The culture and tourism tax in Hamburg

The free and hanseatic city of hamburg introduced the culture and tourism tax on 1 january 2012. almost 100 per cent of the revenue is invested in tourism, cultural and sports projects., what is taxed by the culture and tourism tax.

The tax is levied on the acquisition of an accommodation service in return for payment. This can be, for example, rooms in hotels, motels, guesthouses or guesthouses. It is irrelevant whether the accommodation is actually used for an overnight stay. This means that so-called day rooms are also included. Overnight stays with a compelling occupational purpose are not taxed. Only short-term accommodation for a period of less than two months is subject to the tax.

From whom is the culture and tourism tax levied?

The culture and tourism tax is levied as a so-called "indirect tax". This means that the person liable for the tax is the accommodation provider, who in turn can charge the tax to the overnight guest. However, there is no obligation to pass the tax on to the guest.

So who actually has to pay the culture and tourism tax?

The culture and tourism tax must be paid for every overnight stay, regardless of whether the reason is private or professional. For: According to the resolution of the Bürgerschaft of 30.11.2022 (Drs. 22/9988), the following changes will result from 01.01.2023: Cultural and Tourism Tax (KTT) must also be paid from 01.01.2023 for overnight stays that are absolutely necessary for the overnight guest's professional or business activity.

How much is the culture and tourism tax?

The tax rate is calculated according to the net charge (excluding VAT) for the overnight stay. There is a graduated scale. From 1st of January 2013, the tax per overnight guest and day will be between 0.50 Euros (for an overnight rate of 10.01 to 25.00 Euros) and four Euros (for an overnight rate of up to 200.00 Euros). For each additional 50.00 Euros net charge or part thereof, the tax increases by one Euro. This means that for an overnight charge of 250.00 Euros, for example, it is five Euros. 

Is the culture and tourism tax shown separately on the invoice?

There is no obligation to do so. However, the respective accommodation provider can refer to the cultural and tourism tax passed on in the invoice. Example: "Net price overnight stay 46.00 Euros (including 1.00 Euro culture and tourism tax).

Where can I get more information on the culture and tourism tax?

On this website you will find all important information about the culture and tourism tax.

In addition to the tax forms including annexes, you will also find the relevant leaflets or instructions on this page.

Downloads in German

You can download information sheets and forms on the culture and tourism tax here .

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Die Kultur- und Tourismustaxe in Hamburg

Die Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg hat am 1. Januar 2012 die Kultur- und Tourismustaxe eingeführt. Die Einnahmen werden zu nahezu 100 Prozent in touristische, kulturelle und sportliche Projekte investiert.

Was wird durch die Kultur- und Tourismustaxe besteuert?

Besteuert wird die Erlangung einer Beherbergungsleistung gegen Entgelt. Dies können beispielsweise Zimmer in Hotels, Motels, Pensionen oder Gästehäusern sein. Dabei ist unerheblich, ob die Beherbergungsmöglichkeit tatsächlich für eine Übernachtung genutzt wird. Das heißt, auch sogenannte Tageszimmer werden erfasst. Nicht besteuert werden Übernachtungen mit zwingender beruflicher Veranlassung. Von der Steuer werden nur kurzzeitige Beherbergungen erfasst, die sich über einen Zeitraum unter zwei Monaten erstrecken.

Von wem wird die Kultur- und Tourismustaxe erhoben?

Die Kultur- und Tourismustaxe wird als sogenannte „indirekte Steuer“ erhoben. Das heißt, Steuerschuldner ist der Beherbergungsbetrieb, der die Steuer wiederum dem Übernachtungsgast in Rechnung stellen kann. Es besteht allerdings keine Verpflichtung, die Steuer an den Gast weiterzugeben.

Wer muss eigentlich die Kultur- und Tourismustaxe also zahlen?

Die Kultur- und Tourismustaxe ist für jede Übernachtung, unabhängig ob der ein privater oder beruflicher Grund vorliegt, zu leisten.  Denn: Nach Beschluss der Bürgerschaft vom 30.11.2022 (Drs. 22/9988) ergeben sich ab dem 01.01.2023 folgende Änderungen: Auch für Übernachtungen, die für eine berufliche oder betriebliche Tätigkeit des Übernachtungsgastes zwingend erforderlich sind, ist ab dem 01.01.2023 Kultur- und Tourismustaxe (KTT) abzuführen.

Wie hoch ist die Kultur- und Tourismustaxe?

Der Steuersatz berechnet sich nach dem Nettoentgelt (ohne Umsatzsteuer) für die Übernachtung. Dabei ist eine Staffelung vorgesehen. Vom 1. Januar 2013 beträgt die Steuer pro Übernachtungsgast und Tag zwischen 0,50 Euro (bei einem Übernachtungspreis von 10,01 bis 25,00 Euro) und vier Euro (bei bis zu 200,00 Euro Übernachtungspreis). Für jede weitere angefangene 50,00 Euro Nettoentgelt erhöht sich die Steuer um jeweils einen Euro. Das heißt: Bei einem Übernachtungspreis von 250,00 Euro sind es beispielsweise fünf Euro. 

Wird die Kultur- und Tourismustaxe in der Rechnung separat ausgewiesen?

Dazu besteht keine Verpflichtung. Der jeweilige Beherbergungsbetrieb kann in der Rechnung jedoch auf die weitergegebene Kultur- und Tourismustaxe hinweisen. Beispiel: „Netto-Preis Übernachtung 46,00 Euro (darin enthalten 1,00 Euro Kultur- und Tourismustaxe).

