The 5+ BEST Motorcycle Throttle Locks (Reviews) in 2023

cruiser throttle

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motorcycle throttle controls

After riding your motorcycle for a long period of time, you may have noticed some hand fatigue or cramping. This can easily happen in your throttle hand, especially if you’re keeping the throttle in the same position, like on the highway.

To help alleviate any cramping or fatigue it’s a good idea to use a motorcycle throttle lock. Despite the name, these don’t actually lock your throttle.

What a throttle lock does is keep the throttle in a certain position with pressure and friction. it allows the rider to set the throttle so they can maintain their speed while relaxing their throttle hand.

These throttle locks are safe and easier-to-use, especially for longer rides or motorcycle touring. In this post, we put together a list of the best motorcycle throttle locks that we recommend for most riders.

Let’s jump right into it!

Jump Ahead To:

The Best Motorcycle Throttle Lock

Go cruise 2 universal throttle control system (best motorcycle throttle lock overall).

GO CRUISE 2 Universal Throttle Control System

The GO CRUISE 2 Universal Throttle Control System is a simple and basic throttle lock. It’s the most popular for a reason – it’s durable and easy to use while you’re riding.

The GO CRUISE 2 Universal Throttle Control System takes advantage of a simple, universal design. It can easily be mounted on the handlebars and locked into place for steady throttle power.

This nifty accessory is made from a sturdy aluminum alloy. It’s not going to flex or bend out of place after it’s locked.

When it comes to locking this throttle lock, there is an adjustment dial on the side for locking it into position. This is easy to use with one hand so you can even set the lock while you’re riding.

This same dial is used to open the lock so that it can be attached to the handlebars. When it’s not needed, it’s just as easy to open the dial slightly and push the throttle lock out of place.

To help with keeping the lock secure, a silicone ring is included. This helps to keep it in place on your handlebars and prevents it from sliding once locked.

Overall, the GO CRUISE 2 Universal Throttle Control System is one of the best motorcycle throttle locks for most riders. It’s simple, affordable, easy-to-use, and doesn’t require any tools for installation.

ATLAS Throttle Lock

ATLAS Throttle Lock

The ATLAS Throttle Lock is another semi permanent solution if you’re looking for an affordable motorcycle cruise control. It’s designed to attach to the throttle and lock it in place through the built-in mechanical system.

The ATLAS Throttle Lock mounts to the plastic throttle tube on your motorcycle handlebars. Once engaged, the friction pad presses against the throttle housing and holds it in place for a sustained speed.

It’s easy to adjust the speed manually. This is done by slowly rotating the throttle until you achieve your desired speed on the bike.

To disengage the throttle lock, there is an easily accessible off button. Everything can be easily accessed and used with your thumb, so no need to take your hands off the handle bars while you’re riding.

Insulation is simple with this unit bolting on within 10 minutes. There’s no need to remove the grips, hand guards, or any other components, this offers a universal installation.

Overall, if you’re looking for a reliable motorcycle throttle lock that’s safe to use, check out the ATLAS Throttle Lock . It’s easy to install, durable, and helps to relieve cramping and fatigue from using the throttle.

Go Cruise Ease Throttle Lock

Go Cruise Ease Throttle Lock

The Go Cruise Ease Throttle Lock takes advantage of an even simpler design than our top recommendation. This one slides over the handlebar and is meant to be pushed into place to lock the throttle.

What’s great about this model is that it’s extremely basic and affordable. There aren’t any moving parts and just one finger is required to set the locking position.

Installation is incredibly easy as well. Start by sliding the included silicone ring over the handlebars and then positioning the throttle lock in place.

The silicone ring prevents the lock from sliding while you’re riding. Unfortunately, since it can’t be locked into place, it does end up sliding after some time.

Despite that, the Go Cruise Ease Throttle Lock is still a great choice if you’re looking for a cheap motorcycle throttle lock. It’s easy to install, easy to use, and does the job well for relieving hand and wrist fatigue.

BrakeAway Motorcycle Cruise Control

BrakeAway Motorcycle Cruise Control

The BrakeAway Motorcycle Cruise Control is meant to be permanently installed on your motorcycle handlebars. It’s designed to lock the throttle in place to maintain your speed while riding.

Compared to some of the electronic cruise control products, this is an affordable alternative for motorcycle cruise control. It’s safe and reliable to use while allowing you to stretch your throttle hand during longer rides.

The BrakeAway Motorcycle Cruise Control comes with an easy push button engagement. Rather than using a dial, this model uses buttons to engage or disengage the throttle lock.

It’s designed to be installed over the throttle and uses a locking mechanism to lock the throttle in place. One great safety feature is that the lock is immediately released when you grab the front brake.

Overall, the BrakeAway Motorcycle Cruise Control provides a more permanent solution for a motorcycle throttle lock. With great reviews and a durable build quality, it’s also a great alternative to more expensive electronic motorcycle cruise controls.

Crampbuster Cruise Assist

Crampbuster Cruise Assist

The Crampbuster Cruise Assist is an interesting and simple way to relieve discomfort and fatigue from your throttle hand. This accessory is designed to slide over your throttle and improve your riding comfort.

Unlike our other recommendations, the Crampbuster Cruise Assist doesn’t actually lock the throttle in place. Instead, it allows you to use your palm to maintain the same throttle power while stretching your fingers and hands.

