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Bar Tour Montparnasse – Ciel De Paris

Toutes les informations sur le bar tour montparnasse – ciel de paris, evaluez, notez et partagez le bar tour montparnasse – ciel de paris.

Au bar Tour Montparnasse–Ciel De Paris , tous les ingrédients sont réunis pour passer un moment sans égal : une vue à couper le souffle, une carte raffinée et des cocktails recherchés.

Paysage époustouflant et cadre tendance au Ciel de Paris

Au sommet de la capitale, niché au niveau du 56e étage de la Tour Montparnasse , le Ciel de Paris accueille ses convives dans un cadre design à souhait. Le décor est sans pareil, avec des teintes élégantes de dominance noir et or se mariant à merveille avec le caramel ambré. Les formes arrondies des meubles confèrent une atmosphère moderne, sublimée par la vue unique sur la Ville lumière : Paris Grand Écran.

  Bar à champagne et bar à millefeuilles dans la Tour Montparnasse

Pour apprécier des moments parfaits, le restaurant de l’établissement propose de nombreux classiques de la gastronomie française, brillamment revisités par les chefs de la maison. Par ailleurs, le bar Tour Montparnasse–Ciel De Paris est l’un des plus originaux du genre avec son éventail de cocktails à base de champagne. Cette boisson pétillante est ici célébrée à toutes les sauces. Outre les références de Bruts, de Rosés ou de Blancs de blancs, des curiosités comme l’Andromède – une composition de nectar de mandarine, mandarine Napoléon et champagne – ou le Neptune – liqueur de café, téquila et champagne – font partie des cocktails à savourer. Enfin, l’originalité est de mise avec un bar à millefeuilles ouvert pour succomber aux multiples variantes sucrées ou salées de ce délice parisien. Moyenne des votes : Bar Tour Montparnasse – Ciel De Paris , 3.2 sur 5 étoiles, basées sur 119 votes

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D�pense de 50€ minimum par personne. Une carte bancaire est exig�e pour r�server. En cas d’annulation ou de no-show (moins de 24h avant la r�servation), la somme de 50€ par personne sera pr�lev�e sur la carte bancaire du client. Votre r�servation vous garantit un cr�neau de 2h. Pour tout retard de plus de 15 minutes sur votre heure de r�servation, la table sera r�attribu�e � d’autres clients. Tenue correcte exig�e : Dress code chic et �l�gant. Club interdit au mineur de moins de 18 ans. R�servation conseill�e. La Direction se r�serve le droit d’entr�e. Les conditions g�n�rales sont disponibles ici .

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Top Bar à cocktails Montparnasse à Paris

Notre sélection de 5 bars.

Au pied de l’emblématique tour de Montparnasse, se trouve un quartier charmant du même nom. C’est le cœur festif du 14 ème arrondissement. Que vous soyez un simple visiteur ou un habitant, cette liste des meilleurs bars à cocktails à Montparnasse est faite pour vous.

Ce top des bars à cocktails de Montparnasse recense les meilleures destinations pour siroter son Sex on the Beach dans ce quartier atypique. Au printemps, il n’y a rien de mieux que de s’installer sur une immense terrasse ou le rooftop d’un bar à cocktail. Vous aurez le choix parmi des bars situés à plusieurs mètres de hauteur avec une vue sur plusieurs arrondissements, près de la gare Montparnasse. Aussi, sentez-vous à l’aise de trouver l’établissement parfait pour vous détendre en compagnie de vos proches. Au programme, ces meilleurs bars à cocktails à Montparnasse vous promettent une ambiance chaleureuse, propice à un apéro time entre amis ou en équipes. Commandez les cocktails signatures préparés par les barmen expérimentés. Vous êtes plutôt soft drink ? Pas de soucis, différents mocktails vous y attendent. Ensuite, accompagnez votre verre avec des tapas ou des planches apéritives à base de produits frais locaux.

Mais attention, une fois la soirée venue, ces adresses se transforment en de vrais repères pour les noctambules. On parle ici d’animations dj le samedi ou le mercredi soir. Le personnel de ces établissements proposent aussi divers jeux comme celui de concocter son propre cocktail avec des ingrédients insolites tels que du pin ou encore du soft wine. Il y a aussi les challenges du plus grand buveur de bière. Sinon, vous pouvez même profiter de l’happy hour pour savourer vos boissons favorites à prix réduit.

Lorsqu’on parle de lieu où faire la fête, les opinions divergent entre ceux qui veulent une soirée sur une terrasse sophistiquée et ceux en quête d’un prix abordable. On a pensé à toutes ces personnes-là dans notre sélection de bars à cocktail dans le quartier Montparnasse . Grand bien vous fasse, vous nous remercierez en profitant du meilleur mojito de votre vie.

Le quartier de Montparnasse a plus d’un tour dans son sac et cette liste devrait vous convaincre de réserver une table dans l’un de ces bars à cocktails. L’occasion de porter un nouveau regard sur ce quartier s’offre à vous. Si vous voulez des conseils ou des avis avant de choisir le bar adéquat pour vos occasions, passez par le site Privateaser. Si nécessaire, n'hésitez pas à suivre notre guide de la privatisation de bars .

Par contre, si vous souhaitez étendre vos recherches à tout Paris pour votre prochaine sortie, n’hésitez pas à consulter notre sélection des meilleurs bars à cocktails de Paris . Si vous souhaitez plus d’inspirations pour l’établissement de votre prochain événement en groupe, consultez notre top bars à cocktails à Châtelet !

Le 48 cocktail club, Bar Paris Montparnasse #0

Le 48 cocktail club

Casa del Sole, Bar Paris  Montparnasse #0

Casa del Sole

Ker Beer, Bar Paris Montparnasse #0

Brasserie du Château

Puzzle, Bar Paris Val-de-Grâce #0

De Gaité de Coeur "DGDC"

Solera Paris, Bar Paris Port Royal #0

Solera Paris

Skybar Paris, Bar Paris Plaisance #0

Skybar Paris

Le Ace Club, Bar Paris Montparnasse #0

Le Ace Club

Nuno's Bar, Bar Paris Val-de-Grâce #0

Nuno's Bar

Le Scott Bar, Bar Paris Notre Dame Des Champs  #0

Le Scott Bar

Bar Tour Montparnasse Ciel de Paris, Bar Paris Tour Maine Montparnasse #0

Bar Tour Montparnasse Ciel de Paris

Le Luco, Bar Paris Val de Grâce #0

Brasserie Mont

La Pachanga, Bar Paris Montparnasse  #0

La Pachanga

Ton Air de Brest, Bar Paris Montparnasse #0

Ton Air de Brest

Le Falstaff, Bar Paris Montparnasse #0

Le Falstaff

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  • The 10 Best Bars In...

