yang sulit sekalipun.

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Kantor Samira Travel Jakarta Timur, Jalan Lembah Nyiur 2 Blok L-8 No. 12 Pondok Kelapa, Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur

Tentang Samira Travel Jakarta Timur

PT Samira Ali Wisata (atau dikenal dengan Samira Travel ) didirikan dan resmi beroperasi tahun 2016 sebagai travel umroh. Diawali dengan penggunaan rumah pemiliknya Ustadz H.Fauzi Muntoro sebagai kantor, pertama kali Samira membawa 40 orang jamaah pertamanya ke Baitullah.

H. Fauzi Wahyu Muntoro, Pemilik Samira Travel

Kilas Balik Perjalanan Samira Travel

Samira Travel baru resmi beroperasi pada tahun 2016 lalu, tapi bi idznillah, telah banyak jamaah yang puas dengan layanan kami. Di usia yang sangat muda ini, Sami Travel pun sudah menjadi 3 besar di antara travel-travel umroh Indonesia.

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  • Mendapatkan ijin Kementrian Agama RI sebagai Penyelenggara Perjalanan Ibadah Umroh berdasarkan Surat Keputusan PPIU 0834/2016 melalui PT Samira Ali Wisata (Tahun 2016)
  • Perpanjangan Ijin Kementrian Agama RI sebagai Penyelenggara Ibadah Haji Khusus berdasarkan Ijin PIHK 137/2020 (Tahun 2020)
  • Mendapatkan ijin berusaha sebagai Perusahaan Travel Umroh dan Haji Khusus dari Kementrian Investasi / BKPM dengan NIB 1609210047562  (25 Februari 2022)

Salah satu inovasi Samira Travel dalam menjawab tantangan banyaknya kasus penipuan dan penelantaran jamaah, maka Samira Travel menghadirkan program  UMROH DULU BAYAR BELAKANGAN .

Syukur Alhamdulillah, hingga kini Samira Travel telah dipercaya sebagai travel umroh dari > 30.000 jamaah (data tahun 2023).

Kantor Pusat Samira Travel di Jalan Malaka Merah 7/6, Pondok Kopi, Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur

  • Menyediakan layanan ibadah umroh dengan harga terjangkau. Bahkan ada fasilitas talangan syariah dengan DP hanya Rp 3,5 Juta langsung berangkat umroh, cicilan ringan jangka waktu 1-3 tahun
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  • Dilengkapi dengan perlengkapan umroh terbaik di kelasnya (jilbab/batik, koper, buku do’a, tas dan syal, wireless audio receiver, dokumentasi dan lain-lain)
  • Ziarah ke beberapa tempat seperti Jabal Uhud, Masjid Quba, Museum Asmaul Husna dan museum Masjid Nabawi.
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Prestasi Samira Travel

  • Penghargaan Museum Rekor Dunia-Indonesia (MURI) atas pencapaiannya dalam memberangkatkan jamaah umrah selama pandemi
  • Peringkat Pertama travel umroh dengan jumlah jamaah terbanyak versi Saudia Airlines
  • Peringkat Pertama Pembiayaan Syariah dari Amitra Syariah.
  • Penghargaan sebagai Travel Umroh Terbaik 3 Versi Hotel Mekkah Maddinah group Dar El Aiman Saudi Arabia.

Samira Travel Jakarta Timur adalah Perwakilan Resmi Samira Travel di Jakarta Timur. Kantor kami berada di Jalan Lembah Nyiur 2 Blok L-8 No. 12 Pondok Kelapa, Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur .

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  • Kami adalah perwakilan resmi Samira Travel dengan Nomor Penunjukkan Perwakilan: 16765/SAW-SKPK/VI/2023. Kami juga resmi terdaftar di Kementrian Investasi /BKPM Pemerintah RI dengan Nomor Induk Berusaha (NIB): 2507230222529 di bidang Agen Travel Wisata Khusus.
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Biro Haji dan Umroh Semarang

Samira Travel merupakan biro perjalanan umroh dan haji terpercaya di semarang yang telah dipercaya  jemaah haji dan umrah dari seluruh indonesia. Kami adalah mitra terpercaya Anda untuk ibadah haji dan umroh yang nyaman, aman dan terjangkau.

Samira travel merupakan biro perjalanan umroh dan haji terpercaya yang sudah memiliki kantor cabang di 22 kota di seluruh indonesia. Kami adalah mitra resmi dan kantor perwakilan yg siap melayani pendaftaran jamaah dari seluruh wilayah indonesia. Inshaallah ibadah umroh anda makin bermakna .

Sudah ribuan jamaah yang berangkat setiap tahun  dan mempercayakan  umrahnya kepada Samira Travel karena kami  selalu mengutamakan kepuasan jamaah. Samira Travel telah mendapatkan sertifikasi A dari Kementerian Agama melalui lembaga sertifikasi terakreditasi internasional Sucofindo.

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Umroh Bareng Satu Pesawat

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Umroh Dulu Bayar Belakangan

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One Port Day in Koper: The Perfect Itinerary

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The breakup of the former Yugoslavia in the early 1990's was geographically and culturally confusing. Several new countries were formed, and one of these is Slovenia, which has about 2 million citizens and only 29 miles of shoreline on the Adriatic Sea. It borders Italy, Austria, Hungary, and Croatia.

Koper (also spelled Kopar) is Slovenia's main cruise ship port and is located just a few miles from the city of Trieste, Italy. Slovenia has always had close ties with Italy, even when it was part of Communist Yugoslavia. Slovenes were allowed to go to Trieste to shop for "personal" items during those 50 years of Communist control, but smuggling was very common and often ignored by border agents. For example, Slovenes would go to Trieste and buy 20 pairs of blue jeans. Reaching the border on their trip home, they certified the jeans were for "personal" use when really they planned to resell them on the black market. 

