Jalur Pendakian Gunung Prau Via Dieng, Cocok Untuk Pendaki Pemula

Gunung Prau salah satu gunung yang ada di Pulau Jawa dengan memiliki ketinggian puncaknya sekitar 2.590 mdpl, dan merupakan gunung yang menjadi favorit untuk didaki. Bahkan saking ramenya sering disebut juga gunung sejuta umat.

Mendaki Gunung Prau di malam hari, sering pula dijadikan pilihan waktu mendaki dengan tujuan menyaksikan sunrise di puncak nantinya. Tentunya, harus dengan prepare yang maksimal seperti menggunakan headlamp sebagai alat penerangan selama mendaki.

view gunung sumbing dan sindoro

simak juga: telaga cebong

Jalur pendakian Gunung Prau terindah, banyak disematkan ke jalur yang ada di Kabupaten Wonosobo. Seperti jalur pendakian Gunung Prau via Patak Banteng yang ada di Desa Patak Banteng dan via Dieng yang ada di Desa Dieng Wetan, keduanya berada di Kecamatan Kejajar.

Selain kedua jalur pendakian tersebut, masih ada beberapa jalur lain yang dapat menjadi pilihan para pendaki. Misalnya saja:

  • Jalur pendakian Gunung Prau via Kalilembu, Wonosobo.
  • Jalur pendakian Gunung Prau via Dwarawati (Dieng Kulon), Banjarnegara.
  • Jalur pendakian Gunung Prau via Campurejo, Temanggung.
  • Jalur pendakian Gunung Prau via Water, Temanggung.

Berikut kami sampaikan ulasan jalur pendakian Gunung Prau via Dieng, sebagai bahan referensi jalur pendakian khususnya untuk kamu pendaki pemula.

Lokasi Gunung Prau

Lokasi basecamp Gunung Prau via Dieng berada di alamat Desa Dieng Wetan, Kecamatan Kejajar, Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah.

Rute Menuju Gunung Prau Via Dieng

Rute menuju Gunung Prau via Dieng jika berangkat dari pusat kota Wonosobo yakni dengan menuju Jl. Merdeka, teruskan hingga tiba di Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro untuk kemudian tiba di Jl. Dieng.

Melajulah di jalur Dieng, lalu belok kanan untuk menuju basecamp Gunung Prau via Dieng. Jika belok kiri merupakan arah untuk menuju basecamp Gunung Prau via Kalilembu.

puncak gunung prau

simak juga: gardu pandang tieng

Jam Buka Gunung Prau Via Dieng

Jam buka basecamp Gunung Prau via Dieng terbuka setiap hari Senin hingga Minggu, selama 24 jam nonstop. Sedangkan untuk pos registrasi sendiri hanya buka sampai dengan pukul 11 malam.

Harga Tiket Masuk Jalur Pendakian Gunung Prau Via Dieng

  • Biaya registrasi pendakian Gunung Prau via Dieng sebesar Rp. 25.000,- per orang
  • Parkir motor plus penitipan helm sebesar Rp. 10.000,-
  • Parkir mobil sebesar Rp. 20.000,-

Fasilitas Basecamp Gunung Prau Via Dieng

Fasilitas yang ada di sekitar basecamp Gunung Prau via Dieng diantaranya:

  • Pos registrasi,
  • Warung makanan dan minuman,
  • Area parkir kendaraan,
  • Sedangkan di sekitar camping groundnya juga sudah tersedia kamar mandi dan mushola.

titik awal pendakian via dieng

simak juga: kahyangan skyline

Daya Tarik Gunung Prau Via Dieng

1. jalur pendakian gunung prau terindah.

Jalur pendakian Gunung Prau Via Dieng terkenal cukup landai dan dapat dilalui oleh pendaki pemula. Titik awal dari basecamp dengan melalui jalan setapak melewati area perkebunan milik warga.

Jalur trekkingnya terus menanjak tapi tak begitu ekstrem. Setelah melalui area perkebunan, kamu akan menyusuri jalan di hutan rindang yang sejuk hingga mendapati tulisan selamat datang.

Dari Pos 2 ke Pos 3 jalurnya melewati kawasan vegetasi hutan pinus yang cukup lebat, dimana kamu juga akan melewati sebuah spot yang bernama akar cinta.

Sebelum tiba di Pos 3 kamu akan mendapati persimpangan jalan, dimana jalan yang satunya merupakan jalur lama yang sudah ditutup.

trekking yang harus dilalui

simak juga: batu ratapan angin

Estimasi waktu pendakian Gunung Prau Via Dieng jika dirangkum dari basecamp hingga puncak, yakni sebagai berikut:

  • Dari basecamp ke Pos 1 selama 20 menit
  • Dari Pos 1 ke Pos 2 sekitar 30 hingga 35 menit
  • Dari Pos 2 ke Pos 3 sekitar 30 hingga 34 menit
  • Dari Pos 3 menuju Puncak Gunung Prau sekitar 15 menit

Jalur pendakian Gunung Prau via Dieng paling populer dikalangan pendaki, selain jalurnya landai hingga tak begitu menguras tenaga juga menampilkan pemandangan yang indah. Bahkan kamu juga akan diberikan bonus kabut tipis jika datang di sore hari.

Para pendaki dilarang untuk mendirikan tenda di Puncak Gunung Prau, karena angin yang datang terlalu kencang hingga berbahaya jika berkemah di lokasi tersebut.

Lantas untuk mendirikan tenda kamu harus trekking lagi menuju Sunrise Camp, sebelum tiba akan melewati kawasan Sabana Telaga Wurung terlebih dahulu.

Estimasi waktunya kira-kira kurang dari satu jam dari puncak Gunung Prau, kamu bisa mendirikan tenda di Sunrise Camp Gunung Prau Patak Banteng.

2. Self Healing di Ketinggian 2.590 mdpl

healing di ketinggian

simak juga: kebun teh tambi

Mendaki gunung memang selalu memberikan kesan tersendiri, apalagi untuk mereka yang baru pertama kali. Indahnya pemandangan di puncak gunung sangat menakjubkan, dan selalu menjadi kebanggaan tersendiri bagi para pendaki.

Menikmati sunrise maupun sunset tujuan utamanya, jika cuaca cerah panorama sang surya akan tampak sangat jelas. Lautan kabut tipis pun senantiasa menghiasi pemandangan di Gunung Prau, hingga tampaklah view negeri di atas awan.

Lelahnya trekking terbayarkan tatkala tiba di puncak, yang ada hanyalah rasa bangga dan takjub bahwa kamu bisa sampai ke tempat tertinggi dari sebuah daratan.

Aturan Yang Harus Dipatuhi Pendaki

Eh iya, ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan tatkala mendaki Gunung Prau, yakni:

  • Pada saat registrasi atau Simaksi kamu harus menyertakan E-Ktp serta surat keterangan sehat.
  • Bawalah persediaan makanan dan minuman sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
  • Bawa kembali sampah yang kamu hasilkan.
  • Gunakan alas kaki yang nyaman dan tidak licin.
  • Udara di puncak ataupun di lokasi mendirikan tenda sangat dingin, hingga bawalah baju hangat dan perlengkapan lainnya.
  • Patuhi aturan serta rambu-rambu yang ada, mulai dari jalur pendakian hingga spot mendirikan tenda.
  • Sebaiknya datang di saat musim panas, agar dapat melihat pemandangan dengan sempurna.

Artikel lainnya

  • Batu Angkruk, Spot Foto Keren Di Wonosobo
  • Gunung Sikunir, Pesona 2.263 Mdpl Dan Telaga Cebong Di Wonosobo
  • 14 Tempat Wisata di Dieng, Panorama Alam Negeri Di Atas Awan
  • Telaga Cebong, Spot Camping Di Bawah Bukit Sikunir Dieng
  • 22 Tempat Wisata Di Wonosobo, Nuansa Romantis Negeri Di Atas Awan
  • Bukit Seroja, Wisata Alam Dekat Kahyangan Skyline Wonosobo

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Conquer the Heights: Ultimate Guide to Gunung Prau Trekking – Prepare like a Pro!


Updated on: 05/11/2024

trek gunung prau

I. Introduction to Gunung Prau Trekking

Nestled among the rolling hills of Central Java lies an adventure waiting to be conquered. Gunung Prau, with its breathtaking vistas and challenging trails, beckons adventurers from far and wide to explore its heights. Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey?

Gunung Prau, standing tall at 2,565 meters above sea level, is a popular trekking destination known for its panoramic sunrise views and rugged landscapes. Located within the Dieng Plateau, this majestic peak offers a thrilling experience for outdoor enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. But before we dive into the details of this epic adventure, let’s take a moment to understand what makes Gunung Prau truly special.

II. Transportation Information

A. getting to gunung prau, from jakarta:.

Options and RoutesFor travelers coming from Jakarta, reaching Gunung Prau involves a journey of approximately 400 kilometers. The most common route is to travel by train or bus to Yogyakarta and then continue by road to Wonosobo, the nearest town to Gunung Prau. From Wonosobo, adventurers can arrange local transportation or hire a private car to reach the base of the mountain.

From Yogyakarta: Transportation Modes and Timings

Yogyakarta serves as a convenient starting point for those traveling to Gunung Prau. Travelers can opt for either a train or a bus journey from Yogyakarta to Wonosobo, which typically takes around 4-5 hours by road. It’s advisable to check the schedules and availability of transportation options in advance, especially during peak trekking seasons.

B. Local Transportation Options

Public buses and shuttles.

Upon reaching Wonosobo, adventurers can find public buses or shuttle services that operate between Wonosobo and the trailhead of Gunung Prau. These services provide a cost-effective and convenient way to reach the starting point of the trek.

Private Transportation Services

For those seeking more flexibility and comfort, private transportation services are available in Wonosobo. Travelers can hire a car or motorcycle taxi (ojek) to transport them directly to the trailhead, allowing for a personalized and efficient travel experience.

III. Trail Selection

Gunung Prau offers a variety of trails, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges. Here, we’ll delve into the details of each trail to help you choose the one that best suits your preferences and hiking experience.

A. Dieng Village Trail (Basecamp Pos Paltuding)

Description: The Dieng Village Trail starts from Basecamp Pos Paltuding and provides trekkers with a cultural immersion experience. As you embark on this trail, you’ll meander through lush forests, picturesque villages, and terraced farmlands, gaining insights into the traditional Javanese way of life. Along the way, you’ll have the opportunity to interact with local communities and learn about their customs and traditions.

Difficulty: Moderate

Duration: Approximately 5-6 hours round trip

This trail offers a moderate level of difficulty, with some uneven terrain and gradual ascents. However, the cultural richness and scenic beauty make it a rewarding trek for those seeking a more immersive experience.

B. Wonosobo Trail (Basecamp Pos Kali Kenteng)

Description: The Wonosobo Trail begins from Basecamp Pos Kali Kenteng and is renowned for its rugged terrain and challenging ascent. This trail takes trekkers on a journey through diverse landscapes, including dense forests, rocky outcrops, and alpine meadows. As you ascend, you’ll be rewarded with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, offering glimpses of the natural beauty that awaits at the summit of Gunung Prau.

Difficulty: Difficult

Duration: Approximately 7-8 hours round trip

The Wonosobo Trail presents a formidable challenge for experienced hikers seeking an adrenaline-fueled adventure. With steep inclines and rocky pathways, this trail requires a higher level of fitness and stamina. However, the breathtaking vistas and sense of accomplishment make it a memorable trek for those up to the challenge.

C. Bismo Trail

Description: The Bismo Trail is one of the most popular routes up Gunung Prau, known for its accessibility and scenic beauty. Starting from the Bismo Basecamp, this trail offers a relatively gentle ascent through verdant forests and rolling hills. Along the way, trekkers will encounter several viewpoints offering breathtaking panoramas of the surrounding landscape, making it an ideal choice for photography enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.

Difficulty: Easy to Moderate

Duration: Approximately 4-5 hours round trip

The Bismo Trail is suitable for hikers of all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned adventurers. Its well-marked paths and moderate inclines make it an enjoyable trek for those seeking a leisurely hike or a family-friendly outdoor excursion.

D. Watu Tulis Trail

Description: The Watu Tulis Trail offers a thrilling trekking experience for adventurers seeking a challenge. Starting from the Watu Tulis Basecamp, this trail traverses rugged terrain and steep inclines, testing the endurance and skills of trekkers. Along the way, hikers will navigate through dense forests, rocky outcrops, and narrow ridges, with occasional glimpses of wildlife and native flora. The trail culminates at the summit of Gunung Prau, rewarding intrepid explorers with stunning vistas of the surrounding landscapes.

Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult

Duration: Approximately 6-7 hours round trip

The Watu Tulis Trail is recommended for experienced hikers with a good level of fitness and stamina. Its challenging terrain and longer duration require careful preparation and adequate supplies. However, the sense of accomplishment and awe-inspiring scenery make it a memorable adventure for those willing to take on the challenge.

E. Sapit Lawang Trail

Description: The Sapit Lawang Trail is a hidden gem, offering trekkers an immersive journey through pristine wilderness and remote landscapes. Starting from the Sapit Lawang Basecamp, this trail winds its way through dense forests, rugged slopes, and mountain streams, providing adventurers with a true backcountry experience. Along the way, hikers may encounter rare wildlife, including endemic species of birds and mammals, adding to the allure of the trek. As trekkers ascend towards the summit of Gunung Prau, they’ll be treated to sweeping views of untouched nature and untouched beauty.

The Sapit Lawang Trail is recommended for experienced hikers seeking solitude and tranquility in nature. Its remote location and challenging terrain require careful planning and preparation, including adequate supplies and navigation skills. However, the raw beauty and untouched landscapes make it a rewarding adventure for those seeking an off-the-beaten-path experience.

F. Choosing the Right Trek for Novice Trekkers

Novice trekkers embarking on their first hiking expedition may feel overwhelmed by the variety of trails available. Here’s a guide to help novice trekkers choose the right trek for their skill level and preferences:

Bismo Trail:

The Bismo Trail is highly recommended for novice trekkers due to its relatively easy terrain and manageable duration. This trail offers gentle slopes and well-marked paths, making it perfect for beginners who are still building their hiking skills. Additionally, the Bismo Trail provides stunning views of the surrounding landscapes, rewarding novice trekkers with memorable vistas without overwhelming them with strenuous challenges.

Dieng Village Trail:

Another excellent option for novice trekkers is the Dieng Village Trail, which offers a cultural immersion experience along with a moderate level of difficulty. This trail allows trekkers to explore the picturesque villages and terraced farmlands of the Dieng Plateau while gradually ascending towards Gunung Prau. Novice trekkers can enjoy interacting with local communities and learning about Javanese culture while enjoying the scenic beauty of the trail.

Recommended Itinerary:

For novice trekkers, a recommended itinerary would include a one-day trek along the Bismo Trail. Starting early in the morning, trekkers can ascend to the summit of Gunung Prau, enjoy the panoramic views, and return to basecamp before nightfall. This itinerary provides novice trekkers with a manageable challenge and ample time to rest and acclimatize along the way. By choosing the right trek for novice trekkers, such as the Bismo Trail or Dieng Village Trail, beginners can enjoy a safe and enjoyable hiking experience while building their confidence and skills in the outdoors.

G. Recommended Itinerary for Novice Trekkers

For novice trekkers looking to explore Gunung Prau at a comfortable pace, the following itinerary is recommended:

  • By Bus: Travelers can opt to take a public bus from Wonosobo to the base camp area near Gunung Prau. Public buses are often available from Wonosobo and can drop passengers off at designated stops or nearby the starting point of the trek.
  • By Taxi or Private Transportation: Alternatively, travelers can choose to hire a taxi or arrange for private transportation services from Wonosobo to the base camp. This option provides more flexibility in terms of timing and convenience, especially for those traveling in groups or with specific preferences.
  • Arrive at Wonosobo and transfer to the base camp near the Bismo Trail starting point.
  • Begin trekking along the Bismo Trail in the morning.
  • Enjoy scenic viewpoints and rest stops along the way.
  • Reach the summit of Gunung Prau in time for sunset.
  • Set up camp and overnight stay at the summit.
  • Wake up early to witness the spectacular sunrise from Gunung Prau.
  • Descend back to base camp along the same Bismo Trail.
  • Return to Wonosobo and depart for your next destination.

This itinerary is tailored specifically for trekkers following the Bismo Trail, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for novice hikers.

IV. Must-Visit Places Around the Region

Central Java’s Dieng Plateau, home to Gunung Prau, boasts a myriad of captivating attractions beyond the trekking trails. Here are some must-visit places to explore around the region:

A. Exploring Dieng Plateau

Dieng plateau theater:.

Begin your exploration of the region by visiting the Dieng Plateau Theater, where you can learn about the area’s rich history, cultural heritage, and geological significance through immersive exhibits and multimedia presentations.

Colorful Lakes:

Marvel at the vibrant colors of Telaga Warna and Telaga Pengilon, two volcanic lakes renowned for their turquoise waters and surreal landscapes. Take a leisurely stroll around the lakeshores or embark on a boat ride to fully appreciate their natural beauty.

Arjuna Temple Complex:

Step back in time as you explore the ancient Hindu temples of the Arjuna Temple Complex, dating back to the 8th century. Admire the intricate stone carvings, towering shrines, and architectural grandeur of these historical monuments, which offer a glimpse into Java’s rich cultural heritage.

B. Visiting Sikunir Hill

Sunrise spectacle:.

Wake up before dawn and embark on a pre-dawn trek to Sikunir Hill, one of the best vantage points in the region to witness a mesmerizing sunrise. As the first rays of sunlight illuminate the horizon, soak in panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, blanketed in a golden hue.

Photography Paradise:

Capture breathtaking snapshots of the sunrise spectacle and the picturesque landscapes from Sikunir Hill. With its dramatic vistas and play of light and shadow, this hilltop offers endless opportunities for photography enthusiasts to unleash their creativity and capture the beauty of nature.

C. Discovering Arjuna Temple Complex

Historical significance:.

Explore the Arjuna Temple Complex, an archaeological marvel consisting of a cluster of ancient Hindu temples dedicated to the deity Arjuna. Wander through the intricately carved structures, adorned with mythological reliefs and sacred symbols, and marvel at the architectural mastery of the ancient builders.

Guided Tours:

Enhance your visit with a guided tour of the Arjuna Temple Complex, led by knowledgeable local guides who can provide insights into the history, symbolism, and significance of the temples. Learn about the religious practices and cultural traditions associated with these sacred sites, and gain a deeper appreciation for Java’s rich cultural heritage.

V. Essential Gear and Preparation

Before embarking on your Gunung Prau trekking adventure, it’s essential to be well-prepared with the right gear and equipment. Here’s a comprehensive guide to essential gear and preparation for a successful trek:

A. Packing List for Gunung Prau Trekking

  • Lightweight, moisture-wicking clothing for trekking
  • Sturdy hiking boots with ankle support
  • Waterproof jacket and pants
  • Warm layers for chilly nights at higher altitudes
  • Sun hat and sunglasses for sun protection
  • Gloves and beanie for cold temperatures
  • Lightweight tent or hammock for overnight stays
  • Sleeping bag rated for cold temperatures
  • Sleeping pad or insulated mat for added comfort
  • Portable stove and fuel for cooking meals
  • Cooking utensils and mess kit
  • Headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries

B. Preparing for Altitude and Weather Conditions

  • Gradually increase altitude to allow your body to acclimatize
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which can contribute to dehydration
  • Listen to your body and rest if experiencing symptoms of altitude sickness
  • Check the weather forecast before your trek and pack accordingly
  • Be prepared for sudden changes in weather, including rain and cold temperatures
  • Dress in layers to adjust to fluctuating temperatures throughout the day
  • Plan your trekking dates during the dry season (May to September) to avoid heavy rainfall and muddy trails

VI. Safety Tips and Guidelines

Ensuring your safety during the Gunung Prau trekking adventure is paramount. Here are some essential safety tips and guidelines to follow:

A. Health and Safety Precautions

  • Carry an ample supply of water and stay hydrated throughout the trek
  • Pack high-energy snacks and meals to fuel your body during the hike
  • Consume electrolyte-rich foods and drinks to replenish lost minerals
  • Pack a comprehensive first aid kit with essential supplies such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain relievers, and blister treatment
  • Include any personal medications or medical supplies you may need
  • Familiarize yourself with basic first aid procedures and techniques

B. Environmental Conservation Practices

  • Pack out all trash and litter to keep the trails and camping areas pristine
  • Minimize campfire impact by using established fire rings or portable stoves
  • Respect wildlife and refrain from feeding or disturbing animals
  • Stay on designated trails to prevent soil erosion and habitat destruction
  • Avoid picking or damaging plants and flowers along the trail
  • Be mindful of noise pollution and maintain a respectful demeanor towards other hikers and local communities

VII. Concluding Gunung Prau Trekking Guide

Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of our comprehensive guide to Gunung Prau trekking. As you prepare to embark on this thrilling adventure, remember to stay safe, respect the environment, and embrace the natural beauty that surrounds you.

