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Home » Southeast Asia » Travel Safety

Is Myanmar Safe for Travel? (Insider Tips)

Myanmar is an undiscovered gem of Southeast Asia. A cultural wonderland, a huge mix of ethnic groups, rich history, and stunning nature definitely make it a favourite of ours.

But it’s not complete paradise. There has been a n ongoing,   70-year-long ethnic civil war , the persecution of  Rohingya Muslims,  landmines, bandits, and the  opium trade,  to name the biggest. All of these issues may have you asking yourself, “is Myanmar safe at all?”

It’s ok to be concerned about safety in Myanmar. This is exactly the reason why we have created this insider’s guide on  staying safe in Myanmar. 

There are a whole lot of things that we are going to be covering in our epic guide, from whether it’s safe to visit Myanmar right now(fair question), if you should go there as a solo female traveller, to whether or not the food is safe or not. Our guide will have you covered.

So you may be wondering about the safety of Myanmar in general, or you may be wondering about the state of the healthcare in Myanmar – whatever your concerns may be, we are here to help you travel smart and stay safe so you can get the most out of your Myanmar voyage.

myanmar travel

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How Safe is Myanmar? (Our take)

Is myanmar safe to visit right now, safest places in myanmar, 22 top safety tips for traveling to myanmar, is myanmar safe to travel alone, is myanmar safe for solo female travelers, more on safety in myanmar, faq about staying safe in myanmar, so, is myanmar safe.

Long an isolated, off-limits country, Myanmar (aka Burma ) is now open for business.

And that’s good news for you: the ancient temples of  Bagan , crumbling colonial streets of  Yangon,  and the former royal capital of  Mandalay  are all available for you to visit.

And, despite a buffet of  no-go areas  present throughout the country, Myanmar IS safe. Myanmar may not appear safe at times, because of on-going ethnic “issues”, but, as a tourist, these hardly affect you.

Petty theft is almost non-existent. Hassle levels are low. Crimes against tourists are actually  super rare.  Often, the worse that you’ll have to deal with is the occasional overcharging, which is tourists should be used to by now.

People in Myanmar are very friendly and – in most places – refreshingly not jaded when it comes to tourists.

However, you do need to be responsible when you travel…

There is no such thing as a perfect safety guide, and this article is no different. The question of “Is Myanmar Safe?” will ALWAYS have a different answer depending on the parties involved. But this article is written for savvy travellers from the perspective of savvy travellers.

The information present in this safety guide was accurate at the time of writing, however, the world is a changeable place, now more than ever. Between the pandemic, ever-worsening cultural division, and a click-hungry media, it can be hard to maintain what is truth and what is sensationalism.

Here, you will find safety knowledge and advice for travelling Myanmar. It won’t be down to the wire cutting edge info on the most current events, but it is layered in the expertise of veteran travellers. If you use our guide, do your own research, and practise common sense, you will have a safe trip to Myanmar.

If you see any outdated information in this guide, we would really appreciate it if you could reach out in the comments below. We strive to provide the most relevant travel information on the web and always appreciate input from our readers (nicely, please!). Otherwise, thanks for your ear and stay safe!

It’s a wild world out there. But it’s pretty damn special too. 🙂

Is Myanmar Safe to Visit? (The facts.)

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Many people arrive or visit Myanmar as a part of a tour, but independent travel is totally doable.  Myanmar is definitely becoming a popular spot for backpackers.

Myanmar is not a model country though, let’s be honest. Poverty and corruption are rife, the military still practically rule the country, and armed inter-ethnic conflicts continue. Myanmar is also the world’s second-largest producer of opium after Afghanistan.

As of February 2021, the situation in Myanmar is a bit precarious. The Military Staged a coup and has imprisoned the lawfully elected government. It is not certain how the situation will play out, for at the time of writing there is rioting, civil unrest and martial law – not the best time to visit.

The grand majority of Myanmar is safe to visit right now, BUT certain parts of the country  AREN’T. We’ve got a full section on that later.

Since independence from the UK in 1948, the internal conflicts in Myanmar have been ongoing as  the world’s longest civil war.

Border areas are tricky. Whilst the Indian border  seems to be ok,   anywhere between Myanmar and China, Thailand or Laos  can be volatile. For example, the  Karin  and  Mon States – on the Thai border – should be approached with caution.

Given the volatile nature of these areas, wandering off on your own or trekking by yourself is inadvisable. Not only are there snakes to deal with, but unexploded ordnance, mines and travelling into differently controlled areas can REALLY get you into serious trouble.

With all these things in mind, we can confidently say that visiting Myanmar is safe, especially once the political situation has improved. As of February 2021, we’d recommend waiting just a little bit longer to book your trip.

When choosing where you’ll be staying in Myanmar, a bit of research and caution is essential. You don’t want to end up in a sketchy area and ruin your trip. To help you out, we’ve listed the safest areas to visit in Myanmar below.

Many travellers backpacking Myanmar will start their route in Yangon, arriving on a cheap flight from Bangkok or Kuala Lumpur. It’s an incredibly busy place and can definitely be a culture shock, but it’s totally worth the experience. 

One thing we have to note though: watch your belongings! Yangon is known for pickpocketing and petty theft. As long as you keep your eyes open and your valuables close by, visiting the city is pretty safe. But as we mentioned – it’s busy! 

Exploring the city is easy and it’s a fun place to walk around although you may want to catch a cab for longer distances – taxis don’t have a meter and you need to negotiate before getting in, it’s always possible to score a discount. From Yangon, you can head East to the famed Golden Rock at Kyaiktiyo, West towards Mrauk U, or you can head north to Bagan or Inle.

Mandalay is the second-largest city in Myanmar and an important economic and cultural hub. It’s often considered to be the center of Burmese culture, which is why it’s a popular destination for travelers who want to experience other cultures.

This is a city with a rich and intoxicating culture and history that can be incredibly rewarding for travelers. It’s also a famously busy city, so don’t let that dissuade you. Mandalay can seem intimidating at first, but once you arrive, you’ll find incredible religious and cultural sites, friendly people, and an interesting mix of foods.

Bagan is one of the most ancient and archaeologically exciting places in the whole world. As a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site and the largest archaeological zone in the world, Bagan lies in the historic Mandalay Region of Myanmar. It goes without saying that this place is overflowing with history, so it’s the best place to visit if you want to dive into the past.

But if you also want to see the modern side of this incredible region, look no further. There are loads of modernised areas with bustling streets and eclectic markets. The region has lots of vast open spaces as well, with the glorious countryside surrounding it. It’s the best place to visit in Myanmar for your fill of culture as well as nature.

With its more laid-back vibe, it’s also one of the safest regions to visit in Myanmar. That being said, it’s still smart to keep your wits about you. It’s better to be safe than sorry. 

Places to avoid in Myanmar

As we mentioned before, there are plenty of no-go areas in Myanmar. And to make sure you’ll have a safe trip, we’ve listed the worst ones below. That being said, you should always keep your eyes open and stay aware of your surrounding no matter where you are.