Wo bekomme ich weitere Informationen zur Kultur- und Tourismustaxe?

Auf dieser Webseite erfahren Sie alle wichtigen Informationen rund um die Kultur- und Tourismustaxe!

Neben den Steuerformularen einschließlich Anlagen finden Sie auf dieser Seite jeweils die dazugehörigen Merkblätter bzw. Anleitungen.

Downloads in deutscher Sprache

Merkblätter und Vordrucke zur Kultur- und Tourismustaxe können Sie hier downloaden .

  • German : Deutsch
  • English : English

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Please note that this is an automatic translation. For better information, you can always switch to the German or English version


  • Culture and Tourism Tax

Hamburg Culture and Tourism Tax

Calculation example:.

(Attention! Due to the current VAT adjustment, the values listed here have been adjusted to 5%.)

If two people stay in one room, the price is € 100 net (or € 107 including 7% VAT). The calculation of the KTT is then € 100: 2 = € 50, and the KTT is, therefore, € 1 per person according to the table below. As a result, the invoice amount will include KTT

€100 + €1 + €1 = €102 · Plus 7% VAT = € 7.14 · Final price for the night = € 109.14

Here is the breakdown of the KTT grading system: Net overnight price up to € 50: € 1.07 tax, incl. VAT. Net overnight price up to € 100: € 2.14 tax, incl. VAT. Net overnight price up to € 150: € 3.21 tax, incl. VAT. Net overnight price up to € 200: € 4.28 tax, incl. VAT. Net overnight price up to € 250: € 5.35 tax, incl. VAT. Net overnight price up to € 300: € 6.42 tax, incl. VAT. Net overnight price up to € 350: € 7.49 tax, incl. VAT. Net overnight price up to € 400: € 8.56 tax, incl. VAT.

The official Hamburg website provides all the essential forms and details required to apply for a business travel exemption.

The information is also available for download as an attached PDF.

Hamburg Culture and Tourism Tax.

PDF (93,76 KB)

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  • Culture and Tourism Tax

Information on the levy and calculation of the culture and tourism tax.


The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg introduced the culture and tourism tax on 1 January 2012. Almost 100 per cent of the revenue is invested in tourism, cultural and sports projects.


A change in the law will result in significant changes as of 01.01.2023. In its decision of 22 March 2022, the First Senate of the Federal Constitutional Court rejected four constitutional complaints concerning the levying of a tax on paid overnight stays in accommodation establishments (overnight stay tax) in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, in the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen and in the City of Freiburg im Breisgau (Ref. 1 BvR 2868/15, 1 BvR 354/16, 1 BvR 2887/15, 1 BvR 2886/15). Accordingly, the overnight stay tax regulations are compatible with the Basic Law. Moreover, the legislator does not have to exempt overnight stays for business purposes from the taxation of expenses. The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg takes up this case law. According to the resolution of the Bürgerschaft of 30.11.2022 (Drs. 22/9988), t he following changes will result as of 01.01.2023: Cultural and tourism tax (KTT) must also be paid from 01.01.2023 for overnight stays that are absolutely necessary for the overnight guest’s professional or business activity.


The tax is levied on the acquisition of an accommodation service in return for payment. This can be, for example, rooms in hotels, motels, guesthouses or guesthouses. It is irrelevant whether the accommodation is actually used for an overnight stay. This means that so-called day rooms are also included.


The culture and tourism tax is levied as a so-called “indirect tax”. This means that the person liable for the tax is the accommodation provider, who in turn can charge the tax to the overnight guest. However, there is no obligation to pass the tax on to the guest.


The tax rate is calculated according to the net charge (excluding VAT) for the overnight stay. There is a graduated scale. From 1st of January 2013, the tax per overnight guest and day will be between 0.50 Euros (for an overnight rate of 10.01 to 25.00 Euros) and four Euros (for an overnight rate of up to 200.00 Euros). For each additional 50.00 Euros net charge or part thereof, the tax increases by one Euro. This means that for an overnight charge of 250.00 Euros, for example, it is five Euros. Business travellers are exempt from the regulation.


There is no obligation to do so. However, the respective accommodation provider can refer to the cultural and tourism tax passed on in the invoice. Example: “Net price overnight stay 46.00 Euros (including 1.00 Euro culture and tourism tax).


On this website you will find all important information about the culture and tourism tax. Please mention the link for the change to the culture and tourism tax as of 1.1.2023.

In addition to the tax forms including annexes, you will also find the relevant leaflets or instructions on this page.


Further information and helpful downloads can be found here (in German):


The hotel rooms can be booked here via our website at the best price! Your direct line to the hotel without complicated detours! If you have any requests or changes, you can also contact us directly!

hamburg culture & tourism tax


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Hamburgische Kultur- und Tourismustaxe

Was wird durch die kultur- und tourismustaxe besteuert, wie hoch ist die steuer, wer ist steuerschuldner, zuständiges finanzamt, weitere informationen und formulare.

  • Der Gast legt eine Arbeitgeberbestätigung  nach § 1 Abs. 1 S. HmbKTTG nach amtlichen Vordruck vor.
  • Als Nachweis ist ausreichend, wenn die Rechnung auf den Arbeitgeber ausgestellt und unmittelbar durch den Arbeitgeber bezahlt wird oder wenn die Buchung durch den Arbeitgeber erfolgt.
  • Bei eigenberuflicher Tätigkeit wird ein Eigenbeleg nach amtlichen Vordruck akzeptiert. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass hierfür derzeit die Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer des Unternehmers verlangt wird.
Finanzamt für Verkehrsteuern und Grundbesitz      Gorch-Fock-Wall 11  20355 Hamburg Telefon: 040 / 42843 -6915 Fax: 040 / 4279 -22650
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Hamburg: Anmeldung zur Kultur- und Tourismustaxe

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Hamburg Culture and Tourism Tax Calculator

Note: This calculator is based on the Hamburg Culture and Tourism Tax rates as of 2023. The tax is calculated on the net room price per person per night.

