Der Überflieger: Wilko Stolzenbach Während andere von einem Leben am Meer, mit Strand und Sonne fantasieren, lebt Wilko Stolzenbach seit Jahren seinen Traum im ägyptischen El Gouna und führt seine eigene Kitesurfing-Schule. Was nach einem lockeren Leben tönt, bedeutet in Tat und Wahrheit viel Arbeit, Kreativität und Selbstreflektion – besonders in Zeiten, wie wir sie gerade durchleben.

Wilko Stolzenbach hat’s getan. Statt standesgemäss seinen Master in Tourismus abzuschliessen, stieg er zuerst aus (Studium) und danach wieder ein: Mit 25 übernahm er die Geschäftsleitung einer Kitesurfing-Schule in Sizilien. Zwei Jahre später machte er sich selbständig und gründete sein eigenes Ein-Mann-Unternehmen Wilko Kitesurfing in El Gouna in Ägypten.

Heute ist der Stuttgarter 30 Jahre jung und hat es geschafft, von seiner kleinen, feinen Kitesurfing-Schule zu leben. Er hat sich ein kleines Apartment gekauft und verbringt täglich elf Stunden am Strand. Seine Firma beschreibt er als Embryo; man bringt es zur Welt und anschliessend wächst und entwickelt es sich und man hegt und pflegt es.

Einen Teil des letzten Winters verbrachte Wilko in Mauritius. Ausspannen von der langen Saison sowie eine Menge Selbstreflektion. Ist er auf dem richtigen Weg? Sind die selbst auferlegten Werte die richtigen? Was will er erreichen und zu welchem Preis? Wie kann er sich entwickeln und weiter verbessern? Wie inspiriert man die Kunden immer wieder von Neuem?

«Ein befreundeter Hotelier prophezeite mir bereits Mitte Februar, dass die Saison gelaufen sei.»

Nach seiner Rückkehr nach Ägypten Mitte Februar war sich Wilko sicher, dass er für die Zukunft gerüstet sei. Weil er sich mittlerweile in El Gouna mehr als zuhause fühlt – und weil er mit sich und seiner Welt im Reinen ist. Dann kam das Corona-Virus. Kaum in Ägypten gelandet, prophezeite ihm ein befreundeter Hotelier, dass die Saison gelaufen sei. Ein Virus werde wüten und die Gäste demnach ausbleiben. Das war Mitte Februar und Wilko wurde es zwar ein wenig mulmig, richtig glauben konnte er es aber nicht. Bis das Corona-Virus nicht nur in Europa die Touristen davon abhielt, Ferien zu machen, sondern auch in El Gouna der Laden dicht gemacht wurde.

Heute ist Wilko trotz Krise längst wieder optimistisch. Zwar muss er sich aktuell stillhalten, aber im Juni will die ägyptische Regierung für den so lebenswichtigen Tourismus die Türen wieder einen Spalt breit öffnen – vorerst für inländische Touristen. Kunden, auf die auch Wilko angewiesen ist. Sowieso lässt sich der Jungunternehmer nicht so rasch aus dem Konzept bringen. Die meisten Kunden haben ihm nämlich so oder so versprochen, so rasch als möglich wiederzukommen. Kitesurfing macht eben süchtig…

Langweilig ist es Wilko in der Zwischenzeit lange nicht geworden – im Gegenteil. Manchmal packt er seinen Hund und macht einen Ausflug auf seinem Longboard, unternimmt eine kleine Lagunentour oder lernt die Stadt von einer anderen, bisher unbekannten Seite kennen. Zudem tüftelt er an neuen Techniken oder am Schulungskonzept und schneidet Videos für seine Social-Media-Kanäle. Und wenn er mal Gesellschaft braucht, findet er sie bei Bekannten, die sich ebenfalls in El Gouna niedergelassen haben.

«Die reichen Kids aus Kairo veranstalten auf ihren Yachten gerade Home-Parties.»

Sowieso: Die Lebensqualität ist sehr hoch in El Gouna. Man kann sich frei bewegen, der Strand ist offen und draussen auf dem Meer tummeln sich eigentlich immer ein paar junge, reiche Touristen aus Kairo und veranstalten spontane Hausboot-Parties – das ist zwar unverantwortlich, aber es kümmert hier niemanden wirklich. Statistiken zu den Corona-Fällen existieren nicht wirklich in Ägypten.