Slovenia has become better known to those in the USA since it is the birthplace of Melania Trump. Mrs. Trump grew up in southeastern Slovenia near the Croatian border.

Coastal City

Since the coastline is so small, Italy can be seen from the town. Koper has been settled since the sixth century, which adds to its fascination. A day in Koper can include a leisurely walking tour of the old town in the morning and an afternoon at the flea market, shopping on Shoemaker Street, climbing the Bell Tower at Tito Square, and a visit inside the Koper Regional Museum. Cruise ships usually sail in the late afternoon, but those not on cruise ships can spend a delightful evening having drinks and dinner in the old town or along the harbor.

Cruise Ships

Many travelers arrive in Koper on a cruise ship. Over a dozen different cruise lines schedule Koper as a port of call on their Mediterranean cruises including Viking, Holland America Line, Azamara, Oceania, Silversea, MSC, Celebrity, Norwegian, Princess, Crystal, Seabourn, and Regent. Koper had 70 cruise ship visits in 2016, a significant increase over the 49 the year before. More are expected in the future as cruise lines add more ships and ports to their itineraries.

Morning on Foot

Cruise ships  dock very near the old town area of Koper, which sits at the tip of a narrow peninsula that sticks out into the Adriatic. It's less than a 15-minute walk from the pier to the old town's central square, which is called Tito Square, and only about a 30-minute walk to the far side of the peninsula. So, you are never far from your ship or any of the old town highlights.

10 AM:  The best place to start the walking tour is at Tito Square. Those who arrive by cruise ship only need to walk across the pier towards the cliff. Your cruise ship reception or shore excursion desk will probably have maps to make your walking tour easier, but since Koper sits on a small peninsula, you can't get lost if you walk downhill towards the water. (Or, ask a local. They are thrilled to have cruise travelers.)

To reach Tito Square, you can either walk up the hill or take the convenient elevator up to a viewpoint overlooking the harbor. Beyond the harbor, you can see the suburbs of Trieste, Italy in the distance. This is a good place to take a few photos and catch your breath if you walked up the hill..

Leaving the panoramic viewpoint, walk along the summit of the hill and look left. You'll see the  Koper Regional Museum  on the other side of a parking lot, at the dead end of a small street. 

10:30 AM . Facing the Museum, turn left. It's just a few minutes walk to the central hub of old town Koper, the Tito Square.The central hub of Koper is its main square, which is called Tito Square after the old Yugoslavian despot. This square, which was once called Platea Comunis, is surrounded by a large cathedral, clock tower, and the Praetorian Palace and other government buildings. The style is a mixture of Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque, and the structures date back to the 12th to 19th centuries.

The Praetorian Palace is the seat of Koper's government and covers one side of the square. It's done in the Gothic/Renaissance styles and like much of the city looks very Italian but is remarkably clean with almost no graffiti or trash. 

The bell tower next to the Cathedral is the highest structure in the old town, with 204 steps up to the roof. If you decide to climb the stairs, you'll get great views of the town. However, locals recommend you take ear plugs along since they ring the very loud bells quite frequently. Visitors don't have to stand very long in Tito Square to hear the bells!

The other buildings on the Tito Square once housed other government offices, the city's pawnshop, and the armory.

The Cathedral of St. Mary's Assumption was built in the 15th century in the Gothic and Renaissance styles. It sits on the site of an ancient Roman basilica. Be sure to step inside the cathedral to see the interior and learn more about Slovenian religions. 

The Cathedral's interior is white and baroque due to an 18th-century renovation. Most people in Slovenia are Catholic, but they don't attend church services regularly. The baptistery of the church is the oldest part, dating back to the 15th century.

11:30 AM.  Across from the Praetorian Palace on Tito Square is the Loggia, which looks like it was moved right off of St. Mark's Square in  Venice , which is only about 65 miles away. The ground floor of the Loggia has a coffee house that has been there since the mid-19th century. After exploring Tito Square, it's a great place for a coffee break and time for some people watching at the busiest place in town for tourists.

Noon . Leaving Tito Square, walk under the Portico of the Praetorian Palace and onto the main shopping street of the pedestrian zone. At one time, many cobblers and shoemakers had shops on this street, so it was called Shoemaker's Street. However, only one shoemaker shop remains in Koper, but it's on that street. The narrow street had many retail shops and cafes and led to another square with the Baroque Carli Palace and the remains of an old fountain where citizens who lived in Koper hundreds of years ago got their water.

12:15 PM . Continuing on down the hill towards the water, visitors reach the Prešern Square (also spelled Prešeren), which is another square reminiscent of Venice. The square even has a fountain that looks much like a miniature version of Venice's Rialto Bridge. This fountain, called the Da Ponte Fountain, dates back to the 15th century, but its current look is from the 17th century. 

Koper's Prešeren Square is lined with colorful buildings and definitely looks Italian. At the opposite end of the Prešeren Square from the Da Ponte Fountain, you'll reach the Muda Gate. 

The Muda Gate built in 1516 sits at the end of this square and features the city's coat of arms with a radiating sun. This was once the main gate of the old city wall, and visitors had to pay a toll to enter. 

12:30 PM . Walking through the gate, you'll turn right and leave the old town area of Koper. Be sure and notice that many of the buildings outside the old city gates looked very utilitarian since they were constructed during the Communist years of the last half of the 20th century. Stroll down the street a few blocks and you will reach the open air market on both sides of the street. 

