
Travel and Tourism

As the travel and tourism industry emerges from the shock of the pandemic, companies have a clear opportunity to reset their business model and ways of working. Our tourism consulting experts help companies craft the right strategy for success.

COVID-19 challenged travel and tourism companies to think more boldly than ever. As these companies navigate continued changes to the industry, those that remain flexible and adaptive stand to gain significant market share and security. And fundamentals—like managing pricing and customer relationships—coupled with innovation will be key to a strong post-crisis performance.

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Over the past five years, we have collaborated on more than 1,100 travel and tourism initiatives, working closely with airlines, railways, the hotel industry, the cruise industry, theme parks, gaming and casinos, government tourism organizations, and more.

We treat travel and tourism as its own unique entity, not an offshoot of adjacent industry topics. Airlines and railroads look very different when seen through a travel and tourism lens versus a logistics and transportation lens. The difference is stark—and now more than ever, travel and tourism needs a highly customized approach. That’s what we offer at BCG.

Our Client Work in Travel and Tourism

Our travel and tourism consulting teams work with clients on a wide variety of topics, including strategy , people and organization , sales and distribution, post-merger integration , travel operations, digital operations, business transformation , digital transformation , pricing and revenue management, and social impact and sustainability . Here are just a few examples of our impact in travel and tourism and the hospitality industry.

45 percent improvement

A low-cost carrier with 75% to 80% load factor had a 45% improvement in their forecasting accuracy, using BCG’s state-of-the-art Machine Learning demand forecasting approach.

750 million US dollars in expense reduction

While working with BCG to identify and eliminate hidden costs, a US airline reduced expenses by $750 million , with no layoffs or involuntary moves.

25 times the return on investment

A multibillion-dollar global hotel chain needed to enhance its loyalty program. After working with BCG to redesign the loyalty program and build up marketing capabilities, the organization achieved a 20 to 25 times return on investment over five years.

25 percent profit improvement

Our travel and tourism consulting team worked with an underperforming online travel agency to define a profitable growth strategy focused on specific consumer segments, creating a plan to improve profits by 20% to 25% .


In 2000, during a period of slow growth for airlines, five major US carriers—American, Continental, Delta, Northwest, and United —joined forces to create the travel portal Orbitz. BCG was involved in designing, building, and launching the startup from the beginning. Five managers from BCG oversaw operations, finance, IT, corporate development, and HR, and helped build a company that sold in 2004 for $1.25 billion. More recently, in partnership with Jeff Katz, the founding CEO of Orbitz Worldwide, BCG cofounded Journera, an industry-wide platform that provides secure, real-time data exchange to help companies create more seamless travel journeys. When it comes to big ideas, we don’t simply consult. We co-create.

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Can Rising Borrowing Costs Create Unexpected Opportunity for Hotels?

Uncertainty, inflationary fears, and elevated interest rates have a chilling effect on investment. But strong demand for rooms makes hotels one of the few sectors that enjoy pricing flexibility in a broader economic downturn.


To Uncertainty and Beyond in the Travel Industry

In this episode of The So What from BCG, Jason Guggenheim, BCG’s global leader of travel and tourism, explains how companies can sharpen their ability to sense shifts in demand.

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Chapter 7. Travel Services

7.1 Components of Travel Services

The travel services sector helps travellers arrange and reserve their vacation or business trips (StatsCan, 2018). This sector is made up of businesses and organizations that work in a coordinated effort to provide travellers with seamless arrangements to maximize their travel experience. Go2HR describes travel services experiences and employment opportunities as follows:

Within this sector, you have the flexibility of working in various capacities with event and conference planning organizations, travel companies and organizations, as well as associations, government agencies and companies that specialize in serving the needs of the tourism sector as a whole. (go2HR, Essential Tips – Travel Services, 2020)

Before we move on, let’s explore the term travel services a little more. As detailed in Chapter 1 , Canada, the United States, and Mexico have used the NAICS guidelines, which define the tourism industry as consisting of transportation, accommodation, food and beverage, recreation and entertainment, and travel services (Tourism HR Canada, 2020). These five sectors are defined and further detailed in B.C. by the B.C. government (BC Government, 2014) and go2HR on their website (go2HR, Career Explorer, 2020).

For many years, however, the tourism industry was classified into eight sectors: accommodations, adventure and recreation, attractions, events and conferences, food and beverage, tourism services, transportation, and travel trade (Yukon Department of Tourism and Culture, 2020; go2HR, 2020, What is Tourism? – Travel Services).

Travel website showing outdoor activities in B.C., such as skiing and surfing.

Tourism services support industry development and the delivery of guest experiences, and some of these are missing from the NAICS classification. To ensure you have a complete picture of the tourism industry in BC, this chapter will cover both the NAICS travel services activities and some additional tourism services.

First, we’ll review the components of travel services as identified under NAICS, as well as exploring popular careers within:

  • Travel agencies (brick and mortar)
  • Online Travel Agencies/OTA
  • Tour operators
  • Destination marketing organizations (DMOs)

Other Organizations

Following these definitions and descriptions, we’ll take a look at some other support functions that fall under tourism services. These include sector organizations, tourism and hospitality human resources organizations, training providers, educational institutions, government branches and ministries, economic development and city planning offices, and consultants.

Finally, we’ll look at issues and trends in travel services, both at home, and abroad.

While the application of travel services functions are structured somewhat differently around the world, there are a few core types of travel services in every destination. Essentially, travel services are those processes used by guests to book components of their trip. Let’s explore these services in more detail.

Travel Agencies

Travel agency storefront, which is plastered with sales posters and advertisements.

A travel agency is a business that operates as the intermediary between the travel industry (supplier) and the traveller (purchaser). Part of the role of the travel agency is to market prepackaged travel tours and holidays to potential travellers. The agency can further function as a broker between the traveller and hotels, car rentals, and tour companies (Goeldner & Ritchie, 2003). Travel agencies can be small and privately owned or part of a larger entity.

A travel agent is the direct point of contact for a traveller who is researching and intending to purchase packages and experiences through an agency. Travel agents can specialize in certain types of travel including specific destinations; outdoor adventures; and backpacking, rail, cruise, cycling, or culinary tours, to name a few. These specializations can help travellers when they require advice about their trips. Some travel agents operate at a fixed address and others offer services both online and at a bricks-and-mortar location. Travellers are then able to have face-to-face conversations with their agents and also reach them by phone or by email. To promote professionalism within the travel industry, travel counsellors can apply for a specialized diploma or certificate in travel from ACTA (ACTA, 2020a; go2HR, 2020a).

Today, travellers have the option of researching and booking everything they need online without the help of a travel agent. As technology and the internet are increasingly being used to market destinations, people can now choose to book tours with a particular agency or agent, or they can be identified as seeking Domestic Independent Travel (DIT) or Foreign Independent Travel (FIT) , by creating their own itineraries from a number of suppliers.

Online Travel Agents (OTAs)

Increasing numbers of travellers are turning to online travel agents (OTAs), companies that aggregate accommodations and transportation options and allow users to choose one or many components of their trip based on price or other incentives. Examples of OTAs include iTravel2000,,,, and OTAs continue to gain popularity with the travelers; in 2012, they reported online sales of almost $100 billion (Carey, Kang, & Zea, 2012) and almost triple that figure, upward of $278 billion, in 2013 ( The Economist , 2014).

In early 2015 Expedia purchased Travelocity for $280 million, merging two of the world’s largest travel websites. Expedia became the owner of, Hotwire, Egencia, and Travelocity brands, facing its major competition from Priceline (Alba, 2015).

Although OTAs can provide lower-cost travel options to travellers and the freedom to plan and reserve when they choose, they have posed challenges for the tourism industry and travel services infrastructure. As evidenced by the merger of Expedia and Travelocity, the majority of popular OTA sites are owned by just a few companies, causing some concern over lack of competition between brands. Additionally, many OTAs charge accommodation providers and operators a commission to be listed in their inventory system. Commission-based services, as applied by Kayak, Expedia, Hotwire,, and others, can have an impact on smaller operators who cannot afford to pay commissions for multiple online inventories (Carey, Kang & Zea, 2012). Being excluded from listings can decrease the marketing reach of the product to potential travellers, which is a challenge when many service providers in the tourism industry are small or medium-sized businesses with budgets to match.

While the industry and communities struggle to keep up with the changing dynamics of travel sales, travellers are adapting to this new world order. One of these adaptations is the ever-increasing use of mobile devices for travel booking. The Expedia Future of Travel Report found that 49% of travellers from the millennial generation (which includes those born between 1980 and 1999) use mobile devices to book travel (Expedia Inc., 2014), and these numbers are expected to continue to increase. Travel agencies are reacting by developing personalized features for digital travellers and mobile user platforms (ETC Digital, 2014). With the number of smartphone users expected to reach 1.75 billion in 2014 (CWT Travel Management Institute, 2014) these agencies must adapt as demand dictates.

A chunky computer with a black and green screen.

A key feature of travel agencies’ (and to a growing extent transportation carriers) mobile services includes the ability to have up-to-date itinerary changes and information sent directly to consumers’ phones (Amadeus, 2014). By using mobile platforms that can develop customized, up-to-date travel itineraries for clients, agencies and operators are able to provide a personal touch, ideally increasing customer satisfaction rates.

Take a Closer Look: PATA — The Future of Travel is Personalisation at Scale

“The industry has changed monumentally over the past decade. The rise of meta-search websites and sharing economy services like Airbnb is giving travellers more control and choice than ever before. However, this is nothing compared to the changes that are on the horizon as technologies like mobile, AR, AI, and VR become mainstream.

One thing is certain; the pace of change is accelerating. Against this backdrop, the travel industry as a whole will need to fundamentally shift its focus to continuous innovation.” (PATA, 2019)

Despite the growth and demand for OTAs, brick and mortar travel agencies are still in demand by travellers (IBISWorld, 2019) as they have both an online presence and physical locations. The COVID-19 pandemic may see an increase in travellers relying on personal contact with brick and mortar travel agencies but at a distance through mail and phone.

Tour Operators

People walk across the snow in the mountains. A tour bus is parked behind them.