A Local's Guide to the Best Bars in Montparnasse, Paris

Montparnasses cosy piano bars and terraces are ideal places to while away an evening in Paris

Montparnasse excels at low-key nightlife. Its cosy piano bars have changed little over the centuries, its terraces are inviting spots to while away an evening – with a rosé in summer or a vin chaud in winter – and even its newest cocktail bars remain free from the latest fads.

Classic café bars, glitzy cocktail bars and modern taprooms can all be found in Montparnasse

Montparnasse has it all, according to Paris food and wine expert Veronica Cassidy . The 14th arrondissement and its surrounding area may not be renowned places for a night out, but “no matter your interests, there’s something for you in this vibrant neighbourhood,” she says. Classic café/bars are the area’s best-known after-dark haunts, but there’s plenty more to discover, such as unexpectedly glitzy cocktail bars, modern taprooms and budget-friendly happy-hour hangouts. “Conviviality makes a great Parisian bar,” Cassidy says. “I’ll come to a bar for good drinks, but I’ll come back for good people.”

Bar, Wine Bar, Seafood

The famous restaurant Le Dome in Montparnasse, Paris.

You know you’re in one of the most traditional bars in Paris when your glass of Côtes de Provence rosé – a Château Minuty for €8 (£6.75), perhaps – comes with a side of plump, marinated olives. It’s not really about the drinks or snacks at Le Dôme, though: the red wicker chairs on its small street-side terrace are some of the best spots on Boulevard du Montparnasse for people watching as the sun goes down. Le Dôme is a particularly lovely aperitif option in summer, when vines are draped from the roof and you can add ice cubes to your wine without judgement. If you don’t stay on to eat in Le Dôme’s restaurant, be sure to steal a glimpse at its magnificently over-the-top Art Deco interior before you leave.

2. Café Bohème

Cocktail Bar, Cocktails

Quirky but not cutesy, Café Bohème stands out among the other bars packed into this lively stretch of Boulevard Edgar Quinet. Lacy lanterns dangle above the terrace in summer and dried flowers are woven into the lampshades inside. The cocktails are just as colourful as the decor: go for the signature strawberry, raspberry and passion fruit mojito, or try a sharing-size spritz with friends in summer; in winter you can’t beat a classic kir royale or a Love and Flowers Belgian wheat beer. Most people head here for the happy-hour cocktails – from €6 (£5) before 8pm – but nothing soaks up one cocktail too many like a bowl of Café Bohème’s truffle fries or a board of cheese and charcuterie.

3. Ker Beer

The first Breton craft-beer bar in Paris – a niche but nonetheless impressive achievement – Ker Beer was founded as a cooperative in 2017. This minimalist bar showcases some of the best beers from Brittany’s 90 breweries, available both by the bottle and on tap. Go for the unusual fruity Bora, a collaboration between Rennes-based Brasserie Skumenn and Brasserie du Grand Paris, or La Brasserie de L’Ombre’s American pale ale. Special-offer pints start at €5 (£4.20) and the bar runs occasional one-off events, such as showcases of local Parisian beers from the likes of Deck & Donohue and Brasserie Crazy Hops (check Facebook for their calendar).

A line of cocktails on a bar

Just inside the 5th arrondissement, but only five minutes’ walk from the heart of Montparasse, Solera surprises with cool cocktails and a cosy but club-like atmosphere. For its quiet, side-street location it’s unexpectedly ritzy: all black tables, dark walls and a glinting gold-backed bar. Their signature cocktails continue the bold theme: there’s a mojito spiked with Thai basil and ginger; a Parisian Smash with Monkey Shoulder whisky, Southern Comfort and passion fruit purée; and a Bistropolitain that blends elderflower cordial, lavender bitters and Hendrick’s Gin. Alternatively, you can order wine and champagne by the glass and they’ll mix classics such as caipirinhas and margaritas on request.

Bar, Cocktail Bar, French

If Singapore slings, sidecars and brandy Alexanders float your cocktail boat, pull up a stool at Montparnasse institution Rosebud. Times may have changed in the 50 years that this atmospheric, speakeasy-style bar has been a fixture on rue Delambre, but the menu and stylish white-jacketed bar staff have stayed remarkably consistent. Both classic cocktails and innovative creations are priced at a very reasonable €14 (£12), even those with champagne. You could start your evening with a Belleva (peach liqueur, mezcal and champagne), kick a hangover with a Bloody Bud (cumin liqueur, vodka and tomato juice) or simply nurse a 16-year-old Lagavulin until the early hours.

6. Cubana Café

Restaurant, Pub Grub, French

7. La Closerie des Lilas

Bar, Cocktails

La Closerie des Lilas restaurant in Paris

No Montparnasse bar odyssey would be complete without paying tribute to the area’s rich history during the 1920s, the Années folles (‘crazy years’) – and there’s nowhere better to do so than the low-lit piano bar at La Closerie des Lilas. Whether or not you follow in the footsteps of Hemingway and Fitzgerald and debate the literary merits of your latest work at the mahogany bar, or just enjoy a romantic cocktail at a table for two is up to you. Their signature is the Royal Closerie at €18 (£15), with champagne, Armagnac, Mandarine Impériale and a red fruit coulis. The bar is open nightly until 1.30am and they’ll appreciate it if you’re not too scruffy.

