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A Chronology of Shipwrecks on Film

cruise ship wreck movies

Filmmakers have long had an insatiable fascination with the shipwreck: the awesome, towering walls of water, the deafening roar of the wind, the high drama of that inevitable “we’re going under” moment.

The onscreen shipwreck promises both visual magnificence and emotional grandeur. It is, in a way, the perfect cinematic gambit. It is also an effective yet simple visual metaphor. “Here’s what happens,” the cinematic shipwreck seems to say, “when the power of nature rips away our carefully constructed world from beneath our feet.” After all, when you balance the artificial human world on a few planks of wood in a vast ocean, the whole thing suddenly becomes pretty fragile.

Each generation has brought its own perspective to the cinematic shipwreck. There are the tragically beautiful shipwrecks, the empowering “we will survive” shipwrecks, the doomed-lovers shipwrecks. There are even a few darkly comic shipwrecks.

When it comes to the shipwreck movie, things are getting progressively more chaotic and unhinged, as evidenced by this year’s Palme d’Or winner, Ruben Östlund’s yacht-based class satire Triangle of Sadness . Is it merely a symptom of cinematic trends that shipwrecks are becoming more satirically shocking? Or are filmmakers attempting to harness the watery chaos and destruction of the shipwreck to reveal something of the increasingly nonsensical world that surrounds us here on dry land?

We’ve journeyed into cinema history to bring you a chronological guide to the onscreen shipwreck — because maybe, if we trace the way filmmakers have taken us to the bottom of the sea, we’ll learn a few things about ourselves on the way down.

A Night to Remember (1958)

It all began with 1958’s epic, painstakingly realistic A Night to Remember , the original Titanic movie. The ship goes down slowly after tilting dramatically to its side. We see the chaos onboard — people slide violently into the water, fights break out, children cry. Notably, this version of the Titanic ’s sinking comes with no love story, which makes the general destruction all the more moving.

But what A Night to Remember really gives us is shipwreck meets Golden Age Hollywood. The ship goes down to an overpowering score of urgent violins and horns. The chaos onboard is interspersed with stagy close-up reactions from people aboard the lifeboats. “We ought to say a prayer,” comes the clipped voice of one perfectly lit young man on a lifeboat as the violins swell.

A Night to Remember offers a shipwreck with a touch of melodrama and will probably leave you reflectively wiping away a single delicate tear.

Swiss Family Robinson (1960)

In Swiss Family Robinson , the shipwreck gets the Disney treatment. Based on the novel by Johann David Wyss, the film tells the story of a family shipwrecked on a desert island after being chased by pirates. As a family film, this shipwreck is fairly tame. The boat runs aground, so drowning seems very unlikely. Basically, the family members all get a bit wet.

In no time, they are exploring the island, finding inventive ways to survive, and taking on the aforementioned pirates. It’s family-friendly, swashbuckling fun. Ultimately, the family members make the most of their new, simplified lives on the island before returning to civilization. It’s the wholesome outcome one would expect from a Disney shipwreck.

The Poseidon Adventure (1972)

The Poseidon Adventure uses a shipwreck as the setting for a drawn-out survival thriller. Based on a novel by Paul Gallico, the film follows an ocean liner that capsizes following a tsunami on New Year’s Eve. A small group of passengers band together to make their way up to the surface of the water by climbing to the bottom of the upside-down ship. It’s a conceit that leads to a very memorable scene in which a long line of people are inexplicably seen walking the wrong way.

Packed full of action and stars, the film was a crowd-pleaser and has since become a cult classic. With a seemingly endless supply of danger and some very dramatic sacrifices, it’s both highly stressful and pleasingly camp.

In this ’70s star vehicle, the shipwreck is a device for creating a satisfying high drama. It’s the kind of shipwreck that is greeted with that deep, awestruck murmur of “My God!” that has become synonymous with cult action films. And it pulls it off perfectly.

The Blue Lagoon (1980)

Is there anything romantic about being lost at sea? This is the question The Blue Lagoon sought to answer. Spoiler: The film provides a resounding yes.

The film takes us back to a shipwreck in the 1800s whose only survivors are two young cousins. As they grow up on a remote tropical island, things eventually get romantic. It’s essentially a case of shipwreck as erotic plot device.

The island proves to be a lush, tropical idyll that rarely poses any real threat to the castaways. Instead, Blue Lagoon is filled with doe-eyed stares, picturesque soft porn, and painful lines like “You’re always staring at my buppies.” While the film idealistically imagines itself to be a survival romance, the survival element is downplayed at every turn. Rather than bringing any real danger, the shipwreck serves merely as a structural device to get two young and beautiful people stuck together on a sunny island without any clothes.

Titanic (1997)

Titanic is arguably the apex of the shipwreck-film genre. James Cameron’s 1997 epic brought the movie shipwreck into the modern-blockbuster age. Gone were the quaint little leaks, the slightly dampened clothes, and the melodramatic reaction shots. Instead, the film used every film trick in the book to make each moment feel visceral and agonizingly real.

It was also the first shipwreck film to really put a spotlight on the whole above-and-below-deck thing. Cameron was interested in the social order of the passengers and how they upheld that order as the boat went down. Suddenly, the shipwreck became the perfect playground for uncovering the irrationality and cruelty of class as a concept.

Poseidon (2006)

A remake of 1972’s action-packed Poseidon Adventure , 2006’s Poseidon updated the cult classic for the early-aughts disaster-movie fad. The thrills, action, and special effects were all kicked up a notch for the 21st century. With its epic scale, the remake loses some of the campy charm of the original and ultimately feels like a grand-scale shipwreck crafted purely for the box office.

Life of Pi (2012)

With Ang Lee’s Life of Pi , the movie shipwreck takes a philosophical turn. After an ocean liner is hit by a storm, a teenage boy, Pi, finds himself trapped on a lifeboat with a zebra, an orangutan, and a very hungry Bengal tiger. For weeks, he fights and negotiates for survival with his new companions.

Life of Pi offers a new type of shipwreck — this is not about thrilling us with epic action or horrifying us with unjust tragedy at sea. Rather, it’s a stunning, surprisingly quiet film that uses its central shipwreck as a chance to explore the existential.

The Wolf of Wall Street (2013)

Enter the comedic shipwreck. Like the rest of The Wolf of Wall Street , the shipwreck scene is manic, jaw-droppingly shameless, and darkly funny. The furiously paced story follows Jordan Belfort, a drug-addicted broker turned party boy living for the highs. During a trip to Italy, he impulsively demands that his yacht captain sail him to Switzerland by way of Monaco to get past border controls despite half-hearted warnings about “chop.” “We can fucking handle chop right, right?” Belfort says confidently.

Cut to the yacht in the middle of a storm of epic proportions as a soaked Belfort flings open the door to the bridge, screeching, “What the fuck is going on out here?” It’s total mayhem. Margot Robbie is panicking. Jonah Hill is freaking out. Leonardo DiCaprio is still destroying his vocal cords as he screams out, “I’m a master diver!” It all ends with Leo maniacally demanding that Jonah “get the ludes” because he will “not die sober.”

If a cinematic shipwreck can show what happens when our world falls apart, it can also show what happens when a drug-obsessed playboy’s world starts to fall apart. And the result is wildly hilarious.

In the Heart of the Sea (2015)

In the Heart of the Sea tells a fictionalized version of the true story of a giant whale that brought down a fishing vessel in 1820, an event that inspired Moby-Dick . This is a big-budget, mystical sort of shipwreck. Here, we have ordinary people pitted against the vast and mysterious ocean and its monsters.

This is Hollywood giving us a good old-fashioned shipwreck in the most cinematic way possible. We get the awesome towering waves, the violent ripping of sails, and a lot of urgent men hollering above the roaring water. Does it feel a little dated? Perhaps, but it’s hard to look away all the same.

Adrift (2018)

Can a shipwreck provide the setting for an epic love story? Based on real events, this film follows a daring couple who take their little sailboat out for a Pacific Ocean adventure only to sail straight into a gigantic hurricane. They are left adrift on the ocean with no radio and multiple injuries.

In Adrift , the power of love is pitted against the power of the elements. It’s a little cheesy, but anchored by strong, multidimensional performances, this might be one of the grittiest portrayals of the survival instinct in the face of epic disaster.

Adrift marks a new type of shipwreck romance. While Blue Lagoon used its shipwreck to bring a couple together, Adrift gives us a shipwreck that threatens to tear a couple apart. Unlike Blue Lagoon , Adrift gives us a world where the dangers of the vast, unpredictable ocean are all too real. In turn, the film’s depiction of love is far more subtle and nuanced. In Adrift , romance goes beyond the pretty, adolescent attraction of Blue Lagoon and becomes a complex force with as much power as the roaring waves that threaten it.

Triangle of Sadness (2022)

In 2022’s Triangle of Sadness , the cinematic shipwreck takes a satirical turn. The scene is set on a luxury cruise filled with members of the megarich—an Instagram model, a Russian billionaire, an app developer, and an elderly British couple who also happen to be international weapons manufacturers.

A storm hits during dinner. As the guests slurp down caviar-laced oysters and endless flutes of Champagne, the storm becomes increasingly threatening. The room rocks sickeningly from side to side. Glasses topple off the tables. Below deck, a cleaning trolley slams into a wall. That’s when the sea sickness kicks in.

What follows is the stuff of nightmares. One by one, the seafood- and Champagne-filled guests projectile vomit across the dining room. They stumble back to their rooms. The lights flicker off. Toilets erupt. One woman slides back and forth on her bathroom floor as the boat tips from side to side, vomiting into the toilet as she passes by. Meanwhile, the captain and the rich Russian drunkenly debate Marxist politics and capitalism over the intercom system. It’s hellish, revolting, and riotously, shockingly gross. Incidentally, the ship doesn’t even go down until the following morning after the storm has abated.

Triangle of Sadness does what many films before it did: It takes a ship, puts it in a storm, and lets the veneer of social order fall away before our eyes — but it pushes things further than its predecessors.

