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Best Day of the Week to Travel By Car (or RV)

What's the best day of the week to travel by car (or rv) here's the answer.

  • 1 What's the best day of the week to travel by car (or RV)? Here's the answer!
  • 2 Factors That Affect the Best Day to Drive
  • 3 The Best Day of the Week to Travel by Car (or RV)
  • 4 Worst Day of the Week to Travel by Car (or RV)
  • 5 Best Times of the Day to Travel by Car (or RV)
  • 6 Worst Times of Day to Travel by Car (or RV)
  • 7 Other Things to Consider
  • 8 Travel Insurance
  • 9 RV GPS Apps
  • 10 RV Lifestyle eBooks and Guides

Is it time to set out on the great American road trip? Driving in the United States is almost like a rite of passage for some people. It is a great way to see different locations, from rural countryside to big cities.

You also encounter negative things, like traffic.

It does not matter what you drive: your own car, a rental car, giant RV, small RV, or camper van. You do not want to find yourself in poor driving conditions.

That is why I put together the following guide about the best day of the week to travel by car. It'll tell you the best days and times to travel so that you can avoid gridlock and the headaches that come along with it. It can also help you avoid an accident, especially if this will be your first time taking a road trip.

Factors That Affect the Best Day to Drive

There are many factors that can impact the best day of the week to travel by car (or RV). Traffic and accident information is important, but we need to factor things like campground availability, too.

In addition, I have taken into consideration the best times to access gas stations, grocery stores, and hardware stores.

One great traffic and accident resource I pulled information from is the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) .

The Best Day of the Week to Travel by Car (or RV)

Best Day of the Week to Travel By Car (or RV) 1

According to the statistics, the best day of the week to travel by car (or RV) is Wednesday . Tuesday is your second best choice.

When asking RVers when they like to travel, most cited Tuesday as the best day to drive. Monday was their second favorite day (probably because it's the first day after a weekend stay).

No matter if you travel on Tuesday or Wednesday, there are some advantages. The traffic tends to be lighter in and around big cities on those days of the week.

Another reason is that there will be more availability at first-come, first-served campgrounds. Most crowds come nearer the weekend. You can be settled in and exploring the area before many of the other travelers arrive.

Another reason those days make great driving days are that most service shops and other stores are open midweek. If you have an emergency, it will be easier to get help. Or, if you need to pick up any forgotten items, you will be able to do so.

Worst Day of the Week to Travel by Car (or RV)

Best Day of the Week to Travel By Car (or RV) 2

According to the IIHS website, most fatal vehicle collisions occur on Saturday. The second most deadly day of the week is Friday, followed closely by Sunday.

Overall, the statistics show weekend driving is more dangerous than driving during the week. That is likely because more people are on the road during non-rush hour times.

They may also be embarking on long drives, or taking a scenic route, to travel somewhere. A long trip includes more gas stops or visits to historic sites. All of which can lead to higher fatigue levels.

Furthermore, weekends' evenings tend to be more dangerous due to the increase of impaired drivers on the road. There are more people that drive drunk or under the influence of drugs than on weekdays. It is always a good idea to be a particularly defensive driver when traveling on weekend evenings!

On the weekends, people may have additional distractions, like children. Especially if they are driving the family to popular destinations. Family outings can cause longer stops, and overall longer days on the road, adding to parental fatigue.

When asked, RV owners tend to claim Sunday as the worst driving day. That is because the increased traffic can be nightmarish.

In addition, many businesses are closed on Sundays. Mechanic shops and stores tend to be closed those days, especially in small towns. An urgent matter on the open road may not be able to get addressed until Monday.

If traveling midweek is not possible for you, a great option may be to try and extend your weekend by a day. Traveling on Thursday or Monday can make for a safer and freer drive. If you are tied to travel on the weekends, a very good time to leave is in the early morning hours.

Best Times of the Day to Travel by Car (or RV)

Best Day of the Week to Travel By Car (or RV) 3

It is usually a good option to leave in the morning if possible. Any time between dawn and 10:00 am tends to be the most popular choices.

Consider where you are leaving from. If you must travel through a big city, think about what time of day you need to get around big city traffic .

For example, when driving north from San Diego, you do not want to arrive in the Los Angles area during rush hour traffic.

Something else to consider is the direction that you will be driving. Heading west provides you with a good reason to leave in the morning, That way you will not have the sun in your eyes!

When driving east, afternoon driving is one of the best things you can do to avoid the sun.

Worst Times of Day to Travel by Car (or RV)

Best Day of the Week to Travel By Car (or RV) 4

Overall, the worst time of day to travel is when it is dark outside. That includes both morning and night hours that do not have sunlight. Darkness comes with more impaired and fatigued drivers and colder temps that can worsen road conditions.

In addition, you want to consider when you will be hitting a big city. That way you can plan to avoid hitting their morning or evening rush hour traffic times.

Other Things to Consider

Now that you know the best day of the week to travel by car, here are some more things to consider.

Travel Insurance

While travel insurance might be an extra cost, it can cover you well in case of an emergency. Or, if you have to cancel some part of your trip due to extenuating circumstances.


Best Day of the Week to Travel By Car (or RV) 5

RV Life App and RV Trip Wizard can provide you with safe turn-by-turn routing that can help with trip planning. Get the best routes, especially if this is your first RV road trip!

Here are some other helpful apps to help you avoid traffic jams .

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best day to travel on interstate

Published on 2021-09-23

Mike Wendland is a multiple Emmy-award-winning Journalist, Podcaster, YouTuber, and Blogger, who has traveled with his wife, Jennifer, all over North America in an RV, sharing adventures and reviewing RV, Camping, Outdoor, Travel and Tech Gear for the past 12 years. They are leading industry experts in RV living and have written 18 travel books.

6 Responses to “Best Day of the Week to Travel By Car (or RV)”

best day to travel on interstate

June 14, 2023at12:54 pm , Shirley Jones said:

Is Sunday on Father’s Day a busy drive on Tn 40 to 75 around Atlanta ga

best day to travel on interstate

June 15, 2023at6:43 pm , Team RV Lifestyle said:

Not sure but I think it is safe to say that Atlanta is just about always a busy drive. 🙂 Team RV Lifestyle

best day to travel on interstate

February 03, 2023at10:13 am , Rigoberto Reategui said:

I love your articles.

February 06, 2023at3:32 pm , Team RV Lifestyle said:

Thanks, Rigoberto! Team RV Lifestyle

best day to travel on interstate

September 24, 2021at10:30 am , Susan Pope said:

I agree with most of the points made in the article. One other consideration, we have found, is construction. One positive point about is week-end is that most construction zones are not active on the week-end. We have found less delays due to construction driving on Sunday. It may not be enough to overcome the negatives of week-end travel but it is something to consider.

September 23, 2021at9:45 am , Best Day of the Week to Travel By Car (or RV) – Corky's Pages said:

[…] [Follow link] […]

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best day to travel on interstate

These Are the Best and Worst Times to Hit the Road This Holiday Season

Holiday travelers, take note

best day to travel on interstate

If you're planning a holiday road trip over the next few days, be prepared for heavy traffic.

This year, more than 109 million Americans are expected to travel 50 miles or more between Dec. 23 and Jan. 2, according to a new study from American Automobile Association (AAA) and transportation analytics company INRIX. Of that number, just over 100 million are planning to reach their holiday destinations by car—a 27.6 percent increase from 2020.

“Americans who canceled their vacations in 2020 want to gather with family and friends for the holidays this year, although they will still be mindful of the pandemic and the new omicron variant,” said Paula Twidale, senior vice president of AAA Travel. “With vaccines widely available, conditions are much different and many people feel a greater level of comfort with travel.”

While the roads will be near pre-pandemic levels this holiday season, there are two days in particular that travelers need to be especially mindful of. "The worst days for delay are actually right before New Year's ... so the 27th and 28th," Bob Pishue, a transportation analyst at INRIX, told USA TODAY . 

The best days for travel? Not surprisingly, Christmas Day and New Year's Day.

"With kids out of school and many Americans taking extended time off for the holidays, drivers will experience incremental delays throughout the week. Although congestion will be overall lighter than normal, knowing when and where major delays will likely happen will help save time and reduce stress this holiday season,” said Pishue in the AAA report.

While INRIX predicts "only marginal delays overall" the week between Christmas and New Year's, the company says that the biggest metro areas in the U.S. may see "more than double the delays versus typical drive times. The New York City metro area—specifically I-278 South from I-495 to 3rd Avenue—will experience the biggest delays, with a 358 percent increase above average on Dec. 27 between 4:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

AAA concedes that their predictions could fluctuate over the next few days: With the U.S. seeing a seven-day moving average of 125,000 new COVID cases per day, we may end up seeing fewer drivers on the road as would-be travelers cancel their trips.

However, Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) assured travelers during an appearance on CNN on Wednesday : "I believe if people follow the recommendations of the CDC about indoor masking, take the advice of getting vaccinated and getting boosted, we should be fine for the holidays, and we should enjoy it with our family and our friends."

American Automobile Association. "'Tis the Season: More Than 109 Million Americans to Travel for the Holidays." December 14, 2021.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Trends in Number of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in the US Reported to CDC, by State/Territory." December 17, 2021.

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The Winding Road Tripper

When is the Best Time to Leave for a Long Road Trip

This post may include affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, I (The Winding Road Tripper) earn from qualifying purchases.  Read more . 

The best time to leave for a long road trip is generally first thing in the morning. A morning start time typically allows you to beat rush hour traffic. And you’ll be fresh off a good night’s sleep, so your energy will be at its best for the long drive.

But starting your road trip bright and early is not a hard and fast rule. There are many factors to consider when determining the best time to leave for your long road trip.

The majority of our road trips start in the evening after work. This allows us to work a full day and then get a few hours of driving in before dark. But, there are times when we have started earlier in the day of other circumstances.

In this post, we’ll share the factors we consider when planning our road trip start time. These tips will help you determine the best and the safest time for you to start your road trip adventure.

Best Time of Day to Start a Long Drive

Most people will say that the morning is your best time to start a road trip. But depending on where you live and where you are going, this may not always be the case. Here are some things to consider when figuring out your start time.

When to Leave to Avoid Traffic

When to leave to avoid traffic depends on where you are staring from and where you are going. If you aren’t starting from or traveling through a big city with traffic issues, you may not have to worry about traffic when determining your road trip start time.

If you know where you are going, use Google Maps or Waze to help with your route planning. These apps will tell you not only which route is fastest, but you can also adjust your start times to determine if you may run into traffic.

best day to travel on interstate

Daytime vs. Nighttime Driving

In terms of safety, this is probably one of the most significant factors to consider when choosing your road trip start times.

Ideally, when planning your road trip, you’ll want to plan on doing most, if not all, of your driving during daylight.