The northern parts of Shan State, the state of Kachin above that, Southern Chin , and Rakhine State (home to Rohingya Muslims ) are hectic to visit and sometimes totally off-limits.

Certain towns within these areas, like Hsi Paw in Shan are ok to travel to but, overall, the areas around them are generally not safe. The UK government advises “all but essential travel.”

You can still attempt to visit these areas – just be sure to contact a local agency or expert and check what the situation is like first.

Border areas can be a bit tricky as well, especially when there’s increased military. However, there’s not much to see in that region anyway, so you definitely won’t be missing out. 

It’s important to know that Myanmar isn’t the safest place, so a bit of caution and research before you start your travels will go a long way. If you want to increase your safety during your stay, read on for our insider travel tips. Stick to those and you won’t have a single issue in Myanmar.

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safety tips for traveling in myanmar

Myanmar is a  land of wonders  with a myriad of interesting sights. And just because there are zones which people say you should avoid, doesn’t mean you should write the entire country off. You can go to Myanmar and have a safe, fun, and definitely memorable trip.

But it’s important to travel smart . That means understanding the culture and social norms as much as the current situation.

  • Stay away from any kind of demonstration  – It’s not advised for foreigners to be a part of a political rally as anything can happen at anytime
  • Be careful when discussing politics with a local  – you might think that you know about the Rohingya situation, for example, but a local could see it a whole other way.
  • Watch out for snakes  – not just when trekking; lesser visited temples in  Bagan  are nice homes for slithery, dangerous snakes, like cobras.
  • Traffic can be MORE than a bit crazy  – especially in  Yangon.  Take care when crossing, or even just walking along the road.
  • Don’t take pictures of any government buildings  – or police, or military personnel, for that matter.
  • When trekking, hike with a local guide  – not just a Burmese person, but an actual local to the area. They’ll know where not to go and be clued up on the local situation, too.
  • If you have a tattoo with an image of Buddha…  – cover it up. People are actually deported for not showing respect.
  • Don’t walk around flashing your wealth  – crime stats are low, but it’s best to be careful.
  • Pack a money belt  – just in case. (You may not have to wear it.)
  • Mosquitoes will pester you   – so cover up and use repellent. They can carry the zika virus, dengue fever, and Japanese encephalitis…
  • Careful in monsoon season  – this runs from May to October. Floods and landslides can be pretty bad in this period. The weather could possibly turn into a full-blown cyclone as well.
  • And earthquakes too  – it’s not unheard of in Myanmar. Knowing what to do in the event of a bad one is a good idea.
  • Pollution can be a problem  – especially around quarries, such as those outside  Mandalay.
  • Avoid swimming and wading in freshwater rivers, lakes, ponds  – the parasitic schistosomiasis , also known as snail fever, can be picked up in freshwater sources.
  • Learn some Burmese  – also simply called ‘Myanmar.’ The language is not that hard either – it’s all about emphasis, no tonal stuff here.
  • If you do have to use dollars somewhere, they HAVE to be pristine  – getting an  Indian Visa  in  Yangon,  for example, requires US dollars. Pristine. Crisp. No stains, no wrinkles, no rips.
  • Don’t feed the monkeys  – they’re used to snacks and go mad for them. They can be pretty vicious too.
  • Dogs can also be scary  – groups of them can be aggressive. Some of them may have rabies, so keep away.
  • Swim in safe areas on the coast  – there can be strong tides, which are bad news even for a confident swimmer.
  • Book accommodation ahead of time  – foreigners can only stay in certain places, making it a bit hard to come by in high season.
  • Be careful walking around after dark  – streetlights aren’t ubiquitous and hazards can be numerous, especially in towns.
  • Don’t be alarmed at red stains on the floor…  – you’ll see this everywhere. Thankfully, it ain’t blood – people chew  betel here, which takes on reddish color when chewed. It’s basically a drug and when you’re done, you spit it out.

Is Myanmar safe to travel alone?

We’re all for solo travel because there’s a lot you can get out of it. It’s not just a  challenge for yourself , which is when you grow the most as a person, but it’s an amazing way to meet new people and see the world.

No matter where you travel though – be it Myanmar or Malta – it’s always a good idea to be equipped with a few tips when it comes to travelling by yourself.

  • When you’re by yourself,  things CAN get lonely. (It’s just bound to happen.) The best antidote to this is to  socialize.  Not only is it a good way to share travel tips, but you may also make a travel buddy or two.
  • The best place to meet people is  a hostel  of course. Find yourself one with good reviews.
  • That said,  there aren’t loads of hostels (Though there are quite a few good Mandalay hostels ) . Staying in a family-run guesthouse can be an amazing experience though. Feeling at home is much better than a much more impersonal hotel experience. Trust us.
  • Try and blend in. You’ll notice that not many people wear trousers or shorts. Instead, they wear longyi,  which is traditional Burmese attire. A wrap-around skirt sort of thing that both men and women wear. Feel free to wear it as well.
  • Getting yourself a  local guide  when you’re going off the beaten track is a great idea. This will help you understand more about the area you’re travelling through as well as Myanmar as a whole.
  • Picking up a  sim card  at the airport is a good idea. With this, you’ll be able to use the data for maps, phone your accommodation ahead of time, book restaurants, and all sorts of other stuff. Most importantly though, you’ll be able to  keep in touch with your folks and friends back home .
  • Don’t get crazy drunk. Busy places like Yangon are already difficult to navigate and getting blind drunk isn’t going to help the situation much.
  • Don’t push yourself too hard.  You don’t need to see every place  and doing so is really going to wear you out. Give yourself days to chill.
  • Oh and  Myanmar can get HOT.  Look after yourself in the heat and drink plenty of water . If you’re by yourself, getting heat stroke is not fun at all.

Is Myanmar safe for solo female travelers?

We’d say that Myanmar is absolutely safe for solo female travellers. It’s going to be a trip to remember, that’s for sure.

And honestly? There’s not a lot of hassle or high levels of sexual harassment to watch out for in Myanmar. But because society is still developing, women are still faced with certain limitations. So it’s definitely smart to know how to travel Myanmar like a pro…

  • Dressing appropriately is definitely something you should do. Either going for a  longyi  and some sort of blouse, or baggy trousers and a top that covers your shoulders. Tight leggings will stick out.  Look at what the other women are wearing and follow suit. Chances are you’ll get a lot more respect if you’re dressed more like a local.
  • Make a few travel buddies. Staying somewhere that has good reviews from other female travellers  is a smart move. Making friends with another woman travelling through Myanmar will allow you some company and be useful for bouncing stories and tips off of.
  • We wouldn’t advise going out drinking alone. Not because it’s unsafe but because you probably will get attention. Places like  19th Street (Yangon),  or  beer stations  around the country are quite male-dominated and you may feel uncomfortable alone.
  • If you’re travelling on a train, bus, or boat by yourself, we’d recommend  sitting with other women.  Women travelling alone can be seen as pretty odd by Burmese people – it’s just not done. So making friends with some local ladies, or just chatting to other female tourists, is a good way to make yourself more comfortable.
  • Find yourself a tour if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all. Even if it’s just a  walking tour  of a town or city. This is a  great way to meet people.  Plus you’ll also get to learn more about Myanmar. Win-win.
  • Don’t touch monks! Myanmar is a  deeply Buddhist country  and monks are off-limits to women. Even if you’re passing something to a monk, don’t do it directly – just place it within his reach. That’s just the way it is.
  • With this in mind, be aware that  you can’t go to certain stupas or religious sites.  Women, for whatever reason, just aren’t allowed in some holy places in Myanmar.
  • Stock up on sanitary products before you head out of  Yangon  or  Mandalay . The likelihood is you aren’t going to be finding them anywhere that’s even remotely off the beaten track.

