holy land solo trip

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How to tour Israel on your own: A step-by-step guide (with itinerary and maps)

How to tour Israel on your own. A step by step guide.

If you are looking to tour Israel on your own, then you are in the right place. Whether its just wanting to go alone or a group tour timeline doesn’t fit your schedule. Or you’re in Israel on a business trip. Touring on your own doesn’t have to be difficult.

In a previous post I talked about visiting Jerusalem on your own. Traveling the whole country is going to be a little different. Everything you want to see in Jerusalem is packed into a small area. Everything outside Jerusalem is not.

Below is a how-to guide to traveling Israel on your own. At the bottom is an itinerary with maps. Here are the topics we are going to cover.

Can you travel Israel on your own?

When is the best time to go to israel, getting to israel..

  • Getting around Israel.

Hotels in Israel

Hostels in israel, air bnb in israel, are tour guides available in israel, how much do private tours cost, how much do biblical sites in israel cost, is israel cheap to visit, can you swim in the dead sea, what should i buy in israel, what should i pack for a trip to israel, 2-week holy site itinerary..

All links are direct.

All currency is in US Dollars, unless otherwise specified.

Absolutely. People travel to Israel all the time on their own. But a lot of those people aren’t doing an intentional tour of biblical sites. If you want to do your own Holy Land tour through Israel, you can more than easily accomplish it though.

Jerusalem, can be done in 2 or 3 days. The rest of the country can take anywhere from 7 to 12 days. Tour groups normally split the country into areas. Eleven to be specific: 1) the coast; 2) Nazareth; 3) Galilee; 4) Golan; 5) Samaria; 6) Jerusalem; 7) the Shephelah; 8) Bethlehem; 9) Jericho; 10) the Dead Sea; and if you want the full tour 11) the Negev.

On a typical Holy Land tour of Israel, you would get on a bus and let the tour leader and staff plan everything out. Park passes, transportation, lodging, and even a few meals will be part of the trip cost. The group leader and/or tour guide will provide the itinerary and what-to-know about each site.

Because the industry of Holy Land tourism is such a big thing in Israel, hotels and transportation is rather abundant. There are a plethora of hotels, kibbutz (travel lodges), hostels, and Air BnB offerings. Which means that you have plenty of options. The down side is that, depending on the season, you may be competing with group reservations.

Although a rental car is going to be the most convenient for this kind of tour, there are other options. Israel has public transportation and there is even a biking path if that’s your thing.

You could even do a mixture of it all.

holy land solo trip

The best time to visit Israel is in April/May and October/November. There are a couple variables that go into this. For a full discussion on timing, check out my post on the topic right here .

Airfare fluctuates during the year due to global travel seasons. The highest airfare tends to be in the summer months, (June, July, and August) and December. This makes sense because the summer is typically when people travel due to the US school calendar.

December has started to become a bigger travel month over the years because of Christmas.

The weather is also a factor. The summer have zero precipitation. And the average temperature countrywide is 84 deg F with highs surging into the 90s and 100s F.

The winter months have high precipitation. With lows being in the 40s and 50s F. This makes the spring and late fall optimal for the weather.

Crowds are another problem. Unfortunately, there is no data on crowds, but there is data on tourist arrivals. Israel’s peak arrival month is October. This is due to the Jewish Holiday Yom Kippur. The spring is the next high. The summer months are a lull between spring and October. January is the slowest month.

One thing to note here. Travel is highest in October because of Yom Kippur. But this doesn’t mean tourist sites are going to be packed. And low travel in the summer doesn’t mean that sites won’t be packed.

Because of the nature of Israel, Jewish families are spread across Israel, Europe, and the United States. So, there is a lot of travel to and from Israel to visit family. And not to tour. Arrival numbers do not differentiate this.

At the end of the day, you can’t go wrong visiting in the spring or fall.

holy land solo trip

As noted above, airfare fluctuates. Prices are highest in June at the beginning of the summer tourist season. Prices are lowest from October through March .  Average Airfare in 2020 before COVID was between $650 in the low months and $1,300 in the high months. With spikes up around $3,400.

International air travel has 1 major port of entry, Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv. Tel Aviv sits on the Mediterranean Coast and is pretty central in terms of not being too far north or south. It’s roughly an hour or so drive from Jerusalem.

There are a couple other “international” airports around the country. But they are small, mostly used for regional international traffic and don’t support the major airlines.

Your best bet is to fly though Tel Aviv. Its central, and all your follow-on transportation services are well established there. Like rental cars, airport shuttles, buses, city transportation, and more.

Can you enter Israel by boat? Yes, the main passenger port is Haifa. In the south on the Red Sea is the Port of Eilat. Both offer 24/7 customs services. Along the western Mediterranean Coast there are several marina’s which offer customs services on call.

Are there any border crossings on land? Yes, there are crossing points with Jordan and Egypt. In Eilat , use the Rabin crossing point to go to and from Jordan. And the Taba crossing point for Egypt. On the eastern border with Jordan, the Sheikh Hussein crossing point is the primary one for foreigners and Israeli citizens. The Allenby Bridge is primarily for the Palestinian population going to and from Jordan, but foreigners can use it too.

For an exhaustive list of border crossings and customs checkpoints, check out what the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs has to say right here .

holy land solo trip

Getting around Israel .

If you follow the itinerary below then the most convenient option is to rent a car. Most of the major rental companies are in Israel. Avis . Budget . Hertz . But there are also some competitive options native to Israel and the region. The problem with renting is the usual suspects: cost, gas, and parking. Check your favorite travel booking site for prices as they fluctuate like any other location.

The average cost of fuel in Israel over the last 2 years has fluctuated between $6 and $6.81 per gallon. In New Israeli Shekels (NIS) per liter that comes out to 5.38NIS and 6.05NIS per liter.

Something to note about fuel grades. In most countries outside the US, the fuel grade is higher, usually in the 90s (93, 95, or 97). Whereas, in the US its in the 80s (87, 89, 93). This means the fuel has been refined more and therefore more expensive.

The next option is public transportation. All the major cities have some sort of public bus or tram system. There are a few options for traveling between cities on public transportation though. Egged buses facilitate travel throughout the country and Dan Buses travel in and around the Tel Aviv area.

Bus fares vary based on the city and distance. For example, an Egged bus from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is around $5. A bus from Tel Aviv to Nazareth is around $20.

Although taxis are an option here, you’re going to spend a lot of money.

Uber is present, but only cabs are allowed to provide the service. Ridesharing in general is very limited. Scooter-sharing services, Bird (US), Lime (US), and Wind (German) are available in both Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Other options include biking and hiking, which will not be covered here.

The big thing to keep in mind is that many of the churches that were built to commemorate something in the Bible are in towns. So, public transportation and walking is doable. But archaeological and historical sites, such as Dan and Caesarea Philippi, are often well outside the public transportation routes.

To really see the Holy Land on your own, a rental car is your best option.

holy land solo trip

Lodging in Israel

When it comes to lodging, there are several options. Hotels, hostels, kibbutz (travel lodges), and Air BnB to name the major ones. The driving factor here will be whether you prefer ‘crawling’ or ‘basing.’ What I mean by ‘crawling’ is that you stay at a different place each night while you go. And ‘basing’ means you get a room in an area to stay for several days and go out from there each day.

The way I’ve set up the itinerary below, both crawling and basing are utilized.

Because of the nature of Israel’s tourist industry, many hotels, hostels, and lodges provide meals. And some of those layouts are extensive. But not all locations do this, so make sure to verify when you book your stay.

Hotels in Israel aren’t all that different than the United States when it comes to cost. In general, they run from about $100 all the way up to $1,000 per night for a room. Prices fluctuate with the seasons. But you can expect places charging around $100 for the 2- or 3-star level. And the upper $100 and $200 range for the 4- and 5-star level.

Luxury hotels, like the King David Hotel and the David Citadel Hotel in Jerusalem are upwards to $1,000 per night. They come with all the bells and whistles.

When you travel with a tour group, lodging costs are included in your group travel. That’s the benefit of doing a group tour. Another benefit is that most group tours will choose decent hotels. You won’t be staying in low-end places unless there is no other choice. Usually a poor hotel choice is a result of traveling in a saturated tourist season.

What is a kibbutz? Technically a kibbutz is a collectivist commune that shares the burden of tending crops. Kibbutz literally means ‘gather.’ They started in the early 20th century in Galilee.

There are lodging locations around Israel that call themselves kibbutz, but really they are kind of like a resort. They have large dining rooms and offer buffets as part of the stay. They may or may not be associated with an actual kibbutz. If they are it’s part of their economy. The quality ranges.

Hostels are another option. They charge by person. What you can expect with a hostel is a bed, a social atmosphere, and meals.

If you’ve never stayed in a hostel before, they are basically bunk houses. Rooms can have anywhere from 4 to 10 beds, or more. Community lounges allow you to relax or socialize. Bathrooms are common spaces as well.

The price range for a bed at a hostel is between $20 and $80. With the higher end offering more amenities or possibly a private room. No private bathroom though.  

Hostels are generally geared towards young solo travelers who want to meet new people. However, all ages are welcome, and so are groups.

Amenities can vary widely as well. For example, Capsuleinn in Jerusalem has enclosed bunks with lights, electrical outlets, TV screens, and air vents. Other hostels are merely bunk rooms.

Some hostels have kitchens so you can cook your own food. And some offer nightlife and social activities.

To book, check prices, and find availability of hostels check out these websites or go to booking.com.




Air BnB is the third option. If you aren’t familiar with the latest craze in lodging, Air BnB is an online hospitality marketplace. For the most part, listings are often for full houses, apartments, or condos. But sometimes people will list rooms or granny flats.

All listings are facilitated by Air BnB but listed by the property owner.

For owners listing their properties, Air BnB is essentially a small business. As a result, customer service and amenities vary greatly!

Air BnB is basically like having your own apartment in the city for a couple of days. And you won’t get bothered by maid service.

Although, Air BnB is huge in the US, Israel has a rather large inventory of listings.

For the most part, scams on Air BnB hit the property owners, but there are some issues to be aware of.

1. Never pay for an Air BnB stay in cash or off the website. [ Article ]

2. Be cautious if your host wants to transfer you to another listing. [ Article ]

holy land solo trip

Yes, there are tour companies in Israel that offer day trips as well as multi-day trips. The most well-known are Abraham Tours and Sandemans New Europe Tours .

Abraham Tours has hubs in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Nazareth, and Eilat. The company is run by the Abraham Hostel company. Most of their tours leave from their hostels. This is a good thing; you won’t be riding around town picking people up at other hotels. You meet up, start the tour and finish.

Single day trips with Abraham Tours range from around $40 to $100. That is mostly dependent on the distance to the destination.

Sandemans offers a free tour of Jerusalem that last about 2 hours. It’s advertised as free because its tip based. It’s used to train new guides and give them experience. Sandemans offers a few other day-tours in Jerusalem and also in Tel Aviv. Average cost is around $25. They are walking tours, which means they leave from a specific starting point. So, no time wasted picking up other tourists.

When looking for a tour company, watch out for tours that pick you up at your hotel. There is nothing nefarious about it, but time is wasted. Sometimes upwards to 2 hours each way. These companies tend to charge a little more as well for the door to door service.

The other issue that you may encounter with any of these companies is frequent shopping stops. Some tourists like to shop their way through a destination. Also, tour guides sometimes get kickbacks for stopping.

With the day tours mentioned above, shopping is going to be rather limited.

One last thing to note, these are not theologically based tours. You will get religious history, but you aren’t going to get Christian theology.

Maybe the day tour isn’t your thing. Or, you are fine setting up your lodging, but you want to combine your touring and your transportation. A private tour is a good option.

Private, or luxury, tour guides in Israel cost around $200-$300 a day. But this isn’t necessarily per person. And it isn’t expensive by any means. With more people in the group, the per-person cost goes down.

If your timing doesn’t fit with a group tour from your church or community, this might be the route for you.

The plus side with this option is that you can plan out your trip with the tour company.

Private tours vary in terms of theology. If you go with a church group from home, you’re going to get lead by a seminary trained leader. With a private tour, most likely you are going to get a professionally trained tour guide. They may or may not be adequately prepared with theological learning points.

I believe that any Holy Land tour should also be theologically based in order for a traveler to get the most out of their time. However, if you have a small window of opportunity, then a private tour might be the answer.

Both Abraham and Sandemans offer private tours. Shin Luxury Tours is another option. They only do private tours and are staffed with more experienced guides.

An unlimited Park Pass from the Israeli Nature and Parks Authority is about $45. You can access around 70 sites with it. All of the archaeological sites will be on the pass. Churches, lookouts and most everything in Jerusalem are not. But they’re free anyway.

The pass is good for 2 weeks starting on the day of its initial use.  

In Jerusalem, the pass is only good for the City of David Archaeological site.

Other locations in Jerusalem that require an entrance fee are:

The Western Wall Tunnel Tour – Adults $11. Seniors, disabled, and children are $6.  

The Church of the Redeemer Tower – Everyone $5.

The Israel Museum – Adults $16. Students and Seniors $12. Other discounts $8.

The Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum – Entrance to the museum and grounds is free. A guided tour for 2 people will run you around $150. An audio tour is $18 a headset.  

The Western Wall, Temple Mount, Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Old City Wall walk, and other sites in Jerusalem are free of charge.

holy land solo trip

The cost of travel in Israel is on par with the cost of travel in the United States. This is true when it comes to hotels, food and souvenirs. The only exception is gas, as noted above.

Travel costs stack up due to eating out, hotels, transportation, and site-seeing. However, visiting Israel is not like visiting Disneyland. Overall, visiting Israel can be done on any budget.

If a hotel offers food with your stay, then you’ve already saved money.

In my post about the cost of a Holy Land tour , I stated that a standard tour averages at around $300 per day per traveler. This is a great number to work with. If you are traveling on your own with a spouse or friend you can easily bring this number down with your transportation and lodging choices.

holy land solo trip

Yes, you most certainly can swim in the Dead Sea. There are 7 beaches where you can wade into the water. Or you can just plunge in.

The salt content of the Dead Sea is 9 times higher than the ocean. This means 2 things.

1. You will float high. It will actually be difficult to go underwater. The reason for this is that the salt content makes the density higher. If you’re a nerd like me that means the water has more weight (technically it’s mass but weight is more understandable), per volume than ocean water. When you get in any liquid, the weight of the volume displaced is equal to your weight. So, when you get in the Dead Sea less volume needs to be displaced.

2. The higher salt content will start to sting after about 6 or 7 minutes. So, don’t stay in too long. And don’t open your eyes underwater. Get in, do your mud thing, get out, and take a shower. Take a break and get back in if you want.  

holy land solo trip

For a great discussion on souvenirs to buy in Israel check out my post on the topic right here .

Here is the list of things I cover in that post.

  • Ahava mineral lotion from the Dead Sea.
  • Widow’s Mite
  • Olive wood carvings
  • Historical photographs – Elia Photo Service
  • Charm jewelry from Magdala
  • A Kippah from the Western Wall (FREE)
  • Your pictures (FREE)

For a discussion on buying antiquities, check out my post on the topic right here .

And guidance for bringing back sand is here . Spoiler alert, I don’t recommend it.

holy land solo trip

For a discussion on how to prepare for your Holy Land tour, check out my post on the topic here .

In it, I cover the following topics:

  • The paperwork
  • Preparing for your flight.
  • What to pack.
  • Non-clothing gear.
  • Determining your gadget requirements.
  • Stay connected.
  • A picture plan.
  • Make a commitment to have fun.
  • Jewish Holidays.
  • A money plan.
  • A souvenir plan.

Also, check these other posts to get clothing recommendations.

What to wear.

Types of shoes that work best.

Best styles of hats to protect your head.

And, a discussion on pockets .  This post is geared towards security and preventing pickpockets from taking advantage of you.

If you want to use your own phone, or rent one, check out this post on the topic right here .

And lastly, for information on power needs, such as adapters and converters check out this post .

There are 11 areas that we’ll hit. This list is predicated on the assumption that you will be landing in Tel Aviv.

Coastal Sites

1. Coast (1 night)– After a night or two in Tel Aviv, we’ll head south to Ashkelon (30-40 miles). Then head back north, stopping in Caesarea (60 miles) and then Haifa-Acre area (20 miles). Stay the night.

Jezreel Valley Sites

2. Jezreel Valley (Nazareth) (1 night)– We’ll get up early and head to the Jezreel Valley (20 miles). It’s up to you to choose where to go first. If you want to hit Megiddo , Nain and Mount Tabor you can (optional). Or you can go directly to Nazareth and start. But don’t forget the Wedding Church in Cana and the ruins of Sepphoris in Zippori (both within 5 miles of Nazareth). Sepphoris is where scholars believed Joseph took Jesus to teach him the craft of carpentry. Stay the night in Nazareth or head to Tiberias.

Galilee Sites

3. Galilee (3 nights)– Head to The Sea of Galilee (15 miles). We’re going to stay here for a few days. There are a ton of sites to visit, such as Capernaum , Magdala , and the Mount of Beatitudes . Don’t forget to get a boat ride on the sea. The Galilee and Golan areas are best done over 3 days, but you can take whatever time you want. Stay a few nights in Tiberias .

Golan Sites

4. Golan (part of Galilee stay) (90-100 mile day) – Take a day trip away from Galilee to go north. At first glance it might appear to be boring. But the archaeological sites at Dan and Chorazim are large and provide a window into life in the Old Testament. At Dan, parts of the alter were found and scholars created a mockup 1:1 scale altar. It’s huge. Head back to Tiberias for the night.

holy land solo trip

5. Samaria (1 Day)– on your way to Jerusalem you will travel through the West Bank and Samaria (100 mile day). Notable sites include Jacob’s Well , Mount Gerazim (this has a fascinating history), and Shiloh (the religious capital of the ancient Israelites). There Sebaste and Nablus are noted for reference, I recommend driving through due to safety concerns.


