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SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel

SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel

Become a Travel Agent and travel the world!

Qualify as an International Travel Agent/Consultant with our Travel Course!

The world is waiting….and so is your Travel Career!

With our State and National Borders open again, and with cruising back on the agenda; the travel industry is currently experiencing enormous, unprecedented demand for quality, trained travel agents. There has never been a better time to start your career in Travel!

This exciting travel course will equip you with highly sought-after travel industry skills. On completion of this nationally recognised training course, y ou will be job-ready to pursue local and international employment opportunities in a variety of roles in the travel and tourism industry .


  • International Travel Agent/Consultant within a retail agency
  • International Travel Consultant within a wholesale travel organisation
  • Reservations Consultant for an airline
  • Reservations Consultant for a cruise company
  • Reservations Consultant within a hotel or rental car agency
  • Booking/Reservations Consultant at the airport

As a professional travel agent, you could design travel experiences, create memorable experiences for visitors, help organisations become a destination of choice, build industry networks, manage accounts and more. Not to mention the opportunity to work in an industry that encourages and supports you to build up your own travel experiences!


The SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel is an extensive travel course that effectively blends travel consultant training with relevant business administration, sales and customer service skills. Topics covered include:

  • Customer Service
  • Effective Communications & Tourism Sales Techniques
  • Tourism Office Operations
  • Australian & International Destinations & Attractions
  • Design & Produce Business Documents
  • Normal International Airfares
  • Promotional International Airfares
  • Computer Reservation System – Sabre
  • Specialist Advice on Cruises
  • Corporate Image Development (Full-time course only)
  • Interview Preparation (Full-time course only)
  • Practical Placement – Work Experience


Suzan Johnston Australia celebrates 65  years of training excellence that Australia’s travel in dustry knows and trusts. L et us open doors for you to employment opportunities within this high-growth industry.

Short courses in Fares & Ticketing and Computer Reservations now available. Contact us for more details.

71% Employed as a travel consultant

Percentage of graduates from this course in 2022 – 2023 who are working within the travel industry

25% Self-employed in their own travel business

Percentage of graduates from this course in 2022 – 2023 who are now running their own travel agency

100% Would recommend the training organisation

Percentage of graduates from this course in 2022 – 2023 who would recommend Suzan Johnston Australia to others

100% Were satisfied with the training provided

Percentage of graduates from this course in 2022 – 2023 who were satisfied with the training provided

100% The training met their individual needs

Percentage of graduates from this course in 2022 – 2023 who thought the training was flexible enough to meet their needs

100% The training prepared me well for work

Percentage of graduates from this course in 2022 – 2023 who thought the course prepared them well for work

Common Questions

  • Course Duration, Hours Of Attendance & Study Mode
  • Fees, Government Funding & Enrolment Information
  • Units Of Study & Employment Outcomes
  • Trainers & The Learning Environment
  • Accreditation & More Information
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Some Amazing Brands And Companies We Partnership With


Study Travel from home! Study modes include:

  • Attending live, virtual classes (scheduled 2 days per week).
  • Flexible, online delivery


OPTION 1: VIRTUAL CLASSES (Scheduled 2 Days per Week) 

Duration : 10 months

Hours of Attendance:  Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9.30 am – 3.00 pm

(Student support scheduled 3.00 pm – 4.00 pm)

Our Virtual Travel Course entails:

  • Attending live, interactive and highly supportive trainer-led learning experiences
  • Classes scheduled regularly (in ‘real time’).

During each lesson, you’ll be able to ask questions and participate in activities.

  • After each virtual class, your trainer will be available to further support you on your learning journey and answer any questions.

Please note: In addition to these scheduled times, you will also be required to complete regular homework (approximately 5 – 6 hours per week)


Duration: Between 10 – 19 Months

Our Self-Paced Online Travel Course entails: 

  • Listening to pre-recorded Zoom Classes (at a time that suits you)
  • Working through the learning and assessment activities at your own pace
  • Email and/or telephone support as required (with your allocated trainer)
  • Attending optional Zoom support sessions with your trainer (as required)

If you enrol in the self-paced option; you control the speed in which you complete the course (it can go as slowly or quickly as you wish) and you can schedule breaks into the course schedule too. It is SUPER flexible.

COURSE FEES IN VICTORIA – SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel

Course fees in south australia – sit30222 certificate iii in travel .

Eligibility for Government Funding:

In December 2023, the Victorian State Government announced funding cuts to the travel course (and many other nationally recognised courses). This means, unless you are employed as a Trainee (and are living in Victoria or South Australia) your course fee will no longer be Government subsidised.

To check your eligibility for Government Funded Training please select the state that is relevant to you or call us on 03 9654 0999.



If you would like to receive details on our forthcoming commencement dates, our enrolment procedures and/or if you would like clarification on your eligibility for Government Funding; please contact us and we will forward the required information to you promptly.  Our team is here and you are welcome to give us a call on 03 9654 0999.

SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel course has a total of  17 Units of Competency .

The content of our travel course has been carefully developed with extensive industry input, ensuring our travel course graduates are multi-skilled, meet and exceed current industry needs and are employable within a broad range of travel and tourism jobs.

UNITS OF COMPETENCY (Core & Electives Units)

Employment opportunities for our travel course graduates.

As a Suzan Johnston Graduate, you will have a definite competitive edge when pursuing jobs. With 65 years of training experience, Suzan Johnston Australia offers travel training that Australia’s travel industry knows and trusts. We have the reputation for producing confident, knowledgeable and professional SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel graduates.

We offer a free Placement Service to the travel industry for students who have completed our exclusive travel agent training. The contacts made through work experience, lectures and excursions can also provide valuable job opportunities.

Although employment cannot be guaranteed, our travel course graduates receive assistance during and after the course with applying for and securing the perfect job. At Suzan Johnston Australia, we pride ourselves on our travel course graduates’ ongoing employment success.