Ein guter Freund prophezeite ihm einst: Du musst dein eigenes Ding durchziehen, sonst wirst du nicht glücklich. Die Leute werden dich gutfinden, wenn du deine ganze Energie in etwas reinsteckst, das du liebst. Gesagt, getan. Wilko ist hier rundum glücklich, auch wenn sein Alltag meistens alles andere als ein Zuckerschlecken ist. Sieben Tage die Woche von 7 Uhr morgens bis 6 Uhr abends der prallen Sonne und dem Salzwasserausgesetzt sein ist nicht immer lustig. Doch der Kitesurf-Lehrer hat ein grosses Ziel: Er möchte alle seine Schüler besser machen. Er kann ihnen helfen, ihr Selbstwertgefühl zu verbessern – wie zum Beispiel Peter, dem Amerikaner aus Kairo. Er hat mit seinen 70 Jahren erst gerade mit dem Kiten angefangen – und sich schon bei ihm angekündigt. In zwei Wochen stehe er auf der Matte, schrieb er ihm kürzlich. Kein Problem für Wilko. Er kann die Wiederaufnahme des Betriebs kaum erwarten.

Letzte Frage

Auf was freust du dich täglich am meisten?

«Auf die Menschen, mit denen ich arbeite und die ich weiterbringe. Auf die aufgehende Sonne, wenn ich morgens zum Kitesurfing-Strand einbiege und ich dann zu mir sage: Das ist mein Home Office…»

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Our kite school is situated directly on the shores of the Red Sea, within the premises of the Casa Cook Hotel. We provide a variety of premium services and feature the latest products from Duotone and Ion. Whether you are just starting to explore the captivating world of kiteboarding or you are already an expert kitesurfer, the Duotone Pro Center El Gouna is the ultimate destination.

Due to its exclusive location right beside the 5-star boutique hotel Casa Cook El Gouna, the Duotone Pro Center El Gouna offers a truly one-of-a-kind kiteboarding experience, allowing you to enjoy both your vacation and kite at the same spot. In addition to our clear focus on creating a world-class kiteboarding center, we are delighted to offer water sports activities such as Stand Up Paddling (SUP) and Wing Foil. We look forward to welcoming you soon at the Duotone Pro Center El Gouna!

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KITEBOARDING classes, rental, testing & supervision KITEBOARDING FOIL  for those lighter wind days WING FOIL  classes and rental STAND UP PADDLEBOARDING classes, SUP yoga, rental & excursions VIP GEAR STORAGE FACILITY  only 100 meters from the water

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Stay in el gouna.

Establishing a new benchmark in El Gouna, the recently constructed Casa Cook hotel is the fifth in the acclaimed collection of Casa Cook boutique hotels. This 100-room adults-only hotel serves as an ideal retreat for relaxation and unwinding. The juxtaposition of the rugged landscape with contemporary Arabic architecture and a vibrant tropical jungle creates a secluded settlement for guests. The exclusive feature of having the Duotone Pro Center directly on the premises of Casa Cook makes this experience unique for our guests.


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Our services, lukas vogeltanz co-owner and manager of kitepower.

He is a professional kiter and instructor. This adrenaline sport has grown so close to his heart that he decided to pass on his know-how to those who also want to learn kitesurfing quickly, efficiently and safely. Thanks to his several years of teaching experience and in cooperation with IKO, he has built his kitesurfing school and trained a team of professional instructors who are dedicated to kiting and wingfoiling every day. KITE POWER school is a place with professional methodology, pro team and individual approach to everyone.

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Now you have a unique opportunity to get a gift voucher for KITE and WING courses in El Gouna, Egypt. The experience under the guidance of experienced instructors is not only a cool gift, but also a gateway to the world of adrenaline on the water.  Price from € 100

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Moscow Muled

Moscow Muled

Why do moscow mules come in copper mugs.

Why Do Moscow Mules Come in Copper Mugs?

Oct 18, 2019

Have you ever wondered why the Moscow Mule cocktail is served in a copper mug? In this post, we answer that question in detail. As it turns out, the answer is partly based on historical events and partly based on the extra "kick" that copper brings to this classic cocktail. Let's dive in!


Moscow Muled copper mug filled with liquid ice and sliced lime on its rim

A remarkable cocktail is something you notice from across the room, easily identified by the signature drinking vessel it's served in. Few are more distinct than the burnished copper mug of a Moscow Mule. 

Great cocktails aren't just alcohol and mixers––they should be something more, a full sensory experience from beginning to end. It starts as you observe the precise convergence of ingredients in a golden ratio that blossoms into flavors and aromas of citrus and spicy ginger. It is then delivered into an ice-filled copper mug and garnished with fresh mint and a slice of lime.  Finally, it is presented before you, shiny and cold, compelling you to taste.

The copper mule mug not only tells the story of the drink it contains, but also is essentially functional to the full experience. You might already know that the cone-shaped bowl of a long-stemmed Martini glass was designed so that olives would stand perfectly upright, and the elegantly curvaceous welled Margarita glass was designed to add ample salt, sugar and garnishes.

But why are Moscow Mules served in copper mugs?

Inquiring minds want to know, so this article will sum up the science and history of why traditional Moscow Mules come in copper mugs, and other legit benefits of serving cocktails in pure copper mugs. This includes:

A Brief History of the Moscow Mule

The science of using copper mugs.