This makes it easy to effortlessly control the throttle without squeezing. It’s a perfect choice for those of you that want some tactile feedback without having to rely on a dedicated throttle lock for control.

There aren’t any moving parts or tools required to use or install the Crampbuster Cruise Assist. It’s as easy as sliding it over your handlebars and heading off for a ride.

When you don’t want to use it, the Crampbuster Cruise Assist can be slid towards the bottom of the throttle so it’s not in the way. It’s just as easy to remove and stash it if you’re finding a bothersome.

The Crampbuster Cruise Assist provides a great way to maintain throttle speed without having to completely grip the throttle. This is a great product for relaxing your throttle hand and reducing fatigue on longer rides.

Why You Should Use a Motorcycle Throttle Lock

There are a number of benefits to using a motorcycle throttle lock. These are especially a great accessory if you suffer from carpal tunnel or hand pain on longer rides.

Prevents Fatigue and Cramps

Most motorcycles don’t come with cruise control, especially cheap motorcycles . On longer rides without cruise control, it’s possible to get cramping, fatigue, or even pain in your throttle hand and wrist.

Using a motorcycle throttle lock gives relief to any pain or discomfort you’re feeling in your hand muscles. It makes it possible to stretch or remove your hand from the handlebars without having to stop your bike.

Great For Longer Rides

On longer rides, especially if you’re spending time on the highway, using a throttle lock makes the ride easier. The riding speed can be locked into place and you could focus on the scenery instead of constantly glancing at your speedometer.

These devices are designed to maintain engine speed while allowing you to loosen your grip. This makes for a more relaxing and enjoyable scenery, especially if you’re already suffering from fatigue or hand pain.

Universal Design

For the most part, motorcycle throttle locks are designed to fit on a wide variety of different motorcycles. They can even be used for scooters, if you’re taking one on a longer ride.

They’re also designed to slide onto your handlebars, even if you have motorcycle hand guards , different motorcycle mirrors , or heated grips . Throttle locks are easy to install and definitely improve long-distance riding comfort.

Key Features

Here are the different features to look out for when you’re in the market for the best motorcycle throttle lock. Keep these in mind when you’re checking different products to make sure you’re getting what you want.

Ease of Use

The most important feature to look for is that the throttle lock is easy to use. It’s important that it’s easy to engage and disengage the locking mechanism to avoid any issues when you’re out riding.

It should be possible to lock or unlock the mechanism with your thumb. It’s not a good idea to be removing your hand from the handlebars, especially the throttle side of things.

Due to the small design of these products, they don’t take up too much space on the grips. This prevents your hands from feeling cramped or getting distracted while you’re riding.

Don’t forget that the main reason to buy a throttle lock is to improve your comfort on the bike. The easier it is to use, the more you’ll enjoy riding.

Cruise Control

These motorcycle throttle locks are designed to lock the throttle in place. Without one, you have to keep holding the throttle to maintain speed.

For shorter rides, or riding in the city, this generally isn’t an issue. However, once you hit the highway for extended rides, holding the throttle can lead to hand fatigue, discomfort, and pain.

This is a great motorcycle accessory to have if you’re riding often and find yourself with hand fatigue. Even the throttle locks that don’t offer cruise control, having the throttle locked in place is a form of basic cruise control for your bike.

Using one of these allows you to essentially lock the throttle in a fixed position. This allows your motorcycle to maintain speed, even when you’re going uphill or downhill.

The best motorcycle throttle lock will offer the right amount of resistance. You want to be able to adjust it with your throttle hand, specifically your thumb or forefinger, while you’re riding.

There needs to be friction resistance, to prevent the throttle from swinging back once the lock is applied. With the throttle locked in place, it becomes possible to rest your hand and stretch your fingers.

This is great for a longer rides, especially if you’re suffering from cramping or discomfort. Even This is great for a longer rides, especially if you’re suffering from cramping or discomfort. It even allows those of you with carpal tunnel , nerve damage, or other wrist issues to keep riding comfortably.

When you’re looking for a good motorcycle throttle lock, check that it’s made of stainless steel or aluminum alloy. While there are some models made with plastic, these typically aren’t the best for longevity or durability.

Don’t forget to look at reviews to see what other riders have to say. There is a lot of accurate and helpful information that’s in the reviews for you to consider.

Ease of Installation

Depending on the throttle lock you’re using, it will have a different way to install it. The easiest ones slide over the throttle, while some models require a more permanent installation.

Regardless of the throttle lock you’re using, it should be easy to install. Most of them use a silicone tube that slides over the throttle, with the locking mechanism being positioned on it. This helps keep it in place while you’re riding

Others will require you to bolt the throttle lock to the throttle. Even these models shouldn’t take longer than 5 to 10 minutes to install.

Motorcycle Throttle Lock Pricing

scooter throttle

Most throttle locks can be found in this price range. These typically take advantage of a simple, yet practical design. They’re meant to hold the throttle in place and maintain engine speed. This provides your hands with some rest and allows you to stretch while riding.

Throttle locks in this price range typically require some form of installation. However, they’re easy to install, easy to use, and made of metal for increased durability. It’s easy to engage and disengage models in this range while you’re riding.

$100 and Up

In this price range, motorcycle throttle locks typically come with an electronic cruise control feature. Unlike most of our recommendations, these don’t simply lock the throttle. Instead, they’re designed to automatically adjust the bikes speed and require a semi-permanent installation.