Of course, travelling alone may make you seem ‘odd’ by the local people. But you’re a foreigner – you’ll be odd anyway. And the easy antidote to that is to make some friends, take a tour, or simply to chatting to some local ladies. You’ll have an amazing time.

We’ve covered the main safety concerns already, but there are a few more things to know. Read on for more detailed information on how to have a safe trip to Myanmar.

Is Myanmar safe to travel for families?

Travelling with children in Myanmar is not exactly  straightforward and probably not that easy.

The main concern? HYGIENE.

Sanitation levels aren’t always top-notch and definitely nowhere near Western standards. Because of this, we wouldn’t really recommend taking  small children  on a trip to Myanmar.

Is Myanmar safe to travel for families?

Cleanliness aside, here are some other things to consider when taking your family to Myanmar:

  • There are a growing number of family-friendly places to stay which boast amenities for children. But for the most part, accommodation here isn’t really about families.
  • Whilst there is a loads of temples to see, especially in Bagan ,  it might also be easy for your kids to get quite quickly  templed out.  This might even happen to you, but for children, lack of interactive museums or anything like that might be a little boring.
  • Poverty, especially related to children,  can be upsetting to see. There are kids begging, ladies with babies begging, children working. Just a word of warning.
  • Animals, as we spoke about earlier, can be pretty dangerous – some can be  REALLY dangerous.  Make sure your children know the dangers and  keep an eye out yourself.
  • Keeping your children out of the sun and  making sure they’re hydrated  is a must since Myanmar gets hot and the heat hits kids more acutely than it does adults.
  • When visiting Myanmar with children, we’d honestly recommend getting yourself on some sort of tour. At the very least, you should have some sort of transport organized for the entire trip. That way, there will be  less to think about. 

In general, whilst it’s not going to be the EASIEST place to travel with children, Myanmar is SAFE for children. What you’ll need are a relaxed mindset and some pretty chilled parenting. Travelling to Myanmar with your kids is going to be a real adventure, but we think you’re going to love it.

Is it safe to drive in Myanmar?

Driving in Myanmar is chaotic, not to mention difficult to organize, and we’d say that doing it on your own is dangerous and not worth the stress.

For one thing,  you need to get permission from the government to hire a car.  For another thing, we just wouldn’t say it was safe.

The roads are not in great condition and cities are often just jam packed with cars. Neither have a lot of rules in place.

Is it safe to drive in Myanmar?

Though scenic, the road from  Pyin Oo Lwin  to  Mandalay  is not something you’d want to drive. The road itself is precarious with huge dropoffs and cliffs that make you hold your breath.

Drivers recklessly overtake each other as well and blanket the entire route with dust, which doesn’t help the situation much. It’s a thrill, alright, and it’s just not something we’d EVER consider driving ourselves.

After night, we just wouldn’t recommend driving in Myanmar AT ALL. Not knowing the roads, armed bandits, animals in the road. Just not worth it.

If you feel like you need to travel quickly,  just hire a driver. Splitting the price of a private car between you and a few other travellers makes it pretty cost-effective, too.

Is Uber safe in Myanmar?

No Uber here.

There is  Grab,  however. It’s reliable and cheap and a good way to get around  Yangon. 

Just make sure you don’t get  charged twice.  Drivers may demand cash even if you’ve paid credit on the app. A simple complaint to Grab should have your money swiftly winging itself back to you, though.

But generally, Grab is safe in Myanmar.

Are taxis safe in Myanmar?

The taxis are  generally safe  in Myanmar.

By that, we mean that sometimes the taxis can be a little old and sometimes the drivers can be speedy.

At  Yangon International Airport  you’ll be able to get a taxi easily. Hop over to the taxi desk, say where you’re going (give an address) and you’ll get a receipt.

There are plenty of taxis in  large cities.  Hail one and they’ll stop. They won’t necessarily always let you get in – taxi drivers might refuse if your destination is too far out of town.

Are taxi safe in Myanmar

In addition, get ready to negotiate. Taxis aren’t metered and drivers will set a price according to their whim. If it’s too high, go lower. If haggling doesn’t seem to be working, accept the price or move on.

You can also get taxis  between major towns.  This is basically a  private car.  The guys driving these taxis can range from perfectly fine to maniacs. Private taxis can be arranged through your accommodation. It’s not guaranteed that you’ll get an amazing driver.

You can also shop around.  Nyaung Shwe,  a popular spot on  Inle Lake , has many taxi companies on its main street. It’s a great option if you’re travelling as a group since you don’t pay per person, you pay for the trip. 

Is public transportation in Myanmar safe?

Yes, public transport in Myanmar is safe.

For train geeks and people who just like train journeys alike, the trains in Myanmar are awesome. They aren’t exactly top of the range but for the experience alone, these really are a great way to get around the country.

The famous loop train line that runs from central to northern  Yangon  and back again is actually a fun day out. Buy your ticket, sit back, and watch locals hop on and off.

You can also get  buses around cities. Yangon has the best system and boasts a regular fleet plus the  Yangon BRT (Bus Rapid Transit), which is a good way to get around. The buses are  air-conditioned,  which is a lifesaver when it’s boiling. Both of these are safe.

myanmar safe public transportation

Long distance buses are another way of getting around the country and these range in quality. From luxury night coaches that serve free refreshments and have TVs in the headrests, to not so good buses that have one TV that plays the same Burmese music videos and soaps on loop (if you’re lucky). Riding a bus is always an experience, though.

The best thing to do?  Research.  Companies vary and asking your guesthouse which company they’re using will at least prepare you.

There are also  boats  that you can use. The famous  Ayeyarwady River,  amongst others, allows ample opportunity to get your skipper on. From standard government boats to ultra luxury colonial-feeling cruises, there are a number of ways to get around.

Look ’em up and see where you can go.  Mandalay  to  Bagan  (or the other way round) is a popular route, for example.

In conclusion, public transportation in Myanmar is safe. That’s that.

Is the food in Myanmar safe?

