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Bob Rogers Travel

Ambassadors of Music: The Trip of a Lifetime

May 24, 2023

Summer is almost here, and we couldn’t be more excited! Our inaugural BRT Ambassadors of Music trips depart in just a few weeks for a life-changing international performance tour like no other.

In late 2021, we announced that BRT would be relaunching and reimagining the Ambassadors of Music program , a legacy travel experience beloved by student performers for over 50 years. We’ve been hard at work enhancing the program, adding new destinations, performance venues and cultural experiences, while retaining many of the traditions that make this program unique. This summer, more than 2,700 travelers from 10 states will be joining us for this incredible adventure.

The Ambassadors of Music Program celebrates student performers across the country. Each year, our statewide nomination process invites music educators to recommend talented musicians within their schools and districts. These students and their directors will embark on a fifteen-day tour of Europe where they’ll perform in breathtaking venues, experience new cultures and walk through history itself.

Students will have the opportunity to:

  • Explore five countries, including the United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Germany and Austria.
  • Perform in historic venues in every country, such as Paris’ L’Eglise de La Madeleine, the beautiful Marktplatz in Rothenburg ob der Tauber and London’s Victoria Embankment Gardens. 
  • Live like a local in quaint villages, modern cities and charming mountain towns.
  • Breathe in crisp Alpine air, taste local delicacies, listen to ancient church bells toll.
  • Walk the same streets as classical music heroes like Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert and Hayden.
  • Travel by air, land and sea – including a trip on the high-speed Eurostar train from London to Paris.

Trip Inclusions:

  • Round-trip airfare
  • Airport greeter to assist with check-in at your US departure airport
  • All local transportation within Europe on luxury motor coaches
  • 14-nights accommodations at handpicked hotels
  • An English-speaking Tour Manager dedicated to your group for the entirety of the tour
  • Two “City Coordinators” in each destination to provide in-depth local knowledge and support
  • At least two meals per day
  • Entrance to all sightseeing excursions and experience
  • All gratuities

Every detail of the trip is handled, from transportation, accommodations, meals, excursions and experiences – we take care of everything. All students need is some spending money for snacks and souvenirs!

We’re honored to continue the tradition of the Ambassadors program for a new generation of student performers. As they step onto some of the world’s most picturesque stages – from world-renowned venues to lovely town squares – the music education they’ve received in the classroom will come to life in new, powerful ways. They’ll not only grow as performers, but as confident young adults as well , maturing as travelers learning new languages, foods, currency and cultures.

If you’d like to connect with your state’s Ambassadors of Music coordinator or simply want to learn more about our program, please reach out today through our website . We look forward to sharing this newly reimagined program with even more talented student performers in the years to come!

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                   Missouri Ambassadors of Music 

                                          European Tour with Bob Rogers Travel Ambassadors of Music Program 

                                                                        2023 Tour June 30 - July 15  Very Successfull!

                                    2024 Tour June 24 - July 9 Registration is OPEN


  Missouri Ambassadors of Music Europe

                                         Need more Info?  go to:

                                                             Use the Region Code:  MO


Informational Area Meetings for the 2024* Tour 

The IN-Person meetings for the 2024 Tour have already been held during April and May of 2023 

REGISTRATIONS are still OPEN for the 2024 Tour

Below are some additional ZOOM Meeting Dates if you are interested in finding out about the 2024 Tour

Need more information? contact Jeff Sandquist;  [email protected]  

*All dates are for 2023          Additional Meeting Dates will be added as they are scheduled.  

DATE TIME            MEETING LOCATION                      ADDRESS                                                    HOST

Can't find a meeting that works in your schedule?  Complete this form to receive an email when new meetings are scheduled.  

RSVP for the Meeting of Your Choice by clicking the blue bar below.  A ZOOM invite will be emailed to you. 

[email protected]

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A Once in a Lifetime Experience



The Virginia Ambassadors of Music invites and brings together the best musicians in the Commonwealth of Virginia so that we can share our music abroad in Europe. 

