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Tagungen, Kongresse, Feierlichkeiten und Konzerte 1.500 m² Veranstaltungsfläche Saal mit Bühne ca. 1.000 m² 300 kostenfreie Pkw-Stellplätze Der STAHLPALAST bietet Ihnen exzellente Rahmenbedingungen für Kongresse, Sportevents, Präsentationen oder Musikveranstaltungen. In unserer Multifunktionshalle können Veranstaltungen für maximal 1.400 Personen stattfinden.



178 m² | bis 120 Personen Länge 10,8 m | Breite 16,5 m | Höhe 2,95 m


147 m² | bis 90 Personen Länge 15,5 m | Breite 9,5 m | Höhe 2,9 m


64 m² | bis 40 Personen Länge 9,5 m | Breite 6,8 m | Höhe 3,1 m


54 m² | bis 40 Personen Länge 11,7 m | Breite 4,8 m | Höhe 2,5 m

42 m² | bis 25 Personen Länge 9,1 m | Breite 4,8 m | Höhe 2,5 m


26 m² | bis 16 Personen Länge 5,8 m | Breite 4,8 m | Höhe 2,5 m

Ihre Veranstaltungsanfrage

Covid-19-regelungen unsere hotels in deutschland, vollständig geimpfte.

Impfnachweis + amtl. Lichtbildausweis erforderlich!

Vollständig Genesene

Personen, deren positiver PCR-Test mindestens 28 Tage zurückliegt und nicht älter als 6 Monate ist. Genesenen-Nachweis plus amtlicher Lichtbildausweis erforderlich!

Tagesaktuell negativ getestete nicht Immunisierte

Nachweis per negativem Bürgertest, PCR-Test oder von unserem zertifiziertem Personal durchgeführten Antigen-Schnelltest.

MASKENPFLICHT : Wir empfehlen das Tragen einer FFP2-MASKE Ausserhalb Ihres Zimmers!

Covid-19-regelungen für rheinland-pfalz, dreifach geimpfte.

Personen mit Boosterimpfung benötigen ab dem Tag der Drittimpfung keinen tagesaktuellen Negativtest. Impfnachweis und amtl. Lichtbildausweis sind erforderlich.

Vollständig Geimpfte + aktueller Negativtest*

Vollständig genesene + aktueller negativtest*, kinder bis 12 jahre und 3 monaten.

sind generell von den Regelungen ausgenommen

Jugendliche bis 17 Jahre*

sind von 2G+ ausgenommen. Für sie gelten 3G-Regeln.

Gäste, die länger bleiben

Hier liegen uns noch keine Informationen vor. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass zumindest alle 72 Stunden ein neuerliches negatives Testergebnis* vorgelegt werden muss.

* akzeptiert werden ausschließlich negative PCR-Tests, Schnelltests durch eine autorisierte Institution, sowie vor Ort durch eine geschulte Person  unseres Hotels durchgeführte Schnelltests. Der Negativtest muss durch ein entsprechendes Zertifikat belegt sein und darf nicht älter als 24 Stunden sein.

MASKENPFLICHT : Wir empfehlen das Tragen einer deutlich besser schützenden FFP2-MASKE ausserhalb Ihres Zimmers!

Covid-19-regelungen für bayern.

Nachweis per Impfpass oder digitalem Impfnachweis plus amtlicher Lichtbildausweis

Covid-19 Genesene

Nachweis per positivem PCR-Test, der mindestens 28 Tage zurück liegt und nicht älter als 6 Monate ist sowie ein amtlicher Lichtbildausweis.

Beruflich Reisende

Sie reisen aus dringenden Gründen beruflich? Dann benötigen wir von Ihnen einen negativen PCR-Test bei Anreise. Bei längerem Aufenthalt alle 72 Stunden.

Kinder und Jugendliche

Schulkinder und Jugendliche, die regelmäßig in der Schule getestet werden, müssen keinen Negativnachweis erbringen. Kinder unter 6 dürfen natürlich ebenfalls übernachten.

FFP2-MASKENPFLICHT : Bitte tragen Sie in allen Innenräumen eine besonders gut schützende FFP2-Maske!

Covid-19-regelungen für hessen.

bis 18 Jahre sind auch ohne Negativtest willkommen.

3G für Beruflich reisende Gäste

Nicht immunisierte Gäste müssen täglich einen negativen Schnelltest vorweisen oder alle 48 Stunden einen negativen PCR-Test. Selbsttests werden nicht akzeptiert. Restaurantbesuch/Zugang zum Frühstücksraum ist leider nicht möglich.

MASKENPFLICHT : Wir empfehlen das Tragen einer Duetlich besser Schützenden FFP2-MASKE Ausserhalb Ihres Zimmers!

Ihre tagungsanfrage.

Als wirtschaftliches Zentrum im Herzen Europas ist Düsseldorf traditionell der Standort vieler Handelsunternehmen. Die Metro AG mit ihrem Sitz in der Metrostraße im östlichen Stadtteil Flingern-Nord gehört zu den größten internationalen Playern im Bereich des Groß- und Einzelhandels. Von hier aus werden die Geschicke der Metro-Cash-&-Carry-Märkte und der Real-Handelskette gelenkt. Seit der Gründung im Jahre 1963 ist die Kette gewaltig gewachsen. Das aus den USA importierte Geschäftsmodell des Selbstbedienungsgroßmarktes für Großhändler war von Erfolg getragen. Das führte bald zur Gründung von Märkten in ganz Europa und seit 1996 auch in China. Der Metro-Konzern übernahm zeitweise Kaufhof und weitere Fachmärkte wie Mediamarkt, Saturn, das Computerhandelsunternehmen Vobis und andere Märkte. Metro beschäftigt weltweit an die Hundertfünfzigtausend Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. In Düsseldorf sind etwa Zehntausend Mitarbeiter für Metro tätig. Der nahe gelegene große Düsseldorfer Metromarkt wurde grundlegend renoviert und modernisiert. Dabei entwickelt sich Metro passend zur städtischen Konsumszene immer stärker zum Großhändler für Premium-Produkte, etwa in seinen “Erlesenen Welten” im Düsseldorfer Markt.

Henkel AG & Co. KGaA

Henkel mit Sitz in Düsseldorf-Holthausen in der Henkelstraße ist ein Düsseldorfer Traditionsunternehmen von Weltruf. Das heute börsennotierte Unternehmen geht auf die unternehmerische Gründungsinitiative Fritz Henkels zurück. 1878 verlegte Henkel wegen der besseren Infrastrukturen dort seine Fabrik von Aachen nach Düsseldorf. Der Marktführer in Bereichen wie Wasch- und Reinigungsmittel, Klebstoffe und Beauty Care ist weltweit auf allen Kontinenten vertreten und beschäftigt Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter aus 120 Ländern. Mehr als 80 % der Mitarbeiter sind außerhalb Deutschlands beschäftigt. Henkel beschäftigt in Düsseldorf etwa fünftausendfünfhundert Mitarbeiter. Mit 20 Milliarden Jahresumsatz gehört Henkel zu den großen Herstellern und den 300 größten Unternehmen weltweit. Das globale Unternehmen wird aus dem Düsseldorfer Hauptsitz gesteuert. Immer wieder überrascht das Unternehmen die Fachwelt mit völlig neuen, revolutionären Produkten, die hier in Düsseldorf erdacht werden. So werden die leistungsfähigen Klebstoffe von Henkel in der Luft- und Raumfahrt eingesetzt. Der Konsument kennt Henkel von Marken wie Persil, Pril, Purex, Weißer Riese, Perwoll, Fewa, Somat, Sidolin, Ata und Bref im Waschmittelsektor. In der Kosmetik zählen beispielsweise die Henkel-Marken Schwarzkopf, Syoss, Dial, Fa, Bac, Schauma, Taft und Gliss Kur zu den führenden Produkten.

ThyssenKrupp Elevator AG

Die ThyssenKrupp Elevator AG hat ihren Sitz in Düsseldorf. Das Unternehmen betreibt Unternehmensteile wie die Niederlassung Düsseldorf in der Angermunder Straße. Weltweit hat der Technologieführer am Aufzugsmarkt Kunden in 150 Ländern und unterhält über 1.000 Vertriebs- und Servicestandorte in der ganzen Welt. Das Unternehmen gehört zum Industriekonzern ThyssenKrupp, dessen Wurzeln bis zum Jahre 1811 zurückreichen. Die Elevator AG hat knapp 10 Milliarden Euro Umsatz und beschäftigt weltweit mehr als 50.000 Mitarbeiter. Neben den Aufzügen vertreibt die AG Fahrtreppen, Fluggastbrücken, Treppenlifte und weitere innovative Produkte. In Düsseldorf hat noch der Unternehmensbereich Thyssenkrupp Stahlkontor seinen Hauptsitz in der Königsberger Straße 80. Bis 2007 befand sich die Unternehmenszentrale des Thyssen-Konzerns im prächtigen Dreischeibenhaus am Hofgarten. Das dortige grundlegend renovierte Hochhaus aus den Jahren des Wirtschaftswunders beherbergt heute vornehmlich Rechtsanwaltskanzleien und Beratungsunternehmen.

Rheinmetall AG

Die Rheinmetall AG mit Sitz in Düsseldorf am Rheinmetallplatz produziert Rüstungsgüter und Automobilteile. Hier am ehemaligen Industriestandort residiert die Unternehmensleitung mit ihren Stabsabteilungen. Das Unternehmen hat auf dem Industriegelände neue architektonische Stilelemente mit traditionellen Industriegebäuden verbunden. Rheinmetall besitzt eine lange Industrietradition in Deutschland und wurde 1889 gegründet. Das Rheinmetallwerk in Düsseldorf lieferte schwerpunktmäßig Munition. Mit knapp 23.000 Mitarbeitern, davon rund 11.500 in Düsseldorf, erwirtschaftet der Konzern etwa 6 Milliarden Euro Umsatz. Neben dem Hauptsitz in Düsseldorf betreibt das Unternehmen weltweit etwa 50 Standorte, darunter 3 in Indien und 9 in China und Japan. Der automotive Sektor, die Autozulieferersparte, fungiert teilweise unter dem Namen Rheinmetall Automotive AG und teilweise als KSPG AG (Kolbenschmidt Pierburg). Der Automotive Bereich hat seinen Hauptsitz in Neckarsulm, der Rüstungssektor residiert am Rheinmetallplatz mit der Konzernzentrale. In Düsseldorf haben Serviceunternehmen des Konzerns wie der Immobiliensektor und die Versicherungsvermittlung ihren Sitz. Die Immobilienabteilung entwickelt unter anderem das Großprojekt Unternehmerstadt in Düsseldorf, wo rund um die Hauptverwaltung von Rheinmetall auf dem ehemaligen Rheinmetall-Produktionsgelände ein neues Stadtviertel in einer Mischung aus den Funktionen Arbeiten und Leben entsteht.

GEA Group Aktiengesellschaft

Der weltweit agierende Industriekonzern GEA Group ist aus der 1881 von Wilhelm Merton gegründeten Anlagenbaufirma Metallgesellschaft hervorgegangen. Der börsennotierte Konzern unterhält seit 2011 seine Konzernzentrale in der Peter-Müller-Straße in Düsseldorf. GEA versteht sich als innovativer Technologiekonzern mit globaler Struktur. Das Unternehmen betreibt weltweit etwa 250 Tochtergesellschaften, die Prozesstechnik für die Produktion schwerpunktmäßig von Nahrungsmitteln und Getränken bauen. GEA liefert beispielsweise Abfüllanlagen, Abgasreinigungsanlagen, Brausysteme, Gefrieranlagen, Flüssigkeitsverarbeitungssysteme für die Getränkeindustrie Melksysteme und vieles mehr. Daneben sind aber auch ganz andere Sektoren vertreten, die der Konzern aus Düsseldorf liefert. Viele Schneekanonen in den Alpen stammen von GEA-Unternehmen. Die Kältetechnologie von GEA wird in vielen Eisstadien eingesetzt. Den Kern des Unternehmens bilden die beiden Business-Units Equipment und Services. Alle zentralen Konzernfunktionen sind in Düsseldorf konzentriert. Weltweit beschäftigt die Gruppe etwa 19.000 Mitarbeiter.

Peek & Cloppenburg KG

Die Peek & Cloppenburg KG hat ihren zentralen Sitz in Düsseldorf in der Berliner Allee. Die erfolgreiche Textil-Einzelhandelskette liefert seit ihrer Gründung 1901 Qualitäts-Textilien an den Konsumenten. In Hamburg agiert das selbstständige Unternehmen Peek & Cloppenburg Nord. Das für Süddeutschland zuständige Unternehmen P&C Süd bedient 67 Niederlassungen in Nordrhein-Westfalen, in Rheinland-Pfalz, dem Saarland, in Mittel- und Südhessen, Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Thüringen, Berlin, Brandenburg, Sachsen-Anhalt und im Norden von Sachsen. In Deutschland werden etwa 17.500 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter bei Cloppenburg Süd beschäftigt. Der Umsatz liegt bei 2 Milliarden Euro. Beide Unternehmen sind seit ihrer Gründung voneinander unabhängig. Bis heute ist der Konzern familiengeführt. Die Marke agiert in 15 europäischen Ländern. In den letzten Jahren wurde vom Konzern in Düsseldorf ein erfolgreich verlaufender Online-Handel aufgebaut. Online bestellte Waren können in den Niederlassungen abgeholt, anprobiert und zurückgegeben werden. So kommt es zu einem optimalen Zusammenwirken von Offline- und Online-Vertriebskanälen.

AIR LIQUIDE Deutschland GmbH

In der Luise-Rainer-Straße 5 hat die AIR LIQUIDE Deutschland GmbH die Deutschland-Zentrale ihres Unternehmens. Air Liquide gehört zu den weltweiten Marktführern bei Herstellung und Lieferung von Gasen für Industrie, Medizin und Umweltschutz. Global beschäftigt die Firma in 80 Ländern 65.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter und erwirtschaftet etwa 20 Milliarden Umsatz im Jahr. Bereits im Jahre 1902 wurde Air Liquide auf der Basis von technologischen Innovationen gegründet. Sehr bald expandierte das Unternehmen nach Deutschland, wo heute 4.500 Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen beschäftigt werden. Gasgroßverbraucher und Industriebetriebe werden direkt über Rohrleitungssysteme beliefert. Das Großunternehmen unterhält in der ganzen Welt Pipelines und Netze, wozu auch die Wasserstoffpipeline Rhein-Ruhr und weitere regionale Netz mit einer Länge von 600 Kilometer gehören. Endkunden und Handwerksbetriebe werden mit Flüssiggasbehältern beliefert. Ärzte und Patienten in Krankenhäusern nutzen die medizinischen Gase des Herstellers.