Throughout this guide, we’ve covered everything you need to know to make the most of your trekking experience, from transportation information to trail selection, must-visit places around the region, essential gear and preparation, safety tips, and environmental conservation practices.

Now, armed with knowledge and enthusiasm, it’s time to set out on your journey to conquer the heights of Gunung Prau. Whether you’re a seasoned trekker seeking a challenge or a novice adventurer embarking on your first hiking expedition, Gunung Prau promises an unforgettable experience filled with breathtaking views, cultural discoveries, and personal triumphs.

So lace up your boots, pack your bags, and get ready to explore the wonders of Gunung Prau. Adventure awaits!

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Gunung Prau, sebagai puncak tertinggi dataran Dieng menyimpan sejuta keindahan yang sangat populer di kalangan pendaki. Gunung ini bukan termasuk gunung berapi. Jadi, tak heran jika banyak pendaki yang berdatangan. Gunung Prau memiliki ketinggian 2.565 mdpl, terletak di dataran tinggi Dieng Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jawa tengah. Tepatnya berada di perbatasan Kabupaten Kendal dan Kabupaten Wonosobo. Berencana mendaki Gunung Prau? Pastikan Eigerian simak artikel ini sampai habis! 

Melansir informasi dari akun Instagram @basecamo_prau_igirmranak, semua jalur pendakian Gunung Prau dibuka kembali untuk umum mulai tanggal 4 September 2021. Dalam surat yang ditandatangani oleh Ketua Umum Forum Koordinasi Gunung Prau Indonesia (FKPI), ada beberapa persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi oleh pendaki. Yaitu menunjukan surat vaksin, membawa surat sehat dan fotocopy identitas, serta menaati protokol kesehatan dan peraturan yang berlaku. Kuota pendakian adalah sebanyak 25 persen. 

Berapa Lama Waktu Pendakian di Gunung Prau? 

gunung prau

Meskipun waktu pendakian Gunung Prau diestimasikan hanya 3-4 jam dari basecamp menuju puncak, namun tidak dapat disangkal bahwa waktu tempuh tergantung pada jalur dan kondisi fisik masing-masing pendaki. 

Jalur pendakian via Kalilembu

Mengutip informasi Jalur Virtual Prau dalam akun Instagram @prau_mountain, waktu pendakian hanya 3 jam 20 menit. Dari basecamp Kalilembu menuju Pos 1 Lemah Tugel dan dari Pos 1 Lemah Tugel menuju Pos 2 Bukit Pandang, masing-masing waktu tempuhnya adalah 45 menit. Sedangkan dari basecamp menuju Pos 2 adalah 1 jam 30 menit. Kemudian, waktu tempuh dari Pos 2 Bukit Pandang ke Pos 3 dan dari Pos 3 ke Puncak 2.590 mdpl masing-masing adalah 30 menit. Selanjutnya, perjalanan dari basecamp ke Puncak 2.590 mdpl adalah 2 jam. Dari Puncak 2.590 mdpl menuju Camp Telaga Wurung adalah 10 menit, dan dari Camp Telaga Wurung ke puncak adalah 40 menit.

Kendati demikian, perlu dicatat bahwa estimasi waktu pendakian selama 3 jam 20 menit belum termasuk berapa sering seorang pendaki berhenti untuk istirahat dan berapa lama mereka akan istirahat. Selain itu, estimasi waktu tersebut juga belum memperhitungkan kondisi fisik seseorang. Seperti apakah mereka tidak bisa mendaki dengan cepat, dan lain sebagainya.

Jalur pendakian via Igirmranak

Untuk pendakian via Igirmranak, jika diasumsikan seorang pendaki memulai perjalanan sekitar pukul 15.00 WIB, maka ada kemungkinan mereka akan tiba di puncak sekitar pukul 19.00 WIB. Jadi, waktu pendakian Gunung Prau via Igirmranak adalah sekitar 4 jam. Estimasi waktu pendakian ini sudah mencakup beberapa kali berhenti untuk istirahat.

Jalur pendakian via Wates

Lama pendakian Gunung Prau via Wates adalah sekitar 2,5 jam dari basecamp menuju puncak Bukit Rindu. Selanjutnya, dari puncak Bukit Rindu kita bisa lanjutkan perjalanan ke sunrise camp Patak Banteng sekitar 15-30 menit. Jika dijumlahkan, waktu pendakian pada jalur Wates adalah sekitar 3 jam hingga 3 jam 30 menit. Namun jika ingin memangkas waktu pendakian, atau sekadar menghemat tenaga, kita bisa memanfaatkan layanan ojek dari basecamp menuju Pos 1.

Jalur pendakian via Dwarawati

Jalur pendakian yang akan melewati Candi Dwarawati ini memiliki estimasi waktu pendakian sekitar 2 jam 30 menit, atau 3 jam. Setibanya di puncak, kita perlu melanjutkan pendakian menuju sunrise camp Patak Banteng dengan lama pendakian sekitar 15-30 menit.

Jalur pendakian via Patak Banteng

Patak Banteng adalah jalur pendakian Gunung Prau yang paling digemari oleh para pendaki. Pasalnya, rute pendakian ini terbilang lebih singkat dibandingkan jalur lain. Rute Patak Banteng dianggap sebagai rute yang paling dekat dengan puncak Prau. Lama pendakian Gunung Prau via Patak Banteng adalah sekitar 4 jam, termasuk jalan santai dan istirahat.

Jalur pendakian via Dieng

Lama pendakian Gunung Prau via Dieng adalah sekitar 3-4 jam, jika dimulai dari basecamp menuju puncak. Treknya yang landai, dianggap sangat cocok untuk dilalui para pendaki santai. Sembari menapakkan kaki di rute dengan trek yang cukup panjang, jangan lupa untuk menikmati pemandangan bukit dan juga hutan di sepanjang jalur.

Kapan Waktu Terbaik Mendaki? 

gunung prau

Waktu terbaik untuk mendaki Gunung Prau adalah saat matahari masih terlihat, supaya memudahkan navigasi saat pendakian. Kendati demikian, pilihan waktu tergantung pada kebutuhan masing-masing. Jika ingin berburu pemandangan matahari terbenam, waktu terbaik mendaki bisa dilakukan pada siang atau sore hari. Untuk perjalanan pukul 15.00 WIB, pemandangan matahari terbenam di Bukit Cendani yaitu sebuah spot di jalur pendakian via Igirmranak akan terlihat dengan jelas.

Selain waktu, cuaca juga perlu diperhatikan sebelum mendaki Gunung Prau. Cuaca terbaik untuk mendaki adalah pada saat cuaca sedang cerah. Saat cuaca cerah, kita dapat menyaksikan pemandangan matahari terbit yang sangat apik. Sebelum mendaki, yuk lengkapi peralatan outdoor dari Eiger Adventure . Selain berkualitas, produk terbaru Eiger hadir dengan desain menarik dengan harga ramah kantong.

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Review jalur dan estimasi waktu pendakian Gunung Prau via Dieng

Sebagai gambaran, jumlah waktu yang saya habiskan untuk mendaki sampai dengan ke Puncak Prau sekitar 3,5 jam. Jika dipukul rata-rata, normalnya pendakian membutuhkan waktu 3-4 jam. Jalur pendakian via Dieng tidak memiliki sumber air, jadi sobat harus membawa air dari basecamp.

Terdapat 3 pos pendakian pada jalur ini. Dibeberapa titik sampai ke Batu Kayangan sobat masih bisa berkomunikasi dengan telepon seluler karena masih terdapat sinyal. Provider yang saya gunakan Indosat dan XL.

Berikut kisah perjalanan pendakian saya serta informasi lengkap terkait jalur yang dimulai dari basecamp pendakian hingga ke puncak:

Start dari basecamp menuju Pos 1 Gemekan

Pendaftaran pendakian dibuka sekitar pukul 07:30 WIB, sobat tidak perlu khawatir jika datang ke basecamp lebih pagi. Disana sudah terdapat fasilitas untuk istirahat dan fasilitas MCK. Selain itu, di sekitar basecamp juga terdapat warung makanan yang dikelola warga Desa Dieng dan sekitarnya.

Perjalanan pendakian dimulai sekitar pukul 08:00 WIB setelah saya melakukan registrasi. Waktu yang saya butuhkan untuk trekking dari basecamp menuju Pos 1 Gemekan sekitar 15 menit.

Jalur pendakian dari basecamp ke pos 1 melewati perkebunan warga

Trek pada rute ini berupa jalan makadam dan tanah yang di sisi kiri-kanan jalur terdapat kebun sayur milik warga. Setelah melewati perkebunan, sobat akan memasuki pintu gerbang guna memasuki hutan Gunung Prau. Setelah itu tidak lama sobat akan tiba di Pos 1. 

Dari Pos 1 Gemekan menuju Pos 2 Semendung

Perjalanan menuju Pos 2 masih terbilang santai dengan kondisi jalur yang lumayan rata meski terdapat beberapa tanjakan yang tidak terlalu terjal. Waktu yang saya tempuh untuk mencapai Pos 2 Semendung sekitar 45 menit. 

Beberapa meter sebelum Pos 2 sobat akan menemukan jalan percabangan antara jalur Dieng dan jalur pendakian Dieng Kulon (Dwarawati).

Prau via Dieng merupakan jalur pendakian yang cukup sepi bila dibandingkan dengan jalur Patak Banteng. Saya tipe orang yang kurang suka keramaian di jalur pendakian, apalagi jika harus mengantri. Maka dari itu jalur ini merupakan pilihan terbaik buat sobat yang menyukai kesunyian pada saat melakukan pendakian ke gunung.

Suasana Pos 2

Pos 2 ke Pos 3 Ranger

Bagi saya, jalur yang paling berat dari pendakian kali ini adalah jalur dari Pos 2 ke Pos 3. Perjalanan ini membutuhkan waktu tempuh paling lama karena rutenya yang cukup panjang. Selain itu sobat akan melewati banyak tanjakan yang lebih terjal dari dua pos sebelumnya.

Pada jalur ini kita akan melalui tanjakan yang dipenuhi akar-akar pohon yang dikenal dengan sebutan Bukit Akar Cinta. Sobat perlu hati-hati karena beberapa kali saya tersandung akar ketika melewati jalur ini. 

Jelang Pos 3 Ranger sobat akan melewati jalur persimpangan pendakian Gunung Prau via Kalilembu. Banyak juga ya jalur pendakiannya? Yes! jangan heran ya sob, Prau memiliki 6 jalur pendakian resmi yang bisa sobat pilih.

Suasana Pos 3 Gunung Prau via Dieng

Total waktu tempuh yang saya habiskan untuk melalui Pos 2 Semendung ke Pos 3 Ranger sekitar 2 jam berikut dengan istirahat dan mengambil beberapa gambar untuk kebutuhan konten.

Dari Pos 3 Ranger menuju ke Puncak Gunung Prau

Pos 3 Ranger merupakan lokasi terbaik untuk beristirahat sebelum melanjutkan perjalanan ke puncak. Pos ini konturnya berupa punggungan lereng gunung yang lebarnya cukup luas dan teduh karena tertutup pohon.

Areanya lumayan besar buat mendirikan beberapa tenda, tapi sayang rasanya jika kita mendirikan tenda disini. Kita akan melewatkan pesona alam Gunung Prau yang menurut saya klimaksnya akan kita rasakan ketika berada di Sunrise Camp.

Trek pada jalur ini masih terus naik tapi tidak terlalu menguras tenaga seperti trek sebelumnya. Banyak bonus berupa jalan datar jelang tiba di puncak. Waktu yang saya tempuh untuk mencapai puncak sekitar kurang lebih 30 menit. 

Puncak Gunung Prau 2590 mdpl

Puncak Gunung Prau via Dieng memiliki ketinggian 2590 mdpl. Dari riset yang saya lakukan, ternyata puncak gunung ini memiliki dua versi dengan ketinggian yang berbeda. 

Versi yang lain tertulis Puncak Prau dengan ketinggian 2.565 mdpl. Namun sampai saat ini saya belum tahu persis plang puncak tersebut terdapat dimana dan melalui jalur pendakian apa? If anyone knows the answer, please comment below!

Titik tertinggi Gunung Prau 2590 mdpl

Dari puncak menuju Sunrise Camp Gunung Prau

Perjalanan tidak berhenti sampai disini sob. Saya masih harus melanjutkan pendakian menuju lokasi untuk mendirikan tenda. Rencananya saya ingin mendirikan tenda di dekat Sunrise Camp Patak Banteng.

Lokasi camp area tersebut sangat strategis untuk berburu sunrise serta dekat pula dengan Bukit Sunset View. Waktu perjalanan yang saya butuhkan untuk sampai ke camp area sekitar 30 menit.

Total biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk pendakian ke Gunung Prau via Dieng

Total biaya yang saya keluarkan untuk melakukan aktivitas ini adalah sebanyak Rp 710.000 dengan rincian sebagai berikut:

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Traveler Blogger and Search Engine Optimization Specialist who finds joy in conquering mountains, embarking on solo adventures, and exploring culinary delights.

11 thoughts on “ Pendakian Gunung Prau via Dieng ”

di puncak ada mata air kak?

dipuncak gak ada mata air

Apa ada tempat sewaannya ka ?

sewa peralatan hiking maksudnya? di Dieng banyak kak, di basecamp juga sediain sewa alat kalo gak salah, bisa WA dulu ke basecampnya yang tersedia apa aja.

I think the admin of this web site is really working hard for his weeb page, as here every dafa is quality basedd material.

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Kenapa bus pulang not recommended bang?

bus nya kurang nyaman, kaya bus jadul, kursi banyak yang bolong, AC gak bs di buka tutup, ga ada port usb buat charge HP… Harga dibawah itu ada Sinar Jaya Rp.170.000 executive leg rest yang jauhhhhhhh lebih baik.

Terimakasih infonya

sama-sama kak

bang ada warung gak?

Jalur dieng gak ada bang…

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Temukan beberapa kata kunci yang di inginkan.

Climbing the Mountains of Indonesia & Malaysia

Dieng (Prau)

  • Elevation: 2,600 m (8,530 ft)
  • Prominence: 938 m
  • Ribu category: Spesial
  • Province: Jawa Tengah (Central Java)
  • Google Earth: kml
  • Other names: The highest mountain in Dieng is Gunung Prau, also spelt ‘Prahu’ and ‘Perahu’.
  • Eruptions: Dieng 1375, 1786, 1826, 1847 (Pakuwaja), 1883-84 (Kawah Sikidang), 1928 (Kawah Timbang), 1939 (Kawah Timbang), 1943-44 (Kawah Sileri), 1945 (Kawah Candradimuka), 1953-54, 1956 (Kawah Sileri), 1964 (Kawah Sileri), 1979 (Kawah Sinila), 1981 (Kawah Sikidang), 1984 (Kawah Sileri), 1986 (Kawah Sileri), 1993, 2003 (Kawah Sibanteng and Sileri), 2009 (Kawah Sibanteng and Sileri), 2011, 2017 (Kawah Sileri), 2018 (Kawah Sileri)

Bagging It!


The Dieng Plateau is a huge volcanic complex near the pleasant town of Wonosobo. It is quite rightly one of Central Java’s leading tourist attractions and there are so many fascinating sites, both geological and historical, that it definitely makes sense to stay in Dieng village itself and properly explore the place. Colourful lakes, hissing and bubbling craters (‘kawah’) and numerous temples (‘candi’) are dotted all over the landscape.

The area was a very important Hindu site and eight ancient Hindu temples remain here today, the main cluster being the Arjuna complex just a couple of hundred metres from Dieng village. These are supposedly the oldest temples in Java, dating from the Kalingga Kingdom era of the 7th and 8th centuries and it is thought that there were up to 400 temples here originally.

Nowadays, the Plateau is an important site for geothermal plants and, if anything, the steaming chimneys in several locations make the panoramas even more dazzling and unusual to behold.

The most impressive craters are the busy and popular Kawah Sikidang, the atmospheric and ghostly Kawah Sileri (which erupted phreatically without warning in July 2017) and the somewhat bizarre bubbling and smoking Kawah Candradimuka.

Because Dieng village is at an elevation of about 2,070m, the area is in general quite damp, chilly and often misty. Good visibility is most likely in the morning, hence the need to start your hike before first light for the most impressive views.

In July 2018, temperatures reached as low as minus 2 degrees Celsius, and most years the region has a few nights of thin ice or frost during the dry season. Locals call this ’embun upas’, literally ‘lethal dew’ as it can destroy crops. But tourists flock to the temples at these times to get photographs of what are rare scenes in Java.

As the climate here is subtropical, the crops grown successfully here include a fair number of vegetables that are found in Europe. The list includes delicious potatoes, onions and cabbages, and also a few more unusual things including carica which is also known as mountain papaya and resembles tropical papaya but with small fruit that have paler flesh.

There are numerous peaks and craters in the area, the most interesting of which are as follows (clockwise from Dieng village, key mountains to explore on a hike are named in bold , key other attractions worth visiting underlined , all elevation data taken from relevant Bakosurtanal maps unless better data is available):

  • Gunung Prau (2,600m) – the tallest peak in the area, with the most fantastic views but also very crowded at weekends.
  • Gunung Igir Binem – no peak as such but a crater home to two crater lakes, Telaga Warna and Telaga Pengilon.
  • Gunung Pakuwaja (2,390m) – the second highest mountain in the Dieng area but rarely hiked at present despite offering great views.
  • Gunung Sikunir (2,275m) and Seroja (2,252m) – Sikunir is another great viewpoint and incredibly easy, requiring a hike of just 20-30 minutes, but as is also the case with Gunung Prau it can be overcrowded if you visit on a weekend.
  • Gunung Bisma (2,365m) – increasingly popular, the third highest in the region and – like Gunung Pakuwaja – a great viewpoint and makes a great traverse.
  • Gunung Rogojembangan (2,177m) – a considerable distance to the west of Dieng village, Rogojembangan is perhaps best accessed separately from the north coast via Pekalongan.
  • Kawah Sinila, Kawah Candradimuka and Telaga Dringo – fascinating but sometimes dangerous craters and volcanic features surrounded by the rarely hiked tops of Gunung Petarangan (2,152m), Gunung Alang (2,240m) and Gunung Jimat (2,210m).
  • Gunung Sipandu (2,240m) above the craters of Kawah Pagerkandang and Kawah Sileri – the former crater is a completely agricultural crater that few tourists even know about and the latter a little way below is an atmospheric lake with mist hovering over the water.
  • Gunung Pangonan (2,308m) – an easy 30-40 minute hike to the 500m-wide savanna from Dieng Kulon, and not far from  Kawah Sikidang and the Arjuna temple complex .

Gunung Prau

The most popular easy ‘hike’ in the area is to the top of Gunung Sikunir (2,265m according to the Bako map) for sunrise but, despite the great views of other volcanoes in Central Java, this is a very easy stroll of less than 30 minutes each way and most keen hikers will be left wanting more.

The highest mountain in the Dieng area is called Gunung Prau, presumably because it slightly resembles a boat (see also Tangkuban Perahu near Bandung, West Java). It towers directly above Dieng village and can be climbed without the need for additional transport. Because Dieng village is already very high up, it is a relatively short and easy hike to the peak (2,600m). The views are absolutely spectacular at dawn – perhaps Central Java’s very finest. When I first wrote about it in 2010 it was quite possible to find the summit ridge deserted even at weekends, but now in 2019 you will probably be one of more than a thousand people up there enjoying the grand scenery on a Sunday morning.

