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Ccaccaccollo Women’s Weaving Cooperative community, Sacred Valley.

Community-based tourism: how your trip can make a positive impact on local people

Community-based tourism can reap great rewards. Done well, it enables local organisations to protect precious habitats, preserve unique culture and empower grassroots employees.

In the mid-1990s, the remote community of Klemtu in Canada’s British Columbia had to make a choice. Hit hard by the collapse of the fishing and forestry industries, unemployment was rocketing, and options were running out. But they knew there were two things in the Great Bear Rainforest that you couldn’t get anywhere else: their own Indigenous culture and the rare, ghostly-white Kermode bear, also known as the Spirit Bear. And that’s how Spirit Bear Lodge was born: a showcase of the Kitasoo/Xai’xais First Nation, and an entry point for exploring the extraordinary wilderness of the largest temperate rainforest on Earth, with the added benefit of spotting those elusive bears, along with wolves, whales and brown bears. Today, the lodge is a blueprint for conservation-based, community-based tourism, with a string of successes under its belt: the surrounding rainforest is now protected from logging, bear hunting has been banned and the community has a steady income. It has also, they say, fuelled a cultural renaissance. “The lodge has created opportunities for young and old to thrive in their homelands, while educating people from around the world with our rich culture,” explains Roxanne Robinson, guest services manager at the lodge. Guests learn about Kitasoo/Xai’xais culture from the lodge staff and their guides on wildlife expeditions, kayaking tours and cultural visits, while younger community members drop by as part of the Súa Educational Foundation programme. “Súa means ‘thunder’ in our language, and they come to share stories, songs and dances with guests in our traditional big house,” says Robinson. Guests not only have an incredible experience, but they can also sleep easy knowing that their tourist dollars are doing good. Doing good, if reports are anything to go by, is something we all want to do more of. According to an American Express poll last year, 72% of travellers want to help boost tourism revenue in local economies. And the latest sustainability report by showed that 73% of travellers would like to have authentic experiences that are representative of the local culture; 84% believe that preservation of cultural heritage is crucial; and 76% want to be sure that their economic impact is spread equally throughout society. So, being a responsible traveller is no longer just about protecting the environment or reducing our carbon footprints. It’s about how our tourist dollars can do good in the places we visit. It’s about communities. It’s taking the ‘buy local’ mantra — supporting your neighbourhood bookshop instead of buying on Amazon, say, or eating in a local restaurant instead of McDonald’s — and using it on your travels. When travelling, though, buying locally can be more nuanced. It could mean eating out in a local restaurant — but who owns the restaurant? Are the staff local but the profits going abroad? Does the restaurant support local producers and farmers, or are the ingredients imported? Is the attached gift shop a showcase of Indigenous craftsmanship, or are the souvenirs all made in China?  

community based tourism experience

It is, in other words, complicated. “Is it tourism that takes place in a community?” asks Dr Albert Kimbu, head of tourism and transport at the University of Surrey. “Or is it tourism that’s actively engaging and benefitting communities?” That’s the key. That’s the question we, as travellers, need to be asking. “My take on community-based tourism, or CBT,” explains Dr Kimbu, “is that it has to be by the community, for the community.” In other words, if a hotel or lodge takes guests to visit a local school, or to see a cultural dance in a local village, which might be taking place in the community — is the community genuinely benefitting? They might be getting paid, but it could also be straight-up cultural exploitation. Jamie Sweeting, CEO of Planeterra, the non-profit partner of G Adventures, which specialises in community tourism, agrees: “It needs to be owned, led and run by the communities themselves.” Why? “Because,” explains Dr Kimbu, “When communities become aware that what they have is a product that can be sold, then they have a stake in protecting it.” Take the Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge in Rwanda. The saleable product here is the mountain gorilla that inhabits Volcanoes National Park next door. Visitors will pay a high price to see them in the wild. Working with Sacola, a local non-profit, the idea of a lodge that’s 100%-owned and -run by the community was born, with all profits going back into social and economic projects, as well as conservation within the park. It’s worked a treat. Since opening in 2006, US$4m (£3m) has gone into community and conservation projects, while the gorilla population in the park now includes 10 different gorilla groups. So, the community recognised the financial benefits of their neighbouring gorillas and now benefit by protecting their environment. But CBT at its best goes way beyond employing locally. It means the community gets to decide how to protect the culture and environment on which it depends. So, the community benefits, the environment and local culture is safeguarded, and the resulting economic benefits stay within the community. Win-win-win. There are ripple effects, too. Spier, a wine estate in South Africa’s Stellenbosch region, has a Growing for Good programme, which includes mentoring and assisting local entrepreneurs to create businesses that can then be used by Spier. This has worked with a local laundry service, for example, as well as a taxi service used by its guests. And Fogo Island Inn in Newfoundland, Canada is all about the ripple effects, having been created entirely for the benefit of the local community. This 29-room luxury inn was built by local philanthropist Zita Cobb through her Shorefast Foundation, and 100% of operating surpluses are reinvested in the community — a community that was in dire straits just a decade ago, thanks to the collapse of the global cod market.  

Power in partnership

Sabyinyo, Spier and Fogo are examples of when it works. When it doesn’t work, community involvement is nothing short of exploitation. As Amanda Ho, the co-founder of Regenerative Travel, puts it: “In many cases, what we’ve seen is communities around the world angry that their health, wellbeing, and priorities are not being recognised or respected by tourism.” Jamie Sweeting tells me about a particular lodge in Botswana — he won’t name names — which was ‘talking the talk’ about working with the Indigenous San. “The website was shouting about empowering the local community,” he says. But when Planeterra did some digging, it found that while the San were used to put on cultural shows at the lodge, they were earning below the living wage and staying in poor accommodation with barely enough food. Planeterra worked with the local San people to promote and upskill the community-owned Dqae Qare San Lodge nearby, helping them gain direct access to the same markets the other lodge was benefitting from.  

“Community-based tourism can be especially beneficial in empowering women, who are often responsible for the homestay or dining components of a trip” Francisca Kellett

That lack of access to market — and the lack of the knowledge, skills and infrastructure needed to run a successful travel business — is key. As Justin Francis of Responsible Travel puts it: “Being able to access the distribution chains of the tourism industry — to get guests through the doors — is difficult without the partnership of an established tour operator.” When CBT first appeared around 20-25 years ago, he says, NGOs and donors would pitch up at communities, build beautiful ecolodges, but allow the communities very little say — and then fail to provide the training, infrastructure and business know-how to lead to any kind of success.  

Having a voice, Francis says, is key where elected community representatives participate in the decision making: “The driving force behind successful CBT projects is local people setting the terms. It’s about them making informed decisions around how tourism develops.” In the case of the Ccaccaccollo Women’s Weaving Cooperative in Peru’s Sacred Valley, it was three women that had that voice. “When they first came to us, only a handful could do traditional Inca weaving,” Sweeting says. Led by those women, Planeterra assisted with training, infrastructure and marketing, and the co-op has boomed, now owned and run by more than 65 individuals, with an attached homestay attracting overnight visitors. CBT can be especially beneficial in empowering women, who are often responsible for the homestay or dining components of a trip. Dreamcatchers, a tour operator in South Africa, recognised this over 30 years ago, and helped launch a range of CBT enterprises including ‘Kammama’, a selection of nationwide, women-run homestays and experiences, from cooking courses in Soweto to an overnight stay with a family in the Cape Winelands. In the case of Ccaccaccollo, the ripple effect has been a huge uptick in education in the community: all the women involved are now fully literate in Spanish, the first generation to achieve this locally, and most have children in tertiary education — another first. “And there has been an uplift in the pride in their culture. They’re embracing it. They can see that people from dozens of countries travel to visit them because they have something special to offer,” says Sweeting. That special offering is what’s in it for us. “For travellers, CBT offers a genuinely authentic experience and insight into local life,” says Zina Bencheikh, at Intrepid Travel. “Travellers are welcomed into a community and have the chance to immerse themselves.” Intrepid now aims to bring a degree of CBT into many of its sustainable, small-group adventure tours. “Our clients often talk about our CBT experiences as one of the unexpected highlights of their trip,” says Bencheikh. So how do we spot the good guys? How do we know whether a lodge or restaurant or experience that claims to benefit a community genuinely is?   “Ask questions,” says Dr Kimbu. “Have a discussion with those organising your trip.” Bencheikh agrees. “Do your research. Before you visit, ask questions about how the project is run and where the money goes from your visit.” Travelling with a trusted tour operator is also sensible, as is looking out for any certification programmes such as B Corp. Covid-19, of course, has had a dreadful impact on CBT. Planeterra recently launched the Global Community Tourism Network, providing online training, promotion and marketing, to help organisations prepare for when tourists come back. “Many communities don’t have internet or phone access,” explains Sweeting. “So, we also have 16 strategic partnerships, mostly local non-profits with their own network. Our reach is now more than 800 community tourism enterprises in 75 countries.” On the flipside, Covid-19 has also changed how we want to travel. “There’s been a definite shift, with more travellers wanting to find purpose in their trips,” says Sweeting. “We need to take advantage of that. When you’re able to experience something owned and run by a community, it’s much more rewarding, and a more equitable experience for the host and the guest.” As Dr Kimbu puts it, “CBT has a sense of fairness and justice.” It’s that sense of fairness and justice that’s been behind the success of Spirit Bear Lodge for more than 20 years and one that the community hopes will last for generations. “I do hope that my children and future children continue with Spirit Bear Lodge,” Robinson tells me. “Seeing the growth in this company has been amazing. It’s a great way to learn and grow and thrive in our homelands.” You can’t say fairer than that.  

Published in the   May 2022   issue of   National Geographic Traveller (UK)

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How to develop community-based tourism (7 tips).

