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How to Show and Hide Favicons in Safari Favorites Bar

In Safari 17 and macOS Sonoma , Apple has introduced support for displaying favicons in the Favorites bar. Keep reading to learn why favicons can be useful, and how you can disable them if they aren't for you.

safari icon blue banner

Favicons can usually be found next to anything in a browser's interface that identifies a website. This can include bookmarks, tabs, history results, and search bars.

favicon examples

In Safari 17, if you have the Favorites Bar enabled ( View -> Show Favorites Bar in Safari's menu bar) the favicon for each site will appear beside its title, allowing you to more easily spot it in the bar.


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How to hide or show website icons in Safari Favorites Bar

Learn how to remove or display the website icons of your favorite bookmarks in Safari’s top Favorites Bar on your iPad and Mac running iPadOS 17 and macOS Sonoma.

Safari Favorites Bar with website icon on iPad

Show top Favorites Bar in Safari

Safari on Mac and iPad (not iPhone because of the smaller screen area) lets you show a thin strip of your favorite bookmarks at the top of the browser, just below the URL address bar.

This row of favorite websites is visible at all times, whether you’re on the Safari Start Page or a web page. Plus, it appears in both the Separate and Compact tabs settings.

Safari on Mac without and with Favorites Bar at top

The Favorites Bar takes a little extra screen area but makes it easy to access your favorite bookmarks without the need to go to the Start Page or open the bookmarks section.

If you have not already enabled this, you can do it by following these steps.

  • Open Safari .
  • From the top menu bar, click  View  and choose  Show Favorites Bar .
  • Alternatively, you can press  Shift + Command + B  keys together to show (or hide) the Favorites Bar.

Show Favorites Bar in Safari on Mac

  • Open the  Settings   app .
  • Scroll down and tap  Safari .
  • Turn on  Show Favorites Bar .

Show Favorites Bar in Safari on iPad

Related: How to pin tabs in Safari

Hide or show website icons in Safari Favorites Bar

Starting with macOS Sonoma and iPadOS 17, the Favorites Bar displays the website icon (also called favicon). This makes it similar to other browsers like Google Chrome that show the favicons in their top bookmarks bar.

Safari Favorites Bar without and with website icons

For many people, the tiny site icons are not only aesthetically pleasing but can also help identify a bookmark faster.

However, if you feel differently and prefer the old look with only the site name, here’s how to hide those icons from the Favorites Bar.

  • Place the mouse or trackpad cursor on the Favorites Bar.
  • Right-click or Control-click and uncheck (or check) Show Icons .

Show Icons for Safari Favorites Bar on Mac

  • Go to the  Settings   app  and tap  Safari .
  • Turn off (or on) the switch for  Show Icons in Favorites Bar .

Other Safari tips:

  • How to hide your IP address and prevent tracking in Safari
  • How to create and use profiles in Safari on iPhone, iPad, and Mac
  • How to refresh website favicons in Safari on Mac

Looks like no one’s replied in a while. To start the conversation again, simply ask a new question.


Any way to show favicons in favorites bar

I've already submitted this as a feature request multiple times over the past years.

Oddly this is the only reason I have not moved to Safari.

I use Google Chrome where all of my favourites in the bookmark bar are just icons and not text. This is to save space, smoother and faster to find what I want.

Safari being text only blends it all into one line and it's not fast to find the bookmark I want. For this I have continued to use Chrome through I'd love to use Safari.

Posted on Sep 28, 2020 5:26 AM


Posted on Nov 14, 2020 10:10 AM

The description above (pinning a website) is not exactly what Carter.x (and I) are looking for. It would be great if the website favicon could be used in the favorites/bookmarks bar, without any text. Favicons are much more helpful as they are easily recognizable and take up much less space than text,. Favicon usage would allow 2-3x the # of websites to be instantly seen/accessible when using safari. I, too, always used this in Firefox and just keep waiting, hoping Apple will eventually add it. Would love to see it someday soon.