Driving long distances is hard work and takes a lot of mental and physical stamina. And driving at night takes even more mental awareness and strength.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , fatal car accidents are 3x more likely to happen at night than during the day.

Yes, roads are generally less traveled at night, and it may be tempting to knock a few miles off your trip during the night. But for your safety, it’s best to stick to daylight hours.

If you do need to clock in a few miles in the dark, try to do them first thing in the morning before the sun rises. That way you’ll be less likely to be tired and exhausted from a full day of driving.

Safest Time of Day to Start a Road Trip

According to data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration analyzed by AVVO , the safest time to be on the road is in the morning hours.

Traffic fatalities are at their highest starting mid-afternoon and stay elevated through the evening hours.

Most likely, drivers are at their best physically in the morning, and as the day goes on, both fatigue and impaired driving (drunk driving) increase.

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Best Day of the Week to Start a Road Trip

In terms of safety, Tuesday is statistically the safest day of the week to drive and is a great day to start your road trip.

According to data collected by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , Tuesday has the fewest traffic fatalities. The data also shows that Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday are the deadliest days of the week to be on the road.

Tuesdays are also great days for checking out roadside attractions as they won’t be as busy as weekends.

Weather Conditions for Driving

Weather is another factor to consider when choosing the best time of day for your road trip.

If you are driving during the winter months, snow or ice can significantly affect how safe it is to start your trip. If there is any chance of hazardous road conditions, postpone your road trip until weather conditions improve.  

To figure out if the weather could impact the safety of your trip, you can use a road trip weather app.

Screen shot of Weather on the Way app

Road trip weather apps allow you to see the predicted weather along your entire route. With the information they provide, you can either delay your road trip start time or take a different route to avoid the predicted inclement weather.

To learn more about these apps, check out this post on our favorite road trip weather app .

Take Holidays into Consideration

Holidays can also affect road conditions, so consider them when planning your start time.

The start or end of a holiday weekend will result in more traffic on the road. If your goal is to avoid traffic, leaving for your road trip close to a holiday is not your best choice.

To avoid holiday traffic, plan to either leave before or after the holiday is over and everyone is back at work.

The Best Road Trip Start Time in the One that Works for You (and is safe)

In the end, the best time of day to leave for a road trip is the time that works for you but also takes safety into consideration.

Generally, this time will be sometime in the morning when you feel your best. And nighttime driving should be avoided as much as possible.

Being a safe driver on the road is the most significant factor to consider when choosing your road trip start time.

For more tips on long-distance driving, check out our post on our tips for long-distance driving .

best day to travel on interstate


When is the best time of day to schedule my road trip?

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best day to travel on interstate

You've checked your vehicle to make sure it's in good working order. You've packed your bags. You've got a variety of snacks and drinks at arm's reach. You've even picked out the music that will act as the soundtrack to your adventure on the road. But when do you leave?

Is there a perfect time to leave for a road trip? It turns out that there's no single time perfect for every person in every situation. The time that's best for your trip will depend upon several factors. Let's get a quick rundown.

Where do you live? If you live in a major city or large town, you'll want to schedule your trip to avoid getting caught in rush-hour traffic. This might necessitate a very early departure. It might be tough to rouse yourself in the wee hours of the morning, but you won't have to worry about spending the first few hours of your trip in bumper-to-bumper traffic.

What's the weather going to be like? Don't just check the forecast for your hometown. You'll need to get a look at what the weather will be like all along your route. You might find that an earlier or later departure will let you skirt a nasty storm front or other weather obstacle.

Where are you going and how long is the estimated travel time? If you arrive at your destination early, will you be able to check in to your hotel? You may want to aim for a later departure time if you would otherwise arrive before you can settle in. Or you can plan to visit a nearby site and spend some time there before moving on to your hotel. If your destination is a city -- or part of your trip will take you through a city -- you'll want to try and avoid arriving there during rush hour.

Who are you traveling with? If you have small children with you, you may want to consider beginning your trip late at night. That way, the children can sleep through most -- or maybe even all -- of the time on the road. This is a good way to prevent temper tantrums, but it's not the best for sightseeing as you drive.

What's the purpose of the trip? Is the destination the goal, or do you want to spend time along the way enjoying the journey? If you want to get a good look at the surrounding countryside as you make your way to your destination, you'll want to schedule your departure so that you do most of the driving during the daytime.

The answers to some of these questions will require research on your part. And one tip to keep in mind is to try to build in some flexibility with your plans. You might discover adventures along the way that you never thought of back at home, and keeping plans loose will help you avoid frustrations when you encounter obstacles along the way.

To learn more about road trips, take a look at the links on the next page.

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  • Best Road Trip Guide. (May 20, 2010)http://www.bestroadtripguide.com/
  • IndependentTraveler.com. "Ten (and a Half) Tips for Road Trips." Traveler's Ed. 2010. (May 20, 2010) http://www.independenttraveler.com/resources/article.cfm?AID=747&category=13&page=1
  • Planning-Fun-Road-Trips.com. "Road Trip Planning." 2010. (May 20, 2010) http://www.planning-fun-road-trips.com/
  • Reints, Brett. "18 Travel Tips for Planning A Road Trip." uptake.com. April 1, 2009. (May 20, 2010) http://www.uptake.com/blog/travel-tips/road-trip-planning-travel-tips_3386.html
  • Road Trip America. (May 20, 2010) http://www.roadtripamerica.com/

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This Is the Best Time to Hit the Road for 2023 Holiday Travel, According to AAA

Get on the road early to avoid traffic.

best day to travel on interstate

More than 115 million travelers are expected to travel over the Christmas and New Year’s holidays, the second most in decades. 

In total, 115.2 million travelers are forecast to travel 50 miles or more from their homes over the 10-day holiday period from Saturday, Dec. 23, through Monday, Jan. 1, 2024, according to AAA . Of those, nearly 104 million people will hit the roads.

“This year-end holiday forecast, with an additional 2.5 million travelers compared to last year, mirrors what AAA Travel has been observing throughout 2023,” Paula Twidale, the senior vice president of AAA Travel, said in a statement. “More Americans are investing in travel, despite the cost, to make memories with loved ones and experience new places.”

peeterv/Getty Images

While many travelers will hit the skies, travel by cruise, or head out on trains, most will drive . The worst day on the roads will be Saturday, Dec. 23, and Thursday, Dec. 28, when travelers will experience plenty of congestion, according to the forecast. Additionally, travelers should expect more traffic on Saturday, Dec. 30, than a typical Saturday as many travelers either head home from the Christmas holiday or head out for New Year’s.

Drivers hoping to avoid the worst traffic should head out in the mornings (generally before noon) or after 7 p.m. Travelers should also see minimal traffic on Sunday, Dec. 24, Monday, Dec. 25, Sunday, Dec. 31, and Monday, Jan. 1.

Airports are also expected to be the busiest they’ve ever been over the holiday period. Overall, a record 7.5 million travelers are forecast to fly over the holidays, breaking the previous record of 7.3 million passengers in 2019.

AAA noted average ticket prices are down from 2022 with an average round-trip ticket to Orlando over the holiday period, for example, coming in at $613. That’s less than the same ticket cost of $735 last year.

Beyond planes and cars, more than 4 million Americans are forecast to travel by bus, train, or cruise.

“Savvy travelers know that right after the holidays is the best time to book a cruise,” Twidale said, adding it’s “when cruise lines offer some of the best deals.”

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best day to travel on interstate

7 of the best interstate travel routes in the US


The arrival of the interstate revolutionised the way Americans get around this enormous country. On 29 June 1956, President Eisenhower signed the Interstate Highway System into existence through the Federal Aid Highway Act. It set off a colossal engineering feat that changed road transportation forever in the US. This massive country-wide road network currently stands at around 47,850 miles in length. It’s filled with great views and good pavement, so you can see the best of the USA in style. Whether you want to cruise through the Deep South, wind your way up the Atlantic Coast, or take on the big road trip from East to West, here are 7 of the best interstate travel routes in the USA.

1. Interstate 90: Seattle to Boston

Seattle harbour city interstate travel

Interstate 90 is the longest you can take on in the nation, crossing 13 states and 3,085 miles. It starts near Safeco Field in Seattle then passes through a tunnel under Mount Baker Ridge, listed on the National Register of Historic Places. As you leave Seattle, you’ll cross two floating bridges, including Evergreen Point Floating Bridge, the longest and widest floating bridge in the world .

Interstate 90 route map USA

You’ll then cross the scenic Lake Washington before continuing through places like Wallace in Idaho where the Battle of the Little Bighorn took place. Make a stop in the city of Cleveland, before reaching the end near the Logan International Airport in historic Boston.

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2. Interstate 95 : Miami to Houlton, Maine

autumn foliage red house new hampshire new england USA

I-95 may not be the longest interstate, but it covers the most states in the country, spanning 1,920 miles through 15 states plus the District of Columbia. This massive road takes you from the sunny shores of Miami to the cooler town of Houlton in Maine on the US-Canada border.

Interstate 95 route map USA

You’ll drive through the eastern greats of Miami, Baltimore, Washington D.C., Philadelphia, New York and Boston. Cruise along the Atlantic Ocean, before dipping inland through Georgia, Virginia and the Carolinas. You’ll finish by humming through the gorgeous region of New England, including New Hampshire and your final stop, Maine.

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3. Interstate 80: San Francisco to Teaneck, New Jersey

Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco USA

Route 66 may be the most iconic path for an east-to-west road trip. But the I-80 takes the crown as the best interstate travel route through the middle of the USA, passing 11 states and 2,902 miles. You’ll begin in the heart of San Francisco at Bay Bridge, crossing the Bonneville Salt Flats near the Great Salt Lake, and hitting parts of the California Trail in California and Nevada. Next up, you’ll climb to 8,000 feet above sea level in Wyoming and cover parts of the Oregon Trail through Wyoming and Nebraska.

Interstate 80 route map USA

You’ll then have a virtually straight 72-mile run outside of Lincoln, Nebraska – the longest of all US interstates. After that, you’ll get to explore some of the lesser-visited states like Iowa, Indiana and Ohio. Leaving the pretty cornfields behind, you’ll move through the cosmopolitan stars like Chicago and Cleveland, before ending your journey in Teaneck, New Jersey, just a few miles shy of New York City.

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4. Interstate 10: Los Angeles to Jacksonville, Florida

ferris wheel Santa Monica Pier Los Angeles USA

While the I-80 takes the more picturesque, pastoral route through the middle of the United States, Interstate 10 is all about travelling coast to coast through the American South. It spans 2,460 miles, starting on the shores of Los Angeles at the iconic Santa Monica Pier. It then winds its through eight states including Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

Interstate 10 route map USA

You’ll journey through flat desert roads, cruising from 5,000 feet to below sea level as you hop between famous cities like Tucson, El Paso, Phoenix, Houston and Mobile. You’ll then pass by Lake Pontchartrain into New Orleans, where you’ll cross the six-mile causeway known as the Twin Span Bridge. You’ll end your boot-scootin’ trip on the beaches of Jacksonville in Florida.