DHL Freight Germany Holding GmbH

In der Tersteegenstraße hat die Holding des großen Logistikkonzerns DHL, die DHL Freight Germany Holding GmbH, einen Sitz. Der Hauptsitz der DHL Gruppe ist Bonn. Transport, Lagerhaltung und Distribution zählen zu den Leistungen des Konzerns. Viele Düsseldorfer Geschäfte, Online-Händler, Gewerbetreibende und Industrien versenden ihre Waren mit DHL in alle Welt. Die Holding verwaltet von der DHL Group gehaltene Firmenanteile. DHL Freight unterhält in Deutschland, dem Hauptmarkt des Logistikdienstleisters, 66 Standorte. Auch die DHL Global Forwarding, die Spedition der DHL, hat eine Niederlassung in Ratingen bei Düsseldorf. Sie handelt internationale Luft- und Seefracht. Die DHL Gruppe erwirtschaftet mehr als 60 Milliarden Euro Jahresumsatz und beschäftigt weltweit 550.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, davon rund 3.500 in Düsseldorf. Aus dem Staatsunternehmen Post hat sich ein Weltmarktführer der Logistik in einer Erfolgsgeschichte entwickelt. In Düsseldorf werden dessen Kapitalanteile verwaltet.

L’Oréal Deutschland GmbH

In der Johannstraße im Stadtteil Derendorf hat die L’Oréal Deutschland GmbH ihren zentralen Sitz. Das Kosmetikunternehmen benennt als die Mission der Gruppe, die Schönheit allen Menschen weltweit zugänglich zu machen und passt damit gut zu der Düsseldorfer Lebensart. In Deutschland erreicht der Kosmetikkonzern mehr als eine Milliarde Euro Umsatz und hat die Rolle des Marktführers übernommen. Nach den USA, Frankreich und China ist Deutschland der viertwichtigste Markt für die Gruppe, die hier bereits 1930 Niederlassungen eröffnete. L’Oréal ist stolz auf seinen neuen Firmensitz in Düsseldorf, denn das Gebäude symbolisiert Transparenz, Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation. Das Bürohaus ist im Inneren weitgehend offen gestaltet und vermeidet fest Zimmerwände. In Deutschland beschäftigt die Gruppe mehr als 2.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter, davon allein 900 in Düsseldorf.


Nachdem Düsseldorf schon seit Jahrzehnten ein Zentrum der japanischen Wirtschaft in Deutschland ist, sind die Düsseldorfer besonders froh, dass mit Huawei auch ein riesiger chinesischer Konzern Düsseldorf als deutsche Konzernzentrale ausgewählt hat. Das Technologieunternehmen hat seinen Sitz in der Hansaallee westlich des Rheins. Der Konzern ist schon seit 2001 in Deutschland aktiv, beschäftigt hier 2.200 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter und führt die Liste der großen chinesischen Konzerne in Deutschland an. Huawei versteht sich als weltweit führender Lösungsanbieter im Bereich der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie. Kennen die meisten Verbraucher die Huawei-Handys, ist das Tätigkeitsspektrum des Konzerns tatsächlich viel größer. Das Unternehmen verschafft als Dienstleister den Telekommunikationsbetreibern Zugang zu ihren Netzen. Huawei engagiert sich im Smart Service für IT-Kunden in der Cloud, im Aufbau Betrieb von Netzwerken, im Betrieb von Rechenzentren und beim Aufbau der neuen 5G-Netze.

BNP Paribas Real Estate Holding GmbH

In der Fritz-Vomfelde-Straße hat die Immobilienverwaltung der Großbank BNP Paribas ihren Sitz. Weitere Standorte befinden sich in der Benrather Straße. Die BNP mit Hauptsitz in Paris zählt zu den drei größten Banken Europas. Die Immobilienfachleute der BNP Paribas sind auf dem Düsseldorfer Immobilienmarkt besonders aktiv. Als Dienstleister stehen sie im Property Management zur Verfügung. Für Kunden übernehmen sie Standortplanung, Umzugsorganisation und Raumplanung. Die Immobilienfachleuchte der BNP Paribas sind bereits seit 60 Jahren als Konzern in Deutschland tätig. Sie beraten ihre Kunden bei Leerständen mit innovativen Konzepten und haben schon manchen Quadratmeter auf der Kö gefüllt. Sie wirken etwa bei der Umwandlung des Düsseldorfer Glasmacherviertels in ein modernes Wohnungsbaugebiet mit. Die Experten betonen, dass Düsseldorf ein gefragter Standort bei nationalen und internationalen Firmen auch in Zukunft bleiben wird.

Nespresso Deutschland GmbH

Im Düsseldorfer Medienhafen in der Speditionsstraße hat ein weiteres Unternehmen seinen Sitz, das sehr gut zu Düsseldorf passt. Hier sitzt die Nespresso Deutschland GmbH, die mit ihren lifestyle-orientierten Kaffeekapseln die Welt des Kaffees verändert hat. Nespresso ist eine Tochter des Nestlé-Konzerns und weltweiter Marktführer im Bereich portionierter Spitzenkaffees. Nespresso beschäftigt global mehr als 5.500 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. Neben der Deutschlandverwaltung hat auch das deutsche Nespresso Customer Relationship Center (CRC) seinen Sitz im Medienhafen. Zukunftsweisend hat Nespresso die zentrale Bestelleinheit des Unternehmens zu einer Service- und Loyalitätsplattform weiterentwickelt. Die Agenten des CRC genießen bei Nespresso besonders hohes Ansehen, denn niemand übertrifft sie mit ihrem Know-how über die Kunden. Düsseldorf weist auch hier einen Weg in die wirtschaftliche Zukunft.

Unsere Tagungstechnik

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Popular amenities

  • Pool Pool Pool
  • Parking available Parking available Parking available
  • Bar Bar Bar
  • Laundry facilities Laundry facilities Laundry facilities
  • 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk
  • Non-smoking Non-smoking Non-smoking

Main amenities

  • Daily housekeeping
  • Indoor pool
  • Breakfast available
  • WiFi in the lobby
  • Self parking
  • Business center
  • 4 meeting rooms
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Front-desk safe
  • Vending machine

Feel at home

  • Children stay free
  • Private bathroom
  • Premium TV channels
  • Blackout drapes/curtains

What's around


  • Popular Location Gutenberg Museum 6 min drive
  • Popular Location Rheingoldhalle 6 min drive
  • Popular Location Mainz Cathedral 10 min drive
  • Airport Frankfurt (FRA-Frankfurt Intl.) 26 min drive

Room options

View all photos for triple room.

Triple Room

  • 1 Double Bed and 1 Twin Bed

Family Room

  • 2 Double Beds

Standard Twin Room

  • 2 Twin Beds

View all photos for Standard Single Room

Minibar, in-room safe, desk, blackout drapes

Standard Single Room

View all photos for standard double room.

Minibar, in-room safe, desk, blackout drapes

Standard Double Room

  • 1 Double Bed

Similar properties

In-room safe, desk, laptop workspace, blackout drapes

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About the neighborhood, what's nearby.

  • Augustinerstrasse - 6 min drive
  • Gutenberg Museum - 6 min drive
  • Rheingoldhalle - 6 min drive
  • ZDF - 9 min drive
  • Mainz Cathedral - 10 min drive

Getting around

  • Mainz (QFZ-Mainz Finthen) - 14 min drive
  • Frankfurt Airport (FRA) - 27 min drive
  • Mainz Laubenheim Station - 5 min drive
  • Mainz (QMZ-Mainz Train Station) - 7 min drive
  • Mainz-Bischofsheim Station - 7 min drive


  • ‪McDonald's - ‬3 min drive
  • ‪KUEHN KUNZ ROSEN Brauerei Mainz - ‬5 min drive
  • ‪Cucina San Marco - ‬4 min drive
  • ‪Weinbar - ‬4 min drive
  • ‪Bootshaus - ‬7 min drive

About this property

At a glance.

  • Arranged over 4 floors


  • Check-in start time: 2:00 PM; Check-in end time: 5:30 AM
  • Late check-in subject to availability
  • Minimum check-in age: 18
  • Check-out time is 11 AM

Restrictions related to your trip

  • Check COVID-19 restrictions.

Special check-in instructions

  • Front desk staff will greet guests on arrival

Required at check-in

  • Credit card, debit card, or cash deposit required for incidental charges
  • Government-issued photo ID may be required
  • Minimum check-in age is 18
  • One child (12 years old and younger) stays free when occupying the parent or guardian's room, using existing bedding
  • No cribs (infant beds)
  • Pets not allowed
  • WiFi in public areas*
  • Free WiFi in rooms
  • Onsite self parking (EUR 5 per day)
  • Wheelchair-accessible parking on site

Other information

  • Smoke-free property

Property amenities

Food and drink.

  • Buffet breakfast (surcharge) on weekday mornings 6:30 AM–10:00 AM

Traveling with children

  • Children stay free (see details)

Working away

  • Conference space (1615 square feet)
  • Tour/ticket assistance
  • Dry cleaning/laundry services
  • Free newspapers in lobby
  • Luggage storage
  • Safe-deposit box at front desk
  • An indoor pool


  • Wheelchair-accessible path of travel
  • Wheelchair-accessible parking

Room amenities

Be entertained.

  • Flat-screen television
  • Premium satellite channels

Home comfort

  • Alarm clock
  • Bed sheets provided
  • Bathtub only
  • Free toiletries

Stay connected

  • In-room safe

Fees & policies

Optional extras.

  • WiFi is available in public areas for EUR 5 (rates may vary)
  • Buffet breakfast is offered for an extra charge of approximately EUR 10 per person
  • Self parking costs EUR 5 per day

Pool, spa, & gym (if applicable)

  • Facility access costs EUR 5 per person, per day. Facilities include a sauna and a swimming pool.

Also known as

Frequently asked questions, trip inn bristol hotel reviews.

All reviews shown are from real guest experiences. Only travelers who have booked a stay with us can submit a review. We verify reviews according to our guidelines and publish all reviews, positive or negative. More information Opens in a new window

10/10 Exceptional

8/10 very good, francois-xavier, average hotel, ruben ullassa, verified traveler, the place to stay in mainz, one night stand, most popular destinations.

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

rate per night

based on 1,163 reviews

About Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

  • Hotel Room You’ll have a private room with all the hotel’s amenities
  • Freebies This stay includes Wi-Fi for free

Photos of Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

Latest deals for trip inn bristol hotel mainz, amenities at trip inn bristol hotel mainz.

  • Indoor pool
  • Business center
  • Wi-Fi available in all areas
  • Flat-screen TV
  • Cable or satellite TV
  • Free toiletries
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Smoke alarms

Accessibility and suitability

  • Entire unit wheelchair accessible
  • Increased accessibility
  • Accessible by elevator
  • Adapted bath
  • Allergy-free room
  • Non-feather pillow
  • Upper floors accessible by elevator

Services and conveniences

  • Conference rooms
  • Safety deposit box
  • Meeting/Banquet facilities
  • Mini-market on site
  • Express check-out
  • 24hr front desk
  • Toilet paper
  • Private bathroom
  • Food can be delivered to guest accommodation
  • Vending machine (drinks)
  • Vending machine (snacks)
  • Family rooms
  • Hardwood or parquet floors
  • Interconnected room(s) available
  • Storage available
  • Feather pillow
  • Fold-up bed
  • Socket near the bed
  • Wardrobe or closet

Media and entertainment

Pool and spa

Parking and transportation

  • Private parking
  • Fax/photocopying

Health and safety

  • Daily housekeeping
  • Laundry service

Things to do

  • Bicycle rental

Family friendly

  • Cribs available
  • Indoor tennis

Reviews of Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

All reviews are collected from real users with a verified booking made with KAYAK or one of our trusted external partners.

Learn how KAYAK collects reviews.

  • Very friendly and ultra helpful staff. (in 39 reviews)
  • "Excellent breakfast, good parking" (in 19 reviews)
  • "Great staff, very clean, good breakfast" (in 60 reviews)
  • the hotel was really money value . (in 1 review)
  • I booked the hotel at 20:15. (in 9 reviews)
  • Unfortunately the swimming pool was closed during the heat wave. (in 5 reviews)

What's nearby

  • Volkspark Mainz 0.7 mi
  • Augustinerstrasse 1.7 mi
  • Augustinerkirche 1.7 mi
  • Mainz Cathedral 1.8 mi
  • Gutenberg Museum 1.8 mi
  • State Theatre Mainz 1.9 mi
  • Mainz Carnival Museums 2.1 mi
  • Isis- und Mater Magna-Heiligtum 2.1 mi
  • Naturhistorisches Museum 2.2 mi
  • Landesmuseum Mainz 2.2 mi
  • Arc de Dativius Victor 2.3 mi
  • Electoral Palace Mainz 2.4 mi

Essential information about Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

When to book a room at trip inn bristol hotel mainz, top tips for your stay at trip inn bristol hotel mainz.

  • If you’re after a cheap room at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz, then you should consider staying during the low season. The cheapest deals can generally be found in April and May.
  • Prices can also vary depending on which day of the week you stay. For the best room deals at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz, plan to stay on a Tuesday or Friday. The most expensive day is usually Wednesday.
  • The cheapest price a room at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz was booked for on KAYAK in the last 2 weeks was $102, while the most expensive was $141.
  • How long should you stay at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz? KAYAK users usually book their rooms here for 15 days.

FAQs when booking at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

Where is trip inn bristol hotel mainz located.

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz is located at Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 20 in Weisenau, 2 miles from the center of Mainz. Volkspark Mainz is the closest landmark to Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz.

When is check-in time and check-out time at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz?

Check-in time is 2:00 PM and check-out time is 11:00 AM at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz.

Does Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz offer free Wi-Fi?

Yes, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz offers free Wi-Fi.

How far is Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz from the airport?

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz is 12.4 miles from Frankfurt am Main. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz is 36.2 miles from Mannheim City.

Does Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz have a pool?

Yes, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz has a pool onsite.

How does KAYAK find such great Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz hotel deals?

KAYAK scours the web for all room deals available at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz in Mainz and lets you compare them to find the best rate for your stay. Many different travel sites will offer discounts or deals at different times for rooms at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz and KAYAK will provide you with prices from a huge range of travel sites. That means that you can always find a great deal for Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz.

Nearby hotels and places to stay

Most recommended, good to know.

Expedia Rewards is now One Key™

Trip inn bristol hotel, choose dates to view prices, photo gallery for trip inn bristol hotel.


