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10 strongest time traveling superheroes, according to ranker.


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This 8 foot tall sentinel cosplay makes x-men's death machine a terrifying reality, 10 weirdest x-men characters in fox's movies the mcu won't bring back.

Time travel is one of the most tantalizing and confusing narrative devices ever, but that hasn't stopped writers from trying to make it work. It makes sense that it often gets paired up with superhero stories, which are also convoluted. The upcoming Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quanumania is set to likely include a ton of it; however, Ant-Man isn't really a hero known for his time travel-based exploits.

There are plenty of other time-faring heroes in Marvel , DC , and even outside comics. These characters demonstrate a little more finesse with causality in comparison to Scott Lang's lackadaisical time jumping. Fans on  Ranker have voted to determine which time-traveling superheroes reign supreme as the most powerful.

Note: Ranker lists are live and continue to accrue votes, so some rankings may have changed after this publishing.

Franklin Richards

Franklin Richards probably doesn't seem like much. No mainstream Fantastic Four  film adaptation has ever gotten to him, leading to his obscurity in polls like this. However, as the son of Reed Richards and Sue Storm, as well as also being mutant, Franklin is unstoppably powerful. Time travel is lower on the scope of his reality-bending abilities.

RELATED: 10 Superpowers Heroes Hate To Use, According To Ranker

Franklin also travels through time a little differently than other heroes. One of his powers is complete control over fundamental forces like space and gravity. He actually bends space-time in order to travel through time. This allowed him to meet his own past self and warn him of the future.

Booster Gold

Booster Gold is the greatest DC hero that most have never heard of. Those that have heard of him desperately want to see this character in the DCEU movies , but his obscurity likely kept him low on this poll. That's ironic, given what a great time traveler he is. Booster used to be a football player in the future who was caught betting on his own games and expelled.

He got a job at a superhero museum, found a time machine, and went back in time to strike it stinking rich. He used his foreknowledge of crimes from the future to profit from things he knew would already happen. However, his schemes would usually backfire. Eventually, he did find humility traveling throughout time fixing the cracks in history and fighting evil time-traveling threats.

Spider-Man 2099

Spider-Man 2099 is going to appear in the upcoming sequels to Into The Spider-Verse ,  and fans' excitement to see him likely played a part in his placement. These days, he's more known for dimension travel than time as Marvel has been inconsistent on whether he's from the future or an alternate universe. Still, Miguel O'Hara is from 2099 and has crossed path with the main Spider-Man before.

He worked for the evil megacorp Alchemax before getting his powers which he used to fight the future's evil overlords. Miguel is a scientific mind just like Peter. Though perhaps even more so, as he possesses an understanding of time travel. He used this to help heroes in his time and team up with the present Spider-Man.

Doctor Manhattan

To say Dr. Manhattan from the seminal Watchmen has time powers is a bit of an understatement. Much like Franklin, he has complete control over his entire universe . Unlike Franklin, he experiences it all at once. Manhattan experiences every moment of his life simultaneously and understands every atom.

RELATED: 5 Ways Watchmen's Doctor Manhattan Is More Powerful Than MCU's Thanos (& 5 Thanos Is)

Teleporting through space-time is easy for him. He can choose wherever and whenever he wants to go. He can even bring others with him, which is usually the only time any of this matters to him. He's apathetic, but being in one of the genre's best works means he's at the forefront of the public's mind when it comes to time travel.

Rip Hunter is also known as a Time Master. If that doesn't give one a good understanding of what he's all about, nothing will. Rip was originally portrayed as a solo adventurer who used his Time Sphere to travel time. In later versions, though, he would be made a guardian of the timestream.

He would appear in plenty of DC's time-related crossovers and events. He would eventually be revealed as the son of the fellow time traveler Booster Gold. Rip had a few solo comics but mostly appears as a side character or mentor. He took a prominent role in DC's television series Legends of Tomorrow , which likely helped his visibility to mainstream audiences.

Green Lantern

Green Lantern has a lot of powers. This was a common criticism of him before the 2011 Green Lantern film bombed , and it switched to him being "lame," which possibly contributed to his middling placement despite being a powerhouse. His willpower-fueled ring allows him to create constructs, shoot lasers, fly, breathe in space, become invisible, and heal others.  So it's no surprise that he can time travel with it as well.

While Green Lantern has used his time travel ability to save despotic future cities, he doesn't do it often. This perhaps stopped Ranker's voters from considering him a "time-traveling superhero." It creates a tremendous strain on the body and the Guardians of Oa generally don't like it. Typically Green Lanterns only use it as a last resort.

Cable is famous for being a poster boy for the edgy 90s anti-hero. He's gritty, uses tons of guns, and is rough around the edges. However, he's also the poster boy for the "child from the future" archetype. This child of Cyclops and Jean Grey comes back to the past to save his parents.

RELATED: 10 Things Only Comic Book Fans Know About Cable

Unlike some other mutants who literally have the superpower of time travel, Cable does it with technology. Fans actually know him more for his time travel than his actual power, telekinesis. He can use it to set up traps during fights and escape persistent foes (and his odd-couple ally Deadpool ).

Doctor Strange

While it's always been a part of his character, time travel wasn't always Doctor Strange 's forte. It was simply one of many things the hero could manipulate with his magic. In the MCU and Avengers movies, time travel became more of a focus for him. His eye of Agamotto, which used to give him hints, became a time manipulation device.

Not to say that he's never used it in the comics, though. In the comics, he explains that scientific and magical time travel are different. Magical time travel is literally rewriting history, as opposed to travel. Strange is a powerful archmage, but the MCU has caused the audience to focus on his time-traveling skill.

Doctor Who isn't a piece of superhero media in the traditional sense. However, there's really no better descriptor of The Doctor than "time-traveling superhero." This explorer travels the galaxy in a time and space transcending ship and tries their best to help out everyone they meet. Their name says it all, as they always try to help.

They haven't always succeeded, and there were times when they abandoned the Doctor's name. However, they're so good at helping others that their name became synonymous with "Healer." While they don't always have complete mastery of their time-traveling ship, they can usually use it with finesse. With past, present, future, and a fifty-year backlog of well-beloved programming with a devoted fanbase in their grasp, the Doctor is one of the greatest time travelers in fiction.

It should be no surprise that The Flash takes the top time-traveler spot. He's not an expert at messing with time like some of the others on this list. However, Barry Allen and the Flash Family are the only characters who can travel through time by running. His television show also played a big part in forming the public about how easily he shatters timelines.

Barry has always been encountering time travelers in his entire career. His grandson Impulse and his arch-enemy Reverse-Flash come from future times. Flash himself has run so hard that time has stood still, or he's traveled into the past or future. His manipulation of the past can be clumsy, though, like when he accidentally created the Flashpoint universe after trying to save his mother. These great stories have solidified the speedsters in Ranker's knowledge of time-traveling excellence.

