Pakistan Tours & Vacations

The grand and beautiful Badshahi Mosque, in the glow of the late afternoon sun,  Lahore, Pakistan

Searching for a proper adventure? Pack your bags and your camera for Pakistan.

Imagine if you could click your fingers and forget everything you’ve heard about Pakistan. Well, this is your chance – just click your mouse and you’ll be on your way to discovering a country that’s not defined by the media. This is a land of incredible treks through soaring mountains , one whose terrain is as enrapturing as its history. From the capital of Islamabad to the mystical Hunza Valley, Pakistan has felt the subtle touch of the world’s greatest empires and the brute force of the world’s most complex conflicts. And through it all, the Pakistani people remain humble, hopeful and unconditionally hospitable – come and see it for yourself.

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5 of the best treks in Pakistan

8 reasons to travel to Pakistan

10 ways to get closer to nature with Intrepid  

Meet Aneeqa, the tour leader forging new paths in Pakistan

8 offbeat trips to escape the crowds in 2023

Pakistan at a glance

Capital city.

Islamabad (population approximately 1.1 million)

Approximately 213 million

Pakistani rupee (PKR)

Urdu, English, provincial languages

(GMT +05:00) Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi



Type C (European 2-pin), Type D (compatible with Type C)

Learn more about Pakistan

Culture and customs.

Pakistan – officially the Islamic Republic of Pakistan – must be one of the least-understood countries in the world. It has suffered from a serious image issue for years, particularly since September 2011, and people can be quick to cast it aside as a backwards, troubled nation. And yes, there are problems regarding economics, rebel groups and international relations, but there are also hundreds of millions of welcoming people hoping to cast aside Pakistan’s damaged reputation.

The majority of Pakistanis practice Islam though their ethnicity is extremely diverse. Thanks to the myriad religions, cultures and empires that have gained prominence in the region at one time or another, Pakistan is a melting pot of Indian, Central Asian and Persian influences to name just a few. There are over 70 different languages and the northern Pakistanis of the Karakoram ranges have more in common with, say, their northern  Indian  or Afghan neighbours than those living in Karachi or Hyderabad.

That said, there are two things common to Pakistan wherever you travel and the first is cricket. The Pakistanis are mad for the sport with the current prime minister, Imran Kahn, having captained the national team to World Cup glory in 1992. The second is hospitality. A guest is a blessing from God, according to Islam, and you’ll find that the locals will go out of their way to share a cup of tea, a meal or a conversation – probably about cricket – with you.

Like many conservative countries, Pakistan takes a more traditional view when it comes to gender equality. Males are considered the head of the household and are generally responsible for providing for their family, with women often expected to stay hidden in private. This is slowly changing, however, with women across the country fighting for more independence against a long-standing patriarchy.

Pakistan has a long way to go in the eyes of many but that doesn’t discount what’s on offer right now: with a unconditionally welcoming population that loves to throw a party and host visitors, Pakistan may just be the best place you never thought you’d visit.

History and government

Human occupation of the area we know as Pakistan dates back some 300,000 years, with evidence of stone-age communities found in the northern Punjab region. These evolved into farming and herding communities that cultivated large areas of land, though it was the Indus Valley civilisation that really flourished in the basins of the Indus River. It’s not known why this civilisation collapsed, but they were eventually replaced by the Persian Achaemenid Empire until Alexander the Great rolled into town with his  Macedonian  army in 327 BC. When Alexander died, he left behind an enormous empire stretching from  Greece  to the Indus River, which was split among his generals.

Conquest after conquest

Pakistan continued to be a highly sought-after territory. Buddhism and Hinduism both prevailed in the area until the first Muslim foothold was achieved with Muhammad bin Qasim’s conquest in 711 AD. Islam spread throughout the region, culminating in the creation of the Mughal Empire, which covered modern-day Pakistan, Afghanistan,  India  and  Bangladesh . The Mughals were descendants of the Turks and their leader, Babur, was said to descend from Genghis Kahn himself . The Mughals were renowned for their architecture (think the  Taj Mahal and Red Fort  in India), as well as their interest in the arts, which blended  Persian , Indian and  European  influences. The empire started to crack in the early 1700s and by the end of the century a Sikh Empire had taken control of the Punjab region.

British colonisation

The British Raj ruled the Indian subcontinent, including much of Pakistan, from 1858–1947 after several confrontations with the Sikh armies. After victory in the Anglo-Sikh wars, and as a result of the influence of the East India Company, the British dominated the region though a national Muslim identity was slowly emerging. One of the key figures in this movement was Muhammad Iqbal, a writer and poet, who felt that a Muslim state was necessary in a Hindu-dominated region, though some argue that he advocated for a Muslim province rather than a partition of country.

The name ‘Pakistan’ was created in 1933 by Choudhry Rahmat Ali, a political science student, as an acronym for the five northern regions of British India: Punjab, Afghania, Kashmir, Sind and Baluchistan. ‘PAKSTAN’ became ‘Pakistan’ for pronunciation purposes, and this led to the birth of the Pakistan Movement.


The Islamic Republic of Pakistan was granted independence from the British in 1947 (as was India). Once the borders were drawn, an unforseen issue arose in the Punjab region between Hindu minorities in Pakistan and Muslim minorities in India. A population exchanged was agreed upon but it was far from peaceful. It’s estimated that over ten million people migrated across the borders and that 1–2 million people died as a result of violence between the two religions. This clash was the basis of the still unresolved Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India. It’s worth noting, too, that Bangladesh was formerly known as East Pakistan and had a Bengali Muslim majority. In 1971, however, the Bengali Muslims split from their western family because of discrimination and a lack of attention from the government in Pakistan proper.

Pakistan is a regional (and nuclear) power with one of the world’s fastest-growing middle class. The problems are many, including corruption, terrorism and poverty, but the country is tipped to become a large and important economy. Imran Kahn, Pakistan’s current prime minister and former cricket captain, has prioritised tourism as an important source of future wealth.

Eating and drinking

Pakistan’s cuisine is a result of its myriad influences throughout history. Take your subcontinental staples, add some Middle Eastern flavours, mix in some Central Asia seasoning and you’ve got a seriously tasty variety of dishes – think everything from a spicy curry to the perfect shish kebab. These are a few dishes to look out for:

  • Nihari A hugely popular and traditional Muslim dish found across the Indian subcontinent. Take a slow-cooked shank of lamb, goat or chicken and stew it with some 50 spices including garam masala, cardamom and cumin. Serve with naan or roti and you’re laughing (and most likely napping too).
  • Sajji Originating in Pakistan’s Balochistan province, sajji is a simple, tasty meat dish. Take a whole lamb or chicken, marinate it in salt, skewer the entire thing and roast it over coals. Sometimes it’s covered in green papaya paste, sometimes it’s stuffed with rice, but one thing is for certain: it’s always delicious.
  • Halwa poori This dish has become a popular breakfast for the people of southern Pakistan. Take some deep-fried bread ­– that’s the poori – and serve with halwa (a traditional sweet), yoghurt and a chickpea or potato curry. It’s light and oh so right.
  • Kheer This traditional dessert is a rice pudding combined with almonds, pistachios, cashews and saffron and cardamom. Look for it in terracotta bowls from a restaurant or street stand and savour the sweet sensation once you break the skin with your spoon.

Plant-based options

Travelling as a vegetarian in Pakistan can sometimes be difficult. Meat is considered the highlight of a meal and while some classic vegetarian dishes like dahl can easily be found, they may sometimes be served with shredded chicken, for example. It’s important to be clear that you don’t eat meat and that includes fish and chicken. That said, there’s plenty of paratha and piping-hot roti to be had, you just need to be patient to find something more substantial.

Vegans will encounter quite a bit of difficulty as veganism just isn’t really a concept in Pakistan. Everyone except the poorest people enjoy a heavy meat-based diet and a lot of meals are cooked in either meat stock or ghee butter. Be sure to ask that your dish is prepared in a separate pot and without any animal products, but be understanding if this causes some confusion.

Of course, this is all a lot easier when you’re travelling with a local, someone who knows the language and the culture. If you travel with Intrepid, you’ll have a local leader who can help you decipher menus and recommend good plant-based choices.

Geography and environment

Pakistan has the dubious honour of hosting some of the most disputed borders in the world. The country is bordered by four countries –  Iran ,  India , Afghanistan and  China  – with disagreements over the Kashmir region (India and China) and the Durand Line (Afghanistan). Pakistan stretches from the Arabian Sea in the south to the mighty Karakoram mountains in the north and can be split into three geographical regions.

Northern highlands

Pakistan’s north is incredibly mountainous and includes the Karakoram, Hindu Kush and Himalaya mountain ranges. It’s home to the world’s second-largest peak K2 (8611 m) as well as more than 50 mountains rising above 6500 metres. It is an undeniably beautiful area but given the challenging terrain, the northern highlands have a sparse population with remote villages scattered throughout the valleys. The winters here are severe, as you’d imagine, with freezing temperatures and much snowfall. The Hunza Valley, through which the Karakoram Highway runs, sees temperatures between -5/-15°C (23/5­°F) during winter though it can reach the low thirties (86°F) in the summer period.


Pakistan’s southwest area is known as Balochistan, which borders both Iran and Afghanistan. It accounts for 44% of Pakistan’s land mass but less than 10% of the population, most of whom are concentrated in the city of Quetta. Poverty is rife here despite untapped reserves of natural gas and much of the landscape is dry and unable to be cultivated. The summers are hot and the winters can be freezing, though rainfall is relatively low compared to the rest of Pakistan.

Indus Plain

Much of Pakistan’s population and economy are focused on the areas surrounding the mighty River Indus. All of Pakistan’s rivers flow into the Indus and its fertile plains are responsible for most of the country’s food production and industry. The river shelters several endemic creatures including the Indus River dolphin, which is close to extinction, but is also the cause of devastating floods. Each year Pakistan sees heavy rain from mid-July through till September and the Indus will often flood a huge area of land, affecting millions of people across Pakistan.

Pakistan is home to shawls, spice and everything nice. Much like  India , Pakistan’s markets are an experience in their own right and even if you don’t plan on bringing something home, you’re unlikely to forget the bustle and banter as you make your way through the throngs. But if you do have space for souvenirs, the following may make some nice mementos:

There’s a long tradition of carpet weaving in Pakistan, dating way back to the Indus Valley civilisation. This continued through the Mughal Empire and the carpets made in Pakistan and Afghanistan were in high demand across the world, with Lahore being particularly famous for its rugs.

Pakistan is known for its onyx marble and while many think of onyx as being a black gem, you’ll find that Pakistani onyx comes in a range of colours. You may well find jewellery and handicrafts with streaks of gold, green and brown in specialist and market shops across the country.

Kashmiri Shawls

The disputed region of Kashmir is known for its woven shawls – cashmere is an anglicisation of Kashmir. Story has it that Napoleon gave one to both his wives, so if you’re after a gift to get you out of trouble, one of these (or two) may just be the perfect purchase.

Multan pottery

The city of Multan is located in southern Punjab and famous for its blue pottery, which was introduced by Arab artisans after Muhammad Bin Qasim conquered the region in the 8th century. The best places to purchase a vase or similar vessel are Multan and Lahore, otherwise you may not be getting the real deal.

Festivals and events

The people in Pakistan love a party and will go all out for birthdays, weddings and religious celebrations. You can expect a lot of noise and colour and a smorgasbord of distractions everywhere you look.

Independence Day

The 14th of August commemorates the independence of Pakistan and is celebrated nation-wide. Official celebrations include speeches and a gun salute, as well as cultural programs in the cities, while the people of Pakistan adorn their shops and homes in flags, bunting and banners. It’s a day for friends and family, with people taking to parks and other public places to celebrate their country.

Shandur Festival

Welcome to the highest polo match on the planet. Sitting at 3700 metres (12,139 feet), Shandur’s polo ground hosts a festival every July at the Shandur Pass, with teams from Chitral and Gilgit-Baltistan facing off in an extremely aesthetic arena. It’s a shoutout to the equestrian traditions of Central Asia and the festival also hosts traditional folk music and dancing.

This Punjabi festival used to be held in February to celebrate the coming of spring by flying kites across the city. The sky was filled with colourful kites but make no mistake, this was no leisure activity. The kites were flown on special, glass-embedded strings in order to sever the strings of competitor kites and Basant was eventually banned because people were being killed by stray strings. In 2019 the government decided against lifting the 10-year ban on Basant, though many hope that the tradition will be reinstituted sometime soon.

Further reading

For inspiring stories to prepare you for your Pakistan adventure, check out these books:

Moth Smoke  – Mohsin Hamid

The Ice-Candy Man  – Bapsi Sidwha

The Buddha of Suburbia  – Hanif Kureishi

My Feudal Lord  – Tehmina Durrani

A Short Walk in the Hindu Kush  – Eric Newby

Kartography  – Kamila Shamsie

A Case of Exploding Mangoes  –Mohammed Hanif

The Reluctant Fundamentalist  – Mohsin Hamid

K2: Life and Death on the World’s Most Dangerous Mountain  – Ed Viesturs, David Roberts

Pakistan travel FAQs

Do i need a covid-19 vaccine to join an intrepid trip.

Trips from 1 January 2023 onwards

From 1 January 2023, Intrepid will no longer require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against COVID-19 (excluding all Polar trips and select adventure cruises).

However, we continue to strongly recommend that all Intrepid travelers and leaders get vaccinated to protect themselves and others.

Specific proof of testing or vaccination may still be required by your destination or airline. Please ensure you check travel and entry requirements carefully.

When is the best time to visit Pakistan?

Pakistan’s climate is difficult to pin down as a single entity. It ranges from tropical and subtropical to semi-arid and desert, and then up north you’ve got the ridiculously beautiful ­– and ridiculously cold – mountainous areas incorporating the Karakoram, Himalaya and Hindu Kush ranges.

In the north, the mountainous region of Gilgit-Baltistan sees desert-level rainfall, but snow is quite frequent in winter. The trekking season runs from April to October and the area is generally sheltered from the monsoon rains experienced further south, though there may well be some showers, thunderstorms and possibly snowfall at higher altitudes.

The region of Punjab, which incorporates the cities of Islamabad and Lahore, has a sub-tropical climate with very hot summers. July and August see the southwest monsoon bring heavy rains, while September, October and November tend to be drier with a more manageable temperature range of 10–34°C (50–93°F), depending on where you are. Given Islamabad’s higher altitude and location at the foot of the mountains, it tends to be a little wetter than, say, Peshawar or Lahore, but if you wish to avoid the rain, your best bet is to avoid spending too much time in Punjab from July until September.

Is it safe to travel to Pakistan?

Pakistan is one of those countries that sets off alarm bells in the minds of friends and family – you're going where? Their reaction is understandable, given the news coverage of Pakistan over the past 20 years, and there's no doubt that some areas just aren't worth the risk. That said, you can rest assured that Intrepid would not take you anywhere unless we were convinced it was safe and trust us, there's more – so much more – to Pakistan than the media would have you believe.

Do I need a visa to travel to Pakistan?

Anyone traveling to Pakistan for tourism or business purposes must obtain a visa, which can be done on arrival (depending on your nationality) or online before your trip begins. You can also apply for a tourist visa at your local Pakistan embassy or consulate before traveling. Both e-visas and visas issued on arrival have differing lengths of stay, with e-visas valid for up to 3 months (but can be extended to 6 months) and VOA (visa on arrival) valid for a period of 30 days.

The page is for general information only and may be subject to change. It is your responsibility to obtain relevant visa and travel information required for entry, departure and travel to each country or region you visit on your trip. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates. 

Last updated: 6 May 2023 

Is tipping customary in Pakistan?

While gratuities aren't compulsory on this trip, they can make a big difference to locals employed in the tourism industry. If you are happy with the services provided, a tip is an appropriate way to say thanks. 

Most restaurants in Pakistan will not include a service charge on the bill so a tip can be added to the total amount. There's no strict rule, but 8–10 per cent is generally recommended. 

Over the years we have found that many of our travellers find the need for tipping local guides and operators to be both tiresome and embarrassing, especially if they don't have the correct small change. To overcome this, your leader might raise the idea of a group tipping kitty. At your group meeting, your tour leader may discuss the idea of running this kitty, whereby everybody contributes an equal amount and then your tour leader pays the tips as you go. The leader will keep a running record of all monies spent (except restaurant tips). The record can be checked at any time and any money remaining at the end of the tour returned to group members. This kitty does not include any tips you wish to give your leader and crew.

What is the internet access like in Pakistan?

If you’re planning to use your mobile phone in Pakistan (with either global roaming activated or by using a local SIM) you’ll find that the internet in major cities like Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi is quick and free wi-fi is often available through hotspots. Travellers will be able to find internet cafes in Pakistan's larger cities but internet access might be patchy or non-existent in more remote areas like the Hunza Valley. There have been instances of the government restricting connectivity and social media during periods of protest or religious celebration.

Can I use my mobile/cell phone in Pakistan?

Mobile phone coverage is generally good in the cities of Pakistan, although coverage may not be available in remote areas. If you want to use your mobile phone, ensure global roaming is activated before you arrive (but be aware of the fees this may incur).

What are the toilets like in Pakistan?

Most mid­- to high-range hotels in Pakistan will be equipped with Western-style, flushable toilets. You may well encounter squat toilets at restaurants and in public areas, and while these can take some getting used to, they become part of the experience once you’ve nailed your technique.

What will it cost for a...?

Pakistan’s unit of currency is the rupee. Prices here are approximate and shown in US dollars for ease of comparison.

  • Can of domestic beer = USD 2–3
  • Meal at a local restaurant = USD 3-8
  • Local bus ticket = USD 0.20
  • Cup of coffee (cappuccino or similar) = USD 1–2

Can I drink the water in Pakistan?

Drinking tap water isn’t recommended in Pakistan. For environmental reasons, try to avoid buying bottled water and fill a reusable water bottle or canteen with filtered water instead. Ask your leader where filtered water can be found; some hotels we stay in may have drinking water available, often boiled to use for tea. It's also advisable to avoid ice in drinks and to peel fruit and vegetables before eating.

Are credit cards widely accepted in Pakistan?

Credits cards are not widely accepted in Pakistan, which remains a primarily cash-based society. You may be able to use a credit card in hotels and higher-end shops in cities like Islamabad and Lahore, but make sure you have enough cash available when leaving the cities.

What is ATM access like in Pakistan?

Pakistan lays claim to the world’s highest ATM, located at 4687 metres (15,379 feet) at the Khunjerab Pass. You’ll be able to find ATMs in most cities and towns, but be sure to take enough cash when travelling to more remote villages, particularly in the mountains.

What is the weather like in Pakistan?

The weather in Pakistan falls into four seasons.

 June–September sees monsoonal rains, with June being the hottest month of the year and reaching upwards of 45 °C (113 °F). The rains are notoriously unpredictable, with the monsoon sometimes skipping the Pubjab region altogether and sometimes causing widespread damaging floods.

The post-monsoon season of October/November sees both temperatures and rainfall reducing. While the days can warm and hot, the nights begin to cool with temperatures ranging from 10–30°C (50–86°F) and rain falling sporadically.

The winter months of December, January and February see fine weather across most of the country with a large variation in temperatures. The daytime is generally quite pleasant, with temperatures usually topping out at 20°C (68°F), though it can drop down to 3 or 4°C at night (37–39°F). The northern mountains are another story, with precipitation falling as snow and temperatures well below freezing.

The hot, dry season comes in March, April and May with averages in the mid-30s (95°F) in the low-lying areas, though it gets hotter up north until you reach the northern mountains.

Do I need to purchase travel insurance before traveling?

Absolutely. All passengers traveling with Intrepid are required to purchase travel insurance before the start of their trip. Your travel insurance details will be recorded by your leader on the first day of the trip. Due to the varying nature, availability and cost of health care around the world, travel insurance is very much an essential and necessary part of every journey.

For more information on insurance, please go to: Travel Insurance

What public holidays are celebrated in Pakistan?

  • 5 February Kashmir Solidarity Day
  • 23 March Pakistan Day
  • 1 May Labour Day
  • Varies Eid-ul-Fitr
  • Varies Eid al-Adha
  • 14 August Independence Day
  • Varies Ashura
  • Varies Eid Milad
  • December 25 Quaid-e-Azam’s Birthday

Given Pakistan is a Muslim country, their public holidays follow the Islamic calendar, which is based off lunar dates.

For a current list of public holidays Pakistan, including those with moveable dates, go to:

Is Pakistan a safe destination for LGBTQIA+ travellers?

We recommend LGBTQIA+ travellers exercise complete discretion when travelling in Pakistan.

Pakistan is not a safe destination for LGBTQIA+ travellers who wish to openly express sexuality outside of a very rigid, heterosexual binary. In fact, we do not recommend any public expressions of sexuality given Pakistan’s conservative values.

Openly LGBTQIA+ people can face stigma, harassment and violence in their everyday lives, with homosexuality technically punishable by life in prison or death. That said, Pakistan does recognise a third gender with transgender citizens afforded broad protections.

For more detailed and up-to-date advice, we recommend visiting  Equaldex  or  ILGA  before you travel.

If you are travelling solo on an Intrepid group tour, you will share accommodation with a passenger of the same gender as per your passport information. If you don’t identify with the gender assigned on your passport, please let us know at time of booking and we’ll arrange the rooming configuration accordingly. A single supplement is available on some tours for travellers who do not wish to share a room.

Is Pakistan accessible for travellers with disabilities?

Intrepid is committed to making travel widely accessible, regardless of ability or disability. That’s why we do our best to help as many people see the world as possible, regardless of any physical or mental limitations they might have. We’re always happy to talk to travellers with disabilities and see if we can help guide them towards the most suitable itinerary for their needs and, where possible, make reasonable adjustments to our itineraries.

Pakistan can be a difficult destination to explore for travellers with disabilities. Even in large cities like Lahore and Islamabad, differently abled people – travellers and locals alike – are often overlooked in terms of infrastructure and policy.  

While international chain hotels are often built with the needs of accessible travellers in mind, homestays, guesthouses and locally run hotels are generally not fitted with ramps, elevators, shower rails etc.

If you have a battery-operated hearing aid, it’s a good idea to bring extra batteries.

If you do live with a visual, hearing or other impairment, let your booking agent or group leader know early on so they’re aware and suitable arrangements can be made. As a general rule, knowing some common words in the local language, carrying a written itinerary with you and taking to the streets in a group, rather than solo, can help make your travel experience the best it can be.

What to wear in Pakistan

What you wear in Pakistan will depend on what time of the year you’re travelling and where you are going. The autumn, summer and spring are generally quite hot across the low-lying areas and cool, loose-fitting clothing that is culturally sensitive, like a light shirt and trouser combo, is best. The northern highlands can get very cold, even in the warmer months, so be sure to pack a warm jacket, thermals, sturdy waterproof shoes and a windbreaker. Clothes that can be easily layered are best.

When entering mosques, women must have their heads, arms, legs and shoulders covered, and all people should dress conservatively. Please avoid shorts and if you’re in any doubt, we recommend playing it safe.

How do I stay safe and healthy while traveling?

From Australia?

Go to: Smart Traveller

From Canada?

Go to:  Canada Travel Information

From the UK?

Go to:  UK Foreign Travel Advice

From New Zealand?

Go to:  Safe Travel

From the US?

Go to:  US Department of State

The World Health Organisation also provides useful health information.

Does my trip support The Intrepid Foundation?

Yes, all Intrepid trips support the Intrepid Foundation. Trips to this country directly support our global Intrepid Foundation partners, Eden Reforestation Projects and World Bicycle Relief. Intrepid will double the impact by dollar-matching all post-trip donations made to The Intrepid Foundation.

Eden Reforestation Projects

Eden Reforestation Projects are helping to mitigate climate change by restoring forests worldwide; they also hire locally and create job opportunities within vulnerable communities. Donations from our trips support restoration across planting sites in 10 countries around the globe. Find out more or make a donation World Bicycle Relief

World Bicycle Relief provides people in low-income communities with bicycles to mobilize school kids, health workers, and farmers in far-out areas – giving them access to vital education, healthcare, and income. Donations help provide Buffalo Bicycles – specifically designed to withstand the rugged terrain and harsh environment of rural regions – to those who need them most. Find out more or make a donation

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Are you looking to Book the best Pakistan tour package online? If so, we have some great news for you! You can now book your authentic Pakistan tour package online through a credit card with our exclusive deals. We have a wide variety of handpicked best Pakistan Tour Packages available, and we are sure that there is something for everyone. Whether you are looking for an adventure tour or a cultural tour, we have the perfect handpicked Pakistan tour package for you. Book and pay online for a Pakistan tour with flexible cancellations with PakVoyager!

Our Pakistan online tour packages are designed for travelers to experience hassle-free booking with online payment options and flexible cancellations. These Pakistan tours offer a unique opportunity to experience Pakistan in a way that is not possible with any other travel agency. Whether you want to visit Pakistan's capital city, Islamabad, or explore the beautiful mountains of the Northern areas of Pakistan, we have something for everyone! Our Pakistan tours will take you on a journey through some of Pakistan's most beautiful landscapes. You will have the opportunity to visit places like Swat Valley and Hunza Valley, and you will also have the chance to go trekking in the Karakoram.

Pakistan is a country of immense culture and history. It hasn't been on many people’s radar as a travel destination before, but now it should be at the top of your list! You'll have so much fun when visiting Pakistan: there are things galore to see/do in this intriguing land of mystery because there is always something new just around every corner here; whether it's climbing on the world's highest peaks and glaciers or hiking through deep forest cover and picturesque mountain valleys or exploring old Ghandhra archeological sites in Taxila, Swat and in Takht-i-Bahi Pakistan.

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Adventure Awaits: Pakistan Trekking Tours

Are you looking for an adventure tour? Visit Pakistan and explore some of the top destinations and remote areas on Earth? If so, then Pakistan trekking tours to the Northern areas of Pakistan are right for you! Our Pakistan adventure tours will take you to some of the most stunning locations in Pakistan, including the Karakoram and Himalayan mountain ranges. The country offers a vast range of activities for all ages including hiking, mountaineering expeditions, trekking trips through some breathtaking natural wonders like the white-water rapids at Skardu, or even just having fun exploring local culture and history along with your family!

Nothing beats an adventure tour to experience the thrill of Pakistan's vast natural beauty. The country offers so many opportunities for thrilling activities, like thrilling hiking trails with breathtaking views or high mountain trekking through deep valleys, biking on the world's highest paved road--the Karakoram Highway where one moment might bring fear but soon after inspiration takes over, or encountering ungulate on national parts such as Ibex- rock climbing on sheer cliffs or Skiing on alpine slopes -all available within reach at any time!

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Northern Pakistan Tour Packages: An Adventure Awaits!

If you're looking for an adventure, look no further than Northern Pakistan. This stunning region is home to some of the most giant mountain ranges in the world, and it's waiting to be explored. With our Northern Pakistan tour packages, you can experience Hunza Valley, Skardu, Chitral, or Swat valley. From snow-capped mountains to rushing rivers, the Northern areas of Pakistan are a paradise for nature lovers.

The region is home to some of the tallest peaks in the world, including K2 and Nanga Parbat. If you're a fan of adventure sports, Northern Pakistan is the perfect destination for you. There are plenty of opportunities for hiking, trekking, and biking in Northern Pakistan. The region is also home to some of the best skiing resorts in the world. Northern Pakistan tour packages will help you find all these amazing places!

Northern Pakistan is also a great place to see wildlife. The region is home to a variety of animals, including snow leopards, Tibetan brown bears, and Marco Polo sheep. If you're lucky, you may even be able to spot some of these animals in their natural habitat. Our Northern Pakistan tour packages will take you to all the best spots where you can see these beautiful creatures. Northern Pakistan is also a great place for birdwatching, as the region is home to many species of birds that are not found anywhere else in the world. Northern Pakistan tour packages will help you find all these amazing places!

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Looking for a Pakistan International Group Tour that offers an authentic cultural experience? Look no further than booking a group tour with PakVoyager! Our handpicked Pakistan tour operators are experts in handling foreign group tours. From the bustling streets of Lahore to the majestic Karakoram, we'll take you on an adventure you'll never forget. Contact us today to book your spot with handpicked Pakistan Group Tour!

Pakistan Cheap Tour Packages

There are Pakistan cheap tour packages that are available for people who want to travel on a budget. Some of these packages include transport, hotel, and other amenities. There are also some packages that are all-inclusive, which means that everything is included in the price.