Burmese food has an unfairly  bad reputation.  In reality, there’s plenty on offer that’s going to have most foodies floored and we mean that in a good way. From the peanut zing and soft textures of  shan noodles  to the crunch and bite of  lahpet thoke  (tea leaf salad), all the way to BBQ’d meats – it’s all tasty!

Is the food in Myanmar safe? 

You should get sucked into everything, including the street food –  don’t be scared.  A lot of places look ropey as hell, but, the thing is, everyone eats in them, from locals to other tourists. So sit down with your  si beer  (draught beer) and a bowl of peanuts and wait…

  • Food tends to  sit around all day.  The same stuff that gets cooked up for lunch is often what’s on the menu for dinner. Just for the sake of your stomach, we’d say  steer clear of street food in the evenings.
  • With this in mind,  food is often oily.  But that’s a good thing: a nice layer of oil in dishes like  curries  usually keeps insects away.
  • Try and look for busy stalls to eat at, especially on notorious  19th Street  in  Yangon.  The busier the place, the better and more likely cleaner it is. You may be tempted to sit somewhere that’s completely not busy, but that’s a) no fun b) could be an indicator that the food makes people ill.
  • Don’t get too freaked out by the grilled meat. It starts out raw and ends up VERY WELL cooked. This will kill most germs that will give you a dodgy tummy.
  • If you’re  prone to a bad stomach  or you’re just not used to Southeast Asian food (and the way it’s cooked), the best way to proceed would be to do some research. Go to places that are tried and tested or are talked about a lot.
  • As a general rule of thumb, we would say  eat seafood by the sea, and regular food in the mountains.  Seafood can give you the worst tummy trouble (food poisoning can be dangerous ) and the best way to combat this is to simply ensure it’s fresh.
  • If you’re scared of curries, head to  Chinese restaurants.  The food here is cooked hot and fast and will be fine for you to eat.
  • Make sure to WASH YOUR HANDS. Take hand sanitiser with you. These seem like  no-brainers .
  • Don’t be worried about sitting down at streetside stalls. These are on many corners or on the street and seem to be  permanent fixtures.  You can literally watch your food being cooked just a few feet away.
  • Refresh yourself with  cane sugar juice  from the markets. It’s cane sugar, put through a steam-roller type device. They’re perfectly safe and a good energy boost.

Whilst it may not always LOOK safe, the food in Myanmar is safe to eat. You WILL be missing out if you don’t sit down at a  beer station  and try some of the food that’s on offer. Ease yourself in, don’t go too mad, and your stomach and tastebuds will thank you.

Can you drink the water in Myanmar?

No. Not really. Not at all, actually.

You CAN’T drink the water in Myanmar.

Stick to bottled water and make sure the seal hasn’t been broken. If you find a source of purified water, be sure to fill up your own water bottle to the brim – you never know when the next one will come.

Is Myanmar safe to live?

Myanmar is safe to live in and  a lot of foreigners from all over the world do.  On the whole, Myanmar is definitely an adventurous place to live.

You’ll often get the feeling  you’ve stepped back in time.  People are friendly, there are charming daily markets, and a load of nature to explore on your days off.

Yangon  will probably be the best place to base yourself. That’s down to the other foreigners working and living here, the embassies, and the amount of things you can actually do in the city.

Is myanmar safe to live

Let’s reiterate: it’s totaly safe to live in Myanmar on a day to day level. You can walk around the cities at night without fear.

What’s not so great is the government.  You’ll have to be ok with living in a country run by a government accused of very recent atrocities and where a pretty brutal military often has the final say. You’ll also have to come to grips living in a country where  civil war continues  in many of its states.

It is a very good idea to do your research on Burmese society and history before you go. Knowing more can’t be a bad thing.

Of course, get on Facebook groups, Google groups (like  Yangon Expat Connections ), and make friends with expats and locals alike.

At the end of the day,  Myanmar is a developing country.  Being fine with everything that comes with that is key.

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Is it safe to rent an Airbnb in Myanmar?

Unfortunately, Airbnbs can only be found in the major cities in Myanmar. The government restricts the places where tourists can live a lot, so don’t expect too many options. 

However, if you do score an Airbnb, you can expect super friendly hosts and great hospitality. Renting an Airbnb is perfectly safe, as long as you read the reviews. Staying at an Airbnb during your trip will also open up new possibilities and options to experience the country.

myanmar travel

The local hosts are known to take great care of their guests and give the absolute best recommendations of what to do and what to see. Local knowledge always goes a long way, so be sure to reach out to your hosts if you’re unsure about how to fill up your Myanmar itinerary!

Is Myanmar LGBTQ+ friendly? 

Myanmar is a bit of a tricky destination for LGBTQ+ travellers. While tourists are generally respected, gay locals are facing way more discrimination and oppression. If you’re staying in bigger cities like Yangon, you’ll find a couple of gay bars and a small gay community. In the more rural areas, this will be harder, if not impossible to find. 

Keep in mind that Myanmar is a very conservative and religious country with around 89% of the population practising Buddhism. Public affection is a rare sight, no matter what kind of relationship you’re in. Unless you’re okay with keeping yourself and your partner on the low while travelling through the country, you might not have a super pleasant trip. However, as long as you respect the local culture, you won’t have to face any issues.

Here are some quick answers to common questions about safety in Myanmar.

Is Myanmar safe for female solo travellers?

While Myanmar is not necessarily safe in itself, female solo travellers are overall very safe in Myanmar. There is not much sexual harassment, and if you explore attractions with a local guide, you’ll hardly have anything to worry about. Dress appropriately if possible, so you don’t draw unwanted attention to yourself.

What should you avoid in Myanmar?

These are the things you should avoid in Myanmar: – Don’t participate in demonstrations – stay away! – Don’t share political opinions with a local – Don’t cross the street blindly – Avoid trekking or walking exploring without a guide

What are the most dangerous areas in Myanmar?

These areas are the most dangerous in Myanmar: – The northern parts of Shan State – The state of Kachin Southern Chin and Rakhine State – Any border regions (apart from Indian border)

Is Myanmar safe for inexperienced travellers?

We wouldn’t say that Myanmar is safe for first-time travellers. Mainly because you need to have at least some experience with different cultures, how to react and behave in certain situations and keep your head down if it’s needed. A curious tourist could easily get into real trouble in Myanmar.

myanmar final thoughts temples safety

Myanmar is a strange case. It can be safe if you come prepared and at the right time. Its military, the  Tatmadaw,  are fighting against and oppressing ethnic groups all over the country. There’s practically a  genocide  happening against the  Rohingya  people, which has been widely condemned across the globe.

Violent crime against tourists and even petty theft are virtually unheard of. You can walk around safely at pretty much any time of the day.

Myanmar is an awesome place to explore, and a lot of the time you will feel like you’re actually discovering Myanmar rather than being on a backpacking conveyor belt. There are tons of place that have yet to become overrun and Burmese people are super, super nice.

