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The Bear and The Two Travelers

Aesop Fables / 5 July 2016 by DaBoss

Two Travelers agreed to guard each other. A Bear rushed at both and one climbed a tree; the other played dead and the Bear told him to not trust the other. Never trust a friend who leaves you when trouble approaches.

Aesop For Children

Aesop For Children

Travelers and Bear

Two Men were traveling in company through a forest, when, all at once, a huge Bear crashed out of the brush near them.

One of the Men, thinking of his own safety, climbed a tree.

The other, unable to fight the savage beast alone, threw himself on the ground and lay still, as if he were dead. He had heard that a Bear will not touch a dead body.

It must have been true, for the Bear snuffed at the Man’s head awhile, and then, seeming to be satisfied that he was dead, walked away.

The Man in the tree climbed down.

“It looked just as if that Bear whispered in your ear,” he said. “What did he tell you?”

“He said,” answered the other, “that it was not at all wise to keep company with a fellow who would desert his friend in a moment of danger.”

Misfortune is the test of true friendship.

Eliot/Jacobs Version

Two Travelers were together in a wood, when a Bear rushed out upon them. One of the Travelers seized hold of the branch of a tree, and hid himself among the leaves. The other, seeing no help, threw himself flat upon the ground, with his face in the dust. The Bear, coming up to him, put his muzzle close to his ear, and sniffed and sniffed. But at last with a growl he shook his head and slouched off, for bears will not touch dead meat. Then the fellow in the tree came down to his comrade, and, laughing, said “What was it that Master Bruin whispered to you?” “He told me,” said the other, “Never trust a friend who deserts you in times of trouble.”

Samuel Croxall

Samuel Croxall (The Travellers and the Bear)

Croxall - Travelers and a Bear

TWO men being to travel through a forest together, mutually promised to stand by each other, in any danger they should meet upon the way. They had not gone far, before a Bear came rushing towards them out of a thicket; upon which, one being a light nimble fellow, got up into a tree; the other falling flat upon his face, and holding his breath, lay still, while the Bear came up and smelled at him; but that creature, supposing him to be a dead carcase, went back again into the wood, without doing him the least harm. When all was over, the spark who had climbed the tree came down to his companion, and with a pleasant smile asked him what the Bear said to him; for, says he, I took notice that he clapt his mouth very close to your ear. Why, replies the other, he charged me to take care for the future, not to put any confidence in such cowardly rascals as you are.


Whittingham - Travelers and Bear

Though nothing is more common than to hear people profess services of friendship, where there is no occasion for them; yet scarce any thing is so hard to be found as a true friend, who will assist us in the time of danger and difficulty. All the declarations of kindness which are made to an experienced man, though accompanied by a squeeze of the hand, and a solemn asseveration, should leave no greater impression upon his mind, than the whistling of the hollow breeze which brushes one’s ear with an unmeaning salute, and is presently gone. He that succours our necessity by a well-timed assistance, though it were not ushered in by previous compliments, will ever after be looked upon as our friend and protector; and, in so much a greater degree, as the favour was unasked and unpromised; as it was not extorted by importunities on the one side, nor led in by a numerous attendance of promises on the other. Words are nothing, till they are fulfilled by actions; and therefore we should not suffer ourselves to be deluded by a vain hope, and reliance upon them.

Thomas Bewick

Thomas Bewick (The Travellers and The Bear)

Bewick - 0381 - Travellers and Bear

Two Men being to travel through a forest together, mutually engaged to stand by each other in any danger they might encounter on the way. They had not gone far, before a Bear rushed towards them out of a thicket; upon which, one of them, being a light nimble fellow, got up the branches of a tree, and kept out of sight. The other falling flat upon his face, and holding his breath, lay still, while the Bear came up and smelled at him, but not discovering any marks of life, he walked quietly away again to the place of his retreat, without doing the Man the least harm. When all was over, the Spark who had climbed the tree, came down to his Companion, and asked him, what the Bear said to him? for, says he, I took notice that he clapt his mouth very close to your ear. Why, said the other, he advised me, for the future never to place any confidence in such a faithless poltroon as you.


There is nothing in this world that can lighten our burdens, in passing through it, or contribute more to our happiness, than our knowing we have a true friend, who will commiserate with and help us in our misfortunes, and on whom we can rely in times of difficulty and distress. There are many, indeed, who, with fair words, pretend to that character, and are ever ready to offer their services when there is no occasion for their help. But the real friend, like gold from the furnace, shines forth in his true lustre, and with heart and hand is ever ready to succour us, in times of tribulation and peril. It is on such only we ought to place a confidence in any undertaking of importance; for the man who is wholly actuated by the selfish unsocial principle of caring only for himself is not fit to be associated with others of a more generous character; and he who will desert them in adversity ought not to be made a partaker of the prosperity of others. It therefore behoves us diligently to examine into the fidelity of those we have to deal with, before we embark with them in any enterprise, in which our lives and fortunes may be put to hazard by their breach of faith.

Taylor Rhymes

Jefferys Taylor

Taylor - Travelers and Bear 0127

Two trav’llers one morning set out from their home, It might be from Sparta , from Athens , or Rome ; It matters not which, but agreed, it is said, Should danger arise, to lend each other aid.

But scarce was this done, when forth rushing amain, Sprung a bear from a wood tow ‘rds these travellers twain; Then one of our heroes, with courage immense, Climb’d into a tree, and there found his defence.

The other fell flat to the earth with his dread, When the bear came and smelt him, and thought he was dead; So not liking the carcase away trotted he, When straight our brave hero descended the tree.

“Then,” said he, “I can’t think what the bear could propose, When so close to his ear he presented his nose.” “Why this,” said the other, “he told me to do, To beware for the future of cowards like you.”

Those people who run from their friends in distress, Will be left when themselves are in trouble, I guess.

JBR Collection

JBR Collection

Travelers and The Bear

Two men about to journey through a forest, agreed to stand by one another in any dangers that might befal. They had not gone far before a savage Bear rushed out from a thicket and stood in their path. One of the Travellers, a light, nimble fellow, got up into a tree. The other fell flat on his face and held his breath. The Bear came up and smelled at him, and taking him for dead, went off again into the wood. The man in the tree came clown, and rejoining his companion, asked him, with a mischievous smile, what was the wonderful secret that the Bear had whispered into his car. “Why,” replied the other sulkily, “he told me to take care for the future and not to put any confidence in such cowardly rascals as you are.”

Townsend version

Two men were traveling together, when a Bear suddenly met them on their path. One of them climbed up quickly into a tree and concealed himself in the branches. The other, seeing that he must be attacked, fell flat on the ground, and when the Bear came up and felt him with his snout, and smelt him all over, he held his breath, and feigned the appearance of death as much as he could. The Bear soon left him, for it is said he will not touch a dead body. When he was quite gone, the other Traveler descended from the tree, and jocularly inquired of his friend what it was the Bear had whispered in his ear. “He gave me this advice,” his companion replied. “Never travel with a friend who deserts you at the approach of danger.”

Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends.


Ursus et Amici Duo

Duo amici una faciunt iter. Occurrit in itinere ursus. Alter arborem conscendit et periculum evitat; alter, cum meminisset illam bestiam cadavera non attingere, humi sese prosternit animamque continet, se mortuum esse simulans. Accedit ursus, contrectat iacentem, os suum ad hominis os auresque admovet, cadaver esse ratus, discedit. Postea, cum socius quaereret quidnam ei ursus dixisset in aurem, respondit, “Monuit ne confiderem amico, cuius fidem adverso tempore non essem expertus.”

Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur.

