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Unraveling the Mysteries of Kaunos: An In-Depth Look at Turkey‘s Hidden Gem

  • by history tools
  • May 26, 2024

Kaunos, an ancient city nestled in the picturesque landscape of Dalyan, Turkey, has long been a source of fascination for historians and archaeologists alike. With its rich history spanning nearly 3,000 years and its impressive array of architectural wonders, Kaunos offers a unique window into the complex tapestry of civilizations that once thrived in the Mediterranean world.

A Journey Through Time: The History of Kaunos

The story of Kaunos begins in the 9th century BC, when the ancient Anatolian people known as the Carians first established a settlement on the site. Over the centuries, the city would pass through the hands of numerous powers, each leaving their mark on its cultural and architectural landscape.

Throughout these periods, Kaunos flourished as a vital trading port, facilitating the exchange of goods and ideas between the civilizations of the Mediterranean. The city‘s strategic location and its access to the sea made it a hub of commerce and cultural interaction, as evidenced by the diverse range of artifacts and architectural styles found within its walls.

Unveiling the Treasures: Notable Archaeological Findings

One of the most fascinating aspects of Kaunos is the wealth of archaeological discoveries that have been unearthed over the years. These findings offer valuable insights into the city‘s history, culture, and daily life.

Among the most significant discoveries are the inscriptions in the Carian language, an ancient Anatolian tongue that was spoken by the city‘s earliest inhabitants. These inscriptions, carved into stone and pottery, provide a rare glimpse into the language and culture of the Carians, shedding light on their beliefs, customs, and way of life.

Other notable findings include:

  • A beautifully preserved statue of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture and fertility, indicating the presence of a cult dedicated to her worship
  • Intricate mosaics and frescoes adorning the walls of the Roman baths, showcasing the artistic styles and motifs of the period
  • A wide array of pottery and other artifacts that attest to Kaunos‘ extensive trade relations and cultural exchanges with other Mediterranean cities

These discoveries paint a vivid picture of a city that was not only a thriving commercial center but also a melting pot of cultures and ideas.

Kaunos in Context: Comparing and Contrasting with Other Ancient Cities

To fully appreciate the significance of Kaunos, it is essential to consider its place within the broader context of the ancient Mediterranean world. By comparing and contrasting Kaunos with other cities in the region, we can gain a deeper understanding of the unique features that set it apart.

One of the most striking aspects of Kaunos is its well-preserved theater, which displays a fascinating blend of Hellenistic and Roman architectural styles. This theater, which could seat up to 5,000 spectators, is a testament to the city‘s cultural sophistication and its embrace of Greek and Roman influences.

Another distinctive feature of Kaunos is its impressive array of rock-cut tombs, known as the Kings‘ Tombs. These tombs, carved into the sheer cliffs surrounding the city, are a unique example of funerary architecture in the region and offer a fascinating glimpse into the burial practices and beliefs of the ancient inhabitants.

In comparison to other ancient cities in Turkey, such as Ephesus or Hierapolis, Kaunos stands out for its more intimate scale and its picturesque setting along the Dalyan River. While it may not boast the same level of grandeur as some of its more famous counterparts, Kaunos offers visitors a more authentic and immersive experience, allowing them to explore the ruins at their own pace and to connect more deeply with the city‘s rich history.

The Challenges of Preservation: Environmental Factors and Their Impact

Despite its remarkable state of preservation, Kaunos has not been immune to the ravages of time and the elements. Over the centuries, a range of environmental factors has taken their toll on the city, posing significant challenges for archaeologists and conservators.

One of the most significant threats to Kaunos was malaria, which is believed to have played a key role in the city‘s eventual decline and abandonment. The disease, which was endemic to the region, would have taken a heavy toll on the population, gradually eroding the city‘s vitality and leading to its ultimate demise.

Another major challenge has been the impact of earthquakes, which have periodically struck the region throughout its history. These seismic events have caused significant damage to the city‘s structures, requiring extensive efforts to stabilize and restore them.

Finally, the gradual silting of the city‘s harbor, caused by the accumulation of sediment from the Dalyan River, has also had a profound impact on Kaunos. As the harbor became increasingly difficult to navigate, the city‘s role as a trading port diminished, contributing to its economic decline and eventual abandonment.

Despite these challenges, archaeologists and conservators have worked tirelessly to preserve and protect the remains of Kaunos, ensuring that future generations will be able to experience and learn from this remarkable site.

The Future of Kaunos: Current Research and Prospects

Today, Kaunos is the subject of ongoing archaeological research and conservation efforts, as scholars and experts work to unravel the many mysteries that still surround this ancient city.

Current excavations at the site hold the promise of uncovering new discoveries and shedding further light on the city‘s history and culture. Collaborative projects with international institutions and experts are helping to bring fresh perspectives and cutting-edge techniques to the study of Kaunos, while also raising awareness of the site‘s significance on a global scale.

At the same time, efforts are underway to promote Kaunos as a cultural heritage destination, attracting visitors from around the world to experience its unique blend of history, archaeology, and natural beauty. In recent years, the number of annual visitors to the site has been steadily increasing, with thousands of people drawn to its impressive ruins and picturesque setting.

As tourism continues to grow, however, it will be important to balance the need for increased access and development with the equally pressing need to preserve and protect the site for future generations. Efforts to promote sustainable tourism practices and to engage local communities in the stewardship of Kaunos will be critical to ensuring its long-term survival and viability.

Conclusion: A Window into the Past, A Vision for the Future

Kaunos, with its rich history, stunning archaeological remains, and picturesque setting, is truly a hidden gem among Turkey‘s many ancient wonders. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of this remarkable site, we are reminded of the enduring power of the human spirit and the importance of preserving our shared cultural heritage.

Through ongoing research, conservation efforts, and responsible tourism development, we can ensure that Kaunos will continue to inspire and educate visitors for generations to come, offering a unique window into the complex and fascinating world of the ancient Mediterranean.

So, whether you are a history buff, an archaeology enthusiast, or simply a traveler in search of adventure and beauty, Kaunos is a destination that should not be missed. Come and discover for yourself the magic and mystery of this ancient city, and let yourself be transported back in time to a world of wonder and discovery.

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Kaunos (Caunus) is an archaeological site and ancient Carian city near the holiday-resort Dalyan.

History of Kaunos

Kaunos was founded in the 9th century BC and became an important and well-known Carian city by 400 BC. According to Herodotus , the Kaunians were natives of Caria , although, they considered themselves of Cretan origin and they differed from the Carians in terms of their traditions. Kaunos was located right on the border with Lycia and its culture reflected aspects of both Caria and Lycia. The city was allied to the Lycian city of Xanthos  and together they resisted the Persian invasion .

The city's wealth was mainly derived from its famous figs and salted fish, and from the production of salt and tar.  Strabo reports that the city of Kaunos had dockyards and a harbour that could be closed. The great painter from antiquity Protogenes was born here and it is said that the birds took a picture of a tree made by him for real and attempted to land on it. Apart from its fish and figs, Kaunos was also known for its mosquitoes and malaria. In antiquity, people believed that those who actually died of malaria, died because they ate too many fruits. Ultimately, the sediments brought by the Dalyan stream silted the port and the marshlands became an excellent breeding ground for the mosquitoes thereby bringing death to the city.

Sights and Photos of Kaunos

Excavations began in 1967 and still take place each summer under the supervision of the Başkent University . Although not very spectacular, the ruins are certainly worth a visit with a surprisingly well-preserved theatre in Hellenistic style with a capacity of about 5,500 spectators.

Kaunos - Necropolis - Rock Tombs

Travel Tips

The Kaunos Archaeological Site can be reached from Dalyan  by boat across the Dalyan Çayı, the entrance to the site is a 7-minute walk from the landing point.

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kaunos travel istanbul

🗓 Best Time To Visit: April to June, September to November

⏰ Open Hours: 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM (summer), 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (winter)

🎒 Things To Do: Explore ancient ruins, Visit the rock-cut tombs, Boat tours in the Dalyan River

💰 Budget: 20 TL (Entry fee)

🧳 Traveller Types: History buffs, Nature Lovers, Adventure Seekers

📌 Known For: Ancient archaeological site, Rock tombs, Dalyan River views, Caretta Caretta (loggerhead) turtles

📍 Distances: 30 km from Dalaman Airport, 12 km from Dalyan town, 89 km from Marmaris

👟 Accessibility: Walking paths, boat rides

📸 Photo Opportunities: Ancient theatre, Acropolis, Rock tombs, Dalyan River

🚰 Facilities: Restrooms, cafes, souvenir shops

💡 Tips: Wear comfortable shoes for walking, Take a boat ride for best views

Kaunos: Discover the Secrets of an Ancient City in Turkey

Have you ever wondered what secrets lie beneath the ancient ruins of Turkey? If you are looking for a hidden gem that will take you back in time and reveal the fascinating history and culture of an ancient civilization, then you should visit Kaunos. Kaunos is an ancient city that was once a thriving port and a cultural center, located near the modern town of Dalyan in the Muğla province of Turkey. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about Kaunos, its history, attractions, legends, and how to visit it. You will also find some of the best tours and activities that will make your visit to Kaunos a unique and memorable experience.

Photo of Kaunos 1/3 by

History of Kaunos

The name Kaunos comes from a mythological figure, who was the son of Miletus and Kyane. According to legend, Kaunos fell in love with his twin sister Byblis, who also had feelings for him. When their father found out, he banished them from his kingdom. Kaunos fled to the southwest coast of Anatolia, where he founded the city that bears his name. Byblis followed him, but when she realized that he did not want to see her, she killed herself by a spring. The spring was named after her, and it is said that its waters are salty because of her tears.

The history of Kaunos dates back to the prehistoric times, when it was inhabited by the Carians, a people who spoke a language related to the Anatolian languages. Kaunos was a prosperous city, thanks to its strategic location on the border between the Carian and the Lycian regions, and its access to the sea and the river Calbis (now Dalyan ). Kaunos was also a cultural hub, where different influences and traditions merged and created a unique identity.