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5. Interstate 40: Barstow, California, to Wilmington, North Carolina

South Rim Grand Canyon Arizona USA

Interstate 40 also cuts through the middle of the USA, but this route starts at a junction of pioneer trails at the city of Barstow in California’s Mojave Desert. From there, it’s 2,500 scenic miles to the end at Wilmington in North Carolina. Wilmington is a port city gateway to the Cape Fear Coast beaches and Cape Fear River where the Battleship of North Carolina is moored.

Interstate 40 route map USA

Between Barstow and Wilmington, you’ll see plenty of iconic sights like Oklahoma City, historic Little Rock, and Albuquerque where you can go to the famous balloon festival . You’ll also tap your toes from Nashville, the home of country music, to Memphis, home of the blues. The most scenic part of this interstate travel route takes you to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon. You’ll also get your kicks along Route 66 for the western part of the journey.

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6. Interstate 70: Cove Fort, Utah, to Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore harbour city skyline interstate travel USA

The I-70 contains the oldest section of all US interstate travel routes in Kansas and Missouri. It’s also got one of the most recently built sections of any interstate, with the last stretch finished in 1992. The route starts in Cove Fort in Uth and runs for 2,175 miles through 10 states including famous cities like Denver, Kansas City, Indianapolis, St. Louis, Columbus, Pittsburgh and Baltimore.

Interstate 70 route map USA

Along the way, you’ll come across highlights like the Eisenhower Tunnel, the highest vehicular tunnel in the world . It’s also the highest point in the whole USA interstate system at 11,158 feet. You’ll cross quite a bit of history, as the I-70 was the first interstate to go through previously uncharted territory in Utah’s San Rafael Swell. It also has the longest stretch of interstate without any services. You’ll definitely want to stock up snacks before you take on this interstate road trip!

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7. Interstate 75: Miami to Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan

tropical palm trees purple sunset Miami USA

If you want to take an epic journey through America’s Southeast, take the I-75. It starts in Miami and crosses six states over 1,787 miles, ending in Sault Sainte Marie near the US-Canada border. You’ll pass through Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky and Ohio, with stops in buzzing cities like Atlanta, Chattanooga, Lexington and Cincinnati.

Interstate 75 route map USA

You’ll also get a taste of America’s natural beauty, as you pass over the Cumberland Mountains and follow the shore of Lake Erie to Detroit. Once you get to Michigan, you’ll get to cross the star of I-75, Mackinac Bridge. This impressive 26,000-foot-long bridge is the longest suspension bridge in the Western Hemisphere. 

GET INSPIRED BY: Spirit of the South

Are you dreaming of an interstate trip? What is your favourite interstate travel route in the USA? Let us know in the comments below! For more epic journeys across the USA, take a look at our new Near Not Far Limited Series of trips.


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The route planner app helps you find the best interstate highway among all the possible routes to optimize your cross country road trip. You can find out which route goes through bigger cities with more traffic, or look for the most scenic roads. Plan your trip better by doing the research ahead of time. Don't just pick the fastest route, pick the best route to drive.

Mom Van Up

The Best Day to Leave on a Road Trip: Save HOURS

  • Date: January 3, 2022
  • Time to read: 5 min.

Nothing can ruin a road trip like traffic. When you have flexibility to choose your vacation start day, make the most of it by avoiding traffic!

In the USA, the best day to travel to avoid traffic is Sunday. Sunday traffic can be as much as 60% less than weekday travel. Look at local trends and consider holidays and local events when planning to travel through a large city in order to avoid wasting time sitting in traffic.

What day should we leave on a road trip?

Leaving on a Sunday is the best way to avoid traffic on your road trip. It is tempting to jump in the car and start your getaway Friday after work, but Friday is the day you are most likely to encounter traffic on US highways. 

The Federal Highway Administration has provided a very interesting resource that shows trends in traffic congestion and offers some hints for how to avoid finding yourself in it!

  • Holidays and Holiday Shopping Traffic

Avoiding travel around holidays seems to be an obvious choice, but those weeks before holidays can also have increased traffic congestion from holiday shoppers and big trucks delivering the goods!

  • Local Racing Events

Horse racing and NASCAR events create lots of volume of cars on the road. Check any racing facilities along your route and look at their schedule. 

  • Annual Rural Events

When traveling to a once a year event, expect heavy congestion. Rural locations do not regularly support lots of drivers and those roadways will be stressed by the volume of vehicles. 

4th of July fireworks are a great example. The event usually draws hundreds to rural locations where traffic is rare. Plan to arrive early and leave late. If the event is a multi day event, pack extra snacks and plan multiple routes. 

A printed map can be very helpful in a situation like this. 

  • University Move In Day 

If you are traveling in late summer or fall, College and University move in days can create lots of highway and city delays. These events are often spread over 2 or 3 days. 

Stress Free Road Trip Planning

Plan to Leave on a Weekday

Many people choose to leave for a vacation on a weekday to avoid road congestion. If you plan to leave on a weekday, avoid rush hours in major cities. For example:

Commuters are your biggest concern if you plan to leave on a weekday. Plan your route to avoid morning and afternoon rush hours in cities or commerce centers. 

You will also be sharing the road with more truck drivers and service workers during the week. 

  • Truck drivers are professional drivers
  • They have greater incentive to be safe drivers
  • Truck drivers have large blind spots that should be avoided 
  • Collisions with Trucks are devastating to smaller cars 

There are about 10% fewer trucks on the road on Sundays. Avoiding highways will also reduce the time you are sharing the road with truckers. Make the choice that is most comfortable for you. 

These cities are ranked by INRIX as the worst for commuter traffic and should be avoided on weekdays:

  • Philadelphia 
  • Los Angeles 
  • San Francisco
  • New Orleans

You can read about how many hours commuters lose in these cities by reading the INRIX scorecard here . 

Which Day Should I Start Vacation?

If you are talking to your employer about when you take your precious vacation days, consider splitting them up over 2 work weeks. 

Starting a vacation on Wednesday has a lot of benefits. 

How to avoid traffic on a road trip?

Start strong.

The best way to avoid traffic is to begin your trip on a Sunday. Traffic tends to dip lowest on Sunday and steadily climb until Friday where it peaks and starts to dwindle on Saturday. 

If you must travel on Friday and Saturday, choose to avoid highways around major cities. 

If you take the fastest route on your GPS, you are much more likely to encounter traffic because everyone is using the same apps to map their route. 

Change the settings in your map to avoid tolls and avoid highways. 

This is a great hack if you are planning to travel on high traffic days. 

Find Alternative Routes

If you are going on a holiday road trip, look at a map ahead of time so you are familiar with major roads around your destination. 

  • What are the main roads?
  • What roads run parallel to the highway?
  • What roads circle around major cities?

Knowing what to look for in an alternate route will give you a leg up on other travelers who are mindlessly following their phone prompts. 

If you want to go a step further, you can download a special app developed to help you dodge slowdowns. 

What tools can I use to plan my road trip around traffic?

Remember that everyone is using a navigation app. If everyone chooses the fastest route, there will be traffic. 

Use these Apps to avoid traffic:

Waze is an app that gives you real time traffic updates. This is a great tool to use if you are traveling around major cities with predictable traffic patterns. 

  • Roadside America  

This app allows you to find interesting stops off the beaten path. This is great for when the beaten path is full of break lights. 

Stop often, it’s about the journey.

  • Google Maps

Using your GPS the right way to avoid traffic! Make sure to look at each route available and choose the one that makes the most sense

Choose to take back roads, see local sites, drive through town instead of around it. 

If you are embracing slow travel , you are free to avoid traveling in peak times. 

How to get out of traffic?

You did everything you knew to do to avoid traffic, but you encounter a road closure or accident that slows you down. 

Should you stick to your lane or weave in and out to get there faster?

The Myth Busters weigh in here:

They determined that changing lanes was the fastest way to get to your location. If you are feeling frustrated passing and being passed by the same truck or bus over and over, keep weaving, and have faith in the method. 

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The Busiest Days to Fly Around Memorial Day 2024

Sally French

Many or all of the products featured here are from our partners who compensate us. This influences which products we write about and where and how the product appears on a page. However, this does not influence our evaluations. Our opinions are our own. Here is a list of our partners and here's how we make money .

Memorial Day may mark the unofficial beginning of summer in the U.S., but it’s the days ahead of it that kick off big airport crowds.

The holiday symbolizes the beginning of the summer vacation season for many Americans. But it’s hardly a vacation for airport employees, who typically get pummeled with the largest crowds of the year to date.

Some days around the long weekend are significantly busier than others, and if you can afford to be flexible when flying Memorial Day weekend, you’ll save money and avoid chaos.

The best and worst days to fly Memorial Day weekend

NerdWallet analyzed the past three years of Transportation Security Administration checkpoint data for the six days before and six days after Memorial Day, which shows how many passengers were screened at TSA checkpoints.

For every year analyzed, the Friday before Memorial Day was the most-crowded day to travel before the holiday, which is observed on the last Monday of May. As far as post-holiday, the Sunday after has attracted the largest crowds over the past two years.

Based on the average number of passengers that flew each day of the past three years, here are the most- to least-crowded days for the 13 days surrounding Memorial Day (including the holiday), ranked:

Friday before.

Sunday after Memorial Day (most crowded).

Thursday before.

Memorial Day (Monday).

Friday after.

Thursday after.

Wednesday before.

Tuesday after.

Sunday before.

Saturday after.

Wednesday after.

Saturday before.

Tuesday before (least crowded).

When broken out by pre- and post-Memorial Day travel, here are the three least-crowded days to travel ranked from least to most crowded. These are likely the best days to fly around Memorial Day weekend.


Tuesday before.


Why flying the Friday of Memorial Day weekend isn’t ideal

While the Friday before Memorial Day is always a big travel day, it was even bigger before the pandemic. For example, in 2019, the Friday before Memorial Day was the third-busiest day at U.S. airports for the entire year, losing only to the Sunday after Thanksgiving and the Sunday of Fourth of July weekend.

In 2023, the Friday before Memorial Day ranked among the top 20 busiest airport days of the year. It was also the busiest day of 2023 up until that point in the year.

Given that, check-in and security lines will likely be longer this year.

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The smarter, cheaper Memorial Day weekend itinerary

If you work a standard Monday-Friday workweek and have the holiday off, then leaving Friday after work and returning the Sunday after Memorial Day might make sense. This minimizes the number of vacation days you take, and you’d get eight full days of vacation.

