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Seperti yang kita ketahui, China termasuk salah satu negara yang memiliki peradaban besar. Negara ini sudah terkenal dan popular sejak ribuan tahun yang lalu. Di negara ini terdapat banyak tempat wisata yang memiliki sejarah tinggi serta menawarkan pemandangan menakjubkan.
Jangan lewatkan liburanmu bersama AVIA TOUR, kali ini Anda berkesempatan mengunjungi Provinsi Sichuan yang memiliki kota cantik yaitu Jiuzhaigou. Jiuzhaigou adalah taman nasional suaka alam di Sichuan, China. Jiuzhaigou merupakan…
Yuk jangan lewatkan liburanmu bersama AVIA TOUR, dalam paket ini Anda akan diajak untuk eksplor kota Chongqing yang merupakan salah satu kota terpenting di China dengan berbagai destinasi wisata yang…
Yuk jangan lewatkan liburanmu bersama AVIA TOUR, dalam paket ini Anda akan diajak mengunjungi beberapa kota di China. Salah satunya yang paling terkenal adalah Beijing dan Shanghai, kedua kota ini…
Jangan lewatkan liburanmu bersama AVIA TOUR, kali ini Anda berkesempatan mengeksplor keindahan Provinsi Sichuan yang memiliki banyak lembah cantik yaitu Jiuzhaigou - taman nasional suaka alam di Sichuan, China. Jiuzhaigou…
Dalam liburan bersama Avia Tour kali ini, dalam paket ini Anda akan diajak untuk eksplor area Chongqing yang merupakan salah satu kota terpenting di China dengan berbagai destinasi wisata yang…
Mari kita mengunjungi Changbishan! Changbaishan adalah pegunungan unik di daerah China yang terkenal karena formasi pegunungannya yang menakjubkan dan indah. Nama Changbai tersebut jika di artikan ke bahasa inggris akan…
Yuk jangan lewatkan liburanmu bersama AVIA TOUR, dalam paket Super Deal ini ini Anda akan diajak untuk eksplor area Chongqing yang merupakan salah satu kota terpenting di China dengan berbagai…
Ayo berlibur ke Negara Tirai Bambu, peradaban kunonya yang maju dan meninggalkan banyak sekali peninggalan membuatnya di masa modern ini menjadi daya tarik wisata yang sangat unik dan menarik. Anda…
Yuk jangan lewatkan liburanmu bersama AVIA TOUR, dalam paket ini Anda akan diajak untuk eksplor kota Xian yang merupakan salah satu kota di China yang sangat kental akan wisata sejarahnya,…
Lebih dari sekedar negara, Tionghoa tidak hanya luas dan kaya akan keberagaman, tapi memiliki semua secara keseluruhan. Sedikit dari apa yang mereka miliki meliputi:
- Pemandangan alam yang sangat indah dan terjaga, mulai dari pegunungan, flora fauna, hingga wisata dengan perahu.
- Keberagaman masakan Chinese tradisional, di mana Shenzhen, Cantonese, dan masih banyak kuliner lainnya memiliki orisinalitas rasa masing-masing, termasuk makanan jajanan pasar hingga gaya hidup malam yang beragam.
- Pusat perbelanjaan dengan harga paling bersaing di dunia, di mana apapun dapat tersedia. Ingin inspirasi lapangan bisnis baru? Peluang di sini tidak terhingga, dari bahan baku hingga teknologi.
Everyone got a story to tell, and different experiences that have been faced. Not only from our point of view, these travellers review about China tour is here to help us earn your trust.
Anehnya, saya malah jadi terinspirasi untuk berbisnis setelah keliling China. Haha.. di sini semuaada dan berlimpah, banyak sekali peluang untuk memajukan negara kita juga di berbagai industri.
Wah setelah ke sini jadi takjub sih sama keindahan alamnya. Alami dan tak tersentuh, jadi ingin menjelajah lebih banyak lagi.
Hao le! Makanannya enak- enak parah, semuanya murah, ga tau lagi dah. Walaupun di beberapa tempat masih kotor, tapi udah maju banget sih di sini sebenernya. Thumbs up!
Although a picture describes a thousand words, some story and experiences are better described in detail.
Not only fulfilling for the eyes, but also ensuring you to be certain before you head on to travel. For you people who experience wanderlust, to understand your destination, to know the adventure that is about to come, head to the blog for more information.
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Category / Tour China
Tour China 2024 10D FANTASTIC GUIZHOU + TONGREN - CHONGQING TOUR (tidak ada toko wajib) By Air Macau Periode : Sep - Nov'24 (WH56)
8 Alasan untuk untuk Tour ke China dan Apa yang membuat China menjadi destinasi yang special dan wajib dikunjungi
Jika Nada mencari Destinasi Tour yang eksotis , penuh dengan pemandangan dan pengalaman yang baru , merangsang dan berbeda. Tour China adalah yang terbaik di Dunia.
Tour ke China bukanlah tempat dimana Anda hanya sekedar menikmati liburan. Ini adalah tujuan di mana Anda dapat menjelajahi negara yang sangat berbeda dengan negara pada umumnya.
Berikut 8 Alasan mengapa China harus berada di urutan teratas daftar kunjungan yang wajib Anda kunjungi.
1. Kebudayaan Terkaya di Dunia.
Tiongkok adalah salah satu dari Empat Peradaban kuno dengan sejarah lebih dari 3000 tahun. Negara ini memiliki kekayaan budaya yang paling kaya di dunia.
Bahasa China mengungguli bahasa lain dalam hal orisinalitas dan kompleksitas. Kungfu dan Tai Chi juga melampaui karate , taekwondo dan tinju Thailand.
Pertimbangkan juga budaya makanan dan teh China, Pengobatan China , Puis, Kaligrafi , Opera, Kostum , Festival, dan Porselen bahkan sebelum mempertimbangkan ratusan etnis Minoritas. Alasan pertama ini menjadikan Paket Tour China 2023 menjadi salah satu Paket Tour terfavorit Callista Tour selama ini.
2. Peninggalan Purbakala yang Paling mengesankan.
Budaya dan prestasi Arsitektur China adalah Alasan utama untuk berkunjung atau Wisata ke China. Harta karun kuno China yang menakjubkan dan monumental melampaui semua negara lain dalam hal ukuran dan jumlah. Mulai dari Istana Kuno hingga Tembok besar , Tembok Kota, Tentara yang terkubur , Kanal, Pagoda, Kuil dan Patung Buddha Raksasa.
Tujuh Keajaiban Kuno Tiongkok yang menjadi Tujuan wisata Paket Tour China 2023 dan Paket Tour China 2024.
3. Keajaiban Alam Paling Bervariasi dan Spektakuler
Dalam hal keindahan Alam , China lebih besar dan lebih bervariasi dan Spektakuler dibandingkan negara manapun di dunia, jika Anda menghitung semuanya.
Sungai Li di Guilin dan keindahannya dan Pengunungan Huangshan yang legendaris dengan lautan awan mengelilingi Anda serasa Anda berjalan di kahyangan dengan Pohon pinus di sebelah kiri kanan Anda. Belum lagi Pemandangan menakjubkan Zhang Jia Jie Forest park yang menjadi tempat Shooting film cinematik terkenal "Avatar". Semua destinasi itu dapat Anda kunjungi dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau dalam Paket Tour China 2023 dan Paket Tour China 2024 Callista Tour.
4. Variasi Makanan Terlezat dan Terbesar di Dunia
Tour China 2023 bukan hanya memanjakan Mata dan jiwa Anda , tetapi juga memanjakan mulut dan perut Anda tentunya dengan Makanan - makanan lezat dan bervariasi selama Anda bergabung Tour ke China dengan Callista Tour.
Setiap Daerah atau propinsi di China memiliki Masakan Khasnya masing-masing. Beberapa Makanan Khas yang patut Anda coba adalah bebek panggang Beijing atau yang dikenal dengan Beijing Roasted Duck, Sup Pangsit Shanghai, Hot Pot pedas di Chengdu , Bihun di Guilin dan Dim SUm di Hong kong.
5. Panda Besar yang menggemaskan
China telah memasuki era didgital dengan empat inovasi modern yang sangat berkembang. Pada Tour ke China 2023 dan Wisata ke China bersama Callista Tour . Anda akan diberikan free day untuk mencoba transportasi Publik yang canggih di China. seperti Bullet train berkecepatan tinggi.
Bepergian Wisata di China kini lebih mudah dari sebelumnya. Anda dapat menaiki Bullet train dari Beijing ke Shanghai dengan kecepatan 250 - 350 km / jam. Tetapi walaupun China sudah sangat maju dalam transportasi dan digital lainnya, China masih merupakan negara yang penuh dengan tradisi menarik dan keramah tamahan dan indentitas budaya yang dipegang teguh.
8. Banyak Pilihan Penerbangan ke China dan Visa yang mudah di dapat.
Meskipun Tour ke China 2023 memiliki Jarak tempuh yang tidak cepat tetapi Paket Tour China 2024 mudah diakses. Banyak penerbangan langsung yang dari indonesia ke Kota - kota besar di china seperti Beijing , Shanghai , Hong kong.
Ayo tunggu apalagi , daftarkan diri Anda untuk bergabung dalam Paket Tour China 2023 dan Paket Tour China 2024 kami , yang tentunya dengan penawaran harga yang sangat menarik dan promosi yang menggoda bersama kami Callista Tour , Wisata ke China Anda menjadi tidak terlupakan.
Destinasi Teratas untuk Di Kunjungi Dalam Paket Tour ke China 2023 : Temukan Keajaiban
Mulailah perjalanan ajaib melintasi keajaiban kuno dan kota - kota yang semarak di China pada tahun 2023. Negara menawan ini menawarkan segudang destinasi wisata china terbaik yang akan membuat Anda terpesona dan mendambakan lebih banyak hal. Baik Anda penggemar Sejarah, pencinta alam , atau penikmat kuliner, selalu ada sesuatu untuk semua orang dalam Tour China 2023 dan Tour China 2024.
Mulailah berpetualang Anda di Beijing, di mana Anda dapat mengagumi Tembok Besar China yang ikonik dan meyelami sejarah Kota Terlarang ( Forbidden City). Temukan keindahan menakjubkan pilar batu pasir Zhang Jia jie yang menjulang tinggi, yang memberikan inspirasi bagi Lanskap yang menakjubkan dalam film Avatar. Pergilah ke kota metropolitan Shanghai yang ramai dan saksikan perpaduan sempurna antara arsitektur tradisional dan modern.
Wisata ke China belum lengkap tanpa menikmati keindahan tenang Sungai Li di Guilin atau menjelajahi kota kuno Xi'an dengan Prajurit Terakota yang megah. Dan bagi pecinta kuliner , mengeksplor Kuliner di Chengdu , rumah bagi masakan pedas Sichuan adalah suatu kewajiban.
Bersiaplah mengungkap keajaiban yang menanti di Tour China 2023 , Masuki dunia dengan keindahan menawan dan warisan budaya yang kaya yang akan membuat Anda terpesona dan menginginkan lebih.
Destinasi Wisata Terpopuler di China
China , negeri dengan keajaiban kuno dan keajaiban modern, memiliki banyak destinasi menawan yang harus ada dalam daftar keinginan setiap wisatawan. Dari Bangunan terkenal yang megah hingga pemandangan alam yang menakjubkan, Tour ke China menawarkan beragam pengalaman yang akan membuat Anda terkagum-kagum.
1. Tembok Besar China ( Great Wall )
Tour ke China belum lengkap tanpa mengunjungi Tembok besar yang megah. Mencakup lebih dari 13.000 mil, keajaiban arsitektur ini merupakan bukti kecerdasan dan tekad manusia. Saat Anda mendaki sepanjang tembok, Anda akan disuguhi pemandangan pedesaan sekitarnya yang menakjubkan dan mendapatkan apresiasi yang lebih dalam atas makna sejarah dari bangunan ikonik ini.
Tembok besar bukan hanya satu kesatuan melainkan serangkaian tembok yang saling berhubungan yang dibangun selama berabad-abad. Setiap bagian memiliki daya tarik unik dan makna sejarah tersendiri. Baik Anda memilih untuk mengunjungi bagian badan tembok yang terpelihara dengan baik atau menjelajahi jalur terpencil untuk menjelajahi bagian Jiankou yang liar dan terjal. Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan dalam Paket Tour China 2024
2. Tentara terakota di Xi'an
Kembali ke masa lalu dan saksikan salah satu penemuan arkeologi paling menakjubkan di dunia yaitu Tentara Terakota. Terletak di kota kuno Xi'an , pasukan bawah tanah yang terdiri dari prajurit terakota dan kuda seukuran manusia ini diciptakan untuk menemani kaisar pertama China , Qin Shi Huang di Akhirat.
Skala dan perhatian terhadap detail dari tentara Terakota sungguh menakjubkan. Setiap prajurit itu unik, dengan ekspresi wajah dan gaya rambut tersendiri. Saat Anda berjalan melewati lokasi penggalian, Anda akan dibawa ke era yang berbeda, mengagumi keahlian dan makna sejarah dari penemuan arkeologi yang luar biasa ini.
