Nether Portal Calculator


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Nether Portal Calculator – A Detailed Guide

The term is tossed around a lot among Minecraft gaming circles these days.

And if you are in one, you would probably know what that term means and how does it associate with your all so loved game "Minecraft".

But if you don't, it's alright, because you are not alone. There is an astounding number of Minecraft players who are still in the dark.

So, bear with me, read this description through to the end, and you'll be wise on the subject.

So, let's begin with the basics.

What is Nether Portal Calculator, After all?

A Nether Portal is an autogenerated framework that connects two dimensions, the Overworld and the Nether. Likewise, Minecraft Nether Portal Calculator is used to compute the relative coordinates between the Overworld and the Nether.

When you've gotten to the point in Minecraft where you're constructing nether portals, you can use the Nether Portal Calculator to figure out where to place your return gate so that it connects as a link between the Overworld and the Nether.

Why Use a Nether Portal Calculator?

Nether portals help speed up movement through the Overworld, but if you're in a world with some other players who build gates, it's not unusual to emerge in an unexpected place while travelling through a Nether Portal and end up at a wrong return gate.

For Instance, you created a portal from your home at X, Y, Z and moved through it only to land in a nether portal room built by someone else. So, when you went back into it, your X and Z coordinates were nowhere near where you had the entry gate, and you had to sidle through the unknown landscape at night, avoiding mobs and hazards.

Frightening! Isn't it?

And this is where Nether Portal Calculator comes in.

By using a Nether portal calculator to find X, Y, Z coordinates from Overworld to Nether or vice versa, you will have the best chances of being hooked back up at the right gates.

Does the Nether Portal Calculator Works?

Nether Portal Calculator is an intuitively designed calculator that determines where portals should be placed in the Overworld and Nether dimensions to appear at the correct coordinates. Simply put, Nether Portal Calculator does the maths for you.

Let's explain this with an Example!

If the Nether coordinates are 2,3 and 5, the overworld coordinates would be:

Inspired? Wanna Learn How to Use Nether Portal Calculator in Minecraft?

Below is a simple stepwise guide for beginners:

Choose a place in the Overworld for a portal and build the frame without lighting it.

Enter your portal frame as if you were going to use it, and press F3 to record the coordinates X, Y, and Z, as well as the Facing (F) number. Remember! This step is important if you want a seamless transition while passing through a portal.

In our Overworld to Nether portal calculator, enter the coordinates. Double-check your entries, particularly if the numbers are positive or negative. Obsidian is difficult to disassemble and shift if you make a mistake. The calculator will convert the data and show the final coordinates that you'll need to position your Nether-side portal.

Light your portal and go to the calculated Nether coordinates using F3.

Demolish and replace the block under your feet at these coordinates with obsidian.

Steer your character until the earlier F3 Facing (F) number matches up. Please note that you will be facing this direction when you exit the portal.

Drop a second obsidian block onto the floor to your right or left (no specific direction). These two obsidians will serve as the base for your portal.

To ensure uninterrupted transition through the portal, build a walkway at least a few blocks from the portal base in the matching "F" number direction. This guarantees that you don't end up staring at a wall after exiting a portal.

Complete the Nether portal frame and then light it.

Disable or destroy the Nether portal created by the game when you first accessed the Nether. Exit the Nether through the newly constructed portal. If you follow the above mentioned steps carefully, you will surely get a pair of perfectly connected Nether portals.

• You can repeat the process and link an unlimited number of portals.

• If the game detects a portal in the other dimension that is precisely at your target coordinates, it will only use that portal, even if other potential portals are within range.

Some Quick Tips

• To prevent the linking problem, ensure that no two Overworld portals are within 33 blocks of each other. You can have them that near if your design calls for it; keep in mind that they will most likely both go to the same place.

• While minor misalignments in portal placement do not matter much, it is best to be as precise as possible in the portal placement to avoid conflicts.

• Due to the scale variations between the two dimensions, Overworld is slacker in the placement of the portals. Generally, you can shift a surface portal up to 8 blocks in either direction without fear of conflict, as long as you don't violate the 33-meter proximity rule.

• This technique is also applicable in reverse. If you want to start a portal pair from the Nether, follow the same steps but switch "Overworld" and "Nether" and use the other calculator.

• When reading F3 coordinates, disregard the decimal portion (round off the numbers). Only the whole number is important.

• The Altitude (Y) coordinate is essential if you create a portal near the Overworld's sky limit; it will be near the Nether's ceiling, and vice versa. Keep this in mind because, if you don't, you can end up having to build a slew of ladders in the Nether to complete a walkway between the portals.

Some Handy Strategies

If you have several overworld locations that you want to be readily accessible, simply travel to the Nether, create a portal, and travel through it. In case you have a specific location in mind for the overworld portal that is close to where the portal was generated, you can simply delete the overworld portal and build a new one in that location. If you're getting short on obsidian, you may want to consider taking the created portal's corners. It may not look as good, but it will give you four extra obsidian blocks. Place cheaper blocks, such as wood blocks or chiselled stone bricks, to enhance the portal's look.

Building tunnels may be one of the best defences against mobs and getting lost, though it takes more time and blocks. Since you can encounter mobs when building tunnels, it is recommended that you keep all of your belongings in a chest except for a stone or iron pickaxe, a large amount of ghast resistant blocks such as cobblestone, and a large number of torches. That way, if you die, you don't risk anything critically important. The exact amount you carry will depend on how certain you are that you'll not die. Bring just a few stacks of blocks and torches if you are a beginner, but you may want to bring more if you are more experienced. For more supplies, you can always return to your Overworld base.

Nether roof is an exclusive feature in Java Edition. It is probably the safest method of fast travel in the Nether and is also one of the easiest. For this, you need to get to the Nether roof, for which there are several ways. Some of which are listed HERE.

If you want to link several portals, you can take advantage of the Nether's 1:8 scale and make a huge map of your Overworld in the Nether that is also at this scale. It takes a lot of time, pickaxes, and bricks, but it's worth the effort, making it unlikely for you to get lost.

Parting Shot

If you carefully follow the above steps, you'll more often than not end up at your desired location. However, in rare cases, the gates may not link as planned. If this occurs, try to do some research to ascertain what's wrong.

Just carry some torches, tools, and supplies, just in case of any eventuality.

So, Try out the Nether Portal Calculator!

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Happy Minecrafting!

Nether Portal Calculator

How to use the nether portal calculator, how do i make a nether portal in minecraft how many blocks of obsidian to make a nether portal, how do i make a nether portal with lava, how do i link nether portals in minecraft how do i convert nether portal coordinates, making of the nether portal calculator.