There are actually multiple routes up Gunung Prau – in 2019 there are no less than 8 official ones, seemingly all with basecamps! The main 3 at present are Dieng village itself (recommended for ascent due to it being a short stroll from most hotels and homestays), Patakbanteng – which is only about 4km back along the Wonosobo road from Dieng (not recommended as this is already too popular at weekends with many hundreds of local hikers queuing up), and Wates , a less popular but very pleasant trail from the south-east (recommended for descent if you want to ‘traverse’ the mountain and have time to negotiate transport from what is a rather remote village).

Other trailheads include Kalilembu and Dwarawati (both very close to Dieng village and Patakbanteng therefore only of merit if the Patakbanteng trail is just too crowded), Kenjuran and Campurejo (both north of Wates and therefore worthy of investigation for those wishing to get back to the north coast afterwards but currently not clearly-marked so a guide is probably essential) and finally Pranten, which is west of the mountain and would therefore be better combined with a traverse to Wates, Kenjuran or Campurejo (again, a guide probably essential for this). Dwi, who works at Bu Djono homestay and restaurant, is especially recommended for any hikes in the area.

At present, the recommended hike for those not wishing to return the same way is from Dieng village up to the summit ridge and then down to Wates (or Kenjuran or Campurejo if you can find an experienced guide). Hikers who have Indonesian language skills and have hiked plenty of mountains in Java previously can manage the trail from Dieng village to Wates without a guide (assuming good weather and/or use of GPS tracks – see resources) though it is not a good idea to trek alone. On weekends you are not likely to be too far from other hikers on any of the three main trails. The Dieng village to summit to Wates route is described below. It is best to set off from Dieng village at 3am with a torch so that you reach the summit ridge by around 5am ready to watch the sunrise.

From Dieng village, behind the Dieng Homestay follow the cement track up past the school (right) and graves (left). After less than 10 minutes you will have reached the new Dieng basecamp (2,123m) where you can register (Rp10,000 in 2019) and take photos of Dieng village below from the large red letters spelling ‘GUNUNG PRAU’. You can also buy simple snacks and basic clothing items. The track is well sign-posted and leads up through farmland (mostly potato fields) and into pine forest (Pos 1, Gemekan, 2224m – reached after just 20 minutes from the basecamp) where it begins to ascend more steeply. After under one hour you will have reached a border marker (2,395m), marking the end of one region (Wonosobo) and the beginning of another (Batang). This is now known as Pos 2 – Semendung and is where the less-used trail up from Dwarawati meets the main Dieng village trail.

From Pos 2 you should be able to see the radio transmitter mast (2,559m, known as ‘repeater’ on the little map available at Dieng basecamp) as even at night there is a bright light on the tower itself. Whereas a few years ago the trail went up to the transmitter mast compound and more regional marker stones (2,560m), it now skirts round to the right of the ‘repeater’ peak meaning you don’t have to ascend to the tower and descend again along the ridge towards the true summit. You can simply do the short cut like everybody else does now – indeed, it seems that the trail to the repeater tower has been deliberately closed as the hike has grown so massively in popularity in the last few years.

After less than 90 minutes total from Dieng village you should have reached Pos 3 – Nganjir (2,518m) which is the start of the lovely ridge walk. It is quite narrow at this point with great views on either side. This ridge is presumably the remnants of an ancient crater wall and the trail is very easy to follow. After 20 minutes of hiking along the ridge you will reach the first important ‘peak’ which is marked with a cement marker with 2,565m written on it. In actual fact, this first peak is approximately 2,585m above sea level but the 2,565 figure seems to be the preferred one for t-shirts, stickers and so on that you can buy at the basecamps! From this top you will get your first proper view along the ridge to the south-east beyond a few other higher bumps and clumps of trees to the huge twins Sindoro (nearest) and Sumbing (taller but further away).

After this first peak, the trail drops down into a daisy-filled meadow area reminiscent of many small European hills. Some locals actually refer to this area as Bukit Teletubbies (Teletubbies hill) and Bukit Rindu (Longing hill). The meadow area is home to occasional and impressive trees, both lone and in clumps. From this point on you will start to notice more and more tents as you get closer to the junction with the route up from Patakbanteng.

The highest point on the ridge (2,600m – possibly known as Gunung Patakbanteng locally, listed as 2,590m on the Bakosurtanal map) lies about 2 km along the ridge from the radio masts and, given how easy the trail is, can be reached in 2 hours total from Dieng village. It is basically just a bump on the ridge on the right side of a bowl-like dip of the meadow and interestingly it is unmarked though you may find a tent or two on it on weekends! From the true summit you will have a fabulous view down to Dieng village, Telaga Warna, Kawah Sikidang, back along the ridge to the ‘repeater’ tower and, most beautifully, Sumbing, Sindoro, plus Merbabu and Merapi in the distance to the left of Sumbing and Sindoro.

20 minutes further along the ridge over a series of slightly less high bumps is the junction with the Patakbanteng trail. This is the most popular camping spot and it is not unusual to have hundreds of tents here at weekends (meaning thousands of hikers!) The vast majority will have hiked up from Patakbanteng. The Dieng village route sees far less but still perhaps 100 or so. The Wates route might see 50 or so. The other routes see very few. You can see why this spot is popular – brilliant views of Sumbing and Sindoro.

From this junction, you have several options. Returning the same way to Dieng village takes about 2 hours. You can also make a small circuit by descending to Patakbanteng village (turn right at the tents) from where it an easy 4km along the road back to Dieng village (ojeks should be readily available). Better still, if the weather is clear making route-finding easy, traverse the mountain by descending to the small and remote highland village of Wates (1,683m).

To descend to Wates from the Patakbanteng junction (i.e where all the tents usually are) continue south-east down the ridge on the clearest path you can see in the direction of Sindoro and Sumbing. After less than 20 minutes you should have reached a tree with a red and silver ‘Wates’ sign on it. Soon after this the trail drops down to the left of the highest part of the ridge. You should have reached Pos 3 (Sudung Dewo, 2,253m) in about 45 minutes from the Patakbanteng camping area. You are back in forest now so listen out for birdlife. It is then another 20 minutes to Pos 2 (Cemarang, 2,122m) and a further 20 minutes to Pos 1 (Blumbang Kodok, 1,973m) which has a pond and is the end of the forest. From here it is about 30 minutes down an often slippery farm path passing cabbage and potato fields. There are usually friendly farm workers around if you need help but the trail is pretty well signposted. The Wates basecamp (1,683m) can be reached in about 2 hours total from the summit ridge, meaning a total hike of under 5 hours from Dieng (not incuding breaks for photos etc.) Assuming you set out from Dieng village at 3am and spent around an hour taking photos on the ridge you will probably be down here no later than 9am. Treat yourself to some coffee and meatballs from the friendly Ibu at the basecamp!

The boys at basecamp have been doing a lot of work trying to promote this route to the top of Gunung Prau on social media. It is indeed a proper hiking trail – requiring slightly more effort than the Dieng and Patakbanteng easy routes up. To ascend from Wates to the summit ridge would probably take around 4 hours including rests, but you can get an ojek to Pos 1 for Rp20,000 (in 2017). They are also trying to publicise Bukit Larikan, a minor hill with a wooden or bamboo structure at the top, seemingly offering good views too.

Getting back round to Wonosobo from here shouldn’t be too difficult but you will need ojeks from villagers or the lads at basecamp. If you don’t have private transport already arranged and are trying to head to the north coast at Pekalongan or similar, you will probably have to pay around Rp75,000 per ojek for a 45-minute motorbike ride down to Candiroto terminal where there are regular small buses to Sukorejo (Rp10,000, 40 minutes). This ride down from Wates is very scenic – beautiful farming country (mostly tobacco and a bit of chili peppers). From Sukorejo terminal there are more small and uncomfortable buses on to Pekalongan via Bawang and Limpung (Rp40,000, 2 and a half hours).

Bagging information by Daniel Quinn (updated November 2020)

Gunung Igir Binem

Very few locals, let alone tourists, will have heard of this name but it’s the formal name for the large crater to the south of Dieng village that contains Telaga Warna (coloured lake) and Telaga Pengilon. The lakes are a pleasant place to take a stroll but foreign visitors should note the expensive entry fee of Rp100,000 (Rp150,000 on weekends and public holidays). If you just want a view of the lakes, it is recommended you head up to Batu Pandang Ratapan Angin viewpoint (Rp30,000 for foreigners or Rp10,000 for locals) near Dieng theatre instead where you can clamber up a few rocks to look over the lakes and to Dieng village and Gunung Prau.

Gunung Pakuwaja (2,390m)

Just to the south of Telaga Warna, the infrequently climbed mountain named Gunung Pakuwaja (also spelt Pakuwojo) is at 2,390m (as high as 2,399m according to GPS device) an important peak in the region and second only to the Prau ridge in height. Perhaps unsurprisingly it offers a great view early in the morning and you don’t have to share the hill with hundreds of others like is now the case on both Gunung Prau and Gunung Sikunir. There are very few trees so the view is open for most of the hike.

As with most of the peaks in the Dieng area, there are multiple routes up the hill from numerous different starting points. Without doubt, the best thing to do is a traverse from one side to the other. The most obvious traverse is from the road end beyond the Dieng Theatre and Batu Pandang near Telaga Warna, up to the summit and down to Sembungan. If doing it in that direction, allow about 2 hours to walk from Dieng village up to the peak and 1 hour down to Sembungan village where you should be able to find an ojek or other transport back to Dieng village.

At the end of the Batu Pandang road, continue on a muddy and occasionally boggy track as it skirts round to the left of Gunung Kendil (2,328m) which is essentially the northern peak of Pakuwaja but only the third highest. It is possible to hike up to the point from Desa Parikesit / Wadasputih to the north-east on the main road up from Wonosobo but it would take an extra half an hour as these villages are under 2,000m above sea level. There is a clear signpost for a Pakuwaja trailhead at the main road near Kings Hotel in Parikesit but it seems to not be popular compared to the trails up Prau on the other side of the road. You can also climb from further down at Tieng which is east of the mountain and under 1,900m.

After some geothermal pipes, drop down across potato fields and follow a farmers’ track up to the right to gain the ridge (2,260m) between Kendil and the higher slopes of Pakuwaja. Take a left here and as you finally get beyond the cultivated land and be prepared to get a little wet in the deep undergrowth.

A common site on Indonesian volcanoes, the vaccinium family Cantigi bush grows here and accordings to guides is a sign that volcanic activity is not dangerously high in the locality (otherwise it would have died). Sadly, the invasive Crocosmia / Montbretia plant also thrives here, which despite the nice orange flowers is a very difficult plant to get rid of in the UK, let alone the slightly warmer hill-tops of Dieng!

To the right, if you are lucky with the weather, you should be able to see the andesite pillar which allegedly gives Pakuwaja its name (‘paku’ means ‘nail’). This is best visited on your descent, so best stick to the ridge for now and continue to the grassy area which may have a simple sign informing you that you’re at the top of Dieng’s second highest hill.

There’s a slightly damaged summit pillar which is probably an old border marker of some sort, like the ones found on nearby Gunung Prau.

To the southwest of the summit is another top sufficiently separate enough to have its own name (Gunung Prambanan, 2,338m), and the ridge connecting the two is the favoured spot by local campers though it is quite likely you won’t meet any other groups. This ridge also alows some good views of the andesite pillar below and Gunung Bisma beyond.You may even see Gunung Slamet in the distance to the west and hopefully if the weather is good then Prau and Sindoro will both be clearly visible.

You will probably notice that the ridge with the pillar on divides what appears to be an old, marshy crater from another. It does indeed appear that there are at least two old craters here (smaller north-west and larger south-east) and on the way up you will probably have smelled sulphur from a side crater to the north, so like with much of this area there is still considerable activity beneath the surface here.

Retrace your steps and follow the ridge to the left with a cluster of Acacia trees growing on it. Veer left again to reach the base of the pillar itself (2,331m) which is probably around 25 metres tall. Head back to the junction and then southwest to the edge of the potato fields. From here it is easy to descend steeply to Sembungan village (2,117m) in about 30 minutes or just cut acorss to the nearby Sikunir Dieng Inn if you happen to be staying there.

Sembungan is allegedly the highest village in Java, and sits on the shores of yet another crater lake, Telaga Cebong.

An ojek back round to Dieng village (6km) should cost around Rp20,000 per person. If you do the hike in the opposite direction you may need to pay a little extra for ojeks if you want to start your hike at 4am or so. Best go with a guide if you are starting in the dark.

Gunung Sikunir (2,275m)

The popular, short hike up Gunung or Bukit Sikunir is best done for sunrise. The starting point, Sembungan, lies on the edge of a lake, Telaga Cebong, and at over 2,100m is said to be the highest village in all of Java. It takes about 20 minutes to reach by ojek from Dieng village (6 kilometres, around Rp30,000 per person during daylight). There are warungs and a carpark and at weekends the place will be full of mainly domestic tourists.

From there it’s just 20 minutes to the top of Gunung Sikunir on a very popular and well marked path, but it may take you longer if you get stuck behind a large group at weekends. You don’t really need a guide. The ‘golden sunrise’ is supposed to be particularly fine when viewed from Sikunir peak. 15 minutes or so after the golden sunrise on Sikunir, there is apparently a ‘silver sunrise’ at the Arjuna temple complex.

The stone trail up Sikunir has been ‘improved’ in recent years to catch up with the sheer volume of people on its slopes every weekend, to the extent that there are two prayer rooms on the mountain – one at 2,220m on a rare flat stretch of trail just below the summit area and one almost on the summit. The sunrise viewpoint (2,265m) has a small cement shelter and is where most hikers congregate, but it is worth having a look at the attractive rocks near the prayer room and the true summit (2,275m) which is much less popular and just 3 minutes to the north-east in what remains of forest on the top, overlooking Telaga Cebong and the car-park.

The peak of a very similar height just a few hundred metres to the south of Sikunir is the cultivated Gunung Seroja (2,252m) and is likely to be a good viewpoint as it overlooks the large lake to the south called Telaga Menjer which is a crater lake down at a much lower elevation of around 1,200m. It might be argued that Sikunir is actually simply the highest part of Seroja mountain which in total has three craters.

Gunung Bisma (2,365m)

A bit lower than Pakuwaja is the impressive-looking Gunung Bisma (2,359m on the Bako map, 2,365m according to other sources), also spelt Bismo, which lies a few kilometres west and forms the southern boundary of the plateau. It appears to be comprised of a huge crater wall that has been breached to the south-east in ancient times.

Gunung Bisma is a fabulous viewpoint and an excellent choice if you want to avoid the large crowds on Gunung Prau and can find a local person to take you to the top, though the trail on the Dieng side may be unclear unless it has been used recently.

There are at least three routes, but the best thing to do is to combine the easy route from a few kilometres out of Dieng village in Sikunang (around 2,064m) with the much lengthier and more challenging route up from the south (Silandak, Slukatan, 1,225m) via the southern ridge peak (2,331m). To combine these two makes for a brilliant ridge walk on a par with a full traverse of Gunung Prau, and starting on the Dieng side at Sikunang makes sense if you want to see the sunrise but don’t fancy camping as you can be at the top in just over one hour! In 2019, this trail is really more of a farmer’s track through potato fields and up onto the ridge, but it is highly likely there will be a basecamp and signs there before long.

Whilst the currently informal route from Sikunang is rarely used, has no signs or ticketing or basecamp, the Silandak route has all three and has in the last couple of years become very popular with local teenagers from Wonosobo and elsewhere in Central Java. On a Sunday morning you can expect to meet up to one hundred hikers on the southern end of the summit ridge (and perhaps around 5 or less at the northern end near Dieng!) This southern route requires 3-4 hours when hiking up with full camping gear, so assume around 2 hours for a descent that way with daypacks back to the Wonosobo area.

There are several peaks along the steep summit ridge as follows (from Sikunang in the north to Silandak in the south):

  • First flag peak (2,347m on GPS). Great for views over Dieng.
  • 2,368m peak which is just about flat enough for one or two small tents and has more vegetation.
  • North summit peak (2,370m on GPS and probably the 2,359m spot height on the Bakosurtanal map) which appears to be the highest of all the peaks on the ridge. There are summit signs here including one reading ‘2365m via Pulosari’ in 2019.
  • 2,367m peak which is another good vantage point and is near the junction (2,347m) for the less popular trail from Pulosari.
  • South summit peak (2,331m on GPS and probably the 2,319m spot height on the Bakosurtanal map). This is perhaps the most popular of all the peaks along the ridge because it is the closest one to Silandak which is by far the most popular trail. In 2019, the sign here reads ‘Mt Bismo 2338m’. There is also a large rock and a grave with a small fence around it.

Allow around one hour from the ridge walk from the first peak near Sikunang to the south summit peak with the grave. After the south summit peak, the trail leads steeply down so real care is needed as the drop on the left side especially is very considerable. At 2,230m is a junction where you turn right if heading down to Silandak. Soon after this is a popular camping area with good views. This is Pos 4 (2,208m). It then gets even steeper, with vines to hold on to in the steepest places. Pos 3 – Sigandul – follows at 2,053m.

Pos 2 (1,804m) is another popular camp area as is named Hutan Pakis (‘fern forest’) due to the extraordinary number of ferns growing here and it is quite beautiful in the early morning sunlight. Pos 1 (1,563m) is called Perbatasan and marks the start or end of the forest. There is a newly-constructed shelter here with a roof which would be ideal for a rest during rain.

From here, the trail descends through crop fields with cabbage, chili and potato. On Sunday mornings, there is usually a long line of local ojek men with their motorbikes waiting at 1,500m for any weary hikers to take back down to the Silandak basecamp but it can be walked in 30 minutes or so. The highest reaches of Silandak are at 1,278m but the basecamp is a little further down at 1,225m. Ojeks are easy to find here and it takes about 20 minutes to get back to Wonosobo.

Gunung Bisma appears to have been named after a character, Bhishma, in the Hindu epic Mahabharata and is therefore likely to have had its name for many, many centuries. However it appears that as the peak has grown in popularity over the last few years the preferred spelling by hikers and the Silandak basecamp is Bismo with an ‘o’ at the end.

For a local guide for Gunung Bisma and many other Dieng peaks, give Taufik a call on +6281229075300.

Gunung Rogojembangan (2,177m)

About 25 kilometres west of the Dieng area is another significant peak called Gunung Rogojembangan. It is no longer active but appears to have been part of the original crater wall in ancient times. Despite being close to Dieng, it actually takes around 90 minutes to reach from there. Most hikers approach the area from the north coast at Pekalongan, which is just over 2 hours from the foot of the mountain. The region is very similar to Dieng, with similar crops and only slightly warmer night-time temperatures.

Gunung Rogojembangan is usually climbed from Gumelem (1,550m).   Despite the already high elevation, it can take 2-3 hours to reach the peak as it is not very popular and the middle section of the trail is often overgrown with some bamboo sections (1,715m) requiring you to crawl under! From Gumelem, a brick path leads through farm fields before heading up to Jalan Simego (1,620m – an asphalt road) which is crossed. After this, the trail can be somewhat overgrown so unless a group has climbed it the same week it may require some patience! Pos 1 (Watu Cungur – 1,795m) is soon reached and not long after this the trail becomes clearer as you gain a pleasant forest ridge (1,925m).   After Pos 2 (Giri Selo Gilang – 2,020m), the trail gets very steep indeed, with ropes required to help you pull yourself up tricky sections which are very slippery in wet weather.

Once at the top you will go past a deep hole with a fence around it. Locals who are familiar with the mountain can find water here but for ordinary hikers it is not advised as the hole is very deep. The summit, known as Puncak Raja, is a small grassy area above a small garden with what look like a couple of simple graves of unknown antiquity. There are a few pitcher plants on the higher slopes of the mountain.   It takes most hikers just 1-2 hours to descend back to Gumelem.