  • 71% of our 2022 – 2023 Travel Course Graduates are now working as Travel Agents.
  • 25% of our 2022 – 2023 Travel Course Graduates are now managing their own travel agency  business.

travel and tourism courses melbourne


Learn from the best!

Our Travel Course Trainers are outstanding individuals who have been carefully selected for their extensive industry experience and exceptional communication and people skills. Our dedicated training team are true professionals who support our students with tireless commitment and enthusiasm – qualities that are unique to Suzan Johnston Australia and highly valued by our students.

You will benefit from a very supportive learning environment. Our small class sizes ensure that our trainers can work closely with you to personalise your learning experience and to provide the help and support you require throughout the course.

People with disabilities are encouraged to apply.


The Suzan Johnston Organization (Aust.) is a  Registered Training Organisation   (RTO Number 170).

Suzan Johnston Australia is accredited with the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) . ASQA is the national regulator for Australia’s vocational education and training sector. ASQA regulates courses and training providers to ensure nationally approved quality standards are met.

Our SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel is a nationally recognised qualification. All registered training providers (RTOs) across Australia will automatically recognise the above travel qualification issued by Suzan Johnston Australia through the process of national recognition.

travel and tourism courses melbourne

Suzan Johnston Australia’s most recent registration audit was conducted by the VRQA (Victorian Registration Qualifications Authority) in December 2021.

Click Here for a copy of the latest audit report.

RTOs are required to collect and use data on quality indicators, which have been endorsed by the National Quality Council (NQC). The findings for 2022 for Suzan Johnston Australia are outlined in the report below:

Click Here for a copy of the Registering Body Report (2022 Learner Engagement & Employer Satisfaction)


Suzan Johnston Australia has a range of policies and procedures in place to ensure that people from a wide range of backgrounds have an opportunity to study with us. We provide opportunities for everyone to access and participate in learning and to achieve learning outcomes in a safe and positive learning environment. Policies and procedures not only outline the rights and responsibilities of students but also Suzan Johnston Australia’s responsibilities to students.

All our policies and procedures are detailed in our comprehensive Student Handbook.

H ow do the Virtual Classes work?

Virtual Classes are live interactive trainer-led learning experiences, where you can hear and see your trainer delivering regularly scheduled lessons in real-time.

After each Virtual Class, your trainer will be available to provide support with your studies and answer any questions.

Virtual Classes are scheduled twice a week, to ensure that you remain engaged and your learning stays ‘on-track’.

Our Virtual Training is just like what you would experience in a face-to-face classroom, except all from the comfort of your own home!

It is our belief that the best learning outcomes for all SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel learners can only be achieved when training/assessment is conducted within a structured, supportive and interactive learning environment. This type of learning cannot be achieved by studying via traditional online methods; where interaction with trainers is often extremely limited and also irregular.

How does the Self-Paced Online Course work?

The Self-paced Online Travel Course  is delivered via three key components:

  • Watch pre-recorded Zoom classes (self-paced – at a time to suit you)
  • Participate in support sessions with your Trainer (scheduled at a time to suit you)
  • Work through the various learning and assessment activities (self-paced – at a time to suit you)

Do I need any additional equipment to study the travel course Virtually or Online?

All you need to study the course, either via the Full-time Virtual Classes or the Self-paced Online Learning, is a computer or laptop and access to the internet. Earphones are advised but optional.

Am I eligible for Government Funded Training?

To be eligible for Government Subsidised Training in 2024, you must:

  • Be either an Australian, New Zealand Citizen or a Permanent Resident
  • Live in Victoria or South Australia
  • Be employed as a Trainee

What qualification do I need to run/manage my own travel agency?

To open and manage your own accredited travel agency it is a requirement that at least 20% of your staff hold a SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel or have at least 2 years’ experience in a travel selling position.

As most ‘start up’ travel agencies are small businesses (1 – 2 staff) it is highly recommended that you (the manager/owner) hold this accredited Certificate III in Travel qualification.

Like all businesses, it is crucial for management to have sufficient skills and solid underpinning knowledge to make the business a success. The SIT30222 Certificate 3 in Travel equips you with essential training in Australian and international destinations, international airfares and ticketing, vital computer reservation systems and basic business administration – all of which is valuable groundwork in setting up and operating your own travel agency.

Why should I enrol in the SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel instead of the Certificate IV or Diploma of Travel & Tourism?

The Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA) recommends and endorses the SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel as the ideal entry level qualification required for any Travel Agent consultant or front-line travel selling staff.

The SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel covers all the necessary practical skills and knowledge required to become a Travel Agent. Upon completion of this travel course, you can commence working as a domestic and/or international Travel Consultant.

The Certificate IV and Diploma of tourism courses then take that learning a step further with additional business/financial management units, gearing you towards supervisory and management positions respectively.

What study pathways are available to me after I finish the SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel?

Should you decide to further your studies after completing the SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel, you may transition to a higher-level travel qualification with credits into:

  • Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism
  • Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management

Can I just do the Fares and Ticketing or Computerised Reservations System units on their own?

Yes, you most certainly can! We currently run short travel courses on just the Fares and Ticketing or the Computerised Reservations System units at selected times throughout the year. Contact us for more details.

Which Computer Reservations System do you teach?

We currently teach SABRE as the Computer Reservations System unit in our travel course.

Industry experts recommend this system as their preferred Global Distribution System (GDS).

I get really anxious when it comes to tests and assessments – does the Travel Course include scary exams?

No, there are no stressful exams to worry about.

Our Travel Course is highly practical and hands-on.

Each unit includes a range of relevant and interesting practical assessments that are designed to be engaging and a mix of written Q&A’s, role plays and short presentations.  Your trainer will assist and support you whilst you complete these tasks.

Does the travel course include Practical Placement? Will I have to find my own?

Our Travel Course offers you the opportunity to participate in one week of supervised practical placement.

Your travel trainer will give you personalised assistance and support in finding a suitable and interesting industry placement host for you.

What better way to get a feel for becoming a Travel Agent than to have the chance to practice as one?

