
The Magnificent Himalayas & Karakoram Ranges


The Fascinating Cultures and Colors of the Land


The Surreal and Enchanting Glory of Nature


The Contrast of Spellbinding Grandeur and Sheer Simplicity


The Most Spritutal and Ancient Places

Salam Pakistan

Pakistan's National Tourism Brand Salam Pakistan by PTDC , launched by Prime Minister of Pakistan.


Tourism in Pakistan

The Land Of Adventure And Nature

First slide

Mr. Wasi Shah Minister Of State - PTDC

Second slide


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Strategy to Help Mitigate the Socioeconomic Impact of COVID-19 on Pakistan's Tourism Industry

Standard Operating Procedues (SOPs) and Guidelines for tourism industry in Pakisan

News and Happenings

The Ministry of Tourism has begun work on launching a "Tourism App" aimed at providing convenience and information to the public. Through this app, tourists will be able to access all the information they desire about various destinations. Minister of State for Tourism, Mr. Wasi Shah, announced this initiative, showing the government's commitment to enhancing the tourism experience for visitors. As the Minister for Tourism in Pakistan, I am taking practical steps to promote tourism and turn Pakistan into a paradise for tourists. The fruits of these efforts will soon reach the tourists, and we are committed to making Pakistan a top tourist destination. Minister of State for Tourism, Mr. Wasi Shah. (October 04, 2023)

Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) along with with its collaborators organized a one day Culture Caravan to Taxila in connection with World Tourism Day, 2023. The participants of Culture Caravan was also given a tour of the archaeological sites there, the 2200- year old University Taxila, UNESCO World Heritage site Jaulian and Gandhara Art and Craft Village Taxila. The Culture Caravan to Taxila was led by State Minister for Tourism Mr. Wasi Shah while Minister for Education and Tourism Baluchistan Dr. Qadar Bakhsh Baloch, Managing Director Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation Mr. Aftab ur Rehman Rana, Ambassadors and Diplomats from different countries, media persons, stakeholders of tourism industry, students and various scholars. The event was organized to explore the rich history of the region and engage with experts to provide insight into the significance of Gandhara Heritage. (September 27, 2023)

Minister of State for Tourism, Mr. Wasi Shah, commended the noble efforts of the Austrian mountaineer Wilhem Stendl, who raised $170,000 for the children of Pakistani porter Muhammad Hasan, who tragically lost his life during the K2 expedition. Minister Wasi Shah expressed his admiration for Wilhelm Stendl's unwavering commitment and stated, "What truly astonished and touched me was that Mr. Wilhelm Stendl, despite not being Pakistani, felt a selfless connection to Muhammad Hasan and his family. He took concrete steps to help them during a time when many others act solely in their own interests. People like Mr. Wilhelm reaffirm my faith in humanity." (September 20, 2023)

Minister of State for Tourism, Mr. Wasi Shah, has stated that the government is taking all possible measures to promote tourism, create employment opportunities for the youth, and achieve significant economic gains through increased tourism activities. The government is also focusing on providing quality education in the field of hospitality and tourism management to students, with the College of Tourism and Hotel Management (COTHM) playing a significant role in this endeavor. Minister Wasi Shah expressed these views during his media interaction at the Kothm Head Office in New Garden Town, Lahore, on Monday. He emphasized the government's commitment to boosting tourism and highlighted the positive role that COTHM is playing in providing education and training in the hospitality sector. (September 18, 2023)

Dubai: The Minister of State for Tourism and Chairman of Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation, Mr. Wasi Shah, visited the exhibition titled 'The North' held in Dubai by ICD Brook Field Palace. The curator of 'The North,' Imad Mian, briefed the Minister Wasi Shah about the event. Minister Wasi Shah appreciated this unique initiative and highly praised the work of artists. He emphasized that this project holds cultural, economic, and global significance for Pakistan. Showcasing Pakistan through photography is a beautiful endeavor. Pakistan's Ambassador to the UAE, Faisal Tirmizi, was also present alongside Minister Wasi Shah during the occasion. (September 14, 2023)

Minister of State for Tourism/Chairman Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) Mr. Wasi Shah Tuesday said that Pakistan and China Year of Tourism celebrations 2023 would pave the way to further enhance the journey to promote the country’s tourism industry. Addressing a ceremony of Pakistan and China Year of Tourism-2023 organized by Pakistan-China Friendship Association - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chapter in collaboration with Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC), the minister said that the friendship of Pakistan with the brotherly nation of China was stronger than mountains, deeper than oceans and sweeter than honey, whereas Pakistan welcomed its Chinese friends to invest with open arms in the country. (September 06, 2023)

