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How to Plant and Grow Leucadendron

These stunningly colorful plants brighten up any hot weather landscape.

leucadendron safari sunset plant

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Hailing from South Africa, leucadendron encompasses a large group of plants ranging from 4-foot-tall evergreen shrubs to 30-foot-tall trees . They're hardy in Zones 9-11 and have colorful flowers and attractive foliage. Once established, leucadendron plants, also called conebushes, are low-maintenance plants.

Leucadendron Overview

Where to plant leucadendron.

Leucadendrons like humidity and good air circulation, so plant them in the open and avoid crowding plants together. They don't tolerate wet feet; in damp areas, they are best grown on a slope or mound or in a raised bed.

Select a spot with full sun and well-draining acidic soil. Leucadendron can only be grown outdoors in hardiness zones 9-11 , but they can be planted indoors or in containers that can be moved indoors in cold weather in other areas. They work well in drought-prone spots and are stunning as specimen plants. Smaller varieties are attractive in a border and provide long-lasting flowers and foliage for cut-flower arrangements.

How and When to Plant Leucadendron

Plant leucadendron in autumn or after the last frost in spring to give the plant time to establish before summer. Dig a hole twice as wide and deep as the nursery container in a sunny location. Add compost to the soil to improve drainage. Adjust the pH if needed to reach 6.0 or lower. Backfill the hole halfway with the amended soil. Remove the leucadendron from the nursery container, being careful not to damage the roots. Set it in the hole so it is at the same height as it was in the container. Continue to backfill the hole, pressing down with your hands to remove air pockets. Water the plant.

Leucadendron Care Tips

Leucadendron needs the right soil and atmosphere to grow, but it is easy to care for once established.

Leucadendrons grow best in full sun . The plants will grow in partial shade, but the blooms aren't as colorful without full sun.

Soil and Water

This plant needs fast-draining, acidic soil. (It suffers in heavy clay or high pH conditions.) To be safe, test your soil's pH with an inexpensive test kit. A pH of 6 or lower is best, but higher pH soils can be acidified with peat moss and sulfur.

Water plants at the base to avoid foliar diseases. If overhead watering is the only option, irrigate earlier in the day so foliage can dry before nightfall. Leucadendrons are drought-tolerant once the roots have established themselves but benefit from regular, deep watering. Allow the soil to dry somewhat between waterings . Mulch once a year to control weeds and conserve moisture.

Temperature and Humidity

Leucadendron needs warm temperatures. It usually doesn't survive cold or frost. Some varieties can survive a temperature in the 20s for a short time, but substantial damage to the plant is likely. It prefers a warm, humid environment and good air circulation.

This shrub is not a heavy feeder and usually doesn't require any fertilizer. If you do fertilize, use a product without phosphorous such as a 15-0-15 NPK ratio . For the amount to use, consult the product label directions.

In the spring, deadhead the spent blooms as they occur. After flowering is completed for the season, cut back the green stems so four sets of leaves remain. Don't cut back as far as the woody stems, though, or no new growth will appear for the following season.

When pruning a leucadendron grown in a container or as a houseplant, wait until it is finished blooming and remove spent blooms and damaged or crowded foliage. Don't remove healthy stems that haven't bloomed. Prune the entire plant by up to one-third.

Potting and Repotting Leucadendron

Plant leucadendron in a container with good drainage. Fill it with a loose, well-draining potting mix formulated specifically for acid-loving plants. Put it in a sunny spot and fertilize it once a year in early spring with a low-phosphorous product. As a houseplant, it requires warm temperatures and a bright, sunny window location to thrive indoors. It must be overwintered indoors in all but the warmest environments when grown as an outdoor container plant. These plants can grow quite large, so look for one of the smaller varieties that top out at 5 feet or less for a manageable-size container plant. Repot once a year in spring.

This plant doesn't have pest and disease problems as long as it has good air circulation. The major concern for leucadendron is root rot.

How to Propagate Leucadendron

Propagate leucadendron using stem cuttings or seed.

Cuttings: Fill 1-gallon pots with vermiculite . Take 12-inch semi-ripe stem cuttings . This type of stem occurs toward the end of the growing season in most locations. Remove any foliage from the bottom half of the cutting, dip it in rooting hormone, and insert it into the vermiculite in the pot. Place the pot on a growing mat that delivers bottom heat and mist it daily, or cover it entirely with a clear plastic bag to maintain humidity. Warmth and humidity are necessary for the cutting to root. When new growth appears, the cutting has begun to root; remove the plastic bag permanently.