We live in a world that, for many, makes increasingly less sense: Inequality is on the rise, politics are more divisive than ever, the threat of a rapidly changing climate looms large. And we experience it all distorted through our screens, making the world feel more like a dystopia than reality. All things considered, perhaps it’s fitting that this year’s shipwreck movie is more unmoored than ever.

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The 40+ Best Lost At Sea Movies

Ranker Film

The best lost at sea movies of all time chart a course through the uncharted territories of human endurance, capturing the imagination with tales of survival, isolation, and the indomitable human spirit. Set against the vast, unforgiving expanse of the ocean, these films weave narratives that are as deep and poignant as the waters they traverse. They invite viewers into stories where the sea is more than just a setting—it's a character, challenging the protagonists in ways both terrifying and awe-inspiring.

Among these cinematic voyages, Cast Away stands out with its compelling portrayal of solitude and survival, anchored by Tom Hanks' unforgettable performance. Equally stirring, Adrift captivates with its harrowing true story of love and endurance against the merciless Pacific Ocean. These films, among others, beautifully navigate the tumultuous waters of hope, despair, and redemption, offering viewers an unforgettable journey into the heart of the human spirit.

This list wasn't cast adrift without direction; it was meticulously curated by a crew of movie experts who delved into the vast ocean of film to fish out the true pearls. From there, it was up to the watchers, those aficionados of the silver screen, to cast their votes and help steer this collection into the harbor of the must-watch, the best lost at sea movies of all time.

Cast Away

In this enthralling survival drama, director Robert Zemeckis captures the desperate struggle of Chuck Noland (played by Tom Hanks), a FedEx employee who gets stranded on a remote island after a plane crash. As the narrative unfolds, the audience bears witness to Chuck's intense emotional journey as he seeks to stay alive in an unforgiving environment – from his frantic attempts to signal rescue, to his bond with the enigmatic volleyball Wilson. The film's gripping blend of isolation and existentialism makes it a quintessential tale of being lost at sea.

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Based on a harrowing true story, Adrift follows the lives of young couple Tami Oldham (Shailene Woodley) and Richard Sharp (Sam Claflin) as they embark on a sailing adventure across the Pacific Ocean. When they encounter a catastrophic hurricane, the pair must confront their own mortality and fight against all odds for survival. With its stunning visuals and exceptional performances, Adrift is a poignant and heart-wrenching take on love, loss, and resilience at sea.


James Cameron's epic disaster romance Titanic revisits the infamous sinking of the RMS Titanic, blending historical events with the fictional love story of upper-class Rose (Kate Winslet) and working-class Jack (Leonardo DiCaprio). The film's groundbreaking special effects and set design transport viewers into the heart of the disaster, while the compelling narrative keeps them hooked. Regarded as a cinematic masterpiece, Titanic remains a testament to the power of love amidst chaos and the indomitable human spirit.

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The Perfect Storm

The Perfect Storm

Director Wolfgang Petersen brings Sebastian Junger's bestselling novel to life in The Perfect Storm , a thrilling drama about the ill-fated fishing vessel Andrea Gail and its crew during the “storm of the century.” Starring George Clooney and Mark Wahlberg, the film's relentless action and palpable tension make it a must-watch for fans of high-seas adventure. The gripping storyline, bolstered by a talented ensemble cast, ensures that The Perfect Storm is a stormy voyage worth taking.

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All Is Lost

All Is Lost

Robert Redford delivers a tour de force performance in J.C. Chandor's minimalist drama All Is Lost , playing an unnamed man who becomes stranded at sea after his sailboat collides with a shipping container. With virtually no dialogue, the film relies heavily on Redford's emotive acting and Chandor's masterful storytelling to convey the protagonist's desperation, resourcefulness, and resilience in the face of insurmountable odds. All Is Lost stands as a testament to the power of cinema to tell a compelling, human story with the barest of elements.

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Captain Phillips

Captain Phillips

Paul Greengrass' thrilling biographical drama, Captain Phillips , recounts the incredible true story of the 2009 Maersk Alabama hijacking – the first American cargo ship hijacking in over 200 years. Tom Hanks delivers a powerful performance as the titular character, whose resourcefulness and bravery in the face of danger make him an unlikely hero. With its gripping narrative, stellar performances, and intense action, Captain Phillips is an enthralling portrayal of survival and human resilience in the open sea.

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Life of Pi

Adapted from Yann Martel's novel, Ang Lee's visually stunning and spiritually resonant Life of Pi tells the extraordinary tale of Pi Patel (Suraj Sharma), a young Indian man who survives a shipwreck only to find himself sharing a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger. As they embark on a fantastical journey through a captivating oceanic world filled with wonder, peril, and self-discovery, Lee seamlessly weaves elements of magical realism, religion, and philosophy into an unforgettable cinematic experience. Life of Pi 's breathtaking visuals and profound themes make it an essential viewing for anyone seeking solace or enlightenment in a sea of uncertainty.

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In the Heart of the Sea

In the Heart of the Sea

Ron Howard's visually striking and ambitious adaptation of Nathaniel Philbrick's nonfiction book, In the Heart of the Sea , delves into the harrowing true story that inspired Herman Melville's classic novel, Moby Dick . The film chronicles the brutal journey of the whaling ship Essex as it encounters a monstrous sperm whale, leaving the crew stranded in a merciless ocean with dwindling resources and a terrifying foe. With its stellar cast – including Chris Hemsworth star performance – and captivating storytelling, In the Heart of the Sea is a chilling and visceral tale of survival and bravery in the face of insurmountable challenges.

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The Poseidon Adventure

The Poseidon Adventure

A seminal disaster film from the 1970s, The Poseidon Adventure follows the struggle for survival aboard the SS Poseidon after the luxury liner capsizes due to a massive tidal wave. Directed by Ronald Neame and starring an all-star ensemble cast – including Gene Hackman, Ernest Borgnine, and Shelley Winters – the film combines high-stakes action and gripping interpersonal drama, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats. For fans of classic cinema and maritime thrillers, The Poseidon Adventure is a must-see.

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Angelina Jolie's gripping biopic Unbroken tells the extraordinary true-story of Olympian and war hero Louis Zamperini (played by Jack O'Connell) and his unimaginable ordeal; from crashing into the Pacific Ocean during World War II to surviving 47 days adrift, only to be captured by the Japanese Navy. The film's powerful themes of perseverance, resilience, and the indomitable human spirit make it an inspiring and emotional watch. With its captivating narrative and standout performances, Unbroken is a compelling exploration of survival and redemption in the most trying of circumstances.

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Open Water

Loosely based on actual events, Open Water follows a couple left stranded in shark-infested waters after their scuba-diving excursion mistakenly leaves them behind. The film's gritty, low-budget approach captures the raw intensity of their struggle for survival, creating an unsettling sense of claustrophobia and dread. Directed by Chris Kentis, Open Water is a nerve-wracking, nail-biting thriller that serves as a sobering reminder of the perils of venturing into the unknown.

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Ghost Ship

In this chilling horror film, a salvage crew discovers the derelict ocean liner, SS Antonia Graza, and quickly becomes entangled in a web of supernatural terror. Directed by Steve Beck, Ghost Ship masterfully blends elements of maritime adventure and spine-tingling horror to create a uniquely terrifying experience. With its eerie atmosphere, tight pacing, and compelling story, Ghost Ship is perfect for those in search of a thrilling, ghostly adventure at sea.

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The Reef

Based on a true story, The Reef follows a group of friends whose sailing trip takes a horrifying turn when their boat capsizes, leaving them at the mercy of a man-eating great white shark. Directed by Andrew Traucki, the film utilizes real shark footage to create a truly unnerving and authentic experience. With its relentless tension and harrowing depiction of survival, The Reef is a gripping and intense addition to the lost at sea genre.

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The Finest Hours

The Finest Hours

Based on the incredible true story of the Coast Guard's daring rescue attempt during the 1952 New England nor'easter, The Finest Hours , directed by Craig Gillespie, captures the courageous efforts of four men who risked their lives to save more than 30 stranded sailors. Featuring an exceptional ensemble cast led by Chris Pine and Casey Affleck, this film expertly weaves together thrilling action sequences and poignant character moments to tell a timeless tale of heroism and sacrifice. The Finest Hours ' gripping narrative and emotional resonance make it an unforgettable maritime adventure.

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Dead Calm

Phillip Noyce's suspenseful thriller Dead Calm follows a grieving couple, played by Sam Neill and Nicole Kidman, as they seek solace on a sailing trip, only to encounter a psychotic man (Billy Zane) who has left a trail of destruction in his wake. As tensions rise and allegiances shift, the characters battle for survival in an increasingly dangerous game of cat and mouse. Dead Calm 's intense atmosphere, strong performances, and unpredictable twists make it an unforgettable addition to the lost at sea genre.

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Satan's Triangle

Satan's Triangle

This 1975 made-for-television horror film follows an investigation into the mysterious disappearance of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle. The survivors of a shipwreck are faced with supernatural occurrences and demonic forces that challenge their sanity and survival. With its eerie atmosphere and unique blend of horror and maritime adventure, Satan's Triangle remains a cult favorite for those seeking something beyond the typical lost at sea narrative.

The Shallows

The Shallows

In this tense and visually striking survival thriller, a young surfer named Nancy (Blake Lively) finds herself stranded on a rock just 200 yards from shore with a great white shark circling her. Directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, The Shallows is a tightly-paced, edge-of-your-seat experience that expertly combines beautiful cinematography with nerve-wracking suspense. As Nancy battles against time, the elements, and a formidable predator, The Shallows delivers a thrilling and visceral tale of resilience and determination.

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  • # 14 of 56 on The Best Vacation Horror Movies, Ranked By Fans
  • # 4 of 19 on 19 Underrated Movies Where Animals Are The Villain


The 2006 remake of the classic disaster film, Poseidon focuses on a group of passengers aboard a luxury cruise liner who must fight for their lives when the ship is capsized by a colossal wave. Directed by Wolfgang Petersen, who also helmed The Perfect Storm , this film boasts a talented ensemble cast and impressive special effects. Though the remake may not hold the same classic status as its predecessor, Poseidon still delivers high-stakes action and suspense, making it an enjoyable addition to the lost at sea genre.