Welcome to the Nether portal calculator , where we'll demystify Minecraft's Nether portals and how they work . We'll explain how to make Nether portals in Minecraft , how many obsidian for a Nether portal, and how to link Nether portals up to allow fast-travel through the Overworld. We'll even touch on topics like Nether portal designs and how you can make portals without mining obsidian first!

In Minecraft, the Nether portal is a structure that functions as a gateway to the Nether , the game's malevolent alternate dimension . Filled with both hostile monsters and valuable gold ore, the Nether is a crucial part of the player's progression towards beating the Ender dragon .

Remember — the Nether and End portals are two entirely different structures that work in totally different ways. To learn more about the End Portal, try our Minecraft End portal finder .

So let's grab a stack of obsidian blocks and get right to building a portal !

If you just need to use the Minecraft Nether portal calculator without sweating the details, here's how . The Minecraft Nether portal calculator has two modes: coordinate mode and block mode .

Coordinate mode shows you what the coordinates of a location in the Overworld would be in the Nether and vice versa.

Enter the coordinates of the portal in the Overworld or the Nether.

The Nether portal calculator will find the coordinates of the corresponding portal in the other dimension.

The Nether portal calculator is bidirectional , allowing you to change either set of coordinates and get valid results on the other side.

Block mode lets you calculate details about the Nether portal you're about to build.

Enter your nether portal's dimensions . Nether portals can be anything between 4×5 and 23×23.

Decide whether you want your portal to have corners . Nether portals can function without corners, but some players prefer the full rectangular style.

The Nether portal calculator will show you how many blocks of obsidian to make a Nether portal of the dimensions specified. It will also generate a Nether portal schematic for you.

For example, creating a Nether portal of size 5×5 blocks with corners requires 16 Obsidian blocks.

Read on to learn about the math behind the calculator to better understand Nether portals.

A Nether portal is simply a rectangular frame of obsidian that's been set alight with a flint and steel (or other fire-making tool, like a fire charge). The frame must at least be 4 blocks wide and 5 blocks tall , and can be up to 23×23 . The corners of the rectangle are not necessary . We therefore only need 10 obsidian blocks to make a functional Nether portal in Minecraft and still adhere to the required Nether portal dimensions.

To determine exactly how many obsidian blocks you'd need to build a portal of width w w w and height h h h , you can follow this formula :

This formula excludes the four optional corners that complete the rectangle. You should add 4 4 4 obsidian blocks to the total if your portal will have its corners.

Here's what a complete Nether portal frame looks like:

A deactivated Nether portal frame.

Once the Nether portal frame is complete, we can activate the portal by setting it alight with a flint and steel . This will fill the frame with the iconic purple swirling texture of the portal. Ready to step through ?

An activated Nether portal frame.

While the basic rectangular frame can suffice, there are some awe-inspiring Nether portal designs out there. We can even build Nether portals to be circular — learn how with our Minecraft circle calculator !

While we've just learned how to make a Nether portal in Minecraft, there are some shortcuts . A common trick, especially for Minecraft speedrunners, is to use the bucket method . We usually obtain obsidian by letting water flow onto lava , thereby forming obsidian. Then we'd mine the block using a diamond pickaxe. But what if we don't have any diamonds? How do we make a Nether portal with just lava ?

In this case, we can use buckets to move lava somewhere so that, if we throw water onto it, it forms obsidian in the shape of a Nether portal frame . We can use low-value blocks (like cobblestone or dirt) to build a rudimentary cast into which we place the lava and water so that it doesn't spill.

The bucket method of making a Nether portal without mining obsidian directly.

Before discussing Minecraft's Nether portal linking , we must examine how the Nether bends space in the Overworld. The Nether and the Overworld's coordinates don't line up in a 1:1 ratio , as distances don't work the same in the two dimensions. Instead, the ratio is 1:8 , meaning that traveling one block in the Nether equates to traveling eight blocks in the Overworld (although this doesn't apply for the Y-axis).

When you make your first Nether portal in the Overworld , a corresponding Nether portal is automatically created in the Nether as the dimension is generated for the first time. In this case, you can easily use the above conversion rates to pinpoint your Nether portal coordinates.

When multiple portals already exist, though, things get a bit more complex .

Upon entering a portal, the game converts the player's location to the other dimension's coordinate system. We'll call this destination point in the other dimension D .

The game then searches the other dimension around the destination D for existing Nether portals. The search range is 17×17 chunks or 3×3 chunks, depending on whether D is in the Overworld or the Nether.

If one or more Nether portals exist near D , the player is sent to the nearest portal in a straight line from D .

If no Nether portals exist near D , the game creates a new portal at D and sends the player there.

💡 In Minecraft, the world is divided into segments called chunks that are 16 blocks wide, 16 blocks long, and reach from the world's floor to its ceiling.

With this knowledge, players can calculate distances between their Nether portals to create vast fast-travel networks to reach far-off corners of the Overworld.

I'm Rijk de Wet, holder of a Master's in Data Science and Industrial Engineering. My achievements are a testament to my dedication, scholarly excellence, and analytical innovation. Beyond my academic and professional pursuits, my zeal for board games shows how much I value strategy, critical thinking, and the joy of shared experiences. I am credible and respected in his field because I combine advanced technical expertise, innovative research, and communal spirit.

All our gaming enthusiasts are well aware that building nether portals is resource-intensive. The obsidian needed to make them requires time to collect. So, I thought a calculator might help players plan to build the portals and reduce resource waste . Our nether portal calculator will also be helpful for all our gaming content creators when creating tutorials for efficient gameplay with accurate information that would benefit the wider Minecraft community.

We ensure our tools are based on authentic information and proper research. After an expert makes the calculator, another expert in the field reviews it thoroughly. Then, a native language speaker proofreads the content, ensuring further refinement; only then is the tool released for our users. To learn more about our commitment to quality, please refer to our Editorial Policies page .

How big is a Nether portal?

Nether portals can be between 4×5 and 23×23 . In previous versions of Minecraft, the portal could only be 4×5, and not bigger nor smaller. Recently, however, this restriction was lifted, and now players can make much bigger Nether portals.

How do I activate a Nether portal?

When you have a complete Nether portal frame constructed, you must set it alight using a flint and steel. That will activate the Nether portal and fill the frame with Nether portal blocks. You can then step into the portal to enter the Nether.

How many obsidian blocks do I need for the Nether portal?

You need at least 10 obsidian blocks to make a functioning Nether portal. In this form, the Nether portal will be a vertically-oriented rectangular 4×5 obsidian frame without corners . To make the biggest possible Minecraft Nether portal of dimensions 23×23, you'd need 84 obsidian blocks for a frame without corners and 88 for a frame with corners .