6. Jerusalem (4-5 nights) – For an exhaustive itinerary of Jerusalem check out my post on how to tour Jerusalem on your own . The ancient city can be done in as many days as you like, I suggest 3 days. We’ll stay here for a bit longer than that though, since we have some other sites to see in the area.


8. Shephelah (1 Day) (40-50 mile day)– The Shephelah is the region between the coastal plain on the Mediterranean coast and the Judean hills. Here you will find the archaeological sites at Gezer , Beth Shemesh , and Lachish . On your drive you can make a stop to overlook the Valley of Elah , where David defeated Goliath. Head back to Jerusalem.


9. Bethlehem (1 Day) (20-30 mile day) – In Palestinian controlled territory, Bethlehem is full of interesting things. The Church of the Nativity is the traditional site of the birth of Christ. Its gaudy accoutrement is shocking. The Shepherds Field Chapel is more soothing and less stressful. Hit the Fields of Boaz on the way out of town and head south to the Herodium . This is a fortress Herod had built for him inside of a hill. Head back to Jerusalem.


7. Jericho (1 Day) (40-50 mile day)– Take an excursion out to Jericho for the day. On the way stop at the Inn of the Good Samaritan , Dani Lookout (great view of the Judean Wilderness), The Monastery of St. George and the archaeological site at Jericho . Head back to Jerusalem.

Dead Sea

10. Dead Sea (1 Day) (90-100 mile day) – Leave Jerusalem behind and head east to the Dead Sea. First stop is the Baptism site on the Jordan River . Then head down to Qumran . There are 7 beaches on the Dead Sea. Kalia Beach , Neve Midbar Beach , and Biankini Siesta Beach are the farthest north. Mineral Beach is on the way to Ein Gedi where you’ll find a trail hike and the Ein Gedi Beach . Ein Gedi is where David hid out from Saul. Continue south and stop at Masada . Further to the south are the Ein Bokek Beach , the Segregated Beach and the Zohar Beach .  Cut to the west and arrive in Arad where you’ll stay the night.


11. The Negev (Southern Desert) (1 Day) (160-180 mile day) – The Negev is the most overlooked part of Israel. It’s hot and seemingly devoid of sites. But the archaeological site at Arad gives us insight into how the Nabateans lived. The Nabateans are known for Petra in Jordan. Head west to Be’ersheva and then south to Avdat and Makhtesh Ramon . This is pretty far south, but is a must-see. It’s called the Super Bowl and it’s comparable to the Grand Canyon. It’s 25 miles long and 5 miles wide. Head to Tel Aviv

This turns out to be about a 14 to 15-day trek. You can shorten or lengthen it however you see fit. In the coming weeks I’ll be posting info on each site so you can find out more information. Or if you are traveling on your own you can tailor your journey.

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Tours to the Holy Land: Trips & Israel Tour Packages 2024, 2025

"Every place we visited was breathtakingly beautiful, with stunning landscapes and rich historical and cultural heritage. We highly recommend visiting Israel to anyone who wants to experience an unforgettable journey. We had a life-changing time there and are already planning to return." Simon L. and Beatriz G. – Tour to Israel/Egypt/Jordan February 2024 "I had a wonderful time in Israel. I felt while I was there the precautions that were taken for our safety were well in hand. I still got to experience many holy sites and be blessed by walking the path that Jesus walked. Every day was started in prayer, singing, or scripture reading which also extended the blessing of the trip." Quincie L. – Tour to Israel/Egypt/Jordan February 2024

Our Israel tours & Holy Land tours of 9-24 days for the Evangelical Protestant Bible believer are what Pilgrim Tours does best. Prepare yourself for a life-changing journey to walk where Jesus walked and visit Jerusalem, Galilee, & Samaria. Each of our Israel tours is led by a local guide who is an experienced expert on the historical, cultural, scenic, and spiritual history of the Holy Land. If you travel with 10 or more people, a private group tour can easily be arranged. Pilgrim Tours can customize an itinerary to fit your group needs with many options to choose from.

Concerned about safety? As a Christian tour operator, the staff at Pilgrim Tours takes a Biblical perspective regarding the current situation in the Middle East. We do not believe that peace in Israel is something that will occur until the Prince of Peace comes to restore His kingdom. Please do not make a reservation with us based on the hopes of a calm future. If you long for the special blessings only available in Israel, we will take you there. An expert driver and guide will carefully keep you from any areas that could present a problem and treat you to the riches of Israel as our special guest.

Below is a large variety of Israel tour packages departing in 2024 and 2025 year-round.

View Our New Israel Tour Highlights Video! Click Here

Reserve your tour at least 6 months in advance for an early booking discount, groups and parties of 6 or more click here for special rates, scheduled 2024 & 2025 israel tours.

View our Israel tours ranging from 9-24 days.

Take a tour of a lifetime and bring the Bible to life.

Featured Sites in Israel

Explore a vast selection of beautiful historical and Biblical locations throughout Israel with our Israel Holy Land tour. You can visit Jerusalem, Galilee, and parts of Samaria, getting the life-changing opportunity to see where Jesus and many other Biblical figures lived and walked. We even offer Holy Land tours that allow you to see the Dead Sea, the Garden Tomb, and the Jordan River Baptism Site. Like all of our Europe tours , our Israel Holy Land tours are led by local guides who have extensive knowledge of the area and its history. If you want to experience the history of Israel and see the Bible come to life, our Holy Land tours give you that opportunity.

The city of Jerusalem offers a unique convergence of Judaism, Christianity, and the Muslim faith. For Christians who visit Jerusalem, you will learn about many stories of the Bible while walking her streets. Many actors in the Bible such as Abraham, King David, King Solomon, the twelve disciples and Jesus all lived, visited, or spent time there. The Passion week of Christ will be highlighted during our stay as we visit the Mount of Olives, the Garden of Gethsemane, the Western Wall, the Way of Suffering, and the Garden Tomb.

Sea of Galilee

Nowhere in Israel does the Bible come to life more than along the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Pilgrims who visit the Galilee region have the opportunity to imagine what life was like 2,000 years ago and what Jesus and the twelve disciples experienced while fishing on the Sea of Galilee. The peaceful setting and the natural wonders of the Golan Heights to the east and Mt. Arbel to the west make for a great way to start your morning in quiet reflection. During our tour, we explore the Biblical towns of Capernaum, Magdala, and Nazareth and take a meaningful cruise on the Sea of Galilee.

The Dead Sea is not only the lowest and most lifeless lake in the world, but also nearly 10 times saltier than the ocean. Travelers will enjoy the beautiful colors of the blue water and the red mountains of Jordan to the east. Take time to enjoy a once-in-a-lifetime Dead Sea “float” either in the sea itself or at one of the warm salt water pools at our hotel. The Dead Sea experience is truly a bucket list visit you won’t want to miss!

Garden Tomb

Our visit to the Garden Tomb and its surrounding gardens is normally one of the highlights of our tour to Israel. The Garden Tomb is a rock-cut tomb in Jerusalem that was unearthed in 1867 and is considered by some Protestants to be the site of the burial and resurrection of Jesus. Our visit offers a unique time of prayer, reflection, communion, and praise, which will be a special life-long memory for many travelers.

Jordan River Baptism Site

The Jordan River Baptist Site or “Yardenit” is a baptism site located along the Jordan River just south of the Sea of Galilee in northern Israel. This site is frequented by Christian Pilgrims who enjoy imagining the setting of the baptism of Jesus. For anyone who would like to be baptized in the Jordan River, Yardenit has been developed to be a peaceful setting with beautiful gardens, clean colored water, changing facilities, showers, and a nice souvenir shop.

Caesarea Philippi

To many Pilgrim travelers, Caesarea Philippi is a special surprise while on their tour. Located along the rushing springs of Mt. Hermon, the beautiful and natural setting is where Jesus asked his disciples “Who do men say that I am?” He asked this question while observing the pagan worship of the god Pan as worshipers offered their sacrifice at the “Gates of Hell.” Our time at Caesarea Philippi is one of many opportunities throughout our tour to see the lessons and message of the Bible come to light in a special way.

Israel Tours: Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best month for the Holy Land tour?

Taking a trip to Israel during the spring or fall offers the most enjoyable weather of the year but normally has the largest crowds. If you want to enjoy a peaceful tour with fewer crowds, consider visiting between December and February or June and August. We offer Israel and Jordan tours throughout the year, so you can select a trip that works for your schedule.

How many days do you need for a Holy Land tour?

We offer several types of tours of the Holy Land, so the duration of your tour depends on the tour package you choose. The Best of Israel Tour is our most basic offering and includes a Sea of Galilee boat ride, a trip to the Jordan River Baptism Site, the Dead Sea, and many opportunities to walk on the same land Jesus walked on. This is our shortest trip at just 9 or 10 days. Our most involved trips allow you to experience a wide range of historical locations over the course of a few weeks. Egypt tours are included in some of these packages, as well as tours in Greece and other countries. These tours can take up to 24 days, giving you the chance to spend an extended period of time learning about and visiting different parts of the world. From our Turkey tours to all of our Israel Christian tours, all of our tours feature a first-class hotel rating for the country you visit. We do offer some upgraded tours that offer better lodging options. You can review our hotel categories at https://www.pilgrimtours.com/company/hotelcomparison.htm . Check out any of our tours to view a day-by-day itinerary and see what amenities are included with each tour.

What is the dress code in Israel?

The dress code in Israel is different from other parts of the world. There are a few dress code basics you should understand before booking Israel tours: When you’re in Israel, there is no strict dress code. You can wear what you feel comfortable wearing. However, both men and women should try to dress conservatively and cover their shoulders and knees when visiting any of the religious sites throughout Israel. Generally speaking, it’s best to avoid tank tops and shorts. Men need to cover their heads when visiting the Western Wall. Pilgrim Tours provides a Pilgrim Tours ball cap upon arrival in Israel, but you might consider purchasing an affordable kippa that you can bring when you visit Jewish sites. Some places may offer a free kippa, but these are generally low quality. (Women are not required to cover their heads at any sight.) You can figure out what you need to pack and how to dress each day by looking at the itinerary for our Holy Land tours. Guides normally offer guidance on how to dress for the next day while on tour. We also suggest looking at the extended weather forecast as you prepare and pack for your trip.

Is there a lot of walking involved on an Israel Tour?

Our Israel tours do require a significant amount of walking each day and you should be able to walk unassisted 3-4 miles per day on average. Make sure you have a comfortable pair of shoes that provide adequate support. While there are bus and boat rides during these tours, you have to walk quite a bit to explore some of the Biblical sites. Our tour guides normally give the group a few options at sites for those that have physical limitations. One thing to keep in mind is that there are many hills and valleys in Israel which can make walking even more taxing. The amount of walking you have to do may vary based on the tour you take, so look at the itinerary before choosing your tour. The good news is that Israel is a beautiful country to see on foot, and you’ll have several opportunities to sit down and give your feet a rest. As long as you have a good pair of shoes and comfortable clothes, it’s easy to forget about all the walking you’re doing and enjoy the tour.

What passport & visa information do I need for your Israel tours?

U.S. citizens need a valid U.S. passport with at least six months validity beyond their intended stay to enter Israel. Make two photocopies of your passport. Leave one copy at home and carry the other separately from your original. Israel: U.S. and Canadian Citizens do not need a Visa when entering Israel. Non U. S. /Canadian Citizens are responsible to fulfill appropriate entry requirements of destination. Contact your Consulate office for requirements.

What common languages will be spoken during your Israel tours?

Hebrew, Arabic and English.

What currency can I use on your Israel tours?

The U.S. dollar is widely accepted across Israel, and we suggest bringing about $30 for each day you’ll be on tour. U.S. dollars are recommended for use for small purchases and lunches. Lunches typically cost $15-20. It is important to bring about 20 $1 bills as some bathrooms charge a small fee for use. Credit cards may also be used for larger purchases. ATMs in Israel are all connected to European and American banking systems. Please be advised that the ATM machines dispense money in SHEKELS – NOT U.S. DOLLARS. Please notify your bank before traveling overseas.

Do I need to bring a converter for the Israel tour?

Israel uses the European plug with two round pins. You will need to bring along the necessary converters and adapters to operate any 120 volt appliances such as hair dryers and electric razors as well as camera and cell phone chargers. Electricity in Israel is 220 volts 50 Hz.

What is the time zone for your Israel tours?

The time zone for Israel is seven hours ahead of EST and two hours ahead of GMT.

What climate should I expect during your Israel tours?

In Israel the climate is temperate, and temperatures all year-round are reasonable. Israel has two main seasons: winter (from November to March) is cold and rainy in most parts of the country; summer (from April to October) is hot and dry with little or no rainfall. The desert areas can be extremely hot in summer time.

Recent Reviews on Trustpilot, BBB, & Google

View what others are saying about our Israel tours on Trustpilot , BBB , and Google !

5 Stars

"Pilgrim tours is who I'll be recommending people to travel with. We've been trying to get to Israel for two years and finally made it!! Great company from booking to on the ground with great guides. All details taken care of with great hotels, bus, and the best guides!! Wonderful experience!"

"We had a great experience in Israel with Pilgrim Tours. Everything went very well and there were no glitches or problems of any kind. The bus and driver were top notch as were the hotels and daily breakfast buffets. Our tour guide was great as his depth of knowledge of the people, history and languages Israel was quite amazing. We will very likely use Pilgrim again in the future."

"We have toured with Pilgrim Tours three times and what a blessing. Accommodations, excursions, information and food were all high quality. Post pandemic, we were so thankful to return to Israel."

"I couldn't have asked for more for a trip to the Holy Land than what Pilgrim Tours provided me. It was the perfect balance of spiritual reverence, history, geography, and social issues. I am so grateful for the experience that I had on this trip."

"Our church group just returned from taking a "Best of Israel" ten day tour. It was one of the best experiences of my life. I am so glad we chose Pilgrim tours. From our excellent hotel accommodations, to our wonderful tour guide, we enjoyed everything. Our trip exceeded our expectations. I would recommend Pilgrim Tours to anyone who is planning a trip to the Holy Land. We definitely plan to travel with them again."

View some of the sites from our Israel tours!

Sea of Galilee Boat, Israel

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An amazing and wonderful holiday.

We have just returned from an amazing and wonderful holiday in Flores in Indonesia. We contacted Travel Local who put us in touch with Tari travel. They helped us co...

stress-free trip....and an amazing one too! Just fantastic!

We returned from Indonesia two days ago having toured for over two weeks. TravelLocal agents ensured we had a seamless and stress-free trip....and an amazing one too...

an authentic experience

We have travelled twice with them and they are great. It means you can use a local company but have your money insured; so you really get an authentic experience des...

Tailor made tours of India and Nepal

Tours of Kathmandu, Delhi, Agra, Jaipur, Khimsar, Jodhpur, Udiapur, Marari and all point between.

We spent three weeks touring Nepal and India. We can really recommend Safhands Travel and especially Mr. Rohit. The tour and itinerary suggested by Rohit was excelle...

Golden triangle tour


I don't know where to start, Rohit was absolutely fantastic on his service, from our first email to arriving in India to the end of our 6-day tour. He made us feel s...

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Take Step Where Jesus Walked

Church Candles

We not just a travel agency, we see ourselves as Holy Land ambassadors and a bridge between the worlds.

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Itineraries to suit the particular denomination of the Church Group.

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In our trips we take you to the local culture and being, as close as we can, as far as you will allow us.

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Israel and Palestine – In Jerusalem

  • Akeldama (Field of Blood)
  • Al-Aqsa Mosque
  • Christ Church
  • Church of All Nations
  • Church of Dominus Flevit
  • Church of Pater Noster
  • Church of St Alexander Nevsky
  • Church of St Anne
  • Church of St James
  • Church of St John the Baptist
  • Church of St Mark
  • Church of St Mary Magdalene
  • Church of St Peter in Gallicantu
  • Church of the Ascension
  • Church of the Dormition
  • Church of the Holy Sepulchre
  • Church of the Holy Sepulchre chapels
  • Church of the Redeemer
  • City of David
  • Dome of the Ascension
  • Dome of the Rock
  • Garden Tomb
  • Kidron Valley
  • Model of Ancient Jerusalem
  • Monastery of the Cross
  • Mount of Olives
  • Pool of Siloam
  • Pools of Bethesda
  • Schindler’s grave
  • Shrine of the Book
  • Temple Mount
  • Tomb of King David
  • Tomb of Mary
  • Via Dolorosa
  • Western Wall

Israel and Palestine – Outside Jerusalem

  • Baha’i Shrine
  • Beit She’an
  • Caesarea Maritima
  • Caesarea Philippi
  • Church of St Catherine of Alexandria
  • Church of St Joseph
  • Church of the Annunciation
  • Church of the Nativity
  • Church of the Nutrition (Sisters of Nazareth)
  • Church of the Twelve Apostles
  • Elijah’s Cave
  • Field of Boaz
  • Grotto of the Nativity
  • Inn of the Good Samaritan
  • Jacob’s Well
  • Jordan River
  • Milk Grotto
  • Monastery of St George
  • Monastery of St Gerasimus
  • Mount Carmel
  • Mount of Beatitudes
  • Mount of Temptation
  • Mount Tabor
  • Nazareth Village
  • Salome’s tomb
  • Sea of Galilee
  • Shepherds’ Field
  • St Jerome’s Cave
  • Stella Maris Monastery
  • Tomb of Rachel
  • Tombs of the Patriarchs
  • Bethany Beyond the Jordan
  • Holy Family in Egypt
  • Mount Sinai
  • St Catherine’s Monastery
  • A Holy Land hymn
  • Attributions
  • Bibliography
  • Churches in the Holy Land
  • Events in Jesus’ life
  • Historical timeline
  • Inside an Eastern church
  • Overnight in the Holy Sepulchre
  • Pilgrims’ experiences
  • Relics of Jesus

In a group – or solo?

Which is best — travelling with a group or going it alone? Here are some pros and cons . . . .

Going with a group

Going it alone, doing it both ways.

Travelling with a group is the easiest option, especially for a first trip to the Holy Land — and even more so if you are unused to foreign travel. Then if you want to return independently, you know the lie of the land.

