
Arena di Verona

Arena di Verona

La più evidente eredità veronese della Roma antica si concretizza nell’Arena: un imponente anfiteatro, proprio come il Colosseo, risalente all’inizio del I secolo d.C. sotto l’età giulio-claudia. Nel corso della sua lunga storia, l’Arena di Verona fu utilizzata come luogo per i combattimenti tra gladiatori e le cacce ad animali feroci ed esotici, e anche, molto probabilmente, per il martirio dei cristiani. Con l’arrivo del Cristianesimo, l’Arena perse la sua funzione originaria e divenne per un po’ di tempo una cava di pietra. Dal suo anello esterno furono reperite le pietre per costruire la seconda cinta muraria di Verona nel 500 d.C., sotto il regno di Teodorico; oggi rimane visibile solo la parte chiamata “Ala”.

L’Arena è il terzo anfiteatro per grandezza giunto fino a noi, e sicuramente il meglio conservato, nonostante nel 1183 un forte terremoto abbia distrutto il triplice ordine di arcate sovrapposte che lo circondavano interamente. All’interno, l’Arena si divide tra la parte centrale, che accoglieva gli spettacoli, e la cavea a gradinate per il pubblico, suddivisa un tempo in settori orizzontali tramite dei camminamenti e sormontata da un porticato con un tetto. L’ordine interno è composto da 72 doppie arcate in pietra che disegnano un’ellisse larga 110 metri e lunga 140.

Dopo che vi furono ospitati spettacoli teatrali, balletti, perfino ascensioni e atterraggi di mongolfiere, l’Arena trova la sua definitiva vocazione nel 1913, con la rappresentazione dell’Aida di Verdi. Da allora, diventa sede delle stagioni liriche estive: oggi accoglie ogni anno oltre 600.000 spettatori, costituendo la più grande stagione lirica all’aperto del mondo. La splendida acustica dell’anfiteatro, la grandiosità della scenografie, il golfo mistico che ospita 150 musicisti regalano a ogni rappresentazione uno spettacolo indimenticabile. Per maggiori informazioni visita il sito

Green Pass obbligatorio

Dal 10 gennaio 2021 alla data di cessazione dello stato di emergenza per accedere ai Musei Civici di Verona è obbligatorio presentare il Green Pass Rafforzato con un documento di riconoscimento. Il Green Pass si ottiene con la vaccinazione anti COVID-19 oppure la guarigione da COVID-19 negli ultimi sei mesi. Le disposizioni non si applicano ai soggetti esenti sulla base di idonea certificazione medica. Fino a tale data sarà sufficiente esibire il Green Pass Base con un documento di riconoscimento. Per ulteriori informazioni museicivici.comune.verona.it

Arena di Verona

Uno dei simboli della città di Verona e una tappa da non mancare assolutamente durante una visita alla città veneta è sicuramente l’ Arena. Diversamente da tanti altri edifici di epoca romana, l’ Arena di Verona si presenta come uno degli anfiteatri antichi che è giunto sino a noi con un buon grado di conservazione. Le sue origini sembrano datate attorno alla metà del I secolo d.C. anche se ci sono diverse teorie in merito.

Quello che sappiamo con certezza è che l’Arena era stata costruita all’esterno delle mura cittadine per consentire alla popolazione di partecipare agli spettacoli che qui venivano organizzati. Dagli studi sembra che questo fosse il teatro in cui avvenivano differenti tipologie di spettacolo come i combattimenti tra gladiatori oppure gli spettacoli di caccia tra animali feroci noti come venationes . Oggi l’Arena di Verona è uno dei teatri più famosi al mondo e qui si esibiscono in spettacoli teatrali e musicali anche artisti di fama internazionale.

La struttura dell’Arena di Verona

L’Arena di Verona ha una pianta ellittica che gli architetti romani avevano ripreso dai teatri dell’antica Grecia apportando, però, diverse modifiche alla struttura. La sua forma ellittica è tipica anche di altri teatri dell’epoca e grazie alle sue dimensioni si stima che il complesso potesse ospitare sino a 30mila persone. La scena, infatti, si trovava al centro mentre gli spettatori non sedevano più a semicerchio ma circondavano la scena occupando tutte le gradinate attorno a 360 gradi.

Esterno dell’Arena

L’ anello esterno dell’Arena purtroppo è andato in gran parte distrutto e ora ne possiamo ammirare intatto solo una piccola porzione nota come Ala che è composta da quattro archi. Attorno al 500 d.C., infatti, parte dell’anello esterno è stata distrutta per lasciare spazio alla costruzione della seconda cinta muraria della città. Negli anni successivi poi l’Arena è stata lasciata in stata di abbandono e a più riprese usata come cava di pietra. Nella facciata è impiegato un solo ordine architettonico: il tuscanico. Esternamente l’Arena è composta da tre ordini sovrapposti di arcate ed è stata costruita con blocchi di pietra calcarea ammonitica che era molto comune nei territori del veronese.

Interno dell’Arena

È ormai noto che agli inizi del I secolo Verona fosse una città molto estesa, paragonabile per dimensioni e popolazione a Mediolanum (Milano). Inoltre, questa era situata in una posizione strategica lungo l’Adige ed era attraversata dalla via Claudia Augusta, una strada che portava al Passo del Brennero e consentiva i collegamenti con il nord Europa. Per questi motivi, Verona era una città molto frequentata e l’Arena è stata costruita per accogliere un alto numero di spettatori che non erano solo i suoi cittadini. Le sue grandi dimensioni la rendono il quarto teatro romano in Italia dopo il Colosseo , l’anfiteatro campano e quello di Milano.

L’interno dell’anfiteatro è composto da due parti principali: al centro l’arena, dove si svolgevano le esibizioni, e tutt’attorno la cavea a gradinate che ospitava il pubblico. L’ingresso più maestoso dell’anfiteatro è quello occidentale verso porta Borsari e la via Postumia dove la volta centrale è alta il doppio delle altre. Questo fa pensare che il settore ovest fosse quello più importante. Nel periodo rinascimentale sono stati svolti lavori di restauro che hanno rifatto parte delle gradinate della cavea eliminando alcuni corridoi che separavano i vari settori.

Concerti e spettacoli all’Arena

Attualmente l’Arena di Verona ospita durante la stagione estiva un ricco programma composto da opere, concerti ed esibizioni teatrali. Se un tempo il complesso poteva ospitare sino a 30 mila persone sedute oggi ci sono all’incirca 20 mila posti a sedere, ma durante le rappresentazioni i posti vanno dai 13.000 ai 15.000 a seconda dell’allestimento.

L’attuale allestimento dell’Arena è diverso da quello utilizzato nell’antica Roma. Ora da un lato viene montato un palco con le scenografie mentre l’altro lato è occupato dal pubblico seduto a semicerchio nelle gradinate.

Biglietti per l’Arena di Verona

E’ possibile acquistare online il biglietto di ingresso per l’Arena di Verona oppure alle biglietterie dell’Arena. Il costo dei biglietti per accedere all’Arena di Verona è:

  • € 10,00 intero
  • € 7,50 ridotto (over 60, gruppi in visita, studenti muniti di tessera studenti o libretto universitario)
  • € 1,00 ridotto ragazzi 8-14 anni, solo accompagnati
  • Gratuito: over 65 residenti nel Comune di Verona, persone con disabilità e loro accompagnatore, bambini fino a 7 anni.

Ingresso prioritario con VeronaCard

L’Arena è una delle attrazioni più visitate d’Italia e, ovviamente, la principale di Verona: non stupisce quindi vedere lunghissime file alle biglietterie. Per questo il Comune di Verona ha messo a disposizione la VeronaCard che, oltre al biglietto salta la fila per l’Arena, comprende altre attrazioni della città ad un costo contenuto. Ve la consigliamo!

Biglietto di ingresso con visita guidata

In alternativa, prendete parte a un tour guidato che comprenda il biglietto di ingresso all’Arena : scegliete quello che fa per voi, con pochi euro in più avrete la possibilità di scoprire tutta la storia e i dettagli dell’Arena grazie ad una guida esperta.

Biglietti per spettacoli all’Arena di Verona

Se volete ammirare l’Arena sotto un altro punto di vista, scegliete il biglietto comprensivo di uno spettacolo: potrete assistere a opere come l’Aida, la Carmen o La Traviata!

Orari di visita

Gli orari di visita per l’Arena di Verona sono i seguenti:

  • da ottobre a maggio: dal martedì alla domenica dalle 9:00 alle 19:00 (ultimo ingresso alle 18:30). Lunedì: Chiuso
  • da giugno a settembre: il lunedì 9:00 – 19:00 (ultimo ingresso alle 18:30); martedì – domenica dalle 9:00 alle 17:00 (ultimo ingresso alle 16:00).
  • Giorni chiusura: il 25 dicembre e il 1° gennaio

Nelle giornate in cui sono previsti spettacoli la chiusura può essere anticipata.

Come raggiungere l’Arena di Verona

L’ Arena di Verona si trova in pieno centro cittadino. Chi viaggia in auto lungo l’Autostrada A4 Milano – Venezia, può uscire a Verona Sud e poi seguire le indicazioni per il centro città. Chi viaggia lungo la A22 Brennero – Modena deve raggiungere il raccordo con la A4 in direzione Venezia e poi prendere sempre l’uscita a Verona Sud.

