• Library Travel Procedures

Library Travel Procedures: Home

Forms and links.

  • Library Travel/Funding Request Form
  • Current Personal Mileage Reimbursement Rate
  • 2024 Mileage Reimbursement Rate
  • Google Maps (for personal mileage documentation)
  • Motor Pool Vehicle Leasing Rates
  • Motor Pool Vehicle Request
  • GSA Per Diem and Lodging Rates
  • Out-of-Country Per Diem and Lodging Rates

Outline of Library Travel Process

  • Traveler determines they will be attending a future conference or meeting for work
  • Traveler fills out the Travel/Funding Request Form, entering all pertinent information
  • Approver will also receive form once submitted with appropriate email address in Approver field
  • Approver will forward the approved request form to [email protected]
  • Out-of-state and Out-of-country trips must be approved in AIRS at least two weeks before travel
  • Traveler will receive email from libtrav confirming the details of the trip and initiating the email thread for reimbursement
  • Once traveler returns from trip, they reply to the libtrav email thread with the necessary receipts/documentation for the reimbursement
  • Paige will process the reimbursement in AIRS

Attachment Checklist for Reimbursements

  • google map pdf
  • itemized hotel receipt with proof of payment (like a $0 remaining balance or "paid by card xxxx")
  • proof of designated lodging from conference OR the GSA lodging rate pdf
  • GSA per diem rate pdf
  • Conference documentation showing dates and times of meetings (i.e. agenda)
  • Receipt showing amount and proof of payment (like a $0 remaining balance or "paid by card xxxx")
  • Your airfare receipt showing proof of payment (like a $0 remaining balance or "paid by card xxxx")
  • Concur airfare rate pdf
  • Taxi Receipt
  • Bus Receipt
  • Baggage Receipt
  • Toll Receipt

AIRS Information

OSU AIRS ( airs.okstate.edu ) is the site used to review/approve out-of-state and out-of-country travel requests, and review/approve all travel related reimbursements. To approve a travel request or a reimbursement, log in to AIRS using your okey. You'll select Travel (the suitcase icon) inside the Employee box, then you will select Awaiting Approval (the green check mark icon). There you should see any trips that are pending your approval.

Also on the AIRS Menu, in the Employee box, you'll see "Travel-Anthony (Booking)" which is the airplane icon. This is where you can go to browse flight itineraries and prices.

Airfare Guidelines


  • Currently, Anthony Travel (Concur) is the only state-contracted travel agency
  • You may browse the airfare rates on Anthony Travel (Concur) if you go to airs.okstate.edu, log in with your okey, and select the Airfare icon
  • A screenshot of your preferred flight itinerary will be requested if your flight is being booked directly
  • Once logged in to Anthony/Concur, select profile settings in the upper right hand corner
  • On the left side, under Travel Settings, select Assistants/Arrangers
  • You'll hit the red plus sign to add search for Paige using [email protected], then save!
  • You can edit other airfare profile preferences on this page as well
  • Travelers can obtain their own Anthony/Concur quote and attach it to an email to libtrav. If traveler does not, Paige will save a comparison quote at the time of request, if traveler has indicated they are purchasing their own ticket.
  • Flight changes are only allowed for business reasons, emergencies or if a cost savings can be shown.  If a flight change occurs, a memo should be attached to the voucher stating the reason for the flight change.  If the traveler just wants to return home early, the flight change is not reimbursable.
  • A flight itinerary should be attached to the voucher to show the approximate departure and arrival dates and times.
  • Airfare for out-of-state travel must be for coach/economy airfare.  A traveler is allowed to fly business class for out-of-country travel, including Alaska and Hawaii.

Lodging Guidelines

  • To be considered a designated hotel, one of three conditions must be met: 1) discounted room rate, 2) a block of rooms is reserved for the conference or 3) the conference takes place in that hotel.
  • Documentation would be a pdf of the conference website where it lists the hotel and shows one of the above conditions
  • “Recommended” or “preferred” hotels do not qualify as designating a hotel.
  • You can stay at a hotel that is more expensive, but your reimbursement will be limited to the GSA rate plus tax.
  • If the bill does not have a zero balance, please attach a credit card statement showing payment or contact the hotel to get a copy of the bill with a zero balance.
  • The traveler will only be reimbursed for nights that fall within 24 hours of the start and end of the conference dates for in-state and out-of-state trips, and 48 hours for out-of-country trips.
  • If two travelers who are both conference participants share a hotel room, their allowable nightly lodging rate should be multiplied by two.  E.g. If two travelers stay at a hotel and the designated conference rate is $99 per night, then the two participants are allowed up to $198 per night plus tax.
  • If bad weather affects a trip, such as snow, any additional lodging is reimbursable even if it falls outside the 24/48 hour rule.  A statement must be attached giving an explanation of the need for extra lodging.
  • Lodging reimbursement will only include the room rate plus tax.  Other expenses, such as parking, meals (per diem), business telephone, or internet on the hotel bill are separated out on the reimbursement voucher

Other less common guidelines:

  • Lodging cannot be claimed when the destination is less than 60 map miles from the traveler’s duty station.
  • If the traveler chooses to stay at a hotel that is not designated, he/she will only be reimbursed for taxi, shuttle, or bus between the hotel and conference site if a cost savings at that hotel can be shown.
  • If a designated hotel’s block of rooms is booked up, the traveler’s reimbursable lodging expense will still be limited to the designated hotel’s conference room rate.
  • If a designated hotel is booked up and that hotel refers you to another hotel, that second hotel is only designated if the conference documentation shows the second hotel is designated.  Otherwise it is considered a “recommended” hotel. 
  • Overflow hotels are officially “designated” but only if the conference documentation shows it is designated.
  • For extended stays, the department may opt to rent a home/apartment for the traveler.  In this situation the monthly rent plus utilities cannot exceed the max lodging rate times the number of nights the apartment will be used while on official OSU business.
  • If the hotel bill is in one person’s name, the person whose name is on the hotel bill is the only one who can claim reimbursement for the expense.  That traveler may assign the reimbursement if someone else paid the expense.  If the traveler whose name is NOT on the bill can provide proof of payment such as a credit card statement or canceled check, we will reimburse that person without his/her name on the hotel bill.
  • If the hotel bill is in the name of the traveler’s spouse, the traveler may still be reimbursed for that expense.  Please add a comment stating that the bill is in the spouse’s name. 

Per Diem Guidelines


  • Per diem cannot be claimed for a one-day trip.  A traveler must have an overnight stay in order to claim per diem
  • We allow 75% of the per diem rate for the first and last days of the trip and 100% of the per diem rate for each day in between.
  • If claiming per diem, the page showing this per diem rate should be printed and attached to the voucher. The per diem rate for a particular location can be found at www.gsa.gov . 
  • If a conference charges a registration fee, per diem must be reduced by differing amounts depending if a breakfast, lunch or dinner is provided.  The amount to deduct from per diem depends on the per diem rate and can be found on www.gsa.gov .  Exceptions to this rule include: special dress requirements, diet restrictions, conflicting meetings, etc.  If the conference does not charge a registration fee, the meals are not required to be deducted.
  • If the exact amount of the meal is known, per diem must be reduced by the exact amount.  For example, a conference charges a $200 registration and a $50 dinner.  The traveler may claim $250 for registration, but per diem must be reduced by $50 for the cost of the meal.
  • Continental breakfasts are now considered meals.  Box lunches may or may not be considered meals.  The traveler will need to determine if the box lunch would serve as a meal and whether it should be deducted from per diem.
  • Per diem cannot begin more than 1 day prior to the first meeting time and cannot end more than 1 day after the last meeting time for in-state and out-of-state travel.  This rule extends to 2 days for out-of-country travel, and includes Alaska and Hawaii.
  • Per diem may extend beyond 1 or 2 days in cases of bad weather or emergency.  In this case a memo must be attached explaining the need for extra per diem.
  • Tips for meals are included in the per diem.  Per diem covers meals and incidental expenses and the tips are included in the incidental expenses.
  • Federal contracts do not necessarily follow these rules.

Mileage Guidelines


  • Mileage is claimed when driving a personal vehicle.
  • The same is true of the return trip on a normal work day. 
  • If the travel day is a holiday or weekend, the traveler may claim mileage from his/her home to the destination.
  • To save a google map as a PDF, enter in the starting and ending addresses, click "details" on the route you'll be taking, click the printer icon that appears at the top, then follow the promts to "Print to PDF." (Text only is fine, the map image is not necessary but ok to include.)
  • Personal vehicle license plate tag # is required for mileage reimbursement.
  • If the exact address is unknown or cannot be determined, please use odometer readings to determine mileage to the location.  For example, the destination may read “15 miles northwest of Enid.”
  • For example, a trip that is 61.3 miles each way should be added together for a total of 122.6.  Then the total can be rounded up to 123.  Any number .5 and above should be rounded up and under .5 should be rounded down.
  • If the traveler is transporting conference materials and/or flying is not feasible, please attach a memo stating this fact and full mileage will be allowed. 
  • The additional passengers must be on University business and should not be family/friends.
  • If a travel is originating from outside of Oklahoma and the traveler chooses to drive instead of fly, the travel preparer must obtain one airfare quote from Anthony Travel/Concur.  Reimbursement will be limited to lowest cost flight from Anthony Travel/Concur.

Local Transportation Guidelines


  • Taxi/Uber/Lyft are allowed within the State of Oklahoma, however, a reason must be provided explaining the need.  In-state rental car is limited to mileage, unless a cost savings can be provided.  We can also allow in-state rental car, taxi, Uber or Lyft in cases of bad weather, emergency, or disability.
  • Local transportation taken out-of-state, such as rental car, is limited to the coach/economy airfare quote from Anthony/Concur plus mileage to/from the airport.  Other expenses, such as baggage and parking fees can be included in the comparison.
  • When traveling out-of-state, taxi can only be used to travel between the airport and hotel and conference site.  When going out for food or other entertainment, local transportation expense cannot be reimbursed.
  • Tip expense for local transportation cannot exceed $1.00 if the reimbursable fare is $5.00 or less; or 20% of the reimbursable charge when it exceeds $5.00.
  • For example, if 200 miles was put on a rental car and 150 miles was considered business, the reimbursable amount will be the cost of the rental car times 150 divided by 200.
  • For rental car reimbursements, we use the Rental Car Justification Form found on OSU's Travel Form webpage
  • Any local transportation receipt that is less than $25.00 does not need a receipt.  The $25.00 limit is per receipt. 

Miscellaneous Expense Guidelines

  • If a traveler takes a trip that includes personal leave, the amount of parking must be prorated for the number of days the traveler was on official OSU business.
  • Most miscellaneous expenses that are less than $25.00 do not need a receipt.  The $25.00 limit is per receipt.
  • An exception to this is transporting conference materials. If a large amount of conference materials need transported, please attach a memo stating the need for extra baggage fees and they will be reimbursed.
  • Note on Registration - if you get sick and cannot attend the conference for which you already paid registration, and you cannot be refunded by the conference, then you can still be reimbursed for the registration you paid.
  • Reimbursement for inoculations should be justified as to the necessity.  Some countries require certain inoculations so justify the need with a memo.
  • Memberships that are included on registration receipts are not reimbursable unless it is an institutional membership (where if the employee leaves OSU, the membership stays with OSU.)  If the membership fee plus the member registration is less expensive than the non-member registration, then the employee may be reimbursed for the membership fee since he/she demonstrated a cost savings.
  • Required Covid tests are a reimbursable expense, however a comment must be added to the voucher stating the test was required, and a signed memo must be attached from the traveler stating they will not request reimbursement from their health insurance company.
  • Foreign transaction fees are also reimbursable.  Copies of credit card statements can be provided to document these fees.

Other Guidelines

  • The meeting dates and times should fall within the dates of the conference agenda.  The agenda should be attached to the travel voucher.  If the traveler is helping to set up or needs to stay after the conference, please attach a memo stating why the meeting times don’t match the agenda.
  • A traveler cannot claim travel expenses AND be paid an honorarium for the same trip by a United States resident.  The travel expenses must be included in the amount of the honorarium.  Exceptions can be made for non-US citizens.
  • If the total amount of actual expenses on a travel voucher exceeds the total estimated amount on the travel request by $50 or more, a memo is required to be attached explaining the reason for the difference.
  • Credit card receipts may be used in lieu of currency conversions to document the correct conversion amounts.
  • All travel requests for out-of-country trips also go to the School of Global Studies office for Board approval. They will contact the traveler with additional information after the request is approved in AIRS.
  • Lost Receipts - Beginning October 1, 2023 the Lost Receipt form is no longer accepted. Expense reimbursement with missing receipts will be limited to $25.
  • Hawaii, Alaska, and the U.S. Territories were once processed as out-of-country requests but that policy has been updated.
  • Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024 8:54 AM
  • URL: https://info.library.okstate.edu/travel
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Ukraine Hits Russian Oil Facilities as President Zelenskyy Joins Leaders at D-Day Events in France

Ukrainian soldiers prepare to fire 120mm mortar towards the Russian position

Ukrainian drones struck an oil refinery and a fuel depot in Russian border regions, officials in the targeted areas said Thursday, in Kyiv’s ongoing effort to disrupt the Kremlin’s war machine and as Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy sought further Western support in Europe’s biggest conflict since World War II .

