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Si tratta di professionisti amanti del travel designer , creativi, appassionati di viaggi e grandi conoscitori delle diverse mete turistiche.

Tutti certificati ACT – Accademia Creativa Turismo , oltre alle consuete attività di programmazione, gestiscono tutte le fasi realizzative dei tour tematici personalizzando al massimo l’ esperienza di viaggio sulla base degli interessi e delle passioni dei propri clienti.

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Informazioni utili sulla Cambogia

Le informazioni utili sulla Cambogia iniziano dal clima, di tipo tropicale-monsonico. La stagione migliore per effettuare un viaggio in Cambogia, coincidente con il periodo maggiormente scelto dai viaggiatori per un viaggio, va da novembre a marzo . Nei mesi di luglio e agosto il tasso di umidità non è indifferente e potrebbe capitare di imbattersi in piogge anche insistenti ma il paesaggio ne beneficia alla grande: si possono infatti ammirare splendidi paesaggi dalla colorazione verde smeraldo.


+6 ore rispetto all’Italia (+5 ore quando in Italia vige l’ora legale).

La moneta usata nel Paese è il Riel Cambogiano . Attualmente un euro equivale a circa 4,70 Riel.

Per contattare la Cambogia dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 00855 .

Necessario passaporto con validità residua di almeno sei mesi dalla data d’accesso nel Paese e visto di ingresso.


Per ammirare la Cambogia sullo schermo consigliamo di vedere Apocalypse Now , il capolavoro di Francis Ford Coppola del 1979, e Urla del Silenzio , il più importante film sul periodo tragico dei Khmer Rossi. In biblioteca, invece, consigliamo “ Un pellegrino ad Angkor ”, ambientato all’inizio del 1900 nei luoghi d’infanzia dell’autore, Pierre Loti.

I frutti tropicali non mancano e infatti durante un viaggio in Cambogia con un taglio “esperienziale” se ne consiglia sempre un gustoso assaggio! I Mongkut e il sao mao sono tra i più amati dai forestieri. Il Prahoc , la pasta di pesce fermentata, costituisce uno degli elementi base della cucina Khmer: i cuochi si sbizzarriscono spesso utilizzando radici, erbe e tuberi in abbinamento. L’immancabile riso , infine, presente su tutte le tavole cambogiane, è l’alimento principale, tant’è che in lingua Khmer “mangiare” si dice nyam bai – letteralmente “mangiare riso”.

Informazioni utili sul Marocco

Le informazioni utili sul Marocco iniziano dal clima.  Il periodo migliore per visitare il Marocco varia a seconda della zona : aprile-maggio e settembre-ottobre, sono ideali per la parte settentrionale. Le città imperiali dell’entroterra come Marrakech e Fés sono meglio visitabili tra marzo e aprile o tra ottobre e novembre.

La zona a sud, invece, è consigliabile durante l’inverno visto che il clima desertico nelle altre stagioni diventa impegnativo.

-1 ora rispetto  all’Italia  (-2 ore in Italia vige l’ora legale).

La moneta utilizzata nel Paese è il Dirham marocchino . Attualmente un euro equivale a circa 10,90 Dirham.

Per contattare il Marocco dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 00212 più  il prefisso della località senza lo zero.

Necessario passaporto con validità residua di almeno sei mesi dalla data d’ingresso nel Paese. Viene consentito l’ingresso senza visto per soggiorni turistici di una durata massima di tre mesi.

Il Paese è stata ed è tutt’oggi una splendida location cinematografica in grado di accogliere attori sia di pellicole “Blockbuster”, come Troy e Sahara , sia di capolavori come  “ L ‘ uomo che sapeva troppo ” di Alfred Hitchcock e “ Lawrence d’Arabia ” di David Lean.

Tra i film sul Marocco, invece, ricordiamo “ Mille Mesi “, epica storia famigliare premiata a Cannes nel 2003.

In libreria vale la pena di leggere “ Marocco, romanzo ” dove Tahar Ben Jelloun racconta l’anima più autentica del Paese.

Da provare:

  • la B’stilla , pasticcio dolce-salato di pasta a strati ripiena di piccione o pollo con mandorle e cannella;
  • il Couscous , piatto centrale di ogni pasto;
  • il Tajine , stufato cotto lentamente nella iconica pentola conica di terracotta. Quello con manzo con prugne e mandorle è uno dei migliori;
  • il Tè alla menta , qui non servono spiegazioni!

Informazioni utili sull’Andalusia

La regione è visitabile in ogni periodo dell’anno . La primavera porta con sé un clima mite e molte festività, tra cui la Semana Santa (periodo di grande affollamento), la Feria de Abril e diverse fiere locali in altre città. Inizia in primavera anche la stagione delle corride.

L’estate, molto calda nelle regioni interne, è il momento migliore per rilassarsi al mare sul lunghissimo litorale. L’autunno è ideale per visitare le città e per fare escursioni in località alternative. L’inverno è la stagione migliore per gli appassionati di sci , infatti sui pendii della Sierra Nevada si può sciare!

In tutta la penisola iberica vige l’ora presente in Italia.

La moneta usata in Spagna è l’ Euro .

Per contattare la Spagna dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 0034 .

Per entrare  in Spagna è necessario possedere il Passaporto o la carta d’identità valida per l’espatrio (entrambi in corso di validità).

Il deserto al centro della regione di Almerìa è stato utilizzato come set cinematografico per diverse pellicole western dirette da Sergio Leone.

In libreria ci sono due racconti di Chris Stewart, ex batterista dei Genesis (“ Una casa tra i limoni ” e “ Un pappagallo sull’albero del pepe “) e un bellissimo libro di Clara Sànchez, “ Il profumo delle foglie di limone “.

La cucina dell’Andalusia si divide tra quella costiera e quella dell’entroterra. La cucina della costa si basa soprattutto sul pesce e sui frutti di mare, il più noto tra i piatti e il pescaito frito (l pesce ha una fondamentale importanza nella dieta andalusa).

Nelle aree interne si servono piatti a base di stufato di cacciagione, maiale, agnello e pollo, nonché prosciutto e salsicce. Verdura insalate sono sublimi così come il piatto tipico dell’andalusia, il gazpacho , preparato con pomodori e peperoni.

Informazioni utili sull’Islanda

A meno che non si voglia ammirare l’aurora borale oppure visitare l’isola sotto la neve (in questi casi ovviamente si dovrebbe partire nei mesi invernali), la stagione migliore per visitare l’Islanda va da giugno a settembre .

In giugno e in settembre, però, alcune pista dell’entroterra potrebbero essere non ancora aperte o già chiuse.

Il mese migliore in assoluto è luglio , dove la notte è pressochè inesistente!

L’ora in Islanda è pari a quella del meridiano di Greenwich (GMT), quindi  -1 ora rispetto all’Italia.  -2 ore quando in Italia è in vigore l’ora legale.

La moneta usata in Islanda è la Corona islandese . Attualmente un euro equivale a circa 134 corone .

Per contattare l’Islanda dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 00354 .

Per accedere al Paese sono necessari il passaporto o la carta d’identità valida per l’espatrio (per entrambi validità per tutto il periodo di permanenza).

Una delle produzioni cinematografiche più importanti d’Islanda è stata Thor , nel 2013. Altre scene in Batman Begins (ghiacciaio Vatnajökull), Prometheus (di Ridley Scott) e nel Trono di Spade .

Molto vasta la letteratura antica , con diverse saghe edite da Iperborea come “ Oddr l’Arciere “, “ Hrafnkell ” oppure “ Edda “, edito da Tea e una pietra miliare della letteratura medievale islandese e nordica.

Come opere contemporanee citiamo i romanzi polizieschi di Arnaldur Indridason e “ Gente Indipendente “, la storia di una sorta di Don Chisciotte scandinavo.

Per assaporare le peculiarità locali non si possono perdere i seguenti piatti:

  • lo skyr , una sorta di crema di formaggio molto densa da gustare al naturale oppure con la frutta, sazia immediatamente;
  • l’ hàkarl , una pinna di squalo fatta stagionare sotto terra per parecchi mesi. Il gusto è un pò strano (simile a quello di un formaggio molto forte) ma si scaccia rapidamente con un sorso di brennivìn ;
  • l’ hardfiskur , pesce essiccato da mangiare con il burro, gli islandesi ne vanno pazzi;
  • il pane nero, chiamato rùgbraud , che ricorda vagamente il gusto della liquirizia.

Informazioni utili sulla Thailandia

Le informazioni utili sulla Thailandia iniziano dal clima, caratterizzato da 3 Stagioni: quella delle piogge , da giugno a ottobre, quella fresca , da novembre a febbraio, e quella calda , da marzo a maggio. La stagione fresca è il periodo più gradevole , dove le giornate sono più luminose e limpide, e le temperature possono raggiungere anche i 30 gradi a metà giornata. Il periodo migliore per visitare la Thailandia è proprio questo, che, oltre a temperature più sopportabili e meno pioggia, offre la possibilità di ammirare bellissime cascate al colmo della loro portata e splendide piante in piena fioritura.

La Thailadia si trova 6 ore in avanti rispetto all’Italia (5 ore quando in Italia vige l’ora legale).

La moneta usata nel Paese è il Baht thailandese . Attualmente un euro equivale a circa 37,80 Baht.

Per contattare la Thailandia dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 0066 .

Necessario   il passaporto per l’ingresso nel Paese con validità residua di almeno sei mesi al momento dell’arrivo e almeno due pagine libere per l’apposizione del visto (non necessario per soggiorni turistici inferiori ai trenta giorni, in questo caso viene apposto un timbro all’arrivo). I viaggiatori sono obbligati per legge a portare sempre con sé il proprio passaporto originale.

Per ammirare la Thailandia sullo schermo consigliamo “ The Beach ” con Leonardo di Caprio, la divertente commedia “ Che pasticcio, Bridget Jones! “, ma soprattutto “Il Cacciatore ” di Michael Cimino, vincitore di ben 5 premi Oscar.

In biblioteca, invece, consigliamo “ La terra dei monsoni “, che descrive le lotte della zona nord-est del Paese contro la natura e la civiltà, e “Racconti thailandesi ” di Pira Sudham.

Ecco una selezione di piatti tipici della cucina thai:

  • il Som Tum , insalata con papaya, arachidi e gamberetti. Si può mangiare anche con lo sticky rice , riso cotto al vapore usato come sostituto del pane;
  • il Padthai , piatto a base di noodle cucinato con un mix di verdure, carne o pesce;
  •  il Khao Pad , riso fritto, che si cucina friggendo il riso precotto al vapore insieme a verdure, carne o pesce;
  • il Tom Kah Ka i, piatto agro-dolce preparato con erbe, limone, funghi, pollo e latte di cocco;
  • il Tom Yum Kung , zuppa a base di gamberi dal sapore forte e salato che profuma di limone ed è preparata con erbe e frutti di mare.

Informazioni utili sul Portogallo

Le informazioni utili sul Portogallo iniziano dal clima,  influenzato dalle correnti marine oceaniche  che rendono miti le temperature sulla costa in inverno mentre le estati sono calde ma non afose. Nelle zone interne gli inverni sono più freddi (raramente le temperature scendono scendono sotto zero) e le estati sono molto calde.

Il  periodo ideale per visitare il Portogallo va da aprile ad ottobre, in particolar modo maggio-giugno e settembre-novembre sono i periodi più indicati perché le temperature sono piacevoli e non fa né troppo caldo né troppo freddo.

Il Portogallo è un’ora in anticipo rispetto all’Italia.

La moneta usata in Portogallo è l’ Euro .

Per contattare il Portogallo dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 00351 .

Per entrare nel Paese è necessario possedere il Passaporto o la carta d’identità valida per l’espatrio (entrambi in corso di validità).

Sullo schermo, prima di partire per un viaggio in Portogallo, consigliamo di vedere “ Lisbon Story “, dichiarazione d’amore alla città firmata Wim Wanders, “ Viaggio all’inizio del mondo “, di Manoel De Oliveira, e “ Capitani d’aprile “, che tratta della rivoluzione dei garofani del 1974.

In libreria consigliamo:

  • “ Lo sguardo di Od “, selezionato per l’Edward Stanford Travel Writing Award nel 2016;
  • “ Storia dell’assedio di Lisbona ” dell’indimenticabile  Jose Saramago ;
  • “ Il libro dell’inquietudin e” di Fernando Pessoa, il più grande poeta portoghese.

Le seguenti informazioni utili sul Portogallo vi torneranno utili per assaporare alcune prelibatezze tipiche:

  • i pastéis de nata , pasticcini di pasta sfoglia con crema;
  • il bacalhau  (baccalà) alla griglia o alla brace oppure provate il  bacalhau a brás (baccalà fritto con patate fritte, uova strapazzate, prezzemolo e olive nere);
  • la  caldeirada ,  zuppa di pesce  o  frutti di mare  preparata con pomodori, cipolle, peperoni e patate;
  • la ginjinha,  liquore prodotto tramite l’infusione delle amarene.

Informazioni utili sulla Giordania

La primavera (marzo-maggio) è un periodo meraviglioso per visitare il Paese , il clima è ideale e la campagna è punteggiata di fiori selvatici.

L’altro periodo più adatto a visitare la Giordania è l ‘autunno (settembre-novembre) viste le temperature più fresche dopo le calure estive (le acque del Mar Morto e del Mar Rosso sono davvero gradevoli).

L’ora in Giordania è +1 rispetto  all’Italia .

La moneta utilizzata nel Paese è il Dinaro giordano . Attualmente un euro equivale a circa 0,80 Dinari.

Per contattare la Giordania dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 00962.

Al momento dell’ingresso in Giordania si deve presentare il passaporto il quale deve avere una validità residua di almeno sei mesi al momento dell’ingresso nel Paese. Il visto (costo di 40 Dinari giordani) si può ottenere presso gli uffici diplomatico/consolari giordani presenti in Italia, direttamente all’aeroporto di arrivo (pagamento in valuta locale), presso le frontiere terrestri ad eccezione di quella di King Hussein Bridge/Allenby Bridge e all’arrivo in traghetto dall’Egitto.

Sono esenti dal pagamento del costo del visto i titolari del “Jordan Pass”.


Come informazioni utili sulla Giordania, è bene documentarsi su film e libri da guardare e leggere prima di partire.

In primo luogo non può mancare  “Lawrence d’Arabia”  di David Lean. Si possono scoprire i paesaggi del Wadi Rum, il castello di Azraq e Aqaba. E poi, molto amato, “ Indiana Jones e l’Ultima Crociata” , di Steven Spielberg nel quale Harrison Ford entra nel Khazneh durante la scena finale.

In libreria, per conoscere una cultura lontana dalla nostra, vale la pena leggere “ Due anni nel deserto del Ramm “, nel quale Flavia Tesio Romero, nata in Giordania dove ha vissuto per molti anni, si trova a stretto contatto con i beduini del deserto insieme al padre, un medico italiano.

Per gli amanti dei gialli, infine, segnaliamo che  Agatha Christie vi ha ambientato due romanzi:  “La Perla di gran prezzo” e “Appuntamento con la morte”.