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  • Why aren't there favicons in the Safari favorites bar? Every other modern browser allows me to see the favicon of a favorite/saved site in the favorites bar. This makes it easy to access my favorites. But Safari only lets me list text! I want to make the switch from Chrome to Safari to take advantage of the speed with apple silicon, but it's a blocker! Feels like a big oversight. 247 1
  • Favicons in Favorites Bar? Wondering if there's been any progress on favicons for the favorites bar? Like so many others, I've tried to make the switch from Chrome to Safari but this is a hard deal breaker. 298 1
  • Favicon for websites not showing in Safari I really want to use Safari as my main browser now that I am using a new M1 MacBook Air, in order to make the best use of battery. I have used both Chrome and Firefox as my main browser. One of the things I REALLY like about those browsers is that I can add favourite/bookmarks to the toolbar with *just* the website's icon (favicon) and quickly pick from that. I imported bookmarks from Firefox to Safari, but the favicons are missing. I did try visiting those sites to pull in the icons (this is the behaviour with Firefox if starting from fresh). I have ensured that 'Show website icons in tabs' in selected in Preferences, FWIW. The screenshot below shows how the favourites with icons are great in Firefox but poop in Safari. Honestly, this is the only blocker to me using Safari as main browser. I really cannot understand why these icons are not showing 🤷‍♂️ 2094 1

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Nov 14, 2020 10:10 AM in response to barberlives123


Nov 20, 2020 7:12 AM in response to carter.x

I have just submitted a feature request on https://www.apple.com/feedback/safari.html

Subject: Favicon / Icons in Favorites Bar in Safari


I would appreciate if the Favorites Bar in Safari would show the Favicon of the website. There are two advantages:

1. It would make it easier to navigate to because it's not only text.

2. If it's possible to delete the text and show the icon only, if would leave more space for more favorites.

This is the main reason, why I am still using Google Chrome most of the time.

It would be great if you could consider this feature in an upcoming version of Safari. I'm sure it would enhance the use of Safari even further and I'm confident, that other users would also see the benefit.


This is how it looks in Google Chrome and how it could be implemented in Safari as well:

show icons favorites bar safari

Oct 4, 2020 3:42 PM in response to carter.x

Hi there carter.x,

We understand you have a question about saving favorites as icons in Safari, and we'd like to share a resource that may help.

Check it out here: Pin frequently visited websites in Safari on Mac

Specifically, take a look at these steps:

"Pin a website

  • In the Safari app on your Mac, drag the tab with the website you want to pin to the left side of the tab bar.
  • When the tab shrinks and displays the website’s icon or initial, drop it in place.

You can also choose Window > Pin Tab, or Control-click a tab, then choose Pin Tab."


Apr 26, 2021 4:03 AM in response to carter.x

I just want switch from Chrome to Safari, but this feature (favicons in favs toolbar) is critical for me. Hands up for this feature.

Dec 2, 2020 1:15 PM in response to Delgotz

This is my #1 disappointment with Safari. Unfortunately other browsers have additional drawbacks on the M1 chip. But this one is big enough that I'm considering moving back to another browser.

This AND that you can't right click from a link within a bookmark folder to open in another tab. Basic feature that's decades old on other browsers.

Please fix, Apple.

(Superuser that recently moved from PC to Mac)


Jan 15, 2021 11:11 AM in response to jeffreythefrog

I was about to delete Safari until I saw this post! While it's not perfect it solves the problem and it's super easy. Thank you for posting and making me go back to barberlives123's post on how to pin a website.


Mar 16, 2021 7:29 AM in response to carter.x

I agree 100% and hope they implement this in the near future. It can be a toggled preference if needed (or auto if nothing is used, so you have the best of both, text if you want it w.o the more space of favicon or no text and just favicon). And/or toggle.

One workaround that isn't terrible that I've started to use is emojis.

One of the biggest factors is how much easier it is to quickly find an icon than sift to find letters/words.

So I'll put 🔥 for Firebase or 📫 for email etc.