If you have received one of our invitations,


That means you are one of the best of the best. We hand pick only the best band programs. Next, we ask their directors to nominate their students for for our program. Then we prepare and present our music in six European venues. Along the way we get to encounter some of the greatest sites in the western world.

It truly is a once in a lifetime experience.

Scroll down for more details.



Guided tour of Paris Historique including Notre Dame Cathedral, Arc de Triomphe, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Artist's Square. Perform at the Plateau Joffre-Ecole Millitare.



Stay high in the Alps in the village of Engelberg and an excursion into Lucerne. Explore breath-taking vistas on Mount Titlis. Perform in both Lucerne and Engelberg.



See this charming medieval town and walk all around atop its city wall. Perform for all in the Stadplatz.



Visit “the City of a Hundred Spires,” with its Old Town Square, colorful baroque buildings, Gothic churches, and the medieval Astronomical Clock. Performance in the Royal Palace Square.



Austria’s capital, Vienna, offers a blend of imperial traditions, music, and endearing charm. A city that inspires with the old and the new alike. Performance in St. Stephen's Square in the heart of Vienna.


Virginia Ambassadors of Music wants your trip to be an experience that you will always remember. We offer a unique and affordable youth travel opportunity for selected musicians for the Commonwealth of Virginia.  You can trust our team to provide utmost care and attention to detail. Check out what we’ve got to offer and contact us to receive more information.



Tour and Music Director

Mr. Rice is a music educator with over 30 years of teaching experience.  A native of Kentucky, he received his BME in 1988 from the University of Kentucky.  He received his Masters in Music Education from James Madison University in 1993. He was the Band Director at West Potomac High School for 28 years.

During his tenure there his bands received numerous superior ratings and performed at the National Concert Band Festival.  He is currently the Band Director at Bishop Ireton High School.

He has helped guide over 1,000 students from the Commonwealth across Europe since 2006.


Executive Manager

Mrs. Rice has over 25 years of teaching experience and is a librarian at West Potomac High School. She has a BM in Music Performance (clarinet), a BS in Elementary Education, and a MSLS in Library Science. Mrs. Rice is has played in the Fairfax Wind Symphony since 2006. She has chaperoned hundreds of high school students through Europe since 2010. In her spare time you can find her reading her favorite fantasy, science fiction, or mystery novels. The Rices have 4 children, all over the age of 21, Boo the Wonder Dog (who is our loyal and trustworthy Standard Poodle),  and Vladimir...a very fancy Maine Coon cat with many people on his staff.

Ambassadors of Music??

<p>I would appreciate it if anyone who has participated would post advice for those considering it. Apparently these are state-level programs (ours is Missouri), but they all seem to have a similar format. </p>

<p>I’m not concerned about how it will look on a resume, just want to know if it’s a worthwhile experience (from both musical and travel perspectives) and worth the money. Thank you!!</p>

<p>I did this in July. It was really a lot of fun…I don’t know if it’s the same for all states, but our Hawaiian group went to London, Paris, Switzerland, Venice, Austria, and Germany. If you’re going with the hope of really seeing a lot/getting to know countries…don’t count on it. You do see a lot, but for brief amounts of time for each.</p>

<p>If the program does go to these same places, though, I would definitely go. It gives you an idea of where you’d like to go back later, and gives you a nice taster of Europe. The concerts are pretty fun–ours were great because we had hula dancers, as well as Japanese and Filipino dancers. You will loooove Champery, Switzerland. If you want to know anything about the specific places, let me know and I’ll tell you what I can remember.</p>

<p>If you’re a drinker, you’ll also love it–with the low drinking ages, the kids in my group had a pretty great time. Though I guess that depends on your chaperones–ours didn’t care one way or the other, lol.</p>

<p>It was definitely worth the money, and the experience of performing for so many people all around the world was really great. It’s nice, too, that the ONLY times you play are for the shows–no practices that’ll waste your time.</p>