Kawah Sinila, Kawah Candradimuka and Telaga Dringo

These are some of the more dangerous locations on Dieng Plateau and also some of the most interesting to visit, all near Pekasiran village. Telaga Dringo is a rathe pleasant but small crater lake. Lower down is Sinila crater. Sinila was the location of the 1979 tragedy in which 149 people died of gas poisoning in the nearby area. Afterwards villages here were abandoned. Just a few hundred metres to the east is Candradimuka which is a large pool of hot water and bubbling mud and the usual sulfurous emissions. In 2019, there is a sign warning of dangerous gas emissions here so please obey any such signs on your visit and keep whatever distance has been recommended.

There is also a well, Sumur Jalatunda, which is said to be around one hundred metres deep.

Kawah Pagerkandang and Kawah Sileri

Kawah Pagerkandang is a very obscure crater north of the main road between Dieng and Batur and is currently used entirely for agriculture. Aerial photos made by Oystein Lund Andersen in May 2019 reveal a truly beautiful scene of a near perfect crater entirely covered in vegetable fields, farmed to literally within a few inches of a fumarole! Perhaps there are some great vantage points of the scene from the rim that few people currently visit – ask in your hotel or local farmers.

Kawah Sileri is much more famous and considerable caution is advised as phreatic eruptions can occur with little to no notice (as has happened on a small number of occasions in recent years). This site is well signposted and is less than a ten minute drive west of Dieng village. The signs at the shelter overlooking the eerie crater lake suggest staying a minimum of 100 metres from the edge of the crater but you are likely to see farmers working the land almost down to the water’s edge! Sileri is best seen at late afternoon or dusk, with the ‘volcanic mist’ hovering and swirling just above the surface of the lake.

Kawah Sikidang and the Arjuna temple complex

Kawah Sikidang is probably the most visited crater on Dieng Plateau, due to its location close to Dieng village and its impressive bubbling mud pool which has water that ‘jumps’ like a ‘kidang/kijang’ (deer). There are many stalls here selling local potatoes, snacks, plants, sulphur (for your skin) and photos with and owl or two.

The main crater itself is only a few metres wide, but is continually bubbling and smoking away and in clear weather the view to the ancient crater wall of Gunung Prau is impressive from here.

Nearer to Dieng village is the famous Arjuna temple complex (the main cluster of temples on the Plateau) plus a museum (Kailasa) with information on flora and fauna and some ancient artefacts that are perhaps too precious to leave outdoors. There are two entrances to the temple complex and it is best to walk through from one side to the other and either walk back again or find an ‘ojek’ (informal motorbike taxi). From the centre of the complex it is a truly stunning scene with Gunung Prau as a backdrop.

If you have explored all the peaks and craters above and are still hungry for more you could do the very simple trek to the savanna below Gunung Pangonan (2,308m) which is close enough to Dieng village to be hiked directly from there and easy enough to accomplish in total in less than half a day. The 500m-wide savanna (part of the nature reserve named Cagar Alam Telogo Sumurup) is a pleasant spot, presumably once a crater, surrounded by forest presumably once an old crater wall, including the highest point. Gunung Pangonan actually forms the backdrop to Kawah Sikidang, and on the other side of the mountain (west of the peak) is yet another crater lake, Telaga Merdada which is apparently the largest lake on the Plateau.

Telaga Merdada can be seen from Pangonan summit ridge (2,257m) in clear weather, but most hikers here only visit the savanna itself below (2,157m) which is a straightforward trek that takes less than one hour and has several shelters on the route. The trail up the the summit ridge is marked at a junction just before the entrance to the savanna, but the true summit is overgrown and presumably very rarely visited by humans.

Peta Jalur Pendakian Dieng Plateau

Local Accommodation

Featured guides.

If you are a reliable local guide and would like to be featured on this page to increase your bookings, or a tourist who would like to support the development of a local guide business, please email [email protected] with the following information: Mountain name, guide name, guide location, guide contact details, and at least one English language review from a previous hiker who was pleased with the guiding services. An example is given below for reference. We have a maximum quota of 3 featured guides for each mountain page on the site. The fee for this is £20 (British pounds sterling, typically via the Wise app or PayPal) for a period of 1 year and helps to pay towards the ongoing development of the Gunung Bagging project.

  • Name and location: Pak Budi, Surabaya, East Java.
  • Contact details: +62812xxxxxxxx, [email protected], 
  • Review from previous client: “ Budi was a brilliant guide for our September 2023 trek up Gunung X and I would definitely recommend him to other tourists “, John, USA.


  • Getting there: Most people come to Dieng via Wonosobo from the south from either Yogyakarta or Purwokerto (from where there are frequent buses) and these are the easiest options. Those travelling from Jakarta are advised to get a train to Purwokerto then a bus up to Wonosobo (3 hours, Rp35,000). Then, take one of the many small buses plying the Wonosobo-Dieng-Batur route (1 hour, Rp20,000). The closest train station to Dieng is actually Weleri, Kendal, between Pekalongan and Semarang on the north coast. Unfortunately, only a handful of economy class trains stop here at present but it is hoped it will become a more important stop on the north coast main line in future. Note that in 2020, a military airbase called Sudirman Airport in Purbalingga is currently being renovated and will hopefully be open to the general public from 2021. This could make a weekend trip to Dieng from Jakarta much more efficient, time-wise. For now, Semarang and Yogyakarta airports are the closest. If you are feeling particularly adventurous the area can also be reached from the north if you take a bus from Pekalongan to Bawang (2 hours) and then an ojek (motocycle taxi) up into the hills as far south as you can (30 minutes). This northern route from Bawang to Dieng used to be passable but the bridge over the river was swept away many years ago. With due care, descend then cross the river on foot and rejoin the steep farm track at the other side of the river. The track ascends through farm plantation and soon you will be on a proper tarmac road again. There are plenty of villagers and farm workers in this area so you may be able to arrange another ojek to Dieng. If not, in total it is only 2 hours from the river to Dieng village itself and could well save you time if trying to reach the Plateau from the north. One other route in is from Banjarnegara to the southwest but given how windy the roads are and how unreliable the public transport is, this is perhaps for those with extra time or their own vehicle.
  • Guides and GPS Tracks: Want a PDF version for your phone? Looking for a guide? Need GPS tracks and waypoints?  Gunung Dieng information pack can be downloaded here .
  • Trip planning assistance: Would you like Gunung Bagging to personally help you in arranging your whole trip? Please contact us here .
  • Permits: Rp10,000 per hiker (in 2019) for Gunung Prau. Similar for Gunung Sikunir. Register at the relevant basecamp. All hiking trails usually closed January-March. Other hikes in the Dieng area tend to be obscure obscure enough not to have tickets or registration booths. As for craters, lakes and others sites, there are a variety of fees (mostly very reasonable). For Candi Arjuna (Arjuna temple complex) and Kawah Sikidang, one ticket including entry to both places costs Rp30,000 for foreigners or Rp15,000 for locals and KITAS/KITAP holders. Motorbike parking is typically Rp3,000 per site.
  • Water sources: Take enough bottled water with you for any significant hike such as Gunung Prau – in most cases one large 1.5l Aqua per person should suffice unless you are camping and cooking up there.

Local Average Monthly Rainfall (mm):


Origins and Meaning

Dataran Dieng = The Plateau of the Great Gods. Dieng seems to be a modern contraction of the words da – hyang. In Old Javanese da (sometimes ra ) is a kind of title in front of the name or title of someone of high rank, and hyang means “a god, goddess, deity”. So dahyang means “the great gods”. Compare this with the place name Parahyangan which is still in use today to denote the mountainous interior of West Java. Parahyangan consists of ra-hyang (the great gods) flanked by the prefix-suffix combination pa-an which signifies a place. So Parahyangan means “the place of the great gods”. (George Quinn, 2011)

Prau means ‘boat’ and refers to the shape of the actual mountain which looks like an upside-down boat (see also Tangkuban Parahu in West Java).

Links and References

Wikipedia English Wikipedia Indonesia

18 thoughts on “Dieng (Prau)”

trek gunung prau

You could visit the Dieng Plateau several times without knowing of the existence of the Pangonan savanna, a lovely grassy area presumably once an old crater. The only way you would know is if someone told you or you looked on the satellite version of Google Maps or similar. Anyway, it is well worth a half-day out, being easily walkable from most of the homestays in Dieng village.

Alas, the great majority of the homestays here are Shariah / Syariah, which to the owners means that they uphold the current populist form of moral integrity, presumably because these days Indonesian tourists far outnumber Westerners, similar to Malaysia’s Cameron Highlands. Dieng is an ancient site of great significance, with Hindu temples from the 7th/8th century, so sadly the irony of shariah hotels in such a place, entirely determined by a particular sectarian ideology from Saudi Arabia really is completely lost on most of the folk here. Never heard of a Hindu Hotel or a Catholic Hotel, in Indonesia or elsewhere.

The Arjuna temple complex opens at around 0730, the same time as the Pangonan basecamp, so depending on your itinerary you can pay Rp20,000 to take a shortcut from where most of the hotels are in Dieng village over to Pangonan, or alternatively walk round the longer way. I walked round the longer way because I set off before 0730 but cut back across to my hotel via the temple complex.

The basecamp was still shut at 0730 so I sent a message to a contact and was told just to start hiking! Upon my return just under 2 hours later it was still padlocked shut! The important thing is to turn right at the back of the basecamp and then it is obvious to take a left up some wooden steps and into the forest.

There are shelters every few minutes and you can be at the savanna in about 30-40 minutes. For those keen on getting a view of Telaga Merdada, take the summit trail from the junction just before the savanna. I saw some large droppings on the summit trail – some kind of ‘big cat’ I think. Within 15 minutes I was on the summit ridge where a bunch of local students were camping. Low cloud so no view of the lake on the other side but this would be the place. Folk do not seem that interested in bagging the true summit which is to the right. I followed the trail for 10 minutes, crawling under vegetation before thinking better of continuing when there would be no view anyway. Taking a left from the camp is much easier, to the south-western top which has some kind of sensor on it. Again no view when I was there but might be very pleasant in better conditions.

I visited the savanna on the way back – a lovely spot growing in popularity since the trail was opened by Governor Ganjar in Feb 2016. You only really need 2 hours to do the return hike, or 3 if you fancy having a go at the true summit!

Note on getting to Dieng. We decided to try to approach Dieng from the Semarang side this time, but overall I would say getting the fast little buses from Purwokerto is a much, much better option unless you have your own private vehicle. All 3 of the ‘travels’ that we used were unprofessional and unreliable. Every single one of them! They got progressively worse. I was mad at the time but it is quite funny now, the murky depths to which these companies can sink to in terms of unprofessionalism.

First up was Kencana Travel from Kudus to Semarang. After booking online they called to say it was already full, as if it was somehow our fault for booking rather than theirs for taking our money and not updating the website. They stuck us on an earlier shuttle, which meant getting up earlier than we wanted and having a long wait in Semarang for shuttle number 2 to Wonosobo.

Up next was Aragon Transport. Arogan Transport would be a better description. They asked us to be at the starting point earlier than the arranged time. Fine. We set off early – unusual in a positive way. This soon turned out to be less positive, with the driver going all over the city picking customers up, way off the main route. At 2pm, over an hour after departing we were still in Semarang. Quicker and cheaper to get the normal buses. Indeed, the claim that we would be in Wonosobo by 1530 was complete garbage. We didn’t arrive until nearly 1800.

And then the next day, we had booked with Mitra Trans to take us from Wonosobo at 1300, to arrive at 1530 in Semarang (again, nonsense as the minimum travel time is realistically around 3 and a half hours). But, as usual, they couldn’t just do what they had promised but had to phone up at 9am to ask if we wanted to take the 11am shuttle instead of the 1pm one. As I was still hiking I said we had better stick to the 1300 one, as we still had to get the bus back down to Wonosobo from Dieng. We waited in a café in Wonosobo when we got the message that the shuttle would arrive at around 2pm (one hour late). We asked where it was. Purbalingga apparently. Probably picking up a customer from some ludicrous distance away from the actual route of the journey. As we had to get rapid antigen tests done in Semarang for the train home we were worried this was going to end in trouble. So Mitra Trans man found us an alternative ‘travel’ that would pick us up at the arranged time of 1pm.

Unfortunately when it arrived, it was not a proper minibus but rather a dirty old car with other passengers and no social distancing possible. For 135,000 a seat this was a scam. But we needed to get to Semarang so we stuck with it. Unfortunately, the driver pulled in to Wonosobo bus terminal. Presumably for lunch or a smoke or something. Very frustrating. After 30 minutes we were still waiting for this utter pillock to get back to the vehicle and I was livid, so we got out and walked away, ordering an expensive Grabcar to take us all the way to Semarang. At this point, the driver suddenly got up and came running over to say we would be leaving now, but it was already 1345 – and who could guess what nonsense would happen next?

Folk want to get from A to B, but many Indonesian travel operators seem to try to do anything but get you from A to B, even though it is the main aim of the service. They are about as unprofessional as it is possible to be, doing things on their terms, not according to the wishes of their customers or the agreed timetable. Mitra Trans have not yet agreed to give a refund of our 270,000 and probably won’t because they think this level of service is normal, presumably because most of their passengers do not complain and seemingly acccept a 3.5hr journey taking nearly all day even when there is a published timetable which people book with in mind.

So… avoid the travels from Semarang to Purwokerto via Wonosobo – utter garbage! Are they incompetent or do they deliberately treat their customers with disdain? Probably a mixture of both.

The Java Lava hiking group in Jakarta have just released their intended schedule of trips for 2021, covid-dependent. Hilariously, a Gunung Bismarck is listed again, as it was for 2020 (a schedule that was postponed) as part of a Dieng trip.

According to all reliable maps of the region, no mountain with the name Gunung Bismarck (!) exists in the Dieng area, and they presumably mean Gunung Bisma / Bismo! If anyone does discover a Gunung Bismarck on the Dieng Plateau, please get in touch!

Just made another weekend trip to Dieng – planned the usual route…train to Purwokerto then bus to Wonosobo then smaller bus up to Dieng. Things didn’t run as smoothly as on previous trips due to a few issues – some specific to the management of sites at Dieng, and some specific to transport. These things are ok once in a while, but when you have a whole series of hassles your trip ends up being rather unpleasant. I can understand why private cars are increasingly popular – precisely because you avoid much of this nonsense.

The first was before we even got to Gambir to catch the train. Ordering a large Gocar for 4 passengers costs more this year due to the social distancing thing so you need a 7-seater – anyway, naturally after ordering this, the car turns up and it is not the car registered on the app and it is just normal size rather than a 7-seater. So the choice is complain and re-order and be delayed, or just accept it and get on with it, with no social distancing and the driver getting a cash bonus without providing what was promised. This is all too common and why Indonesia will likely remain a developing country – so little integrity and honesty to be found on a daily basis. But plenty of short-cuts, scams and hassles.

The train ride was pleasant as usual, and on time as usual, but no coffee available for the entire journey. Imagine that, a coffee producing country but you can’t even get a black coffee in the dining car on the train. Given that KAI sorely need the profit this year, you wonder why they let things slip so far that their stock is so limited and they miss out on food and drinks sales. No logic from the point of view of a customer. Perhaps it’s best to bring your own flask at present! Bizarre.

The next was at Purwokerto train station, where there is the usual scrum of locals waiting for passengers to try to offer them transport. Quite a few wearing a uniform of sorts, but our ‘taxi’ driver didn’t have a meter and was driving just a regular car. So, you have to discuss the price. Rp50,000 to the bus terminal is acceptable but I have no idea if that was being over-charged as there is no level of professionalism beyond the shirt that makes them look official even if they are anything but. It’s just a guy with a car wearing the same top as several of his mates.

Why is it not regulated better? But I could say the same for places like Kampung Rambutan bus station in Jakarta and the anti-Grab mafia at many airports though – people think they can follow you around and bully you into paying them some money for a below-par service. The authorities need to regulate these places and make them more orderly. It is not complicated, but any rules are just ignored it would seem. But it makes for an unenjoyable experience especially for foreigners who get more attention than wanted anyway.

The next was Purwokerto bus terminal, where there are a lot of folk sitting around doing very little except waiting for a new potential customer to arrive. Sadly, their behaviour would be regarded as harassment in most countries and if you are in a group you will be followed by these people, each trying to ask a different member of the group, all trying to make some cash out of you but acting like they just want to help. We were ushered into a ticket booth for tickets on to Wonosobo and I asked how much and he had to think first, as if it was the first time he had ever sold a ticket! Or rather, he was wondering how much he could get away with asking for after weighing me up. Presumably he was thinking ‘foreigner so can charge more, but speaks Indonesian so not too much more’. Finally out came Rp50,000, a lot more than the Rp30,000 of last year and making a real difference when you are paying for 4 tickets so I just walked out and dodged the guys who continued to follow.

It’s a shame because the bus terminal itself is quite nice by Java standards. Bulupitu is the name. But whoever is managing it needs to look at doing something to stop these guys from following customers around. It is as if the experience of the bus passengers is not as important as a rude mob following you around and trying to make some profit out of you. Their right to hassle you is more important than your right to be left alone. I understand it has been a hard year but it is really bad manners to harass customers like this. Just set up a fair system that benefits all and makes the travel experience pleasant. Perhaps this is simply too hard a task.

When the bus driver of the next Wonosobo bus was found he didn’t respond verbally to my question about ticket price, but merely put up 4 fingers and continued smoking his cigarette, perhaps wondering if I would be so stupid as to pay Rp400,000. Too cool to just say ‘Rp40,000, mister’ as is the standard expected from someone in such a circumstance. It was the usual small type of bus for this route going very, very fast, almost exhilaratingly so. But it turned out we paid an extra Rp5,000 per person more than we should have done. Again, the local government needs to regulate these services better.

We arrived in Wonosobo at around 4pm, getting off at the road junction at the A Yani statue. Again, lots of folk milling around smoking and trying to make some money, chatting with us but more than we wanted, to the point of extreme nosiness and thinking up ways they could make a quick buck by ojekking us somewhere. Sometimes you just want to be left alone – imagine if any of these guys were being followed around when not standing on home turf – they’d absolutely hate it. We were just waiting for the bus, but it was like being on stage in a wayang orang, but a wayang orang you really aren’t interested in being part of.

No Dieng/Batur buses came for a period of over 30 minutes so we ended up with Grab which turned out to be a local taxi. At Rp225,000 for the last leg of the journey it dented our budget a bit as the bus would have been Rp20,000 each, but it seems there are hardly any doing the route after mid-afternoon which is pretty annoying. Indeed, the Rp500,000 that the ‘taxi’ driver at Purwokerto train station quoted to take us all the way to Dieng might have been a better idea for a group of 4 as it would have avoided all the transit points and hassle and only been Rp100,000 extra. Sometimes you are exhausted before you even reach your destination. So it was a welcome relief to eat kentang goreng and drink a beer at the genuinely friendly Bu Djono’s. This is where we hired motorbikes.

We did Sikunir the following morning, and it was completely packed – almost impossible to social distance. The weather was below average so not much of a sunrise but a pleasant stroll nonetheless. But the number of tickets you need to buy is over-the-top. Two each for entry (one is Rp5,000 and another Rp10,000) about 1km before the trailhead plus a parking ticket at the start of the path. It’s a waste of paper and feels like every damn kilometre you are being asked to pull over and open your wallet. It gets tedious. A Rp50,000 ticket for all places on the Plateau would be much preferable.

We called at Sikidang on the way back, but the entrance was different to the standard one I remembered from previous trips. Not sure what is going here. The signs guide you down near the geothermal plant along a rocky track. There’s a ticket booth, but it’s just a little wooden booth with two guys asking for money. No tickets given but paid Rp10,000 per person. You can’t always trust the signs, even if they look fairly official!

Towards the crater itself there is building work going on (it feels like this is the case almost everywhere in Indonesia – construction work, chainsaws, circular saws, workmen, noise, people revving motorbikes without good reasons, people staring at you). There’s a new wooden walkway from the proper entrance but it is not finished and as usual there is no alternate route to the crater set up – just people improvising by clambering over dirt and mud. A real mess. Pleasant scenery if you could avoid all the construction work in your vision.