Chi viaggia in treno può scendere alla stazione Verona Porta Nuova che è servita da treni regionali, intercity e treni ad Alta Velocità. Dalla stazione basta una camminata a piedi di pochi minuti per raggiungere il sito.

L’Arena può essere raggiunta anche da altre località vicine o dal Lago di Garda tramite linee autobus dell’Azienda Trasporti Verona (ATV). L’Arena è inoltre servita da diverse linee urbane attive anche di sera.

Storia dell’Arena di Verona

Sin dall’antichità Verona è stata una città popolosa e benestante grazie alla sua strategica posizione che la vedeva al centro delle più importanti vie di comunicazione. Per questo in città erano stati costruiti edifici importanti, templi e luoghi di divertimento. Tra questi c’era anche l’Arena che era il luogo per i combattimenti tra i gladiatori, una forma di intrattenimento ormai diffusa in tutti i territori dell’antica Roma.

Venivano messe in scena non solo battaglie tra gladiatori ma anche venationes (battaglie tra animali) e naumachie (battaglie navali). I politici romani, infatti, organizzavano questi eventi sempre più elaborati e maestosi per cercare di ottenere consenso pubblico. Secondo alcuni storici è possibile che l’anfiteatro sia stato utilizzato anche per il martirio di alcuni cristiani. Gli architetti romani basandosi sulla pianta del Teatro Greco avevano deciso di modificare quella struttura per accogliere il doppio dei visitatori. Negli anfiteatri romani, infatti, la scena era al centro mentre tutt’attorno sedeva il pubblico su gradinate concentriche.

L’Arena a Verona è stata costruita attorno al I secolo d.C. fuori dal centro abitato , all’incirca 60-70 metri a sud dalle mura vicino a porta Borsari e porta Leoni, due importanti ingressi alla città. Secondo i reperti ritrovati vicino poteva esserci una scuola per gladiatori che qui si allenavano per gli spettacoli. Con la diffusione del cristianesimo i combattimenti tra gladiatori furono vietati e così l’Arena perse parte della sua importanza. Nonostante nel medioevo sia stata utilizzata per brevi periodi come teatro, purtroppo per molti anni l’Arena di Verona è stata lasciata in uno stato di degrado. Una parte esterna è andata distrutta con la costruzione delle mura mentre gli arcovoli furono usati come negozi, botteghe artigiane e a volte anche per case di prostituzione.

Nel XVI secolo durante il dominio della Repubblica Veneta l’amministrazione decise di restaurare l’Arena per portarla al suo antico splendore. È proprio grazie a questi lavori di ristrutturazione che questo antico complesso è giunto sino a noi. Terminati i lavori l’Arena ha cominciato ad essere nuovamente utilizzata per spettacoli teatrali.

La prima rappresentazione operistica all’Arena, però, si è tenuta nel 1913 quando è stata rappresentata l’Aida di Verdi: da allora qui si sono esibiti i più importanti nomi della musica come Maria Callas, Pavarotti e Placido Domingo che lo hanno reso uno dei più importanti teatri lirici al mondo.

Informazioni utili

Biglietto di ingresso, dove si trova arena di verona.

L’Arena di Verona si trova in Piazza Brà nel cuore della città Scaligera. A poca distanza dall’Arena si trovano altre attrazioni come la Casa di Giulietta, Piazza delle Erbe e Piazza dei Signori.

Come risparmiare su trasporti e biglietti d'ingresso

Le City Card permettono di risparmiare sui mezzi pubblici e/o sugli ingressi delle principali attrazioni turistiche.

Attrazioni nei dintorni

  • Transfer aeroporto
  • Noleggio auto
  • Parcheggio in aeroporto
  • Assicurazione di viaggio

arena di verona visit

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Visit to the Verona Arena: opening hours, prices and tips and everything you need to know

To verona arena, accommodation in verona, about arena of verona, functions of the arena of verona throughout history, verona arena facade, measurements of the verona arena, events in verona arena, shows and theaters, visiting arena di verona, opening times for the arena of verona, a good tip.

There are grandiose constructions in this world, and without a doubt, one of them is the famous Arena of Verona . A unique place that has seen so much history happen in its surroundings and in its inner corridors, that we don't even know how to list.

Walking around this monument is like getting to know beauties from the XNUMXst century, a time so distant that we only have remnants of stories. But there she is in beautiful Verona, beautiful, stately and brighter than ever! The place is simply majestic in Italy.

Visit to the Verona Arena: opening hours, prices and tips and everything you need to know

The Verona Arena is the symbol of the city, and its biggest attraction . This beautiful monument attracts thousands of tourists every year, not only to discover this structure of the first half of the XNUMXst century , but also to see the numerous performances that take place here during the European summer, such as operas, concerts and the like.

Of those attractions that are worth a trip to a place, the Arena of Verona never disappoints! So, let's find out more about it and how to visit this beauty!

How about starting to plan your trip and staying in Verona? Even better, how about staying very close to the Verona Arena? Indeed, Verona is a very peaceful city to explore on foot, after all all the attractions are close by. Therefore, if you choose to stay close to the old center, you will be close to all of them. So, an excellent option, very close to the Verona Arena is the Grand Hotel des Arts. With a wonderful location, this is one of those hotels that make holidays more enjoyable.

If you want to wake up, open the balcony and face the Arena, there are several apartments on Booking, one of which is the Arena Dreams Apartment. Also very close to the Arena, but much cheaper, are the Hotel Siena and Hotel Verona, which also have good reviews. But those who want to stay close to Verona's train station have the Sole Hotel Verona as a great option.

Located in Piazza Bra' , starting point for most visitors to the city, the Amphitheater was built in the first half of the XNUMXst century AD. Right in the period that marked the end of the reign of Augustus and the beginning of Claudius. At the time of its construction, the Arena was outside the Roman walls, to avoid possible outbreaks of disturbance and/or violence.

Although arena in Latin means “sand”, “harena”, or the area covered with sand, the word ended up becoming a synonym for amphitheater. This is because where the gladiator shows and fights at the time of the Roman Empire were held, sand was used to absorb the blood of gladiators and animals in the center of the amphitheater.

Throughout its existence, the Arena had several functions. Initially, it served to host fights between gladiators, later other types of shows were presented there. Like everything else, the place has had many ups and downs over these 2 years. But without a doubt, the saddest part of its long existence was in the Middle Ages. For in that period the Arena was used to burn 200 heretics in 1278. In addition, it served as a dwelling for prostitutes from 1276 to 1310.

But it also enjoyed certain moments of glory when it hosted the 25-day celebration for the marriage of Antonio della Scalla to Samaritana da Polenta. After all, this was a memorable party in the city.

Incidentally, it is believed that the amphitheater has never ceased to be used in all this time, except for a brief period. Besides, one of the great surprises of its history was having survived the earthquake of 1117 almost intact. Therefore, the Arena can reach the present day very impressive and well preserved.

The beautiful construction was made of marble from the region. The facade was built in white and pink limestone from the nearby Valpolicella quarries. Thanks to a recent restoration, its original color can be seen.

But unfortunately, of its rich decoration, little has survived to the present day. So what was found can be seen in the Civic Archaeological Museum , in the city.

A Verona Arena is the third largest amphitheater in Italy , after the Coliseum and the amphitheater of Capua. But he is the best preserved of all. The amphitheater is so large that when it was inaugurated it could house the entire population of the city, which was around 30 people.

The Roman amphitheater is 152 meters long, 123 meters wide and 31 meters high. Having been built from three concentric rings, and of these, the exterior has only one side that remains standing, being known as " Wing ".

The second inner ring remains intact with its double row of seventy-two arches. The perimeter of the area where the seats are located is 391 meters, and including the wing, the outer ring, is 435 meters.

Its elliptical shape produces perfect acoustics at all points in the arena and increases its capacity to accommodate large numbers of people.

Underneath the Arena there are galleries, cells and passages (which cannot be visited), which served, and still serve, in part, for the complex operation of the amphitheater.

Since 1913, the Arena has been used as the first and most important open-air opera house in the world . It holds 22 spectators during the summer and features works by Verdi, such as Aida.

Staging in opera format of Romeo and Juliet takes place every year, to please fans who want to unite all the attractions of the city in one.

But in addition to being the stage for operas, the place hosts plays, concerts by many famous singers, rock concerts and festivals, including the traditional Opera Festival .

And every year, the famous last night of the festival bar . This is a festival that travels around Italy in the summer and that closes with the public choosing the winner. It is a live and televised presentation, with great repercussion in the country.

Attending a presentation at the Arena is one of those events that you must do once in your life! And it's so worth it! The lights and all production transform the event into something magical. And that should not be missed by anyone passing by at this time of year.

To find out all the information about the presentations and buy tickets, click on the Arena di Verona link.

Even those who don't have the opportunity to attend a performance at the Verona Arena, can get to know it by visiting its interior. It is open daily for visitors. And walking through its interior, imagining what those corridors and bleachers have already seen in so many years of history is one of the most recommended programs in the city.

Visits take place on Mondays between 2:13 pm and 30:19 pm; and from Tuesday to Sunday, between 30:3 am and 08:30 pm.