<p>Let me know if you want more info!</p>

<p>Thanks, Dani, that’s helps a lot. The info meeting is tonight, so we’ll find out more. I’d be thrilled just to go to Hawaii!</p>

<p>Could anyone who is familiar with this program please share their impression of it? It’s where a HS musical contingent from our state tours Europe for 16 days of sightseeing and performing. I know it’s not intended to be an ‘honor’ thing, but it sounds like a great experience. For one thing, I’m concerned about the large size of the group - apparently in the 150-300 range. I’m wondering if just the logistics (boarding and unboarding buses, checking into and out of hotels, etc.) for a group that size would take too large a chunk out of their days. For the heftly cost, I wouldn’t want my S spending all his time sitting around waiting! Thank you very much for a perspective on this or anything else you know about it.</p>

<p>DontPanic- Where are you from? Both my daughters participated in Ambassadors of Music–we live in Arizona. The groups were very large as you mentioned, but the coordination of the tour was superb. The expectations of the kids are high and they seemed to live up to it–good behavior, prompt, courteous, etc. There did seem to be a lot of bus time. Both my girls were happy with their experience. It started a travel bug with my youngest d. She went to France last year in a Sister City program and is going to Europe this summer backpacking with a group of friends. Daughters’ trips to Europe-4 Mom’s trips to Europe-0. I have a lot of catching up to do. </p>

<p>If you have any specific questions, feel free to pm me. I’ll try to answer them.</p>

<p>Thanks, Rbinaz!</p>

<p>That’s good to hear; I hope our group is as well-organized as yours. Sounds like your Ds were happy with their experience. We’re in Missouri. My son is very interested (he plays trumpet and would love to do the jazz band). Did the performances seem to be well received?</p>

<p>I had a D participate in the program several years ago. She still keeps in touch with the friends she made on the trip and couldn’t say enough great things about the experience. For her, the highlight was performing at the Montreaux (sp?) festival in Switzerland. They performed in both urban and rural concerts. The rural concerts were actually her favorite venue. She said entire communities would welcome them and come to hear them perform, bringing the students food and gifts. She also reported that the trips were well-operated and ran smoothly. Would love to hear about your S’s experiences!</p>

<p>That sounds great Silence, thanks. And welcome to CC! I’m somewhat of a newbie myself. AoM isn’t until next summer, I’m just trying to decide before the due date for the deposit, June 15. I think my son’s maturity level will be the issue here!</p>

<p>In the post-911 era, I have to worry about the security of large groups of US students touring in Europe. What kind of security precautions are taken for these groups? I realize my kid would have to show some individual responsibility, I guess I just need reassurance about baby going off into the great big world.</p>

<p>PiccoloMom, just to let you know this thread is almost five years old. </p>

<p>There’s a date on each post above the poster’s name.</p>

<p>I’m the OP. Thread’s old 911 was fresher then than now. My son did go on the trip and had a fantastic time. It’s expensive - a family trip would be a lot less per person - but he sure wouldn’t have enjoyed it as much! Anyway, as for security, I really don’t remember it being an issue. It was discussed - they had small groups responsible for each other, and that they did a bed check every night whereever they were. (post-trip, I got the impression that the kids had been very responsible.) But at the pre-meetings, parents seemed to be more concerned about ‘underage’ drinking than security.</p>

<p>My son went last summer with a group from Ohio. The group included both a choral group and orchestra so it was pretty large. My son had a wonderful time (he got to sing a solo in St. Mark’s Cathedral in Venice) and everything went off without a hitch. While Ambassadors of Music is the overall group the is in charge of the group, each state group has their own group of volunteers and state organizers that are in charge of the trip. The people in charge from Ohio have done the trip every other year for I think 10 - 15 years so they had it down pretty good.</p>