Helpful Tips

  • Using a throttle lock is a good idea if you have a motorcycle that doesn’t come without cruise control. When you first get one, practice in a low traffic area. You don’t want to be learning how to use it with cars zooming around you.
  • Avoid using a throttle lock when you’re riding in traffic. The reason being that they require a lot of adjustments if you’re not maintaining engine speed. This is inconvenient and can be dangerous. Only use the throttle lock on longer stretches of open road.
  • For bikes that vibrate a lot, such as a Harley or bigger cruiser, the throttle lock may not be as effective. The vibrations can cause the friction point to move, reducing the effectiveness of this accessory. These work better with well-balanced, smooth running motorcycles such as touring bikes , smaller cruisers, and sport bikes.

How Do You Install a Motorcycle Throttle Lock?

Most throttle locks are easy to install. They typically come with instructions that detail the installation process.

It’s also possible to find tutorials on YouTube if you’re having trouble. There’s usually no reason to remove the grips. Generally, the throttle lock will slide right over the throttle and shouldn’t take longer than a few minutes to install.

How Do You Know if a Throttle Lock Will Fit on Your Motorcycle?

Most throttle locks are universal and designed to fit with most motorcycles. However, some of them are designed for specific makes of motorcycles.

Always check the manufacturer’s specifications and product description for information about the fit. You can also look online if you’re having trouble finding more information.

What is Throttle Assist?

The throttle lock acts as a throttle assist by holding a throttle in place while you’re riding. With it engaged, there’s no need to squeeze the grips to increase, decrease, or maintain speed.

Taking advantage of throttle assist allows you to stretch and relax your hand. This helps to prevent it from cramping up, becoming fatigued, or becoming painful.

Are Throttle Locks Legal?

Throttle locks are a popular accessory among motorcycle riders, but their legality can vary depending on the state or country you’re in.

In the United States, for example, they are generally considered legal as long as they don’t impede the operation of the motorcycle’s controls or interfere with safe operation.

However, some states have specific laws regarding their use, so it’s important to check your local regulations before using one.

In other countries, such as Canada, throttle locks are not specifically mentioned in the law, but riders should still exercise caution and ensure that their use doesn’t violate any regulations.

Are Motorcycle Throttle Locks Legal in the UK?

The legality of motorcycle throttle locks in the UK is somewhat ambiguous, as they fall into a gray area in terms of the law.

While there is no specific law against their use, they can be seen as a modification to the motorcycle that could potentially impact its safety and roadworthiness.

Therefore, it’s important to exercise caution and use your own judgement when deciding whether to use a throttle lock on your motorcycle. Ultimately, it’s always better to err on the side of caution and prioritize safety over convenience.

How Do You Lock a Motorcycle Throttle?

Locking a motorcycle throttle can be accomplished in several ways, depending on the type of throttle lock you have.

One popular method is to use a mechanical throttle lock, which typically clamps onto the throttle grip and holds it in place.

Another option is to use an electronic cruise control system, which can automatically adjust the throttle to maintain a steady speed.

Regardless of the method you choose, it’s important to make sure that the throttle is secure and that the lock is functioning properly before you start riding.

How Do I Keep My Motorcycle Throttle Steady?

Keeping your motorcycle throttle steady can be challenging, especially on longer rides where your hand may get tired or cramp up. One way to help alleviate this issue is to use a throttle lock or cruise control system, as discussed earlier.

Another option is to try using your whole hand to grip the throttle, rather than just your fingers.

This can help distribute the pressure more evenly and reduce fatigue. Additionally, taking frequent breaks to stretch your hands and arms can help prevent cramping and discomfort while riding.

Finding the Right Motorcycle Throttle Lock

Finding the best motorcycle throttle lock for your needs can make a significant difference in your riding experience.

Whether you’re looking for a mechanical or electronic system, there are a variety of options available on the market. From the simple and affordable to the high-tech and feature-packed, there’s a throttle lock out there for every rider.

However, it’s important to remember that safety should always be the top priority, and riders should exercise caution and use their best judgement when deciding whether to use a throttle lock while riding.

With that in mind, we hope this guide has helped you in your search for the best motorcycle throttle lock for your needs.

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universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

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universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

Cruise Control Alternative for all Motorcycles

What is this thing.

The ATLAS Throttle Lock is the most intuitive cruise control alternative ever built. When engaged, the ATLAS holds your throttle in place with friction so that you can relax your grip, shake out your hand, adjust your jacket, etc.

Calling it a throttle lock is a little misleading because it doesn’t actually “lock” the throttle of your motorcycle. You can override the ATLAS at all times. When you want to increase or decrease your speed, simply rotate the throttle like normal and the ATLAS will hold that new position.

How does it work? The ATLAS mounts to most motorcycles in 10 minutes. It clamps to the plastic throttle tube, between the grip flange and the throttle housing. The ATLAS Throttle Lock has two buttons. One to engage the unit and another to disengage the unit. When the ATLAS is engaged, a friction pad on a stainless steel tab presses against the throttle housing wall and, using pressure and friction, stops the return spring from snapping back. When disengaged, your throttle will function exactly like it did from the factory.

Who cares? We do. That's why we offer a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee as well as a 2 Year Manufacturer Warranty. We want you to be stoked on the new function your bike will have once you bolt on the ATLAS Throttle Lock.