Advantages include:

• Someone else does the planning , so you do not have to decide where to stay, what to see and how to get around.

• You have the companionship of others with like interests and beliefs. If you need help, you are among friends.

• For women especially, group travel overcomes the problems that a lone traveller faces in some Middle Eastern countries.

• Group travel is usually pre-paid , so you have better control of the cost.

• If visas are required, your travel agent will usually arrange these.

• You do not have to find your own way to sites, or pay entrance fees.

• Your guide will know the local environment, customs and language — and will point out aspects of a site that you might have overlooked.

• If a problem arises — with accommodation or transport, for example — it’s someone else’s problem (and you might never even know about it).


Where the group goes, you go (Leezsnow / iStock)

• On a group pilgrimage you will probably see more in a limited time than you would on your own.

Disadvantages include:

• Where the group goes, you go. You may be able to opt out of some days or half-days, but usually you must follow the programme.

• You may have to waste time waiting for stragglers who cannot keep up with the timetable.

• If personalities clash within the group, your patience may be tested.

When you travel on your own you have the freedom to plan your own itinerary, choose where to stay, make your own bookings and decide how to travel about.

• You can be much more flexible in changing your plans. Some of your most memorable experiences may come from spontaneous decisions.

• Up-to-date guide books or websites can provide a host of information about places you want to visit and places to stay (see below for a link to opening hours of holy places and a list of Christian guesthouses).

• While travelling independently you can still take advantage of day trips organised by local agencies, especially to visit hard-to-find places.


You may feel lonely as a solo traveller (Jessica Morelli / iStock)

• You will be much more likely to experience personal encounters with local people, their customs and lifestyles.

• If you have not done your research adequately, you may miss out on some places you would have liked to see.

• Unless you are outgoing and can make friends easily, you may feel lonely as a solo traveller.

A third option for seeing the Holy Land is to combine group and independent travel. For example:

• Take a group pilgrimage, then spend a week staying in a hotel or hostel and travelling around independently. This gives the opportunity to see places that were not on the pilgrimage itinerary, or to return to places that particularly appealed. In Israel, for example, Jerusalem and the Galilee (using Tiberias or Nazareth as a base) offer much to see.

• Or take a group pilgrimage for your first visit to the Holy Land, then plan a second visit independently to focus on the places where you want to spend more time.

External links

Church services in the Holy Land; Opening hours of holy places; Christian guesthouses; Christian communities in the Holy Land . . . . (Christian Information Centre, Jerusalem)

Christian sanctuaries (franciscan custody of the holy land), photos and descriptions of biblical sites in israel jordan, egypt, turkey and greece (bibleplaces.com), israel ministry of tourism, travel palestine, egyptian tourist authority, jordan tourism board, photo credits: where the images on this page are not created by seetheholyland.net, links to the sources can be found on our attributions page ..

Wonders of Israel

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  • Dates & Pricing
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Home › All Tours › Middle East › Israel › Wonders of Israel

Dear smarTravelers – due to the conflict in Israel and the Gaza strip, we have suspended all remaining tours to Israel in 2024. We hope that peace will be restored quickly, but we will continue to evaluate the safety of travel in this area as the situation unfolds. If you are booked on a tour to Israel in 2023, we will be in touch with you by email or phone.


From dazzling Tel Aviv to the inspiring sights of 3,000-year-old Jerusalem, our enriching Israel tour with airfare included, reveals incredible beauty, history, and spirit—and our guides are passionate about telling its stories! Our Holy Land tour takes you from uplifting places of faith to the mineral-rich waters of the Dead Sea. We also feature a tour of a traditional kibbutz, which includes a lunch and interesting lecture about their unique way of life.

Extend Your Trip!  Enjoy our Wonders of Israel with Eilat tour  which includes 3 nights in Eilat and an extra night in Jerusalem.

Itinerary at a Glance

Tour Itinerary:

  • 2 nights in Tel Aviv
  • 2 nights in Galilee
  • 5 nights in Jerusalem

Tour Highlights

  • Caeserea, Mt Carmel, Haifa, Akko, Rosh Hanikra
  • Sea of Galilee
  • Golan Heights – Winery Visit & Lunch
  • Basilica of the Annunciation (Nazareth)
  • Non-profit local olive oil producer
  • Kibbutz experience with lunch
  • The Western Wall (Jerusalem)
  • Church of Holy Sepulcher (Jerusalem)
  • Mount of Olives (Jerusalem)
  • Yad Vashem (Holocaust Museum)
  • Float in the Dead Sea

Your Tour Includes

  • Optional round-trip airfare from the New York area (varies by departure) including taxes, fees & fuel surcharges
  • All intra-Israel ground transportation and transfers
  • Accommodations at first-class hotels
  • 15 meals: 9 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 dinners
  • Comprehensive sightseeing tours and entry fees
  • English-speaking Tour Director throughout

Is this tour right for you? Find out What to Expect

Tour Itinerary

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Note: Flights may not be available on all departures.

You can find more details on the Before You Depart page.

Day 1: Arrive in Tel Aviv

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Welcome to the vibrant city of Tel Aviv, which has made a name for itself with its exciting culinary scene, trendy culture, colorful markets, and Mediterranean beaches! Travelers who purchased our air-inclusive package will be met at the airport and escorted to Tel Aviv. This afternoon, our Tour Director will lead us on an orientation walk around the hotel's neighborhood. This evening, enjoy a welcome dinner.

Day 2: Tel Aviv – Jaffa

holy land solo trip

After a morning briefing, we’ll explore two of Tel Aviv’s unique neighborhoods. We’ll start with a guided walk of the beautifully restored Neve Zedek, a picturesque neighborhood dating back to the early 1900s. It feels a bit like southern France, with its narrow streets lined with Bauhaus and Art Deco buildings, galleries and great restaurants. After a free afternoon to delight in the seaside promenade or an outdoor café, we’ll gather for a tour of Old Jaffa. We’ll see traces of Jaffa’s ancient history, as well as the intriguing Artists Quarter.

Day 3: Caesarea – Haifa – Akko – Rosh Hanikra – Galilee

holy land solo trip

Today we’ll gain insights into Israel’s diverse history, religions and scenery as we leave Tel Aviv and travel north along the coastal road. Our first stop is ancient Caesarea, where we’ll dig into its amazing archaeological discoveries and see its ancient Roman port and aqueduct, Byzantine streets and Crusader ruins. The next leg of our journey takes us up scenic Mount Carmel for splendid bay views, as well as a visit to a Druze village’s colorful market. The Druze are a unique religious and ethnic minority in Israel. In Haifa, we’ll see the world headquarters of the Baha’i faith, the imposing golden-domed Baha’i Shrine and its terraced Persian gardens. We'll continue to the Crusader city of Akko on Haifa Bay, one of the oldest port cities in the world and home to the only mosque that is open for visitors locally. We'll finish our sightseeing at the grottos of Rosh Hanikra, where we'll ride a cable car down to view the cavernous tunnels formed by the waters of the Mediterranean. Finally, we'll drive to our kibbutz hotel on the Sea of Galilee and enjoy dinner together.

Day 4: Sea of Galilee & Golan Heights

holy land solo trip

Enjoy the tranquil Sea of Galilee from two different perspectives: first, on a delightful boat cruise, and then from the Golan Heights, a volcanic plateau, which affords spectacular vistas. Here, we’ll tour a local winery and sample the wines. After lunch, our excursion continues to Safed, a center of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) and a thriving artists’ colony, before returning to your hotel late this afternoon. This evening we'll enjoy dinner at our hotel.

Day 5: Capernaum – Tabgha – Beth Shean – Jerusalem

holy land solo trip

Today, our travels take us to Biblical sites, including Capernaum, home of the church believed to be built on the location of St. Peter’s house, and Tabgha, the traditional site of the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes. Leaving Tiberias, we'll head for Kfar Kanna and to Sindyanna, a unique non-profit organization led by a team of Arab and Jewish women working to create social change from the ground up. We'll continue to Nazareth and the Basilica of the Annunciation. Tradition hold that the Basilica stands over the cave that was the Virgin Mary’s home. Later, we’ll proceed to Beit Shean to view the stunning remains and amphitheater of a well-preserved Roman city. We will stop for lunch and visit at a working kibbutz, before our final stop in Jerusalem. Passing through the lush Jordan River valley and climbing the Judean hills to Mt. Scopus, today’s awe-inspiring pilgrimage ends with our first unforgettable views of Jerusalem.

Day 6: Jerusalem

holy land solo trip

Count on emotions running high today because Jerusalem is a city that will lift your spirits, make you weep, and leave an impression you’ll never forget. This holy city is unique in so many ways, and we’ll have the opportunity to see some of its storied sites with an expert local guide, including the Mount of Olives and Western Wall (admission included). We'll also explore the excavations at the Archeological Park - Davidson Center which features artifacts from the First and Second Temple periods, the Byzantine Muslim period, the ancient Crusades period, and more (interior of the center including multimedia presentation currently closed). Stroll a magnificently restored cardo (old Roman road). And follow the ancient Via Dolorosa and the Stations of the Cross to the Christian Quarter and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the traditional site of the Crucifixion. Later we’ll tour Mount Zion and view King David’s Tomb and the Room of the Last Supper. The remainder of the day is yours to explore or relax. 

Day 7: Masada – Dead Sea Excursion

holy land solo trip

Today we'll spend our time in the area of Masada and the Dead Sea, the lowest place on earth with a whopping 34% salt concentration! We'll drive along its shores past Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered to our first stop of the day, the Oasis of Ein Gedi. Ein Gedi is notable not only for its breakthtaking natural beauty, but for being the biggest oasis in the country with springs and waterfalls, and for being home to the Ibex and Hyraxes. Later in Masada, we'll stop to ride a cable car up the mountain for a tour of a mountaintop fortress built by King Herod, a UNESCO World Heritage site where Jewish rebels held off a Roman siege and committed mass suicide rather than surrender. At a spa hotel on the Dead Sea’s shores, we’ll enjoy lunch, pool and beach, as well as the chance to "float" on the therapeutic waters of the Dead Sea. The sense of buoyancy is amazing! After several relaxing hours, we’ll tour Ahava Laboratories, which makes beauty products with Dead Sea minerals, before returning to Jerusalem late this afternoon.

Day 8: Jerusalem

holy land solo trip

We’ll visit Yad Vashem—the moving, heartbreaking memorial dedicated to the remembrance of the Holocaust—tour the Israel Museum’s renowned Shrine of the Book, which houses the 2,000-year-old Dead Sea Scrolls, and stroll through the peaceful Billy Rose Sculpture Garden. From the Museum, we'll take a short drive to see the 9/11 Memorial. The 9/11 Living Memorial Plaza is a cenotaph located on a hill in Arazim Valley of Ramot, Jerusalem. The plaza, built on 5 acres, is to remember and honor the victims of the September 11 attacks. The remainder of the day is free.

Day 9: Jerusalem

holy land solo trip

Our exploration of Jerusalem continues with a guided walking tour of the Old City. Highlights include the colorful bazaar (where you’re sure to find unique souvenirs), David’s Citadel and the Tower of David Museum, which spans the entire history of Jerusalem. This afternoon is at leisure or join the Bethlehem & Nativity optional tour. Tonight, enjoy a farewell dinner with your fellow travelers.

Day 10: Depart Jerusalem

Our tour comes to an end after breakfast. Travelers who purchased our air-inclusive program will transfer to the airport for our return flight to the U.S.

Guided Tour Pricing

We are working diligently to secure future tour dates and pricing for this itinerary. Please fill out the "Request a Future Date" form linked below, and we will notify you once dates are available.

Featured Accommodations

Leonardo gordon beach tel aviv hotel.

holy land solo trip

14 Eliezer Peri Street, Tel-Aviv

Nof Ginosar Hotel

holy land solo trip

Kibbutz Nof Ginosar, Ginosar 1498000 Israel

Bat Sheva Hotel

holy land solo trip

42 King George St., Jerusalem

Optional Tours

Enhance your trip with these optional tours. Indicated optional tours are available to pre-book when you reserve your trip and can be added to your reservation up to final payment. This is the best option to guarantee your spot on your preferred optional tour! Optional tours require a minimum number of participants. Optional tours are non-refundable unless they do not operate.

Some optional tours can be purchased in-destination and may cost extra. The payment methods and currency information to purchase tours in-destination will be provided on final documentation.

Bethlehem/Church of Nativity Tour

holy land solo trip

  • $50 per person

The Bethlehem tour will involve leaving the State of Israel and crossing the border into the Palestinian Authority. Once you arrive in the West Bank, you will be met by your Palestinian guide, who will accompany you on this tour. You will visit the Church of the Nativity, commemorating the birthplace of Jesus Christ, where you will see meticulously restored mosaics.


What to Expect

Max group size: 30 travelers, activity level: level 1.

Expect most included touring to require walking and standing periods up to 3 hours at a time (up to 2 times per day) on easy terrain with some light stairs. Learn More

Pacing Level: Balanced

Expect either half-day or full-day tours most days with a free day or free half-day to explore independently in most cities. There may be a few early mornings or long travel days by bus (don’t worry—there are always comfort stops!), and you may expect to stay in most accommodations for 3+ nights. Learn More

No Additional Entry Requirements for U.S. Passport Holders

A valid passport is required for international tours. Currently, there are no additional entry requirements for U.S. passport holders, but this can change at any time. Before travel, both U.S. and non-U.S. passport holders should visit our Passports & Visas page to reconfirm entry requirements.

The Dead Sea day has some stairs/climbing at Masada (do not take Snake Path) and Ein Gedi. Old City Jerusalem has uneven walking surfaces.

For more detailed information about this tour and destination, visit our Before You Depart section.

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Wonders of Israel with Eilat

Wonders of Israel with Eilat

Featuring Jerusalem, Galilee, Nazareth, Dead Sea, Masada, Tel Aviv and Eilat plus an excursion to Petra View Tour ❯

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Holy Land Tour Trips to Is rael

Holy land experience tour tri ps of a lifetime to israel, status of our holy land tour trips.

We kn ow the current war might cause some to reconsider going to Israel at this tim e. However, all of our trips are scheduled to go, with no plans of cancelation.

Holy Land Experience Trip s

Our Holy Land Trips are open to anyone worldwide with a valid passport for travel to Israel.

Would you like to have a life-changing and never-to-be-forgotten experience? If so, it is our joy to invite you to join us on a trip of a lifetime to the Land of the Bible, where you will find a new dimension in understanding the Bible and the life of Jesus. We will take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee, visit places where Jesus walked, lived, taught, performed miracles, walked on the water, calmed the sea, and where He was crucified and raised from the dead. We will immerse ourselves in the Land of the Bible and experience it to the depths of our souls.​ You will never be the same or read your Bible the same after a trip like this.

If it's Bible you want, then this trip is for you. At each site, we will give biblical and historical teaching along with a faith lesson. Therefore, this trip is designed to provide an in-depth study and perspective from the Scriptures of the events and places of the Bible.


"An absolutely amazing trip with a guy who knows his Bible and can relate it to you in-country.  I've gone to Israel with this dear friend of mine twice. It's an 11 out of a 10 trip!"

"I've looked and looked, but I just haven't found any groups with the same approach I got spoiled by when we went with you to Israel.  Also, they're not really Bible-teaching tours. Your teaching tour is still head and shoulders above anything else, so if it works out, I'd like to go with you again next year."

Holy Land Experience Trip October 25   ~ November 10, 2024

Orange Phone, Joppa, Caesarea Maritima, Nazareth (2) - frame at 12m47s.jpg

17-Day Trip

$ 4 ,6 50  USD

Clic k f or Trip Det ails

8  s pots ope n  fo r this trip .

Holy Land Experience Trip May 2 ~ 18, 2025


$ 4 , 7 50  USD

Click for Trip Details

30  spots open fo r this  trip.

Holy Land Experience Trip October 17 ~ November 2, 2025

Black Phone, Joppa, Caesarea Maritima, Nazareth (8) - frame at 24m38s.jpg

Activation Pending

40  spots open fo r this  trip.

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Todd & Letsy Fink

More about the Finks

Holy La nd Site

Bringing the Bible to Life b y Seeing Wh ere It Took Place !

Digital Book Cover Front - Israel Book (

Travel Guide Book 664 Pages

Israel Biblical Sites Bible Companion (L

Bible Companion Book 654 Pages

Check out our holy land site youtube channel.