NEXT: The 10 Best Multiverse Versions Of The Flash, Ranked

  • Doctor Who (1963)

Time Travel

  • 1.1 Characters
  • 2.1 4.03 In the Beginning
  • 2.2 5.04 The End
  • 2.3 5.13 The Song Remains the Same
  • 2.4 6.17 My Heart Will Go On
  • 2.5 6.18 Frontierland
  • 2.6 6.20 The Man Who Would Be King
  • 2.7 7.12 Time After Time
  • 2.8 8.12 As Time Goes By
  • 2.9 9.21 King of the Damned
  • 2.10 11.14 The Vessel
  • 2.11 12.13 Family Feud
  • 2.12 14.13 Lebanon
  • 3 Apocrypha

Time travel is a method used to take a person or entity forward or backward in time. The rule of time travel is that the timeline is fixed, traveling to the past will not alter events that have already happened. However after the Apocalypse was averted, these rules were changed, allowing for the past to be altered as when Balthazar prevented the Titanic from sinking , which had ramifications throughout the subsequent years.

In certain cases, it was shown that any changes made to the past may take some time to catch up in the present, such as when John Winchester was plucked from 2003 to 2019 and time slowly began adjusting, until John was sent back, reverting the world back to the original timeline.

Time travel can be associated with alternate universes , time loops and reality warping .

Characters and beings that have shown the ability (whether natural or through magic) to manipulate or bend time include:

  • Anna Milton
  • Chuck / God
  • Henry Winchester
  • Sam Winchester

4.03 In the Beginning

Castiel sends Dean back to Lawrence in 1973. Dean tries, and fails, to kill Azazel . Castiel tells him the purpose of the trip was for Dean to learn how the involvement of the Winchester family with Azazel began, and hopefully help Dean, and Heaven , work out what his ultimate endgame was – and Sam 's role in it.

5.04 The End

Zachariah created a future where Sam and Dean were no longer hunting together and haven't been for five years. It's the year 2014 and most of the population are either dead or have become zombies due to the Croatoan virus . Originally conceived a time travel piece, the episode ended up presenting the 2014 future as an alternate universe constructed by Zachariah.

5.13 The Song Remains the Same

On Heaven's instruction, Anna goes back to 1978 to kill John and Mary Winchester , in order to stop Sam from ever being born. Castiel takes Sam and Dean back to stop her, and is severely weakened by the effort. Michael ends up intervening to save John and Mary, erasing their memories of the events.

6.17 My Heart Will Go On

This episode involves both time travel and an alternate universe .

Castiel orders Balthazar to stop the sinking of the Titanic so that there would be 50,000 souls in existence that otherwise wouldn't be (the descendants of passengers) in order to use the souls to gain power in his fight against Raphael . The act causes a cascade of changes through history:

  • Dean drives a Mustang which has the original plates the Impala had – KAZ 2Y5.
  • The Impala line of cars was not produced.
  • Ellen and Jo are alive.
  • Ellen and Bobby are married and Singer Salvage Yard is called B & E Scrap Yard. Bobby's house appears neater than usual.
  • Jo leads a team of hunters.
  • In 2.17 Heart we learned that Sam knew Dean always played 'scissors' when they did rock, paper, scissors, so Sam always won. Here Sam loses, although Dean still throws scissors.
  • In the travel agency we see Cuba is a resort island destination – "America's Favorite Holiday Destination" – and Detroit was voted "America's Top City."
  • Celine Dion is a "destitute lounge singer somewhere in Quebec."
  • Cas transports Sam and Dean to "White Russia." This is an old term for Belarus and may be a hint that the Russian revolution of 1917 that lead to the formation of the Soviet Union, didn't occur.
  • Obviously the movie the Titanic was never made!

Eventually, in order to save Sam and Dean, Balthazar is forced to return to the past and unsink the Titanic, changing everything back though Castiel makes sure Sam and Dean remember what happened.

6.18 Frontierland

Dean and Sam get Castiel to send them back to 1861 after reading that Samuel Colt shot a phoenix , the ashes of which they believe will kill Eve . Meanwhile Castiel is weakened after being attacked by Rachel and must draw on power from Bobby 's soul to bring them back. When Sam and Dean are pulled back to the present day without the ashes, they think the cause is lost, but then a courier arrives. He delivers a package to Sam sent 150 years ago by Samuel Colt. It contains Sam's phone – and a bottle containing the ashes of the phoenix.

6.20 The Man Who Would Be King

Raphael sends Castiel a week back in time.

7.12 Time After Time

Chronos , the God of Time, can travel through time by taking energy from three humans. Dean charges him as he is attacking a man and is pulled back in time with him to 1944. Chronos evades Dean, but his killings in this year have attracted the notice of hunter Eliot Ness , who teams up with Dean.

In the present, Sam and Jody Mills find a spell to summon Chronos to their time and location. When the now elderly Lila Taylor reveals that she witnessed Chronos throttling Dean in 1944, and that the clocks stopped at 11:34 that night, Sam and Jody are able to summon Chronos while he is attacking Dean, bringing both of them to the present. Sam stabs Chronos with the stake that came with them. Chronos, dying, tells Sam that his future is full of black ooze, covering everything.

8.12 As Time Goes By

In 1958, desperate to escape the demon Abaddon , Henry Winchester casts a spell made with a blood sigil , which involved an angel 's feather, tears of a dragon and a pinch of the sands of time to find his son John Winchester in the future to help him protect a mysterious box from the secret order known as the Men of Letters . Henry instead finds Sam and Dean in 2013 and is confused as to why he wasn't taken to John. Before he can explain what is going on, Abaddon follows him through the portal and proves immune to Ruby's knife , forcing them to flee. Henry is horrified to learn that John is dead and explains who he is and why he is there, though he doesn't like working with hunters . After Sam learns what the box is from a survivor of the order, Abaddon reveals herself and captures Sam. At the same time, Henry, after learning what happened to John and that he apparently never made it back to his time, tries to travel back to an hour before Abaddon arrived so he can change things but is foiled by Dean. The two are forced to make a deal with Abaddon to save Sam's life, but it is actually a trap: Henry shoots a devil's trap -engraved bullet into Abaddon's head, binding her in place and to her meatsuit . Dean then decapitates her with the intention to cut her up into little pieces and bury her in concrete to forever trap her. However, Henry is mortally wounded in the fight and dies, never to return to his own time.

9.21 King of the Damned

Using the blood spell Abaddon travels back in time to 1723, to Leith, Scotland. There she finds Crowley 's son Gavin MacLeod , and brings him back to the present day to use as leverage to get Crowley to help her kill Sam and Dean.