Kaunos witnessed the rise and fall of many empires and civilizations, such as the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans , and the Byzantines. Each of them left their mark on the city, in terms of architecture, art, religion, and politics. Kaunos was also involved in many wars and conflicts, such as the Ionian Revolt , the Peloponnesian War, the Mithridatic Wars, and the Arab-Byzantine Wars. Kaunos eventually declined and was abandoned in the 15th century, due to the silting of the harbor, the malaria epidemic, and the Ottoman conquest.

Attractions of Kaunos

Kaunos is a treasure trove of ancient monuments and structures, that showcase the rich and diverse heritage of the city. Some of the main attractions of Kaunos are:

- Rock tombs: These are the most iconic and impressive sights of Kaunos, carved into the cliffs along the river. They are the burial places of the kings and nobles of Kaunos, dating from the 4th to the 2nd century BC. They are decorated with reliefs and inscriptions, and they have a distinctive Lycian style, with a façade resembling a temple.

- Theater: This is a well-preserved and restored theater, built in the Hellenistic period and modified in the Roman period. It has a capacity of about 5000 spectators, and it was used for theatrical and musical performances, as well as gladiator fights and animal shows. It has a semi-circular orchestra, a stage building, and a cavea divided into three sections by two horizontal walkways.

- Basilica: This is a large and impressive building, located near the harbor. It was built in the 5th or 6th century AD, and it was used as a Christian church. It has a rectangular plan, with three naves separated by columns, and an apse at the east end. It has a mosaic floor, and some frescoes and inscriptions on the walls.

- Agora: This is the main public square and market place of Kaunos, located near the theater. It was built in the Roman period, and it was surrounded by porticoes, shops, and public buildings. It has a rectangular shape, with a monumental gate at the north side, and a fountain at the center.

- Temple of Demeter: This is a small and simple temple, dedicated to the goddess of agriculture and fertility, Demeter. It is located on a hill, overlooking the city and the river. It was built in the 2nd century BC, and it has a square plan, with a cella and a pronaos. It has some reliefs and inscriptions on the walls, and a statue of Demeter in the cella.

- Terrace temple: This is a mysterious and intriguing structure, located on a terrace above the theater. It is not clear to whom it was dedicated, or what its function was. It was built in the Hellenistic period, and it has a circular plan, with a colonnade and a staircase. It has some sculptures and inscriptions on the walls, and a sacrificial altar in the center.

- Wind measuring platform: This is a curious and unique structure, located on a hill, near the temple of Demeter. It was used to measure the direction and speed of the wind, for the benefit of the sailors and the farmers. It was built in the 2nd century BC, and it has a square plan, with four pillars and a roof. It has a bronze wind vane on the roof, and a sundial on the wall.

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Legends of Kaunos

Kaunos is not only a place of history and culture, but also a place of myths and legends, that add to the charm and mystery of the ancient city. Some of the legends of Kaunos are:

- The story of Kaunos and Byblis: This is the tragic and romantic legend of the founders of Kaunos, who were twins and lovers. Their story is told by the ancient writers Ovid and Parthenius, and it is a classic example of the theme of incest and forbidden love in Greek mythology.

- The legend of the green-faced people: This is a strange and intriguing legend, that explains the origin of the peculiar facial features of some of the inhabitants of Kaunos. According to the legend, they were the descendants of a group of people who escaped from the city of Troy, after its fall. They settled in Kaunos, and they intermarried with the locals, creating a hybrid race. They had a greenish complexion, due to the copper content in the water and the soil of Kaunos.

- The mystery of the Dalyan King Tombs: This is a puzzling and unresolved mystery, that concerns the identity and the fate of the occupants of the rock tombs. According to some theories, they were the kings and queens of Kaunos, who ruled the city in its golden age. According to other theories, they were the invaders and conquerors of Kaunos, who plundered the city and its treasures. No one knows for sure, who they were, or what happened to them.

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How to Visit Kaunos

If you are interested in visiting Kaunos, and exploring its secrets and wonders, here are some practical information and tips that will help you plan your trip:

- Best time to go: The best time to visit Kaunos is in the spring or autumn, when the weather is mild and pleasant, and the crowds are less. The summer can be very hot and humid, and the winter can be cold and rainy. The average temperature in Kaunos is 18°C, and the average rainfall is 985 mm per year.

- How to get there: The easiest way to get to Kaunos is by boat, from the town of Dalyan, which is about 25 km from the city of Ortaca, and 80 km from the city of Muğla. You can take a bus or a taxi from these cities to Dalyan, and then take a boat to Kaunos, along the scenic river. The boat ride takes about 30 minutes, and it costs about 10 TL per person. You can also rent a car or a bike, and drive or cycle to Kaunos, following the signs and the dirt road. The drive or the ride takes about 15 minutes, and it offers a beautiful view of the countryside and the mountains.

- What to bring: You should bring comfortable shoes, a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, water, snacks, and a camera, when you visit Kaunos. You should also bring some cash, as there are no ATMs or credit card facilities in Kaunos. You should also bring some insect repellent, as there are some mosquitoes and flies in the area, especially near the river and the marshes.

- What to do: You should spend at least two hours in Kaunos, to see and appreciate all the attractions and the details. You can hire a guide, or buy a guidebook, to learn more about the history and the culture of Kaunos. You can also enjoy some of the activities and experiences that Kaunos offers, such as:

- Hiking: You can hike around the ancient city, and discover its hidden corners and secrets. You can also hike to the nearby hills and mountains, and enjoy the panoramic view of Kaunos and the surrounding landscape.

- Boating: You can boat along the river, and admire the rock tombs and the wildlife. You can also boat to the nearby Iztuzu Beach, which is a long and sandy beach, where you can swim, sunbathe, and see the endangered loggerhead turtles.

- Exploring: You can explore the nearby villages and towns, and experience the local culture and cuisine. You can also visit some of the other ancient sites in the region, such as Kaş, Patara, Xanthos, and Letoon.

- Discovering: You can discover some of the secrets and mysteries of Kaunos, by joining some of the tours and activities that offer a deeper and more interactive insight into the ancient city. You can also participate in some of the events and festivals that celebrate the heritage and the spirit of Kaunos, such as the Kaunos Culture and Art Festival , the Kaunos Rock Tomb Light Show, and the Kaunos Turtle Protection Project.

Kaunos is a hidden gem of ancient Turkey, that offers a unique and memorable experience for anyone who loves history, culture, and nature. Kaunos is a place where you can learn about the past, enjoy the present, and dream about the future. If you are looking for a destination that will surprise and delight you, then you should visit Kaunos. You will not regret it.

If you want to book a tour or an activity to Kaunos, or if you want to learn more about the ancient city, you can visit our website, or contact us. We will be happy to help you plan your trip, and make it unforgettable.

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Photo of Hagia Sophia Museum / Church (Ayasofya)

Travel Blogs for Kaunos

Photo of Three days, Two sibl

Last updated on April 26, 2024 .

Kaunos (Καύνος) was an ancient city near modern-day Dalyan , Turkey . The archaeological site sits across the Dalyan River from the town.

History of Kaunos

Kaunos was an independent city with origins dating back to the 10th century BC. It was an important port city that became part of Caria and later Lycia . Its indigenous Carian name was Kbid.

The city came under Persian rule in 546 BC, who withdrew after their defeat in the Second Persian Invasion of Greece in 480/479 BC. In the 5th century, the locals began to refer to the city as Kaunos due to Greek colonization. The Persians ruled again from 387 BC until they were defeated by Alexander the Great in 334 BC.

The Romans annexed Kaunos in 189 BC and the city was Christianized in the 5th century. It suffered from raids by the Arabs and pirates starting in 625. Turkish tribes invaded in the 13th century and conquered Kaunos in the 15th century. The Kaunians abandoned the city shortly after due to the Turkish invasion and a devastating malaria epidemic.

The city was forgotten until 1840, when Richard Hoskyn (1811-1873) a surveyor for the Royal Navy, found a tablet referring to the Council of Kaunos. Professor Baki Öğün (1922-2001) started excavations in 1966. They continue today.

Visiting Kaunos

The Kaunos archaeological site is open daily. Admission for foreigners is €3 (as of April 2024) or free for holders of the Museum Pass Türkiye . There’s an upper and lower entrance to the site. I entered and exited through the lower entrance. Keep in mind the rock-cut tombs visible from Dalyan are not accessible.

Getting to Kaunos

If you’re staying in Dalyan, you have to cross the river to get to Kaunos. There’s an official ferry that drops you at the road to the upper entrance but I didn’t take it. Instead, I hitched a ride on a boat across the Dalyan River. I ended up at the DALKO fishery where a worker told me to pass through a gate, turn right, and follow the road. It was a pleasant 10-minute walk and the scenery along the way was great.

When I reached the lower entrance, nobody was there. I passed through the gates and walked up to the upper entrance to explore that section of the archaeological site. There’s a post indicating the direction to different features of the site.

About a half hour later and an hour after the official opening time, the ticket taker finally showed up. She told me to come back later to scan my Museum Pass Türkiye. Apparently, it’s not a popular place to visit because I had the ruins to myself the entire time I was there.

Palaestra Terrace

The Palaestra Terrace is at the upper entrance to Kaunos. It measures roughly 73 x 85 meters and was built over a place of worship. It was modified into a terrace in the 1st century, and contains a street paved in the 2nd century BC.

The Roman Bath sits on the northwest corner of the Palaestra Terrace. It’s one of the best preserved structures from the Roman Imperial period at Kaunos. The Roman Bath consisted of a bathhouse and palaestra. Only the foundations of the palaestra remain, measuring 56.8 x 31.4 meters. It’s the open space in front of the bath and was surrounded by a colonnade on three sides.

The bath building measures 58.2 x 28.2 meters. There were two warm rooms (tepidarium) and two exercise rooms (ambulacrum) on either side of a cold room (frigidarium) and sweating room (laconicum). The hot room (caldarium) was in the back. Each room was paved with marble slabs.

The baths were meant to impress the Kaunians by their size and to remind them of the power of the Roman Empire. During the Byzantine period, the baths were partially demolished and the cold room was used as a church.

Domed Church

The Domed Church is at the center of the Palaestra Terrace. It was built in the 5th or 6th century and is one of the best preserved examples of its kind in Anatolia.