Seed: Although the method for harvesting seeds from the more than 80 species of leucadendron varies, in general, the seeds are housed in cones that remain on the plant. However, only the cones of female plants contain seeds. Remove a cone and put it in a warm place to dry out. The cone may open on its own, or you may have to gently dismantle the cone with your hands. The seeds are usually covered with a husk that slides off easily. Fill pots or seed flats with moistened perlite. Sow the seeds on top, leaving small seeds uncovered and larger seeds lightly covered with perlite. Enclose the container in a clear plastic bag. Place the container in a warm area with some light but not full sun. When the seeds germinate, remove the plastic bag.

Seeds germinate best with warm days of 73°F-83°F and cooler nights of 68°F-72°F. After they germinate and develop root systems, the seedlings can be transplanted into individual pots or the garden. It takes three years or longer before they produce flowers.

Types of Leucadendron

'red gem' leucadendron.

Leucadendron 'Red Gem' is a bushy shrub with red-tipped green leaves that take on a bronze look in late fall. Striking red and yellow flowers decorate the tops of stems in winter and spring. It reaches 5 to 6 feet in height and width. Zones 9-10

'Safari Sunset' Leucadendron

Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset' is a large upright conebush with fine-textured foliage. Its showy yellow and red blooms are excellent for cutting. It reaches 10 feet tall and 8 feet wide in zones 9-11.

'Red Dwarf' Leucadendron

Leucadendron 'Red Dwarf' is a sport of 'Safari Sunset'. A chance genetic mutation caused this smaller version of the larger plant to have smaller leaves and deeper red color bracts that last until autumn. It grows 8 feet tall in Zones 9-11.

'Summer Sun' Leucadendron

Leucadendron 'Summer Sun' has a rounded growth habit that fits nicely in many gardens. It is covered in spring with spectacular blooms that are attractive, long-lasting cut flowers. The shrub grows 5 feet tall and wide in zones 9-11.

Frequently Asked Questions

Deer avoid eating leucadendron because the foliage isn't tasty to them, but if they are hungry, they might nibble.

No, leucadendron's roots aren't invasive, and the plant doesn't reseed.

The most demanded leucadendron cultivar by floral designers and gardeners is 'Safari Sunset', a hybrid of L. laureolum and L. salignum types.

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California Gardens - The Year Round Gardening Site

Leucadendron Safari Sunset - Safari Sunset Cone Bush

Leucadendron Safari Sunset grows rather slowly to 10 feet tall and nearly as wide. Leucadendron Safari Sunset starts blooming in Winter and continues well into Spring. The colorful deep red bracts can last much longer. Leucadendron Safari Sunset requires decent drainage, either by planting on a slope or on a mound raised above the surrounding soil for any but the best drained gardens. Leucadendron Safari Sunset grows best in Full Sun. The plants will grow in partial shade but the blooms don't color up very well. Leucadendron Safari Sunset will tolerate Winter temperatures that dip into the low 20°s F and even into the high teens for short durations, though temperatures this cold usually makes for quite a bit of tip damage.

Leucadendron Safari Sunset, Safari Sunset Cone Bush

Red leaves of Leucadendron Safari Sunset - Safari Sunset Cone Bush. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.

Other plants from the genus Leucadendron featured on this site: Leucadendron discolor Leucadendron Ebony Leucadendron Jester Leucadendron Safari Goldstrike Leucadendron Silvan Red

Home Questions or comments about this website Copyright © 1999 California Gardens Last modified: November 25, 2022

leucadendron safari sunset plant

Leucadendron ‘Safari Sunset’

Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset'

Full Sun Six or more hours of sun beams directly landing on the plant's leaves.

Part Shade Three to five hours of sun beams directly landing on the plant's leaves.

Part Sun One to two hours of sun beams directly landing on the plants leaves.

Full Shade The plant is never fully lit by sun beams, but is in a bright spot or has dappled sunbeams playing over the leaves throughout the day.