  • il ful madamas , purea di fave con peperoncino e olio d’oliva servita con pane arabo non lievitato, formaggio fresco, panna acida e zatar (timo e erbe aromatiche);
  • il maqlubbeh , riso al vapore con cardamomo, uva sultanina e varie verdure;
  • il mensaf , piatto beduino con agnello, riso, pinoli e yogurt.

Informazioni utili sulla Norvegia

Il periodo migliore per visitare il Paese va da maggio a settembre .

La tarda primavera è un ottimo periodo per la lunghezza delle giornate e il poco numero di visitatori nei siti di interesse turistico e negli hotel.

Durante l’estate c’è il fenomeno del sole di mezzanotte , specialmente a nord del Circolo Polare Artico. A Capo Nord (Nordkapp) il sole non tramonta mai dal 13 maggio al 29 luglio.

Se siete appassionati di sport invernali o volete assistere all’ aurora boreale , allora il vostro periodo migliore è l’inverno polare!

La Norvegia ha lo stesso fuso orario dell’Italia , pertanto non c’è differenza. L’ora legale è come in Italia.

La moneta usata in Norvegia è la Corona norvegese . Attualmente un euro equivale a circa 9,50 corone .

Per contattare l’Islanda dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 0047 .

La Norvegia non fa parte dell’UE ma dal 2001 è inclusa nei Paesi dell’area Schengen. Sono accettati il passaporto o la carta d’identità valida per l’espatrio (validità per tutto il periodo di permanenza nel Paese).

Delle produzioni cinematografiche norvegesi vale la pena citare “ Nord “, road movie tra le nevi della Norvegia e “ Kon-Tiki “, che ricalca la storia dell’esploratore norvegese Thor Heyerdahl nella spedizione nel 1947 attraverso l’Oceano Pacifico.

In libreria, consigliamo:

  • “ Il libro del mare ” di Morten A. Strøksnes. edito da Iperborea;
  • “ Fame “, del premio Nobel  Knut Hamsun :
  • “ Il mondo di Sofia “,  romanzo filosofico adatto a tutti.
  • l’ Aquavit , il distillato nazionale a base di patate e cumino è un assaggio imperdibile della cultura norvegese;
  • la renna arrosto , ovviamente non per i vegetariani, è un piatto da non perdere;
  • il salmone , una delle peculiarità gastronomiche del Nord;

Se volete cimentarvi in qualcosa di veramente diverso dalla nostra cucina, provate la lingua di merluzzo o la bistecca di balena !

Informazioni utili sulla Turchia

Il periodo migliore per visitare il Paese è quello primaverile (da aprile a giugno) e quello autunnale (da settembre a novembre).

Per le zone orientali della Turchia, invece, sono più indicati i mesi estivi , durante l’inverno alcune strade potrebbero essere bloccate dalla neve.

L’ora in Turchia è +1 rispetto  all’Italia in estate e +2 in inverno .

La moneta utilizzata in Turchia è la  Lira turca . Attualmente un euro equivale a circa 6,50 Lire.

Per contattare la Turchia dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 0090.

L’ingresso in Turchia per motivi turistici, senza visto, è consentito per un periodo massimo di 90 giorni.

Si può entrare nel Paese con solo la carta d’identità valida per l’espatrio, perfettamente integra e con una validità minima di 5 mesi.

Tra i film, non può mancare “ Il Bagno Turco – Hamam ” di Ferzan Özpetek, del 1997, dove un giovane italiano cambia vita a Istanbul, e “ Fango “, dove quattro amici turchi cercano di riappacificarsi con il passato nella Cipro divisa.

In libreria, per conoscere una cultura particolare come quella turca, vale la pena leggere “ Istanbul “, dove il premio Nobel Orhan Pamuk esamina il rapporto della famiglia con la città.

  • il meze , vera esperienza gastronomica, comprende una selezione di antipasti generalmente a base di verdure ma potrebbero contenere anche del pesce;
  • il kebap (carne grigliata) e le köfte (polpette), piatti nazionali dalle innumerevoli sfumature regionali;
  • l’ ayran , una bevanda preparata con yogurt, acqua e sale che accompagna i kebap;
  • il tè , o  çay in lingua turca, che va gustato con zollette di zucchero che sono utili a contrastare una lunga infusione.

Informazioni utili sul Vietnam

Ci sono diverse zone e le relative condizioni climatiche cambiano in base alla posizione geografica Non è facile individuare un periodo ideale per visitare il Paese ma generalmente  la scelta migliore è quella di partire in una stagione intermedia, da fine ottobre ad aprile , quando le precipitazioni sono ridotte, l’umidità non è oppressiva e le temperature sono abbastanza gradevoli in tutto il Paese.

+6 ore rispetto all’Italia (+5 ore quando in Italia vige l’ora legale)

La moneta usata nel Paese è il Dong Vietnamita . Attualmente un euro equivale a circa 27.078 Dong. La monetA non è convertibile al di fuori del Paese.

Per contattare il Vietnam dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 0084-24 per Hanoi e 0084-28 per Ho Chi Minh City.

Necessario passaporto con validità residua di almeno sei mesi dalla data d’ingresso nel Paese. Il visto non è necessario per soggiorni fino a 15 giorni e ingresso singolo.

Per ammirare il Vietnam sul grande schermo consigliamo di vedere Apocalypse Now , il capolavoro di Francis Ford Coppola del 1979, e  Platoon , di Olver Stone.

In biblioteca, invece, consigliamo “ Un americano tranquillo ”, ambientato durante il crollo dell’impero coloniale francese.

Ecco infine alcuni piatti da non perdere:

  • il Bun cha , popolare cibo di strada fatto da fettine o polpette di maiale servite con noodles di riso, erbe aromatiche e verdure fresche, tutto accompagnato dalla salsa di pesce ( nuoc mam );
  • il Pho bo , delizia del nord del Paese, è composto da una zuppa di noodles e manzo;
  • il Banh xeo , una crèpe di farina di riso farcita di maiale, gamberetti, fagioli e germogli di soia.

Informazioni utili sull’Irlanda

Il periodo migliore per un viaggio in Irlanda va  da giugno a metà settembre , è il periodo più adatto (alta stagione) per visitare il Paese visto il clima molto gradevole.

Il tempo è per lo più bello anche nei periodi di Pasqua , fino a maggio (con un alternanza di sole e piogge) e da metà settembre a fine ottobre . In questo periodo, rispetto all’alta stagione, le tariffe diminuiscono e si trovano molti meno turisti in giro per il Paese.

Una delle informazioni utili sull’Irlanda più importante è la differenza oraria: il Paese si trova sul meridiano di Greenwich ed è quindi un’ora indietro rispetto all’Italia . Da marzo a fine ottobre vige l’ora legale.

La moneta ufficiale dell’Irlanda è l’ Euro .

Per chiamare dall’Italia in Irlanda, digitare il prefisso internazionale 00353 seguito dal prefisso nazionale senza lo 0 iniziale e dal numero dell’abbonato.

Per l’ingresso nel Paese sono necessari il passaporto oppure la  carta d’identità valida per l’espatrio . Ricordiamo che si deve viaggiare con uno dei due documenti in corso di validità.

Sul grande schermo è interessante il film “ Il vento che accarezza l’erba ” di Ken Loach, che narra di due fratelli della County Cork divisi dalla guerra civile, e “ Michael Collins “ ,  storia di uno dei fautori dell’indipendenza irlandese.

In libreria, oltre alle numerose guide sull’Irlanda, segnaliamo “Gente di Dublino” dove sono raccolte storie di vita quotidiana e “ Paddy Clarke ha ha ha “, storia e avventure di un bambino di 10 anni.

Il pasto tipico irlandese prevede la carne ma anche il pesce ormai è sempre più spesso presente a tavola, soprattutto nelle regioni occidentali. Tra le specialità più gustose segnaliamo i piatti a base di patate come il colcannon e il champ .

Uno dei prodotti più tipici del Paese è il pane, il Soda Bread , con la presenza di bicarbonato di sodio in quanto la farina irlandese è troppo soffice perché si possa usare il lievito.

La Guinness è forse la birra di malto più famosa di tutto il mondo, ma esistono altri stabilimenti di stout a Cork: Murphy’s e Beamish & Crawford!

Informazioni utili su Israele

I periodi migliori per un viaggio qui, con temperature miti, sono la primavera (aprile/maggio) e l’autunno (settembre/ottobre) . L’inverno può essere freddo e mentre nel sud di Israele può fare molto caldo nei mesi estivi. Prestare particolare attenzione ai viaggi durante le principali festività ebraiche (molti pellegrini presenti, prezzi alti e spostamenti difficoltosi).

L’ora in Israele è +1 rispetto  all’Italia.

La moneta utilizzata in Israele è lo Shekel . Attualmente un euro equivale a circa 4,10 Shekel.

Per contattare Israele dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 00972 .

Per l’ingresso in Israele è necessario il passaporto con validità di almeno sei mesi dalla data di ingresso. Il visto non è richiesto per i turisti che rimangono nel Paese per massimo 90 giorni.

Tra i film, da vedere “ Il figlio dell’Altra “, del 2012, nel quale Joseph scopre di non essere il figlio biologico dei suoi genitori, poiché appena nato è stato scambiato per errore con Yacine, palestinese dei territori occupati della Cisgiordania.

In libreria, “ Una via di pace. In viaggio tra Israele e Palestina “, tappa dopo tappa, ci porta a scoprire i paesaggi, i cibi, i profumi, la storia antica e recente, i volti e le abitudini di una terra difficile ma bellissima.

  • felafel , ottimo mix di ceci e/o fave e spezie che si può trovare a ogni angolo di strada a prezzi economici;
  • hummus , salsa a base di pasta di ceci tritati con Tehina (salsa a base di sesamo), limone, olio d’oliva, sale e aglio;
  • shwarma , cibo di strada popolare in Israele composto da fettine di carne di tacchino, pollo o agnello (simile al kebab turco);
  • jachnun , piatto tradizionale yemenita servito solitamente durante lo Shabbat (Pasta arrotolata con margarina, che viene cotta durante la notte per circa 10-12 ore);
  • shakshouka , miscuglio di pomodori, cipolle, aglio e spezie (una salsa) servito con un uovo in camicia.

Informazioni utili sulla Colombia

La stagione secca va da dicembre a marzo ed è la migliore per organizzare un viaggio nel Paese . Per il resto bisogna sapersi adattare ai cambiamenti tra le varie regioni: clima tropicale e umido in Amazzonia, freddo sulle montagne, semi-desertico nella regione a nord ovest del Paese confinante con il Venezuela.

L’orario in Colombia è -6 rispetto  all’Italia, -7 quando in Italia vige l’ora legale .

La moneta utilizzata in Colombia è il  Peso Colombiano . Attualmente un euro equivale a circa 3.5 Pesos.

Per contattare la Turchia dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 0057.

L’ingresso in Colombia per motivi turistici è necessario il passaporto con data di scadenza non inferiore ai tre mesi dalla data di entrata nel Paese. Necessario il biglietto aereo di ritorno (viene richiesto dalle compagnie aeree al momento della partenza dall’Italia).

Come informazioni utili sulla Colombia, è bene documentarsi su film e libri da guardare e leggere prima di partire.

Tra i film, “ Apaporis “, film-documentario del 2010 sulla vita nella regione amazonica, e “ All’inseguimento della pietra verde “, film avventura con Michael Douglas.

In libreria, per conoscere la cultura colombiana non passa inosservato “ Cent’anni di solitudine “, capolavoro di Gabriel Garcìa Màrquez.

Altre informazioni utili sulla Colombia riguardano il cibo, da provare:

  • la “ bandeja paisa ”, originaria di Medellín: riso, fagioli, salsicce, manzo, uova, pancetta, banana, avocado fresco e ispa;
  • la “ lechona ”, carne di maiale e manzo con riso;
  • il “ sancocho ” e l’“ ajiaco ”, zuppe tradizionali con brodo con patate, verdure e spezie (anche con la variante di pesce);
  • il caffè , la bevanda più consumata! Gli ambulanti che trovate per strada potranno offrirvi un bicchiere di tinto (caffè nero), di pintado (macchiato) o con leche (caffellatte).

Informazioni utili sugli Emirati Arabi

Il clima di Dubai è subtropicale desertico, con inverni miti ed estati molto calde (con un alto tasso di umidità). Il periodo migliore per visitare Dubai e gli Emirati va da dicembre ad aprile, quando il caldo lascia spazio a temperature miti . I mesi migliori per godere del sole e del mare, invece, vanno invece da maggio a novembre, quando fa caldo e anche l’acqua del mare permette piacevoli e lunghi bagni.

L’ora a Dubai e negli Emirati è +3 rispetto all’Italia e +2 quando in Italia vige l’ora legale.

La moneta utilizzata negli Emirati Arabi è il  Dirham . Attualmente un euro equivale a circa 4,15 Dirham.

Per contattare la Turchia dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 00971.

Per l’ingresso negli Emirati è necessario il passaporto con validità residua di almeno sei mesi al momento dell’ingresso nel Paese.

Vige l’esenzione dal visto EAU per corto soggiorno (sino a 90 giorni ogni 180) a favore dei cittadini UE.

Tra i film che mostrano alcuni luoghi degli Emirati troviamo “ Mission: Impossible – Protocollo Fantasma” , con Tom Cruise, e “ Star Wars ” (il deserto del film è il Rub’ al-Khali, il Quarto Vuoto)

In libreria, oltre alle guide turistiche, potrebbe suscitare interesse “ La costruzione del Medio Oriente ” di Bernard Lewis, il quale tratta in maniera approfondita l’evoluzione storica di questa parte di mondo, e il più veloce “ I love Dubai “ , di Federica Marchese, dove si raccontano i mille contrasti della città di Dubai.

  • Balalit : vermicelli con sciroppo di zucchero, acqua di rose, zafferano e cipolle saltate servito solitamente per la colazione;
  • Haris , spesso definito “piatto nazionale” e simile alla polenta (frumento macinato cotto con l’agnello);
  • Makbus , riso con carne e spezie (o con pesce) condito con noci, uvetta e cipolle fritte;
  • Madruba , pesce sotto sale (o pollo) cotto con farina di frumento fino a ridurlo in crema.

Informazioni utili sul Giappone


Il periodo migliore per un viaggio in Giappone è durante l’inizio della primavera o nel tardo autunno (precipitazioni non abbondanti e temperature più accettabili rispetto a quelle rigide invernali o quelle calde e umide estive).

La primavera e l’autunno sono periodi interessanti anche per due “fenomeni” naturali: l’ hanami (fioritura dei ciliegi in primavera) e il foliage  (in autunno).

In Giappone ci sono 8 ore in più rispetto all’Italia, 7 quando in Italia vige l’ora legale.

La moneta utilizzata in Giappone è lo  Yen . Attualmente un euro equivale a circa 125,15 Yen.

Per contattare il Giappone dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 0081 + il prefisso della città senza lo zero .