The Domed Church is on a square plan approximately 14 x 14.5 meters. It was built atop the foundation of a 4th century building that was also likely used for worship. Building materials came from other structures at Kaunos.

There are three entrance doors to the west. The central nave was covered by a dome while the two aisles were covered by vaults. It was probably decorated with frescoes. Entrances were later added to the north and south sides providing access to chapels attached the aisles.

In the apse, it’s possible to see marble slabs decorated with crosses. A platform allows visitors to view the mosaic floor that was in the chapel at the end of the right aisle.

Observation Platform

Wooden stairs lead up to the top of the Observation Platform, which is the most peculiar structure at Kaunos.  This circular platform was built in the 2nd century BC and consists of three steps with a base of 15.8 meters in diameter.  The top level is a circle 13.75 meters in diameter. It’s divided into 16 equal sections of 22.5 degrees.

According to Roman architect Vitruvius (c. 80-70 BC – c. 15 BC), this type of platform functioned as a wind measuring device used for city planning, although it’s not quite clear how it worked. Other theories point to its use for astronomical observation or scientific measurements.

Theatre of Kaunos

The Theatre of Kaunos is just beyond the Observation Platform. It faces the southwest and was built partially into the slope of the Acropolis . Where there’s no slope, the outer wall rises up to 15 meters. The entrance is via two barrel-vaulted passages from the north and northeast.

The Theatre has a diameter of 75 meters and was built at an incline of 27°. It has a seating capacity of 5,000. There are 9 sections with 33 rows each, with 8 stairways between them. Each step is 19 centimeters high. The seating area is divided horizontally by a walkway.

The orchestra is 22.80 meters in diameter. Behind is the stage building, which has open entrances on two sides. It was probably two stories high. In front was the proskenion, which stood 2.4 meters high and was rebuilt five times between the 4th century BC and 3rd century AD. There was also a turning stage system in front of the proskenion. It was added in the 3rd century BC.

During my visit, the Theatre of Kaunos, which is sometimes used for modern performances, was in the process of being reconstructed. Outside the theatre are the remains of a fountain as well as seats.

Acropolis of Kaunos

The theatre is built into the slope of the Acropolis. It was called Imbros and sat on a rock 152 meters high. The Acropolis was fortified during the Byzantine period.

Temple Terrace

A gate on the west side of the Palaestra Terrace leads down a path to the Temple Terrace. The terrace is artificial and overlooks the Harbor and Agora .

The courtyard, measuring 30.5 x 35 meters, was enclosed by a colonnaded gallery measuring. It was used as a sacred area as early as the 5th century BC.

The temple itself was built during the second half of 1st century BC. It measures of 9.6 x 6.78 meters. According to an inscription on a column drum, it was dedicated to Zeus Soteros. A three-aisled church was built into the terrace in the late 6th century.

The round structure in the center of the terrace featured a colonnaded gallery, an exedra, and a round altar on a cylindrical base. It was probably a sanctuary dedicated to the founder of the city. A sacred stone, the Baitylos, was discovered 6.5 meters below the altar, standing 3.5 meters high. The Baitylos was the symbol of the city and was minted on the coins of Kaunos until the middle of the Classical period.

The Agora sits long the Harbor. It was established in the 4th century BC during the Hellenistic period and was an important meeting place through the end of the Roman period.

The Agora was dotted with several different monuments and statues and surrounded by official buildings. The pedestals seen today likely supported bronze statues made during the Roman period, but none have ever been found. They were probably melted down during the Byzantine period.

Only 25% of the Agora has been excavated. While walking through the site, you’ll likely notice some of the unexcavated buildings on the east side of the Agora.

The Stoa runs along the north side of Agora. It’s 96.82 meters long and 8.20 meters wide and was built in the early 3rd century BC. There were no shops in the back and it was strictly used for shelter from the sun and rain. The Stoa contained 44 columns along the façade.

Sacred Precinct of Apollo

North of the Stoa is the Sacred Precinct of Apollo. The entrance was via a stairway with a monumental entrance behind the east end of the Stoa. It was originally used to worship Basileus Kaunios and was rededicated to Apollo during the Hellenistic period. Activities were frequently held there and votives were deposited there as well.

The Nymphaeum is a fountain on the northeast corner of the Agora. It measures 5.36 x 8.02 meters and was built in the middle of the 3rd century BC. An inscription dating to the reign of Hadrian details the reformation of customs regulations to increase trade. At that time, the silting of the Dalyan River was affecting the ability of ships to enter the Harbor , in turn hurting the economy of the city.

Monuments of Quintus Vedius Capito and Glykinna

At the west end of the Stoa are the Monuments of Quintus Vedius Capito and Glykinna. The Monument of Quintus Vedius Capito, which was discovered in the early 1970s, is 2 meters high and 13.2 meters wide. It was commissioned by Quintus Vedius Capito, the son of Quintus Vedius, to honor his ancestors and family. Quintus Vedius Capito was a priest of Basileus Kaunios, the secretary of Kaunos, and a benefactor of the Gymnasium. He hosted emperors and governors on official visits to Kaunos. There were at least five statues on the monument and it was erected sometime during the reign of Hadrian.

The Monument of Glykinna, the daughter of Dortymenes, sits to the left of the Monument of Vedius Capito. It measures 2.96 x 2.32 meters and was erected during the Hellenistic period.

The Basilica sits on the west side of the Agora adjacent to the Harbor. It measures 98 x 22 meters and had a nave divided into three aisles. There was a three-arched propylon on the west end and an apse at the east end. It was built in the 2nd century and the eastern half was converted to a church during the Byzantine period.

Harbor of Kaunos

The Harbor of Kaunos was one of the most important trade centers in the Mediterranean. It began to silt up in the 2nd century BC, and the city is now 8 kilometers from the sea. The Harbor now makes up Sülüklü Lake. The marshland around the lake attracts migratory birds.

Sanctuary of Demeter

Finally, a small hill called Küçük Kale on the south side of the Harbor contains the Sanctuary of Demeter. It was one of seven sanctuaries of its kind in the Caria region. Several votives were unearthed there dating from the Archaic period to the Early Hellenistic period. The most common finds were from the Late Classical period in the 4th century BC.

A church was built on the sanctuary during the Early Christian period but it was never completed. The city walls also run along the hill. There’s a path to the site but I didn’t walk up to it.

Map of Kaunos

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Kaunos Ancient City and Rock-Cut Tombs

Kaunos Ancient City and Rock-Cut Tombs

Kaunos is an ancient city with a rich history that spans over 3000 years, located in the Dalyan district of Muğla Province in Turkey. It is one of the country's most fascinating historical sites due to its rock-cut tombs. Kaunos was once a vital commercial port city renowned for its salt production and trade, but over time, the sea filled with alluvium, and it lost its port character.

Human activity in this region dates back to around the tenth century BCE, with the Kaunosians settling there in the sixth century BCE. Herodotus wrote that he believed them to be indigenous people of the area. The Kaunosians had their language, customs, rituals, and unique spiritual beliefs, which they happily shared.

Kaunos was a significant trade hub for the ancient Mediterranean world. It not only provided basic necessities such as salt, dried fish, and figs but also produced materials for long sea journeys like building materials and even slaves. As long as it remained in their sphere of influence, most rulers in power desired this lucrative city, making it a frequent target of conquest from 500 BC to 600 AD, until the Romans finally took control.

Kaunos Ancient City and Rock-Cut Tombs

However, around 1500 AD, the inhabitants of Kaunos abandoned the city, and it fell into ruin. For 500 years, the city was forgotten until it was rediscovered as one of Turkey's most impressive historical sites.

Some of the most fascinating findings at the ancient city include the Acropolis theater, which dates back to the second century BCE and is one of the oldest theaters in existence. The monopteros, a dome-shaped building with an open-air roof, was used by the ancient Greeks to view their favorite god in the center. The wind-measuring platform, dating back to around 150 BC, helped engineers design the city according to the wind direction. The Roman baths, built in 85 BCE, included an exercise room, a sweating room, a warm-wet room, and a cold pool.

The most significant feature of the ancient city is the rock-cut tombs, which are grouped and labeled based on their location. There are seven locations, each proceeding southwest from its previous point. The Temple Faceted Tombs are a unique façade typology seen only in Kaunosian Rock-Cut Tombs of this period, making them a distinct feature of the area.

In 2014, Kaunos Ancient City and Rock-cut Tombs were added to the Tentative List of UNESCO, highlighting its importance as a historical site.

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  • Archaeologists unearthed a Byzantine church, graves in Kaunos

In 2014, the ancient city of Kaunos was added to the UNESCO Tentative List of World Heritage Sites. It was the capital of the “Kaunos area” between Caria and Lycia until the commencement of the 4th century B.C., according to UNESCO. In modern terms, the coastal area stretches from the south plains of the Aegean resort province of Mula to the mountains between Mula and the Mediterranean province of Antalya was under the sovereignty of Kaunos, who held these borders until the 4th century B.C. but then ceased to exist as a sovereign state following the Persian invasion.

Archaeologists unearthed a Byzantine church, graves in Kauno

The city was built on a series of terraces. On one side, significant religious structures such as Baselius Kaunios Temple, Apollon Sanctuary, and Demeter Sacred Rocks are placed, while on the other, the spa, theater, and other structures, including Palaestra, are built on a vast terrace known as the Upper City.

Visitors can access the site after a 10-minute tour boat ride and a 15-minute walk through the forests, which unlocks the doors to a 3,000-year-old civilization. Visitors are welcomed to the area by 2,400-year-old rock tombs and a 5,000-seat historic theater.

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Visitors can inspect the 1,300-year-old mosaics and snap photos at the sacred Temple of Demeter while going through the basilica, spa, and agora. The excavations, which began in the region with Baki ün’s efforts in 1966 and lasted until 2020, were afterwards led under the supervision of his pupil Cengiz Işk. This year, Ufuk örtük, an Işk student, took over as chairman of the excavations.

Archaeologists unearthed a Byzantine church, graves in Kaunos (2)

According to örtük, the ancient city became recognized for several “first breakthroughs,” including the rotary curtain system in the old theater, the money box for deity donations, world-famous rock tombs, and Carian-Greek bilingual inscriptions.