During the Opera Festival, visitation only takes place until 15:30 pm.

The entrance ticket to discover the Arena, its halls and all its structure costs €10 for adults, and the reduced ticket costs €7,50.

Children between 8 and 14 years old pay only €1, and children under 7 years old do not pay. Free for Verona Card holders.

Between October and March, on the 1st Sunday of the month, entry costs just €1.

Attention: these days the queues are usually long!

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Exploring Verona: Piazza Bra And Arena Di Verona

Published: September 25, 2023

Modified: December 27, 2023

by Raven Addis

  • Arts & Culture
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  • Travel Tips



Welcome to Verona, a city steeped in history, romance, and culture. One of its most iconic and vibrant locations is Piazza Bra, which serves as the beating heart of the city. Located in the historic center of Verona, Piazza Bra is a spacious and magnificent square that offers a captivating blend of historical landmarks, stunning architecture, lively cafes, and a vibrant atmosphere.

Piazza Bra is the largest square in Verona and is famous for its breathtaking views, charming ambiance, and rich cultural heritage. Surrounded by majestic buildings and adorned with beautiful statues and fountains, this elegant square is a testament to Verona’s grandeur and significance throughout history.

At the heart of Piazza Bra stands the magnificent Arena di Verona, a Roman amphitheater that has stood the test of time and is now a symbol of Verona’s rich cultural heritage. This impressive amphitheater draws thousands of visitors each year, who come to admire its ancient architecture, attend opera performances, and soak up the unique atmosphere.

Whether you’re a history enthusiast, music lover, or simply a traveler seeking to immerse yourself in the charm of Verona, Piazza Bra and the Arena di Verona are must-visit destinations that will leave you in awe.

In this article, we will delve into the fascinating history and architecture of Piazza Bra and the Arena di Verona. We will also explore the attractions and events that make these locations so special, and provide recommendations for an unforgettable experience in these cultural gems.

History of Piazza Bra

The history of Piazza Bra dates back to ancient times, when Verona was a thriving Roman colony known as Verona Augusta. The square was originally a Roman forum, a central meeting point for commerce, politics, and social gatherings. Over the centuries, it evolved into the bustling and vibrant square we see today.

During the Middle Ages, Piazza Bra gained importance as a market square. Traders from all over the region would gather here to sell their goods, creating a lively and bustling atmosphere. The square was also a venue for public events and celebrations, such as jousting tournaments and theatrical performances.

In the Renaissance period, Piazza Bra underwent significant transformations. The ruling families of Verona, such as the Scaligeri and the Republic of Venice, commissioned the construction of impressive buildings and monuments around the square to display their wealth and power. These included beautiful palaces with ornate facades, elegant arcades, and magnificent statues.

During the Napoleonic era in the early 19th century, Verona, including Piazza Bra, came under French control. French architect Giuseppe Jappelli redesigned the square and envisioned it as a spacious and grand public square. He removed some of the existing buildings and created a circular public garden in the center of the square, adorned with statues and fountains.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Piazza Bra flourished as a thriving cultural and social hub. The square became a popular place for locals and tourists alike to gather, stroll, and enjoy the lively atmosphere. Cafes, restaurants, and shops lined the square, adding to its allure.

Despite enduring the ravages of war and urban development, Piazza Bra and its historic buildings have been meticulously restored, preserving their architectural charm and historical significance. Today, Piazza Bra stands as a testament to Verona’s rich history and is a vibrant and bustling square that continues to captivate visitors from around the world.

Architecture of Piazza Bra

Piazza Bra is renowned for its stunning architecture, which showcases a mix of styles from different periods of history. The square is characterized by its grandeur, with wide avenues, spacious squares, and impressive buildings lining its perimeter.

One of the most prominent architectural features of Piazza Bra is the Portoni della Bra, a magnificent gateway that marks the entrance to the square. Dating back to the 16th century, this arch is adorned with beautiful sculptures and serves as a grand welcome to those entering the square.

The architecture surrounding Piazza Bra reflects the rich history and cultural influences that have shaped Verona over the centuries. The Palazzo Barbieri, also known as the town hall, dominates one side of the square. Built in the neoclassical style in the 19th century, the palazzo features a grand facade with Corinthian columns and elegant balconies.

The cafés and restaurants that line the perimeter of Piazza Bra boast impressive architectural facades, often adorned with intricate detailing and elaborate balconies. These buildings exude charm and provide the perfect setting for visitors to relax and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of the square.

Another architectural gem in Piazza Bra is the Gran Guardia, an impressive building that dates back to the 17th century. Originally used as a military barracks, it is now a venue for exhibitions and events. The Gran Guardia features a grand portico with arches and an imposing facade, showcasing Verona’s architectural prowess.

The centerpiece of Piazza Bra is the beautiful public garden, Giardino Giusti, which offers a peaceful respite from the bustling square. This well-manicured garden features stunning Renaissance architecture, with intricate terraced landscaping, Renaissance statues, and a charming labyrinth.

Piazza Bra’s architectural splendor truly shines during the evening hours, when the buildings are beautifully illuminated, creating a captivating atmosphere. The grandeur of the square is further enhanced by the stunning views of the illuminated Arena di Verona, which dominates the landscape.

Visitors to Piazza Bra will be captivated by the unique blend of architectural styles that reflect the city’s rich history. From Roman influences to Renaissance splendor and neoclassical elegance, the architecture of Piazza Bra is a testament to Verona’s cultural legacy and provides a captivating backdrop for exploring the square.

Attractions in Piazza Bra

Piazza Bra offers a multitude of attractions that will enchant and entertain visitors of all interests. From historical landmarks to cultural experiences and vibrant eateries, there is something for everyone to enjoy in this bustling square.

One of the main attractions in Piazza Bra is the iconic Arena di Verona, a Roman amphitheater that dates back to the 1st century AD. This well-preserved structure is one of the largest amphitheaters in the world and is still used today for spectacular opera performances and concerts. Visitors can explore the arena during the day and admire its impressive architecture, or attend a performance in the evening for an unforgettable experience.

Adjacent to the Arena di Verona is the Museo Lapidario Maffeiano, which houses a remarkable collection of Roman antiquities. From intricate frescoes and ancient sculptures to archaeological artifacts, the museum provides a fascinating insight into Verona’s Roman past.

For those seeking panoramic views of Piazza Bra and the surrounding city, a visit to the Torre dei Lamberti is a must. Climbing the tower’s steps will reward you with breathtaking views of Verona’s rooftops and the sprawling Piazza Bra. Take in the beauty of the square from above and capture stunning photos to remember your Verona adventure.

Piazza Bra is also home to several charming cafes and restaurants, where visitors can relax and soak up the lively atmosphere. Enjoy a cup of traditional Italian coffee or indulge in some delicious gelato while watching the world go by. The square is particularly enchanting in the evening, when the cafes and restaurants come alive with twinkling lights and live music.

Another fascinating attraction in Piazza Bra is the Verona City Hall, also known as Palazzo Barbieri. This magnificent neoclassical building features a beautiful clock tower and grand architecture. Take a stroll around the square and admire its impressive facade, or step inside to explore the art gallery and historical exhibits.

The charm of Piazza Bra extends beyond its architectural marvels. The square often hosts vibrant street performances, including musicians, artists, and street vendors. Lose yourself in the rhythm of live music, browse local crafts, or simply embrace the lively energy of the square as you explore its hidden gems.

Whether you’re a history lover, a culture enthusiast, or a foodie seeking to indulge in Italian delights, Piazza Bra has something to offer. Immerse yourself in the richness of Verona’s heritage and experience the vibrant charm of this remarkable square.

Arena di Verona: An Overview

The Arena di Verona, located in the heart of Piazza Bra, is one of the most iconic landmarks in Verona. This ancient Roman amphitheater is a magnificent testament to the city’s rich history and cultural heritage.

The Arena di Verona is a colossal structure that was built in the 1st century AD and is one of the best-preserved amphitheaters in the world. It stands as a symbol of Verona’s importance during the Roman Empire, where it served as a venue for gladiator contests, mock naval battles, and other public spectacles.

With its elliptical shape and impressive outer facade, the Arena di Verona is a sight to behold. Made primarily of pink-hued marble, the amphitheater boasts a stunning combination of arches, columns, and decorative elements that showcase the architectural skills of the time.

The Arena di Verona has a seating capacity of approximately 30,000 spectators, making it one of the largest amphitheaters ever constructed. Its tiered seating arrangement allows for excellent acoustics, and the structure creates a natural arena for performances.

Today, the Arena di Verona is renowned as an outstanding venue for opera performances and concerts. The summer opera festival held here is one of the most prestigious in the world, attracting renowned artists, orchestras, and opera enthusiasts from around the globe. The theatrical spectacle of live performances within the ancient walls of the amphitheater creates a truly magical experience.

Outside of the opera season, the Arena di Verona is open to visitors who wish to explore its storied past. The interior of the amphitheater offers an engaging glimpse into the world of ancient Rome. Ascend to the upper levels to appreciate the panoramic views of Piazza Bra and Verona beyond. The museum located within the amphitheater displays artifacts and exhibits that tell the fascinating history of the arena and its role in Verona’s cultural heritage.