Back at the parking spot and we had to pay again for parking the motorbikes. No tickets so probably unofficial. Over at Candi Arjuna we were told our temple tickets would get us free entry to Sikidang too. Kind of annoying that we had just been there and been given no tickets at some dodgy half-official entrance. As seems to be the theme of this weekend, what are the authorities doing, allowing 2 different Sikidang entrances with official-looking signs? The visitor just feels scammed. Have the authorities tried and just given up when so many locals ignore rules, or not even bothered to try in the first place? So, we had to pay again, for a ticket that would get us free entry to Sikidang via the normal route. And the Candi Arjuna exit route is quote unnecessary – just sending you on a long loop past another guy with his hand out for money and ten stalls selling exactly the same items for (one assumes) identical prices. What a mess. It feels very disorganized in 2020.

Sad that all this harassment colored the weekend somewhat – both the excessive ticketing, construction work and semi-fake or unofficial entrances round Dieng and the transport hassles. But the Plateau of course remains a great spot, especially if you can avoid the weekend crowds. Shaun The Shep (sic!) and the teletubby men were at the temples as usual, adding to the surrealism, but when you look behind the costumes or context you see your interaction with them is, like so many, just another way of them saying ‘give me money, mister’.

After Gunung Kembang (Child of Sindoro) I headed to Dieng for some kentang goreng and much needed rest after a night with no sleep. The next morning, Taufik picked me up at Bu Djono’s at 4am for our planned traverse of the fantastic Gunung Bisma. I would say this is almost as good as Gunung Prau – brilliant views at sunrise and a great, long ridgewalk. You could of course head back to Dieng rather than heading all the way down to SIlandak, but the traverse is the best way of getting to understand more of the character of the mountain.

At present Gunung Bisma / Bismo is very much a mountain of two sides, with very few hiking from the Dieng side and no signs, and then perhaps 100 or more hiking on weekends from the southern side at Silandak. Lots of campers up there. We had great weather, started around 4.20am and were down in Silandak by 8.30am or so, with 30 minutes or so spent admiring the views from the long summit ridge. I then got an ojek to Wonosobo (Rp40,000) and took one of those little hurtling buses back to Purwokerto for the train home. Lovely views from the Bumiayu area towards Gunung Slamet, which at present is off limits due to increased volcanic activity.

If you’ve done Prau and find yourself back in the Dieng area, this comes highly recommended. I predict there will be a basecamp on the Dieng side in the next year or two as it is such a great viewpoint and pretty easy!

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Went up yesterday morning, by the standard route from Dieng village. Left in the dark around 04.40. Basecamp was still sleeping so no entry fee to pay. Got up to the ridge around 05.20, by which time it was light. Sunrise proper was around 05.30. The first part of the trail is a sort of farm track which has been turned into a wet gully by scooters. The ascent, thru the wood, is badly eroded, a mass of completely exposed tree roots. Really, they need to install some stones as steps here. Met a school group on the way up. The ridge walk itself however is better defined and really pleasant. Lots of birds. I only went about 1km along it to get to the first open view of Sindoro and Sumbing, before turning back. There were a few locals up there but it was fairly quiet. And almost no litter at all, such a pleasant surprise! Amazing views all round. Sunrise itself is perhaps overrated, and no sign of clouds on the horizon a couple of hours later. So going up a bit later would have been fine.

Spent a very pleasant weekend up on the Dieng Plateau. Got one of the trains from Pasar Senen to Purwokerto on Friday after work, staying at Wisata Niaga which was in surprisingly celebratory mood despite being Ramadan. The next morning took a Grab to the bus terminal and got in one of the many small buses that hurtle from Purwokerto to Wonosobo via Purbalingga and Banjarnegara.

There is a new airport (or rather an old military airport renovated and opened to the public) supposedly in operation from 2020 which depending on flight times might make the journey to Dieng an easier one. But, aside from climate change, the train journey is pleasant enough and the buses go fast enough for you never to feel that you are not making good progress. Bus costs Rp30,000 which is very reasonable for the distance. Under 3 hours.

In Wonosobo, make sure you get off at the fork in the road (the driver should call out for Dieng) or else you will end up at the bus terminal which is several kilometres in the wrong direction. Once again, there are tons of buses heading from Wonosobo to Batur via Dieng village (one had arrived within 5 minutes of waiting) and at the time of writing the cost is Rp20,000 (under one hour). So basically only Rp50,000 per person all the way from Purwokerto to Dieng.

We had booked as usual at Bu Djono as they have knowledgeable guys working there, adequate rooms in a central location, good kentang goreng and beer available (unlike all the syariah hotels that have sprung up over the last few years to cater to domestic tourists).

Dwi is still working there, as is Taufik, who I later found out was my guide back in May 2010 when i first visited the area. This was before social media catapulted Gunung Prau from a place nobody bothered with to a sunrise selfie spot that is frankly too popular now. Taufik recalled I stayed at Gunung Mas Hotel that first time and he remembered it well because I was the first tourist he took up the mountain!

We borrowed a bike and sped round the usual sites. Light rain but even in bad weather Dieng is a special and atmospheric place. I noted once again the nasturtiums growing up the walls of abandoned buildings and on the verges near Telaga Warna. These plants are well-known in the UK for their edible, peppery flowers, but not many know you can eat the leaves too. Lovely on a cheese sandwich. Maybe there’s an opportunity to build a business of some kind selling nasturtium-based products or snacks. I would definitely buy it.

Dieng was a little quieter that usual with it being Ramadan, but Bu Djono was busy at lunchtime with day-trippers from Yogyakarta, including a group of Chinese one of whom was startled when upon asking for the wifi password was told to order first. She said she had already ordered, and the reply came that yes, they knew, and the password for wifi was order first! I bought some Wonosobo coffee from the counter and am looking forward to tasting it later this week at work.

Sikidang crater was quiet, with stalls shut for Ramadan, and none of the fern vases for sale (vas pakis motif batik) which are utterly beautiful and look like incredibly detailed art yet are simply intricate patterns on highland fern trunks from Ibu Alam herself. As we were walking round the temple complex, air raid-esque sirens rang out piercing the air at half past five to let people know they could finally break their fast and eat once again without incurring the wrath of god.

Amazingly bumped into Oystein from Jakarta, who was here to do some aerial photography. The same week he made some great images including a particularly brilliant one of the entirely cultivated Pagerkandang crater.

The original plan was to get pre-dawn ojeks round to Sembungan and hike over Pakuwaja and all the way back to Dieng village but for a couple of reasons we ended up doing it in reverse. It didn’t make much difference as there was sadly rather a lot of low cloud around. Still a worthwhile hike though whatever the weather, and presumably an incredible viewpoint in clear conditions. Recommended to anyone who doesn’t want to be surrounded by hundreds of other hikers up on Prau and Sikunir.

I have to come back later in the year anyway, for a traverse of Gunung Bisma. Plan would be to hike up to the top for dawn from the Dieng side and then continue all the way down to the other trailhead down vaguely in the direction of Wonosobo. I may combine this with a hike up Gunung Kembang on the SW slopes of Gunung Sindoro – another great viewpoint.

Mas Taufik was a great hiking companion after 9 years since the last time, and I wholeheartedly recommend him (and also Dwi as recommended below in a previous comment) as an enthusiastic and knowledgeable guide for any of the Dieng hikes. Here is Taufik’s WhatsApp number…… 081229075300

One of the few significant peaks in Java I hadn’t explored until this week was Gunung Rogojembangan. Given how short the hike is, I decided to do a mad bag by getting a trail to Pekalongan arriving at midnight, going with Bang Ahmad on his motorbike to the base, hiking up for dawn and then back down and out to Pekalongan and back on a train at 12 lunchtime back to Jakarta (5 hour train journey). Alas the weather was cloudy and we had slight rain – the best views were at Gambir at dusk as I boarded the train – very atmospheric views over Monas. The trail itself was tougher than expected, mainly because the middle section was overgrown and with very low bamboo making it difficult for anyone over 1 metre tall. You really have to expect a bit of crawling here! It was well worth it despite the lack of views. The journey itself from Pekalongan is very scenic, as you head up into the hills from sea level to over 1,500m. Many thanks to Bang Ahmad and his friends for so kindly taking me to this place.

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A very good mountain with a view, Sunrise and the peak is so beautiful.

Definitely one of the best viewpoints in Java. Glad to have made it back to Prau for a second time, especially as the weather was much better this time around. As with many of the ‘previously quiet’ hikes in Java such as Parang, Butak and so on, this is now an incredibly busy spot at weekends with local hikers, but the crowds are mostly just at the Patakbanteng junction area of the ridge so you can still find beautiful solitude by walking in the opposite direction for five minutes.

We did a circuit of both central Java and Gunung Prau itself. Friday night train from Jakarta to Purwokerto, then a bus the next morning from perhaps Java’s cleanest bus terminal on the edge of Purwokerto up to Wonosobo (Rp30,000, under 3 hours). There seem to be small buses or minivans continuing up to Dieng from time to time but we wanted to get up there rather than wait around so we got a metered taxi direct to Bu Djono’s for Rp170,000. It took about 45 minutes including 5 minutes of delay at a recent landslide area where the road is being carefully reconstructed, or ‘rehabilitated’ according to the bizarre signs.

The main Dieng tourist attractions are much as the same as before, with people dressed up as Shaun the Sheep and various Teletubbies characters for you to get a photo taken with them. Also now various owls chained up at Kawah Sikidang so Harry Potter fans can get owl photos – though the owls themselves can’t enjoy this much, being nocturnal beasts. Little chunks of giant fern trunks also for sale – very beautiful, as though the intricate pattern had been designed. If you made the terrible error of being born in a foreign country and don’t have a KITAS or KITAP, you now have to pay Rp100,000 (Monday-Friday) or Rp150,000 (weekends) to visit Telaga Warna, though the experience at weekends is almost certainly not 50% better than at other times. Watch out for the beautiful but deadly angel’s trumpets flowers (Brugmansia) which grow in abundance at Telaga Warna and Arjuna temples – if ingested these things can take you on a mind-bending trip of a very negative and potentially fatal nature.

The hike itself was wonderful – especially the litter-free descent to Wates, but perhaps in another 7 years the Wates route will be crowded too. It would be great if a route heading directly north was more obvious and popular, as getting up to the north coast is still a bit time-consuming considering the distances involved. Indeed, the bus journey to Pekalongan was harder on the legs than the hike itself! Most notable incident was when the guy sitting next to me got up to disembark at Onion village and dragged a huge turkey from under our seat that had been resting, tied up, just centimetres from my ankles. I had no idea.

Finally, there are some interesting fines listed on official basecamp leaflets. Some are very worthwhile, such as for the use of trailbikes on the mountain, the leaving behind of rubbish, and the chopping down of trees. Others are slightly more moralistic and eccentric, such as a fine of ‘3 bibit’ for urinating into a bottle, ‘4 bibit’ for ‘carrying alcoholic drinks’, and ’10 bibit’ plus being reported to the authorities for committing adultery up on Teletubbies hill. Still trying to get my head around the ‘bibit’ system of fines, but my best guess is that this is a way of reforesting the higher slopes by planting new trees as ‘bibit’ means ‘seed’.

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Nice and very helpful article! My friends are planning to also hike Mt. Prau this coming month. We will come straight from Jogja and go to Semarang after. Any idea on how to get to Semarang from Dieng?

Just back from a second trip to Dieng. One of the most fascinating and friendly spots in Indonesia. To save time, we caught the train to Purwokerto on Friday evening and then took a bus to Wonsobo the following morning. There are buses running about every 10 or 15 minutes and most of the shoot along at terrifying speed. Cost was Rp25,000 per person and took 3 hours or just under.

Once in Wonosobo we had trouble finding transport on to Dieng as there may be more than one bus station (‘terminal’) so we ended up getting a taxi up there for Rp125,000. Nusa Indah 2 is a very central place to stay, new and clean but the sound from the mosque is incredibly deafening at 4am so if you have to get up early it’s ideal but if you want a lie in then it’s a terrible place to stay!

Met a very friendly chap called Dwi at Bu Djono homestay and restaurant (the best place to eat in Dieng) who has a website and speaks excellent English and is highly recommended. One of the best guides in Indonesia. His number is 085310791967.

The afternoon we took ojeks round to the main sites (Rp50,000 for the circuit of the main natural attractions). Bizarrely, there were men dressed as teletubbies at the Arjuna temple complex. Kawah Sileri remains relatively unpopular as it is 3 km or so out of town and that’s great – it’s a brilliant spot to sit in the late afternoon/dusk and watch the smoke swirl above the lake.

The short hike up Gunung Sikunir was planned for the following morning but early morning rains and too much beer the night before meant this was delayed until 9am. You really need transport to get out to the starting point, Sembungan, which lies on the edge of a lake, Telaga Cebong, and at 2300m is said to be the highest village in Java. It takes about 20 minutes by ojek from Dieng village. There are warungs and a carpark and at weekends the place will be full of mainly domestic tourists.

From there it’s just 20 minutes to the top of Sikunir (2,394m) on a very popular and well marked path. You don’t need a guide, but at present it’s Rp120,000 per person to do the sunrise hike including transport from Bu Djono homestay. Not bad at all. Sikunir is not the highest peak in this little area – even it’s less-often climbed neighbour Pakuwojo is a little higher at 2411m. However the ‘golden sunrise’ is supposed to be particularly fine. 15 minutes or so after the golden sunrise on Sikunir, there is apparently a ‘silver sunrise’ at the Arjuna temple complex.

We tried the local herb, Purwaceng, which is for sale everywhere round Dieng, and mixed with coffee and so on, and is apparently good for ‘male stamina’ amongst other things.

From the top of Sikunir the views were on this occasion limited by the clouds but the view over the lake below and to the Wonosobo road and viewpoint are excellent anyway.

After that it was back to Bu Djono for more delicious local kentang goreng (friend potatoes). We then decided to try the other route back to Purwokerto (down to Banjarnegara). We got ojeks for 140,000 per person (including calling off at the fascinating kawah Candradimuka on the way) and it was pretty good value consider the distance and scenery (it’s about 58km away). You could theoretically get minivans all the way down but this would involve a lot of waiting around for the vans to fill up. From Banjarnegara you are back on the main road between Purwokerto and Wonosobo so it’s easy to get a bus back west.

Dwi told us that there are some pitcher plants growing up on Gunung Prau. I never noticed this last time, so I may make another visit to the area sometime before too long.

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prau mt, nice place in the world 🙂

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hi, is it possible if i use motobike from jogja to dieng? i was plan just to visit the lake and villagers.

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yes its possible. it takes about 4 hours on bike

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Residents in the Dieng area are being evacuated after the volcano spews poisonous gas….

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Most visitors to Dieng Plateau would visit Gunung Sikunir for the sunrise. However when doing research using Google Earth, I found Gunung Prahu to be the tallest mountain in the region, offering a better view as well. Since this mountain is rarely visited, photos and reports are almost unavailable elsewhere on the net except on Gunung Bagging.

I arranged for a guide at Bu Djono’s Homestay on the second day at Dieng Plateau and started the hike at round 2pm, planning to stay overnight on the mountain. The starting point is just to the east of Dieng village. The hike was a 1.5 hours of ascend trough jungles followed by another 1 hour’s ridge walk (The summit rigion of the mountain is a long ridge). The ascending part was pretty slippery for my case since it rained like mad the previous day, and I can’t really comment on the view since I was shrouded in mist all the time. The ridge walk, though, was an easy and pleasant one through flower beds full of daisies.

The placed I camped is probably Gunung Patakbanteng as mentioned in Daniel’s trip report on Gunung Bagging. The place is marked with a short cement pillar and is the southern end of the summit ridge, further down southwest is PatakBanteng village. There are plenty of space to camp near the pillar, however the west is obstructed by a taller hill. The top of the hill is covered with tall trees with little space to camp. To get a bird’s eye view of the west, one has to climb up this hill. In terms of weather, it wasn’t as windy as those 3000m peaks in Java, but the relatively higher humidity made up for it.

The sunset was completely clouded out for my case, and my camp site was constantly shrouded in mist till midnight. It all cleared up after around 2am, and the sky was full of stars. Gunung Sindoro and Sumbing could be seen faintly lit up by starlight. The camp site offered a completely unobstructed view towards the east and south, and the morning view of Central Java peaks is unbelievable. Gunung Lawu, Merapi, Merbabu, Ungaran, as well as nearby Gunung Sumbing and Sindoro make for a surreal and incredibly photogenic sight. Rolling sea of clouds for my case further added to the view. To get a view of the west, I hiked up the small hill to the west mentioned earlier. The view as a pleasant surprise to me as smoking Gunung Slamet and distant Gunung Ciremai came into view, since I didn’t expect to view to be so extensive. The whole Dieng Plateau, numerous villages, craters, and even Arjuna Temple Complex could be seen. Major tourist attractions such as Kawah Sikidang (mud volcano) and Telega Warna (multi-hued lake) are impressive viewed from up above.

I chose to descend southwest to Patakbanteng village. The trail was similar to the ascending trail, taking less than 2 hours, again pretty slippery for my case. The view west and south was fantastic in open areas. Gunung Sumbing gradually went hidden behind Gunung Sindoro as I descended. There are freuquent buses to Dieng village stopping at Patakbanteng.

I could say that Gunung Prahu offers one of the best summit views in Java, and it will not dissappoint any hiker on a clear day. The hike is also less demanding with a mild camping condition, campared to those 3000m peaks in Java. I’m really surprised why this one is so rarely hiked. Rating? 10 out of 10.

i like ur poto in prau :thumbup

Thanks very much for the great report Jia. When I went, I climbed onto the north-west to south-east ridge that is Gunung Prau/Prahu via the mast above Dieng village at the north-west end. I didn’t descend to Patakbanteng so never got as far as the pillar you camped at at the south-eastern end of the ridge. Using my GPS I found the true summit to be an unmarked spot on the ridge between the pillar you camped at and the telehone mast at the north-western end of the ridge above Dieng village. Many thanks for sending your great photos in too, we will be transferring all galleries over to Google’s Picasa in due course. Cheers.

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  • Buy Borobudur Ticket
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4 Guides Before Hiking Mount Prau Dieng, The Best Time In July To August

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Mount Prau has become a favorite mountain for many climbers in Jawa Tengah because the beauty of Mount Prau has succeeded in making anyone miss it. Most climbers say that the sunrise on Mount Prau is the best in Southeast Asia.

Mount Prau is located in the Dieng Plateau area, Jawa Tengah, and is the boundary between four regencies, Batang, Kendal, Temanggung, and Wonosobo Regencies. The height of Mount Prau reaches 2,565 meters above sea level and it is a mountain that is full of beginner climbers.

Therefore, every weekend Mount Prau is always filled with climbers. Especially to enjoy the panoramic view of the sunrise while taking a break from the hustle and bustle of the city. For tourists who have plans to climb Mount Prau, consider the guides that you must know below:

1. Number of basecamps

There are six official basecamps or starting points for climbing Mount Prau; Dieng, Patakbanteng, Kalilembu, Dwarawati, Wates, and Igirmranak.

Of these six basecamps, Dieng and Patakbanteng basecamps are the climbers' favorites. The location is near the main highway.

To reach Mount Prau basecamp in Dieng or Patakbanteng, tourists can also use public transportation. At Mendolo Bus Terminal, Wonosobo, there are already a lot of microbuses that drive climbers directly to these two basecamps, a.k.a without transit in some places.

However, climbers must be patient for a while at the terminal. Usually, the bus conductor will wait until the bus is full first, then leaves for the destination.

2. The Best Time

July to August is the best time to climb Mount Prau. The weather in these months is sunny. Climbers can enjoy the atmosphere of sunrise and sunset. The clear blue sky without clouds lies stunningly in the daytime.

Apart from these three months, climbers can still climb. It is just that the weather is not as sunny as July to August. Occasionally, fog and even rain come in November or December, making climbing difficult.

What to watch out for when climbing in July to August is beware of cold temperatures because it was the dry season. So cold, the air temperature can be below 0 degrees Celsius. It can even form ice dew.

So, don't forget to bring climbing equipment that is safe and suitable for cold air. Don't let the intention to witness the magical sunrise of Mount Prau fail because you don't bring a thick jacket.