He noted that the Turkish scientific delegation has been conducting excavations in Kaunos for the past 55 years. Çörtük said:

“Excavations in the ancient city have been taking place in the Roman basilica bordering the western side of the port agora for the last three years. During the excavations we carried out in the basilica, which dates back to the 2nd century A.D., we encountered a Byzantine church.”

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Kaunos: Exploring the Hidden Gem of Turkey

Table of Contents


Welcome to my travel guide to Kaunos, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Turkey. In this comprehensive article, I will take you on a journey through this enchanting destination, sharing my personal experiences and providing you with all the information you need to plan your own adventure.

Discovering Kaunos

Located in the southwestern part of Turkey, Kaunos is a destination that truly captures the essence of both natural beauty and rich history. As you explore this ancient city, you will be mesmerized by its stunning archaeological ruins, picturesque landscapes, and unique cultural heritage.

Getting There

To reach Kaunos, you can fly into Dalaman Airport, which is conveniently located just a short distance away. From the airport, you can easily hire a taxi or rent a car to make the scenic journey to Kaunos.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Kaunos is during the spring and autumn months when the weather is mild and pleasant. The summer months can be quite hot, so it’s advisable to avoid visiting during this time if you’re not a fan of extreme heat. Additionally, visiting during the shoulder seasons allows you to avoid the crowds and enjoy the tranquility of this hidden gem.

Exploring Kaunos

Once you arrive in Kaunos, you’ll quickly realize why this destination is so special. Here are some of the highlights that make Kaunos a must-visit:

1. Ancient Ruins

One of the main attractions in Kaunos is its ancient ruins, which date back to the 9th century BC. As you wander through the archaeological site, you’ll come across well-preserved structures such as the theater, agora, and the famous Lycian rock tombs. These ruins offer a fascinating glimpse into the history of this once-thriving city.

2. Dalyan River

The Dalyan River is another enchanting feature of Kaunos. Take a relaxing boat ride along the river and soak in the breathtaking views of the surrounding nature. Keep an eye out for the famous caretta caretta sea turtles, which can often be spotted in these waters.

3. Mud Baths

A visit to Kaunos wouldn’t be complete without experiencing the famous mud baths. These natural mud baths are not only incredibly fun but also said to have therapeutic benefits for the skin. Don’t miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in this unique wellness experience.

Local Transportation

Getting around Kaunos is fairly easy thanks to the reliable local transportation options available. Here are some methods you can use to explore the area:

The dolmuş is a shared minibus that operates on fixed routes and is a popular mode of transportation among locals and tourists alike. It’s an affordable and efficient way to travel between different towns and attractions in the area.

2. Bicycles

If you prefer a more active and eco-friendly way of getting around, renting a bicycle is a great option. Kaunos and its surrounding areas have a well-developed network of cycling paths, allowing you to explore at your own pace while enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Summary of Facts

  • Kaunos is located in southwestern Turkey.
  • The best time to visit Kaunos is during the spring and autumn months.
  • The nearest airport is Dalaman Airport.
  • Kaunos is known for its ancient ruins, Dalyan River, and mud baths.
  • Local transportation options include dolmuş and bicycles.

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Vincent Scheidecker

I am Vincent Scheidecker, born in 1972 in Nice, France, and the founder of PolyglotClub.com, established in 2002. Our platform connects over a million members for language learning and cultural exchange. In 2022, we launched ExpatsTravelTogether.com to merge travel with language learning, offering rich experiences at great prices. We invite language and travel enthusiasts to join us in exploring the world! 😊

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             Motorboats, moored to the wharf at Dalyan, take you on a romantic canal cruise to the ruins. The ride will take about 30 minutes. On the boat, you will learn more about the history of Kaunos while enjoying the scenery. As the boats cross the canal, you can see the Lycian tombs with their fine architectural facades above.


             Within these tombs, whose facades are like those of temples, are stone benches for laying out the dead. Shreds found in the tombs, which look down upon us from the sheer rock opposite, reveal that they date back to the 4th century B.C. Since Kaunos is situated on the border between Caria and Lycia, tombs of both are to be seen side-by-side. Mounds are also to be found in the same area. While visiting the ancient city you will have a chance to see the untouched theatre, the watch tower and the Roman baths​.

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Discover Kaunos: The Ancient Jewel in Dalyan, Türkiye

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  • What makes the ancient city of Kaunos so fascinating?

The ancient city of Kaunos, once a major trading center, lies in the picturesque surroundings of Dalyan on Turkey's southwestern coast. With its wealth of historical ruins, from impressive theaters to mysterious temples, Kaunos is a dream destination for anyone who wants to follow in the footsteps of antiquity. Imagine strolling through the ruins, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes that provide the perfect scene for an epic Instagram photo. Kaunos is not only a place for historians and adventurers, but also for anyone who wants to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of nature.

  • How does Kaunos tell its millennia-old story?

The history of Kaunos dates back to the 10th century BC. and reflects a rich range of cultural influences, from the Lycians to the Greeks to the Romans. The city was known for its port, its agriculture and, above all, its impressive theater, which still amazes visitors today. The rock tombs, located high above the Dalyan River, tell the story of the beliefs and traditions of the ancient Kaunians. Every stone, every monument in Kaunos tells a story of its own, waiting to be discovered by curious travelers.

  • What can you experience in the ancient city of Kaunos?

There is a wealth of activities for visitors in Kaunos. The impressive ruins, including the ancient theater, temples and well-preserved city walls, offer a deep insight into ancient life. The rock tombs that tower over the Dalyan River are not only an important part of the historic landscape, but also offer spectacular views of the surrounding area. For nature lovers, there are the famous mud baths and hot springs nearby, as well as the chance to spot turtles at Iztuzu Beach. Kaunos is a place that offers both tranquility and adventure, ensuring that every visitor has an unforgettable experience.

  • Sights in the ancient city of Kaunos

Kaunos, an ancient city in Turkey, is rich in historical and archaeological treasures. Here are some of the most fascinating sights in Kaunos:

  • The amphitheater of Kaunos: This well-preserved Roman amphitheater offers breathtaking views of the Dalyan River and the surrounding area. It was a place for entertainment and cultural events in ancient times.
  • Acropolis of Kaunos: Perched on a hill, this ancient acropolis offers not only impressive ruins but also spectacular views of the surrounding area. Here you will find remains of temples and fortresses.
  • Royal Tombs: The impressive rock tombs of Kaunos are a striking feature of the city. They are embedded in the rock faces above the Dalyan River and bear witness to the city's fascinating funerary culture.
  • The Nymphaeum: This well-preserved fountain complex served as a source of drinking water and as a place of worship for nymphs in ancient times.
  • The Agora: This is where the inhabitants of Kaunos traded in ancient times. Today the remains of a market square and ancient shops can be seen.
  • The Roman Bath: This well-preserved Roman bath showcases the ancient city's advanced architecture and knowledge of hygiene and wellness.
  • The theater: Another theater in Kaunos, less known than the Amphitheater but still impressive. It offers insights into the cultural life of the ancient city.
  • The Archaeological Museum of Kaunos: Finds from the excavations in Kaunos are exhibited here, including sculptures, ceramics and other artifacts.
  • The old town: Walking through the narrow streets of Kaunos Old Town is like traveling back in time. Here you can feel the atmosphere of the ancient city.
  • The nature around Kaunos: Aside from the archaeological sites, the surrounding area of ​​Kaunos also has natural beauties such as the Dalyan River and turtle beaches that you can explore.

The ancient city of Kaunos is a treasure trove of history and offers a wealth of sights and experiences for both history buffs and nature lovers.

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  • Admission, opening times, tickets & tours: Where can you find the information?

Current information about entrance prices, opening times, tickets and tours for the ancient city of Kaunos are usually available via the official website of the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism or directly from local tourist information centers in kiddle available. It is advisable to check the latest information before your visit as opening times and availability may vary depending on the season. Entrance fees can vary depending on age, student status or group size, and there are often guided tours that give you a deeper understanding of the historical significance of Kaunos.

  • Sights in the area

The surroundings of the ancient city of Kaunos in Turkey are rich in natural beauties and historical sites. Here are some of the must-see places near Kaunos:

  • Dalyan: Located on the Dalyan River, this charming town is known for its relaxed atmosphere. Here you can take boat trips along the river, admire the impressive rock tombs and visit the famous turtle beaches.
  • Iztuzu Beach: This stunning beach stretches along the Dalyan coast and is an important breeding ground for sea turtles. The golden sand and clear water make it a popular destination for sun worshipers.
  • Köyceğiz: This idyllic town lies on the lake of the same name and offers opportunities for sailing and relaxation. You can also visit the famous Köyceğiz mud and sulfur bath, known for its healing properties.
  • Sülüngür Gölü: This picturesque lake is surrounded by untouched nature and offers opportunities for hiking and picnicking. Bird watching is particularly popular here as the lake is home to many species of birds.
  • Marmaris : This lively coastal town is about an hour's drive from Kaunos. Here you will find a variety of restaurants, shops and activities. The Marmaris marina is a popular starting point for boat tours.
  • Köyceğiz-Dalyan Specially Protected Area: This nature reserve includes the Dalyan River, Iztuzu Beach and surrounding areas. It is an important habitat for endangered species such as the Caretta Caretta tortoise and provides protection for native flora and fauna.
  • Canoeing on the Dalyan River: A canoe trip on the Dalyan River allows you to explore the natural beauty of the surrounding area and see the ruins of Kaunos from a different perspective.
  • Sarigerme: This coastal town offers a wide, sandy beach and is a popular destination for water sports such as windsurfing and kitesurfing.
  • Sultaniye Thermal Springs: These natural thermal springs are known for their healing properties. Here you can enjoy a relaxing swim in the warm waters.
  • Ruins of Bybassos: Located on a nearby peninsula, this ancient city offers other archaeological treasures, including a theater and necropolises.

The Kaunos area is a diverse and delightful destination that combines historical sites with natural beauty. Whether you're interested in archaeology, beaches or outdoor activities, there's something for everyone here.