Cheap tour packages can be a great way to save money on your travel expenses. We make sure that you get your money's worth with Pak Voyager. If you're looking for a cheap way to travel, then be sure to contact us for a tailored one according to your budget.

Pakistan Family Tour Package

When it comes to family travel destination tours, there are many different options to choose from. A few of the most popular Family tour packages include visiting ancient Forts, going on hiking trips, or boating on azure lakes. No matter what your family's interests are, there is sure to be a Pakistan Family tour on our portal that will suit them.

If you're looking for an exciting and educational trip, consider touring the 15,000 years old ancient ruins of the Gandhara civilization in Swat and Texila, KPK. There are ruins, and museums that can be explored, each with its own unique history. Visiting these ancient landmarks is a great way to learn about different cultures and civilizations.

If your family loves wildlife, consider going to National parks and enjoy sightseeing ungulates on a tour. These Pakistan family packages offer an up-close and personal view of some of the world's endangered species.

Pakistan Honeymoon Tour Packages

When you're looking for the best Pakistan honeymoon tour package, it's important to consider your budget and the activities that you want to do. Many couples choose to explore nature or enjoy a luxurious getaway.

If you're looking for a luxurious honeymoon package, there are many honeymoon packages offered by Pak Voyager. There are also plenty of affordable options available. Honeymoon tours offer a wide variety of accommodations, amenities, and services.

Pakistan has a number of destinations that are perfect for a romantic honeymoon getaway. Places like Hunza Valley, Shigar Valley, Khaplu, Naran Kaghan valley, Nathia Gali, Fairy Meadows , and Azad Kashmir are ideal for honeymoon vacations and to spend quality time with your better half.

There are many beautiful and romantic destinations to choose from. Alpine hill resorts, mountain getaways, and coastal retreats, all are popular destinations for honeymoons in Pakistan.

Pak Voyager has assembled the best honeymoon tours for you so that you get value on your time and money.

Hunza Valley Tour Packages

The best way to experience Pakistan is by visiting the Hunza Valley. Hunza Valley is a valley located in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan. It is in northern Pakistan and is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Pakistan.

With Pak Voyager’s Hunza valley tour packages discover the mountain life in Hunza Valley. Explore its ancient Forts Altit Fort and Baltit Fort , or boat on Attabad Lake, drive on the Karakorum Highway towards Khunjerab pass-the world's highest border crossing, or trek to the world's largest and longest glacier outside the polar region-Batura glacier, cross the fearsome Hussani bridge or enjoy viewing migratory birds on Borit lake in Gojal valley. Enjoy the spectacular view of mount Rakaposhi (7788m) or Passu cones.

There are endless destinations to take your breath away.

Swat Valley Tour Packages

The Swat Valley of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa offers tourists some of the most beautiful and unspoiled scenery in the country. The valley is located in the northeast of Pakistan and is home to picturesque valleys and rushing rivers. Swat was once the hub of the Gandhara civilization and the ruins of ancient monasteries and stupas are scattered across the KPK province especially in Jahanabad. Swat has many summer destinations to explore such as Kumrat, Kalam Valley, Marghazar, Malam Jabba, Nathia gali, and Madyan among others.

Book now with Pak Voyager and get best deals on Swat Valley Tour Packages.

Chitral Valley Tour Packages

Chitral valley in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan is situated in the Hindu Kush range and is home to serene mountain valleys and a National Park known as Chitral Gol National Park which houses rare wildlife like Siberian ibexes. 

The Kalash tribe resides here and they are known for their unique culture and beliefs. Be part of their colorful festivals and merriment.

Broghil valley where Pamir people live can be reached via Chitral. The cold, pristine Broghil Valley is a hidden gem for those who love adventure and challenges. The 250 km (160 mi) from Chitral town offers an unspoiled landscape that borders on the Afghan Wakhan corridor - which stretches between Tajikistan and Pakistan. Elevations in this region range between 3284 meters at Kishmanjah village up 4,304m.

Skardu Valley Tour Packages

The Skardu Valley is located in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. The valley is known for its high mountain’s concentration and natural beauty. Many tourists and mountaineering expeditions visit every year to enjoy the scenery. Some of the attractions in the Skardu valley include the Deosai Plains, K2 mountain-the 2nd highest mountain in the world, and Shangrila Resort.

Explore the enchanting valleys of Skardu with its meandering rivers with our Skardu Valley tour packages . Visit the ancient forts of Shigar and Khaplu and travel back in time to know the history of Baltistan.

Visit Pakistan's first organic village-Nansoq Organic village and get insight into ancient ways of living. The local people are extremely hospitable, try some of the organic traditional dishes to boost your health.

Apart from diverse tour packages, we offer the best customer care service. We want you to feel safe and secure when away from home, which is why our 24/7 customer support team is available by phone or email. Plus the option for live chat ensures that everything will be taken care of immediately!

Skardu Valley Budget Tour Package

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  • Pakistan Tours

Pakistan Tours and Trips 2024/2025

Pakistan is truly one of the region’s hidden jewels, combining stunning natural beauty with a rich culture and history. The few travellers who visit it each year are treated to gorgeous landmarks and architecture in Islamabad , trekking along the Batura Glaciers and Concordia mountains, and bicycle tours of the ancient Silk Road. No matter your adventure of choice, Pakistan has something for everyone.

  • Pakistan Travel Guide
  • Best Time to Visit Pakistan

12 Trips in Pakistan with 15 Reviews

Patundass/shishper Base Camp Trek

  • Starts Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Ends Islamabad, Pakistan

Patundass/shishper base camp trek

  • Free cancellation
  • Best price guaranteed
  • Tour Type Private Tour
  • Activities Trekking and Hiking
  • Accommodation Tent, Guest House & Camping
  • Age Range 5-79 yrs
  • Operated in English
  • View More Jan 1, 2019 Jan 2, 2019 Jan 3, 2019

Hunza Pakistan Tour

Hunza Pakistan Tour

  • Trip customizable
  • Activities Sightseeing Tours & Natural landmarks sightseeing Sightseeing Tours , Natural landmarks sightseeing , Trekking and Hiking & Adventure 'data-more-tripid='34314'>+2 more
  • Accommodation Eco Lodge, Hotel, Hut, Lodge, Resort & Sleeping Hut
  • Transport 4WD Jeep & Flight
  • Age Range 3-85 yrs
  • Operated in English, Pakistani

Paradise Of Pakistan: Gilgit Baltistan Tour

Paradise of Pakistan: Gilgit Baltistan tour

  • Activities Sightseeing Tours
  • Accommodation Eco Lodge, Hotel, Lodge & Resort
  • Transport Flight & Jeep
  • Age Range 4-80 yrs
  • Operated in Pakistani

Hunza Valley Sightseeing Tour

Hunza Valley Sightseeing Tour

  • Activities Cultural, religious and historic sites & Sightseeing Tours Cultural, religious and historic sites , Sightseeing Tours & City sightseeing 'data-more-tripid='18066'>+1 more
  • Accommodation Guest House & Hotel
  • Transport Coach
  • Age Range 18-80 yrs
  • Operated in Chinese, English, Japanese, Urdu

Pakistan Expedition Tour

  • Ends Lahore, Pakistan

Pakistan Expedition

  • No booking fees
  • Tour Type Small Group Tour
  • Activities Explorer & Adventure
  • Accommodation Hotel & Guest House
  • Transport Private Vehicle, 4WD Jeep, Flight & Bus
  • Age Range 15-99 yrs
  • Brochure Price: US$ 4,535
  • Special Deal (5%): - US$ 227
  • Total Price from: US$ 4,308
  • Sep 01 Only 6 seats left
  • Sep 15 Only 3 seats left

Pakistan: Women's Expedition Tour

Pakistan: Women's Expedition

  • Activities Explorer
  • Transport Private Vehicle & Flight
  • Brochure Price: US$ 3,820
  • Special Deal (5%): - US$ 191
  • Total Price from: US$ 3,629
  • Sep 15 Only 5 seats left
  • Sep 29 10+ seats left

Trek Pakistan's Karakoram Mountains

Trek Pakistan's Karakoram Mountains

  • Activities Adventure & Trekking and Hiking
  • Accommodation Camping, Hotel & Guest House
  • Transport Flight & Private Vehicle
  • Age Range 18-99 yrs
  • Brochure Price: US$ 3,645
  • Special Deal (25%): - US$ 911
  • Total Price from: US$ 2,734
  • May 24 Only 8 seats left
  • Jun 21 Only 9 seats left

Magic Of Gandhara And Kalash Valley Tour

Magic of Gandhara and Kalash Valley

  • Accommodation Hotel & Lodge
  • Transport Flight
  • Age Range 8-95 yrs
  • May 23 10+ seats left
  • Jun 06 10+ seats left

Pakistan Cultural Highlights Tour

  • Starts Lahore, Pakistan
  • Ends Karachi, Pakistan

Pakistan Cultural Highlights

  • Accommodation Hotel
  • Jun 03 10+ seats left
  • Jun 17 10+ seats left

The Mointains Call 9D/8N Tour

The Mointains Call 9D/8N

  • Activities Adventure
  • Accommodation Hotel & Resort
  • May 26 10+ seats left
  • Jun 16 10+ seats left

The Karokaram Experience 14D/13N Tour

The Karokaram Experience 14D/13N

  • Activities Trekking and Hiking & Adventure
  • Transport Flight & Boat

Pakistan Hike Around The Giants 11D/10N Tour

Pakistan Hike Around The Giants 11D/10N

  • Accommodation Camping & Hotel
  • Jul 09 10+ seats left
  • Aug 06 10+ seats left

Pakistan Tour Reviews

  • Dr Ambrus Katalin
  • Andy Nguyen

Pakistan - Tour Highlights and Travel Tips

The blooming flower shaped Pakistan Monument Museum

From a nature perspective, Pakistan looks like the spoiled brat of the subcontinent – blessed with scintillating natural beauty and a beautiful culture, but always troubled by its conflicts with India, political instability and terrorism. This is why the country is only visited by the most hardened travelers, a few lucky ones who actually get to see it for all its beauty.

Some of the best attractions in Pakistan make you look back into its rich and beautiful history towards ancient civilizations and jaw-dropping architectural feats. A few places you must see while in the country include the Shah Faisal Masjid, the most beautiful mosque in the country, the Lahore Fort and the ancient ruins of Mohenjo-daro and Taxila, both famous as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. If you’re incredibly lucky, you might also get to see the Khyber Pass, a pass that connects Pakistan to Afghanistan, famous for its astonishing beauty.

Tour Highlights

  • Go to Lahore to see grand architecture in Old Lahore and enjoy great shopping in New Lahore.
  • Don’t miss to visit the grand Lahore Fort, stunning Badshahi Mosque and majestic Shalimar Gardens in Lahore, the capital of the Pakistani province of Punjab.
  • Take a tour of Karachi and appreciate its British colonial and Indian architecture. Above all, visit the Mazar-a-Quaid tomb, the Mohata Palace and enjoy the sunset on Clifton Beach.
  • See the impressive Shah Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, a blend of traditional and modern architecture.
  • Visit the Khewra Salt Mines, the 2nd largest in the world. There, take a look at small-scale versions of the Great Wall of China, the Minar-e-Pakistan (Lahore) and some other landmarks.
  • Explore Lake Saif ul Malook, a tourist resort surrounded by mountains, which boasts great natural beauty.
  • Discover scenic Concordia, a heaven for mountaineers, on a hike. You will lay eyes on K-2, the world’s 2nd highest mountain there.

Travel Tips

  • Lake Saif ul Malook features wide differences between day-time (moderate) and night-time (under 0°C) temperatures, so prepare accordingly.
  • Refrain to eat in public during the month of Ramadan when most people fast.
  • Practice caution when you are around public gatherings.
  • Gunfire is a common way of celebrating major holidays and sport successes in Pakistan, so don’t be troubled, just be careful.
  • Always have cash with you since you may experience difficulties with credit card payments. ATMs are available in major cities.
  • English is spoken in Pakistan at varying levels of fluency.
  • Stick with bottled water for drinking since tap water may be unsafe.
  • Pakistan budget tours
  • Eco tours in Pakistan
  • Pakistan guided tours
  • Pakistan family tour packages
  • Pakistan small group tours
  • Pakistan solo trips
  • Pakistan tours for senior citizens
  • Pakistan tours for young adults
  • Pakistan group tours

Popular Destinations

  • Islamabad Tours

Popular Activities

  • Adventure tours

Upcoming Departures

  • Spring 2024/2025
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pakistan tour cost

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Trango Adventure


"Explore the hidden gems of Pakistan"


  • Map & Itinerary
  • Dates & Prices
  • Holiday Info
  • Book the tour
  • Airfare included (Domestic only)
  • All Inclusive
  • Meals included

Classic Pakistan Tour

On this classic pakistan tour, you will see all of northern pakistan’s famous sights, palaces and unesco-listed forts. take in the natural scenery and local life on this tour, stop at the pagan towns and visit a tribal village for a glimpse into their distinctive way of life. ancient culture, diverse history and spectacular mountain valleys are just a few features of this awe-inspiring tour., tour highlights.

  • Explore Islamabad, Naran, Kalash and Hunza Valley
  • Spectacular Mountains Vistas
  • See medieval Altit and UNESCO-listed Baltit fort
  • Experience the Shandur Pass
  • Discover the ancient culture of the Gilgit Baltistan Region
  • Drive on the famous Karakoram Highway, Pakistan
  • Sneaky view of  Nanga Parbat (8,126 m) from KKH.

Pakistan Tour, on YouTube .

Click here to read our TripAdvisor reviews for our Tours in Pakistan.

Brief Itinerary

Arrival day in islamabad, pakistan, flight to chitral 1 hour, ayun to kalash (15 km) 1 hour, kalash to chitral (25 km) 1 hour, chitral to mastuj (120 km) 4 hours, mastuj to gilgit (275 km) 7 hours, gilgit to hunza (103 km) 2-3 hours, hunza to gilgit (103 km) 2-3 hours, gilgit to skardu (201 km) 5 hours, skardu to islamabad flight, 45 min, departure day, additional information, map & itinerary of classic pakistan tour.


For many years Trango Adventure has been transforming travel dreams into reality. We live and travel in Pakistan extensively to ensure we provide you selection of quality and unique experiences, tailored to suit your travel aspirations. We designed our itineraries based on Over 40 Years of experience and local knowledge, which is the best in terms of acclimatisation, safety and enjoyment.

We intend to keep the day-by-day itinerary detailed below, although there might be some flexibility due to local conditions, weather or other factors beyond our control. If this is the case then your Tour Guide will do everything possible to work out the changes to the itinerary to minimise your inconvenience.

Adventure travel and tour requires an open and flexible attitude. You may experience extreme conditions, unpredictable weather and last-minute changes to the itinerary beyond our control. The ability to work in a team is an important aspect of all of our trips.

Detailed Tour Itinerary


AYUN (10 km) 30 MIN:

Skardu to islamabad flight, 45 minutes.

If we missed the flight yesterday, today we will be driving from Astore to Islamabad with a spectacular view of Nanga Parbat (8,126m) in the backdrop. We will follow the Karakoram Highway for a short time then cut through Babusar Pass (4,067m) and Kaghan Valley to Mansehra city. From Mansehra, we will rejoin the Karakoram Highway and pass through some culturally rich and historical Towns, Abbottabad, Hassan Abdal and Taxila to reach Islamabad. We will arrive in Islamabad late afternoon.

Pakistan Tour Package Cost and Dates for 2024

Private groups –  chose your dates, the tour starts and finishes in islamabad – domestic flight included.

This is an all-inclusive Tour Package for (individuals) per person and is based on two people sharing a twin or double room. Single supplements are available upon request at a small additional cost. We have a great range of Couple, Family and Group deals available, contact us before booking . Classic Pakistan Tour prices are for the itinerary starting from Islamabad to Chitra – Hunza –  Skardu and back to Islamabad. Islamabad has a good flight connection, International flights arrive in Islamabad in the morning, and the return flight will depart from Islamabad International Airport on the last day of the itinerary.

Please be aware that there are often only a limited number of seats available at the advertised price, particularly during peak season. We recommend booking as early as possible, especially during peak times. If we are unable to secure seats at the price shown, we will contact you with an alternative quote.


The price of the “Classic Pakistan Tour” can change depending on a variety of factors but unlike some other tour operators , Trango Adventure has undertaken to guarantee the price of your holiday will not change after you have booked. The price when you book is the price you will pay, whether you are booking for this year or the next. Book early to avoid any tour price increases, get the best flight prices and take advantage of our ‘No Surcharge Guarantee ’. Trango Adventure is a Government-licensed and bonded tour operator that follows the strict Regulations set by the Tourism Department of Pakistan .

We accept Cash on Arrival, Bank Transfers, PayPal and all major Credit & debit Cards.


Classic Pakistan Tour Information

What’s in cluded.

  • 15 nights of three and four-star hotel accommodation
  • 15 breakfasts, 14 lunches and 15 dinners
  • Private vehicle, normally a jeep/saloon car, Land cruisers
  • Private guided transfers to and from Islamabad airport
  • Professional English Speaking Culture Guide. (Government requirement)
  • Driver/guide’s expenses
  • All land transport involved in the itinerary
  • All road passes, parking fees etc.


  • Travel Insurance
  • Pakistan Visa Fee
  • Tips for local guides and support staff
  • Guided Islamabad sightseeing
  • Miscellaneous expenses
  • souvenirs etc
  • International Flights.

We include everything in our Pakistan Tours so you can sit back and enjoy your vacation. Luxury Pakistani, continental and vegetarian cuisine from dinner on Day 1 to breakfast on Day 16.


During the Classic Pakistan Tour , you will spend all nights in good international tourist standard hotels (3-4 star). Accommodation at each of these hotels is twin-sharing with en-suite facilities. If you are travelling by yourself you will be paired with another single client of the same sex. It is possible to hire a single room for an additional cost. Additional hotel nights in Islamabad are also available. For hotel prices and single supplement costs, please refer to the dates and prices page of the trip on our website. Hotels are subject to availability, and prices may vary.



Skardu and Chitral are weather-dependent airports. Since the valley is surrounded by high mountains, planes can only land here in good visibility and this means flights to Chitral and from Skardu are never guaranteed. The planes do fly more often than not, but cancellations can and do occur and in these circumstances, we will travel by road.


You should contact your doctor or travel clinic to check whether you specifically require any vaccinations or other preventive measures. You should be up to date with routine courses and boosters as recommended in the UK e.g. diphtheria-tetanus-polio and measles-mumps-rubella), along with hepatitis A and typhoid. Malarial prophylaxis is discretionary for this trip. Malaria exists in the area around Islamabad. However, incidences of urban transmission of malaria are extremely low. In Chitral, Hunza ,  Skardu and in the mountains there is no malaria risk. On holidays to more remote areas in Pakistan, you should also have a dentist check-up. A good online resource is Travel Health Pro. Dengue fever is a known risk in places near Islamabad (only). It is a tropical viral disease spread by daytime-biting mosquitoes. There is currently no vaccine or prophylaxis available and therefore the best form of prevention is to avoid being bitten. We recommend you take precautions to avoid mosquito bites

We highly recommend you have adequate travel insurance for your Pakistan Tour with Trango Adventure. We recognise the complexity and variety of choices in the insurance market and know that many of you either have your preferred insurer or have annual multi-trip cover in place already. If this is the case, please ensure that your insurer is aware of your Trango Adventure itinerary and can agree to cover the activities being undertaken.

Trango Adventure does not provide any advice on travel insurance, although it is highly recommended that you have valid travel insurance to cover the activities which you are likely to be undertaking on your holiday.

Travel Insurance Providing Companies

Expeditions or Treks

  • HCC Medical Insurance Services LLC    Tel: +1-800 605 2282
  • Travelex Insurance Services    Tel: +1-800 228 9792
  • Snowcard    Tel: +44 (0)1295 660836
  • The B.M.C.    Tel: +44 (0)161 445 6111 (please note the BMC cannot cover Mt Damavand)
  • Dogtag   Tel: 0800 036 4824 (UK residents only)
  • World Nomads   (up to 6000m)
  • Insure for Less    (Australians only)
  • True Traveller Insurance  Tel: 0333 999 3140 for treks including over 4500m
  • Austrian Alpine Club (UK) Tel: +44 (0)1929 556870

Treks & Tours only

  • Campbell Irvine    Tel: +44 (0)207 938 1737
  • J S Insurance   Tel: +44 (0)844 848 1500
  • Rothwell & Towler    Tel: +44 (0)845 908 0161


Classic Pakistan Tour will be led by an English-speaking, experienced Government licence Culture Guide. During the Tour, the group will be accompanied by a full supporting crew.

Classic Pakistan Tour involves going to high altitudes. During the tour, you will be above 3,000 metres for 1-2 days. This is not something, that you should worry about; the human body is quite capable of adapting to a very wide range of altitudes, but we must follow some simple rules to acclimatize successfully. Before coming on this holiday you should get some basic advice on Tours at high altitudes.

From mid-June to August, we can expect temperatures as high as 40°C at Karachi, Multan and Lahore, and 25°C in the Gilgit Baltistan region. Weather is generally good throughout the summer season, with clear skies and little rain or snow. However, weather in mountainous areas is difficult to predict, and short-lived storms can occur at any time.

  • Trekking in Pakistan. Isobel Shaw.
  • Karakoram Highway. King.
  • Top Treks of the World. Steve Razzetti.
  • In the Throne Room of the Mountain Gods. Galen Rowell.
  • K2 Triumph and Tragedy. Jim Curran.


A passport with 6 months remaining validity at the end of your stay is generally required. The information that we provide is for UK passport holders. Please check the relevant embassy or consulate for other nationalities. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the correct travel documents and visas for your holiday. Visa requirements and charges are subject to change without notice.


All nationalities require a visa to enter Pakistan. The visa fee is approximately GBP 60 and you must apply for it before departure. To obtain a Visa for Pakistan, you will require a letter of introduction from an approved agency, which Trango Adventure will provide . Visa applications can be made in person OR online at


As a general rule, you should always try to keep the weight of your equipment to a minimum.

We will send you a detailed items list closer to your Holiday departure.

Email [email protected] if you need more information regarding the “Classic Pakistan Tour”.

Classic Pakistan Tour

Since many years we were planning to Visit the Gilgit Baltistan region of Pakistan. We were inspired by the sun-kissed mountains, mountain valleys and the glacier water rivers. We got in touch with trango adventure regarding our plans to visit Gilgit Baltistan. The travel advisor recommended their Classic Pakistan tour package. Tour started from Islamabad to Chitral then to Kalash valley. Our tour itinerary covered, Kalash, Gilgit, Hunza, Skardu, Deosai and back to Islamabad. We were given an English speaking culture guide and a private vehicle with a driver. Our guide and driver booth were from Gilgit Baltistan region, so they knew the area very well and had good knowledge of their culture and traditions. All the hotels were international tourist standard, not lower then 4* stat I must say. Very clean and safe hotel room and environments. All our meals were included in the package and as you can imagine how delicious Pakistani cuisine are. We had a wonderful time in Pakistan, thank you trango Adventure team for arranging a great holiday for us in Pakistan. We wish you guys all the best and hope to see you guys soon.

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Top Tours in Pakistan, Asia

Pakistan tours.

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  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

pakistan tour cost

1. Lahore Full Day Sightseeing Tour

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2. Karachi Sightseeing Private tour

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3. UNESCO World Heritage Tour Near Karachi

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4. Full-Day Sightseeing Tour Of Islamabad

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5. From Lahore: Katas Raj Temple, Khewra Salt Mines & Kalar Kahar Day Trip

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6. From Islamabad: Full Day Rohtas Fort (UNESCO Heritage Sight ) Guided Trip

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7. Private Lahore Full Day Sightseeing Tour

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8. Top Ten Wonders of Islamabad Guided City Tour

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9. Full Day Private Guided Lahore Sightseeing Tour

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10. Lahore Full Day Sightseeing Guided Tour

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11. Explore Shangri-La of James Hilton, Hunza & Skardu (Private Tour)

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12. From Islamabad: Full Day Historical Peshawar Guided City Tour

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13. Bali Best Watersport Sea walker,Parasailing adventure,Jet sky

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14. Hunza Valley Sightseeing Tour

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15. Karachi City Tour

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16. Rangeela Rikshaw Walled City Guided Tour Lahore

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17. 1 Day Rohtas Fort & Khewra Salt Mines Tour

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18. 9 Days Tour to Skardu, Deosai, Rama meadows From May to October

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19. From Islamabad: Full Day Guided Taxila Ruins Exploration Tour

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20. 2 Days Private Guided Tour in Lahore

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21. Private Lahore Full Day Sightseeing Tour with Local Guide

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22. 11 Days Trek Nanga Parbat Base Camp & Hunza Gojal Valley

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23. Hunza Valley - 9 Days

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24. 2 in 1: Full Day Guided Trip to Islamabad & Murree

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25. Hunza Valley Pakistan Family Tour

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26. Kartarpur-Guru-Nanak sab One Day Tour

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27. Hunza Skardu Valley Pakistan Family Tour

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28. K2 Base Camp Trek

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29. Southern Pakistan Tour:UNESCO World Heritage Trail

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30. Karakorum Highway (Old Silk Route) Trip -12 Days

What travellers are saying.


  • Travel Planning Guide

How much does a trip to Pakistan Cost?


How much money should you budget for your trip to Pakistan?

  • How much does a one-week trip to Pakistan cost?
  • How much does a two-week trip to Pakistan cost?
  • How much does a one-month trip to Pakistan cost?
  • Hostel Prices
  • Hotel Prices

The Cost of a Trip to Pakistan

For a trip to Pakistan, you should plan for daily costs anywhere between $21 to $132. If there's two of you traveling, your daily expenses could range from $42 to $264. These price ranges are based on the average daily spending of $53 (P₨14,577) per person which comes from the travel expenses of other visitors. These costs include food, accommodation, sightseeing activities, and getting around locally. Keep in mind, though, these figures can vary somewhat based on your individual travel style, level of luxury, and chosen activities. Destinations across the country, such as Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad, might might vary somewhat from the overall average price, but they usually stick close to this range. Read on for a breakdown of travel typical expenses as well as a comparison of tour prices versus Independent travel.

If you're traveling independently in Pakistan, budget travelers should plan to spend around $21 (P₨5,777) a day for their trip. This includes stays at budget hotels or hostels, affordable food options, local transportation, and low-cost activities. For those on a mid-range budget, plan for around $53 (P₨14,577) a day which would cover the cost of a typical hotel, normal restaurants, and a variety of major attractions. Higher-end luxury travelers should allow for $132 (P₨36,594) per day, which allows for luxury hotel stays, nice restaurants, and private tour options. These price ranges are based on our extensive travel cost data for Pakistan from other travelers along with hotel and tour data from travel companies.

How much does a one week trip to Pakistan cost?

On average, visitors to Pakistan spend between $146 and $924 for their week-long adventure, with the average being $368. This covers sightseeing, local transportation, food, and accommodations. With a duration of one week, you'll have the opportunity to explore one, two, or even three locations within Pakistan, depending on the level of depth you desire for your visit. Some of the most popular places to consider exploring are Karachi , Lahore , and Islamabad . It's important to note that these figures are averages and can vary based on personal preferences and choices. Ultimately, the goal is to create a memorable and enjoyable experience tailored to your specific interests.

pakistan tour cost

How much does a two week trip to Pakistan cost?

With two weeks, you should budget between $292 and $1,847 for your trip to Pakistan. The average price for a two week trip is $736. Two weeks will allow you enough time to visit between three and five places. If you're on a budget, you might want to consider some of the more affordable places such as Karachi.

How much does a one month trip to Pakistan cost?

With a month-long trip to Pakistan, expenses can be anywhere from $625 to $3,959 with the average being $1,577. The cost of travel is dependent on your overall style of travel. If you have a full month, you'll likely want to stay at a vacation rental with a kitchen during at least part of your trip so that you can prepare your own meals. Backpackers often prefer hostels for the same reason. Hostels also offer a more social atmosphere at a very affordable price range.

