10 favorite interdimensional travel movies

Jamie Bell, Michael B. Jordan, Kate Mara, and Miles Teller in Fantastic Four (2015)

1. Fantastic Four

Kill Switch (2017)

2. Kill Switch

Jaeden Martell in Midnight Special (2016)

3. Midnight Special

Parallels (2015)

4. Parallels

Chad McKnight and Brianne Davis in Synchronicity (2015)

5. Synchronicity

The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)

6. The Cloverfield Paradox

Matthew McConaughey, Idris Elba, and Tom Taylor in The Dark Tower (2017)

7. The Dark Tower

The Gateway (2018)

8. The Gateway

The One (2001)

10. Tomorrowland

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6 Games That Let You Travel To Another Dimension


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Dimension travel is a concept that has been in multiple video games over the years. Typically, it's a part of the narrative as the main characters travel to another world or get sent to one. This event occurs in titles like Injustice and Bioshock Infinite, as well as several others.

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However, it's a lot rarer to see a game that puts the dimension switching in your hands. In these titles, your appearance in another universe isn't based on a scripted event. You're there because you've used an item or clicked a button to travel to this new realm. The following games all feature that mechanic.

6 Guacamelee!

Guacamelee is an excellent Metroidvania game where you play as a humble farmer whose early attempts at being a hero see him sent to the land of the dead. However, he's given a second chance when he puts on a magical luchador mask that not only sends him back to the living world but also gives him a significant increase in power.

You need to use this newfound strength to take out all the enemies in your way to build up your skills and hopefully rescue your kidnapped beloved. During the journey, you gain the ability to instantly travel between the lands of the living and dead. Each one comes with its own music, colors, items, and enemies. You regularly need to switch between the two worlds to progress in the story.

This action RPG is all about death as you play as a watcher who makes sure departed souls are reincarnated. Sometimes the process has to happen by force when the subject isn't ready to move on. The narrative goes into some dark and thought-provoking topics. The dimension traveling element features in the gameplay as with a press of a button, you can teleport between the living and the veil - which is a spirit realm of sorts.

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The two dimensions don't look too distinct. The veil has a darker color scheme and a few aesthetic changes, which is just enough for you to realize which world you're currently inhabiting. Yet, you still need to swap at certain points to progress as you can't enter some areas while in the veil. Also, occassionally a soul will be in the other world, so you have to switch to reach them.

4 Quantum Conundrum

Portal set the standard for environmental first-person puzzle games , and one of the lead designers on that title also created Quantum Conundrum. In it, you play a silent protagonist who needs to rescue his mad scientist Uncle. Your family member is stuck in another dimension, and you need to solve a litany of different puzzles to reach him.

To do that, you put on a special glove called the IKE (Interdimensional Kinetic Entity). With it, you can switch between four dimensions on the fly. Each one has its own properties. For instance, the fluffy dimension makes everything light, so you can easily pick up or manipulate heavy objects. The others allow you to either slow down time, reverse gravity, or make objects heavier. The inclusion of these different dimensions adds plenty of intrigue to the game's puzzle-solving.

3 Flipping Death

In the surreal Flipping Death, you have to fill in for the Grim Reaper when he goes on a vacation to the moon. As the new death, you must roam around the land of the dead looking for individuals to possess. Once you possess somebody, you flip into the living world and control them while also reading their thoughts. You use their knowledge and body to solve a bunch of creative puzzles.

The pair of 2D worlds you switch between are very dissimilar. The land of the dead is dark and filled with souls. As for the living world, it's a lot more vibrant and includes plenty of unique-looking buildings. Their one similarity is that they both look like they belong in a pop-up book due to the game's unique art style.

2 The Medium

In this third-person psychological horror game, you play as a spirit medium named Marianne, who travels to an incredibly-detailed abandoned resort called Niwa . Her initial goal is to discover more about her strange powers, but things take a bit of a turn when she gets to the unusual resort.

