
How to Make a Travel Video in 3 Easy Steps with Ideas & Pro Tips

  • how to make a travel video

easy ways to make travel video

There are very few categories that offer as much possibility for rich and engaging storytelling as that of travel. Beautiful locales, thrilling adventures, and gripping anecdotes provide a whole lot of content fodder for travel creators and brands! 

But that doesn’t mean that making travel videos is a piece of cake. Far from it. In addition to having the technical know-how and an eye for detail, you also need to know how to weave a story around the content you shoot – and for this, you need to constantly ideate and execute. So if you’ve been wanting to make it in the travel space and are wondering how to make a travel video, this article is just what you need. 

In the following sections, we will be taking you through everything you need to know about creating travel videos in addition to sharing some of the best ideas you can get started with. If you already have something in mind and would like to get started right away, you can sign up for a free account on InVideo and start bringing your travel videos to life. 

Create cinematic travel videos

Without spending hours on editing

Create cinematic travel videos

Here’s what we will cover:

1. The basics of how to make a travel video 2. Top 7 travel video ideas 3. Pro tips to create travel videos

Let’s dive in.

1. Basics of making travel videos:

While making any video you need to go through the steps of ideating, planning, and executing. But when you’re carrying these steps out in the travel video space, you need to hone several other skills in addition to that of filmmaking, such as time management, thinking on your feet, and acting quickly. So to help you get better at making travel videos let’s take a look at what you need to do.

A. Planning and pre-production

A lot of people believe that planning is an optional step when it comes to creating travel videos because the activity of traveling in itself is so unpredictable. But if you’re looking to create travel videos that leave an impact, planning and pre-production are absolutely indispensable to the process. 

Planning for a travel video includes everything from ideation and scripting to location scouting and storyboarding. But all of these processes look very different from how you would do these for regular videos – for the sole reason that there is a huge amount of uncertainty that comes with the process of travel. Filmmaker Aidin Robbins explains the process of planning very well in this video:

Here’s a short outline of how you can go about it: 

(1) Ideation

Ideating for a travel video begins with deciding upon a location and then figuring out in what light do you want to present that location. Do you want to create an educational video on the place or showcase its culture or is there a particularly interesting story about the place that you want to bring to light? Your answers to these questions form the basis of your idea.

(2) Research

Once your idea is ready, you want to go ahead and gather as much information as you can about the place – through blogs, youtube videos, personal anecdotes, and even interviews. You want to look up images and videos to get an understanding of what the place looks and feels like. This is super important in helping you plan out your shots later.

(3) Outlining

Once you have the idea and your basic research in place, you want to create a rough outline of the flow of your video. This is where the storytelling aspect kicks in. Mind you this is not a full-fledged script because that isn’t really possible at this stage. With the outline, you want to ask questions such as how do you want to start your video? What is the hook? How will the story flow and how will it end? Here is also where you want to cite any references for creative inputs and ideas.

(4) Plan your shots

Now this is not something that you have complete control over. However, having a basic understanding of how your story flows as well as the shots and angles that will complement the scenes in your story is super important. This will allow you to be mindful of the kind of shots you take. You can create a shot list of the basics that you want to cover so that even if unprecedented events happen, you can still get decent shots from your trip. You can also create a storyboard to help with this process but that is not mandatory.

(5) Figure out your equipment

Depending on the location you’re traveling to, how long you plan on being there, what your living situation is going to be like and other important factors, you will have to decide on your equipment. You will require a professional camera with a few different lenses, a gimbal to take moving shots, a good on-camera microphone to record audio, and also preferably a drone to get cinematic aerial footage. Check out this blog for a complete list of the kind of equipment you will need. 

B. Shooting your travel videos

When shooting travel videos you want to think about what that place represents and what emotion it evokes. That is what you want to capture in your shots. The best travel videos are ones that make the viewers feel like they’re traveling with the creator – and generating that emotion is only possible if you know what elements of the place you want to capture in your footage. This holds true even for vlogs – scout the place before you begin filming to get the best shots. 

Keep your list of shots from the planning stage handy to ensure you get everything you need. And ensure you capture shots from the journey and not just the place itself b because unless you’re taking your viewers on a journey, it doesn’t evoke the kind of emotion you want it to. 

Another thing you want to ensure is simply shooting a lot! In most cases, less than 1% of your footage will make it to the final cut. But for that to happen, you want to ensure you have enough footage, to begin with. The worst feeling is to come back after the trip to edit your video only to realize you missed out on getting good shots. For a more in-depth understanding of how to shoot your travel videos, check out this guide by Parker Walbeck 

Of course, a lot of your travel video story is also refined during the editing process , which is what we will be looking at in the next section. 

C. Editing your travel videos

If you’ve planned right and shot according to the tips we shared above, your editing process will be all smooth sailing. But as we’ve already discussed, creating travel videos is different from creating other types of videos, which is why you need to pay special attention to different elements. 

When you’re editing a travel video, in addition to having great clips, you also have to pay close attention to your choice of music , the sequence of your shots in the final edit, the pacing of the video, as well as the transitions and text you use. An editor like InVideo makes this easier because it already has most of these features inbuilt – allowing you to access and use them at the click of a button. 

Travel videos appeal to people’s wanderlust, which means you want to focus on recreating that emotion while editing. Again, you need to go back to your script and storyboard here to first get an understanding of the kind of emotion you want to convey – are you making a fun holiday video or are you showcasing the culture of a place? In each connotation, the editing style is going to be vastly different. For a fun, festival video, you will have upbeat music, fast transitions, and creative text whereas, for a documentary-style video of a destination, you will probably prefer more acoustic music with mellow tunes, simple transitions, and minimalistic text. 

Here’s a video by popular travel creator Lost LeBlanc explaining his process of editing a travel video: 

Now your editing process will depend heavily on the kind of software you choose to edit on. If you already have some video editing experience and have a robust enough system, you might want to choose professional software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro. 

But if you’re just starting out, you want to use an editing tool that will let you create stunning edits with ease. This is where InVideo comes in. With an extensive library of over 5000+ templates along with ready-made assets like animated text boxes, stickers, call to action, music and sound effects, stock footage, transitions, and more, InVideo makes it super easy for you to edit your travel videos.   

2. 7 ideas you can use to create your travel videos:

Now that you have a fair idea of how to go about creating travel videos, let’s take a look at some top-performing travel video ideas to kick your travel video creation into high gear. 

Idea #1 - Start your own travel vlog

Travel vlogs are a great way to start your travel video journey. As a travel vlogger, you can start recording your trips, talking to the camera and your viewers, sharing your feelings about your trip, your first impressions, your expressions as you try various food items in real-time, and more. The best part is that travel vlogs don’t even need to be professionally edited. They can be shared even live in real-time, as viewers expect travel vlogs to be raw and real in many cases. 

For example, Mina, an American travel vlogger, shares her vlogs from various places she visits across the world. Check out this video of her experience at the Zen capsule hotel in Japan. 

Travel vlogs allow you to build your brand, find a niche as well as work towards earning opportunities. 

Idea #2 - Create helpful how-to travel guides

You don't have to strictly do videos about your trips. You can create video guides for travel enthusiasts or creators as well. You can share tips, ideas, and knowledge with your tribe through beautifully crafted videos. 

For example, check out travel YouTuber Sorelle Amore’s videos. She helps viewers create content like her through travel guides. She also inspires you with stories on how to live free and abundant as she does. Check out this video where she shares tips to travel on a budget.

If you want to create travel videos with a message, you’ll get lots of inspiration on Sorelle’s YouTube channel . Meanwhile, you can create your own travel tips and tricks video using this fully customizable template from InVideo : 

Use This Template  

Idea #3 - Share unique or strange travel experiences through your videos

Your travel videos can become a medium for you to share your personal, unique, or strange stories. You might have experienced unique events across your trips. You might be into tasting local, but strange food, trying out local dresses, and more. All of this can be a part of your travel videos. 

For example, YouTuber Mike Corey’s mission is to conquer his fear of the unknown by traveling to strange and unique places and experiencing uncomfortable events. Check out this video on Mike’s camping experience at a place called Satan’s Castle in Turkey. 

These videos are a glimpse into Mike’s methods of overcoming fear and insecurity. Whether you too want to overcome a personal fear, or you’re looking to create unique travel videos, you too can share strange stories, experiences, and events you met on your journey in your videos.  Not only will this make your videos more interesting, but you’ll also get attention for doing something different. 

Edit and create your own quirky video about strange travel facts with this World’s Deadliest Snakes template.

Use This Template

Idea #4 - Share food stories and reviews in your travel videos

If you are a foodie and love tasting new delicacies while on the go, you can make travel videos about food and culture. Your videos can provide viewers with a peek at different food cultures, cooking methods, and flavors across the globe. 

For instance, YouTuber Mikey Chen travels to various countries and eats all the local food he can get his hands on. You too can similarly marry your two interests - travel and food. Check out this video where Mikey shares updates on his quarantine meals during his latest visit to South Korea.

Mikey’s videos are not just about his interests and passions. He has also successfully created merchandise around his content and sponsors various brands and products through his various YouTube channels. If you love to sample different food items, you too can create videos like Mikey, focusing on the food during your trips. 

Customize this video to create your own exploration of food and culture across the globe! 

Idea #5 - Spread your message of positivity and love in your travel videos

You can create travel videos about love, friendship, and positivity you come across on your trips. Share stories of how people across the globe are all linked by a common thread of compassion and good can be found everywhere. 

For example, Phil, a black dude traveling all over Europe creates videos to promote positivity, love, and break barriers, in association with the Matador network. His videos show him going to various countries and cities and connecting with people, smashing stereotypes in the process. Check out this video on a Black traveler’s guide to Milan.

His videos offer a unique perspective, showing us how a black guy approaches and mixes with the European people. Just like Phil, you can take your viewers through the various places you visit, taking in the sights, eating the local food, and doing fun things across the city. You too can create your travel videos sharing your unique perspective, message, or narrative. All you need is a different way of looking at the world!

Idea #6 - Create 1-minute videos highlighting a city (or any place)

Create one-minute videos of a city or a place your visited and loved. You can feature time lapses, unique shots, and more to make these videos look relatable. These videos can be really helpful to viewers who actually want to travel to these cities and countries as they give a glimpse of the destinations and their highlights. They can also be fun to watch, keeping in mind the short attention spans of most people today.

For example, Cailin from YouTube channel Travel Yourself is known for is her “City in a minute” video series. Cailin shares the highlights of the city (or any place), the culture, the food, and any other relevant information, all in a minute. Check out this video by Cailin featuring Israel in a minute.

Show off your impressive travel highlights in your own 1-minute (or longer) video with this themed slideshow template.

Idea #7 - Share video tour reviews, advice, and answer questions 

If you are wondering how to make travel videos and are looking for inspiration to start, you can begin by doing reviews of local services, food reviews, restaurant or homestay reviews, and more. Share updates on the key points of a trip, give information on how to reach your destination, what does the trip involves, what is your itinerary, the cost, and more. Your videos can also answer the most frequently asked questions about a place or a trip.

For example, travel YouTuber Christianne started vlogging her journey as a response to commonly asked questions about her trips across the globe. Now she shares everything from life updates to travel itineraries and experiences in the form of travel videos. Check out this video by Christianne featuring Medsailors (a cruise trip) in Croatia.  

Edit and customize this template to create your own travel advice video, including details of the trip for prospective travelers.  

3. BONUS: Pro tips while making travel videos

If you want to create stunning travel videos, that make people stop scrolling, you’ll need to do your homework in terms of planning your trip and other aspects. In the section below, we share some super actionable tips that make it possible for you to make your travel videos more impressive and engaging. 

Tip #1 - Understand your gear

Before you set out to capture beautiful locales and happening adventures, you will need to know how to capture them. Understanding your equipment is essential to getting the best output. Know and practice using your camera and mic in various different settings to know what kind of output it yields.

Study your equipment ’s manual to know how to use different controls. You don’t want to miss capturing a beautiful moment because you were fumbling with the controls on your camera. 

Tip #2 - Refine your gear

When you’re starting out it is easy to get swept up by cool gadgets and the latest camera, but the truth is you don’t need a whole bunch of equipment to film good videos. As you hone your craft, refine your gear simultaneously. Your aim should be to be able to travel as light as possible while getting the best quality of the footage.

You can do this by first understanding your style of filmmaking and then sticking to gear that helps you achieve that the best. For instance, if you’re someone who primarily uses wide-angle shots in your travel videos, you might not need to carry multiple macro or telephoto lenses.