Biblical Sites

Israel Overview Tour of All Biblical Sites

Jerusalem Sites

Jerusalem Overview

Jerusalem Holy Sites Overview

Antonia Fortress

Bethany: Tomb of Lazarus

Chapel of the Ascension: Ascension & Return of Christ

Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Church of Mary Magdalene

City of David Overview

Death, Burial, Resurrection of Christ

Dominus Flevit Church

Eastern Gate

Garden of Gethsemane: Church of All Nations

Gordon's Garden Tomb

Gethsemane to Golgotha:

Christ's Path to the Cross

Hezekiah's Broad Wall

Hezekiah's Water Tunnel

Hinnom Valley Overview

History Of Jerusalem's Walls and Gates

House of Caiaphas: Peter's Denial of Christ

Kidron Valley: Judgment of God

Mary's Tomb  & Gethsemane Cave

Mount of Olives Overview

Pater Noster Church: Lord's Prayer, Olivet Discourse

Pilate's Palace: Trial of Jesus

Pools of Bethesda & St. Anne 

Pool of Siloam

Prophecy, Proof t he Bible Is True: Mount of Olives

Solomon's Temple

Southern Stairs/Davidson Archaeological Site

Temple Mount Overview

Temple Location

Temple Mount: Pentecost

Temple Cleansing by Jesus

Temple & the Early Church

Tomb of King David

Tombs of the Prophets

The Old Testament Feasts & Jesus

The Upper Room

Triumphal Entry

Via Dolorosa

Western Wall & Tunnels Tour

Other Sites In Jerusalem

Sea of Galilee Sites

Sea of Galilee Overview

Calling of the Disciples

Capernaum: Jesus' Ministry Base

Feeding the 5,000

Gennesaret, Ginosar: Jesus Boat

Jesus Walks on Water, Calms the Sea

Kursi: Demonic Man Healed

Magdala: Mary Magdalene

Mount Arbel: The Great Commission

Mount of Beatitudes

Sower's Cove: Parables of the Kingdom

Tabgha: Restoration of Peter

Yardenit Baptismal Site

Other Sites Around the Sea of Galilee

Northern Israel Sites

Beth Shean Amphitheater

Caesarea Maritima Overview

Caesarea Maritima: Holy Spirit Given to the Gentiles

Caesarea Philippi

Cana: First Miracle of Jesus

Church of the  Annunciation & St. Joseph Church

Dan (City of Dan)

Gideon's Spring

J ezreel  Overview

Jordan River Overview

Megiddo: Armageddon

Mount Carmel & Elijah

Mount Tabor: Transfiguration of Christ

Nazareth Overview

Nazareth: Mt. Precipice

Sepphoris (Tsipori, Zippori)

Other Sites In Northern Israel

Central Israel Sites


Ein Karem (Kerem)

Emmaus Road 

Gezer: On Crossroads of the World

Gibeon - Nabi Samwil

Inn of the Good Samaritan

Jericho ~ Tell Es-Sultan

Joppa (Jaffa, Yafo) Overview

Jordan River: Crossing into the Promised Land

Jordan River Baptismal Site of Jesus (Qsar al-Yahud)

Judean Wilderness

Judean Wilderness: Testing of Jesus

M oun t Nebo & Moses

Philistine Cities of Ashkelon, Ashdod, Gaza, Ekron, Gath

Qumran: Dead Sea Scrolls

Samaria (Sabastia)

Shechem: Jacob's Well

Shiloh: Center of Worship

St. George's Monastery (Wadi Qelt)

Timnah: Life of Samson

Valley of Elah: David & Goliath

Other Sites In Central Israel

Southern  Israel Sites

Beer Sheba: The Patriarchs

Bethlehem Overview

Bethlehem:  Church of Nativity

Bethlehem: David & the Psalms

Bethlehem: Naomi, Ruth, Boaz

Bethlehem: Shepherds' Field

Dead Sea Area

En-Gedi: Living Waters

Exodus, Red Sea Crossing, Mt. Sinai

Tel Hebron Overview

Hebron Caves of Machpelah

Herodian   (Herodiu m) Fortress

Oaks of Mamre, Hebron

Kadesh Barnea

Mount Sinai

Sodom & Gomorrah

The Philistines & Their City Strongholds

Timna Park:  Tabernacle, Moses

Other Sites In Southern Israel

Other Biblical  Sites

Garden of Eden Location

Madaba ( Map), Jordan

Mount Nebo & Moses

Noah's Ark & the Great Flood

Noah's Ark Location

Petra, Jordan

Other Biblical Videos

Life & Ministry of Jesus Series

Jewish Hol y Days & How Jesus Fulfills Them

Future of Israel: Its Wars, Conflicts, Prophecies

What Are the Differences Between Islam and Christianity?

Who Has the Rights to the Holy Land? Jews or Arabs?

What Is the Reason for the War and Conflicts in Israel and the Middle East?

Israel Connection Tours Logo

Christian Tours of the Holy Land

Israel - an experience you will never forget, small groups or solo travelers, +1-718-785-4113, solo travelers or small groups, what’s included in this trip.

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit the Holy Land and experience the sacred sites. Your Christian trip to Israel will be an experience you will never forget. You will follow in the footsteps of Christians from around the world who have been coming on pilgrimage to this land for 2,000 years.

On your Holy Land tour you will explore ancient archeological sites and experience the natural wonders of the land. You will see the beginning of the Christian faith and understand how inter-religious tensions have shaped this land for generations.

Our Holy Land tour experience will take you to Christianity’s holiest sites like Bethlehem, the Garden Tomb, the Sea of Galilee, the banks of the Jordan River, the walls of the original Temple in Jerusalem, the Room of the Last Supper, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Garden of Gethsemane, and much more. You will have time for communal and personal prayer over the course of the tour.

Also, during your visit you will experience a taste of the modern state of Israel and explore its magic.

A free itinerary consultation

A personal itinerary for you, your family, or your group

in the footsteps of Christians

Prayer at Christianity’s holiest sites. Explore ancient archeological Israel

A taste of the modern state of Israel

Explore its magic, experience the natural wonders of the land

Licensed, experienced, seasoned guides

See the Bible come alive right before your eyes


Contact us today for a free itinerary consultation.

We will get back to you via email, telephone, or an online conference to determine your anticipated needs, wishes, and dreams.

We will create a personal Holy Land tour itinerary for you or your group or family according to your interests.

You will be granted entry into all sites according to your needs.

You can choose from a range of hotels with varying prices to fit your budget, from luxury or boutique hotels to youth hostels.

Tour with licensed, experienced, seasoned guides whose love of Israel is contagious. See the Bible come alive right before your eyes.

Our drivers will care for your every need, make stops as you wish, and get you where you need to be on time.

From the minute you step off the plane, your trip will be smooth, hassle-free, fun, educational, spiritual, and memorable.

Itinerary Example for Religious Travelers

We will work with you to create a comprehensive, spiritual, and uplifting Christian tour and customize your Holy Land Tour to fit your interests, budget, and length of stay.

We offer a 7-14 day itinerary for a Christian Tour to Israel. See a sample itinerary for seven days for a Christian trip to Israel.

  • Printer friendly itinerary

Day 1: Arrival in Israel and travel to Jezreel Valley

Arrive at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv in the morning. Our representative will meet you after luggage collection. They will direct you to your guide and bus. See the highlights of Tel Aviv before departing north to Tiberius, capital of the Galilee. Drive to Megiddo, where excavations have unearthed 20 layers of civilization, most likely the site of Armageddon as described in the book of Revelations, where the final battle between the forces of good and evil will take place. Drive along the Jezreel Valley and arrive in Nazareth, home of Joseph and Mary. Enter the Church of the Annunciation built over the traditional site of Joseph and Mary’s home. Nearby is Mary’s well. Continue to the Village of Cana, where Jesus performed his first miracle of converting water into wine at a wedding. Check into the hotel.

Dinner and overnight: 4 Star Hotel in the Galilee

Day 2: Galilee and Golan Heights

Visit the Baptismal site on the Jordan River. Drive to Capernaum, hometown of St. Peter. Stop in Tabgha at the Church of the Multiplication and visit the Church of the Primacy of Peter, where Jesus prepared bread and fish for his disciples. Continue to the Church of the Beatitudes. Drive North to the Golan Heights, where Israel shares a border with Lebanon. Enter the Banias Springs’ crystal-clear water, one of the three sources of the Jordan River.  Enjoy a boat-ride on the Sea of Galilee.

Breakfast, Dinner and overnight: 4 star hotel in the Galilee

Day 3: Jordan Valley

Check out of the hotel. Stop at Beit She’an, newly excavated and one of the largest archaeological sites in Israel. Continue to the Jordan Valley for a magnificent view. Stop for a panoramic perspective of the holy city of Jerusalem from The Mount of Olives. Check into the hotel.

Breakfast, Dinner and overnight: 4 star hotel in Jerusalem

Day 4: Old City of Jerusalem

Enter the Old City through the Dung Gate. View the Dome of the Rock, where King Solomon’s Temple was located and the rock where Abraham stood to sacrifice Isaac. Stop at the Western Wall. Visit the Ecce Homo Arch and walk along Via Dolorosa to the Pool of Bethesda, house of Pontius Pilate. Visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Walk through the Jewish Quarter. Walk through the Garden of Gethsemane and enter the Church of All Nations, also called the Church of Agony. Visit the Chapel of the Ascension and the Pater Noster Church, where Jesus taught his disciples the “Our Father”. Cross the Kidron Valley, pass the Tombs of Absalom and Zechariah. Arrive at Mount Zion to visit the Room of the Last Supper. Time will be available for a prayer service.

Day 5: Bethlehem and Yad Vashem

Drive to Bethlehem, viewing Rachel’s Tomb. Enter the Basilica of the Nativity, built on the site of Jesus’ birth. Visit the Model of the City of Jerusalem as it appeared at the time of the Second Temple. Depart to Mount Herzl to visit the Holocaust Museum “Yad Vashem“, a museum in memory of the six million Jews who suffered and died during the Second World War. End the day with communion service in the Garden Tomb.

Day 6: Masada, Dead Sea, Jericho

Drive south to the Arava Valley to reach Masada. Ascend by cable car and see the impressive historical site, the last stronghold of the Zealots in their struggle against the Romans. Travel along the water’s edge below sea level to reach the shores of the Dead Sea. Enjoy the treasures of the Dead Sea in natural thermal springs, sculpture pools, mud baths and a “swim” in the Dead Sea. Drive via the Jordan Valley to Jericho, the oldest known city in the Western world. Observe the Monastery of Saint George in Wadi Qelt. See the Mount of Temptation from a distance.

Day 7: Tel Aviv and Old Jaffa

Check out of the hotel. Drive to Tel Aviv and walk through Jaffa, which is the biblical town of Joppa. In the late afternoon, enjoy a farewell dinner at a Tel Aviv restaurant.

Depart for the airport.

Christian Group Tour Map

No hidden fees

An affordable way to travel to israel, an opportunity to see the holy land with your own eyes.

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Tour Operators registered with the Israeli Tourism Ministry

Let's get started.

We can’t wait to help you put together your ultimate Israel. Experience according to your budget, your preferences or your family/group preferences, and the length of your stay!

Contact us today for a free trip consultation, and one of our friendly and talented tour specialists will start building your dream trip to Israel! Your customized, all-inclusive tour package includes up-to-date, expert advice, providing 24/6 local support from our staff when you are here.

We will take care of everything, so all you need to do is relax and enjoy your trip to Israel!

The price for the trip includes accommodations, two meals a day (breakfast and dinner), transportation, trip staff, and entry into sites according to the itinerary, which is your entire cost for the trip apart from:

  • travel and medical insurance
  • Covid insurance
  • any cost associated with Covid tests
  • any personal expenses
  • tips for the guide and driver
  • anything not listed in the itinerary

Budgeting and Packing: Most of your expenses are included in your group trip; however, there are a few items you should know about:

Food in Israel: Expect to spend $20 per day on lunch. Street food costs $10-$20, and cafes & restaurants can vary from $25 to $50. Almost all eateries accept credit cards. Debit cards are not always accepted.

Transportation: Taxis are best found by the GETT TAXI app. All buses and trains require a Rav-Kav card, which can be easily purchased at any store. No tipping is necessary on taxi rides. Souvenirs: There are many places to buy gifts. We recommend the Machane Yehuda market (Shuk Machane Yehuda), Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem, and the Carmel market (Shuk Ha-Carmel) in Tel Aviv for the best prices. Be prepared to haggle, as this is part of the culture.

TIPS: restaurant service 12%-15%, hotel cleaning staff $2.00 a day, tour guide $10.00 a day per person in a group tour, driver $5.00 a day per person in a group tour.

Currency Exchange Places: There are many located nationwide; ask your guide for their recommendation. We are always here to help as well. Click here to learn more about Israel’s currency.

Special rates if you would like to arrive before or stay after your group tour. Ask for more details at [email protected]

Click here to learn more about Packing and Weather.

If you are ever in need of immediate help, you can call:

  • 100 for the police 
  • 101 for an ambulance

You can purchase our excellent health insurance with IMG (International Medical Group) by entering the following link :

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellation by the Customer . The Customer may cancel the Services or any part thereof by and subject to the cancellation policy terms and conditions outlined in the applicable Order Form. Israeli Consumer Protection Law . Under the Israeli Consumer Protection Law, a consumer is entitled to cancel a transaction within 14 days from the later of (i) the transaction date or (ii) the day the consumer received the disclosure document regarding the transaction (as required under the Israeli Consumer Protection Law), provided however, that such cancellation will not be possible if there are less than seven (7) Business Days (in Israel) until the time set for the services to be provided.

Despite anything to the contrary herein, any cancellation compliant with the Israeli Consumer Protection Law terms will incur a cancellation fee lower than (i) 5% of the total consideration or (ii) NIS 100 per participant.

To avoid doubt, it is clarified that the above-mentioned is for informational purposes only and that the binding and complete wording of the provisions for cancellation under the Israeli Consumer Protection Law is specified in the Israeli Consumer Protection Law. In any case, the terms mentioned above do not derogate from the provisions of the Israeli Consumer Protection Law.

  • Changes and Cancellation by ICT . ICT reserves the right to accept or reject any person as a tour participant, to expel any tour participant from the tour, to make changes in the itinerary whenever ICT deems it necessary for the comfort, convenience, or safety of the tour participants, and to cancel any tour at any time, in each case, without incurring any liability to the Customer except refunds if and to the extent stipulated in the cancellation policy.

Money Back Guarantee

100% no-risk money back guarantee!

You are fully protected by our 100% No-Risk Money Back Guarantee. If you decide not to attend the tour you have registered for within 14 days of registration, we will happily refund 100% of your money. No questions asked

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USA: +1-718-785-4113

Israel: +972-54-816-1307 [email protected]

7 Ha’Rakefet St. 9650523, Jerusalem, Israel





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  • Christian Bible Land Tour 8 Days
  • Heritage Holy Land Tour 8 Days
  • Christian Deluxe Israel Tour 10 Days
  • Christian Holy Land-Red Sea Tour 11 Days
  • Christian Holy Land & Jordan Tour 11 Days
  • Heritage Holy Land & Jordan Tour 12 Days
  • Interfaith Israel Tour Highlights 9 Days
  • Interfaith Israel Tour Classic 10 Days
  • Interfaith Israel Tour Explorer 12 Days
  • Interfaith Israel Tour Prestige 13 Days
  • Interfaith Israel & Jordan Tour Unity 13 Days
  • Interfaith Israel Tour Grande 15 Days
  • Holy Land Tour in Private – 8 Days
  • Bible Land Tour in Private – 8 Days
  • Heritage Holy Land Tour in Private – 8 Days
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Christian Holy Land Tour – 8 Days

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Join Shalom Journeys Christian Israel Tours for a once-in-a-lifetime trip 8-day Christian tour to the Holy Land. . Get connected to the land of the bible and bring scripture to life.

Itinerary - Christian Holy Land Tour

Sunday, day 1: welcome to the holy land meet & greet + hotel transfer.

Welcome to the Holy Land, a place of immense spiritual significance for people of many different faiths. We are excited to have you join us on a journey of discovery and enlightenment with Shalom Journeys Christian Israel Tours (CIT).

Upon arriving in Tel Aviv, you will be greeted by a knowledgeable representative from CIT. They will assist you with your hotel transfer and check-in, ensuring that your trip gets off to a smooth and stress-free start.

After settling into your hotel, you can enjoy a delicious buffet dinner before retiring for the night. Get a good night’s rest, because the adventure is just beginning!

Overnight in Tel Aviv.

Monday, Day 2: Caesarea, Megiddo, Haifa, Acre (Akko) to the Galilee

Day 2 of our Israel tour will take us on a journey through the rich history and culture of the country. We will begin by exploring the ancient city of Caesarea, where we will see the Roman theater, the restored amphitheater, and the aqueduct. We will also learn about the important events that took place here, including Paul’s journey to Tarsus and the conversion of Cornelius and his family to Christianity.

Next, we will visit Megiddo, one of King Solomon’s fortified cities, where we will see the ruins of 20 levels of civilization and the well-preserved water supply system. This site is also mentioned in the Bible as the location of the final Battle of Armageddon.

We will then continue on to Haifa, where we will ascend Mt. Carmel for a panoramic view of the city and the Bay of Haifa. We will also visit Muhraka, where Elijah fought the false prophets of Baal.

Our next stop will be in Akko, also known as Acre. Here, we will see the underground passages and secret rooms, as well as the prison.

In the afternoon/evening, we will drive through the Pastoral Hills of Galilee to our hotel for check-in. Dinner will be served at the hotel, and we will spend the night in the Galilee region.

Tuesday, Day 3: Tiberias, Wester Galilee, Banias (Golan Heights)

The day will start with a short tour of Tiberius, including a boat cruise on the Sea of Galilee in a Jesus boat replica. You will also visit Capernaum, the center of Jesus’ Galilean ministry and the site of many of his miracles, and the remains of a 2nd-century synagogue.

Next, you will visit Tabgha, the site of the Loaves and Fishes, including the Church of the Multipication, with a 4th-century mosaic floor. You will then head to the Mount of Beatitudes, where Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount, and Banias Springs and Caesarea Philippi, one of the sources of the River Jordan and the place where Peter made the confession of faith in Christ.

After a relaxing dinner at your hotel, you will have the evening at leisure. You will spend the night in the Galilee region.

Wednesday, Day 4: Nazareth, Beit Shean

Start your day with a delicious breakfast at the hotel, before setting out on a full day of sightseeing in Israel. Your first stop is the site of Jesus’ first miracle, the Cana of Galilee, where he turned water into wine (John 2:1).

Next, visit the boyhood home of Jesus in Nazareth and see the Grotto of the Annunciation and the Church of St. Joseph, which are built over the traditional site where Mary and Joseph lived. You’ll also visit the location of the ancient City Well, where it is believed that the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary.

After lunch, head to Yardenit, a Baptismal site in the Jordan River where you can be baptized if you choose. Afterward, visit the newly excavated and ongoing archaeological site of Beit Shean, where you’ll see the amphitheater, colonnaded Roman streets, mosaics, and Roman bathhouses (1st Samuel 31:10).

As the day comes to a close, take a drive through the Jordan Valley and see the desert bloom with flowers and vegetation, as prophesied by Isaiah in chapter 35:1-2.

After arriving in Jerusalem in the afternoon, check in to your hotel and enjoy a relaxing dinner. You may want to take a leisurely stroll through the streets of Jerusalem before retiring for the night. Overnight in Jerusalem.