Did you know Hamburg collects €34 million a year from a special tax on tourists? This tax, known as the  Hamburg tourist tax , started in 2012. It changed how visitors see this lively German city. Hamburg is the second-biggest city in Germany and tourism is a big deal here. The tax helps fund the city’s growth and services.

Key Takeaways

  • The  Hamburg tourist tax , also referred to as the  Hamburg city tax  or  Hamburg accommodation tax , generates €34 million in revenue for the city annually.
  • This tax was implemented in 2012 to help fund the city’s growing tourism-related infrastructure and services.
  • The tax is charged to visitors staying in accommodations within the city limits of Hamburg, including hotels, guesthouses, and short-term rentals.
  • Rates for the tax vary depending on the type and category of accommodation, with higher-end hotels paying a higher percentage.
  • The tax is collected by accommodation providers and remitted to the city government on a regular basis.

What is the Hamburg Tourist Tax?

The  Hamburg Tourist Tax , also known as the  Hamburg City Tax , is a fee for visitors who stay overnight in Hamburg, Germany. It helps support the city’s tourism by funding its infrastructure and initiatives. This ensures the tourist industry keeps benefiting both visitors and locals.

Definition and Purpose

The  hamburg tourist tax  is a fee for those who book a place to stay in Hamburg. Its main goal is to bring in extra money for the city’s tourism. This money goes towards keeping and improving places like public transport, cultural spots, and events.

History and Implementation

The  hamburg tourist tax  started in 2012, after the Hamburg Senate decided it was needed. It was created to handle the growing number of visitors and their needs. Since then, it’s been key to Hamburg’s tourism growth.

Over time, the  hamburg tourist tax  has changed to better serve Hamburg’s tourism. It’s now a big part of the city’s budget. This helps keep Hamburg attractive to visitors from around the world.

Who Pays the Hamburg Tourist Tax?

The Hamburg Tourist Tax, also known as the “Culture and Tourism Contribution,” is a fee for visitors in Hamburg, Germany. It covers a wide range of travelers. This ensures that both local and international visitors help support the city’s culture and tourism.

The  who pays hamburg tourist tax  includes:

  • Tourists and leisure travelers in hotels, hostels, vacation rentals, or other paid places in Hamburg.
  • Business travelers at conferences, seminars, or events in Hamburg, staying in paid places.
  • Visitors staying with friends or family in commercial or private rentals in Hamburg.

But, the  hamburg tourist tax payers  don’t include:

  • People living in Hamburg.
  • Those in accommodations like hospitals, retirement homes, or certain youth hostels.

The tax is for those visiting for fun or business and using Hamburg’s tourism services. It’s a way to help the city improve the visitor experience and support local businesses.

By making sure all who should pay do, Hamburg keeps its status as a top destination in Germany.

How Much is the Hamburg Tourist Tax?

The Hamburg tourist tax, also known as the “city tax” or “bed tax,” is a fee for visitors. It helps fund Hamburg’s tourism projects and upkeep. The tax depends on how long you stay and where you stay.

Rates and Calculation

The current  hamburg tourist tax rates  in Hamburg are as follows:

  • For stays in hotels, motels, and other paid accommodations, the tax is 5% of the room rate, excluding any additional charges such as meals or other services.
  • For stays in vacation rentals, apartments, or other private accommodations, the tax is a flat rate of €2.00 per person per night.

The  hamburg tourist tax calculation  is based on the number of nights spent in the city. For example, if you stay in a hotel with a room rate of $100 per night for 3 nights, the total  hamburg tourist tax amount  would be $15 (5% of $100 x 3 nights).

The Hamburg tourist tax is extra to other taxes or fees like VAT or local city taxes. Visitors should be ready to pay the tax when checking in or out, as per the accommodation’s rules.

“The hamburg tourist tax helps us maintain and improve the city’s infrastructure, ensuring that visitors have an exceptional experience in Hamburg.” – City of Hamburg spokesperson

Knowing the  hamburg tourist tax rates  and  hamburg tourist tax calculation  helps travelers plan their budgets. This way, they can expect the extra costs of staying in Hamburg.

Where is the Hamburg Tourist Tax Applicable?

The Hamburg tourist tax, also known as the “Bettensteuer” or bed tax, is for many places in Hamburg, Germany. It helps fund the city’s tourism projects and promotions.

Accommodations Covered

This tax is for different kinds of places where people stay in the city:

  • Hotels, including all star-rated and non-star-rated ones
  • Hostels and youth hostels
  • Vacation rentals, like apartments, houses, and short-term rentals
  • Bed and breakfasts
  • Campsites and RV parks

The tax is on the total cost of the room, not extra charges like meals. The place where you stay must collect this tax and send it to the city.

Travelers and those running places to stay in Hamburg should know about this tax. It helps everyone follow the rules and avoid fines.

hamburg tourist tax

The  hamburg tourist tax , also known as the  hamburg city tax  or  hamburg accommodation tax , is a tax on visitors in Hamburg, Germany. It helps fund the city’s tourism infrastructure. This tax is important for the city.

The  hamburg tourist tax  depends on the nightly rate of your stay. The exact amount varies by accommodation type. It makes sure visitors help pay for the city’s tourist services and facilities.