  • How Copper Mugs Amplify the Taste & Aroma of your Moscow Mule
  • The Enhanced Experience of Drinking from a Pure Copper Mug

The origin of this timeless cocktail is the tale of the American Dream. One fateful day in 1941 , three struggling entrepreneurs had a serendipitous meeting at the Cock 'N Bull bar on the Sunset Strip in Hollywood: A bar owner passionate about his unpopular home-brewed ginger beer, a businessman who took a big chance and purchased Smirnoff vodka, and a Russian immigrant with a cache of copper mugs she couldn't seem to sell. That day, the unlikely trio wisely decided to join forces in a bold venture that would not only save their individual businesses, but also create an iconic American cocktail.

Essentially, the Moscow Mule is the most successful marketing campaign in cocktail history. At a time when most Americans had never even heard of vodka, this cocktail introduced them to the traditional Russian alcohol, and established Smirnoff as a necessity in both bars and homes alike.

Thanks to celebrity endorsement, the Moscow Mule soon took the Hollywood cocktail scene by storm, and quickly became the most beloved mixed drink of the 1950's.

It's popularity understandably waned during the Cold War, and it was briefly re-branded as the Smirnoff Mule to distance itself from communism. However, the recent cocktail renaissance of the 21st century has seen the Moscow Mule come kicking back, as evidenced by lists like Esquire's Top 10 Cocktails of 2019 , and Business Insider's 8th Best-selling Cocktail in the World, 2018 .

But the answer to why Moscow Mules are served in copper mugs goes much further than a conveniently clever alliance between co-founders desperate for a big break. The story of the Moscow Mule is both the struggle of the immigrant searching for success, and the flashy lifestyle of the rich and famous.

It boasts a simple recipe , yet a complex flavor profile, encapsulated in a shiny copper mug. And as delicious and refreshing as the Moscow Mule may be, it's the copper mug that makes the cocktail so extraordinary.  Like the drink itself, the pure copper mule mug is a balance of form and functionality.

copper mug filled with ice cubed placed on black table

The most scientific benefit of the copper mug is its ability to regulate temperature. When a drink is served in a copper mug, it gets cold fast––and stays that way.

Copper is a renowned thermal conductor that will keep your beverage frosty in any weather, and is one of the reasons the traditional Moscow Mule has become synonymous with summer. Add a little ice, and the copper chills drinks instantly, and sustains a refreshingly icy rim with every sip.

Because copper is such an excellent conductor, it can keep your cold beverages colder for longer. The downfall of many ill-fated cocktails on a hot summer day is melting ice. Copper mugs stay brisk, and don't disrupt the recipe's ratio, so the simple yet distinct flavors of the Moscow Mule remain strong till the last drop.

Another important feature of the solid copper Moscow Mule mug is the handle. Much like the stem of a wine glass, the copper mug handle keeps the nearly 100 degree body temperature of your hand from impacting the status of your deliciously frosty cocktail.

How Copper Mugs Amplify the Taste and Aroma of Your Moscow Mule

If you want to know what a Moscow Mule tastes like, purists would insist the only way to experience it is in a 100% copper mug. Aside from being a great American tradition, copper mugs offer some unique enhancements to both the flavor and aroma of the Moscow Mule (or almost any finely-crafted cocktail).

Although subjective, most discerning drinkers would agree that copper mugs imbue cocktails with a superior taste. Experts explain that the copper oxidizes the vodka upon contact, thus enhancing the flavor profile and potency of the aromatics.

The intense cold of the copper also creates more stability in the bubbles of the ginger beer carbonation, and balances the tangy citrus of the lime with the earthy spice of the ginger.

For the skeptics out there, the theory of superior taste is easily verifiable. Simply make or order two Moscow Mules––one served in a plastic cup, and one served in a copper mug. Take a moment to inhale deeply, enjoy a big sip, and let your senses be the judge.

The epiphany should take a matter of moments, and you soon realize why a Moscow Mule is best served in a copper mug, and why any other cup or glass is vastly inferior. The difference can be so vivid, you might even consider drinking all your favorite beverages from copper mugs, even hot tea and coffee!

The Enhanced Experience of Drinking From a Pure Copper Mug

Throwing back shots with reckless disregard is a great way to get hammered, but a terrible way to enjoy something delicious. People order cocktails for the full package––observing its creation, revelling in its presentation, and slowly savoring its captivating story and unique taste.

Not only is a cocktail a well-balanced combination of spirits and mixers, it's also about the aesthetic and function of the vessel it's served in. A cocktail should be an object of inspired beauty, presented thoughtfully in a suitable glass or mug and garnished appropriately. It should take time, because it's made by hand.

