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A tour of London

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A tour of London

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Tour of london in english – video.

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In this lesson, you’ll go on a tour of London in English.

Have you been to london before if so, what did you do if not, what would you most like to see, in this lesson, you’ll go on a tour of london. you’ll learn useful language to deal with common tourist situations, like buying tickets , going to museums or talking to taxi drivers., quiz: tour of london in english.

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Well done! You got more than half the questions right. Keep practising, and if you’re visiting London soon, we hope it’s blinding!

Excellent! You’ve learned the language from this lesson really well. Check the questions you didn’t get right and, if you’re off to London soon, we hope it’s an absolutely blinding trip!

Top marks, well done. You certainly know your way around the language of London, and if you’re visiting soon, have a blinding trip!

1 . Question

Rearrange the highlighted letters to find three London landmarks:

The ushoes of Parliament = The of Parliament The retow of London = The of London St Paul’s cheatlard = St Paul’s

2 . Question

Match the two parts of these London landmarks:

Sort elements

3 . question.

Write the five-letter word to complete this question which you might ask before you get on a tour bus:

Could you tell me more about the and the things we’ll see along the way?

4 . Question

Which is the correct question to ask about the duration of a tour on a bus?

  • How long does it take?
  • How long does it have?
  • How long does it come?
  • How long does it make?

5 . Question

Rearrange the words into the correct order to form a question you might ask at a museum:

View Answers:

6 . Question

Write two five-letter words in the gap for something you might use on a tour bus.

There’s an to listen to as you go round.

7 . Question

Which expression refers to a tour bus that you can use to do the journey in sections as many times as you like during the duration of the ticket?

  • hop-on/hop-off
  • hop-up/hop-down
  • hop-in/hop-out
  • hop-forward/hop-back

8 . Question

Write a two-letter word to complete the question which you might ask at the cinema:

What films are at the moment?

9 . Question

Which of these things would you expect to see at a museum? Choose one option.

  • an exhibition

10 . Question

Which of these questions could you ask at a hotel? Choose as many as you think are right.

  • What kind of rooms are available?
  • What type of rooms are available?
  • What sort of rooms are available?
  • What genre of rooms are available?

11 . Question

Write the four-letter word that could replace the highlighted word in the question:

Excuse me, do you accept euros? Excuse me, do you euros?

12 . Question

Write two words (4 and 6 letters) for cheap tickets that you might buy immediately before a theatre show starts.

Let’s see if there are any – tickets for a show this evening.

13 . Question

What seven-letter word is a play at the theatre (or a film at the cinema) that contains singing and dancing?

14 . Question

A matinee is a theatre performance that normally takes place at what time of day?

  • First thing in the morning
  • The afternoon
  • Late in the evening
  • The middle of the night

15 . Question

Which words refer to parts of a theatre? Choose as many as you think are right.

16 . Question

What is the informal question tag, used at the end of sentences in London slang?

  • The weather looks nice, innit?
  • The weather looks nice, izzit?
  • The weather looks nice, arnit?
  • The weather looks nice, avvit?

17 . Question

‘Blinding’ and ‘dodgy’ are slang words that mean opposite things. Write one of them in the gap, so that it makes sense in the context:

I wouldn’t go south of the river if I were you – it’s right down there.

18 . Question

Which London slang expression means that something is really annoying?

  • This really does my nut.
  • This really does my peach.
  • This really does my biscuit.
  • This really does my head.

19 . Question

‘The old bill’ refers to Londoners who work in which profession?

  • The health service
  • The government
  • The fire brigade

20 . Question

Complete the four-letter slang name for pounds, which you might be asked to pay in a London taxi:

That’ll be ten q !

1. A Bus Tour of London in English

Tour of London in English - bus

Gina: Hi, good morning.

Olivier: Hi. Can I help?

G: My friends and I are thinking of doing your bus tour tomorrow. Could you tell me more about the route and where we’ll go?