The thing to note here is that this kind of refinement comes with practice and experience. So don’t beat yourself up about not getting it right on the first go. 

Tip #3 - Capture as much of the journey as the destination

As we’ve mentioned before, travel videos are about showcasing the journey. Even if you’re making a tips and tricks video, if you can make people feel like they’re part of the process – your videos will do much better. This means capturing shots that depict the journey – hiking to the top of the hill, taking a cab to the temple, walking to the restaurant, and others like it.

Tip #4 - Film the people of the place

Yes drone shots of the ocean and close-ups of the forest leaves are beautiful, but the real essence of a place lies in its people. A lot of travel creators don’t realize how crucial this element is. Capturing life and emotions and depicting that in your story is one of the best ways to evoke feelings of belongingness in your viewers and this is not something you want to miss out on.

For instance, check out this video on one of the oldest cities in the world, Varanasi, India, by YouTuber Ben Mikha, depicting the local people and everyday life. It makes the viewer feel like they are a part of the chaotic and vibrant landscape as well.

Tip #5 - Shoot more than you think is necessary

As we had mentioned above, roughly 1% of all your footage is likely to make it to the final edit . This means you need more than enough legroom to play around and experiment with. Even if you feel something is unnecessary at the moment, capture it because you will not truly know if something is unnecessary unless you bring it to the edit table.

Tip #6 - Organize your footage on the go

Unless you’re on a weekend trip, not organizing your footage on the daily is a huge mistake. Since you will be shooting a lot, if you fail to organize on a daily basis, it will become a mammoth task to have to sift through the entire media from your trip at the end.

Tip #7 - Carry enough storage and battery

This means memory cards, hard drives, and battery backup. The worst thing to happen while filming is having your memory cards or battery run out preventing you from filming what you need to. Keep multiple memory cards, hard drives, and power banks to ensure your filming goes as smoothly as possible. 

Create inspiring travel videos easily

With 8 million+ stock assets

Create inspiring travel videos easily

Wrapping Up

So the next trip you decide to go to, make sure to carry all the necessary equipment and plan your itinerary before you set out. With a little effort towards finding the best locations and angles to shoot from, you can create stunning travel videos that draw viewers in. If you are planning to create a travel video channel or brand, you definitely want to check out this ready reckoner of top video ideas that you can create in the travel space. Use these video ideas to craft engaging travel videos in 2022. 

If you have any questions or want to continue the conversation, hop over to the InVideo community and learn from 25K other marketers and video creators just like you! Or check out InVideo’s YouTube channel to learn more video editing hacks and tricks!

And, if you’re looking to create thumb-stopping videos in minutes (even if you’re not a PRO)- sign-up for a free account on  today.

This post was written by  Upasna  and edited by  Adete  from Team InVideo

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How to Make a Great Travel Video (Without Any Previous Experience)

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Jamie Ditaranto

Jamie Ditaranto is a traveler in a love triangle with writing and photography. Follow the drama on Twitter @jamieditaranto and Instagram @jamieditaranto .

Ditaranto joined SmarterTravel in 2015. She loves ecotourism, cities with history, and discovering local hangouts. Though she likes all the continents equally, she holds a special place in her heart for rainy little islands.

Her work has also appeared online at USA Today, Huffington Post, Business Insider, and other publications. You can check out her photography on her website .

The Handy Item I Always Pack : "My instant camera comes in handy for giving instant gifts to new friends."

Ultimate Bucket List Experience : "Befriending penguins in Antarctica."

Travel Motto : "You have to get the hard places out of the way first."

Aisle, Window, or Middle Seat : "On short flights, the window. For long flights, the aisle."

Email Jamie at [email protected] .

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When you go on a great trip, sometimes it’s not enough to tell people about it—you want to show them, too. And in our increasingly digital world, the best way to do this is with a video. Travel videos—when done well—have the power to inspire and share stories in an emotional and immersive way. They also make wonderful keepsakes that encompass all the best memories from your experiences.

How to Make a Travel Video

You don’t have to be a professional to make a travel video, either. Here are some tips for planning, filming, and editing that will help you create great travel videos, even if you don’t have any previous experience.

To Make a Travel Video, First Get the Right Equipment

Any great travel video begins with a packing list. Before you set off for your destination, make sure you’re bringing along everything you need to get the shots you want. First, decide what kind of camera to use. Whether it’s the camera in your phone or a more high-end model, there are lots of options to consider depending on your trip.

If you want to make a travel video with high-quality images, look into bringing a  DSLR camera  or even a  handheld camcorder  or  point-and-shoot camera . If you know you’ll be on the move during your trip or want to capture underwater footage, a  GoPro  is a great all-purpose camera perfect for capturing big adventures. And if you’re not looking to invest a lot in camera equipment, you can always just use your phone. Smartphone image quality is constantly improving, and there are plenty of ways to  improve on that quality , too.

Additionally, if you suspect you’ll be recording a lot of audio, or will be shooting in windy environments, it might be a good idea to invest in a high-quality  external microphone .

Protect Your Equipment

When you’ve decided which sort of camera you’ll be using to make a travel video, you’ll need the right stuff to protect it during your travels. There are plenty of  small camera bags  that will do for any number of cameras, but if you’re going pro and planning on bringing a lot of equipment, consider buying a separate carry-on designed to organize and pad your equipment, like  this sturdy bag  from Ape Case.

If you’re planning to do all the shooting on your GoPro, the  VentureCase  from GoPole will keep your camera and accessories dry and organized.

Know Where You’re Going

Spontaneous travel is fun, but if you know you’ll want to make a video to document your adventures, it helps to know where you’re going. Before you leave, make sure you have a rough itinerary of where you’ll be and when you’ll be there.

Not only will this help you plan out your final video, it will also give you the opportunity to research what you’ll see when you’re there. Check weather reports to determine when the best time to shoot will be and look up images of each destination to start planning the shots you’re likely to get when you’re there. Time of day also plays a big factor when it comes to getting the perfect shot. For example, if you want to capture silhouettes on the  Charles Bridge in Prague , it’s better to visit during the less-crowded sunrise hour.

To Make a Travel Video, You Need to Create a Shot List

Figure out what you want to record at your destination. Most people tend to pull out their cameras instinctively (e.g., whenever they see something interesting). But to make a travel video, it’s smart to plan some of your shots ahead of time so you can get all the footage you’ll need.

If you know you’ll be visiting the Eiffel Tower in Paris, for example, you’ll want more than just a shot from the top. Here’s an example of a list you might make for this specific experience:

  • Establishing shot of the Eiffel Tower from street
  • Shot of the base of the Eiffel Tower
  • Shot of purchasing your ticket
  • Shot of taking the elevator to the top
  • Panning shot from the top overlooking Paris

It might mean more work, but you’ll be thankful you have all that footage when you sit down to edit your travel video.

Narration in a Travel Video

Consider incorporating narration to help tell your story. There are two ways to do this—during or after your trip. If you want to make your narration a part of your video, remember to talk while you record or shoot selfie-style and let your audience know what you’re doing. (“Here we are at the Grand Canyon!”) You can even turn the camera on your travel partners and ask them to tell the camera what’s happening in the moment.

If you choose to wait, adding narration after the trip is over is also a great way to reflect on your travel memories. All you need to do is write a script and record. Think of this as an opportunity to really organize your story. (“Little did we know what was waiting for us around the corner.”) For an extra challenge, try to incorporate both types of narration when you make a travel video.

Another way to liven up your travel videos is by bringing people into them. Just make sure to ask for permission before you start recording. Travel guides, locals, and even your travel partners all make great subjects for interviews. Shots of people are a good way to mix up your footage, and you can even edit their voices over certain shots. For example, if your travel guide is describing the history of a landmark, this is a great time to cut right to your footage of it.

Time Lapses

Time-lapses are mesmerizing to watch and easy to do, so there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be shooting time lapses on your trip. Many cameras, including your smartphone, have time-lapse functions that you can take advantage of. All you need to do is set your camera in a steady place and wait. It’s not always necessary, but it’s helpful to have a tripod handy for filming time-lapses. If you don’t have a tripod, just make sure you have a flat surface where you can place your camera or phone.

To make the most out of your time-lapse, look for moving scenes, whether that be a busy town square or a vivid sunset. Personally, I like to incorporate time-lapses into my trip by setting up my camera at a restaurant or anywhere I know I’ll be sitting for a long period of time.

Editing Your Travel Video

When the trip is over and you’ve recovered from your  post-travel blues , it’s time to sit down and look over your footage. Focus on the moments that stand out and cut anything that didn’t come out as well as you hoped. Unless you documented something truly magnificent, the world doesn’t need to see your blurry or shaky footage. When you’ve figured out which clips you’ll be using, sit back and think about the story that you’re trying to tell and how you can use some of the above techniques (narration, time-lapses, etc.) to bring that story to life.

When it comes to software, there are plenty of  free video-editing tools  you can use to put your video together. Some, like  Windows Movie Maker , come with your computer, or for Mac users, iMovie is available at the  Apple Store .

If you’re willing to pay for your editing software, programs like  Adobe Premiere  or  Final Cut Pro  are a great way to give your videos a professional edge. There’s a bit of a learning curve with these programs, but many tutorials are available online.

Every epic travel montage needs the perfect song, but unfortunately you might run into trouble if you try to upload your video to a public platform without securing the rights to the music you’ve selected. Websites like  Facebook  and  YouTube  will often remove videos if the videos use music that falls under copyright.

The best way to share your video with your friends and the rest of the world is to look for royalty-free music. This is music available online that you can download and use for free. Just make sure to credit the original source. There are plenty of websites to find this kind of music, like  Bensound  or  Sound of Picture.  And if you insist your video is incomplete without your favorite song, you can always try to  purchase the rights  or just keep an unpublished version for your collection.

More from SmarterTravel:

  • 10 Instant-Print Cameras Recommended by a Travel Photographer
  • Nikon Coolpix W300 Review: An Adventure-Proof Camera for Underwater Video
  • 10 Gorgeous Hotels Made for Instagram

Jamie Ditaranto is a writer and photographer who is always looking for her next adventure. Follow her on Twitter @jamieditaranto .

Editor’s note: This story was originally published in 2017. It has been updated to reflect the most current information.

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How to Make a Travel Video in 15 Easy Steps

  • Judit Ruiz Ricart
  • Aug 9, 2018

easy ways to make travel video

“The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.” Chris McCandless has become an inspiration for many, and this quote perfectly reflects why we feel so drawn to challenges. Whether you are preparing your summer trip, looking to expand the horizons of your photography website , or both, you can probably relate to McCandless’ statement.

On that note, videos allow you to capture these encounters and share them with people so that they can experience the same joy. As much as we love photography, there are some moments that require a fuller sensory experience. And because of our attraction to discovering new horizons, most of them take place as we wander into unknown locations. If you’re looking to capture and share these experiences in a whole new way, this is all you need to know about how to make a travel video.

01. Do your research

As fun as being spontaneous is, doing some research early on will pay off in the long run. This applies not only to your travel video but also to the trip itself. Start by checking weather reports and reading about other people’s experiences. Find out what the must-see locations are and when the best season to enjoy them is.

At this point, you’ll be able to create a general schedule for your trip to make sure you don’t miss anything. Doing this will save you a lot of time during the trip, as well as help you with the planning of your video. However, make sure you leave room for last-minute decisions and allow yourself to change the schedule and adapt it to the day-by-day reality of the journey.

02. Get inspired

The best place to gather inspiration from is your own professional photographer website . What are you most passionate about? Maybe it’s street scenes, food, or perhaps landscapes. Following this same theme on your travel video will allow you to feel more comfortable with both the creative process and the final result. You’ll benefit from your existing expertise while challenging yourself to see such a familiar subject from a new perspective.

The next step is browsing other people’s travel videos. Spend some time watching the work of videographers you admire, as well as others you hadn’t heard of until this point. Look at videos taken at your destination, but also some taken in completely different locations. Identify the techniques and styles you love, and see if you can incorporate them into your work.

cameraman standing on rocks next to the sea waves

03. Find your story

The most important element in any video is the story it tells. Without a good narrative, viewers are likely to get bored and move on to the next video. It doesn’t matter how amazing your footage is and how well it works with the music you added, your audience just won’t be able to connect with it.

Setting a focus for your video, as mentioned in the previous step, will make it easier to figure out what you want to say. The story of your video will affect everything from gear to post-production. In order to avoid a lot of headaches, make sure you take the time to pick a narrative you’re absolutely convinced of before you move forward.