Picture of Anne de Jong

  • July 14, 2023

How to develop community-based tourism (7 tips)

  • What is community-based tourism?

Community-based tourism is a way of sustainable tourism that allows travellers to closely connect to local communities. Tourism where travellers are invited into local homes. Experiencing the actual local culture, the diversity, local rituals and beliefs.

The aim of community-based tourism is directly benefiting local communities financially, while travellers experience local way of life. Communities that participate in community-based tourism are strong, resilient and committed to show travellers their culture.

Be aware that community-based tourism is a very sensitive segment. That’s why, it’s essential that it’s developed and operated correctly to ensure actual benefits for the local communities. It’s a growing niche market , as more and more travellers are looking for authentic experiences that create benefits locally.

“75% seek authentic experiences that are representative of the local culture”. – (2023)

This article gives you the basic tools to develop community-based tourism experiences yourself and to create win-win-win situations.

In this article

What are the benefits of community-based tourism, community-based tourism examples.

  • Community-based tourism in practice
  • Negative impacts of community-based tourism

Developing cultural experiences on local terms

7 tips to develop community-based tourism.

The unique feature of community-based tourism is that the tourism experiences are hosted and managed by local communities. It is a promising niche tourism experience with lots of opportunities. More and more travellers are interested in learning about local cultures and ways to genuinely interact with local communities. Among others, the key benefits of community-based tourism are that it:

  • Sustains local culture for future generations
  • Facilitates local employment
  • Directly benefits locals financially
  • Is fairly easy to develop with the right network
  • Creates and empowers resilient and strong communities
  • Adds value to your business with authentic experiences
  • Allows travellers to experience the diversity and customs of local cultures
  • Encourages travellers to truly connect and interact with local communities
  • Stimulates increased awareness and knowledge of other cultures and traditions
  • Takes your business and travellers off the beaten track into rural areas
  • Supports the movement of good tourism

Benefits of community-based tourism

While every destination and local cultures are different, the key concept of community-based tourism is fairly similar. That’s to say, the activities can also be applied and developed in almost all destinations. Also, it’s important to stay away from staged activities and to include interaction.

“69% want the money they spend when traveling to go back to the local community”. – (2023)

Examples of community-based tourism experiences

  • Cooking and tasting local food
  • Visiting a local market
  • Walk through the village
  • Working on the field
  • Experiencing the coffee process
  • Fishing or sailing with locals
  • Biking tour around the village
  • Handcrafting or painting
  • Storytelling by elders
  • Homestay or farmstay

Community-based tourism examples in practice

Tour operators come in all sizes and all have a different impact on tourism destinations. Among these tour operators, there are some inspiring businesses that solely focus on benefitting local communities. Their aim is to use tourism as a tool to create a better life and future for locals and to protect the environment at the same time.

Be inspired by the following community-based projects that benefit local communities while offering travellers an authentic experience.

  • Preserving cultural heritage in the Karamoja region in Uganda
  • Nature community experience in Mida Creek in Kenya
  • Connecting locals and travellers in food experiences
  • Trekking the Calchaquíes valley in Argentina with local families

Community-based tourism examples

Potential negative impacts of community-based tourism

As mentioned, community-based tourism is a very sensitive segment. This means that it can have negative impacts and challenges if not organised and managed correctly and with care.

Community-based tourism is becoming more popular among tour operators. They’re looking to both benefit and involve local communities while developing new tourism experiences for their travellers. Therefore, it’s essential to not only explain the benefits and the development steps of community-based tourism, but also the potential negative impacts and challenges.

The main challenge within community-based tourism is community participation. And without community participation, it’s very difficult to create a successful community-based tourism experience. Community participation is influenced by:

1. Elitism and leadership conflict

Communities with a (visible) hierarchy have challenges with elitism and leadership conflict. Elite members of the communities take on leadership as they believe only these members are fit to rule. Often at the expense of the whole community itself resulting in conflict on resource ownership. One where only the few powerful and influential local elite manage and benefit from community-based tourism.

How to avoid

Avoid this by having many conversations with the community members and all stakeholders and to agree on a fair management structure.

2. Greed and corruption

For extremely poor communities, greed and corruption can become a real challenge. Especially when (some) locals feel they don’t benefit enough they’ll try and get money another way. For example, by abusing assigned power for personal gain. Thereby, it creates a begging culture where tourists are seen as walking ATMs. This creates uncomfortable situations for all involved.

Avoid this by making sure all community members are equally benefitted but also based on their role in the community-based tourism experience.

3. Capacity issues within the community

Managing a community-based tourism experience is hard work and time consuming. Not all locals understand the work it requires to welcome travellers into their homes. When there are too many travellers visiting, locals might feel overwhelmed and dissatisfied with the tourism concept. It also raises issues for the quality of the community-based tourism experience for travellers.

Avoid this by agreeing on the carrying capacity beforehand and making sure that the local community understands what it means to work in tourism.

4. Language issues

Many locals from rural communities aren’t able to communicate with visiting travellers in English. When they don’t know how to communicate, they’re unable to participate. And if they can’t participate in tourism, they tend to resent it. It also won’t allow them to connect with travellers in an authentic way, to explain about their daily lives and to exchange experiences.

Avoid this by working with translators and invest in teaching English to the (younger) community members to develop and empower themselves.

5. Lack of funding and skills

Managing a community-based tourism experience is similar to managing a starting business. In the beginning, you’d need starting capital, finances, skills, and knowledge to organise and manage the experience. Without this, it’s difficult to make it a long-term success. Even though there might be funding from stakeholders, they’ll need to be able to support themselves on the long-term.

Avoid this by supporting the local community with funding and support during the start-up phase, but with the aim for them to be self-managing in the future.

7 tips to develop community-based tourism

When developing new cultural experiences, it is crucial to consider the potential negative impacts of community-based tourism. Without active community participation, it is challenging to offer travellers an authentic and truly local experience.

To ensure community participation and satisfaction, adopting a comprehensive approach is essential: develop cultural experiences on local terms. The key question to ask is: What aspects of their culture do locals want to share?

By allowing locals to determine what they are willing to share and to what extent, you can achieve the following:

1. Gain the support of the local community

Involving locals in decision-making ensures that the cultural experiences have their support. This support is vital for creating a sustainable and mutually beneficial relationship between the community and your business.

2. Make a positive impact

Developing cultural experiences based on local terms provides an opportunity to generate tangible benefits for the destination. By respecting the locals’ wishes, you can contribute to the preservation of cultural heritage, promote economic growth, and support community development.

3. Differentiate from competitors

Offering travel experiences that truly reflect the desires and values of the local community sets you apart from the competition. Authenticity is increasingly valued by travelers seeking meaningful and immersive experiences, and aligning with local terms helps fulfill these desires.

It is important to note that, as a tourism business, you can still bring your expertise to the table. With insights into the industry, market trends , and traveler demands, you can collaborate with the local community to transform their ideas into compelling travel experiences.

Case study: Bali in the 1960’s

To give you an idea about a local conflict, let me take you back to the 1960’s when mass tourism reached Bali for the first time. Where immediately, travellers became fascinated with the sacred Balinese dances.

The Balinese welcomed travellers to enter their temples and watch the dancing for a small fee. But as more people visited, it got crowded and chaotic. And because temples are not particularly comfortable and could only host small groups, the Balinese decided to move their dances to the tourist resorts.

All good you’d say. But some of the Western visitors were shocked. These were sacred dances and holy art! They couldn’t understand the Balinese sacrificing their holy dances and rituals. This led to a conflict between the locals and visitors.

But only because the visitors didn’t allow the locals to decide what and how they wanted to share their culture. They should have taken into account the local terms.

When developing community-based tourism according to the above-mentioned steps, there are more key aspects to remember and to pay close attention to. As said before, CBT is a sensitive form of tourism. Above all, it’s important that both the local community as the traveller enjoys the experience.

1. Connect with the local community

The local community is the key element of your experience. Connect with them, build trust, and think about tourism together. What is unique about their culture and what are they willing to share? To what extent do they want to change their lives? Make sure to collaborate and to give them responsibility and a voice in the entire experience.

2. Train locals in tourism

Interacting with travellers from different cultures can be a challenge for local communities. It’s important to teach communities how to communicate with travellers. How and which information to share and to make them feel welcome. Always use guides from the community itself as they know all the ins and outs of the community. This also ensures the profits stay in the community.

3. Create independency

Community-based tourism is not developed for the sake of tour operators. Local communities want to improve their livelihood and build their own future. Construct cooperative ownership. The success rate of the tourism experience depends on the communities’ sense of ownership. Let them take care of their own tourism product and enjoy the benefits.

4. Include interactive elements

In the experience economy , travellers request experiences to be entertaining, educational, imaginative and attractive. They are looking for experiences where they can participate instead of only watching and visiting. Engage them in the local culture, have them do, try and taste things and give them a truly authentic experience.

5. Think about the language

Travellers are looking for experiences with interaction. Therefore, language is an important aspect for community-based tourism. How are your travellers going to communicate with the host? The best solution is to have an English-speaking guide who is able to communicate with both the host as travellers in an enthusiastic manner.

6. Decide on the duration

Most travellers step out of their own comfort zone when doing a community-based tourism experience. Therefore, it’s important that your experiences are not too long and uncomfortable for the traveller. When you start with community-based tourism, focus on (half) day experiences first. This way, travellers can ease into it and they are also easier to develop.

7. Ensure safety

As travellers are entering an unknown area, they trust upon the guide to keep them safe. It’s important that the guide is trained in emergency situations and also knows how to explain safety issues to the travellers. Thereby, hygiene and sanitation of the local community is also very important. Especially for experiences involving food and drinks.

Happy developing!