3. Kota Terlarang di Beijing ( Forbidden City )
Selanjutnya dalam Paket Tour China 2024 benamkan diri Anda dalam kekayaan sejarah di China dengan menjelajahi kemegahan kota Terlarang di Beijing. Sebagai istana kekaisaran selama lebih dari 500 tahun, situs warisan Dunia UNESCO ini menawarkan sekilas kehidupan mewah para kaisar Tiongkok dan keluarga mereka.
Berjalan melalui halaman yang luas dan aula yang rumit di Kota Terlarang. Anda akan dibawa ke zaman kaisar , Selir dan Kasim di masa lalu. Anda akan kagum dengan arsitektur yang menakjubkan , ukiran yang rumit dan indah dan artefak tak ternilai yang meghiasi kompleks istana megah ini. Jangan lewatkan kesempatan mendaki Bukit batubara untuk menikmati panorama Kota Terlarang dan sekitarnya.
4. Pemandangan Menakjubkan Sungai Li dan Guilin
Tinggalkan keramaian dan hiruk pikuk kota dan kali ini Tour China 2023 akan membawa Anda menikmati keindahan tenang sungai di Guilin. Dikelilingi oleh karst batu kapur yang menjulang tinggi dan tanaman hijau subur, sungai indah ini bagaikan pemandangan dalam lukisan China.
Berlayar di sepanjang sungai Li adalah pengalaman Tour ke China yang tidak akan terlupakan. Memungkinkan Anda menikmati pemandangan menakjubkan dengan santai. Saat Anda meluncur melewati puncak karst dan desa nelayan tradisional. Anda akan merasakan kedamaian dan ketenangan yang sulit ditemukan di tempat lain.Pastikan Kamera Anda siap, karena setiap belokan sungai menawarkan pemandangan yang baru dan menakjubkan. Selain sungai Li , Guilin juga merupakan rumah bagi keajaiban alam lainnya. Gua Elephant Trunk dan Teras Sawah Longji. Atraksi - atraksi ini semakin menampilkan keindahan dan keanekaragaman alam di kawasan ini, menjadikan Guilin sebagai destinasi Tour China 2024 yang wajib dikunjungi bagi pecinta alam dan penggemar fotografi.
5. Menjelajahi Kota Kuno Cantik Lijiang
Perjalanan Tour China selanjut kembali ke Masa lalu dan temukan kota kuno Lijiang, sebuah situs warisan dunia UNESCO yang terletak di Provinsi Yunnan yang indah. Terkenal dengan arsitektur tradisionalnya yang terpelihara dengan baik dan budaya naxi yang unik, Lijiang menawarkan sekilas kekayaan warisan budaya China. Jelajahi jalan-jalan sempit berbatu di Kota Tua Lijian, Anda akan dibawa kagum dengan rumah-rumah kayu yang dirancang dengan rumit dan kanal - kanal yang menawan. Mengunjungi Black Dragon Pool Park, di mana Anda akan menemukan danau tenang yang dikelilingi taman rimbun dan pegunungan yang megah. Menjelajahi Gunung Salju Naga Giok ( Dragon Jade Snow Mountain ) dengan puncak suci yang menawarkan pemandangan menakjubkan dan kesempatan untuk hiking sambil menikmati pemandangan yang indah bagaikan di kahyangan.Saat Anda menjelajahi Lijiang, pastikan untuk mencoba masakan lokal, yang merupakan perpaduan cita rasa Naxi , Tibet dan Bai. Cicipi hidangan tradisional seperti Mie Daging Yak , keju goreng Naxi , dan teh mentega. dan nikmati cita rasa unik kota kuno ini.
6. Kota Shanghai yang Eksentrik dan Atraksi Modernnya
Wisata ke China belum lengkap tanpa mengunjungi Kota Shanghai yang modern dan semarak. Terkenal dengan cakrawalanya yang futuristik dan jalanannya yang ramai, Shanghai adalah Kota yang memadukan tradisi dan modernitas dengan sempurna. Dari gedung pencakar langit yang menjulang tinggi hingga kawasan bersejarah. Selalu ada sesuatu untuk semua orang di kota metropolitan ini. Mulailah Tour China anda dengan mengunjungi The Bund yang ikonik. Kawasan pejalan kaki ditepi laut ini menawarkan pemandangan cakrawala kota yang menakjubkan, dengan bangunan bersejarah di satu sisi dan gedung pencakar langit modern di sisi lainnya. Berjalan-jalan santai di sepanjang The Bund dan benamkan diri Anda dalam kekayaan sejarah dan keindahan arsitektur kota ini. Untuk merasakan budaya tradisional Shanghai pergilah ke Taman Yu yang menawan. Taman klasik tiongkok ini adalah oase damai di tengah hiruk-pikuk kota. Mengunjungi Paviliun , bebatuan dan kolam yang dirancang dengan rumit, dan jangan lupa untuk menikmati makanan ringan tradisional di Yuyuan bazaar didekatnya.
Jika Anda penggemar arsitektur modern, kunjungan ke Shanghai Tower adalah keharusan. Sebagai gedung tertinggi kedua di dunia, Gedung pencakar langit ini menawarkan pemandangan kota yang indah dari deck Observasinya. Mengagumi pemandangan cakrawala Shanghai yang menakjubkan dan rasakan perkembangan serta kemajuan kota yang pesat.
Yuk tunggu apalagi , Daftarkan diri Anda dalam paket tour china 2023 dan Paket Tour China 2024 kami yang sangat variatif dan dirancang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
Mengungkap Pesona Keindahan Hainan Melalui Paket Tour Hainan 2023 dan 2024
Hainan, yang sering disebut sebagai "Hawai-nya China," adalah sebuah pulau eksotis di Republik Rakyat Tiongkok yang menjadi destinasi wisata yang semakin populer bagi wisatawan dalam dan luar negeri. Pulau ini menawarkan pemandangan alam yang menakjubkan, kekayaan budaya, dan kuliner lezat yang membuatnya menjadi tempat yang sempurna untuk dijelajahi. Bagi Anda yang ingin merasakan semua pesona Hainan, memilih Paket Tour Hainan 2023 dan 2024 adalah pilihan yang bijak, dan Callista Tour adalah mitra terbaik yang dapat Anda andalkan dalam petualangan ini.
Mengawali Petualangan di Kota Sanya
Paket Tour Hainan 2023 dan 2024 kami akan membawa Anda ke Kota Sanya, salah satu kota terindah di pulau ini. Destinasi pertama yang akan Anda kunjungi adalah Kawasan Pariwisata Dadonghai. Terletak di sepanjang pesisir pantai, Dadonghai dikenal sebagai surganya pecinta pantai. Pasir putih dan air laut biru yang jernih akan memukau Anda. Tempat ini juga diakui sebagai salah satu dari "Empat Puluh Pemandangan Terbaik di China"
Setelah menikmati keindahan pantai Dadonghai, kita akan melanjutkan perjalanan ke The Mansion and The Crown of Beauty. Tempat ini adalah simbol kemegahan dan kemewahan, dan Anda akan terpesona oleh arsitektur indahnya.
Tidak jauh dari sini, Anda dapat mengunjungi Taman Gunung Lu Hui Tou , yang terletak di atas bukit. Di Tengah taman ini, Anda akan menemukan patung batu Rusa raksasa setinggi 12 meter, panjang 8 meter, dan lebar 4,9meter yang diukir berdasarkan cerita rakyat, menciptakan pengalaman yang tak terlupakan.
Setelahnya, Anda akan diajak mengunjungi Tianya Haijiao Scenic Area , yang merupakan batas selatan daratan Tiongkok dan menghadirkan pemandangan lautan yang menakjubkan. Guan Yin of the South Sea, patung emas setinggi 108 meter, juga akan membuat Anda terkagum-kagum.
Eksplorasi Spiritual di Hainan
Selanjutnya, dalam Paket Tour Hainan kami , Anda akan mengeksplorasi sisi spiritual pulau ini dengan mengunjungi Kuil Nanshan . Kuil ini adalah tempat suci bagi umat Buddha dan menawarkan ketenangan dan ketakjuban.
Kemudian, kita akan melanjutkan perjalanan ke Haihua Island , yang merupakan rumah bagi berbagai atraksi menarik. Ocean Fairyland memungkinkan Anda untuk mengamati Makhluk-makhluk laut yang mengagumkan seperti Polar Bear, Beluga Whales, dan Sea lions.
Setelah puas menjelajahi hewan-hewan laut yang menakjubkan, Anda dapat mencicipi kuliner lokal di Haihau Island snack street, yang menawarkan hidangan lezat khas Hainan. Dan jangan lupa untuk mengunjungi Fukuyama Coffee Culture Village , tempat Anda dapat mencicipi kopi lokal yang lezat dan belajar lebih banyak tentang budaya kopi di Hainan.
Menyusuri Jejak Sejarah dan Budaya
Selama perjalanan Anda, Anda juga akan mendapatkan kesempatan untuk menjelajahi warisan budaya Hainan, Yongqing Temple adalah salah satu tempat yang akan Anda kunjungi, dengan arsitektur yang indah dan suasana yang damai.
Hainan Provincial Museum adalah tempat yang sempurna untuk mendalami sejarah dan budaya pulau ini. Anda akan menemukan koleksi seni, artefak bersejarah, dan banyak lagi disini.
Selanjutnya, Hairui Cultural Park adalah tempat yang mengungkapkan sejarah seorang pahlawan lokal, Hairui, dan memungkin Anda merasakan budaya Hainan yang kaya.
Berbelanja di Haikou Arcade Ancient Street
Selama perjalanan Anda ke Hainan, Anda juga akan mengunjungi Haikou Arcade Ancient Street , yang merupakan surga bagi pecinta belanja. Di sini, Anda akan menemukan beragam barang antik, kerajinan tangan, dan barang-barang lokal yang unik yang bisa menjadi kenang-kenangan sempurna dari perjalanan Anda.
Keindahan Pulau Lainnya
Paket Tour Hainan 2023 dan 2024 kami juga mencakup perjalanan ke kota Qionghai menggunakan kereta cepat atau bullet train. Selama kunjungan ini, Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk menjelajahi Cai Family Mansion, yang merupakan rumah besar bersejarah yang mengungkapkan kekayaan dan keindahan masa lalu Hainan.
Selain itu, Xinglong Oversea Farm dan Desa Bali akan memungkinkan Anda merasakan kehidupan pedesaan dan suasana serasa negeri sendiri seperti di kota bali yang khusus dirancang dan diciptakan untuk turis dari Indonesia.
Bersantai di Resort Mewah
Sebagai tambahan untuk petualangan Anda, Paket Tour Hainan 2023 dan 2024 akan memungkinkan Anda untuk menikmati kenyamanan dan kemewahan di Haitang Bay Seven Stars Hotel - Atlantis Hotel. Resort ini menawarkan fasilitas mewah, kolam renang indah, dan pantai yang menakjubkan.
Selama Anda di Hainan Tour, Anda juga akan memiliki kesempatan untuk bersantai di Yalong Bay Beach. Pantai ini terkenal dengan pasir putihnya yang lembut dan air laut yang jernih.
Keindahan Alam di Tour Hainan
Paket Tour Hainan kami juga akan mencakup kunjungan ke Yalong Bay International Rose Valley, di mana Anda dapat berjalan-jalan di antara berbagai macam bunga yang indah dan menikmati aroma yang harum.
Mengapa Memilih Callista Tour untuk Paket Tour ke Hainan ?
Dalam memilih Paket Tour Hainan Anda, penting untuk bekerja sama dengan agen perjalanan yang dapat diandalkan, berkualitas, dan berpengalaman. Callista Tour adalah pilihan terbaik untuk mengatur perjalanan Anda ke Hainan. Berikut beberapa alasan mengapa Anda harus memilih Callista Tour:
1. Terpercaya: Callista Tour telah beroperasi selama lebih dari 12 tahun dan telah membangun reputasi yang kuat dalam industri pariwisata. Keandalah kami telah diakui oleh berbagai pelanggan kami baik dari kalangan individual traveler ataupun Perusahaan / Corporate.
2. Harga Termurah: Callista Tour menawarkan harga yang kompetitif, sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan pengalaman terbaik dengan harga terjangkau.
3. Servis Terbaik: TIm Profesional kami akan selalu siap memberikan layanan terbaik kepada Anda selama perjalanan Tour Anda. Mereka akan menjadikan perjalanan Anda nyaman, aman, dan tak terlupakan.
Dengan Paket Tour Hainan 2023 dan 2024 dari Callista Tour , Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk menjelajahi keindahan alam, budaya, dan sejarah Hainan tanpa repot mengatur segalanya sendiri. Dengan panduan yang berpengalaman dan perjalanan yang kami rancang dengan baik, Anda dapat menikmati petualangan tanpa khawatir. Jadi, segera pesan Paket Tour Hainan Anda dan bersiaplah untuk menjelajahi pesona Tour ke Hainan yang menakjubkan.
