Autoservizi Pascazio Tour di Pascazio Pietro

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Palazzo Vecchio Secret Passages Tour, Florence

There are some places that seem to transcend history. The Palazzo Vecchio in Florence , with its maze of secret passages and rooms, is definitely one of them. Take the Secret Passages Tour and see it all for yourself. Discover the hidden Studiolo , and the Tesoretto . Marvel at the Hall of the Five Hundred ceiling. And explore the palace that was seat of Florentine government and private residence of the Medici family.

As a Florentine, I’d been here plenty of times before to get one official document or another. That’s because the Palace is in fact the city’s Town Hall. This time I’m here on a quest. I want to find out what exactly was hidden behind these impressive walls .

palazzo vecchio secret passages tour

The guide meets us next to the ticket booth jangling a heavy set of keys that made her look like a jailor. She led us to a small, innocuous looking door and we duck into a tiny stone-walled room.

The hidden staircase that saved a Duke

I’m standing at the steps of a spiral staircase that runs inside the thick wall of the Palace, and leads to a small door in via della Ninna. It was an escape route: “This is what saved the Duke of Athens Walter of Brienne, ruler of Florence, when he fled the city after the rebellion in 1343. He had these stairs built as a way to save himself if the worst should happen. And it did. When the rebels came, he ran down these steps in total darkness and disappeared into the Florentine night”.

Medici’s hidden rooms, the “Studiolo”

The guide leads us into a very small room that I’ve been wanting to see for ages. It’s the Studiolo , the tiny, dark, casket-shaped studio where Francesco I de Medici used to work. But what exactly was that work? “He wasn’t very fond of political affairs. Instead he spent his time sitting in here, studying alchemy , mixing potions and collecting peculiar substances and precious objects. Every detail of the decoration of this room reflects his passion”.

palazzo vecchio secret passages tour

The Studiolo’s walls are completely covered with paintings . Paintings that are in fact fitted cupboards . The paintings depict mythical figures and complex metaphorical scenes that symbolised the natural world.

Francesco used to keep his collections behind them . Shells would be filed in the Poseidon cupboard. And golden objects would go in the cupboard that showed Danaë under a golden rain.

“The whole room is organised according to the four elements , Fire, Air, Water, Earth. The decorations, done by Vasari and his school, follow this precise scheme. Francesco is in the painting too , working at an alchemist’s furnace. He’s the one with the red tights.”

Then the guide pushes one of the cupboards and…a door opens. We are led into another diminutive room, the Tesoretto , the place where Cosimo I hid his private collection . Apparently collecting precious and unusual object was a trend in the 1500’s.

=> Discover 12 Cool and Fun Things to in Florence !

The wonders of the magnificent Hall of the 500

“The room is a geopolitical map of Tuscany at the time of Cosimo I”, explains the guide “we have the battles won against Pisa and Siena , the symbols of all the towns conquered, and Michelangelo ‘s statue, the Genius of Victory .”

palazzo vecchio secret passages tour

The tour ends above the ceiling of the Hall of the 500 , a very special place. This part of the Palazzo Vecchio is featured in Dan Brown thriller “Inferno” , where the protagonists risk their lives and destroy Vasari’s ceiling in the process. Standing here we can see the whole complex system of trusses used to support the heavy weight of the ceiling. From here I feel I’m looking right into the ancient heart of the building.

More on the Medici and Palazzo Vecchio

Amongst many other things, the Medici were proof that money could buy anything, even a noble title . The Medici came from the rural area of Mugello originally, and became ‘noble’ in 1531, thanks to an Imperial dispensation. But before becoming ‘kings of Tuscany’, more than a century had to pass, not to mention many difficulties. Cosimo the Eldest was imprisoned right here , in Palazzo Vecchio’s tower.

Tickets for the Palazzo Vecchio Secret Passage Tour:

You can book a tour directly through the Palazzo Vecchio. Or alternatively, you could reserve a place in advance on a small-group tour through Viator , with an expert guide . Lunch included after the tour.