Afternoon Exploring

1:00 PM . After exploring the old town, it's time for lunch. The  Carpaccio Square  area of Koper is on the harbor. This part of the city often features a farmer's market, flea market, and/or food fair when cruise ships are in port. This open air market features all sorts of Slovene antiques and flea market junk (just like the flea markets in the USA).

An outdoor food fair is often held in the Carpaccio Square, which is next to the old St. Mark's salt drying warehouse. Locals and visitors eat at tables in the old open-air salt drying warehouse next to on the harbor. All kinds of tempting foods are available in the booths such as international delicacies from around the world--falafels, burritos, barbecue pork, Asian noodles, and Turkish dishes.  

For those who want something other than street food, several restaurants are found along the waterfront or in old town. Most streets lead from the waterfront up the hill to Tito Square, so it's almost impossible to get lost.

Budget-minded cruise ship passengers can follow the harbor and walk 15-20 minutes to get back to their ship for lunch. All you need to do is follow the sidewalk past the flea market and Carpaccio Square. Keep the harbor on your left and you will soon reach the cruise ship pier.

2:30 PM . Return to the Koper Regional Museum by retracing your steps or following the harbor and then walking back up the hill. Since 1954, this museum has been housed in the early 17th century Belgramoni Tacco Palace, and its mission is responsibility for the movable artistic and cultural heritage in the Primorska region. However, the Koper Regional Museum also has exhibits on the archaeological, historical, and ethnological heritage of the coastal and karst areas of the region.

Much of the artwork is from the Renaissance and Venetian periods of Koper, and the old palace, which was last renovated in 2015, has a lovely garden. 

If the weather is bad or you love museums, it's an interesting place to visit for an hour or more.

4:00 PM.  After finishing your visit to the Koper Regional Museum, there's still time to climb the Bell Tower in Tito Square or buy souvenirs at some of the local shops on Shoemaker Street before dinner. If the weather is nice, it's a great time to sit on the harbor, sip a cold drink. and plan the evening ahead. The scenic walk along the harbor takes you through a park and down to the rocky Slovene beach where you can put your toes in the water before returning to your hotel for a break before dinner.

Most cruise ships sail away from Koper in the late afternoon, so passengers won't have a chance to enjoy dinner in Koper or see the old town after dark.

Evening Dinner and a Stroll

7:30 PM . Enjoy dinner in Koper at one of the city's restaurants. Two old town restaurants that are highly recommended are Capra, which is often rated as the city's best and features Mediterranean cuisine, and Gostilna da Za Gradom Rodica, which has Mediterranean cuisine, but also features local Slovene dishes. 

After dinner, enjoy a stroll along the Koper harbor and on some of the narrow old streets before heading off to bed with a delightful day in Koper running through your head.

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Exploring the Hidden Gem of Slovenia: Koper

Exploring the Hidden Gem of Slovenia: Koper

Nestled along the picturesque Adriatic coast lies a hidden gem waiting to be discovered by travellers seeking authentic experiences.

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The town’s old-world charm

Cobblestone streets wind their way through the historic centre of Koper, lined with pastel-coloured buildings, balconies and terracotta roofs.

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Visitors love wandering through the labyrinthine streets of Koper.

Our first stop is the main square (Titov Trg). Here is where the majestic Praetorian Palace commands attention with its Venetian Gothic architecture. The nearby Cathedral of the Assumption dominates the skyline with its elegant bell tower .

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Koper is a quaint coastal town in Slovenia that effortlessly blends history, culture, and the beaches.

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Down the street, towards the sea you will stumble upon hidden gems like the picturesque Carpaccio Square with some old renaissance buildings and a lovely sea-food restaurant  Miramar – a MUST stop.

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No visit to Koper would be complete without indulging in the region’s culinary delights.

What to try?

Koper offers a delightful culinary journey that combines Mediterranean flavours with local specialties. Here’s a taste of what you can expect when exploring the culinary scene in Koper.

koper samira travel

Fresh Seafood : As a coastal town, Koper prides itself on its abundance of fresh seafood . From succulent Adriatic fish to plump shellfish , you’ll find an array of seafood dishes served in local restaurants and taverns. The photos below were taken at Mornarček fish canteen .

koper samira travel

Grilled sardines, calamari, branzino baked in sea salt, and seafood risotto are just a few highlights that showcase the bounty of the Adriatic. 

Olive Oil : Slovenia is renowned for its high-quality olive oil, and Koper is no exception. Locally-produced olive oil is a staple ingredient in many dishes, adding richness and flavour. You can also visit one of the nearby olive oil mills. Here you can sample and purchase some of the finest olive oils in the region. 

koper samira travel

Karst Prosciutto

Just a short drive from Koper lies the Karst region, famous for its exceptional air-dried ham known as Karst prosciutto. Karst prosciutto is aged for months, resulting in a tender and flavourful delicacy. Pair it with fresh bread, local cheese, and a glass of Slovenian wine for a truly indulgent experience. 

koper samira travel

High-quality wines

Slovenia may be small, but it’s home to a thriving wine culture, and Koper is no exception. The region’s mild climate and diverse terroir create ideal conditions for grape cultivation.

Visit one of the local wineries or wine bars to sample varietals such as Malvasia, Refošk, and Teran . Each of the pairs beautifully with the local cuisine. 

koper samira travel

Whether you’re indulging in seafood by the sea, savouring the flavours of Karst prosciutto, or exploring the local markets, a culinary adventure awaits in this charming Slovenian town.