Zelenskyy was due to join world leaders, including U.S. President Joe Biden, at D-Day commemorations in France on Thursday. On Friday, he was due to meet with French officials.

Zelenskyy’s trip came a day after Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that Russia could provide long-range weapons to other countries so that they could strike Western targets . That threat came after NATO allies said they would allow Ukraine to use weapons they deliver to Kyiv to attack Russian territory .

Ukraine’s army is fighting to hold back a recent Russian push in eastern areas, including the border regions of Kharkiv and Donetsk, that seeks to exploit Kyiv’s shortages of ammunition and troops along the roughly 1,000-kilometer (620-mile) front line after more than two years of war.

Biden countered Putin’s threat with an insistence that Washington has imposed restrictions on how Ukraine can use American-supplied weapons inside Russia.

“We’re not talking about giving (Ukraine) weapons to strike Moscow, to strike the Kremlin,” Biden told ABC News during an interview that aired Thursday.

Ukraine has received authorization to use the weapons “just across the border where they’re receiving significant fire from conventional weapons used by the Russians to go into Ukraine to kill Ukrainians,” Biden said.

Biden admitted he was “concerned” by Putin's behavior and called him “a dictator.”

Moscow officials were unconvinced by Western arguments. Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of Russia’s Security Council, said that Putin's comments Wednesday in St. Petersburg, Russia, amounted to “a quite significant shift in our foreign policy."

“Let the U.S. and its allies feel the impact of direct use of Russian weapons by others,” Medvedev wrote on his messaging app channel.

Putin deliberately didn’t name potential recipient countries of Russian weapons, Medvedev said. They could go to anyone who considers the U.S. and its allies their enemies, he said.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Thursday the use of Western weapons against Russia “can’t be left without consequences, and those consequences will certainly follow.”

Putin claimed that using some Western-supplied weapons involves military personnel of those countries controlling the missiles and selecting targets, and therefore he said that Moscow could take “asymmetrical” steps elsewhere in the world.

The U.S. military said that it doesn't control the missiles it provides to Ukraine or the targets, and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Thursday that the alliance has no plans to deploy forces to Ukraine.

“We are focusing on how we can establish a stronger framework for our support, with an institutionalized framework for the support to Ukraine and how to establish an agreed long-term financial commitment to ensure that we stand by Ukraine for as long as it takes,” Stoltenberg said in Finland.

An overnight drone attack hit the Novoshakhtinsk refinery in Russia’s Rostov region and started a fire, Rostov Gov. Vasily Golubev said. Firefighters had to pull out briefly because of a second attack, he said.

The extent of the damage to the facility wasn't immediately clear. Golubev said that there were no casualties.

In Belgorod, another border region, a drone hit an oil depot overnight, Gov. Vyacheslav Gladkov said. It caused an explosion and a fire in one of the oil reservoirs. The blaze was quickly extinguished and there were no casualties, Gladkov said.

It wasn't immediately possible to verify the reports.

Refineries, fuel depots and oil terminals have been targets of increasingly sophisticated Ukrainian drone attacks that have reached deep into Russia. The attacks deny Moscow revenue, and Western sanctions have added to the pressure on Russia’s energy sector.

Russia, meanwhile, has been attacking Ukraine’s energy infrastructure and causing widespread power outages . The apparent goal is to sap public morale and affect military manufacturing plants.

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Anthony Travel began as a dream and a business plan scribbled on a napkin. Since then, we have become the leading sports travel management company in the country.

Our passion for helping people experience and enjoy the world is what motivates what we do every day and has remained our core purpose since 1989. For over 30 years, we have specialized in providing creative and comprehensive travel solutions for athletes, teams, coaches, parents, universities and fans. Sure, we’ve experienced some growth along the way — from a single office with two associates to dozens of offices nationwide — but we haven’t outgrown our founding premise of providing personal, professional travel service to all of our clients and customers. This people-focused business philosophy is best illustrated by a set of core values that have guided our associates since day one.

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Anthony Travel became a part of the On Location  family in February 2016.

On Location is a global leader in premium experiential hospitality, offering ticketing, curated guest experiences, live event production and travel management across sports, entertainment, fashion and culture. On Location provides unrivaled access for corporate clients and fans looking for official, immersive experiences at marquee events, including the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Super Bowl, NCAA Final Four, New York Fashion Week and more. An official partner and/or service provider to over 150 iconic rights holders, such as the IOC (Paris 2024, Milano Cortina 2026, LA28), NFL, NCAA, UFC and PGA of America, and numerous musical artists and festivals, the company also owns and operates a number of its own unique experiences. On Location is a subsidiary of Endeavor   (NYSE:EDR), a global entertainment, sports and content company.

For more information about On Location, please visit www.onlocationexp.com .


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  • Buckeyes In the NFL

Son of NBA Legend 'Eyeing' Ohio State for Potential Visit

Zach dimmitt | jun 5, 2024.

Kiyan Anthony of Long Island Lutheran drives toward the basket against Westminster Academy in the City of Palms Classic on Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023, at Suncoast Credit Union Arena in Fort Myers.

  • Ohio State Buckeyes

The Ohio State Buckeyes men's basketball program is on the rise under head coach Jake Diebler, and as a result, the team could soon be hosting one of the most notable names in the 2025 recruiting class.

Per reports from On3's Joe Tipton, Kiyan Anthony, the son of 10-time NBA All-Star Carmelo Anthony, is "eyeing" future visits to Ohio State, Indiana and Auburn.

Carmelo Anthony and his son, Kiyan, watch the Don Bosco Prep Ironmen compete against the McEachern Indians in a game during the 50th annual City of Palms Classic at Suncoast Credit Union Arena in Fort Myers on Tuesday, Dec. 19, 2023. Kiyan Anthony and the Long Island Luthern Crusaders defeated Westminster Academy earlier in the day.

The Long Island Lutheran (Glen Head, N.Y.) shooting guard has drawn attention from schools like Michigan, Memphis, Florida State, Tennessee, Seton Hall, Illinois, and his father's alma mater Syracuse, along with many more. He already made official visits this past October to check out both the Orange and the Seminoles.

Per 247Sports' rankings, Kiyan, who stands at 6-5, 185 pounds, is a four-star recruit and the No. 1 shooting guard in the state of New York.

Should Anthony choose to play for Ohio State, he'd be the first commitment in the 2025 class for Diebler and staff.

Last August, the father-son duo were seen hooping at The Arena at Summit indoor court in New York, a small indoor playing area that many celebrities have frequented for pick-up games over the past several years.

Even with his dad up in his grill to contest the shot, Kiyan hit some impressive jumpers from NBA range. Unsurprisingly, Melo, the 10th-leading scorer in NBA history (28,289 points), got his share of buckets as well.

Take a look:

Melo vs Kiyan is such a joy to watch pic.twitter.com/U0GScC3eIb — Big Knick Energy (@BigKnickEnergy_) August 24, 2023

Regardless of who his father is, Anthony is the real deal, and the Buckeyes would certainly love to convince him that Columbus is the place where he can build a path to the NBA.

But first, we'll have to wait and see when that date for the potential visit gets set.

Zach Dimmitt


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Travel office hours summary (jan-dec 2022).

Marie Peterson | November 1, 2022

Summary of Travel Office Hours (January-December 2022):


December 2022 - Office Hours Summary

  • Travel Office Hours  - Offered 1st Tuesday of each month from 10-11:30 a.m. with summary posted at Travel Website (under News). 
  • The Travel Office reviewed all expense items for any needed updates and will continue to review any requested new expense items before they are loaded into Workday. 
  • Pay attention to NewsLink for an announcement on this topic.  You can also attend these office hour sessions or review the summary for an update on this upcoming change.
  • You will see the selections are grouped by type with a prefix of PCard, Reimbursement (Non-Travel) or Travel. 
  • Selections marked “inactive” (after 12/16th) will not permit submission with new entry of Spend Authorization or Expense Report. If selection is already in-progress status, an alert will prompt for a change to proceed with approval.
  • The AOU was made required with the Travel Guidelines released in June 2021, following the university’s suspension due to COVID-19.
  • Traveler must complete step or Spend Authorization does not advance in workflow for approval.
  • The Traveler will be notified by an onscreen prompt, reminders in Workday inbox, home screen prompts under “awaiting action” and by email.
  • Spend Authorizations submitted by an Expense Data Entry Specialist (EDES) will also notify the traveler by similar methods.
  • Questionnaire is triggered by destination field being international location (e.g., airfare, lodging) and the validation of an employee name on the Spend Authorization header.
  • EXCEPTION! If the Spend Authorization lines are not inclusive of a destination field or the employee traveler is part of a group Spend Authorization (set up with a Group ECM name), the traveler must revert to the DocuSign version and upload it to the Spend Authorization.
  • Airfare - Do NOT buy airfare without an approved Spend Authorization from Workday.
  • Approval - Traveler’s Name (Not EDES’s Name-Approvers must review)
  • Payment - ECM’s Legal Name (person will not be able to cash the check if name is not correct)
  • External Committee Members (ECM) – ECM’s must be created with an address even if there are no reimbursable expenses; will not be able to create Expense Report without it.
  • Changing Worktags (if applicable)
  • Verifying any personal travel combined with business (including cost comparison adjustments)
  • Reviewing for policy requirements
  • Approving in a timely manner (including Traveler certification)
  • Mid - FY Spend Authorization Clean Up - Run “Find SA Summary-OSU” Report and review for any DRAFT Expense Reports that will prohibit Spend Authorization Closure.

November 2022 - Office Hours Summary

  • Available for all users
  • Refreshed weekly from Production
  • System access mirrors production access as of the last refresh
  • Using the Workday Training Tenant – job aid at ARC
  • Effective October 19th, update in pricing – Business Rental Summary was revised on the website.
  • The Business Rental Solutions (online reservation system) has modifications to include all trucks, vans, box trucks and stake beds are now available for booking online – no discount code needed and there is a separate link for truck business rentals.
  • Itemization in Expense Reports - Itemization in Expense Reports should be limited to split funding (e.g., business meal-alcohol)
  • Companion Travelers’ (spouses, partners, children) airfare must NOT be applied to a university payment tool.
  • Concur must NOT be used for personal travel; confusion with the booking process for a guest who has a business purpose and approved SA#.
  • Travel Agent can add companion to the same reservation, but payment must be personal (not SA#/university credit card)
  • If correction is needed, follow Repayment Process for Personal Expense Charged to University Payment Tools (PCard) Job Aid
  • Travel Office will create ER not tied to SA to avoid encumbrances issues when extra expense would over-expense the SA for the traveler’s approved totals.
  • Cost Center Manager/Service Center Role can enter cash sale number (CS#)  in memo to document deposit for the audit trail.
  • Contact travel agency (not Travel Office) to cancel airfare.
  • Cancel 90-minutes prior to departure time to retain any ticket value. After this timeframe or no-show, you lose all value of ticket.
  • After check-in, online changes cannot be made, contact full-service travel agent for assistance.
  • Determine if airfare class is refundable or non-refundable and obtain documentation.
  • Refundable means funds are returned to original credit card
  • Non-refundable means unused ticket credit for future travel
  • If expecting credit, don’t close Spend Authorization. Travel Office will expense the credit transaction against Spend Authorization, then traveler/unit can close it.
  • Closing a Spend Authorization can only occur during “Approved” status with NO Expense Reports or when all Expense Reports are in “Paid” or reconciled status.