A tour operator packages all or most of the components of an offered trip and then sells them to the traveller. These packages can also be sold through retail outlets or travel agencies (CATO, 2020; Goeldner & Ritchie, 2003). Tour operators work closely with hotels, transportation providers, and attractions in order to purchase large volumes of each component and package these at a better rate than the traveller could if purchasing individually. Tour operators generally sell to the leisure market.

Inbound, Outbound, and Receptive Tour Operators

Tour operators may be inbound, outbound, or receptive:

  • Inbound tour operators  bring travellers into a country as a group or through individual tour packages (e.g., a package from China to visit Canada).
  • Outbound tour operators work within a country to take travellers to other countries (e.g., a package from Canada to the United Kingdom).
  • Receptive tour operators (RTOs) are not travel agents, and they do not operate the tours. They represent the various products of tourism suppliers to tour operators in other markets in a business-to-business (B2B) relationship. Receptive tour operators are key to selling packages to overseas markets (Destination BC, 2020) and creating awareness around possible product.

Destination Marketing Organizations

Destination marketing organizations (DMOs) include national tourism boards, state/provincial tourism offices, and community convention and visitor bureaus around the world. DMOs promote “the long-term development and marketing of a destination, focusing on convention sales, tourism marketing and service” (Destinations BC, 2020).

Spotlight On: Destinations International

Destinations International is the global trade association for official DMOs. It is made up of over 600 official DMOs in 15 countries around the world. DMAI provides its members with information, resources, research, networking opportunities, professional development, and certification programs. For more information, visit the Destinations International website.

With the proliferation of other planning and booking channels, including OTA s, today’s DMOs are shifting away from travel services functions and placing a higher priority on destination management components.

Working Together

One way tour operators, DMOs, and travel agents work together is by participating in familiarization tours (FAMs for short). These are usually hosted by the local DMO and include visits to different tour operators within a region. FAM attendees can be media, travel agents, RTO representatives, and tour operator representatives. FAMs are frequently low to no cost for the guests as the purpose is to orient them to the tour product or experience so they can promote or sell it to potential guests.

The majority of examples in this chapter so far have pertained to leisure travellers. There are, however, specialty organizations that deal specifically with business trips.

Spotlight On: Global Business Travel Association (GBTA) Canada

“GBTA Canada is the voice of the Canadian business travel industry. We believe in providing the business travel and meetings community with a global platform to serve as a resource library for their peers, to implement world-class Conferences, workshops and virtual meetings, and to foster an interactive network of innovation and support.” The GBTA state that their economic impact contributes $23.5 billion CAD in Canadian business travel (Economic Impact Study) and “$435+ billion CAD of business travel and meetings expenditures represented globally.” Visit the GBTA website .

Business Travel Planning and Reservations

Unlike leisure trips, which are generally planned and booked by end consumers using their choice of tools, business travel often involves a travel management company, or its online tools. Travel managers negotiate with suppliers and ensure that all the trip components are cost effective and comply with the policies of the organization.

Many business travel planners rely on global distribution systems (GDS) to price and plan components. GDS combine information from a group of suppliers, such as airlines. In the past, this has created a chain of information from the supplier to GDS to the travel management company. Today, however, there is a push from airlines (through the International Air Transport Association’s Resolution 787) to dissolve the GDS model and forge direct relationships with buyers (BTN Group, 2014).

Destination Management Companies

According to the Association of Destination Management Executives International (ADMEI), a destination management company (DMC) specializes in designing and implementing corporate programs, and “is a strategic partner to provide creative local experiences in event management, tours/activities, transportation, entertainment, and program logistics” (ADMEI, 2020). The packages produced by DMCs are extraordinary experiences rather than general business trips. These are typically used as employee incentives, corporate retreats, product launches, and loyalty programs. DMCs are the one point of contact for the client corporation, arranging for airfare, airport transfers, ground transportation, meals, special activities, and special touches such as branded signage, gifts, and decor (ADMEI, 2020). The end user is simply given (or awarded) the package and then liaises with the DMC to ensure particular arrangements meet his or her needs and schedule.

As you can see, travel services range from online to personal, and from leisure to business applications. Now that you have a general sense of the components of travel services, let’s look at some examples in Canada and BC.

Under NAICS, businesses and functions that assist with planning and reserving components of the visitor experience.

Other services that work to support the development of tourism and the delivery of guest experiences.

A business that provides a physical location for travel planning requirements.

An individual who helps the potential traveller with trip planning and booking services, often specializing in specific types of travel.

A trade organization established in 1977 to ensure high standards of customer service, engage in advocacy for the trade, conduct research, and facilitate travel agent training.

A service that allows the traveller to research, plan, and purchase travel without the assistance of a person, using the internet on sites such as or

An operator who packages suppliers together (hotel + activity) or specializes in one type of activity or product.

An operator who packages products together to bring visitors from external markets to a destination.

An operator who packages and sells travel products to people within a destination who want to travel abroad.

Someone who represents the products of tourism suppliers to tour operators in other markets in a business-to-business (B2B) relationship.

Also known as a destination management organization; includes national tourism boards, state/provincial tourism offices, and community convention and visitor bureaus.

Tours provided to overseas travel agents, travel agencies, RTOs, and others to provide information about a certain product at no or minimal cost to participants. The short form is pronounced like the start of the word "family" (not as each individual letter).

A company that creates and executes corporate travel and event packages designed for employee rewards or special retreats.

Introduction to Tourism and Hospitality in BC - 2nd Edition Copyright © 2015, 2020, 2021 by Morgan Westcott and Wendy Anderson, Eds is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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  • World's Best

The Top 15 Tour Operators in 2021

Scott Bay is a magazine editor specializing in travel, architecture, and gear. He was previously an assistant editor at Travel + Leisure . His work has also appeared in Wired , Architectural Digest , Wallpaper , Robb Report , Saveur , Daily Beast , and more.

Note: If you’re looking for our most recent recommendations, check out the 2023 list of our favorite tour operators .

This year's World's Best Awards survey was open for voting January 11 through May 10, 2021, as destinations around the world were lifting COVID-19 restrictions. Survey rules have always allowed readers to reflect on their travel experiences over a three-year period. We hope that this year's honorees will inspire your own travels as you get back out into the world.

Linking up with the right tour operator can take an amazing trip and turn it into a trip of a lifetime . This might seem like magic, but their in-the-know expertise and long-standing relationships open the doors for the seemingly impossible — a private Jeep safari with a professional tracking team in the depths of Torres del Paine or one-on-one cooking classes from a chef that runs a Michelin-starred restaurant in the south of France. And if any group has traversed the world enough to discern the best tour operators out there, it's the readers of Travel + Leisure .

Every year for our World's Best Awards survey, T+L asks readers to weigh in on travel experiences around the globe — to share their opinions on the top hotels, resorts, cities, islands, cruise ships, spas, airlines, and more. Hotels were rated on their facilities, location, service, food, and overall value. Properties were classified as city or resort based on their locations and amenities.

The companies that made the list have the skills and connections to create itineraries that reflect their clients' personal interests. No. 3 VBT Bicycling Vacations curates two-wheeled trips all over the globe . One reader said, "Their staff make all the difference." No. 2 Mountain Lodges of Peru puts together highly personalized trekking adventures to Machu Picchu. As another reader exclaimed, "This is the way to visit Machu Picchu!"

But at the top of the list is Quasar Expeditions. Though primarily known for its cruises (the company won the small-ship ocean cruises category this year), it also operates a roster of dynamic safari-style excursions in South America. Read on to find out what sets it apart and which other companies join it on this year's list of the best tour operators in the world.

1. Quasar Expeditions

Quasar Expeditions is for adventurers. The highly specialized itineraries are designed to make guests feel like they're James Cook or Charles Darwin. "Quasar Expeditions' guides are the ultimate, passionate gatekeepers to the Galápagos Islands," one reader said. "Their enthusiasm and love of the islands and the wildlife encourages you to share in their passion and desire to conserve the natural beauty and habitat of the area while still allowing low-impact tourism." Another raved, "Excellent isn't a high enough rating to describe our experience with Quasar Expeditions. Extraordinary in every way!" And while Quasar is best known for its Galápagos trips, it gets high marks for its Patagonia itineraries, which takes guests into the best parts of Chile's Torres del Paine and Argentina's Los Glaciares — two of South America's most spectacular national parks.

Score: 99.58 More information:

2. Mountain Lodges of Peru

Score: 98.93 More information:

3. VBT Bicycling Vacations

Score: 98.70 More information:

4. Classic Journeys

Score: 98.60 More information:

5. TCS World Travel

Score: 97.55 More information:

6. Black Tomato

Score: 97.25 More information:

7. Inside Japan Tours

Score: 96.84 More information:

Score: 96.72 More information:

9. Wilderness Travel

Score: 95.71 More information:

10. Trek Travel

Score: 95.71 More information:

11. Geographic Expeditions

Score: 95.70 More information:

12. Thomson Family Adventures

Score: 94.89 More information:

13. Greaves

Score: 94.74 More information:

14. DuVine Cycling + Adventure Co.

Score: 94.64 More information:

15. Odysseys Unlimited

Score: 94.39 More information:

See all of our readers' favorite hotels, cities, airlines, cruise lines, and more in the World's Best Awards for 2021 .

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Dear Owners,

On Feb. 17, 2021, our parent company was renamed Travel + Leisure Co. and made its debut as the world’s leading membership and leisure travel company, with a portfolio of nearly 20 resort, travel club, and lifestyle travel brands. A link to a press release with more details is available here .

As we shared in January when we announced the acquisition of the iconic Travel + Leisure brand, Travel + Leisure Co. will be supported by three branded business lines. Wyndham Destinations has become the umbrella brand for our vacation ownership clubs business line.

This transition to Travel + Leisure Co. as the parent company over Wyndham Destinations will not directly affect Club Wyndham or its products or club offerings. You will continue to enjoy your beautiful timeshare properties and exceptional benefits. This news does not impact any current contracts, and we do not anticipate any changes to our services. You may continue to leverage the award-winning Wyndham Rewards program, just as you always have.

