IELTS Preparation with Liz: Free IELTS Tips and Lessons, 2024

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IELTS Line Graph and Bar Chart Model Answer (Band 9)

An IELTS line graph and bar chart model answer with examiner comments. Describing two charts together for IELTS writing task 1 academic paper is easy when you know how. Dual charts like the one below are very common in IELTS Writing Task 1 and appear each year. (last updated in Oct 2023).

IELTS Line Graph & Bar Chart

The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999. The bar chart shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.


Source: IELTS Cambridge English Test Books

Line Graph & Bar Chart Model Answer

The line graph illustrates the number of UK residents going abroad from the UK and overseas residents visiting the UK between 1979 and 1999. The bar chart gives information about how many UK residents travelled to five of the most popular countries in 1999. Units are measured in millions of people.

Overall, there was an increase in the number of visits to and from the UK and there were more visits abroad by UK residents than visits to the UK by overseas residents over the period given. Furthermore, the most popular country to visit by UK residents was France in 1999.

According to the line graph, the number of UK residents visiting overseas  began at just under 15 million in 1979 and rose significantly to reach over 50 million in 1999. Around 10 million overseas residents visited the UK in the first year before climbing steadily to just under 30 million by the final year.

Regarding the bar chart, in 1999, the two most popular countries were France and Spain (visited by 10 million UK residents and approximately 9 million respectively). The USA and Greece had about 4 million and 3 million visitors. The least popular country visited was Turkey, which had only about 2 million UK residents going there.

Examiner Comments This IELTS writing task 1 report describing both a chart and a graph is organised into logical paragraphs. The introduction introduces both charts and the overview contains the key features of both chart. Detail in the body paragraphs is supported by data. The right language is used for the line graph and there are a range of sentence structures used throughout. Paraphrasing shows = illustrates / gives information about the number = how many visits abroad by UK residents = UK residents going abroad = UK residents travelling to… from 1979 to 1999 = between 1979 and 1999 = over the period given rose = climbed about = approximately = around


IELTS Writing Task 1: Tips, Lessons and Model Answers

Main IELTS Pages Develop your IELTS skills with tips, model answers, lessons, free videos and more. IELTS Listening IELTS Reading IELTS Writing Task 1 IELTS Writing Task 2 IELTS Speaking Vocabulary for IELTS IELTS Test Information (FAQ) Home Page: IELTS Liz

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Hi Liz, Thank you very much for such a great content. I just had one question , Do I need to mention all the information given in the bar chart , because in my essay I only spoke about France Spain and America ? will that be enough ?

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This line graph and bar chart contains little information. To miss part of it will reduce your score significantly. If you get a task with lots and lots of information, you group categorise together. That way you don’t miss anything.

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Dear Liz, I heard about the importance of incorporating hedging in the writing tasks for IELTS Academic. Would it be appropriate to add hedging like this “Overall, there appeared to be an increase in the number of visits to and from the UK, and there seemed to be more visits abroad by UK residents than visits to the UK by overseas residents over the period given. Furthermore, it appears that France was the most popular country to visit among UK residents in 1999”.

Hedging should be applied solely in writing task 2?

This should never be done in writing task 1. Your aim is to provide factual information of what is in the chart. Either there was an increase or there wasn’t. It isn’t about an appearance of trends or data. Be precise.

The reasons this is sometimes advised for writing task 2 is because if you overgeneralise, your score will go down. For example, people enjoy taking holidays abroad” should be “many people enjoy taking holidays abroad” or “the majority of people enjoy taking holidays abroad”. And in a similar way, you might refer to “the appearance” of a trend instead of giving absolute statements. But the way you have written your example shows an overuse of this which won’t really help.

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Hi, there is a small error as you have written bar chart instead of line graph and vise versa in the first sentence of each body paragraph.

Very well spotted. I need to hire you for proof reading my typos 😉

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Hi Liz, How are you? 🙂 This is Lily from China. Thanks for your reply to my inquiry on another topic.

I have a question regarding the model answer here. Do we need to compare the data for lines in the line graph as I noticed that each line was described independently without being compared to the other line?

Thank you so much! You’re the best IELTS teacher.

It’s a good question and I’m glad that you noticed my line graph model answers are structure that way. People get very confused about the idea of “comparing” in Writing Task 1 Academic test. Bar charts are designed to be compared, category by category, column with column. But this isn’t the case with all other types of task 1. Diagrams, for example, rarely have any comparisons because your task is just to present the stages in a logical order, not compare them. With line graphs, it is about trends. If each line has completely different trends, you’ll just be presenting information about those trends and any comparison might only happen in the overview – just one or two sentences. There is no fixed rule. It depends on the type of task and the information in the graph, chart, table, map and diagram. That is why I have created a number of model answers so you can see the layout and content – what stays the same and what differs.

Many thanks for your prompt response! It helps a lot. 🙂

All the best!

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Hey Lily have you written your IELTs yet? I am writing this from China

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the line chart illustrates visits to and from the UK between 1979 to 1999 .the bar graph shows information about millions of UK residents visiting Turkey, greece, usa, spain and france in 1999. As we can see that UK residents visiting other countries is increased rapidly. France is the most famous country visited by United kingdom people. in, 1979 visits to abroad is more than 10 millions it had increased to 20 millions. similarly overseas residents is 10 million after 5 years. By the end of 1999 it reached the peak over 50million, whereas the abroad residents population is grown significantly upto 30 million. France is the most visited country by Uk residents where more than 10 million people visited in a single year 1999. spain is the second most famous country with nearly 10million visitors. The least visited country by UK residents was turkey. less than 5 million people had visited USA, greece and turkey.

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The data provides information on monthly temperatures and annual sunshine in three main cities(London,New York and Sydney). Overall, the temperatures per month varied across the three cities throughout the year.Sydney experienced intense heat than other regions at the beginning and ending of the year, while at mid-year, London and New York had hot climeates than Sydney. New York had the highest temperature and longest hours of sunshine but London had the least. Sydney witnessed hot weathers from january till march at 25 degrees, after which it reduced gradually to its coolest at 20 degrees in july. During these periods, temperatures in New York and London rose from 5% and 10% to 29% and 24% respectively in july were the had their peak. Both cities afterwards had a decline in their degree of hotness falling to about the same temperatures the started the year with(5 and 10) degress respectively, but Sydney maintained a hot climate for the rest of the year at 25 degrees in december also similar to its temperature at the start of the year. In terms of sunshine hours, New York had the longest duration at 2,535, while London had the shortest at 1,180.

Good day liz, i know this response is not connected to the above question. This my response to writing task 1 of test 8 in cambridge ielts study guide. Please kindly review my writing as am using your blog and the study guide to practice. Exam is in two weeks. Thanks From Nigeria

I don’t offer a feedback service, but I will make a few points which I hope will help you and others regarding the overview. 1) The sentence “…temperatures varied across the cities….” is a pointless sentence. It has no significance. All line graphs show variation. If they didn’t show variation, they would all be a flat line. So, don’t write any sentence that isn’t 100% meaningful and relevant. There are few sentences in a writing task 1 report and each sentence must carry a lot of importance. 2) The graph shows countries, not regions. If you are not sure of your paraphrase, don’t change the word. 3) To say a country has a hot climate means that it is hot all year round. This isn’t the case for New York and London. You need to use the word temperature. So, this is a second example of attempting to paraphrase without success. This is one of the main reasons people can’t hit band 7 in vocabulary. If you are not sure, don’t paraphrase. It is better to be accurate than inaccurate. 4) You stated that New York had the highest temperature and the longest sunshine – then you state that London had the least. But this isn’t true. London didn’t have the lowest temperatures even though they had the least sunshine. The problem with this sentence is that you are trying to give an overview for two different charts in one sentence. Don’t mix them up inside one sentence. Put one or two statements for the line graph and then one statement (sentence) for the table. Don’t confuse different pieces of information. Here is an example overview to help you understand how to present information in a simple, logical manner for a high level report:

Overall, Sydney saw their highest temperatures at the start and end of the year with midyear being the coldest, whilst New York and London witnessed the opposite trend. New York witnessed both the hottest and coldest temperatures of all countries. Furthermore, Sydney and New York both saw longer hours of annual sunshine compared to London. (Note: the second sentence in the overview is optional.)