The biggest issue is coming to grips with the politics and current events of Myanmar. It may feel weird to be in a country where so much conflict is going on, but you can overcome this dilemma by  giving back to local people. By staying in guesthouses, hiring guides, and working with communities, you can help out in a small way. And that makes it worth it.

Disclaimer: Safety conditions change all over the world on a daily basis. We do our best to advise but this info may already be out of date. Do your own research. Enjoy your travels!

myanmar travel

Monique MacPhail

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Hi Is there anyone in Myanmar travelling at the moment. I am planning an extensive Far East trip in Jan/Mar and have always wanted to go to Burma. I plan to fly in to Mandalay from Bangkok then fly to Yangon then fly out Any comments from anyone there at the moment ? Cheers Steve [email protected]

Hi, I’m planning to cross Myanmar as part of a trip from Thailand to India at the end of 2023. Do you think it’s doable? Thanks!

I actually did some serious research into this a few years, at the time it was possible, abet with a list of caveats. These included but were not limited too, obtaining the correct visa/permits, using government approved guides, using approved borders open to tourist, not all are. Things are always changing tho, so some current research into this will certainly be required particularly for the Myanmar side, due to the current situation there.

Hi, is it safe to travel to Yangon for business now? Thanks!

Things do seem calmer there at the moment, I would recommend posting on some Myanmar specific forums and looking up some local English language new sources to get a better picture of the current situation.

I am scheduled to travel to Myanmar in the middle of November this year; the “do not travel” notice from the state department scares me, but I understand that tourists, especially Caucasian, have little to fear. I plan to fly from Bangkok to Yangon in the early morning, then travel by car-with-driver to Bagan the next morning around 4 am, then fly from Bagan to Mandalay the following morning, then fly back to Bangkok the 4th day. Your thoughts… 1) safety in November 2022 , 2) WHERE can I find a car and driver for the trip to Bagan, and 3) should I change money to local currency, or just use US $ for everything ?

Hi Michael,

While tourists don’t generally encounter problems travelling in Myanmar, the travel you plan leaves almost no room for problems you might encounter, such as a cancelled flight, road closure or bad weather. If this is all the time you have, I would suggest you go for it, and be prepared with the mindset to basically throw money at any problems you may encounter along the way , to carry out your travel plan. I would suggest bringing enough pristine USD with you so you don’t have to waste time trying to get local currency if you have problems with ATM on the ground.

Can you do an update on this article regarding the current safety of the political situation in Myanmar for travel as of January 2022 once COVID restrictions are lifted?

In any hotel in Yangon, yes, have clean crisp notes but make sure the notes you receive in change are clean and crisp too. When hiring a car / driver make sure the vehicle you have negotiated over is the vehicle that comes and picks you up.

Hello I think you may want to update this article. It is NOT currently safe in Myanmar because of political uproar and this is not the time to be visiting

Yes we have been following the news and this article will be updated as soon as we are able. As I am sure you can appreciate, Safety situations do change quite a lot, quite fast and we can’t possibly keep up date to the minute!

Did you have problems with snakes?? Just curious I’d like to go but I am scared of them

Hi Eimeara, No problems with snakes that I encountered. But it’s one of those things. If you go wandering off piste into long grass and the like, who knows what you may find in there. Stay alert about where you are walking and you should be fine. It is an amazing country and I highly recommend you visit if you can.

Thank you for this excellent informative article. we travel to Myanmar in November and you have given me lots of information to work with

Its a fascinating place, have a great time!

Nice article though. However, the word genocide is quite unfairly exaggerated all around the world. Military operation against ethnic minorities could be, to some extent, true( although the federal military and the ethnic military are teaming up just to continue war for the funds). But the case for Rohingya is completely different. The Rakhine State is rich in culture and history mainly of Buddhism. You will find a lot of thousand years old Buddhist monuments and statues in the region where the conflict occurred. And yet, it’s been claimed the homeland for Rohingya people, who are Muslims.(I bare no ill will to Muslim people). A land with full of historical Buddhist monuments could be homeland for millions of Muslims ? Anyway, this article is an excellent one. Enjoyed that.

wow, wholly informative…except th one thing I needed to know, which pertains to th paperwork for getting INTO myanmar to visit. other than that, amazing article ! I’m psyched

How are you? – Shin ne-kaùn-yéh-là? “Shin ” is used by female. “ne-kaùn-yéh-là” is enough in general

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Burma (Myanmar)

Travel Advisory June 6, 2024

Burma (myanmar) - level 4: do not travel.

Updated Country Summary, to include information about implementation of a conscription law, and changes to the “ If you decide to travel to Burma” section.

Do not travel to Burma due to  civil unrest, armed conflict, and arbitrary enforcement of local laws . Reconsider travel to Burma due to  limited and/or inadequate healthcare and emergency medical resources, and areas with land mines and unexploded ordnances . Exercise increased caution due to  wrongful detentions .

COUNTRY SUMMARY:  The Burma military regime detained and deposed elected government officials in a February 2021 coup d'état. Protests and demonstrations against military rule continue, often on significant dates. The military has responded to those protests by  arbitrarily detaining individuals  and with the indiscriminate use of deadly force against protesters and bystanders.

The Department of State has determined that the  risk of wrongful detention  of U.S. nationals by the military regime exists.

The U.S. government has limited ability to provide emergency services to U.S. citizens in Burma due to security concerns amidst the ongoing armed conflict. This may be of particular concern to crime victims outside of Rangoon.

To mitigate safety and security risks, U.S. government employees’ dependents, under the age of 21, cannot reside in Burma with their U.S. government parent assigned to work in Burma.

Civil unrest and armed conflict  occur throughout Burma. The level of civil unrest and armed conflict varies significantly between and within states and regions and may change at any time.

Civil unrest and armed violence due to fighting between the military regime and various ethnic groups and militias occur particularly in parts of Chin, Kachin, Kayin, Rakhine, and Shan States, as well as in Sagaing and Magway regions.

Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) are used in the ongoing armed conflicts, including within the greater Rangoon area. From January to December 2023, the U.S. Embassy in Rangoon calculated an average of fifteen IEDs per month detonated against regime targets, while an average of eight unexploded IEDs were discovered and safely disposed of per month by security authorities. Outside of Rangoon, there have been IED attacks against checkpoints and other critical infrastructure.

While land mines and unexploded ordnance (UXO) exist throughout Burma , NGOs working on this issue state the greatest concerns are in Shan, Chin, and Kachin State. The locations of landmines and UXO are often not marked or otherwise unidentifiable.

The military regime  arbitrarily enforces local laws , including often detaining individuals without respect for their fair trial guarantees or other applicable rights . Foreigners, including U.S. citizens, are not excluded from this practice. U.S. citizens traveling or residing in Burma may be detained and regime authorities could deny access to U.S. consular services or information about the alleged crime.

Local law enforcement officials may detain and/or deport U.S. citizens for speaking out or protesting against the military regime, including on their personal social media accounts, and for sending private electronic messages critical of the military regime. Facebook and X (Twitter) are banned in Burma. Police have sought bribes from individuals using a virtual private network (VPN) to access social media sites even though VPN use is legal.