<p>Good luck with your decision making.</p>

<p>My son went last summer with the Oregon group. They had a great time and the tour was well organized. It may sound a bit sappy, but I think groups like this improve security for Americans abroad by being such great representatives for American youth.</p>

<p>Is there a group like this for Southern California? A website I could look at?</p>

<p>Your high school band director should know if there is a group for your area. It may be too late for this year’s tour as they do plan well in advance.</p>

<p>I had almost sent in my money for the Ohio choral one. I heard it was a blast. However, it was between a junky car and the trip, or a decent car. Well, and I was 16 so I went with the car. But I totally regret it. Heard nothing but good things.</p>

<p>My mom and I are going with the Tennessee group next summer. I can’t wait!! I don’t know how I’ll raise the money, but for Europe I’ll find a way. can anyone who already went tell me where their favorite place was?</p>

<p>My son went on the 2008 Colorado Ambassadors trip. It was a wonderful experience! With extras it was almost $5000 (much of it for airfar), but it was 16 days and incredibly well organized. Parents got a copy of the highly detailed daily agenda plans. </p>

<p>The coordinators plan everything very, very well. For security reasons there was a rule that students were not allowed to ride mass transit, but mostly the tour buses covered their needs. In London they took some side trips with chaperones (music teachers) and split taxi fare. </p>

<p>We paid half of the cost, and son paid half (but then my dad covered half of his half). The trip gave my son the travel bug and the strong desire to do a semester abroad or co-op abroad.</p>

<p>If your child goes, find a way to splurge for the London show option (about $60)… maybe as birthday gift beforehand.</p>

<p>I did the Ambassadors of Music tour for Illinois in 1994 and it was worth every penny. My family raised all of the money in our tiny Southern Illinois 1200 people town and it was a trip of a lifetime for me. The group was large and to be honest I DID get lost in Paris once but that was my own fault as I was very shy and kept to myself at the time. I didn’t know anyone else on the tour and every other child on the tour was from the Chicago area nearly 8 hrs away from me. I highly recommend talking with your child about the importance of the buddy system as this would have helped me. Luckily I wasn’t lost but just for a few hours and made my way back just fine. Scary event but taught me a lot. I love the concerts that we did and the people that come to see the concerts are more than happy to see the kids perform, it was amazing. It makes you feel like you are really doing something in the world. I absolutely loved the sightseeing, the shopping, the memories… all of it. My favorite evening was after the polka/fondue party in Morgins Switzerland, I went for a walk up a trail on a nearby mountain and one of the trumpet players was on the other side of the valley playing taps as the sun went down. I sat on the ground and just cried it was so beautiful. That is by far my most favorite and most special memory. It was worth every penny and every step I had to take to raise that money for it. My own son is going on the Colorado Ambassadors trip next year and I couldn’t be prouder. I am of course going with him and will enjoy every moment with him as if it were the first time I was there. I can’t wait to hear his trumpet echoing in Switzerland…</p>

<p>My son went last summer and loved it!</p>


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ambassadors of music tour

OAM holds a one day event (first rehearsal and parent meeting) in May, 2024. Just prior to departure, Oregon Ambassadors of Music operates a music preparation camp. Both of these are held at Oregon State University. This camp is only for participants of the OAM tour and this camp is mandatory. We have three plan options for you to consider. Most students choose plan A, but select the camp plan that is best for you. Each student must complete the camp order below by April 1. 



OAM First Rehearsal/Parent Meeting Date: May 5, 2024 Time: 9am-5pm Location: Oregon State University Schedule: Click HERE to view the Schedule!

OAM Pre-Tour Camp Date : July 4-6, 2024 Time: 8am-9pm  each day Location: Oregon State University Schedule: Click HERE to view the Schedule!