Can you make a Nether portal in the End?

No, you can't make a Nether portal in the End. A constructed Nether portal frame not in the Overworld, or the Nether won't activate upon being set alight. Therefore, it's impossible to build a functional Nether portal in the End.

How do I light a Nether portal without a flint and steel?

Any tool that sets fire to a block can be used to activate a Nether portal frame. You can use a fire charge, have a wood block's fire spread to the Nether portal, or trick a Ghast into shooting your portal frame. If you're lucky, lightning can strike your Nether portal, setting fire to it that way.

How do I break my Nether portal?

You can break a Nether portal in many ways .

You can mine one of the portal's obsidian blocks.

You can let water flow into the portal.

You can cause an explosion near the portal, which won't break the obsidian but will disable the portal.

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Nether Portal Calculator

Streamline your minecraft adventures with newtum's nether portal calculator.

Embark on a seamless Minecraft odyssey with Newtum's Nether Portal Calculator. This ingenious tool ensures your Nether explorations are perfectly synced with the Overworld, sparking curiosity and strategic gameplay.

Understanding the Gateway: Your Essential Tool Explained

The Nether Portal Calculator is a gamer's best friend for navigating Minecraft's alternate dimension. Seamlessly calculate the precise locations to build your Nether and Overworld portals, ensuring they align for quick and efficient travel across worlds.

Deciphering the Nether Portal Coordinates: The Formula Unveiled

Dive into the mechanics of Minecraft with the Nether Portal Calculator's formula. Understanding this essential calculation will elevate your gameplay, ensuring your dimensional travel is both accurate and efficient.

  • Review the coordinates of your current Overworld portal.
  • Divide the X and Z coordinates by 8 for Nether measurements.
  • Construct the Nether portal at the new coordinates for alignment.
  • Verify the synchronization of portals for seamless travel.

Step-by-Step Guide: Mastering the Nether Portal Calculator

Navigate the realms of Minecraft with ease using our user-friendly Nether Portal Calculator. Follow the simple steps below to link your worlds and embark on an epic adventure without any hassle.

  • Enter your current Overworld coordinates into the calculator.
  • Press 'Calculate' to obtain the corresponding Nether coordinates.
  • Travel to the Nether and build your portal at the new coordinates.
  • Enjoy seamless travel between the Overworld and Nether!

Why Choose Our Nether Portal Calculator: A Feature-Rich Tool

  • User-Friendly Interface: Effortlessly navigate our tool.
  • Instant Results: Get quick calculations for portal placement.
  • Data Security: Your data stays on your device, not on servers.
  • Accessibility Across Devices: Use our tool on any device.
  • No Installation Needed: Access our tool directly online.
  • Examples for Clarity: Understand the tool with practical examples.
  • Versatile Birth Year Queries: Calculate for any year swiftly.
  • Transparent Process: Our methods are open for you to see.
  • Educational Resource: Learn about Nether portal mechanics.
  • Responsive Customer Support: We're here to assist you.
  • Regular Updates: Our tool stays up-to-date with the latest game changes.
  • Privacy Assurance: We guarantee the confidentiality of your calculations.
  • Efficient Age Retrieval: Get fast age computations.
  • Language Accessibility: Use our tool in your preferred language.
  • Engaging and Informative Content: Enjoy our tool as you learn.
  • Fun and Interactive Learning: Make gaming educational.
  • Shareable Results: Easily share your portal coordinates.
  • Responsive Design: Our tool adapts to your screen size.
  • Educational Platform Integration: Use our tool as part of your learning resources.
  • Comprehensive Documentation: We provide full details on how to use our tool effectively.

Applications and Uses: Nether Portal Calculator in Action

  • Strategic base placement across dimensions for resource gathering.
  • Efficient travel between points in the Overworld and Nether.
  • Planning and building interconnected networks of Nether portals.
  • Saving time by avoiding trial-and-error portal placement.
  • Enhancing gameplay with accurate and strategic portal creation.

Practical Examples: Calculating Nether Portal Coordinates

Imagine you've built an Overworld portal at coordinates X=800, Z=800. Using the Nether Portal Calculator, you'd get Nether coordinates of X=100, Z=100 for the corresponding portal. Conversely, if you're in the Nether at X=150, Z=200, your Overworld portal should be at X=1200, Z=1600 for precise linkage. These examples demonstrate the utility of our calculator in ensuring your portals are perfectly synchronized.

Ensuring Top Security with Your Nether Portal Calculator

In the realm of Minecraft, the Nether Portal Calculator stands as a beacon of security and efficiency. As a tool developed purely in JavaScript and HTML, it guarantees that no data is transmitted to servers, and everything remains within the confines of your device. This commitment to privacy ensures your strategic portal placements are yours alone to know. With this tool, you have the power to master the complexities of interdimensional travel in Minecraft, all the while confident that your data is secure, your gameplay uninterrupted, and your Minecraft experience enhanced.

Frequently Asked Questions: All About Nether Portal Calculations

  • How does the Nether Portal Calculator improve my Minecraft gameplay?
  • Can I use the Nether Portal Calculator on any device?
  • Is my portal data secure with this calculator?
  • What makes this calculator different from other portal calculators?
  • How often is the Nether Portal Calculator updated for game changes?

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Nether Portal Calculator

Coordinate calculator: overworld nether portals, 3d distance calculator:.

To avoid linking problems, make sure that the Overworld portals are at least 8 blocks apart or the Nether portals 1 block apart, provided that they are linked up correctly.


  • Build the frame of the portal in the Overworld at your desired location without lighting it.
  • Step into the frame and find the coordinates (X Y Z) of the frame on the F3 screen. Remember the direction you're facing when you're walking into the portal as well. (We'll use this for getting a smooth transition between the Overworld and the Nether).
  • Enter the X Y and Z you got in step 2 into the calculator ("Overworld coords").
  • The Nether coordinates of the portal will appear on the right ("Nether coords").
  • Finish the portal by lighting it and go through it.
  • Go to the exact coordinates you got in step 3.
  • Replace the block you are standing on with an obsidian block.
  • Face the same direction you got in step 2 using the F3 screen.
  • Replace another block in the floor to your left or right with an obsidian block. You have now built the base of your new Nether portal.
  • Build the rest of the Nether portal and light it.
  • Go back to the Nether portal you first came through, and destroy/disable it.
  • Go back to the Overworld through your newly build Nether portal.
  • You should now have correctly linked your Nether portals.
  • You can link up as many portals as you want, there is no limit.
  • While the portals don't have to be precisely lined up, it is best to align them up correctly to prevent linking issues.
  • When portals are not correctly linked, going through one portal in the Overworld may result in entering the Nether in another portal. Portals can link up to other portals within a 1024 block radius for the Overworld, or a 128 block radius for the Nether on both X and Z axis.
  • You can reverse this method and start in the Nether by swapping the "Overworld" and the "Nether."
  • When getting the coordinates from the F3 screen, you can ignore the decimals and round the numbers down.
  • The height at which you place the portals (Y) matters! When building a portal near the build limit in the Overworld, the portal in the Nether will be near the ceiling.
  • Additionally to the Nether Portal Calculator, there is a 3D distance calculator for getting the precise distance between Nether portals.
  • For more information about Nether Portals, visit the Minecraft Wiki .