When you describe a line graph in the body paragraphs, do one line at a time. Don’t confuse your information. See my model answer on the page above.

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The line graph illustrates the number of UK residents visiting abroad and that of tourists coming to the UK in million between 1979 and 1999, while the bar chart depicts five countries with the highest UK-visitor count in the year 1999.

Overall, the number of visitors travelling overseas far exceeded that of the tourists coming to the UK by the end of the given time frame despite both showing upward trajectories. Interestingly, France and Spain received significantly more visitors than other nations.

Regarding the line graph, the trends for the UK citizens leaving the country and the foreigners encountered by the UK stood at around 12 and 10 million, respectively, after which the former rose gradually to reach 20 million by roughly 1986, as opposed to the latter by approximately 1989. From 1986 onwards, the graph for the British travellers skyrocketed to finish the period at almost 55 million, whereas that of the international ones saw a gradual rise, ending the 20-year interval at nearly 30 million.

As for the bar chart, over 11 million people went to France in 1999, compared with 9 million for those entering Spain. Meanwhile, the data for the remaining countries includes 4 million for the USA, 3 million for Greece and 2 million for Turkey.

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The line graph gives information about the total number of visits by UK residents going abroad and overseas UK resident visiting United Kingdom between 1979 and 1999, while the bar graph illustrates the five different countries visited by the residents from UK in 1999. Units are measured in millions.

Overall, it is clearly seen that the number of UK residents going abroad is higher than to those residents from other country who are visiting UK throughout the given period. Furthermore, France was the most visited country by the UK residents in 1991.

In the beginning of time, the number of people going in and out of the United Kingdom was at 10 and approximately 12 million respectively, both of these numbers increased over time. In 1999 there was huge difference in the numbers of people entering and exiting the UK with a total difference of 20 million approximately.

France was the most visited country by the natives of UK among other countries in 1991 nearly 11 million which is followed by Spain at just below 10 million. The number of visits in three remaining countries just fall below 5 million and Turkey was the least among them.

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The line graph illustrates the number of visitors coming from overseas to the UK and UK residents going abroad in a period of 20 years from 1979 to 1999, while the bar graph specifies the most popular destinations residents of the UK chose to visit in the last year of that period, units are measured in millions of people.

Overall, both visitors coming to and leaving the UK soil increased with time, however, the number of visits abroad by UK residents was significantly greater with France and Spain as the two most popular countries chosen by the British.

With regards to people traveling to the UK and from it, the numbers used to be low for both at the beginning of the studied period with 10 million people entering the UK and slightly over 10 million heading abroad. However, the numbers rose steadily then jumped for people exiting the UK to just over 50 million and gradually for people entering it to nearly 30 million.

In 1999, Spain (almost 10 million visitors) and France (over 10 million visitors) were the most popular choice for people from the UK considerably exceeding the number of British people choosing to visit the US, Greece and Turkey (All under 5 million of UK visitors).

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Hi Liz, you are a wonderful teacher. Thank you for all the study material that you have provided for the exam.

You’re welcome 🙂

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Hello Liz.. your lessons so far has drastically reduced my exam phobia.. simplified nd easy to understand.. thanks alot. I hope ur health is getting better .. I wish you a sound nd quick recovery.

I’m glad you are feeling more relaxed. Gaining insight into the exam and doing plenty of practice always helps. Good luck!!

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The line graph given below illustrates the both-side visitation in the United Kingdom over the 20 year period. The bar chart gives information about the most famous countries that UK citizens visited in 1999. It is obvious that there was an increase in the number of visits from and to the UK, but there were more visits abroad by the UK residents rather than the UK by the foreigners. Furthermore, the most prefered and visited country by British visitors was France.

The number of visits abroad by the UK residents was almost 10 million in 1979, while the number of visits by overseas residents in 1979 was just the same. Over the 15 years, both rates faced growth and reached almost 40 million for the UK citizens visiting abroad and about 20-25 million for the outlander visitors in the UK. In 1999, France was visited by 10 million UK residents, followed by Spain with 9 million, The USA and Greece with almost 5 and 4 million. Finally, Turkey which had only about 3 million UK visitors. (It is kinda similar to your example but it is my first task 1 like that, I would be happy if u just take a look at it 😉 )

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The given line graph illustrates how many visits came from abroad to the UK and residents of it who travelled abroad between 1979 and 1999, whereas the bar chart depicts six different countries, eminent among the UK residents in 1999.

Overall, it is quite evident that the visits to and from the UK rose over the period given, while Spain and France been the most popular countries visited by the UK citizens.

In terms of line graph, the trend for both visits to and from the UK, was increased steadily from about 10 million to exact 30 million and approximately 20 million between 1979 and 1989, respectively. From that point, it soared to reach a peak of just over 50 million in the last year for visitors from the UK. Likewise, the figure for visitors to the UK climbed gradually to almost 30 million at the end of the period.

With regard to the bar chart, around 10 million UK citizens visited the Spain and France, while other countries were the least enchanting among them as the figure was less than 5 million for those countries.

Please assess my report and how many bands I can get from it?

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The line graph describes how many travelers had visited the UK and left the UK for overseas between 1979 and 1999, while the bar chart gives information about the top five countries, France, Spain, the USA, Greece, and Turkey, where the British people visited the most in 1999. Overall, the British residents, who went overseas, had always outnumbered offshore residents, who visited the UK, for the given period, meanwhile, most British travelers preferred a journey to France.

From 1979 to the mid-1980s, overseas travel and travel to the UK had gradually increased from 13 million to 20 million and from 10 million to 13 million, respectively. Afterward, the pace of both travels had been accelerated, and over 50 million people flew overseas, and above 25 million visitors came to the UK in 1999.

On the other hand, in 1999, among over 50 million British people, around 20 percent of them, over 10 million people, went to France. However, the number of people who visited Turkey is only two to three million. During the same period, the number of visitors to Spain is less than 10 million, and that of visitors to the USA and Spain is lower than 5 million.

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Thank you very much for your generous support.

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Yes oooo. She’s been so helpful!

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Thank you so much for your helpful tips. This website helped me get a band score of 8.5.

Best, Niharika

That’s wonderful. Very well done 🙂

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Hello Liz where are you now? We all are missing you🥺

I’m really struggling with my health right now. Hopefully, I’ll see some improvement later this year.

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I wish you a speedy recovery

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Get well soon, Liz.

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when I see this message from Liz, my eyes tear up.

hope you will recover soon, and I ask Allah to you hidaya.

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Wishing you a speedy recovery teacher LIZ. I still watching your old youtube videos and they are just amazing. May god bless you.

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Your lessons are excellent and I am using them to prepare for my IELTS exam. I had one question. Is it important to include a conclusion for Academic Writing Task 1?

Writing task 1 has an overview which contains all key features that are collected together and presented for the first and only time. Writing task 2 has a conclusion which repeats in short your main points.

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the line graph illustrates the number of visitors to and from the british country in between 1979 to 1999.overall,the figure experiance more number of u.k residence by comparing with oversea residence and the most view country by uk residents is france.

to begin,the u.k resident travelled with above 10 million visits,meantime overseas residents begin with 10 million people.the u.k residence trend has rising graduvally to more than 10 million visits for every 5 years,meanwhile in overseas residents a steady increase has taken place ,more than 50 million and and less than 30 million respectively.