Hostel Prices in Pakistan

With more than 4 hostels in Pakistan, the average price is $7 per night for a dorm bed. Hostels are a terrific option for younger independent travelers looking to save money while staying social during their trip. With many types of hostels, it can be overwhelming to sort out the best places, though. Our analysis of the hostels in Pakistan not only found the average price, but also uncovered some surprises about the overall quality, amenities, and atmosphere of hostels in the region. You can see more details from our analysis about typical hostel prices in Pakistan here .

Here are a few sample prices from popular hostels in Pakistan.

  • $9 for a dorm bed at Coyote Den Travelers Hostel Islamabad in Islamabad more details

Hotel Prices in Pakistan

You'll find a wide range of hotel options across Pakistan. Below are prices for some of the destinations, and for more details see our analysis of hotel costs in Pakistan .

Luxus Grand Hotel

Islamabad marriott hotel, should you do an organized tour or travel independently in pakistan.

Organized tours and independent travel are essentially the two main ways to plan a trip to Pakistan. Organized tours offer a convenient and hassle-free experience, with travel experts handling all the logistical details and the added benefit of an expert guide imparting valuable insights. This option is favored by those who appreciate the convenience and ease provided by tours that often include transportation and expert guides.

On the other hand, independent travel provides a different set of advantages, allowing for greater freedom and flexibility in customizing itineraries and exploring at one's own pace. This option appeals to individuals who value spontaneity and control, enabling them to immerse themselves in local culture on a deeper level.

Ultimately, the choice between organized tours and independent travel depends on personal preferences and travel style, considering factors such as convenience, guidance, and flexibility.

Comparing Trip Costs in Pakistan

When we compare the prices of organized tours to the average costs of independent travelers, we can see that sometimes the prices are fairly even.

Tours vs. independent Travel: Pros & Cons

Organized tours.

  • An expert guide familiar with the culture
  • Convenient transportation
  • Fellow travelers to socialize with
  • Well researched activities
  • Efficient and thought out itinerary
  • The security of have a trip leader if something goes wrong
  • Limited options
  • Usually not customizable
  • The fast pace often means you can’t visit one place in depth
  • Usually more expensive than independent travel
  • There may be limited time to interact with the local culture and community

Independent Travel

  • Completely customizable
  • Opportunity to visit off-the-beaten-path destinations
  • Can fully immerse yourself in the local culture
  • Freedom to move at your own pace
  • Flexibility to change your itinerary at any time
  • More affordable
  • Challenging to plan an efficient itinerary
  • Transportation may be challenging or inefficient
  • Booking and trip planning can be a hassle
  • Popular sights may sell out well in advance
  • If something goes wrong, you're on your own

Are organized tours more expensive than independent travel in Pakistan?

Organized tours average $199 per day in Pakistan, and are generally all-inclusive with one large payment. Independent trips usually average $53 (P₨14,577) per day, and include individual payments to hotels, local transportation, food, and sightseeing. When compared, organized tours and independent trips each come with their own set of challenges and benefits. It's important to understand all aspects of both types of trips to make a fair comparison. You can see our thorough analysis of tour prices in Pakistan here .

Here are a few sample tours in Pakistan:

  • Pakistan In Depth Exploratory Tour ($3,800) 23 days, 16 destinations more details
  • Pakistan Photography Tour ($2,350) 10 days, 7 destinations more details
  • Nanga Parbat & Rakaposhi Base Camps, Pakistan Trekking Expedition - 12 Days ($2,700) 12 days, 6 destinations more details
  • Pure Pakistan incl Shandur Festival ($7,797) 19 days, 11 destinations more details
  • Himalayan Ibex Trophy Hunting Hunza- Northern Pakistan ($18,500) 9 days, 3 destinations more details

More for Pakistan

If you're planning a trip to Pakistan, check out these other informative travel guides.

We've been gathering travel costs from tens of thousands of actual travelers since 2010, and we use the data to calculate average daily travel costs for destinations around the world. We also systematically analyze the prices of hotels, hostels, and tours from travel providers such as Kayak, HostelWorld, TourRadar, Viator, and others. This combination of expenses from actual travelers, combined with pricing data from major travel companies, gives us a uniqe insight into the overall cost of travel for thousands of cities in countries around the world. You can see more here: How it Works .

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1 Categories averaged on a per-item basis. 2 Categories averaged on a per-day basis. For example, the Food 2 daily average is for all meals for an entire day, while Entertainment 1 is for each individual purchase. Thus, the overall daily average cost is not a summation of the individual categories.

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Best online hotel booking website in Pakistan offering wide range of hotels in Pakistan. Moreover, you can book hotels online in any city of the world. We offer the widest range of online hotel bookings on the largest hotel booking website in Pakistan.

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Tour Packages In Pakistan

Are you planning to arrange the best tour in Pakistan for this summer season or the coming seasons? Well, this is a great idea. If in this hurly-burly life someone can find the time for tourism or recreational activities then nothing is better than this opportunity. Well, if you have decided and in search of some authentic resources that can help you leading your tour successfully then you are invited by to get the best Pakistan tour packages 2024. 

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Find The Best Tourist Attractions In Pakistan

First of all, you are offered an idea that what are the best tourist attractions in Pakistan. Pakistan is replete with so many beautiful places that it would be difficult to list all the tourist attractions on a single page. However, we have searched and discussed top destinations located in Pakistan and are mean to attract the attention of visitors not only from Pakistan but throughout the world: 

1. Tourist Attractions In Punjab

Those who want to explore Punjab and want to emerge in the Punjabi culture, Lahore walled city is first of all the main recommendation for them. However, there are several other historical places such as Badshahi Masjid, Lahore fort, Shalamar Bagh, and some options are also available. Find out the best lahore tour packages today to make your dream to explore Lahore possible. Get  Lahore packages.

2. Tourist Attractions in KPK

The province KPK is considered as the peace of heaven on earth and this is all because of the scenic views of the province. Throughout the province, we find valleys ( Swat Valley and Kalash valley ), plains (Deosai Plans), lakes (Saiful Malook and Attabad), mountains ranges (KPK peaks and Tirich Mir), rivers (Kunhar), and many more. We have arranged and offered many tours such as naran kaghan tour packages, murree tour packages, and some others by following which you can easily explore the best tourists’ spots in KPK.  

3. Tourist Attractions In Kashmir 

The scenic and breathtaking views are available in Kashmir, the example of them you can never find anywhere else in the world. Neelum valley is the main tourist spot. However, there are several other awesome sights are available to explore.  Best tour packages for Nelum valley.

4. Tourist Attractions In Sindh

While counting the awesome tourist attractions in Pakistan, Sindh does also not neglectable. The province offers spots such as Mohen Jo Daro, Shah Jahan Mosque, Sukkur Barrage, Gorakh Hill Station, and many others. Best hill station tour packages.

5. Tourist Attractions In Baluchistan

Wadi e Bolan, Hannah Lake, and many other tourist attractions are available in Baluchistan province. You can find the cheap and safest tours to explore Baluchistan province whenever you want.  

Tourism Trends In Pakistan

Pakistani people do not want to lose any charm of their life. There are several occasions are celebrated in Pakistan and during most of the celebrations, Pakistani people spend vacations through several tourism packages in Pakistan. For the summer season, you can select specific places. However, the specific spots that can be visited only in the winter season are also available. Moreover, for newly married couples, a lot of honeymoon attractions are also available that you can find from the given honeymoon tour packages in Pakistan.

Affordable Flights from Pakistan to Explore Amazing Places in Pakistan. offers cheap flights options for your journey. Whether you want to visit Punjab, KPK, Kashmir, Sindh, or Baluchistan, our 2024 tour packages include economical flight tickets to make travel easy and low cost. Don't miss out on this opportunity to discover the best of Pakistan, book your cheap flight tickets now and start your memorable adventure.

Worldwide Tour Packages

Every year a large number of traveling fonder set a tour goal and complete it. The tourism activities of tourists depend upon their area of interest. Some people want to go to the top of the mountains, some people are beach lovers and spend their summer on the sandy beaches, some people want to go on an ocean journey, some people want to explore the busy bazaars, some have the wish to go to the desert, and some people want to move towards the plains, etc. Here you can find a variety of World tour packages to make your 2024 journey awesome and memorable.  

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Find The Best Tourist Attractions In The World

Here we would like to give you suggestions that what are the best places for you to explore the world. Well, those who want to explore ancient Islamic history and also have the wish to spend their vacations among the kind people they must go through the Turkey tour packages. 

However, those who want to explore the unique culture and infrastructure along with the loving people and breathtaking views of beaches and mountainous houses then Europe is the best choice for them. You can check out all the available Europe tour packages from Pakistan   here. 

Those who are looking for the cheapest 2024 world tour packages or are in search of the countries that are offered Pakistanis an easy or free visa are advised to search for some Asian countries. Among the Asian countries, the country that offers wonderful sights to explore at a reasonable cost is the Maldives. The Maldives is also the best recommendation for honeymoon tour packages. You are suggested to find the best Maldives honeymoon packages   here.

When it comes to talking about the easy and cheap tour Packages near Pakistan, then we can never forget about Dubai. For Dubai lovers, the best recommendations are desert safari Dubai , Dubai beaches, and wonderful shopping plazas. You can find a variety of Dubai city tour packages to make this year memorable for you. Get best tour packages to desert safari from Pakistan.

Among the Asian tourist attractions, Bali is another most recommended place. It is located in Indonesia and offers the charms of beaches, mountains, and forests, etc. You can plan Bali tour packages for several purposes and activities. Most noticeable packages the honeymoon packages. Contact us today and book the best Bali honeymoon tour packages.  

Book Your Tours Today

Here at we help tourists to find the   best tour packages .  Here you can find the potential tour packages in Pakistan as well as the world tour packages. You can find already planned tours. However, you can also arrange the tour packages according to your availability. For all other consultancy contact us today and plan your tour under the supervision of the professional consultants. 

Explore the World with Cheap International Flights from Pakistan.  provides affordable international flight options for your global trip. Whether you plan to visit Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, or any other international destination in 2024,  Our international tour packages offer flight tickets with the best prices to ensure your travel is convenient and budget-friendly. Take advantage of the chance to discover the world's best destinations. Book your  affordable international flight tickets  today and embark on a memorable adventure.

What is the cost of a world tour package?

The cost of the world tour package depends upon the destination. If you are going to travel to the countries that offer free entry, they are comparatively cheaper than the rest of the destinations.

What type of clothes should I pack for a world tour?

Your dress code also depends on the destination. If you are on summer vacations to spend on the beaches, then you can carry normal summer clothes such as shorts and t-shirts with you. However, for low-temperature destinations, it is recommended to carry warm clothes with you.

What is the best time for a world tour?

The best time for you to travel on normal days. Because during special days such as New Year and some other special events, you will get expensive flights and expensive tour packages.

How much does it cost for a Pakistan tour?

The cost depends upon the nature of the tour. You are offered a general idea that if you are going to explore the main northern areas of Pakistan, then for a single person, the travel cost is around PKR 20,000/-.

What is the best time to visit the northern areas of Pakistan?

In the summer season, you can visit between May and July. However, for the winter season, the best time to visit is between September and November.

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Pakistan travel guide: everything to know before you go

Updated in 2024: After years of both independently traveling in Pakistan and later running tours there, it’s safe to say I know a lot about travel in Pakistan. Here’s my complete Pakistan travel guide with information on visas, transportation, costs, and everything else you need to know about travel in Pakistan.

Curious about traveling to Pakistan but nervous about going alone? Check out my tours: I run both women’s tours and biker tours in Pakistan.

Jaw-dropping nature, diverse cultures, and delicious food—these are but a few of the things you’ll experience when you visit Pakistan. Most importantly, it’s home to the most hospitable people I’ve met in my travels. It’s no wonder more and more people want to travel to Pakistan!

However, Pakistan ain’t as easy to travel in as some will have you believe . But no worries, I got you. This guide was created after more than six visits and almost a year of travel in Pakistan. I have visited Pakistan more than any other travel blogger and traveled to Pakistan both with friends and by myself. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about travel in Pakistan.

Pakistan travel guide: index

  • Pakistan basics
  • Languages of Pakistan
  • Regions of Pakistan
  • Culture in Pakistan
  • Gender in Pakistan
  • Drinking and drugs
  • Religion and Pakistan
  • Pakistani food
  • Money in Pakistan
  • Visas for Pakistan
  • Entering and exiting Pakistan
  • Accommodation in Pakistan
  • Transportation in Pakistan
  • Safety in Pakistan
  • SIM cards and WiFi
  • Responsible tourism in Pakistan
  • Resources for Pakistan travel

Planning travel to Pakistan? This practical Pakistan travel guide has all the travel tips you need for the perfect trip to Pakistan. The guide includes cultural tips, visa information, budget and costs of traveling in Pakistan, transportation advice, SIM card information, and more. Click through for the ultimate guide to travel and backpacking in Pakistan.

Pakistan travel guide: the basics

Pakistan is officially called “The Islamic Republic of Pakistan.” A populous country in South Asia—no, it’s not in the Middle East—with more than 200 million people, it’s the 6th most populous country in the world. TL;DR: Lots and lots of people. Everywhere.

Pakistan was founded on the 14th of August 1947 after an event known as Partition : when British India created the modern states of India and Pakistan. The event was bloody, its ramifications still visible today. The country became an Islamic Republic in 1956. During partition, Pakistan was divided into West and East Pakistan. In 1971 East Pakistan became Bangladesh after another bloody war for independence .

Although Pakistan is a young country, its history is ancient. Ruins of one of the oldest civilizations in the world, the Indus Valley Civilization , lie in southern Pakistan. Multiple conquerors and civilizations took hold in parts of modern-day Pakistan, including Alexander the Great, the Delhi Sultanate, the Mughal Empire, and the British Raj.

Ruins of Moenjo Daro

The ruins of Moenjo Daro in Sindh province are from the Indus Valley civilization, the oldest known civilization

Pakistan’s recent history is marred with conflict, both internal and external, most notably with India. It’s struggled with military coups, terrorist attacks, war, and secessionist tensions. Its army has strengthened throughout the years as a result; it’s now a nuclear power and has the sixth-largest standing armed forces in the world.

I could go into it more, but you can only cover so much in one Pakistan travel guide! If you want to get more in-depth with Pakistan’s history, I highly recommend getting a copy of Pakistan Traveller – it’s the best Pakistan travel guide book on the market.

Pakistan travel guide: Language in Pakistan

Myriad languages are spoken in Pakistan. Most people speak two or three languages. At least!

Urdu is Pakistan’s national language, as well as the language of officialdom together with English. Most middle and upper-class Pakistanis will speak (some) English. It’s rare to find a place where absolutely no one speaks English. However, it’s always good to pick up a phrase or two in Urdu before you visit Pakistan. I highly recommend Pimsleur for learning language basics .

Besides the two official languages, there are many local languages: Pashto, Sindhi, Balochi, Punjabi, Potohari, Shina, Wakhi, Burushaski… the list goes on! Every province has its own regional language, such as the aforementioned Punjabi and Sindhi. In major cities people mostly speak Urdu, but in towns and villages local languages reign supreme.

Urdu basics

  • Salaamu aleikum: Hello
  • Walaykum asalaam:  Hello (in response)
  • Shukriya:  Thank you
  • Kya haal hai?:  How are you?
  • Mai thik hoon:  I am fine.
  • Aap ka naam kya hai?:  What is your name?
  • Mera naam Alex hai: My name is Alex.
  • … kaha hai?: Where is… ?
  • Kitnay paisa?:  How much?
  • Ji / haan:  Yes/yeah
  • Jao:  Go away
  • Nehi chahiye:  I don’t need it
  • Angrezi ata/ati?: Do you know English?
Interested in learning more conversational Urdu? I’ve been taking virtual lessons with a teacher, Naveed Rehman, for several years now (on and off). He’s very patient, excellent at explaining grammar, and focuses on practical conversational Urdu rather than rote memorization. I highly recommend his online Urdu classes —they’re quite affordable by Western standards, so they’re well worth a try!

Pakistan travel guide: Regions of Pakistan

The country of Pakistan is divided into four provinces and three territories, each with its own distinct culture and flavor:

Sunset at Gorakh Hill, Sindh, Pakistan

Sunset at Gorakh Hill in Sindh

Sindh (province)

Major cities/destinations: Karachi, Hyderabad, Sehwan Sharif

The southernmost province of Pakistan is home to its biggest city, Karachi. But venture out into the rural areas, known as “interior Sindh”, and you’ll find a mystic realm of moody deserts, Sufi shrines, and abandoned forts.  Don’t miss my guide to traveling in Sindh.

Shalimar bagh in Lahore, Pakistan

Shalimar Bagh (Shalimar Gardens) in Lahore, Punjab

Punjab (province)

Major cities/destinations: Lahore, Rawalpindi, Multan

Pakistan’s wealthiest province sits in the middle of the country. Though vast fields of wheat and other crops make stereotypical Punjabi landscapes, there are also plenty of massive Mughal relics and nature tinged with green to keep travelers busy. It’s also home to my absolute favorite city in Pakistan, Lahore .

Trees and mountains in autumn in Swat Valley, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Swat Valley, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (province)

Major cities/destinations: Peshawar, Chitral, Kalash Valleys

Far to the west of the country, and now including what was once known as the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), this province borders Afghanistan. Home primarily to the Pakhtun (Pashtun) people , many parts of this province are evocative of traveling Afghanistan . Some parts are off-limits—especially the south and regions along the Afghan border—but natural areas such as Swat Valley and the Kalash Valleys are popular… for good reason!

Deserts in Balochistan, Pakistan

Lonely road in Balochistan province

Balochistan (province)

Major cities/destinations: Quetta, Gwadar, Hingol National Park, Makran Coastal Highway

Bordering Iran and Afghanistan, the country’s largest province is also one of the least traveled. Home to deserts, dusty mountains, and azure coastlines, this province is unfortunately off-limits to foreign travelers aside from those doing the Iran-Pakistan overland border crossing .

Islamabad, Pakistan from above at night

Islamabad, Pakistan from above

Islamabad capital territory

The country’s capital is also its own territory. Many tourists start their Pakistan travels in Islamabad, but I’ll be honest with you: I’m not the biggest fan. Though there are many things to do in Islamabad , the capital is far from representative of the rest of the country, and is on the verge of boring much of the time. Still, it’s a comfortable and relatively developed place to rest, relax, and pick up some necessities while traveling in Pakistan.

Autumn in Khyber, Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan

Autumn in Khyber village, Gilgit Baltistan

Gilgit Baltistan (territory)

Major cities/destinations: Gilgit, Central Hunza (Karimabad), Passu

When people come to Pakistan looking for mountains, this is where they end up. Also known as “Northern Pakistan”, the vast territory of Gilgit Baltistan is home to three major mountain ranges—Himalayas, Karakoram, and the Hindu Kush—as well as several of the world’s tallest mountains (K2, Nanga Parbat, and Rakaposhi). It’s by far the calmest and easiest to travel of all the country’s provinces, especially for female travelers . If you’re in search of nature, you’re probably heading north to Gilgit Baltistan.

Ramkot fort in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan

Ramkot Fort in Azad Kashmir

Azad Kashmir (territory)

Major cities/destinations: Muzaffarabad, Neelum Valley

This narrow territory to the east of Pakistan on the border with India has been disputed ever since Partition, the dividing of India and Pakistan in 1947. Tensions occasionally flare up between the Pakistani military and the Indian military, and so the territory was off-limits to foreign travelers for a long time. As of 2019, the territory has opened up slightly, though foreigners are still not allowed to go within 10 km of the border, known as the Line of Control (LOC). However, you can at least visit Muzaffarabad, Mirpur, and their surrounding areas… though security forces might hassle you a bit.

People sitting at Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, Pakistan at night

People enjoying the night air at Faisal Mosque in Islamabad, Pakistan.

Pakistan travel guide: Culture in Pakistan

Pakistan’s culture is varied and vibrant, albeit very conservative. Religion dictates and influences culture at almost every level. Keep that in mind and tread carefully when traveling to Pakistan. Keep this Pakistan travel guide handy to help you avoid any cultural faux pas situations.

Due to its diversity, it’s difficult to make generalizations about Pakistani culture… but try, I shall! This is a Pakistan travel guide, after all. Here are some cultural nuances travelers should be aware of:


Pakistan’s hospitality is renowned. In Pakistan, guests are a gift from God, and many people are honored to treat them as such. During my travels through Pakistan, people have…

  • Invited me to stay in their homes despite not knowing me at all.
  • Slept on the floor so I could sleep in their bed.
  • Fed me a million and one times, even when they were fasting during Ramadan.
  • Taken the time to show me around their cities, villages, regions.
  • Gifted me everything from clothing to food to souvenirs.
  • … and then some.

The hospitality is incredible and continues to amaze me even after repeat visits to the country.

However, in recent times—and due to some careless influencers —I feel some travelers are interpreting this hospitality the wrong way.

Pakistan is NOT a place to go because ~*everything is freeeee!!!*~. By all means, enjoy their hospitality—I sure do—but don’t take advantage of it. Give back where you can.

You can give people small tips (maybe 20 to 50 rupees) if they do something to help you out, or if they’re visibly poor but still feed you or give you things. More if they help you a lot over a period of time. Help out around the house, or buy gifts of fruits, sweets, or nuts (called “dried fruits” in Pakistan). Meat is also a good gift for poorer people in villages. Bring small gifts from your own country or home for people who host you (think postcards, sweets, trinkets, etc.).

Sometimes people will not accept, but it doesn’t hurt to offer. If it’s a matter of pride over money, you can always give a little financial gift to the kids, or leave money somewhere in their house where they’ll find it.

TL;DR: don’t be a mooch. Pakistani hospitality is something to appreciate and learn from, not take advantage of. Enjoy, then pay it forward!

The Pakistani mindset

Let me preface this by saying Pakistanis are the most hospitable people I’ve met in my travels (shout out to Iranians and Bangladeshis as runners ups).

Pakistanis make you feel wholly welcome and are the country’s greatest asset. Some of the best friends from my travels are Pakistani. I’m not sure there’s a country where it’s easier to meet and interact with locals than Pakistan.

The flip side: Pakistanis can be difficult people to deal with.

Because the country is conservative and religiously homogenous ( about 97% of the population is Muslim ), I’ve found people can be very intolerant. There is a way to do and think about things in Pakistan, and those who do or believe otherwise are often met with opposition. Though many people harbor “alternative” opinions, they are often hesitant to speak them unless in close company. People are not used to differing opinions.

Pakistanis also do not handle criticism well. I knew this, but had a nice reminder (translation: aggressive awakening) of this inability when I posted a critical video about Pakistan’s tourism scene this year. I had to field hate for weeks on end despite constructive intentions.

Don’t let me put you off Pakistan and its people; my point is that you should be very cautious when speaking about sensitive subjects and be careful to respect Pakistan’s culture. By all means discuss, but choose your battles wisely.

The rest of this guide is meant to help you get a grasp on what is and is not okay in Pakistan, and how to act once there. Read through, and you won’t need to worry about clashing with locals. As I said, Pakistan is a brilliant country for adventurous travelers… so long as you respect local culture.

Female traveler overlooking streets of Karachi

Overlooking the streets of Karachi in standard wear – kurta, jeans, and a dupatta (scarf)

People who want to travel to Pakistan often ask me about the types of clothes they have to wear. Although dress codes are less strict than they used to be, it’s best to come prepared when you visit Pakistan.

There’s no official rule about what to wear ( unlike Iran ), so long as you’re somewhat modest.

If you want to wear “western” clothes such as t-shirts and jeans, go ahead; many people wear western clothes in cities, especially in wealthy areas such as malls and Defence neighborhoods. Gilgit Baltistan sees plenty of trekkers wandering about in western outdoor attire.

Women: Pakistan is a very conservative country; unless you’re in a liberal/wealthy part of a major city, I recommend dressing modestly. That means long pants and a loose shirt or dress that ideally covers your bum. Although headscarves aren’t mandatory, it pays to have one on you for entering mosques.

The local pant/shirt combination, salwar kameez , is immensely comfortable and colorful. You can pick them up in bazaars and malls throughout Pakistan—locals will appreciate it!

Men: Shorts are okay, but you won’t see many locals wearing them, and they’re not allowed in mosques. In general, it pays to dress modestly—no tank tops or shorts. Again, salwar kameez is recommended.

Ladies shopping for clothes in a bazaar in Peshawar, Pakistan

Buy some local clothes at one of the many bazaars, like this one in Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province

Women in Pakistan

Unfortunately, Pakistan is lagging when it comes to women’s rights. There are many places where you won’t see women on the street. Especially in rural areas, women are treated as second class citizens, domestic workers, and baby-making machines.

Foreign women are mostly be treated with respect. As an outside traveler, you straddle the line between men and women; you’re unusual enough to sit with men, but feminine enough to access women’s spaces, too.

Alas, harassment is still common, though it’s mostly restricted to unwanted touching and commentary. If a man does something to you, slap them or make a scene. Pakistanis are very protective of women and someone will likely come to your aid.

For more info, check out my guide to female travel in Pakistan .

Tipping in Pakistan

Tipping is not mandatory. Instances where you might tip someone include:

  • Hiring a driver who did a good job – Several hundred PKR
  • Take a private tour with a good tour guide – Several hundred PKR per day
  • Dining at a fancier restaurant – Round the bill up to a more even number
  • If someone goes well out of their way to help you or give you access to something – 50 to 100 PKR

If you do tip, don’t tip too much, else you’ll raise expectations for future travelers. Don’t feel pressured to tip someone if they ask you for a tip—they’re being cheeky because you’re foreign.

Pakistan travel guide: Gender divides, relationships, and sexuality in Pakistan

Pakistan’s gender divide is massive. Fly in, and you’ll see what I mean 30 seconds after stepping outside the airport.

Because of both Islam and regional culture, men and women are separated in society. Streets are a world of men, women rule in the home. Society tries to separate boys and girls until marriage… after which couples are expected to produce babies ASAP. Go figure.

That’s not to say there’s no intermingling, but it might not be what you’re used to at home. Public displays of affection—kissing, holding hands, touching in public—are taboo. Unmarried couples are subtle when they meet; you might notice them hiding in parks or behind tinted car windows. Openness about boyfriends or girlfriends is unusual. Elite Pakistanis are sometimes an exception… until their parents are involved.

Couple traveling in Deosai, Pakistan

My “husband” and I back in the days when I traveled as a couple/before my solo travel began

Couples travel in Pakistan

Unmarried foreign couples should just pretend to be married. Otherwise, hotels might cause problems, and people might be uncomfortable hosting you.

Tip: Make sure you have some kind of story worked out—people are probably going to ask you about your wedding!

If you’re married, no problem! You just have to deal with constant questions about children. If you already have children, you’re on a perfect life path in most Pakistani’s eyes. Well done, you.

Women to men  

Women should be on guard when interacting with men. That’s not to say all men are evil, nor should you fear speaking with men. Just know many men interpret friendliness as flirtation.

In my experience, even men I thought friends ended up hitting on me hours, days, or weeks later. To establish boundaries with men, you can call young men bhai or brother, and older men chacha or uncle.

To keep men at bay, you can say you’re married. Weirdly enough, people are more likely to believe you’re married but traveling alone than accept that you’re unmarried.

Do not say that you have a boyfriend. If you do, men will interpret that as you being sexually loose and thus willing to sleep with them. Respectable ladies do not admit they have boyfriends to men. Or so Pakistanis think.

Men to women

Boys, be cautious when interacting with women… if you can find them.

Many male travelers struggle to meet women in Pakistan. Unless hanging out with liberal/wealthy folks in cities, most women will keep their distance from you. Or stay out of sight completely.

If you do encounter women be respectful and distant with unmarried girls. Be careful if flirting. Pakistanis upset quickly; many male family members will not react well to foreign men flirting with their sister/daughter/cousin.

On the bright side, it’s more socially acceptable for men to have a girlfriend(s) than vice versa. Saying you have a girlfriend implies you’re a bit of a player, but the average man will probably respect you for it, not shame you. Mmmm toxic masculinity.

LGBTQ+ in Pakistan

As you might have guessed, Pakistan isn’t a good place to be queer.

Interestingly enough, gay couples can fly under the radar long as you don’t kiss in public or admit you’re gay. Men hold hands and put arms around men. Women hold hands and touch other women. People of the same gender share hotel rooms without issue. Basically, so long as men and women aren’t touching in public, all is well. Don’t tell anyone you’re gay and you’ll be okay.