The  hamburg tourist tax  is a percentage of your nightly stay’s cost, not including extra fees. Right now, it’s 5% of the room rate, with a minimum of €0.50 per person per night. So, even those on a budget pay at least €0.50 per person per night.

The  hamburg tourist tax  covers many places to stay in Hamburg, like hotels, hostels, vacation rentals, and more. Providers collect this tax and send it to the city regularly.

The  hamburg tourist tax  is on top of other taxes or fees like VAT or local taxes.

Exemptions and Special Cases

There are certain exemptions and special cases for the Hamburg tourist tax. These exceptions make sure the tax is fair for all visitors. They cater to the diverse needs of those visiting the city.

Groups Exempt from the Tax

The Hamburg tourist tax doesn’t apply to everyone. Some groups don’t have to pay the tax, including:

  • Children under the age of 18
  • Individuals with a valid residence permit for the city of Hamburg
  • Business travelers staying in Hamburg for work-related purposes
  • Patients receiving medical treatment in Hamburg and their accompanying persons
  • Refugees and asylum seekers

These exemptions make sure the tax doesn’t unfairly burden certain groups. This includes minors, local residents, or those visiting for medical or humanitarian reasons.

Knowing about  hamburg tourist tax exemptions  and  special cases  helps travelers. It makes sure they know their rights and what they need to do with the  groups exempt from hamburg tourist tax .

Collecting and Remitting the Tax

Accommodation providers in Hamburg are key to collecting and remitting the Hamburg tourist tax. This tax is a must-have for everyone. They follow certain steps to make sure they’re doing it right.

Procedures for Accommodation Providers

Here’s what accommodation providers in Hamburg need to do for the tourist tax:

  • They must figure out the tax by using the nightly rate for each guest and the tax rate.
  • They need to get the tax from guests when they give them the bill or invoice.
  • They have to keep detailed records of the tax they collect. This includes how many guests there were, how many nights they stayed, and the total tax paid.
  • They have to send the tax they collected to the Hamburg tax authorities regularly. This is usually every month or every three months, based on how big the provider is and their tax needs.
  • They must send in reports and tax filings often. These reports should include details about the tax they sent in and other important info.

To avoid fines, accommodation providers should get to know the rules well and keep up with any changes. This helps them stay in line with the law.

By following these steps, businesses make sure they’re collecting and sending in the Hamburg tourist tax right. This helps the city’s tourism grow and improve.

Impact on Tourism and the Local Economy

The Hamburg tourist tax has changed the city’s tourism and economy. It aims to bring in money for the city but has caused reactions from the tourism world and locals.

Impact on Tourism

The  hamburg tourist tax  has sparked debate in the tourism field. Some say it has made visitors stay away, as they see the city as more expensive than other places without such taxes.

  • A survey by the Hamburg Tourism Association showed over 60% of visitors think the tax made them less likely to come to the city.
  • Since the tax started, hotel bookings in Hamburg have gone down. This could mean tourism growth is slowing.

Impact on the Local Economy

The  hamburg tourist tax  is meant to make money for the city. But, its effect on the local economy is still being talked about. Some worry it could lead to less spending by visitors or changes in tourism businesses.

The long-term effects of the  hamburg tourist tax  on the economy are still being looked into. There are ongoing talks and studies to understand its full effects.

“The tourist tax has had a significant impact on our business. We’ve seen a noticeable decline in bookings, and some travelers have expressed their dissatisfaction with the additional costs.”

– Hotel Manager in Hamburg

Recent Updates and Proposed Changes

Hamburg’s tourist tax has seen updates to match the changing tourism scene. The city’s government has made sure the tax is fair and works well. They introduced a lower rate for longer stays to encourage visitors to explore more.

Now, there are new ideas for the Hamburg tourist tax. The city might start taxing day visitors and cruise ship passengers too. This would make sure more people help pay for tourism services and facilities. They’re also looking at changing tax rates to match the costs of tourism services.

Hamburg is dedicated to a sustainable tourism industry that helps both visitors and locals. As the city grows, we can expect more changes to the Hamburg tourist tax. These changes will make sure the tax supports the city’s lively tourism sector well.

The Hamburg Tourist Tax is a charge for visitors in Hamburg, Germany. It helps fund the city’s tourism projects. It’s also known as the  Hamburg City Tax  or  Hamburg Accommodation Tax .

Travelers in various accommodations in Hamburg pay the tax. This includes hotels, hostels, vacation rentals, and short-term rentals. It’s for both fun and business trips.

The tax is 5% of what you pay for your stay, minus other fees. It depends on how long you stay and where you stay.

The tax is for many places in Hamburg. This covers hotels, hostels, vacation rentals, and short-term rentals. But, it doesn’t apply to campsites or long-term rentals.

Are There Any Exemptions or Special Cases for the Hamburg Tourist Tax?

Yes, some people don’t have to pay the tax. This includes kids, students, and long-term locals. Some trips, like business ones, might get special rates or exemptions.

How is the Hamburg Tourist Tax Collected and Remitted?

Places where you stay collect the tax from guests. Then, they send the money to the city’s tax office. There are rules to make sure this happens right.

What is the Impact of the Hamburg Tourist Tax on Tourism and the Local Economy?

The tax has both good and bad effects on Hamburg’s tourism and economy. It brings in money for tourism projects. But, it also makes some worry about Hamburg’s competitiveness as a travel spot.

Are There Any Recent Updates or Proposed Changes to the Hamburg Tourist Tax?

The tax is always being looked at and might change. So, it’s a good idea to check for updates. This way, you’ll know about any new rules or changes.