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  • # 51 of 101 on The Best Movies Of 2006

White Squall

White Squall

Ridley Scott's nautical drama White Squall tells the true story of a group of teenage boys who embark on a six-month educational sailing expedition in the Caribbean, only to be caught in a devastating storm that tests their courage and unity. With its rich character development, breathtaking visuals, and heart-pounding action sequences, White Squall is both a thrilling high-seas adventure and a moving coming-of-age story that speaks to the resilience of the human spirit.

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The inspiring true story of Thor Heyerdahl's daring 1947 expedition across the Pacific Ocean on a balsa wood raft comes to life in this award-winning film directed by Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg. With its engaging characters, stunning cinematography, and thrilling action, Kon-Tiki is both an exhilarating adventure and a testament to the power of the human spirit in the face of adversity. The film's rich historical context and captivating storytelling make it an essential viewing for fans of maritime cinema.

  • # 65 of 277 on The Greatest Documentaries of All Time
  • # 349 of 425 on The Greatest Movies in World Cinema History
  • # 12 of 15 on Movies You Shouldn’t Watch If You Have Thalassophobia

Moby Dick

The definitive cinematic adaptation of Herman Melville's classic novel, John Huston's 1956 film Moby Dick captures the obsessive quest of Captain Ahab (Gregory Peck) to seek vengeance on the great white whale that destroyed his ship and cost him his leg. With its stunning visuals, exceptional performances, and haunting score, this film dives deep into themes of obsession, revenge, and the unfathomable power of nature. Moby Dick is not only a timeless tale of maritime adventure but also a profound exploration of the human psyche.

  • # 141 of 349 on The Best Movies Based On Books
  • # 6 of 52 on The Best Gregory Peck Movies, Ranked
  • # 21 of 56 on The 55+ Best Movies of 1956

Open Water 2: Adrift

Open Water 2: Adrift

In this sequel to the chilling 2003 thriller, a group of friends on a yachting trip finds themselves stranded in shark-infested waters after neglecting to lower a ladder before diving into the ocean. As fear and desperation mount, the friends must confront their darkest fears and make life-altering decisions in their struggle for survival. Though lacking the raw intensity of its predecessor, Open Water 2: Adrift offers a suspenseful and nerve-wracking exploration of the human psyche in the face of overwhelming adversity.

The Guardian

The Guardian

In this gripping action-drama, Kevin Costner stars as a legendary Coast Guard Rescue Swimmer who takes on the challenge of training a young and reckless recruit, played by Ashton Kutcher. The film delves into the perilous world of search and rescue, showcasing the physical and emotional challenges faced by those sworn to protect lives at sea. Directed by Andrew Davis, The Guardian is an engaging and inspiring look at the sacrifices and bravery of those who risk it all in uncharted waters.

The Boat

In Wolfgang Petersen's taut and claustrophobic thriller, a German U-boat crew faces the perils of World War II below the surface while struggling to maintain their sanity within the confined space of their submarine. As the crew members are pushed to their breaking point, The Boat explores the psychological toll of warfare and the bonds forged amid adversity. With its authentic portrayal of life aboard a U-boat and its engaging character dynamics, this film remains a compelling and unique entry in the lost at sea category.


In this mind-bending horror-thriller, a group of friends finds themselves trapped in a time loop while stranded on a seemingly abandoned ocean liner. Directed by Christopher Smith, Triangle combines elements of psychological horror and maritime adventure to create a haunting and disorienting cinematic experience. With its eerie atmosphere, complex narrative structure, and chilling twists, Triangle is an unconventional and unforgettable addition to the lost at sea genre.

  • # 5 of 26 on The Best Horror Movies About Time Travel
  • # 23 of 56 on The Best Vacation Horror Movies, Ranked By Fans
  • # 9 of 56 on The 50+ Best Time Loop Movies


This inspiring documentary chronicles the remarkable journey of Laura Dekker, a 14-year-old sailor who sets out to become the youngest person ever to circumnavigate the globe solo. Directed by Jillian Schlesinger, Maidentrip captures the beauty, loneliness, and triumph of Dekker's incredible adventure with breathtaking cinematography and intimate personal footage. A testament to the power of determination and self-reliance, Maidentrip is a captivating and empowering look at the transformative potential of life at sea.

A Hijacking

A Hijacking

Tobias Lindholm's tense and suspenseful drama A Hijacking follows the crew of a Danish cargo ship as they are taken hostage by Somali pirates, with the ship's cook serving as the primary focus of the story. As the tense negotiations between the ship owners and the pirates unfold, the film delves into themes of desperation, morality, and the human capacity for survival in extreme circumstances. A Hijacking 's realistic portrayal of modern-day piracy and its gripping narrative make it a must-watch addition to the lost at sea genre.


Directed by Michael Goi, Mary tells the chilling story of a struggling family who buys an abandoned ship in the hopes of starting a new life, only to find that something sinister lurks within its depths. As the mysteries unfold and supernatural events occur, the film expertly weaves together elements of horror, suspense, and family drama to create a gripping and atmospheric maritime thriller. With its talented cast and eerie visuals, Mary offers a haunting journey into the heart of darkness at sea.

K-19: The Widowmaker

K-19: The Widowmaker

Based on the harrowing true story of a near nuclear disaster aboard a Soviet submarine in 1961, K-19: The Widowmaker stars Harrison Ford and Liam Neeson as naval officers whose bravery and ingenuity are pushed to the limit in their desperate race against time. Directed by Kathryn Bigelow, this suspenseful and emotionally charged film delves into themes of duty, honor, and the sacrifices made in the name of global security. With its gripping narrative, strong performances, and historical resonance, K-19: The Widowmaker is an engrossing addition to the lost at sea genre.

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  • # 5 of 52 on The 50+ Best Submarine Movies
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Directed by the master of suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, this 1944 classic follows a group of survivors who find themselves confined to a small lifeboat after their ship is torpedoed during World War II. Hitchcock expertly manipulates the confined setting and tense character dynamics to create a suspenseful and engaging drama that explores themes of morality, survival, and the human capacity for cruelty and compassion in dire circumstances. A groundbreaking and thought-provoking entry in the lost at sea canon, Lifeboat remains an essential viewing for fans of the genre.

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In the middle of the ocean, no one can hear you scream.

Movies That Make You Scared to Go in the Water

Ten of the best disaster movies set at sea

Ten of the best disaster movies set at sea

Since those huge white letters were first hoisted up that hill, Hollywood has had an obsession with maritime disaster - and the new trailer for Craig Gillespie's The Finest Hours  looks to set to continue the damp craze.

The latest in a long list of danger-at-sea films, it tells the true story of the perilous 1952 rescue mission by the US Coastguard that saved dozens of lives.

Boasting impressive oceanic effects and suitably emotional dialogue, the Chris Pine-starring drama looks set to make waves at the cinema come 2016.

But The Finest Hours is just the latest in a wave (sorry) of films about beleaguered ship captains battling the elements, especially with the advent of realistic CGI giving directors the ability to cook up the perfect storm.

So how does it contend with the others? Let's have a look...

The Perfect Storm

Storm movies don't get more perfect than this. Based upon real events that saw the loss of a fishing boat and its entire crew in the so-called 'Perfect Storm' of 1991, this film doesn't pull any punches with its depiction of the crew's hopeless last hours inside the hurricane. 

Worth watching alone for that shot of the film's climactic wave.

Not a disaster movie  per se , but  Life of Pi 's defining moment is certainly the breathtaking shipwreck that sees the titular orphan stranded at sea with nothing for company but a hungry tiger.

At least the Germans seem to agree - the official German title of the film is Schiffbruch mit Tiger,  or "Shipwreck With Tiger".

The Poseidon Adventure

Long before 2006's lukewarm remake,  The Poseidon Adventure  had reigned supreme as the king of all shipwreck movies. After the cruise liner he is on is overturned by a rogue wave, unconvincing vicar Gene Hackman has to save the passengers from certain death.

One of the classic all-star disaster movies that boast the likes of  Earthquake  and  The Towering Inferno ,  The Poseidon Adventure  makes up for what it lacks in Oscar material with hammy dialogue and painfully dated special effects.

It goes without saying that the, well, titanic scale of this film is something that Hollywood has been trying to top ever since.

Still the 2nd highest-grossing movie of all time, this seabound-romance-cum-disaster-epic is also the 2nd ever film we cried at - after  Air Bud 2.

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World

Before he butchered his credibility (and our ears) in  Les Miserables , Russell Crowe was a certified badass - just take a look at his pistol-toting captain in  Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.

Crowe, somewhat unsurprisingly, plays both master and commander of a British warship during the Napoleonic wars - cue blasting cannons, raging storms and the most knuckle-biting amputation scene ever committed to the silver screen.

All is Lost

Featuring only one cast member,  All Is Lost  sees Robert Redford's yacht captain faring a one-man battle against a tropical storm.

It's a testament to Robert Redford that he can play an old lonely man in a raincoat, barely saying a word, and still be effortlessly cool.

K-19: The Widowmaker

With all the real-life tragedies at sea, it makes one wonder why we don't just stay on land. Harrison Ford stars as captain of the doomed submarine K-19, struggling to keep his crew alive after a radiation leak.

The film's title has been criticised, as the nickname 'Widowmaker' was actually dreamt up by movie execs and never used in real life. A producer has been since quoted as saying it was "one of their biggest mistakes".

White Squall

Another true story,  White Squall  follows a group of students and their captain as they battle the meteorological anomaly of the title, which is said to generate waves 20 feet high.

Although the tale it is based on is pretty impressive,  White Squall  isn't often included on the list of Ridley Scott's best. Mainly because it's quite rubbish.

In the Heart of the Sea

Although it hasn't been released yet,  In The Heart of the Sea  has already impressed us with Ron Howard at the helm and a cast including Chris Hemsworth and Cillian Murphy.

When a whaling ship is set adrift off the coast of New England, it's not just the elements that the crew have to brave - they'll also be facing off against the vengeful whale which inspired Herman Melville's  Moby Dick.  Our money's on the whale.