We are excited about our future, and are proud to be a part of a thriving travel business that is committed to ongoing innovation, growth, and strategies that benefit our customers and stakeholders. As always, thank you for your continued loyalty and support. We look forward to helping you fulfill your vacation dreams.

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Geoff Richards Chief Operating Officer, Wyndham Destinations

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Discover new destinations with Travel

The travel industry is no stranger to disruption. And in the post-pandemic world, travel companies must continuously reinvent to outwit unforeseen circumstances, while providing cohesive, elevated experiences for customers.

of consumers plan to travel for leisure in the next 12 months

of travelers find their travel experiences unauthentic

of travel executives interviewed agree that technology plays a critical role in all current and future reinvention strategies

of travel companies state that legacy technology is the main barrier in delivering their reinvention strategy

How to reinvent travel

Offer more in your traveler experience, equip your people with the technology needed to compete in the new era of travel, bring together people and technology to transform your business.

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Define your pathway to sustainability

Build a post pandemic growth strategy that creates revenue streams fit for future growth, cultivate the skills needed to deliver world-class traveler experiences.

Give customers the seamless, end-to-end experience they’re craving, and solve their travel challenges, with automation, data and AI. Improve their retail interactions, customer service and loyalty programs — all while diversifying your revenue streams.

Inspire travelers to go big

Reclaim leisure demand through new sources of inspiration. Grow the corporate traveler segment by thinking holistically about the experience. Proactively capture demand signals and fuel lead generation and booking with an AI-powered growth engine.

Accelerate your business with retailing

Develop a retailing strategy with new offer and order capabilities. Offer differentiated products and seamless booking experience that surpass any third-party proposition.

Meet new traveler needs

Staying close to the travelers’ changing needs and expectations will allow you to anticipate and meet new demands and create relevant experiences and personalized customer service.

Improve your technology foundations

Focusing on new technologies such as cloud, data and AI will transform the way your company interacts with travelers and enable them to deliver a seamless end-to-end experience.

Shift your focus from legacy to transformative technology and deliver change faster

Embark on a transformation journey to modernize the technology landscape, bringing forth agility, innovation and resilience, underpinned by cloud.

Shorten the timeline from concept to launch

Accelerate innovation, from idea to execution, to bring travelers the products and experiences they want, faster than ever.

Break down siloes across your organization

Free your organization from legacy technologies and processes that don’t talk to each other, getting in the way of real-time collaboration and long-term growth.

Collaborate closer with ecosystem partners

The cloud and technology transformation can help you connect with airports, customs, online travel agencies and all your partners — seamlessly, in real time.

Transform your organizational culture

Build a future-focused, customer-centric organization that not only empowers employees with innovation — it becomes more attractive to new talent.

Redirect your budget to fuel business growth

Cloud-based tools and processes cut costs on IT infrastructure, allowing you to focus spending on innovation that drives recovery and business growth.

Deliver on your commitment to sustainability

By migrating to the cloud with a partner committed to sustainability, you can reduce carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency.

Employ cross-organizational data and insights to improve performance, lower costs and make faster decisions.

Lead with data to create an insight-rich organization

With intelligent operations, data is behind the strategies and approaches for complex commercial decisions, and it automates operational decision-making.

Increase your revenue

Optimize your fixed asset base by automating deployment analytics, augmenting revenue management, marketing and corporate sales processes.

Improve your operational efficiency

Identify opportunities for continuous improvement, so your assets and people can deliver exceptional experiences without adding cost or effort.

Build a future-ready culture

Support your people with consistent access to strategic insights — and become an efficient, flexible company that is focused on growth.

You’ll reap tangible benefits by prioritizing responsible practices, as customers, investors, employees and regulators expect companies to reduce their impact on the climate. But that’s not the only reason to act — it’s the right thing to do.

Grow your customer base

When 59% of people say they would switch to a sustainable travel provider, sustainability has clearly become a growth opportunity.

Reduce costs

Save money by implementing sustainable business operations, such as using fewer resources and building smarter supply chains.

Mitigate risks

As regulations become stricter and implemented at a faster pace, companies that put sustainability practices into place now minimize their exposure to risk.

Ensure access to funding

Investors are putting sustainability at the center of their decisions, so companies without clear sustainability plans risk losing access to capital.

Strengthen brand reputation

Positive sustainability actions result in positive brand reputation. Social media on this hot-button issue can build or destroy a company‘s reputation in minutes.

Increase workforce retention

Hiring and retaining employees in the travel industry is a challenge. Employees want to work for companies that protect the planet.

Segments we support

Tap into data-driven insights with industry expertise that drives growth and propels you ahead of the competition.

Discover new operational efficiencies for airlines and airports that streamline the traveler experience.

Boost revenue, improve operations, and optimize customer experience through digital transformation.

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Our leaders

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Liselotte de Maar

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Business Vs Leisure Travel: Knowing the Main Differences

Home » B2B » Business Vs Leisure Travel: Knowing the Main Differences

People travel for various reasons, like attending a family function, a job interview, a business meeting, seeking adventure, sightseeing, etc. We can broadly classify travelers into two groups. These are business travelers and leisure travelers. Tourist is a common term to describe people traveling for leisure. When comparing business vs leisure travel, one should know that the needs, objectives, and travel patterns of business and leisure travelers are radically different. Whether a leisure or business trip, the trip’s duration can range from less than 24 hours to a couple of months and everything in between. Leisure travel encompasses a broad spectrum of travel activities, including sports, entertainment, and recreation.

Who are leisure travelers?

Leisure travelers are people who travel for personal reasons such as vacations, marriages, etc. They can be divided into various groups such as family travelers, solo travelers, couples and more. The itinerary is highly flexible as individuals can take their own decisions without obligations of fulfilling a role.

Difference between business travel and leisure travel


There is a big difference between business vs leisure travel. The former is carried out with a clear purpose of performing business related activities while leisure travel is done for relaxation and fun. However, there are numerous other differences. We can understand the differences between business vs leisure travel using the following main travel parameters:

1. Purpose of travel

Business travel involves traveling from one’s hometown or headquarters to one or more destinations and staying in hotel accommodations while there to meet clients and other business contacts before returning. The business traveler has a specific purpose, like sales, networking, customer service, project work, training, or conference participation. The purpose of leisure travel is to visit tourist destinations for a vacation. It mainly focuses on recreation and sightseeing. Adventure tourism is also part of leisure travel. People plan leisure travel with family or friends to escape the monotonous routine.

2. Flexibility in time and location

Business travelers have relatively limited flexibility when choosing a hotel or destination for business travel. It is because they need to adhere to a rigid schedule of meetings, appointments, and trade events. Business travelers most often book accommodations near the city center and therefore have a limited choice of accommodations. As business meeting schedules depend upon the availability and convenience of clients, business trips are not flexible in terms of timing. There is no seasonality in business travel, as employees travel on business throughout the year.

Since leisure travel involves recreation, adventure, and entertainment, destinations differ from business travel. They usually head to tourist locations like beaches and resorts rather than cities. The ideal time to travel for leisure is on weekends or vacations. Travel for leisure offers greater flexibility in terms of travel times and accommodations, as tourists do not have to follow strict schedules.

3. Travel cost considerations

Cost considerations are common in business and leisure travel. However, business travel involves a focus on returns on travel expenses. It makes business travel less price sensitive. Companies may allow employees to book business travel with some flexibility for cost consideration in the interest of employee travel experience.

Several studies confirm over 6 out of 10 leisure travelers are price sensitive, as there is no monetary gain from their travel, unlike business travel. Many leisure travelers do not mind postponing their travel plans for better deals on transportation and accommodation. They look for affordable tour packages that include groups of tourists for better cost-effectiveness.

4. Connectivity requirements

Connectivity is crucial for business travel as it helps ensure seamless communications with the office, clients, and line managers. Easy access to high-speed internet is necessary to hold online meetings and access a company’s online ERP system for reporting. Business travelers spend more time away from their near ones and need connectivity to stay in touch. They prefer booking hotels offering round-the-clock access to quality Wi-Fi connectivity. Leisure travel focuses on getting away from the routine, so connectivity is not crucial. Leisure travelers need internet access to book travel and explore tourist destinations online. They may not pay extra to get Wi-Fi facilities in hotels.

5. Hotel amenities

Hotel amenities differ according to whether you are traveling on business or for leisure. Business travelers need essential amenities that support their work and comfort. A work desk, access to a mini meeting room, a fitness center, and plenty of food choices are some amenities a business traveler may need. The hotel room should have sufficient charging points as a business traveler uses several gadgets like a laptop, smartphone, power bank, iPad, and Bluetooth headphones that demand frequent charging.

Leisure travelers look for extras or package deals to improve their travel experience. For leisure travelers, entertainment and recreation facilities are essential. They prefer staying in hotels close to tourist destinations rather than city centers. Amenities for leisure travelers should support family entertainment and relaxation. Spas, swimming pools, good sightseeing places, markets, massage parlors, and pubs are more relevant for leisure travelers.

The travel industry represents the fifth largest industry sector that ranks first by the size of employment across all industry verticals. Business and leisure travel are two main categories that boost the growth of the global travel industry. One must consider the focus of travel to understand the principal differences between business vs leisure travel. Productivity is the focus of corporate travel . Travel managers strive to enhance the travel experience of employees to enhance productivity by booking convenient transportation and comfortable accommodation. Leisure travel focuses on relaxation, fun, entertainment, and recreation. Most leisure travelers opt for economical tour packages, that include travel and accommodation, besides other activities like sightseeing. Additionally, corporate travelers can use Paxes to book the best flights and hotels for their next trip.

Business Vs Leisure Travel FAQs

What is the main difference between business and leisure travel.

Business travel involves working, while leisure travel is purely for relaxation.

Which travel category combines business and leisure?

Bleisure travel is the blend of business and leisure travel.

What is the share of business travel in international travel?

Business travel accounts for 9 percent of international travel.

What are the main activities of leisure travel?

Sightseeing, relaxing, enjoying exotic destinations, eating at popular restaurants, swimming, and spending quality time with family or friends are a few leisure travel activities.

Who bears the cost of business travel?

Organizations pay for business travel for their employees or consultants. Entrepreneurs bear the expenses of their business travel.