04. Set a plan

Once you have decided on the story you want to tell, it’s time to decide how you want to tell it. This is where all the initial research comes back into the picture. Which of the styles you loved fits the concept better? What is the best pace to tell the story? Which techniques can bring the style and pace together? Knowing this beforehand will allow you to plan some of the footage and keep you from mindlessly recording clips you don’t need.

During your planning, you will also need to decide whether you want to incorporate natural sounds into the video or use only music. While many videographers prefer to choose their video soundtrack during their planning, it is not a must.

05. Pack your gear

You might be tempted to fall into the trap of one of the most well-known photography myths during this new adventure, so let’s make it clear: you do not need expensive gear to create great content. Of course a $5K setup will offer higher results than your smartphones, but only if you actually know how to use it. Many people spend money on amazing gear but never bother to learn how to make the most of everything it offers.

You should start with the equipment you have and only think about acquiring new things after it starts limiting your work. When it comes to camera accessories , all you’ll need is a good microphone, and that’s only if you’re planning to include natural sounds in your travel video. Carrying too much gear before you reach the creative level when you’ll actually need it will just make filming harder and more tiring.

06. Look for a sponsor

If you already reach out to brands as a photographer , it might be a great idea to do so as a videographer as well. One of the most common partnerships between brands and video creators is including their products in the video in exchange for gear or travel expenses. If you still don’t have any videos in your portfolio, you can always get a photography collaboration based on your travel schedule.

07. Start filming

No matter how carefully planned your trip, many things will probably change the moment you get to your destination. And while you should definitely keep an open mind when it comes to following an organized schedule, there is a reason why research and planning are such a critical part of learning how to make a travel video.

There are three main things to remember when you finally start shooting:

Film only relevant content. Having too much footage will only make the creative process harder.

Get a nice variety of clips. Even if you have a clear subject set, shooting only landscapes, food, or people, will result in a really boring video.

Capture moments. Focusing on recording short moments will keep you away from mindlessly pointing your camera towards ten different directions within five seconds.

08. Make it engaging

The key to a successful travel video is engaging your audience. A great way to do so is by filming a variety of clips. Capturing a subject through different frames and movements allows for more diverse options in the final creation. This means you’ll probably want to refrain from using a tripod for the majority of your shots. To get a good pace, try to make your clips short and sweet. Try to see the action surrounding you in clips of three to five seconds.

09. Mind the light

Understanding lighting plays a major role in learning how to make a travel video. As a photographer, this step should be fairly easy for you. Since you’ll probably be shooting most of your footage outdoors, picking the right time of day will be crucial. Unless you are using professional equipment, you’ll probably have to face some barriers. Cameras with small sensors tend to overexpose images, which can result in ruined shots when you’re shooting bright scenes. You’ll also want to avoid dark situations, as using higher ISOs will affect image quality.

To avoid both of these situations, the best option is to shoot during the golden hour. At this time, the sun is really close to the horizon, offering just the right amount of light. Unfortunately, this perfect shooting moment only lasts 30 to 60 minutes. This is why knowing which footage you want to capture beforehand is key to getting good results.

smartphone recording sunset video

10. Work on the road

Ideally, you should start the video editing process during your trip. On top of easing your workload once you get back home, it can also help improve the quality of the project. Don’t worry, we’re not suggesting you spend half of your travel days in front of a computer. Simply spend a few minutes going over the footage you shot that day and select the clips that are likely to be included in the video. This will allow you to have a general idea of how the final result will look and see if there’s anything missing. While doing so, keep in mind the bigger picture. Think of each clip as a puzzle piece and see how the different parts can be put together to match your story.

11. Find the right soundtrack

The last step before you sit down to face the processing stage is choosing the perfect music for the video. The audio will be a determining factor on the quality and success of your video, so don’t take it lightly. The earlier you pick a soundtrack, the better you’ll be able to connect it with the footage. This is why you should keep it in mind during the whole creative process.

When it comes to choosing your music, you need to be aware of the legal limitations beforehand. Don’t spend the whole trip shooting footage to your favorite show’s opening song in mind, because chances are you won’t be allowed to use it. Copyrights will be your worst enemy, but also your best friend. They will push you to find soundtracks that really connect with your content, rather than a catchy tune that got stuck in your head.

12. Take time to edit

Once you’re back home and have done all your laundry, it’s time to get down to business. Not to defeat the Huns, but rather to start the final process of your travel video creation. While it might seem intimidating at first, it will be a lot of fun once you get the hang of it. If you didn’t have the chance to get some work done during the trip, start by going over all the raw footage and choosing the clips you want to use.

Essentially, video editing consists of cutting out the footage you don’t want to use and stitching the chosen clips together. In general, travel videos are divided into two main sections:

Introduction: The first seconds of the video need to capture the viewer’s attention and serve as a presentation of your story.

Body: The storyline of your video, comprising most of your content.

Some videographers may choose to add their brand between the introduction and body, as well as credits, or a call to action after the body. Overall, the general recommendation is that a travel video should last between three to ten minutes.

13. Aim for perfection

But don’t let it control you. As a media creator, you probably know exactly what we’re referring to. You should never rush the process and put an unfinished creation out into the world. That much is quite obvious, right? However, it is quite common to focus so much on getting the best results that the project never seems quite finished. There is a moment in which you’ll need to tell yourself that the video is good enough and doesn’t require more editing time.

14. Share the final result

Congratulations on your travel video! The final step is sharing your creation with the world. If this is the first time you’ve made a video, you might be wondering where and how you should share it. The first place is, of course, your online portfolio. With Wix Video , you’ll be able to showcase, promote, and sell your videos from within your existing videographer portfolio .

As for social media channels, Facebook and YouTube seem to be the preferred options by videographers at the moment. You might also want to take advantage of the popularity spike of the newest kid in town: Instagram TV . To bypass format limitations, you can simply create a short vertical preview of your travel video and use this platform as a tool to drive visitors to your site.

wix video

15. Learn from it

What did this experience teach you? Identify the hurdles you faced during the project and how you overcame them. Think about what you would have done differently knowing what you know now. Listen to feedback and consider how it can help you improve. Most importantly: keep researching, getting inspired, and practicing. Every moment you spend working on your video takes you one step closer to creating outstanding content.

Ready to create an amazing travel video? Make sure to share it on your photography website !

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15 June 2021

Tips for how to make a travel video that stands out.

Tips for How to Make a Travel Video That Stands Out

Dreaming about how to make a great travel video and not sure how to start? Travel videos are excellent ways to breathe life into your holiday photos and memories. And, let's face it: videos attract a lot more engagement on social media than photos these days. You only have to check out social media trends for 2021 to see that everyone, from friends and families to brands and their marketing arms, is creating videos to share with and entertain their audiences.

Videos can make us dream of our next holiday, they can inspire new plans, or they can just help your followers get to know you better. Whether you're into adventure videos, interviews, photomontages, or a first-person, pared-down production, here are some easy steps to create your own amazing travel video. 

Learn from other travel videos

Remember the saying "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery"? If you have some social channels you already love to follow for their footage, especially travel videos, now is the time to get inspired. Watch the videos that do really well, either getting lots of likes or thumbs up, or engagement from viewers. Get an idea of what all these have in common and what features you'd like to use in your own videos.

You can also watch some reputable creative travel videos like the documentaries produced by National Geographic to get ideas of stories and angles you can take with your own productions (at a much lower scale, of course!)

Have a story

The single most important trick to making a shareable and memorable travel video is to link it to a story. Whether it's a quick account of your first-person impressions of where you are, or a bird's eye view of a flyover over a mountain forest, ask yourself: what's the story and what will my viewers take away from this video?

Research travel video ideas upfront

This is a tip that will not only help your video do well on social media, but will also make you more efficient. Before you head to the place you're planning to film, do your research about the area, what other good travel videos were done there, what angles you'd like to capture, and so on. Consider your itinerary for the day: will you stay in one place or move around? And how will you shoot that?

Move from the travel video ideas to the execution by sketching out how you'll make each frame stand out. You might use more than one camera or just your phone. Knowing all this in advance will save you lots of time and will give you awesome footage.

Plan a shooting schedule

Following on from the tip above, once you have your story and your travel video ideas are fleshed out on paper, make yourself super-efficient by drafting a schedule. It doesn't have to be a professional, Hollywood-style shooting timetable, it can literally be a 2-line sketch! But having it on paper will focus you on getting the best shots for your film. 

Pick the best songs for travel videos

Having a musical background makes your video more fun and engaging and it can sometimes alter the mood completely. Think about your favorite movie soundtracks for travel scenes, or nature sounds you can overlay onto your video with a good video editing app. In a pinch, just search for "songs for travel videos" online and refer back to your inspiration channels as well. You can also use your video editing app to get additional ideas for background music.

Make a creative travel video with color and depth

To really make your travel video stand out, add some extra focus points that take it from just an overview of a place to a more vibrant and engaging piece of filming. For example, if you're traveling through an Italian village with an open-air market, go beyond filming a wide-angle shot of the stalls and zoom in on the colorful vegetables and fruit.

You can make your video more unique with close-up shots, details, and one-of-a-kind angles focusing on stand-out elements of your trips.

Make it funny

Another way for your travel video to stand out is to make people laugh. We're not suggesting you become a comedian, but the best funny travel videos manage to capture interesting - and comical! - moments in their destinations. This will mean you have to be spontaneous and capture funny moments as they happen, then share them with your followers. So, keep your eyes open for shots that will generate some laughs!

Have a mix of content 

For your social media channel, diversity is key to keeping your audience engaged. Whether you're posting your travel videos to YouTube or TikTok, avoid always shooting the same style of video. Mix landscape views with close-ups, scenes with you talking to the camera with interviews, and make use of music and transitions to keep your viewers entertained. 

Enhance your travel video with clever editing

This is where a good video editing app can help you make amazing travel videos even from your phone. To make your video even better, add some effects and writing to convey additional information you may not think is coming out clearly. You may also want to use some of these travel video transition ideas: chapters or headings, music intros, cut effects, etc. There's so much you can do post-filming, so make the most of it!

Be consistent / have a theme

You might think this clashes with the idea of having a mix of content - it doesn't! Being consistent is all about defining your "why" : what's your channel about and what are you sharing your videos for? Do you want to offer a new perspective on classic destinations? Are you looking for the quirkiest food venues? Do you want to become a world-class one-minute interviewer?

Whatever theme sounds good to you, weave it into your videos to develop your unique brand. 

Play with durations for different social media platforms

You don't need us to tell you that you can't expect the same results with a 10-minute YouTube video as with an Instagram story. But then again, if you focus on providing short snippets of life in a new destination, one-minute travel videos are ideal and you should post them to TikTok or Instagram. Adapting for different platforms will allow you to either focus on one type of content only, or diversify as much as you'd like. Play around with durations until you find what suits you the best.

Remember your audience

When shooting a travel video, think of who it's for: are they interested in the experience, the scenery, the people? Depending on the audience, you may alter the style and look of your travel footage. You could also repurpose your content and use a video editing app to cut parts of your footage into new travel videos dedicated to specific audiences. 

For example, assume you've shot lots of footage from a city break in Paris and you realize you could make a one-minute travel video with the "best of" scenes as well as an in-depth video about the cathedrals or restaurants or the music scene... All of a sudden, you have different videos from the same footage, addressing different audiences, and widening your reach.

Whether just starting out or looking for fresh ideas about how to make a travel video, this guide should give you some inspiration for creating new and engaging content you can be proud of . And, remember: start sharing, see what works, and adapt as you go along!

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How to create great travel videos

Jun 26, 2017 • 5 min read

easy ways to make travel video

I travel the world for a living, making videos of the places I visit, people I meet and experiences I get to have. These videos inspire people of all ages and races to go out and explore this beautiful planet for themselves.

Some of the most common questions I get about my job are surrounding the video making process itself: What cameras do I use? How do I edit my videos? How am I so comfortable on camera? They’re great questions, and they lead to an important starting point in taking your own travel video skills to the next level.

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What cameras do I use?

Visual storytelling is my business, so having top gear is important to me. My camera collection is constantly evolving as new tech is released. I’m currently shooting with a Sony A7SII, Sony RX100V, Go Pro Hero 5, Osmo+ and DJI Phantom 4. The lenses I use on my A7SII are the FE 85mm F1.8, FE 16-35mm F4 and FE 24-70 F4.

This may sound like a lot, but it’s also not necessary to have all this gear to make good travel videos. There are many affordable cameras out there that will help you do the job well. Many people buy great cameras and never take the time to learn what they’re capable of.