From January to March or April, Mount Prau will usually be completely closed. This closure has become an annual routine for the management. The main reason is the weather factor which has entered the rainy season. The closure also aims for ecosystem restoration, repair and maintenance of pathways, reforestation or reforestation, and cleaning of waste.

3. Entrance Ticket Prices and Facilities

For a climbing registration ticket, every Mount Prau climber will be charged 15,000 IDR. In addition to getting a ticket, usually climbers will get a map as a guide and a trash bag.

Meanwhile, to enjoy basecamp facilities such as toilets and others, climbers are only charged 10,000 IDR. Climbers can also rest at basecamp before or after climbing. Including if you want to spend the night so you can climb to the top the next day.

Supporting facilities at the Mount Prau basecamp are very complete. In addition to representative toilets and bathrooms, there are also parking lots, food stalls, gift shops, and supermarkets. Places to stay or homestay are also around the basecamp including camping equipment rental places.

4. Rules for climbing in the midst of a pandemic

As this article is written, the Dinas Pariwisata dan Kebudayaan or Wonosobo Tourism and Culture Office (Disparbud) is currently implementing a climbing trial. After being closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Mount Prau has re-opened its hiking trail. However, this opening to the public is still in the testing phase.

The plan is that Mount Prau climbing tours with the implementation of health protocols will last for 30 days starting July 3, 2020. Well, because climbing in the midst of a pandemic, of course, there are a number of conditions that climbers must comply with.

First, there is a limit on the number of visits to Mount Prau by 25 percent. For the Patakbanteng basecamp, the climbing quota is 600 people per day and the Dieng and Wates basecamps are 250 people. Dwarawati and Igirmranak basecamps are 100 people each and Kalilembu basecamps are 200 people per day.

The second rule, there is a limitation on the duration or length of the visit. At Mount Prau, climbers must have descended before 12.00 WIB. In addition, climbing for more than one day is temporarily prohibited during the trial period unless special permission is given.

Third, Mount Prau only accepts climbers from Jawa Tengah and the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY). Climbers must also be in good health. This can be proven by a health certificate valid for seven from the area of ​​origin. Thus, climbers do not have to have a rapid test / PCR / swab test.

If you don't bring a health certificate, climbers can check their health at the Dieng Health Center or the Kejajar Health Center. The fee is only 20,000 IDR, provided that you have an ID card or a photocopy of a family card.

At basecamp, climbers must maintain a distance of at least 1 meter from each other. Meanwhile, when walking or climbing, keep a safe distance of 2-3 meters. Hikers must also wear masks. Hand sanitizer is something that must be carried by every climber.

With this set of rules, are you ready to climb Mount Prau? If you are, let's pack your backpack and follow the health protocols, okay? (*Contributor)

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trek gunung prau

  • Our Stories

trek gunung prau

Mount Prau – Peak of the golden sunrise

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We are a team with passion of outdoor activity and we are happy to talk to you.


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Mount Prau is one of the best place to see the Golden Sunrise.

Adventure Details

This would be a short, easy day hike with family and friends with an excellent ridge walk along a clear path. Mount Prau 2,565 above sea level is the highest point in Dieng area, one of the most fascinating and friendly spot in Indonesia. The mountain is offering one of the best summit views in Java with a golden sunrise, views of surrounding mountains in Central Java and it will not disappoint any hikers on a clear day

Trip Summary

  • Enjoy the magnificent sunrise from the top of Mount Prau
  • Start/End: Jakarta, Semarang or Yogyakarta
  • Duration: 2 days (including traveling day from local airport)
  • Elevation 2,565m located in Central Java, Indonesia
  • Trekking distance 8 km (round trip)
  • Elevation gain from the entry point of Mt Prau : 669 m
  • Accommodation: Homestay or camping
  • Easy, suitable for family hike

What We Offer

  • Best value for excellent hassle-free services – either you are seeking for a challenging adventure or simply want to enjoy quiet time with the nature, your trips will be fully supported and equipped and freshly-cooked meals
  • Attention to safety and punctuality without diminishing personal touch

Departure & Return Location

Jakarta/ Semarang/ Yogyakarta

Price Includes

  • 2 days of HASSLE FREE ADVENTURE, which included meals as indicated in the itinerary
  • Certified and English speaking mountain guide
  • Mountain Entrance Fees
  • Roundtrip overland transfer from Yogyakarta/ Semarang airport to Mt Prau basecamp at Kali Lembu village, 4 hours drive
  • 2 bottle of 1,500ml of mineral water/day/person during trekking
  • Standard first aid kit
  • Camping equipment, including comfortable tents, sleeping bag, inflatable & thermal mattress, lights, chairs and camping tables
  • Group porter. In case you have more equipment/belonging like big camera or tripod then we suggest you to hire extra porter, the cost to hire extra porter to carry personal belongings is IDR 350.000,-/porter/day

Price Excludes

  • Travel Insurance
  • Personal Expenses
  • Personal equipment
  • Extra meals and drinks
  • Private porter which carry your personal equipment (Jacket, Camera, Tripod etc)
  • Services not mentioned above

What to bring

  • Small rucksack (10 liter capacity)
  • Long trouser
  • UV protector & Lip Balm
  • Gloves and socks
  • Trekking shoes
  • Trekking pole
  • Personal Medicine
  • ID Card, Passport, KITAS, KTP

Day 1 Yogyakarta International Airport

• We will pick you up at Yogyakarta International Airport then depart to Kali Lembu Village, Dieng, approximately 4 hours drive • Lunch en-route • Trekking to sunrise camp on Mt Prau, approximately 3 hours • Overnight camping • Meals L, D

Day 2 Enjoy the magnificent sunrise from the top of Mt Prau

• Early wake up at 4 AM, light breakfast • Start trekking to Mt Prau sunrise point 5-10 minutes trek • Breakfast then descend down to Basecamp, transfer back to Yogyakarta airport • Meals : B, L • End of service

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Panduan Pendakian Gunung Prau: Jalur, Rute, dan Persiapan

Pendahuluan gunung prau.

Gunung Prau adalah salah satu gunung yang terkenal di Jawa Tengah, dengan rute pendakian yang cukup populer di kalangan pendaki. Terletak di Kabupaten Wonosobo, Gunung Prau dikenal karena pemandangan alam yang indah dan trek pendakian yang menantang. Bagi para pecinta alam dan petualangan, pendakian Gunung Prau adalah pengalaman yang tak terlupakan.

Lokasi dan Akses Pendakian

Gunung Prau terletak di Kecamatan Kejajar, Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah. Untuk mencapai basecamp Gunung Prau, Anda dapat menggunakan transportasi umum atau kendaraan pribadi. Basecamp pendakian Gunung Prau terletak di Desa Dieng, sekitar 30 km dari pusat Wonosobo. Terdapat jalur pendakian utama yang biasa digunakan oleh pendaki, yaitu jalur Dieng Plateau.

Untuk mencapai basecamp, Anda bisa menggunakan kendaraan umum dari Wonosobo ke Dieng, seperti bus atau travel. Setelah tiba di Desa Dieng, Anda dapat melanjutkan perjalanan dengan berjalan kaki ke basecamp pendakian Gunung Prau.

Keindahan Alam yang Menakjubkan

Gunung Prau menawarkan pemandangan alam yang menakjubkan. Puncak Gunung Prau, yang berada pada ketinggian 2.565 meter di atas permukaan laut, memberikan panorama yang luar biasa. Dari puncak, Anda dapat melihat keindahan alam Jawa Tengah dengan latar belakang Gunung Sindoro dan Sumbing. Pemandangan matahari terbit dan terbenam di Gunung Prau juga tidak kalah menakjubkan.

Trek pendakian Gunung Prau juga menyajikan keindahan alam yang beragam. Anda akan melewati hutan pinus yang rindang, padang rumput yang luas, dan batu-batu besar yang menambah keunikan jalur pendakian. Sepanjang perjalanan, Anda akan disuguhkan dengan udara segar dan keindahan alam yang masih alami.

Persiapan Pendakian Gunung Prau

Persiapan yang matang sebelum pendakian Gunung Prau sangat penting untuk kenyamanan dan keamanan Anda. Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam persiapan pendakian antara lain:

1. Peralatan: Pastikan Anda membawa peralatan pendakian yang sesuai, seperti carrier, sleeping bag, pisau lipat, headlamp, dan lain-lain. Juga jangan lupa membawa pakaian hangat, terutama saat pendakian malam hari.

2. Kondisi fisik: Latihan fisik sebelum pendakian sangat dianjurkan agar tubuh Anda siap menghadapi medan yang cukup menantang. Jaga kesehatan dan kebugaran tubuh Anda.

3. Informasi cuaca: Cek perkiraan cuaca sebelum pendakian. Perhatikan juga musim pendakian yang tepat untuk Gunung Prau. Jika cuaca tidak mendukung, sebaiknya tunda pendakian Anda untuk alasan keamanan.

4. Persiapan mental: Persiapan mental yang baik juga penting untuk menghadapi tantangan dalam pendakian. Tetaplah tenang dan tetap waspada selama perjalanan.

Perijinan Pendakian

Untuk mendaki Gunung Prau, Anda diharuskan untuk memiliki perijinan resmi. Perijinan dapat diperoleh di basecamp pendakian. Biasanya, Anda akan diminta untuk mengisi formulir perijinan dan membayar biaya administrasi.

Penting juga untuk mengikuti aturan dan petunjuk dari petugas basecamp selama pendakian. Ini bertujuan untuk menjaga keamanan dan kelestarian alam Gunung Prau.

Petualangan yang Mengesankan

Gunung Prau menawarkan petualangan yang mengesankan bagi para pendaki. Dari jalur pendakian yang menantang hingga pemandangan alam yang luar biasa, pendakian Gunung Prau adalah pengalaman yang tidak akan Anda lupakan. Jadikan Gunung Prau sebagai tujuan pendakian Anda berikutnya dan nikmati keindahan alam Indonesia yang memukau.

Letak dan Ketinggian Gunung Prau

Gunung Prau terletak di Kabupaten Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. Dengan ketinggian sekitar 2.565 meter di atas permukaan laut, Gunung Prau menjadi salah satu tujuan pendakian yang populer di wilayah tersebut.

Gunung Prau terletak di Taman Nasional Gunung Prau, yang juga mencakup beberapa gunung lainnya seperti Gunung Sindoro dan Gunung Sumbing. Keindahan alam dan pesona Gunung Prau membuatnya menjadi destinasi favorit bagi para pendaki dan pecinta alam.

Pendakian Gunung Prau memang menawarkan pemandangan yang spektakuler. Dari puncaknya, kita bisa melihat sekitar tiga kabupaten sekaligus, yaitu Kabupaten Wonosobo, Kabupaten Temanggung, dan Kabupaten Magelang. Selain itu, mata kita akan dimanjakan dengan panorama alam pegunungan yang hijau dan indah.

Jalur pendakian Gunung Prau memiliki berbagai pilihan rute yang dapat dipilih sesuai dengan tingkat kesulitan dan preferensi pendaki. Salah satu jalur pendakian yang paling populer adalah melalui Desa Dieng, Wonosobo. Jalur ini relatif lebih mudah dan memiliki akses transportasi yang cukup baik.

Pendakian dimulai dari Pos Pendakian Sikunir di Desa Sembungan, Dieng. Dari pos ini, pendaki akan melewati hutan pinus yang rindang dan pemandangan kebun sayuran yang indah. Setelah melewati hamparan perkebunan, pendaki akan sampai di Pos Pendakian Prau, sekitar 2.065 meter di atas permukaan laut.

Dari Pos Pendakian Prau, pendaki akan melanjutkan perjalanan menuju puncak Gunung Prau. Jalur ini tergolong cukup curam dan menantang, namun pemandangan di sepanjang perjalanan akan membuat setiap keringat dan usaha terbayar lunas.

Selain rute di Desa Dieng, ada juga beberapa jalur pendakian lain yang dapat dipilih, seperti melalui Desa Kledung atau Desa Tieng. Setiap jalur memiliki keunikan dan pesona tersendiri, sehingga pendaki dapat memilih sesuai dengan keinginan dan kondisi.

Penting bagi pendaki untuk selalu memperhatikan kondisi fisik dan cuaca sebelum melakukan pendakian. Mengenakan pakaian dan perlengkapan yang sesuai juga sangat dianjurkan untuk menjaga keselamatan dan kenyamanan selama perjalanan.

Dengan keindahan alam yang menakjubkan dan rute pendakian yang beragam, Gunung Prau menjadi destinasi yang wajib dikunjungi bagi para pecinta alam dan pendaki. Tidak hanya menyajikan petualangan mendaki yang menantang, tetapi juga memberikan pengalaman dan kenangan yang tak terlupakan.

Rute Pendakian Utama Gunung Prau

Pendakian utama Gunung Prau dimulai dari Desa Dieng dan mengikuti jalur yang cukup terjal dan menantang. Perjalanan ini memakan waktu sekitar 5 jam, namun keindahan alam yang akan Anda temui sepanjang perjalanan akan membuat segala perjuangan terbayar dengan sempurna.

Jalur pendakian ini terkenal karena pemandangannya yang spektakuler. Selama perjalanan, Anda akan melewati ladang dan perkebunan, hutan tropis yang hijau dan segar, serta padang rumput yang luas. Tidak hanya itu, dalam perjalanan menuju puncak Gunung Prau, Anda juga akan melewati beberapa puncak kecil yang menawarkan pemandangan yang tak terlupakan.

Rute pendakian utama Gunung Prau ini sangat populer di kalangan pendaki karena aksesnya yang mudah dijangkau. Desa Dieng yang menjadi titik awal pendakian dapat diakses melalui kendaraan umum atau kendaraan pribadi dari kota-kota terdekat seperti Semarang atau Yogyakarta.

Perjalanan dimulai dari Desa Dieng dengan berjalan kaki menuju pos 1. Dalam perjalanan ini, Anda akan melewati jalur yang cukup terjal dan menantang. Namun, jangan khawatir karena terdapat beberapa petugas yang siap membantu Anda selama perjalanan.

Setelah mencapai pos 1, perjalanan akan semakin menantang. Anda akan melewati jalur berbatu dan jurang yang membutuhkan kewaspadaan ekstra. Tapi jangan lupa untuk menikmati keindahan sekitar Anda. Anda akan melihat hutan tropis yang dikelilingi oleh kabut tebal, air terjun yang mengalir deras, dan banyak lagi.

Setelah melewati beberapa puncak kecil, Anda akan tiba di puncak Gunung Prau. Pemandangan dari puncak ini benar-benar memukau. Anda akan dapat melihat lanskap yang indah, termasuk lembah hijau yang luas, gunung-gunung sekitarnya, dan langit yang biru.

Bagi Anda yang ingin mencoba camping di puncak Gunung Prau, terdapat area perkemahan yang disediakan oleh pihak pengelola. Tidur di atas gunung yang dingin dengan langit penuh bintang adalah pengalaman yang tidak dapat Anda lewatkan.

Pendakian Gunung Prau memang menantang, tetapi hasilnya akan sebanding dengan segala usaha yang Anda keluarkan. Kesempatan untuk melihat pemandangan yang spektakuler dan menghirup udara segar akan membuat Anda merasa puas dan bersemangat untuk terus menjelajahi alam Indonesia yang indah ini.

Keunikan dan Keindahan Puncak Gunung Prau

Puncak Gunung Prau terkenal dengan keindahan pemandangan sunrise dan kabut yang menakjubkan, serta vegetasi alam yang masih terjaga dengan baik. Namun, ada banyak hal lain yang membuat gunung ini begitu istimewa.

Salah satu keunikan Puncak Gunung Prau adalah bentuk puncaknya yang datar, atau biasa disebut “megawati” oleh pendaki. Bentuk ini membuat para pendaki bisa beristirahat dengan nyaman di puncak gunung yang luas tersebut. Selain itu, pemandangan dari puncak Gunung Prau juga sangat indah. Dari sini, pendaki dapat melihat hamparan kebun teh, bukit-bukit hijau yang memanjakan mata, dan desa-desa indah yang tersebar di bawahnya.

Keindahan alam Gunung Prau juga terlihat dari keberagaman flora dan fauna yang ada di dalamnya. Di lereng-lereng gunung ini, terdapat berbagai jenis tumbuhan seperti edelweis, pinus, dan anggrek. Ada juga beberapa jenis burung langka yang hidup di sini, seperti Merak dan Elang Jawa. Selain itu, Gunung Prau juga memiliki beberapa air terjun yang indah, yang menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi para pendaki.

Tidak hanya keindahan alam, Puncak Gunung Prau juga memiliki keunikan sejarah yang menarik. Dalam mitologi Jawa Tengah, Gunung Prau dianggap sebagai tempat tinggal Dewi Rekatawati, yang dipercaya sebagai penjaga alam sekitar. Oleh karena itu, hingga sekarang gunung ini sering menjadi tempat ritual dan upacara adat oleh masyarakat sekitar.

Bagi para pendaki yang gemar fotografi, Puncak Gunung Prau juga menawarkan banyak spot foto yang menarik. Selain pemandangan alam yang indah, terdapat pula batu besar yang menjadi landmark tersendiri di puncak gunung ini. Batu tersebut sering dijadikan objek foto oleh para pendaki sebagai kenang-kenangan setelah menaklukkan Gunung Prau.

Untuk mencapai puncak Gunung Prau, terdapat beberapa rute pendakian yang bisa dipilih, antara lain melalui Desa Dieng dan Desa Cibodas. Masing-masing rute memberikan pengalaman pendakian yang berbeda. Jika memilih rute melalui Desa Dieng, pendaki bisa mengunjungi situs-situs budaya yang terkenal di kawasan Taman Nasional Dieng, seperti Candi Arjuna dan Telaga Warna. Sedangkan rute melalui Desa Cibodas menawarkan pemandangan alam yang lebih hijau dan sejuk.

Keunikan dan keindahan Puncak Gunung Prau membuat tempat ini menjadi salah satu destinasi populer bagi para pendaki. Jika Anda mencari pengalaman mendaki gunung yang menarik dengan pemandangan alam yang memukau, Gunung Prau adalah pilihan yang tepat.

Sebelum memulai pendakian Gunung Prau, ada beberapa persiapan yang perlu dilakukan agar perjalanan dapat berjalan lancar dan aman. Persiapan ini meliputi persiapan fisik, peralatan, serta pemahaman tentang kondisi cuaca dan medan pendakian.

Persiapan Fisik

Gunung Prau memiliki ketinggian sekitar 2.565 meter di atas permukaan laut, sehingga membutuhkan stamina dan kebugaran fisik yang cukup untuk menaklukkannya. Sebelum mendaki, disarankan untuk melakukan latihan fisik seperti jogging, bersepeda, atau berenang untuk meningkatkan kekuatan dan daya tahan tubuh. Lakukan juga peregangan otot-otot tubuh untuk mengurangi risiko cedera selama pendakian.

Peralatan yang Tepat

Pada pendakian Gunung Prau, peralatan yang tepat sangat penting agar perjalanan dapat berjalan dengan aman. Beberapa peralatan yang perlu dibawa meliputi tenda, sleeping bag, matras, pakaian hangat, jaket anti-air, topi, sarung tangan, sepatu gunung yang nyaman, senter, kompas, pisau lipat, peralatan memasak, serta perlengkapan pribadi seperti obat-obatan dan perlengkapan mandi sederhana.

Kondisi Cuaca dan Medan Pendakian

Sebelum mendaki Gunung Prau, pastikan untuk memahami kondisi cuaca dan medan pendakian yang akan dihadapi. Gunakan sumber informasi terpercaya seperti laporan cuaca dan pengalaman pendaki lainnya untuk mengetahui cuaca yang diperkirakan selama pendakian, serta medan yang akan dilalui. Hal ini akan membantu Anda mengantisipasi risiko cuaca buruk dan menyesuaikan peralatan serta strategi pendakian.

Perencanaan Rute dan Kelompok Pendakian

Sebelum mendaki Gunung Prau, buatlah perencanaan rute pendakian yang jelas dan matang. Teliti peta pendakian, perhatikan titik-titik penting seperti sumber air dan tempat istirahat, serta perhatikan waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapai setiap titik. Selain itu, pastikan untuk mendaki dalam kelompok yang terdiri dari minimal dua atau tiga orang, agar bisa saling membantu dan mengurangi risiko kecelakaan atau kesulitan saat mendaki.