Per l’ingresso in Giappone è necessario il passaporto in corso di validità e il biglietto aereo di ritorno.

Visto non obbligatorio per soggiorni di turismo inferiori a 90 giorni.

Come informazioni utili sul Giappone, è bene documentarsi su film e libri da guardare e leggere prima di partire.

Tra i film, non può mancare “ Memorie di una geisha “, con scenografie e costumi che rappresentano realmente quello che si può incontrare nel Paese, e l’animazione di pellicole come “ La città incantata ” del genio di Miyazaki e “ Your Name ” di Makoto Shinkai.

In libreria, per conoscere una cultura particolare come quella giapponese, vale la pena leggere “ Autostop con Buddha “, un viaggio in autostop seguendo il flusso, da sud verso nord, della fioritura del ciliegi. Per una guida approfondita c’è anche “ Tokyo insolita e segreta ” di Pierre Mustière.

Altre informazioni utili sul Giappone riguardano il cibo, da provare:

  • sushi (polpettine di riso con pesce, molluschi o verdure preparati in molti modi) e sashimi (pesce crudo senza riso);
  • okonomiyaki , una specie di frittata dove si può aggiungere di tutto;
  • ramen , un tipico piatto giapponese (di origine cinese) a base di tagliatelle di frumento servite con brodo di carne e/o pesce;
  • tempura , una frittura solitamente preparata con gamberi e verdure (come zucchine e zucca) immersi in una pastella e poi fritti.

Informazioni utili sul Myanmar

Il periodo migliore per visitare il Paese va da novembre a febbraio, quando le precipitazioni sono ridotte e il caldo è non è impegnativo .

In Myanmar ci sono 5 ore e mezza in più rispetto all’Italia; 4 e mezza quando in Italia vige l’ora legale.

La moneta utilizzata in Myanmar è il Kyat . Attualmente un euro equivale a circa 1.706,80 Kyat.

Per contattare il Myanmar dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 0095.

Necessario il passaporto con validità residua di almeno 6 mesi dal momento dell’entrata in Myanmar. Necessario anche il visto, da richiedere all’Ambasciata della Repubblica dell’Unione del Myanmar a Roma.

Come informazioni utili sul Myanmar, è bene documentarsi su film e libri da guardare e leggere prima di partire.

Tra i film ci sono  “The Lady” , di Luc Besson, che racconta la vita della leader Aung San Suu Kyi, e “ Oltre Rangoon “, un affresco epico tratto da una storia vera.

In libreria, per conoscere la cultura birmana, si possono leggere “ Giorni in Birmania ” di George Orwell ,  e “ La Valle dei Rubini ” di Joseph Kessel, un’avventura da leggere fino alla fine!

La cucina birmana è influenzata molto dalle cucine indiana, cinese e thailandese : l’ingrediente principale è il riso, anche se noodles e pane si trovano ovunque!

La cucina birmana utilizza inoltre gamberi, pesce, maiale, curry, masala e i peperoncini rossi. Il Mohinga , considerato piatto nazionale, è un brodo di pesce gatto al curry con farina di ceci, vermicelli di riso e salsa di pesce.

Informazioni utili sull’Oman

Da metà di ottobre a metà marzo è il periodo migliore per visitare il sultanato , mentre nel sud, da giugno a settembre, c’è la stagione dei monsoni.

Per recarsi nel paese, non a livello climatico, si deve tenere presente inoltre il periodo del Ramadan e il compleanno del Profeta.

In Oman ci sono 3 ore in più rispetto all’Italia; 2 quando in Italia è in vigore l’ora legale.

La moneta utilizzata in Oman è il  Rial omanita . Attualmente un euro equivale a circa 0,43 Rial.

Per contattare la Turchia dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 00968.

Per l’ingresso in Oman è necessario il passaporto con validità residua di almeno sei mesi al momento dell’arrivo nel Paese.

Dal 21 marzo 2018 è obbligatorio effettuare la richiesta di visto prima dell’ingresso nel Paese tramite il sito: https://evisa.rop.gov.om/en/home

  • datteri , alimento base della cucina omanita;
  • shawerma , versione omanita del kebab turco, è costituito da carne di pollo o manzo arrostita alla spiedo e avvolta nel pane (o semplicemente distesa su di esso);
  • kahwa , il caffè omanita è molto forte, leggermente amaro e aromatizzato;
  • halwa , il classico dolce della cucina locale preparato con semola, zucchero, acqua di rose, burro indiano, il tutto aromatizzato con cardamomo e mandorle.

Informazioni utili sulla Germania

Il clima tedesco è variabile e quindi in qualunque periodo dell’anno il consiglio è quello di essere equipaggiati per qualsiasi condizione atmosferica. Generalmente, però, il periodo migliore per visitare il paese è quello compreso tra maggio e ottobre  (alta stagione turistica).

Tuttavia, nelle stagioni intermedie (inizio primavera e tardo autunno) ci sono meno turisti e il tempo può essere piacevole!

In Germania non c’è differenza oraria con l’Italia.

La moneta utilizzata in Germania è l’Euro.

Per contattare la Germania dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 0049.

Per l’ingresso in Germania sono sufficienti passaporto o carta d’identità in corso di validità.

Come informazioni utili sulla Germania, è bene documentarsi su film e libri da guardare e leggere prima di partire.

Tra i film, non può mancare “ Goodbye Lenin “, una delle pellicole più amate del cinema tedesco, e “ Le vite degli altri “, che racconta la tensione nella Berlino della DDR.

In libreria, per conoscere la cultura tedesca citiamo “ Piccolo viaggio nell’anima tedesca “, un invito a capire gli altri per capire se stessi fuori dai luoghi comuni, e “ Il cielo diviso ” di Christa Wolf, uno spaccato di storia recente sul muro di Berlino.

Altre informazioni utili sulla Germania riguardano il cibo, da provare:

  • gli spätzle , un tipo di pasta all’uovo tipico nella Germania del sud;
  • il leberkäse , un salume tipico della zona bavarese;
  • il pane nero , ottenuto con farina di segale, farro integrale e farina bianca;
  • la bienenstich , torta composta da un impasto soffice, crema e caramello alle mandorle.

Informazioni utili sull’India

Il clima in India è così diversificato da regione a regione che è impossibile scegliere un periodo migliore di altri per il viaggio. Generalmente e in buona parte del paese i mesi più adatti sono quelli che vanno da ottobre a marzo .

Nell’estremo sud (causa monsoni) il periodo tendenzialmente migliore va da gennaio a settembre; per il Sikkim e per l’India nordorientale marzo-agosto è il periodo migliore; nel Kashmir e nelle regioni montagnose dell’Himachal Pradesh è meglio recarsi tra maggio e settembre; i deserti del Rajasthan e la regione himalayana nordoccidentale sono meglio percorribili nella stagione dei monsoni.

In India l’ora è avanti di 4,30 ore rispetto all’Italia (3,30 quando in Italia vige l’ora legale).

La moneta utilizzata in India è la  Rupia . Attualmente un euro equivale a circa 78,2 Rupie.

Per contattare l’India dall’Italia è necessario anteporre al numero di telefono il prefisso 0091.

Per l’ingresso in India è necessario il passaporto con validità residua di almeno sei mesi al momento dell’arrivo.

Necessario il visto per soggiorni di breve periodo (massimo 60 giorni) per turismo, affari e cure mediche. I viaggiatori possono avvalersi dell’eVisa.

Come informazioni utili sull’India è bene documentarsi su film e libri da guardare e leggere prima di partire.

Tra i film, non può mancare “ Gandhi ” un classico del 1982 sul personaggio più emblematico dell’India (di Richard Attenborough).

In libreria “ La tigre bianca “, un romanzo premiato sulle lotte di classe nell’India globalizzata, del 2008, e “ I figli della mezzanotte ” del 1981, sul tema dell’indipendenza.

Altre informazioni utili sull’India riguardano il cibo. Il numero di vegetariani che si conta in India è superiore quello del resto del mondo; nonostante questo, la cucina indiana offre un’ampia scelta di piatti a base di carne, pollo, agnello e montone . La religione proibisce infatti agli Indù di mangiare carne bovina e ai musulmani quella suina.

Gli alimenti della cucina indiana variano molto dal nord al sud del paese ma vi è un piatto che mette tutti d’accordo: il dalh, un curry denso di lenticchie o altri legumi (fino a 60 diversi legumi).

Il riso è l’alimento fondamentale in tutta l’India, soprattutto al sud, che viene servito caldo praticamente con ogni piatto in umido.

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Abo Loha Yasmin

Abo Loha Yasmin ‎Progettista, Ricercatrice Sociale, Formatrice, CTP - ‎ECPAT-Italia Onlus

Alicino Franco

Alicino Franco Direttore Tecnico Agenzia Viaggi

Andrea Succi

Andrea Succi Destination Temporary Manager

Arini Daniela

Arini Daniela Business Travel Manager & Galileo Expert

Badriotto Silvia

Badriotto Silvia Social Media Specialist

Biavati Micol

Biavati Micol Sales & Events Executive Four Points by Sheraton

Bolchini Manuela

Bolchini Manuela Co-Founder EquoTube, founder I Viaggi del Sogno, membro del direttivo AITR

Bradascio Isabella

Bradascio Isabella Giornalista, fotografa e esperta di comunicazione

Briguglio Tiziana

Briguglio Tiziana Giornalista e organizzatrice eventi nel settore food & wine

Bruno Daniele

Bruno Daniele Consulente turistico

Bruschi Luca

Bruschi Luca Director European Association Via Francigena Ways

Bruttomesso Elisa

Bruttomesso Elisa Phd Geografia e Antropologia del turismo, programmazione e vendita Viaggi e Miraggi

Camerlenghi Filippo

Camerlenghi Filippo ProteusLab - Esperto turismo sostenibile/ambientale

Cappellotto Gianni

Cappellotto Gianni Docente in AITR e project manager di viaggi responsabili in Brasile, Bolivia e Perù

Caputo Luca

Caputo Luca Tourism Consultant

Casatriste Maurizio

Casatriste Maurizio Esperto in Travel Design e Programmazione Turistica Idee per Viaggiare

Cellerino Riccardo

Cellerino Riccardo Sales and marketing manager

Ceschin Federico Massimo

Ceschin Federico Massimo Presidente di Simtur - Società Italiana professionisti mobilità e turismo sostenibile

Ciaccia Valerio

Ciaccia Valerio Public Relations DMO Castelli Romani

Consoli Alessio

Consoli Alessio PhD in Geografia, project coordinator, docente di Geografia del Turismo

Cossi Silvio

Cossi Silvio Direttore creativo S.D.C.service srl

Daniela Cavallo

Daniela Cavallo Architetto, Territory Coach, Project Leader divisione Marketing Territoriale PG&W, Docente di Place & Destination marketing Università di Verona

Dati Roberto

Dati Roberto Membro del Direttivo A.I.T.R. - Associazione Italiana Turismo Responsabile

Davolio Maurizio

Davolio Maurizio Presidente di AITR - Associazione Italiana del Turismo Responsabile

De Witt Massimiliano

De Witt Massimiliano Front Office Manager

Degl'Innocenti Mario

Degl'Innocenti Mario Marketing Executive Ente del Turismo Thailandese

Di Carlo Alessio

Di Carlo Alessio Consulente e collaboratore di aziende multinazionali in Italia e all’estero nell’elaborazione, gestione, monitoraggio e valutazione di progetti di sviluppo e, in particolare, di cooperazione internazionale.

Di Cuffa Debora

Di Cuffa Debora Coach e consulente

Di Marco Maurizio

Di Marco Maurizio Direttore Accademia Creativa Turismo - Esperto in consulenza turistica e Travel Design

Dionisio Spinelli

Dionisio Spinelli Head of Digital Marketing

Dittadi Elena

Dittadi Elena Reservation Manager and Sales at Marriott+ Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc

Fadini Sergio

Fadini Sergio Docente di turismo responsabile in AITR, fondatore del progetto di turismo responsabile ilvagabondo.org

Falcone Claudio

Falcone Claudio Esperto Food&Beverage Management

Ferrara Gaia

Ferrara Gaia Coordinatrice nazionale piano formativo "Movability" di Simtur, coordinatrice di progetto "Bike & Walk, ready, go!" - slow travel management, consulente di progettazione di itinerari per la mobilità dolce

Ferrari Elisa

Ferrari Elisa Sviluppo e formazione Rete Vendita Euphemia Personal Voyager di Lab Travel

Fierro Maddalena

Fierro Maddalena Product Manager

Fiori Gabriele

Fiori Gabriele Direttore di Univers Formazione

Garibaldi Roberta

Garibaldi Roberta Curatrice del Rapporto sul Turismo Enogastronomico Italiano

Giacomelli Deslex Pierre

Giacomelli Deslex Pierre Chairman presso Cube travels culture and leisure

Giacomo Iachia

Giacomo Iachia product manager Kel 12

Giorgi Andrea

Giorgi Andrea Direttore Tecnico, Accompagnatore Turistico, Guida AIGAE e Responsabile Programmazione e Commerciale del tour operator Four Seasons Natura e Cultura

Giovanni Antonio Sanna

Giovanni Antonio Sanna Esperto Operatore per il Turismo Esperienziale Coord. Simtur Sardegna

Giromini Elisabetta

Giromini Elisabetta Innovation & EU Project Manager

Greppi Margherita

Greppi Margherita COO and Partner Pemcards

Guzzardi Mattia

Guzzardi Mattia Responsabile commerciale di Withinn

Ippolito Sabrina

Ippolito Sabrina Imprenditrice presso Velatour

Laura Annagrazia

Laura Annagrazia Responsabile relazioni Int.li e progetti europei Consorzio Sociale COIN - ‎Consorzio Sociale COIN

Leo Marisa

Leo Marisa Wine export manager Cantine Colomba Bianca – Aderente Associazione Donne del vino

Letizia Sinisi

Letizia Sinisi Founder and Designer, Return Travel and Italian Experience ItalyRooting Consulting

Ludovico Scortichini

Ludovico Scortichini Presidente Go World Tour Operator

Marzolini Francesca

Marzolini Francesca Antropologa

Matteo Fagioli

Matteo Fagioli co-amministratore World Face e Tour Leader

Meisina Daniela

Meisina Daniela Guida Ambientale Escursionistica (Socia AIGAE LO260) Associazione Naturalistica Codibugnolo

Miozzo Valentina

Miozzo Valentina Guida ambientale e blogger turismo sostenibile

Miozzo Valentina

Miozzo Valentina Consulente turismo sostenibile - Travel blogger - Social Media Specialist - Web Marketing etico

Mirabile Sabrina

Mirabile Sabrina Consulente nelle aree del Marketing e della Comunicazione

Morbidoni Paolo

Morbidoni Paolo Presidente della Federazione delle Strade dell'Olio, del Vino e dei Sapori d'Italia

Nardo Mario

Nardo Mario Sviluppo territorio Sharryland, il portale delle meraviglie

Nardone Giovanni

Nardone Giovanni Programmatore turistico e coordinatore didattico ACT

Neri Alessio

Neri Alessio CEO - Marketing Manager Fare Digital Media srls

Orazi Mauro

Orazi Mauro Socio dirigente Four Seasons Natura e Cultura e Guida ambientale escursionistica