O: Actually, we offer many different routes. Is there anything in particular you’d like to see?

G: Well, I think we want the classic London experience: Big Ben, the Tower of London, and so on.

O: In that case I’d recommend our original route. It starts and ends at Grosvenor Gardens, just near Buckingham Palace. You’ll cross the river by the Houses of Parliament, then back again near the London Eye. You’ll also go past the Tower of London, St Paul’s Cathedral, and several other London landmarks.

G: That sounds good. How long does it take?

O: The whole route takes about two hours, but it’s a hop on-hop off tour, so you can get off wherever you want.

G: And how much are tickets?

O: If you book online, they’re 25 pounds each, or 35 if you buy from the driver.

G: Do you do any kind of group discount?

O: We offer a family ticket, which includes two adults and two children.

G: I’m travelling with friends, so I guess that’s no good. I just have one more question: is there a guide, or an audio guide?

O: There’s a live guide, who speaks English. If any of your group want a tour in another language, we have audio guides available in 11 different languages at no extra cost.

G: That sounds great. Thanks for your help!

First question for our tour of London in English: can you name five famous London landmarks? If you don’t know, ‘ landmarks ’ means famous places. For example, the Eiffel Tower is possibly the best-known Paris landmark. So, can you name five London landmarks? You heard several examples in the dialogue. Here are the examples you heard before: Buckingham Palace, the Houses of Parliament, the London Eye, the Tower of London and St Paul’s Cathedral. You could mention others, like Marble Arch, Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park, or famous football stadia like The Emirates or Wembley.

In the dialogue, I was asking questions about a bus tour of the city. Can you remember any of the questions I asked? You heard:

  • Could you tell me more about the route and where we’ll go?
  • How much are tickets?
  • Do you do any kind of group discount?
  • Is there a guide, or an audio guide?

You could ask these questions in many common travel situations; they aren’t only useful when booking a bus tour of London in English! For example, you could make questions like this:

  • Could you tell me more about the tour, and what’s included?
  • How much is the transport?
  • Do you do any kind of students’ discount?

The bus tour we were talking about is ‘hop on/hop off’. This means you can get off the bus to visit places on the way, and then get back on another bus later.

Let’s make our first stop on our tour of London, and go to one of London’s famous museums.  

2. Going to a Museum

Tour of London in English - British Museum image

Olivier: Good morning, welcome to the Tate Modern.

Gina: Good morning. I’d like four tickets please.

O: Actually, general admission to the Tate modern is free; you just have to pay separately for the exhibitions.

G: Oh… Great! I didn’t realise that. What do you have on at the moment?

O: We have a wonderful Picasso exhibition, which I’d highly recommend. We also have exhibitions by Franz West and Dorothea Tanning.

G: I’d love to see the Picasso exhibition. How much are the tickets?

O: They’re eighteen pounds for adults and five pounds for children under 18.

G: We also have a 7-year-old with us. Do we need a ticket for him?

O: No, under-12s get in free.

G: OK, so two adults and one child then, please.

O: What time would you like the ticket for?

G: Excuse me?

O: With exhibitions, especially popular ones like the Picasso, your ticket is for a specific time. There’s a 30-minute slot, and you have to enter the exhibition hall within that time.

G: You mean, I only get 30 minutes to look around?! That’s not long enough!

O: No, no! You can stay as long as you like; it just regulates when you can go in.

G: I see! In that case, what times are available?

O: Well, it’s 10.45 now. I could give you tickets for the eleven to eleven-thirty entrance slot.

G: That’s fine.

O: That’s £36, please.

G: Do you take euros?

O: I’m afraid not.

G: I’ll pay by card, then.

Do you like going to art galleries or museums? Which London museums have you heard of? The Tate Modern, which you heard about in the dialogue, is a famous modern art museum. There are many other well-known London museums, such as the British Museum, the National Gallery, or the Natural History Museum. For now, let’s look at some useful language from the dialogue in our tour of London in English.