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A Journey China With Yangtze River Cruise in 11 days- Private Tour
- In-depth Cultural
- Christmas & New Year
- Visit the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and the Great Wall of China in Beijing.
- Visit ancient temples and villages along the Yangtze River.
- See the terracotta warriors, one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of all time, in Xian.
8-Day Private China Tour to Beijing, Xi'an, and Shanghai
“Interesting sites and well organized.” Eugenia Florinda de Smith Naro, traveled in June 2024
- Visit the Mutianyu, the best-preserved part of the Great Wall.
- Discover the Terracotta Warriors, one of the world's most important archaeological finds.
- Experience a rickshaw tour of the Hutongs, traditional alleyways in Beijing.
The Essence of Guilin
“Great introduction to Guilin and Yangshou. Highly recommended for a introduction of a beautiful part of China.” DaveM, traveled in September 2019
- Sightseeing
- Discover Longji's stunning rice terraces
- Meet your group and explore Guilin's streets
- Sail down the picturesque Li River
China Highlights
“The experiences were amazing and Peter, the tour guide, was outstanding.” Thomas B, traveled in January 2019
- Train & Rail
- Marvel at the Army of Terracotta Warriors in Xian
- Zoom past rural villages on a high-speed bullet train
- Enjoy home cooked meals in a family run guesthouse
8-Day Small Group China Tour to Beijing, Xi'an and Shanghai
“Learnt not only about history but culture and language today. Felt very safe even when venturing out alone around cities without guides.” helen currie, traveled in March 2024
- Admire the haunting rows of Xi’an’s Terracotta Warriors
- Venture up the ornate steps of the Forbidden City
- Gaze at the impressive ramparts of the Great Wall
I also want to personally thank Thanh from Realistic Asia for all the hard work in making our vacation unforgettable. Having all the guides and extra support was comforting and helpful, especially since this was our first time in China. When we travel to Asia again, I would not hesitate to use Realistic Asia as our travel agency. Thank you again for all your help and support through this process. China was amazing and all the early work with securing a visa, hotel and flights were all worth it in the end. Thanks again for all your help and support. Maria and family
Excellent tour! Very well organised, includes everything that is necessary and I felt treated like a VIP guest all the time! My guide - Yunhua - bent over and backwards to make my trip unforgettable and he also arranged with great efficiency all the extra activities I was asking for (last minute)
Extremely disappointed that we were not informed of the hotel change at the beginning of the trip. I think it would be beneficial to change the group meeting either early afternoon or after dinner so that people can see the Shanghai skyline at night For the sleeper train book whole section and then split the price so you can be with people you know. Sunny was a great guide. She was very informative, helpful and just an all around lovely person who allowed us to appreciate Chinese culture and hospitality.
Western China
Explore the breathtaking peaks of the Himalayas, trek along the historic Silk Road in Xinjiang, and savor the fiery flavors of Sichuan cuisine. Get up close with adorable pandas in Chengdu. Western China offers a dynamic blend of nature, history, and culture.
Southern China
Boat down the river past spectacular karst hills and cycle past lush rice fields in Yangshuo, take the scenic Two Rivers and Four Lakes Cruise in Guilin, enjoy local delicacies, and explore small villages dotted around the lush countryside.
In the tranquil heart of the Himalayas, Tibet captivates with its stunning landscapes and rich Buddhist culture. Visit awe-inspiring monasteries like Potala Palace, hike around sacred Mt. Kailash, and savor authentic Tibetan cuisine.
Northern China
From exploring the Summer Palace, Tiananmen Square, and the unmissable Forbidden City in Beijing to trekking iconic spots along the spectacular Great Wall of China, you’re in for a truly unique adventure.
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"I also want to personally thank Thanh from Realistic Asia for all the hard work in making our vacation unforgettable. Having all the guides and extra support was comforting and helpful, especially since this was our first time in China. When we travel to Asia again, I would not hesitate to use Realistic Asia as our travel agency. Thank you again for all your help and support through this process. China was amazing and all the early work with securing a visa, hotel and flights were all worth it in the end. Thanks again for all your help and support. Maria and family
Realistic Asia is an expert in:
"We had a great trip.
Truly China Travel is an expert in:
"As a couple surprised by an fantastic individual tour by three very articulate guides and proficient drivers around Beijing, Xian and Shanghai. Learnt not only about history but culture and language today. Felt very safe even when venturing out alone around cities without guides. Our only issue was we could not get internet to connect but that is going to be more us being technophobic. However so supported by guides that not required.
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Terracotta Army Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary of Discovery with New Exhibitions
The New York Times Travel Supplement has named our company as being in their opinion a large and reliable Chinese travel agency. Details ...
- Tailor My Trip
11-Day Private Tour to Beijing, Xian, Guilin and Shanghai
China classic wonders.
This 11-day China top cities tour covers the most popular four destinations and five World Heritage sites in China. It makes an ideal tour for first-time visitors.
The itinerary below is only one possibility. Tips to tailor-make your trip are offered as inspiration. Tell us your preferences and our travel experts will customize this trip to suit your interests, tastes, and budget.
from US$2,819
First-time visitors
Discover real reviews of Highlights Travel Family 's best-rated service across trusted platforms.
Tour Highlights
Itinerary details.
This 11-day suggested itinerary lets you understand China quickly, covering China's history, culture, nature, and modernization. This itinerary is just for your reference — your travel advisor can help you adjust it based on your requirements, interests, and budget.
Welcome to the capital of China — Beijing! A private driver and an English-speaking guide will be waiting to collect you in the airport lobby, holding a sign with your name and the China Highlights logo on it. Your local guide will help you to check in to your hotel and confirm the next day's collection time. The rest of the day is for you to spend as you wish. You can adjust to the jet lag at your hotel or go for a walk near your hotel.
Meals provided: breakfast and lunch
In the morning, your local guide will pick you up from your hotel lobby at the appointed time. The first stop is to visit the Temple of Heaven so that you will not miss seeing the local people doing their morning activities there, such as singing, tai chi, and so on. The temple was built in 1420 during the Ming Dynasty and is a complex of Taoist buildings where emperors from the Ming and Qing dynasties went for annual ceremonies to pray for good harvests. Taking pictures of this ancient building complex adds more fun to the day.
Next, you will enjoy some lunch. We have chosen local authentic restaurants throughout your tour and your guide will help you to order the food you like. After lunch, you will have a walk in Tian'anmen Square so you can digest your meal and learn about the square's history from your guide. At the end of Tian'anmen Square, you'll see the Forbidden City. You will have a totally different experience there from other tour groups. Your tour guide will help you to explore 12 carefully-selected places there, while other tour groups often visit only six to eight spots briefly. This is the best way to avoid the crowds.
If you are interested in Chinese history, you can stay there for longer and discuss things with your local guide.
One of the highlights and a must-see attraction in Beijing is the Great Wall. We have chosen the Simatai section for you, which is 120 kilometers northeast of Beijing. It takes about 2½ hours to get to Simatai from central Beijing by car. It is not only less crowded but is also the only section that stays open for visitors at night. You can take a cable car ride up to the top of the Great Wall, switch your camera on, and learn about the wall's history from your guide as you walk along it.
The newly built Gubei Water Town is at the foot of the Great Wall. It is recommended to spend some time there in the afternoon. You also can experience hot springs there if you want to.
In the late afternoon, you will go up to the Simatai section of the Great Wall again with your local guide by cable car. Enjoy the romantic night views of the Great Wall and hope that your camera works well at that time as it will be an unforgettable experience.
On your last day in Beijing, you will visit the Summer Palace in the morning, which is the largest and best-preserved royal park in China. The Summer Palace has greatly influenced Chinese horticulture and landscapes with its famous natural views and cultural interests, and has long been recognized as 'the Museum of Royal Gardens'. After lunch, you will say goodbye to Beijing as your guide and driver transfer you to the train station and help you catch the train to Xi'an.
Your local Xi'an guide and driver will pick you up at the train station and transfer you to your hotel.
Xi'an is a historical city and was an ancient capital of China. The first attraction of the day is a top Xi'an highlight, the Terracotta Army, which was discovered accidentally in 1974. This incredible army of over 7,000 soldiers, archers, horses, and chariots in full battle array has guarded Emperor Qin's tomb since 210 BC. You can take some pictures with the army if you like.
After enjoying the wonders in the museum, you will have a chance to experience how to make small terracotta warriors with a local craftsman, which would make meaningful presents for your friends. Then, visit the local craftsman's cave dwelling and chat with him.
After lunch, your guide will accompany you to visit the ancient city wall, which was built in the 13th century on the foundations of the original Tang Forbidden City and surrounds the city center. You can walk or pay a fee to rent a bike (40 CNY per person) or an electric cart (80 CNY per person) to travel around the full 14-kilometer circuit, with great views of the city on either side.
In the morning, your guide will meet you in your hotel lobby and take you to visit Shaanxi History Museum, which is quite simply one of the nation's best. There are four major galleries in large, Tang-style buildings, which house a vast and impressive collection that's beautifully displayed.
Then, you will have a look at Big Wild Goose Pagoda, which was built in the 7th century to house the Buddhist materials that Xuanzang (Tripitaka) brought back from his epic journey to India. The temple complex has several large halls with some great Buddhist statues and murals.
The last stop is Muslim Quarter. You will find thousands of Xi'an local snacks there and can enjoy some Muslim cuisine with your guide. In the late afternoon, your driver and guide will see you off at the airport in Xi'an to catch your flight to Guilin. Your new driver and guide will meet you at the airport in Guilin.
In the morning, you will begin your day at the Longji Rice Terraces, which are located 2 hours' drive from the city.
The terraced fields are like chains or ribbons spreading from the foot of the hill to the top. The small ones look like spiral shells and some big ones are like towers. The fields are arranged tier by tier, looking both grand and beautiful.
Another impressive aspect of Longsheng is that many minority people live there. The Yao minority is the most popular one. You will have the chance to visit one of the minority people's homes and experience how to make bamboo-stuffed rice with them. You can also taste some oil tea if you want to.
Can you imagine cruising along the Li River? After enjoying breakfast at your hotel, you will be transferred to the port to catch the cruise from Guilin to Yangshuo, which takes about 4 hours. During the cruise, you will not only see the view that's shown on the back of a 20 RMB note but will also enjoy the scenery of large karst mountains. You may see fishermen gliding along on their narrow bamboo rafts and, if you're very lucky, you might see one of the famous fishing cormorants.
After lunch, you will visit an ancient town, Fuli, which is known as the "the hometown of painted paper fans". There, you will experience how to paint a traditional landscape on a paper fan, which is another highlight of the day.
Stay overnight in a boutique hotel in Yangshuo.
To understand the villagers' real lifestyle, you will visit a village family first, experiencing farming work with water buffalo. Then, you will take a local's special car, which has three wheels, to a local wet market and you can see how local people bargain there.
You will be transferred to Guilin Liangjiang International Airport to catch your flight to the modern city of Shanghai after lunch.
Having left a countryside city, will you be excited to explore a modern Chinese city. Shanghai is the economic center of China. You still can dig up its history and traditional culture even though it's filled with many skyscrapers.
You will participate in our In-Depth Bund Culture Discovery Tour. Wander around the Bund and, during this 2-hour tour, you will be transported back to the 1920s. It will be different from other group tours as you will walk a route with your knowledgeable guide that tourists seldom find by themselves. See the original bricks and hear some interesting stories that you'll never find in history books.
After enjoying the views and stories in the Bund, you will visit Yu Garden, which is a private garden that was built in 1559 during the Ming Dynasty. It features typical classic Chinese architecture and style.
It is surrounded by a busy market place, including Shanghai Old Street and City God Temple Food Street, where visitors can find everything from popular local snacks, handicrafts, antiques, and souvenirs to some famous time-honored restaurants.
The final attraction is Shanghai Tower. As the world's second-tallest building, with 128 stories and a height of 632 meters (2,073 feet), it is a premier Shanghai highlight. You can enjoy a panoramic view of Shanghai there.
Your 11-day China classic wonders tour has come to an end. You will say goodbye to your lovely guide and driver at Shanghai Pudong International Airport. We hope you have a safe trip back home.
Price Includes
Price from: $2,819 (Tour code: gh-cht-63)
1.About the Travel Date
There will be two date options for the Chiang Mai CAD Khomloy Sky Lantern Festival 2020 including October 31st and November 1st, we will make sure you are there on the day you choose.
You can decide to create a krathong and have your riverside dinner on October 31 and then experience the Yi Peng mass lantern release on the 1st of November or vice versa.
2.About the Yi Peng Festival Celebration
There are three different kinds of seats available at the Chiang Mai CAD Khomloy Sky Lantern Festival including: Premium, VIP, and Standard.
This itinerary includes tickets for the VIP seats. Please let us know if you would like to upgrade to the Premium seats.