IN 1999,the most popular country visited by u.k residents is france nearly 12 million visitors,followed by spain then turkey having the least number of visitors approximately 2 million .the remaining counties 4,3 million view respectively. FOR THIS WRITING TASK 1, HOW MANY BANDS CAN I GET .IF THERE IS ANY PROBLEM PLEASE SUGGEST ME.WITH A KIND REQUEST

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1. The letter of first sentence must be Capital Letter, 2. not ‘british country’, say UK or England, 3. not ‘experience’ say shows, 4. not ‘most view’ say most visited

5. Use capital letter as UK. 6. Your message should be clear

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Double graph become Illustrates ,not illustrates

I don’t understand your comment. There is only one line graph. “The line graph illustrates” is correct.

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Hi! Can i write more than 150 words in report writing?

What do you mean? The instructions tell you to write OVER 150 words.

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The line graph illustrates the number of visits made to the UK by foreigners as well as the number of trips made by UK citizens to foreign countries from 1979 to 1999, and the bar chart displays the five countries which were frequently visited by UK citizens in 1999.

Overall, the trips of UK citizens to abroad increased significantly during the given period and were more than the visits to the UK, whereas the visits to the UK rose only moderately. France was the most popular country among UK residents.

In 1979, about 12 million British travelled to foreign countries, which was approximately 2 million more than the tourists in the UK. The number of trips taken abroad by UK residents rose markedly throughout the given period, and reached a high of about 51 million visitors in 1999. However, the number of non-UK residents visiting Britain reached only about 27 million in 1999.

France was the most visited country by British, and it saw approximately 12 million visitors in 1999, which were about 3 million more than the travellers to Spain. In contrast, less than 5 million UK residents travelled to the USA, Greece and Turkey, and Turkey was the least popular with approximately 3 million British tourists.

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it looks much better than the model answer! think the model answer lacks of comparisons in body 1 and 2. so is it worth band 9?

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Hi Liz, I’m an avid fan from the Philippines. One question. Is your writing format from idp? I’d like to take my exam under British council and my tutors told me the testing centers have different styles. Awaiting for your reply! Much love. 🤗💕

There is no difference between IELTS at BC or IDP. Cambridge write all tests and the tests are run at both centers. The marking is the same – everything is the same.

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Hi Liz. We heard that format is way different with BC. I see that the overall part of your introduction is on a separate paragraph wherein if it is in BC, they would be in the same paragraph, introduction + overview.

BC and IDP are both owners of IELTS. They both follow the same marking criteria – 100% the same. They are not different. If you had seen all my model answers for writing task 1, you would see the full variation of paragraphing that is possible. Have you read all my model answers? Have you read all my lessons on writing task 1? They are access through the RED BAR at the top of the website.

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The line graph illustrates the number of UK residents going abroad from the UK and overseas residents visting the UK between 1979 and 1999. Instead of this can we say UK residents who went abroad from the UK and overseas residents who visited the UK between… what is the difference between the two.

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The difference Nitish is only in your grammar and expression. Both, of course mean the same. There are a number of ways to handle the introduction. Yours is a nice one.

Try this …..The line graph depicts the number of UK residents going overseas on visits and the number of foreign visitors coming to visit the UK during a period of 20 years between 1979 and 1999.

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It is good but if you will try this… The given linear graph reveals about the information how many British residents going overseas on visit and foreign visitor coming in UK during a two decades in between 1979 and 1999.This data calibrated in number of visitor and which was visiting in another country by UK in 1999

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Hi Liz. I would like to say thank you for your assistance. By God’s grace i had a total band score of 7.5 with the least of the element being 6.0. Your teaching skill is impeccable and second to none. Once again, thank you. My exam questions were as follow;

Speaking test Home town Rain How does rain affect mood How i handle patience Most important letter i have received Can a letter be a historical element How safe is a manual letter

Writing Task 1 A pie chat and a bar chat illustrating the amount of drinking water consumed by seven countries and the level at which the water was consumed by each country; respectively.

Thanks for sharing and very well done – great score 🙂

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You wrote around 200 words for this writing task 1 is that ok? we can write 200 words or more than that in task 1?

Most students will aim for between 170 and 190 words. I don’t recommend going for 200 words or more (unless you are a native speaker).

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Which is better to use to start an overview: overall OR it is clear/evident that? Thanks in advance.

Which one do you think clearly shows that the statement is an overview? This is about making things clear. The more logical and the more clear it is, the better for the examiner and the higher the band score. Report writing is about making information easily accessible.

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Hello:) Shouldn’t there be a conclusion always? Because we were always taught so.

See this page: and then check the main writing task 1 page:

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Hi Liz, Can I say ‘British’ instead of ‘the UK citizens’? Thank you!

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Hi ma, the 3rd paragraph does not give all the information in the line graph, You picked only the highest and least data from the line graph. Are we not supposed to give information about all the data on the line graph or bar chart?

You are not supposed to present all data when you have so much information. You are being marked on your ability to select information. If you present too much small detail you will get band 5 for Task Achievement, which is 25% of your marks for task 1.

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Can I skip the line in IELTS writing sheet which says “Do not write below this line” because sometimes that statement covers my actual words? Thank you.

Your writing should be clear and easy to read at all times. You do not write on that line or below that line.

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what is the difference between steadily increasing and significantly increasing ? is this line graph increasing steadily or significantly?

Steadily means over a period of time. It means the same as gradually. However, significantly refers to the amount – a lot.

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Can we use “there was a moderate rise” instead of “steady increase”?

Sure. But don’t forget that they have a slight different meaning. A moderate rise means that it isn’t very big. A steady rise is about not being too big over a longer period of time (it involves the length of time).

Is it okay to use “skyrocketed” for significant increase?

We could use “rocket” as a verb but not “skyrocket”.

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Hi Mae, somewhere I have seen the following sequence that describes a continuum progression level:

Minimal < Slight < Gradual < Moderate < Considerable < Substantial < Significant < Enormous < Dramatic

I have found the above order is useful in describing 'change' in Task 1. However, I am requesting Liz to correct me if I am wrong.

See this page: and then review this page:

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Hi maam Can you tell me How i prepare the writing task 1 and 2

For free lessons, see this page: and also this page: . For advanced in-depth training, see my advanced writing task 2 lessons:

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Dear Liz, Is there a plural form ‘s’ after million in 15 million and 9 million in the context expressed above? Linh

No. We never write an “s” when expressing 15 million people or 20 thousand sales. We only write an “s” when we write “there were millions of people” – without any numbers.

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hi LIZ your writing method is fabolous can you help me for writing task 2

See this page for my free tips: or see my advanced writing task 2 lessons to purchase in-depth training:

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Is it safe to write on the last part: “The least popular country to visit was Turkey which had only been visited by 2 million residents”?

Sure that’s fine.

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I love your way of teaching. I wish I can write like you :S lol I am practicing my task 1 writing for ielts and I loved your way of explaining more than the rest. thank you so much <3

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Do you have a video on YouTube for this essay ??

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HI,Liz I am Dilya. I am going to take IELTS exam on 21 of the may.But I am bad at writing task 2.Please help me to improve my writing task 2. Thank.

See my advanced writing task 2 lessons: All the best Liz

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Thanks a lot Liz

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Why is there no conclusion in model answer? There should be conclusion in the end.

There is no conclusion for task 1, only an overview. See the main writing task 1 page to learn. Liz

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Hi Liz Is it okay if the overview is pretty long? I mean all the “key features” has to go in overview. I can see your this “overview” is very long.

Please explain me ! I’m looking forward to hearing you at your earliest convenience.

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Hi Mam Is it necessary to to have overall in second paragraph? Or its fine if I have it in the last? I find that More easy

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Can I say that The number of UK resident visiting overseas began at just under 15 m in 1979, but had risen significantly to reach over 50 m by 1999?

Kind regards, Adam

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Thanks for your fantastic work!

I’m a bit confused about when to paraphrase because sometimes I spent too much time on thinking how to paraphrase the sentences .