Kebersihan dan Etika Pendakian

Saat mendaki Gunung Prau, jaga kebersihan dan etika pendakian dengan tidak membuang sampah sembarangan dan merusak flora dan fauna di sekitar jalur pendakian. Gunakan selalu jalur yang telah ditetapkan, ikuti petunjuk dan aturan yang berlaku, serta hormati penduduk lokal dan lingkungan sekitar. Dengan menjaga kebersihan dan etika pendakian, kita dapat menikmati keindahan alam Gunung Prau dan menjaga kelestariannya untuk generasi mendatang.

Dengan melakukan persiapan fisik yang baik, membawa peralatan yang tepat, memahami kondisi cuaca dan medan pendakian, serta menjaga kebersihan dan etika pendakian, perjalanan mendaki Gunung Prau akan menjadi pengalaman yang menyenangkan dan aman. Selamat mendaki!

Harga Tiket dan Pengelolaan Pendakian Gunung Prau

Untuk para pendaki yang ingin menaklukkan Gunung Prau, mereka perlu membeli tiket masuk dan membayar beberapa biaya lain yang digunakan untuk pengelolaan dan pemeliharaan jalur pendakian yang ada.

Harga tiket masuk Gunung Prau bervariasi tergantung pada hari dan waktu pendakian. Untuk pendakian pada hari biasa, tiket masuknya sekitar Rp 5.000 hingga Rp 10.000 per orang. Namun, harga tiket dapat meningkat pada akhir pekan atau hari libur nasional. Pendaki disarankan untuk memeriksa harga tiket terlebih dahulu sebelum datang ke Gunung Prau.

Salah satu biaya lain yang harus diperhatikan adalah biaya parkir kendaraan bermotor. Bagi pendaki yang menggunakan kendaraan pribadi, akan dikenakan biaya parkir sekitar Rp 5.000 hingga Rp 10.000 tergantung pada jenis kendaraan. Biaya parkir ini digunakan untuk memelihara area parkir dan menjaga keamanan kendaraan para pendaki.

Terdapat juga biaya pengelolaan dan pemeliharaan jalur pendakian yang harus dibayarkan oleh pendaki. Biaya ini digunakan untuk memperbaiki jalan setapak, memasang penunjuk arah, serta menjaga kebersihan dan kelestarian alam sekitar Gunung Prau. Biasanya, biaya pengelolaan dan pemeliharaan ini mencapai sekitar Rp 5.000 hingga Rp 10.000 per orang.

Penting untuk diingat bahwa biaya-biaya tersebut tidak termasuk dalam biaya perjalanan atau biaya pendakian yang lainnya seperti makanan dan perlengkapan. Pendaki diharapkan untuk membayar biaya-biaya ini sebagai bentuk kontribusi dalam menjaga keberlanjutan dan kebersihan Gunung Prau.

Mengingat Gunung Prau merupakan salah satu destinasi pendakian yang populer di Indonesia, pengelolaan yang baik sangat penting untuk menjaga keindahan alam dan keselamatan pendaki. Oleh karena itu, pengunjung dan pendaki diharapkan untuk mematuhi peraturan dan membayar tiket serta biaya lainnya dengan benar. Selain itu, pendaki juga disarankan untuk tidak merusak lingkungan sekitar dan membawa pulang sampah mereka. Dengan demikian, Gunung Prau akan tetap menjadi tujuan pendakian yang menakjubkan bagi generasi mendatang.

Petunjuk Keamanan dan Etika Pendakian Gunung Prau

Pendaki diharapkan mematuhi petunjuk keamanan dan etika pendakian, seperti tidak merusak alam, membawa kembali sampah, dan menjaga kebersihan jalur pendakian serta perkemahan.

Pendakian Gunung Prau bukan sekadar kegiatan menyenangkan, tetapi juga merupakan tanggung jawab untuk menjaga kelestarian alam dan keselamatan diri sendiri serta pendaki lainnya. Oleh karena itu, ada beberapa petunjuk keamanan yang perlu diikuti saat mendaki Gunung Prau.

Pertama, penting bagi setiap pendaki untuk mempersiapkan diri dengan baik sebelum melakukan pendakian. Memahami kondisi cuaca, rute perjalanan, dan membawa perlengkapan yang tepat sangat penting. Jangan lupa untuk membawa peta, kompas, senter, pakaian hangat, dan makanan serta air yang cukup. Selain itu, pastikan kondisi fisik dan kesehatanmu dalam keadaan baik sebelum memulai pendakian.

Ketika mendaki Gunung Prau, penting juga untuk menghormati alam dan menjaga kebersihannya. Jangan merusak alam dengan memetik bunga, merusak pohon, atau membuang sampah sembarangan. Bawalah kembali semua sampah yang dihasilkan selama pendakian dan buanglah di tempat yang telah disediakan di basecamp atau di daerah yang sudah ditentukan.

Mematuhi etika pendakian juga merupakan hal yang penting. Ketika berada di jalur pendakian atau perkemahan, jaga suara agar tidak terlalu bising dan mengganggu pendaki lain. Gunakan juga perlengkapan yang ramah lingkungan, seperti menyediakan pembakar gas daripada menggunakan kayu bakar. Menghormati pendaki lain dengan memberikan jalan ketika bertemu di jalur yang sempit atau ketika mendaki di lintas yang curam juga merupakan etika yang perlu dijunjung tinggi.

Selain itu, selalu patuhi instruksi dan petunjuk dari pemandu pendakian atau petugas yang bertugas. Mereka memiliki pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang lebih baik dalam menjaga keamanan para pendaki dan juga kondisi di Gunung Prau.

Penting juga untuk memperhatikan kondisi tubuh sendiri selama pendakian. Jika merasa lelah atau sakit, beristirahatlah dan jangan memaksakan diri untuk terus mendaki. Keselamatanmu adalah yang terutama, maka jangan ragu untuk membatalkan pendakian jika kondisi tidak memungkinkan.

Dengan mematuhi petunjuk keamanan dan etika pendakian Gunung Prau, kita dapat menikmati keindahan alamnya secara bertanggung jawab. Mari jaga alam dan keselamatan bersama saat mendaki Gunung Prau!

Video Tentang : Panduan Pendakian Gunung Prau: Jalur, Rute, dan Persiapan

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Ridvan Maulana's Blog

Gunung Prau: Lokasi, Jalur Pendakian, dan Biaya Menuju Puncaknya

trek gunung prau

Halo sobat pendaki! Kali ini kita akan membahas salah satu gunung favorit para pendaki di Jawa Tengah, yaitu Gunung Prau .

Gunung Prau ini terletak di kawasan Dataran Tinggi Dieng, Jawa Tengah. Letaknya persis di perbatasan 4 kabupaten, yaitu Kabupaten Batang, Kendal, Temanggung, dan Wonosobo. Makanya tak heran kalau Gunung Prau jadi incaran para pendaki gunung dari berbagai daerah.

Nah buat kamu yang tertarik mendaki Gunung Prau, artikel ini akan membahas seputar lokasi, jalur pendakian, waktu tempuh, hingga biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk menaklukkan puncak gunung setinggi 2.565 mdpl ini.

Yuk simak informasinya!

Lokasi Gunung Prau

Seperti yang sudah disebutkan di atas, Gunung Prau berada di kawasan Dataran Tinggi Dieng, Jawa Tengah.

Secara administratif, gunung ini menjadi perbatasan antara 4 kabupaten di Jawa Tengah bagian selatan, yaitu:

  • Kabupaten Batang
  • Kabupaten Kendal
  • Kabupaten Temanggung
  • Kabupaten Wonosobo

Gunung Prau sendiri secara geografis masuk ke dalam wilayah Desa Dieng, Kecamatan Batur, Kabupaten Banjarnegara.

Ada 6 jalur pendakian resmi menuju puncak Gunung Prau, yaitu:

  • Jalur Patak Banteng
  • Jalur Dieng
  • Jalur Cepit
  • Jalur Sikunir
  • Jalur Garung
  • Jalur Selomangleng

Jalur pendakian melalui Patak Banteng disebut sebagai jalur termudah dan paling ramah untuk para pendaki pemula.

Sedangkan jalur pendakian melalui Dieng merupakan jalur paling populer karena dekat dengan wisata Kawah Dieng.

Akses Menuju Gunung Prau

Untuk bisa sampai di basecamp Gunung Prau, kamu bisa menggunakan kendaraan umum dari Terminal Mendolo, Wonosobo.

Ada angkutan umum yang melayani rute Wonosobo - Dieng PP. Setelah tiba di Basecamp Dieng, kamu bisa melanjutkan perjalanan menuju Basecamp Patak Banteng dengan naik bus umum lagi dengan tarif Rp 5.000/orang.

Atau, jika ingin langsung menuju Basecamp Patak Banteng, kamu juga bisa menggunakan angkutan umum langsung dari Terminal Mendolo ke sana.

Jalur Pendakian Gunung Prau

Seperti yang sudah disebutkan di awal, ada 6 jalur pendakian resmi menuju puncak Gunung Prau, yaitu:

1. Jalur Patak Banteng

Jalur ini merupakan jalur pendakian paling populer karena dianggap paling mudah dan cocok untuk pendaki pemula.

Jarak tempuhnya sekitar 2 jam saja dari basecamp menuju puncak Gunung Prau.

2. Jalur Dieng

Jalur pendakian melalui Kawah Dieng ini juga cukup populer karena dekat dengan wisata Dieng.

Perkiraan waktu tempuh lebih lama, sekitar 4 jam .

3. Jalur Cepit

Jalur ini melewati beberapa pos pendakian sebelum mencapai puncak Gunung Prau.

Waktu tempuh diperkirakan sekitar 3 jam 20 menit .

4. Jalur Sikunir

Jalur pendakian menuju puncak Gunung Prau dari arah barat.

Waktu tempuh sekitar 3-4 jam .

5. Jalur Garung

Jalur pendakian dari arah timur Gunung Prau.

6. Jalur Selomangleng

Merupakan jalur pendakian paling menantang karena medannya yang ekstrim.

Butuh waktu tempuh sekitar 5-6 jam dari basecamp.

Jadi intinya, semua jalur bisa ditempuh dalam waktu 4-6 jam tergantung kondisi fisik pendaki. Hanya saja Jalur Patak Banteng dianggap paling mudah dan cepat.

Waktu Tempuh Menuju Puncak Gunung Prau

Lama waktu mendaki gunung tentu sangat bergantung pada kondisi fisik dan persiapan masing-masing pendaki.

Namun secara umum, berikut perkiraan waktu tempuh dari beberapa jalur pendakian menuju puncak Gunung Prau:

  • Jalur Patak Banteng: 2 jam
  • Jalur Dieng: 4 jam
  • Jalur Cepit: 3 jam 20 menit
  • Jalur Sikunir: 3-4 jam
  • Jalur Garung: 3-4 jam
  • Jalur Selomangleng: 5-6 jam

Jadi rata-rata, pendaki membutuhkan waktu sekitar 4-6 jam untuk mencapai puncak Gunung Prau dari basecamp.

Bagi kamu yang memiliki kondisi fisik prima dan pengalaman mendaki yang cukup, tentu bisa menempuhnya dalam waktu lebih cepat.

Sebaliknya, pendaki pemula mungkin akan membutuhkan waktu lebih lama untuk istirahat dan beradaptasi dengan medan pendakian.

Biaya Mendaki Gunung Prau

Biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk mendaki Gunung Prau sebenarnya tidak terlalu mahal.

Kamu cukup membayar biaya administrasi Rp 15.000/orang . Uang tersebut sudah termasuk biaya asuransi pendakian.

Selain itu, tentu saja ada biaya transportasi, konsumsi, dan penginapan jika mau menginap di basecamp sebelum pendakian.

Rincian biaya transportasi:

  • Angkutan umum dari Wonosobo ke Dieng: Rp 15.000 - Rp 20.000
  • Angkutan umum dari Dieng ke Patak Banteng: Rp 5.000

Biaya konsumsi tergantung pilihan masing-masing. Bisa bawa bekal sendiri atau beli di warung-warung dekat basecamp.

Kalau mau menginap, ada penginapan dan homestay di sekitar basecamp dengan tarif Rp 100.000 - Rp 150.000 per malam.

Jadi total biaya pendakian Gunung Prau bisa dihitung:

  • Biaya administrasi: Rp 15.000
  • Transportasi: Rp 20.000 - Rp 25.000 pp
  • Konsumsi: Rp 50.000 - Rp 100.000
  • Penginapan (opsional): Rp 100.000 - Rp 150.000

Total keseluruhan sekitar Rp 200.000 - Rp 300.000 per orang untuk mendaki Gunung Prau.

Persiapan Pendakian Gunung Prau

Untuk bisa mendaki Gunung Prau dengan aman dan nyaman, ada beberapa hal yang perlu dipersiapkan, di antaranya:

Peralatan Pendakian

  • Sepatu gunung yang nyaman dan dengan sol yang baik
  • Jaket tebal dan windbreaker karena suhu di puncak bisa mencapai 3 derajat Celcius
  • Sarung tangan pendakian
  • Topi dan kacamata gunung
  • Tas ransel dengan kapasitas 30-40 liter
  • Headlamp atau senter
  • Kantong tidur dan matras (jika menginap di basecamp)

Logistik Pendakian

  • Air minum dan bekal makanan ringan
  • Obat-obatan pribadi
  • Power bank dan charger HP
  • Peta jalur pendakian Gunung Prau
  • Kompas dan alat navigasi lainnya
  • Kartu identitas (KTP/SIM)
  • Bukti pembayaran administrasi pendakian
  • Surat keterangan sehat dari dokter (jika ada kondisi kesehatan khusus)
  • Uang tunai untuk biaya tak terduga
  • Pakaian dan perlengkapan mandi
  • Sampah kantong untuk menjaga kebersihan lingkungan

Pastikan semua peralatan telah disiapkan sebelum memulai pendakian agar perjalanan menjadi lancar dan aman. Selamat mencoba tantangan pendakian Gunung Prau!

Gunung Prau merupakan salah satu destinasi pendakian favorit di Jawa Tengah, terletak di kawasan Dataran Tinggi Dieng.

Gunung setinggi 2.565 mdpl ini menjadi perbatasan 4 kabupaten di Jawa Tengah bagian selatan.

Ada 6 jalur pendakian resmi menuju puncak Gunung Prau, dengan Jalur Patak Banteng sebagai jalur paling populer dan mudah dicapai.

Rata-rata waktu tempuh mendaki Gunung Prau sekitar 4-6 jam tergantung kondisi fisik pendaki. Jalur Patak Banteng bisa ditempuh dalam 2 jam saja.

Biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk mendaki juga tergolong murah, cukup Rp 15.000 untuk biaya administrasi dan sudah termasuk asuransi.

Jadi bagi kamu yang ingin mencoba tantangan mendaki gunung, Gunung Prau bisa menjadi pilihan yang cocok, terjangkau, dan tidak terlalu sulit untuk pendaki pemula.

Pastikan persiapan matang sebelum pendakian agar perjalanan menjadi aman dan menyenangkan. Selamat mencoba pendakian di Gunung Prau!

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Jelajah Nusa Media

Informasi wisata indonesia, estimasi waktu mendaki gunung prau | lengkap dengan biaya.

September 11, 2021 Jelajah Nusa Informasi Wisata 0

Estimasi Waktu & Biaya Mendaki Gunung Prau –  Berikut ini kami akan sampaikan informasi mengenai Estimasi Waktu Mendaki Gunung Prau | LENGKAP DENGAN BIAYA, silahkan simak yah genk!!

Hello Travellers! Siapa nih yang sudah ga sabar buat mendaki gunung yang lagi populer banget di Jawa tengah? Yap, bener banget Gunung Prau merupakan gunung yang sedang menjadi favorit untuk para pendaki. Berikut ini kita akan bahas mengenai Estimasi Waktu Mendaki Gunung Prau | LENGKAP DENGAN BIAYA.

For your infomation, Gunung Prau berada di empat kabupaten yaitu Kabupaten Batang, Kabupaten Kendal, Kabupaten Temanggung dan Kabupaten Wonosobo , Jawa Tengah, dengan ketinggian 2.565 meter di atas permukaan laut (mdpl). Nah Gunung Prau sendiri memiliki lima jalur pendakian resmi, yakni via Dieng, Patakbanteng, Kalilembu, Dwarawati, dan Wates. Nah, kali ini kita akan bahas Gunung Prau via Wates.

Estimasi Waktu Mendaki Gunung Prau via Wates

Basecamp jalur pendakian Gunung Prau via Wates berlokasi di Jalan Candiroto-Kejajar KM 11, Gejungan, Wates, Wonoboyo, Temanggung, Jawa Tengah. Memang jalur pendakian ini tak seramai dengan via Patak Banteng, Ettss tapi tenang aja, jalur via Wates ini memiliki kelebihan berupa pemandangan matahari terbit ( sunrise ) yang bisa dilihat sepanjang trek pendakian. Sebab, letak jalur ini berada di sisi tenggara Gunung Prau. Selain itu, jalur ini memiliki sumber mata air, dan juga bisa menembus ke  sunrise camp Patak Banteng yang ditempuh dengan waktu sekitar 15-30 menit. Menarik bukan


Untuk kalian yang dari Jakarta, estimasi waktu sekitar 6 jam perjalanan menggunakan bus. Berangkat dari terminal Kp. Rambutan dan tiba di terminal Mendolo dengan biaya perkiraan Rp. 135.000.

Dan dari terminal mendolo, kalian bisa menaiki Elf untuk tiba di basecamp atau kaki gunung prau, dengan biaya Rp. 20.000

Mulai Pendakian

Untuk bisa mendaki melalui jalur Wates ini, pendaki akan melewati 3 pos pendakian sebelum sampai ke  camp area  dan puncak.

Estimasi waktu mendaki dari  basecamp  sampai ke puncak, bisa ditempuh selama kurang lebih 2-3 jam perjalanan.

Untuk sampai ke pos 1 (blumbang kodok).

Dari basecamp, pendaki akan menempuh perjalanan yang cukup melelahkan, di mana akan melewati perumahan penduduk, dan perkebunan yang asri dengan jarak tempuh selama 1 jam perjalanan. Namun, jika tidak ingin lelah, kalian juga bisa menyewa jasa ojek untuk menuju ke Pos 1. Hayo, kalian tim mana nih, tim naik ojek atau jalan?

Kemudian dari Pos 1 ke Pos 2 (Cemaran)

Ditempuh selama 30 menit perjalanan. Jalur dari Pos 1 – Pos 2 terbilang cukup landai, namun kalian akan menemui medan tanah yang dipenuhi dengan akar-akar pohon yang mana jalur ini merupakan wilayah hutan tropis yang cukup lebat.

Selanjutnya dari Pos 2 ke Pos 3 (Sudung Dewo)

Ditempuh kurang lebih 30 menit dengan kontur trek masih sama, namun sedikit menanjak. Namun, disini kalian bisa menemui sumber air berupa pipa-pipa kecil yang mengalirkan air. Jadi kalian ga perlu khawatir kehausan di perjalanan.

Lalu dari Pos 3 ke  Camp Area

Dari pos 3 ke area camp kalian bisa tempuh perjalanan selama 45 menit perjalanan. Dari Pos 3 ke Camp Area  ini medannya berupa padang ilalang, lalu ada yang disebut ‘tangga cinta’, yaitu jalur yang berbentuk seperti tangga dan naik-turun hingga menuju ke Plawangan, di mana Plawangan berada sebelum  Camp Area .

Di  Camp Area

Lalu di area camp pendaki bisa mendirikan tenda dan bermalam di lokasi ini sebelum menuju ke puncak keesokan harinya untuk melihat sunrise .

Camp Area  ke Puncak

Dari camp area hingga ke puncak, kalian bisa ditempuh selama 30 menit perjalanan.

Oiya untuk estimasi waktu ini bisa tidak sesuai dikarenakan kondisi masing-masing individu berbeda. Oleh karena itu, estimasi waktu ini hanya untuk dijadikan sebagai referensi saja ya Travellers.