Beauty and the beach

Koper is known as Slovenian port town. It has two beaches:  Koper city beach  (so called “Mokra mačka” – wet cat) and  the beach in Žusterna . Otherwise, you can also enjoy sunbathing, swimming and other beach activities on  the coastal area between Koper and Izola .

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At the end of the Semedela promenade you can also find a  dog beach  which is separated from other bathing areas and equipped with all the necessary equipment that enables dogs to cool off.

Don’t skip Koper, when visiting Slovenia. Even though it is not usual stop for most tourists, it’s well worth a visit! We visit Koper every summer and just enjoy life … “

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If you like our Slovenia local travel tips, you can support Let’s Go Slovenia travel blog. Enjoy Slovenia!

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Koper, Slovenia: Travel Guide & Things to Do!

Koper, slovenia: travel guide & things to do.

The city of Koper is a real gem in Slovenia and a visit to this charming metropolis is a real highlight on the Adriatic Sea. Located on the famous Slovenian coast, the commercial metropolis is a popular destination for excursions or short breaks. Especially the many amazing things to do in Koper, such as visiting the enchanting old town, the impressive harbor and the fantastic promenade, make this Slovenian coastal city so special! The flagship and landmark is the fascinating Tito Square , the beautiful main square with numerous historical attractions. Furthermore, there are also several beautiful beaches in and around the coastal city that guarantee unforgettable summer days. But what are the highlights of Koper, what are the real insider tips, and what are the best places to stay?

In this travel guide, you will find all the important information and tips about Koper in Slovenia. We also show you some great pictures, the best things to do and see in Koper, and inform you about the best accommodations.

Good to know!

If you are still looking for a special place to stay in Koper, we can recommend the magnificent Hotel Grand Koper , right on the charming harbor in the old town.

A unique attraction of Koper is the 37-kilometer cycle path . It runs along the coast on the former railway line all the way to Izola and on to Portorož .

There are some great opportunities for going swimming in the city, but also in the surrounding area. Here you can find the most wonderful beaches in Koper at a glance.

There are many possibilities for excursions and day trips from Koper, including to Piran , Lipica and Postojna . You can also find guided tours on GetYourGuide.

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General Information about Koper

The city of Koper , known in Italian as Capodistria and in German as Gafers, has a population of about 26,000 and is located in the north of the Slovenian Riviera. It is located about 106 kilometers from Ljubljana , 22 kilometers from Trieste and 16 kilometers from the popular resort town of Portoroz. The history of Koper dates back to Roman times, when the city was known by various names such as Aegida and Capris. In addition, the port metropolis belonged to the Republic of Venice from 1278, so you can enjoy an incredible Venetian charm while sightseeing. Today, Koper is the largest port city in Slovenia and an important industrial center in the region. Since 2003, it is also a well-known student city, which gives the city a youthful flair and hip lifestyle.

Koper is truly beautiful, and there are many places of interest and attractions to visit during a sightseeing tour of the city. The medieval streets of the Old Town, the 13th century Praetorian Palace and the 12th century Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary are particularly worthy of mention. The charming fishing harbor and the splendid seafront promenade are also well worth a visit. During the summer there are many cultural events and there is a great regional museum that reflects the cultural and historical heritage. You can also enjoy really beautiful beaches in the city and its surroundings, and Koper’s location in Slovenian Istria makes it an ideal starting point for excursions along the coast and inland.

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Best Things to Do in Koper

When traveling to Koper, you can look forward to a number of attractions worth seeing . Most of them are located in the Old Town and can be explored on a walking tour. To help you keep track, we’ve compiled a list of the best things to do in Koper:

Praetorian Palace & Tito Square

The Praetorian Palace is one of the most famous attractions in town, and a visit is definitely one of the best things to do in Koper. The imposing building is located on the picturesque Tito Square in the heart of the Old Town and today houses the City Hall and the city’s Tourist Information Center. This historic landmark was built in the 13th century and has been renovated several times over the centuries. Truly characteristic is the Venetian architecture of the Praetorian Palace, which reflects the period with a beautiful open staircase, numerous decorations, battlements and arched windows. In the center of the palace, you can also discover the winged lion of St. Mark, once the symbol of the Republic of Venice.

Tip : If you are interested, it is also possible to visit the inside of the Praetorian Palace. Guided tours of the palace are offered several times a day.

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Koper Cathedral

The Koper Cathedral , also known as the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, is a historical highlight and certainly, one of the most famous places to visit in the Old Town. Built in the 12th century, the current building dates back to the 15th century. This imposing church combines different architectural styles, such as Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque, due to the numerous renovations over the centuries. The interior of the church is also worth seeing, with many valuable paintings. An insider’s tip is to climb to the top of the 54-meter bell tower , from where you can enjoy a magnificent view of Koper.

Tip : If you want to stay in the center of town, there are some charming places to stay close to Tito’s Square, such as the beautiful Apartment del Bello Koper .

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The Taverna

Originally built in the 17th century as a salt warehouse, the Taverna is an impressive building in Koper. Its history can be traced back to the production of salt in the area around Koper, which was promoted under the former rule of the Venetians. This interesting sight is located in the beautiful Piazza Carpaccio, next to the old city walls and only a few steps away from the picturesque promenade. Thanks to its historical charm, this former salt warehouse is now a popular venue in the port city. Especially during the summer months, numerous cultural events take place under the round arches.

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Koper Promenade

The picturesque Koper Promenade is definitely one of the highlights of this port city. This beautiful, relatively new promenade stretches for several kilometers from the city center to the neighboring town of Izola. Here you can take picturesque walks or bike rides with magnificent views of Koper. There are also many beautiful sights and pleasant places to stop along the way. The city park “Centralni Mestni Park”, which was just opened in 2018, and the picturesque Zusterna Beach , which invites you to sunbathe, relax and swim in its pebble bays, are really charming.