As you step through the magnificent entrance, you’ll find yourself transported back in time, surrounded by the captivating aura of a bygone era. Whether you attend a live performance or explore the arena’s history, the Arena di Verona offers an unforgettable experience that allows you to truly immerse yourself in the richness of Verona’s past.

History of Arena di Verona

The history of the Arena di Verona dates back to the 1st century AD when it was built by the Romans. Verona was an important city during the Roman Empire and the amphitheater was constructed as a venue for various public spectacles and festivities. Its construction is believed to have been completed around 30 AD.

During its early years, the Arena di Verona hosted gladiator fights, where trained fighters entertained the crowds with thrilling battles. These fights were an integral part of Roman culture, and the amphitheater provided an ideal setting for these spectacles.

In addition to gladiator contests, the Arena di Verona also hosted other events such as mock naval battles, animal hunts, and theatrical performances. These events drew large crowds of spectators, creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere within the amphitheater.

Over the centuries, the Arena di Verona witnessed numerous historical events and underwent various transformations. During the decline of the Roman Empire, the amphitheater lost its original purpose and fell into disuse. It was partially destroyed by an earthquake in 1117, and its stone was subsequently used for the construction of other buildings in Verona.

In the Middle Ages, the remains of the Arena di Verona were incorporated into the defensive structures of the city. It served as a fortress and was transformed into a fortified castle known as Castelvecchio. The inner walls of the amphitheater were filled with houses and other buildings, effectively hiding its grandeur.

It wasn’t until the 18th century that the Arena di Verona began to regain its prominence. The city authorities initiated a restoration project to uncover and restore the amphitheater. The inner structures and houses were cleared, and the Arena di Verona was once again revealed in all its glory.

Today, the Arena di Verona stands as a magnificent testament to the past, attracting visitors from around the world. Its excellent state of preservation is a testament to the exceptional engineering skills of the Romans. The arena has become renowned as a venue for opera performances and concerts, firmly establishing Verona as a cultural hub.

With its rich history and architectural grandeur, the Arena di Verona continues to captivate audiences and serve as a symbol of Verona’s enduring legacy.

Architecture of Arena di Verona

The architecture of the Arena di Verona is a marvel of ancient Roman engineering and craftsmanship. This magnificent amphitheater showcases the architectural prowess of the time and continues to awe visitors with its grandeur and beauty.

The Arena di Verona has an elliptical shape, with an exterior made primarily of pink-hued marble. The outer facade of the amphitheater features a series of arches, columns, and decorative elements that create a visually striking and harmonious design. The attention to detail in the architectural embellishments is remarkable, showcasing the skill and expertise of the Roman builders.

The exterior of the amphitheater is adorned with decorative reliefs, intricate friezes, and a series of statues. These statues once depicted various mythological and historical figures, adding to the rich symbolism and grandeur of the structure. While many of the original statues have been lost over time, replicas and restored pieces can still be admired today.

The interior of the Arena di Verona is equally impressive. The seating arrangement consists of tiered rows of stone benches, forming a semicircular shape around the central performance area. These benches provide seating for approximately 30,000 spectators, creating a sense of intimacy and immersion during events.

The architectural design of the amphitheater was carefully planned to ensure excellent acoustics. The elliptical shape contributes to the natural amplification of sound, allowing performances to be heard clearly from any point within the arena. This acoustic quality has made the Arena di Verona a favored venue for operatic and musical performances.

Throughout its history, the Arena di Verona has undergone several renovations and restorations to preserve its architectural integrity. The meticulous craftsmanship of the Roman builders is evident in the longevity of the structure, standing as a testament to their engineering skills.

Today, visitors have the opportunity to explore the Arena di Verona and admire its architectural splendor. Ascending the stone steps to the upper levels provides stunning panoramic views of the amphitheater and the surrounding Piazza Bra.

The Arena di Verona is not only a magnificent architectural masterpiece but also a living testament to Verona’s rich history and cultural heritage. Its grand presence and historical significance have solidified its place as one of the most remarkable examples of Roman architecture in the world, providing a unique and unforgettable experience for all who visit.

Events and Performances at Arena di Verona

The Arena di Verona is not only a historical landmark but also an iconic venue for world-class events and performances. Its impressive architecture and remarkable acoustics make it a perfect setting for captivating and memorable experiences.

One of the most celebrated events held at the Arena di Verona is the annual opera festival. Every summer, the amphitheater comes alive with enchanting operatic performances, attracting opera enthusiasts from all over the world. Renowned opera companies and international artists grace the stage, delivering breathtaking renditions of beloved operas by composers such as Verdi, Puccini, and Mozart. The combination of exceptional vocal talent, captivating sets, and the backdrop of the ancient amphitheater creates an extraordinary and immersive spectacle.

In addition to opera, the Arena di Verona hosts a variety of other musical performances and concerts throughout the year. From classical symphonies to contemporary pop concerts, the venue offers a diverse range of musical experiences to cater to different tastes. A spectacular sound system complements the amphitheater’s superb acoustics, ensuring that every note reaches the audience with crystal clarity.

The Arena di Verona has also witnessed a wide array of non-musical events, including ballet performances, theatrical productions, and even film screenings. These events take advantage of the grandeur and versatility of the amphitheater, using its dramatic backdrop and spacious stage to create visually stunning and unforgettable performances.

Attending an event or performance at the Arena di Verona is a magical experience that transports visitors back in time while indulging in world-class entertainment. As the sun sets, the twinkling lights of the arena create an enchanting atmosphere, setting the stage for an unforgettable evening under the stars.

To fully enjoy the experience, it is recommended to book tickets in advance, as the popularity of events at the Arena di Verona often leads to sold-out performances. Whether you are an opera aficionado, a music lover, or simply looking for a unique and awe-inspiring experience, attending an event at the Arena di Verona is sure to leave a lasting impression.

With its rich history, remarkable architecture, and a lineup of exceptional performances, the Arena di Verona continues to captivate audiences and cement its position as one of the world’s most prestigious and awe-inspiring venues.

Exploring Piazza Bra and Arena di Verona: Recommendations

When visiting Verona, a trip to Piazza Bra and the Arena di Verona is an absolute must. To make the most of your experience, here are some recommendations to ensure a memorable and immersive exploration of these captivating attractions:

1. Start your visit by immersing yourself in the historical beauty of Piazza Bra. Take a leisurely stroll around the square, admiring the stunning architecture, grand facades, and charming cafes. Capture some postcard-worthy photos and absorb the vibrant atmosphere.

2. Explore the Arena di Verona during the day to appreciate its majestic architecture and learn about its rich history. Take a guided tour or explore at your own pace, ascending to the upper levels for panoramic views of the amphitheater and sweeping vistas of Verona.

3. If possible, plan your visit to coincide with the summer opera festival at the Arena di Verona. Attending an opera performance in this awe-inspiring setting is an unforgettable experience. Be sure to book your tickets in advance and consider renting a cushioned seat for added comfort during the show.

4. Indulge in some pre-show dining at one of the charming restaurants or cafes surrounding Piazza Bra. Enjoy traditional Veronese cuisine or savor a delightful aperitivo before the performance. Let the lively ambiance of the square and the anticipation of the opera set the tone for a memorable evening.

5. Take a moment to relax in Giardino Giusti, the public garden situated in Piazza Bra. Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere, stroll through the labyrinth, and marvel at the Renaissance architecture that adorns the garden. This serene oasis provides a welcome respite from the bustling square.

6. Consider exploring Piazza Bra and the Arena di Verona during different times of the day. Witness the square come alive in the evening, with the buildings beautifully illuminated, casting a magical glow over the area. Experience the vibrant energy and musical performances that often take place in the square.

7. Don’t forget to visit the Museo Lapidario Maffeiano located near the Arena di Verona. This museum houses a remarkable collection of Roman artifacts, offering further insights into Verona’s rich history and fascinating archaeological discoveries.

Remember to check the official websites for updated event schedules, ticket availability, and any additional information before your visit. By following these recommendations, you’ll be able to fully immerse yourself in the beauty, history, and cultural richness of Piazza Bra and the Arena di Verona.

Verona’s Piazza Bra and the Arena di Verona are two extraordinary destinations that offer a unique blend of history, architecture, and cultural experiences. The grandeur of Piazza Bra, with its stunning buildings, elegant cafes, and captivating atmosphere, sets the stage for exploring the rich heritage of Verona.

The Arena di Verona, standing proudly in the heart of Piazza Bra, is a remarkable testament to the architectural excellence of the Romans. Its well-preserved structure transports visitors back in time, while its ongoing role as a venue for opera performances and concerts keeps it alive and vibrant in the present day.

From the historical significance of the gladiatorial contests that once took place within its walls to the enchantment of the world-class opera performances that now grace its stage, the Arena di Verona stands as a symbol of Verona’s cultural legacy and a testament to the enduring power of the arts.

Exploring Piazza Bra and the Arena di Verona offers a plethora of opportunities for travelers to immerse themselves in the charm, history, and culture of Verona. Whether attending an opera performance, admiring the architecture, or simply wandering the square and taking in the atmosphere, these destinations are sure to leave a lasting impression.