After Abaddon is killed, the Winchesters tell Crowley they must return Gavin to his own time, or it may have an unknown ripple effect on events. Crowley protests, knowing Gavin is destined to die soon in the past. He manages to escape with Gavin. He leaves Gavin to live in the present day, saying that they mustn't ever see each other again.

11.14 The Vessel

Learning that the Hand of God will go down with the USS Bluefin , Dean suggests traveling back in time to the ship to retrieve the Hand of God before the ship sinks. Dean doesn't believe they can mess with history as the ship sinks so there's nothing to mess with. Lucifer transports Dean aboard the ship, but is kept out himself by special warding put in place by Delphine Seydoux . Dean is able to convince Delphine of the importance of his mission as a German destroyer commanded by one of the Thule Society attacks. Delphine unleashes the power of the Hand of God as Lucifer returns Dean to the present, obliterating the Bluefin and sinking the German destroyer.

In the present, after banishing Lucifer, Dean tells Sam that he did nothing in the past but watch the events unfold. Dean questions Sam on the fate of the German ship and he confirms that while the wreckage of the Bluefin was never found, the German ship's wreckage was.

12.13 Family Feud

The repercussions of Gavin MacLeod being taken from 1723 and not dying when his ship, The Star , sank was that the love of his life, Fiona Duncan , snuck aboard the ship hoping to find him. After she is found out she is subjected to scorn, abuse and rape. Due to her childhood teacher not helping her and condoning what happened, Fiona became a vengeful spirit and began taking violent action against any teachers or authority figures she would come across at the museums where her tether, a locket, resided after being taken out of storage and put on display six months prior.

When Sam and Dean realize the best way for them to deal with Fiona is to send Gavin back to 1723, erasing what happened to her on The Star and putting the timeline back to how it was meant to be, Gavin agrees. At the Men of Letters Bunker Sam prepared the blood spell , to send Gavin back, which Rowena had tweaked to allow Gavin to be sent back without the need of a blood relative in 1723. As Sam performed the ritual, Fiona appeared next to Gavin and the two embraced as Gavin was sent back to 1723, effectively erasing all the murders Fiona committed as a ghost.

14.13 Lebanon

Dean wishes on a Baozhu (a magic pearl that grants what the heart desires) in the hope of ridding Michael (Apocalypse World) from his mind, but instead it brings John Winchester from 2003. The disruption to the time line, starts to manifest - there is evidence that Dean is still hunting but it wanted by the FBI and that Sam is an internet famous corporate lawyer . It is obvious this would mean Mary will not be brought back from the dead, so John agrees he must return. Sam smashes the Baozhu and John returns to 2003. He wakes up in the Impala, thinking he has dreamed the whole thing.

Sam and Dean also traveled through time in the novel Supernatural: War of the Sons , when renegade angel Don -- full name Abaddon -- sends them back in time to New York 1954. He claims that he wishes to help them recover the 'War Scroll,' a scroll containing a battle plan that would allow the brothers to defeat Lucifer , but when the Scroll is revealed to contain only the names of the angelic bloodlines and the humans who will be their vessels , Dean and Sam refuse to use it, realizing that Don's true role was to attempt to convince the brothers to accept their role and allow the Apocalypse to proceed. Having returned to their time, Dean and Sam trick Don into attracting the attention of the other angels, allowing the angels to kill him while Castiel takes them to safety.

The time paradox was discussed in the writer’s room with a light touch because I think it gave us all headaches. Like for instance I have a theory about this episode that I don’t think we even talked about that this was a closed ended loop that Dean always goes back in time and instigates the events that happen in this episode which caused Sam and Dean to be put on this path which caused them to run into Castiel who sent Dean back in time. Jensen called us to say, “I’m the one who talked my dad into buying the Impala? But I don’t understand that because if I hadn’t have gone back in time he wouldn’t have had the Impala.” Again it’s a real mind-bender concept and we had to talk it through –- it's funny the difference between Bob Singer and I proceeded to talk him through, “Well there’s this time loop and in my mind it’s this closed circle and he’s always going back–” And you know all these concepts that I really don’t understand about the inevitability of fate and time travel and then Bob takes a beat and – I love it, it’s perfect timing – he just takes a beat and says in this typical voice, “You got no problem with the demons but you got a problem with this?” – Eric Kripke , Season 4 DVD and Blu-Ray ; Commentary on 4.03 In the Beginning
Eric: There was this whackadoodle notion that Ben and I came up with, where Future Dean had already gone through the experiences as Past Dean, where Future Dean was like "I know why you're here, because five years ago I went through the same experience … and every line you're about to say I've already said it. And time is cyclical!" And we were congratulating ourselves for being so smart...We showed it to Bob – and it’s a perfect model of why Bob is so invaluable to Supernatural ... and he's like "What the hell is this?" And we're like "You see it's cyclical, time is cyclical..." Ben: Do you remember we would come to his office and we would draw pictures of it. Eric: Yeah, we were literally drawing a diagram of the nature of time and time travel in Bob's office. And he gives you this wonderful dry look and he's like "You'll be drawing that for the audience?" – Eric Kripke and Ben Edlund , Season 5 DVD and Blu-Ray (commentary on 5.04 The End )
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Teleportation, ESP & Time Travel: 10 Tales of Superpowers

Human mind abstract composition

Teleportation and Other Fantastic Claims

Just your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

The idea of people with superpowers is one that has long captivated audiences. Modern-day movies, graphic novels, TV shows and video games are full of fictional stories involving people who have acquired extraordinary and seemingly impossible abilities. The real world has plenty of fantastic claims as well spurring on debate and study.

One person who made fantastic claims was Pedro Ruiz Calderón, a Catholic priest who was brought to trial in Mexico City in 1540. Calderón claimed that he could teleport between continents, make himself invisible, predict the future , make women fall in love with him, find buried treasure, summon and exorcise demons among other abilities. Research by John Chuchiak IV, a professor at Missouri State University, sheds light on his trial.

LiveScience takes a look at superpowers throughout history. Some of them appear impossible while scientists are working on others to make them a reality.


Eusapia Palladino who, in an 1892 photograph taken in Milan, and shown here, supposedly levitated a table while researcher Alexandr Aksakov checked for fraud.

Psychokinesis (PK) is the ability to move or otherwise manipulate objects using the human mind . There are two types of psychokinesis , the "macro" and "micro" level. Many have claimed macro abilities — to be able to manipulate of large objects — throughout history. A 19th-century example was Eusapia Palladino who, in an 1892 photograph taken in Milan, and shown here, supposedly levitated a table while researcher Alexandr Aksakov checked for fraud. 