Minister of State for Tourism, Mr. Wasi Shah met with the family of the deceased porter in Skardu, Gilgit-Baltistan, who had tragically lost his life while working. During the meeting, in addition to Hasan's family, officials from the Skardu administration and Assistant Commissioner Shigar, Hamza, were also present. The Minister expressed deep sorrow over Hasan's death and assured that his sacrifice would not be in vain. He pledged the government's full support to Hasan's family, including providing a job for his widow, covering all educational expenses for their three children, and covering all medical expenses for their elderly mother. (September 05, 2023)

Minister for Tourism and PTDC Chairman, Wasi Shah, met with the delegation from the Woking Borough Council, who came from the United Kingdom under the leadership of Mayor Muhammad Elias. Minister for Tourism, Wasi Shah, stated that there are ample opportunities for foreign investment in the tourism industry in the northern regions of Pakistan. By providing modern facilities in these areas, foreign tourists can be attracted. He also mentioned that a theme park for children will soon be established in Skardu. (September 02, 2023)

Minister of State for Tourism/Chairman PTDC, Wasi Shah, presided over a meeting held at the PTDC Head Office today, addressing proposals for the training and welfare of porters in the mountaineering community. The meeting was attended by Managing Director of PTDC, Aftab ur Rahman Rana, Manager (P&P)-PTDC, Sadia Nauman, President of the Alpine Club of Pakistan, Abu Zafar, Deputy Director of the Gilgit Baltistan Tourism Department, Sajid Husssain, accomplished Mountaineer and Alpine Club Member of the Investigation Committee, Rehmatullah, and distinguished Adventure/Tour Operator Qarar Haidri. (August 30, 2023)

Chief Secretary Gilgit-Baltistan, Mohiuddin Ahmad Wani called on the Minister of State for Tourism, Wasi Shah, to engage in an extensive discourse on the captivating allure of Gilgit-Baltistan and the strategic measures essential for the augmentation of tourism within the region. The Chief Secretary Gilgit Baltistan presented a comprehensive overview of Gilgit-Baltistan's tourism landscape to Minister of State for Tourism Wasi Shah. Managing Director PTDC, Aftab ur Rahman Rana was also present on the occasion. (August 23, 2023)

Renowned poet, media person, columnist and recently appointed Minister for State on Tourism and Chairman of PTDC Board of Directors, Mr. Wasi Shah, paid a visit to the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) Head Office where he assumed the charge of Chairman PTDC. On his arrival he was welcomed by the Managing Director of PTDC, Mr. Aftab ur Rehman Rana. Later MD PTDC gave him a comprehensive briefing on the functions, operations, and role of PTDC as a national tourism organisation. (August 22, 2023)

For booking of Government Rest Houses in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa while travelling to KP, please visit

Pakistan Showcasing its Rich Tourism Potential in World Leading Travel Show - Arabian Travel Mart 2023 Islamabad (1 May 2023): A 25-members’ delegation of Pakistan under the leadership of Mr. Awan Chaudhry, Advisor To Prime Minister on Tourism and Sports is participating in ATM Dubai 2023 from 1st to 4th May to showcase the rich tourism potential of the country. Mr. Awn Chaudhry, Advisor to Prime Minister on Tourism and Sports and Mr. Faisal Niaz Tirmizi, Ambassador of Pakistan in UAE jointly inaugurated Pakistan’s Pavilion at ATM 2023, Dubai. (May 01, 2023)

PTDC is excited to share with you the news that Pakistan has won the award of Best New Exhibitor at the Travel and Adventure Show 2023. This leading trave and tourism expo was recently held at New York,USA from 28 to 29 January. Mr. John, the CEO of Travel and Adventure Show presented the award to Mr. Aftab Rehman Rana, MD of PTDC. In his comments on this occasion, Mr. Rana mentioned that Pakistan's participation in Travel and Trade Show at New York has been highly impactful in terms of response from the public and engagement of all the team members throughout two days of the show. The management of the show highly appreciated it a lot and has awarded Pakistan as the Best New Exhibitor of this year. Mr. Awn Chadhury, Chairman of PTDC and Advisor to PM in Tourism congratulated all the members of Pakistan's delegation including the provincial tourism departments and private sector tour operators for their dedication and commitment. He also highly appreciated the support of team of PTDC, TDAP and Pakistan Consulate General at New York to make all this happen. (January 29, 2023)