Near the beginning, you heard this question: ‘What do you have on at the moment?’ Do you know what this means? ‘On’ refers to an event, performance, or exhibition which is happening now. You can use it in different situations; for example, at the cinema, at the theatre, or in a museum:

  • What films are on at the moment?
  • At the theatre: ‘Are there any good plays on?
  • There’s a really interesting exhibition on at the Science Museum.

You also heard some more useful questions related to buying tickets; for example:

  • Do we need a ticket for him?
  • What times are available?
  • Do you take euros?

Like much of the language in this lesson, you can adapt these for different situations, like this:

  • Do we need a ticket for my son?
  • Do you take dollars?

3. Buying Theatre Tickets

Tour of London in English - theatre image

Olivier: Hi, how can I help you?

Gina: Hello! We haven’t planned this very well, but we decided this morning we wanted to see a show while we are here, and thought it might be possible to get some cheap last-minute tickets.

O: Any idea of what you want to see?

G: No, I don’t even know what’s on right now, actually.

O: Well, were you thinking a musical, or a play?

G: I think… a musical. It’ll be more fun for the kids.

O: Here, take a look at this. These are the musicals we have on at the moment.

G: I really don’t know. Can you recommend something?

O: How old are your children?

G: Five and nine.

O: I think the Lion King would be perfect. It’s one of our longest running shows, and it’s good fun.

G: That sounds perfect! How much are the tickets?

O: Well, first of all, what time would you like to go? We have matinee and evening tickets available. The matinee tickets are slightly cheaper.

G: What time is the matinee?

O: It’s at two-thirty, so in about an hour. The evening performance is at seven-thirty.

G: Two-thirty is too soon. I guess it’ll have to be the evening.

O: OK, evening it is. The second question is: where would you like to sit? You can choose from stalls, Royal Circle or Grand Circle. Take a look at this seating plan.

G: Hmm… We’re kind of on a budget. Which tickets are the cheapest?

O: You could sit in the Grand Circle, near the back. We have four seats together, just here. [point to imaginary screen]

G: How much would they be?

O: Normally, they’re eighty pounds each, but because it’s last minute, they’re down to forty-five.

G: Is it cheaper for children?

O: No, I’m afraid not. All tickets are the same price.

G: Alright, I guess we won’t get another chance anytime soon. I’ll take them!

Look at five words and phrases which you heard in the dialogue. They’re all connected with going to the theatre.

  • last-minute tickets

Do you know what these words mean? How would you explain the meaning?

If you’re on a budget, you might want to look for ‘last-minute tickets’. You buy last-minute tickets close to the time of the show you want to see. Last-minute tickets are often cheaper. You can use ‘last-minute’ to talk about other things as well; for example: ‘last-minute plane tickets’, or ‘a last-minute hotel booking’.

Learn more with this Oxford Online English lesson: Hotel English .

A ‘musical’ is a play—or a film—which includes songs and dancing routines. Can you think of any other famous musicals?

A ‘matinee’ is a performance which starts earlier in the day, usually in the afternoon. You can also use the word ‘matinee’ to talk about films at the cinema.

A typical theatre has two types of seating: ‘stalls’ and ‘circle’. The stalls are the seats in front of the stage, and at the same level. The circle is higher and further back, so seats in the circle tend to be cheaper.

Now, you’ve been on a tour of London all day, and you’re feeling tired. It’s time to talk about transport . Let’s jump in a taxi and go back to your hotel.

4. Taking a Taxi

Tour of London in English - taxi

Olivier: Where to?

Gina: Excuse me?

O: Where are you going?

G: Oh, sorry. Trafalgar Square, please. Do you know how much it will be?

O: It’s all on the meter, but should be around £25.

G: OK, that’s fine. How’s your day going?

O: Typical Saturday, innit? Very busy, but can’t complain. Are you just here visiting?

G: Yes, I’m from the US. Are you from London originally?