This page was last edited on 23 June 2020, at 18:29.


Client news, nether portal calculator.

F3 debug screen

Nether Portal Calculator

Over overworld orld, neth nether ther, saved saved coordinates oords, firs first time have a read here. time.

Minecraft Portal Calculator

Wrong return gate, calculator to translate between the overworld and the nether, suggested steps:.

Nether Portal Calculator: Precise Minecraft Coordinates

This nether portal calculator helps you determine the precise coordinates for linking Overworld and Nether portals in Minecraft.

Instructions for use:

Enter the Overworld coordinates (X and Z) to calculate the corresponding Nether coordinates, or enter the Nether coordinates to find the corresponding Overworld location. Click ‘Calculate’ to see the results. If you enter both Overworld and Nether coordinates, the Overworld coordinates will be used for the calculation.

How it calculates the results:

In Minecraft, one block in the Nether is equivalent to eight blocks in the Overworld. This calculator uses this scale to convert coordinates between the two dimensions. For Overworld to Nether conversions, it divides the Overworld coordinates by 8 and rounds down to the nearest whole number. For Nether to Overworld conversions, it multiplies the Nether coordinates by 8.


This calculator assumes that a player is traveling between dimensions without considering portal mechanics such as portal linking or portal spawning mechanics. It is only an approximation and does not account for obstacles or existing portals in either dimension.

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Nether Portal Calculator

Overworld Coordinates

The portal will appear in the nether at




Nether Coordinates

The portal will appear in the overworld at




Minecraft Wiki

Tutorials/Nether portals

The creation of Nether portals can be used for a variety of different means. This page lists some of the implications of these portal mechanics.

  • 1.1 Portals can accumulate Overworld mobs
  • 2.1 Farming obsidian
  • 2.2.1 A quick, simple method using a lava pool, water bucket, and some blocks
  • 3.1 Pairing portals
  • 3.2 Zones of exclusion
  • 3.3 2-in-1 Nether portals
  • 3.4 Spawning a portal in the air or buried.
  • 4.1 Portals can be built-in networks
  • 4.2 1-way long distance teleport
  • 4.3 Non-exploit water ladder replacement
  • 5 References

First, portals are risky [ ]

Portals try to avoid spawning over lava, in midair, or inside rock, but they do so by spawning nearby . Thus, a new portal from the Overworld has a disproportionate chance of being next to an abyss, lava lake, or netherrack wall. There is also no way to check whether a lava source (created with the landscape) is destined to send lava flowing over the portal. Furthermore, a portal can spawn on a one-block thick ledge or floor, or on a Soul Sand outcrop.

Portals can accumulate Overworld mobs [ ]

Portals built in the Overworld should be secured in order to prevent wandering monsters from entering the portal. These creatures can accumulate over time in the Nether; not only is there no sunlight to burn undead, but without a player present, time barely passes for them (15 seconds for each new entry) so they may not have time to despawn. Mobs such as creepers are especially bad to handle in the Nether due to the soft nature of netherrack and the abundance of lava to fall into.

Making a portal [ ]

Farming obsidian [ ].

See Tutorials/Obsidian farming .

Creating a portal without getting obsidian [ ]

Nether portals can be built without the use of a diamond or netherite pickaxe to mine obsidian by placing lava in a mold of other blocks, and then pouring water over it to turn it into obsidian.

A quick, simple method using a lava pool, water bucket, and some blocks [ ]

You need at least 6 blocks, a water bucket, a lava pool, and a flint and steel or other lighting method. A block breaking tool is recommended.

  • Start by placing a block at the edge of a lava pool.
  • Place water to the left of the block.
  • Destroy the block.
  • If the bottom two blocks are made of obsidian, then everything is going fine, as you need all 4 of the obsidian so far. Continue to step 5.
  • If the bottom two blocks are NOT made of obsidian, you need to destroy those blocks. After destroying those blocks, fill them with lava and use flowing water to solidify them with obsidian. Once you have all 4 obsidian blocks there, you can continue to step 5.
  • Place those two blocks.
  • Place those four blocks.
  • Place water.
  • Grab the water and light the nether portal with a flint and steel. To get that, you need gravel and iron.

How portals work [ ]

Portals try to link up at their equivalent location calculated by Overworld (X,Y,Z) <=> Nether (X/8, Y, Z/8). But as they say, the devil is in the details:

  • If going to the Nether it searches a 3x3 chunk area (that is, the chunk of the "ideal" coordinates, and the adjacent chunks).
  • If going to the Overworld, it searches a much larger area, 17x17 chunks (that is, up to 8 chunks away from the original point).
  • In either dimension, the entire vertical range of the world is scanned.
  • For any column of portal blocks (such as the two 3-high columns of a "standard" portal), only the bottom one is considered.
  • If any portals are found in this range, the traveler is teleported to the closest of them, based on the Euclidean (not taxicab ) distance in all three coordinates. Differences in the Y coordinate can bypass the portal that's closest in only X and Z!
  • It searches within 16 blocks horizontally (but any distance vertically) of the player's destination coordinates.
  • For the first pass, a valid location is 3×4 buildable blocks with air 4 high above all 12 blocks. When enough space is available, the orientation of the portal is random. The closest valid position in the 3D distance is always picked.
  • If no such space is found, it tries again looking for a narrower fit: A 1 x4 area of buildable blocks, still with air 4 high above them.
  • The ideal X and Z coordinates are used, but Y is clipped to be between 70, and 10 below the world height (i.e. 118 for the Nether or 246 for the Overworld).
  • A 2×3 platform of obsidian with air 3 high above is created at the target location, overwriting whatever might be there. This provides air space underground, or a small platform if high in the air. In Bedrock Edition , the platform includes 4 more blocks of netherrack on each side, a total of 12 blocks of platform.
  • When creating a portal, the game always makes a 4x5 frame of obsidian, including corner blocks.