Guests who choose Premium or VIP seats will be much closer to the grand pagoda and have a better view of the religious ceremony. The Premium seats are located just next to the central stage and are the best place to take in the sky lantern release. The VIP seats are behind the Premium seats but are still much closer to the stage than the Standard seats.
Guests who choose Premium or VIP seats will have dinner at the premium or VIP area with a different menu than that of standard ticket holders.
3. About Accommodation
This itinerary tentatively does not include your hotel. However, we are happy to make a hotel reservation for you if you need it.
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China in 17 days.
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Hannah Travel crafter
Delve into eclectic China in this journey through revered traditions and fast paced modernity; from imposing skyscrapers and serene temples to the historical Great Wall, relish the infinite beauty of this country.
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Beijing · China
I loved every minute of it!
Overall, my favourite moment of our China tour was visiting the Great Wall, but the whole trip together provided an unforgettable overview of the country and was great value for money. I feel like I’ve learnt a lot about Chinese culture.
China Travel guide
Events and festivals in china, food in china, shopping in china, china tourist attractions.
Jiuzhaigou National Park
Three Gorges Dam
Yangtze River
Yangtze river
More information about china.
The ‘Giant of Asia’, China is a global power known for its unique culture, amazing bucket-list sights and ancient history, alive in its numerous monuments scattered throughout the vast country, from the Terracotta Warriors to the Great Wall of China.
As the most populous country on the planet and home to 1.4 billion people , China holiday packages will put you in amongst the locals and introduce to you their warm hospitality. China is home to plenty of natural wonders, from the deserts of Inner Mongolia to the ‘Lake District’ of Jiangsu, the endangered Giant Pandas of Chengdu and the soul-stirring landscapes of the Yangtze River.
Add mouth-watering cuisine and you’ve got a country that captivates the imaginations of all intrepid travelers! There are no avoiding the big cities, icons of the country, but why should you when they have a charm all of their own, from ancient capitals such as Xi’an and Beijing to the flashy ultra-modern financial hub of Shanghai. Everything you’ve ever wanted to see, buy, experience or feel is a possibility in China . A tour of China is the perfect travel experience due to the sheer diversity of the country; whatever your travel style, there’s something for you.
History of China
As one of the world’s oldest civilizations, China’s history is as long as it is fascinating! Known for its strong dynasties, China’s first dynasty was the Xia , which emerged from the region of the Yellow River Plains in the 21st-century BC .
As different dynasties ruled China across the centuries, each left their own legacy: the Han , with their advanced technology such as compasses, the Zhou , masters of Chinese philosophy and Confuscism, the Tang, the dynasty of the Golden Era who developed the lucrative Silk Road routes, the Ming , famous for their white and blue porcelain crafts and for restoring the Great Wall and finally, the Qing, the longest-ruling and last dynasty, who ruled from 1644 to 1912.
The relics of these dynasties are some of the most spectacular sights to visit on a holiday to China such as the Forbidden City, a former imperial palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the ancient capital of Xi’an and the Dunhuang Cave Temples of the Tang dynasty . The Republic replaced the dynasty and civil war and rebellion ensued. The Communist Party of China established the People’s Republic of China, a one-party-state in 1949.
Nature in China
A land of vast and diverse landscapes, highlights of China’s ethereal natural beauty include the winding Li River and its limestone karsts, the Gobi and Taklamakan Deserts in the north of the country, the Tian Shan mountains and the subtropical forests of the south. Its coastline is unimaginably long, stretching for an amazing 14,500 kilometers . A number of national parks protect some of the most precious natural wonders such as the Jiuzhaigou Natural Reserve in Sichuan Province, an unmissable stop on a package tour of China.
This paradise of natural springs, autumn-colored trees, and crystal clear lakes guard China’s best-loved icon, the Giant Panda , although catching sight of them in the wild is extremely rare. If seeing Giant Pandas is top of your agenda, a visit to the Panda Base Sanctuary in Chengdu will give you the best chance of spotting one of these loveable bears.
Among the many well-known and hidden natural attractions in China , nature lovers should never miss the opportunity to experience the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River, a series of amazing rock gorges set in the mythical landscape of Asia’s longest river. It’s a popular sight for Yangtze River Cruises.
The limestone karsts and rivers that wind through the regions of Guilin and Hangzhou are equally as atmospheric. If you want to get in touch with your spiritual side, there’s certainly something otherworldly about the mystical mist-covered Yellow Mountains, whilst the hot springs of Tengchong offer some laid back relaxation after a hard days sightseeing. Even amidst the urban sprawls of the country’s biggest cities, nature at its finest is never far away on China tours.
Culture in China
With such a long and complex history, it’s unsurprising that China has one of the most intricate, fascinating and sophisticated cultural landscapes in the world. Today, a mix of old-world values and westernized lifestyles mix together to create a brilliant atmosphere of new-meets-old, something which captivates all travelers who take a tour of China. Confucianism , arts, and sciences are three important pillars of Chinese culture and have been for thousands of years.
Education is highly valued in China and the country has a long history of examinations, with the prestigious Imperial Examinations dating back to the Han dynasty. You could say that there is a culture of merit in China; people work hard to achieve their academic goals. Hierarchy also plays a big role in everyday life both within families and in the workplace. Mandarin is the most widely spoken language, although Cantonese is also frequently used.
Among the cultural traditions, calligraphy, pottery, dance, and opera are icons of the country; you cannot take a trip to China without watching the prestigious Peking Opera or taking home a beautiful piece of blue and white pottery as a souvenir. Although many traditional ways of life and arts loss their momentum after the Republic was established, in recent years there has been a resurgence in Chinese tradition and it is widely celebrated.
The Kingdom of Cathay, the Giant of Asia and the Middle Kingdom; there are many names for China. The only way to understand the complexity, beauty, and diversity of the country is to travel to China for yourself and see the relics of dynasties sit side-by-side with ultra-modernity.
Entry requirements
Passport with a minimum of six months validity.
A visa is required to enter the country. Issued by the embassy or consulate.
UTC + 08:00.
Chinese Yuan.
Mandarin Chinese.
Tourist Office website
220 V. Adapter required.
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China Tours
China, a mysterious and splendid country in East Asia, boasts countless ancient treasures, monumental marvels, mesmerizing landscapes, diverse ethnic groups, world-famous delicacies, and welcoming people that attract travelers from all over the world to come and explore!
From the magnificent Great Wall to the buried life-size Terracotta Warriors , ancient architecture such as city walls, pagodas, time-honored temples, and Giant Buddhas, China showcases the best highlights and amazing experiences like nowhere else. As you venture deep into the stunning cityscapes from Shanghai to Beijing , read vivid history while stepping into the ancient heart of Xian , float on the tranquil Li River from Guilin to Yangshuo with limestone Karst mountains, enjoy a relaxing river cruise on the Yangtze River, and experience the vast contrast while traveling in the land of holy Tibet , immersed in a world of Tibetan culture... you'll be struck by how diverse this land can be. Welcome to China - one of the world's oldest and most splendid cultures - all yours to explore.
With many offices operating in different destinations , Asia Odyssey Travel is a local travel agency based in China. We are here, ready to provide you with the best local service at reasonable prices! All China tours are flexible and can be customized based on your preferences and interests . Feel free to choose from our most recommended China tours for 2024 , China tours from popular gateway cities, or focus your interest on trip themes. Go your own way!
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China Trip FAQs - Plan Your China Tour Worry Free
China has glorious history, unique culture, many amazing masterpieces. On our tours to China, you should not miss the iconic attractions and must-visit spots including:
Terracotta Warriors , Marvel at the 8000 life-size Terracotta Warriors and Horses, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987
The Bund, Stroll leisurely on the banks of Huangpu River on the Bund and catch the amazing skyline of the Pudong New Area
Giant Pandas , Meet the adorable pandas and newborn baby pandas at the real Hometown of Giant Pandas in Chengdu
The Yangtze River , the third-longest river in the world and enjoy relaxing cruise through the Three Gorges and Three Gorges Dam
On our top China tours, you’ll visit some of the most popular landmarks, including:
The Great Wall of China, hike on the magnificent Great Wall and have a panoramic view with spectacular landscape
Forbidden City, Walk and explore in the largest imperial capital city still existing in China
Giant Pandas, Meet the adorable pandas and newborn baby pandas at the real Hometown of Giant Pandas in Chengdu
Potala Palace, Reach the Roof of the World and pay a holy visit to the Potala Palace comprising the White and Red Palaces built on the Red Mountain
If you want to escape to the nature with hiking and photography experience, you can come to the following places:
Guilin : Embrace the nature in Guilin with endless picturesque Karst landscape along the Li River and immerse yourself in the idyllic countryside of Yangshuo.
Zhangjiajie : Spend your memorable time exploring Wulingyuan Scenic Area, a magicla place dominated by more than 3000 narrow sandstone pillars and peaks and personally see the Avatar Mountain in reality.
Huangshan : Get a good chance to discover the 4 wonders in Yellow Mountain which include the Pine Forest, Strange Stone, Cloud Sea, and Hot Spring.
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Habis Terjual
Pengalaman yang menunggumu.
Jadikan perjalanan Anda berikutnya ke China tak terlupakan dengan mengikuti tur ini yang akan membawa Anda ke Beijing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, dan Shanghai selama 7 hari 7 malam. Tur ini akan membawa Anda ke jantung kota Beijing yang terkenal dengan situs warisan yang terpelihara dengan baik seperti Kota Terlarang, Lapangan Tiananmen, dan Tembok Besar China. Kemudian Anda akan memiliki kesempatan untuk mengunjungi Kuil Hanshan, kuil Buddha terkenal di Suzhou sebelum menuju ke Danau Barat, danau air tawar ikonik di Hangzhou, dan The Bund di Shanghai, area tepi laut yang indah dengan pemandangan yang luar biasa. Jangan ragu untuk memesan sekarang dan bersenang-senanglah di China!
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- The Classic China Tour
The Classic China Tour Beijing-Xian-Guilin/Yangshuo-Shanghai Tour
Trip summary.
Want to go to China, but don't know where to start? This tour package is the one for you. Covering five incredible destinations, the Classic China Tour offers everything from mountain getaways to a ride on the fastest train in the world!
You'll start your guided tour in the capital, Beijing, where you'll first visit the city's main attraction, the immense imperial complex of the Forbidden City. We'll then transport you just outside of Beijing and back in time hundreds of years to the Great Wall, where you can walk along the ancient ramparts of this wonder of the world. Your visit to Beijing will also include visits to remarkable religious sites such as the Temple of Heaven, the impressive classical gardens of the Summer Palace, and state-of-the-art sports venues from the 2008 Olympics. You'll also have the opportunity to jaunt around local neighborhoods in a rickshaw, witness astonishing acrobatic performances, and feast on exceptional, authentic Chinese cuisine.
Once in Xi'an, you will finally find out what the big fuss is about, after seeing Emperor Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Warriors for yourself. Afterward, you can take a bike ride around the ancient capital's 600-year-old city walls, visit the iconic Big Wild Goose Pagoda, and explore Xi'an's colorful Muslim Quarter.
Guilin is famous for its stunning scenery, and you will start off your visit to this area via a hike around the world-renowned Longji Rice Terraces. You'll then be able to take in Guilin's breathtaking mountain landscape from the comfort of the Li River cruise, which will transport you to the countryside town of Yangshuo. Here, you'll explore shimmering karst caves and ride on a bamboo raft along the bucolic Yulong River.
The final leg of your tour will take you to the futuristic city of Shanghai, where you can take in views of Pudong New Area's many skyscrapers while walking along the riverfront promenade of the Bund. Shanghai is also home to peaceful gardens like Yuyuan Garden, historic canal towns like Zhujiajiao Ancient Water Town, and the quaint, winding lanes of the French Concession.
As always, we can customize your tour to suit to your individual preferences; simply ask your agent!
Recommended Itinerary
- Airport Pickup & Transfer to Your Hotel – Your private guide and driver will escort you to your hotel, assist you with hotel check-in, and answer any questions you may have about your travel arrangements. Once you have checked into your hotel, you will have the rest of the day to relax and get situated.