O: Yep. Proper Londoner. Born and bred here.

G: So, you like it here?

O: It’s a blinding place to live.

G: Oh, right.

O: Obviously there a few places that are a little dodgy, but I think you get that in any big city.

G: Of course.

O: I mean, it just does my nut when people talk about how dangerous London has become.

G: Well… Yes…

O: I mean you’ve got to say the old bill do a good job around here.

G: The old who?

O: The old bill. That’s what we call the police here.

G: Ah… actually could you drop me off here? I’d like to walk down The Mall.

O: Yeah, no problem. That’s 25 quid please.

If you didn’t understand all of that, don’t worry. We included some colloquial words and phrases that are typical in London, and you might hear when you go on a tour of London in English.

  • does my nut

Have you heard any of these before? ‘Innit’ is used instead of question tags like ‘are you?’ or ‘doesn’t it?’ For example, instead of ‘The weather looks nice, doesn’t it?’ you might hear ‘The weather looks nice, innit?’ This is colloquial, and as an English learner you probably shouldn’t use it, but you might hear it in the UK.

‘Blinding’ is a slang word which means ‘very good’. On the other hand, something which is ‘dodgy’ is not good at all.

‘Dodgy’ means that something is wrong. If you describe a person as dodgy, you mean that this person shouldn’t be trusted. If you talk about a dodgy area of a city, you’re talking about an area which isn’t always safe to walk around.

If something ‘does your nut’, it annoys you. For example, you could say ‘This music really does my nut.’ Again, this is very colloquial! Use it for fun if you want, but expect people to give you some strange looks. The ‘old bill’, as you heard, are the police. This is London-specific slang.

Finally, ‘ quid ’ is another word for ‘pounds’. This is common, and you’ll probably hear it if you visit the UK. So, if something costs ten pounds, you can say that it costs ten quid instead. ‘Quid’ is too colloquial to use in writing; also, ‘quid’ doesn’t change in the plural: one quid, two quid, three quid…

Anyway, we hope you feel ready for a trip so you can take a tour of London in English! Do you have any recommendations for things to do in London? Please share your ideas in the comments! Thanks for watching!

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Exhibition: Paul McCartney: The Lyrics

British Library , 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB

This exhibition CLOSED on Sun, 13th Mar 2022

This exhibition has finished.

Cost: Free of Charge


Showcasing previously unseen material from Paul McCartney's personal archive, this display celebrates the life and art of one of the world's most successful songwriters and performers. The lyrics and photographs span his career - from his earliest compositions through the legendary decade of The Beatles, to Wings and his solo albums to the present. Open for everyone, this display accompanies the Beatles' lyrics featured in our free Treasures Gallery alongside works by his literary inspirations Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll and Virginia Woolf. The display includes highlights from the 154 songs included in Paul McCartney - The Lyrics: 1956 to the Present published by Allen Lane this autumn, which recounts his life and art through the prism of songs from all stages of his career. You can pre-order now from our online shop.

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More information at this website .

No need to book tickets - just turn up on the day.

The information and prices in this listing are presumed to be correct at the time of publishing, but please always check with the venue before making a special trip.

All images are supplied by the exhibition organiser.

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Life and lyrics.

Kerry Brown

Set against the backdrop of London's urban music scene, Life and Lyrics follows the journey of a south London DJ, Danny, and his crew as they battle on stage with their north London rivals. Life & Lyrics is also a story of unrequited love as Danny unwittingly falls for a singer from the rival crew, soon forced to realise the dangers and implications involved.

  • Music / Dance

Production status

Last updated 30th March 2006

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Fiesta Productions c/o Goldcrest Post 1 Lexington Street London W1F 9AF UK T +44 (0)20 7437 7972 F+44 (0)20 7437 5402

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Beyond Films 41–42 Berners Street London W1T 3NB UK T+44 (0)20 7323 3377

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Beatles in London

Handwritten lyrics from Paul McCartney’s archive go on display

British Library to exhibit song lyrics and photographs immaculately kept by the former Beatle

Treasured material from Paul McCartney’s personal archive, including the original handwritten lyrics to songs such as Hey Jude and Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five, is going on public display for the first time at the  British Library .