The micro level involves the manipulation of random events using the human mind. Between 1979 and 2007 the PEAR (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research) lab in New Jersey studied this phenomenon running detailed statistical analysis. Its researchers found that the human mind has a very slight ability to manipulate random events, a finding that is controversial and debated among scientists. 

Time Travel

How can you swim upstream in the river of time? Physicists Charles Liu and Michio Kaku have some answers.

Time Travel is an ability which is often featured in science fiction. Through time dilation it is theoretically possible to travel forward in time although the effect wouldn't be significant unless you traveled a vast distance on a very fast spacecraft.

Moving backwards in time is more difficult and scientists are still uncertain as to whether it is even theoretically possible.

There have been claims of people having encounters, of sorts, with the past. On August 4, 1951 two English women on holiday near Dieppe claimed to hear the sounds of the famous World War II battle throughout the night while in their hotel room. They took careful notes and an article describing their case was published in the May-June 1952 edition of the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research.


Buddha and a light symbolic of enlightenment

Reincarnation is the belief that when someone dies they are reborn. It's featured in several religions including Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism.

There have been cases where young children recall information which some believe to be from past lives they lived. The late Dr. Ian Stevenson, a medical doctor who was head of the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia, documented and published an estimated 3,000 cases of this over a period of 40 years. He tried to match up these claimed experiences with people who actually died.  

Extra Sensory Perception (ESP)

central intelligence agency

Extra Sensory Perception, or ESP, is the ability to obtain information through means other than the five senses. Examples of it include telepathy or “mind reading,” as it’s more popularly known. Precognition is another form and involves knowing of a future event ahead of time. Another form is remote viewing, seeing a distant place through paranormal means.

The U.S. military and CIA did research exploring the military and intelligence applications of ESP, particularly remote viewing. Project "Stargate" was a $20-million study started during the Cold War. It was spurred on by reports that the Soviet Union was investigating ESP. Although some claim that there were successful instances of remote viewing the project was shut down in 1995. [ The 10 Most Outrageous Military Experiments

An 18th century depiction of a dowser from the 1733 book Histoire critique des pratiques superstitieuses

The practice of "dowsing" or "divining" often features a person using twigs or a rod to find a water source. It can, however, be used for other things as well. Pedro Ruiz Calderón, the 16th-century priest, claimed to have been able to find buried treasure using supernatural means, and made a good amount of money selling his abilities. Needless to say modern-day scientists are skeptical that dowsing can actually be done.

(Shown here, an 18th-century depiction from the 1733 book "Histoire Critique des Practiques Superstitieuses.")

Predicting the Future

world's oldest astrologer's board

In many ways predicting the future is not a supernatural power. Economists, climatologists, demographers, all use scientific (or semi-scientific) methods to try to predict the future.

The use of supernatural powers to predict the future, however, has a much longer history. The use of horoscopic astrology, though not based in science, dates back more than 2,000 years and is tailored to the individual.

An ancient astrologer would determine the positions of the planets, sun and moon at the time their client was born. They would then use the information to determine their future.  Researchers reconstructed and published in 2012 the oldest known astrologer's board , found in a cave in Croatia.

Astral Projection

A woman appearing as if she is dreaming or in a surreal world.


nanotube invisible material

From HG Wells 1897 novel "The Invisible Man" to Harry Potter's invisibility cloak, the ability to make yourself invisible is one that has long fascinated science fiction writers.

Pedro Ruiz Calderón, the Catholic priest put on trial in 1540, claimed to be able to turn invisible. He said that the ability came in handy when he snuck in and out of the bedrooms of his mistresses.  

Although the power seems fantastic scientists are working on technologies that may one day be able to render large objects partly or entirely invisible. Using artificial metamaterials they are developing techniques to bend light. Another effort, published in 2011 in the journal Nature Communications, uses calcite to block off red and green lasers and ordinary white light .

Love Spells

flirting couple

The ability to use supernatural abilities to make someone fall in love with you has ancient origins.

Archaeology Magazine reported on a case from Roman Egypt in which two wax figurines were found in an "erotic embrace." They contained an inscription which read in part "seize Euphemia and lead her to me Theon, loving me with mad desire, and bind her with unloosable shackles, strong ones of adamantine, for the love of me..."

Although modern-day scientists don't believe in love spells some substances, like strawberries, are said to act as an aphrodisiac, increasing sexual desire. [Top 10 Aphrodisiacs]


An illustration of the quantum teleportation of 'Schrodinger's Cat' wave packets of light.

Teleportation was made famous by the series "Star Trek." People, aliens included, could beam from the fictional starship Enterprise to the surface of a planet in one piece (although transporter malfunctions were occasionally used as a plot device).

In real life Pedro Ruiz Calderón, the priest who went on trial in 1540, claimed to be able to teleport from Mexico to Europe and back again. His claim was laughable since, if he could do that, he could have easily escaped his trial!

Today scientists working in the field of quantum physics are working on teleporting light , with some success . Whether we will ever be able to teleport spaceship crewmembers or warlock priests is another matter. [ Twisted Physics: 7 Mind-Blowing Findings ]

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Owen Jarus is a regular contributor to Live Science who writes about archaeology and humans' past. He has also written for The Independent (UK), The Canadian Press (CP) and The Associated Press (AP), among others. Owen has a bachelor of arts degree from the University of Toronto and a journalism degree from Ryerson University. 


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superpower wiki time travel

  • Gravity/Space/Void
  • Motion/Travel/Transport
  • Time/Age/Speed

Time Travel

  • View history
  • 1 Also Known As
  • 2 Description
  • 3 Uses/Applications (Pros)
  • 4 Weaknesses/Limitations (Cons)
  • 5 Similar/Related Abilities
  • 6 Confirmed Users

Also Known As [ ]

  • Chronoportation/Chronoporting
  • Temporal Jumping
  • Temporal Relocation
  • Temporal Travel
  • Time Jump/Time Jumping
  • Time Traveling

Description [ ]

This is the ability to psychically relocate to the relative past or future versions of a given location.

Uses/Applications (Pros) [ ]

One with this ability could psychically relocate to the past of one's current location, at will. In addition, one could psychically relocate to the future of one's current location, at will. Furthermore, one could psychically relocate to the past of a different location, at will. One could also psychically relocate to the future of a different location, at will. One could even psychically psychically relocate through alternate pasts and/or futures, at will.

Weaknesses/Limitations (Cons) [ ]

Similar/related abilities [ ].

  • Chronokinesis
  • Teleportation

Confirmed Users [ ]

Time Travel

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  • View history

Piper and Leo (Charmed)

Time Travel  is the ability to travel to other points in time.

Known Users [ ]

Marvel comics [ ].

  • Gloria Angel
  • Morgan le Fay can use her magical skills to travel through time.