2 travellers

Version Two

  • View history

Traveler Program Version Two: BEGIN

Version Two is the second iteration of the Traveler program, which the Director ordered after the failure of the first . It began in the past shortly after the September 11th attacks . The new timeline has multiple differences from the first:

  • Grant MacLaren (the host) died by overwrite in August 2001 rather than 2016. Furthermore, he never entered into a relationship with Kathryn , his wife in Version One.
  • The Helios disaster may have been predicted as early as 2001 rather than 2016. MacLaren attempted to ensure this by delivering a message to Dr. Samantha Burns , a physicist.
  • Traveler 001 was never sent into the body of Vincent Ingram , or to the past at all. The future could have changed in innumerable ways from this alteration alone. As one direct result, Marcy Warton was never forced to participate in any of Ingram's experiments and therefore was never mentally disabled. She met David on a bus to her new job at an hospital.

No further information about the particulars of Version Two is known.

  • Cast & crew
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Eric McCormack, Patrick Gilmore, MacKenzie Porter, Reilly Dolman, Jared Abrahamson, and Nesta Cooper in Travelers (2016)

Hundreds of years from now, surviving humans discover how to send consciousness back through time, into people of the 21st century, while attempting to change the path of humanity. Hundreds of years from now, surviving humans discover how to send consciousness back through time, into people of the 21st century, while attempting to change the path of humanity. Hundreds of years from now, surviving humans discover how to send consciousness back through time, into people of the 21st century, while attempting to change the path of humanity.

  • Brad Wright
  • Eric McCormack
  • MacKenzie Porter
  • Nesta Cooper
  • 914 User reviews
  • 25 Critic reviews
  • 4 wins & 16 nominations

Episodes 34

Season 3 Official Trailer

  • Grant MacLaren

MacKenzie Porter

  • Marcy Warton

Nesta Cooper

  • Carly Shannon

Jared Abrahamson

  • Trevor Holden

Reilly Dolman

  • Philip Pearson

Patrick Gilmore

  • David Mailer

Leah Cairns

  • Kathryn MacLaren

J. Alex Brinson

  • Jeff Conniker

Jennifer Spence

  • Walt Forbes

Kristine Cofsky

  • Officer Boyd

William MacDonald

  • Gary Holden

Ian Tracey

  • Joanne Yates

Ben Immanuel

  • Dr. Teslia …

Douglas Chapman

  • Vincent Ingram

Dylan Playfair

  • All cast & crew
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Did you know

  • Trivia The series names 6 protocols to be followed by Travelers that are referenced throughout the series: 1. The mission comes first. 2. Leave the future in the past. 3. Don't take a life, don't save a life, unless otherwise directed. 4. Do not reproduce. 5. In the absence of direction, maintain your host's life. 6. No inter-team or deep web communication except in extreme emergencies.
  • Goofs In Bishop (2016) , MacLaren says that after he reaches 20,000 feet, they will be out of range for communications. This is 3.79 miles, however, they use the communications just fine regardless of how far apart they are in the city.
  • Connections Featured in Late Night with Seth Meyers: Mindy Kaling/Eric McCormack/Joe Pera/Dave Lombardo (2016)

User reviews 914

  • Dec 18, 2018
  • How many seasons does Travelers have? Powered by Alexa
  • What does the acronym TELL mean?
  • Was the main plot of this series written to completion, or did it get cancelled prematurely?
  • What building is used for the first scene of Ep. 1?
  • October 17, 2016 (United States)
  • United States
  • Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  • Peacock Alley Entertainment
  • See more company credits at IMDbPro

Technical specs

  • Runtime 45 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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Two Travelers And A Bear

Two Travelers And A Bear

Two Men were traveling in company through a forest, when, all at once, a huge Bear crashed out of the brush near them.

One of the Men, thinking of his own safety, climbed a tree.

The other, unable to fight the savage beast alone, threw himself on the ground and lay still, as if he were dead. He had heard that a Bear will not touch a dead body.

It must have been true, for the Bear snuffed at the Man's head awhile, and then, seeming to be satisfied that he was dead, walked away.

The Man in the tree climbed down.

"It looked just as if that Bear whispered in your ear," he said. "What did he tell you?"

"He said," answered the other, "that it was not at all wise to keep company with a fellow who would desert his friend in a moment of danger."

Misfortune is the test of true friendship.

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Season 2 – Travelers

Where to watch, travelers — season 2.

Watch Travelers — Season 2 with a subscription on Netflix, or buy it on Prime Video.

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Brad Wright

Eric McCormack

Special Agent Grant MacLaren

MacKenzie Porter

Patrick Gilmore

Jared Abrahamson

Nesta Cooper

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About Rob Taylor, Author and Blogger

Rob Taylor is the creator of 2TravelDads, the Original LGBTQ Family Travel Blog, and the author of two books: the Road Trip Survival Guide and the Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids . Even though writing and creating fun and helpful travel content are the driving force behind this LGBTQ travel resource, none of it would exist without the husband and kids that take part in all of the adventures.

Read about 2TravelDads: the Original LGBTQ Family Travel Blog on Google for Publishers

Rob Taylor Headshot 3 small

With a long history working in tourism and marketing since before 2000, Rob shares his experience traveling and taking his family on the road through his blog, 2TravelDads.com, 2TravelDads Podcase, magazine articles, video content and published books. Focusing on education and sustainable tourism, Rob Taylor writes through the lens of the LGBTQ and parenting communities.

Check out this interview with Orlando Voyager

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Latest Book: The Road Trip Survival Guide

During COVID-19, we’ve all had to find different ways to travel. From the disruptions of airlines to the possibility of many travel restrictions at your destination, the car has become a more attractive (and safer) option. Road trips are gaining popularity again, especially for those who’ve not travelled frequently via highways and byways. Post COVID, road trips and slow domestic travel have remained popular, and continue to grow as a preferred option for LGBTQ families, more inspired to explore their backyards than ever before.

3D Road Trip Survival Guide cover

PUBLISHER: Simon and Schuster, Tiller Press

FOREWORD BY: Samantha Brown of Samantha Browns Places to Love

The Road Trip Survival Guide  provides a starting point for new road trippers or advice and a new to look at car travel for the veteran road warrior. Inside you’ll find guidance for new road trippers as well as essential tips and tricks for even the most experienced roadsters including:

  • How to organize your car for trips
  • Packing lists for different types of vacations, from city breaks to outdoor adventures
  • How to develop the perfect road trip itinerary that will suit the whole family
  • Recipes and recommendations for the best car snacks (easy access and less mess!)
  • Tips and tricks for making your trip more eco-friendly
  • How to reroute a road trip gone wrong and more!

The Road Trip Survival Guide   is a must-have for anyone planning a vacation. Perfectly designed to fit in a glove box or back-seat pocket, you can now stop dreaming, hit the open road, and start experiencing the perfect road trip.

Where to Purchase the Road Trip Survival Guide

Besides getting the Road Trip Survival Guide in person from your favorite book seller after its release on May 25, 2021, you can also find it online:

  • Get it on Amazon – Paperback – Audible – Kindle Edition
  • Buy from Barnes Noble
  • on BooksaAMillion
  • from IndieBound
  • at Bookshop.org

Rob Taylor with Road Trip Survival Guide 2021 6

Reviews of the Road Trip Survival Guide

This is the perfect checklist, reminder, planning guide, and overall resource for those planning a road trip. It goes over all aspects you’d need to think of, from what to bring, how to plan where, food, sustainability, and more. It even has road trip itineraries and RECIPES for food on the road. Can’t wait to use it for my summer trip planning in a month or two.

The tone is very friendly here and the author covers a variety of topics: Planning, Packing, Food, Safety, and even some recommended itinerates. Since it is written by a parent of young children, the recommendations and tips are especially useful for keeping the little ones occupied and happy. I liked that the author had several ‘must do’ items such as thoroughly cleaning the car BEFORE the trip to make the actual journey the most pleasant it can be.