8. The Copper Pub

Bar, Beer, Fast Food

Opened in 2019, the Copper Pub has a simple concept: beers and burgers available throughout the day (no one’s judging if you fancy a pint or two at lunch). It’s a smart, modern spot with its royal-blue awnings, and the menu is similarly on trend. There are 14 beers on tap, plus many more by the bottle – from €6 (£5) – including big-name imports from Brewdog, Duvel and Erdinger alongside French originals like the Brasserie du Mont-Blanc. To eat, as well as traditional burgers and tartars, there’s a pulled-pork bun for €14.50 (£12.20), various salads and some seriously tempting desserts such as an M&M floating island and a Guinness chocolate cake. Non-beer drinkers aren’t forgotten either, as the wine and cocktail list is surprisingly extensive.

9. La Lingerie

Bar, Cafe, Restaurant, Beer, Wine

Open from Wednesday to Saturday nights, the super-laid-back indoor-outdoor bar at community live-work village Les Grands Voisins is a world away from Montparnasse’s boulevard haunts. In the spirit of this burgeoning micro-neighbourhood, you don’t even have to buy a drink to enjoy a night at La Lingerie. It’s really about the atmosphere here: come for cheap beer, cider and organic wine in plastic cups (don’t expect to pay more than €5 (£4.20) for a drink) and a diverse schedule of events and gigs. DJ sets range from disco to rock, and there’s also drag bingo, open-air cinema screenings and live acoustic sets.

10. Chez Jean-Claude

Bar, Cocktail Bar, Restaurant, French

This light, bright and airy spot offers something a little different to the usual places to drink in Montparnasse. Whether you pull up a stool at the turquoise bar or flop into a squishy armchair, expect to stay for longer than you planned (and make sure you get there early for the pick of the best seats). Cocktails kick off at €8 (£6.75) – try the Dewi Motion with vodka, Cointreau, yuzu purée and Perrier – wine by the glass starts at €4.50 (£3.80) and there are sharing boards and tapas to snack on. The menu is original and fun: small plates are very loosely French-inspired and might include whiskey-marinated ribs, gravadlax (Nordic-style cured salmon) or black pudding samosas.

This is an updated version of an article originally written by Paul McQueen .

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The 11 best rooftop bars in Paris

See one of the world’s best skylines up close at our favourite rooftop bars in Paris

From the Arc de Triomphe, the Eiffel Tower and Sacré Coeur to the hills of Belleville – heck, even the Tour Montparnasse on a good day – the French capital has undoubtedly one of the most beautiful and iconic skylines in the world.

And sure, you could try your luck sightseeing at a bar terrace in pretty much any part of the capital, but let’s be honest, where better to survey Paris’s architectural marvels than ten floors up with a cocktail in hand? Whether you go for a  hotel  whipping up mixology magic or one of the Perchoir chain’s trendy AF locations in the east, our list of the absolute best rooftop bars in Paris will make regular street-level boozing seem oh-so passé. Here are the best rooftop bars in Paris. 

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Antoine Besse is the food and drink editor at Time Out Paris . At Time Out, all of our  travel guides  are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our  editorial guidelines .

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Best rooftop bars in Paris

Bar de la Dame des Arts

1.  Bar de la Dame des Arts

Bar de la Dame des Arts emerged in 2023 on the top of the chich Art Deco hotel of the same name, and became an instant favourite. Here you’ll find good vibes and well-crafted cocktails, and Notre-Dame just a stone's throw away. On the other side, the Eiffel Tower peeks out between the bell tower of Saint-Germain and the dome of Les Invalides, all on a sea of well-kept roofs (it’s the 6th, baby). Never used the panoramic setting on your phone? Now’s the time!

Les Ombres

2.  Les Ombres

  • 4 out of 5 stars
  • 7e arrondissement
  • price 3 of 4
  • Recommended

The full-on view of the Eiffel Tower at night would be reason enough to come to this glass-and-iron restaurant on the top floor of the Musée du Quai Branly , but chef Alain Ducasse’s food also demands that you sit up and take notice. Those without bottomless pockets should note that there is a reasonable prix fixe at lunch, but another option is to head to the terrace lounge bar, which offers a range of swish cocktails and posh nibbles to consume on one of its delightfully plush sofas. You’ll feel like you've strolled into a postcard, in a good way. 

Bar sur le Toit at Hotel Rochechouart

3.  Bar sur le Toit at Hotel Rochechouart

The venerable Hotel Rochechouart, reigning over the bottom of the hill since 1929, got a good facelift in 2020 and now boasts a rooftop terrace at the top. As soon as you step out of the elevator, you’re face to dome with the Sacré-Cœur. And then the Eiffel Tower. And then the whole rest of beautiful Paris beyond. And what, we hear you cry, should you consume to recover from this unreal panorama? We say a signature cocktail and a small plate that soars far above a humble bowl of peanuts (we recommend the grilled prawns and the chicken gyoza). 

The Shed

4.  The Shed

This is the star attraction at Hôtel des Grands Boulevards on  the  Boulevard Poissonnière, yet  another excellent opening from the Experimental cocktail group (Grand Pigalle Hotel, Balagan, Beef Club), who also run The Shell on the ground floor. In terms of the view, there isn’t much of a panorama, but if you fancy a view of some typically Parisian limestone façades and quaint rooftops, this is your place. 

Bar le Perchoir

5.  Bar le Perchoir

  • Bars and pubs
  • Saint-Ambroise
  • price 2 of 4

Huge, vibesey and always thronging, the original Ménilmontant Perchoir has outsize comfy seats, cute floral decor and large communal tables, making for a proper night out. There are few things more satisfying than watching the sun set over Sacré-Coeur – and few places better than to see it than here. Our top tip? Come around 5.30pm (or after about 10pm) if you want to be sure of getting a table.

TacTac Skybar

6.  TacTac Skybar

On the 27th floor of the leaning twin towers designed by Jean Nouvel, the TacTac Skybar (not the greatest name, we’ll admit) at the TOO Hotel  showcases a completely unprecedented and truly fabulous view of Paname. No monuments on the horizon, but a crazy panorama that puts this corner of the 13th on par with LA or Tokyo (especially at night, with the strings of traffic on the beltway). To drink: a very short menu of five cocktails (€14-16), heavy on sugar and fruit, as well as small plates for high-flying appetisers: go for minty green Hulk edamame hummus (€8) or classic burrata (€12). But anyway, what a view!