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The Strongest Time-Traveling Superheroes, Ranked

Ranker Comics

The realm of time-traveling superheroes presents a captivating fusion of power and potential. These heroes can travel through history with incredible ease, altering timelines to prevent catastrophes, A diverse group of characters like Flash, Doctor Strange, and Cable showcase their talents in this riveting subject matter.

The domain of time travel characters includes many opportunities for excitement and suspense. Their exceptional skills that set them apart from other superheroes stem from their ability to master one of the most enigmatic aspects of existence - time itself. These awe-inspiring individuals harness their powers to navigate past, present, and future, accomplishing exploits that defy conventional norms. Hold on tight as you embark on a rollercoaster ride through space and time with these personalities.

Flash's astonishing speed enables him to breach temporal boundaries at will; Doctor Strange employs his mystical arts prowess to manipulate reality and traverse dimensions; while Cable boasts telepathic abilities and an advanced understanding of futuristic tech. These beings utilize their strengths for good deeds while safeguarding humanity. These heroes represent just a fragment of what makes this specific genre alluring.

The stories of these characters show how far comics have come in terms of creativity and depth. It's apparent that fans will never lose their appetite for narratives pushing boundaries and expanding imaginations.


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Author Roy Huff

Bestselling science fiction and fantasy author Roy Huff. Amazing books and a sci-fi fantasy super-geek. Join the tribe. Read more.

24 Reasons Time Travel is the Ultimate Superpower

March 5, 2019 by Roy Huff

Hollywood has finally caught on with the Flash, Timeless, Frequency, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, but they’re only scratching the surface.

It took confronting a rabid pit bull in middle school to understand the awesomeness of superpowers and how not having them sucks when you’re in a bind.

Imagine staring down a beast foaming at the mouth, not knowing if it would chase you down and infect you with an insidious disease that drives you mad until you succumb to a horrible death. Fortunately, in this case, the only superpower I needed was patience to wait for animal control.

But all superpowers aren’t created equal. With all due respect to Scientologists’ who revere powers like  auditing  and the ability to hold one’s need to use the restroom, time travel is in a league of its own.

I don’t mean the limited power depicted in most fiction. I’m talking about time travel that avoids the nonsense of the paradox and encompasses slowing time, freezing time, looping time, and moving backward and forward through time at will.

And don’t let some content editor block you with a mysterious force that prevents you from changing too much just because he thinks it’s bad fiction or gives the protagonist too much power. It’s all or nothing, baby. Yes, it’s totally awesome, and you know it. In case you’re not convinced, try these reasons on for size.

Kill Hitler (or Any Other Ruthless Dictator) and See What Happens

Screw the consequences. And don’t tell me Hitler made the world a better place for some sick, twisted reason. Yes, the world would be totally different, but I’d bet it would be a very interesting and good different. Why not find out?

Cream the Kid Who Picked on You in School

If you’ve ever been bullied, you’ll appreciate this one. A few time loops will make you poetic with your jabs and punches, or you could just have a little fun and put them in an awkward position when time resumes at normal speed.

Ace Any Test

If you can’t get an A with the ultimate cheat sheet, it’s time to move on.

Try Out Different Lines on a Prospective Date Until One Works

50 First Dates  comes to mind, as does  Groundhog Day  (my personal favorite). But there’s so much to work with. Who wouldn’t want to know the most beautiful thing to say to that perfect person they’ve always wanted to impress?

Make a Ton of Cash

It’s so obvious, yet so many time travel stories don’t bother to make the most of this storyline. If you controlled time, how would you make a ton of cash? So many possibilities here:

Win the lottery, a hand at poker, or name your gambling vice. Play the stock market. Invest in real estate. Discover hidden loot, buried trinkets, lost relics, and sunken ships. The list is endless.

Invent Gadgets From the Future

Another personal favorite, but I digress. Why not accelerate things a bit? For the environmentally conscious, here’s an excellent way to make alternative energy a cheap efficient reality. Or invent a way to upload information to your brain. While you’re at it, throw in a holodeck and some replicators.

Save Books From the Library of Alexandria (Then Read Them All)

Bibliophiles rejoice! Even lovers of poetry and literary fiction should jump on the sci-fi bandwagon for this one,  seriously ! You’ll need to bring a translator, or at least a souped up version of Google Translate. The payoff would be enormous.

Rip Mega Hits From the Future

You may not sound as good, but then again, talent is overrated. It’s not stealing if it hasn’t been invented yet, so ignore the naysayers who complain about the ethics. If it’s fame you desire, this option is a must.

Find out if Your Significant Other is a Cheater

If you have suspicions, they probably are. But if you’ve just started dating, save yourself the headaches and skip ahead.

Buy the Perfect Gift

If you’ve found that perfect love, you know finding the perfect gift can be equally as hard. Those initial facial expressions don’t lie.

See What Happens to Your Kids

For maximum impact, foresight is necessary. Maybe your kid should study art. Find out now if that safe career path makes them miserable or that speed takes them to the Olympics  or prison .

Prevent the Death of Millions Before Natural Disasters

Even time travel stories constrained by the paradox should jump on this one. The butterfly effect may change most things, but natural disasters will outlast most storms of change. What could be better than saving thousands of lives from earthquakes and tsunamis?

Get the Appreciation you Know you Deserve

It’s okay to indulge every once in a while. Who wouldn’t want to know what those accolades from your boss, friends, or significant other will look like? It will save a heck of a lot of time if you discover you need to move on. Just make sure your clicker doesn’t share the same memory feature as Adam Sandler’s.

Change the Outcome of Elections

Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, Tory, or Liberal, I’m sure there’ve been winners you’d like to see get crushed. Time travel takes opponent research to the next level. Have fun with it.

Visit Your Own funeral

Avoiding death is obvious, but a more practical reason is discovering who attends your funeral. Don’t waste any more time caring what people think if they don’t bother to show up. Life’s too short.

Visit the End of Civilization (if it Ever Comes)

Call me an optimist. I’m still planning on hopping into a cryo chamber by the  Alcor Life Extension Foundation  and hitching a ride to the future. Therapeutic cloning, gene modification, and singularity may extend life well beyond the realms of modern science. 

If we’ve survived this long, what’s a few more billion years? Yes, maybe we’ll all look like Lady Cassandra from  Doctor Who , but I think mankind will survive longer than most envision,  Skynet  be damned.

Visit the Death of the Universe

Our universe will eventually die. Everything down to the subatomic particles will be ripped apart as the expansion of the universe throttles at breakneck speeds. It may be boring to watch, but why not?

Prevent the Death of the Universe

If you can visit, why not stop it? You could do it the hard way by changing the laws of physics, like the Q in  Star Trek TNG . Or, you could do it the “easy” way by creating a stable wormhole to a parallel universe and hitching a ride.