Aftab ur Rehman Rana, Managing Director PTDC held a meeting with Mr. Zhang Heqing, Cultural Counsellor, Embassy of The People’s Republic of China in Islamabad to discuss the promotion of bilateral tourism between Pakistan and China. Discussion was held on improving facilitation for the tourists on both sides to enhance people to people contact. Mr. Heqing informed that year 2023 will be celebrated as the year of China-Pakistan Year of Tourism Exchange. In this regard a Gandhara Art Exhibition is already planned at Palace Museum in Beijing to showcase Pakistan’s rich potential of diverse culture and long history. Mr. Rana said, that two brotherly counties need to further enhance cooperation in tourism sector to increase the flow of tourists from both sides which will be greatly helpful in improving the people to people contact between to two counters. He especially emphasized on the need to promote group tours through the registered and licensed tourism operators of both the countries to provide convenient way to enjoy touristic sites through guided tours. He also highlighted the need of Chinese language tour guides in Pakistan for which help is required from Chinese side to arrange special training courses. He also recommended about the opening of Khunjrab Pass for tourist traffic as it provide easy access to the visitors of both the sides. He also shared various other recommendations with the Cultural Counsellor of China in this regard. It was also agreed that a working committee having representatives of both the sides will be formed to make the collaboration in tourism promotion more meaningful and fruitful. (November 24, 2022)

PAKISTAN READY TO SHOCASE ITS RICH TOURISM POTENTIAL AT WORKDL TRAVEL MARK LONDON FROM 7 TO 9 NOVEMBER 2022 03-11-2002 Islamabad: Pakistan is in the final stages of preparation to showcase its rich tourism potential at World Travel Market (WTM) which is scheduled to be held from 7th – 9th November 2022 at Excel London. Managing Director PTDC, Aftab ur Rehman Rana informed that PTDC after the interval of almost 14 years is going to setup an impressive Pakistan Pavilion in WTM London in collaboration with provincial tourism departments and private sector companies. He said, Promotion of Pakistan as a top tourist destination is the prime focus of government of Pakistan. Pakistan is blessed with breath-taking natural beauty, rich culture and heritage and great diversity of landscape offering an un-matched tourism potential. Government of Pakistan aims to enhance the influx of foreign tourists to explore the rich touristic potential of this country and contribute in in the socio-economic development of its people through tourism. He said, World Travel Market (WTM) London is one of the largest international tourism exhibitions which will provides a unique platform to Pakistan to interact with global tourism organizations, top tourism experts and professionals, exhibitors and visitors from a variety of sectors including tourism, hospitality, aviation, transport, travel technology, resort management companies and various other sub-sectors of tourism industry. It is an event of global significance where more than 180 countries come together and showcase their tourism potential under one roof. Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) has put together a high level delegation of 39 members led by Mr. Awn Chaudhry, Advisor to Prime Minister on Tourism & Sports and Chairman PTDC. Delegation also includes Mr. Abdul Khaliq, Tourism Minister - Balochistan, Raja Nasir Ali, Tourism Minister – Gilgit Baltistan, Mr. Faheem Akhtar, Minister for Tourism, Law & Parliamentary Affairs, Government of Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK), CEOs and MDs of eight private tour operation and hotel management companies and senior officials from PTDC, AJK, GB, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab tourism departments. It is hoped that participation in World Travel Mark London will provide a great opportunity to Pakistan to showcase its rich tourism potential at this global platform and help in develop G2G, B2B and G2B linkages with the leading players of tourism industry. (November 03, 2022)

Rohtas Paintings and Heritage Crafts Exhibition Marks Intl Tourism Day on Sept 27 Celebrating World Tourism Day 2022, an exhibition of paintings and Heritage Crafts from Rohtas Fort – a UNESCO World Heritage Site at PNCA Islamabad was inaugurated today at PNCA. Ms. Fareena Mazhar, Federal Secretary National Heritage and Culture Division, Mr. Youssef Filali Meknassi, Director of UNESCO Pakistan and Ms. Emanuela Benini, Director of Italian Agency for Development Cooperation jointly inaugurated the exhibition. Art works showcasing collection by as many as 13 talented artists from across the country are on exhibit experimented with oil, acrylic and watercolor mediums to promote sustainable and responsible tourism at the World Heritage Site of Rohtas Fort. The event is was organized by Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC), Sustainable Tourism Foundation Pakistan (STFP) in collaboration UNESCO Islamabad and Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), PNCA and Serena Hotels.