  • What tips should you keep in mind when visiting Kaunos?
  • Wear comfortable shoes to explore the ruins.
  • Bring water and sunscreen, especially in the summer months.
  • Don't forget your camera - the ancient city and the surrounding nature are incredibly photogenic.
  • Respect cultural heritage and do not touch ruins or artifacts.
  • Stay overnight in one of the local ones Hotels in Dalyan to enjoy the region's hospitality and delicious food.
  • Allow enough time to explore the site without rushing and discover all its facets.
  • Arrival to the ancient city of Kaunos

Kaunos is located near the modern city of Dalyan on Turkey's southwestern coast. Getting to the ruins can be done in different ways:

  • With the boat: Many visitors prefer to arrive by boat across the Dalyan River. The boats depart regularly from the center of Dalyan and offer a scenic ride with views of the Lycian rock tombs and the surrounding nature. It's a quiet and relaxing way to reach the area while enjoying some of the best views.
  • On foot or by bike: If you like to move around and explore the area on your own, you can also travel to Kaunos on foot or by bike from Dalyan. There are marked paths that lead you through the beautiful landscape. This option allows you to travel at your own pace and enjoy nature along the way.
  • By Car: If you have rented a car, you can also drive to a certain point near Kaunos and walk the rest of the way. Parking is available near the site, but the final stretch to the entrance to the ruins often requires walking.

Regardless of which travel option you choose, it is recommended to leave early in the day to avoid the midday heat and have enough time to explore the extensive ruins. Don't forget to bring water, sunscreen and comfortable shoes to make your visit as pleasant as possible.

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  • Conclusion: Why is the ancient city of Kaunos a must-see for every visitor to Dalyan?

The ancient city of Kaunos offers a unique blend of history, culture and natural beauty. With its well-preserved ruins and breathtaking landscapes, it is a place that transports visitors to another world. Whether you are interested in the deep history, enjoy the breathtaking views or simply seek the tranquility of nature, Kaunos will delight and inspire you. It is an unforgettable destination that should be on every visitor to Turkey's travel list. Pack your heart of adventure and get ready to discover the wonders of Kaunos, one of Turkey's most fascinating ancient cities.

Address: Kaunos, Dalyan, 48800 Ortaca/Köyceğiz/Muğla, Türkiye

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World Heritage Site

For world heritage travellers, ancient city of kaunos.

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Ancient City of Kaunos is part of the Tentative list of Turkiye in order to qualify for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

Kaunos was a sea port with remains from the Greek, Persian and Roman periods. The city has wide, dry stone city walls. In the wider area 167 rock-cut tombs with facades similar to Hellenistic temples have been discovered.

Map of Ancient City of Kaunos

The coordinates shown for all tentative sites were produced as a community effort. They are not official and may change on inscription.

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Germany - 13-Jan-22 -

Ancient City of Kaunos (T) by Nan

When we were looking at our Meetup for 2020, the idea had been to go to Rhodes and take a day trip to Turkey. As such, I had been researching the sites in and around Fethiye, the Turkish ferry port for Rhodes. In the process, I stumbled across Kaunos and felt intrigued.

The default picture for Kaunos is the one shown at the top of the page: the Royal Tombs. The cliffs also hold more simple tombs than the fancy royal ones, just holes drilled into the rock. It's interesting to compare the designs and track their differences. It will be interesting to see what if any additional locations will be included.

Apart from the tombs, the site also contains a Persian/Greco/Roman archaeological site. It consists of an acropolis, an amphitheatre, a well preserved temple, ruins of a early Christian basilica .. Things you come to expect. In addition, it's a harbour that you can still make out to this day. From the "pier" you can look out onto the sea and the former harbour basin is still filled with water.

The historic town was eventually abandoned when the port silted. The river swamps were also a malaria nest and one idea is that the locals left the ruins mostly intact due to the malaria. 

Currently, excavations and restorations are still ongoing, but there is plenty to see as is.

I think Kaunos has two things going again, that warrant the inscription of yet another Greco/Roman ruin:

  • The Rock Tombs. Stunning. It will be interesting to see how many components are included. I can see a point in including e.g. the tombs in Fethiye, too.
  • The Harbour. Unique to have an archaeological site giving off a harbour vibe.

Getting There

The area itself is very touristy and there are minibuses (dolmus) running along the coastal road from Fethiye to Mugla.

You have to get off at the Ortaca otogar. From there, you can take a local bus to Dalyan. In Dalyan, you can walk along the river and you will find a rower taking you across the river during daytime and even on New Years Day.

The rock tombs are already visible from across the river in Dalyan. For the archaeological site, it's a 30min walk after you made your way across the river.

I came from Fethiye in the morning. The minibus stop is near the otogar in Fethiye, somewhat on the edge of town.

On my way back, I took the bus back to Ortaca, then connected to another bus to Dalaman. In Dalaman, I got a cab to take me to Dalaman airport from where I flew out to Konya via Istanbul. I had been warned that cab fares are really high in this area, so going from Dalyan to Dalaman airport directly was not an option. The short ride from Dalaman town to Dalaman airport was the most expensive taxi ride I took in Turkey (for the distance).

While You Are There

Fethiye has rock tombs that you can enter. They reminded me a bit of the Treasury in Petra and are a nice addition to Kaunos if you are passing through.

If you head to Bodrum, you can visit another world wonder, the ruins of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus.

On the coast between Fethiye and Antalya are the Lycians WHS of Xanthos and Letoon. I found them underwhelming and am happy that we didn't go there as meetup.

Personally, I wanted to go to Myre to see the Church of St Nicolaus (T), but did not manage due to getting up too late.

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Ancient City of Kaunos

The ancient city of Kaunos in the south of Mugla, close to Dalyan Strait, is a striking historical value for the region. The origin of the historic settlement, which welcomes a large number of tourists each year, dates back nearly 3,000 years.

It is believed that it was an important port city before its current location, and that it lost its commercial importance as a result of being filled with soil over time. The ancient city of Kaunos, which has emerged on the historical stage as a city state, continued to exist in the Roman and Byzantine periods. In this aspect, it is seen to exist on a wide scale of history.

Archaeological excavations are still ongoing at certain times and efforts are made to reveal more details. On the other hand, Hellenistic theatre with 5 thousand people, walls, acropolis 150 meters high, stoa with gallery function, Roman bath, a restored fountain and some sculptural remains can be seen. In addition, a church built much later in the 5th century can be seen as part of the trip.

The ancient city offers pleasant views of nature and beaches. Tractors used in the region such as service, boats that take a stroll in the river can also be preferred in local transportation.

Ancient City of Kaunos

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visiting Dalyan Turkey

Ultimate Guide to Visiting Dalyan – Turkish Venice on the Mediterranean Sea

One of the most beautiful towns in Mugla province of Turkey is the hidden gem known as Dalyan. It is located between Marmaris and Fethiye, but unfortunately, or fortunately, due to the popularity of these two cities, Dalyan has been a wonderful hideaway for those who know about it. Which makes it a great place to visit on your next trip to Turkey’s Turquoise Coast.

Just 40 minutes away from the center of Dalyan is Dalaman airport. Proximity to it makes a trip here not expensive and doesn’t take a lot of time. But you can always add Dalyan to this seaside 7 days Turkey itinerary  when traveling from Bodrum to Antalya and see everything in one trip.

Dalyan is very special in terms of geography and its lagoon system is a natural wonder that everyone should see. It consists of lakes and canals decorated with reeds and has a habitat that is as beautiful as it is amazingly biodiverse. The ancient city of Kaunos rising from the delta, the king tombs on the slopes, and Caretta turtles spawning on Iztuzu Beach make Dalyan an even more special place.

When you arrive, there are plenty of options for commuting to town such as renting a car, taxi service, or taking a bus that runs every 15-30 minutes from Dalaman airport to Dalyan. I talk about all of it below as well as cover the best things to do in Dalyan, its rock tombs, boat tours, resorts, and give travel tips that help to plan your Dalyan holidays.

Quick Dalyan Travel Tips

Planning your trip to Dalyan any time soon? Here are the first-hand resources and insider tips that you’ll need!

Apply for E-Visa  

  • Turkey E-Visa for individuals – check if you need it

Airport in Dalyan to Fly to

  • Dalaman airport – well connected with many cities in Turkey & many European cities

Best Airport Transfer

  • HolidayTaxis – Turkey’s leading airport transfer provider

Best Car Hire

  • DiscoverCars – more on why below

Top Places to Stay in Dalyan

  • Midas Pension – by the river with incredible views for mid-budget
  • Yalicapkin Cottage – private cottage on the delta with a pool away from everything
  • Arp Dalyan – home-style hotel with outdoor pool, breakfast, views of tombs & canals
  • Yagmur Hotel – a budget hotel in style opposite the Lycian tombs
  • Dalyan Holiday Hotel – family-run Inn with a homie feel for budget travelers

Top Dalyan Tours to Join (if you don’t want to explore on your own)

  • Dalyan Bout Tour with Sea Turtle Watching (from Bodrum)
  • Dalyan Mud Baths & Turtle Beach (from Fethiye & Oludeniz)
  • Dalyan Bout Tour (once you are there in the city)

Why You Shouldn’t Miss Dalyan on a Trip to South-Western Turkey

Dalyan weekend break

From natural wonders, historical sites, and a local atmosphere with delicious food, Dalyan offers tons of things to see, do and experience. Being a small, sleepy town nestled on the banks of the Dalyan River, in the heart of a protected natural and historical reserve, it is one of the most atmospheric places on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey.

In just one day you can see rare turtles, visit healing hot springs , admire ancient tombs on sheer cliffs and go boating around the numerous straits and canals that gave Dalyan another name “Turkish Venice”.

In fact, the local population moves around Dalyan mostly by boats rather than on foot. For tourists, this type of transportation is as popular as ferries in Istanbul or boats in Bodrum , so you shouldn’t miss using it too. 

One of the most famous things Dalyan is famous for is a beach with a hilly area and rugged vegetation inhabited by huge sea turtles, listed on the IUCN Red List that lay their eggs here every year. Seeing these turtles is once in a lifetime experience.

Dalyan hot springs are known far outside Turkey and give a separate reason why to visit the town. The water in local springs contains radon, sulfide, and calcium chloride which serve as a great source for people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system and skin diseases.

With a well-developed infrastructure for a comfortable pastime for tourists and unique places to visit, Dalyan should be on the list for everyone who tours Western Turkey.