But if you follow the classic Friday-Monday weekend travel itinerary, then you’ll pay — in terms of literal price and airport crowds. Deviate from that schedule to find lighter crowds and perhaps better Memorial Day flight deals, too. Try these travel days instead:

Travel on Saturday: Rather than rushing out from work Friday afternoon, take that evening to pack, spend Friday night in your own bed and take an early flight out Saturday. Morning flights are often more reliable than evening flights.

Fly home the Wednesday after: A lot of people opt for traveling on Memorial Day itself, and many people fly the day after. But relatively few people extend their trip one more day and fly Wednesday.

If you do, you’ll avoid the worst of the airport crowds. You increase your chances of saving money on airfare . Plus, you’ll be home in time for a delightful two-day workweek — which might be just enough time to wrap up lingering tasks without getting fresh projects dumped on your desk.

Fly home the Saturday after: You can still have a weeklong vacation and avoid Sunday’s crowds by flying home the Saturday after Memorial Day.

Then you’ll have a full day at home to knock out laundry and meal prep before the next workweek starts. After all, sometimes the most relaxing way to end a trip is taking a vacation from that vacation.

Consider travel insurance

If you are forking out the big dollars to travel this Memorial Day, consider booking your trip with a card that has travel insurance or purchasing a supplementary policy from a third-party insurance provider, like Allianz or World Nomads .

Travel insurance can help you get money back for canceled or interrupted trips. It can also fund expenses like additional clothing if your luggage gets lost or an extra hotel room if you need to stay overnight due to a flight delay.

Read the policy, though, as many plans come to your rescue only if you experience a covered reason.

How to maximize your rewards

You want a travel credit card that prioritizes what’s important to you. Here are some of the best travel credit cards of 2024 :

Flexibility, point transfers and a large bonus: Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card

No annual fee: Bank of America® Travel Rewards credit card

Flat-rate travel rewards: Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

Bonus travel rewards and high-end perks: Chase Sapphire Reserve®

Luxury perks: The Platinum Card® from American Express

Business travelers: Ink Business Preferred® Credit Card

Chase Sapphire Preferred Credit Card

on Chase's website

1x-5x 5x on travel purchased through Chase Travel℠, 3x on dining, select streaming services and online groceries, 2x on all other travel purchases, 1x on all other purchases.

75,000 Earn 75,000 bonus points after you spend $4,000 on purchases in the first 3 months from account opening. That's over $900 when you redeem through Chase Travel℠.

Chase Freedom Unlimited Credit Card

1.5%-5% Enjoy 5% cash back on travel purchased through Chase Travel, 3% cash back on drugstore purchases and dining at restaurants, including takeout and eligible delivery service, and unlimited 1.5% cash back on all other purchases.

Up to $300 Earn an additional 1.5% cash back on everything you buy (on up to $20,000 spent in the first year) - worth up to $300 cash back!

Capital One Venture Rewards Credit Card

on Capital One's website

2x-5x Earn unlimited 2X miles on every purchase, every day. Earn 5X miles on hotels and rental cars booked through Capital One Travel, where you'll get Capital One's best prices on thousands of trip options.

75,000 Enjoy a one-time bonus of 75,000 miles once you spend $4,000 on purchases within 3 months from account opening, equal to $750 in travel.

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23 Incredible Road Trips in the U.S.

Whether you’re looking for sweeping views of the pacific ocean or a multiday adventure through national parks, these road trips provide plenty of opportunities to explore the united states..

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A highway leading toward mountains

Glacier National Park is one of many scenic places you can visit on an American road trip.

Photo by Zack Frank / Shutterstock

In a country as large as the United States, there’s no shortage of destinations and detours to explore by car . Whether your idea of the perfect American road trip entails an epic, cross-country journey or a shorter jaunt through a few of its most iconic national parks , your options are as large and varied as the country itself.

Even if you don’t have the time to drive cross-country, there are plenty of road trip routes (ranging from three days to a week or longer): classic California itineraries , New England routes that shine especially well in the fall, scenic East Coast adventures, and a variety of Midwest journeys for folks farther from the coasts.

No matter your mode of transportation—be it van, RV, motorcycle, or four-door sedan—these are 21 of the best road trips in the nation to consider.

Put a New Twist on Route 66—Make It an American Whiskey Road Trip

Plan your next Route 66 trip around thirst-quenching stops.

Photo by Peek Creative Collective/Shutterstock

There are many ways to do a cross-country road trip in the USA, but these two itineraries will take you through some truly iconic American places.

1. Chicago to Los Angeles: A Whiskey Road Trip on Route 66

It doesn’t get more American than a 2,000-mile drive along the entirety of Route 66. There are endless ways to take this legendary trip (including an EV version —but to take your cross-country road trip to the next level, we recommend exploring another American pastime: whiskey.

Starting in Chicago and ending in L.A., you’ll stop by some of the leading craft distilleries in the United States, like Few Spirits in Chicago, Still 630 in St. Louis, and Red Fork Distillery in Tulsa. In between tastings, make time for detours to natural attractions, like the Grand Canyon, and quirky roadside curiosities, like Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, Texas. Just remember to drink responsibly—this is a road trip after all.

Plan your trip

The full itinerary: Put a New Twist on Route 66—Make It an American Whiskey Road Trip

People biking on a busy street

No cars are allowed on Mackinac Island, so you need to park before taking the ferry to this spot.

Photo from Shutterstock

2. Bangor, Maine, to Seattle, Washington: The Great Northern on U.S. Route 2

Covering both the U.S. and Canada, a cross-country trip along U.S. 2 is ideal for anyone who wants to experience the vast diversity and expansiveness of North America. This drive runs the entire top border of the U.S. and showcases otherworldly natural wonders like Acadia National Park in Maine, the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Wisconsin, and Mackinac Island in Michigan. The route also passes through Canada, taking road-trippers through Ontario into Quebec—this route may focus on nature, but you won’t want to miss a stop in Montreal or Ottawa.

You’ll also get to explore Montana and Glacier National Park ( reservations may be required ) before passing the Columbia Plateau and ending in the Pacific Northwest’s largest city, Seattle. Don’t miss spending time in the Olympic Peninsula (home to Olympic National Park) for a peek at one of the most scenic places on the West Coast.

3. Dana Point to San Francisco: Driving California’s Pacific Coast Highway

The seemingly endless views of the Pacific Ocean along Highway 1 (also known as the Pacific Coast Highway) are what road trip dreams are made of, and exactly what makes this California road trip so popular. However, with so many stops along the 655-mile stretch, we pulled together a list of the ones well worth pulling over to view. Don’t miss the perfect surfing waves in Santa Cruz, seasonal cuisine in Malibu, an afternoon a the boardwalk in Santa Monica, or a night in Big Sur as you drive between Dana Point (just south of Los Angeles) and San Francisco.

  • The full itinerary: The Best Stops for a Road Trip on the Pacific Coast Highway
  • The AFAR Guide to San Francisco

Wooden pier with shops on top juts out into the ocean

The seaside town of Monterey was the setting for John Steinbeck’s Cannery Row .

Photo by Denise Lett/Shutterstock

4. Big Sur to Mono County: A Literary Road Trip Through Northern California

Yes, this itinerary requires you actually put down your book to drive, but seeing some of the pivotal places that shaped American authors will be so worth it. Follow in the footsteps of writers like Jack Kerouac, Maya Angelou, and Amy Tan on this road trip that takes you through literary landmarks in Northern California, such as Caffe Trieste, a meeting place for Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Alan Watts, and other bohemian writers and thinkers. This 12-stop itinerary is perfect if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area because you’ll be able to stay make these trips in one or two days.

The full itinerary: The California Road Trip All Book Lovers Should Take

Wide shot of a red canyon with a river running through it

Arizona may take its nickname from the Grand Canyon, but the state has far more natural wonders than just that one.

Courtesy of Shutterstock

5. Phoenix to the Grand Canyon: An Iconic Arizona Road Trip

This 240-mile Arizona road trip takes travelers along some of the state’s most iconic highlights, including its most famous one, the Grand Canyon. A great itinerary for first-time visitors and returning travelers alike, it offers plenty of opportunities for scenic drives, hiking, and biking—as well as tasty food along the way. Hike the 2,704-foot-tall Camelback Mountain in Scottsdale or take in the beautiful red rocks of Sedona on a hike to Cathedral Rock while exploring the Grand Canyon State.

  • The full itinerary: The Classic 5-Day Arizona Road Trip
  • Grand Canyon guide: The First-Timer’s Guide to the Grand Canyon
  • Where to eat in Phoenix: A Chef’s Guide to the Best Restaurants
  • Where to stay: The Best Hotels in Arizona ; The Best Airbnbs in Sedona

The Delicate Arch living up to its name in Utah's Arches National Park

The Delicate Arch living up to its name in Utah’s Arches National Park

Photo by tusharkoley / Shutterstock

6. Zion to Grand Canyon: A National Parks Road Trip in the Southwest

If you’re looking to visit as many national parks as possible in one road trip, this southwestern itinerary is for you. This journey through Utah and Arizona lets you hike Angel’s Landing in Zion, feel tiny under Delicate Arch in Arches National Park, explore Fairyland Loop Trail in Bryce Canyon, and, of course, raft down the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. Most visitors to the Grand Canyon remain on the rim, but take at least four days to venture within the canyon and take advantage of the trails and river rafting.

  • The full itinerary: The Ideal Road Trip Through U.S. National Parks
  • Utah’s 8 Best National Parks and Monuments
  • 10 Best National Parks and Monuments in Arizona
  • The First-Timer’s Guide to the Grand Canyon

Couple sitting in front of a curving road

Stop and admire the winding roads of the San Juan Skyway.

Photo by Anh Luu/Shutterstock

7. San Juan Scenic Skyway Road Trip: An Adventure Through Southwestern Colorado

This Colorado trip takes you along the 232-mile loop of the San Juan Scenic Skyway, where you will see plenty of alpine forests, mining towns, and craggy peaks. And for anyone looking to enjoy refreshments after a long day of driving, this route features many opportunities to stop at some of the best breweries in Colorado , such as Ska Brewing Co. in Durango.

  • The full itinerary: The Ultimate Southwestern Colorado Road Trip
  • Five Classic Colorado Road Trips To Take This Year

In small-town Buena Vista, the riverfront Surf Hotel offers front-row seats to Colorado-style adventure seekers.

In small-town Buena Vista, the riverfront Surf Hotel offers front-row seats to Colorado-style adventure seekers.