Paul McCartney: The Lyrics, which is free to the public from Friday, celebrates one of the world’s most successful songwriters and performers.

Lyrics, printed photographs and original memorabilia spanning McCartney’s career reveal the process and people behind some of the most famous songs of all time. Highlights include previously unseen lyrics for Pipes of Peace, Jenny Wren and Tell Me Who He Is, an unrecorded song found in a notebook in McCartney’s archive and accompanied by additional items suggesting that it was written in the late 1950s. The lyrics, written in blue Biro on lined notebook paper, begin: “Tell me who he is, tell me that you’re mine not his, he says he loves you more than I do, tell me who he is.”

For more click here

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    Take a tour of London by listening to this tour guide and do the exercises to improve your listening skills. Skip to main content ... EnglishScore Tutors is the British Council's one-to-one tutoring platform for 13- to 17-year-olds. Find out more. Comments. Submitted by carlottamoretti on Wed, 07/24/2024 - 10:21.

  2. PDF Tour of London

    Improve your listening: Tour of London - transcript. Transcript for Tour of London. Tour guide: Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this fantastic tour of London by bus. My name's Greg and I'm your guide this afternoon on our tour of London. As you can see, we're on an open top bus, so you can see all the attractions from ...

  3. PDF Tour of London

    Improve your listening: Tour of London - exercises. 2. Check your understanding: multiple choice. Circle the best word to complete these sentences. 1. The tour takes 2 / 3 / 4 hours. 2. At Madame Tussaud's you can see maps of London / models of famous people / famous shops . 3.

  4. PDF Teens

    In this lesson students practise vocabulary of famous places in London, listen to a light-hearted recording of a guided tour on an open top bus in London, check their comprehension, and then do a speaking activity based on the listening. Procedure. 1. Pre-listening tasks (10-15 mins) Write London on the board. Ask students to tell you what they ...

  5. Listening: Tour of London

    Test: recording was brought by British Council from

  6. Monthly lesson plan

    In this lesson students practise vocabulary of famous places in London, listen to a light-hearted recording of a guided tour on an open top bus in London, check their comprehension, and then do a speaking activity based on the listening. Topic: A tour of London. Level: A2+. Time: 60 minutes approximately. Aims: To develop students' listening ...

  7. Tour of London by British Council

    Tour of London by British Council

  8. PDF Listening: tour of London

    Tour guide: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this fantastic tour of London by bus. My name's Greg and I'm your guide this afternoon on our tour of London. As you can see, we're on an open-top bus, so you can see all the attractions from your seat and you don't need to walk anywhere. And please don't worry about the ...

  9. PDF Tour of London

    Answers to Tour of London. Preparation Open-top bus Big Ben London Eye Tower Bridge Tower of London Oxford Street Buckingham Palace Houses of Parliament 1. Check your understanding: ordering 1. Madame Tussauds, Museum 2. Oxford Street 3. Big Ben 4. Houses of Parliament 5. London Eye 6. Tower Bridge 7. Tower of London 8. Buckingham Palace 2.

  10. A tour of London worksheet

    A listening activity from the british council. ... A tour of London A tour of London. Anglais les fontaines. Member for 4 years 8 months Age: 11-18. Level: A2. Language: English (en) ID: 79669. 02/04/2020. Country code: FR. Country: France. School ...

  11. Tour of London deep listening: focus…: English ESL video lessons

    Tour of London. Let's do English ESL deep listening: focus on meaning. General understanding of the video, filling gaps, unscramble sentences, matching of the phrases.