When done right, community-based tourism is the ultimate way of good tourism. It’s in the perfect position to create better lives for local communities, to share their stories, and to offer travellers authentic experiences. Keep the challenges and development tips in mind when developing community-based experiences to ensure success stories. Never forget the purpose, focus on creating win-win-win situations and commit yourself to good tourism for communities and travellers.

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Hi, I would like to ask some questions:

– When do we know as a tourist if the trip chosen is a real community-based tourism, where locals get the main benefit and tourists experience the culture and the local’s way of living?

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Hi Ane, very good question! This is always difficult and there is not a one size fits all approach. However, there are some guidelines that can help you find out if the community-based trip is genuine.

You’ll know if it’s a real community-based tourism program when the company is very transparant about how it’s run and there is plenty information available. Look for information about ownership (ideally by local initiatives and local communities), the type of activities (really daily life and experiencing local culture instead of only visiting) and if they employ local people and use/buy local products.

Also have a look at this article that I’ve written a few years ago:

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Dear Anne. I have passion to develop community tourism in a region underserved by services like roads and electricity. Are there possible funders to service communities of this nature and develop the products and services?

Hi Anna, very good to hear you have a passion to develop community tourism, what region are you working in? Unfortunately, I don’t have experience with improving roads and electricity but I am assuming this is arranged by government authorities. Perhaps teaming up with local tour operators and accommodations will provide opportunities of making changes happen. Good luck!

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This is a problem that I am analysing as well.. Beside the problem of blindness of governance to advantage “some not complying agencies”. From outside it looks like a fantastic green and sustainable initiative of the destination.. Anne please feel free to contact me through LinkedIn, I am on the CBT since a while and I gathered a lot of guidelines and documents giving some steps, good examples, funds ideas.. I would be more than happy to exchange. I am actually creating a responsible tourism agency…

Very good to hear you’ve been analysing this as well Deborah. There are so many sides to community-based tourism but it only provides local positive impact if managed well. I’ve reached out on LinkedIn, happy to connect!

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Dear Anne. Our local registered association has recently registered a local company license with the government and plan to embark on tourism as our project. We have passion on that, so we’re looking for any interested partner to join with us since we’re legally registered with the government. Can you find any interested partner for us? We’re located in the South Pacific Ocean, in the Solomon Islands.

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Hi there, I passed through your wonderful CBT explanation, and I am so excited as you have inspired me to contact my University Research about CBT. Will you please help me of some CBT definitions which will be so suitable in my Research. thank you in advance.

Thank you for your comment and good to hear we’ve inspired you! Actually, there is only one main CBT definition that’s important and covers everything.

“CBT is a way of sustainable tourism that allows travellers to closely connect to local communities. The aim of CBT is directly benefiting local communities financially, while travellers experience local way of life. The tourism experiences are hosted and/or managed by local communities.”

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Wow ,this is quite helpful

So good to hear @ojambo – are you also thinking about developing community-based tourism?

Yes Anne, am also thinking and planning to develop community tourism as one of my products. Thank you.

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Hi Anne, this very interesting topic. I enjoy read your explanation and i love to colaborate with you if you have any research project in the future. Im from Indonesia. We have been implementing this in our community. Yet, the challange we face so far is our community have problem in using English.This is not easy to solve. Any advice is welcom.thanks

Hi Muhammad, very good to hear! Yes, it’s a very complex type of tourism and many destinations have similar challenges. To overcome the language barrier, you can start working with a local translator. Perhaps the younger generation in the community or a local student is able to translate when travellers visit. Keep in mind that not everyone has to be able to speak English fluently. As long there is someone who can explain and translate, the others are fine with a few words to welcome them.

Picture of Anne de Jong

Anne de Jong

community based tourism experience

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Community-based tourism

 Intrepid foundation at a community centre in Myanmar

Visit places you won’t find on Google and have a positive impact on local communities.

Community-based tourism (CBT) not only gives you a real insight into local lives, but also ensures your travel experience makes a genuine difference to local people. CBT experiences vary greatly depending on the country you visit and needs of the local people, meaning every experience is unique. But, what these experiences do have in common is that they are entirely community-owned and managed – meaning your stay won’t just benefit one family, but the community as a whole.

At Intrepid, we actively work with communities and a range of local partners to support the development of new CBT experiences in destinations that otherwise wouldn’t see the benefits of tourism. Then, when we visit the communities on our itineraries, our travellers have the opportunity to connect with the local people and make a positive impact.

Community-based tourism (CBT) ensures that local communities have full ownership and management of the tourism experience, so that the economic benefits of tourism stay within their community. CBT is designed to give travellers an authentic taste of a local community’s heritage, their cultural practices and atural resources, and in this way offers an immersive and rich travel experience.

CBT provides employment opportunities, revenue generation, local procurement of goods and service and limits the funds that leave the community. It also helps diversify the economic activities beyond farming, which reduces risk in years when climate change produces low or no yield.

Within a CBT, there is a distribution of benefits to all households. For example, though not all families will host homestays some may act as guides or provide meals. Even those not directly involved benefit from the agreed use of the community fund.

CBT provides people with skills-training, opportunities for community infrastructure development (power, roads, sanitation, water) and health benefits (water and waste management education). It also promotes a more equitable community structure and the association with foreign travellers helps raise confidence and pride among the people.

Conservation of the environment, awareness and wildlife protection are all great benefits of CBT.

One of the greatest outcomes is the empowerment of women in the community, as they are often largely responsible for the management and generation of the experience and therefore income.

Often CBT prevents young people in communities leaving for larger cities, by providing employment opportunities for them locally.  

The wild animals that live in Nepal’s Chitwan National Park cause huge issues for the surrounding villages like Shivadwar Village, a community in Madi Valley. Local farmers are reliant on their crops for food and income and animals wandering in from the nearby park can cause huge amounts of damage.

In 2015, Shivadwar Village reached out to Nepal’s World Wildlife Fund (WWF-Nepal) for help. Two years later, WWF-Nepal teamed up with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trading (DFAT) to apply for funding through their Business Partnership Platform (BPP).

And, that’s where Intrepid stepped in: to develop a new community-based tourism project (CBT) in Shivadwar that would create jobs, generate income for families, and empower the locals, particularly women, economically, socially and personally.With funding, the community started with upgrading their existing homestays and build some new ones. Around 13 of the 34 households in the village are now operating guesthouses, with more planned. Intrepid visits Madi Valley on a selection of our Nepal itineraries, to bring in international travellers and income.

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What Is Community-Based Tourism? Definition and Popular Destinations

CBT provides communities with the opportunity to play a lead role in their own tourism industries.

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Community-based tourism is a type of sustainable tourism where residents invite travelers to visit or stay in their communities with the intent to provide an authentic experience of the local culture and traditions. These communities are often rural, economically struggling, or living below the poverty line, and community-based tourism (CBT) gives them the opportunity to take full ownership of their area’s individualized tourist industry as entrepreneurs, managers, service providers, and employees. Most importantly, it ensures that the economic benefits go directly towards local families and stay within the community.

Community-Based Tourism Definition and Principles

In 2019, travel and tourism accounted for one in four new jobs created worldwide, while international visitor spending amounted to $1.7 trillion, or 6.8% of total imports, according to the World Travel and Tourism Council. Surveys show that travelers are becoming more interested in sustainable travel trends and supporting small businesses and unique communities. An American Express poll of travelers in Australia, Canada, India, Japan, Mexico, and the U.K. found that 68% plan to be more aware of sustainable travel companies, while 72% want to help boost tourism revenue in the local economies of the destinations they visit.

While CBT is a form of sustainable tourism, it differs slightly from ecotourism and voluntourism . Rather than focusing specifically on nature or charity, CBT is meant to benefit the community and its environments as a whole. From the traveler’s perspective, CBT offers the chance to immerse oneself in local culture and participate in a completely unique tourism experience.

Responsible Travel , a UK-based activism company that has fostered sustainable travel opportunities since 2001, says that CBT can enable tourists to discover cultures and wildlife they might not have experienced in traditional travel situations. “For many, there is nothing like bridging centuries of modern development and making a connection with people whose lives are so very different to our own,” the organization writes. “And those of us privileged enough to have visited, and listened properly, will have discovered that traditional communities often have far more to teach us about our society and our lives than we can teach them about our world.”

CBT is often developed by the destination’s local government but can also get assistance from nonprofits, other community members, private funding, or even partnerships with travel companies. Most of the time, community-based tourism projects are successful due to cooperation between the community and some kind of tourism expert.

For example, in Madi Valley, Nepal, the Shivadwar Village community reached out to the nonprofit World Wildlife Fund ( WWF Nepal ) for help in 2015. The wild animals living in the famous Chitwan National Park were causing issues for the surrounding villages by wandering into their agricultural lands and damaging crops, limiting income and employment opportunities for the residents living in the popular national park’s buffer zone . WWF Nepal was able to apply for funding through their Business Partnership Platform and partnered up with travel company Intrepid to help the village develop a community-based tourism project. Today, 13 out of the 34 homes in Shivadwar Village operate as homestays, with the income going directly to the families.

Pros and Cons

When community members see that tourists are spending money to experience their traditional ways of life, it can empower them to help keep mass exploitative tourism from entering their communities. However, each situation is unique, and there is always room for advantages and disadvantages.

Pro: CBT Stimulates the Economy

A successful CBT program distributes benefits equally to all participants and also diversifies the local job market . Even community members not directly involved with homestays may also act as guides, provide meals, supply goods, or perform other tourism-related jobs. Women in the community are often responsible for the homestay components of a tourism program, so CBT can help create new spaces for women to take on leadership positions and even run their own businesses in underdeveloped communities.