Gay communities do exist. I’ve only met one lesbian couple in Pakistan, but I know several gay men who traveled the country and said there’s a thriving underground gay scene to be found in cities (try Grindr, Tinder, or Couchsurfing). Women, you unfortunately might have to look a bit harder.

The idea of transgenders is established in Pakistan, but not in a positive way.

Hijras are men dressed as women who traditionally beg on the streets and at weddings. Some also work as prostitutes or dancers. Aside from hijras , people aren’t familiar with transgenders or genderqueers. Brace yourself for a lot of questions and looks. If male passing, know identifying as male will save you a lot of hassle.

Hookups and relationships in Pakistan

Relationships/hooking up with Pakistanis is possible, mostly in the liberal cities of Lahore, Karachi, and Islamabad. Tinder is very active in Pakistan, and a good place to start fishing.

Dating is manageable… but if you want to actually sleep with someone you might encounter problems. Unless someone has their own place—meaning they don’t live with their family—you’ll have to find either an Airbnb or an expensive hotel room.

Men, please be careful if trying to hook up with women: their reputation can really be damaged if word gets out that they sleep with [foreign] men. In Pakistan, reputation is everything. You can leave Pakistan—and a bad reputation—more easily than they.

For love? Or for visa?

Beware declarations of love, marriage proposals, etc in Pakistan. Pakistani men commonly try to seduce foreign women in the hopes of marrying and getting a visa to another country. It’s not impossible to have a legitimate relationship… just more likely that ulterior motives are involved.

Beer cans in Pakistan

Ex-cans of Murree, the only local beer in Pakistan

Pakistan travel guide: Drinks and drugs in Pakistan

The Quran forbids substances… but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist in the Islamic Republic!

Be sensible with substances in Pakistan; Pakistanis tend to go overboard and authorities will not play nicely if they find drugs on you.

Alcohol in Pakistan

Believe it or not, there’s one legal brewery in Pakistan: Murree Brewery. They have a monopoly on all alcohol in the country, and produce everything from beer (passable, try the light blue wheat beer) to all kinds of liquor (beware).

Foreigners/non-Muslims can legally purchase alcohol from shops and high-end hotels. Wine shops are relatively common in multicultural Sindh province , but further north, you’ll need to look to five-star hotels and “permit shops” attached to them where drinks are sold at market cost. The shopkeepers can often arrange imported drinks for you under the table for an extra fee.

“Bootleggers” are the go-to choice for Muslims. Pakistanis who drink likely have phone numbers of several bootleggers who can deliver alcohol discreetly. Bootleggers are easy in this regard, though their drinks are usually more expensive than the shops’.

Hash (cannabis) in Pakistan

Hashish is everywhere in Pakistan.

It comes from the region around the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Most Pakistani boys have tried hash at least once, and it’s easy for men to find someone to smoke with. Girls get raised eyebrows if they partake, though elite young women in cities do smoke. Ask around and you’re sure to find “stuff” everywhere in the country.

Read: Rolling with the stoners in Hunza

The best stuff is in/from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Look for hash that’s relatively dry and a dark greenish brown. Despite boastful city kids’ claims, the sticky tar-like substance they smoke there is adulterated.

Other drugs in Pakistan

Yes, you can find other drugs in Pakistan.

Some pharmacies are… flexible. Heroin is widespread in the country as it comes from Pakistan’s next-door neighbor, Afghanistan. Party drugs circulate in elite society; if you’re attending a big party in Karachi, Lahore, or Islamabad, there’s a decent chance someone is on drugs. LSD, MDMA, cocaine, speed, meth, they’re all there.

Whether or not you partake is on you. I won’t judge drug usage *cough* but do be careful taking substances, especially from people you don’t know well. Just because someone says white powder is cocaine doesn’t mean it’s actually cocaine (remember, cocaine comes from South America, thousands and thousands of kilometers away ).

The drug scene in Pakistan is not so developed that you can expect the average drug user to know quality from fake. Besides, in a country where even simple things like milk are faked or cut with toxic ingredients , how can you expect illicit substances to be pure?

Be careful. And drink lots of water!

Pakistan travel guide: Religion in Pakistan

The vast majority of Pakistanis are Muslim, with scattered Christian and Hindu communities. Islam is the official state religion, the head of state has to be a Muslim, and people’s religion is stated on their identity cards.

Because Pakistan is an Islamic Republic, its laws are based on Sharia law. It has some of the most draconian blasphemy laws in the world. Foreigners won’t be held to the same standards as locals, but you should always be respectful of Islam, the Prophet Muhammad, and religious culture.

Atheism, though not officially illegal, can be punishable by death under the blasphemy law . Even if you’re not religious, it’s best to say you have a religion when asked (And you will be asked about this. A lot ) .

Pakistan is one of the worst countries in the world when it comes to the treatment of religious minorities. There are specific laws persecuting the Ahmadi sect of Islam, although few Pakistanis will want to talk about this.

It’s best to steer clear of religious discussions unless you’re well acquainted with the person you’re talking to.

A man praying at a Sufi shrine in Lahore

Sufism is a kind of Islam widely practiced in Pakistan, yet it can be a sensitive topic for very strict Muslims

Pakistan travel guide: Food in Pakistan

Pakistani food is delicious and diverse, but not particularly healthy. It involves lots of oil, meat, and bread—prepare to pack on the pounds. Outside of (village) homes, don’t expect any fresh salads when traveling in Pakistan aside from sliced onions, cucumbers, and maybe carrots or cabbage.

Food in Pakistan is full of flavors and spices, but rarely too spicy except for those with zero spice tolerance. However, hygiene standards are lacking. Most visitors to Pakistan will have some stomach trouble at one point or another.

Many cities have their own food culture and specialties. Lahore and Karachi compete for the title of the best foodie city in Pakistan. In major cities, more and more cafes and restaurants are attempting international flavors. Quality still varies widely; in general, it’s best to stick to local food. Don’t expect well-executed Western food unless you’re paying a premium.

Some famous Pakistani dishes include:

  • Karahi : Meat stir-fried in a large pan
  • Biryani : Spiced rice with meat
  • Pulao : Rice cooked with animal fat or oil, usually containing carrots, raisins, and meat
  • Dal : Lentils
  • Channa : Chickpeas
  • Roti : Thin round bread
  • Naan : Thicker round bread
  • Chapli kebab : The best kebab (in my humble opinion), somewhat like a burger patty… but 10x better. The best chapli kebab is found in K hyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province.

A street food stall selling chicken in Karachi

Karachi’s street food scene is on

Vegetarians and vegans in Pakistan

Traveling as a vegetarian in Pakistan can be difficult… but it is possible. Affluent Pakistanis understand (and sometimes scoff at) the concept. Except for the poorest of people, meat is a daily staple. Chicken and fish aren’t even considered “meat”—meat means mutton or beef.

If you’re a strict vegetarian, tell your host beforehand. Otherwise, it will lead to awkward situations when someone cooks up a meaty feast in your honor and you have to reject it.

Vegans will have a much harder time traveling in Pakistan. Many dishes include butter or yogurt, and explaining you can’t eat eggs will be interesting. Dal and channa are sometimes cooked in the same pot as meat, or with meat stock. Veganism hardly exists in Pakistan. Be firm, but know you’ll be restricted to dal , channa , and “mix  sabzi “(mixed vegetables). You’ll need to be very clear about no butter or  ghee  (clarified butter).

Pakistan travel guide: Money and the cost of travel in Pakistan

Pakistan uses the Pakistani Rupee (PKR). Banknotes come in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000, and 5000 Rs. There are also coins, but these are virtually useless. Some shops will give change in small candy, rather than coins!

Getting money from ATMs can be a struggle, especially in the north. Not all banks accept foreign cards. Several banks (hi Standard Chartered) charge a 500 Rs fee per withdrawal. Islamic banks do not work with foreign cards . ATMs in the mountains often run out of cash.

In my experience, Bank Alfalah , Habib Bank , and MCB Bank ( not M I B Bank) are your best bet for withdrawing cash from ATMs in Pakistan.

Snowcapped mountains of Gilgit Baltistan

Northern Pakistan is beautiful… but can be a nightmare when it comes to finding cash. Stock up before you head up!

Cost of travel in Pakistan

Pakistan is a relatively cheap country to travel, although it can be tricky to find budget accommodation outside of the popular tourist destinations or in high season (June – August). Below is a breakdown of the average cost of traveling in Pakistan on a backpacker budget.

At the time of writing, US$1 = 155 Rs.

Food & drinks

  • Water or soda : 30 – 100 Rs
  • Tea:  10 – 50 Rs
  • Breakfast and lunch:  50 – 100 Rs each
  • Dinner:  50 – 250 Rs (street food ahoy!)


  • Budget hotels:  800 – 1,500 Rs
  • Mid-range:  1,500  – 4,000 Rs

Cultural outings

  • Museums:  200 – 500 Rs
  • Historical sights:  500 – 1,000Rs
  • National Parks:  800 Rs
  • Mosques: Free

For more info, check out this backpacking in Pakistan budget report.

If you do travel to Pakistan during high season, try to book accommodation ahead of time. Popular places along the Karakoram Highway, such as Hunza, are really popular with Pakistani tourists, and places can be full. Pakistan Traveller is a fantastic Pakistan travel guide that has a multitude of hotel recommendations for everywhere and anywhere you might want to travel in Pakistan.

View of Hunza from Baltit Fort

Famous sights like Baltit Fort in Hunza will cost around 1,000 Rs for a foreigner ticket

Pakistan travel guide: Visas for Pakistan

Almost everyone needs a visa for Pakistan. It used to be a real pain in the butt to get a visa for Pakistan, but the recent e-visa introduction made things much easier. The e-visa form is still way too long and full of irrelevant questions, but at least it’s a start in the right direction.

To find out if you’re eligible for a Pakistani e-visa, go to the e-visa portal of Pakistan . It also mentions a visa on arrival scheme, but many have reported problems with it. It’s better to apply for an e-visa .

How to apply for a Pakistan e-visa

Ensure you have JPEG files of:

  • Passport information page
  • Passport photo with a white background
  • Letter of invitation by a tour company or hotel booking confirmation. I work with a local company to offer cheap letters of invitation for Pakistan evisas . Don’t miss out!

Go to the Pakistan e-visa portal and register yourself. To do this, click the “Tourist Visa” button under “Visa Categories”. It will lead you to the info page about tourist visas. If you click “Apply now”, you’ll be prompted to create a new account or log in to an existing account.

Once registered you can start your application. Allow you have plenty of time, as it can easily take an hour or more to fill out all the questions. Many of them seem unnecessary (and probably are) but alas, you have to fill in the entire form.

Once you’ve finished your application, it’s time to pay. The visa costs US$35 for most nationalities. You can pay with Visa or MasterCard. I’ve heard reports of the payment not working all the time, so check you actually paid.

After you’ve paid, click “Submit your Application”. If you don’t do this, the application will remain pending.

The e-visa portal states it takes 5-7 working days for a visa to be approved, but turnaround can be much faster. If you haven’t heard anything after 7 working days, contact them directly via the e-visa portal. It’s possible they need additional documentation from you.

Pakistan travel guide: Entering and exiting Pakistan

Pakistan shares a border with Afghanistan, China, India, and Iran. It also has multiple international airports. There are no international ferry services to or from Pakistan.

To enter Pakistan you need a valid visa, and you need to fill out an arrival form at customs. The arrival card asks the usual questions such as your name, address, name of the hotel you’ll be staying in, etc.

Exiting Pakistan is straightforward, and no forms have to be filled out.

Land borders

  • Afghanistan : This border is at the famous Khyber Pass. Technically, this border is closed to foreigners, but there have been reports of people successfully crossing this border. However, we don’t recommend using this border, as traveling overland in Afghanistan comes with considerable risk.
  • China : The land border with China at the Khunjerab Pass is the highest paved border crossing in the world. This border should be open year-round, but heavy snowfall in the area sometimes leads to closures. Check ahead if crossing this border during winter months. For more info, check out my guide on crossing the border between Pakistan and China at the Khunjerab Pass .
  • India : Many people believe that the Wagah border isn’t open to foreigners. This is not true. Provided you have a visa, this is actually a pretty easy border to cross. For more info, check out my detailed guide on crossing the famous Wagah border between India and Pakistan . The Wagah border is the only border between India and Pakistan that is open to tourists.
  • Iran : There is only one border crossing open to tourists, and it’s not the most relaxing experience. The crossing is located in the Baluchistan province of Pakistan, an area that the government deems too unsafe for independent travel. You’ll get a security escort on the Pakistan side. For detailed info about this border crossing, check out my guide to crossing the border between Iran and Pakistan .

International airports

The main airports in Pakistan are in Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi. Several major airlines fly into Pakistan, and more routes are being added regularly. These include routes to London, Dubai, Istanbul, and Kuala Lumpur.

Pakistan travel guide: Accommodation in Pakistan

Booking a place to sleep in Pakistan ahead of time can be challenging. Although websites and online booking are becomig more common in Pakistan, it’s still not as widespread as in surrounding countries. Pakistanis usually call ahead to reserve rooms.

Finding hotels to stay at in less-visited places—especially ones that accept foreign guests—can be quite the challenge. That’s where having a Pakistan travel guide in print can make a huge difference; all the information is already there. If you’re open to carrying a Pakistan travel guide book with you, I can’t recommend Pakistan Traveller by Urbanduniya enough.

Online booking in Pakistan and Airbnb are growing in Pakistan. The former is still mostly for mid-range to luxury hotels, and the latter works… sometimes. There are an unfortunate amount of creepy men on Airbnb offering rooms in their homes to female travelers only; beware and steer clear.

Facebook pages are increasingly common for mid-range accommodation options, and can be useful for contacting a property to ask questions or reserve a room.

How to find cheap guesthouses in Pakistan

Want to find a cheap place to rest your head? You’ll need to rely on the traveler grapevine. Guidebooks are not very reliable for prices— Pakistan Traveller by Tim Blight being the only exception—and not all cheap hotels and guesthouses accept foreign travelers.

Facebook groups like Backpacking Pakistan and Female Pakistan travelers are your best bet for information on cheap places to stay. Use the search function to find accommodation discussions.

It’s a bit of a hassle, but there’s a plus side: you can haggle over accommodation price upon arrival . Don’t feel bad about it, especially in touristic areas with inflated seasonal prices; Pakistanis expect it, and will take advantage of foreigners who do not haggle. If you can get 15-25% off of the quoted price—up to 50% if it’s particularly inflated—you’re doing well.

Some popular accommodation for backpackers in Pakistan you might want to be aware of include:

  • Lahore Backpackers (US$6 for dorm bed)
  • Five Giants (US$15-20 for a shared room in homestay)
  • Adam’s House (US$10 for a private room)
  • Islamabad: Backpackers’ Hostel & Guesthouse Islamabad (US$8 for dorm bed)
  • Madina Hotel and Madina Hotel 2 (around US$10-20 for a double)
  • Karimabad: Old Hunza Inn
  • Peshawar: Hidayat Hotel

Lunch with a homestay host in Altit, Pakistan

Lunch with my host at a homestay I found through Let’s Home

Homestays in Pakistan

Until recently, there weren’t many homestay options in Pakistan, but that is changing. Check out my article on homestays in Pakistan to get all the latest info.

A special shoutout goes to Seema, a motivated Hunzai woman, who recently started a booking platform called Let’s Home . She offers a variety of accommodation including homestays around Gilgit Baltistan. I used it to find a family in old Altit, and had a great experience.

Couchsurfing in Pakistan

The Couchsurfing community is highly active in Pakistan’s cities, and local CSers are eager to host foreigners. Most of the CS community is male, but there are few female members in major cities and many men are trustworthy. Always read the host’s references before agreeing to stay.

Since CS has become a paid service now, check out the Facebook group for CSers in Pakistan.

Being hosted in Pakistan

It’s remarkably easy to be hosted once on the road.

Unbelievable until you’re in Pakistan, but many people will simply offer you a place in their homes if you chat with them long enough. Their overwhelming hospitality is a privilege; make sure not to abuse their kindness. Don’t overstay your welcome, help around the house (they won’t accept at first), and bring small gifts from your country or tokens of appreciation like fruits or sweets.

Another bonus to being hosted: in Pakistan, family and friends are everywhere and it’s normal to stay with them when visiting places. Your host will probably offer to find a friend for you to stay with in your next destination. Make one friend, and their whole social network opens up!

Pakistan travel guide: Transportation in Pakistan

Pakistan has a myriad of transport options. Train, bus, and minibus are most common for long-distance travel. For shorter distances use either rickshaws (south of Islamabad), taxis (Islamabad) or Jeeps (north of Islamabad).

Pakistan has an extensive rail network. Trains are relatively comfortable, albeit a bit slow. Prices are reasonable unless you want AC class. It is advisable to book your ticket ahead of time, and with the help of a local.

Check the Pakistan Railway website for schedules and fares. The website is not the easiest to use, but it’ll do. If you have a local friend with a credit card and phone number, they can book you a ticket online. Don’t roget to read my guide on train travel in Pakistan before you do!

A girl hanging out of an open train door in Pakistan

Buses and minibuses

Pakistan’s multitude of bus options are sometimes overwhelming. But that’s where this Pakistan travel guide can help you out!

From crappy minibus, to bedazzled local buses, to well-run Daewoo and Faisal Movers services, there are a lot of ways to get from A to B.

High-end bus services

When I’m in a rush and want to make sure I reach my destination on time, I prefer Faisal Movers, Daewoo, or for Gilgit-Baltistan, NATCO. These services are professional, leave on time and are very comfortable. Definitely worth the extra rupees.

  • Schedules for Daewoo
  • Schedules for NATCO

Ticket prices depend on the type of bus. I’ve had luxurious buses with reclining seats and AC… and passable contraptions with no AC. Different buses go at different times. To get an idea of prices, a Daewoo from Lahore to Islamabad (Rawalpindi) goes for 1,000 to 1,500 Rs for the four-hour journey .

You can usually book tickets on the same day at the bus station or through your hotel. Note that Daewoo has its own stations, so make sure you go here and not to the local bus station.

Local buses and minibuses

Prices for local buses are much cheaper, but you’ll be packed in like sardines in a can.

Minibuses are usually available for shorter hops between towns. Sometimes there’s a minibus yard, sometimes they leave from a specific point on the road, and sometimes… nobody knows where they leave from! Ask locals to figure out where you can find a bus to your next destination, or wait on a roadside and try flagging down passing minibuses—they can stop anywhere.

Minibus prices should be set, but ticket hawkers are likely to try making some extra money off of you. A minibus shouldn’t be much more than 200 Rs for a five-hour journey . Ask a fellow passenger what the price is, or watch to see what other people around you are paying.

A rickshaw and a local bus transporting people in Pakistan

Local bus and a Qingqi in Sehwan Sharif

To save yourself some hassle, download the taxi app Careem , which most Pakistanis use to get taxis. Uber (now the owner of Careem) also operates in major Pakistani cities.

Both offer a variety of vehicles ranging from motorbikes to rickshaws to air-conditioned cars, and they’re by far the easiest and most hassle-free way to get around cities.

Rickshaws and Qingqis

Rickshaws (with doors) and Qingqis (pronounced “ching-chee”, totally open) have a somewhat bad reputation, but in my experience, they’re the fastest way to get around in cities. There are no set prices, though, and sometimes you have to drive a hard bargain.

As a basic rule of thumb, for foreigners, the actual price is probably around 50-75% of what the rickshaw driver initially quotes you. Offer half of what he’s saying, then bargain up from there. Alternatively, check the price of a rickshaw to your destination using the rideshare apps Uber and Careem—yes, they offer rickshaw rides, too—and use that as a bargaining point.

Don’t be afraid to walk away if the price seems too high. There are thousands of rickshaws around; another rickshaw driver is sure to appear if you’re not satisfied with the price.

Pricing is a bit tricky, but a 10-minute drive should cost about 150 Rs.

Many places in the mountains, such as Fairy Meadows and Deosai, are only accessible by jeep. There are public transport jeeps for remote valleys like Chapursan and Shimshal , but in other areas you’ll have to hire a private jeep.

Prices to popular places such as Fairy Meadows are fixed and non-negotiable, while others are more… flexible. It pays to wait around and see if you can share a jeep with other people going your way. Alternatively, you can post in the Backpacking Pakistan Facebook group to find someone to share a ride with.

A jeep to Fairy Meadows is 7,500 Rs, and a jeep to Deosai is 8-10,000 Rs for a day trip. Overnight trips are more expensive. Hotels can arrange jeeps for you, at a higher cost. Your best bet is to ask friendly locals what a decent rate should be.

Girls riding in a private jeep in Astore, Pakistan

A private jeep hired during one of my unique women-only tours of Pakistan

Pakistan travel guide: Safety in Pakistan

One of the things people want to know before going: is Pakistan safe? A fair question!

For years, Pakistan was associated with violence. Terrorist groups were in power in many rural areas and terror attacks were common in cities.  Heck, even now many governments advise against travel to (parts of) Pakistan. There’s no denying the country is still perceived as dangerous.

Although terrorist attacks still happen—and not all places in Pakistan are safe for travel—the security situation has largely improved. The Pakistani military has stabilized the security situation. Places that foreigners are likely to visit, such as the cities of Lahore and Islamabad or the mountains of Gilgit Baltistan are generally safe to travel, given you take standard precautions. The fact that you’re reading through this Pakistan travel guide means you’re already more prepared than others.

Legitimately dangerous areas are off-limits to foreign visitors, so the chance of something serious happening to you is slim. The biggest dangers of traveling in Pakistan are traffic-related, pollution, and getting sick from poor hygiene standards. Oh, and hospitality 😉

To be fair, there’s a good chance you’ll still feel uncomfortable at times with the current security situation. Pakistan is still a police state. There’s a lot of heavily armed personnel on the streets, and many security checkpoints throughout the country. Sensitive sites such as shrines and religious minority gatherings will be filled with army/police/security. Don’t let it intimidate you—these people are there for safety purposes.

To learn more about safe travel in Pakistan, check out my article on whether it’s safe to travel in Pakistan .

Female traveler with a security escort in Sehwan Sharif, Pakistan

That time I had a security escort with me during the urs of Lal Shahbaz in Sehwan Sharif

Dealing with security in Pakistan  

When people ask me about the security situation in Pakistan, I usually respond with “Pakistan doesn’t have a security problem, in Pakistan security is the problem.”

Security agencies are a sore spot for many foreign travelers in Pakistan, though don’t say so to any Pakistani.

To be fair, it’s in the agencies’ interests to keep foreign travelers out of trouble. If anything happens to a foreigner it will be all over the news and Pakistan’s international image will sink further.

Agencies are overbearing with foreigners because of this. In my years of travel in Pakistan, I’ve had intelligence agency stalkers, confrontational encounters with police, mandatory armed guards. Police and army stopped me from going places saying I needed permission or an NOC (non objection certificate) but didn’t say how to get one.

On the bright side, things have vastly improved in the last year. Gilgit Baltistan and the Chitral region almost entirely removed the need for NOCs and armed escorts in 2019 .

However, you’ll likely encounter issues if traveling to less-visited destinations, especially in southern Punjab and Sindh province . Common problematic places for travelers include:

  • Multan – Foreigners are often required to leave immediately if discovered by police. Can only stay if unnoticed residing at luxury hotels.
  • Bahawalpur – Foreigners are not allowed into army-occupied palaces, and can again only stay at expensive hotels.
  • Sukkur – Multiple travelers reported questioning and harassment by security agencies when visiting Sukkur.

Hopefully security won’t be an issue for you, but if you must deal with security, be polite but firm. Ask them to show their identification first. Save phone numbers of Pakistanis you meet in the government or army; power and connections go a long way with security agencies. If what they’re asking of you doesn’t make sense, stand your ground.

Protip: Never insult the army. Most Pakistanis love the army. Despite their rather ominous not-so-secret control of the country, they did help stabilize it and don’t ask for bribes like police do. Pakistanis will not take kindly to army insults.

Pakistan travel guide: Connectivity in Pakistan

Connectivity in Pakistan is hit-and-miss. Wifi is often bad—if present at all—and mobile signals can go down at any time for no reason. Signals are often blocked during large events that may pose a security threat. Cities have decent 4G coverage, but especially in the rural north, there are many places with no coverage at all. If you want to have the widest range of coverage, you’ll need two or three different sim cards from several mobile operators.

Mobile SIM cards for calling and data in Pakistan

Overall, Zong and Telenor are your best bet in cities and rural areas. In northern Gilgit Baltistan, Zong and Telenor work in  some  areas, but it’s a better idea to buy a SCOM SIM card instead. You can buy them at customer service centers in hubs such as Gilgit, Aliabad, and Karimabad.

Getting a SIM card can be an annoying process. Foreigners cannot buy SIM cards at any outlet—you have to go to an official “customer service center” of the mobile provider to get one. You must fill out a registration form to buy a SIM, so bring copies of your passport.

It usually takes 4-12 hours for your card to activate (24 for SCOM). Your SIM card will expire when your visa expires.

WiFi in Pakistan

WiFi in Pakistan is spotty at best. Upscale cafes will have Wifi that may or may not work, as will high-end hotels. Besides that, you’re pretty much lost.

Rather than relying on WiFi networks, I usually buy a large mobile data pack (10GB, mmm blogger life) and use my mobile phone as a WiFi hotspot. If you’re going to do that, buy a power bank so you don’t have to worry about your phone running out of battery while you do so.

Pakistan travel guide: Being a responsible tourist in Pakistan

Pakistan encourages many bad habits; it’s easy to forget to be a responsible tourist in the face of it all.

Nevertheless, we visitors have a responsibility to Pakistan and its people to leave a positive impact on the country, especially as tourism develops. Here are some suggestions for visiting Pakistan responsibly:

  • Always ask before taking someone’s picture, especially women . Many women (and their male family) are sensitive about having their photo taken.
  • Don’t take photos of children unless you have permission from their parents . Share sparingly. Pakistani photographers abuse this all the time; that doesn’t make it right.
  • Keep places clean . If you find a plastic bag or have one to spare, use it to collect trash while walking in nature. Dispose of trash somewhere where it might be disposed of properly.
  • Hire local guides and drivers. Punjabis tend to dominate the tourism scene, but they are not locals outside of Punjab.
  • Support female-run businesses . Pakistan is far from gender equality, but many women in the country are trying to change that. Some totally female-run examples are Let’s Home for accommodation, The Mad Hatters for organized tours, and A Piece Of Cake café in Lahore.

Planning travel to Pakistan? This practical Pakistan travel guide has all the travel tips you need for the perfect trip to Pakistan. The guide includes cultural tips, visa information, budget and costs of traveling in Pakistan, transportation advice, SIM card information, and more. Click through for the ultimate guide to travel and backpacking in Pakistan.

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Other useful resources for planning Pakistan travel

Want more sweet Pakistan travel deliciousness? Below are several of my favorite posts to help you plan your trip to Pakistan. They’re full of all kinds of things to know before going to Pakistan.

Pakistan tours I run

  • 3 weeks: Pakistan for women, by women
  • 2 weeks: Pakistan adventure motorcycle tour

Best Pakistan travel guide book

Pakistan Traveller by Urbanduniya is hands down the best printed Pakistan travel guide on the market. I know; I helped him with the latest edition!

Pakistan travel guides on Lost With Purpose

  • Is Pakistan safe to travel?
  • Guide to traveling in Sindh province
  • Is it safe for women to travel in Pakistan?
  • Female traveler’s guide to Pakistan
  • First timer’s guide to train travel in Pakistan
  • Experiences to add to your Pakistan bucket list
  • Traveling Pakistan during Ramadan

Region-specific Pakistan travel guides

  • Things to do in Lahore
  • Chapursan Valley travel guide
  • Phander Valley travel guide
  • Kalash Valley travel guide
  • Guide to trekking in Swat Valley

Epic Pakistan experiences

  • The longest border crossing in the world
  • Desert trippin’ at the urs of Lal Shahbaz Qalandar in Sehwan Sharif
  • Sufi nights in Lahore
  • Learning to motorbike in Pakistan
  • Rolling with the stoners in Hunza
  • Bloodbaths in the Walled City: Eid al Adha in Lahore

Need even more tips about travel in Pakistan? Ask them in the comments or get in touch .

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Alex Reynolds

33 thoughts on “ pakistan travel guide: everything to know before you go ”.