Le Tout-Paris

7.  Le Tout-Paris

As you arrive at Le Tout-Paris , the view monopolises all attention, and you rush to the balcony to soak it all in. The Pont Neuf is within a stone’s throw, the entire Left Bank in CinemaScope, and with good timing, you might even catch a sunset... Truly a unique spot! To accompany this VIP view and U-shaped marble, expect (very) premium prices. Best enjoyed with a drink facing the Seine if possible, but the terrace at the back overlooking the slates of Saint-Germain l'Auxerrois ain’t too shabby either.

Hôtel National des Arts et Métiers

8.  Hôtel National des Arts et Métiers

Hôtel National des Arts et Métiers is an intimate terrace that fits about 30. Come here to bob along to a lilting summer soundtrack with cocktails and rosé, with a view of the nearby Centre Pompidou, the Eiffel Tower, Place de la République and the Louvre... as views go, it’s pretty good. Usually open April through to September. 


9.  Roof

Roof was born when Hotel Madame Rêve unfolded tables, lounge chairs and umbrellas on the roof of the former Louvre post office. The results are colossal (250 seats and just as many green plants); Dominique Perrault's arches overlook the flying buttresses of Saint-Eustache, the pipes of Beaubourg, and the rooftops of Paris. The cocktail menu might be a bit timid, but we’ll forgive all for the view. 

The rooftop at Mama Shelter

10.  The rooftop at Mama Shelter

  • 5 out of 5 stars
  • Boutique hotels
  • 20e arrondissement

Opened in 2008, the eldest of the Mama Shelter family continues to liven up its corner of the 20th arrondissement. Designed by Philippe Starck, the hotel showcases a vibrant and eclectic decor, with at its peak a rooftop terrace surrounded by reeds, giving it a kind of carefree beach atmosphere: lounge chairs to soak up the vitamin D, a BBQ, games, colourful umbrellas and classic cocktails. On Saturdays, they do a burgers & milkshakes thing from 12-3pm which basically feels like you’re on a rooftop in LA.

The rooftop at Hotel Paradiso

11.  The rooftop at Hotel Paradiso

After cinemas, bookshops and a concept store, MK2 has continued to diversify, now with the Hotel Paradiso, just a stone’s throw from Place de la Nation. If there were Oscars for rooftops, it’s doubtful that Paradiso’s rooftop would sweep: its modest size means you pretty much have to reserve a table before coming, the view of Paris isn’t mind-blowing, and the menu is pretty slim (i.e. a few bottled beers and Moscow Mule at €15). Fortunately, the abundance of trees and plants gives this rooftop a really fun vibe, and the Sunday night screenings make up for everything, to be honest. 

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Notre sélection des 6 meilleurs bars à Montparnasse en 2023

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“On va boire un verre à Montparnasse ?” La réponse à cette question n’est pas souvent positive. À la frontière de trois arrondissements, Montparnasse ne jouit pas d’une bonne réputation quant à sa vie nocturne. Certes les théâtres et les crêperies animent ce quartier mais les bars en sont clairement le parent pauvre.  Pourtant, en cherchant un peu il existe plusieurs adresses qui valent le détour. Voici donc notre sélection des bars où sortir à Montparnasse !

1. Chez Jean-Claude

La devanture rouge est devenue bleue turquoise. Le 9 rue Vandamme abrite maintenant “Chez Jean-Claude”, un nouveau bar aussi drôle qu’agréable . Les clins d’œil à l’acteur belge complètement déjanté continuent jusque dans la carte avec des cocktails et menus aux noms rappelant les meilleures divagations de l’acteur : “one plus one égal onze”, “double highkick”… À l’intérieur c’est fauteuil club, grand espace, mobilier en bois et bien sûr la petite terrasse intimiste cachée derrière . Nous on trouve ça plutôt aware, à vous de nous dire si ça vous botte !

9 Rue Vandamme  75014 Paris Métro : Gaité, Edgar Quinet Tel : 01 43 21 57 58 Du mardi au samedi 12h à 14h puis de 18h à 2h00 (samedi 17h – 2h)

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Chez Jean Claude (@chez_jean_claude)

2. Le Tournesol

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La rue de la Gaîté lui doit une fière chandelle ! Cette rue animée ne possédait bizarrement aucun bar digne de ce nom.  Eh bien, entre deux sexshops, il est désormais possible de s’installer tranquillement en terrasse ! Ce bar est parfait pour prendre un verre et manger un hamburger (excellent) sur le pouce. Crée par les propriétaires de “La fourmi” à Pigalle , le bar est un mélange entre bric-à-brac et bar urbain . Dehors, une immense terrasse permet de faire bronzette l’été.

9 Rue de la Gaîté  75014 Paris Métro : Gaité, Edgar Quinet Tel : 01 43 27 65 72 Lundi au samedi de 08h30 à 01h30, service jusqu’à 23h Dimanche : 9h30 à 1h30

3. Ker Beer

Découvrez la Bretagne au cœur de Montparnasse avec Ker Beer ! Au menu, près de 120 bières artisanales bretonnes en bouteilles et 15 en pression , le tout accompagné de charcuterie de Landivisiau, de chips de sarrasin de Vannes ou d’algues de Roscoff et plein d’autres bons produits de la région ! Le tout à déguster dans un cadre convivial prêt à nous accueillir pour suivre des matchs entre amis ou un petit verre en afterwork dans le bar le plus breton de la capitale !

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10 Rue Vandamme, 75014 Paris Tel : 01 42 84 43 22 Métro Gaité, Edgar Quinet Du lundi au dimanche de 17h à 1h30

4. La closerie des Lilas

C’est l’ option chic de la sélection ! Comment ne pas parler de ce lieu mythique qui fait partie de la légende de Montparnasse . Cette ancienne guinguette et relais pour diligences fut fréquenté par Verlaine , Baudelaire, Lénine et surtout Hemingway qui y a écrit ici “le soleil se lève aussi”. En entrant à gauche, on découvre un superbe bar en cuivre datant de 1925 . Le décor est chaleureux, tamisé et l’ambiance piano-bar est peu “intello”. Un bon endroit pour passer une soirée un whisky à la main pour refaire le monde entre potes. Si vous souhaitez manger un morceau, on vous conseille le côté brasserie plus abordable (versus restaurant). La closerie est également un salon de thé jusqu’à 19h.