What is business leisure travel called?

Business leisure travel is known as Bleisure Travel

What is an example of business travel?

A salesperson traveling to meet potential client for the business is an example of business travel.

What are the benefits of business travel?

Business travel helps in building relationships, conducting businesses, and creating awareness for the brand.

What is leisure in travel?

When individuals conduct travel for relaxations and enjoyment, it is called leisure travel.

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Pratyush is a traveling enthusiast who always looks for innovations in business travel management. He has 5 years of experience writing content on corporate travel management and working closely with expert business travel facilitators.

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Stock Analysis

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ASX Growth Leaders With High Insider Stakes July 2024

Reviewed by Simply Wall St


The Australian market has experienced a slight decline of 1.4% over the past week, yet it maintains a positive trajectory with a 6.5% increase over the last year and earnings expected to grow by 13% annually. In this context, growth companies with high insider ownership can be particularly compelling, as they often signal strong confidence from those closest to the company's operations and future prospects.

Top 10 Growth Companies With High Insider Ownership In Australia

Click here to see the full list of 89 stocks from our Fast Growing ASX Companies With High Insider Ownership screener.

Let's take a closer look at a couple of our picks from the screened companies.

Cettire (ASX:CTT)

Simply Wall St Growth Rating: ★★★★★★

Overview: Cettire Limited operates as an online retailer of luxury goods, serving customers in Australia, the United States, and other international markets, with a market capitalization of approximately A$557.93 million.

Operations: The company generates its revenue primarily through online retail sales, amounting to A$582.79 million.

Insider Ownership: 28.7%

Cettire, an Australian growth company with high insider ownership, has shown a highly volatile share price recently. Despite this, its earnings are expected to grow by 26.7% annually, outpacing the broader Australian market's forecast of 13%. Additionally, Cettire's revenue is projected to increase by 23.6% each year. The firm became profitable this year and is trading at a significant discount—71.3% below its estimated fair value—highlighting potential for investors despite past shareholder dilution and lack of recent insider trading activity.

  • Get an in-depth perspective on Cettire's performance by reading our analyst estimates report here.
  • Upon reviewing our latest valuation report, Cettire's share price might be too pessimistic.

ASX:CTT Earnings and Revenue Growth as at Jul 2024

Emerald Resources (ASX:EMR)

Simply Wall St Growth Rating: ★★★★★☆

Overview: Emerald Resources NL is a company focused on the exploration and development of mineral reserves in Cambodia and Australia, with a market capitalization of approximately A$2.35 billion.

Operations: The primary revenue segment for the company is derived from mine operations, totaling A$339.32 million.

Insider Ownership: 18.5%

Emerald Resources, positioned in the Australian market, exhibits a mixed growth trajectory with its revenue expected to increase by 18.6% annually, surpassing the market average of 5.2%. Although this is below the high-growth benchmark of 20%, its earnings projection is more robust at an annual growth rate of 23.2%, which is significantly higher than the market’s 13%. Despite past shareholder dilution, Emerald's Return on Equity (ROE) is anticipated to be strong at 20.7% in three years, underscoring potential resilience and profitability enhancements ahead.

  • Unlock comprehensive insights into our analysis of Emerald Resources stock in this growth report.
  • Insights from our recent valuation report point to the potential overvaluation of Emerald Resources shares in the market.

ASX:EMR Earnings and Revenue Growth as at Jul 2024

Flight Centre Travel Group (ASX:FLT)

Simply Wall St Growth Rating: ★★★★☆☆

Overview: Flight Centre Travel Group Limited operates as a travel retailer serving both leisure and corporate sectors across various regions including Australia, New Zealand, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, with a market capitalization of approximately A$4.54 billion.

Operations: Flight Centre Travel Group generates revenue primarily through its leisure and corporate travel services, totaling A$1.28 billion and A$1.06 billion respectively.

Insider Ownership: 13.3%

Flight Centre Travel Group, an Australian firm, has recently turned profitable and is set to outpace the market with its earnings forecasted to grow by 18.8% annually and revenue by 9.7% each year—higher than the Australian market's average of 5.2%. Despite these promising growth figures, its revenue increase doesn't meet the high-growth threshold of 20%. The company also trades at a value deemed 19.5% below its estimated fair value, suggesting potential undervaluation. No significant insider trading activity was reported in the past three months.

  • Dive into the specifics of Flight Centre Travel Group here with our thorough growth forecast report.
  • Our valuation report unveils the possibility Flight Centre Travel Group's shares may be trading at a discount.

ASX:FLT Earnings and Revenue Growth as at Jul 2024

  • Dive into all 89 of the Fast Growing ASX Companies With High Insider Ownership we have identified here.
  • Are you invested in these stocks already? Keep abreast of every twist and turn by setting up a portfolio with Simply Wall St , where we make it simple for investors like you to stay informed and proactive.
  • Maximize your investment potential with Simply Wall St, the comprehensive app that offers global market insights for free.

Curious About Other Options?

  • Explore high-performing small cap companies that haven't yet garnered significant analyst attention.
  • Diversify your portfolio with solid dividend payers offering reliable income streams to weather potential market turbulence.
  • Find companies with promising cash flow potential yet trading below their fair value .

This article by Simply Wall St is general in nature. We provide commentary based on historical data and analyst forecasts only using an unbiased methodology and our articles are not intended to be financial advice. It does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any stock, and does not take account of your objectives, or your financial situation. We aim to bring you long-term focused analysis driven by fundamental data. Note that our analysis may not factor in the latest price-sensitive company announcements or qualitative material. Simply Wall St has no position in any stocks mentioned.The analysis only considers stock directly held by insiders. It does not include indirectly owned stock through other vehicles such as corporate and/or trust entities. All forecast revenue and earnings growth rates quoted are in terms of annualised (per annum) growth rates over 1-3 years.

Valuation is complex, but we're helping make it simple.

Find out whether Cettire is potentially over or undervalued by checking out our comprehensive analysis, which includes fair value estimates, risks and warnings, dividends, insider transactions and financial health.

Have feedback on this article? Concerned about the content? Get in touch with us directly. Alternatively, email [email protected]


Engages in the online luxury goods retailing business in Australia, the United States, and internationally.

Exceptional growth potential with flawless balance sheet.

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Freedom Fest '24

  • Open to service members, retirees, DoD civilians, contractors and their families
  • Hours: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Monday-Friday
  • Contact by phone at (502) 624-5030.


Leisure Travel Services is the one-stop shop for all of your leisure travel needs. If you are looking for a weekend getaway, discounted tickets, discounted hotels, or a trip to far off lands—look no further. Our personalized services will provide you with tickets, tours and information.

Discounted Attraction Tickets

Fort Knox Leisure Travel Services offers discounted tickets to a variety of local, regional and national vacation destinations. Choose from a variety of attractions in Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, and Florida, including resorts like Walt Disney World, Universal Studios**, Busch Gardens and Sea World.

PLEASE NOTE: Many attractions have either resumed operations or are pending re-opening. It is up to our patrons to check on the status and hours of operation before purchasing tickets.

Walt Disney World Tickets

Fort Knox Leisure Travel Services has resumed the sale of Military Promotion Tickets for eligible service members as well as other non-Military discounted Walt Disney World tickets for all other eligible patrons. Certain restrictions apply for all tickets.

For more information or to buy tickets, please call (502) 624-5030.

Assumption of Risk Disclaimer

**In connection with your purchase of Universal Orlando products and your visit to Universal Orlando, including Universal Studios Florida, Universal's Islands of Adventure, Universal's Volcano Bay, Universal CityWalk and the Universal Orlando Resort hotels, please be advised that you must follow Universal Orlando's policies, CDC guidelines and the recommendations of health officials. Please note that any public location where people are present provides an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 and Universal Orlando cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed during your visit. By visiting Universal Orlando, you acknowledge and agree that you assume these inherent risks associated with attendance. When you enter Universal Orlando, you understand that you are subject to the Universal Orlando terms of service (including arbitration, class action waiver, assumption of risk and infectious disease release of liability) located at .

Ticket to more attractions and other destinations that are not listed above are available at the Leisure Travel Office. Please feel free to stop in or call for additional prices and information.

  • Atlanta, GA
  • Chicago, IL
  • Houston, TX
  • New York, NY
  • Seattle, WA
  • San Francisco, CA

iFly Indoor Skydiving

  • Arizona (Phoenix)
  • California (Hollywood/Los Angeles, Oceanside, Ontario, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Diego)
  • Colorado (Denver)
  • Florida (Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Tampa)
  • Georgia (Atlanta)
  • Illinois (Chicago: Naperville, Chicago: Rosemont, Chicago: Lincoln Park)
  • Kansas (Kansas City)
  • Maryland (Baltimore, Gaithersburg)
  • Minnesota (Minneapolis)
  • New Jersey (Paramus)
  • New York (Yonkers)
  • North Carolina (Charlotte, Concord)
  • Ohio (Cincinnati)
  • Oklahoma (Oklahoma City)
  • Oregon (Portland)
  • Pennsylvania 9King of Prussia)
  • Texas (Austin, Dallas, El Paso, Fort Worth, Houston: Memorial, Houston: Woodlands, San Antonio)
  • Virginia (Loudoun)
  • Washington (Seattle)

Medieval Times

  • Orlando, FL

Old Town Trolley

  • Nashville, TN


  • Myrtle Beach, SC

The following are just a few of the cruise lines, vendors and destinations available for you to book through Leisure Travel Services. For companies not listed, please call to inquire.

Tour Operators

  • AA Vacations
  • Amtrak Vacations
  • Blue Sky Tours
  • Collette Vacations
  • Delta/AM Vacations
  • Europe Express
  • FunJet Vacations
  • Globus/Cosmo Tours
  • Sandlas/Beaches
  • Southwest Vacations
  • United Vacations
  • Holland America
  • Royal Caribbean
  • Accor Hotels
  • Best Western
  • Choice Hotels (Comfort, Econo Lodge, Quality, ect.)
  • Hilton (Doubletree, Embassy, Hampton)
  • IHG (Holiday Inn, Crowne Plaza, Intercontinental)
  • LEGOLand (CA & FL)
  • Marriot (Courtyard, Gaylord, Renaissance)

Car Rentals


  • United States (All 50 states)
  • South America
  • Central America
  • Fiji/Bora-Bora
  • New Zealand
  • World Cruises

Discount Event Tickets

In addition to the list of discounted attraction tickets we offer, there are always special promotions offering discounted (or even free!) special event tickets to military members and their Families. These tickets may be available at the Leisure Travel office or through the attraction's own ticketing office. Please read the details of each offer for more information.