Experts discuss challenges, opportunities in Tourism Sector Experts including policy makers, federal and provincial government representatives and heads of various tourism related companies here Monday discussed the challenges as well as opportunities in the tourism sector during the five sessions of National Tourism Conference here Monday. The conference was organized by Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) on the theme “Rethinking Tourism” to celebrate World Tourism Day at Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA). (26th September 2022)

PTDC organized Three-day photography, art exhibition on International Tourism Day. As many as 322 photographs and around 100 paintings were submitted by established and amateur photographers and painters from across the country in the Photography and Painting competition that was displayed at Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA) on September 26, 2022. The competition was organized by Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) to celebrate International Tourism Day 2022. The themes for the competitions included Tourist Attractions of Pakistan, Landscapes, Culture and Life, Adventure Sports and Flora & Fauna. While the painting competition was in two age categories including youth and kid competitions.

Pakistan’s Tourism Potential Highlighted in Myanmar . Pakistan Embassy in Yangon, Myanmar in collaboration with Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) organized a one-day seminar on Tourism Potential of Pakistan at Wyndham Grand Yangon Hotel. (27th July 2022)

The 97th meeting of Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) Board of Directors was held in the head office of PTDC on May 30th. Mr. Awn Chaudhry, Special Advisor to Prime Minister/Minister of Tourism and Sports attended this meeting as special invitee. Managing Director, Aftab Rana, welcomed Mr. Awn Chaudhry and the member of board of directors of PTDC. MD PTDC informed the board members that Pakistan has made a significant improvement on the International Travel and Tourism Development Index by moving up six places as per the latest report released by the World Economic Forum (WEF). (May 31, 2022)

PTDC and World Bank jointly organized workshop on National Tourism Competitive Index for Pakistan Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) and The World Bank (WB) jointly organized a workshop in Islamabad on National Tourism Competitiveness Index (NTCI) for Pakistan. The workshop was attended by relevant federal and provincial stakeholders, private sector, industry experts and the academia. Tourism remains a priority sector for the government and is identified as one of the key drivers of economic growth. (May 23, 2022)

Advisor to PM Aoun Chaudhry visits PTDC after taking charge as Minister of Tourism and Sports. Mr. Aoun Chaudhry has been appointed as advisor to the Prime Minister on Sports & Tourism. On the advice of Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif, President Dr. Arif Alvi approved the appointment of Awn Chaudhry as his advisor. Aoun Chaudhry’s post will be equal to that of Federal Minister.

Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) joins hands with Silk Road Center to organize International Conference and Art festival on Buddhism in Pakistan. This event is going to be held at PNCA Islamabad on 14 and 15 March 2022. Interested people can get themselves registered at this link:

Mr. Azam Jamil, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Tourism (SAPM) / Chairman PTDC held meeting with the Ambassador of Pakistan to the UAE H.E. Afzaal Mahmood and Head of the Pakistan Pavilion at the Dubai Expo Rizwan Tariq during his visit to Dubai. (March 04, 2022)

Online Consultative B2B Webinar between Tour Operators of Pakistan and China was organized by PTDC to enhance bilateral linkages between two countries. (March 03, 2022)

A Seminar was held at Xenia School of Hospitality on "How to Promote Tourism in Pakistan at International level and introduce the concept of Halal Tourism". Mr Tariq Mehmood, founder Director of Halal Gateways UK gave an informative presentation on Halal Tourism which is now gaining popularity at global level. Mr. Aftab Rana, MD of PTDC was invited as Chief Guest to attend this event. (February 27, 2022)

Mr. Azam Jamil, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Tourism (SAPM) / Chairman PTDC chaired PTDC's 96th Board of Directors meeting at PTDC Head Office, Islamabad. (February 23, 2022)

Mr. Aftab ur Rehman Rana, Managing Director PTDC, held a meeting with Dr. Kasir, CEO of Discover Pakistan TV to develop a collaborative partnership between the two organisations for the promotion of Tourism in Pakistan. (February 19, 2022)