Tip : A visit to the promenade in the evening is highly recommended, as you will be able to experience some fantastic sunsets from there.

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Žusterna Beach

The Žusterna beach is a great tip for relaxing days of swimming in Koper. Several beautiful pebble coves with the most gorgeous turquoise sea colors and a magnificent view of Koper make this beach one of the most popular in the port city. The green lawns with small trees are unique and perfect for sunbathing and relaxing. This charming, beautifully landscaped coastal strip is part of the Žusterna City Coastal Park, a local recreational center for cycling , jogging , walking , swimming and relaxing. This green oasis is located on the picturesque promenade and can be reached on foot in about 10 minutes from the city center.

Tip : Directly behind the beach, there is a large parking lot with a large number of paid parking spaces. It is perfect for those who prefer to come here by car.

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Loggia Palace

A beautiful attraction in the very center of Koper is the Loggia Palace , which is also known as the Palazzo della Loggia. This Venetian-Gothic building is located on the Tito Square in the Old Town and can be easily visited during a sightseeing tour. The oldest part of the current building dates back to 1462, although the Loggia has been extended and renovated several times over the years. Interesting are the coats of arms on the façade, which were added after the outbreak of the plague in Koper in 1553-1555. In addition, a terracotta statue of the Madonna and Child was placed in a niche above the left corner pillar.

Tip : We recommend a visit to the coffee house on the first floor of the Loggia Palace. It was opened in the 19th century and is considered one of the oldest in Slovenia.

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Vrata Muda Town Gate

The Vrata Muda Town Gate , also known as the Muda Gate, is located in the historical center of the city and is part of the well-preserved city walls. It is one of the most important historical monuments in Koper and a visit to it is a must on any tour of the city. The Muda Gate was built in 1516 in the Renaissance style and was the main gate to Koper at that time. At that time, the fortified town was located on an island and could only be reached via a bridge. The coats of arms on the gate are also interesting, especially the sun, which still adorns the logo of the city of Koper. In addition to the imposing main gate, there is also a smaller additional gate that provides access to the city center.

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Carpaccio Square

The Carpaccio Square , known in Slovenian as Carpacciov trg, is one of the most beautiful squares in Koper and one of its most famous attractions. This picturesque square is a place right out of a picture book. Colorful houses, romantic restaurants and cafés , as well as the old salt warehouse “Taverna” create an incredibly beautiful setting. The square owes its name to the famous Venetian painter Vittore Carpaccio, whose house was located here. Also worth seeing is the mid-15th century fountain, originally from Venice, which was installed in Piazza Carpaccio in 1935. The beautiful Justina Column dating from 1572 is also interesting.

Tip : Right next to Piazza Carpaccio is the popular Hotel Grand Koper . It is a fantastic 5-star hotel for a very special vacation.

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Da Ponte Fountain

The Da Ponte Fountain is certainly one of the most beautiful historical monuments in the Old Town, and a visit is one of the best things to do in Koper. Built in 1666 by the Venetian architect Antionio da Ponte, it is now one of the most impressive attractions in the old town. The centuries-old fountain consists of an octagonal basin with an arch representing a symbolic bridge. The artistic decorations with pyramids, coats of arms and stone faces are also worth seeing. At that time, it supplied the city with drinking water and was used until 1898. Today, the fountain is one of the most photographed sights in the center.

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Koper City Beach

The Koper City Beach , also known as Mokra Macka or Mestna Plaza, is a real highlight in the center of the port city. This free public beach is located on the promenade, just a few steps away from the large port and the old town . It even carries the Blue Flag, a sign of the best water quality, cleanliness and facilities. What’s more, this bay has a really charming design and there is always a lively holiday atmosphere, especially in the summer months. There are shady spots under the trees, a green lawn for sunbathing, a playground, beach umbrellas and sunbeds for rent, and free toilets.

Tip : We also recommend visiting the cozy café on the city beach, from whose terrace you can enjoy a beautiful view of the sea and the Koper port.

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Koper Regional Museum

The Regional Museum of Koper is definitely one of the museums in Koper that is worth seeing, and especially history buffs and art lovers will enjoy the extensive exhibition. It is housed in a Venetian building from the 17th century, one of the most beautiful Baroque-Mannerist palaces in the city center. A visit here will give you an interesting insight into the splendor of the Koper Renaissance and the Venetian period. There are also prehistoric artifacts on display and an idyllic museum garden with a lapidarium.

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Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve

The Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve is located just a few kilometers outside of the Old Town and is an insider’s tip for anyone who wants to do something outdoors in Koper. There is a beautiful 2-kilometer walk around this wetland, with several stops and viewpoints for birdwatching. As many as 259 different bird species have their habitat here, right next to the industrial city. You will also have the opportunity to see the old Istrian cattle and Camargue horses that are kept in the green pastures of the nature reserve.

Tip : Entrance to the Škocjanski zatok nature reserve is free. There is also a free parking lot right in front of the main entrance to the park.

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Port of Koper & Belvedere Viewpoint

The Port of Koper is the only international seaport in Slovenia and one of the highlights of this coastal metropolis. It plays a crucial role in the Slovenian economy and trade. More than 1900 ships call at the port every year, including huge freighters and some cruise ships. If you want to see the hustle and bustle of the port of Koper, the best place to visit is the Belvedere viewpoint . It is located between the Old Town and the port and is easily accessible on foot from the city center. From the platform you have an excellent view of the large ships moored in the port area. It is also interesting to visit in the evening when the port is illuminated.