- Overnight – Beijing
- Tiananmen Square – China's iconic public square
- Forbidden City – explore the immense palace complex that was home to China's emperors for more than 400 years
- Jingshan Park – a charming park with panoramic views of the Forbidden City
- Lunch – at a traditional hutong home
- Hutong Rickshaw Tour with Local Family Visit – explore Beijing's narrow hutongs from the back of a rickshaw and see how local people live
- Houhai lake – stroll around this scenic lake and get a glimpse of local life
- Acrobatic Show at Chaoyang Theater – prepare to be amazed by this popular acrobatic show (seating: rows 1-4)
- Mutianyu Great Wall – this scenic section of the Great Wall has been restored but is still far less touristy (with toboggan and cable car)
- Lunch – fresh trout and other Chinese dishes
- Ming Tombs & Sacred Way – enjoy a peaceful walk along the Sacred Way and explore the magnificent final resting places of China's emperors
- Morning Activities in Temple of Heaven Park – watch (or even join) Chinese people doing early morning activities and exercise in this historic park
- Temple of Heaven – browse this magnificent temple complex and learn about Chinese sacrificial culture
- Lunch – Peking duck
- Summer Palace – a masterpiece of Chinese imperial garden design
- Chinese Tea Experience – spend a relaxing couple of hours in a tranquil tea house
- Olympic Venues – see the iconic sports venues from the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Bird's Nest stadium and Water Cube (outside view only)
- Lama Temple – a perfectly preserved Buddhist temple which is still widely used by locals
- Local Food and Produce Market – see local people buying and selling all kinds of ingredients that are used in Chinese cooking
- Chinese Cooking Class and Lunch – cook and enjoy your own lunch with the help of an experienced local chef
- Transfer to Beijing Train Station – bullet train to Xi'an, around 4-6 hours, 250-350 km/h
- Pickup at Xi'an Train Station
- Overnight – Xi'an
- Terracotta Warriors – come face to face with the world-famous Terracotta Warriors, a handcrafted army from 200 BC
- Lunch – Shaanxi snacks and local dishes
- Big Wild Goose Pagoda – Xi'an's iconic pagoda, renowned for its historical relevance in connection with Buddha
- Tang Dynasty Show and Dumpling Dinner – enjoy a traditional dumpling banquet and a fabulous show about the glory of the Tang Dynasty
- Xi'an City Wall – enjoy a peaceful walk or bike on the City Wall and take in bird's eye views of the ancient capital
- Great Mosque of Xian – a unique, Chinese-style ancient mosque
- Muslim Quarter – explore Xi'an's Muslim community and sample its delicious street food
- Transfer to Xi'an Airport – fly to Guilin, around 2 hours in the air
- Pickup at Guilin Airport
- Overnight – Guilin
- Drive to Longji Rice Terraces – enjoy the scenic drive, around 2 hours
- Zhuang Village of Ping’an – appreciate the ancient minority village
- Lunch – local cuisine
- Dragon Spine Terraced Rice Fields – walk around the famous Longji, or "dragon spine," terraced rice fields
- Drive Back to Guilin
- Li River Cruise – cruise along this scenic river, which has inspired Chinese artists for centuries
- Lunch – on board the boat
- West Street in Yangshuo – a lively pedestrian street lined with souvenir shops, restaurants, and bars
- Impression Liu Sanjie Night Show – a fabulous light show performed on the Li River with a backdrop of the karst mountains
- Overnight – Yangshuo
- Yulong River Valley Countryside – explore scenic, undiscovered corners of the countryside on a bike or scooter
- Yulong River Bamboo Rafting – drift along the tranquil Yulong River on a traditional bamboo raft
- Lunch – beer fish and/or other local dishes
- Xianggong Hill – take in the amazing panoramic view of the Li River and the surrounding karst peaks
- Transfer to Guilin Airport – fly to Shanghai, around 2.5 hours in the air
- Lunch – on your own in the airport
- Pickup at Shanghai Airport
- Pudong New Area – Shanghai's financial district, an icon of modern China
- Shanghai Tower – ride the super-fast elevator to the 546-meter-high observation deck and take in panoramic views of Shanghai
- The Bund – walk along the historic riverfront and enjoy impressive views of the forest of skyscrapers across the Huangpu River
- Overnight – Shanghai
- Zhujiajiao Ancient Water Town – escape from the hustle and bustle of downtown and explore this peaceful, ancient water town on the outskirts of Shanghai
- Yuyuan Garden – a famous classical Chinese garden in the heart of the city
- Tianzifang / Old French Concession – explore Shanghai's traditional alleyways dotted with shikumen-style houses and trendy shops
- Drop-off at Shanghai Aiport – travel to Pudong Airport on the first commercially operated high-speed magnetic levitation line in the world, at a maximum speed of 430 km/h
What's Included
- One-on-one trip consulting and planning service from one of our experienced travel specialists
- Domestic transportation as detailed on your itinerary
- Private English-speaking guide (selected/trained by our Western staff)
- Experienced Chinese-speaking driver and quality, air-conditioned vehicle (unlimited bottled water supplied in your vehicle)
- Entry to all attractions on your itinerary – no hidden costs or commission-based shopping stops
- Meals as specified on your itinerary (at quality local restaurants)
- 24/7 support from your guide and travel specialist while you are on tour
What's Not Included
- International flights to and from China
- International travel insurance (you should purchase your own policy in your home country)
- Tips for your guide and driver
- We offer our itineraries as suggestions only; all of our tours can be tailored to your schedule and interests. If there is anything you do or don't want to include, simply let your agent know
- Prices vary according to your date of travel and any special requests you might have. Please ask for a free, bespoke quotation
- Meals may change based on the time and location. You can also ask your guide to change your meals. We will try our best to help you enjoy a variety of Chinese food
- For tour booking terms and conditions, please read our Terms of Service
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Why this tour ?
1. The Most Recommended Guilin Tour in 4 Days;
2. Well-designed to Explore all Highlights of Guilin, Yangshuo and Longsheng in One Go;
3. Flexible, Private & Customizable!
1. Classic 3-day tour to see bests of Guilin at nice budget;
2. Visit Yulong River closely, most beautiful Yangshuo Karst view;
3. Customizable outdoor activities for a unique Yangshuo travel!
1. Explore the Finest Scenery under Heaven to the Fullest;
2. Featured Activities like Cruising, Cycling and Biking Arranged in this Tour;
3. Flexible and Customized at Competitive Price.
1. Discover the China’s greatest cultural heritages of Beijing and Xian;
2. Marvel at the incredible contrast of Shanghai's past and present;
3. Get fully relaxed with Guilin Li River Cruise and all idyllic countryside beauty in Yangshuo.
Guilin Tours & Popular China Guilin Tour Packages 2024/2025
“Guilin’s Scenery is the best in the world!”
Guilin in South China is absolutely your satisfying getaway to have great fun with the most beautiful nature and will let you embrace the top skillful masterpieces of nature within its sightseeing wonderland. This fine place boasts a super leisure cruise along the real Chinese ink painting gallery of hundred-mile long Li River, lovely rural Yangshuo hidden gem dotted by scattered Karst hills in eye-pleasant emerald and jasper, and unbelievable man-made agricultural rice terrace landscapes in ethnic Longsheng changing various fancy garbs around the year. Not only that, its fantastic hills, waters, countryside, rafting, hiking, cycling, photography and other fun and adventures all await you to explore! Guilin never fails to be the darling of its visitors!
How to Plan a Trip to Guilin?
Generally, Li River, Yangshuo County and Longji Rice Terraces are three most popular and separate destinations. For most travelers to Guilin, they spend 3-4 days having fun with the iconic spots in Guilin downtown, enjoying the scenic Li River cruise, and getting totally refreshed by the longing countryside lifestyle around the enchanting Yulong River in Yangshuo wonderland. Besides, if there are some more days for you, we suggest you plan a total 5-6 days trip and extend to admire the fascinating Longji Rice Terraces and local ethnic culture!
Guilin is usually arranged as a middle stop for lots of foreign visitors to China, and a large portion visit there from the nearby largest gateway city - Hong Kong, with highly convenient daily flights and high speed trains. Besides, many visitors visit Guilin together with other popular destinations such as Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Yangtze River, Tibet, and more in their trips to see more great sceneries, cultures and history in China! We offer many classic, in-depth and themed Guilin tour packages for diverse needs of world travelers to have fun no matter they travel solo or with their dear people. Furthermore, all our itineraries are customizable, so please feel free to contact us to customize your own Guilin Trip in 2024/2025!
We have helped many global travelers enjoy their memorable trips to Guilin for the past few years. Among them, Vijay's family and friends have traveled China for about 20 times with us and visited Guilin for many times, and also shared us their travel story . Travel with China Discovery to create your wonderful Guilin trip memories!
Why you can trust our Guilin tours? Check what our customers are reviewing about us!
Recommended Guilin Tours by Categories
- Top 6 Guilin Tours
- Biking/Hiking...
- Photo & Food
- To Sanjiang / Detian Waterfall / Weizhou Island
Highlights: Elephant Trunk Hill, Longji Terraces, Li River Cruise, Yangshuo Town
This short 4-day tour covers the three most popular destinations of Guilin - Li River, Yangshuo and Longji Rice Terraces. In short 4 days, you will visit the essential sites in the Guilin city, enjoy a relaxing cruise along Li River, and have a pleasant time of countryside exploration in Yangshuo. The best highlight of this route is the 2-day unique trip to Longji Rice Terraces in Longsheng which is an ideal place for experiencing curvaceous rice terraces, ethnic culture, hiking and photography.
Highlights: Li River Cruise, Yangshuo Countryside Scenery, Yulong River, Elephant Trunk Hill, Reed Flute Cave
During this 3 days brief but really classic Guilin vacation, you will never miss the landmarks of Guilin city, but surely catch enough inspiring hours to get relaxed by cruising down along the stunning Li River to Yangshuo Town, where you will meet more better surprises given by nature, while exploring the most beautiful countryside scenery, traditional custom, and harmonious life of people with natural lives, and expressing your laughter of the memorable experience of various outdoor activities!
Highlights: Li River Cruise, Longji Ping'an Rice Terraces Sunrise and Sunset, Dazhai Village, Yulong River, Elephant Trunk Hill, Reed Flute Cave
This is the in-depth way to travel Guilin. Guilin, Yangshuo and Longji, three most popular tourist destinations with best highlights are arranged to the point. You will start your vacation from Guilin to the charming Longji Rice Terraces to enjoy the nature created lines and colors. After the close-up with mountains and fresh wheat, continue your natural discovery by the relaxing cruise along Li River to Yangshuo, then feast your eyes with the verdant countryside landscape of Yulong River, Ten-mile Gallery...
Highlights: Li River Cruise, Yulong River Biking, Bamboo Rafting, Ten-mile Gallery
This 2-day Guilin Yangshuo Tour is to show you all the bests of the bests in Yangshuo and let you have an unforgettable in-depth exploration of Yangshuo. You will never miss any fantastic or classic natural splendors of this peaceful and amazing land, including both the classic Li River and charming Yulong River with the fun of water and hills. Just have a great fun with our selected activities, such as bamboo rafting, cycling, etc. to meet your expectation of the perfect landscape of Guilin and Yangshuo!
Highlights: Sightseeing of Li River, Longji Rice Terraces, Yangshuo Sceneries
It’s not an overstatement to call Guilin the paradise of photographer. Endless green hills lie beside the quiet and clear Li River, which forms the most classical scene of Chinese Landscape Painting; Longji Terrace silently speaks the hard works of the local farmers; the antique buildings of the ancient towns reveal the stories of the old times…
Highlights: HK Guilin Bullet Train, Li River Cruise, Yulong River, Longji Ping'an Rice Terraces, Dazhai Village, Elephant Trunk Hill
This 6-day Guilin tour is specially designed for travelers who are interested in visiting Guilin in-depth, including Guilin City, Yangshuo Town and Longji Rice Terrace areas, and want to get to Guilin from Hong Kong by the new high speed train or flight. We arrange every must-visit and top recommended highlight to the point, including the Li River Cruise, countryside scenery at Yulong River, Jinkeng Rice Terraces and Dazhai Village, symbolic Elephant Trunk Hill, etc. for an enjoyment of all essential sightseeing, culture, history, and fun with no hurry at all. Enjoy your trip!
Highlights: Li River, Elephant Trunk Hill, Local Farmer’s House
In this 4-day tour, you will firstly visit the Elephant Trunk Hill and Reed Flute Cave in the downtown area and then cruise the beautiful Li River from Guilin to Yangshuo. The best feature of this tour is the in-depth hiking experience along Yulong River. When wandering in the fields and old villages at the riverside, you can have a sweet date with the beautiful flowers, bamboos, reeds, butterflies, water buffalos, etc.
Highlights: Li River, Half-day Yangshuo Countryside Cycling, Moon Hill, Big Banyan Tree, West Street, Elephant Trunk Hill
Want to appreciate picturesque Karst landscape in a leisure pace? Seek for a way to enjoy breeze gently blowing over your face? This 4-day Guilin & Yangshuo tour is well-designed for travelers who want to feast your eyes with idyllic natural scenery as well as free your mind on two wheels. Taking the plunge and setting off on a cycling trip out of Yangshuo town is the most special part of this tour that travelers can have more intimate encounters with local farmers and be dazzled by the beautiful countryside scenery.
Guilin, known for having the finest landscape under heaven, pleases you with its amazing countryside landscape and custom. To get the deep essence of Guilin, we advise you travel Guilin with some local way - Hiking. In this tour, you will take wonderful walking trip along the Li River. Then explore Yangshuo with many outdoor activities.
Highlights: Elephant Trunk Hill, Li River, West Street
With the most amazing view under heaven, Guilin ranks the top of tourists’ travel list. Surely Yangshuo and Longsheng Counties are the must-go destinations for your Guilin travel. You can experience the most beautiful scenery in Guilin as well as taste the delicious food and learn to cook Chinese cuisine yourself.