Popular amenities

  • 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk
  • Pool Pool Pool
  • Bar Bar Bar
  • Parking available Parking available Parking available
  • Laundry Laundry Laundry
  • Breakfast available Breakfast available Breakfast available

Explore the area


  • Popular Location Gutenberg Museum 6 min drive
  • Popular Location Rheingoldhalle 6 min drive
  • Popular Location Mainz Cathedral 10 min drive
  • Airport Frankfurt (FRA-Frankfurt Intl.) 26 min drive

Most relevant reviews

Experimentalcarousel, 10/10 excellent, room options, view all photos for triple room.

Triple Room

  • 1 Double Bed and 1 Twin Bed

Family Room

  • 2 Double Beds

Standard Twin Room

  • 2 Twin Beds

View all photos for Standard Single Room

Minibar, in-room safe, desk, blackout drapes

Standard Single Room

View all photos for standard double room.

Minibar, in-room safe, desk, blackout drapes

Standard Double Room

  • 1 Double Bed

Similar properties

In-room safe, desk, laptop workspace, blackout drapes

Super 8 by Wyndham Mainz Zollhafen


the niu Mood

Lobby lounge

Select Hotel Mainz

Breakfast, lunch and dinner served

H2 Hotel Mainz

Indoor pool, sun loungers

Atrium Hotel Mainz


Best Western Hotel Mainz

Front of property

Hotel Am Hechenberg


B&B Hotel Mainz-Hechtsheim


Hotel am Schloss Biebrich

Indoor pool, sun loungers

Novotel Mainz

About the neighborhood, what's nearby.

  • Augustinerstrasse - 6 min drive
  • Gutenberg Museum - 6 min drive
  • Rheingoldhalle - 6 min drive
  • ZDF - 9 min drive
  • Mainz Cathedral - 10 min drive

Getting around

  • Mainz Laubenheim Station - 5 min drive
  • Mainz Hauptbahnhof West/Taubertsbergbad Tram Stop - 8 min drive
  • Frankfurt Airport (FRA) - 27 min drive


  • ‪McDonald's - ‬3 min drive
  • ‪KUEHN KUNZ ROSEN Brauerei Mainz - ‬5 min drive
  • ‪Cucina San Marco - ‬4 min drive
  • ‪Weinbar - ‬4 min drive
  • ‪Bootshaus - ‬7 min drive

About this property

  • An indoor pool
  • Buffet breakfast (surcharge), self parking (surcharge), and free newspapers
  • Smoke-free premises, a vending machine, and a 24-hour front desk
  • Tour/ticket assistance, an elevator, and 4 meeting rooms
  • Bathrooms with bathtubs and free toiletries
  • Flat-screen TVs with premium channels
  • Heating, daily housekeeping, and desks

Property amenities

  • Available in all rooms: Free WiFi
  • Available in some public areas: WiFi (EUR 5)

Parking and transportation

  • Self parking on site (EUR 5 per day)
  • Wheelchair-accessible parking available

Food and drink

  • Weekday buffet breakfast available 6:30 AM to 10:00 AM for a fee: EUR 10 per person
  • A bar/lounge

Things to do

  • Indoor pool

Family friendly


  • 24-hour front desk
  • Free newspapers in lobby
  • Luggage storage
  • Safe at front desk
  • Vending machine

Guest services

  • Dry cleaning/laundry service
  • Housekeeping (daily)
  • Tour and ticket assistance

Business services

  • 1,615 square feet of conference space
  • 4 meeting rooms
  • Business center


  • If you have requests for specific accessibility needs, please contact the property using the information on the reservation confirmation received after booking.
  • Wheelchair-accessible parking
  • Wheelchair-accessible path of travel
  • Smoke-free property

Room amenities

  • Bedsheets provided
  • Blackout drapes
  • Free toiletries
  • Private bathroom


  • Flat-screen TV with premium cable/satellite channels

Special check-in instructions

Access methods, children and extra beds, property payment types, important information, optional extras.

  • Fee for buffet breakfast: approximately EUR 10 per person
  • Fee for wireless internet in public areas: EUR 5 (rates may vary)
  • Self parking fee: EUR 5 per day
  • Facilities fee: EUR 5 per person, per day and includes use of: sauna; swimming pool

The above list may not be comprehensive. Fees and deposits may not include tax and are subject to change.

You need to know

Property is also known as, frequently asked questions.

Yes, this property has an indoor pool.

As of Jun 25, 2024, prices found for a 1-night stay for 2 adults at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel on Jun 30, 2024 start from $81.25, excluding taxes and fees. This price is based on the lowest nightly price found in the last 24 hours for stays in the next 30 days. Prices are subject to change. Choose your dates for more accurate prices.

No, pets are not allowed at this property.

Self parking is available for EUR 5 per day.

Check-in start time: 2:00 PM; Check-in end time: 5:30 AM. Late check-in is available during limited hours.

Check-out is at 11 AM.

Located in Weisenau, this hotel is within 1 mi (2 km) of Public Park, Main Hiking Trail, and Rhine. Museum für Antike Schiffahrt and St. Augustine's Church are also within 3 mi (5 km).

All reviews shown are from real guest experiences. Only travelers who have booked a stay with us can submit a review. We verify reviews according to our guidelines and publish all reviews, positive or negative. More information Opens in a new window

Grzegorz, High Wycombe

Francois-xavier, kenneth, motherwell, ruben ullassa, average hotel, verified traveler, the place to stay in mainz, one night stand, expedia's latest trends.

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

hotel overview picture

Guest Reviews

Services & amenities.

Family Room

Family Room

Standard Double Room

Standard Double Room

Standard Twin Room

Standard Twin Room

Standard Triple Room

Standard Triple Room

Standard Single Room with Bathroom

Standard Single Room with Bathroom

Junior Suite

Junior Suite

Guest reviews (17).

trip in bristol hotel mainz

  • Cleanliness 3.8
  • Amenities 3.7
  • Location 3.8
  • Service 3.9

trip in bristol hotel mainz

Property Policies

Front desk hours: 24/7

Property Description

  • Number of Rooms: 74

trip in bristol hotel mainz

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to stay at trip inn bristol hotel mainz, what is the closest airport to trip inn bristol hotel mainz, what are the check-in and check-out times at trip inn bristol hotel mainz, does trip inn bristol hotel mainz provide airport transfer services, what amenities and services does trip inn bristol hotel mainz have, does trip inn bristol hotel mainz have a swimming pool, does trip inn bristol hotel mainz have fitness amenities, does trip inn bristol hotel mainz provide wi-fi, does trip inn bristol hotel mainz have non-smoking rooms, does trip inn bristol hotel mainz provide breakfast, about this property, popular hotels, popular attractions, explore more.

Members save 10% or more on over 100,000 hotels worldwide when you’re signed in

Trip inn bristol hotel, choose dates to view prices, photo gallery for trip inn bristol hotel.


Popular amenities

  • 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk
  • Bar Bar Bar
  • Pool Pool Pool
  • Parking available Parking available Parking available
  • Laundry facilities Laundry facilities Laundry facilities
  • Non-smoking Non-smoking Non-smoking

Main amenities

  • Daily housekeeping
  • Indoor pool
  • Breakfast available
  • WiFi in the lobby
  • Self parking
  • Business centre
  • 4 meeting rooms
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Front desk safe
  • Vending machine

Feel at home

  • Children stay free
  • Private bathroom
  • Premium TV channels
  • Blackout curtains

What's around


  • Popular Location Gutenberg Museum 6 min drive
  • Popular Location Rheingoldhalle 6 min drive
  • Popular Location Mainz Cathedral 10 min drive
  • Airport Frankfurt (FRA-Frankfurt Intl.) 26 min drive

Most relevant reviews

Experimentalcarousel, 10/10 exceptional, room options, view all photos for triple room.

Triple Room

  • 1 Double Bed and 1 Single Bed

Family Room

  • 2 Double Beds

Standard Twin Room

  • 2 Single Beds

View all photos for Standard Single Room

Minibar, in-room safe, desk, blackout curtains

Standard Single Room

  • 1 Single Bed

View all photos for Standard Double Room

Minibar, in-room safe, desk, blackout curtains

Standard Double Room

  • 1 Double Bed

Similar properties

In-room safe, desk, laptop workspace, blackout curtains

Super 8 by Wyndham Mainz Zollhafen


the niu Mood

Lobby lounge

Select Hotel Mainz

Breakfast, lunch and dinner served

H2 Hotel Mainz

Indoor pool, pool loungers

Atrium Hotel Mainz


Best Western Hotel Mainz

Front of property

Hotel Am Hechenberg


B&B Hotel Mainz-Hechtsheim


Hotel am Schloss Biebrich

Indoor pool, pool loungers

Novotel Mainz

About the area, what's nearby.

  • Augustinerstrasse - 6 min drive
  • Gutenberg Museum - 6 min drive
  • Rheingoldhalle - 6 min drive
  • ZDF - 9 min drive
  • Mainz Cathedral - 10 min drive

Getting around

  • Mainz (QFZ-Mainz Finthen) - 14 min drive
  • Frankfurt Airport (FRA) - 27 min drive
  • Mainz Laubenheim Station - 5 min drive
  • Mainz (QMZ-Mainz Train Station) - 7 min drive
  • Mainz-Bischofsheim Station - 7 min drive


  • ‪McDonald's - ‬3 min drive
  • ‪KUEHN KUNZ ROSEN Brauerei Mainz - ‬5 min drive
  • ‪Cucina San Marco - ‬4 min drive
  • ‪Weinbar - ‬4 min drive
  • ‪Bootshaus - ‬7 min drive

About this property

At a glance.

  • Arranged over 4 floors


  • Check-in start time: 2:00 PM; check-in end time: 5:30 AM
  • Late check-in subject to availability
  • Minimum check-in age – 18
  • Check-out time is 11 AM

Restrictions related to your trip

  • Check COVID-19 restrictions

Special check-in instructions

  • Front desk staff will greet guests on arrival

Required at check-in

  • Credit card, debit card or cash deposit required for incidental charges
  • Government-issued photo ID may be required
  • Minimum check-in age is 18
  • One child (12 years old and younger) stays free when occupying the parent or guardian's room using existing bedding
  • No cots (infant beds)
  • Pets not allowed
  • WiFi in public areas*
  • Free WiFi in rooms
  • On-site self-parking (EUR 5 per day)
  • Wheelchair-accessible parking on site

Other information

  • Smoke-free property

Property amenities

Food and drink.

  • Buffet breakfast (surcharge) on weekday mornings 6:30 AM–10:00 AM

Travelling with children

  • Children stay for free (see details)

Working away

  • Conference space (1615 square feet)
  • Tour/ticket assistance
  • Dry cleaning/laundry services
  • Free newspapers in reception
  • Luggage storage
  • Safe-deposit box at front desk
  • An indoor pool


  • Wheelchair-accessible path of travel
  • Wheelchair-accessible parking

Room amenities

Be entertained.

  • Flat-screen television
  • Premium satellite channels

Home comfort

  • Alarm clock
  • Bed sheets provided
  • Free toiletries

Stay connected

  • In-room safe

Fees & policies

Optional extras.

  • WiFi is available in public areas for EUR 5 (rates may vary)
  • Buffet breakfast is offered for an extra charge of approximately EUR 10 per person
  • Self-parking costs EUR 5 per day

Pool, spa, & gym (if applicable)

  • Facility access costs EUR 5 per person, per day. Facilities include a sauna and a swimming pool.

Also known as

Frequently asked questions.

All reviews shown are from real guest experiences. Only travellers who have booked a stay with us can submit a review. We verify reviews according to our guidelines and publish all reviews, positive or negative. More information Opens in a new window

8/10 Very good

Francois-xavier, average hotel, ruben ullassa, verified traveller, the place to stay in mainz, one night stand, most popular destinations.


  • Germany Hotels ( 196,151 )
  • Mainz Hotels ( 160 )

Book Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

Exterior view, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz in Mainz

See all photos

Exterior view, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz in Mainz

Removed from saved list

  • Things to do

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

Get your trip off to a great start with a stay at this property, which offers free Wi-Fi in all rooms. Conveniently situated in the Weisenau part of Mainz, this property puts you close to attractions and interesting dining options. Rated with 3 stars, this high-quality property provides guests with access to indoor pool and sauna on-site.

Hygiene Plus

  • Check-in [24-hour]

Free Wi-Fi in all rooms!

Daily housekeeping

  • Front desk [24-hour]
  • Check-in/out [express]
  • Luggage storage
  • Swimming pool [indoor]

8.1 Excellent

134 reviews

7.7 Very good

Location rating score

Rooms available at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

  • Room size: 20 m²/215 ft²
  • Non-smoking
  • 1 double bed and 1 single b...
  • Room size: 18 m²/194 ft²
  • 1 queen bed
  • 2 single beds
  • 1 single bed
  • Room size: 22 m²/237 ft²
  • Shower and bathtub
  • 2 queen beds
  • 2 double beds

Top things to do in Mainz

Popular things to do

popular things to do

Mainz private walking tour


Not only Riesling!


Wine and Old Town guided walking tour in Mainz


Castles and Abbeys: A visit to Rheingau Grand Crus


Rhein Castles & Regal Riesling. Tasting wine along the Rhein


Private Walking Tour of Worms With A Professional Guide


Small Group Rheingau Vineyards Tour with Castles and Abbeys


Mainz Private Walking Tour With A Professional Guide


Private Transfer from Mainz to Prague With a 2 Hour Stop


Stand-up Paddleboarding (SUP)

Frequently asked questions

Does Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz have bars on the premises?

Experience your holiday retreat the ideal way with a beverage in your hand at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz's bar readily available right in front of your doorstep for when you need a drink or two.

Does Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz provide laundry services?

Yes! Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz offers hot water linen and laundry washing at your grasp for whenever you need your favorite clothes clean and fresh all throughout your holiday. Please contact the property for more information.

Is car parking available at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz?

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz has car park onsite with charges applied for guest visitors with vehicles to choose from when staying at this property. In case the car park is full, this property also has and nearby as well. Please contact the property for more information, or log into your Agoda account and contact the property through Agoda's direct message chatbox.

What procedures does Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz take in terms of hygiene, safety, and cleanliness?

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz meet our mandatory standard for cleanliness and safety by offering hand sanitizer and daily disinfection in common areas. This property also comes equipped with temperature check for guests and staff, first aid kit, staff trained in safety protocol, and free face masks for additional safety precautions and hygiene protocols.

What are the property's policies for children's bedding at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz?

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz's policy pertaining to children's bedding considers guests age 7 years and older as adults, and therefore requires an extra bed which will incur an additional cost. You can find additional information about specific child policy and age range for this property, by checking the "Property policies" section located in the property page for more details.

How long do visitors typically stay at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz?

Verified past guests that have stayed at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz had an average nightly stay of 2 nights at this property.