Topic: Travel Tools – Transaction Oversight (Continued from October session):

  • Travel Tools – It is expected that you manage travel transactions through the business travel life cycle.  Reports are for everyone and not just for the business analyst role who is doing trend analysis and/or metrics for the unit.  You can use the following tools to find transactions and take action to ensure the travel is reconciled and closed within Workday.
  • My Spend Authorizations
  • My Expense Reports
  • Find Spend Authorization (Summary and Detail)
  • Find Expense Report (Summary and Detail)
  • Running a Workday Report
  • Saving and Using Report Criteria Filters
  • Scheduling a Workday Report
  • Using Workday Report Output

October 2022 - Office Hours Summary

  • Travel Office Hours   - Offered 1st Tuesday of each month from 10-11:30 a.m. with summary posted at Travel Website (under News). 
  • New! Introduction to Business Travel at OSU - A 10-minute introductory session is now available for OSU employees who travel or employees who arrange travel for others. Units are encouraged to share  Introduction to Business Travel at OSU  with new employees (or those who have busy schedules) for a high-level overview of Business Travel.  The brief session includes important policy highlights, useful resources, and directions on where to get help.
  • Coming Soon…New Travel Course - Another training offering is coming soon that will complement the existing self-guided curriculum in BuckeyeLearn titled Business Travel Life Cycle.  This new course is recommended for frequent travelers or arrangers who coordinate complex travel on behalf of others.  Registration is required . It will include detailed information on the 4 business travel life cycle modules with interactive demonstrations and discussion (Full day with breaks and extended lunch)
  • Updated External Committee Member (ECM) Job Aid – The steps to make changes to an ECM have been added to the existing job aid now titled ECM – Find|Create|Change an External Committee Member.
  • You cannot close a Spend Authorization when a cash advance has not been reconciled.
  • You must reconcile the cash advance within 30 days of return date of the trip.
  • If there is a university defined business purpose and the award is transferred to a funding source to process expense reports, then a Spend Authorization is required.  NOTE: the student can use the contracted agency for airfare prepayment with an approved Spend Authorization number.
  • Enterprise & National Car Rental Rate Increase - Effective October 19; rates on the Business Summary located on the Travel website will be updated soon.
  • CONUS/OCONUS Rates Updated in Workday – The federal rates for lodging and meals & incidentals have been updated in Workday.
  • Phone Numbers in Emails – Make sure you provide your phone number when emailing the Travel Office mailbox ( [email protected] ) with issues that require immediate discussion. It is also helpful to have your phone number listed in your Workday profile.

Topic: Travel Tools – Transaction Oversight:

September 2022 - Office Hours Summary

  • Business Process Change (Univ Only ) - Effective August 30, Spend Authorizations that have a cash advance will be re-routed to the Service Center lead prior to the Department Leader in the workflow approval process. The Service Center will be responsible for checking for appropriateness and eligibility against policy and will have the ability to send back the Spend Authorization if necessary.
  • Personal Check Box on the Expense Report - Effective July 22, validation was added Workday to prevent Expense Report submission when the ‘Personal Expense’ checkbox is selected. When  Personal Travel is Purchased in Connection with Business Travel (Airfare) follow this job aid at the Administration Resource Center (ARC) - Repayment Process for Personal Expense Charged to University Payment Tools (PCard)
  • Truck Rental via Car Rental Agencies – Truck reservations must be done over the phone with the contracted car rental agency. Contact the Travel Office to obtain the appropriate agency discount code and phone number to complete the reservation.  
  • Contracted Travel Agencies – Use the contracted agencies throughout the trip for assistance with cancellations/delays. Visit Contact a Travel Agent to obtain contact information and after-hours agent information. This contact information can also be found at the top of your travel itinerary.
  • Spend Authorization Approval - Spend Authorizations must be in approved status PRIOR to purchasing airfare on the university’s ghost credit card with any of the contracted travel agencies. We are tracking areas that purchase without authority.
  • External Committee Member (ECM) – You MUST enter an address when creating an External Committee Member (non-employee/guest) in Workday to avoid system errors and payment delays.  See ECM – Create an External Committee Member job aid for step-by-step instructions.  This job aid also contains how to create an ECM for Group Travel.

August 2022 - Office Hours Summary - Special Edition

SPECIAL EDITION:  Travel Challenges 2022 - OSU Partners Discussion

OSU travel partners, Corporate Travel Planners (CTP), Hertz Car Rental and Southwest Airlines were in attendance to discuss travel challenges, share some insight and recommendations to improve the business travel experience in spite of these challenges.  

  • Travelers should anticipate industry wide impacts to the travel experience - when appropriate, choose a virtual option.
  • Higher Costs
  • Long lines at airport and car rental locations
  • Lengthy hold times with travel suppliers
  • Staffing shortages with airlines, hotels and airport facilities
  • Airline delays and cancellations
  • Rental car limited fleet
  • Reset “normal” expectations
  • Install airline/rental car app – this can assist with real time notifications and save time at check out for a rental car
  • Pack extra items (e.g. snacks, prescriptions) in your carryon bag
  • Plan for extension of services (e.g. pet/child care)
  • Complete airline check-in guidelines on your itinerary
  • Check your flight status before departing for airport

Southwest Airlines Discussion

  • Southwest Airlines hit a major milestone in June – growing their total, active full-time Employee base to more than 61,000, which is higher than the number of Southwest Employees pre-pandemic at the end of 2019
  • Since January, Southwest hired nearly 10,000 new Employees across the Company, with the vast majority of those hired into operational roles. ​​​​​​
  • T ry to arrive to airport on time...Southwest will do their best to still get the flight out at scheduled departure time
  • When planning your trip, give yourself ample time before your event to arrive to your destination (consider your connections and possible delays)
  • Download the Southwest Airlines mobile app, check-in 24hrs before your flight, and make sure you download your boarding pass prior to arriving at the airport
  • Check out www.tsa.gov/precheck to learn how you can enroll in TSA PreCheck
  • Ensure your liquids abide by TSA’s 3-1-1 rule: 3.4oz, fit in 1 quart-sized bag, 1 bag per Passenger
  • If you’re travelling in a Group, assign a point person to work with the Customer Service Agent for boarding passes and assistance checking luggage 
  • Never place medicine, keys, wallet, or any must-have item in your checked luggage
  • Pack a jacket in your carryon so you can remain comfortable
  • Charge all your devices and travel with a charger, even for day trips
  • Bring a refillable water bottle so you’re not relying on purchasing one at the airport
  • If there’s a different flight you’d like to take that’s available, try first to change your flight via the Southwest app
  • If you aren’t able to change via the app, call OSU’s contracted travel agency for additional assistance. If the OSU contracted travel agency is unable to assist, go to the ticket counter at your gate and a Customer Service Agent will be able to provide an alternate solution
  • In the event you have to cancel your flight or take a different form of transportation to your final destination, Southwest will refund your Southwest ticket, or you can keep the flight credit for future use
  • Southwest can offer accommodations to help travelers impacted by irregular operations, depending on what type of delay or cancellation they’re experiencing (e.g., mechanical vs. weather)
  • Patience is key. In the airport and while onboard, be patient with employees while they work to assist you
  • If you incur any unexpected expenses (hotel, car rental, food purchases) as a result of a flight disruption, save your receipts for potential reimbursement
  • Remember…weather on the ground is not always indicative of the weather at 30k feet; airlines are also impacted by Air Traffic Control staff shortages which is not within the airline's control.
  • OSU contracted travel agencies have access to Southwest's exclusive Premier Partner Desk where a dedicated team of agents are ready to support your business travel needs
  • Southwest can refund the full portion of the unused ticket back to the original form of payment 
  • Flight credits may also be held for future use, and as of July 28, 2022, they never expire
  • Reach out to your contracted travel agencies, and we’ll do our best to extend a gesture for a more positive experience
  • In most scenarios, our Premier Partner Desk Account Managers will work with our Finance Team for reimbursements incurred as a result to cancellation or significant flight disruption

Hertz Rental Car Discussion

  • Global Microchip shortage continues to impact Rental Car Industry
  • Industry vehicle availability is limited during summer peaks
  • Remain ultra-focused on maintenance and providing clean and safe vehicle
  • 24 - hour check-in and exit pass- available with mobile app
  • Vehicles might have higher mileage than before
  • One-way rentals might be harder to find. More expensive.
  • Make your reservation early
  • Download app for fast and easy account access
  • Add flight information to your reservation
  • Confirm airport and rental location business hours as they might have changed with staffing shortages
  • If your travel plans change, make sure to change your reservation
  • The name on the reservation must match the person picking up the vehicle.
  • Credit card in your name
  • Valid driver’s license that matches the name on the credit card
  • Buck-ID or OSU affiliated validation

July 2022 - Office Hours Summary

  • Effective July 1, 2022, there is only 1 airfare prepayment credit card to select when purchasing airfare through the contracted travel agency (CTP) or their online booking tool (Concur).
  • Verifying personal travel (including cost comparison adjustments)
  • Reviewing for other policy requirements
  • Cancelling any “draft” or “in progress” Spend Authorizations that are not intended for approval
  • Cancelling any “draft” or “in progress” Expense Reports that are not intended for approval
  • In July 2022, any Spend Authorization with a return date of July 2021 or before will meet the aged criteria.
  • Southwest Credits – For a limited time and first-come-first served basis, credits are available through full service agent with an approved SA# at Corporate Travel Planners (INDV business travel) or Anthony Travel (Athletic business travel).
  • Southwest Airlines’ New Fare Class – Wanna Get Away Plus fare class may be more expensive but is transferrable to another traveler if needed.  Travel policy states to select the most economic option that meets the business need.  If you need more information, contact one of the university's contracted agencies.
  • NEW Travel Training Opportunities Coming Soon! Online courses are not for everyone…soon we'll deliver more interactive training with an opportunity for an in-person workshop that will assist all travelers and travel arrangers with understanding the business travel life cycle and available resources.
  • Federal Mileage Rate Increased to 62.5 cents/mile for Remainder of 2022 - If you have travel that overlaps or spans between both timeframes, you’ll need to enter two separate lines (same expense item) with different rates/amounts on the Expense Report in Workday.
  • Don’t Use Personal Checkbox on Expense Reports – The inappropriate use of the personal checkbox is creating downstream accounting issues.  Workday fix is expected in mid July .
  • Do not upload any personal or HIPPA restricted documentation to Workday...simply add a comment that you have the ADA approved documentation available for audit validation.  
  • If for some reason a CTP agent needs clarification, they can reach out to the Travel Office for approval but shouldn’t hold up procuring airfare.  
  • Key Task – Running Travel (SA/ER) Reports - We have been talking about travel reports in our last few sessions regarding the types of reports, how to run, benefits of using them, latest updates and enhancements.  We hope you are more comfortable running these reports and incorporating them into your weekly tasks to properly monitor your workload.

July Discussion Topic/Demo – Travel Summer/Fall 2022

  • Travelers should anticipate industry wide impacts to the travel experience - when possible, choose a virtual option.
  • Install airline/rental car app – this can assist with real time notifications and save time at check out for a rental car.
  • Pack extra items (e.g. snacks, prescriptions)
  • Plan for extension of personal services (e.g. pet/child care).

Next month…we will be inviting our travel partners (Travel Agency, Airline and Car Rental representatives) to provide a current industry update and how we can be better prepared for traveling in the coming year.

June 2022 - Office Hours Summary

  • Workday Homepage – Configure your saved categories to include “Expenses” for searching of travel transactions with new homepage format.
  • BuckeyeLearn – New encumbrance training titled Commitments and Obligations with a Spend Authorization component – Any terminology updates will be completed on travel related job aids. ​
  • Find Spend Authorizations – OSU; New version – Find Spend Authorization Summary - OSU
  • Find Spend Authorization Lines; New version – Find Spend Authorization Details - OSU
  • Find Spend Authorization Lines for Organization
  • Workday Assistance – Travel Office hosting a Travel Year-End Working Session – June 10, 2022 from 1pm - 2:30pm.
  • Wait to enter Travel Blanket requests until July for FY23
  • When possible, enter Spend Authorizations and Expense Reports in the same fiscal year to minimize accounting impact
  • If a spend authorization and corresponding expense report(s) cross fiscal years, the Spend Authorization is still usable, but this will incorrectly reflect your pre-encumbrances/commitments (over or understated) in the General Ledger
  • ONLY 1 Spend Authorization number per traveler for a trip!

June Discussion Topic/Demo - Year-End Activities

Why is it so important to complete year-end activities?