Thursday, Day 5: Jerusalem: The Old City

On the fifth day of your Israel tour, you will have the opportunity to visit several important sites in Jerusalem and the Old City. You will begin the day with breakfast at the hotel, before setting out to see the Mount of Olives, a beautiful mountain with a panoramic view of the Old City and the Golden Gates, as well as an urban garden where Jesus prayed before his crucifixion. You will also visit the Upper Room, the site of Jesus’ last Passover meal, and the Jewish Quarter, a southeastern sector of the Old City with a restored marketplace called the Cardo.

Other notable sites on this day include the Western Wall, a holy place for Jews and the last remaining structure of the Second Temple, and the Via Dolorosa, also known as the Stations of the Cross or the Way of the Cross, which marks the route Jesus took to his crucifixion. You will also visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, believed by many Catholics and Orthodox Christians to be the site of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, and the Garden Tomb, a similar site revered by many Evangelical Christians.

After a full day of sightseeing, you will return to the hotel for the evening at leisure, with dinner provided. You will spend the night in Jerusalem.

Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem - Christian Holy Land Tour

Friday, Day 6: New City Bethlehem

“Welcome to Day 6 of our Israel Tour! Today, we will start the day in the beautiful village of Ein Kerem, known as the birthplace of John the Baptist and the location of his parent’s summer house.

Next, we will visit Yad Vashem, the Israeli memorial dedicated to the six million Jews who lost their lives during WWII.

After that, we will make our way to the Israel Museum, home to the Shrine of the Book and the stunning scale model of Jerusalem during the Second Temple period.

In the afternoon, we will travel to Bethlehem, a significant site for many Christians as the believed birthplace of Jesus at the Church of the Nativity.

In the evening, we will return to our hotel for a special Shabbat dinner. We will spend the night in Jerusalem.

Join us for a memorable day of history, culture, and spirituality as we continue to explore the rich history and beauty of Israel.”

Scale Model of ancient Jerusalem, as it was in the 2nd Temple period - Christian Holy Land Tour - Trips Israel LLC

Saturday, Day 7: Massada and the Dead Sea area

Today, we will begin with an early breakfast at our hotel before setting out on a journey south toward the Dead Sea. As we approach the shores, we will descend to the lowest point on Earth – 1305 feet (398m) below sea level. Our first stop will be at Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were famously discovered by a young shepherd boy. Next, we will ascend by cable car to the mountaintop plateau of Masada, where the Jewish Zealots bravely fought against the Romans. The Zealots preferred death as free men over Roman slavery and torture and held out for three years against Flavius Silva’s legions.

After exploring these historical sites, we will make our way to the Dead Sea itself – a unique body of water with a salt content of 11%-13% and other natural ingredients. Weather permitting, we will float on the Dead Sea and cover ourselves in its therapeutic mud. In the afternoon and evening, we will return to our hotel in Jerusalem for dinner and an overnight stay.

Sunday, Day 8: Tel Aviv / Ben Gurion Airport

It’s the final day of your tour! Today, you’ll be transferred to Ben Gurion Airport for your departure. Safe travels and we hope you had a great time on your Christian Holy Land Tour!

Included - Christian Holy Land tour

8 days hotel accommodations 8 days/7 nights accommodations.

  • 1 night in Tel Aviv
  • 2 nights in the Galilee
  • 4 nights in Jerusalem
  • Hotel taxes and service charges

Tours and guiding Tours and guiding

  • Touring in a Deluxe vehicle/motor-coach with a professional licensed driver
  • A professional government licensed English speaking guide – hand picked
  • Entrance fees to all sites and parks

Meet, assist and transfers Meet, assist and transfers

  • Meet and assist at Ben Gurion Airport, immediately after passport control
  • Transfers on arrivals and departures from and to Ben Gurion Airport

Meals included Meals included

  • Israeli style buffet breakfast daily
  • Everyday buffet dinners at hotels

Highlights included Highlights included

  • Boat cruise on the Sea of Galilee
  • Cruise on the Sea of Galilee
  • Kotel (Western Wall)

Not included Not included

  • International airfare
  • Travel insurance
  • Tips to guide and driver
  • lunch daily

Tel Aviv and surrounding area

Jerusalem and the new city jerusalem – new city.

  • Israel Museum
  • Mount of Olives
  • Garden of Gethemane
  • Garden Tomb
  • Mount Zion: Tomb of King David, Upper Room

Dead Sea and surrounding regions Dead Sea and surrounding regions

  • Dead Sea swim facility

Mediterranean Coast and surrounding area Mediterranean Coast and surrounding area

  • Akko (Acre)

Galilee and surrounding regions Galilee and surrounding regions

  • Casrea Phillippi
  • Sea of Galilee cruise
  • Mount of the Beatitudes
  • Baptismal site at the Jordan River

Old City of Jerusalem Jerusalem – Old City

  • Christian Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem
  • Via Dolorosa
  • Church of the Holy Seplechre
  • Jewish Quarter
  • Western Wall
  • Kotel – Western Wall

Hotels - Christian Holy land Tour

Superior hotels - 4 stars.

Dan Panorama Hotel in Tel Aviv


Holy Land Tour in Private – 8 Days

holy land solo trip

Heritage Holy Land Tour – 8 Days

' src=

Naomi and Naamah Feliciano

Eyal for the past 6/7 years you have been handling my visits to Israel. I don’t know how you do it but every time your tours surpass the previous ones.

This one was no different! It totally surpassed the previous ones. My family’s first time in Israel was an incredible once in a lifetime experience thanks to your expertise in putting the tour together to accommodate each and everyone’s needs and desires.

There was excitement for my young grandchildren as there were things geared just for their age and desires. My family toured all of Israel for first time and missed out on nothing. Yet my daughter and I who had been there 4 times already found things never seen in our previous trips.

Your choice of guide all these years was the perfect one! Hillel made your efforts in putting everything together a total success. Looking forward to our next trip.

Thank you so much to your staff and guide Hillel for another awesome experience in Israel.

Beth Fisher

I apologize for the delay in my response. Thank you so much for the wonderful trip to Israel. I appreciate all your hard work in getting everything together. Our guides were great, knowledgeable and very accommodating. The hotels were conveniently located, comfortable and nicely furnished. Everything ran smoothly.

Christian Tours


Israel and the Holy Land including Petra

  • Itinerary/Pricing
  • Tour Photos


Caesarea • roman amphitheatre • mt. carmel • megiddo • nazareth village • tiberias:, dan • caesarea philippi • cruise sea of galilee • capernaum • mount arbel:, jordan river baptismal • beit-shean/ scythopolis • jordan valley • jericho:, mount of olives • garden of gethsemane • temple mount • dome of the rock-wailing wall • rabbinical tunnels • upper room • st. peter in gallicantu • garden tomb:, via dolorosa • church of the holy sepulcher • shrine of the book • holocaust museum • ein kerem:, pool of bethesda • southern wall • bethlehem • church of the nativity:, dead sea • masada • ein gedi • qumran caves • allenby • jordan:, jordan • jerash • petra:, petra • amman:, madaba • nebo • israel:, tel aviv • home:.

Tour arranged by: Christian Tours

holy land solo trip

  • Frequent walking on rough & uneven terrain


holy land solo trip

  • Escorted Vacations
  • Charter Transportation
  • Group Tour Planning
  • Student Group Travel
  • Travel Agency
  • Wedding Chapel
  • Internet Promotions
  • Early Booking Discounts
  • Customer Tour Evaluation
  • Customer Comments
  • Helpful Information
  • Travel Insurance
  • Tour Payments
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Friendship Tours

Learning the Bible with a Christian Group Tour in the Land of the Bible

Galilee • Masada • Qumran • Bethlehem • Jerusalem


  • Roundtrip airfare from New York or a city of your choice from the list below
  • First Class Hotels, Full Israeli Buffet Breakfast and Dinner Daily
  • Deluxe, air-conditioned Motor coaches
  • Visits to Sites as mentioned below
  • Comprehensive Sightseeing per the Itinerary
  • Professional Tour Manager
  • Gratuities to Guide, Driver and Restaurant staff
  • Airport taxes & airline fuel surcharges

Friendship Tours - Christian Tours of Israel - Ruins at Jerusalem

Watch the video below and hear what people are saying about Friendship Tours to Israel

A Pastor's Testimony from Israel!

Our past and present travelers know the quality of tours we deliver. Friendship Tours is America’s leading Christian tour company since 1981.  We believe every Christian must be given the opportunity to visit the land of our Lord and experience the Bible come alive! 

  We are offering this “high quality & all inclusive” Christian tour of Israel at extremely low rates. There are no additional expenses other than your lunches and any gifts you buy.   Rates include airfare, 8 nights hotels, gratuities and much more.   

We will print your custom brochures in color. With your name and your church name.

  Pick a date, any date from below, and plan your own group for your church. Get your own private bus with 30 or more paid passengers. Pastors & spouse always travel free. Please call us for more details.  


Day 1 —  usa• tel aviv.

Depart from USA on our flight to Tel Aviv, Israel   Meals and overnight on board.  After dinner relax and enjoy the on-board entertainment.


Arrive at Tel Aviv’s Ben-Gurion Airport and meet our guide who will welcome us to the Land of the Bible and escort us throughout our stay in Israel. Israeli guides are legendary for their knowledge and dedication. Ours will instruct us on the many sites we will visit and their relationship to the religion, history, archaeology, culture, and modern life in Israel. Time permitting, visit Old Jaffa , the traditional home of Simon the Tanner and the port from which Jonah sailed. Dinner and overnight at our hotel in Tiberias.


Refreshed from a good night’s sleep you may wish to stroll the beach before a full Israeli Buffet Breakfast. Today we pass through the fast growing towns and farms of the Plain of  Sharon enroute to Caesarea , site of major events in the lives of Peter and Paul . It’s on to Megiddo , inspiration for James Michener’s “The Source”. Archaeological digs reveal 20 layers of civilization, including fortifications of King Solomon and the water tunnel of King Ahab . Megiddo provides a magnificent view of the fertile Jezreel Valley , prophesied site of Armageddon , at the crossroads of the ancient Via Maris .   Continue through the rolling hills of the Galilee to Nazareth , site of Mary’s Well, and Cana , site of His first miracle, before arriving in Tiberias . Dinner and overnight at our hotel in Tiberias .

Friendship Tours - Israel Boat Tour

“I LOVE LOVE LOVE Israel and Friendship Tours. As a Pastor I will bring my Church every year until everyone has experienced Gods Chosen Land and people. Deena Clayman is the BEST Guide in all of Israel!”


This day alone is worth the trip!  We are now literally walking in the footsteps of Jesus.  We will take a most memorable boat ride on the Sea of Galilee , in a replica of the ancient wooden boat used in Jesus’ day.  We will visit an ancient boat believed to be from Jesus’ time found in the Sea of Galilee in 1986.  We walk into old Capernaum with the ancient synagogue ; on to the site of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes (Tabgha), the Sermon on the Mount and the Mount of Beatitudes .  You will have an opportunity for a lunch of St. Peter’s fish (optional.)  In the afternoon we will journey north to Caesarea Phillipi (Banias Spring) where Peter confessed, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God” (Matthew 16:16.)   Dinner and overnight at our hotel in Tiberias .


This morning we will visit the Jordan River and have the opportunity for a baptismal service .  Drive along the Jordan Valley to Beit She’an to see the expansive excavations taking place at this ancient Roman Decapolis city.  Stop at Gideon’s Spring where Gideon selected his soldiers to do battle against the Midianites.  It’s now time to “go up” to Jerusalem .  We will enter the city as pilgrims did since ancient times to fulfill the words of the prophet “I was glad when they said unto me: ‘Our feet shall stand within thy Gates, O Jerusalem’ ” (Psalms 122:1-2.)   Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem .

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Start the day with a magnificent view of the Old City from the top of the Mt. of Olives .  Take the “Palm Sunday Walk” to the Garden of Gethsemane , the Church of All Nations and drive across the Kidron Valley .  Enter the Old City through St. Stephen’s Gate (Lions’ Gate) to the Muslim Quarter , visit the beautiful Church of St. Anne and the Pool of Bethesda , Pilate’s Judgment Hall , and the Ecce Homo Arch .  Walk along the Via Dolorosa, into the Christian Quarter , and see the Stations of the Cross .  Drive to Mt. Zion to see the House of Caiaphas and the Upper Room of the Last Supper .  We will visit Bethlehem and see Manger Square , the Church of the Nativity , and view Shepherds’ Fields and the Fields of Boaz and Ruth .  Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem .


Depart to Masada , overlooking the Dead Sea , the lowest spot on Earth, where we ascend by cable car to visit the remnants of Herod’s Palace and where in 73 A.D. the Zealots made their last stand against the might of Rome.  Visit Ein Gedi , fabled Spring of David , and proceed to Qumran where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found in 1947.  Time permitting, we will go for a swim, rather a “float”, in the salted waters of the Dead Sea .  Return to Jerusalem for dinner and overnight.


We will begin the day with a visit to the reconstructed Jewish Quarter , walk through the Cardo , the original Roman street and see the amazing remains of the massive wall built by King Hezekiah . See the important excavations taking place at the Western Wall and the Southern Temple Staircase . On to the Temple Mount , where Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac.  See the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque that now stands there.   End the afternoon at Golgotha (Gordon’s Calvary) and the empty Garden Tomb .  Special time is planned for worship, communion, meditation and inspiration


Today is a day at leisure for you to relax and enjoy the Old city on your own. .  This evening we  will share in a Farewell Dinner and the presentation of a Certificate of Pilgrimage to each tour  participant. Dinner and overnight in Jerusalem .

DAY 10   —  ISRAEL • USA

Today we transfer to the airport.  Our guide will assist us with check-in procedures.  Depart on our flight home.  We arrive home today with wonderful memories of a visit to the Land of the Bible!

Friendship Tours - Jordan-River-baptism-christian-tour

“We always feel safe in Israel. Traveling with Friendship Tours is a great experience. They really know what they are doing”

Special Rates

Our rates below are all inclusive and include a 20% bundle savings. All passengers pay for are their lunches & souvenirs.  There are no hidden charges!

*Value Pricing With Limited Inventory

Egypt – Four day optional extension that can be combined with above tour dates. $1085 Add Egypt Extension

Jordan – Four day optional extension that can be combined with above tour dates. $1200 Add Jordan Extension

East Coast – New York, Boston, Washington Dulles, Newark Central Coast – Chicago, Houston, Dallas, Miami, Atlanta West Coast – Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle

Note: All above rates are based in U.S Dollars

Our philosophy is very simple!

We offer an all-inclusive price with airfare, 4 star hotels, two meals a day and all the sightseeing outlined above. The only thing that is not included in our pricing is lunches.

Hotels we use:

Tiberias – Leonardo Club & Lake House, or similar

Jerusalem – Grand Court Hotel, Ramada Jerusalem Hotel or Leonardo Jerusalem Hotel, or similar

Important Note: All rates are subject to change without notice

Airfares and airline fuel surcharges are subject to change without notice!

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Please fill out the form below and one of our travel experts will follow up with you with additional information about our travel packages and answer any questions you may have.


If you have a group of 20 or more we will create a custom tour for you with an itinerary of your choosing including your own private motor coach. We will price your tour from your gateway city. Then we will print a custom brochure personalized to your group. We will offer our suggestions to complement your ideas in order to achieve the best possible program for your group. We are happy to design any program you like. Flexibility is part of our service to you.

(800) 213-9155



Book your tour now


Questions to consider when selecting your Tour Company

  research is key to selecting the right company, please read this carefully before you sign up with any tour company.

What is the Tour Company’s main focus?

Several vacation tour companies have attempted to make inroads into the Christian

Pilgrimage market. Friendship Tours only specializes in Christian pilgrimages. We do not sell vacation packages to other countries. Christian Pilgrimages is all we do and we do it well!

What knowledge does the company have about their guides?

The owners of Friendship Tours personally screen and select all of our guides.  We choose guides who are flexible and responsive to the needs of our group leaders.  Our guides are well informed with a broad base of knowledge in both the Old and New Testament. Our guides make us successful and this is why our group leaders re-book year after year with us.

How long has the company been around?

After 9/11 several companies avoided refunding churches the tour payments and closed shop only to re-open under a different name. Friendship Tours has been in business since 1982 and has refunded all travelers their money.  Every client was cared for after 9/11. This level of service and trust is important in the ever-changing world we live in.

Are the company owners Christian?

Friendship Tours is a Christian Company.  We consider our work to be the work of God on behalf of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We understand Christian Pilgrimage and we make every effort to help you in planning a meaningful, memorable and faithful experience.

What financial protection does the company offer?

Friendship Tours carries high limits of liability insurance that protects the churches that work with us. We adhere to all US government over sight with regard to Financial regulations. We have strict company policies prohibiting the commingling of client deposits. This is a critical component of our integrity. During difficult times some companies will use customer deposits to survive and run out of funds to service their group commitments.  Friendship Tours is a member of the Better Business Bureau with an “A” rating. Friendship Tours has the best buying power due to our long-standing professional relations with all international airlines offering us the lowest airfares with the best connections. Our buying power for ground services is reflected in the prices we are able to offer. Very few

Companies are able to do what we do. How do we do it? Very simple. As a wholesale Tour Operator, we work on large volume of passengers and pass the savings on to our clients.  This is our mission.  This is a ministry entrusted to us by God.  At every turn we will seek to be faithful to you and our mission.  Our

Tagline says it all. “We build lasting relations. One client at a time.”

Christian Group Tours to Israel

Israel is a land steeped in rich history, where Jesus was born, delivered his famous Sermon on the Mount, performed miracles, and was resurrected. There’s no way to describe the joy and wonder of walking the path followed by Jesus, his disciples, and other biblical luminaries with our Israel tour groups. You simply have to see it for yourself.

At Friendship Tours, our goal has always been to enrich the lives of our Christian friends by offering affordable travel to the Holy Land. We want you to experience the awe that can only come from standing in the birthplace of Jesus, following in the footsteps of his disciples, and entering the city of Jerusalem as pilgrims have done for generations.