At what time of the year is Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz most popular?

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz's most popular month where verified guests travelers have stayed the most is in April.

In which languages can Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz's employees communicate?

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz can converse up to 2 languages which includes English for guests that have a preference for this language. Please refer to the "Amenities and facilities" section and in the "Languages spoken" category to find out what other languages this property supports.

What is the verified guest review consensus about Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz's swimming pool?

68.0% of our past visitor reviews have given a positive review and comments about this property's swimming pool. You can look up on more detailed customer reviews, and comments for Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz down in the review section.

What is the average rating that verified Solo travelers' have given to Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz?

Verified solo travelers that have stayed at this property have given Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz an average rating of 7.7. You can look up more detailed customer reviews and evaluations by filtering for a specific type of verified travelers down in the review section.

What is the average rating that verified Couples' have given to Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz?

Past couple travelers that have stayed at this property have given Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz an average rating of 7.7. You can look up on more in depth customer critiques, and comments by filtering for a specific type of verified guest travelers down in the review section.

What is the closest airport to Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz?

The nearest airport to Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz is Zweibrücken Airport, 106.0 km away.

More about Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

More about Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

Experience Comfort and Convenience at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz Welcome to Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz , a charming 3-star hotel located in the heart of Mainz, Germany. With its strategic location and comfortable accommodations, this hotel is the perfect choice for both business and leisure travelers. Featuring 74 well-appointed rooms, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz offers a range of options to suit every guest's needs. Whether you're traveling alone, with a partner, or with your family, you'll find a cozy and inviting space to relax and unwind. Each room is tastefully decorated and equipped with modern amenities, ensuring a comfortable stay. Check-in at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz begins at 02:00 PM, allowing you ample time to settle in and start exploring the vibrant city of Mainz. The friendly and attentive staff will be there to assist you with any requests or queries you may have, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free check-in process. If you need to check out, the hotel's check-out time is until 11:00 AM, giving you plenty of time to pack up and say goodbye to this wonderful hotel. Families traveling with young children will appreciate the child-friendly policies at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz . Children between the ages of 3 to 6 can stay free of charge, making it an excellent choice for a family getaway. The hotel also offers additional amenities and services to ensure a comfortable stay for families, including cribs and extra bedding upon request. Experience comfort and convenience at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz . Book your stay today and create lasting memories in the beautiful city of Mainz, Germany. Unwind and Indulge in Entertainment Facilities at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz At Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz , guests can expect a delightful range of entertainment facilities to enhance their stay. The hotel boasts a stylish and inviting bar, perfect for socializing and enjoying a refreshing drink after a long day of exploring Mainz. Whether you're looking to unwind with a glass of wine or mingle with fellow travelers, the bar offers a cozy ambiance and a wide selection of beverages to suit every taste. For those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation, the hotel also features a sauna. Step into this tranquil oasis and let the soothing heat melt away your stress and tension. Whether you prefer a dry sauna or a steam room experience, the sauna at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz provides the perfect retreat. Indulge in a few moments of solitude or enjoy the company of friends as you unwind and let the sauna's therapeutic benefits wash over you. With its inviting bar and rejuvenating sauna, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz ensures that guests have plenty of opportunities to relax and enjoy themselves during their stay. Whether you're in the mood for a lively evening or a tranquil escape, these entertainment facilities are designed to cater to your every need. Stay Active and Refreshed at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz 's Indoor Pool At Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz , we understand the importance of staying active and refreshed during your stay. That's why we offer a fantastic indoor pool facility for our guests to enjoy. Dive into the crystal-clear waters of our spacious pool and feel the stress melt away as you swim a few laps or simply relax in the soothing water. Whether you're an avid swimmer or just looking to unwind, our indoor pool provides the perfect setting for both exercise and relaxation. Our indoor pool is meticulously maintained and features comfortable loungers, allowing you to soak up the sun's rays while enjoying the serene atmosphere. The pool area is beautifully designed with large windows, allowing natural light to flood in and create a tranquil ambiance. Whether you prefer an invigorating morning swim or a refreshing dip after a long day of exploring Mainz, our indoor pool is available for your enjoyment throughout your stay. So, why not take advantage of our exceptional sports facilities and make the most of your time at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz ? Dive into our inviting indoor pool and experience the perfect blend of relaxation and rejuvenation. Convenience at Your Fingertips: Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz 's Top-Notch Facilities Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz in Mainz, Germany, offers a range of convenience facilities to ensure a comfortable and hassle-free stay for all guests. With Wi-Fi available in public areas and free Wi-Fi in all rooms, you can stay connected and browse the web effortlessly throughout your stay. Whether you're traveling for business or leisure, this hotel has got you covered. Additionally, the hotel offers express check-in/check-out services, allowing you to save time and start enjoying your stay right away. No need to worry about your luggage as the hotel provides luggage storage facilities, ensuring your belongings are safe and secure. Need to grab a quick snack or essential items? Look no further than the convenience store located on-site, offering a variety of products for your convenience. To make your stay even more enjoyable, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz provides daily housekeeping services, ensuring that your room is always clean and comfortable. With these top-notch convenience facilities, your stay at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz will be nothing short of exceptional. Convenient Transport Facilities at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz At Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz , we understand the importance of convenient transportation options for our guests. Whether you're exploring the beautiful city of Mainz or embarking on exciting tours, our hotel offers a range of transport facilities to make your stay hassle-free. For guests traveling by car, we provide an onsite car park where you can securely park your vehicle. Please note that car park charges are applied. This ensures that you have a stress-free experience and can easily access your car whenever needed. Additionally, our friendly staff is available to assist you with any ticket services you may require, making it easy for you to plan your day and explore the city's attractions. Whether you're visiting Mainz for business or leisure, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz offers convenient transport facilities to enhance your stay. From our onsite car park to our ticket services, we strive to make your travel experience seamless and enjoyable. Delicious Dining at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz At Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz , guests can indulge in a delightful culinary experience with the hotel's top-notch dining facilities. Start your day off right with a scrumptious breakfast buffet, where you can savor a wide selection of delectable dishes. From freshly baked pastries to a variety of breads, cereals, and fruits, there is something to satisfy every palate. The continental breakfast offers a taste of traditional German cuisine, with options like cold cuts, cheeses, and local specialties. Whether you prefer a light and healthy meal or a hearty breakfast, the hotel's dining facilities have you covered. In addition to the breakfast buffet, guests can enjoy daily housekeeping to ensure a clean and comfortable dining environment. The attentive staff takes great care in maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of the dining facilities, allowing you to dine with peace of mind. With a welcoming atmosphere and friendly service, the dining experience at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz is sure to leave a lasting impression. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, make sure to take advantage of the hotel's exceptional dining facilities for a truly satisfying stay. Comfortable and Spacious Rooms at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz At Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz , guests can choose from a range of comfortable and spacious rooms to suit their needs. The Family Room is perfect for those traveling with children, offering ample space and cozy furnishings for a relaxing stay. The Triple Bed Room is ideal for small groups or families, providing enough sleeping arrangements for everyone to enjoy a good night's sleep. With these room options, guests can expect a comfortable and inviting atmosphere, ensuring a pleasant stay at the hotel. Booking these rooms on Agoda offers guests the benefit of the best prices and a hassle-free experience. Agoda guarantees the lowest rates for Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz , allowing guests to enjoy great savings on their accommodation. Additionally, Agoda's user-friendly platform makes it easy to search, compare, and book these rooms with just a few clicks. With Agoda, guests can rest assured that they are getting the best deal and a seamless booking process, ensuring a stress-free stay at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz . Discover the Charm of Weisenau in Mainz, Germany Nestled on the banks of the iconic Rhine River, Weisenau is a charming neighborhood in Mainz, Germany, that offers a perfect blend of history, natural beauty, and modern conveniences. With its picturesque streets, quaint houses, and lush green spaces, Weisenau is a delightful place to explore. History enthusiasts will be captivated by Weisenau's rich heritage. The neighborhood is home to the Weisenau Abbey, a former Benedictine monastery dating back to the 8th century. Take a leisurely stroll through its well-preserved ruins and imagine the lives of the monks who once inhabited this serene place. Nature lovers will appreciate the proximity of Weisenau to the Rheinuferpark, a beautiful riverside park where you can enjoy a peaceful walk or have a picnic while taking in the stunning views of the Rhine River. The park also features playgrounds, sports facilities, and a beach volleyball court, making it a great place for families and outdoor enthusiasts. Weisenau is also conveniently located near the city center of Mainz, allowing easy access to a wide range of shops, restaurants, and cultural attractions. Whether you're looking to explore the historic Old Town, visit the Gutenberg Museum, or indulge in the local cuisine, Weisenau provides a tranquil base from which to embark on your Mainz adventure. With its unique blend of history, natural beauty, and modern amenities, Weisenau is a neighborhood that offers something for everyone. Whether you're a history buff, nature lover, or simply seeking a peaceful retreat, Weisenau in Mainz, Germany, is a destination worth exploring. Convenient Airport Transfers to Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz Located in the charming neighborhood of Weisenau in Mainz, Germany, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz offers a comfortable and convenient stay for travelers. Getting to the hotel from the nearest airports is a breeze, with multiple transportation options available. If you are arriving at Frankfurt Airport, the most common choice for international travelers, you can easily reach Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz by taking a train. From the airport, take the S-Bahn line S8 or S9 to Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof (main train station). From there, hop on a regional train to Mainz Hauptbahnhof (Mainz Central Station). The hotel is just a short taxi ride away from the train station, or you can take a local bus to Weisenau and walk for about 10 minutes to reach the hotel. Another option is to fly into Frankfurt-Hahn Airport, which is located about 75 kilometers from Mainz. From the airport, you can take a shuttle bus to Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof. Once at the train station, follow the same instructions as above to reach Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz . The journey may take a bit longer, but it offers a more affordable alternative to flying into Frankfurt Airport. Whether you choose to fly into Frankfurt Airport or Frankfurt-Hahn Airport, reaching Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz is a straightforward process. With convenient train connections and easy access to local transportation, you'll be able to start your Mainz adventure in no time! Explore the Serenity of Volkspark Mainz near Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz Nestled amidst the bustling city of Mainz, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz offers a tranquil escape for nature lovers with the picturesque Volkspark Mainz just a stone's throw away. This expansive park is a haven of serenity, perfect for a leisurely stroll or a peaceful picnic amidst lush greenery. Volkspark Mainz is a true gem for outdoor enthusiasts, offering a variety of recreational activities for all ages. Take a leisurely bike ride along the well-maintained paths, or lace up your running shoes and enjoy a jog through the park's scenic trails. The park also features a charming lake, where visitors can rent paddle boats and enjoy a relaxing ride on the tranquil waters. Aside from its natural beauty, Volkspark Mainz also boasts several amenities for visitors to enjoy. There are spacious playgrounds for children to frolic and let their imaginations run wild, as well as well-manicured gardens that are perfect for a peaceful afternoon of reading or simply soaking up the sun. Whether you're seeking solitude or a fun-filled day with family and friends, Volkspark Mainz is a must-visit attraction that offers a refreshing respite from the city's hustle and bustle. A Culinary Adventure Awaits When it comes to dining options, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz is surrounded by a plethora of fantastic restaurants. Just a short stroll away, you'll find Cafe Am Rosengarten, a charming café known for its delicious pastries and aromatic coffee. For those craving traditional German cuisine, Bastion Von Schonborn offers a cozy atmosphere and hearty dishes. Weinstube Zum Henkelkoerbchen is another great option, serving up mouthwatering regional specialties. If you're in the mood for a unique dining experience, Zur Turnhalle is a must-visit. This restaurant is housed in a former gymnasium, and its menu features innovative fusion dishes. Kreta is the place to go for authentic Greek cuisine, while Restaurant Bootshaus offers stunning river views and a menu filled with international delights. For a taste of British fare, head to the White Horse, where you can enjoy classic pub dishes in a lively setting. La Stella is a popular choice for Italian cuisine, serving up homemade pasta and wood-fired pizzas. Bistro Restaurant Esstragon is known for its modern European dishes, while Cucina San Marco offers a taste of the Mediterranean with its selection of fresh seafood and flavorful Italian dishes. With such a diverse range of dining options just steps away from the hotel, your taste buds are sure to be delighted during your stay at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz . Shop Till You Drop in Mainz Located in the heart of Mainz, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz is surrounded by a plethora of shopping landmarks that will satisfy even the most avid shoppers. Just a short stroll away, you will find La Belle Epoque, a charming boutique that offers a curated selection of high-end fashion and accessories. Step inside this elegant store and be transported to a world of timeless style and sophistication. Whether you're in search of a statement piece for a special occasion or simply want to indulge in some retail therapy, La Belle Epoque is the perfect destination. With its impeccable service and exquisite collection, this shopping landmark is a must-visit for fashion enthusiasts visiting Mainz. Affordable Luxury: Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz Offers Great Value for Money When it comes to finding a hotel that offers excellent value for money, look no further than Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz . With an average price of $158 per room, this hotel provides a luxurious experience without breaking the bank. Compared to the average price of a hotel room in Mainz, which is $137, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz stands out as an affordable option that doesn't compromise on quality. At Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz , you can enjoy a comfortable and stylish stay without exceeding your budget. The hotel offers a range of well-appointed rooms, each thoughtfully designed to provide a relaxing atmosphere. From cozy single rooms to spacious suites, there is an option to suit every traveler's needs. With amenities such as free Wi-Fi, flat-screen TVs, and a 24-hour front desk, you'll have everything you need for a convenient and enjoyable stay. Experience the best of Mainz without breaking the bank by choosing Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz . With its competitive pricing and exceptional value for money, this hotel is the perfect choice for budget-conscious travelers who still want to indulge in a touch of luxury. Excellent Stay at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz Guests have raved about their experience at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz , describing it as an excellent place to stay. One reviewer mentioned that the hotel exceeded their expectations, with spacious and comfortable rooms that were impeccably clean. Another guest praised the friendly and helpful staff, who went above and beyond to ensure a pleasant stay. The hotel's convenient location near the city center and public transportation was also highly appreciated by visitors. Overall, guests were impressed with the exceptional service, cleanliness, and convenient location of Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz , making it an excellent choice for travelers visiting Mainz. Excellent Value and Service at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz in Mainz, Germany, has received consistently positive customer ratings, making it a top choice for travelers seeking excellent value and service. With an overall rating of 8.1, guests have praised the hotel for its exceptional value for money. The hotel's affordable rates combined with its high-quality amenities and services make it a great option for budget-conscious travelers. In addition to its excellent value, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz has also been commended for its outstanding staff performance. With a rating of 8.5, the hotel's staff members have been consistently praised for their friendly and helpful demeanor. Whether it's providing local recommendations, assisting with check-in and check-out procedures, or addressing any concerns or requests, the staff at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz go above and beyond to ensure a pleasant and memorable stay for every guest. Furthermore, cleanliness is another standout aspect of this hotel. With a rating of 8.2 for cleanliness, guests have consistently praised the hotel's well-maintained and spotless rooms. From the moment guests step into their rooms, they are greeted with a fresh and inviting atmosphere, thanks to the hotel's diligent housekeeping team. Overall, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz offers exceptional value, outstanding staff performance, and impeccable cleanliness, making it a top choice for travelers visiting Mainz, Germany.