Are there any additional costs within the travel course – will I need to buy textbooks?

All your textbook requirements are available directly from Suzan Johnston Australia. There is no charge for these resources.

During the travel course you will participate in a short, external course (Tramada). The fee for Tramada training is $25.00. Other than that – no, there are no additional costs.

Are there any Entry Requirements for the Travel Course?

Prior to your enrolment in our SIT30222 Certificate 3 in Travel you will be required to attend a pre-training interview (on the phone) and complete a Language, Literacy and Numeracy assessment.

These entry requirements are designed to assist us in determining your suitability for the course and to assist with the planning of any learning support requirements.

Is it possible to change from the Virtual Course to the online Travel Course, or vice versa?

Yes, it is possible to change. We understand that sometimes peoples’ circumstances change, and we aim to support our students through their learning journey as best we can. As such, we can be flexible to suit your circumstances.

Is there a term break or are there any holiday periods? 

Yes, you can expect one week off during each term break and 3 weeks off during the Christmas period.

You will receive a full schedule of all your travel classes during your orientation session.

What job can I get once I graduate from the SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel from Suzan Johnston?

Whether your dream job involves working with clients to plan the perfect holiday, running your own travel agency/business or perhaps working in a reservations role for an airline or cruise company, our nationally recognised travel course will give you the necessary hands-on skills that are required, along with a highly respected, industry endorsed travel qualification.

Possible job roles include:

How do I enrol in the SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel?

If you would like to proceed with your enrolment in our SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel; please contact us on 03 9654 0999 so the relevant Online Enrolment Package can be forwarded to you.

Why should I complete the SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel course at Suzan Johnston Australia?

  • You will be in demand with a Suzan Johnston qualification as we are one of the most trusted and respected names in travel training.
  • You will have peace of mind knowing that you are studying with an iconic training organisation that has been established for 65 years.
  • We work with you to support you on your learning journey.
  • We value and respect our student’s individual training needs.
  • We are student-focused – your success is our success.
  • You will be in expert hands with our Travel Training Team. They have been specifically chosen for their extensive travel industry experience, along with their exceptional communication skills and outstanding teaching qualities.
  • You will benefit from our uniquely friendly, interactive and highly personalised virtual and online classes.
  • We pride ourselves in the employment success of our travel course graduates.

Contact us today to discuss your learning options.


Click Here to view images from this course

Neha Sharma – Certificate III in Travel

Enquire Now!

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Address: Level 22, 120 Spencer Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 Australia

Phone: 03 9654 0999

Email: [email protected]

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travel and tourism courses melbourne

Certificate III in Tourism

Course Code SIT30122

  • Glen Waverley

This course is not available for International Students

You may be eligible to study this course for FREE.

Career Opportunities

  • hotel receptionist
  • travel advisor
  • tour wholesalers
  • tour operators
  • tourist attraction attendants
  • visitor information centres

Pathway to further studies

  • SIT40122 Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism
  • SIT50122 Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management

Studying the Certificate III in Tourism at Holmesglen

You will learn how to lead tour groups, check in guests at a hotel, and about tourism products and services, and how to sell and quote to clients. You will use an industry booking system to book domestic and international flights and issue air tickets and learn all about the cruise industry, even gaining membership to the cruise industry association CLIA.<p>You’ll study in Holmesglen's simulated tourism office, which showcases the latest industry software so you can complete your studies in live airline reservations, fares and ticketing using the industry system Amadeus.

Entry Requirements

Recognition of prior learning.

You may be able to reduce the number of units to be studied in your chosen course by measuring skills acquired through work, life experiences or qualifications obtained from formal studies or training. AQF qualifications and statements of attainment issued by another registered training organisation will be recognised by Holmesglen.  Read more about Recognition of Prior Learning, Credits and Advanced Standing.

Course Structure

  • How to apply

Click the ‘apply’ button below to get your application started with us. Our friendly Holmesglen team will be in touch to discuss your study opportunities and pre-training requirements.

Visit How to Apply for more information on the application process.


Holmesglen may engage third parties to recruit students on behalf of the institute. Third party recruiters receive a commission and this will not impact on your fees.

Find out more about your rights and obligations as a student and the services we provide at Holmesglen.

Qualification and Recognition

Industry connections, additional course cost.

All fees are indicative only. Your fees will be calculated on your individual circumstances at the time of enrolment. Training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth funding. <a href="/study-with-us/tafe-study/tafe-fees-and-scholarships/government-subsidised-training">Find out now if you are eligible for Government-subsidised fees or Concession. </a>

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In the spirit of reconciliation, Holmesglen recognises and celebrates the Traditional Owners of the lands throughout Victoria and beyond on which we educate and train. We pay our respects to Elders past and present and acknowledge our emerging leaders.


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Travel and Tourism Courses


The pandemic caused us to fast forward into the future..

tourism course

we are ready for the future, enrol now and be part of the change.

Qualified teachers.

all of our trainers have extensive industry experience and a minimum bachelor level of education in their relevant field.


nationally recognised, a policy implemented by the Australian Governments Department of Education and Training.


one-on-one trainer support, online learner dashboard, workplace simulations and documentation and learning support materials.


we have created a range of interactive learning materials to assist you in practicing and developing knowledge for the tourism industry.


in the digital age we believe there is no reason for any online nationally recognised qualification to cost thousands of dollars.

Travel and Tourism Courses is a registered training organisation that trains and assesses nationally recognised Australian qualifications in Tourism. Our learning environment encourages collaboration and innovation, preparing graduates for global, five-star opportunities in the fast-paced tourism industry.

With our courses you will be qualify to work anywhere. You will learn from the most passionate and skilled leaders in the industry. And you will be able to study in the place you like most, at home, at café, anywhere. Whatever works best.

Travel and Tourism Courses

The Future of Travel

The Pandemic Caused Us to Fast-Forward Into the Future. Two years ago, it would have been inconceivable to be meeting over Skype or Zoom; now it is the norm. The pandemic caused us to fast-forward ten years into the future and there is no turning back.