Mr. Azam Jamil, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Tourism (SAPM) / Chairman PTDC visited Lahore Fort and appreciated the restoration and conservation efforts of Walled City of Lahore Authority (WCLA). (February 14, 2022)

Winter Sports Festival was successfully held at Ganga Choti, Bagh AJK in collaboration with AJK Winter Sports Association. The festival included activities like Ice and Snow Competitions, Cross Country Ski Marathon, colorful cultural show, Alpine Skiing and Ice Skating performances while the closing ceremony will by followed by prize and medals distribution. (February 12, 2022)

Mr. Azam Jamil, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Tourism (SAPM) / Chairman Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) visited Peshawar Museum, Gor Gathri and Sethi House Peshawar. Director Archeology, Khyber Pakhtunkhaw gave a detailed briefing to SAPM about Historical Places of Peshawar. (February 09, 2022)

Mr. Aftab ur Rehman Rana, Managing Director PTDC, delivered a presentation on tourism sector performance at President House, Islamabad. He highlighted the significance of tourism and hospitality sector and tourism potential of Pakistan. (February 09, 2022)

Mr. Azam Jamil, Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Tourism & Chairman Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) Called on Chairperson TEVTA Mr. Ali Salman to discuss Skill Set Required in Tourism Industry, Progress on TEVTA Based Centre of Excellence for Tourism & Hospitality at GSTC Murree. The Meeting also Discussed Skill Based Programs, Job Opportunities & Scope for Tourism Sector in Pakistan in Future. Chairperson TEVTA Congratulated Azam Jamil, for joining as SAPM & Assured his full support for Promoting Tourism in Pakistan. (February 02, 2022)

Mr. Azam Jamil, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) for Tourism Coordination / Chairman PTDC called on Prime Minister Imran Khan. Matters related to the promotion of tourism sector in the country were discussed in the meeting. (January 27, 2022)

Managing Director PTDC, Mr. Aftab Ur Rehman Rana attends finals of National Ice Hockey Championship at Ghulkin, Upper Hinza to promote winter tourism in Gilgit-Baltistan. 16 boys and 5 girls teams participated in this event, sponsored by PTDC. (January 24, 2022)

Webinar - Roundtable on Heritage Legislation of Pakistan: Issues, Constraints and Challenges was held at PTDC Head Office, Islamabad. A roundtable discussion was held to review the heritage legislation in Pakistan, explore the potential of heritage tourism and look for the source of funding for heritage. (January 20, 2022)

Mr. Azam Jamil, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) for Tourism Coordination / Chairman PTDC inagurated "Akhuwat School of Hospitality and Tourism". He appreciated the efforts of TDCP and highlighted the significance of tourism and hospitality sector. (January 16, 2022)

Mr. Aftab ur Rehman Rana, Managing Director PTDC, was invited as Guest of Honor in COTHM Islamabad Annual Convocation 2022 at Marriott Islamabad. He appreciated the efforts of COTHM institution and highlighted the significance of tourism and hospitality sector. (January 12, 2022)

Mr. Azam Jamil has been appointed Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) for Tourism Coordination. With an illustrious career in the Hospitality and Tourism industry starting with Intercontinental Hotels in the mid-seventies and spanning well over 4 decades, Mr. Azam has been responsible for spearheading some of the key projects and institutions that shape Pakistan’s tourism industry today. (December 31, 2021)

Latest Updates

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Honorary Tourism Ambassador for Germany

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Promotion of Bilateral Tourism Between China and Pakistan

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Pakistan’s Tourism Potential Highlighted in Myanmar

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Pakistan’s Participation in New York Travel & Adventure Show 2023

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World Travel Martket (WTM) - London (06-08 November 2023)

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Validation Workshop on Development of National Tourism Competitiveness Index - NTCI - May 23, 2022



Kaghan Valley


Neelam Valley


Hunza Valley


Tourism is a focused area of the present government. Several initiatives are being undertaken to garner the potential offered by the tourism industry. To develop and enhance coordination with provinces, federal ministries, and private actors, facilitate in the development of policies, strategies, framework, etc, to market and promote tourism potentials nationally and internationally; and capacity building for the provision of quality human resource, the Government has constituted the National Tourism Coordination Board (NTCB). NTCB is mandated to:


Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) was incorporated on March 30, 1970, under the repealed Companies Act 1913 (now the Companies Ordinance, 1984) as a Public Corporation Limited by shares.

PTDC is owned by the Government of Pakistan (99.75% share). The Principal objective of the corporation is to promote and develop tourism in Pakistan.