Accelerate the Progress of Scientific Theories

Don’t know how to make a stable wormhole? No worries! A few hundred thousand time loops will do the trick, or you could just jump a century or two in the future and read the Cliff notes version.

Prove Once and for all What Happened in the Beginning of Time

After you’ve visited the end, take a trip to the beginning.

Hang Out With Jesus

I’m sure hanging out with JC would be a lot cooler than most people realize. Besides, good friends are hard to come by.

Empty Your Netflix Queue

I saved the best for last. I remember when this didn’t take that long, but since the advent of original content and A+ acquisitions, there’s never enough screen time.  

Originally posted on Geeks Media

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Time Travel

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Travel between the past and the present periods in time using Time Portals on the Island of Time.

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Alternate Reality Traveling

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The ability to  travel to other realities . Sub-power of  Alternate Reality Manipulation . Not to be confused with Alternate Timeline Traveling . Variation of Multiversal and Dimensional Travel .

  • 1 Also Called
  • 2 Capabilities
  • 3 Applications
  • 4 Variations
  • 5 Associations
  • 6 Limitations
  • 7 Known Users
  • 8 Known Objects

Also Called [ ]

  • Inter-Universal/Many-Worlds/Multiversal Traveling
  • Parallel/Alternate Earth/Universe Traveling
  • Parallel Reality Traveling

Capabilities [ ]

Users can travel to other possible worlds that can or could've happened from the endless abyss of alternate outcomes and continuities, being able to taste how dissimilar those probable worlds are to their own. Consequently, one might take interest in one or a couple worlds and may create a permanent stay.

Though while it be restricted to the context of the story, possible futures, pasts, and even present events withhold endless amounts of variety in spite of how distant or close it is to the original line of events, and users will inevitably find horrors, pleasures, joy, and sadness that could have been and still can unfold.

Applications [ ]

  • Alternate-Self Summoning
  • Alternate-Self Contacting
  • Portal Creation

Variations [ ]

  • Alternate Timeline Traveling
  • Planeswalking

Associations [ ]

  • Dimensional Object
  • Dimensional Travel
  • Planes Dreaming
  • Probability Travel
  • Reality Crossroads
  • Reality Shifting
  • Spatial Slicing
  • Subjective Traveling
  • Superior Human Physiology
  • Teleportation
  • Time Travel

Limitations [ ]

  • May be limited to the context of the story.
  • May not have control of the time period of the possible reality or even no control of which reality to choose at all. This may cause insanity .
  • Access Denial may prevent the user from entering some realities.

Known Users [ ]

  • Ukyo ( Amnesia )
  • Eon ( Ben 10 )
  • Maltruant ( Ben 10 )
  • Anna Dewitt/Elizabeth Comstock ( Bioshock Infinite )
  • Observers ( Blazblue )
  • Prince Corwin ( Chronicles of Amber )
  • Mastemon ( Digimon )
  • Ink ( Dreamers )
  • Evelyn Wang ( Everything Everywhere All at Once )
  • Alpha Waymond
  • Alpha Gong Gong
  • Jobu Tupaki
  • Einstein ( Farscape )
  • Bill Cipher ( Gravity Falls )
  • Funny Valentine ( JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part VII: Steel Ball Run ); via Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap/D4C
  • Error ( Lucida )
  • Fresh ( Lucida )
  • Gabriel ( Lucifer )
  • Havok ( Marvel Comics )
  • America Chavez ( Marvel Comics )
  • Ubiquity ( Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir )
  • Gabriel Agreste/Monarch
  • Mot ( Mot )
  • Alex and Jenny ( Multiversum )
  • Walter ( Perversions of Science )
  • Altair ( Re:Creators )
  • Rick Sanchez ( Rick and Morty )
  • The Bailey Brothers/Multi-U ( SCP Foundation )
  • The Light-Bringer/The Morning Star/He-Who-Made-Dark and He-Who-Made-Light ( SCP Foundation )
  • The Fragmented One/WAN/he Eternal Network/Fuxi/The Maker of Machines/Hakhama/The Great Voice/Sophia/Mekhane/SCP-001 - TwistedGears/Kaktus Proposal - The Broken God ( SCP Foundation )
  • SCP-507 - Reluctant Dimension Hopper ( SCP Foundation )
  • SCP-1985 - Recovered K-Class Scenario Research Device ( SCP Foundation )
  • SCP-4730 - Earth Crucified ( SCP Foundation )
  • Quinn Mallory ( Sliders )
  • Various characters ( Sonic Prime )
  • Sonic the Hedgehog ( Sonic the Hedgehog )
  • Dandy ( Space Dandy )
  • Q ( Star Trek )
  • Experiment 272 "Wormhole" ( Stitch! )
  • Culex ( Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars )
  • Ninja Turtles ( Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles )
  • Ninja Turtles ( Turtles Forever )
  • Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg ( Type Moon )
  • Dream Phantom ( Valkyrie Crusade )
  • Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon ( The Witcher Series )
  • Sources ( The Witcher Series )
  • Colin Ritman ("Black Mirror: Bandersnatch")

The Seven ("Fortnite")

Known Objects [ ]

  • Bill Evil's Inter-Dimensional Transporter ( Henry Danger )
  • Infinite Forest ( Destiny )
  • Phase Oscillator ( Batman: The Brave and the Bold )
  • Astral Amulet ( Chrono Cross )
  • TARDIS ( Doctor Who ); by traveling through tears in the universe
  • Trigger of Destruction ( El-Hazard )
  • Wishing Well ( Enchanted ); only the real world
  • Magic Mirror ( Epic Mickey )
  • Multiverse-traveling device ( Family Guy: Road to the Multiverse )
  • Subtle Knife ( His Dark Materials )
  • Trans-Dimensional Teleporter Device ( Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths )
  • The Bridge ( Marvel Comics )
  • Crystal Mirror ( My Little Pony Equestria Girls ); only the Human world
  • Multi-Universe Transprojector ( Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero )
  • Portal gun ( Rick and Morty )
  • SCP-201 - The Empty World ( SCP Foundation ); limited to displacing subjects only
  • SCP-2207 - Dimensional Razor ( SCP Foundation )
  • Alternate Reality Drive ( Stargate Atlantis )
  • Quantum Mirror ( Stargate SG-1 )
  • Guardian of Forever ( Star Trek )
  • Paradox Prism ( Sonic Prime )

Gallery [ ]

Phineas, Ferb and Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz (Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension) use Other-Dimension-Inator to open a portal to an alternative world.

  • 1 Superpowers
  • 2 List of Kinetic Abilities
  • 3 Darkness Manipulation
  • International

Claudia Sheinbaum projected to be Mexico's first woman president

By Kathleen Magramo, Maureen Chowdhury, Matt Meyer, Antoinette Radford and Melissa Macaya, CNN

The count: Mexico Elections 2024

Mexico's outgoing president says he will not try to influence sheinbaum in naming future officials.