On occasion, special event ticket will be open for "pre-order." This gives you an opportunity to reserve tickets for you to purchase once ticket inventory becomes available. To pre-order tickets, follow these steps.

  • Call (502) 624-5030 with your name and best phone number (mobile preferred) to reach you. Make sure to recap your phone number with the representative who takes your information to ensure that your contact information is accurate.
  • Indicate the number of tickets you WILL commit to buying.
  • You will be advised if you are on a guarantee ticket list or wait list for tickets.
  • Tickets may arrive as early as four months or as late as one week prior to an event.
  • When the tickets arrive, you will be notified immediately to confirm your order.
  • Once tickets are paid for, they are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.

Location of seats for tickets to concerts are not available to us until we receive the tickets in our office. Those who pre-order tickets will be advised of the ticket locations when they are contacted to confirm their ticket purchase. It is extremely rare that the tickets come in less than a week of the concert. Unless it is within one week of the concert, you have a maximum of one week to pay for your tickets before they are released back for open sale.

Vacation Planning

Fort Knox Leisure Travel Services can help you book a vacation to almost any destination in the world! We will build a vacation plan for your family and point you in the right direction to find the most affordable way to travel. We can make hotel and rental car reservations for you, help you find air transportation and even book an amazing cruise getaway for you.

Whether strolling barefoot on the sands of Waikiki Beach, sightseeing historic European castles, shopping Seoul’s exciting shopping district or visiting the enchanting Walt Disney Resort, there is a vacation getaway that will leave you with fresh memories and new perspectives.

Armed Forces Recreation Center (AFRC) full-service resort hotels are Joint Service Facilities that provide quality, wholesome, affordable, Family-oriented vacation recreation opportunities to service members, their families, and other authorized patrons (including official travelers) of the Total Defense Force.

Dragon Hill Lodge

Nestled in the heart of Seoul, Korea, Dragon Hill Lodge is the gateway to Asia's mystical culture. Visit internationally acclaimed museums and art galleries, attend sporting events, or simply enjoy world-class shopping! Experience Asia in style.

Visit the Dragon Hill Lodge website

Edelweiss Lodge and Resort

Long revered as one of the most desirable destinations in the Bavarian Alps and Germany's premiere sports center, the Garmisch-Partenkirchen area is an idyllic location nestled at the foot of sweeping Alpine vistas and home to the Edelweiss Lodge and Resort.

Visit the Edelweiss Lodge and Resort website

Hale Koa Hotel

Whether you're strolling barefoot on the sand, sunbathing lazily on Waikiki Beach, or simply relaxing comfortably, you'll simply be dazzled by this Polynesian paradise. Come discover the spirit of Aloha.

Visit the Hale Koa Hotel website

Shades of Green

Go ahead. Pinch yourself. You're not dreaming. Experience the warm Florida sun, cascading waterfalls, lush tropical gardens, spectacular views, or a dip in the pool. Doesn't this sound like the total vacation to you?

Visit the Shades of Green website

Hotel reservations may be made through the Leisure Travel office. Our staff will assist you with finding competitive rates. Depending on location, specially negotiated discounted rates may be available to offer that may be better than a military discounted rate. Our travel team will search the best option available for your interested travel dates. To qualify for these special rates, reservations for these hotels must be made at the Leisure Travel office.

Whether you purchase an airline ticket, vacation package or cruise, it is highly recommended that you consider adding travel insurance to your vacation budget. Many of our vendors also offer the ability to add on plans which allow you to cancel your travel plans for any reason. Please make sure to discuss your options with us before finalizing your vacation. Get a quote from Travel Guard . When booking, enter VIVIAN/VKB as your agent's information during checkout.

  • 1053 Spearhead Division Ave Fort Knox, Kentucky 40121 United States
  • +1 (502)624-5030
  • Hours: Monday 9:00am-4:00pm Tuesday 9:00am-4:00pm Wednesday 9:00am-4:00pm Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm Friday 9:00am-4:00pm Saturday Closed Sunday Closed Holidays Closed
  • Hansen Center
  • Hours: Monday 9:00am-4:00pm Tuesday 9:00am-4:00pm Wednesday 9:00am-4:00pm Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm Friday 9:00am-4:00pm Saturday Closed Sunday Closed

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  • Travel Offices

The Leisure Travel Office (LTO) is your first stop when planning your next vacation or getaway. Army MWR Travel offices offer a full range of vacation travel services and can help book your reservations and rentals, including condominiums, hotels, cruises, automobiles and tours. We also have exclusive discounts on attraction tickets that you won’t find anywhere else. To learn more about how we can help you maximize your vacation time, contact your nearest Army Leisure Office. You can also get help from these  Navy  or  Marine Corps  offices.


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Service update: WestJet works to restore full operations following labour disruption

leisure travel services and operations

Status of operations – as of Wednesday, July 3, 2024

WestJet’s operations have stabilized, with the airline projecting minimal future cancellations in relation to the labour events impacting July long weekend.  

Guests with imminent travel plans are advised to check the status of their flight prior to leaving for the airport. Please visit WestJet’s Guest Updates page for more information regarding flight status, travel changes and more. 

Total cancellation summary as of July 3, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. MT

Due to the labour strike and related disruption to WestJet’s operations that began Friday, June 28, teams across WestJet are working diligently to support all impacted guests as we rebuild to normal operations. Unfortunately, as July long weekend is a peak travel period across Canada, limited availability exists both within our network and through alternative carriers, making options for reaccommodation extremely challenging.  

In compliance with the Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR), in the event reaccommodation with WestJet or an alternative airline isn’t available within 48 hours of a guest's scheduled departure, guests are entitled to request a refund to their original form of payment.  

For more information regarding the Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR), guests are encouraged to visit the Canadian Transportation Agency’s website . 

Status of operations – as of Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Since Sunday, June 30 at 10:30 p.m. WestJet has taken significant strides to resume normal operations. As of today, 125 of WestJet's 180 fleet are now active across the airline’s network.

Total cancellation summary as of July 2, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. MT

Guest impact

More than 100,000 guests impacted

Due to the labour strike and related mass disruption to WestJet’s operation beginning Friday, June 28, teams across WestJet are working diligently to support all impacted guests as we rebuild to normal operations. Unfortunately, as July long weekend is a peak travel period across Canada, limited availability exists both within our network and through alternative carriers, making options for reaccommodation extremely challenging. 

In compliance with the Air Passenger Protection Regulations (APPR), in the event reaccommodation with WestJet or an alternative airline isn’t available within 48 hours of a guest's scheduled departure, guests are entitled to request a refund to their original form of payment.

Guests with imminent travel plans are advised to check the status of their flight prior to leaving for the airport. Please visit WestJet’s Guest Updates page for more information regarding flight status, travel changes and more.

Status of operations – as of Monday, July 1, 2024 – 11:00 a.m. MT

As of 12:00 a.m. this morning, WestJet began to ramp up its operations, as quickly and efficiently as possible; however, the full resumption of operations will take time and further cancellations will be required over the coming days. 

“We are grateful to be recovering our operation; however, we fully recognize the continued impact on our guests and sincerely appreciate their patience and understanding,” said Diederik Pen, President of WestJet Airlines and Group Chief Operating Officer. “Across our airline, our teams are working around the clock to safely bring the 130 aircraft parked across Canada back to the skies, as efficiently as possible.”

As a result of the active labour disruption that began on June 28 and concluded on Sunday, June 30, WestJet parked 130 of its 180 aircraft. While labour action has concluded, its impact will continue for additional days, as WestJet works to recover in the following areas: 

WestJet aircraft are parked at 13 airports across Canada, eight of which do not have crew bases, meaning crew need to be transported to the aircraft for retrieval

As a result of the disruption, work to recover stranded crew across our network will be an immediate priority  

Aircraft that were parked ceased operating on schedule and will require standard maintenance and safety checks before returning to service

On average,1,600 crew members are required to execute WestJet’s operation each day. As a result of the disruption, many operationally sensitive WestJetters were disrupted, taking them out of position to continue operating their assigned schedule

Total cancellation summary as of July 1, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. MT

Guests with imminent travel plans are advised to check the  status of their flight  prior to leaving for the airport. Please visit WestJet’s  Guest Updates page  for more information regarding flight status, travel changes and more.

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WestJet continues to monitor the situation closely and will make operational changes in the name of safety as necessary.

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  • Alligator Lake Recreation Park, RV Park, & Rental Center
  • Leisure Travel Services
  • Warrior Hills Golf Course
  • Wheelock Fitness Center
  • Cantrell Fitness Center
  • Recreational Shooting Range
  • Klubs & Karts



Story Time at Allen Memorial Library


Monthly Bass Tournament

leisure travel services and operations

Leisure Travel Services (LTS) is the one-stop shop for all of your leisure travel needs. We provide a range of travel services to active duty and retired military personnel, DoD civilians and their family members, and other members of the military community.  If you are looking for a weekend getaway, discounted tickets, discounted hotels, or a trip to far off lands—look no further. Our personalized services will provide you with tickets, tours and information on various attractions and points of interests in the surrounding area and major travel destinations.

American Forces Travel

An MWR joint service initiative has resulted in the first official DoD online vacation travel site, American Forces Travel℠, with Priceline Partner Network® as the service provider. The site offers travel deals and benefits exclusively for military members and authorized patrons! American Forces Travel℠ provides access to a wide selection of discounted rates on hotels, airfare, rental cars, vacation packages, cruises, and much more! Log onto  and plan your dream vacation!

Please note: Prices are subject to change without notice.

Visit our office for the most accurate information. All sales are final with no refunds or exchanges.