Mar 16, 2021 8:34 AM in response to Gerald Fogarty

Exact same. An IT pro by training, I've actually attempted to move into the Apple ecosystem (got me on a Mac - and probably iPhone after I'm ready to leave my brand new Pixel 5), but these little things keep having me return to Chrome. I wish they'd pay more attention to the UX details. Visual cues dramatically improve UX over text in many cases (particularly for at a glance info), and Apple needs to get it right in their browser. Before long, that'll be the only software that really matters.


Apr 4, 2021 7:10 AM in response to carter.x

pinning the tab is not the same as a bookmark. It seems that's pinning a tab keeps that tab open perpetually. I don't want the tab open all the time, I just want to click an icon to open it when I want. the only reason I even want to switch to safari is because of touchID. allow touchID in edge chromium and I don't need safari at all


May 1, 2021 10:09 PM in response to carter.x

I was literally just trying to switch from Chrome to Safari. This is my biggest gripe with Safari so far. I was looking into a solution here and found it's been an issue for years. Please fix this, Apple.


Jun 9, 2021 1:04 PM in response to carter.x

Same for me.

I would consider moving to safari if that feature was present, but for sure without it, no way I will.

It's so basic !!

(and personally in chrome I use 2 or 3 letters in addition to the icon, like "lm" for "le monde", "Wf" for wikipedia french, "We" for wikipedia english etc.)

Like that still a lot of room in the favorites bar.

Truly amazing that this features isn't in Safari.

Gerald Fogarty

Feb 8, 2021 10:56 AM in response to carter.x

I agree. Every few months I try to move over to Safari, and then I get so frustrated with the text-based favorites bar that I move back to Chrome again because the icons are so much easier to use.


Jan 3, 2021 6:36 AM in response to carter.x

please look at barberlives123's post. all you need to do is wait until the site's favicon appears before dropping it.

show icons favorites bar safari

Dec 1, 2020 4:14 AM in response to Patrik1995

100% wish Apple would fix this....seems so simple.

Dec 23, 2020 1:49 PM in response to carter.x

Been getting fed up with Chrome and decided to switch to Safari. This feature is a dealbreaker. Favicon-only bookmark/favorites bar is a feature I use literally dozens of times a day.

show icons favorites bar safari

Safari Favorites Icons Missing? 7 Ways to Get Them Back

Ujjwal Image

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Safari favorites icons, or favicons, are a celebrated convenience that allows you to quickly see the website you want in history, bookmarks, or tabs. Unfortunately, these favicons tend to appear incorrectly or go missing. This article shows you how to get back missing favorite icons on your Mac.  

Safari Favorites Icons Missing [How To Get Them Back]

If you notice that your Safari favorites icons are missing , clearing your cache and restarting Safari is the fastest way to get them back . There is another alternative way of opening the affected website in a private Safari window; I will look at it in detail later in the article.

How to Find Safari Favorites Icons Missing? 

  • Method 1: Clear Safari favorites icons cache 

Method 2: Use Safari Private Window

Method 3: create new user, method 4: verify your preferences, method 5: restore items from time machine, method 6: download updates.

  • Method 7: Use the safe mode        

In Conclusion

If the favorites icons are missing in Safari on your Mac, try going to “Safari” > “Preferences” > “Tabs” and check the box next to “Show website icons in tabs.” If this doesn’t solve the issue, try resetting the Safari browser by going to “Safari” > “Reset Safari” and selecting the appropriate options. If the issue persists, try restarting your Mac or updating the operating system.

How to bring back Safari Favorites Icons

When Apple first introduced the favicon feature on Safari, most people unsurprisingly jumped on it enthusiastically. The convenience of quickly locating your favorite website on a tab or bookmark list was too good to pass up. Precious seconds are saved by that little image appearing in the history list of the Safari browser, while not seeing it can put some people off whatever they are doing on the internet. Even though the Safari favorites icon appears distorted or missing, we’re here to tell you that you can quickly recover the icon by following a few simple steps on your MacBook. 

Method 1: Clear Safari favorites icons cache  

Clearing the Safari favorites icons cache and starting over is the universal way of solving the problem of incorrect and missing favicons on your computer. Follow the steps below to get your favorite icons back. 