Amenities and facilities

Languages spoken, internet access.

  • Internet [LAN]
  • Internet services
  • Wi-Fi in public areas

Things to do, ways to relax

  • Ticket services

Cleanliness and safety

  • Anti-viral cleaning products
  • Cashless payment service
  • Daily disinfection in all rooms
  • Daily disinfection in common areas
  • Face coverings on staff
  • First aid kit
  • Free face masks
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Hot water linen and laundry washing
  • Individually-wrapped food options
  • Physical distancing of at least 1 meter
  • Protective screens in common areas
  • Room sanitization opt-out available
  • Rooms sanitized between stays
  • Safe dining setup
  • Sanitized kitchen and tableware items
  • Shared stationery removed
  • Staff trained in safety protocol
  • Temperature check for guests and staff

Dining, drinking, and snacking

  • Breakfast [buffet]
  • Breakfast [continental]
  • Breakfast service
  • Vending machine

Services and conveniences

  • Convenience store
  • Facilities for disabled guests
  • Food delivery
  • Heating in public area
  • Invoice provided
  • Ironing service
  • Meeting/banquet facilities
  • Safety deposit boxes
  • Smoke-free property
  • Smoking area
  • Xerox/fax in business center

For the kids

  • Family room
  • Allergy-free rooms
  • CCTV in common areas
  • CCTV outside property
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Pets allowed
  • Smoke alarms

Getting around

  • Bicycle parking
  • Car park [charges apply]
  • Car park [nearby]
  • Car park [on-site]

Available in all rooms

  • Air conditioning
  • Blackout curtains
  • Free bottled water
  • In-room safe box
  • Internet access – wireless
  • Private bathroom
  • Satellite/cable channels
  • Wi-Fi [free]

Food and dining

trip in bristol hotel mainz

Property policies

Children and extra beds.

Extra beds are dependent on the room you choose. Please check the individual room capacity for more details.

All children are welcome.

  • When booking more than 5 rooms, different policies and additional supplements may apply.

Some helpful facts


  • Check-in from :  14:00
  • Check-out until :  11:00
  • Breakfast charge (unless included in room price) :  5 EUR

The property

  • Number of rooms :  74

Reviews of Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz from real guests

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Outclassed Facilities ”

I stay in the hotel for one night I have very good experience in the hotel feel like I am staying in 5 star hotel staff is very cooperative and friendly cleaning is amazing room is very nice and clean

Very Clean”

Good place to stay

The staff are all so kind! I had a couple of issues (not related to the hotel) in my trip and the staff went above and beyond for me, again and again, so helpful. The pillows and quilts/ doonas are super comfy! Pool is nice. Breakfast looks good.

Excellent value”

Does exactly what we asked for. Not the newest fancy hotel but the 2 triple rooms we booked were very clean, roomy and confortable, and the location is excellent. we would go there again.

Good Place to Stay”

It's a good place to stay for the price Neat and clean. They could add a few facilities though. Like a hot pot to make hot water for tea. A microwave facility area on the floor. Since they do not have room service

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Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

rate per night

based on 1,163 reviews

About Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

  • Hotel Room You’ll have a private room with all the hotel’s amenities
  • Freebies This stay includes Wi-Fi for free

Photos of Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

Latest deals for trip inn bristol hotel mainz, amenities at trip inn bristol hotel mainz.

  • Indoor pool
  • Business centre
  • Wi-Fi available in all areas
  • Flat-screen TV
  • Cable or satellite TV
  • Free toiletries
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Smoke alarms

Accessibility and suitability

  • Entire unit wheelchair accessible
  • Disabled access
  • Accessible by lift
  • Adapted bath
  • Allergy-free room
  • Non-feather pillow
  • Upper floors accessible by lift

Services and conveniences

  • Conference rooms
  • Safety deposit box
  • Meeting/Banquet facilities
  • Mini-market on site
  • Express check-out
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Toilet paper
  • Private bathroom
  • Food can be delivered to guest accommodation
  • Vending machine (drinks)
  • Vending machine (snacks)
  • Family rooms
  • Hardwood or parquet floors
  • Interconnected room(s) available
  • Storage available
  • Feather pillow
  • Fold-up bed
  • Socket near the bed
  • Wardrobe or closet

Media and entertainment

Pool and spa

Parking and transportation

  • Private parking
  • Fax/photocopying

Health and safety

  • Daily housekeeping
  • Laundry service

Things to do

  • Bicycle hire

Family friendly

  • Cribs available
  • Indoor tennis

Reviews of Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

All reviews are collected from real users with a verified booking made with KAYAK or one of our trusted external partners.

Learn how KAYAK collects reviews.

What's nearby

  • Volkspark Mainz 0.7 mi
  • Augustinerstrasse 1.7 mi
  • Augustinerkirche 1.7 mi
  • Mainz Cathedral 1.8 mi
  • Gutenberg Museum 1.8 mi
  • State Theatre Mainz 1.9 mi
  • Mainz Carnival Museums 2.1 mi
  • Isis- und Mater Magna-Heiligtum 2.1 mi
  • Naturhistorisches Museum 2.2 mi
  • Landesmuseum Mainz 2.2 mi
  • Arc de Dativius Victor 2.3 mi
  • Electoral Palace Mainz 2.4 mi

Essential information about Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

When to book a room at trip inn bristol hotel mainz, top tips for your stay at trip inn bristol hotel mainz.

  • How long should you stay at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz? KAYAK users usually book their rooms here for 1 day.

FAQs when booking at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

Where is trip inn bristol hotel mainz located.

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz is located at Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 20 in Weisenau, 2 miles from the centre of Mainz. Volkspark Mainz is the closest landmark to Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz.

When is check-in time and check-out time at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz?

Check-in time is 14:00 and check-out time is 11:00 at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz.

Does Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz offer free Wi-Fi?

Yes, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz offers free Wi-Fi.

How far is Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz from the airport?

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz is 12.4 miles from Frankfurt am Main. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz is 36.2 miles from Mannheim City.

Does Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz have a pool?

Yes, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz has a pool on-site.

How does KAYAK find such great Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz hotel deals?

KAYAK scours the web for all room deals available at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz in Mainz and lets you compare them to find the best rate for your stay. Many different travel sites will offer discounts or deals at different times for rooms at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz and KAYAK will provide you with prices from a huge range of travel sites. That means that you can always find a great deal for Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz.

Nearby hotels and places to stay

Most recommended, good to know.

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 20, 55130 Mainz, Germany – Good location - show map

trip in bristol hotel mainz

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz Reserve now


Value for money

This business and conference hotel boasts a peaceful location on the outskirts of Mainz as well as excellent motorway and train connections. The hotel’s striking design and contemporary amenities will help you recharge your batteries at the start of an active day. The lively city of Mainz with its 2,000-year cultural heritage awaits you. Take time out from business to admire the impressive cathedral or see an exhibition. Burn off the adrenaline in the nearby tennis and squash courts, bowling alley or sports facilities. In the evening, treat yourself to a wholesome meal in the hotel restaurant or enjoy a drink in the bar.

Distance in property description is calculated using © OpenStreetMap

  • Private parking
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Family rooms
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Good breakfast

Property highlights

Private parking at the hotel

Loyal customers

끖 There are more repeat guests here than most other properties.

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Property practices

Categories:, hotel surroundings, facilities of trip inn bristol hotel mainz.

  • Toilet paper
  • Bath or shower
  • Private bathroom
  • Wardrobe or closet
  • Socket near the bed
  • Street parking
  • Vending machine (snacks)
  • Vending machine (drinks)
  • Luggage storage
  • Fax/photocopying Additional charge
  • Meeting/banquet facilities Additional charge
  • Invoice provided
  • Fire extinguishers
  • CCTV outside property
  • CCTV in common areas
  • Smoke alarms
  • Safety deposit box
  • Minimarket on site
  • Non-smoking throughout
  • Allergy-free room
  • Hardwood or parquet floors
  • Upper floors accessible by elevator

See availability House rules

Guests are required to show a photo identification and credit card upon check-in

Until 11:00

Cancellation/ prepayment

Cancellation and prepayment policies vary according to accommodation type. Please enter the dates of your stay and check the conditions of your required room.

Children and beds

Child policies

Children of any age are welcome.

Children 3 years and above will be charged as adults at this property.

To see correct prices and occupancy information, please add the number of children in your group and their ages to your search.

Cot and extra bed policies

The number of cots allowed is dependent on the option you choose. Please check your selected option for more information.

There are no extra beds available at this property.

All cots are subject to availability.

No age restriction

There is no age requirement for check-in

Pets are not allowed.

Accepted payment methods

Cash Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz accepts these cards and reserves the right to temporarily hold an amount prior to arrival.

The fine print Need-to-know information for guests at this property

Access to the swimming pool is possible for an additional fee.

Guests are required to show a photo identification and credit card upon check-in. Please note that all Special Requests are subject to availability and additional charges may apply.

Please inform Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz in advance of your expected arrival time. You can use the Special Requests box when booking, or contact the property directly with the contact details provided in your confirmation.

FAQs about Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

What type of room can i book at trip inn bristol hotel mainz, what are the check-in and check-out times at trip inn bristol hotel mainz.

Check-in at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz is from 14:00, and check-out is until 11:00.

How far is Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz from the centre of Mainz?

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz is 2 miles from the centre of Mainz. All distances are measured in straight lines. Actual travel distances may vary.

What is there to do at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz?

How much does it cost to stay at trip inn bristol hotel mainz.

The prices at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz may vary depending on your stay (e.g. dates you select, hotel's policy etc.). See the prices by entering your dates.

The best of Mainz

Business areas.

  • ZDF Broadcast Station

Conference centres

  • Rheingoldhalle
  • Halle 45 Mainz
  • Taberna Archaeologica
  • State Parliament of Rhineland-Palatinate
  • Kochbrunnen Fountain
  • Eberbach Abbey
  • Biebrich Palace
  • Electoral Palace
  • Mainz Citadel
  • Mainz Cathedral of St. Martin
  • Arc Dativius Victor
  • Castle Wiesbaden
  • State Museum Mainz
  • Carneval Museum Mainz
  • Natural Historic Museum Mainz
  • Gutenbergmuseum

Popular areas

  • Thermal Area of Wiesbaden
  • Garden Kirschgarten / Old Town Mainz

Stadiums and arenas

  • Brita-Arena
  • Frankfurter Hof Mainz
  • State Theatre Mainz
  • Lucius D. Clay Kaserne (WIE) 5.1 miles
  • Frankfurt Airport (FRA) 13.3 miles
  • Frankfurt Egelsbach Airport () 15.5 miles

Railway stations

  • Main station Wiesbaden
  • Main Station Mainz

Most popular cities

  • Frankfurt/Main
  • Rüdesheim am Rhein
  • Bad Kreuznach

trip in bristol hotel mainz

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Followed by a trip

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And finally, a review

After their trip, guests tell us about their stay. We check for naughty words and verify the authenticity of all guest reviews before adding them to our site.

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Check-in date

Check-out date

trip in bristol hotel mainz

Members save 10% or more on over 100,000 hotels worldwide when you’re signed in

Trip inn bristol hotel, choose dates to view prices, photo gallery for trip inn bristol hotel.


Popular amenities

  • Pool Pool Pool
  • Parking available Parking available Parking available
  • Bar Bar Bar
  • Laundry facilities Laundry facilities Laundry facilities
  • 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk
  • Non-smoking Non-smoking Non-smoking

Check-in time

Check-out time, main amenities.

  • Daily housekeeping
  • Indoor pool
  • Breakfast available
  • WiFi in the lobby
  • Self parking
  • Business centre
  • 4 meeting rooms
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Front desk safe
  • Vending machine

Feel at home

  • Children stay free
  • Private bathroom
  • Premium TV channels
  • Blackout curtains

What's around


  • Popular Location Gutenberg Museum 6 min drive
  • Popular Location Rheingoldhalle 6 min drive
  • Popular Location Mainz Cathedral 10 min drive
  • Airport Frankfurt (FRA-Frankfurt Intl.) 26 min drive

Most relevant reviews

Experimentalcarousel, 10/10 exceptional, room options, view all photos for triple room.

Triple Room

  • 1 Double Bed and 1 Single Bed

Family Room

  • 2 Double Beds

Standard Twin Room

  • 2 Single Beds

View all photos for Standard Single Room

Minibar, in-room safe, desk, blackout curtains

Standard Single Room

  • 1 Single Bed

View all photos for Standard Double Room

Minibar, in-room safe, desk, blackout curtains

Standard Double Room

  • 1 Double Bed

Similar properties

In-room safe, desk, laptop workspace, blackout curtains

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About the area, what's nearby.

  • Augustinerstrasse - 6 min drive
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  • Rheingoldhalle - 6 min drive
  • ZDF - 9 min drive
  • Mainz Cathedral - 10 min drive

Getting around

  • Mainz (QFZ-Mainz Finthen) - 14 min drive
  • Frankfurt Airport (FRA) - 27 min drive
  • Mainz Laubenheim Station - 5 min drive
  • Mainz (QMZ-Mainz Train Station) - 7 min drive
  • Mainz-Bischofsheim Station - 7 min drive


  • ‪McDonald's - ‬3 min drive
  • ‪KUEHN KUNZ ROSEN Brauerei Mainz - ‬5 min drive
  • ‪Cucina San Marco - ‬4 min drive
  • ‪Weinbar - ‬4 min drive
  • ‪Bootshaus - ‬7 min drive

About this property

At a glance.

  • Arranged over 4 floors


  • Check-in start time: 2:00 PM; check-in end time: 5:30 AM
  • Late check-in subject to availability
  • Minimum check-in age – 18
  • Check-out time is 11 AM

Restrictions related to your trip

  • Check COVID-19 restrictions

Special check-in instructions

  • Front desk staff will greet guests on arrival

Required at check-in

  • Credit card, debit card or cash deposit required for incidental charges
  • Government-issued photo ID may be required
  • Minimum check-in age is 18
  • One child (12 years old and younger) stays free when occupying the parent or guardian's room using existing bedding
  • No cots (infant beds)
  • Pets not allowed
  • WiFi in public areas*
  • Free WiFi in rooms
  • On-site self-parking (EUR 5 per day)
  • Wheelchair-accessible parking on site

Other information

  • Smoke-free property

Property amenities

Food and drink.