  • ​​​​​​ It is policy…travel transactions create pre-encumbrances and expenses that affect ledger accounts, and they must be reconciled. ​​​​​​
  • When accounting transactions are complete, units can manage budgets and know available balances to make financial decisions.
  • Meet Office of Sponsored Program grant deadlines
  • Expense PCard transactions – we already paid the bank but need to internally move that expense to the appropriate worktags
  • Prepare for Mass Spend Authorization Close - July

Review FY22 Year-End Close Review Checklist for Finance and Supply Chain at the Controller’s website :

  • Credit Card Transactions – OSU (to identify transactions not yet on an expense report and those in ‘draft’ or ‘in progress’ status)
  • My/Find Expense Reports - OSU (to identify transactions on an expense report in ‘draft’ or ‘in progress’ status)
  • My/Find Spend Authorizations - Detail (to identify transactions that need to be cancelled or closed)
  • Airfare and PCard Transactions assigned by 6/16/2022 must be expensed (submitted and approved) by 6/30/2022
  • Spend Authorizations and Expense Reports must be processed as appropriate (e.g., Create, Submit, Approve, Cancel and/or Close)

May 2022 - Office Hours Summary

  • Travel Office Hours   - Offered 1st Tuesday of each month from 10-11:30 a.m. with summary posted at Travel Website (under News).  Stay tuned for updates regarding moving to Zoom platform.
  • Airline Industry Update  – Be prepared for delays and cancellations this summer due to a pilot shortage.  Allow ample time between flight connections (at least 4 hours for international flights).
  • ​ 'Corporate Travel Planners (CTP)' must be entered for Individual Business Travel
  • 'ScholarTrip' must be entered for Group Business Travel (10+ travelers with same itinerary) 
  • 'Anthony Travel' must be entered for Athletic Business/Team Travel
  • 'Other' should be entered if guest/student does not use the above referenced agency
  • Access to Concur is for active EMPLOYEES only – a travel arranger can book for non-employees (students and/or guests) or they can always contact a full-service agent for booking.
  • All required fields in the profile of the traveler  and  travel arrangers must be complete for system to work properly.
  • Frequent Flyer Program IDs must be exactly as they appear on your card.  No special characters (e.g., *,/,&).
  • TSA Pre-Check Number (aka Known Traveler Number) – No guarantee for expedited screening (airport dependent).


Blanket Spend Authorizations  are used to track and reimburse (in-state) transportation expenses like mileage, parking, rental car, gasoline and tolls for an individual per fiscal year.

Workday Fields Unique to Blanket Spend Authorizations:

  • Begin entering travel blankets on or after July 1st so funds are encumbered in FY23 (do not change budget date field)
  • UNIV: July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023
  • OSP: Based on grant open/close dates
  • Business Purpose = Blanket
  • Expense Items = Mileage (local trips), Car Rental (Extended trips), Gasoline (for rental vehicle), parking, toll, etc. No overnight hotel accommodations-this would require a unique spend authorization.
  • Amount – Estimate high; do not want to run out of funds before the end date of travel.
  • Cost Comparisons – when destinations are known, cost comparison documentation between mileage and rental car can be attached to show cost variance.

Expense Reports against Blanket Spend Authorizations:

  • Blanket spend authorizations usually have at least multiple expense reports (depending on how many times throughout the year the traveler is reimbursed – keep in mind the 60-day reimbursement deadline per policy).  All linked expense reports will be in the Spend Authorization Details section of the header.
  • Remember not to check “Final ER for SA” checkbox until the  last  expense report (spend authorizations cannot be re-opened in Workday).
  • You can also choose to  Close the Spend Authorization  to unencumber all unused funds at the end of the blanket period.

April 2022 - Office Hours Summary

  • Travel Office Hours  - Offered 1st Tuesday of each month from 10-11:30 a.m. with summary posted at Travel Website (under News).  Stay tuned for updates regarding moving to Zoom platform.
  • Travel Website  - “Contact the OSU Travel Office” button has been added to the travel office website, so customers do not have to scroll down to our Contact Us section when needing to email the travel office with questions.
  • Fare rules will differ by airline and by the actual fare purchased:
  • Refundable fare is returned to original form of payment
  • Non-refundable fare routes to profile as credit voucher for future business use
  • Basic economy fare has no refund or credit
  • Non-legacy airlines have complex rules for cancellation
  • Must use credit before expiration (both purchase and travel by)
  • Workday Update for Administrators:   If an administrator is going on vacation or leave, they can set up a Delegation in Workday to assign transactions (or tasks) to other individuals for a short period of time.  See  Delegation  job aid at the Administration Resource Center (ARC) for step-by-step instructions.
  • Between the continued impact of COVID and political unrest in Ukraine-the University will continue to prioritize duty of care over cost.  The university will continue to evaluate.
  • Encouraged for students and guests
  • All subsequent airfare due to itinerary changes must be procured through contracted agency for airfare compliance; visibility to flights – coordination of emergency plan.
  • Each traveler will be granted an exemption up to a maximum of two times during their employment (e.g., lifetime maximum).
  • Individual Business Travel - Corporate Travel Planners (CTP)
  • Group Business Travel (10+ same itinerary) – ScholarTrip
  • Athletic Business Travel – Anthony Travel
  • All Business Travel – Enterprise, National or Hertz
  • Includes required insurance in discounted rate

Workday Travel Reports  – All reports are being analyzed for opportunities to leverage functionality to reduce the number of reports or make enhancements for overall better user experience.  Any changes or enhancements will be communicated via NewsLink.

Spend Authorization Reports 

  • My Spend Authorization (Traveler) - answers the question “Where can I find a list of my spend authorizations?”
  • Find Spend Authorization – OSU (Traveler and/or EDES) - answers the question “Where can I find a list of spend authorizations that I created for someone else?”
  • Find Spend Authorization Lines - answers the question “Where can I find a list of spend authorizations for my Unit (Cost Center Hierarchy)?”

Expense Reports 

  • My Expense Reports (Traveler) - answers the question “Where can I find a list of my expense reports?”
  • Find Expense Reports – OSU (Traveler and/or EDES) - answers the question “Where can I find a list of expense reports that I created for someone else?”
  • Find Expense Report Lines - answers the question “Where can I find a list of expense reports for my Unit (Cost Center Hierarchy)?”

Historical Reporting (Pre-Workday data from eTravel)

  • Data located in the Reporting and Analytics Environment (RAE)
  • Travel Request Data
  • Payment Request Data
  • Exception Report Data

March 2022 - Office Hours Summary

  • ​ ' Corporate Travel Planners (CTP)'  must be entered for Individual Business Travel
  • 'ScholarTrip'  must be entered for Group Business Travel (10+ travelers with same itinerary) 
  • 'Anthony Travel'  must be entered for Athletic Business/Team Travel
  • 'Other'  should be entered if guest/student does not use the above referenced agency
  • A new phone system has been implemented that offers a call back feature during periods of where call volume is high.  If you elect not to hold for an agent, you can select prompt for a call back when an agent is available.
  • Increased agents assigned to the OSU account to accommodate the uptick in travel since the university's suspension.
  • Concur Online Booking Tool issues resolved with unused credit records and trip itinerary library restored.
  • Spend Authorization or Expense Report:  Be sure to provide a complete Business Purpose in the Justification field in the header of the Spend Authorization.  The Justification (also known as the policy required Business Purpose) must answer who, what, when and most importantly how/why the trip benefits the mission of the university.  When applicable, you should include attendee list (name, affiliation, title) and other supporting documentation. Do not be vague and spell out acronyms. Refer to the  Travel Policy  for more details.
  • Expense Report:   When processing an Expense Report for travel related expenses, be sure to tie the Expense Report to the Spend Authorization.  This is accomplished by selecting the correct Spend Authorization (associated with the traveler) at the Expense Report header.  For specific guidance, refer to Step 2 in the  Create an Expense Report (Travel)  job aid at the ARC.

Closing a Spend Authorization

Closing a Spend Authorization officially documents the trip and associated expenses have been completed, formally unencumbers funds estimated for the trip and prevents any additional expenses from being applied.

  • (End User) Select "Final" ER checkbox in the last expected Expense Report to be processed against the Spend Authorization
  • (End User) Manually close the Spend Authorization
  • (Central Office) Allow the Spend Authorization to be batched to close by annual central process
  • Trip cancelled before departure date (and after Spend Authorization approval) with no expenses to apply to an Expense Report.
  • Trip completed with no expenses to apply to an Expense Report.
  • Trip completed with no expenses to apply to an Expense Report and any prepaid expenses (e.g. airfare on ghost card) have been fully expensed with an Expense Report in “Paid” status.

February 2022 - Office Hours Summary

  • Decommission of eTravel and eRequest Systems  - Access historical data (pre-Workday) in Tableau Server.  See Job Aids at the ARC for  access  and  guidance .
  • Unused Airline Credits  - Travelers/Arrangers encouraged to utilize unused airline credits before expiration.  Traveler/Arranger responsible for tracking unused credits that result from eligible flight cancellations and using for future authorized business travel.  Consult your unit's SFO for available credits from 2020 cancellations for your area .   Arrange use of unused airline credits with the university's contracted agency.  Some credits may (airline dependent) be transferrable to other university business travelers.
  • Payment Options for Hotel  - Hotel payment options are limited to PCard or personal credit card (reimbursement).  No direct bill is available through the university's contracted agency.
  • Travel Communication with "Do Not Reply" Senders  - Email communication sent from automated systems with "Do Not Reply" in the sender name are not monitored for response.  Refer to Itinerary or reservation documentation for contact resources.
  • ECM Set-up  - (1) Non-Work ECM  must  have appropriate Country (Citizenship) selected (particularly for NRA) and (2) Group ECM must use the Committee Name "Expense for Group Travel".  See  Job Aid at the ARC for guidance.

Risk Management Discussion (Guest Speakers) 

  • Visit  Website  for more information (updates and FAQs coming soon)
  • Contact:   Stacey Houser  (Director of Risk Management & Insurance) or  Terry Rodeman  (Insurance Administrator)
  • Rental Car is recommended as the most economic option that provides required insurance for business travel.
  • Risks and personal liability should be considered when electing to drive a personal vehicle for business travel.
  • Refer to  Travel Policy  and  FAQs  for more guidance.
  • Commercial Lodging with single occupancy room per business traveler is recommended option for safety and liability reasons.
  • Risks and personal liability should be considered when electing to reserve Airbnb for business travel.
  • Refer to  Travel Policy ,  FAQs  or contact  Risk Management  for more guidance.
  • Refer to  Travel Guidelines  issued in June 2021
  • INTL Acknowledgement of Understanding  - traveler  must  sign form for each INTL trip (must be attached to the Spend Authorization for approval)
  • Domestic Acknowledgement of Understanding  - traveler should review disclaimer form for each domestic trip (signature not required)

Selecting Applicable Airfare Payment Card for Individual Business Travel (CTP)

  • With all airfare bookings with CTP, traveler/arranger must designate whether this is for  sponsored  (OSP/grant funded) or  non-sponsored  (University funded) travel.
  • If booking with full service agent by phone/email, you should be asked "sponsored or non-sponsored" - your response will dictate the applicable university credit card for the purchase.
  • If booking in Concur (CTP's online booking tool), you must indicate "sponsored or non-sponsored" at purchase by card selection and on the final submission prompt page.
  • Contact the  Travel Office  if uncertain.

Checklist for Trip Changes or Cancellation

  • Contact travel agency to amend or cancel airfare (based on fare rules, may result in voucher, credit refund or additional airline fees for rebooking)
  • Contact hotel, car rental agency or conference host to amend or cancel reservations (refer to cancellation policies)
  • Submit an Expense report for any expenses or credit refunds
  • If trip rescheduled, a new Spend Authorization should be generated
  • If virtual event, refer to unit requirements for  Business Leave ​

January 2022 - Office Hours Summary

  • Mileage Rate Update  - Effective January 1, 2022, the mileage reimbursement rate increased to  58.5  cents per mile. 
  • Business Leave  - Effective January 10, a new optional process has been developed for employee business leave using Workday’s Request Process (see  NewsLink  and  Job Aid ).  ​This could be used for faculty/staff that are attending non-travel events (e.g., virtual conference or meeting) and will be away from routine work schedules. Do not use Spend Authorization for non-travel authorization.

Travel Steps Summary:

  • Review  FY2022 Travel Guidelines
  • Plan Business Travel : Review travel policy, planning guides and gather trip estimates
  • An approved SA required before purchasing travel expenses (e.g., airfare) and before departure
  • See Job Aid at the ARC.
  • CTP – Individual Business Travel (or login to Concur)
  • ScholarTrip – Group Business Travel (10+ same itinerary)
  • Anthony Travel – Athletic Business/Team Travel
  • Contact one of the contracted travel agencies to reserve hotel
  • Review business travel discounts options
  • Select the credit card charge/credit from the credit card transaction section to pull the information to the expense line and the amount will be indicated as “company paid” and thus correctly expensed.
  • Upload the receipt documentation that shows method of payment and paid amount.
  • Enter your expenses and the total amount will be indicated as “reimbursement” and thus correctly expensed.