But we can not forget how fundamental travel is to modern life. What might be lost with a long interruption in easy-connectedness is only now becoming evident. And we will keep traveling because curiosity cannot be expunged.


We provide national recognised tourism certificate online in the australian frameworks..

  • SIT30116 Certificate III In Tourism

This qualification reflects the role of individuals who use a range of well-developed tourism service, sales or operational skills and sound knowledge of industry operations to coordinate tourism services.

  • SIT50116 Diploma Of Travel And Tourism Management

This qualification reflects the role of highly skilled senior operators who use a broad range of tourism or travel skills combined with managerial skills and sound knowledge of industry operations to coordinate travel or tourism operations. They

With labour shortages predicted in the Australian tourism industry due to the lack of international students and temporary visa holders, there will be many opportunities for employment in the sector as businesses look to hire and train new staff. There is an almost endless number of jobs that are directly employed in the tourism sector.

Questions? Contact us

Travel and Tourism Courses is a registered training organisation that trains and assesses nationally recognised Australian qualifications in Tourism.

Popular courses

Useful links.

Australian Qualifications Framework

[email protected]

Designed and Developed by Digitally Visible | All rights reserved Travel and Tourism Courses

© 2024 Travel and Tourism Courses.

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Browse Travel & Tourism Courses Courses in Melbourne

  • Certificate II
  • Certificate III
  • Certificate IV


There are 1 Travel & Tourism Courses courses available in Melbourne. See the list of courses below:

Holmesglen TAFE

Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism

Holmesglen's 27-week Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism is delivered remotely through a virtual classroom, preparing students for diverse roles in the travel industry. Career paths include working in travel agencies, tour operators, and more. Students learn from industry-specialist teachers,...

Frequently Asked Questions about the Travel & Tourism Courses in Melbourne:

1. what is the best course for a travel & tourism.

There are 1 courses available within the Melbourne area for people who want to work in Travel & Tourism. We strongly recommend considering completing - Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism

2. Are Travel & Tourism Courses a good career choice?

Pursuing a Travel & Tourism Courses can be a great career choice for those who are interested in working in the Travel & Tourism. The demand for Travel & Tourism is high, and it is a job that can provide stability and job security. The course itself can equip you with essential skills and knowledge. However, it is important to note that being a Travel & Tourism can also be a challenging job. Pursuing a Travel & Tourism Course can be a good career choice for those who enjoy learning new things and want to change their lives.

3. Why do students choose Melbourne for study?

Melbourne is an excellent study destination for students seeking quality education, beautiful surroundings, a multicultural environment, and excellent career opportunities. It is becoming increasingly popular among international and domestic students as a study destination. Melbourne enjoys a low crime rate, making public transport, streets and campuses a safe and secure environment.

Other Locations in Australia:

  • Tweed Heads
  • Sunshine Coast
  • Central Coast
  • Rockhampton
  • Coffs Harbour
  • Wagga Wagga
  • Port Macquarie
  • Tannum Sands
  • Warrnambool
  • Mount Gambier
  • Victor Harbor
  • Alice Springs
  • Maryborough
  • Bacchus Marsh
  • St Georges Basin
  • Sanctuary Point
  • Murray Bridge
  • Camden Haven
  • Broken Hill
  • Batemans Bay
  • Port Lincoln
  • Port Hedland
  • Port Augusta
  • Muswellbrook

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Australian Pacific College

Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management

Australian pacific college, course details.

CRICOS course code: 093945C

Level of study: Certificates & Diplomas

The Diploma of Travel & Tourism Management provides skills and knowledge for you to be competent in a range of well-developed international retail travel sales and operational skills together with a broad range of managerial skills specialising in tourism operations.

Targeting the practical aspects and employability skills for the travel industry, this program will interest those wishing to work in a:

Travel agency

Tour operator

Cruise company

Course Structure

Travel Industry Information

Travel Destinations

Presentation Skills

Social and Cultural Sensitivity

International Airfares

Travel Products

Cruise Specialist

Business Documents

Computer Reservations System

Customer Service & Sales Techniques

Workplace Coaching

Manage Risk

HR Diversity and Inclusion

Business Relationships

Quality Customer Service

Staff Management

Work Operations

Click here for more details on this course.

Entry criteria

Successful completion of Australian Year 10 or equivalent.

English language proficiency requirements:


C1 Advanced: C

C2 Proficiency: C

B2 First: C

PTE General: Level 3

PTE Academic: 59-74

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  • Animal Science
  • Pet Grooming
  • Veterinary Nursing
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Travel and Tourism Courses in Melbourne

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Benefits of Studying with us

As part of Flight Centre, we are industry experts and studying with us means you will have access to:

Industry Events

Job support, university-accredited, our diploma pathways.

Our Study + Job Diploma pathways combine a Diploma of Travel and Tourism with a career launching job in the travel and tourism industry. Each program is delivered by industry experts and designed to get you job ready to jump straight into your travel career!

These pathways can take you to work in the Whitsundays, the UK or Canada or work as cabin crew, a travel agent, in hotel management, be cutting edge in sustainable tourism plus so much more. Find your dream career today!

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Work, Study + Fly

Take your career to new heights!

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Launch your career in paradise

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Work with Australia's leading travel brand

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Hotel Pathway

Your first step into a career in the Hotel industry

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Work, Study + Live Abroad

Uk or Canada ... Where will your adventure take you?

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Sustainable Tourism Pathway

Get educated and hands on for a career in sustainable tourism


Choose your own Adventure

Choose any career path in the travel and tourism industry

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Bachelor Pathway

Turn your diploma into a degree

We'll Take You Further

Hear first-hand from our students about where the Diploma of Travel and Tourism has taken them on their career journeys and dive deeper into the support you will receive. 

Career Outcomes

The Diploma of Travel and Tourism equips students with the knowledge and tools required for a successful career in the travel and tourism industry. 