The Road Trip Survival Guide did not disappoint!! Such an easy read (vital for this mom of three wild ones who is cramming my bits of reading into short moments of many days). I started with a highlighter but eventually found myself getting a notepad out to write down the great tips I was absorbing. He slips in light hearted humor all through the book and I love when he jokes about which tips don’t just apply to kiddos, but to partners as well!

First Book: The Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids

Four super fun travel journals in one for kids 6 to 9, the Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids is a great way for young travelers to stay engaged with their vacation and create lasting memories through simple journaling and stimulating games.

3D Ultimate Travel Journal For Kids

PUBLISHER: Rockridge Press, Callisto Media

It’s time to hit the road on your next family adventure―and kids will remember every second of fun-filled adventure.  The Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids  is packed with journaling prompts and activities for up to four, so that no memory goes unwritten.

Inside these travel activities for kids, 6-9-year-olds will find guided prompts to record hopes for their trip, highlights, new discoveries and more. Plus, this journal includes ultra-fun travel activities for kids likes fill-in the blanks and crosswords for endless entertainment.

These travel activities for kids include:

  • Tons of games and activities ―These travel activities for kids banish boredom during long rides or waits with word finds, scavenger hunts, crosswords, and more!
  • Guided travel writing prompts ―Young adventurers can write down everything they see, taste, hear and more with prompts to guide observations.
  • DIY souvenirs ―Keep this travel journal at the ready to let kids create their very own souvenir for multiple family adventures.

When you’re back home and bags are unpacked, your little adventurer can always open  The Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids  and relive every minute of every adventure.

Reviews of the Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids

“I can’t say enough about [The Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids]. The price point makes it reasonable to buy one for each of our three kids and the book is designed for four trips, so it’s a great bargain. It has just the right balance of repetition and new variety for each trip. I love how it asks so many different questions of the kiddos and does so in different game formats. I also appreciate that this book is designed for a variety of ages. My 11 year old will love doing it alone. My 9 year old will love drawing pictures in every nook and cranny, and my special needs 7 year old will love doing it with me or his siblings, and we’re always looking for ideas of ways to include him. We’ve hit jackpot with this.

I appreciate that it’s not just a bunch of connect the dots and word searches. It really makes them think about THEIR specific trip, and found a fun way to do it. We are going to DC in two weeks and we’ll spend an hour on it the week before, then they’ll use it in the car and in the evenings, or at restaurants while waiting for food in DC, and last they’ll enjoy wrapping up some of the activities when we get home. We’re so excited!”

“Lots of different activities, not repetitive, engaging. I’m “making” my almost 10 year son keep a journal of our summer travels abroad, and this is perfect for him. Doesn’t require too much writing 😜 and filled with interesting, age-appropriate activities to keep him busy on long flights.”

“My son really enjoyed this, he recorded 4 trips and I am sure that it’ll be lot of fun looking into this diary a few years down the line and remembering his adventures”

Where to Purchase the Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids

Look for the Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids in bookshops, independent toy stores, and online. Purchase a copy here:

  • Barnes & Noble

Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids available now

EBook for Kindle: Guide to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

In addition to working with publishing houses, Rob has also starting publishing short EBooks for easy, downloadable travel info on the go. The first of these is available through the Amazon Kindle store: Guide to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.

Get our Hawaii Volcanoes Ebook for Kindle here!

There are more EBook guides in the works, so stay tuned for more features!

Guide to HVNP Big Island

The Blog: 2TravelDads – the Original LGBTQ Family Travel Blog

Focusing on ecotourism and education, 2TravelDads inspires LGBT families (and traditional families also) to go beyond their usual getaways and use travel to learn about and be part of a bigger world. “Traveling the globe and giving the kids a broad worldview.”

Rob considers being a travel blogger to be one of the most fortunate jobs on earth. The experience of exploring, particularly with kids, and then sharing authentic stories and recommendations is a privilege and a joy.

Favorite topics and destinations include: America’s National Parks, LGBT friendly destinations, education on the road, and anywhere nature, culture and fun are mixed together.

Rob Taylor and 2TravelDads can also be found…

Whether it is an article for a major publication or contributing to fellow blog sites, Rob Taylor is all about sharing the message and mission statement of 2TravelDads. Articles, excerpts and quotes can be found:

  • Samantha Browns Places to Love – Travel During COVID-19
  • Parade Magazine – Christmas Getaway Ideas
  • GayStarNews – Dads on a Mission
  • GaysWithKids – Dads Guide to Disneyland
  • Travel Oregon – Cover Story: Oregon Road Trip  Umpqua and Southern Oregon
  • Visit Florida – Family Friendly Parks on Florida’s Gulf Coast
  • Travel Channel – 15 Best Travel Gifts for Kids  –  Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids
  • Travel Oregon – Cover Story: #DontHurtTheDirt  at the Painted Hills
  • CheapO Air – Traveler Profile – 2TravelDads
  • Florida’s Historic Coast – 2TravelDads Find Their Home in St Augustine

Chris and Rob Taylor with Horses at Crazy Horse Ranch Morongo Valley Palm Springs California 2

Many more articles and projects have been published through the years. Please visit Brand Partnership Examples for more information about Rob Taylor and 2TravelDads experience.

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20 Most Famous Travellers In History

  • by Jonny Duncan
  • February 17, 2024 February 18, 2024

These famous travellers, driven by curiosity, ambition, or a quest for knowledge, embarked on epic expeditions that expanded the boundaries of geographical understanding.

Famous Travellers

Throughout history, the world has been shaped by the journeys of these famous travellers, intrepid explorers and adventurers who dared to traverse distant lands, cross treacherous seas, and delve into uncharted territories.

From the ancient Silk Road wanderers to the modern-day spacefarers, their stories inspire awe and wonder, reminding us of the boundless spirit of exploration that resides within the human soul.

These are some detailed accounts of the lives of these famous travellers and explorers.

2 travellers

Marco Polo is one of the most famous travellers in history whom you have most likely heard of already. He was a Venetian merchant, explorer, and writer who travelled extensively throughout Asia along the Silk Road.

Born in Venice in 1254, Marco Polo embarked on a journey to the East with his father Niccolò and uncle Maffeo in 1271, when he was only 17 years old. They travelled through Central Asia, reaching the court of Kublai Khan, the Mongol ruler of the Yuan Dynasty in China.

Marco Polo served as an emissary and official in the court of Kublai Khan for approximately 17 years, during which he travelled extensively throughout China, Mongolia, and other parts of Asia. He documented his travels and experiences in a book titled “Il Milione” or “The Travels of Marco Polo,” which became one of the most famous travelogues in history.

In his book, Marco Polo described the geography, culture, and customs of the regions he visited, introducing Europeans to many aspects of Asian life for the first time. His accounts of the riches of the East, including spices, silks, and other exotic goods, fueled European interest in trade and exploration with Asia.

He died in 1324 in Venice, leaving behind a lasting legacy as one of history’s most famous travellers.

Ibn Battuta

2 travellers

Ibn Battuta , fully known as Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Battuta, was a Moroccan scholar and explorer born in Tangier in 1304. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest travellers in history, known for his extensive journeys across Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Europe during the 14th century.

In 1325, at the age of 21, Ibn Battuta embarked on his first major journey, which would span nearly 30 years and cover over 75,000 miles. He initially set out on a pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj), a religious obligation for Muslims, but his travels went far beyond this initial goal.

Throughout his travels, Ibn Battuta visited places such as Egypt, the Arabian Peninsula, Persia (modern-day Iran), Central Asia, India, Southeast Asia, and East Africa. He served as a judge, diplomat, and advisor in various courts along the way, gaining insights into the cultures, societies, and politics of the regions he visited.