Khyber Pakhtunkhwa




Azad Kashmir


Gilgit Baltistan

World travel martket (wtm) - london (07-09 november 2022).


Welcome to Pakistan

From the mighty stretches of the Karakorams in the North to the vast alluvial delta of the Indus River in the South, Pakistan remains a land of high adventure and nature. Trekking, mountaineering, white water rafting, wild boar hunting, mountain and desert jeep safaris, camel and yak safaris, trout fishing and bird watching, are a few activities, which entice the adventure and nature lovers to Pakistan.

Pakistan is endowed with a rich and varied flora and fauna. High Himalayas, Karakoram and the Hindukush ranges with their alpine meadows and permanent snow line, coniferous forests down the sub-mountain scrub, the vast Indus plain merging into the great desert, the coast line and wetlands, all offer a remarkably rich variety of vegetation and associated wildlife including avifauna, both endemic and migratory. Ten of 18 mammalian orders are represented in Pakistan with species ranging from the world's smallest surviving mammals, the Mediterranean Pigmy Shrew, to the largest mammal ever known; the blue whale.

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  • Coordinate with provincial, national and international organizations dealing with the tourism sector.
  • Market and Promote tourism potential of Pakistan.
  • Facilitate the provinces in developing a regulatory framework for quality standards in the Hospitality sector.
  • Coordinate national participation in tourism related international expos and events.
  • Develop synergies amongst provinces and regions.
  • Provide Technical assistance to provinces to develop institutions in tourism sectors.

As a part of the strategy, the NTCB formulated following thematic working groups to develop strategies and action plans in their assigned specific areas:

  • Cultural, Heritage & Archaeology Tourism Working Group
  • ECO Tourism Working Group
  • Tourism Branding & Marketing Working Group
  • Regulatory & Policy Reforms Working Group
  • Religious Tourism Working Group
  • Investment Promotion Working Group
  • Infrastructure & Facilitation Working Group
  • Adventure Tourism Working Group
  • Trans Himalayan Jeep Rally Working Group

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21 Days K-2 Base Camp Concordia Trek

21 Days K-2 Base Camp Concordia Trek

21 hours - Skardu

13 Days Fairy Meadows Trek with Rama Lake and Skardu Sight Seeing Tour

13 Days Fairy Meadows Trek with Rama Lake and Skardu Sight Seeing Tour

13 Days Rush  Lake Trek With Hunza Sight Seeing Tour

13 Days Rush Lake Trek With Hunza Sight Seeing Tour

hour - Hunza

12 Days Rakaposhi Base CampTrek with Hunza Sight Seening Tour

12 Days Rakaposhi Base CampTrek with Hunza Sight Seening Tour

13 hours - Hunza

2024 Best-Selling Tour Package to Hunza Valley Pakistan

2024 Best-Selling Tour Package to Hunza Valley Pakistan

8 hours - Hunza

9 Days Skardu Valley Value Tour

9 Days Skardu Valley Value Tour

hour - Skardu


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Travel around Pakistan for cricket

I travelled around Pakistan to attend the test matches between England and Pakistan during December 2022. PakVoyager through Mansoor arranged my letter of invitation for my visa. Mansoor then arranged transport by car between the cities I was staying at, he also provided contact names and details for the places I was staying. The journeys by car went very smoothly, with Mansoor always checking with me that things were OK. Mansoor was always available to answer my questions and to provide advice. When I was in Lahore Mansoor provided a guide to show me the sites. The guide was very helpful and informative and I thoroughly enjoyed the sightseeing tour. I would strongly recommend PakVoyager to anyone travelling to Pakistan. Thank you Mansoor for all your help whilst I have been in Pakistan.

David Simpson

United Kingdom

Date of experience: December 05, 2022

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Fantastic Company

PakVoyager did a fantastic job arranging my tour to the Hunza Valley. Mansoor and company went above and beyond every step of the way to take great care of me as if I am family. Pakistan is a challenging place to visit with schedule changes, road closures, and limited power at times but PakVoyager can make it as easy or as difficult (adventurous?) as you like and work with you during the trip to review options. Example - drive the 14 hours up the Karakam highway or take the 1 hour flight (weather permitting in winter). Hospitality, curiosity, and respect for visitors is deeply ingrained in Pakistani culture and even more so in the Hunza valley. People are curious and care deeply for your experience.