=> BOOK YOUR INTRIGUING “INFERNO TOUR” IN FLORENCE : Live the suspense of the Inferno novel with this 2-hour Guided group Tour and meet the symbols of Florence described in Dan Brown’s bestseller !

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Palazzo Vecchio Secret Passages Tour

  • 8.70 / 10 32 reviews | 404 travellers We really enjoyed this tour. Our tour guide was so knowledgeable and was able to answer all of our many questions. I would highly recommend this tour to anyone who can manage all of the narrow and steep stairs. There is an elevator for some parts of the tour. 10 Susan
  • Free cancellation up to 48 hours before the service starts

Wind your way through a labyrinth of hidden doors and corridors concealed within an ancient Florentine palace on our Palazzo Vecchio Secret Passages Tour. You'll enter an unknown world and see a fascinating historic place.

Ceiling in the Hall of the Five Hundred

The Palazzo Vecchio has presided over the Piazza della Signoria in Florence since the architect Arnolfo di Cambio began its construction in 1299. This majestic building has borne witness to numerous conspiracies and undergone major renovations over the years. What few people know, however, is that the rulers who lived there used these alterations to add clandestine entrances and chambers for their personal use.

To discover the secret passages of the Palazzo Vecchio, we'll meet at the scheduled time at the entrance of the palace on Via dei Gondi . The guide will be waiting there to take you on a tour that's impossible to do on your own .

We'll begin by climbing up the secret staircase of the Duke of Athens , Gualtiero de Brienne, who gave the Palazzo Vecchio its fortress-like appearance. This nobleman used the passageway to flee the residence after narrowly escaping a conspiracy.

Next, we'll come to the Hall of Geographical Maps and pass through a door hidden in one of its panels. Here we'll see the mysterious study of Francesco I de' Medici , where this young prince used the space to hide his precious treasures. While we're here, we'll try to guess why it's shaped like a boot.

Our tour will end in the Hall of the Five Hundred , where we'll unveil the secrets concealed within this regal place. After discovering this unknown side of the Palazzo Vecchio, we'll say our goodbyes after a total of an hour.

More Information

The activity takes place with a guide that speaks in English, although it may occasionally be done in two languages.

English speaking guide

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You can book up to the start time, as long as there are places remaining. Book now to guarantee your spot.

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the open journal for quantum science

Quantum Zeno Dynamics from General Quantum Operations

Daniel Burgarth 1 , Paolo Facchi 2,3 , Hiromichi Nakazato 4 , Saverio Pascazio 2,3 , and Kazuya Yuasa 4

1 Center for Engineered Quantum Systems, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Macquarie University, 2109 NSW, Australia 2 Dipartimento di Fisica and MECENAS, Università di Bari, I-70126 Bari, Italy 3 INFN, Sezione di Bari, I-70126 Bari, Italy 4 Department of Physics, Waseda University, Tokyo 169-8555, Japan

We consider the evolution of an arbitrary quantum dynamical semigroup of a finite-dimensional quantum system under frequent kicks, where each kick is a generic quantum operation. We develop a generalization of the Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula allowing to reformulate such pulsed dynamics as a continuous one. This reveals an adiabatic evolution. We obtain a general type of quantum Zeno dynamics, which unifies all known manifestations in the literature as well as describing new types.

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Three Different Manifestations of the Quantum Zeno Effect

  • First Online: 01 January 2003

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pascazio tour

  • Paolo Facchi 18 , 17 &
  • Saverio Pascazio 18 , 17  

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Physics ((LNP,volume 622))

1505 Accesses

3 Citations

Three different manifestations of the quantum Zeno effect are discussed, compared and shown to be physically equivalent. We look at frequent projective measurements, frequent unitary “kicks” and strong continuous coupling. In all these cases, the Hilbert space of the system splits into invariant “Zeno” subspaces, among which any transition is hindered.