Ibn Battuta documented his experiences in a travelogue called “Rihla” (The Journey), which provides valuable insights into the medieval world and remains an important historical source. His writings offer vivid descriptions of the places he visited, including cities, landmarks, people, customs, and traditions.

Ibn Battuta’s travels were remarkable not only for their extent but also for the diversity of the regions he explored and the challenges he overcame. His adventures have left an enduring legacy, contributing to our understanding of medieval geography, cultures, and interactions.

Charles Darwin 

2 travellers

Charles Darwin was a renowned traveller. His most famous voyage was aboard the HMS Beagle, a British naval vessel that embarked on a five-year expedition around the world from 1831 to 1836. Darwin was originally intended to be the ship’s naturalist, but his observations and discoveries during this voyage ultimately led to his groundbreaking work in evolutionary biology.

During the voyage, Darwin visited various locations, including the Galápagos Islands, where he made significant observations of the unique flora and fauna that would later inform his theory of natural selection. His travels also took him to South America, the Pacific Islands, Australia, and other parts of the world.

Darwin meticulously documented his observations in journals and collected specimens that contributed to his later scientific investigations and publications, most notably his seminal work “ On the Origin of Species ,” published in 1859.

Wilfred Thesiger

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Wilfred Thesiger, born on June 3, 1910, was a British explorer, travel writer, and photographer known for his extensive travels in the deserts of Africa and the Middle East. He is renowned for his profound respect for traditional cultures and his vivid descriptions of the landscapes and people he encountered.

Thesiger’s most famous journeys took place in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula. He first travelled to the region in the 1940s, where he lived among the Bedouin tribes of southern Arabia, including the Marsh Arabs of Iraq and the nomadic tribes of the Empty Quarter (Rub’ al Khali). Thesiger’s experiences during these journeys were documented in his classic books “Arabian Sands” (1959) and “The Marsh Arabs” (1964).

Backpackingman note: Arabian Sands is one of my favourite travel memoirs that I have read.

Thesiger’s writings reflect his deep admiration for the harsh beauty of the desert and his respect for the traditional way of life practised by the nomadic peoples who inhabit these regions. He was critical of the modernization and development that threatened to erode the ancient cultures and landscapes he cherished.

In addition to his writings, Thesiger was also an accomplished photographer, capturing stunning images of the landscapes, peoples, and cultures of the regions he explored. His photographs provide a visual record of a way of life that has since undergone significant changes.

Thesiger’s legacy continues to inspire adventurers, travellers, and writers today, as his works remain celebrated for their insight, empathy, and evocative prose. He passed away on August 24, 2003, at the age of 93.

Fridtjof Nansen

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Fridtjof Nansen was a Norwegian explorer, scientist, diplomat, and humanitarian who lived from 1861 to 1930. He is best known for his groundbreaking explorations of the Arctic region and his innovative work in oceanography. Nansen’s achievements earned him international acclaim and left a lasting legacy in multiple fields.

Nansen gained fame for his daring expedition aboard the ship Fram (meaning “Forward”) in 1893-1896. His goal was to reach the North Pole by allowing the ship to become frozen in the Arctic ice and drift with the currents.

Although the expedition did not reach the pole, it set a record for the farthest north latitude attained at that time and provided valuable scientific data about the Arctic Ocean.

Freya Stark

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Freya Stark was a British explorer, travel writer, and cartographer known for her extensive travels in the Middle East and her vivid writings about the region. She was born on January 31, 1893, in Paris, France, and grew up in England.

Stark began her travels in the Middle East in the 1920s and 1930s, at a time when few Westerners, especially women, ventured into the region. She explored remote and challenging areas of the Middle East, including parts of Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey.

Stark was known for her adventurous spirit, intelligence, and ability to connect with people from different cultures. She learned several languages, including Arabic and Persian, which allowed her to communicate with local inhabitants and gain insights into their lives and customs.

Throughout her travels, Stark produced numerous books, articles, and photographs documenting her experiences and observations. Her writings are celebrated for their lyrical prose, keen observations, and deep appreciation for the landscapes, cultures, and history of the Middle East.

Some of Stark’s most famous works include “The Valleys of the Assassins” (1934), “A Winter in Arabia” (1940), and “The Southern Gates of Arabia” (1936). Her books became bestsellers and earned her widespread acclaim as one of the most accomplished travel writers of her time.

Freya Stark continued to travel and write well into her later years, and her legacy as a pioneering explorer and cultural ambassador for the Middle East endures today. Her works remain influential and continue to inspire travellers, writers, and scholars interested in the region. She passed away on May 9, 1993, at the age of 100.

David Livingstone

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David Livingstone was a Scottish physician and explorer who played a significant role in the exploration of Africa during the 19th century.

Over the course of his life, Livingstone undertook multiple expeditions across the African continent, with the primary goals of spreading Christianity, combating the slave trade, and exploring unknown regions.

Livingstone’s most famous expedition began in 1852 when he set out to explore the Zambezi River and its surrounding regions. During this journey, he became the first European to witness the majestic Victoria Falls. Livingstone’s explorations also led to significant geographic discoveries, including the identification of Lake Malawi and the exploration of the Zambezi River system.

Livingstone’s explorations and writings captured the imagination of people around the world and earned him widespread acclaim as one of the greatest explorers and famous travellers of his time. His accounts of his travels, including books such as “Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa,” inspired subsequent generations of explorers and missionaries.

Livingstone died on May 1, 1873, in what is now Zambia, while on his final expedition to explore the sources of the Nile River.

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Zheng He was a Chinese mariner, explorer, diplomat, and admiral during the Ming dynasty. He is best known for his extensive maritime voyages in the early 15th century, which took place decades before the famous European Age of Discovery.

Zheng He’s voyages were remarkable for their scale and reach. He led a series of expeditions from China to various parts of Asia and Africa, commanding a vast fleet of ships that included massive treasure ships, some of which were reported to be several times larger than the European ships of the time.

Zheng He’s expeditions visited countries and regions such as Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, and the east coast of Africa. These voyages facilitated cultural exchange, trade, and diplomacy, with Zheng He presenting gifts from the Ming emperor to local rulers and receiving tribute in return.

Amelia Earhart

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Amelia Earhart was an American aviator and pioneering woman in the field of aviation. Born on July 24, 1897, in Atchison, Kansas, Earhart developed an early interest in flying and became one of the most famous female pilots and travellers of her time.

Earhart set numerous aviation records during her career. In 1928, she became the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean, accomplishing the feat in her single-engine Lockheed Vega. This flight propelled her to international fame and established her as a symbol of women’s advancement in aviation.

In 1932, Earhart made history again by becoming the first woman to fly solo nonstop across the Atlantic, replicating Charles Lindbergh’s famous feat from five years earlier. She flew from Newfoundland to Ireland in approximately 15 hours.

One of Earhart’s most ambitious goals was to circumnavigate the globe. In 1937, she embarked on an attempt to fly around the world along the equator. However, tragically, Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan disappeared somewhere over the Pacific Ocean during the final leg of their journey.

Despite extensive search efforts, their fate remains one of the greatest mysteries in aviation history.

Christopher Columbus

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Christopher Columbus, born in the Republic of Genoa (in present-day Italy) in 1451, was an Italian explorer whose voyages across the Atlantic Ocean paved the way for European exploration and colonization of the Americas. Columbus made his first voyage in 1492 under the sponsorship of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile.

Columbus’s initial goal was to find a westward route to Asia, particularly to India and the lucrative spice trade. However, he instead encountered the islands of the Caribbean, landing on an island he named San Salvador (though the indigenous Taíno people called it Guanahani). Believing he had reached the East Indies, Columbus referred to the indigenous people he encountered as “Indians.”