  • Buffet breakfast (surcharge) on weekday mornings 6:30 AM–10:00 AM

Travelling with children

  • Children stay for free (see details)

Working away

  • Conference space (1615 square feet)
  • Tour/ticket assistance
  • Dry cleaning/laundry services
  • Free newspapers in reception
  • Luggage storage
  • Safe-deposit box at front desk
  • An indoor pool


  • Wheelchair-accessible path of travel
  • Wheelchair-accessible parking

Room amenities

Be entertained.

  • Flat-screen television
  • Premium satellite channels

Home comfort

  • Alarm clock
  • Bed sheets provided
  • Free toiletries

Stay connected

  • In-room safe

Fees & policies

Optional extras.

  • WiFi is available in public areas for EUR 5 (rates may vary)
  • Buffet breakfast is offered for an extra charge of approximately EUR 10 per person
  • Self-parking costs EUR 5 per day

Pool, spa, & gym (if applicable)

  • Facility access costs EUR 5 per person, per day. Facilities include a sauna and a swimming pool.

Also known as

Frequently asked questions, trip inn bristol hotel reviews.

All reviews shown are from real guest experiences. Only travellers who have booked a stay with us can submit a review. We verify reviews according to our guidelines and publish all reviews, positive or negative. More information Opens in a new window

8/10 Very good

Francois-xavier, average hotel, ruben ullassa, verified traveller, the place to stay in mainz, one night stand.

Members save 10% or more on over 100,000 hotels worldwide when you’re signed in

Trip inn bristol hotel, photo gallery for trip inn bristol hotel.


Popular amenities

  • Pool Pool Pool
  • Parking available Parking available Parking available
  • Bar Bar Bar
  • Laundry facilities Laundry facilities Laundry facilities
  • 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk
  • Non-smoking Non-smoking Non-smoking

Main amenities

  • Daily housekeeping
  • Indoor pool
  • Breakfast available
  • WiFi in the lobby
  • Self parking
  • Business centre
  • 4 meeting rooms
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Front desk safe
  • Vending machine

Feel at home

  • Children stay free
  • Private bathroom
  • Premium TV channels
  • Blackout curtains

What's around


  • Popular Location Gutenberg Museum 6 min drive
  • Popular Location Rheingoldhalle 6 min drive
  • Popular Location Mainz Cathedral 10 min drive
  • Airport Frankfurt (FRA-Frankfurt Intl.) 26 min drive

Most relevant reviews

Experimentalcarousel, 8/10 very good, 10/10 exceptional, room options, view all photos for triple room.

Triple Room

  • 1 Double Bed and 1 Single Bed

Family Room

  • 2 Double Beds

Standard Twin Room

  • 2 Single Beds

View all photos for Standard Single Room

Minibar, in-room safe, desk, blackout curtains

Standard Single Room

  • 1 Single Bed

View all photos for Standard Double Room

Minibar, in-room safe, desk, blackout curtains

Standard Double Room

  • 1 Double Bed

Similar properties

In-room safe, desk, laptop workspace, blackout curtains

Super 8 by Wyndham Mainz Zollhafen


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Front of property

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Indoor pool, pool loungers

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About the area, what's nearby.

  • Augustinerstrasse - 6 min drive
  • Gutenberg Museum - 6 min drive
  • Rheingoldhalle - 6 min drive
  • ZDF - 9 min drive
  • Mainz Cathedral - 10 min drive

Getting around

  • Mainz (QFZ-Mainz Finthen) - 14 min drive
  • Frankfurt Airport (FRA) - 27 min drive
  • Mainz Laubenheim Station - 5 min drive
  • Mainz (QMZ-Mainz Train Station) - 7 min drive
  • Mainz-Bischofsheim Station - 7 min drive


  • ‪McDonald's - ‬3 min drive
  • ‪KUEHN KUNZ ROSEN Brauerei Mainz - ‬5 min drive
  • ‪Cucina San Marco - ‬4 min drive
  • ‪Weinbar - ‬4 min drive
  • ‪Bootshaus - ‬7 min drive

About this property

At a glance.

  • Arranged over 4 floors


  • Check-in start time: 2:00 PM; check-in end time: 5:30 AM
  • Late check-in subject to availability
  • Minimum check-in age – 18
  • Check-out time is 11 AM

Restrictions related to your trip

  • Check COVID-19 restrictions

Special check-in instructions

  • Front desk staff will greet guests on arrival

Required at check-in

  • Credit card, debit card or cash deposit required for incidental charges
  • Government-issued photo ID may be required
  • Minimum check-in age is 18
  • One child (12 years old and younger) stays free when occupying the parent or guardian's room using existing bedding
  • No cots (infant beds)
  • Pets not allowed
  • WiFi in public areas*
  • Free WiFi in rooms
  • On-site self-parking (EUR 5 per day)
  • Wheelchair-accessible parking on site

Other information

  • Smoke-free property

Property amenities

Food and drink.

  • Buffet breakfast (surcharge) on weekday mornings 6:30 AM–10:00 AM

Travelling with children

  • Children stay for free (see details)

Working away

  • Conference space (1615 square feet)
  • Tour/ticket assistance
  • Dry cleaning/laundry services
  • Free newspapers in reception
  • Luggage storage
  • Safe-deposit box at front desk
  • An indoor pool


  • Wheelchair-accessible path of travel
  • Wheelchair-accessible parking

Room amenities

Be entertained.

  • Flat-screen television
  • Premium satellite channels

Home comfort

  • Alarm clock
  • Bed sheets provided
  • Free toiletries

Stay connected

  • In-room safe

Fees & policies

Optional extras.

  • WiFi is available in public areas for EUR 5 (rates may vary)
  • Buffet breakfast is offered for an extra charge of approximately EUR 10 per person
  • Self-parking costs EUR 5 per day

Pool, spa, & gym (if applicable)

  • Facility access costs EUR 5 per person, per day. Facilities include a sauna and a swimming pool.

Also known as

Frequently asked questions, trip inn bristol hotel reviews.

All reviews shown are from real guest experiences. Only travellers who have booked a stay with us can submit a review. We verify reviews according to our guidelines and publish all reviews, positive or negative. More information Opens in a new window


Average hotel, ruben ullassa, verified traveller, the place to stay in mainz, one night stand, most popular destinations.

Hero photo

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

3-star Hotel with Indoor pool

Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 20, 55130 Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate

based on 1,160 reviews

About Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz, Mainz

Mainz hotel in Weisenau with sauna and business center An indoor pool, a bar/lounge, and a sauna are available at this smoke-free hotel. Additionally, WiFi in public areas, a business center, and conference space are onsite. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel offers 74 accommodations with minibars and safes. Flat-screen televisions come with premium satellite channels. Bathrooms include bathtubs, complimentary toiletries, and hair dryers. This Mainz hotel provides complimentary wireless Internet access. Business-friendly amenities include desks and phones. Housekeeping is provided daily. Recreational amenities at the hotel include an indoor pool and a sauna.

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz photos

Trip inn bristol hotel mainz room price & deals.

Is it really the cheapest?

We search major booking sites and individual hotels so you can compare the best deals on Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz rooms.

Hotel Amenities & Facilities

  • Indoor pool
  • Business center
  • Wi-Fi available in all areas
  • Flat-screen TV
  • Cable or satellite TV
  • Free toiletries
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Smoke alarms

Accessibility and suitability

  • Entire unit wheelchair accessible
  • Increased accessibility
  • Accessible by elevator
  • Adapted bath
  • Allergy-free room
  • Non-feather pillow
  • Upper floors accessible by elevator

Services and conveniences

  • Conference rooms
  • Safety deposit box
  • Meeting/Banquet facilities
  • Mini-market on site
  • Express check-out
  • 24hr front desk
  • Toilet paper
  • Private bathroom
  • Food can be delivered to guest accommodation
  • Vending machine (drinks)
  • Vending machine (snacks)
  • Family rooms
  • Hardwood or parquet floors
  • Interconnected room(s) available
  • Storage available
  • Feather pillow
  • Fold-up bed
  • Socket near the bed
  • Wardrobe or closet

Media and entertainment

Pool and spa

Parking and transportation

  • Private parking
  • Fax/photocopying

Health and safety

  • Daily housekeeping
  • Laundry service

Things to do

  • Bicycle rental

Family friendly

  • Cribs available
  • Indoor tennis

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz Reviews

  • "Great staff, very clean, good breakfast" (in 60 reviews)
  • "Staff was welcoming, available and answered all of our questions" (in 39 reviews)
  • Very friendly and ultra helpful staff. (in 39 reviews)
  • I booked the hotel at 20:15. (in 9 reviews)
  • Unfortunately the swimming pool was closed during the heat wave. (in 5 reviews)
  • Sad that they had only 7 minutes eggs no other choice (in 3 reviews)

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz room booking info

Value for money, location rating, distance to city center, nearest airport.

Frankfurt am Main

Distance to airport

Check in/check out.

Check in anytime after 2:00 PM, check out anytime before 11:00 AM


Cancellation/prepayment policies vary by room type and provider.

Frequently asked questions

How does trip inn bristol hotel mainz compare to other 3 star hotels in mainz.

There is a $52/night difference in the average price of 3 star hotels in Mainz ($124/night) and the average nightly rate at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz ($72/night).

How far is Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz from Frankfurt am Main?

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz is 12.4 mi away from Frankfurt am Main. You can typically expect your drive time from Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz to Frankfurt am Main to be 37min. It might be worth looking up traffic trends near your hotel if you are worried about saving time.

What is the best way to get to Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz from Frankfurt am Main?

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz has parking available on site for customers of the hotel. With that in mind, the most efficient way to not only get from Frankfurt am Main to the hotel, but also around Mainz during your stay may be renting a car. Car rentals in Mainz are on average $27/day. Another more common option is to just take a taxi or rideshare service from the airport to Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz. The nearest airport to the hotel is Frankfurt am Main.

Are there food options at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz?

There is a restaurant at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz that can be used by visitors of the hotel. You can sit down or take food to go. Call the front desk at +49 4961 318 060 for kitchen hours.

Does Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz have a pool?

Yes, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz has a pool that customers can use. Typically, hotel pools have restrictions based on the time of day so be sure to speak to the front desk before using the pool.

How close is Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz to Mainz city center?

2.0 mi separate the front steps of Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz and the city center of Mainz where you can keep busy with restaurants, shopping and of course Landesmuseum Mainz, a very popular landmark in Mainz.

What is the phone number for Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz?

For questions regarding the hotel or your stay at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz, call +49 4961 318 060 .

Does Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz have Wi-Fi available?

Yes, Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz has Wi-Fi available to hotel guests.

What time is check-out for Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz?

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz check-out time is 11:00 AM. Late check-out may be available upon request at the reception desk.

How much is a room at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz?

Depending on the room type you prefer and your travel dates, the cost will differ. Average price per night at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz, Mainz is $96, but you may find great deals as low as $61. You can find rates for your trip in the form above .

Is there laundry service in Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz?

Yes, you can take care of all your laundry needs with the on-premise services at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz, Mainz.

How many operators does momondo search for hotels in Mainz?

The number of operators available for hotels in Mainz is 222 as of June 2024.

When did momondo last update prices for hotels in Mainz?

Prices for hotels in Mainz refresh daily.

Places of interest near Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

Attractions in mainz, germany curated by momondo.

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz location: Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 20, 55130 Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate

Top landmarks

Restaurants and cafés, momondo’s favorite mainz hotels.

Mainzer Hof

Kaiserstraße 98, Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate

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Templerstraße 6, Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate

Hotel Stiftswingert

Am Stiftswingert 4, Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate

Intercityhotel Mainz

Binger Strasse 21, Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate

Me and All Hotel Mainz

Binger Straße 23, Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate

Hotel Hammer-Mainz Hauptbahnhof

Bahnhofplatz 6, Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate

Hotel Schottenhof

Schottstrasse 6, Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate

Zwei Raben Pension

Dammweg 7b, Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate

Fetzers Landhotel

Gaulsheimer Strasse 14, Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate

Best deals on hotels

Free cancellation, millions of reviews, price alerts, an easier way to manage your mainz trip, we make it super easy to schedule, organize and travel with friends or family. trips is free — and available to use no matter where you book., get notified when prices go down, daily price changes in your inbox - only with price alerts., find better results for your stay in mainz, popular cities in germany, explore hostels in germany, complete your trip to mainz.

Members save 10% or more on over 100,000 hotels worldwide when you’re signed in

Trip inn bristol hotel, choose dates to view prices, photo gallery for trip inn bristol hotel.


Popular amenities

  • Pool Pool Pool
  • Parking available Parking available Parking available
  • Bar Bar Bar
  • Laundry facilities Laundry facilities Laundry facilities
  • 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk 24/7 front desk
  • Non-smoking Non-smoking Non-smoking

Check-in time

Check-out time, main amenities.

  • Daily housekeeping
  • Indoor pool
  • Breakfast available
  • WiFi in the lobby
  • Self parking
  • Business center
  • 4 meeting rooms
  • 24-hour front desk
  • Front-desk safe
  • Vending machine

Feel at home

  • Children stay free
  • Private bathroom
  • Premium TV channels
  • Blackout drapes/curtains

What's around


  • Popular Location Gutenberg Museum 6 min drive
  • Popular Location Rheingoldhalle 6 min drive
  • Popular Location Mainz Cathedral 10 min drive
  • Airport Frankfurt (FRA-Frankfurt Intl.) 26 min drive

Most relevant reviews

Experimentalcarousel, 8/10 very good, room options, view all photos for triple room.

Triple Room

  • 1 Double Bed and 1 Twin Bed

Family Room

  • 2 Double Beds

Standard Twin Room

  • 2 Twin Beds

View all photos for Standard Single Room

Minibar, in-room safe, desk, blackout drapes

Standard Single Room

View all photos for standard double room.

Minibar, in-room safe, desk, blackout drapes

Standard Double Room

  • 1 Double Bed

Similar properties

In-room safe, desk, laptop workspace, blackout drapes

Super 8 by Wyndham Mainz Zollhafen


the niu Mood

Lobby lounge

Select Hotel Mainz

Breakfast, lunch and dinner served

H2 Hotel Mainz

Indoor pool, sun loungers

Atrium Hotel Mainz


Best Western Hotel Mainz

Front of property

Hotel Am Hechenberg


B&B Hotel Mainz-Hechtsheim


Hotel am Schloss Biebrich

Indoor pool, sun loungers

Novotel Mainz

About the area, what's nearby.