Courtesy of the Surf Hotel

8. Denver to Montrose: A 420-Mile Road Trip Through Colorado

Want to explore even more of the Centennial State? Head out on this weeklong road trip where you can fish for salmon in Colorado’s largest reservoir, visit numerous small towns, like Paonia and Crawford, with thriving art scenes along the Colorado Creative Corridor , and explore Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, one of the least visited national parks in the nation.

  • The full itinerary: Art Stars, High-Altitude Wines, and a Remote National Park: The Ultimate Colorado Road Trip
  • Where to stay: The Best Hotels in Colorado
  • The AFAR Guide to Denver

Woman walking by a mural of a river and bridge

Portland may be Oregon’s largest city, but with a population of some 652,000 (or 2.5 million in the larger metropolitan area), it isn’t intimidatingly large.

Photo courtesy of Travel Portland

9. Portland to Astoria: An Oregon Coast Road Trip for Outdoor Lovers

If you love the outdoors, then this six-day road trip along the coast of Oregon is for you. After driving to Coos Bay from Portland, travelers will meander along Oregon’s dramatic, rocky coastline, discovering some quintessentially Pacific Northwest vistas along the way: evergreen forests, seaside dunes, and marine ecosystems. Between stops, there are ample opportunities to stretch your legs hiking, kayaking, or strolling around the region’s small towns—like the historic old town in Florence.

Of course, it wouldn’t be an Oregon road trip without a stop (or three) at a craft brewery, such as Fort George Brewery in Astoria, or cozy coffee shop, like Bread & Roses in Yachats.

  • The full itinerary: An Outdoor Lover’s Road Trip on the Oregon Coast
  • The AFAR Guide to Portland

The State Capitol Building in Nashville marks the end of this road (trip).

The State Capitol Building in Nashville marks the end of this road (trip).

Photo by photo.ua / Shutterstock

10. Seneca Falls, New York, to Nashville, Tennessee: Follow the Path of the Women’s Suffrage Movement

Starting in New York’s Finger Lakes region and ending at the State Capitol Building in Nashville, this road trip traces the route of the national women’s suffrage movement. Highlights include stops at the Susan B. Anthony Museum & House ; Union Square in New York City, which was the site of the first suffrage march; and the Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument in Washington, D.C.

  • The full itinerary: Celebrate Women’s Suffrage on an Epic, Self-Guided Road Trip
  • Where to stay: The Best Hotels in Nashville
  • The AFAR Guide to Nashville
  • The AFAR Guide to Washington, D.C.

A long shot of a mountain-backed city, framed by flowers and trees

Asheville is one must-stop on a North Carolina road trip.

Courtesy of ExploreAsheville.com

11. Charlottesville to Asheville: A Scenic Road Trip Through Virginia and North Carolina

The Blue Ridge Parkway is one of the most scenic drives in the country. Beginning in the soft hilly meadows of the Appalachian Mountains from Shenandoah National Park down into the Blue Ridge Mountains, then into the Great Smoky Mountains, this five-day road trip is best done at a slower pace, which is perfect for admiring the dramatic outlooks and green plateaus. This eclectic itinerary features stops at an art museum, a dairy farm, and plenty of hiking trails.

  • The full itinerary: The Ultimate Blue Ridge Parkway Road Trip
  • Where to stay: 12 Dreamy Blue Ridge Mountain Cabins You Can Rent on Airbnb and Vrbo
  • 8 U.S. National Park Road Trips to Take in Your Lifetime

Dowa:kwe dance group from Zuni Pueblo in 2019

Dowa:kwe dance group from Zuni Pueblo in 2019

Courtesy of Indian Pueblo Cultural Center

12. Albuquerque to Las Cruces: Discover New Mexico on This Three-Day Road Trip

This route steers you away from New Mexican tourist hot spots like Taos and Santa Fe and instead takes you on a three-day adventure with places that teach you about Pueblo history. You’ll stop at Indian Pueblo Kitchen (formerly known as Pueblo Harvest), a restaurant inside the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center that features Indigenous cuisine ; pick up peppers at Three Brothers in Hatch; and slide down the dunes in White Sands National Park.

  • The full itinerary: This New Mexico Road Trip Is the Perfect Introduction to the Land of Enchantment

Green tree near brown house during daytime

Historic Fort Martin Scott is one of the places travelers can visit to learn about Fredericksburg’s history.

Photo by Mark König/Unsplash

13. A Five-Day Scenic Road Trip Through Texas Hill Country

This Texas road trip starts and ends in San Antonio with stops in small towns like Bandera, Boerne, and consider a stop in Fredericksburg, which is one of AFAR’s best places to go in 2024 ). Over five days, you’ll find opportunities to stroll in a Japanese tea garden in San Antonio, relax along the Sabinal and Frio Rivers by inner tube, and eat as many tacos as you want. Seriously: You could eat tacos for every meal on this road trip and not get tired of them.

  • The full itinerary: Tree Houses, Tubing, and Tacos: The Ultimate Texas Hill Country Road Trip

Mount McKinley looms large on a drive through Denali National Park.

Mount McKinley looms large on a drive through Denali National Park.

Photo by warnsweet / Shutterstock

14. A Weeklong Road Trip Through Alaska’s Most Majestic Sights

This weeklong drive in Alaska starts and ends in Anchorage. You travel along four scenic byways; explore Wrangell–St. Elias wilderness, the largest U.S. national park; catch sight of Denali, the tallest peak in North America; and enjoy the surprisingly stellar food scene of McCarthy, a one-road town with only a couple dozen residents.

  • The full itinerary: Glaciers, Mountain Peaks, and Organic Farms: The Ultimate Alaska Road Trip
  • Which Alaska National Parks Should You Visit?

More than geothermal pools, Kirkham Hot Springs features a piping-hot waterfall.

More than geothermal pools, Kirkham Hot Springs features a piping-hot waterfall.

Courtesy of Idaho Tourism

15. Boise to Sun Valley: Explore Idaho’s Scenic Byways

Even a short road trip can be packed with adventure, good food, and scenery, which is exactly what this trip from Boise to Sun Valley along Idaho’s Ponderosa Pine Scenic Byway offers. Although the drive only takes six hours, we recommend taking a few days to explore all the stops and detours along the way. One can’t-miss spot is the Kirkham Hot Springs , where you can stand under a waterfall that will splash you with 135-degree mineral water year-round.

  • The full itinerary: The Little-Known Idaho Road Trip You Need to Drive
  • Things to do: The Best Outdoorsy Things to Do in Idaho

Grand Portage State Park is the only state park jointly managed by a state and a Native American band.

Grand Portage State Park is the only state park jointly managed by a state and a Native American band.

Photo by Shutterstock/QZ

16. Duluth to Grand Portage State Park: A Scenic Minnesota Sampler

Although there are many appealing road trips throughout the Midwest, this 143-mile, three-hour circuit, which starts and ends in Duluth, Minnesota, is worth keeping in mind. Meandering north on MN-61 with this itinerary, you will enjoy prime views of Lake Superior and towns like Grand Marais, as well as Grand Portage State Park, home to waterfalls, hiking trails, and opportunities to learn about the Ojibwe community who occupy the land today. Once back in Duluth, enjoy a beer at Canal Park Brewing Company before checking into the waterfront Canal Park Lodge nearby.

  • The AFAR Guide to Minnesota

Overhead view of curvy Kancamagus Highway through fall forest

Wind your way through colorful foliage in New Hampshire.

Photo by Shutterstock

17. Kancamagus Highway: A Quintessential New England Drive

Yes, you can take a road trip in New England at any time of the year , but this region shows off its best colors in the fall, when locals and tourists alike head out into the country to view the changing colors of the trees. Join other admirers of fall foliage on this popular, 34.5-mile road trip along New Hampshire’s Kancamagus Highway, colloquially known as the “Kanc,” for picturesque ponds, hiking trails, and scenic overlooks.

  • Plan Your Fall Getaway With This Peak Foliage Prediction Map

Red boat beside a wooden dock in a cove

Ogunquit is home to the small, postcard-perfect harbor of Perkins Cove.

Photo courtesy of QualityHD / Shutterstock

18. Maine’s “Lobster Trail”: Travel Route 1 Along the Coast

Traveling Route 1, affectionately known as “the lobster trail,” along Maine’s jagged coastline is an exercise in indulgence. Sample lobster dishes in all forms—buttered, steamed, on a roll, or even in a decadent mac-and-cheese.

The trip starts in the quaint small town of Ogunquit , with its rare (for the area) 3.5 miles of white-sand beach. Make your first lobster of the journey count, steamed with a side of drawn butter at Barnacle Billy’s in picturesque Perkins Cove harbor. Stop at Big Daddy’s for a cone on your way to the shipbuilding center—and summer home of George H. W. Bush—Kennebunkport. Stay at the recently redesigned 150-year-old classic White Barn Inn , and consider a sailing trip for an afternoon. With lobsters cooked in ocean water, the legendary lobster roll at the Clam Shack is a must.

  • 8 Scenic East Coast Road Trips to Take This Year

Interior of Leah & Louise restaurant in Charlotte

Throughout North Carolina’s Piedmont region, innovative restaurants, shops, and restaurants like Leah & Louise in Charlotte, above, are creating a buzz.

Photo by Peter Taylor Photography

19. Raleigh to Charlotte: A 4-Day Trip Through North Carolina’s Reinvented Core

North Carolina’s Piedmont region extends from the coastal plain to the Blue Ridge Mountains, and includes farmland and rolling wooded hills, especially on the 1-40 stretch near Hillsborough. Starting in Raleigh, drive the short distances to Greensboro, Winston-Salem, and Charlotte to see how these cities are innovating through art, food, and a celebration of the past. Take your time—four days should do—to experience downtown arts districts, James Beard Award–winning restaurants, and civil rights museums that speak truths. Plan your trip

  • A Road Trip Through North Carolina’s Reinvented Core

The Florida Road Trip You’ve Been Missing

Scenic South Walton is part of the Emerald Coast of Florida.

20. Scenic Highway 30A: A Sunday Drive Through South Walton, Florida

Florida is full of places to cruise with the top down, but it’s hard to beat a Sunday (or any day) drive along Scenic Highway 30A through northwest Florida, home to a postcard-perfect stretch of seaside towns known as South Walton.

The roughly 28-mile route through South Walton County kisses the coast for nearly all its length, taking you through gorgeous residential Gulf-front communities like Rosemary Beach, Grayton Beach, and Blue Mountain Beach . Roll down the windows and let the emerald-hued views in.

Pull over to explore, too—maybe to admire the New Urbanism architecture in Alys Beach or to swim in the clear waters at Grayton Beach State Park . (The beach here has been lauded among the best in the world.)

  • The full itinerary: The Florida Road Trip You’ve Been Missing

Two stand-up paddleboarders on the water at sunset

Stand-up paddleboarding is just one way to enjoy a Florida Keys sunset.