Con: There’s a Potential for Benefit Leaking

Economic leakage happens when money generated by a certain industry, in this case tourism, leaves the host country and ends up elsewhere. According to a study conducted in the Muen Ngoen Kong Community of Chiang Mai, Thailand, some community members felt that “profit from tourism often does not filter down to the local economy and the costs they incurred far outweigh the benefits.” In this case, locally owned small businesses were also operating against stronger international competitors.

Pro: Environmental Conservation

CBT can help create alternative income for communities and less economic dependence on industries that can harm the region’s biodiversity, such as illegal logging or poaching. Members of the Chi Phat Commune in Cambodia, for example, went from relying on logging within Cambodia’s Cardamom Mountains to generating income through sustainable family-run ecotourism businesses with help from the Wildlife Alliance .

Con: It’s Not Always Successful

If the CBT project doesn’t have a clear vision or management strategy from the start, it runs the risk of failing, which could be catastrophic for an underdeveloped community that has already invested time, money, or energy into the project. Successful CBT projects bring communities together with tourism experts who know how to operate in these unique situations.

Pro: CBT Can Help Preserve Cultures

Employment opportunities in CBT don't only provide members with valuable social skills and training, but also can prevent younger generations from leaving their own communities in search of work in larger cities. At the same time, the community will recognize the commercial and social values that tourism places on their natural heritage and cultural traditions, helping foster the conservation of these resources even further.

Community-Based Tourism Destinations

Thanks to the increasing popularity of sustainable tourism and greater accessibility to resources like the internet, small communities and travel experts are continuing to come together to create successful CBT programs.

Chalalan Ecolodge, Bolivia

The Chalalan Ecolodge is a joint indigenous community tourism initiative of the rainforest community of San José de Uchupiamonas and Conservation International (CI) in the Bolivian Amazon. Created in 1995 by a group of villagers and supported by CI through training in skills like management, housekeeping, and tour guiding, Chalalan is the oldest community-based enterprise in Bolivia. By February 2001, the indigenous community received full ownership of the property from CI and now directly supports 74 families.

Korzok, India

Known as the highest permanent civilization on Earth, Korzok village in Ladakh, India, rests at an altitude of 15,000 feet. Although the main source of income for most families here comes from pashmina, the village has developed a CBT model based on homestays with younger community members earning jobs as porters, cooks, and tour guides. During the tourist season from June to September, the occupancy rate for homestays is 80%, earning each family an average of $700 to $1,200 during those four months. For comparison, the average yearly income from pashmina ranges between $320 and $480, making CBT much more lucrative.

Tamchy, Kyrgyzstan

The Central Asian republic of Kyrgyzstan has fully embraced CBT as a tool for growth. The Kyrgyz Community Based Tourism Association has developed 15 different diverse CBT programs around the country, helping to organize and train remote mountain communities in tourism to help improve their economies and living conditions. One of the most successful is the tiny village of Tamchy, found right next to Issyk-Kul, the biggest lake in Kyrgyzstan and one of the largest mountain lakes in the world. The people of Tamchy welcome tourists to stay with them in traditional yurts and homestays while learning about the unique culture there.

Termas de Papallacta, Ecuador

Back in 1994, a group of six Ecuadorians from the small village of Papallacta village in Napo Province purchased a property that included natural thermal pools. The village is on the road to the Amazon from Quito, so it was a popular route but without much draw for tourism outside of that. The property started as a small spa and accommodation space for travelers but has since grown into the country’s most popular thermal wellness resort and one of the largest employers in the area. Termas de Papallacta also runs an independent foundation that helps train the local community in environmental issues and is certified by the Rainforest Alliance.

" Economic Impact Reports ." World Travel and Tourism Council .

Lo, Yu-Chih and Janta, Pidpong. " Resident's Perspective on Developing Community-Based Tourism- a Qualitative Study of Muen Ngoen Kong Community, Chiang Mai, Thailand ." Frontiers in Psychology , vol. 11, 2020, pp. 1493., doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01493

" Chalalan Eco-Lodge, Bolivia: Equator Initiative Case Study Series ." United Nations Development Programme .

Anand, Anupam, et al. " Homestays at Korzok: Supplementing Rural Livelihoods and Support Green Tourism in the Indian Himalayas ." Mountain Research and Development , vol. 32, no. 2, 2012, pp. 126-136., doi:10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-11-00109.1

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Empowering Communities: Unveiling the Essence of Community-Based Tourism

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In an era of mass tourism, where destinations are often overshadowed by overcrowded attractions and commercialization, a growing movement is seeking to redefine the travel experience. This movement lies close to the heart of Not In The Guidebooks , in that our entire approach to travel centres around the concept of community-based tourism, but what exactly it?

Community-based tourism (CBT) is emerging as a transformative approach that not only enriches the traveller’s journey but also empowers local communities. In this article, we will delve into the essence of community-based tourism, exploring its principles, benefits, and the profound impact it has on both travellers and the destinations they visit.

Understanding Community-Based Tourism

an example of local ecotourism

At its core, community-based tourism is a sustainable and participatory travel model that places local communities at the forefront of the tourism experience. Unlike traditional tourism, where large corporations dictate the narrative, CBT is a collaborative effort that involves the active participation of the community in the planning, development, and management of tourism activities.

For example, on an experience with Not In The Guidebooks , your holiday will have been designed and driven by a local supplier in the community you are visiting. This means that the money you spend, the places you visit and the people you meet will have a vested interest in supporting and protecting their locality, resulting in a more authentic experience for yourself, and a more beneficial type of tourism for the community.

Principles of Community-Based Tourism

Cultural Respect and Preservation: CBT emphasizes the preservation of local cultures and traditions. Visitors are encouraged to engage respectfully with the community, fostering a mutual exchange that celebrates diversity.

One of the most important parts of travel, in our opinion, is exposing yourself to different cultures and other ways of life, broadening your horizons as you explore. When tourism dilutes a culture and panders to the wants and needs of the influx of visitors, this aspect is lost.

With CBT, the tourism enterprises with the local community in mind will strive to protect these local cultures and traditions, keeping a place both with its cultural identity and its place as a desirable destination for travellers looking to enrich themselves in a new environment.

Economic Empowerment : One of the primary goals of CBT is to empower local economies. By involving community members in tourism-related activities, such as homestays, guided tours, and artisan workshops, CBT channels financial benefits directly to the people who call the destination home.

With Not In The Guidebooks, all our experiences and holidays are created by locals, meaning that when you pay for an NITGB experience, your money goes directly to that local economy.

Whether it’s a wildlife holiday in Costa Rica or a cooking holiday in Italy , you will be supporting numerous independent, local enterprises, rather than simply spending the vast majority of your money with a large global chain.

local chef taking a person on a market tour

Environmental Sustainability: Community-based tourism often prioritizes environmentally friendly practices. From responsible waste management to the promotion of eco-friendly transportation options, these initiatives contribute to the long-term health of the destination.

This is because, as locals, the individuals involved with running the tourism industry in their area will clearly favour sustainable practices that keep their homes pristine and undamaged by tourism.

This is especially true of destinations where natural environment plays a large role in attracting tourists. Overtourism leads to a damaged environment, which then leaves the entire region a less attractive proposition to new tourists, eventually leading to a downturn in the local economy.

Empowering Communities: CBT seeks to empower local communities by involving them in decision-making processes. This empowerment leads to a sense of ownership over the tourism activities, fostering pride and a commitment to sustainable development.

In many popular tourist destinations, the local population can feel alienated from the impact of tourism on their traditional ways of life, which can lead to tension between travellers and residents who don’t feel as though the tourism industry is serving the community, rather it seems to simply serve tourists alone.

With CBT, decision makers can establish mutually beneficial relationships between visitors and locals, making tourism and travel benefit both parties.

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Benefits of Community-Based Tourism:

Authentic Experiences: Travelers engaged in community-based tourism enjoy authentic and immersive experiences. They have the opportunity to connect with locals on a personal level, gaining insights into daily life that go beyond the surface.

So many travellers end up leaving a country without having got in touch with where they have visited. Whilst there is a place for a beach holiday that could realistically be in hundreds of different locations around the world, we feel this is missing the point in travelling to a new destination.

When travellers experience community-based tourism, they get in touch with the local culture and experience tradition, creating a more memorable and enriching trip.

fisherman on a boat in mauritius

Cultural Exchange: CBT facilitates genuine cultural exchange between visitors and locals. This exchange fosters understanding, breaking down stereotypes, and creating a more interconnected world.

To us at Not In The Guidebooks, this is one of the most important aspects of travel. We believe that travel can create a sense of empathy and understanding in the individuals who partake in it, and that is why we are such huge supporters of CBT as a concept.

Sustainable Development: By placing community well-being at the forefront, CBT contributes to the sustainable development of destinations. Tourism revenues are reinvested in local infrastructure, education, and healthcare, ensuring a positive impact on the community’s overall quality of life.

Preservation of Heritage: The preservation of cultural and natural heritage is a central tenet of CBT. This ensures that future generations can continue to benefit from and appreciate the unique aspects of their community.

It also means, as we discussed earlier, that unique cultures and ways of life that often attract visitors in the first place are left intact, as opposed to the dilution of culture due to mass tourism.

Community-based tourism is a powerful force for positive change in the travel industry. By shifting the focus from profit-driven enterprises to community-driven initiatives, CBT offers a blueprint for a more sustainable and meaningful approach to travel. As travellers, we have the opportunity to be conscious participants in this movement, choosing experiences that not only enrich our lives but also contribute to the well-being of the communities that generously open their doors to us.

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Eight ways community-based tourism is changing life for locals

Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge

All products are independently selected by our editors. If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Community-based tourism focuses on experiences that are hosted by local residents in a way that does good for the whole area. It's not just a great idea for those we are visiting, either. Truth is, the reward for seeking out CBT (its sustainable -travel acronym) is that we get a deeper, more meaningful and textured insight into local cultures – with added positive impact from modelling the development of destinations in a way that’s more sustainable.