  • Shut or quit Safari.
  • Go to Finder on your Mac.  
  • Next, click on Go, then select Go To Folder on the visible menu.
  • A pop-up menu will appear, and you will need to type in/Library/Safari/Favicon Cache/ 
  • Once you’ve typed that in, you need to click on Go.
  • You must send all the items in the folder on your screen to Trash. Pressing the Command and the A key simultaneously selects all the files in the folder, then you can drag them to the trash. You can also right-click the files and select Move To Trash on the menu that appears on the screen. 
  • Empty the entire trash or delete the items from the favicon cache folder only. The simplest way to empty your trash is by right-clicking the trash icon on your dock and selecting Empty Trash. 
  • Open your Safari browser again and visit your saved sites. 

The incorrect or distorted images should appear correctly. The favicon cache rebuilds itself as you visit your saved sites. However, in rare cases, some alternatives might help. I’ll now look at some of the methods that you can use. Feel free to try them all, as none take a long time to complete.

Also Read: How to Fix Finder Not Responding on Mac

There is no guarantee that this alternative method will work, but it is worth a try if clearing the favicon cache is not working or if you prefer not to use it. Safari has a private window that does not store browsing history, and you can use this feature to try and refresh your favicons.

  • Right-click on Safari in the Dock
  • Select New Private Window
  • Visit the site with the incorrect or missing favicons
  • Close Private Window

The favicons should return to normal working conditions after this. You can try these further steps in the Private Window.

  • Select Preferences and click on Privacy on the Safari menu
  • Click on Manage Website Data, and a list of sites will appear
  • Choose the site that is causing issues and click on Remove
  • Click on Done to finish the process
  • Go back to the non-private window and open the website again.

Your Mac should be able to rebuild the favicon cache on its own. If you know your way around the device, you can manually make another favicon cache folder, but this is not a recommended route. It is better to contact the Apple Support center.    

If you continue having issues with favicons, create a new user on your Mac. This method has worked for others on the Apple Community Forum , where users try to help each other solve various challenges with Mac. One user managed to retrieve all the missing favicons using this method. 

  • Select System Preferences (System Settings on macOS Ventura and above) on your menu and click Users & Groups
  • Click on Add at the bottom of the dialogue box.   
  • Choose the type of user, preferably the Administrator. 
  • Enter the name of the new user and a password.
  • Click on Add User.

The first time you open Safari under the new user profile, favicons should all work perfectly. \

Also Read: How to Change Admin Name on Mac

The Mac has a preference setting that allows tabs to display icons when you’re on Safari. Check that your preferences are set correctly by following these simple steps. 

  • Open Safari 
  • Click on Safari in the menu bar
  • Select Preferences 
  • Click on Tabs, and a list of preferences will show up
  • Tick the box allowing website icons to be shown. 

The image below shows the box that you should tick. You can try doing this a couple of times while restarting your device. Try this method several times, restarting your device each time. 

safari favorites icons missing - Verify your preferences

If you use Time Machine to backup files, then you can use it to retrieve files and items. The good thing about Time Machine is that it works with almost all Mac apps. Here is a reminder of how to open Time Machine and retrieve files and items. 

  • Click on the Time Machine icon. If the icon is not there, go to System Preferences (System Settings on macOS Ventura and above) and click Time Machine on the Apple menu.
  • Click on Show Time Machine in the menu bar to browse backups and local snapshots.
  • Use the arrows to look through your missing files and items. When you see the files you need, click Restore. 

You can restore all the files at once or one by one. When restored, the files return to the original folder. Remember, you need to have already set your device to back up to the Time Machine for this method to work perfectly.   

Also Read: How to Turn off Time Machine on a Mac

Your Safari favorites icons missing challenge can also be solved by updating your device. The macOS Catalina 10.15.7 Combo update fixes issues that prevent files from syncing with iCloud and resolves graphics. You can download this update and see if the problem is solved. 

Follow these steps to download software updates on your Mac. 

  • Open the Apple menu and choose System Preferences (System Settings on macOS Ventura and above).
  • Click on Software Update.
  • Open the Software Update preferences for the Safari folder.