Deep Shade The plant never has dappled light on the leaves, and is in a place that feels dim, even on a nice sunny day.

leucadendron safari sunset plant

Growing Notes

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leucadendron 'Safari Sunset'

Vigorous, erect evergreen shrub to 2.5m tall, with narrow, leathery dark green leaves flushed purple-red. From summer to autumn female plants produce yellow-green flowerheads surrounded by light red bracts up to 8cm long which mature to purplish-red then fade to golden yellow

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Ultimate height

Time to ultimate height, ultimate spread, growing conditions, colour & scent.


Hardiness Hardiness ratings

All ratings refer to the UK growing conditions unless otherwise stated. Minimum temperature ranges (in degrees C) are shown in brackets

  • H1a : under glass all year (>15C)
  • H1b : can be grown outside in the summer (10 - 15)
  • H1c : can be grown outside in the summer (5 - 10)
  • H2 : tolerant of low temperatures, but not surviving being frozen (1 to 5)
  • H3 : hardy in coastal and relatively mild parts of the UK (-5 to 1)
  • H4 : hardy through most of the UK (-10 to -5)
  • H5 : hardy in most places throughout the UK even in severe winters (-15 to -10)
  • H6 : hardy in all of UK and northern Europe (-20 to -15)
  • H7 : hardy in the severest European continental climates (< -20)

Botanical details

Leucadendron are small evergreen trees and shrubs grown for their cone-like clusters of flowers surrounded by large, leaf-like, often colourful bracts. Both male and female plants are needed to produce fruiting cones. The stems are clothed in leathery, stalkless leaves

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How to grow


May survive outdoors in the mildest areas in a warm, sunny position with poor, free-draining soil. Otherwise grow in a warm greenhouse in a mix of 3 parts peat-substitute, 3 parts grit or perlite and 1 part lime-free compost. Do not overwater. Feed with half-strength magnesium sulphate and urea in spring and autumn


Propagate by semi-ripe cuttings with bottom heat in summer

Suggested planting locations and garden types

  • City and courtyard gardens
  • Cottage and informal garden
  • Mediterranean climate plants
  • Cut flowers
  • Wall side borders

Pruning group 1

May be susceptible to glasshouse red spider mite when grown under glass

Generally disease-free

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.


Flora Pacific

Producers of Quality Proteaceae Plants and Flowers

Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset'

Description: Leucadendron Safari Sunset is a medium sized shrub with stunning burgundy red flowers from autumn to spring, and is extremely popular in floral arrangements.

Due to its Erect dense growth habit Safari Sunset is suitable for many garden situations including hedges.

How to look after Leucadendron Safari Sunset:

Plant in a free draining acidic soil.

Although Leucadendrons are drought tolerant, soil should be kept moist in the first year until plant is established, once established they may require some watering in extremely dry conditions.

Prune Leucadendron Safari Sunset after flowering in Spring  to maintain shape and size.

Leucadendron Safari Sunset Label, Leucadendron, Protea plant

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Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset'

Proteas - sometimes called Sugar Bush - are evergreen shrubs that bear exotic-looking large blooms. They prefer well drained, acidic soil that is not too heavy. These South African natives will die if their root system becomes waterlogged. They are not hardy and must be offered winter protection if grown in colder temperate climates. Most often, in these regions they are grown in containers being moved outside only in the warmer months. Indoors, good ventilation and air circulation is essential. 'Safari Sunset' is a vigorous, upright shrub with narrow, leathery evergreen, dark green leaves flushed with red.. Female plants produce oval, yellowish-green, 4 cm flowerheads surrounded by light red bracts up to 8cm long which, a they mature, become purplish-red, gradually fading to golden yellow

Contributed by @Reedesignsa


Very little water

Not Frost hardy

Light and free draining

Common name

Flowering shrubs or trees

3.0 - 5.5 Acid - Neutral

Plant & bloom calendar

  •   Best time to plant

full grown dimensions

Planting indoors, from early spring to early spring.

If proteas are grown in containers add crocks to the bottom of them to improve drainage. Compost needs to be well drained and acidic. A mixture of peat, bark, grit and polystyrene beads is ideal. The essential bit is that the compost in your container is well drained. They need full sunlight and plenty of well circulated air.