Some career outcomes include:

  • Travel Agent
  • Hotel Manager                              
  • Tour Operator/Manager 
  • Tour Leader                           
  • Sales Manager                                           
  • Guest Relations Manager

diploma of travel and tourism-1

Student Support 

From your well-being to payment options, supporting our students throughout their journey is our number one priority. 

Discover how you will be supported throughout your Diploma of Travel and Tourism journey and beyond. 

  • Recruitment & pathway support
  • Well-being resources
  • Payment options

diploma of travel and tourism support

Take the first step

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“We are so proud of our relationship with Flight Centre Travel Academy, which has produced hundreds of highly satisfied students nationally, who have gone on to enjoy productive careers in the tourism industry. Our partnership enables numerous and flexible pathways for graduates, whether they wish to continue into a bachelor or enter the growing workforce."

nick turmel

Nick Turmel

Account & Program Director

Torrens University Australia

Torrens University Australia (TUA) is Australia's leading international university. Alongside this, TUA is also the fastest-growing university in Australia, and for good reason.

About Torrens University Australia

Specialising in first-class education in hospitality, business, health, design, technology, education and literature, TUA was founded in 2012. With locations in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Gold Coast, Blue Mountains, Australia, Auckland, and New Zealand, TUA truly is a global university. 

torrens university australia-2

A Diploma of Travel and Tourism from Flight Centre Travel Academy gives you direct entry into Year One (Advanced Diploma) and Year Two of the Bachelor of Business with Torrens University Australia.

Commencing your studies with the   Diploma of Travel and Tourism   is a great option if you don’t have an ATAR score, have been out of study for a while, or currently don’t meet the direct entry requirements for university. Plus, your first year will be spent learning directly from one of the pioneers and global leaders of the travel agent industry. Find out more .

bachelor of business torrens university australia

Course Structure

The content and systems students are trained on, are always current and in-line with the ever-changing industry. When you study with us, you are studying with the best.

  • Semester One
  • Semester Two

Succeeding In Business

This subject introduces you to business studies and professional practice, focussing on your individual development and the travel and tourism industry. Including key performance indicators and performance reviews, this subject will help you develop the skills needed to succeed in your studies and future professional practice.

Travel Trends & Insights 

From the rapid growth of tourism in modern times, you will learn about the development and expanse of the travel and tourism industry today and into the future. From travel products to destinations, current trends and emerging traveller demands, this subject will open your eye to the travel world of tomorrow.

Introduction To Marketing & Branding  

This subject provides you with a general understanding of marketing and branding concepts, theories and models as they apply to the travel and tourism industry. You will consider the importance of consumer behaviour, product development, segmentation, targeting and positioning to achieve organisational objectives. 

Successful Sales Techniques 

The secret to success in the travel industry is having expert sales techniques and being confident when interacting with a customer. We will take you step by step through a seven-step sales process, which also happens to be very transferable to other sales roles in many industries. 

Understanding People & Organisations 

You will learn about yourself, your emotional intelligence and workplace motivations. You’ll cover travel and tourism organisations within this constantly changing environment and the many factors that can influence their performance. In this subject, you will hear from industry leaders and graduates about their career journeys. 

Travel Systems Essentials 

In this subject, you will be exposed to contemporary technological trends implemented in the travel industry. You will learn about digital innovations, transformations and disruptors that have occurred within the travel and tourism industry. You will be introduced to online reservation systems widely used by the travel and tourism industry. 

Sustainable Tourism 

This subject introduces you to sustainable tourism concepts: environmental, social and economic. You will analyse how sustainable tourism concepts influence decision-making at an organisational and individual level, and the impacts on the industry as a whole. Industry case studies include the Intrepid Group and Flight Centre Travel Group's Responsible Travel. 

Industry Focus 

This subject provides students with professional experience in an area related to the career they are working towards. Students will learn to perform more effectively in the workplace in a team environment, strengthening specific skills such as time management, communication, and problem-solving, while drawing on the knowledge gained so far.

Diploma of Travel & Tourism FAQs

Full-time study is 9 months (2 semesters) 

Part-time study is 18 months (4 semesters)

Completion of Year 12 (or equivalent) & online admission.

All subjects are delivered completely online! We've come a long way with virtual classrooms and what we can achieve.

*Our on-campus classes have been replaced with online learning during COVID-19 restrictions

Unlike any other university, we typically have at least one intake date per month! This means you can start your study when it best suits you. 

Start Your Journey Today

Complete this form to find out more and to get the Diploma of Travel and Tourism Course Guide today!

Now is the time to launch the career of your dreams. 

travel and tourism courses melbourne

Travel and Tourism Courses

Tourism is one of the most productive sectors in Australia’s work landscape. The professional courses in travel and tourism provide students with the operational tools and skills necessary to work in the tourism sector at an international and local level. 

This industry booms year after year and shows no signs of slowing down. A career in tourism covers everything from transport and accommodation, to entertainment and recreational activities. A course in travel and tourism will provide you with the skills needed to handle booking flights and hotels, polish up those customer service skills and be the most organised multitasker there is. 

Why you should study Travel and Tourism in Australia

  • Study and work in one of the largest industries in the world.
  • Learn industry skills to prepare information and provide advice to future travellers. 
  • Prepare quotes and book products and services. 
  • Careers in tourism in Australia are always in high-demand.

Potential careers and salaries upon completion of course:

  • Flight Attendant:  $45,150 – $63,003* per year.
  • Travel Agent:  $39,434 – $54,260* per year.
  • Travel Consultant:  $40,446 – $54,628* per year.

*salaries taken from


  • Academics: A degree equivalent to or greater than Australian Year 10 (second higher).
  • Linguistic: Suitability of the English level verified by pre-test.
  • Language: IELTS certified (average score 5.5 – not less than 5 as a single vote) or equivalent.