Of course if you fancy a blast from the past you could root for the original  Moby Dick,  where they decided to dismiss practical effect in favour of murdering real whales.

Anything for a good shot, eh?

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The Wild Life (or  Robinson Crusoe as its known elsewhere in the world) swings into theaters this Friday, delivering a well-worn tale told from the perspective of the animals whose island sanctuary shatters with the arrival of a shipwrecked human. Set your survival instincts to “purrr” because this week’s gallery in a bottle marks the spot for 24 more stranded island movies!

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Cinematic voyages: 20 unforgettable cruise ship movies.

Are you looking for inspiration to plan your first cruise ? Take a cinematic voyage with my pick of movies set on a cruise ship.

Not all of these cruise ship movies are masterpieces (although some are). A few are utter stinkers. However, each of them showcases aspects of life on the high seas.

Although I have indicated the availability of these films on Netflix and Amazon Prime there may be regional variations. Information here relates to the UK market in March 2024.

hull of norwegian epic cruise ship berthed in port

Some articles on this website contain affiliate links. This means that I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase through these links. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases . Read the full disclosure here .


Classic Movies About Cruise Ships

Let’s start with the best movies about cruise ships, from films from Hollywood’s Golden Age to a science fiction classic.

Now, Voyager (1942)

Now, Voyager is not only one of the best movies set on a cruise ship but it is also one of my favourite films of all time. I blub like a baby each time I watch it.

Cowed by her domineering mother, middle-aged neurotic Boston heiress Charlotte Vale (a stupendous Bette Davis) takes a cruise after a restorative stay in a sanatorium. Whilst on board, she falls in love with the married Jerry (Paul Henreid).

The movie is famous for an iconic scene where Paul Henreid’s character lights two cigarettes and gives one to Bette Davis. 

A masterpiece of a movie.

  • Running time: 1 hour 57 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score: 91%
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score : 90%
  • Available for streaming on Amazon Prime here .

An Affair to Remember (1957)

This melodrama directed by Leo McCarey and starring Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr is considered to be one of the most romantic films of all time.

Playboy Nickie (Grant) and Terry (Kerr) fall in love on a transatlantic cruise to New York. Despite being engaged to other people, they agree to meet in six months at the top of the Empire State Building. But will all go to plan?

An Affair to Remember was introduced to a new generation of cinema-goers when it was featured in the 1993 movie Sleepless in Seattle .

  • Running time: 1 hour 55 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score: 65%
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score : 87%
  • Available for streaming on Amazon Prime here

Death on the Nile (1978)

Agatha Christie’s 1937 murder mystery has been adapted for the silver screen three times but the original film version is the best of the bunch (don’t go near Kenneth Branagh’s woeful 2022 remake).

Directed by John Guillermin, Death on the Nile was Peter Ustinov’s first appearance as Hercule Poirot and perhaps his best. Soon after Poirot boards a ship for a luxurious cruise down the Nile, a newlywed heiress is discovered murdered on board. Who is her murderer?

  • Running time: 2 hours 20 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score : 78%
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score : 79%

The Fifth Element (1997)

Welcome to a cruise ship of the future.

For my money, Luc Besson’s The Fifth Element is up there with the best science fiction movies of all time. Korben Dallas (Bruce Willis giving one of his finest performances) is a 23rd-century cab driver who is unwittingly pulled into a search for a mysterious fifth element that will prevent an apocalyptic event.

Much of the action in the final third of the movie takes place on Fhloston Paradise, a space cruise ship patronised by the rich and powerful. This superliner features twelve swimming pools with two VIP pools, dozens of high-end restaurants and a concert hall.

A glimpse of the future of cruising? Minus the giant fireball of course.

costume of large alien lifeform from the movie the fifth element

  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score : 91%
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score: 90%

Disaster Movies Set on a Cruise Ship

The poseidon adventure (1972).

The 1970s was the decade for disaster movies featuring all-star ensemble casts and The Poseidon Adventure gets my vote as the best disaster film set on a cruise ship.

This multi-nominated movie – it went on to win two Oscars – centres on the ageing SS Poseidon on her final voyage from New York to Athens. After it is upended by a tsunami on New Year’s Day, it’s a race against time to bring the survivors to safety.

Spoiler alert; not many passengers make it.

  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score: 81%
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score : 76%

Titanic (1997)

The Oscar-winning, multi-nominated Titanic is one of the highest-grossing films of all time. Directed by James Cameron and starring Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio, this epic movie about one of the most famous cruise ships in history is also one of the most expensive movies ever made.

The sinking of the Titanic is viewed through the lens of a fictional relationship across the social divide between Rose (Winslet), and Jack (DiCaprio).

  • Running time: 3 hours 15 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score: 87%
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score: 69%

A Night to Remember (1958)

Despite Titanic ’s many gongs, I far prefer this treatment of the sinking of the ill-fated cruise ship.

Filmed in a semi-documentary style, A Night to Remember sticks closely to the facts of the ship’s sinking, unimpeded by fictional sub-plots. This riveting film portrays the events of the fateful night of 15 th April 1912 from the perspective of the luxury liner’s second officer, Charles Lightoller (Kenneth More). 

  • Running time : 2 hours 3 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score: 100%

Movies to Make You Laugh

Monkey business (1931).

lobby card of monkey business one of the best cruise ship movies showing 3 of the marx brotheres

Monkey Business was the Marx Brothers’ third feature comedy and takes place on a cruise ship crossing the Atlantic to the USA.

Groucho, Harpo, Chico and Zeppo play four stowaways who are forced to work for a pair of feuding gangsters to evade capture by the ship’s crew. After the ship docks, the zany quartet become unlikely heroes when one of the gangsters kidnaps the other’s daughter.

  • Running time: 1 hour 18 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score: 89%
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score: 84%
  • Available for on DVD from Amazon Prime here

Out to Se a (1997)

Out to Sea is not Walter Matthau and Jack Lemmon’s finest cinematic outing by any stretch of the imagination but it is a harmless bit of escapist fun.

Hunting for lonely women with hefty bank balances, Charlie (Matthau) coaxes his widower brother-in-law Herb (Lemmon) into working with him as a dance host on an all-expenses-paid luxury cruise. Under the watchful eye of the cruise director (played by Brent Spiner from Star Trek ), Charlie pursues wealthy socialite Liz (Dyan Cannon) and Herb unexpectedly falls for Vivian (Gloria DeHaven).

  • Running time: 1 hour 49 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score : 36%
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score: 52%

The Parent Trap (1998)

This romantic comedy directed and co-written by Nancy Meyers stars Lindsay Lohan playing the role of identical twins who discover their relationship when they are sent to the same summer camp. The twins then set to work trying to reunite their parents.

While much of The Parent Trap takes place on land, there are some scenes set aboard Cunard’s now-retired Queen Elizabeth 2 (they were actually filmed on  Queen Mary , which is docked in Long Beach, California).

  • Running time : 2 hours 7 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score: 86%
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score: 70%

Like Father (2018)

In this predictable rom-com, jilted bride Rachel (Kristen Bell) ends up on her honeymoon Caribbean cruise with her estranged father Harry (Kelsey Grammer).

Like Father is set aboard Royal Caribbean’s Harmony of the Seas , so lovingly filmed that it feels like an infomercial at times.

  • Running time: 1 hour 43 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score: 46%
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score: 47%
  • Available for streaming on Netflix

Carry on Cruising (1962)

Carry on films are a guilty pleasure for me. Cinematic masterpieces they are not but they are silly fun from a more innocent time.

Carry on Cruising is very much in this mould.

Sid James plays Wellington Crowther, the captain of SS Happy Wanderer, who is forced to replace five absent crew members at short notice. Not only are these the most incompetent shipmates to set foot on deck, but the passengers are no picnic.

  • Running time: 1 hour 29 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score: N/A
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score: 51%

Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953)

Shot in glorious Technicolor and featuring a razor-sharp screenplay, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes is one of the best musical comedies set on the seven seas.

Showgirl Lorelei Lee (Marilyn Monroe) sets sail for Paris with her friend Dorothy Shaw (Jane Russell), where she plans to marry her wealthy beau, Gus Esmond Jr. However, her plan is placed in jeopardy by the watchful eye of a private detective hired by Mr Esmund Sr. and by Lorelei’s love of diamonds.

  • Running time: 1 hour 31 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score: 98%
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score: 83%

Royal Wedding (1951)

screenshot showing fred astaire and jane powell in royal wedding one of the best movies set on a cruise sip

Do you fancy on-board entertainment Hollywood-style?

In the run-up to the wedding between the then Princess Elizabeth and Philip Mountbatten, an American brother-and-sister song-and-dance team Tom (Fred Astaire) and Ellen Bowen (Jane Powell) set sail for London. Then love intervenes for both siblings.

  • Running time: 1 hour 32 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score: 92%

Shall We Dance? (1937)

Was there ever a more perfect recipe than Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers performing to the sublime music and lyrics by George and Ira Gershwin?

Set on a transatlantic sailing from Paris to New York, Shall We Dance? features Astaire as Pete “Petrov” Peters, a Russian ballet dancer, and Rogers as Linda Keene, a musical-comedy star. As a publicity stunt to prolong Linda’s career, her agent leaks to the press that the two performers are married. 

Will a fake marriage turn into the real thing?

This exhilarating musical features some of the greatest songs ever composed, including They Can’t Take That Away From Me and Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off.

  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score : 84%

Romance on the High Seas (1948)

Starring Doris Day in her film debut and choreographed by Busby Berkeley, Romance on the High Seas is a farce with romantic misunderstandings at its heart. Georgia Garret (Day) is a nightclub singer who is hired to assume the identity of a socialite, Elvira Kent, on a cruise to Rio de Janeiro to allow Kent to remain at home to spy on her suspected unfaithful husband,

Filming locations for Romance on the High Seas included Rio de Janeiro and Cartegena in Colombia.

  • Running time: 1 hour 39 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score: 88%
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score: 61%
  • Available to buy on Blu-Ray here

Dramatic Movies

Ship of fools (1965).