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Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Bari, 70126, Bari, Italy

Paolo Facchi & Saverio Pascazio

Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Bari, 70126, Bari, Italy

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Dipartimento di Fisica Teorica and INFN, UniversitáTrieste, Strada Costiera 11, 34014, Trieste, Italy

Fabio Benatti  & Roberto Floreanini  & 

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© 2003 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

About this chapter

Facchi, P., Pascazio, S. (2003). Three Different Manifestations of the Quantum Zeno Effect. In: Benatti, F., Floreanini, R. (eds) Irreversible Quantum Dynamics. Lecture Notes in Physics, vol 622. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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Published : 25 June 2003

Publisher Name : Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

Print ISBN : 978-3-540-40223-7

Online ISBN : 978-3-540-44874-7

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Articket BCN Spaces for hire

Guided tours and audio guides

  • 15 h - Guided tour to the collection ( english )
  • 16 h - Guided tour to the collection ( english )
  • 10.30 h - Guided tour to the collection ( english )
  • 11.00 h - Guided tour to the collection ( french )
  • 12.00 h - Guided tour to the collection ( spanish )
  • 12.20 h - Free Guided tour to the collection. ( catalan )

€6 Guided tours + Admission to the museum

It’s necessary to purchase your ticket with guided tour in advance or make a prior booking:

Purchasing of admission tickets in advance with guided tour

Buy tickets

Via e-mail   R eservation

Reservation tel.:  (+34) 93 256 30 22  Monday to Friday, 10am. to 1pm. Maximum 9-person booking. The booking will be confirmed via e-mail.

Meeting point

Palau del Baró de Castellet Montcada, 17, with the entry ticket in hand. Please be punctual. If you do not arrive 10 minutes beforehand, your place will be lost and may be taken by another person.

Visites guiades

  • Within the opening times of the museum
  • Catalan and Spanish
  • English, French, Italian, German and Portuguese
  • Russian, China, Mandarin, Japanese and Korean

€150 per group

€180 per group

€200 per group

Service conditions:

  • The prices don't include tickets
  • The prices don't include 21% VAT
  • The prices don't include admission and have a 20% supplement on public holidays and at night time

Bookings of private guided visits:

  • By e-mail  Reservation
  • Reservation tel.:  (+34) 93 256 30 22  Monday to Friday, 10am. to 1pm. Maximum 25-person booking. The booking will be confirmed via e-mail.


For the collection

Multimedia audio guide that helps you appreciate the works. It describes 51 noteworthy works in the collection and their eras, and includes additional works that enable your understanding of the context in which the works were created.

Language : Catalan, Spanish, English, French, Italian, German, Russian, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin) and South Korea

Highlights of our collection

If you don’t have much time to visit our museum, you can discover the 12 highlights of our collection.

Duration: 30 minutes (approximate)

Audio guide aimed at children

(In the collection)

The children's audio guide offers an interactive experience through the senses, movement, research and games, so as to encourage them to look and to learn by means of these tools.

Language : Catalan, Spanish, English and French

How to get the audio guide?

At the museum, the same day of your visit in the audio guide desk during museum opening hours.

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pascazio tour


Guided tours  , museum entrance tickets.

Prices updated to 2024

ADULT ………………………………………… €18,00

REDUCED (under 18, Over 65) ………. €15,00

UNDER 12 ……………………………………. FREE

People under 18 can enter the Atelier only with an adult legal tutor.

Audio guides are available at the reception, included in the ticket price.


Guided tour: horacio pagani museo + pagani atelier.

ADULTS ………………………………………………… €55,00

GROUPS / OVER 65 (min. 15 people) ………. €48,00

UNDER 18 …………………………………………….. €25,00

UNDER 12 …………………………………………….. FREE

PLEASE NOTE that for safety reasons children under 3 will not be allowed into the factory and we warmly discourage pregnant women from taking the factory tour.

Modenatur is the official booking center for Pagani tours.

For more information:

Mail: [email protected]

Phone: +39059220022


Tour language

Our tours are usually in English. We can organize a tour in a different language, only if we reach a minimum number of participants for the same tour.

These data are mandatory for reservations for 6 participants or more (payment due in advance).