  Voir cette publication sur Instagram   Une publication partagée par La Closerie des lilas (@lacloseriedeslilas)

171 Boulevard du Montparnasse  75006 Paris Métro : Vavin Tel: 01 40 51 34 50 Tous les jours de 11h à 1h30

5. L’express 14

Comment qualifier ce lieu : un ovni hors du temps ? Plus sérieusement l’Express 14 Pub est un  must de la rue Daguerre . La façade ressemble un peu à une maison close mais n’ayez crainte, Juliette, la patronne vous accueillera avec le sourire.  Vous apprécierez cet endroit pour ses consommations pas chères et ses petits concerts . Dans un décor kitchissime, avec jeux de fléchettes, les habitués du quartier ont fait de l’Express 14 un repère nocturne animé.

73 Rue Daguerre, 74014 Paris Métro : Gaîté, Raspail Tel: 01 43 35 45 39 Du mardi au samedi de 19h à 2h


6. Le Shannon Pub

Un pub rock comme on les aime. Mais pour accéder à cet un îlot londonien, il faut se frayer un long chemin jusqu’au vestiaire ! Ce bar c’est un peu comme si vous décidiez d’organiser un concert géant dans votre couloir d’immeuble ! La sélection musicale est assez bonne et vous propose un voyage dans le Rock & Roll et la Pop années 60 . Bref, bon terrain de jeux pour les pochetronades et les rencontres !

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23 Rue Bréa  75006 Paris Métro : Vavin Tel : 01 43 26 34 70 Du lundi au dimanche de 17h à 4h

A lire également : Le premier bar à sieste du monde se trouve à Paris !   //  Coupe du Monde 2022 : des bars et restaurants refusent de diffuser les matchs de la compétition ! 

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Paris • Cocktails • Bars

Small Batch Cocktail & Spirits News from France

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Cocktails at Ciel de Paris Bar (Tour Montparnasse)

Ciel de Paris (Tour Montparnasse) 33, avenue du Maine 75015 Paris Tel: +33 (0)1 40 64 77 64

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The staff, in general, were accommodating and friendly, with the exception of one young bartender, who although he professionally tried to hide his apparent disinterest in being there, clearly wanted to be somewhere else – but maybe he was just having a bad day. The ceiling of the bar/restaurant is covered with tiny points of light creating a starry sky effect and, following this theme, their drinks menu offers a range of astronomically named specialty cocktails (Eclipse, Jupiter, Orian, etc.) at 16 Euros each. They were all heavy on fruit juice, of which raspberry, orange and grapefruit were fresh – the rest of the larger selection, bottled. Although I didn’t try one of these, they seemed to be a popular choice as the majority of the cocktails I saw being made were these fancy and brightly colored concoctions. Many people were opting for non-alcoholic options of soft drinks and juices, which ranged from 8.50 to 9.50 Euros. Otherwise, the clientele seemed to be sticking strictly with champagne or wine. And, that’s probably what I’ll do on my next visit. While my martini wasn’t bad, this venue is more appropriate for a bit of bubbly.

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1 thought on “ Cocktails at Ciel de Paris Bar (Tour Montparnasse) ”

I have heard that Ciel de Paris is a nice place to spend a good time because of the excellent service and delicious food. However, they should change the decoration.

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La Tour Montparnasse installe un bar à bières artisanales sur son rooftop

Rooftop Tour Montparnasse été 2022

Ce n’est pas un secret, la Tour Montparnasse adore nous faire prendre de la hauteur. Du haut de ses 210 mètres d’altitude, elle rivalise d’ingéniosité pour nous faire profiter d’ activités insolites  sur son rooftop . Après le  trampoline , le roller , la patinoire  ou encore le bubble foot , l’ Observatoire Panoramique de la Tour Montparnasse passe à l’heure d’été et dévoile, pour cet été 2022 , un bar à bières artisanales à son sommet.

Pour célébrer les beaux jours à Paris   en trinquant avec une bonne mousse, direction donc le rooftop de la Tour Montparnasse pour découvrir le bar à bières tenu par La Brasserie Fondamentale . IPA, Pale Ale et bières éphémères, de mai à août prochains, c’est sur plus de 800m2 que ces brasseurs français comptent vous convertir à la bonne bière (7,5€ la pinte) mais aussi au bon vin (5,5€ le verre). 

Rooftop Tour Montparnasse été 2022

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Côté décoration, guirlandes et transats sont au rendez-vous pour un esprit guinguette  qui s’invite sur les toits de Paris. Et côté miam, on craque pour la carte food qui pioche ses produits chez  Frescolet pour les fromages , chez Auvernou pour les charcuteries :  crème de pois chiche (7€), crème d'olives (7€), rillettes de canard (7€) ou encore saucissons (7€) sont de la partie. Et les becs sucrés ne sont pas en reste avec des glaces (7,5€) !

Rooftop Tour Montparnasse été 2022

L' apéro le plus élevé de Paris !

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Dates et Horaires À partir du 9 juin 2022

Lieu Observatoire Panoramique de la Tour Montparnasse 33 Avenue du Maine 75015 Paris 15

Tarifs Accès au rooftop, -4 ans : Gratuit Vin au verre : 5€ Accès au rooftop, -11 ans : 8€ Accès au rooftop, -18 ans : 14€ - 15€ Accès au rooftop, adulte : 19€ - 20€

Site officiel www.tourmontparnasse56.com

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Top 5 Bars in Montparnasse

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Le Café Tournesol in Montparnasse - by Le Café Tournesol - Uploaded by them

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by Taylor Davidson – Unsplash

1. The Financier in Montparnasse

15 rue du départ.

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The Financier in Montparnasse – by The Financier – Uploaded by them

2. The Blue Sky in Montparnasse

12 rue delambre.

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The Blue Sky in Montparnasse – by The Blue Sky – Uploaded by them

3. Rosebud in Montparnasse

11 rue delambre.