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Throughout The Medium , you regularly journey between the real world and the spirit realm. While you occasionally traverse either world independently, the most interesting moments come when you're in both dimensions at once. On these occasions, the screen splits in two, with you controlling Marianne in both realms. It allows the game to include some unique puzzle sections. Plus, it's a creative way to present two distinct dimensions.

1 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

There are several contenders for the title of the best Legend Of Zelda game, and Link To The Past is one of them. As always, you control Link as he attempts to save Hyrule from the powerful Ganon. Partway through the tale, you're transported into a place once known as the Sacred Realm. The world isn't very sacred anymore as due to Ganon's influence, the realm is a lot more twisted.

For much of the game, you can teleport between the Dark and Light worlds using a combination of the magic mirror and the portal it leaves behind. The two realms are mirrored versions of one another. Unsurprisingly, the Dark world is a lot bleaker as all the grass is brown, and the water doesn't look fresh. Even the living creatures are different as they're more monstrous in the Dark world. You'll have to visit both realms plenty of times while playing through the game.

NEXT: Best Time Travel Games, Ranked

  • Triple-A Games

The Medium


The Curious Case of Time Travel, Parallel Universes, and Alternate Dimensions

alternate dimension travel

Why is time travel so complicated, and is it even possible? Are there other universes in "space" apart from ours, and what exactly is the meaning of alternate dimensions?

The truth is, we are still not entirely sure how our reality functions. Although complicated, physics is doing its best to make things more understandable to the public, but nonetheless remains complicated for most to understand. The late Professor  Hawking was excellent at explaining complicated scientific subjects to the public, and many of his books have made science understandable to the masses.

In this article, we will discuss, among other things, the subject concerning parallel universes and dimensions beyond the three familiar to us in a perhaps equally understandable way.

How did we come up with the idea of higher dimensions?

In modern physics, there is a great deal of trouble with  unifying  the theory of general relativity and the theory of quantum mechanics. General relativity explains how the force of gravity, large-scale stars, and galaxies behave, while quantum mechanics describes how small atoms, subatomic particles, and three fundamental forces interact.

However, it’s hard to bring these theories together because each seems to have very different rules that govern the level they observe. Einstein made one of the primary efforts to solve this dilemma in the 1940s by postulating  String theory , which claims everything is made up of 1-dimensional strings in a universe with extra dimensions.

This was the first step in better understanding why large-scale objects and gravity behave differently than small particles. In the meantime, scientists developed string theory into superstring theory, which arose from the M-theory . These theories have in common that they propose a reality based on 10 or 11 dimensions. Well-known physicist  Michio Kaku believes this to be precisely the reality we live in.

What’s hidden in these higher dimensions?

In the early 20th century, scientists formulated the theory of  dark matter because galaxies’ motions didn’t match the calculations based on known gravitational theories. According to previous calculations, some galaxies would have floated apart or couldn’t form in the first place. They seem tied together by some unseen matter, which makes up 85% of our universe. Some theories suggest this invisible matter exists in the extra dimensions.

Are there parallel universes?

According to the theory of the  multiverse , a parallel universe is created where this decision plays out each time we make a personal decision. In another parallel universe, we might have made a different decision with different consequences.

This also seems to be the case with  quantum particles making arbitrary decisions under scientific observation. Not only is it possible that there’s another almost identical universe to ours where the particle acted differently than here but it’s also possible such parallel universes are interacting with our own.

Where are these extra dimensions and parallel universes?

Understanding the interactions of a 4-dimensional hypercube will be difficult for a layman. It might be easier to explain the 11 dimensions in the following way; As humans, we are trapped in 3 spatial dimensions, plus the fourth “time “dimension. We call “time “a “line “in the 4th dimension. We move from dot to dot on this line in a single forward direction, from one moment to the next.

We can move through 3-D spaces more or less than we wish, but we can’t do so through the 4th dimension. If we could hypothetically be in the fifth dimension, then time (“line“) and all its moments (“dots“) would become as freely movable space to us – we could go forward into the future and backward in the past as we wish.