21. The Florida Keys: An Island-Hopping Getaway

For a sunny road trip itinerary in Florida, skip Miami and head farther south. Beginning in Key Largo and ending in Key West, the Florida Keys Scenic Highway is often overlooked for more well-known routes up north, but it is well worth going out of your way to experience.

As the name suggests, this route is very scenic, so plan to spend at least a few days exploring it and numerous stops along the way. Some highlights include driving across the impressive Overseas Highway, stopping to admire art in the town of Islamorada, and enjoying the historic sites, food, and (of course) beaches in the city of Key West.

  • The full itinerary: How to Road Trip in the Lesser-Known Florida Keys

A brick building with an oversized guitar hanging off the side and a sign that says "Sun Studio"

Sun Studio in Memphis was the site of the famous Million Dollar recording session that brought together Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, and Johnny Cash.

Photo by f11photo on Shutterstock

22. Memphis to Bristol, Tennessee: A Music-Driven Adventure

If you have about a week to spare and a deep appreciation for music, take a road trip from one side of Tennessee to the other, starting in Memphis and ending in Bristol. The eastbound trip spans genres, including rock ( Graceland ), blues ( Beale Street) and, of course, country (did you really go to Tennessee if you didn’t go to Dollywood ?). Nashville serves as the halfway point on your journey—so consider penciling in an extra 48 hours to fully explore the state capital’s greatest hits.

  • The full itinerary: 5 Great American Road Trips For Music Fans

The stunning coastline near Cueva del Indio has been the backdrop of star-studded films.

The stunning coastline near Cueva del Indio has been the backdrop of star-studded films.

Photo by Alexsf.gr/Shutterstock

23. Arecibo to Condado, Puerto Rico: A Lesser-Known Side of a Well-Loved Island

In the minds of many, trips to Puerto Rico bring images of stunning beaches , delicious foods , and maybe a bioluminescent bay or two . But there’s plenty of history to be found here, too, as Puerto Rico was home to an Indigenous population known as the Taino, a heritage many Puerto Ricans embrace. That history can be explored via a road trip. Starting in the northern town of Arecibo, travel south to Ponce, then back north to Condado—along the way you’ll encounter petroglyphs, Indigenous sites, and breathtaking natural spots.

  • The full itinerary: A Puerto Rico Road Trip That Puts Indigenous Culture First

Additional road trip planning resources Picking the route for your road trip is only one part of your planning. From what snacks to pack to which podcasts to listen to, these additional resources will help you prepare for your next adventure:

  • Best road trip snacks
  • Road trip planning apps
  • Podcasts and audiobooks to download
  • What to pack for a road trip

This article originally appeared online in August 2020. It was most recently updated on April 4, 2024, to include current information. Additional reporting by Jessie Beck, Erika Owen, Ray Rogers, Terry Ward, and Sheryl Nance-Nash.

Courtesy of Kessler Collection

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All you need to know for Memorial Day weekend travel, traffic and weather

The price of a getaway this Memorial Day weekend may be a headache at the airport or on the highway as the hectic summer travel season kicks off.

As travelers set out for a brief vacation over Memorial Day weekend before heading home, it’s likely that jams will hold up highway traffic and clog airport security lines over the coming days.

AAA predicts that this Memorial Day weekend may be the busiest in terms of holiday travel in nearly 20 years. Amid this summer’s potentially record-breaking travel season, here’s how to speed up your commute this Memorial Day weekend.

How many Americans will travel for Memorial Day?

AAA anticipates that from Thursday to Monday (Memorial Day), 43.8 million Americans will be traveling at least 50 miles away from home. Road trips seem to be especially popular, with AAA projecting that nearly 9 in 10 of these Americans will travel by car, the highest number of Memorial Day weekend road trippers since AAA started tracking these numbers in 2000.

While the association projects that more than 38 million Americans will be traveling by car, airports won’t be immune to jams either.

In fact, the Transportation Security Administration is preparing for more than 18 million people to pass through airport security checkpoints from Thursday to Wednesday, May 29.

“We haven’t seen Memorial Day weekend travel numbers like these in almost 20 years,” said Paula Twidale, senior vice president of AAA Travel, in a press release. “We’re projecting an additional 1 million travelers this holiday weekend compared to 2019, which not only means we’re exceeding pre-pandemic levels but also signals a very busy summer travel season ahead.”

The travel headache over Memorial Day weekend may be only the start of a potentially record-breaking summer travel season, as U.S. airlines are projecting that 271 million passengers will fly from June 1 to Aug. 31, up from last summer’s record of 255 million travelers. In fact, the TSA has forecasted that it will see the highest volumes of travelers passing through airport security checkpoints ever this summer travel season.

What is the busiest travel day for Memorial Day weekend?

As Americans have widely reported in polls that they are concerned about the country’s economy, road tripping has emerged as a popular method of travel this Memorial Day weekend due to its flexibility and convenience, according to AAA.

Bob Pishue, a transportation analyst at the traffic management company INRIX, predicted that travel times for drivers would be up to 90% longer than they typically are. Sunday, May 27 and Memorial Day itself were expected to be especially busy, as trips back home would peak then, according to INRIX.

For those picking up rental cars, rental car company Hertz expected that Thursday and Friday, May 24 would be the busiest days.

In terms of air travel, the TSA anticipated that Friday, May 24 would rank as the busiest travel day for the entire Memorial Day weekend, with nearly 3 million people passing through airport security checkpoints on that day alone.

“In close coordination with airport, airline and travel partners, we are more than ready to handle this summer’s increased travel volumes,” David Pekoske, a TSA administrator, said in a press release. “We are also continuing to deploy state-of-the-art checkpoint technology that increases security effectiveness, efficiency and enhances the passenger experience, and our retention and recruitment numbers are the highest they’ve ever been.”

When is the best time to travel on Memorial Day weekend?

For the millions predicted to hit the road for a weekend getaway in the coming days, INRIX advised that drivers setting out on Thursday or Friday get on the road early to avoid running into traffic from other travelers. In addition, the company said that drivers heading home on Sunday, May 26 or on Memorial Day should avoid traveling during the afternoon, as trips home would peak then.

AAA predicted that these would be the best times for drivers to travel over Memorial Day weekend:

  • Thursday: Before 11 a.m. and after 7 p.m.
  • Friday, May 24: Before 11 a.m. and after 8 p.m.
  • Saturday, May 25: Before 1 p.m. and after 6 p.m.
  • Sunday, May 26: Before 1 p.m.
  • Memorial Day: After 7 p.m.

What time is heaviest traffic on Memorial Day weekend?

AAA projected that these times would be the busiest for drivers:

  • Thursday: Noon to 6 p.m.
  • Friday, May 24: Noon to 7 p.m.
  • Saturday, May 25: 2-5 p.m.
  • Sunday, May 26: 3-7 p.m.
  • Memorial Day: 3-7 p.m.

Tips for speeding up travel time on Memorial Day weekend

With weekend highway closures for maintenance, like the unpopular closures of portions of Interstate 17 last weekend and Mother’s Day weekend that led to hours-long traffic jams, drivers should carefully plan their trips in accordance with highway conditions. Pishue advised that drivers avoid being stuck in traffic by doing the following:

  • Checking services like az511.com , which shows Arizona highway conditions in real-time
  • Staying up to date on traffic through local news outlets. The Republic publishes a list of Valley freeway closures for the weekend using data from the Arizona Department of Transportation that drivers can consult to plan their commutes.
  • Looking at traffic apps, like Waze , which displays a live traffic map. Chandler became the first Arizona city to share traffic information through Waze, meaning that users can view the locations of street closures, construction sites and maintenance projects in Chandler based on official information from the city itself.

While the TSA said that it’s prepared to deal with the influx of passengers that will be flooding airports nationwide this Memorial Day weekend, the administration and Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport advised air travelers to follow these tips to keep from holding up lines through airport security checkpoints:

  • Allow extra time to travel to the airport and get through security checkpoints amid the busy holiday travel season. The TSA advised that passengers factor in extra time for all the activities they may need to do before getting to their gates — from parking to returning rental cars to taking shuttles to the airport to checking in with their airlines to going through security. Check current wait times at Sky Harbor’s security checkpoints at skyharbor.com or at the flight information screens throughout the airport.
  • Reserve parking at Sky Harbor beforehand at the airport’s parking website .
  • Review the status of flights in advance through airline websites or skyharbor.com before arriving at Sky Harbor for a flight, picking up travelers or dropping off passengers.
  • Make a free reservation in Sky Harbor’s PHX RESERVE program to save a spot in the TSA security checkpoint lines in Terminal Three and Terminal Four. Travelers are able to make reservations and walk-in appointments through PHX RESERVE from 4-11 a.m. at Terminal Three if they’re flying out any time from 5 a.m. to 2 p.m. In Terminal Four, passengers are eligible for PHX RESERVE from 5:30-11 a.m. as long as their flight is scheduled from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Because availability for walk-in appointments is limited, reservations, which travelers can make up to six days before their flight, are advised.
  • Begin packing for the airport with an empty bag. The TSA said that travelers who empty their bags before packing them are less likely to be stopped by airport security due to having prohibited items. The administration advised that passengers consult TSA guidelines to learn what they can — and can’t — bring on flights. Travelers heading to the beach for Memorial Day weekend must pack sunscreen in containers that are larger than 3.4 ounces in check-in bags.

How much will gas prices be on Memorial Day weekend?

AAA projected that this Memorial Day weekend, pump prices will be similar to last year’s, when gas nationwide cost about $3.57 on average. While gas prices increased over the spring, the association said they’ve been relatively steady in the last few weeks.

AAA reported on Thursday that the national average price for a gallon of gas wavered only slightly as compared with the price a week before until it increased by a penny to $3.61, a nickel less than a month ago but 7 cents more than a year before. In Arizona, the average gas price on Thursday was over a quarter higher at about $3.88, which was still nearly a quarter less than it was a month ago and over 70 cents less than it was a year ago.

The lack of movement in pump prices in the days before Memorial Day was typical of the time, according to the association.

However, that may change as the summer driving season begins, which may cause gas prices to creep up. The business of Memorial Day weekend may also drive pump prices up — at least temporarily — AAA wrote.

“Since the pandemic, the summer driving season has not seen a surge in demand, which can push pump prices higher,” AAA spokesperson Andrew Gross said. “So it will be interesting to see if this year bucks that trend.”

Geopolitical factors, like conflict in the Middle East and Ukraine, may also lead to changes in pump prices, as they could shock the oil market. In addition, Gross said that while the Biden administration’s decision to sell almost 1 million barrels of gas in northeastern states, which was announced Tuesday, may keep regional gas prices from surging, the national average pump price probably will not change much.

Do flight prices go up on Memorial Day weekend?