Related courses

  • Certificate III in Travel
  • Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management
  • Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism 
  • Bachelor of Tourism Management

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Hospitality Courses in Melbourne

There are 18 courses available in Melbourne for people who want to study hospitality.

travel and tourism courses melbourne

Possible job outcomes:

Want a supervisor’s role in the hospitality industry? How about enrolling in the SIT40422 Certificate IV in Hospitality? This nationally recognised qualification will develop your skills in leadership, communications, and customer services and qualifies you for departmental roles in hotels, clubs, restaurants, and casinos. The course offers specialist electives to support your career interests. Choose from: food and beverage, front office and portering, events, food safety, gaming, kitchen operations, computer operations and ICT, stock and cellar operations, security, office skills, and more. Enquire now for the full list of study units, elective choices (and their availability), and training providers who offer this qualification..

Average duration: 18 months.

Get started in the hospitality industry with the SIT30622 Certificate III in Hospitality. With this nationally recognised qualification you could work in bars, coffee shops, nightclubs, hotels, resorts, casinos, events and festivals. You’ll gain skills in communication and customer service and choose electives that support your career interests: food and beverage service, cooking, guest services, gaming, barista services, administration and customer service. Enquire now for the full list of elective choices and their availability, plus training providers near you who deliver this qualification..

Average duration: 24 months.

Do you work in hospitality food and beverage and need the skills to maintain the organisation’s food safety program? The SITSS00069 Food Safety Supervision Skill Set is a nationally recognised mini-course that will teach you how to keep food safe for human consumption during preparation, storage, display, and service. You’ll also learn safe food handling practices that comply with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. The course also covers: food disposal, single use items, temperature controlled food, critical control points, non-conforming practices, and more. Enquire now for the full list of entry requirements, food safety supervisor career outcomes, and upcoming enrolment opportunities near you..

Average duration: 4 weeks.

The BSBSS00095 Barista Coffee Job Ready Course course will provide the skills and knowledge as well as Job Ready certificates to obtain and secure food and beverage positions in cafes, restaurants and bars. Enquire now for the full list of entry requirements and upcoming enrolment opportunities near you..

Average duration: 3 days.

The BSBSS00095 Bar Job Ready Course course will provide the skills and knowledge as well as Job Ready certificates to obtain and secure food and beverage positions in cafes, restaurants and bars. Enquire now for the full list of entry requirements and upcoming enrolment opportunities near you..

The Associate Degree of Arts and Entertainment Management offers a dynamic curriculum designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in the thriving world of arts and entertainment. Through a combination of business management principles, marketing strategies, and industry-specific insights, students will learn how to effectively promote, produce, and manage various forms of artistic expression and entertainment events..

Do you have a passion for people and customer service? The Bachelor of Hospitality Management can transform your people skills into a dynamic career, managing the world’s most glamorous venues. This degree is hands-on and you’ll gain the skills you need to oversee the venue’s operations including business and financing, strategic planning, marketing, event management, food and beverage, risk management and safety, international tourism, and more. Enquire now for the list of study units, admissions criteria, and universities in your area that offer the Bachelor of Hospitality Management..

Average duration: 36 months.

The Diploma of Arts and Entertainment Management provides a thorough understanding of the live music industry, emphasizing hands-on experience and business operations. Students will explore the facets of music creation, production, and consumption. This course equips students with essential skills in business management specific to live music and offers strategies for addressing creative arts career challenges. Additionally, students will learn about planning for tours, venues, festivals, and effective marketing for musicians and events. .

Average duration: 12 months.

Develop skills that will enable you to provide quality customer service when working in any sector of the tourism, travel and hospitality industry. Enquire now for the full list of entry requirements and upcoming enrolment opportunities near you..

Average duration: 2 days.

The nationally recognised short-course SITXFSA005 Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety is often referred to as ‘Hygiene for Food Handlers’ and is the industry standard for restaurant, cafe, and bistro workers in Australia. The course covers: identifying food hazards and preventing food contamination, following critical work procedures, cleaning and sanitising food handling areas correctly, maintaining personal hygiene and infection controls. Enquire now for entry requirements, food handling competencies, and upcoming enrolment dates in your area..

Average duration: 1 day.

Get your RSA certificate online or face-to-face with a Registered Training Provider (RTO) today by enrolling in the SITHFAB021 Provide responsible service of alcohol. This hands-on short course is mandatory for hospitality employees who work on licensed premises in Australia. The course covers: impacts of alcohol consumption on the human body, alcohol and the community, serving standard drink sizes, identifying intoxicated customers, refusing service, underage patrons, harm minimisation, and much more. Enquire now for the full list of training providers in your area that deliver the mandatory RSA course. PLEASE NOTE: the RSA course is different in some Australian states and territories. Contact your training provider before enrolling to ensure you have selected the correct course for your location..

The BSBSS00095 Cross-Sector Infection Control Skill Set is a nationally recognised short course for business, sales, and admin workers who need the skills to minimise the risk of infection in the workplace. The course will teach you how to identify infection related hazards in your work area, then take steps to minimise and control the risk. Competencies include: cleaning and sanitising work areas, personal hygiene, using masks and PPE, hand-washing and social distancing, COVID-19 controls. You’ll also learn to respond to non-compliance incidents and submit the correct reports. Enquire now for the full list of WHS competencies and the next available training dates..

This nationally recognised training is designed to help businesses and individuals build their COVID-SAFE operating plans. Students will learn to follow organisational infection prevention and control policies and procedures, including implementing standard and transmission-based precautions and respond to infection risks in organisations that include food handling in their operations. .

Average duration: Half day.

Level-up your career in the hospitality industry with the SIT60322 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management. With this high-end diploma you could work as a hotel, club, or resort manager and you’ll gain the confidence and communication skills to manage large work teams and organisational finances. The course covers: business planning, customer service management, work health and safety management, venue compliance, and marketing. Choose specialist electives in operations, food safety, gaming, food and beverage, accommodation services, and business administration. Enquire now for the full list of entry requirements, specialist elective choices (and their availability) as well as upcoming enrolment dates..