When you choose Friendship Tours for your Christian tours of Israel, you become our friend. We treat our Isreal tour groups with the utmost care and consideration.

You’ll enjoy all-inclusive pricing, upscale hotel accommodations, and informative and entertaining tours delivered by carefully vetted local guides. Your safety and satisfaction are always our highest priorities.

If you’re ready for 10 days filled with unforgettable sights and experiences that you’ll cherish for the rest of your life, book to join a group tour to Israel today.

What to Expect with Our All-Inclusive Israel Group Tours

There’s no better way to travel to the Holy Land than with an all-inclusive itinerary from Friendship Tours. Planning a trip is not easy, between arranging for transportation, lodgings, and meals, and figuring out what your Israel tour group wants to see once you arrive.

With over four decades of experience, the team at Friendship Tours is more than qualified to do the heavy lifting for you. We’ve established long-term partnerships with vendors all across Israel and beyond in order to provide a worry-free travel experience, so you can enjoy every minute of your trip.

Whether you want to visit the Holy Land as a personal treat, travel with a partner, bring the whole family, or arrange a trip for a large church group, we make the process easy with pre-planned itineraries and affordable pricing.

Don’t forget, we offer one free trip for every five paying travelers, allowing you to bring ministry staff or parishioners that otherwise couldn’t afford to join.

Food, Lodgings, and Transportation

All-inclusive travel, first and foremost, must cover all the basic necessities, including food, lodgings, and transportation. Your final price per person includes airfare from a range of East Coast, Central, and West Coast cities with major airports. You’ll also enjoy two meals a day (lunch not included) and lodgings at safe and comfortable 4-star hotels.

We carefully choose hotels that we have visited and found to meet standards for cleanliness, friendliness, and expected amenities for our Israel tour groups.

These hotels include the Leonardo Club & Lake House (or similar) in Tiberias and the Grand Court Hotel, Ramada Jerusalem Hotel, or Leonardo Jerusalem Hotel (or similar) in Jerusalem. Gratuities and taxes are also covered.

Our philosophy of providing unmatched value at competitive pricing also includes tours and excursions. Travel by deluxe, air-conditioned motor coach and tours led by expert guides are both part of the package with Friendship Tours.

Expert-Guided Tours

When it comes to planning tours to Israel, choosing the right guides is essential to ensuring a fun and fulfilling experience. This is why we take the time to personally interview every guide we employ and endeavor to build long-term relationships for the benefit of everyone involved.

Our guides offer impressive knowledge of history and religion in the area, not to mention a love and appreciation for their native land.

What’s Included in Your 10-Day Itinerary?

Your tour of Israel will take you from the U.S. to Tel Aviv, Tiberias, and Jerusalem, along with Masada, overlooking the Dead Sea, and Qumran, where the famous Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. Our renowned Israel group tours include important sites in the lives of Jesus, Peter, Paul, and others connected with His life.

Make Your Dream a Reality Today

If you’ve always dreamed of visiting Cana, the Mount of Beatitudes, the Mt. of Olives, and the Stations of the Cross, among other holy sites, you’ll find what you seek and so much more with Friendship Tours.

You’ve been waiting your whole life to embark on a tour of the Holy Land, and our Christian tours of Israel offer experienced planners, tour managers, and guides who treat you as friends. If you’re ready to experience the power of His life on a 10-day tour of the land He called home, book your tour today!

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The experts in the planning and delivery of high quality, worldwide, custom Christian group tours. ©2024 Friendship Tours   P.O.Box 1140, Moorpark, California 93021 All rights reserved Telephone: (800) 213-9155 | CST # 2069059-40 Privacy Policy Booking Terms & Conditions

Recent Blogs

  • The Conversion of Saul: A Journey of Redemption
  • Tracing Cultural Exchange: Jewish Influences on Greek Culture and Vice Versa in Antiquity
  • 7 Christian Destinations Every Believer Should Experience
  • What Christians Can Learn From Paul’s Sermon to the Athenians
  • A Tour of Athens – The Cradle of Western Civilization and Paul’s Second Missionary Journey

We do not serve individual travelers and we are unable to book you on one of our custom groups. Please do not submit this form if you are not already a part of a group with 15+ people..

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Solo Traveler

Solo travel tips, destinations, stories... the source for those who travel alone.

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Group Tours Especially for Solo Travelers

Dozens of solo travel trips updated monthly.

Note: We do not book travel. Solo Traveler does not receive a commission on any trips sold.

This is the only list of singles group travel deals that we know of. Solo travel tours and cruises with no or low single supplements. Advertisers cannot surpass 20% single supplement on any trips advertised on Solo Traveler. In many cases there is no single supplement at all.

Also check out our Searchable page to filter tours for singles by destination, style and length of trip.

Do you have a solo travel tour to promote? Please contact Simon Constam .

Are you a tour novice? Read: Solo Traveler On a Group Tour , How to Choose a Tour and River Cruises for Solo Travelers .

Sharing is caring!

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Encounter Travel. 'Solos Only'.

Have travel dreams come to a grinding halt because you don’t have a travel buddy? We believe sharing the journey takes 'alone' out of solo travel. Small group tours, plus resort & cruise groups. Just choose, pack and join in. Since 2006, leading the way for solo travellers.

  • Scandinavia Explorer: A 20 day grand tour of the highlights, Sweden, Finland, Norway & Denmark.
  • Malta Unveiled ‘Solos Only’: Captivating Malta! An exclusive small group 7 day tour.
  • Wonders of Egypt ‘Solos Only’: Sights to behold, a destination like no other. Join a small group tour, solos only.
  • Borneo Highlights. ‘Solos Only’: Its natural beauty leaves visitors in awe, and wildlife like no other.
  • North India. ‘Solos Only’: A 14 day small group tour of Rajasthan and extension option to Varanasi
  • Colours of Morocco ‘Solos Only’: A boutique adventure with all the major highlights captivating the immense diversity.

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Culture, nature, history, food, & adventure!

Join a trip with Far and Wide by Amy, and you will travel with like-minded others on excellently curated, small group journeys focused on culture, nature, art, history, food, wine, and adventure!

  • Salt Spring Island, BC, Oct. 2024: Join yoga teacher Simone Nitzan for a week of yoga and hiking on Salt Spring Island, BC!
  • Women’s Trip to Turkey: Nov. 2024: Istanbul, Cappadocia, Izmir! Email amy@farandwidebyamy to get the full itinerary & dates.

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Tuscany for Solo Travelers

See the Tuscany you've dreamt of. Each of the 11 days in this trip is an adventure as we explore wondrous Tuscany. You’ll enjoy: single occupancy, private drivers, attractions and splendid meals. Italy, remains the most magical place on earth to me. So it will be for you.

  • Sept 16-26th Only one spot left!: 2024 - September 16th to 26th. Florence, Siena and the Tuscan countryside!
  • Sep/24 – Florence, Siena, Tuscany: 2024 Sept 27th – October 7th. Florence, Siena and the Tuscan countryside!
  • May/25 – Florence, Siena, Tuscany: 2025. May 15th-25th. Florence, Siena and the Tuscan countryside!
  • 2025 – Florence, Siena, Tuscany: 2025. September 15th-25th. Florence, Siena and the Tuscan countryside!

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Overseas Adventure Travel: Choose Your Savings

Plan your next adventure with O.A.T., and for a limited time you can choose your savings: Save $1,000 per person on ANY 2024 departure OR Save up to $3,000 per person on July-October adventures.

  • Romance of the Rhine & Mosel: 16 days, NOW starting from $3,295
  • Eastern Europe to the Black Sea: 14 days, NOW starting from $2,995
  • Great Rivers of Europe: 16 days, starting from $3,695
  • Morocco Sahara Odyssey: 16 days—from $4395 per person, including airfare
  • Aegean Islands, Athens & Istanbul: 17 days—including 7 nights aboard the 50-passenger M/V Arethusa or M/V Athena

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Solo adventure travel for 30s and 40s ⛵️✈️🌎!

We're a good mix of adventure, comfort & social travel. Our itineraries blend not only must-see attractions but also hidden gems where we break away from the tourist path. Always leaving with stories, connections & memories for life.

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Italian Excursion Slow Travel Guided Tours

Join us to experience Italy as the Italians do through fresh, local ingredients and local wines. Live in one beautiful place for the week, unpack just once! You’ll get to know your neighborhood and your neighbors. You’ll be living like an Italian at the slow pace that enhances the senses.

  • Harvest Tour: A beautiful week in Italy! 15 meals, 3 wine tastings, daily guided tours. October 13-20/25
  • Spring Food & Wine of Umbria: Experience Italy as the Italians do! Local food and wine small tours. May 12-19/25
  • Harvest Tour October 7-14, 2024: Slow Travel for a Beautiful Week in Italy. No single supplement fee!
  • Spring Food & Wine of Umbria: Italy as the Italians do! Fresh, local food and unique wines of the region. May 14-21/24.

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International and Domestic Group Travel Specialist

Travel Planners 4 U is more than just a travel agency. We curate travel experiences for culture enthusiasts, romantics, cruise lovers, soloists, adventurers, relaxation seekers, and everyone in between. We will deliver a trip experience that suits your travel style.

  • Experience Iceland Oct. 2024: 7 day island journey see the Blue Lagoon, the Northern Lights, waterfalls & Viking World!
  • Into the Word in Israel Sept. ’24: An 11-day Israel trip to educate and enlighten you in the Holy Land visiting many sites.
  • 11-Day Cultural Trip thru Italy: Travel thru the most historical & romantic cities in Italy on this 11-day cultural journey

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Fun, affordable, active vacations for women!

Our mission is simple: we’re women who empower women just like you. We take small groups of women on active vacations to some of the most scenic places on earth. Through our guided adventures around the globe, we empower you to explore. To learn. To connect. To grow. To discover yourself. Join us!

  • New Mexico and Colorado trip!: Hike, soak, and explore on this desert mountain escape with fun women's groups!
  • Yellowstone and the Tetons!: Hiking, paddling, exploring 2 National Parks with fun women's groups, all inclusive!
  • Active Alaska!: Whales, bears, hiking, foodies, fun groups of women in Juneau Alaska, all inclusive.
  • Fire and Iceland!: Hike, paddle, and explore this beautiful land of fire and ice with like-minded women!
  • Active Tuscany!: Hiking, cooking class, wine tasting, culture, e-bike, galleries, and so much more!
  • Greek Island Hopper Adventure!: Explore Greece in all her glory. Hiking, paddling, food & wine, culture and more.

travelbyjude takes you where you want to go anyday


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Sophisticated voyages on board Small Cruise Ships.

Are you looking for a cruise in luxury without getting lost in the crowds on a large ship? Then a Boutique cruise or Small Ship Cruise is designed for you! It's just as blissful as it sounds; a combination of exploring itineraries and visiting quaint little ports with just a few fellow guests.

holy land solo trip

Worldwide small group Solo Holidays with a Host

At Friendship Travel we offer a wide range of fun and enjoyable solo travel for like-minded travellers. We have been in business for 26 years and know how to look after solo travellers. With departures all year we can offer a trip to suit your vacation needs. Give our friendly team a call today.

  • Christmas Tenerife Island Europe: Christmas sunshine. A Canary Island with amazing walks and culture in north of Tenerife.
  • Explore Greek Islands and more: Fly to Athens and explore Greek Islands with solo group tours each week of summer.
  • Portugal painting OR sightseeing: Paint - improve your art skills OR join a trip with sightseeing included. NEW 2025 dates
  • Africa Safari and Beach in Kenya: 3 nights on safari and 4 nights at the beach - a great win centre combination in Kenya.
  • Saint Lucia Caribbean Luxury – 5*: All-inclusive Caribbean resort incl spa treatment each day. On the beach, upto 30 solos

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Iceland challenge & adventure tours in small group

Explore Iceland with the people like you in small group with the local guide. Choose the adventure that matches your travel style! Test your comfort zone on the glaciers hiking and climbing challenge, explore the unique Icelandic nature, learn the taste of Iceland and much more!

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Cosmos is Making Solo Travel More About You

Tightening your belt doesn’t have to mean restricting your dreams. For more than 60 years, Cosmos has made worldwide travel attainable with value-centric vacations that don’t break the bank. With affordable escorted tours in 67 countries on six continents, Cosmos helps you tackle your Bucket List.

  • Prague, Vienna & Budapest: On this splendid Central Europe tour, you’ll discover the former Habsburg Empire.
  • Paris, Normandy and The Loire: Tour France the perfect way. See the highlights of Paris, the Loire Valley and Normandy.
  • Irish Discovery: Lush landscapes, vibrant cities & historic attractions await on this guided Ireland tour.
  • Lisbon, Seville & Madrid: This tour of Spain & Portugal introduces you to fascinating cities & cultural discoveries.
  • The Best of Greece: On this Greece tour, discover the highlights of historical, mythical, and modern Greece.
  • Rome, Florence & Venice: Your dream of visiting the shining cities of Italy on a budget can come true.

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Small group tours for Solo Women Travelers.

Small group tours with concierge AND never a single supplement! Tours that are about learning, camaraderie and fun, with downtime added!! Gourmet food, local entertainment, boutique hotels, private transportation! Excited about traveling for the first time or umpteenth time? We’d love to host you

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Journeys with Purpose for Solo Female Travelers

Reignite your soul with an exhilarating conservation adventure for women in South Africa. Explore the fiery sand dunes of the Kgalagadi, embark on thrilling game drives, witness breathtaking sunsets, and later gather around campfires under starry skies. Return whole, enriched by nature's beauty.

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Creating Life-Changing Experiences for 50+ Singles

Join FREE online Singles Travel Community Start meeting 23,000+ singles 50+ to see the world! Treat yourself for the Holidays! Book a Solo Vacay and get a valuable reward. Use Promo Code SOLOTRAVELER2023

  • Ireland Cruise for Singles 50+: July 2025 Indulge in an 11-day luxury Irish cruise, exploring Dublin, Belfast, and beyond!
  • Mystical Peruvian Highlights Tour: 4/5-12 2025 Visit some of the world’s greatest mysteries + stay in luxurious hotels.
  • Seabreeze Jazz Festival Weekend: 4/23-28 2025 Attention Smooth Jazz Lovers! Join us for a Bucket List Jazz Festival!
  • Galapagos Glam Yacht Expedition: 2/21-3/3 2025 See all the Galápagos has to offer in luxury aboard the all-suite Flora!!
  • Vistas, Vineyards, Kangaroos Tour: Jan 2025 Enjoy gems of the southern coast, combine w/New Zealand NYE'25 for max experience
  • Chile & Peru Singles 50+ Cruise: Mar 2025 Boutique cruise plus exclusive flight over the mysterious Nasca Lines in Peru!

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Supplement Free Antarctica Cruises & Expeditions

Embark on the solo trip of a lifetime to meet the penguins in person and become one of the few to have ever set foot on the White Continent. Book a dedicated single cabin, share to avoid paying a single supplement, or take advantage of our no single supplement deals and get a cabin all to yourself!

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Join us for a fabulous week in beautiful Paris!

"The best group trip I've ever been on." "Group travel that doesn't feel like group travel." "You had me at 'no tour buses'." Whose clients come back for the same trip more than once? Ours do! Our trips are ideal for solo travelers for so many reasons. Join us in Paris for a week and find out why!

  • Must-See Paris: First time visiting Paris? There's no better way than to come with Paris Personally!
  • A Week with the French: An experience for all your senses, spend a very French week in Paris with us!
  • Christmas in Paris: A magical Christmas in the City of Light? Join us for an unforgettable experience.

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Solo Traveler Specials: All Trips 🌍

Amawaterways and Uniworld: 2024 departures with 100% waived for select dates and staterooms. Many of the popular European itineraries. Book now to combine this offer with our 2024 Cruise Savings. Message me on Instagram: @tourwithorit

  • AmaWaterways -Flavors of Portugal: Reserve select 2024 Europe sailings and pay no additional supplemental fee.

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Fully-Guided Small Group Adventures for Solos

Prefer your own room? Enjoy 50% off the single supplement with offer code: ACTIVESOLO .

  • Classic South Island Adventure: Experience an unforgettable journey on our most popular 8-day New Zealand adventure.
  • Tour du Mont Blanc: Experience the best of France, Italy & Switzerland on our 12-day Tour du Mont BLanc.
  • Mighty Five Adventure: Explore the beauty of Utah's Mighty Five National Parks on a 9-day small group adventure.
  • Yellowstone Adventure: Explore amongst the numerous natural wonders of America's oldest national park.
  • Ult Galapagos Islands Adventure: Hike, bike, cruise, & snorkel the Galapagos Islands on a 10-day island-hopping adventure.
  • Patagonia Hiking Adventure: Behold jaw-dropping scenery as you hike, bike, and cruise your way through Patagonia.

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Connect with Scotland through your creativity!

Art holidays & creative retreats in Scotland's most stunning locations. Join us on a creative adventure and connect with Scotland's locations, fellow creative travelers and yourself.

holy land solo trip

Women's Transformational Retreats in NM & England

This is a call to Women who desire to Reconnect with Themselves and Embody Their Radiant Authenticity! Join our small group retreats to reclaim and celebrate your beautiful Self while being nourished by the Land and supported by your Soul Sisters. Perfect for Solo Travelers!

Travel allows you to cultivate love and trust in yourself like nothing else. Spiral Path Journeys wants to help you experience your own Transformational Travel through heart nourishing Group Retreats and life changing Solo Travel Quests.

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Distinct Solo Travel For Over 50's Since 1971

Travel as distinct as you. Be a traveler, not a tourist. Journey on an escorted small group tour as a solo traveler, in the comfort and ease of a group. Make new like minded friends on over 150 tours. It's all about you! SAVE up to $300 on 2024 tours.