Burma has  limited and/or inadequate healthcare and emergency medical resources  due to critical staffing shortages in the public sector health workforce. Importation of medical supplies, including medicine, into Burma is not consistent and medical prescriptions and over-the-counter medicine may not be available.

Burma’s military conscription law was first introduced in 2010 but historically was not widely implemented. The military regime officially implemented the law in April 2024. In general, Burmese males aged 18 to 35 and Burmese females aged 18 to 27 will need to register for military service and report for duty if ordered by regime authorities. Burmese males aged 18 to 45 and Burmese females aged 18 to 35 in specific expert/professional occupations must serve if called upon by the regime. For more information, please refer to the Myanmar People’s Military Service Law (State Peace and Development Council Law No. 27/2010), also known as the Public Military Service Law. The military regime may refuse to acknowledge U.S.-Burmese dual nationals’ U.S. citizenship, prevent their departure from Burma, and/or conscript them into the military. U.S.-Burmese nationals should consider this issue before traveling to Burma.

Read the Country Information page for additional information on travel to Burma.

If you decide to travel to Burma:

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive Alerts and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Follow the Department of State on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Follow the Embassy on  Facebook  and  Twitter .
  • Follow the Embassy’s Consular Section on  Facebook .
  • Review the  Country Security Report  for Burma.
  • Visit the CDC page for the latest  Travel Health Information  related to your travel. 
  • Purchase travel medical insurance that covers Burma and includes medical evacuation. 
  • Do not touch unknown metal objects and avoid traveling off well-used roads, tracks, and paths due to risk of unexploded ordnance. 
  • Keep travel documents up to date and easily accessible. 
  • Make contingency plans to leave the country. 
  • Review local laws and conditions before traveling.  
  • Review our website on Dual-Nationality . 
  • Visit our website for  High-Risk Area Travelers .   
  • Share important documents, login information, and points of contact with loved ones so that they can manage your affairs if you are unable to return as planned to the United States. 
  • Review’s Financial Preparedness webpage .
  • Develop a communication plan with family and/or your employer or host organization.
  • Erase any sensitive photos, comments, or other materials that could be considered controversial or provocative by local groups from your social media pages, cameras, laptops, and other electronic devices prior to travel.

Embassy Messages

View Alerts and Messages Archive

Quick Facts

One page required for entry stamp

Travelers are required to show documentation for COVID-19 medical insurance, and a completed Health Declaration Form.

Amounts in excess of USD 10,000 must be declared upon entry

Amounts in excess of USD 10,000 must be declared upon exit

Embassies and Consulates

U.S. Embassy Rangoon 110 University Ave Kamayut Township, Rangoon, Burma Telephone: (95) 1-753-6-509 Emergency After-Hours Telephone:  (95) 1-753-6-509 Fax: (951)-751-2124 Email:  [email protected] Facebook Twitter

Destination Description

Learn about the U.S. relationship to Burma.

Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

You should obtain the latest entry, exit, and visa requirements from the Embassy of Burma or the Ministry of Immigration and Population . You may also visit the for Ministry of Hotels and Tourism for additional information. Since the February 2021 coup, Burma’s military regime controls travel to, from, and within Burma. To enter Burma, you must have a valid passport with at least six months’ validity remaining and a valid visa. You should apply for your visa at a Burmese Embassy or Consulate in the United States or abroad before you arrive in Burma. When in country, you will be required to show your passport with a valid visa at all airports, train stations, and hotels. Security checkpoints are common.

Visa Information:  Burma's  eVisa program  allows tourists and business travelers to apply for a visa online rather than physically applying at an embassy or consulate:

  • You are generally notified within a few days whether you have been pre-approved for a visa.
  • You must present the approval letter at Immigration when you enter Burma.
  • Once you are approved for a visa, the visa needs to be used within three months.
  • Apply at:  Myanmar eVisa (Official Government Website) . Be aware that non-official websites may be fraudulent; beware of scams.

Burma has a  visas-on-arrival program  for certain business travelers. The program is available only to those with a formal letter of invitation from a business registered with the Burmese Ministry of Commerce, NOT to tourists. Please contact the Embassy of Burma in Washington, DC, or other locations, for information.

There is also a meditation visa for visitors planning long-term studies at monasteries and meditation centers.

U.S. Military Travelers:  Personal travel for U.S. military personnel to Burma is restricted at this time. U.S. military personnel must refer to the Department of Defense Foreign Clearance Guide and their officer-in-charge for information before planning any travel.

Dual Nationals:  Anyone entering Burma who has claim to Burmese citizenship, regardless of any other citizenship held, may need to meet all obligations of a Burmese citizen, including any required military conscription.

You can get information about entry requirements as well as other information from the  Embassy of Burma’s  website.

The Embassy is located at 2300 S Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20008. Telephone: 202-332-4350.

The Permanent Mission of Burma  to the UN is located at 10 East 77th St., New York, NY 10021.

The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Burma.

Find information on  dual nationality ,  prevention of international child abduction  and  customs regulations  on our websites.

Safety and Security

Messages regarding security-related events are posted on the  Embassy’s website .

Fighting between the Burma’s military forces and ethnic armed groups and militia forces continues in border regions, including parts of Kachin, Kayah, Kayin, Shan, Rakhine, and Chin States, and as well as in Sagaing and Magway in the center of the country. Travelers should avoid travel to these areas.

The destinations frequented by most U.S. citizen visitors, including Rangoon, Bagan, Ngapali Beach, Naypyitaw, and Mandalay, are not currently affected by this fighting, but the security situation can change quickly. See our Travel Advisory for more information.

Land mines and unexploded ordnance:  Conflict-affected areas are of greatest concern, particularly areas of Shan, Chin, and Kachin States. The location of landmines is often not marked or otherwise identifiable.

The regime’s Ministry of Hotels and Tourism publishes information on restricted areas.

Due to travel restrictions placed on U.S. diplomats by the de-facto authorities, our ability to assist U.S. citizens affected by incidents in remote and/or conflict-affected areas of Burma may be limited.

Crime:  Crime rates in Burma, especially involving foreigners, are lower than those of many other countries in the region. Nevertheless, the crime rate has been increasing, particularly home burglaries and petty crime. Violent crime against foreigners is rare, but there have been incidents involving attacks by taxi drivers and muggings. Citizens are advised to take particular care when taking taxis late at night.

See the  Department of State  and the  FBI  pages for more information.

Victims of Crime:  Report crimes to the local police at 199 or in person at the police station in the district where the crime took place; and contact the U.S. Embassy at +(95) (1) 7536-509, ext. 4240, Emergency After-Hours Telephone: +(95) 1 7536-509.  Remember that local authorities are responsible for investigating and prosecuting the crime.

See our webpage on  help for U.S. victims of crime overseas .