Get a job in the hospitality industry with the SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality. This nationally recognised certificate can help you find work at clubs, pubs, hotels, resorts, theme parks, cafes, restaurants, and bistros. The course covers: communicating with customers, interacting with guests and workmates from different cultural backgrounds, staying safe at work, hygiene controls in hospitality, cleaning, using equipment, and more. When enrolling, ask your course provider to help you select study units that lead to specific job roles, such as cafe attendant, bar steward, catering assistant, hotel porter. Enquire now for entry requirements, hospitality career outcomes, and upcoming enrolment dates..

The Bachelor of Business (Hospitality Management) is a university level degree ideal for students seeking careers as hospitality venue managers or industry consultants. The course is structured in three tiers with students completing 24 units overall. During the course, students choose their own core and elective units based on career interests. Interest areas such as managing in the service context, marketing, HR, disaster and risk management, entrepreneurship and project management. Students also complete over 520 hours of practical work placement so they graduate ‘work-ready’ with real world professional experience. The Bachelor of Business (Hospitality Management) focuses on essential principles in the hospitality sector, including marketing, entrepreneurship, and innovation on a global scale. The course incorporates hands-on experience through work placements with industry associates. Graduates will attain foundational skills, knowledge, and practical experience valuable for a range of roles in hospitality..

Average duration: 3 years.

The Bachelor of Business (Event Management) encompasses all facets of organising and conducting large-scale events. The curriculum addresses creative planning, client management, and crucial legal, marketing, and financial considerations. Practical industry skills in project and strategic management are also acquired. Optional specialisations in fields such as hospitality, tourism, and marketing further enhance the course's scope. Upon completion, students will be proficient in both the theoretical and practical aspects of event management..

Get the skills you need to manage your department (or even the whole venue) with the SIT50422 Diploma of Hospitality Management. This nationally recognised qualification will give you a more sophisticated knowledge of the hospitality industry in Australia and develop your skills in leadership, communication, and business administration. The course covers: customer service management, budgeting and financial management, rostering, risk management and compliance. Choose additional electives to support your carer in commercial cookery, food and beverage, gaming, Asian cooking, accommodation services, or back of house. Enquire now for the full list of entry requirements, hospitality management career outcomes, and upcoming enrolment opportunities in your area..

Enquire now

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can i complete my qualification in melbourne.

Yes, there are course providers who offer qualifications in hospitality in Melbourne. Find a course provider near you . Once you make an enquiry, a course advisor will get in touch to discuss your study options and course fees.

What study modes are available?

There are several campuses within the Melbourne area that provide training in hospitality. The closest campus is 1km away from the center of Melbourne. You can also study a hospitality course through online, distance or workplace learning. Find a course provider that best suits your needs .

What job opportunities can I expect from a career in hospitality?

Potential job roles within hospitality include bar attendant , barista , cafe attendant or cafe attendant (to name a few). Browse through the job pathways table to find a role that suits your needs.

Job Pathways

Here are some potential career pathways within hospitality. Click on an occupation to learn more about the role and the qualifications that can help you get started in this industry.


Bar Attendant

$865 weekly pay

Cafe Attendant

Night Auditor

$1,050 weekly pay

Bar Manager

Duty Manager

Food and Beverage Supervisor

Food Safety Supervisor

Restaurant Supervisor

$1,150 weekly pay

Rooms Division Manager

$1,440 weekly pay

Shift Manager

Venue Manager

$1,400 weekly pay

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25 Universities in Australia offering Vocational Travel and Tourism degrees and courses

More Information

Are you looking for Vocational courses in Travel and Tourism? Here you can find course providers offering full-time, part-time, online or distance learning options.

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Western Sydney University

THE World Ranking: 301

International College of Management, Sydney - ICMS

Tafe international western australia.


TAFE Queensland

Griffith College

Griffith College

Canberra Institute of Technology

Canberra Institute of Technology

Aspire Institute

Aspire Institute

Australian Institute of Higher Education

Australian Institute of Higher Education

Australian Pacific College

Australian Pacific College

Sydney Business and Travel Academy

Sydney Business and Travel Academy

  • Tourism Management
  • Tourist Guiding
  • Australian Capital Territory (inc. Canberra)
  • New South Wales (inc. Sydney)
  • Queensland (inc. Brisbane)
  • South Australia (inc. Adelaide)
  • Tasmania (inc. Hobart)
  • Victoria (inc. Melbourne)
  • Western Australia (inc. Perth)
  • Study level:
  • Career based/Vocational
  • Certificates & Diplomas
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  • Online/Distance
  • Cross-border

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  • The UConn School of Business has grown to become one of the most comprehensive business schools in the country.
  • NEW: Want to study in your home country for a foreign qualification? Find out more about cross-border study!



  1. Travel & Tourism Course Details: Syllabus, Eligibility, Fee, Career

    travel and tourism courses melbourne

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  4. Free Travel and Tourism Courses Online For Travel Agents

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  5. Top 5 Travel and Tourism courses in 2024

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  6. Melbourne Travel Guide 2023

    travel and tourism courses melbourne


  1. Travel and Tourism courses

    If seeing the world and inspiring others to do the same is your passion, then a travel and tourism course is your ticket to the rest of the world. Our immersive study environment features a simulated travel office and offers experiences like interstate travel, cruises, and international adventures. With our strong industry connections ...

  2. Certificate III in Travel

    The SIT30222 Certificate III in Travel is an extensive travel course that effectively blends travel consultant training with relevant business administration, sales and customer service skills. Topics covered include: Customer Service. Effective Communications & Tourism Sales Techniques.

  3. Tourism and Travel

    From island resorts to daring expeditions, travel and tourism shows you the world and its endless possibilities. If you love travel and want to work in a profession combining your passion with a career that will take you places, training at Angliss will help you navigate this competitive experience industry. Local excursions. Placement ...