  • Switzerland’s Mountains & Rails: Switzerland has some of the most amazing scenery in Europe and it just like a fairytale.
  • Pleasures of Portugal: Travel through Portugal's highlights in a small group at a relaxing pace.
  • Netherlands, Belgium & France: The best of the Netherlands, Belgium & France in a small group. Time to spoil yourself!
  • Gems of the Adriatic: The best small group tour featuring Croatia and Slovenia.
  • Sunsets & Southern Charm: Experience the charms of Charleston and Savannah on this small group tour of the South.

holy land solo trip

Culture and Cuisine for Solo Travelers and others

For curious travelers who love authentic cultural experiences, local cuisine and a little bit of comfort when they travel. Travels with Talek focuses on experiential travel with an emphasis on interaction with local people, culture and traditions. Personalized attention, I lead all tours. I’ve traveled to over 110 countries and love sharing my favorite destinations […]

Our upcoming 11-day Cuba cultural tours are 100% consistent with U.S. travel regulations. They include: Low single supplements, dedicated English-speaking guides, lovingly curated itineraries providing maximum interaction with local populations, flexible cancellation policy.

  • Visit China on a Cultural Tour: An 11-day China Cultural tour visiting Shanghai, Xi'an (Terracotta soldiers) and Beijing
  • Cuba Cultural Tour: See the best of Cuba. 7 cities. Approved for US citizens. 11-days, Low Single Supplement
  • China Cultural Tour: Discover China. Visit Shanghai, Xi-an (terracotta soldiers), Beijing and Xitang.
  • Northern Spain Culture & Cuisine: 10-day tour visiting iconic cities of northern Spain, cultural experiences

holy land solo trip

Walking holidays on the Greek island of Ikaria

Walk with us in the mountains of the Greek island of Ikaria or participate in the olive picking in November. For those who are interested in immersing themselves in the nature and local customs of Ikaria. Ikaria is known as the blue zone, an area where people live longer than average.

holy land solo trip

Adventure Canada

Join a fun, educational, and life-changing small-ship expedition to the Canadian Arctic, Greenland, and Atlantic Canada. Free single supplements are available on a limited quantity of cabins in categories 3 through 7 aboard the Ocean Endeavour. Shared cabin options are also available.

  • Greenland & Wild Labrador: Cross the Arctic Circle. Hike in Torngat Mountains National Park. Enjoy Inuit cultural.
  • Heart of the Arctic: Explore the coasts of Greenland & South Baffin Island. Encounter famous Inuit art-making.
  • Newfoundland & Wild Labrador: Hike in Torngat Mountains National Park. Enjoy Inuit culture. Visit Battle Harbour.
  • Newfoundland Circumnavigation: Witness sublime hospitality. Striking wildlife and scenery. Hike Gros Morne and Red Bay.
  • High Arctic Explorer: Cruise at the foot of icebergs. Seek seabirds, polar bears, and walruses.
  • The Northwest Passage: Explore the best of Greenland & the Canadian Arctic on this ultimate small-ship expedition

holy land solo trip

Small group walking tours & art vacation workshops

We are about experience, people, and beauty and are more like traveling with friends than joining a traditional tour. With blue skies and blue water, Blue Walk guests enjoy leisurely strolls along coastlines, village squares, and open spaces of Europe. Our art workshops are a travel artist's dream.

  • Leisurely Walking in Spain: Sep 1 – 7, 2024 discover Barcelona and the Costa Brava on beautiful, half-day excursions.
  • Walk the Cote D’Azur and Villages: May 27-Jun 2: Discover coastal walks, lively markets, and the colorful French Riviera
  • 12-night Walking Tour in Greece: Athens, then Island Hop through Amorgos, Naxos, and Santorini. Explore authentic Greece.
  • Italian Riviera and Lake Como: By foot and rail experience off-the-beaten-path Cinque Terre, Portofino, and Lake Como.
  • Leisurely Walking in Switzerland: A dream vacation exploring the Lucerne and Lauterbrunnen regions by foot, ferry and rail.

holy land solo trip

Unique holidays in Egypt for Solo Travellers

Follow in the footsteps of writers, work on your own book, or dive deep into the culture of this amazing country with our unique Egyptologist-led tours. Our tours are perfect for the solo traveler: we'll meet you at the airport and make sure you're looked after every step of the way.

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The lowest Solo Supplement in the industry

Our fleet of 50 ships with 2 and 3 decks accommodate only 16 to 200 passengers. Their size and cutting-edge technology allow them to sail exclusively on certain rivers and to moor in the heart of cities. We offer single cabins on most rivers. Single Cabins = Waived Single Supplement.

  • Amsterdam to Vienna – 15 Days: 15 Days cruising the Rhine. 8/5/24. Free single supplement. Code "SINGLE"
  • Cruise The Romantic Rhine: 5 Day sailings. June -August. FREE solo supplement. Code "SINGLE"

holy land solo trip

Pack A Fork! Unique Cultural & Culinary Adventures

Our tours focus on unique, small group immersive experiences. If you love learning about history, culture, art, architecture, food and wine, you will love our tours! Go solo or with friends. Travel with local, certified guides to amazing destinations. Our tours are unique, personalized experiences.

  • Amazing Oregon: June 22-July 2, 2024, Portland, Columbia River Gorge, Williamette Wine Country & The Coast
  • Treasures of Peru: October 1-9, 2024: Peru's history, culture, folklore, archaeological sites, fusion cuisine
  • Peru, Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca: Oct 1-12, 2024. Extend the main tour to Lake Titicaca; visit the people of Uros Islands.

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Your crew is departing....

Embark on our specially curated trips designed with young professionals and millennials in mind. Dive deep into local culture, challenge yourself beyond your usual boundaries, and connect with other solo travelers with similar interests. Sign up for our one of our exciting excursions today!

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Mexico Health Retreat for Solo Travelers

Health Retreat in Huatulco, Mexico, April 1-7, 2024 Active getaway perfect for solo travelers, which includes morning walks and workouts,, evening yoga, hikes to waterfalls & other tours, delicious Mexican food cooked by locals, and lots of R&R time in a stunning hillside villa.

Motivated Movement focuses on helping people move their health & life forward. A personal training & coaching focused company that offers Health Retreats - active weeks (or weekends) away in fun locations that allow you to sweat, decompress & explore. MMPT Health Retreats are focused on those who like to be active on vacation, while of course fitting in some R&R time. No single supplements are charged & single travelers are welcome & encouraged to join us!

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The Leader in Small Group Active Adventures!

For 50 years, Exodus has been creating small group trips to Europe and beyond. With 500+ tours across the globe, they are the leaders in creating award-winning active adventures.

  • Portugal: Walking in Madeira: Explore verdant landscapes on one of the most scenic islands in Portugal.
  • Cycle the Baltics: Discover the best of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania by bike.
  • India’s Golden Triangle: Enjoy a perfect introduction to the best of northern India.
  • Highlights of Albania: Journey through the beautiful Albanian Riviera and discover the land of eagles.

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Don’t miss out on some of our best offers -

GG2W travels in style, 4-5* hotels, wine with dinner + you always get your own private room. It’s true, you get what you pay for. Our groups are small, just 6-10 women hailing from all backgrounds, countries & ages.. Use Code SOLOJW to get $375 off all trips listed.

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Activity Solo Holidays

Flavours Holidays is a specialist tour operator offering quality cooking, painting, Pilates, language and photography holidays in Italy since 1998. Set in idyllic regions you will discover new places with the inside-knowledge of our Flavours host to hand!

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50+ Bicycling Tours: Fun, Safe, small groups

Senior Cycling provides fully supported, small group bike tours for folks 50+ almost exclusively on Rail-Trails in scenic & interesting sites across U.S. & Canada. Emphasis is on enjoyment and fitness at your own pace, not speed, 25-35 mi/day. Hotel/B&B lodging, meals are local, quality cuisine.

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To Italy with Love

"To Italy with Love Tours" is a specialized and customized guided tour in the central area of Italy for small groups. I personally accompany you discovering its artistic treasures, landscape, and lifestyle! The meals are incredible! You’ll love them! I take joy in sharing my Italy with you.

  • To Italy with Love: Apr/May 2025: April 28-May 13. A unique intimate group, 4-14 people guided by June Morrocco.
  • To Italy with Love – May 2025: May 13-27. A unique intimate group tour of 4-14 people guided by June Morrocco.
  • To Italy with Love – Sept 2025: Sept 9-23. A unique intimate group tour of 4-14 people guided by June Morrocco.
  • To Italy with Love – Sep/Oct 2025: Sept 23-Oct 7. A unique intimate group tour of 4-14 people guided by June Morrocco

holy land solo trip

Enjoy a cultural & culinary tour in Puglia, Italy!

Embark on an unforgettable journey to a hidden gem of Italy, Puglia! As brother & sister, born and raised in Puglia, we offer guided tours for small groups, designed to showcase the best of this part of Italy with authentic food and wine experiences! For Solo Travelers 50% OFF single supplement!

holy land solo trip

Extraordinary Small Group Adventures

Penguins2PolarBears offer sustainable and community-based travel that has a positive impact on the communities visited. Travel with like-minded individuals who want to truly experience a destination. Share a room with a person of the same gender -no single supplement. (Single supplements available).

holy land solo trip

Ocean and River Cruises for Solo Travellers

Cruising is such a wonderful way to explore, whether on the rivers of Europe, South America or Asia, or the many oceans around the world! Solo travellers are welcomed aboard many of the cruise lines with reduced, or sometimes, no single supplement. Let us help you plan your next cruise vacation!

holy land solo trip

Group Trips for Solos 30s & 40s!

In your 30s & 40s, getting friends to commit to travel plans is near impossible. We have a solution for that 😉

  • 9 Days in Morocco (30s & 40s): Morocco Group Tour For Solos 30s & 40s – Marrakech, Fes & Sahara Desert!
  • 12 Days in Brazil (30s & 40s): Brazil Group Tour For Solos 30s & 40s – Sao Paulo, Paraty, Ilha Grande & Rio
  • 8 Days in Croatia (30s & 40s): Croatia Group Tour For Solos 30s & 40s – Split, Hvar & Dubrovnik
  • 11 Days in Mexico (30s & 40s): Mexico Group Tour For Solos 30s & 40s – Mexico City, Oaxaca & Tulum !
  • 12 Days in Peru (30s & 40s): Peru Group Tour For Solos 30s & 40s – Lima, Amazon & Machu Picchu !
  • Colombia All-In (30s & 40s): Colombia Group Tour for Solos 30s & 40s – Medellin, Cartagena, Bogota & Tayrona !

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Unforgettable small group guided adventures

The adventure travel experts you can trust. There's a reason why 98% of our travelers say they'd book with us again. Catering to solos (around half of our travelers typically go solo), our tours are renowned for small groups of around 11, expert local guides, and solid commitment to sustainability.

  • Simply Japan: Travel from super-modern cities to villages and temples that remain unchanged from time.
  • Historic Baltic Republics: Journey through the capitals and countryside of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
  • Ancient Sicily: Discover ancient sites and famous wine and cuisine on this two-week tour.
  • Walking In Madeira: Walk along ancient footpaths and irrigation channels on this unique volcanic island.
  • Inside Vietnam: Learn about ancient and modern history on this epic journey across Vietnam.
  • Amalfi Coast Walking: Walk the ancient stone stairways and limestone cliff paths of Italy's Amalfi Coast.

holy land solo trip

Travel Solo, Not Alone With EF Go Ahead Tours

EF Go Ahead Tours offers 18 tours just for solo travelers. On our solo tours you'll enjoy an included private room, and your tour mates will be solo travelers, too. 2024, and 2025 dates available. Book your next adventure with us today!

  • Japan: Tokyo, Mt. Fuji and Kyoto: Get to know Japanese culture—and your fellow travelers—on this immersive tour of Japan.
  • Barcelona, Madrid & Seville: One week. Three vibrant Spanish cities. Explore alongside fellow solo travelers.
  • Kenya Wildlife Safari: Majestic wildlife, vibrant culture, and warm locals make for the ultimate mix.
  • Thailand: Bangkok To Phuket: Hop between Thailand's temples, markets, and islands with fellow solo travelers.
  • Egypt & Nile River Cruise: Soak in Egypt's iconic ancient sites—and sail along the Nile—with fellow solo travelers.
  • Venice, Florence & Rome: Mangia your way through Italy with fellow foodies.

holy land solo trip

Solo Travelers! Travel Safely in Authentic France

You know how overwhelming, tiring, stressful and ultimately disappointing it can be to go on a group tour or plan your own.

On this amazing trip, you'll be staying for the full trip in Aveyron in southern France in the immaculate home of Veronique. From there you'll do day trips and get into the rhythm of real French life! - No single supplement. We do not charge extra for solos.

  • Experience The Authentic France!: Small, private, hosted, guided tours over 10 days: a VIP experience for solo travelers!

holy land solo trip

The Women's Travel Tribe (For Women 50+)

Join The Women's Travel Tribe! Discover the world in a small group of spirited women eager to embark on adventures taking the road less traveled. Immerse yourself in fascinating cultures with some of the coolest guides in the business. Forge new friendships and create unforgettable memories.

holy land solo trip

Okushu Tours - Experience the Difference

We tailor-make individual and group tours to Asia, South America and the Middle East. We offer authentic experiences, values and peace of mind within our handcrafted tours. Our tagline - "Experience the Difference," allows guests to enjoy their time and truly immerse themselves in the local culture.

holy land solo trip

Hosted Tours and Retreats for Women over 40

Solo Kiwi Ventures – Discover yourself through travel - no single supplement

holy land solo trip

Worldwide Sacred Journeys & Spiritual Travel

We provide opportunities for spiritual growth and personal transformation by visiting some of the world's most important sacred sites. We are committed to small groups, carefully crafted itineraries, and passionate tour leaders ready to share their wisdom and help you deepen your spiritual life.

holy land solo trip

Sail Solo! Waived Single Supplements

From January 9, 2023 through January 31, 2023, we’re waiving single supplement fees for several sailings aboard the Baranof Dream, Chichagof Dream, and Admiralty Dream. Call our reservations team at 1-855-747-8100 to hear the current list of availabilities. Offer valid for new bookings only and can only be combined with our military discount. *Don’t delay! This is a limited time offer with a limited number of availabilities.

holy land solo trip

Go solo but not alone with MT Sobek

Small group travel is a great way for solo adventurers to explore the world. Enjoy the leadership of fun and engaging expert guides, travel with a cool group of like-minded adventurers, and relax—knowing all the details have been handled for you! Nearly 30% of our guests travel solo on group trips.

holy land solo trip

All Staterooms & Suites with No Single Supplement

Our outstanding cruise directors and local guides, meticulously crafted itineraries, award-winning reputation, personalized experiences, luxury ships, and first-class service, are all reasons to book with Riviera River Cruises. We’ve been delighting customers for 37 years.

holy land solo trip

In Your 30s or 40s? Come explore with us!

Join other English-speaking travelers in their 30s and 40s on Indico Travels' tours to Vietnam, Colombia, Morocco & more. 95% are solo travelers! Meet the locals & dive into their culture with unique activities in a small group.

holy land solo trip

Edible Destination Offers for Solo Travelers

Special offers for solo travelers

holy land solo trip

If not now, When? Small Groups Tours for Women

Exclusive, curated, fully guided small group tours for women. Safe, inclusive, wellness & adventure tours with low single supplements & lots of unique experiences – Filling up quickly! These tours focus on wellness, hiking, yoga, culture, connection and community immersion. Come join me.

holy land solo trip

Adults Only & Solo Travelers Colorado River Trip

Experience the roaring, red heart of Canyonlands National Park via a motorless rafting trip through Cataract Canyon. Arrive on your own and depart with new friends.

holy land solo trip

Senior Discovery Tours

Senior Discovery Tours is the leader in escorted group travel for the mature traveller, proudly Canadian-owned for more than 45 years, offering 100+ international tours and cruises.

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Stay Connected with Nomad eSIMs in 100+ countries!

Leave expensive data roaming behind with Nomad - we bring you local data rates with the magic of eSIM. Just visit our webstore, pick a plan, and check-out. Scan the QR code in your inbox, and your eSIM is installed in less time than it takes to order a cup of coffee.

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Travel In Nepal | Nepal Himalayas Trekking P. Ltd

I would like to list my travel Packages for Solo Travelers.

holy land solo trip

Gorilla Trek/ Primate Safaris in Uganda & Rwanda

Secure your space on one of our unique African safari experiences tailored to discover the most remarkable areas, all our guests can immerse themselves in the magic of the continent, while enjoying the unique experiences and up-close encounters in the wild likecoming face to face with Mt. Gorillas

holy land solo trip

Pay No Single Supplements & Secure A Private Room

We offer solo tours to Europe, river cruises, safari tours in Africa, historic expeditions in Africa, tours to Latin America, and vacations in Asia. Whether you prefer to see powerful predators, beautiful beaches, world heritage sites, or gorgeous landscapes, the options are abundant!

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Test Advertiser

This is a test advertiser account created by Sean Bernardino

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Sociable holidays for solo travelers

Solo holidays with no single supplement! The Mistral Hotel is a singles resort in Crete, Greece, which caters exclusively for solo travellers who enjoy great food, good company and a warm, natural environment.

holy land solo trip

Space-saving Vacuum Compartment Isolates Odors

Get more from a travel backpack that has a vacuum compartment to provide more space for your carry on items. With large pockets to keep your items separate so you wouldn't have to go through the entire bag to find one thing. Comes with a separate laptop compartment. - Perfect carry-on -

holy land solo trip


As the world opens up again, we know that the safety of you and your loved ones will be among your top priorities. A “TravelDriver” is a safe and reliable, exceptional, high-quality, English-speaking private and personal driver-guide who is a “local” in your travel destination, and has, as his or he

Publisher Janice: info @ solotravelerworld.com

Editor Tracey: tracey @ solotravelerworld.com

Sales Simon: simon @ solotravelerworld.com

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The content of Solo Traveler and any resources published by Solo Traveler are meant for entertainment and inspiration only. Please note that while we have advertising clients promoting destinations, products, services, trips and tours on Solo Traveler and that we endeavour to only work with companies in which we have confidence, we are not responsible for the delivery or quality of their products or services. Every person and every travel situation is different. Your safety, satisfaction and fun traveling solo are your responsibility alone and not that of Solo Traveler, its publisher, editor and/or writers.