Oreggia Marco

Oreggia Marco Critico enogastronomico, editore e curatore della Guida Flos Olei, l’Atlante dell’olio extravergine di oliva

Paglino Francesco

Paglino Francesco Esperto in progettazione sulle tematiche del turismo e ambiente

Palombo Francesca

Palombo Francesca AITR - Associazione Italiana Turismo Responsabile

Panella Vincenzo

Panella Vincenzo General Manager Rome Midas Hotel Conference

Pasqua Fabio

Pasqua Fabio Training consultant Travelport

Patuzzo Paolo

Patuzzo Paolo Tour leader, programmazione e vendita Viaggi e Miraggi

Perticaroli Roberto

Perticaroli Roberto Esperto di turismo sostenibile e guida turistica Slow Travel Turismo sostenibile nel Lazio

Pesenti Andrea

Pesenti Andrea Founder and manager at SeaNet Travel Network

Petrosillo Stefania

Petrosillo Stefania Policy Officer Europarc Federation

Pizzuto Sandra

Pizzuto Sandra Consulente in campo congressuale

Pruiti Luigi

Pruiti Luigi Communication Strategist

Puddu Julga

Puddu Julga Hospitality Training Specialist and Opera PMS Consultant

Renzi Alberto

Renzi Alberto Esperto di marketing territoriale per il turismo sostenibile. Destination manager del Biodistretto Via Amerina. Costruttore del Cammino nelle Terre Mutate e di distretti di turismo lento e responsabile. Expert partner di AEVF

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Ricci Marina Communication specialist e project leader grandi eventi

Rivelli Elisabetta

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Sarcina Paola ‎Project Manager & Artistic Director at Cerealia Festival - ‎Cerealia Festival

Schiavone Francesca

Schiavone Francesca Progettazione europea e Project Cycle Management

Serrau Gabriele

Serrau Gabriele Presidente e Fondatore di Peruresponsabile.it

Solinas Micaela

Solinas Micaela Esperta in progettazione sulle tematiche del turismo e ambiente

Somoza Alfredo

Somoza Alfredo Presidente ICEI - Istituto Cooperazione Economica Internazionale

Spinetti Stefano

Spinetti Stefano Presidente, Fondatore, Direttore tecnico Four Seasons

Tagliabue Antonella

Tagliabue Antonella Consulente manageriale

Turriziani Colonna Giorgio

Turriziani Colonna Giorgio ‎Head of Tours by Destination Italia

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Valentina Miozzo Guida ambientale e blogger turismo sostenibile

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Venezia Paolo Presidente di Slow Food Roma

Vessichelli Gaetano

Vessichelli Gaetano Coordinatore progetto Piccole Patrie per ACT Travel

Virgilio Daniela

Virgilio Daniela Daniela Virgilio - CEO Tour operator Stile Divino Italy

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Virgilio Gay Esperto di marketing territoriale

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Arctic Travel Designer

Hi there! This is Emanuela Grieco, I am Italian and I am a traveller, just like you! My love for the Nordic and Arctic world started long ago with a Degree in Scandinavian Languages and Cultures taken at the university in Rome back in 2005. Since then, I have lived in Norway, Denmark, Iceland and Greenland and traveled widely all around the Northern countries for the past 14 years, gaining a deep knowledge and experience of these amazing countries, their culture and people, their geography, their history and their tourism field. In 2016, after I lived an unforgettable summer in Kulusuk, East Greenland, I decided to make my love for the Arctic becoming my job and I came back to Italy to certify as a Travel Designer at ACT (Accademia Creativa Turismo) in Rome. So here I am, today, to offer you all my knowledge, love and experience of the Great North in order for you to live the Arctic the way I live it, by getting to know the locals, their traditions and life styles, their food and music, their humanity, and next to it by exploring the fascinating sceneries of such a still unknown part of the world. “ No travel is the same “, so here I am to help you creating a tailor made, experiential travel journey through the arctic world that will hopefully become your unforgettable life adventure.

Let’s start making your Arctic dream becoming true together!

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Visa Waiver Program

Travel Without a Visa

Citizens of Canada and Bermuda

The Visa Waiver Program  (VWP) enables most citizens or nationals of participating countries *  to travel to the United States for tourism or business for stays of 90 days or less without obtaining a visa. Travelers must have a valid  Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA)  approval prior to travel and meet all requirements explained below. If you prefer to have a visa in your passport, you may still apply for a visitor (B) visa.

Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015

Under the Visa Waiver Program Improvement and Terrorist Travel Prevention Act of 2015, travelers in the following categories must obtain a visa prior to traveling to the United States as they are no longer eligible to travel under the Visa Waiver Program (VWP):

  • Nationals of VWP countries who have traveled to or been present in Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, or Yemen on or after March 1, 2011 (with limited exceptions for travel for diplomatic or military purposes in the service of a VWP country).
  • Nationals of VWP countries who have traveled to or been present in Cuba on or after January 12, 2021 (with limited exceptions for travel for diplomatic or military purposes in the service of a VWP country).
  • Nationals of VWP countries who are also nationals of Cuba, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria.

Requirements for Using the Visa Waiver Program (VWP)

You must meet  all  the following requirements to travel to the United States on the VWP:

Travel Purpose Must be Permitted on a Visitor (B) Visa

The following are examples of activities permitted while in the United States on the VWP. In addition, transiting through the United States to other countries is generally permitted for VWP travelers.

  • consult with business associates
  • attend a scientific, educational, professional, or business convention or conference
  • attend short-term training (you may not be paid by any source in the United States with the exception of expenses incidental to your stay)
  • negotiate a contract

Learn more about  Business Travel to the United States  (PDF - 362 KB).

  • vacation (holiday)
  • visit with friends or relatives
  • medical treatment
  • participation in social events hosted by fraternal, social, or service organizations
  • participation by amateurs in musical, sports, or similar events or contests, if not being paid for participating
  • enrollment in a short recreational course of study, not for credit toward a degree (for example, a two-day cooking class while on vacation)

Learn more about  Visitor Visas - Business and Pleasure  (PDF - 510 KB).

Travel Purposes Not Permitted on Visa Waiver Program – Examples:

  • study, for credit
  • work as foreign press, radio, film, journalists, or other information media
  • permanent residence in the United States

Must Be a Citizen or National of a VWP Designated Country *

You must be a citizen or national of the following countries *  to be eligible to travel to the United States under the VWP.

  • Czech Republic
  • Liechtenstein
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • South Korea
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom**

**To be eligible to travel under the VWP, British citizens must have the unrestricted right of permanent abode in England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man.

Each Traveler Must Have a Valid ESTA

In order to travel without a visa on the VWP, you must have valid Electronic System for Travel Authorization (ESTA) approval prior to boarding a U.S. bound air or sea carrier. ESTA is a web-based system operated by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to determine eligibility to travel to the United States for tourism or business under the VWP. Visit the  ESTA webpage  on the CBP website for more information.

Updating Your ESTA

In most cases, your ESTA will be valid for two years.  You also must obtain a new ESTA if you: (1) receive a new passport, including an emergency or temporary passport; (2) change your name; (3) change your gender; (4) change your country of citizenship; or (5) need to change your responses to any of the “yes” or “no” questions on the ESTA application.

These individuals can apply for visas using regular appointment processes at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate. Consular sections overseas may be able to expedite your interview date if there is an urgent, unforseen situation such as a funeral, medical emergency, or school start date. For more information, please visit the website of the Embassy or Consulate Visa Section where you will interview.

If an individual who is exempt from the Act because of his or her diplomatic or military presence in one of the seven countries is denied ESTA, he or she may go to the  CBP website , or contact the  CBP information Center . The traveler may also apply for a nonimmigrant visa at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection strongly recommends that any traveler to the United States check his or her  ESTA status  prior to making any travel reservations or travelling to the United States. More information is available on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) website . 

Have the Correct Type of Passport

You must have a passport that is valid for at least 6 months after your planned departure from the United States (unless exempted by  country-specific agreements ). For families, each member of your family, including infants and children, must have a passport. 

Sample Passport Image

In addition, you must have an e-passport to use the VWP. An e-passport is an enhanced secure passport with an embedded electronic chip. The chip can be scanned to match the identity of the traveler to the passport. E-Passports must be in compliance with standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). You can readily identify an e-passport, by a symbol on the cover. See the example below. More information about e-passports is available on the DHS website .

Passport with e-symbol

Emergency and Temporary Passports

If you use an   emergency or temporary passport to enter the United States on the VWP, the passport must be an e-passport. This includes VWP travelers who are transiting the United States. 

More information on frequently asked questions about VWP can be found at the following websites:

  • DHS Visa Waiver Program Requirements
  • CBP Visa Waiver Program

May I apply for a visa instead of using the VWP?

Yes, you may apply for a visitor (B) visa if you prefer to do so or if you are not eligible for VWP travel. Additionally, you need to apply for a visa if you will be traveling on a private aircraft or other non-VWP approved air or sea carrier. Review the  approved carriers list . Also, if you intend to stay longer than 90 days, then you need to apply for a visa. 

I was denied a visa under section 214(b). May I use the VWP?

A recent visa refusal for any reason could result in denial of ESTA authorization, additional review at the port of entry, or denial of admission to the United States. If you are uncertain if you qualify for VWP travel, you may apply for a visa.

Trips to Canada, Mexico, or nearby islands

If you are admitted to the United States under the VWP, you may take a short trip to Canada, Mexico, or a nearby island and generally be readmitted to the United States under the VWP for the remainder of the original 90 days granted upon your initial arrival in the United States. Therefore, the length of time of your total stay, including the short trip, must be 90 days or less. See the  CBP website . Citizens of VWP countries *  who reside in Mexico, Canada, or a nearby island are generally exempted from the requirement to show onward travel to another country *  when entering the United States. Learn more on the  CBP website .

How can a country* join the VWP?

A country *  must meet various requirements to be considered for designation in the Visa Waiver Program. Requirements include, but are not limited to:

  • enhanced law enforcement and security-related data sharing with the United States;
  • issuing e-passports;
  • having a visitor (B) visa refusal rate of less than three percent (for initial designation);
  • timely reporting of both blank and issued lost and stolen passports; and
  • maintenance of high counterterrorism, law enforcement, border control, and document security standards.

Designation as a VWP country *  is at the discretion of the U.S. government. Meeting the objective requirements of the VWP does not guarantee a country *  will receive VWP designation.

Entering the United States

An approved ESTA allows you to travel to a U.S. port-of-entry (generally an airport) and request permission to enter the United States, but an approved ESTA does not guarantee entry into the United States. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officials at the port-of-entry have authority to permit or deny admission to the United States. Learn more on the  CBP website .

Extending your stay

If you enter the United States under the Visa Waiver Program, you are not permitted to extend your stay in the United States beyond the initial admission period. You must depart the United States on or before the date on your admission stamp when you entered the United States. See Extend Your Stay on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website .

Change of status

If you enter the United States under the Visa Waiver Program, you are not permitted to change status in the United States. See  Change My Nonimmigrant Status  on the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) website.

What if I am traveling to Guam or the Northern Mariana Islands?

Citizens of Australia, Brunei, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Nauru, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and the United Kingdom do not need a visa or ESTA to visit both Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands because of the Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Program, though they must complete Form I-736 prior to travel.  People's Republic of China Passport holders also do not need a visa if they complete Form I-736 for temporary admission into the Northern Mariana Islands. For more information on the Guam-CNMI Visa Waiver Program,  click here

* With respect to all references to “country” or “countries” on this page, it should be noted that the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979, Pub. L. No. 96-8, Section 4(b)(1), provides that “[w]henever the laws of the United States refer or relate to foreign countries, nations, states, governments, or similar entities, such terms shall include and such laws shall apply with respect to Taiwan.” 22 U.S.C. § 3303(b)(1). Accordingly, all references to “country” or “countries” in the Visa Waiver Program authorizing legislation, Section 217 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S.C. 1187, are read to include Taiwan. This is consistent with the United States’ one-China policy, under which the United States has maintained unofficial relations with Taiwan since 1979.

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Viaggi di scoperta e avventura per vivere esperienze autentiche che arricchiscono

Organizzo il tuo viaggio personalizzato.

Creo il tuo viaggio personalizzato di scoperta e avventura in luoghi esotici, unendo esperienze naturalistiche, culturali e umane, che ricerco nei miei viaggi personali, e che condivido con te, per farti vivere momenti indimenticabili e autentici, che arricchiranno la tua vita di valore.

Vuoi fare un viaggio in un posto lontano, ricco di esperienze uniche, dormire in alloggi insoliti?

Non hai tempo o capacità per organizzarlo, ma non vuoi rivolgerti a un’agenzia?

Vuoi l’avventura, ma senza rinunciare troppo al comfort e senza spendere una fortuna?

Ci penso io.


Sono Travel Designer Certificata ACT Travel e opero tramite ACT Travel Tour Operator.

La mia formazione nel settore turistico come Travel Designer mi consente di realizzare programmi di viaggio unici ed esperienziali.  A differenza delle agenzie di viaggio e tour operator, non ho itinerari prestabiliti ma lavoro su richieste specifiche. In base alla mia esperienza di viaggiatrice e alle competenze tecniche, disegno itinerari partendo dalle esigenze e dagli interessi del  cliente per realizzare viaggi unici e su misura, selezionando i migliori partner per farti provare esperienze indimenticabili.

act travel designer

"Viaggiatrice zaino in spalla, ho visto quasi 50 paesi, ho un debole per l’Asia, amo lo yoga

e tutto ciò che è crescita personale"

Sono Samira, Travel Designer qualificata e certificata ACT Travel, e viaggiatrice incallita! Amo viaggiare, ovviamente, e lo faccio da quando sono nata. Sono per metà italiana e per metà persiana. Cresciuta in un conteso multiculturale, ho sempre amato la scoperta di luoghi lontani, usanze e culture diverse. Per me il viaggio è l'essenza della vita e deve arricchire l'individuo di esperienze autentiche, attraverso un turismo sostenibile e responsabile.  Come Travel Designer, disegno il tuo itinerario e pianifico il tuo viaggio su misura in ogni dettaglio per farti risparmiare tempo e per garantirti un viaggio unico.

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Intervista a RTL 102.5 NEWS World & Travel


Creo indimenticabili viaggi individuali, di coppia, famiglia o gruppo, su misura. Come funziona?


Fissiamo un appuntamento telefonico (via Skype o Whatsapp call) dove mi racconti come immagini la tua vacanza e cosa ti piacerebbe fare.


 In base alle tue esigenze e interessi, preparo una proposta. Se ti piace, comincio a strutturare il tuo percorso trasformando la tua idea nell’itinerario perfetto.