Planting outside

Position in full sun, preferably on a south facing slope in well drained, acidic soil which is low in nutrients. Winter protection must be provided in temperatures below 5C, especially for young, newly planted protea.

leucadendron safari sunset plant

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Leucadendron Safari Sunset

Leucadendron Safari Sunset 14cm

$ 29.95

Availability: In stock

Leucadendron laureolum ‘Safari Sunset’ – 14cm pot A large, hardy, evergreen shrub with slightly hairy, dark-green and bright red inflorescence in Autumn and Winter. Leucadendron Safari Sunset can be used in mass plantings, general landscaping, native gardens, coastal gardens, rockeries, pots or as a low hedge. Excellent cut flower. Requires well-drained soils, will not grow in alkaline or boggy/clay. Water well during the first 2 years for the plant to establish.  Leucadendron Safari Sunset has low water requirements once established.

Position:  full sun, height: 2.5m, garden uses:, waterwise gardens, potted displays, feature plant, potted displays.

Planting Tips:  When planting Proteaceae plants they don’t require too much work to get them settled. Fertiliser in the prime growing seasons, Spring and early Autumn for the best results. However, make sure to use the right food.

If planting into a pot make sure that the container chosen is large enough for the plant being planted. Never pot a plant into a container which is too small. Make sure to use a premium quality  Australian Native Potting Mix  as this has the correct balance of wetting agents and nutrients required for having a healthy plant.

See our full range of:

Potting mix, compost and manures, our second store:  gardenworld bayside, similar products.

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Leucadendron 'safari sunset', leucodendron.

Showy, colorful bracts late winter through spring

Interesting focal or specimen plant

Combine with Phormium, Correa, and grasses

leucadendron safari sunset plant

Tips for Success

Use Sloat Forest Mulch Plus and EB Stone Sure Start when planting When planting in containers, use Sloat Bay Area Potting Soil

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  • d Cut Flower/Foliage
  • % Great Foliage
  • 3 Heat Tolerant
  • [ No Fertilizing

More Information

  • genus Leucadendron
  • cultivar Safari_Sunset
  • common Leucodendron
  • hardiness zone
  • height 4 - 6 Feet
  • spread 4 - 8 Feet

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Leucadendron 'safari sunset'.

Leucadendron  'Safari Sunset'

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Sunset Safari Care Leucadendron 'safari Sunset'

Sunset Safari main

A favorite of florists and gardeners, award-winning Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset' (Conebush) is a multi-stemmed evergreen shrub with rich, deep-red bracts forming at the tips of exceptionally long stems (over 3ft. or 1m) in late summer. Pruning will help keep a dense, bushy habit.

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Hardiness zone



Cold Period

How to Care for the Plant


Low Water Once Established


Fertilize leucadendron only if growth appears stunted, as the plant doesn't respond well to heavy fertilization. Apply a low-phosphorus, water-soluble fertilizer with an N-P-K ratio such as 6-0-4. Mix the fertilizer at a rate of one-fourth the mixture recommended on the container.

leucadendron safari sunset plant

Well-drained soils


Pruning allows you to shape the plant and encourage new growth and flowers for the following year. In the case of Leucadendrons, these are some of the easiest and most forgiving varieties in terms of time of pruning and how heavily you can cut them back. Late spring, or after flowering has finished, is the best time to prune. This is because the weather is still fairly cool and it is optimal to cut everything back before new shoots begin to form too high up the stems. The plant will grow on through summer and be flowering again for next year.



It needs good drainage and sun, but fortunately it is one of the least fussy South African Proteas. Established plants can endure temperatures down to around 20 °F.

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All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested


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Leucadendron ‘Safari Sunset’

Safari sunset conebush.

leucadendron safari sunset plant

Boething Treeland Farms grows over 1,000 varieties of trees, shrubs, perennials and specialty plants on 10 California nurseries to serve the wholesale landscape and nursery industries throughout the Western United States and beyond.

Plant Type: Shrubs

Evergreen-Deciduous: Evergreen

Overall Mature Size: Medium

Also Grown As: Bush

Mature Height & Spread: 8-10' x 6-8'

Natural Growth Habit: Upright

Native To: Africa, Hybrid

Exposure: Full Sun

Water: Medium Water, Low Water

Flower Color: Red / Yellow

Bloom Time: Spring, Winter

Special Features: Cold Hardy / Colorful Foliage

Container Sizes: #3, #7

Sunset Garden Zones: 16, 17, 20-24, HI

Minimum USDA Hardiness Zone: 8-11

Celebrating 70 years growing and delivering plants throughout the Western United States

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© Copyright 2024 Boething Treeland Farms, Inc. All rights reserved. | Legal Info

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Check out today's and tomorrow's sunrise and sunset times in Elektrostal’, Moscow Oblast, Russia, as well as the whole calendar for June 2024.