Over the next several years, Columbus made three more voyages to the Caribbean and explored various islands, including Hispaniola (present-day Haiti and the Dominican Republic), Cuba, and Jamaica. His voyages initiated widespread European contact with the Americas and marked the beginning of the European colonization of the New World.

Columbus’s voyages had significant and far-reaching consequences, including the exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and cultures between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. While his expeditions were celebrated in Europe, they also led to the colonization, exploitation, and displacement of indigenous peoples, as well as the transatlantic slave trade.

Today, Christopher Columbus is a controversial figure, with his legacy debated in terms of his role in history and his impact on indigenous populations. While some view him as a courageous explorer who initiated global connections, others criticize him for his treatment of indigenous peoples and the lasting negative effects of European colonization in the Americas.

Ferdinand Magellan

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Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who is best known for leading the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe. He was born around 1480 in Sabrosa, Portugal, and he served as a navigator and explorer for the Portuguese crown before offering his services to the Spanish crown.

In 1519, Magellan set sail from Spain with a fleet of five ships and around 270 men, aiming to find a western sea route to the Spice Islands (the Moluccas) in the East Indies. On September 20, 1519, they departed from Sanlúcar de Barrameda, Spain, and after a long and perilous journey across the Atlantic, they reached the coast of South America.

Magellan navigated through the treacherous waters of what is now known as the Strait of Magellan, which connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans at the southern tip of South America.

After passing through the strait, Magellan and his crew sailed across the vast Pacific Ocean, enduring severe hardships such as starvation, scurvy, and storms. They reached the Mariana Islands and the Philippines, where Magellan was killed in a skirmish with local inhabitants on April 27, 1521.

Magellan’s expedition was a landmark achievement in the history of exploration, proving that the Earth was indeed round and demonstrating the vast extent of the Pacific Ocean.

Ernest Shackleton

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Sir Ernest Shackleton was a renowned British explorer who led several expeditions to Antarctica during the early 20th century. He is best known for his heroic leadership and remarkable survival during the ill-fated Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition of 1914-1917.

Born on February 15, 1874, in County Kildare, Ireland, Shackleton began his career as a seaman and later became involved in Antarctic exploration.

Shackleton’s most famous expedition, the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, aimed to make the first land crossing of the Antarctic continent. The expedition, launched in 1914 aboard the ship Endurance, encountered numerous hardships, including being trapped in pack ice in the Weddell Sea.

Despite the loss of their ship, Shackleton and his crew managed to survive for over a year on the ice before finally making a daring escape in small lifeboats to Elephant Island.

Realizing that rescue was unlikely on Elephant Island, Shackleton embarked on an epic voyage with a small crew in an open boat, the James Caird, across 800 miles of treacherous seas to reach South Georgia Island. After successfully reaching South Georgia, Shackleton and his companions completed a hazardous overland journey to a whaling station, eventually rescuing the remaining men on Elephant Island.

Miraculously, Shackleton’s leadership and determination ensured the survival of all the members of the expedition, despite enduring extreme cold, hunger, and danger. Their remarkable tale of endurance and perseverance has become one of the most celebrated stories in the annals of exploration.

Following his Antarctic expeditions, Shackleton continued to pursue various ventures, including further attempts at Antarctic exploration. However, he died of a heart attack on January 5, 1922, while on an expedition to Antarctica.

Xuanzang (Hsüan-tsang)

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Xuanzang, also known as Hsüan-Tsang, was a Chinese Buddhist monk, scholar, and traveller who lived during the Tang Dynasty. He is renowned for his legendary journey to India in the 7th century AD, during which he travelled overland across Central Asia to study Buddhism and collect Buddhist scriptures.

Born in 602 AD in what is now Henan Province, China, Xuanzang became a Buddhist monk at a young age and dedicated himself to the study of Buddhist scriptures and philosophy. Despite government restrictions on travel abroad, Xuanzang was determined to visit India, the birthplace of Buddhism, to deepen his understanding of the religion and to obtain authentic Buddhist scriptures that were not available in China.

In 629 AD, Xuanzang set out on his epic journey to India. He travelled overland through treacherous terrain, across deserts and mountains, encountering numerous hardships and dangers along the way. Despite these challenges, Xuanzang persevered, driven by his unwavering faith and determination.

During his 17-year pilgrimage, Xuanzang visited many Buddhist monasteries, universities, and sacred sites in India, studying with renowned Buddhist masters and scholars. He also collected thousands of Buddhist scriptures, which he later brought back to China.

Upon his return to China in 645 AD, Xuanzang was hailed as a hero and a scholar. He spent the rest of his life translating the scriptures he had collected into Chinese and sharing his knowledge and insights with others. His translations played a crucial role in the spread of Buddhism in China and had a profound influence on Chinese culture and philosophy.

Xuanzang’s extraordinary journey and his contributions to Buddhist scholarship have made him a legendary figure in Chinese history and in the history of Buddhism. His life and adventures have been immortalized in literature, art, and folklore, and he remains a revered figure in Buddhist tradition.

Isabella Bird

Isabella Bird was a 19th-century British explorer, writer, photographer, and naturalist. Born on October 15, 1831, in England, she defied the societal norms of her time by embarking on extensive travels, often alone, to various remote and challenging regions of the world.

Bird’s first major journey took her to North America in 1854, where she travelled extensively throughout the Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains. Her experiences during this trip were chronicled in her book “The Englishwoman in America,” published in 1856.

Throughout her life, Bird continued to embark on remarkable journeys. She explored the Hawaiian Islands, Canada, Japan, India, Persia (now Iran), Kurdistan, Tibet, China, and many other regions. Her travels were not only adventurous but also pioneering, as she often ventured into areas that were little known to Westerners at the time.

Bird was an avid writer, and she published numerous books and articles based on her travels. Her writings were highly acclaimed for their vivid descriptions of landscapes, cultures, and people.

Isabella Bird’s adventurous spirit, keen observations, and literary talents have earned her a lasting legacy as one of the most remarkable female explorers of the 19th century. Her works continue to inspire travellers and readers around the world, offering unique insights into the diverse cultures and landscapes of the places she visited.

Amerigo Vespucci

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Amerigo Vespucci was an Italian explorer, navigator, and cartographer who played a significant role in the early exploration of the Americas. He was born in Florence, Italy, in 1454 or 1455, and he began his career working for the prominent Medici family in Florence.

Vespucci made several voyages to the New World between 1497 and 1504, primarily under the auspices of Spain and Portugal. While the details of his early voyages are somewhat unclear, Vespucci is best known for his accounts of his voyages, particularly his claim to have reached the mainland of the Americas before Columbus’s third voyage.

The German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller is credited with naming the continent after Vespucci, as he included the name “America” on his 1507 world map, the first to depict the Americas as separate from Asia.

While Vespucci did not make any significant discoveries or advancements in navigation himself, his writings and the use of his name for the continents had a lasting impact on European perceptions of the New World and its place in the world map.

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James Cook was a British explorer, navigator, and cartographer who is widely regarded as one of the greatest explorers of all time. He was born on October 27, 1728, in England. Cook made significant contributions to the exploration and mapping of the Pacific Ocean and its islands during the 18th century.

Cook began his career in the British Royal Navy, rising through the ranks as a skilled seaman and navigator. He gained recognition for his precise cartography and his ability to navigate difficult waters.

In 1768, Cook was appointed as commander of the HMS Endeavour and embarked on his first voyage, which was commissioned by the Royal Society and the British Admiralty, to observe the transit of Venus from Tahiti and to explore the South Pacific.

During this voyage, Cook and his crew made extensive explorations of the South Pacific, including the mapping of the eastern coast of Australia, which he named New South Wales. Cook’s meticulous charting and observations laid the groundwork for later British colonization of Australia. Cook’s expedition also included the first recorded European contact with the eastern coastline of New Zealand.