  • Augustinerstrasse - 6 min drive
  • Gutenberg Museum - 6 min drive
  • Rheingoldhalle - 6 min drive
  • ZDF - 9 min drive
  • Mainz Cathedral - 10 min drive

Getting around

  • Mainz (QFZ-Mainz Finthen) - 14 min drive
  • Frankfurt Airport (FRA) - 27 min drive
  • Mainz Laubenheim Station - 5 min drive
  • Mainz (QMZ-Mainz Train Station) - 7 min drive
  • Mainz-Bischofsheim Station - 7 min drive


  • ‪McDonald's - ‬3 min drive
  • ‪KUEHN KUNZ ROSEN Brauerei Mainz - ‬5 min drive
  • ‪Cucina San Marco - ‬4 min drive
  • ‪Weinbar - ‬4 min drive
  • ‪Bootshaus - ‬7 min drive

About this property

At a glance.

  • Arranged over 4 floors


  • Check-in start time: 2:00 PM; Check-in end time: 5:30 AM
  • Late check-in subject to availability
  • Minimum check-in age: 18
  • Check-out time is 11 AM

Restrictions related to your trip

  • Check COVID-19 restrictions

Special check-in instructions

  • Front desk staff will greet guests on arrival

Required at check-in

  • Credit card, debit card, or cash deposit required for incidental charges
  • Government-issued photo ID may be required
  • Minimum check-in age is 18
  • One child (12 years old and younger) stays free when occupying the parent or guardian's room, using existing bedding
  • No cribs (infant beds)
  • Pets not allowed
  • WiFi in public areas*
  • Free WiFi in rooms
  • Onsite self parking (EUR 5 per day)
  • Wheelchair-accessible parking on site

Other information

  • Smoke-free property

Property amenities

Food and drink.

  • Buffet breakfast (surcharge) on weekday mornings 6:30 AM–10:00 AM

Traveling with children

  • Children stay free (see details)

Working away

  • Conference space (1615 square feet)
  • Tour/ticket assistance
  • Dry cleaning/laundry services
  • Free newspapers in lobby
  • Luggage storage
  • Safe-deposit box at front desk
  • An indoor pool


  • Wheelchair-accessible path of travel
  • Wheelchair-accessible parking

Room amenities

Be entertained.

  • Flat-screen television
  • Premium satellite channels

Home comfort

  • Alarm clock
  • Bed sheets provided
  • Bathtub only
  • Free toiletries

Stay connected

  • In-room safe

Fees & policies

Optional extras.

  • WiFi is available in public areas for EUR 5 (rates may vary)
  • Buffet breakfast is offered for an extra charge of approximately EUR 10 per person
  • Self parking costs EUR 5 per day

Pool, spa, & gym (if applicable)

  • Facility access costs EUR 5 per person, per day. Facilities include a sauna and a swimming pool.

Also known as

Frequently asked questions, trip inn bristol hotel reviews.

All reviews shown are from real guest experiences. Only travellers who have booked a stay with us can submit a review. We verify reviews according to our guidelines and publish all reviews, positive or negative. More information Opens in a new window

10/10 Exceptional

Francois-xavier, average hotel, ruben ullassa, verified traveller, the place to stay in mainz, one night stand, most popular destinations.

HDE - Back to home

Star ratings are based on a self-evaluation by the hotel as well as the experiences of HOTEL INFO and HOTEL INFO customers. You can find details under Terms and Conditions and FAQs.

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel (Mainz)

Good 518 Evaluations

Self Inspected Hotel

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel (Mainz)

Cancellation not free of charge

Deposit required

  • No credit card required

Type of booking

The hotel offers you two different choices for the booking - a standard booking (arrival before 6 PM Hotel-local time) or a guaranteed booking (arrival after 6 PM possible, requires a credit card number). The hotel is not permitted to charge the credit card for payments.


Rate description

trip in bristol hotel mainz

  • More rooms & persons

Would you like to book more than 9 rooms? Click here.

Hotel availability is checked ...

Free for HOTEL INFO guests in the hotel Trip Inn Bristol Hotel (Mainz)

A perfect location for concert lovers

The city hotel Günnewig Bristol is quietly located on the outskirts in the southeast of Mainz. If you are fond of first-class concerts, don't miss to visit the Electoral Palace and the Citadel. Both places of interest can both be reached by car in 10 minutes.

Your accommodations at a glance

The guestrooms are equipped with furniture in country house style. Warm colours and beautiful lamps enhance the comfortable ambience. The bathrooms are bright and friendly. The entire hotel distinguishes itself with a charming and discreet country house style.

Look forward to the pool and sauna

A heated large swimming pool is at your disposal in the hotel. Moreover, you can perfectly relax in the sauna. The bright and attractive conference rooms are equipped with modern technology. Enjoy a welcoming ambience and a varied buffet in the breakfast room.

Hotel built in: 1982, Last complete renovation: 2004, Last partial renovation: 2021, Number of floors: 4, City hotel, Trade fair/Conference hotel, Non-smoking hotel, Business hotel, All-season opened, Number of rooms: 74, Number of double rooms: 74, Number of twin-rooms: 50, Of which have a double bed: 25, Number of rooms with internal connecting door: 4, Number of junior suites: 2, Number of non-smoking rooms: 74, Children's beds/cots: 2, WiFi with internet access in rooms, WiFi with internet access in lobby, Free internet in room,

Reception open During the week Occupied 24 hours a day Reception manned at weekends Occupied 24 hours a day Check-In: 12:00 p.m. Check-Out: 12:00 p.m. Spoken languages: Multilingual staff on hand 24 hours a day

The following credit cards are accepted by Trip Inn Bristol Hotel (Mainz) :


Service & facilities

  • Mobile phone reception
  • Reception (lobby)
  • Public internet terminal: Price/Hours: 0,00 EUR
  • WiFi with internet access in lobby
  • Car park is directly by hotel
  • Hotel-owned car park Price/Day 5,00 EUR
  • Parking Price/Day 5,00 EUR
  • Hotel-owned car park
  • Smoke detectors
  • Sprinkler system
  • Video surveillance of hotel lobby
  • Video surveillance of entrances
  • Hallways equipped with fire exstinguishers
  • Smoke detectors in all rooms
  • Indoor swimming pool: Open 06:00 - 22:00
  • Sauna: Price 5,00 EUR
  • Breakfast: 06:30 - 10:00
  • Vegetarian food available
  • Diabetic food available
  • Wholefood available

Room facilities

  • Satellite TV
  • TV remote control
  • Analogue modem connection in 74 rooms
  • WiFi in all rooms
  • Bathroom with bathtub
  • Bathroom with shower
  • Emergency information
  • Windows for opening
  • Plan of emergency exits
  • Seating area
  • Make-up mirror
  • Separate luggage storage

In-house services

  • Pets not allowed
  • Safety deposit boxes at reception
  • Vending machine for beverages
  • ISDN internet access in all conference rooms
  • Audiovisual conference equipment
  • Number of conference rooms: 3
  • Conference facilities for up to 70 people
  • Elevator-service available
  • Number of group-work rooms: 4

Show more less

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel (Mainz): Location and distance

Center: 3.00 km - Mainz

Airport: 19.00 km

Train station: 4.00 km - Mainz Hbf

Highway: 0.51 km - A60 - Mainz-Weisenau

Frequently asked questions about Trip Inn Bristol Hotel (Mainz)

  • Weekdays: 24 hours busy.
  • Weekends: 24 hours busy.
  • American Express
  • Electronic cash

Evaluations of Trip Inn Bristol Hotel (Mainz)

1 Appealing

Positive Nothing

corporate customer between 40 and 50 years

8 Very good

Positive Calm and friendly Negative slightly outdated facilities

corporate customer between 30 and 40 years

8.4 Very good

Positive Very friendly staff - on check-in, re-opened the bar to provide a late night beer. Free parking right in front of the hotel.

couple between 40 and 50 years

8.5 Very good

Positive very friendly stuff, quiet room , bathroom ok, nice large inside pool, breakfast incl. fresh fruits ok, free parking, small "sports bar" restaurant just next door, good bus connection to city center Negative - hotel located a little outside the city center (4km?) in the middle of an industrial/buisiness park, but this was OK for me!

6.2 Satisfying

Positive sehr großes freundliches Zimmer Negative leider nur 2 Zugänge beim WLAN, also eher gar kein Wlan Frühstück wurde nicht rausgerechnet

Hotels in the area

Hotel Burg-Stuben

Mönchstr. 13

55130 Mainz, DEU

Favorite Parkhotel

Karl-Weiser-Str. 1

55131 Mainz, DEU

Hotel Am Hechenberg

Am Schinnergraben 82

55129 Mainz, DEU

Hotel Stiftswingert

Am Stiftswingert 4

Hotel ibis Mainz City

Holzhofstrasse 2

55116 Mainz, DEU

Hotel Hyatt Regency Mainz



Gleiwitzer Str. 4

Hotel Alte Post Garni

Dr.-Hermann-Str. 28

65462 Ginsheim-Gustavsburg, DEU

Hotel Ibis Budget Mainz Süd

Johannes-Kepler-Str. 10

Hotel Zum Engel

Mainufer 22

55246 Mainz, DEU

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

hotel overview picture

Guest Reviews

Services & amenities.

Family Room

Family Room

Standard Double Room

Standard Double Room

Standard Twin Room

Standard Twin Room

Standard Triple Room

Standard Triple Room

Standard Single Room with Bathroom

Standard Single Room with Bathroom

Junior Suite

Junior Suite

Guest reviews (17).

trip in bristol hotel mainz

  • Cleanliness 3.8
  • Amenities 3.7
  • Location 3.8
  • Service 3.9

trip in bristol hotel mainz

Property Policies

Front desk hours: 24/7

Property Description

  • Number of Rooms: 74

trip in bristol hotel mainz

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to stay at trip inn bristol hotel mainz, what is the closest airport to trip inn bristol hotel mainz, what are the check-in and check-out times at trip inn bristol hotel mainz, does trip inn bristol hotel mainz provide airport transfer services, what amenities and services does trip inn bristol hotel mainz have, does trip inn bristol hotel mainz have a swimming pool, does trip inn bristol hotel mainz have fitness amenities, does trip inn bristol hotel mainz provide wi-fi, does trip inn bristol hotel mainz have non-smoking rooms, does trip inn bristol hotel mainz provide breakfast, about this property, popular hotels, explore more.

Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

Reservation hotline: +1-855-280-1676

  • Rooms & Availability

Frequently asked questions

Hotel Trip Bristol

Show hotel on map

Boasting a quiet setting in the Weisenau district of Mainz approximately a 25-minute walk from religious sites like Saint Stephan's Church with windows by Chagall, the superior Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz offers a lobby area and a restaurant. Featuring a tennis court and various recreational opportunities as well as an indoor swimming pool, this smoke-free hotel is situated in the very heart of Mainz.

The 3-star property is located directly on the outskirts of Mainz, approximately a 25-minute walk from the 1000-year-old Roman Mainz Catholic Cathedral and approximately a 25-minute walk from Diocesan Museum. Cultural sights in the area are Fastnachtsbrunnen (2.5 km) and Natural History Museum Mainz (3 km). This contemporary-style hotel will also take you to Gutenberg Museum, which is around 25 minutes' walk away. Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse bus stop is in proximity to Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz.

Some of the 74 non-smoking rooms at the Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz are furnished with a cupboard, and appointed with a minibar. They have a spacious interior. The private bathrooms feature a separate toilet, a bath, and a shower, along with such comforts as a hair dryer and toiletries.

The Trip Inn Bristol Hotel provides sauna facilities and an indoor pool. With a racquetball court, guests can stay fit at this superior accommodation.

This Mainz hotel offers a healthy buffet breakfast served daily. Guests can relax and have a snack in the lounge bar. The grill bar Dubrovnik is only minutes from the property.

Main Features

  • 24-hour services
  • Meeting facilities
  • Child-friendly
  • No pets allowed
  • No smoking on site
  • Safe deposit box
  • 24-hour reception
  • Luggage storage
  • Locker room
  • Allergy-free rooms
  • Vending machines
  • Smoke detectors
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Shops/Commercial services
  • Meeting/ Banquet facilities
  • Fax/Photocopying
  • Parquet floor
  • Children and extra beds
  • There are no extra beds provided in a room.

Local Attractions


  • Weisenauer Synagogue Mainz (1.1 km)
  • Graberfeld "Via Sepulcra" (600 m)
  • Garden Kirschgarten / Old Town Mainz (2.8 km)
  • Public Park (1.2 km)
  • Gutenbergmuseum (2.9 km)
  • Saint Stephan´s Church with windows by Chagall (2.8 km)
  • Rheingoldhalle convention centre (3.2 km)
  • Mainz Cathedral of St. Martin (2.9 km)
  • Frankfurt (27 km)

Train stations

  • Bahnhof Mainz-Kastel (3.6 km)

100% Verified Reviews

Terrific service within 30 km of the airport. Plenty of restaurants to eat close by, like Kreta that was only 15 minutes' walk away...

Excellent design. We really loved the buffet breakfast.

The location was next to some tourist destinations like stadt park. Proximity to the airport, just 25 km. We greatly enjoyed the room: )

here we could visit volks park that was next to the hotel. the staff are always friendly. the english breakfast is a feast. recommend for everyone.

  • ❓ Where is the superior 3-star Guennewig Hotel Bristol Mainz located? The superior 3-star Guennewig Hotel Bristol Mainz is situated in the Weisenau district, within 3.2 km to the 1000-year-old Roman Mainz Catholic Cathedral.
  • 🕌 Which popular sights should we attend while staying in Guennewig Hotel Bristol? The 1000-year-old Roman Mainz Catholic Cathedral, set within 3.2 km from Guennewig Hotel Bristol as well as Gutenberg Museum placed just a 10-minute drive away are well worth visiting. If you want to explore even more landmarks in Mainz, visit Sactuary of Isis and Magna Mater Temple, which is located 3.3 km away.
  • ✈ What is the distance between the superior 3-star Guennewig Hotel Bristol Mainz and Frankfurt airport? A 30-km distance separates the superior 3-star Guennewig Hotel Bristol Mainz from the Frankfurt airport. It will take you a 20-minute drive to get there.
  • 🚗 Is parking available in the 3-star Guennewig Hotel Bristol Mainz? Yes, at the 3-star Guennewig Hotel Bristol Mainz you can leave your car in a parking.
  • 🚎 What transport stations are close to the hotel? The closest bus station to the hotel is Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse (100 metres).
  • 🍹 What are the best dining venues near the Mainz hotel? Guests can have lunch or dinner at the pizzeria Stern Doner serving dishes of Turkish cuisine within 600 metres of the Mainz hotel.
  • ❓ Is breakfast free at the superior 3-star Guennewig Hotel Bristol Mainz? Yes, a healthy buffet breakfast is available at the superior 3-star Guennewig Hotel Bristol Mainz for free.
  • ❓ What is the check-in and check-out time in the 3-star Guennewig Hotel Bristol? Guests can check in at the 3-star Guennewig Hotel Bristol from 14:00, and check out until 11:00.
  • 💵 How much is the room at the superior 3-star Guennewig Hotel Bristol Mainz? At the superior 3-star Guennewig Hotel Bristol Mainz a room price starts at €71.
  • Standard King Room
  • Triple Room
  • Junior Suite
  • Comfort Room
  • Standard Twin Room
  • Standard Room
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The best bars and nightlife in Bristol

T hat Bristol has a superb restaurant scene is now a given, but its drinking dens and nightlife options are also something to be reckoned with too, as is its renowned live music scene.