Things to Know Before Visiting Dalyan

The city of Dalyan is located in the delta of the river of the same name between the picturesque resort of Marmaris and the fashionable Fethiye but at the same time not far from the cities of Bodrum and Kemer.

With its great location, Dalyan is a must-visit spot on a day trip from Fethiye or Marmaris which many people choose to check out. Although coming to the area on your own and staying in one of the apartments or hotels for a day or two is a much more interesting experience. Also, I highly recommend you make a stop here on a road trip to Pamukkale or when road tripping along the Turquoise coast.

And when you do, remember these tips to make the most of your trip:

How Much Time to Spend in Dalyan, Turkey 

boat trip on Dalyan river

Dalyan is small but it is vast and places of interest are scattered out a bit on different sides. Ideally, you’d want to spend 2, possibly 3 days there if you appreciate deeper exploration and want to see some gems of the region, including a hike to local hills for incredible views of the Dalyan Delta.

However, if short on time, even the most important things fit into one day if you start a day very early and end it late. 

1 Day is enough to tick all main touristy attractions off the list when you can see both the delta and Iztuzu Beach by taking a boat tour and trying a blue crab in the evening in one of the restaurants. If you make arrangements with the captain, he can even take you to the ancient city of Kaunos and the mud bath. 

If you decide to extend, 2 or 3 days of time are great to fit in more activities, do some kayaking, climb local hills for views, spend some time in mud baths, visit a nearby Turkish village, sip some beer at sunset over the delta, and eat dinner under eucalyptus trees that are common to this area.

Is Renting a Car in Dalyan Necessary?

Even though the town of Dalyan is small and very walkable, there are a few places within driving distance that are better reached by having a means of transportation. If you’re only going to stay in the center, you don’t need to rent a car because there are minibusses and boats to the most touristic places such as Kaunos Ancient City and Iztuzu Beach.

Otherwise, you do need to have a vehicle or use a taxi to move around, so renting a car is your best bet, considering the fact that car rentals in Dalyan and Dalaman areas are quite affordable.

If you want to have a sense of adventure and drive to the most beautiful hilltops for incredible views such as Radar Tepesi and Çandır Tepesi, I recommend you rent a 4WD as the roads to them are difficult. 

To hire a car in Dalyan, I advise you compare current deals between  DiscoverCars and LocalRent .

I use both these companies to rent cars in Turkey, although if renting in Dalyan/Dalaman area, the first company in my experience works much better as it also offers excellent insurance packages. LocalRent is great for car hire directly in Dalyan city and if you plan to drop it off in another location.

But I also suggest you read my post about renting a car and driving in Turkey to understand which rental company works best for you personally. 

camping in Turkey

Rent a Bike if You Don’t Have a Car (or Travel on a Tight Budget)

If you are visiting Dalyan not on a day tour from another city but on your own on an independent trip and you are on a very tight budget, do not hesitate to rent a bike and cycle around.

I’d say even if you plan to rent a car, still rent a bike for a few hours as having it offers a very different sense of adventure. Plus, bikes are very affordable and can be parked anywhere.

I recommend that you check Tusco Quadbike and Bike rentals , located at this address . It is a bit outside the main area of the town, yet very close and prices with service are wonderful.

Come in Spring or Autumn for the Best Experience

One of the best tips to know before coming to Dalyan is that spring and fall are the best times to visit, as the temperatures are very warm, and you can still do all the summer activities without the extra flux of people that visit the town in the summer months.

In the early spring , you can witness how everything blooms and nature awakens. In the late fall, there is even a bit of foliage on the hills.

Although Winter is Also a Good Time to Visit

Dalyan river

Dalyan in Turkey has a comfortable climate at any time of the year. In winter the temperature there rarely drops below 12C degrees, and in summer it rarely rises above +29C. At the same time, coolness always blows from the river. Although I am convinced that spring and autumn are the best seasons for a trip, winter in Dalyan is quite favorable too. 

On winter days , the temperature almost never drops below +12C degrees. It creates perfect conditions for relaxation in Dalyan mud baths and exploring the town in comfort. 

The rather mild climate also favors the growth of vigorous vegetation. For example, in the vicinity of Dalyan, there are about 100 species of palm trees and an amber tree, which is quite rare in nature and it starts blooming in late winter.

Do Not Confuse the Turtles Swimming in the Canals with Caretta Turtles

You may see turtles swimming in Dalyan canals. Do not confuse them with Caretta because that’s a different type. Those turtles are a freshwater species called the Nile Tortoise.

They usually come in front of Dalko fish restaurant every morning around 8 am because they are used to being fed there. But you can see them swimming in other canals too.

It is a good idea to start the day with the feeling of freshness and greetings from turtles, so walk in that area around Dalko early in the morning for this unique experience. With the beautiful morning light, you can also take nice photos. 

10 Best Things to Do in Dalyan, Turkey 

Go on a boat tour.

Why I put an exclamation point by the word ‘tour’ because this activity is really one of the most exciting things to do in Dalyan. Part of the Dalyan delta is a very lively place with bars, restaurants, and houses that take up space along the canal. Seeing them from the water as well as cruising through the labyrinths is an incredible experience.

You can hire a private boat to move as you want or join a daily tour.  

To find a boat tour in Dalyan, go to the middle of the town. You will find all the boats along the Dalyan River. You can go and talk to a few of the captains and negotiate a price to get the best deal. They offer plenty of options such as all-day tours, that can be personalized and private, or open to the public.

boat tour in Dalyan

The all-day tour is the one with the most stops and usually lasts between 8-10 hours. This one goes up to the Sultaniye Thermals and Mud Baths in the Köyceğiz Lake, down to overlook the Dalyan tombs (Kaunos), and last the unforgettable turtle beach called Iztuzu Beach. You can enjoy the beach or visit the turtle center that Captain June (recently deceased) opened to protect these endangered species.

The boat may also stop at Candir, which is where the Romans and Greeks used to place the urns with the ashes of their deceased. It’s a few kilometers from Kaunos City since they believe the dead should be far away from their living areas.

When choosing a boat tour, we always go with Captain Gokhan. He is our go-to guy, and he even allows pets if you want to take your fur babies for a ride. On his Instagram , you can see some of the tours he does and contact him for your visit.

Take a Journey to the Past in the Ancient city of Kaunos

Kaunos was a city of ancient Caria in Anatolia, a few kilometers west of Dalyan. The ancient city used to be a very important seaport, but due to the area being dried out, the beach is now 8 km away from what was once a big trade post.

According to mythology, King Kaunos (founder of the city of Kaunos) was the grandson of Apollo. He had a twin sister who was insanely in love with him romantically. When he found out about this after reading a letter she wrote for him, he fled, and it is said that the Dalyan river emerged from the sisters’ tears before going completely crazy.

This river separated the Lycians and Carians from the Kaunos people. Herodotus wrote in his book histories that there were differences between all three groups such as the Kaunos men, women, and children would drink wine while socializing.

Kaunos ancient city

Kaunos had many invasions and therefore influences, from Greeks, Persians, Romans (part of Alexander the Great empire), the Byzantine empire, Muslim Arabs and more. But it was in the 15th century when the Turks took over Kaunos and a malaria epidemic made many of them flee the city. Later, an earthquake devasted the city and over the years it got covered by vegetation and sand.

Kaunos became the lost city, and it wasn’t until the 19th century when the archeologist Hoskyn found a law tablet and brought attention back to the area.

All this history makes the Kaunos Ancient city a must-visit.

The best part? Due to the lack of attention from tourism, you can visit these ruins and be alone in a civilization that has been there since the 9th century BC. You will see an amphitheater that now has olive trees, roman baths, the entire ancient city structure, and wild donkeys wandering around.

You can get there from Dalyan , by walking to the ferry port and hopping on the ferry either with your vehicle or on foot. Let it take you across the river and walk/drive up as the road signs indicate. Within a few minutes, you will find yourself at the door of these incredible historical sites.

At the entrance, you have the ticket office and a small coffee place where you can get water, cay, and snacks. The entrance fee is currently 14 TL and free if you have a museum card pass.

Spend Time on the Famous Iztuzu Beach

Let me tell you the bad news before you head to the 5400-meter-long Iztuzu Beach. The sea there is actually wildly choppy with heavy winds. So you won’t be able to enjoy the beach in terms of swimming or sunbathing. But the good news – you don’t really come there for it anyways.

Fortunately, there are still sheltered sections at both ends where it is possible to have a little fun and relax but the main reason you visit Iztuzu beach is different. 

This beach, a long sandy stretch of land, is one of the most important areas for the future of loggerhead turtles, locally known as Caretta. Being such a vital natural spot, it is important to follow the time restrictions for visitors as the turtles are nesting, being born and making their way to the beach from May to September from 8 pm-8 am.

Caretta turtle

You should go and enjoy this beautiful paradise, and while you are there don’t miss the place where Captain June lived and where she created the  Turtle hospital .

Captain June was an English woman who came to Turkey on a trip but then after seeing endangered species of turtles in Dalyan, she opened a Turtle Center with a goal to protect them. She died recently but Dalyan and Captain June go hand and hand together. Turkish people adored her and many Brits now visit this area because of her.

Whenever you are in the area, pay it a visit too where you can see Caretta turtles close. The location of the Turtle hospital is here next to Captain June’s hut mentioned above. Entrance to the hospital is free but donations are appreciated.

Iztuzu beach is actually considered one of the top 10 best beaches in Europe . And even though you can’t swim there, it is a unique place where one side opens to the salty sea and the other side opens to fresh water, blending two ecosystems, which is perfect for Caretta mothers to lay their eggs. 

Drink Turkish Tea or Beer Opposite Kaunos King Tombs

Two symbols that identify Dalyan are the Caretta turtles and mysterious Kaunos Rock Tombs. If you can see the first one on Iztuzu Beach, Kaunos Rock Tombs are clearly visible from many parts of Dalyan, including the town center, although at a distance.

I visited different rock tombs in many ancient civilizations in Turkey, including Myra Necropolis in Demre and Lycian Rock Thombs in Fethiye. There was a belief that the higher the tombs, the closer they were to God. That’s why we find the graves of important people on the rocks as high as possible.