Sure, one of the greatest rewards of travel is experiencing dramatically different landscapes and terrains. But what a buzz if our immersive travel experiences also address the economic inequalities in our world, which are all the more exaggerated by the pandemic. We hear the word stakeholder used increasingly, but in this context of travel, it's vital to know that an Indigenous community has had input on the planning, hosting and financial compensation of activities involving them. Sitting in an all-inclusive for a contrived scenario created for fleeting artificial performances for foreigners can't be compared to connecting with locals in their own environs. Community-based tourism is unmistakably more respectful. Sign up for excursions with social enterprises or turn to ethical operators who have planned trips in this way to treat travellers to a truer taste of far-flung cultures, while benefitting those who live in more remote destinations.

Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge

Trailblazing gorilla safaris in Volcanoes National Park

Rwanda ’s first community-owned lodge, Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge in the foothills of the Virungas, isn't only helping the preservation of the famous mountain gorilla – it also helps give an income to thousands of households. Owned by community trust SACOLA, this chic Governors’ Camp Collection property uses gorilla tourism to support many social and conservation initiatives in the Kinigi area of north-western Rwanda.

Kaieteur Falls in Guyana

Wildlife, waterfalls and hiking in Guyana

Surama, a village in the North Rupununi region of English-speaking Guyana, formerly British Guiana, was one of the first villages in the country to embrace community-led tourism. Journey Latin America takes you to this Caribbean coastline in a way that supports the preservation of these Amerindian ancestral lands and their biodiversity. The 14-day Guyana Wildlife: South America ’s Wild Frontier tour takes you to the Pakaraima Mountains and Burro Burro River and lets you have a spell in a back-to-basics eco -lodge created using traditional Makushi craftsmanship. Head out on hikes and river-canoeing adventures knowing that your holiday is giving back. Staying in a simple thatched shack in a farming village may lack the polish and frills of luxury resorts, but such experiences make your escapes all the more enriching – you know that your time away is leaving cash in local pockets while you’re treated to authentic, soul-lifting encounters that promise the longest-lasting memories.

Weaving project in Peru

Empowering women through weaving in Peru

Preserving ancient weaving traditions among the Ccaccaccollo community in Peru 's Sacred Valley supports many Quechua-speaking families and provides precious protection for their traditional way of life. Even though this Andean enclave is close to Cuzco and Machu Picchu , few tourists came here in the past. Now, thanks to Planeterra, the non-profit partner of G Adventures, the project features in lots of the travel company’s small-group itineraries, drawing hundreds of travellers a year for a weaving demonstration and the chance to buy the handicrafts loomed in front of them by the artisans. Also thanks to this cooperative, the craftspeople are the first generation of women from these Indigenous people to be completely literate in Spanish. ,

Cempedak Island

Supporting the sea people of western Indonesia

Cempedak and Nikoi are postcard-perfect private-island resorts in the South China Sea , just seven miles and five miles off the east coast of Bintan. They’ve developed a way of hosting guests at their characterful luxury nature-living resorts that directly benefits the Orang Suka Laut seafaring people of the Johore Strait, here in the Riau Archipelago. By heading out for an on-water excursion with these semi-nomadic Indigenous people – their name translates as ‘sea people’ – guests get a window into their lives of spearfishing and crafting fishing nets. This initiative has also helped convert the Orang Suka Laut from poachers to activists – instead of hunting endangered dugongs, they've become their protectors. Jaslan Button, who runs the resorts' watersports, succeeded in turning one of the last hunters into a guide. The government had been trying to achieve such goals in the area for a long time but hadn't been totally successful. While the hotel isn’t owned by the community as such, everyone who works there, except for a guest relations manager, is Indonesian. The savings and loans scheme has also helped members of the team to save and borrow at more favourable rates than those available from local banks, transforming their lives and futures.

The Intrepid Foundation in Myanmar

Giving the rural residents prospects in Myanmar

This military-run South-east Asian country isn’t a destination to travel to at the moment and it has a bad reputation in terms of human rights and politics. But that doesn't make the poorest of the population in its least-developed regions any less deserving of help when tourism recovers. One of the best ways to help those in need will be to visit Myaing with Intrepid Travel. Amid off-grid farming villages characterised by maize and muddy oxen, the country’s first community-based tourism project was set up a few years before the pandemic hit. It’s only a two-hour drive from UNESCO-protected Bagan in the Mandalay Region, but life here, in contrast, was about growing sesame, sunflower and pigeon pea crops. It’s a hard way to earn a living, and many young residents head to the cities in search of jobs. Now, thanks to Intrepid’s partnership with ActionAid Myanmar, communities in SuLae Pan, Inn Yaung and KanGyi Taw are looking forward to hosting visitors again in charming, rustic lodges.

Panauti Nepal

Cook a family dinner in a Nepalese home, and stay as their guest

Community homestays in the UNESCO-recognised village of Panauti saw family homes opening to accommodate guests, encouraging rural Nepalese women to step out of their kitchens to receive language lessons and learn how to run a tourism service. Beds piled with pillows and hand-loomed blankets allow a privileged chance to experience true Newari life, and with your hosts you’ll cook vegetables and meat from the market, to eat together. Inviting foreigners into villagers’ home environments relieves overtourism in Kathmandu and results in direct-action wealth distribution.

Kualoa Ranch in Kaneohe Oahu Island Hawaii

Cowboys and cultural heritage in Hawaii

Hawaii ’s paniolo (cowboy) history and film heritage are just some of the aspects brought to life at Kualoa Ranch on the island of O’ahu. Plan a day visit to this nature reserve, or take horseback tours around its thousands of acres. The reserve was set up in 1850, and the eighth-generation owners have restored thousands of flora and fauna species over the years. During the pandemic, they really proved the power of purpose-driven agritourism businesses such as this to support their community – a farmers’ market popped up, and they were able to provide food security for local people with produce grown on the ranch.

Three Camel Lodge

Join nomadic herders to help with dog breeding and snow leopard conservation in Mongolia

Meet nomadic families and get stuck into helping with their dog-breeding programme at Three Camel Lodge in the Gobi Desert. This remote luxury lodge, as featured in the Beyond Green collection, launched a conservation partnership with the not-for-profit Mongolian Bankhar Dog Project. This native breed protects livestock and supports snow leopard conservation by reducing human-wildlife conflict among Mongolian nomads. Learn about the initiative, meet the lodge’s resident hounds, and visit one of the nearby nomadic host families who are fostering the puppies to continue their training to be herders and protectors of their animals.

Embrace the Heart of Travel: What is Community-Based Tourism and Why we All Need it

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Traveling is more than just ticking off destinations from your bucket list. It’s about experiencing the world, creating memories, and leaving a positive impact wherever you go. This is where community-based tourism (CBT) comes into play, offering travelers a unique opportunity to connect with local communities, cultures, and traditions. In this article, we explore what community-based tourism is and why it should be an essential part of your travel journey.

What is Community-Based Tourism (CBT)?

Community-Based Tourism, or CBT, is a sustainable travel approach that revolves around local communities as the driving force behind all tourism activities. Unlike traditional mass tourism, which often involves impersonal hotels and chain restaurants, CBT encourages travelers to engage with local residents, immerse themselves in local ways of life, and contribute to community development initiatives. It’s a more meaningful, authentic, and sustainable way to explore the world while empowering local communities to shape visitors’ experiences.

Community-Based Tourism aligns closely with the principles of sustainable tourism. In particular, it seeks to minimize the negative impacts of tourism by channeling a significant portion of the revenue directly into local communities. This reduces the “leakage” of income that often occurs in traditional mass tourism, where a substantial portion of the money spent by tourists leaves the destination and goes to international corporations. In CBT, the economic benefits stay within the community, supporting local development and preservation efforts.

community based tourism experience

Why CBT is worth experiencing

  • Authentic Cultural Immersion: CBT offers a unique opportunity to engage with local people on a personal level. It’s not about being a passive observer; you become an active participant in their daily lives. Whether you’re learning traditional crafts, sharing meals, or joining local festivals, CBT provides authentic cultural immersion that guidebooks can’t replicate. You’ll gain insights into local cultures that go beyond the surface.
  • Meaningful Connections and Warm Hospitality: Travel isn’t just about visiting new places; it’s about connecting with people. One of the most heartwarming aspects of CBT is the warmth and hospitality you’ll encounter. You’re not just another tourist; you’re welcomed as a guest and often treated like family. These personal connections foster understanding and empathy across cultures, leaving you with cherished memories.
  • More Positive Impact : Participating in CBT means actively contributing to the well-being of host communities. Your presence generates income, supports local businesses, and funds community projects such as schools, healthcare facilities, and infrastructure development. You can feel good knowing that your travel dollars are making a real difference.
  • Preserving Heritage : Many CBT initiatives focus on preserving cultural heritage and traditions. By taking part in these experiences, you become a guardian of these age-old practices, stories, and crafts, ensuring they’re passed down to future generations. Additionally, CBT often contributes to the conservation of natural environments and ecosystems, protecting them for future travelers to enjoy.
  • Environmental Sustainability: CBT emphasizes eco-friendly practices, such as responsible wildlife viewing and low-impact trekking. This commitment to sustainability helps protect natural habitats and minimizes the environmental footprint of tourism. You can explore with a clear conscience, knowing your travels aren’t harming the planet.
  • Support for Local Economies : Choosing CBT destinations means your spending directly benefits local communities. Whether it’s on accommodations, activities, or unique handcrafted souvenirs, your money goes directly into the hands of local residents, uplifting their livelihoods and communities. Say goodbye to mass-produced trinkets; CBT communities offer meaningful mementos of your journey.
  • Empowerment and Social Development: Participating in CBT can be a transformative experience, both for you and the communities you visit. Stepping out of your comfort zone, learning new skills, and gaining a deeper understanding of diverse perspectives enhance your personal growth and overall well-being. Many CBT initiatives include educational components and skill-sharing opportunities, empowering local residents through your visit.
  • Unique and Off-the-Beaten-Path Experiences: CBT destinations are often hidden away from overcrowded tourist hotspots. This means you’ll have the chance to explore hidden gems, discover remote villages, and savor authentic local cuisine. These unique experiences create lasting memories that set your travels apart.
  • Customized Experiences: CBT initiatives are known for their flexibility. Whether you want to learn traditional farming, embark on a wildlife safari, or simply relax by a serene village lake, CBT can cater to your interests. Your travel experiences are tailored to your preferences.
  • Building Global Citizenship: CBT fosters a sense of global citizenship. You’ll return home with a broader perspective on the world, a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity, and a commitment to responsible travel. It’s an opportunity to expand your horizons and make a positive impact on a global scale.

community based tourism experience

How to Enjoy CBT?