Make the most of your visit by delving into the rich history of Piazza Bra, appreciating the architectural splendor that surrounds it, and immersing yourself in the awe-inspiring experiences offered by the Arena di Verona.

Verona’s Piazza Bra and the Arena di Verona invite you to step into a world where history comes alive, where the arts flourish, and where unforgettable memories are made. Plan your adventure to Verona and discover the captivating allure and irresistible charm of these remarkable attractions.

Verona awaits you, ready to unveil its treasures and offer a truly unforgettable experience. Whether you’re a history enthusiast, a lover of the arts, or simply seeking to immerse yourself in a captivating setting, Piazza Bra and the Arena di Verona are waiting to be explored and cherished.


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A guided tour of the Verona Arena - ITALY MUSEUM

A guided tour of the Verona Arena

A guided tour to discover Verona's most famous monument.

  • E-voucher accepted
  • Reserved entrance
  • Confirmation by email
  • Duration: about 30 minutes
  • Discover the millenary Arena of Verona
  • Listen to the explanations of your guide
  • Visit the world famous monument of Verona

The Arena is Verona's most important attraction, a perfectly preserved monument dating back to the 1st century AD. This Roman-era building is still in use and during the summer season hosts numerous performances, open-air concerts and the world-famous Opera Festival. Your guide will be waiting for you in front of the entrance of the Arena and during this 30-minute tour he will explain how this magnificent amphitheatre was used in Roman times, during the Middle Ages and during the Renaissance. You will also have time to take some pictures and admire the Piazza Bra from the top.

arena di verona visit

Wonders of Italy: The Verona Arena

arena di verona

One of the most fascinating monuments of ancient Roman times, the Arena di Verona is a large amphitheater located in the historic center of Verona, a true icon of this Veneto city along with the figures of Romeo and Juliet. 

Typical of Roman architecture, the Arena di Verona has been exceptionally well preserved, thanks also to the regular restorations carried out since the 16th century. It is the third largest Roman amphitheater in Italy, after the Colosseum in Rome and the Capua Amphitheater near Naples. 

The lack of written sources about the inauguration of the amphitheater makes it difficult to date it precisely, although it is thought that it was built in the first century, under emperor Augustus. 

When it was built, it stood just outside the walls of the ancient city, to facilitate the flow of spectators and prevent overcrowding in the urban center. Later, it was incorporated within the walls built by Roman emperor Gallienus to defend the city from Barbarian attacks.

Like the Colosseum, the Arena was used for entertainment, including gladiator fights. These took place in the center of the amphitheater, in the area called harena (hence the name Arena), where there was sand, which was used to absorb blood of both men and animals. These gory spectacles were highly appreciated by the ancient Romans. 

Over the centuries, the Arena has been used for the most diverse of reasons: as a stone quarry for the construction of houses nearby; for the administration of justice, including stakes; for shows, parties and races; it was even said that at some point, prostitutes were relegated there, later driven out and replaced by craft shops.

The amphitheater originally had a capacity of 30,000 spectators; today, it can hold about half of that, for scenic and safety purposes.

The first opera to be performed at the Arena di Verona was Giuseppe Verdi's Aida, in 1913, one of the most grandiose international shows of the 20th century, attended by people from all over Italy and Europe. 

Since then, every summer, the Arena has been home to the Arena Opera Festival, which has an attendance of 600,000 spectators over 50 evenings with five or six alternating productions.

Tra i monumenti più affascinanti della romanità antica, l' Arena di Verona è un grande anfiteatro situato nel centro storico di Verona, vera icona di questa città veneta insieme alle figure di Romeo e Giulietta

Tipica dell'architettura romana, l'Arena di Verona si è eccezionalmente ben conservata, grazie anche ai regolari restauri effettuati a partire dal XVI° secolo. È il terzo anfiteatro romano più grande d'Italia, dopo il Colosseo a Roma e l'Anfiteatro di Capua vicino a Napoli.

La mancanza di fonti scritte sull'inaugurazione dell'anfiteatro rende difficile datarlo con precisione, sebbene si pensi che sia stato costruito nel I° secolo, durante il regno dell'imperatore Augusto.

Quando fu costruito, sorgeva appena fuori le mura della città antica, per facilitare il flusso di spettatori e impedire gli affollamenti nel centro urbano. Successivamente fu inglobato all'interno delle mura costruite dall'imperatore romano Gallieno per difendere la città dagli attacchi dei Barbari.

Come il Colosseo, l'Arena era utilizzata per spettacoli di intrattenimento, comprese le lotte dei gladiatori. Queste avvenivano al centro dell'anfiteatro, nella zona chiamata harena (da cui il nome Arena), dove era presente la sabbia, che serviva ad assorbire il sangue (di uomini e animali). Questi spettacoli cruenti erano molto apprezzati dagli antichi romani.

Nel corso dei secoli l'Arena è stata utilizzata per i più svariati motivi: come cava di pietra per la costruzione di case nei dintorni; per l'amministrazione della giustizia, compresi i roghi; per spettacoli, feste e gare; si diceva addirittura che a un certo punto le prostitute venissero relegate lì, in seguito cacciate e sostituite da botteghe artigiane.

L'anfiteatro originariamente aveva una capacità di 30.000 spettatori; oggi ne contiene circa la metà, a fini scenografici e di sicurezza.

La prima opera ad essere rappresentata all'Arena di Verona fu l'Aida di Giuseppe Verdi, nel 1913, uno dei più grandiosi spettacoli internazionali del XX° secolo, a cui parteciparono persone provenienti da tutta Italia ed Europa.

Da allora, ogni estate, l'Arena è sede dell'Arena di Verona Opera Festival, che conta 600.000 spettatori in 50 serate con cinque o sei produzioni che si alternano.

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How to visit the Arena of Verona

Nestled in the historic center of the city, the Arena di Verona is the most famous monument of the city. Obviously you can't leave out a visit to its interior.

Andressa García

Andressa García

11 min read

How to visit the Arena of Verona

Flavio Ciarafoni |© Arena de Verona sin personas

With more than twenty centuries of history, the Arena di Verona reflects all the past and even the present of the city. Nowadays it is a true symbol , so among the best things to do in Verona is definitely a visit to the Roman Arena.

To visit the Roman Arena of Verona you have to take into account different specifications, such as the opening hours, the price of the tickets, how you can get to this place, the transportation services available to visit the place, among other things.

How to buy tickets for the Arena of Verona

The tickets to the Arena of Verona can be found in two ways. One of the ways to enter the venue is by going to the ticket office to buy tickets directly outside the monument. The disadvantage of buying tickets this way is that you have to wait in long lines until it is your turn to buy.

Being a symbol of the city of Verona, it is common that the queues of people to buy tickets are so long every day . That is why the best way to buy the entrance ticket is online. With this method, you save minutes of queuing outside the venue. Especially if you have chosen this activity to do in Verona with children , it is important to avoid them getting impatient as much as possible.

On the official website of the Arena of Verona you can buy tickets for concerts and shows that take place both in the Roman Arena and in the Philharmonic Theater . If you are visiting the city and you want to see a show, this is the page you should visit to buy tickets.

On the other hand, if what you want is to take a leisurely stroll through the Arena , either on your own or through a guided tour that takes you around the whole place explaining every detail, then you have to enter the website of Museums of Verona , the official website to buy tickets to the various museums and attractions of Verona.

How much do tickets to the Arena of Verona cost?

Tickets to the Arena of Verona can be obtained from 2,10 euro per person, which would be the children's ticket. Of course they can go up in price depending on different factors . The season is not a condition for the price of the tickets, so you can include a visit to the Arena among the things to do in Verona in October , June or any month of the year.

General admission, for example, is priced at about 16 euros per person, which includes the museum entrance fee which is about 11 euros , plus the costs for using the online service which costs about 5 euros more. I recommend you make the visit to the Arena right after taking one of the best tours of Verona , so you can get to know it both inside and out.

For this price, you will have access to the Amphitheater, as well as you will be securing your booking fee and you are finally paying a pre-sale price. In addition, the advantage is that by paying online, you will not have to wait in line when you arrive at the Arena at the time of your visit.

An important thing to keep in mind is that tickets are non-refundable, non-exchangeable , non-transferable and non-cancelable. Once you buy the tickets, you have to use them, otherwise, you will have to buy new ones.

Take a city tour of Verona

What types of tickets are there? Are there skip-the-line tickets?

Tickets are organized according to the amount of money you have to pay for each ticket. Online tickets always avoid long queues at the box office , although you will also have to queue for a few minutes to enter the venue due to security policies.

As for the type of tickets, there are reduced and general admission tickets, as well as special tickets for children. Each of them has different prices. This is to visit the interior of the Arena and learn about its history and characteristics. Now, if you want to buy tickets for specific events , you can also do it online and without queues.

In the latter case, ticket prices vary according to the place and seats you decide to sit to see the shows. But also the price of tickets to the different shows depends on the type of show you are going to attend and the artists performing.

Are tickets to the Arena Romana included in any of the city passes?

The Arena of Verona is one of the attractions included in the VeronaCard city pass. This is the card authorized by the Italian Ministry of Tourism to allow you to visit the vast majority of the city's tourist attractions . The price of this card varies according to different specific characteristics, such as the duration time.