We are a local tour operator and we have a deep knowledge of Emilia Romagna region. We can support you in the booking of any other touristic service (tours to other cars factories, museums and private collections, food & wine and cultural tours, transfers, hotels and restaurants..).

Policies and restrictions

• Pagani Automobili reserves the right to alter the duration, content and schedule of the tour in case of unforeseen circumstances, privacy policies or unexpected events related to the production areas. • The number of participants can't be modified, unless notified in advance by email. • Visitors are allowed to take pictures only in the showroom and for private use. Pictures in all production areas are forbidden. • Visitors are not allowed to touch or sit inside the vehicles exhibited. • It’s forbidden to touch or remove any object or material inside the production area, unless approved by the guide. • Visitors are kindly asked to respect the scheduled time of the tour; they are asked to show up just 10 mins before the tour starts. In case of delay, they lose the right to attend the tour. • We strongly recommend not to leave valuables and luggages in the car as there’s no private parking in the area.


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Excessive daytime sleepiness in myotonic dystrophy: a narrative review.

Domeniko Hoxhaj

  • Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa, Pisa, Tuscany, Italy

The final, formatted version of the article will be published soon.

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This review aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) and type 2 (DM2). EDS is a common and debilitating symptom in both forms of myotonic dystrophy, significantly impacting patients' quality of life. Polysomnographic studies have revealed a prominent dysregulation of REM sleep in DM1, suggesting a possible narcoleptic-like phenotype and alterations in NREM sleep, such as increased sleep instability and impaired delta power dissipation, that contributes to daytime sleepiness. While sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) and respiratory dysfunctions are prevalent in DM1 and DM2, their direct correlation with EDS remains complex and inconclusive. The review focuses on the purpose of examining the current understanding of EDS in these conditions, the difficulty in correctly accessing it, the recent findings related to its etiology and prevalence, and a summary of potential therapeutic implications.

Keywords: neuromuscolar disorders, sleep disorder, myotonic distrophies, Sleepeness, Genetic disorder

Received: 22 Feb 2024; Accepted: 08 May 2024.

Copyright: © 2024 Hoxhaj, Pascazio, Ricci, Fabbrini, Torresi, Siciliano and Bonanni. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) . The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

* Correspondence: Enrica Bonanni, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa, Pisa, Tuscany, Italy

Disclaimer: All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article or claim that may be made by its manufacturer is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.


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  10. Saverio Pascazio's Home Page

    WELCOME TO SAVERIO PASCAZIO 'S HOME PAGE Saverio Pascazio Dipartimento di Fisica Universita di Bari via Amendola 173 I-70126 Bari Italy. Telephone: +39 080 544 3462. Fax: +39 080 5442470. Email: [email protected] Useful links: Physics Department of ...

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  12. Guided tours and audio guides

    Price. €6 Guided tours + Admission to the museum. It's necessary to purchase your ticket with guided tour in advance or make a prior booking: Purchasing of admission tickets in advance with guided tour. Buy tickets. Bookings. Via e-mail R eservation. Reservation tel.: (+34) 93 256 30 22 Monday to Friday, 10am. to 1pm.

  13. Horacio Pagani Museo

    PLEASE NOTE that for safety reasons children under 3 will not be allowed into the factory and we warmly discourage pregnant women from taking the factory tour. Modenatur is the official booking center for Pagani tours. For more information: Mail: [email protected]. Phone: +39059220022.

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  22. Frontiers

    Domeniko Hoxhaj Alessia Pascazio Giulia Ricci Monica Fabbrini Francesca B. Torresi Gabriele Siciliano Enrica Bonanni * Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa, Pisa, Tuscany, Italy The final, formatted version of the article will be published soon. Notify me This review aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of ...

  23. Giovanna A. "Jane" Pascazio Santilli (1942-2018)

    Giovanna A. "Jane" Pascazio Santilli Birth 1 Oct 1942. Modugno, Città Metropolitana di Bari, Puglia, Italy Death 12 Apr 2018 (aged 75) Latham, Albany County, New York, USA Burial. Saint Marys Cemetery. ... Start Tour. or don't show this again—I am good at figuring things out.