I saw you just copy the key in the line chart directly such as “visit to and from the UK”, “visits abroad by UK residents” and “visits to the UK by overseas residents”. Is it okay not to paraphrase these words?

Please advice! Thank you very much!

Of course you can use the words given. But don’t use them all the time. From time to time, offer paraphrases. I don’t know why students think they can’t use the words given. It’s normal and right to use them but just don’t use one phrases again and again and again. Liz

Thank you very much! 🙂

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Dear Liz, I totally agree that writing task 1 should include an overall paragraph. But the model answer of the writing task 1 in Cambridge IELTS 9 does not have one. How could a model answer provided by the official does not comply with its own band descriptors? Best wishes

Because IELTS can’t afford to make their own test formulaic. If they did that, the test would no longer be challenging. IELTS are not going to reveal the paragraph structure to students when paragraphing counts for 25% of the marks. Liz

Thank you very much! ^_^

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Can we use numerical value like mentioning year 1997 in overview/conclusion?

An overview usually contains key features rather than detail. There is no conclusion in task 1. All the best Liz

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Hi mam Can we write overview and intoduction together in the same paragraph?

Yes, the two statements can be put in the same paragraph if you want. Liz

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Hello Liz, do you have a format I can follow if there are two illustrations for task 1? Thanks in advance!

See my main writing task 1 page: Liz

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isk not conclusion necessary in writing task 1?????

No, you don’t need a conclusion. The examiner is looking for an overview. See my overview lesson on the writing task 1 main page. Liz

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I’ve gone through all your videos and read almost every post on your blog. I’m taking the exam this thursday and would like to thank you for all your video’s and posts! I took the IELTS exam a couple of months ago and scored an overall of 8. L-8, R-8, W-6.5, and S-9.

Hoping to improve on my writing to at least a 7 this time. If there is any last minute tip you could give me, I’d really glad.

The key is understanding what you need to do for each type of question. You must understand what you can and cannot write when the instructions are “to what extent do you agree”. Also you must avoid taking chances with vocabulary. Paraphrase only when you are certain. Avoid over long sentences – use punctuation. Plan your essay, plan how you will use paragraphs. For task 1, make sure you write a very very strong overview if you want to get band 7. And don’t write a conclusion. Good luck! Liz

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The line graph clearly depicts the travel to and from the UK, by people who live in the UK and abroad between 1979 and 1999, while the Bar chart illustrates the number of travelers from the UK to different five countries in 1999 in millions. At a glance, the Uk dwellers loved to tour foreign nations where France was the favorite destination of all.

The citizens going out from the UK was under twenty million till 1985 and then it soared to above fifty million in 1999. Comparatively foreigners to Briton were low, maintaining a linear growth initially and climbing up gradually to reach just under 30 million in 1999. During the tenure from 1979 to 19999, more traveling happened to outside the UK than into the UK.

Approximately, 12 million Britishers visited France, followed by Spain with under 10 million people in 1999. In contrast, Americ.Greece and Turkey were the least opted place to go by the UK residents, which witnessed an influx of merely 5 million people in that year. The visits made by the English men or women to France and Spain were two-fold higher than the numbers to the other nations put together.

In short, tourism blossomed after 1985 in many countries especially, where it reached its peak in 1999, evidencing most visits to France.

Please read my notice: Thanks Liz

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Hi miss Liz , can we consider “visits to the UK by overseas resident” as ” overseas resident who had visited the UK by 1999 ” ? or the y-axis is the number of visits not people who visited ?? can you explain this point please .. ? Regards,

Your first option is fine “overseas residents who…”. I wouldn’t change it to visits, if the graph is about the number of people. Liz

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Respected Madam could you please point out the mistakes in this answer.I fear what score I might get for this? The line graph compares and contrasts data on changes in the number of tourists visiting UK and the number of overseas visits made by the British over a 20- year period from 1979 to 1999,while bar graph compares the differences in the popularity of 6 different countries amongst the British as the tourist destination in the year 1999. Overall,the number of tourists to UK as well as the number of British moving out as travellers rose over the given period,and two of the six countries were more liked by British as tourist destinations in the year 1999. More specifically,initially the figures of visits of UK residents and overseas travellers to England were nearly 11 million and 10 million respectively,both of these rose over the periods despite a common dip in figures during the 1985-86 time,following which a steady rise in numbers of UK travellers could be noted resulting to over 52 million in 1999 which was almost double the number of tourists to UK of that time. During the year 1999,the most visited country by the English was France with 11 million visitors and Spain was the second most liked nation to travel to with nearly 9 million people.Although USA,Greece and Turkey were also visited the numbers were comparatively less than that of France and Spain with almost 4 million,3 million and 2 million visits respectively.

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This topic is quite helpful. Thank you. Concerning the sentence “In 1999, France was visited by over 10 million UK residents”. I think you are correct in using “residents”. If residence is the proper word then it means “home, house or address”. I’m confused? What about “France was visited by over 10 million residence of the UK”? Is this right or it suggests a different meaning?

It was just a typing error – sorry. You definitely can’t use “residence” because this is referring to people not housing. All the best Liz

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Dear Liz mam, Iam Rashmi from India,I’m very poor in writing especially introduction and conclusion are toughest parts.please help .

There are plenty of models essays and model reports to learn you see how to write each paragraph. Please see the relevant section. All the best Liz

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Thank you Madam ! for your kind suggestion !

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Dear liz, thanks for your efforts, can i use ” across the Uk “in intro in place of “to and from the Uk”.Secondly I got 6.5 in writing,having such score indicate what level,and mistakes.

No, it would have a different meaning. “across the UK” means all towns, cities and villages” but “to and from the UK” means people coming to the UK and leaving the UK. Band score 6 is made of band score from 4 marking criteria so I don’t know what actual score you got for grammar or vocabulary. But generally Band Score 5 = frequent errors / Band score 6 = some errors / Band score 7 = few errors. Here’s a link to learn more: All the best Liz

thankyou liz

Dear Madam, I have been preparing my ILETS course from your you tube channel and website. Which is really helpful to me for my writing tasks. Mam,these days I am tittle bit nervous about on writing task1 so that i cannot concentrate to my study. Hope you will be give me some sorts of solution on that ! Take care ! Saroj Wagle

Your nerves are probably due to the fact that you have no clear strategy for each type of writing task 1. You need to know exactly how to write the introduction, how to write an overview for each type and then how to divide the information into two body paragraphs. I suggest you look at my models. Look first at each introduction and notice how it is written for each type. Then look at each body paragraph and compare them. All the best Liz

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hello mam! iam following your lessons regluarly its been so useful and thank you mam. i have small query can i write both agree and disagree opinion in writing task 2, can you please tell me which is better!

No, you can’t agree and disagree. You must have a clear position or you will get a lower score for Task Response (25%). You can present a balanced view but that is where you neither fully agree or fully disagree but present a specific opinion. The only lesson I have made for this type of approach is my paid lesson: All the best Liz

thank u mam!

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If the given line graph has more ups and downs over the given period, then is it necessary to mention each and every rise and fall with the figures? or it can be generalize over the period? Because mentioning all the details may increase unnecessary complexity as we as consume time. Thanks.

Please read the band scores carefully. If you give too much detail, you will get a lower score. You are being marked on selecting information: Liz

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Now that was a great explanation, I enjoy with your writing style. My examination will be after four days. I just want to tell how much I have benefited from both of your website and your YouTube channel. Above all that, I didn’t know that there was an overall needed before I found your YouTube videos. So thank you very much Liz.