On the other hand, this card also includes different places of interest in the city, such as monuments, art galleries, squares, among other interesting sites . The visits can be coordinated according to your interests and the places you expect to visit during your tour of the city.

You can choose two types of cards and in both you can include the visit to the Arena of Verona. One has a duration of 24 hours and the other of 48 hours . This means that during the 24 or 48 hours that the card lasts, you can make use of it in any of the attractions of the city.

As for the Roman Arena, you have to know that the entrance through the city card does not guarantee a guided tour, but you have the option of using the audio guide offered by the VeronaCard app .

Are there tickets that include a guided tour and are they worth it?

On the official website where you can buy tickets to the Arena of Verona, you cannot access guided tours in conjunction with tickets to the venue. The tickets only include the right to see the place inside and, for an additional cost, listen to an audio guide that will tell you everything you need to know about this site of cultural interest.

The only way you can have a guided tour inside the Arena of Verona is if you choose to hire a guided tour in addition to the entrance fee you previously paid . Another option you have is to take a self-guided tour with an audio guide, for which you have three options, the first one is to ask for this service when you buy the ticket online.

The second option is to buy the VeronaCard, the city pass that allows you to move around the most iconic sights of Verona and explain through an audio guide, the most interesting details of each of these places.

The third option is to board the city's tourist bus , which also takes you to the best places in Verona, including the Roman Arena. During the tour, you have an audio guide that will provide you with interesting and relevant information about the Arena and the other places in the city.

Book the Verona sightseeing bus

Are there discounted tickets?

Discounted tickets are also a service you can take advantage of during your visit to the Arena di Verona . General admission, as you know, is priced at approximately 16 euros, but discounted tickets may cost a little less. This type of ticket applies to students with a valid student card , and also for people over 60 years old.

If you are accompanied by your parents or other seniors, you can pay for them a reduced ticket of approximately 13.25 euros each . There are no more reduced tickets for the rest of the visitors, only for people over 60 years old and also for students with their student card.

In the case of children, tickets vary considerably in price, so they are considered special tickets. In the case of tickets for seniors and students , these are prices that are maintained even if you want a guided tour, as long as it is through an audio guide .

You have to remember that if you buy tickets for seniors, it is necessary that upon arrival at the Amphitheater, they show their identity document where the date of birth and age are detailed , otherwise, they will not be able to enter the enclosure even if they have tickets.

Are there special tickets for children?

Of course, children have special tickets to the Arena di Verona. To begin with, children up to 7 years old can enter for free , as long as you get the ticket at the Arena box office.

However, if you want to buy tickets for children up to 7 years old online, you can do so, but you will have to pay an average price of 1 euro per ticket, as payment for the web service. Anyway, buying this way is advantageous because it gives you the opportunity to book in advance, and avoid queues.

On the other hand, these special tickets for children are available both for the self-guided visit and for the guided tour of the site. Children over 7 years old and up to 14 years old, have the opportunity to pay a reduced entrance fee if accompanied by an adult.

In other words, if a child or teenager between 8 and 14 years old visits the museum, he/she will have to pay full admission. But if you go with children of these ages, then you can pay the reduced ticket, which has an approximate price of 2.10 euros each.

Why is it worth buying tickets online instead of at the ticket office?

It is clear up to this point that getting tickets online is more advantageous than buying them at the box office, mainly because this way you would be avoiding queues at the time of entering the venue. It is advantageous to have a reservation when you visit the Roman Arena, especially if you visit Verona in one day and you have little time to see the city.

By booking tickets, you make sure to save your place in the visit, and you can even save some money because at the box office the tickets may cost a little more money than what the online tickets cost.

In the case of children's tickets, you can also get them online instead of waiting to get to the box office to get them. Online tickets can also be secured well in advance , which you cannot do with tickets at the box office.

Opening hours of the Arena di Verona

The Arena of Verona is open all day every day. The monument opens every day at 8:30 am, while the closing time is at 7:30 pm. When there is some kind of special event at the Arena in the evening, visiting hours are shortened to 16:30.

On Mondays it is open between 13:30 and 19:30. Likewise, the opening hours may be shortened to 16:30 if there are shows at the Arena during the night . The evening hours generally depend on the specific shows being presented.

How much time do you need to visit the Arena of Verona?

To visit the Arena of Verona you need at least an hour, although the time is determined by the type of visit you make, that is, if you go on your own with an audio guide , it is possible that it will take you a little less time to go through the whole place.

If you go together with a tour guide who will show you around, then it is likely that you can take a little more than an hour. Touring the entire venue from the cave to the stage takes time, and during those minutes you will have the opportunity to take multiple photos of the entire venue .

If you are on the city's tourist bus and you happen to get off at the Arena di Verona to see the venue from the inside, something to keep in mind is the waiting time for each bus at each of the stops. On the other hand, if you go to the Arena of Verona with children, then the visit may take even longer depending on the type of visit you have planned for them to enjoy the space.

Best time to visit the Arena of Verona

The best advice I can give you about visiting the Arena di Verona is to go early in the day. I know it's a bit difficult to get up early, but it's worth getting up at dawn to enter the first group of visitors to the Arena di Ver ona. You definitely enjoy the place much more when you see it without so many people around you.

Besides, another advantage of seeing the monument in the morning hours is that the weather will be much nicer and you will have the opportunity to take much clearer and colorful pictures , without so many crowds during the visit.

As for times of the year, you can definitely include the Arena of Verona among the best places to visit in Verona in summer , because the temperatures are much more pleasant and you can enjoy the shows that take place in the Arena, such as the highly acclaimed Opera festival .

How to get to the Arena of Verona?

The Arena of Verona is located exactly in Piazza Bra , and to reach this place you can do it on foot if you are doing a city tour , or you can go to this place using a private or rented car. Another way to get to the Amphitheater is by public transportation.

Among all the ways you have to get to the Roman Arena, one of the most economical is the tourist bus of the city . It is a system of free stops among which the Arena of Verona is included.

Another way to get to the Arena of Verona is to take a guided tour by bus or private car , taking into account that most of the private tours in the historic center of the city are on foot and you have to get to the meeting point on your own.

Tips for visiting the Arena of Verona

  • Wear comfortable shoes to visit the whole complex , as you will have to walk all inside the complex to have a wider panoramic view of everything the Arena of Verona has to show you.
  • Buy your tickets online and with enough time in advance, this way you are ensuring your visit and you avoid the long queues at the entrance of the complex, with thousands of tourists every year wanting to know this place.
  • If you go during the summer season, be sure to go to one of the shows presented at the Arena of Verona, because it is an experience of another level and category.
  • If you go with children or senior citizens, take advantage of the discounted and free tickets offered by the venue.
  • Ask for the audio guide so you can have much more information about the place you are visiting.
  • Buy the city card, which allows you to visit not only the Arena of Verona , but also many other interesting places in the city, for a reduced price.

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giugno 2024

La grande opera italiana patrimonio dell'umanità, il barbiere di siviglia, roberto bolle and friends, ix sinfonia, plácido domingo noche española, zorba il greco, viva vivaldi. the four seasons immersive concert, carmina burana.

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Pope Francis to Visit Verona For a Trip Centered on Peace and Justice

The Arena of Peace assembly was first held in 1986 as a way to bring together individuals and organizations to discuss and confront difficult social issues.

Pope Francis meets  with artists of the Arena of Verona Foundation during an audience in the Vatican's  Apostolic Palace on January 18, 2024 in Vatican City, Vatican. Arena of Verona Foundation is celebrating a centenary since the 1st century Roman amphitheatre's rebirth.

After completing a one-day trip to Venice , Pope Francis is set to return to northern Italy in late May for a visit to the city of Verona, where he will attend events focused on peace and justice while also meeting with clergy, laity, and inmates.

The Holy See Press Office on Monday released the Pope’s schedule for the one-day trip scheduled for May 18 on the vigil of Pentecost.

Located in the Veneto region, approximately 75 miles from Venice, the city is renowned for its trove of Roman antiquities, medieval architecture, and as the setting of Shakespeare’s tragedy Romeo and Juliet .

Pope Francis will leave the Vatican by helicopter at 6:30 a.m., arriving at Verona by approximately 8 a.m., where he will be greeted by Verona Bishop Domenico Pompili, Veneto President Luca Zaia, and Verona Mayor Damiano Tommasi.

From there the Holy Father will make his way by car to the Basilica of San Zeno, which bears the name of the fourth-century Afro-Italian saint who is the city’s patron. There he will deliver a speech to priests and consecrated religious. The Pope will then make his way into the adjacent square, where he will address children and young people.

The Pope will subsequently visit the Verona Arena, a first-century Roman amphitheater — the third-largest in Italy, and one of the symbols of the city — where the pontiff will preside over an encounter titled ​​”Arena of Peace: Justice and Peace They Shall Kiss,” one of the main events of the day.

The Arena of Peace assembly was first held in 1986 as a way to bring together individuals and organizations to discuss and confront difficult social issues. This year’s meeting will be focused on several themes including peace and disarmament, integral ecology, migration, work, democracy and rights, and lifestyles.

Later the Pope will arrive by car to the Casa Circondariale di Montorio, a prison housing both men and women as well as isolated inmates and a number of foreigners, located on the city’s outskirts. The pope will deliver a speech addressed to prisoners, staff, and volunteers of the prison, which will be followed by lunch with the inmates.