Ride With The Best

The ATLAS isn’t simply a novel design, like some other throttle locks. The ATLAS is the most universal and intuitive throttle lock ever made, built for motorcycle world travel. It will be the last throttle lock you’ll ever need to buy.

The ATLAS was built for YOU

not just your motorcycle.

universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

Rotates with the throttle for an ergonomic position at all times

universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

the low profile design stays out of the way and doesn't take up any grip space

universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

Maintain a constant speed while engaging & disengaging

universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

Universal Fit so you don’t have to sell it with your motorcycle

universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

Quick and easy installation doesn't require removing anything

Better materials make better products.

The ATLAS Throttle Lock is made of hardened stainless steel and will last the life of your motorcycle. These high quality materials allow us to laser cut extremely thin parts while maintaining strength and resilience.

Top Kit vs. Bottom Kit

The ATLAS Throttle Lock comes in 2 different configurations. A Top Kit and a Bottom Kit. Most riders will be using the Bottom Kit, but some will need the Top Kit.

The Top Kit was designed for motorcycles with certain interferences.

- Throttles with heated grip wires on the lower half of the grip

- Right-hand turn signals on the throttle housing

- If there is less than 1.5 inches (38 mm) of clearance between the tank and the throttle housing at full right turn.

The Bottom Kit will work best with the majority of motorcycle on the road.

- Works with throttles that have a heated grip wire that runs out the top half of the throttle grip flange.

Simple Installation

Leave the grips, bar ends, handguards and Dremel alone! The ATLAS Throttle Lock bolts on to your throttle tube with minimal effort. Our intelligent ratcheting mechanism will clamp the ATLAS to any throttle tube diameter, from 7/8” to 1-1/4”.

universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

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Find Your Bike

The ATLAS works with nearly every motorcycle out there. 

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Best Motorcycle Throttle Locks: Avoid Hand Fatigue and Cramping

These top motorcycle throttle locks will make long rides more relaxing

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If you ride a motorcycle for long distances, you have likely experienced hand fatigue. To combat that issue, you can purchase a motorcycle throttle lock. It doesn't actually lock your throttle. What it does is engage the throttle into a certain position using pressure and friction. It also allows you to rotate the throttle when needed to adjust your speed. Check out the best motorcycle throttle locks in our buying guide below.

Krator Motorcycle Cruise Control Throttle Assist

Krator Motorcycle Cruise Control Throttle Assist

2Wheel Ride Go Cruise Black 7/8" Motorcycle Throttle Assist

2Wheel Ride Go Cruise Black 7/8" Motorcycle Throttle Assist

It's simple to adjust with your finger. It's really easy to shut the throttle down in a hurry, and it doesn't slip. It does the job at a lower cost compared to other products.

Sound Off Recreational Vista Cruise for Dual Throttle Cable

Sound Off Recreational Vista Cruise for Dual Throttle Cable

This compact cruise control is made of glass-filled Zytel nylon and fits many Honda motorcycles with 7/8-inch handlebars. It fits between the grip and throttle housing.

Benefits of a Motorcycle Throttle Lock

  • Prevents hand cramps. If your bike doesn't have cruise control, your wrist may become painful after you've been riding for a long time. A motorcycle throttle lock gives relief to those aching muscles in your hands. You don't have to stop your bike to rest.
  • Ideal for bumpy roads. A motorcycle throttle lock makes riding on bumpy roads easier. You can adjust it to decrease sensitivity, loosen your grip, and enjoy a relaxed, smoother ride. The device helps maintain engine speed for improved control over bumps.
  • Available for different configurations. Motorcycle throttle locks can fit a variety of motorcycles including those equipped with OEM handguards, barkbusters handguards, bar end mirrors, and heated grips. They are easy to install and offer improved long-distance comfort.

Types of Motorcycle Throttle Locks

Throttle sleeve motorcycle locks.

Like other motorcycle throttle locks, a throttle sleeve motorcycle lock holds the throttle in place using friction. The friction overpowers your motorbike's throttle body return spring. A throttle sleeve lock is easy to engage and disengage. You simply use your thumb because it is always within reach. Most throttle sleeve motorcycle locks are universal and not built for specific bike makes or models. 

Rubber Grip Motorcycle Throttle Locks

This type of lock ensures you don't constantly grip the throttle, tiring your wrist. You can easily control it using your thumb and forefinger. Most of these throttle locks use a composite material that acts like a spring. It has the right amount of tension to grab a motorcycle grip. The locks have no moving parts or switches and can be installed and removed in seconds. However, it is worth noting that these motorcycle throttle locks take up grip space and can make handlebars feel a little cramped.

Bar End Motorcycle Throttle Locks

The outstanding feature of bar end motorcycle throttle locks is they do not take up any space on handlebars. Each lock features a simple and robustly-designed friction nut that is integrated with a bar end weight. You may have to adjust the lock a little to make sure it makes light contact with the rubber throttle sleeve. These motorcycle throttle locks mount securely to bikes and are not susceptible to theft. Once installed, they may not need any adjustments.

Throttle Assists

Throttle assists are easy to use as you can engage and disengage them with your thumb. You can adjust the throttle lock even when you're cruising at 70 miles per hour. You don't have to reduce speed or stop to adjust the lock and it mounts securely to your bike. However, these types of throttle locks have one big disadvantage. They are usually designed for specific motorbike makes and models.