I would suggest mastering a cheaper camera before investing in something more high tech and expensive. I would also suggest making good audio a priority over picture quality. I would much rather watch a video in standard definition with great audio than high definition picture with poor audio. If the camera you are using has the capability to attach an external microphone, I would highly recommend purchasing one. I am currently using a Shure VP83 LensHopper Shotgun Microphone which creates excellent audio quality. It’s also very compact, making it easy to take on the road. I also have a Zoom H4N Handy Recorder which I use for voiceovers. If your camera doesn’t have a external mic input, you can still use your internal mics, but purchasing mic muffs will make a huge difference when shooting outdoors. The mic muffs helps control any wind interference. 

How do I edit my videos?

There are several options for video editing software. If you use a Mac, there’s an editing program called iMovie already installed onto your computer. This program will allow you to do very basic edits – combining a variety of clips in a meaningful way to tell your story is the essence of creating videos, and this will get you there.

If you want more room to play and get creative, I’d recommended Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere. I’ve used both, but prefer Final Cut Pro, which I’ve been using for the past 12 years. I would suggest signing up for a free trial for both programs. That way you can get the feel of how each works and choose which one you feel more comfortable with before purchasing.

How do I keep viewers engaged?

Engagement is key when creating any type of video content. If you can’t keep your viewers engaged, they will stop tuning in. So, how can you keep them watching? I always make sure to get a variety of shots when out filming. This means close-ups, mid-shots and wide shots of the same subjects along with pans and tilts. Movement is important for keeping viewers engaged, so I don’t use a tripod very often. I think movement in the frame keeps viewers watching because it’s more stimulating than a static shot. Pacing is also important to consider. I like to keep the shots I use in the final edit short and sweet rather than long and lagging.

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Where do I share my videos?  

There seems to be a new video-sharing platform introduced to the world every week. While I’ve experimented with several, YouTube and Facebook are my main and most engaged platforms. While Facebook is great for view count and gaining new eyeballs, YouTube is all about community. My YouTube audience is made up of a dedicated following who have been watching my content for the past five years. For me, YouTube is the most important because building a community number is my top priority.

Those who tune each week to watch my videos are just as much a part of Hopscotch the Globe as I am. They are the reason I keep creating video content. I also embed every video onto my blog Hopscotch the Globe ( ). Everything I create, whether it’s videos, photos or written content, lives on my blog. I think it’s important for any type of creator to have a blog because other social media platforms aren’t as reliable and may not stick around forever.

How am I so comfortable on camera?

Being comfortable on camera isn’t something that came easy to me. Rewind to about 12 years ago when I was extremely nervous while recording a video for a college application. I had to tell everyone in my house to leave because I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone hearing me record. I was THAT nervous being in front of the camera.

Today, I am more comfortable in front of the camera than speaking face to face with an actual human. This comfort came with A LOT of practice and patience with myself. The more I filmed myself on camera, the more relaxed I came across on camera. I even forced myself to vlog in highly populated areas where I knew people would stop and watch. Although this made me uncomfortable at first, it really helped me to learn not to care what others think.

A real turning point for me was when I realized the importance of being myself on camera and not trying to copy others. As soon as I taught myself this, I started to shine and my business really took off.

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Keep working at it

I’ve gone through a lot of trial and error over the years to get to where I am today. If you’re serious about creating travel videos for a hobby or a living, I’ve created “The Art of Travel Vlogging” video course with travel vlogger Nadine Sykora and the travel blogger Nomadic Matt. This course gives you pointers on how to create world-class travel videos and succeed on YouTube.

Everyone who creates starts from nothing and builds there way up. Keep doing what you love, learning all you can and success will follow.

Discover Lonely Planet Video , your home for travel videos featuring content from globetrotting filmmakers.

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How to Make Travel Videos – 5 Tips for Beginners

Updated July 15, 2019

// By Margherita

Are you a beginner wondering how to make travel videos? This post is for you! 5 top tips from one beginner to another – yes, because we are super lazy when it comes to videos, but thanks to these tips we’ll be making more and more!

We have a love/hate relationship when it comes to video. Just look at our long-neglected YouTube channel to see why – we get really into making videos for a while, film like crazy, buy new gadgets, edit, post a whole bunch of videos, and then go back to doing nothing.

We have about 5 hard drives full of footage, lying forgotten. We would like to make videos regularly, but we find the process really overwhelming. Should we make hero style videos, or opt for ‘vlogging’ ? Should we plan our trips around the kind of footage we want, or just film as we travel? What about editing – where do we begin?

We are still very much at the start of our video journey, and with videos expected to become gain more and more traction recently, it’s important to practice as much as we can. 

Here are our 5 beginner tips on how to make great travel videos. Please let me emphasise that we are not experts at travel video making, by any means, we just want to share our learning journey with you! 

1) Watch Travel Videos

where to go in the philippines malapascua

As a writer, reading is just as important as writing to hone your skills . The same can be said about anything really – learning is a never ending process, and even if you’re an expert in a specific field, you can always learn from your peers. 

I’ve met so many bloggers who said ‘they don’t really read blogs’, and I think that’s really silly – how else are you going to keep yourself up to date to what’s going on in the industry?

Watching travel videos is a really good way to get inspired about new filming and editing styles. ‘Inspired’ should be the operative word here – remember, try not to copy, but to reinterpret what you see according to your own style. 

At first, watching videos of established vloggers/videomakers may be a bit daunting. ‘I’ll never be that good!’ that’s what most people think, including us. Some say it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert in anything – whether this is true or not , I don’t know, but spending some of them watching travel video isn’t all that bad!

2) Plan Your Videos in Advance

visit jyrgalan train

Let’s imagine you travel to Milan for a weekend , to film a city break-style video. How do you want your video to be? Are you going to be speaking? Will you feature snippets of different places, as if it were a listicle blog post, or will you opt for a dreamy, cinematic style?

It’s good to answer these questions before travelling to your chosen destination. The #1 beginner mistake when making travel videos is not planning , just filming random stuff – then wishing that inspiration will come to you when editing, and you’ll *magically* find a super cool way to put all that footage together. 

Guess what – most of the times, it won’t. You’ll find yourself screaming at your laptop, hoping to find a way out of that pile of footage. The solution? Try to plan your travel video beforehand , thinking about how to open it, how to close it, what kind of shots you need, and where and when you’ll need to be at sunrise, sunset and so on. 

Storyboarding really helps – check out this video for a great intro to storyboarding, and why it’s useful.

3) Your Gear Doesn’t Matter!

easy ways to make travel video

What’s in your travel video bag? Camera, GoPro, drone, gimbal, filters, tripod, stabiliser… do you really need that much stuff, especially at the beginning of your adventure into making travel videos?

Remember that old photography adage – the best camera is the one you have on you when you need it. The same applies to videos. Most of the times you can just capture that awesome scene right in front of you on your smartphone, in a matter of minutes.

Besides, there’s nothing more boring than a ‘hero video’ that’s just drone shot after timelapse after drone shot repeated ad infinitum – you know what I mean!

So, don’t weigh yourself down with lots of useless gear , especially at the beginning. Your phone can do the job – you’ll always have time to upgrade your gear later on!

4) Use Apps to Edit

siquijor tourist spots beach sunset

This could be a topic for an entire post. There are millions of apps out there , ranging from free ones like iMovie (cool, but basic) to paid apps like FinalCut and subscription based programs like Premiere Pro and After Effects – which are great, but can really, really be daunting for beginners wanting to make travel videos. 

Personally, I like apps that are intuitive enough for dummies, yet give you plenty of chances to play around with your footage. One of my favourite apps to edit videos is Filmora , which includes a library of video styles guiding you through the entire editing process, telling you what kind of footage you need and when, plus video LUTs (like presets, but for videos), music, transitions, and more. 

If iMovie is not quite enough for you, but you don’t want to spend $$$ for professional level programs like Premiere Pro, then Filmora is perfect for you. We loved how straightforward it was – even a complete video noob like myself was able to import, cut and trim video clips, then add titles and effects from the extensive library. 

5) Don’t Forget the Music!

easy ways to make travel video

A good video needs sound – whether is it your voice, or music, or a mixture of the two. Finding good music is an essential step in making a good travel video, and one where many beginner travel video makers (including ourselves, once again) often come undone. 

The music should be in line with the tone and pace of your video, but try not to fall into cultural stereotypes – i.e. drums in videos about Africa, guitars in Spain, and so on. Rather, follow the beats of the music you’ve chosen, and add transitions accordingly.

Some videomakers choose music before starting to edit, others during, but the end result should be the same – make sure that what you hear and what you see ‘go well’ together. 

Also, don’t forget that you can’t just use any piece of music you found on the Internet – it needs to be properly licensed. There are plenty of websites offering royalty-free music, which can be great for beginners, but I bet you’ll get tired of it soon.

Filmora also has a music library, and there are some other subscription based libraries like Epidemic, which is well worth the extra expense!

2 thoughts on “How to Make Travel Videos – 5 Tips for Beginners”

That is very important for a blogger and a traveler. Most of the traveler face this problem. There you share really impotent information that,s must be help make good content. I love your technic and think. Thanks and keep posting,.

Thanks, whatever that means lol

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VideoProc Vlogger

The Best Travel Video Maker for All Users

  • • Assemble, trim, and rearrange the videos
  • • Fine-tune the videos by chopping up unnecessary frames
  • • Remove fisheyes, adjust speed, color grading, add transitions, and music
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easy ways to make travel video

How to Make a Travel Video - 5 Easy Tips for Beginners

We all want to make grate travel videos, but how? It's not about shooting here, there, and everywhere. In fact, there are several tips for you to make a travel video that's compelling for audiences. Even though it is not the blockbuster type that you pursue, you need to make sure that the footage is smooth and comfortable to eyes. Tips for making a travel video can be narrowed down to the pre-production, production, and post-production. In the following, I will explain to you how to make a compelling travel video in the plainest words. Without further ado, let's get started.

1. Prepare Gear for Shooting Travel Videos

The camera main body, backup camera, flying drones, lens of different angles, tripod, intervalometer, and many other high-end and professional level pieces of gear are good for getting amazing travel footage.

Travel Video Camera Gear

However, as you are on a travel, too much gear might make your travel confusing than pleasant. Unless we are making travel videos for a serious commercial project, it's definitely okay to take only the essential videography gear on our travel. And the essential travel gear includes:

1) A smartphone or camera . The prevalent options are DJI drones for aerial videos, GoPro action cameras for adventure travel videos, and smartphones for short film and story-telling videos.

2) Tripod with a wireless remote . Most cameras offer the anti-shake feature, but it's still tricky to record no-shaky videos. That's why we need a tripod. And the extra wireless remote control feature can help us record travel videos from a distance of around 30 feet.

3) Some batteries. Shooting videos consumes much battery power. To avoid missing any memorable scenery because of running out of the battery, make sure you get some backup batteries or the power supply.

2. Plan Your Travel Videos

Before starting the shot, ask yourself a few questions: What is your travel video about? What do you want to emphasize? What do your audiences want to see? These can help you make a travel video that your audiences would like to watch.

If you want to make your video shoots look more appealing, you can draw a storyboard in the early stage, and make shooting and editing according to that.

3. Film Your Travel Videos

Chances are that you don't have much shooting experiences, here are some video shooting tips for you.

1) Make scenes to connect the character with the place where they are spotting. Mark the character with the scene and building up a relationship between them.

Film Travel Video Tips

2) Shoot a high frame rate, and it would definitely make your travel video unlike the previous one. But sadly, not every camera has the ability of high frame rate shooting. If, however, you are with an iPhone, there you go, you can have a try on its slo-mo feature. It works as well.

3) Shoot the same behavior of one in different scenes. For instance, when he is walking, taking selfies, or has other interesting actions, etc.

4) You can adjust the shooting distance or focal length, switching to various ways to shoot the subject. When you are shooting a person, try featuring his state from different angles: his hand, his back, etc. with different shots such as bust shots, full-body shots, snapshots, etc.

4. Manage the Travel Videos

When you go back from the trip, there are maybe dozens of GBs or even hundreds of GBs of travel footage. You must be aware of each of your materials and organize them in a specific order, which is very important for post-production.

Manage Folders

It is suggested to divide all videos and photos you've recorded during your trip into several folders and manage them with labels, so you won't have trouble finding the source when editing the rough footage into an impressive travel video.