Segitu dulu nih informasi mengenai Estimasi Waktu Mendaki Gunung Prau via Wates. Good Luck untuk pendakiannya, Stay safe dan tetap patuhi protokol kesehatan ya Travellers.

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Semua Jalur Gunung Prau Dibuka Mulai 4 September, Ini Syaratnya tren, nur fitriatus shalihah,, inggried dwi wedhaswary.

Tim Redaksi

Nur Fitriatus Shalihah

Penulis inggried dwi wedhaswary.

Meski demikian, kata Damanhuri, karena masih uji coba, kuota dibatasi 25 persen.

Berdasarkan pengumuman yang beredar di Instagram @prau_mountain , persyaratan pendakian Gunung Prau mulai 4 September adalah sebagai berikut:

  • Menunjukkan surat vaksin
  • Membawa surat keterangan kesehatan
  • Menaati protokol kesehatan
  • Menaati peraturan yang berlaku (peraturan pendakian Gunung Prau)
  • Kuota pendakian 25 persen

Sebelumnya diberitakan, seluruh pendakian Gunung Prau ditutup mulai 5 Juli 2021 bersamaan dengan berlakunya PPKM Darurat di Jawa dan Bali.

Gunung Prau merupakan gunung yang letaknya di empat kabupaten yakni Batang, Kendal, Temanggung, dan Wonosobo.

Gunung dengan tinggi 2.565 meter dari permukaan laut (mdpl) tersebut memiliki 6 jalur pendakian yakni via Patak Banteng, Kalilembu, Igirmranak, Dieng, Dwarawati, dan Wates.

Baca juga: Catatan Pendakian Gunung Prau via Igirmranak, Salah Satu yang Terindah

Berikut saluran dan kontak informasi untuk masing-masing jalur pendakian:

1. Patak Banteng

  • Instagram: @basecampprau_patakbanteng
  • Nomor WA: 082323703796 dan 082137874403
  • Instagram: @gunungprau_viawates
  • Nomor WA: 081392206767 dan 087834093099
  • Instagram: @basecamp_prau_dieng
  • Nomor WA: 081227987997 dan 08112772119

4. Dwarawati

  • Instagram: @gunungprau_dwarawatidiengkulon

5. Igirmranak

  • Instagram: @basecamp_prau_igirmranak
  • Nomor WA: 083115072819 dan 087823464559

6. Kalilembu

  • Instagram: @basecamp_prau_kalilembu
  • Nomor WA: 082326138882 dan 082222212727.

Tag gunung yang sudah dibuka gunung prau dibuka jalur pendakian di gunung prau gunung prau buka 4 september syarat mendaki gunung prau


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Pendakian Gunung Prau via Dieng, Bertabur Keindahan dari Segala Arah travel jalan jalan, anggara wikan prasetya.

Panorama sisi barat Gunung Prau via Dieng.  - Gunung Prau memang jadi salah satu gunung favorit pendakian karena keindahan alam yang tersaji di sana.

Selain itu, jalur pendakian yang relatif mudah dan singkat, membuat gunung ini juga pas didaki mereka yang masih pemula dalam hal pendakian gunung.

Ada beberapa jalur pendakian untuk mencapai puncak gunung ini. Selain Patak Banteng yang jadi paling favorit, jalur yang tidak kalah favorit, yakni via Dieng .

Baca juga: Awas Bisa Dipidana, Ini 18 Larangan dan Sanksi pada Pendakian Gunung Prau via Dieng

Jalur Dieng berada di sisi utara. Jalur ini akan menjangkau kawasan puncak dari sisi utara. Pendaki bisa menjangkau dan menjelajah sisi utara gunung, mulai dari puncak, Telaga Wurung, hingga Bukit Teletubbies.

Pendakian Prau via Dieng menjajal langsung pendakian Prau via Dieng pada Rabu (2/5/2023). Pendakian dilakukan 2 hari 1 malam.

Basecamp-Pos 1

Dari Basecamp, perjalanan dilakukan melalui kawasan perkebunan penduduk. Pendaki sesekali harus berpaspasan dengan sepeda motor warga yang hendak ke kebun.

Pendaki cukup berjalan mengikuti jalan utama di tengah perkebunan. Jalur nantinya akan menuju kawasan hutan. Begitu masuk hutan, tidak lama kemudian perjalanan akan sampai di Pos 1.

Pos 1 Prau via Dieng hanya berupa tanah datar tidak terlalu luas. Pendaki bisa duduk santai dan beristirahat di sini.

Perjalanan kemudian dilanjutkan di dalam kawasan hutan. Jalan setapak yang sesekali menanjak harus dilalui pendaki.

Baca juga: Harga Tiket Terbaru Pendakian Gunung Prau via Dieng Tahun 2023

Tidak ada percabangan yang membuat bingung pendaki. Cukup ikuti jalan setapak yang sudah jelas hingga Pos 2.

Di Pos 2, terdapat percabangan jalur menuju Basecamp Dwarawati. Terdapat pula patok perbatasan wilayah Kabupaten Batang dan Wonosobo.

Pos 2-Pos 3

Pos 2 menuju Pos 3 Prau via Dieng merupakan trek terpanjang. Selain jalan setapak dari tanah, pendaki akan melalui jalur yang terdiri dari akar pohon atau yang diberi nama Akar Cinta.

Baca juga: Rute ke Basecamp Prau via Dieng, Jalur Pendakian Sisi Utara

Terdapat beberapa percabangan yang harus diperhatikan pendaki, yakni percabangan menuju Menara Pemancar yang kini sudah ditutup, juga percabangan menuju jalur Kalilembu.

Pos 3 nanti berada setelah percabangan menuju jalur Kalilembu. Bisa dibilang, pendaki sudah sampai kawasan puncak begitu sampai pos 3.

Pos 3-Puncak Prau

Setelah Pos 3, pemandangan akan mulai terbuka karena pepohonan sudah tidak terlalu tinggi dan digantikan dengan ilalang.

Meski sudah berada di kawasan…

Tag wisata dieng dieng pendakian gunung prau prau via dieng.


Awas Bisa Dipidana, Ini 18 Larangan dan Sanksi pada Pendakian Gunung Prau via Dieng

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Rute ke Basecamp Prau via Dieng, Jalur Pendakian Sisi Utara

Pendakian gunung prau buka selama ramadhan 2023, cek jadwalnya, pendakian prau tetap buka meski cuaca sempat buruk.

trek gunung prau

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Gunung Prau, Gunung di Jawa Tengah yang Memanjakan Pendaki regional, puspasari setyaningrum.

Pemandangan di Gunung Prau, Jawa Tengah. - Gunung Prau adalah sebuah gunung yang berada di kawasan Dataran Tinggi Dieng , Jawa Tengah.

Lokasi Gunung Prau berada di wilayah empat kabupaten, yaitu Kabupaten Batang, Kabupaten Kendal, Kabupaten Temanggung, dan Kabupaten Wonosobo.

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Ketinggian puncak Gunung Prau mencapai 2.565 meter di atas permukaan laut (mdpl).

Gunung Prau didominasi oleh padang rumput yang memanjang dari bagian barat hingga ke timur.

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Namun pemandangan indah di Gunung Prau merupakan salah satu daya tarik yang diburu para pendaki.

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Daya Tarik Gunung Prau

Wisatawan yang datang ke Gunung Prau biasanya memiliki alasan tersendiri untuk mendaki.

di jalur pendakian terdapat pemandangan indah hutan cemara dan hutan rimba yang memanjakan mata.

Sementara di puncaknya, biasanya pendaki berburu momen matahari terbit dan matahari terbenam.

Selain itu, ada juga yang datang dengan sengaja untuk melihat fenomena embun es atau embun upas.

Waktu Pendakian Gunung Prau

Gunung Prau termasuk gunung yang mudah untuk didaki sehingga cocok untuk pendaki pemula.

Waktu pendakiannya juga sangkat singkat yaitu hanya sekitar 3-4 jam saja dengan trek yang tidak terlalu sulit.

Terdapat enam basecamp resmi sebagai titik awal untuk melakukan pendakian ke Gunung Prau, yaitu basecamp Dieng, Patak Banteng, Kalilembu, Dwarawati, Wates, dan Igirmranak.

Adapun basecamp paling populer untuk mendaki Gunung Prau adalah melalui Patak Banteng.

Sementara waktu terbaik untuk melakukan pendakian adalah pada bulan Juli hingga Agustus saat suasana cerah.

Namun harus diperhatikan bahwa antara bulan Juli hingga Agustus sudah masuk musim kemarau, sehingga suhu udara bisa di bawah 0 derajat celcius, bahkan bisa membentuk embun es.

Sementara di bulan Januari hingga…

Tag gunung prau dieng pendakian gunung prau ketinggian gunung prau.


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trek gunung prau


Gunung ramah untuk pendaki pemula dan anak - anak, dengan ketinggian 2590 MDPL dan camp area 2565 MDPL berlokasi di Dataran Tinggi dieng Jawatengah dengan view menawan dan sunrise terbaik juga sunset yang indah


trek gunung prau


Pendaki reguler.

trek gunung prau


It's no coincidence that Bali is one of the top destinations for the Instagram nation. The breathtaking nature, the endless beaches, exotic temples and friendly locals make the island a place for everyone.

We know Bali better than the backs of our hands, meaning that whether you want to plan a surfing holiday or find inner peace on a meditation retreat, we know exactly how to start planning your dream trip to Bali.

trek gunung prau


We are a couple of nomads who used to explore the globe. The day we stepped our foot on Balinese ground one thing was clear - we fell in love. We kept coming back every few months and understood that this is a love affair for a lifetime. We fully moved here in 2018 and been exploring the island ever since. We’re excited to share what we’ve found and show you this beautiful corner of the world.

"Jangan mengambil apapun selain gambar, jangan meninggalkan apapun selain jejak, Jangan membunuh apapun selain waktu." prau mountain


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[email protected] 0852 277 81 445

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  6. Gunung Prau Via Dieng I Ocu Petualang


  1. 6 Jalur Pendakian Resmi Gunung Prau (Update 2024)

    Jalur pendakian Gunung Prau via Wates. Gerbang jalur pendakian gunung Prau via Wates. Lokasi basecamp. Jalan Candiroto - Kejajar, KM. 11, Gejungan, Wates, Wonoboyo, Kabupaten Temanggung, Jawa Tengah ( Cek di Google Maps) Nomor telepon basecamp Wates. 082138949293. Transportasi menuju basecamp.

  2. Jalur Pendakian Gunung Prau Via Dieng, Cocok Untuk Pendaki Pemula

    Jalur Pendakian Gunung Prau Via Dieng, Cocok Untuk Pendaki Pemula. 6 Januari, 2023 oleh Fenti Sukmah. Gunung Prau salah satu gunung yang ada di Pulau Jawa dengan memiliki ketinggian puncaknya sekitar 2.590 mdpl, dan merupakan gunung yang menjadi favorit untuk didaki. Bahkan saking ramenya sering disebut juga gunung sejuta umat.

  3. Prepare for Gunung Prau Trekking: Tips, Routes & Essentials

    Gunung Prau, standing tall at 2,565 meters above sea level, is a popular trekking destination known for its panoramic sunrise views and rugged landscapes. ... These services provide a cost-effective and convenient way to reach the starting point of the trek. Private Transportation Services. For those seeking more flexibility and comfort ...

  4. Gunung Prau: Memahami Jalur Pendakian dan Waktu yang Tepat Mendaki

    Jalur pendakian via Wates. Lama pendakian Gunung Prau via Wates adalah sekitar 2,5 jam dari basecamp menuju puncak Bukit Rindu. Selanjutnya, dari puncak Bukit Rindu kita bisa lanjutkan perjalanan ke sunrise camp Patak Banteng sekitar 15-30 menit. Jika dijumlahkan, waktu pendakian pada jalur Wates adalah sekitar 3 jam hingga 3 jam 30 menit.

  5. Informasi Jalur Pendakian Gunung Prau via Dieng

    Setiap hari. Status pendakian: Buka. Kontak WhatsApp: +628112772119 atau +6285727492805. Instagram. @basecamp_prau_dieng. Jalur Dieng menawarkan trek pendakian yang tidak terlalu terjal dibandingkan jalur pendakian Gunung Prau via Patak Banteng. Selain itu, jalur ini terbilang teduh karena melalui hutan yang cukup rimbun dan sejuk.

  6. Dieng (Prau)

    Information on climbing the mountain Gunung Prau on the Dieng Plateau, Central Java, Indonesia. Includes route description, photos, maps, comments and hiking advice. ... If you have explored all the peaks and craters above and are still hungry for more you could do the very simple trek to the savanna below Gunung Pangonan (2,308m) which is ...

  7. Mount Prau via Patak Banteng

    The hiking trail is quite uphill and still filled with small rocks and red soil, it is highly recommended not to climb during the rainy season because the soil becomes slippery. You can set up a tent at the top of Mount Prau to enjoy the beauty of the sunrise the next day. The Patak Banteng Trail is the most favorite route for climbers. Patak Banteng is the closest route to get to the top, or ...

  8. Mount Prau Basecamp

    This path will take you to surround two mountains at once, namely Mount Prau and Mount Merangkul. The hiking trail is quite uphill and still filled with small rocks and red soil, it is highly recommended not to climb during the rainy season because the soil becomes slippery. You can set up a tent at the top of Mount Prau to enjoy the beauty of the sunrise the next day.

  9. 5 Jalur Pendakian Gunung Prau yang Buka pada Tahap Uji Coba

    Jalur ini berada di ketinggian 1.896 mdpl. Trek pendakiannya untuk sampai ke puncak Prau adalah 4,7 kilometer dan dapat ditempuh dalam waktu sekitar 3-4 jam. Baca juga: Mengenal Jalur Pendakian Gunung Prau Selain Patak Banteng. Pendaki akan disuguhi pemandangan hutan cemara, hutan rimba, dan air terjun Sigendang.

  10. 4 Guides Before Hiking Mount Prau Dieng, The Best Time In July To August

    Mount Prau is located in the Dieng Plateau area, Jawa Tengah, and is the boundary between four regencies, Batang, Kendal, Temanggung, and Wonosobo Regencies. The height of Mount Prau reaches 2,565 meters above sea level and it is a mountain that is full of beginner climbers. Therefore, every weekend Mount Prau is always filled with climbers.

  11. Gunung Prau via Dwarawati, Central Java, Indonesia

    Gunung Prau via Dwarawati. Explore this 3.5-mile out-and-back trail near Wonosobo, Central Java. Generally considered a challenging route, it takes an average of 2 h 27 min to complete. This is a popular trail for backpacking, camping, and hiking, but you can still enjoy some solitude during quieter times of day.

  12. Mount Prau

    Enjoy the magnificent sunrise from the top of Mount Prau. Start/End: Jakarta, Semarang or Yogyakarta. Duration: 2 days (including traveling day from local airport) Elevation 2,565m located in Central Java, Indonesia. Trekking distance 8 km (round trip) Elevation gain from the entry point of Mt Prau : 669 m. Accommodation: Homestay or camping.

  13. 5 Alasan Gunung Prau Cocok untuk Pendaki Pemula

    1. Lama pendakian Gunung Prau tidak sampai 5 jam. Sebelumnya, dikatakan bahwa waktu yang diperlukan untuk mendaki Gunung Prau dari basecamp mencapai puncak adalah sekitar 3-4 jam. Untuk pendakian via Kalilembu, estimasi waktunya adalah 3 jam 20 menit. Sementara via Igirmranak sekitar 4 jam, via Wates sekitar 3-3,5 jam, dan via Dwarawati sekitar ...

  14. Waktu Terbaik dan Lama Pendakian di Gunung Prau

    Melansir, Senin (24/8/2020), lama pendakian Gunung Prau via Wates adalah sekitar 2,5 jam dari basecamp menuju puncak Bukit Rindu. Selanjutnya, dari puncak Bukit Rindu kamu bisa lanjutkan perjalanan ke sunrise camp Patak Banteng sekitar 15-30 menit. Jika ditotal, waktu pendakian pada jalur Wates adalah sekitar 3 jam atau 3 jam 30 menit.

  15. Panduan Pendakian Gunung Prau: Jalur, Rute, dan Persiapan

    Trek pendakian Gunung Prau juga menyajikan keindahan alam yang beragam. Anda akan melewati hutan pinus yang rindang, padang rumput yang luas, dan batu-batu besar yang menambah keunikan jalur pendakian. ... Gunung Prau memiliki ketinggian sekitar 2.565 meter di atas permukaan laut, sehingga membutuhkan stamina dan kebugaran fisik yang cukup ...

  16. Gunung Prau: Lokasi, Jalur Pendakian, dan Biaya Menuju Puncaknya

    Kalau mau menginap, ada penginapan dan homestay di sekitar basecamp dengan tarif Rp 100.000 - Rp 150.000 per malam. Jadi total biaya pendakian Gunung Prau bisa dihitung: Biaya administrasi: Rp 15.000. Transportasi: Rp 20.000 - Rp 25.000 pp.

  17. Estimasi Waktu Mendaki Gunung Prau

    Estimasi Waktu Mendaki Gunung Prau via Wates. Basecamp jalur pendakian Gunung Prau via Wates berlokasi di Jalan Candiroto-Kejajar KM 11, Gejungan, Wates, Wonoboyo, Temanggung, Jawa Tengah. Memang jalur pendakian ini tak seramai dengan via Patak Banteng, Ettss tapi tenang aja, jalur via Wates ini memiliki kelebihan berupa pemandangan matahari terbit (sunrise) yang bisa dilihat sepanjang trek ...

  18. Pendakian Gunung Prau Via Patak Banteng Lintas Jalur Dieng (Full Trek

    Setelah hari sebelumnya mendaki Gunung Slamet, besok paginya lanjut mendaki Gunung sejuta umat dengan sejuta keindahan. Ya.. Gunung Prau memang menjadi gunun...

  19. Semua Jalur Gunung Prau Dibuka Mulai 4 September, Ini Syaratnya

    Menaati peraturan yang berlaku (peraturan pendakian Gunung Prau) Kuota pendakian 25 persen; Sebelumnya diberitakan, seluruh pendakian Gunung Prau ditutup mulai 5 Juli 2021 bersamaan dengan berlakunya PPKM Darurat di Jawa dan Bali. Gunung Prau merupakan gunung yang letaknya di empat kabupaten yakni Batang, Kendal, Temanggung, dan Wonosobo.

  20. Pendakian Gunung Prau via Dieng, Bertabur Keindahan dari Segala Arah - Gunung Prau memang jadi salah satu gunung favorit pendakian karena keindahan alam yang tersaji di sana. Selain itu, jalur pendakian yang relatif mudah dan singkat, membuat gunung ini juga pas didaki mereka yang masih pemula dalam hal pendakian gunung. ... Pos 2 menuju Pos 3 Prau via Dieng merupakan trek terpanjang. Selain jalan ...

  21. Gunung Prau, Gunung di Jawa Tengah yang Memanjakan Pendaki

    Waktu Pendakian Gunung Prau. Gunung Prau termasuk gunung yang mudah untuk didaki sehingga cocok untuk pendaki pemula. Waktu pendakiannya juga sangkat singkat yaitu hanya sekitar 3-4 jam saja dengan trek yang tidak terlalu sulit. Terdapat enam basecamp resmi sebagai titik awal untuk melakukan pendakian ke Gunung Prau, yaitu basecamp Dieng, Patak ...

  22. Gunung Prau

    Gunung ramah untuk pendaki pemula dan anak - anak, dengan ketinggian 2590 MDPL dan camp area 2565 MDPL berlokasi di Dataran Tinggi dieng Jawatengah dengan view menawan dan sunrise terbaik juga sunset yang indah. ... prau mountain. FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM. @prau_mountain. [email protected] 0852 277 81 445.

  23. BASECAMP PRAU VIA DIENG (@basecamp_prau_dieng)

    26K Followers, 201 Following, 1,257 Posts - BASECAMP PRAU VIA DIENG (@basecamp_prau_dieng) on Instagram: "PUSAT INFORMASI PENDAKIAN GUNUNG PRAU VIA DIENG 2590 MDPL ️ STATUS => BUKA"