This eclectic group of passengers on a cruise ship bound for pre-war Germany from Mexico represents a microcosm of 1930s society. Picking up eight Oscar nominations and directed by Stanley Kramer, Ship of Fools features a stellar ensemble cast including Vivien Leigh (in her final film role), Lee Marvin and George Segal.  

Although the action takes place almost entirely on an ocean liner, the movie was filmed on a soundstage at Paramount Studios.

  • Running time : 2 hours 29 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score: 64%
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score : 77%

Table for Five (1983)

In this poignant melodrama, divorced father J.P. Tannen (Jon Voight) takes his three children on a Mediterranean cruise in an attempt to reconnect with them. However, he quickly realises that this is not that easy and is faced with an impossible decision when he learns of a tragedy back home.

Partly filmed on MS Vistafjord (built for the now defunct Norwegian American Line ), shooting locations for Table for Five included Rome , Genoa, Haifa in Israel , Athens and Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt.

  • Running time: 2 hours 2 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score: 67%
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score: 59%
  • Not currently for streaming on Netflix or Amazon Prime or to buy on DVD or Blu-Ray

Speed 2 Cruise Control  (1997)

Keanu Reeves was wise to decline the lead role in this lame sequel to Speed . In his place, Jason Patric teamed up with Sandra Bullock as they battled to get all of the passengers on a Caribbean cruise to safety when disaster strikes.

Seabourn Legend was rented for six weeks to film the movies and its multiple filming locations were used including those in the USA, the Caribbean and France.

  • Running time: 2 hours 5 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score: 4%
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score : 16%

And the Award for the Worst Cruise Movie Ever Made Goes to …

Jack and jill (2011).

If you thought that Speed 2 Cruise Control  was bad, this is the cinematic turkey to beat all cinematic turkeys.

Improbably, Adam Sandler plays twins Jack and Jill who join their family on a cruise vacation. Jack and Jill is so unfunny and its plot so preposterous, that I don’t have the will to say any more about it.

This became the first film to sweep the board of the Razzies, winning in each category including Worst Picture, Worst Director, Worst Actor, Worst Actress, and Worst Screenplay. The cruise ship scenes were filmed aboard Royal Caribbean’s Allure of the Seas .

  • Running time: 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer score: 3%
  • Rotten Tomatoes audience score: 36%

And that’s a wrap.

Whether you are looking for inspiration to plan a cruise or simply looking for recommendations for a sofa and popcorn night at home, I hope that this cruise ship movies list hits the spot.

Watch, dream and book that cruise.


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bridget coleman the flashpacker 2

About Bridget

Bridget Coleman is a complete cinephile and has been a passionate traveller for more than 30 years. She has visited 70+ countries, most as a solo traveller.

Articles on this site reflect her first-hand experiences.

To get in touch, email her at [email protected] or follow her on social media.

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'Triangle of Sadness' Trailer Reveals Shipwrecked Cruise for the Uber-Rich


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‘kingdom of the planet of the apes’ saves a struggling global box office as it passes major milestone, denzel washington was in over his head in this spicy neo-noir thriller.

NEON released the theatrical trailer for its third consecutive Palme d'Or winner, the satirical comedy Triangle of Sadness . In the upcoming film, a cruise for the uber-rich sinks, leaving its survivors to fend for themselves on an island in this highly-anticipated criticism of the elite one percent that will be released in theaters on October 7.

Five years after satirist Ruben Östlund won the Palme d'Or at Cannes in 2017 with The Square , he returned with his second award-winning satire Triangle of Sadness . Since premiering at the Cannes Film Festival , the Swedish writer-director’s first English-language film turns the social hierarchy upside down, revealing the tawdry relationship between power and beauty. Triangle of Sadness centers in on a model celebrity couple, Carl ( Harris Dickinson , Beach Rats and County Lines ) and Yaya ( Charlbi Dean , Don’t Sleep and Blood in the Water) , who are invited on the luxury cruise for the uber-rich as well as their alcoholic boat captain ( Woody Harrelson , True Detective and Natural Born Killers ).

The Triangle of Sadness trailer not only succeeds in setting the tone for what to expect from the upcoming film, but it calls privilege in to question with the use of tense moments, awkward requests, and melodramatic background music. This gives viewers a glimpse at the absurdity, satire, and gross factor that divided audiences at Cannes.

RELATED: From ‘Amour’ to ‘Triangle of Sadness’: Every Palme d'Or Winner of the Past Decade (And How to Watch Them)

Joining Harrelson, Dickinson and Dean is Croatian actor Zlatko Burić , known for appearing in Nicolas Winding Refn’s Pusher trilogy. The Triangle of Sadness cast also includes Iris Berben ( Eddie the Eagle ), Sunnyi Melles ( The Awakening of Motti Wolkenbruch ), Henrik Dorsin ( Solsidan ), Dolly De Leon ( Verdict ), Vicki Berlin ( Forbrydelsen ), Oliver Ford Davies ( Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace ), and Arvin Kananian ( Aniara ).

Fredrik Wenzel , who worked with Östlund on Force Majeure and The Square , is in charge of cinematography for the film with art direction from Gabriel de Knopp and Daphne Koutra . Executive producers are Brina Elizabeta Blaz , Alessandro Del Vigna , Lizzie Francke , Dan Friedkin , Ryan Friedkin , Micah Green , Andreas Roald , James Benjamin Shannon , Jim Stark , Daniel Steinman , Bradley Thomas , Dan Wechsler and Jamal Zeinal Zade . Philippe Bober and Erik Hemmendorff are producing.

Triangle of Sadness will be hitting North American theaters on October 7. Watch the first theatrical trailer below.

Here’s the official synopsis for the film:

“Set in the world of world fashion – a satire in which a pair of models find themselves at a crossroads in their careers. Fashion model couple Carl and Yaya are invited on a luxury cruise. When the yacht sinks they become stranded on a desert island with a group of billionaires and a cleaning lady. In the fight for survival, old hierarchies are turned upside down since the cleaning lady is the only one who knows how to fish.”

Wreck — release date, trailer, cast, plot, episode guide, first looks, interviews, and all about the cruise ship comedy horror

Set on a cruise ship, Wreck on BBC3 and BBCiPlayer is a comedy horror following a series of bloodthirsty murders on board.

Wreck on BBC3 and BBCiPlayer is a cruise horror comedy with a murderer in a duck costume targetting the crew.

Wreck on BBC3 will give you chills, thrills. and make you laugh as as the mystery murderer is disguised a fluffy duck costume! In the middle of the ocean, nobody can hear you scream and that’s certainly the case for the victims of the gruesome murders on board The Sacramentum cruise ship. 

Formerly called Wrecked , recently changed to Wreck , the show has been described as a comedy with a slice of slasher movie, we see Ladhood star Oscar Kennedy play 20-year-old Jamie, a man determined to find out what happened to his missing sister on board the boat. 

He must infiltrate the 3000-strong crew who appear to be completely oblivious to the brutal murders taking place under their noses. With an up-and-coming cast, Wrecked sees Jamie turn detective to uncover the sinister truth. 

It's a six-part series filmed in Northern Ireland so check out these first-look images from on board The Sacramentum above and below. Judging by the amount of blood in some of them, there’s not much holiday spirit on this cruise!

So here's everything you need to know about Wreck on BBC3...

Quacky the killer duck!

Wreck release date

The six-part series Wreck will be shown weekly on BBC3 from Sunday October 9 2022 as part of the BBC's Autumn TV schedule. All six episodes will also be released as a box set on BBCiPlayer from that October 9 air date. Watch this space and we’ll keep you posted when we discover the US channel and release date for Wreck worldwide.

Is there a trailer for Wreck?

Yes BBC3 has now released a Wreck trailer. It looks terrific Take a peek at all the gruesome fun below..

In Wreck , you'll take a trip on the cruise ship from hell where a mystery murderer in a fluffy duck costume is running riot. Wreck follows 19 -year-old Jamie Walsh (Oscar Kennedy), who is desperate to find his missing sister Pippa (Jodie Tyack). When Pippa vanishes while working as part of the entertainment crew on cruise ship The Sacramentum, teenager Jamie is convinced something is amiss. Determined to discover what really happened, he secretly gets a job on the same ship six months later so he can investigate…

As Jamie becomes embedded into life aboard The Sacramentum, he's initiated into the mysterious ways of cruising crews and gets a crash course on the tribes within the staff. It soon becomes clear that there are certain tribes within the staff, including the theatre kids, the mafias and the low-paid workers but what they all have in common is they are overworked and underpaid. 

Jamie’s prime suspect for his sister's mystery disappearance is Pippa’s ex-boyfriend Danny (Jack Rowan), but as Jamie digs for dirt on Danny, a killer disguised as the ship’s mascot ‘Quacky the Duck’ is terrorising the ship and murdering his crewmates. So Jamie is forced to turn sleuth in an attempt to discover who is responsible...

Oscar Kennedy as Jamie, Thaddea Graham as Vivian and Anthony Rickman as Olly in Wreck.

Wreck cast — Oscar Kennedy on playing Jamie 

Oscar Kennedy told us: "Jamie is a young lad from Sheffield who’s had a pretty tough time during his early adolescence. The one person who looked out for him was his sister - then she goes missing. The official story is that she killed herself, but Jamie doesn’t believe she’d leave him in that way." 

"This show constantly keeps people in this weird cycle of being freaked out, then having a slight relief of comedy. Whenever you feel there’s any amount of safety, you’re brought straight back to the edge of your seat!"

Rising star Oscar Kennedy started out playing the young Nigel Slater in the series Toast in 2010. He’s since gone on to play Edward Turner in the series Hunted and Henry Tudor in The White Queen . Oscar has also had roles in The Politician’s Husband , Outlander, Home from Home and Ladhood . Last year he starred in the post apocalyptic school-based movie School’s Out Forever . 

Oscar Kennedy as Jamie.