  • Research : Look for destinations and organizations that promote community-based tourism. Explore their websites and read reviews from previous travelers. You can definitely start by searching CBT experiences on our platform Herost.
  •   Connect: Reach out to local CBT operators or community leaders. Establish a connection before your trip to understand what experiences are available and how you can contribute.
  • Respect Local Customs: While participating in CBT, always respect local customs, traditions, and etiquette. Be a responsible and culturally sensitive traveler.
  • Spread the Word: Share your CBT experiences with friends and on social media. Encourage others to explore this enriching form of travel.

In a world where travel is often associated with overcrowded tourist traps, Community-Based Tourism offers a positive alternative. It’s a chance to experience the world with open arms, leaving a better impact on both the places you visit and your own well-being. So, next time you plan a trip, consider venturing off the beaten path and embracing the heart of travel through CBT. Your journey will be all the more rewarding for it.

Read more: Why Community-Based Ecotourism in Cambodia is What You Need Now

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Community-Based Tourism: Empower Local Communities, Authentic Experiences, and Sustainable Travel

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Community-based tourism (CBT) is an approach that enables local communities to take an active role in the tourism sector. It offers a unique opportunity for travelers to experience authentic cultural interactions while supporting local economies.

Empowering Local Communities Through Tourism

CBT is all about empowering local communities. When done right, it can provide economic benefits to residents. This includes job creation, income generation, and infrastructure development. Moreover, it allows communities to showcase their culture, heritage, and natural beauty to visitors.

Creating Authentic Travel Experiences

One of the main advantages of CBT is that it offers travelers a chance to immerse themselves in local cultures. Instead of staying in generic hotels or resorts, visitors can stay in homestays or guesthouses run by local families. This fosters a deeper connection with the community and provides a more authentic travel experience.

Promoting Sustainable Tourism Practices

CBT also promotes sustainable tourism practices. By involving local communities in tourism development, there’s a greater emphasis on preserving natural resources and cultural heritage. This helps to minimize the negative impacts of tourism and ensures that it remains a viable option for future generations.

Supporting Local Artisans and Businesses

Furthermore, CBT can support local artisans and businesses. Travelers often seek out unique, locally-made products and experiences. This can provide a significant boost to small businesses and help to preserve traditional crafts and practices.

Enhancing Cross-Cultural Understanding

Another benefit of CBT is that it fosters cross-cultural understanding. By interacting with locals, travelers gain a deeper appreciation for different ways of life. This can help to break down stereotypes and promote mutual respect and understanding between people from different cultures.

Challenges and Considerations

While CBT offers many benefits, it’s important to approach it with care. There can be challenges such as ensuring that tourism benefits are equitably distributed within the community. It’s also crucial to involve local residents in the decision-making process to ensure that tourism aligns with their needs and values.

In conclusion, community-based tourism is a powerful tool for empowering local communities and creating authentic, sustainable travel experiences. By supporting local economies, preserving cultural heritage, and promoting cross-cultural understanding, CBT has the potential to transform the way we travel.

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FAQs About Community-Based Tourism

1. what is community-based tourism (cbt).

Community-based tourism is a form of tourism where local communities take an active role in the tourism sector. It involves travelers engaging with local residents, experiencing their culture and traditions, and staying in local accommodations such as homestays or guesthouses.

2. How does CBT benefit local communities?

CBT can provide a range of benefits to local communities, including economic growth through job creation and income generation, preservation of cultural heritage, and promotion of sustainable tourism practices. It also empowers communities to have a say in how tourism is developed and managed in their area.

3. What makes CBT different from other forms of tourism?

The key difference between CBT and other forms of tourism is the level of involvement of local communities. In CBT, the community is actively involved in the tourism process, from planning and development to hosting and guiding visitors. This leads to more authentic and meaningful travel experiences for both the traveler and the host.

4. What types of experiences can travelers expect with CBT?

Travelers can expect a range of unique and authentic experiences with CBT, including cultural exchanges, hands-on activities such as cooking classes or craft workshops, guided tours of local attractions, and staying in accommodations run by local families.

5. Is CBT suitable for all types of travelers?

CBT can be suitable for a wide range of travelers, including those seeking cultural immersion, adventure, nature, and sustainable tourism experiences. However, it may not be the best fit for those looking for luxury or all-inclusive resorts.

6. How can travelers find and book CBT experiences?

Travelers can find and book CBT experiences through a variety of channels, including online platforms, travel agencies, and local tourism offices. Some communities also have their own websites or social media pages where they promote their tourism offerings.

7. What role do local residents play in CBT?

Local residents play a central role in CBT, as they are the ones hosting, guiding, and interacting with visitors. They often share their knowledge, skills, and cultural practices with travelers, providing them with a unique and immersive experience.

8. How can CBT contribute to sustainable tourism?

CBT can contribute to sustainable tourism by promoting responsible travel practices, supporting local economies, and minimizing the negative impacts of tourism on the environment and local communities. By involving local communities in tourism development, there is also a greater emphasis on preserving natural resources and cultural heritage.

9. Are there any challenges or considerations with CBT?

While CBT offers many benefits, there can be challenges such as ensuring that tourism benefits are equitably distributed within the community, managing visitor impacts on local resources, and maintaining the authenticity of cultural experiences.

10. How can travelers support CBT initiatives?

Travelers can support CBT initiatives by choosing responsible tourism providers, respecting local customs and traditions, and spending their money on locally-made products and services. They can also share their experiences and promote CBT to others, helping to raise awareness and support for community-based tourism initiatives.

  • Authentic Travel Experiences
  • community-based tourism
  • cultural exchange
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  • Eco-friendly travel
  • Local Communities
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Support Local Communities with Community Based Tourism

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Table of contents :

I- discover the power of community based tourism, definition of community based tourism.

Community based tourism is a form of tourism that involves the participation of local communities in the design and operation of tourism activities. It aims to provide economic and social benefits to the local community while also preserving cultural traditions and protecting the environment .

Importance of supporting local communities and the environment

Supporting local communities and the environment is increasingly important as the tourism industry grows. By choosing to participate in community based tourism , travelers can contribute to the development and prosperity of local communities while also having authentic and meaningful travel experiences.

In this article, we will explore the benefits of community based tourism and how it can support local communities and the environment. We will also provide examples of successful community based tourism initiatives , such as the Ccaccollo community project in Peru , which has used tourism as a tool to protect and preserve natural and cultural resources while also providing economic opportunities for women in the community .

II- The benefits of community based tourism

community based tourism experience

Generating income for local businesses and families

Generating income for local businesses and families: community based tourism initiatives often provide a source of income for local businesses and families. For example, the Ccaccaccollo Women's Weaving Co-op in Peru has been able to contribute to their families' income and provide employment for 60 women in the community through their partnership with Planeterra . This type of tourism helps to stimulate economic growth in local communities and can provide an alternative to traditional industries that may not be as sustainable or environmentally friendly.

community based tourism experience

Preserving cultural traditions and heritage

Preserving cultural traditions and heritage: community based tourism can also help to preserve cultural traditions and heritage. In the case of the Ccaccaccollo Women's Weaving Co-op, tourism has provided a way to protect and preserve natural and cultural resources, and to express, share, develop, and pursue traditional weaving techniques. By supporting these types of initiatives, travelers can help to keep traditional cultures alive and thriving.

community based tourism experience

Supporting sustainable development and conservation efforts

Supporting sustainable development and conservation efforts: community based tourism can also support sustainable development and conservation efforts in local communities. By partnering with organizations like Planeterra , communities can use tourism as a tool to preserve their natural and cultural resources. This type of tourism can also provide an alternative to industries that may not be as sustainable or environmentally friendly, helping to reduce the impact on local ecosystems.

community based tourism experience

Providing authentic travel experiences

Providing authentic travel experiences: Finally, community based tourism offers travelers the opportunity to have authentic and immersive travel experiences. By engaging with local communities and learning about their traditions and culture, travelers can have a deeper understanding and appreciation of the destination they are visiting. This type of tourism allows for a more authentic and meaningful travel experience that cannot be found through traditional tourism options.

III- Example of a successful community based tourism project: Ccaccaccollo community in Peru

community based tourism experience

Background on the community and its challenges

The Ccaccaccollo community is located in the Andean area of Cuzco, Peru and is inhabited primarily by 140 Quechua speaking families. Despite being located near popular tourist destinations such as Cuzco and Machu Picchu, very few surrounding communities have benefited from tourism. The Ccaccaccollo community maintains a traditional way of life, with many people working in agriculture. However, like many communities around the world, women in the Ccaccaccollo community have often been excluded from educational and economic opportunities.

community based tourism experience

Description of the Ccaccaccollo Women's Weaving Co-op and Community Homestay

To address this issue, Planeterra , a non-profit organization, developed a partnership with the Ccaccaccollo community in 2005 to create a women's weaving cooperative. The goal of the cooperative was to provide economic opportunities for the women of the community through the production and sale of traditional woven items made from llama and alpaca wool. Planeterra provided capacity building programs, built facilities, and purchased equipment for the co-op, as well as supporting the women with new methods of production to make their items more desirable to travelers.