  12. Tour of London in English

    The bus tour we were talking about is 'hop on/hop off'. This means you can get off the bus to visit places on the way, and then get back on another bus later. Let's make our first stop on our tour of London, and go to one of London's famous museums. 2. Going to a Museum. Olivier: Good morning, welcome to the Tate Modern. Gina: Good ...

  13. PDF TE monthly lesson plan Teens listening London tour-1

    In this lesson students practise vocabulary of famous places in London, listen to a light-hearted recording of a guided tour on an open top bus in London, check their comprehension, and then do a speaking activity based on the listening. 1. Pre-listening tasks (10-15 mins) Write London on the board. Ask students to tell you what they know about ...

  14. London Arts Tour

    British Council Worldwide. We are exploring the arts and culture scene in the UK's capital, London. With an international reputation for producing some of the most innovative creative talent and rich artistic work in the world, London is at the centre of the UK's cultural life.

  15. PDF Tour of London Role play worksheet

    Title: Microsoft Word - TE monthly lesson plan Teens listening London tour worksheet.doc Author: Paul Braddock Created Date: 10/11/2013 10:01:41 AM

  16. Tour of London

    Combine your tour with a visit inside Westminster Abbey or the Tower of London, a gallery or a museum. Private tours of London can be tailored to suit you. Take your tour on foot and public transport or by taxi, riverboat, bicycle or private car. Many of our guides can provide local coach transport for larger groups. Book a guided tour of London.

  17. Tour of London by British Council

    Watch and do the exercise!

  18. There's No Place Like London

    It was released for the first time on CD to tie-in with the UK held Olympic Games in 2012 on the Warner/Chappell album, Olympic Tracks. [35] It is listed in the BBC music database which catalogs songs they play. [36] Speaking about the recording of the song in an interview, de Paul said "we wrote.."There's No Place Like London", and the Tourist Board liked it, and then we thought of an artist ...

  19. Taylor Swift breaks Wembley record and sings So Long, London as UK tour

    The star's headline-dominating tour has criss-crossed Europe all summer; with the Wembley finale marking the 131st date of her two-year trek. In the UK alone, she played to almost 1.2 million ...

  20. Exhibition: Paul McCartney: The Lyrics

    The lyrics and photographs span his career - from his earliest compositions through the legendary decade of The Beatles, to Wings and his solo albums to the present. Open for everyone, this display accompanies the Beatles' lyrics featured in our free Treasures Gallery alongside works by his literary inspirations Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll ...

  21. PDF Tour of London

    Answers to Tour of London. !!!!! Preparation London bus London Eye Tower of London Buckingham Palace Tower Bridge Oxford Street Houses of Parliament Big Ben 1. Check your understanding: ordering 1. Madame Tussauds, Museum 2. Oxford Street 3. Big Ben 4. Houses of Parliament 5. London Eye 6. Tower Bridge 7. Tower of London 8. Buckingham Palace 2.

  22. British Council Film: Life and Lyrics

    Synopsis. Set against the backdrop of London's urban music scene, Life and Lyrics follows the journey of a south London DJ, Danny, and his crew as they battle on stage with their north London rivals. Life & Lyrics is also a story of unrequited love as Danny unwittingly falls for a singer from the rival crew, soon forced to realise the dangers ...

  23. Handwritten lyrics from Paul McCartney's archive go on display

    British Library to exhibit song lyrics and photographs immaculately kept by the former Beatle. Treasured material from Paul McCartney's personal archive, including the original handwritten lyrics to songs such as Hey Jude and Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five, is going on public display for the first time at the British Library. Paul McCartney ...

  24. PDF Tour of London

    Answers to Tour of London. !!!!! Preparation Open-top bus Big Ben London Eye Tower Bridge Tower of London Oxford Street Buckingham Palace Houses of Parliament 1. Check your understanding: ordering 1. Madame Tussauds, Museum 2. Oxford Street 3. Big Ben 4. Houses of Parliament 5. London Eye 6. Tower Bridge 7. Tower of London 8. Buckingham Palace 2.