Cook went on to make two more major voyages of exploration in the Pacific. His second voyage, from 1772 to 1775, aimed to locate the hypothetical southern continent of Terra Australis and further explore the Pacific. During this expedition, Cook became the first person to cross the Antarctic Circle.

On his third voyage, from 1776 to 1779, Cook attempted to find a northwest passage between the Pacific and the Atlantic. Although he did not succeed in finding the passage, he made significant discoveries in the Pacific Northwest region of North America, including the Hawaiian Islands.

Nellie Bly, born on May 5, 1864, was an American journalist, writer, and pioneering investigative reporter. She is best known for her record-breaking trip around the world in 72 days.

In 1889, Bly embarked on her most famous adventure: a solo journey around the world inspired by Jules Verne’s novel “Around the World in Eighty Days.” She travelled by steamship, train, and other means of transportation, completing the journey in just 72 days, a record at the time. Her trip captivated the public’s imagination and solidified her reputation as one of the most famous travellers in history.

Throughout her career, Bly wrote about social issues, women’s rights, and travel. She worked for various newspapers and magazines and authored several books, including “Ten Days in a Madhouse” and “Around the World in Seventy-Two Days.”

Ernest Hemingway

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Ernest Hemingway, the acclaimed American novelist and short story writer, was also an avid traveller who drew inspiration from his journeys around the world. Throughout his life, Hemingway travelled extensively, often immersing himself in the cultures and landscapes of the places he visited.

Some of his notable travel experiences include:

  • Paris, France: Hemingway spent much of the 1920s living in Paris, where he was part of the expatriate community of writers and artists known as the “Lost Generation.” His experiences in Paris, particularly in the bohemian neighbourhoods of Montparnasse and the Left Bank, would later influence his writing, including his novel “The Sun Also Rises.”
  • Spain: Hemingway was deeply influenced by his experiences during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), where he worked as a war correspondent. He spent time in Madrid and other cities, witnessing the conflict firsthand and drawing inspiration for his novel “For Whom the Bell Tolls,” which is set during the war.
  • Key West, Florida: Hemingway lived in Key West during the 1930s and 1940s, where he wrote some of his most famous works, including “A Farewell to Arms” and “To Have and Have Not.” His house in Key West, now a museum, is a popular tourist attraction.
  • Africa: Hemingway embarked on several safaris in Africa during the 1930s and 1950s, where he hunted big game and drew inspiration for his short stories “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” and “The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber.”
  • Cuba: Hemingway had a deep connection to Cuba, where he lived for many years and wrote several of his major works, including “The Old Man and the Sea.” His home in Cuba, Finca Vigia, is preserved as a museum and is a popular tourist destination.

Hemingway’s travels greatly influenced his writing, and his experiences in different parts of the world are reflected in the settings, characters, and themes of his novels and short stories. His adventurous spirit and love of travel are an integral part of his legacy as one of the greatest writers and famous travellers of the 20th century.

Ok, these last two aren’t in “history” as they’re still going even in their late age…

Ranulph Fiennes

Sir Ranulph Fiennes , born on March 7, 1944, is a British explorer, adventurer, and author known for his daring expeditions and record-breaking achievements in extreme environments around the world. He is often described as one of the greatest living explorers.

Fiennes has undertaken numerous expeditions throughout his career, often pushing the limits of human endurance and overcoming immense challenges.

In the Transglobe Expedition (1979–1982) Fiennes led the first circumnavigation of the Earth along its polar axis, traversing both the Arctic and Antarctic regions. The expedition covered over 52,000 miles and took over three years to complete, making it one of the most ambitious polar expeditions in history.

First to reach both Poles by surface travel: Fiennes became the first person to reach both the North and South Poles by surface travel when he reached the South Pole in 1982 and the North Pole in 1986.

In addition to his exploration endeavours, Fiennes is also a prolific author, having written numerous books about his adventures and experiences.

Fiennes continues to be actively involved in exploration and adventure, inspiring others to push their limits and explore the unknown. His legacy as one of the world’s greatest explorers is firmly established, and his adventures continue to captivate and inspire people around the globe.

Michael Palin

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I’m going to end this list with one of my favourite modern-day travellers, Michael Palin . I have loved his TV travel shows for decades now. Michael Palin is a British comedian, actor, writer, and television presenter known for his travels around the world documented in various television series and books.

Palin’s travel adventures began with the groundbreaking television series “Around the World in 80 Days,” which aired in 1989. In this series, Palin attempted to circumnavigate the globe without flying, following in the footsteps of Phileas Fogg from Jules Verne’s novel. The journey took him through Europe, the Middle East, Asia, North America, and back to Europe, and it was documented in a book of the same name.

Following the success of “Around the World in 80 Days,” Palin continued to travel and document his journeys in subsequent television series and books, including:

  • “Pole to Pole” (1992): In this series, Palin travelled from the North Pole to the South Pole, passing through Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and the Americas.
  • “Full Circle with Michael Palin” (1997): Palin embarked on a journey around the Pacific Rim, travelling through countries such as Russia, Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, Australia, and Chile.
  • “Michael Palin’s Hemingway Adventure” (1999): Palin retraced the footsteps of the American writer Ernest Hemingway, visiting places significant to Hemingway’s life and work in Europe, Africa, and the Americas.
  • “Michael Palin’s Sahara” (2002): Palin explored the diverse cultures and landscapes of the Sahara Desert, travelling through countries such as Morocco, Algeria, Niger, and Mali.
  • “Himalaya with Michael Palin” (2004): Palin journeyed through the Himalayas, from Pakistan and India to Nepal, Bhutan, Tibet, and China, exploring the mountains, cultures, and people of the region.

Palin’s travel adventures have inspired and entertained audiences around the world, making him one of the world’s most beloved travel presenters and one of the most famous travellers of them all.

The legacies of these famous travellers endure as testaments to the indomitable human spirit and the insatiable thirst for discovery. Their courage, resilience, and insatiable curiosity have left an indelible mark on history, shaping our understanding of the world and inspiring future generations to venture beyond the known horizon.

These are just a few examples, and countless other explorers and travellers have made significant contributions to our understanding of the world through their journeys and discoveries.

For a look at another well-known modern traveller have a look at my article about a good friend of mine who is regarded as one of the most travelled man in the world today.

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June 2024 Reward for Completing Traveler's Log - X-treme Water Blaster Display

This month's bonus reward, comment by ogar.

Yes let's split the already made post about the trading post into more posts for more ad revenue. Stuff like this is why I will continue to use ad block on your site.

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After months of lame pets or not so great looking x-mogs, it's time for a good one! Pew pew pew...🔫🔫🔫

Comment by Yonikumi

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Comment by Narhwals

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Comment by Larryg121

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Comment by Kerkyxd

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Comment by Beel

30 min CD ? Yikes.

Comment by Zetherior

Just in time for the "no pants transmog".. welcome back, Blizzard.

Comment by pallybeb

Yes let's split the already made post about the trading post into more posts for more ad revenue. Stuff like this is why I will continue to use ad block on your site. Ditto.

Comment by Chanchi

Yes let's split the already made post about the trading post into more posts for more ad revenue. Stuff like this is why I will continue to use ad block on your site. Yes, unlike other news sites, which condense every single new of the day in a single article

Comment by Drakknfyre

There is another way to get rid of the ads on Wowhead, become a premium member and you have no ads for the low price of $9 per year. They're not complaining about ads , they're complaining about multiple articles being written about the same things. Paying for premium doesn't change that.

Comment by Axxislex

a toy? really? how exciting!

Yes let's split the already made post about the trading post into more posts for more ad revenue. Stuff like this is why I will continue to use ad block on your site. And who is forcing you to visit this site?

Security Alert May 17, 2024

Worldwide caution, update may 10, 2024, information for u.s. citizens in the middle east.