A feature that distinguishes the Kaunos Rock Tombs from the others is that they have facade architectures reminiscent of Hellenistic temples. And seeing them is fascinating from any angle, including the one in the center of Dalyan.

For a unique place to hang out and from where to get a pretty view, head to Kaunos Tea Garden . There, grab one of the tables by the water and have a cup of tea in front of the royal tombs. Another such restaurant is La Boheme Dalyan with sensational food and cocktails. Although you can see tombs from a farther distance there. 

restaurants in Dalyan

Roll in Therapeutic Mud Baths

Let’s be honest, mud spas are not for everyone. Many people will have zero interest in them. But they are worth mentioning a few words as at the end of the day, mud baths are one of Dalyan’s most well-known activities. 

As you know, hot springs are said to be good for rheumatism, sciatica, and some skin diseases. There are several mud springs in Dalyan that treat these conditions as well as work wonders for skin rejuvenation and general refreshment.

The Sultaniye Thermals and Mud Baths are the most popular ones situated by the Köyceğiz lake. They are known to be magical and miraculous for skin diseases and beautifying treatments. The springs contain calcium chloride, calcium sulphate, calcium sulphide, bromur, radon and radioactive substances.

Sultaniye mud baths

Many resources say that the Köyceğiz mud waters feature a special type of mud “Beauty Mud” and its history goes back to the Kaunos civilization. So, even if you are not a big fan of mud spas, get your swimsuit ready for this therapeutic experience while in Dalyan. 

You may encounter crowds in the afternoon at their facilities as boat tours also stop there. Thus the best time to go is in the first part of the day during the week or closer to the evening.

Eat Best Kebab and River Fish in Town

There are two restaurants you absolutely have to visit in Dalyan.

One of them is Mahir’s located on Maraş street here , which is in the main plaza of the town and right behind the colorful Dalyan sign. The family who owns this place is very welcoming.

They are originally from Mardin, where they specialized in meats and kebabs, and spicy tastes. Anything you order will be delicious, but I highly recommend the Adana Kebab  and the Tavuk Sis . I have never tried such tender, high-quality meat. Best in Turkiye.

The second one is Yener’s palas , located by the river here . You can eat some of the freshest fish in town in this restaurant, and most importantly, during crab season, you can try blue crab, which is a specialty of the Dalyan river.

To start your meal, ask for some mezes and accompany your meal with Raki. Raki is the national alcoholic beverage of Turkey and it is made of twice-distilled grapes. It is not for everyone but you should try it at least once.

Don’t Miss a Sunset From All the Out-of-this-World Viewpoints & From Iztuzu Beach

sunset in Turkey

I cover all the information about Iztuzu beach previously. Whether you go on a boat tour or other method of transportation, make sure you enjoy the sunset at this awesome sand paradise.

However, there are also two other viewpoints in Dalyan that you CANNOT miss. They are not the most accessible, the roads are not very friendly, and often you may see turtles or other animals in front of you and they will make you stop suddenly as you are trying to reach these places. Yet they are 100% worth your time:

1. Radar Tepe Manzara Noktası

Find the exact coordinates for this viewpoint here .

Radar Tepe hilltop is located right after Iztuzu Beach. So it makes it a great place to end the day after being at the beach and turtle center. It is a bit tricky, and the roads are quite bad, but this also means there will be fewer people in the way of your Instagram shots when you make it to the top. Watching a sunset from there, by yourself has no price.

The best way to reach this viewpoint is partially by car and on foot. If you have a two-wheel drive car, then drive to the end of the road (it’s partially asphalt and gravel) and walk for about 20 minutes. The rest of the road is in very bad condition and can be accessed by 4WD only. But better don’t bother if you don’t have experience driving on hilly off-roads.

One side of Radar Hill faces the open sea, where you can watch the sun go down in color. On the other side, as in the photo, you can see Iztuzu Beach, Çandar Hill, Sülüngür Lake, Dalyan delta and Köyceğiz Lake in the distance.

view of Dalyan from Radar Hill

2. Çandır Seyir Terası

Çandar Hill is another incredible viewpoint that you can find using these coordinates . (See photo above on the right)

This outlook is on the side of the Ancient City, so my recommendation is for you to go there after your visit to Kaunos city. The ride up this mountain can be challenging as the roads are mostly thin and made up of dirt and rocks. Make sure to check those tires and have plenty of fuel on your way up as this is not a place you want to get stuck or run out of gas.

When you arrive, you will be greeted by a magnificent view of Dalyan, such as Radar Hill. Compared to Radar Hill, you can see the reeds of Dalyan more closely and in detail. And as a bonus – someone put a refrigerator there, which is selling beer, haha, including one without the alcohol. 

Make sure you bring all the necessary things to these two viewpoints and use the bathroom beforehand since there are no bars, restaurants, or any facilities. You literally will be driving up to the top of a mountain to delight yourself with the “out-of-this-world” views and in most cases, you will be alone up there. Can it get any better?

Spend the Evening by Sülüngür Lake

Sülüngür Lake is a freshwater lake just behind Iztuzu Beach, famous for its sunsets. It is very popular among Turkish people who come to its shore with beer and their chairs to watch the sunset by the lake. If you spend a few days in Dalyan and go for views from the two main hill points I mentioned above, then come here for another evening.

Swimming and fishing in the lake are prohibited because the lake water is used by the fish cooperative for sea bream and sea bass farming. The lake is also the spawning point of the Nile Tortoise, a soft-shelled freshwater turtle. 

But no one forbids having a picnic by the lake or getting a drink in the tea garden like Ekin Kir Evi restaurant for example. Another must-do thing in this part of Dalyan is to walk on the trail by the lake. 

Cycle or Walk on the Eco Trail

Hiking eco trail in Iztuzu Beach

Over the last few years, Dalyan became famous for one more thing – eco hiking, thanks to The Eco Trails company which helps to explore local nature from a different perspective.

The Eco Trail initiative, which covers the Köyceğiz, Dalaman and Ortaca districts of Muğla, has the mission to raise awareness through long-distance hiking and cycling on marked cycling and walking routes.

For this reason, the routes pass through waterways, wetlands, and wildlife with endangered species and promote the philosophy that water is life. The total length of a walking eco route is about 470 kilometers with 3 major trails. And cycling route is 700 kilometers long with 14 different trails.

Everything you need to be able to hit the trail is a guidebook, the eco trails website (that I mentioned above), and mobile application which is very helpful with showing the routes. On your Dalyan holidays, consider following the walking and cycling routes between Köyceğiz and Dalyan for wildlife and more scenic views.

Stay in a Beautiful Hotel Overnight

Dalyan resorts are everywhere throughout the town and many of them have a front view of the Kaunos tombs, however having been in many of the resorts, hotels, and motels, I want to highly recommend you check out two of my favorite properties. One – Yalicapkin Cottage , a country house with a small outdoor pool right in the secluded riverside spot and Dalyan Holiday Hotel in the center of Dalyan.

The first hotel is wonderful for couples as it can accommodate two people. It is perfect for people on honeymoons to Turkey or those who want to spend quality time together as a couple.

Yalicapkin Cottage

This property offers an outdoor pool and a shared motor boat with a water bicycle and 2 bikes for guests’ use. Staying here guarantees your own private spot with turtles, fish, butterflies, dragonflies and kingfishers in a peaceful quiet location, yet 20-minute walk to Dalyan center with all the bars and restaurants.

The second hotel is a family business run by a mother and son who go above and beyond to not only make you feel at home but as a family. I have been to plenty of hotels and Airbnbs and I can’t remember the last time I didn’t feel like a guest in someone’s place but as a resident there.

Believe me when I tell you, every time I have stayed there, I feel like I need to help them with their chores as if I was part of the family and I need to participate in the household responsibilities.

This hotel has about 20 rooms and a wonderful pool, bar, and garden that has the best view of the tombs. Having breakfast here every morning and seeing the tombs, makes you feel like you are in a very special place witnessing history evolve in front of your eyes.

Final Word About a Visit to Dalyan

There are many beautiful and unique cities in Turkey where you want to plan a trip. But besides cities, there are many more cozy and diverse towns that also cannot be missed. Dalyan is just one of them. Don’t skip it when planning an itinerary to Turkey and thinking to go to the Adriatic and Mediterranean coasts.

NOTE : It is easy to explore all the sites I mentioned in this post by car, bike, or public transport. However, doing a boat tour is a great way to experience it all. You can hear one-of-a-kind stories, get unique information from the captain, and have a chance to see some turtles. This experience is not one you want to miss.

This is also a great way to enjoy all these locations if you have time constraints or if you prefer to view them in one day and then choose where you want to spend more time at. There is only one bad thing about this town… you might get addicted to coming back as many times as possible. Good luck and have fun discovering it!

More Travel Resources for Turkey’s Southwest 

  • Visiting Kucukkoy Village on the Aegean Coast – a bit of village life in Turkey
  • Pergamon Ancient City – why you shouldn’t miss it on the way to Izmir
  • Bodrum or Marmaris – which one is best for you?
  • Istanbul to Izmir by Car – unique road trip to see western Turkiye 
  • Fethiye to Antalya Road Trip – 17 Best Stops to Make
  • Guide to Visiting Sirince Village – land of fruit wine, views, and history
  • Ways to Explore Kaklik Cave – hidden gem near Pamukkale
  • Should You Rent a Car in Antalya? – honest answers & my tips
  • Best Istanbul Weekend Trips – to see different side of Turkey 

Dalyan Turkey travel guide

Anya is originally from Ukraine but in heart she is a citizen of the world. She is working online and that’s why has an opportunity to travel a lot and live in different countries. At present time, she is based in Spain while waiting for the war in Ukraine to be over to be able to return home. On this blog, her main goal is to inspire others to travel to under-the-radar places and discover the world while working remotely.

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Dalyan and its vicinity has a lot to offer for its visitors. We would like to present you some of the highlights here so you can plan your holiday, see the popular spots like the Iztuzu beach and the Dalyan lagoon, and equally discover the hidden gems along the Lycian coast.