From CNN's Abel Alvarado in Atlanta

Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador attends a press conference after the general election in Mexico City, on June 3.

Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he will not influence newly elected president Claudia Sheinbaum in naming future officials for the country after Sunday’s landslide victory.

 “She (Sheinbaum) is the one empowered to make all the decisions. I am not going to influence anything,” López Obrador said during his morning presser on Monday.

“She is going to choose her team,” he added.

However, he suggested that changes would come with the new president because it was part of the “transformation” he started for the country when he took office nearly six years ago.

López Obrador also said he may discuss constitutional reforms with Sheinbaum during the transition period but made it clear that he didn’t “want to impose anything.”

Sheinbaum will take office on October 1. Her term will last six years.

López Obrador, who is Sheinbaum’s political mentor, congratulated her on the win.

“We already spoke yesterday (Sunday); I congratulated her. I am very happy because imagine what it means to hand over the presidency to a woman after 200 years of only men ruling Mexico,” the president said.

The president said that once he hands over the presidential band, he plans to retire from political life entirely and will do so with “a lot of satisfaction.”

“Let it be heard loud and clear: after I finish my term in office, I will retire, and I will never again participate in any public or political act,” he said. 

Biden congratulates Sheinbaum for her historic win

US President Joe Biden speaks at the White House in Washington on May 31.

US President Joe Biden congratulated Claudia Sheinbaum on her historic presidential win as Mexico's first woman to lead the country's government.

"I look forward to working closely with President-elect Sheinbaum in the spirit of partnership and friendship that reflects the enduring bonds between our two countries," he said in a statement Monday. "I expressed our commitment to advancing the values and interests of both our nations to the benefit of our peoples."

Read Biden's full statement:

"I congratulate Claudia Sheinbaum on her historic election as the first woman President of Mexico. I look forward to working closely with President-elect Sheinbaum in the spirit of partnership and friendship that reflects the enduring bonds between our two countries. I expressed our commitment to advancing the values and interests of both our nations to the benefit of our peoples. I also congratulate the Mexican people for conducting a nationwide successful democratic electoral process involving races for more than 20,000 positions at the local, state, and federal levels."

Mexican peso falls against the US dollar

From CNN's Krystal Hur

A woman walks past a board showing currency exchange rates of the Mexican peso against the US dollar in Mexico City, on May 28.

The Mexican peso slipped roughly 3% against the US dollar Monday morning.

It comes after Claudia Sheinbaum's projected landslide victory, which has raised concerns that the ruling Morena party will be able to pass more ambitious constitutional reforms, many of which had been sought by outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

"Sheinbaum is perceived as more of a technocrat than AMLO, and she also has a background in climate science. Both offer potential shifts in Mexican policy," wrote Bespoke Investment Group researchers in a Monday note.

Latin American leaders celebrate Claudia Sheinbaum's projected win

From CNN's Abel Alvarado

Claudia Sheinbaum waves to supporters in Mexico City on June 3.

Latin American leaders are celebrating Claudia Sheinbaum's projected win as Mexico's president with leaders referencing a common theme — that her appointment would hopefully see strengthened relationships between countries on the continent.

Sheinbaum will face several challenges, including security, organized crime, energy and immigration, and would also set the tone for  the pivotal US-Mexico bilateral relationship . 

  • Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel  said in a post on X: "We wish her success in her management, the first for a woman in that position."
  • Honduran President Xiomara Castro extended her "sincere congratulations" to Sheinbaum, "as the first female president of Honduras" on X . Castro said she spoke to Sheinbaum following her victory and agreed "to work together for the unity of Latin America and the Caribbean."
  • Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro called her win a "great victory for the Great Homeland. I hug you! Long live Mexico!"
  • Bolivian President Luis Arce congratulated her on X and added that they "salute salute all the Mexican people for their democratic vocation and broad participation in the electoral process."
  • Colombian President Gustavo Petro described Sheinbaum's appointment as "a triumph for the Mexican people and for their democracy."
  • Costa Rica 's presidency referred to the two countries as "brother countries" and congratulated Sheinbaum on her appointment.

Millions turn out for largest election in Mexico's history

From CNN's Tara John and CNN en Español

People queue to vote at a polling station in Colonia Libertad, near the US-Mexico border in Tijuana, Mexico, on June 2.

Sunday’s poll was the largest election in the country’s history. More than 98 million voters were registered to cast a ballot, and 1.4 million Mexicans were eligible to vote abroad.

In addition to the presidency, more than 20,000 positions were being contested by an estimated 70,000 candidates vying to become senators, mayors and governors.

But the elections were plagued by  immense violence . There have been more than 20 political killings since September, according to the Mexican government. By some estimates though, that number is even higher. According to Mexican consultancy firm Integralia, at least 34 candidates were murdered in the run-up to the vote.

Voting was suspended for several hours on Sunday in the southeastern Mexican town of Coyomeapan due to violence at the polling centers, according to state electoral authorities.

And while the murder rate fell in Mexico  between 2019 and 2022 , in absolute numbers the country is still reeling from historically high levels of around 30,000 homicides each year. The true number is likely higher, experts say.

The violence appeared to have been a top concern for voters as cartels extend their grip through Mexico.

Claudia Sheinbaum has been coy about her security proposals but has pointed to her record as Mexico City mayor, when, according to her team, she improved the police force’s working conditions and intelligence-gathering abilities.

Outgoing Mexican president congratulates Sheinbaum

From CNN's Mia Alberti

A video of outgoing Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador congratulating projected president Claudia Sheinbaum is displayed at a hotel in Mexico City on June 3.

Mexico's President Andres Manuel López Obrador has congratulated Claudia Sheinbaum on her expected win in Sunday's presidential election. 

"With all my affection and respect I congratulate Claudia Sheinbaum who came out victorious with an ample margin. She will be the first (female) President of Mexico... but also the President, possibly, with most votes obtained in all of the history of our country," he said in a video posted on X. 

López Obrador also congratulated the other presidential candidates and the Mexican people, saying he was proud of the large turnout.

Mexico's expected president Sheinbaum pledges to govern all Mexicans "without distinction"

From CNN's Michael Rios

Claudia Sheinbaum addresses supporters in Mexico City on Monday, June 3.

Claudia Sheinbaum has responded to the announcement of her projected victory in Mexico's presidential election early Monday morning, saying her administration would govern all Mexicans “without distinction,” even though not everyone supports her policies.

“Our duty is and will always be to look after every single Mexican without distinction. So even though many Mexicans do not fully agree with our project, we will have to walk in peace and harmony to continue building a fair and more prosperous Mexico,” she told supporters in a speech.