*Refer to Business Travel Life Cycle Curriculum for comprehensive training.

Approvers Checklist for SA and ER

  • Review any alerts
  • Review justification or purpose of trip
  • Review any cash advance requests for eligibility and appropriateness
  • Review attachments and comments
  • Review worktags

Who does Carter Lowe want in Ohio State 2025 class? Recap of first OSU recruiting camp

osu anthony travel

Carter Lowe did not need to be recruited to come to Ohio State’s first recruiting camp of the summer. 

The 2025 Toledo offensive lineman is committed to the Buckeyes and was in the Woody Hayes Athletic Center Wednesday “to get comfortable around my coaches” before his arrival as an early enrollee in January. 

But Lowe also had recruiting on his mind. 

While his day was cut short after he suffered a minor hamstring injury running the 40-yard dash, Lowe was still in the ears of linemen like Massillon three-star Nolan Davenport and Westerville three-star and Louisville commit Jake Cook , who each have yet to earn an Ohio State offer. 

“Who would not want to be a part of this class?” Lowe said. “We got a lot of guys coming, really good competition in practice all the time. I’ve been to a lot of practices. They practice hard and against the best guys in the country right here. If you want to get better as a person and as a player and be around the best guys, why would you not pick Ohio State?” 

Lowe is the only offensive lineman currently committed to Ohio State’s 2025 class. But after four-star running back Bo Jackson committed to the Buckeyes Tuesday, Lowe feels Ohio State has momentum on its side. 

Tarvos Alford Ohio State official visit: Why 2025 LB Tarvos Alford says Ohio State 'left great impression' after first official visit

 “That was one,” Lowe said. “But we got a lot more coming, that’s for sure.” 

Lowe and Ohio State have their sights set high. 

Lowe said he’s talked with five-star offensive tackle David Sanders Jr. – Ohio State’s top offensive line target in 2025 – and called him a “really, really good fit for Ohio State. Lowe and Sanders will take part in the same official visit weekend June 21-23. 

But Lowe also had high praise for three-star guard Jayvon McFadden, who will reportedly be at Ohio State for an official visit starting Friday. 

“My boy, that’s my guy,” Lowe said. “He loves ball, just like me. You know, I’m somewhat new to the game, but he has a lot of knowledge. He loves the game. So it would be crazy and really, really fun to play next to him. So I talk to him a lot. Hopefully he can become a Buckeye too. 

Here are two other takeaways from Ohio State’s first recruiting camp of the summer. 

2026 LB Anthony Davis returns to Ohio State after offer

2026 four-star linebacker Anthony Davis was one of the only prospects Wednesday that took the field with an Ohio State offer in tow. 

Davis, the No. 226 player and No. 19 linebacker in 2026 per 247Sports’ composite rankings, earned an OSU offer in April after visiting for the spring game. Davis, a Loganville, Georgia, native was back to work with James Laurinaitis , someone he was impressed by. 

“Coach Laurinaitis, he’s a great coach because he did it before and stuff like that,” Davis said. “I like how hands-on he is. Before he showed the drill, he did it.” 

Vernell Brown III update: 4-star WR Vernell Brown III keeps OSU finalist after 'pretty cool' official visit

Davis said he talks to Laurinaitis “almost every week” along with schools such as Auburn, Texas, Oregon and Southern California. 

But Ohio State, Davis said, is near the top of the list, and he is planning to visit for a game in the fall. 

Ohio State extended multiple offers after Wednesday’s camp: 2026 Mississippi five-star safety Bralan Womack , 2026 Toledo four-star cornerback Victor Singleton , 2026 Georgia tight end Jude Cascone , 2026 Indiana three-star wide receiver Jerquaden Guilford , 2026 Pennsylvania cornerback Larry Moon III , 2026 Avon four-star defensive back Jakob Weatherspoon and 2027 Dayton wide receiver Jamier Brown .

2025 CB Dawayne Galloway gets Ohio State's attention

2025 four-star cornerback Dawayne Galloway is still working to earn an Ohio State offer. 

The Columbus native is listed as the No. 122 player, the No. 13 cornerback and the No. 6 Ohio native in the 2025 class per 247Sports’ composite rankings, and already has offers from programs such as Kentucky, Michigan, Penn State, Purdue, Syracuse and West Virginia. 

Standing at 6-foot-1, 175 pounds, Galloway said he wanted to show how much he’s improved since his last visit to Ohio State in October. 

“I just came out to perform, show what I can do for real,” Galloway said. “That’s it.” 

Will Justin Hill pick Ohio State? What 2025 DE Justin Hill learned from Ohio State during official visit: 'I wanted clarity'

After showing off his physicality and coverage in one-on-one drills, Galloway was approached by Ohio State secondary coach Tim Walton immediately after the end of camp. Galloway said his relationship has been building with the Buckeyes since September. 

Ohio State has two cornerbacks in the 2025 class in Devin Sanchez and Na’eem Offord , and have their attention on Ohio State legacy and Texas five-star Dorian Brew . But Galloway said he looks up to Jermaine Mathews Jr. : an Ohio cornerback who earned an offer from the Buckeyes the summer before his senior year, and later led to a commitment. 

“I am impressed with Ohio State,” Galloway said. “I’m impressed with how they develop DBs with Bryce West, Aaron Scott, they got Jermaine Mathews. I really like how they develop those guys.” 

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  • Career Development Grant
  • Claiming An Award
  • Allowable Expense Guidelines
  • Criteria - Application Questions
  • Recommendation Questions
  • Ray Travel Award Winners
  • CGS Events Funding Requests
  • Annual Awards & Recognition Ceremony
  • General Grad Student Resources

Ray Travel Award for Service and Scholarship (up to $1000 per academic year)

Apply for the edward j. ray travel award.

The Edward J. Ray Travel Award for Scholarship and Service  (i.e. Ray Travel Award or RTA) encourages and enables graduate students across the university to participate in professional conferences, both in their respective fields and in the broader academic community, by reimbursing or partially reimbursing the expenses incurred by graduate students during travel to conferences and meetings to present original research.

Unlike other programs that grant travel funds, the Ray Travel Award gives substantial weight to the applicant's  service to their department, the university, and the surrounding community.  Additionally, Ray Travel Award judges also take into account the applicant's professional goals, the nature of the conference being attended, and the applicant's ability to convey the focus of their research to a general audience.

Application Deadlines for 2024-2025 Academic Year

The financial aspect of travel to and presentation at such events can be prohibitive to many graduate students, and the availability of such support for students varies widely across the university. Whereas students in some departments, schools, and colleges may have several opportunities for funding, others have no sources of funding whatsoever. For this reason, the absence of such funds at the university level has been a subject of concern for CGS for several years. Inquiries on this matter to the CGS office, from both individual students and other graduate student associations within the university, have increased in recent years. Therefore, we feel that the Ray Travel Award will fill a void for many students; it will also sustain and further the professional activities of students who have exhausted other funding sources. The Ray Travel Award is intended to supplement -- not to replace -- existing funds at the program, department, school, college, or university levels.

Although the fund is primarily intended to assist with travel expenses, we recognize that there are often other costs involved with professional presentations. We have defined the fund's uses so that other legitimate costs can be included when necessary. The awards committee will be composed of graduate students and faculty members representative of the university community, as well as representatives from groups contributing to the fund. These individuals will be expected to consider the university as a whole in their decision-making processes.

The Ray Travel Award supports and enhances the three-part mission of the University: research, teaching, and service. CGS believes that professional presentations of research are a vital part of the academic and professional development of graduate students.

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The Ohio State University

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Transferring In

  • Maintaining Status
  • Immigration Documents
  • Vacation Term
  • Change of Status
  • Program Extension
  • Change of Address
  • Concurrent Enrollment
  • F-2 and J-2 Dependents
  • Travel to Canada

A student is considered to be a transfer student when he or she leaves one U.S. institution (before or after earning a degree) to begin attendance at another U.S. institution. Please note that this does not refer to the transfer of academic credits.

Transfer eligibility

  • Student is admitted and has submitted all necessary documents to The Ohio State University.
  • Student is currently maintaining his or her F-1/ J-1 status (if your current SEVIS record is not active please contact the Office of International Affairs before requesting the transfer of your nonimmigrant status).
  • The new program begins within five months of the end of the course of study at the current school or the end of the authorized Optional Practical Training period.
  • F-1 students: The SEVIS record has to be transferred within the 60 day grace period following the student's completion of study or practical training.
  • J-1 students: The SEVIS record has to be transferred within the 30-day grace period following the student's completion of study or academic training.

Transfer procedures

  • Student applies through the appropriate Admissions Office, is admitted to The Ohio State University, and receives an email from OIA with the International Student Transfer form once the financial review is complete.
  • Student submits the International Student Transfer form to an Immigration Coordinator at their current school.
  • SEVIS release date is the date on which the student's nonimmigrant record will be electronically transferred to The Ohio State University.
  • The SEVIS release date should be determined by the current school according to the student's circumstances and needs.
  • Ohio State cannot issue the transfer I-20/DS-2019 until the SEVIS record is released.
  • An I-20/DS-2019 will be issued on or after the release date indicated on the international student transfer form. The student will receive an email once the transfer has been processed and the I-20 will be made available electronically to download and print. (Hand-signed DS-2019s will be issued to J-1 transfer-in students.)

Traveling outside the United States

Students who plan to travel outside the United States before starting their new program at Ohio State will be notified via email after the I-20 has been processed with instructions for downloading and printing their I-20. Once the SEVIS record has been released to Ohio State, it is important that the Ohio State I-20 is used for entry into the United States.

Students do not need to apply for a new visa if the current visa is unexpired, even if the name of the previous university is on the visa.

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osu anthony travel

Things to do this weekend: St. Anthony's Feast Days, Pride Palooza

A fter you clock out or the kids get off the bus Friday afternoon, what are your plans? If you and your family are looking for something to do, we've got you covered.

There are plenty of things to do in the Binghamton area especially as summer approaches. Check out the local pools , seasonal farmers markets , and outdoor dining  when the sky is clear. This weekend, come out and support local artists, businesses and festivals.

Leave your car and hop on the Trolley Tour Bus for First Friday this week. The bus leaves from Phelps Mansion Museum at 6 p.m. and 7 p.m., touring downtown Binghamton and the Bundy Museum of History and Art before returning to the Phelps.

Here are just some of the other event options to choose from this weekend:

Friday, June 7

St. anthony's italian feast days.

St. Anthony's Italian Feast Days returns to Odell Avenue in Endicott Friday from 5-9 p.m. The festival continues from 5-9 Saturday and Sunday from noon to 4 p.m., featuring live music, traditional Italian food and children's crafts. A chicken barbecue and pasta dinner will be served Sunday.

'Almost Maine'

KNOW Theatre will be showing " Almost Maine" by John Cariani , a performance about the state of Maine and the search for love and identity. There will be nine showings from June 7 through June 23, tickets are $15, visit https://knowtheatre.org/

Address: 74 Carroll St., Binghamton

First Friday

Downtown Binghamton First Friday Art Walk supports gallery owners, local artist, and musicians with art exhibitions and other events every first Friday of the month from 6-9 p.m. Visit broomearts.org to see what locations are participating and for parking information.

Saturday, June 8

St. anthony's feast days.

St. Anthony's Italian Feast Days returns to Odell Avenue in Endicott from 5-9 Saturday and Sunday from noon to 4 p.m., featuring live music, traditional Italian food and children's crafts. A chicken barbecue and pasta dinner will be served Sunday.

Discovery Center anniversary

The Discovery Center will be celebrating its 40th birthday, transforming into a Storybook carnival land filled with games, prizes, and entertainment. Load the kids in the car and head over to the center for Weis BBQ, limbo, hula hoop, and a Rubik's cube demonstration. Between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. all activities are free with the general admission fee. For more information call 607-773-8661

Address: 60 Morgan Road, Binghamton

Summer vendor market

June Vendor Summer Market is back Saturday from 1-6 p.m. and 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday. About 50 vendors will be on site, including M3 Farms, Hopes Creations, and Project Lean Nation. For more information call 607-204-0712

Address: 197 Route 369, Port Cane NY

Pride Palooza

In honor of Pride month, Binghamton Pride Coalition will be hosting a celebration of self-expression and inclusion at Otsiningo Park this Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. The Binghamton Pride Idol will be crowned, and photo booths, vendors and food will be available.