According to the Antigone Association , a project that issues an annual report on the conditions of Italy’s penitentiaries, at Montorio there are just under 600 inmates representing more than 40 nationalities. With a stated capacity of 335, Montorio is one of the most overcrowded prisons in Italy, a topic to which the Pope drew attention in his speech to the female inmates at Venice’s Women’s Prison on the island of Giudecca on Sunday.

The pontiff’s trip will end with an open-air Mass celebrated at Verona’s Marcantonio Bentegodi Stadium at 3 p.m. The Holy Father is scheduled to leave Verona at 4:45 p.m. and will arrive back at the Vatican by 6:15 p.m.

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Pope Francis to visit Verona for a trip centered on peace and justice


By Matthew Santucci

Rome Newsroom, Apr 29, 2024 / 11:30 am

After completing a one-day trip to Venice , Pope Francis is set to return to northern Italy in late May for a visit to the city of Verona, where he will attend events focused on peace and justice while also meeting with clergy, laity, and inmates. 

The Holy See Press Office on Monday released the pope’s schedule for the one-day trip scheduled for May 18 on the vigil of Pentecost. 

Located in the Veneto region, approximately 75 miles from Venice, the city is renowned for its trove of Roman antiquities, medieval architecture, and as the setting of Shakespeare’s tragedy “Romeo and Juliet.”

Pope Francis will leave the Vatican by helicopter at 6:30 a.m., arriving at Verona by approximately 8 a.m., where he will be greeted by Verona Bishop Domenico Pompili, Veneto President Luca Zaia, and Verona Mayor Damiano Tommasi.

From there the Holy Father will make his way by car to the Basilica of San Zeno, which bears the name of the fourth-century Afro-Italian saint who is the city’s patron. There he will deliver a speech to priests and consecrated religious. The pope will then make his way into the adjacent square, where he will address children and young people. 

The pope will subsequently visit the Verona Arena, a first-century Roman amphitheater — the third-largest in Italy, and one of the symbols of the city — where the pontiff will preside over an encounter titled ​​”Arena of Peace: Justice and Peace They Shall Kiss,” one of the main events of the day. 

The Arena of Peace assembly was first held in 1986 as a way to bring together individuals and organizations to discuss and confront difficult social issues. This year’s meeting will be focused on several themes including peace and disarmament, integral ecology, migration, work, democracy and rights, and lifestyles.

Later the pope will arrive by car to the Casa Circondariale di Montorio, a prison housing both men and women as well as isolated inmates and a number of foreigners, located on the city’s outskirts. The pope will deliver a speech addressed to prisoners, staff, and volunteers of the prison, which will be followed by lunch with the inmates. 

According to the Antigone Association , a project that issues an annual report on the conditions of Italy’s penitentiaries, at Montorio there are just under 600 inmates representing more than 40 nationalities. With a stated capacity of 335, Montorio is one of the most overcrowded prisons in Italy, a topic to which the pope drew attention in his speech to the female inmates at Venice’s Women’s Prison on the island of Giudecca on Sunday. 

The pontiff’s trip will end with an open-air Mass celebrated at Verona’s Marcantonio Bentegodi Stadium at 3 p.m. The Holy Father is scheduled to leave Verona at 4:45 p.m. and will arrive back at the Vatican by 6:15 p.m.

  • Catholic News ,
  • Pope Francis ,
  • Pentecost ,

Matthew Santucci

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Verona attende Francesco il 18 maggio. Il programma della visita

Vatican News

Saranno circa nove le ore che il Papa trascorrerà a Verona, sabato 18 maggio, vigilia di Pentecoste, in una visita dedicata al tema “Giustizia e pace si baceranno”, tratto dal salmo 85. Francesco torna quindi in Veneto, a meno di un mese di distanza dopo la visita a Venezia di ieri, 28 aprile, che per la prima volta lo aveva visto arrivare in Veneto. Verona è una terra, aveva avuto modo di dire il suo vescovo Domenico Pompili, parlando dell’arrivo del Papa, “crocevia di popoli, di dialogo in cui far fiorire il confronto e, specie in questi tempi difficili, la pace”.

I sacerdoti, consacrati, giovani e bambini

Francesco, come indicato dal programma diffuso oggi dalla Sala Stampa della Santa Sede  - negli stessi istanti in cui da Verona l'annuncio della visita veniva comunicato dal vescovo Domenico Pompili - decollerà dall’eliporto del Vaticano alle ore 6.30 del mattino del 18 maggio per atterrare nel Piazzale adiacente allo Stadio Bentegodi di Verona alle 8.00. Ad attenderlo vi saranno le principali cariche religiose e politiche della città e della regione: oltre al vescovo Pompili, anche Luca Zaia, presidente della Regione Veneto, Demetrio Martino e Damiano Tommasi, prefetto e sindaco della città scaligera. Subito dopo l’arrivo ci sarà il trasferimento alla Basilica di San Zeno per l’incontro con i sacerdoti e i consacrati davanti ai quali Francesco terrà il suo primo discorso. Successivamente, nella piazza omonima di fronte alla chiesa, ad attendere il Papa ci saranno i bambini e i ragazzi ai quali il Pontefice rivolgerà un saluto.

L’incontro sulla pace e quello con i detenuti

Alle 10.15 è previsto l’arrivo all’Arena dove il Papa presiederà l’Incontro “Arena di pace - Giustizia e Pace si baceranno”, durante il quale risponderà ad alcune domande. Terminato l’incontro, Francesco raggiungerà in auto la Casa Circondariale di Montorio, dove sarà accolto dal direttore Francesca Gioieni, dal direttore della Polizia penitenziaria, Mario Piramide e dove saluterà gli agenti di polizia penitenziaria, i detenuti e i volontari ai quali rivolgerà un discorso. Subito dopo il pranzo con i detenuti, alle 14.30, Francesco lascerà la Casa Circondariale per trasferirsi in auto allo Stadio Bentegodi per presiedere, alle 15.00, la Messa. Alle 16.45 la partenza per il rientro in Vaticano, previsto alle 18.15.

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A Montorio la seconda edizione del festival "Libri in Castello"

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Via Castel Montorio, 10

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Domenica 5 maggio, dalle 10 alle 19, il castello di Montorio ospiterà la seconda edizione di “Libri in Castello”, microfestival dedicato al libro con una particolare attenzione alla città e al territorio veronese. L’evento, a partecipazione gratuita, è organizzato da Associazione Amici Ecomuseo Preafita e Il Rio Edizioni in collaborazione con Associazione Due Valli, Circolo 23, Cartolibreria Mameli. Per tutta la giornata, il castello diventerà una grande libreria a cielo aperto con presentazioni di libri ma anche la possibilità di effettuare visite guidate all’interno del castello a offerta libera.

I libri presentati saranno “Topo Dopo. Storia di un topolino ritardatario” di Alessandra Melegatti e Nicola Brusco, “Per niente facile ma possibile” Dravet Italia Onlus a cura di Lorena Carella, “Non tutti dormono” di Sabrina Ginocchio e Elisabetta Micheloni, “Capire la mente. Oltre il sintomo. Uno sguardo sul mondo nell’esperienza quotidiana di un medico” di Luigi Trabucchi, “Un poeta di compagnia sui generis. L’attività teatrale di Francesco Albergati Capacelli nel secondo Settecento” di Elena Zilotti e “Gerusalemme ancora” di Sandra Manzella.

Libri in castello 2024 : Locandina ufficio stampa Comune di Verona

Le presentazioni avverranno sotto agli alberi della “bastia” del castello e, in caso di maltempo, nella polveriera. Dalle 11 alle 19 nella “bastia” sarà allestita una mostra-mercato del libro, a cura de Il Rio Edizioni e della Cartoleria Mameli.

La partecipazione agli eventi è gratuita e, con un contributo di 10 euro si ha diritto a un libro selezionato dallo staff e un bicchiere di birra. All’interno del castello è proibito portare cibi e bevande, mentre sarà allestito un servizio ristoro, bar e caffetteria a pagamento.

Per informazioni  www.oligoeditore.it/libri-in- castello/verona  e  www.castellodimontorio.it/ .

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Arena di pace con il Papa: la conferenza stampa da Verona

Sabato 18 maggio Papa Francesco incontrerà a Verona centinaia di delegati e delegate dei movimenti popolari provenienti da tutta Italia in occasione di Arena di Pace e poi migliaia di fedeli allo stadio Bentegodi, dove officerà una messa aperta a tutta la cittadinanza e a cui parteciperanno anche 4mila ragazzi e ragazze radunate dal Centro pastorale adolescenti e giovani della diocesi scaligera.

L’occasione è storica . Verona torna a ospitare un’Arena di Pace a 10 anni dall’ultima volta, in un momento drammatico in cui disuguaglianze ed esclusione sociale non sono mai state così diffuse nel Paese, dove i diritti sociali continuano a essere messi in discussione, la partecipazione diminuisce e in un contesto geopolitico globale che fa della “terza guerra mondiale a pezzi”, denunciata dal Santo Padre, un’istantanea di terribile attualità, più che un monito per il futuro. A Verona confluiranno i movimenti popolari che con le loro pratiche e capacità di intrecciare relazioni dal basso ricostruiscono comunità, promuovono convivialità e lottano per la dignità della vita. Quelli che Francesco definisce “poeti sociali”, indicandoli come unica speranza per la conversione ecologica di cui ha bisogno l’umanità. Non sono avanguardie ma società in movimento. Realtà che immaginano un presente alternativo all’insegna del motto “giustizia e pace si baceranno” che ispira tutta l’iniziativa di Arena di Pace.