You can also find a list of available updates in the Apple Store or set your device to check for software updates in the System Preferences (System Settings on macOS Ventura and above) automatically. However, for this particular issue of missing favicons, the Catalina 10.15.7 Combo update should be able to help. 

Method 7: Use the safe mode         

One way of solving issues on your Mac is to restart it in safe mode. The safe mode allows your device to start and run with limited functionality as you try and solve specific issues. You must determine if your device uses Apple silicon, then follow these steps. 

  • Shut down your Mac device.
  • Turn on your Mac and hold the power tab until the startup options window appears.
  • Choose the startup disk. 
  • Click the Continue in Safe Mode tab while holding down the shift key.
  • Log in, and if asked to, do it again.

If your device uses the Intel processor, follow the instructions below.

  • Turn on the Mac
  • Press and hold the shift key immediately
  • Release the shift key when the login window appears
  • Login as per instruction

All the methods mentioned here should help retrieve missing or distorted favicons. If you continue having issues after everything I have touched on here, you may need to reinstall your macOS to ensure that all the third-party apps are up to date. 

Also Read: Best Mac OS Version

Always keep your Mac device updated, as this helps solve issues before they arise. Clearing your favicon cache is the simplest and fastest way of retrieving your missing favicon. If it does not work, you should get joy from the other methods mentioned above. As a last resort, reinstall the operating system. None of your data is removed by reinstalling macOS. Click on the Reinstall macOS tab in the Utilities window and follow the instructions to complete the process. 

Do not close the lid on your Mac until the reinstallation process is finished. Your device will load all the latest software updates and be as good as new. Besides everything I have covered here, you can also contact Apple support and get help.   

Favicons provide a convenient way of quickly identifying websites on tabs, bookmark lists, and browser history. For those using the internet for work, favicons save valuable time and energy since you do not have to type the first few letters of sites to get where you want to be.

Ujjwal is a tech enthusiast with a special interest in everything Apple! He manages and writes on MacMyths.com where sharing anything and everything related to Apple devices and services is his daily thing to do.

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Safari User Guide

  • Change your homepage
  • Import bookmarks, history, and passwords
  • Make Safari your default web browser
  • Go to websites
  • Find what you’re looking for
  • Bookmark webpages that you want to revisit
  • See your favorite websites
  • Use tabs for webpages
  • Pin frequently visited websites
  • Play web videos
  • Mute audio in tabs
  • Pay with Apple Pay
  • Autofill credit card info
  • Autofill contact info
  • Keep a Reading List
  • Hide ads when reading articles
  • Translate a webpage
  • Download items from the web
  • Share or post webpages
  • Add passes to Wallet
  • Save part or all of a webpage
  • Print or create a PDF of a webpage
  • Customize a start page
  • Customize the Safari window
  • Customize settings per website
  • Zoom in on webpages
  • Get extensions
  • Manage cookies and website data
  • Block pop-ups
  • Clear your browsing history
  • Browse privately
  • Autofill user name and password info
  • Prevent cross-site tracking
  • View a Privacy Report
  • Change Safari preferences
  • Keyboard and other shortcuts
  • Troubleshooting

show icons favorites bar safari

Add websites to your Favorites in Safari on Mac

You can quickly see websites you access frequently by adding them to your Favorites, so you can get to them with just a click.

Open Safari for me

Add a website to your Favorites

show icons favorites bar safari

You can also click in the Smart Search field, then drag the URL of the webpage you’re viewing to the Favorites bar near the top of the window, the Favorites folder in the sidebar, or the Favorites area in the start page.

Organize your Favorites

Rearrange your Favorites: Drag them to different locations.

Edit the name of a favorite website or folder: Control-click the name you want to change in the Favorites page or Favorites bar, then choose Rename from the shortcut menu. You can also force click the name, or click and hold it until it’s highlighted, then enter a new one.

show icons favorites bar safari

Show a different bookmarks folder in Favorites on the Start Page: Choose Safari > Preferences, click General, then use the “Start Page Favorites” pop-up menu.