Visit Lost Dog Cafe & Lounge for the afterparty, with live performances, and Frankie C on the turntables. There will also be fireworks Saturday at 9 p.m. in downtown Binghamton.

Sunday, June 9

St. Anthony's Italian Feast Days returns to Odell Avenue in Endicott from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, featuring live music, traditional Italian food and children's crafts. A chicken barbecue and pasta dinner will be served Sunday.

This article originally appeared on Binghamton Press & Sun-Bulletin: Things to do this weekend: St. Anthony's Feast Days, Pride Palooza

A full tent of festival-goers enjoy St. Anthony's St. Anthony of Padua's Italian Feast Days on June 10, 2017.

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Health and Safety

Travel agencies.

  • Concur Booking Tool  

Vehicle Rental

Discount programs, sponsored travel, what requirements should i consider with my business travel as it relates to health/safety risks.

If you have been granted approval for business travel according to the Travel Guidelines , you must consider the health and safety requirements set by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and those established by your destination. Consult authorized entities for destinations that may have more stringent health and safety rules.

What extra steps should I consider when making travel arrangements as it relates to health/safety risks?

You should consider the possibility of changes or cancellation with short notice. 

  • When securing airfare, consider refundable ticket purchases that ensures a full refund in the event of cancellation. 
  • When securing hotels, carefully review the cancellation terms to ensure ability to cancel without penalty.  Use of online booking sites (e.g. Expedia) for hotels may be not offer refunds and are not recommended.  Airbnb is not recommended due to cancellation terms that typically do not permit refunds.   

Caution should be taken with any travel expenses that require payment in advance of travel.  Consult the Travel Office  for guidance.

Where can I get assistance if there is a health or safety emergency during my trip?

Depending on the type and level of emergency, consider the following resources for guidance:

  • Safe and Healthy Buckeyes
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • GeoBlue Global Health and Safety Services  1-610-254-8771
  • OSU - Office of Risk Management
  • U.S. Department of State  (Travel Advisories)
  • U.S. Embassies

When is a Spend Authorization required?

A Spend Authorization (SA) must be approved in Workday prior to the trip in order to process any payment using university procurement methods (e.g. PCard or PO).

A Spend Authorization is required when the destination is 45 miles or more from the traveler’s headquarters or work location (as defined by the traveler’s  flexible work agreement  or HR documentation) and/or if travel expenses extend beyond mileage or parking.  This applies even when there are no anticipated travel expenses or when a third party is paying for the travel expenses for duty of care purposes. 

A blanket Spend Authorization is recommended with multiple in-state transportation costs within a fiscal year.

Can a Spend Authorization that has been closed be reopened?

No.  The cancellation or closure of the Spend Authorization is a permanent action that cannot be reopened.  Any remaining Expense Reports to be processed will need to reference the associated Spend Authorization number in the comments.

When is an Expense Report required?

An Expense Report is required to document any expense (and receipt documentation) associated with business travel that is not funded by a 3rd party.  Appropriate expenses incurred by the traveler that are eligible for reimbursement must be processed on an Expense Report within 60 days of incurring the expense.  Any expenses incurred on a PCard (e.g. airfare or registration) must be processed on an Expense Report within 7 business days of the transaction load to Workday.

What if the travel expenses exceed the estimated amounts approved on the Spend Authorization?

Expenses should be submitted as normal on an Expense Report linked to the Spend Authorization. Additional approvals may be prompted when the Expense Report is submitted.

How can the Expense Report be completed if it is stuck pending the approval of a terminated/retired employee traveler?

Expense reports that only contain PCard transactions and are stuck on the last action step in the business process due to the traveler’s inability to approve the expense report (e.g. termination or retirement) will be manually pushed through to an approved status at the close of each fiscal year. 

Expense Reports that contain a reimburseable amount that require the employee traveler's certification/approval cannot be accessed by the employee traveler after 60 days from termination/retirement.  The outstanding Expense Report must be cancelled.  An External Committee Member (ECM) must be generated since employee payment elections are no longer available.  A new Expense Report must be created  to pay the terminated/retired employee traveler as an ECM .  

Do I need to separate the fees and taxes from the nightly lodging rate on an Expense Report?

It is recommended to enter the total lodging expense (including fees and taxes) under the Lodging expense item type. 

What are the different Workday roles in the Business Travel Lifecycle?

A list of the different Workday roles can be found in the " Travel Process: Tips and Tricks " section on the Controller's website. 

How do I get access in Workday to set up a Spend Authorization or Expense Report for another person and/or group?

Access to set-up travel processes (e.g. creating a Spend Authorization or Expense Report) on behalf of others in Workday requires the Expense Data Entry Specialist role.  Refer to the Request Workday Access Job Aid at the Administrative Resource Center (ARC) or contact your unit for eligibility guidance. 

How can Worktags be split between two funding sources?

There is no functionality in Workday to split Worktags on the Spend Authorization.  However, Worktags can be split on the Expense Report by entering a unique Worktag on each line or expense lines can be split by using the itemization feature located in the expense line details.

Can I split travel expenses between two Company Worktags?

No, Spend Authorizations and Expense Reports only permit one Cmpany Worktag. If funding needs to be split between two different Company Worktags, the cost share must be accomplished through a journal or another accounting process. 

Is it necessary to include expenses paid with a Purchase Order (PO), Requisition, or Miscellaneous Payment in an Expense Report?

No, Purchase Orders, Miscellaneous Payments, and Requisitions are different payment processes handled outside of an Expense Report. Expenses that are being paid for with such methods should still be included in the estimated expenses in the Spend Authorization.

Why is it important to reconcile a cash advance by entering an Expense Report?

As a part of the cash advance reconiliation process, an Expense Report has the necessary documentation of how the funds in the cash advance were used. The first Expense Report total will post against the cash advance balance, and no reimbursements can be given on Expense Reports until the cash advance is fully reconciled. A Spend Authorization cannot be closed if a cash advance has not been fully reconciled. 

For more information, see Cash Advance Process Job Aid at the Travel Website.

Can I pay for travel expenses using my personal credit card without an approved Spend Authorization?

An approved Spend Authorization must be established before any travel arrangements are secured by personal or university payments.  Any travel related purchases made with personal funds without an approved Spend Authorization may not be reimbursed.

If my business travel expenses will be covered by a third party (e.g., host institution), do I still need an approved Spend Authorization before I travel?

A Spend Authorization is required for all business travel that is 45 miles or more from the traveler's headquarters to document for duty of care purposes.  When the business travel is financially supported by a third party, the Spend Authorization must include each expense line for anticipated expenses with appropriate expense item type (e.g., airfare) and entered with the amount of $0.01, along with comments in the memo field indicating expenses paid by third party name.

Can I combine personal travel with a business trip?

Travelers may combine personal travel with a business trip, but should consult with their supervisor before initiating arrangements. When arranging travel in these instances, travelers must ensure that arrangements are made in such a way that stewardship of university resources and administrative time is the priority. Travelers incurring additional costs by taking personal travel in conjunction with business travel must pay for the costs of travel and other expenses with personal funds and request reimbursement for the business travel costs. Travel expenses to and from alternate vacation destinations occurring before, during, or after university business travel are not eligible for payment with university procurement methods. In cases when personal travel is added to university business travel, any cost variance in expenses such as airfare, vehicle rental, and/or lodging must be clearly identified and documented in Workday, to validate that the vacation time does not add additional cost to the university.

What documentation do I need if I will be combining business travel with personal travel?

When combining personal travel with business travel, only those expenses directly related to the business travel can be paid/reimbursed by the university. Travelers must ensure that all business related and vacation expense variances are clearly documented and available for audit review. It is best practice to keep all business related expenses separated when possible; this ensures that documentation is as clear as possible. When this cannot be done (e.g. Airfare), cost comparisons should be done to show the pricing differences as if only business time was included. Cost comparisons should be conducted at the same time the expenditure of funds occurs and must be clearly documented and available for audit review. Expenses such as parking and Per Diem will be prorated and limited to only the business travel date/time.

If I add an additional stop for a personal time during my business travel, what portion of the airfare is allowable as a business expense?

The university will pay for the cost of round trip airfare for travel to the business destination. A cost comparison must be pulled from the online Booking Tool at the same time the booking is made to document the allowable business expense portion of airfare.  

Can I use my personal credit card to purchase travel-related expenses for another traveler?

It is not recommended to use a personal credit card to pay for travel-related expenses for another traveler. Instead, travelers should use a university payment method (e.g. PCard) if such a need arises.

Contact the Travel Office  for further assistance. 

Can I split travel-related expenses between two different people on my personal credit card?

Contact the Travel Office for further assistance.

Would a traveler be entitled to the full Per Diem allowance if a meal were included in the conference fee, served on the plane or provided by other documented circumstances?

Full meal allowances while on travel status will not be paid if provided through other travel-related purchases (e.g. continental breakfast built into the hotel room rate).  The allowance must be adjusted by deducting the appropriate meal percentage (25% – breakfast; 25% – lunch; 50% – dinner) from the full Per Diem allowance for the applicable city location.

Do I need an original, itemized receipt to reimburse for a traveler’s meals if less than the Per Diem allowance?

No receipt is required as long as the amount reimbursed is within the Per Diem allowance of the applicable city location.  However, a general description of what was purchased must be documented for auditing purposes (i.e. Breakfast on 6/22, and Dinner on 6/23).

A traveler has multiple small dollar receipts for miscellaneous expenses related to business travel – is a receipt required?

Miscellaneous expenses considered necessary for business travel (e.g. taxi fares, baggage fees, parking, tolls, internet connectivity, Visas, immunizations, etc.) may be reimbursed without a receipt for each individual expense that is $50 or less.  However, a detailed description (e.g. “taxi fare to and from JFK airport”) and associated business purpose for the expense must be documented for auditing purposes.  Individual expenses in excess of $50 require an original, itemized receipt. 

Note :   Travel related expenses that are specifically noted in the Procedure Section of the Travel Policy (e.g. airfare, hotel, rental car, et al) have specific documentation requirements and should not be included as a miscellaneous expense.

How do I define the traveler’s daily commute for eligible mileage reimbursements?

Business travel mileage should follow the travel policy.  The travel policy limits reimbursable miles to the number driven in excess of the number of miles involved in the individual’s daily commute (round trip) for work.   Generally:

  • If the traveler’s headquarters (or primary work location as defined by the traveler’s flexible work agreement or HR documentation) is different than their residence, then the mileage reimbursement is calculated by deducting the daily commute.
  • If the traveler’s headquarters (or primary work location as defined by the traveler’s flexible work agreement  or HR documentation) and their residence are the same location, then a daily commute deduction is not required.

What documentation is required in order to be reimbursed mileage for business travel using a personal vehicle?

For one-time trips between two primary destinations, an online map source (e.g. MapQuest or Google Maps) is the best source of address-to-address documentation. When traveling to multiple destinations, or travel covering a wide range of dates (for the same business purpose), a log including odometer readings and address-to-address locations are required to document for audit review.

If I use my personal vehicle for business travel, should I contact my insurance company before the trip?

Yes. Use of a personal vehicle for business purposes may be excluded on the average private insurance policy. Additional coverage may need to be purchased to cover specific circumstances and requirements. Employee and guest travelers are advised to check with their insurance company for provisions and rates to cover such activity.

For more information visit  Risk Management .

Best Practice Tip :  Consider using one of the university's contracted rental car agencies  in lieu of personal vehicle for business travel. Costs are considerably less expensive and the required insurance is included in the rate.

If I use my personal vehicle for business travel, whose insurance assumes primary liability?

In the event an injury or accident occurs during business travel status, while in a private vehicle (OSU non-owned), the vehicle driver’s insurance company assumes primary liability for personal injury or property damage incurred by the accident. Primary insurance coverage follows the vehicle’s owner. If this occurs during business travel, injuries to employees may be covered by Worker’s Compensation. Injuries to other parties would fall under the driver’s insurance policy or other insurance such as health insurance of the individual injured. Any private insurance used will have its own deductibles. The University policy may be excess to the owners policy.

Are guests/recruits/speakers/students/groups obligated to follow the Travel Guidelines?

Yes, all travelers, including guests/recruits/speakers/students/groups must adhere to the Travel Guidelines .

How many travel days am I allowed for domestic or international travel?

It is generally advisable to give one travel day for domestic travel and two travel days for international travel. However, the amount of travel days can be adjusted if the traveler provides a business justification to their unit and the unit approves of the justification for a change in the amount of travel days. This documentation should be provided in the Spend Authorization.

How should expenses that are older than 60 days be processed in Workday?

The unit/service center should process expenses as normal, ensuring that if submitted greater than 60 days there is a comment as to why. No additional action is needed by the department or the service center.