OAM Orchestra Bon Voyage Concert Date: July 6, 2024 Time: $ :00pm Location: Austin Auditorium, LaSells Music Center, Oregon State University

OAM Band Bon Voyage Concert Date: July 6, 2024 Time: 5:00pm Location: Parker Plaza, North of Reser Stadium, Oregon State University

OAM Choir Bon Voyage Concert Date: July 6, 2024 Time: 6:00pm Location: Austin Auditorium, LaSells Music Center, Oregon State University

ambassadors of music tour

OAM Camp Options and Payment

There are two camp options you can select from.  Everyone must stay in the dorms during the camp.  

CAMP OPTION A (without airport shuttle) -3 day music preparation camp and concert (July 4, 5, and 6) -2 nights in dorms (July 4 and 5) -Lunch and Dinner on Day 1 -Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Day 2 -Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Day 3 (concert day) -Linen and Towel Package -You go home after concert on Day 3 -You provide your own transportation from home to the airport on departure day -It is possible to add on the Shuttle Service on departure day (see below).

CAMP OPTION B ( includes airport shuttle) -3 day music preparation camp and concert (July 4, 5, and 6) - 4 nights in dorms (July 4, 5, 6, and 7) -Lunch and Dinner on Day 1 -Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Day 2 -Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Day 3 (concert day) -Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner on Day 4 (down day) -Grab and Go Breakfast on Departure Day -Linen and Towel Package -On the "down day"  (July 7), students  are supervised and have the opportunity to do laundry and relax on campus. This is the day in between  the end of camp and our departure day,  -On departure day, shuttle provided from Corvallis to PDX -This is a popular option for students that live far away from Corvallis

SHUTTLE ADD-ON FOR CAMP OPTION A -On departure day, you arrive back at dorms to take shuttle from Corvallis to PDX -This is a popular option for students that live close to Corvallis -Do not add this purchase if you are a Camp B student (it is already included)

The R oommate S election Form will be sent to you as we get closer to camp for you to select your camp roommate.

You must use the PayPal button below to complete your Camp Selection and Payment. Checks are not accepted as we use PayPal to track camp orders/options.  

ambassadors of music tour

OAM and MCI Refund Policies

Click here to review the Oregon Ambassadors of Music and Music Celebrations International's refund policies. 

STUDENT CHECKLIST 2024 TOUR . Please log into your browser with your personal email as school districts often block documents.

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May 11, 2024 80 °F PBS Passport .st0{fill:#0A145A;} .st1{fill:#5680FF;} .st2{fill:#FFFFFF;} UH Search for: Search MENU CLOSE News & Information Features Hello Houston inDepth Topics Local News Statewide News Business Education News Energy & Environment Health & Science Immigration Politics Transportation All Stories >>> Arts & Culture Arts & Culture Main Classical Music Music Opera & Musical Theater Dance Visual Art Literature Theatre & Film Voices and Verses: A Poem-A-Day Series Awareness Hispanic Heritage Pride Month: Better Together! Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Black History Women’s History Education Programs & Podcasts Local Programs Party Politics Houston Matters with Craig Cohen I SEE U with Eddie Robinson Texas Standard UH 100 Years of Houston Bauer Business Focus Briefcase Engines of Our Ingenuity Health Matters UH Moment Features Dead and Buried Career Frontier Podcasts Below the Waterlines: Houston After Hurricane Harvey Party Politics Skyline Sessions Encore Houston All Podcasts >> Support Membership Update Payment Method Upgrade Your Monthly Gift Give a Gift Membership Giving Programs Affinity Council Studio Society In Tempore Legacy Society Innovation Fund Volunteers Foundation Board Young Leaders Council Mission Ambassadors Donations Vehicle Donation Giving Opportunities Employee Match Program More Ways to Give Partnerships Corporate Sponsorship About About Us Meet the Team Join the Team Contact Us Ethics and Standards Reports & Financials Press Room Listen Watch Donate Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube Linkedin Mastodon googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1488818411584-0'); }); Local

Usps representative shows embattled missouri city facility in tour.

A January inspection of the processing center found more than 380,000 delayed parcels. Medications and wedding dresses were among the delayed packages, prompting intervention from local members of Congress.