5. Edit Your Travel Videos

Now, let's dive into the post-production stage. In a nutshell, we need to: 1) Assemble, trim, and rearrange the videos. 2) Fine-tune the videos by chopping up unnecessary frames, removing fisheyes , adjusting speed, and color grading, etc. 3) Add the stuff that you want to show in the final travel video, including transitions, titles, and music, etc. Sounds tricky? Don't fret. With the help of VideoProc Vlogger - a streamlined, powerful, yet free video editing software everyone can edit appeal travel videos in simple steps. Below is the workaround that I often use to edit a travel video.

easy ways to make travel video

Step 1. Start a Project

Download and install VideoProc Vlogger. Open it up. Enter the project name, select the wanted output file location, click on + New Project to create the project. Surely, if necessary, feel free to choose a new resolution, frame rate, or other parameters.

Create New Project

Step 2. Add Travel Videos

Drag the folders that hold the travel videos that's been well organized onto Media Library. Now you can drag the folders onto Video Track. The videos and photos will assemble and arrange on the timeline in order.

Step 3. Trim and Rearrange

1) Trim a travel video clip . Select the target video clip, and then simply drag its edge to the point where you need to clip start or end.

2) Delete parts of a clip . Move the playhead to the start point of the unwanted section, and press Split. Then you move the playhead to the end of that section and press Split again. Select the target clip and press the backspace bar.

Trim Travel Video

3) Rearrange the travel video clips . Click on the target clip and then drag it left or right, you can change the sequence. If you are changing the sequence of some really long video clips, the fastest method to get things done is right-clicking on the clip and choosing Move Forward or Move Backward.

Change Sequences

Step 4. Fine Tune the Travel Videos

Select the target travel video clip and then follow one or many of the below steps to make it look better.

1) Crop to rebuild the focus of the travel video or remove the redundant frames. Select the travel video clip, choose Crop, and then drag the cropping box on the left window.

Crop Travel Video

2) Remove the fisheye caused by the wide-angle of action cameras like GoPro to give a more realistic view. Go to the Inspector panel located on the right of the preview window. Scroll down your mouse to find the Lens Distortion Correction menu. Select the model of the shooting device to quickly remove fisheye from the travel video. You can also customize the settings on the Camera View setting options to get the desired result.

Remove Fisheye of Travel Video

3) Adjust speed to make your travel video truly engaging. Click on the Speed button. You can select a constant speed preset on the pop-up Speed Editor to change the video speed at a new speed rate. Want the video speed to change progressively over time? You just need to select a variable speed change effect such as Montage and Bullet or drag your mouse to manipulate the yellow curve.

Change Travel Video Speed

Learn more about adding rhythm to travel footage>>

4) Color grade the travel video to adjust the exposure, hue, contrast, temperature, tone, or more. Click on Color. Choose a readymade LUT to fast color grade the travel video or adjust the setting options on the right to get the cinema-quality color effect.

Color Grade Travel Video

Step 5. Add a Personal Touch

1) Transitions . They are making the switch between different travel video clips recorded from different locations or angles more natural. Click on the Transition button, select the loved transition effect, and drag it in between two clips.

2) Text . They can help the audience better retain the message you want to convey. Click on Titles, choose the loved Credit Title, Subtitles, or Titles templates, and drag it onto Overlay Track.

Add Text to Travel Video

3) Music . One of the easiest methods to set the mood for the travel video is adding background music . Add the background music file onto Media Library, drag it onto Audio Track, and then adjust its length to match the travel video. That's all.

Step 6. Export the Travel Video.

Click on Export. Enter the file name and the output file location. Press Start. VideoProc Vlogger starts to export the travel video we've made. You can also change the video and audio properties settings for getting the best view experience on certain devices or platforms.

Export Travel Video

Free download and install VideoProc Vlogger and start to make appealing travel videos without hassles!

About The Author

easy ways to make travel video

Cecilia Hwung is the editor-in-chief of Digiarty VideoProc. With over a decade of experience, she specializes in delivering insightful content on AI trends, video/audio editing, conversion, troubleshooting, and software reviews. Her expertise makes her a trusted ally in enhancing users' digital experiences.

Digiarty Software, established in 2006, pioneers multimedia innovation with AI-powered and GPU-accelerated solutions. With the mission to "Art Up Your Digital Life", Digiarty provides AI video/image enhancement, editing, conversion, and more solutions. VideoProc under Digiarty has attracted 4.6 million users from 180+ countries.

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easy ways to make travel video

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How to Make a Good Travel Video

Last Updated: January 22, 2024

This article was co-authored by Isabelle Garson . Isabelle Garson is a Social Media Expert based in the San Francisco Bay Area. With 10 years of experience, she works in social media strategy and content production. She specializes in music and cannabis marketing and has worked with international touring artists. Isabelle studied graphic design at the Academy of Art University. Additionally, she holds a certification from Sprinklr Research Analyst Pro. This article has been viewed 103,968 times.

Making a travel video is a great way to re-live memories and share your trip with others! Whether your video is made in collaboration with a sponsor or simply for your own enjoyment, you'll likely want the best quality possible. To make a good travel video, you’ll need to first plan out your trip beforehand and pack light. While you’re filming and editing, you should focus on creating a narrative, avoid shaking the camera, and put it all together with an editing software.

Planning Your Video

Step 1 Plan where you’re going.

  • For example, you could plan a trip to Paris with all of the different shots you want, such as clips of a street market, food, exploring the city, and looking up at the Eiffel Tower at night.
  • If you’re traveling to India and you want to focus on local cuisine, plan out some of the main places you’ll be eating at and what order they should go in. You could start small with street food and work your way up to a fancy full meal.

Step 2 Make a vlog...

  • You’ll need a camera with a front-facing screen so you can tell where you are in the frame.

Step 3 Film a travel guide if you prefer more informative videos.

  • You’ll probably want a higher quality camera, as the quality informs your authority as a guide. Viewers are less likely to watch a travel guide filmed on a cell phone camera.

Step 4 Make a niche video if you just want to focus on one aspect of travel.

  • Make sure you know any specific shots they want and whether they want product placement. This could involve you using the product or otherwise incorporating the product into the shot.
  • You should also find out how you’ll need to brand the video. For vlogs, some companies ask that you give them a verbal thank-you and acknowledgment. For promotional content, they may ask that you include their logo at the end of the video.

Packing Your Bag

Step 1 Use your smartphone if you don’t have anything else.

  • This option works best with vlogs, as they’re more informal and personal.
  • Make sure to set your video quality to its highest setting, such as “1080p HD at 60 fps” on an iPhone.
  • Smartphones generally don’t capture low light well, so try to film during the day as much as possible.

Step 2 Use a point and shoot camera for quality at a lower cost.

  • Some of the most popular point and shoot cameras are currently the Canon Powershot G7 X and the Sony RX100. These are around $400-600 USD and also have front-facing screens that are perfect for vlogging.
  • This type of camera will record quality video as well as take great photos.
  • You should also pack a case so the camera doesn't get damaged.

Step 3 Shoot with a DSLR camera for high-quality footage.

  • Some of the most popular DSLR camera bodies for videoing are the Canon 70D for around $600 USD, or the Nikon D3300 for around $375 USD.
  • For lenses, some great options are an 18-35 mm lens or a 70-200 mm lens. These will allow you to film a variety of shots, whether far away or up close.
  • You'll also need to bring a case to protect the camera.

Step 4 Use a GoPro for adventure activities.

  • The basic GoPro model starts at $150 USD, but the company also makes a wide variety of accessories and higher-end GoPro cameras.
  • GoPro footage tends to look more washed out, so make sure to bring back the colors when you edit the video.

Step 5 Use a drone for some dramatic, high-quality footage.

  • You can find a simple drone for around $50-100 USD, or a high-end model for $1,000-1,500 USD.
  • You'll definitely want to bring a case for your drone to protect it.

Step 6 Plan for any extra gear and supplies you’ll need.

  • For example, if you’ll be traveling to somewhere windy or a destination that requires shaky transportation such as boats and jeeps, you may want to bring a monopod or tripod. These will help keep your footage steady and smooth.
  • You may also want to bring a microphone cover to protect the audio and block the microphone from strong wind, or a water-tight case for your camera if you want underwater shots.
  • If you’re traveling across the border, you’ll need proper documentation and identification. Check ahead of time for what you’ll need, such as a travel visa, driver’s license, or green card.
  • Pack some snacks like granola bars, veggies and dip, chips, and cheese sticks, as well as a water bottle.

Filming During the Trip

Step 1 Avoid shaking the camera or zooming while filming.

  • Including people in your shots may also help show the scale of the place you’re exploring.
  • For some dialogue, ask people how they feel looking at a location. Try to capture their genuine reaction—ask them if it’s like how they imagined or different. You could also ask “What are we doing right now?” and have them narrate activities or excursions.
  • For interviews with locals, ask them for some basic information and what an average day would look like for them. In some cases, the language barrier may make this more difficult, so stick to questions in basic English like “What is your name?” and “What do you do?”

Step 3 Remember to film consistent transitions.

  • For the spin transition, move the camera so it pans or spins quickly to the side at the beginning and end of your clips. This will create a blurred effect, which will give the illusion that your clips are blending together.
  • For the high-five transition, use your hand to block the lens at the beginning and end of each clip, as if you were high-fiving the camera. If you cover the entire lens and the frame is completely dark, it will create a fun and exciting transition from one location to the next.
  • You can also manually add in transitions when editing, such as a fade to black or dissolve. However, having your own signature transition can make your video look even more professional and add some personality.

Editing Your Footage

Step 1 Choose and learn...

  • YouTube is a great resource for learning how to use these different programs. Watch tutorials to learn basic use as well as specialized skills.

Step 2 Pick great background music.

  • The FMA Archive also has an extensive library of songs you can browse by genre and use for free. [5] X Research source
  • Consider the content and goal of your travel video when choosing music. If your video is full of adventure and excitement and your goal is to get people excited and active, choose an upbeat, fun song with a good beat.
  • If your video is calm and thoughtful, featuring shots of fog, the ocean, or religious locations like monasteries and temples, use slower, more introspective music. Some simple strings or guitar can create a really beautiful effect.

Step 3 Keep some natural background sounds.

  • Adding narration after the trip is over can be helpful. You can wait and see how the narrative forms as you edit, then fill in any gaps with voiceover audio. [7] X Research source

Step 5 Stick to the ideal travel video length, which is between two to three minutes.

  • An easy way to internalize this advice is to remember that your video should generally be the length of a song or shorter.

Step 6 Post your video on social media.

  • To publicize your video, tell your family and friends about it and have them share it with their followers. This is a great way to build an audience if you plan on making more videos!

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Isabelle Garson

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About This Article

Isabelle Garson

To make a good travel video, start by getting lots of high-quality footage, including a mixture of landscape and detail shots, along with pictures and interviews of locals or people you’re traveling with. Additionally, come up with a signature transition, like a camera spin or your hand closing in on the camera, and use it at the beginning and end of each video clip. Once you get home, use a video editing software package, like Lightworks or Windows Movie Maker, to put it all together, adding background music or voiceovers for a more professional effect. For tips on how to make a great travel video using a GoPro, a DSLR camera, or even your smartphone, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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How To Make Better Travel Videos

A travel video is an effective way to share your experiences with your friends and relatives. We create a lot of video footages while we are traveling. But many of us usually don’t know how to make a great travel video. Making a great travel video is a creative work and there are a lot of ways for that when you start shooting your travel video.

Maybe, you don’t want to become a travel video blogger. But at least you would like to organise a little piece of vlogging in your lifestyle. Right? Me too. Today I’ll be deliberating some simple steps to take better travel videos from my own experiences. Let’s get started.

1. Draw up your story

You have to have an idea about what you are going to shoot with your camera in your travel destination. How your theme is going to be, from which angle you’ll take main shots, everything should be pre-planned in your head. Researching helps a lot to make a better travel video. While you’re researching, try to find out locations which are off the beaten path, because that allows you to find some of the well-known tourist attractions. This way, you’ve to decide what you want to capture in your footage. For instance, if you’re visiting places like Darwin , or Fitzroy Island , you can take some shots of people working around the beach or kayaking or the foods.

2. Recording your footage

It’s best to have a tripod in your camera equipment bag. Because you need to hold your each and every shot for at least five to ten seconds. So you have to keep your camera steady. If you don’t have a tripod, rest your hand on something so that it doesn’t move. Take 2 to 3 widescreen ratio shots of your traveling spot. Take as much close up shots as you can, it helps to show details in your video. While shooting from distance, try to zoom in, but don’t push the record button yet, rather make sure that you’re focusing first. You may take interviews with the local people because that helps to break the narration of your trip, and the audiences get interested in this.

better travel videos

3. On-camera introduction

Introduce your story and your location before you start shooting. Talk about what you’re going to tackle in your video. You may feel a bit uncomfortable but it makes the video more interesting. Tell them what they are going to see and how you feel about it. Just talk as like you’re talking to one of your best friends.