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Measles cases are increasing globally, including in the United States. The majority of measles cases imported into the United States occur in unvaccinated U.S. residents who become infected during international travel. A list of countries with confirmed measles outbreaks can be found on the Global Measles Travel Health Notice (THN) . Measles spreads rapidly in communities that are not fully vaccinated and may pose a risk to international travelers in places not included in the THN. CDC recommends all travelers get fully vaccinated against measles before traveling to any international destination.

a girl in airport walking.

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  • Bahamas, The
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  • Holy See (see Italy )
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  • Isle of Man (see United Kingdom )
  • Israel, including the West Bank and Gaza
  • Ivory Coast (see Côte d'Ivoire )
  • Jersey (see United Kingdom )
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We Just Found the Ultimate Summer Travel Outfit From This Unexpected Brand — and It’s Only $50

Reviewers say the quality of this two-piece set is “shockingly nice” for the price.

2 travellers

Travel + Leisure / Marcus Millan

The waistcoat is an unexpected spring sensation that has high potential to become summer’s reigning trend. It happens to be a street-style staple among celebs like Kendall Jenner and Victoria Beckham, but you don’t have to be a member of fashion’s high society to wear it. Everyday people are sporting this affordable vest and shorts set from Amazon, and tons of reviewers say it’s perfect for travel. 

Prettygarden Matching Vest and Shorts Set

The two-piece outfit includes a button-down suit vest with a deep V-neck and faux pockets that give it a true menswear look. The shorts are slightly oversized with subtle pleats. The set is “easy to pack, easy to wear, and [easy to] accessorize up or keep more casual,” a reviewer wrote . “Very comfortable. Will be a go-to outfit [in] warm weather. I'll try the vest with jeans and shorts with a T-shirt — when traveling, [I] can get several outfits that way.”

Higher-end brands like Aritzia, Veronica Beard, Staud, and Rag & Bone have similar styles that are priced over $150 (and upwards of $250, in some cases), but this whole Prettygarden set costs only $50.

Reviewers say it’s lightweight, breathable, and made with good-quality fabric — to quote another review , “ shockingly nice” — that can withstand the rigors of travel. “This is an easy-reach outfit for summer, and I love that you can just throw it on and look put together,” another shopper wrote . The one drawback? The material (a blend of polyester, viscose, and elastane) can wrinkle easily, reviewers say, so make sure you have access to an iron or steamer at your destination before packing it in your suitcase.

“All i can say is wow , this item is nice and the quality is great. Surprised the #$@! out of me,” a shopper said . The set comes in 13 colors, including brick red, army green, basic black, khaki, and light blue. It’s available in sizes XS to XXL, and it’s worth noting that some reviewers say it runs big.

Looking for some more easy outfits for summer travel? Shop more matching sets for $50 or less below.

More Summer-ready Matching 2-piece Sets:

Automet linen shorts set, fixmatti button-down shirt and shorts set, casly lamlit vest and shorts set, flygo linen shorts set.

At the time of publishing, the price started at $49.

Love a great deal? Sign up for our T+L Recommends newsletter and we’ll send you our favorite travel products each week.

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10 Famous Landmarks That Were a Letdown to Some Travelers Once They Got There

Posted: June 8, 2024 | Last updated: June 8, 2024

<p>These locations were a huge disappointment to some people.</p>

These locations were a huge disappointment to some people.

<p>Although the Louvre is a fantastic museum, one visitor claims putting up with the crowds to see the Mona Lisa is not worthwhile. Despite her infamous size, the Mona Lisa is actually quite little, and scores of people are frequently gathered around it in an attempt to take a picture. The “no flash photography” sign is frequently disregarded, which causes glare from the glass, making it challenging to enjoy the painting fully. Furthermore, there is a rumor that the Mona Lisa that is on exhibit is only a convincing copy and that the original is stored in a basement.</p>

1. The Louvre’s Mona Lisa: A Crowd-Packed Disappointment?

Although the Louvre is a fantastic museum, one visitor claims putting up with the crowds to see the Mona Lisa is not worthwhile. Despite her infamous size, the Mona Lisa is actually quite little, and scores of people are frequently gathered around it in an attempt to take a picture. The “no flash photography” sign is frequently disregarded, which causes glare from the glass, making it challenging to enjoy the painting fully. Furthermore, there is a rumor that the Mona Lisa that is on exhibit is only a convincing copy and that the original is stored in a basement.

<p>Someone shared a saving tip: Mount Rushmore can be seen just fine from the road, and there is no need to pay to see it. Although the park does allow visitors to get a closer look at the monument, some visitors may decide that it is not worth the price of admission, especially if they are strapped for time or money. Even for those who decide against paying for park access, the road leading up to the monument provides breathtaking views of the surrounding Black Hills, making it a worthwhile visit.</p>

2. Mount Rushmore: Is It Worth the Pass Fee

Someone shared a saving tip: Mount Rushmore can be seen just fine from the road, and there is no need to pay to see it. Although the park does allow visitors to get a closer look at the monument, some visitors may decide that it is not worth the price of admission, especially if they are strapped for time or money. Even for those who decide against paying for park access, the road leading up to the monument provides breathtaking views of the surrounding Black Hills, making it a worthwhile visit.

<p>Seeing the Liberty Bell up close would not be worth the time or effort. Historically representing American independence, the bell is visible from the sidewalk and inside. Visitors should also be advised that there can be a long wait before they can see the bell, making it a less-than-ideal alternative for those who lack patience or time. Fortunately, there are lots of things to do in Philadelphia besides just gazing at the bell, like going to Independence Hall and eating a renowned Philly cheesesteak.</p>

3. Liberty Bell: Skip the Wait, Enjoy Philadelphia Instead

Seeing the Liberty Bell up close would not be worth the time or effort. Historically representing American independence, the bell is visible from the sidewalk and inside. Visitors should also be advised that there can be a long wait before they can see the bell, making it a less-than-ideal alternative for those who lack patience or time. Fortunately, there are lots of things to do in Philadelphia besides just gazing at the bell, like going to Independence Hall and eating a renowned Philly cheesesteak.

<p><span>One traveler had a hair-raising experience in Cairo as they navigated through the city's chaotic traffic with the skill of a seasoned rally driver. With a manual transmission car, frequent use of the horn, and a cup of tea in hand, the traveler gave a shoutout to their skilled taxi driver, who made the experience possible. It was a heart-pumping adventure that left them feeling alive and exhilarated.</span></p>

4. Cairo: A Travel Warning – Unpleasant and Unsafe

Due to its unpleasant and unsafe conditions, Cairo is not worth visiting. The commenter says that Cairo is one of the filthiest, rudest, and smelliest places they have ever visited, and even the locals appear to be unhappy living there. The user describes a sense of hostility towards tourists, with people trying to steal from them and every street crossing feeling like a death trap. They also note pervasive problems with social issues like child labor, animal abuse, and a general lack of sanitation and clean drinking water. Given these concerns, the user advises travelers to think twice before visiting Cairo.

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5. Dubai: A Twisted Reflection of Modern Civilization

A tourist claims that Dubai may not be worth seeing since it is a warped satire of everything wrong with modern civilization. They argue that anyone who goes there only to take Instagram images is wrong. Dubai embodies the negative aspects of the modern world. They think it’s a place where rich lifestyles and wastefulness are based on taking advantage of workers and nature. They think people who go to Dubai support a problematic and unsustainable system. However, it’s important to mention that some people may have different opinions and see reasons to visit Dubai that they find valuable.