Highlights: Li River Cruise, Yangshuo Countryside Scenery, Yulong River, Elephant Trunk Hill, Reed Flute Cave, Club Med Guilin Accommodation & Activities
This tour covering Club Med Guilin resort is specially designed to admire the nature essences in Guilin and catch more abundant fun! You will not only travel along the “Chinese ink painting gallery” of Li River by the leisure cruise and appreciate the representative karst cave and mountain in Guilin downtown, but also feast your eyes with the ideal rural scenery along Yulong River, vibrant West Street known as the “Global Village”, patched fields, rolling karst hills, etc. in Yangshuo. Furthermore, this tour includes 2 nights and 1.5 days’ All-inclusive Club Med Guilin package, so, throw yourself totally into the rich happiness, with the over 20 kinds of included wonderful sports play, activities, learning courses, DIY workshops, etc. all covered no matter you travel solo or with your family members! Take this tour package if you want to discover Guilin with real leisure and fun in a nice budget!
Highlights: Detian Waterfall, Tongling Grand Canyon, Mingshi Scenic Area...
This 2-day short private car tour takes you to visit Detian Waterfall on the border of China and Vietnam! You will admire this grand waterfall and the Ban Gioc Fall at Vietnam side from distance and from the riverside view platforms. Besides, you will enjoy a short bamboo rafting tour to enjoy the water spray up close! The tour starts from & ends in Nanning, the bustling capital of this region.
Highlights: Detian Waterfall, Tongling Grand Canyon, Mingshi Scenic Area, Bama Longevity Tour, Baimo Cave...
This is the best tour to explore the west region of Nanning! In a short 3-day tour, you will not only get close to Detian Waterfall - the largest transnational waterfall in Asia and the fourth largest one in the world, but also have a classic exploration of Bama Longevity Village - one of World's Five Longevity Villages!Spectacular Guilin-like Karst Landscapes are also included, like the caves, peaks, rivers and more!
Highlights: Five Color Beach, Catholic Church, Silver Beach, Beihai Old Street
Beihai in South China with the appealing sapphire South China Sea landscape ranks top among beach vacation destinations in domestic. This 5-day trip is the best one for a classic Beihai vacation, which takes you to discover all best highlights of Beihai City and alluring Weizhou Island and get fully released on the large, beautiful and comfortable sand beaches with sunshine and sea breeze.
Highlights: Five Color Beach, Catholic Church, Crocodile Mountain Scenic Area
Weizhou Island is praised as the No.2 among the “ten most beautiful islands in China” by National Geography of China and is one of the top best resorts in China for international travelers to get fully released on the soft beach and pleasant sunshine. This 3-day tour is the most popular package for a classic Weizhou Island discovery with beach relaxing! You will take the ferry from Beihai to Weizhou Island, soak in the marvelous sightseeing of the geopark mountain, cliff, China South Sea, and so forth, spend your own peaceful personal time on the beaches, etc. before boating back to Beihai to end your vacation!
Highlights: Li River Cruise, Longji Terraces, Yangshuo Countryside, Chengyang Wind and Rain Bridge...
This short 5-day tour not only takes you to discover the highlights of Guilin, including Li River Cruise, Yangshuo countryside and Longsheng Rice Terraces, but also an up-close visit to Sanjiang essences, including the world-class Chengyang Wind and Rain Bridge, Sanjiang Drum Tower, etc.
Guilin Tour + Other Popular China Destinations - Beijing, Zhangjiajie...
- Beijing + Guilin
- Hong Kong + Guilin
- Shanghai + Guilin
- Zhangjiajie + Guilin
- Guizhou + Guilin
- Huangshan + Guilin
Highlights: Forbidden City, Great Wall, Hutong, Li River Cruise, Yangshuo Countryside, Longji Rice Terraces
A trip to Beijing and Guilin can be very fantastic because you will explore the representatives of both China's culture and Nature. Beijing, the city with 7 World Heritage Sites - Great Wall, Forbidden City, Summer Palace, Temple of Heaven, is the first place you should visit if you are interested to see the best parts of Chinese culture. While Guilin, known for having the Finest Landscape Under Heaven, is widely believed as the best place to enjoy pleasant Karst hills, beautiful rivers and peaceful countryside in China. Currently there are more than 6 flights departing from Beijing to Guilin every day!
Highlights: Forbidden City, Mutianyu Great Wall, Hutong, Li River Cruise, Yangshuo Countryside, Longji Terrace Terrace Hiking (Ping'an to Jinkeng)
Traveling by the fast, comfortable and reliable high speed bullet trains is becoming more and more popular, as a stylish way to explore the Middle Kingdom. After your Beijing tour, you can take a direct bullet train to Guilin (usually departing in early morning). 11 hours journey on the train seems to be long, but you will not be tired or bored if you get a seat by the window. As the bullet train traverse the vast land of China from north to south, you will see so many aspects of China - metropolis, rural villages, tiny towns, farm lands, markets, rivers, mountains...What a scenic and interesting train journey! But if you think 11 hours' train journey is too long to spend, feel free to let us exchange to flight which only takes about 3 hours fly from Beijing to Guilin.
Highlights: Li River, Yangshuo, Longji Rice Terraces
This tour fully makes use of the convenient bullet train transfer between Hong Kong and Guilin. Cutting out the arrival and departure, you still have two and a half days to explore the best highlights of Guilin - Li River, Yangshuo and Longji Terraces.
Highlights: Victoria Peak, Repulse Bay, Li River Cruise, Yangshuo, Elephant Trunk Hill
This tour is specially designed for you to experience the East-Meet-West culture in Hong Kong and also experience leisurely vacations and impressive outdoor adventures with the finest scenery in Guilin. Unlike some other tour groups which only spend a half day at Yangshuo, the essence of Guilin, our tour package will take you to enjoy the full beauty of Yangshuo - picturesque Yulong River, idylic Ten-mile Gallery and leisure local living experience.
Highlights: Victoria Peak, Repulse Bay, Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Memorial Hall, Ancestral Temple of the Chen Family, Li River Cruise, Yangshuo
Air travel is not the only way to explore Hong Kong and Guilin? You can do it another way - high speed train which is fast, safe and comfortable. Most importantly, it is much cheaper compared with flight. During this tour, you will arrive at Hong Kong, and then take a high speed train to Guangzhou. Visit the famous sites here, and then take another high speed train to Guilin to get a visual feast for a three days tour.
Highlights: Hong Kong Victoria Peak, Guilin Li River Cruise, Yangshuo
During your 6 days in China, you will start your vacation from the capital city Beijing, then take a flight to Guilin which is famous for has "the finest scenery under heaven". You will visit not only Guilin and Yangshuo City, but also go to see the beautiful Longji Rice Terraces. Lastly, end your vacation at the charming - Hong Kong.
Highlights: The Bund Shanghai, SWFC (world's fifth highest building), Yu Garden, Longji Rice Terrace, Li River, Yangshuo, Yulong River, Elephant Trunk Hill
A tour combine cities and natural destinations is a fantastic trip of leisure and visual feast. That's the reason why we designed this 6 days Shanghai Guilin tour in which you will not only enjoy the culture, history as well as the convenience of modern Shanghai, but also enjoy incredibly stunning landscapes in Guilin - limestone Karst mountains and hills, tranquil Li River, layered rice terraces...
Highlights: The Bund Shanghai, SWFC (world's fifth highest building), Yu Garden, Longji Rice Terrace, Li River, Yulong River, Yangshuo, Elephant Trunk Hill
Taking flight is the most common way to travel between Shanghai and Guilin for most of the travelers, but if you are interested in getting closer with locals and their culture, travelling by high speed bullet train is another good choice. Currently, there is a fast, safe, reliable and comfortable high-speed bullet train heading from Shanghai to Guilin every morning. It departs from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station at 10:03AM and arrives at Guilin Railway Station at 7:02PM. The whole high speed train journey is 1,602 kilometers (995 miles) long with many interesting things to see - cities and towns of different regions, different landforms, tea plantations, hills, rivers...
Highlights: Li River Cruise, Longji Ping'an Rice Terraces, Yangshuo Town, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, Yuanjiajie, Tianzi Mountain, Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge, Tianmen Mountain, etc.
This Guilin and Zhangjiajie Tour is really amazing with all bests and beauties to experience in both top favored scenic destinations for lots of travelers and photographers. You will not miss Li River, Yangshuo Town, Longsheng Ping’an Village, Wulingyuan, Tianmen Mountain, etc. to see curving rice terraces, rivers with enchanting waterscape and geometric mountains backdrop, verdant forests with peculiar pillar peak, etc. Also, you are going to have much fun time on multiple outdoor activities like biking, rafting, Li River cruising, Glass Bridge walking, more adventures on the skywalk, mountain steps and roads at Tianmen Mountain to creat a memorable nature holiday!
Highlights: Zhaoxing Dong Village, Basha Miao Village, Zengchong Drum Tower, Xijiang Miao Village, Shiqiao Miao Village
Enter into the Southeast Guizhou from Guangzhou in a fast way! The high speed train is like the time machine taking you from developed areas to primitive rural villages. By exploring the ethnic areas, you’ll know Miao & Dong minorities and experience their culture first hand.
Highlights: Longsheng Rice Terraces, Li River Cruise, Yangshuo countryside, Zhaoxing Dong Village, Langde Miao Village, Mount Fanjing
Both Guilin and Guizhou offer you some great opportunities to admire the beauty of our Mother Nature and experience local authentic culture. So it is strongly recommended to extend your Guilin trip to Guizhou to visit the beautiful villages as well as the NEW Star - Fanjingshan. You won’t regret at all after the trip.
Highlights: Huangguoshu Waterfall, Langde Upper Village, Zhaoxing Dong Village, Li River Cruise, Yulong River, Longji Rice Terraces
From Guizhou to Guilin, through the ancient Miao villages to the peaceful Yangshuo county...this tour offers you an off the beaten path route to explore the real life of the local ethnic minorities, appreciate the marvelous Karst landscapes and enjoy a leisurely life in the rural villages.
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Highlights: Forbidden City, Great WallTerracotta Warriors, Ancient City Wall
Discover the ancient capitals of China! Through this tour, you will experience the past dynasties of China, learn about the dynastic history and marvel at the great architecture of ancient China!
Recommended China Packages with Guilin Tours
Beijing / Xian / Guilin / Yangshuo / Shanghai
What can you expect for 10 days in China? This tour gives you the bests. With the Golden Triangle Destinations (Beijing, Xian, Shanghai) plus the fabulous river and countryside views of Guilin, this tour leads you to top 4 destinations you can’t miss for your first time trip in China. Experience the stunning diversity and contrasts of ancient tradition and modern fashion, discover the charm of ancient history, and get closer exploration to some of the most beautiful scenery under heaven...
Beijing / Xian / Guilin / Yangshuo / Yangtze Cruise / Shanghai
Want to explore the most recommended highlights of China in a leisure way? This is the ideal trip which takes you to some of the most impressive destinations in China, including Beijing, Xian, Guilin, Shanghai, plus Yangtze River region. During this tour, you will not only uncover the best collections of historical sites, such as Forbidden City, Great Wall, Terracotta Warriors, etc., but also embrace the fabulous nature beauty in Guilin and enjoy a relaxing and luxury cruise on the majestic Yangtze River.
Beijing / Xian / Zhangjiajie / Guilin / Shanghai
When you are planning a tour in the vast Middle Kingdom, it's a great idea to combine both its classic historical destinations and spectacular scenic destinations. This is the trip strongly suggested for you on which you will discover the most important cultural destinations in China, including Beijing, Xian and Shanghai, then enjoy two magnificently stunning destinations - Guilin and Zhangjiajie. All attractions and activities are well organized to a leisure pace in a single trip.
Chengdu / Emeishan / Leshan / Guilin / Longji / Guilin / Yangshuo / Guilin
The abundant Sichuan Province is well located in the northwest of Guilin, with convenient high speed train connecting with its popular tourist cities. It is a good idea to spend several days having in-depth exploration in both Sichuan and Guilin for Giant Pandas, amazing cultural experience and picturesque Karst & rice terraces landscape.
Shanghai / Guilin / Chongqing / Yangtze Cruise / Yichang / Changsha / Zhangjiajie / Beijing
This China tour promises a harmonious blend of urban sophistication, natural splendors, and cultural treasures, offering you a captivating glimpse into the diverse tapestry of this vast and enchanting nation. Embark on an unforgettable odyssey through the diverse landscapes and rich cultural tapestry of China with our comprehensive tour that seamlessly weaves together the iconic cities and natural wonders of this extraordinary nation.
Begin your journey in the dazzling metropolis of Shanghai, where the fusion of modernity and tradition creates a vibrant urban landscape. From Shanghai, travel to Guilin, a haven of natural beauty. Next, venture to the bustling city of Chongqing, where a Yangtze River Cruise awaits. Continue your odyssey to the surreal landscapes of Zhangjiajie, a region that inspired the AVATAR movie. Conclude your epic adventure in the heart of China, Beijing.