Since its inception, the Ccaccaccollo Women's Weaving Co-op has grown significantly. It is now owned by 46 women, up from just 3 when the project first began. The cooperative has been able to contribute to the income of their families, and those involved in the cooperative are the first generation to be completely literate in Spanish. The success of the cooperative has also led to the development of a Community Homestay in the community.

community based tourism experience

Impact of the project on the community and its members

The Ccaccaccollo community tourism project has had a significant impact on the community and its members. The women who have been involved in the project since the beginning report that all of their children now study in university. In addition, the project has helped to protect and preserve natural and cultural resources, as well as allowing the community to express, share, develop, and pursue their traditions through tourism. The project has also provided a way for the community to use tourism as a tool for sustainable development and conservation efforts. Overall, the Ccaccaccollo community tourism project is a great example of the benefits of community based tourism and how it can support local communities and the environment.

community based tourism experience

Watch the video from Planeterra :

IV- How to support community based tourism

Tips for travelers on how to participate in responsible tourism.

As travelers, there are many ways to support and participate in responsible tourism and community based tourism. Here are some tips on how to get involved:

  • Research and book with companies that prioritize community based tourism: Look for travel companies and organizations that prioritize the involvement and benefit of local communities in their tourism offerings. This can include supporting local businesses, preserving cultural traditions, and promoting sustainable development.
  • Choose accommodations and activities that are locally owned and operated: When booking accommodations and activities, consider supporting locally owned and operated businesses. This can help to ensure that the economic benefits of tourism are directly benefiting the local community.
  • Respect local customs and traditions: When traveling to a new destination, it's important to respect the customs and traditions of the local community. This can include dressing modestly, avoiding loud noise or behavior, and asking permission before taking photos of people.
  • Be a responsible traveler : Be mindful of your impact on the environment and the local community. This can include reducing your use of single-use plastics, respecting wildlife and natural habitats, and supporting local conservation efforts.

Ways to research and book community based tourism experiences

Ways to research and book community based tourism experiences: One way to support community based tourism is to book your trip through a responsible travel agency , such as Travel Differently . At Travel Differently , we prioritize authentic and immersive experiences that benefit local communities and the environment. We work with local partners and support initiatives that empower communitie s and preserve cultural traditions . By booking with us, you can have the peace of mind that your trip is supporting sustainable tourism practices .

community based tourism experience

The role of travel companies and organizations in promoting community based tourism

Travel companies and organizations also have a role to play in promoting and supporting community based tourism. This can include partnering with local communities to offer authentic travel experiences , investing in sustainable tourism initiative s, and promoting responsible tourism practices . By supporting community based tourism, travelers and travel companies can help to create positive and lasting impacts on local communities and the environment.

V- Embrace the Power of Community-Based Tourism: Make a Positive Impact on Your Next Trip

In conclusion, community based tourism is a sustainable and responsible way to travel that benefits both the traveler and the local community. By supporting local businesses and cultural traditions, travelers can contribute to the long-term economic and social development of the communities they visit.

At Travel Differently , we believe in the power of tourism to create positive change and are committed to partnering with communities around the world to create authentic and meaningful travel experiences. We encourage all travelers to consider the impact of their trip and to choose community based tourism as a way to support local communities and preserve cultural traditions.

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What is Community-Based Tourism and Why Does it Matter?

Written by Ece Zivrali on July 13, 2022 . Posted in Uncategorized .

Community-based tourism is one of the most significant parts of the tourism industry and key to destination sustainability. Despite their importance, communities are often neglected in tourism. Many tourism destinations overlook local peoples, or at best use them as gimmicks and labor for foreign visitors. Instead, tourism should serve as a tool to improve destination development and locals’ quality of life.

What is a community and what does it mean for tourism?

A community is defined as individuals living in the same region with common interests and interactions. However, community means more than sharing the same physical environment – many social-cultural factors are in play to create a community. In tourism, a community encompasses anyone living in a destination and is affected by tourism, either directly or indirectly.

community cultural displays can be a great tourist attraction

The importance of communities in tourism destinations

What is community-based tourism.

Community-based tourism falls under the umbrella of sustainable tourism . It aims to involve communities in aspects of tourism, ranging from planning to active participation. Community-based tourism seeks to support communities through tourism activities, and aims to offer tourists an authentic local experience. Solimar International has developed a CBT project in Timor-Leste.

In contemporary tourism planning, especially in developing countries, the voices of local residents often go unheard. Community empowerment aims to create dynamic and self-sufficient communities that will make decisions for their own well-being.

Unfortunately, a lack of sustainable planning in tourism ventures can create adverse effects in local communities. Community-based tourism aims to incorporate sustainability efforts and reduce the negative impacts of tourism, both on the environment and the residents of destinations.

community markets are popular with tourists

What are the potential negative impacts of tourism on communities?

When done thoughtfully with stakeholders in mind, tourism is hugely beneficial to communities. There are many reasons why it is important to measure the negative impacts of tourism.  To better understand the importance of thoughtful community-based tourism, let’s look at some of the potential negative impacts of tourism on communities.

1. Economic Leakage and Higher Prices

Tourism greatly influences communities in developing countries, especially those that take in large amounts of foreign currency. The profit generated from tourism–if not used to benefit communities–can create revenue leakage, and may lead to inflation in the destination, making it hard for locals to gain or keep economic independence.

2. Dependence on Tourism

Communities become economically vulnerable when tourism is their main source of income. They can become dependent on foreign visitors and have difficulty sustaining their economy during off-seasons.

3. Commercialization of Traditions and Customs

Especially with regard to mass tourism, local peoples and their cultures have become marketing assets for tourism profit. Instead of preservation, local traditions and customs are commodified and used as tools to attract more tourists.

local communities can suffer from harmful tourist practices

4. Cultural Deterioration

Interaction between locals and visitors can cause cultural clashes, and the rapid changes caused by an influx of tourism may agitate a community’s harmony and disrupt traditional living.

5. Environmental Damage

Tourism can also cause harm to the environment, leading to losses of natural resources and biodiversity, as well as general deterioration of the local biosphere as a whole.

tourism can damage the environment

Why is community important for sustainable tourism?

For a destination to be sustainable, tourism’s adverse economic, environmental, and social impacts should be limited. Local communities are motivated to minimize negative impacts to their homes in order to continue living in them, which is why community inclusion in the tourism sector is essential for sustainability. 

1. A Self-sustained and Locally Managed Economy

Community-based tourism ensures locals make their own decisions and keep the money within their community. As a result, communities become self-sustainable. The funds created by tourism activities stay within the community and are used for its own good.

2. Going Back to Basics: Local knowledge for preservation and sustainability

Locals know how to maintain and protect their land. They are permanent residents, and they care about their environment. Locals also hold knowledge beyond what tourism professionals can provide. They know what is appropriate or not for their environment. Local involvement ensures tourism sustainability. Locals are trained to protect and sustain their environment for themselves and future touristic activities.

3. Active Participation and Community Involvement

In community-based tourism, locals actively participate in the tourism decision-making process, which causes communities to gain confidence and their voice to be heard. It is important to include communities for sustainability, as community decisions have more considerable impacts than that of individuals.

4. Increased Value and Protection of Local Culture

Community-based tourism is also essential for cultural preservation. The publicity of local cultures encourages locals to value and preserve their traditions and culture.

What are the benefits of community-based tourism to travelers?

Community-based tourism not only benefits locals, but also travelers.

community-based boat tours are a great way to support locals when you travel

H ere are some benefits of community tourism for travelers:

1. experiencing the authentic culture.

Community-based tourism gets closer to the community and the authentic culture. While a coach tour stops in a local village to buy handicrafts, community-based tourism involves tourists with the community and its lifestyle, which is a two-way interaction. Community-based tourism moves from the stereotypical, commercialized part of tourism to a genuine experience.

2. Unique Locations

Community-based tourism includes locations that mass tour operators may not prefer. It involves unique experiences and culturally dense areas fed by local knowledge.

3. Ethical Awareness and Responsible Traveling

Community-based tourism aims to provide opportunities for travelers to help locals. Tourists will know that their money is used for a good reason – the development of the destination. They will also leave knowing they have left a positive footprint.

4. Warm Welcome by Locals

Tourists have an unforgettable experience when they feel welcomed by locals. Community-based tourism puts importance on communities and tourists’ relationship with locals. Locals’ attitude is one of the leading influencers of why people prefer to travel to a destination.

ecotours help support the environment and the community

C onclusion

In short, tourism has a significant influence on communities, especially in developing countries. Most tourism destinations ignore locals and use them as a tool to attract more tourists.

To the contrary, community-based tourism includes locals in every part of the tourism planning and managing process. Locals learn to be active participants. They build value and confidence, improve their knowledge, and interact with tourists, which creates mutual understanding and learning. The more locals feel supported by tourism, the more they support and further tourism, which favors destination sustainability and protection of the culture and its values. Community-based tourism helps locals when traveling to a destination. It is a win-win situation for everyone involved in tourism.

Interested in how we can help you with community-based tourism? Contact us to learn more.

Tags: community based tourism , community tourism , costa rica tourism , negative tourism , sustainable tourism , thai tourism

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Community-Based Tourism For All: Staying Ahead of the Curve with Inclusive Tourism

April 25, 2023.