  • help you find appropriate medical care.
  • assist you in reporting a crime to the police.
  • contact relatives or friends with your written consent.
  • explain the local criminal justice process in general terms.
  • provide a list of local attorneys.
  • provide information on  victim’s compensation programs in the United States .
  • provide an emergency loan for repatriation to the United States and/or limited medical support in cases of destitution.
  • help you find accommodation and arrange flights home.
  • replace a stolen or lost passport.

Domestic Violence:  U.S. citizen victims of domestic violence may contact the Embassy for assistance.

Disaster Preparedness

  • Cyclones and Tropical Storms:  Cyclones may occur in two, three-month seasons peaking in May and November, respectively, during which travel conditions may deteriorate significantly. In addition, intense rainfall and squalls may occur during the rainy season (approximately June to October annually). Travelers are encouraged to prepare for cyclone emergencies and monitor local news stations when cyclones are forecast. The Myanmar Department of Meteorology and Hydrology has a color-coded system for storm systems: red for storms approaching landfall in Burma, orange for storms moving towards Burma, yellow for developing storms, and brown for current storms. Additional information on storm preparedness may be found on our Crisis and Disaster Abroad webpage.
  • Earthquakes do occur throughout Burma. Check here for information about  earthquake preparedness .

The Department of Homeland Security’s page has numerous resources on emergency kits, preparing for disasters and developing emergency plans:

Tourism:  The tourism industry is unevenly regulated, and safety inspections for equipment and facilities do not commonly occur. Hazardous areas/activities are not always identified with appropriate signage, and staff may not be trained or certified either by the host government or by recognized authorities in the field.  In the event of an injury, appropriate medical treatment is typically available only in/near major cities.  U.S. citizens are encouraged to purchase medical evacuation insurance .  

Local Laws & Special Circumstances

Criminal Penalties:  You are subject to local laws. If you violate local laws, even unknowingly, you may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned.  Individuals establishing a business or practicing a profession that requires additional permits or licensing should seek information from the competent local authorities prior to practicing or operating a business.

Furthermore, some laws are also prosecutable in the U.S., regardless of local law. For examples, see our webpage on  crimes against minors abroad  and the U.S.  Department of Justice  website.

Arrest Notification:  If you are arrested or detained, ask police or prison officials to notify the U.S. Embassy immediately.  See our  webpage  for further information.

Should you be detained, especially outside of Rangoon, we may not be able to assist quickly.

Law enforcement officials do not routinely notify us of the arrest of U.S. citizens, and prison officials have been known to obstruct regular access by consular officers to U.S. citizen detainees.

Dual Nationality: Burmese law forbids Burmese citizens from possessing dual nationality. On occasion, Burmese authorities have detained and pursued criminal proceedings against Burmese-Americans who have returned to Burma on U.S. passports and who have had in their possession evidence of Burmese citizenship, such as a National Registration Card.

Tourists Must Reside in a Registered Hotel or Guesthouse:  Burmese law requires that foreign tourists reside in registered hotels or guesthouses. Criminal penalties, including multiple years of imprisonment and deportation, apply for non-compliance.

Illegal drugs  carry severe penalties. Expect long jail sentences under harsh conditions, heavy fines, or even execution for possessing, using, or trafficking in illegal drugs.

Insulting Religion:  Under Burmese law, insulting religion is a prosecutable offense. ‘Insult’ is a very broad term that could include tattoos or other religious representations in a non-religious context.  Images of the Buddha can be particularly sensitive. In 2016, a tourist was deported for allegedly having a tattoo of the Buddha on his leg. In 2020, a Facebook user from Meikhtila who criticized monks on social media was sentenced to over a year imprisonment; two other individuals were arrested for drawing graffiti of a skull wearing a monk’s robe. As in any country, visitors are encouraged to be respectful of local customs when visiting religious sites.

Drones:  Importing unmanned aerial systems (drones) without prior permission from authorities and flying them in sensitive areas can result in criminal penalties, including jail time and the permanent confiscation of the drone. Sensitive areas include government buildings, famous tourist sites, and religious buildings. Because it is rarely clear what constitutes a sensitive area, all recreational use of drones is inadvisable.  Multiple foreigners have recently been detained for flying drones in sensitive locations.

Social Media:  You may be prosecuted for posting negative or derogatory comments on social media, including Facebook, under the 2013 Telecommunications Law, which criminalizes “extortion of any person, coercion, unlawful restriction, defamation, interfering, undue influence, or intimidation using a telecommunications network.” If convicted, you may face a fine and/or imprisonment. 

Faith-Based Travelers:  See the following webpages for details:

  • Faith-Based Travel Information
  • International Religious Freedom Report  – see country reports
  • Human Rights Report  – see country reports
  • Hajj Fact Sheet for Travelers
  • Best Practices for Volunteering Abroad

LGBTQI+ Travelers:  Consensual same-sex sexual activity is illegal under section 377 of the Burmese penal code, which has provisions against “sexually abnormal” behavior and entails punishments up to life imprisonment. Laws against “unnatural offenses” apply equally to men and women. These laws are rarely enforced; however, LGBTQI+ persons have reported police using the threat of prosecution to extort bribes. LGBTQI+ activists have also reported allegations of rape by security forces in some cases, arbitrary arrest (for example for loitering), detention, and broad societal and familial discrimination.

See our  LGBTQI+ Travel Information  page and section 6 of our  Human Rights Report  for further details.

Travelers with Disabilities:  Individuals with disabilities should be prepared to face difficulties throughout Burma. Roads and sidewalks are often difficult to cross. Ramps or handicapped-accessible facilities are rare. 

Students:  See our  Students Abroad  page and  FBI travel tips .

Women Travelers:  See our travel tips for  Women Travelers .

For emergency services in Burma, dial 119.

COVID-19 Testing:

Testing is available at the following locations: 

  • Yangon Airport Molecular Lab: located on Pyay Road near the Htan Pin Gone bus stop and DHL Myanmar warehouse at the airport. Telephone numbers: 094 4409 9941 / 094 4409 9942 
  • N Health: located in Rangoon at the Tourist Burma Building on the corner of Maha Bandula St. and Sule Paya St. (near Sule Pagoda). Telephone numbers: 01 230 3202 / 09 519 9122 
  • Pun Hlaing Hospital: located in Rangoon on Pun Hlaing Estate Avenue, Hlaing Tharyar Township, as well as at Pun Hlaing Clinic Downtown Rangoon, No. 14/A, Taw Win Street (Corner of Ambassador St and Taw Win St), Dagon Township.  Telephone number: 099400 60222 
  • Samitivej International Clinic: located in Rangoon at 9E/2 Kabar Aye Pagoda Road, Mayangone Township. Telephone numbers: 01 656 732 / 01 660 545 / 09 42427 4301 
  • International SOS Clinic: located in Rangon at Inya Lake Hotel, 37 Kaba Aye Pagoda Road.  Email:  [email protected]

COVID-19 Vaccines: The COVID-19 vaccine is available for U.S. citizens to receive in Burma. Some private clinics in Burma offer COVID-19 vaccination programs, including booster shots.  American citizens in Burma seeking vaccination should contact private clinics directly for more information.  The Embassy shares this information as a courtesy but does not endorse or recommend any specific vaccination program in Burma. 