Pairing portals [ ]

To set up pairs of Nether portals properly so that they reliably travel to each other, it is best to build both portals manually. Build at desired location X,Y,Z in the Overworld. Then travel to the Nether. And then dig your way to X/8, Y, Z/8, and build a portal there.

As block coordinates are centered on the lower northwest corner of blocks, higher precision can be achieved by placing a portal in the nether where block coordinates are the least precise relative to the overworld, recording the block coordinates, and adding 0.5 to each value before multiplying it by 8 to find the ideal overworld coordinates. This can allow portals as close as 8 blocks to behave reliably in the overworld, and can make adjacent portal blocks in the nether reliably teleport to different overworld portals as well. Even greater precision can be achieved when considering that teleportation from the nether to the overworld uses the player's coordinates without rounding -- thereby making it possible to have reliable, if difficult to use, portals as close as 1 block. Precisely linked portals can also be stacked vertically without interfering with one another.

A less precise method would be to temporarily deactivate all portals within a 128 block "radius" from within the Nether. Through death or with the aid of a second player, entering a new portal from the Overworld forces the creation of a new portal within the Nether which the Overworld portal should prefer. This is not recommended as it limits how close Overworld portals can be placed due to the zone of exclusions and can lead to unpredictable placement of the resulting portal.

The Y coordinate is not divided for pairings, however it does play a factor in mapping the portals. Therefore, two Overworld portals could be built at the same x,z coordinates with one at a very low Y, e.g., 5, and one at a higher y, e.g. 160. A Nether portal at these X and Z coordinates links to whichever portal is closest on the Y axis.

If this all sounds complicated to you, this website can help you in the process: .

Zones of exclusion [ ]

The Nether portal spawning algorithm can only spawn a portal within a 33×33 block column centered on the destination, but it does scan that width (and the height of the world) for open space to place the portal. This often causes it to spawn a portal at a location significantly different than the corresponding location in the other world. The larger the distance between a portal and its "ideal" destination, the larger the zone of exclusion. This zone is the area in each world where you cannot build another portal without breaking the link between the first two portals. One way to think of this zone is as spheres around each portal, each of a true radius equal to its distance to the equivalent location of the other. For example, if the Overworld portal was at (0,50,0) and the Nether portal at (0,100,0), then the portals are 50 meters away from each other. In this (simple) case, if a Nether portal was built closer than 50 meters to (0,50,0), then the Overworld portal links to it.

Because of the coordinate change, portals created in the Nether are much more likely to have ideal coordinates that are horizontally distant from the Overworld portal that created them. When going the other way, horizontal coordinates tend to be closer to ideal (because whatever space is found has a Nether-equivalent location closer to the original portal), but vertical displacement can still be an issue.

If you wish to ensure that two portals link together, manually build portals as close as possible in all 3 coordinate axes. It doesn't have to be exact, or even all that close, if the player ensures that no other portals is constructed in the exclusion zone created by the difference.

2-in-1 Nether portals [ ]

It is possible to end up in a situation where a Nether portal "randomly" places the player in 1 of 2 possible Overworld destination portals. This is simply because the Nether portal has two effective coordinates as it is 2 blocks wide, say (X, Y, Z) on the left, and (X+1, Y, Z) on the right. If the player entered on the left side, (X, Y, Z) translates to (X*8, Y, Z*8) in the overworld and the game picks the portal closest to that. If the player entered on the right side, (X+1, Y, Z) translates to (X*8+8, Y, Z*8) and the game picks a portal closest to that point instead. This situation occurs when the Nether portal's location is roughly equidistant between the 2 Overworld portals (within 8 blocks overworld distance difference). However, building 2 Nether portals side by side is probably better for destination clarity than building a 2-in-1 portal. It is possible to span distances with pairs of portals in this way, though normally faster to simply walk through the Nether. [1]

Spawning a portal in the air or buried. [ ]

It is possible for a destination portal (either in the Nether or in the Overworld) to spawn floating in the air, or buried in netherrack or stone. If your portal spawns in the air, it generates a 1×2×1 obsidian platform in the front and back of the portal. If it spawns in rock, a 3-high airspace is cleared out for one block on each side of the portal. This can only occur if there there are no existing portals within range to link to, and there is no suitable spot to place a new portal within 16 blocks horizontally (at any height) of the target coordinates. This usually means that floating portals spawn over the ocean (in the Overworld) or lava ocean (in the Nether), and buried portals are much more likely in the Nether.

Using portals [ ]

Portals can be built-in networks [ ].

You should build portals at 64 Nether block intervals, even if you are not normally going to use these gates. (This is the maximum ideal distance, but they can be built as close to 8 Overworld blocks apart, if the coordinates are precise.) This is so that if you use Nether portals for long-distance travel, and your usual Overworld destination portal becomes inaccessible for some reason, (due to large gravel cave-ins, lava, water, or you have an automated activation system and forgot to turn it on) you still have a reasonably close backup gate, which returns you into your gate network.

1-way long distance teleport [ ]

The portal choosing algorithm can be used for long-distance travel by manual construction at carefully selected coordinates. If the player has a portal in the Overworld at (0,64,0) but makes a Nether portal at (127,64,127) with its perfect Overworld pair at (1016, 64, 1016), then the portal at (0,64,0) goes to the Nether portal correctly (1-way trip) because it is the only portal available within the 128 search distance along X and Z horizontal axes of the expected Nether portal position of (0,64,0). In about 15 seconds, the player can then travel 1436 meters in the Overworld. This specific form of fast travel by portal is one-way, since the Nether portal cannot find this Overworld portal. Given that a railway in the nether would need to span only 180 meters to go this distance, it is usually not worth making such portal links. However, it is theoretically possible to make a one-way ring of portals, with each Overworld to Nether jump going a long distance, but such a ring would easily be disrupted due to the huge exclusion zones created. [2]

Non-exploit water ladder replacement [ ]

The Nether portal is an also entirely viable, two-way replacement for the water or conventional ladder. [3] Note that if you want to travel a vertical distance of h from a point (X, Y, Z) in the Overworld to (X/8, Y+h, Z/8) in the Nether, there must be no other Overworld portal at any point (x, y, z) within a distance of 8*h from (X, Y, Z) (i.e. within the spheroid ((x-X)/8)² + ((y-Y)/1)² + ((z-Z)/8)² = h², note that Y is not divided by 8). That is, if you want to travel large vertical distances, there must be no horizontally close portal. (This holds for a portal from the Overworld to the Nether. The reverse direction (Nether to Overworld) was not discussed here.)