4. Remember to smile

Travel video is your plaything. Be relaxed, laugh and keep smiling. Tell a joke in front of the camera to your audience. It’s pretty tough to do, in fact, many can’t do it perfectly yet. But with practices, and less caring about the script, you could be nailing it.

5. Narrate your video

make travel videos

6. Keep viewers engaged

Engagement is everything when you’re making a video. No matter what kind of video it is. If you can’t keep them engaged, they won’t stay tuning. Now the question is, how do you keep your viewers engaged. Well, what I do for this, is, I take a variety of shots when I’m out shooting. Shots like close-ups, wide shots, mid-shots of the same object along with pans and tilts. Movement is very necessary. To keep your viewers engaged, pacing also plays some role in it. Instead of taking long shots, I prefer to keep the shots short and sweet in the final edit.

7. Edit your video

Get yourself some free and simple software to edit your video. Many digital cameras and computers have built-in video editing software nowadays. You can also use  holiday video editing services or buy some cheap rated tools online. I always add my narration into my timeline first. It helps me in deciding about the shots I need to show in my story. And then I add my best travel shots into the timeline. You can also ad d sound effects from the locals. It glamorises the video. Collect the best music and add it there. I recommend you to follow the ten seconds rule of the filmmaking production. Cut off the shaky, boring and unwanted parts of the video. A video for less than 5 minutes would be better.

I’ve had a thousand of errors over the years to get where I am right now. So did my friends. It takes patience to become better at it. Keep practicing until you can finally nail it. Learning is everything you should be doing all your life. Success will follow you automatically.

Author:  John O. Brooks is a videography related content developer. He has 10 years of traveling experience and since then he’s been writing on this. He loves to travel to interesting places around the globe because traveling is something that makes one humble.

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8 Simple Steps to Creating a Travel Video on your iPhone.

How To Make A Travel Video with Pictures & Music.

The 8 steps on how to make a vacation video with pictures and music .

Number one rule don't use templates, it might sound like a good idea at the time to use a template, but why would you want your vacation video to look like someone else's and templates a corny and old school. Making a travel video from your pictures and adding music is actually really easy, here is a step by step guide on how to make a travel video with pictures and music on your iPhone. First of all because they get stuck on the topic of which app to use. This is actually a superficial problem. You can use just about any video editing app out there to make a vacation slideshow.

BUT some are easier than others.

In this article we are going to show you, step by step,  how to make a slideshow video on an iPhone without an editing app . Yes that's right, you can do this with only your iPhone.

Then we're going to show you how to do it in iMovie as well. You can decide which method better suits what you want to achieve.

Watch our Video Tutorial

easy ways to make travel video

STEP 1. Vacation Video Slideshow on iPhone

First you will need to get some pictures on your phone that you want to make into a short travel video .

There is a super easy way to view your photos as a vacation slideshow with music on an iPhone just using the photos app.

Simply open your photos app. Select all the vacation images you want to include in your vacation slideshow. Tap at the bottom left to see the menu and scroll down to the vacation slideshow option.

Automatically your   iPhone will create a travel video with music . You can see multiple images randomly grouped together, with unique transitions between the slides.

Under options you can change the theme, the music, whether it should repeat and the overall speed. 

This is a really fast way to create a cool vacation slideshow. 

You can airplay this to your TV and show friends if you want, but that is sadly where it ends. This vacation slideshow function does not allow you to export this as a travel video (save your vacation slideshow), so that you can share it with friends and family.. Don't worry, there is an easy workaround. All you need to do is a screen recording.

STEP 2. Make a Vacation Slideshow Video

When you slide up on your screen it opens your control centre.

Here you should have a record screen button next to your flashlight. (A circle within a circle.)

If you do not see it, then you need to customize your control centre. 

  • Go to iPhone settings. 
  • Search for a Control Centre. 
  • Select customise controls 
  • Look for the screen recording option. 
  • You need to tap the little green plus button to add it. 

Now when you slide to open your control centre you will see the button.

When you tap on this have 3 seconds to set up your screen and record your vacation slideshow.

This will automatically save to your recent folder in the photos app.

If you are interested in taking more control of your edits then we want to show you how to make a travel video with images and music in a 3rd party   editing app as well. 

STEP 3. How to use iMovie

Using an editing app for making a travel video with images and music gives you more control to make the travel video look the way you want it to look. 

how to make a video with pictures

For creating vacation slideshows with music we use iMovie for iOS, for 3 reasons:

It is Free.

Easy to use ken burns effect., it comes with your iphone, no need to install anything ..

Tap to open iMovie.

Start a new project.

Next you have two options.

Movie & Trailer. 

Movie allows you to create a travel video from scratch whereas the trailer is a pre-templated travel video.

For our vacation slideshow we want to select Movie.

Select the images for your travel video.

Hit create.

start new project imovie

You will see if you push play the first image takes way too long to get through. And all the others will be the same. You need to shorten the image duration by trimming it the way you would a travel video clip.

Before we start trimming though, you want to add in the music.

The music will have an impact on the length of the clips.

STEP 4.   How to add Music to your Vacation Slideshow

Select the plus over under the preview window (left side) to open the media library. From here you can import media . 

Choose the audio section. 

Your options are Soundtracks, My Music and Sound FX.

The Soundtracks is a built-in music library in iMovie.

If like us, you prefer to bring in your own music you can go to My Music option and either bring in songs from iTunes or  from Youtube. 

Under imported you will see some the tracks that are sourced from a free music channel on Youtube . (This is what we usually do)

how to add music to your slideshow

Add in this track and have a listen. 

Now you can shorten the clips to match the feel of the music. 

To change clip duration you will need to trim the clip . 

STEP 5. Change the Vacation Slideshow duration

Tap on the image to select it. 

Once it is selected it will get a yellow border . 

how to trim clips imovie

In the preview screen:

  • At the top you can see the current duration which is 6.6 seconds
  • And below are the ken burns controls.

To trim , grab the yellow handle and drag the clip to a shorter length.

Bring your clip all the way down to around 1 second. Flip through all of them to quickly bring down the duration to a suitable length. I'm aiming for around 0,8 to 1.1 seconds. You don't need to be super accurate.

Let's have a look at the ken burns effect now.

Step 6. add the ken burns effect .

Ken Burns is an effect to animate the image to get some movements.

You have the option to change the front of the clip to a “beginning state” and at the end of the clip to an “end state”.

As the travel video plays it will transition between these two states.

If you turn Ken Burns off the images remain static. This is quite boring. 

Make sure to mix up the direction and angles of movement. The more energetic the music, the more radical you can make the transitions.

STEP 7. Editing Transitions on a iPhone

The next thing you want to consider is looking at the transitions. By default iMovie places a crossfade between all clips.  

You can choose between a whole bunch of different transitions. The theme button actually comes with sound effects.

You can change the direction of the slide transition if you like. There are 4 states you can choose from. Just tap on it again to choose another direction. 

how to edit with imovie iphone

If you give your travel video a watch now transitions might still look a little lame. 

The main reason for this is because they are two slow.

At the bottom here you can speed it up by choosing the .5 of a second option.

Again this will depend on your music speed and energy.

STEP 8. Save Your Vacation Slideshow Travel Video

You need to basically just watch your travel video from the start and adjust the Image duration/length, Ken Burns & transitions on each of the clips. Keep going through this till you've shortened everything enough to keep the travel video interesting. 

When you are finished. Hit done. Top left corner.

Make sure to name your project. You can now hit the share button and share this travel video with whoever you want.

Watch our Slideshow Tutorial


Videos the Pain Free  Way

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10 Ways to Get Easy Airport Lounge Access, According to an Expert

Posted: January 25, 2024 | Last updated: January 25, 2024

<p> You can completely upgrade your airport experience by passing the time in an amazing airport lounge. </p> <p> We’re talking about opportunities to sit and relax away from busy waiting areas while enjoying free food and beverages. Even better, getting in doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. </p> <p> For over a decade, I’ve been using credit card benefits as one of my <a href="">travel planning secrets</a> to get to some destinations nearly free of charge. Here are some simple ways you can boost your airport experience, too. </p> <p>  <a href=""><b>Earn Points and Miles:</b> Find the best travel credit card for nearly free travel</a>  </p>

You can completely upgrade your airport experience by passing the time in an amazing airport lounge.

We’re talking about opportunities to sit and relax away from busy waiting areas while enjoying free food and beverages. Even better, getting in doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg.

For over a decade, I’ve been using credit card benefits as one of my travel planning secrets to get to some destinations nearly free of charge. Here are some simple ways you can boost your airport experience, too.

Earn Points and Miles: Find the best travel credit card for nearly free travel

<p> One of the easiest ways to get lounge access is having a credit card that provides an airport lounge benefit. </p> <p> In many cases, that’s your key to gaining access to a network of over a thousand airport lounges worldwide. And you often don’t have to do much more than qualify for a specific credit card and enroll in the lounge benefit. </p> <p>Many <a href="">top travel credit cards</a> also provide airport lounge access as a benefit. </p> <p>  <p class=""><a href="">Get expert advice on making more money - sent straight to your inbox.</a></p>  </p>

Use a credit card with lounge access

One of the easiest ways to get lounge access is having a credit card that provides an airport lounge benefit.

In many cases, that’s your key to gaining access to a network of over a thousand airport lounges worldwide. And you often don’t have to do much more than qualify for a specific credit card and enroll in the lounge benefit.

Many top travel credit cards  also provide airport lounge access as a benefit.

Get expert advice on making more money - sent straight to your inbox.

<p> If you don’t currently qualify for a credit card with airport lounge access, that doesn’t have to be the end of your airport lounge story. </p> <p> It’s possible to have a friend or family member add you as an authorized user on one of their credit cards that provides lounge access. Depending on the card, this might cost you a fee each year. </p> <p> But you typically receive your own physical credit card and don’t have to be with the primary cardholder to access applicable airport lounges. So you can travel on your own and still enjoy lounge access benefits. </p>

Become an authorized user

If you don’t currently qualify for a credit card with airport lounge access, that doesn’t have to be the end of your airport lounge story.

It’s possible to have a friend or family member add you as an authorized user on one of their credit cards that provides lounge access. Depending on the card, this might cost you a fee each year.

But you typically receive your own physical credit card and don’t have to be with the primary cardholder to access applicable airport lounges. So you can travel on your own and still enjoy lounge access benefits.

<p> If you typically travel with a friend or family member with a premium travel card, you can enter airport lounges with them as a guest. </p> <p> Access depends on the card, but many premium travel credit cards provide free access for a certain number of guests. Sometimes, you might have to pay a discounted rate to enter as a guest. </p> <p>  <a href=""><b>Grow Your $$:</b> 11 brilliant ways to build wealth after 40</a>  </p>

Enter as a guest

If you typically travel with a friend or family member with a premium travel card, you can enter airport lounges with them as a guest.

Access depends on the card, but many premium travel credit cards provide free access for a certain number of guests. Sometimes, you might have to pay a discounted rate to enter as a guest.

Grow Your $$: 11 brilliant ways to build wealth after 40

<p> You can join a third-party lounge program like Priority Pass or DragonPass that will give you access to its worldwide network.  </p> <p> These types of memberships could cost upwards of a few hundred dollars annually, but you typically have multiple plan options depending on how often you travel. </p><p>For example, you might consider a cheaper plan if you only think you’ll visit lounges a few times per year. </p>

Consider a third-party lounge membership

You can join a third-party lounge program like Priority Pass or DragonPass that will give you access to its worldwide network.

These types of memberships could cost upwards of a few hundred dollars annually, but you typically have multiple plan options depending on how often you travel. 

For example, you might consider a cheaper plan if you only think you’ll visit lounges a few times per year.

<p> Apart from third-party lounge memberships, you can also purchase lounge memberships directly from airline loyalty programs. </p> <p> For example, you can purchase a Delta Sky Club membership if you’re a Delta SkyMiles Medallion Member. The membership would give you access to over 50 Delta Sky Club locations. </p> <p>You can typically use cash or miles to purchase an airline lounge membership. Using miles for a membership might not give you the best redemption rate (redeeming miles for travel is often better), but it could help if you're flush with airline miles and don’t want to spend extra.</p>

Buy an airline lounge membership

Apart from third-party lounge memberships, you can also purchase lounge memberships directly from airline loyalty programs.

For example, you can purchase a Delta Sky Club membership if you’re a Delta SkyMiles Medallion Member. The membership would give you access to over 50 Delta Sky Club locations.