More Guilin China Tours
Most valuable trip to experience China's bests of the bests
Savor charming Guilin from international Gateway metropolis - Hong Kong
Marvel at glorious Beijing culture and history, and experience scenic Guilin
A Week Holiday to Glittering Shanghai & Picturesque Guilin Paradise
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Shanghai / Yichang / Yangtze Cruise / Chongqing / Guilin / Yangshuo / Xian / Beijing
from $2,463
Shanghai / Guilin / Yangshuo / Guilin / Chengdu / Lhasa / Xian / Beijing
from $3,266
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14-Day China Natural Wonders Discovery
This 14-day natural wonders discovery tour covers the most important historical destinations and extraordinary scenery destinations in China. Discovery with fun. The advantage with comfort!
The itinerary below is only one possibility. Tips to tailor-make your trip are offered as inspiration. Send us details of your preferences and our travel experts will customize this trip to suit your interests, tastes, and budget.
Suggested 14-Day Itinerary
Beijing-xi'an-zhangjiajie-shanghai tour map, tour 'wow' points, discover the hidden halls in the forbidden city..
While most tour groups only visit the six halls on the central axis, your private guide will take you to the hidden halls for a deeper understanding of the history and dodge the crowds.
Walk on a Delicate Mixture of the Restored and Wild Great Wall
Witness both the wild section and the restored section of the Great Wall to experience the sencse of history and its original glory in the heyday of imperial China.
Meet the Terracotta Army and Make Your Own Terracotta Warriors
Unveil some secrets of the Terracotta Army. See the life-size warriors at the site, get to know how ancient craftsmen made them. Visit a traditional cave dwelling and learn how to make warriors.
Witness the Closest Things on Earth to the Hallelujah Mountains
Marvel at the sandstone peaks which are said to be the inspiration for Avatar's Hallelujah Mountain.
Walk on the World's Longest and Highest glass-floored bridge
Challenge yourself on the Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Glass Bridge. Let your heart race with this adrenaline pumping Activity.
Go Cycling in the Most Beautiful Countryside of China.
Experience the picturesque rural China with the rice paddies and the limestone hills. Learn about the daily life of the local farmers.
Enjoy a Half-Day Customized Icing-on-the-Cake Experience in Shanghai.
Whether you want to relax, experience fashion, appreciate art, explore folk customs, or shop; from having fun in a fancy bar to exploring an art center, trying nail beauty, testing your popularity in the marriage market, or just buying some lovely gifts, we will make it happen.
Discover real reviews of Highlights Travel Family 's best-rated service across trusted platforms.
Itinerary Quick Look
Here is a suggested itinerary. We are happy to customize a tour according to your interests and schedule.
When your flight has landed, your tour guide will be waiting for you in the arrivals hall of the airport. He/she will greet you with a smile and a nameplate. You will be transferred to your hotel by a private van and driver.
Hotel options: Penta Hotel Beijing (4-star) Crowne Plaza Beijing Chaoyang U-Town (5-star)
breakfast and lunch
Start your journey at the Temple of Heaven, which was the place where emperors prayed for a good harvest. Interact with the locals and join them to experience their healthy lifestyle. Lunch is served in a popular local restaurant with authentic local food.
Walk through Tian'anmen Square to explore the mysterious Forbidden City in the afternoon. While most tour groups only visit the six halls on the central axis, your private guide will take you to go deeper into the hidden halls for a fuller understanding of the history and to avoid the tour groups.
Tips to Tailor-Make Your Tour
Do you want to discover more about the lifestyle of Beijingers? Take a rickshaw tour through the hutongs, make dumplings in a local family's home, or experience a local market — let us know what you would like to do on the form to the right.
Freshen up in the morning and get ready for a 5-kilometer hike along the most recommended hiking route: from Jinshanling to Simatai West.
This section has breathtaking views and offers stunning photo opportunities in different seasons. There are over 15 watchtowers in various styles and in good condition. As this section is half restored, you can see the unrepaired ancient watchtowers and broken sections as well as the restored section of the wall during the hike.
- For a unique experience, a visit to Simatai – the only Great Wall section that's lit up and open at night – is highly recommended.
- If you prefer just to take a relaxing walk along the Great Wall, we can arrange a visit to the Mutianyu section with a round-trip cable car for you.
breakfast & lunch
Walk around the tranquil Summer Palace at a leisurely pace, and enjoy the 300-year-old royal garden. Take a pleasant boat ride on the lake and have a stroll in the long corridors to view the exquisite paintings on the ceilings.
Enjoy lunch and race towards Xi'an on a high-speed train, which is a good way to experience the technological development of China.
Hotel options: Grand Noble Hotel Xi'an (4-star) Wyndham Grand Xi'an South (5-star)
Visit the Terracotta Army and admire the vividness of the warriors and listen to their stories spanning over 2,000 years.
Then discover a local craftsman's cave dwelling and learn how to make clay warriors with your own hands.
After lunch, return to the city area and visit the 600-year-old ancient city wall. Cycling along the wall provides a good view of the city. You may also walk or take a golf cart on it.
Xi'an is a good destination for tasting Chinese dumplings. If you are a food lover, we can arrange a local family visit to learn how to make dumplings, or we can arrange for you to enjoy a dumpling banquet.
Discover more ancient history at Xi'an History Museum and Little Wild Goose Pagoda, then head to the Muslim Quarter and wander through the alleys to taste the local Muslim cuisine.
Transfer to the airport for your evening flight to Zhangjiajie.
Hotel options: Pullman Zhangjiajie (5-star)
Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is located in Wulingyuan Scenic Area, and Tianzi Mountain and Yuanjiajie are the most classic sights.
Take the cable car up Tianzi Mountain and look through the glass walkway to see spiky sandstone peaks below your feet.
After a simple lunch on the mountain, visit Yuanjiajie Scenic Area, which was the inspiration for the Hallelujah Mountains in Avatar.
To save some energy, you can descend Tianzi Mountain by taking the cable car or taking the Bailong Elevator, a glass elevator built on the side of a cliff, which only takes 2 minutes. If you are interested in either of these, just let us know.
Take the world's longest cable car to the top of Tianmen Mountain. During the tour, you will enjoy the unique natural scenery of spiky peaks. Feel your heart beat when you walk across the glass walkway and are then driven down the curvy mountain road known as the 99 Bends.
Continue to visit Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon and walk on the world's longest and highest glass-bottomed bridge. Walking along this glass bridge at 300 meters above ground level will be one of the coolest experiences of your tour.
Bullet train from Zhangjiajie to Changsha Railway Station. Take a taxi to Changsha South Railway Station to take a bullet train. After 3½ hours, your tour guide in Guilin will be ready to meet you.
Hotel options: Lijiang Waterfall Hotel (4-star) Shangri-La Hotel, Guilin (5-star)
breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Be amazed by Guilin's two landmarks in the city, Reed Flute Cave and Elephant Trunk Hill.
Appreciate the natural limestone cave with multicolored lighting. And then take a picture at Elephant Trunk Hill, the symbol of Guilin.
After lunch, travel back in time when visiting Daxu Old Town, where lots of craftsmen and businessmen used to live. Let's knock on the local people's doors and discover their lasting stories.
Karst hills, graceful bamboo groves, and cormorants — the stunning view of the Li River is the essence of Guilin. While most tour groups only use a 3-star cruise, we will arrange a 4-star cruise (the highest level with better facilities and a buffet lunch) to ensure you have the best experience of the river's charm.
The cruise arrives in Yangshuo at noon. After you've checked in, you can enjoy your free time to explore the beautiful area near the hotel.
If you prefer to enrich your day, Yangshuo provides various activities: a cooking class, a tai chi lesson, a farming experience, and even rock climbing.
Tell us what you want to try in the form on the right, so that we can include it for you.
Hotel options: Yangshuo Mountain Retreat (4-star) Yangshuo Ancient Garden Boutique Hotel (5-star)
Explore the beautiful countryside along the Yulong River.
Choose whichever type of transport you prefer, whether it's a private car, bicycle, or moped. This is a good opportunity to meet the local people and interact with them. Enjoy a peaceful and memorable morning before flying to Shanghai.
Hotel options: Sunrise On The Bund (4-star) Les Suites Orient, Bund Shanghai (5-star)
Do more than just take one or two selfies on the Bund. Travel back in time to the golden age of the Bund in the 1920s during our In-Depth Bund Culture Discovery Tour.
Go into some of the old Bund buildings and listen to their stories.
Enjoy lunch and ascend the tallest building in China (the highest outside of Dubai) — Shanghai Tower. There, you will not only enjoy a panoramic view of Shanghai but will also see the development of China.
Half-Day Customized Icing-on-the-Cake Experience
After traveling in China for around 10 days, you might want to do something different at the end of your tour. Do you want to have some relaxation time? Do you have any unfulfilled trip wishes? In the magic city of Shanghai, your private guide will make your wishes come true!
Whether you want to relax, experience fashion, appreciate art, explore folk customs, or shop; from having fun in fancy bar to exploring an art center, trying nail beauty, testing your popularity in the marriage market, or just buying some lovely gifts, we will make it happen. Just tell us what you're interested in.
If you don't know what you want, just let your guide make the arrangements. You will not be disappointed!
Your tour guide, driver, and van will pick you up from your hotel for your airport transfer and flight. Your guide will accompany and assist you as far as the security check and will then wave goodbye.
Every element of the tour above can be tailored. Feel free to tell us your ideas and we will be happy to make adjustments for you.
1. Extend the Tour
- Chengdu: add 2-3 days — giant pandas, Leshan Buddha and delicious food
- Suzhou and/or Hangzhou: add 1–4 days — water towns, gardens, the Grand Canal, and West Lake
- More destinations: Huangshan, Yunnan and Tibet. Inform us of your interests and we will offer you some recommendations.
2. Accommodation
Various types of accommodation are available, including famous 5-star hotel chains, 4-star hotels in the best locations, good value 3-star hotels, or boutique hotels that reflect the style of the region.
Whatever your accommodation preferences are, our travel experts will seek out and find the perfect one for you.
3. Transportation
China is a huge country, so to make your travel experience more efficient, we usually arrange flights to connect to your destinations.
China's high-speed rail network is a fast-paced way to travel. We recommend taking high-speed trains for journeys of less than 6 hours to interested customers — please tell us if you are one of them.
Lunches at popular local restaurants are included for you so you can taste authentic Chinese food. Your guide will assist you with ordering the dishes.
Vegetarian, halal, kosher, Indian, or gluten-free — all your dietary requirements can be taken care of by our experienced private guides. Let us know if you have any of these dietary requirements during your booking.
Price includes:
- Private air-conditioned business car with big windows and ample space
- English speaking local guide
- Activities, hotels, and meals listed in the itinerary
- 24/7 helpline for while you are traveling
Your 1:1 travel consultant will reply within 1 working day.
Number in your group
Adults number (age ≥ 18 years old)
Children number
10-17 yrs old
3-9 yrs old
0-2 yrs old
What's your hotel choice?
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Address: Building 6, Chuangyi Business Park, 70 Qilidian Road, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China
Paket Tour China 11 Hari 10 Malam
Paket Tour di China selama 11 Hari 10 Malam
Durasi : 11 Hari 10 Malam
Pada pagi hari, berkumpul di Bandara Internasional Juanda Surabaya untuk berangkat bersama-sama menuju Beijing via Jakarta .
Setelah sampai di Beijing , anda akan diajak untuk tour ke Lapangan Tiananmen yang terletak di pusat kota Beijing . Lapangan Tiananmen merupakan lapangan terluas dari lapangan sejenisnya di dunia. Lapangan ini terletak di luar pintu selatan Istana Kuno Dinasti Ming dan Qing , mendapat namanya karena pintu selatan istana bernama Tianan Menwa . Di sebelah utara Lapangan Tiananmen anda juga bisa mengunjungi Kota Terlarang atau Forbidden City yang merupakan Istana Kuno Dinasti Ming dan Qing . Kemudian tour dilanjutkan menuju ke Temple of Heaven yang terletak di wilayah tenggara pusat kota Beijing .
Setelah sarapan pagi di hotel, anda akan diajak untuk mengunjungi Jade Factory , Silk Factory , dan Tembok Besar China yang merupakan bangunan terpanjang yang pernah dibuat manusia di dunia. Tembok Besar China dibangun pada masa pemerintahan Dinasti Ming dengan panjang mencapai 8.850 Km. Dari Tembok Besar China anda akan diajak untuk mengunjungi Olympic National Stadium yang pernah digunakan sebagai tempat penyelenggaraan Olimpiade tahun 2008. Kemudian anda akan diajak mengunjungi Summer Palace yang terletak di tepian danau dan perbukitan yang indah. Dari Summer Palace anda akan diantar untuk melihat pertunjukan Spectacular Acrobatic Show .