Good luck with your test 🙂

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Dear madam. I am glad to inform you that your lectures and videos are helping me to improve My preparation.Now please send me some writing tips videos in my email address I shall be thankful to you Regards Mehran umar

All videos are currently stored on this blog and also my youtube channel (IELTS Liz). I don’t have any more. Although I have just started making my online course but only one lesson is currently ready to purchase: Liz

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Hellow LIZ..In writing task-1, last para you used “France was visited by over 10million..”could you plz tell when & why we use ‘ over..’? Thanks Liz

The preposition “by” is used to refer to people “visited by 10 million people”. And the word “over” refers to the number “over million”. So the sentence “visited by over 10 million residents” means that France was visited by UK residents and there were over 10 million of them. All the best liz

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your lessons are helping me alot. i want to check mistakes in my writing would you please check my writing and tell me what are drawbacks.

Sorry but I don’t offer essay marking or feedback at present. Liz

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Thank you for this example Liz!!!

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Hi, thanks for the post. I have followed ur website as this is very useful. I have acquired L-7 to 7.5, R-7 to 7.5, S-7.5 but I always got 6 to 5.5 in writings. Could you give some suggestions on how to improve on my writing score? Why do you think the reason for getting a low mark in writing score?

It hard to say without seeing your writing. Here are some things to consider:

Writing task 1 Do you put ALL key features in a clear overview? Do you avoid the conclusion? Do you support sentences with data in the body paragraphs? Do you organise information into two body paragraphs logically? Do you use appropriate linking devices for the task? Do you use the right language and make few errors?

Writing task 2 Do you address ALL issues in the essay question? Do you give a clear answer (main points) in your thesis statement? Do you write strong topic sentences which connect to the essay question at the start of each body paragraph? Do you use a range of linking devices? Do you avoid over paraphrasing to avoid mistakes? Do you aim for accuracy in your English? If you try to impress the examiner, you will make more mistakes and your score will go down.

Think about these points carefully as they could be the reason you fail to get 7. All the best Liz

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Dear Liz, Thank you for all efforts. I want to know whether it is possible to change second paragraph third line ”over the period given” to ” over the given period”

Yes, both can be used. All the best Liz

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But how I improve in all modules. ..

You need to develop all aspects of your English. Band score 5 = frequent errors. Band score 6 = some errors. Band score 7 = few errors. Learn about the band scores, learn how they are assessed and improve your English. When your English is stronger, you can think about IELTS skills. All band score information is given in each section of this blog. Liz

Hlo maim. . I got 5 band in ielts. ..In which my score ..listening 5 , Reading 5.5. Writing 5 and Speaking 4.5. . So . I want improve my all modules. ..Plzzzzzzzzzz Help me .For my next exam

If you got band score 5 on average, it is due to your level of English. To get a higher score, you will need to develop your English language to understand it in more detail and to be able to produce it more accurately. Liz

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Thanks Liz: in last paragraph, first line, is it Ok to say ” France was visited by over 10 milion UK residence”?! or ” residents” ?

Thanks. Well spotted! Liz

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Ok thanks. 🙂

Hi Liz! I hope you are doing good. you are a wonderful teacher with a pleasant smile always which made me score (7.5) overall band. I got (7 in listening, 7.5 in reading,8.5 in speaking and 6 in writing). Despite scoring 7.5 im not eligible to sit for my PLAB because i had to maintain 7 in writing too which unfortunately i could not. I am a bit upset because i studied very well. Now i want to ask you your writing package for essay writing(academic) includes task 1 and task 2 or yet you have to upload them. Waiting for your reply, Regards, Dr.Gauhar

Unfortunately, my writing task 2 course might not be finished until the end of summer, possibly even October. I’m not sure when my writing task 1 will be ready. It takes me quite a lot of time to film and edit the lessons. As soon as a lesson is ready, I’ll post a notice. All the best liz

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hi miss liz ,really this is great information for writing task 1 and its helpful for me because my ielts test is on 13 august .thank you so much.miss liz its my request if i send you my writing tasks would you like to check ?

Unfortunately, I don’t offer essay marking or grading services. I’m glad this model was useful. All the best Liz

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Hi Liz , can i write symbolic currency? For example, 500K million? and how can i write pound sterling in a more easier way ? because it takes more time to write 100 thousands pounds sterling. I am from Bangladesh. And following your technique for my ielts

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visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

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Band 5+: The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.

Image for topic: The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.

The line diagram below illustrates the large number of visits to and from the UK between 1979 and 1999, and another graph represents the most attended countries by United Kingdom citizens in 1999.

Overall, it can be seen from the chart that, the quantity of tourists and other foreign members is significantly less than the native residents which visit abroad lands. Moreover, we can figure out that ,the British people like to travel mostly to European and Western countries.

Looking at the details, it is clear from the first data that, motion in and out of the country accounted for the approximately same results with 10 million at the beginning. Subsequently,in 1999 both categories showed an upward trend, but already the final information wasn’t identical and the number of visits overseas by the local individuals with 50 bands ,exceeded campers twice.

On the other hand ,at the end of the 20th century most attractive countries attended by Britain individuals were France and Spain with around 10 million visitors each. Whereas, USA,Greece and Turkey take last places with results about 4 million.

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Generate a band-9 sample answer, overall band score, task response, coherence & cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range & accuracy, answers on the same topic:, the line graph shows visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by uk residents in 1999..

The Following line graph illustrates some information on the visits to and from the UK and the bar graph shows information the amount UK population, which has visited Turkey, Greece, USA, Spain and France. The data available for 20 years, from 1979 to 1999, and the information is listed in millions of people. As an […]

The line chart depicts the number of UK residents, measured in millions, going abroad and visitors from overseas visiting the UK between 1979 and 1999, while the bar chart illustrates the five most popular countries visited by UK citizens in 1999. Overall, it is evident that there was an uptrend in visitors to and from […]

The line graph illustrates the number of visitors in millions from the UK who went abroad and those that came to the UK between 1979 and 1999, while the bar chart shows which countries were the most popular for UK residents to visit in 1999. Overall, it can be seen that visits to and from […]

The line graph shows the number of people who visited the UK between 1979 and 1999, while the bar graph reveals UK residents’ most favored destination in 1999. Overall, it is clear that people who took a trip abroad from the United Kingdom surpassed the international tourists who visited their nation and remained so throughout […]

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visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

Visits to and from the UK: Multiple Charts Essay Model Answer.

In this post, we will look at a Writing Task 1 Academic multiple chart essay example Visits to and from the UK from the IELTS writing task 1 Academic Test.

Students often ask if the questions are repeated year after year and the answer is no, but the type of chart or graph can be. There are so many questions written each year, you may find you practice answering various questions on different topics. It is best practice to learn how to answer each one of the various types of writing task 1 questions, from bar charts, line graphs, maps, process etc.

If you would like to learn how to structure a multiple charts essay please click the button below:

How to structure a multiple charts essay

Take a look at the IELTS Multiple Charts Essay example below:

*This multiple chart question and answer were provided by a student. IELTS Achieve did not design this  question*

Visits to and from the UK

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.  Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

Take a look at the model answer.

The line graph illustrates the comparative statistics on the number of people who visited the UK and the number of British citizens who went outside the country during a 20-year period whereas the bar chart gives detail about the top 5 well-liked countries visited by the British people. The units of measurement are in millions.

Overall, the number of people who visited the UK increased gradually over the years. Similarly, the same trend can be seen in the British people who went out of the country for a vacation. The data also gives information about France, which received the highest number of visiting Brits in the span of 20 years, whereas Turkey had the least number of visitors.

On the one hand, around 10 million visitors who went to the UK were recorded in 1979, it then reached a plateau in 1984 and gradually increased by almost double when it reached 1989. The trend kept on increasing in 1994 up until 1999 when it received 25 million guests and almost 30 million visitors respectively. The same can be concluded of the British people who travelled abroad, almost 11 million UK citizens left the country in 1979 and then it progressively increased up until 1999 where it reached its all-time high of nearly 54 million vacationers.