You can typically use cash or miles to purchase an airline lounge membership. Using miles for a membership might not give you the best redemption rate (redeeming miles for travel is often better), but it could help if you're flush with airline miles and don’t want to spend extra.

<p> Many airport lounges offer the option to pay for a one-time pass to enter, allowing you to enjoy a lounge without having a particular credit card, membership, or other access. </p> <p> Note that you have to research individual lounges to see if they allow one-time entries and how much they might cost. Whether paying for a day pass is worth it depends on how much you’re willing to spend if you have a long layover and what amenities the lounge offers. </p> <p> For instance, if you’re about to spend $30 on airport food anyway, it might be worth spending $35 to get into a lounge that offers unlimited food and beverages.</p><p>  <a href=""><b>Retire Sooner:</b> Take this quiz to see if you can retire early</a>  </p>

Buy a day pass

Many airport lounges offer the option to pay for a one-time pass to enter, allowing you to enjoy a lounge without having a particular credit card, membership, or other access.

Note that you have to research individual lounges to see if they allow one-time entries and how much they might cost. Whether paying for a day pass is worth it depends on how much you’re willing to spend if you have a long layover and what amenities the lounge offers.

For instance, if you’re about to spend $30 on airport food anyway, it might be worth spending $35 to get into a lounge that offers unlimited food and beverages.

Retire Sooner: Take this quiz to see if you can retire early

<p> Business and first-class travelers enjoy excellent in-flight amenities, often including more legroom and better service. These premium fares can also grant them complimentary access to specific airport lounges. </p> <p> If you plan on booking a premium ticket, consider whether you receive airport lounge access at your departure airport. You can check with the airline operating your flight to see if your ticket provides any lounge benefits. </p>

Fly premium class

Business and first-class travelers enjoy excellent in-flight amenities, often including more legroom and better service. These premium fares can also grant them complimentary access to specific airport lounges.

If you plan on booking a premium ticket, consider whether you receive airport lounge access at your departure airport. You can check with the airline operating your flight to see if your ticket provides any lounge benefits.

<p> You can book one-time lounge passes to specific lounges using the LoungeBuddy mobile app.  </p> <p> The app is an easy way to see how much it might cost to access specific lounges and take care of your lounge access before you even get to the airport. </p> <p>LoungeBuddy can be a great way to research what lounges and amenities are available at airports worldwide, especially if you already have access to specific lounge networks with credit cards or memberships.</p>

Search for lounge access with LoungeBuddy

You can book one-time lounge passes to specific lounges using the LoungeBuddy mobile app.

The app is an easy way to see how much it might cost to access specific lounges and take care of your lounge access before you even get to the airport.

LoungeBuddy can be a great way to research what lounges and amenities are available at airports worldwide, especially if you already have access to specific lounge networks with credit cards or memberships.

<p> Earning a high elite status tier with specific airline loyalty programs could provide you with a certain level of airport lounge access.  </p> <p> For example, qualifying AAdvantage Executive Platinum, AAdvantage Platinum Pro, and AAdvantage Platinum members can access Admirals Clubs on flights between the U.S. and Asia, Australia, Europe, South America, and many other regions of the world. </p> <p> If you fly a lot with a particular airline, it is worth looking into what airport lounge benefits are available if you earn a certain elite status.</p><p>  <a href="">9 nearly secret things to do if you fly Southwest</a>  </p>

Earn elite status

Earning a high elite status tier with specific airline loyalty programs could provide you with a certain level of airport lounge access.

For example, qualifying AAdvantage Executive Platinum, AAdvantage Platinum Pro, and AAdvantage Platinum members can access Admirals Clubs on flights between the U.S. and Asia, Australia, Europe, South America, and many other regions of the world.

If you fly a lot with a particular airline, it is worth looking into what airport lounge benefits are available if you earn a certain elite status.

9 nearly secret things to do if you fly Southwest

<p> Many airport lounge networks offer complimentary access to active duty, uniformed military members. </p> <p> Of course, the rules can vary by lounge, and your actual experience with entering specific lounges can vary depending on the employee(s) there that day. </p> <p> But, in any case, active duty members can often access both Admirals Clubs and United Clubs. Military members and their spouses can often get annual fees waived on several travel credit cards. </p><p>For military personnel, accessing different lounge networks through credit card benefits is possible if you’re an eligible military service member or spouse. </p>

Take advantage of your military status

Many airport lounge networks offer complimentary access to active duty, uniformed military members.

Of course, the rules can vary by lounge, and your actual experience with entering specific lounges can vary depending on the employee(s) there that day.

But, in any case, active duty members can often access both Admirals Clubs and United Clubs. Military members and their spouses can often get annual fees waived on several travel credit cards. 

For military personnel, accessing different lounge networks through credit card benefits is possible if you’re an eligible military service member or spouse.

<p> Getting into airport lounges is easy if you plan ahead and follow tips to secure your lounge access. </p> <p> And with the right credit card benefits, you don’t have to worry about paying to enter incredible lounges. </p> <p> If you’re just starting with rewards cards, check out the <a href="">top credit cards</a> to find the right fit. </p> <p>  <p><b>More from FinanceBuzz:</b></p> <ul> <li><a href="">7 things to do if you're scraping by financially.</a></li> <li><a href="">6 genius hacks Costco shoppers should know.</a></li> <li><a href="">Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.</a></li> <li><a href="">9 simple ways to make up to an extra $200/day</a></li> </ul>  </p>

Bottom line

Getting into airport lounges is easy if you plan ahead and follow tips to secure your lounge access.

And with the right credit card benefits, you don’t have to worry about paying to enter incredible lounges.

If you’re just starting with rewards cards, check out the top credit cards to find the right fit.

More from FinanceBuzz:

  • 7 things to do if you're scraping by financially.
  • 6 genius hacks Costco shoppers should know.
  • Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.
  • 9 simple ways to make up to an extra $200/day

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10 Strategies to Maximize Your 401(k) Balance

Saving in your 401(k) is just the first move; take these steps to potentially boost your account value.

10 Ways to Maximize Your 401(k)

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Many investors overlook the fee structures of their various retirement accounts. While these may seem like small amounts, they can add up.

Key Takeaways

  • Saving in a 401(k) account not only piles up retirement funds but offers a tax break.
  • Avoid penalties for cashing out early or missing a required distribution.
  • Taking advantage of an employer match is a way to get free money, but be sure to understand vesting schedules.

With the traditional defined benefit pension essentially extinct for private-sector workers, 401(k) plans have become even more important for pre-retirees.

While stashing away money in a retirement plan like a 401(k) is a great start, there’s even more that savers can do to get the most bang for their buck. Here are 10 ways of potentially optimizing your return:

  • Save more than your employer's automatic savings rate.
  • Get a 401(k) match.
  • Stay until you are vested.
  • Maximize your tax break.
  • Diversify with a Roth 401(k).
  • Don't cash out early.
  • Rollover without fees.
  • Minimize fees.
  • Diversify your assets.
  • Remember required minimum distributions.

Contribute More Than Your Employer’s Default Rate

Automatic enrollment for new employees in a company’s 401(k) plan has become increasingly common in the past decade. The most common default contribution rate is 3%, although employers can set it as high as 10%.

"Check to see if your employer automatically enrolls you in the company’s 401(k) plan and set up a recurring contribution," said Scott Schleicher, senior financial planner at retirement services provider Empower in Denver, in an email.

Schleicher said that if enrollment is not automatic, savers should enroll manually and try to contribute 10% to 15% of their pretax income each year.

"This will not only increase the probability of reaching your retirement goals, but it will also effectively reduce your taxable income, decreasing your tax bill ," he added.

Get a 401(k) Match

Some employers will put money in employees’ retirement accounts based on the amount the employee contributes. That’s called a 401(k) match.

According to brokerage Fidelity, "Match formulas vary, but a common setup is for employers to contribute $1 for every $1 an employee contributes up to 3% of their salary, then 50 cents on the dollar for the next 2% of an employee's salary."

"A 401(k) match is like free money, so don't pass up the opportunity to take full advantage of this benefit," said Michael Collins, a chartered financial analyst and CEO at WinCap Financial in Winchester, Massachusetts, in an email.

"It's an easy way to boost your retirement savings and secure a better financial future," Collins added. "For example, if your employer offers a match on contributions up to 6% of your salary, you should aim to contribute at least 6% of your salary to receive the full match."

Stay Until You Are Vested

While taking advantage of a 401(k) match is something all savers should do, there’s a catch: In many cases, an employee must stay with a company for a specified period of time before that money fully belongs to the saver.

That’s known as vesting, and various employers have their own schedules for that process. If you have a 401(k) with a match, be sure to understand the vesting schedule if you’re considering leaving the company.

"People don't realize that their 401(k) employer contributions could be rescinded," said Gloria Garcia Cisneros, a certified financial planner and wealth manager at Lourd Murray in Los Angeles, in an email.

Maximize Your Tax Break

With a traditional 401(k) account, you’ll defer paying income tax on the money you save for retirement. In 2024, according to the Internal Revenue Service, "The contribution limit for employees who participate in 401(k), 403(b) and most 457 plans, as well as the federal government's Thrift Savings Plan is increased to $23,000, up from $22,500."

Retirement savers with low to moderate income can also take advantage of the saver’s tax credit . This provides a credit of up to $1,000 for an individual or up to $2,000 for a couple, based on retirement plan contributions.

Diversify With a Roth 401(k)

A growing number of employers are offering a Roth 401(k) plan which allows workers to salt away after-tax dollars. As with a Roth individual retirement account , withdrawals in retirement are tax-free, since the taxes have already been paid.

For younger workers and those with moderate income, a Roth 401(k) often makes sense, as those savers may be in a higher tax bracket in future years. However, older workers who want more flexibility and tax benefits may also want to consider the Roth 401(k).

"I recommend that almost everyone contribute 50% to a Roth 401(k) and 50% to their traditional 401(k), as having a diverse pool of assets in retirement provides the most flexibility when seeking to minimize taxes," said Glenn Goland, a certified financial planner and senior wealth strategist at Arnerich Massena in Portland, Oregon, in an email.

Don't Cash Out Early

When you change jobs, you have several options when deciding what to do with your old 401(k). You can roll it over to your new employer’s plan or roll it to an IRA without incurring a penalty or taxes. You may also be able to convert it to a Roth IRA or simply leave it with your former employer’s plan.

All those choices have pros and cons, but the remaining choice is generally a no-no: Cashing out your 401(k) before you have reached full retirement age.

"Cashing out early from your retirement account should be avoided at all costs," Collins said. "Not only will you incur penalties and taxes, but you are also jeopardizing the long-term growth of your savings. Stay disciplined and leave your money invested for its intended purpose: retirement."

Roll Over Without Fees

By transferring your 401(k) into a new employer’s 401(k) or an IRA, you’ll avoid penalties and fees. That’s called a rollover from one type of qualified account into another, and the IRS treats it differently from cashing out or making a withdrawal.

Savers considering a rollover should understand the fee structures of the outgoing and receiving accounts before transferring money, Schleicher noted.

Minimize Fees

Many investors overlook the fee structures of their various retirement accounts. While these may seem like small amounts, they can add up, taking money from your return and instead paying a fund manager.

While all investment accounts and funds have some type of management fee, savvy investors can minimize the amount they’re paying.

"Many 401(k) plans offer low-cost index investment options. Plan participants should utilize these index strategies and steer clear of active fund managers in 401(k) plans, as these managers often charge up to 1% in fund expenses and most have a really difficult time outperforming the market over time," Goland said.

Diversify Your Assets

Broad asset-class diversification can smooth returns over time, potentially helping investors weather a downturn better than if their portfolio was more concentrated.

It can be frustrating to see one asset class, such as domestic large-cap tech stocks, take off for the races while another, such as fixed income, remains in the doldrums. However, many advisors recommend patience, which can pay off over the long haul.

"Investing is a bit like being stuck in a traffic jam, as it is tempting to constantly jump lanes to get into the one that is moving the fastest," Goland said. "A properly diversified portfolio has a car in each lane, knowing that there is always going to be a leader and always going to be a laggard."

Remember Required Minimum Distributions

Retirement savers must withdraw a specified amount from their traditional 401(k) or IRA every year, beginning in their early 70s. These withdrawals are known as required minimum distributions . RMDs are calculated by the IRS and determined by factoring in the account owner’s age and amount invested.

An investor who misses an RMD faces a penalty. The idea behind the RMD is that the account has grown tax-free for years, and the government finally wants to collect the tax owed.

"It's important to stay on top of RMDs when you reach a certain age," Collins said. "Failing to take these amounts out can result in penalties and taxes, so be sure to plan accordingly and don't forget about them."