Atlas Throttle Lock

This small company was created by David Winters and his wife when they were on a 15-month around-the-world motorcycle trip. They were in New Zealand seeking shelter from a storm when they came up with the idea for this throttle lock. The company only has one motorcycle throttle lock at the moment— Atlas —but it is very popular with bikers and biking enthusiasts. ATLAS is an acronym which stands for Adventure Touring Leaves All Signs. 

Kemimoto was established over 10 years ago and is a one-stop shop for motorcycle, ATV, and UTV parts. The parts are created and tested with the assistance of four-wheel and two-wheel racers from around the world. The company makes a lot of spare parts and accessories including sliders, mirrors, rear sets, Derlin-based parts, and CNC machined billet aluminum. It also makes efficient throttle locks like the Kemimoto Motorcycle Throttle Lock .

This company was founded in 2001 by Roy Mentis. He got the name from the Kaokoveld in Namibia where he had gone for an adventure trip. The company makes throttle locks and throttle stabilizers and won an award in 2009 for its throttle lock. The Kaoko Throttle Lock Cruise Control is one of its best creations.

Motorcycle Throttle Lock Pricing

  • $10-$50: Most motorcycle throttle locks fall in this category. They hold the throttle in place, offering users some rest for a while.
  • $50-$100: These throttle locks are easy to install, easy to use, and are usually made of metal for increased durability. Engaging and disengaging them is quite easy.
  • $100-$150: Motorcycle throttle locks in this category have a cruise control feature and don’t simply lock the throttle. They can automatically adjust a bike’s speed for wind and hills.

Key Features

Cruise control.

The main function of a motorcycle throttle lock is to lock the throttle. Without it, you have to hold the throttle at all times in order to control the speed. A motorcycle throttle lock prevents hand fatigue on long rides. While not all throttle locks offer cruise control, it is an important feature if you ride your bike often. A throttle lock with cruise control can hold the throttle at a set position and also maintain your bike's speed when you’re going uphill or downhill.

A good motorcycle throttle lock offers the right amount of resistance. You should be able to adjust it with your throttle hand as you ride your bike. It should offer friction resistance to the throttle to prevent it from swinging back. When the throttle is locked in place, your hand can rest as you only need to control it every now and then. You will avoid cramping of the fingers and wrist.

Ease of Use

The best motorcycle throttle locks are easy to engage and disengage. You can quickly perform these two processes with your thumb. They don't take up grip space, so your hand won't feel cramped as you ride. The throttle lock should be able to mount securely to your bike and offer a smooth riding experience. Remember, the main reason you buy a throttle lock is to enhance your comfort. The easier the throttle lock is to use, the more you'll enjoy your ride.

Other Considerations

  • Ease of Installation. A throttle sleeve lock clamps onto your bike's plastic throttle tube and does not require you to drill or remove any parts from your throttle. No matter the throttle lock you choose, it should be easy to install. A good motorcycle throttle lock should take less than five minutes to install.
  • Materials . Good motorcycle throttle locks are made of stainless steel and are built to last. They are not made of plastic or sheet metal. Make sure the one you choose is made of high-quality material so it doesn't get damaged when you're on the road.

Best Motorcycle Throttle Lock Reviews & Recommendations 2020

Best Overall

It's hard to move around on your bike and relax when your muscles are overtaxed. You start thinking about your hurting hands and divert your attention from the road. Enter the Krator Motorcycle Throttle Lock, a simple device that relieves stress on your wrist during long rides. It functions as a throttle lock, a throttle assist, and a cruise control.

This throttle lock sits on the brake lever to hold the throttle in place. When you want to disengage cruise control, you simply roll off the throttle manually. It has a universal fit and virtually fits every motorcycle.

However, it is not the easiest throttle lock to use. You always have to keep your right hand on the throttle because removing it will decrease your response time in case of an incident. The screw also makes it difficult to engage and disengage. 

Honorable Mention

<strong>Sound Off Recreational Vista Cruise for Dual Throttle Cable</strong>

Many motorcycle owners love nothing more than installing a new device that changes the way they cruise down the road. If you're looking to increase the comfort of your bike with something that will not inconvenience you, get this cruise control that's designed by Sound Off Recreational. It is ideal for Honda motorcycles with ⅞-inch handlebars.

This throttle lock fits between the grip and throttle housing and doesn't take up a lot of space on the handlebar. It installs on the handlebar without a lot of fuss and you don't have to make a lot of modifications to your bike during installation. It is ideal for dual-cable bikes but also works on single-cable bikes. 

However, there are a few things you need to know if you’ve decided to get this throttle lock. It can be challenging to install but the end result will be worth the effort. You may also have to modify it if you want it to fit on your bike.

Avon Grips Lock Throttle

Avon Grips Lock Throttle

This bright silver-colored throttle lock is made from 6061 billet aluminum. It’s designed to rest against your brake lever and hold your throttle in place. This lock comes in two sizes: small and large. You pick the size that fits your handlebars. The small lock will fit a handlebar in diameter of ⅞ inches, while the large one fits a handlebar that’s 1 inch in diameter.

You’ll appreciate how simple this throttle lock is to use. Once it’s in place, your throttle will be held firm in your chosen position. This will relieve the pressure on your hand and wrist when on longer rides.

Unfortunately, just resting against the throttle to hold it in place isn’t the most secure throttle lock method. You may find that it’s not strong enough to hold your throttle at your chosen position. The bright machined metal finish may not look good on your bike.