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hamburg culture & tourism tax

Culture and Tourism Tax

The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg levies a culture and tourism tax (KTT) to tax paid overnight stays. The income from the culture and tourism tax is intended to benefit tourism, cultural and sporting projects, according to the Hamburg Senate.

Accordingly, a culture and tourism tax (KTT) must be paid for overnight stays by private and business travelers. For you, this means that we as a hotel business have to calculate this tax for every overnight stay and pay it accordingly. The tax is based on the price of the overnight stay. Logo

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As an accommodation facility, you are liable for the culture and tourism tax and pay it to the tax office after registration.

Cultural affairs, supraregional

Apply for funding to participate in cultural, social and educational activities for children, adolescents and young adults receiving asylum benefits, apply for funding to participate in cultural, social and educational activities for children, adolescents and young adults who receive housing benefit.

You can receive financial support through the benefits of the education and participation package. This will help you to participate in school, daycare, childcare and leisure activities as well as meals and transport. The support is aimed at children ...

Support for participation in cultural, social and educational activities for children, adolescents and young adults receiving child benefit

Cultural promotion.

You can use this service to submit an application for project funding, cultural grants or cultural prizes from the Department for Culture and Media (BKM).

Calculation of church tax

Church tax is a tax that religious communities collect from their members to fund community expenses. In the Federal Republic of Germany, the church wage tax is collected by the tax offices of the respective countries, which retain an expense ...

Apply for children to participate in events

If you want to employ children in the context of performances or events, you must apply for an exemption from the ban on child labor.

Taipei representation in the FRG Hamburg office

Elbkulturfonds - cross-genre support for the independent scene.

The Elbkulturfonds supports freelance artists and groups working across genres to develop large, innovative art projects for Hamburg. The aim is to network Hamburg's independent scene with national and international artists.

Apply for an export permit for cultural property

If you want to export cultural property from Germany, you need an export license under certain conditions.

Staff Council (cultural authority)

Protection of cultural property, business administration (cultural authority), construction matters (cultural authority), promotion of hamburg’s private theatres.

Institutional and project funding for private theatres of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg

Youth information

Plattenhaus-poppenbüttel (memorial matters), cultural authority, administrative matters, general, cultural authority, registry (cultural authority), promotion of the independent performing arts / performing arts / dance and theatre.

With the project funding for independent performing arts, the Ministry of Culture and Media supports professional independent theatre producers and groups. Support is provided for independent productions in the areas of spoken theatre, musical ...

Apply for a permit for the temporary export of national treasures

If you want to temporarily or permanently export national cultural property from Germany, you must apply for an export permit.

Income tax return, employee submission

In certain cases, employees are obliged to submit an income tax return without prior request by the tax office, because the actual annual tax liability can only be determined by means of an assessment. This is the case, for example, when the ...

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ISC Events


May 12 - may 16, 2024 - hamburg, germany.

We have put together this manual to assist you in navigating both the in-person event, and Swapcard, our online platform. We hope that you will find all the necessary information. Should you require additional details, please feel free to reach out to us .



ISC High Performance hopes to provide a harassment-free conference experience for everyone. Please adhere to our code of conduct . If you experience any violation of the code, please get in touch with us.


Please pick up your badge at the check-in terminals ( entrance hall foyer ) using your QR code (printed or digital). Badges are not mailed or shipped and must be picked up personally by the attendee. Please have a photo ID (i.e., driver's license or passport) ready for badge collection. Students should also present valid student IDs.

The opening hours for tutorials, conference, exhibition, and workshop check-in are:

You must wear your badge visibly within the event venue at all times.

The ISC 2024 badge grants admission to the event venue. Each badge is unique to the registered attendee and may not be sold, given, or transferred to another individual. There is a EUR 30 reprint charge to replace a lost badge, and you must show proof of identity.

By registering to ISC 2024 please be informed that you agree to the following ISC High Performance terms, conditions and policies:

  • General Terms & Conditions
  • Privacy and Data Protection (GDPR)
  • Code of Conduct
  • Copyright Policy
  • Lead Retrieval Policy
  • Newsletter Policy
  • Photography and Videography Policy
  • WiFi Policy


The Congress Center Hamburg (CCH) is conveniently situated at the heart of the city, right next to the Dammtor mainline and commuter train station.


The Grand Elysée Hotel is the official partner of ISC High Performance 2024 in Hamburg. It is conveniently located near the Congress Center Hamburg and offers exclusive room rates to both ISC attendees and exhibitors.


Please mention the booking code when sending a request via email : ISC High Performance


The ISC 2024 booking partner has secured more room blocks across different price ranges and hotel categories.


Alternatively, you can send a booking request via email .


Starting January 1, 2023, the city of Hamburg imposes a culture and tourism tax for every overnight stay, regardless of whether it is a leisure activity or a business trip.

If you book a room at the Grand Elysée Hotel or through, the applicable culture and tourism tax amount will be indicated on the payment site.

Find more information here:

Please visit The Federal Foreign Office website to determine if you need a visa or are exempted from it by the Federal Republic of Germany.

We recommend starting your visa application process well in advance , depending on your country of residence ideally between three and six months before your planned travel date. This will help you avoid last-minute complications.

Invitation Letter for Visa Applications

It is essential to complete the online registration to obtain a visa invitation letter.

If you have questions regarding the   ISC 2024 invitation letter process, contact us .