Even though this Memorial Day weekend is slated to be the busiest for airports in nearly 20 years, AAA found that plane ticket prices for this weekend were comparable to last year’s. Domestic flight ticket prices increased by up to 2%, according. Popular American destinations included Miami beaches, Seattle cruise ports, New York and Las Vegas while European cities like Rome, London and Paris dominated the list of frequently booked international spots, according to AAA booking data.

The association wrote that numerous factors determine plane ticket prices for passengers, including where they’re flying, how many stops they’re making and the fare class they choose. As a result, travelers who book a nonstop flight, seat selection and an included carry-on will probably pay more than passengers who opt for basic economy and a layover flight.

Why will Memorial Day weekend be so busy?

Lower travel prices may be behind the busyness predicted to hit airports and highways this Memorial Day weekend. Airfare decreased by 6% and hotel rates fell by 0.4% as compared with prices from a year before, according to data released this week by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In addition, the cost of renting a car or truck has decreased by 10%.

For road trippers, however, the national average price of gas is still over a nickel higher than a year ago.

What is the weather like on Memorial Day weekend?

It’s expected that triple-digit weather will make its return in the Valley over Memorial Day weekend, meaning that Phoenicians are slated to see some of the highest temperatures all year so far over the holiday weekend.

The triple-digit weather is predicted to continue over the weekend into much of next week and perhaps longer, signaling a hot and dry June. While temperatures will fall from a 98-degree high on Friday, May 24 to a high of 91 degrees on Saturday, May 25, they’ll climb to a 102-degree high on Memorial Day. By Wednesday, May 30, temperatures are slated to creep up to a high of 105 degrees.

What about fire risk?

Restrictions are in place for most of the Tonto National Forest as well as state trust lands in three counties.

That means no fireworks, no fires outside of grills, no target shooting and limitations on where people enjoying the great outdoors can go to grab a smoke.

The restrictions are the lowest level of limitations on public lands.

The Tonto Forest restrictions kicked in Thursday and will remain in place through Sept. 30. The areas immediately in and around Globe and Payson are exempt.

State trust land requires users to get a permit before accessing the land for hiking or other purposes. Restrictions are in place for these lands in Gila, Maricopa and Pinal counties.

Madeline Nguyen is a breaking news reporter for The Republic. Reach her at [email protected] or 480-619-0285. Follow her on X @madelineynguyen .

Driving this Christmas? Here's how to avoid the worst traffic.

best day to travel on interstate

It's going to be a busy holiday travel season, especially for those who are planning to hit the road to reach their final destination.

AAA projects 115.2 million travelers between Dec. 23 and New Year's Day – and 90% of those people will be going by car. It'll be the second-highest on record of drivers following 2019.

"This year-end holiday forecast, with an additional 2.5 million travelers compared to last year, mirrors what AAA Travel has been observing throughout 2023," Paula Twidale, senior vice president of AAA Travel, said in a statement.

With packed roads, driving times can take up to 20% longer, according to Bob Pishue, transportation analyst at INRIX. Travelers in major metro areas such as Denver, Minneapolis and Washington, D.C., may encounter almost double the typical delays, he added.

Despite the serious congestion, there is some good news: Gas prices this holiday season will be the same or lower than last year.

Learn more: Best travel insurance

Here's everything you need to know about driving to your holiday destination.

Travel safe Holiday scams aren't so easy to spot anymore. How online shoppers can avoid swindlers.

What are the best times to travel by car?

Drivers with flexibility in their travel plans should hit the road on Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year's Eve and New Year's to avoid the worst traffic.

On Saturday, Dec. 23, early birds who leave before 10 a.m. will get the worm (hit less traffic).

The days between Christmas and New Year's (Tuesday, Dec. 26; Wednesday, Dec. 27; Thursday, Dec. 28; Friday; Dec. 29; and Saturday, Dec. 30) will be the most hectic on the roads. The least traffic will be before noon.

What are the worst times to travel by car?

Drivers can anticipate the worst traffic before Christmas on Dec. 23 between 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.

After Christmas, on Wednesday, Dec. 27, the roads are forecasted to be packed between 1 p.m. and 7 p.m., and between 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Dec. 28 and 29, according to INRIX.

As people head to their New Year's destinations, the worst traffic will be between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. on Dec. 30.

Peak congestion times in major US cities

To steer clear of bumper-to-bumper traffic, be smart about the routes and timing of your drive. "Avoid peak commuting hours and use traffic apps, local DOT notifications, and 511 services to minimize holiday travel traffic frustrations," Pishue said.

◾ Worst route: Augusta to Atlanta via I-20 West.

◾ Worst day: Dec. 30.

◾ Worst time: 7:15 p.m. 

◾ Estimated travel time: 1 hour, 56 minutes.

◾ Worst route: Boston to Portsmouth via I-95 North.

◾ Worst day: Dec. 23.

◾ Worst time: 4:15 p.m. 

◾ Estimated travel time: 1 hour, 41 minutes.

◾ Worst route: Fort Collins to Denver via I-25 South.

◾ Worst day: Dec. 29.

◾ Worst time: 2 p.m. 

◾ Estimated travel time: 1 hour, 40 minutes.

Los Angeles

◾ Worst route: Bakersfield to Los Angeles via I-5 South.

◾ Worst day: Dec. 27.

◾ Worst time: 6:15 p.m. 

◾ Estimated travel time: 2 hours, 41 minutes.


◾ Worst route: Eau Claire to Minneapolis via I-94 West.

◾ Worst day: Dec. 28.

◾ Worst time: 10:15 a.m. 

◾ Estimated travel time: 2 hours, 7 minutes.

◾ Worst route: New York to Hamptons via Long Island Expy East.

◾ Worst time: 2:30 p.m.

◾ Estimated travel time: 2 hours, 8 minutes.

San Francisco

◾ Worst route: San Francisco to Sacramento via I-80 East.

◾ Worst time: 5:15 p.m.

◾ Estimated travel time: 1 hour, 49 minutes.

◾ Worst route: Baltimore to Washington, D.C., via Balt/Wash Pkwy South.

◾ Worst time: 3:45 p.m.

◾ Estimated travel time: 1 hour, 1 minute.

Kathleen Wong is a travel reporter for USA TODAY based in Hawaii. You can reach her at [email protected] .

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Breaking news, best vacation spots if you’re trying to avoid hurricanes in the caribbean.

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The Caribbean is an enticing place to escape, especially if you’re searching for sunshine and warmth. 

Yet taking a jaunt there during the heart of hurricane season is always a bit of a risk that a major storm could crash your vacation plans. Some islands have fared better at dodging tropical systems than others. 

The FOX Forecast Center has found six islands that have become a “hurricane haven” in the last 170-plus years and have been a safe bet for vacation seekers.

“Of course, every island in the Caribbean can see hurricanes,” FOX Weather Meteorologist Michael Estime said. “However, there’s a couple of islands that are south of what we call the ‘hurricane belt’ that aren’t as prone to seeing tropical disturbances, and hurricanes and tropical systems.”

For Aruba, Bonaire, and Curaçao – sometimes colloquially known as the “ABC Islands” – it’s been more than a century since the islands have felt major hurricane impacts.

While eight hurricanes have passed within 100 miles of the islands since 1851, none of the islands have ever recorded a direct landfall. The last time any hurricane caused impacts was over 130 years ago.

Bull shark swimming near a beach with palm trees, rocks and a pier

The dual island chain of Trinidad and Tobago has also had fortuitous luck in dodging hurricanes. Again, only eight have passed near the islands and the only recorded hurricane landfall was from an unnamed storm in 1933.  

However, the island did feel some impacts from Hurricane Ivan in 2004 and Hurricane Emily in 2005.

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San Andrés, a small island near Nicaragua, hasn’t fared quite as well as the previous five islands, but still rates in the rare category for experiencing hurricane impacts.

The FOX Forecast Center has found only two hurricanes have made landfall in their records, plus Tropical Storm Julia in 2022. Only 13 hurricanes have passed near the island, most recently was Hurricane Iota in 2020.

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14 best business travel backpacks for every budget

Zach Griff

If you travel regularly for work, you won't need us to tell you that a good travel backpack is essential. That's especially true if a backpack can double as a decently sized carry-on luggage item while still housing your laptop in an easily accessible compartment.

We looked at some of the best (and most stylish) backpacks out there to take the hassle out of searching for the best item.

Without further ado, here are the best business travel backpacks that maximize form and function across various budgets.

Amazon Basics Laptop Backpack, $33.47

best day to travel on interstate

If you don't want to break the bank, the Amazon Basics range offers a reliable and, dare we say, fairly stylish backpack for less than $40.

The bag has a dedicated (and padded) laptop sleeve that can easily hold a laptop up to 17 inches in size; it has additional compartments for pens, keys, cellphones and other items.

There's also a water bottle pocket on both sides of the bag for easy access when you're on the go.

Buy from $33.47

Lenovo Legion Gaming Laptop Bag, $55.19 (normally $79.99)

best day to travel on interstate

Admittedly, we've never seen Batman carry a backpack, but if he did, we're pretty sure it'd look something like this robust bag by Lenovo. It has a 20-liter capacity and room for a 16-inch laptop, alongside seven inside pockets to suit all your work travel needs — including a hidden compartment for valuables.

Built for carrying electronic items, the bag features foam antishock bumpers on the corners of the laptop compartment for extra protection against bag drops and other jolts.

There's also a high-quality magnetic lock to keep your items safe.

Buy from $55.19 (normally $79.99)

Tangcorle Travel Carry On Backpack, $58.90

best day to travel on interstate

Part backpack and part carry-on suitcase, this bag has an expandable design. This means it has a capacity of 36 to 50 liters and should easily fit the maximum carry-on size for most airlines.

Other features include an external USB port with a built-in charging cable, allowing you to attach your own power bank and keep your devices charged while on the go.

The main compartment is similar to one in an ordinary carry-on suitcase and can easily store five to seven days' worth of clothes, depending on how you like to pack. It is perfect for long weekends and short business trips.

Buy from $58.90

Samsonite Novex Laptop Backpack, $69.99 (normally $99.99)

best day to travel on interstate

If you are shopping for a travel backpack from a reliable brand with a more down-to-earth budget, this Samsonite bestseller has a lot going for it.

Despite its price, the Novex Laptop Backpack doesn't compromise on the basics. The separate laptop and tablet pocket features a special webbing system that provides extra durability in case you drop the backpack. Plus, thanks to the special supportive lining on the top front pocket, you won't have to worry about misplacing your headphones, glasses or cellphone.

The main storage compartment has room for all the essentials, though you may not find it large enough for a full change of clothes or a pair of shoes.