References [ ]

  • ↑
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  • Achievement guide
  • Advancement guide
  • Best enchantments guide
  • Breaking bedrock
  • Complete main adventure
  • Creating a village
  • Downgrading
  • Dual wielding
  • End survival
  • Exploring caverns
  • Gathering resources on peaceful difficulty
  • Getting food quickly
  • Headless pistons
  • Indestructible end crystals
  • Measuring distance
  • Minecraft in education
  • Ancient Debris
  • Nether portals
  • Nether survival
  • Organization
  • Pillar jumping
  • Spawn-proofing
  • Summoning jockeys
  • Time-saving tips
  • Thunderstorm survival
  • Units of measure
  • X-ray glitches
  • Acquiring a conduit
  • Curing a zombie villager
  • Defeating temples
  • Defeating a village raid
  • Defeating a Nether fortress
  • Defeating a bastion remnant
  • Defeating a monster room
  • Defeating a pillager outpost
  • Defeating a woodland mansion
  • Defeating a monument
  • Defeating an End city
  • Defeating the Ender dragon
  • Defeating the Wither
  • Exploring an ancient city
  • Obtaining every music disc
  • Adding beauty to constructions
  • Architectural terms
  • Building a cruise ship
  • Building a metropolis
  • Building a rollercoaster
  • Building safe homes
  • Building water features
  • Color palette
  • Creating shapes
  • Desert shelter
  • Endless circling pool
  • Glazed terracotta patterns
  • Making nice floors
  • Curved roofs
  • Roof construction guidelines
  • Roof decorations
  • Secret door
  • Settlement guide
  • Underwater home
  • Walls and buttresses
  • Water-powered boat transportation
  • Enchantment mechanics
  • Anvil mechanics
  • Automatic smelting
  • Manual smelting
  • Blast chamber
  • Igniting TNT underwater
  • Wither cage
  • Playing on servers
  • Multiplayer Survival
  • Griefing prevention
  • Joining a LAN world with alternate accounts
  • Improving frame rate
  • Minecraft help FAQ (IRC channel)
  • Update Java
  • Building micro shelters
  • Custom texture packs
  • Door-based iron golem farming
  • How to get a crash report
  • Installing mods
  • Man-made lake
  • Managing slimes in superflat mode
  • Minecart booster
  • Potion farming
  • Repeater reboot system
  • Survival with no enabled data packs
  • Update LWJGL
  • Update Minecraft
  • Village chaining
  • Water ladder
  • 3 Smithing Template

Nether Portal Calculator

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10 Best Minecraft Seeds For Mangrove Swamps

M angrove Swamps in Minecraft are abundant with natural resources and offer an ideal setting for builders drawn to the biome's mystique and charm. Selecting the optimal seed is crucial to enhancing your exploration and survival experience . The finest seed should provide diverse structures, biomes, and loot, ensuring access to essential resources close to your Spawn Point.

For those who want to build within the Mangrove Swamp, you will gain access to several block types in your immediate surroundings. Essentials such as the blocks usually available from cutting down trees generally include Sticks, Mangrove Logs (which can be crafted into Mangrove Planks), Mangrove Leaves, and Vines, harvested with Shears alongside the Mangrove Propagule, mirroring a sapling's role. Home to frogs and bees, Mangrove Swamps buzz with life, giving your base more vibrancy and energy.

10 Best Seeds For Minecraft 1.20

Mangrove swamp and nether portal, seed: 562949953421456.

Within this seed, players spawn in a Mangrove Swamp reminiscent of an enchanted fairy tale. Starting near a Ruined Portal is highly beneficial, offering a return to Spawn upon death in The Nether. This is especially useful if you plan to build your base at Spawn Point. To venture into The Nether, repair the portal with some extra Obsidian found by mixing water with lava. Beside the incomplete portal awaits a chest of hidden treasures, with a gold block atop. A beach adjacent to the swamp promises buried treasure at (X:41, Y:63, Z:169) .

Mangrove Swamp And Lush Cave


Also containing a Ruined Portal at Spawn, this seed is evermore useful with the availability of Lush Caves underground (X:-468, Y:-17, Z:186) . Adventurers can harvest a bounty of materials within these caves, including Moss, Glow Berries, Azalea and Flowering Azalea, Drip Leaf plants, and Spore Blossoms.

Playful Axolotls spawned in blue and other colors can be spotted swimming through the cave's water pockets, which can be captured using a water bucket. These materials are perfect for farming above ground , where Lush Cave flora can beautifully complement the Mangrove Swamp, giving your base a vibrant atmosphere.

Azalea and Flowering Azalea transform into full-grown trees with Bonemeal and require planting on a Moss block.

Mangrove Swamp And Jungle Biome With Trail Ruin

Seed: 89509042606989084.

This seed offers an ideal Spawn Point, with the player starting in a Jungle biome next to a Mangrove Swamp . A Bamboo Forest is tucked by the meandering river that divides the two biomes. This area showcases a visually stunning landscape with contrasting textures and bright greenery, perfect for players seeking serenity in their world.

Many returning players may not yet have the chance to explore Minecraft 's Trails and Tales 1.20 Update . Immediately in your starting area, you'll find a Trail Ruin on the Jungle biome side, an archaeological dig site. These structures reveal a lost part of an ancient civilization, allowing players to unearth historical relics. Craft a Brush tool with 1 Stick, 1 Copper Ingot, and 1 Feather and use it to sweep the Suspicious Gravel found within the Trail Ruin to reveal a hidden artifact.

Largest Mangrove Swamp Biome

Seed: -2907169524291175685.

Featuring one of the largest Mangrove Swamp biomes, players start in a prime location, flanked by a jungle biome. It is perfect for gathering abundant Mangrove resources and ideal for players aiming to construct mega-bases within the swamp . Additionally, Jungle and Bamboo forests are home to exotic wildlife, including parrots, pandas, and ocelots, alongside more familiar mobs such as sheep, pigs, chickens, and cows. This starting area offers nature lovers the best surroundings to create unique bases designed as animal sanctuaries.

Mangrove Swamp And Cherry Grove Biome

Seed: -1412583731547517931.

This seed stands out for its wide variety of biomes available, with players spawning in a cheerful Cherry Blossom biome in Minecraft . Encircling Spawn are various biomes, such as snow-capped mountains and birch, oak, and spruce forests. You must journey slightly further away from Spawn to reach the closest Mangrove Swamp, at (X:1249, Y:148, Z:1562). Although more distant compared to other seeds, the array of biomes available makes it a worthwhile venture.

10 Best Seeds For Minecraft Survival

Near the Mangrove Swamp, players will discover a desert village, with a shipwreck lying further out in the depths of the Tropical Ocean, containing valuable loot. The village requires defense, as a Pillager Outpost is located nearby in the Savanna region at (X:-1308, Y:69, Z:-1021). Pillager Outposts are ideal for raid farming and acquiring loot , as pillagers will continue respawning.