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Pak-Tours(Explore Pakistan With Pak Tours)

Pak-Tours(Explore Pakistan With Pak Tours)

Pakistan tours Natural beauty

Purchase ready-made pakistan tours or personalize your pakistan tour packages in 2023.

"Unforgettable Journeys Await with PakTours - Discover the Beauty of Pakistan!"

Explore Pakistan Tours with PakTours

Explore Pakistan Tours enchanting Northern Areas, including Gilgit-Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where majestic snow-capped peaks, serene valleys, and crystal-clear lakes await. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Hunza, Skardu, Naran, and Kaghan, and witness the breathtaking Karakoram and Himalayan mountain ranges.


kumrat valley (1)

Why choose tours in pakistan with paktours.

PakTours is a renowned travel agency specializing in Pakistan tours. With extensive expertise and experience in organizing tours across the country, they have a deep understanding of Pakistan's diverse destinations. This knowledge ensures that your Pakistan tour is well-planned and seamless, allowing you to make the most of your trip.

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  • Hunza Valley Tour Packages

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Peshawar tour packages Tour Packages

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Skardu Valley Tour Package

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Swat Valley Tour Packages

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Chitral Valley Tour Packages

Total active pro users, total available tours, social follow likes, 5 star clients ratings, family tour packages in pakistan.

Family tour packages in Pakistan, you can rely on the expertise of PakTours. They offer a diverse range of Pakistan tours designed specifically for families, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone.

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Cutting-edge Pakistan tours by a modern travel agency based in Karachi Pakistan

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Features Destinations Tours in Pakistan

Discover the best tours and travel agency services in Pakistan with PakTours. As a leading provider of Pakistan tours, we specialize in crafting exceptional travel experiences that showcase the country's beauty, culture, and history. With our extensive knowledge, local expertise, and commitment to customer satisfaction..

Astore Valley Tour

Astore Valley Tour

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Gorakh Hill Tours

Pakistan tours, experience the perfect pakistan tours this summer and create unforgettable memories.

If you’re interested in planning a tour of Pakistan, Pak Tours offers a wide range of options to explore the countrys unique appeal. From the scenic coastal wide river to the exalted peaks of the Karakoram Range, Pakistan has something for every travelers.You can start by explore the fascinating Kalash tribes nestled in the mountains. Their rich culture and customs provide a unique insight into the diversity of Pakistan. Another must-visit destination is Hunza, where you can experience the warm hospitality of the Wakhi community and witness the breathtaking beauty of the surrounding landscapes.

For nature lovers, the meadows of Deosai National Park are a must-see. This stunning high-altitude plateau is known for its unique flora and fauna. And of course, no trip to Pakistan is complete without witnessing the grandeur of K2. the second highest peak in the world. Which attracts mountaineers and trekkers from around the globe.In addition to its natural beauty, Pakistan has a rich ancient and ethnic heritage. The country is the birthplace of Sikhism and Buddhism, and you can explore various ancient sites that hold great significance. From Karachi to Khyber, you’ll find a wealth of world heritage sites showcasing the diverse heritage of Pakistan.

Adventure fanatic will find plenty to indulge in. Pakistan’s high peaks offer thrilling opportunities for climbers and trekkers alike. Whether you’re tour the cold deserts of Skardu or the hot deserts of Thar. each region has its own unique charm. Additionally, Pakistan’s virgin beaches along the coastline provide the perfect setting for relax and peace.To truly immerse yourself in the Pakistani experience, don’t forget to savor the delicious cuisine and vibrant culture. Pakistan’s population of 220 million people reflects a rich tapestry of cultures. and traditions, making it a vibrant and exciting destination.

Pak Tours offers over 120 tailor-made tour and travel packages for the year 2023, providing you with a variety of options to choose from. Whether you’re seeking adventure, natural beauty, historical sites, or cultural experiences, Pakistan has it all. Plan your tour today and discover the beauty and wonders of this remarkable country.

Paktours As the leading tourism agency in Pakistan, we specialise in provide custom Pakistan tours to cater to the specific liking of each client. With a vast country like Pakistan, we offer tailor-made itineraries to ensure a customize and memorable travel experience.Our popular selling trips include visits to Swat Kalam, Naran Kaghan, Hunza Nagar, Skardu Baltistan, Kumrat Valley, Neelum Valley, and Murree Galyat. These destinations showcase the remarkable natural beauty and landscapes that Pakistan has to offer.

To ensure smooth transportation during the tours, we utilize our own vehicle fleet. This enables us to provide comfortable and reliable transportation services throughout the journey. Furthermore, we also offer rent-a-car services from major cities such as Islamabad, Lahore, Gilgit, and Skardu, allowing clients to explore the country at their own pace.  is one stop travel website catering to your needs for travel queries in Pakistan. In the ever-changing world of inflation, we try to remain cost-effective, yet prices on Pakistan tour packages are updated regularly by our hard-working & experienced team. Further, you can also get the Pakistan tour package prices from our team on  Facebook & Whatsapp.

Best Time to Explore Pakistan Tour

Pakistan, a country with many facets, welcomes visitors throughout the year. From the snow-covered peaks of the Khunjerab Pass on the Pakistan-China border to the heat waves of Karachi, the weather varies across different regions. Our travel packages cater to various departure points, allowing you to embark on your journey from Karachi or Lahore. No matter the season, we offer different Pakistan tours to suit your preferences. Experience winter vacations, spring excursions to Northern Pakistan, summer retreats in mountain valleys, and autumn delights in diverse locations. Adventurous souls can partake in the growing popularity of trekking adventures, as Pakistan boasts the highest number of glaciers. The Hindukush, Himalayas, and the mighty Karakoram hold over 108 peaks exceeding 7000 meters in elevation. When it comes to keywords, here are some relevant ones: Pakistan, tour, packages, tours, valley, world, travel, adventure, country, people, areas, trip, time, honeymoon, days, package, Islamabad, Hunza, book, mountains, city, group, region, mountain, day, tourists, history, family, places, culture, destinations, valleys, services, Lahore, Skardu, tourist, Swat, beauty, lake, trips.

Ideal Time to Visit Hunza Nagar Valley in 2023

If you’re planning to visit the breathtaking Hunza Nagar Valley in 2023, it’s essential to choose the ideal time for your trip. This stunning valley in Pakistan offers mesmerizing natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, and a serene atmosphere that will leave you enchanted. During these seasons, Hunza Nagar Valley hosts various festivals and cultural events, providing a unique opportunity to experience the local traditions and customs. The warm hospitality of the locals adds an extra charm to your visit, as they welcome visitors with open arms.To make the most of your trip, consider booking one of our Pakistan tours that include Hunza Nagar Valley in their itineraries. Our expertly crafted tour packages ensure a seamless and memorable travel experience, allowing you to explore the valley’s highlights and hidden gems while providing comfortable accommodations and transportation services. Book the Hunza Valley tour packages  with the best travel agency in Pakistan

Best time to visit the enchanting Skardu Baltistan Valley

Skardu Valley serves as the entry gate to the world’s highest peaks, including the renowned K2 (the second-highest peak), Broad Peak, Gasherbrum 1, Gasherbrum 2, and Masherbrum. This region is also home to the awe-inspiring Concordia, where the Godwin Austin glaciers and the massive Baltoro glacier meet. The summer season, extending from May to August offers the ideal time for trekking and thrilling adventure expeditions in the Skardu region. Baltistan, encompassing valleys such as Shigar, Kharmang, Rondu, Bashu, and Kachura, is a land of captivating lakes, including Sadpara, and is infused with a blend of Tibetan culture and the traditions of the Kashmiri dialect. While summer unveils the true beauty of these areas, the months of March and April bring a delightful blossom season. Easy accessibility allows visitors to witness the mesmerizing blossoms in Shigar, Khaplu, Rondu, Kachura, and Souq Valley. Moreover, some of the Skardu itineraries fall under the category of affordable tour packages from Pakistan. Now is the perfect time to book your custom Skardu Valley tour package, as we offer amazing discounts and hassle-free services with flexible payment terms. As reliable tour operators in Pakistan, we ensure a seamless and unforgettable travel experience for our clients. Immerse yourself in the majestic peaks, breathtaking landscapes, and vibrant culture of Skardu Valley with our expertly crafted Pakistan tours. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity! Plan your Skardu Valley adventure today and embark on a journey that will leave you with lifelong memories. Book your Pakistan tour now and let us take care of all the details for you.

Exploring the Enchanting Beauty of Naran Kaghan Tour 2023

Naran Kaghan Valley is a romantic destination that captivates Pakistani tourists with its serene mountains and peaceful ambiance. The valley, accessible only from May to late September, offers a delightful escape from the scorching heat experienced throughout Pakistan during the summer months. Here, you can enjoy cool weather with temperatures hovering around a pleasant 20 degrees Celsius while the rest of the country swelters. Naran Kaghan Valley is a treasure trove of attractions, including the famous Saiful Malook Lake, Lulusar Lake, Jharkhand, Babusar Top, and various adventurous trekking trails. In winter, Naran is blessed with a magical blanket of snow, transforming it into a winter wonderland. However, it’s important to note that the roads are closed from October to mid-April due to heavy snowfall and glacier activity. While efforts have been made by the government to improve infrastructure, further work is needed to enhance accessibility. During the summer season, Naran Kaghan Tour Packages are a popular choice for families seeking respite from the heat and a chance to immerse themselves in the valley’s natural splendor. These packages offer a comprehensive experience, allowing visitors to explore the breathtaking landscapes, indulge in outdoor activities, and create lasting memories with their loved ones. Book the Naran Kaghan Tour    with the best travel agency in Pakistan

Booking the Best Pakistan Travel Package from Islamabad, Lahore & Karachi

Are you looking to book the perfect travel package for your journey through Pakistan? Look no further! We offer seamless booking services for the best Pakistan travel packages departing from Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachi.Don’t miss out on exploring the wonders of Pakistan. Contact us now to book the best travel package from Islamabad, Lahore, or Karachi, and embark on a journey that will leave you with cherished memories for a lifetime.

Serene Locations

Pakistan has immersive natural beauty, diverse landscapes, rich culture, and sociable people. Further, majestic snow-covered mountains, alpine lakes, and lush vegetation will surely please the eyes. Because of the stunning beauty, people visit these places, have unique experiences, and bring back fond memories.With Paktours.

Unique Places in South East Asia

The northern regions of Pakistan are spectacular; Naran Kaghan, Swat, Hunza, Chitral, Skardu, Kalam, Fairy Meadows, Azad Kashmir, and many others are worth seeing. So, we can make your trips exciting, welcoming, cosy, and adventurous. You can get the best bespoke packages with our signature services with paktours.

Comfortable Transport

Most of the travel in northern Pakistan is by car. So reliable driver & car is utmost necessary. We would provide you with drivers who have been working in the mountains for various years. Moreover, we use well-conditioned vehicles in urban centres to mountain terrains. Most importantly, we try to use the latest models to have a comfortable ride. with paktours.

24/7 Customer Support

Well, you read it right! We offer mind-blowing customer support. Here, our process is fairly simple. We dedicate team members to each tour who remain in touch with our clients throughout the tour. As you know, there is always slight adjustment in such remote areas.

Awesome Hotels & Resorts

The tourism industry always needs good hotels & resorts. So, in the last few years, new hotels have been popping up. So, we present you with suitable resorts in such mountains. Such properties do offer you time to relax & unwind.

Embarking on a tour of Pakistan is an exciting adventure, and having a reliable guide by your side can enhance your experience and ensure a smooth journey. Here are some key qualities to look for when seeking the best guide for your Pakistan tour.

Why are Northern areas of Pakistan famous?

Pakistan stands as one of the most diverse countries in the world, offering a wealth of attractions to its tourist community. From its incredible weather and vast plains to its gigantic mountains and deep seas, Pakistan boasts a wide range of experiences for visitors.

  • Trek to Fairy Meadows Tour
  • Nanga Parbat Trekking Tour
  • K2 Expeditions via Concordia Base Camp
  • K2 gondo goro la trek
  • Ultar meadows trekking tour
  • Rakaposhi Trek in Nagar Valley
  • Masroor Peak Trek in Skardu
  • Rush Peak Trek in Nagar
  • Passu Glacier Borith Lake Trek
  • Patun Das Trek in Passu Valley
  • Batura Glacier Trek in upper Hunza
  • Kel to Arrang Kel Trek – Most famous in Neelum Valley
  • Chita Khata Lake Trek
  • Karambar Lake Trek in Broghil Valley
  • Snow Lake Trek
  • Haramosh lake Trek
  • Ayun Valley Trek
  • Tirch mir Trek in Chitral Valley

In addition, if you want to climb, we have around 5 Peaks over 8000 meters in Pakistan. Further, there are around 100s of peaks over 7000 and countless peaks of 6000-meter elevation. 

No matter the time of the year you visit Pakistan’s Northern Areas, you will always find it incredible. Enjoy the festivals in northern areas; each part of the north has its celebration from time to time. 

There are summer festivals in Chitral and sports events like the polo festival at the world’s highest polo ground Shandur. Also, a skiing festival happens in Malam Jabba, Swat, where you can enjoy these activities with our signature services. 

We also offer camping tours. So hurry up! You can go rafting, camping, bonfire, trout fishing, and much more with friends and family. Especially in Mahodand Lake, Swat, where it offers such opportunities to chill. 

Popular Adventure Travel Destinations in Pakistan

Are you ready for a thrilling adventure that will get your adrenaline pumping? From rock climbing to rafting, diving, skiing, skydiving, horse riding, and cycling, we offer a wide range of exciting activities to keep you entertained and engaged throughout your stay.

Our adventure tour packages are carefully curated to provide you with exhilarating experiences that will push you beyond your comfort zone and allow you to embrace the thrill of taking risks. We believe in creating opportunities for you to embark on daring adventures that will leave you with unforgettable memories in pakistan tours.

Famous adventure Travels in Pakistan?

Hunza Valley: Known for its stunning landscapes and towering peaks, Hunza Valley offers a range of adventure activities such as trekking, rock climbing, and mountaineering. The picturesque beauty of the valley combined with thrilling adventures makes it a popular choice among adventure enthusiasts.

Skardu : Nestled amidst the Karakoram Range, Skardu is a paradise for adventure seekers. It offers opportunities for trekking, camping, and hiking amidst breathtaking mountain scenery. The region is also known for its world-famous treks like K2 Base Camp and Baltoro Glacier.

Swat Valley : Swat Valley is a hidden gem for adventure travel in Pakistan. It offers activities like white-water rafting, paragliding, and jeep safaris, allowing visitors to experience the thrill of outdoor adventures amidst lush green valleys and crystal-clear streams.

Chitral: Located in the Hindukush Range, Chitral is renowned for its rugged terrain and adventurous treks. It is a popular destination for mountaineering, skiing, and river rafting. The scenic beauty and cultural richness of Chitral add to the overall adventure experience.

Neelum Valley: Situated in Azad Kashmir, Neelum Valley is known for its stunning landscapes and thrilling adventures. Visitors can indulge in activities like hiking, camping, and trout fishing while enjoying the serene beauty of the valley and its gushing waterfalls.

Kalash Valley: Kalash Valley offers a unique adventure experience with its vibrant culture and rich history. Trekking through the scenic valleys and interacting with the indigenous Kalash people provide an enriching and adventurous journey.

Gilgit-Baltistan: This region is a treasure trove of adventure opportunities. From trekking to peak climbing, river rafting to skiing, and exploring remote valleys to experiencing the world’s highest paved road, the Karakoram Highway, Gilgit-Baltistan has it all.

The Most Renowned Cultural Retreat in Pakistan Discover the Vibrant Charm

Lahore Fort and Shalimar Gardens: These UNESCO World Heritage Sites are iconic landmarks of Lahore. The Lahore Fort, also known as Shahi Qila, dates back to the Mughal era and exhibits stunning architecture and intricate designs. Shalimar Gardens, built during the reign of Emperor Shah Jahan, are renowned for their lush greenery and beautiful water fountains.

Badshahi Mosque: One of the largest mosques in the world, Badshahi Mosque is a masterpiece of Mughal architecture. Its grandeur and exquisite craftsmanship leave visitors in awe. The mosque is a significant religious and cultural symbol in Lahore.

Walled City of Lahore: The old city of Lahore, surrounded by ancient walls, is a treasure trove of cultural gems. Inside the Walled City, you can explore narrow winding streets, bustling bazaars, historic buildings, and traditional food stalls, immersing yourself in the rich cultural tapestry of the city.

Museums and Art Galleries : Lahore is home to several museums and art galleries that preserve and showcase the cultural heritage of Pakistan. The Lahore Museum houses a vast collection of artifacts, including Gandhara art, Islamic calligraphy, and Mughal-era relics. The National Museum of Pakistan and the Fakir Khana Museum are also worth visiting.

Cultural Festivals: Lahore hosts vibrant cultural festivals throughout the year, attracting both locals and tourists. The renowned Lahore Literature Festival celebrates literature and arts, while the Basant Festival marks the arrival of spring with kite flying and music. The annual Urs of Data Ganj Bakhsh, a Sufi shrine, is a spiritual and cultural event drawing devotees from all over the country.

Food Street and Traditional Cuisine: The lively Food Street in Lahore’s old city is a culinary delight for food enthusiasts. Here, you can savor traditional Pakistani dishes and street food, including mouthwatering kebabs, biryanis, and sweets.

The Geographical Landscape of Pakistan:

The geography of Pakistan is a blend of landscapes varying from plains to deserts, forests, hills, and plateaus ranging from the coastal areas of the Arabian Sea in the south to the high mountains of central Asia in the north. The Himalayas and Karakorams are the world’s newest mountains formed as a result of a collision between the Indian geological plate and the Asian plate. The Karakoram Range is about 500 km in length and the most heavily glaciated part of the world outside the polar region. Pakistan has the densest concentration of high mountains in the world with five peaks over 8,000 meters, including K2, the second-highest mountain on Earth. In the north of Pakistan, there is another great mountain range of the Hindu Kush which is 800 km long and stretches between central Afghanistan and northern Pakistan. The highest point in the Hindu Kush is Tirich Mr (7,708 m) towering above the Chitral Valley in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. The mountain range separates Central Asia from South Asia. In the north of Pakistan, there is another great mountain range of the Hindu Kush which is 800 km long and stretches between central Afghanistan and northern Pakistan. The highest point in the Hindu Kush is Tirich Mr (7,708 m) towering above the Chitral Valley in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. The mountain range separates Central Asia from South Asia, Pakistan Tour is offered by Pakistan Travel Guide. The Indus River is Pakistan’s lifeline and with its tributaries provide water for the largest irrigation system in the world. The Indus is 3,200 kilometers long and is the third-longest river in Asia. Rising in Tibet, it passes through Ladakh in northern India and enters Pakistan flowing northwestwards. The Indus separates the Himalaya and Karakoram ranges, plunging through some of the world’s deepest gorges as it twists between the mountains until it finally finds an exit south to the plains of Punjab and Sindh. The Indus River is Pakistan’s lifeline and with it, tributaries provide water for the largest irrigation system in the world. The Indus is 3,200 kilometers long and is the third-longest river in Asia. Rising in Tibet, it passes through Ladakh in northern India and enters Pakistan flowing northwestwards. The Indus separates the Himalaya and Karakoram ranges, plunging through some of the world’s deepest gorges as it twists between the mountains until it finally finds an exit south to the plains of Punjab and Sindh. According to a famous travel writer, ” Never let your memories be greater than your dreams. For me, Pakistan is such a destination which makes it possible….” Pakistan is blessed with four seasons, diverse culture, vivid colors, and romance that increases gradually. Pakistan is considered a Holy name as it’s named as which means pure land. Pakistan nestles in the valleys of the ever-evolving grand Karakorum ranges. The country is bordered by the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean. Neighboring countries are Afghanistan, India, Iran, and China. Pakistan had mighty mountains, adjacent points, and 3M junctions in the North with an incredible landscape. Pakistan is home to historical mosques, cold and hot deserts, natural caves, lakes, and palm-fringed beaches. Pakistan is a kaleidoscope where you will see men and women dressed up in an enchanting combination of bright and captivating colors. Pakistan has much to cater to every discerning tourist. The sheer diversity of culture, amazing landscapes, manmade historical monuments, and religious places make Pakistan a famous holiday destination in the world. Pakistan is a country located in South Asia and is known for its diverse culture, rich history, and beautiful landscapes. The country is home to the Himalayas, the Karakoram mountain range, and the Indus River, as well as a variety of historical sites and cultural landmarks. Tourism in Pakistan has been on the rise in recent years, but it is still considered a relatively low-key destination. When planning a trip to Pakistan, it is important to be aware of local customs and laws, as well as current political conditions. Visitors should also be prepared for the fact that infrastructure and facilities may not be as well-developed as in other countries. The best time to visit Pakistan depend on where you’re planning to go. The best time to visit the northern regions such as Gilgit-Baltistan, Swat, and Kalash Valley is during the summer months between May and September. During the winter, these regions can become very cold and difficult to navigate. The best time to visit the southern regions such as Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad is between October and March. Some of the must-see destinations in Pakistan include the ancient ruins of Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, the Himalayas and Karakoram mountain ranges, the Hunza Valley, and the historic city of Lahore. Visitors should also consider taking a trip to the northern areas of the country, such as the region of Gilgit-Baltistan. It is a place of picturesque landscapes and culture. Tourists are also required to have a visa before entering Pakistan and It is recommended to have travel insurance before travelling. It is recommended to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Visitors should also be prepared for the fact that infrastructure and facilities may not be as well-developed as in other countries. In Pakistan Tour Packages now you can enjoy the adventure sports like Paragliding, Parasailing, Cycling, and rafting, have a look at our latest Pakistan tours and book your travel packages or just call on our toll-free number.

Exciting Domestic Tour Packages from Karachi

Domestic tour packages from Karachi are available at very reasonable prices could explore the valleys of Pakistan, lakes, and waterfalls on the domestic tour.

Which one is Best Selling Pakistan Tour Package

Pakistan affordable tour packages.

Pakistan offers the best destination for tourists by offering100+ exotic destinations to explore within budget. Pakistan is one among many such tourist places where you can explore natural destinations where can have quality time with your beloved ones without hitting your pocket hard. For Pakistan, affordable holidays, look at Pakistan Tour Packages and select the one that best suits you. Our itineraries are designed in such a manner that you make the best choice to visit during a trip. Also, avail of our best offers and deals to spend cheap holidays in Pakistan.

What Our Clients Say

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Good Experience

Dear Paktour, my trip to Hunza Valley exceeded expectations. The natural beauty was breathtaking, accommodations were comfortable, and the tour guides knowledgeable. The well-organized trip and personalized attention made me feel valued. Thank you for an unforgettable experience. Highly recommended! Sincerely

Faizan Yousuf

Faizan Yousuf

Content Writer

I wanted to share my feedback on my recent trip to Hunza Valley. It was truly incredible! The beauty of the valley was breathtaking, the accommodations were comfortable, and the tour guides were knowledgeable and friendly. The entire experience was well-organized and exceeded my expectations. Thank you for a memorable journey

Jotesh Kumar Maheshwari

Jotesh Kumar Maheshwari

Marketing Specialist

Mind Blowing Experience

I wanted to take a moment to provide feedback on my recent trip to Swat Valley with your company. I am extremely pleased with the experience and would like to express my gratitude for the exceptional service provided by Paktour. The trip surpassed my expectations and left me with unforgettable memories.

Prithwi Raj  Maheshwari

Prithwi Raj Maheshwari

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Pacific D. Lee

Pacific D. Lee

Freelance Designer

Explore our collection of insightful travel blogs for an abundance of inspiration, helpful tips, and comprehensive destination guides, specifically focusing on Pakistan tours. Whether you're a seasoned globetrotter or a novice adventurer, our blogs are designed to ignite your wanderlust and enhance your travel experiences in Pakistan.

Tour operators in Pakistan offer Northern Areas Tour Packages for 2023-2024.

  • July 12, 2023

Tour operators in Pakistan offer Northern Areas Tour Packages for 2023-2024.

Hiking vs Trekking Exploring the Trails

  • June 3, 2023

Hiking vs Trekking Exploring the Trails

The Colors of Pakistan: Vibrant Landscapes and Rich Traditions

The Colors of Pakistan: Vibrant Landscapes and Rich Traditions

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PakTours is a Best tour company in Pakistan that offers a wide range of custom. Pakistan tour packages to explore the country diverse landing place

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Complete Northern Pakistan

Example itinerary.

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Enigmatic, edgy and intriguing, Pakistan often makes the headlines for all the wrong reasons. However, it is a land filled with colour and contrast, offering the adventurous traveller a stunning wealth of culture, tradition and natural beauty. This remarkable journey encompasses everything from remote mountain communities and breathtaking scenery, to bustling bazaars and lively cities, as you travel from the streets of Islamabad, deep into the valleys of the Hindu Kush, Karakoram and Himalayas....

Enigmatic, edgy and intriguing, Pakistan often makes the headlines for all the wrong reasons. However, it is a land filled with colour and contrast, offering the adventurous traveller a stunning wealth of culture, tradition and natural beauty. This remarkable journey encompasses everything from remote mountain communities and breathtaking scenery, to bustling bazaars and lively cities, as you travel from the streets of Islamabad, deep into the valleys of the Hindu Kush, Karakoram and Himalayas. This is our most comprehensive tour of Northern Pakistan where you really will see it all! Starting in the capital you will head up through the Swat Valley to the haven on Ayun and on to stay with the Kalash tribe. Crossing over to the Northeast of the country you will continue to Mastuj then up over the Shandur Pass and across to Gilgit before heading north to the wonderful Hunza for a few days. Next you will head back down the Karakoram Highway to Gilgit then out east to Shigar, Khaplu (to stay in a WF favourite property) and Skardu. The final stretch of your journey takes you up to Deosai Plateau then Fairy Meadows to enjoy more spectacular mountain scenery then down through Naran back to Islamabad. Pakistan is a country close to our hearts… and for good reason. Having run trips here for more than two decades, we understand the political complexities of travelling to this fascinating country and by making the most of this unparalleled depth of knowledge are confident of providing the most innovative and authentic trips to the region, utilising the best guides, transport and accommodation.


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How Tailor-Made Works

Discuss your initial ideas with one of our experts, the types of things you want to see and do.

Your expert will start designing your perfect trip. Within a day or two we'll send a suggested itinerary.

At this stage you can still tweak anything from accommodation to experiences and dates, using our expert advice.

Time to prepare for your trip, safe in the knowledge you'll be in the expert hands of local guides and drivers throughout.

Relax and enjoy...through our partners you'll have support on the ground as well as 24-hour emergency assistance in the UK.

This is an example itinerary. Our experts have all travelled widely in the region and will be happy to tailor any of our itineraries to suit your tastes and budget, or build a trip from scratch.

pakistan tour cost


Arrive into Islamabad airport, where you will be met by one of our representatives and transferred to your hotel. This afternoon, kick off your tour with a visit the Institute of Folk Heritage, known as Lok Versa – a small ethnological museum displaying numerous costumes and artefacts from all over Pakistan – and from here proceed to the Faisal Mosque. When this impressive house of worship was built in the 70s, it was the largest in the world and houses an Islamic university specialising in Philosophy and Law. Finally you can visit the Marghalla Hills to enjoy magnificent views over the city before taking dinner at one of the many restaurants in old Islamabad where Saidpur Village still survives amid the modern planning.


Today you will start your journey north by driving through the Northwest Frontier and into the beautiful Swat Valley. Follow the GT Road to Malakand Pass, Butkhela, Chakdara and Saidu Sharif. Until quite recently this region was out of bounds to foreign tourists, but now it has opened up again offering you a great chance to explore the regions ancient Buddhist past. Once you have checked into your hotel, you'll visit the local museum, packed with many fine Gandharan artefacts, and other Buddhist sites. Then visit the famous archaeological site of Butkara, which is one of oldest Buddhist stupas in Ghandhara.

pakistan tour cost


After breakfast you will embark on a spectacular drive, passing Chakdara - where young Winston Churchill saw action back in the 1890s - before continuing over the Lowari Pass (or going through the new tunnel) and into the ancient kingdom of Chitral. Here you'll drive on to Ayun, where you'll check into the wonderful home of Prince Maqsood Ul Mulk - an old friend of Wild Frontiers. Encircling the fort is the farm and an orchard growing seasonal fruits. The Prince is a keen botanist so be sure to take a walk in the garden to admire the impressive variety of roses. Standing at the entrance to the Kalash Valleys, surrounded by wonderful views, this is a lovely laid-back place to end your day.

pakistan tour cost


After breakfast, you will drive into the Valley of Rumbor and the village of Balanguru where you stay with our good friend Saifullah Jan, the chief spokesperson for the colourful Kalash people. You also have the option of walking the last few miles through this gorgeous valley. The Kalash, numbering approximately 3,000, are the smallest religious minority of Pakistan. Unlike the other minorities in the country, they live exclusively in a particular geographical area; the three valleys of Birir, Bumburet and Rumbur. Situated in the Hindu Kush between the Afghan Border and Chitral Valley, the Muslim label the community Kalash Kafirs' (non-believers) and their area Kafirstan.