* All applicants must be Active Duty, Military Retired, Reservist, 100% Disabled OR a current Spouse of any one of the above . It is a federal offense (818 USC SEC. 1343) to wrongfully obtain government services/privileges under false pretense, which is punishable by fines and imprisonment for up to 20 years. 

*The appearance of hyperlinks does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Army of non-U.S. Government sites or the information, products, or services contained therein.  Although the U.S. Army may or may not use these sites as additional distribution channels for Department of Defense information, it does not exercise editorial control over all of the information that you may find at these locations. Such hyperlinks are provided consistent with the stated purpose of this website.

Prices valid 10/24/23 - 12/17/24

  • 4 Day Park Hopper $ 369
  • 4 Day Park Hopper Plus $399
  • 5 Day Hopper $389
  • 5 Day Hopper Plus $419
  • 6 Day Hopper $409
  • 6 Day Hopper Plus $439

Mail Order Ticket Form

Can't make it into LTS to get your Disney Military Salute or Universal Orlando Military Freedom Pass tickets? Get your tickets shipped directly to you! Start by downloading the form below (instructions included in the form).

Download the Mail Order Ticket Form  (.pdf)

Disney Theatrical Sales | Broadway Group Tickets | Military

2024 WDW Military Room Offers :

  • WDW has announced 2024 Military room discounts with the same eligibility as Salutes.
  • Military WDW room discounts are bookable by Bases who book travel, by Travel Agencies, and by Guests directly and only by calling the Disney Res Center.
  • Information on the 2024 WDW Military Room Offers has been added to the consumer site: U.S. Military Hotel Rates 2024 | Walt Disney World Resort (
  • An email-able WDW room discount flyer will be coming soon
  • See  flyer  for more details. 

Prices valid 1/1/22 - 12/15/23

Download the Mail Order Ticket Form


Assumption of Risk Disclaimer:

In connection with your purchase of Universal Orlando products and your visit to Universal Orlando, including Universal Studios Florida, Universal’s Islands of Adventure, Universal’s Volcano Bay, Universal CityWalk, and the Universal Orlando Resort hotels, please be advised that you must follow Universal Orlando’s policies, CDC guidelines and the recommendations of health officials. Please note that any public location where people are present provides an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 and Universal Orlando cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed during your visit. By visiting Universal Orlando, you acknowledge and agree that you assume these inherent risks associated with attendance. When you enter Universal Orlando, you understand that you are subject to the Universal Orlando terms of service (including arbitration, class action waiver, assumption of risk, and infectious disease release of liability) located at

Visit  Waves of Honor - Honoring our Bravest  for information on military offers and discounts.

For a limited Time First Responders and Military go FREE at our LEGOLAND Florida and New York parks for a regional promotion.   (NOT LEGOLAND California)

This is a limited time promotion that will end on November 30 th   2023.  The FREE ticket must be redeemed online and not in person at the park.  Must be redeem through this online site in which their ID will be verified:

Ticket OFFER:

FREE ADMISSION 1 day to LEGOLAND Florida Theme Park or LEGOLAND New York Theme Park

50% off for up to six guests visiting with the service member.

Valid Oct 24 – Nov 30

Confirmed through IDme

Links for Offers:

Landing page for the offers

Florida offer page

NY offer page

  • 7090 Alabama Ave Fort Johnson, Louisiana 71459 United States
  • +1 (337) 531-2728
  • Hours: Monday Closed Tuesday Closed Wednesday 10:00am-4:00pm Thursday 10:00am-4:00pm Friday 10:00am-4:00pm Saturday 10:00am-4:00pm Sunday Closed

More Recreation


A vibrant and dynamic event where the latest and most innovative automotive designs, technologies, and trends are showcased.


Independence Day Spectacular

Join us in celebrating the 4th of July with a BANG! The Independence Day Spectacular will be held on July 6th at Headquarters Field. Stay tuned for more details to come!


Air Hockey Tournament

Face off against your friends in an epic showdown on July 11th at 6 pm!


Cookie Decorating

Come to playtown and decorate some delicious cookies!


Board Game Night

Get Your Game On!


Monthly Fishing Tournament

Test your fishing skills at our monthly fishing tournaments at Marion Bonner Lake, every last Saturday of the month!


Army 10 Miler Qualifier #2

Active Duty will run 10 miles, timed, in chance of qualifying for the official Army 10 Miler.


Scotch Doubles

Competitive bowling game in which two players work together to complete a frame!


Climb to Remember

18+ Patrons will be encouraged to use the stair stepper, Jacobs ladder, or treadmill on full incline, for as long as they can in full rucking gear to symbolize the firemen climbing the stairs of the twin towers on 9/11.

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For more information about protecting your privacy and personal information, click here.  

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  • Eligible Patrons
  • Partner with Us
  • Army Community Service (ACS)
  • Civilian Employment Assignment Tool (CEAT)
  • Parent Central Services & Registration
  • Stewart Childcare
  • Health & Fitness
  • Adult Sports
  • Warrior Adventure Quest
  • SFRGs Golf Scrambles
  • Fundraising, Solicitation, Private Organizations
  • Community Events
  • Entertainment
  • Holbrook Campground

Leisure Travel Services (FS/HAAF)

  • Lotts Island Campground & Marina (HAAF)
  • Stewart Fitness
  • Marne Bowling Center
  • Corkan Recreation Area
  • Low Country Adventure Center (FS/HAAF)
  • Hunter Golf Course



Volleyball Sports Clinics (FS)


Story Time at Hays Library


Zumba Fitness & Movement


Marne Independence Day Celebration - HAAF

Let lts help you create your own adventure & make memories today .

Leisure Travel Services on Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield allows you to book hotel-attraction reservations via military voucher program. You can even buy discounted theme-park tickets or book a cruise for a great deal!

Best thing is, we have an office on each installation to better serve your needs. Information and ticket information below. 

All ticket sales are final. No exchanges or refunds permitted. 


Fort Stewart Leisure Travel Services is located next to the Commissary.


Fort Stewart Leisure Travel Services


HAAF Leisure Travel Services is located inside Hunter Club.


HAAF Leisure Travel Services


Click here to view a complete list of tickets that Leisure Travel Services offers or contact Leisure Travel.

Leisure Travel Services offers tickets to multiple attractions in many states including Disney and Universal Studios, as well as attractions in:

  • South Carolina
  • North Carolina

...and more! Visit Leisure Travel Services at Fort Stewart or Hunter to book your next trip!

leisure travel services and operations

2025 Wild Adventure Cruise

Sail with Royal Caribbean Cruise Line on  Anthem of the Seas   for a trip to Alaska!

Cruise Line:  Royal Caribbean

  • September 5-12, 2025

Departing:  Seattle, WA 


  • Sitka, Alaska
  • Skagway, Alaska
  • Juneau, Alaska
  • Victoria, British Columbia
  • Ship Name:  Anthem of the Seas

Cost (starting cruise rate; per person):

  • Inside Cabin:  $895.34 per person
  • Balcony Cabin:  $1668.34 per person

Please note: Cabin rates include taxes and fees. Gratuities and/or travel insurance is not included in pricing. Travel documents are required to sail. Passports are needed for Canada port. Pricing does not include flights. 

  • First deposit of $250 due May 1, 2025
  • Final payment due June 2, 2025

leisure travel services and operations

2025 Wonder Away Cruise

Sail with Royal Caribbean Cruise Line on Wonder of the Seas   for a trip to St Maarten, St Thomas, and more!

  • March 2 - 9, 2025

Departing:  Port Canaveral, FL

  • Philipsburg, St. Maarten
  • Charlotte Amalie, St Thomas
  • Perfect Day at CocoCay, Bahamas
  • Ship Name:  Wonder of the Seas
  • Interior:  $1,299 per person
  • Balcony Cabin:  $3,081 per person

Please note: Cabin rates include taxes and feeds. Gratuities and/or travel insurance is not included in pricing. Travel documents are required to sail.

  • First deposit of $250 due November 1, 2024
  • Final payment due December 2, 2024

Disney Military Salute 2024

You can purchase a total of 6 tickets per active duty, retiree personnel (including active and retired members of the United States Coast Guard, National Guard & Reservists) or their spouses.

Tickets DO NOT have to be used consecutively.

Tickets must be used by December 20, 2024

Active/Retired/100% Disabled Veterans (with qualifying ID) Military ID is required at the gate for admission

Ticket sales end 12/20/2024

Black Out Dates: 

  • March 24, 2024 -April 6, 2024
  • November 24,2024-November 30, 2024

The following prices apply for ages 3  and up:

Disney 4 Day Park Hopper Ticket:  $365.00   per person .

Disney 4 Day Park Hopper Ticket with Water Park & Fun:  $395.00 per person

Disney 5 Day Park Hopper Ticket:  $385.00 per person

Disney 5 Day Park Hopper Ticket with Water Park & Fun:  $415.00 per person 

Disney 6 Day Park Hopper Ticket: $400.00 per person  

Disney 6 Day Hopper Ticket with Water Park & Fun: $435.00 per person 

Hopper Access to:  Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Epcot, Hollywood Studios

Water Park & Fun access to : Blizzard Beach, Typhoon Lagoon, ESPN’s Wide World of Sports Complex, NBA Experience, 3 Miniature Golf Courses.

Parking is not included. 

Beginning January 9, 2024, theme park reservations will no longer be required for date-based tickets . For other admission types, theme park reservations may be required. It is the guest's responsibility to check availability. Please check the availability calendar for Disney Theme Parks on the My Disney Experience app. 

leisure travel services and operations

Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure

2024 military freedom pass:.

2024 Freedom Pass tickets are now available for purchase through December 20, 2024! 

  • Eligible Active Duty, Retired, 100% Disabled, and DOD Civilians must present valid US military or DOD ID photo identification to purchase Universal Orlando Military Promotional Tickets.

​​​​​​ 2024 Prices: 

2-park freedom pass (park-to-park pass).

$210.00 (adult)

$205.00 (child) 

  • Tickets allow admission to both Universal Studios Florida and Islands of Adventures theme parks on the same day for any/all dates between November 16, 2023 - December 20, 2024. Ticket expires in full December 20, 2024. 