View your Favorites

View your Favorites from the Smart Search field: Click in the Smart Search field to see your Favorites in the start page view, then click the icon of the website you want to visit. The start page view goes away if you start typing, and it doesn’t appear if you click the field while you’re viewing the start page.

You can also see your favorite websites when you open new tabs. If you don’t see your Favorites in new tabs, change settings in Change General preferences in Safari .

Show the Favorites bar: Choose View > Show Favorites Bar. A bar with your favorite websites appears below the toolbar.

Open a Favorite website: Click in the Smart Search field, then click a website under Favorites, or click a website in the Favorites bar (or use the Touch Bar ).

Note: Safari uses iCloud to keep your favorite websites the same on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac computers that have Safari turned on in iCloud preferences .

How to turn on and edit the Favorites bar in Safari

show icons favorites bar safari

A few weeks ago, I received a panicked call from my sister. "My Favorites are gone! I don't know where they went and I don't know how to get them back." The favorites in question weren't Instagram likes or Twitter stars — no, her new work Mac had come with its Bookmarks favorites bar disabled.

It's not uncommon to see this in new OS X Yosemite Macs; Safari's default view sports as few buttons and switches as possible, so as to immerse yourself in the Web browsing experience. But it's an easy fix to reenable the Favorites bar and even edit it.

How to turn on and edit the Bookmarks bar in Safari

Turning the Bookmarks or Favorites bar on is a relatively simple process.

  • Open Safari .
  • Select the View menu
  • Find Show Favorites Bar

(If you like keyboard shortcuts, you can also use Command-Shift-B to show or hide the bar.)

show icons favorites bar safari

How to add new sites to your Favorites bar in Safari

Once your Favorites bar is visible, there several ways to add new sites and folders to it.

The easiest way to add a website is to drag its icon from the status bar to the Favorites bar; you'll see a green plus button to let you know it's safe to drop it onto the bar.

You can also add or edit favorites by doing the following:

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  • Click on the Sidebar icon in the upper left corner of Safari.
  • Select the bookmarks icon .
  • Open the Favorites section by clicking on the arrow.
  • Click Edit .

show icons favorites bar safari

Inside the Bookmarks editing screen, you can add folders to group bookmarks together, or simply drag bookmarks from their current location into the Favorites toolbar.

How to quickly edit your Favorites bar in Safari

If you'd prefer not to launch the full Favorites editor, you can tweak your favorites in a few different ways.

Rename them or their website: Want a different name for your new bookmark or need to update the address? Control-click (or right click) on a bookmark in the Favorites bar and select Rename Bookmark or Edit Address .

show icons favorites bar safari

Delete: Don't want a bookmark on your Favorites bar anymore? Just drag it off the toolbar and it'll disappear in a cloud of pixel smoke.

Copy for later: Need to share an address with someone? Control-click on a bookmark and select Copy to save it to your clipboard.

Serenity was formerly the Managing Editor at iMore, and now works for Apple. She's been talking, writing about, and tinkering with Apple products since she was old enough to double-click. In her spare time, she sketches, sings, and in her secret superhero life, plays roller derby. Follow her on Twitter @settern.

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How-To Geek

How to show or hide the favorites bar on safari for ipad.


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If you'd like to keep some of your favorite Safari bookmarks a quick tap away on your iPad, Safari lets you enable an on-screen Favorites bar. Once it's enabled, you'll find it under your address bar. Here's how to turn the Favorites bar on (or off, if you want to hide it).

First, launch Settings. Locate the grey "gear" icon on your iPad and tap it.

In Settings, scroll through the list and tap "Safari."

In Safari settings, find the "General" section. In that section, you'll see a switch labeled "Show Favorites Bar." Flip the switch beside it to turn it on.

(If it's already enabled and you want to hide the Favorites bar, flip the switch "off.")

After that, launch Safari. If you've enabled the Favorites bar, you'll see it located just below the address bar at the top of the screen.

To use it, just tap any one of the names on your Favorites bar, and the website will load in the tab or window you're currently using.