Thaddea Graham on playing Vivian

Thaddea Graham, plays Vivian in Wreck, says: "A lot of the time, scripts start strongly then the momentum dips. Wreck comes in at 10, then goes to 12, down to 11, up to 14… I couldn’t put it down. My friend was auditioning before I knew about it and asked me to help with the Irish accent, so we read the first episode and it was amazing! He told me it was shooting in Northern Ireland and they were looking for a Chinese Mancunian, but I had faith in my agent and after a couple of days she sent me the breakdown just as I was sending a message to her about it. What I love about this show is that you come as you are. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, what walk of life or whether you’ve been on a cruise before, the characters take you at face value because none of that other stuff matters in the middle of the ocean – I’d never really seen that before. Plus, I’d never seen a killer duck."

"Vivian and Jamie are called 'bloobs' because they’re newbies who wear blue T-shirts. We do all the boring jobs, we’re confined to tiny cabins and would ideally never see the light of day, whereas the entertainment crew are more glamorous – they have showers or baths in their rooms. The main hub of activity is a big corridor called the I-95, which is also one of the busiest highways in America. Fortunately, although we should be cleaning in the kitchen and toilets, we manage to find something more exciting to do.

Thaddea is best known for playing Kat in the BBC1 drama series Us which starred Tom Hollander and Saskia Reeves. She played Bel in Doctor Who and starred in the TV series The Irregulars . She was also in The Letter for the King . 

Thaddea Graham as Vivian and Oscar Kennedy as Jamie in Wrecked.

Jack Rowan on playing Danny

Playing Danny in Wreck is Jack Rowan who says: "Danny seems to think a lot of himself, but he’s definitely misunderstood. There’s a picture painted of him from the outside but, much like a lot of people, there’s a deeper thing going on inside. He might appear to be one way, but he has a lot more heart than you might think.

"Danny and Jamie's sister Pippa had been in a relationship and, at the beginning of the show, they’re going through some difficulties. Danny very much loved Pippa and really misses her. There’s a bit where he brings a girl back to his room, then it flashes forward to the post-coital moments and he says, “you can stay if you want”. He’s trying to be cool and blasé, but I read into it that he really could do with the company. 

"I have quite a big moment with Quacky. The last thing I did with our director Chris Baugh was a film called Boys from County Hel l, when I was up against an ancient Irish vampire called Abhartach. We were both thinking: what are you doing? Where's the normal stuff? So the first thing I did when I saw it was look at our director Chris Baugh, and burst out laughing… "

Jack Rowan made a name for himself as Callum MacGregor in the hit BBC1 drama Noughts + Crosses . He also played boxer boy Bonnie in Peaky Blinders and starred in Channel 4 drama Born To Kill , plus Adulting and Boys from County Hell . 

Wreck face off! Jack Rowan as Danny and Oscar Kennedy as Jamie.

Who else is starring?

Wreck has a great ensemble cast of young actors. I May Destroy You ’s Harriet Webb is playing Karen while former EastEnders and Game of Throne s star Alice Nokes plays Sophia. Jack Rowan's Noughts + Crosses co-star Jodie Tyack stars as Pippa, joining newcomers Louis Boyer, Anthony Rickman and Diego Andres. Amber Grappy, who stars in Sky Atlantic series The Baby , is also appearing as is Miya Ocego playing Rosie. 

Among the adult crew are Warren James Dunning as Beaker, Harriet Webb as Karen and Louis Boyer as Sam.

Alice Nokes as petrified Sophia in Wreck.

Wreck episode guide (with spoilers)

Episode 1  Jamie Walsh boards The Sacramentum. He’s paid Cormac (a Velorum crew member) to take his position onboard so he can investigate what really happened to his missing sister, who vanished from the same ship three months earlier. During his induction he meets the ship’s autocratic Officers and fellow new recruits - all eager to taste the freedom of being away from home for the first time. As Jamie quickly establishes a bond with fellow newbie Vivian, he bumps into young, charming, Filipino waiter Olly, and there’s an instant attraction. Whilst the new recruits attend a wild induction party, a crew member is brutally attacked.  

Episode 2 Jamie wakes up with the hangover from hell but is determined to get his investigation back on track. Trusting fellow newbie Vivian enough to let her in on his real reason for being on the ship, they begin forming a plan, which is immediately derailed when they receive grim news about a fellow crew member. However, Jamie and Vivian catch a break, finding a clue that leads them to asking dreamboat Olly for a big favour, one that will bring them down to the ship’s engine room and face to face with The Baby, a fearsome figure in the ship’s Filipino ‘mafia’ – one of the many tribes onboard. 

Episode 3 It’s a big day on the ship – The Captain’s Ball, attended by the VIP guests. Jamie shares an intimate moment with Olly whilst Vivian cosies up to Lily, one of the guests, risking big repercussions if she’s caught. Jamie and Vivian gather enough evidence to go to the authorities about Pippa’s disappearance, they just need the Entertainment Crew to back them up. However, these guys are running their own illegal enterprise and want nowhere near the police, unless Jamie does them a dangerous favour first. As the Captain’s Ball draws to a close, a crew member close to home is put in grave danger. 

Episode 4  Jamie gains an unexpected ally on board, who promises to investigate Velorum from the inside and get the answers he’s desperate for. Meanwhile, as Vivian and Lily grow closer, an unpleasant encounter will force Vivian to face lingering internal doubts. Armed with new information, Jamie and Vivian visit a new area of the ship and make a surprising discovery there, one that deepens the mystery of what happened to Pippa further. However, Jamie’s new ally puts paid to his theory that there’s a slasher on board the ship, the truth is much, much darker than that….

Episode 5  Whilst Vivian and Lily’s relationship reaches new heights, Jamie finds himself in a terrifying situation and must use all his courage and strength to escape. Once reunited, Jamie tells Vivian and the rest of his gang what he’s discovered. Together, they form a plan to collect evidence and tell the world what they’ve uncovered. With each of Jamie’s trusted inner circle given a task, the group split up, allowing Jamie and Olly to finally have a moment together. But as our gang go about their business, Jamie uncovers that the truth of what happened to Pippa is just the tip of the iceberg. The Sacramentum is home to a chilling secret bigger than any of them imagined.

Episode 6 Jamie finds himself in a lethal dead end with seemingly no way out. But after a surprise intervention brings some momentary respite, he learns that others are in peril, and it will be a race against the clock to save them. Jamie tells the shocked crew about the true horrors happening on board and desperately tries to enlist them in his battle against the powers that be. Having come such a long way since the start of his journey, Jamie must find the inner courage to become the leader he knows deep down he is. He came onboard with a mission and he’s determined to see it through to the end. 

Wreck crew! Warren James Dunning as Beaker, Harriet Webb as Karen and Louis Boyer as Sam.

Behind the scenes on Wreck

Wreck (originally called Wrecked ) was commissioned for BBC3 by Piers Wenger, Director of BBC Drama and Fiona Campbell, Controller of BBC Three and is produced by Euston Films, part of Fremantle with support from Northern Ireland Screen. It is executive produced by Noemi Spanos for Euston Films and Tommy Bulfin for the BBC. Chris Baugh (Boys from County Hell) has directed and executive produced all six episodes. 

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I'm a huge fan of television so I really have found the perfect job, as I've been writing about TV shows, films and interviewing major television, film and sports stars for over 25 years. I'm currently TV Content Director on What's On TV, TV Times, TV and Satellite Week magazines plus I previously worked on Woman and Woman's Own in the 1990s. Outside of work I swim every morning, support Charlton Athletic football club and get nostalgic about TV shows Cagney & Lacey, I Claudius, Dallas and Tenko. I'm totally on top of everything good coming up too.

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Woody harrelson captains a sinking ship in triangle of sadness trailer.


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A brand-new trailer for Triangle of Sadness, the dark-comedy satire film and Palme d'Or winner from Swedish filmmaker Ruben Östlund and starring Woody Harrelson , releases. Alongside Harrelson, Triangle of Sadness features a supporting cast that includes Harris Dickinson ( The King's Man ), Charlbi Dean ( Black Lightning ), Vicki Berlin, Zlatko Burić, Oliver Ford Davies, Iris Berben, Dolly de Leon, Sunnyi Melles, and Henrik Dorsin. The story revolves around celebrity model couple Carl (Dickinson) and Yaya (Dean) as they're invited to join a luxury cruise for the extremely wealthy, helmed by an unhinged ship captain. However, things take a turn for the worse when the boat begins to capsize, and the passengers find themselves stranded on an island.

Now, a brand-new trailer for Triangle of Sadness released by NEON puts the spotlight on the eccentric passengers of the cruise ship and its captain, played by Harrelson. The trailer begins with Carl taking part in an uncomfortable photoshoot before he receives a free invitation to a yacht for the super-rich, where he and his influencer girlfriend Yaya are introduced to their snobby co-passengers and their flashy personalities. As the trailer progresses, what starts as an Instagram-ready adventure takes a dark turn, as a chain of bizarre, gross-out events ultimately conclude with the ship getting capsized. Check out the full trailer below:

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Triangle of Sadness has generated plenty of buzz since its premiere at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival, where it received an eight-minute standing ovation. The film marked Östlund's second Palme d'Or win as well, after he first claimed the highly coveted prize for the 2014 drama film The Square, which featured The Handmaid's Tale star Elizabeth Moss and Dominic West. The acclaimed director's films are known for their striking commentary, which challenge social hierarchies, and the above trailer suggests that Triangle of Sadness will be looking to continue that trend. Audiences can check out Triangle of Sadness when the film makes its theatrical debut on October 7.

Source: NEON

The Oceanos shipwreck

The sinking of Oceanos

Photographs, some taken by survivors, document the cruise ship sinking off Southern Africa’s eastern coast in August 1991.

Oceanos leaving the port of Piraeus, Greece in June 1983.

The 500-foot long Oceanos was first launched in 1952. It is photographed here leaving the port of Piraeus, Greece.

July 1991. Vacationers enjoy the pool deck early in the cruise.

The Oceanos' final voyage was a seven-day sail along the South African shore from Durban to Cape Town and back again. Here, vacationers enjoy the pool deck early in the cruise. The ship, which had 571 passengers when it started sinking, had seven decks, two lounges, a dining room, and eight lifeboats.