Blackout Dates: 

December 25, 2023 through, and including, January 2, 2024 

3-Park Freedom Pass (Park-to-Park Pass)

  • $245.00 (adult) 
  • $240.00 (child)
  • Admission to Universal Studios Florida, Islands of Adventure, and Volcano Bay theme parks on the same day for any dates between November 16, 2023 - December 20, 2024. Ticket expires in full December 20, 2024.

December 25, 2023 through, and including, January 2, 2024.

Important Information: 

The following guidelines must  be followed to exchange the promotion tickets after purchase: 

  • The eligible purchaser must present their valid US military or DOD photo ID to conduct the ticket exchange for their entire party at the Universal Orlando Theme Park front gate ticket window or Guest Services windows. They can also present their ID for ticket exchange at a "Destination Universal" Vacation Planning Desk within the Universal Orlando Resorts Hotels and/or at a Universal Partner Hotel. 
  • Each eligible purchaser with a valid US Military or DOD photo ID can exchange a maximum of six (6)  2024 Military Freedom Pass promotional tickets at the front gate ticket window, Guest Services window, or at a "Destination Universal" Vacation Planning Desk within the Universal Orlando Resorts Hotels and/or at a Universal Partner Hotel.
  • One of the six tickets must be purchased by the eligible purchaser. For Active Duty personnel, spouses can make the purchase in lieu of the Service Member.  
  • Each Universal Orlando Military Promotional ticket must be used by the same person on any and all days during the promotional period. Tickets are non-transferrable and non-refundable . 
  • 2024 Military Freedom pass tickets are available for purchase at authorized Military Ticket & Travel offices only . These military promotional offers are not available at the Universal Orlando Front Gate or 

Who Qualifies as Eligible? 

Eligible Service Members are defined as Active or Retired members of all branches of the U.S. military, including the National Guard, Reservists, and the U.S. Coast Guard and/or their spouses. Additionally, 100% Disabled Veterans and Department of Defense civilian personnel also qualify if they are able to present a valid and active U.S. military ID.

Non-Eligible Categories: 

Contractors, Foreign Affiliates, any Veteran that is not retired or 100% disabled, NOAA, US Public Health Services, Department of Homeland Security, Divorced Spouses, Child Dependents, or any other Military Consumer that is not listed as "eligible". 

Comfort Inn, Comfort Suites, Quality Inn, Sleep Inn, Clarion, Main Stay Suites, EconoLodge, Rodeway Inn, Ascend Hotel Collection

Choice is one of the largest and most successful lodging companies in the world. 15% off discount of the best available rate when you book through the online Choice Hotels booking engine.

  • Go to
  • Enter city, check in, check out and number of guests.
  • From the Select Rate drop down menu, choose Special Rate/Corp ID*.
  • Type code 00444060 in the box. Click apply. Fort Stewart GA Click on confirm.

Choice currently franchises more than 6,200 hotels, representing more than 500,000 rooms, in more than 30 countries and territories. Ranging from limited service to full service hotels in the economy, mid-scale and upscale segments, Choice-branded properties provide business and leisure travelers with a range of high-quality, high-value lodging options throughout the United States and internationally.

*Prices and ticketing are subject to change without notice.

Looking for discounts on hotels, flights, cars, packages, event tickets and cruises?

COVID-19 UPDATE - 25 March

If you've purchased your flight tickets through American Armed Forces Travel please use the link below to cancel flights. This will help avoid long customer wait times when calling. It is advised to use Edge and Chrome as Explorer does not work. ellation-request-form/generic/ ?plf=HBC5WK

American Armed Forces Travel is the new Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) program offering eligible patrons access to leisure travel online powered by Priceline and other travel industry leaders. This is the only official U.S. Joint Services' MWR online vacation travel site offering exclusive travel deals and benefits just for the military and government community. American Forces Travel provides access to a wide selection of member-exclusive rates on hotel rooms, flights, cruises, rental cars, vacation packages, event tickets and more.

Waves of Honor Proudly Supporting America's Bravest

Waves of Honor  permits any U.S. active duty military, activated or drilling reservist, or National Guardsman to one complimentary admission per year to either SeaWorld®, Busch Gardens® or Sesame Place® for military personnel and as many as three direct dependents. Service members and their direct dependents must have a valid active military ID in order to participate. Inactive, standby and retired reserve members, military retirees, U.S. Merchant Marine and civilian Department of Defense workers are ineligible for the program.

*SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment reserves the right to terminate the program.

Sea World Discovery Cove Tickets

In and out of water, create a hands-on experience with unique animals. Not just another day, another world! 

  • Adult and child (ages 3 and above) Dolphin Swim only - $233.00 per person
  • Ultimate Dolphin Swim (includes food) - $259.00 per person 

leisure travel services and operations

Great memories with family & friends are not far away. Let LTS help you get things started with great introductory rates on Dollywood!

Dollywood is more than just a world-class theme park. It’s the complete getaway for families looking to disconnect from the world’s distractions and reconnect with each other while nestled in the beautiful Great Smoky Mountains. Dollywood’s properties provide ample opportunity to overwrite life’s daily stresses with new family memories.

  • Adult tickets starting at $65.00
  • Child tickets starting at $58.00

Who can use your services? We work with all Services-Active Duty, Retirees, Reserves, Guard and DOD Civilians and Contractors.

Do you book airfare? We are not an airline ticketing agency. However, Web Sites such as Travelocity, or Expedia. have taken that business to a new level.

Do you have packages? Leisure Travel Services Does not offer "Pre-Made" Packages as seen on the internet or TV. We customize packages to suit your individual needs and wants. Just let us know where and when you want to go and we will be happy to “build” you a package.

What forms of payment do you accept? We take cash, Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. Sorry we do not accept the AAFES Star Card or checks. 

What do you have for "FREE"? Leisure Travel Services does from time to time offer complimentary tickets for Military Appreciation to various events. These complimentary tickets are handled as per Standard Operating Procedures for Distribution of Complimentary Tickets.  Please keep in mind, the “FREE” tickets are not given to Leisure Travel Services.  They are gifts to Ft. Stewart/HAAF.  Leisure Travel Services is only the venue used to distribute the tickets. 

Do you sell concert tickets, Professional Sporting Event tickets or event tickets? We do not carry the Jacksonville Jaguar NFL tickets. We may be able to get special military discounts for a few events; however most concerts and shows will only be available through the venue or Ticketmaster. Please check with us for any possible discounts..

Why don't you put out event information sooner? With some of the Military Appreciation tickets we get, we are not notified until as little as 1 or 2 days prior to the event. We do our best to get information out as quickly as possible so everyone has an equal chance at picking the “FREE” tickets up.

Do you book packages for Units, FRG's or other groups? We are glad to work with your Unit. FRG, or any other groups for day trips, Bus charters, Attraction tickets or packages. We will work hard to get you a great deal.

Why can we sometimes get a better rate if we deal with the vendor directly rather than going through Leisure Travel Services? If you are here for the soldier why are we, at times, charged more? Leisure Travel Services strives to offer our Military community the best pricing possible. It is true some vendors may have a "better deal" at different times of the year, however we encourage our clients to research all components of the package and all policies involved. We are here in person to answer any questions regarding your booking and handle any issues that may come up. We try to let our clients know how to get the best rate for them.

Do you book “All Inclusive Resorts” and Cruises? Yes. We book Sandals and Beaches Resorts and all Major Cruise Lines.  We can also book Walt Disney World and Universal Orlando Resorts packages with food included.

Are Rental Car Services offered? No. But you will find Rental Agencies in Hinesville and Savannah.

Is my purchasing through the Leisure Travel Services Office really better for the military family? Purchasing through the leisure Travel Services Office ensures you have someone working to get you the best rate and all components of your purchases are accurate. Also all income from packages, tickets, etc. is returned to support your MWR Activities here at Fort Stewart/HAAF. Fun Runs, Movies under the Stars, Holiday Hayride etc. are all part of the MWR Events put on throughout the year for Military Families to enjoy.

  • Leisure Travel Services - HAAF
  • 135 Duncan Dr. Savannah 31405 United States
  • +1 (912)315-3674
  • Hours: Monday 9:00am-4:00pm Tuesday Closed Wednesday Closed Thursday 9:00am-4:00pm Friday 9:00am-4:00pm Saturday Closed Sunday Closed Federal Holidays Closed
  • Leisure Travel Services - FS
  • 112 Vilseck Rd. BLDG 419 United States
  • +1 (912)767-2841
  • Hours: Monday 9:30am-5:00pm Tuesday 9:30am-5:00pm Wednesday 9:30am-5:00pm Thursday 9:30am-5:00pm Friday 9:30am-5:00pm Saturday Closed Sunday Closed Federal Holidays Closed

American Forces Travel

American Forces Travel – Visit Las Vegas during the Summer Months and Save!


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Leisureblox - Travel Technology

Your Brand. Turnkey. Travel.

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Member Benefit

Provide your members closed-user group discounts on travel experiences

leisure travel services and operations

Reward Employees

Offer discount travel portals or payroll deduction purchase options for travel

leisure travel services and operations

Grow Customers

Extend your customer relationships and create new revenue streams with travel

We design and service branded or co-branded leisure, travel platforms for your consumer, member or employee end-users.

Partners and Affiliations

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Image: Bigstock

Travel Leisure Co. (TNL) Upgraded to Buy: What Does It Mean for the Stock?

Travel + Leisure Co. ( TNL Quick Quote TNL - Free Report ) appears an attractive pick, as it has been recently upgraded to a Zacks Rank #2 (Buy). This rating change essentially reflects an upward trend in earnings estimates -- one of the most powerful forces impacting stock prices.

The Zacks rating relies solely on a company's changing earnings picture. It tracks EPS estimates for the current and following years from the sell-side analysts covering the stock through a consensus measure -- the Zacks Consensus Estimate.

Since a changing earnings picture is a powerful factor influencing near-term stock price movements, the Zacks rating system is very useful for individual investors. They may find it difficult to make decisions based on rating upgrades by Wall Street analysts, as these are mostly driven by subjective factors that are hard to see and measure in real time.

As such, the Zacks rating upgrade for Travel Leisure Co. is essentially a positive comment on its earnings outlook that could have a favorable impact on its stock price.