USPS representatives provided a tour at the South Houston processing center in Missouri City.

The United States Postal Service provided a media tour Thursday of its new processing center in Missouri City after residents in the Houston area experienced mail delays earlier this year.

Medications, wedding dresses and other packages were often weeks late . And Houston-area representatives of Congress were mediating between residents and the postal service for most of the delays.

John DiPeri, the vice president for regional processing operations in USPS’ western processing region, led reporters throughout the South Houston Local Processing Center (LPC) in Missouri City. DiPeri said he wanted to be in town when the tour happened.

“There’s been major construction going on, a lot of equipment going in, a lot of cement work going in, a lot of planning,” he said. “So we wanted to bring it in when it was safe enough to bring a crew in, it was organized to where we could bring in and show you a good tour.”

A press release from the postal service states the South Houston facility officially opened for operations in late March. An audit released last month found the same facility was opened in November with temporary staff for a “peak season annex.” The same audit found more than 380,000 delayed parcels during an inspection in January.

DiPeri said Houston-area residents saw mail delays earlier this year because of new technology and the construction happening at the facility.

“We learned that we need to be precise in our planning, have better communications, have well-trained people, and have better communications with our suppliers, and understand the supply chain better,” DiPeri said.

The Delivering for America plan is a 10-year initiative the postal service has been working on to increase efficiency. Part of the plan included replacing some of the machinery at the South Houston facility with newer mail sorters. Local leaders found out in a meeting with the National Association with Postal Supervisors that there were also staffing shortages and transportation issues .

“I apologize for that poor service that we had in the beginning of the year,” DiPeri said. “Our jobs are to collect, process, and deliver the mail and we take that really seriously. So we have brought the right people, the right leaders, right leadership, right employees … to assure as we’re going through this modernization we’ll maintain a service and efficiency.”

DiPeri said since January, over 100 employees have been added to work at the processing center. Construction and modernization is expected to continue until mid-August, when 500 people will be working at the building.

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Music legends celebrate 'The Queens of R&B Tour' in Las Vegas

ambassadors of music tour

The Queens of R&B Tour is more than a celebration of legendary groups and women in music, it's also an ode to sisterhood and triumph, says renowned television producer and CEO of Monami Productions Mona Scott-Young, who is spearheading the string of concerts.

Scott-Young hosted a celebration dinner for the upcoming tour May 3 in Las Vegas at Fuhu restaurant, bringing out some of '90s R&B's greatest names and trailblazers. The event included the women of Xscape Total, SWV and 702, who are all set to hit the stage along with singer Mya starting in June.

"It's my absolute honor," Scott-Young says. "It's my absolute pleasure (and) privilege to have the opportunity to create platforms for these cultural moments. And I firmly believe we're going to be making herstory."

The Queens of R&B Tour recognizes and pays homage to R&B girl groups and musicians of the '90s who continue to have an impact. Of course, the genre has seen the likes of many successful units like those featured and others like TLC and Destiny's Child.

Some members of Xscape including Kandi Burruss, Tameka "Tiny" Cottle and Tamika Scott are set to headline along with the original women of SWV — Cheryl "Coko" Gamble, Leanne "Lelee" Lyons and Tamara "Taj" Johnson.  

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"This tour promises women empowerment; it promises great music; it promises sisterhood; and this is just an opportunity to celebrate all that," Scott-Young says.

She added, "I think when you think about all these ladies and the music they gave us and what it represented, it was the soundtrack to many moments of our lives."

Burruss, who wears many hats in music and television, says, "I think it's amazing that we have this longevity amongst all the queens of R&B that will be on the tour."

The ladies of Total — Kima Raynor and Keisha Epps — echoed these sentiments saying it was simply "nostalgic" to be performing on tour with all the other women.

The tour is set to begin June 27 in Concord, California, and wrap up Aug. 18 in Los Angeles.