  4. Travel Courses

    Take a look through William Angliss Institute's range of tourism courses to help you get on your way. ... Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management (SIT50122) ... Melbourne, Victoria, 3000. 555 La Trobe Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000.

  5. Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism

    William Angliss Institute is the Government endorsed specialist training provider for the foods, tourism, hospitality and events industries. Over 80 years we have earned a strong global reputation for the delivery of innovative higher education, training solutions and consultancy services to clients across Australia and abroad. Read more.

  6. SIT50122 Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management

    Overview. Develop foundational skills required to manage travel and tourism operations with the Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management at SIT50122 Victoria University. You'll gain the knowledge needed to work within the travel and tourism industry as a departmental or small business manager. As part of your study, you'll develop skills in:

  7. Tourism, hospitality & events courses

    Contact VU Melbourne for course and application advice. Submit an online enquiry. Call +61 3 9919 1164. Find an education agent in your country. VU is a recognised leader in hospitality, event and tourism management training, offering short courses to postgraduate business study in the area.

  8. Travel and Tourism Courses in All Melbourne VIC

    Find the right Travel and Tourism course in All Melbourne VIC for the job you want with SEEK's comprehensive directory of accredited courses, student reviews, and job insights. ... This qualification will provide you with the knowledge needed to work in managerial positions in the travel and tourism industry. 2 Institutions offer this course ...

  9. Tourism Courses in Melbourne

    Are you looking for Tourism courses in Melbourne? Browse our range of Tourism courses, view career pathways, and enquire with a training provider today! Find your way with ... Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management. Online, On Campus, Workplace. More info COURSE DETAILS. SIT30222. Certificate III in Travel. Online, On Campus ...

  10. Certificate III in Tourism

    The Certificate III in Tourism course offers many exciting career opportunities including tour guiding, travel agency and hotel reception. ... 15 units consisting of 4 core units and 11 elective units.<p>Elective units have been chosen by Holmesglen based on travel and tourism industry feedback.<p>If you have already completed other eligible ...

  11. Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Courses in Melbourne

    There are several campuses within the Melbourne area that provide training in tourism, travel and hospitality. The closest campus is 1km away from the center of Melbourne. You can also study a tourism, travel and hospitality course through online, distance or workplace learning. Find a course provider that best suits your needs.

  12. Home

    Travel and Tourism Courses is a registered training organisation that trains and assesses nationally recognised Australian qualifications in Tourism. Our learning environment encourages collaboration and innovation, preparing graduates for global, five-star opportunities in the fast-paced tourism industry. With our courses you will be qualify ...

  13. Diploma of Travel and Tourism

    The Diploma of Travel and Tourism has been designed to provide a broad understanding of travel and tourism for those graduates wishing to enter the diverse areas found within this sector in Australia, and globally. The course aims to develop graduates with attitudes of intellectual curiosity, independent thinking, a commitment to lifelong ...

  14. Tourism Courses

    William Angliss Institute Tourism courses provide students with practical skill based training to apply to the tourism industry. ... Beyond just brochures and sightseeing—a career in tourism lets you build travel experiences that become lifelong memories. ... Melbourne, Victoria, 3000. 555 La Trobe Street, Melbourne, Victoria, 3000.

  15. Travel & Tourism Courses in Melbourne

    Browse our range of Travel & Tourism Courses located in Melbourne now. Choose a course that suits you! Categories. Accounting & Finance Courses ; Aged Care Courses ; Agriculture Courses ; Alcohol & Drugs Courses ; ... There are 1 Travel & Tourism Courses courses available in Melbourne. See the list of courses below:

  16. Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management at ...

    Course details. CRICOS course code: 093945C Level of study: Certificates & Diplomas Summary. The Diploma of Travel & Tourism Management provides skills and knowledge for you to be competent in a range of well-developed international retail travel sales and operational skills together with a broad range of managerial skills specialising in tourism operations.

  17. Travel & Tourism Courses in Melbourne

    Find the Leading Travel and Tourism Courses in Melbourne. Begin your path in Travel and Tourism jobs with a Travel and Tourism Course in Melbourne. Funding opportunities available.

  18. 18 Institutions offering Travel and Tourism Courses In Victoria

    18 Universities in Victoria offering Travel and Tourism degrees and courses. Plan your studies abroad now. You are currently browsing our site with content tailored to students in your country OK! ... Victoria (inc. Melbourne) Study options. Study mode. Annual tuition fees. Your English score. Apply Reset. Done Apply. Latest news: ...

  19. Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management

    Advice about training and skills. Email the TAFE and Training Line [email protected]. Phone the TAFE and Training Line 13 18 23. 8.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday (closed on public holidays) Visit a Skills and Jobs Centre. Visit your nearest centre in-person. Free online resources.

  20. Flight Centre Travel Academy I Diploma in Travel & Tourism

    A Diploma of Travel and Tourism from Flight Centre Travel Academy gives you direct entry into Year One (Advanced Diploma) and Year Two of the Bachelor of Business with Torrens University Australia. Commencing your studies with the Diploma of Travel and Tourism is a great option if you don't have an ATAR score, have been out of study for a ...

  21. Travel and Tourism Courses

    Careers in tourism in Australia are always in high-demand. Potential careers and salaries upon completion of course: Flight Attendant: $45,150 - $63,003* per year. Travel Agent: $39,434 - $54,260* per year. Travel Consultant: $40,446 - $54,628* per year. *salaries taken from Academics: A degree equivalent to or greater than ...

  22. Hospitality Courses and Training Qualifications in Melbourne

    Tourism, Travel and Hospitality Courses > Hospitality Courses > Melbourne. Hospitality Courses in Melbourne. There are 18 courses available in Melbourne for people who want to study hospitality. SIT40422. Certificate IV in Hospitality. Online, On Campus, Distance, Workplace. More info

  23. 25 Institutions offering Vocational Travel and Tourism Courses In Australia

    25 Universities in Australia offering vocational Travel and Tourism degrees and courses. Plan your studies abroad now. You are currently browsing our site with content tailored to students in your country