August 3, 1991. Passenger Karen Winter on the East London pier before the ship's final overnight sail.

Passenger Karen Winter photographed on the pier in the town of East London, just moments before the ship’s final sail in 1991. A storm was building but the captain had a schedule to keep. Karen is among the survivors interviewed in the Dateline NBC documentary.

Dinner in the Byzantine Dining Room.

Dinner in the ship’s Byzantine Dining Room the night of the storm was fraught with nervous laughter. As the ship lurched through massive swells, passengers struggled to keep the food from sliding off their tables.

Waves rock the ship.

After dinner, passengers stumbled to the lounge for the end-of-cruise show. Unbeknownst to them, the ship’s hull had fractured below decks and seawater was pouring in to the generator room. Soon, the Oceanos lost power and the lounge plunged into darkness.

TFC staffers line passengers up for the lifeboats.

Most of the ship’s officers and many of the crew began abandoning ship, leaving cruise director Lorraine Betts and her entertainment staff to tend to almost 400 passengers. In this photograph, passengers are starting to line up for the lifeboats.

Lifeboat Number 2, full of women and children, is lowered into the sea.

Lifeboat No. 2, full of women and children, is lowered into an angry sea. Wives inside recall the trauma of saying goodbye to their husbands.

Passengers who didn't make the lifeboats wait out the night on the rear deck.

Passengers wait out the night on the rear deck, uncertain how or if they will be rescued.

A bridge-level view of sunrise. The storm has broken.

As the storm breaks at dawn, a bridge-level view of the sunrise is photographed. The photographer is Moss Hills, a guitarist on the cruise, who later that day helps run the airlift rescue.

Nearly 240 passengers and crew would greet the rescuers on deck.

Two rescue helicopters from Durban were the first to arrive. Navy Diver Paul Whiley, seen here hanging above the deck, remembers the shock of seeing nearly 240 faces beneath him.

Passengers cling to the top rail.

Passengers cling to the top rail as they line up for the airlift.

A member of the crew signals the chopper from the rear deck.

A member of the crew signals the chopper from the pool deck. Behind, all the deck chairs and tables sit in a mass against the bottom rail.

Midday, the sea spills over the bow.

Midday, the sea spills over the bow of Oceanos.

The Oceanos shipwreck

About 2:00 p.m., the Oceanos begins its vertical descent. The Oceanos thrust her stern into the air and slid nose first into the sea.

The Oceanos shipwreck.

After ramming into the sea floor, the Oceanos slipped silently beneath the waves. Towards the end, passengers had to jump into the sea.

A member of the crew signals the chopper from the rear deck.

After jumping off the ship, Magician Julian Butler (left) helped save passengers and crew by pulling them into inflatable dinghies. Here, he’s in a chopper headed back to shore.

Piet and Peter Niemand gather with survivors at the Haven.

Piet Niemand (left, laying his head against his fiancée’s shoulder) and his son Peter (sitting behind) gather with survivors at the rescue staging ground. Father and son, who’d each helped with the rescue, had been separated during the airlift and tearfully reunited on land.

cruise ship wreck movies

The ship’s captain, Yiannis Avranas, was one of the first rescued in the airlift. Avranas declined Dateline NBC’s request for an interview, but after the incident, explained that given the lack of communications on board, he felt he could better run the rescue from shore.

Survivor George Walton with Navy Diver Paul Whiley. For his actions, Whiley received South Africa's highest medal of honor, the Honoris Crux Gold.

For his actions, Navy Diver Paul Whiley received South Africa’s highest medal of honor, an Honoris Crux Gold. It was only the sixth awarded in South African history.

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Lifeboat No. 5, salvaged, is now part of an exhibit at the East London Museum in South Africa.

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Stream It Or Skip It: ‘Wreck’ On Hulu, A Horror Comedy That Involves A Cruise Ship, A Missing Woman And A Killer In A Duck Costume

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How many shows where we see rich white people acting like jerks are we supposed to tolerate in one year. In the case of Wreck , a new British horror-comedy on Hulu, it seems like the rich people all work on a ship, and they act like jerks to each other and the less-wealthy staff who are more like glorified interns.


Opening Shot: A woman swims in a pool.

The Gist: Pippa Walsh (Jodie Tyack) sees Danny Jones (Jack Rowan) in the locker room, and he says he misses her. As she walks through what looks like a shopping mall, she’s confronted by someone in a duck costume, wearing a raincoat. When she exits the mall, it’s evident that she’s on a massive cruise ship; when cornered by the menacing duck, Pippa gets on the railing, gives the duck the double bird and dives backwards, supposedly into the water.

Three months later, a new group of recruits gets their orientation on the same ship, the Sacramentum. The group includes Jamie Walsh (Oscar Kennedy), a 19-year-old who is posing as his friend Cormac Kelly (Peter Claffey) in order to find out what happened to his sister; he doesn’t believe the reports that she jumped to her death. When he goes to his cabin, he’s shocked to see Cormac there; he’s there to try to get back together with Rosie (Miya Ocego), an entertainer on the ship.

As Jamie asks around about Pippa, he finds out quickly that she was dating Danny, so he sneaks into Danny’s cabin — almost getting found out when Danny and a fellow entertainer, Sophia Leigh (Alice Nokes), talk about a member of their group that’s looking to leave the ship. Jamie eventually finds Pippa’s cell phone under Danny’s mattress.

He immediately connects with another new recruit, Vivian Lim (Thaddea Graham), and they become fast friends. He tells her why he’s there and she agrees to help him. At a new staff initiation, Danny tells Jamie he recognizes him from somewhere but Jamie manages to redirect that question. He tries to get him to talk about Pippa, but Danny is extremely dismissive, calling her “clingy.” Little does Jamie know that he won’t have Danny to get pissed off at much longer.

What Shows Will It Remind You Of? A darker Love Boat ? A lighter 1899 ? The White Lotus on the seas? Triangle of Sadness minus the puking? Not sure.

Our Take: You ever hear the term “Nothingburger?” It’s been around for decades, but we tend to hear it on Shark Tank when Kevin “Mr. Wonderful” O’Leary slams a business idea for not having anything of substance behind it. We feel that if creator Ryan J. Brown were in front of the sharks pitching Wreck , Mr. Wonderful would throw that term out immediately.

Why do we think Wreck is a nothingburger? Because there aren’t any characters in the show we care about, and they’re in a situation we really can’t connect to. Even Jamie, who is there to figure out what happened to his sister, doesn’t have much in the way of a personality besides the fact that he sees visions of his sister.

It feels like it might be a “rich people getting killed” narrative a la the aforementioned The White Lotus , but the “rich kids” also work on the ship as performers. It doesn’t feel like there’s all that much class separation among the cast, unless the class is “super pretty” vs. “attractive but made plainer by show makeup.”

We just left the first episode feeling like we didn’t know much more about the story or most of the characters than we did going in. Sure, there’s a whole season left to go here. But at this point during most shows of this nature, we at least have an idea who are the “good guys” and who are the assholes. But to be honest, just about everyone here is an asshole.

This means we don’t care who is killed, we don’t care who gets caught as the killer or killers in the duck suit, and we’re not finding the antics of everyone on the ship all that funny or interesting. Not a good incentive to keep watching, is it?

Sex and Skin: Nothing in the first episode.

Parting Shot: The duck-clad killer claims another victim, and puts the body inside a secret panel in the hallway. Somehow, as the duck drags the victim down the hall, no one sees it and no trail of blood is left behind.

Sleeper Star: Harriet Webb is staff captain Karen Macintyre. Her speech to the new recruits is funny enough and strict enough that we hope to see more of her through the series.

Most Pilot-y Line: Part of the staff initiation involves a fish. When Jamie is alarmed when Danny tells him that all he had to do was kiss the fish, we cringed. But, to be honest, we also laughed a little bit.

Our Call: SKIP IT. Maybe we’re just having a bad week, but we just have no F’s to give when it comes to any of the characters in Wreck . Well, maybe we root for the killer duck to show up, but that’s not a good thing.

Joel Keller ( @joelkeller ) writes about food, entertainment, parenting and tech, but he doesn’t kid himself: he’s a TV junkie. His writing has appeared in the New York Times, Slate, Salon, , , Fast Company and elsewhere.

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‘Cruise Ship Murder’ premiere: How to watch without cable

  • Updated: May. 25, 2024, 2:34 p.m. |
  • Published: May. 25, 2024, 2:33 p.m.

Olivia looking over her shoulder

"Cruise Ship Murder" will premiere this Saturday on Lifetime. Courtesy of Lifetime

The new Lifetime movie Cruise Ship Murder is scheduled to premiere Saturday, May 25 at 8/7c.

In Lifetime’s Cruise Ship Murder , after her aunt is found dead having mysteriously fallen overboard on a cruise ship, Olivia is thrown into rough seas as her uncle’s secret past is brought to life and more deaths occur.

Skye Coyne, Ryan Carnes, Matthew Pohlkamp, Carly Reeves, Gina Hiraizumi and Tyler Price star in the 2024 Lifetime movie.

Where can I watch Lifetime’s Cruise Ship Murder ?

Those without a basic cable set up can still live stream the premiere of  Cruise Ship Murder  on Saturday with a  Philo subscription . Users can also watch the new Lifetime movie on-demand the day after it premieres.

Philo offers a  7-day free trial for new subscribers who can watch for free before committing to a paid subscription.

Those who do have a cable provider can also watch  Cruise Ship Murder  using the Lifetime app.

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What is Philo?

Philo  is considered one of the cheaper live streaming services available as it allows users to stream over 70 live TV channels for just $25 a month after its free trial .

Other than Lifetime, popular channels offered with  Philo   include the Hallmark Channel, MTV, AMC, HGTV, History Channel, Discovery Channel, CMT, TLC, BET and more.

Philo  also offers unlimited DVR along with various movies and TV shows users can watch on-demand.