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The Best Excursions from Koper

During your vacation, you have the opportunity to make many exciting trips from Koper , as there are many beautiful sights in the area. Here are the absolute best destinations and attractions that you can visit near Koper:

The famous towns of Izola , Strunjan , Portoroz and Trieste are well worth a visit near Koper. Especially the charming town of Piran is not to be missed!

The hinterland of Koper is also worth a trip. Hrastovlje with the Church of the Holy Trinity and Socerb Castle overlooking the sea are truly recommended.

The Postojna Caves , a huge stalactite and stalagmite cave, and the imposing Predjama Cave Castle are also worth a day trip.

Another insider’s tip is to take a trip to Lipica , a large stud farm with Lipizzaner horses. You can watch the horses in the fields and take part in a guided tour of the stables.

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Where to Stay in Koper

Koper is a popular stop on round trips along the Slovenian coast, and the port city is home to some excellent accommodations . From beautiful hotels on the promenade to great apartments and guesthouses, it’s all here. If you are looking for recommended places to stay in Koper, we can give you these recommendations… It’s worth a look!

  • Fantastic 5-Star Hotel : The Hotel Grand Koper is a charming 5-star hotel right on the promenade. The breakfast is fantastic, as well as the location of the hotel.
  • Modern Apartment : The Koper Seaside Residence is a large apartment located in the center of Koper with a beautiful view of the city.
  • Fantastic Holiday Flats : The VILA MOLET KOPER is located just outside the town and offers fantastic apartments with spectacular views of the sea and Koper.
  • Apartment in the Old Town : The Apartment del Bello Koper  is a great choice, especially if you want to stay right in the beautiful city center of Koper.

Find the best accommodation in Koper:

More about slovenia:, top 20 amazing things to do in slovenia, the 10 best beaches in slovenia, 10 unique things to do in lake bled (slovenia), top 15 amazing things to do in maribor (slovenia), soca valley in slovenia: the 15 best places to visit.

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Wujudkan Impian Anda dan Keluarga ke Baitullah Bersama Samira Travel

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Kemudahan dalam mewujudkan impian Anda Bisa melangkah ke Baitullah MUDAH, MURAH, MANTAP

Alasan Kenapa harus Umroh ?

Umroh memiliki banyak faedah bagi yang mengerjakannya.

  • Jihad Para Perempuan
  • Di Janjikan Surga
  • Keberkahan Hidup
  • Tanah Suci Mustajabnya Doa
  • Pahala Berlipat Shalat di Masjidil Haram
  • Umroh saat Ramadhan Seperti Haji

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  • Menghapuskan Dosa
  • Rezekinya akan di Lipatgandakan
  • Ketenangan Hati
  • Pahala Berlipat Shalat di Masjid Nabawi
  • Tamu Istimewa Allah SWT
  • Mempererat Ukhuwah Islam

Mau UMROH tapi Terkendala Biaya ?

Ini dia solusinya , program umroh dulu bayar belakangan hanya dp 7jt bisa berangkat , samira travel berkerjasama dengan lembaga keuangan syariah yang langsung di awasi oleh ojk dan mui ..

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Kami Melayani :

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Kenapa Harus Samira Travel ?

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Mendapatkan Informasi paket Umroh , Pendaftaran, dan Mitra sudah tersebar di Seluruh Indonesia.​

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Dengan Harga promo mulai dari 31jt an. atau DP 7 JT Bisa langsung Berangkat UMROH, dengan Pembiayaan Syari’ah.

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Fasilitas hotel berbintang, koper keren ready depan kamar dan Izin ny pasti PPIU no. 137/th 2020.

Paket & biaya umroh.

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“Peraih Anugerah REKOR MURI sebagai penyelenggara umroh dengan JAMA’AH TERBANYAK dimasa Pandemi”

Paket umroh dan perlengkapan, apapun paketnya pelengkapannya sama..

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Kelebihan Umroh

Bersama samira travel.

  • Biaya terjangkau dan ada fasilitas talangan syariah dengan DP hanya Rp 7 Juta langsung berangkat umroh, cicilan ringan jangka waktu 6 - 36 bulan
  • Ustadz pembimbing terbaik dan berpengalaman, sabar dan penuh perhatian melayani jamaah, sangat memahami sunnah Nabi Muhammad saw.
  • Perlengkapan umrahnya (jilbab, koper, tas dan syal, dll) keren.
  • Setelah umroh jamaah mendapat buku kenangan jamaah dan kegiatan gathering
  • Ada ziarah tambahan ke museum Asmaul Husna dan museum Masjid Nabawi di Madinah
  • Manasik Umroh tidak hanya tentang rukun umroh, tinjauan fiqih dan tatacara pelaksanaan umroh tapi teknis lainnya, yaitu mengenai pengenalan pesawat (toilet, tayamum, sholat dalam perjalanan) dan teknis perjalanan dari daerah – Jakarta – Saudi – Jakarta – daerah
  • Dibimbing bukan hanya pada pelaksanaan ibadah umroh tetapi juga ibadah harian, seperti shalat dhuha, thawaf sunnah, shalat tahajjud, ke Multazam dan ke Hijir Ismail
  • Keluarga besar DGI murah senyum, baik hati, tidak sombong & rajin menabung (amal hasanah untuk bekal akhirat), insya Allah.

Sudah RINDU Baitulloh tapi tabungannya belum cukup?