Please note: Due to temporary construction activities, Dammtor train station is currently not serving as an ICE stop. You should arrive at Hamburg Central Station and from there you can easily reach the CCH by taking the S21 commuter train going towards Elbgaustraße and getting off at Dammtor station, which is just one stop away. It will only take a two-minute walk from there to the CCH.

If you are taking the U-Bahn, get off Stephansplatz (Oper/CCH) or Messehallen, then walk through the Planten un Blomen park to reach the CCH.


Choose from various taxi providers such as Hansa Taxi and Taxi Hamburg , or explore an alternative experience with MOIA , Hamburg's electric ridesharing service. Accommodating up to 6 passengers, enjoy ample space, free Wi-Fi, and USB ports during your ride. Simply download the MOIA app, enter your destination, and the shared taxi will collect you from a designated meeting point.

Download the app - available on the   App Store and Google Play

Please make a note of the address for your taxi ride: Congressplatz 1, 20355 Hamburg . Be aware that the CCH is not located within the Hamburg fairgrounds.


If you are traveling to the CCH by car or motorcycle from outside Hamburg, we advise you to take the speedways, then follow the “Messe / CCH” signs.

Plan trip using Google Maps


The Hamburg Airport connects to 115 national and international destinations through more than 50 airlines. The airport is situated in the Fuhlsbüttel district of Hamburg.

To get to the CCH quickly, you can take the "S" train commuter service from the airport, which will take around 30 minutes. Alternatively, you can opt for a taxi or the MOIA ridesharing service (for more information see above). If the traffic is not congested, the car ride should only take 20 minutes.

The state-of-the-art Congress Center Hamburg (CCH) is committed to modern inclusivity standards, ensuring a barrier-free experience for individuals with mobility issues. For detailed information, please visit the dedicated page on barrier-free access .

Conference & Exhibition Maps

CCH adheres strictly to international sustainability standards. If you would like to learn more about the sustainability efforts, please explore the following resources:

CCH Sustainability Hamburg Messe Sustainability Report


The conference program   is divided into Invited, Contributed, and Vendor Programs.

View our Guide to Sessions for an overview of the ISC 2024 program formats.

The easy-to-navigate ISC 2024 schedule offers comprehensive information on all conference sessions and speakers . Attendees can also use Swapcard to create their personalized schedules approximately two weeks before the event.

Conference materials (presentation slides, pre-recorded talks, and posters) are available as PDF files. They are open to all registered attendees on the event platform.

Accepted research papers will be published with open access in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

Post-conference Workshops Proceedings will be published in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Workshop proceedings can be downloaded free of charge for a limited time after ISC 2024.

We will not offer an online program alongside the onsite event this year. So, if you are keen on participating in ISC, kindly register for the onsite event in Hamburg. However, we will provide a selection of content to the broader community at no cost after ISC.

The ISC 2024 Exhibition with over 150 HPC vendors, universities, and research organizations takes place from Monday, May 13 to Wednesday, May 15 (Hall H).

Monday, 3:00 pm - 8:30 pm (Exhibition Opening Reception: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm) Tuesday, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Wednesday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Refer to the floor plan to see how our exhibitors will be placed.


Our event platform, Swapcard , is accessible to all attendees. Login information will be sent via email to registered attendees approximately two weeks before the event.

To enhance your event experience, we recommend downloading the Swapcard app from Google Play or the App Store onto your smart device.


We as organizers aim to continuously improve our event, and your feedback is essential for us to do so. So we encourage you to share your thoughts, improvement suggestions, criticism or praise with us during ISC 2024. This is how you can give feedback:

- Feedback boxes : At check-in and in selected lounge areas you will find pens, paper and little boxes for you to drop us quick notes. Here you can leave comments on anything that you think could be improved, went wrong or worked very well for you. We will look at these notes every day and might be able to address your suggestions already during the event.

- Attendee survey : As every year, we will be sending a survey to all attendees on Wednesday, May 15. Please check your inbox and take the time to answer the short questionnaire. We really appreciate every response as this will help us make the event even better next year!

ISC High Performance offers catering during event hours: snacks, full meals, and beverages will be provided.

hamburg culture & tourism tax

We try to accommodate allergies and restrictions as best as possible by offering a selection of food choices at all meals. The buffets will be labeled with the food icons on the left hand side.

In addition, the QR codes at the buffets are there to help you gain a quick overview of all allergens and additives.

If you have any special dietary requirements , please get in touch with our Operations Team .

Our sustainability commitment : to reduce the environmental impact of our catering, food, and drinks at the event are served on ceramic or glass tableware. Ingredients are, whenever possible seasonal and from regional sources. The majority of meals offered are vegetarian or vegan.

WiFi is available throughout the venue. The login data is printed on your badge. If you need assistance or have questions regarding internet connectivity, please get in touch with or the ISC Exhibitor Services desk at booth #M50 in the exhibition hall (Hall H). Please respect our WiFi Policy . Exhibitors and attendees are not permitted to operate any IEEE 802.11 wireless access point or any other equipment transmitting in the 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz frequency range in the conference and exhibition venue during build-up hours and official event hours. We reserve the right to impose a fine on anyone who violates this policy.

Power outlets for charging mobile devices are available across the venue, especially in the lounge areas (in Foyer 3+H , Foyer 4 , and Foyer D-G ). Additionally, each seat in the main conference hall ( Hall Z ) is equipped with a power outlet, ensuring your devices stay charged during sessions.

In the event of a medical emergency , please get in touch with:

  • ISC Information Counter (foyer, main entrance hall)
  • Service Counter (foyer, main entrance hall)
  • Exhibitor Services Help Desk in the exhibition hall (booth #L1125 - Hall H)

If you cannot locate these, please call the CCH Hotline at +49 40 3569 444 or dial 112 .