June 19, 2024

First light at 11:39:07 pm

Sunrise time: 12:38:01 am

Sunset time: 6:17:15 pm

Last light at 7:16:09 pm

Day length: 17 hours, 39 minutes

477450 hours, 17 minutes left for today's sunset in

June 20, 2024

First light at 11:39:14 pm

Sunrise time: 12:38:10 am

Sunset time: 6:17:32 pm

Last light at 7:16:28 pm

Tomorrow will be approximately 0 minutes longer than today in

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  • Latitude: 55.786469
  • Longitude: 38.457130

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The day length increases by 17 minutes over the course of June 2024 , from 17 hours, 15 minutes on the first day to 17 hours, 33 minutes on the last in Elektrostal’, Moscow Oblast.

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ロシア モスクワ州

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  1. Buy Leucadendron Safari Sunset at Trevena Cross garden centre

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  2. Buy Leucadendron Safari Sunset at Trevena Cross garden centre

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  3. ONE Leucadendron Safari Sunset 1gal LIVE ROOTED Plant

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  5. Leucadendron Safari Sunset

    leucadendron safari sunset plant

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    leucadendron safari sunset plant


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    Safari Sunset Conebush, ... Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset' Pronunciation: lew-kuh-DEN-dron. SKU #07808. USDA Zone. 8-11. ... We have been pioneers and craftsmen in the art of growing plants for nearly 100 years. Since our founding in Southern California by Harry E. Rosedale, Sr. in 1926, we have been absolutely dedicated and obsessed with quality

  2. Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset' (Conebush)

    A favorite of florists and gardeners, award-winning Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset' (Conebush) is a multi-stemmed evergreen shrub with rich, deep-red bracts forming at the tips of exceptionally long stems (over 3ft. or 1m) in late summer. Ready for picking and cutting in the fall and winter, the showy bracts of the female flowers add further beauty to the plant as they open to reveal a cream ...

  3. Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset' at San Marcos Growers

    Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset' (Safari Conebush) - A vigorous, tall and erect growing shrub that reaches to over 8 feet tall, but can be kept lower and more dense with regular pruning. ... Plant in full sun in a fairly well drained soil. As with the cultivar 'Red Gem' this plant is a tough cultivar that can handle frost, alkalinity and clay soils

  4. How to Plant and Grow Leucadendron

    Plant leucadendron in autumn or after the last frost in spring to give the plant time to establish before summer. Dig a hole twice as wide and deep as the nursery container in a sunny location. Add compost to the soil to improve drainage. Adjust the pH if needed to reach 6.0 or lower. Backfill the hole halfway with the amended soil.

  5. Leucadendron Safari Sunset

    Leucadendron Safari Sunset will tolerate Winter temperatures that dip into the low 20°s F and even into the high teens for short durations, though temperatures this cold usually makes for quite a bit of tip damage. Red leaves of Leucadendron Safari Sunset - Safari Sunset Cone Bush. High resolution photos are part of our garden image collection.

  6. Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset'

    Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset'. Leucadendrons are from Mediterranean areas of South Africa, so they're right at home in coastal California. Once established they are quite drought tolerant, but they will grow and look their best with deep watering every two or three weeks during summer. These plants prefer well-drained soil, but most ...

  7. Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset'

    leucadendron 'Safari Sunset' Vigorous, erect evergreen shrub to 2.5m tall, with narrow, leathery dark green leaves flushed purple-red. From summer to autumn female plants produce yellow-green flowerheads surrounded by light red bracts up to 8cm long which mature to purplish-red then fade to golden yellow

  8. How to Grow and Care for Cone bush 'Safari Sunset'

    Cone bush 'Safari Sunset' is a robust and resilient variety appreciated for its minimal maintenance requirements. A special care point for cone bush 'Safari Sunset' is ensuring it has well-draining soil and full sun exposure, as this is crucial for its vibrant foliage and successful growth. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. Cone bush 'Safari Sunset''s resilience to pests and ...