On the other hand, France ranked first among the five countries that are listed in the data wherein it garnered almost 11 million visitors in 1999. Spain and the USA followed with nearly 9 million visitors and almost 4 million guests respectively. The data also shows that Greece received close to 3.5 million visitors whereas only 3 million British citizens visited Turkey.

Word count – 277 / Band score 8

Instructor Feedback on IELTS Multiple Charts Essay: Visits to and from the UK

Task Achievement  – The answer provides a paraphrased question, to begin with, followed by an overview that gives the reader key information.    

Coherence and Cohesion  – The answer has been divided into clear logical paragraphs.      

Lexical Resource  – There is evidence of paraphrasing, synonyms and some less common words. 

Grammatical Range and Accuracy  – The answer has no grammatical errors. The sentences are mainly made up of multiple clauses and have a variety of structures. 

We hope you found this post useful in helping you to study for the IELTS Test . If you have any questions please let us know in the comments below or on the Facebook page.

The best way to keep up to date with posts like this is to like us on Facebook , then follow us on Instagram and Pinterest . If you need help preparing for the IELTS Test, join the IELTS Achieve Academy and see how we can assist you to achieve your desired band score. We offer an essay correction service, mock exams and online courses.

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The Line Graph Shows Visits to And from The UK

The line graph shows visits to and from the  UK f rom 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.

The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999

Summarise the information by selecting and report in the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words


Answer of the Writing Task The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999

The line graph compares the UK residents to travel abroad and other countries citizen visits to the UK between 1979 and 1999. The bar graph illustrates the famous countries traveled by the residents of the United Kingdom in 1999.

Overall, it is clear from the graph that the UK peoples traveled highest in the various nations such as France and Spain. Simultaneously, individuals who belong to other countries were visited in less amount in the United Kingdom .

In terms of UK residents, they are visited by more people in France and Spain with around 12 million and eight million respectively by the end of the year. In contrast, UK citizens less likely to travel to Turkey with less than 5 million in 1979.

Regarding overseas residents, they are traveled in less amount in the starting period of the year with exactly 10 million population followed by a steady increase in the number of people visiting the UK and reached just under 30 million by 1999.

So this is the end of the Academic Writing Task 1 (The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999 )

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The Line Graph Shows Visits to And from The UK from 1979 to 1999,

The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant.

The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999,

The line chart illustrates the tourists who migrated from and to Uk between 1979 and 1999 and the graph depicts that the dwellers of the United Kingdom visited the other popular countries in 1999.

In general, the data suggests that the upward trend was experienced by visitors who migrate to Uk while the downward trend was shown by people of the UK in Turkey.

In terms of migrated people from and to the UK, there was an upward trend witnessed by visits abroad by Uk residents. To be more specific, in the initial year, visitors had a similar population in-migration from and to Uk at nearly 11 million. The excursionist visit from that country reached 19 million where the population of overseas students visited Uk was recorded as 12 million in 1984. After a decade, there was a dramatic increase of masses who went outside the Uk from 19 to 45 million whereas, the people visited Uk was experienced as almost 25 million. In last year, both reached 51 million and 28 million population who migrated from and to Uk respectively.

On the other hand, the residents of the UK overtake in Turkey was noticed as probably 2 million and there was a slight increase of 2 million people who went to Greece in the year of 1999. Moreover, the number of citizens who moved to the USA was near to 5 million, but the most popular and preferred place was France which showed the highest population of masses in the given year reached 11 million, and there was a mere difference of 2 million as compared to France from Spain.

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the line graph shows visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by uk residents in 1999. summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevan

the line graph shows visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by uk residents in 1999.

summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant

The line graph illustrates the number of visitors to and from UK over a 20 year period from 1979 to 1999 , while the bar chart provides data regarding popular destinations among the UK residents in 1999 . Units measured in millions if visitors. Overall it can be seen that number of travelers increased as years goes by and France was the most Favourite country to visit by UK residents .

In the line graph, to begin with , in 1979 almost similar number of visitors were there to and from UK at around 10 million . However the number of visitors to UK showed a slow and steady rise throughout given 20 year period, while the abroad visits by UK residents risen dramatically to reach about 53 millions , even though the growth of number of visitors was slow until 1985 . At the end of given period [ 1999 ] almost double the number of UK residents visited other countries than the number of people welcomed by UK .

In the second graph it is obvious that France was the most favourite country to visit by UK residents at approximately 12 millions of visitors , closely followed by Spain with around 10 million visitors in 1999 . Turkey was the least preferred holiday destination by UK people [2.5 million visitors ]. Interestingly the number of visitors to France in 1999 exceeds the combined number of visitors to Turkey, Greek and USA.

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Full essay evaluations

Units measured in millions if visitors. Units are measured in millions of visitors.

Overall it can be seen that number of travelers increased as years goes by Overall it can be seen that the number of travelers increased as years go by

almost double the number of UK residents visited other countries almost double number of UK residents visited other countries

flaws: No. of Grammatical Errors: 3 2

Don't put a space before punctuation marks.

Always put a space after punctuation marks. Essay e-rater is sensitive.

---------------------- Attribute Value Ideal Score: 6.0 out of 9 Category: Good Excellent No. of Grammatical Errors: 3 2 No. of Spelling Errors: 0 2 No. of Sentences: 9 10 No. of Words: 230 200 No. of Characters: 1074 1000 No. of Different Words: 111 100 Fourth Root of Number of Words: 3.894 4.0 Average Word Length: 4.67 4.6 Word Length SD: 2.532 2.4 No. of Words greater than 5 chars: 82 60 No. of Words greater than 6 chars: 51 50 No. of Words greater than 7 chars: 37 40 No. of Words greater than 8 chars: 19 20 Use of Passive Voice (%): 0 0 Avg. Sentence Length: 25.556 21.0 Sentence Length SD: 11.216 7.5 Use of Discourse Markers (%): 0.556 0.12 Sentence-Text Coherence: 0.519 0.35 Sentence-Para Coherence: 0.651 0.50 Sentence-Sentence Coherence: 0.148 0.07 Number of Paragraphs: 3 4

The Line Graph Shows Visits to And from The Uk from 1979 to 1999

The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.

The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.

The line graph illustrates the number of visitors coming and leaving the United Kingdom (UK) between 1979 and 1999. The bar graph portrays the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999. They are both measured in millions per visit.

Overall it can be seen that both visits abroad and visits to the UK by overseas residents saw an upward pattern with visits abroad being the highest while the overseas visits being the least. Also, the most popular destinations for UK residents were France and Spain.

Concerning the line graph, visits abroad by UK residents and overseas residents began at reasonably similar levels, at the beginning of 1979 at approximately 12 million and 10 million per visit. Following five years both witnessed slight growth in 1984 to 20million and 12million respectively. However, the volume of visitors visiting abroad increased significantly year on year over 15 years to peak at around 55 million per visit in 1999. on the other hand, visitors visiting the UK by overseas residents rose minimally every year from 1984 to 19999 to approximately 15 million per visit, which was almost four times less than visits abroad by UK residents.

Concerning the bar chart, the most popular tourist destinations by UK residents in 199 were France and Spain at around 12 million and 10 million respectively, with France being 2 million more than Spain in terms of volume of visitors. However, Greece, Turkey and the USA were the least visited places by UK visitors with their total even smaller than France and Spain respectively at 9 million as against 12 million and 10 million.

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IELTS Bar and Line Graph: Describing Two Graphs Together

This is an example of an  IELTS bar and line graph  together. It is not uncommon to get two graphs to describe at the same time in the IELTS test.

It can look a bit scary at first. However, when you look more closely, you'll see it is probably no more difficult than having one graph.

You can also watch a video of this lesson:

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

Take a look at the question and the graph:

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task .

The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

IELTS Graph Visits to from UK

Key Writing Steps

These are the steps you need to take to describe a bar and line graph together (or any two graphs) that may differ slightly from when you describe one graph.