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by Q.U.I – Unsplash

4. Le Café Tournesol in Montparnasse

9 rue de la gaité.

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Le Café Tournesol in Montparnasse – by Le Café Tournesol – Uploaded by them

5. My Baar in Montparnasse

152 boulevard du montparnasse.

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My Baar – by My Baar – Sourced from their Facebook

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Check Amazon’s best-seller list for the most popular travel accessories. We sometimes read this list just to find out what new travel products people are buying.

Natalie is a film photographer and is fascinated by both humans and astrology. She enjoys roaming the streets of Paris by foot, and is inspired by the city’s timeless, Bohemian flair and the soul in districts such as Le Marais and Menilmontant.

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The Cocktail Bars of Paris: A Guide by Arrondissement

The Cocktail Bars of Paris: A Guide by Arrondissement

For generations there was nothing to rival the list of French wines found in the bistros and brasseries of Paris, but since the early 2000s, there’s been a new kid on the block – the cocktail bar. The French have been distilling liqueurs and spirits for centuries but always looked to other countries when it came to intoxicating combinations. The first French guide to mixing drinks in “the American, English, and Italian mode” was published in 1889 by Parisian Emile Lefeuvre . In 1920s Paris, cocktails ran freely when adventuresome American bartenders, unemployed due to Prohibition at home, were eager to share their methods and recipes. But, alas, cocktail culture soon languished with the exception of few stalwarts, Harry’s New York Bar and Bar Hemingway at the Ritz.

Now, everything old is new again. There are hundreds of bars in Paris dedicated to the cocktail. Some pay tribute to the clandestine speakeasy of old. Others are cutting-edge modern. Some focus on. Asian flavors and South American spirits, with a trend toward organic, natural, ingredients. Many mixologists have a hand in making their own infusions and essences on site. It’s pure alchemy.

With the welcome news that bars and restaurant terrasses will be reopening on May 19 as part of the lifting of pandemic restrictions, we’re fêting these great drinking dens with the ultimate guide. Here we drink our way through Paris, sampling stand-outs in each arrondissement. From the wild and woolly to world class, for the well-heeled, hipster, or abstainer, there’s a cocktail bar for everyone in Paris.

1 st Arrondissement

Bar isadora.

60 rue Jean Jacques Rousseau, 75001

Bar Isadora is gorgeous, roaring-20s kind of place, popular with a thirties kind of crowd, many who consider it to be the top cocktail bar in Paris. Bar Isadora is a chic and cheerful destination tucked into the very heart of the city. On the unique drinks list is the Mata Hari , concocted from gin, Chartreuse and Asian pandan syrup, with rich vanilla tones. Featuring an upbeat and well-curated soundtrack, the bar staff at Isadora will soon be ‘spinning’ the classic fine à l’eau into something new by creating a fine oil of coconut, verjus, and home-grown grape syrup to add to premium cognac. Isadora’s small kitchen provides a fresh daily menu; organic and homemade. They are known for their impeccable service.

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Photo courtesy of Jefrey’s cocktail bar

2 nd Arrondissement

Jefrey’s cocktail bar.

14 Rue Saint-Sauveur, 75002

A dapper classic cocktail and whiskey bar spread over two intimate floors in the Montorgueil district of Paris, Jefrey’s makes old favorites and astonishing seasonal concoctions. Regular whiskey enthusiasts and English-speaking travelers enjoy the jazz and hip-hop sounds as the evening develops. Jefrey’s “Ink Menu” features 12 cocktails inspired by tattoo artists. If cocktails are your poison then rue Saint-Saveur is the place to be.

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Experimental Cocktail Club (@experimentalcocktailclub) on Sep 22, 2020 at 9:21am PDT

The Experimental Cocktail Club

37 rue Saint-Sauveur, 75002

No list of cocktail bars is complete without mentioning The Experimental Cocktail Club. It’s where many young Parisian bartenders have cut their teeth. Innovative, audacious recipes are concocted at this comfortable speak-easy themed bar, considered the home of the rebirth of cocktail culture in Paris. Those bitters you puzzle about in the gourmet shop – these mixologists know what to do with them. This place is an institution.

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Exterior shot of Le Mary Celeste. Photo credit © George Stevens

3 rd Arrondissement

Le Mary Celeste

1 rue Commines, 75003.

In 2020, Le Mary Celeste was once again shortlisted for the Best International Restaurant Bar by the Tales of the Cocktail Foundation. Mary Celeste is named after a ghost ship found adrift with a hold fully stocked with alcohol – a perfect name for a cocktail and seafood bar. Their invigorating Rise and Shine is crafted from Mescal, licorice liqueur, coffee powder and lemon. The Rain Dog is made from bourbon, Amaro Diesus liqueur, syrup, lemon, Angostura bitters and mint. The interior of Le Mary Celeste is centered around a counter – a hip place for sampling drinks and oysters.

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Photo courtesy of Bisou

15 Boulevard du Temple, 75003

The eye-catching bar Bisou doesn’t have a menu, but share your preferences with the mixologist behind the marble bar and they’ll make anything that suits your fancy for about €15 a pop. The décor is pretty, pink, fun and flamingoes. The cocktails may be adventurous and high-flying, but Bisou takes a sustainable approach and only works with organic, locally sourced products. All their syrups and juices are made in house, they strive to create zero waste and have long said goodbye to plastic straws. It’s like having a boyfriend who listens to you. The romantic patio at Bisou is dripping with hanging plants and ambience.

4 th Arrondissment

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Sherry Butt (@sherrybuttparis) on Feb 1, 2019 at 7:31am PST

Sherry Butt

20 Rue Beautreillis, 75004

Concealed behind a Marais façade, Sherry Butt consists of dark, mirrored rooms and a bar featuring a distinguished selection of world-renowned whiskies. Adherents to the “less is more philosophy,” the two experienced bartenders make most of the limited cocktail menu, which includes a selection of intriguing flavors they make themselves. Using a laboratory device called the Rotovap, they create homemade distillations and extracts like syrup of pine nuts, syrup of champagne and a spirit made from Japanese plums. Sherry Butt is on-trend with carbonations and natural fermentations that rival Kombucha. The Khalassi made of Peruvian Pisco, coconut-cardamom lassi, vanilla syrup, roasted pistachios and dried rose petals sounds fascinating. DJs spin the tunes on the weekends, fine tuning the music to the atmosphere at the time.