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'Cruise Ship Murder' (2024) air date, plot, full cast and how to stream Lifetime's mystery-thriller movie

Movie name: Cruise Ship Murder

Platform:  Lifetime

Date of release:   May 25, 2024

Country of origin:  United States

Genre:  Mystery/Thriller

Runtime:  1 hour 30 minutes 

Director:  Randy Carter

Full cast list:  Skye Coyne, Matthew Pohlkamp, Ryan Carnes, Carly Reeves, Tryphena Wade, Gina Hiraizumi, Tyler Price, Jeff Doba, Jamie Forst, Nicholas Di Nardo, and others

Lifetime is all set to release their upcoming mystery-thriller movie titled, 'Cruise Ship Murder' which is set to premiere on May 25,2024. Directed by Randy Carter, this movie revolves around the murder of Olivia's aunt on a cruise ship.

Watch the suspense unfold in Cruise Ship Murder, starring Skye Coyne, Ryan Carnes, Matthew Pohlkamp, Carly Reeves, Gina Hiraizumi, and Tyler Price.

What is the plot of 'Cruise Ship Murder'?

When Olivia's aunt is discovered dead after a mysterious fall overboard during a cruise, Olivia's world turns turbulent. Soon, revelations about her uncle's hidden past emerge, stirring further trouble.

As more deaths plague the ship, Olivia finds herself navigating treacherous waters. 

The official plot synopsis similarly reads, "After her aunt is found dead having mysteriously fallen overboard on a cruise ship, Olivia is thrown into rough seas as her uncle's secret past is brought to life and more deaths occur. Starring Skye Coyne, Ryan Carnes, Matthew Pohlkamp, Carly Reeves, Gina Hiraizumi, and Tyler Price."

'Cruise Ship Murder' main cast 

 skye coyne.

Skye Coyne is a rising talent in the world of acting, known for her captivating performances on both the big and small screens. With a natural charisma and versatility, she effortlessly brings characters to life, captivating audiences with her depth and authenticity.

Coyne's journey into acting began at a young age, fueled by a passion for storytelling and a love for the craft. Her dedication and hard work have earned her roles in various films and television shows, where she continues to showcase her talent and leave a lasting impression.

As her career flourishes, Coyne remains committed to honing her skills and exploring new opportunities, promising audiences more unforgettable performances to come.

Matthew Pohlkamp

Matthew Pohlkamp is a versatile actor known for his compelling performances across film and television. With a knack for bringing depth to his characters, Pohlkamp has captivated audiences with his emotive portrayals.

He has showcased his talent in a range of genres, from gripping thrillers to heartwarming dramas. Pohlkamp's dedication to his craft and his ability to inhabit diverse roles have earned him acclaim in the entertainment industry.

Whether portraying complex anti-heroes or lovable protagonists, he consistently delivers memorable performances. With his talent and passion, Pohlkamp continues to leave his mark on the screen, captivating audiences worldwide.

Ryan Carnes

Ryan Carnes is an American actor known for his captivating performances in both film and television. Born on November 21, 1982, in Pittsfield, Illinois, Carnes rose to prominence for his role as Lucas Jones in the popular soap opera 'General Hospital'.

His talent and versatility have seen him tackle a range of roles across various genres, from drama to comedy. Carnes has also appeared in notable films such as 'Letters from Iwo Jima' and 'Eating Out 2: Sloppy Seconds'.

With his charming demeanor and compelling presence on screen, Ryan Carnes continues to captivate audiences worldwide.

How to stream 'Cruise Ship Murder'?

'Cruise Ship Murder' is scheduled to premiere on Lifetime on May 25, 2024. Philo offers a 7-day free trial for streaming Lifetime movies and over 70 other channels for just $25 a month.

Try Sling today and save with limited-time offers. Plans start at $25 off for the first month, including options like Sling Orange, Sling Blue, or both for $30 off.

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'Cruise Ship Murder' trailer

There is no trailer available for 'Cruise Ship Murder' yet but we will keep you posted when something drops.

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Then and Now: Be it wrestling or acting, the star has always looked buff

'Cruise Ship Murder' (2024) air date, plot, full cast and how to stream Lifetime's mystery-thriller movie

Sort by Popularity - Most Popular Movies and TV Shows tagged with keyword "costa-concordia"

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1. Costa Concordia Disaster: One Year On (2013 TV Movie)

45 min | Documentary

An extensive look at the series of events leading up to the sinking of the Costa Concordia cruise liner, and details plans to re-float the ship in one of the most expensive and challenging ... See full summary  »

Director: Martin Gorst | Star: Nick Brimble

2. Costa Concordia: Chronicle of a Disaster (2021)

98 min | Documentary

Hear different perspectives of what went on during that fateful night on the Costa Concordia, how the accident happened and how the chaotic evacuation took place.

Director: Michael Mueller-Erdorf | Stars: Maximilian Allgeier , Beniamino Brogi , Prashant Chauhan , Antonio Di Mauro

3. Costa Concordia: The Whole Story (2013– )

90 min | Documentary

The whole story of the Costa Concordia ship disaster, the worst cruise accident since the Titanic.

4. Inside Costa Concordia: Voices of Disaster (2012 TV Movie)

Told by some of the survivors who were on board the luxury cruiser, this is the story of a tragic wreck and of the search and rescue operation that followed it. On 13 January 2012, there ... See full summary  »

Director: Jesus Garces Lambert

5. The Sinking of the Concordia: Caught on Camera (2012 TV Movie)

47 min | Documentary

The Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia capsized after striking an underwater rock on January 13, 2012, This is a firsthand account, including cell phone footage, from passengers of this terrifying event.

Stars: Kirsty Cheslin-Nuttall , Ian Donoff , Janice Donoff , Derek Ebbage

6. Terror at Sea: The Sinking of the Concordia (2012 TV Movie)


Directors: Paul O'Connor , Marc Tiley | Stars: Rupert Graves , Nick Bates , Francesco Boaria , Kirsty Cheslin-Nuttall

7. Cruise Ship Disaster: Inside the Concordia (2012 TV Movie)

TV-PG | 60 min | Documentary

Discovery will take you to where few have gone and where nobody wants to be. Cruise Ship Disaster: Inside The Concordia gives you an eyewitness account of the tragedy as the Concordia runs ... See full summary  »

Directors: Michael Arnott , Jonathan Ingalls , Mark Westcott , Ian White

8. Raising the Costa Concordia (2014 TV Movie)

60 min | Documentary

The inside story of the race to raise and re-float the Costa Concordia shipwreck.

Director: Colin Campbell | Star: Nick Brimble

9. Unthinkable, Unsinkable: Discovery Examines the Costa Concordia Disaster (2012 TV Movie)

120 min | Documentary

It looked like something conceived on a Hollywood soundstage but for the 4,200 passengers on board the Costa Concordia the events of Friday, January 13th were all too real and terrifying. ... See full summary  »

10. Disasters Engineered (2019– ) Episode: MS Herald and Costa Concordia (2019)

Experts examine what caused the Zeebrugge ferry tragedy and the Costa Concordia cruise ship disaster. What were the consequences and how could they have been avoided?

Directors: Sam Cryer , Daniel Sharp | Stars: Kate Bellingham , John Carlton , Andrea Giusti , Gillian Lashbrooke

11. Internet Historian (2017– ) Episode: The Cost of Concordia (2021)

TV-MA | 47 min | Documentary, Comedy, History

The story of the wreck of the passenger liner, Costa Concordia, and the cowardice and incompetence involved.

Director: Internet Historian | Star: Internet Historian

12. MetaBallStudios (2013– ) Episode: Shipwrecks Depth Comparison (2021)

6 min | Documentary, Animation

As long as people have sailed the seas there have been shipwrecks. Here are just a few of them with known locations and a few airplanes. Depths and sizes are graphically represented along ... See full summary  »

13. Nova (1974– ) Episode: Why Ships Sink (2012)

TV-PG | 53 min | Documentary

NOVA looks at questions about cruise ship safety and the science of the ships' buoyancy

Directors: Jonathan Challis , Brian Leckey | Stars: Eric Meyers , Jim Walker , Michael Bruno , Rick Comeau

14. 60 Minutes (1968– ) Episode: Newtown/Costa Concordia/The Library (2012)

TV-PG | News

"Newtown" examines the recent shooting at a Connecticut elementary school which has taken the lives of 20 children and 6 adults. "Costa Concordia" examines the salvage operation targeting ... See full summary  »

Stars: Scott Pelley , Sally Cox , Olivia Devivo , Mark Tambascio

15. 60 Minutes (1968– ) Episode: Costa Concordia/Teacher to the World/The Innovator (2013)

"Costa Concordia" rebroadcasts a segment on the salvage operation targeting the capsized luxury liner. "Teacher to the World" rebroadcasts a segment on an educator using computers to teach ... See full summary  »

Stars: Lesley Stahl , Nicholas Sloane , Sergio Girotto , Duane Morsner

16. Dateline NBC (1992– ) Episode: Escape: The Wreck of the Costa Concordia (2015)

TV-PG | Documentary, News

Six survivors of the 2012 Costa Concordia shipwreck share their stories.

Star: Rose Metcalf

17. Engineering Disasters (2015) Episode: Colorado Dam Disaster (2015)

TV-PG | 42 min | Documentary, History

On this episode, a storm of the century takes out nine dams in Colorado, flooding entire towns and leaving thousands stranded. A train carrying hazardous materials derails, releasing toxic ... See full summary  »

Stars: Michael Bruno , Richard Burke , Rick Comeau , Tom Cotcher

18. Abandoned (2013– ) Episode: The Story Of The Costa Concordia (2018)

TV-14 | Documentary, Short, Mystery

On the evening of January 13th, 2012, the cruise industry was forever changed after the modern, family cruise ship, the Costa Concordia collided with rocks and sank off the coast of Italy. ... See full summary  »

Stars: Domnica Cemortan , Francesco Schettino , Jake Williams

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    5. The Sinking of the Concordia: Caught on Camera (2012 TV Movie) 47 min | Documentary. 7.6. Rate this. The Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia capsized after striking an underwater rock on January 13, 2012, This is a firsthand account, including cell phone footage, from passengers of this terrifying event.