  • Grand Hantha International Hospital: located in Rangoon at No.3, Corner of Lower Kyee Myin Daing Kanner Road and Narnattaw.  Email:  [email protected] .
  • Visit the FDA’s website to  learn more about FDA-approved vaccines  in the United States.  

Ambulance services are:

  • not present throughout the country or are unreliable.
  • not equipped with state-of-the-art medical equipment.
  • not staffed with trained paramedics and often have little or no medical equipment. 

Given the above information, injured or seriously ill travelers may prefer to take a taxi or private vehicle to the nearest major hospital rather than wait for an ambulance.

Most medical facilities in Burma are inadequate for routine medical care. If you are seeking medical care in Burma, you will be asked to pay cash for all health care services and medicines before receiving care; credit cards are not accepted in most health care facilities and insurance will not be billed. Adequate Emergency Medical Services including ambulance care is not reliably available. Patients who are admitted to public hospitals typically need a family member or friend to assist them with care in the hospital, and food and medical supplies must be purchased for use in the hospital. Few medical personnel in Burma are trained to U.S. standards.

U.S. citizens needing urgent medical care have been denied treatment at public hospitals due to a lack of funds.  In an emergency, you would likely need to be medically evacuated to a hospital outside Burma . Medical evacuation from Burma is expensive and is most often transacted in cash, therefore medical evacuation insurance is advised.

We do not pay medical bills.  Be aware that U.S. Medicare/Medicaid does not apply overseas. Most hospitals and doctors overseas do not accept U.S. health insurance.

Medical Insurance:  Make sure your health insurance plan provides coverage overseas. Most care providers overseas only accept cash payments. See our webpage for more information on insurance coverage overseas. Visit the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for more information on type of insurance you should consider before you travel overseas.

We strongly recommend  supplemental insurance  to cover medical evacuation (see above).

Medication:  Many pharmaceuticals on sale in Burma are counterfeit or adulterated, or may not be available. Travelers should consider Burmese pharmaceuticals generally unsafe to use and should bring their own medications for the duration of their stay in Burma.

If traveling with prescription medication, check with these authorities to ensure that the medication is legal in Burma.  Always carry your prescription medication in original packaging with your doctor’s prescription.

Further health information:

  • World Health Organization
  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC)

Travel and Transportation

Road Conditions and Safety:  Rangoon's roads are generally in poor condition, and traffic is congested throughout the day. Slow-moving vehicles, bicycles, animals, and heavy pedestrian traffic create numerous hazards for drivers on Rangoon's streets. If you drive in Burma, remain alert to avoid hitting pedestrians. If you are a pedestrian, remain alert even when you believe you have the right of way.

Most roads outside of Rangoon have one to two lanes and are potholed, often unpaved, and unlit at night.  Many of the truck drivers traveling between China and Rangoon reportedly travel under the influence of methamphetamines and other stimulants. Drunken and/or drugged drivers are common during the four-day Buddhist water festival in mid-April.

Driving at night is particularly dangerous. Most Burmese drivers do not turn on their headlights until the sky is completely dark. Many do not use headlights at all. Many bicyclists use no lights or reflectors.

Roadside assistance and ambulances are generally unavailable.

Public Transportation:  Please refer to our  Road Safety  page for more information.

Traffic Laws:  Vehicles drive on the right side as in the United States, however, a majority of vehicles still have the steering wheel positioned on the right. The “right of way” concept is generally respected, but military convoys and motorcades always have precedence. Vehicles generally lack seat belts. Child car seats are unavailable.

Most accidents are settled between the parties on site, with the party at fault paying the damages. In the event of an accident with a pedestrian, the driver is always considered to be at fault and subject to fines or arrest, regardless of the circumstances.

Aviation Safety Oversight : As there is no direct commercial air service to the United States by carriers registered in Burma, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has not assessed the Government of Burma’s Civil Aviation Authority for compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) aviation safety standards. Further information may be found on the  FAA safety assessment page .

Maritime Travel:  Mariners planning travel to Burma should also check for U.S. maritime advisories and alerts at  MARAD . Information may also be posted to the U.S. Coast Guard homeport website and the NGA broadcast warnings .

For additional travel information

  • Enroll in the  Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP)  to receive security messages and make it easier to locate you in an emergency.
  • Call us in Washington, D.C. at 1-888-407-4747 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or 1-202-501-4444 (from all other countries) from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Eastern Standard Time, Monday through Friday (except U.S. federal holidays).
  • See the  State Department’s travel website  for the  Worldwide Caution  and  Travel Advisories .
  • Follow us on  Twitter  and  Facebook .
  • See  traveling safely abroad  for useful travel tips.

For additional IPCA-related information, please see  the International Child Abduction Prevention and Return Act (ICAPRA)  report.

Travel Advisory Levels

Assistance for u.s. citizens, learn about your destination, enroll in step.

Enroll in STEP

Subscribe to get up-to-date safety and security information and help us reach you in an emergency abroad.

Recommended Web Browsers: Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome.

Make two copies of all of your travel documents in case of emergency, and leave one with a trusted friend or relative.


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  • Passports, travel and living abroad
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  • Foreign travel advice

Myanmar (Burma)

Warnings and insurance.

myanmar travel

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office ( FCDO ) provides advice about risks of travel to help British nationals make informed decisions. Find out more about FCDO travel advice .

Areas where FCDO advises against travel

Your travel insurance could be invalidated if you travel against FCDO advice.

Areas where FCDO advises against all travel

FCDO advises against all travel to:

  • Kachin State
  • Kayah State
  • Rakhine State
  • Sagaing and Magway regions
  • Tanintharyi Region, excluding Myeik township, and the archipelago and townships south of Tanintharyi township
  • Shan State North
  • North Mandalay Region; the townships north of Mandalay City and Pyin Oo Lwin
  • East of the Yangon-Mandalay Expressway in Bago region

Areas where FCDO advises against all but essential travel

FCDO advises against all but essential travel to:

  • Shan State South and East
  • Mandalay Region
  • Tanintharyi Region south of Tanintharyi township
  • the rest of Bago region

The conflict is Myanmar is increasingly volatile. The security situation may deteriorate at short notice. Exercise caution, and consider any travel plans carefully.

Find out more about why FCDO advises against travel .

Before you travel

No travel can be guaranteed safe. Read all the advice in this guide as well as support for British nationals abroad which includes:

  • advice on preparing for travel abroad and reducing risks
  • information for women, LGBT+ and disabled travellers

Follow and contact FCDO travel on Twitter , Facebook and Instagram . You can also sign up to get email notifications when this advice is updated.

Travel insurance

If you choose to travel, research your destinations and get appropriate travel insurance . Insurance should cover your itinerary, planned activities and expenses in an emergency.

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