Buy from $69.99 (normally $99.99)

The North Face Recon Everyday Laptop Backpack, $109

best day to travel on interstate

A modern classic, the Recon Everyday Laptop Backpack is a popular, on-trend design you'll frequently see on the backs of young professionals in buzzy city centers.

The backpack has two external water bottle holders and a main compartment capable of carrying up to 30 liters. Its laptop sleeve is also sizable and should easily hold machines up to 18 inches.

Perhaps its most interesting feature is the comfortable design of its shoulder straps, which are certified by the American Chiropractic Association.

Buy from $109

Ogio Renegade Backpack, $128.24 (normally $149.99)

best day to travel on interstate

If you're looking for the bag with the most pockets, this might be it. Ogio's flagship backpack has dedicated space for everything (laptop and iPad included) and then some. With a phone pocket, two zippered side pockets and five main pockets, you might just get lost looking around for your gear.

No matter how full you stuff this nearly 30-liter backpack, you shouldn't have much of a problem carrying it around, thanks to its supportive padded back panel and shoulder straps. This makes it easy to lug it around the airport or corporate campus.

Buy from $128.24 (normally $149.99)

Incase ARC Daypack, $129.95

best day to travel on interstate

Apple aficionados will no doubt be familiar with Incase, a popular brand of cases and protection solutions for iPhones, iPads and Macs.

The laptop pocket is big enough for a 16-inch computer, and it's lined in faux fur for additional protection. Its travel tech compartment also includes RFID-blocking technology, preventing thieves from stealing your digital information.

A water- and stain-resistant coating, two dedicated water bottle holders, and a pass-through system for rollaboard bags make this the ideal bag for anyone going from the gym to the office to the airport. If you need something bigger, Incase also makes a larger A.R.C. travel pack.

Need more convincing? Both bags are made from a sustainable mixture of recycled polyester, giving the company its A.R.C. acronym, which stands for "a responsible carry."

Buy from $129.95

Aer Pro Pack 20L, $179

best day to travel on interstate

As far as business travel backpacks go, Aer's is certainly quite stylish. It comes in three colors (black, navy and olive), and it's made of sustainable materials without compromising on durability. A separate laptop compartment safeguards your most precious technology, while the main compartment is large enough for all your chargers and other travel accessories.

The standout feature is the main compartment's 180-degree flat-open zipper system, giving you unobstructed access to all your belongings.

There's even a hidden pocket to store an AirTag or other tracker so that you can locate your bag even if it's stolen or misplaced.

Buy from $179

Away The Everywhere Zip Backpack, $195

best day to travel on interstate

Made with water-resistant nylon, the Everywhere backpack by Away has a full wraparound zip that provides access to the main compartment. Not only can you fit more things in an orderly fashion, but you'll also be able to easily see your things when you need to retrieve them from the backpack.

Alongside the main compartment, the bag also houses a 15-inch laptop pocket with a magnetic locking zipper and padded shoulder straps for comfort. It's available in five colors — including the limited-edition garnet colorway.

Buy from $195

Timbuk2 Never Check Expandable Backpack, $209

best day to travel on interstate

The Timbuk2 Never Check Expandable Backpack has space for everything and then some. The padded rear pocket is the perfect spot for a laptop, so you won't have to dig through the main compartment to find your computer.

The main compartment is spacious and can expand by nearly 3 liters, giving you more room for your belongings. Plus, the front pocket has a dedicated organizer with multiple pockets, so you'll never forget where you put your passport, charger and cables.

Buy from $209

Nomatic 20L Backpack, $279.99

best day to travel on interstate

Although you may not have heard of Nomatic, this brand receives rave reviews from its loyalists. The company's bestselling backpack comes in two sizes: 14 liters and 20 liters. Both are expandable by nearly 20%.

The flat rectangular design may be controversial at first glance, but at least you can't complain about finding space for all of your gizmos. The bag has a staggering 24 unique storage compartments, ranging from enclosed pockets to mesh nets. It's a great bag for those who like to stay extremely organized when they're on the road.

Buy from $279.99

Briggs & Riley Traveler Backpack, $329

best day to travel on interstate

The Briggs & Riley backpack has an impressive amount of storage capability thanks to its multitude of pockets and 180-degree, lie-flat opening that allows unfettered access to every nook and cranny.

The laptop sleeve and tablet sleeve are in the same area as the main packing compartment, but they're separated by a zippered inner pocket to keep your clothes all by themselves.

There's also a so-called PowerPocket that fits an external battery pack and keeps a charging cable within easy reach — perfect for a quick boost of juice while you're on the go.

Buy from $329

Tumi Alpha Bravo Navigation Backpack, $525

best day to travel on interstate

Though Tumi makes a handful of durable bags, the Navigation Backpack excels for a wide range of travel needs. It features a separate padded laptop compartment (that can fit even the largest MacBooks), a main storage area and plenty of other smaller pockets.

It also has a zip expansion feature if you decide to grab some souvenirs during your travels.

The backpack comes in five colors, giving you plenty of choices to match your personal travel style.

Buy from $525

Rimowa Flap Backpack Large, $1,725

best day to travel on interstate

If you're looking to make a statement and are willing to spend some serious cash, Rimowa's travel bags are the way to go.

This luxury Italian-made large canvas Flap Backpack features a padded laptop sleeve and a large drawstring compartment to fit all of your travel essentials. It is secured by a flap-top enclosure with a magnetic buckle emblazoned with the Rimowa logo.

Buy from $1,725

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  • Key travel tips you need to know — whether you're a beginner or expert traveler
  • The best travel credit cards
  • The 18 best places to travel in 2024
  • 6 real-life strategies you can use when your flight is canceled or delayed
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best day to travel on interstate

Here's the best times to travel this Memorial Day weekend in Oregon

Memorial Day weekend marks the start of the summer travel season — and in Oregon, it's expected to break records.

Why it matters: AAA predicts travel over the weekend will increase 4% year-over-year and rank as the second busiest on record and the busiest in nearly two decades.

  • The increases demonstrate how travel is rebounding as the pandemic moves further from mind.

By the numbers: Nearly 600,000 Oregonians are headed out of town over the next few days — destinations including Bend, Eugene and Anaheim, California, are top of list, according to AAA.

  • 494,000 people will drive to their Memorial Day destinations, and they also will find Oregon gas prices slightly higher compared to a year ago, according to a GasBuddy analysis .
  • The best time to travel by car on Friday is before 11am and after 8pm; for those returning home on Monday, plan to leave after 7pm to avoid traffic on most highways, per AAA.

The intrigue: The Port of Portland, which operates the area's international airport , anticipates Friday to be the busiest travel day, with 57,000 passengers going through security checkpoints — a 17% increase over 2023 numbers, according to officials.

Flashback: Memorial Day was originally called "Decoration Day" and was recognized as early as right after the end of the Civil War.

  • The history of Memorial Day is the subject of longstanding academic debate, with dozens of cities and towns claiming to be the holiday's birthplace, Axios' Jennifer A. Kingson reports.
  • The focus of the holiday shifted after World War I to honor American soldiers who died in any war, not only the Civil War, according to History.com .

Reality check: Because Memorial Day is a solemn day to remember fallen service members, the Wounded Warrior Project advises people to say: "Have a meaningful Memorial Day," not "Happy Memorial Day."

  • The group said it's "not appropriate to thank a service member for their service on this day, as it is a day for remembering and honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice."

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Here's the best times to travel this Memorial Day weekend in Oregon


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    So, yes include Sunday in your travel days, but don't really expect any really meaningful decrease in truck traffic even then. Just be thankful those guys are bringing you the vast majority of the goods in your local stores. AZBuck. Last edited by AZBuck; 03-28-2012 at 09:19 AM . 03-27-2012, 08:05 PM #3.

  3. These Are the Best and Worst Times to Hit the Road This ...

    Before 1 p.m., after 5 p.m. 1/1/22. Minimal congestion expected. 1/2/22. 2-6 p.m. Before 1 p.m. Source: INRIX. "With kids out of school and many Americans taking extended time off for the holidays, drivers will experience incremental delays throughout the week. Although congestion will be overall lighter than normal, knowing when and where ...

  4. When is the Best Time to Leave for a Long Road Trip

    Read more . The best time to leave for a long road trip is generally first thing in the morning. A morning start time typically allows you to beat rush hour traffic. And you'll be fresh off a good night's sleep, so your energy will be at its best for the long drive. But starting your road trip bright and early is not a hard and fast rule.

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  6. Best Time to Travel by Car

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  9. I-95 Traffic

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    Here's Inrix's breakdown, in partnership with AAA, of the overall best times to travel and worst times to travel by day this Memorial Day weekend: Thursday. Worst time: Between 1 p.m. and 8 p.m ...

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    In total, 115.2 million travelers are forecast to travel 50 miles or more from their homes over the 10-day holiday period from Saturday, Dec. 23, through Monday, Jan. 1, 2024, according to AAA. Of ...

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    The route planner app helps you find the best interstate highway among all the possible routes to optimize your cross country road trip. You can find out which route goes through bigger cities with more traffic, or look for the most scenic roads. Plan your trip better by doing the research ahead of time. Don't just pick the fastest route, pick ...

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    7am. 9 am (This will put you in rush hour traffic)12pm (You can avoid morning rush hour) 8 Hour Drive. 4am. 7am. 12pm (Consider where you will be driving by 6 or 7 am and make sure it is rural)3pm (This will allow you to avoid most morning rush hour) Commuters are your biggest concern if you plan to leave on a weekday.

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    The two busiest days at SEA are expected to be May 23 and May 24, when more than 69,000 travelers are expected to be screened each day. The busiest travel times at security checkpoints will be 4-8 ...

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    AAA predicted that these would be the best times for drivers to travel over Memorial Day weekend: Thursday: Before 11 a.m. and after 7 p.m. Friday, May 24: Before 11 a.m. and after 8 p.m. Saturday ...

  26. How to avoid holiday traffic: Best and worst times to travel

    Peak congestion times in major US cities. To steer clear of bumper-to-bumper traffic, be smart about the routes and timing of your drive. "Avoid peak commuting hours and use traffic apps, local ...

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    However, the island did feel some impacts from Hurricane Ivan in 2004 and Hurricane Emily in 2005. San Andrés, a small island near Nicaragua, hasn't fared quite as well as the previous five ...

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    Tumi Alpha Bravo Navigation Backpack, $525. TUMI. Though Tumi makes a handful of durable bags, the Navigation Backpack excels for a wide range of travel needs. It features a separate padded laptop compartment (that can fit even the largest MacBooks), a main storage area and plenty of other smaller pockets.

  29. Here's the best times to travel this Memorial Day weekend in Oregon

    The best time to travel by car on Friday is before 11am and after 8pm; for those returning home on Monday, plan to leave after 7pm to avoid traffic on most highways, per AAA. The intrigue: The ...

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