She also spoke about the historical significance of becoming the first female president of the country.

Sheinbaum said her two rivals in the race, Xóchitl Gálvez and Jorge Álvarez Máynez, had called to congratulate her on her projected victory.

Sheinbaum, the candidate from the ruling party, received the most votes in Sunday's elections, according to preliminary results from the National Electoral Institute.

The Electoral Court must validate the presidential election, and if confirmed, Sheinbaum will start her presidency on October 1.

Sheinbaum's large margin shows power of Mexico's ruling party, CNN journalist says

From CNN's Kathleen Magramo

Ruling party presidential candidate Claudia Sheinbaum leaves the polling station where she voted during general elections in Mexico City, on June 2.

Even though Claudia Sheinbaum was expected to win during campaign polls, her large margin in the votes came as a shock, CNN’s Gustavo Valdes reports from Mexico City.

Sheinbaum might get up to 60% of the vote, which is even higher than outgoing President Andrés Manuel López Obrador when he was elected six years ago, Valdes said.

Sheinbaum is the candidate for the ruling Morena party.

"That gives you an idea of the political power that López Obrador has amassed over the past six years," Valdes told CNN's Rosemary Church.

Valdes said voters told CNN that a woman president would help change Mexico's image of being a "macho" country, where patriarchal culture impedes women's advancements.

"Mexico has actually changed its laws to encourage and actually force the parties to have more female candidates. So so there's a very equal division of power between many woman in congress and the governorships," Valdes said.

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  1. Time Travel

    Most people think time is like a river that flows swift and sure in one direction. But I have seen the face of time, and I can tell you: they are wrong. Time is an ocean in a storm.The Prince (The Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time) There's an old saying in my field, time travel is for immortals and fools. And I speak from experience.Professor Paradox (Ben 10; Alien Force) The power to ...

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    Time travel is lower on the scope of his reality-bending abilities. RELATED: 10 Superpowers Heroes Hate To Use, According To Ranker. Franklin also travels through time a little differently than other heroes. One of his powers is complete control over fundamental forces like space and gravity. He actually bends space-time in order to travel ...

  3. Time Travel

    History. Time travel is a method used to take a person or entity forward or backward in time. The rule of time travel is that the timeline is fixed, traveling to the past will not alter events that have already happened. However after the Apocalypse was averted, these rules were changed, allowing for the past to be altered as when Balthazar ...

  4. Time Travel

    Score. +148. Time travel is the ability to travel through time, whether to the past or the future. This is not a common power because of the extreme advantage a character using it has allows it to become a deus ex machina, thus spoiling dramatic tension. The Flash, Hourman, and Kang the Conqueror are some famous characters with the ability to ...

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    Psychokinesis (PK) is the ability to move or otherwise manipulate objects using the human mind. There are two types of psychokinesis, the "macro" and "micro" level. Many have claimed macro ...

  6. Time Travel

    Temporal Travel; Time Jump/Time Jumping; Time Traveling; Description [] This is the ability to psychically relocate to the relative past or future versions of a given location. Uses/Applications (Pros) [] One with this ability could psychically relocate to the past of one's current location, at will.

  7. Time Travel

    Time Travel is the ability to travel to other points in time. Arnold Gloria Angel Morgan le Fay can use her magical skills to travel through time. Database of Superpowers Wiki

  8. Remote Time Travel

    Aku (Samurai Jack) sends Jack to the future by opening a portal of time. Professor Zapotec and Professor Marlin (Mickey Mouse) can send Mickey and Goofy through time and space via their time machine. Immortus (Marvel Comics), a future version of Kang the Conqueror, can summon other people from the past or future to act as his minions.

  9. List of time travel works of fiction

    Works created prior to the 18th century are listed in Time travel § History of the time travel concept . A guardian angel travels back to the year 1728, with letters from 1997 and 1998. An unnamed man falls asleep and finds himself in a Paris of the future. Play - A good fairy sends people forward to the year 7603 AD. [1]

  10. The 15 Best Superheroes Who Can Time Travel, Ranked

    The Shakespeare Code, Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death, Doctor Who. 48 votes. Powers & Abilities: Time travel. The Doctor is the title character in the long-running BBC science fiction television programme Doctor Who. Since the show's inception in 1963, the character has been portrayed by thirteen lead actors.

  11. Time travel

    The first page of The Time Machine published by Heinemann. Time travel is the hypothetical activity of traveling into the past or future.Time travel is a widely recognized concept in philosophy and fiction, particularly science fiction. In fiction, time travel is typically achieved through the use of a hypothetical device known as a time machine.The idea of a time machine was popularized by H ...

  12. Category:Time Manipulation

    Category page. Characters with (or items that grants their wielders) the power to manipulate time. Chronoskimming · Remote Time Traveling · Temporal Duplication · Time Acceleration · Time Manipulation · Time Reversal · Time Stopping · Time Traveling. A.

  13. 24 Reasons Time Travel is the Ultimate Superpower

    With all due respect to Scientologists' who revere powers like auditing and the ability to hold one's need to use the restroom, time travel is in a league of its own. I don't mean the limited power depicted in most fiction. I'm talking about time travel that avoids the nonsense of the paradox and encompasses slowing time, freezing time ...

  14. Any other abilities for Time powers besides time travel ...

    TIME ERASE the power to erase time. so, you select two times, lets say, everything from 1999 and 2000. you could erase everything that happened there from ever occurring. i don't recommend doing that, though, since it'd change a crazy amount of stuff in the modern era lol. so, the character with this power would probably erase a specific day ...

  15. Time travel

    Time travel. Edit Edit source View history Talk (0) File:Placeholder. Write the text of your article here! Categories Categories: Add category; Cancel Save. Community content is ... Superpower Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. View Mobile Site

  16. Time Travel

    Travel between the past and the present periods in time using Time Portals on the Island of Time.

  17. Alternate Reality Traveling

    Experiment 272 "Wormhole" ( Stitch!) The Phase Oscillator ( Batman: The Brave and the Bold) is a device created by the Red Hood of Earth-23 that can open temporary wormholes, allowing its owner to travel to several alternate realities. Lex Luthor ( JL: Crisis on Two Earths) deigned the first Trans-Dimensional Teleporter, which allows it user to ...

  18. Nvidia's Sales Triple, Signaling AI Boom's Staying Power

    CEO Jensen Huang declared the beginning of a new industrial revolution where Nvidia was helping turn $1 trillion of data centers into "AI factories," as its already meteoric stock topped $1,000.

  19. Claudia Sheinbaum elected Mexico's first female president

    Claudia Sheinbaum is projected to win Mexico's presidential election and become the first woman to lead the country's government, according to preliminary results.