A questo punto, in base al servizio scelto, o ti invio il tuo programma di viaggio dettagliato o  procedo con le prenotazioni tramite il tour operator dal quale ricevo la direzione tecnica. ​


Travel design, non hai voglia, tempo o capacità per organizzare il tuo viaggio ci penso io progetto e prenoto il tuo programma di viaggio personalizzato dalla a alla z., consulenza di viaggio 1h, ti aiuto a pianificare il tuo viaggio. prenota una consulenza con me e ti fornirò tutte le informazioni essenziali, i consigli e i link utili., creazione itinerario.

Creo il tuo itinerario perfetto da usare quando vorrai o da regalare a chi vuoi. Procederai alle prenotazioni di voli e hotel in autonomia.

Dicono di Me

Progetto senza titolo.png

"Grazie a Samira per aver creato un itinerario in linea con le nostre esigenze, permettendoci di esplorare la Giordania in piena autonomia e di godere a pieno di tutti gli aspetti di un viaggio “on the road” davvero indimenticabile…" 

Federica Bargiotti

Progetto senza titolo.png

"Ringrazio Samira per avermi regalato con i suoi consigli uno dei migliori viaggi della vita. Sono stato in Vietnam per due settimane e grazie al suo supporto sono riuscito a vedere quanto di più bello possibile possa offrire quella meravigliosa terra. Anche durante il soggiorno è stata di supporto fugando qualche ultimo piccolo dubbio live. Ho apprezzato tanto il suggerimento in merito alla crociera sulla Ha Long bay, grazie all' agenzia di viaggio locale che mi ha suggerito ho evitato resse e zone troppo turistiche. Sarà da qui in avanti il mio punto di riferimento per ogni viaggio."

Giancarlo Torre


Perchè Scegliere Me

Per la mia esperienza più che decennale di viaggiatrice

Itinerari unici

Per la mia passione e disponibilità H24: prima del viaggio in fase di prenotazione & durante 

Per il tempo che risparmierai

Il tuo modulo è stato inviato!


“Not all those who wander are lost.”

J.R.R. Tolkien

IMG_8022 2.HEIC

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Back to Policy Design: The Inflation Reduction Act’s Conservation Assistance

  • Jonathan Coppess
  • Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics
  • University of Illinois

Labor Day arrives as August drops from the calendar; September signals the rapid approach of autumn, and with it this year the expectations for a record-breaking harvest (Hanrahan, August 26, 2024 ; U.S. Dept. of Labor, “ History of Labor Day ”; History.com , August 6, 2024 ). The first Monday in September has been the official celebration of Labor Day in the U.S. since June 28, 1894, when President Grover Cleveland signed into law the bill establishing it. The idea of a holiday to honor workers traces to September 1882 in New York City—an era of intense labor unrest during the Industrial Revolution and the tumultuous transition from an agricultural to a manufacturing economy (Carroll, September 5, 2011 ; JSTOR Daily , September 1, 2023 ; JSTOR Archives ). Expectations are exceedingly low for much laboring by Congress on Farm Bill reauthorization in September, or before the elections in November. The work of policy analysis continues and this article returns to the Inflation Reduction Act’s additional funding for conservation assistance to farmers ( farmdoc daily , August 1, 2024 ).

In the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, Congress instructed USDA that the additional $18 billion appropriated to Farm Bill conservation programs:

“ shall be available for 1 or more agricultural conservation practices or enhancements that the Secretary determines directly improve soil carbon, reduce nitrogen losses, or reduce, capture, avoid, or sequester carbon dioxide, methane, or nitrous oxide emissions, associated with agricultural production ” (P.L. 117-169 , Section 21001).

The four Farm Bill Conservation programs receiving the additional appropriated funding are: Environmental Quality Incentives Program ( EQIP ); Conservation Stewardship Program ( CSP ); Agricultural Conservation Easement Program ( ACEP ); and Regional Conservation Partnership Program ( RCPP ). As discussed previously, IRA conservation funding offers comparisons for policy design because funding was limited to a subset of practices ( farmdoc daily , August 1, 2024 ). The discussion below reviews the CSP funding from the IRA in FY2023 and then works with potential measurements of the FY2023 IRA funding from EQIP and CSP.

Updates to the Policy Design Lab have added fiscal year (FY) 2023 CSP assistance data as reported by USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (Policy Design Lab, IRA ; USDA-NRCS: RCA Data Viewer ; USDA-NRCS, “Inflation Reduction Act Data Visualization Tool – Fiscal Year 2023 ”). The interactive map and table are also available in Figure 1. Beginning with the total by State, users can also select individual practices and compare allocations in FY2023, as well as the percentage of the national total by practice and State.

Figure 2 adds a State-by-State comparison of the combined IRA funding for EQIP and CSP in FY2023. Each State’s allocation is a percentage of the national total and States are ranked from largest to smallest. Texas, Arkansas, and Mississippi were the three States with the largest shares of FY2023 IRA EQIP and CSP funding. Illinois, by comparison, ranked 22 nd and is highlighted in orange.

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Figure 3 uses the total commodities receipts (crops and animals) reported by USDA for 2022 to work towards a meaningful measure of IRA conservation assistance that relates more directly to farming (USDA-ERS, “ Data Files: U.S. and State-Level Farm Income and Wealth Statistics ”). The bars in Figure 3 represent a score based on the difference in the State’s combined IRA allocation (EQIP and CSP) from the State’s share of the national total of all commodities receipts. By this measure, Mississippi received a larger share of IRA funding (5.3%) than its share of national commodities receipts (1.46%), for a score of 3.84. California ranks lowest, scoring -8.42; Illinois (orange) ranked 47 th and scored -2.8 based on 5.21% of total commodities receipts but only 2.4% of combined IRA funding.

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Figure 4 compares IRA funding and average acres planted to all field crops from 2014 to 2023 as reported by USDA-NASS ( Quickstats ). The score in Figure 4 subtracts the State’s share of IRA FY2023 combined (EQIP and CSP) funding from the State’s share of average acres planted to all field crops from 2014 to 2023. By this measure, Mississippi ranked highest with a 3.98 score based on its share of IRA funds (5.3%) above its share of acres planted (1.32%). Illinois ranks lowest (orange) with a -4.81 score (2.4% IRA share to 7.21% average acres planted).

act travel designer

Maybe most surprising (or not at all depending on one’s views) is how little the State-by-State outcomes under the IRA differ from those under these programs and Farm Bill funding (Policy Design Lab, Conservation ). The FY2023 State funding allocations are similar to the combined financial assistance from EQIP and CSP in the Farm Bill. The top five states by share of the total are: Texas (5.93%); Arkansas (5.46%); California (5.11%); Mississippi (5.11%); and South Dakota (4.08%). Figures 5a and 5b provide the same measurements for EQIP and CSP combined funding in the Farm Bill from 2014 to 2023: Figure 5a compares State share of funding to State share of commodities receipts in 2022; and Figure 5b compares it to State share of average acres planted to field crops (2014-2023).

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Concluding Thoughts

Working to analyze agricultural conservation policies using the additional funding appropriated by Congress in the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA), this article includes an interactive map, table, and data presenting the IRA funding for CSP in FY2023. Following the map, the article works through further analysis of the State-by-State performance of the first year of the combined CSP and EQIP funding. Comparing the State’s share of IRA funds to its share of commodities receipts or average acres planted to field crops (2014 to 2023) provides a method to score IRA allocations, adding perspectives but not definitive, complete, or final evaluations. The comparisons seek to relate conservation funding to farm production (receipts or acres) in the State. The comparisons are not based on any measure of the natural resource issues or challenges in the States, however, although they are certainly connected. It is also important to note that conservation assistance is voluntary and much depends on farmers seeking out the funding and applying for it; of course, too little funding available will discourage farmers from applying.

The single most consequential policy design for these conservation programs is that Congress has placed caps on the assistance, either the total funds available or the total acres that can be enrolled. One consequence is that there is not enough funding (or acres) to meet the demand for conservation assistance from farmers (see e.g., farmdoc daily , September 28, 2023 ). Another is that programs like EQIP and CSP allocate this limited funding among a large number of conservation practices for an enormous number of natural resource challenges across millions of farms and fields in all 50 states. The additional funding for conservation provided by Congress in the IRA was historic and will help meet the demand for assistance from farmers—it is particularly important at a time of increased costs—but it is also limited (see e.g., farmdoc daily , May 23, 2024 ).

Finally, Congress instructed USDA to limit which practices are eligible for IRA funding. The practices USDA determines eligible will impact which farmers in which States are able to access those funds, as well as which conservation practices are adopted and assisted. It is therefore notable that the first year of funding allocations do not differ much from the last 10 years of Farm Bill funding allocations. Based on these comparison scores, the IRA funding allocations are not closely aligned with total commodities receipts (which includes both crops and animals). Potentially more important given the directive from Congress in the IRA which emphasizes soils, the funding allocations in FY2023 do not align with acres planted. These initial measurements and perspectives raise many questions. Further analysis will add much to an understanding of conservation policy design, including comparisons on a program-by-program basis and key practices, as will different measurements or farming-related comparisons.

Carroll, Kurt. “Celebrating Labor.” Library of Congress Blogs. September 5, 2011. https://blogs.loc.gov/law/2011/09/labor-day/ .

JSTOR Daily. “Labor Day: A Celebration of Working in America.” September 1, 2023. https://daily.jstor.org/a-celebration-of-working-in-america/ .

JSTOR Daily. “Labor Day.” https://daily.jstor.org/tag/labor-day/ .

U.S. Dept. of Labor. “History of Labor Day.” https://www.dol.gov/general/laborday/history .

Coppess, J. and I. Majumdar. " An Inflation Question Not Asked: What About Conservation? " farmdoc daily (14):98, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 23, 2024.

Coppess, J. " Farm Bill 2023: NRCS Backlogs and the Conservation Bardo ." farmdoc daily (13):177, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, September 28, 2023.

Coppess, J. " Policy Design Case Study: EQIP and the Inflation Reduction Act ." farmdoc daily (14):143, Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, August 1, 2024.

Hanrahan, R. “ Pro Farmer Tour Finds ‘Spectacular’ US Soybean Crop .” Farm Policy News Summary, August 26, 2024.

History.com. “Labor Day 2024.” Updated August 6, 2024. https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/labor-day-1 .

Disclaimer: We request all readers, electronic media and others follow our citation guidelines when re-posting articles from farmdoc daily . Guidelines are available here . The farmdoc daily website falls under University of Illinois copyright and intellectual property rights. For a detailed statement, please see the University of Illinois Copyright Information and Policies here .

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Five Stadiums in Five Days Not Hassle Hogs' Excuse Makers Act Like It Is

Kent smith | aug 29, 2024.

Arkansas Razorbacks mascot entertains fans during the  Hog Walk  prior to the game against the Kent State Golden Flashes at Donald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium.

  • Arkansas Razorbacks
  • Washington Huskies
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  • Arkansas-Pine Bluff Golden Lions

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Game day is finally here for the Razorback football team, which for the season opener, means hitting the road for a pseudo home game against Arkansas-Pine Bluff in Little Rock.

In all reality, it's a home game for the Golden Lions with Arkansas picking up the tab for expenses. The capital city is only 40 miles from UAPB's campus and is where players go to pick up nice threads and take any ladies they are looking to truly impress for dinner.

It's actually closer for Arkansas to play their in-state counterparts in Stillwater, Oklahoma, site of the Hogs Week 2 game, than in Central Arkansas. Head coach Alonzo Hampton's players will get home, study for a Friday test and be out cold before the Hogs even turn in I-49 to begin the northern part of their trek back to Fayetteville Thursday night.

It's all part of the five stadiums in five games tour that is the Razorbacks' own doing that's been pushed as a possible excuse if things don't get off to a good start this year. However, in the long run, Arkansas still has it better than most teams that chose not to pour money into home games away from campus without the advantage of being able to recruit — at least from a travel standpoint.

vs. UAPB — 191 miles @ Oklahoma State — 186 miles vs. UAB — 0 miles @ Auburn — 662 miles @ Texas A&M (AT&T Stadium) — 333 miles

Four of those five games are easy trips for Razorbacks fans and should each see them show up in groups somewhere between 10,000 and 40,000 deep. Despite all the stadiums, Arkansas will only cover 1,372 miles one way across five weekends of football.

Alabama almost covers that when the Tide jaunt 870 miles from Tuscaloosa to Wisconsin in Week 3. Stanford travels 2,571 miles one way to take on Clemson in a Week 4 ACC match-up.

In Week 5, Washington will travel 2,851 miles one way to play Rutgers in a Big Ten conference game. Arkansas makes it all the way to the Louisiana Tech game on Nov. 23 having covered 1,000 miles less one way than the Huskies' single game.

Even after the season is complete, the Hogs will have covered only 2,183 miles on the first leg of all of their trips. For those doing the math, Arkansas covers a total of 4,366 miles round trip for the whole season.

Stanford and Washington will travel 5,142 and 5,702 miles respectively in their season openers alone. This is because Southeastern Conference commissioner Greg Sankey kept a calm head and a sensible approach to conference realignment.

The SEC is currently the only Power Four conference to still be a regional entity and it will pay off in the long run. It's why its teams will feature a little less wear and tear than their other Power Four counterparts come playoff time.

That wise approach will pay off even more for Arkansas once the contract at AT&T Stadium in Dallas-Fort Worth concludes and Arkansas State puts an official nail in the War Memorial Stadium debate for good next year.

This same schedule under those circumstances on a year where Texas A&M comes to Fayetteville knocks over 1,000 miles off the Hogs' round-trip totals while adding two extra weekends of recruiting visits for whomever will be the Arkansas coach at that time. That's a big deal and more than enough of an argument to not get into this type of silliness in scheduling once again.

Even still, the schedule is far kinder to the Razorbacks this year than excuse makers want to make it out to be. There may be five stadiums, but four will have plenty of Hogs fans in them and all could be done riding an old yellow school bus with ease if it came down to it.

• Arkansas will try to avoid adding to history of FCS upsets once again

•  ESPN still giving UAPB shot for upset of Hogs Thursday night

•  Planning wedding during Razorback season can be huge mistake

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Kent Smith

Kent Smith has been in the world of media and film for nearly 30 years. From Nolan Richardson's final seasons, former Razorback quarterback Clint Stoerner trying to throw to anyone and anything in the blazing heat of Cowboys training camp in Wichita Falls, the first high school and college games after 9/11, to Troy Aikman's retirement and Alex Rodriguez's signing of his quarter billion dollar contract, Smith has been there to report on some of the region's biggest moments. 

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A hazy image of a woman looking out from a foliage-lined staircase. In front of her is scaffolding holding a lighting system.

For Solo Explorers, a Solitude-Friendly ‘Paradise’ Amid the Crowds

More architects and urban planners are designing parks, airport lounges, museums and other public spaces that make lone visitors feel at ease.

Little Island, in the Hudson River off Manhattan, combines public environments, including a 687-seat amphitheater, with playful elements that can be enjoyed alone or with companions. Credit... Graham Dickie/The New York Times

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By Francesca Specter

  • Aug. 29, 2024

This article is part of our Design special section about creating space with the look and feel for one person.