When you state what the graph shows,  mention both of them . Here is a sample first sentence of the introduction:

The line graph illustrates the number of visitors in millions from the UK who went abroad and those that came to the UK between 1979 and 1999,  while the bar chart shows which countries were the most popular for UK residents to visit in 1999.

Remember to write this  in your own words  and not to copy from the question.

Next you need to mention the key points from the graph. When you do this,  mention the most interesting things from each :

Overall, it can be seen that  visits to and from the UK increased, and that  France was the most popular country to go to.

Body Paragraphs

If there are two graphs and a lot of information, you will have to be careful not to describe everything as you may then have too much information.

Also, the examiner is looking to see that you can select the important things and not describe every single detail.

So the key skill when you have two graphs is being able to pick out the important information or summarize things in a concise way, otherwise you will end up writing too much and probably run out of time.

Here is an example description for the bar and line graph. It's organised as follows:

  • First body paragraph: The Line Graph
  • Second body paragraph: The Bar Chart

To begin, the number of visits abroad by UK residents was higher than for those that came to the UK, and this remained so throughout the period. The figures started at a similar amount, around 10 million, but visits abroad increased significantly to over 50 million, whereas the number of overseas residents rose steadily to reach just under 30 million.

By far the most popular countries to visit in 1999 were France at approximately 11 million visitors, followed by Spain at 9 million. The USA, Greece, and Turkey were far less popular at around 4, 3 and 2 million visitors respectively.

You will not usually need to mix up the descriptions. This will only make things complicated and difficult to follow. Writing about the first one and then the second one is ok for a bar and line graph or any others that appear together.

Follow this link to to the models graphs pages to view the  full graph with its model answer.

More Task 1 Academic Lessons:

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

How to Describe an IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Graph

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1: This lesson describes in a simple way how you should describe a graph for the academic part of the test for task 1. You need an introduction, overview and body paragraphs. These simple steps will show you how, and how to get a high score.

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

Describing an IELTS task 1 graph over time

This lesson shows you how to write an IELTS task 1 graph or chart that is over time.

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

Take an IELTS Quiz to test your IELTS knowledge

IELTS Quizzes to test and train you on the writing task and task 2 of the IELTS test. Gap fills and multiple choice.

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

IELTS Task 1 Line Graph Structure Using Groups

For an IELTS Task 1 Line Graph there are different ways to organise your answer. Grouping information is a good way to get a logically structured response.

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

IELTS Pie Chart Strategies and Tips for a Band 7, 8 or 9

This IELTS pie chart lesson provides you with tips and advice on how to describe an IELTS Pie Chart in order to get a Band 7, 8 or 9.

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

Describing Graph Trends Using the Language of Change

Describing graph trends: In IELTS you must know how to describe the trends that you see in the graph you are given. This lesson provides practice with some common language used to describe trends.

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

Useful Language for IELTS Graphs

This useful language for IELTS graphs looks at phrases for introducing graphs and describing changes

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

IELTS Pie and Bar Chart: Two charts combined in one question

Here you can view an IELTS Pie and Bar Chart together in one question on persons arrested and reasons. In this type of question you should write about each graph in turn. A model answer is provided.

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

IELTS Process Diagram Strategies and Tips

IELTS Process Diagram: In task 1 of IELTS writing you usually have to describe some kind of graph or chart. But sometimes you get a process. It is therefore crucial that you know how to do this. This easy to follow lesson explains how.

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

Writing Tips for a Graph in the Future in IELTS Academic

Graph in the future: Sometimes graphs in IELTS refer to a future time. You must know the language to write about these. In this lesson, learn how to write about an IELTS graph in the future. Getting the tenses right is an important part of the IELTS writing task 1.

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

IELTS Table: Tips and techniques for a high score.

IELTS Table advice for a high score. Learn how to describe an IELTS table, which is just another way to present data.

Which Tenses for IELTS are the Most Important?

Candidates often ask which tenses for IELTS are needed in order to do well in the exam. This lesson goes through the grammar tenses and how they apply to the test.

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

IELTS Line Graph and Pie Chart: Describing two charts together

Explaining an IELTS Line Graph and Pie Chart together is sometimes necessary in the test. Check out an example, model answer and comments given on the graphs.

Describing IELTS Graphs: Tips to avoid a common mistake

IELTS Graphs: A common mistake In IELTS graphs is to get the subject of the graph wrong. This lesson explains how this mistake is made and show you what you need to do to avoid it. There is a also a practice exercise.

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

Learn Compare and Contrast Language for IELTS Graphs

Compare and Contrast Language: In the academic IELTS task 1, you have to know the right language if you want to get a band 7 or higher. Practice your IELTS language for bar charts in this task 1 writing lesson.

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

IELTS Bar and Pie Chart: Organising and describing two charts

This IELTS bar and pie chart provides a model answer with comments and tips to help you answer this type of question in the IELTS test for task 1.

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

Tips for Organising an IELTS Line Graph

Organising an IELTS Line Graph - This lesson shows you have to improve the coherency of your graph in order to achieve a high band score.

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IELTS Pie and Bar Chart: Describing two graphs in a task 1

An IELTS Pie and Bar Chart have been included together in this Task 1 sample. This can cause difficulties for some in the test so view the sample answer to see how to answer this type of graph.

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

IELTS Line and Bar Chart Sample Answer: A mix of graphs

Sometimes an IELTS line and bar chart needs to be described together in task 1. You need certain tactics and strategies to tackle this. View a model answer.

visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999

Prepositions in Graphs Quiz: Between; from; to; at; of; in; with; by

Prepositions in Graphs: Practice using prepositions in the IELTS test. View a model answer and practice using a gap fill.

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The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999. The bar chart shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.

Barcode 1

IELTS academic The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999. The bar chart shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999.

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The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK resident in 1999. v.4

Ielts academic the line graph shows visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by uk resident in 1999. v. 4.

  • Structure your answers in logical paragraphs
  • ? One main idea per paragraph
  • ? Include an introduction and conclusion
  • ? Support main points with an explanation and then an example
  • Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
  • ? Vary your linking phrases using synonyms
  • Try to vary your vocabulary using accurate synonyms
  • Use less common question specific words that accurately convey meaning
  • Check your work for spelling and word formation mistakes
  • Use a variety of complex and simple sentences
  • Check your writing for errors
  • Answer all parts of the question
  • ? Present relevant ideas
  • Fully explain these ideas
  • ? Support ideas with relevant, specific examples
  • ? Currently is not available
  • Meet the criteria
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  • 6 band The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999. The bar chart shows the most popular contries visited by UK residents in 1999. v. 2 The first picture gives information about the number of visits to The UK by foreigners and overseas visits by UK residents over a period of 1979 to 1999. In addition, the second graph presents further details of five overseas destinations favorable by UK visitors in 1999. Overall, the number of vis ...
  • 6 band The line charts compare the number of people who emigrate and immigrate in the UK while the bar graph shows the net of migration between 1999 and 2008. v. 2 The line charts compare the number of people who emigrate and immigrate in the UK while the bar graph shows the net of migration between 1999 and 2008. Overall, the figures for immigration were always higher than emigration, but both rates rose over 10 years. Besides, the net of migration fluctuate ...
  • A new language is a new life. Persian Proverb
  • 6 band The graphs below show some trends in visits to the UK by overseas residents and visits overseas by UK residents between 1982 and 2002 The first line-chart illustrates the attitude n travelling towards UK by foreign citizens and the attitude on travelling overseas by UK citizens over two decades, from 1982 to 2002. On the other hand, the second line graph represents the mean of nights spent on holidays both by British and by foreig ...
  • 5.5 band the line graph shows visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by uk residents in 1999. The line graph illustrates the number of visitors to and from UK over a 20 year period from 1979 to 1999, while the bar chart provides data regarding popular destinations among the UK residents in 1999. Units measured in millions if visitors. Overall it can be seen that number of travelers increased ...
  • A man who knows two languages is worth two men. French Proverb
  • 6 band The civic center will be planned to change. There are two maps: one is the existing and the other is the plan for new. v. 2
  • 6 band The chart below shows the total number of minutes(in billions) of telephone calls in the UK, divided into three categories, from 1995-2002. v. 2
  • The joy of knowing a foreign language is inexpressible. I find it really difficult to express such joy in my mother tongue. Munia Khan
  • 6 band The table below shows the figures (in thousand) for imprisonment in five countries between 1930 and 1980. v. 4
  • 5.5 band The maps below show the centre os a small town called Islip as it is now, and plans for it's development. v. 2
  • To have another language is to possess a second soul. Charlemagne

The line graph shows visit to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999. The bar chart shows the most popular countries visited by UK resident in 1999.