"This is going to be a celebration of sisterhood, womanhood, of resilience, of triumph over adversity, of perseverance against all odds," Scott-Young says. "That's what this tour represents. It represents women, Black women and who we are."


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  1. Ambassadors of Music

    The Ambassadors of Music tour offers talented student musicians an unparalleled opportunity to explore the best of Europe, including the birthplace of classical music itself. This fifteen-day tour takes students and directors on an adventure through five countries, with once-in-a-lifetime cultural experiences throughout our journey, including ...

  2. Ambassadors of Music

    To learn more about Ambassadors of Music: Fill out the form below and a member of our team will get in touch! Your students are invited toan adventure like no other.The Ambassadors of Music tour offers talented student musicians an unparalleled opportunity to explore the best of Europe, including the birthplace of classical music itself.

  3. Bob Rogers Travel Continues Legacy of Ambassadors of Music Program

    The original Ambassadors of Music tour operated for 50 years and has been reimagined and enhanced by the team at Bob Rogers Travel. The Ambassadors of Music program consists of individual tours for each state, offered to exceptional student musicians through a statewide nomination process. The invited students enjoy a summer tour of European ...

  4. Ambassadors of Music: The Trip of a Lifetime

    Our inaugural BRT Ambassadors of Music trips depart in just a few weeks for a life-changing international performance tour like no other. In late 2021, we announced that BRT would be relaunching and reimagining the Ambassadors of Music program, a legacy travel experience beloved by student performers for over 50 years. We've been hard at work ...

  5. Ambassadors of Music

    Your students are invited toan adventure like no other.The Ambassadors of Music tour offers talented student musicians an unparalleled opportunity to explore the best of Europe, including the birthplace of classical music itself. ... Dr. David Fullmer has served on the Utah Ambassadors of Music Staff since 1997 and UAM Director since 2017. He ...

  6. Ambassadors of Music

    We've been sharing the world with students for over 40 years, bringing travel dreams to life for 650,000 students and counting. As a performance travel company led by veteran performers and music educators, we understand the unique needs of directors and student performers on tour. Our team brings a combined 450 years of travel experience to ...

  7. MoAmbassadorsofMusic

    Below are some additional ZOOM Meeting Dates if you are interested in finding out about the 2024 Tour. Need more information? contact Jeff Sandquist; [email protected]. *All dates are for 2023 Additional Meeting Dates will be added as they are scheduled. DATE TIME MEETING LOCATION ADDRESS HOST. Can't find a meeting that works in your schedule?

  8. Ambassadors of Music by Bob Rogers Travel

    Ambassadors of Music by Bob Rogers Travel, Naperville, Illinois. 246 likes · 180 talking about this. The Ambassadors of Music tour offers talented student musicians an unparalleled opportunity to...

  9. Oregon Ambassadors of Music

    The Oregon Ambassadors of Music continues to provide meaningful cultural experiences and extraordinary performance opportunities. Outstanding students from all over Oregon prepare music to perform in select cities throughout Europe. To learn more about this opportunity for 2024, visit the about page. OAM 2022 Choir at Normandy American Cemetery ...

  10. Wisconsin Ambassadors of Music

    2220 Fairfax Steet. Eau Claire WI 54701. Park in the lot by the Eagle (by corner of Clairemont Avenue and Keith Street). Enter Door 1 under the Eagle. The meeting will be in the Little Theater. Park on the north side. Enter on the north side. Park in the main lot off of Hwy 70. Park in the main parking lot.

  11. Oregon Ambassadors of Music

    The Oregon Ambassadors of Music (OAM) has been taking outstanding Oregon music students to Europe since 1995. Through a nomination process, students are offered the opportunity to join the ensembles. Through 2022, we have offered band and choir ensembles. Here is a slideshow from the 2022 tour.