In the  5th dimension , we might see our entire life’s timeline from birth to passing away, all at once in front of us, just as if it were a spatial object. If we hypothetically looked at things from the  6th dimension , we would see all different possible timelines of events in our universe as a single space across which we could travel.

In the seventh dimension, we could go to a  universe with a different set of physical laws; in the 8th, we travel between all such possible universes, and in the 9th, we navigate between all possible timelines in all possible universes. Finally, in the 10th, all possibilities would exist, even things seemingly impossible  in our universes.

So the question is, will we ever be able to travel to these extra dimensions?

One of the most exciting things in the  universe  is our  brain .  It’s a tool that helps us keep track of past events to calculate future happenings and support our logical decision-making in the present. Through our imagination, our brain tries to visualize possible timelines in case we make different decisions.  We may even imagine a universe with different physical constants. In a way, our brain helps us imagine higher dimensions.

Perhaps developing technology will make navigating through parallel universes a bit easier?

According to John D. Barrow’s revised  Kardashev scale measuring, the developmental phases of civilizations are as follows: type 1 – capable of building structures, harnessing the energy of its planet; types 2 and 3: manipulating genes and molecules, uses the energy of stars and galaxies; Type 4, 5 and 6: manipulating atoms, quarks, creating complex artificial life and harnessing the energy of the entire universe; and finally type Omega : capable of manipulating the multiverse , space and time.

Is there any civilization in our universe that managed to become a type Omega?

The strange thing is that over  40 billion planets  in our galaxy alone could support life, as per astrophysicists. For the last 50 years, we have made serious efforts to try to pick up any radio or communication signal from an advanced civilization, but to no avail.  So far, there seems to be no trace of any highly technological species whatsoever. As scientist  Enrico Fermi  famously asked, “Where is everybody? “

Ancient civilizations often told stories about immortal intelligent deities such as gods and angels who seemed outside the dimension of time , traveling through space instantaneously and assuming shapes according to their wishes.  They are even said to have created humans. Could this be a written record of type Omega civilization that mastered the multiverse and the creation of complex artificial life?  We may never know.

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An artist's illustration of a Black Hole Merger. Depositphotos.

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Arkhangelsk Oblast

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Arkhangelsk Oblast is a region in northwestern Russia , which borders Karelia to the west, the White Sea to the north, Nenetsia to the northeast, Komi Republic to the east, Kirov Oblast to the southeast, and Vologda Oblast to the south.

alternate dimension travel

Mainland Arkhangelsk Oblast can be divided into 3 parts from north to south:

  • Northern part - the White Sea coast and Northern Dvina's delta. Home to biggest cities ( Arkhangelsk and Severodvinsk ), but less populated in rural areas outside the delta.
  • Middle part - the less populated part, with worst roads, a gap between North and South. Plesetsk Cosmodrome is located there.
  • Southern part - agricultural and more populated part with an array of old towns, as Kargopol , Velsk , Solvychegodsk , and Kotlas .

Also the Franz Josef Land far north in the Arctic Sea and Novaya Zemlya , halfway there, are part of the Oblast.


  • 64.55 40.533333 1 Arkhangelsk — the region's capital, chief sea port of medieval Russia, which houses Europe's largest museum of wooden architecture (Malye Korely). Claims to be the cultural capital of Russian North.
  • 64.566667 39.85 3 Severodvinsk — the second-largest city in the Oblast, 35   km from Arkhangelsk, at the White Sea coast. Home to the military Russian Northern Fleet and a principal submarine base and construction site.
  • 61.5 38.933333 4 Kargopol — a 1000-year-old town in the south-west of the region, near Kenozersky National Park , notorious for sasquatch/bigfoot sightings
  • 61.25 46.65 6 Kotlas — an important rail junction in the region's southeast, transit point to Veliky Ustyug .

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    In winter or in summer, the city by the White Sea could be a great new destination for your exploration of Russia. History. Starting from the 12th century, the region of Arkhangelsk was inhabited ...