Setelah sarapan pagi perjalanan menuju ke Shanghai menggunakan bullet train, setelah sampai di Shanghai anda diajak city tour Shanghai dengan mengunjungi The Bund yang merupakan area tepi sungai yang berada di pusat kota Shanghai . The Bund biasanya mengacu pada bangunan dan dermaga yang terletak di sepanjang Zhongshan Road . Kemudian dilanjutkan berfoto dengan latar belakang Shanghai Pearl TV Tower dan berbelanja di Nanjing Road .
Setelah sarapan pagi, perjalanan menuju ke Hangzhou yang terkenal dengan legenda ular putihnya. Setelah sampai di Huangzhou anda akan diajak untuk mengunjungi West Lake atau dalam bahasa lokal disebut Xī Hú . Di West Lake anda bisa berkeliling dengan menggunakan perahu motor, setelah puas mengelilingi West Lake , kemudian anda diajak untuk mengunjungi Long Jing Tea Plantation.
Setelah sarapan pagi, dilanjutkan perjalanan menggunakan penerbangan domestik menuju Xi'an yang terletak di wilayah barat laut China . Sesampainya di Xi'an anda akan diajak untuk mengunjungi Ancient City Wall , Drum Tower , dan Xi'an Muslim Street .
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Tour hainan promo jul 2024 - jan 2025 - angkasa tour.
- DEWASA TWIN SHARE / TRIPLE : Rp. 6.790.000++
6D SUPERDEAL HAINAN DEP : JUL 2024 - JAN 2025 START FROM : Rp. 4.990.000+
6D DELIGHTFUL HAINAN DEP : JUL 2024 - JAN 2025 START FROM : Rp. 6.790.000++
5D BEST DEAL HAINAN DEP : JUL 2024 - JAN 2025 STARTFROM : Rp. 4.390.000++
5D HELLO HAINAN DEP : JUL 2024 - JAN 2025 START FROM : Rp. 5.590.000++
- Uang Muka Pendaftaran tidak dapat dikembalikan (down payment non-refundable) per peserta minimal IDR 4.000.000 + Biaya Visa (jika ada). Pembayaran melalui transfer ditujukan ke rekening a.n. PT Angkasa Pariwisata Internasional.
- Harga minimal peserta 20 orang.
- Airport Tax Internasional, Fuel Surcharge, biaya visa dan asuransi perjalanan pribadi dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu, dan akan disesuaikan kepada peserta sebelum keberangkatan.
- No MEALS on Board
- Dalam hal aplikasi visa (jika ada), Peserta bersedia memenuhi kelengkapan persyaratan dokumen sesuai jadwal dan ketentuan dari pihak Kedutaan, dan biaya visa tetap harus dilunasi walaupun visa tidak disetujui oleh pihak Kedutaan.
- Group akan diberangkatkan apabila mencapai jumlah minimum peserta sesuai yang tercantum di bagian harga tersebut di atas.
- Acara perjalanan dapat berubah / diputar berdasarkan kondisi tiap-tiap penerbangan dan hotel di masing-masing kota / negara. Apabila dalam periode tour di kota-kota yang dikunjungi sedang berlangsung pameran / konferensi, atau hotel yang ditawarkan sedang penuh, maka akan diganti dengan hotel-hotel lain yang setaraf di kota terdekat.
- Apabila terjadi Force Majeur (kondisi di luar kendali seperti : kehilangan, kerusakan, gangguan, keterlambatan sarana angkutan/transportasi, bencana alam dll) yang dapat memengaruhi acara tour akan dirubah dan bersifat non-refundable (tidak dapat dikembalikan). Dan Biaya Tour tidak termasuk segala pengeluaran tambahan yang disebabkan oleh Force Majeur.
- Pelunasan biaya tour paling lambat 21 hari sebelum tanggal keberangkatan.
- Pendaftaran 21 hari sebelum keberangkatan, pembayaran 100% dari biaya tour
- Deviasi akan dikenakan biaya sesuai dengan kondisi Airlines yang bersangkutan.
- Pengunduran diri / pindah tanggal / pindah acara tour sebelum tanggal keberangkatan akan dikenakan biaya pembatalan, sbb :
- setelah pendaftaran: Uang Muka Pendaftaran (non-refundable)
- 20 - 10 hari kalender sebelum tanggal keberangkatan: 75% dari biaya tour
- 09 hari kalender sebelum tanggal keberangkatan : 100% dari biaya tour
- Dengan membayar uang muka pendaftaran Biaya Tour, Anda dianggap telah memahami dan menerima syarat & kondisi di atas. Syarat & Kondisi Tour selengkapnya berlaku sesuai dengan yang tertera di dalam brosur program tour / website
- Ticket pesawat udara p.p. kelas ekonomi (non-endorsable, non- refundable & non-reroutable berdasarkan harga group / promosi).
- Airport tax International, fuel surcharge, dan tax lainnya (dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu).
- Penginapan di hotel berdasarkan 2 (dua) orang dalam 1 kamar (twin sharing).
- Acara tour, transportasi dan makan sesuai yang tercantum dalam acara perjalanan. ( MP – Makan Pagi; MS – Makan Siang; MM – Makan Malam).
- Berat maksimum sebesar 15kg untuk 1 bagasi atau sesuai dengan peraturan maskapai penerbangan yang digunakan; dan berat maksimum 5 kg untuk 1 handbag kecil untuk dibawa ke kabin pesawat atau sesuai dengan peraturan maskapai penerbangan yang digunakan.
- Air mineral 1 botol per orang per hari (kecuali pada saat acara bebas).
- Tour Leader dari INDONESIA
- Free China Visa Group
- Asuransi perjalanan GROUP (usia tertanggung maksimal 69 tahun).
- Kunjungan 4x Toko Wajib : Bamboo, Fish Oil, Kesehatan, Silk/Latex
- Biaya dokumen perjalanan seperti : paspor, visa, entry permit, dll.
- Pengeluaran pribadi seperti : telepon, room service, laundry, mini bar, tambahan makanan dan minuman serta pengeluaran lainnya.
- Tour tambahan (Optional Tour) yang mungkin diadakan selama perjalanan.
- Excess baggage (biaya kelebihan barang bawaan di atas 15kg), Biaya bea masuk yang dikenakan oleh duane di Jakarta maupun di negara yang dikunjungi.
- Biaya Single Supplement bagi peserta yang menempati 1 kamar sendiri.
- Traveling bag.
- Tips untuk Tour Leader, Local guide & Driver IDR 430.000/ Pax
- Biaya PCR (Swab) / Antigen Test sebelum keberangkatan (Apabila diperlukan).
- Biaya Karantina di Jakarta (Apabila diperlukan).
HARI 01 : JUL - NOV 2024 JAKARTA - SANYA JT 2781 CGK SYX 17.50 - 23.05 Pada hari ini, kita akan berkumpul di Bandara Soekarno Hatta untuk terbang menuju kota Sanya . Sesampainya di Sanya, kita akan dijemput menggunakan bus dan menuju hotel untuk beristirahat. Hotel : Sanya Yabulun Health Convalescent Center or similar
HARI 02 : JUL - NOV 2024 | Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner SANYA Hari ini Anda akan diajak mengunjungi Daxiao Dongtian Scenic Area (tidak termasuk mobil listrik). Yang menawarkan pengalaman wisata yang telah dinilai sebagai atraksi wisata nasional AAAAA. Dilanjutkan dengan mengunjungi Nanshan Buddhism Cultural & Tourism Zone (tidak termasuk mobil listrik). Sorenya Anda akan diantar Kembali ke hotel untuk beristirahat atau dapat mengikuti optional tour. Toko wajib : Toko Lateks
HARI 03 : JUL - NOV 2024 | Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner SANYA Setelah makan pagi selesai, kita akan memulai tour dengan mengunjungi Haitang Bay Houhai Fishing Village , yang menjadi jantung oar aselancar di seluruh dunia, dengan pemandangan laut bergaya segar. Selanjutnya Anda akan melewati Hotel Atlantis , yang merupakan hotel 7* . Kemudian Anda akan kembali ke hotel untuk beristirahat. Toko wajib : Toko Bamboo
HARI 04 : JUL - NOV 2024 | Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner SANYA - HAIKOU Setelah makan pagi, Anda akan mengunjungi Phoenix Ridge (termasuk kereta gantung), puncak tertinggi di pusat kota Sanya, yang dapat melihat pemandangan penuh 4 teluk besar Sanya Sanya Bay, the size of the East China Sea, Yulin Bay, Yalong Bay dan pemandangan 360 °. Selanjutnya Anda akan meuju Haikou , setibanya di Haikou . Anda akan mengunjungi The Twelve Constellations Shopping Mall dan Haikou Arcade Ancient Street. Malam harinya, Anda dapat mencicipi jajanan lokal di Haikuou Snack Street atas biaya sendiri. Toko wajib : Bamboo Charcoal Hotel: New Oscar Hotel or similar
HARI 05 : JUL - NOV 2024 | Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner HAIKOU - SANYA Setelah makan pagi, anda akan menuju Hainan Tropical Wildlife Garden , muesum alam yang memamerkan ekosistem liar hutan hujan tropis dengan intisari flora dan fauna pulau Hainan. Dilanjutkan menuju The End of The Earth (tidak termasuk bus). Setelah itu Kembali ke Sanya untuk makan malam, dan Anda akan diantar ke bandara untuk penerbangan kembali ke rumah. Toko wajib: Herb
HARI 06 : JUL - NOV 2024 JAKARTA - SANYA JT 2780 SYX CGK 00.05 - 03.10 Setibanya di JAKARTA , tibalah kita pada akhir perjalanan tour kali ini, dengan membawa sejuta kenangan manis bersama Kami. Terima kasih atas partisipasi Anda dan sampai jumpa pada acara tour kami lain nya.
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Angkasa tour & travel lampung.
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Paket Tour China, <p>Berdasarkan jumlah penduduknya, China merupakan negara terbesar di dunia. Negara yang memiliki ibu kota di Beijing ini memiliki beragam destinasi wisata alam, mulai dari Great Wall yang menjadi ikon negara China, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park yang mempesona, hingga Zhangye Danxia sebuah formasi batuan warna-warni hasil dari endapan mineral lebih dari 24 juta tahun lalu ...
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Alasan pertama ini menjadikan Paket Tour China 2023 menjadi salah satu Paket Tour terfavorit Callista Tour selama ini. 2. Peninggalan Purbakala yang Paling mengesankan. Budaya dan prestasi Arsitektur China adalah Alasan utama untuk berkunjung atau Wisata ke China.
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Endorsed by New York Times. The New York Times Travel Supplement has named our company as being in their opinion a large and reliable Chinese travel agency. Details... Top China vacation tours include 336 private China land tour packages and 15 small group routes to Beijing, Xian, Shanghai, Guilin, Yangtze with best services.
China Classic Wonders. This 11-day China top cities tour covers the most popular four destinations and five World Heritage sites in China. It makes an ideal tour for first-time visitors. The itinerary below is only one possibility. Tips to tailor-make your trip are offered as inspiration. Tell us your preferences and our travel experts will ...
The 'Giant of Asia', China is a global power known for its unique culture, amazing bucket-list sights and ancient history, alive in its numerous monuments scattered throughout the vast country, from the Terracotta Warriors to the Great Wall of China. As the most populous country on the planet and home to 1.4 billion people, China holiday packages will put you in amongst the locals and ...
China Tours from Hong Kong. 15 Itineraries: 4 days~17 days. Hong Kong, called A Pearl in the Orient, is a main gateway in the South China. It is linking with 90+ airlines flying to over 150 destinations around the world, and 40+ domestic routes. Start your China tours from the South to various destinations.
Angkasa Tour & Travel menawarkan paket tour China dengan harga terjangkau di tahun 2024, termasuk kunjungan ke Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan, dan destinasi populer lainnya.
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Beijing. Explore imperial landmarks, hike the Great Wall, and immerse in local culture. 5-6. Xi'an. Admire the Terracotta Army and explore ancient city heritage. 7-9. Zhangjiajie. Discover stunning natural landscapes and thrilling glass walkways. 10-12.
Great Wall of China. Paket Tour di China selama 11 Hari 10 Malam. Durasi : 11 Hari 10 Malam. ITINERARY PAKET TOUR CHINA dari PT. KSM Wisata Internasional ( KSMTOUR.COM ) Hari ke 1. Pada pagi hari, berkumpul di Bandara Internasional Juanda Surabaya untuk berangkat bersama-sama menuju Beijing via Jakarta. Hari ke 2.
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Promo Paket Wisata Tour China Beijing Hongkong Shanghai start from Rp 7.870.500 by Garuda Indonesia. Tour china 4 hari 3 malam, 5 hari 4 malam hingga 7 Hari...
PAKET TOUR CONSORTIUM HAINAN PROMO 6D4N - Periode APR - JULI 2024 - JANUARY 2025 - BY Lion Air JT - Angkasa Tour & Travel. ANGKASA TOUR & TRAVEL. Menu. Home; Paket Tour. ... the size of the East China Sea, Yulin Bay, Yalong Bay dan pemandangan 360 °. Selanjutnya Anda akan meuju Haikou, setibanya di Haikou .