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5 th Arrondissement

283 Rue Saint-Jacques, 75005

A short walk from the Port-Royal RER station, just south of the Luxembourg Gardens, Solera is a friendly venue worthy of your time. It’s an unforgettable food/drink experience. The bartenders come from a high-end background but get down with creative cocktails. They can make you a personalized cocktail or mocktail in a specialty container. The Masterpiece is a balanced mix of Gin, ginger cordial, crème de pêche , organic tonic, bitter plum and Thai basil. It’s served in a snail-shaped vessel smoked under a cloche of dried verbena. The tasteful, frondy, neo art-deco interior glows blue. The under 40 crowd relaxes to a tipsy French soundtrack.

 6 th Arrondissement

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13 rue Princesse,  75006

“Welcome to the Jungle of Gin,” Tiger Bar’s website says. Located on a pretty street rife with other bistros, Tiger is the pre-eminent gin bar in Paris. No gin joint of a bygone era, Tiger is an aesthetically pleasing fusion of blond wood and Japanese spa aesthetic where each gin cocktail is a new experience. They have a 100 varieties of gin, so hey, a new gin every week. They have 13 signature gin cocktails. The wait staff really knows their stuff.

7 th Arrondissement

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64 Avenue Bosquet, 75007

Le Gatsby is a great find. It’s a tiny, crisp place with many 1920s and 30s touches –  club chairs, a smoking room, art deco lamps. Vincent the bartender recreates the Roaring Twenties with cocktails named after ‘20s icons. The Baker – no doubt Josephine – features Vodka, Cointreau, Strawberry puree, egg white and Perrier. The Edith features Hendrick’s Gin, dry Noilly Prat, Suze aperitif and Maraschino liqueur. And The Chaplin is made from two varieties of rum with lemon juice, blueberry puree and chestnut syrup.

8 th Arrondissement

Jacopo/le bar cache.

5 bis Rue Vernet, 75008

Located in the ritzy part of Paris just off the Champs Élysées, Jacopo is a young, cool bistro with an industrial chic décor, with touches of zingy blue and amazing food. But it’s beyond the bank of refrigerators and down cement stairs that customers will find Le Bar Cache, one of Paris’s trendy hidden bars. Rigged up like an American speakeasy with antiques, candelabras and large leather sofas, one can imbibe creations like the Frelon Vert – Grey Goose Vodka, matcha tea, lemon and pineapple juice, Benedictine, and Chartreuse. Or Le Japonais – Bombay Sapphire gin, cucumber juice, Wasabi, lemon juice and homemade ginger cordial. Sounds almost healthy.

9 th Arrondissement

The Lulu White Drinking Club

12 Rue Frochot, 75009

This bar, specializing in absinthe-laced cocktails, takes its name from the New Orleans’ brothel madam Lulu White and Lulu’s a bit of a motif here with images from her 1920s mugshot at every turn. Lulu White’s English-speaking staff and turn-of-the-last century décor of mirrors and mahogany make this bar a world apart from the sometimes insalubrious Pigalle. The select menu offers only nine original cocktails, including the Knock on Wood , made with cognac, Armagnac and absinthe, and the Vaudeville , a giddy blend of rum and tequila with a sugary lemon tang. Then there’s absinthe to sample plus dancing to Jazz, Blues and other New Orleans inspired specialties.

10 th Arrondissement

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Gravity Bar

44 Rue des Vinaigriers, 75010

Near Canal Saint-Martin , the bartenders at this small space are adept at shaking up the classics or creating their own cocktails, like Cream Pie , made with Madeira, crème de cacao, crème de menthe and almond-flavored crème fraîche . At Gravity the motif isn’t outer space, but skate park where swooping waves of gravity-defying plywood extend above the space and the half-moon bar.  They’ve got great looking food too. Summertime cocktails have names like Pink Pool, Mr. Greenthumb and Clockwork Soda – created from Rum, Almond, Lime and Mandarin Bergamot Soda. Drinks are listed not by spirit but by sensation.

11th Arrondissement

5 rue Sedain, 75011.

Once you make it past the tempting smells emanating from Da Vita pizzeria, you’ll find Moonshiner, a kind of lush speakeasy accessible through the restaurant’s cold storage door. They stay true to their Prohibition vibe, but no password is required. During Covid they’ve had a cocktail delivery service which in itself seems almost as spurious as a 1920s booze can. The Lover’s Last Sip is comprised of Botanist gin, Lillet Blanc infused with strawberries, Rinquinquin – a peachy aperitif – and basil.

12 th Arrondissement

82 rue de Charenton, 75012

Here the waiters serve you without trousers, but with a shirt and a bow tie and, phew, boxers. Who can help but laugh? The Calbar Qui Rit (the Laughing Calbar) is beverage made from Plantation rum, coconut and pandan water, lemon juice and decorated with silver palettes. If you order a Surprise Me , watch out – one of the bartenders will make you a special creation. Although their dress code is rather ridiculous they have great taste in music and work in a cool industrial chic setting. There are four non-alcoholic choices including The Grasshopper made from mint, white chocolate and cream.

13 th Arrondissement

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by La Folie en Tête (@la_folie_en_tete_bar) on Aug 23, 2020 at 4:57pm PDT

 La Folie en Tete

33 Rue de la Butte aux Cailles, 75013

La Folie en Tête is a small, young-at-heart bar located on a cobblestone hill of Butte aux Cailles. Its relaxed space where the inexpensive cocktails and the kindness of the waiters attract regular customers. There’s a real village feel to this locale. La Folie En Tête has been in place since 1991. The walls of the bar are decked in a variety of musical instruments and the bar highlights World music with samplings of rock and jazz. Some regulars come back to jam – and they have a 6-track CD to prove it. The Caïpi-Fresh – caïpiroska – a typical South American cocktail prepared with fresh fruits: kiwi, strawberry or raspberry is just 6 €. I said it was inexpensive. La Folie en Tête translates to “Madness in the Head.”

bar cocktail tour montparnasse

The interior of Café Bohème. Courtesy of Café Bohème and photo credit © Dreammy_lifestyle

14 th Arrondissement

Café bohème.