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After breakfast drive to the Bumburet Valley, the most picturesque of the three, scattered with villages and long, fertile stretches of cultivation. Upon arrival do spend as much time with the Kalash families as possible, learning about their culture, lifestyle and how they are slowly transitioning into the modern world.

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Today you will leave the beautiful Kalash Valleys. Heading back down the winding rocky tracks through the soaring Hindu Kush mountains, you will continue your journey towards the sleepy and conservative mountain town of Chitral. Hopefully you can catch a game of mountain polo, if a match is being played, before checking into your hotel for the night.

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After breakfast you will drive to Mastuj, 110 km north-east of Chitral town, in a 4x4 jeep. This is one of the most beautiful and dramatic drives you are ever likely to take as we wind our way up the Mastuj Valley, passing Tirich Mir and BoniZong, before finally entering the Yarkund Valley at the top of which lies Afghanistan's Wakhan Corridor. On arrival you can take a stroll around the village before retiring to your hotel.

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Today after breakfast you will drive to the Shandur Pass, stopping for tea en route at the top of the pass at 3,800 metres. From here, if you'd like, you can walk to the Langer – a beautiful plain used for grazing the yaks and dzos – where you can enjoy a nice picnic lunch before getting back in your jeep again and drive on to Yasin Valley.

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After breakfast you will travel on to Gilgit through some of Northern Pakistan's most dramatic scenery.

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After breakfast stop off in town to visit the Christian cemetery before yet another amazing drive, leading you up the Karakoram Highway beside the titanic form of Mount Rakaposhi and on into the beautiful Hunza valley. The sight of this great mountain, all 7,788 metres of it, basking in the sun beside the road, will surely leave you speechless. You can have lunch on the way at the Rakaposhi View Restaurant where you will witness the longest continuous vertical view anywhere on earth, before continuing on to the region’s main town of Karimabad.

pakistan tour cost

Day 11 HUNZA

Today head up above Karimabad town for a water channel walk with spectacular views out across the valley. Head back down into town where you can have lunch on one of the rooftop restaurants. After this you will have time to relax, shop and wander, before taking a sightseeing trip to the famous 15th century Baltit fort, once the seat of power in the Hunza state and recently restored by UNESCO to a fantastic standard. In the late afternoon you'll return to your accommodation.

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Day 12 HUNZA

Enjoy a day at leisure in one of the most beautiful places on earth. You may instead like the option to explore further, and drive out to Nagar Valley to take a short walk on the Hoper Glacier, or enjoy a visit to the lake at Attabad. In January 2010 a massive landslide blocked the Hunza River, which submerged 22km of the KKH by forming a beautiful azure lake. Here you can take boat ride towards the northern shore giving a great opportunity to photograph the famous cathedral peaks.

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Today, you will begin your journey south down the famous Karakoram Highway to Gilgit. Your route will take you via the Rakaposhi view point providing a fabulous opportunity to view this gigantic mountain basking in the sunlight. The journey will take around 4 hours as you enjoy stops along the way.

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Early this morning enjoy a short tour of Gilgit with your guide, stopping off at the popular polo grounds and the very typical mountain bazaar. Next leave Gilgit and drive through the narrow gorge that is known as the "Grand Canyon" of Northern Pakistan, following the course of the untamed Indus River to Shigar.

pakistan tour cost


After having breakfast take a walking tour of the 14th century Amburiq Mosque that received a UNESCO award for restoration and the restored Khanqah. Following this, continue your drive on to Khaplu to check into your hotel. In the afternoon explore Khaplu Palace, the village and the Khanqah (a place of spiritual retreat which also housed journeymen).

pakistan tour cost


Today you are free to relax and enjoy the hotel or partake in the many activities available from the hotel. Why not witness a polo game, visit the rock carvings at Saling, explore the 18th century majestic Khaplu Khanqah mosque, ride on horseback through the beauty of Baltistan, take a stroll through Khaplu or see the hotels many projects, such as the Bara wool spinning centre and the Khaplu Women’s Vocational Training Centre.

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You will be driven from the ancient kingdom of Khaplu, 105 kilometres west to Skardu, on a journey of around 2 hours. You can enjoy a walk through the town's main bazaar to the 'organic village' via an old trail at the foot of Kharpocho Fort. See if you can catch a game of Polo at the town's main field and visit the K2 museum at the K2 Motel. This is an ideal way to experience the capital of Baltistan and understand the life of the locals and the mountaineers that visit.

pakistan tour cost


After an early breakfast, continue your journey to the Deosai Plateau National Park. This plateau is a stunning 4,000m high wildlife wilderness complete with an array of wild flowers at certain times of year. Enjoy a hearty picnic lunch with views of the Himalayas before continuing on to the alpine meadows of Astore and Rama Lake.

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Continue the road journey towards Chilas today. Once you leave the alpine meadows of Rama and Astore, you will enter thes Astore Gorge, one of the most dramatic and impressive landscapes in the world. Eventually reach Raikot Bridge, where you will switch to local 4x4 jeeps and continue up a narrow and steep mountain road to Fairy Meadows. The drive is quite the adventure, but well worth it!

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Fairy Meadows, locally known as Jut, is a grassy pasture near one of the base camp sites of the mighty Nanga Parbat Mountain (8126m). Today you will hike towards Nanga Parbat base camp, passing through lush green meadows and pine forests and surrounded by some of the most stunning scenery.

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Today say goodbye to this peaceful haven as you start your journey back down and on to Naran. Make a short stop at the top of the 4100-metre-high Babusar Pass to enjoy the stunning view of the Himalayas, Karakorum and Hindu Kush mountain ranges before proceeding to Naran.

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Today you will continue your journey stopping en route in Taxila, a fascinating Buddhist university town, dating back to the Ghandaharan era of Alexander the Great. Departing Taxila, you will continue the short distance to Islamabad for your final night.

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This morning you will be transferred to the airport in time to catch your onward flight.


Serena hotel gilgit, gilgit.

The Serena Hotel is set in six acres of rugged landscape in Jutial Village and has breathtaking vistas of the snow-capped peaks surrounding the Gilgit Valley. The hotel has 43 simply furnished rooms with stunning views of Mount Rakaposhi and the Jutial Nala and offers all modern comforts and amenities including air-conditioning, telephone and cable TV. The Dumani Restaurant serves Pakistani, Chinese and continental dishes and has a beautiful panoramic view over the Hunza River, Gilgit River and Danyore Valley. The Jutial Lounge serves light cooking gardens of the hotel. The Hotel offers its guests high standards of service in a luxurious, friendly environment in keeping with local culture and traditions.

Islamabad Hotel, Islamabad

The Islamabad Hotel is well located, close to Melody Market and the Rose and Jasmine Gardens. Islamabad International Airport is only 13 miles away so transfers are quick. The rooms are fully equipped to international three star standards, featuring satellite TV, minibar, coffee & tea making facilities, hairdryers and individual climate control. Amenities include a fitness room and three restaurants specialising in Chinese cuisine.

Serena Shigar Fort, Shigar

Located in the beautiful province of Baltistan in the Northern Areas of Pakistan, Shigar Fort Residence is the result of a unique heritage conservation project, which offers guests the opportunity to experience the restored original architecture of a 17th century Raja fort-palace. Opened as a guesthouse in 2005, following an intensive six-year restoration undertaken by the Aga Khan Cultural Service Pakistan, the original 400-year old building was brought back to life following a careful strategy of adaptive re-use and restoration. The result is a combination of authentic original 17th century architecture together with the modern amenities and services of a modern guesthouse. There are 20 rooms organised in two buildings; the original old fort palace - where architecture style and features have been meticulously restored - and the new garden house building with rooms newly built using traditional materials and building techniques. Facilities include a gift shop, guest kitchen, overnight laundry service and a restaurant that specialises in local Pakistani dishes, including traditional BBQ and Iftar dinners, featuring organic produce, fish, and meat.

Hindu Kush Heights Chitral, Chitral

This is one of Wild Frontiers favourite hotels in the world! By far the best hotel in Chitral, Hindu Kush Heights is in a class of its own… the loving care and attention which has gone into this place is evident the moment you walk in the door. Michael Palin in his book Himalaya writes, on page 28, "The Hindukush Heights hotel is set on the side of a hill with a fine view of the valley and Chitral town. The emphasis is firmly on local design and craftsmanship… In the garden the heat smells of rosemary and jasmine." Hindukush Heights has its own hydro electricity and the water into the hotel is gravity-fed from a mountain spring. A tastefully decorated dining room serves a variety of tasty dishes. Vegetables are supplied from the hotels own organic garden. The hotel is situated a 20-minute drive from the centre of town.

Ayun Fort, Ayun

Home to Prince  Maqsood   Ul   Mulk , this charming seven room guesthouse sits on the site of the old fort of   Ayun , at the entrance to the   Kalash   Valleys, an hour south of   Chitral   Town. Surrounded by a stunning garden with epic views of the towering   Tirich   Mir, the highest mountain in the Hindu   Kush , you couldn’t wish for a more relaxing place to stay. All the rooms are stylishly decorated, with decent en suite facilities, there’s a lovely balcony from which to take in the views, and a charming dining room in which traditional   Chitrali   food is served. An old friend of Wild Frontiers, Price   Maqsood   is a wonderful host who can regale you not only with stories about the history of his family but also about the many variety of roses in his garden, not to mention over 60 pines and a peaceful fruit orchard. 

Khaplu Palace, Khaplu

This 19th Century Fort has recently been restored to its former glory by the Aga Khan Foundation and as such is an excellent escape in this rural area of Baltistan. Located just outside of the town, the combination of idyllic surroundings, beautiful courtyard and gardens as well as wonderfully authentic rooms makes Khaplu Fort a brilliant place to pause if travelling through this area. There are several atmospheric lounges with views over the surrounding countryside while the flat roof also makes for an excellent place to relax with a good book. A little bit of luxury in this remote area which is also just a short distance from the Wild Frontiers supported school at Baylegon.

Kalash Guesthouse Rumbur, The Kalash

The Kalash Guesthouse Rumbur is our favourite place to stay while visiting the Kalash. Owned and run by our good friend Saifullah Jan, one of the chief spokespeople for the Kalash, it’s a lovely place beside the river, close to the heart of the community of Balanguru. Meals are taken in the garden. It's a perfect place, to be close enough to the action but not so close that you have no privacy.

Hindu Kush Heights Mastuj, Mastuj

Made up of 6 cosy chalets in the orchard of the old fort, this is the best accommodation in  Mastuj . The setting on the side of a hill provides fantastic views over the town and the valley. The rooms are within chalets dotted around the property and each is comfortable and well maintained, with private bathrooms and comfortable beds. Hindu   Kush   Heights has its own hydroelectricity and the water into the hotel is gravity fed from a mountain spring. Vegetables are supplied from the hotels own organic garden and are used to create tasty dishes, served in the cosy dining room. From here you are also allowed to visit the old fort which is an interesting experience.  As the ancestral home of Prince   Siraj   Ul   Mulk   (owner of the   HKH   hotel chain), the site now also has a small number of walk in tents, a shower and toilet block and restaurant area. If part of a small private group or on a tailor-made adventure, either going to or coming from the   Shandur   Pass, this is the perfect place to stay.

Serena Hotel Swat, Swat Valley

A secure and harmonious retreat nestled among six acres of meticulously cultivated lawns and gardens in the lush valley of Saidu Sharif, Swat Serena Hotel seamlessly captures the region’s rich culture, heritage and beauty while offering every modern comfort. Arriving guests marvel at our unique blend of colonial and Art Deco styles. The inviting architecture is complemented by scenic views of tranquil rose gardens and the snow-capped Hindukush Mountains. The in-house restaurant is designed in the beautiful Pakistani style, perfectly matched with some of the regions finest food. The pool and fitness centre allow guests to relax after exploring the historical Vazir House, home to the hotels six Heritage Suites. The badminton courts and table tennis are great for socialising with other guests.

Raikot Sarai, Fairy Meadows

At an altitude of 3306m, the Raikot Sarai is your ultimate mountain escape within the forested Fairy Meadows in Gilgit, Pakistan. Popular amongst hikers, from the accommodation go in search of the Raikot Glacier or the Nanga Prabat. The two brothers who own the resort have been welcoming guests since 1992 and they have set the path for responsible tourism within the region. Stay within a basic cabin or tent overlooking the ‘Killer Mountain’. The Bhul Café, named after the first mountaineer to summit Nanaga Prabat, serves limited local cuisine, and the Khushbek lounge serves the same, complete with sheesha. The accommodation may be very basic but the peaceful mountain location more than makes up for it. For those not wanting to walk, horse-riding and polo can be arranged from the accommodation.

Concordia Motel, Skardu

Stay in Concordia Motel in Skardu for some of the best views of Skardu Valley, the Indus River and Kharpocho Fort. Just off the main road, the hotel is built around a courtyard and is right opposite the Kharpocho Fort. Although not the most luxurious hotel, the views, clean rooms and quality of service more than make up for the lack of glamour. Choose to stay in a standard or deluxe room with an en suite bathroom and wake up to views of the Indus River. Soak up the gorgeous scenery on the shared balcony with a cup of tea or take photographs from the rooftop. The restaurant serves hearty Pakistani cuisine to charge hikers who visit the area and the little shop in the courtyard provides clothing and maps.

Hunza Darbar Hotel, Hunza

One of the best hotel options in the area, Darbar Hotel has forty rooms, of which five are suites. All rooms feature modern bathrooms, a television and mini bar, whilst some rooms also offer wonderful views of Hunza Valley. The top-floor restaurant provides the best views for the valley, accompanied by Pakistani, continental and Chinese cuisine. Alcohol is available to non-Muslims only. For alternative options, visit the nearby bazaar and restaurants.

Fort Hotel Yasin, Yasin Valley

Located to the northwest of Gilgit lies the beautiful Yasin Valley. Once considered a potential strategic route during The Great Game, the valley not only offers stunning mountain scenery but also the opportunity to spend some time in a less-visited part of this northern route. Lying at the heart of the valley is the Fort Hotel Yasin, a simple but comfortable addition to the area. Each of the 11 rooms are spacious and clean, with the majority offering western-style en suite bathrooms. 

Hotel Rating

Accommodation listed here is intended as a guide only, to give you a taste of what we can do. Our experts can tailor any aspect of this itinerary and accommodation to suit your budget and tastes.


Entrance fees, expert team, accommodation, wild miles club.

When you book a trip with Wild Frontiers you are awarded points, which are based on the return distance from London to the arrival city of your trip. Points are awarded for all our holidays, including both our escorted group tours and tailor-made trips. When you accrue points, you will qualify for the following discounts on all future bookings:

This itinerary is aimed to give you an idea of what we can offer. The price shown above is per person, based on two people travelling outside of peak periods. As this itinerary is only a suggestion and can be tailor-made to suit your interests and budget, your final price may differ.

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Check out our group tours in pakistan.

As well as private tailor-made trips, we also offer small group tours (max size 12) to Pakistan. Led by an experienced tour leader, travel with a group of like-minded people on one of our award-winning group tours.


  • Hunza Tour Packages
  • Swat Tour Packages
  • Skardu Tour Packages
  • Azad Kashmir Tour Packages
  • Naran Kaghan Tour
  • Winter Tour Packages

Pakistan Tour & Top Rated Packages

"#1 Customized Travel Packages of Pakistan: A Journey Through Culture, Adventure and Hospitality"

Pakistan Holiday Packages – Get luxury travel options at Pakistan Travel Guide

With the Complete all Pakistan tour packages, you can discover Alpine lake, snow-covered peaks and gorgeous wildlife.Want to get adventurous or relaxing trip to Pakistan , so just browse our travel plans of Pakistan Tour packages with team Pakistan Travel Guide at very reasonable prices. Explore hidden beauty of Skardu or visit cultural sites or trek to Gondogoro K2 or a peaceful Family tour Package. We are offering best tour packages for Pakistan in 2024.

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Chitral Tour Packages  

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Murree Tour Packages  

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Swat Kalam Tour Packages  

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Kumrat Valley Tour Packages  

In this awe-inspiring destination in world also known as Pakistan, memorable experiences are an everyday occurrence on Pakistan Tour.

There’s no denying it: Pakistan is one of the most beautiful places on Earth, with endless opportunities for tourists to explore and enjoy.

Explore the great outdoors adventures on Pakistan tour , participating in thrilling activities like  Paragliding in Kashmir or  rafting in Kunhar River or more relaxed ventures such as  hiking ,  biking ,  fishing ,  camping , and simply immersing yourself in breathtaking wide-open spaces. Take a  train ride from Karachi , or  flightseeing tour  of Gilgit Baltistan for chances to spot  wildlife like from brown bears of deosai to lagoons of Kashmir. Experience Gilgit Baltistan Native culture through  cultural tours  or  festivals . And if you visit in winter, there’s  skiing, snowboarding at Malam Jabba , and more—and don’t miss watching the  Milky Ways  dance across the night sky. No matter how you choose to get around, from  road trips ,  planes ,  trains ,  motorcoaches , you’ll discover that the journey is all part of the adventure.

According to forbes Northern Pakistan could bee the world’s No.1 Tourism destination, so it’s true as our packages trips to Northern Pakistan are the hot selling plans, Northern Pakistan is world wide famous for striking landscape, alpine glacier lakes,Highest peaks and the cultural heritage. A tour package to Northern Pakistan includes transport,hotel booking and sightseeing, as we are Number 1 travel operator to Northern Pakistan, you can book your northern areas tour packages from team Pakistan Travel Guide.

Holiday Pakistan Tour Packages 2024

4 Days, 3 NIghts Start From PKR177,000

4 Days Luxury Swat Tour | Pakistan Travel Guide

7 Days, 6 NIghts Start From PKRon Call

7 Days Luxury Hunza Road Trip

7 Days, 6 Nights Start From PKR491000

7 days Skardu Luxury Road Trip

6 Days, 5 NIghts Start From PKR165000

Hunza Apricot and Cherry Blossom Trip

5 Days, 4 NIghts Start From PKR160000

Hunza by Air in Winters

Pakistan is rightfully regarded as one of the most striking adventure destinations in the world. Explore Pakistan Packages.

Pakistan is so geographically varied that every adventure travel lover in the world would love to take Pakistan tour at least once in their lifetime. From lush green valleys to Cold deserts, and unexplored beaches to the second highest Mountain in the world, from Gilgit Baltistan of North to Ziarat of Baluchistan. Pakistan is blessed with natural landscapes; each one more beautiful than the other.

Apart from the geographical undulations, the diversity in the culture, food, language and even flora and fauna found in the various regions of Pakistan is quite fascinating. This affluence is the reason why Pakistan Tour Packages are so popular.

Pakistan tours are of mostly towards Northern areas of Pakistan, Pakistan tours destinations are like Karimabad and Attabad in Hunza, Kalam valley in Swat, Neelum Valley in Azad Kashmir. Pakistan tours are at very affordable prices and with good amenities. Pakistan Travel Guide is a travel agency in Pakistan providing Pakistan tours since 2015 and registered by tourism directorate general services.

PakistanTravelGuide your Vacations Partner in Pakistan with the best tour packages in  in 2024.

Pakistan Travel Guide License# 2582 with its Head office in Muzaffarabad Azad Kashmir, Holiday Provider Company in Pakistan for facilitating tours and travel services in Pakistan. The company is offering Vacations Tours, Adventure Tours, Corporate Tours, and Family holiday tours with 100 + Pakistan Tour Packages. Travel Agency had highly qualified staff for tour operations, marketing team, and promoting the tour and travel culture in Pakistan.

Pakistan Tour Packages 2024 are available with updated prices for Gilgit Hunza, Skardu, Chitral, Naran Kaghan, Neelum Valley, Azad Kashmir, Swat Kalam, and Murree Galayat. PakistanTravelGuide.PK is a user-friendly travel portal offering Pakistan Tour Packages , weather updates, road conditions, traffic situations, and emergency contact numbers of administrative authorities in case of any emergency. CEO of Pakistan Travel Guide License# 2582 had a very clear vision of implementing rules and regulations to promote the tourism culture in Pakistan and to facilitate customers with standard services.

Looking at where to go for your next holidays in Pakistan? Has sitting at your office or house and rummaging through the internet for the best holiday destinations in Pakistan got you brain-racking? Mention not, Pakistan Travel Guide is here to solve the mystery.

At Pakistan Travel Guide , We must help you make the right decision and choose the best Pakistan tour packages that suit your budget and complement your needs.

Best Time to Visit Northern areas of Pakistan on Tour Packages:

The northern areas of Pakistan consist of valleys of Gilgit Baltistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa ( Chitral, Naran Kaghan, Swat ), Azad Kashmir ( Neelum Valley, Jhelum Valley, Rawalakot ), and Murree/Galyat. All of the valleys are classified with respect to seasons, some of the best in winter, some are best in summer to visit and some had unique charm in the spring and autumn season. We have classified these valleys with respect to which time it’s best to travel.

  • Best Time to Visit Pakistan.

Pakistan is blessed with four seasons, which depend upon the traveler’s mood and nature and what he/she wants to explore, in the Winters coastal line of Pakistan is the best time to explore natural beaches. On way to the coastal highway, you will find calm and beautiful beaches among all others in the world. If you are a snow lover then the Northern areas of Pakistan in winter from December to March are in a category where heavy snowfalls each year. South and central Punjab had a unique cultural ambiance for cultural and food lovers, it’s unique in the world.

  • Best Time to Visit Azad Kashmir

Most part of Azad Kashmir is on the Line of Control between Pakistan and India but it’s heavenly beautiful, lakes, waterfalls, water streams, and glaciers. The best time to Visit Azad Kashmir is in Summers from May – September.

  • Best time to Visit Khyber Pakhtunkhwa KPK

Same as Azad Kashmir, KPK is another summers destination with water springs, milky streams, dense forests, the best time to visit KPK is in Summers from May-September. Now Swat Kalam added as the winter destination as well, thousand of tourists rushed to explore the beauty of winters.

  • Best Time to Visit Gilgit Baltistan

Apart from other summer destinations, Gilgit Baltistan is four seasonal destinations in Pakistan, Spring season where cherry blossoms in the most part wherein Summers temperature remain moderate and millions of tourists from each part of the world visit, in Autumn GB changes the colors which delicates the fragrance into atmosphere, Autumn is considered as photographers heaven in Gilgit Baltistan .

Geography of Pakistan :

The geography of Pakistan is a blend of landscapes varying from plains to deserts, forests, hills, and plateaus ranging from the coastal areas of the Arabian Sea in the south to the high mountains of central Asia in the north. The Himalayas and Karakorams are the world’s newest mountains formed as a result of a collision between the Indian geological plate and the Asian plate. The Karakoram Range is about 500 km in length and the most heavily glaciated part of the world outside the polar region. Pakistan has the densest concentration of high mountains in the world with five peaks over 8,000 meters, including K2, the second-highest mountain on Earth.

In the north of Pakistan, there is another great mountain range of the Hindu Kush which is 800 km long and stretches between central Afghanistan and northern Pakistan. The highest point in the Hindu Kush is Tirich Mr (7,708 m) towering above the Chitral Valley in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. The mountain range separates Central Asia from South Asia. In the north of Pakistan, there is another great mountain range of the Hindu Kush which is 800 km long and stretches between central Afghanistan and northern Pakistan. The highest point in the Hindu Kush is Tirich Mr (7,708 m) towering above the Chitral Valley in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. The mountain range separates Central Asia from South Asia, Pakistan Tour offered by Pakistan Travel Guide .

The Indus River is Pakistan’s lifeline and with its tributaries provide water for the largest irrigation system in the world. The Indus is 3,200 kilometers long and is the third-longest river in Asia. Rising in Tibet, it passes through Ladakh in northern India and enters Pakistan flowing northwestwards. The Indus separates the Himalaya and Karakoram ranges, plunging through some of the world’s deepest gorges as it twists between the mountains until it finally finds an exit south to the plains of Punjab and Sindh. The Indus River is Pakistan’s lifeline and with it tributaries provide water for the largest irrigation system in the world. The Indus is 3,200 kilometers long and is the third-longest river in Asia. Rising in Tibet, it passes through Ladakh in northern India and enters Pakistan flowing northwestwards. The Indus separates the Himalaya and Karakoram ranges, plunging through some of the world’s deepest gorges as it twists between the mountains until it finally finds an exit south to the plains of Punjab and Sindh.

According to a famous travel writer, ” Never let your memories be greater than your dreams. For me, Pakistan is such a destination which makes it possible….” Pakistan is blessed with four seasons, diverse culture, vivid colors, and romance that increases gradually. Pakistan is considered a Holy name as it’s named as which means pure land. Pakistan nestles in the valleys of the ever-evolving grand Karakorum ranges. The country is bordered by the Arabian Sea and the Indian ocean. Neighboring countries are Afghanistan, India, Iran, and China. Pakistan had mighty mountains, adjacent points, and 3M junctions in the North with an incredible landscape. Pakistan is home to historical mosques, cold and hot deserts, natural caves, lakes, and palm-fringed beaches.

Pakistan is a kaleidoscope where you will see men and women dressed up in an enchanting combination of bright and captivating colors.

Pakistan has much to cater to every discerning tourist. The sheer diversity of culture, amazing landscapes, manmade historical monuments, and religious places makes Pakistan a famous holiday destination in the world.

Pakistan is a country located in South Asia, and is known for its diverse culture, rich history, and beautiful landscapes. The country is home to the Himalayas, the Karakoram mountain range, and the Indus River, as well as a variety of historical sites and cultural landmarks.

Tourism in Pakistan has been on rise in recent years, but it is still considered as a relatively low-key destination.

When planning a trip to Pakistan, it is important to be aware of local customs and laws, as well as current political conditions. Visitors should also be prepared for the fact that infrastructure and facilities may not be as well-developed as in other countries.

The best time to visit Pakistan depend on where you’re planning to go. The best time to visit the northern regions such as Gilgit-Baltistan, Swat and Kalash Valley is during the summer months between May and September. During the winter, these regions can become very cold and difficult to navigate. The best time to visit the southern regions such as Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad is between October and March.

Some of the must-see destinations in Pakistan include the ancient ruins of Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, the Himalayas and Karakoram mountain ranges, the Hunza Valley and the historic city of Lahore. Visitors should also consider taking a trip to the northern areas of the country, such as the region of Gilgit-Baltistan. It is a place of picturesque landscapes and culture.

Tourists are also required to have a visa before entering Pakistan and It is recommended to have travel insurance before travelling.

It is recommended to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings at all times. Visitors should also be prepared for the fact that infrastructure and facilities may not be as well-developed as in other countries.

In Pakistan Tour Packages now you can enjoy the adventure sports like Paragliding, Parasailing, Cycling, and rafting, have a look at our latest Pakistan tours and book your travel packages or just call on our toll-free number.

In Pakitan it’s very hard to get cheap family plans and packages, team Pakistan Travel Guide worked very hard to make standard economical and cheap family packages in Pakistan and now listed at our website. Neat and clean Hotels in Standard and cheap deals are available, as fuel prices  have gone sky high but still team cut down the routes and added fuel efficient vehicles to make affordable family tours in Pakistan.

Domestic Tour Packages from Karachi :

Domestic tour packages from Karachi are available at very reasonable prices could explore the valleys of Pakistan, lakes, and waterfalls on the domestic tour.

Which one is Best Selling Pakistan Tour Package :

We are offering about 60+ Pakistan Tour packages but the selling tour package in Pakistan are of 7 Days Hunza tour package , most families and honeymoon couples like this tour plan. Sightseeing in this Package includes Naran Kaghan, Babusar Top, Gilgit, Hunza, Attabad Lake, the Pak-China border, and Naltar Valley.