Mangrove Swamp And Woodland Mansion

Seed: 761108337036003025.

Immediately upon spawning, a Woodland Mansion in a Dark Forest biome will loom over you. Following the river upstream, you will arrive at the Mangrove Swamp , providing all the resources you might need for your adventures. Although the area may seem daunting due to many hostile mobs inhabiting the mansion, exploring it is especially worthwhile due to the precious rewards obtainable, such as the Totem of Undying dropped by Evokers. Once the mansion is cleared, you could claim it as your starter base before building your own.

Mangrove Swamp And Ocean Monument

Seed: 32651097300440321.

Upon spawning, you'll find yourself in a Savanna biome with a Mangrove Swamp adjacent. In the ocean nearby, an Ocean Monument rests beneath the surface, surrounded by Guardians. This location is convenient for starting your adventure, as Monuments are rarely found near Spawn.

This proximity allows easy access to unique blocks like Prismarine, which are only obtainable from Monuments. Securing gold and diamond blocks inside will boost your gameplay, enabling you to craft tools and armor with these precious resources. Ensure you carry milk in your inventory to counteract Mining Fatigue inflicted by Elder Guardians as you explore this underwater fortress.

10 Best Snowy Seeds In Minecraft 1.20

Beside the Mangrove Swamp is a Ruined Portal and chest (X:-257, Y:65, Z:-251) , placed in a small clearing surrounded by Oak and Birch trees. Additionally, not far from Spawn, a Shipwreck deep underwater awaits discovery at (X:141, Y:41, Z:257). Dive under to salvage items inside, including trading Emeralds in Minecraft , which are particularly useful as payment for Villagers or Wondering Traders.

Mangrove Swamp And Ancient City

Seed: 4289678645076403680.

Ancient cities, hidden deep below the surface, are often challenging to locate. Fortunately, this seed provides one 50 blocks beneath Spawn at (X: 11, Y: -50, Z: 37) , where players begin in the Badlands. This Spawn Point is colorful and vibrant and offers a view of a Mangrove Swamp next to a desert, visible just over the horizon. Near the swamp, a quaint desert village resides, stocked up for all your trading needs.

When exploring the Ancient City, stay vigilant and cautious of the Warden. Despite being blind, the Warden can detect players by scent and sound vibrations as they search for loot. Ancient cities are treasure troves for precious items such as enchanted books, music discs, and tools, and they contain unique blocks like Sculk Shriekers, which can be used for some of the best farms in Minecraft .

Mangrove Swamp And Stronghold

Seed: 348722287802000751.

Players will spawn in a Mangrove Swamp by the beach beside a Tropical Ocean, where the seabed is adorned with glowing Coral. This seed is especially appealing as it provides a Stronghold fairly near Spawn . These structures typically demand extensive travel and the use of precious Eyes of Ender for discovery - resources better reserved for activating the End Portal.

While this Stronghold is roughly 1000 blocks away (X:1509, Y:13, Z:1011) , it is significantly closer than other seeds. Getting to Minecraft 's End fast is invaluable for various purposes, such as acquiring Shulker Shells or Ender Pearls.

Navigating to the Stronghold through The Nether reduces the distance to approximately 125 blocks , taking no longer than a few minutes to sprint. Consider setting up a Redstone Minecart system for even quicker travel.

There are several underground structures in the surrounding area of the Stronghold, including an Amethyst Geode at (X:1485, Y:-20, Z:1100) . This luminous block not only serves as a decorative element but can also be used to craft a Spyglass upon breaking into Amethyst Shards.

Additionally, a Skeleton Spawner is nearby at (X:1494, Y:8, Z:1091) . This is one of the most advantageous types of Spawners if used as a mob farm to accumulate levels, Bows, and Bones. Lastly, a Mineshaft located at (X:1519, Y:-22, Z:1006) contains valuable loot, including diamonds.

Mangrove Swamp Oasis

Seed: 971639062.

One of the most unique worlds, featuring a Mangrove Swamp Oasis, this seed is arguably the best for those interested in the Mangrove Swamp biome. With an unusual starting point, players spawn by a lone Mangrove tree amid the desert. Four villages encircle Spawn, each spaced about 80 - 100 blocks apart. The closest village where you can seek refuge is located at (X:-106, Y:85, Z:27) . With a cluster of villages within easy reach, players can establish a Villager trading farm in Minecraft , ensuring access to a wide array of resources right from the start of their gameplay.

The Mangrove Swamp Oasis, positioned at (X:-152, Y:64, Z:-285) , is surrounded by winding rivers, with stunning desert landscapes encircling the biome. Players won't have to stray too far to discover other Minecraft structures brimming with loot. A unique Mineshaft, found within a Ravine in the Badlands, is located at (X:-360, Y:64, Z:548). Additionally, a shipwreck lies next to a desert island in tropical waters, located at (X:1080, Y:56, Z:408).

Franchise Minecraft

Platform(s) Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Wii U, PlayStation Vita, Xbox 360, iOS, Android, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Nintendo 3DS

Released November 18, 2011

Developer(s) Mojang

Publisher(s) Sony Interactive Entertainment, Xbox Game Studios, Mojang

Genre(s) Open-World, Sandbox, Adventure

Platforms Xbox One

10 Best Minecraft Seeds For Mangrove Swamps


  1. Nether Fast Travel In Minecraft 1.17 (With Coordinate Calculator)!

    minecraft nether fast travel calculator

  2. Super Fast Nether Transport! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 90]

    minecraft nether fast travel calculator

  3. How to Quickly Calculate Nether Distance in Minecraft

    minecraft nether fast travel calculator

  4. Minecraft: How to Nether Fast Travel (Works in 1.17) [33]

    minecraft nether fast travel calculator

  5. Minecraft fast travel guide using Nether portals: All you need to know

    minecraft nether fast travel calculator

  6. EASIEST Nether FAST TRAVEL for LONG DISTANCES in Minecraft (all

    minecraft nether fast travel calculator


  1. CraftChaos Day 11 S3

  2. CraftChaos Day 12 S3

  3. I Made The ULTIMATE Nether Travel System in Minecraft Survival!


  5. Minecraft Nether Portal Calculations [*Hindi*]

  6. The ACTUAL Fastest Way To Travel In Minecraft!


  1. Nether Portal Calculator: To build nether hubs and highways in Minecraft

    Wanna Learn How to Use Nether Portal Calculator in Minecraft? Below is a simple stepwise guide for beginners: Step 1 - Choose an Overworld Location ... It is probably the safest method of fast travel in the Nether and is also one of the easiest. For this, you need to get to the Nether roof, for which there are several ways. ...