La manifestazione, così come la messa al Bentegodi, sono poi parte di una più ampia visita che porterà il Papa a incontrare sacerdoti e consacrati nella basilica di San Zeno, migliaia di bambini e ragazzi nella piazza adiacente e i detenuti della casa circondariale di Montorio. Le motivazioni, il senso e il programma degli appuntamenti di sabato 18 maggio vengono comunicati alla stampa con la conferenza di stamattia0 presso il Salone dei vescovi nell’episcopio veronese.


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    The 101st Arena di Verona Opera Festival is approaching and the opera stars are preparing to shine again on the stage of Verona's amphitheatre. ... Visit the monument ©2024 Fondazione Arena di Verona Reg.Imp.VR 14244/2000 | P.I.00231130238 Sede legale: via Roma 7/d, 37121 Verona.

  7. Arena di Verona Opera Festival Tickets

    Here you can find all the information you need to buy or gift a ticket for the Arena di Verona Opera Festival. Buy a ticket online. ... Visit the monument ©2024 Fondazione Arena di Verona Reg.Imp.VR 14244/2000 | P.I.00231130238 Sede legale: via Roma 7/d, 37121 Verona.

  8. Events Calendar: Arena Opera Festival & Teatro Filarmonico

    Explore the schedule of performances at the Arena di Verona Opera Festival and Teatro Filarmonico di Verona. Book now for an unforgettable experience! Salta al contenuto principale Calendar. Menu. ... Visit the monument ©2024 Fondazione Arena di Verona Reg.Imp.VR 14244/2000 | P.I.00231130238 Sede legale: via Roma 7/d, 37121 Verona.

  9. Verona Arena

    Verona Arena at night in 2018 Arena in Piazza Bra with Municipio at night Inside Verona Arena. The Verona Arena (Italian: Arena di Verona [aˈrɛːna di veˈroːna, aˈreːna-]) is a Roman amphitheatre in Piazza Bra in Verona, Italy built in 30 AD. It is still in use and serves as a venue for large-scale opera performances.. It is one of the best preserved ancient structures of its kind.

  10. Verona Arena, Verona

    Gazzelle - Arena di Verona Verona Arena 16/05/2024 21:00 Il Barbiere di Siviglia. Il Barbiere di Siviglia - Arena Opera Festival 2024 Verona Arena 21/06/2024 21:30 + altre date ... For your visit to Verona, the best professionals are at your service to guarantee you an unforgettable experience at the best price.

  11. Arena di Verona

    La guida completa, il calendario degli spettacoli e l'acquisto dei biglietti per l'Arena di Verona, il più importante teatro lirico all'aperto del mondo. ... Il biglietto intero per la visita dell'Arena di verona costa €10,00. Sono previsti biglietti ridotti a €7,50 per gruppi, over 60 e studenti, a €1,00€ per scuole/ragazzi 8-14 anni ...

  12. Arena di Verona: biglietti, orari e informazioni utili per la visita

    Orari di visita. Gli orari di visita per l'Arena di Verona sono i seguenti: da ottobre a maggio: dal martedì alla domenica dalle 9:00 alle 19:00 (ultimo ingresso alle 18:30). Lunedì: Chiuso. da giugno a settembre: il lunedì 9:00 - 19:00 (ultimo ingresso alle 18:30); martedì - domenica dalle 9:00 alle 17:00 (ultimo ingresso alle 16:00).

  13. Arena di Verona in Verona

    The arena was originally built in 30AD outside of the Verona city walls and hosted sports events and theatrical performances. The arena was well known during the Roman era and people would come from far and wide to attend performances. The venue could accommodate 30,000 in the audience. The original structure was made of Valpolicella limestone ...

  14. Visit to the Verona Arena: opening hours, prices and tips and

    Visiting Arena di Verona. Even those who don't have the opportunity to attend a performance at the Verona Arena, can get to know it by visiting its interior. It is open daily for visitors. And walking through its interior, imagining what those corridors and bleachers have already seen in so many years of history is one of the most recommended ...

  15. Arena of Verona entrance ticket

    Arena of Verona entrance ticket. Explore one of the largest amphitheatres in Italy and walk around Verona! ... Visit Verona one of the most theatrical cities in the world; ... Tuscanyall.com srl - Sole shareholder - Via di Scandici, 22R - Florence - Italy - Auth.stock Euro 100.000 i.v. - C.F.- P.Iva 05511100488 - REA 552158 CCIAA Florence ...

  16. Exploring Verona: Piazza Bra And Arena Di Verona

    The Arena di Verona, located in the heart of Piazza Bra, is one of the most iconic landmarks in Verona. This ancient Roman amphitheater is a magnificent testament to the city's rich history and cultural heritage. The Arena di Verona is a colossal structure that was built in the 1st century AD and is one of the best-preserved amphitheaters in ...

  17. A guided tour of the Verona Arena

    The Arena is Verona's most important attraction, a perfectly preserved monument dating back to the 1st century AD. This Roman-era building is still in use and during the summer season hosts numerous performances, open-air concerts and the world-famous Opera Festival. Your guide will be waiting for you in front of the entrance of the Arena and ...

  18. ARENA DI VERONA: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

    It was amazing experience- combination of Arena di Verona with opera and fabulous celebration including stunning air show. There was a huge number of people - the arena was full- but tge organisation was just perfect. ... We stayed at Garda Lake and drove to Verona to visit. Really worth a look. Read more. Visited June 2023. Travelled with ...

  19. Wonders of Italy: The Verona Arena

    Italian. One of the most fascinating monuments of ancient Roman times, the Arena di Verona is a large amphitheater located in the historic center of Verona, a true icon of this Veneto city along with the figures of Romeo and Juliet. Typical of Roman architecture, the Arena di Verona has been exceptionally well preserved, thanks also to the ...

  20. How to visit the Arena of Verona

    The Arena of Verona is open all day every day. The monument opens every day at 8:30 am, while the closing time is at 7:30 pm. When there is some kind of special event at the Arena in the evening, visiting hours are shortened to 16:30. On Mondays it is open between 13:30 and 19:30.

  21. Programma Spettacoli Arena di Verona 2024

    Scopri tutte le opere in programma all'Arena di Verona in occasione dell'Arena Opera Festival 2024. Scopri info, date e biglietti qui! Salta al contenuto principale Spettacoli | 2024. Menu. ... Visite al monumento ©2024 Fondazione Arena di Verona Reg.Imp.VR 14244/2000 | P.I.00231130238 Sede legale: via Roma 7/d, 37121 Verona.

  22. Verona Arena, Verona

    1. Verona: Verona Card with Arena Priority Entrance. Follow in the footsteps of Romeo and Juliet and great Roman emperors and explore the city of Verona at your own pace with a Verona Card. Valid for 24 or 48 hours (depending on the option booked), the Verona Card gives you free or reduced entrance to dozens of city museums and monuments, as well as unlimited travel on the ATV transport system.

  23. VisitVerona.it

    Verona: a UNESCO world heritage city and the home of Romeo and Juliet, a place of history, culture, music, architecture and high society. A land of great traditions, from opera to fine food and wine.

  24. Pope Francis to Visit Verona For a Trip Centered on Peace and Justice

    The Pope will subsequently visit the Verona Arena, a first-century Roman amphitheater — the third-largest in Italy, and one of the symbols of the city — where the pontiff will preside over an ...

  25. Pope Francis to visit Verona for a trip centered on peace and justice

    The Verona Arena is illuminated at night on Aug. 3, 2018, in Verona, Italy. The Holy See Press Office on Monday, April 29, 2024, released the pope's schedule for a one-day trip to the city ...

  26. Verona attende Francesco il 18 maggio. Il programma della visita

    Francesco presiederà anche l'Incontro "Arena di pace - Giustizia e Pace si baceranno" e la Messa nello Stadio di Bentegodi, prima di rientrare in Vaticano. Vatican News. Saranno circa nove le ore che il Papa trascorrerà a Verona, sabato 18 maggio, vigilia di Pentecoste, in una visita dedicata al tema "Giustizia e pace si baceranno ...

  27. A Montorio la seconda edizione del festival "Libri in Castello"

    02 maggio 2024 10:08. Condividi. Domenica 5 maggio, dalle 10 alle 19, il castello di Montorio ospiterà la seconda edizione di "Libri in Castello", microfestival dedicato al libro con una particolare attenzione alla città e al territorio veronese. L'evento, a partecipazione gratuita, è organizzato da Associazione Amici Ecomuseo Preafita ...

  28. Arena di pace con il Papa: la conferenza stampa da Verona

    Verona torna a ospitare un'Arena di Pace a 10 anni dall'ultima ... sono poi parte di una più ampia visita che porterà il Papa a incontrare sacerdoti e consacrati nella basilica di San Zeno ...