Pakistan winter tour packages

We are making it easy for tourists to search the winter package for some specific locations and vice versa? we have listed winter packages in Pakistan to search for an easy getaway. We have individual and group Pakistan winter tour packages. you can talk to our operation manager about special customized tour packages.

Pakistan Affordable Tour Packages

Pakistan offers the best destination for tourists by offering100+ exotic destinations to explore within budget. Pakistan is one among many such tourist places where you can explore natural destinations where can have quality time with your beloved ones without hitting your pocket hard. For Pakistan, affordable holidays, look at Pakistan Tour Packages and select the one that best suits you. Our itineraries are designed in such a manner that you make the best choice to visit during a trip. Also, avail of our best offers and deals to spend cheap holidays in Pakistan.

Northern Pakistan Tours

In the tour package of Northern Pakistan, we are offering high-altitude treks and cultural and historical sightseeing. Northern Pakistan’s favorite and most visited tourist destination is Gilgit Baltistan. Famous villages of Nothern Pakistan which we offer on our Northern tour Packages are Hunza and Skardu while covering other places as well in Hunza there is a high altitude pass named Khunjerab Pass and Attabad Lake etc but in Skardu Valley, we have multiple sightseeing destinations like exploring Khaplu, Upper Kachura, Shigar Valley, etc. If you want a tour to Northern Pakistan with our package deal so just write us at [email protected].

Northern areas of Pakistan tour packages 2024 is a summer retreat, full of adventure, exploring natural habitats, culture, and travel destinations, enjoy honeymoon vacations to Northern Pakistan. Adventure of the mighty Karakorum or Himalayan among these beautiful valleys like Hunza, Phandar Valley, Nagar Valley, Skardu valley, Neelum Valley, and Gurez Valley. Pakistan tour packages for northern areas of Pakistan as a tourist is the best retreat to get lost in the scenic heavens, enjoy your holidays, honeymoon tours, and family tours with Pakistan Travel Guide, the best tour planner in Pakistan.

Pakistan Tour Packages from Karachi

Are you looking for Pakistan packages from Karachi? Look no further, because PakistanTravelGuide’s Pakistan holiday packages are the best choice for you. You will find a range of customizable Pakistan tour Package to suit every kind of traveler from Karachi. We have a collection of 50 plus packages and you have to choose from Karachi and enjoy unbeatable deals and discounts. PakistanTravelGuide’s packages from Karachi to Northern areas of Pakistan are available with and without flights, as start at prices as low as Rs 15000/- whether you are exploring Pakistan family packages, planning a Pakistan honeymoon, or just looking for a weekend getaway to Pakistan from Karachi with your friends. You will find the right trip option here.

Average Pakistan Tour Package price :

Pakistan tour package average estimated price is about PKR 207000/- ($727).

Pakistan Tour Packages 2024

With the New Year 2024, we are presenting Pakistan Tour Packages from Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Multan, and Islamabad. This year Pakistan tour packages from India are also included in our travel catalog. New hotels and travel destinations are added to our travel packages with three categories like Standard, Deluxe, Luxury. New transport for travel packages also included Kia Sportage, MG, Luxus, Grand Cabin, and 5c Coaster Saloons. You can enjoy the best transport and hotels in our travel Packages.

Pakistan Travel Guide offers Best Priced Pakistan Tour and Travel Packages 2024

Packages:   Hunza Tour Packages , Swat Tour Packages , Skardu Tour Packages , Naran Kaghan Tour Packages,

Pakistan Tour and Travel

Hunza Valley Tour Packages 2024 – Book family trips to Hunza at 30% Off

Browse Hunza Valley tour packages in 2024 from a list of 50-plus tours. These trips fall in the best-selling  Pakistan tour packages . Our Multi-day Hunza Valley tours range from standard to deluxe facilities. 

Book a hassle-free experience in the heart of Karakoram. Our trips include private vehicles, family hotels, and 24/7 support staff. 

List of famous Hunza Tour Packages 2024 - Book a Trip to Hunza like Never Before!


Explore 4Days Hunza Darbar Trip


7Days Hunza valley Couple Tour


05 Days Luxury Hunza Trip By Air


4Days 3nights Luxus Hunza Trip cost


Cherry Blossom Hunza Trip for 7days


7Days 6nights Hunza tour Package


5Days 4nights Trip To Hunza


11 Days 10Nights Karakoram Hunza Skardu Trip


10 days trip to Hunza & Naran

Considering a trip to hunza from karachi, lahore & islamabad - contact us now .

We have a handful of road & air options. Our holiday trips are suitable for couples, families & corporate groups.

Must-Visit Place of hunza Valley For an Unforgettable Family Trip

At every corner of the Valley, you will find something unique. Further, our blog features’  places to visit in Hunza Valley .”

  • Baltit Fort
  • Borith Lake
  • Attabad Lake
  • Khunjerab Pass
  • Shimshal Pass
  • Passu Cones
  • Duiker Eagle Nest
  • Husseini Suspension Bridge

Altit Fort:

Altit & baltit are two famous forts of Central Valley. This magnificent building sits atop a hill. It is easily accessible from Altit Village. You can see all the Valley beneath your eye line. 

Baltit Fort:

Baltit Fort is a 700-year-old UNESCO World Heritage Site; this majestic fort is a former seat of power of the ruler’s Mirs of Hunza. Dig through its maze-like streets, parade grounds, and tall towers to immerse you in this area’s rich history.

The main town of Hunza Valley, Karimabad, is one of the best places to visit. The streets are narrow but full of activity with rug shops, handicrafts & mouth-watering cuisines. 

Borith Lake:

For an unforgettable sightseeing experience, visit Borith Lake, a quiet, captivating lake near Passu village. It is famous not only for its scenery but for boat rides as well. 

Attabad Lake:

Lake Attabad is where all the splendid turquoise beauty is visible. In recent years, the attached lake has been the most visited place in the region. It is a base camp for Jet skiing, boating & water sports. 

Khunjerab Pass:

The high mountain pass is the borderline between Pakistan and China. Its elevation is 15700 meters. Here, Himalayan ibex, blue sheep & yah flourish as its national park. If you are lucky, you may also witness a herd of ibex. 

Shimshal Pass:

The most famous yet influential pass connects Passu village to the Shimshal Valley. 03-hour jeep ride takes you deep into Wakhai villages with their unique culture & natural beauty. 

Passu Cones:

The Passu Cones, a trio of pyramid-like mountains, is another iconic tourist spot. It is the most fascinating sight on your Gilgit tour; the magnificence of Passu Cons is just like that of the cathedral towers. 

Duiker Eagle Nest:

A lookout that offers an expansive view of the Passu cones and the nearby mountains is what this Duiker Eagle’s nest is all about. You can see all the peaks & glaciers from here. 

Husseini Suspension Bridge:

It is one of the most dangerous bridges in the world. This bridge is a connection between the mainland and a small Husseni community. Many tourists try to cross every day just for a fantastic pass cons view amid the gushing wind of the Hunza River. 

Famous Places of Hunza in Hunza Tour: Altit Fort

07 Reasons to book hunza tour packages with Us:

Region isn’t just a place; it’s an experience waiting to be celebrated. Here are quick reasons why you must visit.

07 Reasons to book hunza tour pacakges

  • This heavenly valley enables Pakistan to rank as the #1 Travel destination in 2020 by  “Conde Nast Traveller ,” a famous US-based travel magazine. 
  • The  northern areas of Pakistan are indeed heaven on Earth. But, when it comes to Hunza Valley, it is the ultimate winner with no other competition. It possesses rivers, glaciers, meadows & unique culture. 
  • It is the crown gem of Pakistan, and the significant tourist spots there will undoubtedly knock your socks off and win your love. Magnificent lakes and snap-capped mountains border this fairytale paradise.
  • The central town has a rich history, with the Ganish village old Settlement dating back to 1100 years old, while Altit Fort & Baltit Fort are historical landmarks of Karimabad.
  • Gojjal, Gulmit town, has old Wakhai Houses with solid links with central Asian countries. You would experience different languages, food & culture in the Gojjal district. 
  • Nagar is home to various festivals, whether spring, summer, or winter. Famous for its delicious food, red potatoes & friendly people. Furthermore, gemstones & minerals are well-known products of Nagar Valley. 

Day Tour Package from Karimabad, Hunza

Many visitors opt to explore hunza on their own. They reach the valley by local transport and need sightseeing activities. We have you covered, folks. We are just a call away. 

Whether you are looking for a cultural trip to Ganesh or to touch down the glaciers of Nagar, we have ready-made tours available daily. While many people crave walking trips, we also have few options. 

Walk from Baltit fort to the centre of Altit village is magical, with verandas adorned with flowers & fruit trees. You can sneak a peek into the real Hunzai lifestyle. Here, the Rakaposhi peak shows its full brilliance while the lady finger peak is always in your foreground. 

Our day trip packages from central hunza are as follows. 

  • Nagar – hopper glacier day trip 
  • Ganesh Village & Altit Fort & Village tour 
  • Khunjarab Pass – Pakistan China Border Day tour 
  • Rakaposhi viewpoint tour with zip-line 
  • Attabad Lake boating trip with Hussain Bridge 
  • Naltar Valley & Lake day trip 

Historical background of Hunza Valley:

Undoubtedly, it is a unique, fascinating, historical area of Gilgit Baltistan. Its rich history makes it more attractive to sightseers. The Forts, gorges, and peaks attract tourists. Many other magnificent places reflect the site’s history during the tour.

Each tour plan is a treat for you if you crave history. It has the most significant historical background among all the northern areas of Pakistan. The Royals of Hunza (Mirs of Hunza) and a lot more history are associated with this gorgeous valley, which is more alluring to travellers. Excellence is at the core of culture and is one of the most incredible spots in Gilgit.

There are three distinct parts of Hunza Valley :

  • Upper Hunza Gojal
  • Central Hunza
  • Lower Hunza

Upper Hunza Gojjal 

Each part of the valley has its significance. Let’s start with upper hunza. The people of Gojjal are natives of Pamir. They speak the Wakhai language mostly. Further, Gojjal consists of Shimshal, Passu, Hussaini, and Markhun. 

Here, wildlife flourishes, with a  growing number of Himalayan ibex.  Attabad Lake, which falls in Shiskat village, attracts thousands of tourists daily. Some of the world’s biggest glaciers are here as well. Passu Glaciers go hand in hand with Batura Glacier, which is 57 km long. At the same time, Passu’s peak stands tall at 7500 m. 

Trekking trails are abundant here. Local villagers take their sheep and herds to higher elevations during summer. There are various camping sites on the Batura and Passu glaciers as well. Apart from passu glacier trekking, people also navigate Baskochi top, just on top of Attabad Lake. 

Central Hunza – Craddle of Rich History 

So, when talking about central hunza, it is all about Karimabad. From here, you can see Rakaposhi Peak in full view. Walking in Karimabad reminds you of olden times. This small town has been the centre of attention for centuries. The location is amazing in so many aspects. Here, Ultar Peak brings all the water the hunza people need. 

Baltit Fort is an iconic structure of the valley. Each day, tourists explore its various chambers. Meanwhile, the royal family still lives in Karimbad in their lavish palace. From here, Altit Fort is not far away. The bazaars of Altit village are full of handicrafts and old fabrics. Further, delicious local foods will surely please your taste buds. 

Just a few meters from Karimabad, the 1100-year-old ‘Ganish’ village is present. As the name suggests, it would have been a Hindu village. Once you walk into this village, it takes you back in time. So, a trip to hunza is only complete if you visit central hunza. 

Lower Hunza Valley – Where Continents shake 

This is where you can see a trail along the old Silk Route. The valley starts from Nasserabad, where PC Legacy has just opened a new 5-star hotel. The most amazing views of Rakaposhi Peak are from here. Interestingly, it is the starting point of the old pony trail that was used by Caarvans in ancient times. The Norwegian government has been helping to restore this old walking trek. 

One more important aspect is the collision point of the Indian and European Asian tectonic plates, due to which the Karakoram is still rising very slowly. Although it does not fall in lower hunza, it’s almost on the brink. 

Booking Gilgit Hunza Tour Packages from the USA in the summer is best.

As we all know, a Hunza tour package from Islamabad is the most popular tour plan in all northern tour packages from Pakistan. So, we have some great offers for custom trips in the region. Come & explore the beauty of Pakistan with a wide range of Northern Areas Of  Pakistan Tour Packages 2024  today. 

You can avail yourself of discounted prices in 2024 with all our standard services. However, couples can take our three-day trip to Hunza, which is especially convenient on weekends. If you want a moderate tour plan to northern areas, we recommend a 5-day trip to Hunza, which is best for groups and families. On this 5-day Hunza tour, you will explore major parts of the valley with our experienced Hunza tour guide cum driver.

We have also planned a seven-day Hunza tour at the most affordable rate for couples, families, and groups. Undoubtedly, Hunza tours by air are becoming more famous because they reduce travel time, giving travellers more time to explore this enchanting valley.

Top Selling Islamabad to Skardu Hunza Tour Packages by Road:

Every year, infrastructure is improving. At the same time, Skardu has been exceptional due to direct flights from various cities. Valley of hunza has kept its touch. Domestic & foreign tourist still claim hunza at the top of their bucket list. 

Road tours to Hunza from Islamabad are increasing. Due to the motorway, you can reach Besham in only 4 hours. From there, arriving in Gilgit City takes eight to 8 hours. So it’s just one day, you are at the doors of a most beautiful part of the world. 

Tourism has become a significant trend in Pakistan since these magnificent beauties of land have attracted people worldwide. There are still many unknown treasures of beauty in Pakistan that can take your breath away with their highly mesmerizing views.

If you plan to visit this year, we are the best travel company you can find. With our expert tour guide and world-class services, we ensure your trip goes well, and you make some unforgettable memories, leaving all the stress away. Book your favourite tour plan and enjoy the beautiful scenes of nature.

What are you waiting for now? Just Take the best Hunza Valley Tour Packages from our list and witness the beautiful heavenly valley yourself.  Get a free quote  from our agile staff within 24 hours. 

Hunza tour Packages from Karachi by Air

Are you tired of the heat in Karachi? Shall we take off and change the city lights to the magic of mountains? Or Do you need some fresh mountain air and simply stunning views? The exciting news is that we have designed a customized Hunza tour package by air from Karachi!

Now, you no longer drive on busy roads and fly to the magnificent Himalayas. In a few hours, you will be covered by the snow-covered summits of Rakaposhi and Nanga Parbat, a scene that will make you spellbound.

We have customized tours from Karachi to match any adventurer’s soul. Whether you are tight on budget or looking for something luxurious, we have your cover.

Uncover the beauty of ancient forts like Altit and Baltit, immerse yourself in the turquoise waters of Attabad Lake, or experience the thrill of jeep rides to the highest border crossing in the world, the Khunjerab Pass.

The best part is that this tour plan is designed for your convenience. We will swiftly transport you to the Hunza, where you can immerse yourself in the glorious valley. So, this time, skip Clifton Beach and opt for the breathtaking mountains, rich culture, and warm Hunzai hospitality.

You will cherish a trip by air from Karachi to Hunza Valley.

Famous Local Foods

  • Chapshuro ( Local pizza )
  • Gyaling/Gral
  • Buroshapik/Ghilmindi
  • Diram Pitti  ( Local Bread )
  • Hoilo Garma & Doudo

Top Festivals of Region

  • Nowruz – Spring festival
  • Thukhum Rezi festival
  • Baba Ghundi festival in Chupurson
  • Shimshal Kuch festival
  • Ginani – Harvesting festival

Famous Languages:

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I didn’t know what to expect, but Pakistan simply blew me away. Breathtaking nature, astonishing views, genuinely nice people, and amazing food. I would suggest anyone to visit this beautiful country.

And Hussain was so kind to us and tried to show us so many things, while also trying to help us understand cultural differences between regions. He planned everything but was also very flexible. And it was a great pleasure to talk to him about anything.

And even after the rest of my group went home, my friend and I decided to stay one more week to visit some other parts of the country, and Hussain helped us a lot in terms of logistics and advice. It was like we didn’t have a guide anymore, but a friend we could rely on.

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One of the best family trips The trip was well organized as always Everything as per plan and as per discussion. In fact better than what was discusse...

Abdul M

One of the best family trips

The trip was well organized as always Everything as per plan and as per discussion.

In fact better than what was discussed Great job as always

patrick fung 2020 15

Patrick Fung

We have joined the wonderful tour during the time. We have been in Lahore, Fairy Meadows, Hunza, Skadru, Islamabad, Peshawar and Taxila. There are dif...

patrick fung 2020 15

We have joined the wonderful tour during the time. We have been in Lahore, Fairy Meadows, Hunza, Skadru, Islamabad, Peshawar and Taxila. There are different wonderful moment during the trips such as trekking, sightseeing for historical view point and especially for the nice view of Nagar Parbat, Hunza Valley and Khunjerab. It’s my pleasure to join this tour with our best tour guide. They take care for us and provide many useful information during the trip. We highly recommend the tour we have joined

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We chose Pakistan tours & travel for our honeymoon trip, which was arranged for August 2022, and we had a wonderful and amazing experience with them.

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Some Travel Stories

In the last 10 years, we have offered 1000+ tours, and some of the best reviews from our valuable guests are listed below

Nagar’s charm, Gulmit’s traditions, and the grandeur of the peaks all come together to make Hunza Valley Tour Packages travellers top choice during the summer season.

Details on hunza valley tour packages while planing private trip to hunza & nearby places.

Hunza Or Nagar & why do people think it’s the same?

Many people name Hunza Nagar together, but they are unique, have a long history, and have a unique culture. Here, a Small river dissects Hunza to Nagar Valley, and the language differs. Nagar is a separate district; back then, Nagar Valley was part of the hunza district. If we scout through history, we come to know about their rivalry. 

There are various treks in Nagar Valley—Rakaposhi and Rush Lake Trek are ideal for adventure lovers in the Nagar tour plan. We have been offering  07-day honeymoon trips  to Hunza and Nagar Valley for a few years. Nagar is ideal for weight loss and fitness tours as you can stay in central Hunza, but consider walking to Hooper Valley in Nagar. The next day, you can trek to Rakaposhi in Minapin village.

There are various viewing sites in Nagar Valley, which is an opposite valley. You can only see a full view of Ultar Peak, 7000 meters from Nagar. Furthermore, natives extract precious stones from different locations in Nagar Valley.

People Also Ask

Why hunza valley is so famous.

Hunza is famous for the following reasons.

  • Exclusive place in the world to have 04 Peaks over a 7000-meter elevation
  • Rich History
  • Diverse culture
  • The only Border between Pakistan & China at Khunjerab Pass is 15700 Feet High
  • Starting place of CPEC 
  • Unique Culinary Experiences
  • 100% literacy Ratio
  • Friendly People
  • Full woman empowerment
  • Heaven for trekking

When is the best time to visit Hunza?

Well, anytime to explore Valley is awesome.  Each weather presents its beauty & challenges as well. Though, spring & summer seasons are ideal for all age groups. Meanwhile, autumn has a unique audience from all over the world. Meanwhile, winters are ideal for trophy hunting in the Hunza region.

Does Hunza have internet?

Yes,  SCO  “Special communication organization ” state-driven telecom provider is offering fast-speed internet in the valley along with telephonic services.  As we know, mountain regions are challenging still SCO maintains good coverage in populated towns of Gilgit Baltistan. Further, you can visit shops & kiosks offering Sim & Data Connections to have a pleasant experience during travel.

How do I reach to Hunza Valley from Lahore?

Well, there are various ways, and the easiest is by booking a Hunza tour with us. If you want to plan hunza nagar valley tour yourself then you can always use public transport.

What is the average cost of Hunza Valley Tour?

Let us divide the cost of Hunza Travel for you:

  • Air tickets To Gilgit From Islamabad: 20,000/- on average.
  • Hotel booking for Two Persons: 15,000/- per day.
  • Fuel for Car + Tour Guide expense: 10000/- per day.
  • So, an average day spent in Hunza Valley is around 50,000/- per day. Now it’s up to you how many days you want to spend there.

What is the best route to travel to Hunza?

There are two travel routes to Hunza by road: 

  • One is the Karakoram Highway via the KPK, and the other, shorter, is from the Naran Valley via the Babusar Pass. If you choose this route, consider visiting in the summer, as it is open only during the summer (June to September).
  • The second one is from Besham – Chilas Road. This route is open year-round but is long and somewhat busy.

If you are unaware of the routes we recommend to book your tour with us by calling @ + 92 312 5120 590 

Who is the best hunza tour operator in Pakistan?

Undoubetly, we are the best tour operator in Hunza valley, working more a decade now. There are many reasons to choose us, but here we listed a few of them.

  • Experience – It has no alternative as we have been serving for more than a decade
  • Custom options to have a relaxing tour
  • Wide range of services with 24/7 support on the ongoing tour
  • Registered with local & international companies
  • Flexible terms & conditions
  • Proven track record
  • Number 01!  Choice of foreigners
  • Own a fleet of vehicles
  • Dedicated drivers
  • Licensed guides with DTS services
  • Over 500 Facebook reviews with amazing 5-star ratings

What is Hunza Water?

  • Well, there are two different narrations of Hunza water . A few years ago, research experts, took samples of various glaciers around the world. Further, it was concluded that Hunza water descending from Ultar peak is the purest & richest with great alkaline values. Unfortunately, over the last few years, these waters are polluted due to the growth in population. Interestingly, a few years ago Hunza water was used as drinking water. Sadly, it’s not used as a drinking source anymore.
  • A local drink fermented from cherry pulp is also named Hunza water. In older days, grapes & mulberry was used for producing Hunza water. Currently, you can still get Hunza Water but it’s often China smuggled as ” Laffafa ” or a ripped product.

Is Hunza safe to visit?

Yes, Hunza is completely safe for everyone. FYI: Gilgit Baltistan has the lowest crime rate in all of Pakistan. Further, Hunza Nagar is a unique place in Pakistan that can be explored by solo female travelers as well without any issues. People are friendly & hospitable.

What is the tour plan if i book 7 Days Hunza tour?

Depending on your itinerary, you can stay in Hunza for as long as possible. As Hunza offers numerous places to stay, you can explore the ancient city with a long history on foot. Our 7-Day Hunza trip is one of the best in terms of visiting various locations such as those below.

  • China-Pakistan Border,
  • Gulmit Village Walking Tour
  • Hussaini bridge, central
  • Altit Fort in Karimabad region
  • Khyber & Gulkin Town
  • Ganish 1000-year settlement

What is the most trendiest hotel in Hunza?

Luxus near Attabad Lake is the most trending hotel in the valley that gives you complete lavish vibes with top-class amenities.

Is Hunza in Kashmir?

No, Hunza is in Gilgit, Baltistan province of Pakistan. The estimated driving distance from Kashmir , Pakistan to Hunza, Pakistan is 780.63 miles (1256.3 kilometers). The estimated travel time from Kashmir, Pakistan to Hunza, Pakistan is 14 hours and 11 minutes.

How many days is enough to travel to Hunza?

We recommend you book at least five days in Hunza to explore the valley’s key attractions, including the Khunjerab Pass. Interacting with locals is essential to getting the most out of your trip. You may miss these key moments if you spend less time in the area. 

Various Distance from Naran to Hunza Valley?

  • 04 hours from Naran Valley  to Chilas Valley, Diamir District
  • 03 hours from Chilas City to Gilgit City on a newly built Road starting from Roykot Bridge with scenic Views
  • 02 hours from Gilgit to Hunza which is also called the road to heaven by National Geographics. 
  • 04 hours from Hunza to Khunjerab pass on Karakorum Road

Do we offer Hunza Tour Packages from Karachi and Lahore?

Yes!  We are offering various packages from Karachi & Lahore at amazingly cheap prices. Tour prices for the Hunza family/group and couple tour packages range from Rs 55,000 to Rs 58,000 (Hunza tour packages), and group prices range from Rs 75,000 to Rs 85,000 (luxury tour packages). 

Private family tour packages to Hunza Valley and Gilgit from Lahore are priced at Rs 95,000, Rs 135,000, Rs 155,000, Rs 175,000, and Rs 190,000 (for 2-3 persons). All our tour plans include breakfast, tour guides, car, and hotel booking.

Which is better, Skardu or Hunza?

If you want to compare Hunza and Skardu , we vote for Hunza Valley as it has more places to visit. But Skardu has an international airport so that you can fly directly. Hunza is more suitable for families & children, and Skardu is a paradise for hikers. 

Undoubtedly, beauty can never compare to human scale; Skardu has more magnificent views, an even greater treat for hikers. We recommend booking a combo tour to Skardu & Hunza to witness the beauty and compare.

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  • Batura Muztagh
  • Hispar Muztagh
  • Masherbrum Group
  • Rakaposhi/Haramosh
  • Saltoro Mountains
  • Panmah Muztagh
  • Nanga Parbat Group
  • Braldu River/Valley
  • Hushe & Shyok
  • Naltar Valley
  • Rupal Valley
  • Other Locations
  • Nanga Parbat (8,126m)
  • Gasherbrum I (8,080m)
  • Broad Peak (8,051m)
  • 7,000 - 7,500m Peaks
  • 7,500 - 8,000m Peaks
  • 6,000 - 6,500m Peaks
  • 6,500 - 7,000m Peaks
  • 5,500 - 6,000m Peaks
  • Rock Climbing
  • Technical Difficulty: 1
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hunza valley tour

Hunza Valley Tour

Hunza Valley Tour is one the most popular tours of the world. It is located in the far Northern territory of Pakistan. It is widely believed by many people that James Hilton’s famous novel “Lost Horizon” was inspired from Hunza Valley. The world acclaim the Hunza Valley as the “Land Of Legends” and it is famous worldwide for its culture, landscape, friendliness and hospitality. Travelers and adventurers from around the world make their visit to this point of Earth every year.

The mighty peaks of Karakoram Range surround Hunza Valley. Rakaposhi Peak (7,788 m), Diran Peak (7,266 m), Spantik (7,072 m), Shishper Peak (7,611 m), Ultar Peak (7,388 m) and many other above 6,000 m peaks and mountains can be clearly viewed from any point in central Hunza valley. Hunza valley is home to many species of Flora and Fauna. You will experience sights of beautiful lakes, huge mountains, unique culture, history, architecture, wild life, glaciers and the community system. The itinerary for Hunza valley tour is given below.

Hunza Valley Tour – Honeymoon Packages

Given below are the different packages we offer for solo travelers and honeymoon couples.

Given below is the holiday information for Hunza Valley Tour for honeymooners and solo travelers.

  • Budget Package
  • Standard Package
  • Luxury Package

What's Included

  • Toyota GLI Car (2012-17) with fuel and experienced local driver
  • 02 night stay(s) at Himalaya Inn Naran or equivalent
  • 03 night stay(s) at City Gate Hotel Hunza or equivalent
  • Toll taxes, parking fees, drivers food and accommodation

What's not Included

  • National parks & fort tickets
  • Unforeseen expenses e.g. road blocks etc
  • Anything not mentioned in "What's Included"
  • Toyota GLI Car (2016/17) with fuel and experienced local driver
  • Complimentary breakfast(s) for 2 persons per room
  • 02 night stay(s) at Parhena Cottages (deluxe room) Naran or equivalent
  • 03 night stay(s) at Hunza Continental (deluxe room) Palace or equivalent
  • Toll taxes, parking fees, driver's food and accommodation
  • Local music program (PKR 5,000 - included)
  • National parks & fort tickets
  • Toyota Prado (2005-06) with fuel and experienced local driver
  • 02 night stay(s) at Maisonette Hotel & Resort Naran or equivalent
  • 03 night stay(s)at Hunza Serena lnn or equivalent
  • Local music program

Private & Family Tour Packages

We offer the following packages for Hunza Valley Tour (6 days)


(4-6 Persons, 02 Rooms)



(7-9 Persons, 03 Rooms)

  • Toyota High Roof Van with fuel and experienced local driver
  • 03 night stay(s) at World Roof Hotel Hunza or equivalent


(10-12 Persons, 04 Rooms)

WHAT'S NOT INCLUDED (for all packages)

Package code: travel-163.