ATLAS Throttle Lock

ATLAS Throttle Lock

The Atlas lock wraps around your throttle and features a thumb-activated mechanism to engage or disengage the lock. It comes as either a top or bottom control design, depending on your bike’s handlebars. Check the User Guide PDF to find your bike and determine which is appropriate for your handlebar setup.

What really makes this throttle lock stand out is your ability to adjust your speed incrementally. This lets you refine your speed and adjust for traffic and road conditions. You’ll also love how easy this throttle lock is to install. It’s a simple bolt-on lock that comes with clear directions.

Unfortunately, you’ll need to use friction pads to refine the fitment on your bike. These aren’t the most secure, and they can slip out of place, which will cause your throttle lock to wiggle. You may also find that it restricts your throttle’s movement even when it’s not engaged.

GUAIMI Cruise Control Throttle Assist

GUAIMI Cruise Control Throttle Assist

This uniquely-shaped throttle lock helps reduce highway fatigue by allowing you to relax your grip on the throttle and still maintain your speed. It’s made of durable nylon and rubber, which makes it corrosion and rustproof. To install the lock, follow the mounting instructions, and it should be completed in 15 minutes.

What’s nice about this throttle lock is its universal fitment. It comes with interchangeable rubber inserts that let you create a custom fit to the size of your handlebars. It can fit OEM handlebars with a diameter of ⅞ to one inch. If you have aftermarket grips, it’s compatible with an outside diameter of 1 ⅛ inches to 1 ¾ inches.

Unfortunately, this throttle lock feels a bit flimsy. This is because it’s not made out of metal like many of the other locks on this list. You may also find that it doesn’t hold a consistent speed and will let you gradually slow down. The screws tend to get loose from the vibration of riding, so check them every so often.

My Band Motorcycle Cruise Control Throttle Clamp

My Band Motorcycle Cruise Control Throttle Clamp

This all-black throttle lock has a minimalist design. It’s made of aluminum alloy and silicone. To install, slip the silicone band onto the base of your throttle. Then unscrew the clamp and slide it onto your throttle. You can tighten it down using the top screw to adjust the fitment.

The fact that it’s made out of aluminum alloy means that it’s resistant to corrosion and rust. This makes it perfect for being exposed to the elements. The black color means this lock will blend in and not take away from the look and style of your bike.

Unfortunately, you’ll find this style of throttle lock hard to use. It doesn’t hold if you’re going too slow or too fast. Sometimes the throttle will snap back into the neutral position, and other times you’ll have a steady loss of speed. You should also be careful when installing it because it could scratch the finish on your handlebars. 

Brake Away Motorcycle Cruise Control

Brake Away Motorcycle Cruise Control

This throttle lock is specifically designed for sport bike throttles. It’s made of high-quality billet components and is made in the United States. It is compatible with handlebars that are 1 3/16   inches to 1 ⅜ inches in diameter. Once installed, you can set the lock to hold your throttle in a chosen position. You can also adjust the throttle to any position while the lock is engaged.

You’ll love this throttle lock on your sport bike because it includes a unique feature, the immediate release trigger. This trigger will automatically release the throttle lock if you engage the front brake or manual lever. When it comes to safety, this feature is key because it removes the revving of your throttle in situations when you need to brake.

Unfortunately, if you have a motorcycle that isn’t a sport bike, you’ll probably find that this throttle lock isn’t compatible with your handlebars. This lock also lacks style and will look noticeably out of place on your handlebars.

Cruise-Mate Throttle Control Lock

Cruise-Mate Throttle Control Lock

This throttle lock is meant for use on a Yamaha or Kawasaki cruiser. It works via a lever to hold your throttle in place. The internal components are made of stainless steel. The external components and mounting brackets are made of zinc with a nickel chrome finish.

You’ll find that this throttle lock is easy to install and use. You can work the lock and release mechanism with just your thumb. The customized compatibility of this throttle lock means that it’s specifically designed for your bike. This will help it to work better than many of the other universal compatibility throttle locks on this list.

Unfortunately, this throttle lock is very bike specific and will not work on sport bikes or other motorcycles that aren’t Kawasaki or Yamaha cruisers. You also need to keep an eye on the metal because it could tarnish or corrode.

Kaoko Throttle Lock Cruise Control

Kaoko Throttle Lock Cruise Control

This throttle lock installs on the outside edge of your throttle. It uses a friction nut to hold your throttle in place and replaces your bar-end weight. The installation is super easy and takes a few minutes. The device is black and features the KAO branding.

You won’t have any problems with slippage with this throttle lock. Once you tighten it down, it stays there. It also seamlessly integrates into your handlebars and grips, so unless someone is specifically looking for it, they’ll never notice it.

Unfortunately, this lock takes some getting used to. It isn’t the easiest of throttle locks to learn how to use so that you can operate it without looking at it. It also may not fit your bike due to its unique mounting method. You’ll also find that it’s one of the more expensive locks on this list.

  • A throttle lock is geared towards bikers who ride machines without cruise control. Make sure to practice a bit when you first install it to make sure it's adjusted to your liking.
  • Do not use a throttle lock in traffic because it will require a lot of adjustments, which can be very inconvenient. It is designed for using on longer stretches of open road.
  • A throttle lock may not work as well on bikes that vibrate a lot, such as Harley-Davidsons. However, if you have a smooth, well-balanced motorcycle, it should work just fine.