The line graph shows visit to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999. The bar chart shows the most popular countries visited by UK resident in 1999.

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Some people think that excessive use of smart phones badly affects teenager’s literacy skills. Do you agree or disagree?

The rise of convenience foods has helped people keep up with the speed of the modern life style. what are the advantages of this trend do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, rich countries often give money to poorer countries, but it does not solve poverty. therefore, developed countries should give other types of help to the poor countries rather than financial aid. to what extent do you agree or disagree you should write at least 250 words., the most important aim of science should be to improve people's lives. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement., in some countries, criminal trials are shown to the public on television. do the advantages of this trend overweight the disadvantages.


  1. IELTS Line Graph and Bar Chart Model Answer (Band 9)

    the line chart illustrates visits to and from the UK between 1979 to 1999 .the bar graph shows information about millions of UK residents visiting Turkey, greece, usa, spain and france in 1999. As we can see that UK residents visiting other countries is increased rapidly. France is the most famous country visited by United kingdom people.

  2. The Line Graph Shows Visits to And from The Uk from 1979 to 1999

    In the line graph, the initial counts of visits by UK residents abroad and vice versa started initially with 10 million visits each in 1979. Over the years, the trend distinguished differently. Between 1979 to 1999 the visits abroad by Great Britain citizens rose significantly. By 1999, the number of visits quadrupled compared with the twenty ...

  3. IELTS Line and Bar Chart Sample Answer: A mix of graphs

    The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

  4. Band 5: The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to

    The line diagram below illustrates the large number of visits to and from the UK between 1979 and 1999, and another graph represents the most attended countries by United Kingdom citizens in 1999. Overall, it can be seen from the chart that, the quantity of tourists and other foreign members is significantly less than the native residents which ...

  5. The Line Graph Shows Visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999 IELTS

    There are more visits from UK residents to countries abroad than from visits to the UK from abroad. In addition, France was the nation that UK residents visited most frequently in 1999. In 1979, there were just under 15 million UK residents traveling abroad. By 1999, that number had significantly increased to over 50 million.

  6. IELTS Line and Bar Chart

    The line graph delineates the number of visits into and out of the UK in millions over a 20-year period from 1979 to 1999 while the bar graph illustrates the most famous countries visited by UK citizens in 1999. ... The number of UK residents travelling abroad maintained a steady rise starting at about 11 million visits in 1979 meanwhile, the ...

  7. The Line Graph Shows Visits to And from The UK from 1979 to 1999: AC

    The graphs illustrate the number of visitors who travelled to and from the UK between 1979 and 1999 and the top 5 countries where UK residents in 1999. Overall it is immediately apparent from the graph that there was an increasing trend in the number of visits to and from the UK. The most popular country visited by UK citizens was France.

  8. Visits to and from the UK: Multiple Charts Essay Model Answer

    Visits to and from the UK. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

  9. The Line Graph Shows Visits to And from The UK

    Answer of the Writing Task The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999. The line graph compares the UK residents to travel abroad and other countries citizen visits to the UK between 1979 and 1999. The bar graph illustrates the famous countries traveled by the residents of the United Kingdom in 1999. Overall, it is clear ...

  10. IELTS Report Sample

    While only around 10 million foreigners visited the UK in 1979, that number almost tripled to 28 million by 1999. As for countries visited by UK nationals, France was their most popular destination with about 12 million visits to that country in 1999. Spain was the second most popular and received about 9 million visits from the UK.

  11. The Line Graph Shows Visits to And from The UK from 1979 to 1999

    The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant. The line chart illustrates the tourists who migrated from and to Uk between 1979 and ...

  12. The line graph shows visits to and from UK from 1979 to 1999

    The line chart illustrates how many visitors to and from the UK between 1979 and 1999, while the bar chart shows the number of UK residents visiting five different countries (Turkey, Greece, USA, Spain, and France), measured by millions. Overall, the number of overseas visitors and those traveling abroad both gradually increased | Band: 7.

  13. Writing Task 1 The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979

    The line chart illustrates the total of residents who visit to and from the UK in the range of 1979 to 1999, whereas the bar graph presents the top 5 most visited countries by UK citizens in 1999. Overall, the total visits abroad by UK citizens are always higher than the total visits of international tourists to the UK | Band: 4.5

  14. the line graph shows visits to and from the uk from 1979 to 1999, and

    The line graph illustrates the number of visitors to and from UK over a 20 year period from 1979 to 1999 , while the bar chart provides data regarding popular destinations among the UK residents in 1999 . Units measured in millions if visitors. Overall it can be seen that number of travelers increased as years goes by and France was the most Favourite country to visit by UK residents .

  15. The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and

    The line chart presents the total number of people who departed from and came to the UK between 1979 and 1999, and the bar graph gives information about the top five countries (France, Spain, USA, Greece, and Turkey) to visit by UK citizens in 1999. | Band: 6

  16. The Line Graph Shows Visits to And from The Uk from 1979 to 1999

    However, Greece, Turkey and the USA were the least visited places by UK visitors with their total even smaller than France and Spain respectively at 9 million as against 12 million and 10 million. Follow us on Ieltsdata/Twitter. The Line Graph Shows Visits to And from The Uk from 1979 to 1999 Overall it can be seen that both- Writing Task 1.

  17. IELTS Bar and Line Graph: How to describe two graphs together

    The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

  18. The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999. The

    The graph illustrates the number of tourists who visited the United Kingdom betwean 1979 and 1999 as well as the amount of UK residents travelling to abroad countries, while the bar chart displays the most visited countries by the travellers from the UK in 1999. The most popular travel destinations were france and spain accoring to the chart.

  19. Visits to and from the UK changed from 1979 to 1999

    In order to solve this matter, governments should enact laws on particular products, and recycling methods should be implemented more frequently. writing9. The line graph explains how the number of visits to and from the UK changed from 1979 to 1999, and the bar graph shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999. | Band: 4.

  20. The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and

    The first picture gives information about the number of visits to The UK by foreigners and overseas visits by UK residents over a period of 1979 to 1999. In addition, the second graph presents further details of five overseas destinations favorable by UK visitors in 1999. Overall, the number of vis...

  21. The line graph shows visit to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999. The

    The line graph shows visit to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999. The bar chart shows the most popular countries visited by UK residents in 1999. chose to visit more often in 1999. Units are measured in millions of people. increased gradually over two decades. In 1999, the most popular country to visit by the. was France.

  22. The line graph shows visits to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999, and

    The line graph demonstrates the number of UK inhabitants going abroad and overseas homeowners visiting the United Kingdom during the year 1979-1999, whereas, the bar graph depicts how many UK residents travelled to the five most well-known countries in 1999. Units are measured in millions of people | Band: 8

  23. The line graph shows visit to and from the UK from 1979 to 1999. The

    The line graph illustrates the number of residents going abroad from the UK and overseas residents visiting the UK between 1997 and 1999, while the bar chart gives information about how many UK residents travelled to five of the most popular counties in 1999. Units are measured in million people | Band: 6.5.