Although the copper mug has become the symbol of Moscow Mules, it can also pair exquisitely with many other cocktails. Many people seem drawn to the shine and nostalgia of the metal, and Mixologists seem impressed by the scientific properties of the copper mug. Other drinks prominently featured in copper mugs include Dark 'n Stormy, Mescal, Gin & Tonic, and Cuba Libre.

No matter how frosted a beer glass gets, nothing can keep a mixed drink colder than a copper mug. The sensation when one's lips touch the ice-cold rim with every sip is part of the unique experience.

The flavors are heightened, the aromas amplified, and the balance of vodka, lime juice and ginger beer is never watered-down by melting ice. Provided your Moscow Mule is served in a pure copper mug, the last sip should be just as robust and enjoyable as the first.

The benefits of drinking from copper mugs aren't a newfound discovery. In fact, copper has been the preferred metal for drinking vessels for thousands of years.

Gurus in India have been using copper mugs for hundreds of years, and copper goblets called Escra have been found in ancient Irish ruins. Even American settles in 1645 drank exclusively from a massive tankard made of pure copper, known today as the Virginia Tankard .

The Moscow Mule is a classic drink served in a magnificent copper mug because it tells a compelling story, and enhances your consumption experience. It is an unforgettable drink because it's served in a mug that is both more beautiful than and functionally superior to glass.

Three Reasons Moscow Mules Come in Copper Mugs

The reason your Moscow Mule is served in a copper mug is not a fluke. It is not because it's the latest trendy hipster craze. It's not just a marketing ploy (although it definitely started out as one), nor is it a conspiracy by the lobbyists for Big Copper.

Moscow Mules come in copper mugs for three reasons: taste, temperature, and presentation.

The unique experience of drinking a Moscow Mule is a balanced combination of these three elements. It's also the reason this drink is not only the most recognizable, but also consistently one of the most popular drinks in global cocktail culture history.

Taste: The natural properties of the copper oxidize the alcohol, resulting in powerful aromatics and superior flavors. The bubbles of the ginger beer stay fizzy, and perfectly counter the acidity of the fresh lime juice. It's spicy yet refreshing. Simply put, it's delicious!

Temperature: Copper is an ideal thermal conductor, instantly chilling your beverage upon creation, and maintaining a consistently arctic temperature. This prevents the ice from quickly melting and dulling the cocktail ratio, while keeping the rim refreshingly frosty with every sip. The handle also keeps your hot little fingers from fluctuating the temperature with every touch.

Presentation: A glinting copper mug looks authentic and catches the eye. It is vintage, yet modern, and tells a story of creativity, charm and resilience. It is instantly recognizable, and makes for a fine looking beverage. Yes please!

The Bottom Line

The copper mug is iconic, a great American tradition of nearly 80 years, and is the only proper way to drink a Moscow Mule. Cheers!

Did You Enjoy This Article?

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this article, you might also like the following articles:  How to Clean and Care for Copper Mugs: The Definitive Guide and  Why You Should Only Use Moscow Mule Copper Mugs With Stainless Steel Lining

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Moscow Mule Copper Mug

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First refuelling for Russia’s Akademik Lomonosov floating NPP


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The FNPP includes two KLT-40S reactor units. In such reactors, nuclear fuel is not replaced in the same way as in standard NPPs – partial replacement of fuel once every 12-18 months. Instead, once every few years the entire reactor core is replaced with and a full load of fresh fuel.

The KLT-40S reactor cores have a number of advantages compared with standard NPPs. For the first time, a cassette core was used, which made it possible to increase the fuel cycle to 3-3.5 years before refuelling, and also reduce by one and a half times the fuel component in the cost of the electricity produced. The operating experience of the FNPP provided the basis for the design of the new series of nuclear icebreaker reactors (series 22220). Currently, three such icebreakers have been launched.

The Akademik Lomonosov was connected to the power grid in December 2019, and put into commercial operation in May 2020.

Electricity generation from the FNPP at the end of 2023 amounted to 194 GWh. The population of Pevek is just over 4,000 people. However, the plant can potentially provide electricity to a city with a population of up to 100,000. The FNPP solved two problems. Firstly, it replaced the retiring capacities of the Bilibino Nuclear Power Plant, which has been operating since 1974, as well as the Chaunskaya Thermal Power Plant, which is more than 70 years old. It also supplies power to the main mining enterprises located in western Chukotka. In September, a 490 km 110 kilovolt power transmission line was put into operation connecting Pevek and Bilibino.

Image courtesy of TVEL

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wilko stolzenbach kite safari

Kitesafari mit Wilko is super

by alex | Mar 23, 2020

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Coaching und Kitesafari mit Wilko ist super und nur zu empfehlen! Wilko ist symphatisch und geduldig. Es lohnt sich auf jeden fall bei Wilko Kiten zu lernen, neue Tricks zu üben oder einfach einen Kaffee zu trinken und quatschen. Freu mich schon auf April!

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