Q: What is throttle assist?

A : When you use a throttle lock, you don't have to squeeze the grips to increase, decrease, or maintain speed. It acts as a throttle assist and allows you to operate the throttle with a relaxed hand so it doesn't cramp up.

Q: How do I install a motorcycle throttle lock? 

A: Most throttle locks will come with instructions from the manufacturer. You may also find some tutorials online. Most do not require you remove the grips during setup.

Q: How do I know if a throttle lock will fit my bike?

A: It’s important that you read the manufacturer’s description. Some throttle locks are designed for specific makes of motorcycles, while others offer a universal fit. 

Final Thoughts

Our pick for the best motorcycle throttle lock is the Krator Motorcycle Cruise Control Throttle Assist . It fits on a large variety of bikes and helps relieve pressure in your hands during long trips.

For a more budget-friendly option, consider the 2Wheel Ride Go Cruise Black 7/8" Motorcycle Throttle Assist .

universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

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ATLAS Throttle Lock, Universal Motorcycle Cruise Control

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Ride With The Best

The ATLAS is the most universal and intuitive throttle lock ever made, built for motorcycle world travel. It will be the last throttle lock you’ll ever need to buy.

Better Materials Make Better Products

The ATLAS Throttle Lock is made of hardened stainless steel and will last the life of your motorcycle. These high-quality materials allow us to laser cut extremely thin parts while maintaining strength and resilience.

How does it work?

First off, the ATLAS is clamped to the plastic throttle tube, between your rubber grip flange and the throttle housing. The ATLAS Throttle Lock has two buttons. One to engage the unit and another to disengage the unit. When the ATLAS is engaged, a friction pad on a stainless steel tab presses against the throttle housing. You can override the ATLAS at all times. The ATLAS Throttle Lock doesn’t disengage when you rotate the throttle. We did this intentionally so you can make incremental speed adjustments as you ride. 

Top Kit vs. Bottom Kit

The ATLAS Throttle Lock comes in 2 different configurations. A Top Kit and a Bottom Kit. Most riders will be using the Bottom Kit, but some will need the Top Kit.  Click HERE for a fitment chart to see what fits your motorcycle.  If your bike is not listed and you are not sure which to use, give us a call.

The Top Kit was designed for motorcycles with certain interferences.

  • Throttles with heated grip wires on the lower half of the grip
  • Right-hand turn signals on the throttle housing (Many pre-2013 BMW Motorcycles)
  • If there are less than 1.5 inches (38 mm) of clearance between the tank and the throttle housing at full right turn.

The Bottom Kit will work best with the majority of motorcycles on the road.

  • Works with throttles that have a heated grip wire that runs out the top half of the throttle grip flange

Simple Installation

Leave the grips, bar ends, handguards and Dremel alone! The ATLAS Throttle Lock bolts on to your throttle tube with minimal effort. Our intelligent ratcheting mechanism will clamp the ATLAS to any throttle tube diameter, from 7/8” to 1-1/4”.

Product Features

  • Rotates with the throttle for an ergonomic position at all times
  • The low profile design stays out of the way and doesn't take up any grip space
  • Maintain a constant speed while engaging & disengaging
  • Universal fit so you don’t have to sell it with your motorcycle
  • Quick and easy installation doesn't require removing anything

Manuals & Documents

Fitment Chart

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Beta Search Your Bike

universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock


OMNI-CRUISE  control is a new concept in  easing the stress  on riders wrists while not only being universal, it installs in seconds to provide a fully adjustable completely universal cruise control on any bike and only when you need it. That means it isn't using up any valuable grip space when you don't need it, and when you do it is the THINNEST on grip motorcycle cruise control on the market at only a quarter of an inch!

When you hit that unavoidable boring stretch of road and your fingers begin to go numb and your wrist is starting to ache... simply lift up on the  OMNI-CRUISE  control thumb lever with and it takes the weight of the throttle return off of your wrist.

Pulling the brake lever will LIFT the  OMNI-CRUISE  turning it off. Rotating the throttle off will LIFT the  OMNI-CRUISE  turning it off. To decrease the maintained speed simply rotate the throttle off to the speed desired. To increase speed either roll on the throttle then push press down on the  OMNI-CRUISE  with your finger or press down and roll the throttle at the same time.

It is  simple to install, simple to adjust, and simple to use . In seconds the  OMNI-CRUISE  can adjust to fit anything from a 50cc pocket bike to some of the largest cruiser grips ever put on a bike. Anything from scooters to cruisers, super sport to super naked, and bridges any gaps in between. If it has a throttle and a brake lever...  OMNI-CRUISE  fits.

( OMNI )

Omni-Cruise: Universal Motorcycle Throttle Lock

SKU code: OMNI

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13. Changes to this Privacy Policy

This policy was last updated in February 2022. If we change this policy, we will post the updated policy on this site.

Omni-Cruise Sizing Guide

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Rusmania • Deep into Russia

Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

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MRELC Motorcycle Cruise Control, Motorcycle Throttle Lock, Universal Lightweight Hand Grip Lock Clamp,Throttle Assist Wrist, with Silicone Ring Protect Throttle Control System for Most ATV Motorcycle

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universal cruise control motorcycle throttle lock

Motorcycle Cruise Control, Motorcycle Throttle Lock, Universal Lightweight Hand Grip Lock Clamp,Throttle Assist Wrist, with Silicone Ring Protect Throttle Control System for Most ATV Motorcycle

Purchase options and add-ons, about this item.