From classic pubs (such as the renowned Coronation Tap cider house in Clifton) to speakeasies and romantic cocktail bars – the city has an abundance of excellent haunts. As for music, there is everything from classical performances at revamped St George’s Bristol concert hall (in an old Georgian church) to music of all hues at the superbly revamped Bristol Beacon, major acts at the Marble Factory and the O2 Academy and DJs at Lakota, to all manner of bands in bars, dives and long-running venues – including on a boat in the harbour. Here are some of the best.

For further  Bristol  inspiration visit our guides to the city's best  hotels ,  restaurants  and  things to do . If planning a longer trip, explore our guide to the perfect holiday in  Somerset .

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Old City 

Stokes Croft 

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East Mud Dock

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  • Saint Phillip’s 
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The Milk Thistle

Hard to find – there is a tiny nameplate by the door and you press a buzzer to get in – this is an absolute gem. A former merchant house dating back to the mid-19th century, it’s set out over four floors and styled as a speakeasy and awash with wood panelling, oil paintings, red leather chairs, stained glass and taxidermy. Head to the main bar (the Parlour) and try one of 150 cocktails (such as the powerful Bourbon-based Boulevadier), or maybe a plum sake, or ask to go down to the tiny downstairs Vault for whiskies and pure spirits. They do cocktail masterclasses too. It’s the sister bar of the equally lush Hyde & Co on Upper Byron Place. Booking is essential on Friday and Saturday. 


The Gold Bar at Bristol Harbour Hotel

Hotel bars are great for (sometimes) avoiding the crowds and for finding tip-top mixologists. The Gold Bar at the Bristol Harbour Hotel (set in a grand Victorian Grade II-listed building) is no exception. It’s an elaborate spin on what it claims is a “speakeasy” style, but it’s more a romantic and slinky hideaway bar awash with vivid floral colours and fabrics, colourful artwork (giant playing cards, a movie poster for Attack of the 50ft Woman) and velvet banquette chairs and stools. The Nespresso martinis ought to be tried. An alternative hotel bar is Rick’s at The Bristol ( on the quayside.


The Old Duke

You’d be forgiven for thinking that nothing much has changed at The Old Duke, named in homage to Duke Ellington, in the 50-odd years they have been putting on New Orleans-style jazz. It’s a formula that works, making this such a special pub with its black and white flooring, pictures of jazz legends and old music posters. In the main, the small stage hosts jazz in various forms (Friday evening and Sunday lunchtime are favoured jazz-head sessions) but there's also blues and rock. A range of changing beers and ciders is on tap, including the local Gem from Bath. 


Prices: £ 

Stokes Croft

The canteen.

Perfectly capturing the mood of Stokes Croft, The Canteen bar is chilled and affordable with canteen-style tables crammed in front of the stage (there’s live music every night – afro-beat, reggae, hip-hop and the like). Open from 10am, the mood changes throughout the day, ramping up for the evening sessions. The long bar stocks a vast range of beers and ciders (Bristol Beer Factory and North Street cider among them) plus wine; they do a good Bloody Mary too. The sustainable vegetarian menu is delicious – Chickpea, black bean and lentil chilli, or beetroot and goats cheese risotto, perhaps. Banksy’s Mild Mild West artwork looks down over the entrance.


Whiteladies Road

Her majesty's secret service.

Hidden down an alleyway, you walk through an old telephone box to get to the delightfully compact and very British HMSS. It all seems very hush-hush and discreet in keeping with its loose James Bond image – there’s a caricature of Sean Connery on the wall – although a Seventies disco theme is also present too (via a glitterball and the music). Sit at the bar, high tables or large corner sofa and peruse its  witty and very cool cocktail menu; try the Shark Attack with watermelon vodka.


Prices: ££ 

Crying Wolf

Sister bar of the award-winning Dark Horse in Bath, Crying Wolf made a name for itself. The sultry theme is British nature and woodland – lots of local, handmade oak furnishing, rich green or red colouring and antler-style chandeliers. The drinks menu also emphasises local produce with English spirits and liqueurs (Cotswolds single malt, Somerset Ice Cider); among the beautifully made cocktails there's a house-spiced Rum Espresso, but you’ll also find good local beers too and wine. Expect well crafted soul and rock and roll music on the ground floor; the vibe downstairs is more eclectic.


Highbury Vaults

The mural of Rapunzel in a hoodie on the outside of the pub by street artist Nick Walker adds a witty 21st century touch to this 200-year-old pub. From the tiny snug at the front, to the wood-panelled main bar with its alcove seating, working train set running along the wall, bar billiards and large walled garden, Highbury Vaults is at once cosy and traditional with around six beers and ciders on tap including, Gem and Addlestone cider; plus guests ales. There are sausage rolls and pasties at the bar too.


Bristol Beer Factory Tap Room

A den for beer lovers, the Bristol Beer Factory screams independence (like much of the city; the brewery also supplies a handful of other venues) and serves a range of lush beers with names such as Fortitude, Clear Head and Milk Stout. Set in an old brewery dating back to the 1860s, the convivial, if sparsely decorated Tap Room is furnished with wooden tables and leather sofas from where you can sample a selection of up to 16 cask, keg or bottled ales. For true aficionados every other week they offer tours of the brewery combining history, brewing facts and drinking. The bar also stocks a great cider by North Street.


This German-built, former cargo ship has, since 1984, been one of the city's favoured music venues for hosting up-and-coming bands: Frank Turner, Calvin Harris, Foals, Florence and the Machine all played here in their early days. There’s an unprepossessing small bar on the top deck, but head down to where the music is on the deck below. It’s dark and atmospheric with black walls and a long bar (everything from cocktails to tinned craft beers); the view of the stage is pretty good from any point but, drink in hand, squeezing your way to the front is more fun. 


Bathurst Basin

The louisiana.

Just down from Wapping Wharf, the whitewashed Louisiana, a former sailors’ hotel with its distinctive balcony is something of a landmark; Coldplay, Muse, Super Furry Animals and Placebo have all played here. The ground floor is more like a trendy canteen than a pub but with a good range of beers, lagers and ciders – try the Orchard Pig – and the Sunday roast is recommended. Head to the small, 140-capacity upstairs room and revel in the sweatily intimate intoxication that the music generates. A great place to catch emerging indie bands.


Saint Phillip’s

Love a good pint of cider? Then head to the Cider Box tap room, a warehouse style bar open Fridays and Saturdays, which offers freshly fermented cider made on the premises in collaboration with local makers. It’s a small but buzzy little place and is just around the corner from the Marble Factory, an atmospheric music venue – one of the best in the city, which has hosted the likes of Black Country New Road, Leftfield and The Murder Capital. You’ll also find craft beers and natural wines too.


The Glassboat

Now rebranded by the Bristol spirits company 6 O’Clock Gin, the former 1920s barge has had a few guises, but this looks to be one of the best. Grab a seat in the glass canopied area at the back of the barge and take a view of the harbour. Choose from a variety of fine, locally made gins such as London Dry, Brunel or Damson from 6 O’Clock Gin, either as a straight up g&t or in a cocktail. The company is known for its distinctive blue bottles, you can also buy them here too. 


Terrific little wine bar, which boasts more than 100 bottles of wine in its cellar. They also have a decent selection of beers and ciders. If you like a wine with a story and from a diverse region then this is the place for you and they do weekly tastings too. Soak it up with a good selection of charcuterie, cheese and bread.


How we choose

Every bar, venue or experience in this curated list has been tried and tested by our destination expert, who has visited to provide you with their insider perspective. We cover a range of budgets and styles, from casual pubs to exquisite cocktail bars – to best suit every type of traveller – and consider the service, drinks, atmosphere and price in our recommendations. We update this list regularly to keep up with the latest openings and provide up to date recommendations.

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Her Majesty's Secret Service is one of the best bars in Bristol


  1. TRIP INN Bristol Hotel

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  2. TRIP INN Bristol Hotel

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  3. TRIP INN Bristol Hotel

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  4. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz, Mainz : -16% during the day

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  5. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel

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  6. TRIP INN Bristol Hotel

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  1. TRIP INN Bristol Hotel

    Vom Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz ist der Mainzer Dom in kurzer Zeit erreichbar. Gutenberg-Museum. Vom Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz gelangen Sie schnell zum Gutenberg-Museum, welches im Jahr 1900 von Mainzer Bürgern gegründet wurde. Das sehenswerte Museum liegt im Zentrum der Mainzer Altstadt, nicht weit vom Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz entfernt.

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    Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 20, 55130 Mainz, Germany - Good location - show map. You're eligible for a Genius discount at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in . This business and conference hotel boasts a peaceful location on the outskirts of Mainz as well as excellent freeway and train connections.

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  4. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel, Mainz: Hotel Reviews, Rooms & Prices

    View deals for Trip Inn Bristol Hotel, including fully refundable rates with free cancellation. Public Park is minutes away. WiFi is free, and this hotel also features an indoor pool and a bar. All rooms have flat-screen TVs and minibars.

  5. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

    For the best room deals at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz, plan to stay on a Tuesday or Friday. The most expensive day is usually Wednesday. The cheapest price a room at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz was booked for on KAYAK in the last 2 weeks was $102, while the most expensive was $141.

  6. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Reviews, Deals & Photos 2024

    Trip Inn Bristol Hotel; Mainz Hotels; Rhineland-Palatinate; Germany; Hotels;; See all properties. Save. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel. Mainz hotel in Weisenau with sauna and business center. Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 20, Mainz, RP, 55130. Choose dates to view prices. Where to? Where to? Dates. Sat, Jun 22 Mon, Jun 24. your current months are ...

  7. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz,Mainz 2023

    Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz. Health Protected. 20, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße, Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, 55130, Germany Show on Map. This hotel is situated on the outskirts of Mainz, providing a peaceful location and easy access to major highways and train connections. Guests can enjoy exploring the vibrant city with its 2,000-year cultural ...

  8. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz, Mainz

    Übersicht. Info & Preise. Ausstattung. Hausregeln. Kleingedrucktes. Gästebewertungen (1.145) Reservieren. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz. Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 20, 55130 Mainz, Deutschland - Gute Lage - Karte anzeigen.

  9. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel, Mainz: Info, Photos, Reviews

    View deals for Trip Inn Bristol Hotel, including fully refundable rates with free cancellation. Public Park is minutes away. WiFi is free, and this hotel also features an indoor pool and a bar. All rooms have flat-screen TVs and minibars.


    Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 20, 55130 Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate Germany. Name/address in local language. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel by Trip Inn. 113 reviews. Getting there.

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  12. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz

    Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz is located at Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 20 in Weisenau, 2 miles from the centre of Mainz. Volkspark Mainz is the closest landmark to Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz. When is check-in time and check-out time at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz?

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    Now £42 on Tripadvisor: Trip Inn Bristol Hotel by Trip Inn, Mainz. See 113 traveller reviews, 52 candid photos, and great deals for Trip Inn Bristol Hotel by Trip Inn, ranked #17 of 39 hotels in Mainz and rated 3 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Prices are calculated as of 31/03/2024 based on a check-in date of 07/04/2024.

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    Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 20, 55130 Mainz, Germany - Good location - show map. +25 photos. Show on map. You're eligible for a Genius discount at Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz! To save at this property, all you have to do is sign in . This business and conference hotel boasts a peaceful location on the outskirts of Mainz as well as excellent ...

  15. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel, Mainz: Info, Photos, Reviews

    View deals for Trip Inn Bristol Hotel, including fully refundable rates with free cancellation. Public Park is minutes away. WiFi is free, and this hotel also features an indoor pool and a bar. All rooms have flat-screen TVs and minibars.

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    Now $119 (Was $̶1̶5̶0̶) on Tripadvisor: Trip Inn Bristol Hotel by Trip Inn, Mainz. See 113 traveler reviews, 52 candid photos, and great deals for Trip Inn Bristol Hotel by Trip Inn, ranked #17 of 41 hotels in Mainz and rated 3 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  17. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel, Mainz: Reviews & Hotel Deals

    View deals for Trip Inn Bristol Hotel, including fully refundable rates with free cancellation. Public Park is minutes away. WiFi is free, and this hotel also features an indoor pool and a bar. All rooms have flat-screen TVs and minibars.

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    Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz. 3-star Hotel with Indoor pool. 3 stars. Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 20, 55130 Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate. +49 4961 318 060. 7.2. Good. based on 1,135 reviews.

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    Very good. 113 reviews. #17 of 41 hotels in Mainz. Location. Cleanliness. Service. Value. Das Trip Inn Hotel Bristol in Mainz ist ein perfektes Seminar- und Ausflugshotel mit überdurchschnittlich gutem Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis. Die großen und komfortabel eingerichteten Zimmer, das hauseigene Schwimmbad sowie die Sauna bieten Tagungs- und ...

  20. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel in Mainz: Reviews, Deals, and Hotel Rooms on

    View deals for Trip Inn Bristol Hotel, including fully refundable rates with free cancellation. Public Park is minutes away. WiFi is free, and this hotel also features an indoor pool and a bar. All rooms have flat-screen TVs and minibars.

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  22. Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz, 2023

    Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz. Health Protected. 20, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße, Mainz, Rhineland-Palatinate, 55130, Germany Show on Map. This hotel is situated on the outskirts of Mainz, providing a peaceful location and easy access to major highways and train connections. Guests can enjoy exploring the vibrant city with its 2,000-year cultural ...

  23. Hotel Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz, Germany

    This contemporary-style hotel will also take you to Gutenberg Museum, which is around 25 minutes' walk away. Friedrich-Ebert-Strasse bus stop is in proximity to Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz. Some of the 74 non-smoking rooms at the Trip Inn Bristol Hotel Mainz are furnished with a cupboard, and appointed with a minibar. They have a spacious ...

  24. The best bars and nightlife in Bristol

    The Gold Bar at Bristol Harbour Hotel . Hotel bars are great for (sometimes) avoiding the crowds and for finding tip-top mixologists. The Gold Bar at the Bristol Harbour Hotel (set in a grand ...