Public space, by definition, is meant to be shared. So why are architects throughout the world designing parks, airport lounges, museums, shops and other communal areas to accommodate the lone individual?

Americans are spending an increasing amount of time alone , and we do not need political candidates to remind us that single-person households are rising throughout the world. Last year, the World Health Organization deemed loneliness a “global health threat.”

With more of us flying solo, more spaces are catering to visitors who may or may not be in the company of others. Urban planners and architects are recognizing a paradox: Public spaces designed to increase opportunities for social interaction may have the unintended consequence of making isolated people feel marginalized, whereas spaces that support solitary experiences in the midst of a crowd may encourage a feeling of belonging.

Wutopia Lab, an architectural studio in Shanghai, used this paradox as a springboard for its design of the Monologue Art Museum , a cultural center for visitors to explore in collective solitude. Opened in 2022, in Qinhuangdao, a popular seaside resort in northeast China, the center fosters “the peaceful solitude that emerges only when you’re experiencing it in public,” said Yu Ting, the co-founder of Wutopia Lab.

The museum is laid out as a sequence of locations, including a tearoom, a yoga room, an art gallery and a water garden with six trees. (The arboreal arrangement pays homage to “Six Gentlemen,” a 14th-century painting that is a representation of seclusion.)

A winding, empty corridor with sunlight filtering in from an outside wall.

Mr. Yu said he and his team designed the museum to be a “paradise for the individual” where “one can find solitude and express their inner thoughts.” He described the surrounding city as a cacophonous tourist destination that chips away at “the opportunity to be with oneself.” The museum is a form of compensation, offering visitors something they do not normally experience in their own homes.

Because even introverts frequently like company. According to Erin Peavey, a design leader in health and well-being at the global firm HKS Architects, shared public spaces can allow lone individuals “to feel a part of the world but not have to engage in it or feel a responsibility to perform.”

Ms. Peavey cited prospect-refuge theory, or the concept that people feel secure in spaces that allow them to observe their surroundings while remaining hidden themselves. Originally formulated in 1975 by Jay Appleton, a British geographer, the theory was later applied to built environments that were developed with four features: a view or outlook, partial framing of that view, a degree of visual complexity and a degree of “discoverability.”

Harvey Milk Terminal 1 at San Francisco International Airport, whose final section opened in June, is one of Ms. Peavey’s examples. HKS designed the terminal to include a row of lounge chairs looking out to the flight line. The seats are buffered from behind by a tall planter that prevents other travelers from getting too close. This space, Ms. Peavey said, allows its solitary occupants a moment to close their eyes or read or write. And where better? “For many of us, traveling is an opportunity to reflect,” she said.

Views to the world beyond the terminal provide the visual complexity that prospect-refuge theory calls for, she added. The act of watching planes land and take off “legitimizes” solitude in the way that the comfortably distracting sight of an open kitchen in a restaurant may appeal to solo diners. “You feel entitled to just sit there and enjoy the beautiful view with passive fascination as your brain goes into a relaxed state,” she said.

In contrast, spaces where individuals feel noticed by other people (becoming the “view” themselves) are more menacing — which is why sitting in the center of a restaurant is many solo diners’ idea of hell.

Neil Hubbard, a partner at the London design and architecture firm Heatherwick Studio, said subtle details can prevent the unpleasant feeling of exposure.

As the lead architect on Azabudai Hills , a mixed-use development in Tokyo that was completed last year, Mr. Hubbard worked with the natural undulations of the six-acre valley site (the ground level varies by about 36 feet) to break up the space and create flexibility.

Nooks and crannies in the form of small parks and courtyards coexist with larger gathering spaces and a 30-foot-long communal bench, all at different elevations. Something so simple as a terrace raised a few feet above ground level offers refuge, Mr. Hubbard said: “You’re sitting at people’s shoulder height, looking over their heads, rather than through a crowd of bodies.”

Poets’ Park, a .06-acre pocket park in the Fitzrovia neighborhood of London, offers a similar sense of seclusion despite its central urban location.

“Tall planting screens off the busy road and creates an acoustic buffer from the outside world allowing you to hear your own thoughts,” said Peter Greaves at Make Architects, the London studio behind the design. The park’s modest size — itself a nook within a big city — achieves the “difficult balance” between privacy and being hidden away, “which can feel unsafe,” Mr. Greaves said.

Urban pocket parks get that balance right, said Cecilia Lindström, an urban researcher in London, which accounts for the popularity of tiny forests , or the dense, layered planting of tree species native to an area. The practice was pioneered by Akira Miyawaki , a Japanese botanist, and has been adopted in places as disparate as Amsterdam and New Delhi. In contrast, larger green spaces may hold a “sense of danger,” especially at night, Ms. Lindström said.

As long as a safety requirement is met, nature is an important element of solitude-friendly design, allowing us to “retreat without feeling like we’re necessarily lonely,” Ms. Lindstrom added. Research has also linked natural sounds and smells to lowered anxiety and stress.

Should solitude no longer be desired, urban green space promotes greater social cohesion . An environment that welcomes individuals is also primed for connections, fulfilling the fourth principle of prospect-refuge theory: discoverability. Simply put, chance meetings are far more likely to happen when people venture from their homes.

A gentle, nonprescriptive approach is best, Mr. Greaves said: “If you just put people together and say, ‘OK, be friends now,’ it doesn’t work.”

Take so-called chatty benches, otherwise known as “talking benches” or “happy to chat” benches: street furniture with signs inviting occupants to converse. This initiative, which originated in the United Kingdom, has been copied worldwide ( Gothenburg in Sweden has 20). Yet, in a poll of residents at the Barbican, a housing complex in central London, the benches were declared “ too forced .” The more effective intervention, Mr. Greaves said, creates the opportunity for meetings that are either planned or incidental, the latter fostered by “bumping into the same people” repeatedly.

“We need to design for varied experiences,” he continued. “You might want to spend your lunch break alone, reflecting in a secluded spot, or to socialize in a big group.” Third places (defined by the sociologist Ray Oldenburg as locations outside of home and the workplace like cafes, bookstores and parks where you can relax in public) should allow for all modalities, Mr. Greaves said: “You should feel safe and welcome regardless.”

Can a space have it all? Heatherwick Studio’s Little Island , the three-year-old Hudson River park off Manhattan, aimed to get the balance right by combining sizable public environments (including a 687-seat amphitheater) with playful elements (like a boulder scramble, spinning discs and chimes) that can be enjoyed alone or with companions or strangers.

“Whimsy” was key to this design, Mr. Hubbard said, together with the principle of togetherness. “We wanted to inject these different modes, together with spaces for meditation and jogging,” he said.

In the studio’s social impact study, he added, visitors most commonly reported feeling “relaxed” and “happy,” with “peaceful,” “calm” and “comforted” close adjectival contenders. Perhaps most indicative of Little Island’s mass appeal, 94 percent of the survey’s respondents, whether lone joggers or sociable concert goers, indicated that they felt the park was “for people like them”; 92 percent said they “felt comfortable” there.

Solitude-first design is not designing for loneliness; it is creating opportunities for the isolated individual to be out in the world, alongside groups of people, without feeling excluded. It is that “variety” of opportunity that makes a space feel good to all, said Katy Ghahremani, a partner at Make Architects.

“Once you start designing respite within busy spaces,” she said, “a place to pause and sit, you start making space inclusive in a broader sense. Older people, for instance, appreciate single armchairs with a backrest, while neurodivergent individuals who are hypersensitive can feel more comfortable in quieter spaces.”

Like much of accessible design , when you design for the loner, you quite often end up designing for everyone.

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READOUT: FinCEN Director’s Travel to Chicago for Beneficial Ownership Outreach Events with Members of Congress

CHICAGO—On August 27 and 28, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Director Andrea Gacki participated in two beneficial ownership reporting outreach events in the Chicago, Illinois area. The August 27 event was held in partnership with Rep. Robin Kelly (D-IL), and the August 28 event was held in partnership with Rep. Bill Foster (D-IL). At both events, FinCEN officials met with small business owners and other key stakeholders.

hese events were the latest in a series of events held by senior Treasury officials, in partnership with Members of Congress, to help small businesses across the United States fulfill their reporting requirements under the Corporate Transparency Act—a bipartisan law enacted to curb illicit finance by supporting law enforcement efforts that requires many small businesses to report basic information to the Federal government about the real people who ultimately own or control them.

Filing is quick, secure, and free of charge. FinCEN expects that most companies will be able to file without the help of an attorney or accountant, and that the filing process for those with simple ownership structures may take 20 minutes or less. Moreover, filing is a one-time requirement, unless a company needs to later update or correct its beneficial ownership information. Companies that existed before 2024 have until January 1, 2025 to file, while companies created or registered in 2024 must file within 90 days of receiving creation/registration notice. More information, along with FinCEN’s E-Filing System, is available at https://www.fincen.gov/boi .

Prepared Remarks : https://www.fincen.gov/news/speeches/prepared-remarks-fincen-director-andrea-gacki-during-beneficial-ownership-1

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The 15 Best Travel Products to Come Across T+L Editors’ Desks This August — From $24

Discover the best pieces from brands like Away, Cariuma, Béis, Hoka, and more.

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Travel + Leisure / Francesca Fasciglione

One of the biggest perks of my job is not only that I get to detail my travels for a living, but that I’m frequently granted the opportunity to try new, trending products that upgrade both my adventures and day-to-day life. Supportive footwear , comfortable clothing , spacious luggage , and other handy hacks are all integral pieces of any travel experience, and this month, my fellow Travel + Leisure editors and I have tried an onslaught of gear worth highlighting.

From hardside Away luggage to the best Cariuma sneakers for long travel days, these are the 15 best new products to come across our desks this month. In addition to asking for their picks, I also gathered their honest reviews of each product so you'll have no difficulty adding it to your repertoire. Whether you’re looking for a packable new purse or the perfect end-of-summer sandals , these are thebest of the best of what we’ve tried this August, starting at $24.

Cariuma Uba Sneakers

“After spotting countless celebs and T+L editors wearing Cariuma sneakers, I was thrilled when I finally got the opportunity to see if these shoes lived up to the never-ending claims that they’re comfortable 'straight from the box.' After just a few weeks of wearing them, I can proudly say that they did not disappoint. I opted for the skater-style Uba sneakers as they made for the perfect replacement to my beat-up Nike Air Force 1s, and the cushy, cork insoles instantly padded my feet during long walks around New York City. The subtle silver trimming adds a cool pop to any outfit, and I’ve already worn them with everything from dresses to jeans — and earned plenty of compliments along the way. Next stop: Norway!” - Merrell Readman, Senior Commerce Writer

Béis Expandable Backpack

“I've been looking for a solid travel backpack for a while, and I recently tested this one from Béis on a trip to Key West. Thanks to its expandable features and separate laptop compartment, I was able to pack two laptops, my Amazon Fire Tablet, my Fujifilm camera, a water bottle, various portable chargers and cables, some beauty products, and a notebook — all with room to spare.” - Asia London Palomba, Commerce Updates Writer

Hoka Transport Shoes

“I walk several miles with my dog each day, so I'm always looking for shoes that will stand up to my step count. I finally jumped on the Hoka train and I couldn't be happier. These Transport shoes are incredible to walk in. Not only do they feel comfortable and supportive (coming from someone who pronates quite a bit), but they actually feel like they're propelling me forward with each step. I almost don't want to take them off when I get home. Plus, they're way more stylish than a lot of walking shoes.” - Anne Taylor, Commerce Updates Writer

Away Featherlight Crossbody Bag

“When Away's new Featherlight Crossbody came across my desk, I knew it was the exact bag my travel stash had been missing. As the name promises, it's as light as can be and super comfortable to carry across my shoulder. As someone who isn't the best at packing light, this is a dream. It's also the perfect compromise between a super roomy tote bag and a small purse. As with every Away product, there are thoughtful details throughout like the discreet side pocket on the outside and the small zippered compartment in the strap where you can stash a lip gloss or your AirPods case. I have a few trips planned for this year, and this will be a staple for each packing list.” - Jasmine Grant, Senior Commerce Editor

Mephisto Helen Sandals

“I was shocked by how supportive these sandals were as soon as I slipped my feet in them. I first put them on during a week of unusual foot pain from the gym and I could feel these shoes targeting each sore spot with their amazing arch support. The footbed is also incredibly soft, so they felt so good on my feet. I was even surprised by how lightweight they are, and I definitely plan on packing them in my suitcase for a shoe that I can wear both to do a lot of walking in and out to dinner, thanks to the metallic flair.” - Erin Cavoto, Commerce Editor

Aritzia Golden Life Divinity 5-inch Romper

“I’m always on the lookout for comfortable yet stylish outfits to wear during long travel days, and this stretchy and breathable Aritzia romper is, without a doubt, my new favorite option. The fabric is sweat-wicking, which is essential for braving the August heat, and it somehow ties together all the best facets of workout clothing into one unbelievably flattering piece. Tactfully placed seams snatch my waist so I feel confident and well-dressed (even if I’ve just styled it with sneakers), and after wearing it during a five-hour Greyhound bus ride, it’s officially earned its spot at the top of my packing list moving forward.” - Merrell Readman, Senior Commerce Writer

Baby Bogg Bag

“When I got the opportunity to bring my Bogg Bag to the beach, it was an absolute game-changer. It's incredibly sturdy and stands upright on its own, so I never had to worry about it tipping over in the wind. Plus, not a single grain of sand made its way inside. The bag is waterproof and washable, making it impressively durable. I have it in the Bananarama shade, which is such a fun and vibrant color for summer, but there are plenty of other gorgeous hues to choose from.” - Rosie Marder, Commerce Writer

M.M. LaFleur The Milo Jean


“I'm not the biggest fan of traveling in jeans, but this pair from M.M. LaFleur really is better than any piece of denim I've tried. They are stretchy and roomy, but they still look like a regular pair of wide-leg pants. They come in various colors, too, so you can stock up for fall and winter.” - Anna Popp, Associate Commerce Editor

Away Bigger Carry-on Flex Luggage

“I finally got my hands on a piece of Away luggage, and I can confirm it's worth the hype. This luxe carry-on has quickly become my favorite suitcase thanks to its sleek outer hardshell, spacious interior, and expandable design that is much-needed with my bad habit of overpacking. I'm a fan of the neutral cloud gray color that dropped this summer, but there are several other stunning shades to choose from, as well.” - Gabriella Maestri, Commerce Writer

Kayali Vacation in a Bottle

“I'm always on the go, but unfortunately a lot of my favorite scents aren’t TSA-friendly and, therefore, can't come with me. That's why I was so excited when this set from Kayali came across my desk. Not only are the scents carry-on-ready, but they're fun, fresh, and named after great destinations like Maui, Marrakech Capri, and the Maldives.” - Danielle Pointdujour, Senior Editor

Cuyana Mini Paloma Bag

“Cuyana released a mini version of its classic Paloma Shoulder Bag in July and it’s the perfect little purse for my late-summer Europe trip. The shoulder strap is adjustable (so it can be carried on my arm or across my chest), but the best part is that it fully zips closed so I’m not worried about pickpocketing. There's also a snap loop to secure keys and a slip pocket that fits a phone. Plus, it’s surprisingly roomy so I can also fit my camera, 16-ounce water bottle, wallet, and umbrella in there, too.” - Morgan Ashley Parker, Associate Editorial Director

Glossier Boy Brow Arch

“I don't like taking too much time to do my makeup when I'm traveling. This pencil has two edges to add in precise lines, then fill in more sparse areas super fast. Between this, mascara, concealer, and some lip gloss, I have a full face of makeup done in under five minutes.” - Neha Tandon, Commerce Editor

Exped Splash 15 Dry Bag

“Where has this amazing waterproof bag been all my life? This 15-liter daypack that doubles as a dry bag weighs less than 4 ounces, making it the ultimate must-have for rainy-day hikes, paddling trips, or anywhere you go in the summertime when pop-up showers seem to be perpetually in the forecast.” - Paul Brady, News Director

Cozy Earth Waffle Bath Robe

“This bathrobe might just be the coziest thing I own, and it's perfect as we start to look toward chilly fall weather. Complete luxury with plush bamboo material and two pockets, it makes my New York City studio apartment feel like a 5-star hotel. Plus, it's from Cozy Earth, so I can count on the high quality to last for years to come.” - Sophie Mendel, Commerce Editor

Hermes Eau de Rhubarbe écarlate Moisturizing Body Lotion

“This rhubarb-scented lotion makes a chic gift. It comes in a bold red, H-stamped bottle that’s refillable. But I kept mine for myself; constant traveling dries out my skin, and it’s as moisturizing as it is fashionable. Plus, I love having a little reminder of trips to Paris at home with me.” - Nina Ruggiero, Senior Editorial Director

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Government of Canada invests in community projects to reduce health inequities

From: Public Health Agency of Canada


The Intersectoral Action Fund (ISAF) is the first Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) program explicitly dedicated to support collective action across sectors on the social determinants of health to reduce health inequities. This grant program seeks to strengthen capacity and build knowledge and tools to enable partners to work together across sectors to advance action on the social determinants of health. The program prioritizes funding upstream projects, or projects that are addressing the root causes of ill health and health inequities.