What restrictions might apply to traveling overseas with equipment or data?

Traveling with computers, web enabled cell phones, advanced GPS units, scientific equipment, proprietary information or unpublished data may require an Export Control License. The Office of Research Compliance will monitor when International travel is initiated in order to coordinate specific restrictions and guidance with the traveler.

For additional information contact the Office of Research Compliance at  [email protected]  or visit the  Office of Research Compliance  website.

Who are the University’s Contracted Travel Agencies?

Contracted Travel Agencies are offered to the university community to serve specific travel demographics.

  • For Individual Business Travel:  Corporate Travel Planners (CTP)
  • For Group Business Travel (10+ passengers): ScholarTrip
  • For Athletic Team or Athletic Individual travel:  Anthony Travel

What are the advantages of using the Contracted Travel Agency for my business travel?

  • Prepayment option – No out-of-pocket expense to traveler
  • Access to extensive airline selection
  • Eligible for OSU airline discounts
  • Customer service 24/7
  • Online Booking available with Individual and Athletic Business Travel

What are the booking options available with the Contracted Travel Agency?

  • Individual Business Travel:  Corporate Travel Planners offers both agent assist booking by phone/email, as well as the  Concur Online Booking Tool .
  • Group Business Travel:  ScholarTrip  offers agent assist booking by phone/email
  • Athletic Team/Individual Business Travel:   Anthony Travel offers agent assist booking by phone/email, as well as the  Concur Online Booking Tool  for eligible business travelers.

Note : All bookings must be secured with an approved SA# for advanced payment eligibility.

Where do I submit feedback regarding my experience with the Contracted Travel Agency?

The travel office meets regularly with the contracted travel agencies to ensure they are providing the university with the best level of service. We encourage travelers or arrangers to provide feedback regarding their experiences.

Submit feedback to [email protected] .

Where can I get a copy of my invoice for booking with a Contracted Travel Agency?

  • Corporate Travel Planners (CTP) Invoices:  Go to Print My Invoice
  • ScholarTrip Invoices:  Contact a ScholarTrip Agent
  • Anthony Travel Invoices:   Go to Print My Invoice

Can I use my personal credit card to purchase airfare with the contracted travel agency?

Yes. A personal credit card can be used to purchase airfare for business travel through the applicable contracted agency.  Personal funds used to purchase travel expenditures must be sumbitted on an Expense Report in Workday for reimbursement.

Refer to Contact a Travel Agent for booking options.

Can I book flights that include travel companions (e.g. family/other)?

Yes. If you wish to secure adjacent booking/seating for travel companions (e.g., family/other), you will need to contact the applicable contracted travel agency who will service the business portion of your trip (collect approved Spend Authorization # and validate your employee credentials) and then service the portion for your companion travelers (ensuring that seating assignments are as requested and have similar itineraries). Flights purchased for companion travelers must be purchased using a non-university payment method.

Refer to Contact a Travel Agent for booking options.  

Can I upgrade my coach airfare to priority boarding or an upgraded seat?

No. Economy plus, seating upgrades, and/or priority boarding options are not permitted to be purchased with university resources and will not be reimbursed for coach fares.

!  Note: When applicable, requests for reasonable accommodations for a disability will be considered by units in consultation with the  Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) coordinator .  To determine eligibility, travelers must submit a  Reasonable Accommodations Request  that identifies the personal need and provide related documentation to support the request (e.g. letter from physician) for expenditures outside of policy.  Requests should be submitted prior to the scheduled trip and allow sufficient time to gather required documentation.

For more information, contact the ADA Coordinator’s Office at 614-292-6207.  Submit request to:   [email protected]

Can I accrue frequent flyer miles from my business travel?

Yes. In accordance with the State of Ohio Ethics Commission rulings, university travelers can only redeem frequent flyer miles for university related business travel (no personal benefit is permitted).  It is the traveler’s responsibility to track accrual/usage of these benefits for auditing purposes.

Can I pay for business airfare with airline credits, points, vouchers, or gift cards and be reimbursed?

As required by the Travel Policy , all business travel airfare should be booked through the university’s contracted travel agency .  Payment for business airfare can be charged to the university’s credit card that is stored with the contracted agency (with an approved Spend Authorization #).

  • Airline or VISA/MC Gift Cards (either purchased or gifted) should NOT be used to purchase business airfare.   Reimbursement will be permitted with a one-time exception and tracked by the unit to prohibit future reimbursement.
  • Airfare Points/Miles/Rewards (either purchased or earned).  Personal points/miles/rewards can be used to purchase business airfare.  Business points/miles/rewards must be used to purchase business airfare.   No reimbursement is permitted for any points/miles/rewards that are applied to business airfare purchases.
  • Airline Compensation Voucher (either gifted or earned incentive from airline to voluntary recipient with oversold flights) must NOT BE used to purchase business airfare.  No reimbursement is permitted for airline compensation vouchers that are applied to business airfare purchases.
  • Personal Unused Credit Voucher (earned from voluntary or involuntary cancellation of a personal flight) can be used to purchase business airfare. Reimbursement is permitted (with receipt documentation) up to the cost of the new business airfare only.  No residual loss can be reimbursed for applying personally earned unused credit value to business airfare of lesser cost.  No reimbursement permitted for change/service fees for use of personally earned unused credit.
  • Business Unused Credit Voucher (earned from voluntary or involuntary cancellation of a business flight) should be used to purchase new business airfare.  If original flight purchased with university’s credit card, no reimbursement is permitted.  If original flight purchased with personal credit card, unit must verify approval for purchase (either T# or SA#) – if approved, verify any previous reimbursement to avoid duplicate payment.

Can I purchase an upgraded seat instead of the business class airfare permitted with an international flight that meets the five consecutive flight hours criteria?

Business class airfare purchases are only permissible with international flight times in excess of five consecutive hours (excluding layovers), however a lower priced economy seat with a seating upgrade may be purchased in lieu of the business class flight as long as the cost does not exceed the  business class option quoted at the original purchase.

!Note :  An upgraded economy seat instead of a business class seat may be considered an adequate option for an International flight that is more than five consecutive hours.  In many cases, the cost of the upgraded economy fare is less expensive than the business class fare that is eligible with an international flight of more than five hours.  Comparison quotes should  be collected at time of original booking to ensure the upgraded economy fare is less than the most reasonable business class option that meets the business needs of the traveler.  A screenshot image of the comparison fares and relevant details should be taken to properly justify the selection.

What is the university best practice for pulling an airfare cost comparison when blending business travel with leisure?

The best practice is to pull the airfare cost comparison within 24 hours of the actual purchase (when reasonably possible). 

Comparisons should be pulled from a full service agent with the contracted travel agency or through Concur (online booking tool).  The comparison should include the date of the request and the lowest reasonable coach/economy quote in respect to both the business portion and the business/leisure portion.  

The cost comparison should be attached to the Travel Comparison Worksheet and uploaded to the Spend Authorization and be available for processing with the Expense Report for the airfare.

What is the university best practice for navigating the various airfare classes?

Travelers should book the lowest cost Economy or Coach Class airfare that fits the business needs of the trip. Consult with the university contracted travel agency for airfare bookings. The contracted travel agency is aware of OSU’s policy regarding airfare purchases, and provides the industry expertise to help travelers navigate the booking process.

What is the difference between non-refundable and refundable airfare?

A non-refundable fare is generally less expensive than a refundable ticket and thus the recommended option that aligns with the University's Travel Policy (the lowest reasonable coach/economy fare that meets the business needs of the university).  A refundable fare can be purchased in certain circumstances with the unit's discretion and support documentation.

In the event of cancellation, the non-refundable fare will be converted by the airline into an "unused ticket credit" worth the value of the original ticket. This unused ticket credit can be used by the traveler towards the purchase of future airfare with the same airline.  Whereas, a refundable fare will have the value of the original ticket refunded back to the original form of payment.

What is Concur?

Concur is the online booking tool provided by the university’s contracted travel agencies for Individual and Athletic business travel. The tool is designed for users to research fares, adjust selection parameters and finalize their own booking with an approved Spend Authorization (SA#).

How do I access Concur?

The Concur online booking tool can be accessed through the Ohio State Travel Office website . Login to Concur will require your university username ( name.# ) and password.

Who can access Concur?

Due to security limitations established by the university, only active employees can access Concur. Students, guests, and non-employees must have their airfare booked by the unit's travel arranger in Concur or via phone with a contracted travel agency.

Can I use Concur to book airfare for another OSU employee?

Yes, however, in order to book airfare for another employee, the traveler must assign you as a travel assistant within their Concur profile.

For more information see the guide  Completing your Concur Profile  located at the Ohio State Travel Office Website .

Which browser is recommended for use with Concur?

The online booking tool should work with all up-to-date browsers. The Travel Office recommends using the latest version of Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

Is there a Concur mobile app?

Although Concur does offer a mobile app, it is not recommended for use by OSU employees for booking business travel.  The Concur mobile app does not offer the security features for personal devices that would be standard for OSU.  All airfare (hotel, car...) bookings should be made through the Concur online access at:    OSU Travel – Book Travel Online .

Can I share a hotel room with another traveler?

Due to increased liability and safety risks, it is recommended that every traveler have their own hotel room and not share rooms with other travelers. Contact the Office of Risk Management for additional guidance. 

Am I allowed to use AirBnB, VRBO, or other rental property lodging providers in lieu of a hotel for business travel?

Risks and personal liability should be considered when electing to reserve Airbnb or other rental property lodging providers for business travel.  Commercial lodging with single occupancy room per business traveler is the recommended option for safety and liability reasons. Contact the Office of Risk Management  for additional guidance. 

Can I pay for business lodging with hotel points/rewards and be reimbursed?

Points/rewards earned from personal travel can be used toward the purchase of business lodging.  Points/rewards earned from business travel must be used toward the purchase of business lodging. No reimbursement is permitted for any points/rewards that are applied to business lodging purchases.

What are some of the benefits of the contracted supplier agreement with Enterprise, National and Hertz?

Highlights of the agreement include:

  • Discounted rates
  • Unlimited daily/weekly mileage. Some exceptions may apply, including monthly and one-way rentals.
  • Loss/Collision Damage Waiver (also known as DW, CDW or LDW) coverage included at no additional charge.
  • Liability coverage included at no additional charge  

NOTE:  Exceptions may apply with International rentals.

To view rates, insurance details or make a business reservation, go to secured login: Rental Car Discounts

Who is eligible to rent under the Vehicle Rental Agreement?

Any university personnel (and guests), 18 years or older, who is renting for official university business. Exceptions may apply by location. Vehicle restrictions may apply for young renters.  It is recommended that the renter call the location to ensure eligibility criteria.

Is there a minimum age requirement?

At most locations, Enterprise, National and Hertz will not assess an additional charge when renter is between the ages of eighteen (18) and twenty-four (24), provided that the rate selected at the time of business rental is a rate or discount specified in the Agreement. Vehicle restrictions may apply for young renters.  It is recommended that the renter call the location to ensure eligibility criteria.  R enter must be twenty-one (21) or older in order to drive 12 Passenger vans, or box truck rentals.

Will I need to show OSU identification at the time of rental?

  • Enterprise/National:  Buck-ID or OSU affiliated validation is required to authorize use of OSU business rates.
  • Hertz:  Buck-ID or OSU affiliated validation may occur.

How will I pay for the vehicle rental?

Personal Credit Card (with renter's name embossed on card) or OSU PCard ( with renter's name embossed on card ) are permitted.  Department or Service Center PCards will not be accepted.

Contact [email protected] for further information on billing options.

Should I accept the optional Loss/Collision Damage Waiver?

No, the optional Loss /Collision Damage Waiver (also known as DW, CDW and LDW) is already included in the rate agreement for business rentals and should be declined. Accepting the Loss/Collision Damage Waiver Option would simply duplicate the negotiated agreement benefits. The Loss/Collision Damage Waiver is included on business rentals only.

Note: When reserving internationally (including Canada and Mexico), contact the applicable rental agency or [email protected] to determine whether insurance coverage is included in the rate. In most countries the required insurances are not included and must be purchased in addition to the rental rate to meet Travel Policy requirements.

Can I use this agreement for international rentals?

Yes, however rates and insurance requirements will vary by international destination and may not match domestic rates and other provisions provided by the Agreement Summary for Business Rentals. Additional fees and insurance requirements may be applicable to the country/region laws.

Should I purchase other optional insurances when renting a car for business travel?