  2. Nether Portal Calculator

    Welcome to the Nether portal calculator, where we'll demystify Minecraft's Nether portals and how they work.We'll explain how to make Nether portals in Minecraft, how many obsidian for a Nether portal, and how to link Nether portals up to allow fast-travel through the Overworld. We'll even touch on topics like Nether portal designs and how you can make portals without mining obsidian first!

  3. Optimize Your Nether Travels: Your Ultimate Nether Portal Calculator!

    Navigate the realms of Minecraft with ease using our user-friendly Nether Portal Calculator. Follow the simple steps below to link your worlds and embark on an epic adventure without any hassle. Enter your current Overworld coordinates into the calculator. Press 'Calculate' to obtain the corresponding Nether coordinates.

  4. Nether Portal Calculator

    Enter the X Y and Z you got in step 2 into the calculator ("Overworld coords"). The Nether coordinates of the portal will appear on the right ("Nether coords"). Finish the portal by lighting it and go through it. Go to the exact coordinates you got in step 3. Replace the block you are standing on with an obsidian block.

  5. Tutorials/Nether hub

    Divide the X and Z of the village coordinates by 8, to get roughly X = 132 and Z = -98. Then, make a Nether portal at spawn, go through and travel to X = 132 and Z = -98 in the Nether, and up to Y=78. Make your Nether portal here, and when you go through into the Overworld, you should come out at or near the village.

  6. Nether Portal Calculator for Minecraft: Java Edition

    Use the Coordinates Mod within Lunar Client for a stylish way to view your coordinates at all times! In Minecraft: Java Edition, the Nether operates on a different scale compared to the Overworld. Every block traveled in the Nether equates to eight blocks in the Overworld. This is why Nether portals are a convienent method to travel at speed ...

  7. Nether Portal Calculator

    Suggested steps: Collect 20 obsidian blocks and create a flint and steel using the recipe . At the spot you want your gate/return portal hit F3 and find your XYZ coordinates. (See the F3+I Parser tooltip for possible short-cut.) Plug the XYZ into the calculator. (I keep a browser open to alt-tab between the game.)

  8. Nether Portal Calculator

    Calculate the right coordinates for your nether hub in Minecraft using this online tool.

  9. Nether Fast Travel In Minecraft 1.17 (With Coordinate Calculator)!

    you go so fastYou can find the Nether coordinate calculator here:

  10. Minecraft Portal Calculator

    Use the first 10 obsidian to build a nether portal (economical version) and step into the nether (cautiously). Explore to the coordinates from the calculator. Again, be careful, the nether is more challenging to navigate than the overworld. Some specific cautions: I still get caught by very fast moving lava when tunneling in the nether.

  11. Nether Portal Calculator: Precise Minecraft Coordinates

    How it calculates the results: In Minecraft, one block in the Nether is equivalent to eight blocks in the Overworld. This calculator uses this scale to convert coordinates between the two dimensions. For Overworld to Nether conversions, it divides the Overworld coordinates by 8 and rounds down to the nearest whole number.

  12. Portal Calculator

    Portal Calculator. Calculate the coords to link portals in Minecraft. How to use it: if you are in the nether, put the nether coords below, and it will give you the coordinates in the overworld, and vice versa. Nether. Overworld.

  13. Minecraft Nether Portal Calculator

    Calculate the precise coordinates for your Minecraft Nether Portal with this easy-to-use calculator.

  14. Nether Portal Calculator

    Input: First of all, select either "nether coordinates" or ``overworld coordinates" from the drop down menu. Enter the x, y and z coordinates in the boxes. Click 'calculate'. Now, if you wish to determine the 3d distance as well: Enter coordinates of both nether and overworld. Hit the calculate button.

  15. Tutorials/Nether portals

    The portal choosing algorithm can be used for long-distance travel by manual construction at carefully selected coordinates. If the player has a portal in the Overworld at (0,64,0) but makes a Nether portal at (127,64,127) with its perfect Overworld pair at (1016, 64, 1016), then the portal at (0,64,0) goes to the Nether portal correctly (1-way trip) because it is the only portal available ...

  16. Minecraft fast travel guide using Nether portals: All you ...

    Hence, you will require a minimum of 10 obsidian blocks placed vertically to enter the Nether. You can also increase the size of the portal at your leisure. The maximum size is 23x23 blocks. Use ...

  17. Minecraft Nether fast travel explained

    The Nether was the second dimension added to Minecraft, all the way back in Alpha Edition 1.2.0. It was intended to be a system of fast travel for players, as the dimension is loosely based on a ...

  18. Minecraft Nether Portal Calculator

    Portal Distance Calculator. Calculate the distance between two nether portals in 3d space. The distance is 0.00 blocks. A collection of useful Minecraft server tools.

  19. How to Quickly Calculate Nether Distance in Minecraft

    Another way you can calculate the distance between a Nether portal frame and overworld portals is by doing the math yourself. All you'll have to do is multiply the X and Z coordinates by 8. Basically for every 1 block traveled in the Nether, you'll go 8 blocks in the overworld. Besides the X and Z coordinates, the Y coordinate will try to stay ...

  20. How do I calculate Nether travel? : r/Minecraft

    Go through the portal to the nether Break the nether portal on the nether side, and make a new nether portal in the nether at the desired height/y level (for example, on the nether roof/below the nether roof) Make a path connecting your portals at the desired height/y level in the nether (for example, digging a tunnel below the nether roof)

  21. Fastest way to travel within the Nether? : r/Minecraft

    A good procedure: Build your first portal and enter the nether with 20 obsidian and a flint and steel. Walk or dig 20 blocks in a straight line from the portal in the nether. Build another portal, light it, and go through. This should place you about 160 blocks from your starting point in the Overworld. It should be easy to find your starting ...

  22. Top 5 tips for making a nether transportation system in Minecraft

    1) Railways. Minecraft players already travel faster in the nether than in the overworld, but can go even faster with the help of railways. Before making the railways, players should ensure that ...

  23. Using a calculator and nether travel to beat minecraft faster

    This number can be found in the f3 screen for minecraft Java edition. My code also outputs the estimated distance to the stronghold. If it is quite far away, you could choose to travel through the nether directly into the Stronghold. Obtain obsidian for a portal frame inside the nether. This obsidian could be a by-product from your piglin trading.

  24. 10 Best Minecraft Seeds For Mangrove Swamps

    Related 10 Best Seeds For Minecraft 1.20 To experience everything new Minecraft 1.20 has to offer, you can use custom seeds to generate worlds with stunning views and lots of resources.