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6. Niagara Falls: Why the Canadian Side Reigns Supreme

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<p>Many people are talking about Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, a beautiful place with sandy beaches and clear skies. However, one person stands out by saying it's like the armpit of the state, showing their dislike for it. This lively discussion questions whether Myrtle Beach's beauty can outweigh its perceived flaws. But we shouldn't forget that different people have different tastes. What one person finds unattractive, another might find wonderful. Even though Myrtle Beach has a bad reputation, it can still captivate those who appreciate its unique charms.</p>

7. Myrtle Beach: Is It Truly a Hidden Gem or Overrated

Many people are talking about Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, a beautiful place with sandy beaches and clear skies. However, one person stands out by saying it’s like the armpit of the state, showing their dislike for it. This lively discussion questions whether Myrtle Beach’s beauty can outweigh its perceived flaws. But we shouldn’t forget that different people have different tastes. What one person finds unattractive, another might find wonderful. Even though Myrtle Beach has a bad reputation, it can still captivate those who appreciate its unique charms.

2 travellers

8. Venice: Peak Season Pitfalls To Avoid

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9. Nelson Mandela’s House: To Visit or Not to Visit

Somebody in Soweto, South Africa, suggests staying away from Nelson Mandela’s house. Although the individual doesn’t explain their viewpoint, they may believe the house isn’t as relevant or intriguing as other Mandela-related locations nearby. On the other hand, the commenter thinks the residence is overly touristy or poorly maintained.

<p>Despite its prominence as a prominent tourist destination, a tourist doesn't advise visiting the Mall of America. According to the user, the mall is nothing more than a massive shopping center with many of the same retailers as a smaller mall and even duplications of the same establishments. While the mall may provide a one-of-a-kind experience owing to its vastness, the user thinks it may not be worth the journey for people searching for more than simply shopping.</p> <p>This originally appeared on <a href="https://maxmymoney.org/lame-landmarks-that-are-not-worth-visiting-on-vacation">Max My Money.</a></p>

10. Mall of America: More Than Just a Shopping Center

Despite its prominence as a prominent tourist destination, a tourist doesn’t advise visiting the Mall of America. According to the user, the mall is nothing more than a massive shopping center with many of the same retailers as a smaller mall and even duplications of the same establishments. While the mall may provide a one-of-a-kind experience owing to its vastness, the user thinks it may not be worth the journey for people searching for more than simply shopping.

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    Watch Travelers | Netflix Official Site. Travelers. 2016 | Maturity Rating:TV-MA | 3 Seasons | Sci-Fi. A federal agent tracks four people who suddenly seem to possess entirely new personalities, leading to a startling discovery about humanity's future. Starring:Eric McCormack, MacKenzie Porter, Nesta Cooper.

  11. Travel planning and foodie adventures

    10 top day trips from Auckland, New Zealand. Browse all the New Zealand content. We're here to help with your travel planning and creating incredible foodie adventures. Join us to discover Australia, Japan, New Zealand & beyond.

  12. Version Two

    Version Two is the second iteration of the Traveler program, which the Director ordered after the failure of the first.It began in the past shortly after the September 11th attacks.The new timeline has multiple differences from the first: Grant MacLaren (the host) died by overwrite in August 2001 rather than 2016. Furthermore, he never entered into a relationship with Kathryn, his wife in ...

  13. Travelers (TV Series 2016-2018)

    Travelers: Created by Brad Wright. With Eric McCormack, MacKenzie Porter, Nesta Cooper, Jared Abrahamson. Hundreds of years from now, surviving humans discover how to send consciousness back through time, into people of the 21st century, while attempting to change the path of humanity.

  14. 2-Travelers.com


  15. Two Travelers And A Bear

    Two Men were traveling in company through a forest, when, all at once, a huge Bear crashed out of the brush near them. One of the Men, thinking of his own safety, climbed a tree. The other, unable to fight the savage beast alone, threw himself on the ground and lay still, as if he were dead. He had heard that a Bear will not touch a dead body ...

  16. Travelers: Season 2

    Season 2 - Travelers. Watch Travelers — Season 2 with a subscription on Netflix, or buy it on Prime Video. Hundreds of years in the future, the last surviving humans discover a way of sending ...

  17. 'Two Travellers', Jack Butler Yeats, 1942

    Two Travellers; Explore. emotions, concepts and ideas (16,416) formal qualities (12,454) gestural (763) people (22,072) actions: postures and motions (9,111) walking (607) adults (20,120) man (10,453) You might like. Left Right. Back from the Races Jack Butler Yeats. 1925. Farm Buildings in Provence

  18. About Rob Taylor, Author and Blogger

    Rob Taylor is the creator of 2TravelDads, the Original LGBTQ Family Travel Blog, and the author of two books: the Road Trip Survival Guide and the Ultimate Travel Journal for Kids.Even though writing and creating fun and helpful travel content are the driving force behind this LGBTQ travel resource, none of it would exist without the husband and kids that take part in all of the adventures.

  19. 20 Most Famous Travellers In History

    Amelia Earhart was an American aviator and pioneering woman in the field of aviation. Born on July 24, 1897, in Atchison, Kansas, Earhart developed an early interest in flying and became one of the most famous female pilots and travellers of her time. Earhart set numerous aviation records during her career.

  20. Vietnam

    The Complete 7 Day Vietnam Itinerary - 2024. Vietnam is a big country with loads to do but what if you only have 1 week? This 7 day Vietnam itinerary makes the most of your time and money! The... read more. 2 Night Halong Bay Cruise - The Best Options 2024. Halong Bay is a must-visit when you are in Hanoi.

  21. Travelers 2, Cardinals 0

    Today at 2:03 a.m. Travelers 2, Cardinals 0. After back-to-back losses, the Arkansas Travelers defeated the Springfield Cardinals ON Friday night at Dickey-Stephens Park in North Little Rock ...

  22. Measles in Globe

    For international travelers 12 months or older, 2 doses at least 28 days apart are recommended. *Infants who get one dose of MMR vaccine before their first birthday should be revaccinated according to the routine ACIP schedule (one dose at 12 through 15 months of age and a final dose at 4-6 years).

  23. June 2024 Reward for Completing Traveler's Log

    This Month's Bonus Reward. X-treme Water Blaster Display. "It's time for war, a water war!". Complete activities to fill the bar at the top of the Traveler's Log found in the Adventure Guide (Shift-J)***, and you'll receive this month's bonus reward — the X-treme Water Blaster Display toy. You can have a blast and cool off all at the ...

  24. Create a MyTravelGov Account

    MyTravelGov. MyTravelGov provides a modernized platform where you can submit and check on requests to the Bureau of Consular Affairs. To get started, create MyTravelGov account. With an account, you can apply for an electronic Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) in most countries.

  25. Travel news: The Tank Museum in England has a bigger YouTube ...

    In this week's roundup of travel news, we bring you the world's best restaurants for 2024, Disneyland's epic expansion plans and the little museum in rural England that's become a YouTube hit.

  26. The Two Travelers In Mexico

    We are The Two Travelers in Mexico. We are exploring the beauty and complexity of Mexico. We retired, sold our house, sold or gave away almost everything else and packed up our Hyundai Elantra ...

  27. Destinations

    Destinations. Measles cases are increasing globally, including in the United States. The majority of measles cases imported into the United States occur in unvaccinated U.S. residents who become infected during international travel. A list of countries with confirmed measles outbreaks can be found on the Global Measles Travel Health Notice (THN).

  28. This $50 2-piece Vest Set Is Summer Travel-Ready

    Buy on Amazon $49. The two-piece outfit includes a button-down suit vest with a deep V-neck and faux pockets that give it a true menswear look. The shorts are slightly oversized with subtle pleats ...

  29. 10 Famous Landmarks That Were a Letdown to Some Travelers Once ...

    2. Mount Rushmore: Is It Worth the Pass Fee. Someone shared a saving tip: Mount Rushmore can be seen just fine from the road, and there is no need to pay to see it. Although the park does allow ...