New RMD Rules for 2024

Rachel Hartman Jan. 26, 2024

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Tags: Investing for Retirement , 401(k)s , IRAs , savings , baby boomers

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DIY Recipes: Here is a quick way to make palm nut soup

Palm nut soup, also known as "abenkwan," "banga," or "omoebe," is a delicious and rich dish enjoyed in many West African countries.

Assorted palm nut soup recipe for the weekend

Here’s a quick and easy recipe to make this flavorful soup at home.

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  • 1 can of palm nut cream (800ml)
  • 1 pound of meat (chicken, beef, or goat)
  • 1 pound of smoked fish
  • 1 medium onion, chopped
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 2 tomatoes, chopped
  • 1 cup of okra, sliced (optional)
  • 1 bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon ground crayfish (optional)
  • 2-3 tablespoons groundnut paste (optional for thickness)
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2-3 cups of water or broth
  • Fresh spinach or bitter leaf (optional for garnish)
  • Scotch bonnet pepper (optional for heat)


Prepare the ingredients :

  • If using fresh meat, cut it into bite-sized pieces. If using smoked fish, clean and debone it.
  • Chop the onion, garlic, tomatoes, and bell pepper.
  • Slice the okra and prepare any additional vegetables.

Cook the meat :

  • In a large pot, add the meat, chopped onions, and minced garlic. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Add enough water or broth to cover the meat and bring it to a boil. Reduce the heat and let it simmer until the meat is tender (about 20-30 minutes).

Add the palm nut cream :

  • Once the meat is cooked, add the can of palm nut cream to the pot. Stir well to combine.
  • Add the chopped tomatoes, bell pepper, and any optional ingredients like okra, ground crayfish, or groundnut paste.

Simmer the soup :

  • Add additional water or broth if needed to achieve your desired consistency.
  • Bring the soup to a boil, then reduce the heat and let it simmer for another 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add the fish :

  • Add the smoked fish to the pot and gently stir to combine. Let it cook for another 10 minutes to allow the flavors to meld.

Adjust seasoning :

  • Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning with more salt, pepper, or Scotch bonnet pepper for heat if desired.
  • You can serve the palm nut soup hot, garnished with fresh nkontonmire or bitter leaf if using.
  • Enjoy it with a side of rice, fufu, or pounded yam.

Tips for a perfect palm nut soup

  • Consistency: Adjust the amount of water or broth based on how thick or thin you want the soup.
  • Protein: Feel free to mix different types of protein such as chicken, beef, goat, and various fish to enhance the flavor.
  • Vegetables: Adding vegetables like eggplant or leafy greens can add more nutrients and flavor to the soup.

This quick and easy palm nut soup recipe will have you enjoying a taste of West Africa in no time. Try it out and let us know how it turned out in the comments!


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💵Want to make extra cash with a side gig? Here’s what you need to know

Keep it simple, trade time for dollars with ridesharing, grocery delivery and remote customer service jobs, crystal moyer.

ORLANDO, Fla. – Are you looking for a way to make some extra cash this summer?

There are options that include ridesharing, meal and grocery delivery, even some remote customer service jobs.

When it comes to side gigs, you want to get the most out of your time as well as money in your pocket. Saving’s Angel Josh Elledge , host of the family saving’s podcast and blog, has some advice for those looking to take on a side job.

“There’s an Infinite number of opportunities to earn side income, thanks to great platforms and technology we have today,” said Elledge. “Like ridesharing, delivery type of work like Instacart and Uber Eats. You can jump into it and make money very quickly. It’s not a lot of money, but if you’re just trying to make a few hundred extra dollars a month to help make ends meet, it’s a great option.”

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Want to make some extra cash? Elledge suggests you keep it simple; trade some time for dollars.

“What’s so wonderful about the platforms that exist today is that we’ve democratized all of these little services that are needed throughout the country and some of these services you can do completely remotely. You can step into a role like customer service or teaching online and you’re participating in the gig economy globally, potentially,” said Elledge.

Elledge also suggests you take advantage of your assets.

“You don’t even have to trade your own time to make that money if you have assets that are available. For example, you may have a car just sitting in your driveway collecting dust or an RV. Just like how you can rent out a portion of your home like Airbnb, you can rent out your car or RV,” said Elledge.

Just be aware of the liability, additional insurance and taxes involved.

Josh also said it’s important to start small so you don’t overwhelm yourself.

“You can go the entrepreneurial route. My recommendation is don’t do that initially. You can, but it’s higher risk and you’ll have to spend more than half your time getting business,” said Elledge. “In some cases, people might decide they want to start a store on Etsy for example, or sell items on eBay. You can go nuts on buying products and tools and paints for the craft, let’s say you invest $1,000, then you put it on the platform and realize it’s not selling, now you’re in the whole.”

Elledge said those looking for a side gig should steer clear of direct and network marketing.

“Any gigs that involve direct selling or network marketing, if you look at Federal Trade Commission statistics on people who go into those areas, it’s not good. Close to 99% of people who go into network marketing don’t make any money or end up losing money,” said Elledge.

Most importantly, before committing to another job, do your research!

Research the company, read the reviews and understand how you’re going to get paid.

Elledge said there are so many groups on social media for each of these side gig options where you can reach out to those who have experience in the business. Those who can give you realistic insight on the expectations, so you can make the best decision for your lifestyle.

What’s your take on side gigs? Let us know by leaving a comment about your experiences below.

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About the Author

Crystal Moyer is a morning news anchor who joined the News 6 team in 2020.


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  4. How to Make a Great Travel Video (Without Any Previous Experience)

    All you need to do is write a script and record. Think of this as an opportunity to really organize your story. ("Little did we know what was waiting for us around the corner.") For an extra ...

  5. How to Make a Travel Video in 15 Easy Steps

    To get a good pace, try to make your clips short and sweet. Try to see the action surrounding you in clips of three to five seconds. 09. Mind the light. Understanding lighting plays a major role in learning how to make a travel video. As a photographer, this step should be fairly easy for you.

  6. A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Make a Travel Video

    It is a time-consuming process that may take at least 2 days, but I think it is the best way to keep my video interesting and unique. 4. Add Missing Footage. While editing, if you find yourself lacking certain footage to create the connection and flow you want in your travel videos, you can also use stock videos.

  7. How To: Make Your FIRST Travel Video (3 Easy Steps!)

    Learn how to make awesome travel videos by following these 3 steps!Check out my NEW channel! my Gear List (fre...

  8. How to Make a Great Travel Video in 12 Easy Steps

    Plan a shooting schedule. Following on from the tip above, once you have your story and your travel video ideas are fleshed out on paper, make yourself super-efficient by drafting a schedule. It doesn't have to be a professional, Hollywood-style shooting timetable, it can literally be a 2-line sketch! But having it on paper will focus you on ...

  9. How To Make a TRAVEL VIDEO

    With your trip just ahead, it's time to learn how to make a travel video with any camera. These are my top 10 tips to making a cinematic and engaging travel ...

  10. How to create great travel videos

    This course gives you pointers on how to create world-class travel videos and succeed on YouTube. Everyone who creates starts from nothing and builds there way up. Keep doing what you love, learning all you can and success will follow. Discover Lonely Planet Video, your home for travel videos featuring content from globetrotting filmmakers. I ...

  11. How to Make Travel Videos

    5) Don't Forget the Music! Don't forget to add music when making travel videos! A good video needs sound - whether is it your voice, or music, or a mixture of the two. Finding good music is an essential step in making a good travel video, and one where many beginner travel video makers (including ourselves, once again) often come undone.

  12. How to Make a Travel Video

    Shoot in short spurts: When capturing B-roll, keep in mind that you'll only use 2-5 second clips before moving to something else or a different angle. Keep your video steady: Don't spend 5 minutes capturing shaky footage. Instead, pick your shots, steady your camera and get a quality 5-second clip.

  13. How to Make Exciting Travel Videos: Travel Filmmaking for Beginners

    Lead the eye; a great way to help a cut feel more natural is to lead the eye. If the main action in one shot is on the left side of the frame. For the next shot find a clip where the action is also on the left side of the frame. Pointing and head movements are also good examples of this.

  14. Free Travel Video Maker & Templates

    From your travel video intro to your impactful closing, these tips can help you create a powerful video to share your adventures. Focus on a story. Take your viewers on the adventure of a lifetime through a travel animation video. Place your clips and images in the video in a way that makes sense to the viewer.

  15. Free Travel Video Maker Online

    FlexClip is a simple yet powerful video maker and editor for everyone. We help users easily create compelling video content for personal or business purposes without any learning curve. Easily make fascinating travel videos to document those wonderful journeys using FlexClip's free video maker. Check beautiful travel video ideas and make yours.

  16. 6 Simple Techniques for Shooting Better Travel Videos

    Getting Enough. A good way to make sure you have enough footage, even when you're on a short trip, is to record b-roll. B-roll is supplemental footage you can use to cut away from the main action, and it makes for great filler while editing your travel video. Try using your camera's slow-motion features when recording.

  17. How to Make a Travel Video

    Step 4. Fine Tune the Travel Videos. Select the target travel video clip and then follow one or many of the below steps to make it look better. 1) Crop to rebuild the focus of the travel video or remove the redundant frames. Select the travel video clip, choose Crop, and then drag the cropping box on the left window.

  18. How to Make a Good Travel Video (with Pictures)

    Stick to the ideal travel video length, which is between two to three minutes. The closer to two minutes you make it, the better. After the three-minute mark, viewers start to lose interest. This is another reason why story becomes so important—if you include a compelling story, you can hold viewers' attention longer.

  19. How to Make Better Travel Videos

    4. Remember to smile. Travel video is your plaything. Be relaxed, laugh and keep smiling. Tell a joke in front of the camera to your audience. It's pretty tough to do, in fact, many can't do it perfectly yet. But with practices, and less caring about the script, you could be nailing it. 5. Narrate your video.

  20. 5 Apps To Help You Create The Best Travel Videos

    If you already have an Adobe Profile, your creation will also automatically back up to the Adobe Cloud. Magisto. This app will create a video for you in only three easy steps! After choosing one of four editing styles: traveler, fashion, country, or clean, you then upload your footage, and select a music track, leaving Magisto to do the rest!

  21. How to Make a Travel Video with Pictures and Music

    STEP 1. Vacation Video Slideshow on iPhone. First you will need to get some pictures on your phone that you want to make into a short travel video.. There is a super easy way to view your photos as a vacation slideshow with music on an iPhone just using the photos app.. Simply open your photos app.

  22. 8 Easy Ways to Make Walking More Fun

    An easy way to do this is to set your phone or watch for eight-minute periods. "When the timer goes off, stop and do 10 squats, 10 push-ups, or core plank for 10 seconds," says Waller.

  23. How To Make A Travel Video: 5 EASY Steps For Beginners

    This is a 5 step tutorial for beginners who are starting out and want to know how to make an awesome travel video. Start here with these tips and move toward...

  24. 8 Easy Ways to Make Your Bedroom Feel Like a Luxe Hotel, Experts Say

    Nothing says luxury hotel comfort like a well-made bed with quality linens, says Artem Kropovinsky, an interior design expert and the founder of Arsight. "Invest in high-thread-count sheets and ...

  25. 10 Ways to Get Easy Airport Lounge Access, According to an Expert

    Here are some simple ways you can boost your airport experience, too. Earn Points and Miles: Find the best travel credit card for nearly free travel romankosolapov/Adobe

  26. 10 Strategies to Maximize Your 401(k) Balance

    Key Takeaways. Saving in a 401(k) account not only piles up retirement funds but offers a tax break. Avoid penalties for cashing out early or missing a required distribution.

  27. REITs make it easy to start collecting passive income from real estate

    Put another way, every $100 you invest in Invitation Homes stock should generate a little more than $3 of dividend income each year. The more you invest, the more income you'll collect. The more ...

  28. Here is a quick way to make palm nut soup

    1 can of palm nut cream (800ml); 1 pound of meat (chicken, beef, or goat) 1 pound of smoked fish; 1 medium onion, chopped; 2-3 cloves of garlic, minced; 2 tomatoes, chopped

  29. Want to make extra cash with a side gig? Here's ...

    It's not a lot of money, but if you're just trying to make a few hundred extra dollars a month to help make ends meet, it's a great option." [EXCLUSIVE: Become a News 6 Insider (it's ...

  30. How To Create a GREAT Travel Itinerary

    Get 10% off your first month of therapy at Thanks to BetterHelp for sponsoring this video! Adventures on INSTAGRAM http://w...