  • Universal Cruise Control:Motorcycle/Bicycle ATV Cruise Assist System designed for most motorcycles and sport bikes. Cruise control can be disengaged by manually turning off the throttle.Package include:2*motorcycle cruise control lock,4*rubber ring
  • Anti-fatigue throttle assist:motorcycle throttle lock relies on the brake lever to keep the throttle open.Stable speed relieves the rider's wrist tension and reduces finger and wrist fatigue due to long periods of time in the same position.The top master control fixture i.e. dial helps you to adjust to the safest and most suitable grip for you.
  • Easy to install:Made of durable lightweight aluminum alloy, durable and long-lasting.Just put the silicone ring through the throttle handlebar of the motorcycle, clamp the fixture, and then tighten the fixture, no other tools are needed.

NOTE: To release the throttle before braking, do not remove your hand directly from the throttle, wait on the motorcycle for a moment to practice engaging and releasing the throttle lock. Do not use in curves or traffic.

  • MRELC owns a Professional R & D team and a Factory to manufacture Motorbike Accessories, not only sell products , we also provide comprehensive service, including pre-sales consultation, package tracking and after-sales service. Once you have any question, let us know, we will respond as soon as possible.

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MRELC Motorcycle Cruise Control, Motorcycle Throttle Lock, Universal Lightweight Hand Grip Lock Clamp,Throttle Assist Wrist,

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Go Cruise GC-A1BK GO CRUISE 2 Universal Throttle Control System – Black

Product Description


Universal Cruise Control :

Motorcycle/Bicycle ATV Cruise Assist System designed for most motorcycles and sport bikes. Cruise control can be disengaged by manually turning off the throttle.

Package include :2*motorcycle cruise control lock,4*rubber ring


Easy to install:

Made of durable lightweight aluminum alloy, durable and long-lasting.Just put the silicone ring through the throttle handlebar of the motorcycle, clamp the fixture, and then tighten the fixture, no other tools are needed.

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  1. The 5+ BEST Motorcycle Throttle Locks (Reviews) in 2023

    GO CRUISE 2 Universal Throttle Control System (Best Motorcycle Throttle Lock Overall) The GO CRUISE 2 Universal Throttle Control System is a simple and basic throttle lock. It's the most popular for a reason - it's durable and easy to use while you're riding. The GO CRUISE 2 Universal Throttle Control System takes advantage of a simple ...

  2. ATLAS Moto

    The ATLAS Throttle Lock is the most intuitive cruise control alternative ever built. When engaged, the ATLAS holds your throttle in place with friction so that you can relax your grip, shake out your hand, adjust your jacket, etc. Calling it a throttle lock is a little misleading because it doesn't actually "lock" the throttle of your ...

  3. Best Motorcycle Throttle Lock (Review & Buying Guide) in 2023

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  4. ATLAS Throttle Lock

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  5. Atlas Throttle Lock Review: Universal Motorcycle Cruise Control

    The Atlas Throttle Lock is an optimal mechanical cruise control that can be fitted to any steed in your stable and look darn good doing it. ... Universal Motorcycle Cruise Control. By. Mike Miller ...

  6. Motorcycle Cruise Control, Motorcycle Throttle Lock, Universal Throttle

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  8. Omni-Cruise Universal Cruise Control / Throttle Lock

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  9. BILLFARO Universal Throttle Lock,Motorcycle Cruise Control Throttle

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  10. Motorcycle Cruise Control Options

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  12. Omni-Cruise: UNIVERSAL Motorcycle Cruise Control

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  14. Omni-Cruise: Universal Motorcycle Throttle Lock

    OMNI-CRUISE control is a new concept in easing the stress on riders wrists while not only being universal, it installs in seconds to provide a fully adjustable completely universal cruise control on any bike and only when you need it.That means it isn't using up any valuable grip space when you don't need it, and when you do it is the THINNEST on grip motorcycle cruise control on the market at ...

  15. Universal Motorcycle Cruise Control Throttle Lock Assist install

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  22. FMC Eurasia LLC (54930028MVIRY0XIUQ20)

    Lei 54930028MVIRY0XIUQ20 Legal Form Общества с ограниченной ответственностью Registered Address Office 401, Street 31, Yakimanka ...

  23. GC-A1BK GO CRUISE 2 Universal Throttle Control System

    Buy Go Cruise GC-A1BK GO CRUISE 2 Universal Throttle Control System - Black: Throttles - FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases ... Motorcycle Cruise Control, Motorcycle Throttle Lock, Universal Throttle Assist Wrist/Hand Grip Lock Clamp with Silicone Ring Protect Throttle Control System for Most Any Bike Durabl (1, Black)

  24. MRELC Motorcycle Cruise Control, Motorcycle Throttle Lock, Universal

    MRELC Motorcycle Cruise Control, Motorcycle Throttle Lock, Universal Lightweight Hand Grip Lock Clamp,Throttle Assist Wrist, with Silicone Ring Protect Throttle Control System for Most Atv Motorcycle Bike(2 PCS) 2.09"L x 0.67"W Universal Cruise Control:Motorcycle/Bicycle ATV Cruise Assist System designed for most motorcycles and sport bikes. ...