You can change which links appear in the Favorites bar by editing your bookmarks and rearranging your "Favorites" list. Whatever is at the top of that list will appear in the Favorites bar---depending on the space available and the length of the link names. Happy browsing!

Related: How to Hide Favorites on Safari's New Tab Page on iPhone and iPad

  • iPhone & iPad


  1. How To Add Favorites In Safari On Iphone Ipad And Mac

    show icons favorites bar safari

  2. Safari

    show icons favorites bar safari

  3. How to Organize Safari Bookmarks and Favorites

    show icons favorites bar safari

  4. How to hide or show website logo in Safari Favorites Bar

    show icons favorites bar safari

  5. How to Show and Hide Favicons in Safari Favorites Bar

    show icons favorites bar safari

  6. How to get icons in Safari favorites (aka favicons) to display correctly?

    show icons favorites bar safari



  2. #safari #rights

  3. How to Add Favourites Bar to Safari on macOS Ventura

  4. How to Show/Hide Favicons in Safari's Favorites Bar in macOS Sonoma

  5. Safari Rally Winner 2024•||•Last moments of Safari Rally in Kenya 2024 #KalleRovenpera

  6. How to Set/Fix Safari Favorite Icons on macOS


  1. How to Show and Hide Favicons in Safari Favorites Bar

    In Safari 17 and macOS Sonoma, Apple has introduced support for displaying favicons in the Favorites bar. Keep reading to learn why favicons can be useful, and how you can disable them if...

  2. View your Favorites in Safari on Mac - Apple Support

    Show the Favorites bar: Choose View > Show Favorites Bar. A bar with your favorite websites appears below the toolbar. If you see angle brackets at the right end of the bar, click them to show the rest of your bookmarks, or widen the Safari window.

  3. How to hide or show website icons in Safari Favorites Bar

    Learn how to remove or display the website icons of your favorite bookmarks in Safaris top Favorites Bar on your iPad and Mac running iPadOS 17 and macOS Sonoma.

  4. Any way to show favicons in favorites bar - Apple Community

    One of the things I REALLY like about those browsers is that I can add favourite/bookmarks to the toolbar with *just* the website's icon (favicon) and quickly pick from that. I imported bookmarks from Firefox to Safari, but the favicons are missing.

  5. Safari Favorites Icons Missing? 7 Ways to Get Them Back

    If you notice that your Safari favorites icons are missing, clearing your cache and restarting Safari is the fastest way to get them back. There is another alternative way of opening the affected website in a private Safari window; I will look at it in detail later in the article.

  6. How to get icons in Safari favorites (aka favicons) to ...

    However, if I instead go to the top menu in Safari, click Bookmarks > Show Bookmarks, I get the following: Strangely, this time, the two Google sites do have correctly displayed icons, while it is instead three other sites (out of the 10) that aren't displayed: namely Wikipedia, Amazon, and New York Times. So it seems that there are two sets of ...

  7. Organize your Favorites in Safari on Mac - Apple Support

    In the Safari app on your Mac, do any of the following: Rearrange your Favorites: Drag them to different locations. Show only an icon for a webpage in the Favorites bar: Control-click a webpage’s title, then deselect Show Title. Show only an icon for all webpages in the Favorites bar: Control-click between webpages in the Favorites bar, then ...

  8. Add websites to your Favorites in Safari on Mac - Apple ...

    Show the Favorites bar: Choose View > Show Favorites Bar. A bar with your favorite websites appears below the toolbar. Open a Favorite website: Click in the Smart Search field, then click a website under Favorites, or click a website in the Favorites bar (or use the Touch Bar).

  9. How to turn on and edit the Favorites bar in Safari | iMore

    Open Safari. Select the View menu; Find Show Favorites Bar; Enable it. (If you like keyboard shortcuts, you can also use Command-Shift-B to show or hide the bar.)

  10. How to Show or Hide the Favorites Bar on Safari for iPad

    Safari on iPad lets you select a handful of important bookmarks that always appear onscreen in a Favorites bar. If you'd like to enable (or disable it), we'll show you how.