Punya impian ingin memberangkatkan orang tua ke tanah suci gimana kalau berangkat umroh dulu, bayarnya belakangan mau, 😍ya, berangkat umroh duluan, bisa dicicil belakangan 😍 boleh bayar bulanan atau bayar musiman👍, 📆 pasti berangkat 📄 pasti berasuransi 🚫 tanpa riba 🚫 tanpa agunan ⚡ mudah cicilannya, “panggilan bukan hanya untuk yang mampu, tapi juga yang rindu”, 📞 reservation now, 📱 0852-4500-4606, bolehkah umroh dulu bayar belakangan , penjelasan hukum pembiayaan syari’ah menurut ust. abdul shomad, penjelasan hukum pembiayaan syari’ah menurut ust. kholid, mau punya usaha travel umroh, dokumentasi umroh.

chusnul barokah (16)

Kesaksian Jamaah Umroh Samira Travel



Bisa bapak/ibu, jadi nanti ketika mengajukan ke AMITRA SYARIAH, atas nama bapak/ibu, adapun yang nanti berangkat orangtuanya, itu tidak menjadi masalah.

Jadi, cukup dengan membayar DP saja sebesar 20% dari harga paket umrohnya, ibu/bapak sudah bisa berangkat umroh, nanti pulangnya baru membayar secara di angsur setiap bulannya.

  • Jamaah menentukan tanggal keberangkatan
  • Membayar bookingseat 7jt dan perlengkapan 1,5jt
  • Pelunasan 30hr sebelum keberangkatan

Pembiayaan amitra syariah (Nyicil)

  • Pengajuan ke Amitra melalui agen2 kami di setiap kota,
  • Berkas (fc ktp, kk, slip gaji/suket usaha dari keluarahan untuk wirausaha)
  • Proses survei oleh amitra
  • Akad (jamaah membayarkan dp, dan biaya adm) lalu menentukan tanggal keberangkatan
  • Berangkat (proses Amitra kurang dari 7 hari kerja)
  • PASPOR dengan nama minimal 3 kata yang masih berlaku sampai 6 bulan sebelum tanggal keberangkatan. (dari Kantor Imigrasi Kepkumham).
  • Buku kuning suntik Meningitis & Vaksin Influenza (dari Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan).
  • Kartu Keluarga + Surat Nikah bagi yang berangkat suami istri.
  • Foto Copy KTP (atw Surat Keterangan e-KTP dari Disdukcapil).
  • Foto Berwarna dengan latar belakang putih posisi muka/ kepala 80% dan untuk wanita berjilbab tidak berwarna putih :
  • Ukuran 4×6= 5 lembar
  • Ukuran 3×4= 5 lembar
  • Dokumen diserahkan 30 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan

Hukum Syariah


DGi Travel bekerjasama dengan LKS (Lembaga Keuangan Syariah AMITRA) untuk Pembiyaan Perjalanan Ibadah Umroh Yang diawasi oleh Dewan Syariah MUI dan OJK ..

Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional MUI No.44/DSN-MUI/VIII/2004 tentang Pembiayaan Multijasa


Yang kita Jual FASILITASNYA bukan IBADAHNYA nya ..

Seperti Jasa Transportasi, Akomodasi, Konsumsi, Fasilitas, Jasa Bimbingan dan Pelayanan selama menjalankan Ibadah Umroh.

Insya Allah Aman, Nyaman, dan sesuai dengan Tuntunan Rosulullah SAW

Boleh, tinggal meminta surat keterangan domisili dari kelurahan tempat tinggal sekarang

betul ibu/bapak, bagi hasilnya memang besar, namun kita mendapatkan manfaat tenggang waktu membayar hingga 3 tahun, prosesnya pun mudah, tidak perlu ada jaminan yang di ambil, hanya perlu kelengkapan data dan verifikasi saat disurvey. Jika ibu ingin yang lebih kecil bagi hasilnya, bisa ambil yang 1 tahun bu, hanya kisaran 3 juta bagi hasilnya.

betul bu/pak, saya pun takut kalo ada ribanya, Insya Allah pembiayaan bersama Amitra Syariah AMAN dari RIBA, karena kita menggunakan akad jual beli/Ijaroh Multijasa, Amitra Syariahpun langsung di awasi oleh MUI.

Jika Anda mau berkonsultasi tentang keberangkatan UMROH Silahkan klik. Contact Us

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Pt. samira ali wisata (samira travel) jl. malaka merah no.7/6 rt10/rw01 pondok kopi duren sawit – jakarta timur dki jakarta 13460.

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Chusnul barokah, mbs., konsultant haji & umroh siap membantu anda, call/sms/wa : , +6285245004606, jam operasional: senin – jumat: 08.30 – 17.00 sabtu: 08.30 – 14.00 minggu: 10.00 – 14.00.

Samira Travel | Dini Group Indonesia | Travel Umroh Samira

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Evening with Samira Kentrić

Samira Kentrić is a visual artist, performer, illustrator and social critic, whose works are lucidly rendered realities that stimulate conversation and engagement. Our conversation with Samira Kentirić will focus on her creative work in several fields, with an in-depth look at her graphic novels and a focus on the integration of word and visual art.

The discussion will be moderated by Irena Urbič.

The event accompanies the exhibition of Samira Kentrić: Visions.

Koper Public Institute for Youth, Culture and Tourism Titov trg 3, 6000 Koper, Slovenija

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    SAMIRA Travel Umroh didirikan tahun 2007 Legalitas ijin Kemenag no. 137 Th 2020 atas nama PT Samira Ali Wisata.SAMIRA TRAVEL telah berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun mengelola travel umroh-haji dan melayani jamaah umroh dan Haji. SAMIRA TRAVEL berkomitmen mewujudkan keinginan segmen umat Islam yang lebih luas dengan memberikan kemudahan berupa program Umroh Dulu Bayar Belakangan

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    Samira Travel adalah penyedia perjalanan ibadah umroh yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 2014 dan resmi berlegalitas PPIU 137/2020 pada tahun 2016 atas nama PT. Samira Ali Wisata. Samira Ali Wisata. Perusahaan ini menjadi bagian dari DGi Travel setelah diambil alih, dengan H. Fauzi Wahyu Muntoro sebagai owner dari DGi dan PT.