Surely, these are just to mention a few out of the many places to visit and things to do. Have a look at our list of Points of Interest and enjoy your holiday in Dalyan! Read More

Dalaman Airport Thanks to its new terminal building of 10 milion passenger capacity, Dalaman Airport meets the needs of travellers visiting the SW region of Turkey, including Datça, Marmaris, Göcek, Dalyan, Sarıgerme, Fethiye, Ölüdeniz, Kalkan and Kaş. This is your primary airport to land for Dalyan; Bodrum, İzmir and Antalya airports are some 3-hr-drive distance away should you seek alternative airport.

Transfers We provide transfer services to/from Dalaman Airport to/from as far as İzmir and Antalya, one way or return; you may use our online booking system here Transfer Search or write to us at [email protected] for your transfer needs. After you exit the international terminal building, just walk down the walkway and our drivers in Kaunos Tours shirts will be waiting for you with Kaunos Tours sign boards at the designated "Individual Meeters" area in front of the parking lot.

Visas To provide easy visa procedures for the citizens of the countries subject to visa, 12 units of visa counters service the passengers as located before the Arriving Passenger passport check. Please click here Atmairport Visa Price to learn the visa procedures and fees for various countries.

Airport contact For all your enquiries, you may contact the airport management at: ATM Dalaman Airport 48780 Dalaman, Muğla / Turkey Phone : +90.252.792 5555 Fax : +90.252.792 5565 www.atmairport.aero [email protected]

Where is Kaunos Tours? We are located in downtown Dalyan, opposite the turtle statue and Is Bank, with sign boards of Kaunos Tours, Europcar and Kaunos Villas. Phone: Office : +90 (0) 252 284 2816 24-hr emergency : +90 (0) 533 956 0200 Fax : +90 (0) 252 284 3157 E-mail: [email protected] Address: Kaunos Turizm, Dalyan Mah., Sarısu sokak, No: 1/A, Ortaca, Muğla 48840, Turkey

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  1. Kaunos

    kaunos travel istanbul

  2. Kaunos Ancient City || Turkey Tour Organizer

    kaunos travel istanbul

  3. Pin on Dalyan Tourist Guide

    kaunos travel istanbul

  4. Kaunos

    kaunos travel istanbul

  5. Kaunos Ancient City || Turkey Tour Organizer

    kaunos travel istanbul

  6. Kaunos Ancient City || Turkey Tour Organizer

    kaunos travel istanbul


  1. Villa Kaunos Museum Kaunos

  2. Villa Kaunos Türbe Menteshe Eski Köycegiz

  3. Villa Kaunos Alte Moschee Eingang Eski Köycegiz

  4. Kaunos Antique City, Dalyan, Turkey

  5. Muğla Kaunos Kral Mezarları #6

  6. Turkey


  1. Kaunos

    Kaunos (some prefer the Latin spelling Caunus) is located just outside the modern resort town of Dalyan, separated from it by the river of the same name (its ancient name was Kalbys).As it is only a short distance from Dalaman airport, and in driving distance from major tourist destinations like Marmaris and Olüdeniz, one might expect large crowds to visit the extensive archaeological site ...

  2. Kaunos

    Allow a minimum of two hours to get the most from your visit to Kaunos. Kaunos is open daily: 08:30-19:30 from April to October. 08:30-17:30 November-April. Entrance fee in February 2024 is 70 TL. You can view the latest price on the Turkish Museums website. (If you are a Turkish citizen or resident and you have a Müzekart+, entrance is free.

  3. Unraveling the Mysteries of Kaunos: An In-Depth Look at Turkey's Hidden

    Kaunos, an ancient city nestled in the picturesque landscape of Dalyan, Turkey, has long been a source of fascination for historians and archaeologists alike. With its rich history spanning nearly 3,000 years and its impressive array of architectural wonders, Kaunos offers a unique window into the complex tapestry of civilizations that once ...

  4. Istanbul to Kaunos

    There are 5 ways to get from Istanbul to Kaunos by plane, train, bus, or car. Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner. Recommended option. Fly from Istanbul • 3h 20m

  5. Kaunos Archaeological Site

    Kaunos (Caunus) is an archaeological site and ancient Carian city near the holiday-resort Dalyan.. History of Kaunos. Kaunos was founded in the 9th century BC and became an important and well-known Carian city by 400 BC. According to Herodotus, the Kaunians were natives of Caria, although, they considered themselves of Cretan origin and they differed from the Carians in terms of their traditions.

  6. Kaunos Travel

    Istanbul, 34437, TR Get directions Employees at Kaunos Travel Ahmed Fayed Director General Kaunos Travel ... Kaunos travel cuenta con un equipo profesional de habla hispana .

  7. Kaunos: Discover the Secrets of an Ancient City in Turkey

    Kaunos. 📍 Fethiye, Dalyan 48300 View map ›. 🗓 Best Time To Visit: April to June, September to November. ⏰ Open Hours: 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM (summer), 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM (winter) 🎒 Things To Do: Explore ancient ruins, Visit the rock-cut tombs, Boat tours in the Dalyan River. 💰 Budget: 20 TL (Entry fee)


    Kaunos is one of the most fascinating ancient cities in Turkey, renowned for its rock tombs. The city was a significant commercial hub, but its harbour feature was lost due to the gradual filling of the sea with alluvium. The acropolis, which forms the heart of the city, is situated on a hill 152 metres high. The northern part of the city walls ...

  9. Kaunos (Archaeological Site in Dalyan, Turkey)

    The Romans annexed Kaunos in 189 BC and the city was Christianized in the 5th century. It suffered from raids by the Arabs and pirates starting in 625. Turkish tribes invaded in the 13th century and conquered Kaunos in the 15th century. The Kaunians abandoned the city shortly after due to the Turkish invasion and a devastating malaria epidemic.

  10. Mugla

    In 2014, Kaunos Ancient City and Rock-cut Tombs were added to the Tentative List of UNESCO, highlighting its importance as a historical site. Kaunos is an ancient city with a history of 3000 years located in Dalyan district of Muğla Province. Kaunos, thanks to the rock-cut tombs it has, one of Turkey's most interesting historical sites.

  11. Kaunos Travel (@kaunostravel) • Instagram photos and videos

    1,037 Followers, 40 Following, 96 Posts - Kaunos Travel (@kaunostravel) on Instagram: "es un operador receptivo dedicado al mercado hispanohablante. Nuestro objetivo es hacer su viaje en Turquía inolvidable porque somos #kaunostravel" ... mert iş hanı no:38/6 beyoğlu istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey 34437. kaunostravel.com. Posts. Reels. Tagged

  12. Archaeologists unearthed a Byzantine church, graves in Kaunos

    History. Archaeologists unearthed a Byzantine church, graves in Kaunos. Mudassar. In 2014, the ancient city of Kaunos was added to the UNESCO Tentative List of World Heritage Sites. It was the capital of the "Kaunos area" between Caria and Lycia until the commencement of the 4th century B.C., according to UNESCO.

  13. Kaunos

    Kaunos: Exploring the Hidden Gem of Turkey Introduction Welcome to my travel guide to Kaunos, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Turkey. In this comprehensive article, I will take you on a journey through this enchanting destination, sharing my personal experiences and providing you with all the information you need to plan your

  14. Kaunos

    Motorboats, moored to the wharf at Dalyan, take you on a romantic canal cruise to the ruins. The ride will take about 30 minutes. On the boat, you will learn more about the history of Kaunos while enjoying the scenery. As the boats cross the canal, you can see the Lycian tombs with their fine architectural facades above.

  15. Discover Kaunos: The Ancient Jewel in Dalyan, Türkiye

    It is an unforgettable destination that should be on every visitor to Turkey's travel list. Pack your heart of adventure and get ready to discover the wonders of Kaunos, one of Turkey's most fascinating ancient cities. Address: Kaunos, Dalyan, 48800 Ortaca/Köyceğiz/Muğla, Türkiye. Tags. Activities.

  16. Ancient City of Kaunos

    Ancient City of Kaunos is part of the Tentative list of Turkiye in order to qualify for inclusion in the World Heritage List. Kaunos was a sea port with remains from the Greek, Persian and Roman periods. The city has wide, dry stone city walls. In the wider area 167 rock-cut tombs with facades similar to Hellenistic temples have been discovered.

  17. Ancient City of Kaunos

    The ancient city of Kaunos in the south of Mugla, close to Dalyan Strait, is a striking historical value for the region. The origin of the historic settlement, which welcomes a large number of tourists each year, dates back nearly 3,000 years.

  18. Ultimate Guide to Dalyan, Turkey

    The ancient city of Kaunos rising from the delta, the king tombs on the slopes, and Caretta turtles spawning on Iztuzu Beach make Dalyan an even more special place. When you arrive, there are plenty of options for commuting to town such as renting a car, taxi service, or taking a bus that runs every 15-30 minutes from Dalaman airport to Dalyan.

  19. About Us

    Kaunos Tours was founded in 1993 in the small village of Dalyan in the South-West region of Turkey as a small tourism business for car rental, motorbike and bicycle rentals. ... Many of our customers travel on to Istanbul & Cappadocia, both a live culture site. Organising their transport, accommodation and guides is part of a complete package ...

  20. Everything you need in Dalyan,Just been there,done it.Kaunos Tours is

    Where is Kaunos Tours? We are located in downtown Dalyan, opposite the turtle statue and Is Bank, with sign boards of Kaunos Tours, Europcar and Kaunos Villas. Phone: Office : +90 (0) 252 284 2816 24-hr emergency : +90 (0) 533 956 0200 Fax : +90 (0) 252 284 3157 E-mail: [email protected]

  21. Kaunos Travel

    Kaunos Travel. Nuestro sitio está siendo renovado. Síguenos para obtener las últimas actualizaciones.


    TRAVEL TIPS Best Month to Visit Istanbul & Best Things to Do in 2024. The best month to visit Istanbul largely depends on personal preferences and interests, as well as the type of experience you seek. However, generally speaking,... Emre 3 months önce . 0 523. Kategorilendirilmemiş

  23. Kanon Tours

    Öz Uğur İş Merkezi No: 6/12 Bakırköy, İstanbul Phone: +90 212 542 12 26 Fax: +90 212 660 60 71 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] NETHERLANDS OFFICE. Grindweg 82 3055 VD Rotterdam, The Netherlands Phone: +31 (0)85 208 5040 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]