Brian William

United States

Date of experience: February 18, 2023

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Magnificent Experience

PakVoyager is fantastic! Truly exceptional service and care. Mr Mansoor was super responsive; communication was very efficient, informative, clear and transparent. All of my needs were fully met with courtesy and professionalism.​ ​ PakVoyager is truly first-rate and highly recommended.


Date of experience: February 07, 2023

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Hunza Valley Tour

I booked a Hunza tour recently for my family of five with PakVoyager. It truly was hassle-free. Mr. Mansoor, the tour coordinator, was always reachable, attentive, considerate, and professional. He took care of all the hotel bookings and arranged for a reliable, skilled, and very kind driver named Mr. Mashgool, who had vast knowledge of all the popular tourist sites and showed us some hidden gems that an outsider may never find.​ ​ With a few exceptions, the hotels were great. Mr. Mansoor constantly kept in touch to handle all our concerns. Mr. Mashgool’s insights and kindness made the tour very enjoyable.​ ​ It is great to have an entity like PakVoyager provide services that are on par with the industrialized countries. Keep up the good work and thank you making this tour memorable.

Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia

Date of experience: August 19, 2022

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Why Kashmir Is An Epic Honeymoon Destination

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A Foodie's Guide: What To Eat On Your Trip To Hunza

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Cheapest Flights in the Town: Lahore

Bliss Travels & Tours draws the attention of the customers for cheap flights of their destinations. You can use a custom search on our official website to discover the cheapest flights of best and leading airlines for the whole world from Lahore, Pakistan. In fact, we believe in quality travelling and it is our motive to offer and provide our customers with the best flights, accommodation, and transportation services in every travelling plan we have for the people.

Hajj & Umrah is Essentials – Give Us a Chance to Serve You in This Holy Pilgrimage

Umrah is the second largest and most famous Islamic pilgrimage after the Hajj. You can perform Umrah anytime throughout the year. Makkah and Medina are the actual Center of Islam for all Muslims all over the world. Bliss Travels & Tours aims to make your journey to Makkah & Medina for Umrah and Hajj to fulfil your dreams true and lets you bow nearest to Creator in Makkah and Medina. We are offering very affordable Umrah packages for our customers.

From Makkah to Madina:

Pakistani Muslims will never focus on anything like transportation, hotel for accommodation, foods and other similar services right after reach to the Center of Islam for the Umrah. So, we are here in Pakistan to provide you all the required services with the best comforts and peak quality from Makkah to Medina and later on; from Medina to Makkah and finally to the airport for departure. We are willing to make your Umrah 100% up to your expectations, fully successful and comfortable.

Get Budget-Friendly Travel Packages:

Do you want to fly any country or destination around the world with a tight budget? You will need to find and approach the best travel agency in Pakistan . Bliss Travels & Tours offers you completely the budget-friendly travel plans that will fit your affordability and let you enjoy your tours more than your imaginations and expectations. We have travel packages for dozens of countries and hundreds of destinations on the earth. Further, we have direct trading relationships with a large number of airlines, hotel dealers and transportation companies across the world. We have all these services and facilities to make you comfortable throughout your trip.

Perfect Special-Planned Travel Deals:

Bliss Travels & Tours has become a strongly and truly committed travel agency in Lahore, Pakistan. We are famous in travel planning and management for the people that have a dream to fly to their favorite destinations once or frequently in their lives. Do you want to get some specially planned travel deals that look just for you? Sure, you can come to us for a tea and get a recreational, but fully affordable travel deal that will make your all traveling dreams true. Get this chance and come to fly to the world with us with pride.

pakistan tourism agency

Bank Al Falah Limited

Account Title: Bliss Travels & Tours (Pvt.) Ltd. Account # 0028-1007188990 IBAN # PK55ALFH0028001007188990

Meezan Bank Limited

Account Title: Bliss Travels & Tours (Pvt.) Ltd. Account # 0290-0103955485 IBAN # PK31MEZN0002900103955485

Bank Al-Habib Limited

Account Title: Bliss Travels & Tours (Pvt.) Ltd. Account # 0109-0981-004240-01-5 IBAN # PK83BAHL0109098100424001


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    Bliss Travels & Tours (PVT) LTD is one of the best travel agency in Lahore, Pakistan. Which offers visa consultancy, tickets, tour packages, Hajj & Umrah deals. 042-35774781 - 83 [email protected]

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