August 2024

Following the 2021 ISAF Call for Proposals, 27 projects were funded in communities across Canada in 2021-2022 and 2022-2023. A renewal of ISAF through Budget 2023 enabled the program to fund an additional 16 projects from the 2021 solicitation, representing over $3.2 million in funding.

Funded projects address a wide variety of social determinants of health impacting communities across Canada, including homelessness, pay inequities, racism, and also prioritized projects led-by and serving equity deserving populations, including Indigenous, Black, and other racialized communities, 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, women, and older persons.

The 16 additional projects that received funding are:

Lead organization:  Canadian Centre for Housing Rights Project name:  Advancing the right to housing for individuals released from health-care facilities Location : Toronto, Ontario Funding: $248,950 Description: This project aims to address the pressing issue of homelessness risk associated with individuals staying in and being discharged from health-care institutions in Canada. This will be done through investigating the scope of the present issue, its impact on different equity-seeking groups (including seniors and people with addictions and mental health challenges, who it is suspected may be most impacted) and by formulating effective strategies to support individuals whose housing is at risk during extended healthcare stays or upon discharge into precarious housing situations or homelessness.

Lead organization:  Canadian Mental Health Association, Metropolitan Toronto Branch Project name:  Toronto supportive housing growth plan: Advancing intersectoral action on harm reduction and anti-racism Location : Toronto, Ontario Funding: $195,148 Description: This project will drive progress in the implementation of two priorities of the Toronto Supportive Housing Growth Plan: harm reduction and anti-racism. It will strengthen and formalize partnerships between municipal partners, community organizations, housing providers and health providers to co-design improvements to advance health equity by:

  • enhancing access to harm reduction services in housing settings and streamlining the integration of leadership from organizations that are led by and serve racialized communities and people with lived experienced.
  • expanding the capacity of multiple sectors to establish and grow a network of community partners to address urgent needs of people experiencing homelessness in the City of Toronto.

Lead organization:  Centre for Innovation and Research in Aging Inc. Project name:  Development, implementation, and evaluation of a bilingual rights-based data repository: An educational intervention to improve knowledge about the human rights of older adults Location : Fredericton, New Brunswick Funding: $249,622 Description: This project seeks to develop an interactive web-based tool offering up-to-date, de-identified, and customizable data on Older Persons Human Rights. The project aims to develop, implement and evaluate a web-based Older Person's Human Rights Indicator Framework (OPRIF) data repository in both of Canada's official languages and to establish the feasibility and acceptability of an online framework. This will be based on the Child Rights Indicators Framework (CRIF), which was implemented a few years ago as a static online report. The two web-based CRIF and OPRIF data repositories will support the Government of New Brunswick, and other provinces, to uphold the human rights of children and older persons, respectively, in their development, implementation, and evaluation of policies, programs, and practices.

Lead organization:  Community-Based Research Centre Society Project name:  Establishing the Canadian coalition to abolish conversion therapy Location : Burnaby, British Columbia Funding: $250,000 Description: The Canadian Coalition to Abolish Conversion Therapy will connect 2SLGBTQIA+ community organizations (including those serving Indigenous people, Black and People of Colour and newcomers), with academics, researchers, legal experts, survivors, and key stakeholders from mental health organizations and affirming faith organizations.Collaborative knowledge sharing and coalition development are necessary to support broader prevention efforts. By working together, they aim strengthen equality for 2SLGBTQIA+ people; and help people who have been exposed, or may be at risk of exposure, to conversion practices, centre themselves.

Lead organization:  Council of Agencies Serving South Asians Project name:  Racialized health initiative: Addressing health disparities in racialized communities in Ontario Location : Toronto, Ontario Funding: $248,282 Description: This project seeks to create system-level changes in health care in Ontario by addressing health disparities in racialized communities. The project seeks to further develop work by the Racialized Health Working Group to develop population specific health and wellbeing strategies, create community awareness for the need for disaggregated race-based data collection, and gain community input on strategies and data standards.  

Lead organization:  Déclic, Initiatives pour la formation et l'emploi des jeunes Project name:  Développement d’un protocole d’intervention intersectoriel au soutien de la transition à la vie adulte des ex-placés de la protection de la jeunesse Location : Montreal, Quebec Funding: $239,865 Description: This project seeks to develop an intersectoral action protocol for former children and youth in care of Quebec's Director of Youth Protection. This vulnerable population faces major challenges in terms of health, education and social and professional integration. This protocol will focus on the social determinants of health and wellbeing and facilitate collaboration between players who traditionally operate independently (in "silos").

Lead organization:  HIV Legal Network Project name:  It’s not so “simple”: Assessing the impact of the simple drug possession and trafficking offences on health equity Location : Toronto, Ontario Funding: $92,671 Description: This project seeks to gather information through a comprehensive review of literature and primary interviews on the distinction made between drug possession for personal use versus for the purpose of trafficking. Additionally, it explores how people acquire, keep, carry, and consume criminalized substances for personal use. The project will also look at the immediate and longer-term impacts of the prohibition of simple drug possession and trafficking on the health and well-being of people who use drugs. The findings will assist policymakers to make more informed decisions that improve the justice system’s response to personal drug use and trafficking, with potential beneficial outcomes that include reduced harms to the health and wellbeing of people who use drugs.  

Lead organization:  Mino Care Project name:  Black Canadian perinatal health network: A Canadian African, Caribbean, and Black (ACB) reproductive and perinatal health research and policy initiative Location : Toronto, Ontario Funding: $195,147 Description: This project proposes a national study and policy initiative that addresses the Black maternal health experience that Black birthing persons have had over the past decade in Canada through a survey and focus groups. This knowledge will then be used to begin policy-based initiatives that will encourage the Canadian government to acknowledge the Black maternal health experience and make care more equitable, culturally safe and reduce morbidities and mortalities.

Lead organization: National Collaborating Centre of Determinants of Health (via St. Francis Xavier University) Project name:  Becoming an intersectoral network-of-networks: Leveraging the Health Promotion Canada platform to create an intersectoral and interdisciplinary space for promoting collaborative action on the social determinants of health and wellbeing Location : Antigonish, Nova Scotia Funding: $171,088 Description: This project seeks to support an intersectoral network-of-networks, through a virtual space uniquely designed to undertake collaborative action on the social determinants of health at the national level. This does not currently exist in Canada and has been identified as a need by health promotion and public health practitioners, including both the National Collaborating Centre of Determinants of Health and Health Promotion Canada.

Lead organization:  New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity Inc. Project name:  Building Indigenous partnerships for pay equity Location : Moncton, New Brunswick Funding: $168,913 Description: This project will partner with the New Brunswick Committee for the Advancement of Aboriginal Women (CAAW) to build capacity to advance intersectoral action on New Brunswick Indigenous women’s income and pay equity in New Brunswick First Nations communities, in collaboration with First Nation communities and Indigenous organizations.  The New Brunswick Coalition for Pay Equity and CAAW will identify and meet key Indigenous organizations, share their knowledge of pay equity and invite them to propose representatives to join an advisory committee to co-develop research and make recommendations on pay equity in the context of NB First Nations communities.

Lead organization:  Sexual Assault Services of Saskatchewan (SASS) Inc. Project name:  Building an intersectoral primary prevention workforce to advance gender transformative approaches to sexual violence prevention in Saskatchewan Location : Regina, Saskatchewan Funding: $249,465 Description: This project seeks to build capacity for a diverse team of policy and practise stakeholders who are committed to intersectoral action in leading and testing new primary prevention efforts to end sexual violence. In partnership with Shift: The Project to End Domestic Violence at the University of Calgary, SASS will develop an understanding of root causes and drivers of sexual violence for Saskatchewan’s unique context; identify the multi-sectoral policy structures that inform strategic priority setting in Saskatchewan; and develop internal processes and tools to support intersectoral action on sexual violence prevention.

Lead organization:  Smart Prosperity Institute (via University of Ottawa) Project name: Strengthening the core: Increasing social license for healthy infill development in London, Ontario Location : Ottawa, Ontario Funding: $174,384 Description: This project seeks to identify and co-develop policy solutions, with the London community, to encourage greater social license for building “healthy infill” housing in urban cores that improves community health outcomes, quality of life, and housing affordability.

Lead organization:  Sport Tourism Canada Project name:  Project SEEIM: Sports Socio-Environmental-Economic Impact Model Location : Kingston, Ontario Funding: $242,100 Description: This project seeks to build a free and universally accessible online tool that will function as an accountability system for sport activity planning. It will allow for an accurate assessment of not only financial impacts but also indirect and induced social, economic, health and environmental impacts, separately and collectively. This will allow for the calculation of the total impacts associated with the activity, which will inform decision-making.

Lead organization:  The Alberta First Nations Information Governance Centre Project name:  Building capacity across health and education boundaries for action on social determinants of health and wellbeing in First Nations communities Location : Tsuu T’ina First Nation, Alberta Funding: $209,904 Description: This project seeks to determine cross-cutting issues in health and education with the greatest potential to address overall wellness in Alberta First Nations communities. By engaging sectors and experts of First Nations health and education, the project intends to gather and synthesize information, both through an examination of research literature and engagement of program staff, as well as community members/Elders, on cross-cutting issues that may then be used as a ‘source of truth’ in the development of a set of ‘Consensus Statements’.

Lead organization:  Women's College Hospital Project name:  Scaling up equity-mobilizing partnerships in community (EMPaCT) to facilitate intersectoral action on the social determinants of health Location : Toronto, Ontario Funding: $192,596 Description: This project seeks to directly scale the adoption of EMPaCT, an award-winning, scalable model of diverse citizen engagement, at Trillium Health Partners (THP) to foster transformative partnerships capable of co-creating knowledge and policy solutions to advance health equity in Mississauga. Specifically, the project will co-design, co-initiate and co-develop a jurisdictionally-based EMPaCT at THP. This will directly generate transferable knowledge about how EMPaCT can be implemented across organizations and communities, break down institutional silos, and build capacity to mobilize knowledge between jurisdictions for greater collective impact through advocacy and upstream policy influence.  

Lead organization:  York Region Food Network Project name:  Social procurement collaborative for York region Location : Aurora, Ontario Funding: $109,571 Description: This project seeks to develop the necessary infrastructure for social procurement to flourish in York Region, by improving access to fair employment and decent work. This will be done by connecting the dots between the policy (regional) and practice of social procurement on the ground by curating the tools, processes and relationships to make these opportunities accessible to communities.

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9 Emerging Home Building Trends

Wondering what's new in the world of home construction? Builders are focusing on bold colors, outdoor features and creative uses of space.

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9 Home Building Trends

Design and architect office, home office

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The pandemic fueled the ongoing trend of remote work spaces.

Key Takeaways

  • Homebuilders are moving toward bold colors and creative designs.
  • Builders are also addressing increased need for work-from-home, outdoor and family spaces.
  • Single-story living is becoming very popular.

Homebuilders have faced their share of challenges in recent years. Material shortages and increased costs have forced builders to be more mindful of their clients’ needs to maximize resources and allocate funds where they’ll have the most impact. Here are some newer trends that are emerging in the world of home construction.

1. Prefinished Engineered Floors

Flooring has long been an important element of home design. Maria Rozenfeld, product specialist at Havwoods in New York, says that hardwood flooring is no longer the go-to option for those seeking a higher-end interior.

“In 2024, we're most excited about prefinished engineered floors,” she says. “They are more structurally sound, which means their construction allows the boards to be wider and longer compared to solid wood flooring. This allows our customers to create more cohesive, beautiful spaces.”

Rozenfeld also notes that engineered floors tend to cost less, which is a big consideration for builders today.

“By eliminating the need for on-site sanding and finishing, you not only save on materials, but also significantly lower labor expenses,” she says.

2. Mixed-Use Spaces

The events of 2020 had a negative impact on commercial retail spaces, as many businesses shuttered permanently in the course of the pandemic. That only piled on to the existing plight of malls and shopping centers, which have long struggled to maintain tenants.

It’s also become increasingly difficult for people to secure affordable housing. These factors have led to an uptick in mixed-use spaces, says Kurt Volkman, associate principal at HED, a national architecture, engineering and planning firm.

“There is a skyrocketing demand for mixed-use spaces in which people can reside, work and find recreational and entertainment options nearby,” he says. “Mixed-use developments can help address housing challenges and offer a compelling alternative to the malls and shopping centers of the past.”

3. Dopamine Decor

There’s an increased need for homes to serve as a haven for mental health, says Ashley Banbury, color marketing manager and a certified designer at Sherwin Williams brands Krylon and Dutch Boy Paints. To this end, she’s seen a push in "dopamine decor."

"Dopamine decor, named after the feel-good neurotransmitter, is a trend that aims to evoke a sense of happiness, warmth and nostalgia through vibrant colors, layered textures and playful patterns that reflect the homeowner’s personality and style," she explains.