PRIVACY POLICY & DISCLOSURE: In accordance with FTC guidelines, I disclose that I may be compensated if consumers choose to utilize links located throughout the content on this site. Additionally, some posts might be sponsored to support this site. Please do the appropriate research before participating in any third party offers. All opinions are my own. Please read our full Privacy Policy here.

holy land solo trip

Hiking in the Holy Land: A Shabbat walk on the biblical highway

J une has always been one of my favorite months. As a child growing up in New Orleans , the 1st of June usually coincided with the very first days of summer vacation. Back then, I looked forward to seemingly endless summer days full of freeze pops, daily trips to the pool, and fleeting midday thunderstorms.

In Israel, the month of June looks a little different. Although my kids still have one more month of school, summer’s impending arrival is in the air. The days are getting longer, and Israel’s landscapes are changing. With the rainy season firmly behind us, shades of green have now been replaced with a palette of tawny golds. Ripe wheat and other grains are just about ready to be gathered from the field.

In some places, the views this month are reminiscent of scenes right out of the bible. One of my favorite walks, especially on Shabbat afternoon, is the Path of the Patriarchs, an ancient trail that makes its way through my town. This path, adjacent to Route 60, is part of a road that leads from Beersheba in southern Israel to Mount Tabor in the North.

Here, one can take in views of rolling hills above a deep valley, where figs, grapevines, and olive orchards grow in orderly rows. All along the path, wild grains turn gold in the month of June, just in time for the holiday of Shavuot. The long stalks of ripening grain are particularly beautiful at sunset.

But the Path of the Patriarchs is more than just a pretty place. It’s also part of what is known today as the Biblical Highway, an ancient roadway that connects the many cities frequented by important biblical figures.

Beersheba, where Abraham made a treaty with local kings, is at the southernmost tip. Then, the Biblical Highway (Route 60) passes through Hebron, site of the Cave of the Patriarchs before reaching Bethlehem, where the story of Ruth, read on Shavuot, took place. From there, it continues on to the holy city of Jerusalem, before reaching Beth-El, then, Shiloh (the site of the first ancient temple) and Nazareth near Mount Tabor in the North.

The Path of the Patriarchs was once Judea’s major roadway, frequented in early times by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and later by anyone traveling to Jerusalem. During the Roman era, it was the main road into the holy city; there are still many ancient Roman milestones which lay scattered along the path.

One of my favorite spots along the Path of the Patriarchs is an ancient mikveh, or ritual bath, located midway through my Shabbat walk. This ritual bath, originally filled with water channeled from an ancient cistern right nearby, has two separate openings: one for the ritually impure to enter and another for the purified pilgrims to emerge back onto the road. Although the mikveh is no longer filled with water, it is full of green growth and algae, nourished by the moisture contained within. The entranceway to the mikveh is framed by wild grape vines, hanging with immature fruit in late spring and early summer.

Sometimes, we hike this trail as a family on long afternoons, wandering off the main road towards smaller footpaths below, which snake between untended almond and fig trees. My kids often run to the wooden benches placed at random spots on the hill, perfect places to stop and take in the picturesque scenery. The panorama we gaze at likely looks much the same as it did during biblical times.

I can’t think of a better place to walk on a Shabbat afternoon in June.

Back in Louisiana

Back in the days of my childhood in New Orleans, I could hardly have imagined that an ancient biblical pathway would have been my children’s stomping grounds. Back then, golden sunsets along a biblical trail towards Jerusalem never featured in my imagination. Instead, Shabbat walks included waving to neighbors in running shorts and gardening garb as I walked along in frilly Shabbat dresses past city traffic.

With a humble name like Route 60, one might take Israel’s ancient pathway for granted. Much of the Biblical Highway looks like any modern-day road, the footprints of ancient Israelites and their pack animals having long been stamped out with time. But on the small section where our Shabbat walks take place, dotted with ritual baths and ancient road markers, one can appreciate how fortunate we modern Jews are to be able to follow in the footsteps of our forefathers in the Land of Israel .

 THE PATH of the Patriarchs was once Judea’s major roadway.

Deals of the Week   Captivating Costa Rica   Up to 50% OFF

Journey Through the Holy Land with Jordan - Faith-Based Travel

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Fully Guided

Traveled in July 2023

Places You’ll See

Tel Aviv

  • Introduction
  • Day 11 PETRA
  • Day 14 DEAD SEA

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  • Additional Services

Operated by Globus

It began more than 90 years ago, when a young man purchased a boat to transport visitors across...

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Customer Reviews

  • Overall Rating Excellent 5.0
  • Itinerary Excellent 4.5
  • Guide Average 2.5
  • Transport Excellent 4.5
  • Accommodation Excellent 5.0
  • Food Excellent 4.5
  • Tour Operator Globus 5.0
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  • A Cathi · 5th May 2023 Our guide, Tal, was amazing. Our accommodations at Dan panorama were good. However, our accommodations at lady Stern were below par. The rooms were tiny, the food was the same thing every night, and we did not receive room service at all and there was... Show more Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A Lynn · 3rd May 2023 Tal was extremely knowledgeable about Israel and everything went smoothly. Great trip! Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A david · 27th April 2023 Our guide in Jerusalem was the best guide I have had in any of my many travels. Hotels were very good at each stop . Right amount of time at each location. Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A Richard · 26th April 2023 Superb tour guide Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A Winston · 18th April 2023 Loved the trip. Couldn't have gotten a richer tour of the Holy Land. All was planned perfectly. The accommodations and food were excellent. Our group (19 of us) meshed so well throughout the trip. The planning at such a busy time in this area was so... Show more Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A Anonymous · 18th April 2023 The trip was great! We've never done a Globus trip before, but it would be hard to imagine any better with organization, accommodations, food and seeing the sites. Yair, our tour guide, was the very best! He had such a deep knowledge of history, culture... Show more Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A gladys · 17th April 2023 Ronan in Israel (our tour guide) was excellent! The same I have to say about Osama in Jordan. Both respectful with knowledge about the different sites visited. Their patience was beyond their duty. Great people! Trip date: March 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A Laura · 14th April 2023 Our guide Yair in Isreal was truly outstanding and an asset to your organization. He went above and beyond to make our experience so memorable. The accommodations and itinerary were excellent Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A NoÄ•l · 9th April 2023 Our Tour Guide, Zair, made this trip a wonderful experience. Although the food was fair, the lodging choices were very good. The amount of time spent at each highlight, point of interest, and stops were just right. Granted you are on a certain schedule... Show more Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus
  • A Alissa · 9th April 2023 Our tour guide was AMAZING!! Plus, we got to see all of the sights that were listed. Trip date: April 2023 Review collected by Globus

Dates & Availability



Take advantage of our 0% interest instalment plan on selected departures. Learn More

  • Upcoming departures
  • February 2025
  • August 2025
  • September 2025
  • October 2025
  • Get Instant Confirmation Monday 24 Feb, 2025 Sunday 9 Mar, 2025 English Multiple Room Types €5,294 0% Interest Instalments Confirm Dates
  • Get Instant Confirmation Monday 3 Mar, 2025 Sunday 16 Mar, 2025 English Multiple Room Types €5,331 0% Interest Instalments Confirm Dates
  • Get Instant Confirmation Monday 10 Mar, 2025 Sunday 23 Mar, 2025 English Multiple Room Types €5,331 0% Interest Instalments Confirm Dates
  • Get Instant Confirmation Monday 17 Mar, 2025 Sunday 30 Mar, 2025 English Multiple Room Types €5,331 0% Interest Instalments Confirm Dates
  • Get Instant Confirmation Monday 24 Mar, 2025 Sunday 6 Apr, 2025 English Multiple Room Types €5,331 0% Interest Instalments Confirm Dates
  • Get Instant Confirmation Monday 31 Mar, 2025 Sunday 13 Apr, 2025 English Multiple Room Types €5,368 0% Interest Instalments Confirm Dates
  • Get Instant Confirmation Monday 7 Apr, 2025 Sunday 20 Apr, 2025 English Multiple Room Types €5,368 0% Interest Instalments Confirm Dates
  • Get Instant Confirmation Monday 14 Apr, 2025 Sunday 27 Apr, 2025 English Multiple Room Types €5,396 0% Interest Instalments Confirm Dates
  • Get Instant Confirmation Monday 21 Apr, 2025 Sunday 4 May, 2025 English Multiple Room Types €5,592 0% Interest Instalments Confirm Dates
  • Get Instant Confirmation Monday 28 Apr, 2025 Sunday 11 May, 2025 English Multiple Room Types €5,471 0% Interest Instalments Confirm Dates

Frequently Asked Questions

I have had a hunt for some alternative options for you and the first hurdle I have come across is one you may have already noticed yourself - that many tours that visit the destinations you want to see, stop operating at the end of October and of those that do operate in November, the dates are not ideal. In fact, this trip with Globus that we discussed, is also not available in November unfortunately. the trips available in November in Israel and Jordan are in the link below: http://www.tourradar.com/d/asia#month=november-2016,suitable=40-49,countries=87:83 What do you think of this tour with Encounters travel? http://www.tourradar.com/t/90321 I can see there is a Q&A on this tour page from another passenger who also needed to return to Tel Aviv at the end of the tour from Jerusalem, which is available at an additional cost. Another option, is this one: http://www.tourradar.com/t/3577#months=november-2016 which runs from Amman to Amman. Perhaps you could book cheap return flights from Tel Aviv to Amman before and after the tour? Alternatively, there is this tour, similar to the one you were looking at with Globus, however this tour is operated by their sister company, Cosmos: http://www.tourradar.com/t/52392#months=november-2016 However again, the dates are not ideal for your flights - you would need to change your departure flight. Another alternative is for us to see if we can arrange any private tour for you on dates that will be more convenient, with one of our tour operator partners. Is this something I could look into for you?

A trip note - which contains essential information about your trip will be given to you. Information such as the daily itinerary, where to meet on the first day, what time the trip starts, how to get to the joining point hotel, included activities, visa information, etc will be mentioned in there. Please contact us for this.

Got a question about this tour?

Reach out to our travel experts.

Good to Know

  • Currencies ₪ New Israeli Sheqel Israel د.ا Jordanian Dinar Jordan $ US Dollar

As a traveller from USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand you will need an adaptor for types C, E, F, D, M, J, G. As a traveller from England you will need an adaptor for types C, E, F, D, M, J. As a traveller from South Africa you will need an adaptor for types C, E, F, J, G.

  • These are only indications, so please visit your doctor before you travel to be 100% sure.
  • Typhoid - Recommended for Israel and Jordan. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.
  • Hepatitis A - Recommended for Israel and Jordan. Ideally 2 weeks before travel.
  • Hepatitis B - Recommended for Israel and Jordan. Ideally 2 months before travel.
  • Rabies - Recommended for Jordan. Ideally 1 month before travel.
  • Yellow fever - Certificate of vaccination required if arriving from an area with a risk of yellow fever transmission for Jordan. Ideally 10 days before travel.
  • Unfortunately we cannot offer you a visa application service. Whether you need a visa or not depends on your nationality and where you wish to travel. Assuming your home country does not have a visa agreement with the country you're planning to visit, you will need to apply for a visa in advance of your scheduled departure.
  • Here is an indication for which countries you might need a visa. Please contact the local embassy for help applying for visas to these places.
  • For any tour departing before 14th August 2024 a full payment is necessary. For tours departing after 14th August 2024, a minimum payment of €250 is required to confirm your booking with Globus. The final payment will be automatically charged to your credit card on the designated due date. The final payment of the remaining balance is required at least 50 days prior to the departure date of your tour. TourRadar never charges you a booking fee and will charge you in the stated currency.
  • Some departure dates and prices may vary and Globus will contact you with any discrepancies before your booking is confirmed.
  • The following cards are accepted for "Globus" tours: Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, American Express or PayPal. TourRadar does NOT charge you an extra fee for using any of these payment methods.
  • Your money is safe with TourRadar, as we only pay the tour operator after your tour has departed.
  • TourRadar is an authorised Agent of Globus. Please familiarise yourself with the Globus payment, cancellation and refund conditions .
  • Insurance Unless otherwise mentioned, TourRadar does not provide travel insurance. We do however recommend purchasing it through our tried and trusted partner, World Travel Nomads .
  • Accessibility Some tours are not suitable for mobility-restricted traveller, however, some operators may be able to accommodate special requests. For any enquiries, you can contact our customer support team , who are ready and waiting to help you.
  • Kenya Safari
  • Pacific Luxury tours
  • Middle East Luxury tours
  • Northeast India August 2024 tours
  • Best of Bali Island Tour
  • 21 days Complete Tour of Balkans from Budapes…
  • Golden Triangle Tour 4 Days

Time to Tour with Globus

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More than 1,300 people died during Hajj, many of them after walking in the scorching heat


Muslim pilgrims circumambulate the Kaaba, the cubic building at the Grand Mosque, during the annual Hajj pilgrimage in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Monday, June 17, 2024. (AP Photo/Rafiq Maqbool, File)

FILE - Muslim pilgrims use umbrellas to shield themselves from the sun as they arrive to cast stones at pillars in the symbolic stoning of the devil, the last rite of the annual hajj, in Mina, near the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Tuesday, June 18, 2024. More than 1,000 people died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia as the faithful faced extreme high temperatures at Islamic holy sites in the desert kingdom, officials said Sunday, June 23, 2024. (AP Photo/Rafiq Maqbool)

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CAIRO (AP) — More than 1,300 people died during this year’s Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia as the faithful faced extreme high temperatures at Islamic holy sites in the desert kingdom, Saudi authorities announced Sunday.

Saudi Health Minister Fahd bin Abdurrahman Al-Jalajel said that 83% of the 1,301 fatalities were unauthorized pilgrims who walked long distances in soaring temperatures to perform the Hajj rituals in and around the holy city of Mecca .

Speaking with the state-owned Al Ekhbariya TV, the minister said 95 pilgrims were being treated in hospitals, some of whom were airlifted for treatment in the capital, Riyadh. He said the identification process was delayed because there were no identification documents with many of the dead pilgrims.

He said the dead were buried in Mecca, without giving a breakdown.

The fatalities included more than 660 Egyptians. All but 31 of them were unauthorized pilgrims, according to two officials in Cairo. Egypt has revoked the licenses of 16 travel agencies that helped unauthorized pilgrims travel to Saudi Arabia, authorities said.


The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to brief journalists, said most of the dead were reported at the Emergency Complex in Mecca’s Al-Muaisem neighborhood. Egypt sent more than 50,000 authorized pilgrims to Saudi Arabia this year.

Saudi authorities cracked down on unauthorized pilgrims, expelling tens of thousands of people. But many, mostly Egyptians, managed to reach holy sites in and around Mecca, some on foot. Unlike authorized pilgrims, they had no hotels to return to to escape the scorching heat.

In a statement Saturday, Egypt’s government said the 16 travel agencies failed to provide adequate services for pilgrims. It said these agencies illegally facilitated the travel of pilgrims to Saudi Arabia using visas that don’t allow holders to travel to Mecca.

The government also said officials from the companies have been referred to the public prosecutor for investigation.

According to the state-owned Al-Ahram daily, some travel agencies and Hajj trip operators sold Saudi tourist visas to Egyptian Hajj hopefuls, violating Saudi regulations which require exclusive visas for pilgrims. Those agencies left pilgrims in limbo in Mecca and the holy sites in scorching heat, the newspaper said.


Muslim pilgrims use umbrellas to shield themselves from the sun as they arrive to cast stones at pillars in the symbolic stoning of the devil, the last rite of the annual hajj, in Mina, near the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Tuesday, June 18, 2024. (AP Photo/Rafiq Maqbool)

The fatalities also included 165 pilgrims from Indonesia, 98 from India and dozens more from Jordan, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Malaysia, according to an Associated Press tally. Two U.S. citizens were also reported dead.

The AP could not independently confirm the causes of death, but some countries like Jordan and Tunisia blamed the soaring heat. AP journalists saw pilgrims fainting from the scorching heat, especially on the second and third days of the Hajj. Some vomited and collapsed.

Historically, deaths are not uncommon at the Hajj, which has seen at times over 2 million people travel to Saudi Arabia for a five-day pilgrimage. The pilgrimage’s history has also seen deadly stampedes and epidemics.

But this year’s tally was unusually high, suggesting exceptional circumstances.

In 2015 a stampede in Mina killed over 2,400 pilgrims , the deadliest incident ever to strike the pilgrimage, according to an AP count. Saudi Arabia has never acknowledged the full toll of the stampede. A separate crane collapse at Mecca’s Grand Mosque earlier the same year killed 111.

The second-deadliest incident at the Hajj was a 1990 stampede that killed 1,426 people.

During this year’s Hajj period, daily high temperatures ranged between 46 degrees Celsius (117 degrees Fahrenheit) and 49 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit) in Mecca and sacred sites in and around the city, according to the Saudi National Center for Meteorology. Some people fainted while trying to perform the symbolic stoning of the devil .

The Hajj, one of the five pillars of Islam, is one of the world’s largest religious gatherings. More than 1.83 million Muslims performed the Hajj in 2024, including more than 1.6 million from 22 countries, and around 222,000 Saudi citizens and residents, according to the Saudi Hajj authorities.

Saudi Arabia has spent billions of dollars on crowd control and safety measures for those attending the annual five-day pilgrimage, but the sheer number of participants makes it difficult to ensure their safety.

Climate change could make the risk even greater. A 2019 study by experts at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that even if the world succeeds in mitigating the worst effects of climate change, the Hajj would be held in temperatures exceeding an “extreme danger threshold” from 2047 to 2052, and from 2079 to 2086.

Islam follows a lunar calendar, so the Hajj comes around 11 days earlier each year. By 2029, the Hajj will occur in April, and for several years after that it will fall in the winter, when temperatures are milder.

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