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    Bersama Samira Travel. Biaya terjangkau dan ada fasilitas talangan syariah dengan DP hanya Rp 7 Juta langsung berangkat umroh, cicilan ringan jangka waktu 12 - 36 bulan. Ustadz pembimbing terbaik dan berpengalaman, sabar dan penuh perhatian melayani jamaah, sangat memahami sunnah Nabi Muhammad saw. Perlengkapan umrahnya (jilbab, koper, tas dan ...

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    PT Samira Ali Wisata (atau dikenal dengan Samira Travel) didirikan dan resmi beroperasi tahun 2016 sebagai travel umroh. Diawali dengan penggunaan rumah pemiliknya Ustadz H.Fauzi Muntoro sebagai kantor, pertama kali Samira membawa 40 orang jamaah pertamanya ke Baitullah. Kilas Balik Perjalanan Samira Travel Samira Travel baru resmi beroperasi pada tahun 2016 lalu, tapi bi idznillah ...

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    1,072 Followers, 28 Following, 37 Posts - SAMIRA TRAVEL (@travelsamira.id) on Instagram: "PPIU 137/2020 Pelayanan Umroh dan Haji sejak 2014 Peraih Rekor Muri Jamaah terbanyak 2022 join Grup Umroh Murah "

  14. SAMIRA TRAVEL INDONESIA (@putricharin)

    29K Followers, 5,507 Following, 814 Posts - SAMIRA TRAVEL INDONESIA (@putricharin) on Instagram: "27 y.o Umroh bareng hanya di @hj.nurul_samiratravel Sudah membersamai 1000+ jemaah, hotel ring 1 depan masjid @amanah.haromain | @jastip.pucha"

  15. Samira Travel

    Fasilitas hotel berbintang, koper keren ready depan kamar dan Izin ny pasti PPIU no. 137/th 2020. ... SAMIRA ALI WISATA (Samira Travel) Jl. Malaka Merah No.7/6 RT10/RW01 Pondok Kopi Duren Sawit - Jakarta Timur DKI Jakarta 13460. Kontak SAMIRA TRAVEL. Arip Hidayat, S.E MBS

  16. Nekat Bawa Air Zamzam Dalam Koper, Jemaah Bisa Didenda Rp25 Juta

    Awalnya, Arab Saudi hanya memberlakukan sanksi berupa pembongkaran koper saja jika ketahuan ternyata jemaah membawa air zamzam saat proses penimbangan bagasi dan pemeriksaan melalui X-ray. Namun kali ini, sanksi tegas siap diterapkan dengan Kerajaan akan memberikan sanksi denda 6 ribu riyal atau sekitar Rp25 juta bagi yang melanggar aturan ini.

  17. koper umroh samira travel jogja

    TikTok video from Samira Travel Jogja (@samiratravelyogya): "koper umroh samira travel jogja". original sound - Samira Travel Jogja.

  18. The Perfect Itinerary for a Day in Koper

    We share the ideal walking tour route of old town Koper, Slovenia. Experience this cruise ship port of call on the Adriatic Sea by foot. We share the ideal walking tour route of old town Koper, Slovenia. ... Linda Paull Garrison is a travel writer who has taken over 150 cruises and spent over 1,100 days at sea. TripSavvy's editorial guidelines ...

  19. Exploring the Hidden Gem of Slovenia: Koper

    The nearby Cathedral of the Assumption dominates the skyline with its elegant bell tower. Koper is a quaint coastal town in Slovenia that effortlessly blends history, culture, and the beaches. Down the street, towards the sea you will stumble upon hidden gems like the picturesque Carpaccio Square with some old renaissance buildings and a lovely ...

  20. Koper, Slovenia: Travel Guide & Things to Do!

    Koper Cathedral. The Koper Cathedral, also known as the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, is a historical highlight and certainly, one of the most famous places to visit in the Old Town.Built in the 12th century, the current building dates back to the 15th century. This imposing church combines different architectural styles, such as Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque, due to the ...

  21. Samira Travel

    INI DIA SOLUSINYA, program UMROH DULU BAYAR BELAKANGAN hanya DP 7JT BISA BERANGKAT, samira travel berkerjasama dengan lembaga keuangan syariah yang langsung di awasi oleh OJK dan MUI. >> Konsultasi Sekarang . ... Fasilitas hotel berbintang, koper keren ready depan kamar dan Izin ny pasti PPIU no. 137/th 2020.

  22. Evening with Samira Kentrić

    Samira Kentrić is a visual artist, performer, illustrator and social critic, whose works are lucidly rendered realities that stimulate conversation and engagement. ... Koper Public Institute for Youth, Culture and Tourism Titov trg 3, 6000 Koper, Slovenija. Contact +386 (0) 5 664 64 03

  23. Samira Travel

    Fasilitas hotel berbintang, koper keren ready depan kamar dan Izin ny pasti PPIU no. 137/th 2020. Paket & Biaya Umroh ... SAMIRA ALI WISATA (Samira Travel) Jl. Malaka Merah No.7/6 RT10/RW01 Pondok Kopi Duren Sawit - Jakarta Timur DKI Jakarta 13460. Kontak SAMIRA TRAVEL. Fatmawati, MBS