(4-6 Person, 02 Rooms)

  • Toyota GLI Car (2016-17) with fuel and experienced local driver
  • 03 night stay(s) at Hunza Continental Palace (deluxe Room) or equivalent


  • Toyota Grand Cabin (Hiace) with fuel and experienced local driver
  • 03 night stay(s) at Hunza Continental Palace (deluxe room) or equivalent
  • Tour guide & local music program (PKR 5,000 - included)


Package code: travel-166.

  • Prado (2001-07) with fuel and experienced local driver
  • 02 night stay(s) at Maisonette Hotel & Resort Naran or equivalent
  • 03 night stay(s) at Hunza Serena lnn or equivalent


  • Toyota Grand Cabin with fuel and experienced local driver
  • Tour guide & local music program


  • Coaster Saloon (2014-17) with fuel and experienced local driver

Photo Gallery – Hunza Valley Tour

hunza valley tour

Day 1: Hunza Valley Tour – Islamabad to Naran

On this day the participants will depart for Kaghan Valley. The passage will pass through Haripur, Abbotabad and Balakot. The road has one of the most amazing landscapes and scenery. The participants will witness lush green hills, fresh water streams, glacier, alpine trees and much more. River Kunhar will be flowing on the Banks of Naran. The marvelous view will make the road trip incredible. We will make quick tea stops on our way. After arrival at the hotel the guest will have lunch and rest for some time. After the break the participants can go out for a walk or sightseeing. Hotel at Naran.

Day 2: Hunza Valley Tour – Naran to Hunza

This day the participants will begin their journey early morning. The sunshine will make the aesthetics of the valley very vibrant. It is also a good time for photography on the way. The road passes through the Lulusar Lake, participants will take a short break at the lake. Participants will taketea break at Babusar Pass (4173 m). The participants will continue their tour towards Hunza Valley.

They will experience the shift from lush greens hills to rugged dry mountains when they enter Chillas. The participants will now travel on Karakoram Highway which is considered the 8th wonder of the world by many of our guests. Participants get to see Nanga Parbat 8,126 m from the Karakoram Highway. Participants will stop at Rakaposhi (7,788 m) view point before arriving at hotel in Hunza Valley. Night stay at hotel in Hunza.

Day 3: Hunza Valley Travel Guide

This day the participants will have a lot of interactions with historians, musicians and story tellers as they will be visiting the historic Baltit Fort (700 years old) and Altit fort (900 years old). To have the best experience in Hunza Valley, we always attach a local travel guide from Hunza Valley who can explain the culture, history and norms of the People of Hunza.

Our local guides have always very interesting stories to tell our guests. Participants will visit Leif Larson Music School in Altit and have quality time in the Royal gardens. Khabasi Café in Royal Gardens serves one the most delicious local foods. Participants can also grab a cup of coffee. Participants will visit Duikar before the sunset where the participants will experience the sun set on the mighty Karakoram Mountains. Night stay at Hunza.

Day 4: Hunza Valley Tour – Khunjerab Pass (Pak-China Border)

This day participants will depart for Pak-China Border (Khunjerab Pass – highest road border in the world) which is one the best road trips of Hunza valley tour. Participants will pass through the 1,000 years old civilization of Ganish. They will see the ancient rock carvings and sacred rocks. The participants will travel along Attabad lake after a half hour time from Ganish bridge. The Karakoram Highway in the Upper Hunza has a lot to offer.

The participants will pass through Hussaini Glacier and Passu Village. On the way they will see Shispar Peak (7,611 m), Passu Peak (7,284 m) and the infamous Passu Cones/Catherdral (above 6,000 m). The participants will cross through Wildlife Conservation Area in Khyber and enter Khunjerab National Park in Deh. Upon arrival on the world’s highest border Khunjerab Pass (4,733 m), guest get the opportunity to meet Chinese tourists coming from the other side of the border.

Guests can take pictures of the mesmerizing landscape and also witness snowfall in summers on a lucky day. On return the participants will get shopping time on return to Sost for Chinese goods (watches, electronics etc). This day the participants will have time to visit Karimabad Market. Visitors can shop herbs, caps, dry fruit and much more. Free time to roam in Karimabad, participants will have good amount of shopping time for handicrafts, gemstones and cloth. Night Stay in Hunza.

Day 5: Return to Naran Kaghan Valley

This day the participants will be travel back to Naran Kaghan Valley. The participants will be taking the same route to reach Naran (Kaghan Valley). Participants will take quick stops on the way. Participants will reach Naran in the afternoon. Upon arrival to Naran, Participants can visit Naran Bazaar. Night Stay in Naran.

Day 6: Islamabad City

The participants will continue their journey towards Islamabad. Travelers will take quick stops on the way. It will take approximately 7-8 hours to reach Islamabad from Naran. Upon arrival in Islamabad, Hunza Valley Tour will come to an end.

Tour prices for domestic tourists

  • PKR 18,990 per person  for 8 member group (3 rooms – twin sharing)
  • PKR 24,990 per person  for 6 member group (2 rooms – twin sharing)
  • PKR 27,990 per person  for 4 member group (2 rooms – twin sharing)
  • PKR 49,990 per person  for 2 member group (1 rooms)
  • PKR 90,990 per person  for a single member tour (1 room)

Note:  These prices do not include international flight tickets and insurance coverage.

If you want to extend your tour to more areas, you should definitely check out our 10 days tour to Gilgit, Hunza and Skardu.

product image

Tour review scores and score breakdown

Based on 10 reviews

Guest reviews are written by our customers after their tour of Hunza Valley Tour (6 Days).

Guest reviews

My tour with apricot tours was beyond my expectations, I could not have been happier with the services provided. I was excited every morning to wake up to new adventures and went to bed so appreciative for all that I have seen and experienced. The guides were very professional, punctual and helpful in every aspect of the trip.Our driver made me feel safe on the Karakoram Highway.

Amazing local tour guides from Hunza! Unbelievably hospitable and warm people.

7 days is a short trip. should be two weeks at least.

I would absolutely recommend apricot tours , and will be using them again. Thanks for the best holiday ever.

Hunza tour was recommended by one of my friends. Before coming to Hunza I made my research about the places and people. The more I read about it the more I wanted to be here and at some point my expectations grew very high as I really wanted to get an insight of people and their history. Thankfully our travel agent Apricot Tours made my journey a memorable one. Visiting a local family and spending an entire day with them was one of the most amazing feelings. I am definitely in love with Hunza.

As a solo female traveler I felt very safe with the team of apricot tours, visiting back home from states after a span of 10 and getting to know the beauty of Pakistan, especially hunza valley with the team of apricot tours was an epic journey. Utterly impressed by the professional attitude of my guide (Irfan) and driver (Majeed).

We had the best time of our lives, we had nothing to care about. Everything was arranged perfectly form hotels to vehicles.

We had an amazing views and cultural experience. We got a kind and caring guide in shape of Mr. Kamal. The roads were challenging. Our final was affected by the early monsoon season. We travelled for many hours on Karakoram Highway in heavy rain which was thrilling and daring. While not entirely pleasant, this most challenging day left us feeling accomplished. We are very grateful to the apricot tour company.

Our hunza tour was great. We had a wonderful time. Our guide was really good. Going during an off season was nice, as we don't like crowded trails. The only negative was we couldnt see the green beauty of region, which was something we were interested in. The driver however spoiled an hour on the road because our vehicle tyre got punctured, he didnt had spare tyre with him. Thanks to Mr. Salar it was arranged in a jify near besham. Other than that, we really enjoyed it. We strongly recommend these people.

This tour was tailor made foruse; the tour was even made “the best” for us by the team of apricot tours. We got a local guide and a local driver who were full of joy. The visits for both Altit & Baltit forts were amazing, especially the walk from karimabad market towards baltit fort.

From the start of the tour our guide emphasized the importance of safety and "teamwork" and those two themes were carried out for the entire days of our tour. Our guide led by an example, our tour was wonderful. The local home stays were fine and the families who hosted us could not have been more welcoming. We strongly recommend apricot tours to manage your tours in the region.

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7 Day Pakistan Tours & Trips

Filter for departure dates and price to find the right 7 day Pakistan tour with TourRadar. Choose from 22 trips with 31 customer reviews, that range from 4 up to 7 days.

22 Pakistan 7 day tour packages with 31 reviews

Explore Hunza Valley Pakistan 2024/25 Tour

  • Christmas & New Year

Explore Hunza Valley Pakistan 2024/25

Worth your money and time.

Chitral Tour Tour

  • In-depth Cultural

Chitral Tour

I recently embarked on a trip to Chitral with Gypsy Traces and Tours, and it was truly unforgettable. Their friendly and cost-effective services made the entire experience seamless, from transportation and accommodations to tour guiding and delectable meals. Overall, it was the best travel experience I've had, and I highly recommend Gypsy Traces and Tours to anyone seeking an unforgettable adventure.

07 Days Cultural trip Lahore, Swat, Peshawar Valley Pakistan Tour

07 Days Cultural trip Lahore, Swat, Peshawar Valley Pakistan

07 Days Islamabad, Besham, Gilgit, Hunza Karimabad, Passu, Khunjerab Pass Tour Tour

07 Days Islamabad, Besham, Gilgit, Hunza Karimabad, Passu, Khunjerab Pass Tour

Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek and Fairy Meadows tour Tour

  • Hiking & Trekking

Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trek and Fairy Meadows tour

Baltistan Pakistan (Skardu, Shigar, Khaplu) Autumn Tour Tour

Baltistan Pakistan (Skardu, Shigar, Khaplu) Autumn Tour

Gandhara Civilization Tour Tour

Gandhara Civilization Tour

Baisakhi Mela (Festival), Pakistan Tour

Baisakhi Mela (Festival), Pakistan

Swat Valley Sightseeing Tour Tour

Swat Valley Sightseeing Tour

Hunza Cherry Blossom Tour 2025 Tour

  • Sightseeing

Hunza Cherry Blossom Tour 2025

Choose "EXPLORIA travel pakistan" you will love your decision and will be best movement of life.

Fairy Meadows Tour Tour

Fairy Meadows Tour

Rakaposhi & Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trekking Tour

  • Mountain Hikes

Rakaposhi & Nanga Parbat Base Camp Trekking

Essential Skardu Valley Pakistan Complete Tour 2023-24 Tour

Essential Skardu Valley Pakistan Complete Tour 2023-24

I visited Skardu with my friends this Autumn on a 5 day tour. The experience was so Amazing. Exploria was very good in communication from the start and offered exactly what we wanted. Our guide Zia received us at Skardu Airport and showed us around. He is a very friendly and experienced local guide. Thank you Exploria for a phenomenal Skardu Experience. We are already planning to visit Hunza next year with you guys.

Kalash Festivals Chitral Valley Pakistan Tour

  • Festival & Events

Kalash Festivals Chitral Valley Pakistan

Skardu Valley Tour 2024-2025 Tour

Skardu Valley Tour 2024-2025

What people love about 7 day pakistan tours.

I went to Pakistan with my daughter in September 2023 and the trip was very well organized. They sorted out a guide who was with us for a full 10 day trek around Hunza, who was able to explain both the culture and the surrounding nature. I would highly recommend.
I recently embarked on a trip to Chitral with Gypsy Traces and Tours, and it was truly unforgettable. Their friendly and cost-effective services made the entire experience seamless, from transportation and accommodations to tour guiding and delectable meals. Overall, it was the best travel experience I've had, and I highly recommend Gypsy Traces and Tours to anyone seeking an unforgettable adventure.
Great service, made my trip unforgettable!

Regions in Pakistan

  • Himalaya Mountains (13)
  • Northwestern Pakistan (6)

Other Regions in Pakistan

  • Northwestern Pakistan 10 day Tours (6)
  • Northwestern Pakistan 7 day Tours (6)

pakistan tour cost





India vs Pakistan T20 World Cup 2024 Tickets Availability, Ticket Prices, How to Book Match Tickets Online, Travel Cost

Curated By : Cricketnext Staff

Last Updated: May 08, 2024, 17:30 IST

Delhi, India

How to book tickets for the India vs Pakistan T20 World Cup 2024 match

How to book tickets for the India vs Pakistan T20 World Cup 2024 match

Get the latest updates on India vs Pakistan T20 World Cup 2024 tickets. Find out about ticket availability, prices, online booking, and travel costs for the highly anticipated match Of T20 World Cup 2024 at

The Indian vs Pakistan T20 World Cup 2024 match on June 9 at the Nassau County International Cricket Stadium, New York, USA, is the marquee clash of the T20 World Cup, at least during the league stages, and cricket fans around the world will be keen to get their hands on the tickets. The India-Pakistan rivalry is the biggest in Cricket, partly due to design and other external factors. India and Pakistan do not play in bilateral series, and only in the ICC and ACC tournaments do these two teams come face to face.

Complete List of T20 World Cup 2024 Squads

The last time India played Pakistan was in the ICC World Cup 2023 in Ahmedabad in October. These two teams also clashed in the T20 World Cup 2022 in Melbourne, with Virat Kohli‘s imperious 53-ball 83* handing India the win. In the 2023 World Cup, India demolished Pakistan by seven wickets with 117 balls remaining after shooting down their neighbours for 191.

India’s T20 World Cup Squad, Full Schedule, Match Timings in IST, Tournament History, Most Runs and Most Wickets

In fact, India has won three out of the last five encounters against Pakistan. Pakistan’s last win against India came in the T20 Asia Cup 2022 in Dubai. This was followed by the T20 World Cup fixture in Melbourne, which India won. The Asia Cup in the ODI format the following year in Pallekele ended in no result, while the last two meetings—both ODIs—in Colombo (Asia Cup 2023) and Ahmedabad (World Cup 2023) went India’s way.

As Cricket tries to break into the USA market, the   India vs. Pakistan fixture will be the ICC showpiece match.

IND VS PAK Ticket Availability and Prices

The highly anticipated clash in New York between cricket rivals Pakistan and India was over-subscribed by 200 times in the public ballot for tickets, the International Cricket Council said. The 34,000-seat temporary venue is Nassau County International Cricket Stadium on Long Island. For fans hoping and planning to watch the game in the USA, their best bet was the public ballot ICC opened in February, which had the cheapest tickets – as low as USD 6 (INR 497) – on sale. The most expensive ticket was priced at Rs 33,148 (USD 400). Here is the breakdown of the ticket prices as per ICC.

India vs Pakistan T20 World Cup Ticket Prices

  • Standard– USD 175 (Rs 14,550 approx.)
  • Standard Plus – USD 300 (Rs 25,000 approx.)
  • Premium – USD 400 (Rs 33,000 approx)

IND VS PAK Online Booking Process

As of May 8, 2024, the India vs Pakistan T20 World Cup tickets are sold out, as per ICC’s official website. The only India fixture from the league stages available are tickets for the India vs USA match on June 12. And only the Premium tickets starting at USD 300 (Rs 25,000 approx.) are currently available.

pakistan tour cost

India vs Pakistan T20 World Cup 2024 Tickets Available on Resale Websites?

However, the tickets on platforms like StubHub and SeatGeek are being resold at astronomical prices. The Premium tickets for the India vs Pakistan clash were initially priced at USD 400 (Rs 33,000 excluding taxes) on the official website. However, the price has surged to Rs 33 Lakh (USD 40,000) on resale platforms. When the platform fees are added, the amount goes even higher, up to USD 50,000 (Rs 41 Lakhs). One has to spend around USD 1,259 (Rs 1.04 lakhs) to avail of the cheapest ticket for the India vs Pakistan game in New York. On other platforms, the prices are lower but still over USD 11,000.

Rising prices are now competing with the cost of tickets for some major sporting events in the USA. According to last year’s data, the average World Series ticket cost around USD 1,100 (Rs 91,000), while the average Super Bowl 58 ticket reached USD 9,000 (Rs 7.45 Lakh). The upcoming India vs. Pakistan clash is expected to set a new record as the country gears up to host an ICC for the first time.

IND VS PAK Travel Cost and Accommodation

The lowest ticket price on one of the resale platforms is Rs 1,09,865 (USD 1,315) for the Premium section, while the most expensive is listed at Rs 34,43,970 (USD 41,240)

pakistan tour cost

Flight Ticket Cost to Watch India vs Pakistan T20 World Cup 2024

A one-way ticket to the USA from India (Delhi) can cost anywhere from 45,000 per person to Rs 4,76,352 as of May 8, 2024. A return ticket can cost you as much as Rs 6,00,000, while the cheapest can cost up to Rs 90,000.

pakistan tour cost

Hotel Stay for India vs Pakistan T20 World Cup 2024

The demand for hotels in and around Nassau County for the fixture is high, and according to a popular travel website, 73 percent of the places to stay are unavailable during India vs Pakistan match week. Rooms, however, are available, ranging from Rs 10,000 for one night per adult to Rs 75,000 for one night per adult as of May 8, 2024. These rates will go up further closer to June 9. 

  • Indian cricket team
  • Pakistan cricket team
  • T20 World Cup 2024

Team Rankings

Upcoming matches.


Today's Paper | May 11, 2024

Pakistan to tour south africa in december-january.

pakistan tour cost

KARACHI: Pakistan will visit South Africa for a two Tests, three One-day Internationals and as many T20Is in December-January, the countries’ cricket boards confirmed on Friday.

Durban, Centurion, and Johannesburg will host the T20Is from December 10-14 while the ODIs will be played from December 17-22 in Paarl, Cape Town, and Johannesburg.

The two Test matches, part of the ongoing cycle of the ICC World Test Championship cycle, will be held at Centurion (December 26-30) and Cape Town (January 3-7).

Pakistan’s tour to South Africa is part of the Future Tours Programme 2023-2027. Dawn understands the discussions between the Pakistan Cricket Board and Cricket south Africa started well before the FTP was finalised, while discussions for the Dec-Jan tour commenced earlier this year. After all formalities were completed, the schedule was announced on Friday.

The tour will follow Pakistan’s visit to Australia, in which the national side will play three ODIs and as many T20Is from November 14-18.

After completing the South Africa tour on January 8, the national side will take on New Zealand and South Africa in a three-nation ODI tournament on home turf, which will be followed by the eight-team ICC Champions Trophy 2025 in Pakistan.

Prior to the tours of Australia and South Africa, Pakistan will host Bangladesh and England for two and three Tests, respectively. This means they will play seven Tests, minimum of 10 ODIs, and six T20Is in the six-month period from August 2024 to January 2025.

It is unlikely that Pakistan will get to play more ODIs to potentially boost their preparation for the Champions Trophy, given that there is no window from now till the tournament.

All major teams have international cricket lined up as per their respective Future Tour Programs during the period.

South Africa play Tests against Sri Lanka in Durban and Gqeberha before Pakistan arrive.

Unlike earlier this year there will be no clash between any of the Test series and Cricket South Africa’s flagship SA20 competition, which is vital to its financial future.

The 2024 edition overlapped with a two-Test series in New Zealand, which meant South Africa controversially sent a much weakened squad for the matches and were well beaten in both.

The England women’s side will have an all-formats tour that includes three T20 matches (Nov. 24-30), three ODIs (Dec. 4-11) and a single Test in Bloemfontein (Dec. 15-18).

Dec. 10: First T20I, Durban

Dec. 13: Second T20I, Centurion

Dec. 14: Third T20I, Johannesburg

Dec. 17: First ODI, Paarl

Dec. 19: Second ODI, Cape Town

Dec. 22: Third ODI, Johannesburg

Dec 26-30: First Test, Centurion

Jan 3-7: Second Test, Cape Town

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Mercurial Pakistan’s last pit stop before T20 World Cup 2024

The lethal troika

The lethal troika

An inclusive judiciary

An inclusive judiciary

Street safety

Street safety

Child marriages

Child marriages

Education emergency

Taxing pensions

Orwellian slide, terror against girls.

Enrolment drive

Gwadar outrage

Save the witness, economic crisis deepens amid political instability.

Economic crisis deepens amid political instability


  1. Popular Packages

    pakistan tour cost

  2. 20 Most Beautiful Places to Visit in Pakistan

    pakistan tour cost

  3. The 10 Best Pakistan Tour Packages 2023-2024

    pakistan tour cost

  4. North Pakistan Tour, northern areas of Pakistan, Hunza Nagar valley tours

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    pakistan tour cost

  6. The 13 Best Things To Do in Pakistan

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  1. Pakistan Tour Packages 2024

    To experience Pakistan, book from our 120-plus tailored-made tour and travel packages in 2024. You can now book Pakistan Trekking Tour Packages from our new tour range. PakistanTourandTravel license #8135 is the leading tourism agency in Pakistan. As a pioneer in custom Pakistan tours, we deal primarily in tailor-made itineraries for each ...

  2. Best Pakistan Tours & Vacations 2024/2025

    JULIE · Traveled September 2023. Pakistan is a stunningly beautiful and varied country. This itinerary covers the best of the cities and the mountains. There are very few international tourists so expect to be made to feel very welcome by the incredibly friendly locals. The treks are challenging but rewarding.

  3. 10 Best Pakistan Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Hunza Valley & Fairy Meadows Tour, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. 4.9 (33 reviews) Took 2 week group tour (10 people) with Crossroads: Lahore - Islamabad - Hunza - Chitral - Peshawar. The main guide had excellent English. Company owner Sultan joined us for large part of the tour.

  4. Pakistan Tour Packages 2022

    Book Pakistan Tour Packages online with a credit card and get the best customer service. Ask us for a tailored Pakistan tour or travel service for a hassle-free holiday.

  5. Pakistan Travel Cost

    How much do package tours cost in Pakistan? Organized tours are usually more expensive than independent travel, but offer convenience and peace of mind that your trip has been planned by a travel expert. The average price for an organized tour package in Pakistan is $184 per day. While every tour varies by total price, length, number of ...

  6. How Much Do Tours to Pakistan Cost? Tour Prices for Pakistan

    The average daily price for luxury tours to Pakistan is a remarkably economical $192 per day, with the overall average cost of all tours being $2,158 (based on data from 115 tours). The cheapest tour is $70, and the most expensive tour is $6,000.

  7. Best Pakistan Tours & Trips 2024/2025 (with 15 Reviews)

    Best price guaranteed. No booking fees. 15 day explorer trip through Islamabad, Gulmit, Hunza Valley and 4 other destinations in Pakistan. Read More. Tour Type Small Group Tour. Activities Explorer & Adventure. Accommodation Hotel & Guest House. Transport Private Vehicle, 4WD Jeep, Flight & Bus. Age Range 15-99 yrs.

  8. Complete Pakistan Tour

    Complete Pakistan tour to explore entire Pakistan from south to the extreme north. Explore the hidden gems of Pakistan in this all inclusive holiday. UK +44 134 423 1118 | PK +92 5815 453144 | Guided Tours-Treks & Expedition | Govt Licence No. ID 402. ... Complete Pakistan tour cost and dates

  9. Complete All Pakistan Tour 2023-24

    With the In-depth Cultural tour Complete All Pakistan Tour 2023-24, you have a 20 days tour package taking you through Islamabad, Pakistan and 9 other destinations in Pakistan. Complete All Pakistan Tour 2023-24 includes accommodation, flights, an expert guide, meals, transport and more. Day 20 Fly back home.

  10. 10 Best 10 Day Pakistan Tours & Trips

    Filter for departure dates and price to find the right 10 day Pakistan tour with TourRadar. Choose from 38 trips with 60 customer reviews, that range from 8 up to 10 days. Dates & length Places Filters. 38 Pakistan 10 day tour packages with 60 reviews Save and compare this adventure.

  11. Classic Pakistan Tour

    All inclusive Classic Pakistan Tour Package to explore the hidden gems of Pakistan. Explore, Kalash, Shandur Pass, Hunza and Baltistan Valley of Pakistan. UK +44 134 423 1118 | PK +92 5815 453144 | Guided Tours-Treks & Expedition | Govt Licence No. ID 402. ... Pakistan Tour Package Cost and Dates for 2024

  12. THE 10 BEST Pakistan Tours for 2024 (with Prices)

    Recommended by 100% of travellers. from. ₹12,396. per adult. 2. Half-Day Karachi Burns Road Private Victoria Ride with Dinner. Food & Drink. 3-4 hours. Burns Road has for decades, been the heart of Pakistan's metropolitan city when it comes to delicious and aromatic food. ….

  13. How much does a trip to Pakistan Cost?

    Asia / Pakistan /. For a trip to Pakistan, you should plan for daily costs anywhere between $21 to $132. If there's two of you traveling, your daily expenses could range from $42 to $264. These price ranges are based on the average daily spending of $53 (P₨14,577) per person which comes from the travel expenses of other visitors.

  14. Pakistan Tours and Holidays

    Speak to Clementine by calling+44 (0)20 3944 6258. Read Clementine's Bio. Roll back the roof of your jeep for panoramic views of the mountain landscapes on a drive through the stunning Hindu Kush or the mighty Karakoram.

  15. Best Tours Packages in Pakistan

    Whether you want to visit Punjab, KPK, Kashmir, Sindh, or Baluchistan, our 2024 tour packages include economical flight tickets to make travel easy and low cost. Don't miss out on this opportunity to discover the best of Pakistan, book your cheap flight tickets now and start your memorable adventure.

  16. Pakistan Travel Guide: Everything To Know Before You Go

    Pakistan is a relatively cheap country to travel, although it can be tricky to find budget accommodation outside of the popular tourist destinations or in high season (June - August). Below is a breakdown of the average cost of traveling in Pakistan on a backpacker budget. At the time of writing, US$1 = 155 Rs.

  17. Home

    Welcome to Home Pakistan Tours, where you can discover the true essence of Pakistani hospitality. Immerse yourself in the warmth, Pak-Tours(Explore Pakistan With Pak Tours) ... In the ever-changing world of inflation, we try to remain cost-effective, yet prices on Pakistan tour packages are updated regularly by our hard-working & experienced team.

  18. 10 Best Cheap Pakistan Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    5. Exploring the Hunza Valley in November 2023 was a captivating experience. Despite the chilly weather, the breathtaking landscape of towering mountains, vibrant autumn colors, and crystal-clear rivers made every moment enchanting. The warmth of the local hospitality added an extra layer of charm to the journey.

  19. Pakistan Tours

    Undiscovered Southern Pakistan. Journey from the streets of Karachi right up through the Indus Valley to the cultural hub of Lahore. This city focused tour is truly travelling off the beaten track as you'll struggle to find another tourist until you reach Lahore. 12 days from £2,950.

  20. Pakistan Packages, Pakistan Holidays, Honeymoon Packages, Pakistan

    Pakistan tour package average estimated price is about PKR 207000/- ($727). Pakistan Tour Packages 2024. With the New Year 2024, we are presenting Pakistan Tour Packages from Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Faisalabad, Multan, and Islamabad. This year Pakistan tour packages from India are also included in our travel catalog.

  21. Hunza Valley Tour Packages 2024

    These trips fall in the best-selling Pakistan tour packages. Our Multi-day Hunza Valley tours range from standard to deluxe facilities. ... Let us divide the cost of Hunza Travel for you: Air tickets To Gilgit From Islamabad: 20,000/- on average. Hotel booking for Two Persons: 15,000/- per day. Fuel for Car + Tour Guide expense: 10000/- per day.

  22. Hunza Valley Tour (6 Days)

    Hunza valley tour is one of the most relaxing holidays in Pakistan. Our packages for families, friends & groups start from PKR 18,990 per person. Book Now! Hunza valley tour is one of the most relaxing holidays in Pakistan. Our packages for families, friends & groups start from PKR 18,990 per person. Book Now! 9AM - 9PM (GMT+5) +92 33 111 11 065.

  23. 10 Best 7 Day Pakistan Tours & Trips

    Find the best 7 day tours to Pakistan with TourRadar. Choose from 22 tours with 31 real tour reviews. Book now and save with! APRIL SALE Extended: Book now for up to 60% off! Ends on 1d 9h 26m 33s ... Their friendly and cost-effective services made the entire experience seamless, from transportation and accommodations to tour ...

  24. India vs Pakistan T20 World Cup 2024 Tickets Availability ...

    Flight Ticket Cost to Watch India vs Pakistan T20 World Cup 2024. A one-way ticket to the USA from India (Delhi) can cost anywhere from 45,000 per person to Rs 4,76,352 as of May 8, 2024. A return ticket can cost you as much as Rs 6,00,000, while the cheapest can cost up to Rs 90,000.

  25. Pakistan to tour South Africa in December-January

    The tour will follow Pakistan's visit to Australia, in which the national side will play three ODIs and as many T20Is from November 14-18. After completing the South Africa tour on January 8 ...