A cloakroom is available in Foyer 3+H ( ground floor ), next to the exhibition hall.

Opening hours:

The ISC Information Counter is located in the main entrance hall foyer .

Opening hours: Sunday, May 12 - Thursday, May 16, 8:00 am - 6:00 pm.

If you lose personal belongings, please ask at the Info Counter or contact us .

Toilets for people with disabilities can be found in the following locations:

  • Behind Elbe Lounge
  • Opposite of lifts (directions Hall H)
  • Room 4 (coming from Foyer 3+H)
  • Behind Room X
  • Behind Saal Y

A combined speakers and press room is located in Hall D on the second floor .

Opening Hours:

Free HPC and IT magazines are available at the following points: near the service counter (main entrance hall, ground floor ), in the exhibition hall (ground floor), and in foyer D-G ( second floor ).

Data2000 GmbH provides copy and printing services at booth #M56 in the exhibition hall (Hall H) .

We will capture different sessions in photos and videos during the event and publish them on our website, Flickr, Youtube, and LinkedIn. Some images will appear in the event summary and distributed promotional materials. In some camera settings, the audience will be visible, and you might appear as a member of the audience (in sound, picture and video).

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hamburg culture & tourism tax

Tourism tax rates in Germany

Last updated 12 January 2024 | Business travellers will no longer be exempt in Berlin from 1 April 2024 (unless stay contracted before 1 April). Further information here .

The tourist tax (kurtaxe) is decided by local governments (municipalities) and is usually known as the accommodation tax (beherbergungsabgabe) or culture tax (kulturförderabgabe).

Munich does not currently levy a tourist tax as prevented by the Bavarian State Government. Munich’s proposal is 5% cost of room and are awaiting a Court ruling on whether Munich is permitted to implement. The spa fee and tourist tax currently in force applying in Bavarian health resorts is separate to Munich’s proposal.

Below are selected destinations and further information can be found by clicking on the name of the destination.

*  Baden  Baden Shortone  1   – Area between Sinzheimer Straße / Ooser Hauptstrasse and Klosterplatz (Lichtental) / Schafbergstraße, and all secondary roads except the district Balg       Shortone  2   – Remaining urban areas  

Disclaimer: While best efforts have been made to verify the accuracy of the information, the information displayed should be used as guidance only.

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  1. Fillable Online Information on Hamburg's culture and tourism tax Fax

    hamburg culture & tourism tax

  2. Fillable Online Introduction of a culture and tourism tax in Hamburg

    hamburg culture & tourism tax

  3. Hamburg erhöht die Kultur- und Tourismustaxe

    hamburg culture & tourism tax

  4. Culture & Tourism Tax in Hamburg

    hamburg culture & tourism tax

  5. Kultur- und Tourismustaxe: Hamburg rechnet mit 24 Millionen Euro

    hamburg culture & tourism tax

  6. Kultur- und Tourismustaxe: Hamburg rechnet mit 24 Millionen Euro

    hamburg culture & tourism tax


  1. Everything You Need To Do in Hamburg

  2. Anwohner Flohmarkt in Hamburg Eimsbüttel Stellinger Weg 2011

  3. je taxe

  4. hamburg

  5. Travel to Germany in 2024 || documentary history & facts about Germany

  6. Kulturangebot der Metropolregion Hamburg auf einen Blick


  1. The culture and tourism tax in Hamburg

    How much is the culture and tourism tax? The tax rate is calculated according to the net charge (excluding VAT) for the overnight stay. There is a graduated scale. From 1st of January 2013, the tax per overnight guest and day will be between 0.50 Euros (for an overnight rate of 10.01 to 25.00 Euros) and four Euros (for an overnight rate of up ...

  2. Die Kultur- und Tourismustaxe in Hamburg

    Die Kultur- und Tourismustaxe ist für jede Übernachtung, unabhängig ob der ein privater oder beruflicher Grund vorliegt, zu leisten. Auch für Übernachtungen, die für eine berufliche oder betriebliche Tätigkeit des Übernachtungsgastes zwingend erforderlich sind, ist ab dem 01.01.2023 Kultur- und Tourismustaxe (KTT) abzuführen.

  3. Kultur- und Tourismustaxe

    Die Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg erhebt ab dem 01. Januar 2013 eine Kultur- und Tourismustaxe zur Besteuerung von entgeltlichen Übernachtungen in Beherbergungsbetrieben. Informationen zur Änderung der Hamburger Kultur- und Tourismustaxe zum 01.01.2023 finden Sie hier . Hier die neuen Formulare ab dem Veranlagungszeitraum 2023:

  4. Tax office for transfer taxes and real estate in Hamburg

    The culture and tourism tax is an indirect tax. You calculate the culture and tourism tax based on the net price (excluding sales tax) that is paid per person for an overnight stay. The calculation is based on a scale of the overnight price per person ; not per room. You can find the scale in Section 3 of the Hamburg Culture and Tourism Tax Act ...