University travel policy requires that any rental car used for university business have Liability Insurance, as well as Damage Waiver or Collision Damage Waiver or Loss Damage Waiver (DW/CDW/LDW). When utilizing OSU’s contract through Enterprise, National or Hertz, these insurances are automatically included in the contract rate. Additional supplemental insurances, such as Personal Liability Insurance (PAI), or Personal Effects Protection (PEP) are not required by the university, nor eligible for reimbursement.

If I am unable to rent with National, Enterprise or Hertz, and gain the benefits of our contract, what insurances should I purchase?

OSU travel policy requires that any rental car used for university business have Liability Insurance, as well as Damage Waiver or Collision Damage Waiver or Loss Damage Waiver (DW/CDW/LDW). The traveler must provide documentation demonstrating the required insurances were included in the rental on the receipt documentation.

Is the refueling option through the rental car agency an allowable business expense when returning a rental vehicle?

Generally, the traveler should refuel the rental vehicle at a gas station to incur the lowest reasonable costs. However, the refueling option through the rental car agency may be considered when reasonable circumstances occur (e.g. timing issue). The business reason for the use of this option should be clearly documented.

Why do I have to use the university’s contracted travel agencies to be eligible for OSU’s airline discounts?

Applying the discount to the fare reservation is limited to the GDS (Global Distribution System) associated with the travel agency, which permits the airline to connect the purchase to OSU. As the OSU business spend increases, the university can leverage more substantial discounts in the future.

Does Ohio State receive any discounts for travel related expenses?

Yes, note the following discounts programs:

  • Airline Discounts: Ohio State has negotiated discounts with American Airlines, United Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and Delta Airlines. Flights for OSU business travel are eligible to these discounts when they are booked using the university’s contracted travel agencies. Discounts are based upon market pair and/or service class designations. Book with the university’s contracted travel agency via a  full service agent  or  online .
  • Rental Car Discounts: Ohio State has negotiated pricing (inclusive of the required insurances) with Enterprise, National and Hertz. Reservations made for university business must be reserved through the rental car  agency website  for most reservations or through  Concur  when reserving rentals associated with airfare. 

Can I utilize any of the university’s discount programs for personal/leisure travel?

Yes, discount rates are available for personal/leisure vehicle rentals through the university’s agreement. Insurance is NOT included in the rate. The young renter fees for drivers that are between 18-25 is NOT waived. For more detailed information, go to  Ohio State Human Resources - Buckeye Nation Reward .

Are OSU employees eligible for educational or government discount rates for lodging?

When making a hotel reservation, it is worthwhile to inquire about educational, institutional or government rates.  As an instrumentality of the State of Ohio, employees of The Ohio State University  may  be eligible for government rates with business reservations.  However, be sure to check with the hotel directly before arrival to determine the discount rate criteria for check-in.  In some cases, the OSU BuckID will be accepted in order to receive the government rate, while other hotels may require more specific/official government ID.

What is Sponsored Travel?

Sponsored Travel is a project involving research travel that will be paid, in part or whole, by grant funds that are administered through the Office of Sponsored Programs.  If you are unsure if your trip is Sponsored or Non-Sponsored, contact your college service center or fiscal office. See Office of Sponsored Programs for  general guidelines .

What is a PI?

The Principal Investigator (PI) is the person(s) who monitors the fiscal responsibilities of the grant funds and research associated with the project.

How will a PI know if a spend authorization has been approved on their project in Workday?

The Principal Investigator (PI) may independently access Workday to monitor the approval status of a spend authorization issued in their name.

Are there special considerations when flying internationally for sponsored travel?

Yes. The Fly America Act, enacted in 1974, mandates the use of U.S. flag air carriers for federally funded international travel. If you are scheduling international travel that is funded by a federal grant, you must ensure that all flights (where possible), are scheduled on U.S. flag air carriers or on foreign air carriers that code share with a U.S. flag air carrier.  See  Office of Sponsored Programs website  for more information.

Where can I find more information about Sponsored Travel?

The travel section of the Office of Sponsored Programs website may be found at the  Office of Sponsored Programs website . For more detailed information, contact the Office of Sponsored Programs Travel Office at 614-292-2126 or to  [email protected] .

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  1. The Ohio State University

    The Ohio State University. Anthony Travel is proud to serve as the official travel partner for The Ohio State University. Through these partnerships, Anthony Travel provides full-service assistance for all OSU travel needs — athletics, students, administration, faculty and staff.

  2. Anthony Travel

    Anthony Travel. Anthony Travel Website. Phone: 405-446-8627. Email: [email protected]. Hours: 8AM - 5PM. After Hours: 800-526-8245. Here you can the Anthony Travel portal and also view who to contact for more information.

  3. Travel Procedures

    Travel. Travel Procedures. Export Control Issues Related to University Travel. Online Travel User Manual. PCard Travel Guidelines. Travel Procedures by Section. Here you can view various travel procedure files and information.

  4. Travel Forms

    Travel. Travel Forms. Designated Lodging Form. Out-of-State Travel Request & Airline Ticket Requisition Form. Rental Car Justification Form. Request for Lodging Exception. Statewide Accounting Manual (Travel is Chapter 10) Travel Addendum Form. Travel Correction Form (Non-Grant)

  5. Out-of-State Travel

    The electronic form is available on the OSU-OKC website under travel. Complete the form on-line, print and submit for required signatures. Airfare estimates are obtained by contacting the current state-approved travel agent, Anthony Travel and using the lowest airfare available. Usually it is non-refundable.

  6. Frequently Asked Questions

    Group Business Travel: ScholarTrip offers agent assist booking by phone/email; Athletic Team/Individual Business Travel: Anthony Travel offers agent assist booking by phone/email, as well as the Concur Online Booking Tool for eligible business travelers. Note: All bookings must be secured with an approved SA# for advanced payment eligibility.

  7. Travel Office Hours Summary (Jan

    Athletics Concur (Anthony Travel) - Effective January 18, 2023, full-time employees of the Athletics cost center area will be able to use Concur to book individual domestic travel via Anthony Travel. The same policy, procedures and access entry apply. ... The Ohio State University strives to maintain an accessible and welcoming environment ...

  8. Library Travel Procedures: Home

    OSU AIRS (airs.okstate.edu) is the site used to review/approve out-of-state and out-of-country travel requests, and review/approve all travel related reimbursements.To approve a travel request or a reimbursement, log in to AIRS using your okey. You'll select Travel (the suitcase icon) inside the Employee box, then you will select Awaiting Approval (the green check mark icon).

  9. Carmelo Anthony's son, Kiyan Anthony eyeing a visit to Ohio State

    On3's Joe Tipton recently shared that Kiyan Anthony would be taking a visit to OSU in the near future. Anthony is the son of former NBA star Carmelo Anthony. The four-star prospect is a rising ...

  10. PDF Completing Concur Profile

    o If you are UNIV, OSUP, Health System = Concur with Corporate Travel Planners (Individual business travel) o If you are ATHLETICS = Concur with Anthony Travel (Athletics business travel) If you have any questions, or need further assistance please contact the Travel Office at 614‐292‐9290 or. [email protected]. [email protected]

  11. Travel

    Travel Information Session: Cash Advances. March 8, 2024. The University Travel Office is offering a special information session following our April Travel Office Hours to provide guidance and resources with requesting and reconciling cash advances for business travel. Join Us! Travel Information Session: Combining Business with Personal Travel.

  12. New! Travel, PCard, & Expense

    Travel Website PCard Website; Expense Website Administrative Resource Center (ARC) (link is external) Contact the Travel, PCard, & Expense Office. [email protected] or 614.292.9290 (Option 1) [email protected] or 614.292.9290 (Option 2) [email protected] or 614.292.9290 (Option 3)

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    CNN —. Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, testified on Monday at a House subcommittee hearing about the US response to the Covid ...

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    In this photo provided by the 24th Mechanised brigade press service, Ukrainian soldiers prepare to fire 120mm mortar towards the Russian position on the front line at an undisclosed location in ...

  15. Contact a Travel Agent

    Contact a Full Service Agent for consultation, quotes or to book individual business travel services for Domestic or International. OSU validation and SA# required for purchase. *No Agency fees. Call: 855-784-9282 (toll free) Hours: M-F 8am-7pm EST; or; Email: [email protected] Hours: M-F 8am-7pm EST

  16. Who We Are

    Who We Are. Anthony Travel began as a dream and a business plan scribbled on a napkin. Since then, we have become the leading sports travel management company in the country. Our passion for helping people experience and enjoy the world is what motivates what we do every day and has remained our core purpose since 1989. For over 30 years, we ...

  17. Kiyan Anthony 'Eyeing' Ohio State Buckeyes for Potential Visit

    Per reports from On3's Joe Tipton, Kiyan Anthony, the son of 10-time NBA All-Star Carmelo Anthony, is "eyeing" future visits to Ohio State, Indiana and Auburn. Carmelo Anthony and his son, Kiyan ...

  18. Travel Office Hours Summary (Jan-Dec 2022)

    Updates: Travel Office Hours - Offered 1st Tuesday of each month from 10-11:30 a.m. with summary posted at Travel Website (under News).; New! Introduction to Business Travel at OSU - A 10-minute introductory session is now available for OSU employees who travel or employees who arrange travel for others. Units are encouraged to share Introduction to Business Travel at OSU with new employees ...

  19. Ohio State football: Takeaways from OSU's first recruiting camp

    2026 LB Anthony Davis returns to Ohio State after offer 2026 four-star linebacker Anthony Davis was one of the only prospects Wednesday that took the field with an Ohio State offer in tow.

  20. Ray Travel Award for Service and Scholarship (up to $1000 per academic

    The Edward J. Ray Travel Award for Scholarship and Service (i.e. Ray Travel Award or RTA) ... Council of Graduate Students at The Ohio State University. 2088 Ohio Union. 1739 N. High Street. Columbus, OH 43212 [email protected]. Phone: 614-292-4380. If you have a ...

  21. PDF Assigning Travel Assistant

    o If you are UNIV, OSUP, Health System = Concur with Corporate Travel Planners (Individual business travel) o If you are ATHLETICS = Concur with Anthony Travel (Athletics business travel) If you have any questions, or need further assistance please contact the Travel Office at 614‐292‐9290 or. [email protected]. [email protected]

  22. Transferring In

    Office of International Affairs. Kimberly Anthony. Senior Immigration Coordinator. Office of International Affairs. The Ohio State University. 614-292-6101. [email protected]. A student is considered to be a transfer student when he or she leaves one U.S. institution (before or after earning a degree) to begin attendance at another U.S ...

  23. Ohio has a new state park. Here's what you need to know about ...

    Here's what you need to know about Great Council. Ohio has a new state park. Here's what you need to know about Great Council. Story by Ruth Cronin, Cincinnati Enquirer. • 4m • 2 min read. The ...

  24. Dschinghis Khan

    Once the project is complete, I will move the entire thread over to Pending for it to be Approved, due to the large number of "difficulties" in the map, but each mapper/team will have their own scoreboard. Download: Dschinghis Khan - Moskau (RemmyX25) [ShortMap].osu. Download: Dschinghis Khan - Moskau (RemmyX25) [LongMapTagTeam].osu.

  25. Travel

    Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, OK 74078. Campus & Parking Maps. (405) 744-5000. Careers at OSU. Hire OSU Grads. OSU Institutions.

  26. Things to do this weekend: St. Anthony's Feast Days, Pride Palooza

    St. Anthony's Italian Feast Days returns to Odell Avenue in Endicott Friday from 5-9 p.m. The festival continues from 5-9 Saturday and Sunday from noon to 4 p.m., featuring live music, traditional ...

  27. Log In

    To make tuition payments or submit scholarship checks, please visit Buckeye Link located on the first floor of the Student Academic Services building, 281 W. Lane Avenue, or call 614-292-0300.. Have questions or comments? Please see the contact information on the relevant department's page or use our contact form.. The Ohio State University strives to maintain an accessible and welcoming ...

  28. Travel Office Hours Summary (January-June 2024)

    Updates: Travel Office Hours - Offered 1st Tuesday of each month from 10-11:00 a.m. with summary posted at Travel Website (under News). Allow Workers to Approve Once "Allow Workers to Approve Once" condition rule has been removed from WD and "Exclude Prior Approvers" has been added under Advanced Routing on the BOCL and GOCR steps for the following Business Processes: Expense Reports ...

  29. Travel FAQ

    Airline Discounts: Ohio State has negotiated discounts with American Airlines, United Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and Delta Airlines. Flights for OSU business travel are eligible to these discounts when they are booked using the university's contracted travel agencies. Discounts are based upon market pair and/or service class designations.