Most Powerful Force Impacting Stock Prices

The change in a company's future earnings potential, as reflected in earnings estimate revisions, and the near-term price movement of its stock are proven to be strongly correlated. The influence of institutional investors has a partial contribution to this relationship, as these big professionals use earnings and earnings estimates to calculate the fair value of a company's shares. An increase or decrease in earnings estimates in their valuation models simply results in higher or lower fair value for a stock, and institutional investors typically buy or sell it. Their bulk investment action then leads to price movement for the stock.

For Travel Leisure Co. rising earnings estimates and the consequent rating upgrade fundamentally mean an improvement in the company's underlying business. And investors' appreciation of this improving business trend should push the stock higher.

Harnessing the Power of Earnings Estimate Revisions

As empirical research shows a strong correlation between trends in earnings estimate revisions and near-term stock movements, tracking such revisions for making an investment decision could be truly rewarding. Here is where the tried-and-tested Zacks Rank stock-rating system plays an important role, as it effectively harnesses the power of earnings estimate revisions.

The Zacks Rank stock-rating system, which uses four factors related to earnings estimates to classify stocks into five groups, ranging from Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) to Zacks Rank #5 (Strong Sell), has an impressive externally-audited track record, with Zacks Rank #1 stocks generating an average annual return of +25% since 1988. You can see the complete list of today's Zacks #1 Rank (Strong Buy) stocks here >>>> .

Earnings Estimate Revisions for Travel Leisure Co.

For the fiscal year ending December 2024, this company is expected to earn $5.53 per share, which is a change of -3% from the year-ago reported number.

Analysts have been steadily raising their estimates for Travel Leisure Co. Over the past three months, the Zacks Consensus Estimate for the company has increased 2.5%.

Bottom Line

Unlike the overly optimistic Wall Street analysts whose rating systems tend to be weighted toward favorable recommendations, the Zacks rating system maintains an equal proportion of 'buy' and 'sell' ratings for its entire universe of more than 4000 stocks at any point in time. Irrespective of market conditions, only the top 5% of the Zacks-covered stocks get a 'Strong Buy' rating and the next 15% get a 'Buy' rating. So, the placement of a stock in the top 20% of the Zacks-covered stocks indicates its superior earnings estimate revision feature, making it a solid candidate for producing market-beating returns in the near term.

You can learn more about the Zacks Rank here >>>

The upgrade of Travel Leisure Co. to a Zacks Rank #2 positions it in the top 20% of the Zacks-covered stocks in terms of estimate revisions, implying that the stock might move higher in the near term.

See More Zacks Research for These Tickers

Normally $25 each - click below to receive one report free:.

Travel + Leisure Co. (TNL) - free report >>

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  • Leisure Travel Services (LTS)

leisure travel services and operations

Leisure Travel Services is located in the Community Activity Center.

Leisure Travel Services (LTS) is the one-stop shop for all of your leisure travel needs. If you are looking for a weekend getaway, discounted tickets, discounted hotels, or a trip to far-off lands—look no further. Our personalized services will provide you with tickets, tours and information.  The LTS office offers tickets to amusement parks, movie theaters, and attractions across the United States.  LTS is an authorized reseller of Universal Orlando and Walt Disney Military Salute Promotional tickets, for both Florida and California locations.  Military discounted rates are available to Active Duty, Retirees, DoD Civilians, Reservists and Family Members with a military ID card. LTS tickets are subject to availability and price changes as dictated by the conditions of each tickets individual contracts.

Most Popular Attraction and Amusement Park Tickets!

Before hitting the area’s theme parks or planning your next vacation, stop by the Leisure Travel Service office at the Joint Base Myer Henderson Hall (JBMHH) Community Activity Center for discounted tickets and hotels. 

Attractions and Amusement Park Ticket List  (PDF) *Please check expiration dates prior to purchase.  

Note:  Prior to purchasing tickets through the JBMHH LTS office, please go online and thoroughly read through the information for the park you are visiting. Each attraction has posted health/safety protocol, guidelines and information on their own website, including the most up-to-date operating hours. Please be advised: Most attractions require advance reservations prior to your visit. 

No refunds or exchanges after purchase.  

Walt Disney World Military Salute Promotional Tickets 2024  (PDF)

Disney Military Promotional Ticket   Important Information  (PDF)

*Ticket price is per person for anyone three (3) years and older. Disney Military Promotional Ticket Important Information (PDF)

*Note:  Eligibility for the 2024 Military Salute Tickets is Active or Retired members of the U.S. Military, including the National Guard, Reservists and the U.S Coast Guard, the Commissioned Corps of the Public Health Service (PHS) and the Commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

JBMHH Leisure Travel Services has transitioned to Disney’s new ticket system and patrons no longer have to wait to receive Military Salute Vouchers or Magic Your Way Tickets.    To purchase tickets, please visit our office or  email  us to begin the electronic order process.  Please note: Electronic orders can take 1 - 2 business days to be processed.  Once your order has been processed, tickets can be picked up in-office or shipped for an additional fee of $14 for 2 - 3 day shipping or $21 for overnight.  We appreciate your business and look forward to serving your travel needs! 

Information on Walt Disney World’s  Operating Procedure

Walt Disney: Magic Your Way Pricing  (PDF)  JBMHH Leisure Travel Services has transitioned to Disney’s new ticket system and patrons no longer have to wait to receive Military Salute Vouchers or Magic Your Way Tickets.    To purchase tickets, please visit our office. Please note: Electronic orders can take 1 - 2 business days to be processed.  Once your order has been processed, tickets can be picked up in-office or shipped for an additional fee of $14 for 2 - 3 day shipping or $21 for overnight.  We appreciate your business and look forward to serving your travel needs! 

2024 Universal Orlando Military Freedom Pass  (PDF)

Eligibility : Active or Retired U.S. Military, National Guard, Reservists and U.S. Coast Guard who possess a valid military photo ID qualify to purchase these tickets. Spouses of Eligible Service Members and DoD civilians also qualify with valid and active U.S. Military ID or DoD CAC card. 100% disabled also qualify.

Universal Orlando Attractions and MWR ticket prices  (PDF)

Assumption of Risk Disclaimer

In connection with your purchase of Universal Orlando products and your visit to Universal Orlando, including Universal Studios Florida, Universal’s Islands of Adventure, Universal’s Volcano Bay, Universal CityWalk, and the Universal Orlando Resort hotels, please be advised that you must follow Universal Orlando’s policies, CDC guidelines and the recommendations of health officials.  Please note that any public location where people are present provides an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 and Universal Orlando cannot guarantee that you will not be exposed during your visit.  By visiting Universal Orlando, you acknowledge and agree that you assume these inherent risks associated with attendance.  When you enter Universal Orlando, you understand that you are subject to the Universal Orlando terms of service (including arbitration, class action waiver, assumption of risk, and infectious disease release of liability) located at .

2024 Disneyland Resort Military Salute Park Hopper Tickets (January 2 - December 13, 2024) (PDF)

The Disneyland Resort Military Salute Park Hopper ticket, with applicable park reservation, is valid for admission to both Disneyland Resort theme parks on the same day!  A valid and active U.S. Military (or family member) ID is required for admission. Each day of use of a Disneyland Resort ticket constitutes 1 full day of use. Admission is subject to capacity, closures, other restrictions, and is not guaranteed. Proceed directly to the applicable park entrance on the applicable date, and present your theme park reservation and ticket; or have them scanned from your mobile device with Internet access. You will not need to wait in Will Call or Ticket Purchase queues.  Tickets expire December 13, 2024

Before Regular Season tickets must be prepaid and ordered based on the availability with the Nationals. Tickets must be ordered at least 5 full business days in advance not including the day of purchase or the day of the game. For groups of 8 or more, order at least 2 weeks in advance. Requested sections are not guaranteed. LTS only sells tickets for home games. Regular Season

*Concession credits can be redeemed at most concession stands and merchandise stores in the park on game day only. Washington Nationals 2024 Regular Season  (PDF) Washington Nationals 2024 Schedule (PDF)

American Forces Travel

Hotels, Flights, Cars, Cruises, Vacation Packages and Event Tickets

Because the internet is now the most popular way to research and book travel, the Department of Defense chose to evolve its travel offering. MWR has contracted with a world leader in travel, Priceline®, to deliver high value travel benefits to the U.S. military and DoD community. American Forces Travel℠ will transform the way MWR provides online leisure services to our Service members and families, empowering them to revitalize, reconnect, be well, and most importantly, mission-ready. In addition to dramatically enhancing quality of life for the military community, American Forces Travel℠ will inject critical revenue into MWR programs by providing commissions from every booking made.   American Forces Travel is a new Morale, Welfare and Recreation (MWR) program arising from a joint-service initiative combining the efforts of each of the five branches of service (Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy) and the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Military Community & Family Policy. The site offers travel deals and benefits just for you! American Forces Travel℠ provides access to a wide selection of discounted rates on hotels, air fare, rental cars, vacation packages, cruises and much more!

  • American Forces Travel savings up to 60% on hotels
  • All flights cancelable within 24 hours
  • 24/7 customer support available
  • With a worldwide selection of cruise and vacation packages, you will get top deals while booking with ease on American Forces Travel℠.

Visit American Forces Travel  to grab your deal!

  • 228 McNair Road BLDG 405 Fort Myer, Virginia 22211 United States
  • +1 (703)696-3470
  • Hours: Monday 9:30am-5:00pm Tuesday 9:30am-5:00pm Wednesday 9:30am-5:00pm Thursday 9:30am-5:00pm Friday 9:30am-5:00pm Saturday 10:00am-4:30pm Sunday Closed Federal Holidays Closed

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  1. Leisure Travel Services assists thousands of service members with

    leisure travel services and operations

  2. Advantage Managed Services For Leisure Travel Agents

    leisure travel services and operations

  3. Leisure Travel Services (Discover Seoul) :: Humphreys :: US Army MWR

    leisure travel services and operations

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    leisure travel services and operations

  5. Leisure Travel Services (LTS) :: Ft. Bliss :: US Army MWR

    leisure travel services and operations

  6. Leisure Travel Services

    leisure travel services and operations


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