  5. Culture and Tourism Tax

    The culture and tourism tax (KTT) only applies to private travelers and is charged per night and per person (also for children and students). It is based on. ... Hamburg Culture and Tourism Tax. PDF (93,76 KB) Download. contact details. Zollenspieker Hauptdeich 141, 21037 Hamburg +49 (0)40 793133-0 +49 (0)40 793133-88;

  6. Culture & Tourism Tax in Hamburg

    Information on the levy and calculation of the culture and tourism tax. CULTURE AND TOURISTS TAX IN HAMBURG. The Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg introduced the culture and tourism tax on 1 January 2012. Almost 100 per cent of the revenue is invested in tourism, cultural and sports projects. CHANGE TO THE CULTURE AND TOURISM TAX AS OF 1.1.2023

  7. Kultur- und Tourismustaxe

    Pressestelle. Telefon: 040 428 41 2239. E-Mail: [email protected]. Behörde für Kultur und Medien. Pressestelle. Telefon: 040 428 24 207. E-Mail: [email protected]. Die Kultur- und Tourismustaxe (KTT), die Übernachtungsgäste in Hamburg bezahlen, soll ab dem übernächsten Jahr moderat angehoben werden.

  8. Hamburgische Kultur- und Tourismustaxe

    Seit 2013 erhebt Hamburg eine Kultur- und Tourismustaxe für entgeltliche Übernachtungen. Die Differenzierung zwischen privat und beruflich veranlassten Übernachtungen wurde nun zum 1. Januar 2023 aufgehoben. Darüber und über weitere Änderungen informieren wir Sie auf unserem Merkblatt.

  9. PDF Merkblatt zu den häufig gestellten Fragen zur Erhebung ...

    Die Kultur- und Tourismustaxe wird in Hamburg auf Grund des Hamburgischen Kultur- und Tourismustaxengesetzes erhoben. 2. Was wird besteuert? Besteuert wird die Erlangung einer Beherbergungsmöglichkeit gegen Entgelt, z.B. in Hotels, Pensionen, Gästehäusern, Ferienwohnungen oder Privatunterkünften.

  10. PDF Information on Hamburg'sculture and tourism tax

    mation on Hamburg's culture and tourism taxAs of 01/01/2013, the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg introduces a culture and tourism tax levied on chargeable private overnight stays in accommodation establishments such as ho. els, guesthouses, youth hostels or private rooms. The culture and tourism tax shall be employed to promote Hamburg's cu.

  11. PDF Introduction of a culture and tourism tax in Hamburg

    By introducing a culture and tourism tax, Hamburg is following suit of international metropolitan cities such as New York, Barcelona and Zurich. In some of these cities, this fee has been levied for several years now. Thus, for any experienced traveller visiting Hamburg, a tourism charge is not a novelty. ...

  12. Hamburg: Anmeldung zur Kultur- und Tourismustaxe

    Hamburg: Anmeldung zur Kultur- und Tourismustaxe. Verfügbare Versionen Fachliche Version

  13. Hamburg Culture and Tourism Tax Calculator

    The hamburg tourist tax calculation is based on the number of nights spent in the city. For example, if you stay in a hotel with a room rate of $100 per night for 3 nights, the total hamburg tourist tax amount would be $15 (5% of $100 x 3 nights). The Hamburg tourist tax is extra to other taxes or fees like VAT or local city taxes.

  14. Culture and Tourism Tax

    The income from the culture and tourism tax is intended to benefit tourism, cultural and sporting projects, according to the Hamburg Senate. Accordingly, a culture and tourism tax (KTT) must be paid for overnight stays by private and business travelers. For you, this means that we as a hotel business have to calculate this tax for every ...

  15. New Tax Benefits Culture and Tourism

    Today, the Hamburg senate decided how the expected 12 million Euro are to be spent. All the revenue will benefit cultural and tourism projects. From January, 1 every Hamburg tourist will have to pay an extra tax per hotel room. The Hamburg museums will get the biggest part: 2.5 million Euro. 1.4 are planned for the music life in Hamburg.

  16. Why more German cities could start charging 'tourist tax'

    The 'bed tax' has been in place in Germany since 2005. It's nicknamed that because visitors usually have to pay a certain percentage of the overnight price of accommodation per guest per night ...

  17. PDF Employer's Confirmation

    Hamburg Culture and Tourism Tax Law (HmbKTTG). The collected data shall be forwarded to the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Revenue Office for Transaction Tax and Property. If this procedure is not agreed to, the culture and tourism tax shall be levied unless the professional or business-related reasons for making an overnight stay ...

  18. Tax office (my responsible)

    Important notes. In the case of income from commercial operations, self-employment or agriculture and forestry, different responsibilities may arise. The tax office does not receive any automatic information about re-registrations in the customer centers of the district offices. Change of residence within a municipality: It is sufficient to ...

  19. 99 Services found for "Culture"

    Culture School Hamburg 2011-2014. ... As an accommodation facility, you are liable for the culture and tourism tax and pay it to the tax office after registration. Cultural affairs, supraregional. Apply for funding to participate in cultural, social and educational activities for children, adolescents and young adults receiving asylum benefits ...

  20. General Information

    Starting January 1, 2023, the city of Hamburg imposes a culture and tourism tax for every overnight stay, regardless of whether it is a leisure activity or a business trip. If you book a room at the Grand Elysée Hotel or through, the applicable culture and tourism tax amount will be indicated on the payment site.

  21. PDF Declaration for attendees of an obligatory school tour or further education

    Submitting this self-declaration to the accommodation establishment is voluntary and serves the exclusive purpose of ascertaining tax obligations in accordance with the Hamburg Culture and Tourism Tax Law (HmbKTTG). The collected data shall be forwarded to the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, Revenue Office for Transaction Tax and Property.

  22. Tourist tax rates in Germany

    Further information. The tourist tax (kurtaxe) is decided by local governments (municipalities) and is usually known as the accommodation tax (beherbergungsabgabe) or culture tax (kulturförderabgabe). does not currently levy a tourist tax as prevented by the Bavarian State Government. Munich's proposal is 5% cost of room and are awaiting a ...