  12. Oregon Ambassadors of Music

    Planning/What To Expect. As you start to plan for our rehearsals, camp, and the tour, here are some important topics to consider and plan for as we approach the tour. MAY 5, 2024 ORIENTATION MEETING AND FIRST REHEARSALS. CLICK HERE TO VIEW PLANNING/WHAT TO EXPECT INFORMATION FOR MAY MEETING/REHEARSAL. SCHEDULE FOR MAY REHEARSAL (click here)

  13. Ambassadors of Music

    To learn more about Ambassadors of Music: Fill out the form below and a member of our team will get in touch! Your students are invited toan adventure like no other.The Ambassadors of Music tour offers talented student musicians an unparalleled opportunity to explore the best of Europe, including the birthplace of classical music itself.

  14. Trip Itinerary

    What are the Ambassadors of Music? Ambassadors of Music. Trip Itinerary. The Musical Journey of a Lifetime ...

  15. Home

    Virginia Ambassadors of Music selects high quality student musicians for a concert tour of Europe. VaAM has the all the contacts and the experience to make your journey a "Once in a Lifetime Experience." ... Tour and Music Director. Mr. Rice is a music educator with over 30 years of teaching experience. A native of Kentucky, he received his BME ...

  16. Ambassadors of Music??

    Both my daughters participated in Ambassadors of Music-we live in Arizona. The groups were very large as you mentioned, but the coordination of the tour was superb. The expectations of the kids are high and they seemed to live up to it-good behavior, prompt, courteous, etc. There did seem to be a lot of bus time.

  17. Ambassadors of Music

    Dr. John Belland Dr. Jennifer Moder-Bell. About John and Jennifer. Dr. Bell and Dr. Moder-Bell have led The Illinois Ambassadors of Music Europe tour since 2012. John is the Director of Bands Emeritus from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, and Jen is Director of Bands and Head of Music Education at McKendree University.

  18. Oregon Ambassadors of Music

    Music Camp. OAM holds a one day event (first rehearsal and parent meeting) in May, 2024. Just prior to departure, Oregon Ambassadors of Music operates a music preparation camp. Both of these are held at Oregon State University. This camp is only for participants of the OAM tour and this camp is mandatory. We have three plan options for you to ...

  19. Northern Ambassadors of Music Leave American Impact Abroad

    The Northern Ambassadors of Music will leave an American Impact on Europe, that'll last for years to come. And for Cameron and his charged voice…. "If I could I would love to make a career ...

  20. Teens say they lost thousands on MN Music Ambassadors trip

    The tour was organized and run by a tour company called Voyageurs International. They coordinate music ambassadors trips for kids all across the country. This year all the tours were cancelled ...

  21. Ambassadors of Music

    To learn more about Ambassadors of Music: Fill out the form below and a member of our team will get in touch! Your students are invited toan adventure like no other.The Ambassadors of Music tour offers talented student musicians an unparalleled opportunity to explore the best of Europe, including the birthplace of classical music itself.

  22. State ambassadors of music 2020 Europe tour. Should I do it?

    I recently got recommended by my bd to participate in the ambassadors of music Europe tour. (CO if you wanted to know also 2020) I was wondering if any of you guys did this during high school and if you would recommend it. Share you experiences and your thoughts on if it was worth the money. heyy i got in it too!

  23. Singing Hoosiers Spring Concert

    The 100-member ensemble combines popular music and captivating movement for high-energy entertainment for all. IU's globe-trotting "ambassadors of song" have delighted audiences in more than 25 countries and will perform for the home crowd this spring. The 100-member ensemble combines popular music and captivating movement for high-energy ...

  24. USPS representative shows embattled Missouri City facility in tour

    Local USPS representative shows embattled Missouri City facility in tour. A January inspection of the processing center found more than 380,000 delayed parcels.

  25. Music legends celebrate 'The Queens of R&B Tour' in Las Vegas

    The Queens of R&B Tour is more than a celebration of legendary groups and women in music, it's also an ode to sisterhood and triumph, says renowned television producer and CEO of Monami ...