Whether it's bold colors, unique patterns or inviting textures, the goal is to make it so people’s homes can function as mood-enhancers. Banbury has also seen bold colors popping up in more outdoor spaces as well indoor.

4. All-Electric Homes

It’s not just electric vehicles that are all the rage these days. There’s been a push toward homes that use electricity as their sole energy source, says Stephen Pallrand, owner/founder at architecture and interior design company CarbonShack in Los Angeles.

“All-electric homes are on the rise, particularly considering the targeted benefits that the Inflation Reduction Act gives to homeowners for solar,” he says. “Removing fossil fuels from the home is not only good for the environment but good for our lungs.”

There’s a big cost savings as well. “Once you are fully electric with battery storage,” says Pallrand, “you can run your entire household and charge your EVs for almost free.”

5. Single-Story Homes

Single-story living is ideal for people with mobility challenges. But it’s not just older homebuyers who are favoring single-story homes, says Jill DiDonna, chief marketing officer at GL Homes in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

“There’s a lot of reasons to like first-floor living,” she says. In her experience, Gen X homebuyers are increasingly moving toward single-story homes because they’re thinking ahead. These homes are conducive to aging in place .

DiDonna also says single-story homes offer certain aesthetic benefits, like tall ceilings and a sense of spaciousness. As a plus, they tend to be less expensive.

Pallrand is seeing a shift toward single-story living as well. "As building and remodeling costs increase, we are doing less two-story additions and more single-story," he says.

6. Family-Oriented Spaces

Homes have long served as gathering spots for families. But these days, there’s a push toward creating specific family-oriented features, says Eddie Rider of Eddie Rider Designs in Raleigh, North Carolina.

“Cooking and eating together is a big deal and has circled back into design,” he says. He’s seeing kitchens being built with larger ranges and cooktops and multiple sinks so making dinner becomes a team effort.

7. Creativity in Outdoor Design

Gone are the days of cookie-cutter exteriors. “There is a growing desire to add more creativity to outdoor living spaces,” says Nader Assad, vice president of innovation at exterior design company Oldcastle APG, with more than 200 locations in North America.

Assad has seen an uptick in color options for outdoor features as well as more versatility in pavers and fencing.

“Fencing is also becoming more textured, with options that mimic woodgrain or natural stone,” he says.

8. Work-From-Home Spaces

The pandemic fueled a push toward remote work that’s still very much alive and well across a range of industries. As such, builders are intentionally creating spaces to make working from the home feasible, says Brian Juedes, VP of product design at homebuilding company Taylor Morrison.

“Work-from-home spaces that stemmed from the pandemic in 2020 have moved faster than any residential design trend in the last 50 years,” he says. “Over the last four years, architects and designers have created many floor plans with work-from-home spaces in a variety of locations, including great rooms, kitchens, dining spaces, bedrooms, halls, lofts and even laundry rooms.”

9. Outdoor Retreats

Given the cost of buying and owning a home these days, buyers are looking for reasons to stay put rather than leave the house. That explains an uptick in outdoor retreats , says Diana Melichar, president and owner of Melichar Architects in Lake Forest, Illinois.

“We are finding in our market that homeowners are looking for a retreat in their own backyards,” she says.

Some popular options include swimming pools with whirlpool spas, pavilions with outdoor lounges and kitchens with retractable screens. Outdoor fireplaces are also becoming more commonplace as they allow homeowners to extend the summer season.

Posh Outdoor Kitchens Are In

Karen Dybis April 18, 2024

New and modern outdoor kitchen on a sunny summer evening, dinner preparation

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Tags: real estate , housing market , economy , pending home sales , new home sales

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How Aquazurra Designer Edgardo Osorio Does St. Petersburg, Russia

The shoe designer heads north for a cultural excursion (and some vodka and caviar).

Bicycle tire, Road, Tourism, City, Public space, Urban area, Dome, Street, Bicycle frame, Metropolitan area,

This article originally appears in the July 2016 issue of ELLE.

Since launching Aquazzura in 2011, Edgardo Osorio has received recognition for pieces that walk the line between footwear and works of art. In his downtime, the 30-year-old native of Colombia seeks design inspiration from foreign locales. Most recently, he set his sights on Saint Petersburg: "It's one of those incredible cities that really leave an impression on you," Osorio says. Before packing his bags, he dove into books about the city's history by Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer Robert K. Massie. "Read about Catherine the Great, Peter the Great, and Russian culture before you go so that you get to experience it personally," he says. Indeed, when Osorio returned to his Florence home base, he created a fall 2016 collection that included a riff on the cowboy boot with embroidery that's a nod to the city's opulent architecture.

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The Four Seasons Lion Palace. Offering views of Aleksandrovsky Garden and a stone's throw from the Hermitage—one of the world's great art museums—the hotel, a former royal palace, is the definition of luxe digs, with rooms starting at $410 per night. The lobby's interior has been restored to its original 1820s grandeur, and the four-level Luceo Spa offers ultra indulgent treatments that include gold-extract body scrubs. "Ask for a room with a terrace overlooking Saint Isaac's Cathedral," Osorio says. 

While the designer reports that caviar and vodka was his go-to dinner combination ( when in Rome... ), lunch was all about a meal at Mansarda. Designed by Piuarch studio, the architectural firm behind Dolce & Gabbana's Milan offices, the ultra sleek restaurant features a delicious selection of Italian and sushi dishes. 

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Adding "museum hopping" to the itinerary was a no-brainer for Osorio. At the gigantic Hermitage—it occupies more than 2 million square feet— he concentrated on the ornate Russian interior decoration of the nineteenth to early twentieth centuries. (The museum also boasts one of the world's largest collections of Western European art.) Also on the agenda: a visit to the Fabergé Museum and a well-worth-it, 30-minute drive south of central Saint Petersburg to the Catherine Palace, the former home of Empress Elizabeth that's known for its Amber Room, decked out in amber panels, gold leaf, and mirrors. After the palace, the designer made his way to Saint Isaac's Cathedral, one of the largest churches in the city."If you visit the cathedral after spending the day at the palace," Osorio advises, "you can watch the sun set while walking up the stairs." 

After dinner one night, it was off to the River Neva, where, at 2 a.m., Osorio met up with longtime friends who live in the city for a riverboat tour. The group got to take in the White Nights of Saint Petersburg, a phenomenon that occurs from late May to early July, when the sun never fully sets due to the city's latitude. "It was like Paris meets Venice," he says. Several riverboat companies offer such cruises—you can book tours in advance for as little as $10. 

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You’ve probably heard of the breathtaking Moscow Metro stations in Russia — but before you focus solely on those, St Petersburg Metro stations are also a league of their own!

Looking for other must-do activities?

Check out these Russia travel guides now!

As the second-largest city in the country, Saint Petersburg’s metro system is not only expansive but also speckled with beautifully decorated interiors. Any visitor would actually doubt that they have stepped into a train station because its designs are unlike anywhere else in the world.

There are about 72 St Petersburg Metro stations but not all of them are equally grandiose works of art, so if you want to make the most of your time and witness only the “ best of the best “, you should use this guide to see the top 10 most beautiful platforms in the city!

Table of Contents

History of St Petersburg Metro Stations

It actually took quite a while for the St Petersburg Metro stations to be built.

It first started back in 1820 when a man named Torogvanov proposed the plan to Tasar Alexander I — but it was harshly declined. It was only in 1938 when it was finally accepted as an official project; then again… construction was frozen during World War II because of the lack of equipment, funding, and manpower.

Around this time, the stations were used as bomb shelters.

Construction was picked up again in 1946, and then 10 years after the end of the war, the subway with 7 stations was finally opened to the public on November 15, 1955.

The former name of the St Petersburg Metro stations was “ Order of Lenin Leningrad Metro “, named after Vladimir Lenin, a Russian revolutionary.

Exhibiting exquisite Soviet designs and artworks, the train stations easily gained popularity worldwide for their beauty as well as for their unique characteristic of being built deep underground (all but 9 stations) . So… why were they actually built in such a way?

  • To contribute to Stalin’s vision of portraying socialist classicism, making the Metro stations act as “Palaces of the People”.
  • Saint Petersburg has a lot of underground rivers with multiple islands, so it was imperative that they are built deep.
  • Set at a deep level for the purpose of minimizing disruption and noise.
  • In response to the Cold War threat, the stations were meant to serve as bomb shelters as well (many of the older platforms actually have air filters, blast doors, and provisions) .

To date, St. Petersburg’s deepest station is Admiralteyskaya which is at 86 meters (282 feet) below ground, and it is said to be the 4th deepest station in the world!

Metro Travel Guide

How to use the st. petersburg metro system.

Saint Petersburg Metro Entrance (Ticket)

Photo by: Shutterstock

To date, there are 5 lines operating for St Petersburg Metro Stations and they all total to a length of 124km with over 72 stations that are connected by 7 transfer points.

  • Line 1 (Kirovsko-Vyborgskaya) : The oldest line of the metro that was opened in 1955.
  • Line 2 (Moskovsko-Petrogradskaya): Second oldest that was opened in 1961, and the first in the St Petersburg Metro stations to have a unique horizontal lift platform style.
  • Line 3 (Nevsko-Vasileostrovskaya): Its stations have the longest inter-station tunnels in the entire Metro system.
  • Line 4 (Pravoberezhnaya): The shortest line in the system in which most of its stations feature a more modern design.
  • Line 5 (Frunzensko-Primorskaya): Mainly connects the city’s center to the northwestern and southern neighborhoods.
  • Line 6 (Krasnosel’sko-Kalininskaya): Set to open in 2020 with 6 new stations.

Open from approximately 5:45AM to midnight, the St Petersburg Metro is relatively cheap — certainly, a small price to pay for enjoying well-connected transportation AND jaw-dropping architecture!

» Cost & Purchase of Metro Tickets

  • Insert a brass token in the slot
  • Tap a smart card purchased from a ticket machine at the station
  • Tap a MasterCard PayPass or Visa PayWave card on the white circle near the slot
If you carry large baggages, it’s required to pay 1 additional fare.
  • Price per fare will become RUB36 instead of RUB45
  • There’s an additional RUB60 deposit for the card which can be refunded when you return it
  • They can be purchased from metro cash desks or at the automated ticket machines for a set amount of money or a set number of unlimited days of travel (1 to 10 days)

» Top Tips for Navigating St. Petersburg’s Metro

Metro maps  can be found in every train car and always have station names in the Latin alphabet. The station names on the platforms are also in the Latin alphabet, and many other signs are in English. Station announcements on the train are only in Russian, but if you listen carefully you will hear the conductor announce the current station name and the next station as the doors are closing.

  • METRO MAPS: There are maps found in every train car; otherwise, using Google Maps works just fine (I used it during my stay in the city and I never got lost!)
  • Announcements for the next stations are only in Russian.
  • TRANSFERS: Time your itinerary well because transferring trains or stations may involve long walks that can take up to 10 minutes due to the deep underground construction of the stations.
  • Stand on the right and walk on the left.
  • RUSH HOURS: Usually from 8AM to 10AM in the morning, and 5PM to 7PM in the afternoon. The trains will run almost every 30 seconds and it will get crowded fast; so, it’s best to avoid these times if you want to do some sightseeing at St Petersburg Metro stations. Sunday will usually be a quiet day, or if you can come as early as 6AM in the morning, the better.

10 Top St Petersburg Metro Stations

Most often than not, people regard Russia’s Metro stations as some sort of underground museum — and it’s easy to see why as you go through the photos below!

» BONUS: Other Noteworthy St Petersburg Metro Stations

  • Line 1, Red: Prospekt Veteranov, Pushkinskaya, Vladimirskaya
  • Line 2, Blue: Tekhnologichesky Institut
  • Line 3, Green: Begovaya
  • Line 4, Orange: Ligovsky Prospekt
  • Line 5, Violet: Komendantsky Prospekt, Krestovsky Ostrov

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Yes, amateur photography (without a tripod, etc) is generally allowed — and naturally, any professional photography is prohibited in all of the stations.

Even if the trains run every 30 seconds or so, you will still need quite some time for transfers, especially because the tunnels of St Petersburg Metro stations can go quite deep. Even so, it is possible to enjoy the 10 metro stations stated in the list above for a whole day; but, if you don’t want to spend so much time underground, you can just take note of these stations and insert some of them in your day-to-day Saint Petersburg itinerary as you please.

I would highly recommend exploring Line 1 (Kirovsko-Vyborgskaya) because they hold the most number of beautifully designed train stations. (Line 5 or Frunzensko-Primorskaya comes as a close second especially because it has Admiralteyskaya, the deepest station in Russia).

In general, Russia is a safe country. Just take note though that since St. Petersburg is a major city with a massive number of people, petty theft can still happen especially when you’re in a tight space such as in a train car — so just stay street smart and use your common sense at all times and you’ll definitely be fine. Rest assured, there are security staff in every train station, so if you ever need assistance, they are pretty easy to spot.

» Compare All St Petersburg Hotels & Rentals «

10 Most Beautiful St Petersburg Metro Stations to Visit (Tips & Travel Guide - Russia)

I hope this underground guide will help make your Saint Petersburg Metro exploration a rewarding and hassle-free experience!

Let me know in the comments section below if you happen to find any other interesting subway station that I might have missed .

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Hey there! I am Aileen Adalid. At 21, I quit my corporate job in the Philippines to pursue my dreams. Today, I am a successful  digital nomad  (online entrepreneur, travel writer, & vlogger) living a sustainable travel lifestyle.

My mission?  To show you how it is absolutely possible to  create a life of travel no matter the odds — and I will help you achieve that through my detailed travel hacks, guides, resources, tips, and MORE!

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Incredible photos. Narvskaya stole my heart.

Aileen Adalid

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Italian St. Petersburg

Although the Italian community in St. Petersburg has never been large, no other nationality has had such a profound influence on the city's cultural and artistic heritage. While the cliche that St. Petersburg is the "Venice of the North" does not stand up to much scrutiny - St. Petersburg's broad avenues, formal green spaces and Empire-style public buildings mark it as the product of a much later age - Italians are bound to feel at home in the city thanks to the huge number of buildings modeled on Italian masterpieces and built by Italian architects, many of whom devoted their whole careers to developing the city. In fact, well into the 19th century, almost every major construction project in St. Petersburg was entrusted to an Italian designer, and the results are spectacular, culminating with the stellar career of Carlo Rossi , Russia's leading proponent of high neoclassicism.

It was not only in architecture that Italians made their mark. Peripatetic Italian painters and sculptors found fame and fortune amongst the Russian aristocracy in the city's early decades, while throughout the 18th and 19th centuries Italians made a major contribution to the development of classical music, particularly opera and ballet, in the city. Even St. Petersburg's beautiful circus was originally organized by an Italian ringmaster.

Today, the most prominent Italian working in St. Petersburg is undoubtedly Luciano Spalletti , coach of Zenit FC, who has twice taken the city's much-loved football team to the top of the Russian Premier League. Italian artists and performers continue to be guests of honour in the city, and Italian cuisine is probably even more popular than sushi among St. Petersburg's middle classes, served at some of the best restaurants the city has to offer.

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