19 Boulevard Edgar Quinet, 75014.

The interior of Café Bohème rivals its patio as a light and airy place evocative of boho teatime and cakes. Cocktails include the Violet Spritz , with violet liqueur, prosecco and ginger ale; the Tulipe , with gin, Aperol, lemon and grapefruit juice or the signature strawberry, raspberry and passion fruit Mojito . The bar offers an array of fresh juices and the alcohol free Arthur , named after Rimbaud. Café Bohème aims to be whimsical, and succeeds in not being overly so. The bar is tastefully festooned with lacy lampshades and dried flowers. With its light-handed palette it stands out from its other neighbors on the boulevard, which largely appears to be patio-central in the shadow of the Tour Montparnasse .

15th Arrondissement

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Oogy Wawa 🍸 (@oogywawa.cocktailshop) on Dec 6, 2017 at 8:54am PST

4 rue Auguste Dorchain, 75015.

There are many fine restaurants in the quiet 15th arrondissement, Le Cherine, and Le Veraison, par exemple, but the only dedicated cocktail bar of note is Le Zero de Conduite, where the game-playing clientele suck on cocktail smoothies served in baby bottles. If you must, it’s located at located at 102 rue du Theatre. If you want to save yourself from this kind of regression, the district does boast the only cocktail supply shop in Paris, Oogy Wawa, offering a wide selection of bar equipment and cocktail ingredients if you’d rather mix your own drink. If you’re wondering ,Oogy Wawa is “Cheers!” in the Zulu language.

16 th Arrondissement

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by CRAVAN (@cravanparis) on Aug 13, 2019 at 11:46am PDT

17 rue Jean de la Fontaine, 75016

Named after a part-time boxer and erstwhile poet in post-World War I Paris, Arthur Cravan was wilder than his uncle Oscar Wilde and treated life like performance art. Today the cocktail bar named for Cravan is housed in an Art Nouveau building designed by one of the movement’s paragons – Hector Guimard . Amid a cool palette of old tiles and silvered mirrors, the experienced owners create sleek cocktails behind the zinc bar – reminiscent of the zesty ‘20s – like the French 75 made from gin, absinthe and Champagne or The  Yellow with gin, gentian and yellow chartreuse. Conde Nast Traveler called it one of The Best New Bars in the World.

17 th Arrondissement

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Pizco Batignolles (@pizco_batignolles) on Feb 11, 2020 at 11:05am PST

23 rue Boursault, 75017.

Playing both sides of the street is Pizco Batignolles, with Pistache – le petit cocktail bar across rue Boursault from Pistache – the petit apero at No. 24. At Pistache – le petit cocktail , the airy, appealing space is decorated with brass and teal, and an orange tree complements the jungle print motif. There’s a real garden in behind the cocktail bar.  The service is excellent with a friendly welcome. It’s a real neighborhood place.

bar cocktail tour montparnasse

18 th Arrondissement

Le très particulier.

23 Avenue Junot, Pavillon D. 75018

Le Très Particulier, tucked away in a grove of city trees on the slopes of Montmartre, is a sumptuous lounge and solarium, part of the hotel complex of the same name. In this ivy-draped space, Le Très Particulier’s head bartender Valentin Vignolles will expertly create something special for the curious, younger crowd, as well as their affluent guests. Ingredients include natural, homemade concoctions – infusions, syrups and perfumed sugars. Their eponymous house cocktail is created from gin, elderflower cordial, tonic, and lemon verbena. The rest of the drinks on the menu are inspired by film titles. The West Egg will set you back €18. The Honey Bunny and Pineapple Express are non-alcoholic drinks that also reflect contemporary movies. Buzz the intercom to gain access to the bar and the exemplary Très Particulier restaurant with a seasonal menu created by chef Gabriele Faiella.

19 th Arrondissement

La Pavillon Puebla

Avenue Darcel, Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, 75019

The drinks menu at La Pavillon Puebla, located in the Parc des Buttes-Chaumont, features beverages with a South American twist despite the appealing venue being more like a 19th-century Parisian guinguette . Surrounding a stone-clad house, the terraces at La Pavillon Puebla are set under shady chestnuts where garlands of lights twinkle after twilight over the dance floor. The eclectic décor features boho benches and cushions, velvet couches, along with wrought iron bistro tables. The Blondin cocktail walks the tightrope of Mezcal, Pimms, spice syrup, lemon juice and hellfire bitters. There’s the classic Dark and Stormy and the contrasting mocktail, the Clear and Sunny . The Pavillon is very casual and very pretty.

bar cocktail tour montparnasse

63 Rue de Belleville, 75019

No camo and macho posturing at Combat; instead you’ll find the creative cocktail project of three female friends, apprenticed at the famed Experimental Cocktail Club. Combat is bright, modern and subtly decorated. Mustard-colored tiles frame a long shelf displaying Combat’s range of spirits. The stainless steel bar resembles a laboratory dedicated to mixology. Currently, Combat’s signature recipe is the savory, smoky Quatresse made with sage, Suze aperitif, simple syrup, lemon, and the peaty Laphroaig Scotch whisky. They also specialize in aperitif cocktails; typically something dry and a little bitter. The bar is located in what was once the Quartier du Combat, an area where wild animals were once baited to fight. It’s also a nod to the fight the three young owners had to put up to open the bar.

20 th Arrondissement

La Commune Punch Club

80 Boulevard de Belleville, 75020

La Commune is a punch club where many of their house concoctions are beautifully presented to your table in classic punch bowls, where individual cups are filled with alcoholic elixirs, made from the likes of vodka, juice, green tea, cucumber syrup and Kaffir lime. Individual drinks like The Bramble combine gin with lemon juice and blackberry crème. The floor to ceiling windows, curtains of greenery and fairy lights give La Commune the feel of a perennial patio. The club also offers history and art talks and tours.

Lead photo credit : Photo courtesy of Bar Isadora

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Cocktails and Dinners

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  23. Cocktails and Dinners

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