Tourism for All cover image

Community-Based Tourism For All

community based tourism experience

Pattamon Rungchavalnont

Head of Solutions Mapping, Accelerator Lab, Thailand

Recognizing that tourism is one of the main drivers of Thailand’s economic development, the Accelerator Lab Thailand has embarked on a journey to support the growing momentum for sustainable tourism, balancing economic, social, and environmental development. The Lab focuses on sustainable community-based tourism (CBT) – a tourism management model that applies a ‘by the local people for the local people’ principle. CBT has great potential to be a champion for sustainable tourism because local people are the bearers of tourism impacts, both positive and negative, so they have the incentive to manage it in a sustainable way. However, the tourism landscape has changed rapidly in the past few years, calling for adjustments in the sector. Inclusive tourism is one that can have a major effect on the industry as global demographic trends are shifting. Thailand's tourism needs to foster the kind of tourism that allows everyone, regardless of their abilities, to enjoy the tourism experience – make it 'tourism for all'. This is not only to drive the Leave No One Behind agenda but also a market opportunity not to be missed. 

When it comes to tourism for all, CBT faces an even greater challenge compared to large-scale tourism businesses. For instance, building infrastructures that comply with universal design principles usually requires a large investment and technical knowledge that may not be available in the local communities. Thus, disability inclusion is often left untouched because people believe that they do not have the resources to do anything. The Accelerator Lab Thailand seeks to challenge this assumption. We believe that local communities can develop ‘CBT for all’ by starting with initiatives that do not have to always wait for large-scale investment but leverage existing solutions and capitals. The key is to connect the perspectives of persons with disabilities (PWD) and co-design tourism for all offers together. Small tweaks in physical facilities and changing mindsets can have a greater impact than we imagine. The Lab began with an exercise to understand the tourism experience of PWD and build the capacity of our partners to search for grassroots innovations to leverage from existing local solutions. Based on these insights, we will later work with pilot communities to prototype solutions on CBT for all. 

Why inclusive tourism: Disability inclusion is everyone’s matter?

To some, disability inclusion may seem like a niche issue but if we examine the concept closely, we will realize that disability is much closer to all of us than we may think. Over the course of our lifetime, we can observe different abilities in ourselves – from being a toddler in a stroller to an aging person with progressing visual and hearing impairment or an elderly wheelchair user, to name a few possibilities. We are all ‘differently abled’ at some point. Therefore, disability inclusion does not only benefit PWDs but also a much wider population, especially in countries where aging is an acute phenomenon. In Thailand, approximately 3% of the population or over 2 million people register as PWDs (Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, 2021) but the population aged over 60 years old is increasing rapidly – from 5% in 1997 to 15% in 2021. Globally, the population aged 65 and over is also growing fast with the projection to rise from 10% in 2022 to 16% in 2050 which will be more than twice the number of children under age 5 (United Nations Population Division, 2022). Advancements in healthcare not only allow people to live longer but also enable the elder generations to travel and enjoy discovering the world more than past generations. With the availability of time and financial resources, elderly tourists also have the potential to stay longer and spend more than younger travelers. Considering this growing demand in the domestic as well as international tourism market, it would be a major missed opportunity if Thailand does not start developing tourism for all now. 

The people closest to the problem always know best 

Many would say Thai people are very kind and often offer to help PWDs. While there is nothing wrong with kindness, the concept of equality and inclusiveness must be further promoted in Thai society. Seeing PWDs as a vulnerable group that always needs others to ‘help out’ prevents us from treating them as equal and capable change agents who have the best insights into the pain points and potential solutions. As a result, it is not uncommon to find many solutions developed for PWDs but not by PWDs, missing the chance to effectively address the problems. For this reason, the Accelerator Lab Thailand started with an attempt to understand the tourism experience of PWDs and perspectives as a prerequisite for our CBT for all development journey. 

Part 1: Looking from PWD Perspectives

The Lab launched an online survey as well as conducted a focus group discussion to collect and better understand the perspectives of people with different types of disabilities: physical locomotion, visual, hearing, mental/behavioral, intellectual, learning, and autistic disabilities. The exercise revealed many interesting insights. For one, PWD enjoys traveling like everyone else; although the majority (44%) take only one to two trips per year, 30% actually take more than five domestic trips annually. Traveling with family is the most popular option but 21% stated that they travel with their friends with disabilities and 12% travel alone. The misconception of PWDs dependency on people without disabilities is here clearly being challenged. In terms of tourism experience, challenges, and recommendations for development, their reflections vary depending on their types of disabilities. 

  • People with physical locomotion disabilities reported problems with facilities for PWD e.g. the lack of wheelchair ramps, handrails, narrow doors, etc. as the top challenge. Even where PWD facilities are in place, there are also issues with actual usage e.g. PWD car parking space occupied by non-PWD, PWD toilet not up to standard or used as a storage room, etc. 
  • Meanwhile, people with visual and hearing disabilities highlighted communication problems e.g. the lack of signage and subtitle for the hearing impaired and the lack of audio description and braille for the visually impaired. PWD-friendly communication is critical, both at the tourist destinations as well as during the travel from one point to another e.g. no voice announcement on public transport. 

For people with mental/behavioral, intellectual, learning, and autistic disabilities, the problems faced went beyond facilities and communication. They shined the light on attitudinal barriers as well as the lack of suitable tourism offers e.g. service provider’s attitude, limited activities for them, crowded places can scare some PWD, etc. 

Infographic online survey

In addition to these disability-type-specific obstacles, there are also common challenges that cut across all groups. 

 Regardless of their type of disability, PWD faces many difficulties in finding information about facilities for PWD. For example, some hotels mark themselves as accessible with elevators but neglect to mention a set of stairs leading up to the elevators; PWD often has no idea if information will be PWD-accessible before arriving at the touristic places e.g. audio guide/description available or not. PWD will benefit greatly from data work to provide comprehensive information on PWD facilities and digitalization of tourism information. 

 Attitude and knowledge on PWD care also need improvement. With good intentions but incorrect understanding, PWD can be harmed more than helped. For instance, lifting a wheelchair instead of using a ramp is very dangerous; judging that PWD should or should not do something e.g. travel alone, go to certain places, etc. undermines their right to decide for themselves. One of the focus group participants shared stories of how her family let her choose for herself and the time when she was able to go into the sea with her family despite being a wheelchair user; it was her most memorable moment to have that shared experience with others. 

Infographic focus group

Part 2: Shining a light on grassroot innovation

Apart from gaining insights into the challenges they face, we also seek to learn from PWD’s self-made solutions. Because people closest to the problem are the ones who have the most knowledge about the problem, they may already develop early-stage innovation to address the challenges despite all the limitations. An example of such grassroots innovation on disability inclusion turned out to be close to home. Namchok Petsaen, Communication Assistant at the United Nations Volunteers office for Asia and the Pacific, is a wheelchair user who wants to be more than a passenger in an inclusive journey. Facing many obstacles in accessing public transportation, Namchok wanted to show society that “PWDs are capable of doing things with different abilities independently”. So, he designed and created a motorbike where a wheelchair user can be the driver. This motorbike allows him to travel independently and change the prejudgment against PWDs. Check out his innovative vehicle in this video .

Inspired by Namchok’s example, the Lab invited our partners, the Designated Areas for Sustainable Tourism Administration (DASTA), to also search for grassroot innovations and shift to user-led solutions and co-creation, so that affected people are empowered to uplift their own lives. Training on disability inclusion and grassroot innovation mapping for the DASTA team was provided as a preparation for our upcoming fieldwork with pilot communities in the coming months. 

Namchok's motorbike parked at the UN office

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Because CBT for all is an intersection between multiple issues from community empowerment to disability inclusion and entrepreneurship, the Lab will connect expertise and perspectives from relevant stakeholders including government agencies working on tourism and PWD empowerment, the private sector, local communities, and PWDs themselves. Together, we will co-create and prototype local solutions on CBT for all in two pilot communities. 

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Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes

ISSN : 1755-4217

Article publication date: 9 November 2015

The purpose of this paper is to provide a better understanding of the long-term viability of community-based tourism (CBT) as a development tool in rural tourism, and how the best practice from the Asia Pacific region can be used to strategize the nine-stage plan to develop and sustain it in the long term.


This paper is formulated using a case study approach based on the lessons learned and the best practices in ten member economies of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Forum, namely, Australia, Canada, China, Chinese Taipei, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines and Vietnam.

Based on the analyses of the ten case studies, the paper recommends nine steps for developing and sustaining CBT. These nine steps are divided into two sections – developing CBT and sustaining CBT. The first four steps relate to starting and developing CBT initiatives, which are useful for projects and sites that are embarking on CBT. The subsequent five steps are meant to address the sustainability of CBT projects, which are more appropriate for mature CBT projects that are gradually moving up the value chain. The nine steps are presented in detail and supported by the models developed from the case studies. For each step, a list of actions is recommended to guide the development of CBT.

Research limitations/implications

This paper is limited by the ten case studies selected by the researcher. The conditions for these selected case studies may not be identical in other locations, and thus, the proposed nine-step framework can be used only as a guide. Each step outlined may vary from one nation to another.


The main output of this paper is designed to provide guidance for tourism/rural planners, non-government organizations (NGOs), industry players and CBT organizations in deciding whether tourism could work for a particular community and if it is feasible to be sustained over the long term.

  • Sustainable
  • Rural tourism
  • Sustainable development
  • Community-based tourism


This publication was made possible via partial funding from the APEC Secretariat (2009) and the Ministry of Education’s Long Term Research Grant Scheme (2011-2016), Reference Number: JPT.S(BPKI)2000/09/01/015Jld.4(67).

Nair, V. and Hamzah, A. (2015), "Successful community-based tourism approaches for rural destinations: The Asia Pacific experience", Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes , Vol. 7 No. 5, pp. 429-439.

Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2015, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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