  9. Leucadendron

    Position: Full Sun. Frost tolerance: will tolerate frosts to -5°C. Uses: feature plant, foliage, cut flower, screening hedge, hedge, mass planting. Description: Leucadendron Safari Sunset is a medium sized shrub with stunning burgundy red flowers from autumn to spring, and is extremely popular in floral arrangements.

  10. Cone Bush (Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset')

    Plant database entry for Cone Bush (Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset') with one image and 18 data details.

  11. Safari Sunset Flower

    The Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset' is a favorite of gardeners and florists is an evergreen multi-stemmed shrub with vivid, deep red bracts forming exceptionally long stalks (over 1m or 3 feet) at the tips. Perfect for use in easy-care gardens and aquifers, this tall, vigorous Leucadendron is an excellent choice for hedges, screens, or as an exhibition plant.

  12. Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset'

    Discuss this plant. 'Safari Sunset' is a tender yet vigorous, erect, branching, evergreen shrub with narrowly oblong, leathery, red-flushed, olive to dark green leaves, more colourful when young, and ovoid, yellow-green flowerheads surrounded by light red bracts. Bracts mature reddish-purple then fade to golden-yellow.

  13. Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset'

    Female plants produce oval, yellowish-green, 4 cm flowerheads surrounded by light red bracts up to 8cm long which, a they mature, become purplish-red, gradually fading to golden yellow. Contributed by @Reedesignsa. plant Features. Full sun. Very little water.

  14. Leucadendron Safari Sunset

    Leucadendron laureolum 'Safari Sunset' - 14cm pot A large, hardy, evergreen shrub with slightly hairy, dark-green and bright red inflorescence in Autumn and Winter. Leucadendron Safari Sunset can be used in mass plantings, general landscaping, native gardens, coastal gardens, rockeries, pots or as a low hedge. Excellent cut flower.

  15. Leucadendron Safari Sunset

    Leucadendron laureolum 'Safari Sunset' APPEARANCE : Big evergreen (ever-red) open branching shrub from South Africa, long stems of "flowers" in maroon-burgundy with the true flower cones in the centre of the leaves. USE FOR: Suitable for garden beds, hedges, borders, cut flower garden. CLIMATE : Frost tolerant to -5C PLANTING : Prefers full sun to part shade.

  16. Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset'

    Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset' Leucodendron. Showy, colorful bracts late winter through spring. Interesting focal or specimen plant. Combine with Phormium, Correa, and grasses. Tips for Success. Use Sloat Forest Mulch Plus and EB Stone Sure Start when planting When planting in containers, use Sloat Bay Area Potting Soil

  17. Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset'

    Search for a plant > Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset' - Conebush . Side Heading. side text. Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset' CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION. Densely erect bushy shrub. It has broad dark green foliage. Very rich red bracts form on long stems from late summer, at their best during autumn and winter. The stems are long and great for floral work.

  18. Sunset Safari Plant Care & Growing Basics: Water, Light, Soil

    All You should know about Sunset Safari (Leucadendron 'safari Sunset') > how to care and characteristics 🌱 PlantIn 🌿 Our best expert are here for your plants! Plant Identifier Flowers

  19. Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset'

    Leucadendron 'Safari Sunset' Safari Sunset Conebush Boething Treeland Farms grows over 1,000 varieties of trees, shrubs, perennials and specialty plants on 10 California nurseries to serve the wholesale landscape and nursery industries throughout the Western United States and beyond.

  20. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow. Elektrostal has about 158,000 residents. Mapcarta, the open map.

  21. Elektrostal, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. Apelsin Hotel. 43. from $48/night. Apart Hotel Yantar. 2. from $28/night. Elektrostal Hotel.

  22. Sunrise and sunset times in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast

    Sunrise and sunset times, civil twilight start and end times as well as solar noon, and day length for every day of November in Elektrostal'. The day length shortens by 1 hour, 44 minutes over the course of November 2023 , from 9 hours, 19 minutes on the first day to 7 hours, 35 minutes on the last in Elektrostal', Moscow Oblast.

  23. ロシア モスクワ州日の出日の入り時間

    このページには、美しい日の出や日没の写真、現地の現在時刻、タイムゾーン、経度、緯度、ライブマップを含むロシア モスクワ州内の日の出と日没の時間を示しています。